CATALOG of PAINTINGS IN he E. B. CROCKER ART GALLERY a OWNED BY THE CITY OF SACRAMENTO CALIFORNIA 1928 ScomPiveD BY MER S.A L. DOYLE JAN 31 1930 STATUARY MAIN FLOOR Property of the California Museum Association PRESENTED BY DAVID LUBIN No. 1 George Washington No. 2. America (original creation by Rominella) No. 3 Venus at the Bath (replica from the Vatican) No. 4 Diana No. 5 Apollo PRESENTED BY MRS. MARGARET E. CROCKER No. 6 Rebecca at the Well No. 7 = Cupid and Psyche (medallion) PRESENTED BY MR. AND MRS. H. WEINSTOCK No. 8 _ The Wrestlers (replica) Fernando Vichi Florence PRESENTED BY MRS. PAULINE DOHRMAN No. 9 Love Nest PRESENTED BY MRS. JENNIE CROCKER FASSETT No. 10. The Dancers (by L. Gregoire) No. |]. The Lost Pleiad (by Randolph Rogers) No. 12. Nydia the Blind Girl (by Randolph Rogers) No. 13. Faust’s Marguerite (by L. Gregoire) . THIS IS A RENTED CATALOGUE TO BE RETURNED TO OFFICE PAINTINGS eo Chinas. Star (*) indicates Old Masters 1 Rembrandt, Van Rhyn (after) Rembrandt’s Daughter The original is in the Dresden Gallery. 2* Pannini, Cav. Giovanni Paolo Roman School Ruins of the Arch of Titus in Rome Born at Piacenza in 1691, Pannini went at an early age to Rome, where he studied perspective under Pietre Luca- telli, and applied himself in designing the monuments of ancient architecture in the vicinity of that capital. He died at Rome in 1764. Berrarper, |. F. EL. View of Carlsbad 4 Dietrich, C. W. E. German School Portrait Christian William Ernst Dietrich was born at Weimar in 1712 and died at Dresden in 1774. ) erieinz, J. (after) Lot and His Daughters Original in the Dresden Gallery. 6* Carracci, Lodovico Bolognese School Christ and the Samaritan Woman Represents the well-known scene at Jacob’s Well. Luke IV, v. N-26. A scholar of Fontana and Tintoretto, Lodovico _ Carracci became the founder of the most important of the Eclectic Schools of Bologna. His style has been considered by several of the best judges of the art, as that which approaches nearest perfection. He was born at Bologna in 1558, and died in 1619. 4 CROCKER ART GALLERY 7 Poussin, Nicholas French School Landscape Near Rome Poussin, a leading master of the French School of Art, is celebrated for his landscapes with scriptural and classical figures. He was born at Andely, in Normandy, in 1594, and died at Rome in 1665, at the advanced age of seventy-one. 8* Potter, Paul (1625-1654) Dutch School Landscape with Animals 9 Hemskerk, Egbert, The Younger Dutch School Portrait This artist was born at Harlem in 1645, and is said to have been a scholar of Peter Grebber. He painted scenes of drunken revelry with considerable humor, and sometimes represented incantations, spectres and similar subjects with ready invention and ingenuity. He was well patronized in England, and died in London in 1704. 10 Beerstraten, T. Van Dutch School Winter Landscape in Holland 11 Beerestraten, A. Van Dutch School A Castle in Holland The works of Beerestraten are very scarce. Some of his best, representing views of Dutch and Italian seaports, are in the Museum at Antwerp and the Gallery at Dresden. 12 Ruysdael, Jacob Dutch School Waterfall This artist, justly considered one of the most eminent landscape painters of the Dutch School, was born at Harlem about 1636, and is said to have received his earliest instruc- tion from Nicholas Berghem. He died at Harlem in 1681. 13 Van Hamme, A. Brussels The Fair Musician SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 5 14 Reinhold, Bernhard Dresden Young Mason Eating His Dinner 15 Berghem, Nicholas (1624-1683) = Dutch School Landscape With Cattle and Sheep 16 Heimerdinger, Frederick Hamburg The Hunter’s Cabin 17 Muller, Moritz Munich Returning Home 18 Boccalino, Antonio Italian Architectural Ruins in Rome Pe paer, Prof. Dresden The Anabaptists In front of his dwelling, in Munster, Johann von Leyden is baptizing the daughter of his prophet, Dusentschuer, whom he afterwards married. On his left stand his co-regents: Rollman, the