THE STUDIO EFFECTS OF THE LATE CY. TURNER, N. A: COMPRISING INDIAN AND COLONIAL COSTUMES, BOOKS AND PAINTINGS BY AMERICAN ARTISTS WITH A SERIES OF PAINTINGS, STUDIES FOR MURAL DECORATIONS, ETCHINGS, ETC., ETC., BY CG. Y. TURNER, N. A. TO BE SOLD THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL TWENTY-SECOND AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN 0’CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipent] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET. NEW YORK 1920 LIBRARY M.KNOEDLER & GO. 556-8 Fifth Ave. New York | CHARLES YARDLEY TURNER [1830-1918 | SALE NUMBER 1492 ON FREE PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY, APRIL SEVENTEENTH | THE STUDIO EFFECTS OF THE LATE GoY.- TURNER, N. A. COMPRISING INDIAN AND COLONIAL COSTUMES, BOOKS AND PAINTINGS BY AMERICAN ARTISTS WITH A SERIES OF PAINTINGS, STUDIES FOR MURAL DECORATIONS, ETCHINGS, ETC., ETC., BY Co. TURNER, IN. A. TO BE SOLD THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL TWENTY-SECOND AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN O*CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipent] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET. NEW YORK 1920 CONDITIONS OF SALE All bids to be PER Lor as numbered in the Catalogue. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. Purchases to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settle- ment of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition in The Anderson Gal- leries before date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and makes no warranty what- ever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. Bis. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES INCORPORATED PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET NEW YORK TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN SALE THURSDAY EVENING APRIL TWENTY-SECOND, 1920 BEGINNING AT 815 O'CLOCK OBJECTS OF ART, STUDIO EFFECTS, INDIAN AND COLONIAL COSTUMES, BOOKS AND PAINTINGS BY AMERICAN ARTISTS Numbers 1 to 57 MISCELLANEOUS LOT Consisting of mounted snake skin, fragment of old metal belt, flexible leather leash and pair of spurs. MISCELLANEOUS LOT OF CHINESE AND JAPANESE POTTERY AND PORCELAIN Consisting of Chinese pottery tea jar, two Japanese porcelain vases, different shapes with blue and white decoration, and Chi- nese porcelain crackle vase with colored figural decoration. Height, not exceeding 12 inches HEOM SOI! THREE VASES AND PAIR OF SMALL POT- TERY PLACQUES The vases in glass of varied styles and shapes. The placques souvenirs of the Columbian Expoition. Height of vases, not exceeding 9% inches; diameter of plaques, 6¥% inches. LOT OF TWO GOURDS, ARMADILLO SHELL BASKET AND COW’S HORN Length, not exceeding 24 inches. THREE GROTESQUE PAPIER MACHE MASKS Two in red and black, the third in white. JAPANESE PORCELAIN UMBRELLA STAND Blue and white, with crane and prunus tree decoration. Height, 2834 inches. THREE STONEWARE STEINS One 18th century, with incised blue checkerboard decoration and pewter cover; the other two modern. Height, not exceeding 1834 inches. 10 11 12 13 14 LARGE POTTERY BOWL morocco, 19TH CENTURY Conventionalized decoration in blue and white. Cracked. Height, 7%4 inches; diameter, 13 inches. LOT OF TWO VASES AND PAIR OF BRASS CANDLE- STICKS One vase of painted Mexican pottery, the other green pottery with windmill decoration. The candlesticks with the bodies in the form of griffins. Neck of one vase broken. Height, not exceeding 1034 inches. COLLECTION OF EIGHT HEADS MODELED BY CLARK MILLS Seven of them the heads of individual Indian warriors, modeled from life. The other a head of General Robert E. Lee. MOLDED GLASS BOWL AND STAND Heart and rosace design. Height, 11 wnches. TWO HEADS AND TWO STATUETTES IN PLASTER OF PARIS Statuette of Venus de Milo, two women’s heads and animal group. Sold as is. Height, not exceeding 1934 inches. TRUNK CONTAINING COLONIAL AND INDIAN COS- TUMES A collection used in the studio of the late C. Y. Turner. A large number of complete and authentic costumes, including beaded Indian costumes of deerskin, beaded moccasins and belts, wigs, plumed Colonial hats and elaborate Colonial costumes of varied kinds. All accessories of the costumes included. TRUNK OF COLONIAL WOMEN’S COSTUMES. A collection used in the studio of the late C. Y. Turner. A large number of genuine old costumes with all accessories such as caps, neckerchiefs, aprons and shoes. Varied materials and styles. VERDURE TAPESTRY FLEMISH, 17TH CENTURY The center shows a scene with luxuriant trees, a crane on the brink of a pond and a castle in the distance. Colors employed: blue, green, tan and brown. Elaborate border of flowers in the same colors. Slight repairs. Height, 90 inches; width, 64 inches. 