THE LOCKWOOD Ds FOREST COLLECTION AN EXTRAORDINARY GATHERING OF RARE EAST INDIAN PERSIAN AND SYRO-DAMASCAN ART AND CURIOS FORMING THE PRIVATE COLLECTION OF THE WIDELY KNOWN ARTIST AND CONNOISSEUR LOCKWOOD Dez FOREST, Eso. OF NEW YORK CITY TO BE SOLD DURING TWO AFTERNOON SESSIONS UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION AT ITS NEW AMERICAN ART GALLERIES THE BLOCK OF MADISON AVENUE, 56TH TO 57TH STREET ENTRANCE, 30 EAST 57TH STREET NEW YORK ait ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW - V\oRw |) PRO Mr oon vie UNA 1.6. P.M; | AT THE NEW AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BLOCK OF MADISON AVENUE, 56TH TO 57rH STREET, NEW YORK ENTRANCE, 30 EAST 57TH STREET BEGINNING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2lsr, 1922 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DAY OF THE SALE Pleats RARE EAST INDIAN PERSIAN AND SYRO-DAMASCAN ART AND CURIOS BELONGING TO THE WIDELY KNOWN ARTIST AND CONNOISSEUR LOCKWOOD De FOREST, Esg. OF NEW YORK CITy TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE | 84295" IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL eet NEW AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ON THE MELERNOONS OF FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NOVEMBER 24TH anp 25TH BEGINNING EACH AFTERNOON AT 2.15 O’CLOCK 4 > . - “ < ~ ° « . a , E » 7 é 4 j ” Z wa “a } a 4 a . t r : 7 ¥ *« % 7 d = - > Pay: bh bs we CAETALOGUE OF THE RARE AND VALUABLE EXAMPLES OF EAST INDIAN PERSIAN AND SYRO-DAMASCAN ART AND CURIOS FORMING THE PRIVATE COLLECTION OF THE WIDELY KNOWN ARTIST AND CONNOISSEUR LOCKWOOD De FOREST, Esa. OF NEW YORK CITY ALL OF WHICH HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM Piseieve Ey RESIDENCE, No. 7 EAST 10TH SVREET AND INCLUDES MANY EXAMPLES AT VARIOUS TIMES LOANED TO DIFFERENT PUBLIC AND PRIVATE MUSEUMS, AS WELL AS ARTISTICALLY CARVED WALL PANELING AND DOORS, AND AN EXTRAOR- DINARY GATHERING OF POLYCHROME TILES FROM THE FAMOUS SYRO-DAMASCAN KILNS OF THE SIXTEENTH AND SEVENTEENTH CENTURIES. AND WILL BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BLOCK OF MADISON AVENUE, 56TH TO 57TH STREET, NEW YORK ENTRANCE, 30 EAST 57rH STREET ON THE AFTERNOONS HEREIN STATED THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANTS, MR. OTTO BERNET AND MR. H. H. PARKE, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers ENTRANCE, 30 EAST 571 STREET NEW YORK 1922 . eget ah ee THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIA DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIR ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY — y . PREFATORY NOTE [| Eatract from a letter written by Mr. Lockwood De Forest regarding his home and its contents | The collections of the well-known artist, architect and interior decorator, Mr. Lockwood De Forest, being unique, and of their kind of such exceeding rarity, it will certainly be of interest as well as of instructive value to quote from a letter to the American Art Association which he has written in reference to the contents of his former home at No. 7 East Tenth Street, New York City, and which letter, while personal in tone, is none the less so comprehensive that we believe that Mr. De Forest, who is now on his way to his California home, will have no objection to our publishing this extract. It reads as follows: “Mr. Stewart Culin, whose opinion I value more than that of any- one I know, wrote me that my house, 7 East 10th Street, was the hand- somest house he had ever seen, and my things far finer than in Sir Frederick Leighton’s house in London, which he left as a museum. I wonder why everything in carved wood brought from China, Japan and India was ever miscalled teak. Teak never grew in China or Japan, and no furniture was ever made in teak until I used it in the workshops I started in Ahmedabad in 1881. The furniture, which was brought to this country by some of the early sea-captains from Bombay, was made of what they call Bombay black wood, a species of gum wood. I never saw any teak at all till I found it on the carved house fronts of the Bombay Presidency. I helped Mr. I. Lockwood Kipling with the first exposition of Indian Art, which was opened at Christmas, 1881. He asked me to exhibit the carving I had done in my workshops. Some of it was immediately purchased by C. Purdon Clarke, then head of the India Museum at South Kensington, for the museum. He was knighted when he became Director of the South Kensington Museum, from which he came as Director of the Metropolitan. He spoke of the wonderful old carving, and rather doubted me when I told him that wood carving could be done as fine as any made in the past. I had the satisfaction of having him acknowledge when I sent specimens of the work done by my men in Ahmedabad that he had never seen such fine carving. I was awarded the medal at the Colonial Exhibition held in London, 1886; and again at Chicago, when I exhibited there. “The present sale is due to my selling my house, 7 East 10th Street, built in 1888, and having to take everything out of it. The two large arches, with the very fine openwork spandrils, were made in 1883, and the set of three arches when I planned the house in 1887. The large sideboard I designed from some old pieces of furniture I saw in India. There are eighty-three perforated copper panels in it, every one of different design from the others. The designs alone, even on paper, would have cost a fortune anywhere except in India. ‘There will never be another such piece made, nor will any such carving as in this sale ever be made again, as the skilled workmen are dead, and their sons, who would have continued the work, are now in the cotton mills tending spinning machines. The art is lost. The collection of Indian weapons is a very good one, and there are many fine pieces in it. The collection of Damascus chests, chest fronts and painted and paneled woodwork, and the tile, is the most important ever made. There are very few of these things now left in Damascus. I began my collection in 1876, and it has been continued up to 1913, when I got the last shipment. At that time there were very few tile offered for sale, and only in small lots of odd tile. The Indian metal collection is the most important ever made, except that there are very few of the figures of the Indian gods. Indian metal-work divides itself into objects made for religious worship and those made for household and personal use. There is no such thing as art metal-work, except what has been turned out for sale in the foreign market in tons. It is all rubbish, and comes under the head of Benares brass-work. If anyone wants to know what teakwood really is, let them look up the article on teak in the Encyclopedia Britannica.” CONDITIONS OF SALE I. Rejection of bids: Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. Il. The buyer: The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. Ill. Identification and part payment by buyer: The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a card giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her hame and address. Payment at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. f the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so purchased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. IV. Risk after purchase: Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss or any damage to any article occasioned by theft, fire, breakage or any other cause. VY. Delivery of purchases: Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon pay- ment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made at the place of sale or at the storage warehouse to which purchases may have been removed. Deliveries at the American Art Galleries will be made only between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M. on sales’ days and on other days—except holidays, when no deliveries will be made—between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Deliveries at places of sale other than the American Art Galleries will be made only during the forenoon following the day of sale unless by special notice or arrange- ment to the contrary. Deliveries at the storage warehouse to which goods may have been sent will be made on any day other than holidays between the hours of 9 and 5. Deliveries of any purchases of small articles likely to be lost or mislaid may be made at the discretion of the auctioneer during the session of the sale at which they were sold. VI. Storage in default of prompt payment and calling for goods: Articles not paid for in full and either not called for by the purchaser or delivered upon his or her order by noon of the day following that of the sale will be turned over by the Association to Some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the purchaser, and the cost of such cartage and storage will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. VOTH: The Limited space of the Delivery Rooms of the Association makes the above requirements necessary, and it is not.alone for the benefit of the Association, but also for that of its patrons, whose goods Three would have to be so crowded as to be subject to damage and loss. VII. Shipping: Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. VIII. Guaranty: The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error. defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing or imperfection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold “as is” and without recourse. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Association will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. IX. Buying on order: Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale and the purchase money will be refunded if the lot in any manner differs from its catalogue description. _ Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit should be sent or references submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. _ Priced Catalogues: Priced copies of the catalogue or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copying the necessary information from the records of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, New American Art Galleries, Block of Madison Avenue, 56th to 57th Street, Entrance, 30 Hast 57th Street, New York City. INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES AND CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS APPRAISALS AND CATALOGUES. ‘Together with the increase in its exhibition and sales rooms, the American Art Association will expand its service of furnishing appraisements, under expert direction, of art and literary property, jewelry and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for in- heritance tax, insurance and other purposes. It is prepared also to supplement this work by making catalogues of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modelled after the finely and intelligently produced catalogues of the Association’s own Sales. The Association will furnish at request the names of many Trust and Insur- ance Companies, Executors, Administrators, ‘Trustees, Attorneys and private individuals for whom the Association has made appraisements which have not only been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Revenue Department, State Comptroller and others in interest. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION Fake hace NEW AMERICAN ART GALLERIES THE BLOCK OF MADISON AVENUE, 56TH To 57rH STREET ENTRANCE, 30 EAST 57TH STREEE NEW YORK CITY = Aa > Ee. Comoe ss ~~ FIRST AFTERNOON’S SALE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1922 IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL OF THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.15 O'CLOCK Catalogue Numbers | to 299, inclusive HUNDU TEMPLE BRASSES FROM THE FIFTEENTH TO THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Including Figurines of Deities, Sacred Animals, Betel-nut Boxes and Cutters, Bells, Hanging and Standing Lamps, Candelabra and an Important Group of Suspension Chains for Lamps or Lanterns 1—Srx Brass Tempe Ficurines Hindu Seventeenth Century Standing figures of gods and goddesses. Heights, 2 inches to 4 inches. 2—Fovur Brass Tempite Ficurines Hindu Sixteenth Century Archaic standing figures of sacred elephants, three with howdahs and mahouts; one with pierced base forming a bell. Heights, 3% to 2% inches. 3—Fovur Brass Tempe Ficurrines Hindu Fifteenth Century Standing sacred elephants; one with driver, another having in- terior forming bell. Heights, 3% to 2 inches. 4—Srx Brass Tempie Ficurines Hindu Sixteenth Century Four of seated and standing gods and goddess, one a mounted warrior, another a goddess mounted on a tiger. Heights, 214 to 3 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed wm the forepart of the Catalogue. 5—Srx Brass Tremrpue FIcurines Hindu Sixteenth Century Three quaintly modeled horses, two seated gods and one stand- ing peacock. Heights, 2 inches to 3% inches. 6—Five Brass Temprte Ficurres Hindu Sixteenth Century Standing sacred cow, three groups of deities, standing figure of goddess holding monkey on her knee. Heights, 114 to 3%, inches. 7—Sr1x Brass Temprie Ficurines Hindu Seventeenth Century Quaint standing figures of gods. One in the act of running. Heights, 1% to 4 inches. 8—Four Brass Tempie Ficurines Hindu Sixteenth Century Two standing and seated figures of god and goddess; sacred cow and elephant. Heights, 44 to 3 inches. 9—THreEE Brass TemMpLte FicurINnEs Hindu Sixteenth Century Two standing figures of caparisoned sacred elephants, and sacred horse. (Driver’s head on one of elephants missing.) Heights, 44%, to 3% inches. 10—Tureer Brass Artes, ok Tempie Lamps Hindu Seventeenth Century Lotus-petaled lamp; on balustered foot, with long loop handle. One, a seated deity holding forth a five-petaled receptacle; an- other, with small balustered shaft, long loop handle and double lobed receptacle about center. Height, 3 inches. 11—Two Brass Tempite Covers Hindu Sixteenth Century Heads of deities; with proverbial long ears. Hollow to cover sacrificial offerings. Heights, 334, and 31% inches. 12—Two Brass Tempie Covers Hindu Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding. Height, 4 inches. First Afternoon 18—Two Brass Tempxte Artes, on Lamps Hindu Sixteenth Century Petaled round receptacle, with lizard loop handle and spreading molded foot. Other with revolving lobed center plate having six apertures for incense. Heights, 3 and 2 inches. 14—Raret Dovusre Brass Temerte Lamp Hindu Sixteenth Century Baluster stem, with small cup terminal and two oval lamps at sides. Height, 41% inches. 