cee re No 90 fe GEORGE D. MORSE (05 us } {| Cal Auctioneer iW NU ess Y Ds Re ee (Li -wH=4 (- pipiens ity i i MAY ot wa ~y jient Nes ; oo E> = Ph, Ay . ul} 8 sa DELLE! yet ie a2 ye py HEH oe 5 iZ ~7e EK > Engravings Etchings American and English Historical and Literary ms [iftune See flit) | } I mmm 1 Pw Portraits, etc., etc. eX eee eee & |. .----------—-. . passe Pe (OA oY For Sale at Auction Tues. Afternoon, April 5, Lots 1-310 || Byeaee iiaame iter ieee (nee sa THe Anperson Auction COMPANY. i ui “Hubei | 5 WEST 2918 STREET, NEW YORK. : ST TTT reperenrreerteere weest. ee PGRaCeeavavsewaerarti iikvare . = pest SS ed { Nie Shp y oa a & Wt 4 | ath? er ul ai eonan Choice Collection |iiscaa Conditions of Sale 1: TERMS CASH. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be immediately re-sold. Il: Books are sold per volume, other articles per piece, unless otherwise stated in the catalogue, and bids must be made accordingly. Ill: Goods purchased at the sales must be removed ° from the premises within one week; in default of which the Auctioneer will reserve the right of re-selling them at the cost of the purchaser. IV: Bids will be faithfully executed by the Auc- tioneer and used only in competition. All unlimited bids should come through Agents. V: Books are presumed to be perfect unless other- wise stated. Imperfect books (not so described) may be | returned within three days. CATALOGUE i 3 a oR) AND HELOISE. Half-length lithograph portraits, by H. Grevedon. Paris, 1834. 2. ALBERT (PRINCE). Engraved portrait by Bacon, after Ross, PROOF ON INDIA PAPER; another (published on the Queen’s Wedding Day), by Hacker, after Dawes. 4to. (2) 3. ALEXANDER Ist OF RUSSIA. Half length, in uni- form.. Stipple engraving, unsigned. Proof. Folio. 4, AMERICAN CHRISTIAN UNION. Group portrait of eminent divines, including Bishop Wainwright, Lyman Beecher, Samuel Hanson Cox, Henry Ward Beecher (youth), Stephen A. Tyng and many others. Grouped in the chan- cel, with Cox making an address (about 50 portraits). Mez- zotint by T. Doney, after E. Latilla. Large folio. Proof before all letters. 5. AMERICAN HISTORY. Engraved _ [llustrations. Events in connection with the lives of Columbus and Sir Walter Raleigh, the American Indians, ete. Some scarce. 8vo and 4to. FINE LOT. (20) 6. AMERICAN PORTRAITS. Wm. Gowans, Bp. As- bury, Sam’! Adams, and others. 4to, some on india paper. (7 pieces. ) W. Ware, Wm. H. Seward, Ed. Everitt, and M 7 ( others. 4to, some on india paper. (10 pieces.) iat 0 _ 8. Paul Jones, John A. Logan (proof), Hugh Miller, ete. 4to. (10 pieces.) Gen. Grant, Mrs. Stowe, Richard Law, ete. 4to, many on india paper. (12 pieces.) 10. Caspar Wistar (colored), Francis Hopkinson, Wm. Wirt, etc. 8vo. (50 pieces.) inks Judge Smith, Dr. David Hosack, Spores Reed, ete. 8vo. (50 ‘pieces. ) 12. —— Robert Winthrop, Benj. Tallmadge, Gideon Welles, ete. 8vo. (50 pieces.) 13. —— Thurlow Weed, W. H. Seward, Carl Schurz, ete. 8vo. (50 pieces.) 14. —— Col. Richard Varick (proof), Commodore Preble, Gov. Van Rensselaer, etc. 8vo. (50 pieces.) 15. Prof. Edison, Gen. Wayne, John Hancock, etc. 8vo (some duplicates). (50 pieces. ) The Anderson Auction Co. 16. AMERICAN PORTRAITS. Com. Perry, Daniel Webster, Jonathan Trumbull, ete. 8vo. (50 pieces.) 1% Judge Story, W. E. Dodge, Capt. John Smith (reprint), ete. 8vo. (50 pieces.) al AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Engraved views: Gen- Z. eral Lee t aken prisoner by Lieut.-Col. Harcourt in New soe Jersey; Surrender of Earl Cornwallis at Yorktown; An- = nouncement being made throughout the colonies of Ameri- can Independence (torn and stained). 4to. (3 pieces.) A Engraved Views, Caricatures, Battle Scenes, etc., including some scarce and desirable items. 4to. (17) 20. AMERICAN VIEWS. Masonic Hall, N. Y.; Hudson River Palisades, Schenectady, Albany, Newburgh, West Point, Niagara Falls (3), and others. PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER. SCARCE. 4to. (20) | peli Detroit, Amherst College, Capitol of Virginia, White Mountains (india paper), Battle Monument, Balto., Schenectady, Harvard University, Yale College, Norwich, Conn., Ch arleston, 8. C., in 1780, Providence, R. I., and others. 8vo. Steel engravings. (20) 22, —— and 4to. 2. 24. —— 28 Pat ane 26. —— 26. ——— A variety, including some scarce items. 8v0 (25 pieces, as a lot.) Another lot. (25 pieces, as a lot.) Another lot. (25 pieces, as a lot.) Another lot. (25 pieces, as a lot.) Another lot. (25 pieces, as a lot.) Another lot. (18 pieces, as a lot.) _.28) ANDERSON (ALEXANDER?). Bust Portrait of Archbishop Carroll of Baltimore. Stipple engraving, oval, on 8vo sheet. : 29.) ANDRE. Engraved View of the Execution of Major _ £ John André. By Goldar, after Hamilton. Ato. oa? ~ -)* 30. ANGELO (MICHAEL). The Sleep of the Infant Jesus. Michel Angelo px., Serricus se. | 31. ANNUNCIATION. Master of the Die (Beatricius, le Lorrain). | 29 ANTHOY LEIGH; or, The Spanish Friar. Mezzotint by Smith. 33. APOLLO. Smith se. 24. ARABS. Etched by Hedouin. Japan proof. . a ah 1369 AUDRAN. CharlesIst. Wanderwerff px., Audran se. 2 The Anderson Auction Co. 36,) AUDUBON (JOHN J.) Full Bust, in cloak. Mezzo- 4 go tint by C. Turner, after F. Cruikshank. Small 4to, Large we Paper. Lond. 1835 37. BRALLLy. Castle in England. Painter etching by ‘ Ballin. 38. —— Seaport. Painter etching by Ballin. 39. BARILLOT. Still Life. Painter etching by Barillot. s v"40. BARTOLOZZI (FRANCIS—Celebrated Engraver). Three-quarter length, seated, with drawing board and in- struments. -Line engraving by Pastorini and P. W. Tomp- kins, after M. Artaud. Folio, fine impression, with full margin. | Lond. 1803 41. —— St. John. Engraved by Bartolozzi. 42. BASAN. The Chemist. Basan sc. 43. —— The Surprised Nymph. Veronese px., Basansce. 44, —— The Spanish Luncheon. Wineboom px., Basan se. 45. —— The Happy Couple. Kraus px., Basan se. 46. —— The Well. Van Velde px., Basan se. 47. —— La Cuisine Bourgeoise. Basan sc. 48. BASSETT (RICHARD—Signer of the Constitution). Bust. Etching by Albert Rosenthal, afterSt. Memin. 8vo, india paper. | 49. BAXTER PRINTS. A Series of charming miniature Prints of English Castles and Seats of Nobility. 50. BEAUMONT. The Thirsty Traveller. Beaumont sc. 51. BEAUVARLET. The Tric-Trac. Teniers px., Beau- varlet se. 52. BEETHOVEN (LUDWIG VON). Full Bust, life size. Lithograph by E. W. Bouve, after Kloeber. Large 4to, tinted. Bost., n. d. 53. BENARD. A Boy with his Donkey. Painter etching by Benard. 54. BERNARDI. Apollo Reposing. Thorwaldsen px., Bernardi se. 7 : 55. BERNHARDT (SARAH). Portrait of Sarah Bern- hardt after Bastien Lepage. 56. BERTHAULT. Apotheose of J. J. Rousseau. Giror- det px., Berthault sce. 57. BISMARCK (PRINCE VON). Three-quarter-length line Engraving by A. Krausse, after Julius Schrader. Folio. ea 3 The Anderson Auction Co. 58. BLOEMART. Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife. Blanchar px., Bloemart se. 59. BOISSARD. Portrait of the Prince of Orange on horseback. Boissard se. 60. BOISSON. The Happy Family. Boisson se. 61. BOOK ILLUSTRATIONS. Pleasures of Hope, Min- strel, etc. Autograph dedicated proofs by the Engraver Heath to Desnoyer, the Engraver of NapoleonIst. 