ON FREE VIEW AT COPLEY HALL CLARENDON STREET, BOSTON TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 30TH anp DECEMBER Ist, 1915 RARE AND BEAUTIFUL ORIENTAL ART TREASURES OF SUPREME QUALITY TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS DECEMBER 2np, 3rp anp 4TH, 1915 AT COPLEY HALL BEGINNING EACH AFTERNOON AT 2 O’CLOCK Kae BH. hie wk ” ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF RARE AND BEAUTIFUL COLLECTION OF ANCIENT CHINESE PALACE SCREEN CHAIRS, BIRD CAGES JADES, ROCK CRYSTAL, AGATES, SOAPSTONES PAINTED GLASS PANELS, RUGS, EMBROIDERIES PORCELAINS, AND KOREAN POTTERY OLD JAPANESE PAINTED SCREENS, BUDDHAS CABINETS, BOAT CHESTS, LACQUER WARES NETSUKES, BROQCADES, ETC. PROCURED IN CHINA AND JAPAN: FROM WELL-KNOWN NATIVE PRIVATE COLLECTORS BY YAMANAKA & COMPANY BOSTON ge RICTED PUBLIC-SALE ON THE DATES HEREIN STATED COPLEY HALL» CLARENDON STREET, BOSTON 1.15304 By gop eae, WJ THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. GEORGE R. RUCKER, AUCTIONEER Pi CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. if there should be a dispute in regard to the bid between two or more buyers the article shall be at once put up and resold. 2. Purchasers to give their names and places of residence and to pay a cash deposit of at least 25 per cent of the purchase money — or the whole of the purchase money if required — in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and resold. The deposit shall apply to all purchases made at this sale, and not to any one particular lot. 3. Bills payable in cash before delivery. 4. Receipted bills must be presented before goods can be removed. 5. Goods to be removed at the expense and risk of the purchaser, on the morning following each day’s sale between eight and twelve o’clock, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid before removal. 6. Goods not removed on the morning following each day’s sale between eight and twelve o’clock remain at the sole risk of the purchaser. 7. No claims allowed after the removal of goods. 8. Articles are exposed for examination and are sold without guaranty of any kind. No goods delivered during the sale. 9. Our record of sales in all cases final. 10. The highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for loss or damage shall lie. 11. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions the money deposited in part payment shall belong to the Auctioneer as liquidated damages for purchaser’s failure to complete the sale. All lots unclaimed within the time aforesaid shall be resold at public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such resale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale without such resale if he thinks fit. GEORGE R. RUCKER, AvcrTionEEr. 9) PRINCIPAL DYNASTIES OF CHINESE ART Hang Dynasty Tsin Dynasty T’ang Dynasty Sung Dynasty Yiian Dynasty Ming Dynasty Ching Dynasty 202 B.C.— 221 A.D. 265 A.D.— 420 A.D 620 A.D.— 907 A.D. 960 A.D.—1279 A.D. 1280 A.D.—1367 A.D 1368 A.D.—1664 A.D 1644 A.D.—1912 A.D - EMPERORS OF THE MING DYNASTY Date of Dynastic Title Title of Reign Accession T’ai Tsu Hung Wu 1368 Hui Ti Chien Wén 1399 Ch’éng Tsu Yung Lo 1403 Jén Tsung Hung Hsi 1425 Hsiian Tsung Hsiian Té 1426 Ying Tsung Chéng T’ung 1436 Ching Ti Ching T’ai 1450 Ying Tsung Tien Shun 1457 Hsien Tsung C’hén Hua 1465 Hsiao Tsung Hung Chih 1488 Wu Tsung Chéng Té 1506 Shih Tsung Chia Ching 1522 Mu Tsung Lung Ch’ing 1567 Shén Tsung Wan Li 1573 Kuang Tsung T’ai Ch’ang 1620 Hsi Tsung Tien Ch’i 1621 Chuang Lieh Ti Ch’ung Chén 1628 | EMPERORS OF Dynastic Title Shih Tsu Shéng Tsu Shih Tsung Kao Tsung Jén Tsung Hsiian Tsung Wén Tsung Mu Tsung Reigning Sovereign THE GREAT CHING DYNASTY | Date of Title of Reign’ Accession Shun Chih 1644 K’ang Hsi 1662 Yung Chéng 1723 Ch’ien-Lung 1736 Chai Ch’ing 1796 Tao Kuang 1821 Hsien Féng 1851 Tung Chih 1862 Kuang Hsii 1875 8 FIRST AFTERNOON’S SALE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1915 BEGINNING AT 2 O'CLOCK Catalogue Nos. 1 to 150 1—Ox.p CHINESE Woven TAPESTRY TABLE COVER Decoration of dragons, cloud forms and waves. Diameter, 50 inches. 9—OLp CHINESE Cut VELVET TABLE COVER Olive green shade. Length, 59 inches; width, 32 inches. 3--OLp CHINESE Cut VELVET TABLE COVER Design of treasures in rich deep blue. Length, 59 inches; width, 32 inches. 4—O.p CHINESE Woven Tapestry WALL HANGING Dragon and cloud design. Embroidered border. Length, 73 inches; width, 60 inches. 5—OLp CHINESE EMBROIDERED HANGING Dragon design in circular form on rich salmon-pink satin ground. Length, 68 inches; width, 40 inches. 6—Oup CHINESE WovEN Tapestry TABLE COVER Dragon, cloud and wave design on rich brown ground. Diameter, 44 inches. %4—JAPANESE BrocaDE TABLE Cover (Date, 1800) Peony and tendril design in gold thread on rich red ground. Length, 34 inches; width, 27 inches. 8—Parr Op JAPANESE SILK TASSELS Used as ornaments on priest’s robe. Dark green color. 9—OLpD JAPANESE TASSEL Purple and white silk. 10—O.up JAPANESE SILK TassEL Beautiful salmon-pink color. 9 11—Patr Otp CHINESE GINGER JARS WITH ORIGINAL COVERS (Date, 1800) Figure decoration in rich enamel colors on soft white ground. With teakwood stands. Height, 11% inches. 12—Patr Otp CuInesEe JARS WITH ORIGINAL Covers (Date, about 1800) Design of dragon flies and flowers in green and red. With teakwood stands. Height, 11 inches. 13—OLp CuinesE Potrery JAR witH TEAKwoopD COVER AND Stanp (Ming period) Phoenix design in brown on soft creamy ground. | Height, 10% inches. 14—T atu BorrLe-SHAPED VASE (Date, 1750) Old Imari pottery. Chrysanthemum and wave design in soft blue. Height, 16% inches. 15—OLp CHINESE PORCELAIN STATUETTES (Yung Chéng period) Nobleman seated and holding book. Robes decorated in brilliant enameled colors. Height, 9 inches. 16—OLpD CHINESE PORCELAIN STATUETTE (Yung Chéng period) Emperor seated on throne holding sceptre. Robes decorated in dragon design on soft pink ground. Height, 10 inches. 17—Patr Mine Doa-Foos (Yung Chéng period) Porcelain, decorated in three colors. Height, 9 inches. 18—Set or Eieut Porcevain Figures — Hermits. Decorated in brilliant enamel colors of the Yung Chéng period. Height, 9 inches. 19—Set or THREE SMALL CarvepD Woop Figures REPRESENTING Two PRIESTS AND ONE HERMIT Lacquered in gold and red. Height, 6 «inches. 20—OLp CHINESE Woop Carvine or EMPRESS AND ATTENDANT Beautifully carved and gilded. Height, 54% inches. 10 21—PairR OF SMALL CarveD Woop FicureEs or CHINESE Boys Height, 4 inches. 9292O.tp TEMPLE GONG STAND Carved keyaki wood. Lotus design. Height, 4 inches. 23—OLpD TEMPLE GONG STAND Carved keyaki wood. Lotus design. 24—OLp TEMPLE GONG STAND Carved keyaki wood. Chrysanthemum design. 25—O.p CHINESE Pewter Tray (Ming period) Inlaid design in brass of boat and lotus flowers. 71% inches by 10 inches. 26—CHINESE Pewter WINE Jar (Ming period) Panels inlaid in brass. An unique @ specimen. Height, 81% inches. Q7—JAPANESE HAMMERED BRONZE ; Firower Houper (Date, 1800) | arenas Lotus design on three dog-foo legs. : Inlaid design of dog-foos and peonies. Diameter, 121% inches. 26 28—O.p Iron Hanp Warmer (Date, 1800) Korean. Inlaid design of longevity symbols in silver. Height, 91% inches. 29—Ox.p CHINESE PEwTtEeR TEAPOT WITH JADE HANDLE AND SpouT Octagonal shape. 30—OLp CHINESE Pewter TEAPOT WITH JADE HANDLE AND Spout Ovoid shape. 31—OLp CHINESE Pewter TEAPOT WITH JADE HANDLE AND SPOUT Octagonal shape. 32—OLp Iron CircuLAR SHAPED Box Inlaid design in copper. 33—Pair oF MINIATURE JADE VASES Cylindrical shape. Grayish-white texture. With stands. Height, 34% inches. 1l 34—WHuiTE JADE SNUFF BoTTLE Gourd shape. With stopper and stand. 35—WhHuiTE JADE SNurr Bortie Flattened oviform. Surface engraved in dragon design. 36—Rock CrystTaL PERFUME BoTTLE With loose ring handles. Clearest texture. 37—FEI-TsuI GREEN JADE SNUFF BOTTLE Flattened shape. White texture with emerald green markings. 38—CRrYSTAL SNUFF BoTTLE Decorated on the interior with a beautifully painted design of figures and landscape. 39—Guass SNuFF BoTTLe Beautiful mottled ruby color. 