8s 1912 March 28 NeFi . y iin ome | a ee eee Pe ee eer Tr ———_ 2 e PS bg a SALE No. 3608 - “FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES os: | SILO BUILDING 546 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK 1, 3 AND 5 WEST 45th STREET JAMES P. SILO a fi AUCTIONEER CATALOGUE. Ancient and Modern Oil Paintings © _ EXECUTORS’ SALES "ESTATE OF CAROLINE EINSTEIN : S. A. FATMAN, ESQ., Executor ALSO a1 | ESTATE OF LAURA A. MACLAY, ae, ie SOLD BY ORDER OF HER HEIRS — || _ AGNES ©. MACLAY, ARCHIBALD MACLAY air: MRS. C. W. HALL AND MRS. BRIGHAM DANA ea : AND OTHERS a Purchased at the Henry Havermeyer Estate Px | Sale and Private Contributors AT ABSOLUTE SALE BY AUCTION THURSDAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS | March 28th and 29th, 1912 ‘Each e evening at 8.30 o'clock LIBRARY i—) =) o3 cc Lil = — ied i) = > = Led > 4 <= = Li. bh fo 2] J La =) Le (t=) =< = =) = = pee] = CATALOGUE FIRST EVENING’S SALE, THURSDAY, MARCH 28th, 1912. At 8.30 o’clock. BERTILLE (Adolph) Munich Street Scene SO 725 UNKNOWN The Widow’s Mite 29 x 25 PME i Reo ea Street Sceneas eo: ee is ; ae : a | Water Color Fe ring —VAUBINIER i : Marie 11 x 14 a ReperiB yo}, : MULLER (C.) _ Peasant Girl 10x6 — a Ayes ak goes Sunset at the Camp Beet a vt) | ‘ Paris : TZ x9 oh. 10 (R. my : | New York» i Boys Donnas, Over Parapet Be i | PA 11 ITALIAN SCHOOL Visit of the Magi aL 37. 12 ROLLOAT.) New York The First Attempt 18 xa l2 13 VOIGT (F.) Munich Sheep Entering Stable _ | 13 ox 14 FISHER (Hugo) London Landscape and Cattle 18 x 30 Water Color 15 TOJETTI (V.) New York c | At he Fountain. 8 x 6 16 CROPotyY (J. .))N. A. New York Springtime Water Color 17 fener (j..F.), N. A. New York Along the Hudson bo x 24 18 | VAN, HOORN The Hague Windmill, Flanders 26 x 30%4 19 BORCHARD (Edmond) Paris Mention Honorable, 1885 and 1889, E. U. Medals: Third Class, Second Class. Bronze Medal, 1900, E. U. Member of the Society of French Artists. Hors Concours. Going to the Meet 18% x 21yY% 20 ROTIG (Frederick G.) Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1898. Medal of the Third Class, 1902. Member of tthe Society of French Artists. Hors Con- cours. Wild Boars in the Barbizon Woods 20 x 25% 21 HEYL (Max) Brussels Winter 6x5 - Nightfall 24 New York Mar ine Poy 6. ? 25 New York Study, A Woman’s Head : 14x 9 26 TROPSE YC). 8, Not New York Saw Mill River 14 x 24 27 PROSNOCINI (A.) Florence Italian Peasant Girls 28 x 16 Water Color 28 CLADERON (C.) Paris On the Grand Canal, Venice 18%4 x 26 29 INSLEY (Albert) New York Hayfield IZ ix f9 30 SCOTT (J.) | New York The Sentry — 8 x 6 31 MULHOLLAND In the Evening, There Shall Be Light 30 x 48 ss Pa GAUL (Gilbert), N. A. New York A Prairie Mystery 2518 33 UNKNOWN Seventeenth Century Old Dutch Landscape 18 x 21% 34 SPANISH SCHOOL Portrait of a Lady Z2a5e to 35 JACQUE (Emile) Paris Son and pupil of Ch. Jacque. Born at Epernay, France. Honorable Mention, 1889. Universelle Exhibition, 1889. Returning Home 16%4 x 13% 36 PINCHARY. Ch. A: European Born at Cambrai. Contemporary History, Genre and Portrait painter. Pupil of Ger- ome. Medal, Third Class, 1884. The Old Old Story 32 x 23 37 RANGER (H. W.), N. A. New York é Low Tide 19025 Water Color 38 UNKNOWN : About 1825 Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife 12% x 15 39 PRICE (Joseph) London Landscape in Staffordshire 21x 80 Water Color AQ GUERCINO (Attributed) Christ Before the Doctors Lor x23 41 OWEN (C. B.) New York Watching the Butterfly 16 x 20 42 BORCHARD (W.) Munich Hartz Mountains 39 x 29 43 VAN ELTEN (Kruseman) New York Cornfield 15° x23 44 ZOVERIDGE (Clinton) Brooklyn Cows in Pasture 24 x 18 = — a ae (Victor ) ; ae | ‘Paris RE f \ ‘ Bee ; Evening | Landscape 10 x 13% 80 BONDOUX (Jules Georges) - Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1890. Medal of the Third Class, 1893. Bourse de Voyage, 1893. Medal, bronze, 1900, Exposition Uni- verselle. Member