UNTIL DATE OF SALE FROM 9 A.M. UNTIL 6 P.M. A LARGE COLLECTION gle OF OLD AND MODERN OIL PAINTINGS UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE _ AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES EVENINGS OF THURSDAY AND FRIDAY MARCH 20TH AND 21st BEGINNING AT 8.15 O’CLOCK eae ete Sane ~ * pp Saja A ¢ a - 7 Oe Ses + des rhe oe al ' po See < ta 7 “MAK ZG 191s da = ioe) aes re, ere i “ Tos Sew Spee : e¢ i: mS pe Gs ce a ie rs. a “a « 2 2, atl Ae oe = igs "CATALOGUE OF ns FOR ACCOUNT OF WHOM IT MAY CONCERN oN” THE ‘EVENINGS HEREIN STATED i” “AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES 5 MADISON SQUARE SOUTH THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY ASSISTED BY Soave: OTTO BERNET AND MR. H. H. PARKE THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers 6 EAST TWENTY-THIRD STREET MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK 1919 ‘DESIGNS TEs: CATALOGUE } AND DI. ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION oe TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY = CONDITIONS OF. SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either de- cide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. ~ 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the pur- chase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 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Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. ‘The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Asso- ciation of the correctness of the description, genuineness or au- thenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on. account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trust- worthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly cata- logued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South. root tae - - FIRST EVENING’S SALE THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1919 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8.15 O'CLOCK ROMAN SCHOOL SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 1—ST. PETER, IN PRISON AW. i 0D srrane } ae Height, 9 inches; length, 12%, inches St. Prerer, with a red mantle across his knees, is seated in prison. A figure on the left pours water over his outstretched hands, an- other on the right offers him food. we , MATTIA PRETI CALABRESE: 1613—1699 2—CAIN AND ABEL (OE nate vs ae Height, 1314, inches; width, 101, inches Tue slain figure of Abel lies on the ground, and over it kneels Cain in regretful contemplation. Another male figure stands by the rocks in the left background. FRANCESCO TREVISANI Roman: 16 Rees eS rE 3—THE MUSE OF POETRY oi es | Height, 16 inches; width, 91, itches Berore a recessed niche is seated the poetical figure in gray, blue and yellow robes. Her eyes are raised. Neutral background. ROMAN SCHOOL 4—ST. MATTHEW Pare Wr WD earner 3 as (Companion picture to Nos. 5, 6 and 7) Height, 114% inches; length, 16 inches Tue saintly figure in white and green robes, on clouds, has his left hand raised. An angel is on the left, and a reclining bearded figure on the right. A white dove in the right foreground. ROMAN SCHOOL 5—ST. MARK Rav . 7) ie Vn > ot (Companion picture to Nos. 4, 6 and 7) Height, 11% inches; length, 16 inches Tue bald-headed and bearded Evangelist, in gray and white robes, is seated between two angels on clouds. The lion crouches in the right foreground. ROMAN SCHOOL 6—ST. LUKE AD 8. rg, GAAEL. i (Companion picture to Nos. 4, 5 and 7) Height, 1114 inches; length, 1534 inches Tue Evangelist, in white and saffron robes and seen on a bank of clouds, regards the picture held before him by an angel. On the right is a bearded figure with a scroll and book. In the left foreground crouches the emblematic ox. . ROMAN SCHOOL 7—ST. JOHN ee ik $ Oe mas (Companon picture to Nos. 4, 5 and 6) Height, 111% mches; length, 16 imches In green robe and red overmantle he is seated on clouds, on which is a book held up by angels; an angel is astride the sym- bolic eagle. On the left is a reclining figure with harp and scroll. ATTRIBUTED TO GIUSEPPE CESARI Rome: 1568—1640 8ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST Ky. & Adachi Poe * inde Height, 1314 imches; length, 1634 mches In a cave the youthful Saint, nude but for a large red mantle round his loins, reclines on the ground, on which, by his side, is his emblematic cross. He points to the landscape seen outside the cave. PIETER VAN LAAR DutcH: 1582—1642 9—RETURNING FROM MARKE Q ae 5 ? | ; ’ sees Height, 121% inches; width, 9Y% inches A PpEasANnT in tattered but gaudy attire walks toward the front by the side of his ass. Neutral background. DUTCH SCHOOL EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 10—PORTRAIT OF A GIR). YV gah gre (Wood) ye : 7 ere Height, 14 inches; width, 1014, inches SmaLu, three-quarter-length figure, three-quarters to the left. She wears a brocaded dress, a lace cap, ruff and cuffs, is seated and holds an apple in her left hand on her lap. Dark back- ground. Apparently based on a reading of some larger picture by Frans Hals or one of his group. ITALIAN SCHOOL em C.F Aare ) 6 yas Height, 17 inches; width, 138% inches 11—THE NATIVITY Tue Virgin and a shepherd kneel in the foreground before the Child, who, in the cradle, is illuminated with a strong light. In the left background kneels St. Joseph; another figure in the right background. Angels in the clouds above. BOLOGNESE SCHOOL EIGHTEENTH CENTURY . MG ei ONY IN GLORY’ E. Therreur sh —- Height, 1734 wmches; width, 1214 inches St. AntHony, with hands extended in ecstasy, kneels on clouds. Putti with a sword, a crown and palms are in the foreground. ROMAN SCHOOL 13—_THE ASSUMPTION OF ee a) be oe Height, 18 inches; width, 114% inches Tue Virgin, in white tunic and-blue mantle, is accompanied by the heavenly host while passmg upward from the tomb. By the side of it St. Ambrose, bearded and wearing his ecclesiastical robes and the mitre, stands in the left foreground; a book on the ground at his feet. GIOVANNI ANDREA SIRANI Booena: 1610—1670 14—THE NATIVITY Oe aan (J “Height, 14 inches; length, 18 inches Ix the center, in a gloomy interior, the Virgin bends over the body of the Infant Christ. St. Joseph is in the left background; shepherds kneel on the right and make their offerings; angels