* ae ae aeey : see xe SSSR po Ned RE SED La F hens al ; i he aK : ti a Je ‘ Z ; aS hs oS AGREES STE IIIS ME SM MER GME IS TLE ARATE TTR NR PTO ETE EN PEI i eae DE RESEND LS ae POS IY ES IT SF ORI feb ae WL Eek. REAL OTITIS SIE IE MORSE aT ne 1 RAR SACO . = Ree Up ioe ek ce | Lh ie) & = id wo Rare [dithytats Hen itt | pre Pre i i sat ee e ik Goods ‘argued at the sales ~ from the premises within one week 5 in "bids should ¢ come. throu gh Agents. 7 Vv: Books < are presumed | to fe pees wise stated. Imperfect books (not 50° _ teturned within three days. CATALOGUE a py BERDEEN CABINET deciding upon the Expedi- : ard tion to the Crimea. Engraved by Wm. Walker, after John Gilbert. Folio. 1857. 70 2. ALLONGE. Original Charcoal Drawing by this cele- _——prated French artist. Landscape. Folio. Ly £3. AMERICAN COUNTRY LIFE. The Stump Speaker, 6° after G. C. Bingham. Mezzotint by Gautier. 1856. Very $ — searce proof before letters on Chinese paper. = 4. AMERICAN VIEWS. Lake George; Indian Rock // (Narragansett); the River Road (New England). Three charmingly colored. Bellows and others. (3 pieces.) af] °/5) AMERICAN WOOD ENGRAVERS. Engravings on 00d by Members of the Society of Am. Wood Engravers. a Text by William M. Laffin. Folio, cloth. Harper, 1887. ,2& 6. ANDERSON (MARY). Mezzotint by T. Q. Atkinson, /— after G. McCulloch. Signed proof by painter and engraver // on india (margin cut). Colored by hand. Folio. oa 7 ANTWERP, HOLLAND. Companion to San Giorgio’s fal #Venice. Original etching by Charles F. Allbon. Re- ob marqué artist proof, signed, on Japanese paper. Oblong we AO. See Venice, San Giorgio. ie 8. ARCTIC. ‘American Ships at Winter Quarters, 7 — Marble Island, Hudson Bay’ (Schwatka’s Franklin Search Party, 1878-80). Original painting, executed on the spot, / by Henry W. Kluteschak. In handsome gold frame, 40 in. x 34 in. jo 9. AUGUSTUS AND CLEOPATRA. After Raphael — Mengs, engraved by J. P. Bittheuse. Folio. ‘OG 10. AVENIR ET SOUVENIRS. Two lithographs by ~~ Nanteuil. Good impressions. Folio. (3 pieces.) / Al. PARTOLOZZI (F.) The Widow, after Angelica ae Kauffman. Original oper letter proof, but late coloring. 4to (skinned in a few places). ys 12. BELLOWS (A. F.) Sunday Afternoon, engraved by />— Hunt; A Quiet Nook, and Life’s Day (Night), engravings ~~ aie by Wellstood. Neatly colored. 4to. (3 pieces.) A nanan 2 The Anderson Auction Co. ~ Engraved by C. G. Lewis Fine impression. Title in open letters. Large 4to. 69 14. BOSTON (VIEW OF). Colored lithograph by Our-( Q rier & Ives. 1878. Folio. Fine condition. 0 EF 15. View of Boston, by Governor Pownall, 1757, fine 4 re-impression; and two curious German views of King Street , , pee , and the Town Hall. 4to. (3 pieces.) : / -g5 16. BOUCHER (FR.) Diane sortant du Bain, Etched a ~ by Hedouin. On india paper. Folio. 45 1%. BOUGUEREAU. Alma Parens. Fine impression (B / >0 on india paper. Folio. y /p /, 18. BOUTET (HENRY). Original Etching Calendar, 7, __ 1880; Fisherman, after Delort. 4to. (2 pieces. ) L _ 2 19. BRETON (JULES). A Gleaner. Etched by Letenier. & ae A 20. BRITISH HOUSE OF COMMONS. Fine line en- // ---graving by T. D. Barlow, after John Phillips. Scene drawn when the Treaty of Commerce was being discussed. Ex- /) cellent portraits of Lord Palmerston, W. E. Gladstone, Disraeli, Cobden, John Bright, Sir G. C. Lewis, Sir Hugh Cairns, and others. In neat frame, 374 in. x 304 in. 21. BROOKLYN, N. Y. Finely drawn Lithograph by Smith Bros., after the well-known artist J. W. Hill. The . ; spectator is supposed to be standing at Wall Street Ferry )) ~ looking across the East River, and the view shows the whole LY extent of Brooklyn as far as the eye can reach. Shipping and steamers in the river. In neat frame, 46 in. x 324 in. INGO Y L855. y 3° 22. BROWN (J. G.) The Dude. Engraved by H. B. Hall, — ~ Jv. Fine impression before the title, on india paper. Folio. ) ie (S23. BROZIK (V.) La Féte de la Grandmére. Etched ~ by La Guillermie. Fine impression. Folio. yd 24. BUHOT (FELIX). Portrait of this celebrated rae tie V —etcher, by Loy Delteil. Drypoint. Signed proof. Rare. 4to. ad 75 5. —— The Cardinal, after Vibert. Fine proof on_{) —— Japan paper. Aare. 8vo. /2/~ 2%. BUNKER HILL BATTLE, and Death of Montgomery, (pp 1775. Fine folio for framing. (Modern reproductions.) ri E613. BONHEUR (ROSA). Denizens of the Highlands. Gil Y VU, aaa US is J —, ( pieces.) 4 be 27. BURNS (ROBERT). Engraved by Wm. Walker and Oi -o finished by Samuel Cousin, after Nasmyth. Folio. o 28. Burns’ Betrothal to Highland Mary, after James lle Nis Archer. Engraved by R. Josey. Open letters. (Margins cut.) Folio. 9 ~ The Anderson Auction Co. fi been 29. ABANEL (ALEX.) Un Poete Florentine. En- 74, (\,, graved by Huot. Colored by hand. Fine. Ob- A/, Ky long 4to. = eh iG Y 30. —— Birth of Venus, etched by Leopold Flameng, / | —— 1863. Beautiful impression on india paper. Ato. of ¢ 31. CAISARS. Augustus and Alexander the Great of /). . / Greece. Engraved by J. Falk, after Vignon [circa 1750]. A. is ee Folio. Fare. (2 pieces.) J. 25 32. CALIFORNIA. View of Sutter’s Mill and Culloma , — Valley (where gold was first discovered). Colored litho- \///y ( )/- graph by Sarony and Major, after John Little. Folio. Rare. na a go 33. CHAIGNEAU. French Farmyard Scene. Original is y/! Hh —— etching proof. 4to. me i LA , Kz 34. CHAPLIN (CH.) Les Prémieres Fleurs. Etched by ~- - hee A eid /- H. Toussaint. Large 4to. . Z© 35. CHARLES I. AND VAN DYCK AT HAMPTON A- ), ale. — COURT, after R. A. Muller. Engraved by Pierre Cottin. 