40—Guass SNUFF BOTTLE Mottled red color. With jade stopper. 41—Patr or SmMautut Rock CrystaL PERFUME BoTTLEs witH COVERS Clear texture. Height, 3 inches. 42—SmMaLL CrystTaL VASE WITH COVER Surface decorated in low relief. Clear texture. 43—SmMaLL Wuitre JADE SCREEN witH TEAKWOOD SUPPORT Carved design of figures in relief. 44—SMALL GREEN JADE SCREEN Butterfly shape. Brilliantly marked in emerald green. Teak- wood stand. Height, 4 inches. 45—GREEN JADE Cup Moss-green color. Highly polished. Height, 3% inches. 46—RosE QuaRTZ ORNAMENT Design of boy on cow. Natural color. With stand. Length, 4 inches. 47—Rock CrysTaL ORNAMENT Design of goats and fungus. Clearest texture and highly polished. Height, 4 inches. 12 48—SMALL JADE Bown Grayish texture and of egg-shell thinness. With stand. Diameter, 3% inches. 49—JapE VASE WITH CovER Grayish color. Loose ring handles on vase and cover. Surface engraved in low relief. Height, 5 inches. 50—Japr Wine Cur wits TEeakwoop Cover AnD STAND Elaborately carved in floral and tendril design. Length, 5 inches; height, 51% inches. 51—Carvep Woop Ficurr or KwaNnnon STANDING ON Lotus Bass (Date, about 1800) Lacquered in gold. Height, 191% inches. 52—Carvep Woop Figure or BuppHa SEATED ON Lotus THRONE (Date, about 1800) Very beautiful carving. Height, 19 inches. 53—CarRvEeD Woop Ficure or BuppHA SEATED ON Lotus THRONE witH Hato (Date, 1750) Height, 18 inches. 54—Tatt STanpDING Figure or Buppua with SunsHINE Hato (Date, about 1750) Elaborately carved stand. Height, 881% inches. 55—STANDING Figure or BuppHa with BEraAuTIFULLY CARVED Lear-SuHarep Hato (Date, 1800) Height, 32 inches. 56—ANTIQUE CARVED Woop Figure or BuppHa STANDING ON Lorus Bask (Date, about 1400) Height, 35 inches. 57—ImportTaNnt Carved Woop Ficure or BuppHA STANDING ON Lotus Bass (Date, 1750) Elaborate stand, painted and lacquered in colors. Height, 36 inches. 58—ANTIQUE CHINESE PaIntTING on Guass (Ch’ien-lung period) Of court lady reading a book. Framed in teakwood. 13 59—ANTIQUE CHINESE PAINTING ON GLASS Of court lady reading. Robes carefully and beautifully painted. Teakwood frame. 60—ANTIQUE CHINESE PaInTING on GuAss or River SCENE WITH Boat Anp Figures Teakwood frame. 61—ANTIQUE CHINESE PAINTING ON GLASS oF Court LADIES PLAYING GAME Teakwood frame. 62—ANTIQUE CHINESE PAINTING ON Mirror Guass Court lady with palm-leaf fan. Teakwood frame. 63—CuineseE Empossep Leatuer Manuscript Box (Ch’ien-lung period) Rich red and old gold color. 64—Korean Box or Paintrep Horn (Date, about 1800) Stork and flower design on vermilion ground. 65—KorEAN WoopEeNn TREASURE Box (Date, 1700) Mounted with brass. 66—CuinesE Leatuer Rosary Box ek Embossed floral and swastika designs in gold on red ground. 67—CuHINESE LEATHER Rosary Box Similar to above. 68—CuinesE Lacquer Box (Ch’ien-lung period) Inlaid with figures and floral design in ivory. 69—CuineEsE Lacqurr Box (Ch’ien-lung period) Dragon design in red on black ground. 70—CuinesEe Lacqurr Box (Ch’ien-lung period) Conventional design of happiness on red ground. 71—Cuinese LacquereD SwEeErMEAT Box (Ch’ien-lung period) With inside tray with nine compartments. Beautiful light brown color. With carved design of symbols of happiness. Floral shape. Diameter, 16 inches. 15 72—Pair oF Woop Carvep Rammas (Date, about 1750) Design filial piety, chrysanthemums and lotus. Soft coloring. Length, 36 inches. 73—Woop CarveD Ramma (Date, 1700) Dragon and sacred pearl in clouds. Length, 50 inches. 74—OLD CHINESE LACQUERED CHEST With three drawers and open compartment. Dragon design in gold on red ground. Length, 24 inches; height, 10 inches. %5—OLD JAPANESE LACQUERED Cuest (Date, about 1650) With two drawers and tray. Lotus and autumnal flowers in water in gold on black ground. From the noted collection of Mr. Murano, who built General Nogi’s shrine at Momoyama. 76—JAPANESE Boat CHEST Of keyaki wood mounted with wrought iron. With four drawers. Size, 161% inches by 13% inches. 77—O.p JAPANESE Kir1 Woop Cuest (Date, about 1750) Mounted in wrought iron. With six inside drawers. 17 inches by 15 inches. %8—OLp JAPANESE LACQUERED READING TABLE WITH DRAWER (Date, about 1700) Crest design in gold. 79—CninEsE Empossep LreatuEer Box (Ch’ten-lung period) Cylindrical shape. Design of kylins and treasure symbols on red ground. | Height, 15 inches. 80—OLp CHINESE Guass DEEP Bow. Rose color. With teakwood stand. Diameter, 61% inches. 81—OLp CHINESE GLAss BOWL Soft white color. With stand. Diameter, 61% inches. 82—OLp CHINESE Guiass Bow. Imperial yellow color. Withstand. 83—OLp CHINESE Giass DisH Deep blue color, with engraved side. 84—OLp CHINESE GLAass FLowER DIsH Turquoise-blue color. 16 85—Pair or Otp Cuinese GuAss VASES Light blue color. 86—THREE SMALL CHINESE GLAss Cups Blue, yellow and white colors. 87—OLD SoaPsTtoNnE CarveD Figure or KwaNnnon SEATED, HoLp- ING SCROLL Beautifully carved. With teakwood stand. Height, 41% inches. 88—OLD SOAPSTONE STANDING FIGuRE oF KwWANNON witH ROSARY Height, 6 inches. 89—OLp SoapsToNE CARVING oF RAKAN SEATED ON Dog-Foo Height, 5 inches. 90—OLD Soapstone CarvING or KwaNNon Sratep, Houpine SACRED JEWEL Rich coloring. Height, 5 inches. 91—OLp Cuinese Pottery Vase (Ming period) Cylindrical shape, with dog-foo handles. Soft cream-colored glaze on crackled ground. With stand. Heaght, 10 inches. 92—Oup CuHiInESE PorTEeRyY INCENSE BuRNER (Sung period) Soft creamy glaze. With teakwood cover with agate ornament and teak- wood stand. Height, 10 inches. 93—OLp CHINESE PottrEeRY VaAsE (Sung period) Relief decoration of Chinese characters under a soft cream-colored glaze. Height, 9 inches. ¢ 94—OxLp CHINESE PoTTERY VASE Bottle shape with fluted mouth. Dragon design in relief around neck. Soft cream glaze of the Yuan period. A very important specimen. Height, 15 inches. 17 95—O.Lp CHINESE PoTTERY STATUETTE OF KWANNON STANDING, Howpine Scroiu (Yung Chéng period) Beautiful modelling and remarkably soft cream glaze on crackled ground. Height, 15% inches. 96—Oxtp CuinEesE Pottery Vase (Ming period) Oviform, with flaring neck. Rudimentary dog-foo and ring handles. Soft creamy glaze on bold crackled ground. Height, 141% inches. 97—O.p Korean Bowt (Koraz period) Coated with a sea-green celadon glaze. Diameter, 71% inches. 98—Oxp KorEeaNn SHattow Bowt (Korai period) With soft green celadon glaze. Diameter, 6 inches. 99—OxLp Korean Bowt (Korat period) Coated with sea-green celadon glaze. Diameter, 7 inches. 100—Oxp Korean Bowt (Koraz period) Pheenix bird, clouds and sceptre head design in light green on darker green ground. Diameter, 7% inches. 101—Oxp Korean Incense Box witn Cover (Korai period) Under glaze. Chrysanthemum design. 102—Otp Korean INceNsE Box with Cover (Korai period) Geometrical and floral design under glaze. 108—Smatu Korean Bow. (Korat period) Soft green glaze. Interior decorated in chrysanthemum design. 104—OLp CuinEsE Rue Heavy pile. Conventional peony design in two shades of blue _ on soft tan ground. Size, 4 feet 2 inches by 2 feet 2 inches. 105—Oxtp Cuinesre Rua Design of conventional peonies in blue and salmon color on soft brown background. Length, 4 feet 2 inches; width, 2 feet 2 inches. 18 106—Oup CHINESE Rua Heavy woolen pile. Floral and symbolical designs in white and three shades of blue. Length, 3 feet 9 inches; width, 2 feet. 107—Oxtp CuinresE Rue or Heavy Woo.en Pine Design of storks and pine trees, in two shades of blue. Length, 3 feet 10 inches; width, 2 feet. 108—OLp CHINESE SADDLEBACK RuG Salmon-pink center; borders of blue and yellow. Length, 4 feet 10 inches; width 2 feet 2 inches. 109—OLp CHINESE SADDLEBACK RuG Design of camellia flowers and emblems in two shades of blue on yellow background. : Length, 4 feet 5 inches; width, 2 feet 1 inch. 110—Srrine or Amper Braps With ornaments of green glass. 111—Srrine or 108 AMBER BEADS With green jade ornaments. 112—Srrine or 108 Amper Braps With green jade ornaments. 113—StrRinG or 108 Dark Rep AmBer Beans With green jade ornaments. 