4 16 10 18 19 20 21 MODERN WOVEN TAPESTRY AFTER BARENT VAN ORLEY In three sections, showing hunting scenes after the tapestry series “Chasses de Maximilian.” The whole on a large scale in soft tones of blue and brown with touches of red. The bottom of each section of the tapestry with the inscription “De schoone jagten van Maximiliaan door van Orley.” Height, 3 yards 8 inches; width, 4 yards 83 inches. FERAHAN RUG PERSIA, 19TH CENTURY The center field with an elaborate all-over pattern of connected diamonds and rosaces running horizontally and vertically and forming squares at their intersections. The ground closely filled in with flowers and stems. The decoration of the center field in pink, blue and white. The wide border with alternating heart- shaped medallions and flowers surrounded by curved stems. A narrow border on either side of the main border. Slightly worn and repaired. Length, 12 feet 8 inches; width, 6 feet 6 inches. KILIM RUG UPPER MESOPOTAMIA, 19TH CENTURY Formed of alternating wide and narrow bands, the wide with hexagonal and triangular design, the narrow with diagonal zig- zag motifs. Large variety of colors with effective emphasis of black and white. Slightly worn. Length, 9 feet 1 inch; width, 3 feet 10 inches. KILIM RUG UPPER MESOPOTAMIA, 19TH CENTURY Formed of alternating wide and narrow strips with hexagons, triangles, and serrated motifs in strictly geometrical design. Great variety of soft toned colors. Slightly worn. Length, 8 feet, 4 inches; width, 8 feet 9 inches. ANTIQUE COLONIAL SPINNING WHEEL Used in the studio of the late C. Y. Turner. Sold as is. Height, 34 inches. SINGLE BARREL RIFLE AND FLINT LOCK GUN The flint lock of English make and dated 1789; the single barrel rifle American, dated 1867. Length, 50 and 58 ches. PLASTER BUST OF LINCOLN Made by A. Bailly. Dated May, 1865. Base slightly chipped. Height, 934 inches. 24. ras) OU 26 rae) -~2 29 30 LARGE HAMMERED BRASS PLACQUE FRENCH, 19TH CENTURY Reproduction of an old model. Portrait’ medallion of Anne de Poiters in the center. Griffin border. Diameter, 28 inches. TWO BAYONETS MODERN FRENCH Metal scabbards; brass and wooden hilts. The side of each blade with French inscription. Length, 26 inches. TWO SWORDS JAPAN, 18TH-19TH CENTURY The larger with shark skin hilt bound with braid; lacquered wooden scabbard, wrought iron ornament and colored tassel. The smaller with elaborately wrought hilt and tortoise scabbard with wrought metal decoration. Length, 36 inches and 17 inches THREE SWORDS Two with brass, one with steel hilt. The blade of one with en- graved decoration. Leather scabbards with metal mountings. Length, not exceeding 40 inches. MOOSE HEAD TROPHY Unmounted specimen with very large spreading horns. DOUBLE SET OF MAHOGANY FINISH DRAWERS The top section consists of three large drawers and an upper tier of three small drawers. The lower section with four large drawers. Brass handles and locks. Veneer scratched and slightly damaged. Height (both sections), 79 inches; width, 49 inches; depth, 24 inches. RAMW’S HORNS MOUNTED UPON LARGE CARVED HEAD The head realistically carved and mounted on shield-shaped wooden. plaque. Height, 23% inches. AMERICAN MURAL PAINTINGS (King), Boston, 1902; The Appreciation of Pictures (Sturgis) Presentation copy. New York, n.d.; Technology of Paint and Varnish (Sabin), New York, 1904; and others. Five vols. Various sizes, cloth and boards. 