4to vol. in original paper covers. 62. BONAT. The Miracle of St. Denis. Painter etching by Bonat. _ 63. BOSTON. Plan of the Town of Boston, with the {Attack on Bunker’s Hill, in the Peninsula of Charlestown, the 17th of June, 1785. Engraved by J. NORMAN. Slightly | creased and stained, mainly on the folds, but a good, sound | piece. EXTREMELY RARE. Bost., n. d.:[ 1775] 64. Etched View of Bunker’s Hill, from a drawing in possession of the Rev. Mr. Elderton. 12mo. Lond. 1790 65. Engraved Views, from Histories U. §8., 1831. PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER. 4to. SCARCE. (6) 66. —— Engraved Views, including early one of attack on Bunker’s Hill, and India Proof view of Boston in 1775. 8vo and 4to. (7) 67. Engraved Views, some duplicated, Boston in 1775, Faneuil Hall, State Street, ete. 8vo. (8) 68. Engraved Views, including some uncommon early ones. 12mo and 8vo. (14) Oo, Engraved Views, including the Burning of Charlestown, and early folding view of the City, with other scarce ones. 8vo and 4to. (15) 70. BOUVIN. Bords de la Rance, painter etching by Bouvin. 1. BRADFORD CLUB. Portrait of Ferdinand de Soto, half length. Line engraving on india paper. Private plate issued by the Bradford Club. Small folio. (4 copies.) 72. BUCHANAN (JAMES). Full bust, life size. Litho- graph. Folio. - Phil.: Schnabel 73. Full length, standing by a table. Mezzotint by J. C. Buttre. Large folio, proof on india paper. 114) BULIOT (FELIX). Place Breda in Paris. Painter (ctehing by F. Buhot. %5. BUNKER HILL. Engraved View of the Attack on Bunker’s Hill, with the Burning of ane by Lodge, after Millar. Oblong 4to. 4 hibe The Anderson Auction Co. i ° view to the extra-illustration of a work on the history of , CA * ~ this famous river. The plates are all inlaid to a uniform Bot Ea size—11 x 15 inches—and are, with hardly an exception, m 44 clean, good condition. NOT A SINGLE DUPLICATE APPEARS IN THE LOT. Included are 18 views of New York City, 12 of the Bay and Narrows, 63 of places on the river, including general views (15 of which are of West Point), others of the Catskill Mountains, Albany, Cohoes Falls, Lake George, etc. SOME PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER. AN EXCEPTIONALLY INTERESTING COLLECTION, comprising 116 different pieces. (Sold as a lot.) 14 The Anderson Auction Co. 245. HUGO (VICTOR). Castle in the Middle Ages. By Victor Hugo. 1868. 246. FRELAND. ‘‘Ireland’s [lustrious Sons.’’ Group portrait, including O’Connell, Burke, Grattan, Oliver Goldsmith, Emmet, Curran, Tom Moore, and others. 12 portraits, mostly full-length figures. Large folio. Tinted lithograph. Smith, Phil., n. d. 247. IRVING AND HIS FRIENDS. A Literary Party at the home of Washington Irving. Portraits of Irving, Bryant, Willis, Lowell, Holmes, Bayard Taylor, and others. 18 portraits, mostly full-length figures. Large folio. Tinted lithograph by T. Sinclair, after A. Chappell. Brilliant im- pression of a fine and interesting drawing. N.Y. 1865. 248. ITALIAN LANDSCAPE, with figures. Berghem _px., Visscher sc. 249. FACKSON (ANDREW). Full bust, life size. Finely colored lithograph by La Fosse, after Brady’s daguerreotype. Large folio (slightly creased). Paris: Goupil, 1856. (3 Half length, seated, landscape in the back- Sround. Engraved M. J. Danforth, after his last likeness by J. W. Dodge. With figurative border and view of the Hermitage underneath. 4to. Fineimpression. N.Y. 1843, 251. Full length, standing by a table, with drapery; Capitol in the background. Mezzotint by J. Sartain, after J.R. Lambdin. Large folio, wide margin. Pe ae 252. JACQUE (CHAS.) Pipe Players. Painter etching by Chas. Jacque. 253. —— The Waterfall. Painter etching by Chas. Jacque. . 954. —— The Farm House. Painter etching by Chas. Jacque. 255. JAMES II., King of England. Kneller px., Smith se. 256. JAZINSKI. Divae Vittoria Colonna. Lefebre px., Jazinski se. 257. JEANNIN. Lady Charlotte Greville. John Hopp- ner px., Jeannin sc. 258, JEFFERSON (THOMAS). Full bust, life size. Lithograph. Large 4to. Phil.: Pub. by Wm. Smith. 15 The Anderson Auction Co. 259. JOHNSON (ANDREW). Mezzotint Portrait by W~ Sartain. Three-quarter length, standing, White House in the background. Large folio. Brilliant proof, with large margin. 260. Another copy. Also a brilliant proof in Coa fine condition. 261. Another proof. In equally fine condition. 262. —— Another proof. In equally fine condition. 263. Half length, seated at table. Mezzotint by Geo. E. Perine & Co., after a Haas photograph. 4to, large: margins. N. Y. 1865. 264. —— Anothercopy. Also with wide margins. 265. Bust. Lithograph by Kramer from a Brady © photo. Large 4to, tinted, wide margins. N. Y. 186d. 266. —— Full bust. Line engraving by J. OC. Buttre,, after photo by Morse. 4to, on india paper, wide margins. Wea Lobe. 267. JOHNSTON (JOSEPH E.) Full bust, in uniform. Engraved by A. G. Campbell. Oval 4to, wide margins. Ney. D500, {QD 26d. Another copy. 269. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). Various portraits (no du- plicates), engraved by Holl, Finden, Cook, ete., after Sir Joshua Reynolds, and others; and various scenes illustrat- ing his life. Mostly 8vo. (65 pieces.) 270. JONGKIND. Antwerp. Painter etching by Jong- kind. 271. —— Rotterdam. Painter etching by Jongkind. te 262. A itive a> (MARQUIS DE). Full bust. Litho- graph by Maurin. Folio. With scene under-. neath, ‘‘ Lafayette the friend of the Indian.’’ Fine impres- sion. . 273. —— Portrait in colors, after Ary Scheffer. 274. LANDSCAPE, with Cattle and Stream. Rosa Bon- heur px., Soulange del. 275. LANDSCAPE. Perelle inv. and se. 2"%6. LANDSEER (SIR EDWIN). ‘‘ War.”’ Line en- graving by L. Stocks. 4to. Artist proof on india paper, full margins, with stamp of the Printsellers’ Association. 277. —— ‘**The Highland Drovers Departing for the: South.’’ Line engraving by J. H. Watt, after Landseer. Scene showing the Drover and his family, with cattle and mountains in the background. Large folio. Fine original impression. 16 3h? LS The Anderson Auction Co. 278. LEE (GEN. CHARLES). Caricature, representing him, tall and very thin, walking in the meadow, with little. dog in front. Engraving, unsigned. Proof before letters on india paper. Small Ato. 279. LEE (ROBERT E.) Bust, profile to right, in oval. Mezzotint by Wm. Sartain. 4to, wide margins. Open letter Nrcet ak bil,.n,, d. 280. —— Another copy. 281. —— Bust, in oval, in uniform, face to front. Mezzo- tint by A. B. Walter, after a photo. Sold by the Lee Me- morial Association for the erection of a monument at Lee’s Small 4to, wide margins. (282,) LEE AND JACKSON. The Last Meeting of Lee and onewall Jackson, May 1, 1863. Both full- length figures, in uniform, on horseback, with aides in the rear. Line en- eraving by Halpin, after Julio. Large folio. . Artist’s proof before all letters. 283. LEGROS. Le Manége. Painter etching by Legros. Very rare. 284. Le Refectoire. Painter puening by Legros. Very Ns) LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Portrait of Abraham Lin- “coln, painted and engraved by Wm. Marshall. Folio. Rare india roof. Aes a fat Bust, in oval. Line engraving by W. E. Mar- Large folio, wide margins. 