114—Srring or 108 Dark Rep AmBeER Beraps 115—Pair or WHITE JADE BRACELETS Carved in Greek egg and arrow design. 116—Pair or WHITE JADE BRACELETS Carved rope design. 117—Pair or WuitEe JADE BRACELETS Dragon design. 19 300A 20 118—Pair oF WHITE AND EMERALD GREEN JADE BRACELETS Plain, polished surface. 119—Patir or Rock CrystaL BRACELETS Dragon design. 120—Pair or Wuitr Jape BraceLets Carved rope design. 121—Pair or Guass BRACELETS Amethyst color. 122—Parr or Moss-Green JaDE BRACELETS 123—WauitE JADE TABLET Floral and dragon design. 124—WuitE JaDE TABLET Chinese characters and phcenix bird design. 125—Be.t Buckie or MALACHITE AND WHITE JADE 126—Bett Buckie or Wuitr JADE Carved in openwork floral design with loose rings. 127—OLp CHINESE Woven Tapestry WALL HANGING Dragon design on blue ground. 72 inches by 36 inches. 128—OLp CHINESE Woven Tapestry WALL HANGING Dragon and wave design on salmon-pink ground. 72 inches by 36 inches. 129—OLp CHINESE EMBROIDERED TABLE COVER Peony, butterfly and tendril design on yellow ground. 36 inches by 36 inches. 130—CuInEsE EmBroweErEeD Wari Hanearine (Ch’ien-lung period) Dragon and cloud design in gold thread on imperial yellow ground. 47 inches square. 131—OLp JAPANESE BrocaDE Prisst’s RoBE Ho-o birds in pink, green and gold on soft white ground. 44 inches by 82 inches. 21 132 132—Oxtp Brocape Taste Cover Floral design on geometrical background in gold, salmon pink and green. 59 inches square. (See illustration) 133—O.p BrocapE Prisst’s Rose Design of sea dragon, water and coral on soft green ground. 46 inches by 79 inches. 134—Oxup BrocaDE OBI | Design of chrysanthemum and wheels in gold, salmon and green on soft brown ground. Very heavy texture. Used at wedding ceremonies. Length, 5 yards 18 inches. 135—OxLp BrocapDkE Ost Floral and tendril design in red, purple and gold on brown ground. Heavy texture. Length, 5 yards 18 inches. 22 136—Pair Cioisonn&é Vases (Ch’ien-lung period) Trumpet shape. Floral design in brilliant colors on turquoise- blue ground. Height, 7 inches. 137—Cuotsonné INceNsSE BurNER (Ch’ien-lung period) Floral scrolls in colored enamels on turquoise-blue ground. Inlaid brass panels. With teakwood cover and stand. : Height, 4 inches. 138—Smatut Crorsonné InceNsE Burner (Ch’ien-lung period) With carved brass cover and three short legs. Height, 31% inches. 139—LarcE Cioisonné VASE (Ming period) | Square bottle shape. Peacock and phoenix bird decoration on turquoise-blue ground. Height, 14 inches. 140—Pair Han Jape Doc-Foos Fine color and carving. Height, 101% inches. 141—Cuinese GINGER JAR (Yung Chéng period) Famille rose decoration of phoenix bird and peonies. Height, 8 inches. 142—CuinEsE GINGER JAR (Yung Chéng period) Decoration of boys playing, in brilliant enamel colors. Height, 8 inches. 143—Larce TrEmepie Jar (Wan-li period) With original cover. Decoration of dragon and cloud forms in fine colors. With teakwood stand. Height, 18 inches. 144—Larce TempLte Jar witH OricainaL Cover (Ch’ien-lung period) Decoration in colors of numerous figures of boys, river scenes and dragon. With teakwood stand. Height, 19 inches. 145—Antique Cuinese Roor Tite or Heavy Porrery (Ming period) Dog-foo in soft green glaze showing wear of time. Height, 15 inches. 146—Oxp Japanese Two-FoLtp SCREEN Painted decoration of chrysanthemums and field flowers in soft coloring on silver background. Height, 5 feet; width, 6 feet. _ 23 147—O.tp JAPANESE Two-FoLp ScrEEN (Date, 1700) Painted decoration of reeds growing on side of hill on gold- leaf background. Height, 5 feet 7 inches; width, 4 feet 11 inches. 148—OLp JAPANESE Two-FoLD SCREEN Painted decoration of bamboo and stream in green on silver background. Height, 5 feet 2 inches; width, 5 feet. 149—OLp JAPANESE Two-FoLD ScREEN (Date, 1700) Beautifully painted design of chrysanthemums on silk. Korin school. Height, 5 feet 2 inches; width, 5 feet. 150—OxLp JapaANESE Two-Fo tp Screen (Date, about 1600) Boldly painted design of stork, mandarin ducks and sparrows on willow tree which is covered with snow. Kano school. From Momoyama Palace. Height, 5 feet 8 inches; width, 6 feet 2 inches. 24 SECOND AFTERNOON’S SALE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1915 BEGINNING AT 2 O'CLOCK Catalogue Nos. 151 to 300A 151—OLtp Japanese Morvu Bronze Puacque Incised decoration of flowers and jardiniere; scroll edge. Diameter, 15 inches. 152—Oup Cuinese Cxiorsonné DisH (Ming period) | Design of phoenix bird and conventional flowers. On sides four character marks of longevity. Diameter, 14 inches. 153—OLp JAPANESE BronzE FLtowrer Vase ReEstTING ON COILED Dracon Bask Dragon design on sides in high relief. Height, 9 inches. 154—OLp JAPANESE Pewrer TEA JAR With cover. Beautiful irridescent patina. Height, 8 inches. 155—OLp JAPANESE BRonzE JARDINIERE RESTING ON Four SHORT LEGS Exterior decorated in a geometrical pattern. Length, 17 inches; height, 4 inches. 156—OxLp CHINESE Woop CARVING OF EMPEROR Showing signs of gold lacquer. Height, 81% inches. 157—O.p CHINESE Woop CaRrvVING oF Kwannon Houpine CHILD Lacquered and gilded. Height, 8 inches. 158—Oxip CurInese Boxwoop CARVING OF KWANNON IN SEATED PosTURE Finely carved and of rich color. Height, 101% inches. 25 159—Oup CHINESE Woop CARVING oF KwANNON HoLpING ScROLL Lacquered and gilded. Height, 81% inches. 160—Set or THREE Woop Carvines REPRESENTING BUDDHA ATTENDED BY KWANNON AND SEISHI Buddha, height, 25 inches; attendants, height, 21 inches. 161—Woop CarvED STATUETTE OF BuppHA witH Hato, STANDING on Lotus Finely lacquered and gilded. Height, 24 inches. 162—STATUETTE OF BuppHA SEATED oN Lorus THRONE WITH FineLty Carvep Hato anp ELABORATE STAND Height, 261% inches. 163—SEATED FicurE or Toxucawa Darmio (Date, 1750) Fine wood carving, lacquered in colors. Robes decorated with the Tokogawa crest. Height, 211% inches. 164—OLp Woop Carvep Figure or BuppHa SEATED oN Lotus THRONE, WITH SUNSHINE HALO Lacquered and gilded. Height, 201% inches. 165—OxLp Woop Carvep Figure or Buppua STANDING on Lotus THRONE Gold lacquer. Height, 24 inches. 166—Pair or CHINESE PorcELAIN GINGER Jars (Yung Chéng period) Decoration of butterflies and flowers in brilliant enamel colors on lapis-blue ground. Teakwood covers and stands. Height, 111% inches. 167—OLp Cocuin GINGER JAR 3 Heavy pottery. Incised decoration of floral scrolls under camellia green glaze. Height, 8 inches. 168—Pair oF PorcELAIN GINGER JARS WITH ORIGINAL COVERS (Ch’ien-lung period) Design of numerous figures of children painted in various colors. With teakwood stands. Height, 14 inches. 26 295 27 169—O.p CHINESE PotTERY GincER JAR (Ming period) Decorated with character of happiness and floral scrolls in black and brown on soft buff ground. With teakwood cover and stand. Height, 13% inches. 170—OLp JAPANESE AwWATA SAKE BOTTLE Chrysanthemum design on soft crackled ground. Height, 7 inches. 171—Oup JAPANESE AwaTA SAKE BortLE Pear-shaped, peony design. Height, 7 inches. 172—Oup Imari JAR Stork decoration on soft crackled ground. Height, 7 inches. 173—OLp Awata SQUARE-SHAPED SAKE BoTTLE Landscape design in blue on soft crackled ground. Height, 8 inches. 174—Patr or Oxtp CHiInese EmBRomIpERED TEMPLE HANGINGS Length, 36 inches, 175—OLp JAPANESE SILK TEMPLE TASSEL In red and white. 176—OLp JAPANESE SitK TEMPLE TASSEL In red, white and gold. 177—OLp JAPANESE SiuK TEMPLE TASSEL In purple and white. 178—OLp JAPANESE SILK TEMPLE TASSEL Purple color. 179—Set or TweEtve CHINESE SILK EMBROIDERED Watt HANG- INGS Design of Buddha, lotus and butterflies. Length, 47 inches. 180—TureEE CHINESE EMBROIDERED WALL Hancines Design of vases and flowers in blue and white silk on black satin ground. Length, 42 inches. 181—Four Woven Sitk Wau Hanetnas (Ch’ten-lung period) Dragon design in gold on salmon-pink ground. Length, 60 inches. 28 182—CHINESE EMBROIDERED Wau HanGiING Design of angels and cloud forms embroidered in silk on salmon- pink satin ground. Length, 38 inches; width, 32 inches. 183—OLp CHINESE SILK Woven Tapestry WALL HANGING Elephant, stork, deer and floral design on red ground. Size, 36 inches by 36 inches. 