priest, holding the book, ‘de libertate Chris- tiana,” under his arm, and Knipperdolling, in executioner’s garb, with sword. Behind these appear two of his twelve dukes, the co-regents of the world. In the foreground, a kneeling monk, seized with fanaticism, is pressing forward to the anabaptism. In obedience to the king’s command, that all gold and silver is to be delivered up to him, a maiden is bringing her trinkets and valuables to lay at the sovereign’s feet. Attired in her white baptismal robes, Dusentschuer’s daughter, the picture of innocence and devotion, kneels before Johann, and receives upon her bowed head the water of anabaptism. The boy, holding the vessel of water, was a natural son of the Bishop of Munster, and in his captivity served as page to the king. His garments are blue and brown, to typify that his king is Lord of Heaven and Earth. Behind the maiden kneels Dusentschuer, the second John the Baptist. Instead of a sheepskin, a wolfskin covers his shoul- ders, and on his banner is inscribed the sanguinary motto of the Anabaptists: ‘dat Kort is Flesch worden.” By his side appears Hilla, the new Judith, in a state of ecstasy. Behind her follows groups of the people, representing Stupidity, 6 CROCKER ART GALLERY Remorse, Indolence, and Anguish of Mind. Armed men mingle in the crowd, for the protection of the newly estab- lished Zion. Albot, Burgomaster of Munster, and his wife, both heartily grieved at the new regime of the fanatics, are seen at the window immediately overlooking this scene. The Ludgheri Church is visible in the background, but as if to carry out the words of Scripture, that whatsoever exalteth itself shall be humbled, its spire is broken. Pictures and books are being burned in the square in front of the church, for New Zion has her King and her Prophets. The above description of the painting—“The Anabap- tists”’—was written by the poet, Julius Mosen. 20 Meissner, Ernst Munich Cattle and Sheep 21 Seydel, Ed Dresden Sad Intelligence 22 Von Oer, Theobald Dresden Flight of Maria D’Este, Queen of James II of England, from Whitehall “Maria Beatrice d’Este, Princess of Modena, was only fifteen years old, and remarkably beautiful, when married to James II, then old enough to be her grandfather, and was to him through all the troubles and vicissitudes of her later fortunes, the most tender and devoted wife.” - This beautiful picture represents her flight from White- hall with her infant son on the night of December 13th, 1688. But a small group of trusty adherents are present to witness the sad scene. Supported by the hand of the French Duc de Lauzun, the Queen is about to step into the open boat, but turns her beautiful face to look a last farewell upon the palace that will henceforth know her sweet presence no more. The royal babe is borne behind her, and leaning against a pillar, the “ancient servitor”’ covers his face. 23: Pra The Students 24 Ejibner, L. Freiburg Cathedral SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA i's 25 Van De Velde, William Dutch School Marine Born at Amsterdam in 1633 and died in 1707. 26* Cranach, Lucas (1472-1553) German School St. Jerome 27 Ostade, Adrian Van (1610-1685) | Dutch School Inn Scene 28 ‘Teniers, David, The Elder (1582-1649) Flemish School The Surgical Operation 29* Carracci, Lodovico (1555-1619) Bolognese School Madonna and Child 30 Wichmann, A. F. G. (after) Titian’s Pleasure Party 31 Van Oer, Theobald | Dresden Presentation of Merino Sheep to the Elector of Saxony by the Spanish Ambassador 32 ‘Titian, Vecelli (after) Flora 33 Vollmar, L. Munich Half Frightened, Half Pleased 34 Muhlig, M. Dresden Soldiers in Quarters 35 Breughel, Peter, The Elder Dutch School The Blind Hurdy Gurdy Player Peter, or as he was frequently called, Peasant Breughel, was born near Breda about 1510, and died at Antwerp in 1569. He chose the various forms of peasant life as the chief subjects of his art. § CROCKER ART GALLERY 36 Wyck, Thomas Flemish School The Dentist Thomas Wyck was born at Harlem in 1616. He excelled in painting small figures, shipping, the interiors of chemists’ laboratories, ete. ‘His pictures are well composed, his color- ing warm and transparent, and his pencil bold and free.” He died in 1686. 