6 35 ~ eo 38 40 41 ARCHITECTURAL LEAGUE OF NEW YORK Catalogus of Exhibitions, 1900, 1906-1910-1911; and others. Hight vols. 4to. Cloth and boards. BIBLE IN DUTCH Preliminary pages missing, sold as is. Folio, calf, broken, Am- sterdam, 16438. BRUCE (PHILIP A.) Institutional History of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century. Two vols. 8vo. Cloth. New York, 1910. GREAT CATHEDRALS OF THE WORLD Folio, in parts. Boston, n.d.; The Bible in Pictures, by Julius 8. Carolsfeld. In parts. Buffalo, n.d.; New Encyclopedic Atlas. New York, 1910. Sold as is. EWALD (ERNEST) Farbige Decorationen. Alter und neuer zeit. Vom XV-XIX Jahr-hundert. Beautifully illustrated with plates in colors. Two vols. Folio, loose in board portfolios. Berlin, 1882-90. GUIZOT (M.) A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times. Three hundred illustrations by De Neuville. Five vols. 4to. Cloth shaken). Boston, n.d. NATURAL HISTORY The People’s Natural History, embracing Living Animals of the World and Living Races of Mankind. Two thousand illustra- tions, some in colors. Five vols. 4to. Half leather (worn). New York, 1903. RACINET (M. A.) Le Costume Historique. Tllustrated with 500 plates in colors. Six vols. 4to. Sheets loose and enclosed in 22 portfolios. As- sumed to be complete, but sold as is. Paris, 1888. STREITENFIELD (A. and L.) Draperies and Interior Decorations. Nineteen plates. New York, n.d.; and 2 others. Three vols. Folio. Loose in portfolios. VASARI (GIORGIO) Lives of Seventy of the most eminent Painters, Sculptors and Architects. Edited by Blashfield and Hopkins. Four vols. 8vo. Cloth. New York, 1905. CONLEY CAMERA With double astigmatic lens, 8 x 10 inches, tripod, plate holders and printing frames. 48 49 50 51 52 ABOUT TWO HUNDRED NEGATIVES Various sizes. LOT OF EASELS, T-SQUARES, MAL-STICKS, ETC. GILT EXTENSION FRAME From 14 inches x 18 inches to 26 inches x 36 inches and inter- mediate sizes. PASTEL CABINET PHOTO AFTER F. 8. CHURCH’S VIKING’S DAUGHTER With presentation inscription by the artist, and another after a painting by F. 8. Church, N.A. Two in all. TWO ETCHINGS FRAMED “The Noon Meal,” by Couteux, after Jules Breton. “The Maiden and the Owls,” by F. 8. Church, N.A. LOT OF INDIAN PHOTOGRAPHS From the Department of the Interior and other sources together with various Rhinehart prints. ENGRAVING OF BISHOP POTTER By T. G. Williams, and a large photograph of the Aurora by Guido Reni and various prints. MANNER OF OSTADE PAIR OF OLD PAINTINGS On panel. 5Y% inches x 4 inches. H. SIDDONS MOWBRAY, N.A. AMERICAN CONTEMPORARY STUDY Female nudes in a glade. Panel. Signed and dedicated at lower right. Height, 634 inches; width, 5Y% inches. ALBERT BIERSTADT, N.A. AMERICAN 1830-1902 SWISS LANDSCAPE In the foreground a clearing with a chalet on the right and an- other toward the middle ground with figures about, trees to the right and left and a group of pine trees towering against a back- ground of rising peaks, partly snow-laden and enveloped in mist. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 23 inches; width, 1634 inches. 53 54 H. D. KRUSEMAN VAN ELTEN, N.A. AMERICAN 1829-1904 ROCKY NOOK From a grassy plot in the foreground a hillock of rocks and shrub- bery rises to the right in strong relief against a mass of dark foliage ; vista of rough country on the left with a touch of sky. Panel. Signed at lower left. Height, 10 inches; length, 16 inches. WALTER SHIRLAW, N.A. AMERICAN 1838-1909 SELF PORTRAIT Bust, head to the front, shoulders to the left, right hand gloved, holding the lapel of dark coat, black moustache and hair, wide- brimmed artist’s hat, soft turn-down collar and red tie; neutral background. Canvas. Signed at lower right. Height, 27 inches; width, 21 inches. FREDERICK W. FREER, A.N.A. AMERICAN 1849-1908 PORTRAIT STUDY Bust, head to the front, shoulders to the left, in red bonnet, with blue veil over face, red bonnet ribbon in a bow below the ear, dark bodice; light neutral background. Water color. Signed and dated 1884 at upper left and dedicated to OC. Y. Turner at upper right. Height, 20 inches; width, 18% inches. WILLIAM M. CHASE, N. A. AMERICAN 1849-1916 THE WHISTLING BOY Nearly half figure of a dark-eyed urchin looking at the spectator with puckered lips, a fringe of dark hair emerges from under a light brown cap and there is a touch of shirt at the collar of his buttoned-up drab jacket, with a suggestion of a basket of vege- tables under his left arm. Probably the Munich model which both Chase and Duveneck painted. Canvas. Signed at upper right. Height, 21% inches; width, 16 inches, 57 OL ie) 59 IRVING R. WILES, N.A. AMERICAN CONTEMPORARY THE BRUNETTE A slender maiden is about to seat herself at a table to examine a number of prints; a pink hydrangea plant at the left makes a nice decorative foil for the pale heliotrope gown, green low-necked bodice and gauze fichu over her shoulders; interior background. Canvas. Signed at lower left. Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches. PAINTINGS, STUDIES FOR MURAL DECORATIONS, ETCHINGS AND OTHER ARTISTIC PROPERTY By CHARLES YARDLEY TURNER, N.A. AMERICAN 1830-1918 Numbers 58 to 167 UNWELCOME NEWS A veteran of an allure characteristic of the post-civil-war period is seated, head turned to the spectator, his right hand firmly grasping the arm of his chair and the left holding a long stem clay pipe as he looks up with troubled brow from the newspaper across his knee. Ruddy of countenance, white haired and blue eyes, he is attired in tan waistcoat, straw-colored trousers, white shirt, standing collar and black tie. A table at the right with copper kettle and blue and white tea service, books and other objects of still hfe, while his silk hat with large colored kerchief on a table at the left is in nice relief from a tapestry background. Other ar- ticles of a comfortable interior are all well rendered with a firm touch and nicely of composition. From the 1916 Spring Academy Exhibition. Canvas. Signed and dated 1915 at lower left. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. WATER CARRIERS IN HOLLAND A landing place in the foreground, on the bank of a canal were a group of country-folk, three women and a man are idling away their time, urn-shaped water vessels about, cows on the meadow in the middle ground, a canal with sailing boat, and a town bathed by the last rays of the setting sun. On the right a mill and wooded expanse; pale green and orange sky. Canvas. Signed on the boat in the left foreground. Height, 26 inches; length, 86 inches. ° mM 10 60 61 63 FRIEND OLIVIA A pensive maiden in simple Quaker garb of green and white sits with folded hands resting on the table while the extended fore- finger grasps a spray of flowers, of which there are a bowl full as well as the family Bible open on the table. Kittens about, spin- ning wheel, settee with cushions and fur skin, and objects of still life on the mantel. Colonial interior with low-beamed ceiling. Canvas. Signed and dated 1910 at lower left. Height, 22 inches ; length, 36 inches. A DREAMER Three-quarter presentment seated of a Franciscan monk in brown habit, looking thoughtfully into space. White-haired and blue of eye he wears a black skull cap, his right elbow rests on arm of chair and hand is raised to his face, left hand in lap, holding the crucifix attached to the black beaded rosary. Canvas. Signed and dated 1915 at upper right. Height, 36 inches; width, 30 inches. EXCHANGING SECRETS In a corner of the drawing room, three ladies are grouped, two in visiting costume; one of whom, at the right, in dark grey gown and black silk and pink lined cape is reading a note, to which the blonde hostess at the left, in pale wine colored cos- tume, and the third lady in scarlet waist and flowered skirt listen attentively. Piano at the left. Canvas, Signed and dated 1895 at the right. Height, 20 inches; length, 80 inches. THE SPINNER In a cozy interior a fair maiden in pin J — k house gown, low at the neck with cream lace yoke is spinning at her wheel, divan and arm chair with vari-colored cushions, diffused light through delicate curtains entering from a double window at the right, where a canary cage is suspended. Canvas. Signed and dated 1909 at lower left. Height, 20 inches ; length, 80 inches. 11 65 66 67 68 THE ARMORER An Algerian nude to the waist, sits facing the left engaged in polishing a long curved blade, a white kerchief serves as head- dress and white drapery covers his body down from the hips. Gold colored hanging, a shield and a plant at the back and ar- ticles of metal and drapery strewn about. Canvas. Signed and dated 1881 at upper left. Height, 36 inches; width, 29 inches. THE ABBOTT’S SECRETARY A Franciscan monk in brown cowl, seated at a desk writing with a quill pen, books about, neutral background. Canvas. Signed and dated 1915 at upper right. Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches. “SWEET ALICE BEN BOLT” Three-quarter figure seated, head slightly to the right, in low- cut cream colored gown, left hand in the lap grasping some roses, right elbow on arm of chair, pink shawl draped on chair and lap, tapestry background. Canvas. Signed and dated 1895 at upper right. Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches. AIR CASTLES Three-quarter length seated, head and shoulders to the front of an olive-complexioned young lady, her right elbow resting on arm of chair and index finger against chin, left hand on knee holding a book. In pale-emerald green gown low at the neck with transparent gauze fichu over shoulders and arms, black belt; tapestry background. Canvas. Signed at upper right. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. LOUIS XIII. CAVALIER A typical Dumas hero in yellow jacket, blue sash and wide cream colored lace collar, large plumed hat, long curly black wig and high top boots is seated with feet well apart, holding a long clay pipe in his right hand and his left grasping a tankard on the table; still life objects about, tapestry background. Canvas. Signed and dated 18883 at lower right. Height, 35 inches; length, 46 inches. 12 69 70 al 72 73 PORTRAIT OF AN ARTIST Bust, head and shoulders to the left, blonde hair and slight moustache, in wide-brimmed hat, black coat, the right hand holding a brush and a portion of a palette at lower left; neutral background. Canvas. Signed and dated 1880 at the top. Height, 31% inches, width, 24 wmches. THE MONK Spare of figure in brown habit and cowl he walks along the portico holding the psalter in his left hand and accompanying his thoughts with a gest of the right hand, a rope girdle at the waist and black beaded rosary with the cross suspended from the neck complete the ensemble; glimpse of sky. Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 20 inches. THE ANTIQUE BRONZE A young lady is seated at a table in profile toward the right and is attentively examining a bronze candlestick, books, a lamp and other objects on the table; her figure in relief against a warm yellow background; standing clock on the left and a pic- ture on the wall. Canvas. Signed and dated 1916 at lower left. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. A CAVALIER Three-quarter length seated, head and shoulders to the front in Louis XIV. costume, black plumed hat, wide lace collar and cuffs, black checked doublet with striped sleeves and black cape, right arm akimbo, left hand holding a mug on a tapestry cov- ered table, beside which are a pipe and gloves; tapestry back- ground. Canvas. Signed and dated 1914 at upper right. Height, 30 inches; length, 86 inches. IN DOUBT A young lady seated at a desk toward the left is meditating as to the tone of a letter she is about to write; dark complexioned, in green gown with white collar open at the throat, transparent gauze sleeve, with a tapestry background. Canvas. Signed and dated 1916 at lower left. Height, 30 inches; length, 86 inches 13 75 ~ ~ MOORISH CHIEFTAIN Half figure, head and shoulders to the left, bronzed features, silken black beard and moustache, in white robes and red under garment, old gold background. Canvas. Signed at wpper left. Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches, CELEBRATING THE OPENING OF A ROAD IN THE ADIRONDACKS A procession passing along the new road, consisting of tableaux representing classic and modern groups of peasantry arranged on farm wagons drawn by oxen; maidens carrying implements decorated with flowers and men wearing laurel wreaths and carrying scythes. Canvas. Signed and dated 1894 at lower left. Height, 80 inches; length, 45 inches. READNG SCRIPTURE An old lady in white bonnet, pink shawl and white apron is seated in an easy chair reading the Bible, posed on a lecturn, curtain background, old Dutch window at left. Canvas. Signed and dated at lower left. Height, 5414 inches; width, 36 inches. STILL LIFE FLOWERS Canvas. Signed and dated 1898 at lower left. Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches. PORTRAIT OF WALTER SHIRLAW, N.A. Three-quarter length, seated to the front with legs crossed, right hand in lap, left elbow on arm of chair, holding a cigar. The veteran artist with grey hair brushed back from forehead, moustache and small goatee, looks smilingly at the spectator; in standing collar, grey cravatte, straw colored waistcoat and grey afternoon coat and trousers; light, cream. colored back- ground. Canvas. Signed and dated 1907 at upper left. Height, 36 inches; width, 45 inches. MOLLY PITCHER The heroine is represented with ramrod, standing by her gun in the thick of battle. In drab close-fitting attire with white collar and edge of white at sleeves, and pink tinted cap. Canvas. Signed and dated 1907 at lower left. Height, 50 inches; width, 36 inches. 