arenes n S °] ; a 1? E adl LF f APY ait e ae ei wf we As # a . eT ro ind tthe ee ae incagl oF eat x A ik FREE PUBLIC EXHIBITION COMMENCING SUNDAY, JANUARY 11, 1925 AND CONTINUING UNTIL DATES OF SALE WEEKDAYS FROM 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. SUNDAY FROM 2 TO 5 P.M. UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE JANUARY 14, 15, 16 AND 17, AT 2:15 P.M. SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. O. BERNET AND MR. H.H. PARKE Se NS, _ > sy ay ey law Be oat y os LY f, . at Handa? © aworrallo ¥ 399 \ EXHIBITION AND SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE °- 56TH TO 57TH STREET NEW YORK a) rf, Oye daa “7 f / + si Se, SERPS LED RESINAS siiensincnt ine = =) i RM S N ‘= ee gp) ea) x ss A e at <3) = 3 < Co) & és) 2 < = HIGHLY INTERESTING AND VALUABLE OBJECTS OF ART REPRESENTING THE COLLECTION MADE BY THE WELL-KNOWN EUROPEAN CONNOISSEUR - GEORGES SPETZ CONTAINED IN HIS PRIVATE MUSEUM IN ALSACE - FRANCE FOR THE PAST SEVENTY- FIVE YEARS AND NOW TO BE DISPERSED AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION - INC. MCMXXV THE GEORGES SPETZ PRIVATE MUSEUM GEORGES SPETZ’S Collection has been well known in Europe e ior the last seventy-five years, and not till the death of the owner fifteen years ago was there any thought of its dis- persal. M. Spetz was a very ardent student of tous les arts, for he studied painting under de Merhiusern at Rome, sending works to the Paris Salon. His activities in music were even more meritorious, for amongst his compositions were Le Pawvre and Le Sphina, the texts of which were by Bouchor and the Vicomte de Borelli; both of these operas were performed in Paris with success. In fact, the man’s whole life was spent cherishing the arts and many an exposition retro- spective was greatly assisted by the generous loan exhibits of M. Spetz. The well-known art critic, M. Anselme Laugel, wrote in 1900 a fine critique of the Spetz collection for La Revue Alsacienne pub- lished at Strasbourg. The great impetus now existing to acquire French faience of the XVI, XVII and XVIII centuries was largely due to Mr. Morgan’s munificence in bequeathing some years ago a charming collection to _the Metropolitan Museum and it may be noted that many examples in the Spetz Collection are very similar or have great analogy thereto. In fact, with the exception of the famous Oiron or St. Porchaire faience, there are more diverse kilns represented than in the Morgan Collection at the Muséum. For there are charming groups of Nevers, Rouen, Moustiers, Quimper, Strasbourg, Avignon, Paris, Marseilles, Apt, St. Omer, St. Amand-les-EKaux, Niderwiller, Douai and Avon, also one example by the great potter Bernard Palissy. A group of early Rhineward stoneware is notable, for there are specimens of Grenzhausen, Alsace, Cologne, Sieburg, Fechen and a rare Kreussen enameled jar signed by Engel Kran and dated 1584. Amongst the miscellaneous faience and porcelains are groups of Delft, Hispano-Moresque and Chinese; the latter being dignified by a large pair of delightful Ch’ien-lung Famille-Noir Temple Jars. Perhaps the proximity to Prague gave an exceptional opportu- nity for gathering XVI, XVII and XVIII Century Bohemian glass, for there are a number of rare armorial specimens and a beaker dated 1594, wheel-etched, depicting the Emperor Maximilian enthroned and surrounded by the princely electors of the Empire. The gathering of pewter, while not large, is distinguished by several exceptionally interesting objects, amongst them a XVI century temperance dish by Franciscus Briot, without doubt the most accom- plished pewterer of any age; for goldsmiths of note and even the great potter Palissy did not disdain to exploit Briot’s models. Many notable examples of early bronzes appear, mainly Gothic from the XIII to the XVI century; amongst these are an aqua manile, French of the XIV century; an excessively rare grotesque double bottle of similar origin but of the XIII century; a very fine group of mortars, early Italian and French, including a Medicean specimen bearing the coat of arms of the celebrated Cosimo. A silver inlaid Veneto-Saracenic brass dish rivals the finest ex- amples of the Nuremberg and Venetian repoussé brass dishes, although there are several of truly Gothic origin. Several of the copper, brass and forged iron torchéres, lavabos, jardiniéres and wall brackets are of importance. These are French, Italian and from the Haut Rhin. Amongst the lesser objects there are so many of intrinsic artistic worth that only a few can be enumerated; for instance, there is a sculptured cabinetmaker’s plane that rivals the one at Cluny Museum; carved leather boxes; rosaries; a Champlevé enamel pyx, French of the XIII century; a nautilus coupe of the XVI century School of Fontainebleau; gilded Gothic chalice cups and candlesticks. Any collector interested in small objects of forged iron will revel in the engraved coffrets from Nuremberg; the group of Gothic and Renaissance Locks with their fine tracery and keys, as well as the domestic utensils of definite beauty. Then again the early Renaissance silver is exceptionally inter- esting, for this was mostly acquired from surrounding cities such as Strasbourg and much of it has the maker’s and city marks, so that the collector may place it without peradventure of a doubt. ‘There are Augsburg, Nuremberg, Stuttgart, Luneberg and several French speci- mens. zi A number of French, Swiss and Alsatian stained glass panels add vastly with their glowing colors and often heraldic splendor. Two of the XVI century have been illustrated in Kraus’ admirable work on Alsatian stained glass, Kunst und Altertum in Elsass-Lothringen. These originally were in the collection of Casimir de Rathsamhauser, the princely Abbé de Murbach, Guebwiller, Alsace. | The primitive paintings and miniatures are, in several instances, very interesting from the distinct local atmosphere they breathe. Some are of Alsatian origin, but, of course, the Italian School is also represented. There is a positively typical triptych by Martin Schoen- gauer which is full of strength and virility ; this was found in L’Abbaye de Lucelle, Alsace. A gathering of small sculptured objects in ivory, boxweod, wal- nut and alabaster include a charming figurine of Cleopatra and a bas- relief of Venus and her naughty son. M. Spetz sought a museum that was representative of many divergent lines of artistic endeavor and succeeded. However, his greatest joy and achievement was perhaps the gathering of local sculp- tured walnut statuettes and groups; not that he did not acquire those of French, Spanish and Italian origin, but where he could get XIV, XV or XVI century Alsatian work he did, and many of these are noble and dignified expressions of sculptural art. The Gothic and Renaissance furniture is chiefly of French oz Alsatian provenance, but there are two very fine Dantesca chairs and a splendid Italian gilded and carved prie-Dieu. Fine chairs, cabinets and library tables in the French Renaissance are always acceptable, for their beautiful proportions and choice sculpture are always obvi- ous. Amongst these that draw immediate notice are, a stall of the School of Lyons; two library tables, one of which is signed EK. Deboulez, a rare instance of early signature; an elaborately sculptured secre- tary; several chairs and a very beautiful cabinet by Hugues Sambin, who was born at Dijon 1522 and attained great celebrity in his native city. This cabinet has many analogies to one by the same master in the Altman Collection at the Metropolitan Museum. Gothic chests and cabinets are also to be seen and two stately mantelpieces from French Flanders, with their marble columns, original terra-cotta tile linings, large iron firebacks, dated 1605 and 1616, respectively, give great dignity to the whole collection. The collection of filet lace and embroidered borders and covers represents Italy Major, Sicily, Spain and Rhodes at their best, for it is not likely that a gathering with such diverse motives could now be found. A collection of one hundred and sixty-five Coptic fragments woven in colored linens in the ancient tapestry loom manner is of serious in- terest to students and designers, not only for their color, many being as brilliant as at their first appearance, but for the varied nature of their types, which include figures of personages, birds, animals, sym- bols, flowers and foliage. There are many beautiful embroideries, sumptuous velvets, bro- cades and brocatelles. The chief examples are the original crimson velvet Spanish processional banners with painted medallions, one evi- dently executed by a close follower of Murillo, and a set of superb Florentine needlepainted panels and a screen of crimson velvet resplen- dent in silks and gold and silver thread scrollings and backgrounds with figures of saints occupying the medallions. Nothing before or since has reached such an acme of perfection and they probably are from the hand of either Jacobus Cambi or Geri Lapi, two of the most famous embroiderers of the Florentine School at its apogee. We — find, however, a large Spanish Renaissance altar frontal and a chasuble of similar workmanship that even rival the Florentines. Royal Spain, probably with much reluctance, parted with several Gothic and Early Renaissance carpets bearing patterns of much strength, simplicity and distinction; these are very notable for their fine sapphire-blues and golden-yellows. An apple-green Polonaise Rug is most delightful for exquisite draughtsmanship and simple arrangement of colors. The whe 1S reconciled with a delicate outlining of mulberry-crimson. Archaic animal rugs of the early XVI century are all rare, but the Kouba now seen is the rarest type of all. It has an unusually fine ruby-red field occupied by groups of wild animals, amongst which a lion, a leopard and a panther are seen variously attacking a horse, a gazelle and a bull; further interest is given by the addition of birds and rabbits amid the beautiful flowering shrubs. Royal Persia has contributed a number of Ispahan rugs and superb Mosque carpets of the early XVI century of great beauty, and also Damascus with their typically fine ruby-crimsons, striking yellow- greens and tracery of lovely patterning. But the delightful frag- ments of Ispahan and Lahore carpets of velvety wool pile woven with utmost dexterity are amazing in their wealth of color, and the subtlety of their patterns easily challenges carpets of earlier or later periods. Persian flower gardens must certainly have been as beautiful as their poetry indicates to inspire such masterpieces. ‘There are rarities in color amongst them and a XV century animal example is a tour de force. The Lahore specimens, equally beautiful, recall those of the Altman collection in the Metropolitan Museum. Decorative tapestries give a stateliness to any apartment unat- tainable by any other means. Amongst those now on exhibition are, Burgundian Gothic of the XV century depicting the legend of the Wild Man of the Woods; two Renaissance, one a Brussels, the other Fontainebleau, representing The Meeting of Hercules and Omphale and a Bear Hunt; an Aubusson probably after a Boucher rustic subject ; an amusing Lille example representing The Dubbing of Don Quixote Knight by the Innkeeper; and two very effective English tapestries, having extremely beautiful color, made under the direction of Francis Poyntz after he had left Mortlake and established his looms at Hatton Garden in London. The subjects are, The Rape of the Sabines and The Death of Niobe’s Children; in the coats of arms at crown of each are the quarterings of the Effingham family and of the Marquis of Thomond. There is also a most important Gothic Arras tapestry woven after two celebrated woodcuts by Albert Diirer which caught the attention of all Europe in his day. This depicts scenes from the Apocalypse and was originally in a series woven for the Escurial Palace at Madrid. Frank H. G. Keeste. CONDITIONS OF SALE I. Rejection of bids: Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. II. The buyer: The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. Ill. Identification and devosit by buyer: The name of the buyer of each ist shal\ be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a ecard giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. A deposit at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices aS may be required. Ié the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so pur- chased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. IV. Risk after purchase: Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter the property is at the purchasers’ risk, and neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss of, or any damage to any article by theft, fire, breakage, however occasioned, or any other cause whatsoever. V. Delivery of purchases: Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. VI. Receipted bills: Goods will only be delivered on presentation of a receipted bill. A receipted bill presented by any person will be recognized and honored as an order by the buyer, directing the delivery to the bearer of the goods described thereon. If a receipted bill is lost before delivery of the property has been taken, the buyer should immediately notify the Association of such loss. _. WII. Storage in default of prompt payment and calling for goods: Articles not paid for in full and not called for by the purchaser or agent by noon of the day following that of the sale may be turned over by the Association to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the purchaser. and the cost of such cartage and storage and any other charges will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day following that of the sale, the Association and the auctioneer reserve the right, any other stipulation in these conditions of sale notwithstanding, in respect to any or all lots included in the purchase bill, at its or his option, either to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at publie or private sale without further notice for the account of the buyer and to hold the buyer responsible for any deficiency and all losses and expenses sustained in so doing. | VIII. Shipping: Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, however, afford to pur- chasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. IX. Guaranty: The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloging or imper- fection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold ‘‘as is” and without recourse. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Asso- ciation will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. X. Records: The records of the Auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. XI. Buying on order: Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or telephone, if conditions permit, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded if the lot differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clearness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more ‘volumes of books or objects of arts, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Asso- ciation, a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. = Priced Catalogues: Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copy- ing the necessary information from the records of the Association. These conditions of sale cannot be altered except by the auctioneer or by an officer of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC., OTTO BERNET; MANAGERS. HIRAM H. PARKE, AUCTIONEERS. INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES Anp SUATE TAs INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES AND CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS oA ppRAISALS AND CATALOGUES. Together with the increase in exhibition and sales rooms, the American Art Association, Inc., will expand its serv- ice of furnishing appraisements, under expert direction, of art and literary property, jewelry and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for inheritance tax, insurance and other purposes. It is prepared also to supplement this work by making catalogues of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such cata- logues to be modelled after the finely and intelligently produced catalogues of the Association’s own Sales. The Association will furnish at request the names - of many Trust and Insurance Companies, Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Attorneys and private in- dividuals for whom the Association has made ap- praisements which have not only been entirely satis- factory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Revenue Department, State Comptroller and others in interest. ‘“ohe AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. MADISON AVENUE, 561TH TO 571TH STREET NEW YORK CITY — ie es > , a) on alee we o' a. © ’ = ae a 5 5 i . > ~*~ Pe / + & * Ey eee eal : ys = os) a ‘ta. se aA 7 Ais wr £ et a —v. aere, BRS SESSION WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 14, 1925 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2:15 O’CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 1 to 235 inclusive FRENCH, ITALIAN, NUREMBERG AND HAUT RHIN OBJECTS OF ART OF THE XVI, XVIT AND XVIII CENTURIES 1—Two Miniatures 1n Mirror Grass Frames | Italian, XVIII Century Varied in shape, intaglio cut in back. Set with miniature prints: SAINT JEROME and the CONVERSION OF ST. PAUL. Height, 51%, inches. 2—StTraw AnD Horn Boxes anp MoruHeEr-or-PEARL WINDER French, XVIII Century (a) Long oval box; inlaid in straw with vase of flowers and scrollings. (zs) Shell-shaped horn box. (Lacks hinges.) (c) Oval mother-of-pearl winder. Engraved with scrollings of rocaille, flowers and diamond lattice. Lengths, 43/4, inches, 3 inches, 43/, inches. 3—PottTreRY Drinkinc VESSEL Romano-Germanic, II Century Modeled in the form of a horse’s head and neck having a loop side handle; painted brown-black. (Chipped.) Height, 71% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every ttem is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 4—Ivory anp Brass Compasses Augsburg, XVII Century (a) Oblong ivory compass; engraved and also forming a sun- dial; the exterior denoting time at various centres. 3 (s) Engraved brass compass; with quadrant and annular ring to form sun-dial. Diameter, 1% inches; length, 1% inches. 5—Cuivre Dort Ficurine anp Sitver WatcH French, XVII Century (a) Figure of cupid lightly standing on molded round base. (s) Silver watch, with enriched dial, having blue annular ring for numerals and central cupidon. Commemorative of the French Revolution. Height, 234 inches. 6—CHINESE JADE CouPE Ch’ien-lung Period Deep coupe of beautifully marked fir-tree green jade. (Small side crack.) Height, 24%, inches. 7—Bas-rEvIEF OvaLt Pewrer MerpALLion Italian Renaissance A warrior, wearing Roman armor, is seated at left with sword in right hand and thunderbolt in his left. He looks down at the puny people of the earth at their various avocations. Length, 4 inches. 8—Roman Terra-cotra Or Lamp IIIT Century Circular, enriched with vase of flowers and border of flutes. Length, 4 inches. Note: ‘These small lamps were largely found in the catacombs at Rome and were much in use in the days of the early Christian Martyrs. 9—Carvepd Watnet Box anv Torrotsr-sHELL Snurr Box English, XVIII Century (a) Oblong walnut box, with canted corners and hinged cover. Enriched with arabesqued scrollings. Interior fitted with silver and steel apothecaries’ weights and scale. Original maker’s label under lid: Richard Roberts—Londres. (sn) Oblong tortoise-shell box; with hinged cover. Inlaid with silver and mother-of-pearl cartouche, engraved with landscape, surrounded by scrollings. (Needs restoration.) Lengths, 3%, inches and 3 inches. First Session 10—Frencn Enamet Tray XVIII Century Round basket pierced rim; decorated with three playing cards and sprays of flowers in colors. (Slightly cracked on rim.) Diameter, 5 inches. 11—Enecravep Brass Box French, Early XVI Century Molded oval, with hinged cover; centre panels of top and foot each enclosing four medallioned symbolic figures; the borders of fine scrollings. | Length, 5 inches. 12—Ivory anv Steet Knire anp Forx Haut Rh, XVII Century Dagger bladed knife, and four-tined fork; molded expanding round handles of ivory curiously painted with scrollings in brown at shanks and ends. Lengths, 9% inches and 71%, inches. 13—Sreet Kwire with Carven Boxwoop Hanpie French, Late XVI Century Dagger blade, with silver faceted mounted boxwood handle; enriched with group of symbolic figures in which Charity, Justice and Hope are seen, surrounded by cherubim. Length, 934 inches. 14—FiznicrEE SILveR Fork Italian, XVI Century Expanding oval handle, enriched with open filigree scrollings ; three-tined steel fork. Length, 61% inches. 15—Brass SNUFFERS AND F'orkK Haut Rhin, XVI Century (a) Snuffers with curious balustered and looped handles ; having oblong cutting box enriched with scrolled panels. Stamped with maker’s mark. (3) Bone handled two-tined fork ; the handle studded with bosses and shell-like devices in brass. Lengths, 8% inches and TY, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 16—ReEpoussE SILvER PANEL Nuremberg, XVI Century OUR LORD AT THE coLtuMN. Our Lord standing at the Column, nude save a loin cloth. He holds a symbolic flail and brush in His hands. Kneeling before Him at left are the Virgin and Saint Joseph. Oblong, in walnut frame. Height, 434 inches. 17—Brass Box anv Bust French, XVII Century Box-molded tubular, with two compartments, pierced with ro- settes, scrolls and bands at sides. Bust terminal for fire-iron; floriated bust of young Hercules, a portion of his lon-skin seen across his shoulders. Heights, 2°4 inches and 51% inches. 18—CuInESE CLotisonNE Enamet Tray Ming Period Circular bossed tray; enameled on exterior and interior with lotus and aster scrollings in red, yellow, white and purple on turquoise-blue grounds. Diameter, 614, inches. 19—JEweELED, Sitver FirickEE PENDANT witH MINIATURE Italian, XVII Century In three portions; upper a scrolled and jeweled coronet with ring for suspension in colored jewels. Centre portion; with jeweled filigree border and oval medallion occupied by subject: ASSUMPTION OF SAINT ROSALIA. Lower portion; with medallion exhibiting CHRIST WALKING ON THE WATER and SAINT GEORGE; within a diamond-shaped filigree border; chain for suspension. Total length, 1414 inches. 20—GARNET AND SILVER Rosary Venetian, XVII Century Rosary of faceted garnet beads, having small filigree stops and gilded glass stations. Filigree pendant with enameled minia- ture depicting ouR LorD and THE CRUCIFIXION bearing a cruci- form drop and an engraved hanging crucifix. 21—Rare Carvep Boxwoop Rosary Haut Rhin, XVI Century Beads are variously carved with rosetted pillared motives, masks and medallioned stations. Pendant at one end with floriated cross and group of four Evangelists at other with a crucifix. First Session 22—CoraL AND SILvER Rosary Italian, XVII Century Somewhat tubular beads of deep pink coral, having chain and faceted ball stops. Filigree pendant of lobed motives and sup- porting a crucifix. 23—AMETHYST AND MoTHER-OF-PEARL Rosary Italian, 1565 Finely matched oval beads with faceted amethyst stops. Fin- ished with pendent cross and two gilded medallions, having sub- jects: THE CRUCIFIXION, CHRIST AMONGST THE DOCTORS, OUR LORD AND HIS MOTHER and another symbolic of cHariry. 24—Ivory anp TorroisE-sHELL Comps AND GRATER Italian, XVII Century (a) Oblong, finely toothed ivory comb. Inlaid with husks and rosettes in tortoise-shell and mother-of-pearl. (a) Eighteenth Century Spanish. Amber shell comb. With ob- long panel pierced with vase and beautiful scrollings. (c) Sixteenth Century, Haut Rhin. Carved walnut grater; curved sheath-shaped; enriched with jardiniére of flowers, demi- figure and scrollings. Original iron rasp set in back. Lengths, 5 inches, 6%, inches and 61, inches. 25—Carvep LreatrHEeR PowpEer Horn anv SHEATH Haut Rh, Late XVI Century Curved tapering horn bound in brass, covered in leather, em- bossed with a weird scrolled dragon. Lobed tapering sheath covered in black leather, enriched with panels of flowers, scrolled masks and spirals; openings at crown for three implements that do not exist. Lengths, 7% inches and 8% inches. 26—Two Carvep LzeatHer Boxes Haut Rhin, Early XVII Century Molded, round box with domed loose cover terminating in bulb- ous motive. One enriched with panels of scrolled masks and fantastic weird animals guarding a coat of arms. The other slightly earlier, with Gothic leaves and reedings. Heights, 534 inches and 31% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 27—Carvep Boxwoop PLANE AND Watnut Sprrir LEVEL French, XVI Century Molded oblong plane, with frontal handle in form of a leaf- scrolled demi-nymph. The inset for iron enriched with a scrolled cupidon’s head surmounted by a shell. Molded oblong spirit level, with loose cover and original glass tube for level. Lengths, 10 inches and 81% inches. 28—Two Carvep Cocoanuts French, Late XVI Century (a) Enriched in low relief with two classic subjects ALEXANDER AND ANTIPATER and DARIUS’ FAMILY AT THE FEET OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT. The subjects parted by acanthus scrollings termi- nating in a dish of fruit. The crown in the form of a curious fish with red and black eyes; the base elaborately enriched with acanthus leaves and rosette. ‘Two rings for suspension. (s) Similar, with masked and spear-shaped leaf foot and deep continuous band of finely rosetted leaf scrollings. Heights, 6 inches and 43, inches. 29—Inuaip BonEr SLEIGH WHuiP Russian, XVII Century Round handle, with sections of bone cut with geometrical motives, the centre of carved rosewood simulating a knot at middle, flanked by inlaid metal and mother-of-pearl. Long rawhide lash, weighted with many brass rings. Total length, 7 inches and 31/, inches. 30—Smaryt Ivory Intaip Epony Manpo.riy Italian, XVII Century The sounding board enriched with a pierced round medallion of Gothic tracery. The shaft and scrolled head inlaid with tortoise- shell and scrollings of mother-of-pearl. Body faceted and hay- ing ivory lines. Length, 17% inches. 31—Carvepd Boxwoop Pastry Roiine Pry anp Watnut Pept MENT French, XVI Century Circular pin, with ribbed handles. The pin intaglio carved, with bandings of birds, scrolled leaf and zig-zags to ornament the pie crust. Leaf-scrolled pediment with central cluster of fruit. Lengths, 12%, and 12 inches. First Session 32—Two Carvep Watnut Pastry Movuutps French, XVI Century One oblong, intaglio carved with elaborate leaf-scrolled arched motives, mediaeval figures, birds and irregularly placed panels of geometrical motives. Carved on both sides and ends. The other with a curious diagonally placed T-lattice having square -motives at intersections. On reverse a small arabesqued medal- lion at upper left corner. Lengths, 12 and 144 inches. 33—ILLUMINATED AND TooLep LratTHER Box Italian Renaissance Style Oblong, with semi-circular hinged cover. Enriched in colors and gilding, with panels displaying floral coat of arms; the fable of THE FOX AND THE CRANE and CUPIDON RIDING SEA-HORSE. Length, 414 inches. 34—Carvep GEsso COFFRET Italian Renatssance Oblong; hinged cover with leaf molded and interlaced medal- lion border having laurel wreath panel occupied by medallion of classic figures flanked by sirens. The corners supported by columnar motives. The panels at sides depicting a Roman Triumph ; executed in deep ivory on punched gilded backgrounds, On button feet. (Needs restoration.) Length, 6°4 inches. 35—TooLtep Brown LEATHER COFFRET French, XVI Century Chasse-shape, with hinged cover. Tooled with diamond lattice occupied by fleurs-de-lis and rosettes. The ends and cover with inscribed scrolled labels. Lined with crimson velvet. Length, 61, inches. 36—Spanish Goruic Toorzp Learner Corrrer MovunTep IN Forcrep Iron AVI Century Oblong, with hinged cover. Tooled with varied Gothic leaf scrollings. Mounted in forged iron with rosetted hinges, band- ings at corners, lock plate and hasp. Rich dark brown patina. Length, 5 inches. Note: An exceptionally fine specimen of craftsmanship. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed wn the forepart of the Catalogue. 37—CarvED PLANE-TREE COFFRET French, Late XV Century Oblong hinged cover, enriched with central circular rosetted — medallion surrounded by series of smaller floral rosettes; three sides bound with strap bands terminating in floral motives. Front and sides with Gothic arches and further floral medallions. Shaped iron lock and small ring handle to cover. Length, 9% inches. 38—Carvep AND Tootep LEaTHER CoFrFRET Haut Rhin, Late XVI Century Incurved molded oblong sides, enriched with panels of scrolled monsters, leaves and coat of arms. Deeply molded loose cover adorned with central panel of a knight in armor, flanking panels and border of floral scrollings. Length, 91% inches. 39—Brass LANTERN AnD TRay French, XVIII Century (a) Circular lantern, having panels adorned with bust of a Roman Emperor and rocaille scrollings ; extending oblong hinged front. Pierced conical cover and folding strap handle. In- scribed: Cerqueul a Aix. | (zs) Circular deep flaring tray, pierced with scrollings of leaves, flowers, birds and masks. Height, 6% inches. Diameter, 6%, inches. | 40—Brass Powper Fuask anp CANDLESTICK Flemish, Late XVII Century Flask in the form of a standing figure of the Goddess of Lib- erty, with tubular spout at foot. Opening about centre with long sliding shaft to allow powder to escape at foot. Candle- stick with repoussé circular box having loose cover bearing small socket for candle. Long flanged handle with ring for suspen- sion; enriched with medallions and leafage. Height, 91% inches; length, 91, inches. 41—Brass Mountep Watnut Box Nuremberg, XVII Century Octagonal box with slightly domed hinged cover; encrusted with open floral bandings and central scroll rosette. Diameter, 5 inches. First Session 42—'T'wo Repoussé SILVER-PLATED JARDINIERES Italian, XVIII Century Semi-circular; enriched with shaped rocaille scrollings at crown, open side handles and centres; hooks at back for suspension. Height, 7 inches; length, 8°4 inches. 43—ReEpoussE Copper JARDINIERE AND TERMINAL Italian, XVIII Century Ball-shaped jardiniére, incurved collar, bail handles and claw feet. Enriched with figures of animals, birds and scrollings. Terminal, vase-shaped; enriched with scrolled leafage. Height, 9%4, inches; diameter, 71 inches. 44—RepoussE Copper VESSEL Italian, XVI Century Shallow straight sided bowl; with rope-molded rim on tripod legs, terminated in shell motives. Finely balustered walnut side handle with ring for suspension. Length, 1614 inches. 45—SILVER-PLATED COVERED CENSER Augsburg, Renaissance Period Triple vertically lobed, vase-shaped; on flaring base. Enriched with finely arabesque scrollings and three cherubim-heads in relief. Dome cover, with pierced floral scrollings and surmount- ing figure of Saint Peter. Flanged, with three rings for sus- pension. Height, 11 inches. 46—Brass CANDLESTICK Haut Rhnm, XVII Century Flange-molded circular shaft, with finely molded base and bobéche having long iron pricket. Height, 111% inches. 4°7—Hinpvu-Perst Brass Wine Ewer Late XVII Century Broad pear-shaped body on flaring medallion pierced foot ; duck- head spout and arched handle surmounted by a peacock in- tricately etched with nobles in attendance at a Royal Hunt, and other figures and birds. Height, 131, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 48—Brass Hanemnc Crock Anthony Marsh, English, 1724 Circular brass dial with two series of numerals; supported by — brass balusters, the sides having curiously quarter-round ex- tensions for swinging pendulum, these having crestings of pierced scrollings similar to pediment. Dial engraved, Anthony Marsh —London. C. C. 1724, See Britten. (Needs restoration; crown- ing bell of later period.) Height, 138% inches. 49—PiInE and Cypress ZITHER Italian, XVI Century Oblong shaft, with scrolled head, roll-over foot and semi-cir- cular scroll extension. At right side, enriched with two pierced rosetted medallions surrounded by strapped husks. (Needs restoration. ) Length, 2914 inches. 50—ILLUMINATED Gersso Missat Cover Siena, 1446 The front panel displaying a standing winged figure of Saint Michael; his lance thrust into the body of a strange demon at his feet; on gilded background. Border of front and back of gilded scrollings; on dark blue grounds. ‘The back further adorned with numerous Italian coats of arms and lengthy in- scription. Signed Siena; dated 1446. Height, 15 inches. 51—Carvep Watnut Hanetne REcEPTACLE French, 1701 Oblong back, with pediment, and canted corners; enriched with vase of flowers and date 1701. Three-quarter round front in three sections adorned with bands of rustic flutings. Frontal pinnacled support so that receptacle may stand as well as hang. Height, 121, inches. 52—Carvep anp Tootep Buack LratrHEeR SHIELD Haut Rhin, XVI Century Oval, with central medallion displaying a very animated combat between Roman warriors. At head and foot are medallions flanked by figures sustaining and having pendent masks. (Needs restoration. ) Height, 2314 inches. bat First Session 53—Decoratep Brrcu Box Haut Rhin, XVI Century Oblong, with hinged cover, decorated with subject the visrraTion OF THE virciIn. The Virgin is seated at right in red robes under a columned canopy which gives view of a distant chateau; at left six of the apostles approach the Holy Mother. Finished with a border of laurel leaves on red grounds. The sides are paneled with varied sprays of flowers and fruit. The front with a cognizance, CLASPED HANDS ABOVE A HEART. Height, 6 inches; length, 14 inches. 54—Goruic PotycHromepD Carvep PLANE-TREE CoOFFRET Haut Rhin, XVI Century Oblong, with Pea cover; enriched with two helmed and florally scrolled coats of arms chained to a rustic tree stump at centre and before an oblong sunk diapered background. Front, ends, back and Gothic arched plinth with similar backgrounds dis- playing varied figures of archaic birds and animals. Height, 8°4 inches; length, 12 inches. BOHEMIAN, SWISS AND VENETIAN GLASS OF THE XVI, XVII AND XVIII CENTURIES 55—Two Smatt Ercuep Guass WINE-GLASSES Bohemian, XVIII Century Lobed oval body; variously etched and cut with medallions and sprays of flowers. Height, 3%, inches, 56—Smatu Guass TuMBLER Haut Rhin, XVI Century Round expanding sides; with scale banding at crown and col- umned arcade below, occupied by symbols, figures and_ fleurs- de-lis. Height, 2% inches. 57—Four VENETIAN Grass VESSELS AVIII Century Two, incurved oval boat-shape, with ribbings and green rims. Small tazza, with gadrooned body and stem. Amber glass bowl with incurved lip. Length, 4 inches; heights, 3 inches, 2°4 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed wn the forepart of the Catalogue. 58—Four Smauut EtcHep Guass CourrEs Venetian, XVII Century © Lobed oval bowl; enriched with sprays of rudimentary flowers. Pear-shaped stems and round flaring foot. Height, 3% inches. 59—Two GitpED Guass TUMBLERS French, XVIII Century Faceted sides; enriched with gilded festoons and rims. Height, 3 inches. 60—Five Ruing WINE-GLASSES Bohemian, XVII Century Faceted round bowls; on faceted baluster stems. Height, 51, inches. 61—Two Guass GOBLETs Venetian, XVIII Century Lobed round body, with ribbings toward foot; on pear-shaped baluster. Clear glass goblet with turquoise-blue bosses and stem. Heights, 444 inches. 62—Two Gtass VasEs Venetian, XVIII Century Varied bottle-shapes. One in deep turquoise-green; the other starch-blue splashed with milk-white wave necking. (Imper- fect.) Height, 5 inches. 