No. 1238 A VALUABLE COLLECTION OF RARE BOOKS FROM THE LIBRARY OF DR. WILLIAM HIRSCH OF NEW YORK CITY Including Illuminated Books of Hours, Ancient Manuscripts, Rare Editions of the Classics, and Valuable Incunabula TO BE SOLD OCTOBER 19 AND 20, 1916 Tuurspay AFTERNOON, OcToBER 19, aT 2.30 o’cLock. Lots 1-310 Fripay AFTERNOON, OcTOBER 20, aT 2.30 o’cLock. Lots 311-625 On Public Exhibition from October 9th THE ANDERSON GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE AT FORTIETH STREET NEW YORK CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. All bids to be per Lot as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. Goods bought to be removed at the close of each sale. If not so removed they will be at the sole risk of the purchaser, and. subject to storage charges, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if such goods are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. 5. Terms Cash. If accounts are not paid at the conclusion of each _ sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, this Company reserves the right to recatalogue the goods for immediate sale without notice to the defaulting buyer, and all costs of such resale will be charged to the defaulter. This condition is without prejudice to the rights of the Company to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale at its own option. Unsettled ac- counts are subject to interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum. 6. All books are sold as catalogued, and are assumed to be in good second-hand condition. If material defects are found, not men- tioned in the catalogue, the lot may be returned. Notice of such defects must be given promptly and the goods returned within ten days from the date of the sale. No exceptions will be made to this rule. Magazines and other periodicals, and all miscellaneous books arranged in parcels, are sold as they are without recourse. _7. Autograph Letters, Documents, Manuscripts and Bindings are sold as they are without recourse. The utmost care is taken to authen- ticate and correctly describe items of this character, but this Company will not be responsible for errors, omissions, or defects of any kind. 8. Bids. We make no charge for executing orders for our custom- ers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. Books and Autographs on Public Exhibition from October 9 Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be secured for $1.00 THE ANDERSON GALLERIES INCORPORATED MADISON AVENUE AT FORTIETH STREET, NEW YORK. Telephone, Murray Hill 7680. Catalogues on request. Sales Conducted by Mr. Frederick A. Chapman. Pao reeian: NOTE. The books from the Library of Dr. William Hirsch of New York which are here catalogued are of a very unusual character. It is seldom that in a single sale so many items of Incunabula appear, or so many ancient Manuscripts, or so many volumes that appeal particularly to the classi- eal scholar. Dr. Hirsch gathered his treasures from all countries and availed himself here of the rare opportunities afforded by the sale of the Hurst, Poor, Hawkins, Crane, Eames, Hoe, Borden, and other im- portant collections. Seven Books of Hours of the Fifteenth Century are in this sale, with beautiful miniatures and initials in gold and colors, and there are many curious and important Manuscripts in Chinese, Japanese, Hebrew, Arabic, and Persian. Fine bindings, books on art in great variety, Goupil’s biographies with colored frontispieces, ancient and modern history, and the works of Diirer extra-illustrated with 286 portraits and views are also offered. Searce works from the presses of Aldus and Elzevir; a remarkable collection of the classics; early books on the Reformation by Erasmus, Luther, Calvin, and others; the first edition of the Nuremberg Chronicle in German (printed in 1493); early editions of the Bible, including that printed in Venice by Harlbrun in 1480; Antoninus, printed in Venice in 1476, Jenson’s edition of 1479, and that printed by Speier in 1487; St. Augustin, printed at Louvain in 1482; Chrysostomus’s Homelia, printed at Rome in 1470 (the first book printed by Lauer), and the Epistles of Hieronymus, 1480, are literary treasures which all collectors value highly. RARE AND FINE BOOKS FROM THE LIBRARY OF DR. WILLIAM HIRSCH OF NEW YORK FIRST SESSION. Thursday Afternoon, October 19, 1916, at 2:30 o'clock LOTS 1-310 | 1, ABRAHAM A SANCTA CLARA. Heilsames Gemisch Gemash, das ist allerlei seltsame und verwunderliche Ge- schichten. Frontispiece by C. Luyken and numerous copper agnettes by [C. Weigel.| First Eprrion. Square 12mo, half morocco. (Frontispiece mounted, a few pages strength- ened and slightly foxed.) Wiirtzburg, 1704 2. ADAM (R.). Ruins of the Palace of the Emperor Dio- cletian at Spalatro. Jllustrated with 61 beautiful plates, fine engravings by Bartolozzi, Zuccht, Cunego, etc. Imp. folio, half calf. N. p.: Printed for the Author, 1764 3. ADDISON (JOSEPH). The Works of the late Right Honorable Joseph Addison, Esq. Jllustrated with Portrait by Miller after Kneller, and full-page engraved plates by Grignion after Hayman. 4 vols. 4to, full contemporary calf, leather labels. Birmingham: Printed by John Baskerville, 1761 * The William Wilkieson copy, with his book-plate in each volume. In exceptional condition, the plates and text being entirely unspotted. 4, ADVENTURES OF GIL BLAS of Santillane (Smollett). 4 vols. Lond. 1782; History of England (Hume). 6 vols. N. Y. 1860. 10 vols. 16mo and 12mo, sheep and half calf. 5. AISCHYLUS, Tragoedia septem. Oxonii, 1844; Horace. Opera. Lond. 1888; Eclogues and Georgies of Virgil. N. Y. 1846; Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, in Greek, 2 vols. Lip. 1822, and other books and pamphlets. 13 vols., various sizes and bindings. 7 6. AUASOP. The Fables of sop, as First Printed by Wil- ham Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio, now again edited and induced by Joseph Jacobs. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, parchment backs, uncut and largely unopened. Lond.: David Nutt, 1889 * One of 60 copies printed on Large Paper. The Hoe copy, with book-labels. 7. AFRICA. Ogilby (John). Africa: being an Accurate Description of the Regions of Aegypt, Barbary, Lybia, and Billedulgerid, the Land of Negroes, Guinee, Aethiopia, and the Abyssines, &c. Over fifty full-page and folding copper- plate maps and views, and many fine copper vignettes shewing customs, &c. Thick folio, half leather, edges uncut (title mounted, one leaf missing, a few plates and leaves torn into). Lond.: Tho. Johnson, 1670 8. AGRIPPA (HENRICUS CORNELIUS). Ejusdem de duplici coronatione Caroli V. Caesaris Bononiam, historiola. Ejusdem, Ej. ac alior doct. Epigrammata. 12mo, morocco (rubbed). Colonizw: Ioannes Soter, 15385 * First EpiTion. Inserted is a contemporary woodcut por- trait of Agrippa. : 9. AIRY (OSMUND). Charles II. Hand-colored frontis- miece portrait of Charles Second and numerous fine photo- gravure portrats and plates, all in two states. 4to, full erushed crimson levant, with gilt arabesque and fleur-de-lis design in scrolls and panels on back and sides; doublures of crushed blue levant with broad gilt arabesque borders forming oval panels; end leaves of crimson silk, gilt top, uncut, bound by Taffin. Lond. &e.: Goupil & Co., 1901 * JAPAN PAPER Copy, only 300 published. 10. ALLEN (FRED H.). The Great Cathedrals of the World. Illustrated with 130 full-page plates, executed m photogravure. Thick royal folio, half crimson morocco, gilt top, uncut. Bost. [1886] 11. AMBERLEY (VISCOUNT). An Analysis of Religious Belief. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth (one slightly shaken) Lond.: Trubner & Co., 1876 12. AMBROSIUS (S8.). Opera primum per Hrasmum Roterodamum, mox per Sig. Gelenium tandem per Joa. Costerlum emendata. 5 vols. in one, very thick 4to, original stamped vellum, blue edges (name on title). Basil, 1555 * The best edition. 13. AMERICAN Commentary on the New ‘Testament. Edited by Alvah Hovey. Maps, dc. 8 vols. 8vo, half mo- rocco, gilt tops, uncut. Phila. [1886], &e. * Matthew, 2 vols. (Broadus); Luke (Bliss); Acts (Hack- ett); Corinthians (Gould); Mark (Clarke); John (Hovey); Revelation (Smith). 6 14. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. An Examination into the Principles, Conduct, and Designs of the Earl of Shelburne, taken from a Late Speech. Second Edition. 62 pp. 8vo, new wrappers, uncut (end leaves slightly stained). Lond. 1783 * Relates to the Treaty of Peace and the recognition of American Independence, and contains a bitter attack on Lord Shelburne. 15. AMERICAN SCENERY: or, Land, Lake and River. Illustrations of Transatlantic Nature. From Drawings by W. H. Bartlett, engraved by Wallis, Cousen, Willmore, Bran- dard, and others. 2 vols. 4to, half green morocco, gilt edges. Lond. 1840 16. ANECDOTES AFRICAINES, depuis l’origine ou la découverte des différents Royaumes qui composent 1’ Afrique, jusqu’a nos jours. 12mo, old mottled calf, gilt back. Paris: Chez Vincent, 1775 17. ANNUAL REGISTER (THE); or, a View of the His- tory, Politics, and Literature for the Years 1758, 1759, 1762, 1763, 1768 and 1770. 6 vols. 8vo, full calf (rebacked). Lond.: Printed for J. Dodsley, 1779-1783 * Lord Berwick’s copy, with his Book-plate in each volume. 18. ANTONINUS (8.). Summula Confessionis (De- fecerunt). Gothic character, double columns, 40 lines to the page; 101 unnumbered leaves (1ncluding the first blank), with signatures. Rubricated throughout and initials painted red and blue by a contemporary hand. 4to, contemporary bind- ing in oak boards, covered with stamped calf (rebacked). Hain-Copinger, 1179; Proctor, 4308. Venetiis: Joannes de Colonia & J. Manthen de Gherretzem, 1476. 19. ANTONINUS (S.). Summa theologica. ParsI. Gothic characters, double columns, 54-55 lunes to the page; 254 un- numbered leaves with signatures. Rubricated throughout and imtials painted red and blue by a contemporary hand, and with 2 ornamental imtials painted in gold and colors, the second one of larger size having in the centre a half length mimature portrat of St. Antoninus. Folio, contemporary Venetian binding in oak boards covered with stamped leather (rebacked). Hain-Copinger, 1243. Leaves 250 and 253 (signatures G: and Gs) missing. [Venetiis: Nicolaus Jenson, 1479] 20. ANTONINUS (S.). Confessionale (Defecerunt). Gothic character, double columns, 36 lines to the page; 1 un- numb. leaf, croxxvmi numb. and 5 unnumb. (im all 144 leaves) with signatures. 4to, contemporary binding in oak boards (new leather back). Hain, 1196. [Speier: Peter Drach] 1487 * Bound with the above volume is a Latin 15th century manuscript by a German hand, written on 59 leaves of paper, containing an analysis of the Confessionale and other theolog- W) ical notes. This is followed by the Stella clericorum, gothie char., 44 lines to the page, 10 leaves, Hain 15063 (Cologne, Heinrich Quentell, c. 1494). From the library of the mon- astery of Heidenfeldt. On the title of the first work is the name and date ‘‘R. Jeylles Sarisburiensi, 16 Junii 1529.’’ 21. APPEAL to the Public on the Subject of the National Debt. By Richard Price; Remarks on the Conduct of the Opposition. By Geoffrey Mowbray. 2 pamphlets, 8vo, wrappers. Lond. 1772-98 * Both pamphlets contain references to British colonies in America. 22, ARABIC MANUSCRIPT, written in large characters by Dela il al-Khairat. An explanation of the prayers in- voked on Mohammed the Prophet. On about 220 leaves of thin native glazed paper. With 7 beautiful illuminated titles m various colors and gold, 1 double page representing a Mosque tluminated in gold and colors. Text within orna- mental borders of black and red lines and gold and orange bands. 8vo, native leather binding. XVIIth Century 23. ARCH AZOLOGY. Journal of the British Archeologi- eal Association. Vols. 1 to 8. Numerous plates and text illustrations. 8 vols. 8vo, half calf. Lond. 1846-52 * Contains many interesting articles.on pottery, amulets, coins, old records, Roman remains, &¢. ~ 24. ARISTOPHANES. Aristophanis Comeediz undecim Grece et Latine. Notis ad singulas ineditis Stephani Ber- gleri nee non Caroli Andree Dukeri. Copper-plate vignettes on titles by Delfos. 2 vols. 4to, half old sheep (a little worn). Lugd.-Batav.: Apud 8. and J. Luchtmans, 1760 25. ARISTOTLE. Aristotelis Ethicorum ad Nichomachum Libri Decem, ab Antonio Riccobono [et] Mareo Cornelio. Small 8vo, old calf (back chipped, first title and index slightly spotted ). Hanoviw: Typis Wechelianis, 1610 * Greek and Latin parallel texts. 26. ARISTOTLE. Opera (Grece). Part 2 of Vol. IV. Greek characters; 116+-42+12-+-121 numbered leaves and one unnumbered leaf for the register. Folio, old vellum. Renouard, p. 11; Hain-Copinger, 1657; Pellechet, 1175; Proctor, 5556. Venetiis: Aldus Manutius, 1497 27. ARMSTRONG (SIR WALTER). Sir Joshua Rey- nolds, First President of the Royal Academy. Illustrated with 78 photogravures and 6 lithographic facsimiles in color. Royal 4to, buckram, gilt top, uncut (nail hole in back). * Limited Edition. Lond.: W. Heinemann, 1900 28. ARNAUD (ACHILLE). Abraham Lincoln, sa Nais- sance, sa Vie, sa Mort. Avec un Récit de la Guerre d’Amér- ique. Illustrated. Imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uneut, original wrappers bound in. Paris, 1865 * Nice copy. Very scarce. 8 29. ART. L’Exposition des Beaux-Arts (Salon de 1881). Illustrated with numerous beautiful Goupil photogravures on Japan paper. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1881 * One of a limited edition printed on Holland paper. 30. ART. Recent Ideals of American Art. Text by George William Sheldon. Illustrated with 175 photogravures after oil pantings and Water colors in the galleries of private col- lectors. Royal folio, half morocco (a little rubbed), full gilt edges. N. Y.: Appleton, 1890 31. ART. Letters from a Landscape Painter (Lanman). Bost. 1845; Modern Painters. 2 vols. (Ruskin). N. Y. 1852; Memoirs of a Painter (Collins). Lond. 1805; An Essay on Imitation in the Fine Arts (Kent). Lond. 18387. 5 vols. 16mo and 12mo, various bindings. 32. ART. Origin, Progress, and Present Condition of the Fine Arts in Great Britain and Ireland (Taylor). 2 vols. Lond. 1841; British Gallery of Painting and Sculpture (Westmacott). Lond. 1824; and others. 9 vols., various sizes and bindings. 33. ART’S Treasury of Rarities and Curious Inventions. Containing the Mystery of Dying Cloth, * * * Cement Broken Glass, Make Perfumes, &c. 16mo, original sheep (shaken, 2 leaves torn into). Glasgow: John Tait, 1773 34. ASIA. Tibet and Nepal. By A. H. Savage Landor; Kashmir. By Sir F. Younghusband. Painted by E. Moly- neux. KHach with many colored plates. 2 vols. large 8vo, cloth, gilt tops. Lond.: A. & C. Black, 1905-09 35. ATLAS D’ARCHAVOLOGIE DU NORD representant des echantillons de 1’Age de Bronze et de 1’Age de Fer. Illus- trated with 21 copper-plate engravings. Folio, boards (pages ‘somewhat spotted). Copenhague, 1857 36. AUGUSTINUS (S.).° De consensu quatuor Evangelis- tarum. Gothic character, double columns, 43 lines to the page; 84 unnumbered leaves, with signatures. Rubricated throughout and initials painted red. Folio, half calf (last leaf with 3 small holes). {Lovanii: Johannes de Westphalia, ce. 1482] * Duplicate from the Royal. Library of the Hague, with stamps on first leaf. Hain-Copinger, 1980; Campbell, 206; Proctor, 9241. Large copy. 37. AULUS GELLIUS. Noctium atticum libri undeviginti. Title within woodcut border, and with printer’s mark of P. Gromors; ornamental woodcut inttials. 4to, old half sheep, re- backed (pages stained and some margins damaged). Parrhisiis in Aedibus Petri Gromorsi, 1526 * With an extra leaf in sig. s, and with one less leaf in sig. t. Text perfect. 9 38. AUSSCHREIIBEN unser Johan Casimir Pfaltzeraffen bey Rhein, Hertzogen in Bayern, ete. Darinnen die ursachen aussgefuhret werden, warumb wir uns innjetzige Kriegs Hx- | pedition zu rettung des wider den Land und Religiofrieden, ete. 4to, vellum. Newstadt an der Hardt: 1583 * A rare volume and very interesting for the history of the Reformation in Germany. 39. BABINGTON (GERVASE). Comfortable Notes upon: the Bookes of Numbers and Deuteronomie. With an Expo- sition of the Catholike Faith. Firsr Epirion. Small folio, half calf (small chip in back, last leaf damaged and mounted, a few contemporary notes on margins). Lond.: George Eld, 1615 * Bound in with above are two others works by Babington,. published in same year by George Eld, London. ‘‘A Verie- Fruitfull Exposition of the Commandments’?; and ‘‘A Profit-- able Exposition of the Lords Prayer.’’ 40. BACON (FRANCIS, Lorp VerunAM). Seripta in Naturali et Universali. Hngraved title. Printer’s mark “‘la Minerve.’’ 24mo, old calf, rebacked. Amsterodami: Apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1653 * First Evzevir EpiITion. Contains the folding table at pp. 336-337. Fine clean copy. 41. BACON (SIR FRANCIS). Essays or Councils, Civil | and Moral, of Sir Francis Bacon. With a Table of the Colours of Good and Evil [and] The Wisdom of the Ancients. Small 8vo, old calf (corners rubbed, edges trimmed, but clean and crisp copy). Lond.: T. N. for John Martin, 1673 42. BAGLIVI (GEORGII). Opera Omnia Medico-Practica et Anatomica. Portrait and 2 plates. Small 4to, vellum (margins of a few leaves wormed, and some leaves stained). Lugduni, 1745 * The works of a famous Italian physician. Oliver Wendell Holmes is said to have obtained the idea of his ‘ ee Antipathy’’ from a chapter in this. 43. BAHAR I DANISH. The Romance of Jahandar Sultan and Bahravar Banu (Indian). Fine illuminated Persian MS. written on native vellum-glossed paper, 215 leaves, within ruled borders of four colored lines, with full margins. With 2 illuminated head-preces in gold and colours, in best style, and 16 fine original drawings, illuminated in gold and colors. Folio, full vellum (hinges cracked) ; gauffred gilt edges. [1700] * The original of this romance was written in 1651. Fine Manuscript. 44. BALDRY (A. L.). The Wallace Collection at Hert- ford House. Profusely wllustrated with beautiful reproduc- tions of paintings in this celebrated collection. 4to, full erimson levant morocco, gilt tooled back and covers, gilt top, by La Belle Sauvage Bindery. Lond.: Goupil & Co., 1904. 10 45. BAPTISM. [Gale (J.).] Reflections on Mr. Wall’s: History of Infant Baptism. In Several Letters to a Friend. Svo, contemporary panel calf (rubbed). Scarce. Pond ied: Darby, Lilt 46. BAPTISM. Wall (William). History of “Infant Baptism: being an impartial Collection of all Passages in the Writers of the first Centuries as do make For, or Against it [and] Containing several Things that do help to illustrate the said History. 2 vols. 8vo, old calf (one cover loose, name on first title). Lond. 1720) 47. BARCLAY (JOHN). Satyricon partes quinque cum Clavi. Accessit Conspiratio Anglicana. Hngraved title. 24mo, vellum. Lugd.-Batavorum: Apud Elzevirios, 1637 * First Elzevir edition. 48. BARCLAY (JOHN). Argenis. Verdeutscht durch Martin Opitzen. Engraved title (mounted), and engraved plates. Thick 18mo, vellum. Amsterdam: Bey Johan Iansson, 1644 49. BARLOW (JOEL). The Vision of Columbus; A Poem in Nine Books. 8vo, old sheep. Hartford, 1787 *First EpiTion. Inserted is an A. L. S., 1 p. folio, by the author, from Hartford, May 3, 1784, telling of arrangements he has made for printing, &e. (a little stained and torn). At the end of the volume is a list of subscribers, including George Washington, Lafayette, Gen. Lincoln and many other names important in Revolutionary history. 00. BARTHOLOMAUS COLONIENSIS. Canones una cum declarationibus eorundem in tabulas computi ecclesiastici.. Gothic character, 8 unnumbered leaves, with signatures. — Small woodcut on title and printer’s device at the end. Ato, vellum. Hain-Copinger, 2496; Proctor, 9153. Zwollis: Petrus van Oss [e. 1500?] dl. BAXTER (RICHARD). A Holy Commonwealth; or, Political Aphorisms, opening the true Principles of Govern- ment for the Healing of the Mistakes, and Resolving the Doubts, that most endanger and trouble England at this time. First Epirion. 12mo, old calf (some pp. slightly stained). * Rare. Lond. 1659 52. BAXTER (RICHARD). The Reasons of the Christian Religion. Hngraved portrat. First Eprrion. Small 4to, original calf (worn at joints, a few of the preliminary leaves worn on margins, and portrait and some leaves slightly stained ). Lond.: Printed by R. White, 1667 * This copy has a duplicate title, one of which mentions an Appendix. 538. BAXTER (RICHARD). Cure of Church-divisions: or Directions for weak Christians. 8vo, old calf (back chipped, slightly shaken, some leaves with small worm-holes, writing on title verso). Lond.: Nevil Symmons, 1670: iN 54. BELINA (A. M. DE). Nos Peintres dessines par eux- memes. Notes humoristiques et esquisses biographiques. Por- traits. 