in the sky. SCHOOL OF VAN DYCK 15—CHRIST IN THE TOMB hh Wiel a P Height, 181% inches; width, 1414 inches 7 —_ Tue Dead Christ, reclining on a grave sheet, is ministered to by the Virgin, who kneels on the left. Nearby are St. Joseph of Arimathea, St. John and St. Mary Magdalen in sorrowful con- templation. ITALIAN SCHOOL SEVENTEENTH yee Ente 16—THE APPARITION OF CHRIST ~~ 3 fas Height, 19 inches; width, 14 mches In the right foreground the Virgin, ministered to by other fig- ures, swoons as she regards the apparition of the Crucified on the left. Architectural setting. ITALIAN SCHOOL Ss Wee 17—THE BAPTISM OF cane he a | Dos Height, 26 inches; width, 914 inches Curist, wearing a loin-cloth, inclines His body over the waters of the River Jordan. Farther back stands St. John, with the reed cross in his hand. The Dove and angels in the sky. SIMONE CANTARINI Botoena: 1612—1648 18-THE LAST JUDGMENT C- Lach G Manrec 6% Height, 21 inches; width, 111, inches Curist, with orb and scepter in His left hand, is enthroned on clouds. His right hand is upraised. Below are many figures in the flames, and angels descend toward them on the right. ROMAN SCHOOL SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 2 | ° , 19-THE MADONNA AND CHILD WITH ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA Cs AND CATHERINE OF SIENA Height, 21 inches; width, 16 inches Tue Virgin, enthroned under a baldacchino, holds the Infant in her arms. On her left and right kneel St. Anthony and St. Catherine of Siena. ATTRIBUTED TO MARCO RICCI VENETIAN: 1679—1729 ee , 4 La hereey 20—ST. ANTHONY IN GLORY 8. Height, 24 inches; width, 1381/4, inches St. AntHuony of Padua, in Dominican robes, is supported by angels on clouds, as he gazes upward at the Eternal in the sky above. GIOVANNI ANDREA SIRANI Botoana: 1610—1670 21—-THE HOLY ae hla Rf Sa Height, 21 inches; width, 16 inches Sr. JosepuH, with the Child on his knee, is turned toward the right, where, in the foreground, sits the Virgin, wearing a red tunic and blue mantle. God the Father and angels, with the Holy Ghost, in clouds. A good picture of its school. a ITALIAN SCHOOL KIGHTEENTH OFF R ee tnt 22—A CLASSICAL SUBJECT DAs — Height, 12% inches; length, 25 inches A warrior, his shield on the ground by his side, is asleep in the open country. A river runs through the left background, the water issuing from the vessel held by the river god seated on the right. ANDREA LOCATELLI Rome: ee C WW 23—-ABRAHAM DRIVING FORTH oes HAGAR AND ISHMAEL Monochrome: Height, 17 inches; length, 25 imches ABRAHAM, who has just descended the steps of his house, sends forth Hagar, by whose side walks Ishmael. Sheep, cattle and herdsmen are gathered round the well on the right. FRENCH SCHOOL 24—A SCENE OF MARTYRDOM is ’ \A2A_Lvet- oS aa Height, 19 inches; length, 211% inches Tue symbolic figure of a woman draped in white, having been rescued by a warrior, descends the steps of the funeral pyre. On it a man has been bound by the executioner, while his as- sistant is preparing to apply the lighted torch to it. Other - figures in armor in the left foreground. A walled city in the background. FLEMISH SCHOOL E1icHreentu CEentury © See & & pt htraee 25—_THE STIGMATIZATION OF ST. FRANCIS i Of eight, 23 mches; width, 18 mches THE scene is set in a retired spot where St. Francis is in ecstasy before the large crucifix set on rocky ground. The imprints of the stigmata are on his hands, and the clouds above to the left are brilliantly lit. In the left background Brother Leo is seated near a waterfall. ATTRIBUTED TO MICHELANGELO CERQUOZZI Rome: Zi PA te of > - 0. MUnerrrwwe 26—THE ADORATION OF THE MAGI Of Height, 17 inches; length, 24 inches Tue Magi are grouped round the Virgin, who is enthroned with the Child. Camels in the right background. An architectural setting on the left. SPANISH SCHOOL 27—_ST. JOHN Oe VRAOYaete 3 << Height, 24 inches; width, 181% inches Tue Saint, in ecclesiastical robes and with hands outstretched, is supported by angels as he passes upward in the sky. Below is a bridge, apparently that of Prague, which leads from a city with domed buildings. In the center of the bridge is the Bohemian legendary incident of St. John Nepomucen, of Prague, falling headlong into the river. FRANCESCO GUERCINO Botoena: 1591—1666 28_-CHRIST IN GLORY tha Ke. 1 ie / a-s® Height, 26 inches; width, 154% inches Tue dead Saviour, wearing a loin-cloth, reclines on clouds at the foot of God the Father, who, with outstretched hands, sends forth the Dove. Angels on either side minister to Christ. GIROLAMO MAZZUOLA Parma: 1500—156 ¢ 29-THE MADONNA AND CHILD | yy Ba Lissa WITH SAINTS Height, 28% inches; width, 1514 inches Tue Virgin, seated on clouds, holds the Infant in her arms; on the left is St. Catherine of Siena, and on the right St. Lucy. In the foreground are St. Anthony of Padua and St. Augustine. GIACINTO CORRADO Napres: 1693—1765 £ p uy. ee 30—THE MADONNA AND CHILD jee WITH SAINTS AND ANGELS a vA g Height, 25 inches; width, 19 inches Tue Virgin, enthroned on the right, holds the Infant in her arms. At the foot of the throne are angels with books. In the left foreground kneels a saint holding a quill pen in his right hand. MARCEL RIEDER FrencH: CoNTEMPORARY ES: i f j ; 31—THE TRIO Vin. Chee bx. As / gogo Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches An interior; a young woman plays with one hand at the piano, which is lit by candles and a lamp. Near her sits a man with a violoncello. To the left a young man is tuning up his violin. Pictures on the walls. A man and a woman in the right back- ground. Awarded a Médaille de Bronze. ANDREA SACCHI Rome: 1598—1660 {) 32ST. GREGORY THE nite. H.