63—Two Cur Guass GosLeEts Bohemian, XVII Century (a) Tapering oval bowl; enriched with shell, floral and figure motives. (zs) Lobed oval; cut with stellate devices. (Both chipped.) Heights, 5% itches, 51%, inches. 64—F’our ErcHep RuINE WINE-GLASSES Bohemian, Early XVIII Century Tapering bowls; enriched with varied floral borders. Height, 51% inches. 65—Six Ercuep Ruine WINE-cLASSES Bohemian, Early XVIII Century Long tapering round body; etched with floral borders. Height, approximately, 7 inches. First Session / \/ / 7 66—THREE VENETIAN WINE-GLASSES XVII Century Varied bell-shaped bowls; one with etched arcaded valance and streakings of lavender in foot. Height, 5 inches. 67—Five ErcuHep Ruine WINE-cLASSES Bohemian, Early XVIII Century Two with sharply tapering sides; three almost barrel-shape. Enriched with varied scroll and floral borders. Height, 5%, inches. 68—Two VENETIAN Guass VESSELS AVIT Century Shell-shaped standing coupe, cut with medallions. Lamp, with bulbous body having flanged bandings, loop handle and tapering stem with broad foot. Heights, 41% inches, 514, inches. 69—Two Ercuen Pare Lavenper Guass TumBiers | Bohemian, Early XVIII Century (a) Faceted sides, with oval medallions, birds and arabesques. (zs) Very heavy, tapering round; with scrollings, bunches of grapes and birds. Height, 4%, inches. 70—Ertcuep Grass TuMBLER Bohemian, XVIII Century Tapering round sides; enriched with subject: THE SEVEN swa- BIANS ATTACKING SEATED HARE WITH LONG sPEAR. At back, medallion occupied by names of the seven men. Engraved under subject (translated), “Veitel you go ahead, you have boots 99 on Height, 4°, inches. 71—SacerpotaL Ercurep Guass TUMBLER | Bohemian, Late XVII Century Very heavy tapering sides; displaying two series of oval medal- lions occupied by busts of the apostles, each with his symbol and caption. Height, 51% inches. From the Collection of the princely Abbé de Murbach, Casimer de Rathsamhausen. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 72—Srx Rare WINE-GLASSES Venetian, XVI Century © Tapering round bowls, with toothed valances, slender stems and domed feet. (One restored with silver stem and foot.) Height, 41% inches. 73—Two VENETIAN Guass VAsES XVIII Century One with ribbed sides and cover having small terminal; the other, with baluster stem and differing ornately scrolled handles. Heights, 614 inches, 514 inches. 74—TuHrEE Larce WINE-GLASSES Venetian, XVII Century Varied bell-shaped and tapering bowls; one with gadroons and fine baluster stem; one with spiraled basket bowl and stem; the other eighteenth century, etched with husk arcaded valance. Height, 6 inches. 75—Two Larce Ercuep Wine-crasses Bohemian, XVII Century Tapering bowls, variously etched with floral motives and inscrip- tion. On bulbous baluster stem and broad round foot. Height, 61% inches. 76—Two Ercurep Guass TumBLers AND BripaLt GLASsEs Venetian, XVIII Century Small tumblers, enriched with scrolled floral valances. Two tapering bridal glasses without feet connected by glass loop chain. Height, 3%, inches; length, 1434 inches. 77—Two Venetian Grass WINES AVII Century (a) Lilform bowl, with long slender stem and round foot. (s) Cusped bowl with hollow stem and outcurving foot. Heights, 714, inches, 734 inches. 78—Two Ercuep Guass Perrume Borries Bohemian, Early XVIII Century Lozenge-sectioned pear-shape; enriched with coroneted double coat of arms. Pinnacle stoppers. Heights, 5%, inches and 6 inches. First Session 79—Two Ercuep Sranpinc WINE-GLASSES Bohemian, XVII Century (a) Thistle-shaped bowl; etched with English coat of arms and Garter motto. On balustered and faceted stem. (s) Faceted tapering bowl, with festooned and rosetted ara- besques. Ruby pear-shaped stem. Height, 634 inches. 80—ArmoriaL ErcHep WINE-GLASS Bohemian, XVII Century Slightly tapering faceted sides; enriched with coroneted coat of arms ; finely faceted bulbous stem and broad foot ‘having wreath. Height, 64%, inches. 81—Armoriat ErcHep WINE-GLASS Bohemian, XVII Century Tapering round body; enriched with coroneted quartered coat of arms having rampant lion supporters; double baluster stem. . Height, 734 inches. 82—-Ercuep anp.Cur WINE-cLASS ; Bohemian, Early XVIII Century Thistle-shaped bowl; faceted stem. The bowl etched with palm- wreathed medallion occupied by three coronets and inscribed: Rolof Barens Hammerberg and Anna Barens. Height, 9 inches. 83—Two VENETIAN Grass VESSELS AVITT Century (a) Hunting Horn, with wave bandings and two loops for sus- pension. (x) Pistol, with scrolled trigger and rosetted butt. Lengths, 10%, inches, 10 inches. 84—Two Venetian Guass VasEs AVIT Century Both pearshape, with slender diminishing neck and liliform mouth. One of clear glass liberally splashed with ruby ; the other greenish-gray with ruby. Height, 8% inches. 85—ArmoriaL Ercuep Covrerep Guass CouPE Bohemian, XVII Century Tapering round bowl, with wreathed and coroneted coat of arms, double balustered stem. Pinnacled and wreathed cover. Height, 111% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 86—Two VENETIAN Guass VESSELS AVIII Century Deep tazza, with band of milk-white ribs; gadrooned and masked baluster stem. Slipper-shaped vessel with cylindrical back, hav- ing broad collared mouth. Height, 6 inches. 87—Two VENETIAN Guass VASEs AXVITI Century (a) Spirally ribbed bulbous body, with curved neck formed of four tubes, compressed at mouth. (s) Bulbous, with arched handle and two expanding mouths adorned with sapphire-blue bandings and bosses. Heights, 74% inches, 7 inches. 88—Curt Guass Disu Venetian, XVII Century Elongated octagonal roll-over rim. Cut on under-side with floral motive and bands of oval medallions. Length, 11 inches. 89—ArmorIAL ENAMELED Guass TUMBLER Swiss, Late XVITT Century Round, with serpentined sides, enriched in red, green, yellow, blue and milk-white with parted coat of arms having rampant lion supporters and crested helm. Height, 64%, inches. 90—CutT Guass SERVICE Bohemian, XVIII Century Consisting of twenty assorted glasses, two bulbous decanters and tapering bottle with stopper. Interestingly cut with small closely placed oval medallions. (Rim chips and two bottles imperfect. ) Heights, 4° inches, 534, inches and 7 inches. 91—ENAMELED Guiass TUMBLER Nuremberg, 1746 Tapering round; enriched in blues, yellows, milk-white, greens and red with continuous HUNTING SCENE in which stags, boar and hounds are seen. Inscription at crown of border and date, 1746. Height, 41% inches. First Session 92—Sitver Mounrep Ercuep Guass Decanter Bohemian, Late XVIII Century Pear-shaped; finely enriched with floral scrollings, grapes and birds. Molded silver neck and stopper. Height, 914 inches. 93—Guass Bow. ; Venetian,, XVII Century Gadrooned bowl with molded rim, star foot and fluted outcurv- ing base. Enriched with three horizontal bandings of deep rich sapphire-blue. Diameter, 111% inches. 94—Rare VENETIAN ENAMELED GLAss StTanpinc Bown XVI Century Deep bowl with gadroons, bands of medallions and imbrications, the latter in milk-white, red and gilding. On outcurving molded round foot. Diameter, 914, inches. 95—ArmoriAL Ercuep Guass CovErED CouPE Bohemian, XVII Century Tapering bowl; enriched with wreathed and coroneted coat of arms, blazoned with winged head of a man. Bulbous stem; pin- nacled cover. Height, 12 inches. 96—EtrcHED Guass CovERED CoUPE Bohemian, XVII Century Tapering bowl, enriched with panels of leafage. Dome cover and balustered stem. (Restored.) Height, 15% inches. 97—TIwo GreEN GuAss WINES AND BEAKER Cologne, XVII Century Gadrooned goblet-shape, the stem with medallions of grapes. Beaker, cylindrical, with spirals and rosettes toward foot. Heights, 5 inches, 11 inches. 98—ErcHEpD Grass FLAGON Bohemian, XVIII Century | Flattened pear-shape, with loop handle and hinged pewter cover. Enriched with rudimentary floral scrollings. Height, 12% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Carnage =s 99—Two Sitrver Mountep Ercuep Grass Decanters Bohemian, XVIII Century Bottle-shape, with two loop handles and silver stopper; the body with floral panel, edged with wave ribbings. Height, 10% inches. 100—Turee Sitver Mountep Etrcuep Guass DECANTERS Bohemian, XVIII Century Similar to preceding; with one handle to each. (One cracked.) Height, 10% inches. 101—Rare Ercuep Guass BEAKER 5 Bohemian, 1594 Cylindrical with small foot. Wheel-etched in a most interesting manner with the Emperor Maximilian enthroned and standing figures of the various princely electors of the Holy Roman Empire. Lengthy inscriptions at crown and base and figures captioned. Height, 101%, inches. Note: This most interesting early beaker was given by Prince Max, afterwards King of Bavaria, to M. de Hoén, juge de paix a Ribeauville and afterward acquired by M. Georges Spetz. FRENCH FAIENCE Mr. Georges Spetz had admirable opportunities for forming this extremely in- teresting collection of French faience, for years ago many varieties of XVIIIth Century and earlier specimens had found their way to Strasbourg and the adja- cent cities. Old French faience is now very difficult to obtain, for the French museums and collectors generally have largely absorbed the specimens to be had. Some years ago Mr. Morgan bequeathed a charming collection of French faience to the Metropolitan Museum. The work of each of the different kilns has been grouped for convenience of comparison. A few examples of French porcelain have been included with the faience. 102—Frencnu Fatence Piate Nevers, XVII Century Small plate decorated in green, yellow and aubergine, with ro- mantic landscape occupied by many figures and edifices. Diameter, 61/4, inches. 108—Coverep Farencte Bown Nevers, Late XVII Century Deep bowl with slightly domed cover having button terminal; decorated in green, brown, blue and aubergine, with wooded seascape views. (Cracked.) Height, 51%, inches. First Session 104—Fatence Ewer Nevers, Early XVII Century Urn-shape, with gadrooned shoulder, incurved centre, scrolled spout and rusticated handle. Enriched with medallion occupied by subject, st. vERonicaA’s VEIL, floral scrollings and birds. Exe- cuted in blues, greens, yellow and browns. On stellated domed foot. (Restored.) Height, 101%, inches. 105—Frencw Farence Puaaue Nevers, Early XVII Century Circular; gadrooned and molded marli; centre with medallion occupied by vase of flowers and surrounded by further gad- roons. Executed_in yellow, brown, blue and green. (Fire cracked.) Diameter, 14 inches. 106—Frencu Farence PircHer Nevers, XVI Century Bulbous body with incurved neck and rustic handle; decorated in yellow, blue, greens and brown; with seascape, on the shores of which are trees, important edifices and figures in the fore- ground. (Restored.) 3 Height, 6%, inches. 107—Frencu Farence Tazza Nevers, XVII Century Shallow circular top enriched in green, blues and yellows, with arabesques of chimeric birds and fruit amid which are three cupidons. Incurved molded round foot. (Rim chipped. ) Diameter, 9 inches. 108—Two Frencu Fatence Vases Nevers, Late XVII Century Modeled in the form of a double-displayed standing eagle with beak and yellow claws, the feathers penciled in aubergine; labels on breasts inscribed with motto: ‘‘Flammas Extingeut,” re- peated. (Chipped.) Height, 11% inches. 109—Frencu Farence Fruir Disu Nevers, Late XVII Century Medallion centre enriched with standing figure of a winged cupi- don in blue, yellow and brown; deep cavetto and marli pierced with band of geometric motives. (Restored.) Diameter, 101/, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 110—Frencn Fatence WINE EweER Nevers, Molded vase-shaped body, with incurved lip and highly scrolled mouth; loop handle enriched with leaf and mask ; executed in apple-green, yel- low, orange and blue on crackled ivory grounds, flowers, arabesques and chi- meric animals. (Restored.) Note: This interesting faience ewer is from the early kilns of one of the famous Custodes Fam- ily; very noted potters of Nevers. 110 111—Frencyu Bive anp WuitE Faience PiTrcHER Nevers, Early XVII Century Curious boat-shaped body, with mask under lip and wings in relief over scrolled handle; enriched with sprays of flowers on valanced border. (Restored and chipped.) Blue marks under foot; very suggestive and similar to the Conrade mark recorded in Solon’s Old French Faience. Height, 7°4 ineshes. Note: An interesting early specimen of faience undoubtedly from the kilns of one of the famous Conrade Family of Nevers. (Illustrated) Early XVII Century with bandings of scrollings, First Session 112 111 112— Faience Friower Houper Nevers, XVIII Century Formed of five receptacles joined at slightly pear-shaped bodies ; the necks elongated and terminating in cusped lilies; on molded oblong base. Decorated in carmine with sprays of flowers, necks and lips with imbricated leaf motives. Mark under foot, P. L. combined, the Nevers mark. See Burton and Hobson’s Marks, Page 60. (Slightly chipped.) Height, 714, inches. 118—Faience Piterim’s Botrrrie Nevers, 1775 Flattened pear-shape, with curious grotesque mask and rings on shoulder; decorated with hunting scene; reverse with rustics at avocations in landscape in blue. Inscribed: “Martin Bousin, R. Georges, Piotel 4 Nevers.” Dated 1775. Marked under foot, ND. Height, 12 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 114 115 114—Two Farence Piates Nevers, Early XVII Century Finely scrolled marli and centre enriched in ivory with sprays of lacelike flowers and insects. Diameter, 934, inches. Note: This interesting type of faience, known as Persian, originated at Nevers and was mainly made there. Several specimens are on exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. (One Illustrated ) 115—Fatence Disu Nevers, Early XVIII Century Persian pattern. Shallow circular bowl with roll-over rim glazed in royal blue; enriched in yellow, orange and ivory with birds poised among sprays of archaic flowers. Diameter, 1034 inches. Note: This interesting type of faience, known as Persian, originated at Nevers and was mainly made there. Several specimens are on exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. (Illustrated) 116—Fatence FLoweERr-HOLDER Rouen, XVIII Century Flat scrolled cartouche body, with outcurving handles, five some- what tubular openings for flowers at crown. On spreading molded oblong base. Decorated in old-red, blue and green with groups of cupidons surrounded by flowers and scrollings of leaf- age. (Restored.) Height, 84, inches. First Session 117—F arencre Tazza Guillibeaux, Rouen, XVII Century Finely modeled circular low top enriched in blue, old-red, auber- gine, yellow and green, with centre basket border medallion enclosing flower rising from rocky ground. Medallion is quar- tered with four scrollings of flowers forming an irregular border. ~ On incurved feet. Mark, T. S. G. Maker, Guillibeaux. The Guillibeaux kilns were in existence from 1644 to about 1790. ( Chipped.) Diameter, 12144 inches. 118—Farence Watt Bracker Rouen, XVII Century Leaf-scrolled and molded body with incurved pendant adorned in relief with scrolled leaf rosettes and husks in blue and painted with vine sprays. Pierced twice for suspension. (Chipped.) Height, 8%, inches; width, 9 inches. 119—Buve anp Wuire Faience StTanpDING SALTCELLAR . | Rouen, XVII Century Oblong molded top with depression for salt, incurved neck and cushion base; supported at corners by four demi-nymphs. Deco- rated with interesting leaf borders and sprays of flowers. On claw feet. (Restored.) Length, 5 inches. 120—Buve anp Waiter Faience SLEIGH Rouen, XVIII Century Conventional scroll-shape, with seat in interior. Decorated with scrollings ; figure of skater at rear. (Restored.) Height, 414 inches. 121—Eicur Sitver Mountep Porcerain Knives Rouen, XVIII Century Five, with expanding round handles; decorated with arabesques in blue; Three decorated with varied sprays of flowers. Lengths, 1014 inches and 8% inches. 122—Farence Creamer Rouen, Late XVII Century Broad pear-shape with loop handle and bearded satyr-mask spout. Decorated in blue with Chinese figures in landscape and flowers rising from scrolls. Height, 61%, inches. Note: A most interesting piece of potting which practically assures the fact that in the early days Delft potters were engaged at Rouen. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. Lae ee aS ee 123—Fatence PircHer Rouen, XVIII Century Pear-shaped body, with longish slightly flaring neck and loop handle. Decorated in the manner @ la corne, enriched in colors with scrolled cornucopia, flowers and insects. —_—S .hCt~<‘ ‘< Height, 7%, inches. 124—Fatence Fruit Disy Rouen, 1734 Lobed oval dish, with scalloped edge and rustic loop handles. Decorated in soft blue with scrolled jardiniére of flowers at centre and festooned basketed medallion borders. Marked L. C. under glaze, Rouen 1734. See Hobson, page 62. Length, 9 inches. 125—Two Fatencre Jars Rouen, Early XVIII Century Slightly gadrooned hexagonal body, elongated, with curved shoulder and foot. Domed loose cover surmounted .by seated blue squirrel. Decorated in aubergine, blue, green, old-red and blue with trailing sprays of peonies and birds. (Restored.) Height, 101% inches. First Session NEN ng teh Sas eee he ery eet COOL 126 127 126—Faience Travetine Borris Rouen, Late XVII Century Pierced bulbous body, with four loop handles at side and cylin- drical molded collar. Decorated with two lobed medallions, one depicting in blue and green Our Lord and the Lamb in a land- scape; the other two, coopers at their avocations before a cot- tage. The medallion scrolled in yellow, the sides with scrolls of flowers supporting jardiniéres. Inscribed on shoulder: Jean Pannetier. (Slightly restored at mouth.) Height, 124, aches. 127—Two Faience Jars Rouen, Early XVIII Century Molded inverted pear-shaped body, with incurved mouth and domed foot decorated in yellow, brown, old-red, blue and green with two continuous bands of landscapes on body displaying birds and domestic animals amid flowers; festoons of flowers at mouth; foot with further flowers, birds and insects. Domed cover with pineapple terminal. (Restored. ) Fietahiv ie inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 128—Farence VASE Rouen, Early XVIII Century Deep bowl-shape body, with incurving shoulder and mouth on — shightly moulded circular foot. Decorated in blue, green, yellow and light pink with floral festooned scrollings near shoulder and series of leaves. Height, 84% inches. 129—Two Fatence Vases Rouen, XVIII Century Slightly tapering body, with round shoulder and incurved short neck. Decorated in colors with fanciful figures of Chinese per- sonages, insects, birds and blossoming flowers. Height 6 inches. 180—Two Faience Borries Rouen, Early XVIII Century Octagonal pear-shape, with slender neck. Decorated in blue, red, green and yellow with leaf and floral lambrequin pattern at neck and shoulder. (One restored and chipped.) Height, 714 inches. 131—Buve anp WuHuitE Farencre JARDINIERE Rouen, Late XVII Century Molded oblong tapering body, with fine, incurved foot, inter- esting basket handles. Decorated in rich blue with rosetted leaf border, medallioned landscape with figures in the Dutch manner and leaf brackets. (Slight restoration at lip.) Height, 81% inches; length, 14% inches. 132—BarBER-SURGEON’S FarencE Cuppine or SHAvING DisH Quimpers, XVIII Century Deep elongated octagonal dish with semi-circular indentation at front. Decorated in blue on the interior with satyr, and monkey playing a virginal. Length, 131 inches. Note: Pierre Caussy, the famous Potter of Rouen, assumed the direc- tion of the Bosquet Kilns, at Quimpers, in 1749 and a plate from his hands, in the Morgan collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, has a direct analogy to this dish, which is undoubtedly by this Master. 1383—FarenceE Watt BRACKET Moustiers, circa 1700 Serpentined tapering body, with pear-shaped pendant. Deco- rated in blue with arabesque panel which is occupied by the bust of a nymph; interlacing medallioned borders. First Session 134—Farence STanp Moustiers, circa 1700 Deeply scalloped shallow circular top, with molded and shaped base. Enriched in light blue with arabesques in which are three cupidons, the centre one dancing; much in the manner of Berain; border of floral scrollings and husks. (Slightly restored.) Diameter, 81%, inches. 3 4 135—Farence DisH Moustiers, XVIII Century Serolled oval lobed body; decorated in blue, with lambrequin border; scrolled cartouche at centre trophied with a bishop’s mitre, crozier and cross. ~ Length, 104%, inches. 136—Fatence Fiower Vase Moustiers, Early XVIII Century Melon-shaped body, with fine gadroonings each occupied by a figure of a sportive cupidon within an arabesqued panel; out- curving foot with delicate lambrequin border; each gadroon is pierced at shoulder for individual blossoms. ; Height, 714, inches. 137—Fatence INKsSTAND Moustiers, circa 1730 Beautifully lobed, serpentine-molded body, having two large apertures for inkwells, four smaller ones for quills and central shot compartment; decorated in fine blue with dainty floral- lambrequin borders, sprays of delicate flowers and masks. Marked at foot, F. L., the mark of Clérissy and J. Fouques. Length, 8%, inches. Note: Clerissy and Fouques were amongst the greatest of potters at Moustiers. 138—Farence Frvir Disu Moustiers, Early XVIII Century Shallow serpentined oval dish; enriched with floral festoons, scrolled lambrequin border and central bouquet of flowers. Sup- ported on four stretchered grotesque legs formed of dolphins swallowing leopards. Molded scrolled oval base with further enrichments. Executed in very rich dark blue. Height, 6%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 189—Farence Coverep CHocoLaTEe Por shell motive; domed cover and scrolled golden-yellow with delicate festoons and sprays of dainty flowers. Maker’s R. L., the Marks of Olérys Langier and Chais. (Cover chipped.) 139 Height, 9 inches. Note: Olérys was one of the greatest of the French potters and his work always has an extreme air of refinement. It was this Olérys to whom Count Aranda offered the directing of the world famous faience kilns of Alcora, Spain. 140—Fatence Covered CuHocoLtatEe Por Moustiers, Late XVII Century Pear-shape, with straight collar; enriched in blue with ara- besqued panel occupied by figure of David wearing classic Roman attire and holding the head of Goliath in his left hand; the cover with bust of a nymph surrounded by scrollings; pewter hinged cover with shell thumb-piece fastened to loop handle. (Foot chipped.) , Height, 10 inches. 141—Rare Coveren Soup TurEEN anv TRAY Moustiers, Early XVIII Century Deeply scrolled oval body, with satyr-mask handles; cover with similar scrollings, depressed about centre and having button terminal. Scrolled oval tray. The whole decorated with figures in the Chinese manner with mandarins, grotesque men dancing and attacking various animals amid scrollings of flowers; exe- cuted in soft apple-green and fine golden-yellow. Mark under cover, L. O. and F.; makers, Olérys, Langier and Chais. On tray, marks are indistinct. Length, 17 inches. -o Moustiers, Early XVII I Conta r ie i: Pear-shape, with short foot and trian- . gular sectioned spout terminated ina _ handle. Enriched in a very beautiful mark, L. O. monogrammed, and P and “ symbols and sprays of flowers. Diameter, 14 inches. 275—CHINESE PorcELAIN COVERED JAR Late XVIII Century Ovoidal, with domed cover having rustic pomegranate terminal; decorated with flowers and medallion-bandings in gilding, blue and red. Height, 10% inches. 276—CHINESE CELADON VASE Ch’ien-lung Period Bottle-shape; invested with gray-green glaze deepening toward foot and covered with broad crackle. Height, 11°4 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 277—DerEcoratTeD PorcELAIN Fruit SERVICE Saxe, circa 1725 : Consisting of three large circular fruit plates, one smaller, and eleven individual plates. Scrolled and lobed marli enriched with panels of basketry in low relief painted with occasional insects and sprays of flowers in color; the centres decorated with varied mythical animals, birds, flowers and insects in the Chinese man- ner. Each marked in underglaze blue with cross-sword of Saxe. (‘Two slightly rim-chipped. ) : Diameters, 1134, 91% and 9 inches. (Illustrated) ari 278—Two Cuinesr Famitite Rost Coverep Vases XVIII Century Baluster-shape, with domed cover having pear-shaped terminal; decorated in enamels and gilding in sprays of flowers rising from a rockery. ( Chipped. ) Height, 18 h eight, 131% inches. Second Session XVI AND XVII CENTURY GRENZHAUSEN, ALSATIAN, KREUSSEN, SIEBURG, COLOGNE AND FRECHEN STONE- WARE 279—Gray STONEWARE FicurRINE Grenzhausen, XVI Century Archaically modeled lion with his head turned to right; open mouth and two forepaws supporting a shell; he is seated on his haunches on a rustic heart-shaped base; has been painted brown and parcel-gilded. Height, 7 inches. Note: A similar figurine is in the Metropolitan Museum; this figurine, however, supports a dish in place of the shell for salt. 280—STONEWARE PITCHER Allemanic, Late XIV Century Bulbous body, with slightly incurved foot and mouth; loop handles ; enriched in low relief with rosette and floral scrollings below and fitted with small bosses on grounds; glazed yellow and soft orange. (Has been restored.) Height, 5 inches. 281—PoLycHROMED STONEWARE CANISTER Grenzhausen, Early XVI Century Slightly molded circular straight sided body depressed at four medallions which are occupied by crucifixion and cartouches bear- ing pierced heart and initials M. E.; medallions parted by series of rosettes; richly glazed in deep blue, sea-green and yellow. Height, 61% inches. 282—PoLycHROMED STONEWARE PITCHER Grenzhausen, Early XVI Century Pear-shaped, with incurved molded shaped neck; enriched with a deep blue glaze; sustaining in relief subject THE CRUCIFIXION ; the two Marys at the foot of the cross, their robes in yellows, browns, greens and ivories. Surrounding the crucifixion is a scrolling of leaves and rosettes in similar colors; broad looped yellow handle. Height, 7 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 283—PEwTeR CovereD TANKARD Nuremberg, XVII Century Expanding round body, finely enriched with cartouched and ara- besqued oval medallions occupied by symbolic figures of Amer- ica, Europa and Africa; arabesqued dome cover with finial and thumb-piece and scrolled handle. , Height, 7%, inches. 284—STONEWARE JUG Siegburg, Late XVI Century Slightly domed body, flaring foot; molded pewter rim; mask and leaf loop handle; body enriched alter- nately within arched panels with busts of Martin Luther and Me- lanchthon; the busts are parted by figures of nymphs, symbolic of Flora; moldings at crown and foot with slightly raised, scrolled pla- quettes and strap scrollings. Mounted with hinged dome cover of pewter having small terminal and berried thumb-piece. Height, 81%, inches. (Illustrated) 284 285—Porrery BorrteE Mountep in Pewrer Alsatian, XVI Century Octagonal sectioned bottle, in gray glaze; enriched with reticu- lated panels having fleur-de-lys band at crown and a similar band at the partings of sections, surmounted and terminated in cupid- ons’ heads. Mounted in pewter with molded base and screw cover having bail handle. | Height, 8 inches. Second Session 286 286—ENAMELED STONEWARE CANETTE Kreussen, 1668 Ribbed low circular body with loop side handle; central band occupied by two very animated hunting scenes parted at centre by medallion occupied by a run- ning stag and date 1668; two strap-scrolled bands guard cen- tre and another at the foot ex- hibits scrollings of fruit. Exe- cuted in low relief with ivory, blues, pinks, yellows, greens and reds. Mounted in pewter with molded cover having shell thumb-piece and engraved inscription within laurel wreath: ‘*Johan Volpert Glock. Maria Magdalena Glockin Geborne Fendin, 1671.” Height, 6 inches. Note: A similar canette is illustrated by Solon in his fine work on Stone- ware. (Illustrated) 287—Brown AND GRAY STONEWARE PITCHER Grenzhausen, XVI Century Molded straight sided circular body with round shoulder and foot, having a cir- cular base; straight collar with further molding and loop handle; riched with medallioned mask interrupted by arabesque scrollings; the body with band of arcades supported by caryatids enclosing royal personages and couples dancing; inscription under the figures. (Fire cracked. ) (Illustrated) the collar en- Height, 7 inches. 287 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 288—Mrrror-BLack STONEWARE HarvestTEer’s Borrie Namur, XVII Century Pear-shaped, with tapering molded neck; molded base and loops at sides for suspension; decorated in gilding with crested coats of arms. Height, 8 inches. 289—Buivr anp AUBERGINE STONEWARE CANISTER Steburg, Early XVI Century Square sided, with oval medallions arched to molded collar and foot; enriched with rosettes and borders of heart-shaped leaves and oval medallions in slightly raised gray glaze; the shoulders finely enriched with cupidon-head within heart-shaped motive; the inner and outer grounds of rich deep blue; the centre grounds of fine aubergine. Mounted with original pewter screw top. Height, 814 inches. 290—EnaMELED Brown STONEWARE JAR Kreussen, XVII Century Oviform jar, with six slightly flattened oval medallions on body and small loops at sides for carrying with strap; enriched with bands at centre occupied by the figure of oUR LORD AND THE TWELVE DIscipLEs; the panels are bordered with beaded moldings and parted by winged cherub-heads and scrolls; the upper and lower sections flanking the central band are adorned with incised diamond lattice; the shoulder has six rosettes; the molded foot a spiral motive. Executed in two shades of blue, yellow, red, green and gilding. Original pewter mounting at mouth. Height, 14%, inches, 291—Brown SronewareE WINE Ewer Cologne, 1604 Rope-molded straight body, with fluted base arched to molded circular foot; arched paneled shoulder and straight collar flanked with moldings and having a loop handle; the collar enriched in light relief with medallioned heads interrupted by leaf ara- besques; the shoulder with pressed floral motives; the body with columned arcades occupied by six coats of arms, one dated 1604. The ancient coats of arms are of Cologne, Mentz, the Holy Roman Empire, the Bavarian Palatinate, Saxony and Branden- burg. Signed at foot, H. W. Height, 1214 inches. Note: An interesting and very rare ewer in most remarkable condition. (Illustrated) Second Session 291 292 292—Brown Guazep Ewer Cologne, 1584 Small straight sided body with fluted and paneled under portion sloping to molded foot; fluted arched shoulder with long neck ribbed almost to mouth. The body enriched with five panels delineating the history of Susanna and the Elders. Inscription below panels, freely translated reads: ‘*This is the beautiful story of Susanna and the Elders sculptured in an abbreviated man- ner.” Dated 1584. Signed Engel Kran. Height, 1234 inches. Note: An extremely rare early signed example of fine stoneware. (Illustrated) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 293—Gray anp BLuE Stoneware Ewer Grenzhausen, XVI Century Spirally molded drum body with fluted base serpentining into molded ‘foot; arched shoulder and molded mask cover and loop handle; the shoulder enriched with panels of imbrications alternating with floral motives; the body with nine columned arcades occu- pied by military personages and camp scenes; inscription at crown, bearing on subjects depicted. Bands, moldings and flutes glazed deep rich blue; the body and relief in gray. Mounted in pewter with hinged cover having shell terminal. (Handle restored.) Height, 1334 inches. Note: This fine ewer is almost identical to the one illustrated on Page 99 of Solon’s fine work on Stoneware. 2938 (Illustrated) 294—Gray anp Biur Stoneware Pircuer Siteburg, XVII Century Elongated pear-shaped, with molded foot and loop handle; en- riched vertically with bands of raised gray quatrefoil rosettes in- terrupted by bands of deep rich blue.. Mounted in pewter with cap cover having shell thumb-piece. Height, 91%, inches. 295—Licut Brown STONEWARE Pircuer Frechen, Haut Rhin, 15838 Pear-shaped with ribbed neck, loop handle and molded round foot; enriched with raised medallions, the centre displaying two prelates exorcising Satan from a dragon before them; at right bust of Julius Caesar; at left an elaborately helmed coat of arms dated 1583. (Restored.) Height, 8 inches. Second Session 296—EnaMELED Brown Sroneware PircHer Kreussen, XVII Century Pear-shaped body with loop handle; enriched in light relief and blue, white, red and yellow enamels with central circular medal- lion occupied by double-headed displayed eagle bearing a coat of -arms on breast; flanked by spiral bands of flowers terminating in shell-like motives; imbricated flanking grounds. Mounted in pewter with molded foot and mouth, the hinged cover having ball thumb-piece. Height, 101% inches. XVI AND XVII CENTURY PEWTER INCLUDING RARE DISH BY BRIOT 297—Two Prewrrer CanpLEstTIcKs Itahan, XVII Century Baluster shafts, with large bobéche and small pricket. Sup- ported on tripod scrolled feet, paneled with cupidon-heads. Height, 81% inches. 298—Turee Decorated: PEWTER SALVERS Nuremberg, XVII Century (a) Centre enriched with circular medallion exhibiting our Lorp IN GLORY; surmounted by a shield blazoned with a fleur-de-lys and inscribed, H. K. Surrounded by medallions of the twelve apostles. (8) Centre with medallion occupied by subject, cHRIsT ARISEN ; surrounded by medallions bearing figures of saints, interrupted by masks, fruit and scrolled arabesques. (c) Similar to the preceding. The centre occupied by an eques- trian figure of Ferdinand III. Medallions of border with further equestrian figures interrupted by scrolled masks. Diameters, 7 and 71%, inches. 299—Two CHIsELED PEWTER PLATES Dutch, XVII Century (a) Centre depicting a cupidon standing amid scrollings of leaves, holding a cornucopia inscribed: ‘‘Arnoldus Lelieaert XVI van Hooymaend Anno 1643.” (3) With cupidon seated within a scrolled arabesque blowing a trumpet. Border of laurel leaves. Diameters, 84% and 9 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 300—Decoratepd Prewrer DisH Nuremberg, Early XVII Century Low, circular dish, enriched with border and a circular central medallion depicting subject, pavip AND BATHSHEBA. ‘The couple seated at left foreground before a battlement and the towers of Jerusalem; an attendant serving them wine. Diameter, 934 inches. 301—DercoratTeD PEwTEeR CANISTER Flemish, XVII Century Square sectioned oblong’; enriched with panels of poppies. Screw- top, cap cover with fine, balustered bail handle. Height, 914 inches. 302—EncRAVED PEWTER CANISTER Flemish, XVII Century In the form of a missal. The obverse and reverse paneled and having a border of scrolling lilies; screw cap; bail ring handle. Height, 10°, inches. 303—PrEWwTER WINE Ewer French, XVII Century Molded club-shaped body, with long hexagonal, covered spout, reinforced by an acanthus-leafed baluster to neck; slightly domed cover with acorn terminal; scrolled thumb-piece and handle; on molded foot. Enriched with two sprays of chiseled lilies. Mark, — a coronated F. Height, 8%, inches. 304—PrwtTer Wine Ewer French, XVII Century Similar to preceding. Mark, I R above a hound. (Terminal lacking.) Height, 934 inches. 305—DecoratTep Prwrer DisH Flemish, XVII Century Low dish, with slightly fluted and molded rim; the centre occu- pied by the head of a warrior saint; inscribed at cavetto: “Brugghe Sintjooris.” Diameter, 1334 inches. Note: St. Jooris is the Patron Saint of Bruges, Belgium. Second Session 306—PrwrTer Disu Flemish, XVII Century Circular, with broad flaring marli, banded with large bosses in- terrupting scrollings of Gothic leaves and zig-zags; the centre occupied by a boss bearing a jardiniére of scrolled leafage. Dated 1637. Diameter, 1414 inches. 