; Ped ’ A Pa ie aed Poet ey : : OR Aga Pen tes EM asd, Sa OP Vs 34 i ve has fi : : ay ba Bhs gry ah 78 inobttnee date ND y 1 ipsa eg i Pw pe ey TA tesa dt Wad cae, Pree ‘s A pave ep b, oY ¥ As r " ow ~ (8 eo re . os. ¢ Faas , oe: , er hy Ms 3 i : Ag 39 SS? .. - ee -* oa j c ia a ' > TAS 3 = Bt BREA CELE HEPPLEWHITE SATINWOOD SIDE TABLE, CARVED AND GILT [NUMBER 8] 8 HEPPLEWHITE SEGMENTAL SIDE TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 In his Louis Seize manner; carved and gilt. Tapered and spiral- fluted legs with water-leaf capitals; carved framed stretcher with central basket of flowers; central tablet in frieze with painted swag of flowers; satinwood top, painted with floral border and guilloche on edge. Height, 34 inches; width, 54 inches; depth, 181% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 3 9 10 11 12 MAHOGANY AND SATINWOOD MARQUETERIE DRESSING TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1785-90 Opening top, fitted inside with trays, boxes and partitions for patch papers; drawer under, and pull-out slide; inlaid with marqueterie of vases, etc.; wood knobs to slide and drawer. Height, 31 inches; size of top, 24 x 20 inches Similar to the following table. . CIRACOTTA MARQUETERIE DRESSING TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1785-90 Similar to the preceding; fitted inside with adjustable mirror on strut, and with boxes and divisions. Flap and drawer under, with brass drop handles; tapered legs and castors; inlaid with marqueterie of vases, etc. in panels of satinwood. Height, 32 inches; size of top, closed, 24 x 20 inches STAINED PLANE-TREE SEMICIRCULAR MARQUETERIE COM- MODE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1810 Inlaid with panels of holly and marqueterie of garlands, vases and festoons in various woods. Three triangular drawers on central runners, in frieze; three doors below. Height, 33 inches; width, 43 inches; depth, 21 inches EARLY GEORGE I PIER GLASS IN CARVED AND GILT FRAME ENGLISH, CIRCA 1760 The glass in three divisions, with pearled lattice bars. Arched top with festooned urn and handles in representation of goats’ heads. Height, 7 feet 3 inches; width, 36 inches; size of glass, 56 x 32 inches 4 13 14 15 FINE INLAID COMMODE OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY [NUMBER 13] PLANE-TREE MARQUETERIE COMMODE ENGLISH, ciIRcA 1770 Banded with rosewood and inlaid with scroll and floral marqueterie. Bombé front and ends, with splayed feet in the French manner. Three drawers; brass ring handles and chased gilt brass escutcheons. Plate-glass top. Height, 33 inches; width, 48 inches; depth, 2214 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] TWELVE-LIGHT BRASS CHANDELIER IN TWO TIERS DUTCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Baluster centre, with large globe with “S” shaped arms, scrolled; moulded savers. Drop, 47 inches; spread, 36 inches EIGHT-LIGHT BRASS CHANDELIER DUTCH, 18TH CENTURY Scrolled arms, with turned finials above. Drop, 36 inches; spread, 41 inches 16 a EARLY CHARLES II CARVED AND GILT CABINET STAND ; ENGLISH, CIRCA 1665 Green marble top; scrolled legs and central apron with figure of boy in centre, all pierced and elaborately carved. Height, 311% inches; width, 3734, inches; depth, 1914 inches SATINWOOD AND BROWN SYCAMORE HEPPLEWHITE MAR- QUETERIE SIDE TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 Banded with rosewood and kingwood and inlaid with trellis and floral marqueterie; serpentine front and sides; oval in top inlaid with bouquet of flowers; shaped cabriole legs in the French manner of Hepplewhite, panelled with satinwood and cross-banded with rose- wood. Height, 3534, inches; width, 48 inches; depth, 261 inches 18 GROUP OF EARLY ENGLISH PEWTER [NUMBER 18-20] PAIR OF GEORGE II PEWTER CHALICES ENGLISH, CIRCA 1750 The cup plain cylindrical, with knopped stem and circular moulded 1 OOCHE tz) From the Collection of the Right Hon. Lord Bolton, Bolton Hall, Leyburn, Yorkshire, England, 1923. Height, 10 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 6 19 20 21 22 23 24 GEORGE II PEWTER LAMP ENGLISH, CIRCA 1750 Cylindrical body, with scroll handle; on narrow rim foot. ENGLISH EIGHTEENTH CENTURY INLAID SATINWOOD COMMODE [NUMBER 250] 290 GEORGE III SEGMENTAL SATINWOOD INLAID COMMODE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 With radiated top. One door in centre opening up to under side of top; one shelf behind. Inlaid with bouquet of flowers and laurel festoons; musical trophies at sides. Height, 33 inches; width, 48 inches; depth, 19 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 80 252 253 254 255 GEORGE III PAINTED TABLE WITH AMBER GLASS TOP ENGLISH, LATE 18TH CENTURY Four concave legs; two silvered glass platforms, framed, under. Height, 30 inches; size of top, 25 x 20 inches GEORGE III CARVED AND GILT CABINET STAND ENGLISH, LATE 18TH CENTURY Tapered legs and moulded toes; three legs on front; fluted frieze; marble top. Height, 34 inches; width, 381% inches; depth, 19 inches MINIATURE PEWTER TEA SET ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 Comprising six cups, five saucers, teapot and tea kettle, and a circ- ular dishm (14) From the Collection of the Right Hon. Lord Bolton, Bolton Hall, Yorkshire, .. xland, 1923. GEORGE II PEWTER INKSTAND AND TOBACCO JAR ENGLISH, CIRCA 1750 The inkstand plain oblong, with large well at back, in which there are three circular hinged lids and eight holes for pens; tray along the front; on four ball feet. Length, 914 inches The tobacco jar circular, with two bands of reeded decoration, domed and moulded lid and inner lid. Fine marks. (2) (a) PEWTER HOT-WATER JUG ENGLISH, CIRCA 1800 Bulbous body, narrow neck, plain scroll handle with heart-shaped thumb-piece, and hinged lid. (b) SMALL PEWTER SPICE BOX FLEMISH, CIRCA 1790 The interior divided into two compartments, with embossed hinged lids; on four scroll feet. (c) TWO SMALL, DEEP CIRCULAR PEWTER BOWLS NORWEGIAN, CIRCA 1800 With flattened rims. (4) 81 256 257 258 259 260 SMALL PEWTER CHOCOLATE POT _ FRENCH, CIRCA 1780 On circular foot; decorated in spiral flutes; scroll handle and high, domed lid. Height, T inches PEWTER COFFEE POT FLEMISH, CIRCA 1780 Plain ovoid body, on circular foot; decorated spout, ending in animal- mask; ebony scroll handle; domed, hinged lid with acorn finial. | Height, 12 inches GEORGE III PEWTER MEASURE ENGLISH, DATED 1779 Circular bulbous body, scroll handle, with carved thumb-piece and fleur-de-lys decoration on hinged lid. Engraved on front with in- itials “H. A. D.” in medallion of leaves, and dated 1779. Height, 8 inches UNUSUAL PERSIAN CARPET Dark blue diaper-pattern centre, with four small figures—two on each side—near the inner border. White ground borders. Size, 138 feet 4 inches x 6 feet 1 inch LARGE KASHAN SILK RUG Centre field plain copper-red with central medallion and corner motifs showing rich floral decoration. Five borders, the main one of Cashmere palmettes and floral motifs on deep indigo-blue. Size, 21 feet x 17 feet 