View from March 22, 1923 No. 273 Sale Tuesday, March 27, 1923 Edged Weapons Rare Old Pistols and Guns HISTORIC PIECES TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION Morning and Afternoon, March 27, 1923 ’ at 10:30 and 2 o’clock THE WALPOLE GALLERIES 12 West 48th Street New York, N. Y. Telephone: Bryant 4140 WaALtTerR S. Scott, Auctioneer View from March 22, 1923 No. 273 Sale Tuesday, March 27, 1923 EDGED WEAPONS ANCIENT PISTOLS AND GUNS RARE HISTORIC PIECES EDGED WEAPONS—Jambiya or Arabian Dagger set in silver with Arabesque Decoration; Jade Handled Woman’s Dagger from India: Persian, Nepalese, Chinese, Japanese and other Oriental Swords and Daggers; Rare Early European Pieces; Halberds, Battle-Axes, etc. PISTOLS AND GUNS—Shattuck 4-Shot; “Duck’s Foot” 5-Shot; North Berlin; Stocking Single Shot; Confederate Colt; Cases of Duell- ing Pistols, rare Pair of Wheelock Pistols; Paterson Colt Carbine; Confederate Carbine made at Richmond; 3-barrel Kessler; Ex- press Rifle; Ornate Double Barrel Fowling Piece made for Prince Friedrich, son of the Former Emperor of Germany; DOUBLE-BARREL SHOTGUN OF JOHN HOWARD PAYNE FOWLING PIECE FROM THE BOONE FAMILY TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION Tuesday Morning and Afternoon, March 27, 1923, at 10:30 and 2 o'clock ets RG, i SOHO THE WALPOLE GALLERIES 12 West 48th Street New York, N. Y. Telephone Bryant 4140 Conditions of Sale 1. ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT. They are executed free of charge by the Walpole Galleries and the items are bought at the lowest price permitted by competitive bids. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in case of d‘sputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision will be final. He may also reject any fractional or nominal bid calculated to delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. GOODS BOUGHT TO BE REMOVED AT THE CLOSE OF THE SALE, If not so removed, they will be held at the risk of the purchaser and these Galleries will not be responsible if such goods are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. No deliveries will be made during the sale. 5. Tervs Casnu. If accounts are not paid at the conclusion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, these Galleries reserve the right to dispose of the goods without notice to the defaulting buyer and all costs of such resale will be charged to — the defaulter. This condition is without prejudice to the rights of the Company to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such re-sale at its own option. 6. Th’s catalogue has been compiled by a competent cataloguer, the various lots offered are described with care and accuracy and they will be sold not subject to return. 7. The Walpole Galleries, if requested, will forward purchases at the buyer’s risk and expense. Priced copies of this catalogue at $4.00 each after the sale. THE WALPOLE GALLERIES LENORE YOUNG TURNBULL Epwarp TuRNBULL 12 West 48th Street, New York, N. Y. This sale will be conducted for the Walpole Galleries by Mr. WaLter S. Scotr Edged Weapons, Pistols and Guns MANY OF HISTORIC INTEREST First Session, Nos. 1-280 DETACHABLE WOODEN SHOULDER STOCK. For Luger calibre .30 automatic pistol. New. EMBOSSED BRASS EAST INDIAN POUCH. Each side shows a tiger, deer and leaves, with two lines of perforations. Very good condition. LEFAUCHEUX PIN FIRE REVOLVER. Cal. .44. Six-shooter, lacks ejector and is rusted. Czar, and 2 Belgian pocket revolvers. (4 pes) FRENCH OR BELGIAN POCKET REVOLVER. L. 7; Cal. .30. Pin fire, 6-shot; double action, folding spur trigger; octagon barrel, ejector missing. HEIKE’S HAND PROTECTOR. For 20-gauge double shot