307—DecoratTeD PEWTER PLAQuE Alsatian, XVII Century Finely molded and curved round marli and deep cavetto; decor- ated at centre with running stag and hounds, the border with scrolled leafage. Marked, H. Isenheim. Diameter, 1614 inches. 308—Prwrer Dish Movuntep 1n Cutvre Dort French, XVII Century Molded, scrolled oval, flanged border with beautifully shaped cav- etto. Bearing a central medallion, occupied by a gilded cupidon amidst flowers. Border enriched with arabesqued leaf scrollings. Length, 181%, inches. 309—TatL Pewrer Coverep Tanxarp Haut Rhin, XVIII Century Expanding round body, outcurving to a fine molding at base; supported by ball-and-claw feet, interesting V-shaped spout, hinged cover with pineapple terminal, scrolled front-piece and handle. The front enriched with wreathed horseshoe and in- scription: “A S D Z M, 1761.” Height, 164%, inches. 310—Tatt PEwrer Coverep T'ANKARD Haut Rhin, Early XVIIT Century Similar to preceding. With smaller claw feet and terminal havy- ing a seated lion bearing a cartouched shield in front of him, the front with scrolled arabesque and mask medallion, occupied by a trophy of guns and date, 1744. Height, 1714, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed mm the forepart of the Catalogue. 311 312 311—PewTer CoverepD GuiLtp Cur Haut Rhin, 1707 Molded triple-bodied coupe engraved with the names of the ward- ens of the guild; these parted by two series of bossed leonic heads. On molded baluster foot. Dome cover, surmounted by the figure of a Roman warrior in armor. Inscribed with many names of members, also an inscription which translated reads: ‘An honest handiwork of the Linen Weavers, Welcome Oct. 30, 1707.” Height, 20 inches. 312—PrwTer Covered GuiLtp Cup Haut Rhin, 1707 Similar to preceding. The cover surmounted by a Roman war- rior holding a flag and a large escutcheon inscribed: ‘*‘Eines ehr- sammen Handwers der Leinweber Wilkomm, den 30 Oct. 1707.” Height, 191% inches. Second Session 313—RarE Decorated Pewrer Disu_ Briot, French, XVI Century Circular; with hollow marli, finished with a gadrooned molding and enriched with medallions, each having a graceful reciining figure of a nymph variously allegorical of Astrology, Architec- ture, Arithmetic, Music, Literature, Rhetoric and Painting, and a central molded boss enriched with a nymph seated amongst symbols and captioned, “T’emperantia.” The boss surrounded by medallions of further symbolic nymphs parted by arabesqued atlantes. Inserted in the underfoot is a medallioned bust cap- tioned, “Scupebat Franciscus Briot.” Diameter, 1714, inches. Note: Franciscus Briot was probably the greatest of all pewterers. His work was in such high esteem that even the great potter Palissy did not disdain to copy his models in faience. Kindly read the'Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. FRENCH, HAUT RHIN AND NUREMBERG FORGED IRON KEYS, LOCKS, COFFRETS AND A CHEST OF THE GOTHIC AND RENAISSANCE PERIODS 314—Two Forcrep Iron SNUFFERS French, XVIII Century Box snuffers, variously faceted, having scrolled loop handles. One with central hinged knife blade in snuffer. Length, 614 inches. 315—Brass Hanptep Huntine Kyire Haut Rhin, Early XV Century Broad channeled dagger-shaped blade. Octagonally balustered handle, terminated in an archaic lion’s head. Signed by Maker and Numbered 55. Length, 11 inches. 316—CuIsELED Forcrep Iron Knocxer Haut Rhin, XVI Century Pivoted broad open pear-shaped rapper; having lower central boss finely chiseled with a grotesque peasant’s head. Height, 5 inches. 317—Two Forcrep Iron CuTtTers French, XVII Century (a) Scroll-beaked blade, with long tapering round handle, piv- oted to a chiseled and scrolled rooster-head having a similar round handle. (3) Two dagger-shaped blades, with long round spring handles. Lengths, 6 and 5%, inches. 318—Two Smautzt Forcrep Iron Heaters Nuremberg, XVI Century (a) Circular body with floral piercings; supported on baluster straps terminating in flaring shell motives and tray base. Ebony baluster side handle. (s) Pierced circular body, on baluster shaft and bossed round base. Side stem handle; pinnacled dome cover. Heights, 34% and 5 inches. 319—Two Larcre Gotruic Forcrep Iron Naits anp CurtTers Haut Rhin, XVI Century Bossed quatrefoil nails, with long spikes. Hinged cutters finely shaped and chiseled with scrollings and standing figures, cap- tioned, “Die Hebe” and “Aberwind Alles”; loop handles. Lengths, 43, and 8Y, inches. Second Session 320—Tren Forcrep Iron Goruic Krys French, XV Century Six with circular bows beautifully pierced with varied rose trac- ery; one of these having clustered columnar shaft, brass molded head and fitted to very intricate ward chambers. Two with double flanges differing in their wards, and each used for two keys. Another with coroneted shield-shaped traceried bow, oc- tagonal medallioned shaft and curious wards. Another with oc- tagonal molded shaft and pierced trilobed bow. 321—Forcrp aNnD Encravep Iron Canpie Scissors Nuremberg, XVI Century Finely sparrow baluster shaft supported on circular base, having three acorn tripod feet. Beautifully shaped scissors with en- graved long blades; handle with spirals, one having a head. Height, 7%, inches. 322—Forcep Iron 'CAnpdLE Scissors French, XVI Century Baluster stem supported on quatre-lobe base, having four out- curving round legs; somewhat odd-shaped scissors with handle enriched with scrollings and one with lateral loop. Height, 8°4 inches. 323—CHISELED AND Pierced Forcrep Iron Tripop Haut Rhin, Late XVI Century Scalloped circular top, pierced with a virile rampant lion. Out- curving baluster tripod legs. Diameter, 8 inches. 324—Six Frencu Renaissance Keys AVI Century (a) Chiseled iron with scrolled demi-figure as bow, square ros- etted head and triple shaft for three pins in lock. (se) Chiseled iron inlaid with gold. Bow only; formed of two chimeric monsters scrolled about coats of arms. (c) Bronze, with open rosetted trilobed bow of filigree. (p) Rarely chiseled iron, with open bow formed of two dragons outfacing from a caryatid. Fleur-de-lys sectioned shaft ter- minating in a fine Corinthian capital. (=) Brass, the bow simulating a scrolled dolphin. (r) Gilded iron with open heart-shaped bow; having central shield surmounted by a small cross. Kindly read the ,Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed im the forepart of the Catalogue. 3 325 — 826 3825—CuIsELED Forcrep Iron Lock French, XVI Century Oblong plate with two semi-circular flanges at foot. Enriched with masks of Neptune, dolphins and four-leaf bosses at sides ; semi-circular crowning and base plates with further dolphins. Length, 7 inches. (Illustrated) 326—Rare Forcep Iron Papiock anv. Kry ej | French, Late XV Century Beautifully scrolled massive body, with molded crescent-shaped pendant, loop hinge. Key with circular baluster-bow and triple lobed shaft. Length, 74%, inches. (Illustrated) 327—CHISELED Forcep Iron ApsJusTABLE CANDLESTICK | French, XVI Century Slotted tubular shaft with interior candle-holder, having leaf- scrolled handle; slot lobed at intervals to raise candle. On cir- cular base with repoussé scrolled dolphins and leafage. On scroll and ball tripod feet. Height, 11 inches. Second Session 328—Piercep Forcrp Iron Goruic Lock French, XV Century Oblong plate, enriched with a pierced border of fleurs-de-lis and tracery; flanked on the inner side by pinnacle balusters. Key centre panel and above it unusually delicate tracery; hasp with a chiseled lizard in full relief. Length, 9 inches. (Illustrated) 329—Forcep Iron Lazy Man’s Canpussticxk French, XVII Century Open spiral shaft, with hooked handle and raising receptacle for candle. Supported on short balustered circular base, enriched with lobed fleur-de-lis and outcurving stretchered feet. Height, 734, inches. 330—NiInE Frencu Keys AVIT and XVIII Century Seven of XVII century forged iron, five of which have finely pierced bows of scrollings, two developing monograms; another with circular bow having intricate filigreed rosette; the seventh of massive iron with very many wards. Two, XVIII century, with brass bows enriched with open leaf-scrollings and demi- figures. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 331—Two Forcrep Iron CAnpDLEsTIcKs French, XVI Century Varied balustered stems with open scrollings, having a string to secure candle in angular candle-holder. On low arch shaped base with tripod feet; extending extinguisher. Heights, 7 and 8% inches. 332—PiercED Forcep Iron Lock French, XVI Century Tapering plate, having three keyholes and keys for same. Crested with rudimentary animals facing an open vase. Apron pendant and open scrollings. Length, 8°4 inches. 333—CHISELED Iron Hanotne Lamp French Gothic, XV Century Low open boat-shaped lamp; chiseled arched strap back, swing- ing baluster support finished with hook and pinnacle. Enriched on body with chiseled scrollings and masks. Height, 131, inches. 334—CuIsELED Iron Wau Licut French, XVI Century Leaf-molded oblong back, with semi-circular pediment and apron. The pediment enriched with coroneted coat of arms. The apron with leaf cusp and arm for candle. The panel displaying a wooded landscape occupied by Diana and two of her nymphs bathing at a pool. Acteon is seen on the distant right bank. Traces of gilding exist. Height, 91% inches. 335—ErTcHEeD Iron Hatsperp Heap Allemanic, XVII Century Tapering diamond blade, with finely scrolled beak and head; deeply etched with scrollings. Length, 221, inches. 336—ErcHep Forcep Iron Corrrer Nuremberg, XVI Century Oblong, with hinged cover, having finely baluster bail handle and curiously warded key and pivoted strap band to cover keyhole. All surfaces including interior of top with its fine spring lock etched with leaf scrollings, amidst which eagle-heads appear. Length, 61%, inches. (Illustrated) Oe Geer Peg ee eS eRe og haemo i% a Second Session 338 336 337 337—ExaQuisiITELY Ercuep Iron Corrrer Nuremberg, XVI Century Oblong with hinged cover. Beautifully engraved on all surfaces including the interior of cover with chiseled medallion-heads of warriors and strap-scrolled borders. On ball feet. Traces of original gilding are seen on the interior. Length, 7 inches. (Illustrated) 338—PiercEeD Forcrep Iron Corrrer French Gothic Style Oblong, with semi-circular hinged cover, having finely baluster lifting bail handle. The cover, front and back enriched with continuing bands of hasps of diamond lattice interrupting bands of open scrolled tracery. The sides, front and back additionally adorned with outstanding flange. On flat baluster legs. Length, 8%, inches. (Illustrated) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and ‘sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 339—Rare Forcep [ron WarFrie-1r0on French, 1597 Oblong irons with pivoted long tapering handles, the cheeks of irons finely enriched with floral diapers surrounding cartouched medallioned coat of arms and fleur-de-lys in one; in the other coat of arms are the symbols of Aesculapius. Inscribed with the date 1597 in two places and with the name of the noble family of Froben. 340—Forcrep Iron Toncs anv SHOVEL ; French, Early XVII Century Style Handles terminating in fleurs-de-lys with shafts enriched with spirals, the blade of the shovel pierced with fleur-de-lys and geometric motives. Length, 31 inches. 341—Forcrep Iron CanpELABRUM Haut Rh, XVI Century Slender round shaft, terminating in cusped lily, sustaining a re- volving scroll and spiral, lyre-shaped arms for two candles. On spiral tripod base. Height, 181% inches. 342—Forcep Iron CanpDLESTICK Haut Rh, Late XVI Century — Square baluster shaft, chiseled with scrollings, sustaining a frontal spring bar; with open scrollings which adjusts the candle in an annular ring. Forged crown on plate-shaped feet and tripod base. Height, 1314 inches. d43—Forcep Iron Brazier French, Early XVII Century Cylindrical receptacle, pierced with heart-shaped motives and having open-shaped strap bottom. On standing flanged tripod legs scrolled toward base and enriched with rosettes. Hanging ivory ring-turned handle. Height, 9 inches. 344—Forcep Iron TRIvet French, XVI Century Husk motived angular trivet with three interior fleurs-de-lys; supported on two outcurving ball feet and long baluster hinged to a back support, having hooks for suspension. Length, 191% inches. 345—Two CuiseLtep Cast Iron Ficures French, Early XVII Century Sea-horse and dolphin; interestingly scrolled figures with imbri- cations of scales chiseled. Lengths, 15 and 161% ee Second Session 346—Forcep Iron CasQue Florentine, XVI Century Dome-shape, with deep comb at crown. Boat-shaped brim, rope- molded edge with two fleurs-de-lys and studded with brass ros- ettes at foot. Grounds finished black. 347—EtTcHED STEEL CasQuE French, XV Century Domed body, with high comb and boat-shaped brim with rope- molded edge; etched on the body with large panel of warriors amidst jousters, the brim with scrollings. 348—ErTcHep Iron Tarce ! French, Renaissance Circular, with rope edge; the body rising to a sharp point at centre from which radiate bandings enclosing floral scrollings. Brass rosette border of floral arcade. Diameter, 221% inches. 349—RareE Renaissance Hancine anp Stanpine Forcep Iron Lamp French, XVI Century Oval oil receptacle, with two lips, three fleurs-de-lys and coats of arms and hinged cover, having curious rosetted terminals; arched back shaft with swanneck handle. Long chain and hook for suspension; acorn pendant and scrolled frontal finely pierced and engraved with central caryatid; flanked by two reclining figures of Indians. Stamped with maker’s name, Povi Ainé. Height, 1714 inches. 350—Forcep Iron Treasure CHeEst Haut Rhin, XVI Century Oblong, with lifting hinged top, having a most elaborate, pierced and engraved lock on the under side, the keyhole of which is in the centre of the top, secreted under an oblong label chiseled with a cognizance, Bear with Rugged Staff. All surfaces are enriched with scrolls and studded bands forming panels, that at front with figure of Hercules. The front fitted with curious ad- justable husks and flutes. Height, 21% inches; length, 211% inches. 351—Frencu Goruic Forcep Iron Merat-sack AVIT Century Cruciform with pierced tracery at intersection. Two adjustable meat hooks on cross bar; saw-tooth and adjustable rack on upper bar. Ring for suspension. Length, 431, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. CHAMPLEVE AND OTHER EARLY ENAMELS 352—Two Ostone Late Limocres ENAMEL PANELS After Juan Limousin ST. MICHAEL AND ST. ANGELUS cosTUs. Executed in brilliant colors on dark blue grounds. Captioned. Signed, I. L. Height, 3% inches. 353—LatTE Limocrs PanEeL After Jean Raymond sT. JoHN. Three-quarter length haloed figure of the saint looking downward toward a chalice in his right hand. He wears a gold robe, enriched in brown-pink and a lavender mantle, and stands before a star-studded purple background. Captioned on label at crown, Saint Jehan; at foot is lengthy inscription. Height, 64 inches; width, 5 inches. Note: A woodcut and description of subject is on back of frame. 354—GotTHic ENAMEL AND Cuivre Dort Bow Venetian, Late XV Century Low bowl, hammered with scrolled rosette under foot which con- tinues and forms gadroons on the sides; upright lip studded with rosettes in turquoise and dark blue enamel interrupting the scrollings; interior centre with larger similar rosette. Diameter, 614 inches. 3855—Limocrs EnamMet Pane in OrictnaL Carvep Watnut FRAME French, XVI Century THE DESCENT FROM THE cross. In a hilly landscape, with a dis- tant view of the spires and city walls of Jerusalem, under a clouded blue sky a cross appears in the foreground, before which stands Saint John gently lowering the body of Our Lord to the care of the three Marys at foot. Saint Joseph stands at extreme right. The green hillside and the costumes of blue, purplish pink, yellow and green are lavishly enriched in gold. Oblong half rosette molded frame enriched with strap-scrolled cartouches bearing masks at crown and foot, festoons and scrolled demi-figures at sides. (The Limoges plaque needs con- siderable restoration. ) Height, 91, inches; width, 7 inches. Second Session 356—JEWELED CHAMPLEVE ENAMEL Pyx Limoges, XIII Century Circular, with high peaked hinged cover terminating in a cross and enriched with three yellow jewels and scrollings. The body with five busts of saints supported on scrollings terminating in fleurs-de-lys which part the figures; the figures exe- cuted in gilding with backgrounds of blue @ and passages of red and pale green in — the scrollings. Height, 4%, inches. Note: Fine early Pyxes are exceedingly rare, for almost every example is now perma- nently located in a museum or a cathedral treas- ury. 356 (Illustrated) 3857—Limocres ENAMEL AND Carved Erony CHassE Late French Renaissance Double paneled and molded peaked cover, enriched with six panels of hunting scenes in enamel. Oblong lower portion with six further scenes, illustrating classic subjects amidst which are seen Diana and Acteon, Daphne and Apollo, Mercury and Juno, Coronis and subject: aA COMBAT BEFORE THE WALLS OF Troy; these panels are parted by husked and medallioned pilasters. Supported on demi-nymph feet. Mounted in forged iron with bail lifting handle and fleur-de-lis and rosetted bolt. (Several panels need slight restoration. ) Height, 10% inches; length, 12 inches. 358—CHAMPLEVE ENAMELED LEATHER BOTTLE Persian, XVII Century Pear-shaped black leather bottle, with incurved molded throat and spreading mouth of champlevé enamel displaying elaborate medallions of flowers, scrollings and busts of Persian beauties ; executed in fine crimson, blue, green and yellow. Height, 8%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. GOTHIC AND RENAISSANCE CUIVRE DORE CANDLE- STICKS, CHALICE CUPS, COUPES AND OTHER OBJECTS 359—Two Smatt RENAISSANCE CRUCIFIXES AVII Century (a) Floriated, enriched with interior cross, and mounts cap- tioned with sacred monogram the outer cross enhanced with lobes and open scroll brackets; the back inscribed. Ring for sus- pension. (Has been gilded.) (s) Floriated cross exhibiting Our Lord in efigy. 3860—Cuivre Dort Parer CuTTer French Renaissance Open lobed and scrolled handle with cupidon-head and shell mo- tive; tapering broad blade engraved with floral sprays. Length, 91% inches. 361—Smatu Cutvre Dort Bas-revier Panen French Renatssance sT. ANDREAS. Oblong, with arched niche having leaf spandrels and scroll-shell pediment pierced for suspension; the niche occu- pied by the robed saint standing before a cross and holding a missal in his hand. Height, 614 inches; width, 3% inches. 362—CuivrE Dort CanpdLESTICK French, Late XVI Century Finely shaped ovoidal baluster, with small opening for taper; chiseled with cartouches of fruit interrupted by winged cupi- don-heads; broad spreading molded base adorned with series of leaf motives and cupidon-heads interrupted by husk scroll- ings. Height, 434 inches. 363—Gornic Cutvre Dorr CAnpdLEsTICK Haut Rhin, 1572 Diaper paneled and molded hexagonal shaft having central flanged, lobed boss. On finely flarmg and molded hexagenally lobed base. Engraved with inscription at foot reading (trans- lated) : “With God’s Grace Ruosch and his wife gave this chalice in the year, 1572. Height, 434 inches. Note: This fine candlestick was originally the stem of a chalice cup, the bowl, either of silver or gold, no doubt, long since melted up for its physical value. Second Session 364—JEWELED Cuivre Dort Ber Late Italian Gothic Formed of oblong panels enriched with scrolled heads, inter- rupted by open scrolled plaquettes and jeweled scrolled medal- lions; curious hinged portion about centre. Length, 37%, inches. 365—Cuivre Dort CANDLESTICK French Gothic Hexagonally molded socket engraved with Gothic tracery; shaft with a gadrooned boss having diamond motived projections and engraved Gothic tracery. On spreading six-lobed base with flanged molded plinth. Height, 4 inches. 366—Cuivre Dor&t Canpusstick French, Gothic-Renaissance Period Small molded hexagonal socket and shaft, engraved with scroll- ings; enriched with broad flanged central button-shaped boss having florally engraved gadroons. On six-lobed round spread- ing foot adorned with rope and other moldings. Height, 5 inches. 367—Repousst Cuivre Dort Covered CHALICE Cup Strasbourg, Gothic-Renaissance Period Bowl-shaped coupe, enriched with medallioned busts of prelates interrupted by heads of cherubim; baluster shaft adorned with symbols and saintly figures. On spreading paneled foot occupied by apostolic figures. Domed cover displaying four evangelists within medallions parted by heads of cherubim, surmounted by figure of St. John the Baptist. Height, 111% inches. 868—Cuivre Dort RELIQUARY Alsatian. Gothic Tubular glass chamber supported by two hinged arms having crocketed pinnacles, valanced borders and medallioned ends; one of the medallions enriched with subject, THE HOLY FATHER IN MAJESTY; the other with rosette; the valance with saintly fig- ures. On interesting molded shaft having leaf enrichments ter- minating in berries; low boss above a spreading round foot adorned with diamond facias bearing the heads of various disciples. Height, 111%, inches Kindly read theiConditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 369—JEWELED Cuivre Dorét CHALicE Cup Late Alsatian Gothic Bell-shaped coupe; supported on bossed tubular stem with fleur- de-lys cresting. The bosses enriched with filigree lobes bearing fleurs-de-lys interrupted by ruby colored jewels; flaring octag- onally lobed round spreading foot with border similar to boss, floral scrollings and green jewels. Height, 9 inches. 370—Two Cuivre Dort Ficurts French, XVIII Century | satyrs. Seated figures, with heads turned aside, grinning and arms outstretched, with their hands on their sides to stop their convulsions; their hoofs uplifted over a spray of laurels. Fine old patina. Height, 10 inches. 3871—Curivre Dort Cizortum Strasbourg, Gothic Period Molded hexagonal coupe, enriched with medallioned figures of saints embroidering or drawing; hinged peaked cover terminating in cross and having a crocketed and traceried pinnacle at each of the hexagonal corners; hexagonal baluster shaft with gad- rooned bossed centre; floral round base with medallions bearing — symbols of the four evangelists. Height, 16 inches. (Illustrated) o12— Navutiuus SHELL Courprt Mountep in Cuivre Doret School of Fontamebleau, XVI Century Beautiful iridescent shell, mounted with leaf-molded lip shaped toward scrolling of shell and there enriched with a lizard and group, VENUS, SATYR AND MERMAN HOLDING A FISH; the front with group of reclining VENUS AND CUPIDON RIDING DOLPHINS} behind the figure of Venus is a large palm spray extending to the rim of coupe; at back a curious winged dolphin. Supported on open cresting and three out-facing and out-spreading clustered dolphins. The chiseling of figures and decorations is of ex- tremely fine quality. Height, 81% inches. Note: A most interesting and beautiful specimen of early French crafts- manship. (Illustrated) Second Session 372 371 373 373—Cuivre Dort Movuntep Cocoanut CourPe Nuremberg, XVII Century Egg-shaped coupe, mounted at mouth with valance and spreading mouth engraved with panel of scrolls, birds and medallioned heads ; interesting strap-scrolled caryatid supports over body to a bossed baluster shaft having three open brackets at crown. Molded dome foot with arabesque scrollings and floral motives. Height, 10 inches. (Illustrated) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed mm the forepart of the Catalogue. 374—Cuivre Dort CruciFixion Rhenish Renaissance Finely molded body of Our Lord, hung on a floriated rustic cross; the floriations occupied by figure of the Holy Father, the Virgin, St. John and Mary Magdalen. Molded round base en- riched with scrolled leafage. The cross apparently of a later period. Height, 14 inches. VENETIAN AND NUREMBERG GOTHIC AND RENAISSANCE REPOUSSE BRASS DISHES 375—RepoussE Brass Disu Nuremberg, Early XVI Century Flaring gadrooned bowl, with leaf stamped flange. The centre of base with subject, EQUESTRIAN FIGURE OF SAINT GEORGE SLAY- ING THE DRAGON. Diameter, 1034 inches. 376—RepovussE Brass Disu Nuremberg, XVII Century Double molded flange with two series of oval and diamond medal- lions. The centre subject, ADAM, EVE AND THE SERPENT IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN. - Diameter, 15 inches. 377—RepoussE Brass Disu Venetian, XVI Century Circular, with broad flange stamped with archaic motives. ‘The centre slightly bossed and having central medallion. Surrounded by pear-shaped gadroons and two borders of Gothic inscrip- tions. Diameter, 1614 inches. 378—Repouvusst Brass DisH Nuremberg, XVII Century Double molded circular flange punched with two series of oval medallions. Lightly bossed centre displaying a coroneted coat of arms supported by rampant lions and surrounded by a border of scrolled bunches of grapes. Diameter, 1834 inches. 379—RepoussE Brass Disu Nuremberg, XVII Century Similar to preceding. Centre exhibiting subject THE RETURN OF THE SPIES WITH THE GRAPES FROM THE PROMISED LAND. Second Session 380 380—Repousst Brass DisH Venetian, XVI Century Circular, with broad flange stamped with Maltese cross and small leaves. The centre having a bossed medallion surrounded by spiral gadroons and border of Gothic inscription. Diameter, 161, inches. (Mustrated) 381—Larce Sitver Intaip CuisetED Brass Disu Veneto-Saracenic, XVII Century Deep circular dish, with molded rim enriched with silver inlaid leaf-scrollings and engraved with rope motives. The cavetto with circular coats of arms at intervals; each blazoned with a scimitar and band, these connected by a banding of interlaced [Continued Kindly read the: Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed im the forepart of the Catalogue. 382 381—Concluded rope motives. The centre with a similar medallioned coat of arms surrounded by arabesque leaf motives in the Turkish manner and a further pinnacled border with further coats of arms interrupting the scrollings. Inscribed in Turkish, with the owner’s initials. Diameter, 201% inches. Note: A rare and beautiful specimen of fine craftsmanship. 382—VENETIAN GotrHic Repousst Brass DisH AV Century Low bowl, with slightly flaring flange. The centre enriched with small boss surrounded by Gothic inscription and series of five leaves interrupted by masks, having pendants of scrolled Gothic leaves and central pineapple motives. | Diameter, 16 inches. (Illustrated) Second Session EARLY MISSALS AND TWO VOLUMES OF AMERICANA DATED 1600 AND 1617 383—LeatHeR Bounp Vettum Missau Alsatian, XVI Century Black morocco binding; with gilded tooling on back and covers. The missal containing the Saints’ Days for each month of the year and various prayers, beautifully enriched with large and small gilded illuminated initials. Stamped on front page with medallion inscribed: “Domus Issenhilmensis Societatis Jesu,”’ and central sacred monogram. Height, 414%, inches; width, 314 inches. 384— VELLUM CovERED VOLUME French, 1590 LE QUATRIEME TOME DES HISTOIRES TRAGIQUES - - - Par Fran- cois De Belleforest Comingeois. Published at Lyon, par Benoist Rigaud. M D X C. Height, 434 inches; width, 3 inches. 385—GILDED TooLep LeatHerR Missa French, 1727 “L’Office De la Semaine Sainte a L’Usage De la Maison Du Roy . a Paris. De l’Imprimerie de Jacques Collombat Imprimeur ordinaire du Roy . . . 1727 avec privilege du Roy.” Covers in crimson levant with central medallion bearing a very elaborate coat of arms of a French cardinal surrounded by lobed oval floral motives and leaf border in gilding. Height, 8°4, inches; width, 5%, inches. 3886—ILLUMINATED VELLUM: PsALTER French, XVI Century Bound in tooled leather. Musical scores are interspersed with hymns in letter press and enriched in colors with many initial letters. Bound in russet leather, tooled and stamped with pan- eled rosetted diamond lattice. Height, 8°4 inches; width, 6% inches. 387—Vetitum Bounp VotumME oF PEN anv Bistre Drawrnes French, XVII Century Sixty-five leaves; enriched with numerous fanciful coats of arms, classic panels for wall and other decoration, symbolic figures of nymphs and numerous panels of cupidons at many differing avocations. (Many leaves injured at margins.) Length, 14 inches; width, 9% inches. Kindly read the'Conditions under which every item is offered and sold, They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 388—Americana. VoLUME IN Brown LEATHER Oppenhem, 1617 — Architectural frontispieces inscribed in German, of which the following is a free translation: “True and Loving Descriptions of various important Indian lands and islands, originally from his chronicles and published with great risk for the first time in the Voyages of Ulric Schmidts of Straubingen. Munutely de- scribed by himself, published through Dietrich von Brey. Third and improved edition by Johan Theodor de Brey, burgher of Oppenheim. Printed by Hieronymo Gallern. MDXVII. Illus- trated with engraved views and personages.” (Several sheets and leather cover defective. ) | Height, 14%, inches; width, 91, inches. 389—Americana. LreatTHER Bounp VoLUME Frankfort-on-Main, 1600 Architectural frontispieces with panel printed in German text, of which the following is a free translation: “Wonderful though truthful. Explanation of the customs and habits of the natives of Virginia which recently came to the English in the year of 1585 through Sir Richard Grenville. Illustrated with figures and landscapes. ‘Transferred to Sir Walter Raleigh, knight and colonel as favored by Queen Elizabeth. First written in English by Thomas Hariot and recently through Christ P. in German. Printed in Frankfort-on-Main by Matthes Becker and trans- ferred to his widow and both sons in 1660.” (Cover defective. ) Height, 1414 inches; width, 10 inches. RARE FRENCH, ITALIAN, FLEMISH, NUREMBERG AND AUGSBURG GOTHIC BRONZES AND MORTARS | Pea ee eS ey eee ee ee ae ee ee ae 390—Bronze Box anp Spout Late French Gothic (a) Box in the form of an archaic setting hen. Oval sliding tubular base for opening box. (2) Spout for a vessel, interesting archaically modeled lion with tubular spout in his mouth. Heights, 2% and 31% inches. — dod ee aa . ria fia tt Bz. fe a ey Se at ita a i 5: ie Ma ¥ Second Session 391—Bronze Powprer Box anp Censer Nuremberg, XVI Century (a) Molded and paneled flaring box, with tapering round spout having spring handle; panels enriched with figures of warriors. Obverse with curious representation of David carrying Goliath’s head in his left hand. Dated 1574. (8) Globular, pierced and hinged holder; chiseled with panels of displayed eagles, small rosettes and ring for suspension. Heights, 4 and 3%, inches. 392—SMALL Bronze JARDINIERE French, XVI Century Square, molded at crown and foot, having supporting balusters at corners; enriched with two medallioned busts of royal per- sonages with oval cartouched medallions. Fine original yellow and black patina. Height, 21% inches. 393—Bronze PrestteE anp Mortar French, XVI Century Expanding round sides, molded at lip and foot, enriched in re- hef with figures of nymphs, interrupted by panels each having three fleurs-de-lys. Further fleurs-de-lys are at lip. Pestle with bulbous ends. — Height, 2%, inches. 394—VENETIAN Bronze Bett AV Century Double flaring ribbed bell, of exceptionally fine tone; enriched at crown with series of leaves and a lower band of scrollings of flowers and berries amidst which an eagle and a leopard are seen. Short open four-looped handle. Height, 41%, inches. 395—BronzeE Mortar Italian, XV Century Quickly tapering round sides enriched in relief at intervals with figures of caryatids parting busts of Roman emperors and other dignitaries, each surrounded by small rosettes; molded base and lip with further rosettes. Height, 31%, inches. 896—BurcunpiAN Earty Gornic BronzzE Herap Interesting archaic modeling, with strongly formed features. In- scribed at foot: “Engel Bertus Gotsala.” Height, 3 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 397—BronzE CaNnDLESTICK Flemish, XVII Century Short molded balustered shaft and socket ; supported on circular tray base with curved molded flaring foot. Height, 544 inches. 398—Latr Frencu Gotuic BronzE CANDLESTICK Hexagonal balustered shaft with tray, bobéche and long pricket. On interestingly scrolled flaring tripod base. Height, 5%, inches. 399—Two Bronze BAs-RELIEFS French, XVI Century cupipons. One with loose flying drapery riding dolphin. Signed, B. F. The other seated, holding his quiver with his two hands, two billing doves are seen toward right foot. Fine old brown- green patina. Oblong with rings for suspension. Height, 41% inches. 400—FrencH Goruic BronzE AQUAMANILE XIV Century Recumbent figure of a lion, with curiously tooth-scrolled tail. Very strong archaic modeling. Stamped with maker’s device in poincon. Height, 3°, inches. 401—ExcrssivELy Rare Dovusie Bronze BorrLe French, XIII Century Formed of two bottle-shaped vases connected at bulbous bodies, the long neck with bar having triangular sunk motives; the front neck of body formed of a bust of man in the attitude of drinking from a small cup, he wears archaic fringed beard and curious domed cap. | Height, 5% inches; length, 6 inches. 402—Bronze AxttTar Bey Haut Rhin, 1554 Flaring molded bell enriched with cupidon-heads, birds and scrollings. Dated 1554, and inscribed :“Lof God Van AI’; at foot: ‘‘Benedictum sit nomen domini.” Handle in the form of three out-facing standing cherubim. (Cracked.) Height, 5 inches. ipa Second Session 403—Rare Earty FrencuH Gornic Brass’ Hancinc Lamp Boat-shape body, with extensions for wick and pouring oil; small pendent ovoidal chamber. Suspended from four-spiked arm bound by an annular ring. Height, 6 inches. 404—Earty Frencu Goruic Brass RELiquary AV Century Hexagonal coupe on similarly shaped expanded and molded base; pierced hinged cover of two series of traceried Gothic arches sur- mounted by an open pinnacle. Height, 8 inches. 405—Bronze Launperine Iron French, XVI Century Oblong iron, peaked at front; enriched on top panel with open repoussé leaf scrollings and wave bandings; the back has a small hinged door with scrolled knobs for the admission of red-hot charcoal; rosewood balustered handle supported on two bronze figures of mermaids in full relief. Length, 5% inches. 406—Bronze Mortar Venetian, XV Century Slightly curved drum-shaped body, enriched with two open scrolled dolphin handles. Medallion of the assuMpTION oF THE virGIn, flanked by an eagle and a small crucifix. Reverse with oval medallion enclosing the symbol of THE Lams, flanked by half- length of sAINT CATHERINE and a symbolic horse carrying a tower on its back. Exceptionally deep molded foot and cup- like molded lip, enriched with symbolic medallions. Rich golden patina. Height, 51, inches. 407—Raret VENETIAN Bronze Coverep Disu AVI Century Slightly tapering round dish, with flanged molded rim; enriched in low relief with coronet, satyr-masks, seraphs, medallioned groups of the Virgin and Child and the Crucifixion. Dome cover with further masks, fine scrollings of leaves and berries; button terminal. Height, 5%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 408—Bronze Coverep VESSEL French, XVI Century Circular straight-sided dish, enriched with continuous panel de- picting rural and courtly personages dancing at royal féte amidst flowers, in low relief. Dome cover with ball terminal, hay- ing radiating panels displaying rural activities of the seasons. Diameter, 8% inches. 409—CHInESE Bronze Vase Ming Period Hexagonal molded tapering body, pierced with eight shaped medallions before which are the eight figures of the Taoist Im- mortals, in full relief. Dragon handles. On carved stand. (Small foot lacking.) Height, 7% inches. 