184—-CHINESE SATIN EMBROIDERED TABLE COVER Medallion decoration in gold and colors on blue satin ground. Diameter, 52 inches. 185—OLp JAPANESE SILK BrocapE TABLE CoOvER Cloud design in gold thread on light brown ground. Size, 54 inches by 42 inches. 186—OxLp CHINESE EMBROIDERED TEMPLE HANGING Buddha and attendant deities in square panels of various colors. Length, 62 inches; width, 62 inches. 187—WhuirtTeE JADE INcENSE Box Circular form. Cover carved in floral design. Diameter, 3 inches. 188—Wauitr JapE WINE Cup With carved bird and floral handles. Length, 4 inches. 189—Rock CrystTaL SNUFF BOTTLE Gourd shape. Clear texture. Height, 34% inches. 190—Wnuitr JADE INCENSE Box Carved floral design in low relief on cover. Length, 3 inches. 191—Wuitr JADE ORNAMENT Carved openwork design of lotus and stork. Height, 2 inches. 29 195 192—WhuitE JADE SNUFF BOTTLE Lotus design carved in low relief. 193—GREEN JADE INCENSE Box Chrysanthemum design. Diameter, 3 inches. 194—Wuirtr Jape Incense Box Circular form. Carved decoration of symbol of happiness and floral design in low relief. Diameter, 3 inches. 195—OLp CHINESE SOAPSTONE FIGURE OF RAKAN Rich coloring. Height, 31% inches. 196—GoLDSTONE CARVING OF RABBIT Length, 21% inches. 197—Wuire Jape Incense Box Diameter, 2 inches. 198—Camro Guass Incense Box (Ch’ien-lung period) Design of floral scroll in deep blue carved on pure white ground. Diameter, 31% inches. 199—Acatse WINE Cur with Two HANDLES Length, 4 inches. 200—SmaLuL AGATE WINE Cup witH HANDLE 201—GREEN JADE VASE Carved decoration of scrolls and palmettes in low relief. Height, 51% inches. 202—StTrinG or 106 AMBER BEADS Soft clouded color. 203—LarGE AGATE SNUFF BOTTLE Design of peonies, pine tree and birds carved in high relief in brown matrix. Height, 4 inches. 30 204—Camro Guass SNuFF Botrie Gourd shape. Floral design in green on white ground. 205—DovusLE CrystaL SNurr Botrie Design of poems, butterflies and cherry trees carefully painted on the inside. (See illustration) 206—WuitkE Jape Bown Plain surface. Diameter, 2% inches. 207—Two Larce Lapis Lazuni Beaps 204 208—Camro Guass INcENSE Box (Ch’ien-lung period) Plum blossoms and branches carved in relief in black on brown ground. Diameter, 4 inches. 209—Four SMALL GREEN JADE Cups Diameter, 2 inches. 210—SoAPSTONE CARVINGS OF KWANNON WITH Two CHILDREN ATTENDANTS Mounted on teakwood stand. Height, 61% inches, 211—Oup CuInresE Rue Pine tree design in soft buff color on blue ground. Length, 4 feet 10 inches; width, 2 feet 4 inches. 212—O.p CHINESE Mat | Heavy pile. Medallion and floral design on salmon-pink ground. Length, 3 feet 2 inches; width, 1 foot 11 inches. 213—SMALL CHINESE CHAIR Rua Medallion and Greek fret design in three shades of blue on imperial yellow ground. 2 feet 2 inches square. 214—OLp CHINESE Rue Dog-foo, kylin on phoenix bird design in five colors on rich rose-red ground. Length, 3 feet 10 inches; width, 2 feet. 215—Oxtp CHINESE RuG Medallion, floral and geometrical design on yellow ground. Length, 4 feet 6 inches; width, 2 feet 3 inches. 31 216—Ox.p CuHINEsE Rue Deer, stork and pine tree design in two shades of blue on soft yellow ground; unusual design. Length, 3 feet 9 inches; width, 2 feet. 217—Pair Mine Porrery Roor TILes Representing guardians of heaven. Glazed in soft green and brown. Height, 131% inches. 218—Mina Porrery STATUETTE OF KwWANNON SEATED ON Rock | Glazed in green and brown. Face gilded. Height, 14% inches. 919-—-Minc Porrery STATUETTE OF KwaNNon SEATED HOLpINe CHILD Glazed in three colors. Height, 121% inches. 220-—Mina Porrery STATUETTE OF MANDARIN, SEATED Soft brown, decorated in darker brown. ~ Height, 114% inches. 991—Minc Porrery Starunrte or KwaNnon witH CHILD. Spatep ON PEDESTAL wITH Rocky BACKGROUND Light brown glaze with decoration of darker brown. ; Height, 14% inches. 992-—Pair or Mine Porrery Doc-Foos Dark purple and green glaze. Height, 6 inches. 993-—Mina Porrery STATUETTE OF KWANNON, STANDING AND HoLpINnG SCROLL Soft cream crackled glaze. Height, 17 inches. 224—Mine Potrmry VASE Hexagonal shape with flaring neck.’ Ivory white glaze. With teakwood stand. Height, 16 inches. 225—Mine PorrEry VASE Ovoid bottle shape with flaring neck. Ivory white glaze. Height, 124% inches. 226—Mine Porrery VASE Bottle shape. Coiled dragon in relief encircling neck. Ivory white glaze. Height, 144% inches. 32 227—PatrR OF SMALL CHINESE PaInTINGS on GLASS Figure subjects. Teakwood frames. 228—O.p CHINESE PAINTING ON GLASS River and landscape with figures of noblemen, lady and boat- man. Size, 181% inches by 22 inches. 229—OxLp CHINESE Oru PaintiInG on CANvas Portrait of court lady carefully painted as to details. Teak- wood frame. Note number 232. . Size, 19 inches by 26 inches. 230—OLpD CHINESE PAINTING ON GLASS Interior scene with figures of two court ladies. In gilt frame. Note number 233. Size, 20 inches by 151% inches. (See illustration on page 14) 231—O.p CHINESE PAINTING ON GLASS Palace and river scene with figures. Size, 22 inches by 16 inches. 232—OLp CHINESE O1t PAINTING ON CANVAS Portrait of court lady. Companion to number 229. Carved teakwood frame. Size, 261% inches by 19 inches. 233—OLp CHINESE PAINTING ON GLASS Interior scene with figures of two court ladies. Companion to number 230. Size, 20 inches by 151% inches. (See illustration on page 14) 234—KorEAN LetTER Box Inlaid decoration in carved horn on rich red lacquer ground. 235—O.p CHINESE Empossep LEATHER LETTER Box Palace scene in gold on red ground. 236—OLp Cuinese Lacquer Letter Box (Ming period) Inlaid figures in ivory on black lacquer ground. 237—OxLp Cuinese Lacqurr Letter Box (Ming period) Openwork brass mountings on black lacquer. 238—OxLp CHINESE Empossep LeatHEeR Letter Box wits INSIDE TRAY Landscape and figure design in gold on red ground. Gah’ 239—OLp JAPANESE TEAKWOOD SMALL CABINET With design of plum trees and storks in gold and silver lacquer. Has drawers and open compartments. Height, 9 inches. 940—OxLp CHINESE LAcQuER TRAY Geometrical design inlaid in mother of pearl. Diameter, 5 inches. 241—Otp CurinesE Lacquer INcENSE Box Inlaid design in mother of pearl on gold ground. 942 —OLp CHINESE CINNABAR LacquER INCENSE Box Diameter, 11% inches. 2943—OLp JAPANESE GoLp Lacquer INcENSE Box Fan shape. Design of plum tree and moon inlaid in coral and silver. 9244—MINIATURE PocKET SHRINE OF SILVER Figure of Buddha in gilt. 945—O Lp JAPANESE Lacquer Weritinc Box. Wir INK AND WatrER RECEPTACLES : Cover ornamented with design of owl, tree and rocks in raised gold lacquer on Nashiji lacquer ground. 246—JAPANESE LACQUER Inro Five compartments. Festival scene in gold Togidashi lacquer. 247—OLp Japanese INceENSE Box witTH Insipe TRaAy In shape of spool of thread. Chrysanthemum design in raised gold lacquer on variegated lacquer ground. Inside, a beauti- ful Nashiji lacquer. 948—CHINESE CINNABAR LacquER Incense Box (Ming period) Carved scroll design. 949——CHINESE CINNABAR Lacquer IncENsSE Box (Ming period) Carved design of palace and figures. 250—JAPANESE Lacquer INcENSE Box Square shape. Wheel and water design inlaid in mother of pearl on gold lacquer ground. 951—JarANESE Gotp Lacquer INCENSE Box Shape of chessboard on four short legs. 34 want te UY Ei 294 465 293 252—SMALL JAPANESE INcENSE Box IN THREE COMPARTMENTS Chrysanthemum design in gold on black lacquer. 953—SmMaLL JAPANESE LACQUER CABINET WITH THREE DRAWERS Chrysanthemum design in gold lacquer on Keyaki wood. 254—CHINESE CINNABAR LacquEerR INcENSE Box Deeply carved design of phoenix bird and peonies. 255—JAPANESE LACQUER SPECTACLE CASE Design of Ho-o bird, Kiri tree and peonies in gold lacquer on black lacquer ground. Has lacquer Netsuke in shape of letter box. 256—CHINESE CINNABAR LACQUER SNUFF BOTTLE Design of palace scenes deeply carved. 257—Sret or THREE JAPANESE LACQUER SAKE Cups Peony, pine tree and cherry tree design in gold lacquer on vermilion lacquer ground. 