} Teg ge DURING THE PLAGUE ‘* Pore Grecory THE GREAT, in full raanaials. kneels in the fore- Height, 25 inches; width, 19 inches ground as he prays for the abatement of the Plague. Behind him an acolyte holds the papal tiara, and a priest holds the Cross at the moment that the procession, seen through an arch in the background, passes toward the Holy City. In front are the papal arms; a curtain is looped up to frame in the composition. FRANCESCO SOLIMENA NAPLES: Rees Lbuwth 33—THE MADONNA AND CHILD /. se aS Height, 28 inches; width, 16 mches Tue Virgin is enthroned, with the Child standing beside her, wth a Franciscan and Dominican monk kneeling on either side. Among the other figures is an angel holding the chalice. A red curtain hangs in the background. SPANISH SCHOOL SEVENTEENTH CENTU VY oe PRE i, 34—THE MADONNA AND CHILD / 5S — Height; 26 inches: width, 10 amd Tue Virgin, seated on a cloud, holds the Infant in her arms; angels surround her. In the foreground the Apostles are as- sembled round the empty tomb from which the Virgin has ascended. MARC ANTONIO BASSETI VENETIAN: ee i a 35—THE ASCENSION OF CHRIST isin: 2 yeahs Height, 281% inches; width, 171% inches CuristT, surrounded by a brilliant light, ascends into heaven. Moses, with the Tablets of the Law, and angels are in the upper sky. The Apostles are grouped on the earth. BOLOGNESE SCHOOL 86—THE APPARITION oe eee ace hae Height, 29 inches; width, 18 inches Monks, grouped in the foreground, contemplate the Divine, who appears in the brilliant light of heaven. Angels in the sky. EDOUARD ROSSET-GRANGER FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY 37—CURIOSITY LS are 4 Y got Height, 2734 inches; width, 2134 inches ae A LiTT Le girl, dressed in black, stands in a wet street at night and looks in at a shop window. Signed in the bottom left corner. WILLIAM BASTIAAN THOLEN Dutcu: Contemporary (Born 1850) 388—AN INTERIOR Ke Oo te Height, 27% mches; width, B14, inches é A sMALL boy is seated at the far side of a table, with a meal set before him. With his left hand he feeds the jackdaw on the perch on the right, beyond which is an open door. A birdcage hangs near the curtain on the left. G. RICARD-CORDINGLEY Frencu: Contemporary (Born 1873) 39_NIGHT IN CANCALE 2 G cacl. Gi (ae Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches A MAN and a woman are passing down the street; a lamp hangs outside a large house, with a balcony, on the right. Starry sky. Signed in the right bottom corner. FRANCOIS LE MOYNE FRENCH: fe tb. « 40—THE ASSUMPTION OF THE VIRGI 2 A pia Octagonal: Height, 24 inches; length, 29 inches Tue Virgin, in pink tunic and light blue mantle, is seated on clouds and in ecstasy amid the heavenly host. JEAN JOUVENET FRENCH: ee 2 y 4 41—ABRAHAM SACRIFICING ISAAC =2 6 °> Height, 38 wmches; width, 17 mches Aw angel is seen at the moment that Abraham, with upraised hand, is about to slay Isaac, who, with head bound and hands tied, kneels on the right. God the Father and the heavenly host are in the sky. ITALIAN SCHOOL EIGHTEENTH CENTURY rons ta theates oS — Height, 303% inches; width, 251% inches Tue Goddess of Flowers, with roses in her hair, is seen at full length and seated. A Cupid brings flowers and two others are in the sky on the left. PIEDMONTESE SCHOOL Nortu ITAnian 43—ST. ONOFRIO (?) bea. pe Des Height, 25 inches; length, 80 inches ¢ THE Saint, an ecclesiastic in full canonicals, kneels in contempla- tion of the Cross; on the ground in front are a book and a lily- stem. Angels and the Holy Dove are in the clouds. LOUIS PICARD Frencu: Born 1850 44—THE VIOLET GIRL Z isa og Pr 4 3 ASO Height, 32 inches; width, 25% mches ( A err in brown dress, and long brown hair falling over her bare shoulders, has a basket by her right side as she holds in her left hand a bunch of violets for sale. She stands on a balcony. A river in the background; a bridge and the lamps lit to the left. ITALIAN SCHOOL EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 45—A SAINT IN ee Z GQ tories J 2 — — Height, 3614 inches; width, 2014, inches Tue Saint in full canonicals kneels on clouds on which are angels, one of whom holds the Crown of Thorns for his contemplation. More angels are in the upper sky. FLEMISH SCHOOL EIGHTEENTH CENTURY (Panel) Je 46—CHRIST ON THE CROSS a a Height, 845% inches; width, 25 inches | Curist is on the Cross in the center; the Virgin and St. John stand on either side. Mary and Magdalene near. St. Jerome and a Carthusian kneel in the foreground. Angels with chalices in the sky. An archaistic version of a Jan Provost type of composition. SPANISH SCHOOL eee CO 47—CHRIST BEARING THE CROSS // * a %& - Fy eight, 37 inches; width, 2814 inches Hazr-Leneru figure of Christ, bearded and wearing a white robe and the crown, holds the Cross against His right shoulder. Pe. » .. car aw ITALIAN SCHOOL SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 48—A CLASSICAL COMPOSITION F cee Height, 2834, inches; length, 39/in Matz figures move toward the left, with pwttt grouped round a candelabra. Perhaps a portion of a larger composition. SCHOOL OF BASSANO SEVENTEENTH CENTURY -49—ECCE HOMO Life ie pe ri ay Se Height, 39 inches; width, 31 inches Curist, crowned with thorns and His hands bound, gazes out fixedly. ‘Two male figures on either side of him. DANIELE RICCIARELLI VoLTerRRA: 1509—1566 (? 46 Ae fie 06\ 50—THE DESCENT FROM THE CROSS Viam Height, 39 inches; width, 29 inches Tue Virgin, swooning in the foreground, is supported by the three Marys. St. Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus are taking down the body of Christ; numerous subsidiary figures. SCHOOL OF TINTORETTO 51—AN ALLEGORY oy, yA (9 PD. ae ean, 24 inches; length, 4114 inches A scENE in which numerous persons, dressed in gorgeous robes of office, are seen in a Venetian palace. A curtain hanging on the right. LOUIS GRANER-ARRUFI SPANISH: CONTEMPORARY 52—MEDIT ATION User 8 Height, 28 inches; length, 40 inches ‘ | A PEASANT seated, and leaning his left arm on the back of his chair as he smokes a cigar, looks out meditatively. A decanter and a glass on the table on the left. LEANDRO RAMON GARRIDO Frencu (Died 1908) | 583—THE ART CRITIC Ck neck’ Y Lh /b s— Height, 40 inches; width, 30 mches A may, in black coat and green muffler, is seated in a chair and Da turned three-quarters to the left. He looks to the front, as he holds before him a framed picture. On a table in the foreground are sketches on panel, a decanter and a glass. Strongly lit back- ground, wf ance “4 PAUL BELLANGER-ADHEMAR Frency: ConTEMPORARY 54—BOATS : Qty Bart Og ina— ae Height, 821, inches; length, 461, inches (— e ( SaILine vessels are moored in the foreground on the left and the right; a rowboat passes between them. Houses on the shore in the center distance. Blue sky with clouds. Signed in the right bottom corner. ITALIAN SCHOOL EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 55—PORTRAIT (supposed) VA Y rw p Vaae 75° OF PIERO VETTOR (Wood) - Height, 48 inches; width, 34 inches THREE-QUARTER length, turned three-quarters to the left, an old man with gray beard, in a black robe trimmed with fur, is seated in an armchair and holds an open book in both hands. SPANISH SCHOOL EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 56—A MUSICIAN ie Y/ Soon A “Le as Height, 4434 inches; width, 355 inches A man, in black doublet slashed with white and white sleeves, stands behind a parapet on which is an open music book. He is singing and playing on his guitar. SPANISH SCHOOL EIGHTEENTH CENTURY sI-THE GLUTTON §=£ fh, uf he faa Height, 45 inches; width, 8534 inches A MAN, standing behind a parapet, has before him a dish full of viands. SCHOOL OF BASSANO SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ‘ 58—THE BUFFETING OF CHRIST . cere Height, 35 wmches; length, 47 wmches Curist in the center is seated in prison and is being buffeted by a figure on the right. In the left foreground kneels an old man, before whom is a page holding a lighted candle. ? ITALIAN SCHOOL SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 59—THE COURTESAN (called. “The Flagellation’ ) Sah | p- Height, 3834 inches; length, 52 g imches j A Capucuin monk, with a scourge in his right hand and a book in his left, threateningly approaches a half-nude woman who lies on the bed on the left. NORTH ITALIAN SCHOOL 60—PORTRAIT (supposed) mb OF THE DUCHESS OF MODENA J/ 0 ‘_—_ Height, 521/, inches; width, 891 inches Lire size, three-quarter length, three quarters to the left. In black, low-cut dress embroidered with gold, and lace collar; fair hair ornately done. Her right hand on the chair. GUSTAVE ALFRED GUIGNERY Frencuo: ConTEMPORARY 61—MOONLIGHT SEEGER LEGS PE SO a Height, 45 inches; length, 58 inches From a river bank, which projects out on the right, we look across a low moving river to the far bank with the trees of _ the background dimly seen by moonlight. Signed in the right bottom corner. A “Mention Honorable” has been awarded to this picture. NORTH ITALIAN SCHOOL Late SIXTEENTH CENTURY 62—THE DEATH OF HERO / 7S Height, 44 mches; length, 64 inches TG ae Iw the left distance, Hero, the priestess, disconsolate at the death of her lover Leander, the famous youth of Abydos, is diving from the light-house of Sestos into the waters of the Hellespont. In the foreground the river god bears on his shoulders the drowned form of Hero, and is about to place it in the arms of a nymph seated on the left on a rock in mid-stream. Three other nymphs hasten through the water to help. Figures on the coast of Sestos. Foliage landscape background on the right. Leander, her lover, had swum across every night to see Hero, guided by the light-house. One stormy night, the light failed and he was drowned. Overcome with grief, Hero took her life, as here rendered. a Ps i ANDRE DAUCHEZ FRENCH: Contemporary (Born 1870) 63—UNDER THE OAK CHER < Xo (gue 6 <— Height, 431% inches; length, 64 inches ( A GNARLED oak on the high bank, on the right, of an inland lake is seen with its wide-spread branches mirrored toward sunset in the waters on the left. A young woman, nude, walks out from the right to swim. Signed, and dated 1904, in the left bottom corner. ANNIBALE CARRACCI BoLocneEsE ScHoou: 1560—1609 64—THE DEAD Coe C Mmwren- Circular: 60 inches by 60 inches Curist, nude but for a purple mantle spread across His loins, and wearing the Crown of Thorns, reclines in death on clouds borne aloft by angels. On the left is a Franciscan monk in ecstasy; another monk kneels on the right. SPANISH SCHOOL SEVENTEENTH pe): 65—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN eee Height, 7314 inches; width, 4514 inches Fut length, life size. In black doublet and trunk hose embroid- ered with gold. Bearded, middle-aged and wearing a ruff. The right hand grasps a lance. Green curtain in the right back- ground. JUSTUS SUSTERMANS 1597—1681 (Mrprecn 66—PORTRAIT OF A NOBLEMAD lA ss ts Height, 76 inches; width, 5014, inches In black robe trimmed with gold, lace collar and cuffs. FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1919 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8.15 O'CLOCK BARTOLOMMEO MANFREDI Roman: 1580—1617 Pa Z, Og s 75—_THE EDUCATION OF THE VIRGIN ce Height, 1314 inches; width, 914 mches Tue youthful Virgin, standing by the side of St. Anne, on whose knee rests a book, is reading. The bearded Joachim is seated in the left background. Angels are in the sky above. Architec- tural setting. CARLO MARATTI Roman: 1625—17138 ,.76-THE HOLY FAMILY nt Lael : Monochrome: Height, 1434 inches; od, Y, mcehes Pa &e Tue Virgin, with the Child on her lap, is seated on a throne on the right. In the right foreground stands St. Francis, while St. Joseph is on the left. Shepherds in the left background... An- gels in the sky. BOLOGNESE SCHOOL SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 77—THE LAST SUPPER H, poate Height, 17 inches; width, ney Y/Y In the center, and at the far side of a table, Christ is seated be- tween the Apostles. His right hand is raised; His left grasps the chalice. Two figures, with a flagon and bowl between them, are in the foreground. Angels in the clouds. Dark background. ROMAN SCHOO | *, ¥. Lor 78—THE ASSUMPTION OF THE VIRGIN SUR Height, 18 inches; width, 10 inches Tue Virgin, in red tunic and blue mantle, is borne upward on clouds by angels. Below, in the foreground, are St. Francis and St. Anthony in ecstatic contemplation of the sheet, strewn with roses, that covers the tomb and is at one end held up by an angel. SCHOOL OF FERRARA R 79—CHRIST AMONG THE DOCTORS ; rhooo \ Height, 19 mches; width, 1814 inches Curist, enthroned, is disputing in the Temple, the Doctors being : grouped around the throne. ITALIAN SCHOOL EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 4 ake G , ] 80—THE ASSUMPTION OF THE VERGIN pee Height, 19 inches; width, 12 inches Tue Virgin, supported on clouds, is borne aloft from her tomb by angels. BOLOGNESE SCHOOL 81—_THE WAY TO i TOSS SER pan wat : W, g Height, 19 inches; width, 1834 imches Curist falls under the weight of the Cross as He moves toward the left. In the right foreground is St. Veronica with the su- darium. 