Ehtes : me Tetistete YSN tee Rate oh mE a ¢ rh 7 a fschman. * NOE | SAMNATAD gag © : ; { : - meee let sh aad thy bes) asc ae V4) fiw Ae sth Sir rr a ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW - AT: | Jj THE MITCHELL-VANCE CO. WAREROOMS< | 836-838 BROADWAY, NEW YORK ~” ENTRANCE BOTH ON 13TH STREET AND BROADWAY Moy f / BEGINNING FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5TH, 1915 4 ee 4 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DATE OF SALE Sf IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF Barly English ae American Portraits - and FP inable oo Paintings FROM THE ESTATES OF THE LATE eee Henry Lewis, F.W.R. EscuMANn, Miss M.B. Hicks, HARRY RAN-. 5 KIN, Miss MariE Porrner (BY ORDER OF THE CHANCELLOR, STATE OF NEW . JERSEY), AND TO CLOSE AN ESTATE BY ORDER OF JAMES W. HYDE, ESQ., NO. 10 WALL ST., N. Y.; AND FROM THE PRIVATE COLLECTION OF Mrs. Pau.ineE D. Riccs TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE 7 ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS NOVEMBER 11TH AND 12tTu, 1915 BEGINNING AT EIGHT O’CLOCK : THE SALE WILL BE PERSONALLY CONDUCTED BY a MR. HIRAM H. PARKE : OFFICES: TWO EAST TWENTY-THIRD STREET MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK lO CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional ad- vance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. _ 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dis- pute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the pur- chase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of _ every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be imme- diately put up again and re-sold. | 4. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within the time announced or designated by the auctioneer, in default of which the under- signed may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 5. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon pay- ment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. 6. Delivery of any or all purchases will be made only at the place of sale, and only on presenting the bill of purchase and within the time announced by the auctioneer. 7. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the undersigned is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the undersigned for purchasers. The undersigned will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on his part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 8. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s ham mer, and thereafter, while the undersigned will exercise due cau- tion in caring for and delivering such purchase, he will not hold himself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, dam- aged or destroyed. 9. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the under- signed of the correctness of the description, genuineness or au- thenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is” and without recourse. The undersigned exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incor- rectly catalogued, and, in his judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. SPECIAL CONDITIONS In compliance with an Agreement of Sale entered into with the owners, which requires an early accounting, and in order to insure a prompt removal of the purchases, a cash deposit of at least 25 per cent. will be required in part payment. Settlements must be made in full for all purchases on or before Monday, November 15th, at 4 P.M. All purchases must be removed at the buyer’s risk and expense on or before Wednesday, November 17th, at 12 o’clock noon. Buying or bidding by the auctioneer or his assistants for responsible parties, on orders transmitted by mail, telegraph or telephone will be faithfully attended to without charge or com- mission. Any purchase so made will be subject to the above conditions of sale, which cannot in any manner be modified. HIRAM H. PARKE, AUCTIONEER. Two East Twenty-third Street, New York City. 7 ae i oY > a ik on 4 nas qd a 4 * FIRST EVENING’S SALE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1915 No. 886 BROADWAY (AT 131TH STREET) FIRST FLOOR SALESROOM COMMENCING AT 8.00 p.m. No. 1 JAPANESE MOONLIGHT ON THE BAY (On Vellum in Sepia) ” Height, 18 inches; width, 23 inches Lares firs are on the left, shipping on the shimmering water is in the middle distance and beyond are wooded hills. Signed on the left. No. 2 FRITZ THAULOW THE OLD BRIDGE IN WINTER (Colored Print—numbered 27) An old village street, with its stone bridge, shows a venerable peasant trudging through the snow. Signed on the right lower corner, Fritz THavutow. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry at office. iram H. Parke. —- a First Evening No. 3 FRITZ THAULOW THE HAMLET BY THE STREAM (Colored Print—numbered 9’) A row of ancient thatched cottages, overshadowed by trees, are bordered by a swirling river. Signed on the right lower corner, Fritz TuauLow. No. 4 FRITZ THAULOW THE VILLAGHK WASH-DAY (Colored Print—numbered 28) SEVERAL peasants are busily employed on the embankment of a stream; beyond are an old stone bridge and the red roofs of the village. Signed on the right lower corner, Fritz THautow. No. 5 FRITZ THAULOW THE LANDING PLACE ON THE CANAL, VENICE (Colored Print—numbered 32) Tue stone steps stretch off to the left, a gondola lazily swings with the quiet tide, a red walled palace beyond. Signed on the right lower corner, Fritz THauLow. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry at office. Hiram H. Parke. _ First Evening No. 6 FRITZ THAULOW WINTER (Colored Print—numbered 3) A sLow-movine stream, half covered with snow and ice, is flanked on the left by some red sheds. Beyond are snow-covered hills. Signed on the right lower corner, Frirz Tuaviow. No. 7 COLORED LITHOGRAPHS PANEL OF SEVEN OLD NEW YORK VIEWS By Major & Knapp, for “Valentine’s Manual,” 1864. No. 8 COLORED LITHOGRAPHS PANEL OF ELEVEN NEW YORK SUBURBS By Major & Knapp, for ‘‘Valentine’s Manual,” 1864. No. 9 COLORED LITHOGRAPHS PANEL OF NINE OLD NEW YORK VIEWS By Major & Knapp, for “Valentine’s Manual.” NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be requred of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. @ ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry at office. Hiram H. Parke. First Evening No. 10 WwW. WUST ConTEMPORARY: AMERICAN CHIEF WOLF ROBE Height, 18 inches; length, 14 inches Provup of his full war-paint. Signed at lower right, W. Wust. No. 11 MAXIMILIENNE GUYON ConTEMPORARY: FRENCH PIERETTE (Water Color) Height, 15 inches; length, 8 inches A DAINTY specimen of this careful artist’s work. Signed at lower right in full. No. 12 MAXIMILIENNE GUYON CoNTEMPORARY: FRENCH PIERROT (Water Color) Height, 15 inches; length, 84% inches A DAINTY specimen of this careful artist’s work. Signed at lower right m full. STE SS a RSI SS DEST SSR ETS 7 SEE SS SR aR SS ES RH ECCS SE ASS Fs NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry at office. Hiram H. Parke. First Evening No. 13 ALBERT ROELOFS CoNTEMPORARY: AMERICAN PORTRAIT OF A LADY Height, 91% inches; length, 71% inches Lapy with red hat is putting on her gloves preparatory to taking a walk. No. 14 LUIGI LOIR CoNTEMPORARY: ITALIAN PONT NEUF, PARIS (Water Color) Height, 9 inches; length, 121% inches A sunny and busy scene with many figures; gay in spirit. Signed at lower right, Lor Lutet. No. 15 J. ROSEN CoNTEMPORARY: GERMAN THE RUSSIAN FORAGERS Height, 24 inches; length, 41 inches MountTep soldiers are carting hay through the deep snow in a sledge from a farm to their barracks. Signed at lower right, J. Rosen, 1887 NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be requred of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry at office.. Hiram H. Parke. First Evening No. 16 EUGEN KLIMSCH CONTEMPORARY: GERMAN CAVALIER AND HIS LADY (Water Color) Height, 514 inches; length, 384 inches In a Renaissance dining room the cavalier and the lady are drinking to the success of his venture. Signed at lower left, Eucen Kuimscu, 1872. No. 17 EUGEN KLIMSCH CoNTEMPORARY: GERMAN BELOW STAIRS (Water Color) Height, 514 inches; length, 324 inches Ix an old-fashioned kitchen a trooper is being regaled by one of the maids. Signed at lower left, Eugen Kumscu, 1872. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry at office. Hiram H. Parke. First Evening No. 18 ADOLPH ECHTLER ConTEMPORARY: GERMAN THE FLOWER VENDER Height, 29 inches; length, 21 inches Ow the window sill of an old-fashioned house some roses and other flowers are exposed for sale. The mother is kissing her young daughter, while two other young girls are playing with their dogs. Signed at lower right, Av. Ecutier. No. 19 L. BURILLOT 'ConTEMPORARY: FRENCH BONHONNE . Height, 17 inches; length, 18 inches A souty little terrier is evidently content with himself. Signed at lower right, L. Burtiuor. No. 20 EK. SALA CONTEMPORARY: ITALIAN A VENETIAN CANAL (Water Color) Height, 11 inches; length, 18 inches SaitBoats and gondolas are at or approaching the landing place, where the prospective passengers are sitting. A church and houses are in the distance. Full of sunny light. Signed on the right, EK. Sata, Minan. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry at office. Hiram H. Parke. First Evening No. 21 LUIGI LOIR ConTEMPORARY: ITALIAN IN THE OLD QUARTER OF PARIS Height, 6 inches; length, 81 inches A pu day with many people bustling about their business. Old build- ings are on the right. Signed at lower right, Loir Lutct. No. 22 JEAN BERAUD FRENCH Medals: Paris, third class, second class, gold medal 1889. E. U. — Officer of the Legion of Honor 1894. Hors concours. THE MADELEINE, PARIS ( Pastel) Height, 32 inches; length, 25 inches In the dim light, with a few rays of sunshine coming through a stained- glass window, the vast audience, with one accord, is bending in solemn prayer. Signed at lower right, JEAN BERaup. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Atte mm is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry at office. Hiram H. Parke. First Evening No. 23 JAN VANDER HEYDEN Dutcu: 1637—1712 THE GATEWAY TO THE TOWN Height, 19 inches; length, 27 inches A very interesting old walled Flemish town, with its high spires and gables, and a sluggish river running through the foreground on the right. Signed at lower right, V. H. No. 24 CHARLES EMILE JACQUE FRENCH Medal: Paris, 1861, 1863, 1864; Legion of Honor 1867; gold medal, E. W., 1889. CHICKENS Height, 81% inches; length, 111% inches A croup of chickens in a barn are feeding from a bowl of hot food. Signed at lower left, CHARLES JACQUE. NOTICEK—A Cash Deposit will be requred of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained v inquiry at office, = ak oe iram H. Parke. , eR Wo ~) From the collection of William Boerum Wetmore, Esq. No. 96 JAMES EVANS, U.S.N. AMERICAN FRIGATE CONSTITUTION (Water Color) Height, 1714 inches; length, 2214 inches Tue frigate Constitution off Malta in a storm, 1838. Mr. Evans, who was a member of the ship’s company, gave great care to the details of the various parts; the frame was made by the carpenter of the ship from wood procured from the Mount of Olives. Signed at the lower left, James Evans. From the collection of William Boerum Wetmore, Esq. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry at office. Hiram H. Parke. Second Evening No. 97 ie WILLIAM HART, N.A. CO AMERICAN: 1822—1894 HOLSTEIN CALF Height, 12 inches; length, 17 inches VicorousLy painted, showing the texture of the fur. Green background | a unfinished. a Signed at the lower left, Wm. Harr. From the collection of Mrs. Coks. No. 98 £"O re J OLIVE P. BLACK® a v ; AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY AT THE EDGE OF THE WOODS Height, 16 mches; length, 24 inches A rocky glen, through which runs a lazy brook, is partially hidden by a clump of trees. Early Fall pervades the air. Signed at the lower right, O. P. Buacx. From the collection of Mrs. M. J. Falk. 5 i arr orn , x an a. Se et % : ‘ poeeren - er a ee ger Pee “ = ae ta oe: aie a . ‘4 7 . a = a 2 F eg gid ¥ —) aoe his > ~~" o ha ae _. "> t fe ; = = 3 3 = —T . 