14 80 81 82 84. 85 THE CENTURY CLUB Distinguished gathering of artists, literati and dilettanti seen in the salons of the club, a group seated at a table in the left foreground, another in the center interested in documents spread out on a large table, many sitting taking refreshment or smok- ing. Mostly portraits of well known persons. Canvas. Signed and dated 1894 at lower right. Height, 2534 inches; length, 86 inches. SKETCH FROM PARTING AND MEETING A young couple in early 19th century costume, seated in a two- wheeled chaise, have stopped at the wayside, he holds her hand and looks at her imploringly as she turns her head away. Canvas. Signed and dated 1894 at upper right. Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches. SKETCH FROM PARTING AND MEETING The young cavalier sits at the left, holding the skein of yarn on his outstretched hands as the young lady, who is seated on the window ledge winds the ball; simple interior. Canvas. Signed and dated 1894 at the right. Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches. SKETCH FROM PARTING AND MEETING The cavalier in blue coat and light grey trousers is seated at the left of a table while the lady in brown gown with lace yoke is pouring the tea at the right, serving maid standing at the side; simple interior. Canvas. Signed and dated 1894 at lower left. Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches. REVERIE A young lady in white, half reclining in a hammock has paused during her reading as if to dream of some far-off hero, under the shade of a spreading tree, whose branches cover the top of the canvas with lace-like effect; farm buildings in the distance, blue sky. Canvas. Signed and dated 1891 at lower right. Height, 20 inches; length, 80 inches. STUDY OF AN OLD WOMAN Half length, seated with hands in lap, with a blue hood, a touch of pink cap over the grey hair and white neckerchief, neutral background. Canvas. Height, 81% inches; width, 25 inches. 15 8% 88 89 90 91 DUTCH MILKMAID In peasant garb, this daughter of the dykes is crossing the coun- tryside with milk pails suspended from her shoulders; turbulent sky. Effective sketch. Canvas. Height, 22 inches; width, 14 inches. LANDSCAPE Expanse of green country with large rocky deposits at the right and farther distant; various figures about, cream and silvery sky. Canvas. Height, 15 inches; length, 24 inches. THE HARVEST MEAL The table is set in the garden and the farmer’s wife in white bonnet, pink and brown dress and blue apron is just bringing the roast bird on a large platter to the manifest delight of the hungry help, ready with fork in hand for the attack while a flaxen haired youth plays with a white dog. The farmer is seen at the gate in the middle ground with a little girl on his shoulder; barns, haystacks and horses, in the distance glimpses of blue sky. Canvas. Signed and dated 1888 at lower left. Height, 30 inches; length, 45 inches. MODELING THE LIFE BOAT Sitting on a box under a tree, the boat builder is carefully studying the lines of a small model, which he holds across his knee. Carpenter’s bench and tools about, haystack and a house in the distance; touch of summer sky. Canvas. Signed and dated 1891 at lower left. Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches. INTERIOR WITH FIGURE A woman standing at the right, peeling apples, an open door on the left discloses a fence, trees and vines and distance bathed in sunshine, Canvas. Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches. PAIR OF FLOWER STUDIES Canvas. Signed. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches, and height, 27 inches; width, 22 inches. 