10 & Another copy. 288. —— Another copy. On india paper. ; — Bustfinoval. Lithograph, with wide margins — Folio. 23 CD )— Anothér copy. eS ust oval. Lithograph. Small folio. Bost. Full pasty (igedent issued by the American / oe wens Company, with dgcorative border. Folio (repaired in upper corner). [18657] Te 993, Bust in oval, facing front. Mezzotint by Wm. Sartain. 4to, open letter proof, wide margins. 294. —— Bust, with facsimile underneath of letter of Mee esccain to Mrs. Bixby, whose five sons had been killed in battle. Portrait engraved by J. C. Buttre, after Brady photograph. Folio. (Presentation copy from the pub- lisher. ) | 17 ee CC The Anderson Auction Co. 7§ 295. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Three-quarter length, _~ standing, left hand resting on books on a table. Mezzotint by Wm. Sartain. Folio, open letter proof. Phil. 1866 ,@0 296. Three-quarter length, seated at table, with —— Emancipation Proclamation in right hand. Engraved by aS Geo. E. Perine. Small folio, open letter proof. N. Y., n.d. iS V QM Full length, standing by table on which is a —pust of Washington. Mezzot, unsigned, on India paper. 4to. } “i O_ 298. Full length, seated at table with quill in right hand, Emancipation “Proclamation in the other. Line en- graving by J. Serz, after W. E. Winner. Folio. Phil. 1864 76 ‘‘The Council of War.” Lincoln, seated, sur- f We aon by Generals Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, Thomas, Farragut, and Porter. Full- ‘length figures. Lithograph by P, Kramer. Folio (portion of one corner torn off). N. Y.1865 R ne. 500.) —— ‘The First Reading of the Emancipation Proc- + eae lamation.” The famous painting by F. B. Carpenter, re- produced in mezzotint\by A. H. Ritchie, and showing Lincoln, seated, surrowaded by Seward and the other mem- bers of the Cabinet. Large folio, brilliant open letter proof on India paper. N. Y. 1866. } ‘LISZT (FRANZ—Musician). Full bust, in engraved frame. Line engraving by Th. Zehl, after photograph. Folio, proof before all letters, fine impression. 56 5 al 302. LONGFELLOW (H. W.) Bust. Engraved portrait, printed by J. J. Wilson, N. Y. 4to largepaper. (6 copies. ) 303. —— 10 copies of the same. 304. —— 10 copies of the same. 305. LOS RIOS (DE). Spanish Concert. Hainer etch- ing by De Los Rios. 306. LOT AND HIS DAUGHTERS. Rubens px., Van Tomeel se. 307. LUCAS. The Unexpected Return. Tillburg px. Lueas se. 308. M cCLELLAN (GEN. GEO. B.) Full bust, in uniform, in oval, by J. C. Buttre, after pho- tograph, within border of battle scenes. Folio. N. Y. 1864. 309. —— Full length, in uniform, on horseback. Mezzo- tint by A. B. Walter, after G. Schussele. Large folio, proof before letters. Phil. 1863. 310. Full length, in uniform, on horseback, facing front, with battle scene in the rear. Steel engraving by W. tL. Ormsby. Large folio, fine impression. 18 The Anderson Auction Co. SECOND SESSION. Q0 311. MACLISE (D.) ‘‘ The Poet and the Player.’’ Line (-— engraving by C. W. Sharpe, after Maclise. Folio. Proof before inscription. Brilliant impression with full margins. cd $ 312. MAPS. Early American Maps, 1777. New York, —— New Jersey, New England, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Nova Scotia, ete. (9) 120 313. MARIETTE. Angels. Engraved by Mariette. -4$ 314. MARIS. The Piano Lesson. Maris sc. AS 315.) MARSHA HN—Chief Justice). Half length, " /-—seated. Etched ait_ by H. B. Hall, after H. Inman. vg Boho: wide margWs. aes: were | 2) 316.\—. Full bust, profile, life size. Etched by Albert 4 Senthal from the St. Memin portrait in Washington. Large 4to. Fineimpression, with wide margins. | 20 317. MARSHALL (W.) Portrait of Lady Lettice, Vis- — countess of Falkland, with emblematic border. Engraved by Wm. Marshall. 318. Portrait of Thomas Middleton, Gent. Crowned & with laurel. Engraved by Wm. Marshall. 319. Portrait of Henry Welby, seated, with a cane in his right hand and an open book on a table. Engraved by W. Marshall. é 320. Portrait of Robert Herrick, bust on pedestal, crowned by cupids. Engraved by W. Marshall. 25 321. MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS. Full bust, with line “engraving by J. Rogers, after Farino. 4to, wide margins. N. Y. 1863. 120° 322. —— Another copy. #0 323. MASSARD. Infant Jesus, surrounded by Angels. (/_Endia proof by Massard. /6 324. MAURICE OF NASSAU (PRINCE). Full bust, in |’ uniform, with scarf and high ruff. Lithograph by Th. Bruggemann, after Mireveld. Oval on 4to, tinted. 20 ican (GEN. GEO. G.) Three-quarter length, in uniform, Mezzotint by Max Rosenthal. Folio. Remarque proof of india paper, signed by the artist. Phil. 1896. | No. 101 of only 125 copies issued. § 326. MEISSONIER. The Commune in 1871. Meissonier pee Burney se. | 50 327. MELLAN (CLAUDE). St. Francis in his Cell. Line ( 4 vengraving by Claude Mellan. 19 Kehoe Fic | The Anderson Auction Co. — r\O 328. MEZZOTINT. Three-quarter-length Portrait of Rey. "William Romaine. By C. Corbutt, after F. Cotes. Folio (slightly creased). Chas. Corbutt was an alias of Richard Purcell, of whom it is told that Sayer the Printseller had him arrested and con- fined in Fleet Street for debt, in order, so he said, to know where he was when he wanted him. 6 4 +e8) The Earl of Durham, younger son of Lady Ann ~ Lambton. By E. F. Wagstaff, after Sir Thos. Lawrence. 4to. Lond. 1838. 40 330. Full-length Portrait of Sir Thomas Macqueen, / ~~ in uniform, standing by his horse. Engraved by C. Turner, after James Ramsay. Folio, open letter proof, wide mar- gins. pv B38. The Marquis of Sligo. Engraved by W. W. Barney, after John Opie. Folio, margins trimmed, fine impression. / SO 332 Half-length Portrait of Sir James W. Moncreiff, ord of Sessions and. Justiciary of Scotland. . Engraved by Wm. Walker, after J. W. Gordon. Folio, private plate, 5? wide margins. Lond. 1829. 4 AO 333. | Portrait of Benj. Thompson, dramatist (trans- Yue Tator ot Kotzebue’s plays into English). Folio, half length, seated in chair, with right elbows resting on books, and hand supporting head. Painted and engraved by J. R. -Smith., Lond, 1799. 2 334, Bradshaw (James). Full bust, profile to left, in oval. Mezzotint by J. R. Smith, after H. Morland. Folio, fine impression (slightly creased). Lond. 1784. . 335. -William, Duke of Cumberland; defeated the / -~ Young Pretender. Full length, on horseback. Engraved > by John Faber, after J. Wooton and Thos. Hudson. Lond., n. d. —_— at 336. Half-length Portrait of the Earl of Shatteatieilies Politician and Author of the Habeas Corpus Act. Engraved reas Thomas Hodgetts, after Wm. Owen. 4to, full margins. 337. —— A Fruit Market; A Herb Market; A Game es ge Market; A Fish Market. Snyderspx. , Richard Earlom Se. A set of rare mezzotints, original impressions, with full margins. (4) Ve f° 338. MILLET (JEAN FRANCOIS). Bocourt del. and se. 339. MILTON (JOHN). Various Portraits of Milton. aes ua by Cipriani, Woolnoth, Holloway, and others. Mostly 8vo. (20 pieces, one duplicate. ) 20 i +S : ee The Anderson Auction Co. | ) /0 _ 340. MISCELLANEOUS. Canterbury Pilgrims at the __-—"Tabard, by Wagstaff, after Corbould, fine engraving, but cracked in a few places; Madonna and Child, after Raphael, by Auderloni; The Mother’s Grave, by Simmons, after David Cooper. Folio and large folio. (8 pieces.) ,/0 341. MISCELLANEOUS AMERICAN PORTRAITS. -—“Gen. Gates, J. Rodman Drake, Jonathan Mayhew, ete. Some on india paper. 