15—Turee Brass Betet-nut Boxes Hindu Sixteenth Century Two gadrooned globular boxes, hinged at center. Other flat round, with stellate motives and flutings. Note: These interesting boxes were used to carry betel-nuts and lime. 16—Two Brass Beret-nut Boxes Hindu Sixteenth Century Flat round box with gadrooned border and loop handle (hinge imperfect). Other, standing globular, hinged at center and sur- mounted by a peacock; enriched with valance motives. 17—Two Brass Betret-nut Boxes Hindu Sixteenth Century Globular, hinged at center; one with flutings; other having bands of arabesqued scrollings. 18—Two Brass BetTEeL-nNutT Boxes Hindu Seventeenth Century Globular, hinged at center; variously enriched with bands of leaf motives and scrollings. 19—Two Brass Temple SNUFFERS Hindu Eighteenth Century One terminating in scrolled heads of birds; other with round snuffers with rustic stop to handles. Length, 5 inches. 20—Two Brass Sacrep Cow Bertts Hindu Sixteenth Century Curiously molded dome tops, with button terminals. Under por- tion of curved open prongs. Fine tone. Heights, 4 and 31% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 21—Brass Sacred Cow BELL Hindu Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding. Height, 4 inches. 22—Brass Sacrep Cow BEL Hindu Sixteenth Century — Similar to the preceding. Height, 4 inches. 23—Brass SacrEeD Cow BELL Hindu Siateenth Century Similar to the preceding. Height, 41% inches. 24—Four Brass Pot-pourrt Hoxupers Hindu Seventeenth Century Tubular; pierced and chased with varied fine bands of arabesque motives and scrollings. Cover and end with chain for suspension. Length, 5 inches. 25—TureEE Brass Potr-rpourrt HoLpers Hindu Seventeenth Century Similar to the preceding; with double chains. Length, 5% inches. 26—Two Brass Por-pourr1 Hotpers Hindu Seventeenth Century Similar to the preceding. Lengths, 7144 and 6 inches. 27—T'wo Brass Pot-pourrt Houpers Hindu Seventeenth Century Similar to the preceding. Length, 8 inches. 28—Two Brass Por-pourrt Hotpers Hindu Seventeenth Century Similar to the preceding. Lengths, 9 and 8 inches. 29—Four Brass Tempie Ficurines Hindu Sixteenth Century Seated and standing figures of two gods; sacred serpent and monkey. Heights, 5 to 3% inches. First Afternoon 30—Four Brass Tempexie Ficurines Hindu Stxteenth Century Standing figures of gods and goddesses. Heights, 5 to 3% inches. 31—Five Brass Temrpie Ficurines Hindu Stiaxteenth Century Four standing figures of gods and goddess; one pedestaled group of two sacred animals. Heights, 514, to 4 inches. 32—Four Brass TempLe VESSELS Hindu Sixteenth Century Two molded pear-shaped lamps, with black canopies; variously enriched with cruciform motive and seated deity. Two stands for incense. Heights, two 51% and 3 inches. 30—LTwo Brass TEMPLE VESSELS Hindu Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding two lamps. 34—Four Brass TEMPLE VESSELS Hindu Sixteenth Century Three pear-shaped lamps; with back canopies variously enriched with curious seated deities and elephants. Throne chair for a deity with interesting piercings. Heights, 54%, to 3 inches. 35—Four Brass Tempite Ficurines Hindu Stateenth Century Standing figures of gods and goddess; two holding pear-shaped vessels before them for lamps. Heights, 5%, to 4& inches. 36—Turee Brass Tempere Ficurines Hindu Fifteenth Century Archaic standing figures of two sacred horses and cow. On molded oblong bases. Heights, 5 to 4 inches. 37—TureE Brass Tempie Ficurines Hindu Sixteenth Century Standing figures of god and goddess, the goddess holding a pear- shaped vessel before her for lamp. Archaic canopied group of deities. Height, 5 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 38—Four Brass Tempie Ficurtyes Hindu Fifteenth Century Standing figures of two caparisoned elephants ; one winged, other with driver. Archaic sacred cow and horse. Heights, 51%, to 4% inches. 39—TuHree Brass Tempite Ficurines Hindu Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries Archaic mounted warrior, with two small hounds at horse’s feet; group of deities, with serpent and dancing god. Heights, 54% to 4% inches. 40—Two Brass TempLte SNUFFERS Hindu Seventeenth Century Quaintly fashioned handles; prongs terminating in archaic heads of birds. Lengths, 6 and 4 inches. 41—Two Brass Temprte Lamps ann CENSER Hindu Sixteenth Century Balustered lamp, with animalistic handle; another, with scrolled peacock handle. Eggcup-shaped censer, with chained and pieced cover having long scrolled handle. Lengths, 6 to 4 inches. 42—Two Brass Beret-nut Cutters Hindu Seventeenth Century Horseshoe holder, with wide blade and scrolled handles. Lengths, 61, to 5 inches. 43—Two Brass Betet-Nut CuTTErs Hindu Sixteenth Century Shaped baluster handle, with long hinged blade; other, with shaped handles and broad cutter terminating in elephant head. Lengths, 6% and 5% inches. 44—Two Brass TempLe Bevis Hindu Seventeenth Century Molded bells, having long handles terminating in figures of deities. Heights, 6% to 51%, inches. First Afternoon 45—Two Brass Artes, or TempLe Lamps Hindu Seventeenth Century Standing figures of deities, with loop handles; one holding a five-lobed receptacle; other mounted on an elephant standing on a four-lobed receptacle. Lengths, 6 and 5% inches. 46—Two Brass Beret-nur Currers Hindu Seventeenth Century Tapering handles, terminating in pineapple motives, elaborately enriched blades, one with seated peacock, other with chimera hay- ing peacock wings and tail. Lengths, 6 and 5% inches. 47—T ree Brass Tempie Ficurines Hindu Sixteenth Century Standing figure of a god and pilgrim; canopied group of goddess and infant. Heights, 7 to 3% inches. 48—Two Brass Hancine Tempte Lamps Hindu Fifteenth Century Standing figures of doves, with olive branch in mouth; chains for suspension. Length, 6 inches. 49—T'wo Brass Haneinc TEMPLE Lamps Hindu Fifteenth Century Similar to the preceding. Lengths, 7 and 6 inches. 50—Two Brass Haneinc Tempite Lamps Hindu Fifteenth Century Similar to the preceding. Lengths, 9 and 7 inches. 51—Two Brass Haneinc TEMPLE Lamps Hindu Fifteenth Century Similar to the preceding. Lengths, 9 and 7 inches. 52—Two Brass Hancinc Tempie Lamps Hindu Fifteenth Century Similar to the preceding. Lengths, 11 and 9 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 58—Two Brass Hanetnc Tempie Lamps Hindu Fifteenth Century Similar to the preceding. Lengths, 9 and 7 inches. 54—Brass Haneinc TEMPLE Lamp Hindu Fifteenth Century Similar to the preceding. With covered receptacle under foot. Height, 9 inches. 55—Turee Brass TEMPLE Ficurines Hindu Early Stxteenth Century Standing figure of god and goddess, the goddess holding pear- shaped lamp before her; sacred cow bearing round tazza for lamp. Heights, 7% to 8% inches. 56-—-Two Brass Tempie BELus Hindu Sixteenth Century Molded bells; with long baluster handles terminating in archaic figures. Heights, 7 and 61% inches. 57—Two Brass BETEL-NuT CUTTERS Indian Stateenth Century Tapering handles with pineapple and nulled terminals, finely shaped loops for blades. One pierced, other with peacock effigy on blade. Lengths, 7 and 61/2 inches. 58—Two Brass BeTEL-NuT CUTTERS Hindu Sixteenth Century One with tapering reeded handles, shaped loop for pierced iron blade. Other with faceted handles having animalistic and bird terminals to loop. Length, 61%, inches. 59—Two Brass Tempite Vessets Hindu Late Sixteenth Century Gadroon vase, with pear-shaped frontal receptacle canopied by an effigy of a deity. Flamed loop handle. Heights, 714% and 6 inches. 60—Fovur Brass Tempite Ficurines First Afternoon Hindu Sixteenth Century Standing and seated figures of gods and goddesses. One winged, another with nimbus-canopy. 61—TIwo Brass Temrexue InKsTANDS Molded round body; with gadrooned dome side loops for cords. 62—Two Brass TEMPLE INKSTANDS Similar to the preceding. 683—TLIwo Brass Temrexre Inxstranps Similar to the preceding. 64—Two Brass Trempie InKsTANnpDs Similar to the preceding. 65—TIwo Brass TemreLte InNkKsTANps Similar to the preceding. 66—TLIwo Brass Temrue INKsTANDS Similar to the preceding. 67—Brass Temrexte INKsTANpD Similar to the preceding. 68—TIwo Brass Tempute Figures Hindu Hindu Hindu Hindu Hindu Hindu Heights, 81% to 534, inches. Seventeenth Century and pinnacled cover; Heights, 7 and 5 inches. Seventeenth Century Height, 8 inches. Seventeenth Century Height, 8 inches. Seventeenth Century Height, 10 inches. Seventeenth Century Height, 10 inches. Seventeenth Century Heights, 10 and 9 inches. Seventeenth Century Height, 14 inches. Hindu Sixteenth Century Votive and dancing figures of deities. 69—Two Brass BEreL-NuT CUTTERS Heights, 7 and 6% inches. Hindu Sixteenth Century Finely enriched horseshoe loop to broad cutter. One with scrolled tapering hexagonal handles; other with knopped tapering round handles. Lengths, 84% and 71/2 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 70—Two Brass Tempte VEssELs Hindu Sixteenth Century Gadrooned vase similar to preceding; the other round pedestaled lamp having arched handle scrolled with dragons; chains for suspension. Height, 8% “inches. 71—Two Brass Hanerne Temprte Lamps Hindu Sixteenth Century Minaretted architectural body ; with pierced stepped base having four pear-shaped receptacles canopied by seated deities. Chains for suspension. Height, 8% inches. 72—Brass Hancine Tempepite Lamp Hindu Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding. Height, 138 inches. 738—Two Brass Artes, or TEMPLE Lamps Hindu Seventeenth Century Four-lobed receptacle, on bell and scrolled feet with long loop handles. One surmounted by a peacock, the other by a deity rid- ing an elephant. Length, 8 inches. 74—Two Brass Arres, on TrempLe Lamps Hindu Sixteenth Century Coupe shape; with looped peacock handle; other with five lobed receptacle and long looped handle; both having bell feet and animalistic terminals. Lengths, 8 and 6 inches. 75—Two Brass Tempie Ficurines Hindu Fifteenth Century Archaic standing figures of goddesses; one bearing pear-shaped vessel for lamp. Heights, 8 and 7 inches. 76—Two. Brass TempLe Lamps Hindu Fifteenth Century Oval boat-shape. One with ram’s-head handles, other with gro- tesque mask-handles. Length, 8% inches: First Afternoon 77—TIwo Brass Temrue BELus Hindu Sixteenth Century Quaintly molded bells, with baluster handles; one surmounted by a standing deity. Heights, 8 and 6% inches. 78—Two Brass Artrs, or TEMPLE Lamps Hindu Sixteenth Century Standing figure of a goddess, holding a pear-shaped receptacle. On high molded round and square pedestal. Other, a similar deity riding an elephant. On high flanged baluster pedestal. Heights, 9 and 7 inches. 79—Two Brass Temprie Ficurines Hindu Sixteenth Century Sacred cow, standing on open toothed oblong plinth. Owl stand- ing on oblong base. Heights, 9 and 61% inches. 80—Two Brass Temrete FIcurRInEs Hindu Sixteenth Century Bust of a four-armed goddess, with knopped head-dress and long ears. Group with chimeric dragon standing on the back of an elephant and supporting a double-headed peacock. Height, 9 inches. 81—Two Brass Tempter Betis Hindu Seventeenth Century Molded bells. One with spirally twisted stem surmounted by a canopied group of two deities, other with baluster stem and standing deity. Heights, 9 and 7 inches. 82—Brass TempPLtE BELL anp STANDARD Hindu Seventeenth Century Molded bell and base, baluster stem; variously surmounted by a peacock and standing deity. Height, 10 inches. 83—LarcEr Brass Temprte BELL Hindu Seventeenth Century Finely molded bell; spirally twisted handle surmounted by a group of three deities. Height, 11 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 84—Two Brass TEMPLE SNUFFERS Hindu Seventeenth Century One extra long, with Saracenic enrichment; silver-plated. Other terminating in archaic animal heads. Lengths, 11 and 6 inches. 85—Two Brass Tempre Ficurines Hindu Siateenth Century Caparisoned elephants. One mounted on wheels and having a driver and howdah; other, with mahout and passenger sustaining a large circular coupe. Heights, 8 and 7 inches. 86—Two Brass Tempie Ficurines Hindu Siateenth Century Standing figure of a goddess, holding a pear-shape receptacle. On molded square base. Caparisoned camel with howdah on back. Heights, 10 and 9 inches. 87—Two Brass Tempe FicurineEs Hindu Sixteenth Century Caparisoned sacred horses; one with archaic rider. Heights, 11 and 9% inches. 88—Brass TempLe Ficur1nE Hindu Sixteenth Century Caparisoned elephant, with dimunitive mahout on back. (Im- perfect. ) Height, 11 inches. 89—Two Brass TempLe Lamps Hindu Sixteenth Century Two graduated lobed tiers having numerous pear-shaped recep- tacles ; on baluster shaft and spreading foot; curious long looped handles. (One slightly imperfect. ) Lengths, 11 and 10 inches. 90—Two Brass Hanetnc TEMPLE Lamps Hindu Fifteenth Century Baluster stem, with scrolled central flange having six oil recep- tacles; long loop handles. One surmounted with a further re- ceptacle, the other with deity riding an elephant. Lengths, 9 and 8 inches, First Afternoon 91—Two Brass TrempLe Lamps Hindu Fifteenth Century Archaic standing elephant ; with mahout holding five pear-shaped receptacles; long loop handle. ‘The other, with baluster stem and dish base; surmounted by a nine-lobed flange supporting the figure of a deity standmg on an elephant’s back. Heights, 10 and 6 inches. 92—-THrREE Brass Stanpinc TemMpLe Lamps | Himdu Seventeenth Century (a) Expanding octagonal shaft, with round base, lobed cup and pinnacled crown. (3) Bulbous baluster shaft; on round base surmounted by pear- shaped lamp. (c) Similar, with circular lobed lamp. Heights, 11, 11% and 12% inches. 93—Two Brass Sranpinc TempPLe Lamps Hindu Seventeenth Century One, with baluster, the other with expanding octagonal shaft. On round flanged bases; crowned by lobed round lamps. Heights, 10% and 11 inches. 94—Exanorate Brass TEMPLE CENSER Hindu Early Sixteenth Century Double-headed peacock, with pierced domed tail; hinged about center and standing on the backs of two diminutive elephants; molded round base. Interesting looped handle with mask center and balustered foot. Height, 15 inches. 95—Four Brass Hancine TEempie Lames Hindu Sixteenth Century Lobed receptacle, with baluster stem and double rimmed round base. Chain for suspension. Total height, 16 inches. 96—Four Brass Hancinc TEMPLE LAMPs Hindu Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding. Total height, 18 inches. Kindly read. the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 97—Four Brass Hanetnc Tempter Lamps Hindu Stateenth Century Similar to the preceding. Total height, 17 inches. 