258—JAPANESE LACQUER SECTIONAL INCENSE Box Three compartments. Crest design on geometrical background in gold lacquer. 259—JAPANESE Woop Carvep Tosacco PoucH AND Pier Case Daikoku and Ebisu. 260—OxLp CxHinEsrE Woop Carvine (K’ang-hsi period) Seated figure of Kwannon, finely carved and lacquered in gold and colors. Height, 221% inches. 261—OLp JAPANESE Boat CHEST Of Keyaki wood mounted with wrought iron. With six inside drawers. Height, 14 inches; length, 19 inches. 262—OLpD JAPANESE Boat CHEST Of Keyaki wood with wrought-iron drawer pulls and locks. Three drawers. Height, 10 inches; length, 201% inches. 263—OLp CuinEseE Lacquer TaBLE (Ming period) Landscape design in gold lacquer on black ante ground. Sides in openwork. Length, 27 inches; height, 111% inches. 36 264—OLp CHINESE Lacquer TABLE (Ming period) Landscape and water design in gold lacquer on black lacquer ground. Length, 34 inches; height, 14 inches. 265—CoOLLECTION OF SIX SHUZAN Ivory NETSUKES Figures of gods, demons and_ sennins, richly colored. Mounted on crépe and in a black lacquer box. 266—CoLLECTION OF SIxTy OJIMES OR SLIDES In ivory, metal, jade, cloisonné, wood and porcelain. In old Chinese velvet box. 267—OLp JAPANESE LACQUER CHEST Design of sparrows and reeds in gold lacquer on black lacquer ground. Carved brass mounts. Three drawers. Length, 141% inches; height, 111% inches. 268—Co.LLECTION OF E1aut Ivory CarviINGs Of the seven gods of happiness and wealth: Yebesu, Daikoku, Hotei, Bishamon, Benten, Jurogin, Fukuroku and symbols. All beautifully carved. Average height, 24% inches. 269—OLD CHINESE SOAPSTONE CARVING Statuette of Kwannon with boy attendant. In standing attitude holding rosary. Height, 13% inches. 270—OLD CHINESE SOAPSTONE CARVING Statuette of Rakan with boy attendant. Beautiful dark color. Height, 91% inches. 271—SmMaLL CHINESE BRoNzZE ORNAMENT Figure of boy with dog. Fine Sentoku bronze. Garments beautifully decorated in colored enamels. Height, 4 inches. 272—CHINESE Bronze INCENSE BURNER Figure of horse. Saddle as cover. Fine Sentoku bronze. Saddle decorated in fine enamel colors. Height, 6 inches. 273—O.Lp CHINESE CLOISONNE INCENSE BURNER In form of mandarin duck, standing on diamond-shaped base. Fine enameled colors on turquoise-blue ground. Height, 6 inches. 37 Q277 274—OLp CHINESE SOAPSTONE CARVING Seated figure of Kwannon with rosary. Finely capeed of brown soapstone. Height, 8 inches. 275—Oup CHINESE SOAPSTONE CARVING | Standing figure of Kwannon holding scroll. Finely carved and shows traces of gilding. On teakwood base. Height, 9 inches. 276—OLD CHINESE SOAPSTONE CARVING Statuette of Tobosaku, a noted Chinese poet. Finely carved of mottled red and yellow soapstone. Height, 71% inches. 277—Pair or Outp Cuyinese Porcenain Lamps witH STANDS (Chia Ching period) Design of one hundred flowers with reserve panels. One showing Emperor and attendants, and the other the Emperor’s son and attendant. Two leaf-shaped panels in landscape design, in Famille Verte enamels. Height, 121% inches. (See 2llustration) 38 ——_ 278—JaprE Hanainc Brett with Trakwoop FRAME Bell and hanging chains of white jade, finely carved. Cross bar of green jade carved in openwork. With silk tassels. Height, 13% inches. 279—OLp JADE STATUETTE (Ming pericd) Seated figure of Buddha, in light grayish-green jade. With carved teakwood stand in form of lotus. Height, 7 inches. 280—CuinEsSE Woop Carvep ELEPHANT wiTH GLAss Bau Finely carved figure of elephant in boxwood. With elaborate inlaid decoration in coral, mother of pearl and ivory. Height, 11 inches. 281—-_Moss-GREEN JADE INCENSE BURNER With cover and scroll and loose ring handles. Surface carved with the conventional dragon in low relief. Cover in openwork floral design. Height, 6 inches; length, 9 inches. (See illustration) 282—Wuirtr JADE DisH ; Shallow oval shape, - with dragons carved in high relief and undercut. With teak- x“ x wood stand. 98] Length, 6 inches. 283—MANDARIN NECKLACE OF 108 JADE Braps Of imperial jade, ornamented with four large rose quartz beads and pendants of smaller rose quartz beads. 284—OLp CHINESE RuG | Medallion and peony design in two shades of blue on soft yellow ground. Length, 3 feet 5 inches; width, 1 foot 11 inches. 39 285—OLp CHINESE RuG Heavy woolen pile. Unusual design of deer, storks and pine tree in dark blue on rich, soft brown ground. Length, 3 feet 5 inches; width, 1 foot 10 inches. 286—OLp CHINESE Rua Medallion design in two shades of blue on rich yellow ground. Border in medallion design on light blue ground. Length, 4 feet; width, 2 feet 2 inches. 287—Oxp CuineseE Rua Heavy pile. Medallion and floral design in two shades of blue on soft buff background. Borders in geometrical pattern in dark blue. Length, 3 feet 10 inches; width, 2 feet 3 inches. 288—O.Lp CHINESE Rue Design of deer and stork in light blue on deep, rich blue back- ground. Length, 3 feet 8 inches; width, 1 foot 10 inches. 289—GREEN JADE BowL Of deep green jade. Smooth polished surface. With carved teakwood stand. Diameter, 6 inches. 290—Pair oF WHITE JADE BowLs Grayish-white texture and smooth pol- ished surface. Carved teakwood stands. Height, 4% inches. 291—Mune PorcELAIN STATUETTE Of white Fuchien ware. Coated with a briliant ivory white glaze. Kwannon seated on rock with the infant Buddha. Height, 12 inches. 292—OLp CHINESE BLUE AND WHITE GINGER JAR (K’ang-hsi period) Boldly painted design of lotus flowers and leaves in two shades of blue, on soft white ground. With teakwood stand and cover. Height, 13 inches. 40 293—O.Lp CurnesE Birp Cace (Ch’ien-lung period) Dome shape on four carved ivory feet. Constructed of ivory and lacquer with ornaments of ivory carved intricately in openwork. Utensils of quartz, crystal and porcelain. Ivory fixture for hanging and chain of beads. (See illustration on page 35) 294—Oup CuingsE Birp CaaceE (Ch’ien-lung period) Large, dome shape. Constructed of red lacquer and. tortoise- shell. Ornamented with carved ivory. Utensils of porcelain and cloisonné. (See illustration on page 35) 295—SuPERB HANGING OF CHINESE EMBROIDERY Design of phoenix birds, dog-foos and other animals, lotus flowers, peonies and leaves in gold and rich coloring. With brocade border. The whole forms a specimen of unusual beauty. | | Length, 93 inches; width, 82 inches. (See illustration on page 27) 41 296—OLD JAPANESE SCREEN (Date, 1700) Two-fold. Subject of children playing in garden under cherry tree. In soft colors on gold background. Height, 5 feet 10 inche ; width, 6 feet 3 inches. (See illustration) 297—OLD JAPANESE SCREEN (Date, 1700) Two-fold. Design of palace court and noblemen in prevailing soft green color on gold background. Height, 5 feet 10 inches; width, 6 feet 3 inches. (See illustration) 43 298 298—OLD JAPANESE SCREEN (Date, 1650) Two-fold. Cherry tree, pigeons and rocks boldly painted in soft tones on gold background. Height, 5 feet 7 inches; width, 6 feet. (See illustration) 44 299—O.p JAPANESE SCREEN (Date, 1600) Six-fold. Scene at the foot of Fuji Mountain, showing field of wild flowers in prevailing tones of soft green on gold back- ground. Height, 5 feet 3 inches; width, 11 feet. (See wlustration on page 41) 300 300—OLp JAPANESE SCREEN (Date, 1700) Six-fold. Chinese subject. Garden of the Palace with court ladies playing games. Painted in soft colors. Height, 5 feet 7 inches; width, 11 feet 6 inches. (See illustration) 300A—Pair or Cuinese Patace Cuairs (K’ang-hsi period) In black lacquer. Design of dragon and flowers, painted in tan color on seats. Arms and back carved in geometrical scrolls. ; Height, 39 inches. (See illustration on page 20) 45 THIRD AND LAST AFTERNOON’S SALE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1915 BEGINNING AT 2 O'CLOCK Catalogue Nos. 301 to 472 301—O.Lp CuinEesE Letter Box Landscape and water design in raised gold and black lacquer on brown ground. Length, 19¥% inches. 302—O.p Cuinese LretreR Box Design of landscape in gold lacquer on vermilion ground. Length, 12 inches. 