4to. (6 pieces.) ae 2 * 342. Etched Portraits of Edmund Randolph, Roger _—— Sherman, Thos. Parke, and others. 8vo, india and Japan paper. (9 pieces.) be 343. Etched Portraits of Gabriel Duval, Wm. John- son, Jas. Iredell, and other lawyers, etc. 8vo, india and ‘China paper. (10 pieces.) y 344, Etched Portraits of C. C. Pinckney, Geo. Ross, } ~ Gen. Pakenham, and others. 4to. India and Japan paper. ——~ (10 pieces.) re) 5. B45. David Ramsey, Gideon Welles (proof), Benj. Rush (india paper), and others. 8vo and small 4to. (50 ieces. ) ? 10 BY 346. Gen. Grant, W. H. Seward, Carl Schurz, and ‘others. Svo and small 4to. (50 pieces.) ,O& 347. Wm. Windom (proof), H. B. Stowe, Wm. Phil- _—tips, ete. S8vo and small 4to. (50 pieces. ) , OY 348. —— Lewis Warrington, U.S. N., Commodore Perry, —— Daniel Webster, etc. Svo and small 4to. (50 pieces. ) ,Oxe 349. —— Horatio Seymour, Bishop Wilson, Sam Houston, ete. 8vo and small 4to. (50 pieces.) , 6% 350. —— Daniel Webster, Joel R. Poinsett, Josiah ——Quincy, and others. 8vo and small 4to. (50 pieces. ) / , OF_ 351. Henry A. Wise, Judge Story, Wm. Ponkney, and others. 8vo and small 4to. (50 pieces.) 76 352. MONSALDY. Henry de Bourbon Condé, Duc d’Eng- / ien. Portrait in colors by Monsaldy. sD 353. MOORE (THOMAS). Half length, seated. Line )~ “ engraving by John Burnet, after Sir M. A. Shee. 4to, Large Paper. Brilliant impression. Lond. 1820. 0 AP, abt. Various Engraved Portraits (no duplicates). Ato and smaller, some proofs. (26 pieces.) ,£9 355. MOREAU LE JEUNE. The King’s Toilet. After ——Moreau Le Jeune. f° 356. MULGRAVE (HENRY LORD). Half length. Line ) engraving by W. Skelton, after Sir Wm. Beecher. Folio. _ Fine original impressions. 21 s a a pai pane. 363. , The Anderson Auction Co. ,20 357. MURILLO—Spanish Painter. Bust in oval on en- ——— graved stone slab, with inscription, by Blanchard, after Murillo. 4to. Fine impression with wide margin. | CH sae 358.| NANTE Thy AR. ) Charles Emanuel II. of Savoy, ie ina qld engraving. Oval with figura- Patti tive border and veyse erneath. Small folio. ,/6 359. NAPIER (SIR CHARLES). Half length, seated at _____table, writing. Line engraving. Large folio, trial proof, unsigned. 96 360. NAPOLEON au Theatre de St. Cloud, le 13 Avril [o" __-1812, after Girodet. 56 361. The Royal and Bonaparte Family of France. “(50 medallion portraits on one sheet.) \ aA '_--~of Interest (Hinton’s U. 8., Lond. 1831). PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER. 4to. SCARCE. (8) Another lot, equally good. (8) 7 _364.|NEWMAN (JNO. HENRY, CARDINAL). Full _t———~Bust. Etching by T. Johnson. 4to, proof before all letters on india paper, signed by the artist. Private plate. 365..\—— Ancthel git also on india paper and signed ai ee iv arti Ss ti: 366. NEW YORK CITY. New York and its Environs from Jersey City. Very rare. tO mena View of New York from Hoboken. Drawn by —— Bachman. 1874. Rare view in colors. | » 2- 368. Engrave View of the Bay and Harbor of New / York from the tery_by W. D. Smith, after C. Burton. eS Ato. 1880. A most interesting view of ‘‘Old New York.” yy Se 369. ‘*Scene on Battery Point, New York.’’ Colored “engraving by Robert Cruikshank. Oblong 12mo. Lond. 1840. Rare and curious. Castle Garden appears on the crest of a hill, but is, however, not so ‘‘high” as the costumes of the natives. 89 370.)——_ Engraved View of the Bowling Green, Broad- way, 1830, by Balch, after A. J. Davis. Ato. — Engrave by Balch, after/A{ J. Davis. 4to. 1828. 65° 362. NEW ENGLAND. Engraved Views of Special Places - of Columbia College (Park | } 30 The Anderson Auction Co. ie 3 NEW YORK CITY. Street Views, Nos. I. and II: Le. ark Row, showing Park Theatre, and Wall Street, from | near the corner of the present Broad Street. Engraved by i aa W. D. Smith and Hoogland, after C. Burton. 4to. (2) cy 373. Engraved Views of the Old City Hall, Wall a St tir 1789, and New York City from Brooklyn Heights, by L/pGraham, after Wharton. 4to. (2) 6S ~ 374.|—— Bngfaved Views of two of the famous old a Gatres, Lafayette Geaurens St.) and the Bowery, 1828 (the 2 platter foxed).~ 4to. (2) } 315, —— Engraved,WViews of Trinity Church and St.. , )° craul’s Church, by y, after A. J. Davis; also, St. John’s Chapel in Varick St., = Ato. (3) 7 Another lot. St. Paul’s and the Astor House; ap of N. Y. Island, 1778; Colman’s Literary Rooms; Co- lumbia College (Park Place); etc. 8vo and 4to. (12) 3S Another lot. St. Philip’s Church; New York _'——— from Brooklyn Heights; Chatham St., 1858; City Hall; Columbia College; etc. S8vo and 4to. (12) j 5 B78) Early Engraved Views. Wall St.; Union Park {uare); Tombs; Columbia College; Churches; ete. 8vo. Early Engraved Views. Clinton Halls Nek, ~pil776; Rotunda; others from Valentine’s Manuals; etc. (12) | 0 Engraved Views. Old City Hall, on Wall St. } —— (foxéd) ; Group of Six Early Churches; Merchants’ Exchange; Market Slip; and others. 4to. (12) RO —— Early Views. New York from Governor’s Island, LY = Lond. 1829 (scarce) ; Chatham Square, 1812; John Jacob Astor’s Residence; and other Plates from Valentine’s Man- Let » uals. 12mo., (14 pieces, as a lot.) 50 E> EW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Group Por- / trait, ‘‘ Distinguished Americans.”’ Including portraits of many noted New Yorkers—Bryant, Hoffman, Tuckerman, - Valentine Mott, Francis Lister Hawks, etc. (Over 50 por- traits.) Mezzotint by T. Doney, designed and drawn from ife by J. Gollman. Large folio. Fine open letter proof. . Y. 1854. / g 6 © $83. NIAGARA. Engraved View of Fort Niagara, drawn ———on the spot in 1758. 4to. Lond. [1759]. |S 384. ()’ CONNELL (DANIEL—Irish Agitator). Full —_— length, pleading for Catholic Emancipation. Lithograph reproduction of a statue. Large folio. N.Y. 1875 23 The Anderson Auction Co. y) 5. 385. OLD MASTERS. Le Mariage de St. Catherine, by ; Vendramini, after Maratti; Abraham Offering up Isaac, by Surngue, after Del Sarto. Folio. Line engraving. (2 pieces. ) by § ~ 886. —— Virgin and Child, by Sailliar,after Domenichino; ~~ Virgin and Child, by Voestermans (cut close); Modesty, by Strange, after Guido; Landscape by J. Wood, after Poussin. Line engravings. Folio. (4 pieces.) G b 387. PAINE (THOS.) Full bust, in oval, in engraved — ) - frame. Line engraving by A. Krause. 4to. ~ ~Fine impression. / 96 388. PAS (CRISPIN DE). Portrait of Pauli the Fifth, - by Crispi de Pas. ‘ 25 3889. PAULLIS. The Denial of Peter. Paullis se. 7; 390. PENN (ADMIRAL). ‘Pen Reipubl. Anglicana, ‘vice prefectus mars.’? Father of Wm. Penn. Copper-plate engraving, unsigned. Oval on 8vo. [ Circa 1650] ,£& 391. PENN (WILLIAM). Bust, with hat and wig. En- / _-ogvaved on copper by Alex. Anderson. 8vo. Rare. - ¥0° 392. —— Various Engraved Portraits (no duplicates) of — Penn by Sartain, Grainger, Chapman, ete. Mostly 8vo ~€—(some proofs). (13 pieces.) 