98—Four Brass Hancinc TEMPLE LANTERNS Hindu Stxteenth Century Similar to the preceding. Total height, 18 inches. 99—Four Brass Hanetnce Tempus Lamps Hindu Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding. Total height, 19 inches. 100—Fovur Brass Haneinc TempitE Lamps Hindu Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding; varying in pattern. Total height, 16 inches. 101—Fovur Brass Hancinc Temprie Lamps Hindu Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding. Total height, 18 inches. 102—Fovur Brass Hancine Tempus Lamps Hindu Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding. Total height, 18 inches. 103—Brass Hancinc Tempie Lamp Hindu Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding; no chain for same. Height, 144% inches. 104—-Brass Hancinc Tempie Lamp Hindu Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding; with molded domed cover and chain with peacock in center. Total height, 33 inches. 105—Brass Hanetnc Tempter Lamp Hindu Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding; without cover. Total height, 55 inches. First Afternoon 106—Brass TrempLe CANDLESTICK Hindu Seventeenth Century Slender baluster shaft; with extra broad round foot pan. Height, 17 inches. 107—Two Brass Stranpinc Trempie Lamps Hindu Seventeenth Century Slightly varying expanding ribbed baluster shafts, flanged round bases; crowned with round lobed lamps. Height, 17 inches. 108—Two Brass Stranpinc Tempie Lamps Hindu Seventeenth Century (a) Octagonal shaft, with series of gadrooned bosses, lobed lamp and round flanged base. (3) Balustered shaft, with round base, lobed lamp and pinnacle. Heights, 16 and \8 inches. 109—Brass Tempie Lamp Hindu Early Sixteenth Century Pierced flaring baluster stem, bearing two graduated lobed round receptacles. Finely scrolled loop handle surmounted by a mahout driving an elephant. Length, 13 inches. 110—Two Brass Stranpinc TEMPLE Lamps Hindu Sixteenth Century (a) Bulbous baluster shaft, interrupted by a square panel. Round flanged base; crowned by lobed round lamp. (s) Beautifully balustered shaft. On flanged round base; crowned by round lobed lamp. Height, 181% inches. 111—-Two Brass Stranpinc TEMPLE Lamps Hindu Sixteenth Century Varying balustered shafts; flanged round bases and lobed round crowning lamps. Height, 18% inches. 112—Two Brass Stanpinc Tempie Lamps Hindu Sixteenth Century Slightly varying baluster shafts; on round flanged bases; lobed round crowning lamps. (Cover missing. ) Height, 191% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 113—Two Brass Stanpinc Tempete Lamps Hindu Sixteenth Century Pear-shaped and bulbous shafts; with lobed lamp receptacles. On round bases. (Covers of lamps missing.) Heights, 19 and 29 inches. 114—Two Brass Stanpinc Tempre Lamps Hindu Sixteenth Century One, pear-shaped baluster shaft; other, with expanding octag- onal. On round bases; lobed round crowning lamps. Heights, 19 and 191, inches. 115—Two Brass Stranpinc Tempite Lamps Hindu Sixteenth Century Finely balustered shafts, one with ribbing. On broad round bases. Crowned by lobed round lamps and pinnacles. Height, 24 inches. 116—Two Brass Sranpinc TEempie Lamps | Hindu Sixteenth Century Finely balustered shafts, one with ribbing. On varying flanged round bases; lobed crowning lamps and pinnacles. Heights, 26 and 28 inches. 117—Brass Stanpinc Tremprte Lame Hindu Seventeenth Century Ribbed baluster shaft. On finely flanged round base. Circular lobed lamp and crowning pinnacle. Height, 20 inches. 118—Brass TemMpLte CANDLESTICK Hindu Sixteenth Century Rare baluster shaft, with broad round bobéche toward crown. On molded round base. Height, 211, inches. 119—Brass Tempxte Lamp Hindu Seventeenth Century Gadrooned pear-shaped baluster shaft; domed base; crowned by lobed round receptacle. Height, 22 inches. First Afternoon 120—Brass Stranpinc TempepLteE CANDELABRUM Hindu Seventeenth Century Small balustered shaft; supported on the back of an elephant standing on molded oblong base; eight scrolled arms with lobed receptacles and crowning pinnacle. Height, 21 inches. 121—Brass TEMPLE CANDELABRUM Hindu Seventeenth Century Expanding octagonal shaft; on high circular flanged base sup- porting series of six crolled arms with covered round receptacles having bird terminals. Similar larger crowning receptacle with standing peacock. Height, 23 inches. 122—Brass TEMPLE CANDELABRUM Hindu Eighteenth Century Slender balustered shaft; on scroll-engraved domed base. En- riched with two series of scrolled arms terminating in covered stellate receptacles; at crown with series of mirrored scrolled arms. (Four of the copper covers to receptacles missing.) Height, 25 inches. 123—Brass TempLe Lamp Hindu Sixteenth Century Slender round shaft, interrupted by rope motived members. On flanged round base. Surmounted by covered, lobed round re- ceptacle having a peacock as terminal. Height, 24 inches. 124—Brass Tempte Lamp Hindu Sixteenth Century Beautiful pear-shaped baluster shaft, with high round flanged base. Surmounted by a covered and lobed round receptacle hav- ing peacock terminal. Height, 25 inches. 125—Brass Tempexie Lamp Hindu Stateenth Century Similar to the preceding; but with larger, more elaborate pea- cock. Height, 28 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 126—Brass Tempite Lamp Hindu Seventeenth Century Exceptionally fine balustered shaft, with spiral flutings. On round flanged base. Open lobed round receptacle surmounted by a large peacock. Height, 29 inches. 127—Brass Tempie Lamp Hindu Sixteenth Century Pear-shaped balustered shaft, bearing inscription. On flanged round base. Surmounted by a dome-covered lobed receptable with bird terminal. Height, 28 inches. 128—Brass Tempie Lamp Hindu Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding. Height, 31 inches. 129—Brass Tempite Lamp Hindu Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding. Height, 19 inches. 130—Brass Tempite Lamp Hindu Sixteenth Century Pear-shaped baluster shaft, with flanged round base and lobed round crowning receptacle. Height, 254, inches. 131—Brass Temprte Lamp Hindu Sixteenth Century Ribbed and pearl motived baluster shaft; on scrolled tripod legs: enriched with leaves and intervening open valances. Circular valanced crowning cup. Height, 28 inches. 132—Brass TempLe Lamp Hindu Sixteenth Century Nine-sided expanding shaft; enriched with two bands of leaf motives, gadroons and pierced lotus scrollings. On similar mo- tived molded round base. Crowned by a lotus thalamus recep- tacle. Height, 39 inches. First A fternoon 133—Brass Temreite Lamp Hindu Seventeenth Century Expanding hexagonal shaft, on high round base enriched with pierced leaf motives and chevrons. Circular crowning cup with open leaf valance. Height, 25 inches. 134—Brass Hancinc Tempie Lantern Hindu Eighteenth Century Circular, with sustaining ribs; occupied by a small balustered candlestick. Double-dome pierced with stellate diapers. Height, 31 inches. 135—Brass Hancinc Tempite Lantern Hindu Eighteenth Century Similar to the preceding; with interesting balustered lamp, hay- ing covered receptacle surmounted by a conventionalized pea- cock. Heiaht, 84 inches. 186—Brass Tempie Lamp Hindu Sixteenth Century Expanding bulbous baluster shaft. On deeply flanged round base. Extra large round lobed receptacle crowned by a pinnacle. Height, 31 inches. 137—Brass Tempte Lamp Hindu Sixteenth Century Interesting molded baluster shaft; on finely molded round base. Lobed circular crowning receptacle. Height, 33 inches. 188—Brass TEMPLE CANDELABRA Hindu Eighteenth Century Slender, octagonally balustered shaft, sustaining two series of bird scrolled arms with lobed and covered receptacles; sur- mounted by birds. At crown a standing devotee supports a simi- lar larger receptacle. (One cover missing.) Height, 36 inches. 1389—Brass TEMPLE CANDELABRUM Hindu Seventeenth Century Finely balustered shaft, with series of leaf enriched bands sus- taining two series of scrolled arms having lobed and covered receptacles. Similar large crowning receptacle. (One recep- tacle and three covers missing.) Height, 40% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 140—Brass TEMPLE CANDELABRUM Hindu Seventeenth Century Balustered shaft, sustained by a double bodied and headed deity standing on the back of an elephant, before which are four pea- cocks. Octagonal base with scrolled feet. ‘The four armed deity holds scrolling arms with covered round receptacles. ‘The shaft sustains two further series of similar arms and a crowning larger receptacle. (Five covers and one bird missing.) Height, 401% inches. 141—Two Brass TempexLe LAamp-cHAINsS Hindu Seventeenth Century Formed of Saracenic S-scrolled links enriched with chiseled motives. Lengths, 47 and 43 inches. 142—Two Brass Temprte Lamp-cHains Hindu Sixteenth Century Formed of exceptionally fine baluster motives joined by round links. Length, 59 inches. 143—Four Brass TempLe Lamp-cuains Hindu Stateenth Century Formed of balustered double round links interrupted by peacocks and central pierced balls. Lengths, two, 59, and one 56 inches. 144—Fovur Brass Tempie Lamp-cHarns Hindu Seventeenth Century Formed of rosetted double-links interrupted at center with pierced and molded globular motives. Length, 56 inches. 145—Fovur Brass TempLe Lamp-cuHarns Hindu Seventeenth Century Formed of balustered double-links interrupted by pierced pla- quettes and central diamond patterned pierced balls. Length, 60 inches. - First Afternoon 146—Fovur Brass TempLte Lamp-cuamss Hindu Sixteenth Century Formed of balustered deuble-links interrupted by pierced pla- quettes and ball centers. Length, 66 inches. 147—Tureer Brass Tempeprte LAMpP-cHAINS Hindu Sixteenth Century Formed of rosetted double fan-shaped links interrupted by cen- tral diamond-pierced balls. Length, 66 inches. 148—Two Brass Temrpie LAMp-cHAINS Hindu Seventeenth Century Formed of fine baluster motives joined by round links and vari- ously interrupted by pierced balls and plaquettes. Lengths, 67 and 60 inches. 149—Turee Brass Tempter LAMpP-cHAINS Hindu Seventeenth Century (a) S-scrolled links, interrupted by quaint standing figure of a deity at prayer and bells. (3) Balustered links, with interrupting pierced plaquette and ball. (c) Long S-links with interrupting pierced plaquette. Lengths, 66, 88 and 83 inches. 150—Two Brass Tempter Lamp-cuains Hindu Sixteenth Century Formed of finely leaf balustered double-links, interrupted by val- anced round canopies and pierced globular motives. Length, 67 inches. 151—Two Brass Temrerte Lamp-cuHains Hindu Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding; also interrupted by pierced scroll- plaquettes. Shghtly varying. Length, 63 inches. 152—Two Brass TrempLe Lamp-cuatns Hindu Sixteenth Century Formed of unusual gadrooned double-links interrupted by pierced and molded :oval motives. Length, 72 inche» Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 153—Two Brass Tempie Lamp-cuains Hindu Sixteenth Century Formed of double balustered links interrupted by molded round central canopies, pierced plaquettes and diamond enriched glo- bular motives. Length, 70 inches. 154—Brass Tempie LAmp-cHAIN Hindu Seventeenth Century Formed of double balustered links interrupted by peacocks and pierced plaquettes. Length, 72 inches. 155—Two Brass Tempte Lamp-cuHains Hindu Sixteenth Century Formed of balustered double-links, variously interrupted by belled canopies, pierced balls and plaquettes. Lengths, 72 and 64 inches. 156—Fovur Brass Temrpie LAmMp-cHAINS Hindu Seventeenth Century Formed of faceted links, with double round ends. Exceptionally fine scrolled hooks. Lengths, two 66, one 56 and one 76 inches. 157—Two Brass Tempter Lamp-cuatins Hindu Sixteenth Century Formed of varying balustered double-links. One interrupted by plaquettes ; both with perced balls at center. Lengths, 66 and 74 inches. 158—Important Ser or Four Tremprie Lamp-cuHains Hindu Sixteenth Century Massive double links, interrupted by diamond latticed globular motives, about center by similarly enriched molded and domed canopy, below by standing figures of goddess and mahout driv- ing a caparisoned elephant. Fine rich golden-green patina. Length, 78 inches. 159—Two Brass Tempie Lamp-cuatns Hindu Sixteenth Century Formed of heavy faceted double-links interrupted by pierced round galleried canopies and ball motives. Length, 78 inches. First A fternoon 160—Two Brass Tempte Lamr-cuatns Hindu Sixteenth Century Formed of double linked, flat balustered plaquettes. Lengths, 80 and 55 inches. 161—Two Brass TemrLe Lame-cHatns Hindu Sixteenth Century Formed of balustered double-links, interrupted by pierced domed canopies trimmed with bells and pierced globular motives. Length, 79 inches. 162—Turex Brass Tempte Lamp-cuarys Hindu Stateenth Century Formed of long slender square links alternating with plaquettes and square baluster motives. Length, 80 inches. 163—Fovur Brass Tempers Lamp-cHatrns Hindu Seventeenth Century Formed of faceted double-links interrupted by standing figures of deities at prayer and peacocks. Lengths of two, 86, others 82 and 76 inches. 164—Four Brass Tempte Lamp-cHarns Hindu Seventeenth Century Similar to the preceding; with interrupting peacocks only. Lengths, 78 inches. SEVENTEENTH CENTURY BIDRE-WARE: INLAID GOLD OR SILVER ON SPELTER, MADE BY THE HINDUS | OF “BIDRE IN THE DECCAN” 165—Two Sriver Intaiw Biwre Boxes Hindu Seventeenth Century Oblong, with loose canted top covers. Inlaid with sprays of flowers and bandings. Length, 2% inches. 166—Sitver Inuarip Brwre CANnDLESTICK Hindu Seventeenth Century Balustered shaft, with large circular tray and iene feet. In- laid with sprays of flowers and leaf motives. Height, 6% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 167—Sitver Inztaip BriporE CANDLESTICK Hindu Seventeenth Century Similar to the preceding, with extra broad circular tray. Height, 41%; diameter, 11 inches. 168—Two Sitver Intar Bipre Vases Himdwu Seventeenth Century Pear-shaped bottles. One inlaid with sprays of flowers, other with diapered leaves and bandings. Heights, 8 and 74% inches. 169—Sriiver Initaip Bipre Hussite Pirz WaTer-HOLDER Hindu Seventeenth Century Gadrooned bell-shaped ; with similarly gadrooned globular neck. Inlaid with floral scrollings. Height, 7 inches. 170—Sitver Invaw Binre Hussite Pir—E WatTer-HOLDER Hindu Seventeenth Century Bell-shaped ; with molded flaring mouth. Inlaid with interlacing plaquettes occupied by sprigs of flowers. Height, 7 inches. 