303—OLp CHINESE LEATHER Box Design on exterior and interior of landscape and figures in gold lacquer. Length, 131% inches. 304—OLp CHINESE Rattan CHEST With inside tray. Painted design in panels of dragon and flowers. Lacquered wood mounts. Length, 21 inches. 305—OLp JAPANESE Boat CHEST Of Keyaki wood with wrought-iron mounts. With eight drawers. Height, 20 inches; length, 22% inches. (See illustration) 306—Ivory NETSUKE Two figures of Chinese legendary sages. Robes lacquered in colors. Signed Yoshihide. 307—Ivory NETSUKE Figure of Sesshu, a famous artist who lived in the fifteenth century. Robes beautifully tinted. Signed Yasuaki. 308—Ivory NETSUKE Figure of Kwannon. Face of ivory, body of boxwood. Finely carved and inlaid with mother of pearl. Signed Yoshihide. 309—Ivory NETSUKE Boy and puppy. Signed Raku-Uji. 46 305 310—Ivory anp Woop CaRrvVING Small statuette of statesman. Robes lacquered in colors. Height, 4. inches. 311—WoopEN NETSUKE Mask of demon. Lacquered in gold. Signed Deme. 312—Ivory NETSUKE Shoki and demons. Fine carving. Signed Gyokuso. 313—Ivory NETSUKE In design of opened clam shell, interior of which shows fisher- men drawing nets, house and trees. Splendidly carved of one piece of ivory. Signed Kaigyoku. 314—Ivory NETSUKE Button shape. Carving of chrysanthemums and leaves. 315—Ivory NETSUKE . Boy and puppy. Signed Gyokuso. 47 316—Ivory NETSUKE Rat eating turnip. 317—Ivory NETSUKE Button shape. Musical instruments carved in relief. Signed Gyokuyosai. 318—Nut NETSUKE Hotei mask and other designs. Carved in relief and inlaid in ivory and mother of pearl. 319—LacquER NETSUKE Square button shape. Chrysanthemums inlaid in pearl and colored ivory on black lacquer. 320—Ivory NETSUKE Pine cone shape which opens and shows openwork. Carving of storks and pine trees. Signed Kaigyokusai. 321—Ivory NETSUKE Dog-foo and boy. Signed Shomin. 322—WoopEN NETSUKE Monkey with coral mask. Gourd and leaves inlaid in ivory. 323—Ivory NETSUKE “Happy face” mask. 324—Ivory NETSUKE Lady with fan. 325—TiBETAN Bronze Kwannon (Ch’ien-lung period) Gilded. Height, 21% inches. 326—STRING OF OJIMES Thirty pieces in ivory, metal and lacquer. 327—Topacco PoucH _ Of kiri wood. Ornament in silver of cow and farmer woman. 328—SMALL JADE TABLE SCREEN Inset panel of green jade. Carved in openwork design of phoenix -bird and flowers. With ornamentation of Fei-sui jade and agate. Carved teakwood frame and stand. Height, 7% inches. 48 329—SMALL JADE TABLE SCREEN Circular form of white jade carved in fungus design in low relief. Symbol of happiness, inlaid in pearl. Carved teak- wood frame and support. Height, 9 inches. 330—SMALL JADE TABLE SCREENS Square shape. Inset panel of white jade. Carved in open- work in design of lotus flowers and leaves. Inlaid ornamen- tation in Fei-sui jade and coral, carved in form of bats and symbols. Height, 81% inches. 331—JADE CARVING Figure of sage holding peach. In white jade. | Height, 4 inches. 332—JapE Box Oblong rectangular shape. Allover car- ving in openwork of flowers and leafy scrolls. 332 Length, 41% inches. 333—OLp Korean Bowt (Korat period) Design of chrysanthemums penciled in light green on celadon green ground. Interior shows medallions and fish. - Diameter, 8 inches. 334—OLp CuiInEseE Tra Bownt (Yuan period) Heavy pottery with dark brown glaze, which shows spots caused by dropping oil. 333 Diameter, 5% inches. 335 Orp Cuinesp Tea Bown (Yuan period) Heavy pottery with dark brown glaze, showing spots of lighter brown. Diameter, 514 inches. 336-—OLp Cuiness Porcevain Vase (Ming period) Bottle shape. Coated with a rich mottled peacock-blue glaze. Height, 14 inches. 49 337—OxLp Korean Teapot (Korai period) Melon shape, with cover. Coated with a soft celadon green glaze. Height, 8 inches. 338—OLp Korean Vase (Koraz period) Gallipot shape. Storks and cloud decoration in white on soft celadon ground. Height, 12 inches. 339—OxLp Korean Trapot (Korat period) Melon shape. Incised decoration of lotus flowers under soft celadon g'aze. 337 Height, 8 inches. 340—OLp KorEan VasE (Korat period) Bottle shaped with flaring neck. Decoration of lotus flowers, willow tree and storks in white and black on soft gray glaze. Height, 12 inches. 341—Oup Korean Teapot (Korat period) Melon shape. Chrysanthemum and floral sprays in white and black on soft celadon glaze.¥ Handle repaired. Height, 81% inches: 342—OxLp CHINESE PoRCELAIN DEEP Bow. Incised decoration of dragon under milk-white glaze. Has teakwood cover with jade orna- 34] ment and teakwood stand. Four character marks of Cheng Hua. Height, 13 inches; diameter, 10 inches. 343—Ox.p Cuinese PorceLAIn TEMPLE JAR (K’ang-hsi period) With original cover. Design of court ladies and children in two shades of blue. Height, 12 inches. 344—Mine Pottmry Incense BURNER Bowl shaped with dragon handles. Soft cream-colored glaze on minute crackle. Teakwood cover and stand. Height, 9 inches. 50 345—Mine Pottery PLATE Shallow bowl shape. Soft cream-colored glaze on crackled ground. Diameter, 13 inches. 346—OLD SOAPSTONE CARVING Kwannon in seated posture, holding child. Height, 7 inches. | 847—AcatE DisH Fine transparent texture in color similar to tortoise shell. Highly polished surface. Diameter, 6 inches. 348—Rock CrystTaL ORNAMENT Clearest texture. Carved in design of boy and cow. With carved stand. Height, 5 inches. 849—JapE Bow. Of white jade with spots of emerald green. Diameter, 2 inches. 350—SMALL JADE VASE Grayish white texture in form of an ancient bronze. _ Height, 3% inches. 351 351—OxLp SOAPSTONE STATUETTE Kwannon standing, holding scroll. Teakwood stand. Height, 6 inches. 352—AcaTE Bow. anv DisH Bowl with two dragon handles. Dish irregular oval shape. Light brown color. | 353—SMALL Bue OND CARVING Figure of hermit with dog-foo. Height, 21% inches. 354—WauitE JADE ORNAMENT In form of elephant with boy on back. With stand. Length, 3 inches. 355—OLp SoapsToNE Carvine (Ming period) Seated figure of Kwannon with child. 353 Very fine carving and color. Height, 6 inches. 51 356—GoLD STONE CARVING Figure of Kwannon standing, with stork. Height, 51% inches. 357—Rock CrystaL TEApot With cover. Carved design in high relief of floral scrolls. Clear texture. Teakwood stand. Length, 7 inches; height, 5 inches. ° 3858—AMETHYST ORNAMENT Figure of Kwannon with peach. Height, 3 inches. 359—SMALL JADE Bow. Imperial jade. Clear white texture with brilliant emerald- green spots. 360—CoraL SNUFF BoTTLe Deep red color. Relief design of sage and boy. 361—Ivory Snurr Borrie With ivory stopper. Design of sixteen her- mits carved in high relief. With ivory stand. Height, 4 inches. 362—WHITE JADE CARVING In design of rooster. 361 363—Patrk or Op Cuyinese Paintines (Ming period) On silk. Court ladies playing musical instruments. Soft, delicate coloring. 364—Ser or Srx O_p CuHInesE Paintines (Ming period) On silk. Interior and landscape scenes with figures of ladies. Soft coloring. Signed Chuiu Ying. 365—OLpD CHINESE Paintine (Sung period) On silk. Design of chickens and insects. 52 366 366—Pair OLp CxHinese Parntines (Ming period) On silk. Interior scenes with court ladies. (See illustration on page 53) 367—Parr Otp CuHinese Parntines (Ming period) On silk. Court ladies looking in mirror and writing. Beauti- ful coloring. Signed by artist. 368—OLp Cxuinese Parntine (Early Ming period) On silk. Ladies in garden and bamboo tree. Soft coloring. 369—OLp JAPANESE Parntinc (Date, about 1500) Portrait of Prince Shotoku-Taishi in costume of priest, holding incense burner. 370—Pair or Op Curinese Paintines (Ch’ien-lung period) On glass. Scenes in paradise, showing figures of legendary characters who lived a thousand years. Length, 32 inches; width, 22 inches. 371—O.Lp Cuinese Paintine (Ch’ien-lung period) On glass. Subject, Emperor worshipping on terrace of palace. From the water appear dragon fish and gods. Teakwood frame. Length, 36 inches; width, 27 inches. (See illustration on page 53) 379-—Patr or Op CuinesE Parntines (Ch’ien-lung period) On glass. Interior scenes. Court ladies playing musical instruments and writing. Teakwood frame. Length, 22 inches; width, 16 inches. 