76 393. PEROTIN. Portrait of Moliére, after the bust by \-“Houdon in the Théatre Frangais; Lithograph by Perotin. Hxceedingly rare. / pee 394. PHILADELPHIA. Engraved Folding View. ‘‘The East Prospect of the City of Philadelphia in the Provinee of Pennsylvania.’’ From the London Magazine. SCARCE. Lond. [1765]. $0 395. East Prospect of the City of Philadelphia, in / “the Province of Pennsylvania. Long Folding View, from the London Magazine. Oblong 8vo. ScaRcH. [1765.] Ae he 396. Engraved Views of Places of Special Interest ———(from Hinton’s United States,1831). PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER. 4to. SCARCE. (9) : Engraved Views, including a few India Proofs. 8vyo. (10 pieces.) | = CS ashes . —— Engraved Views. 12mo and 8vo. (10 pieces.) 399. POK (EDGAR ALLAN). The Raven. Poems by Edgar Allan Poe. Tllusts. by EH. Manet. Folio, original ov “ wrappers. Paris, 1875. , 5 cet Very rare, with the full-page characteristic illustrations by Manet. = a2 = ee 7 Pee Cc The Anderson Auction Co. G6. 400. POILLY (DE). The Visit to the Virgin. Line en- /7—graving by Poilly. i 0 401. —— Infant Jesus Asleep. Le Brun px., De Poillyse. 402. POINSETT (JOEL R.—Secretary of War). © Full /® bust, with cloak. Lithograph by P. 8. Duval, after Chas. —~ Fenderick. 4to, on india paper. Wash. 1838. 70 4038. POLICHINELLE. Painter etching by Guerard. / Fyn 404. PONTIUS (PAULUS.—Celebrated Painter and En- J raver). Henri, Comte van der Berghe, in armor, with lJandscape in the background. Engraved after Vandyck. \PO Folio. Fine impression. (Margin shortened.) Ty 405.)\PORPORATI. Maternal Duties. Porporati se. ji 30406. PORTEMENT DE CROIX. Bonasonise., Bartsch 28. pls bs F 407. PORTRAIT of Christopher Columbus. Mercuri del. and sc. g $108, aoe se) OLN, cua fies Healy px., Andrews se. Major Ge 1 Zachary Taylor, by Capt. Eaton. .|—— Captain James Cook. Engraved by Sherwin. ee King of Rome. Original drawing by Howard. -_ ( A ae 1 ps 2. —— Francis Ist. ‘Titian px., Soumey se. India _=—proof zo 413. —— Compte de Mirabeau. Engraved by de Mar- ——Cenay / zo 414. —— Erasmus. Orginal drawing, with emblematic '__-berders and titles, ete., by Ranstun. o 415. —— Garrick and Shakespeare. i ates =416. —— Lamartine. Engraved by Pellé. Co a 2° 4 Jo Peat if eae aaa drawing by Henri Mounier. Signed and date 26 418. —— Thomas Otway. Goldar se. go 419, ——— Henner. os 420. -—— Marie-Therese, wife of Louis XIV. Visscher px., 1” _Gole Se. 72 BA. — Marie-Thérése of Savoy (in colors). Pigeot se. Set go 422. —— Miss Francis Harris. Joshua Reynolds px., eS SC. Lady Pelham Clinton. Joshua Reynolds px., o. ay sc. [Oz 5 49 —— Rachel. ORxighT Dupont Se. 2,425. —— Lady. Proof by Visscher. 160 . 25 The Anderson Auction Co. 7° 426. PORTRAIT of Miss Pope. Exquisite mezzotint- / --- Dighton px., Laurie se. hi — pylrmu 427. Oliver Ellsworth, by Edwin; Stephen Van fe _—~Rensselaer, by Durand (proof); Judge Parsons, by Loney. | 8vo.__(3 pieces. ) / Og @s) Geo. Bancroft, John Allen, and others. 4to, “india paper. (6 pieces.) . ,g% 429. —— Gen. Greaton, Edmund Andros, and others. _—Ato, some on india paper. (7 pieces.) ,0% 430. —— Thos. Jefferson, Mrs. Washington, Mark Hop- _-kins, and others. 4to, mostly on india paper. (8 pieces.) ,/ ed 4al. Engraved Portraits of Joseph Rodman Drake,, Jonathan Mayhew, Wm. Gowans (all on india paper), W- Ware, and others. 4to, Large Paper. (9 pieces.) ,OF 432. Edmund Winslow, Jonathan Mayhew, Luther ——~Bradish (all on india paper), and others. 4to. (11 pieces. ) ie 433. —— Gov. Page of Va.; Ed. Rutledge (etching by bee --H. B. Hall, private plate); Gen. Poor, drawn by Kosciuszko ;, ete. 4to, some on india paper. (12 pieces.) » 07 434. —— Capt. Jno. Smith (trial proof); James Riving- | ~ ten; Count D’Estaing; ete. 4to, some on india paper. (12 pieces. ) , O65 435, —— Jno. G. Saxe, Jas. Rivington, Ed. Winslow, '_——éte. 4to, some on india paper. (12 pieces.) ; 436. —— Josiah Ogden Hoffman, Peter Jacobs (Pan-toh- (_“-sego), Rochambeau (vellum paper), Ed. Winslow (india. proof), ete. 4to and smaller. (20 pieces.) NG 437. Chas. Sumner, Daniel Webster, Geo. Peabody, fd ——stc. to. (25 pieces. ) 0S m4 ge Grant Thorburn (inlaid), Thos. Say, Richard | --Salstontall, ete. 4to. (25 pieces.) . (OY 439. Steel Engravings: Chief Justice Waite, D. Rit- '_tenhouse, Jno. J. Ingalls, ete. 4to. (25 pieces.) Gt 44 for framing, especially suitable for Hall deco- _-vations: Principes Hollandiz, Zelandize et Frisiz al anno “Christo 1763, et primo comite Theodorico usque ad ultimum Ve Philippum hispaniarum Regeneriomnes incisi ac fideliter descripti Auspicijs Petri Scriverii. A complete set of 2 title-pages and 36 portraits, engraved by Cornelius Visscher. An exceedingly rare collection. Dé és 441. POTTER (BP. ALONZO). Full length, standing by / “~~ the altar. Mezzotint by Wm. Warner, after W. E. Winner- Fine open letter proof. Large folio, with wide margin. — 26 The Anderson Auction Co. 70 442. POUSSIN (N.) The Continence of Scipio. N. —_—— Poussin px., F. Legat sce. l 44 UTNAM (GEN ISRAEL). _qungraved-Portrait, in fo iform of an Amefican Cet > in company with an a *¢ American Rifle-Man.’?/ Stained. 4 portraits. (As 2 pieces.) ie: ’ is 444, PUNT. The English Coachman. Puntse. —— J D% 445. PALEIGH (SIR WALTER). Various Engraved - ae ; Portraits by Sharp, Robinson, Freeman, and others. 8vo. (19 pieces, no duplicates. ) SD 446. RAPHAEL, at the age of 15. Full bust, leaning on _—tedge, with head on hand. Engraved by F. Forster, after Raphael. Fine original impression of open letter proof. 4to, with wide margin. eo AAT, Madonna with Child and St. John. Line en- f ws _graving by J. OC. Thevenin, after Raphael. Folio, open a letter proof, with full margins. Brilliant impression. 17S 448. The same. Proof before inscription, on india ——~ paper, with the engraver’s stamp. Folio, full margins. j£0 449. REGULUS. De Marcenay se. — = 450. REYNOLDS (GEN. JOHN F.) Three-quarter length, / * standing, in uniform. Mezzotint by Max Rosenthal. Folio, wide margins, remarque proof on india paper, signed by theartist. N. Y. 1897. No. 60 of 125 copies. 75 451. REYNOLDS (SIR JOSHUA). Portrait of Mdme. ) —Schindlerin (German Singer), engraved in line by Wm. Humphreys. Large 4to, proof before all letters. Lond. 1849. fd 452. RIBOT. The Cooks. Painter etching by Ribot. , 20 453. ROPS (FELICIEN). La Croix. Original, by Rops. / oS 454. —— Le Miroir de Coquetterie. Original, by Rops. / “455. ROSENTHAL (ALBERT). Etched Portraits of 5 Caleb Strong, Roger Sherman, Robt. Trimble, Benj. Chew, i fie and others. 4to, some on Japan paper. (10 pieces.) I/ 456. Etched Portraits of Col. Oswald, Jno. Neilson. — )3 Z ; , A. Muhlenberg, and others (mostly Colonial). 4to, on india and Japan paper. (10 pieces.) 7 457, Etched Portraits of Gen. Braddock, Patrick ) #7 Gordon, Jas. Biddle, and others (mostly Colonial). 4to, on india and Japan paper. (11 pieces.) 20 458. ROSENTHAL (MAX). Etched Portraits of John |“ Harvie, Thos. Penn, and Joshua Seney. On india paper. 4to. (8 pieces.) 27 The Anderson Auction Co. 30 459. ROSENTHAL (MAX). Etched Portraits of Sir — “Henry Clinton, Lord Cornwallis, Gens. Clarke and Bur- goyne. 4to, Japan paper. (4 pieces.) ae 2 Goats ott Etched Portraits of Cadwalader Morris, Capt. John Montressor, Isaac Motte and Gen. Massey. 