171—Sitver Inztarip Brre Hussite Pierre WATER-HOLDER Hindu Seventeenth Century Similar to the preceding; enriched with sprays of large flowers. Height, 7 inches. 172—Sitver Inuaip Bipre Inx Box anp Tray Hindu Seventeenth Century Oblong box; with domed loose cover; fitted with small tray. Molded oblong tray, with valanced feet. Inlaid with sprays of flowers and diapered panels. Length of tray, 9 inches. Sitver Inuarmw Binvre Inx Box anv Tray Hindu Seventeenth Century 173 Similar to the preceding. (Small tray missing.) Length of tray, 9% inches. First Afternoon 174—Two Goup Invar Bipre Savers Hindu Seventeenth Century Molded rim, enriched with flame motives; center with medallion surrounded by detached sprays of flowers. The other, gold and silver inlay with surrounding medallions. Diameters, 7 and 7%, inches. 175—Intarip Sitver Set or Bipre Spice Boxes anv Tray | Hindu Seventeenth Century Domed oblong box, with loose cover; six small boxes with canted covers. Molded oblong tray; on valanced feet. Enriched with sprays of flowers and leaf motives. Length of tray, 9% inches. 176—Sitver Invai Bivre Box Hindu Seventeenth Century In the form of a fish; inlaid with conventionalized scales and scrollings. Length, 9 inches. 177—Two Sitver Intar Brore Vases Hindu Seventeenth Century Slender bottle shape; variously inlaid with sprays of flowers and festooned leaves. Heights, 9 and 8% inches. 178—Sitver Inuaip BivreE WaTER-BOTTLE Hindu Seventeenth Century Globular; with long expanding neck. Inlaid with leaf ogivals enclosing blossoms. Height, 1034 inches. 179—Sitver Invaiw Brwre WATER-BOTTLE Hindu Seventeenth Century Similar to the preceding; with domed cover. Height, 121% inches. 180—Sitver [nuain WarTeErR VEssEL Globular; with scroll handle and long hexagonal spout. En- riched with banded ogivals enclosing stellate blossoms. (Imper- fect.) Height, 1014 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 181—T'wo Inuaip Stiver Bivre Hooxan Pirk WATER-HOLDERS Hindu Seventeenth Century Pear-shaped ; with molded necks and side apertures. Inlaid with sprays of flowers and bandings. Heights, 12 and 11 inches. 182—Inuaip Sitver Bipre CENnsER Hindu Seventeenth Century Molded oblong dish; with hollow flanged rim and florally pierced cover. Enriched with stellated ogivals and sprays of flowers. Length, 14 inches. 183—Inuarp Sitver Bipre CENsER Hindu Seventeenth Century Similar to the preceding. (Pierced cover needs restoring. ) Length, 14 inches. COLLECTION OF ORIENTAL ARMS AND ARMOR 184—Two Kyives Length, 12 inches. 185—F ive Knives 186—Turee Knives (Peshkabz) North Indian. Length, 16 inches. 187—Two Miurary Furaits Indian. Length, 23 inches. 188—Two DacceErs Indian. Length, 15 inches. 189-—THrEE DaccErs North Indian. Length, 14 inches. 190—Two Sworps (Kukri) Nepaulese. Length, 19 inches. First Afternoon 191—T'wo Sworps One (Ayda-Kati) South Indian. Length, 22 inches; the other (Kukri), Nepaulese. Length, 17 inches. 192—TuHree Sworps (Talwar) North Indian. Length, 35 inches. 193—GauntTLET Sworp (Pata) Indian. Length, 50 inches. 194—Two Sasres (Shamsher) Persian. Length, 35 inches; and (JValwdr) North Indian. Length, 32 inches. 195—Turee Fist Daccers (Katar) South Indian. Length, 19 inches. 196—DaceeEr (Bich’hwa) | North Indian. Blade forked. Hilt finely damascened. Length, 15 inches. 197—Two Knives (Kukri) North Indian, in silver-mounted sheaths. Length, 181% inches. 198—SaBreE Circassian. With sheath and belt. Length, 29 inches. 199—Two Sworps (Yataghan) Turkish (one slightly damaged). Length, 29 inches. 200—Two Fist Daccrrs (Katar) Indian. Length, 191% inches. 201—Two Fist Daccrrs (Bara Jamdddt) North Indian. Length, 21 inches. 202—Knire (Peshkabz) North Indian, with damascus blade and bone grips. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 203—THreEEe Sworps (Khdanda) North Indian, two having European blades. 204—Two Sworps Length, 21 inches. 205—Two DacceErs Thibetan. Bone grips. Length, 11 inches. 206—Two Fist Daccrrs (Katdr) Length, 18 inches. 207—Two Daccerrs Thibetan. Length, 1514 inches. 208—T'wo Sworps Length, 47 inches. 209—Two Fist Daccrrs (Katdar) Length, 1714 inches. 210—Two Fist Daccrrs (Katdr) Length, 14 inches. 211—Two DaccErs Damascus blades. Length, 14 inches. 212—Two Sets “Ticker Ciaws” (Bagh nakh) Note: The Bagh nakh is a concealed weapon corresponding to the Occi- dental brass kunckles. During the Indian wars, the commander of the army of Bijapur, Afzal Khan, advanced under a flag of truce for a conference with his opponent Sivaji, who had concealed in his cloak a Bagh nakh. During the customary embrace, Sivaji struck his weapon into the bowels of the Khan, thus killing him and ending the war. (Egerton, “Indian and Oriental Armour.” ) 213—Two DaccErs Silver-mounted. Length, 13 inches. First Afternoon 214—Two DaccrErs With gold and mother-of-pearl inlay. Length, 161% inches. 215—Two DacceErs Thibetan. Chiseled copper scabbards. Length, 11 inches. 21 6—Two Knives Thibetan. Copper mountings. Also, two Arrows, Turkish. Length, 31 inches. 217—Two Batrtir-axes (Tabdr) Central Indian, with steel heads and wire-bound handles. Length, 42 inches. ° 218—Two BatTrTLE-AaxEs Similar to above. 219—Fovur SPEARHEADS Indian. Length, 21 inches. 220—Pair Javetins (Barchah) Indian, and, with them, two Lance Heads, primitive workman- ship. Length, 16 inches. 221—Two Batrttir-axes (T'abar) Indian. Etched. Length, 24 inches. 222—Sworp (Bara Jamddadi) North Indian. Uncommon type, showing transition from Katdar to gauntlet sword. Odd sheath of copper in the form of a saw fish tusk. Handsomely mounted. Length, 2414 inches. 223—Two Sworps (Kora) Nepaulese. Eetched and inlaid with silver. Length, 27 inches. 224—Two Sworps Length, 27 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 2?25—THREE Sworps Thibetan, one with grip of carved ivory. Length, 39 inches. 226—THREE Sworps Thibetan, with odd open sheaths. 227—T wo Lone Sworps Thibetan, the blades curiously “water marked.” Length, 39 inches, 228—Fovur SHorr Sworps Thibetan. Fine mountings of chiseled and gilt copper. 229—Two “Drvit Knives” (Tokko) Carried by Thibetan priests, to ward off evil spirits. One is of carved wood, the other of chiseled brass. Length, 121% inches. 230—Two CEREMONIAL Horns anv Five Stranparp Tors Thibetan. 231—Two Guns Matchlock. Chinese. Inlaid barrels and stocks. Length, 54 inches. 232—THrREE GuNS Two flintlock and one altered to percussion. Carved and inlaid stocks. Length, 60 inches. f 233—Fovur Guns Matchlock. Stocks inlaid with ivory. Length, 63 inches. 234—Fivze Lone Guns Matchlock. Length, 69 inches. 235—GuNn Flintlock. Berber. With long slender steel stock inlaid with silver and mother-of-pearl. Length, 63 inches. Also, Gun, flintlock, Turkish, with wooden stock richly inlaid with mother-of-pearl. Embroidered velvet cheek-piece. Length, 64 inches. Fine pieces. First Afternoon 236—TureEE AXEs Of various types. Also three long etched Steel Javelins. Length, 94 inches. 237—DaccEerR Indian? With bone hilt and fine Damascus blade. Probably made from cut-down scimitar. 238—Dirk meotch: Length, 19 inches. And Knife, German (?) Length, 15 inches. 239—DaccER Beautifully carved handle of white jade. Length, 13 inches. 240—THREE Sworps Circassian. With blades inlaid with gold. Length, 28 inches. 241—Sapre (Scimitar) Turkish. Inlaid Damascus blade; engraved hilt; bone grips. Scabbard of etched silver. Length, 36 inches. 242—KNIFE Carved jade handle, Damascus blade. Rarely fine specimen. Length, 14 inches. 243 Sapre (Shamsher) Inlaid Damascus blade; bone grips inlaid with silver. Length, 36 inches. 244—Two Powprr Horns Lengths, 8 and 9 inches. 245—Pistou Flintlock. Persian (?) With stock of etched brass. 246—Two DaccErs (1) Bone hilt, damascened in gold. (2) Ivory hilt, carved in the shape of the head of a camel. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 247—Suort, CutTrinc Sworp Cingalese. Length, 22 inches. Also, Sword (Kukri), North Indian. Length, 16 inches. 248—Turee Arm Guarps (Dastdana) Indian. Also Pair Sikh Quoits (Chakram); and Bone with leather mountings (pen case?). 249—EMBROIDERED Cap, Drum, anv Parr or CotoreD LEATHER Boots Thibetan. 250—-HELMET Persian. With coif of mail and lming of red velvet. Inlaid with gold in conventional Arabic characters. 251—HELMET Indian. With coif and lining. Shows traces of gold inlay. 252—Suirt oF Marr Composed of large incised rings. 253—HELMET Indian. With nasal and coif. Entirely covered with etched de- sign. 254—HeEtmetr or Opp Tyrrt Composed of three plates, held together by chain mail. 255— HELMET Persian. With coif and lining. 256—Parryine Suretp (Mddu) North Indian. Formed from a small fist shield and two steel- tipped antelope horns, Also, Two Sword Hilts, chiseled steel. First Afternoon 257—Suietp (Dhdal) Indian. Steel, inlaid with gold. Lining of red velvet. Diameter, 15 inches. 258—Srx SHIELDS Lacquer (cracked). Diameter, 17 inches, 259—Two SHIELDS Steel, diameter, 2214 inches, and also, two large lacquer Shields. 260—Suirt or Main With original fastenings. 261—Suirt or Mair With quilted collar. 262—Suirt or Main With remnant of fabric collar. Also, Shirt of Mail—composed of links of varying size. | 263—Suirt oF Mar. Composed of alternate rows of riveted and solid links of large sIze. 264—Macer (Garz) North Indian. Ball head etched. Length, 34 inches. And Mace, head in the form of a human hand. Length, 20 inches. 265—BatriE-axE (T'abar) Indian. Length, 261% inches. Also, Battle-axe (Buckie). Crowbill type. Length, 321% inches. 266—Batrie-axEe (Buckie) North Indian. Steel, damascened in gold. Fine workmanship: Length, 25 inches. 267—BatruE-axE (Tabdr) Indian. Beautiful specimen of gold damascening. Length, 36 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 268—BatriLE-axE (Buckie) Indian. Damascened in gold. Length, 2414 inches. 269—Two Bartrur-axres (Venmuroo?) South Indian. Etched steel. Length, 35 inches. 270—Two Barrur-axes (T'abar) Indian. Length, 24 inches. 271—Two Macers (Ceremonial?) South Indian. One in the form of a bull’s head, the other in that of a human head with horns. 272—Two Miuirary Forks Etched and inlaid with silver. Length, 25 inches. 273—Two Barrie-axses (T'abar) Central Indian. Length, 34 inches. 274—Two BatTLE-AxEs Similar to above. Length, 42 inches. 275—Two Macss (Gargaz) Rajput. Length, 31 inches. One with original lining in hand- guard. 276—Two Maces (Gargaz) North Indian. Length, 31 inches. 277—TurerE Bows Persian (?). One is a long bow, the others are composite bows. These have original strings. All are beautifully lacquered. Also, with these pieces, a bundle of arrows. Note: The original composite bow was made of layers of wood, horn, and animal sinew, compressed, and bound with fine cord or wire. The bow was then covered with leather and sometimes lacquered. This type of bow attained a range of three to five hundred yards, and was superior even to the English longbow. First Afternoon 278—-Four Bows Persian (?). Lacquered composite bows, similar to lot 277. With them, also, a bundle of arrows. 279—EepHant Goan (Ankus) Finely chiseled. Length, 15 inches. 280—Parr EverpHant Goaps (Ankus) Indian. Etched steel. 281—Enxreruant Goan (Ankus) Indian. Steel, with wooden grip. Good workmanship. Length, 16144 inches. 282—PANoPLY North Indian. Consisting of helmet, Dastdna (arm guard) and shield. Etched and gold damascened in the Bidri style. A very decorative set. CoMPLETE ARMOR Chinese (Korean?). In black lacquered case with brass mount- ings. Suit consists of helmet ornamented with brass appliqué de- signs of birds. Crest of horsehair on gilt frame enameled and set with jade. Jacket of red velvet, with gilt dragon ornaments on shoulder. It is lined with blue silk and studded with gilt nails. A handsome suit. 283 . ‘ + . ‘ an i + . i . e . ’ % ' / \ { ’ ; : 5 7 ‘| - * ‘ ¢ > > . é ‘ , ho * P d ; | ‘ “ SECOND AND LAST AFTERNOON’S SALE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1922 IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL OF THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.15 0’ CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 300 to 541, inclusive HINDU DOMESTIC BRASS AND INLAID COPPER VESSELS OF THE SIXTEENTH, SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES Including Lotas or Water and Milk Jars and Cups, Rosewater Sprinklers, Coffee and Wine Pots, Document Cases, Salvers and Other Utensils 300—Turee Copper Intai Drinxine Cups Hindu Seventeenth Century Straight-sided ; with molded lip. Inlaid in copper with various bandings and arch motives. Height, 3 inches. 301—Turee Copper Inuarp Drinxine Cups Hindu Seventeenth Century Straight-sided, with molded lips. Variously enriched with diag- onal floral bandings and diapers. Heights, 224 and 3 inches. 302—TuHree Copper Inari Brass Drinxine Curs Hindu Sixteenth Century Straight-sided, with molded lips. Enriched with vertical band- ings of copper. Heights, 31% and 3 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 303—Four Correr Inuam Brass Cups Hindu Sixteenth Century Straight-sided, with molded lips. Two with copper bandings splashed with brass pearl motives; one with copper arches; other with chased leaf motives at mouth and foot guarding broad band of copper. Heights, 2% and 2% inches. 304—Fovur Copper Inuarp Drinxine Cups Hindu Sixteenth Century Straight-sided; with molded lips. Two enriched with arch mo- tives in copper and two with diagonal bandings. Height, 3 inches. 3805—Four Copper Inuar Brass Drinxine Cups : Hindu Sixteenth Century Straight-sided, with molded lips. Variously enriched with pearl motives. Heights, 3% and 3 inches. 3806—Fovur Copper Inuarp Brass Drinxine Cups Hindu Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding. With arch motives in copper. Height, 3 inches. 307—Fovur Copper Inuar Brass Drinxinc Cups : Hindu Strateenth Century Similar to the preceding. Heights, 3% and 2% inches. 3808—Four Copper Iyiarip Brass Drivxine Cups 3 Hindu Sixteenth Century Similiar to the preceding. Variously enriched, with reversed floral diapers and pearl motives. Height, 3 inches. 309—Four Copper Intarp Brass Drinxine Cups . Hindu Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding. Variously enriched with diapered pearl motives. Height, 3 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 3810—-Four Copper Iniaip Brass Mirkx Jars Hindu Seventeenth Century Low vase shapes. Enriched with vertical copper bandings. ‘Two florally engraved. Height, 2°4 inches. 311—Two Copper Intaip Brass Drinxine Cups Hindu Seventeenth Century Straight-sided; one round, other octagonal. Enriched with floral diapers and paneled floral motives. Height, 31 inches. 