410—Bronze VESSEL Haut Rhin, XVI Century Low straight sided bowl with molded rim; triangular tripod legs and expanding hollow square handles. Length, 10%, inches. (Illustrated) 411—MassivE Bronzze Morrar AND PESTLE Augsburg, 1654 Molded drum-shaped body, enriched with band of scrolled husks and _ lower 410 band of scrolled jardiniéres, dragon-heads and heads of male figures; two looped and scrolled dolphin handles. Finely molded foot and collar. Inscribed “Got allein die ehr, MDCLIV.” Baluster pestle with bulbous ends. Height, 7 inches. (Illustrated) Second Session 413 412 412—Rarze Bronze Morrar anv PEstTre French, XV Century Tapering round body, enriched with outstanding bossed and scrolled lugs, the two at the sides extending into round tapering handles. Between the lugs in each panel are two oblong reliefs of The Virgin and Child. Finely molded lip with diagonally placed fleur-de-lys. Baluster pestle having bulbous ends. Height, 44% inches. 413—Rare Mepicean Bronze Mortar Florentine, XV Century Very finely molded tapering round body; enriched with the Me- dicean coat of arms on obverse and reverse in relief, over each of which are two flying cupidons bearing wreath between them. Very interestingly scrolled lug handles on which are seated archaic lions. Fine yellow-brown patina. Height, 3°/, inches. Note: ‘This very beautiful bronze mortar was originally made for the il- lustrious Cosimo Medici, known as “Pater Patriae’” who ruled Florence 1429- 1464. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 414—Bronze PEnTOLA Italian, XVI Century Globular bowl, with flanged outcurving rim; two open lugs han- dles and a spirally twisted iron bail handle. On tripod legs with rudimentary claw feet. Height, 10 inches. 415—BronzE PENTOLA Italian, XVI Century Broad pear-shaped body, with flaring lip. Angular lug handles at sides sustaining an arched and spirally twisted bail handle of forged iron. On tapering triangular tripod legs. Height, 14% inches. 416—Bronze PiaqQuE French, Early XVII Century ALLEGORY OF APOLLO AND DAPHNE. Gracefully reclining figure of the nymph enveloped in classic draperies; near her head a sym- bolic laurel bush and Apollo’s lyre. At right are two cupidons playing musical instruments. Original green patina; oblong. (One corner imperfect. ) Length, 7?/, inches. 417—OrriciaL Bronze WEIGHTS IN Case Nuremberg, 1696 Tapering round body, banded with five small rope moldings vari- ously enclosing chiseled imbrications and diamond lattice; hinged cover with back formed of three bovine masks. Bar on top of two fantastic animals, hinged hasp of two demi-horses; bail handle set in two busts of nymphs. The body forming the heavi- est weight, marked 16 m and the cover 32 m; the pin of the hinge being removable so that these can be used as weights; the interior filled with nine graduated cup-like weights; marked from r to 16 m. The cover is inscribed with date 1696 in two places and an official confirmation stamp of 1770; in another place also Celnisch silbergewicht. Height, 7/4, inches. Note: ‘This most interesting ancient set of weights is also marked with the maker’s insignia, a pair of scissors flanked by the initials P. S. and there is no doubt that it was copied from an early mediaeval Venetian model. Second Session 418—Bronze Morrar anp PEsTLe French, Early XVI Century Tapering round body enriched with wave and tooth lugs forming panels, alternately occupied by figure of The Virgin and medal- lioned busts of Judith holding the head of Holofernes. Molded foot and lip with diagonally placed fleurs-de-lis. Fine old deep green patina. Pestle with bulbous end. Height, 14 inches. 419—Two Bronze STATUETTES French, XVII Century MARS AND MINERVA. Very graceful standing figures, both clad in body armor, having a tasseled valance about loins and wearing winged helms. Minerva carries a long spear and on her left arm her famous Medusa shield. Height, 18 inches. FRENCH, FLEMISH AND ITALIAN BRASS, COPPER AND FORGED IRON JARDINIERES, CANDELABRA, ANDIRONS, HANGING LAMPS AND WALL BRACKETS OF THE XVI AND XVII CENTURIES 420—Repovusst Copper JARDINIERE Haut Rhin, 1690 Blunted oblong tapering body, enriched on one side with subject THE RETURN FROM CANAAN, and at one end an inserted panel showing a bear standing as a man and following the chase; re- verse with field animals in action. Heavy loop carrying handles. Inscribed: *Gotfrid Rethe 1690.” Heigth, 111% inches; length, 221% inches. 421—Two Brass Watt Licuts Flemish, Early XVII Century Small cartouche back, with five arms scrolled with dolphin-heads and terminals; cup bobéches, vase-shaped sockets. (Pinnacle backs and candle pins lacking in one.) Height, 121% inches; length, 27 inches 422—T wo RerpoussE SILVER-PLATED VASES Augsburg, XVIII Century Inverted pear-shaped bodies, enriched with clusters of fine fruit and acanthus leaves. Incurved medallion and husk collar and leaf lip. Open leaf-scrolled handles. Height, 101%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed mm the forepart of the Catalogue. 423—Priercep Brass anp Copper Brazier Haut Rhin, Early XVI Century Octagonal pierced body enriched with repoussé of mermaids alternating with fleurs-de-lis. One section hinged to give access to the interior. Slightly domed top pierced with rosettes and heart-shaped floral motives. Spirally twisted copper handle. | Height, 1014, inches. 424—CHIsELED CopPpER JARDINIERE Italian, Early XVI Century Double bulbous vase-shape; on molded round flaring base. En- riched with two archaic lion-heads and ring handle, fine scroll- ings of tulips and lilies. Height, 16%, inches. 425—PierceD Brass Hancine Lamp French, XVI Century Vase-shaped, with ball pendant; two bands of pierced leaf and masked scrollings and three demi-figures from which extend chains to a small ringed and domed canopy. Total height, 221, inches; diameter, 7 inches. 426—Two Brass CANDELABRA Flemish, XVII Century Baluster shaft, supported on very broad shallow base. Sup- porting lateral open scrollings developing dolphin-heads and sustaining’ central coroneted displayed eagle and two flanking sockets on each side for candles. Height, 20% inches. 427—Repousst Brass WinE Jue Haut Rhin, XVI Century Molded vase-shape, with flaring gadroon-molded round foot. En- riched with scrollings of leaves and cartouches. Looped spout and handle. Dome cover with pineapple terminal and bail handle. Height, 1914 inches. 428—Two Brass Roman Lamps Flemish, XVI Century Style Long circular shafts, loop handles and vase-shaped sliding re- ceptacle for oil, having three arms for wicks and varied hanging utensils. On molded round base. (One utensil imperfect.) Height, 25 inches. Second Session 429—Brass Cornucopia FLtower RECEPTACLE . Haut Rhin, XVI Century Gadrooned; S-scrolled in form; with imbrications at mouth. Length, 23 inches. 430—Corrrer anp Iron SNAKE Haut Rhin, XVI Century Repoussé copper head, modeled in an extremely archaic manner. S-scrolled tapering sectioned body of iron apparently of a later period. Length, 27 inches. 431—Gornic Brass Watt Bracxer French, Early XVI Century Molded scroll arm, enriched with crockets and pineapple leaf scroll. Pierced tracery and pomegranate leaf-scrolled pendant. Long pear-shaped pricket. Circular bobéche and back ap- parently of a later date. Height, 20 inches. 432—Two Cast Iron Anpirons Haut Rhin, Early XVI Century Molded shaft, expanding into tablet bearing rudimentary coat of arms and supported by arched feet; terminating at crown with quaint female mask. Height, 21 inches. 433—Forcrp Iron Hanernc Lamp French, Renaissance Style Two graduated annular rings, the lower pierced with lengthy inscription and date 1613. Supporting four circular rods with lily-form terminals at crown, the rods flange-bracketed below and at sides with scrollings of elaborate lilies. Lily pendant with ring similar to lily pendant chain for suspension. Height, 40 inches; height of chain, 29 inches; width, 18 inches. From lEglise de Raedershew. 434—Forcrep Iron Hanerne CanpELABRUM French Gothic Annular ring, crested and aproned by fleurs-de-lis, sustaining” four arms; having similarly crested bobéches but with apron of leaves. Four spiral hooks for further hanging lamps alternate with the arms and the annular ring is supported by four spiral rods to an elaborate, coroneted canopy, adorned with rosettes. and leaves. Extra spiraled rod for suspension. Total height with rod, 69 inches; diameter, 29 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 435—Forcrep Iron Hancine LANTERN French Gothic Style Hexagonal body, with spiral supports. Terminal a weird ram’s head; open sides of Gothic arches enclosing four lobed traceries. Peaked and tracery pediments to sides, terminating at foot and top in cusped lilies. Loose sides. Total height, 49 inches; width, 14% inches. 436—Larcr Repoussrt Brass Sanctuary Hancine Lamp Italian, XVIII Century Baluster-shaped body, pierced with cartouches surrounded by rocaille scrollings; three deeply scrolled arms, pierced with further scrolls and panels sustaining the chains to a similar dome canopy, enriched with further scrollings. Height, 6414 inches; width, 32 inches. 437 Larce Brass CHANDELIER Flemish, Early XVII Century Baluster shaft, with large ball and vase terminal; supporting at base eight scroll-arms for candles in which are scrolls of grapes and husks; between these and on an upper and lower tier are series of scrolled brackets. Can readily be converted for elec- tricity. , Height, 44 inches; width, 421, inches. 438—RepoussE CopPeR JARDINIERE WITH Forcep Iron Stanp Itahan, XVI Century Gadrooned and rope molded basin, enriched with bossed and central figure of unicorn. The rim with inscription. On open scrolled forged iron heart-shaped tripod stand. Total height, 311% inches. 439—Forcrep Iron anp Brass TorcuEre Venetian, XVI Century Balustered round shaft, on arched tripod feet. The shaft with four bossed brackets at crown supporting a circular repoussé brass dish; surmounted by a strap-iron basket and a central lily having long pricket. Height, 634, inches. (Illustrated) Second Session 439 | 440 440—Brass Lavaso witH Forcep Iron Stanp Florentine, XVI Century Forged iron stand with faceted baluster shaft; Gothic scrolled tripod legs and long faceted back stem bracketed to shaft and extending above; enriched with open scrolled bracket having floral scroll, bird and terminal. Gadrooned oval lavabo with bossed foot and color; enriched with trailing vines of acorn and berries. Ring side handle. Height, 6 feet 2 inches. (Illustrated) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. — They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 441—Two Larcrt Brass ANDIRONS Late Flemish Renaissance Large bulbous shaft, adorned with acanthus leaves and sur- mounted by a balustered terminal. Supported on scrolled base, enriched with cupidon-head, husks and leafage. Height, 40 inches. Note: ‘These two andirons have recently been fitted with interior iron shafts and back irons. 442—FrenNcH Gotuic Forcrep Iron Fire-cuarp XVI Century Shaped strapped feet, bar suspending two standards. The upper part formed of balustered round shafts ; the lower portion of four shafts. Central vase; pinnacled and scrolled feet, chiseled with zig-zag motive. At crown of shafts are two open baskets en- riched with masks and two swinging brackets with further masks and chains. Height, 3414 inches; length, 41 inches. 443—RerpoussE Copper JARDINIERE witH ForcEep Iron Sranp Florentine, XVII Century Deep gadrooned copper jardiniére, with flanged rim. Enriched with bosses and chiseled leaf scrollings. Flanged tripod forged iron stand developing open scrollings and fleurs-de-lis. Height, 39%, inches. 444—Rare Repousst CopPper JArpDINIERE Italian, XVII Century Oval body, enriched with broad gadroons, lion-head and ring handles, and broadly flaring flange displaying wreath of oak leaves. Supported on rudimentary claw feet. (Needs slight restoration. ) Diameter, 35 inches. 445—LarcE Bronze Sanctuary Canpevtasrum Italian, XVI Century Bulbous baluster shaft, molded at intervals; supported on double molded round base, sustaining a pinnacled baluster shaft from which three tiers of arms for lights are scrolled, the first tier of six arms, the second with the same, the third with four and one central arm. Rich golden-yellow patina. Height, 8 feet 8 inches. THIRD SESSION FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 16, 1925 Poet AMERCAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2:15 O’CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 446 to 659 inclusive CARVED IVORIES, ALABASTER AND BOXWOOD FIGURINES AND OTHER OBJECTS, MAINLY XVI AND XVII CENTURY FLEMISH, FRENCH AND HAUT RHIN 446—CarRVED AND ENGRAVED IvorIEs Flemish, XVII Century (a) Castellated tower, set on a mound of rocks. (3) Triangular-shaped portion of tusk. Engraved with sub- ject, LEDA AND THE SWAN. Heights, 3 inches and 41% inches. 44°7—PoLycHROMED Wax Bas-RELIEF Stenese, Early XVI Century THE HOLY FAMILY. ‘The Virgin seated, wearing a hooded man- tle of deep blue and red robes, holds the Infant Saviour on her left knee. The infant St. John carrying his symbolic banner, is at left. Framed. Height, 4°, inches; width, 31/, inches. 448—ScuLpTuRED Ivory Group French, XVI Century MADONNA AND cHILD. The Holy Mother is seen at three- quarter length, wearing her hair braided and caught with fillet and voluminous robes. She holds the Infant Saviour with her left hand as she stands upon a cushion. (Arm of Saviour lacking. ) Height, 41%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 449—ScuLpTurRED ALABASTER BAs-RELIEF Flemish, Late XVI Century THE RETURN OF ToBIT. Tobit’s mother and father stand before the portal of an ancient building at right; Tobit is embracing his father; the angel stands at the left, a hound at his feet. The composition is enriched with pencillings in gold. Height, 4 inches; length, 5 inches. 450—Two PotycHromep ScuLtprurED WatnuT FicurinEs Italian, XVI Century Winged angels, with folding draperies, each carrying a chalice cup in her hands. (One wing missing.) Height, 41% inches. 451—Scutprurep Sratruary Marsie Heap Roman, I Century B.C. Head of a young damsel; her hair brushed back and caught by a fillet. Height, 41, inches. 452—-Carvep Boxwoop Nut Cracker Alsace, Late XVI Century Grotesque masked head wearing skull cap; with tapering reeded handles. Opening for nut at mouth. The back handle, similar to the front, continues into lower jar and is pivoted to form cracker. Height, 3%, inches. 453—Carvep Ivory Paper CuTTer anp FicuRrInE French, XVI Century A balustered square tapering cutter, surmounted by the demi- figure of a damsel; and a small figure of Our Lord as if on the cross. (One arm lacking.) Heights, 31% inches and 9 inches. 454—ScuLpTurED Boxwoop Bas-revier Florentine, XVII Century VENUS AND HER SON cuPIp. Venus reclines under a festooned drapery at left, teasing her son Cupid by holding from him his bow. Within a carved and gilded, open leaf-scrolled frame of the period. Height, 434 inches; length, 61, inches. Third Session 455—ScuLpturED Boxwoop TaratiEre Haut Rhin, XVII Century Seated figure of a prior wearing tonsured hair, long beard and habit with cowl and rope around waist. He holds a missal on his lap, reading. Hinged back giving access to interior. Height, 4 inches. From L’ Abbaye de Murbach, Alsace. 456—ScutrTurED Boxwoop Tasatirre Haut Rhin, XVII Century Similar to preceding. Height, 3% inches. From L’ Abbaye de Murbach, Alsace. 457—ScuuPTurED FIGuRINE Flemish, XVII Century Figure of Our Lord, as if on the cross; wearing long curling hair and loin cloth. (Arms lacking.) Height, 6 inches. 458—Two ScutptureD Boxwoop Ficurines Colmar, XVI Century Figures of Our Lord as if on the cross. In both instances wear- ing curling hair, beard and loin cloth; slightly differing in atti- tudes. (Arms lacking.) Lengths, 7 inches and 7%, inches. 459—Licutty PotycHromMep ScuLprurEeD ALABASTER FIGURINE | Colmar, XVI Century Figure of Our Lord as if on the cross, wearing long curling hair, beard and loin cloth. (Limbs missing.) Length, %%, inches. 460—PotycHRoMEeD ScutprureD Pine Ficurine Spanish, XVI Century THE MAGDALENE. Standing figure, wearing long hair almost to her feet, gilded bodice, red skirt and voluminous mantle. (Arms missing. ) Height, 71%, inches. 461—Two Carvep Boxwoop Spryxinc IMPLEMENTS Haut Rhin, Early Sixteenth Century Expanding shafts variously occupied by tiers of open arches; one terminated in a group of grotesque figures and having a foot-like base. The other, with rosetted crown and heart-shaped foot. Heights, 8°4 inches and 9 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 462—-ELABoRATELY Carvepd Boxwood QUENOUILLE French, Early XVII Century Tapering round molded shaft, beautifully enriched with leaf- scrolled cartouches and the demi-figure of a nymph. The handle parted by fluted turned balusters into two joyful groups of cupidons. Distaff for a spinning wheel. Height, 221, inches. 463—CarveD Boxwoop Nut-cRACKER Haut Rhin, X VI Century Egg-shaped cracker, with aperture for nut; enriched with band- ings of leaves and reedings. Screw handle, with flattened oval terminal, Length, 11 inches. 464—Carvep Wautnut NutT-cRACKER Haut Rhin, XVI Century Bust of a man holding a shield before him. He wears a court jester’s cap, curling hair, long beard and deep fur collar; his body terminates in a leaf husk. Back handle of dolphin-head, pivoted and continuing into lower jaw and vest to form cracker. (Has been restored.) Height, 11 inches. 465—Ivory Ficurine _ Haut Rhin, XVI Century cLeopatra. Graceful standing figure holding the asp in her right hand to her breast. She wears long curling hair with ‘psyche-knot at back. On round black plinth. (Needs slight restoration. ) ) Height, 7 inches. 466—Carvep AnD Tootrep LerarHEerR Bas-RELIEF FoR Missa CovER Italian, Early Stxteenth Century Oblong, the centre occupied by a cartouched circular medallion, surmounted by two seated cupidons and having two further cupidons facing a bird at base, and two others in the arabesqued border. Brown hide; framed. Height, 10 inches; width, 94% inches. 467—ScuuprTureD Boxwoop Ficurine Flemish, Late XVI Century PLUTO. Standing figure of the god of the underworld, wearing a mantle over his shoulders, a long beard and carrying a torch in his left hand. At his feet is Cerebus. On molded pedestal, paneled with various trophies. Height, 934 inches. Third Session 468—Potycuromep Trrra-cotra Heap Spanish, XVI Century THE HOLY VIRGIN. Smiling countenance with curling hair, sur- mounted by an intricate open leaf-enriched crown, on old crim- son velvet pedestal. Height of head, 10 inches. 469—Terrra-cotta Bas-ReEvieF Coat or Arms French, XVII Century Molded semi-circular panel, enriched with many quartered shield, blazoned with rampant lions and bugles. Surmounted by a ducal coronet; leonic supporters. Inscribed: G.M. (Restored.) Height, 9 inches; length, 1814 inches. 470—PotrycHromep Tetta-cotrta -Bas-RELIEF Northern Italian, XVI Century THE DESCENT FROM THE cross. In a hilly, wooded landscape six men, supported on ladders, are slowly lowering the body of Our Saviour. At the foot of the cross at right and left are two groups of disciples and the Marys watching with anxiety the descent. Arched at the crown; in carved and gesso gilded frame of the period. Height, 11 inches; width, 91% inches. Wote: This fine bas-relief is after a similar composition by Michelangelo. 4'71—ScuLptureD ALABASTER STATUETTE Italian, Late XV Century st. ANTHHONY. Noble, bearded, standing figure, with cowl and robes wrapped about him. He holds a rustic staff in his left hand and a hog is in close proximity at his left side. On oblong base. Fine old patina. (One hand missing.) Height, 13%4 inches. BEAUTIFUL FRENCH, ITALIAN AND SPANISH SILK BANNER TASSELS OF THE XVII AND XVIII CENTURIES 4%42—Two YELLow SiLk TassExs Italian, XVII Century Bell-shaped with ruffed crowns; the skirts of double rows of lattice fringe. Joined with cords. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 473—Two Sitver TassExs | Spanish, XVII Century Long latticed bodies, with bell-shaped crowns; long fringed skirts. 474—Four Green Sitk TassExs Italian, XVII Century Lattice bell-shaped tops, with ruffs above the double tasseled skirts. Joined with cords. 475—Four Crimson anp Sitver Tassers Spanish, XVI Century Two in the shape of vases, with latticed bodies and open scrolled handles; two with chevroned bodies, one only having open scrolled handles. Joined with cords. 476—Five Banner TassELs Italian, XVII Century Latticed bell-shaped tops, with ruffed crowns and tasseled skirts ; executed in green, ivory and pink. Joined with cords. 477—SxEvEN Gotp Banner TassEts Italian, XVII Century Cylindrical bodies, netted over gold foil; vase-shaped tops and long fringed skirts. Joined with cords. 478—Four. GREEN S1tK TassEts Italian, XVII Century Latticed bodies, with finely tasseled skirts. Joined with cords. 479—Two Gop AND Sitver TassELs French, XVIII Century (a) With finely latticed drum-shaped body and chevroned gold and blue vase-shaped knob, long skirt of gold and blue. (es) Silver, with latticed drum-shaped body, ruffed at crown and top; finished with vase-shaped knob; skirt of old-pink and silver over-laid with drops formed of blossoms. 480—Fovur Crimson TassEts Italian, XVII Century Bell-shaped latticed bodies, with ruffs above the double tasseled skirts. Joined with long cords. 481—Four Srix TassEts Italian, XVII Century (4a) Two crimson, with chevroned bell-shaped bodies and tasseled crimson and gold skirts. (8) With gold baluster bodies and double skirts of lavender silk. Joined with cords. Third Session 482—Six Gotp Banner TasseEts Spanish, XVII Century Latticed, cylindrical bodies with vase-shaped terminals and long fringed skirts. Joined with cords. 483—Larcr Gorp anp Crimson TasseL Spanish, XVII Century Crimson, drum-shaped body, latticed with gold; crowned with a ruff and vase-shaped terminal; long skirt of crimson silk over- laid with gold threads. 484—Two Strver Banner TassEts Spanish, XVII Century Bell-shaped bodies; latticed in silver over a gold foil; skirts of pink silk overlaid with silver threads and pendants of small blossoms. Joined with crimson cords. 485—Two Gotp TassEs Italian, XVII Century (a) Drum-shaped body and vase terminal, latticed with gold threads; the skirt of pale yellow silk. (s) Most interesting gadrooned body and vase terminal, Jlat- ticed in gold over foil and parted with curious rope-motived _ stripes; yellow silk fringed skirt with overlay of gold threads. 486—Four GREEN Siuk ‘lasses Italian, XVII Century Ruffed and latticed bell-shaped bodies, with double tasseled, fringed skirts. Joined with cords. 487—Six Crimson SILK ‘TassExs | Italian, XVII Century Vase-shaped bodies, ruffed and flaring at foot; finished with double tasseled fringed skirts. Joined with cords. 488—Two Goup TasseEts French, XVII Century (a) Cylindrical body and vase terminal; finely latticed skirt fringed in gold over tan; overlay of two floral pendants. (3) Egg-shaped body, with finely latticed and ribbed chevroned terminal; green, yellow, crimson and gold fringed skirt with extremely beautiful pendants of flowers. Very rare. 489—Four Crimson anp Gop T'asseLs Italian, XVII Century Drum-shaped bodies, latticed with gold over crimson silk; chev- roned vase-shaped terminals; the skirts of crimson, with over- lay of gold threads. Joined with gold and crimson cords; two S1ZeS. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 490—TeEN Sittver anp YELLOW Sirk Banner TassEts Italian, XVII Century Drum-shaped bodies, latticed with gold and having ruffs at crown and foot, surmounted by vase-shaped bodies basketed with silver; yellow silk skirts overlaid with silver threads; joined with cords. 491—Fovur BravutiruL Convent Bett Putt TassEers Spanish, XVII Century Cylindrical green bodies, ruffed in pink, yellow and green; the green skirts overlaid with floral drops in multicolors; portion of bell pull in chevroned green, pink and yellow, adorned with an intricate balustered shaft having three rows of ruffs and six double open loops. FILET AND GOTHIC LACE AND EMBROIDERED COVERS, BORDERS AND CUSHIONS, RHODIAN, SICILIAN, NORTH- ERN ITALIAN AND SPANISH OF THE XVI AND XVII CENTURIES 492—Four EmpBrormeErep Linen Borvers Sicilian, XVI Century Deep ivory linen, enriched in golden-brown, with four facing unicorns within panels; crowning border of lions facing jardi- niéres and castles; above a small band of archaic birds. Length, 21 inches; depth, 10 inches. 493—EmpBrioDERED Linen Borper Spanish Renaissance Ivory linen, enriched with background of crimson silk leaving pattern of scrolled dolphins joined by their tails which form pendent floral motives. Leaf border, joined. Length, 491%, inches; depth, 4°34 inches. 494—RosE pu Barry Emprorerrep Linen Cover Spanish, XVI Century Ivory linen field, displaying double-headed eagles interrupted by archaic birds. At either side of main subjects are small archaic figures and animals. Border of birds and curious tree motives. 51 inches by 121% inches. Third Session 495—EMBROIDERED Linen BorpeEr Rhodian, XVI Century Deep ivory linen, enriched in crimson, mellow blue and straw- yellow with procession of archaic birds interrupted by flowering shrubs and octagonal medallions. Length, 7 feet 8 inches; depth, 5 inches. 496—Brown Linen Lact Cover Italian, XVI Century Centre panel, two small end panels and borders of brown lace displaying rosetted diamond patterns. Long side borders and insertions between central panels of brown linen developing dia- mond lattice, enriched with rosettes; finished with a crochet lace scalloped edge. 55 inches by 25 inches. 497—-GOLD-EMBROIDERED Linen Cover Sicilian, XVII Century Fine ivory linen, enriched at ends with bands of quaint birds and shrubs, in each of which are displayed two jardiniéres of car- nations with four figures standing about each jardiniére. Exe- cuted in harmonious colored silks; trimmed with gold lace. 62 by 28 inches. 498—Fiter Lace anp Linen Cover Italian Renaissance Sheer ivory linen, enriched at ends with bands of filet lace dis- playing linked lozenge-shaped motives, occupied by jardiniéres of flowers ; finished with a deep Vandycke crochet lace edge; lace at ends and narrower on the sides. 62 by 37 inches. 499—Fit-TrrE Borper Italian, XVI Century Ivory linen forming part of a pattern of sprays of leaves most intricately drawn with delicate arabesqued motives and medal- lions; finished with small border of scalloped motives. Length, 64 inches; depth, 91/ inches. 500—Fiter Lace Borper Italian, XVI Century Displaying conventionalized shrubs, interrupted by a lattice having a central diagonal rosetted band. Borders of zig-zags and animalistic motives. Length, 84 inches; depth, 15 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 501—CriMsoN-EMBROIDERED LINEN BorvER Italian, Early XVI Century Ivory linen forming pattern in which a procession of quaint cen- taurs are seen. Background of crimson silk. About each cen- taur are mounted birds and blossoms. Rare museum example. Length, 30 inches; depth, 4 inches. 502—CrIMSON-EMBROIDERED Linen Borper Spanish, XVI Century Deep ivory linen, divided into numerous panels by leaf and ro- setted bands in crimson; the foot of each panel occupied by archaic figures of kings alternating with large pomegranate motives. Border at foot of leaf chevrons bearing at intervals pendent acorns. Trimmed with particolored fringe. Length, 12 feet; depth, 21% inches. 503—CRIMSON-EMBROIDERED LINEN CoveER Spanish Renaissance Large ivory field, finished at ends with bands developing the pattern in the linen and depicting interesting angularly scrolled bouquets of carnations. ‘Trimmed at end with fringe. Length, 67 inches; width, 241% inches. 504—Linen anp Lace Cover Italian, XVI Century Heavy ivory linen, with border of Gothic leaf lace, finished at ends with a panel of Gothic lace forming oval floral medallions ; a further band of the leaf lace and of linen complete the ends; finished with a scalloped edging of pillow lace. 80 by 3614 inches. 505—EMBROIDERED LINEN CovER Sicilian, XVI Century Heavy ivory linen, finished with a deep border at foot and left end depicting in golden-brown a procession of strange beasts interrupted by conventionalized shrub motives; arcaded guards; executed in golden-brown. 88 by 221%, inches. 506—Fit-Tirt Cover Italian Renaissance Heavy ivory linen; the field paneled with brown bands exhibiting intricate angular scrollings and cusp motives. Deep border at foot only, displaying larger angular scrollings and husks; finished with a scalloped lace edge at foot. 88 inches by 251% inches. Third Session 507—Fitet Lacr anp Linen Cover Florentine, XVI Century Sheer ivory linen, enriched with end panels of filet lace display- ing S-voluted scrolls terminating in Florentine lilies. Finished with a border of fine angular leaf scrolls, bands of linen and -Vandycked Gothic lace edges. 63 inches by 35 inches. 508—Fitet Lace anp Linen Cover Italian, XVI Century Ivory linen, parted into five panels by brown bands of filet lace developing fine angular scrollings and leaf motives; broad simi- lar border at foot, finished with latticed fringe. 80 inches by 26 inches. 509—Linen anv Fiver Lace Cover Italian, XVI Century Fine ivory linen, enriched with bands of filet lace at either end depicting shrub-like motives, facing lions and suns in splendor. Finished with fine floral scalloped lace edges. 67 inches by 33 inches. 510—EmBRoOIDERED GREEN SILK Cover Spanish, XVII Century Rich field-green silk centre and outer border; inner (on three sides only) of black mesh wider at end than at sides; embroid- ered in harmonious colored silks with angular scrollings, jar- diniéres and chevroned guards. Finished with pink and green tassel edge. 46 inches by 34 inches. 511—Gornic Lack anp Linen CusHion Venetian, Early XVI Century Oblong linen centres, surrounded by borders of Gothic lace de- veloping diamond motives interrupted by staves placed angu- larly; finished with a small scalloped edge. 512—EmprorErep LineN Borver Sicilian, XVI Century Heavy ivory linen, embroidered in gold and yellow with inter- esting angular leaf-scrollings at centre emitting at close inter- vals sprays of lilies. Finished at crown with arcaded motives and at foot with a procession of quaint birds. Length, 8 feet 8 inches; depth, 9 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 513—Fi1-rirt Borper Sicilian, XVI Century Displaying in linen shrub-like motives bearing pomegranates, the shrubs, placed alternately pointing up and down, are joined by very interesting leaf scrollings. Finished at foot with a scalloped lace edge. Length, 9 feet 2 inches; depth, 11 inches. 514—Two Gotuic Lact CusHions Venetian, XVI Century Small oblong central panel of deep ivory lace surrounded by three borders of Gothic lace developing leaf motives and medal- lions. Finished with a tasseled Vandycke edge. | | 515—TuHREE GREEN-EMBROIDERED LINEN BorpDERs Spanish, XVI Century (a) Ivory linen forming the pattern; the background of pale green silk depicting cupidons standing on jardiniéres out-facing and firing their bows at dragons chained to fruit trees. (se) Similar; the darker green displaying reversed the jardini- éres of leaves joined by very unusual angular scrollings. (c) Similar; depicting at one end two children playing amidst leaf scrollings; at the other, fantastic dragons amid angular floral scrollings. Lengths, 30, 29 and 28 inches; depths, 9, 61% and 5 inches Note: These admirable specimens of needlework are worthy of any museum. 516—GotuHic EmproipERED AND Brown Linen Cover Italian, Early XVI Century Fine ivory linen, enriched at ends with beautiful bands drawn & jour and forming medallions and side plaquettes, minutely em- broidered jardiniéres of tulips; chevroned guards. Finished with bands of chevrons similar to the guards and scalloped Gothic lace edges. 60 inches by 87 inches. 517—F iver Lack anp Linen Cover Italian Renaissance Fine ivory linen, enriched at ends with panels of filet lace dis- playing angular scrollings interrupted by lilies; finished with a border of small medallioned lace having Vandycke edges. 53 inches by 81 inches. Third Session 518—Two Rare Sappuire-sirve Exsromerep Linen Borpers Rhodian, XVI Century Tan linen, embroidered in crimson with remarkably fine angular scrollings which emit oak leaves; trimmed with particolored fringe. Length, 12 feet 3 inches; depth, 51, inches. 519—EmproiEereD LinEN Cover Rhodian, XVI Century Deep ivory linen, having two bands at ends embroidered in blue, crimson and straw-yellow with facing birds perched on conven- tionalized carnation bushes; under the birds are two further minute birds and two out-facing dogs; a single band is continued on one side only, but with green in place of blue. 36 inches by 21 inches. 520—Crimson-EMBROIDERED Linen Cover Rhodian, XVI Century Very deep ivory linen, with borders at sides developing angularly placed oak leaves, each having an acorn on its stem; at ends a stem with double rows of oak leaves and acorns; the linen forming the pattern which appears on both sides with a crimson embroid- ered background. Finished with crimson and ivory edging. 49 inches by 24 inches. 521—Gortuic Lact anp LinEN Cover Venetian, XVI Century Sheer ivory linen, finished with a border of Gothic lace display- ing varied wheel medallions within diamond motives; finished on three sides with Vandycke lace edge. 43 inches by 88 inches. 522—EMBROIWERED Ivory LinEN Cover Spanish Renaissance Fine deep ivory linen, enriched in variable peach-toned, crimson and straw-yellow silks, with two end panels displaying series of roosters within very elaborate lozenge-shaped motives parted by floral staves; the linen forming the pattern. Narrow borders on the sides displaying dragons facing fountains. 57 inches by 271%, inches. 523—Gortuic Lace anp Linen Cover Venetian, XVI Century Sheer ivory linen, enriched with bands at ends of Gothic lace dis- playing floral diamond motives, the bandings of the diamonds being minutely embroidered with guilloche motives ; scalloped lace edges. 60 inches by 28 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 524—EMBROIDERED LINEN CoveER Spanish, XVI Century | Heavy ivory linen, enriched with double bands at ends, the wider displaying quaint birds perched and sheltered by vases of flowers, the other with vases of flowers and floral motives; finished at ends with borders of Gothic lace developing jardiniére-like motives interrupted by lobed circular medallions; fringed. Executed in ~ golden-brown silk; the linen forming the pattern which appears on both sides. | 64 inches by 21 inches. 525—EmpBrorweEreD Linen Cover Spanish, XVI Century Heavy ivory linen, enriched with double bands at ends, the larger displaying fantastic facing griffins and small birds interrupted by jardiniéres of flowers and pomegranate motives ; the narrower with similar griffins facing balustered jardinieres. Finished with borders at ends of Gothic lace displaying varied circular medal- lions and fringe. 67 inches by 19 inches. 526—GortuHic LacrE anp EmproiwereD LINEN CovER Italian, XVI Century Fine ivory linen embroidered with a diamond lattice and husk- like motives, centred with square medallions of Gothic and further enriched with drawn cruciform and oblong motives. Finished with a scalloped edge of Milanese lace displaying floral medal- lions. 60 inches by 15% inches. 527—EMBROIDERED LINEN Cover Spanish, XVI Century Fine ivory linen, enriched with double bands at ends displaying scrollings of very beautiful lilies in both the wide and narrow bands; the linen forming pattern with a background of golden- brown silk. Finished with outer borders at ends of varied Gothic medallion lace and fringe. 65 inches by 201/, inches. 