gun, and two pair checked wood grips for Luger Automatic pistol. New (3) REMINGTON MAGAZINE PISTOL. Engraved blued barrel, engraved nickel plated frame, rose- wood grips, magazine missing. PAIR OF MINIATURE “GUN” PENS. L. 314 in. Miniature gun shape with “pencil” sliding bayonets and they “shoot” out the pen point. PENCIL PISTOL. L. 4; Cal. .32. “Freak,” Ball stock, blued finish. This was invented by Wilson about 1904, one of a vaudeville team, who played the Orpheum Circuit. To be carried with butt in palm of hand, barrel stick- ing through second and third fingers, pulling back the ring around barrel cocks and fires pistol. Only very few made. Was~ intended to be carried in vest pocket like a pencil. 3 10. 11. IZ, 13. 14. EARLY TENNESSEE PERCUSSION SUPERPOSED DOUBLE BARREL PISTOL. L. 814; Cal. abt. .38. Double trigger, “mule-ear” hammers, rifle barrels, pear or ap- ple wood stock, with brass cap-box in the butt. Iron mounts, no marks. SHOTGUN OF THE AUTHOR OF “HOME SWEET HOME.” JOHN HOWARD PAYNE’S DOUBLE BARRELLED SHOTGUN. L. 46 in.; 14 in. Cal. Double barrels of twist steel, with milled strap, concealed underhammers, safety; breechloader; beautifully polished ma- hogany stock, with checked pistol grip; blued steel mounts, en- graved—the butt plate milled in diamond design. Mark: Svracuse Arms Co. Fine Damascus. From the estate of the man who succeeded John Howard Payne as Consul at Tripoli and who bought his house and contents there. (Illustrated) RARE STOCKING PERCUSSION SINGLE SHOT PISTOL. L. 714, in. Half octagon barrel, calibre .31, marked “Stocking & Co. Wor- cester,’ engraved frame, rosewood grips. This is one of the rarest American pistols, this being No. 19. Fine condition. (Illustrated) RARE WHITNEY TWO TRIGGER PERCUSSION REVOLVER. Cal. .31; 4 in barrel. Bronze frame marked “E. Whitney, N. Haven, Ct.” This is one of the extremely rare early experimental revolvers and in good condition. (Illustrated ) UNUSUAL DOUBLE BARREL TRAP PISTOL. Patent of 1866, brass octagon barrels, about calibre .30, total length 614 inches. A very interesting and unique piece in per- fect condition. (Illustrated) ORNATE DOUBLE BARREL PERCUSSION FOWLING PIECE. 31-inch finest quality Damascus steel barrels inlaid with gold at the breech. The hammers are wonderfully hand chiselled, and represent dolphins’ heads. The lock plates are chiselled in relief showing an inset of a solid gold dog chasing a wood cock, and marked “John. Schmidtz’, while the left one is similarly. carved and shows a gold dog chasing a pheasant, and marked 5 “In Obenkirchen.” The trigger guard is a most elaborate af- fair of silver, with Hall mark showing relief carving in various designs, and two sitting deer. The butt plate is of silver, chisel- led and engraved. The thimble is of silver, engraved in relief and in fancy design. There is also a raised foliated design orna- ment on the forestock, and the grip shows most remarkable carving in relief, with a grotesque man’s head final. The stock is of very fine highly polished walnut, with raised cheek piece, in the rear of which is a panel showing relief carving with a foliated design showing large bird. This is a wonderfully beau- tiful piece showing the highest grade of workmanship. It was made to order July 10, 1864, for Prince Friederich, who was the son of the former Emperor of Germany. It then became the property of Alexander McComas, who in turn sold it to Antone Petre, from whom the present owner obtained it. Silver shield- shaped name plate contains the initials of the former prince. 