4 Choice open letter impression on india paper. Folio. _[2-36. CHARLES L., after Van Dyck. Etched by Armand 7%, Ace- _ €2 Mathey. Beautiful open letter proof on india paper. Le: ce 2) Scarce. —}+7 37. CHARLESTON, 8. C. An Exact Prospect of Charles- / we ton, the Metropolis of the Province of South Carolina. En: )/ Y po r oe graved for the London Magazine [circa 1765]. Oblong 4to. ‘Rar é. 7D te 88. CHARTRES CATHEDRAL. Drawn and etched by [ Ce A) , Delaney. Folio. Ne 539. CHEPSTOW CASTLE. Original Etching by David = 7 / Ae on Whatman paper. Folio. ,30 40. COAL EXCHANGE. The New One at Thames Ky OA. Street. Opening ceremony. Lond. 1849. Vir by oe "4, go fAI. aan t ‘a Macc quatint by C. Hunt, after Shayer, showing the - ous Bull and Mouth Coaching Office in London. In. frame (frame and pene in sate condition), eS in x.2o in. 1841. 2 ee ae o 42. COLEMAN (G. ) The Maid and the Magpie. Original etching. Printed in sepia on Japanese paper. Stamped “ a by the London Printsellers’ Association. ge 3. COLORED MEZZOTINT. Half-length Portrait of , . - / — Ses S. Booth, famous actress. Engraved by H. Meyer, Vy k Fe after W. H. Pickersgill. Printed in colors (repaired). In Se frame, 13 in. by 17 im. Lond. 1813. 3 A y Seat ha) The Anderson Auction Co. $0 44. COLUMBUS. Dawn Revealing the New World to wo 4 _ Columbus. Engraved by W. H. Egleton, after George (bal Harvey. Folio. . . X70 45: COLUMBUS IN CABIN, 1492, hearing his Sailors — a " 2 9 call out, Land! Land!! Land!!! after T. 8S. Gullick. Proof — | “s ——on india paper (margin cut). Folio. g© 46. CONSTABLE (JOHN). The Lock. Engraved by 2) ~~—~David Lucas. Open letter proof. Folio. ‘ & (? 47. COROT. Le Batelier. Etched by Theodore Chauvel. ~) _ y, ~~ Beautiful open letter proof on Chinese paper. Folio. fare: “ 1 Z SD dst Pastorale. Beautiful etching by Brunet-De-A» Z —~hpaines on Japan paper. Folio. : yn y 2. eS ee, The Old Oak. Etched by L. Desbrosses. Ar-@ ~'| be ~ tist’s proof, signed with remarqué, on. Japanese paper. T 4 Folio. : PO 50. La Chaumiére, charming little proof, etched Pe . _...by Brunet-Debaines; Texel, etched by Dubourg, proof. (2 pieces.) ~ _Greuze. Mezzotint. Script letters on india paper. Ato. wt £ , 75 51. COUSINS (SAMUEL). The Little Pouter, after () | Lo. Phim‘ No.” | Mezzotint; ather usin eee Millais, / R.A. Open letter proof on india paper. are. In fine ,, — condition. i} ips. cua. Cherry Ripe. Mezzotint, after Sir J. E. Millais. - ¥ , Open letter impression on india paper. Folio. In neat frame, 384 in, x 26 in. J 254. New Laid Eggs. After Sir J. E. Millais. Folio. : £9 55. ~— Doves of Peace... Atear Goodall. Fine ex- . / “ample by Cousins in proof state on india paper. Folio. ae , © 56. —— Patient in Tribulation. After F. Goodall” ( “Fine example by Cousins in proof state on india paper. -# Folio. | j S$ 57. —— Fine Engraving by Samuel Cousins of Sir J. EY ”/ / ~~ Millais’ famous painting, ‘‘ Ophelia.” (Margins cut close.) : fo oY» 58. DANTE. Le Dante. After P. C. Comte. India ' PRE paper. Folio. ;/Q 59, DAUBIGNY (CH.) Pare. & Mouton ieee ; / ——~Original etching. Beautiful early impression on Chinese > l, \ paper. 4to. Scarce. oT ?e 60. Solitude. The famous etching by Chauvel of +) ,. »s the painter’s masterpiece. Fine impression on Whatman (| / 5 —~ paper. Signed proofs have sold as high as $500. 61. Les Vendanges. Etched by F. Lefman. 1870. JY ; ; Rare proof on Japanese paper. Folio. 4 The Anderson Auction Co. ae Vy ; A 4D 62. DE BOISSEU. Original Etching. Monk Praying. - eye AS {Very fine and rare proof. 1795. Ato. agree 1-63, Old Porte de Veize at Lyons. Splendid impres- / - ‘i ‘/ sion. Original etching. 4to. 1803. Rr) 97s 64. —— Original Etching. Pius VII., at the request of ~ the Lyonese, opens up the Saone for Commerce. 4to. _Zd 65. —— The Schoolmaster. Choice proof on Chinese ()) fA —paper. 4to. 1780. are. TY - ey PAS Sis Flute Player. Very scarce proof. 4to. 1782. pt Bt — (Original Etching. Au BorddulLac. 4to. fare. ye —1807 ay 68. Original Etching. Cardinal Blessing Children. —1803. Fineand rare. 4to. sq 69. Landscape and Cattle. 1801. Choice proof, v7, —-very scarce on Chinese paper. 4to. : = iar 40 Original Etching. The Schoolmaster. 1770. — Beautiful and rare proof. 4to. 4d 71. Original Etchings. Beggars; Studies. Very —-fine and searce. 4to. (2 pieces.) ! ; 70. 72. Two Studies of Heads. 1770. Rare and beau- of. } an ls —tiful proofs. 4to. (2 pieces.) a SO. Te, Original Etchings. The Wine Cellar, 1793; Qa, (\y, ‘Shepherds, 1799. 2drawing pieces. Rare proof. (2 pieces.) aay, vy | ¥ OOS Vue des Pont Lucano, near Rome; Landscape /~--with Waterfall, after Craesberc. 2 rare pieces. 4to. LA 0 75. Original Etchings. Studies of Head. 1770. Very scarce and in fine condition. 4to. (3 pieces.) A jo 7. DE GRAVESANDE (CHARLES). Grand Canal, (y q) 3 — Venice. Drypoint. Signed D. G. Printed by the artist. | ‘g Vy hn. Jan \ ay, “ Wi Lh A 74 ¥ + Meme eel Rare. Large 4to. SOT. DELAROCHE (PAUL). Les Girondins. Choice re / —— impressions on india. Thesmaller copy. Folio. ina gO %8. DICKSEE (F.) ‘‘Sylvia.”’ Mezzotint by D. Miller..£,W a —Seript letter proof on india paper, with stamp of Printseller Ass., London. Beautiful impression. 79. DICKSEE (HERBERT). Original Etching, ‘*‘ Good y J 2 Bye.” Fine impression on Japanese paper. Large folio. Ay + i gs 80. DIAZ (N.) L’Orage. Etched by Theo. Chauvel. (GC QM bane 7 ——Magnificentimpression. Folio. Pe : i fw /O 81. DOMENICHINO. Portrait of Cardinal Ludovici, / /_/ etched by E. Doby; Portrait of a Lady, by Eisenhard. 