8vo, half crushed crimson morocco, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Paris, 1883 55. BELLINI (LAURENTIUS). De Urinis et Pulsibus, de Missione Sanguinis, de Febribus, de Morbis Capitis, et Pectoris. Title vignette, engraved by Houbraken. Square 8vo, contemporary calf. Lugd. Batav.: Joannem a Kerckhem, 1730 * The name of Bellini is one of the most illustrious in the annals of medicine. 56. BELLORI (JOS. PETRUS). Veteres arecus Augus- torum triumphis insignes Ex Reliquiis que Rome adhue supersunt cum imaginibus triumphalibus restituti. Hngraved portrait of Cardinal Otthobono and 46 plates (should be 52) of architecture, coms, tablets, etc. Imp. folio, old boards, vellum back (a little worn in hinges, lower margins mildewed, and some margins damaged or repaired). Rome, 1690 * First EDITION. 57. BELLORI (JOS. PETRUS). Columna .Cochlis M. Aurelio Antonino Aug. dicata eius rebus gestis in Germanica, atque Sarmatica expeditione insignis. Ace. Stylobates Col. Antonine. 82 copperplate engravings, mcluding the three supplementary plates of the Stylobate. Folio, half vellum. Roma, 1704 58. BESSARION (CARD.). In calumniatorum Platonis L. IV, etce.; Metaphysicorum Aristotelis XIIII librorum tralatio ; Theophrasti Metaphysicorum lib. I. Folio, full wine-colored morocco, gilt backs and borders (a few marginal: notes in an ~ ancient hand, and lower margins stained). [Ven.: in edibus Aldi et Andrez Soceri, 1516] * The Second Aldine Edition. Only Part I. 59. BEYTRAGE Zur Sittenlehre (Eckarthausen). Minch- en, 1787; Uber der natiirlichen Wunderkunst (Portae). Wood- cuts. n. p. [1602], (pages wanting) ; Land Recht von Pfaltz C/Rhein. Woodcut. Weinheim, 1700. 3 vols., various sizes and bindings. 60. BIBLE. The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New: Newly Translated out of the Originall Tongues, &e. Rubdicated calendar. Black Letter. 2 titles in orna- mental borders. Folio, old sheep (binding worn, some leaves stained, a few repaired). Lond.: Robert Barker, 1634 61. BIBLE. Biblia, Dat is: De gantsche H. Schrifture. Engraved title with view of Amsterdam at foot. Folio, old — ealf (a little shaken). Amstelredam: Met Consent van de H. H. Burgermeesters, 1641. *The fine original binding is an excellent example of a Dutch stamped leather and brass binding of the 17th century, 12 in remarkable preservation. It consists of heavy oaken boards: ' covered with stamped leather in panels, with broad and fine interlaced parallel borders of effective designs, of which the impressions are unusually clear, brass corner ornaments (one missing), and centre bosses elaborately engraved, and brass: engraved clasp. 62. BIBLE. Historie Celebriores Veteris Testamenti. Illus- trated with nearly 250 fine copper-plate engravings by Jan and Casper Luyken. Thick folio, vellum. * Fine copy. Noriberge: Chr. Weigelio [1708] 63. BIBLIA cum concordantiis veteris et novi testamenti et sacrorum canonum. Gothic character, double columns. Title mm red and beneath full-page woodcut wrth figure of St. John the Baptist wm the centre: 3 large woodcuts in the text, and numerous smaller ones, several of which are copies of those mm the Mallermi Bible. Folio, old calf (rebacked, slight waterstains, some small worm-holes, and last leaf, containing printer’s large device, missing). Lugduni: Jacobus Sacon, 1516 64. BIBLIA LATINA. Gothic character, double columns; 469 unnumbered leaves, with signatures. WITH 2 INITIALS: PAINTED IN GOLD AND COLORS, the first representing St. Jerome, and the second St. Dominic praying before the Crucifix; also numerous initials painted red or blue. 4to, vellum gilt, with clasps (rebacked). Venetiis: Franciscus Renner de Hailbrun, 1480 * Third Bible from the above press, and an elegant speci- men of early printing. From the H. W. Poor Library. Heir=— § bf 5] ? bs 65. BIBLIA Latina cum postilla Hugonis Cardinalis. Part I. Gothic character, double columns; 464 leaves. Folio, 16th century German binding in oak boards covered with stamped pigskin, in the centre of the upper cover a portrait of Emperor Charles V, and in that of the lower cover of the Duke of Saxony. Hain-Copinger, 3175. [Basilee: Joh. de Amerbach, 1498] 66. BIDA ILLUSTRATIONS. The Four Gospels. IJllus- trated with numerous fine etchings by Flameng, Hedowin, etc., after designs by Bida. 2 vols. royal folio, full crimson morocco, gilt backs and elaborately tooled sides, full gilt edges, by Macdonald (binding slightly rubbed). Lond. 1874 67. BINION (SAMUEL A.). Phyllanthography: A Method of Leaf and Flower Writing. Portrait. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top. Derk ue p 68. BIOGRAPHY. Michael Faraday (Gladstone). N. Y., n. d.; Leigh Hunt (Johnson). Lond. 1896; Lorenz Alma Tadema (Ebers). N. Y. 1886; Daniel Defoe (Minto); and others. 8 vols. 12mo and 16mo, cloth. 18 69. BOCCACCIO (GIOVANNI). L’Amorosa Fiammetta. Di nuouo ristampata, & con somma diligenza ricorretta. Printer’s device on title. 18mo, vellum (some pp. slightly stained). Venetia: Appresso Lucio Spineda, 1616 * Scarce edition. 70. BOERHAAVE (HERMAN). Elementa Chemiae. 17 plates. 2 vols. 4to, contemporary calf (worn). Lugd.-Batav.: Apud Isaacum Severinum, 1732 * First EDITION, with Autograph of the author on verso of title of the first volume. Bound in at the back of the second volume is ‘‘Opuscula Omnia’’ by the same author, imprint: Hagae-comitis: Joannem Neaulme, 1738. 71. BOERHAAVE (HERMAN). Institutiones Medice. Edinb. 1773; Aphorismi de Cognoscendis et Curandis Morbis. Lugd.-Batav. 1737; Selectiorum Observationum et Consili- orum. By Carol Pisonis. Preface by Boerhaave. Lugd.- Batav. 1733. 3 vols. 12mo and 4to, various bindings. 72. BOHN’S LIBRARY. Eusebius’ Heclesiastical History ; Schlegel’s Lectures on Modern History; Foster’s Life and Correspondence, 2 vols.; Coxe’s House of Austria, 4 vols.; Butler’s Analogy and Sermons; The Iliad of Homer ( Harper’s Classical Lib.). 10 vols. 12mo, cloth. (Lib. copies.) 73. BONGARSI (JACOB). Epistole ad Joachimum Camerarium Medicum ac Philosophum Celeberrimum script et Historicis ac Politicis documentis instructe. Printer’s mark ‘‘le Solitatre’’ on tetle. 24mo, vellum (lacks front blank leaf). Luegd.-Batav.: Ex officina Elzevirium, 1647 * First Elzevir edition. 74. BOSWELL (HENRY). Views and Representations of the Antiquities of England and Wales. Profusely illustrated with copper-plate maps, views of castles, monasteries, coins, rums, &c. Thick folio, old calf, re-backed (not collated). Lond.: Alex. Hogg [1785] 75. BOUCHOT (HENRI). Catherine de Médicis. Frontis- piece portrait in gold and colors, with numerous fine plain and tinted Goupil gravure plates. Royal 4to, handsomely bound in full crushed blue levant moroceo gilt and inlaid back, covers with a wide gilt tooled border, with conventional figures of vari-colored inlays, inside triple gilt borders, with figured silk doublures and silk flys, gilt top, uneut, by Taffin. With slip-case. Paris: Goupil et Cie, 1899 * Inserted is a Document on vellum, dated Ville Nouvelle, 15 July, 1554 (Time of Catherine de Médicis), Attestation of the Consuls of the town in favor of the Countess of Lan- vagnoys. 14 76. BRACKENRIDGE (H.M.). History of the Late War between the United States and Great Britain. Containing a minute account of the various Military and Naval Operations. Illustrated with engraved plates of battle scenes. Fourth Edition. 12mo, old sheep (back worn, and pp. foxed). | Balto. 1818 77. BRADY (ROBERT). Introduction to the Old Eng- lish History. Comprehended in Three several Tracts. The First, An Answer to Mr. Petyt’s Rights of the Commons As- serted. Second, Answer to Argumentum Antinormanicum. Third, Succession of the Crown of England. With Appendix and Glossary. Folio, half crushed morocco (several leaves misplaced in rebinding, a few apparently being lacking). Lond.: Tho. Newcomb for Samuel Lowndes, 1684 78. BRANDT (GERARD). The History of the Reforma- tion and other Ecclesiastical Transactions in and about the Low-Countries from the beginning of the EKighth Century to the Famous Synod of Dort. Engraved title and portrait of the author (other portraits missing). 4 vols. folio, contem- porary full calf (worn, and pp. foxed. Ex. lib. copy). Lond. 1720 79. BRENTZ (JOH). Heilsame und niitz- | liche Erklar- ung|des Ehrwirdigen| Herren Johannis Brentij| uber den Catechis-|mum|allen Christlichen Haussuiattern zuge- fallen verdeutscht...... durch | Hartmannum Beyer. Prankfurt, Peter Brubach, 1554.— The same. Passio | Unsers Herren Jesu Christi leyden und sterben | nach Hystorischer beschreybung der | vier Euangel- isten in Latein aussgelegt| ...... Jetzund allen frommen Oimristen 9... .. zu nutz und wolfart...... verdeutscht. | Nuremberg, Johann Daubmann, 1551.— The same. Von der Herrlichen Aufferste- | hung und Him- elfart unsers Herrn Jhesu Christi. | Nach beschreibung der vier Euangelisten Inn | Lateinischer Sprach aussgelegt..... Allen fromen Christlaubigen ..... zu ihrer Seelen | heyl verteutscht (durch Christoph Rothan). Komgsberg 1. P., Johann Daubmann, without date (but 1554). The three works bound together. The first work with 7 small woodcuts in the text and with title border, the second with a full-page woodcut and 20 smaller woodcuts, the third with 13 woodcuts. Titles of the second and third printed in red and black. Thick folio, wooden binding with stamped pigskin covers. (Clasps wanting. Some margins water-stained and small piece torn from one margin.) * Koehler, Bibliographia Brentiana, Nos. 273, 205, 267. The last of the books is a publication of Daubmann’s printing office after its removal to Konigsberg, and very rare. The first title has stamp of ‘‘ Bibliothek der Carlsburg’’ thereon. ~ 15 80. BRITISH CHRONOLOGIST (THe); comprehending Every Material Occurrence, Eeclesiastical, Civil, or Military, relative to England and Wales, from the Invasion of the Romans to the Present Time. 3 vols. 8vo, old sheep (re- backed and re-hinged). Lond. 1775: 81. BRITISH PAINTERS. Birket Foster. By H. M. Gundall; and, George Morland. By Sir Walter Gilbey. Hach with many colored and other plates. 2 vols. large 8vo, cloth, cilt tops. Lond.: A. & C. Black, 1906-7 — 82. BROWNE (THOMAS). The British Cicero; or, a Se- lection of the Most Admired Speeches in the English Lan- guage. 3 vols. 8vo, newly bound in half brown morocco (a few pages w.-s.). Phila. 1810 83. BROWN (MARY E.) anp (WILLIAM ADAMS). Musical Instruments and their Homes. With 270 ilustrations m pen and ink by Wm. Adams Brown. * Royal 4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y.: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1888 * This work forms a complete catalogue of the Collection of Musical Instruments owned by Mrs. J. Crosby Brown. The cover is stained, but the interior condition is clean and desirable. 84. BRUCKER (JACOB). Ehren-Tempel der Deutschen Gelehrsamkeit in welchem die Bildnisse gelehrter, und um die schonen und philologischen Wissenschaften verdienter Man- ner unter den Deutschen aus dem XV. XVI. und XVII. Jahr- hunderte. Illustrated with 50 very fine mezzotint portraits by Joh. Jac. Haid excud. Aug. Vind. 4to, vellum (name on title). Augspurg, 1747 85. BRUYN (CORNELIUS DE). Voyages par la Mos- covie, en Perse, et aux Indes Orientales .... On y a ajouté la route qu’a suivie Mr. Isbrants, en traversant la Russie & la — Tartarie, pour se rendre a la Chine. Illustrated with 262 full-page and folding copper-plates, frontispiece by Prcart, portrait by Valck, after Kneller, 3 folding maps, and numer- ous text engravings. 2 vols. in one, folio, half crushed mo- rocco. Amsterdam: Chez les Fréres Wetstein, 1718 * A choice copy of the First Epirion of this important work, with the beautiful plates in brilliant state. 86. BRYANT (WILLIAM CULLEN). Picturesque Amer- ica; or, The Land We Live In. Edited by William Cullen Bryant. Illustrated with numerous full-page steel engrav- ings, and many hundreds of wood engravings in the text. 2 vols. 4to, half morocco. N. Y. [1872] 87. BULLUS (GEORGI). Opera omnia cur. Joannis Ernesti Grabe. Portrait of Bulli by Van der Gucht. Folio, old calf (hinges cracked). Lond.: R. Smith, 1703 * First EDITION. 16 88. BUNSEN (ERNEST DE). The Keys of Saint Peter; or, The House of Rechab connected with the history of Sym- bolism and Idolatry. First Epirion. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond.: Longmans, 1867 89. BURKE (EDMUND). Speech on Presenting to the House of Commons (on 11th of Feb. 1780) a Plan for the Better Security of the Independence of Parliament, &. 95 pp. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Lond. 1780 *Pp. 70-80 relate to the more efficient government of the colonies in North America. 90. BURKE (EDMUND). The Works of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke. 16 vols. 8vo, full calf (lib. copy, with stamps). Lond. 1815 91. BURNET (THOMAS). De Statu Mortuorum et Resurgentium Liber. Accessit Epistola Cirea Libellum de Archeologiis Philosophicis. Autore Thoma Burnetio, 8S. T. P. 4to, old English morocco, gilt tooled borders, gilt edges. * First Epirion. Scarce. Lond. 1720 92. BUTLER (REV. ALBAN). The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and other principal Saints, compiled from original Monuments and other authentic records. Illustrated with numerous steel portraits. 12 vols. in four. 8vo, full morocco, gilt backs and borders, full gilt edges. Nick copy. N.Y., n. d. 93. BYRNE (WILLIAM). Britannia Depicta. A series of Views (with brief descriptions) of the most interesting and picturesque objects in Great Britain. Engraved from draw- ings by Hearne, Farington, Smith, Turner, Alexander, etc. 129 engraved plates. Oblong 4to, half calf (one cover loose, and some plates slightly stained on margins). Lond. 1806 94. CASAR. Commentarii. 16mo, contemporary calf (worn). Lugduni: 8. Gryphius, 1555 * Gilbert Dethick’s (1519?-84) copy, with his name written In gold letters on the title. He was Garter King-of-Arms; accompanied Somerset in his Scottish Expedition, 1547. 95. CASSAR. C. Julii Casaris que extant Ex emendatione Tos. Sealigeri. Engraved title, 3 maps and woodcuts. 24mo, old calf (worn). Amst.: Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1661 96. CALHOUN (JOHN C.). The Works of John C. Cal- houn. 6 vols. 8vo, cloth (ex lib. copy, with stamps). N. Y. 1888 97. CALLOT (JACQUES). Twelve costume engravings by Callot, each plate mounted on hinges. 8vo, half crushed crim- son levant morocco, gilt top. npn 98. CALLOT (JACQUES). Salvatoris, Beate Marie Virginis, Sanctorum Apostolorum Icones. Engraved titles and 15 plates, hinged mounts. 8vo, half crushed crimson levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1631 * First EDITION. Le 99. CALLOT (JACQUES). Les Miseres et les Mal-heurs de la Guerre. Illustrated with engraved title and 16 plates (should be 17—No. 7 wanting). Plates on hinged mounts. Oblong 4to, half crushed crimson levant morocco, gilt top. * First EpITvIon. Paris, 1633 100. CALPRENEDE (G. DE.COSTA DE LA). Phara- mond. A Romance. Containing the History of France. Translated from the French by John Phillips. Folio, old half morocco. (Wants title, first and other leaves damaged, pages stained, and last leaf supplied in MS.) Lond. 1677 * The translator was a nephew of John Milton, and the work is dedicated to the Duchess of Albemarle. 101. CALVIN (JEAN). Commentaires sur le Prophete Isaie. Folio, half leather (a few leaves of the Index trans- posed in binding). Good and large copy. Genéve: Francois Perrin, 1572 102. CALVIN (JOHN). Commentarii in Isaiam Prophe- tam. Ad Eduardum VI. Anglie Regem. Folio, oaken boards covered with stamped pigskin (writing on title and one leaf wanting). Geneve: Ex officina Joannis Crispini, 1551 103. CALVIN (JOHN). Commentaires de M. Jean Calvin sur les Epistres de 1’Apostle S. Paul & aussi sur 1’Epistre aux Hebrieux. Item, sur les Epistres Canoniques de S. Pierre, 8. Jean, S. Jacques & S. Jude, autrement appelees Catholiques. Thick folio, full vellum, rebacked (some pp. stained). Imprimé par Conrad Badius, 1562 * The second part, comprising the Canonical Epistles, has a separate title-page, with the imprint of Jean Bonnefoy of Geneva, 1562. ‘ 104. CALVINUS (JOHANNES). Harmonia ex tribus Evangelistis composita, Mattheo, Marco et Luca: -adjuncto Seorsum Johanne, quod pauca cum aliis communia habeat. First Epition. Woodcut on title. Oliva: Rob. Stephani, 1555.—Institutio Christiane religionis. lohanne Caluino authore. Woodcut on title. 2 vols. in one. Folio. Contem- porary blind tooled calf (a few margins slightly rubbed). Oliva: Rob. Stephani, 1553 105. CALVINUS (JOHANNES). Psychopannychia, qua refellitur quorundam imperitorum error, qui animas post mor- tem usque ad ultimum iudicium dormire putant. 8vo, boards. Argentorati: Wendelinus Rihelius, 1545 * First Epirion. One of Calvin’s rarest pamphlets, written at Paris in 1538. 106. CALVINUS (JOHANNES). Harmonia ex tribus Evangelistis composita, Mathaeo, Mareo et Luca: adiuncto seorsum Johanne, quod pauca: cum aliis communia habeat. 18 Folio, contemporary German binding covered with stamped leather. [Geneva]: Oliva Roberti Stephani, 1555 *In the same volume is bound: ‘‘Institutio Christiane religionis Ioh. Calvino authore.’’ [Geneva] Oliva R. Stephani, 1553. 107. CAMPANUS (JO. ANT.). Tractatus, Orationes, His- toria Brachi, Epigrammatum, ete. Roman letters, printed in long lines. Woodcut on title, and last folio but one, has a large emblematic engraving. Thick folio, original boards covered with pigskin, stamped with numerous medallions of angels and a rose (clasps wanting and margins of some leaves stained). Rome: Eucharius Silber, 1495 * Hain, 4286. Campanus rose from a shepherd boy to be the confidant of two Popes—Paul II. and Sixtus IV. The most interesting part of the volume is probably the history of the deeds of Andrea Braccio da Montone, of the Bracci family, and of the struggles against Sforza and the Lords of Rimini, forming a valuable contribution to the history of Italy under the Despots. At the end occurs the famous epigram of Michael Fernus against the Roman booksellers. The Hurst copy. 108. CANADA (Martin and Campbell); New Zealand (Wright and W. Pember Reeves) ; The West Indies (Forrest and Henderson). Hach volume with many colored plates. 3 vols. large 8vo, cloth (small chip in one back). Lond.: A. & C. Black, 1905-08 109. CANOVA (ANTONIO). Works in Sculpture and Modelling. With descriptions from the Italian of the Coun- tess Albrizzi, and a Biographical Memoir by Count Cicognari. Illustrated with 2 portraits, and 29 outline plates, engraved by Henry Moses. 2 vols. folio, full crushed morocco, gilt and stippled backs, gilt inside and outside borders, gilt tops, uncut. Lond.: Prowett, 1824 * LARGE PAPER Copy, with fine impressions of the plates, which are in practically unspotted condition. 110. CARDANUS (HIERONYMUS). Proxeneta, seu De Prudentia civili liber. Hngraved title. 24mo, vellum. Lugd.-Batav.: Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1627 * First Elzevir edition. 111. [CARLSTADT (A. BODENSTEIN VON).] Von den Empfahern: zeichen: und zusag des heyligenn Sacraments fleysch und bluts Christi. 74 leaves. 4to, boards. Wittenberg: [1521] * A rare edition, unknown to Panzer, Weller and Kuczynski. Riederer, Abhandlungen, 487, No. 35. 112. CATHEDRALS. An Accurate Description and His- tory of the Metropolitan and Cathedral Churches of Canter- bury and York. Folding, full-page and vignette copper-plates of tombs, architecture, Gc. Folio, old calf (binding worn, a few corners stained, not collated): Lond.: W. Sandby, 1755 19 118. CARTWRIGHT (JULIA, Editor). Christ and His Mother in Italian Art. With an Introduction by Robert Hyton. Illustrated with 50 folio photogravure plates. Royal folio, buckram, decorated vellum back, gilt top, uncut. * One of 256 copies printed. Lond. 1897 114. CASAUBON (MERIC). A Treatise concerning En- thusiasme, As it is an Effect of Nature: but is mistaken by © many for either Divine Inspiration, or Diabolical Possession. — 12mo, original sheep (rebacked). Lond.: Printed by R. D., 1655 * First EDITION. Fine copy of this very scarce and curious old work. 115, CAVE (WILLIAM). Antiquitates Apostolice: or, The History of the Lives, Acts and Martyrdoms of the Holy Apostles of Our Saviour, and the Two Evangelists. Full-page and vignette copper-plates of martyrdoms, &c. Folio, old panel calf (frontispiece and folding plate mounted and im- perfect). Lond. 1677 116. CELSUS (A. CORNELIUS). De Medicina Libri octo. Cum Notis integris Joannis Cesarii, Roberti Constan- tini, Jos. Sealigeri, ete. Engraved portrait by Van der Spyk. 8vo, old full calf, rebacked (name on title). Lugd. Batav.: Joh. Arn. Langerak, 1746 117. CEREMONIES. Religious Ceremonies and Customs of the Several Nations of the Known World. Containing the Ceremonies of the Jews, the Catholicks, &. 62 folding and full-page plates designed by Picart and engraved by Du Bose, and vignettes and tail pieces. 