4to. (4 pieces. ) eo eee Etched Portraits of Marquis of Hastings and Generals Fox, Prevost and St. Leger. 4to. (4 pieces.) } 462. Etched Portraits of Nicholas Everleigh, Col. 7 Fitzpatrick, Gen. Fox and Col. Fanning. 4to. (4 pieces.) —_—~ 463. Etched Portrait of Sir Henry Johnson, Chas. Ae _Pinckney, Samuel Hardy, Gen. Stanhope. 4to. (4 pieces. ) > a Bee is as Etched Portraits of W. Hunt, J. M. Harlan, ' /* Earl Ludlow and Jno. Lansing. 8vo. (4 pieces.) a fase Lia? Etched Portraits of Capt. Green, Gen. Grey, ‘/* and others. 4to, Japan paper. (5 pieces.) aO 466. Etehed Portraits of Gens. Jas. Clinton, Leon- '& _ard Gansevoort, Lieut. Gordon, and others. 4to, Japan “paper, ete. (1 duplicate). (7 pieces.) ; ph 467. ROWLANDSON. The Long Room, Custom House. /Y ee Rowlandson del. and se. 65 468. Dining Hall, Asylum. Rowlandson del. and se. 2 Q 469. —— Chelsea Hospital. Rowlandson del. and se. 7% * 470. —— St. Luke’s Hospital. Rowlandson del. and se. ‘ GS 471. —— The College of Physicians. Rowlandson del. os Andi sc, | py OV 472. —— Caricatures. The Bum Shop. Rowlandson / -— del. and se. Fine original impression of this interesting caricature. LO Ags: Corn Exchange, Market Lane. Rowlandson ae = del. and se Oaricatures. Rural Sports, Buck Hunting. De Are. Ae Rowlandson del. and se. / hid ANTS. Rowlandson del. and se. o y, )s A776. Caricatures. Sports of a Country Fair. Pair Ld “of original caricatures by Rowlandson. (2) | Caricatures. Rural Sports, Cat in a Bowl. ram 477. RUBENS (P.) ‘‘ Venusfest.” Line engraving by J. Sonnenleiter, after Rubens. Scene with numerous figures of Bacchanals, Cupids, ete., and a Landscape. Fine open letter proof with full margin. ee oe js —ANZ8. ‘*‘ Landschaft mit Philemon und Baucis.”’ Etch- me ‘by W. We Wiper, after Rubens. Folio, on india paper. 28 The Anderson Auction Cc. ,gd 479. RUET. Rowing. Painter etching by Ruet. re 480. RUSSELL (LORD JOHN - English Statesman). } “-Mezzotint, three-quarter length, by Bellin, after T. Carrick. Folio. Fine impression, with large margin. Lond. 1844. pee: FO 481. RUSTIC CONCERT. Van Ostade px., Heudelot se. 7. 70 482. RUYSDAEL. The Hovel. Ruysdael px., Basan sc. 504 483. T. JOHN AND THE INFANT JESUS. A. Loir se. Pair. wer 484. SALTOUN (GEN. ALEXANDER GEORGE, LORD). y Full length, in uniform, with sword and helmet in hand. Mezzotint by G. Zobel, after Sir Thos. Lawrence. Large folio, open letter proof on india paper. Brilliant impres- sion, with wide margins (slight repair in margin). Lond.1854 ,G? 485. SARTAIN (J. W.) Mezzotint Portrait of Martin _—“Tuther and John Calvin, after Holbein. Folio, proofs. Phil. 1867. (2 pieces.) , 3% 486. SCENES CHAMPETRE. A set of charming 18th —Century prints. Le Barbier px., Masauelier se. [ {o 30 30 asi) SCHIAVONETTY ( ‘‘The Cartoon of Pisa.’” —eHbine engraving, after Mi Angelo. 4to (bottom margin yf P) slightly stained). 88.;SCOTT (SIR WALTER). Engraved Portrait, 4to, -—~-~Seated in chair, with dog in lap, by Heath, after Saxon. | RARE PROOF ON INDIA PAPER. Edinburgh, 1810. 489. SCOTT (GEN. WINFIELD). Three-quarter length, } 75 in uniform, battle scene in the background. Mezzotint by ‘| ——Thos. B. Welch, after daguerreotype. Folio, fine impres- sion. Proof before all letters. J 2s 490. —— Full length, in uniform, on horseback, with Wattle scene in the background. Line engraving by H. B. Hall, from Brady photograph. Large folio, full margin. ee tie di’ ae SHAKESPEARE. Engraved Portrait by Edward mith, after an original painting. INDIA PAPER PROOF, ON LARGE PAPER. 4to. Lond. 1829. ro 492, Illustrations to Shakespeare, by Robert Smirke,. Di R.A. Engraved by E. Finden, Chas. Heath, R. J. Lane, Chas. Rolls, and others. PROoFS, ON LARGE PAPER. FINE. (27 pieces, as a lot.) 3 yo _ 493. —— Illustrations to Shakespeare’s Works. En- eraved by Aug. Fox, Engelhart, E. Finden, Chas. Heath, Wedgwood, and others, after drawings by Stothard, Smirke, Leslie, Hayter, Briggs, ete. MostLy INDIA PROOFS oN LARGE PAPER. 4to. CHOICE. (28 pieces, as a lot.) 29 The Anderson Auction Co. ° 494. SHAKESPEARE. Engraved Illustrations to Romeo ,~ and Juliet (3), Hamlet (3), Macbeth (4), As You Like It (4), ) __~ Twelfth Night (4), Cymbeline (4), Merchant of Venice (4), Much Ado About Nothing (4), Winter’s Tale (3), Merry Wives of Windsor (4), after designs by Stothard and Smirke. 4to. Oval (restrikes from original plates). (37 pieces, as a lot.) ; 40 495. SHAKESPEARE AND HIS FRIENDS. Group ( Portrait, mostly full-length figures, including Ben Jonson, Beaumont, Fletcher, Bacon, Dr. Donne, and others. (14 portraits), mezzotint, by Jas. Faed. Large folio, open letter proof, with key underneath. Fine impression (margins GOT) Nao) te ~% 496. SHARP (W.) ‘Infant Christ,’’ line engraving, _~after Caracci; ‘‘ The Holy Family,’ line engraving, after ~ Reynolds. Folio. (2 pieces.) 50 59%. ‘‘Christ’s Passion,’’ line engraving, after Cos- ‘way, Lond. 1791; ‘‘ The Marys at the Sepulchre,’’ line en- graving, after Smirke, Lond. 1791. Folio. (2 pieces.) r JS 498. SHERIDAN (GEN. PHIL. H.) Full bust, in uni- / (torn. Engraved by J. C. Buttre, after photograph. Oval, within border of battle scenes, by J. R. Chapin. Folio, on india paper. N. Y. 1868. PO Fr 499. SHERMAN (GEN. W.T.) Full bust, in uniform, (_=-within border of battle seenes. Engraved by J. C. Buttre, after photograph. Folio, open letter proof on india paper. Original, impression. } J .0S00: Full bust, in uniform, with sash. Engraved by ws wr, B. Hall. Folio, wide margins. 1891. nw Vv 4501. Half length, in uniform, facing to left. Line , &* engraving by G. E. Perine. 4to. Fine impression, with _eNarge margin. N. Y. 1864. 502. Full length, in uniform, on horseback, with y “battle scene in the background. Engraved by H. B. Hall. ? Large folio, open letter proof. N.Y., n.d. x © 503. SHERWIN (I. K.—Noted English Engraver). Por- / “trait of Bishop Lowth. Three-quarter length, in robe, after R. E. Pine. Folio, margins trimmed. Fine impression. ) $°_504. —— The Holy Family. Beretins px., Sherwin se. pe (503) SIGNERS OF THE DECLARATION. Portraits, -——Views and Autographiec Facsimiles of various signers—Geo. y p Clymer, Roger Sherman, Charles Thomson, etc. Sm. folio. é f a (13 pieces. ) ~~ , $5” 506. SIMPLICITY. Joshua Reynolds px., Salmon se. ~ ik. 507. SKATING IN HOLLAND. Basan se. pean Yess 30 rae ~ The Anderson Auction Co. ) Ze 508. SMITH (CAPT. JOHN). The portraictuer of Cap- _eetayn John Smith. 73 509. [SMITH (J. R.)] Mezzotint Portrait of Rev. Wm. pA -—Dodd (‘‘the unfortunate Dr. Dodd,” hung in 1777). Bust in oval. Folio. Fine impression. fo. 510. SMITH (SIR WM. SIDNEY—British Admiral). ] Half length, in uniform. Mezzotint by E. Bell, after J. W. Chandler. Folio, margins trimmed. Lond. 1803. ,2% 511. SOUTHERN VIEWS. Early Engraved Views of special places of interest (from Hinton’s U. S., Lond. 1831). PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER. 4to. SCARCE. (18) JJ~ 512. SPENCER (SIR HERBERT). Full bust, llne en- y -—“eraving. Fine impression. Proof on india paper. Large folio. 26 4513. SPORTING. Roadsters, by Newhouse. Fine coach- )_—ing subject. if ® 514. SPURZHEIM (GASPAR—Founder of Phrenology). |‘ Half length, lithograph by J. H. Bufford, after A. Fisher. -4to (margin slightly repaired). Bost. 1832. 