312-—Four Brass Mitx Jars Hindu Seventeenth Century Low vase shape. Three variously chiseled with ogival diapers, lotus scrollings and animalistic panels; one inlaid in copper with floral diamonds. Height, 3 inches. 313—Fovur Brass Mitx Jars Hindu Seventeenth Century Low vase shapes. Variously enriched with diamond diapers, gadroonings, vertical and horizontal floral bandings. Heights, 3 and 2 inches. 314—Four Brass Drinxtnc Cups Hindu Seventeenth Century Straight-sided, with chiseled diapered motives, quaint animals, chevrons and palmette devices. Heights, 3% and 8 inches. 315-—-Four CuHasep Brass Drinxine Cups Hindu Seventeenth Century Straight-sided, with molded lips. Variously enriched with birds, floral motives and imbrications. Heights, 3 and 2% inches. 316—Turee Brass Mitx Jars Hindu Seventeenth Century Vase shapes. Variously enriched with animalistic panels and diagonal gadroonings. Heights, 4 and 3 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 317—Turet Brass anp Copper Mitk Jars Hindu Sixteenth Century Vase shapes. Two of brass, with diagonal gadroonings; one copper, with vertical gadroons. Heights, 3 and 31% inches. 318—Turere Copper Intarp Brass Mitx Jars Hindu Seventeenth Century Vase shapes. Two enriched with floral diapers; one with vertical floral bandings. Heights, 3 and 31% inches. 319—Turee Copper Intaip Brass Mitx Jars Hindu Late Stxteenth Century Low bottle shapes. Variously enriched with vertical copper bandings alternating with floral scrollings. Height, 4 inches. 320—Rounp Brass Box Hindu Sixteenth Century Gadrooned body, with loose domed cover having central medal- lion. Chiseled with floral ogivals. Diameter, 414% inches. 321—Turee Brass Minx Jars Hmdu Seventeenth Century Bowl-shaped. ‘Two chiseled with animalistic motives; one with’ lotus scrollings. Heights, 4 and 3% inches. 322—Turee Brass Mitx Jars Hindu Sixteenth Century Bowl-shaped. ‘Two with vertical gadroonings; the other with arched panels of animalistic motives. Heights, 3 and 4 inches. 323—Two Brass Mivx Jars Hindu Late Seventeenth Century Bowl-shaped, with broad necks. One chiseled with floral and leaf diapers; the other with lotus medallions. Height, 4 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 324—Two Brass Mirx Jars Hindu Sixteenth Century Bowl-shapes, with broad incurved mouths. One with diagonal flutngs; the other with similar gadroonings alternating with dainty diapered bandings. Height, 41% inches. 325—Two Brass Mitx Jars Hindu Eighteenth Century Bowl-shapes, with broad incurved mouths. One with peacocks on intricate ground; other with arcading occupied by quaint animalistic motives. Heights, 4°24 and 4 inches. 326—Two Copper Invarp Brass Mrix Jars Hindu Sixteenth Century Bowl-shapes, with broad mouths. Enriched with copper band- ings alternating with chiseled floral motives. Heights, 5 and 31% inches. 327—Two Copper Intaip Mitx Jars Himdu Eighteenth Century Bowl-shapes, with broad mouths. Enriched with vertical copper bandings alternating with imbricated and floral motives. Height, 5 inches. 328—Two Brass Miix Jars Hindu Seventeenth Century Bowl-shapes, with broad incurved mouths. One chiseled with flutings; the other with diamond trellis. Height, 5 inches. 329—Two CuHasep Brass Mitxk Jars Hindu Seventeenth Century Globular, with small necks. One chiseled with compartmented motives occupied by quaint animalistic figures; the other with scrollings of lotus blossoms. Height, 5 inches. 330—-Two Corrrr InuAip Brass Minx Jars Hindu Sixteenth Century Low bottle shapes. One enriched with vertical copper bandings alternating with leaf devices; the other with diamond trellis. Heights, 434 and 5% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed wm the forepart of the Catalogue. 3381—Two Corrrer Inuarip Brass Minx Jars Hindu Sixteenth Century Low bottle shapes. One enriched with vertical copper bandings ; other with arcading enclosing animalistic motives. Height, 514 inches. + 332—Two Brass Mitx Jars Hindu Seventeenth Century Low bottle shapes. One chiseled with procession of huntsmen and animals ; the other with copper, inlaid vertical bandings, alternat- ing with scrollings. Heights, 4 and 5% inches. 333—Two Brass Mik Jars Hindu Seventeenth Century Globular, with incurved molded mouths. One engraved with floral bandings ; the other conventionalized birds and flutings. Height, 544 inches. 334—Two. Brass Mitkx Jars Hindu Late Seventeenth Century Bowl shapes, with incurved broad mouths. One engraved with compartmented figures of deities; the other with gadroonings, diapers and bird motives. Height, 51, inches. 3385—Two Brass Mik Jars Hindu Early Eighteenth Century Low vase shapes. Finely chased with bands of deities, inscrip- , tions and varied floral scrollings. Heights, 61% and 6 inches. 336—Two Brass Mriix Jars Hindu Seventeenth Century Globular, with molded necks. Chiseled with vertical bandings, leaf motives and scrollings of lotus flowers. Heights, 6 and 5% inches. 337—Two Brass Mitk Jars Hindu Late Eighteenth Century Globular and bowl-shaped. One chiseled with bandings of deities, inscription and festival; other with birds amid scrollings and leaf motives. Heights, 6 and 5 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 338—lT'wo Corrrer Inuarm Brass Minx Jars Hindu Seventeenth Century Globular, with incurved neck. Finely chiseled; one with double- headed eagles amid scrollings, inlaid flutings and bandings; other with alternate scrollings and vertical inlaid bandings. Heights, 51% and 6 inches. 339—Two Brass Mirx Jars Hindu Seventeenth Century Low vase shapes. Delicately chiseled, one with basketed and plain gadroonings and bands of deities; other with deities and series of leaf devices. Heights, 5%4 and 5 inches. 340—Two Brass Mitx Jars Hindu Seventeenth Century Bowl shapes, with incurved necks. One enriched with pear!-mo- tived vertical gadroonings and leaf devices; other with alternate basketed spiral gadroonings. Heights, 5% and 5%, inches. 341—Two Copper Inuaip Brass Minx Jars Hindu Seventeenth Century Bowl shapes, with incurved neck. One enriched with procession of birds amid scrollings and bandings of leaf motives; other similar with animals. Heights, 51% and 6 inches. 342—Two Brass Lamps Hindu Sixteenth Century Urn shape, with hinged molded dome-covers and long spouts. Height, 6% inches. 343—Two Correr Lamps Hindu Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding. With peacock terminals. Height, 61% inches. 83844—Brass JEWELED CASKET Hindu Late Sixteenth Century Oblong, with molded and canted hinged dome-cover. Lightly chiseled with lotus scrollings. Ringed pinnacle for carrying. Length, 61%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. Two Brass Mitx Jars Hindu Early Eighteenth Century Low bottle shapes. Chiseled with delicate scrollings of flowers ; one with vertical panels; other with blossoms within arch devices. 345 Height, 634 inches. 346—Two Copper MiLx Jars Hindu Seventeenth Century Low bottle shapes. One chiseled with bandings of animals and inscription; other with diapers and florally scrolled bandings. Heights, 63, and 5% inches. 347—Two Brass Mitx Jars Hindu Late Seventeenth Century Bowl shapes, with low incurved mouths. One chiseled with arcad- ing of columned Saracenic arches enclosing figures of goddesses ; other with matted spiral gadroons and scrollings. Heights, 6 and 5% inches. 348—Two Brass Mitx Jars Hindu Early Eighteenth Century Low bottle shapes. Delicately chiseled with bands and compart- ments of fantastic deities. Heights, 6 and 6%, inches. 349—Two Brass Mitx Jars Hindu Eighteenth Century Similar to the preceding. Heights, 7% and 7 inches. , 350—Two Copper Inztarm Brass Minx Jars Hindu Early Eighteenth Century Low bottle shapes. One delicately chiseled with lotus scrollings and vertical gadroonings; other with arched compartments of deities. Heights, 7 and 6% inches. 351—Two Copper Mitx Jars Hindu Seventeenth Century Varied low bottle shapes. One chiseled with series of flutings; other with flutings alternating with dainty scrollings. Heights, 7% and 614 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 352—Two Corper Mitx Jars Hindu Sixteenth Century Low bottle shapes. One with faceted body crowned with chey- rons; other with compartments of large leaf scrollings. Heights, 64% and 7% inches. 353—Two Copper Inuaip Brass Mitx Jars Hindu Seventeenth Century Bowl shapes, with incurved mouths. One finely chiseled with compartments of growing shrubs and leaf bandings; other with columned arcading enclosing figures of deities. , Heights, 644 and 6 inches. 354—Two Brass Mitx Jars Hindu Seventeenth Century Low bottle shape, and oviform vase; one chiseled with compart- mented bands of deities and inscription; the other with compart- ments of alternate scrolling devices. Heights, 634, and 7% inches. 355—Two Copper Inia Brass Mitx Jars Hindu Seventeenth Century Globular. One with small molded mouth, the other with wide flaring neck. One enriched with vertical bands of scrolls and animals alternating with copper bandings; other with diamond trellis of copper. Heights, 7 and 61% inches. 356—Corrrer WINE VESSEL Hindu Seventeenth Century Bowl-shaped vase, with hexagonal, scrolled spout. Enriched with Saracenic arcading and floral bandings. Height, 7°, inches. 357—Two Brass Mitx Jars Hindu Eighteenth Century Graceful bottle shapes. One enriched with vertical bandings of copper alternating with scrollings and leaf motives; other with compartments of wild animals amid scrollings. Heights, 8 and 814, inches. 358—Two Brass Warer VESSELS Hindu Sixteenth Century Vase shapes, with hinged dome-covers and scrolled spouts, One with peacock terminal and chevroned bandings. Heights, 7%, and 7 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed mm the forepart of the Catalogue. 359—Correr Brret-pox anp Spoons Himdu Seventeenth Century Round, with chained cover and loose bail handle. Enriched with leaf medallion and bandings. ‘Twenty-two spoons of earlier date and great variety of interesting patterns. Diameter, 81/, inches. 360—Two Brass Mitkx Jars Hindu Late Seventeenth Century Low bottle shapes. Delicately and elaborately enriched with many compartments and bandings of animals and deistic mo- tives. Heights, 8% and 7% inches. 361—TIwo Brass RosEwaTER SPRINKLERS Hindu Seventeenth Century Molded bottle shapes, with long tapering necks. One with loop handles; other with bail-handled stopper. Heights, 8 and 9% inches. 362—Brass WaATER-HOLDER Hindu Seventeenth Century Bottle-shaped, with gadrooned body, many-sided trumpet mouth. Enriched with valance and scroll motives on shoulder. Height, 8 inches. 363—Two Brass SALVERS Hindu Seventeenth Century Circular. With broad fluted borders and floral medallion centers. ' Diameters, 81% and 9 inches. 364—Brass WINE VESSEL Hindu Early Seventeenth Century Graceful vase shape, with dragon spout. Enriched with flutings and gadroons. . Height, 984 inches. 365—Two Brass SALvERs Hindu Seventeenth Century Circular, with fluted, molded rim and stellate medallion center having outer scrolled borders. Diameter, 9 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 366—Four Brass Savers : Hindu Seventeenth Century Similar to the preceding. Diameters, 81%, and three 9 inches. 3867—Two Brass Savers Hindu Seventeenth Century Similar to the preceding. With broader flutings. Diameter, 101%, inches. 368—Two Brass Mitx Jars Hindu Eighteenth Century Bowl shapes, with small incurved necks. Delicately chiseled with arcaded and compartmented deistic bandings. Heights, 8 and 7 inches. 369—Two Brass WATER-BOTTLES Hindu Seventeenth Century Bottle shapes. One with gadrooned flaring neck, chiseled on body with imbrications and deistic compartments; other with floral arcading. Heights, 9144 and 9 inches. 370—Two Corrrer VEssELs Hindu Seventeenth Century (a) Water vessel; vase-shaped, with trumpet mouth and taper- ing gadrooned spout. (3) Coffee-pot, with dragon spout, scrolled handle and hinged cover. Enriched with palmettes and scrolled bandings. Heights, 8°4 and 8 inches. 371—Brass Ort VEssEL Hindu Sixteenth Century Bottle-shaped, with long molded mouth. Enriched with V’d flut- ings and geometric bandings. Height, 8 inches. 372—Brass CoFrreE-POoT Hindu Sixteenth Century Flattened oviform, with long molded spout, domed, hinged cover and dragon-scrolled handle. Chiseled with lotus cartouches. Height, 91% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 373—Two Water VESSELS Nepaul Seventeenth Century (a) Copper. Vase-shaped, with pierced leaf foot and valance. Enriched with fluted bands and dragon-scrolled spout. (sp) Plated brass; bottle shape, with curious faceted body en- riched with floral pear-shaped motives and scrollings. Height, 9 inches. 374—Piercep Brass Ricrt Box Hindu Seventeenth Century Urn-shaped, with loose cover, chained and scrolled upright handle. Pierced with bandings of trellis and floral motives. Height, 9 inches, 375—Nesr or Srx Copper Spice Jars Hindu Seventeenth Century Bowl shape. Curiously hinged together. Length, 9% inches. 376—Brass Pencase anp INKWELL Hindu Sixteenth Century Formed of two hexagonal tubes for pens, connected by a band of pierced geometrical motives. Circular well at side. Length, 101%, inches. 377—TIwo Brass PENcAsSEs AND INKWELLS Hindu Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding. With double circular well at end. Lengths, 11% and 11 inches. 378—Brass PrencasE AND INKWELL Hindu Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding. With chased dome-covered round well at end. Length, 1084 inches. 379—Two Brass SacririciaL Laptes Hindu Seventeenth Century Deep molded bowls, with long octagonal handles terminating in figures of deities. , Lengths, 17 and 15 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 380—Two Brass VEssELs Hindu Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (a) Coffee-pot. Flat pilgrim shape, with rosetted scrolled spout, handle and domed, hinged cover. (8) Wine-pot. Vase shape, with molded spout. Enriched with procession of animals and imbrications. Heights, 10 and 7%, inches. 381—Two Brass Hooxan Pier WaATER-HOLDERS Hindu Seventeenth Century Molded pear shapes. One with leaf and pearl moldings at foot; other with chiseled bands of diapers. Heights, 101, and 71% inches. 382—Two Copper VESSELS Afghan Seventeenth Century Coffee-pot, vase shaped with faceted body, finely scrolled handle and hinged dome cover. ‘Teapot, plated, chiseled with leaf mo- tives and ogivals; open rosetted scrolled spout. Heights, 11%, and 8 inches. 