37° De-Cawer iz, Ghent Terrier and Puppies 38 Ebel, F. German Landscape 39 Cignani (after) Victory Over Sensuality The original picture, by the master hand of Carlo Cignani (1628-1719), adorns the walls of the Dresden Gallery. 40 Schaumann, H. Circus Life 41 Mengs, Cav. Antonio Rafaelle German Portrait of a Nobleman 42 Quellinus, Erasmus (1609-1678) Flemish School Charity 43* Lorraine, Claude French School Landscape Claude Gelee, called Lorraine, was born at Champagne, in Lorraine, in the year 1600, and died at Rome, November 21st, 1682. The Prince of Landscape Painters “‘presents to the beholder such an infinity of objects, and conveys him over such a ‘variety of hill and dale, and misty mountains,’ that the eye may be said to be constrained as it wanders, to repose itself on the way.” 44. Wichmann, A. F. G. Dresden Madonna and Child SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 9 45 Snyders, Francis Flemish School Still Life This distinguished artist, who was born at Antwerp in 1579, confined himself for some time entirely to painting fruit and objects of still life, in which he excelled; but later devoted himself to animals and hunting scenes, which he painted with a fire and spirit unequalled by any master who has succeeded him. Snyders died at Antwerp in 1657. 46 Zimmermann, R. Sebastian Hagenau in Baden Wine Dealers 47 Breughel, John (1589-1642) Flemish School River Scene in Holland 48 Francken, Francis Flemish School Perisian Sacrifice This artist was born at Antwerp about 1546, studied under Francis Floris, and was received into the Academy at Ant- werp in 1581. His most esteemed work is an altar piece, which he painted for the cathedral of that city. 49 Herzog, H. Waterfall 50* Diepenbeck, A. Van Flemish School Hercules and Omphale Abraham van Diepenbeck, a pupil of Rubens, was born at Bois-le-Duc in 1607, and died at Antwerp in 1675. $1 D’Unker and Von Wille Dutch School The Interrupted Gamester 52* Wouvermann, Philip. Dutch School Cattle Market This admired painter was born at Harlem in 1620, and died at the same place in 1668. His pictures usually repre- sent hawking parties, halts of travelers, encampments, horse fairs, and all subjects into which he could introduce horses, which he treated with unequalled spirit and correctness. 10 CROCKER ART GALLERY 53 Dietrich, Franz Dresden Oedipus and Antigone On discovery that he had been guilty of the double crime of parricide and incest, Oedipus in horror put out his eyes and exiled himself. Led by his daughter, Antigone, he proceeds to the grove of the Furies at Colones, where, amid thunder-peals, he is removed from earth. Advancing along a dreary and rocky road, Antigone, in a white garment almost completely covered by violet drapery, which veils without concealing her beautiful form, is putting: aside the briars from her father’s path with the wand in her right hand; her head is turned towards Oedipus, who on his daughter’s left side and holding her hand, advances with bowed head and the slow, uncertain step of blindness. The dark red drapery of Oedipus contrasts admirably with his silvery, flowing hair and beard. 54 Titian, Vecelli (after) Jupiter and Antiope The original is in the Royal Pinakothek at Munich. 55 Seydel, Ed. Dresden Bad News at the Bourse he .56 Seydel, Ed. Dresden Good News at the Bourse 57 Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista Venetian School Falcon Hunting This artist, one of the last eminent painters of tire Venetian School, was born at Venice in 1697, and died at Madrid in 1770. 