373—Oxp CHInesE Paintine (Ch’ien-lung period) On glass. Portrait of court lady with rosary. Beautiful color- ing. With teakwood frame. Length, 26 inches; width, 19% inches. . (See illustration) 374—Parr or Op Cuinese Parntines (Ch’ien-lung period) On glass. Theatrical scenes. Brilliant coloring. Length, 231% inches; width, 18 inches. 54 55 375—Oxp CHINESE Paintine (Ch’ien-lung period) On glass. Portrait of noblewoman reading and holding flower. Fine, soft color. Length, 26% inches; width, 19 inches. (See illustration on page 55) 376—Pair OF PENDANTS One of two pieces of emerald-green jade, the other of rose quartz set in repoussé brass. 377—Pair OF PENDANTS Of blue glass with red beads. 378—Two PENDANTS One of green jade, the other rose quartz. Both carved in openwork. 379—IMPERIAL JADE PENDANT Of mottled white and emerald-green coloring. Carved in openwork border. 380—ImMPERIAL JADE PENDANT ; Brilliant green and white jade. Carved lotus flower in open- work. 381—TouRMALINE PENDANT Ruby color. Peach design. 389—ParrR OF PENDANTS Blue glass with red beads. 383—IMPERIAL JADE PENDANT White and emerald-green jade in openwork carving. 884—Two PENDANTS r One of imperial jade, the other of rose quartz. Carved_in openwork. 885—IMPERIAL JADE PENDANT Emerald-green jade. Carved in butterfly and dragon fly design. 56 386—ImPERIAL JADE PENDANT White and emerald-green jade. Lotus flowers in openwork carving. 387—ImPERIAL JADE PENDANT Design of bean. 388—RosE QuaRTZ PENDANT Peach design. 389—ImMPERIAL JADE PENDANT Emerald-green color. Design of grapes and leaves. 390—LarGE JAPANESE CoprpeR FLowEeR Bown Shallow form, with handles. Design of plum blossoms, applied in gilt on side. Diameter, 15% inches. 391—LarcEe CuinEesE Bronze Buppua (Ch’ien-lung period) In seated posture. Splendidly modeled and gilded. Robes decorated in engraved floral pattern. Height, 20 inches. 392—TatL Woop Carvine (Date, 1750) Statuette of Jizo, the God of Children, in standing posture, holding wand. Gilded and lacquered in rich colors. Height, 30 inches. 393—AntiquE Woop Carvine (Date, 1750) Figure of Jizo seated, holding sacred ball. Rich gilt lacquer. Height, 14 inches. 394—-AnTIQuE Woop Carvine (Date, 1800) Statuette of Kwannon seated on rock and holding lotus bud. Robes richly gilded. Height, 22 inches. 395—Tatu Woop Carvine (Date, 1800) Statue of Kwannon, standing and holding lotus flower. Richly gilded and of high artistic worth. Height, 43 inches. 396—Ser or EieH1 Mina TILes Representing Chinese legendary sages. Heavy pottery coated with three-color glaze of the Ming period. Height, 151% inches. 57 397 398 397—MineG STATUETTE Kwannon standing on lotus leaves. Dignified modeling and coated with a soft cream-color glaze on a minute crackle. (See illustration) | Height, 21 inches. 398—PorcELAIN STATUETTE OF AN Emprror (Ming period) White Fuchien ware coated with a brilliant glaze of ivory white. In seated posture on rock. (See illustration) Height, 13 inches. 399—LarGE CELADON VasE (Ming period) Ovoid bottle shape. Carved and raised design of chrysan- themums and peonies under a pellucid sea-green glaze. With teakwood stand. (See illustration) Height, 25 inches. 58 400—O.tp BrocapE Prisst’s RoBE Various floral designs on variegated ground. Beautiful soft coloring. Length, 75 inches; width, 46 inches. 401—Otp BrocapvE Prisst’s Rose Design of dragon and treasure symbols in gold thread on old rose ground. Length, 80 inches; width, 43 inches. 402—Otp Brocape Prisst’s Rose Geometrical design in gold and blue on cream-colored back- ground. Length, 83 inches; width, 44 inches. 403—OxLp Brocapr Prisst’s Rosre Floral medallions and scrolls in gold and white on rose-pink and soft green ground. A very beautiful and interesting brocade. Lined with white silk. ; Length, 74 inches; width, 44 inches. 404—Otp CuInEsSE Woven Tapestry HANGING Design, five-clawed dragon, fire emblems and waves in gold and blue on soft brown ground. Length, 42 inches; width, 35 inches. 405—O.tp CHINESE WoveN Tapestry HANGING Design of five-clawed dragons, bats, phoenix birds and cloud forms on ground of black and rich old rose. Length, 36 inches; width, 38 inches. 59 406 406—PatrR oF CHINESE IMPERIAL CHAIRS Back and arms carved in scroll pattern with gilded design on vermilion lacquer. Seats of rattan. Height, 37 inches. (See illustration) 407—Pair or CHiInese Lacquer STANDS Inlaid design of peonies and tendrils in mother of pearl on black lacquer. Height, 341% inches. 60 408—Patr or CHINESE LACQUER SrTaNpDs (Ch’ien-lung period) With shelf. Water and landscape design painted in gold on black lacquer. Height, 83% inches. (See tllustration) 409—OLD JAPANESE Boat CHEST WITH DRAWERS Of kiri wood, mounted in wrought iron. Height, 17 inches. 410—O.Lp JAPANESE Boat CHEST Of kiri wood mounted in wrought iron and _ deco- rated with brass crest. Has five drawers. Height, 16 inches. 411—LarGeE ANTIQUE JAPANESE Boat Crust CC Of kiri wood mounted in 408 | handsomely wrought iron. With two drawers. Height, 221% inches; length, 33 inches. 412—OxLp JAPANESE Boat CHEST Of keyaki wood mounted in wrought iron. With five drawers. Height, 18 inches. 413—OLp JAPANESE Boat CHEST Of keyaki wood mounted in wrought iron. With five drawers. Height, 19 inches. 414—Larce AntIQquE Boat CHEST Of keyaki wood with elaborate wrought iron mounts. Two drawers. Length, 131% inches; height, 21 inches. 415—ImPERIAL CHINESE CuHatr (Ch’ten-lung period) Of teakwood with inlaid designs of palace, landscape and water scenes in ivory. Height, 31 inches. 61 416 416—HancinGa BELL or JADE AND AGaTE Openwork carving of floral designs. Support of carved teak- wood and white jade. : Height, 23 inches. (See illustration) 417 417—Patr or GREEN JADE INCENSE BOXES In form of quail. Light green texture and high polish. On silk stands. Length, 4% inches. 418—Rock Crystau INnceNsSE BURNER In form of an ancient bronze. Scroll design in low relief and with elephant head and loose ring handles. Clearest texture. With teakwood stand. Height, 4 inches. 419 419—Corau SNUFF BOTTLE Pink color. Design of peonies id cat carved in high mclief s Green jade stopper. 420—GREEN JapE SNUFF BoTTLE Ovoid shape. Of unusual deep green color and highly Plisie. A rare specimen. 63 AQ] 421—PaIr OF WuitEe JADE ORNAMENTS In form of elephants with boys on their backs. Well modeled. With teakwood stands. Height, 4 inches. 424 422 422—SmMALu WHITE JADE VASE . Octagonal shape. With teakwood cover and stand. ; Height, 3 inches. 423—Rock CrystaL ORNAMENT Of clearest texture. Carved in the form of mandarin ducks and lotus blossoms. With carved stand. Height, 6 inches; length, 714 inches. 424—CoraAL SNUFF BoTTLE Beautiful pink color. Relief carving of peonies. Leafy scrolls and squirrel. 64. 425—CarveD PorcELAIN SNuFF Botte (Yung Chéng period) Pleasure boat and water scenes carved in high relief and painted in brilliant enamels. (See illustration) 426—WuitE JADE INCENSE Box Shape of hanging bell. Dragon flies and symbols carved in openwork. 427—IMPERIAL JADEITE VASE In form of ancient bronzes, with cover and loose ring handles. Phoenix birds, plum tree and bamboo tree carved in low relief. Beautiful emerald-green and white texture. With teakwood stand. Height, 61% inches. 428—Pair or AGATE SNUFF BOTTLES . Light brown texture. Carved in the form of pine cones and leaves. 429—Pair or WHITE JADE ORNAMENTS Of grayish-white texture. In form to represent mountains. Relief carvings of trees, water and rocks. With elaborately carved teakwood stands. Length, 71% inches; height, 614 inches. 430—Four PENDANTS Two of malachite and jade and two of amber. With repoussé brass mounts and silk tassels. Carved in various forms of fruits and leaves. 65 431—Pairn oF SMALL JADE BuppHAS Seated on lotus thrones. The Buddhas are carved of white jade of mutton-fat texture, the halos carved of green jade, which is incised and gilded. Height, 3% inches. 