'Two Roman soldiers, mounted, in the right background. SCHOOL OF JACQUES LOUIS DAVID FRENCH ML ¢ fe ae ede 82—A4A MYTHOLOGICAL SUBJECT Ft eae Height, 1914 inches; width, 1414, inches A BATTLE rages in the foreground, while a figure in classical attire is borne aloft by putti. FRENCH SCHOOL 83ST. SEBASTIAN 9 | ee (? LlrAa pa ee: 2114 inches; width, 1014 mches THE vate saint is bound to the tree on the right, his body already transfixed by arrows as he gazes upward to Christ in Glory. A black-robed figure kneels in the left foreground. ITALIAN SCHOOL aes ee f YG Ga 84 CHRIST PREACHING oie Curist, in his robe of office, is preaching to a cobbler, seated by a table at work on the left, and to a man with folded hands on the right. Other figures are in the left background. An angel in the sky. PIETRO DA CORTONA Tuscan: 1596—1669 85—4 PROPHET *L ee (1 (Companion picture to Nos. 86, 87 and 88) BL Gh Height, 151% inches; length, 21 inches A BEARDED figure in blue tunic and white mantle and accom- panied by a putto holds tablets in his left hand and gazes up- ward as he sits on a cloud placed on the spandrel of an arch. PIETRO DA CORTONA Tuscan: 1596—1669 86—4A PROPHET Cig Bugle: xf ae Coampenion picture to Nos. 85, 87 and 88) Height, 151% inches; length 21 inches THE prophet, wearing a crown, a cuirass and a red mantle, with his harp, is seated on a cloud which obscures part of the spandrel of an arch. PIETRO DA CORTONA Tuscan: 1596—1669 87—A PROPHET ad VG el (Companion picture to Nos. 85, 86 and 88) Height, 151% inches; length 21 imches A Heroic figure, fully draped in green and mauve, is seated on a cloud seen against the spandrel of an arch. A putto on the right. PIETRO DA CORTONA Tuscan: 1596—1669 88—d PROPHET Beek _ slog (Companion picture to Nos. 85, 86 and 87) Height, 151% inches; length 21 inches A neroic figure, draped across the knees, is seated on a cloud against the spandrel of an arch. Two putti are behind him SIMON VOUET Frencu: 1590—1649 8s9—A SAINT IN Oe (3 i= 760 Height, 14 inches; length, % inches é Tue sketch for a ceiling painting. 'The bearded saint is seated among angels on a bank of clouds and gazes on high. EUSTACHE LE SUEUR FRENCH: ee aft 90—MONKS IN CONTEMPLATION (Companion picture to No. 91) Gee : Height, 17 inches; length, 24 mches Two Carthusian monks are seated in rocky ground, in a deserted spot at the end of a valley, in religious contemplation. A city in the left distance. EUSTACHE LE SUEUR Frencu: 1616551655 Fee Ca 91—MONKS IN CONTEMPLATION ie aA (Companion picture to No. 90) Height, 17 inches; length, 24 inches A Carruusian and another monk, in the left foreground in a re- tired spot on the bank of a river, contemplate the Cross. Cattle on the far side of the river on the right, and a castle set on a hill. 4 er LUCA GIORDANO Napres: 1682—1705 92—d STUDY FOR A See hee ae TING ‘a Height, 151% inches; length, 26 inches Tux hosts of heaven, seated or standing on clouds, play on mu- sical instruments. In the center is the legend: “Vocatum est nomen ejus Jesus.” JOHANN BAPTISTE LAMPI Trrou: aor Z Yrltle ky, ANAMAF f 9838—_THE DEATH OF ACHILLES ic 5 = Height, 181% inches; length, 24 inches ACHILLEs is outstretched on his mortal couch, while an assembly of men and women stand about in the classically appointed cham- ber, in unconcealed grief. SCHOOL OF SEVILLE 94-THE NATIVITY Thanh Reichs: 3 oad Height, 194% inches; length, 241% inches Tue Virgin reclines on her side in bed and receives the Infant into her arms from a handmaid. Another woman holds aside a cur- tain, while a third is seated near the bed. St. Joseph is on the left. FRENCH SCHOOL 95—A CLASSICAL SUBJE S — Height, 24 inches; ad inches A wounpvep hero, wearing only his helmet, oe on a bed to the right, while a physician tends his wound. Other figures are nearby. ATTRIBUTED TO SIR GODFREY KNELLER 96—PORTRAIT OF A MANZ X (3 gee os = Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches. In black robe, edged with gold trimming; red turban; neutral background. ITALIAN SCHOOL EIGHTEENTH omic) ( | AG 97—A BIBLICAL SUBJE ) sb Height, 191% wmches; length, 2514 inches A composition of several small figures gathered round a well- head. A man brandishes his sword on the right. GIROLAMO MAZZUOLA Parma: 1500—1569 98-HOLY FAMILY €f / Cthiie, SA S —~ Monochrome: H eight, 28 inches; width, 1614 inches Tue Child is by the side of the Virgin, who is seated in the center. On the right, St. Joseph is at the carpenter’s bench. Archi- tectural background. The Eternal, surrounded by the heavenly host, is in the sky. SEBASTIANO CONCA Napres: 1679—1 aig f . Z, ROE AG. 99 THE APPARITION OF CHRIST , TO ST. CAMILLUS OF ‘LELLIS tag SE Height, 27 inches; width, 19 wmches TuE Saint, seated in the foreground, with a crutch resting against his leg and ministered to by angels, sees in a vision the crucified Christ, who stretches out an arm to embrace him. Angels in the sky. GIACOMO GUERRINI Lomparp: 1718—1798 100—THE LAST SUPPER Va I Oe J a Height, 26 inches; width, 194 inches Curist, wearing His traditional robes, is seated in the center and at the far side of the table; He administers the Sacrament to one of the Apostles; the other Apostles are grouped round the table. Angels are in the sky. CRISTOFORO CREO > Naptes: Circa 1711 101—F 4ITH AND. TIME xX. oe SC on /2— « Height, 261 inches; width, 20 inches Time, winged and with books in hand, holds a chalice in an up- lifted left hand above the head of Faith, who, with wafer uplifted, reclines on a step. To the right are a bleeding heart, a book, a mask, a serpent and flowers. Signed: Creo F. JEAN BERAUD Frencu: Born 1849 102—THE ADIEUX ye 7# Height, 26 imches; wilth, 21Y% inches OvuTsIDE a convent, on a road with a factory in the right fore ground, gendarmes are arresting two nuns, to the great grief of a group of school-children. ALESSANDRO TIARINI Botoena: 1577—1668 1083—A HISTORICAL CORO NES ON og Monochrome: Height, 21 inches; engi OursIDE a classical edifice, and at the oe of steps that lead up to another temple, is a strangely disorderly scene. Some figures already massacred lie on the ground. An ox is held ready for sacrifice by a man in the right foreground. Buildings and in- ~ numerable figures in the background. EMILE BENEDICKTOFF HIRSCHFELD