58 Neustatter, L. Mother and Children 59* Cranach, Lucas (1472-1553) German School Portrait of Melanchthon SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 11 60 Teix Dresden Trial of Charles the First of England “On the 20th of January, 1649, the sittings of the tribu- nal were opened with great ceremony at Westminster Hall, and although the king steadily denied the authority of his judges, they sentenced him to death on the 27th of January, as a ‘Murderer, Tyrant, and Enemy of the People’.” Never have the misfortunes of a prince furnished more themes for poet and painter, than those of him who has been alternately represented as a royal martyr, or an execrable tyrant. But the calm dignity with which he bore his misfor- tunes, his unaffected piety and his attachment to the church, must win for him the respect of even those most opposed to him in politics and religion. — 61 Gareis, Anton Prague Shepherd’s Festival (From Shakespeare’s Winter’s Tale) 62 Gille, C. Dresden View in Plauen, Near Dresden 63 Dietrich, Christian W. Ernest German School Portrait This artist, the most eminent of the German school during the last century, was born at Weimar in 1712, and died at Dresden in 1774. He is probably better known by his fine etchings than by his pictures. 64 Dietrich, Christian W. Ernest (1712-1774) German School Oriental Prince 65 Goune, Theodore Dresden Christ Raising Jairus’ Daughter 66 Friedrich, A. Dresden Saxon Farm Yard 67 Gebler, E. Girl Feeding Sheep 12 CROCKER ART GALLERY 68 Unknown Allegory of Death 69 Van de Velde, Adrian Dutch School Cattle Piece Adrian Van de Velde was born at Amsterdam in 1639. “He was a scholar of Jan Wynants, and ranks almost as high as Paul Potter; for if inferior to him in the energy of concep- tion displayed in his cattle, in plastic modeling and breadth of solid execution, he excels him in variety of subject, in taste for composition, delicacy of drawing, and in a certain warmth and sweetness of feeling.” He has, however, this in common with Paul Potter—that he was a distinguished artist by the age of fourteen, and that he died young, namely, at the age of thirty-two. 70 Werkmeister, Matth. Munich The Shipwreck 71 Holbein, Hans (after) Portrait of Martin Luther 72 ‘Teniers, Abraham Flemish School Village Ale House This painting, representing the outside of a Flemish ale house, with groups of peasantry regaling, is from the brush of Abraham Teniers, a brother of David Teniers, the younger. He was born at Antwerp about 1618, and received his art education both from his father and brother. He painted chiefly Flemish village scenes, in a style similar, although inferior, to that of the younger David. He died in 1691. 73. Mireveldt, Michael Jansen Dutch School Portrait 74* Caravaggio, Il. (1569-1609) Lombardese School Christ Before Pontius Pilate 75>. Engel The Bathers Surprised SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 13 76 Ruysdael, Jacob Dutch School Sketch This eminent landscape painter was born at Harlem about the year 1636. It is not known under whom he studied, but it is probable that he was for some time the pupil of his friend and fellow townsman Nicholas Berghem. Ruysdael’s pictures are held in the highest estimation, and are found in the choicest collections. He died in Harlem in 1681. 77 Zimmermann, Julius The Tourists 78 Choulant, Theodore Dresden View in Venice 79 Roegge, W. Munich Return from the War 80 Muhlig, Meno Dresden The Dice Throwers S$! Heine, A. Munich Kept In 82 Mirevelt, M. Jansen Dutch School Portrait Marked 1615. Half length figure of a Dutch Nobleman. 83 Naumann, P. Munich The Politicians 84* Victor, Jan (1600-1670) Dutch Moses in the Desert But little is known of the private history of this able artist. He was of Flemish origin, and was born about the year 1600. He studied in the school of Rubens, but conse- quently adopted the manner of Rembrandt, and so closely does he approach that master that many works attributed to Rembrandt, doubtless owe their paternity to Jan Victor, 14 CROCKER ART GALLERY and only a duly qualified connoisseur can discriminate be- tween the two. Victor, or as he sometimes signed his pictures, Fictoor, usually chose his subjects from the Old Testament. He died about 1670. 