4 _ , - o- ee . eee en. ae ee Oe ee eae ae ae ee ‘4 NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry at office. Hiram H. Parke. Second Evening No. 99 ANTONY SERRES /”’ ) French. Born at Bordeaux in 1828; a frequent exhibitor at the Paris Salon. CONTADINA AND CHILD Height, 51 inches; length, 88 inches Tue lovely Madonna-like mother presses her young daughter to her breast, and is seated under some trees. In the distance is a landscape and the sea. Signed at the lower right, ANTONY SERRES. From the collection of Mrs. P. D. Riggs. No. 100 WILHELM K. RAUBER \’ ~~ GERMAN: 1849— THE MESSAGE (On Panel) Height, 18 inches; length, 131% inches In an old Dutch cabinet, the daughter of the house is giving a secret message to one of the pages, and is enjoining him to secrecy and care in its delivery; a trophy of musical instruments is hanging on the wall, showing the romantic bent of the lady. Signed at the lower left, W. Ravuser, 1884. From the collection of M. Meserole, Esq. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be hte eat oy co phi oe office. am H. Parke. Second Evening No. 101 FRITZ ZUBER-BUHLER ConTEMPORARY: GERMAN LOOKING AT THE CHICKS Height, 71% inches; length, 51 inches A youne girl is showing her baby sister a basket of chicks, where the light a is streaming into the old kitchen. : Signed at lower right, ZUBER Bowen No. 102 gee HENRY W. RANGER /4/ ~~ AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY SHEEP RETURNING HOME (Water Color) Height, 15 inches; length, 101% inches A cHiLL and rainy November day, with the leaves almost gone, and the gray blue evening quickly gathering. i Signed at lower left, H. W. RanceEr. No. 103 ay Cc. L. STEENKS / / ConTEMPORARY: AMERICAN aa a el ee oe ee, STILL LIFE Height, 181% inches; length, 181% inches Paxe pink chrysanthemums in an iridescent vase. Signed at lower right, C. L. STEENKs. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry at office. Hiram H. Parke. yay ®. ie a i i i . ee ; Second Evening No. 104 of py SAMUEL COLMAN / )/ — ConTEMPORARY: AMERICAN SAWMILL RIVER, WESTCHESTER COUNTY | Height, 734 inches; length, 1414 inches Larce trees stand on the bank of the river, which flows lazily by. Signed at lower right, Sam Cotman. No. 105 ALFRED BOEHMW ConTEMPORARY: GERMAN A MONK READING Height, 11 inches; length, 81% inches In a large and comfortable armchair sits the old monk, reading a large tome. Signed at lower right, A. Borum. No. 106 DAVID JOHNSON, N.A. / AmERIcAN: 1827— A STUDY FROM NATURE, RAMAPO Height, 14 inches; length, 211% inches A PLEASANT pasture flanked by low wooded hills stretches to the river, _ with low hills beyond. A large oak stands out on the right, under which two people are resting. Signed at lower left, DJ. 76. NOTICK—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry at office. Hiram H. Parke. Second Evening No. 107 JULIEN DUPRE 2/0 oe Born in Paris. Medals, 1880, 1881; silver 1889 E. U.; Cross of the Legion of Honor 1892. Hors concours 1900. E.U. HARVESTING IN NORMANDY Height, 14 inches; length, 17 inches A pEasant woman is lifting a large pile of hay; a river is in the distance and other peasants are at work further afield. Signed at lower right, JuuieN Dupré. 4 No. 108 < y Ay ff TH. VAN SLUYS /“ 7 ConTEMPORARY: DutTCcH SHEEP Height, 151% inches; length, 2844 inches Four sheep and two tiny lambs are depicted resting on some straw. Signed at lower right, Tu. Van Suvys. No. 109 poe DP) A. JEAN JACQUES HENNER“< / © French. Born in 1829. Grand Prix de Rome 1858: medals 1863, 1865, 1866; Member of the Institute 1889; Grand Prix 1900. E. U. Hors concours. Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor 1908. Died 1905. IDEAL HEAD Height, 174% inches; length, 18 inches A PENSIVE young girl with auburn hair and blue bodice. Signed at upper left, J. J. HENNER. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers | Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry at office. Hiram H. Parke. ‘ ; b “— ‘i ee Se Second Evening No. 110 ii cae FELIX ZIEM {© | French. 1821-1911. Medals, 1851, 1852; Officer of the Legion of Honor 1878. Hors concours. VENICE BY MOONLIGHT Height, 14 inches; length, 211% inches Tue gondola gently swings over the moonlit lagoon. The lights of the grand palaces burn brightly in the distance. Signed at lower right, Zrem. No. 111 EUGENE VERBOECKHOVEN Dutch, 1798-1881. A member of the academies at Brussels, Ant- werp, Ghent and Amsterdam. Legion of Honor; Commander of the Orders of Leopold and of Francis Joseph. THE SICK LAMB (Water Color in Sepia) Height, 15 inches; length, 21 inches Iw a flat pastoral country a flock of sheep and goats are being led home by their shepherd, who carries a sick lamb in his arms. A marvelously fine specimen of this clever master. Signed at lower right in full, 1844. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be requred of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. he ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry at office. Hiram H. Parke. Second Evening No. 112 EUGENE LOUIS GABRIEL ISABEY// / French 1804-1886. Medals 1824, 1827, 1855. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. ; Sa ON THE COAST Height, 11 inches; length, 84 imches A LITTLE peasant girl with a basket on her left arm carries her favorite —__ doll in her other. Several figures beyond, with a ship in the middle dis- tance. 