2 vols. folio, full morocco, gilt edges (rubbed). Lond. 1731 118. CHAMBERLAYNE (JOHN). The Religious Phi- losopher: Or, the Right Use of Contemplating the Works of » the Creator. 28 folding plates (should be 29). 3 vols. 8vo, panel calf (bindings rubbed). Lond. 1719 119. CHANDLER (WALTER M.). The Trial of Jesus from a Lawyer’s Standpoint. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt tops. N. Y. 1908 * Comprises: The Hebrew Trial and The Roman Trial. 120. CHARLES I. Reliquiz Sacre Caroline. Or, the Works of that Great Monarch and Glorious Martyr King Charles the I. Collected together and digested in order, ac- cording to their Severall Subjects, Civil and Sacred. Frontis- prece and portrait of Prince of Wales. Small 8vo, old calf (hinges worn, frontispiece stained, text trimmed close). Hague: Samuell Browne, 1651 * Scarce. Contains in addition to the first part, Papers between Charles and Alex. Henderson, pp. 149-324; Hicon Basilice, with title dated 1649; and A Perfect Copie of Prayers. 20 121. CHARLES V. Romisch Kaiserlicher Maiestat Caroli des V. Antwort auff Bapst Pauli des III. jungstes ausschrei- ben ein Gemain Concilium, so zu Trient solt gehalten werden belangend. Woodcut coat of arms of the German Empire on title. 10 leaves. 4to, boards. [n. p.] 1643 122. CHARLES V. Romischer Kayserlicher Majestat De- claration wider Hertzog Johans Friderichen Churfiirsten von Sachsen und Landtgraff Philipsen von Hessen. Imperial coat of arms on title. 12 leaves. 4to, boards. Ingolstat: Alexander Weyssenhorn, 1546 * Rare. The imperial proscription against John Frederic of Saxony and Landgrave Philip of Hesse. 123. CHARLOTTE TEMPLE (Rowson). Cinn. 1831; Ras- selas (Johnson). Lond. 1896; Pipe and Pouch (Knight). Bost. [1894]; Anti-Suffrage (Goodwin). N. Y. 1912; and others. 10 vols., various sizes and bindings. 124. CHARP (M.). Histoire Naturelle de l’Ame. Tra- duite de l’Anglois par feu M. H*** de 1’ Academie des Sciences. New edition. 12mo, old calf, gilt back (hinges weak, and name on title). Oxford, 1747 125. CHATEAUBRIAND. Atala. Translated by James Spence Harry. Illustrated by Gustave Doré. Royal 4to, half crimson morocco (rubbed). Lond.: Cassell, n. d. 126. CHEMICAL HISTORY OF A CANDLE (Faraday). N. Y., n. d.; Wonders of the Moon (Guillemin). N. Y. 1878; Heat, a Mode of Motion (Tyndall). N. Y. 1888; Nature and Man (Carpenter). N. Y. 1889; Meteors (Zurcher and Margolle). N. Y. 1876. 5 vols. 12mo, cloth. 127. CHEERFUL YESTERDAY (Higginson). Bost. 1900; The Book-Hunter (Burton). N. Y. 1863; Familiar Forensic View of Man and Law (Warden). Columbus, 1860; and others. 5 vols. 8vo and 12mo, cloth and half leather. 128. CHINESE MANUSCRIPT. . Three folded manu- scripts, containing 20 handsome full-page paintings in gold and colors, representing the customs of the people. 3 vols. of 4to size, bound in padded silk cloth. 129. CHINESE PAINTINGS. Books containing ten Chinese drawings of dancers in costume, all brilliantly colored. The paintings are on thin rice paper and are broken as usual, some of them being fragments only. 130. CHOISEUL CABINET. Recueil d’Estampes gravées d’aprés les Tableux du Cabinet de Mons. le Due de Choiseul. Engraved title, portrat and 128 plates. 4to, boards, roan back (a little rubbed), uncut. Paris, 1771 21 131. CHRONOLOGY. L’Art de Verifier les Dates des Faits Historiques, des Chartes, des Chroniques et autres Anciens Monumens..... avec deux Calendriers Perpetuels, etc., ete. Vignettes. New edition, revised, corrected and en- — larged. Thick folio, contemporary mottled calf (worn). Paris: Chez G. Deprez, 1770 132. CHRYSOSTOMUS (JOHANNES). UHomeliz in Evangelium §. Johannis. Roman character 278 unnumbered leaves, without signatures and catchwords; 33 lines to the page. Initials painted in red. Folio, old calf gilt. Rome: In S. Eusebii monasterio [Georgius Lauer], 1470 * First Epirion. The first production from the press of George Lauer. Several leaves damp-stained, otherwise a fine large copy. The Hoe copy. 133. CHURCHILL (CHARLES). Poems. THirp Epirion. 2 vols. 8vo, old sheep (rubbed, rebacked). | “ay Lond.: J. Churchill, 1766 134. CIACCONIUS. (ALPHONSUS). Colonna Traiana eretta dal Senato, e popolo Romano all’ Imperatore Traiano Augusto nel suo foro in Roma. Illustrated with 119 full-page copper-plates by Pietro Santi Bartolt. Oblong 4to, half morocco (name on title, some pp. stained, and some margins worn). Roma: Giacomo de Rossi, n. d. * A former owner has written the translations of the Italian descriptions of the engravings at the bottom of each plate. 135. CICERO (M. TULLIUS). Opera Philosophica. With. printer’s mark ‘‘le Solitaire’ on each title. 2 vols. 24mo, newly bound in full stamped pigskin, blind tooling (names on titlees). Lued.-Batavor.: Ex Officina Elseviriana, 1642 * Forms a part of Cicero’s works in 10 volumes published by the Elzevir with the same date. 186. CICERO. De Oratore libri III, Orator, De Claris Oratoribus. 8vo, old vellum (small hole in the last few leaves). Venetiis: Aldus, 1559 137. CICERO. Works of Marcus Tullius Cicero, in His- tory, Philosophy and Rhetoric. Translated by Melmoth, Guthrie and Middleton. With a Series of Dissertations from the Academy of Inscriptions. 4 vols. 8vo, half straight-grain morocco (rubbed). Lond., ca. 1760 * Wine set. Vol. 1 consists of Middleton’s Life of Cicero. 138. CICERO. Rhetoricorum libri IIII, De Inventione libri II, Topica, Oratoriae Partitiones, cum ecorrectionibus P. Manutiil. 8vo, boards (old name on title). | Venetiis: Aldus, 1564 189. CICERO. M. T. Ciceronis ad Quintum Fratrem Diologi Tres de Oratore. Animadversiones * * * Theophil. Christoph. Harles. Small 8vo, half red morocco. Norimberge, 1776 22 140. CICERO. M. Tullii Ciceronis Opera. Cum Indicibus et Variis Lectionibus. With the scarce engraved portrait by Sherwin. 10 vols. 4to, boards, parchment backs, leather labels, edges uncut. Oxonii: Clarendon, 1783 s * Elegant edition with wide margins, having the Olivet text with various readings. Contains Rhetoric, Philosophy, Ora- tions, Epistles, and Indices. 141. CICERONIS OPERA. Engraved portrait of Cicero. 9 vols. 12mo, beautifully bound in full straight-grain crimson morocco, full gilt edges, by Roger Payne. Lugd.-Batav.: Ex officina Hlzeviriana, 1642 *Very large and fine copy (5% inches) of the extremely rare Elzevir Cicero. The Syston Park copy, with book-plate in each volume. 142. CLASSICS. Catulli, Tibulli et Propertii. Opera. Lond. 1822; Quinti Horatii Flacci. Opera. Lond. 1822; L. Annaei Flori. Epitome Rerum Romanarum. Lond. 1818; P. Terentiz. Comoediz. Lond. 1819; Cornelii Nepotis. Vite excellentium imperatorum. Lond. 1819. 5 vols. 18mo, half green morocco, uncut (name on half-titles). Lond. 1818-1822 148. CLAVASIO (ANGELUS DE). Summa Angelica. Gothic character, double columns, 50 lines to the page; 6 un- numb., 396 numbered (last by mistake is 369) and 11 un- numb. (in all 413 leaves). 4to, old vellum (inner margins of some leaves a little wormed, otherwise good and sound copy). Hain-Copinger, 5383; Proctor, 4804. : Venetiis: Nicolaus de Franckfordia, 1487 144. CLEMENS (SAMUEL L.). The Innocents Abroad; Roughing It; The Gilded Age. Last volume Firsr EpitiIon. Illustrated. 3 vols. 8vo, original black cloth (worn, and a few margins have slight tears). Hartford: Am. Pub. Co., 1874 145. COCHLEUS (JOHANNES). Ob Sant Peter zu Rom sey gewesen. Antwort auff Martin Lutheri Disputation Ob Sant Peter zu Rom sey gewesen. Durch Doct. Joh. Dieten vertiitsch. 4to, marbled leather. Weller, 2838; Kuezynski, 463. Rars. fn. pl.} 1524 146. COLANGE (LEO DE, Editor). The Picturesque World, or, Scenes in Many Lands. 1000 engravings on steel and wood. 2 vols. 4to, half morocco. Bost. 1881 147. CONFESSIO AUGUSTANA. Confessio Fidei exhibita invictiss. Imp. Carolo V. Caesari Aug. in Comicijs August Anno M.D. XXX. Adita est Apologia Confessionis. 4to, con- temporary German binding, paneled sides, with blind stamped ornamental and historiated borders, in the central panel of the upper cover a gilt portrait of Martin Luther, and in that of the back cover a representation of the Resurrection (upper and lower portion of back and corner worn). Witeberge: Georgius Rhau, 1531 20 148. COOK (CAPTAIN). Voyages round the World (1768-1780), for making discoveries in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres ..... Including Captain Furneaux’s Journal. Illustrated with map and engraved plates (foxed). 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Glasgow, 1807 149. CORVINI (JOHANNIS ARM). Enchiridium, seu Institutiones Imperiales, insertis latioribus materiis, theorice, & practice digestae, & explicatae per erptemata. Editio quinta. Engraved title, and printer’s mark “la Minerve’’ (slightly defaced) on printed title. 18mo, newly bound in full crushed levant morocco, gilt back, and tooled sides, full gilt edges, by Knoll. | Amstelodami: Apud Danielem Elzevirium, 1664 150. COXE (WILLIAM). Travels into Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark. Interspersed with Historical Rela- tions and Political Inquiries. 23 engraved plates and maps, some folding, and 2 small portrait vignettes. 2 vols. 4to, sheep (slightly rubbed). Lond.: J. Nichols for T. Cadell, 1784 * First EDITION. 151. CREIGHTON (MANDELL). Queen Elizabeth. With frontispiece portrait in gold and colors, and numerous — fine photogravure portraits throughout the volume. Royal 4to, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. Lond.: Boussod, Valadon & Co., 1896 * Fine copy, with the text in English, 152, CROKE (SIR GEORGE). Reports of Such Select Cases as were adjudged in King’s Bench and Common Bench, (1) from the 24th to the 45th of Queen Elizabeth; (2) during the whole Reign of King James; (3) the time he [the author] was Judge in either of them. Hach volume with portrait engraved by Vaughan. 3 vols. folio, old calf (covers somewhat worn, one portrait torn, few leaves torn into, con- temporary name on one title). Lond. 1657-61 153. CULPEPER (NICHOLAS). Culpeper’s English Physician and Complete Herbal. To which are now First added, upwards of 100 additional Herbs, with a display of their Medicinal and Occult Properties. Portrait and nwmer- ous engraved plates (some missing). 2 vols. in one, 4to, full ealf (covers loose, pp. stained). Lond.: Printed by W. Lewis, 1813 154. CURTIUS. Q. Curtii Rufi Historiarum libri, accura- tissime editi. Engraved title, map and woodcut. 12mo, con- temporary vellum. lLugd.-Bat.: Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1633 155: CURTIUS (RUFUS QUINTUS). De Rebus Gestis Alexandri Magni. Curavit & digessit Henricus Snakenburg. With finely engraved title by Bleyswyck after Van der My, 24 and numerous full-page plates. 2 vols. 4to, old polished calf, gilt backs. Delphis and Ludg. Batav.: Adrianus Beman et Samuel Luchtmans, 1724. 156. CZECH (DR. FRANZ HERRMANN). Versinnlichte Denk und Sprachlehre. Frontispiece, 72 full-page copper- plate engravings and other illustrations. 2 vols. in one, 4to, boards, leather back (worn). Wien, 1844 * An interesting work on the instruction of the deaf and dumb. ; 157. DASUMONOLOGIA SACRA; or, a Treatise of Satans Temptations. By R. G. 3 vols. in one, square 8vo, old calf, rebacked with morocco (some pp. stained). Lond. 1677 *'The title has been bound up after the table of Contents, and D1 (probably a half title) is wanting. 158. DAFFORNE (JAMES). The Life and Works of Kdward Matthew Ward. Illustrated with steel engravings. 4to, cloth, full gilt edges. Dond,, mid. 159. DANIEL (GABRIEL). Histoire de France, depuis l’etablissement de la Monarchie Francois dans les Gaules, par le Pére G. Daniel, de la Compagnie de Jesus. Nouvelle Hdition, Augmentée de Notes, de dissertations critique & historiques, de l’histoire du regne de Louis XIII, & d’un journal de celui de Louis XIV. Frontispiece, portrait, vi- gnettes, folding copper maps, &c. 17 vols. 4to, old calf, backs silt (a few corners slightly rubbed). Paris, 1755-57 *Fine copy, with wide margins, of the Best Edition of this famous French history. 160. DE BIE (JACQUES). Les vrais Portraits des Rois de France tirez de ce qui nous reste de leurs Monumens, Sceaux, Medailles, ou autres effigies, conseruées dans les plus rares & plus curieux Cabinets du Royaume, au tres Chrestien Roy de France et de Navarre Louis XIII. With 53 engraved por- traits (the remaining portraits, 13, with the accompanying text have been extracted). Folio, old polished calf, rebacked (title and a few preliminary leaves stained). Paris: Chez Jean Camusat, 1636 161. DECRETUM ut omnes Regularium Superiores suos subditos, et Religiosos persepe commoneant de, iniuncta om- nibus observantia, & executione apostolicarum constitutionum et decretorum ad officium SS. Inquisitionis adversus haere- _ticam pravitatem pertinentium nuper editium a SS. D. N. D. Urbano papa octavo, etc. 8vo, vellum. Genuex: 1663 * Scarce and interesting book referring to the office of the Inquisition. 25 162. DE FUNERIBUS ROMANORUM (Kirchmann). (Lacks frontispiece.) Lugd.-Bat. 1672; Dispositio in partes. orationis rhetoric et brevis textus enarratio, Evangeliorum, ete. (Simon Paul). Part 2. Magd. 1578; Patercullus (Vel- leius). Lugd.-Bat. 1668; [also bound in] Corn. Nepotis Vite Excellentium Imperatorum. Lugd.-Bat. 1667. 3 vols., vari- ous sizes and bindings. 163. DELFT. Bremmer (H. P.). Delftsch Aardewerk in het Rijksmuseum te Amsterdam. 97 half-tone plates. Ato, in a portfolio. Amsterdam, 1907 164. DEMOSTHENES. Opera omnia per Hieronymum Wolfium in latinum conversa. 3 parts in one vol. 8vo, half calf (a few leaves mended). Venetiis: 1550-51 165. DEMOSTHENES. The Orations of Demosthenes, pronounced to excite the Athenians against Philip, King of Macedon. Translated by Thomas Leland. Portrait. 12mo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut (stamp on reverse of title). Lond. 1828 166. DEUTSCHE Medicinische Wochenschrift. Herausge- geben von Prof. A. Eulenburg und Dr. Jul. Schwalbe in Ber- lin. Januar 1895 to December 1908. 18 vols. 4to, cloth. : Leipzig, 1895-1908. 167. DEUTSCHE Medizinal Zeitung Januar 1895 to De- cember 1898 ; Berliner Klinische Wochensehrift for 1895, 1896, 1900, 1905-1908. Together 12 vols. 4to, cloth. Berlin, 1895-1908: 168. DEWHURST (WYNFORD). Impressionist Paint- ing, its Genesis and Development. Illustrated with numerous full-page colored and plain reproductions of paintings. First EpiTion. 4to, buckram, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1904 169. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Works of Charles Dickens. Portrait and reproductions of the original alustra- tions by Pliz, Cruikshank, etc. 20 vols. 8vo, half crimson leather, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y.: The Nottingham Society, n. d. 170. DIO CASSIUS. Romanarum Historiarum libri XXV, Ex Guilielmi Xylandri interpretatione. Thick folio, sides of undressed skin, calf back, rebacked (leaves somewhat wormed and top portion lightly water-stained). Excudebat Henricus Stephanus, 1592 * Also bound in: Excerpte Historie ab Joanne Xiphilino. Ex interpretatione Guilielmi Blaneci, a Guilielmi Xylandro- recognita. 1592. 171. DIODORUS SICULUS. The Historical Library of Diodorus the Sicilian, containing the Antiquities of Egypt, Greece, ete., with the Historical Account of the Affairs of the World. To which are added the Fragments of Diodorus from 26 Photius, Valesius, ete. Made English by G. Booth. Maps. Folio, old sheep (worn and pp. foxed). Lond.: Printed by Edw. Jones, 1700 *Charles Pinckney’s copy, with his autograph on inside front cover. 172. DONATUS. Alexandri Donati E Societate Jesu. Roma Vetus Ac Recens. About 90 fine copper-plates, folding maps, &c., of old Roman architecture, and many coins en- ‘graved wm text. 4to, old vellum. * Fine copy. Amstelaedami, 1695 [Campis, 1694] 173. DORE ILLUSTRATIONS. Elaine (Tennyson). N. Y. 1867; Purgatory & Paradise (Dante). N. Y., n. d.; Dante’s Inferno. N. Y., n.d. 3 vols. 4to and folio. 174. DRAWINGS. Modern Pen Drawings: European and American. Edited by Charles Holme. [With literary sketches of the schools of the various countries.] Numerous full-page drawings and vignettes. Small folio, stamped parchment, gilt top, uncut. Only 300 printed. Lond.: The Studio, 1901 175. DURER. Thausing (Moriz). Albert Diirer, sa Vie et ses Giuvres. Traduit de ]’Allemand avec |’autorisation de Auteur, par Gustave Gruyer. Illustrated with 75 engrav- mgs and lithographs. 2 vols. royal 8vo, full levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt tops, uncut. Paris: Librairie de Firmin-Didot et Cie, 1878 * EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 286 portraits, views, and examples of the work of Direr, including plates engraved by Hollar, M. Antonio, Novelli, Coxenius, Hans Burkmair, Cocchi, and others. The plates are inlaid to size, and are in the main very beautiful and brilliant impressions, many of them being ancient copies. 176. DYING SPEECHES and Behaviour of the several State Prisoners that have been Executed the last 300 years. 8vo, old panel calf (rebacked, a few margins stained). Lond. 1720 * Good copy. Scarce. Includes the execution of Sir Thomas More, Mary Queen of Scots, Sir Walter Raleigh, King Charles I, Sir Henry Vane the Younger, and many others. 177. EARLY LAW BOOKS. The Attorney’s Manual. N. Y. 1807; The Attorney’s New Pocket Book and Convey- ancer’s Assistant. 2 vols. Dublin, 1794; Ars Notariatus; or, The Art and Office of a Notary Public. Edinb. 1777; The Law of Attorneys and Solicitors. Dublin, 1791. 6 vols. 16mo and 12mo, ealf. 178. EARLY MEDICAL BOOKS. Practical Observations on the Small Pox, Apoplexy and Dropsy (Tissot). Lond. 1772; Cases of the Epilepsy, Hysteric Fits, and St. Vitus Dance (Andree). Lond. 1746; An Essay on Fevers (Hux- ham). Lond. 1767; and others. 5 vols. 8vo, calf. 27 179. EARLY MEDICAL BOOKS. Prime Line Physio- logie (Haller). Gottinge, 1751; Opera omnia in compendium redacta (Htmulleri). Amst. 1702; Institutiones Pathologie Medicinalis (Gaubio). Leid. Batav. 1763; Treatise on the Human Eye (Degravers). Lond. 1800; The Works of Thomas Sydenham. 2 vols. Lond. 1788. 6 vols. 12mo and 8vo, full and half ealf. 180. EASTMAN (CAPT. S.). Indian Portfolio. 52 full- page steel engravings, illustrating the costumes, games, rites, sports, etc., of the Indians. Folio, half morocco, full gilt edges. Np. os * Plates in fine clean condition; no title or text. 181. EBERS (GEORG) unpn GUTHE (HERMANN). Palastina in Bild und Wort. Illustrated with numerous beautiful steel engravings, besides wood engravings im the text. 2 vols. imp. 4to, cloth, morocco backs, full gilt edges. Stuttgart and Leipzig, 1883 182. ECKIUS (JOHANNES). Quinta pars operum, con- tra Lutherum et alios declamatoria. Title within a fine his-— toriated woodcut border and numerous woodcuts. Folio, con- temporary German binding in oak boards covered with stamped leather (some slight water-stains and ancient mar- ginal notes). Augsburg: Alexander Weyssenhorn, 1533 * The interesting woodcuts are by Hans Seb. Beham. 183. ELLIS (EDWARD 8.). The History of Our Coun- try, from the Discovery of America to the Present Time. Pro- fusely illustrated with full-page and text illustrations. 8 vols. royal 8vo, half leather, gilt tops (rubbed). Only 500 copies printed. Los Angeles [1900] 184. ELZEVIRS. A. Gislenii Busbequii omnia que extant. Lugd.-Batav. 1633; Joh. Fred Gronovii ad L. & M. Annzos Senecas Notz. Amstel. 1658; C. Velleii Paterculi que super- sunt Nicolaus Heinsius. Amstel. 1678. 3 vols. 24mo and smaller, calf and vellum. ; 185. ELZEVIRS. P. Gyllii de Bosporo Thracio, lib. III. Lugd.-Bat. 1632; H. Savilius in Taciti Histor Agricole vitam et Commentarius de Milita Romana. Amst. 1649; Aurelii Prudentii Clementis que exstant Nicolaus Heinsius. Amstel. 1667; Danielis Heinsii Orationum. Amstel. 1657. 4 vols. 24mo and smaller, calf, morocco and vellum. 186. ELZEVIRS, erc. De Prince Patibus Italie. Lugd.- Batayv. 1628; L. Annei Seneca Cordubensis, Philosophi Flores. Antwerp, 1681; De Republica Anglorum (Smith). Lugd.- Batav. 1641; Tragcedie (Seneca). Amst. 1678; Seneca Note (Gronovius). Amst. 1658. 5 vols. 24mo and smaller, various bindings. 28 187. ELZEVIRS. Hispania, sive de Regis Hispaniz Regnis. Lugd.-Bat. 1629; De Regno Danie et Norwe. Lugd.-Bat. 1629; Scripta in Naturali et Universali Philosophia (Bacon). Amst. 1653; Institutiones (Justinian). Amst. 1665; Hlementa Philosophiea de Cive (Hobbes). Amst. 1647; Greeco-Barbara Novi Testamenti. Notis Mart. Petr. Cheitomeus. Amst. 1649; In Claudiana Poemata. Ex emendatione Nicolai Heinsy. Lugd.-Bat. 1650. 7 vols. 24mo and smaller, various bindings. 188. EMERSON (RALPH WALDO). Essays. Second Series. Bost. 1845; English Traits. Bost. 1856. First Ept- TIONS. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth (binding of first volume worn). Bost. 1845-56 189. ENCYCLOPEDIA Britannica. New Werner Edition, with New American Supplement, [and] Baldwin’s Guide to Systematic Reading. 