255 a8 (2 pieces. ) ae, 5 The Anderson Auction Co. gs 82. DOUX REPOS DES BERGERS, after Loutherbourg, —- engraved by Pre Laurent; La Malheureuse Famille Calas, 5 jh after Carmontell, 1765, engraved by Delafosse. Folio. hige jue (2 pieces. ) , / 83. DRAMATIC. ‘‘In Memoriam.’’ Heads of Noted American Actors and Actresses, dee T. 8. Hamblin) Matilda Heron, Gustavus V. Brooke, J. W. Wallack, J. BV) 4 Booth, ete. With facsumile autographs, lithographs. Foli {i (neat repair). N. Yeas Stone destroyed. 95 84. Miss Brachfeld, great German Actress, after “_.Lehnbach. Etched by Hecht. Fine open letter proof. 4to. ‘/ 10 ~=—s 85. New Opera House at Vienna, etched by Rudolf Alt; Curtain Decoration for Tragic Opera for same, etched ne Klaus. Small folio. (2 pieces. ) 9 6 86. —— Portraits of M. Paul, M. Odryand Mdlle. Dange- '“ ville in character. 4to, colored. (3 pieces.) gs 8%. DUNGANNON (LADY), after Hoppner. Colored () -print, on thin rice paper. 4to. ina 288. DURER (ALBERT). Portrait of, engraved by F. uy / Orne G0 Foster. 4to. fare. 1 o%-“g9, DURHAM CATHEDRAL. Original Etching by V7 a) Doe S. Hine. Fine impression on Whatman paper. O os — ore | Ae Ce —930), FLPWARDS (S. ARLENT). Lady Hamilton. Mezzo- s tint, after Romney. Proofon thinrice paper. 4to. 1/ —— ‘‘ THE FORTUNE TELLER.”’ MEZZOTINT PRINTED City J ‘IN COLORS. SIGNED, AND WITH PENCIL INSCRIPTION. *‘ Hn- /£=- “graved and printed in colors alone, printing without retouch- ag ing.” Large 4to. A brilliant original impression by this famous modern en graver of the exceedingly rare and charming original engrav’ ing. Beautifully executed and finely printed in colors. ~,- 92. EMPRESS OF GERMANY (VICTORIA—DAUGHTER > (” OF THE LATE QUEEN), pinx. 1888 while with her husband, at San Remo; Head of an Italian Girl, engraved by AI oe phonse Lamotte, signed remarqué proof. on vellum, fine, —~. very scarce. 25 93. ETCHINGS. La Sortie, by ’Hermitte; Andacht im 3 _-Walde; and 2 others on india paper. Folio. (4 pieces.) Ut , GO 94, PYASHION PLATES, Erc. L’Art dela Mode. Re- ; as production en Noir et en Couleurs de Costumes, d’Ameublements, de Joyaux, etc. Vols. 2 and 3 in one | VY vol. Folio, half roan (covers loose). Paris, 1881-82 Pm hy Meee Old Colored Engravings of Hasiiey Plates, by _--Ackerman. 1828. (5 pieces.) a » 96. —— Another lot. (5 pieces.) f ; ied The Anderson Auction Co. 5 9%. FEMME FELLAH (Egyptian Woman). After Lan- } delle. Engraved by Prof. Rudolf Stang of Dusseldorf. Bimeexampleoflineengraving. Folin = . = ™* \ ,90__98. FORREST (EDWIN). Three-quarter length, seated. / aay ee: _-~ Photograph by Gutekunst. Folio. With pencilled in-(| 4/ (Xen scription, ‘‘ Presented to Lester Wallack by Edwin Forrest. ae Si * Lv 99. FORTUNY. ‘‘Choosing the Model.” Etched by ) —~ Champollion. Proof on Japanese paper. Large 4to. — , {o 100. Z “yo 291. ‘Fine impression. 4to. BelOe: Antechamber of Monsieur. Etched by 8. J. /7 3 ages: “*~ Ferris. 4to, on india paper. ,66 103. Two original etchings, The Mendicant and The —Muletier. 4to. (2 pieces.) / é y 104. FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). Oval lithograph. Bust. Original etching. The Fortune Teller. Ato. Folio, in frame 21 in. x 17 in. »/2105. FRENCH REVOLUTION. Lithographs by Delpech of Mirabeau, Danton, Soult, De Neuf Chateau, and Cham- pionet. Folio. (5 pieces.) 7 JrA06. Lithographs by Delpech of Robespierre, Chau- | ——-veau-Lagarde, Joseph Debon, Decazes, De Polygnac, and Goroisart. (6 pieces. ) $0-107. FRITH (W. P.), Merry-Making in the Olden Time, _~ _ engraved by Holl; The Smile, after Webster, by Rice. Ob- gio long 4to. (2 pieces.) 4 o© 108. fee (LUCIEN). Chateau de Chillon. Origi- f eee nal etching. Brilliant impression on india paper. Folio. » « 109. —— The Last Rose of Summer. Remarqué proof, signed, on Japanese paper. Oblong 4to. 4 £10. GAINSBOROUGH (THOMAS). The Cottage Door. 4 —tehed by C. Koepping. Beautiful open letter impression. Folio. vow}, / 111. GEROME (J. L.) Une Hache Paille Egyptien; Relais | “de Chiens dans le Desert. Both etched by Paul Rajon. 4to. 90 112. Corps de Garde Cairo, etched by Paul Rajon; / rnautes Jouant de Dames, by Valentin. 4to. (2 pieces.) 7/113. ‘ Aleibiade chez Aspasie,”? ‘“‘L?Almée,”’ and ee «Bain Maure.’? Etched by Charles Courtry. Fine impres- sions, full margins. Folio. (8 pieces.) ~ é Original etching. The Kabyle. Most scarce. A, | : ded, ‘hy - L ya . [p LOPVAA) Je y E ee } \ 7 tS NG ms . ; \ 7d £9 7 A f ; 4 The Anderson Auction Co. ; oa GLADSTONE (W. E.—England’s Grand Old Man). (Richy ina’ c Drawn and etched by Batley. Folio. j) Ya z q 115. GLOUCESTER HARBOR, Mass. Original Etching LAbe 2. be by Chas. W. Mielatz. Signed artist’s proof. Folio. 1s 116. GOYA, Portrait of, etched by John Boilly, after mn ('" Lopez, rare; and a fine proof etching after Dubufe. j 3 (2 pieces. ) 4 (1). GREY (EXECUTION OF LADY JANE). By Mer- /) | 4 | ,eury, after Paul Delaroche. One of the masterpieces of line | : ES engraving. Open letter impression. Large 4to. ; /° 118. GUIDO. Beatrice Cenci. Engraved by Garavaglia. (yn Ato. p ae sa 119. GWYNNE (NELL), after Sir Peter Lely. 4to. / omen g3 2120. TITADEN (SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR). Kilgaren // (3 » Castle, Wales. Signed proof. 4to. 3 +57 121. New Castle in Emlyn. Etched Aug. 17, 1864. A 7] “Signed proof. 