432—IMPERIAL JADE ORNAMENT Carved in form of sage with frog of emerald-green jadeite of high quality. Teakwood stand. '. 433—Wuitrt Jape Snurr Botrie (Chien-lung period) Carved in form of fish. Unusual specimen. 434—S TRING oF THtrrtTy BEADS Five each of rose quartz, aquamarine, crystal, green jade, tourmaline and smoked crystal. 436 435—AMETHYST SNUFF BorTLE Eggplant with leafy tendrils carved in high relief. 436—IMPERIAL JADE VASE Cylindrical form with rudimentary handles. Emerald-green jade of high quality. Height, 3 inches. 437—Four SMALL JADEITE BoxkEs Of white jade with brilliant emerald-green. markings. 66 438—WuitE JADE INCENSE Box Cover carved in openwork bamboo design. Sides in grooved pattern. Length, 3 inches. 439—DovusLE Guass SNuFF BOTTLE Cucumber form with leaves and tendrils. Deep green color with stand and stoppers. 440—Patr or JADEITE INCENSE Boxes Round form and plain surface of mottled green and white texture. 441—CINNABAR Lacquer Snurr Borrie (Ch’ien-lung period) Figures and tree subject deeply carved in dark red lacquer. 442—S1x SMALL JADE CUPS Smooth surface. Of mottled white and emerald-green jade. 443—Hancine BELL or JADE Grayish-white texture. With carved teakwood support. Height, 11 inches. 44] Fine pink color. Carved in peony and phoenix bird design in high relief. 444—CorAL SNUFF BOTTLE 67 4AS 445—Patr or Haneine BELiLs or WHITE JADE Openwork carving of fish, bats and scroll patterns, mounted on elaborate stands of teakwood and also have glass cases. Height, 221% inches. (See illustration) 446—O.Lp CHINESE Rua Dog-foo and medallion pattern in deep blue and soft pink on delicate yellow ground. 2 feet 5 inches square. 68 447 447—O.p CHINESE SADDLEBACK Rue Medallion and peony pattern on rich blue ground. Length, 4 feet 1 inch; width, 1 foot 7 inches. 448—OLp CHINESE Rua | Floral medallion, peonies and good luck symbols in blue, salmon-pink and white on imperial yellow ground. 2 feet 3 inches square. 449—Oxtp CHINESE Rue Floral medallions, peonies and scroll design in two shades of blue and soft yellow on rose-pink ground. Length, 4 feet 7 inches; width, 2 feet 4 inches. 450—Oxtp CHINESE Rue | Treasure symbols and leaf designs in light blue and dark blue on old rose ground. Borders in treasure symbols on imperial yellow ground. Size, 2 feet 8 inches square. 451—O.Lp CHINESE RuG Lotus and peony design in two shades of blue, soft pink and imperial yellow, on a background of geometrical pattern in dark blue. Size, 2 feet 2 inches square. 452—Otp CHINESE RuG : Very heavy woolen pile. Medallion, lotus flower and peonies in soft white and light blue on lapis blue background. Borders in geometrical design in light blue. Length, 3 feet 10 inches; width, 2 feet. 453—OLp CHINESE RuG Peonies and Greek fret design in two shades of blue, yellow and white on a rose-pink ground. Length, 3 feet 10 inches; width, 2 feet 2 inches. 69 454 456 454—Oup CHINESE Rue Dragon and waves design in two shades of red, yellow and deep blue. Rare specimen of the Ming period. Length, 4 feet 7 inches; width, 2 feet 2 inches. (See illustration) 455—O Lp CHINESE WovEN ‘TAPESTRY Dragon, cloud forms, sacred pearl and treasure symbols in two shades of blue and brilliant red on a background of gold thread. Border in wave motif. 36 inches square. 456—IMPERIAL EMBROIDERED WALL HANGING Dragon, cloud forms and waves in heavy gold threads and two shades of blue. Border in similar design, on a background of rich imperial yellow. Size, 55 inches square. (See illustration) 70 459 71 457—OLD JAPANESE CABINET Of gold embossed leather with bronze mounts. Floral designs in various colored lacquers. Has six drawers. Height, 12% inches. 458—Ser or Otp Curnese Haneine Paintines (Ming period) Four in set forming one picture. Legendary subject of many female angels and symbolical animals in the Garden of Paradise. Carefully painted in rich colors. 459—LaRGE JAPANESE Woop Carvine (Date, 1650) Seated figure of Emma, the supreme judge of Hades, nobly carved and lacquered in soft coloring. Height, 34 inches. (See illustration on page 71) 460—O.Lp JapANESE Woop Carvine (Date, 1650) Seated figure of Buddha on lotus throne. A remarkable specimen of artistic carv- ing. Deep, rich colored lacquer. Height, 28 inches. (See illustration) 461—Otp JAPANESE Woop Carvine (Date, 1700) Seated figure of Buddha on tall lotus throne. Splendidly carved and richly gilded. Height, 31 inches. | 462—Very Otp JAPANESE Woop CARVING (Date, about 1400) Standing figure of Buddha on lotus throne, with elaborate leaf-shaped halo. Finely modeled and gilded. The robes have been colored, but little remains to show it. 460 (See illustration) ) Height, 74 inches. 462 73 463—OLp JAPANESE Woop Carvine (Date, 1750) Figure of Buddha standing on lotus, which rests on the back of a dog-foo. Has leaf-shaped halo and the whole is richly gilded. Height, 18 inches. (See illustration) 464—OxLp Curtnese Birp Cacr (Chien-lung period ) Dome shaped with four carved wood feet. Cage of bronze wires, base of lacquer in- laid with floral designs in mother of pearl. . Utensils of white jade. Hanging chain of 463 bronze. 465—O.Lp Cuinese Birp Cace (Ch’ien-lung period) 466— Square shape. Constructed of bamboo with carved ivory ornamentation. Utensils of ivory, carved intricately in open- work and has fei-tsui jade holder. Furnished with seven carved ivory sticks for holding worms for bird. Has chain of beads. (See illustration on page 35) Oxtp CHINESE Birp CaaeE (Ch’ien-lung period) Large, dome shape. Constructed of ivory with carved ivory ornaments and blue and white porcelain water cup; with metal fixture for hanging. Has chain of beads. 467 467—OLD JAPANESE T'wo-Foip ScrEEN (Date, 1600) Painting on paper of pine trees and camellia flowers in dark green and broadly painted. Height, 5 feet 7 inches; width, 5 feet 10 inches. (See illustration) 75 468 468—OLp JAPANSEE Two-FoLD SCREEN Chinese subject of court scene. Noblemen and attendants writing. Carefully painted in various soft-toned colors. Height, 5 feet 7 inches; width, 6 feet 2 inches. (See illustration) 76 469 469—Sr1x-FoLtp JAPANESE SCREEN Cherry trees, blossoms, birds and streams. In many soft colors. Height, 5 feet 6 inches; width, 12 feet 6 inches. (See allustration) 470 470—S1x-FoLp JAPANESE SCREEN Companion to number 469. Boldly painted design of chrysan- themums, pheasants, pine tree and stream in soft tones of green and gold. Height, 5 feet 6 inches; width, 12 feet 6 inches. (See illustration) 77 471—Larce JEWELED Gray JADE INCENSE BuRNER (Ch’ien-lung period) With dark green jade stand. Fashioned in tripod shape, with dragon head handles and_ loose rings. The body and cover are carved archaic scroll motifs, in low relief. Beautifully carved sitting lion on the top of cover, which makes a knob. The eyes of lion and dragon studded, and rim and body enriched with rubies, fei-tsui green jades and sapphires. Fluted circular stand with low legs. Height, 13 inches; diameter, 12 inches. (See illustration) 472—GRAND CHINESE PALACE SCREEN In gold and colors. This superb example of Chinese art in lacquer work and painting, a production of the late seventeenth century, 1s composed of twelve wooden panels, embellished with elaborate landscape decorations, in tarnished rich gold lacquer on black lacquer ground. Each panel has a different view of famous scenes in China and its style is taken from celebrated Sung paintings. Above the landscape picture proper there is one small panel, and below, one large panel and two small ones, decorated in gold with “Flowers of the Four Seasons’: plum, peony, lotus and chrysanthemum. The color of the background on the reverse side of the screen is of “Shu” red lacquer and is most unusual, as it is seldom used. so extensively for palace screens. Natural growing “‘ Flowers of the Four Seasons” and birds of each season are beautifully painted in colors, on the “Shu” ground, this style also being 7 of the Sung dynasty. Height, 7 feet 7 inches; extends 16 pe 6 ihe (See illustration) 78 ILAPI5—Digie oA RRE RS aes 2