82 . : gue ~- & Es ca oe EE, i EVES . erat o* 0 e: 2: oa ane? a + * © * ae = ey EXTREMELY INTERESTING CHARLES I NEEDLEWORK PANEL [NUMBER 261] 261 CHARLES I EMBROIDERY PANEL ENGLISH, CIRCA 1640 In long and short, knot, couching, and other stitches, on a satin ground sprinkled with sequins, and decorated with five oval medal- lions containing figures emblematic of the senses. In the middle, “Smell”—a lady on gold-colored gown, showing blue petticoat, smell- ing a daisy, with a rose, tulip, butterfly and blue clouds in the back- ground. In the left high corner, “‘Hearing’”’—a lady playing a lute; in the right high corner, “Seeing’”—a lady holding an open book, with spectacles on a table, a cat and mouse below; in the left lower corner, ‘Feeling’—a lady with a bird pecking at her breast, an arrow piercing her side, and a hornet stinging her shoulder; in the right lower corner, ‘‘Tasting’’—a lady holding up fruit. The ground is filled with floral sprays, daffodil, marigold, foxglove, rose, corn- flower, tulip, heartsease, iris, carnation and lily. At the base is a mound, on which are a lion, elephant, stag, snake, frog, rabbit and ‘grasshopper; while growing from it are sprays of vine, cherry, oak, plum, bean, strawberry and campanula. Among the flowers are various birds, butterflies, caterpillars and beetles. Height, 21 inches; width, 25 inches 83 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 EIGHTEEN PIECES OF CROSS AND TENT STITCH EM- BROIDERY ENGLISH, CHIEFLY OF THE 18TH CENTURY In various floral patterns on dark grounds. (18) TWO CHINESE IMPERIAL-YELLOW SILK PANELS cikcaA 1760 One with four circular medallions enclosing groups of flowers in blue, crimson and white; the other with three panels of exotic birds and flowers. (2) Size, 20 x 1814 inches, and 28 x 91% inches CHINESE SILK EMBROIDERED FAN CASE CIRCA 1740 Worked in floral emblems and arabesques on either side. PAIR OF GEORGE III SILVER GOBLETS ENGLISH, DATED 1779 Chased with festoons depending from ribbon ties and engraved with escutcheons in oval medallions. Dated 1779. (2) Height, 7 inches. Weight about 19 ounces SHEFFIELD PLATE WIRE PATTERN OVAL CAKE BASKET Boat shape, with entwined swing handle and pierced foot. Width, 131% inches — SHEFFIELD PLATE FOUR-LIGHT CANDELABRUM Classic design. Three reeded scroll branches supported by tripod on triangular base. Height, 26 inches SIX SMALL SILVER SWEETMEAT TAZZE Circular, with open scroll handles. By Elkington, London. (6) Weight about 22 ounces SET OF FOUR SHEFFIELD PLATE TABLE CANDLESTICKS AND ONE OTHER Set of four in classic design with reeded tapered stems, engraved urn tops and square bases. Another of somewhat similar type. (5) Height, 11 and 12 inches 84 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 SET OF FOUR SILVER TAPERED FLOWER VASES Hexagonal trumpet shape, with circular bases. (Two dented) (4) Height, 7 inches SILVER-PLATED TABLE HOT PLATE AND SIX BOTTLE STANDS Hot plate by Elkington, London. (7) SILVER-PLATED CHAFING DISH On tripod stand with triple-light spirit lamp. Diameter, 11 inches SILVER PLATED CHAFING DISH Similar to the preceding. Diameter, 11 inches LOUIS SEIZE PAINTED AND CARVED SETTEE FRENCH, CIRCA 1780 Carved frame, finished in white and gold; upholstered in green and white silk. Width, 6 feet En suite with the following armchairs. FOUR PAINTED AND CARVED ARMCHAIRS FRENCH, CIRCA 1780 En suite with the preceding settee and the following armchairs. (4) FOUR PAINTED AND CARVED ARMCHAIRS FRENCH, CIRCA 1780 En suite with the preceding and following armchairs. (4) FOUR PAINTED AND CARVED ARMCHAIRS FRENCH, CIRCA 1780 En suite with the preceding. (4) 85 IMPORTANT EIGHTEENTH CENTURY LACQUER COFFER ON CARVED STAND [NUMBER 278 | 278 GEORGE II LARGE INCISED POLYCHROME LACQUER COFFER ON CARVED AND DECORATED STAND ENGLISH, CIRCA 1745 With ornament of Chinese scenes on a ground of black lacquer; front hinged at side, to open; brass clamps at corners, and handles at ends. Stand of carved wood decorated with gesso and gilt. Cab- riole square-section legs. From the Collection of the Marquess of Townshend, Rainham Hall, Norfolk, England. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 86 279 280 281 282 283 GEORGE III PAINTED OVAL TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 With two flaps and one drawer. The top with three oval panels, painted with vases and a female figure (in the centre) on a ground of powdered mother-of-pearl. Tapered legs and framing, all painted with sprays of leaves and honeysuckle. Height, 28 inches; width, 30 inches; depth, 18 inches GEORGE II CARVED AND GILT CHEVAL SCREEN ENGLISH, CIRCA 1740 With sliding panel. (The needlework panel has been removed) From Blenheim Palace, Woodstock, Oxfordshire, the seat of the Duke ~ of Marlborough. Height, 49 inches; width, 221% inches EARLY GEORGE III MAHOGANY JARDINIERE TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1770 Shaped frieze, with loose top; zinc-lined interior; on four carved cabriole legs with ball-and-claw feet. (Restored) Height, 25 inches; size of top, 37 x 15 inches SEMI-ANTIQUE KASHAN SILK PRAYER RUG The centre field with graceful niche supported by elaborate columns; the field of the niche with delicate vines and palmette flowers on silver-grey background. Four borders, the main one of arabesques and palmette flowers on deep blue background. This type of silk rug, about 60 to 70 years old, is of rather delightful mellow colors and is in no way to be confused with modern silk rugs. (Worn) Size, 6 feet x 4 feet LARGE HERAT RUG EASTERN PERSIA Centre field with central cartouche of arabesques and palmettes on deep indigo-blue and with corner motifs of similar design, set in a magenta-red field with profuse vine and palmette flower decoration. Five borders, fifteen guard stripes; the main border of rosettes and floral vines on mulberry-red. ; Size, 30 feet 3 inches x 18 feet 4 inches 87 284 PERSIAN PRAYER CARPET 18TH CENTURY _In appliqué embroidery on a blue ground. The niche is occupied by a black vase decorated with light ornamental discs, and a gold basketwork shield. It contains a large bunch of roses and other flowers, and rests on a double stand, with small cypress trees be- é tween the supports. The columns are decorated with black car- touches. The arch is composed of arabesques in gold stitchery and the ground inside it is of dark wine-colored velvet. The arch term- inates in a form suggestive of a lamp. The spandrels are filled with 4 branches of leaves and flowers. Narrow black bands divide the border into three stripes, and white ogee bands divide the two edging stripes into panels, containing floral ornament. The main stripeis decorated with black appliqué vases, enriched with gold shields, from which spring extremely conventional flowering plants. a | Height, 5 feet 10 inches; width, 4 feet [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 88 maa? SF RA ge ame 377 ENGLISH SATINWOOD AND MARQUETERIE COMMODE [NUMBER 377] GEORGE III SEMICIRCULAR MARQUETERIE