4to. | 36-122. Battersea Reach. Signed proof on thin Japan- YW 2 ) S@ese paper. 4to. fare. ds: a 7 “4123. —— Castle Bridge. Signed proof. 4to. Rage : 3 i, $? 124. —— Cowdray with three Cows. Signed proof. 4to. at Vy $° 125. —— Grim Spain. 4to. Gc F tine / ed 126. —— Scotch Ravine. 4to. | Co _, ¥O127. —— Copy of the Famous Shere-Mill Pond. Pier ves, gor tes. HAIG (AXEL H.) St. Mark’s, Venice. Original fa) a oo eee signed proof. 0% ang. Madonna with Musket, St. Mark’s, venice (O) ‘)- "Original etching, signed proof. 4to. von? 70130. Chapel of the Sacrament, St. Mark’ s, Venice. ° ees Original etching, signed proof. 4to. _¢ > gd Toh. The Baptistry, St. Mark’s, Venice. Original Ye 4 ~~" etching, signed proof. 4to. 40 132. HALS (FRANZ). Portrait, etched by Unger, A//, ~Charming proof on india paper. 4to. ~ } / me ' 133. HARRISON (GENL., DEATH OF). Colored utno- () “graph by H. R. Robinson. 4to. are. , © 134. HAVANA, CUBA. Colored lithograph by Smith, W\ V/ jf ~~1851. Large folio. ; * ,/O 1385. HEILBRUN. Rare old View. H. L. Wolffey ex. 4 “[ Circa 1600. | / 8 The Anderson Auction Co. {22 136. HERKOMER (PROF. HUBERT). Welsh Woman. Dib Poi L " Original etching. Large 4to. wo PA AAL HO 137. HOLLAND, WINDMILL IN. Original etching by ( VA, <2 Se Thevenin. Signed artist’s proof on india paper. 4to. Kv SRr wt 438. HUDSON RIVER PORTFOLIO. View No. pe A co after W.G. Wall. Engraved by J. Hill. Colored impress IN YY -—~ sion. Folio. go. 189. HUGUENOTS. Fugitives for Conscience’ Sake leav- /~_ing Flemish Coast for America, after J. C. Staniland. a Engraved by J. B. Hunt. Folio. £0 140. HUGUENOT’S FAMILY ESCAPE FROM THE — MASSACRE OF ST. BARTHOLOMEYW, after E. 8. Ken- nedy. Engraved by Scott. Folio. SS 141. RVING (WASHINGTON), after Ww. H. Powell. vA ) BS oe 6 eis Engraved by Paul Leprix. Pub. N. Y. 1863. AC Proof. Folio. — 70_142, py ACQUE (CHAS.) Happy Idleness. Etched by // PyaerA)Wv VA © Margelidon. Folio. Sooo fp 55> 143. JACQUE (LEON—Son of Charles Jacque). Hay- (t™/ __—ti¢ks. Original etching, signed proof. 4to. ee eh 4 144. JACQUEMART (JULES). The Violoncellist. Fine YY /y_ i 1 Fe | ‘ | proof on thin Japanese paper. Ato. go 145. Portrait of Mona Lisa (La Joconde), after Yh \ ie J — Leonardo Da Vinci. Choice open letter proof on Chinese paper. Large folio. , 46 146. Laughing Portrait after Rembrandt. ——47. —— Chinese Porcelaine. Proof. 4to. VY AS ae te iH a) Dm 148. kK AULBACH (HERMAN), after Children at Con- fession, a by W. Schmidt; The Confes- (ny Not ; sional, after Passini, by Unger. Beautiful etchings on Uf Y i India paper. are. (2) Y §O© 149. YT ADISLAS. Receiving the Proposals of King pe pam 7 seal Ladislas. After Brozik. Folio. a A yg 150. LALANUS (MAXIME). A Neuilly. Rare impres- A). —sion on the Seine near Paris. 4to. ee 67 151. LANGON (A.) Original Etching, scene from the ,— Y Franco-Prussian War, soldier playing cards, entitled | A. —*t Route de l’Allemagne.”’ Proof on thin yellow Japanese fh i288 Vahl: paper. 4to. | 9 The Anderson Auction Co. 2 152. LANDSEER (SIR EDWIN). The Deer Pass. En-y) & D ——graved by A. H. Ritchie. Folio. : yO 153. LEE (GEN. ROBERT E). Engraved by Dubois Gq -—~Tesselin, after L. M. D. Guillaume. Fine madi) on alles india paper. Large folio. vi) “154. LEGAL. The Court of Criminal Appeal. After 2 _§ 0 ‘Sir Arthur Clay. Proof on india paper. Folio. Wrandf 2% (>. 155. LELY (SIR PETER). Mary, Ist Duchess of Devon- 7, shire, and Susan Lady Bellasyr. Copper-plate engravings, i neatly colored. Proofs on inda paper. 4to. (2 pieces.) _) 7 156. LENBACH (PROFESSOR von). Woman’s Por- _ ‘ ' * trait, etched by W. Hecht; Old Roman Tavern, by the oy vs oh ~ same; Cliffs of Dieppe, etched by Unger; The Sheriff, by 7 4.~ ditto. Fine impressions on india paper. (5 pieces, one duplicate. ) => ; ‘oh 157. LIFE BOAT (A). After Charodeau. (Little chicks _—in-a wooden shoe.) Open letter proof on india paper. 4to. /O_158. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Engraved by Halpin, (72 abl Dis after Carpenter. Mounted, india paper. Folio. mA 7159. —— Li g l. li 407 ine engraving by Wm. E. Marsha Folio. | SCS ao »f 160. LORD’S CRICKET GROUND, LONDON. Fine O | ee ie -mezzotint by G. H. Phillips of this famous ground on the nO / ] trcppags, occasion of the great match between Sussex and Kent in 1849. With numerous portraits of famous cricketers of the period. Original impression. In neat frame, 44 in. x 33 in. y~ 161. LORRAINE (CLAUDE). Landscape. Fine proof, © ) ead engraved by Fr. Geisler on india paper. 4to. t 70) 162. LOUIS OF FRANCE. Marriage to Marie Adelaide '¢ “ de Savoie, 7 Dec., 1697. On india paper. Folio. ‘| G0 163: MaACcBETH (R. W.) The Rainy Day. After y F. W. Walker. Fine spirited little picture. ~ Beautiful impression on Whatman paper. 4to. _{-60(64. McKINLEY (PRESIDENT). Painted by Chartrain. » Be h , 3 oo Hinoette onindia. Folio. F%ne. 44 165. MARCEAU (GEN’L). Austrian Staff Officers at ol) y a \ /~ the Bier of Gen’! Marceau. Etched by Chas. Courtney, ~~ after Jean Paul Laurens. India paper. Folio. yy; *° 166. MARIS (JACOB). Environs de Delft. Etched by Wy (Mn Lopergris. Fine impression. 4to. ‘ “ee lia 167. MATER DOLOROSA, after Carlo Dolci. Etched by H. Costello. Artist proof, signed. 4to. 10 The Anderson Auction Co. 3° 168. MEISSONIER. La Chanson. Etched by Mongin. ,. J (ewer 4to. ia if /?_169. —— The Connoisseur. Etched by Helen Form- if) M4 stecher. Remarqué proof on india paper. Signed. 4to. LA Orrin A §O 1%0. —— Le Connoisseur. Engraved by A. Blanchard. 