528—Rarer EmpBroiErep Linen Borper Spanish, XVI Century Ivory linen, embroidered in linen of a lighter ivory displaying central band of out-facing archaic birds, each bird with tail crossed supporting a flowering carnation bush; finished at crown and foot with bands of quaint birds. The embroidery appears on both sides. Length, 10 feet 10 inches; depth, 1114 inches. Third Session 529—EMBROIDERED LINEN CoveR Spanish, XVII Century The field displaying two fantastic facing birds, toward right parted by a flowering bush, two blossoms and two quaint figures of men; these motives are repeated at left end. Finished with ‘beautiful blossoms, chevroned and Vandycke border. Executed in rose du Barry linen thread; the pattern appearing on both sides. 66 inches by 17 inches. 5§30—Finer Lace Borper Italian, XVI Century Displaying reversed conventionalized olive trees within angular scrollings of leaves, parted by very unusually scrolled, angularly placed staves of three cube motives. Length, 6 feet 2 inches; depth, 10 inches. 531—Emsprowerep Linen Borver Spanish, Early XVI Century Displaying very beautiful blossoms of lilies within unusually fine angular motives bearing tulips; narrow upper border and lower border of floriated diamond motives. The linen forms the pat- tern with a background of deep golden-yellow, the pattern ap- pearing on both sides; broad band of linen at crown. Length, 61 inches; depth, 18% inches. 532—CRIMSON-EMBROIDERED LinEN CoveER Italian, XVI Century Heavy ivory linen, finely enriched with border of distinguished Gothic stems of lilies bordered by angularly set small carnation motives, the linen forming the pattern, with background of rich crimson appearing on both sides. 52 inches by 221% inches. 533—Rose pu Barry Emprowerep Linen Borper Spanish, XVII Century Ivory linen, enriched in rose du Barry with double displayed eagles interrupted by quaint figures of rustic belles holding up jardiniéres on which birds are perched; finished at crown with border of facing birds, at foot with medallioned leaf motives and scalloped thread lace edge. Length, 64 inches; depth, 18% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 534—Fitet Lace BorpEer | Italian, XVII Century Displaying stepped chevrons enclosing conventionalized floral motives. Finished with borders of leaf motives at crown and foot. Length, 63 inches; depth, 8 inches. 5385—Gortuic Lack anp Linen Cover Venetian, XVII Century Fine ivory linen, enriched at ends with @ jour panels and having borders displaying medallions of Gothic lace, with scalloped lace edges. 48 inches by 20 inches. 586—Fitetr Lact Borper ie Italian, XVI Century Displaying out-facing unicorns alternating with facing chimeric figures vertically placed. Most unusual composition. Height, 88 inches; width, 12 inches. 537—Fitet Lace Cover Spanish, XVI Century The field displaying alternately double-headed eagles and jar- diniéres bearing pomegranates and other motives. Interesting borders of angular scrollings. (Needs slight restoration.) 69 inches by 18 inches. 538—EmBroipERED Linen PANEL Rhodian, XVI Century Long tapering panel of deep ivory linen, enriched about centre with somewhat graduating vases of flowers alternately of green and crimson. Borders of angularly placed plaquettes with the same arrangement of colors. Height, 6 feet 1 inch; width, at foot, 124% inches; width at crown, 6 inches. 539—Fiter Lace Cover S‘panish, XVI Century Field displaying alternately unicorns and large, highly conven- tionalized lilies. Borders of quaint vases. 10 feet 4 inches by 15 inches. 540—Linen anv Firer Lacr Cover Italian, XVI Century Deep ivory linen, with the frontal border of very finely wrought filet displaying intricate angular scrollings supporting blossoms of lilies. Finished with a Vandyck lace edging. 9 feet 9 inches by 11 inches. Third Session NEEDLEWORK PICTURES, EMBROIDERED COVERS, BRO- CADES AND VELVETS, FRENCH, ITALIAN AND SPANISH OF THE XVI, XVII AND XVIII CENTURIES AND A GROUP OF COPTIC FRAGMENTS OF THE II TO V CENTURY 541—Ve iver BrocapE ManiIpPLe Italian, Early XVI Century Rich golden-yellow field, very beautifully woven in purple-lav- ender velvet, with medallions enclosing delicate sprays of tulips. 542—Two EmpromEreD Goitp PorTE-MONNAIES Italian, XVII Century (4) Oblong. Mellow blue silk, elaborately enriched in gold threads with husk and leaf scrollings. (w) Louis XVI. Ivory silk, very daintily embroidered with trophies, vines of flowers and scrollings. 543—TureEe Smart Gotp Brocape Mars (a) Venetian, XVII Century. Developing flowers on tan-yellow ground. (3) French, XVIII Century. Displaying floral bouquet on ivory field. (c) French, XVIII Century. Enriched with small sprays of flowers on grounds of silver and gold, having further raised flowers. 544—THrREE Drar p’Or BrocapE FrAcMENTS | French, XVIII Century Two of alternate stripes of gold, yellow and ivory; one triang- ular, enriched with floral motives. 545—GoLp-EMBROIDERED Mop Cap Venetian, XVII Century Ivory drap d’argent silk, enriched in gold paillettes with floral scrollings, centred by blue jewels. Trimmed with deep band of open gold lace. 546—GoLp-EMBROIDERED VELVET Missat Box French, XVIII Century Shallow oblong box, with lifting cover of deep ruby velvet, lav- ishly embroidered with central oval panel depicting standing figure of the Saviour bound, surrounded by raised scrollings in gold and silver. Length, 11 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every ttem is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 547—Onet Larcr anp Two Smart CiseLrt VELVET CusHIONS Italian, XVI Century Golden-yellow ; woven in field-green, with small ogivals occupied by floral motives, each partially trimmed with tasseled fringe. 548—Two GoLp-EMBROIDERED Crimson VELVET AMICES Itahkan Renaissance Ruby velvet, enriched with central floral medallion, flanked by scrollings. Trimmed with gold edging. | 549—Goutp NEEDLEPAINTED PictTURE Italian, XVII Century Two rustics are seen in the foreground of uneven country travel- ing to a farmhouse at distant left, nearby which a stream winds to the extreme right. On the far side of the stream are wooded villas. Executed in beautiful colored silks and gold threads. Framed. Height, 138% inches; length, 17 inches. 550—-NEEDLEWORK PicTuRE French, 1807 ACHILLE DECOUVERT PAR ULISSE. .Achilles stands at left in wo- man’s garb. Ulysses about centre with one hand on his shoulder. Penelope sits at right before an Empire table. Signed, M. J., 1805. Oval, solidly worked in pastel shades of silk. Framed oblong. Height, 171% inches; width, 135% inches. 551—Go.p anpd SitverR NEEDLEPAINTED PicTURE Italian, XVIT Century HANNIBAL AND scipio. ‘The two warriors stand on the foreshore, a tent and attendants at right; vessels are seen approaching and leaving the shore. A chateau is on the distant shore and two cherubs are in the sky. Solidly executed in colored silks ; lavishly enriched with silver and gold threads. Signed, Marianna Elmo. Framed. Height, 131% inches; length, 17 inches. Third Session 552—Rare Coptic FRAGMENTS II to V Century This most interesting collection is comprised of one hundred and sixty-five specimens of ancient Coptic weaving in colored linens in the tapestry loom weaving. It is very varied in character and comprises mainly ornamentations for sacerdotal and other robes ; almost all the known types from the narrow dainty bandings to plaquettes for centres or backs of robes are represented. The motives employed are unusually diverse, amongst them are figures of personages, birds, animals, symbols, flowers and foliage. ‘The colorings are delightful and in many instances as brilliant as when they were originally woven. Many museums have collec- tions of similar ancient textiles. 553—SMaLL JEWEL-EMBROIDERED CHALICE COVER French, XVII Century Deep ivory silk embroidery, with scrollings of paillettes, sprayed with flowers and centred with jewels. Trimmed with gold lace. Square. | 554—EMBROIDERED SILK CovER French, XVIII Century Ivory-green satin, delicately embroidered in pastel colors with scrollings of flowers; executed in a great variety of stitches. 37 inches by 20 inches. 555—Rosr-crimson Sitver Brocade Core Louis XVI Period Lustrous rose-pink fluctuating to deep rose du Barry; woven in silver with beautiful infloretted bouquets surrounded by leaf scrollings. 60 inches by 34 inches. 556—GoLpD-EMBROIDERED Crimson VELVET BorDER Italian, Early XVI Century Deep, rich ruby-crimson velvet, enriched in appliqué of yellow silk, with chimeric birds and facing vases of fruit supported by scrollings, terminating in dolphins’ heads. Narrow staff and leaf Gothic border at foot. Length, 6 feet 6 inches; depth, 8 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 557—CrimMson AND GOLDEN-YELLOW BrocaTELLE CHASUBLE Italian Gothic Renaissance Period Rich golden-yellow field and orphreys displaying exceptionally fine leaf-scrolled ogivals ; finished at intersections with crowns and occupied by charmingly drawn vases of carnations and lilies. Trimmed with gold galloon. 558—GoLp-EMBROIDERED GREEN SitkK Cover Italian, XVII Century Circular, with flounce. Deep sea-green silk, enriched with a Maltese cross and delicate arabesques of scrollings regularly placed. Trimmed with gold lace. (Border much worn.) Diameter, 34 inches. 559—GoLD-EMBROIDERED Drap p’Or CHASUBLE French, XVIII Century Shimmering drap d’or lavender field, very daintily embroidered in solid gold threads with orphreys, collar and borders of scrolling floral motives. Trimmed with gold lace. 560—Two GoLp-EMBROIDERED Ivory Sink Banners French, XVIII Century Rich ivory satin, displaying trailings of very varied and beauti- ful flowers, partially in raised work; executed in pastel colors and interrupted by conventional sprays of pomegranates in ex- tremely fine stitches of gold thread. Trimmed with gold galloon and fringe. Height, 3 feet 6 inches; width, 2 feet 6 inches. 561—S1tver BrocapE AND Damask CuHAsusteE Italian Renaissance The field of Botticelli green, woven with small ogivals occupied by bouquets of flowers ; the orphreys and neck bands of charming silver brocade woven with conventionalized sprays of flowers in- terrupted by diagonally placed staves of straw-tan silk. Trimmed with silk galloon and edging. 562—GoLDEN-YELLow SiLtk BrocapE Cover Philip Lasalle, Late Louis XVI Period Lustrous yellow field, woven in pastel colors, with central figure a perched eagle, festooned with valance and sprays of flowers and flanked by vases of flowers within palm wreaths. 60 inches by 29 inches. Third Session 563—Crimson AND GOLDEN-YELLOW BrocarELLE CHASUBLE : Italian Renaissance The flanking panels of deep rich golden-yellow, woven in pink and ivory with scrolled cartouche motives, occupied by infloretted oval scrolled devices; the orphreys formed of three bands; the centre similar to the flanking panels, the outer two woven in crimson with vases and scrollings. 564— anp Crimson BrocapvE Cover Venetian, XVI Century Mellow, rose-crimson field, woven entirely in gold, with sprays of pomegranate motives. Very reminiscent of Rhodian weaving. Trimmed with gold fringe. (Needs restoration.) 5 feet 4 inches by 8 feet 2 inches. 565—SILVER-EMBROIDERED Ivory Sitx Cover : Italian, Early XVIT Century Fine ivory satin, displaying meanders of very beautiful fruit and flowers, enclosing bouquets; very Gothic in character. Executed in very varied stitches of pale rose-pink, silver and passages of gold. Trimmed with particolored fringe. (Needs slight restora- tion.) 60 inches by 89 inches. 566—SILVER AND GREEN BrocaTeLtLte Datmartic Italian Renaissance The connecting bands and panels at foot of silver and green brocatelle, woven with exceptionally beautiful leaf scrollings in- terrupted at regular intervals by pomegranate devices ; the upper panel and outer fields of similar scrollings but ivory substituted for most of the green. Trimmed and paneled with fine green and gold edging. 567—Punto HoneroisE Pane Italian, Early XVII Century HuNTING. A hilly, rocky landscape is parted into four vistas by fruiting and other trees. In the foreground at centre a man is seen spearing a boar which is also being attacked by a hound. Two personages of importance are at right and beyond is a chateau sheltering a herd of sheep, whose shepherd is nearby. At left is a high rock with a water-fall spouting into a pond in which ducks are swimming. The foreground is beautifully en- riched with various growing flowers. Executed in very fine pastel colors. Height, 1 foot 6 inches; length, 8 feet 5 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 568—Goup-EmBroIpERED Buue Sink Cover Manilan, XVIII Century Rich deep blue satin field, enriched with central circular medal- | lion, enclosing a coroneted double-displayed eagle, the field and semicircular corners enriched with scrollings of flowers, amidst which birds are seen. ‘Trimmed with fringe. 6 feet 2 inches by 5 feet 4 inches. 569—GoLD-EMBROIDERED BLUE COVER Chinese, Early XVIII Century erect deep crimson damask field, blue borders, very beauti- fully enriched with scrollings of flowers, amidst which are perched birds. Trimmed with fringe and tassels. 7 feet 6 inches by 7 feet. 570—GoLD-EMBROIDERED SILK PoRTIERE Chinese, Early XVIII Century Lustrous deep seal-blue field, enriched with quatrefoil medallions bearing symbols of the Hundred Antiques, the field semé with butterflies, birds and sprays of flowers. Delicately wrought in very mellow pastel colors and gold threads. Length, 7 feet 2 inches; width, 5 feet 4 inches. 571—Forty-THREE Larce and. SMALL Panets oF ILLUMINATED Tootep LEATHER Flemish, Late XVI Century Imbricated, gilded field, enriched with lightly tooled scrollings of husks and leaves emitting carnations, lilies and pomegranate motives, mainly in old-reds and greens. ‘Twenty-three large and twenty small panels and a number of fragments for reparation of the various panels. 572—GREEN Damask Cope Italian, Late XVI Century The field of lustrous two-toned field-green damask, woven with coronated ogivals enclosing highly conventionalized bouquets ; the hood and orphreys of harmonizing Botticelli green damask woven with small staves, interrupted by series of scrolled leaves. Trimmed with gold galloon. Third Session 573— 574— Two Mepicean BrocaTeLtLe Porrieres Luccan, XVII Century Rich golden-yellow field, woven in deep rose, with very interest- ing, varied formal bouquets of flowers within leaf scrollings from which depend fine festoons of flowers and fruit. Trimmed with fringe. : | Length, 10 feet; width, 2 feet 10 inches. Two Mepicean Brocaterre Portizres Luccan, XVII Century Golden-yellow field, woven in very beautiful rose-crimson, with infloretted bouquets of flowers within fine husk and leaf scrol- lings. Length, 8 feet 1 inch; width, 4 feet. 575—TIwo Portrerres oF MrpickEan BrocaTELLE Luccan, XVII Century Golden-yellow field; woven in rich crimson, with beautifully adorned floral columnar motives, developing lovely Florentine lihes, smaller blossoms and pomegranate devices, interspersed with coronets. FRENCH AND SWISS RENAISSANCE STAINED GLASS PANELS 576—Two Srainep Grass PANELS French, Late XVI Century GOMBAT AND MACE; in one Gombat stands playing the corne- muse to Macé, before a sheepfold; Macé is seated at left, a crook in her left hand. Im the other, an elderly shepherd addresses Macé who sits before a sheepfold and holds a lamb and a crook on her lap. Executed in golden-yellow; blue floral banded borders. Diameter, 11 inches. 577—Circuntar StTainep Guass PANEL Alsatian Gothic Style MADONNA AND CHILD. The coroneted Holy Mother in blue robes is seated on a Gothic throne; her arms outstretched; the Holy Child holds an orb and the fleur-de-lys and wears crimson robes. Green border with lengthy inscription. Diameter, 934 inches. Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 578—RENAISSANCE STAINED GLass PANEL Swiss, 1585 — An ornate Renaissance arch in blue, green and pink encloses an elaborately scrolled coat of arms bearing a double cross and annular ring. The spandrels are enriched with busts of Apollo and Diana. Dated at foot, 1585. Height, 111% inches; width, 9 inches. 579—CircunaR STAINED Guass PAanEL Late French Renaissance Before a blue scrolled background a coat of arms blazoned with a ram climbing mountainside, proper; on scrolled ruby field; the shield is surmounted by a helm, large scrolled leaves and a ram’s head within a lyre. Executed in blue and yellow. Leaf-scrolled yellow borders interrupted with green rosettes. (Several lights cracked.) Diameter, 131% inches. 580—Two Circutar Statnep Grass Panes Swiss Renaissance THE ANNUNCIATION. In one panel the Holy Virgin kneels be- fore a small lectern on which is a missal; in the other is the An- nouncing Angel. Interesting borders of stems of Gothic leaves amidst which figures of Adam, Eve and their sons are seen. Exe- cuted in bistre and yellow. (Several lights cracked.) Diameter, 1314, inches. 581—ReEnalIssaNcE STAINED Guass PANEL Swiss, 1592. Sapphire-blue and yellow coats of arms with finely etched ruby field. ‘The shield blazoned with a curious monogram; mantled by a helm and large scrolled leaves. The helm surmounted by a wing on which the monogram of the shield is repeated. At crown > is an arabesqued mask, flanked by two nymphs draped in blue; at foot a cartouche inscribed: H. Sebastian Darm, Governor of Milden, 1592. The cartouche flanked by several cupidons. (Sey- eral lights cracked.) Height, 131% inches; width, 914 inches. Third Session 582—RENAISSANCE STAINED Guass PanEL Swiss, 1540 Two facing halberdiers, one dressed in green, and the other in slashed black and yellow, stand before a scrolled ruby back- ground sustaining three coats of arms; the upper blazoned with a golden-yellow coroneted displayed black eagle; the lower two each with standing black bears. The halberdier at right carries a banner bearing a cognizance of further bear. At crown two men are seen hunting. Dated at foot panel 1540. Height, 14 inches; width, 101%, inches. Note: The Black Bear is the cognizance of the famous Swiss City of Berne. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. . They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 583—REnNAIssANCE STainep Guass Panet Alsatian, XVI Century A Burgher in full armor receives a cup of wine from his Frau; both stand within a columned niche. - A shield at their feet is blazoned on crimson field with a turnip, proper. Executed in greens, blues, yellows and pinks. Above the arch is a combat of warriors executed in grisaille and golden-yellow. Height, 18 inches; width, 944 inches. From the Collection. of Castmir de Rathsamhausen, Prince-A bbé de Murbach, Guebwiller, Alsace. Note: This interesting and richly painted panel is described in Kraus’ Kunst und Altertum in Elsass Lothringen. 584—RENAISSANCE StTaIneD Guass PaneL Alsatian, XVI Century A banqueting scene transpires within an elaborate columned niche ; nine persons are seated at, or stand near, a round table. Exe- cuted in fine greens, blues, yellows, pinks and old-red. Above the arch, at left, are three personages gathering grapes; at. right, Diana and her Nymphs are seen bathing. Inscribed at foot: Jerry Vehst. Height, 13 inches; width, 8° inches. From the collection of Casimir de Rathsamhausen, Prince-Abbé de Murbach, Guebwiller, Alsace. Note: This delightful domestic panel of stained glass is described in Kraus’ Kunst und Altertum in Elsass Lothringen. 585—RENAISSANCE STAINED Guass PANEL Swiss, AVI Century Before two arched: and columned windows of an apartment a Burgher stands, wearing slashed shorts, crimson stockings, high crowned hat and body armor; at right his Frau offers him a stoup of wine. Between them at foot is a coat of arms blazoned with a pot of les of the valley, proper. Executed in fine sap- phire-blue, ruby, yellow and green. Above the windows is a most interesting view of an archery contest: executed in bistre and yellow. Height, 138%, inches; width, 9°4 inches. Third Session 586—RENAISSANCE STAINED Guass Pane Swiss, 1617 RUDOLPH ZELLER AND THE GOVERNOR OF STAMHEIM. Standing figures wearing elaborate costumes with plumed hats, ruffs, slashed doublets and carrying halberd and musket. Below each is a coat of arms, one blazoned with a rose, proper, an angelic figure standing behind as a supporter; the other blazoned with stellate motives and cross, surmounted by scrolling leaves, helm and demi- figure. Above are two scenes from the Judgment of Solomon. Executed in sapphire-blue, pink, ruby, golden-yellow and green. Inscribed at foot: *‘Rudolph Zeller, Burgher of Zurich and the Secretary of Stamheim, Symon, Ulrich, 1617.” (One light cracked. ) Height, 17144 ineshes; width, 131% inches. —s Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 587—RENAISSANCE STAINED Guass PANEL French, 1435 COAT OF ARMS OF COMES DE FIRETIS; blazoned with two goldfish, crested with two others and seen amidst ruby and blue scrollings within a pale blue-green columned arch. Inscribed at foot: “Comes de Firetis.” Dated at crown, 1435. Height, 1434 inches; width, 914 inches. 588—RENAISSANCE STAINED Guass PANEL Swiss, 1515 DAVID AND BATHSHEBA. A group of four personages stands slightly towards right within a columned niche; at right foot is a coat of arms blazoned with claw-footed cross. Executed in sapphire-blue, ruby, lavender, pink, green and golden-yellows. The arch is surmounted by a shield at centre, blazoned with a clover-leaf and crescent. The spandrel at right exhibits a view of Hercules killing a Nemean lion; at left, a saintly bishop and his coat of arms. Dated in foot panel, 1515. Height, 14 inches; width, 10%, inches. 589—RENAISSANCE STAINED GLAss PANEL Swiss, XVI Century JACOB VON FULACH. Standing figure of a simply robed warrior, flanked by two crested coats of arms, surmounted by scrollings of leaves and elaborate mantlings. In the spandrels is an ani- mated combat of warriors. Executed in rich sapphire-blue, crimson, fine yellows and pinks. Inscribed on tablet at foot: “Jacob von Fulach, Captain of the Canton of eb > (Dhree: lights cracked.) Height, 1614 inches; width, 12%, inches. 590—RENAISSANCE STAINED Guass PAanEL Swiss, 1578 COAT OF ARMS OF GRAFFENRIED. Shield blazoned with two ruby stars and rustic ruby blossoms, proper, on golden-yellow field; surmounted by a coroneted helm finely scrolled with Gothic leaves.. The whole set within a columned niche enriched with figures of Roman warriors and cupidons. In the spandrels are warriors before a pitched tented camp. Inscribed on tablet at foot: “Rudolph von Graffenried, Governor of Morges 1578.” — Height, 141% inches; width, 12 inches. Third Session 591— RENAISSANCE STAINED Guass PANEL Swiss, 1554 PETRUS ABBOT OF WETTIRGEN. At centre of an arched niche sup- ported by symbolic figures of Saint Peter and Saint John is the Holy Virgin carrying the Infant Saviour; at right of her the saintly bishop carrying his crozier; at left a monk holds the standing black bear of Berne. Above in the spandrels are two scenes from the Annunciation; at foot three coats of arms. Exe- cuted in fine blues, grays, golden-yellows and lavenders, pinks and greens, on ruby grounds. Label at foot inscribed: “Petrus, by God’s grace Abbot of the Worthy House of Wettirgen anno Domini, 1554.” (Two lights slightly cracked.) Height, 171, inches; width, 1214 inches. 592—RENAISSANCE STAINED Guass PANEL Swiss, 1553 JOHANNES CHRISTOPHORUS. ‘Two winged saintly figures stand at left and right; one carries a crozier and a bishop’s mitre. Three coats of arms variously blazoned. The whole within a scrolled and columned canopy, surmounted by two biblical scenes: HEROD’s BANQUET and THE DECAPITATION OF JOHN THE BAPTIST. Exe- cuted in fine ruby, green, pinks, golden-yellow and blues. In- scribed at foot: “Johannes Christophorus, by the Grace of God, Abbot of the Worthy Church of Mun, 1553.” (Four lights cracked.) Height, 17% inches; width, 12%, inches. MINIATURES AND PRIMITIVE PAINTINGS OF THE ITALIAN, FRENCH AND FLEMISH SCHOOLS, INCLUDING A TRIPTYCH BY MARTIN SCHOENGAUER FRENCH SCHOOL FourtTEENTH CENTURY 593—_ABELARD Illuminated miniature on vellum: Height, 614 inches; width, 4 inches The Philosophic Abelard is seated on a green mound sprayed with flowers. He wears a black robe lined with red and has red curling hair. He supports his head inclined to right with left hand and holds an inscribed bandeau in which the names Abelard and Heloise appear. Gilded background within a wave motive banding. Polychromed frame. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. FRENCH SCHOOL FIFTEENTH CENTURY 594—CHRIST AMONGST THE DOCTORS IN THE TEMPLE Illuminated miniature on vellum: Height, 714 inches width, 43/4 enches The Haloed Saviour is seated on a throne under a Gothic arched niche, a blue lantern is over his head. At left and right are groups of doctors and other personages in varied attire. Signed lower right, P. R. FRANCESCO ZURBARAN Spanisu: 1598—1662 595—SAINT JEROME On copper panel: Height, 614 inches; width, 444 inches The brown cowled and bald headed Saint, is seen, at three-quarter length, at his devotion before a crucifix at right; at lower left corner symbols of the passion are seen resting upon an inscribed tablet. In carved frame of the period. SCHOOL OF CLOUET Frencu XVI Century 596—PORTRAIT OF MARIE TOUCHET Illuminated miniature on vellum: Height, 71% inches; width, 434 enches Three-quarter length of a handsome auburn haired damsel looking slightly to left wearing a jeweled Medicean costume of black, cap with plume, ruffs, black dress with puff sleeves ; the cap and dress are beauti- fully jeweled. Inscribed at crown: “Marie Touchet aet 23 ann 1572.” In finely scrolled gesso frame. Note: A fine portrait by Clouet, now in the Louvre, Paris, has a very direct analogy with this beautiful miniature. Third Session FLEMISH SCHOOL Datep: 1568 597—DECOLLATIO DUC DAIGUEMOT ET DUC DORMES Illuminated miniature on vellum: Height, 8 inches; width, 6 inches A columned frame having symbolic figures in its pediment, encloses the scene. In the plaza before the Hotel de Ville a high platform is erected, covered in crimson velvet; on it is a group of dignitaries watching the execution of the two men; the platform is surrounded by Spanish soldiers and a mob of citizens is beyond. In carved rosewood frame, having cupidon-head pediment, scrolled nymph brackets at sides and coats of arms in apron. Inscribed on tablet at foot “de as tille . . . dornes au Bruxelles le 5 Juin 1568.” SIENESE-BYZANTINE SCHOOL FourTEENTH CENTURY 598—_MADONNA, SAVIOUR AND SAINT JOHN On panel: Height, 11°4 imches; width, 934 inches Before an arched, gilded and tooled background the Holy Mother is seen at three-quarter length, at left ; wearing a red-embroidered, hooded mantle and carrying the Saviour, who is wearing quaint attire, on her left arm. Saint John in his proverbial hair shirt and his long curling hair is carrying a missal in his right hand and his symbolic cross in his left arm. DEBAT Frencu, XVII Century 599—_THE ASCENSION OF OUR LORD Colored engraving: Height, 17 inches; width, 11°4 inches Before the entrance to the rocky tomb at left Roman soldiers are sleeping and others are examining the interior. Our Lord and an angel are immediately above; at right is the distant vista of a city from which a group appears, among which are the three’“Marys and the disciples approaching the tomb. Signed in part, Benvent de Cock, execut. Debat. (Paper cracked.) Note: This interesting print was colored contemporarily with its issuance and is partially illuminated with gold. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ) SCHOOL OF GIOTTO Iranian, Late XIV Century 600—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG MAN Tempera, On Curved Panel: Height, 12% imches; width, 9 inches A handsome young man is seen, at bust length and profile to the right. Within a five-lobed Gothic arch, supported by spiral columns. He wears long curling hair, brown coat with embroidered collar, sleeves and winged trophy at his breast. FLEMISH SCHOOL SIXTEENTH CENTURY 601—MADONNA AND CHILD On Panel: Height, 1834, inches; width, 10 inches The Virgin is seen seated about centre of an old Flemish interior wearing a lawn hood over her curling hair; dark green robes and a long red mantle reaching to her feet. At her right is a table, spread with a large dish of varied fruit, standing before a high post bed on which rests a basket; at the extreme left through an open door two personages are seen advancing before tall edifices. In ancient carved and gilded frame. ITALIAN SCHOOL SIXTEENTH CENTURY 602—TWO HEADS OF SAINTS Height, 151% inches; width, 1234 inches Gracefully posed and haloed heads of female saints, wearing long curl- ing auburn hair and robes, before dark backgrounds. Third Session SCHOOL OF PINTURICCHIO Iranian: Late XV CrEentTury On Panel: Height, 1734 inches; width, 1314 imches 6083—MADONNA AND CHILD The Holy Mother is seen at three-quarter length, standing before a gilded background, wearing rich crimson robes and embroidered dark green mantle. She holds with her hand the Infant Saviour who stands at her left; His right hand held up in exaltation. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. UMBRIAN SCHOOL Earrty XVI Century 604—MADONNA, CHILD AND SAINT DOMINIC Height, 18 inches; width, 1314 inches = ‘ The Holy Child stands about centre upon a parapet on which some cherries, a knife, a half lemon and a roll are seen. His Mother at right sustains Him with her two hands. She wears a draped linen scarf over her head, a lawn vest, green and red robes. Saint Dominic is at — * left wearing a cowled habit; standing before a reading desk on which is an open missal. Original gilded and scrolled frame. FLORENTINE SCHOOL Latrt XVI Century 605—FRANCESC'A RIMINI AND DANTE On Panel: Height, 1814 inches; width, 1514 imches Seen at bust lengths; the poet at left wearing a red Florentine cap _and carrying a tome in his hands. Francesca at right with curling hair, pearl necklace and blue dress. Beyond them is a hilly landscape. FLEMISH SCHOOL SIXTEENTH CENTURY 606—PORTRAIT OF A MAN Height, 18 inches; width, 1314, inches Dignified bearded young man, seen at half-length, wearing a flat black cap, a ruff at his throat and a coat with broad trimming of brown fur. He holds a pair of gloves in his left hand; his right hand parti- ally inserted in his coat. Third Session FLORENTINE SCHOOL Late XVI Crentury 607—LUCREZIA DESTE On Panel: Height, 2114 inches; width, 1734 inches The beautiful Lucrezia seen at bust length, with blond curling hair, pearl pendant and low-cut red dress, before a parapet over which a typical wooded and hilly Italian landscape is seen. (Slight crack in panel.) oe . ITALIAN SCHOOL Latr XV CEntTURY 608—PORTRAITS OF PRELA TES (Two) On Panel: Height, 24 inches; width, 1914 inches (a) Imposing figure of a pope, seated in a stall before a gilded bro- cade-patterned background. He wears his symbolic triple crown and illuminated crimson-red robes. He is cutting a quill preparatory to inscribing a missal resting before him on an elaborate lectern. (8) Somewhat similar composition, exhibiting seated figure of a bishop, wearing green robes over linen alb. (Companions to following) ITALIAN SCHOOL Iranian: Late XV CENTURY 609—PORTRAITS OF PRELATES (Two) On Panel: Height, 24 inches; width, 191% inches (a) Figure of a Bishop, wearing mitre, linen alb, green and crimson robes. He is seated on a stool and is reading a manuscript before a gilded brocaded background. At his right is a combination lectern and writing cabinet and implements thereon; at left is a Gothic cabinet. (sz) Saint Jerome, seated about centre in a voluminous red robe and a cardinal’s hat; writing a manuscript resting on his knee. His sym- bolic lion is at left; beyond is an hour glass and lectern on which two missals are resting; gilded background. + (Companions to preceding) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. FLEMISH SCHOOL | Late XV CENTURY 610—BIRTH OF THE SAVIOUR On Panel: Height, 24 inches; width, 17 inehen Seated on a bench in the foreground of a bedchamber is Saint Anne, wearing a linen hood and crimson robes and holding the Infant Saviour on her knees near an oval tub of water. Beyond is a pallet on which reclines the Holy Mother; a coverlet of brocaded velvet is thrown over the bed. At an opening of the green draped velvet background an attendant in red robes is offering a syllabus to the Holy Mother. Gee cracked.) SCHOOL OF COLMAR Late. FirrrentH CENTURY 611—THE MARTYRDOM OF ST. MARGARETHA On Panel: Height, 24 inches; width, 22% mches The Holy Saint kneels in a flower-decked foreground, her symbols and a cross on the bedside. She wears a gilded haloed, brocade robe, green and lavender mantle. Her hands are crossed in devotion before her. Behind is an executioner grasping a two-handled sword pre- pared for the striking off of her head. A group of personages is at left watching the execution. In the distance are the spires and tall edifices of a city before a leafaged background. From the Couvent des Unterlinden, Colmar. (Companion to following) Third Session SCHOOL OF COLMAR Late Firreento CEnrTury 612—THE MARTYRDOM OF ST. PHILIPPUS On Panel: Height, 24 inches; width, 221% inches About centre the dignified and bearded Saint is bound with ropes to a rustic X-shaped cross. He wears crimson robes and mantle, while two youths are seen casting stones at him. At left and right are four personages viewing the scene; beyond is a meadow stretching to a chateau which stands before a gilded brocaded background. From the Couwvent des Unterlinden, Colmar. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. SIENESE SCHOOL FIFTEENTH CENTURY 6183—THE MADONNA, CHILD AND SAINTS } Arched Panel: Height, 2814 winches; width, 24 inches The Haloed Virgin is kneeling and wearing rose-pink hood and robe and dark green-embroidered mantle over her shoulders. She holds the Infant Saviour in her arms toward right, three saintly figures are seen at each side of the Holy Mother. Above are winged cherubim- heads before a gilded background. In original carved and gilded tabernacolo frame. ee a Third Session FLORENTINE SCHOOL FIFTEENTH CENTURY 614—THE ANNUNCIATION On Panel: Height, 36 inches; width, 201 inches The Holy Mother stands at right wearing crimson robes, halo, hood and mantle. She is within an arched niche, the Holy Spirit descending upon Her. In original carved and gilded frame. Kindly read the,Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. FLEMISH SCHOOL Late FirrrentH CENTURY 615—THE ADORATION OF THE MAGI On Panel: H eight, 2714, inches; length, 35°4 inches The Haloed Virgin is seated at right under the shelter of a thatched open barn with cattle in its manger. She wears brown robes and ivory linen mantle. At left are the ‘Three Wise Men,” in elaborate psuedo Oriental costumes, bringing their gifts. The first in red robes kneels and presents a casket of jewels to the Infant Saviour who is seated on His Mother’s lap. Beyond the Wise Men is a romantic hilly landscape, in which soldiers are seen flying numerous banners. MARTIN SCHOENGAUER ALSATIAN: 1445?