31 vols. 4to, half leather (some slightly rubbed). N. Y. 1903 190. ENGLISH TRAVEL. Oxford (Evlleylove and Thomas) ; Cambridge (Tucker and Matthison) ; The English Lakes (Cooper and Palmer). Each with many colored plates. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops. Lond.: A. & C. Black, 1903-08: 191. ENGRAVING. Schola Italica Artis Pictorix. 40 fine full-page engraved plates by Cunego, Petrint and others after the Italian masters. large folio, cloth, leather back (a few plates a little foxed). Rome, 1806 192. ENGRAVINGS. Treue Abbildungen der EKgyptischen, Griechischen und Romanischen Alterhumer. Engraved plates by Dobler, and others (some plates wanting). Prag, 1819; Collection of Pictures of the Marquis of Stafford. Copper- plate engravings. 9 vols. (should be 10). [1816]; Engraved reproductions (in folio) of celebrated paintings by Rem- brandt, Gainsborough, Rubens, Murillo, and others. In one folio volume. 12 vols., various sizes and bindings. 193. ENGRAVINGS. la Gallerie du Palais du Luxem- bourg. Portrait of Rubens after Van Dyck and 23 full and double-page plates drawn by the Nattiers after Rubens and engraved by Loir, Trowvain, Picart and others. Folio, old diamond ealf, gilt (re-backed, rubbed, a few plate margins slightly stained). Paris, 1710 194. EPICTETUS. Epicteti Enchiridium una cum Cebetis Thebani Tabula Gree. & Lat. Cum Notis Wolfii & aliorum. Abrahamus Berkelius textum. recensuit. &¢. Engraved title and large folding plate. 8vo, full levant morocco, gilt. Delphis Batavorum: G. De Jager, 1683: * Has the Notes of Jacobus Gronovius. 29 195. ERASMUS (DESIDERIUS). Omnia opera quecun- que ipse autor pro suis agnovit, novem tomis distineta, quorum Elenchum sequentes Catalogi perspicue exhibebunt ex quibus hice. 9. vols. in 6, very thick folio, bound in contemporary stamped vellum, with paneled border on covers, an outer border having ecclesiastical figures. Dated 1544. . Clasps wanting. Basil: per Hieronymum Frobenium, 1540 * A very desirable copy of this beautifully PEE Sdsiay, a few pages only being slightly stained. 196. ERASMUS ROTERODAMUS. Paraphrasis oder Postilla Teutsch, d. i. klare Ausslegung aller Euangelischen vn Apostolischen schrifften des Neuwen Testaments’... erstlich in Latin beschreiben, nachmals trewlich verteutschet (durch Leo. Jud). With 148 fine woodcuts and printer’s mark. Folio, contemporary pig-skin binding (name on title, some worm- holes). Ziirich, Chr. Froschower, n. d. [1521] 197. ERASMUS ROTERODAMUS. Enchiridion de milite Christiano. Tvtle in red and black within an ornamental woodcut border. 4to, half cloth. Light water-stains. Proctor, 11539: Leipzig: Valentinus Schumans, 1515 198. ERASMUS ROTERODAMUS. Lucubrationes (En- ehiridion militis Christiani, Disputatio de tedio et de pavore Christi, ete.). Trtle within an historiated woodcut border divided mn compartments, representing various sants. Ato, vellum, marginal notes by a contemporary hand. Argentorati: Matthias Schurer, 1516 199. ERASMUS ROTERODAMUS. Ein fast nutzlich uslegung des ersten psalmen Beatus Vir (deutsch von Leo Jud). Woodcut on title representing King David wm prayer. 4to, boards. Kuezynski, 711. Rarz. Basel: Adam Petri, 1520 200. ERASMUS ROTERODAMUS. Ein nutzliche under- wisung eines Christenlichen fiirsten wol zu’regieren (deutsch durch Leo Jud). Woodcut portrait of Emperor Charles V beneath the title, which 1s surrounded by a historiated border. Ato, boards. Scarce. Kuezynski, 736; Weller, 1763. Ziirich: Christophorus Froschouer, 1521 201. ERASMUS ROTERODAMUS. Adversus febricitan- tis cuiusdam libellum responsio. S8vo, vellum. RaARgs. Basilew: [J. Frobenius] 1529 202. ERASMUS ROTERODAMUS. Purgatio adversus epistolam non sobriam Martin Luteri. 8vo, boards. Colonize, Eucharius Cervicornus, 1534 * Scarce and interesting item referring to the quarrels be- tween Luther and Erasmus. . 203. ETHNOLOGY. Annual Reports of the Bureau of Ethnology. First (1879-80) to Eighteenth (1896-97) with duplicate of 6th report, and Bulletins 48, 44 and 47. 24 vols. imp. 8vo and 8vo, cloth (one in sheep). . Wash., v. d. 30 204. HUROPE. Norway (Jungman); Belgium (Forestier .e and Omond); Holland (Jungman). Lach illustrated with ‘amany colored plates. 3 vols. large 8vo, cloth, gilt tops (small \y tear in one binding). Lond.: A. & C. Black, 1904-08 205. HUROPE. Northern Spain (Wigram) ; The Lake of yy Geneva (Gribble); Rome. By Pisa, Turner and Malleson. 1, Jo: with many colored plates. 3 vols. large 8vo, cloth, gilt |» *% tops. Lond.: A. & C. Black, 1905-09 Lx 206. KUROPEAN TRAVEL. The Riviera (William Seott); The Alps (Conway and McCormack); The Italian y Lakes (DuCane and Bagot). Hach volume with many colored \x plates. 3 vols. large 8vo, cloth, gilt tops. Lond.: A. & C. Black, 1904-8 / 207. EVANGELIA que consueto more dominicis et aliis od Festis diebus in Eeclesia leguntur. Colonia, 1555; Savonarola. >» Dialogus cui titulus solatium itineris mei. Venetiis, 1537. 2 / vols. 12mo and 32mo, pigskin and vellum. (Both imperfect.) 208. EVANGELINE. Illustrated by Birket Foster (Long- fellow). Lond. 1850; The Continental Tourist. Belgium and * Nassau. Lond., n. d.; Anatomy of Expression (Bell). Lond. 1847; Spanish Pictures drawn with Pen and Pencil. Lond., n. d.; Rivers of France (Turner). Lond. 1837. Illustrated. 5 vols. 4to and smaller, cloth and boards. 209. EXACT COLLECTION (An) of all Remonstrances, Declarations, Votes, Orders, Ordinances, Proclamations, Peti- nf tions, Messages, Answers, and other Remarkable Passages / between the Kings most excellent Majesty, and his High Court of Parliament 1641-1643. 4to, full old calf, rebacked (name stamp on title and margin brittle). Lond.: Printed for Edward Husbands, and others, 1648 210. FABLES. Sinryke Fabulen. Hngraved title and 100 ( fine vignette engravings on copper, including a dance of death. 4to, vellum (slightly shaken). ral Amsterdam: By Hieronymus Sweerts, 1685. * Clean copy, with brilliant impressions of the plates. 211. FABRICIUS (JO. ALBERT). Bibliographia Anti- quaria. Editio secunda, auctior, & indice duplici rerum scrip- y torumque locupletata. Engraved frontispiece. Small 4to, \ . old calf (worn, name on title, and small worm-hole in mar- gins). Hamburg et Lipsix, 1716 4 212. FAMOUS COMPOSERS and their Works. Edited by “y John Knowles Paine, Theodore Thomas and Karl Klauser. \ ¢ Numerous portraits, facsimiles, music, etc. 2 vols. 4to, half morocco, full gilt edges. Bost. [1891] 31 213. [FELTHAM (OWEN).] Resolves. The eighth im- pression, with New & Severall other Additions both in Prose and Verse. Engraved title by Vaughan. Small folio, old ealf, rebacked and worn (some top margins stained). Lond.: Printed for Anne Seile, 1661 * Bound in at the end are: Lusoria; and A Brief Character of the Low-Countries under the States. 214. FENNING (D.), COLLIER (J.), and others. A New System of Geography ; or, a General Description of the World. With a new and accurate set of maps by the best Geographers and copper-plate views, etc. 2 vols. folio, newly bound in half brown calf (pp. stained, and one or two maps slightly torn; name on titles). Lond. 1764 * First EDITION. 215. FERDINAND I. Keysers Ferdinandi Newe Muntz- ordnung Sampt Valvirung der Gilden und Silberin Muntzen, und darauff erfolgtem Keyserlichen Edict zu Augspurg alles im Jar M. D. LIX. auffgericht unnd beschlossen. Folio, vel- lum. Meyntz: Fr. Behem, 1559 *A rare and interesting decree in regard to the issue of coins. 216. FERRERA (JHAN DE). Histoire Generale D’Es- pagne, Traduite de L’Espagnol. Enrichie de Notes histor- iques & critiques, &c., par M. D’Hermilly. Frontispiece, vignettes and folding maps. 10 vols. 4to, old calf (rubbed, some vols. sightly water-stained, one a little shaken). Paris, 1751 217. FICTION. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Stevenson). N. Y., n. d.; The Firm of Girdlestone (Doyle). N. Y., n. d.; The Choir Invisible (Allen). N. Y. 1897; and others. 23 vols. 12mo, cloth. 218. FIDDES (RICHARD). Life of Cardinal Wolsey. With four portraits on copper, of Wolsey and Cuthbert Ton- stal by Fourdrimer, and of Fox and the Author, by Vertue, and three plates. Folio, old calf (rebacked). Lond.: Printed for John Barber, 1724 -* First Epirion. With the bookplate of Sidney Godolphin. A very crisp copy. Lowndes gives the date as ‘‘1724 or 1726.’’ 219. FIELDING (T. H.). The Theory and Practice of Painting in Oil and Water-Colours for Landscape and Por- traits. Illustrated with plain and colored plates (some loose). 8vo, cloth. Lond.: Bogue, 1854 220. FIGARO ILLUSTRE. From Jan. 1896 to Dec. 1901, inclusive (irregular). Numerous beauteful illustrations, in- cluding colored plates. 2 vols. folio, half morocco, original wrappers bound in. Paris, v. d. 32 17 \ a! / ') Ze 221. [FLACCIUS ILLYRICUS (M.).] Bulla des Anti- christs, dadurch er das volek Gottes widderumb inn den eisern ofen der Hgiptyschen gefengknis denckt zuziehen, gleichstim- mig mit des Meintzischen Rabsakesbriefe. 16 leaves (last blank). 4to, boards. Rare. Fine copy. Magdeburg: Christian Rodinger, 1550 222. [FLACCIUS ILLYRICUS (M.).] Ein rechter lester- iger Rabsakesbrieff geschrieben von einem Bischoff an einen Christlichen Fursten. 4to, vellum. [Magdeburg:] 1549 * A rare and interesting pamphlet referring to the so-called adiaphoristic controversy which broke out within the Protestant Church, 223. FLORENCE GALLERY. Tableaux, Statues, Bas- reliefs et Camées, de la Galerie de Florence et du Palais Pitti. Dessinés par M. Wicar, Peintre, et gravés sous la direction de M. Lacombe. 838 vols. atlas folio, half calf, uncut (one or two plates stained, and a few margins slightly “worn); | Paris: Lacombe, 1789 * One of the few copies printed on ‘‘ Papier-vélin speveas de Johannot d’Annonay.’’ This work, usually in four volumes, has been rebound in three, and is complete with beautiful im- pressions of the 200 copperplates, containing over 400 subjects. 224. FLORUS (L. A.). Cum notis integris Cl. Salmasii et selectissimis variorum accurante 8S. M. D. C. Additus etiam L. Ampelius. Hngraved title (name on margin). 12mo, vellum. Amstelodami: Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1660 225. FRANCK (SEBASTIAN). Das Verbuthschiert mit siben Sigeln verschlossen Buch, das recht niemandt auffthun, verstehen oder lisenkan, dann das Lamb.und die mit dem Thaw bezeichnet das Lam angehoren, sampt einer Vorred von den siben Sigeln, ete. Title in red and black and curious large woodcut beneath. Folio, half vellum. Pfortzheym: Georg Raben, 1559 * Good eopy of this rare mystical book. Goedeke, II, p. 14, no. 33. 226. FRANKAU (JULIA). Eighteenth Century Colour 4 Prints: An Essay on certain Stipple Engravers and their ie Work in Colour. Illustrated with 52 characteristic pictures printed in monochrome, and one in colours. Together with volume containing 50 PROOF wmpressions of the plates, printed in colors on India paper. 2 vols. folio, full dark blue crushed levant morocco, with an elaborate design containing roses, lilies, hearts, with scrolls and traceries, gold-tooled inside borders, doublures and flies of lavender water silk, gilt tops, uncut, by Morrell. Lond. 1900 * A SUMPTUOUS WORK, OF WHICH ONLY 60 COPIES WERE PRINTED similar to the above. The extra plates, usually ap- pearing in portfolio, have been specially bound to match the volume of text. The Borden copy. 33 227. FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). Works, consisting of His Life, written by Himself. Together with Humorous, Moral and Literary Essays * * * Several not in any American Edition. Portrmt of Franklin engraved by P. R. Maverick. 16mo, old sheep (hinges cracked). N. Y.: E. Duyckinek, 1807 228. FRENCH ART. Viardot (Louis). Masterpieces of French Art. Numerous full-page photogravure and other plates. 2 vols. 4to, half morocco. Philaa me, 229. FRENCH FICTION. Madame Bovary (Flaubert). Paris, 1880; La Femme de Feu (Belot). Paris, 1880; Nono (Rachilde). Paris, 1885; and others. 12 vols. 12mo, half cloth. Paris, wed. 230. FRENCH PAINTING. Salon de 1872, 1873. 139 full- page Photographs. 2 vols. folio, cloth, morocco backs. Paris: Goupil & Cie, 1872-1873 231. FRENCH REVOLUTION (Carlyle). 2 vols. N. Y., n.d. History of the Nineteenth Century (Emerson). 3 vols. N. Y. 1901; Past and Present (Carlyle). Lond., n. d.; Travels in Egypt, Arabia Petrea (Olin). 2 vols. N. Y. 1848. 8 vols. 12mo, cloth. ea 232. FRORIEP (ROBERT). Klinische Kupfertafeln, vorziiglich auf deren Diagnostik und pathologische Anatomie. “With 72 copperplate engravings, mostly in colors. 4to, boards. 2 Weimar, 1828 233. GALENUS. Opera omnia. 5 vols. folio, full ealf, gilt backs (some hinges weak; one blank leaf in vol. one want- ing’). : Venetiis: In edibus Aldi, et Andrew Asulani Soceri, 1525 * From the library of Robert Lenox Kennedy, with his book- plate. 234. GALLERY OF LANDSCAPE PAINTERS. Com- prising 24 illustrations of American Scenery by Snullie, Ninshelwood, and others after Inness, Hart, Momberger, etc. Folio, cloth (back strip damaged), full gilt edges. N. Y. 1872 235. GALLONIO (ANTONIO). Trattato degli instrumenti di martirio e delle varie maniere di martoriare usate da’ gentili contro christiani. With 47 fine plates of scenes of martyrdoms, methods of torture, instruments used, etc., en- graved on copper by Antonio Tempesta. 4to, contemporary vellum (some slight spots and 2 or 3 plain corners a little torn). Roma, 1591 * First Epirion: highly prized on account of the original impressions of the plates. 236. GALT (JOHN). The Life and Studies of Benjamin © West, prior to his arrival in England. Compiled from materials furnished by himself. First AMERICAN EDITION. Svo, half roan (rubbed, and pp. time-stained). Phila. 1816 34 » ad 23/7. GARDINER (SAMUEL RAWSON). Oliver Crom- well. Frontispiece portrait in colors after Robert Walker, and numerous fine full-page and text photogravure portraits and illustrations, all in duplicate. 4to, full light-blue crushed levant morocco, sides and back gilt with arms of Common- wealth, laurel, &c., borders inside and out tooled in acorns _and scrolls, gilt top, uncut, bound by Zaehnsdorf. Lond.: Goupil, 1899 *Limited Edition of only 350 copies printed entirely on Japan paper. 238. GARDNER (JAMES). Faiths of the World: An Ac- count of the Religions and Religious Sects, Their Doctrines, Rites, &. Many fine engravings. 2 vols. thick royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges. Edinb., ca. 1850 239. GEOGRAPHISCHE Charakterbilder (Grube). Leip- zig, 1871; Oesers Weltgeschichte (Weber). Leipzig, 1861; Swedenborgs Philosophie (Oetinger). Frankfurt, n. d.; Fiunf Bucher Klassicher Prosa (Hauser). Leipzig, 1862; and others. 22 vols., various sizes and bindings (one paper). v. p. and dates 240. GERMAN FICTION. Der Thronfolger (Wolzogen). Stuttgart, 1892; Deutsche Nationalliterature (Gottschal). Breslau, 1875; Auferstehung (Tolstoi). Stuttgt. 1900; and others. 15 vols., various sizes and bindings. v. p. and v. d. 241. GERMAN MUSIC. Berliner Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung. Redigirt von A. B. Marx. Numerous engraved music scores. 1824 to 1830. 7 vols. 4to, boards. * The first seven years issued. Berlin, 1824-1830 242. GERMAN MUSIC. Neue Zeitscrift fiir Musik. Janu- ary 1865 to January 1871. 7 vols. 4to, boards, leather backs (rubbed). Leipzig, 1865-1871 243. GEROME (JHEAN-LEON). Collection of reproduc- tions of the works of Gerome. Illustrated with numerous fine Goupil photogravures on Japan paper. 10 portfolios as issued (not collated), cloth, each section with original wrappers as issued. [N. Y. 1881] 244. GIANNONE (PIERRE). Histoire Civile du Royaume de Naples. Avee de Nouvelles Notes, Reflexions, & Medailles fournies par l’Auteur. Title vignettes (portrait wanting). Vols. 1 and 2:only. 2 vols. 4to, contemporary mottled calf. A la Haye: Chez Pierre Gosse & I. Beauregard, 1742 245. GIBBON (EDWARD). Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Frontispreces. 6 vols. 12mo, cloth. N. Y., ca. 1900 246. GIBSON (CHARLES DANA). A Widow and her Friends: Sketches and Cartoons; The Social Ladder. Jllus- trations. 3 vols. oblong 4to, boards, cloth backs. N. Y., v. d. 39 os € 247. GLORIE de gli Incogniti, o vero gli huomini illustri dell’Accademia de’ Signori Incogniti di Venetia. Hngraved frontispiece, device of the Academy, and 106 fine portraits engraved on copper, representing the most distinguished Italian literary men of the period. 4to, old vellum (some water-stains, some leaves mended and old writing on title). Venetia: 1647 248. GODEAU (ANTOINE). Les Tableaux de la Peni- tence. Hngraved title and 22 engraved plates. 12mo, con- temporary calf (corners a little chipped). Paris: Chez Nicolas Pepie, 1711 249. [GODWIN (THOMAS).|] Romanz Historie An- thologia recognita & aucta. An English Exposition of the Roman Antiquities: wherein many Roman and English Offices are parallel’d and divers obscure Phrases explain’d. Revised and corrected. Small 4to, old calf (rebacked, some pp: stained, and words underlined in ink here and there). Lond.: Printed for R. Chiswell, 1689 250. GOETHE (JOHANN WOLFGANG VON). - Reinike Fuchs. Engraved title, 36 copper-plates, 25 woodcuts, etc., by Rk. Rahn and A. Schleich after Wilhelm von Kaulbach. 4to, half morocco, gilt edges (rubbed and some margins spotted). Miinchen, 1846 251. GOLNITZ (ABRAHAM). Compendium Geographi- eum. Engraved title. 12mo, old vellum. Amstelodami: L. Elzevir, 1649 * Pages 268-278 relate to America. 252. GOLTZIUS (HUBERTUS). Opera Numismatica. Cesar, sive Historie Imperatorum Cesarumque Romanorum. 1563; Fastos Magistratum et Triumphorum Romanorum. 1566; Cesar Augustus sive Historie Imperatorum Cesar- umque Romanorum. 1574; Sicilia et Magna Grecia sive His- torie Urbium et Populorum Greciew ex Antiquis Numismati- bus. 1576. Engraved title-pages and fine wmpressions of the numerous nunismatic plates. 4 vols. folio, Ancient Dutch vellum, gilt stamped covers, full gilt edges (one hinge eeaeked ? and_in—yelone, small hole-inlast_l +. from title.) Brugis Flandrorum, 1563-1576 * Original and best editions of all the volumes. The Sunder- land copies. . 253. GRAEVIUS. Thesaurus Antiquitatum Romanarum. Congestus a Joanne Georgio Graevio. Numerous fine copper- plate maps and plans, coin plates, views, antiquities, ruims, architectural plates, Gc. 12 vols. folio, old calf, gilt. Lugduni Batavorum: Franciscum Halman, 1694-99 * First EDITION. 36 = ee, —— i od a q 3 -= ae, 254. GREEK LITERATURE. Beitrage zu der Lehre von den Griechischen Pripositionen (Mommsen). Berlin, 1895; Das Verbum der Griechischen Sprache (Curtius). Leipzig, . 1876; Studien des Alphabets (Kirchoff). Berlin, 1877; and others. 10 vols. 8vo, various bindings and dates. 255. GREENLAND: [Vries (S. de).] Ausfiihrliche Beschreibung des teils bewohnt theils unbewohn so genannten Gronlands ete. ..., Mit ausftigung des Tagebuchs die Durch- fahrt zwischen Gronland und America. Frontispiece (slightly torn and mounted) and 2 maps. Small 4to, boards. Nurnberg: Riegels, 1679 *Scarce. These voyages to Greenland, to investigate whether there was a passage to East India through the Hudson Straits, and containing short descriptions of the manners and condi- tions of the inhabitants, etc.; by J. Monnick, Forbisser and Lindenau. 256. GREENWOOD (THOMAS). Cathedra Petri. A Political History of the Great Latin Patriarchate. . 6 vols. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1856 257. GRIMESTON (EDWARD). A Generall Historie of the Netherlands. With the Genealogie and memorable Acts of the Earls of Holland, Zeeland, and west-Friesland, from Thierry of Aquitaine the first Earle, successively unto Philip the third King of Spaine. Hngraved title and copper-plate portraits in the text. Folio, contemporary calf, rebacked with morocco (hole in title repaired, and one leaf wanting). Lond.: Printed by A. Islip and G. Eld, 1609 258. GROTIUS (HUGO). H. Grotii et aliorum Disserta- tiones de studiis instituendis. Engraved title. 12mo, original vellum. Amsterodami: Apud L. Elzevirium, 1645 * This volume contains the very curious and interesting trea- tise ‘‘Bibliographia Politica’’ by Gabriel Naude. First ELZEVIR EDITION. 259. GROTIUS (HUGO). Epistole ad Gallos, Nune pri- mum edite. Title in red and black, with printer’s mark, ‘‘le Solitaire.’’ 24mo, vellum. Lugd.-Batav.: Ex officina Elzeviriorum, 1648 * First ELZEVIR EDITION. 260. GRYNAEUS (SIMON). Die New Welt der land- schaften unnd Insulen so bis hieher allen Altweltbeschrybern unbekant. (Lacks title and last preliminary leaf.) VERY MALL BLACK LETTER. Folio, old calf (worn, margins of some 9 /leaves torn, and a few leaves loose). iy Strazburg: Georgen Ulricher, 1534 * Bound in with the foregoing, is the VERY RARE SECOND EDITION of: SEBASTIAN FRANCK’sS ‘‘Weltbuch spiegel und j(° bildtnis des gantzen Erdtbodens.’? 1542. This latter work is but is entirely reprinted. The last chapter, covering 55 pages, relates wholly to America. Pages stained, and some torn. Black Letter. not, as Harrisse says, ‘‘only a new issue of the first edition’’ | 37 — 261. GUARINI (GIOVANNI BATTISTA). Le Berger fidelle. Traduit de l’Italien en vers Francois. Hngraved title and plates by Blotel after Webber. 