383—Correr CoFrFEE-POT Hindu Sixteenth Century Bottle shape, with faceted neck, hinged dome cover, long spout and scrolled handle. Enriched with repoussé gadroons. Height, 10 inches. 384—Coprer CoFFEE-POT Hindu Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding. Height, 10%, inches. 385—Two Copper Corrrer-pots Hindu Early Seventeenth Century Flattened ewer shapes. Delicately enriched with small pounced floral motives. (One without cover.) Heights, 101, and 111% inches. 386—Brass WinE VESSEL Hindu Sixteenth Century Kettle-shaped, with rosetted scrolled spout, tubular arched han- dle having an oblong domed, hinged cover to receive the wine. Height, 11 inches. Note: An excessively rare type. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed mm the forepart of the Catalogue. 387—Two Brass WINE VEssELs Hindu Seventeenth Century Graceful vase shapes. One with elephant-head spout; the other with florally cartouched spout. Variously enriched with lotus arabesque scrollings, animalistic motives and imbrications. Heights, 9% and 11% inches. 388—Two Brass Wine Vessets Hindu Early Seventeenth Century Vase shapes, with straight dragon spouts. Enriched with band- ings of flutings, gadroons and leaf motives. Heights, 10% and 10% inches. 389—PierceD Copper Spice Box Hindu Eighteenth Century Round helmet shape, with vase pinnacle and hinged cover. En- riched with tapering gadroons interrupted by pierced repoussé floral scrollings. Five interior boxes. Height, 1014 inches. 390—Two Water Botr ies Hindu Sixteenth Century (a) Brass, with incurved faceted body ; ene with leaf band- ings and spiral flutings. (8) Molded body of white-metal; daintily chiseled with many floral bandings. Heights, 9 and 10 inches. 391—Brass WINE VESSEL Hindu Sixteenth Century | Vase-shaped, with gadrooned spout. Enriched on neck and shoulder with arabesqued valance and scrollings. Height, 11 inches. 392—Turere Brass Document CasEs Hindu Sixteenth Century Tubular, with dome cover at one end; preforated with latticed diamonds. Length, 121/, inches. 393—Two Brass Document Casts Hindu Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding. Lengths, 12 and 12% inches. Second and Last Afternoon 394— Brass Document CasE Hindu Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding. With chained perforated cover. Length, 15 inches. 395—Two Brass Ricr Boxes Hindu Seventeenth Century Broad pear shape, with gadrooned dome cover having knob ter- minal and scrolled upright handle. Chiseled with bands of arched deities and floral motives. Heights, 11 and 101% inches. 396—Two Brass Water VESSELS Hindu Sixteenth Century Bottle shapes. One enriched with gadrooned body and expand- ing fluted neck; other with curious neck formed as a dragon. Heights, 11 and 9% inches. 397—PuatTeD CoprER SAMOVAR Cashmere Seventeenth Century Tankard shape, with double hinged domed cover; elaborate dragon-scrolled handle. Gadrooned body; profusely chiseled with small floral scrollings. Leaf-pierced foot. Height, 10% inches. 398—Two Brass RosEwater SPRINKLERS Hindu Sixteenth Century Bottle shapes, with long tapering necks. One with gadroons and leaf motives; other with looped side handles. Heights, 9%, and 101% inches. 399—Turee Brass SALVERS Hindu Seventeenth Century Circular, with narrow fluted rim. Central chrysanthemum medal- lion, having two detached floral scroll borders. Diameter, 1134 inches. 400—TurerrE Brass SALVERS Hindu Seventeenth Century Circular, with double fluted rim and stellate central medallion having two scroll borders. Diameters, 1034 and 11 inches. 401—Piercep Brass SALVER Hindu Early Eighteenth Century Lobed circular, with cartouche-enriched fluted rim, center with stellate medallion amid all over pierced floral scrollings. Diameter, 1134 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 402—Two Brass Rosewater SPRINKLERS Hindu Seventeenth Century Bottle shapes, with long molded tapering necks. Variously en- riched with gadroonings. Heights, 114% and 12% inches 403—Brass Ros—EwaTER SPRINKLER Hindu Sixteenth Century Flat bottle shape. Enriched with spiral gadroons and dragon- headed scroll side-handles; long tapering loose neck. Length, 171% inches. 404—Puatep Copper CorrreE-pot Cashmere Seventeenth Century Bottle-shaped, with long molded curved spout. Enriched with palmette motives and floral bandings. Height, 121% inches. 405—Two Copper Water VeEssets Cashmere Seventeenth Century Vase-shaped, with finely scrolled handle. Delicately enriched with palmette motives, bandings and all over ogivals on one. Height, 12 inches. 406—Brass Money CuHancer’s Box Hindu Sixteenth Century Long fluted, octagonal solid brass box, with pointed ends; cen- trally hinged. Interior with sunk compartments. (Hinge needs repairing. ) Length, 14 inches. , 407—Correr SacririciaL Por Hindu Seventeenth Century Molded kettle shape, with domed cover, scrolled handle and spout. Delicately chiseled with arabesqued floral motives and bandings. Height, 12 inches. 408—Two Puatep Copper CoFFEE-POTS Cashmere Seventeenth Century (a) Ewer shape. Daintily enriched with small floral ogivals and scrollings. (se) Gadrooned body, similarly enriched with arabesqued mo- tives. | Heights, 12 and 12%, inches. Second and Last Afternoon 409—Brass CorreE-PotT Hindu Stateenth Century Flattened ewer shape, with spirally gadrooned spout and scrolled handle. (Cover missing.) Heights, 13% inches. 410—Coprer WINE VESSEL Hindu Stateenth Century Flattened ewer shape, with long rosetted, curved spout. En- riched with chevrons. Height, 13°, inches. 411—Corrrer CoFFEE-POT Hindu Seventeenth Century Flattened ewer shape. Chiseled with floral scrollings, inscrip- tions and leaf bandings. Height, 1334 inches. 412—Brass CorreE-Por Central Asian Seventeenth Century Flat pear shape, with long hexagonal spout, domed, hinged cover and finely scrolled handle. Enriched with delicate diapers of flowers, leaf motives and floral cartouches. Height, 11% inches. 413—Two Pratep Coprer AND Brass SALVERS Hindu Seventeenth Century Circular. One with fluted, other with gadrooned rim. Enriched with floral medallions and grape scrolling bandings. Diameters, 124 and 101, inches. 414—Two Copper SALVERS Himdu Seventeenth Century Circular. One with fluted, other with crimped rim. Chiseled with floral medallions and borders. Diameters, 12 and 10%4 inches. 415—Two Brass Savers Hindu Seventeenth Century Circular, with fluted rim. One with bird, the other with floral medallion. Diameters, 12% and 111% inches. 416—Two Brass SALVERS Hindu Seventeenth Century Circular. One with fluted rim and stellate medallion; other with lobed rim chiseled with lotus sprays; centers with floral and bird medallions surrounded by plaquettes. 7 Diameters, 121, and 11% inehes. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed wm the forepart of the Catalogue. 417—T'wo Brass SALVERS Hindu Seventeenth Century Circular, with fluted rims, one lobed; delicately chiseled with floral medallions and scroll borders. Diameters, 124% and 13 inches. 418—Two Copper WATER-BOTTLES Central Asian Sixteenth Century Flat pilgrim shapes. One with silver floral cartouches at neck. Heights, 12 and 18 inches. 419—Brass RosEwaTER SPRINKLER Hindu Seventeenth Century Bottle shape, with gracefully molded long neck and _ finely fashioned scroll side-handles. Height, 14 inches. 420—Two Copper Intarp Brass Jars Hindu Seventeenth Century Broad oviform, with dome-covers surmounted by peacocks. In- laid with chevron motives. Heights, 14 and 10% inches. 421—Two Piatrep Copper VESSELS Cashmere Early Seventeenth Century Ewer shapes. One with scrolled handle. Delicately enriched with bands of scrollings and pear-shaped cartouches. Heights, 14 and 15 inches. 422—Two Brass SALVERS Hindu Seventeenth Century Circular, with fluted rim. Delicately chiseled with floral and peacock medallions having florally scrolled borders. Diameter, 15 inches. _423—Piercep Brass CENSER Hindu Early Seventeenth Century Vase-shaped, with rope-scrolled handle surmounted by peacock and animalistic canopy; spout bracketed and forming a pear- shaped lamp. Body pierced with jeweled valance motives. Height, 161 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 424—Coprer Water VESSEL Central Asian Sixteenth Century Bottle shape, with long upright curved neck. Enriched with chiseled imbrications and bandings. Height, 15 inches. 425—Two Puiatep Copper CorrererE-Ppots Cashmere Seventeenth Century Graceful ewer shapes, with extra long rosetted spouts. Deli- cately enriched with floral medallions and bandings. Heights, 16 and 17 inches. 426—Coprer SAMOVAR Central Asian Sixteenth Century Bulbous body, on open bell-shaped foot. Pierced, domed and hinged cover; loop handle and short spout with chained cover. Height, 20'% inches. ITALIAN RENAISSANCE REPOUSSE COPPER VESSELS FOUND IN INDIA | 427—RepoussE Copper Bucket anp PITrcHER Italian Renaissance Conventional shapes. Enriched with bird and floral scrollings and leaf motives. Heights, 5 and 10 inches. 428—Two Repousst Copper PircHErs Italian Renaissance Vase-shaped, with hinged domed cover and strap handle. En- riched with flutings, gadroons and chevrons. Height, 7 inches. 429—Two RerpoussE Copper WINE VESSELS Italian Renaissance Graceful vase shapes, with short spouts and upright loop handles. Enriched with floral scrollings terminating in birds and masks. Height, 13 inches. 430—Correr WINE VESSEL Italian Renaissance Oviform, with upright loop handle. . Enriched with coronetted coat-of-arms and floral scrollings. | Height, 14% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 431—Correr Wine VESSEL Italian Renaissance Oviform, with dome cover, brass upright loop handle and dragon spout. Enriched with floral scrollings terminating in birds and masks. Height, 1414 inches. 432—Coprper WINE VESSEL Italian Renaissance Similar to the preceding. With swinging handle. Enriched with coat-of-arms amid scrollings. Height, 121, inches. 433—Rerpousskt CoprpER JARDINIERE Italian Renaissance Expanding body, with flaring lip. Enriched with coats-of-arms, lion and masks amid scrollings. ‘Twisted scrolled handles. Height, 121, inches. SIXTEENTH AND SEVENTEENTH CENTURY SYRO-DAMASCAN POLYCHROME PANELS OF TILES AND TWO LOTS PLATES 434—Two DercoraTED Fatence PLaAtEs Syro-Damascan Sixteenth Century Deep centers. One enriched in black with ewer and tulip scroll- ings; the other with interlacing stellate motive. Pale turquoise- blue grounds. (Chipped.) Diameter, 934 inches. | 435—Two DercoratTEep Farencre Puiates Syro-Damascan Stxteenth Century Similar to the preceding. With medallioned floral centers. (One chipped. ) Diameter, 10 inches. 436—PaneL or Four PotycHrome TILEs Syro-Damascan Seventeenth Century Displaying a cluster of growing carnations and tulips on rich blue ground. Reserved valance borders. Executed in aubergine, green and light blue. (One tile cracked.) Height, 18 inches; width, 17 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 437—Panet or Srx Potycurome TiLes Syro-Damascan Early Seventeenth Century Displaying a blossomed cypress tree arbored by vines and tulips. Border of reserved scrolled leaves. Executed in light and dark sapphire-blue and dull lavender. (Two tiles cracked.) Height, 241, inches; width, 16 inches. 438—PaneEL oF Nine PotycHromeE TILEs Syro-Damascan Sixteenth Century Displaying a triple arcading, occupied by jardiniére of carna- tions and hanging lamps. Cursive inscription at crown and foot. Executed in blues and greens. Blossomed border. (Two tiles cracked.) 26 inches square. 439—PaneEeL oF Srx PotycHrome TILEs Syro-Damascan Sixteenth Century Displaying alternate varying floral cruciform motives. Exe- cuted in sapphire-blue on varying ivory blue grounds. (One tile cracked.) Height, 261, inches; width, 18 inches. 440—PaneL or Srx PotycHrome TILes Syro-Damascan Seventeenth Century Displaying arabesqued jardinieres of hyacinths and carnations. Executed in aubergine and mellow blues on deep ivory grounds. (One tile cracked.) Height, 27 inches; width, 18 inches. 441—PanexL or FirrEEN PoLtycHROME ‘TILES Syro-Damascan Seventeenth Century Similar to the preceding. (Two tiles cracked.) Height, 49 inches; width, 29 inches. 442—-PaneEL oF Six PotycHrome Tives Syro-Damascan Early Seventeenth Century Displaying dainty scrolled conventionalized tulip motives and carnations. Executed in varied blues and greens, on ivory grounds. Height, 28 inches; width, 184% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 443—PaNEL OF Srx PotycHromMeE TILEs Syro-Damascan Stateenth Century Displaying scrolling stems of composite tulip motives. Executed in rich blues and greens. (Two tiles cracked.) Height, 32 inches; width, 214% inches. 444—PaneEL oF TweLve PotycHromMeE TILEs Syro-Damascan late Sixteenth Century Displaying scrolling vines of tulips, pomegranates, hyacinths and carnations. Executed in blues, aubergine and green. Reserved rich blue border of flame and blossom motives; square corners vacant. (Two tiles cracked.) 31 inches square. 445—Panet oF TwreLveE Potycurome TILzEs Syro-Damascan Sixteenth Century Displaying cruciform devices of carnations and infloretted pal- mettes. Executed in rich blues and greens; on ivory grounds. (Three tiles cracked.) Height, 36 inches; width, 26% inches. 446—Panet or Firrrren Potycurome TILeEs Syro-Damascan Sixteenth Century Displaying in rich blue, diagonally placed tulip motives sur- rounded by floral scrollings bearing pomegranate devices at in- tervals. On varying ivory grounds. Height, 38 inches; width, 23 inches. 447—Panet or Firreen Potycurome Ties Syro-Damascan Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding. One tile cracked. Height, 40 inches; width, 25 inches. 448—Panet oF TwreLvE Potycurome TILEs Syro-Damascan Staxteenth Century Displaying in sapphire-blue and green stellated squares occupied by tulip and poppy motives. On varying ivory grounds. Height, 36 inches; width, 27 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 449—PaneL oF FirrEEN PotycHroMeE TILEs Syro-Damascan Sixteenth Century Displaying quaint imbricated cypress trees interrupted by vines of flowers. Executed in sapphire-blues and dull greens on vary- ing ivory grounds. (One tile cracked.) Height, 45 inches; width, 261, inches. 450—PaneL oF Firrren PotycHrome TI1Es Syro-Damascan Similar to the preceding. (Two tiles cracked.) Height, 44 inches; width, 261, inches. 