COMMODE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1800 Veneered with satinwood and sycamore, with panels and bandings of rosewood, all inlaid with marqueterie of scrolls, festoons and vases. One drawer in frieze; four doors below. Height, 3314 inches; width, 42 inches; depth, 21 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 115 EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH MIRROR IN CARVED AND GILT FRAME [NUMBER 378] 378 GEORGE II MIRROR IN CARVED AND GILT FRAME ENGLISH, CIRCA 1730 In the style of James Gibbs. Architectural pediment with cartouche, scrolls and ducal coronet in centre; scrolled cushion frieze; key- cornered frame carved with egg-and-tongue; laurel pendants at sides depending from eagile-heads. Height of glass, 36 inches; width, 26 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 116 “ _ ee eae, eee 379 EIGHTEENTH CENTURY DECORATED CENTRE TABLE 380 381 382 NORTH ITALIAN, LATTER HALF OF 18TH CENTURY With mosaic marble top and scagliola columns of classical type, on heavy scagliola base with concave sides. All decorated with chased silver capitals, bases and mouldings. Height, 34 inches; width, 4714 inches; depth, 31 inches WILLIAM III WALNUT TRIPLE-CHAIR-BACK SETTEE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1700 With cabriole legs and club feet; tall backs with central splats; four legs on front. Drop-in seat, covered in pink damask. (Restored, and polished mahogany color) Total height, 45 inches; width across front of seat, 5 feet PAIR OF CHIPPENDALE CARVED AND GILT GIRANDOLES ENGLISH, CIRCA 1760 With silvered glass backs and two candle sconces. Wired for elec- tric light. (2) Total height, 41 inches; extreme width, 24 inches SET OF FOUR CARVED AND GILT GIRANDOLES IN THE “DIRECTOR” STYLE OF THOMAS CHIPPENDALE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1755 Each with four candle branches. Carved with rockery, stalactites, trees, classical pedestals and pastoral figures. (4) In the style of Chippendale and Ince & Mayhew. Authentic period examples of these girandoles are exceedingly rare. See “The Gentleman and Cabinet Maker’s Director”, Third Edition, 1762. Plate CLXXVIII. Height, 37 inches 117 [NUMBERS 383-6] 383 PAIR OF GEORGE III PEWTER CANDLESTICKS i ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 7 ’ With baluster stems and reeded decoration. (2) 4 From the Collection of the Right Hon. Lord Bolton, Bolton Hall, Leyburn, Yorkshire, England, 1923. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 384 SET OF FIVE GEORGE III PEWTER MEASURES : ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780~ Graduated in size, from one pint downwards; bulbous bodies, on rim feet; scroll handles. (5) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 385 FINE GEORGE II PEWTER TANKARD ENGLISH, DATED 1741 Plain cylindrical shape, the body decorated with four engraved bands; scroll handle, with heavy bulb thumb-piece; hinged lid, engraved with Freemasons’ signs, the initials “T. M.” and the date : 1741. q From the Collection of the Right Hon. Lord Bolton, Bolton Hall, Ley- ; burn, Yorkshire, England. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 386 SMALL PEWTER MEASURE SCOTCH, CIRCA 1750 With. hinged lid. Scroll handle with thumb-piece of two acorns. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 118 Le eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEeeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEOEeEEeEeEe>=c=—EEEEOEEEOEEEeeeEeorreeeermrmeeerr ree e OOo ee ee ee ee Le¥ Z Ms mi ‘ j ‘ \ } A _— ont ‘ “ew a. 387 388 389 590 391 392 (a) GEORGE III PEWTER HELMET-SHAPED CREAM JUG ENGLISH, CIRCA 1770 (6) GEORGE II PEWTER MUFFINEER ENGLISH, CIRCA 1750 On circular moulded foot. (2) SMALL PEWTER BEAKER, AND CREAM JUG ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY The beaker with bands of reeded decoration; on circular foot; fine mark. The cream jug with gadroon edge and reeded decoration; on four ball feet. (2) FIVE GEORGIAN PEWTER PIECES ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY (a) Small pewter cream jug, finely engraved, with plain loop handle; (b) Mustard pot, on circular foot, with blue glass lining; (c) Mustard pot, with scroll handle and hinged lid; (d) Small cir- cular sugar bowl on foot, with blue glass lining; (e) Miniature beaker. (Asis) (5) COMMONWEALTH PEWTER LAMP TIMEKEEPER ENGLISH, CIRCA 1650 With flat circular base, circular stem, with divisions marked, scroll handle, glass reservoir, and oil-holder with small hinged top. Fine and rare piece. From the Collection of the Right Hon. Lord Bolton, Bolton Hall, Ley- burn, Yorkshire, England. Height, 1514 inches COMMONWEALTH PEWTER LAMP TIMEKEEPER ENGLISH, CIRCA 1650 With flat circular base, slender stem, small scroll handle, glass reser- voir, and hinged top oil-holder. Fine and rare piece. From the Collection of the Right Hon. Lord Bolton, Bolton Hall, Ley- burn, Yorkshire. Height, 141% inches GEORGE III COVERED PEWTER MEASURE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 Bulbous body, on moulded circular foot; scroll handle and thumb- piece; hinged lid, decorated with fleur-de-lys. From the Collection of the Right Hon. Lord Bolton, Bolton Hall, Ley- burn, Yorkshire. Height, 7 inches 119 LARGE DECORATIVE PANEL OF QUEEN ANNE NEEDLEWORK [NUMBER 393] 393 QUEEN ANNE NEEDLEWORK PANEL ENGLISH, CIRCA 1710 In petit and gros point, and long and short embroidery stitches, rep- resenting a blue vase with gadroon decoration, in which are tulips, roses, carnations and many garden flowers in natural colors on a erassy undulating foreground, while cut flowers are strewed on it. The backgound is cream canvas, upon which are embroidered bou- quets and sprays of similar flowers. Height, 32 inches; width, 5 feet [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 120 een dee i ik eras bal La terale 394 PAIR OF JACOBEAN LADY’S OVER-SLEEVES 395 396 397 ENGLISH, CIRCA 1620 ayy finely embroidered in gold and silver thread, heightened with erimson and black silk, on a groundwork of cream satin. (2) From the Collection of the Hon. R. Stuart-Wortley, Highcliffe Castle, Christchurch, Hampshire, England. GEORGE II GENTLEMAN’S TRIMMED BROCADE WAISTCOAT ENGLISH, CIRCA 1730 A very long waistcoat of green moiré brocade, the front and deep pockets trimmed with wide gold figured braid, and interesting old buttons. PAIR OF LATE ELIZABETHAN EMBROIDERED LEATHER GAUNTLET GLOVES ENGLISH, CIRCA 1600 Very fine gloves of cream-colored leather, the gauntlets beautifully embroidered with vine leaves and bunches of grapes, and edged with gold-spangled lace. Rare. (2) CHINESE EMBROIDERED HANGING OR COVERLET 18TH CENTURY Embroidered in brilliant silks on sage-green ground. In the centre are two peacocks within a star medallion of floral outline. At each end of the panel are conventional waves with shaped floral mounds behind, from which rises a tree of golden branches interlacing and giving off leaves and partly crimson flowers. The panel has up- right inner bands with palmettes, rosettes and other