FreNcH: CONTEMPORARY 104—THE STORM ‘4G. - wees, ¢ Pai ema Height, 29 inches; width, 2114 inches Unoer a dark and rain-swept sky sailing vessels with dark sails are seen by the faint rays of the moon. Lights are lit in some of the windows of the house in the center background. : FRANCESCO TREVISANI Rome: 1656—174 24 Lok rs 105—CHRIST IN THE HOUSE OF MARY AND MARTHA ot + Height, 2614 inches; width, 191% wmches CurisT is seated, in the center, near Mary and Martha and sev- eral male figures. Through an arch in the right background we see a table set with viands. . ITALIAN Be tac : 106—THE FOUR DOCTORS OF THE CH ' af ov Height, 35 inches; width, 161% inches St. Grecory, St. Ambrose, St. Augustine and St. Jerome are seated on clouds. Perhaps a sketch for a ceiling painting. EMILE FRIANT Frencu: Contemporary (Born 1863) 107—4 NUDE YOUNG WOMAN 3 poe Circular: Height, 30 inches; width, 25 imches A youne woman, nude and seen to the waist, with her hair disheveled as she knots it under her chin, looks seductively toward the right. The background is red and flower-patterned. NEAPOLITAN SCHOOL ns ees Cae a at. 108—THE MADONNA AND CHILD A (Wood, rounded at the top) : a p 7 ) a Height, 33 inches; width, 2114 mches Tue Virgin, in a dark blue mantle that frames in her head, wears a high and jeweled crown, which has a circular nimbus deco- rated with figures in the compartments and inscribed. Seraphim are in the sky. On her left arm she holds the Infant who is fully draped and has a circular nimbus. Painted under the influence of Spanish tradition. PIERINO DEL VAGA Rome: 1500—1547 _ 109—A ROMAN BATTLE NE of ge Monochrome: Height, 214 inches; length, 364% inches TuHE battle is arranged with elephants, horses, mounted soldiers and infantry in great confusion. 'The scene is set on a a seashore, with vessels in the offing. Cloudy sky. SANTIAGO RUSINOL SPaNIsH: CoNTEMPORARY 110—THE GARDEN rea Height, 33 inches; width, 241 inches A FORMAL garden with the box hedges cut and trimmed; the path ways seen in springtime, the moon rising. CHARLES LE BRUN Frencu: 1619—1690 9 SY R we 111—A STUDY FOR A CEILING PAINTING Vid Height,.36 inches; width, 27 inches In the central compartment Christ is enthroned; the Holy dove appears in the bright light of heaven. A composition of numer- ous figures. ROMAN SCHOOL 112—PORTRAIT OF AN ee ed ? y of Height, 88 inches; width, 29 inches In ecclesiastical robes, turned three-quarters to the left, bearded, seen at half length and seated in a green chair. Neutral back- ground. ATTRIBUTED TO GABRIEL BLANCHARD FRENCH: 1630—1704 1183—AN ALLEGORY SG. ee Bs o- SF Height, 27 inches; length, 38 inches” Aw allegorical figure is seated upon a throne, with books in a : basket at her feet. She is surrounded on all sides by female — figures. : : 3 Sc SCHOOL OF TIEPOLO 114—A STUDY FOR A a | + Height, 881% inches; width, 29 inches / oa ae Curist, in the clouds, holds a crown in either hand, and is sur- rounded by angels and Saints, some of whom have emblems. GIOVANNI LANFRANCO BoLocna geeks 115—THEH ASSUMPTION OF pe Tomah VIRGIN JD Height, 39 inches; width, 29 mches Tue Virgin, in red tunic and blue mantle, is borne aloft by angels — on clouds. The Apostles are grouped upon an arch in the fore- ground. ATTRIBUTED TO ANTONIO MORO 116—PORTRAIT OF A NOBLEM ¥Z2 — — Height, 40 inches; width, 30 inches Y Hatr length; in a black robe trimmed with gold and lined with fur, and a black cap with a white feather. The right hand rests on the gloves placed on the table on the left; the left hand on the sword hilt. NORTH ITALIAN SCHOOL SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 117-THE WOMAN TAKEN IN ADULTERY (Wood) 1G: ba 1 ee Height, 311% inches; length, 4134 inches THE woman in blue robe open at the neck, and with arms crossed, looks with downcast gaze at Christ, who, on the right, raises His left hand. Composition of nine half-length figures smaller than life’ size. Possibly a copy, in reverse, of an earlier composition. OTTO VAN VEEN - Fremiso: 1558—1629 TWELVE SCENES FROM THE LIFE OF CHRIST | I 118—CHRIST RIDING INTO JERUSALEM . (Woo {Q ; Cees oe Height, 42 inches; width, 30 inches CuristT, in a purple robe, is seated on the ass which moves toward the right. The Apostles are gathered round, while three of their — number strew the ground with their garments. The city of Jerusalem in the background. II - 119—CHRIST WASHING THE FEET OF THE APOSTLES 'é F ve | (Wood) | Height, 42 inches; width, 30 inches Curist, in purple robe, washes the feet of the Apostles, one of whom is seated in the left foreground. Others await their turn. A man-servant approaches from the hall in the center back- ground, holding a vessel full of water. Ill 1200—THE BETRAYAL [ ae (Wood) A) —- Height, 42 inches; width, 30 inches Jupas, in green robe and orange-yellow mantle, gives the traitor’s kiss to Christ, who is about to be arrested. Behind is a man holding a torch. A man on the right strikes off the ear of Mal- chus, who grasps a lantern in his left hand. IV 121—_CHRIST BEFORE THE JUDGMENT SEAT ia Curist stands before the judgment seat on which, on the right, is Herod enthroned; standing on the steps to the left of the throne is the High Priest. More to the left are a soldier and the executioner; other soldiers in the background. - (Wood) Height, 42 inches; width, 30 inches Vv 122—_CHRIST BOUND (Wood) t< & : i e Height, 42 inches; width, 30 inches Wiru His hands bound and in charge of armed soldiers, Christ stands in the left foreground before the enthroned Herod. A green curtain hanging behind the throne. wt 123—PILATE WASHING HIS HANDS 0 ae (Wood) i Height, 42 inches; width, 80 inches Pinate, on the judgment seat, is washing his hands in the water poured out of a ewer by a man-servant. In the left foreground Christ is escorted by the executioner and a soldier. ae 124-CHRIST AT THE COLUMN . (Wood 4 | ene Cin 8 GQ —~ . — Height, 42 inches; width, 80 inches CuristT, bound and wearing the ee nus is being scourged while a Roman official surveys the scene. ty Vill 125—CHRIST MOCKED e y ge | (Wood) oh ‘ Height, 42 inches; width, 30 inches Curist, seated in the center foreground, is being mocked by the: ie old man, who, kneeling on the left, presents Him witha reed. The executioner superposes the Crown on His head. Soldiers and i officials in the background. s IX 126—CHRIST BUFFETED (Wood) Pak BS ff purse Height, 42 inches; width, 30 inches Curist, whose head is enveloped in a white kerchief, is seated in the prison, with figures in various threatening attitudes surround- ing him. Soldiers in the background. 