4 ——Fine open letter proof on india paper. Large 4to. 6 Saatae The Painter, etched by Rajon; The Connois- ty | ~__seur, after Silardi. 4to. (2 pieces.) 9p 172. MEYERBEER, after Valmon. On india paper. NIA _ Folio. ~* ant 4 40 173. MEZZOTINT. Virginie (Death of Virginia, from ,/) Wi, ——Paul and Virginia). Mezzotint by Hippolite Garnier, after of af : Isabey. Fine original impression, in neat frame, aging YC 2 264 in. gO 174. ‘Union.’ Mezzotint by H. 8. Sadd, after ) “tT. H. Matteson. Full-length portraits of Clay, Calhoun, Nice . Webster, Winfield Scott, and others. In frame, 34 in. x ac C mi Ins J dy Smee (Saas Scene from the Marlborough Theatricals. Mez- 9 A ~—’\\ A ff j ) | * f r } f s . y LIK att" ay, 8 A A / } ' Lf ‘ea — zotint by J. Jones, after J. Roberts. Full-length figures of \VY¥\ y | Lady Eliz. Spencer, Miss Pashall, etc. In frame, 253 in. x Noy 21 in. Lond. 1788 oye) 176. MICHEL ANGELO IN HIS STUDY, after Cabanel, —engraved by Castan. Open letter proof on india paper. Folio. fare. a / FO. MILLAIS (SIR JOHN EVERETT). ‘‘ Bubbles.” ( LA Mezzotint by Geo. H. Every. Script lettered proof on india “) paper. Full margin. Folio. “22 178. MILLET (J. F.) The Angelus. Etched by Charles Py 2. OS Waltner. Fine impression on Holland paper. Folio. | pour]. Les Botteleurs. Etched by L. Leconteux. Fine tpn. Pe ——impression. Folio. YY we “O 180. MILLSPAUGH (J. H.) Short Cut Through the ‘/,_ pas ? J Village. Artist’s proof, signed. Folio. ’ / oP? 181. MONT SAN MICHEL. Drawn and etched by Lf es Wk pp: -——Tristran Ellis. Signed artist’s proof, No. 51. On Japanese a get paper. 7 | ee 1, 182. MORLAND (GEORGE), The Stable Door, charm- _ing little copper-plate engraving ; colored view of old Wick |// , y, —~" Castle, Caithness, drawn and engraved by William Daniell, Ame AQ) in colors, fine. (2 pieces.) , GO 183. MUNKACSY. Christ on Calvary. Etched by Chas. ay “-——Koepping. Choice impression. Full margin. Large folio. ty ia! | / ; f The Anderson Auction Co. Oey fe ake 5 APOLEON AND JOSEPHINE. “For Reasons 4 / a of State.’’ Colored. Folio. / fe : / 75 185. NAVAL HEROES OF GREAT BRITAIN, 1798. /) ect f Mezzotint by Charles Knight, after Davies Cooper. Folio Varuel AR, +¥ “"186. NEW ORLEANS (BATTLE OF). Curious old line , gy engraving by J. Yeager, after West, representing the mo- VA Wy 4) ——ment of the fall of General Packenham. With key ee , beneath. Large 4to, colored (small repair). fy O° 187%. NEW YORK CITY. Fine line engraving by C. ~~Mottram, after a drawing by J. W. Hill, of New York, in 1855. The view is taken from the Brooklyn shore, the East River in the foreground, with Sound and ocean steamers, & ur ferryboats, etc. In the middle distance is a bird’s-eye view of New York City extending from the Battery to Black- well’s Island, the principal buildings standing prominently forth. In the background the Jersey coast and hills com- plete the scene. Neatly mounted in old gilt frame, 58 in. Xoo. ins 4-274A188 8.) ‘The Duke’s Plan.’? The first Map of New -) \ yo York, made in 1664. Fine facsimile in colors of the (Acolv — original in the British Museum, made for Valentine’s Manual, 1859. In neat frame, 324 in. x 274 in. +¢s 7) 189). ‘‘The Government House, 1790-1815.”’ Litho- on ograph in colors by H. R. Robinson, after the original draw- ey) fie ing by C. Milbourne, 1797. Fine impression. In frame, 29 in. x 24 in. . La sf 190. View of the Federal Hall of the City of New 4 ‘York as it appeared in the year 1797. Lithograph in colors Lv |s: oo *S py C. Currier, after the original drawing by George Hol- land. In neat frame, 274 in. x 234 in. oe 191. —— View of Broadway from Canal Street, looking =) huptown. Drawn and etched by T. Horner, aquatinted by A, | ‘J. Hill. Colored by hand. Large folio (a few tears neatly (\y ae | repaired). H ¥ HW ae An exceedingly rare early. view of this part of the city, show- . y ing the old buildings in Broadway at this period, the old Broad- way stages, and one of those running from the then suburb of Greenwich to Wall Street, and many other interesting features. View of New York in 1792. lLithographed for 40 192. “_Valentine’s Manual. Oblong 4to. 1850. . " _A 193. —— ‘‘ Panorama of the Harbor of New York, Staten | NA ~ “Island, and the Narrows.’’ Fine bird’s-eye view, ranging \/ ¥ (i A over a considerable extent. Tinted lithograph by Nagel ‘, } and Weingartner, drawn by John Bornet. N. Y. 1854. 12 The Anderson Auction Co. 194. NEW YORK CITY. View of Broadway at the , gees junction of Ann Street, in Winter. Curious and humorous \\/\, \ ly, - &® colored lithograph, showing the old stage-sledges, view of /)~;\ , Y / Barnum Museum, ete. Drawn by Benecke. Folio (margin © | trimmed). 1855. — - Sf FOtgs. — View. Engraved by R. Kupfer, printed by 4(-' Peters. Folio. 1867. ; / —=29-196. —— Plan of New York Island and part of Long _Jsland. Showing the position of the British and American / _-~troops before, at and after the engagement on the Heights, 1776. Drawn by 8. Lewis. Oblong 4to. [1800. ] >. ) 62 197. Bird’s-eye View. Colored lithograph by J. / / /) / — Bachman, rare; Panic Season, tinted, lithograph by Mag- | | 7 -~\ nus. Folio. 1858. (2 pieces.) ea rOY 198. 50 Various Views from Valentine’s Manuals. bi O57, 199. — 60 Views (various), mostly from Valentine’s ‘ &* Manuals. M ae 5 200. —— 60 Views from Valentine’s Manuals. 