85 Robbe Brussels Cattle Piece 86 Netscher, Gaspar Dutch School Lady in White Satin This painter, the son of a sculptor and engineer in the Polish service, was born at Heidelberg in 1639. Netscher died at The Hague in 1684. 87 Healy (after) Portrait of Andrew Jackson ¢ 88 Muller, Moritz Munich At Home 89 Meissner, E. Dresden The trate Bull 90 Douw, Gerard (after) The Dentist 91 Palamedes, Paul Dutch School Abduction of Proserpine Paul Palamedes Staevaerts, or Palamedes, as he is usually called, was born in London in 1607, but returned at an early age with his father to Holland. After acquiring an ele- mentary knowledge of art, he improved himself by studying the works of Esais Vandervelde, copying with great success, that master’s clear and transparent style of coloring, and like him, painted battles, skirmishes, attacks of robbers, etc., with great success. He died in 1638, in the prime of life; but not before he had acquired a distinguished reputation among the artists of his native country. 92 Fontana, Lavinia Bolognese School Madonna and Child A beautiful picture by this eminent artist, the daughter SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 15 and pupil of Prospero Fontana. She was born at Bologna in 1552. Lauzi says that she possessed wonderful sweetness of penciling, particularly after she had studied the works of the Carracci, and that some of her portraits might have passed for those of Guido. She died at Rome in 1614. 93 Muhlig, Meno Dresden The Schoolmaster 94 Roux, Ch. Munich The Botanist in Danger 95 De Vos Performing Dogs of Brussels 96 Tintoretto, I]. (1512-1594) Venetian School Lot and His Daughters 97 Bremond, Jean Paris Cutting Cupid’s Wings 98 Van Der Werff, Adrian (after) Magdalene The small painting in the Royal Pinakothek in Munich, of which this is a copy, is considered the best work of the master. 99 Unknown Flemish School | Triumphs of Bacchus 100 Van Der Meulen, Peter Flemish School Landscape with Cattle 101* Eckhout, G. Van Den (1621-1674) Dutch School Christ at Emmaus 102 Witte, Peter De Flemish School Grecian Gods Pieter de Wit, or Witte, called Pietro Candido, a painter, sculptor and architect, was born at Bruges in 1548. After studying in his native city he went to Italy, where he formed 16 CROCKER ART GALLERY an intimacy with Giorgi Vasari, whom he assisted in his works at the Vatican. From Italy he repaired, at the invita- tion of Maximilian I, Elector of Bavaria, to Munich, where he spent the remainder of his life. Under the arcade of the Long Gallery of the Hofgarten, in that city, he painted a series of frescoes, representing the deeds of Otto von Wittels- bach, and the Departure of the Emperor Ludwig from Rome in 1327. Although these paintings are now defaced, the designs are preserved in the tapestries worked from them, and in the prints engraved from the tapestries by Amling. Th exact date of De Witte’s death is not known, but it prob- ably occured about 1620. 103 Querfurt, Augustus (1696-1761) German School The Duke of Malborough and His Staff 104 Hasenclever, John Peter Duesseldorf The Examination of Hiernymus Jobs 105 Unknown Allegory 106 Wendler, F. Tourists Housed from the Rain 107° Post Ee. Dutch Luggers 108 Muhr, Julius Munich The Nuns 109 Canton, S. A Shipwreck 110 Schmelzer, J. B. The Offended Dancer 111 Veronese, Carletto Venetian School Christ at Simon’s Table Although decidedly inferior to him, Carletto, the eldest son of Paolo Veronese, belongs to the most successful imitators SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 17 of his father’s style. He was born at Venice in 1570, and died in 1596 at the age of twenty-six. 112 Gennari, Cesare Bolognese School Magdalene Cesare Gennari, the nephew and scholar of Guercino, was born at Cento in 1641 and died in 1688. 