3 a Signed at lower left, EK. Isanry. EMILIO SANCHEZ-PEERa Oe: = Spanish, 1859-1907. Paris, Honorable veo 1886; silver medal 1889. E.U. Hors concours. ACALA (On Panel) Height, 10 inches; length, 14 inches m A PLEASANT stream saunters by; a well-wooded right bank. On the left are a farmhouse and a bridge, with low hills behind. A sunny and pleasant scene. Signed at lower right, KE. SancHEz-PrErrier, “AcALA.” NOTICK—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry at office. Hiram H. Parke. Second Evening “a CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A./4 CC” AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY TITH ON THE HILL Height, 151% inches; length, 1014 inches On a gentle sloping hill are a flock of sheep with their shepherd and his dog. Several trees form the background to the right. Signed at lower left, CanLETON WiccINs. No. 115 JULES HEREAU CoNTEMPORARY: FRENCH A SHEPHERDESS AND HER FLOCK Height, 22 inches; length, 1614 inches A PEASANT woman, with a sheaf of wheat under her left arm, rests on her staff. Her dog is intelligently looking up at her. The flock of sheep are quietly grazing beyond. Signed at lower right, Jutes Hiéreav, ’67. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry at office. : Hiram H. Parke. Second Evening No. 116 THEODORE ROUSSEAU | French, 1812-1867. Medals, 1834, 1849, 1867; Officer of the Legion of Honor 1867. CATTLE RETURNING HOME (On Panel) Height, 121% inches; length, 18% inches Trove sparsely wooded pasturage, with a pool of water in the fore- ground, a herd of cattle are returning to the farm. Signed at lower right, Tu. RoussEav. No. 117 F. KRUSEMAN VAN ELTEN, N.A. . Dutcu-AmeErican: 1829—19138 Chevalier of the Order of the Lion, of the Netherlands. Member of the Academies of Amsterdam and Rotterdam, and of the Belgian Water-Color Society; Associate of the National Academy in New York, and member of the American Society of Painters in Water Colors. Medals at Amsterdam in 1860, and at Philadelphia in 1876. N.A. in 1888. JANUARY Height, 6 inches; length, 8 wmches Many people are seen sleighing and skating on a hard frozen Dutch canal; on the left bank is a refreshment tent with a flag flying over. Signed at the lower left, F. Kruseman, Fc. January 1855. From the collection of H. V. Weil, Esq. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry at office. Hiram H. Parke. > a6 4 n Pe rT — ee Se ee ee Second Evening No. 118 F. KRUSEMAN VAN ELTEN, N.A. Dutcu-American: 1829—1913 FEBRUARY Height, 6 inches; length, 8 inches Ducks are swimming in a large pool; beyond are several peasants with a harrow in front of an old thatched cottage. A woodsman is cutting off some branches from a few bare trees. A warm lowering sky completes the scene. ; Signed at the lower left, F. Kruseman, Fc. FeEsruary 1855. From the collection of H. V. Weil, Esq. No. 119 F. KRUSEMAN VAN ELTEN, N.A. Dutcu-AmMERIcAN: 1829—1913 MARCH Height, 6 inches; length, 8 inches A PLEASANT sunny day lights up a cottage on the left, while in the adja- cent field, boors are planting the ground; beyond in a further field, the ploughman wends his way. A stream and a straggling hamlet are seen in the distance. : Signed at the lower right, F. Kruseman, Fc. Marcu 1859. From the collection of H. V. Weil, Esq. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be etic is ay ee ere office. on am H. Parke. Second Evening No. 120 F. KRUSEMAN VAN ELTEN, N.A. DutcH-AMERICAN: 1829—1913 APRIL Height, 6 inches; length, 8 inches A pvoot in the foreground is surrounded by green pastures in which cattle and sheep are grazing; a woman holds an injured lamb. A small ruin is seen on rising ground, and a large bare tree is on the right. Signed at the lower right, F. Kruseman, Fc. Aprit 1855. From the collection of H. V. Weil, Esq. No. 121 F. KRUSEMAN VAN ELTEN, N.A. Dutcu-AmeErican: 1829—1913 MAY Height, 6 inches; length, 8 inches A smMaALu stream runs through a pleasant grove of trees, horse-chestnuts are blooming, and several boys are fishing; further afield is a group of peasants and a dog resting. The vista of a sunny village shows through the trees. 5 “, ‘a 7 aa a y ; >, 4 ; q q ia . } 1 7 . a ‘ Signed at the lower right, F. Kruseman, Fc. May 1855. From the collection of H. V. Weil, Esq. NOTICK—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry at office. Hiram H. Parke. Second Evening No. 122 F. KRUSEMAN VAN ELTEN, N.A. Dutcu-American: 1829—1913 JUNE Height, 6 inches; length, 8 inches A wine expanse of slightly undulating country is seen from rising ground ; A chateau is on the left, and a broad river in the center. An old peddler and his dog are approaching a couple of peasants who are resting under a large tree on the right. Signed at the lower right, F. Kruseman, Fc. June 1855. From the collection of H. V. Weil, Esq. No. 128 F. KRUSEMAN VAN ELTEN, N.A. DutcH-AMERICAN: 1829—1913 JULY Height, 6 inches; length, 8 imches A warm sunny, cloudless sky covers a fertile and flat country, with a windmill on the right and large trees to the left. Many peasants are working in the hayfields, and loading their wagon. : Signed at the lower right, ¥. Kruseman, Fc. Jury 1855. From the collection of H. V. Weil, Esq. | NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source ef consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry at office. Hiram H. Parke. Second Evening No. 124 F. KRUSEMAN VAN ELTEN, N.A. DutcH-AMERICAN: 1829—1913 AUGUST Height, 6 inches; length, 8 inches Prasants are garnering the wheat sheaves; a windmill is on the right, and a church on a slight hill, to the left. A river occupies the middle distance, a black cloud drifts across the blue sky. ‘— a Signed at the lower right, F. Kruseman, Fe. Aveust 1260, From the collection of H. V. Weil, Esq. , No. 125 F. KRUSEMAN VAN ELTEN, N.A. DutcH-AMERICAN: 1829—19138 SEPTEMBER Height, 6 inches; length, 8 inches A woopvep dell with its small brook o’erhung with trees, whose leaves are Sr eeLy turning, contains a group of peasants in conversation. Signed at the lower left, F. Kruseman, Fc. SrptemBer 1855. From the collection of H. V. Weil, Esq. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be reaeeD of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry at office. Hiram H. Parke. Second Evening No. 126 F. KRUSEMAN VAN ELTEN, N.A. Dutcu-AmERrican: 1829—1913 OCTOBER Height, 6 inches; length, 8 inches A zarcE tree has been blown down across the roadway, the others are nearly bare; in the distance is a party of huntsmen with their dogs and keepers. A lurid setting sun in a blue sky, shows the crescent October moon which has just risen. Signed at the lower left, F. Kruseman, Fc.. Ocroser 1855. From the collection of H. V. Weil, Esq. No. 127 F. KRUSEMAN VAN ELTEN, N.A. DutcH-AmeErican: 1829—1913 NOVEMBER Height, 6 inches; length, 8 inches A TEMPEsTUOUs snowstorm has broken over the old farmhouse and its barn; a farmhand is hastily dragging a bull towards his stall. Winter and rough weather have set in. Signed at the lower right, F. Kruseman, Fc. November 1855. From the collection of H. V. Weil, Esq. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by aes. oe office. ; Hiram H, Parke. Second Evening No. 128 F. KRUSEMAN VAN ELTEN, N.A. DutcH-AMERICAN: 1829—1913 DECEMBER Height, 6 inches; length, 8 inches Curistmas Day. A large church is lighted up, although the sun is only J just setting, leaving a warm glowing sky; snow is on the ground and ~ large fir trees fill in the right; the pious are on their way to vespers. = Pa. Signed at the lower right, F. Kruseman, Fc. DrEcEMBER 1855. My a From the collection of H. V. Weil, Esq. . No. 129 GUERRINO GUARDAHASSI Italian. Born in Rome, 1841. A member of the Academy of St. q Luc. 4 THE ASTRONOMER Height, 171% inches; length, 141% inches An elderly gentleman in a black suit is seated in a high-back Renaissance chair, while his devoted daughter pours out for him a large glass of wine; she is robed in a beautiful draped and embroidered pale lavender silk dress ; a kitten sits contentedly at the old gentleman’s feet, while on the rich red damask-covered table are scattered a globe, a telescope, an old book and his spectacles. Painted with vigor and a great fineness of charming detail. Signed at the lower right, G. GUARDAHASSI. Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry = office. Hiram Parke. eee NOTICK—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers i ' Second Evening No. 130 EDWARD MORAN, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1829— SUNSET IN NEW YORK HARBOR Height, 17 inches; length, 24 inches Beuinp a bank of red clouds, the sun throws its glittering beams on the water, leaving the distant city in shadow. Signed at the lower left, Epwarp Moran. _ From the collection of Mrs. Coks. No. 131 J. G. BROWN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1831—19138 WATCHING THE WOODPECKER Height, 18 inches; length, 12 inches A youne girl in a blue smock leans against a tree trunk, and watches a woodpecker at work. A very early example of this well-known artist. Signed at the lower left, J. G. Brown, 1866. From the collection of Mrs. P. D. Riggs. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by ion het et office. Hiram H. Parke. Second Evening No. 182 BENNO ADAM German: Born 1812; died 1892. Exhibited in Munich Gallery. A NOBLE MASTIFF Oval: Height, 8015 inches Tue intelligent. animal is evidently looking for his master. A fine speci- - . men of this well known animal painter’s work. - Signed at lower left, Benno Apam, 1861. No. 133 ALIX LOUISE ENAULT FreNcH: CoNTEMPORARY . | . A pupil of Tissier and Willems. PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG WOMAN ae Height, 1614 inches; length, 11% imches A CHARMING subject with large hoop earrings, and a Spanish shawl thrown over her soft pink silk dress; the costume is completed with a black | ostrich-feathered hat. Signed at upper right, Aurx Enauurt, 1870. From the collection of Mrs. Charles Lawrence. NOTICK—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be BEE E at office. arke. Second Evening No. 134 ROBERT SWAIN GIFFORD AMERICAN: 1840—1905 ON THE LAGOON, VENICE Height, 24 mches; length, 41 Dice A conpoxa and other shipping lazily wend their way by the great pal- aces of the past. Signed at the lower right, R. Swarn Girrorp, 1880. From the collection of G. C. Clark, Esq. No. 135 A. ROOSENBOOM ConNTEMPORARY: DutcH A REST IN THE WOODS Height, 16 inches; length, 11 inches A wapy is seated on a grassy bank, in an early Victorian costume of pale pink silk and an overdress of white mull. Signed at the lower left, A. RoosENzBoom. From the collection of Charles E. Bigelow, Esq. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry at office. Hiram H. Parke. Second Evening No. 136 FERDINAND MAROHN Frencuo: CONTEMPORARY An exhibitor at the Paris Salon TOO MUCH HOLIDAY Height, 6 inches; length, 4 inches A youne countryman, in his best attire, is having a great deal of difficulty in negotiating his way home. Signed at the lower left, F. Maroun. — From the collection of M. Meserole, Esq. “ee No. 187 FRIEDERICH PERLBERG German. Born 1848 in Nirnberg. A noted aquarellist. — A SCENE FROM “DON QUIXOTE” a (Gouache Drawing) By a Height, 514 inches; length, 44% mches Tue knight has laid aside a part of his armor, and is resting and medi- tating upon the distant view; Sancho Panza lazily sits astride his horse. A beautiful example of this art. Signed at lower right, F. PERLBERG. From the Kalaskis Collection. NOTICK—A Cash Deposit will be requred of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry at office. Hiram Parke. Second Evening No. 138 THOMAS SULLY AMERICAN: 1788-——1872 Born in England, he came to America at the age of nine, studied in Charleston, S. C. He several times visited Europe, painted a por- trait of Queen Victoria in England, and many other notables of his day. NOV EMBER Height, 28 inches; length, 2514 inches A youné girl with auburn hair and Mary Stuart cap, leans on a win- dow sill, and watches some one approach; a charming simple figure in white. : Signed at the lower right, TS in monogram ’65. From the Kalaskis Collection. No. 189 FRANCOIS ANTOINE DE BRUYCKER Belgian. Born in 1816. A pupil of de Brackeleer. RETURN OF THE JOVIAL FARMER Height, 23 inches; length, 2614 imches In a happy frame of mind and free from all care, the convivial old man returns from a visit to some of his friends, two of whom have seen him to his door. The old wife is giving him a severe piece of her mind, but it is just so many wasted words. His daughter is steadying the old man, who is singing, to a rush-bottom chair so that he may be comfortable, and two younger children are looking on in evident amusement. The frugal evening meal of potatoes is on the table. Signed on the leg of the table, F. De Bruycxer, 1841. From the collection of Mrs. Suydam. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be sa aia ue sg bat we office. am H. Parke. Second. Evening No. 140 GUSTAV HOLWEG Austrian. An exhibitor at the Vienna and Munich Academies. THE OLD BACHELOR se (On Panel) Height, 91% inches; length, 7 inches Tue old gentleman in his richly brocaded orange coat and knee breeches, is sitting in an Old World chamber, his dinner before him; his cat is on — % the. opposite chair, watching patiently for a piece of meat that he has raised on a fork. A beautiful Oriental rug is spread upon the floor. A charming and intimate scene. Signed at the lower right, G. Hotwec, 88, From the collection of Mrs. Charles Lawrence. No. 141 ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE Dutcu: 1610—1685 A very prolific painter who is represented in the following galleries: Amsterdam, Antwerp, London, Paris and Petrograd. DUTCH BOORS AT THE TAVERN DOOR Height, 13 inches; length, 19 inches A croup of men are smoking and drinking; an old woman brings an- other big brown jug to replenish their supply. On the right is a river bordered by beautifully wooded hills in which nestles an interesting chateau and a castle. From the collection of Mrs. Charles Lawrence. NOTICEK—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry at office. Hiram H. Parke. Second Evening No. 142 F. O. CONRAD GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY THE BOTANIST (On Panel) Height, 19 inches; length, 12 inches A CLEVER, spectacled face is examining a floral specimen. Signed at the lower left, F. O. Conran. From the collection of Mrs. M. J. Falk. No. 148 J. CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1848— MOONLIGHT ON THE LAKE Height, 161% mches; length, 281% inches Tue moon shows itself through a cloudy sky, and casts its beams upon the lake in the foreground; on the left are some dark fir trees, in the dis- tance low hills. . Signed at the lower right, J. C. Wicerns. From the collection of Mrs. B. Fairchild. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be requred of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry at office. Hiram H. Parke. Os == = = iS Oey an ee | = ~ a a rf ~~ No. 144 G. SCHWENINGER CoNTEMPORARY: AUSTRIAN A LOUIS QUINZE INTERIOR a Height, 181 inches; length, 15 inches . On a crimson sofa reclines a lady in a blue silk court costume; a gen- - tleman in a richly embroidered violet velvet coat is entertaining her. x 3 From the collection of Mrs. M. J. Falk. No. 145 HENRY C. BISPHAM AmeERIcAN: 1841—1882 | THE COMING STORM Height, 24 inches; length, 43 inches Ox some high ground an angry bull watches the scene; two See and — ae a few sheep are grouped around. a Signed at the lower left, H. C. BispHam. 4 | From the collection of Mrs. Coks. piled: is called to the Conditions of Sale printed im the forepart of this Catalogue. 4 The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry at office. Hiram H. Parke. : No. 146 Es A. CHAPPEL 9 = a, Frencu: 1880— ee: i>" ‘THE STUDIO OF 4 NOBLE ROMAN | Height, 12 inches; length, 15 inches :ANTILY draped female is posing for the artist, and several other models | | ge <4 . 4 ae Signed at the lower right, A. CHarret, 1880. a 2 From the collection of Charles E. Bigelow, Esq. i - oe No. 147 Se ene BENNO ADAM Z German. Born 1812; died 1892. Exhibited in Munich Gallery. ‘TWO DOGS ae: | ae Height, 30 inches; length, 41 inches _ A pACHSHUND and a terrier are eagerly watching a hole in the floor of 2 a stable, for the appearance of a rat. - ; Signed at the lower left, Benno Apam. From the collection of Mrs. P. D. Riggs. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers _ Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by ig eT at office. Hiram Parke. Second. Evening No. 148 WALTER L. PALMER, N.A. AmERICcAN: 1887— HUDSON RIVER IN WINTER Height, 2514 inches; length, 36 inches A pate blue sky is reflected in the water, and tinges the snowy banks. A - few late leaves are still flaunting themselves on a wiry oak in the fore- : geound: A beautiful, decorative panel. Signed at the lower left, W. L. Parmer, N.A., 1887. From the collection of Mrs. Charswood. No. 149 CAESAR PATTEIN French. Born at Steenworde Nord. Medal, third class, 1896. THE WOOD GATHERERS IN NORMANDY Height, 231% inches; length, 294% wmches In a wooded and undulating landscape are three peasant girls returning with bundles of fagots; in the roadside is another one tying up a bundle which has evidently come apart, while a young boy watches the pro- ceedings. Signed at the lower right, Caznsar PATTEIN. — NOTICK—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry at office. Hiram H. Parke. Second Evening ‘No. 150 THOMAS COLE; N.A. AMERICAN :: 1801—1848 ITALIAN LANDSCAPE Height, 20 inches;. length, 24 inches Romantic hills shelter a lake, which is bordered by a small village. re eae | ». Signed at the lower right, T. Corr. From the collection of Mrs. Coks. _ No. 151 ALFRED FRANCOIS GUES French. Born at Montargis. A pupil of Gleyre. THE CONSPIRATOR be (On Panel) Height, 11 inches; length, 8 inches A MUSKETEER of the guard waits in the anteroom for his victim. Signed at lower left, A. Guts. From the collection of Charles E. Bigelow, Esq. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any-article may be ascertained by inquiry at office. Hiram H. Parke. Second Evening No.- 152 BENNO ADAM oS German. Born 1812; died 1892. Exhibited at Munich Gallery. 