15. RARE FLINTLOCK DIRK PISTOL. L. 8 in. The dirk is released by pulling back on the trigger guard and snaps into position. There is a safety on the frame. All parts nicely engraved and marked “Cranner.” Silver name plate on the comb. A high grade piece, of rare type, used by stage-coach drivers in the early days in England. Perfect condition. 16. ARAB DAGGER (Jampsrya). Broad curved blade, strong rib running down the centre. Width at top, 2 inches gradually curved outwards. The grip is of horn set on one side with solid silver with arabesque decora- tion and on the other side the ornamentation is different but also Arabesque in design. The scabbard is richly mounted in silver and curved like a ram’s horn terminating in pointed and dome shaped ornament. One side of the scabbard is ornament- ed in filigree work of most beautiful design also with an Ara- besque ornament. An exceptionally beautiful and rare piece in perfect condition (Illustrated ) 17. ORNATE DOUBLE BARREL BREECH-LOADING EXPRESS RIFLE. Calibre about 9 mm., with bullet mould and .32 shells and leather cartridge box. 27-inch round barrels and raised matted rib, and finely sighted. The barrels are engraved for nine inches at the breech, and there is some gold inlay on the frame, which is checked. The hammers are of dolphin design, beau- tifully engraved and set with solid gold. On the left side, three deer in a panel surrounded with foliated design, with gold at each end; on the other side, two running deer are shown, sur- rounded by foliated design engraving, and gold ornament 6 on each end. ‘The trigger guard is similarly carved. Shows a bird in panel with gold decoration on each end. The back action locks are also carved in _ relief, and the left one shows two wild boar, while the right one shows a stag. The locks are marked “G. L. Rach, Braunschweig.’ Double triggers, which can be set for fine shooting. The stock is very fine, closely grained walnut, with raised cheek piece. The pistol grip is carved with foliated engraving with a lion’s head finial, and the rear of the cheek piece has a carved panel with ivory inset with the former owner’s initials. The butt plate is cross-checked, and has a box containing six cartridges. This is one of the finest pieces that has passed through our hands, and it shows the highest grade of workmanship, and is in perfect condition. (Illustrated) 18. EXCEPTIONALLY RARE PERCUSSION RIFLE. 19: od, 31-inch slender octagon barrel, calibre .17, with five grooves. Full, very fine curly maple stock, iron mounted, double set triggers. This is a piece of extreme rarity, and the only such small rifle known to the cataloguer. The compass that was set in the stock is missing, otherwise it is in perfect condition. FINK PERSIAN DAGGER. L. 16 in. Exceptionally fine damascene blade with the edge almost as keen as a razor. Brass mounted, with jade grips and leather scabbard. The brass cap on the scabbard is missing, otherwise in perfect condition, and a piece of the highest quality and rare, on account of its jade grips. (Illustrated) PERSIAN DAGGER. L. 17 in. Very fine agate grips. Leather scabbard with brass cap. Per- fect condition. A very choice pie‘ (Illustrated) FINE GERMAN PREWAR THREE BARREL COMBINATION GUN. 28 inch barrels, 16 gauge and 7 mm. 3 re It is a magnificent hand made weapon and is the last word in a combination gun. Has raised matted rib, rear sight that can be operated by safety lever, sling swivels, Duley and Edge forend, raised cheek piece. A box in stock with hinged cover for 4 rifle cartridges, full checked pistol grip and forend, horn trigger guard. Very fine mottled walnut stock and all metal parts, except the barrels are covered with most wonderful en- eraving. The left plate shows three deer in the panel while the right one shows a stag with two fawns. This gun was made to order by F. W. Kessler in Suhl. It is a gun that costs $350.00 and is in perfect condition. ({llustrated) 7 24. 