floral forms and foliage, while an outer border,—the main stripe designed with an undulating stem, with serrated lanceolate leaves, rosettes, palmettes and similar ornaments, and edged by strips of running stem and flower design,—encloses the whole. Lined with green silk, with silk fringe and tassels at each corner. Height, 7 feet 10 inches; width, 6 feet 121 398 O99 400 401 CHINESE EMBROIDERED PALE BLUE SILK FRONTAL ENGLISH, CIRCA 1800 Embroidered with vases of flowers, utensils, ribbon work, with a border to three sides worked in flowers and butterflies in blue and white on black ground. Size, 6 feet x 15 inches CHINESE EMBROIDERED PALE YELLOW SATIN PANEL CIRCA 1770 With three medallions, containing vases of peonies and other flow- ers in varied colored embroidery. Size, 24 x 15 inches CHINESE EMBROIDERED PALE YELLOW SATIN PANEL CIRCA 1770 Similar to the preceding, but with six circular medallions with nine- claw dragons embroidered in blue, green and crimson silks. Size, 830 x 18 inches _ SATINWOOD MARQUETERIE UPRIGHT SECRETAIRE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1800 Bordered with ‘‘fiddle-back’’ sycamore stained dark brown and in- laid with floral marqueterie; checkered gallery and frieze. One drawer with brass ring handles, below which is a hinged writing bed, lined with leather, with cupboard and six drawers inside, the fronts veneered with brown sycamore and inlaid with small check- ered lines; partition above drawers; under the fall front are two doors with centre hinges; two drawers behind with brass ring handles. Tapered feet. Inside lined with oak throughout. Height, 59 inches; width, 35 inches; depth, 18 inches 122 Po eee eel eee = a | ONE OF A SET OF FOUR SUPERB WILLIAM AND MARY WALNUT CHAIRS [NUMBER 402] 402 SET OF FOUR WILLIAM AND MARY WALNUT CHAIRS ENGLISH, CIRCA 1694 High panelled backs, elaborately pierced and carved with scrolled cresting rails. Flemish-style cabriole legs with scrolled feet; flat scrolled stretcher railing. Seats covered in crimson silk velvet trimmed with flat braid. (4) [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 123 403 404 405 406 GEORGE III SEGMENTAL SATINWOOD MARQUETERIE COM- MODE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 Satinwood banded with hairwood and kingwood, and inlaid with marqueterie of fans and rosettes. One central door with shelf be- hind. Interior lined with pale green silk tabourette. Height, 35 inches; width, 5 feet 2 inches; depth, 22 inches EARLY GEORGE III PAINTED CIRCULAR TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 In the style and period of Cipriani. On four tapered and fluted legs and stretcher, enriched with carton-pierre; all painted white and gold; the frieze with panels of anthemion decoration on a brown ground; the top with colored print of a girl with two children; border with various views of volcanoes in eruption. Framed-in glass top. From Slindon Hall, near Arundel, Sussex, England. Diameter of top, 23 inches EARLY GEORGE II MAHOGANY CABINET ENGLISH, CIRCA 1730 In two carcases, the upper one with twenty-four pigeonholes, a small cupboard with door, several upright partitions for books, and fifty- four drawers with brass knobs, enclosed by a pair of doors with solid fielded panels, the fields banded with flutes and with a carved leaf on each corner; dentilled cornice and fluted frieze. The lower part with two doors to match those on the upper carcase, with cen- tral vertical partition and moulded shelves behind. Bracket plinth. Height, 7 feet 2 inches; width, 4614 inches; depth, 17 inches ENGLISH MAHOGANY CABINET The companion cabinet made to match the preceding, but without in- terior fittings. Made to mask a wall safe. Modern copy. 124 cen eel acai, memati ae a aia ie, ee i . i — il A wi ts F _ ' ‘ r a . pee ONE OF A PAIR OF FINE ENGLISH MAHOGANY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY SETTEES [NUMBERS 407 AND 408] 407 EARLY GEORGE III MAHOGANY SETTEE ENGLISH, cIRCA 1760 Double-chair-back form; pierced and carved central splats; arms finishing in lion-heads; cabriole legs with cabochons on knees, and = paw feet. Covered in green Genoese velvet. ae Height, 4014 inches; width across front of seat, 48 inches; -. depth of seat, 20 inches 2 Companion to the following settee. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 408 EARLY GEORGE III] MAHOGANY SETTEE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1760 Companion to the preceding. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 125 409 CHARLES II CARVED AND GILT CABINET STAND 410 ENGLISH, CIRCA 1660 Four scroll supports, with heads of birds; apron with central shield and crest. Inlaid marble top. From the Sale of Sir Thomas Beecham, Markgate, near Dunstable, Bedfordshire, England. Width, 34 inches ORMOLU EIGHTEEN-LIGHT CHANDELIER Bowl with vase above; scrolled branches in two tiers, with eagle- heads under the sconces. Total height, 48 inches; spread, 36 inches En suite with the following wall brackets. 411 SET OF FOUR THREE-LIGHT WALL BRACKETS En suite with the preceding chandelier. (4) Height, 2514 inches 126 TWO OF A SET OF SIX WILLIAM III WALNUT CHAIRS [NUMBER 412] 412 SET OF FOUR WILLIAM III MARQUETERIE SIDE CHAIRS AND TWO ARMCHAIRS ENGLISH, CIRCA 1700 Walnut inlaid; central splats with scroll marqueterie, and a royal crown, all in holly; high backs with carved top rails; cabriole square- section legs, moulded toes; turned and shaped stretcher under-rail- ing. Covered in red silk velvet, finished with braid. (Top rails in some of the chairs repaired, and all caning a later replacement) (6) From “The Hyde’, Handcross, Sussex, England. Total height of side chairs, 45 inches; width across front of seat, 19 inches Total height of armchairs, 47% inches; width across front of seat, 24 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 127 413 414 A15 416 CARVED EMPIRE STYLE SIDE TABLE . | ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Frieze carved with key pattern and lion-masks; eight reeded legs, carved with water-leaf and claw feet, the whole finished in black and gold. Inlaid marble top. ; From Winkfield, Windsor Forest, England. | Height, 31 inches; width, 58 inches; depth. 28 inches E PAIR OF ENGLISH MIRRORS IN CARVED, PAINTED ca : PARCEL-GILT FRAMES 3 Each has the royal crown at the top, flanked by lion and unicorn sUD- . porters; cartouches below with the letters ‘““W” and “M” respectively. Frames bordered with the Tudor Rose and the Fleur-de-lys ea nately, with the royal motto of England below on one, “DIEU ET — MON Dror”, and “JE MAINTIENDRAY” on the other. (2) = Probably made for Hampton Court Palace. a Height, 8 feet 2 inches; width, 5 feet 5 cichae a size of glass, 52 x 41 inches | a GEORGE III PEWTER SERVICE OF TWENTY-NINE PIECES ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 Consisting of five circular dishes in graduated sizes and twenty-four iz circular plates, some with fine marks. (29) 4 From the Collection of Colonel H. C. Norris, Swalclines Park, Ban- bury, and Trinity Gardens, Folkestone, England, 1916. FINE GEORGE II PEWTER ALMS DISH ENGLISH, DATED 1785 Circular; engraved with scrolls, and in the centre with a representa- tion of an archery contest. Dated 1785. Diameter, 13 inches - 128 Df 4 a d, id ; . 