4 xX 127—CHRIST CARRYING HIS CROSS (Wood) e* co =~ Height, 42 inches; width, 80, inches _ Curist, as He moves toward the right, faints under the load of the Cross; the executioner is about to strike Him. Groups of figures in the background; some of them mounted. xI 128—_ASCENSION (Wood) (g* Height, 42 inches; width, 30 inches z Curist, with the banner of the Resurrection, ascends into heaven; soldiers are asleep and angels are near the tomb. The City of Jerusalem in the left background. XII 129—PEHENTECOST b) ie (Wood) Height, 42 inches; width, 80 inches * > e Tue Virgin is seated in the center of a group of the Apostles in the middle distance; tongues of fire are on their heads. Other Apostles are gathered in the foreground and in a half-circle on either side. Angels are in the sky. The clouds are open to emit the Holy Ghost. ROBERT LEE MacCAMERON American: 1866—1912 180—THE HABITUES of, %. (Semel _ Fy J ae Height, 491% inches; length, 65 inches A THREE men are seated round a table in a café dimly lit by a lamp. The one on the left grasps his glass of absinthe; in the center sits a man smoking his pipe; the old man to the right is reading the paper. Signed in the right bottom corner. NEAPOLITAN SCHOOL EIcgHTEENTH Century (?) 131_V ANITY (fh, [3 vr Height, 541% inches; length, 581% mches aire os Aw old woman, wearing Spanish spectacles and seated before a black-framed mirror held on a table by an attendant, looks at herself in it. Another attendant places a feather in her hair. (Injured in the center.) SCHOOL OF CHAR} ge LEBRUN ; ‘ 182—MICHAEL PURSUING LUCIFER sie a ai ae ; ae “eel Height, 411% inches; length, 6052 inches Tue Archangel Michael, as Lord of the Heavenly Host, clad in armor and buskins, is about to throw a thunder bolt on the dis- comfited Lucifer and his companions. (Injured at the top.) BERTHOLET FLAMAEL _ Friemiso: 1614—1675 1388—A PAGAN SACRIFICE ( [7, (3 Ce Cp ; va 4) 4f - Height, 47% inches; length, 591% inches A prisst stands before the altar on the left, and two other figures are prostrate before it. More to the right are executioners, with the ox, a group of men and two soldiers. A temple in the back- ground. The style recalls that of Nicholas Poussin, but characterizes the art of Bertholet Flamael, who was thus inspired. ANTOINE PONCHIN Frencuo: ConTEMPORARY 134—_SUNSET ON THE LOIRE OF : V3 ee Height, 491% inches; length, 78 inches - bre Ge, A FisHine boat is moored in the left foreground, with two others ha in shallow water on the right near the bank, on which is a row of houses seen in the bright sunlight. In the left distance are small yachts; beyond, the bank rises abruptly. Signed in the right bottom corner. SPANISH SCHOOL SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 185—PORTRAIT OF ALOYSIUS IKLLZZ Oprue Age... / Ha + _ Height, 8014 imches; width, 477 inches ¢ Fut length, life size, in armor, the right hand grasping his lance. ‘The same man is seen on horseback in the right back- ground. Inscribed in the right foreground: “ALOYSIUS III COMPSIA COMES V VENVSII PRINCEPS PRIMUS” yv Ve Jo a dese AN oo Shar Yat eh FRENCH SCHOOL SIXTEENTH CENTURY : / ee iss—porTRaiT or (Ut Sern CHRISTOPHER DE LIGNIVILLE : Pd 353 “— Height, 7434 inches; width, 50 inches In a white and gold doublet, cloak and trunk hose, and gold chain. A coat-of-arms high up on the right; inscribed low down on the right: 7 “Christophe de Ligniville chevr de lordre du Roy, Conseiller et Cham- bellan de S. A. Gnal de l’artillerie de Lorraine, A° de 28, 1564.” RAOUL DU GARDIER FRENCH 187—THE YACHTING RH Oe (J | oF ¢ Height, 59 inches; length, 98 inches A apy, dressed in white, reclines on the left on deck; more to the right, a sailor talks to a man lying on top of the hatchway. Signed in the left bottom corner. LOUIS BEROUD Frencu: 1852— & om 188—_THE RUBENS GALLERY IN THE LOUVRE MUSEUM G Height, 72%, mches; width, 7024 inches & ef : oa artist, with an attendant at his side, is painting the interior of the Salle Rubens in the Louvre. Rubens’s pictures of “The Marriage of Henry IV to Marie de Medici,” “The Marriage by Proxy” and the “Triumph of Truth over Time” are seen on the left. In the distance a view of the Salle Van Dyck. Signed, and dated 1908, m the left bottom corner. A characteristic work by this painter of French interiors. This gallery was only opened in May, 1900. | SCHOOL OF TIEPOLO 139—BANQUETING SCENE OUT, EGEGIEL i se Ot Height, 931% inches; length, 9834 inches A Lapy in court attire is seated on the left; a dwarf stands by her side; attendants are grouped behind her. Two warriors are seated on the right. Architectural setting. ATTRIBUTED TO GUIDO RENI 140—THE E IRT Z SEVEN VIRTUES OPAL io 2 —— H eight, 79 inches; length, 100 inches Lire-sizE figures in a group. From left to right they may per- haps be described as Justice, Hope, Prudence, Faith, Charity, Temperance and Fortitude. They are seated on clouds and have distinguishing accessories. FLEMISH SCHOOL SEVENTEENTH a Das 141—THE ADVENTURES OF PHILOPQiMEN v6 2 8 co Height, 9314, inches; length, 11244 wmches PHiILoP@MEN, a red-robed bearded man (B.C. 253-184), who is famous as the liberator of his country, is busy chopping wood in the left foreground; a woman places her hand on his arm. The scene is set outside the house, the interior of which on the right is hung with cooking utensils. A dead swan, deer, peacock, fruit and vegetables in the right foreground. CHARLES HOFFBAUER _ | _ Frencu: (Born 1875) 142—A FLEMISH RISING a o ot 2 Height, 8214 inches; length, 12742 A croup of peasants, ill clad and armed with rude Bn. tr disconsolately out of a bleak, snow-covered village. An old stands at his garden gate on the left. — Signed, and dated 1902, in the left bottom m comer Bénézit: “Dictionnaire,” 1910, p. 624, BHUE AAG ART ASSOCIATION, “Maxacens., THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. AR _ THEIR WORKS se | a LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS CATALOGUE on NUMBER BASSANO (School