24mo, original vel- lum (slight tear in one’margin). Cologne: chez Pierre du Marteau, 1671 * A beautiful edition, with the Italian text in italics. The translation is by 1’Abbe de Torche. 262. GUIZOT (M.) anp DE WITT (MADAM GUIZOP). The History of France from the Earliest Times to 1848. . Translated by Robert Black. Illustrations. 8 vols. 12mo, cloth. N.YG * Library Edition. ‘ : 268. GUZMAN (PIERRE). La Villa Imperiale de Tibur (Villa Hadriana). With Preface by Gaston Boissier. Illus- trated with etchings, heogravure plates and over 600 ilustra- tions in the text. 4to, three-quarter crimson levant morocco, oilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Paris, 1904 264. HAIN (LUDOVICI). Repertorium Bibliographicum, in quo lbri omnes ab arte Typographica Inventa usque ad annum MD. 4 vols. 8vo, half brown morocco (rubbed), uneut. Stuttgartie, 1826-1838 * Very searce. Printed on bluish paper. The Hames copy; in unusually clean condition. 265. HALL (8. C., Editor). The Vernon Gallery of British Art. Illustrated with numerous fine steel engravings of celebrated paintings. Series 1-4. 4 vols. folio, cloth, full gilt edges. Lond.: Virtue, 1850-1854 * In fine clean condition. 266. HAMEL (MAURICE). - Corot et son Giuvre. With 100 fine reproductions of the paintings of Corot, mounted on / cardboard, with tissue titles. 2 vols. 4to, board portfolios, text in original wrappers as issued. Paris: Goupil & Cie, 1905 * Scarce. Very few copies of this work have been offered at auction. 267. HAMERTON (PHILIP GILBERT). The Graphic Arts. A Treatise on the varieties of Drawing, Painting, and Engraving in comparison with each other and with nature. Illustrated with numerous etchings, engravings, etc., after Diirer, Holbein, Titian, Raphael, Veronese, and others. Folio, vellum, uncut. N. Y.: Maemillan, 1882 * LARGE PAPER COPY. 268. HAMERTON (PHILIP GILBERT). Landscape. With original etchings and many illustrations from Pictures and Drawings. Folio, parchment, uncut. Lond. 1885 * LARGE PAPER COPY OF THE First EpITION. The Henry W. Poor copy, with his book-plate. 38 j j : 269. HANWAY (JAMES). Virtue in Humble Life: Con- taining .... Anecdotes of the Living and the Dead, ete. | * Engraved frontispieces. First Epirion. 2 vols. 8vo, con- 4 temporary polished calf (worn, one cover loose, and name stamps on titles). Lond.: Dedsley, 1774 ? 270. HARMONY of the Bible with Science (Kinns). N. Y., / n. d.; Scenes in the Life of the Saviour (Griswold). Phila. — 1846; Epitome of General Ecclesiastical History (Marsh). 4) N . Y. 1841; and another one. 4 vols., various sizes and bind- ings. - 271. [HARPER (REV. T.).] The Lives and Sufferings of the Glorious Martyrs during the Reign of Queen Mary. With an account of the Bartholomew Massacre in France and the te Great Persecution under Louis the Fourteenth. Illustrated vy with 23 copper-plate engravings. Ato, old calf (joints weak). SCARCE. Lond. [abt. 1790] 272. HARRINGTON (JAMES). The Oceana of James Harrington, and his other Works, Som[e| whereof are nor first publish’d from his own Manuscripts. The whole Col- ee lected, Methodiz’d, and Review’d, with an Exact Account of \ his Life Prefix’d by John Toland. Hngraved frontispiece by Vander Gucht, and other plates. Folio, old calf, rebacked (name stamp on title). Lond. 1700. * According to Hume, this is the only valuable model of a commonwealth that has ever been offered to the public. 273. HARVEY (WILLIAM). Exercitationes de Genera- » tione Animalium. Engraved title, and printer’s mark, ‘‘la oy J Minerve,”’ on title. .12mo, vellum. \y Amstelodami: Apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1651 * The only Elzevir edition. 274. HATHAWAY (BENJAMIN). The League of the Iroquois, and other Legends. From the Indian Muse. Por- trav. 12mo, cloth. Chicago, 1882 us 275. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). Fanshawe and { other Pieces. Bost. 1876; Doctor Grimshaw’s Secret. Bost. ay 1883; The Blithedale Romance. Bost. 1852. First EpITIons. % | eee vols. 18mo and 12mo, cloth. Bost., v. d. ’ First Issue of the First Epirion. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Bost. 1860 277. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). French and Italian Journals: 2 vols. Bost. 1872; Passage from American Note- * Books. 2 vols. Bost. 1868. First Eprrions. 4 vols. 12mo, \ cloth. Bost. 1868-1872 39 &) 276. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). The Marble Faun. 278. HEATH (JAMES). A Chronicle of the Late In- testine War in the Three Kingdoms of England, Seotland and Ireland. To which is added, A Continuation to this present year 1675. By J. P[hilips.] Folio, half morocco (no sig- nature ‘‘B,’’ title and a few leaves repaired). | Lond.: J. C. for Thomas Basset, 1676 279. HEBREW SCROLL. Megiloth Esther (The Book of Esther and Haman). Written in Hebrew on vellum. XVIII Century 280. HELIODORUS. Historie Aethiopice libri decem, srece. EpITIO PRINCEPS. 4to, vellum. Hach line of the dedication by the editor V. Obsopoeus to the Nuremberg Senate crossed with black ink, probably by the Inquisition. Basilee: I. Hervagius, 1534 281. HERMAPHRODITES. Description de 1l’Isle des Hermaphrodites. Nouvellement decouverte .... Pour servir de Supplement au Journal de Henri III. Engraved frontis- piece. 12mo, contemporary calf, gilt back (name on title). Cologne: Chez les Heritiers de Herman Demen, 1724 282. HERODOTUS Halicarnasseus. Historiarum Lib. LX, IX Musarum nominibus insecripti. Eiusdem Narratio de vita Homeri. Editio Secunda. With 4 folding plates at end (one torn). Thick folio, stamped pigskin (worn, and clasps want- ing, writing on title and some pp. stained). Excudebat Henricus Stephanus, 1592 283. HERODOTUS. Herodoti Halicarnassensis Historia. — Ex Editione Jacobi Gronovii. Greek and Latin texts. 9 - vols. 16mo, old calf (hinges rubbed). Glasgow: Foulis Press, 1761 * Marquis Townshend’s copy, with his book-plate in first volume and book-label in each of the others. 284. HERVETUS (GENTIANUS). Orationes. Plutarchi opusculum Latinum factum. 8vo, full red morocco, gilt. Lugduni: Joannes Barbous, 1536 * A rare and curious book. Contains: ‘‘de radenda Barba,’’ ‘“de alenda Barba,’’ ‘‘de vel radenda vel alenda Barba,’’ ete. 985. HIERONYMUS (S.). Epistole et tractatus. Roman character, 52 lines to the page: Vol. I, 254 leaves; Vol. II, 330 leaves; Signatures. With 3 dluminated initials, the others m red or blue. 2 vols. folio, maroon pigskin gilt. Parme: [Andrea Portilia] 1480 * Fine specimen of early Italian printing. Marginal notes by contemporary hands. Hain-Copinger, 8557; Proctor, 6857. 286. HIERONYMUS (8.). Epistole et tractatus. Roman character, 55 lines to the page. 3 parts bound in one vol. thick folio, contemporary German binding in oak boards and half pigskin (title of part I, containing woodcut on the back, missing). Hain-Copinger, 8566. . Basile: Nicolaus Kesler, 1497 40 p ee \5 Ys ~ (~- k rf 2 48 all 287. HILDEBRANDT (ED.). Die Reise um die Erde. 34 chromolithographs by the author. In a cloth portfolio (worn). Berlin, n. d. 288. HILL (W. HENRY, ARTHUR F., anp ALFRED E.). Antonio Stradivari. His Life and Work (1644-1737)... With an Introductory Note by Lady Higgins. With numerous il- lustrations, many of which are in color. Royal 8vo, half green calf, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1902 289. HISTORIE des Ouden en Nieuwen Testaments. Wath over 400 fine engravings by Goerce, Picard, Elliger, etc., and maps. 2 vols. folio, old calf, gilt backs. * Fine, large copy. Amsterdam: Mortier, 1700 290. HISTORISCHE-GENEALOGISCHER Kalender for 1801. Berlin [1800]; Bernhardi Bauhausii et Balduini Cabil- lavi. Epigrammata. Ant.: Elz. 1634; Marci Antonini. De seipso & ad seipsum. Libri XII. Oxon. 1680; L. Anneus Florus. Cl. Salmasius addidit Lucium Ampelium. Amst.: Elz. 1644. 4 vols. 24mo and smaller, various bindings. 291. HOGARTH (WILLIAM). The Works of William ‘Hogarth, from the Original plates restored by James Heath, with the addition of many subjects not before collected. With a Biographical Essay by John Nichols. Portract engraved by Benj. Smith and 116 folio plates, containing from one to six separate engravings. Atlas folio, half crimson levant mo- roceo, gilt back. Lond.: Printed for Baldwin and Cradock, n. d. * In a pocket at the end are the three suppressed plates. 292. HOLBEIN DRAWINGS. Facsimiles of Original Drawings by Hans Holbein, for the Portraits of Illustrious Persons of the Court of Henry VIII. Engraved by Francis Bartolozzi. With Notices by Edmund Lodge. Nwmerous tinted plates. 4to, half red morocco, gilt edges. Lond. 1884 293. HOLLAND (HENRY). Travels in the Ionian Isles, Albania, Thessaly, Macedonia, etc., during the years 1812 and 1813. Illustrated with engraved map and 12 copper-plate engravings. 4to, sprinkled calf, rebacked (some pp. foxed). Lond.: Longmans, 1815 294. HOLME (CHARLES, Editor). English Water- Colour. Illustrated with reproductions of drawings by em- nent Painters. Introduction by Frederick Wedmore. In the four original parts as issued, in board covers, with ties. * 32 of the plates are in color. N. Y. 1902 295. HOLMES (RICHARD R.). Queen Victoria. Illus- trated with frontispiece portrait in gold and colors and numer- ous fine photogravure portraits, facsimiles, etc. Royal 4to, half light blue crushed levant morocco, gilt back, the Royal arms stamped in gold on front cover, gilt top, uncut. Lond.: Boussod, Valadon & Co. 1897 * Fine copy, with the text in English. 41 296. HOMER. Wood (Robert). An Essay on the Original Genius and Writings of Homer: with a Comparative View of the Ancient and Present State of the Troade. Portrait, plates and vignettes, engraved by Bartolozzi and others. First Ept- TION. 4to, old calf (rebacked and strengthened at edges). Lond.: H. Hughs. 1776. 297. HONIGER (NICOLAUS, VON TAUBER KONIG- SHOFFEN). Von der Tiurken geschichten und Thaten,. Leben, Sitten, Aberglauben und von der Turkischen Kaisern. With numerous woodcut vignettes in the text. Small folio, bound in contemporary vellum leaf from an antiphony. (Lacks title, imperfect at end, several leaves repaired, affect- ing the text). Basel, 1575. * An early description of the life, reign, religion, ete... ., of the Turks. With very interesting woodcut illustrations in four parts; also Mohammed described by Cnustinum Weylandt. 298. HOOFT (P. C.). Neederlandsche Histoorien, Sedert de ooverdraght der Heerschappye van Kaizar Karel den Vysden, op Kooning Philips zynen zoon. Engraved title. Folio, vellum. Amsterdam: Louys Elzevier, 1642; Vervolgh ~ der Neederlandsche Historien, Sedert Het ooverlyden van Prins Willem, tot het einde der Landtvooghdyschap des Graaven van Leicester. Folio, vellum (name on title). Amsterdam: Joan Blaeu, 1654. 2 vols. * Fine, large copies. 299. [HOOGSTRATENS (J. V.. AND OTHERS).] Min- nezangen Kusjes Drinkliedern, en andere op verscheide Stoffen op de aangenaamste, meest bekende en bekwaamste Wyzen. 28 etched portrmts. 12mo, old calf (worn). Gouda: Kloppenburg, 1710 * A book of wit and humor. Contains also the mirror of the most celebrated courtesans. 300. HORA® Beatz Marie Virginis, cum calendario. Manu- script on vellum written in Gothic character red and black, executed in the North-East of France in the second half of the 15th century. 133 leaves. ORNAMENTED WITH 7 FINE LARGE MINIATURES surrownded by elegant borders composed of leaves, flowers and fruits painted in gold and colors, 5 similar borders and hundreds of large and smaller illuminated initials. Small 4to, old calf gilt (rebacked and one clasp missing’). See. XV * The miniatures represent: 1. The Annunciation; 2. The Crucifixion; 3. The Nativity; 4. The Penance of David; 5. Sufferings of Job; 6. The Mass of St. Gregory; 7. A Lady praying before the Virgin and Child. 301. HORA! Beate Marize Virginis, cum ealendario. Manu- script on vellum written in elegant Gothic characters red and black, executed in England about the middle of the 15th cen- 42 : tury. 77 leaves. ORNAMENTED WITH 6 FINE FLORAL BORDERS AND LARGE INITIALS delicately painted wm gold and colors, be- sides hundreds of smaller alluminated wmitrals. 4to, olive levant morocco, gilt paneled sides, silk linings. See. XV. * A fine specimen of English writing and ornamentation of he period. 303. HORA Beatz Marie Virginis, cum ecalendario. Manu- script on vellum written in Gothic characters red, blue and black, executed in the North of France. 141 leaves. ORNA-. MENTED WITH 11 FINE LARGE MINIATURES painted in gold and colors, representing the Virgin and Child enthroned, before them kneeling a man and a Lady; the capture of Jesus in the Garden of the Olives; the Assumption of the Virgin; the Virgm enthroned, one angel on. each side playing musical \ mstruments; the Last Judgment, etc., the others being of usual ¥})\ occurrence mm the Book of Hours. 8vo, old red morocco, gilt, © gilt edges. See. XV 304. HORAD Beatz Virginis Marie (in Flemish). Flemish Ix, manuscript on paper written in red and black, in the second af ) freer of the 15th century. 81 leaves. First page surrounded 7 ey a border of or ante! leaves painted in gold camaieu on ‘Dp :\y olored ground, and with a large minature initial represent- \ihg the Virgin with the Child and St. Anne. 8vo, maroon Tevant morocco, gilt borders on the side, gilt back. Sec. XV 305. HORAD Beatz Marie Virginis. Manuscript on vellum, written wm Gothic character red and black, executed im Flanders in the second half of the 15th century. 123 leaves. ORNAMENTED WITH 17 LARGE MINIATURES heightened with gold, 130 beautifully executed borders and semi-borders com- posed of delicate flower tracery m gold and colors, wn one of which the Dance of Death is introduced; also a great number ww V of wlununated wmtrals. 8vo, brown morocco, blind tooled, gilt edges. See. XV * A fine and interesting manuscript and a good specimen of the Flemish art of the period. The miniatures represent: 1, St. John; 2. St. Luke; 3. St. Matthew; 4. St. Mark; 5. The 43 Annunciation; 6. Meetin irgi on; 6. g of the Virgin and St. Eli ; 7. The Nativity; 8. Announcement of the birth of jesus ee ed pees Nie Adoration of the three Wise Kings; 10. The “esentation to the Temple; 11. The Flight into E t: The Assumption of the Virgin; 13. The Gricifcion, ata Descent of the Holy GI . y Ghost; 15. The P id: The Pieta; 17. A Burial. ” abit Engraved title by Wingendorp. 18mo, original calf, gilt back (writing on lower margin of title). Lugd.-Batav. et Roterod.: Ex officina Hackiana, 1666 * First EDITION. , 308. HOUBRAKEN (ARNOLD). De Groote Schouburgh der Nederlantsche Konstschilders en Schilderessen. Hngraved title and numerous engraved portraits and plates on copper. First Epirion. 3 vols. 8vo, vellum. Amsterdam: Gedrukt voor den Autheur, 1718-21 309. HUBER (M.) anp ROST (C. C. H.). Handbuch fir Kunsthebhaber und Sammler tiber die vornehmsten Kupfer- stecher und Ihrer Werke. Von anfange dieser Kunst bis auf der gegenwartiger Zeit. 9 vols. 12mo, boards (one shaken). Ziirich, 1796-1808 * An early work of interest to collectors of engravings. 310. HUBER (ULRICUS). De Jure Civitatis, libri tres. 4to, contemporary vellum. Printer’s mark on title (writing on margin). Franck.: Apud Henricum Amama, 1694 44 SECOND SESSION Friday Afternoon, October 20, 1916, at 2:30 o'clock LOTS 31l-625 sit, HUGO (DE S. CHARO, CARD. S. SABINAE). Repertorium apostillarum vtriusque testamenti domini Hu- gonis Cardinalis. With 3 full-page and 19 other woodcuts. Folio, old oak boards covered with stamped pigskin, with clasps. Basilea, 1504 * Contains the parts from Genesis—Job. 312. HUME (DAVID). The History of England, from the Invasion of Julius Cesar to the Revolution in 1688. Pro- fusely illustrated with fine full-page engravings after Smirke, Westall, Stothard and others, by Heath, Bartolozet and Smith. 10 vols. large folio, full straight-grain blue morocco, gilt tooled with national emblems on borders, gilt edges (some corners slightly rubbed, some plates slightly foxed and a few ex- tracted). Lond.: Printed by T. Bensley for R. Bowyer, 1806: * Considered one of the most beautiful books printed in Eng- land. ; 313. HUSS (JOHANN). De Causa Boemica. Title with- man ornamental woodcut border. 4to, boards (library stamp on title). Pier Call * The rare second edition of Huss’ famous ‘‘Liber egregius. de unitate ecclesie.’’ Kuczynski, 3191; Panzer, IX, 179, 194; Proctor, 11716. 314. HUTTON (JAMES). A Dissertation upon the Phi- losophy of Light, Heat, and Fire. First Epirion. 8vo, half old calf. Edinb. 1794 315. HUTTEN (ULRICH VON). Verteiitsch clag an Hertzog Friderich zu Sachsen. 8 leaves. 4to, boards. [ Wittenberg, 1520] * RaRE. Boecking, XXXI, 8 (p. 60); Panzer, U. v. Hutten,. p. 130; Weller, 1420.. 316. HUTTEN (ULRICH VON). Kurzer auszug wie boslich die Bepste gegen den Deudschen Keysern jemals gehandelt, das billich auch nur umb der gewonheit willen kein Keyser einigem Bapst mehr vertrawen solt.... Beneath the title a woodcut representing the German Emperor with crown, globe and sword, the imperial coat of arms leaning against his: left foot. 12 leaves. 4to, boards. [m.. p., 1520] * RARE. Boecking, XX VII, 7; Kuczynski, 1086, 495 317. HUTTEN (ULRICH VON). Aula, Dialogus. 8vo, contemporary vellum (ancient writing on title). Argentorati: apud Theobaldum Montanum, 1559 * Bound with the following two scarce and interesting tracts: Narratiuncula histories de Magis, qui inter gentes omnium primi ex Philosophorum ordine Christum recens natum Emanu- elem adorarunt. Witeberge, Laur. Schuenck, 1562. Oratio de vita Georgii Sabini Brandenburgensis habita a J. Botichero. Witeberge, Laur. Schuenck, 1562. 318. ILLUMINATED SPANISH MANUSCRIPT. Certifi- cate of Nobility given by Don Pedro de Salazar y Giron, King at Arms of King Philp IV of Spain, to Don Pedro Garcia Seijas de Andrade of the City of Santiago in Galicia, and resi- dent in the City of Granada. With a very beautiful full- page wlumination in gold and colors representing Fernan Perez de Andrade ‘‘el Bueno,’’ an ancestor of the Andrade family, and great favorite of King Henry II. of Castile, mm the act of helping the said King to slay hts brother King Don Pedro, called the Cruel, in the interview that the two brothers had at Montiel (1359); also, with the arms of the Sevjas de Andrade family, painted in gold and colors on the first page of the text, and with 2 pretty ornamental initials in pen-and- ink. Written on vellum leaves. Folio, contemporary vel- lum. Madrid, 1661 * This document is bound with several other manuscript docu- ments on paper regarding the same family, all written at the same time. 319. INDIA. History of India. By Romesh C. Dutt, V. A. Smith, Stanley Lane-Poole, and others. Edited by A. V. Willams Jackson. Numerous illustrations, full-page photogravure and engraved plates in three states, one set being colored. 9 vols. royal full green crushed levant mo- rocco, decorated with a conventional design of tooled and inlaid peacock tails on backs and sides, gilt inside border slightly varying in design, with a doublure of brown crushed levant morocco, inlaid with three heads of the sacred white - elephant of India, with brocade silk end-leaves, gilt tops, un- cut. Lond. ti 20- * Edition Magnifique, limited to 26 lettered sets. Printed on Japan Paper. 320. INDIANS. Jones (Williain). Fox Texts. 8vo, cloth. * Unexpurgated. Leyden, 1907 321. INGRASSIA (GIOVAN FILIPPO). © Informatione del pestifero et contagioso morbo il quale affligge et have afflitto questa citta di Palermo, et molte altre citta, e terre di questo regno di Sicilia nell’anno 1575 et 1576. Beneath the title a woodcut representing Justice within a border, in the lower part of which is represented a gibbet; also 3 full-page 46 copper-plates, one of which is a view of the Lazzaretto and the various buildings pertaining to it. 4to, vellum. Palermo: Giov. Matt. Mayda, 1576 * A rare and accurate description of the plague in Palermo and other parts of Sicily during the years 1575 and 1576, and very interesting also for the history of the hygiene. 322. IRELAND (JOHN). MHogarth Illustrated. Tllus- trated with numerous copper-plate engravings (some foxed). First Epirion. 3 vols. royal 8vo, full russia, gilt backs (vol. 3 with different toolings, and worn). ‘bond. 1791-1798 323. IRVING (WASHINGTON). Writings of Washing- ton Irving. 9 vols. 12mo, half roan (some bindings worn, and name stamps). N. Y.: Alden, 1886 324. ISOCRATES. Orationes et Epistole cum Latina inter- pretatione Hieronymi Wolfii. Editio postrema. Thick 16mo, old calf, rebacked (two leaves trimmed smaller). Cantabrigiz: ex officina Johan Hayes, 1686 * With Greek and Latin text in parallel columns. 320. ITALIAN ART. Blane (Charles). Masterpieces of Italian Art: being. a biographical History of Art in Italy. Numerous allustrations. 