36 515. STACKPOOLE (F.) ‘‘ My First Partner.’’ Painted by B. Barber. Mezzotint. Large folio. Proof before all o-o letters,on india paper. 4 {~ 516,)STEUBEN (BARON). Full bust, profile to left. SA rive engraving. by K. Huber. Folio, Large Paper. N. Y. 57. BS 517.; —— Another copy. ae STOTHARD (THOS.—English Painter and En- graver). Three-quarter-length Portrait, line engraving. £0 W.H. Worthington, after G. H. Harlow. Folio, fine im- pression, with full margin. 9 D 4519. Oliver Cromwell Dissolving the Long Parlia- /=__ment, after Stothard. 3 ye 520. STRANGE (SIR ROBERT). Cupid. Full length, With Bow and Quiver. Line and stipple engraving, after Vanloo. Folio, full margins. Fine impression. ie Ty. 521, ‘‘ Cupid Sleeping.’’ Line engraving after Guido. j lio, with full margin. Fine impression. » eae ‘¢ Belisarius.’’ Line engraving after Salvator “Rosa. Folio. Brilliant impression, with full margins, of this famous picture. Co 523. —— ‘‘Te Deum Laudamus.’”’ Line engraving after \ “Carlo Maratti. Folio, with full margin. gS 524. SUNRISE. Engraved by Le Veau. on 31 The Anderson Auction Co. , 93 525. SUYDERHOF (I.) Portrait of Adrian Beeckert. ~— Line engraving, after J. D. Vos. 4to. Brilliant impression. , 4S” 526. SWINBURNE (ALGERNON CHAS.) Etched Por- ——— trait by 8. Hollyer. Proof before all létters on Japan vellum paper, signed by the etcher. 4to. Large Paper. Another copy. J) J" daillon de Goudrin. Rigaud px., Tardieu se. ,90 529. TAYLOR (JEREMY). Engraved Portrait. 4to, BART. _ SCARCE. af 7 S531. — Full length, in uniform, on foot standing by / his horse, battle scene in the background. Mezzotint by Jno. Sartain from daguerreotype. Large folio. Open letter proof. Phil. 1848. ) (©_532. TENIERS. The Smoker’s Delight. Teniers px. / 533. THOMAS (GEN. GEO. H.) Three-quarter length,. Q o “jn uniform, standing. Mezzotint by Max Rosenthal. Folio, ““yemarque proof on india paper, signed by the artist. 1894. No. 96 of 100 copies. by Tissot. Beraldi 22. § \ a $s 535..\ Spring. Etching by Tissot. Beraldi 27. a y , l a ky fh a The Portico of the National Gallery. Etching any Tissot. Signed proof. Beraldi 32. Also impression ~» “showing destroyed plate. 10 5377, Souvenirs du Siege de Paris. Etching by 4 d ipgot, Beraldi 34. 4 0 S38. Sur Vherbe. Original etching by Tissot. ‘‘ Bon f “pg Borer,” signed. Beraldi 41. t ) \* 539\ TITIAN. Portrait of Sebastian del Piombo, engraved / -—~the background. Painter etching by Toussaint. a / ¢@ 541. TURNER (CHARLES). Frederick, King of Bohe- 7, _-“ ‘nia. Full length, in armor, on horseback, battle scene in the background. Mezzotint. Small folio. Brilliant im- pression. Lond. 1813. 32 52 628. PPARDIEU. Louis Antoine de Pardaillon de Par- “half length, in oval, with book in right hand, by P. Lom- - SRL 530.) TAYLOR (ZACHARY). Full bust, in uniform, “within border ¢f/Mexican battle scenes. Line engraving i by I. B. Forrest/ 400" N.Y. 1848. on 534. TISSOT. L’Auberge des trois Corbeaux. Etching an Dalen. Folio. Fine impression. nS, 4) 540. TOUSSAINT. The Anglers, la Sainte Chapelle in The Anderson Auction Co. ) 2° 542. TURNER (J.M. W.) ‘The Old Téméraire.”” Line engraving by J. T. Willmore, after Turner. Folio. Bril- liant impression. Lond. 1846. 7 /= ~—— 543. Another copy of the same. Folio. Brilliant impression. ! A4 6 544. ‘‘Nemi.’’ Line engraving by Robert Wallis, —— after Turner. Folio. Fine impression, with full margins. Lond. 1840. , TP 545. —— Landscape, with Castle in the background —— (unfinished state); On the Thames; Orange Merchantman going to Pieces. Line engravings by R. Wallis, after Tur- ner. 4to. (3 pieces). / fi OD ' 846. Heysham and Cumberland Mountains; The _.— Fighting Temeraire; Richmond Hill and Bridge; Venice, The Dogana. Line engravings by Smith and Willmore, after Turner. 4to. (4 pieces.) rd y 547, —— MARORCADS, with Castle in hs Seaaaee (unfin- Vee Swaledale:; Aysgarth Force. Line et ae after Turner. 4to. (4 ‘pieces. ) /? 548. Ancient Italy; Mercury and Argus; Venice, he Dogana; The Fighting Temeraire. Line engravings by Willmore, after Turner. 4to. (4 pieces.) Jo 549. ‘¢ Hannibal Passing the Alps’’; The Hospice, Great St. Bernard; The Chapel of William Tell; St. Maurice; Amalfi; Banditti; Lake of Como. Line engrav- ings by Wallis and Smith, after Turner. Vignettes on 4to _ gheets. (7 pieces.) , 9S 550. TYLER (JOHN). Full length, standing by table, j — with Capitol in the background. Mezzotint by J. Sartain, : after J. R. Lambdin. Folio. Fine impression. Phil. 1842 iL. o NION.’’ Allegorical figure, with bust of Wash- 2 ep) ington surrounded by full-length figures of Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, John C. Calhoun, ‘General a —-—"Winfield Scott, and many other American notabilities. 22 ° Portraits. Mezzotint by H. 8. Sadd, after Matteson. Large folio (hole in lower corner). N. Y. 1852. vA S y Sa yiys VN BUREN (MARTIN). Mezzotint Portrait by Yen John Sartain, after Inman. Full length, standing on gallery with White House in the distance. Large folio. Phil., n. d. Scarce. Plate destroyed. 20 ©5538. VANDYCK. Salvator Mundi. Van Dyck px. Mezzo- tint by O. V. B. 30 i The Anderson Auction Co. ~~ trait. Small folio. Genuine original impression of the fourth state of the plate. D00. Portraits of Joannes de Wael and Judocus de onlgiial plate. (2 pieces.) Te 556. VENUS ATTIRED BY THE GRACES. Guido “Reni px., Robt. Strange se. ‘4 $0 557%. VERTUE (GEORGE), Engraved Portrait of Mat- ie ——thew Prior (Poet). Three- -quarter length, seated, with quill in hand. Folio, fine original impression. Lond. Vale. 30 558. VEYRASSAT. . Haymakers Resting. Original ‘_Dainter etching by Veyrassat. | 4 559. VICTORIA AND ALBERT—Queen and Prince Con- “ sort, full-length figures;in royal robes, mezzotints, engraved by HH. 8. Sadd after E. E. Chalon and J. Lueas, N--Y. 1847; Prince Albert and the Princess Royal, stipple engraving by F. Hall. Large folio. (3 pieces.) 70, 560. VISSCHER (CORNELIUS), Arnold le Grand. eee in armor. Oval in folio, with figurative border. “Line ALLELES engraving, first state. With margin. This and the six following lots are from a similar series of engraved portraits by Visscher. _/ S$ 561, —— Charles I., of Holland, after Van Eyck. (Mar- ~ gin cut close.) ’ 2 a 562. —— Johannes Primus. With wide margin. <5 / ‘0 563. —— William 1st, Count of Holland. With margin. 7 /0 564. —— Theodoric VI. With margin. | as 70; 565. —— Theodorie III. With margin. 566. ——- Emperor Maximilian, after Lucas van Leyden. 10 (Margin cut close.) fo 567. VIVARES. The Cascade. Poussin px., Vivares S60. > 568. VOLPATO (JOANNES). The Deliverance of St. / “—Peter. Line engraving after Bernardinus Nocctie. Lange sth mounted on muslin. Fine impression. ‘T / «i . /uniform. Line engraving ee A. cai | See Folio, nase fore all letters. otal | Lo 6 570. VUES IN SAXONY. Dietricy px., Byrne se. _ > 70 571. VUES IN BOHEMIA. Masquelier se. Pair (2). «igi 34 554. VANDYCK. Erasmus Rotterdamus. Etched Por- “—-Momper. Etchings. Small folio. Late impressions of the : a | KE (FIELD MARSHAL). Three- quar. g The Anderson Auction Co, x) | ' vs 572. Woakp (WILLIAM). Mezzotint Portrait of Sir a sa: Theophilus Metealfe,, English officer, after a eo Folio, open letter proof (margins clipped). wi _573..W ASHINGTON (GEORGE). Bust, nearly life size, 2Fead to left, but facing front. Line and stipple by T.