113 Friedrich, A. Dresden Saxon Farm Yard 114 Leyden, Lucas Van Dutch School Abraham Offering Isaac Luc Jacobez, called Lucas van Leyden, may justly be considered the Patriarch of the Dutch School. Born at Ley- den in 1494, “he followed that realistic tendency, in the treatment of sacred subjects, which Huber van Eyck had so grandly tracked, and lowered it greatly from its previous elevation. His heads, for instance, are generally of a very ugly character; at the same time, his form of art found sympathy in the feeling of the period.” He died in 1533. 115 Adam, Eugene Munich Dalmatian Peasants at the Spring 116 Lazer, Theodore Dresden Girl Feeding a Bird 117* Rosa, Salvatore (1615-1673) | Neapolitan School Waterfall 118 Boudewyns and Bout Flemish School Small Landscape with Figures N. Boudewyns and Francis Bout, natives of Brussels, flourished about the year 1700. These artists painted almost entirely in concert, the landscapes by Boudewyns being decorated with figures by Bout. Their joint productions are highly esteemed in Flanders and England, where some of their best works are to be found. | 19 De Vos Brussels One of Our First Musicians Ps 18 CROCKER ART GALLERY 120 Gatsenar: The Happy Mother 121* Reni, Guido (1575-1642) Bolognese School Egyptian Magdalene Guido Reni, the greatest of the scholars of the Caracei, was born at Bologna in 1575. “His earlier pictures display a striving after the grand and terrible, with a powerful effect of light and shadow, similar to that observed in the works of Caravaggio; but his later style, by which he is best known, is remarkable for its sweetness and tenderness. His heads show the influence of a careful study of the antique.” Guido died in 1642. 122 Bremond, Jean Paris Leda and the Swan 123* ‘Tintoretto, II. Venetian School Venetian Senator Giacomo Robusti, born at Venice in 1512, received from his father’s occupation of dyer, the nickname of Il Tintoretto, by which he is best known. A contemporary of Paolo Ver- onese, he became for a short time the pupil of Tiziano, whose follower he always remained. Died 1594. 124 Rembrandt (School of) Portrait 125 Durer, Albert German School St. Joseph Albert Durer, the painter of this head of St. Joseph and its companion picture, “The Virgin Mary,” was born at Nurnberg in 1471. He distinguished himself in youth by his exquisite carvings, and subsequently adopted painting as his profession. Albert Durer has been styled the father of the German School of Painting and the Prince of Artists. He died in 1528. = 126 Brekelencamp, Querinus Dutch School The Musicians This artist lived about 1650. Although a scholar of Gerard Douw, he did not follow his master’s style, but formed one of SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 19 his own which partook of the manner of both Rembrandt and Douw. His pictures represent usually interiors of Dutch cottages with figures. 127* Rosa, Salvatore Neapolitan School Landscape with Waterfall Salvatore Rosa was born at Naples in 1615. He was a pupil and follower of Spagnaletto, and died at Rome in 1673. tee ucer, Albert German School The Virgin Mary 129 Franck, Ambrose (1549) Flemish School St. John Preaching in the Wilderness 130 Pluddemann (after) Barbarossa et Schmidt, Ad. Munich The Sunday Riders 132 Neefs, Peter, The Elder Flemish School Church Interior This artist, a pupil of Henry Steenwyck, painted like his master most exquisite interiors of churches and temples. “Such was his knowledge of perspective, that he was ac- customed to paint, in the small space of a cabinet picture, the largest and most magnificent gothic edifices, in so masterly a manner as to delude the spectator into the belief of the reality of the immense space the building represents.” He was born in 1570 and died in 1651. 133* Ribera, Jose (1589-1656) Spanish School ’ Magdalena Josef Ribera, called Il Spagnaletto, was born at Xativa in 1589. In due time he became a pupil of Caravaggio, whose powerful and effective style possessed a particular attraction for Ribera. “His genius led him to paint gloomy and austere subjects, which were peculiarly acceptable to the Neapolitans 20 CROCKER ART GALLERY and Spaniards, such as hermits and saints emanciated by abstinence and severity. Ribera died at Naples in 1656. 