14 , : i= 417 EIGHTEENTH CENTURY CIRCULAR PEWTER WALL PLAQUE 418 419 420 421 ITALIAN, CIRCA 1750 Plain rim; the centre embossed in high relief with a group of amorini with musical instruments. Diameter, 11 inches FINE COMMONWEALTH PEWTER WINE TASTER ENGLISH, CIRCA 1650 With circular bowl and finely carved and pierced “ear”. Marks “D. C.” in ear and another in base. A fine piece. FINE COMMONWEALTH PEWTER SPOON ENGLISH, CIRCA 1650 Circular bowl; pied-de-biche handle, embossed with scrolls and a dancing female figure. Good mark. A rare piece. PAIR OF GEORGE II PEWTER WINE CUPS. ENGLISH, CIRCA 1750 On circular foot, with knopped stem; the whole moulded in vertical flutes. (2) } From the Collection of the Right Hon. Lord Bolton, Bolton Hall, Ley- burn, Yorkshire, England. : Height, 7 inches COMMONWEALTH LARGE CIRCULAR PEWTER ALMS DISH ENGLISH, CIRCA 1650 With flat rim, edged with a double engraved line; fine marks on top of rim. From the Collection of the Right Hon. Lord Bolton, Bolton Hall, Ley- burn, Yorkshire. Diameter, 17 inches 129 INF FAK VB PEK INE ERRARERE REA [NUMBER 422] 422 QUEEN ANNE NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER ENGLISH, CIRCA 1701 In colored silks sewn with rows of conventional trefoil, rose, carna- tion and tulip, with acorn patterns divided by narrow ornamental bands with broader divisions of more intricate floral patterns, the last having a pineapple motif followed by an inscription: “ELIZA- BETH SEARLES, LOOK WELL TO WHAT YOU TAKE IN HAND FOR LARNING IS BETTER THAN HOUSE OR LAND WHEN LAND IS GONE AND MONEY IS SPENT THEN LARNING IS MOST EXCELLENT. July the 1, 1701 aged 15 years. IH ES £ES.”’—under floral and heart devices: Height, 26 inches; width, 634, inches 130 423 GEORGE I SAMPLER ENGLISH, DATED 1720 Worked with floral designs, alphabet, imames, numerals, and two _ poems. Dated 1720. 424 425 — 426 427 GEORGE II NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER ENGLISH, DATED 1742 _ In colored silks, with floral sprays, birds, arabesques, and the alpha- bet and the Lord’s Prayer. Dated 1742. Size, 1814 x 814 inches EARLY GEORGE II NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER ENGLISH, DATED 1730 With the alphabet repeated four times, a prayer, birds, animals, flow- ers, etc., and “Sarah Watson her work done on the 14th day of May, 1730”. EARLY VICTORIAN NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER oe) — . ENGLISH, DATED 1843 With verse, vases of flowers, a mansion, the alphabet, and “Matilda Peel worked this sampler in the year 1843 aged 13”. The verse reads: “When I was young I little thought That learning was so dearly bought But now look here and you will see What care my parents took of me.” PAIR OF JAMES II GROS-POINT NEEDLEWORK COVERS FOR CHAIR SEATS ENGLISH, CIRCA 1688 Designed with a mound from which rises a tree ending in a central rose and throwing off branches of flowers and foliage in the manner of Jacobean embroidery, in various colors on a white ground, en- closed in a crimson border, decorated with undulating stems bearing’ various flowers. The pattern is indicated in the corners, but not worked. Size, 2 feet square 131 428 429 430 431 432 433 CHARLES II STUMPWORK PANEL. ENGLISH, CIRCA 1670 Worked in looped purl, long and short stitch, knots, and a great 3 variety of lace stitches, representing a blue pavilion in which a King | and Queen are standing, hand in hand. She wears a richly embroid- — ered dress of floral pattern, and in her left hand carries a bouquet — of flowers in lace stitches. Above are clouds and a sun, rayed and — featured. A tree bearing acorns and pears is on the left; on the | right, a palace. Behind the Queen stands a maid holding her train. The King is attended by a page. Below is a fish pond, flanked by a lion and a stag. On the ground between are a cock and a parrot, butterflies, a beetle, snail, flies, sprays of apple, carnation, ‘alia rose and other flowers. Height, 14 inches; width, 18 inches : ay ae ae ie EARLY GEORGE III CHASED SILVER BEAKER _ =a ENGLISH, DATED 1770 — Three-quarter spiral fluted, the upper part with a rope-pattern band. | Dated 1770. Height, 6 inches. Weight about 7 ouneoa | - EARLY GEORGE III CHASED SILVER BEAKER ENGLISH, DATED 1773. Nearly matching the preceding. Dated 1773. | a Height, 6 inches. Weight about 7 ounces 4 PAIR OF GEORGE III SILVER SAUCE TUREENS WITH COVERS ENGLISH, 1798 Oblong, with open reeded handles and four lion-paw and acanthus feet. Borders chased with gadroon and acanthus ornament. Hall marks of 1798 on base. Very fine. (4) a Length, 8 inches. Weight about 65 ounces SHEFFIELD PLATE FOUR-LIGHT CANDELABRUM Nearly similar to the preceding. (One branch needs repairing) a Height, 21 inches PAIR OF SHEFFIELD PLATE OVAL SAUCE TUREENS a With chased gadroon borders; open handles and lion-mask and paw a supports. Domed covers. (2) Width, 9 inches 132 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 SET OF FOUR GEORGE III EMBOSSED SILVER SPOONS IN CASE The silver-gilt bowls decorated with pineapple and pomegranates. The stems engraved. In brown leather case. (4) Weight about 7 ounces SET OF THREE SILVER-PLATED OVAL DISH COVERS Engraved with festoons of flowers, the borders beaded. Mono- grammed. Reeded open handles. By Elkington, London. (3) Width, 12, 14 and 20 inches SILVER TABLE BELL AND SUGAR BOWL ' Table bell of attractive form. Sugar bowl with cut-glass liner. (2) CHARLES I CIRCULAR PEWTER SALVER_ ENGLISH, CIRCA 1640 With moulded rim; decorated with a conventional tulip and leaves in dotted engraving. Fine marks. (As is) Diameter, 8 inches PAIR OF STANDARD LAMPS ENGLISH, 19TH CENTURY Adapted for electric light. Plain columns with circular base; tele- scopic shafts. (2) Maximum height, 72 inches LACQUERED BLACK AND GOLD TWO-BOX TEA CADDY ENGLISH, LATE 18TH CENTURY With brass feet. JAPANNED BLACK AND GOLD TEAPOT ENGLISH, LATE 18TH CENTURY JAPANNED BLACK AND GOLD EGG BOILER ENGLISH, LATE 18TH CENTURY PAIR OF BRASS TABLE OIL LAMPS ENGLISH, 19TH CENTURY Adapted for electric light. Fluted columns with Corinthian capitals; bases with small feet at corners. (2) Height, 29 inches 133 443 444 ENGLISH PAINTED AND DECORATED SIDE TABLE - SHOWING DETAIL OF TOP [NUMBER 443] GEORGE III PAINTED AND DECORATED SIDE TABLE ' ENGLISH, CIRCA 1800 Bow front and concave sides; turned legs with reeded collars; all painted with floral designs in gold on black. Top with reeded and gilt edge; decorated with oval panels of satinwood and band of rose- wood, all finely painted with basket and sprays of flowers. High quality. Height, 32 inches; width, 82 inches; depth, 2314 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATIONS ] PAIR OF GEORGE III TALL PEDESTALS ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 Square-tapered; carved wood, finished in white and gold. (2) Height, 59 inches; size of top. 12 inches square 134 oa ONE OF A SET OF SIX MAHOGANY CHIPPENDALE CHAIRS [NUMBER 445] 445 SET OF SIX MAHOGANY CHIPPENDALE CHAIRS ENGLISH, CIRCA 1760 Interlaced splats; cabriole legs with scrolled feet; backs with applied carved ornament of boxwood. JDrop-in seats covered with old morocco leather. (6) From Wardour Castle, Wiltshire, England. From the Collection of James Orrock, Esq., R.I. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 135 446 LARGE ANTIQUE GHIORDES RUG — 447 448 449 This rug, about 100 years old, shows a central ex teen with floral | motifs and central turquoise cartouche on mulberry-red. The field ‘ of the rug with small all-over design of repeated floral twig motifs, : Three borders of typical Ghiordes character. (Slight traces of wear) Size, 14 feet Xerces Bae 9 inches a vi - ia i WILLIAM AND MARY MARQUETERIE CHEST OF DRAWERS — a ENGLISH, CIRCA 1690 : Two long and three short drawers. Veneered with burred elm, with | . sand-burnt laurelled bandings and inlaid with fine scrolled mar- ) queterie in panels. The sides have been cut across. Brass handles- ae and escutcheons. wes Height, 38 inches; width, 39 inches; denen 23 inches ie oe FIVE PIECES OF CARVED SOAPSTONE CHINESE, CIRCA 1780 (a) Figure of Kylin, wtih young kylin and ball. Oblong base. : Height, 234 inches :, (6) Cow with monkey on its back. Height, 234, inches - (c) Pair of Kylins, on square pedestals. Height, 2, inches (d) Group of three bearded figures, mounted on black rock-like _ a base. (Defective) Height over all, 10 incheai . PAIR OF EARLY GEORGE III CARVED AND GILT MIRRORS | ENGLISH, CIRCA 1760 With scroll pediments centering in lion-masks; running scroll bor- ders; shells at corners. (2) From the Hamilton Palace Sale. Height, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 5 feet 2 inches; size of glass, 6 feet 11 inches x 4714 inches 136 FINE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH MAHOGANY TABLE THREE EIGHT-DAY STRIKING BRACKET CLOCKS [NUMBERS 450-453 ] 450 EARLY GEORGE HI MAHOGANY SIDE TABLE 451 ENGLISH, CIRCA 1730 Solid mahogany top; key-pattern frieze and scrolled and truss-shaped coupled legs, carved with masks and husks below. Height, 33 inches; width, 6514 inches; depth, 33 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | EIGHT-DAY STRIKING CLOCK BY JOHN FINNEY, DUBLIN IRISH, CIRCA 1760 Arch-dial; phases of the moon with revolving pointer in arch; engraved back-plate; anchor escapement with disc pendulum and engraved cock behind suspension. Ebony case with silver handle and pinnacles. Total height, 20 inches; size of dial, 8 x 11 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 137 452 453 454 455 456 EIGHT-DAY STRIKING BRACKET BY ROBERT WOOD (4 Hartley Place, Kent Road, London, S. E.) | ENGLISH, CIRCA 1830 Circular painted boom dial, with brass bezel and domed glass; strike- silent; milled adjustment to pendulum. Mahogany case with pierced brass spandrel and side panels, brass ball spires and ball feet. Quar- ter fluted columns in angles, with brass caps and bases. Total height, 26 inches; diameter of dial, 9 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 137] EIGHT-DAY STRIKING CLOCK BY JAMES BURTON (Lincoln’s Inn—Carey Street—London) ENGLISH, CIRCA 1810 Circular painted boom dial with brass bezel and fretted spandrel ; pierced brass panels at sides with silk behind. Engraved border to back-plate. Mahogany case, broken arch type, with brass handle. Total height over handle, 1614 inches; diameter of dial, 814, inches — a [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 137] GEORGE II ROSEWOOD SWING TOILET MIRROR =| ENGLISH, CIRCA 1795. On box plateau, with side opening box flaps; four boxes with lids and numerous partitions inside. Banded with satinwood and edged with boxwood lines. Width, 24 inches; size of glass, 1914 x 1334, inches — a GEORGE III CARVED MAHOGANY WARDROBE rs: ENGLISH, LATE 18TH CENTURY The frieze carved with anthemion decoration; door panels with vases and scrolls, the sides with female busts, rosettes and laurel wreaths; 3 interior fitted with twenty drawers with brass handles; two doors each with three panels. Break-front carved cornice with architec- tural detail. From Cornelia, Countess of Craven, Coombe Abbey, Coventry, Eng- land. Height, 9 feet; width, 6 feet; depth, 3114 inches Companion to the following wardrobe. [SEE ILLUSTRATION] GEORGE III CARVED MAHOGANY WARDROBE ENGLISH, LATE 18TH CENTURY Similar to the preceding, but fitted with ten sliding trays. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 138 —_ } | ONE OF A PAIR OF FINEST QUALITY ENGLISH MAHOGANY WARDROBES OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY [NUMBERS 455 AND 456] ENGLISH EIGHTEENTH CENTURY PAINTED AND GILT TABLE [NUMBER 457] 457 GEORGE III CARVED, PAINTED AND GILT OVAL TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1785 Style and period of Cipriani. The top with an oval painted with three girls and a boy in a garden, entitled “The Bird’s Nest’. Raised > lipping to top, carved on edge with running scroll decoration and small “strap-leaf”’ below. On four turned and tapered legs with fluted shafts and carved water-leaf; cross stretcher. From the Collection of the late Captain Herbert Wilson, D.S.O. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 140 458 459 460 461 462 EARLY GEORGE III CARVED AND GILT CONSOLE TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1770 Frieze with two panels with pearled framing, flanking a central panel with broad guilloche and rosetted centres; coupled legs with rams’ heads and laurel swags; paw feet. White marble top, with border of Siena marble inlaid. Height, 3744 inches; width, 57 inches; depth, 1614 inches SHERATON SATINWOOD MARQUETERIE SECRETAIRE- CABINET ENGLISH, CIRCA 1800 Banded with tulipwood; upper part with small beaded cornice; two doors inlaid with oval panels of brown ebony with classical figures in engraved marqueterie; one shelf behind. Fall-front writing bed on quadrants lined with leather; central cupboard; eight drawers and four pigeonholes behind. Three drawers below, banded with tulipwood and edges beaded, with octagonal brass handles; splay feet and cut-out bracket plinth. Height, 6034, inches; width, 3234, inches; depth, 201% inches GEORGE III SATINWOOD MARQUETERIE SEMICIRCULAR SIDE TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 With plane-tree frieze and broad band round the top, all inlaid with floral marqueterie; square tapered legs; edge of top banded with kingwood. Height, 32 inches; width, 48 inches; depth, 1814 inches Companion to the following table. GEORGE III SATINWOOD MARQUETERIE SEMICIRCULAR SIDE TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 Companion to the preceding. QUEEN ANNE NEEDLEWORK CARPET ENGLISH, CIRCA 1710 A carpet worked entirely in gros-point, the ground a deep grey, the centre and border worked in a floral design. Carpets in English needlework are rare. Size, 9 feet 6 inches x 8 feet 141 463 