451—Panet oF Firreen Potycurome TILEs Syro-Damascan Stxteenth Century Displaying recurring motives of medallioned composite carna- tion devices interrupted by small tulips. Executed in rich sap- phire and turquoise blues and black. On varying ivory grounds. (Three tiles cracked.) | Height, 45 inches; width, 27 inches. CARVED AND INLAID MOTHER-OF-PEARL CIRCASSIAN WALNUT CHEST FRONT PANELS 452—Two Carvep Watnut Cuest Panets Syro-Damascus Seventeenth Century (a) Enriched with three basketed medallions and surrounding scrollings. The basketing and scrollings with mirror back- grounds. (s) Curiously rosetted, diamond latticed central panel. Heights, 14 and 12% inches; lengths, 87 and 331 inches. 453—Two Carvep Watnut Cuest Panes Syro-Damascan Eighteenth Century (a) Developing quaintly domed pavilions amid festooned floral scrollings. (8) Double arcaded central carnation devices; flanked by floral quatrefoils. Carnation and toothed border. Heights, 154% and 17% inches; lengths, 39 and 381. inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 454—Two Carvep Watnut Cuest Panes Syro-Damascan Early Seventeenth Century (a) Enriched with incused stellated round medallion; similar quarter corners and flanking cypress trees. (s) With similar medallion and corners; on stellated diamond latticed grounds. Height, 18 inches; length, 45 inches. 455—Two Carvep Watnut Cuest PANELS Syro-Damascan Seventeenth Century Enriched with central arcaded carnation motives flanked by strap arabesqued, round medallions having basket motives. Heights, 18 and 20 inches; lengths, 45 and 47 inches. 456—Two Carvep Watnut CuHest PAnEts — Syro-Damascan Seventeenth Century (a) Displaying three ornate pavilions interrupted by carnation devices and cypress motives. (3) Displaying three basketed oval medallions; enriched with carnation motives. On latticed diamond grounds. Heights, 19% and 19 inches ; lengths, 47 and 431/, inches. 457—Two Carvep Watnut Cuest PAnets Syro-Damascan Seventeenth Century (a) Displaying columned arcade, enclosing vases of growing carnations. (8) Enriched with central strap arabesqued and stellated lattice oval medallion flanked by round carnation medallions. Heights, 20% and 18% inches; lengths, 44 and 45 inches. 458—Two Carvep anp Inuaip CuEst PANneEts Syro-Damascan Seventeenth Century (a) Richly inlaid with mother-of-pearl; displaying arcaded cypress trees flanked by strap arabesqued stellate, round medal- lions. (8) Carved with triple traceried and columned arches, enhanced with sprays of carnations and crownlike motives. 7 Heights, 18 and 1914 inches; lengths, 46 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 459—Two Carvep Watnut Cuest PANnets Syro-Damascan Seventeenth Century (a) Displaying central quatrefoil occupied by bouquet of car- nations, flanked by arcades of further carnations. (8) With carnation arcade, flanked by scrolled floral cruciform devices. Heights, 18 inches; length, 47 inches. 460—Fovur Carvep Watnut Cuest Panets Syro-Damascan Seventeenth Century Each displaying three strap arabesqued interlacing oval medal- lions; on varied diamond latticed grounds. Two enriched with small mother-of-pearl inlay. Height, 46 inches; width, 18 inches. Note: These four panels are suitable for doors to a cabinet. 461—Fovur Carvep Wautnut Cuest Panets Syro-Damascan Seventeenth Century Three displaying central arcaded panel of carnations; one with carnation-wreathed cypress. All flanked by rosetted leaf-mo- tived quatrefoils. Heights, 18 and 20 inches; lengths, 44 and 46 inches. 462—Fovur Carvep anp Intarp Watnut Cuest Panes Syro-Damascan Seventeenth Century Two displaying arcades of carnation devices and cypress trees ; two with varying arcaded cypress center panels flanked by round rosetted arabesques. Richly inlaid with mother-of-pearl mosaic motives. Heights, 18 and 20 inches; length, 46 inches. 463—Two Carvep Watnut Cuest PANELS Syro-Damascan Seventeenth Century (a) Displaying a quaint temple in center with flanking rosetted motives. (s) With stellated round rosette and similar quarter corners; on a diamond lattice ground. Heights, 19 and 18 inches; lengths, 49 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 464—Two Carvep anp Intaip Watnut Cuest Panets Syro-Damascan Seventeenth Century (a) Richly inlaid with mother-of-pearl, displaying arcade of alternate cypress and carnation devices; within ribbon borders. (8) Carved with central arched panel of carnations and cypress, flanked by floral quatrefoils. Heights, 2014, and 19 inches; length, 47 inches. 465—Two Carvep Watnut Cuest Panes Syro-Damascan Seventeenth Century (a) Central panel of ogivals enclosing carnation sprays; flanked by scrolled pavilions occupied by flowering shrubs. (s) Arcading enclosing alternate carnations and cypress mo- tives. Heights, 19 and 20 inches; lengths, 46 inches. 466—Two Carvep Watnut CHEst PANELS Syro-Damascus Seventeenth Century (a) Displaying a columned carnation pavilion reached by two flights of steps; flanked by further arcaded carnation devices. (sp) Arcaded carnation center flanked by rosetted incurved quatrefoils. Heights, 20 inches; lengths, 49 and 46 inches. 467—Two Carvep Watnout Cuest PANELs Syro-Damascan Sixteenth Century (a) Displaying stellated central round medallion and similar quarter corners; on diamond lattice grounds. (s) Large diamond lattice center, enriched with carnation sprays; flanked by growing carnation devices. Height, 18 inches; length, 48 inches. 468—Two Carvep Waunut Curst Panes Syro-Damascan Seventeenth Century (a) Displaying a columned carnation pavilion with balustrad- ing; flanked by cypress and square basketed panels. (8) Central arcading, with carnation device and flanking cypress trees; quaint rosetted arabesque squares at ends. Heights, 21 inches; lengths, 55 and 53 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 469—Two Carvep Watnut Curst PANnELs Syro-Damascan Seventeenth Century (a) Displaying finely columned arcade sheltering cypress and carnation devices. Richly inlaid with mother-of-pearl. (s) With three columned carnation pavilions flanked by cypress. The central with balustrading. Height, 22 inches; length, 58 inches. 470—-Two Carvep anp Intaip Watnut CuHest PANELS Syro-Damascan Seventeenth Century (a) Displaying three interlaced, basketed oval medallions; en- riched with sprays of carnations on grounds; diamond borders. (ps) With central arcaded cypress and carnation motives, flanked by round strap-arabesqued medallions having basketed centers. Both with slight mother-of-pearl inlay. Heights, 22 and 2014 inches; lengths, 581, inches. 471—Two Carvep Watnvut Cuest PAaNnets Syro-Damascan Early Seventeenth Century (a) Richly inlaid with mother-of-pearl mosaic, displaying an in- tricate arcading enclosing alternately blossomed cypress trees and carnation devices. Backgrounds sunk carved. (s) With similar motived center; finely carved and flanked by basketed and rosetted round medallions. Carnation blossomed borders. Heights, 19% and 201% inches; lengths, 538 and 54 inches. 472—Two Carvep Watnut CHest PAanets Syro-Damascan late Seventeenth Century (a) Displaying three quaintly columned pavilions amid berried floral scrollings; carnation blossomed border. (8) With arcaded center of cypress flanking a carnation device. Ends with basketed carnations, round medallions. .Toothed and carnation blossom borders. Heights, 21 inches; lengths, 52 and 531%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 473—Two Carvep Watnut CuHeEst PANnEts Syro-Damascan Sixteenth Century (a) Extremely rare type; displaying incised tile motives of stars, interlacing diamonds and oblongs. (2) Displaying highly conventionalized alternate cypress mo- tives, circular medallions and corners with scroll borders. Heights, 191%, and 211% inches; lengths, 45 and 55 inches. 474—Two Carvep Watnut CuHest Panets Syro-Damascan Seventeenth Century (a) Displaying interesting spirally twisted, columned-arcading occupied by vases of flowers and scrollings. (x) With quatrefoiled round medallion occupied by bouquet of flowers; flanked by arcades occupied by vessels of flowers. Toothed borders. Heights, 161, and 20% inches; lengths, 60 and 56 inches. 475—-Two Carvep anp Intaip Watnut Cuest PANELS Syro-Damascan Late Seventeenth Century (a) Displaying intricate arcading alternately occupied by mother-of-pearl, inlaid cypress and carved carnation devices. (B) Richly inlaid; central floral oval medallion having Cufic in- scription ; flanked by floral motives. Heights, 22 and 20 inches; lengths, 59 and 54 inches. 476—Two Carven Waunut Cuest Panets Syro-Damascan Sixteenth Century Displaying intricate stellated round medallions and similar quar- ter corners; on carefully cut diamond lattice grounds. Heights, 191, and 181 inches; lengths, 59 and 551% inches. 477—Two Carvep Watnut CuHest PAneEts Syro-Damascan Late Seventeenth Century (a) Displaying scrolled carnation devices interrupted by very slender cypress. Finely blossomed carnation border. (3) With central carnation pavilion approached by flights of steps and flanked by vases of further carnations. Ends with quatrefoils of carnations. Heights, 19 and 21% inches; lengths, 57 and 61 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 478—Carvep Waunut CHest PANEL Syro-Damascan Early Seventeenth Century Quaint center of alternate cypress and carnation devices within lobed ovals; flanked by stellated panels of interlacing hexagons. Toothed borders. Height, 22 inches; length, 68 inches. 4°779—PotycHRoMED Carved Watnut CuHest Paner Syro-Damascan Late Seventeenth Century Central ornate vase of imbrications and scrollings flanked by double arcades of carnation devices. Traces of polychrome re- main. (Imperfect.) Height, 21 inches; length, 73 inches. 480—Two Carvep Watnut Cuest Panets Syro-Damascan Sixteenth Century Displaying stellated central round medallion and similar quarter corners ; on finely cut diamond trellised grounds. Heights, 22 and 21 inches; lengths, 67 inches. 481—Carvep Waxtnut Cuest PAanet Syro-Damascan Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding. Height, 2 feet 4 inches; length, 7 feet 10 inches. SYRO-DAMASCAN INLAID AND CARVED WALNUT BRIDAL CHESTS AND PANELS FOR CHEST FRONTS OF THE SIXTEENTH, SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES These interesting chests were chiefly made of heavy Circassian walnut, richly inlaid with mother-of-pearl or carved. The specimens shown are almost without exception in their original condition, and display a wide variety of motives. 482—SILVER-MOUNTED CarvED SANDALWOOD Box Indian Eighteenth Century Oblong hinged top; sides and ends enriched with beautifully cut incuse lozenge devices bordered by dainty scrollings and birds. Silver corners and hasp plate. Height, 4°34 inches; length, 13%, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 483—MotTHER-OF-PEARL InNLAID Watnut TREAsURE CHEST Syro-Damascan Seventeenth Century Sunk molded oblong top; front fitted with three drawers. En- riched on top, front and ends with diamond mosaic medallions, ribbon and other borders. Height, 12%, inches; length, 18 inches. 484—Ivory Inuarw Wariner Treasure CHEst Syro-Damascan Seventeenth Century Sunk molded oblong top; with small money slot at right; front fitted with compartmented drawer having secret compartment under. Enriched with interesting floral medallions and diamond borders of ivory. On bracket feet. Height, 12 inches; length, 19 inches. 485—BompBay Carved Rosewoop CircuLar SmMoxine TaBLE Revolving top. Enriched with incuse scrolled border of. ani- malistic and human motives. Open scrolled arch-valanced apron. On six cabriole legs. Height, 191% inches; diameter, 261/, inches. 486—Carvep Watnut CHEST Syro-Damascan Sixteenth Century Oblong hinged top; paneled front sunk with two depressed, inter- lacing, rosetted medallions; on imbricated and carnation mo- tived grounds. Height, 16 inches; length, 35 inches. 487—MoTHER-OF-PEARL INLAID AND Carvep Watnut CHEST Syro-Damascan Seventeenth Century Oblong hinged top; with diamond pearl-motived rim. Front paneled with alternate pearl inlaid cypresses and growing carna- tion devices within an arcading and varied borders. Sunk carved grounds. Height, 21 inches; length, 42 inches. 488—MorHeEr-oF-PEARL InLAID AND Carvep Watnut CHEsT Syro-Damascan Eighteenth Century Oblong hinged top; with inlay of pearl motives. Front enriched with strap arabesques of pearl inlay having triple medallion cen- ters and sunk grounds carved with carnation and stellate motives. Height, 20 inches; length, 42 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 489—Two Inpran CuHasep Brass Cuarrs Open back; with baluster supports terminating in pineapple mo- tives; triple cross splats with two series of small balusters. On balustered legs with square molded feet. Enriched entirely with chased scrollings. Loose seats in patterned woolen fabric. Note: These handsome chairs are replicas of early Indian craftsmanship; they are of teakwood covered in brass, which is chased after its application to the wood. Made in Mr. De Forest’s workshops in Ahmedabad, India. 490—Latrticep Waunur Tempter CHatr Carien Sixteenth Century Molded open paneled back, enriched with central diamond lattice flanked by series of balusters; scrolled pediment. Wood seat, front and ends of seat having similar lattice to back. Note: Mr. De Forest found on his latest visit to Cairo that these Temple Chairs were now almost impossible to be acquired. 491—Morner-or-Prart Innar anp Carvep Watnut CuHeEst Syro-Damascan Eighteenth Century Oblong hinged cover; with pearl ribbon inlaid rim. Front with central arcading of cypress trees flanked by medallioned ara- besqued oblongs; ribbon motived border; partially carved sunk grounds. Height, 201, inches; length, 48 inches. 492—-MoTHER-OF-PEARL INLAID AND CarvepD Watnut CHEST Syro-Damascan Early Eighteenth Century Similar to the preceding. Height, 22 inches; length, 50 inches. 493—MotTHeEr-oF-PEARL IntAIp Watnut CHEST Syro-Damascan Seventeenth Century Oblong hinged top; with double toothed inlay of pearl. Front enriched with slender arcade of alternate cypress trees and grow- ing carnation motives in pearl inlay. Ends with medallion. Par- tially sunk grounds. Finished black. Height, 211% inches; length, 481% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 494—MoTHeER-OF-PEARL IyLaip and CarvepD Watnut CHEST Syro-Damascan Early Eighteenth Century Oblong hinged top; with pearl dog-toothed rim. Front paneled with three strap-arabesqued mosaic oval medallions having sunk carved grounds and diamond borders. Height, 221, inches; length, 48 inches. 495—MoTHER-OF-PEARL InLAID WaALNuT CHEST Syro-Damascan Seventeenth Century Hinged oblong top; front carved with fluted arabesques ; develop- ing central arcade enclosing cypress trees in mother-of-pearl ; flanked by similar rosetted arabesques. Height, 22 inches; length, 49 inches. 