-1496 616—TRIPTYCH Total height, 4014 inches; length, 51 mches Oblong molded panels, the centre occupied by a Crucifixion; Our Lord is seen nude save a loin cloth, the two thieves beside Him; at foot of cross are the three Marys and Saint John in grievous agony; beyond them a multitude of Roman soldiery and several high Dignitaries; in the distance are spired edifices crested by wooded hills. The scene is viewed through a pilastered arch. Right wing, with niche occupied by a standing figure of the Archangel Saint Michael, wearing armor and a crimson mantle; he is destroying with his lance a weird winged demon. Left wing, figure of a saintly bishop carrying a crozier and wearing a jeweled green brocaded robe and mitre; within a similar nicheste that ataicht a From L’ Abbaye de Lucelle, Alsace. (Illustrated) ALSATIAN SCHOOL EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 617—PORTRAIT OF A MILITARY OFFICER Pastel: Height, 1914 inches; width, 1514 inches Bust-length, facing slightly to right, wearing white wig, frogged blue uniform and mantle over his shoulders. (uanvbua0yIg Uujivpy) HOALAIUT— 99 ‘ON Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and. sold. They are printed im the forepart of the Catalogue. FLEMISH SCHOOL SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 618—PORTRAIT OF A YOUTH Height, 2614 inches; width, 1834 mches Bust-length of a handsome youth; wearing black hair and black coat, facing slightly to the left. The canvas has been extended from an oval when relined. GABRIEL FRANCOIS DOYEN Frencu: 1726-1803 619—PORTRAIT OF MADAME VANSITTART Height, 2814 inches; width, 23 inches Half-length, seated figure facing almost front; wearing small lace — cap over her gray hair, double string of large pearls, ruffled low-cut blue dress ‘having large pink ribbbon bow, lace at breast and short sleeves. She holds a fan in her left hand. FRENCH, FLEMISH AND ALSATIAN SCULPTURED STATUETTES. GROUPS AND BAS-RELIEFS OF THE XIV TO XVIT CENTURY 620—PotycHROMED ScuLPTuRED PinE Bas-RELIEF Alsatian, XIV Century THE ATONEMENT. Our Lord, raised from the tomb, and stand- ing in his winding sheet, aided by Joseph of Arimathea; at right is St. John. The three Marys are in the background. Height, 10% inches; width, 914 inches. Third Session 621—Two PotycHromep ScuLPTrurRED Prine Ficurines Haut Rhin, XVI Century Two winged angels in the attitude of adoration, wearing volumi- nous, floating robes. In high relief, colored in dull tones of _ browns and flesh tints. Heights, 11 inches and 111% inches. 622—PoLyYycHROMED SCULPTURED PLANE-TREE Bust Spansh, XVI Century ouR Lorp. Wearing long curling hair to his shoulders, a curi- ous curling beard and the crown of thorns. Height, 131, inches. 623—ScuLPTureD Oak Group French, Late XV Century THE BLEssING. A priestly figure in archaically draped robes, stands at left, with his hand resting on the figure of a youth who kneels before him at right. Height, 121, inches. 624—PoLtycHROMED SCULPTURED PLANE-TREE GROUP Flemish, XVI Century THE MARTYRDOM. ‘Two Saints are seen standing in a cauldron, under which are flaming fagots. On bracketed oblong pedestal. Height, 121% inches. 625—ScutrprureD Oak Group Haut Rhin, Late XV Century THE FLIGHT TO EGyPT. Before a rocky, conventionalized land- scape the Holy Mother, holding the Infant Saviour, is mounted on an ass, over whose back is a large mantle. St. Joseph is at right, habited as a monk, leading the ass forward. Executed in alto relievo. Height, 13% inches; width, 111% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 626—ScuLpPTrurED Oak Group Alsatian, Late XV Century pEvotTion. Three austere clerics are grouped about right, two of them seated on ancient benches; at left is the seated figure of a young woman, wearing the quaint typical attire of the period. They are all in the attitude of prayer. On irregular lozenge-shaped base. Height, 131% inches; width, 8% inches. 627—ScuLPTuRED WALNUT STATUETTE French, XV Century THE ADORATION OF THE vircin. Kneeling figure, with her hands extended in adoration of the unseen Infant Saviour. She wears a large mantle draped over her head which falls in folds to her feet. On irregular, oval, oak base. Height, 181% inches. Note: This admirable statuette was acquired from a church in Abbeville, Normandy. 628—ScuLpTurED Oax Bust French, XV Century Portrait bust of a mediaeval grande dame. Solemn, dignified expression, wearing her hair confined within a quaint mob cap and falling over her shoulders, a jeweled necklace at her throat, lawn vest and bodice slashed at the shoulders. Height, 15 inches. 629—ScuLprurED WaALNuT ALTO-RELIEVO French, XVI Century THE FLAGELLATION. Our Lord, nude save a loin-cloth, stands about centre, his hands cruelly chained to a half-column. Two burly men are at left, beating him with thongs. Height, 10 inches; width, 91%, inches. 630—ScutpTureD Pint ALTO-RELIEVO Group Alsatian, XV Century THE DESCENT FROM THE cross. St. John kneels at right, sup- porting the Saviour in His descent from the cross; a crozier is at right, and cresting the rocky eminence at the left is an exten- sive castle. Height, 114%, inches; width, 7 inches. Note: This fine Alto-relievo was acquired from the Couvent des An- tonites d’Isenheim, Alsace. Third Session 631—ScutprureD PLANE-TREE GRouP Alsatian, XV Century MADONNA AND CHILD. Seated archaic figure of the Virgin, wearing closely fitting robes and a mantle falling in folds from her coroneted head to her feet. She holds the Infant Saviour on her left arm and He has the Dove of Peace in His hands. Height, 32 inches. Note: A figure of St. Catherine in the Metropolitan Museum has great analogies to this fine figure both as to the heroic size of the head and the dis- position of the girdle and dress. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 633 632—SEvEN PLane-TREE Bas-RELIEF MEDALLIONS Haut Rhin, Early XV Century Circular medallions occupied by subjects, finely enriched with borders of cusped leaves. The subjects presented are: THE CIRCUMCISION, CHRIST AMONGST THE DOCTORS, THE GARDEN OF GETHSEMANE, THE CRUCIFIXION, CHRIST ARISEN, THE ASCENSION INTO HEAVEN, THE ASSUMPTION OF THE VIRGIN. (One needs restoration. ) Diameter, 914 inches. 633—ScuLptTurED WaLnut Group French, XV Century THE GARDEN OT GETHSEMANE. Our Lord seated, wearing volumi- nous robes and having a most benign expression, looks down upon and is holding one of the disciples, whose head rests against Our Lord’s breast. Height, 14% inches. (Illustrated) 634—ScuLpTurRED WaLNut STATUETTE French, XV Century THE HOLY VirGIN. Standing in a graceful attitude, holding an open missal in her left hand. She wears a curious, berried coiffe over her hair which curls below her low-cut bodice, over which she wears a very large mantle. (One hand needs restoration.) Height, 1414 inches. Third Session FRENCH AND ITALIAN GOTHIC AND RENAISSANCE } FURNITURE 635—Two Carvep Oak BRaAcKETS Haut Rhin, XVII Century Half lozenge-shaped tops, supported by grotesque demi-figures, one of which represents a boy blowing a horn; the other the bearded figure of a monk. Height, 7 inches. 636—ReEnalissance Carvep Fotpinc Watnut Lectrern Haut Rhin, XVII Century Scrolled front, enriched in the upper part with medallion bear- ing sacred monogram, scrollings and shell motives. The lower portion; with cartouche flanked by vines of leaves. Puivoted toward foot with book-rest; the rest having adornment of scrolled satyr-mask. Height, 14 inches. 637—Carvep Watnut MissaL HoLpEr Tyrolese, XVI Century Oblong X form; pivoted at centre for folding. The upper sides carved with diapered panels; the lower with scrolled leafage panels about open medallions; arched feet. Height (open), 12%, inches. 638—ScuLprureD Watunut Mirror Italian, XVI Century Oblong, finely molded, with broad acanthus leaves ; pierced pedi- ment and sides developing at crown a winged cupidon-head. Sides with scrollings of acanthus leaves. Height, 161/, inches; length, 1734 inches. 639—Watunut Hovur-ciass Haut Rhin, Early XVII Century Oblong, molded base and foot, supported by seven slender balus- ters, having valances at crown. Arranged with four double, pear-shaped glasses, variously registering the quarter, half and three-quarter divisions of the hour. Height, 11144 inches; width, 10% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 7 640—Bovuitte Mantet Crock Godefroy, French, Late XVII Century Molded oblong case, with glazed door, enriched with scrollings, the gilded annular dial placed on crimson velvet and sustained by a leaf- and vine-scrolled medallion, inscribed: “Godefroy.” Arched, molded pediment, with further scrollings in the Boulle manner ; surmounted by three vase-shaped cutvre doré pinnacles. Height, 2014 inches; width, 12%, inches. 641—Carvep Oak TasiE CaBInet Flemish Gothic Style Oblong molded top; front fitted with traceried, paneled door, flanked by pilasters of further tracery. Supported on rudi- mentary feet. Height, 1714 inches; width, 18% inches. 642—Carvep Oak Bracket Flemish, Late XVII Century Semicircular fronted top, supported by three carved acanthus- leaf scrollings. Height, 11 inches; length, 22% inches. 643—CarvEeD AND GrupEpD Tasernacte Late French Gotlic Period Crocketed, pinnacled and arched base; the arches variously occu- pied by salamander and other symbols. Finished at crown with long pinnacles having varied crockets and terminal. Portions of the crown finished in blue and old-red. Height, 32 inches. 644—Carvep Oak TABERNACLE Flemish Renaissance Style Molded top and base, with semicircular front; supported by fluted columns and surmounted by a two-tiered open pedestal, enriched with piercings and vase terminals. Height, 281% inches. 645—Watnut Tray-tor Tape Louis XII Period Sunk-molded, elongated, octagonal top; frieze fitted with drawer. Supported on very finely balustered legs, having double-U- stretcher with curious support below centre of same. Height, 251 inches; width, 251, inches. Third Session 648 646—Carvep Watnutr CuHair Gothic Style Broad, low back, deeply enriched with traceried medallion and leafage. Extra broad walnut seat, supported on stretchered, chamfered, square legs. Loose seat of gold and crimson velvet, developing conventionalized scrollings. 647—Carvep Oak Crentre TasLe French, Late XVI Century Style Circular, molded top; supported on central baluster, having four open scrolled brackets of chimeric birds, set on a cruci- formed, scrolled, bracketed base. Height, 28 inches; diameter, 34 inches. 648—Carvep Watnut CHAIR Alsatian, Late XVI Century Unusual, open-scrolled back, the pediment enriched with coat of arms blazoned with demi fleur-de-lys, scrolled label with initials: HRs Zz and m Gz, and leaf scrollings. Supported by two leaf- scrolled mask balusters. Seat covered in gilded, tooled leather, displaying a cupidon amidst fruit. On flaring, tapering legs. (Illustrated) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. | ee ———————————————= 649—SmaLL WatunuTt TABLE French, Early XVIII Century Elongated oblong top, covered in old-yellow-tan velours. Sup- ported on ring-turned baluster legs, having a shelf stretcher toward crown and double-U-stretcher beneath. Height, 251 inches; width, 23 inches. 650—Laevut Cuest EnricHep with Forcep Iron Movunrines Gothic Revival, French, Late XVIII Century — Oblong lifting top and front painted red, enriched with central carved panel of sunk tracery. Mounted in repoussé iron with sprays of leaves and large lock-plate. Height, 161% inches; length, 29 inches. 651—Carvep Watnut CHEsT Alsatian, XVII Century — Molded oblong lifting top, curiously tri-paneled and bordered ~ with raised molding; the front and ends paneled and enriched with jardiniéres containing foliage; these are parted by leaf- motived pilasters; the frieze and lower stile adorned with half- rosetted wave motives. On ball feet. Trimmed with elaborate — lock, escutcheon, hinges and side handles of forged iron which bear their original tinning. Height, 261, inches; length, 871, inches. 652—CarveD AND GILDED CoLUMN French, XVII Century Expanding round shaft; the upper portion spirally fluted; the lower portion with pineapple motives. On square molded base. Terminated with a composite Ionic capital. Finished in gray laqué and gilding. Height, 5634 inches. 653—Carvep Oak CrepENcE PEDESTAL French Gothic Period Semi-octagonal molded top. Front canted and ends divided vertically into two panels each, and parted by scale-motived pinnacles, the panels enriched with elaborate ogivals and rosetted Gothic tracery. Supported on molded, arched base. (The pin- nacles and much of the carving restored.) Height, 461, inches; width, 28 inches. Third Session 654—ReENAISSANCE Carvepd Oak CHEST Northern French, Early XVII Century Molded lifting top, enriched with gadroons; front and ends pan- eled and enriched with strap-scrolled oval medallions, husks and leafage, the front medallion bearing a coroneted coat of arms. Supported at corners with figures of atlantes. Deep base. molded with half-rosetted motives; fitted with drawer having gadroons alternating with small husk motives. On bulbous feet. Height, 241/, inches; length, 29 inches. 655—Carvep Watnut ArmcHair Northern French, XVI Century Rectangular open back with leaf-scrolled pediment, centred with grotesque mask. The open back of three panels, the upper hav- ing a medallion, occupied by two elaborate coats of arms, flanked by scrollings. The lower panels pierced with geometric motives. Broad, open-scrolled arms; supported on square shafts which continue into the legs and are enriched with short flutings similar to the supports of back. Loose seat covered in Hungarian poit embroidery displaying scrollings of tulips on yellow ground. 656—Carvep Oak CasineT Northern French Renaissance Hexagonal body, with molded top and arched open panels on three front sides, parted by pilasters adorned with balusters, leafage and floral capitals. The back panel opening as a door; surmounted by a balustered and molded gallery. Supported on a high base, having panel of similar contour to cabinet, fluted pilasters and scroll-motived panels; on stump feet. (Has been reconstructed. ) Height, 36 inches; width, 20 inches. 657—WatnvuT and Ivory Spinnine WHEEL French Flanders, XVII Century Finely molded wheel with beautifully balustered spokes and pendants of ivory; supported on axle and open frame of further fine balusters to treadle foot. Long loose distaff, comber and beautifully carved holder, enriched with figures, piercings and leaf motives. Carved in boxwood. Complete with a bundle of original flax. Total height, 5 feet 8% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 7 658—DecorateD Carved AND GILDED Harp | } By Lierts, French, XVIII Century Serpentined head, scrolling into fine rosettes, adorned with acanthus leaves, bouquets of roses, and festoons of laurel; deco- rated in the Chinese manner with gold and colors on black, with __ Chinese figures and landscapes. Finely fluted shaft, terminat- _ ing in water-leaf motives. Sounding-board beautifully deco- rated with birds, scrolls, vases and festoons of flowers above rustic landscape. Signed, Lierts a Paris. Height, 5 feet 3% inches. : 659—Decoratep PEDESTAL Italian, Late XVI Century Leaf-molded, square topped and rope-molded frieze, expanding __ straight sides, arched at feet; the front decorated in red, blue — and gilding, with elaborately arabesqued medallions, displayng trailing Gothic vine scrollings, and heraldic motives, namely, — three montes: lion passant and leonic head. Top covered in old-crimson velvet. 24 Height, 52 inches. Aeon AND LAST SESSION - SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 17, 1925 Petes MERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2:15 O’CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 660 to 843 inclusive RENAISSANCE AND XVIII CENTURY AUGSBURG, NUREMBERG, FRENCH AND OTHER SILVER 660—Sitver Rat-tam SPoon Nuremberg, XVII Century Oval bowl, engraved on back with three sprays of flowers and name “Diffock.” Fine rat-tail with curved handle tapering into spirally enriched ball terminal. Length, 4°, inches. 661—SinvER SALTCELLAR Nuremberg, Renaissance Period Triangular top, with three lobes enriched with figures of animals and heads; sunk circular centre for salt. Supported on scrolled and valanced masked legs. Marks: N. Nuremberg; Maker’s mark, C. P. in monogram. Length, 4 inches. 662—RepoussE SILVER Breaker Augsburg, XVII Century Lightly molded tapering round coupe, enriched with large scroll- ing of acanthus leaves. On ball feet. Mark: Pineapple, Augs- burg. Maker’s Mark, reversed B. B. Height, 2% inches. 663—PiERcED SILVER Spoon French, XVIII Century Oval bowl, beautifully pierced with fine floral scrollings ; expand- ing cartouche handles. Marks: crowned O, crowned A, and crowned monogram; Maker’s mark, H.I.S. surmounted by fleur- de-lis. Length, 10 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 664—Turee Irish Sitver Pisro. Hanpiep Knives anp THREE Forxs AVITI Century — Curved scimitar-shaped blade with fine handle enriched with scrollings of leaves, bands of imbrications and shell motives. Three tined forks. Mark: Sterling and Co. Lengths, 91/4 inches and 71% inches. — Carved LEATHER SHEATH WITH Four Sitver Taste ImPLe- MENTS Stuttgart, 1700 Brown leather sheath, enriched with scrollings and initials S.B. ; fitted with fine inlaid open handled knife and fork, steel with swivel handle and rat-tail spoon with the Stuttgart horse and C. R. in shield. Maker’s mark: J. Peters. See Rosenberg, Page 620. Lengths, 9, 9%, 74% and 71% inches. 665 666—Repovsst Sitver Box Augsburg, Early XVIII Century Beautifully molded oval box, with loose cover enriched with ro- setted arabesque scrollings, beadings and elaborate spiral gad- roons. Marks: Pineapple, Augsburg. Maker’s mark, C. P. in monogram. Length, 5 inches. 667—Two Reproussk Sinver BEAKErs Moscow, 1778 Tapering circular body, with molded rim carefully chiseled with two eagles within scrolled rocaille cartouches. Marks: St. George and the Dragon, 1778, Moscow; Maker’s marks, A. B. N. twice, and A. F. See Rosenberg, Page 859. Height, 3% inches. 668—ParceL-ciLpED ReEpoussé Sitver Bonson Disu Nuremberg, Late XVII Century Lobed oval, with two open scrolled handles; enriched with cen- tral landscape and pond in which is a swimming swan; lobes alternating with shell motives and acanthus leaf scrollings. Length, 444 inches. 669—GiLDED SitvEr Repousst Sitver Bonzson Disu Nuremberg, Late XVII Century Oval body, with finely pointed lobes; enriched at foot of lobes and centre of foot with scrolled floral motives ; two open scrolled side handles. Length, 5 inches. Fourth and Last Session 670—ParceEt-ciILpED Repoussrt Sitver Bonzon DisH Augsburg, XVII Century Lobed oval body, with open scrolled handles; enriched on the lobes with large scrolled leaves; on foot with swimming swan. Marks: Pineapple, Augsburg; Maker’s mark, D., and half fleur- de-lis. Length, 6 inches. 671—RepovussE Sitver Bonzon Disu Augsburg, XVII Century Lobed oval dish, with two scrolled open side handles; enriched with troop of cavalry riding before an edifice in wooded land- scape; border of scrolled leaves. Marks: Pineapple, Augsburg, and Maker’s mark, I.K. Length, 64% inches. 672—RepovussE Sitver Conpiment Disu Strasbourg, Late XVII Century Shaped oval, with four oval depressions for condiments having spiral gadrooned borders, interrupted by central rosettes and scrollings of fine flowers. On scrolled Spanish feet. Marks: Coroneted Flowering Shrub, Strasbourg; Maker’s mark, 8. Length, 6% inches. 673—Two Repousst SILVER STANDING SALTS Augsburg, 1618 Gauffered and molded top, with circular receptacle for salt bor- dered with fine scrollings and leaves; incurved neck and spread- ing dome base, finished with a gauffered flange and three ball feet. The dome enriched with spirally lobed and scrolled floral and fruit panels. Marks: Augsburg, monogrammed numeral 4 and another indistinct mark. See Rosenberg, page 35. Height, 4 inches. 674—ParceEL-cILDED REpoussE Sitver BEAKER Augsburg, XVII Century Very deep coupe, with molded rim and three protruding ball feet ; finely enriched with beautiful flowers, scrolled with acanthus leaves. Marks: Pineapple, Augsburg; Maker’s Mark, I.U. Height, 3%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item its offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 675 676 675—ParcEL-GILDED CHISELED SILVER BEAKER Augsburg, 1609 Tapering round body, with slightly flaring lip; beautifully chis- eled with arabesque scrolled motives festooned with clusters of fruit and drapery. Under foot engraved with two coats of arms. Mark: Pineapple, Augsburg; Maker’s mark, C.P. in monogram and date 1609. (Illustrated) Height, 414 inches. 676—ParcEL-GILDED REpoussE SitveR BEAKER Nuremberg, Early XVII Century Very deep coupe-shape, with lightly molded rim and three pro- truding ball feet. Enriched with all-over series of interlocking bossed ogivals somewhat resembling pineapple motives. (Illustrated) Height, 4 inches. 677—Saint’s SttveR Crown Spanish, XVII Century Circular molded body, with open balusters at foot, surmounted by a tall open cresting developing vases, shell motives and scroll- ings of leaves. Height, 7%, inches. 678—SILVER-GILDED Cuatice Cup Augsburg, Early XVII Century Semi-elliptical coupe, supported on finely engraved and _ hex- agonal stem, having a boss of similar open scrollings to the border at foot of coupe. Hexagonal lobed and molded flaring base. Height, 7 inches. Fourth and Last Session 679—ParceEL-cILDED RepoussE Stanpinc CourpE Augsburg, 1602 Lobed double-bodied coupe; chiseled with floral scrollings and bossed pineapple motives. Supported on circular shaft having three open scrolled brackets and cresting and a spreading base somewhat similarly adorned to coupe. Marks: Pineapple, Augs- burg; Maker’s Mark, Shield with bar and three central pellets ; Wolff Rolenbeck, Meister, 1602. See Rosenberg, page 534. Height, 734 inches. 680—Repoussé SitverR Coverep Courpr Augsburg, XVII Century Tapering round coupe, with rounded and molded base. Enriched with medallion of heads interrupted by pendants of fruit. Dome cover with oak and vine-leaf border interrupted by curious masks, surmounted by a terminal figure of a youth. Crested pear- shaped baluster shaft with dome foot, having medallions of minia- ture landscapes. Marks: Pineapple, Augsburg; Maker’s Mark, Fleur-de-lys in oval, Hans Reinhold Miihl, Meister, 1654, died, 1692. See Rosenberg, page 555. Height, 91% inches. 681—NvremMBERG SILVER) TABERNACLE AVIT Century Pierced hexagonal body, with small hinged door. Finished with a pierced spire, surmounted by a flag. On repoussé base, scrolled at crown. Height, 10 inches. 682—ParcEL-cILDED Repousst Sitver Trusstne Cup Bamberg, XVII Century Two goblet-shaped coupes, the rim of one fitting into the rim of the other forming an egg-shaped body; the bowls enriched with scrolled motives and arabesques centred with fleur-de-lis devices and finished at feet with gadroons which also appear in shaft and spreading foot. Marks: Bamberg; Maker’s Mark, N.D. in monogram. See Rosenberg, page 195. Height of each coupe, 5°, inches. 683—ParcEL-GILDED Repoussk SitveErR STanpinc CouPE Nuremberg, XVII Century Goblet-shape, finely enriched with masks amid festoons of fruit and strap arabesques; the shaft with gadroons of fruit. Base with shell and rosette motives. Dome cover with wreath of flow- ers and crested terminals occupied by the figure of a swan in full relief. Height, 7%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 684 684—ParcEL-cGILDED ReEpoussE Sinver CovErED TANKARD Nuremberg, Early XVII Century Circular body, lightly molded at rim and foot; enriched with medallions alternately of busts of warriors and nymphs inter- rupted by S-scrollings and acanthus leaves. Hinged domed cover, with open crested terminal supporting a swimming swan; button-shaped thumbpiece before a looped S-scrolled handle; underfoot engraved with finely draped and coroneted coat of arms. Marks: Nuremberg; Maker’s Mark, Shield enclosing I.P. with star under. Height, 6% inches. (Illustrated) 685—GotuHic GILDED Sitver Cinorium French, Early XVI Century Goblet-shape, with extremely fine bosses; the shaft having intri- cate gadroonings and borders above and below of small rosettes. Spreading foot lightly molded at base. Height, 6 niches. (Illustrated) 686—ParRcEL-GILDED REpoussE Sitver Coverep TankarpD Augsburg, Circa 1720 Body with oval bosses and borders of bossed wreaths; molded lip and base; hinged and bossed cover having ball terminal and forked thumbpicce before a molded loop-handle. Marks: Pine- apple, Augsburg; Maker’s mark, P.S., Philip Stenglin, Geschau- meister, 1717-1744. Height, 5 inches. Fourth and Last Session 687—GitpEpD ReEpovussE SILVER CuHatice Cup Franz Christoph Médderl, Augsburg, 1765 Deep flaring bowl-shaped coupe enriched with rocaille and leaf- molded medallions occupied by sprays of wheat, grapes and flowers ; triangular vase-shaped baluster with bracket corners and further floral decorations. Seroll molded dome-shaped base enriched with similar mo- tive to coupe. Marks: F.C.M.; Maker’s Mark, Franz Chris- toph Maderl, Meister 1729- 1765. Date letter R, 1765. See Rosenberg, page 182. Height, 10% inches. (Illustrated) 688—ParceEL-cILDED RepotssE SitverR STANDING COUPE Strasbourg, XVII Century Coupe and cover bossed to represent an inverted pineapple, crested with a plant-like terminal; leaf imbricated shaft having an open coiled snake, a perched bird and lizard in full relief. On lobed spreading round base. Marks: A crowned numeral 13 twice, Strasbourg, and another indistinct mark. Height, 934, inches. 689—Parcet-GitpED CHISELED SitveER CovERED STANDING COUPE Strasbourg, 1674 Beautifully lobed round coupe, with high bossed dome cover hav- ing a terminal baluster supporting a bouquet of open flowers. Bossed baluster shaft crested with scrollings at head and foot; on octagonally lobed and bossed base. Marks: Strasbourg, 1674; Maker’s Mark, A. I. in monogram. See Rosenberg. page 608. Height, 101% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 690—RerpoussE OBLone SILVER PLAQUE Strasbourg, Early XVII Century | MOSES STRIKING THE Rock. About centre Aaron standing beside his brother, whose left hand is outstretched striking the rock, from which gushes a plentiful stream of water; at left and right are groups of Israelites bearing skins and vessels to be filled from the stream. On crimson velours panel. Height, 41% inches; length, 16% inches. 691—ParcrEL-cILDED RerepoussE SILtvER CHaALicE Cup Augsburg, Late XVI Century Gilded bell-shaped coupe, the lower portion overlaid with a band of scrolled Gothic leaves and strapped arabesques ; triangu- lar baluster shaft enriched with medallions and acanthus leaves. On enriched octagonal base. Marks: Pineapple, Augsburg; Maker’s Mark, indistinct. ; Height, 914, inches. 692—GiLpED Sitver Mountep Ostrich Eee Courr Augsburg, XVI Century Deep ostrich egg coupe; mounted with leaf valanced flaring mouth and three open scrolled vertical arabesqued straps, gadrooned boss at base; vase-shaped baluster and foot with — medallions, gadroons and fleur-de-lys. Marks: Pineapple, Augs- burg; Maker’s Mark, P.W. (Egg cracked.) Height, 11%4 inches. 693—SILVER-PLATED WINE JuG Mulhouse, XVIII Century Helmet-shaped, enriched with molding below shell - motived spout; interesting balustered shaft tapering octagonally; loop handle and molded foot; engraved with two coats of arms. Height, 934 inches. 694—ParcEL-GILDED RepoussE SILveR BEAKER Niclas Meier, Liineberg, 1643 Tapering round body, with slightly flaring lip and well molded foot; enriched in very low relief with three major cartouched medallions occupied by subjects: NoAH AND HIS DAUGHTERS, KING DAVID AND BATHSHEBA and SUSANNA AND THE ELDERS. - These are interrupted by two oval medallions with further bibli- [Continued Fourth and Last Session 694— Concluded cal subjects. The oval medallions are repeated above molded foot and are parted by a label bearing an inscription. Mark: Liineberg; Maker’s Mark, N. M. in monogram, Niclas Meier, Meister, 1643. See Rosenberg, page 450. Height, 7, inches. 695—GoLp AND Sitver Repousst Tray anp Two Smart Ewers Venetian, XVIII Century Scrolled molded oblong tray of silver; enriched with gold mold- ings and repoussé medallions of rocaille scrollings and leafage interrupted by clusters of flowers; two slightly sunk receptacles for ewers. Spirally enriched vase-shaped ewers having bandings of gold scrollings, dome cover and base; open scrolled handle with letter A as thumb-piece beyond the hinge of cover. Marks: Eagle and numeral 13 within shields; Maker’s Mark, O.T.0O.. Length of tray, 14 inches. Heights of ewers, 71% inches. 696—SiLtver and Cuivre Dort Covered Coupr Uberlinger, XVIII Century Bell-shaped silver coupe and dome cover surmounted by figure of standing archer; coupe enriched with scrollings having a gilded body with pierced, festooned, arcaded and leaf borders; cover with rocaille floral medallion. Cuévre doré festooned baluster, supported on spreading bell-shaped foot. Marks, T and a rosette; Maker’s Mark, I.A.S. See Rosenberg, page 632. Height, 15%, inches. FRENCH, ITALIAN AND ALSATIAN SCULPTURED STATUETTES, GROUPS AND BAS-RELIEFS OF THE XIV TO XVII CENTURY 697—PoLycHROMED ScuLPTURED Prine Bas-RELIEF Italian, Early XVI Century THE MADONNA AND cHILD. The Holy Virgin is seen at half- length, wearing curling hair, nimbus and draped mantle, carrying the Infant Saviour in her arms. She is before an arched blue niche, studded with golden stars. In carved and gesso gilded frame, apparently of the same period. Height, 141% inches; width, 1214, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. | They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 698 698—ScuuprurEeD Watnut Bust French, XV Century Portrait bust of a military Abbé; wearing curling hair confined around his brow with a fillet and a large mantle caught by a jewel in front, above his armor. On molded lozenge-shaped base. Height, 161/, inches; width, 14 inches. (Illustrated ) 699—PoLycHROMED SCULPTURED PLANE-TREE FIGURE Italian, XVI Century our Ltorp. Wearing a crown of thorns, a long beard and a gilded loin-cloth, his arms extended as if suspended on the cross. The features and flesh naturalistically painted. Height, 221%, inches. 700—ScunprureD PLANE-TREE Bust Florentine, XVII Century moses. Noble, modeled head, with flowing hair and curling beard, slightly turned to left; the bust, draped. On circular, molded base. Height, 211% inches. Fourth and Last Session 701 701—PoLycHROMED SCULPTURED PLANE-TREE GrouP Italian, XVI Century ST. CHRISTOPHER AND THE sAviouR. St. Christopher, standing ankle deep in water, is seen carrying a long rustic staff, wearing a large gilded mantle and bearing the Saviour on his right shoul- der. The features painted naturalistically. Height, 201, inches. (Illustrated) 702—ScutprurepD Oak Bas-RELIEF Haut Rhin, XVI Century A DREAM OF PARIS. Within an arched niche, surmounted by a flying, blind cupidon, a youth in gallant attire sleeps beside a fountain. At right the three Graces approach him, one carrying a blossom. Height, 2034 inches; width, 201% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 703—ScunprureD WatnuTt Bas-RELIEF GRouP Haut Rhin, XVII Century THE SLAYING OF NIOBE’S CHILDREN. At right two of the older sons lie prone on the ground; above them is a combat between Apollo and another; the god carries a shield with lightning and a torch in centre. At left two anxious children are embracing one another and stand above Minerva’s Medusa shield. Height, 1014 inches; length, 17 inches. 704—Two PotycHRoMED SCULPTURED PLANE-TREE Busts Northern Italian, XVII Century OUR LORD AND THE HOLY MOTHER. Our Lord wears long curling hair, a red tunic and a green mantle; the Virgin with lawn coiffed hair, lavender bodice and a blue mantle. Both stand on gilded and scrolled brackets having oval, oak bases. Height, 18 inches. 705—Two PotycHRoMED AND GILDED ALToO-RELIEVO FicuREs Italian, Early XVI Century Two saintly Bishops, emblematic of the miracle of the loaves and fishes; wearing full canonicals and flowing mantles over them. One carrying a fish, the other three loaves on a serviette. Height, 1914 inches. 706—PoLycHROMED SCULPTURED PLANE-TREE Bust Haut Rh, XV Century st. AMBROSE. Of benignant aspect, his right hand raised in blessing. He carries a missal in his left hand and wears a mitre over his tonsured hair, closely fitting vestments and black habit. Height, 211%, inches. 707—PoLycHROMED SCULPTURED PLANE-TREE ALTO-RELIEVO Italian, XV Century THE ANNUNCIATION. Within an arched niche, displaying an early Italian apartment, the Holy Virgin is kneeling in rose- colored robes and blue mantle at right. The Holy Spirit is descending upon her from left, beneath whom stands the An- nouncing Angel, presenting her with the symbolic Annunciation Lily. In carved frame with Ionic capitals and molded archi- tectural cornice. Height, 20 inches; length, 2014 inches. Fourth and Last Session 708—Fovur Carvep Watnut Bas-rELieFs Italian Renaissance Period THE FOUR EVANGELIsTs. Each is seated within an apartment at his devotions and having his symbols near him. Captioned at foot and contained within an oblong frame, enriched with gar- lands and festoons of fruit. Height, 2414, inches; width, 201%, inches. 709—ScuuprureD WALNUT GRouP Italian, XV Century THE THREE MARYS AND ST. JOHN. Mary, the holy Mother, at left, is being sustained in her grief by the two other Marys; their heads are swathed and their mantles and robes fall to their feet. At right is St. John with long hair, his head turned toward them, exhorting them to have courage. Height, 19%4 inches; width, 164, inches. 710—PotycHRoMED ScuLPTURED PLANE-TREE Bust Italian, XV Century st. JoHN. Venerable figure, with curling hair and beard; wearing a Florentine hat, closely fittmg robes and a mantle. (Arms missing. ) Height, 231% inches. 711—ScuuptTureD Oax Group French, XV Century THE HOLY VIRGIN AND CHILD. Graceful, standing figure of the Virgin, wearing long curling hair almost to her waist, and volu- minous robes. On her right arm she carries the Infant Saviour who holds an His right hand. In her left hand she carries a small bouquet of flowers. On molded lozenge-shaped base. Height, 221, inches. 712—Scuuprvurep Watnut Group Northern Italian, Early XVI Century ROMAN SOLDIERS THROWING DICE AT THE DEATH OF OUR LORD. Three Roman soldiers in mediaeval armor kneel about three dice which are in the foreground. A fourth soldier stands at right, his halberd resting on the shoulder of the central figure. Height, 251%, inches; width, 14 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 713—PoLycHROMED SCULPTURED PLANE-TREE GROUP Flemish, Late XV Century THE NATIVITY. The Holy Mother about centre, in gilded, em- broidered robes, kneels before the Infant Saviour, who is on the ground before her. Three angels at the left and right, similarly adore the Holy Child. Slightly above, in the background, are the three Wise Men of the East. At extreme right is a quaintly crenelated tower, which is approached by a flight of steps. Height, 231, inches; width, 211% inches. Note: This interesting and charmingly composed group was found at Colmar, and was executed by the sculptor who was preeminently known as the author of the groups in the Miinster at Strasbourg. ~ Fourth and Last Session 714—Scurprurrp Watnut Grove | Alsatian, XV Century THE MADONNA, THE CHILD AND sT. ANNE. The Holy Virgin is seated on a Gothic stool at left, St. Anne is at right. The Virgin holds the Infant Saviour whose left hand is extended, while St. Anne adoringly looks at the Holy Child. St. Anne wears coiffed hair, and they are both clad in voluminous robes. Height, 24% inches; length, 25 inches. Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ~415—PotycHrRoMED ScuLPTURED PLANE-TREE FIGURE Italian, Early XVI Century sT. uRSULA. Standing figure, wearing long curling hair below her waist, a blue dress and a large red mantle folded around her and falling nearly to her feet. She carries her large symbolic lighted taper in her hands; her features painted naturalistically. On molded lozenge-shaped base. Height, 241, inches. (Companion to following) 716—PotycHRoMED ScuLprurED PLANE-TREE FicuRE Italian, Early XVI Century sT. MARK. Standing figure, wearing white vestments and red- lined green soutain, a maniple over his left arm and long curl- ing hair. He carries an open missal from which he is exhorting. Height, 251% inches. (Companion to preceding) SCULPTURED PLANE-TREE Bust Italian, XV Century ST. CATHARINE. Of serene mien, looking downward, her head turned slightly toward left. She wears long curling -hair over her shoulders, falling to her waist, a closely fitting dress and a mantle caught by double fillets and two jeweled rosettes, On molded half lozenge-shaped base. Height, 2614 inches. 