2 26. PARE SHATTUCK FOUR SHOT PISTOL. L. 3% in. Nickel plated. A few of these pistols were made about 20 years ago but, not being a success, the manufacture was discon- tinued and they are now rarely found. This is as new and a unique type of American pistol. (Illustrated) RARE PERCUSSION DIRK PISTOL. Length 10 inches when the dirk is closed. Octagon barrel, calibre about .60. Engraved frame, fluted butt with metal cap. The dagger is released by pulling back on the trigger guard, and swings forward and locks. This was said to have been used by one of the Black Hand, and was captured in a raid. Rare piece, in very good condition. | (Illustrated) VERY EARLY ENGLISH FLINT LOCK BRASS CANNON BARREL BLUNDERBUS. L. 31 in. Half octagon barrel marked “Tattum, London,” 114 in. bell muzzle, brass mountings. The lock with a long goose necked hammer denotes that it was made about 1650. A good many of these brass barrel blunderbusses were used on sailing vessels to repel pirates, brass being utilized as far as possible as it did not rust like steel. This is an extremely rare piece and in very fine condition for such an old one. (Illustrated) RARE DUCK’S FOOT PISTOL. Five individual octagon barrels, about calibre .30. Bronze frame, movable breech block that pulls out for the insertion of the cartridges,—all five of which are fired simultaneously. One of the rarest and most interesting of pistols, in perfect con- dition. (Illustrated) SPANISH CATALAN KNIFE. L. 29 ins. Brass handle with four men’s heads on each side, each one of which is surrounded by foliated design engraving. Fine condition. VERY HEAVY PERCUSSION KENTUCKY TRIGGER RIFLE. Marked “L. M. Heming.” Heavy octagonal rifle barrel. Full, unusually well marked, curly maple stock, 11 large silver inlays. Large patch box. Extra fine condition. (Ilustrated ) EARLY BREECH LOADING FLINT LOCK CARBINE. L. 76 in. Probably an inventor’s model; with peculiarly interesting mechanism for opening the breech for loading. A museum piece in fine condition. (Illustrated) 8 mr TTT EES 32. 33. poe) on PATERSON COLT REVOLVING GUN. L. 42 in. Marked on barrel and cylinder “Paterson Arms Mfg. Co., Pa- terson, N. J., Colt’s Patent.” Checkered stock with cap-box; lever ramrod on side. Sawyer says that probably less than a score of these guns were made with the lever ramrod, THis Is THE EARLY COLT WHICH WAS MADE AT Paterson, N. J., BEFORE THE FACTORY WENT BANKRUPT. It is. in good condition and fine working order, ONE OF THE RAREST AMERICAN GUNS AND VERY SELDOM OFFERED FOR SALE. (Illustrated) PAIR OF WHEELOCK DAGGS. L. 21% in. Large Ball Butts, full Stocks, Checkered, barrels marked “A. R. 1591,” Wits Armourer’s SEAL, Stocks well inlaid with a number of pieces of finely engraved ivory, very large locks. A pair of unusually massive Wheelock pistols, extremely rare in pairs. (Illustrated) RARE PAIR OF FRENCH FLINT LOCK PISTOLS. L. 14. Model of 1777. A number of these were used in the Revo- lutionary War. Made at Charleville. Brass mounted. Belt Hooks. Rare early pair. (Illustrated) RARE FLINT LOCK POCKET PISTOE. - Marked “Constable Philadelphia.” Constable was one of the best Philadelphia early makers of pistols. Very rare. (Illustrated ) PISTOL FLINTLOCK BY THE CELEBRATED ENGLISH MAKER HENRY NOCK. L. 5 in. Marked ‘74 lock G. R.” and crown and broad arrow which denotes Government ownership. This is a box lock like that of the American Ames 1843 navy pistol; only THIS PIECE IS AT LEAST 00 YEARS EARLIER. NOT A SCREW USED IN THE WHOLE LOCK BUY ALL PINNED TOGETHER. Very rare and scarce. Perfect. (Illustrated) VERY RARE DOUBLE BARREL FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L 12. Barrels inlaid with silver in a foliage design Meunier, Liege.” Full engraved stock. (Illustrated ) VERY EARLY ITALIAN FLINTLOCK DAGG. L. 114. Of the Miguelet type. Finely engraved lock. Well marked full stock, Small calibre. Shows unusually fine workmanship. A very early piece with Beautiful lock. (Illustrated ) 10 36. ot. 38. a 40. 