2 DOE AND FAWN | Height, 88 inches; length, 47 inches A vor and her fawn are resting in a shady glen. Signed at the lower right, BENNo Apam. From the collection of Mrs. P. D. Riggs. sf No. 153 ALANX FRANCAIS Frencu: 1881— NEAR FONTAINEBLEAU Height, 21 inches; length, 28 inches Two boys are fishing in a small pool, with sheep grazing in the pasture beyond; feathery trees are seen on the rising ground to the left. A cloudy and luminous sky throws a pleasing light across the middle dis- tance. | Signed at lower left, Frangats. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any articl. may be ppesedizons: by, ee x office. m H. Parke. Second Evening No. 154 GERARD BILDERS DutcH-AMERICAN: CONTEMPPORARY NOONDAY REST Height, 10 inches; length, 12 inches _A pEasanT girl, with her goat, is resting under a sheaf of wheat; low-ly- ing Dutch country, with a windmill and hamlet in the distance. Signed at-the lower right, Gerarp Bi.pers. From the collection of Charles E. Bigelow, Esq. No. 155 NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA Frencu: 1808—1876 Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. A PACK OF HOUNDS IN THE FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU Height, 18 inches; length, 22 inches TueereE hounds have lost the scent and are in a small gulley, surrounded by large oaks. Signed at the lower right, N. Diaz. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained Nes ne Mal a office. am H. Parke. Second: Evening . No. 156 ROBERT C. MINOR, N.A. .. AMERICAN: 1840—1904 MORNING ON THE MEUSE (NEAR HUY) (On Panel) Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches On the right bank, under some trees, is an old man fishing; across the _ stream are some peasants washing. clothes from a boat. Beyond, in the | a pasture, are cattle grazing; a small hamlet sheltered by wooded ee is a in the distance. On the left are two silver birches. : Signed at the lower right, Minor. No. 157 ERNEST VICTOR HAREUX French. Born in Paris, 1847. A frequent exhibitor at the Salon. MOONLIGHT Height, 18 inches; length, 22 inches A sMALL stream runs across the scene; trees are on its bank; a hamlet in the distance. The blue light of the moon throws heavy shadows, ane bathes the scene in a general monotone of blue. Signed at the lower right, E. V. fie NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. “aad The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry at office. Hiram H. Parke. Second Evening No. 158 ARTHUR GEORGE VON RAMBERG Gera 1810-1875 mgk READING: “ILLUS TRATI ONS TO SCHILLER’S POEMS” Height, 46 inches; length, 38 inches. Tx a wooded dell a young man is reading the poems of Schiller to a young lady in an old-fashioned costume, who is listening intently to the har- monious words. Signed at the lower right, A. Rampere, 1874. From the collection of Mrs. Charswood. No. 159 ROBERT C. MINOR, N.A. American: 1840—1904 CHATEAU ROCHEJACQUELINE, NEAR CHAILLY, FRANCE (On Panel) Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches Tux chateau is seen through an alley, through which runs a well-wooded brook. A blue summer sky is reflected in the brook. Signed on the back, Ropert C. Minor. eee eee eer ee eee eee ooo —S———————_———z NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry at office. Hiram H. Parke. Second Evening No. 160 JULES JAMES ROUGERON French. Born at Gevray in 1841; died 1880. A pupil of Pica and i4 Cabanel, and frequently exhibited at the Paris Salon. A WEDDING IN A SPANISH VILLAGE Height, 37 mches; length, 60 inches Returnine from the church to the marriage feast, the procession is led by a young man playing the guitar, and two priests; the charming young 4 bride, in white embroidered satin gown and a beautiful white lace man-— = tilla, coyly hangs on the bridegroom’s arm, while he regards her with much affection. A little flower-girl follows closely behind, and then troop out the guests of various quality and rank, who are beset by a group x of ragged beggars on the ee of the church. Full of character and interest. Signed at lower left, J. RoucEron *73. From the collection of Mrs. P. D. Riggs. No. 161 FRANZ VAN LEEMPUTTEN Beucian: 1850— ROTTERDAM FROM ACROSS THE RIVER Height, 27 inches; length, 184% mches An old peasant woman is knitting, and leading her fleck of sheep home, while a man who has been harrowing talks to her from the back of his horse. The gray outline of the city and its shipping are seen in the dis- tance. Signed at lower right, Franz Van LEEMPUTTEN. From the collection of Mrs. M. J. Falk. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry at office. . Hiram H. Parke. J : oe ay. ~ : y 2 3 Feed aa = A ran - * Pee Oe a ee ee ae ee fe H aie Lat ‘ ; ; eA. ‘ 2 Bhat Se eye i "all “fx if ‘ all a - ery pie? gad: aot” eee 5 nes a eS a ee : a ae, ee a _ PB a a Ee Ana ‘ a a ee ey ee {_* as Se ee ae ee eS ee ee ee oe eee en. ee ee Second Evening No. 174 GEORGE INNESS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1825—1894 MORNING MIST Height, 14 inches; length, 18 inches In the foreground is a small pool with wooded hills receding to right and left, with the sun just coming up over the horizon. A heavy and fanciful mist clouds the top of the hills. Rich in color and full of dreamy sug- gestion. Signed at the lower right, G. Innzss. From the collection of Mrs. Satterlee Saltonstall. No. 175 JOHANNES BERNHARDUS BLOMMERS Dutcu: 1845— DUTCH INTERIOR Height, 28 inches; length, 21 inches An old woman sits before the fire watching her kitten drinking milk. Her pensive figure shows many signs of age. Very strongly modeled. Signed at the lower right, BLoMMERs. From the collection of Mrs. Theodore Linke. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry at office. Hiram H. Parke. Second Evening ae No. 176 ANTOINE VOLLON Frencu: 1838— Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1870. STILL LIFE: A CORNER OF THE KITCHEN Height, 27 inches; length, 33% inches — Many tempting apples are in and around an old earthenware crock, a . glowing polished copper pot is in the background. Mentioned in the Dic- tionary of Painters. | Be Signed at the lower right, W. A. Vouton,. No. 177 THOMAS SULLY AmeEnrican: 1783—1872 GEORGE FREDERICK COOKE (ACTOR) Height, 24 inches; length, 201% inches Tuts versatile and talented actor is shown wearing a fur-trimmed coat and a high stock. His left hand is resting on a volume of Shakespeare. Signed at the lower left, TS (in monogram). From the collection of Miss Tillinghurst. | NOTICK—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry at office. Hiram arke. id a 4 Second Evening No. 178 PAUL GROLLERON Frencu: 1885— UN RENSEIGENMENT Height, 64 inches; length, 90 inches A Caprain of Infantry is making inquiries of an old peasant in a blue smock as to the position of the enemy; he is intently following the words of the old man. Behind is a squad of soldiers preparing to hold the ground that they have taken up. Re-enforcements are seen marching up. The snow has fallen and covers the winding road and the top of the stone garden wall with a mantle of white. Signed at the lower left, P. GrotiERon, ’85. No. 179 REMBRANDT PEALE AMERICAN: 1778—1860 Born in Pennsylvania, he early showed a strong bent for painting. Studied under his father and then under Benjamin West, and after three years in Paris, in 1795 he painted the original of this Wash- ington, which was purchased by the U. S. Government. PORTRAIT OF GEORGE WASHINGTON Height, 50 inches; length, 39 inches Tuis noble and dignified figure stands pleading some cause before his fellow citizens. One of the 110 known replicas of this important picture made by Peale. The canvas is arched at the top. From the Sypher Collection. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry at office. Hiram H. Parke. Second Evening No. 180 JOHN TRUMBULL Born at Lebanon, Conn., 1756. He served with distineten in tl ae War of Independence; a pupil of Benjamin West; became Preside a ¥: of the Academy of Arts, New York. Died in 1848. . ee FRANCIS GRANGER, POSTMASTER GENERAL IN NEW YORK, 184 Height, 864% inches; length, 29 inches SEATED in a paneled oak room; a clean-shaven face, and hair slightly touched with gray, small dancing eyes, a humorous but firm mouth, ais 3 a political figure of some ability. Halt length. From the Sypher Estate. HIRAM H. PARKE, 9 AUCTIONEER. Re a uy NOTICK—A Cash Deposit will be required of all Purchasers Attention is called to the Conditions of Sale printed in the forepart of this Catalogue. The ownership or source of consignment of any article may be ascertained by inquiry at office. Hiram H. Parke. ee LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED “aneae ADAM, Benno 182, 147, 152 BAIL, Joszrpu 166 BERAUD, Jran 22 BILDERS, Gerarp 154 BISPHAM, Henry C. 145 BLACK, O ive P. 98 BLOMMERS, Jouannes Bernuarpvus 175 BOAZ, Henry L. 57 BOEHM, Atrrep 105 BOUTIBONNE, E. 86 BROMLEY, Witu1am 83 BROWN, J. G., N.A. 38, 131 BUNCE, Witu1am GEepNry 52 BURILLOT, L. | 19 CARAUD, Josrru 77 _CARAVAGGIO, MicHELANGELO DA a CARPENTERO, JoHannes 78 CERVI, G. 88 CHAPPEL, A. 146 COLE, Tuomas, N.A. 150 COLMAN, Samuet, N.A. 104 COMTE CALIX, Francois Ciaupivus 60 CONRAD, F. O. 142 COOMANS, Pierre Oniver JosePH 58 COUTURE, Tuomas "5 CURRAN, Cuartes C. 7 As DAUBIGNY, Kart Pierre 32 DE BRUYCKER, Francois ANTOINE 139 DEWEY, Cuarues MELVILLE 169 DIAZ DE LA PENA, Narcisse VirGiLE DORIAN, C. S. DORSCHWILLER DUPRE, Ju.imn DUVAL, Pierre. Le Camus EATON, Cuaries Warren, N.A. ECHTLER, EDWARDS, S. Arent ELLIOT, Cuartes Lorine, N.A. ENAULT, Aurx Lovise EVANS, James, U.S.N. FIELD, E. Loyar FRANCAIS, Aranx GIFFORD, Rosert Swain GIRARD, A.sert GROLL, A. L. GROLLERON, Paut GUARDAHASSI, Guerrino GUES, A.rrep Francois GUYON, MaximitiienNne HAMON, Jean Lovis HAREUX, Ernest Vicror HART, Wituram, N.A. HARTING, M. HAUSER, Joun HENNER, Jean Jacques HEREAU, Jvutzs HOLWEG, G. INMAN, Henry _INNESS, Georcg, N.A. INNOCENTI, J. ISABEY, Evertne Louis Gasrier. 171, 174 33 68, 112 . CATALOGUE NUMBER JACQUE, Cuaries EmiLe 24 JAPANESE SCHOOL 1 JOHNSON, Davip 106 JURRES, J. H. 3 31 KLIMSCH, Evucen 16, 17 LAMBDIN, Grorce Cocuran 73 LANDSEER, Sim Epwin, R.A. A2 LAUR, Zu Ay LE BRUN, CHARLES 173 LE JEUNE, Baron Louis Francois 89 LELOIR, Maurice 29 LOFANO, E. 84 LOIR, Luter : 14, 21 LOTZ, Matitpa A5 MacENTEE, Jervis, N.A. 87 MAJOR & KNAPP 7, 8,9 MAROHN, Ferpinanp 136 MAYNARD, Georce W., A.N.A. ; 43 MINOR, Roserr C., N.A. 156, 159 MORAN, Epwarp, A.N.A. 130 MORAN, Tuomas, N.A. 28 NEAL, Davin 64 PALMER, Watter L., N.A. 148 PATTEIN, Carsar 149 PEALE, Rempranpt 179 PECRUS, C. 69 PERLBERG, Frieprricu 137 PERRIER, Eminio Sancuez- 118 PLUMOT, Annpré 76 QUIVIERES, A. Marcorte DE 27 RAEBURN, Sm Henry, R.A. RANGER, Henry W. RAUBER, WitHetm K. RIBERA, JosEeF DE RICO, Martin RIECKE, Groree ROELOFS, Ausert RONNER, Henriette ROOSENBOOM, A. ROSEN, J. ROUGERON, James ROUSSEAU, Tuopore SALA, E. SCHWENINGER, G. SEIFERT, Aurrep SEIGNAC, GuiLLaumME SERRES, Antony SIMONETTI, Errore SMILLIE, Georce Henry, N.A. SMITH, Henry Pemser SMITH, J. Emery STEENKS, C. L. STEVENS, Aurrep SULLY, Tuomas SURRURE, Avcust TAMBURINI, A. TENIERS, Davm (ArtrisuteD TO) THAULOW, Fritz TRUMBULL, Joun TURNER, JosepH Matuiorp Wituiam, R.A. UNTERBERGER, F. R. VAN DER HEYDEN, Jan ee Pee ge> VAN ELTEN, F. Kruseman VAN LEEMPUTTEN, Franz VAN OSTADE, Avriann VAN SLUYS, Tueopore VERBOECKHOVEN, EvcEne VERNET, Emive Jean Horace VOILLEMOT, Cuaries ANDRE VOLLON, ANTOINE VON RAMBERG, Artuur GerorcGe WASHINGTON, Groretus WHISTLER, James Assporr McNEILL WIGGINS, J. Carueton, N.A. WILSON, Joun ~ WOLTZ, Bertuotp WUST, W. WYANT, A. H. YOUNG, Harvey ZIEM, Feruix ZUBER-BUHLER, Frirz CATALOGUE NUMBER 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 128, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128 161 37 91, 93, 94 114, 148 63 164 10 41 56 110 101 x COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK ~ AND BINDING BY ‘k nd i ‘ | bie : 5 > ; “a iy oe . (ONS SEARCH INST VIN IM | I 3 3125 0166 = P —— v ~ 5 : : ; . : = 2 fe irl ad rs jah, gees es or eae ae ee : i ut aha SM, = : Be el wae * Ze # sy gnae Fae ay Rares Sescee