464 465 466 SENNA RUG NORTH-WESTERN PERSIA | 4 1 Extremely fine knotting. Centre field with all-over design of rows | of small Cashmere palmettes intermingled with floral twigs in sub- dued vermilion, light blue and yellow on blackish indigo-blue. Size, 6 feet 5 inches x 4 feet 6 inches - , INDIAN SILK RUG _ 18TH CENTURY Indian silk rugs are rare. A gorgeous example is reproduced in Martin, “Oriental Carpets”. The present rug has an all-over design : Be of old-gold star flowers set in pale tan field and encircled by blue stems forming lozenges. Three borders, the main one of undulated a vines on old gold. An unusual specimen. (As is) a | Size, 7 feet 2 inches x 37 inches q ~ er IMPORTANT “FIGURE” CARPET ASIA MINOR, 18TH CENTURY Greenish-brown ground, with a central diamond-shaped ornament containing a red medallion with blue frame from which emerge four — stems and spirals on a yellow-red ground with undulating band of red and white. Behind are four trees in blue with three branches. The ~~ border is of irregular form, bands of red and yellow with red volutes — a and blue fruit. In the angles are quarter repetitions of the centre, : and in the field between, isolated grotesque figures of men and ani- ~ mals in brilliant colors are set. 3 Size, 20 feet 6 inches x 14 feet 10 inches roe UPRIGHT SIX-AND-A-HALF OCTAVE PIANOFORTE BY JOHN BROADWOOD & SONS, LONDON, WITH PAINTINGS BY SIR LAURENCE ALMA-TADEMA In a case of pine, with interlaced and fretted front panel. Under the top lid is painted a musical stave with the words of the earliest Eng- lish song, “Sumer is icumen in”, and ine inside of the fall is painted with figures, the whole being the work of the late Sir Laurence Alma- Tadema, to whom the instrument originally belonged. On either side is a cloisonné pricket candlestick. Included in this lot is the Chinese back-cloth of fine silk embroidered in colors. From the Sir Laurence Alma-Tadema Sale. 142 — ee 467 468 469 470 A471 A472 473 TWO CHARLES I SLIP END PEWTER SPOONS ENGLISH, CIRCA 1640 One with oval bowl, the other with circular bowl; good marks. Rare pieces. (2) Length, 6 and 71% inches GEORGE II LARGE CIRCULAR PEWTER PLATTER ENGLISH, CIRCA 1740 With sunken centre and moulded edge; five sets of initials on rim. Made by “Richard King in London”. Diameter, 15 inches FINE GEORGE II PEWTER TANKARD ENGLISH, CIRCA 1750 Cylinder shape, on rim foot; plain scroll handle, with urn-shaped thumb-piece. Engraved on front of body with Freemason’s signs and the initials “R. B.” Mark on base inside. From the Collection of the Right Hon. Lord Bolton, Bolton Hall, Ley- burn, Yorkshire, England. Height, 10 inches FOUR GEORGE III PIECES OF PEWTER __ ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 (a) Mustard pot, with gadroon decoration, scroll handle and hinged lid, on four paw feet; (b) Circular saltcellar, on three paw feet; (c) Muffineer, on circular foot; (d) Miniature tankard, with scroll handle. (4)- WILLIAM III PEWTER BEAKER ENGLISH, CIRCA 1700 On narrow rim foot, with band of reeded decoration round base. Fine mark. Height, 314 inches (a) GEORGE III PEWTER CREAM JUG ENGLISH, CIRCA 1800 With gadroon edge; on four ball feet. (b) GEORGE Iil PEWTER TANKARD ENGLISH, CIRCA 1800 Engraved circular body, with monogram “M. R. M.’’; loop handle and circular foot. (2) FOUR GEORGIAN PIECES OF PEWTER ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY (a) Circular saltcellar on three lion-mask and paw feet; (b) Cir- cular saltcellar on rim foot; (c) Small muffineer ; (d) Wine taster. (4) 143 CHARLES I NEEDLEWORK PICTURE [NUMBER 474] 474 CHARLES I EMBROIDERY PANEL ENGLISH, CIRCA 1635 In petit-point, several lace stitches, purl and a satin stitch; represent- ing the Finding of Moses, who is drawn from the water, in which are ducks and water plants. To the left, under a pear tree, appears the daughter of Pharaoh, behind her a stag, and in front two ladies of her court. In the upper part are a castle and house, the sun coming through a cloud; the middle distance is undulating ground with an oak tree, tulip, foxglove, strawberry, pansy and other flowers, a rab- bit, a parrot on an apple-tree stump, butterfly, snail, bee and cater- pillar. Height, 10 inches; width, 13 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 144 475 476 ATT A78 479 480 481 LARGE ENGLISH HAND-KNOTTED CARPET Oval centre field with Empire rosettes, acanthus motif , flower bouquets, etc. on deep mulberry; surrounded by broad frie of poly- chromed floral hangings on same ground. Laurel wreath order in old gold tones. Corner motifs of Empire wreaths and acanthus scrolls on ivory-white. Size, 30 feet x 14 feet 9 inches GEORGE III NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER ENGLISH, DATED 1802 In pale colors with emblems, inscriptions and sprays of flowers. Dated 1802. Size, 25 x 26 inches SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN EMBROIDERED STOLE CIRCA 1690 Embroidered with flowers and arabesques in colored silks and gold and silver thread. TWENTY SHELL-PATTERN SILVER-PLATED TABLESPOONS Handsome shell and threaded stems and bowls. By Elkington, Lon- don. (20) TWENTY-ONE SHELL-PATTERN SILVER-PLATED TABLE- SPOONS Matching the preceding. (21) TWENTY-EIGHT SHELL-PATTERN SILVER-PLATED TEA- SPOONS Matching the preceding. (28) TWENTY-EIGHT SHELL-PATTERN SILVER-PLATED TEA- SPOONS Matching the preceding. (28) 145 482 483 484 485 Chased with drapery festoons depending from ribbon ties; also oe fluted, the cover with acorn knob. Dated 1770: Fy .- GEORGE III SILVER SUGAR BASIN WITH COVER ; ENGLISH, DATED 1770 “Cerne piece, vase vchape: ite domed cover and square foot. % Height, 7 inches. Weight about ab ounces a ae SET OF EIGHT SILVER BOAT-SHAPED SALTCELLARS AND — SPOONS | as a Hall-marked English silver. In two velvet-lined cases. — (16) wy PAIR OF SHEFFIELD PLATE THREE-LIGHT CANDELABRA With square tapered stems, entwined branches and urn nozzles. (2) Height, 18 inches GEORGE II MAHOGANY OPEN NICHE CABINET ENGLISH, CIRCA 1725 Of architectural form; arch with mask keystone; shell top veneered with radiating segments, and open shaped shelves below. Classical cornice with medallions; fluted three-quarter columns at sides, with carved Corinthian capitals and bases; slide and two small drawers under ; two long drawers between bases of columns, inlaid with brass stringing. This cupboard has a finished and polished back, and has been made to stand in the middle of a room. Height, 8 feet 6 inches; width, 4 feet 6 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 146 ae ik POOR A etna ninnninney oma net “ FINE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH MAHOGANY ARCHITECTURAL CABINET [NUMBER 485] _ SET OF FIVE TAPESTRY PANELS WOVEN AT THE ROYAL MANUFACTORY OF FELLETIN, FRANCE, CIRCA 1740 NUMBERS 486-490 Representing hunting scenes, in a border of mouldings -simulating wood — Pe carved and gilt, the larger member bound diagonally with blue ribbons | crossed at the angles. Blue selvedge in imitation of that used in the Aubus-— , son