41. 42. PAIR OF BRASS MOUNTED DRAGOON FLINT LOCK PIS- TOLS, L. 16. Handsome pieces with a crowned “O N” on the lock. Very heavy flint lock pistols, brass flat butts with rings, heavy brass trigger guards and brass tipped ends on extended stocks. Very good pair. (Illustrated ) PAIR OF FLINT LOCK DUELLING PISTOLS. L. 10. Finely checkered full stocks; each is inlaid with a star of silver wire, and has engraved steel mounts. Complete with ram- rods and in good working order. A nice pair showing good workmanship. (Illustrated ) VERY EARLY EUROPEAN CANNON. L. 12 in. Hand forged iron, about one inch bore; with four re-infore- ing bands shrunk on. One of the very earliest European powder-shooting weapons; a museum piece secured from an old French Chateau. ) (Illustrated) VERY RARE OLD TYPE OF SIXTEENTH CENTURY MILIT- ARY CROSS BOW. L. 30 in. Heavy steel bow with original bow string and heavy wood stock. Ivory groove in which the arrow rests. This is one of the best old cross bows ever offered. A museum piece. (Illustrated) “S. NORTH BERLIN, CONN.” FLINTLOCK PISTOL. L. 17. The very rare 1808 Berlin North, in extra fine condition. One the best ever offered. Seldom offered for sale. One of the very rarest U. S. Government Pistols. (Illustrated) EARLY SPANISH HORSEMAN’S FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 17. Very fine workmanship. Full carved stock. Unusually fine massive embossed brass mountings, including large mask butt cap. Engraved lock. A rare, very early pistol. (Illustrated ) VERY EARLY FRENCH ARMY FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 15. Model of 1754. Stock is worm eaten and metal parts are pit- ted. However, it is complete and is in good working order and is one of the rarest and earliest French pistols. 11 A3. 44, 45. 46. A7. 48. 49. 30. UNUSUALLY FINE DOUBLE BARREL FLINTLOCK. L. 16. Twist steel parallel barrels, rifled; full carved stock (slightly broken, but easily repaired) ; engraved steel mounts. Mark: Ciobel Berleur. An unusual and handsme pistol, seldom found as large and fine; the stock is inlaid with silver wire. VERY EARLY FRENCH FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 10. Carved hardwood stock; the butt terminating in an attimal’s head; strongly braced by iron lock strap and trigger guard. UNUSUALLY FINE EARLY FRENCH FLINT LOCK DUEL- LING PISTOL. L. 13. Full finely checkered stock; heavy octagonal barrel, having about 40 rifle grooves; good workmanship and in fine condi- tion. VERY LONG TURKISH FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 20. Full stock finely inlaid in an all-over design in silver wire; engraved lock and massive butt-cap. _A very elaborate pistol and a very early one. TURKISH LONG FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 19. Full carved stock and large steel mounts; rare old piece of a very early Oriental type. VERY UNUSUAL LONG FLINT LOCK ELLIPTICAL MOUTH- FD BLUNDERBUS PISTOL. L. 16. » Side lock, strong pistol. Brass mounted. Very rare with elliptical mouth. EXTRA FINE PAIR OF FLINT LOCK DUELLING PISTOLS IN A CASE. L. 15. Barrels twisted and rifled each having about 80 rifle grooves; checkered stocks. Fine steel engraved mountings. Almost new. Beautiful