-B. ? 2 Welch, after Stuart. Large folio, open letter proof. Phil. "4 ~~ 1852 (B 351; H 464), » 30 54. Bust, nearly life size, in oval, after Stuart. Lithograph. Folio. N. Y.: Brett & Co., n.d. Zo» 575. Bust, large life size, after Laas Lithograph. — Oyal folio. Phil.: W. Smith. at Full ry in oval, in engraved frame. Line éngraving by W.. Marshall, after Stuart. to. (B 286; so H 426. ) S ! Peery — Portrait of Geo. WidaHiztefon, Gilbert Stuart ‘7px, Wm. Marshall BC. SO mn 578 Wholeéne eth in uniform, with field-glass in “Bat 28 right h i d; at in left hand. In the rear a horse held by a soldiet/ Battle the background (Trenton). Mezzotint by W. Warner, after Jno. Trumbull. Large folio. Fine impression. Phil. 1845. (Hart, 107.) ry, 579. Full length, seated, after Canova’s statue. Zz © _.--ine engraving by Marchetti. Folio, with wide margin. , eee 9 580. The Courtship of Washington, and In Memory 7 Gay ashington. ,GO 583. WASHINGTON (MARTHA). Full bust in oval, in ~«ee-engraved frame. Line engraving by H. B. Hall and G. EK. Perine, after Stuart. Folio, wide margins (slightly soiled). —< JON. Y., ned. us? ——the Stink of the Potomac,/ ine and stipple engraving. Large folio, proof before, All te ia-paper. Bril- liant impression. Full length, in joi womanhood, standing on 7 Q 585. —— In old age, profile to right. Reproduction in Eeretinhent photography from an early painting. Folio. 35 The Anderson Auction Co. a4 (586: WEBSTER (DANIEL). ULithograph Portrait, full ; Me _ bustin oval by d’Avignon. Folio, tinted. N. Y. 1850. Yd 587. —— Bust. Mezzotint by A.H.Ritchie from daguerre- ' L-“otype. 4to, large margins. N. Y. 1855. , #0 588. —— Another copy. DSO Full length, standing, with view of Capitol in q f é : the background. Line engraving by C. E. Wagstaff and Jos. / ~ Andrews, after T. B. Lawson. Large folio, proof on india paper. Bost. 1852. » 7S _ 590. Full length, standing (interior view) at table. / -—~Mezzotint by J. Andrews and H. W. Smith, after Chester Harding. Large folio, open letter proof. N. Y.,n. d. f D 4591. WEISBROD. The Halt. Weisbrod se. “yo 592. WELLINGTON (DUKE OF). Engraved portrait, / in civilian dress. 4to, half length. INDIA PROOF, BEFORE ALL LETTERS. FINE IMPRESSION. a0. 593. Full length, seated at his desk, reading. Line Det et eee engraving by F. Bacon, after T. J. Barker. Folio, large: margins. Lond. 1854. , YS 594. WESLEY. Mezzotint Portrait of Rev. John Wesley. -8vo. Engraved by R. Houston, after J. Williams. FINE AND RARE. Lond., n. d. 1/2/4595. Engraved Portraits of Revs. John and Charles ———“Wesley, including two rare ones. 8vo. (4 pieces.) pe 596. Another lot, including a rare one published in 1741. 8vo. (4 pieces.) a 597. —— The Deathbed of John Wesley. Mezzotint by ! oo Jno. Sartain. Folio, group, with key underneath (upper — margin repaired). Dt Ps he Another copy. State of plate before retouched f A an LbG2. hares /: (~ 599. WEST (BENJAMIN). Engraved Portrait by Robert f Newton from a miniature by W. I. Newton. PROOF ON INDIA PAPER. FINE. Lond. 1818. en 600. Full length, wrapped in clock, standing by his | / “easel. Line engraving by Chas. Rolls, after Sir Thomas “Lawrence. Large folio, brilliant proof before letters on india paper. N. Y. 1842. fO 601. Our Saviour Healing the Sick in the Temple. ae / ~ Stipple engraving by Benjamin Smith, after West. Large u folio, with full margins. Fine impression, beautifully col- — es ored. i, 0 -§602. WHISTLER’S MOTHER. Painter etching by Guerard. 36 The Anderson Auction Co. : FO 603. WHISTLING. Original etching by Casanova. > as vA g-0_ 604. WHITE (BISHOP WM.) Full length, in robes, seated. Mezzotint by C. E. Wagstaff, after H. Inman. Large folio. ; 605. Bust, in old age. Mezzotint by J. Sartain, after —T. Sully. 4to. Fine open letter proof. 3% 606. WHITE (R.—Noted English Engraver). Bucking- )/>ham (Duke of). Three-quarter-length Portrait, with cloak and full curls. Line engraving by R. White. Imp. 8vo, original impression (margin of one side renewed). vA 5° 607%. WILLE (J. G.—Celebrated German Engraver). —<¢ Agar presenté 4 Abraham par Sara.’’ Line engraving after Dietricy. Folio. Original impression. 7? 608. ‘‘Les Adieux du Laboureur.’’ Line engraving ‘after Frendeberg. Folio. Brilliant impression, within decorative border. Open letter proof, with full margins. Paris: Wille, n. d. , 7/O_ 609. ‘¢Ta Mort de Mare Antoine.’’ Line engraving / -—~ after Battoni. Folio. Original impression. 70 610. —— Death of Cleopatra. Netscher px., Wille sc. etry » 611. —— Les Soins Maternels. Wille px. and se. ¢ ; Z 4 612. WITTE (DE). At Rest. Painter etching by De Pb 613 )WOFFINGTON (PEG). Lithograph Portrait in | #— plain dress, with cap on head. 4to, ON INDIA PAPER. 4 614. Portrait as Sir Harry Wildair (in red tint), M | € from the Hogarth original in possession of Augustin Daly; facsimile of statement rendered by her bankers, with her esqautograph. 4to. (2 pieces.) / ef! 615 JWOODMAN. Children at Play. Engraved by | Woodman. D 616. WORDSWORTH (MISS—Sister of the Poet). En- ) _—sraved Portrait by Alais, after an original painting. 8vo, ON INDIA PAPER. ,¥? 617. WOUVERMANS. The Apparition to the Shep- — “herds. Wouvermans px., Beaumont sce. 618. Rendezvous de Chasse, and Companion. ~“Wouvermans px., Dunckers se. (2) ; eyo be nn o chs ee 619. Yale COLLEGE. Engraved View byS. S. Jossee- fe lyn, after H. C. Pratt, 1828 (rare); another, drawn and engraved by S. V. Hunt for Class of 1858. 4to. (2) “ 'These pictures show the famous fence as it was and is. ov ? o 2 620. PRINT CASE. Neat print case with hat ara " | : 264 in. x 33 in. . f 3, LNG ty 622. —— Another, similar. 23. —— Another, similar. 624. Oblong Print Case with 5 drawers, in aan “wood. 49 in. x 31 in. et $0 2 — 621. —— Another, similar. Ge ue 625. —— Large handsomely-made oak Print Gases nt? oO Patras -sized engravings, with extension door. 49 ae : in length, 40 in. in height, 19in. deep. 4 626. PRINT FRAME. A large neatly-made oak Pri Frame, divided into three divisions, suitable for the oxen): hibition of large engravings. With detachable back an glass. Total length (2a peent 35 in. ag © a ce parece bh Na The Anderson Auction Company Successors to John Anderson, Jr., and Bangs & Co. Sales of Literary and Artistic Property 5 West 29th Street, New York [ JNEQUALED facilities for the handling and sale of Books, Manuscripts, Paintings, Etchings and Engravings, Autographs, Coins, Stamps, etc. Sales of Private Collections a Specialty 2 Extract from the Will of Edmond de Goncourt: — (Trans.) ‘‘My wish is that my Drawings, my Prints, my Curiosities, my Books—in a word these things of art which have been _ the joy of my life—shall not be consigned to the cold tomb of a museum, and subjected to the stupid glance of the careless passer-by; but I require that they shall all be dispersed under the hammer of the Auctioneer, so that the pleasure which the acquiring of each one of them has given me shall be given again, in each case, to some inheritor of my own tastes.”’ :