of the Society of French Artists. Rendezvous du Chasse 15 x 18 81 GAINSBOROUGH (Dupont) 1767-1797 tele A eect Nephew and Pupil of Thomas Gainsborough. Duchess of Montague 50 x 40 82 BOGERT (George), A. N. A. New York The Evening Hour Bees: OG 7 Munich : ‘Harvest Scene in a Storm Be ee eg 85: | Engraving—Girl and Boy Aritst proof etching—Sheep Resting ie a by J. Moran | : 88 Artist proof etching—Landscape, by Kruseman Van Elten 89 Engraving—Avant le Grain 90 Artist proof etching—The Ferry, after Halfnight, by Gravier 91 Engraving—English Landscape, by Heffner 92 Artist prof etching—Lowlands, by J. H. Millspaugh 93 Artist proof etching—Fishermen, after Geo. H. McCord, by J. H. Millspaugh SECOND EVENING’S SALE, FRIDAY, MARCH 29th, 1912. BS. 40 o'clock. 94 HART (James M.), N. A. New York A Cool Spot 25 x 18% 95 DEBDIN (C.) London Landscape 10 x 14 Water Color 96 BRISCOE (F. D.) New York Early Morning in the Bay 6x4 ician 98 ROBERTS (David), RO 36 x 54 99 The Mus » WITT (J HH.) AsNe aoe War News 20 x 16 100 | DIEHL (Arthur) Ye Kinges Armes Inn 24 x 36 N a _ In Old Naples poten el oo BY 104 | Adoration of the Shepherd ye 0 2a x OY ‘Brussels London, 27 17581829, 105 WIGGINS (Carleton J.), A. N. A. New York Cows at Pasture | “9x 12 106 MORAN (Edward) - New York Sunset, Marine 14 x 18 107 VERNIER (E.) Paris Low Tide 7s 108 BEARD ((J..H.), N. A. New York Fox Terrier Pup LAG aie. I | 109° : | ROMNEY (George) | 1734-1802 Study after Rubens 12% x 17% 110 | ZAMPIERI (D.) | 1581-1641 Called Domenichino Two Girls with Cupid and a Dog 60 x 44 BE! SALLES (Jules) Paris Pupil of Bouguereau Un Amateur des Fleurs 43 x 30 112 Poem bACH (Paul A. J.) Parts Medal of the Third Class, Paris, 1907. A. Cavalier 29 x 24 Various ROUSSEAU (Philippe) | “Sill Tate Kee ix 716 GAUL (Gilbert),N. A, | Springtime bobs Ste, MORAN (84) * OC . Children at Fruit Stand a (214x150 | 19 R (H.W), ANAL, New York _ oe “Harbor at Quebec 18 x24 _ Water Color SINS (E.) ws | i y Watisn 4. 6 | ae Ideal Head Mo AG! mek: rf. i ISH SCHOOL _ Visit of the Magi. De ae 123 ST. LERCHE (V.) Zi - Pupil of Dusseldorf Academy. The Gem of the Collacaane ses) a 124 _HENNER (Jean Jacques), deceased Paris Prix de Rome, 1858. Medals, 1863, 1865 and 1866. Chevalier of the Legion of Hon- or of 1878. Medal of the First Class, 1878, E. U. Member of the Institute of France, 1889. Hors Concours, 1889, E. U. Medal of Honor, 1898. Commander, 1898. Grand Prix, 1900, E. U.’ Hors Concours. Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1903. Honorary Member of the Society of French Artists. Ideal Head 13 x 9% 125 GROLLERON (Paul), deceased Paris. Mention Honorable, Paris, 1882. Medals: 1886, 1889 and 1894. Hors Concours. Mem- ber of the Society of French Artists. On Picket 14x 9 126 PARTON (Arthur), N. A. New York Near Milford, Conn. 20 x30 Sener ae ee ee a eee 127 MURPHY (J. Francis), N. A. New York Late Autumn 334 x 9% 128 SPRING (A.) Munich Pupil of Dusseidrof Academy. Vesper Hour 1S x2 LAUGEE (Georges) Paris Medals: Paris, 1881 and 1889, E. U. Hors Concours. Member of the Society of French ‘Artists. Gleaners Resting ZO x32 130 HENNER (J. J.) Paris | Ideal Head 16°x) 13 1) DIETRICH (C./W.) 1712-1774 Landscape and Figures 29 x 17% 132 VEBOCKHOVEN (Louis) Brussels The Storm Ox 13 133 MARILHAT (P.) a, Paris An Algerian Town 17% x 23 134 GAUL (Gilbert), N. A. +. New York Reading the Despatch 24 39 135 PRINZ (A. Emil) New York Cows Coming Home 22 x 36 136 DEIHL (Arthur) | New York | | Venice | 24 x 36 137 | RANGER (H. W.), A. N. A. New York | Landscape — | 18 x 24 | Water Color 138 LAISSEMENT (H.) Paris The Artist Cardinal 22 x 18 139 TAP Y:(L.) | Paris Medals: Paris, 1870, Second Class, 1873, Silver Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle. Silver Medal, 1900. Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. Member of the Society of French Artists Birches at Loire, France 20 x 25% 140 ERNST (Rodolphe) Paris Pupil of Feuerbach. Medal, Universelle Exposition, 1889. Filling the Lamps 24 x 191%4 141 CHAPIN (Ch.) _ Paris Medals: Third Class, 1851, Second Class, ae 1865. Legion of Honor, 1865. Officer, 1877. Girl Reading 48 x 37 142 HOPPNER (John) 1758-1810 Portrait of Miss Hewson 36 x 28 143 MARIAS (Ad.) Paris Cattle in Normandy 26°x 32 144 SATTERLEER \CW.); Al NY AL New York Girl Gathering Fruit 203016 145 STORY (George H.), A. N. A. New York An Old Sea Captain 24 x 20 146 PANES. (C.) | New York Woodland AY iy awn 147 FRERE (Th.) Paris Pupil of Cogniet and Roqueplan, Medals, Second Class, 1848, 1865. Arabs at Pool 9 x 13 148 KERUT -(H.) Paris The Blacksmith 19x 12% MEISEL fy So 0) Pypit in Munich of Pilot The Ring 251% x 31 -ZUBURAN Sa de) ee Virgin and Child 14 x 18 152 DUPRE (Jules) ao Landscape in Picardy | 25\x 30 153 DESVARREUX (Larpenteur) Paris Sheep and Shepherdess 14 x 18 [154 | MARTIN (Homer D.), N. A. New York Landscape V1? x 20 Abstract from the American Art Galleries Feb. 6th, 1908. “On the back of this picture was found, when it was being relined, written in pencil, ‘To my friend and signed, Homer D.——.’” 155 PRINZ (A. Emil) New York Landscape and Cattle 29 x 36 LELY (Sir Pay Countess of in : 57% x 45 MOSLER HENRY : Nes | Medals: Royal Academy, Munich, 187 Paris Salon, 1879, LSee Exe Honor, 1892. ts Oe a The Toilet “4 ae TaN | i OP Xe ZO 159 VAN SEVERDONCK (F.) Brussels Pupil of Verboeckhoven Sheep in Stable 7 x 10 160 SCHRYVER (Louis de) Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1886. Men- tion Honorable, 1889, FE. U. Medal, Third Class, 1891. Medal, Second Class, 1896. Silver Medal, 1900, E. U. Member of the Society of French Artists. Hors Concours. Contemplation 24% x 19% 161 BEAUQUESNE (W.) Paris The Scout 14 x 10% 162 DE BOCK (Theopile) The Hague Medals, Paris. Silver Medal, 1889, E. U. Second Class Medal, 1890. Hors Concours. Landscape 12 x 18 164 WALLET (Albert Charles) Mention Honorable, Paris, 1884, Third Class, 1893; Medal, “€ 1895; Medal Bronze, 1900, EU," ‘Mer of the Society of French A Concours. Barbizon Landscape 39 x 31 sy -DELAROCHE (Paul) | Portrait of Marie Antoinette, 1 Queen of France z 17 x 12% oe 166° EDE (Frederic) Along the River Loire 429 X29 New York | On the Cond of Wales 25% X 38 g on DER OUDERAA (P.) _ Antwerp Quo Vadis ‘The Meeting of Venetious at the House of uy Petronious 3554 x 44 170 | COMERRE (Leon) | , Tambourine Girl 48 x 30 171 NEUVILLE (Alphonse de) Paris Lady Sewing in the Arbor 14 x 20 fh Signed at the right and dated Yport, 1873. From the de Neuville Sale, No. 23 of the Catalog. 172 ZIER (Edouard) Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1884. Medal of the Third Class, 1900. Medal of the Sec- ond Class, 1904. Member of the Society of French Artists. Hors Concours. Ideal 24 x 19% 173 BOGERT (George), A. N. A. New York Golden Sunset 36 x 56 174 REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua) 1723-1792 | Lady Spencer | 50 x 40 175 LAWRENCE (Thomas) 1769-1830 | Portrait of a Lady Coxe ZO Collection of the Baron Lazzaroni hetoont-l 176 SCHREYER (Ad.), receased | Paris Pupil Stadel Institute, Frankfort. Medals, 1864, 1865, 1867. Court painter to the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg. Medal at Brussels, 1863. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Medal at Vienna, 1873. Medal at Munich, 1876. Member of the Academies of Antwerp and Rotterdam. Died, 1899. Arab Chief and His Escort 644 x 9% Hapland. On the back of the pictues is the o seal dated 1775, of John ate Bish Bangor. KIRKPATRICK (F.) A Roman Treasure | 60 x 29 179°) BREVOORT Chi R.), N. a Landscape with Cattle 36 x 60 4 ii BAUS eat GI Nk stk he ix Cees oa Sh aut SS A hoa 2 ia ~ ce Ay ete oe Eee mecetae ae aa z Fe, e PE a ianaieas My ANG Aah oe woe S a nets == apes ia —— Si Ss = eae 4 | vith Hay a eee tS = : ee “ CES yee : iy % ak Wis hs \ da! \ Ni A RO ce == Se Semi ma ee