16 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 ROCKY LANDSCAPE An expanse of undulating country with picturesque boulders projecting from the green sward, blue sky with cloud effect. Canvas. Signed and dated 1887 at lower left. Height, 15 inches; length, 24 inches. LENGTHENING SHADOWS A farmyard with the pump and milk pails under a spreading tree in the foreground, a barn with props and firewood at the right, small sheds and a glimpse of hay stacks in the distance; late afternoon sky. Canvas. Signed and dated 1891 at lower left. Height, 80 inches; width, 20 inches. THE MORNING PAPER Study of a young woman seated, facing the left, reading a news- paper, neutral background. Panel. Signed at upper left. Height, 24 inches; width, 20 ' inches. HEAD OF A GIRL Head at profile, back to the spectator with a wealth of auburn hair, pink drapery covering the shoulders, neutral background. Canvas. Signed at upper right. Height, 16 inches; width, 13 inches. THE DOCTOR’S VISIT An elderly man seated in the middle foreground is supporting his head with his hand, at the right a canopied bed, the hand of the occupant just appearing from between the sheets, a table with medicines and a jug and a few articles of furniture about. Canvas. Signed and dated 1895 at lower left. Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches. DON’T LET ME FALL A young woman about to carry a little girl on her back. Land- scape background, with a lake and village. Water color. Height, 39 inches; width, 26 iches. FRIENDS Two young maidens, one seated and the other standing on rising ground in open country near the edge of a lake. Water color. Signed and dated 1894 at lower left. Height, 24% inches; width, 17 inches. 17 99 100 101 104 105 106 WASH DAY In the shade, just outside of the kitchen, a woman is pausing while laundering to speak to a man at the doorway, sunny dis- tance, Canvas. Signed and dated 1892 at lower left. Height, 30 inches; length, 86 inches. THE POTATO DIGGERS A field with two figures at work in a potato patch, a plow in the foreground, farm buildings and trees in the distance; sil- very sky. Canvas. Signed and dated 1880 at lower left. Height, 20 inches; length, 80 inches. DORDRECHT MILK MAID A maid with a yoke across her shoulders from which milk pails are suspended, in peasant’s costume, meadow background, grey sky. Canvas. Height, 18 inches; width, 12 inches. WINTER SCENE A woman taking down her linen from the line, hay stacks and farm buildings at the right, all white with snow, sunset effect. Canvas. Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches. AT THE THRESHOLD Standing figure of a lady in white gown, holding a pale blue parasol, neutral background. Water color. Signed and dated 1896 at upper left. Height, 26 inches; width, 14 inches. ROME FROM PINCHIO HILL, SKETCH A young lady stands on a balcony, overlooking Rome; sunset effect. Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 20 inches. SAWING WOOD An elderly man in a farmyard sawing wood. Canvas. Signed and dated 1891 at lower right. Height, 46 inches; width, 30 inches. PORTRAIT STUDY Three-quarter length seated, head to the front, shoulders slightly to the left, long sealskin coat with collar, lace ruffle, maroon colored ostrich feather on wide-brimmed hat, mauve silk dress; green background. Canvas. Height, 14% inches; width, 10 inches. 18 107 TWO COPIES AFTER TITIAN The Virgin, Child and Saints, and another. Canvas. Size of largest, height, 23¥ inches; length, 29 inches. 108 PEACOCK PIE The serving maid in grey dress with neckerchief and apron is passing with the festival dish decorated with the head and tail of a peacock to the wonderment of the little girl standing at the right, holding her doll. Canvas. Signed and dated 1880 at lower left. Height, 30 inches; width, 20 inches. 109 LANDSCAPE A tableland with a pool in the foreground, rocks and low shrub- bery, slight hills at the horizon; blue sky. Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 20 inches. 110 PORTRAIT STUDY OF A LADY SEATED Water color. Height, 18 inches; width, 9 wches. 111 SKETCH A sailing boat on a river, white houses, with red tile roofs and foliage reflecting in the water; pale sky. Panel. Height, 7% inches; length, 9¥% wches. 112 PASTORALE A maiden in white attire, holding a bunch of daisies, stands in a meadow of field flowers, wooded distance with a lake, late afternoon sky with the moon at crescent. Drawing in charcoal on tinted paper, heightened with white crayon. Height, 24 inches; width, 152 inches. 118 THE COWBOY SKETCH Bust of a young man facing the spectator, with slight mous- tache in wide-brimmed hat and broad white collar, blue-green background. Canvas. Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches. 114 COUNTRY ROAD Midsummer effect, fine group of trees at the right, meadows and farm houses in the distance, blue sky with slight cloud effect. Canvas. Height, 16 inches; length, 20 inches. 19 116 117 118 123 124 125 THE LETTER, STUDY IN MONOTONE An elderly woman in homely garb is writing a letter under difficulties, resting her hand on a book. Canvas. Signed at upper right. Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches. THE TRYSTING PLACE, SKETCH The young swain sits on the gnarled trunk of an uprooted tree, while the demure maiden in Quaker dress is leaning against the trunk fingering a bunch of flowers; hilly landscape, twi- light effect. Canvas. Height, 80 inches, width, 25 inches. THREE COPIES AFTER OLD MASTERS Philip IV. of Spain, by Velasquez; bust portrait. Self portrait, by Rembrandt. Bust portrait of a man, by Titian. Canvas. Size of largest, height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches. THREE DRAWINGS Exchange of Confidence, charcoal. Ideal Head, charcoal, Young lady on balcony overlooking Rome, pastel. FOUR MISCELLANEOUS STUDIES SEVEN MISCELLANEOUS PAINTINGS AND STUDIES Unframed. TWO MISCELLANEOUS STUDIES Unframed. FOURTEEN STUDIES For “The Burning of the Peggy Stewart at Annapolis, 1774”, for the Baltimore Court House. FIVE STUDIES For mural decorations of DeWitt Clinton High School, New York City—“The Opening of the Erie Canal, 1825.” TWO STUDIES For the mural decoration of Hudson County Court House— “The First Passage of the Steamer Clermont to Albany, in tS Oya STUDY OF A QUAKER MEETING Canvas, oil and pastel. Height, 48 inches; length, 68 inches. 20 128 129 130 131 132 134 SE NT IE ree Raearees veel SIX VARIOUS DESIGNS For mural decorations. TWO STUDIES For mural decorations for the Essex County Court House, Newark, N. J—“Landing of New Englanders at Newark, May 17th, 1666.” THREE STUDIES For mural decorations of a public building in Cleveland, Ohio. THREE STUDIES For pendentives for St. Andrews Church, New York City. Canvas. Height, 60 inches; width, 46 inches, and four smaller - ones, seven in all. TWO STUDIES For mural decorations for the Appellate Court, Springfield, Tll., and three various; four altogether. TEN STUDIES For Mahoning County Court House, Youngstown, Ohio, and one photograph; eleven in all. TWO STUDIES For a mural decoration for the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel FIVE STUDIES For mural decorations of the Hotel Martinique, New York City. TWO STUDIES For mural decorations of the Raleigh Hotel, Washington, D.C. FIVE STUDIES For a frieze—“The Triumph of Manhattan” for the Manhat- tan Hotel, New York City. FOUR STUDIES For decorative lunettes, subject—“Mining”. EIGHT SKETCHES For decorative lunettes, subject—“The Progress of Man”. COMPETITIVE SKETCH For a decoration of the New York City Court House. STUDY For mural decoration—“Barter with the Indians”, for the Bal- timore Court House. Canvas, unmounted. Height, 41 inches; width, 38 inches. 21 141 142 162 FOUR MISCELLANEOUS STUDIES Including entrance hall ceiling for Bank of commerce and music room of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. FOUR STUDIES : For the mural decoration for the Baltimore Court House— “Burning of the Peggy Stewart at Annapolis, 1774”, THREE STUDIES AND VARIOUS PHOTO ENLARGE- MENTS For mural decorations—“Opening of Erie Canal” and a stained glass window. FOURTEEN STUDIES On canvas, unmounted. PORTFOLIO OF SKETCHES For mural decorations. THE BRIDAL PROCESSION Original etching. Remarque proof. Signed by the artist. TWO OF THE SAME FIVE OF THE SAME TEN OF THE SAME FIFTEEN OF THE SAME TWENTY-FIVE OF THE SAME TWENTY-NINE OF THE SAME TWENTY OF THE SAME Unsigned. LOT OF ETCHINGS Some on vellum. PORTFOLIO OF TRIAL PROOF ETCHINGS PORTFOLIO OF STUDIES AND DRAWINGS SIX MISCELLANEOUS PHOTOS TEN MISCELLANEOUS PHOTOS EIGHT MISCELLANEOUS PHOTOS NINE MISCELLANEOUS PHOTOS SEVEN MISCELLANEOUS PHOTOS NINE MISCELLANEOUS PHOTOS FIFTEEN SKETCH BOOKS FOUR ALBUMS Of photographs of mural decorations. 22 167 ABOUT TWO HUNDRED MISCELLANEOUS PHOTO- GRAPHS ABOUT THREE HUNDRED LANTERN SLIDES Of C. Y. Turner’s mural decorations. PRINT CABINET Mahogany finish, with roll top; square feet. Height, 55 inches; depth, 19 inches; width, 59 inches. SEVEN ETCHED PLATES OF STEEL Twenty-one etched plates of copper, various sizes. 23 THE ALEXANDER PRESS 114-116 W. 27TH ST. N.Y.