718—ScuuprureD WALNUT STATUE Alsatian, Late XV Century ST. MARY MAGDALENE. Standing figure, her long curling hair confined within a small linen coiffe. She wears a closely fitting robe and a mantle of many folds thrown around her and holds a jar of ointment in her left hand. On irregular oval base. Height, 37%, inches. 719—ScuLpTurRED PLANE-TREE STATUE Alsatian, Early XVI Century ouR LorD. Standing figure, wearing long curling hair and a robe thrown around his body. On irregular oval base. In original condition, but needs restoration. Height, 4414, inches, Fourth and Last Session 720—ScutrrureD PLANE-TREE GROUP Alsatian, XV Century preTA. ‘The Holy Mother, wearing closely fitting robes and a hooded mantle, is seated holding the drooping figure of Our Lord across her knees. He is nude save a loin-cloth and the wound in His side is distinctly seen. yOn irregular oval base. Height, 33 inches. 721—PotycHRoMED ScuLpturED Waxtnur Group French, XVI Century THE ExoRcIsM. At left, before a rocky landscape, crested by a castle, stand two venerable prelates, in embroidered robes. On the ground before them is a kneeling peasant from whom two men are exorcising evil spirits. At right is a group of five per- sonages looking upon the scene. Mainly polychromed in red with much gilding in the draperies; the features naturalistically painted. Height, 341/, inches; length, 35 inches. 722—ScULPTURED Waunvut Bas-RELIEF STATUE Northern French, XV Century ST. BARBARA. Standing figure, wearing long coroneted curling hair, closely fitting robes, the sleeves slashed at elbows and large flowing mantle to her feet. She carries in her hands her sym- bolic ciborium. Height, 3914 inches. 723—PoLYCHROMED ScULPTURED PLANE-TREE STATUE French, Late XV Century ST. MICHAEL. Finely modeled standing figure of the Saint, his right arm raised about to strike with his sword. He wears flow- ing curling hair confined at crown with a small gilded cap, gray- white robes and a gilded mantle which falls to his feet in grace- ful folds, a portion of which he holds up to his waist with his left hand. Height, 37 inches. 724—ScuLPpTuRED WALNUT STATUE Northern French, XV Century st. JoHN. Standing figure with his head somewhat cast down- ward toward the left, his right hand raised in exaltation, and holding a missal in his left hand. He is swathed in a mantle worn over closely fitting robes. On small irregular base. Height, 481%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 725—ScuLPTuRED PLANE-TREE STATUE Northern French, XV Century THE ADORATION OF THE VIRGIN. Ex- tremely graceful figure, with hands clasped in adoration before her, wearing closely fitting bodice and robes falling in many rich folds. Her curling hair is curiously arranged with two locks fall- ing almost to her knees and is confined at her brow with a jeweled fillet. Height, 301%, inches. (Illustrated) 725 726—ScutprurEeD Piane-TREE Starur Burgundian, XVI Century sT. HENRY. Standing bearded dignified figure of Henry II of Bavaria, called THE sarnt, holding in his right hand an edifice in miniature and in his left hand a sceptre. He wears a bishop’s mitre, robes elaborately enriched with displayed eagles and varied scrollings of embroidery and around his neck the Bur- gundian Order of the Golden Fleece. Height, 491%, inches. Note: This important sculptured statue was acquired by M. Georges Spetz from the Couvent des Antonites d’Isenheim, Alsace. Fourth and Last Session 727—PotycHroMED ScuLpTurED PLANrE- TREE FIGURE Northern French, XIV Century sT. Louis. Standing figure, wearing curling hair confined within a high crowned hat with a flap thrown up in front. He wears a tunic gathered in at the waist and a crimson mantle thrown over his shoulder; in his right hand a dagger. On irregularly loz- enge-shaped base. The features are naturalistically painted. Height, 451, inches. (Illustrated) 127 728—ScuLtprureD WatNnut Bas-RELIEF Haut Rhin, Early XVI Century THE ROD OF THE STEM OF JESSE. Abram reclines at foot in the fantastic garb of the early XVI century. From his breast issues a rustic stump with branches on which many demi-figures of kings bearing their sceptres are seen. The stem is surmounted by a bust of the coroneted Virgin, holding the Saviour to her breast with her right hand. .In molded Gothic arched frame. Height, 42% inches; length, 5034 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 729—PoLycHROMED SCULPTURED PLANE-TREE GROUP Alsatian, Early XVI Century THE VIRGIN, THE HOLY CHILD AND ST. ANNE. The Holy Mother is seated at left, wearing a gilded mantle; St. Anne is seated at right, wearing a blue mantle. Both are extending their arms toward and are sustaining the Holy Child who, with a joyous expression, kneels between them. Height, 331%, inches; length, 351, inches. Note: M. Georges Spetz acquired this beautiful Group from L’Eglise des Récollets de Rouffach, Haute Alsace. | Fourth and Last Session 730—PoLycHROMED Stucco Bas-RevieF in Tasernacoto FRAME Northern Italian, Early XVI Century THE VIRGIN AND CHILD. ‘The Holy Mother, seen at three-quarter length, wearing a red robe, blue mantle, coroneted halo and coiffed headdress. She holds the Infant Saviour nestling at her bosom. At right and left of the halo are two winged cherubim- heads. Gilded background. Extremely fine carved walnut frame of the period with canted dentiled pediment; three-quarter col- umns and bracket supports; molded base with an apron boldly cut with a cherub’s winged head. Height, 60% inches; width, 221, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. FRENCH AND ITALIAN GOTHIC AND RENAISSANCE FURNITURE 731—Two Carvep Watnut Brackets French, XVII ‘Century Molded oblong top; supported on a finely scrolled acanthus-leaf, having tendrils and further leafage at sides. Height, 91, inches. 732—PEAR-TREE AND Espony Mirror Mounted 1n RepoussE Cuivre Dore Italian, XVII Century Oblong, rounded pear-tree frame, finished on inner and outer edges with ebony moldings. Mounted in repoussé cutvre doré with corners and central medallions of fine flowers. Height, 1634 inches; width, 141% inches. 733—Carvep Oax BrAcKET Flemish, XVIII Century Triple-lobed top, with rocaille valance, the front enriched with scrollings, shell motives and festoons of flowers. Height, 18 inches; width, 12 inches. 7384—DecoraTeD PInE Sanctuary BRACKET French Flanders, XVI Century Molded crown and base; supported by a bracket-frieze; painted with bust-lengths of the saviouR AND THE TWELVE APOSTLES, many of whom carry their symbols.: Dull, old-green background. Height, 8 inches; length, 37% inches. 735—GiLpED Grsso Hat-rack Italian, XVI Century Molded, soffited frieze, enriched with vase and rosetted scroll-. ings; the soffit adorned with rosettes and supported by scrolled brackets. Back panel and apron enriched with further varied floral scrollings. Four pegs for hats. Height, 1414 inches; length, 331% inches. 736—Fovur Prercep Pint Gotruic PANnELs Haut Rhin, Early XVI. Century Interestingly pierced and molded, with open diamonds, interlac- ing with circular and oval medallions. Height of two, 6 feet 1 inch; of the other two, 221% inches. Fourth and Last Session 737—CarvepD WatnutT ARMCHAIR French, Late XVI Century Open back, with deeply scrolled cross splat, enriched with cen- tral heart-shaped motive, molded and paneled supports scrolled at heads; finely molded arms, on similarly molded scrolled C-sup- ports. Supported on balustered legs, having molded box stretcher; walnut seat with finely scrolled apron similar in char- acter to back splat. 738—Ivory Intaip Watnur VarcuEeNo Spanish, Late XVI Century Oblong chest; enriched on the front edges and body with finely forged and pierced forged iron plaques; the sides have bail lift- ing handles. The front architecturally treated with central door flanked by four drawers at sides and two below; each drawer and the door enriched with spirally twisted columns of ivory and inlaid arabesques. Supported on a carved walnut stand apparently of a later period; has three varied. supports at each end, connected by an arcading. Height, 4 feet 1 inch; width, 2 feet 9 inches. 739—Carvep Oax Taste Flemish Renatssance Molded oblong top; deep frieze, fitted with door at right side, enriched with arabesque scrollings, rosettes and masks. Sup- ported on pilasters having caryatid figures and back panel of rosettes. On molded base. (Has been reconstructed from old panels. ) Height, 34 inches; width, 2114 inches. 740—Carvep Watnut Cuest on Sranp~ Alsatian, XVII Century Chest with oblong molded top, enriched with two raised central and outer molded panels. Architectural front divided into three sections with enriched, tapering pilasters. The central section in the form of an arch, centred with a nymph’s mask. The flanking panels as portals, with canted pediments. Low, molded stand with central drawer trimmed with tinned, forged iron scrolled oval handle. The drawer flanked by two hon-masks. Tinned, forged iron lifting handles. Height, 28 inches; length, 361% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. : (41—Taprstry Carvep Watnut CHAIR French, Late XVI Century Open back, with narrow cross splat, enriched with scrolled dol- phins’ heads. Serpentine-scrolled pediment, adorned with two outfacing dolphins. Straight supports scrolled with rudimentary leaves at crown. Straight legs with valanced box stretcher. Seat covered in Flemish tapestry, developing a central medal- lion in which animals are seen. (Tapestry needs restoration.) 742—Carvep LEATHER COFFER Spanish, XVI Century Oblong, with lifting cover having half rosetted valance. En- riched with central panel of birds and animals amidst scrollings surrounded by borders of scrollings amidst which further ani- mals and pomegranates are seen. Front, sides and ends similarly enriched to borders. Back with geometrical rosettes. Mounted with original finely forged hinges, rosetted lock plate and hasp. Height, 9144 inches; length, 201% inches. (Illustrated) Fourth and Last Session 743—PoLycHROMED CarveD Prie-Dirv Italian, XVI Century Oblong box top, with hinged and molded cover; the frieze ad- mirably decorated with central husk, scrollings and birds, and having black grounds penciled in gilding with small trailing vines. Supported on two Ionic columns at front and at back with a panel composed of seven minor panels, enriched in a similar manner to the frieze. Extending kneeling base, with molded and hinged half-cover, having a front panel matching the frieze. The top and kneeling-box have been covered with contemporary gold and crimson brocade. Height, 381, inches; width, 31 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. ; 744—Rare Oax Corner CuHair | Northern French, Early XVII Century Low, semi-circular back, supported by five balusters which con- tinue into legs and support a molded oak seat. Stretcher fol- lowing the contour of the back. Loose seat in soft jade-green velvet ; trimmed with edging. Note: This interesting chair is very similar in character to that known as the famous del Sarto chair and was no doubt inspired by it. (Illustrated) 145—Carvep Waunutr ARMCHAIR Louts XII Period Low, narrow oblong back and seat, covered in deep ivory and yellow floral brocade. Very interesting, spirally twisted arms, legs, double frontal and H-stretcher below; the arms terminated in well modeled heads of lions. Fourth and Last Session 746—Tarrstry Carved Oak CaQuETEUSE Henri II Period Open oblong back, with leaf-scrolled and shell pediment; arch below having central slender baluster supports, enriched with rudimentary leafage. Finely scrolled arms, with extra mid-bal- uster; oak seat. On slender, expanding columnar legs. Loose seat of French tapestry of the period, displaying an Italian garden. (Stretcher and back legs restored.) (Illustrated) 747—CarRvED WaunuT Cuair Alsatian, XVII Century Interesting, open back, with double lyre-shaped cross splat formed of scrolled grotesque mask. Expanding supports termi- nating in elongated grotesque satyr-heads and scrolls. Sup- ported on square legs, scrolled at foot and having similar frontal] stretcher to splat at back. Seat in tan stripe. (Has been entirely reframed and reconstructed. ) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 748—Carvep Oak CABINET Flemish Renaissance Style Molded oblong top, rounded frieze, adorned with gadroons and leaf brackets. Upper portion with two narrow doors; lower por- tion with two deeper drawers all similarly enriched with cupi- dons and heads of figures, surrounded by arabesqued scrollings. The doors are parted by pilasters having lion-heads at crowns, half-balusters and arabesque motives below. Height, 52 inches; width, 50 inches. 749—Carvep Intarp Watnut CaBInEeT Italian, Late XVI Century Molded oblong top; enriched with egg-and-dart and dentil mold- ings; frieze fitted with long, interestingly paneled drawer which the above moldings crown; the front arranged with V-tapering, scale-enriched pilasters before panels and two enclosing doors having centres inlaid with vases of flowers; rich, molded pedi- ments and open apron. On molded bulbous feet. Height, 51% inches; length, 54 inches. 750—Carvep Oak CREDENCE French Gothic Period Oblong top; the front in three sections, parted by crocketed ‘pinnacles; the central panel of elaborate rosetted bas-relief tracery. Flanks form two doors and have similar tracery and in each are two Gothic arches fitted with vine-pierced steel, oblong lock-plates and hinges, backed with old-red velvet. Apron fitted with two traceried drawers and central pendant. Sup- ported on shafts and molded shelf base; the back with three linenfold panels. Height, 564%, inches; width, 424, inches. Note: This credence has been entirely reconstructed from the two doors and the linenfold panels at lower back. 751—CarvEep AND GILDED LEcTERN Venetian, XVII Century Composed of two oblong open panels pivoted toward crown. The panels enriched with short flutings ; the book-rest of scrolled leafage, parted by cupidon-heads. Open scrolled pediment at back adorned with a fantastic mask. Supported on leaf and ball feet. Height (open), 683 inches. Fourth and Last Session 752—Heratpic Carvep Watnut CHAIR French, Late XVI Century Back with rusticated supports, scrolled at crown; broad arched splat enriched with quartered coat of arms, blaz- oned with trees and running hounds, flanked by floral leaf motives. Square legs having curiously scrolled stretchers set § above a molded box stretcher. | Seat covered in tooled leather, enriched with -scrollings of | fruit and birds on deep red- brown grounds. (Illustrated) 753—Rare NEEDLEWORK Carved WaunuTr State Cuair Alsatian, XVII Century Oblong back, with curious, small semi-circular ears and seat covered in gros-point, developing scrollings of conventionalized flowers in mellow pinks and blues, on golden-yellow grounds. Very broad scrolling arms, supported on spirally twisted shafts. The seat supported on very unusual bulbous, balustered legs and stretcher having pull-out foot-stool; leaf-scrolled bracket feet. The cupidon pediment and enrichment to ears have been added at a later period. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 1 : ; ‘ 754—Carvep Waunut Dantesca CHair Italian, XVI Century Curule-shape; pivoted at centre to fold, the front of supports ; enriched with rustications, rosettes and scrollings and brass bosses. Deeply scrolled arms. Supported on bracketed cross feet. Oblong back and seat of ruby-crimson velvet, ctselé with intricate pineapple motives within ogivals. (Illustrated) 755—Goxtp Brocapr anp Oak State CuHair : French, Early XVII Century 3 Unusual back of two open oblong panels; scrolled arms and seat covered in Venetian brocade, developing floral ogivals in gold, on peach-brown grounds. Supported on bulbous legs, having box stretcher. The carved heraldic pediment and valance of seat and moldings to stretcher have been subsequently added. (Brocade worn.) Fourth and Last Session 756—Carvep Watnutr Dantesca CuHair Italian, XVI Century Curule-shaped ; pivoted at rosetted centre and enriched with rus- tic scale motives. Very boldly scrolled arms, carved with dentil and fan motives. On bracketed and valanced cross feet. Small, oblong back and seat of crimson and ivory cut velvet of the period, displaying interesting scrollings of lilies and_ tulips. Trimmed with gold fringe. (Illustrated) 757—Masstve Carved Oak Cuest Mountrep 1n Forcep Iron Alsatian, XVII Century Curiously dentil-molded, lifting top; the front and ends paneled and carved with varying floral baluster motives and diapers. On shaped valance and bracketed base. Bound with iron strappings at top, front and ends which are studded with bosses and were originally tinned. Large iron lifting bail handles. Height, 35 inches; length, 611%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 758—Carvep Oak CapineT Alsatian, 1629. Open rectangular cabinet, with molded top; the front with three pillared arches, having leaf-enriched frieze and brackets. Be- hind this arcade at crown is a small cabinet with enclosing pan- eled door, supported on a frieze having molded drawer and two supplementary baluster supports behind arcade. Sustained on molded shelf base, with curiously placed feet. The cabinet sup- ports a paneled back, dated 1629 within a medallion at centre and is supported by columns and a molded base. Portions of the carving and arches apparently of a later period. fase 5h Sate Nea = = ae Height, 7 feet; width, 4 feet 1 inch. 759—ImMPorTANT SCULPTURED WaALNuT CABINET Hugues Sambin, Burgundian Renatssance i as ie at a aaa Central cabinet with molded crown and semi-circular projecting central portion, arranged with doors at centre and flanks; that 3 at centre enriched in low relief with group, DIANA AT HER TOILET, a SURROUNDED BY HER NyMpPHsS. ‘The flanking panels with car- ‘ touched chimeric figures and husks. Supported at corners by Atlantes, their bodies terminating in grotesque masks. Below the doors are three drawers of similar contour, adorned with scroll- ings and husk motives, the central one having an apron of a fes- tooned grotesque mask. Supported on four Corinthian columns having arcades at flanks, centred with further masks. On deeply molded base, with bulbous feet. (Portions have been restored.) Height, 8 feet 1 inch; width, 4 feet 6 inches. Note: M. Georges Spetz acquired this important cabinet from the illus- trious de Tournon Family. The famous sculptor, Hugues Sambin, was born 1522 at Dijon, then in Burgundy; he published in 1572 a set of Renaissance designs, dedicated to Eleanor Chabot, Governor of the Duchy. A cabinet by Hugues Sambin havy- ing much detail in common with this, is in the Altman Collection at the Metro- politan Museum of Art, (Illustrated) No. 759—ImportTant ScutepTrurED WALNUT CABINET (Hugues Sambin, Burgundian Renaissance) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 760—Carvep Watunot Liprary TABLE French Renaissance Clamped oblong top; with richly carved, curved frieze, de- veloping alternate shell and husk motives within guilloched me- .dallions. Supported at ends by four atlantes and caryatids having bracketed outward facing chimeric figures. On long H-molded base, terminating in acanthus-scrollings and support- ing a central balustered arcading, enriched with varied leaf mo- tives. (Portions have been restored.) Height, 32% inches; length, 57 inches; width, 2914 inches. Fourth and Last Secon 761—ImrportTant Carvep Watnut Draw-tTor TABLE E. Debouloz, French Renaissance Clamped oblong top, with extending draw ends. Molded frieze, having vase-shaped pendants at corners. Supported on nine regularly placed columnar legs having quaintly carved, rosetted capitals. The legs set in pairs, except for the central one on a finely molded triple-H-stretcher. The two series of outer legs are adorned with arches, surmounted by cupidon-heads and open brackets composed of winged demi-nymphs and fes- toons. Height, 301% inches; length (top open), 9 feet 6 inches; width, 2 feet 8 inches. Note: This unique specimen of French Renaissance cabinet work is signed on the frieze, E. Debouloz. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. | 1 . ; | | — — a ee ,— -. 762—Carvep WALNUT STALL School of Lyons, French, XVI Century Molded oblong, richly paneled back; the centre adorned with an architectural motive having canted pediment supporting trophies and cartouched mask and an oval medallion occupied by a volu- minously robed Venus, holding a mirror up gazing at herself, flanked by chimeric figures. Very massive, open molded and scrolled arms, terminating in rams’ heads and supported on bal- usters. Fourth and Last Session 763—ELABORATELY CARVED WALNUT SECRETAIRE Alsatian, XVII Century Rectangular, with small, molded, incurved, lifting top forming a receptacle. Frieze fitted with two broadly fluted and paneled drawers, enriched with heads of cupidons at flanks. Below the frieze is a large fall-front writing-tablet elaborately paneled with a Cardinal’s coat of arms. The interior fitted with numer- ous drawers and architecturally treated at the centre with two doors. Lower portion arranged with two varied, arabesqued and leaf-scrolled doors; parted by caryatided and fluted pilasters. Interior fitted with four doors simulating sixteen drawers. Height, 5 feet 4 inches; width, 4 feet 4 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 164—Carvep Oak CABINET French Renaissance Rectangular open cabinet, fitted with two shelves. Broken molded frieze, having cupidon-head flanked by festoons of fruit, surmounted by central niche and scrolled moldings at ends. Cabinet sustained by finely fluted round columns haying Corin- thian capitals and florally enriched lower portions. Gadrooned base with scrolled brackets under columns, lined with seventeenth century crimson and yellow brocatelle. Fitted at sides with two scrolled, forged iron candle brackets which have been tinned. Height, 7 feet 3 inches; width, 5 feet 11% inches. Note: This cabinet has been reconstructed from the two fine columns and portions of carving, the remainder being of a subsequent date. 765—ImportantT Carvep Oak CHEsT Henri IV Period Molded oblong lifting top; the front divided into five panels, the ends into two each. The panels are adorned in low relief with infinitely varied Raphaelesque motives of leafage, festoons, husks, trophies, elaborate wine jugs and tablets. These are deeply set in moldings and are parted by plasty as finely adorned and in the same manner as the panels. Height, 31 inches; length, 67 inches. Note: This most interesting chest was unquestionably inspired and was probably executed by one of the great artists of the Fontainebleau School. 766—Carvep PotycHrRoMED Oak MantTen Flemish Gothic Period Molded oblong top and massive, arched, molded frieze which continues into the jambs and is enriched with central coat of arms developing a rampant lion in gilding on red grounds, the spandrils with two further coats of arms emitting scrollings ; the jambs enriched with leafage which continues from the spandrils. The frieze of this massive mantelpiece and the jambs are hewn from solid blocks which have been added to with moldings and other details at a subsequent period. Height, 5 feet 10 inches; width, 4 feet 41% inches. ee ee Fourth and Last Session % nee & Nh ce N * % = : 767—Larce Carvep Oak CHEST French Gothic Period Molded oblong hinged cover. The front arranged with five panels, parted by spiraled pinnacles. The centre adorned with a group, THE DESCENDING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT ON THE VIRGIN, within a traceried Gothic arch. The flanking panels enriched with double traceried arches, having leaf pinnacles enclosing varied royal French coats of arms; the pinnacles flanked by fur- ther traceried arches. Mounted with finely wrought iron lock of open work, set on old-red velvet, hinged hasp, adorned with a figure in relief of St. Sebastian. Ends with linenfold panels. On arched feet. (Numerous portions of the carving and pinnacles have been restored. ) Height, 351% inches; length, 69 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 768—MasstvE Carvep Oax BrEpsTEAD Flemish Renaissance High, oblong, paneled headboard, with broken molded cornice, fluted pilasters having leaf-enriched capitals. The head board arranged with five panels variously enriched with masks of war- riors and lions, festooned with fruit; these are parted by quaint pilasters bearing Atlantes; three panels below of strap ara- besques. Low foot-board with open series of balusters, cartouche and fruit panel below. Both head- and footboard supported by very massive posts, carved with paneled rosettes and grotesque masks in high relief. Side-rails enriched with cartouches and sprays of fruit. (Has been reconstructed from old panels; orig- inal posts. ) Height, 6 feet 7 inches; length, 7 feet 4 inches; width, 5 feet 41% inches. Fourth and Last Session 769—Two Carvep Oak Doors anp Portats Flemish Renaissance Style The portal with fluted round half-columns, having Ionic capitals ; the lower parts carved with caryatided figures, fruit and leafage, sustained on paneled pedestals ; soffited entablature, enriched with panels, masks and scrollings, parted by leonic heads, below which is a large shell-adorned, arched panel. The door paneled with fluted pilasters, having supporting arches at crown. Deeply molded panels at foot. Two extra panels for passage, each having four molded sections. Height of portals, 9 feet 11 inches; width, 5 feet 9 inches. Height of doors, 5 feet 81% inches; width, 1 foot 914 inches. 770—ImportTant ScuLtprureD Marpie anp Carvep Oax Manret- PIECE wITH Tite Lininc anp FIRE-BAck French, 1650 Deeply molded and bracketed entablature of carved oak; the frieze adorned with medallioned busts interrupting fine scrollings of leafage and husk motives. The brackets of lion-masks. Sup- ported on two rouge-royal marble, expanding columns having molded bases and Ionic capitals in statuary marble. The col- umns are set on molded oblong black marble pedestals having inlaid panels of statuary marble sculptured with lion-masks and pendants of fruit. Above each column is a deep black marble, scrolled bracket, having honeysuckle panels at sides. The lin- ings are formed of contemporary terra-cotta tiles which exhibit a floral diamond lattice enclosing varied animals alternating with heraldic motives. The cast iron back is arched and is elabo- rately adorned with a coroneted, quartered coat of arms, blaz- oned with a Maltese cross, fleur-de-lys and three lions passants, flanked by figures symbolic of Religion and of Hope; at foot impressed with date: Anno M DCL. The linings comprised of 130 large and 64 half titles. (The oak entablature has been reconstructed from several old carved panels.) Height, 6 feet 101% inches; length, 8 feet 7 inches; depth, 2 feet 7 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 771—ImporTANtT RovuGE-RoyAL MarsBiE AND Carvep Oak MANTEL- PIECE witH Tite Lintinc AnD FIRE-BACK French Flanders, 1616 Deeply molded oak entablature, carved with spiral gadroons. Supported on imposing, spirally twisted rouge-royal marble columns very finely veined and having Ionic capitals and circu- lar bases set on stepped square plinths. Above the entablature is a slightly recessed frieze block enriched with arabesqued strap- work, moldings and central cartouche from which extends slop- ing paneling simulating a chimney-hood. This is also adorned with strap-work and arabesques. The terra-cotta tile linings of the period are enriched with floral diamond-lattice, enclosing field animals in low relief alternating with heraldic motives. Oblong molded and paneled iron fire-back, displaying a many- quartered coat of arms, surmounted and flanked by Bishop’s mitres and having the date 1616 toward foot. The lining com- prised of 236 terra-cotta tiles and 106 half tiles. The frieze block and simulated chimney are apparently of a later period. Height, 13 feet 1 inch; length, 9 feet 41% inches; depth, 2 feet 5 inches. 772—Two Famitte Noire Cuinese Porcetain TEMPLE VAsEs Ch’ien-lung Period Oviform, with flanged dome covers having egg-shaped gilded wood terminals. Richly decorated with ascending sprays of clus- tered white hawthorn, which is centred with yellow-green, and rises from rockery of green, aubergine and brilliant blue; amidst the hawthorn are flying and perched birds. The covers are simi- larly adorned to the body. On dense mirror-black grounds. Height, 34 inches. Fourth and Last Session ITALIAN AND FRENCH GOTHIC AND RENAISSANCE GOLD NEEDLEPAINTED VELVET VESTMENTS, BROCADES AND PANELS 773—-Stump NEEDLEWORK Pane. Early Stuart Period QUEEN HENRIETTA. At centre under an arch occupied by a pavil- ion, flowers and birds, the Queen is seen seated in royal cos- tume ; flanking the arch at left and right are four oval medallions in which ladies of her court appear; between the medallions and the arch on an apricot silk ground, butterflies and insects of different kinds are seen; at foot-are a recumbent lion and a leop- ard immediately below the arch. Finished with original silver and gilded open lace. Sy Height, 19 inches; width, 231/, inches. 774—Ametuyst Vetver Sarnt’s Dress Florentine Gothic Period Formed of four fan-shaped panels of extremely beautiful ame- thyst velvet which fluctuates in an amazing way in the light; the panels parted and finished at foot with bands of straw-yellow velvet; finished at foot with a lattice fringe. Note: It is very interesting to observe that this superb early amethystine velvet is made of wool and is more lustrous even than if made of silk. 775—Crimson VELVET CoveR Italian, XVI Century Oblong, rounded at both ends; fine rose-crimson velvet fluctuat- ing to deep rose hues; finished with a broad band of contem- porary gold galloon patterned with diamond floral motives. Length, 52 inches; width, 34 inches. 776—Two Crimson Vetiver CusHions Italian Gothic Oblong; very heavy crimson velvet fluctuating from crimson to almost rouge-de-fer; finished with broad gold galloon of the period patterned with diamond motives. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 777—GREEN AND Ivory BrocapE CHAsuBLE Italian Renaissance Ivory field, orphreys woven in rich green and straw-yellow with © very closely placed small scrollings of tulips; the orphreys de- fined with patterned silk galloon; trimmed with further galloon at edges. 178—GoLp AND SiLtvER BrocapE CHasuBLE Italian, Early XVII Re The field md orphreys with drap d’or grounds woven in gold and pastel colors with leaf-scrolled diamond motives, occupied by bouquets of lilies; the orphreys defined by trimming of gold galloon. | 779—GoLpD AND SILVER NEEDLEPAINTED CHASUBLE | Alsatian, XVI Century Interesting brocade field, woven in silver and ivory silk with chevrons centred by carnation motives sprayed with small pine- apple devices ; the blank orphrey in the form of a cross occupied by a crucifix, flanked by two standing angels. At foot within the arched niche, The Holy Virgin is seen accompanied by St. Anne. Front orphreys display figures of St. John and St. Peter within similar niches. Interestingly and solidly worked with silks with a silver and gold background. Trimmed and paneled with gold and silver open lace. 780—NEEDLEPAINTED VELVET PANEL Spanish Renaissance Spade-shape; the front of a chasuble; the orphreys display fig- ures of two saints within niches before closely worked gold back- grounds; flanking fields of ruby-red velvet embossed with arched motives occupied by tulip devices; trimmed and paneled with gold galloon. § ; Fourth and Last Session 781—PaintTEeD VELVET ProcEsstonaL BANNER Spanish, XVII Century Oblong field finished with scallops at foot of ruby velvet ; trimmed and paneled with gold galloon. Central oblong painted panel displaying THE ASCENSION OF THE VIRGIN with the kneeling figures of St. Catherine and St. Francis of Assisi at left and right. Height, 4 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 2 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. %782—Go.ip NEEDLEPAINTED VELVET Cope Alsatian, XVI Century Superb ruby-red Gothic velvet field; needlepainted hood and orphreys; the hood displaying subject THE ADORATION OF THE maci. The orphreys are paneled and adorned with figures of the Four Apostles, St. Veronica with her veil and St. Catherine. Executed in pastel colors and silver, the pinnacles in some of the niches of raised work. 783—EMBROIDERED VELVET SADDLE-HOUSING Spanish, XVII Century Oblong; with neck extensions and rounded at the flank; superb heavy rose-crimson velvet embroidered in appliqué, blue, yellow and ivory silks, with finely coroneted and cartouched coat of arms blazoned with two rampant lions and two winged hands holding swords. Scrolled borders enriched at intervals with pineapple and leaf motives. 784—Two Gotp NEEDLEPAINTED VELVET APPARELS Florentine Renaissance Oblong panel of Gothic rose-crimson velvet of lovely radiance; finished at foot with an apparel occupied by a balustered vase of fruit; fine flanking scrollings of Gothic leaves amidst which are two birds standing on two chimerae; executed in great va- riety of stitches mainly in gold and silver relieved with beautiful sapphire-blue, greens and yellows. 7185—Two Goutp NEEDLEPAINTED VELVET APPARELS Florentine Renaissance Similar to preceding. 786—Two Goup NEEpLepaInTteD VeLver APPARELS Florentine Renaissance Similar to preceding; fan-shape; the fronts of dalmatics; oblong panel at foot similarly enriched to the apparels but adorned at centre with circular medallion bearing figures of saints. (Illustrated) 7187—Two Goitp NEEDLEPAINTED VetveT APPARELS Florentine Renaissance Similar to preceding. a SOO a i i, itt mat i Di ge ed i te No. 786—TI wo Gouip NEEDLEPAINTED VELVET APPARELS (Florentine Renaissance) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 788—Two Gotuic Goup, SinveErR anp Crimson VELVET BrocapDE PANELS Venetian, XVI Century Very lustrous rose-crimson velvet with fluctuating areas, enriched in gold and silver with large banded ogivals entwined with tulips and centred with large highly conventionalized bouquets. Trimmed with broad patterned gold galloon of the period. 57 by 291, inches. Fourth and Last Session 789—Goip NEEDLEPAINTED Crimson VELVET CHASUBLE Spanish Renaissance Very lustrous ruby-red velvet; the orphreys enriched with very beautiful gold needlepainted figures of saints standing within columned niches; above the arches are scrollings of Gothic leaves and tendrils. The orphreys are finished with rare gold-embroid- ered bands simulating galloon; the velvet with gold and red edg- ing of the period. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 790—PaINTED AND GOLD-EMBROIDERED BANNER Spanish, XVI Century Lustrous rose-crimson velvet, with fish-tail points at foot; lay- ishly embroidered in gold and silver with scrolled central car- touche and very charming border continuing into cartouches at the points; the centre occupied by a painting after Murillo de- picting THE ASCENSION OF THE VIRGIN, and two saints, St. Rose of Lima and St. Anthony. Trimmed with gold fringe. Height, 1 feet; width, 8 feet 6 inches. (Illustrated) 791—NEEDLEPAINTED PANEL _ Flemish, XVI Century THE BIRTH OF OUR LORD. Depicted within a central low arch. The group is extremely rustic in character, the Virgin in the foreground, with other figures and animals grouped around as though in a stable. At left, within a small arch, the Annuncia- tion is depicted; at right the Adoration of the Three Wise Men. Worked in solid stitches of rich mellow colors; finished with gold galloon of the period. Height, 2 feet; length, 6 feet 10% inches. No. 790—PaIntTED AND GOLD-EMBROIDERED BANNER (Spanish, XVI Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 792—-GoLD- AND SILVER-EMBROIDERED VELVET PANEL Spanish, XVI Century Oblong; formed of a fringed panel, larger panel below flanked by two vertical narrower end panels; superb heavy ruby-crimson | velvet. lavishly enriched in gold and silver threads occasionally touched with passages of green, blue and yellow silks; the major panel centred with a cartouched coat of arms blazoned with a cross and three stars surmounted by a coronet rismg from which © is a man, proper, holding a sword; the coat of arms is sur- rounded by a wreath centred by husks and scrolled with Gothic leaves; flanking the wreath are further scrollings of Gothic leaves, husks, tendrils and rosettes amidst which bunches of silver grapes appear; the crowning panels and flanking panels of similar scrollings to those of the major panel. Trimmed with gold-embroidered edging simulating galloon. Length, 11 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 4 inches. (hunjuay TAN ‘ysvunds) IANVQ LHATAA CAUACIOUMWA-ATATIC AGNV -d'10ON—ZG, ‘ON pose eee Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 793—GoLp NEEDLEPAINTED VELVET SCREEN | Florentine Renaissance Four oblong folds of lustrous crimson velvet, each enriched with upper panel occupied by central medallion bearing the figure of a pontiff ; medallion surrounded by very beautiful strapped car- touche, which emits scrollings of Gothic husks and leaves; below each is a central small oblong panel bearing variously within medallions the figure of St. Sebastian, The Holy Trinity, Our Lord and St. Francis of Assisi. From the crowning panel descend, at outer edges, bands with leaf and staff enrichment. Connecting at foot with wedge-shaped panels occupied. by medal- lion is a saint surrounded by further Gothic scrollings of leaves and husks. Very finely executed in rich colors lavishly adorned with gold and silver threads in many beautiful stitches; the back covered with similar rich crimson velvet, each panel adorned with an embroidered arch at crown adorned with flowers and run- ning ribbons. : 3 Height, 4 feet 11% inches; width, 7 feet 10 inches. 4 : No. 793—Gonip NEEDLEPAINTED VELVET SCREEN (Florentine Renaissance) . Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 794—Gornic Gotp NEEDLEPAINTED GREEN VELVET CHASUBLE _ ne Italian, XVI Century Interesting, early spade-shaped chasuble. Beautiful rich deep jade-green velvet, ciselé with lobed panels, enclosing and sup- porting pomegranate, floral and pineapple motives; the back adorned with subject, THE crucIFIxIoN, in which Our Lord is’ seen, apostles at either end of the cross; the Holy Father hovers above Him, the two Marys are at Jesus’ feet in prayer and Joseph of Arimethea is below them. ) No. 794—Goruic Gotp NEEDLEPAINTED GREEN VELVET CHASUBLE (Italian, XVI Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. SPANISH GOTHIC AND XVI CENTURY CARPETS, KOUBA : ANIMAL, ROYAL ISPAHAN AND LAHORE CARPETS, RUGS AND FRAGMENTS OF THE XV AND XVI CENTURIES 795—Frorat Kousa FRAGMENT OF CARPET . AV Century Deep blue field, occupied by three, leaf-defined oval medallions” and two half medallions, each of which is occupied by a bouquet of different flowers, including asters, fleur-de-lis and lilies of the valley ; executed in very mellow colors. 3 feet 6 inches by 2 feet 3 inches. 796—GREEN AND RosE pu Barry FRAGMENT oF ISPAHAN CARPET XVI Century Small field, of very mellow rose du Barry displaying distin- guished arabesquings of flowers amidst which chi-chi scrollings appear; the colors employed are pale pink, golden-yellow, blue and black. Deep green border on one side only, displaying very fine scrollings of Herati leaves interrupted by lotus blossoms in mellow colors; the inner guard, which is turned on one end, of fine blue having yellow scrollings of asters; this guard. is retained on one side only. 3 feet 8 inches by 8 feet 4 inches. 797—IspaHAN FRAGMENT OF CaRPET Early XVI Century Formed of one border and two smaller borders attached at each end; black-green field woven in pastel colors and crimson with large highly conventionalized lotus blossoms scrolled with large Herati leaves; the inner side of the border shows a guard of blue-black pinnacles on gold and yellow grounds. 6 feet 4 inches by 1 foot 10 inches. 798—SAPPHIRE-BLUE CARPET Spanish Gothic Very interesting field of golden-yellow fluctuating to pale apri- cot tones, displaying two series of half cruciform motives having sapphire-blue floral pendants within deeper golden-yellow car- [Continued 2 Fourth and Last Session Concluded touches than the field; the centre with lobed valance-like mo- tives. Apricot-yellow borders with meanders bearing pomegran- ate motives in similar colors to the field; guards of S-scrollings on pale yellow grounds. 8 feet 3 inches by 4 feet 4 inches. 799— EMBROIDERED CARPET Portuguese, XVI Century Deep golden-yellow field, enriched in fine sapphire-blue, apricot, green and yellow with central wreath and scrolled pendants bearing pomegranates—symbols of plenty; interspersed amidst the pendants are birds and fleur-de-lys motives; fine sapphire- blue border with similar scrollings. 4 yards by 2 yards 6 inches. 800—BLvE and GOLDEN-YELLOW CARPET Spanish Gothic s01— Fluctuating mellow golden-yellow field, displaying scrollings of Gothic leaves in blue above the tracery of ivory in which occa- sional fleurs-de-lis are seen; border of similar color enhanced with balustered vases festooned with strap scrollings to centred archaic shrubs; light and dark blue chevroned guards at two ends. (Has been restored.) 13 feet 4 inches by 8 feet 1 inch. EeyptTian Linen Tapestry Cover AVIT Century Ivory field, woven in fine blues, yellows and rose-crimson with chevroned diamond medallion flanked by conventionalized shrubs. Crimson border of blossoms and angularly placed staves, stel- lated pale blue inner and chevroned blue and ivory outer bor- der. The pattern appearing on both sides. 7 feet by 4 feet 1 inch. 802—Vetvet Ketim Prayer Ruc AVIT Century Mellow gray-green mihrab and spandrils; woven with angular and columnlike motives formed of diamond devices; in mulberry, crimson, ivory and blue. The mihrab occupied by small diamond rosettes with velvet pile. Border in the colors of the mihrab displaying rosetted hexagons flanked by toothed bands and an outer guard of luminous red. 6 feet 6 inches by 3 feet 4 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 803—GuiorpEs PrayErR Rue XVI Century Triple arched and double columned ruby-red mihrab of rare fluc- tuating tone; very interestingly arcaded and arabesqued span- drils; woven in rich sapphire-blue, ivory and greenish-yellow. Border of ruby-red enhanced with lobed floral plaquettes; nar- row guards. 5 feet 3 inches by 3 feet 11 inches. 804—Rose-crimMson AND GREEN IspaHan Rue AVI Century The rose-crimson field, fluctuating to almost pink in areas due to wear, displays a centred cruciform motive enhanced by many handsome lotus blossoms and Herati leaves; the arabesques of the remainder of the field have similar fine lotus blossoms and trailings of small flowers interspersed with carefully placed Herati leaves. Executed in soft yellows, pale and deeper blues, pinks and ivories. Blue-black borders, developing very interest- ing chi-chi scrollings running in a continuous manner inter- spersed at ends with vines of flowers at sides and one end, inter- rupted by floral plaquettes; at the end without the plaquettes are two fine heraldic escutcheons. Yellow inner guard of scroll- ings finished with a small band of blue and yellow; outer pin- nacled guard in yellow and crimson. . 6 feet 6 inches by 4 feet 4 inches. Note: It is very interesting to find Ispahan rugs with heraldic coats of arms, for they are very rare, although one or two notable examples are in public museums. 805—Rose-crimson Ispanan Rue AVI Century Rose-red field, woven in sapphire-blue, greens, ivories, yellows and pinks, with diamond arabesques bearing lotus, asters and other flowers; between the diamond motives are chi-ché scroll- ings. Interesting border of infloretted fan-like motives of pale yellow and blue scrolled and sustaining large crimson floral plaquettes. 6 feet 6 inches by 4 feet 3 inches. 806—SaPpPHIRE-BLUE AND GOLDEN-YELLOW CARPET Spantsh, XVI Century Golden-yellow field, woven with diamond plaquettes centred with oval medallions and parted by cruciform motives in fine rich : [Continued Fourth and Last Session 806— Concluded greens, ivory and sapphire-blue; mellow orange border sustain- ing angular scrollings of yellow outlined in deep blue and cen- tred with floral motives at their junctions; chevroned inner guards; banded and chevroned outer guards, 8 feet 3 inches by 4 feet 2 inches. 807—CatipHaTe Damascus Rue AV Century Fluctuating ruby-crimson field displaying finely lobed circular medallion bearing floral motives; the field with intricate lattice centred by flowers, Angularly scrolled border of tulip motives on three sides only. Woven with blues, field-green and yellow. 6 feet by 4 feet 6 inches. Note: The composition of this rare rug is derived from Damascus Faience. 808—Rose-crimson IspaHan Rue XVI Century Extremely interesting field fluctuating from a fine rose-crimson to almost pink at one end where time has softened the color; the diamond-motived centre is finished with four finely drawn lotus motives which have pendants at ends of larger lotus mo- tives; the field is ramified by arabesqued scrollings of fine vines and chi-chi scrollings appear at sides between the pendants. Woven in pale blues, blue-black, pinks, yellows and ivories. Blue- black borders developing series of lotus plaquettes intricately rendered and interrupted by scrollings of smaller flowers, exe- cuted in the colors of the field; inner guard of pink and green lozenges; outer guard of yellow with scrollings of varicolored asters, 6 feet 9 inches by 4 feet 6 inches. 809—LanorE SiLtk Rue AVIT Century Rich golden-yellow field, displaying in crimson, greens and ivory allover arabesqued lozenge motives centred by cruciform blos- soms. Angularly scrolled carnation border in the colors of the field. Similarly scrolled guards with ivory grounds. 5 feet 6 inches by 4 feet 4 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 810—UnievE GREEN FRAGMENT OF ISPAHAN CARPET XVI Century Field of deep rich and unusual green, centred by two highly conventionalized aster motives, flanked at either side by two intri- cate lotus motives which are cruciformed by pomegranate de- vices; between these motives unusual formal strap arabesquings occur. The colors employed are rose-pink, soft blue and plum color. Rose-crimson borders at two ends only, displaying fur- ther fine lotus devices amid unusual angular scrollings in the colors of the field except that deep sapphire-blue is added ; inner guard of pale blue with angular scrollings entwined with vines of asters; green and yellow outer guard with scrollings of asters having ivory and plum-colored centres. 8 feet 8 inches by 4 feet 2 inches. 811—CaurpHate Damascus Rue XV Century Beautiful ruby-red field, displaying a floriated blue rosette at centre surrounded by scrollings of lotus which ramify the field and are regularly placed and centred by four further rosettes of yellow and blue. Border of similar ruby-red enhanced with more intricate scrollings than those of the centre in which many Herati leaves appear; yellow-green guards with interesting scrollings of asters; blue pmnacled bands finish both guards. The colors employed are typical and embrace deep green, warm yellows, yellow-greens and very fine sapphire-blues. 6 feet 2 inches by 4 feet 3 inches. 812—Two Rosr-crimson IspaHan FRAGMENTS OF CARPETS AVI Century Each consisting of a portion of the field, with borders on two sides only; interesting close pile with rose-crimson field; woven with floral arabesques and large plaquettes of lotus and trailing vines in pinks, yellows, orange, fine pale blues, greens, ivory and lavender. Deep blue-black borders enriched with a great variety of large conventionalized lotus plaquettes interrupted by smaller blossoms and arabesque scrollings. (In fine state of preserva- tion. ) 6 feet 9 inches by 38 feet. ~ Fourth and Last Session 813—IspaHan FRAGMENT oF CARPET AVI Century Rare and unusual field of deep ivory displaying cruciform floral plaquettes from which most interesting leaf scrollings develop and form cartouches occupied by further lotus blossoms; the field _ ramified by further scrollings of small flowers and pomegranate motives; woven in most interesting mulberry-crimson, purple, rose-crimson, yellows, blues and greens. Crimson borders at two ends only, developing lotus devices and interrupted by Herati leaves and chi-chi scrollings. Portion of an octagon carpet. 9 feet by 4 feet. 814—Royat Ispanan FracMEeNT oF AN AntmaL CARPET AV Century | Silk warp and wool pile of the highest quality and of the closest x - weave. The fragment consists of portion of rose-red field, nar- row yellow inner guard, very superb wide green border and recalling rosé-crimson outer guard; the centre is woven in har- monious colors with central lotus motive from which are scroll- ings of smaller flowers and charming minute vines amidst which chi-cht scrollings and birds of varied plumage are seen. The yellow inner guard is of beautifully drawn lotus scrollings en- twined with small vines. The green border displays alternately large and small lotus devices centred by masks of lions and lionesses; from these lotus motives, scrollings of smaller flowers develop and bear perched birds at intervals; the crimson outer guard displays chi-chi scrollings interrupted by small lotus mo- tives; the colors are mellow and give a most delightful tone. 9 feet 8 inches by 2 feet 9 inches. 15—UnievE FRAGMENT OF CARPET Lahore, XV Century e Very close marvelous velvety pile of ruby with great radiance, displaying most interesting lobed lozenge motives almost Gothic in their character; these are centred with pomegranate motives and cruciformed by lotus devices from which trailings of small flowers appear. Remarkably soft clear colors have been em- _ployed in the weaving, tans, ivories, pale blues, pastel green ZZ and deep green; finished with a small scrolled guard. (Has been restored. ) 6 feet by 2 feet 5 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 816—BeavtiruL Lanorre FRAGMENT oF A Rue AV Century © Extremely close velvet pile of wool with silk warp; the field of rich ruby-red displaying leaf cartouche motives somewhat regu- larly placed, occupied by sprays of asters, berried liles, other flowers and Herati leaves. The colors employed are pinks, -lavenders, tans, beautiful greens, ivory and black. Rich blue border fluctuating at one end to pale sea-blue, woven with scrolled lozenge-shaped strap panels centred and cruciformed with varied flowers; executed in the colors of the field. Deep ivory inner guard bearing scrollings of gentians in old-red, yel- lows and greens. 6 feet 10 inches by 3 feet 7 inches. 817—Rvpy-crimson Ispanan Rue AVI Century Fluctuating rare ruby-red field; woven in rose, yellows, sapphire- blue, green and ivory with a lotus, cruciformed motive at one end and a similar device with diamond centre at other; the field ramified by arabesques and trailing blossoms. Very unusual sapphire-blue borders displaying quaint infloretted fan-shaped motives interrupted by urn-shaped devices bearing lotus and smaller flowers. Three blue, ivory, and crimson and yellow guards on each flank. 7 feet 6 inches by 5 feet 2 inches. 818—Mivir-Ftevurs Ispanan Rue XVI Century Close pile with double warp. Beautiful rose-crimson field fluctu- ating to almost rose du Barry tones; displaying central golden- yellow lobed square medallion arabesqued in sapphire-blue and interspersed with mulberry snail-devices; corners similar. The medallion and corners inspired by ancient faience tile patterns. The remainder of field with innumerable varied growing and flowering shrubs in delightfully fresh colorings. Sapphire-blue border, woven with scrollings of lotus and asters. Yellow and ivory floral guards. 6 feet 10 inches by 4 feet 8 inches. (Illustrated) ———— es ee = } tury) AVI Ce nN Rue ( FLEURS ISPAHAN 818—MiLir No Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 819—APprlLE-GREEN PoLonaisE Rue | XVI Century Delightful apple-green wavering in tone to yellow in some areas and blue-green in others; displaying a most distinguished elon- gated scrolled oval medallion and fine pendants beautifully scrolled with Herati leaves and lotus devices. The medallion and pendant in ivory-gray, yellow and lovely sapphire-blue; the scrollings and devices outlined in mulberry-crimson. Very rare ruby border, woven with interlacing scrollings of fine Herati leaves and interesting lotus motives; floral and pinnacled guards. 6 feet 6 inches by 4 feet 6 inches. (Illustrated) 820—Rosr pu Barry Ispanan Rue Early XVI Century Rose du Barry crimson field with areas of almost rose; display- ing interlacing scrollings of tulips, asters and small lotus blos- soms centred with larger more distinguished lotus devices, in apple-green, rose, ivory, yellows, sapphire-blue and dark jade- green. Interesting interlocking tile border of varied floral pla- quettes in the richer colors of the field; floral burnt-orange inner guard and fine rose outer guard bearing innumerable small blos- soms. Silk warp. (End borders restored.) 7 feet by 5 feet. No. 819—AppiLe-GREEN PotonaisE Rue (XVI Century) ay # aa “fi ee : B51. Rose pu Barry Ispanan Rue ae vr Gakary Charming soft rose du Barry field with interesting variance ; dis-_ 3 . playing diamond central arabesque having chi-chi scrollings 7h ea end points and large lotus devices at other points; the field with — floral arabesques and fine lotus pendants to diamond, festooned — with chi-chi scrollings; woven in beautiful golden-yellows, sap- phire-blues, apple and dark greens, ivory and old-red. Deep — green borders, fluctuating to fine blue at one end, bearing ex- a | tremely varied lotus plaquettes sustained on angular scrollings. Blue and old-red floral guards. 6 feet 5 inches by 4 foot inches. > oe XVI Century) Rue ( IsPpAHAN No. 821—Rosr pu Barry Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. os They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 822—Rosr pu Barry Ispanan Carper XVI Century Very beautiful mellow fluctuating rose du Barry field bearing all- over scrollings, sustaining regularly placed large distinguished — infloretted lotus and pomegranate devices having series of three chi-chi scrolls at centre and each side; the colors employed are sapphire-blues, golden-yellows, ivories, mellow greens and pinks. Deep resonant green borders distinguished by further large lotus blossoms and angular scrollings of smaller blossoms. Blue and _ yellow floral inner guards and narrower outer guards. (One end border restored.) ; } 10 feet 6 inches by 9 feet. No. 822—RosrE pu Barry Carrer (XVI Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed mm the forepart of the Catalogue. * 823—Rare Rupy Frorat Ispanan Carper arly XVI Century Rich ruby field, damassé with allover vines of small rose du Barry flowers; woven in sapphire-blues, yellows, ivories and mellow greens with diamond arabesques sustaining very varied — lotus blossoms. Deep blue-green borders distinguished by re- versely placed infloretted pear-shaped motives borne on long scrolling Herati leaves, interspersed by trailing vines of flowers and further smaller motives. Yellow and ivory floral guards, 16 feet 10 inches by 6 feet 6 inches. 824—Spanish Goruic CARPET Early XVI Century Very lustrous golden-yellow field and borders, The field occu- pied by oblong sapphire-blue pinnacled medallion bearing the coroneted symbolic grid of St. Lorenz sustained on scrollings. The remainder of field woven in sapphire-blues, deep green and ivory with cruciformed arabesques of leaf and floral motives and at four corners with equestrian figures. Borders of exception- ally quaint angular scrollings of Gothic leaves, Chevroned guards. In unusually fine state of preservation. 13 feet 2 inches by 6 feet 10 inches. (Illustrated) No. 824——SpanisH Gotuic CARPET (Early XVI Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. ; They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 825—Suprers Anmmat Kovupa Carpet : Asia Minor, Early XVI Century — Very beautiful and rare ruby-red field arranged with irregularly placed quaint wild animals and birds interspersed with archaic flowering shrubs, amongst the groups of animals represented are: leopard attacking gazelle; lion attacking horse; panther attack-_ ing bull; woven in very beautiful sapphire-blues, pinks, mellow yellows, apple-greens, ivories and old-reds. Deep lustrous blue borders woven in old-red, pale blue and green with interlacing angular leaf scrollings in the Saracenic manner. Pale blue and yellow guards. . 13 feet by 6 feet 7 inches. (Illustrated) ; 826—-ImporTant Rosre-rusy Mosaur Carpet Ispahan, Early XVI Century Very beautiful rose-ruby field with fine areas of almost rose du Barry; displaying series of very finely drawn large lotus devices arranged in cruciform manner and arched with chi-chi scrolls and arabesqued with further large and small flowers. Woven in pink, fine golden-yellows, sapphire- and turquoise-blues, ivory and deep greens. Unusual broad deep green borders bearing very varied large lotus plaquettes, angular scrollings, lesser blossoms and on one side the weaver has inserted two symbolic combs. Blue and yellow floral inner guards and crimson outer guards. 22 feet 4 inches by 9 feet 9 inches. No..825—Svurers Animat Kovuspa Carpet (Asia Minor, Early XVI Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. GOTHIC AND RENAISSANCE TAPESTRIES, INCLUDING A _ SUPERB GOTHIC SPECIMEN ILLUSTRATING EPISODES _ FROM THE APOCALYPSE AFTER FAMOUS WOODCUTS BY ALBRECHT DURER me 827—Renatissance Taprestry Borprr Flemish, XVII Century HUNTING, At centre is a circular medallion supported by cornu- copias and two voluminously draped kneeling nymphs. Within the medallion is a miniature hunting scene; the flanking compart- ments are occupied by caryatids sustaining canopies above bas- kets of fruit. Woven in exceptionally rich sapphire-blues, pinks, greens and ivories on very rich golden-yellow grounds, __ Height, 1 foot 5 inches; length, 6 feet. = (Companion to following) | & 828—RewnaissAncE Tapestry Borper Flemish, XVII Century — Similar to preceding, | 3 (Companion to preceding) 829—RENAIsSANCE TAPESTRY Fontainebleau, XVI Century BEAR HUNTING. ‘The uneven, rising flower-decked foreground is animated by three groups of huntsmen. That at centre is com- posed of three huntsmen approaching a bear. At left is a group spearing a further bear and her cubs. Beyond this group is a very elaborate Italian garden before a chateau crested by wooded _ hills. Woven in very fine crimsons, blues, yellows, pinks, tans and ivories. (Needs restoration. ) A Height, 5 feet 10 inches; length, 7 feet by, inches. (Illustrated) (hunquay IA xX € NDI1QIUIY UOT) ~AUWLSAAV J, HON VSSIVNAY—G6Z9 O ty Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. = 830—Gormic ANIMALISTIC TAPESTRY Burgundian, x Vi Century THE LEGEND OF THE WILD MAN OF THE woops. At extreme right | is a man standing, wearing curious costume of fur. He holds a club in his left a and beckons to three animals that are be- fore him, a stag, symbolic of Constancy; a red unicorn, symbolic | of Chastity; and an outward-facing lion, symbolic of Strength. — The animals are placed on a blue ground, which is woven with allover scrollings of Gothic leaves, amidst which birds are perched, they also carry scrolled ribbons in their mouths, in- * scribed in Gothic characters with a lengthy legend. Woven in} . fine shades of yellow and ivory. Height, 3 feet 64% inches; length, 6 feet aie inches. Note: This interesting tapestry is unique in composition and is in a_ remarkably fine state of preservation. ays -” No. 880—Goruic Animauistic Tapestry (Burgundian, XV Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. 2 They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. “a 831—BrvssELs TAPESTRY XVIT ‘Century i a SANCHO PANZA AND DAPPLE. Don Quixote’s squire seen stand- ing about the centre foreground of rising country, his ass Dapple | 3 is toward right under a clump of trees and near a flowering — bush; at left beyond a small pool is a hound before some bram-— a bles; in mid-distance is a stream flanked by two groups of trees and flowing before a large chateau. Woven in rich greens, blues, crimsons, tans, yellows, grays and fine warm ivories. Excep- tionally interesting border executed in richer colors than the iam field on deep Havana brown grounds, exhibiting trailing clusters Se of fruit interrupted by dogs, birdcages with songster and at 4 Ee upper left and right hand corners are birds’ nests with fledg- lings being fed by their parents. Height, 8 feet 11 inches; width, 6 feet 8 inches. pnecos Ait No. 831—Brussets Tapestry (XVII Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 832—LitLte Tapestry G. Werniers, circa 1705 DUBBING DON QUIXOTE KNIGHT. In the foreground before a dense wooded country, the famous knight kneels, his lance before him; the innkeeper with uplifted sword is about to give him the acco- lade; behind at left is one of the damsels from the inn, a boy nearby holds a lighted candle; at right is the other fair maiden from the inn about to belt on Don Quixote’s sword. ‘The candle- light effect is extremely well rendered. Woven in rich erimsons, blues, yellows, greens, tans, ivories and gray. Inwoven signature at foot G.W. and L.F., parted by a red shield bearing an ivory fleur-de-lys, the latter the Lille City Mark. Major portions of borders remain which can be readily restored. Height, 9 feet 3 inches; width, 3 feet 9 inches. Note: The signature G. W. is that of Guillame Werniers who was one of the celebrated family of Brussels weavers who migrated to Lille late in the XVII Century. —T[AItLE TAPESTRY No. 832 1705) Circa 1ers, f (G. Wern Kindly read the Conditions wnder which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 833—AuvuBusson Tapestry French, XVIII Century RURAL Diversions. ‘Toward left of an uneven ground a seigneur in crimson coat stands beside a sun-dial, in conversation with his dame who is seated before him; a little girl and an attendant with a child in her arms are also observing the sun-dial; to left and right of the group are cattle; beyond at left is a large arch- way sheltered by trees and a grand chateau seen about centre- distance, over the parapet of which a shepherd is seen tending a small flock of sheep; at extreme right a clump of finely foliaged trees rise. Woven in very lovely pastel colors relieyed by the crimson of the coat and the deeper greens of the foliage. Height, 8 feet 6 inches; length, 8 feet 9 inches. Note: The drawing and cartoon of this pleasing tapestry is strongly in the manner of Boucher. No. 833—Aupsusson Taprstry (French, XVIII Century) Kindly read the'Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 834—RENAISSANCE ‘TAPESTRY Flemish, XVI Century HERCULES AND OMPHALE. Hercules in classic Roman armor and flowing golden-yellow mantle, approaches the Queen and is about to embrace her; she carries in her left hand a long garden hoe; at left in a flower-decked rising ground is a shepherd piping to his flock; at right is a group of rustics, above them, before the portal of a castle is a group illustrating THE RETURN OF THE PRODIGAL son; at left is a further group; about mid-distance rise two trees, one an oak with acorns, the other an orange tree in fruit; in the distance are chateaux and a thatched farmhouse. Woven in very mellow harmonious golden-yellows, fine blues, pinks, greens, grays, tans and ivories. Finely compartmented borders displaying clusters of exceptionally beautifully drawn fruit amidst strap scrollings interrupted at centre crown and foot by two symbolic figures of Temperantia; at upper sides by figures of Charitas and Fortitudo; at corners of foot by figures of Justitia and Spes. Height, 11 feet 71/4, inches; width, 10 feet 5 inches. No. 834—Renatssance Tapestry (F lemish, XVI Century) Kindly read the Conditions under which every item 1s offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 835—Very Imvportanr Dtrer Gotruic TAPESTRY 7 Arras, Early XVI Century EPISODES FROM THE APOCALYPSE. A large panoramic landscape is unevenly divided by a central floriated column, approaching the Renaissance in character. The larger scene at left, known as the COURTESAN OF BABYLON, shows two horsemen in the upper portion approaching two winged angels, one of which carries a sun-dial, denoting that their end is near. Below, m a rising landscape, are strange allegorical beasts before which, at left, is a queenly figure, offering incense, at right a group of supplicating figures in which a king appears. The scene at right known as THE ANGEL WITH THE KEYS OF THE AByss; in the upper portion, a winged angel is escorting a saintly figure toward a very elaborate chateau crested by hills. Below is a voluminously robed and winged angel enchaining the weird beast. At crown, left and right, are two crimson panels, bearing lengthy Gothic inscriptions relative to the subject. Woven in very rich crim- son-reds, yellows, ivories, greens, pinks and browns, with a very | | remarkable blue, giving a splendid tone to the whole composition. Finished with a border of scrolling fruit and flowers in some- | what similar colors, on a blue-black ground. Height, 13 feet 1 inch; length, 16 feet 10 inches. Note: This superb Arras tapestry was originally one of a series woven for the royal Escurial Palace at Madrid and the themes in the composition are by Albrecht Diirer, born Nuremberg 1471—died 1528. Two woodcuts of his famous set of the Apocalypse, executed in 1498 and signed with his cipher, accompany the tapestry and prove beyond pereadventure of a doubt that the cartoon for this remarkable specimen of weaving was drawn by Albrecht -Diirer or directly based on his series. The left side has been reversed from the woodcut in order to balance the composition. (Aunguay JAN fhjsoy ‘svs1y) AULSHAV J, OIHLOXN) UAANG] INVLUOAW] AUAA—GEQ “ON Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 836—EncuisH TapEsTry Francis Poyntz, XVII Century RAPE OF THE SABINE WOMEN. At centre three burly warriors wearing elaborate classic armor and robes are mounted on three powerful chargers; they look somewhat to left, the further one holds a struggling queenly figure in his arms that an attendant soldier has just lifted up before him on his horse; another attend- ant holds the bridle of the white charger until he is ready to ride off ; at extreme left is a page boy before a very elaborate arcaded and columned palace before which are further warriors attack- ing the men and leading off the women; the procession of women continues toward right and is seen under the horses’ middles to the extreme left where they are embarking. Woven in excep- tionally beautiful crimsons, blues, yellows, tans, grays, pinks and a superb lavender in the embroidery of the queenly person- : age’s costume. Interesting borders, at crown and foot of large scrollings of varied flowers and fruit in colors of the field on rich blue grounds; these are interrupted at crown by the many quar- tered shield of an English marquis; at foot by a miniature land- a scape within an oblong cartouche; the side borders have panels of floral motives at crown and foot; each is centred by an oval cartouche in which two equestrians are seen hawking; above the cartouche are two cornucopias of fruit canopied by drapery, below is a figure of an atlante with further drapery; the colors are similar to the floral borders. At right selvedge is an inwoven shield bearing the red St. George’s cross of Mortlake which Poyntz did not scruple to use after he had retired from the Mortlake looms. Height, 11 feet 8 inches; length, 16 feet 9 inches. Note: Poyntz is known to have established looms in Hatton Garden, London, after he retired from Mortlake and there executed many commissions for the high nobility of England. The coat of arms in one of the quarterings is blazoned with the cognizances of the house of Effingham, another with those of the Marquis of Thomond. (Companion to following) (hanquay [JAX ‘qUhog swvsg) KULSTAVT, HSITONY—9E8 ‘ON Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 837—EncuisH ‘l'arEsTRy Francis Poyntz, XVII Century THE SLAYING OF NIOBE’S CHILDREN. About centre and outfacing are two rearing horses, that at the left mounted by one of the elder children evidently attempting to evade his doom, his red cloak flying behind him in the violence of the horses’s action; the horse at right is mounted by a warrior appealing with his right hand to Diana who is at centre crown amid clouds and is about to discharge an arrow; at extreme left in the clouds is a figure of another laureated goddess who has just discharged an arrow; across the uneven foreground from left to right, the unfortunate children are seen slain by the venom of-the gods; at extreme right is Niobe comforting and trying to protect her youngest daughter. Woven in similar rich colors to the preced- ing and with similar fine borders. ° Height, 12 feet 6 inches; length, 19 feet 8 inches. (Companion to preceding) (finqua) TIAN ‘21Uhog siuviy)) AXLSHAVJ, HSTION—)E8 ‘ON Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. IMPORTANT REPOUSSE SILVER AND PLATED HANGING SANCTUARY LAMPS; ITALIAN OF THE XVIIT CENTURY 838—Two Sinver-PLATED Sanctuary Hancine Lamps Itahan, XVIII Century Molded vase-shape, with ring pendant sustaining silk tassel; enriched with panels of leaf scrollings, husks and flutings; three cartouche handles terminating in shells with chains for suspen- sion to canopies. 839—Two Repousst SItveR-PLATED Sanctuary Haneine Lamps Italian, XVIII Century Molded vase-shaped bodies, with cusped terminal having silk tassel. Enriched with rocaille and leaf cartouches, flutings, series of leaves and three scrolled handles, having central husk motives and rings for suspension by chains to small canopy. 840—SiLvEerR Sanctuary Haneine Lamp — Italian, XVIII Century Vase-shaped, with cusped pendant and silk tassel; enriched with open cresting, panels and festoons of flowers and bands of rosettes; three large flaring arms with rings for suspension of chains to small canopy. 841—Imrorranr Repousst Sinver-pLaTeD Sanctuary Hanerne Lamp Italian, XVIII Century Molded urn-shape, with incurved neck and pendant tassel mo- tive; enriched with rocaille, cartouches, basket panels and scroll- ings. Supported from three large acanthus leaf handles by finely scrolled open link chains to dome canopy. Length of lamp, 45 inches; width, 31 inches. Total height, approximately, 7 feet. Fourth and Last Session 842—Two ReEpoussE SILVER-PLATED Sanctuary Hanoine Lamps Italian, XVIII Century Molded urn-shape, with incurved neck, coroneted cresting and pear-shaped pendant with silk tassel; enriched with bossed oval medallions of flowers, leaf and rocaille motives; three rocailled scrolled arms terminating in cupidon-heads from which open links with central bosses connect to a bossed dome canopy. Height of lamp, 32 inches; width, 2614 inches. Total height, 5 feet 10 inches. 843—Two Important ReEpoussk SILVER-PLATED SANCTUARY HANGING Lamps — Italian, XVIII Century Similar to preceding. J 4 oh nei : ae a = - ; : , ; : PRESSWORK ao ces ee BY | : GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE iain 3 3125 01694 1540 re See Tarn OMT oh ae eins Oe wh re , ‘ eet te) or er ee ried aoe! Pe ae y re fc; eS Ae ete ree ee yt: eae tite x 7 hee Ong) Ava, Beir 4, cog “ rs es Es ba Sata Sy Tete ta te 5 Egat