4 —— 201. NIAGARA FALLS, after Frekerick E. Church. En- iy ® ~ graved by W. Forrest. Open letter proof. Finely colored ; i =~ by hand. Large oblong 4to. } re 202. NICOL(ERSKINE). TheSabbath Day. Engraved (Vn ( "4 / __—-by W.E. Simmons. Open letter proof on india paper. Folio. }/ \ ,¥ cy 0 $203. ()RIGINAL ETCHING by ©. Bromley. Barnes Vy MN. / eshte Common. Artist proof signed. 4to. IN 3 VEX, 8 D204. PANTING, Original painting of a rural scene, surrounded by a fancy border of torn playing , Sack. / Be ecards, leaves of books in various languages, etc. By Rus- mi lau of Riga, 1800. In neat frame, with mount. 254 in. x 204 in. \ : . 205. —— Original Painting in Oil. Portrait of a Man. \W/} : \ |, . 2° Half length, holding a scroll in right hand, labelled ‘‘ Mani- PL ee Peed = foes.” Unsigned. 30 in. x 25 in. ; 95 206. Fine Oil Painting. Marine view of the schooner- Gt ws y) yacht ‘‘ Mary Taylor,”’’ in full sail, with afreshsea. Finely \\- > painted. Unsigned. In old gilt frame, 42 in. x 324 in. aid oO 207. Original Panel Oil Painting, unsigned. Marine / 2) “view ofa line of battleships pursuing a frigate. Painted circa 1780. In old gilt frame (worn), 31 in. x 26 in. 208. —— Portrait in Oil Colors, unsigned, of an Ameri- 50 _ean Naval Officer (Revolutionary or War of 1812 period). }°? an Three-quarter length, in uniform, ship of war seen in the background through an open window. Rare portrait, no doubt of some one of note (Paul Jones?). In old gilt frame, 40 in. x 33 in. i edt etre | | ae ‘a k i Ded J The Anderson Auction Co. _~-eulture and the Frozen North, after Cogniet. Engraved by Outhwaite. Fine impressions on india paper. Oblong folio. (2 pieces. ) . o 6 210. PENNSYLVANIA. Forest Scene on the Lehigh, | “after Carl Bodmer, engraved by Galathé; Indian Scalp Sl iL 209. PARIS. Hotel de Ville Mural Paintings. atte rs a Sen after same engraver, by Vogel. Folio. (2 pieces.) 14 211. PHILADELPHIA. View of the Dam and Water | Z “Works at Fairmount Park, after T. Bird, engraved by R. ~/ «/ a ) Campbell, 1824; Art Gallery, International Ex., 1876. Wise, ae letter. (2 pieces. ) Si Ga 6 212. —— Views of Christ Church, Laurel Hill Cemetery, /, Le Fairmount Works, in colors. (38 octavo views on one sheet. ) ‘ ~~ (3 pieces. ) Y 6 2138. PILGRIM FATHERS. Departure and Landing i America, 1620, after Lucy, engraved by John C. McRae.» 7 QR pieces. ) -, Q2ifyPOCAHONTAS (MARRIAGE OF), after Henry Bouweckner, engraved by John C. McRae, with dedication, ol. ; ‘‘Pyesented to S. Hollyer by his Friend John C. McRae, 1856.°? India proof. First EDN. fare. 40. 215. POMPADOUR, after Nattier. Fine colored ca gravure () By, _-on thin rice paper. 4to. ? 216. POYNTER (SIR E. G.) Mrs. Langtry. Mezzotint Hy yp by J. J. Chant. Open letter proof on india paper. YO 217. PRESIDENTS from Washington to Wm. Henry - . Harrison. Rare colored lithograph by Currier. 4to. 1842. Pah 818) , 18 Portraits, from Washington to Gen. Grant. Sb Engraved by J. R. Rice from authentic portraits. Fine ae Rr “¢—— copy. Mounted. Folio. 1876. “7 § Oh «76 Qy 219. JR AJON (PAUL). Duel after the Ball. After J. L. ll) Ma 23 pes Gerome. Fine impression. 4to. £6 220. RAPHAEL. The Sistine Madonna. Engraved in Cae 4] “line from the original painting by H. Droehmer. Fine im- ; pression in handsome frame. 40 in. x 32 in. ty — FF, A. Milius.. Fine open. letter proof on old Dutch paper. ) tm Folio. Py» Caves The Philosopher. Etched by Charles Waltner. (f aoe > -© Choice impression. Folio. FO 223. Descent from the Cross. Etched by J. P. Raab. a Pie n oe wy Fine impression on india paper. Large 4to. 14 : 6¢ 921, REMBRANDT. La Raine Artemise. Etched by 4) | _ hare . Se ~~ ‘The Anderson Auction Co. 9 0 224 REMBRANDT IN HIS STUDIO, after Gerome, // /,, '& etched by Paul Rajon; Rembrandt’s Mill, mezzotint by //” Sg | —~ Chas. Turner, after Rembrandt. Small 4to. (2 pieces.) ie 12 225. REYNOLDS (SIR JOSHUA). ‘‘Puck.’’ Engraved _)/ /, / py F. Stacpoole. Open letter proof on india paper. Large ~ ‘ 228. —— Collina, Lady Gertrude Fitzpatrick. Mezzo- be Fa aN tint by George Zobel. Proof in script letter. Folio. See a Pp 229. Simplicity. Charmingly colored copper-plate ‘, , A, A A~ oP : “engraving. 4to. re / Fe 230. ROBERTSON (H. R.) Deepening Shadows. Origi- Xf eee nal etching, in proof state, with remarqué signed. 4to. fringe : 42 231. ROPS (FELICIEN). L’Olivierade. Monaco, 1876. ()/)) \Y) ‘Rare proof on thin Japan paper. 4to. 4 V7 ae yo 232. ROUEN CATHEDRAL, etched by Delauney; and 77>. ; “2 others. (3 pieces.) a, oc? 233. ROUSSEAU (THEO.) Coucher du Soleil. Etched L, yz by Greux. Open letters on Dutch paper. Large 4to. A A he 2 Be pee. oo La Mare. Etched by Kratke. Fine. Large © aig \ J i ie folio. Be IE $2 235. Le Nid de l’Aigle. Etched by Th. Chauvel. ,/ ) 4 piBine impression. folio. A A wile 25 236. ROWLANDSON. Scenes from the Life of Dr. (\), (yy, — Syntax. Etched by Rowlandson in colors. Scarce and in eat WY, good condition. (8 pieces. ) : _- Ue 237. ROYBET (F.) A Game of Chess. Etched by Claude 7 he po Faivre. Remarqué proof on Japanese paper. Signed by A awn 4 — both Painter and Etcher. Folio. = vies 238. RUBENS. Boar Hunt, etched by W. Unger, proof; i —- Still Life, after Jean Fyt, by same etcher. (2 pieces.) 239. Holy Family under the Apple Tree, india paper —impression, etched by Unger; Two Heads, after Leubach, | etched by Hecht, india paper. (3 pieces.) 