of) | Ecce Homo 49 The Buffeting of Christ 58 BASSETI, Marc AntTontio The Ascension of Christ | 35 BASTIEN, THeopore JosErpH ALFRED Portrait of a Sculptor, or of the Sculptor Kerfyzer 67 BELLANGER-ADHEMAR, Pav. Boats 54 BERAUD, Jean The Adieux | 102 BEROUD, Louis : The Rubens Gallery in the Louvre Museum 188 BIBIENA, FErRNAnpdo An Architectural Design 72 BLANCHARD, Gapsriet (Attributed to) An Allegory 113 BOGGIO, Emrz Ploughing 74 BOLOGNESE SCHOOL St. Anthony in Glory = 12 The Apparition of Christ See A Plague-stricken City 70 The Last Supper if The Way to Calvary 81 CANTARINI, Sone The Last Judgment 3 18° CARRACCI, ANNIBALE The Dead Christ 64 CERQUOZZI, MicueLancELo (Attributed to) The Adoration of the Magi 3 26 CESARI, Gruserre (Attributed to) | St. John the Baptist 8 CONCA, SEBASTIANO The Apparition of Christ to St. Camillus — of Lellis 99 CORRADO, GIAcIntTo The Madonna and Child with Saints and Angels 30 CORTONA, PIETRO DA A Prophet 85 A Prophet 86 A Prophet 87 A Prophet 88 CREO, Cristororo : , Faith and Time 101 i a - on e YF : a ‘ 3 =. ; | ed i ga Be se F “f te DAUCHEZ, ANpRE: Under the Oak Tree DAVID, Jacques Louis (School of) 3 A Mythological Subject DEL VAGA, PrErIno A Roman Battle Scene - DUTCH SCHOOL Portrait of a Girl FERRARA (School of) Christ among the Doctors FLAMAEL, Bertuo.er A Pagan Sacrifice FLEMISH SCHOOL The Stigmatization of St. Francis Christ on the Cross The Adventures of Philopoemen FRENCH SCHOOL A Scene of Martyrdom St. Sebastian A Classical Subject Portrait of Christopher de Ligniville FRIANT, Emir A Nude Young Woman GARDIER, Raovut pu The Yachting Party CATALOGUE NUMBER 63 82 109 10 79 133 25 46 141 24 83 95 136 107 137 GARRIDO, LEANDRO Ramon | The Art Critic GHISOLFI, Giovannt ~ Pyramid of Caius Cestius GIORDANO, Luca A Study for a Ceiling Painting GRANER-ARRUFI, Lovis Meditation GUERCINO, Francesco Christ in Glory GUERRINI, Giacomo The Last Supper GUIGNERY, GustTAveE ALFRED Moonlight HIRSCHFELD, Ei.e BENEDICKTOFF The Storm te HOFFBAUER, CHartezs A Flemish Rising ITALIAN SCHOOL The Nativity The Apparition of Christ The Baptism of Christ A. Classical Subject Flora A Saint in Glory CATALOGUE NUMBER ITALIAN SCHOOL—Continued A Classical Composition 48 Portrait (supposed) of Piero Vettori 55 The Courtesan (called “The Flagellation”) 59 The Assumption of the Virgin 80 Christ Preaching 84. A Biblical Subject 97 The Four Doctors of the Church 106 JOUVENET, JEan } Abraham Sacrificing Isaac 41 KNELLER, Sm Goprrry (Attributed to) ae Portrait of a Man 96 LAGRENEE, Lovuts Juan FRANCOIS Nymphs. and Satyrs 73 LAMPI, Jowann Baptiste The Death of Achilles 93 LANFRANCO, Giovanni The Assumption of the Virgin ARS LEBRUN, CuHartezs A Study for a Ceiling Painting 111 LEBRUN, Cuartrs (School of) Michael Pursuing Lucifer 132 LE MOYNE, Francois The Assumption of the Virgin 40 LE SUEUR, EvustacHe Monks in Contemplation Monks in Contemplation LOCATELLI, ANnpREA Abraham Driving Forth Hagar and Ishmael 23 MacCAMERON, Rogpert LEE The Habitués Bee MANFREDI, Bartrotommero | The Education of the Virgin 75 MARATTI, Carto The Holy Family 76 MAZZUOLA, GrroLamo The Madonna and Child with Saints 29 Holy Family 298 MORO, Antonio (Attributed to) Portrait of a Nobleman : 116 NEAPOLITAN SCHOOL The Madonna and Child 108 Vanity | 131 NORTH ITALIAN SCHOOL Portrait (supposed) of the Duchess of Modena 60 The Death of Hero 62 The Woman Taken in Adultery 117 PICARD, Louvuts ~The Violet Girl __- PIEDMON'TESE SCHOOL a St. Onofrio (7?) PONCHIN, AnrToINnE Sunset on the Loire Ls ie og eS, fe a 7 * ve : Ps \ A ‘> 7] z PRETI, Marria Cain and Abel RENARD, Emie ~ ‘ 2 } : : 4 ee 4 ve... i :< pe : aa : - ital an : .- ee ’ 4 - Ff = a + = 2 | ——. “ Te es -4 .- ; zr ¥ =" ’ 7 : = BY £- - # ; ey: al i * Their First Communion RENI, Guino (Attributed to) The Seven Virtues 4 8 Fe, ay, Fe RICARD-CORDINGLEY, G. Night in Cancale RICCI, Marco (Attributed to) St. Anthony in Glory RICCIARELLI, DANIELE The Descent from the Cross RIEDER, Marcer The Trio ROMAN SCHOOL St. Peter, in Prison St. Matthew St. Mark Breakfast of the Orphans on the Day of CATALOGUE NUMBER 44 43 134 68 140 39 20 50 31 i ROMAN SCHOOL—Continued St. Luke St. John The Assumption of the Virgin The Madonna and Child, with St. Anthony of Padua and Catherine of Siena 19 The Assumption of the Virgin Be Portrait of an Ecclesiastic 112 ROSSET-GRANGER, Enovarp : Curiosity 37 RUSINOL, Santiaco The Garden 110 SACCHI, ANDREA St. Gregory the Great during the Plague 32 SEVILLE (School of) The Nativity _ 94 SIRANI, Giovanni ANDREA ae The Nativity 14 The Holy Family | SOLIMENA, Francusco The Madonna and Child 33 SPANISH SCHOOL St. John Nepomucen 27 The Madonna and Child 34 Christ Bearing the Cross AT A Musician 56 The Glutton 57 Portrait of a Gentleman 65 Portrait of Aloysius ITI 135 EPOLO- (School of ) aes tae | Study for a Ceiling | a Soon Scene ORETTO. (School Of) “The a of Poetry ~ Christ i in the House of Mary and Martha aa DYCK (School of) ee *Christ in the Tomb VAN LAAR, PIETER ~ Returning from Market VAN VEEN, Orro I—Christ Riding into Jerusalem Apostles I1I—The Betrayal IV—Christ before the Judgment Seat V—Christ Bound TWELVE SCENES FROM THE LIFE OF CHRIST II—Christ Washing the Feet of the CATALOGUE “NUMBER 66 38 103 Lid 139 105 15 118 119 120 121 122 om VIUL_Christ Meta i CRP se is Buffeted | X—Christ Carrying His XI—Ascension . XII—Pentecost ; 0 / ae i 4 ‘ rie - \ f i t ‘iii , " r 4 ri PY . nF plate eer rer oeeer. ht k hs 4 vad VC PERL AE " [+5 * ig Orare a eee aT Tpke tear ae Me Matas, > AD) Tarare? ea? Py MET It Pasar bf ek OO, +e *.? »* Pe 1 te + * ay a 4s 2 ¥ nip eee tet 44 ¢ U : y aed a'e eas ‘ a t ‘ ‘ Ri ‘ — a Te" $3 ¢ “* ? ae siete , ' . e > * bi . ‘ <2 ie @ etree.” ‘ ‘ o:4.? >! . w¢ ke , " Firs 8 Hee. rei ‘ : Moe | Ve ae , * . 9 ra ee <4 > =e} 4 . % rn 4 > arece 478 $)eL* ee OO é : 4 % } IRL Pas ee heat DOCTOR rte Se DT Be ; eit: é i . #4, ar 44 ; +e" < 4 ¢ z DAs ne BOLT ee Bi Nh ae tea 9 . e : + ae aY ATM: ’ aie" ' . ee fertrale: fe t , " s 5 ete : if é ‘ ’ t ’ ' i 4 tf E ’ ‘ 2 : 7 ? " ; \® seis He 4 , ‘ Mite: ih, ® ¥ TY : F t . + Py He) *,> ; Mt PLY fh, —~ . - raf ' 1,* ri Line SL bat, hed nk f Oy § wie) 1" , . ‘ ; SET Eg! ‘ Na oteen rt ae ix 4, : 4 hie) Oa & ticle ; see hy: Retin Rela! 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