496—MorTHer-oF-PEARL Intaip anp Carved Watnut CHEsT Syro-Damascan Early Eighteenth Century Oblong hinged top, with interlacing ribbon motived rim. Tri- paneled front, enriched with central group of mosaic cypress trees flanked by strap-arabesqued floral round medallions. Rib- bon border; on inlaid high bracketed feet. Height, 32 inches; length, 49 inches. 497—MoTHER-oF-PEARL INLAID and Carvep Watnut CHEsT Syro-Damascan Seventeenth Century Similar to the preceding. More archaic in craftsmanship. Height, 181% inches; length, 401/, inches. 498—MorTHER-OF-PEARL INLAID AND CarvED Watunut CHEstT Syro-Damascan Seventeenth Century Similar to the preceding. Height, 211% inches; length, 481% inches. 499—MoTHER-oF-PEARL InLarp Watnut CHEST Syro-Damascan Seventeenth Century Oblong hinged cover, with inlaid rim of dog-toothed pearl. Front paneled with interlacing oval mosaic pearl medallions en- closing oval medallion flanked by trees having crescent motives at points. Height, 24 inches; length, 55 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 500—Carvep Watnur Cuest Syro-Damascan Seventeenth Century Molded oblong hinged top. Front enriched with three sunk in- terlacing medallions; on stellate grounds; dog-tooth border. Height, 25 inches; length, 56 inches. 501—Carvep Watnut Cuesr Syro-Damascan Seventeenth Century Similar to the preceding. Height, 22 inches; length, 50 inches. 502—MoruHer-or-peart Intaip Watnut CHEsT Syro-Damascan Eighteenth Century Molded and hinged oblong cover. Front elaborately paneled in pearl mosaic with oval medallion flanked by flowering cypress trees; ribbon borders having florally scrolled corners. Ends with medallions and borders. Height, 25% inches; length, 5642 inches. 503—MorHeEr-or-PEaRL Intatp Watnutr CHEST Syro-Damascan Eighteenth Century Unusual inlaid molded hinged top. Front enriched with oval medallion of mosaic flanked by vases and corners; enclosed by ribbon and tooth borders. Ends inlaid with medallions. Height, 23 inches; length, 57 inches. 504—Morner-or-Peart Intarp Watnut CHEST Syro-Damascan Eighteenth Century Oblong hinged top, with inlaid pearl rim. Front and ends en- riched with oval medallioned sunburst flanked by mosaic cypress trees, fleur-de-lis corners and rare blossomed diamond lattice borders. Height, 25 inches; length, 57 inches. 505—MornHer-or-peart Intarip Watnut CHEsT Syro-Damascan Exghteenth Century Molded oblong hinged cover, with pearl-toothed rim. Front with mosaic oval medallion flanked by flowering cypresses and corners ; enclosed by ribbon and stellate borders. Ends with medallions and borders. Height, 241, inches; length, 57 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ws offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 506—MoruHer-or-pEart Intar Watnut CHEst Syro-Damascan Eighteenth Century Oblong hinged top; enriched with three mother-of-pearl medal- lions. Front and ends with vase motives, flanking mosaic oval and round medallions. Finished with samilar ribbon border of mother-of-pearl. Height, 25 inches; length, 57 inches. 507—MortuHer-or-PEarL Iytam Watnut CHEst Syro-Damascan Eighteenth Century Oblong hinged top, with metal wire and pearl-tooth inlaid rim. Front enriched with alternate growing carnation motives and cypress trees within arcading having carved sunk backgrounds. On inlaid high triangular bracketed feet. Ends similar with medallioned arabesques. Height, 36%, inches; length, 59 inches. 508—Moruer-or-PEarL Intarp anp Carvep Watnut CHEstT Syro-Damascan Seventeenth Century Inlaid oblong hinged top. Front enriched alternately with ar- caded motives of carved growing sprays of carnation and mother-of-pearl inlaid cypress trees. Edged with carnations. Finished with ribbon border; ends carved with circular ara- besques. Height, 26 inches; length, 66 inches. 509—MorHER-oF-PEARL InLAtID WaLNnut CHEsT Syro-Damascan Eighteenth Century Molded oblong top; enriched with pear-shaped medallion and border. Front with wreathed mosaic oval medallion flanked by flowering shrubs and scrolled corners; enclosed by unusual floral scroll border. Height, 26 inches; length, 611% inches. 510—Ivory Inuain anp Carvep Watnut CHEsT Syro-Damascan Sixteenth Century Molded oblong hinged top. Front paneled with sunk lattice of interlacing stellates and hexagons enclosing ivory motives. On scroll-bracketed feet. Height, 301/, inches; length, 67 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 511—Ivory Inuaip anp Carvep Wautnut CuHEst Syro-Damascan Sixteenth Century _ Molded oblong top. Front paneled with sunk latticed oblongs, stellate motives and lozenges. Border of rosettes and tooth motives. On bracketed feet. Front only of the period. Height, 281, inches; length, 681 inches. 512—MoruHer-or-Prearut Intarp Watnut CuHEst Syro-Damascan Eighteenth Century Oblong hinged top; enriched with pearl mosaic circular and flanking diamond medallions and ribbon borders. Elaborate front, with mosaic oval medallion flanked by festooned floral jardiniéres; fine ribbon-scrolled floral borders. On inlaid bracketed feet. Height, 43 inches; length, 65 inches. SIXTEENTH, SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY SYRO-DAMASCAN CARVED DOORS, OVER- DOORS AND PANELS 513—-PaneLteED Watnut Door Syro-Damascan Early Seventeenth Century Center intricately paneled with small molded oblongs forming an interlacing pattern. Upper panel of similar canted oblongs; lower of irregular interlacing molded motives. In three sections which can be readily rejoined. Total height, 7 feet 51% inches; width, 3 feet 2 inches. 514—Two PotycHroME Carved AND GILDED OvERDOORS Syro-Damascan Eighteenth Century (a) Scrolled at crown; with interior tracery of open scrollings sustaining three domed pavilions before partially mirrored back- grounds. (s) Arched top, with spandrils of scrollings and triple-arched opening partially filled with open scrollings. (Imperfect.) Heights, 351% and 35 inches; lengths, 49 and 50 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 515—Two Patnrep PanetepD Watnut Doors Syro-Damascan Seventeenth Century Richly paneled with small molded oblongs forming an interlacing pattern. Painted blue. Height, each, 65 inches; width, 19 inches. 516—Paintep PanELED Door Syro-Damascan Seventeenth Century Single door of a pair. Arch top, with large central panel deco- rated with there scrolled medallions occupied by view of a city and vases of flowers; upper panel with cartouche scroll; two lower with further views of cities. Height, 701%, inches; width, 25 inches. 517—Two Carvep Watnut Doors Syro-Damascan Sixteenth Century Small upper panel of scrolling and inscription; long lower panel displaying molded latticed rosettes. Total height, 74 inches; width, 38 inches. 518—Two Carvep Watnut PaneLep Doors Syro-Damascan Stateenth Century Upper panel, with molded irregularly placed diamond motives ; long central with stellated interlacing latticed and molded lozenges. Oblong molded panels at feet. Total height, 8414, inches; width, 39 inches, 519—Two Carvep anp GitpEp Potycurome Doors Syro-Damascan Eighteenth Century Scroll-arched at crown; composed of three panels of varied open scrollings before mirror backgrounds. One with central panel missing. Total height, 85 inches; width, 52 inches. 520—Two Carvep AnD GILDED PotycHRoME Doors Syro-Damascan Late Eighteenth Century Serpentined arch-crown. Enriched with four elaborate open- scrolled floral. panels having mirrored backgrounds. Styles, green painted with vases and cartouches of flowers. Total height, 86 inches; width, 68 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 521—Two Carvep anp GiLpED PotycHromE Doors Syro-Damascan Early Eighteenth Century Arched crown; upper and center panel of elaborately carved open scrollings and columned arch. Styles and three small lower panels enriched with raised gilded scrollings and painted flowers. Total height, 78 inches; width, 56 inches. 522—Two Carvep anp GiLtpED PotycHrome Doors Syro-Damascan Eighteenth Century Serpentined crown; central panel carved with open columned pavilion surrounded by scrollings ; upper panel similar with trail- ing bunches of grapes. Styles in gray-green, with interlacing wreaths of flowers and leaves. Total height, 7 feet 9 inches; width, 5 feet 8 inches. 523—Carvep Watnut Panetep Door Syro-Damascan Early Seventeenth Century Extremely large central panel, enriched with molded octagons interlaced diagonally by similar moldings. Molded oblongs at foot and crown. Height, 83 inches; width, 39 inches. 524—T wo Panetep Watnut Doors Syro-Damascan Seventeenth Century Each door has been cut in two for transportation. Upper panel of molded oblongs placed to form interlacing pattern; lower, similar, of larger motives. Total height, 9 feet 1 inch; width, 6 feet 4 inches. Superbly Carved Indian Teakwood Room Fitments from Mr. Lockwood de Forest’s House, 7 East Tenth Street, New York. Regarding the re- markable qualities of Indian teakwood, which is now practically extinct, see Mr. De Forest’s prefatory note. These interesting specimens of Indian craftsmanship were designed from ancient Indian motives, and were ex- ecuted in Mr. De Forest’s own workshops at Ahmedabad, India. These were started by him in 1881 and continued for over thirty years. 526—Carvep Inp1ian TEakwoop CABINET Oblong, with two paneled enclosing doors richly carved with leaf lattice. Interior fitted with compartments. Height, 17%, inches; length, 34 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 527—Carvep Inpran TEAKwWooD CABINET Oblong, with scroll molded top. Front enclosed by two doors having panels elaborately scrolled with lotus blossoms. Height, 3 feet 1 inch; length, 3 feet 5 inches. 528—Larce Carvep Inpian TEAKwoop CABINET Deeply molded oblong top, enriched with leaf valance motives. Front enclosed with two lattice and blossom paneled doors inter- rupting double pilasters, embellished with intricate lotus scroll- ings. Height, 3 feet 10 inches; length, 7 feet 6 inches. 529—Carvep Inpian TEAKWOOD SIDEBOARD Upper portion, with quaint leaf-enriched cornice and three en- closing doors, richly carved with floral scrollings, supported on brackets and open columned arcading. Lower portion, fitted with two doors, most elaborately embellished with varied flowered ogivals. Height, 6 feet 10 inches; width, 5 feet 4 inches. Note: The basic motives for this fine sideboard were taken from early furniture made in Brittany. 5380—Carvep Inpian TEAKwoop SIDEBOARD Elaborately bracketed and columned back ; enriched with pierced and engraved copper panels and scrolled pilasters. Lower por- tion, fitted with four doors similarly paneled to back. ‘There are eighty-three pierced panels, no two of which are alike; each has its own individuality and is composed of varying scrollings of flowers and occasional birds. Height, 7 feet 5 inches; width, 6 feet 6 inches. 531—Carvep Inpian TEAKkwoop: MAntTEeL Arranged with two pilasters, enriched with dragons, birds and scrollings. 'Top with scroll embellished moldings. Height, 4 feet 8 inches; length, 8 feet 11 inches. Second and Last Afternoon 532—Carvep Inp1iAn TEAKWooD OVERMANTEL Supported by four finely scrolled end pilasters enclosing latticed and blossomed panels. Elaborate crowning cornice embellished with protruding scrolled brackets. Height, 4 feet 9 inches; length, 8 feet 11 inches. Note: This overmantel is an exact replica of an ancient door of a famous Jain Temple. 533—Two Lone Carvep Inpian TEAxkwoop BooxKcasEs Both sections arranged with central arched openings fitted with shelves and flanked by glazed double doors. Elaborately en- riched with floral scrollings. | Height, 3 feet 3 inches; total approximate length, 22 feet. Note: These bookcases can be cut and rearranged to suit as wide a va- riety of spaces as may be required. 5384—Carvep Inpian TrEaxwoop Porta Double paneled doors; enriched on the stiles with quaint rosettes and scrollings. Lintel and pilasters similar to stiles. Height, 7 feet 4 inches; width, 5 feet. 535—Arcave or Tures Carvep Inpran Teaxwoop ARrcHES AND CasINGS Finely leaf-enriched half baluster columns, with molded upper portion and return cornice at crown. Very beautiful open span- drils of scrollings, finished with incurved lobed moldings forming the Saracenic arches. Height, 9 feet; openings, 3 feet 8 inches; total width, 12 feet 8 inches. Note: The molded casings add extra width, which is not included in the sizes given herewith. 586—Two Sincite Carvep Inpian TEraxkwoop ARCHES Similar to the preceding. Height, 9 feet; width, 4 feet 4 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 5387—Carvep Inpian Traxwoop Bram CEILING Arranged with massive outer side beams (18 feet 6 inches and 13 feet in lengths) and interior cross-beams forming twelve oblong panels. Each beam beautifully enriched with quaint rosetted motives alternating with balustered double vase devices. 18 feet 6 inches by 14 feet. Note: The motives for this handsome ceiling were developed from an ancient Temple. 538—Four Massive Carvep Inpran TEakwoop Brackets Double scrolled; enriched with fruit, leafage and symbolic mo- tives. Cusped leaf cornice. Height, 3 feet 10 inches; projection, 2 feet 10 inches. Note: These handsome brackets are similar to those supporting Mr. De Forest’s house, 7 East Tenth Street, New York. SAMARKAND AND SERREBEND CARPETS 5389—SappPHIRE-BLUE SAMARKAND CARPET Eighteenth Century Rich old-red field; woven in sapphire-blue and ivory with medal- lions, vases and trailings of flowers. Five varied floral and geo- metric borders. 10 feet 10 inches by 5 feet 8 inches. 540—MeEpaLLion SAMARKAND CARPET Eighteenth Century Rich old-red field; woven with floral medallion and vases of flowers in pale yellows and sapphire-blues. Curious interior bor- der of Chinese wave motives; rosetted main border of red with — key guards. ll feet 4 inches by 6 feet 3 inches. 541—RoskE-rED SERREBEND CARPET Soft rose-red field; woven with diagonally placed small palmettes of green and blue. Ivory border of angular palmettes, with series of three varied guards. 14 feet 5 inches by 10 feet. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, ManaceErs. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. , sf t S : ae COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK — . aan ae ‘ AND BINDING BY | | THE LOCKWOOD Det FOREST COLLECTION OF RARE EAST INDIAN PERSIAN AND SYRO-DAMASCAN ART AND CURIOS fas > XN iy 7 we \\ » TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERTES UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION No. 30 EAST 57TH STREET NEW YORK CITY 1922