95 240. Sr. JEAURAT—Famous French Painter. Le \ / es Carnaval des Rues de Paris, engraved by Le \\; VL / Vasseur. Characteristic French Carnival Scene of the ) my & ie early part of the 17th Century. Scarce. In neat frame, . ean. x 20 in. 15 The Anderson Auction Co. » 241. SAN FRANCISCO Fire Department Certificate. ae. '*—-Copper engraving after Chas. Nahl. N. Y. 1856. Folio. Vy Rare. ae ln Se $42, SARATOGA. Plan of the Position taken by Genl. “** ~Burgoyne on the 10th of October, 1777, in which the / 6. British Army was invested by the Americans under the 2 - eommand of Genl. Gates, and surrendered to him on the Nowe 16th of October the same year. Drawn by Isaac A. Chap- — man from an original sketch taken by an American officer. Engraved by Fairman for the Analectic Magazine. / 62 243. SATIN (On). An Interesting Chapter drawn and f Damnil ; ~ engraved by Conti. Signed artist’s proof printed on satin. Ato. ,L 0 244. SCHILLER (FRIEDRICH VON). At the Court of ( g, —“Weimar, after Mes. Engraved by Manigaud. Folio. C | 0.245. SCOTT (SIR WALTER), after John Watson Gordon. “Os » “~oEngraved by A. G. Campbell. Folio. GrAk , ys Lie 246. SEA FIGHTS. ‘‘Le Combat’’ between the French / “~ warship Les Droits de l’Homme and two English warships, Siu —“Indefatigable and Amazone; Jan. 13th, 1797. Rare old P| UI, print in colors, engraved by Jazet, after Morel Fatio. Var- nished. Folio. Be ek, ae 247. SEYMOUR’S SKETCHES on Angling, Shooting, Lv pe ‘ Hunting, ete. 2 Parts. Original wrappers. Very scarce. pf 248. SHAKESPEARE AND HIS FRIENDS. Mezzotint 3 5 py James Faed. Open letter proof. Fine impression. Large a folio. F 3° 949. SHORT (FRANK). Water Mill, after J. M. bes I Lf Turner. Etched, signed. Rare and fine. L/ 2 B5950, Etching of the Rustic Bridge, after J. M. W. » / Turner. Signed proof. 4to. | , 5° 251, SLOCOMBE (EDWARD). Pottery Market, Bruges. (Vy, ~~ Original etching. Artist’s proof on Japanese paper. Signed. ANTM? Folio. Rare. . J 3° 252. SLOCOMBE (FRED.) The Water Mill. oniinat (ER, / ~ etching on Whatman paper. Folio. TAP EO D5: The Village of Chilton Foliat. Original etch- aN Yj ings Hou. as ; f0 . 264. SPANISH VIEWS. The Tagus Villa Velha; Pass - in the Mountains between Nisa and Villa Velha; and Cintra. LA Engraved by I. Clark, after the Rev. Wm. Bradford. Beautiful aquatints. Engravings in color. Published London, 1809. (3 pieces. ) / 9//z255. —— Servant Girls of Salamanca, and View of City “of Salamanca. Beautiful colored aquatint by I. Clark, — 7 after Rev. Wm. Bradford. (2 pieces.) 16 The Anderson Auction Co. , £°. 256. “ SPOILT CHILD.” Mezzotint by G. H. Phillips, \A\A \\/) after M. W. Sharp, 1830. (Scenes from a play, containing \ | ce \ i ty portrait of Maria Foote?) In frame, 28 in. x 22} in. | Fre SPORTING INCIDENTS. Complete Set of Van- derbilt Allen Track, Field and Road. With an..Introduc- VY gv? tion by Colonel Wm. Jay. The whole described in text ae pt Milford Steele. N. Y. 1893. -S 58. The Celebrated Terrier Dog Major performing Hit wonderful feat of killing 100 rats” in 8 min, 58 sees. oy Be 0 Copy of the original rare engraving. Folio. yi ee y 259. STANLEY (H. M.) Etched by Tilt, 1878: Proof on 4, id epee ‘*~india paper. 4to. ge, | 7 260. SUSSEX SOWER (A). Etched by Fanry: We Batley YAEL y | ' after George Wheterbee. On Whatman paper. ...Folio. x / ©° Wl. TPPADEMA (L. ALMA). The Rose of all the Roses. //)\/ // —_ Etched by Leopold Lowenstam. 4to. Vee ang ID 262. Welcome Footsteps. Etched by L. Lewenstam. 1 / - First lettered proofs on india paper. Folio. y, [O _ 263. THOMAS (MAJOR-GENL. GEORGE H.) Engraved * Oe me Max Rosenthal. Remarqué proof on india paper, signed. Limited edition. Folio. 2° 264. TITIAN. Mary and the Young Child. Etched by / 4, Jann y —W. Hecht. Fine impression. Folio. tae yO 265. TURNER (J. M.W.) Crossing the Brook. Mezzo- ()/), (\/ —tint by Alfred 8. Handford. Artist proof, signed on rice ff \ V/ paper. Folio. om os ead ¥® 266. —— Zurich. Engraved by A. Prior. Folio. 7 p fs N~ Ao 2677. The Fighting Temeraire. Engraved by T. A. (a ielo AR ——Prior. Folio. v ee 268. The Fighting Temeraire. Beautiful mezzotint Z by Alfred 8. Handford. 4to. Signed artist’s proof on thin L, rice Jat (100 proofs only.) eis —— Grand Canal, Venice. Beautiful mezzotint by y ee ee eS — aS ee S. Handford. 4to. Signed artist’s proof on thin rice ted r cas / paper. (100 proofs only.) ‘p f Sti 270. —— Ancient Italy. Engraved by J. T. Willmore. OU, e tte yi Open letter impression. Folio. (Slightly stained.) Rare. ; ,30 271. —— Tivoli: a Composition. Engraved by Edwin Ae BE ——Goodall. Choice old impression. Folio. Rare. AD 272. Burial of Wilkie. Etched by Brunet-Debaines. Mb oD Beautiful open letter proof on india paper. Folio. (Ae : 17 * SAN Orn = The Anderson Auction Co. ad 273. TRUMBULL (JOHN). The Sortie made by the my Garrison of Gibraltar in the Morning of the 27th November, A / ee y 1781. Engraved by the well-known English engraver, Wm.) A ae Sharp. Fine old impression. Lond. 1799. Folio. Rare.» we , fC The Battle at Bunker’s Hill. After the original dV — painting. In frame (worn). 40 in. x 30 in. ; af, , 285. A lewns (W.—Famous German Etcher). The ~— 1] ra Favorite Page; Before School; Goose Market ) at Krakau; Money Changer, after Rembrandt. All fine omdjian.s impressions on india paper. Rare lot. (4 pieces.) / {0 276. Goose Market at Krakau, after Schénn. Proof.’ Mh Vf “Ato. Rare. TH 208 — Winter Scene in Holland, after Lueas: —.Valehenbourg proof on india paper. 