2 one, folio, half morocco. Phila., ca. 1890 326. JACOBINISM Displayed. Birmingham, 1798; The Conduct of the Present Parliament Considered. Lond. 1789; Essay on Constitutional Liberty. Lond. 1780; Review of * * * Declaration of Right, Poynings’ Law and the Mutiny Bill; and 2 others. 6 pamphlets, new wrappers. | * Interesting collection of pamphlets written during the political turmoil occasioned by the American Revolution. 327. JAPAN. Ambassades de la Compagnie Hollandoise des Indes d’Orient, vers |’Empereur du Japon. Vignette on titles and engraved title. 2 vols. 18mo, old calf, gilt backs. 328. JAPAN. Ancient Tales and Folk-lore of Japan (R. G. Smith) ; Flowers and Gardens of Japan (DuCane) ; Japan: A Record in Color (Mempes). Hach with many colored plates. 3 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, gilt tops. Lond.: A. & C. Black 1901-08) 329. JAPANAESE Seroll Manuscript. [The War of ,/ Suan.] Written in large characters on a gold ground of - oa vellum. With 6 very large and fine hand-colored illus- trations in various colors and iuluminated with gold. With : an ivory handle. Late XVII Century ay 330. JAUNA (DOMINIQUE). Histoire Générale des Roiaumes de Chypre, de Jerusalem, d’Armenie, et d’Egypte, é comprenant les Croisades. Illustrated with fine engraved por- ? trait of the author, folding maps and engraved head- and tail- \"4 pieces. 2 vols. 4to, original vellum, leather labels. Leide: Chez Jean Luzac, 1747 * Fine copy of the scarce First EDITION. 47 331. JENYNS (SOAME). A Free Inquiry into the Na- ture and Origin of Evil. In Six Letters to With A Preface and Some Explanatory Notes. Small 8vo, original sheep (rebacked). Lond.: Printed. Bost.: Re-Printed, 1795 332. JOHNSON (ANDREW). Trial of Andrew Johnson, President of the United States before the Senate of the United States on Impeachment. By the House of Representa- tives for High Crimes and‘Misdemeanors. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. Wash. 1868 333. JOHNSON (J.). Typographia; or, The Printers’ In- structor. Including an Account of the Origin of Printing. .... @ Series of Modern Alphabets, and Doomsday Char- acters, ete. Jllustrations. First Epition. 2 vols. 24mo, full ealf (a little rubbed). Lond. 1824 * Scarce. 334. JOHNSTON (WILLIAM P.). The Life of Gen. Al- bert Sidney Johnston. With illustrations on steel and wood. First Epirion. 8vo, half morocco. Fine copy (except name on title). N. Y.: Appleton, 1878 335. JONAS (JUSTUS). Das siebend Capitel Danielis, von des Tiuircken Gottes lesterung und serecklicher morderey. Title within a fine architectural woodcut border, and woodcut map of the old world on the back of title. 4to, boards. Rar. Not in Kuezynski. Wittenberg: Hans Lufft [1530] 336. JONES (SIR WILLIAM). The Works of Sir William Jones. 6 vols.; with Supplement (containing his Contribu- tions to Asiatic Researches), 2 vols.; Life of Jones by Lord Teignmouth. Frontispiece portraits and many plates, foc- similes, etc. 9 vols. 4to, full calf (rebacked, one back damaged, and one cover loose). Lond. 1799-1801 337. JOSEPHUS (FLAVIUS). Hooghberoemde Joofsche Historien ende boecken, noch Egesippus vande Essendighe verstoringe der Stadt Jerusalem. Hngraved title and numer- ous woodcuts in the text. Buack Lerrer. Folio, original pressed calf binding, with corner and centre brass ornaments (three missing), with clasps (some pp. stained and slightly wormed). Amstrelredam: by Dirck Pieterszoon, n. d. * Bound in at the end is: ‘‘Egesippi des treffelicken ende Hooch beroemden Historischnivers van de verstoozinghe der Stadt Jerusalem,’’ with wood engravings. 338. JUVENAL. Dryden (John). The Satires of Decimus Junius Juvenalis. With the Satires of Aulus Persius Flacecus. Made English by Mr. Dryden [and] A Discourse concerning the Original and Progress of Satire. Plates by Vander Gucht. 8vo, full crushed morocco (slightly soiled interiorly, a few leaves damaged). Lond.: Jacob Tonson, 1697 * Contains A. L. S. of F. J. Blakeslee of Blakeslee Galleries. 48 PT 13 etchings by the author. ¢e eke iQ. oy ne yy ey Biblice veteris et novi Testamenti. title). 339. KABINET VAN NEDERLANDSCHE, en Kleefsche Outheden. 300 engraved views (two on recto of each page). 2 vols. in one, 4to, newly bound in half red morocco, uncut (name on title). Peon C.. 340. KELLY (FANNY). Narrative of my Captivity among the Sioux Indians. 12mo, cloth (a little worn). Hartford, 1872 341. KLAUBER (JOSEPHO ann JOANNE). Historie 100 full-page copper- plates by Josepho and Joanne Klauber. 4to, boards, leather back (rubbed, title and plates mounted, some strengthened). Augsburg, 17 o7 Rettungen Ovidischer Opfer. Oblong folio. In a cloth port- Leipzig, n. d. 342. KLINGER (MAX). 343. [KNOX (JOHN).] The Historie of the Reformation \ye the Church of Scotland; Containing five Books; Together with some Treatises conducing to the History. Small folio, full levant morocco, gilt edges (nail hole in back cover and in a few end leaves, 2 margins repaired, contemporary notes on Lond.: John Raworth, 1644 * Nice, crisp copy, with the half title. Has the Address to the reader by David Buchanan, Life of Knox, and a lengthy preface. 344. KOMMET zu mir (Hofmann). Life of Jesus Christ (Fleetwood). Lond., n. d.; Berlin und Umgebungen (Rellstab). Darmstadt, 1854; and _ others. Illustrations. 12 vols., various sizes and bindings. Breslau, n. d.; The 345. KORAN. Seventeenth Century Manuscript Koran. Written on about 225 leaves of thin native glazed paper, relieved with red and gold, With blue, yellow and gold bor- ders, 2 beautiful alluminated titles on double pages wm various colors and gold. 16mo, original boards, leather back (lacking a few leaves at end and a few pp. slightly wormed). 346. KORAN. Persian Surplice Manuscript of native eloth. Written in small black and red characters, with vari- ous illuminated decorations on shoulders, breast and back pieces, with decorative border around the edge of the entire vestment. Contains all the names of God. XVII Century 347. LA FEDE OCULATA.’ By Gio. Francesco Minardo. Rome, 1644 (badly wormed) ; Ioannis de Rupescissa qui ante COCXX. Anos vixit. De consideratione Quinte essentie rerum omnium. Basil [1561] (several leaves in manuscript); An- notations in librum regum. By Melanchthon. (Title want- ing.) [See. XVI.] 3 vols. vellum and calf. 49 348. LA FONTAINE (JEAN DE). Contes et Nouvelles en vers. 73 plates in from one to two states by Fragonard, en- graved by Martial, Lingée, Aliamet, and others. Each title has a vignette by Choffard. 2 vols. 4to, half cloth and boards. Paris: P. Didot, 1795. * Printed on Japan paper, and each leaf mounted on guards. In volume two is a portrait of Fragonard by Martial in un- finished state. The plates in the second volume are in one state only (mainly unfinished) and comprise those rarely met with. 349. LA FONTAINE (JEAN DE). Fables de La Fon- taine. Worth separate engraved plate and text to each Fable by Gouget. 2 vols. folio, half calf, uncut. Paris: Lecointe et Pougin, 1834 * Edition Taille-Douce. 350. LA HARPE (JEAN FRANCOIS DE). Abrégé de l’Histoire Générale des Voyages, contenant ce qu’il y a de plus remarquable, de plus utile et de mieux avéré, dans les pays ou les voyageurs ont pénetrés, les mceurs des habitans, la religion, les usages, etc. Wath numerous copper-plate engrav- mgs, vignettes and atlas volume contanung many fine maps. 33 vols. 8vo (one 4to), old calf, gilt edges (a few bindings slightly rubbed). Paris, 1780-1801 * Contains many narratives of American voyages and maps of New England, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Central America and others. ‘A work that has met with greater success than any other of the same kind; the striking details of adventure, the lively pictures of manners, etc., it presents, will always give it a peculiar and lasting merit. Contains all the early voyages to America.’’? Sabin. 351. LAIRESSE (GERARD DE). les Tableaux qui se trouvent a la Haye dans la Chambre du Conseil de Justice de la Cour d’Hollande, de Zelande, & de Westvrise. 7 plates, gravez par d’habiles Maitres d’apreés les dessemns de Nicolas Verkolje. Imp. folio, contemporary calf (worn). Amsterdam: Pour Nicolas Verkolje, 1737 352. LANG (ANDREW). Prince Charles Edward. Frontispiece portrait in color and also in sepia, together with numerous fine photogravure portraits in two states. Royal 4to, handsomely bound in full crushed blue levant morocco, gilt back and inside and outside borders, with figured silk doublures and flys, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. Enclosed in half levant morocco case. Paris: Goupil & Co., 1900 * The Henry W. Poor copy. One of 350 copies printed on Japan paper, with the text in English. 353. LANGE (JOHN PETER). A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Critical, Doctrinal and Homiletical. 24 vols. royal 8vo, full sheep (many of the covers are loose). Ny. Ys, S87 50 304. LASINIO (PAUL anp CAROL). 32 copper-plate en- gravings. Scriptural subjects. Oblong folio, half vellum. ; No title [1825] _* A fine series of engraved plates covering scenes in the lives -of Christ, his Apostles, and the early Saints of the Church. 300. LAVATER (JOHN CASPAR). Essays on Physiog- nomy. Illustrated by more than’800 engravings. 5 vols. imp. 4to, full contemporary straight-grain morocco, full gilt edges, blind-tooled (a few plates slightly stained). Lond.: Printed for John Murray, 1789 * A sumptuous edition, executed by and under the inspection Lo / of Thomas Holloway. The translation and engravings were V5 under the superintendence of H. Fuseli, at whose solicitation : Lavater furnished an entire fresh set of drawings in quarto. : 0 Includes the rare portraits of Washington. From the collection of Colonel Shedden, with book-plates. 306. LE ROY (M.). Les Ruines des plus beaux Monu- \ ments de la Grece. Illustrated with map and 25 folio en- y ‘ graved plates. Vol. 2 only. Atlas folio, newly bound in half morocco (pp. stained and some leaves damaged and strength- ened—plates are in good clean state). Paris, 1770 30/7. L>ESTRANGE (SIR ROGER). Seneca’s Morals by _/ way of Abstract. To which is added, a Discourse under the / > title of An After-Thought. Illustrated with 7 copper-plate engravings by Pigne, Bouche, Kirkall, etc. (small corner torn from one plate). 8vo, contemporary calf (hinges weak). Lond.: Printed for W. Meadows, 1722 ¥ 358. LETTERE Volgari di diversi nobilissimi huomini, et ‘ * eecellentis simi ingegni. Libro primo (1554) e Libro secondo : (1553). 2 vols. 8vo, old calf (not uniform). Venetia: Aldus, 1553-54 309. LETTERS AND POEMS by the late John Henderson. Lond. 1786; The Works of Soame Jenyns. 4 vols. Lond. lh 4 1793; The Works of John Gregorn, M.D. 3 vols. Edinb. 1788; y Meditations and Prayers (Kempis). Lond. 1760; Book of Martyrs. Middleton, 1832. 10 vols. 12mo and 8vo, calf and sheep. 360. LIBRARIES. Nicolson (W.). English, Scotch and Irish Historical Libraries. Giving a Short View and Char- acter of Most of Our Historians, either in Print or Manu- script. With an Account of Our Records, Law-Books, Coins, &e. 4to, old calf (rebacked). Fine copy. Lond. 1776 861. LINSCHOTEN (J. H. VAN). Itinerario, Voyage ofte Schipvaert, van Jan Huygen van Linschoten naer Oost ofte Portugaels Indien (etc.), THREE Parts [only], 18 plates and maps, including the rare map of America (Brazil, Peru, West Indies, Cuba, Florida, etc.), by Arnoldus Florentius ol (small hole in centre), Amsterdam, Cornelis Claesz, 1596; [with the FourrH Part] Voyagie ofte Schipvaert van by Noorden om Langes Noorwegen, ete., map, Francken Kettel, 1601. The Four Parts in one volume. Folio, old vellum. Amsterdam, etce., 1596-1601 * FIRST EDITION OF ALL Four Parts. The original issues of the first three parts are extremely rare and seldom found per- fect. The above includes the FIRST ISSUE OF THE THIRD PART, with the ‘‘Beschryvinge van America’’ (pp. 17-82), and the map of America, which is often lacking. The present volume lacks the first title, and while a number of the leaves are worn on the margins, yet the text is scarcely affected. Some of the maps and plates are loosely laid in, and the margins more or less worn, portion of one map lacking. One preliminary leaf of part two is wanting. 372. LUTHER (MARTIN). De Captivitate Babylonica Lucas Cranach. First Epirton. 4to, cloth and half vellum. Rare. From the H. W. Poor Library. [n. p., 1520] 373. LUTHER (MARTIN). Ein gar schon nutzlich buch- lin von den geliibden der klosterliite, ob sy ware geliibd syen, und von wem sy ein ursprung und anfang haben. Small wood- cut beneath the title. 4to, dark green Jevant morocco, gilt tocled inside borders, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. Rare. Zurich [1521] 374. LUTHER (MARTIN). Rationis Latomiane pro in- cendiaris Lovaniensis Scholze Sophistis reddite, Lutheriana confutatio. Title within a fine ornamental woodcut border by Lucas Cranach. 76 leaves. 4to, vellum. From the W. H. Poor Library. Wittemberge [1521] 875. LUTHER (MARTIN). Iudicium de Erasmo: Rotero- damo. Philippi Melanchthonis de Hrasmo, & Luthero Elogion. Ratio discendi, per eundem tradita. Eiusdem, quo iudicio 53 Minces 6 Fine full-page woodcut portrat of Luther after \) Augustinus, Ambrosius, Origenes, ac reliqui doctores legendi sint. F. Martini Lutheri ad Wolfgangum Fabritium Capi- tonem Epistola utilissima. 12 leaves. 4to, boards (slight water-stains). Kuezynski, 1476. [n. p., 1522] 376. LUTHER (MARTIN). Bulla Cene domini: das ist: die bulla vom Abentfressen des aller heyligsten herrn des Baptes, verteutseht. 4to, cloth. n. p. [1522] 377. LUTHER (MARTIN). Antwortt deutsch Mart. Luthers auff Konig Henrichs von Engelland buch. Tvtle within a very fine architectural woodcut border. 4to, morocco (a few light waterstains). 3 Wittemberg: Nickell Schyrlentz, 1522 * First GERMAN EDITION, and very scarce, of Luther’s famous answer to King Henry VIII’s book Assertio septem sacramentorum. Panzer, 1350; Dommer, 293. From the H. W. Poor Library. 378. LUTHER (MARTIN). Das Tauff biichlin verteutschet durch Martinum Luther. 4to, morocco gilt, gilt edges. (Hm- bossed library stamp on 2 leaves). Rare. [n. p., 1523] 379. LUTHER (MARTIN). Ein gar schon nutzlich Biich- lein von den geliibden der klosterliite ob sy ware geliibd syen ‘und von wem sy ein ursprung haben. Woodcut on title. to, full dark green crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, gilt inside borders, by Chambolle-Duru. [Ziirich, 1525] * A fine, clean copy. 380. LUTHER (MARTIN). Warnunge an seine lieben Deudschen. OrIGINAL EDITION. Title within a fine architec- tural woodcut morders. 32 leaves. 4to, half morocco. Kuezyn- ski, 1740; Kostlin-Kawerau, II, 251. Wittemberg: Hans Lufft, 1531 381. LUTHER (MARTIN). Verantwortung der auffgeleg- ten Auffrur yon Hertzog Georgen Sampt einem Trostbrieff an die Christen von ihm aus Leiptzig unschiildig veriagt. Title within a fine historrated woodcut border m the manner of Hans Holbewn. 32 leaves. 4to, vellum. Kuezynski, 1763. Wittemberg: Nickel Schirlentz, 1533 382. LUTHER (MARTIN). Von der winckel messe und Pfaffen Weihe. Title within a fine historiated woodcut border im the manner of Hans Holbein. 56 leaves. 4to, vellum. Kuezynski, 3378; Hostlin-Kawerau, II, 307. Wittemberg: Nickel Schirlentz, 1533 383. LUTHER (MARTIN). Supputatio annorum mundi. Title within a fine architectural woodcut border, with a repre- sentation of Christ on the Cross between the two thieves, in the lower part. 4to, half levant morocco. Somewhat water- stained and a few corners worn away.) From the H. W. Poor Library. Wittemberge: Georgius Rhau, 1541 54 384, LUTHER (MARTIN). Der Garaus von dem End- ’ christ, seinem Reich und Regiment, aus dem Propheten Daniel gezogen und gestellet. 4to, vellum. Ursel, 1574 3885. LUTHER (MARTIN). Des feligen Zeugen Gottes D. Martin Luthers merkwurdige Lebens-Umstande bey seiner medicinalischen Leibesconstitution, Frankheiten, geistlichen und leiblichen Anfechtungen und andern Zufallen. Four portrats of Luther. 4 vols. in one, square 8vo, half morocco. Leipzig: bey ise oe Jacobaern, 1764 *Bound in at the end is: Herrn D. Martin Luther’s Geschaste und Andenken in Torgau....von M. Johann Theodore Lingke. Torgau, n. d. [1764]. ~6886. LUTHER (MARTIN). Sein Leben und Wirken; 3 geschildert von Dr. Christian Franz Gottl. Stang. Frontis- prece and 6 engraved portraits and plates. 8vo, half morocco (pp. stained). Stuttgart, 1839 387. MACHIAVELLI (NICOLAI). De Republica, quas diseursus nuneupavit libri Ill. Hngraved title. 18mo, con- temporary vellum. Lugd.-Batav.: Apud Petrum Leffen, 1649 388. MAGAZINES. The Century; McClure’s; Scribner’s; © The Philistine, and others. 173 numbers. Paper. 389. MAITTATRE (MICHAEL). Annales Typographici ab Artis Invente Origine ad annum MD. Engraved title con- tamng portraits of Gutenberg, Faustus, Costerus, Manucius and Frobenius. First Epirion. 4to, old calf, rebacked. Hage-Comitum: Apud Isaacum Vaillant, 1719 * A work indispensable in every bibliographical library. 390. MAIZEROY (RENE). La Mer. Préludes de MM. Paul Aréne, Paul Bonnetain, Paul Bourget, Gustave Geffroy, Catulle Mendés, Armand Silvestre. 24 eaux-fortes et 6 hélio- gravures hors texte, illustrations par Lowse Abbema et Georges Clarin. Folio, half lght green crushed levant morocco, gilt edges. Paris, n. d. 391. MANLIIS DE BOSCO (J. J. DE). Luminare Maius. Opus Eximium quod luminare maius dicitur, medicis et aromatarlis per quam necessarium. Lumen Apothecariorum. . . Item Thesaurus Aromatoriorum. Gothic character, double columns; title mm red and black within a fine orna- mental woodcut border, and woodcut wutials. -4to, vellum | (small hole in the title, with slight damage of a wor d). Lugduni: apud Joannem Crespinum, 1536 * An interesting and rare pharmaceutical work. 392. MANUEL du Museum Franeais. With 202 etchings. [Comte de Toulongen.| Paris, 1802-3; Les vieux conteurs Francais (Jacob). Paris; 1841; Dictionnaire des abrevia- tions (Chassant). Paris, 1876; and others. 6 vols., various sizes and bindings. 55 393. MANUSCRIPT. Choral Book. Manuscript of Italian origin, XV Century. Music noted on 4 line staves. . Large Gothic characters. Border illuminated in gold and colors, 9 large wluminated letters. 124 leaves. Written on vellum. Atlas folio, contemporary binding, old boards covered with leather, brass bosses (margins of some leaves damaged or restored). 394. MANUSCRIPT. A manuscript treatise. on paper written in Germany in the 15th century, relating to Con- sanguinety, Affinity, etc., with references to Heclesiastical Law. Ornamented with 2 genealogical trees supported by figures painted in various colors, and other trees in pen and mk. 38 leaves. 8vo, old vellum (some leaves loose and edges of some others worn). See. XV 395. MANUTIUS (PAULUS). In Epistolas Ciceronis ad Atticum, Pauli Manutti Commentarius. Thick 16mo, half brown levant morocco (stamp on title, a few pages slightly stained). Venetiis: Aldus, 1557 396. MANUTIUS (PAULUS). Epistolarum libri XII, uno nuper addito. EHiusdem que prefationes appellantur. Title within an ornamental woodcut border, with small por- trait of the author. 8vo, vellum, gilt. Venetiis: Aldus, 1580 397. MAPS. Typographisch-militairisch Charte von Teutschland. In 204 Sectionem unternommen von dem Geo- graphischen Institute zu Weimar. 4 vols. oblong folio, half sheep (worn). Weimar, 1807 398. MARK TWAIN’S AUTOBIOGRAPHY and First Romance. N. Y. [1871]; Catalogue of an Exhibition illustra- tive of a Centenary of Artistic Lithography. 1796-1896. Grolier Club; Memoirs of the Early Life of Benj. West. Bost. 1832; Memorables of the Montgomeries. Printed for the King of Clubs. N. Y. 1865, and 4 N. Y. State reports of Lunacy. 8 vols. and pieces, cloth and paper. 399. MARTIAL. The Epigrams of Martial (transl.), with a Commentary. By James. Elphinston. Portrat of Martial from an antique gem. 4to, old calf (worn at joints). Lond. 1782 * Charles Pinckney’s copy, with autograph on inside cover. 400. MASTERPIECES OF ITALIAN ART. Illustrated: with Remarque etchings on Japan paper. 10 portfolios, gar- net satin, with silk ties as issued. Not collated. Phila.: Gebbie, 1886 * Remarque edition, one of 200 sets issued. 401. McCLURE (ALEXANDER K., Editor). Bohemia. Vol. 1. Profusely illustrated with portraits, caricatures, ete. Royal 4to, full calf, tooledyand inlaid corner ornaments, doub- 56 ~ lures of marbled calf, and facsimile of periodical cover, gilt top, uncut. Phila. 1904 * EDITION DE LUXE. THE ONLY COPY SO ISSUED. Especi- ally printed for Joseph Pulitzer. 402. MEDIAZVAL AND MODERN HISTORY (Munro and Whitcomb). N. Y. 1903; The Chinese Crisis from Within (Ching). Lond. 1901; Political Growth in the 19th Century (Dears). N. Y. 1900; History of the United States. 2 vols. y/4 (Adams). N. Y. 1889; History of the American Nation (Mc- / Laughlin). N. Y. 1905. 6 vols. 12mo, cloth. d 403. MEDICAL. A Treatise on the Eye (Porterfield). 2 » vols. Edinb. 