rose wood case with large number of accessories. Unusually fine flint lock duelling outfit. (Illustrated) UNUSUALLY FINE PERCUSSION DUELLING PISTOLS. In case, marked on barrel “Schuyler, Hartley & Graham, New York,” with a label in the top of the case of the zame firm. Spur trigger guards. Engraved mountings. Carved and check- ered stocks. Fine case and accessories. Very rare and fine New York outfit. (Illustrated) 12 wal Ww Sy VERY FINE EXTREMELY LONG MOORISH EARLY FLINT- LOCK PISTOL. Full stock inlaid with silver wire. Beautiful large brass butt cap, etc. 2 large silver bands fastening stock to barrel. En- graved lock. Very old, rare piece. (Illustrated) VERY FINE WILLIAMSON’S DERINGER. Finely engraved silver plated frame. Finely checkered, full stock. Serial 4361. Rifled barrel. Fine working order and condition. Mark: “Williamson’s Patent, New York, 1866.” Bar- rel slides forward, permitting the shell to be put in. This gun is of the Deringer type and intended for short close range. Bird head grip. (Illustrated ) RARE AMERICAN BRASS BARREL FLINT LOCK PISTOL. L. 14. Full walnut stock, brass mounts. Mark: Booth, Philadelphia. A rare Philadelphia made pistol in good condition. (Illustrated) FINE EARLY ALGERIAN FLINT LOCK PISTOL. Ball butt. Full stock inlaid with silver wire. Gold inlaid barrel. Embossed silver band fastenings. Unusually fine lock in relief carving. A RARE CHIEFTAIN’S PISTOL. (Illustrated) UNUSUAL DOUBLE BARREL PERCUSSION PISTOL. L. 15. A Chinese pistol; heavy parallel barrels; side locks, spur trig- ger guard, with ramrod. Fine piece. Chinese pistols in percussion are very rare. (Illustrated) RARE EARLY OFFICER’S FLINT LOCK PISTOL. With beautiful brass cannon shape barrel and brass mounts including a “bird head” butt-cap. The stock inlaid with silver wire. A fine old pistol of great beauty, and unusual in that the lock plate is brass instead of iron. (Illustrated) SMALL VERY RARE AND BEAUTIFUL JAPANESE MATCH LOCK PISTOL. L. 9. Serpantine for holding fuse is missing. Otherwise perfect and a very beautiful piece. Cannon mouth. Barrel inlaid with silver and gold. (Illustrated) 14 Bo 60. 61. 63. 64. VERY LONG UNDERHAMMER PERCUSSION PISTOL. L. lH. Curly maple stock. Barrel rifled, octagonal and marked “Lan.- caster, Pa.” Probably made by some old Kentucky rifle makex. Rare old piece. (Illustrated) VERY BEAUTIFUL PAIR OF LADY’S PERCUSSION PISTOLS. : L. 6 in. Finest type of workmanship. CARVED AND FLUTED IVORY STOCKS. Cap boxes in butts. Finely engraved frames. Ham- mers set to one side. Disappearing triggers. The most beauti- ful little pair of lady’s pistols ever offered; in perfect condi- tion. A pair of gems. (Illustrated) TRYON PERCUSSION OFFICER’S PISTOL. L. 15. Marked “Tryon” on Jock and “Tryon Philadelphia” on bar- rel. Full brass mounted stock. Complete with ramrod. £ LIBRARY SEASON 1923 Modern Etchings in Proof State by Muirhead Bone, Cameron, Whistler and others. An American Collection, Early California Pamphlets, etc. A Fine Collection of Rare American Guns, Pistols and Edged Weapons. The Bookplate Collection of Miss Dorothy Furman. Furnishings, Silver, Glass and China. The Print Collection of the late F. Meder, well known Dealer and Expert. Books relating to Texas History and Settlement, the Col- lection of the late J. E. Boynton. | A Fine Group of Colonial and Early American Furniture, Early American Furnishings, Glass, Pewter, ete., in- cluding Five Chippendale Chairs. The Second Part of the Dramatic Collection of the late Wm. Winter. Japanese Color Prints from Private Collections. And other large and small groups of Important Items. THe WALPOLE GALLERIES, 12 West 48th St., New York City