4to. Choice. n 29 278. AN DYCK. Countess of Oxford. Etched by — yd Le Couteux. Rare open letter proof on india $4 ows foe paper. Folio. ) s° 279. VENICE. San Giorgio. Original etching by Chas. f y ——F, Albon. Signed remarqué proof on Japanese paper. Ob- Rare long 4to. _ 430 280. VERA CRUZ (SIEGE OF), March, 1847, by the \, Army and Navy under Genl. Scott and Com. Perry. Rare MW colored lithograph by Currier. 4to. N. Y. 1847. J (/O 281. ALTON (IZAAK). The Milkmaid’s Song, after l) j Tae ae W. Field, engraved by J.J. Chant. Open letter Wwe impression. Large folio. , 20 282. WASHINGTON, D.C. N. E.' View of the United / — States Capitol, Washington, D.C. Drawn and engraved o Henry Sartain. 1858. Folio. roe ag "283. WASHINGTON (GEORGE). The Washington Fam- ' | ily. An early copy painted in oil of the well- known paint- /\ 199 ing. Dy Savage. In old gilt frame, 43 in. x 36 in. ta 28h (Baker, 267.) Full length, in uniform, left : . hand holding bridle and resting upon the saddle of a horse, fried. ,- (2 scene Dorchester Heights, March 17th, 1776. Engraved ks 2 ~~ py Kelly, after Stuart. Published 1836. (Slight repair in to left, right hand resting on walking stick, from the orig- bb > “inal pieture by Robert Edge Pine. ‘Copyrighted 1902 by Henry T. Coates & Co. Colored photogravure. 18 margin. ) 6 gt me Half length, in uniform, head three- oy 7 » = The Anderson Auction Co. (2 © 286. WASHINGTON. Key to Washington’s Triumphal ) | | , Entry into New York, 1783. Lithograph. 4to. , Washington, engraved by Rollinson. (Baker, / s 172.) Published by I. Reid, N. Y. 1796. — 4-9 288. -—— Washington, after Stuart. Engraving. Oval, — colored. 4to. sO. 289. Washington, engraved by C. Gobrecht, drawn ~— by B. Trott. Fine impression. 4to. te 7) 290. Washington the Soldier. Painted by Stearns, )d.oLL ono lithographed in colors by Regnier. Folio. 1854. So == 291. —— Washington, after Stuart, engraved by Thomas — A'S 3%B. Welch. Signed proof. Large folio. 4Xo 292. —— Medallion Portrait, profile to right, circle within ~~» engraved border. Line engraving. Proof before all letters. M tf ¢ __Folio. 60 293. —— The Provision Train, after Robinson, engraved [ps a Ao ~ —-by C. Tomkins. Open letter proof on india paper. Large ~~ ~~ folio. p5O 294. Washington Family. Lithograph by Schile, Hh ——and portrait. Folio. (2 pieces.) er $© 301. WEBSTER (DANIEL), after T. B. Lawson, en- /)\/ , 0 _sraved by C. E. Wagstaff and Jos. Andrews. Boston, 1852. ° Lf) (Vir Fine impression on india paper. Folio. Seta ABS 5° 302. WEST (BENJAMIN). Portrait of. Engraved by .(()ornwla pay euler after G. H. Harlow. Onindia. Folio. ae b ane WEST AND FAMILY, after himself. Engraved by | a Ppt F. and J. G. Facius. Rareand fine. Folio. Lond. 1779. MAW ; 3 72 304. WEST POINT. Siege Battery. Lithographed by (>) Stone. Folio. Rare. 1858. AS 19 OF 295. Col. Washington at the Battle of Cowpens, \\ AS, (\ Ap from Graham’s Magazine, engraved by 8. H. Gimber, 4to; )/ VJ {> Warrant, George the 3d, Ist October, 1763, Dutchess ‘ ° County, signed C. Henry Livingston, Clerk. (2 pieces.) vA th. Aas A) 2) 296. — Tomb at Mount Vernon, colored lithograph by / [ sh 2 — Currier, 1840; West View of Mt. Vernon Mansion, colored & am lithograph by Robertson. 4to. Both scarce. (2 pieces.) a an ) s/s 297. —— Washington, lithograph by Grevedon; and two / ) } 1 (VI / “others (one in colors). Rare. (Stuart type.) (3 pieces.) \¢-} + Alf 2 /0 298. —— Two Photographs (Margaret and George); en- _ //— graved portraits by W. L. Ormby, ete. (4 pieces.) Od Tes. how (E299. Five different portraits by H. B. Hall, ete. © 9” /" 9 102-5 pieces. ) itor a [/2300. and his Suecessors, 25 Presidents, from Wate , i att ork Pe ington to McKinley; Defending the Flag. Folio. (2 pieces.) PC A dt¢ } 25! 306. WIHISTLER (J AMES McNEILL). Portenta 0 hi Mother, from the Luxembourg Gallery, after Whistler. 41 ~g@ 3807. Original Etching. Toupe a Trois Sous. W.. / ) ~~Fine impression on old Dutch paper. 4to. i 308. Original Etching. Longshoremen. W. . ° Rare and fine impression on yellow Chinese paper. 4fo. vidi Pm 60. 309. Original Etching. Furnette. W. 18. sto. Z / Me “Very rare. ov 310. Original Etching. Title-page to French set. / o Brilliant impression. Dedicated to his old friend Seymour at Haden. 4to. Scarce. : Yh 311. —— Original Etching. Annie, seated. W. 24. ‘Ra e. a5 -pg°> 312. WOUVERMAN, Horses Drinking, etched by Ra ——-Waldbrand, after Marak; Road through the Forest, Barry. Fine impressions on india paper. (3 pieces.) — Lo nf 9 318. W ACHTING: Second International Race, Magi i —* defeating the Cambria, August 8, 1870; Amer can Schooner Sappho, Winner of Third International Race, Oct. 23, 1871. Drawn by F. 8. Cozzen. Finely colored. Geo o Folio. (2 pieces.) ——— Gy 314. Fourth International Race, Madelaine Defe: 2 = / ing the Countess Dufferin; Sunset in New York Harb (Robbin’s Reef); A Scrap Among the Little Ones.’ Dra 76 by F.S. Cozzen. Nicely colored. Folio. (2 pieces.) quays) 7 ap The Brave Old America, drawn, by F. S. Cpake ’ nicely colored; On the Shoals of Nantucket (Tidal Wa ge stelle, Sagita olus), by same Artist. (2 pieces.) ~316. Fifth International Race, Mischief Defeati co Atlanta, November 10, 1881; Racing for the Brenton R Cup, Tleen, Wenonah, Orevia Rounding the Lightship aS ee (Fall Regatta). Drawn by F. 8. Cozzen. Nicely color eS or Folio. (3 pieces.) ae ee Le 317. ——— Victorious Volunteer, Winner of the ‘Kine Ca 4 Cup Race, Sept. 30th, 1887; Flying Defender, by James ~—~ Tyler, colored ; Defender defeating Mists 1895. Folic (3 pieces.) be , 4 318. ZIMMERMAN (KARL). Woodland Seene. z io “inal etching proof. 4to. AS