1759; Principles of Surgery (Bell). 4 vols. Lond. \ «1826; and others. 11 vols. 8vo, various bindings. 404. MEDICAL RECORD. Edited by George F. Shrady. \ 4 duly, 1895, to December, 1896; January, 1899, to December, | 1905... PF vols. 4to, cloth. N. Y. 1895-1905 405. MELANCHTHON (PHILIP). Die haubt artickel und ftirnemsten puncten der gantzen hayligen schrifft. Title an red and black within a woodcut border, and with fine print- _ er’s mark. 4to, contemporary German binding in ealf, pan- <~ eled sides, with blind-stamped ornaments, somewhat rubbed). \\, Stamp of the Carlsburg library on title. A [Strassburg: M. Flach] 1522 *The rare second German edition of Melanchthon’s Loct theologici, edited, like the first, by G. Spalatinus. Kuczynski does not know this edition nor is it mentioned in Bindseil’s Bibliotheca Melanchthoniana. Weller, 2216. 406. MELANCHTHON (PHILIP). Proverbia Solomonis f cum adnotationibus. Tvtle within an ornamental woodcut oN y border. 8vo, calf, gilt. Haganowe: Johannes Secerius, 1525 407. MELANCHTHON (PHILIP). Epitome renovate Eeclesiastice Doctrine. Title within a fine ornamental wood- cut border. 8vo, ealf, gilt. [Hagenoer] I. Secerius [1525] 408. MELANCHTHON (PHILIP). Eyn Schrifft widder die artikel der Bawrschafft. Tvtle within a fine ornamental ' woodcut border. 16 leaves. 4to, boards (somewhat water- f ‘stained ). | [n. p., 1525] WN * Rare. This sharp criticism of the 12 articles of the peas- yy I ants and of the whole agitation was written by order of the j Elector Ludwig of Palatinate. Weller, Suppl., p. 44, no. 3576; Panzer, LI, 2770. 409. MELANCHTHON (PHILIP). Loci Communes, das : ist die furnemesten Artikel Christlicher lere, verdeudscht / dureh Justum-Jonam. Title within a very fine ornamental A woodcut border. First GERMAN EpiTIon. 8vo, vellum (some light waterstains). Wittemberg: Peter Seitz, 1537 57 410. MELANCHTHON (PHILIP). Der Prophet Daniel ausgeleet durch D. Phil. Melanth. Aus dem Latin ver- deudscht durch Justum Jonam. Tvtle within a fine histori- ated woodcut border in the manner of Hans Holbein. Ato, vellum. Wittemberg: Nickel Schirlentz, 1546. 411. MELANCHTON (PHILIP). Historia de vita et actis Reverendiss. viri D. Martini Lutheri. Woodcut medallion portrait of Luther on title. 8vo, boards. Fine copy. Scarce. Witeberge: Johannes Lufft, 1549 412. MELANCHTHON (PHILIP). Exameneorum, qui audiuntur ante ritum publice ordinationis, qua commendatur eis ministerium Evangelii: Traditum Witeberge, Anno 1504. Medallion portrait on title. 12mo, stamped vellum (writing on title, page margins and inside cover, wormed, and fly-leaves wanting). Witeberge: Excusum per M. Georgium Mullerum, 1592 413. MELANCHTHON (PHILIP). Epigrammatum libri sex. Woodcut medallion portrmt of the author. 8vo, calf gilt, gilt edges. Witeberger, 1592 414. MEMOIRS of Gen. William T. Sherman. By Himself. Map and portrait. 2 vols. (lib. st.) N. Y. 1891; MeClellan’s. Own Story. Illustrated. N. Y. 1887. 3.vols. 8vo, cloth. 415. MENPES (MORTIMER). Gainsborough. Text by James Greig. Illustrated with 15 reproductions of portraits and paintings by this Artist. Folio, cloth, gilt top. Lond. 1909 416. MENZEL C. A.). Jahrbuch der Baukunst u. Bau- wissenschaft in Deutschland. Folding plates. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf (rubbed). EHisleben, 1844-1847 * Presentation copies from the author, with inscription in two volumes. 417. MEXIA (PEDRO). The Historie of all the Roman Emperors, from Julius Cesar to Rudolph, now raigning. Enlarged in Italian by L. Dulce and G. Bardi and now Eng- lished by W. Tlraheron]. Woodcut title-page (margin strenethened, name on title, and one or two margins damaged). Folio, half old calf (worn). Lond.: Printed for Matthew Lownes, 1604 418. MICROCOSM of London (The), or London in Mini- ature. Hach volume with 32 colored plates after Pugin and Rowlandson. 3 vols. small 4to, boards, parchment backs, gilt. tops, uncut (one back slightly spotted). - N. Y.: Seribner’s, 1904 419. MICYLLUS (1.) ET VELIUS (U.). Jcones Imper- atorum, atque rerum cuiusque gestarum indicationes. Nwmer- ous woodcut medallion portraits on black ground within orna- mental frames. 8vo, old calf (worn, title a little soiled). Argentorati: Crato Mylius, 1544 58 . 420. MILITANT (CHRISOSTOMO). Sommario_historico raccolto dalla sacra Bibbia, dal Flavio, da Egesippo, da Beroso, f da Filone, ete. With over 150 fine woodcuts, within ornamental 7“, ¥ frames, illustrating scenes from the Old and New Testament. \ 4to, new half red morocco (some leaves mended and small eat ink-spots on a few pages). Bergamo: Comin Ventura, 1593 js 421. MILLER (SAMUEL). A Brief Retrospect of the ff Highteenth Century. First Epirion. 2 vols. 8vo, old ealf, wy mn) rebacked (lib. stamps). N. Y.: T. and J. Swords, 1803 \ *The George Bancroft copy, with his bookplate with Greek » | motto. 422. MILLET (J. F.). Le Livre d’Or de J.-F. Millet. Par un ancien Ami. Illustré de dix-sept eaux-fortes origi- y nales par Frédéric Jacque. 4to, half green levant morocco, h gilt top, uncut. Paris. ued. * Limited to 350 copies, 423. MISSA PONTIFICALIS in festo Sanctorum Apcsto- lorum Petri et Pauli. Manuscript on paper executed in Italy wm the 18th Century. Fine water-color border, ornamental °° mitials, and water-color coat of arms of Cardinal Henry of yr “York, to whom. the volume is dedicated. Folio, contemporary Italian binding in morocco richly gilt, with the arms of a Bishop in the centre. See. X VITI ys 424. MODERNE KUNST. Illustrierte Zeitschrift. Numer- ~ ous fine plates, some in colors. Vols. XIX, Sept. 1903 to ~ Sept. 1904 complete; Vols. XX to XXIII, Sept. 1904 to Sept. 1908, in parts incomplete (8 parts missing). 1 folio, cloth and 97 parts (some torn). Berlin, 1903-1908 ; 425. MOLLIEN (G.). Voyage dans la Republique de Co- / lombia, en 1823. Illustrated with colored views and plates Y showing the costumes of the natives, and a map (imperfect). 4 2 vols. 8vo, half crimson morocco (some leaves worn and , stained). Paris, 1824 426. MOLTKE’S Letters to His Wife and Other Relatives. Translated by J. M. Mellraith. Introduction by Sidney Whitman. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut (one cover slightly scratched). Lond.: Kegan Paul, 1896 497. MONRO (ALEXANDER). Observations on the Structure and Functions of the Nervous System. Copper- Ko plate engravings. Folio, half calf (binding worn, some parts _') ~ foxed). Edinb., 1783 428, MONTAGU (MRS. ELIZABETH). An Essay upon / the Writings and Genius of Shakespear, compared with the Greek and French Dramatie Poets. With some remarks upon nh the Misrepresentation of Mons. de Voltaire. 8vo, contem- i porary full calf. Lond. 1777 * With the armorial bookplate ‘‘ Bibliotheque du Chateau de Valeneay.’’ Warton says this is the most elegant and judicious. piece of criticism of the age. In this edition ‘‘ Three Dialogues of the Dead’’ are first added. 59 429. MOON HOAX. Great Astronomical Discoveries lately made by Sir John Herschel at the Cape of Good Hope. Curious large folding lithographic plate, shewing the inhabit- ants and animals of the moon. 28 pp. 8vo, wrappers. — [N. Y. 1835] 430. MORE (SIR THOMAS). L’Utopie de Thomas Morus, Chancelier d’Angleterre, Traduicte par Samuel Sorbiere. Engraved title. 18mo, full green morocco. | Amsterdam: Jean Blaeu, 1643 * Nice copy of this pretty little edition. 431. MORMONS. Stenhouse (T. B. H.). Roeky Moun- tain Saints: A Full and Complete History of the Mormons. Illustrations. Thick 8vo, cloth. NoY. 3879 432. MOTRAYE (AUBREY DE LA). Travels through Europe, Asia, and into Part of Africa; with Proper Cutts and Maps. Containing a great Variety of Geographical, Topo- graphical, and Political Observations, &. Maps and plates shewing places, customs, &c. 2 vols. folio, half red morocco (12 plates missing and some maps with parts cut off). . Lond.: Printed for Author, 1723 433. MUNICH GALLERY. Koniglich Baierischer Ge- malde-Saal zu Munchen und Schleifsheim. About 200 full- page lithographs after Wouvermans, Snyders, Rubens, Ruys- dael, Van Dyck, Murillo, Gerald Dou, Durer, Rem, Leonardo, Titian, Raphael and others. 2 vols. large folio, half morocco, silt edges (bindings rubbed). Munich, 1817-21 434. MURDER. Sharp (Granville). Remarks on the Opinions of some of the most celebrated Writers on Crown Law, Respecting the Distinction between Manslaughter and Murder. Small 8vo, old boards. Lond. 1773 435. MURETUS (M. A.). Orationes XXIII; Interpreta- tio quincti libri Ethicorum Aristotelis; Hymni sacri, ete. Small 8vo, old vellum (somewhat water-stained). | Venetiis: Aldus, 1575 436. MURNER (THOMAS). Die disputacion vor den xij orten einer loblichen eidgnoschafft namlich Bern Lutzern Vry Schwytz Underwalden ob unnd nidt dem kern walt zug mitt den sampt usseren ampt Glaris Basel Friburg Solathorn — Schaffhusen und Appenzell, von wegen der einigkeit in christlichen glauben in iren landen und undterthonen der fier bistumb Costentz Basel Losanen und Chur beschehen.... Ato, vellum (slightly wormed and title mended; old writing on the title-page). Lutzern: Thomas Murner, 1527 * A very rare piece from Murner’s private press at Lucerne. Weesenmeyer, Beitrige, p. 69 and following; Goedeke, p. 219, no. dla. 60 437. MUSEE FRANCAIS. Recueil des plus _ beaux Tableaux, Statues, et Bas-Reliefs qui existaient au Louvre avant 1815, avec explication des sujets et des discours his- , /“toriques sur la Peinture, la Sculpture, et la Gravure par 1) Duchesne Ainé. Illustrated with nearly 350 beautifully en- io graved plates of art and sculpture. 4 vols. atlas folio, half . erimson morocco (worn), full gilt edges. Paris: A. et W. Galignani, n. d. 438. MUSE’S POCKET COMPANION (Tue). Dublin, 1787; A Treatise of the Passions and Faculties of the Soule \? of Man (Reynolds). Lond. 1640; Holy Bible (impf.). ; Lond. 1693. 3 vols., various sizes and bindings (worn). a) £39. MUSSET (ALFRED DE). (£uvres Complétes. ee Illustrated with portrait engraved by Flameng, and 28 en- \~ » graved plates. 10 vols. 8vo, boards, morocco back (edges a | / little worn). Paris, 1866 440. MUSCULUS (ANDREAS). Beider Antichrist, des Constantinopolitanischen und Romischen, einstimmig und gleichformig Leer, Glauben und Religion Wieder Christum JN den Son des lebendigen Gottes. Woodcut on title represent- \.\ mg Turkish soldiers massacring Christian children. 4to, . boards (edges of some leaves worn). Franckfurt a. Oder: J. Hichorn, 1557 / 441. MYSTERY AND DETECTIVE STORIES. Ameri- 4 4% ean, English, Irish, French, Italian, Oriental, Magic, German, \ 7 Russian, and Scotch. Frontispieces. 6 vols. 12mo, cloth. ~' N. Y. 1908: 442. NAPLES (Fitzgerald). Painted by Augustine Fitz- » \ gerald; Florence (Goff). Painted by Clarissa Goff; Venice V ~ (Menpes). Painted by Mortimer Menpes. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. 4 * All with plates in colors. Lond.: A. & C. Black, n. d. i 448. NAPOLEON. Dayot (Armand). Napoleon: Raconte y par Lilmage. D’Aprés les Sculpteurs, les Graveurs et les en Peintres. Profusely illustrated with photogravure plates and , text twllustrations. Small folio, half morocco, edges uneut. Paris: Hachette et Cie., 1895. 444, NELSON (ROBERT). The Practice of True Devo- - tion, in Relation to the End, as well as the Means of Religion. / Engraved portrait. 12mo, old panel ealf (hinges cracked, rubbed). Lond. 1735 * Presentation copy from Selina, Countess of Huntington to ~ John Boultbee. P 445. NEPOS (CORNELIUS). Corn. Nepotis Excellentium ¢ 0D Imperatorum Vite. Frontispiece, vignettes and head-preces sb, engraved by Burghers. 8vo, old calf (binding worn, con- temporary name on title). Oxonie: Sheldoniano, 1697 Gis. 446. NEWTON (ISAAC). Philosophiw Naturalis Prin- cipia Mathematica. Illustrated with numerous diagrams. 4 vols. 4to, full contemporary calf, gilt backs and borders, car- mine edges. Geneve: Typis Barrillot & Filii, 1739-42 447, NEWTON (ISAAC). Theory of Light and Colours and Principle of Attraction, made familiar to the Ladies in several Entertainments. Translated from the original Italian of Signor Algarotti. 2 vols. 16mo, full calf (worn, and one cover loose). Lond. 1742 448, NEWTON (SIR ISAAC). A View of Sir Isaac New- ton’s Philosophy. By [Henry Pemberton.] Jllustrated with 12 folding plates containing 163 figures, and numerous beau- tiful copper-plate head- and tail-pieces engraved by Pine. First Epirion. 4to, newly bound in half crimson morocco, gilt. Lond.: Printed by 8. Palmer, 1728 * LARGE PAPER Copy, printed in large type on heavy paper. 449. NEW YORK MEDICAL JOURNAL (THE). Edited by Frank P. Foster, July, 1896, to December 1902. Continued as The New York and Philadelphia Medical Journal. Janu- ary, 1903, to December, 1905. Jllustratiuns. 19 vols. 4to, cloth. N. Y. 1896-1905 450. THEOLOGY. Latin Theological Manuscript on paper executed in Italy towards the middle of the 17th century. Small folio, contemporary vellum, gilt borders and centre pieces, gilt edges (loose). See. XVIT 451. NIGRINUS (GEORG). Papistische Inquisition und oulde Fliis der Romischen Kirchen d. i. Historia und ankunfft der Romischen Kirchen und sonderlich vom Antichristischen wesen. Darinn aller Romischen Bischoffen, Ertzbischoffen, Patriarchen, ete... . und entlich der Antichristen Leben und handel kirtzlich angezogen. With numerous woodcut por- traits of Popes by Tobias Stummer. Folio, vellum. [Freft. a. M.] 1582 * Colophon date is given as 1574. Contains valuable in- formation on Luther. On the verso of the title-page is a satirical poem on the papacy. 452. OFFICIUM MORTUORUM, Offictum B. M. Virginis secundum usum Romanum, etc. Manuscript on vellum, finely written in lettres bdtardes red and black, executed in Belgrum at the beginning of the 16th century. 161 leaves. HMBEL- LISHED WITH 2 FINE AND LARGE MINIATURES representing the Three Dead and the misfortunes of Job, 2 small ones, and hun- dreds of large and small pretty floral initials painted m gold and colors. 4to, early 18th century binding in black morocco, gilt paneled sides, fleurons in the corners, gilt back and edges. See. XVI * A good specimen of Flemish writing and art of illumina- tion. 62 a | ri as 453. OLD GERMAN COINS. Keysers Ferdinandi Neue Mintzordnung Sampt Valuirung der Gulden und Silberin Muntzen. With 2 plates of coin cuts. Small folio, vellum. Meyntz: F. Behem, 1559 454. OLD PLAYS. Collection of early Plays (Bell’s Edi- tion). Illustrated with portraits of the celebrated Actors and Actresses of the day, in character. 16 vols. 12mo, half ealf, gilt backs. Lond. and Edinb., v. d. * Included in the collection are several volumes of ‘‘ The Comic Theatre’’ and ‘‘The Tragic Theatre.’’ Two of the volumes have had plays extracted, and some of the portraits are wanting. The autographs of H. L. Pinckney and Charles Pinckney appear on some of the titles. 455. OLEARIUM (ADAM). Gottorffische Kunst-Kammer. With engraved title and 35 plates (should be 37). Square 8vo, full crimson morocco (lacks one leaf of the foreword, and .one of the text, and several leaves, including the title, have holes or have been repaired). Schleswig, 1674 ao. ORIGIN OF RELIGION (Muller). N. Y., n. d.; Loyola: and Jesuitism in its Rudiments (Taylor). Lond. 1849; Ancient Christianity. 2 vols.; and another. 5 vols. 8vo and 12mo, cloth and leather. 457. ORNAMENTS OF MEMORY: or, Beauties of Romance, History and Poetry. Illustrated with 18 engrav- mgs from original designs. 4to, cloth, full gilt edges. N. Y.: Appleton, 1855 458. OROSIUS (PAULUS). Historizw adversus Paganos. Folio, full brown levant morocco, extra, gilt back, covers ornamented with gilt-tooled geometric designs, the spaces filled with rosettes and other ornaments, by the Adams Bindery. Venetiis: Octavianus Scotus, 1483 * Roman character. 78 unnumb. leaves, including Ist blank, 42 lines to the page, Signt. a-n. Hain-Copinger, 12102; Panzer, 8, 195, 702; Proctor, 4576. A fine and large copy with many marginal notes by a hand of the last years of the XVth cen- tury, or beginning of the XVIth. From the library of Gen. Rush C. Hawkins, with an autograph note by him relating to the work. 459. OTTO VON PASSAU. Die vierundzweintzig Alten. Ein auszerlesen, furtreflichs Btich, zu lehr unnd underwey- sung eines jerlichen Christen, Geistlchs oder Weltlichs Stands sehr nutzlich. With 25 wteresting and fine woodcuts. 4to, fine contemporary German binding in stamped pigskin, clasps. Fine copy. Dillingen: Sebald Mayer, 1568 460. OUR NATIONAL PARKS (Muir). Bost. 19038; Transactions of the Am. Ethnological Society, Vol. 1. N. Y. 1845; Trans. of the Hist. and Philos. Soc. of Ohio. Part second. Vol. 1. Cinn. 1839; Journal of Am. Ethnology and Archeology, Vol. 1 (Fewkes). Bost. 1891; Disquisition on Government (Calhoun). Columbia, 1851. 5 vols. 8vo and 4to, various bindings. 63 461. OVERBECK (FREDERICK). The Holy Gospels. Illustrated in 40 original designs. 4to, full morocco (rebacked and rubbed), full gilt edges. N. Y.: Appleton, 1866 462. OVID. Les Metamorphoses d’Ovide, en Latin et Fran- cois, divisées en XV livres, avec de nouvelles Explications Historiques, Morales & Politiques sur toutes les Fables — chacune selon sur sujet; de la traduction de Mr. Pierre Du- Ryer Parisien. Illustrated with the superb series of engraved vignettes to the various Fables, by Bouche, Bouttats, etc. Royal folio, old paneled calf (worn in hinges, and ,some mareins stained). Bruxelles: Chez Francois Foppens, 1677 463. OVIDIUS. Opera. Firsr ALDINE EpiTion. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth (Vol. 2 somewhat shorter in Size). VERY SCAROE. Venetiis: in edibus Aldi, 1502 464. OVIDIUS. Metamorphoses, argumentis brevioribus ex Luctatio grammatico ecollectis, exposite: una cum yivis singu- larum transformationum iconibus in aes incisis. Engraved title, and 178 fine copper engravings, all brillant impressions, by P. Vander Borcht. Small obl. 8vo, full polished calf gilt, by Petit. From the Borluut and H. W. Poor libraries, with book-plates. RARE. Antuerpie: ex Officina Plantiniana [1591] 465. PAGEANTS. Description des Festes données par Ville de Paris a l’Oceasion du Mariage de Madame Louise- Elizabeth de France et de Dom Philippe Infant d’Espagne 29-30 Aout 1739. Illustrated with 13 fine engravings. Atlas folio, half claret morocco (name and stamp on title). ; Paris: P. G. Le Mercier, 1740 466. PAINTING POPULARLY EXPLAINED (Gullick and Timbs). Lond. 1859; The Art Idea. Part 2 (Jarves). N. Y. 1864; Imitative Art (Howard). lLond., n. d.; Hand- book of Greek and Roman Sculpture (Eaton). Bost. 1884; The Wonders of Engraving (Duplessis). N. Y. 1876. 5 vols. 12mo and 16mo, cloth. 467. PALI AND SINGALESE MANUSCRIPTS. Two manuscripts written on several hundred palm leaves. Very rare. 468. PAPER NOVELS. English, French and German. About 125 vols. . 469. PARDOE (JULIA). The Beauties of the Bosphorus. Iilustrated in a series of views of Constantinople from original drawings by W. H. Bartlett. First Eprrion. 4to, half mo- rocco (rubbed, and binding strengthened), full gilt edges. Lond. 1838 64 po a 4 470. PARNELL MOVEMENT (Tue), with a Sketch of the Irish Parties (O’Connor). N. Y. 1889; Butler’s Book. Bost. 1892; Pictorial History of the United States (Stephens). N. Y., n. d.; Hamersley’s Naval Encyclopedia. Phila. 1894. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth. 471. PARTON (JAMES). Life of Andrew Jackson, Por- traits. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth (ex. lib. copy). Bost.,. n.d. 472. PARTRIDGE (T.). Mikropanastron; or, An Astro- ie cll 4 logical Vade Mecum, briefly teaching the Whole Art of Astrol- ay ‘ogy. Engraved portrait of the author by R. White (a little h / /damaged on the inner margin). First Epirion. 16mo, ey Vs marbled calf. Lond. 1679 * Very scarce. 473. PENNANT (THOMAS). A Tour in Scotland, 1769, and Voyage to the Hebrides. Illustrated with numerous full- page and folding copper-plates. Second Edition. 3 vols. Ato, original tree calf, gilt backs (worn). Lond.: Printed for Benj. White, 1776 474. PENNSYLVANIA. A Collection of Memorials con- cerning Divers * * * Quakers, in Pennsylvania, New-Jersey, and Parts adjacent, from nearly the First Settlement thereof to the Year 1787. 8vo, old sheep. Phila.: Printed by Joseph Cruikshank, 1787 *First EDITION. Fine copy. 475. PEREFIXE (HARDOUIN DE). Histoire du Roy ~Henry le Grand. Engraved title. Printer’s mark, La Minerve. 12mo, full calf, rebacked. Amsterdam: Chez Daniel Elsevier, 1678-9 * Fine clean copy. At the end, is ‘¢ Henry le Grand au Roy, Poeme,’’ occupying 10 unnumbered leaves. . 476. PERSIAN MANUSCRIPT. Persian Prose and Poetry - Manuscript written in large characters on thin parchment paper in red and black, with red, black and gold borders by Abdul Wali. 8vo, contemporary red morocco, gilt. XVIII Century 477. PERVIGILIUM VENERIS, ex editione Petri Pithoei, cum ejus & Justi Lipsii Notis. 