Wore ={MPORTANT SALE OF PAINTINGS " SCHENCKS GALLERIES Pe CEDAR STREET. er Stig C1 LIBRARY Me M. KNOEDLER & CO. Zz y 556-8 FIFTH AYE. ACC. ; NEW YORK § m SG TOMO Rha PAS GREAT SALE OF FOREIGN & AMERICAN PAINTINGS EXHIBITION NOW. OPEN SALE TO TAKE PLACE WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY JANUARY 25, 26 AND 27, 1888, AT 3 EACH DAY SCHENCK’S GALLERIES 77 CEDAR STREET, N.Y. NOUE SALE WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, JAN’Y 25, 26 AND 27 AT 2 O'CLOCK PRE8S OF FLEMING+ BREWSTER & ALLEY - NEW YORK ARTISTS REPRESENTED : Nos IBSSteba Kei ibaree, ©hasy 4. a eT LO IB OTtIC Ise ee Bellécour, Berne... .-- 75 IBS. seo lh GK iBradtonds= Winnie ee = 20 Constante benny. a =. = 00 C@ourbet Gustav= =, ror Coomans, Jos. . Sees 03 Coomans.)) =.=. IA I46 ClaSere Witte =e = = 6 Clays. emo ee e130 Cordero saa 8 Carlsen sat er 10,202 Crane; biuce- =, 1,-55,.00) 17 Daubiemy 2.3. 0c Su 2-03 Diaz Nie a I, AT. TSS Wchtlersst 9 ee OF Ee eee rs i EO IBY Prolog ees tone 34 ere UneCOn 2 20) Faivre, Tony Feyen, Eug. Griitzner, E. Gerome Grolleron Harberger Hart, Wm. . Hoppe Inness Jacque, Chas. Jacquet, G. . Johnson, David Jacque, E. Japy Kowalsky Kotchenreiter Lindenschmidt . Lemair, Louis . Laupheimer . Michel, Geo. Moreau, Ad. Nos. 36 125 II5 148 96 116 114, 159 65 - 3, 59 35 157 24 Be 38 134. 92 iD 159 80 19, 70 149 ARTISTS REPRESENTED McCord, G. H. Montecelli Miller, Jos. . Niczky Perrault; L.. Perrier,S: Rico, M. Richet, L. Richter, Ed. Ribarz Robie . Serrure Schachinger . Nos. 88 27, 124 49 4, 69, 107 79, 128 Schreyer, Ad. Schenck . Von Boskerck Verboeckhoven . Verhas Voltz . Vollon Veyrasset Vibert . Wyant Walker Werner Yon 103 FIRS DAY'S SALE, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 265, at 3 o’clock. asin SIRNAS ATAU OS SO BRUCE, CRANE New York 1 Sunlight and Shadow KEEN, EL. Munich Pupil of Griitzner. 2 The Jolly Monk INNESS, GEO. New York 3 6Suriset on the Kiver RIGHET, EEON Paris Born in Solesmes. Pupil of Diaz, Lefebvre and Boulanger. 4 Landscape near Barbizon 5 FLECKENHAUS, H. 5 Winter Sunset CHASE, WM. 6 . Still Lite SEMENOWSKY, E. Pupil of Van Beers. 7 Head DEWING, T. W. @ Circe LEIGHTON, SCOTT 10 Noonday Rest 6 Brussels New York Paris New York Boston KENSETT, J. F., deceased New York Born in Cheshire, Ct., in 1818, and died in 1873. LL oO Studied in England and on the Continent. National Academy, 1849. 11 A Glimpse of the Coast LINDENSCHMIDT, E. Munich 12 Highland Maiden L/D GAISER, MAX. Munich Jt p 13. The Discussion COOMANS, DIANA Paris : 14 A Pompain Maiden watching a mee = Procession SMITH, FRANK HILL Boston. 15 Dolly Varden 7 iS DESGOFFE, JULES Paris 16 Casque, Sword and Stuffs. WATERS, G. W. New York BiZ2- 2? 17 On the Susquehanna River DIAZ, NARCISSE DE LA PENA, Lf ewe) deceased Paris \ Born in Bordeaux, 1807. Died at Paris, 1876. | Medals, 1844, 1846 and 1848. Cross of Legion of Honor, 1851. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878, Exposition Universelle. 18 Landscape (This picture was in the Diaz Sale, Paris.) . : | ~., .~MICHEL, GEORGES, deceased Paris 2 = Born in 1763. Died in 1843. Michel is represented by four pictures in the Louvre. 19 Landscape STRONG | D. Neneh = 20 A Puritan SCHMITZBERGER, E. Munich G42 21 The Astonished Kittens WINDMAIER, A. Munich 47 22 Sunset in Winter MILLER, JOS. Munich -2 72 23 The Connoisseurs JOHNSON, DAVID New York LG 24 The Path through the Woods 9 SERRURE, A. Brussels WH Pupil of Verhas. C oO Various Medals and Honors. 25 The Rendezvous ee BRADFORD, WM. San Francisco 26 Icebere at Sunset MONTICELLI Paris /. A a oe Pupil Se Dise che Rosa 27 A Garden Party EISSERMANN, E. Munich Fa 28 Ready for the Ball FRERE, THEO. Paris 20 Medlin rea6 aad fee Hors Concours. 29 Cairo DUVENECK, F. 30 Washerwomen— Venice ISABEY, EUG., deceased Born in Paris, 1804. Died 1887. Medals, 1824, 1827, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1832. 31 Coast near Etretat JACQUE, ED. Pupil and son of Chas. Jacques. 32 Plowing STADLER, E. 33 Canal, Holland DEP kKUDOLE 34 The Highlander’s Daughter Tek: Venice .77 1.7 | Paris Ze ST ee Paris ee a Z Munich 7 Of. Le Munich 4 CAS OG 7 a I — — JACOUE, CH EMILE Paris : First President of the French Society of Animal Painters. p Born at Paris, May 23, 1813. 4 4 i) For Designs, Medals, 1851, 1861 and 1863. 7 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Medal, 1867, Exposition Universelle. For Paintings, Medals, 1861, 1863 and 1864. Hors Concours. 35 Sheep by Moonlight Jae FAIVRE, TONY Paris Born at Basancon. Medals, 1864, 1878. Hors Concours. 36 Arraigning the Flowers LY NATS, ALBERT Paris FA XS 7 Born in Vienna. Pupil of Gerome, Baudry and Feuerbach. Honorable Mention. 37-- The Old Peddler JAPY LOUIS Paris Vie ie Medals, 1870, 1873. Hors Concours. 38 Twilight 12 — = ET eR ee Tee MACY, W. S._. New York ASS 39 Spring Landscape ” NEUBER Tb. Munich