tapestries. - oy “ 486 THE STAG HUNT FELLETIN, FRANCE, CIRCA 1740 The stag, bounding towards the right after goring a dog and closely followed by three others, is attacked with a lance by a hunter on a foot, while a mounted huntsman waits the result with his couteau- de-chasse drawn ready to administer the coup-de-grace. Sounding his horn, a third bounds along on foot, his spear held in his outstretched am right hand. Following him come the Lord and Lady of the Hunt, _ the former carrying an unhooded falcon, the latter with a servant who holds two hounds in leash at her horse’s bridle. A cavalier in a a scarlet coat appears behind. The foreground consists of water, a plants and grass; in the middle distance a stream, bridge and trees, — 3 with a chateau beyond. Large trees spread across the sky, while 4 on the right is a vine. Marks, “M. R. DE F.” (Manufacture Royale A de Felletin). Height, 8 feet 714 inches; width, 16 feet [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 148 ss I ee ve an 7 ee a ee YO tine a a heen» mane woe pred eT é a Xo yy ages Si ow . (i la iaasooi Sg Seccecmc, “eteaeutes Jpatiicees “omar emma ONE OF A HIGHLY IMPORTANT SET OF EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FELLETIN TAPESTRY PANELS [NUMBER 486] J cee eee Cg wee 6 eae el PS ae oe ~ 7 se ae el ¥} vent ; m7 - ml Ay - “i oe iil, ee ae ue eal ; mi ‘ . * , oe ate ‘ 487 sword ahaa nN companion n wearing a feathers 4 I ing his weapon approaches from the right. | Se trees of large foliage; in the distance a chateau Marks, “M. R.” Height, 8 feet 5 inches; wid [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 150 - , Me iis Oe i i ah el “* ap ~~ ee ee ‘ sot ity be eB ~ Ww Pe _ = +. 2S Pe wee Sacer ae iF etree aS “ ERE PORE GS ONE OF A HIGHLY IMPORTANT SET OF EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FELLETIN TAPESTRY PANELS [NUMBER 487] his. back to its breast. SN Laon in “front Dites a er ‘while a second attacks from the rear. The beast’s 7 diverted by two hunters on horseback at the right; on a back, while the other thrusts at it with a sword “Marks, “M.R.F.” — Height, 8 feet 6 inches; width, 6 [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 152 gg i ae oc mae eg > abe 4 og Aig mE ees ki : ag ea waif Sere ONE OF A SET OF HIGHLY IMPORTANT EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FELLETIN TAPESTRY PANELS [NUMBER 488] 489 ENTRE-FENETRE TAPESTRY PANEL | FELLETIN, ‘FRANCE, CIRCA 1140 Towards the right a gentleman, wearing a black three-cornered hat, — white bow, golden-brown coat, blue breeches, grey gaiters and browel 4 and red shoes, leads a donkey decorated with cockades on head and | ee breast, in a landscape with trees and foliage spreading over the sky. z ‘ The border is complete on three sides. Marks, “M. Re ue ee Height, 8 feet 5 inches; width, ei feet 3 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 490 ENTRE-FENETRE TAPESTRY PANEL FELLETIN, FRANCE, CIRCA 1740 Companion panel to the preceding. A gentleman in golden-brown coat and waistcoat shaded with crimson, and dark brown hat, blue breeches and grey gaiters, accompanied by a dog, is holding a pair of reins in a landscape with a stream and water plants in the foreground, and a tree growing from a mound in the distance. Height, 8 feet 5 inches; width, 3 feet 2 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 154 as, i = nis TWO OF A SET OF FIVE HIGHLY IMPORTANT EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FELLETIN TAPESTRY PANELS ' [NUMBERS 489 AND 490] 491 RARE AND IMPORTANT OLD IRISH HAND-TUFTED on , SIGNED “ANDERSON, STANFORD & RIDGEWAY, DUBLIN” - “CIRCA 1790 | iain green anne upon which is a diaper of white octagonal stars - alternating with others having a white isolated outline. Inthe centre, a rosette of eight leaves, with under leaves, enclosing another in a white and grey and having four pairs of leaves outside, the whole “al enclosed in a nearly complete band of acanthus foliation of quatrefoil ies’ . shape, resting on an octofoil of alternate radiating and acanthus a leaves in yellow shaded with red on a deep pink ground. Outside is a circle of linked acanthus leaves and winged terminal figures hold- ing cymbals in grey and white, between which are acanthus plants : in yellow and red. The border is deep pink, upon which are circular laurel wreaths tied with ribbons, enclosing a stand filled with fruit: “ae upon a darker background, with alternative anthemions, acanthus Ss leaves, volutes, flowers and fruit in grey and white. The outside band — Sy is decorated with yellow semicircles containing yellow and red orna- _ e ment on a brown ground. Signed “Anderson, Stanford & Ridgeway, : a Dublin”. Height, 19 feet 6 inches; width, 14 feet 6 inches a [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 156 DK ros IL. ~ SIGNED EIGHTEENTH CENTURY IRISH CARPET OF THE UTMOST RARITY AND IMPORTANCE [NUMBER 491] 492 493 ul con§ 3 . ay, my oi at ov . 1 > . eg 7 Pe i RARE AND IMPORTANT OLD IRISH HAND-TUFTED CARPET CIRCA 1790 4 With central rosette in grey and white with radiating golden leaves, J and stems of anthemion and quatrefoils ornament; enclosed in a shaped panel with concave sides, from which festoons and baskets 4 . of fruit are hung. In the spandrels are figures bearing flowers and — fruit in grey, orange, yellow and brown, seated amidst acanthus — growths; in green surround, with female figures holding palms and | a acanthus foliation, and outer border of deep pink ground with fig- 7 ures of cupid holding arrows amidst acanthus foliation, and lions — ending in acanthus foliage from other ornament. / From the Collection of Sir Ralph Coote, Bart., Deer Park, Mount- \ RARE AND IMPORTANT OLD IRISH HAND-TUFTED CARPET CIRCA 1790 . me. + A" e d a rath, Ireland. Height, 20 feet 6 inches; width, 15 feet 1 inch ss Green ground, a rosette in the centre with wreaths of flowers and fruit and panels arranged in the shape of a Maltese cross enclosing fig- ures of Fame with trumpet, acanthus stems, foliage and volutes in — grey, white, yellow and red on a pink ground, with wreaths of flow- ~ ers and laurel between. In the outer border of deep pink ground © 4 are cupids, medallions containing quatrefoils, wreaths and festoons of flowers and fruit. From the Collection of Sir Ralph Coote, Bart., Deer Park, Mount- rath, Ireland. Size, 22 feet 9 inches x 21 feet 4 inches — This ectalogue designed by The A ene Galleries Composition and press-work by Publishers Printing Company, New York a) tee ee ee e > 2a a _ vs pi = = SH INSTITL 1 van Wa 1 he ered Bali Wah ag Weal Fark 7 8 oat tq teh NF a ie Be, aN = i WPeSyS i, Age Wee WEEE % WiaE Sry ky ied BAVA Fry ba = ety Wea hy Wg a -F) aeays ane Dp) aL MHA: pee UAT 9 Ha ce A SSA BUSS AV ey ay te ; aby See tc CVPR NEN Peis, oH aCe eas Wages rest tec Wah ag a ed OTR at all ty Ne AD A Hy) 4 4, a as tah ti ios ane Bie Be rs wey a ay : . Koa Wes, Re 4 we ti me tr) a ay 4 ua y He * i Ha ine PARA ; Cece Y Weyeys ; Nagas Wane Ma Aee vie yy i Rae ae ee si Ase fing : we \ y aL 4 Webrola a ite ay