8vo, contemporary paneled calf (worn in hinges, and some top margins wormed). Hage Comitum: Apud Henricum Scheurleer, 1712 478. PINDAR. Pindari Olympia, Nemea, Pythia, Isthmia. Greek cum Latina Versione Carmine Lyrico per Nicolaum Sudorium. Engraved frontispiece portrait by M. Burghers, and vignette on title. Folio, old paneled calf (joints weak and little stained, and two small holes in same). * Best edition. Oxonii: E Theatro Sheldoniano, 1697 65 “* ‘XK *. ‘ J 479. PINDAR. Odes of Pindar, with Several other Pieces in Prose and Verse, Translated from the Greek. With a Dis- sertation on the Olympick Games. By Gilbert West. 4to, old calf (hinges cracked, some margins a little stained). * First English Translation. Lond.: Dodsley, 1749 480. PINKERTON (JOHN). Iconographia Scotia; or, Portraits of Illustrious Persons of Scotland. 56 engraved portraits and plates (should be 62). Lond. 1797; The Scottish Gallery of Portraits of Eminent Persons of Scotland, many of them after pictures by the celebrated Jameson. 55 engraved portraits (includes three more than im the list). Lond. 1799. First Epitions. 2 vols. 4to, full russia, gilt backs and borders (vebacked). Lond. 1797-1799 * LARGE PAPER COPIES. 481. PISTOFILO (BONAVENTURA). Il Torneo. En- graved title, portrait of the author, and 117 copper-plates of knights in armor exercising with sword and lance, by Corio- lano. 4to, original limp vellum (cover loose, a few leaves slightly spotted). Bologna: Clemente Ferroni, 1627 [1626} * Searce. Has music for the drums on 2 leaves. The H. W. Poor copy, with label. ; 482. PLAUTI. M. Acci Plauti Comoediz superstites XX. accuratissime edite. Hngraved title. 24mo, handsomely bound in full green levant morocco, gilt borders. Amstelodami: Typis Ludoviei Elzeviri, 1652 * First and only Elzevir edition. 483. PLINIUS. Historia Naturalis. Pars I, editio 1540 (title dated 1536) ; Pars II, editio, 1540; Pars III, editio 1536 (title dated 1535); Index, 1538. 4 vols. 8vo, uniform 16th century Italian bindings in olive morocco, the sides richly tooled and gilt to a pattern of ornamental leaves, etc., with the ARMS OF ‘CARD. FELICE PERETTI or Montauto (afterwards Pope Sixtus V), gilt backs, gilt gauffred edges (joints very skilfully restored). From the Hoe library. 4% « Venetiis: Aldus, 1536-40 484, PLINY. C. Plinii Cecilii Secundi Epistole et Pane- oyricus. Editio nova. Marcus Zuerius Boxhornius recensuit, et passim emendavit. Printer’s mark, ‘‘la Minerve.’’ 24mo, full calf antique, carmine edges (short name on title). Amstelodami: Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1659 485. PLON (EUGENE). Benvenuto Cellini. Orfévre, Médailleur, Seulpteur. Recherches sur la vie, sur son ceuvre, et sur les piéces qui lui sont attribuées. Illustrated with facsimiles and numerous etched reproductions of his work. First Epirion. Thick royal 4to, cloth gilt, full gilt edges. Paris, 1883 486. POE (EDGAR ALLAN). The Raven. Jllustrated by Gustave Doré. With Comment by Edmund Clarence Sted- man. Atlas folio, cloth. N. Y. 1884 66 487. POLLARD (A. F.). Henry VIII. Colored and illuminated frontispiece and many fine photogravure por- trats and facsimiles. 4to, half crushed crimson levant, gilt top, uncut, by Durvand. Lond., &c.: Goupil & Co., 1902 * Limited Issue on fine paper, original wrappers bound in. 488. PONTANUS (J. J.). Centum Ptolemei Sententizx ad Syrum fratrem a Pontano é greco in latinum tralate, atque exposite. Kiusdem Pontani libri XIIII. de Reb ccelesti- bus. Liber etiam de Luna imperfectus. 8vo, half calf (rubbed, writing on title, and some marginal notes in an ancient hand). Venetiis i in Atdibus Aldi, et Andrew Soceri, 1519 * The third volume of onan! prose works. Nice speci- men of the Aldine edition of this celebrated work, printed with- in red-ruled border. Scarce. 489. POPERY. The Protestant. Essays on the Principal Points of Controversy between the Church of Rome and the Reformed. By W. McGavin. With Essay and Appendix illustrating Jesuitism, Monachism, and Popery in America. Numerous illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, sheep (rubbed). | Middletown, 1833 490. PORPHYRIUS. De Abstinentia ab esu animalium libri IIII, J. B. Feliciano interprete. 4to, morocco, gilt (title missing). Venetiis, 1546 491. PORTRAIT GALLERY of distinguished Poets, Phil- osophers, Statesmen, Divines, Painters, Architects, Physicians, and Lawyers. With their biographies. Arranged in chrono- logical order. 2 vols. royal 8vo, full calf (rubbed). Lond. 1853 492, PORTUGALLIA, sive de regis Portugallix regnis et opibus commentarius. Engraved title. 24mo, full old vellum. Lugd.-Batav.: Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1641 * The first and only Elzevir edition. Contains reference to America and Brazil in Chap. 8. 493. PRATEOLUS (GABRIEL). Elenchus Haereticorum omnium qui ab Orbe condito, ete. 4to, original binding of stamped pigskin over oaken boards, with design consisting of central panel of conventional foliage supporting medallion portraits, surrounded by a pretty interlaced border, with outer border repeating the panel design (clasps wanting and some pp. stained). Colonie: Apud Arnoldum Quentelium, 1605 494. PREJUGES LEGITIMES contre les Calvanistes. Nouvelle édition. Vignette on trtle. 16mo, limp vellum ° (shaken, and small holes in margins of last few leaves). Paris: Chez Guillaume Desprez, 1679 495. PRIESTLEY (JOSEPH). History and Present State of Discoveries relating to Vision, Light, and Colours. 25 fold- ing plates. Firsr EpITIonN. 2 vols. in one, Ato, boards, calf back. Lond. 1772 67 496. PTOLEMY. la Geografia di Claudio Tolomeo, Ales- sandrino, Nuouamente tradotta di Greco in Italiano, da Girolamo Ruscelli. . .. Aggunntoui un pieno discorso di M. Gioseppe Molito. Thick small 4to, vellum (rebacked), title and following leaf repaired, and lib. stamp on title. Venetia: Vincenzo Valgrisi, 1561 * A new and important edition with a new series of maps, 64 in number, which were partly based on those of Jacopo Gastaldo in the edition of 1548, but on a somewhat larger seale. Ten of the maps relate either wholly or partly to America. Following the maps is the errata, and the Discourse of Moleto, which is sometimes wanting. The Crane copy. 497. PYNE (W. H.). On Rustic Figures, in imitation of Chalk. 36 full-page plates. Ato, half morocco. Lond.: R. Ackermann, 1813 * Inserted are title and two pp. on Introduction from the - edition of 1817. The plates are dated 1813. 498. RACINE (JEAN). Théatre. With portrait by Gaucher after Santerre and 12 plates by Duclos, Flipart, Levasseur, Née, Rousseau, Simonet, etc., after Gravelot. 3 vols. 8vo, half old calf (slightly foxed and rubbed, name on titles and frontispieces). Rouen, 1795 499. RACINE (JEAN). Céuvres de Jean Racine. Edition stéréotype d‘aprés la procédé de Firmin Didot. 5 vols. 18mo, boards (pp. foxed), uncut. Paris, 18.7 500. [RAMSAY (ANDREW MICHAEL).] The Travels of Cyrus. Head- and tail-pieces and tmtials engraved by Vander Gucht. Ato, old calf (corners rubbed, re-hinged). Lond.: Printed by James Bettenham,, 1730 501. RAPHAEL (SANZIO D’URBIN). Imagines V. ac N. Test. a Raphaele Sanctio Vrbinate in Vaticani palatii xystis expressa, J. J. de Rubeis cura delineate et incise. 55 full-page copper-plates engraved by Pantetti and P. Aquila. Oblong folio, half crushed morocco (title and plate 24 are wanting). Rome [1674]. 502. RAULIN (M.). Traité dela Phthisie Pulmonaire. 8vo, boards, calf back. Paris, 1782 503. RAYNAL (ABBE). A Philosophical and Political History of the Settlements and Trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies. Engraved portrait, maps and plates (one map torn, and one plate loose). 6 vols. 8vo, full old ealf. Dublin, 1784 504. RECUEIL D’ESTAMPES ...-en France. Dans le Cabinet du Roy, dans celuy de le Due d’Orleans, & dans d’autres Cabinets. 174 copper-plates, some im bistre and green, after Raphael, Perugin, Jules Romain, Trtvan, Veron- ese, Annibal Carrache, Ge. 2 vols. folio, old ealf (bindings rubbed and repaired, seven plates lacking and a few plates repaired and soiled). Paris, 1729-42 68 a 005. REI AGRARIA) Auctores legesque varie, cura Wilelmi Goesii et Nicolai Rigaltii. Numerous fine copper- plate engravings and woodcuts. Ato, contemporary stamped vellum (pages time-stained). Amsterdam: Jansson, 1674 * LARGE PAPER. Very rare in this state. 906. RELATIONI (Diverse) et discorsi di diversi Amba- sciatori Veneziani (contains reports by Navagero, Card. Comendono, V. Fidele, G. Soranzo, Emiliano Manolesso, An- drea Boldu, ete.). Italian manuscript on paper of the first part of the 17th century. 4to, old vellum (water-stained). ‘See. XVII 007. RENNELL (JAMES). Memoir of a Map of Hindoo- stan; or, The Mogul Empire: With an Introduction, illustra- tive of the Geography and present division of that Country. 5 folding maps and plans (spotted). The Second Edition, with very considerable additions and many corrections. 4to, old calf (rebacked). Lond. 1792 * An invaluable work. 508. RETZSCH (MORITZ). Outline illustrations to Schiller’s Song of the Bell; Schiller’s Pegasus in the Yoke; Sehiller’s Fight with the Dragon; -Schiller’s Fridolin; Goethe’s Faust. 4to, full morocco (rubbed and some plates sprung), full gilt edges. Stuttgart, 1857 509. REYNOLDS (SIR JOSHUA). The Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds, Knight. To which is prefixed an Account of the Life and Writings of the Author. By Edmond Malone. Engraved portrat by Caroline Watson after Reynolds. 3 vols. 8vo, full mottled calf (worn in hinges). Lond. 1809 * William J. Le Moyne’s copy, with his autograph in first volume. 510. RICAUT (PAUL). The History of the Present State of the Ottoman Empire. With copper-plate engravings exhibiting the costumes of the natives. 12mo, old calf (re- backed). Lond. 1686 511. RICCI (CORRADO). la Galleria degli Uffizi. 43 fine plates im colors. Ato, cloth. | Bergamo, n. d. 512. RIVIERA (CESARE DELLA). Il Mondo Magico de gli heroi. 2 vols. in one. Small 4to, limp vellum (writing on margin of title and of some pages). Milano: Per Pietro Martire Locarni, 1605 513. RIVERIUS (LAZARUS). Four Books of that Learned and Renowned Doctor, Lazarus Riverius, containing 513 Observations or Histories of Famous and Rare Cures.... Unto which is added, a Fifth Book, being Select Medicinal Counsels of John Fernelius. All Englished by Nicholas Cul- 69 peper. Folio, rebound in full vellum (name on title and some leaves trimmed close, some margins worn or repaired). Lond.: Printed by John Streater, 1672 * A most curious work, containing a total of nearly 600 rare cures. There are a number of errors in pagination, an entire hundred being skipped (120-221), as well as errors in signa- tures (A6-D). The text is apparently perfect, with A Physi- cal Dictionary, and Alphabetical Table of Diseases at the end. 514. [ROLEWINCK (WERNER).] Fasciculus temporum. Gothic character, 47-50 lines to the page; 6 unnumbered and 91 leaves wrongly numbered (im all 97), with signatures. Numerous woodcuts representing the Saviour, mews of cities, etc. Ato, vellum, (first leaf containing title, and numbered leaves 89 and 90 missing). [Lugduni: Mathias Huss, c. 1495] * This edition, the first printed at Lyon, is one of the rarest among the 33 issued during the 15th century. It contains the additions by Henry Wirezburg de Wach. Not in Hain. Copinger, II, 2437; Proctor, 8750. 515. ROTGANS (L.). Wulhem de Derde. With engraved title and fine copper-plate engravings. 2 vols. in one. 4to, contemporary stamped vellum. : Amsterdam: Francois Halma, 1710-1700 516. ROYAL DRESDEN GALLERY.. A selection of sub- jects engraved after pictures by the Great Masters, Claude Lorrain, Correggio, Guido Rem, Raphael, Rembrandt, etc., etc. With accompanying text. 2 vols. 4to, half olive morocco (some plates slightly foxed). Dresden: Payne, n,. d. 517. ROYCROFT PRESS. A Christmas Carol (Dickens) ; A Message to Garcia, and Thirteen other Things (Hubbard). 2 vols. 8vo, limp suede ealf, gilt tops, uncut. ; East Aurora, 1901-2 518. RUBEL (JOHANN FRIEDRICH). Physikalische abhandlung von der Gewalt des Teufels in die Koérper. V7- gnette title. Small 4to, boards. Niirnberg, 1753 519. [RYVES (BRUNO).] Mercurius Rusticus: or, The Countries Complaint of the barbarous Outrages committed by the Sectaries of this late flourishing Kingdom, &e. Frontis- piece. Small 8vo, old calf (rebacked, name on title). Lond. 1685 * Has the three titles, including the Chronology of Battels, &e. 520. SABELLICUS (M. A.). Rerum Venetarum ab Urbe Condita Decades. Roman character, 48 lines to the page; 240 unnumbered leaves (including the 2 of Errata), with signa- tures. Folio, maroon morocco, gilt paneled sides and back (somewhat waterstained and one or 2 headings cut into). Venetiis: Andreas de Torresanis de Asula, 1487 * First Epitron of this interesting Venetian official chronicle, which contains also references to the introduction of the art of printing in Italy and to Jenson. MHain-Copinger, 14053; Proc- tor, 4713. 70 - , os: ie, = a, = . 021. SALLUST. De Conjuratione Catiline et de Bello Jugurthino Historie. Printer’s mark on title. Folio, original vellum (some writing on margins, and a few leaves slightly wormed). Venetiis: Joan Gryphius, 1556 * With the leaf of errata at end. 022. SALMASIUS (CL.). Epistola ad Andream Colvium: super cap XI. prime ad Corinth. Epist. de cxsarie virorum et mulierum coma. Printer’s design on title. Thick 12mo, vellum. Lugd.-Batavor.: Ex officina Elzeviriorum, 1644 * Printed in large type. The only Elzevir edition. 623. SALON. lL’Exposition des Beaux-Arts, Salon de 1882—Salon of 1907. [The later volumes with text in Eng- lish.| Hach volume with a profusion of fine photogravure and other plates, a few etched and some in colors, and many illustrations throughout text. 26 vols. royal 8vo and 4to, cloth, edges uncut (one in half red morocco, a few in portfolio form, one cover soiled, one back slightly torn, one volume shaken). Paris, 1882-1907 * An unusually fine and long run. 524. SALON DE PEINTURE et de Sculpture. Catalogue deseriptif des ceuvres récompensées et des principales ceuvres hors concours rédigé par Georges Lafenestre. Nwmerous etched plates. 1879-91. 13 vols. Imp. 8vo, half blue polished morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. Paris, 1879-91 525. SANCTA SCRIPTURZ potentia demonstrata a Johanne Cocceio. Lugd.-Batav. 1655; Ius Publicum (Antoni Perezi). Amstel. 1657; Luderwaldt de Criteriis Fabularum. 1761; Carpzovii, Dissertatio in Eologia Virgilii. 1700; J. Li. P. de Latinismis et Barbarismis Commentarium 1688. In 3 vols. 12mo and smaller, various bindings {covers of one vol. loose). 526. SANDERSON (ROBERT). XXXIV. Sermons, ad ~ Aulam, Clerum, Magistratum, Populum. With a large Pre- face by the said Author. Engraved portrait by Dolle. Folio, old calf (rubbed, one panel loose). | Lond.: Printed for A. S., 1674 527. SANDFORD (FRANCIS). The History of the Coro- nation of James II... .and of his Royal Consort Queen Mary. Illustrated with numerous fine copper-plates (some repaired). Royal folio, newly bound in half brown morocco. In the Savoy: Printed by Thomas Newcomb, 1687 * Nineteen of the plates portray the procession, in which many portraits are introduced. 528. SANDYS (GEORGE). Ovid’s Metamorphosis. Eng- lished, Mythologiz’d, And Represented in Figures by G. S. Engraved title, portrait of Ovid, and 15 plates engraved on copper by Clein after Saverm. Folio, old calf (back and 2 71 corners restored, some leaves and plates repaired, lacks printed title). (Oxford: John Litchfield], 1632 * First Illustrated Edition. This translation was almost entirely made while Sandys was a resident of Virginia. 529. SARGENT (JOHN S.). The Work of John 8. Sargent. With an Introductory Note by Mrs. Meynell. 62 reproduc- tions of his portraits and sketches. Imp. folio, cloth, gilt top, — uncut. Lond.: Heinemann, 1903 530. SAURIN. Discours Historiques, Critiques, Theolog- iques et Moraux, sur les evenements les plus memorables du Vieux et du Nouveau Testament. Illustrated with 212 very fine copper-plate engravings by Hoet, Houbraken, B. Picart, etc. 6 vols. imp. folio, sound old red morocco, gilt backs and sides, full gilt edges (a few pp. of text foxed). Amsterdam: B. Picart, 1720-1739 * THE EXCEEDINGLY SCARCE ORIGINAL EDITION, ON LARGEST PAPER, with the quality ‘‘ Papier Imperial’’ printed on title- page, below the imprint. In nearly all the copies offered, the date on the first volume appears as 1828. In the present copy, the correct date, 1720 appears. The plates are in the finest possible condition, in brilliant impressions. 531. [SAVONAROLA (HIERONYMUS). Expositio super Oratione Dominica. Gothic character, 24 leaves. 8vo, boards (a little wormed and inner margins of a few leaves mended). [Germany, c. 1510] * A very rare edition, apparently not quoted by any bibli- ographer. On the title is the following note by a 16th century German hand: ‘‘Haec expositio est Sanctiss. viri Jeronymi Savonarolae,’’ ete. 5382. SAXONY. Great Seal of Frederick Augustus, Arch- duke and first King of Saxony. Seal in wax, enclosed in a gilt metal case, with the arms on the outside. .The seal and case being enclosed in a folio box of tin (seal slightly broken on one side). 533. SCHAFFER (JACOB CHRISTIAN). Vorlausige Beobachtungen der Schwamme um Regensburg; De Studii Ichthyologica; De Studii Botanici; Die Blumenpolypen der suszen Wasser; Der Gichtschwamm mit grunschleimigem Hute; Kalchartiges Bergmeel; and eight other works. In 2 vols. 4to, boards, calf backs. Regensburg, 1759-1761 * Each of the works is illustrated with copper-plate engray- ings, beautifully colored. The unmentioned works include: Shell-Fish, Insects, Sea life, ete. . 534. SCHEDEL (HARTMANN). Register des buchs der Croniken und geschichtes mit figure und pildnussen von anbegein der welt bis auf dise unsere Zeit. Gothic character, title +. 9 unnumbered prelim. leaves + CCLXXXV num- bered leaves + two leaves for map of Central Europe, on the verso of which is a colophon. About 2,000 large and -small woodcuts by Wolgemuth and Pleydenwurf, including numerous large views of cities, genealogical trees, heads of 72 celebrated personages, maps, etc. 2 vols. large folios, boards, cloth back, uneut. In a portfolio. Nuremberg: Anthon Koberger, 1493 * Large copy of the First Edition of the Niiremberg Chroni- cle in German. The passage relating to Behaim (which is want- ing in the original manuscript of the German translation, while in the Latin codex it is inserted in a different handwriting from the rest of the work) will be found in the present copy on the verso of leaf CCLXXXV. Title cut and mounted, first leaf of the map of Central Europe wanting, second leaf partly restored and mounted, piece cut from folio 169 and some head- lines restored, otherwise a very fine copy. Hain, 14510; Har- risse, B, A. V., 14. 030. SCHURMAN (ANNA MARIA A.). Opuscula Hebrea, Greca, Latina, Gallica. Pine engraved portrait. 8vo, newly bound in full blue morocco, gilt back and sides (name and stamp on title). Lugd. Batav: Ex officina Elzeviriorum, 1648 * First EDITION. The portrait, which was designed and en- graved by the author, is often missing. Very rare in this con- dition. Willems, 649. 536. SCOTT (SIR WALTER). The Waverley Novels. Frontispreces. 12 vols. 8vo, full sheep (worn in hinges). Phila. 1856 537. SHGUIN (lL. G.). Rural England. Loitering along the Lanes, the Common-sides and the Meadow-paths, with Peeps into the Halls, Farms and Cottages. With dllustra- tions from designs by Millas, Pettie, Barnard, North, and others, on Japan paper. Imp. 4to, illuminated boards (worn), uncut. Lond.: Strahan, n. d. 538. SENAULT (R. P. I. F.). De l’usage des Passions. Derniére edition. Engraved title. 24mo, old calf, rebacked. Leide: Chez Jean Elsevier, 1658 * On margin of title is written ‘‘Lib. S. J.’’ 539. SENECA. L. Annaei Senece philosophi opera que exstant omnia a Justo Lipsio emendata et Scholiis illustrata. Editio quarta, atque ab ultima Lipsi manu. KHngraved title and portraits by Galle. Thick folio, full contemporary calf (a little worn, and title and a few leaves slightly wormed). Antverpie: Ex officina Plantiniana B. Moreti, 1652 540. SERMONES Thesauri Novi de Tempore et de Sanc- tis. With 2 initials beautifully wulwminated im gold and colors and numerous capital letters finely painted im blue and red. 2 parts in one volume. Folio, contemporary wooden binding covered with calf, and stamped with various designs of scrolls, lozenges of Dragons, and Tudor Roses: (rubbed and back mended). Nuremberge: Anthonius Koberger, X Kal. Marcii, 1487 * Gothic character in two columns, 299+225—524 leaves. Signat. a-3, aa33, 72z,00, FI, aa-zz, ze Aa-Nn; 55 lines to the page. Copinger III, 5409—Copinger, III, 5415; Reichling, 73 Appendices ad Hain-Copinger, I, p. 190. No copy in the British Museum, nor in the Bodleian Library. Unknown to Hain, Panzer, Brunet and Graesse. Excessively rare, only two or three copies being known. From the library of George May Elwood, with his bookplate. D441. SERRES (JOHN DE).