134 Rembrandt, Van Rhyn (after) Expulsion of Hagar (on porcelain) 135 Jardin, Karel Du Dutch School Cavalier in Cellar This delightful artist was born at Amsterdam in 1640. After leaving the studio of Nicholas Berghem, whose ablest pupil he was most unquestionably, he proceeded to Rome to perfect himself there, by further study of the great masters. He soon rose to distinction, his pictures being more highly esteemed in the “ancient city” than those of any of his countrymen. He died in Venice in the year 1678. 136 Seydel, Ed. Dresden German Country Inn 137 Laenen, Van Der J. Flemish School Portrait of Gustavus Adolphus The great King of Sweden, painted by Christopher Jan, otherwise Jacob Van der Laenen, a pupil of Rubens, born at Antwerp in the year 1570; died 1628. 138 Hutin, Charles French School Portrait of an Old Lady This artist flourished at Paris at about the year 1760. 139* Rembrandt, Van Rhyn Judith and Holofernes Rembrandt Van Rhyn, born in 1606, was the son of a miller of Leyden, and “from the dark interior of his father’s mill, partially lighted from above, in which he passed his infancy and boyhood, he is supposed to have caught the first idea of those strong contrasts of light and shadow, which he carried to such perfection in his art.” SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 21 140* Luini, Bernardino (1480-1530) Milanese School Madonna and Child Bernardino Luini was born at Luino, on Lago Maggiore, about the year 1480. He was a disciple of Leonardo da Vinci, and the most celebrated imitator of that master’s style. Some uncertainty exists concerning the exact date of his death, but it was subsequent to the year 1530. Professor Ruskin said of Luini, in his Oxford Lecture on Sculpture, that “he alone of mediaeval artists could combine beauty and saintliness.” 141 Boccalino, Antonio Italian Architectural Ruins in Rome 142 Giordano, Luca Neapolitan School Apollo and the Muses To the greatest among modern artists belongs Spagna- letto’s pupil, the rapid painter Luca Giordano, surnamed Fa Presto. He was born at Naples in 1632, and died at the same place in 1705. 143 Keith, William San Francisco Landscape 144 Manseau, A. Munich The Accommodating Sister 145* Boucher, Francis French School ) Portrait of a Court Lady This artist, born at Paris in 1714, was the scholar of Francois Le Moine. Appointed to the position of first painter to the King, and flattered and favored by the great Boucher, was the most admired artist of the day among the Parisians. “Yet perhaps it would be difficult to select one who enjoyed these advantages with less real pretention to admiration, or less legitimate claim to distinction.” He died in 1768. 146 Jones, C. Sheep in Winter on the Scottish Hills oe CROCKER ART GAGES 147 F. Rofhaen, and Eug. Verboeckhoven Landscape with Animals Eugene Verboeckhoven was born in 1799 at Warneton, a small village in Belgium. He is a member of the Antwerp Academy, an officer of the Order of Leopold, a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, Commander of the Portuguese Order of Christ, and Chevalier of the Order of Merit of Bavaria. Many painters who have risen to eminence have acquired a knowledge of the art in his studio at Brussels. 148 Breughel, Peter, The Younger Flemish School Feasting and Dancing in Holland 149 Unknown Flemish School Bacchus and Arladne 150 Muhr, Julius Munich Othello and Desdemona “These things to hear, Would Desdemona seriously incline.” 151 Knaus, L. (after) The False Gamblers 152 Baumgartner, P. Munich Blacksmith Shop in the Bavarian Alps 153 Vanloo, Jean Baptiste French School Bathshebah at the Bath J. B. Vanloo was born at Aix, in Provence, in 1684. Through the kindness of his patron, the Prince of Carignan, he was enabled to visit Rome and study the works of the great masters. On his return he became a member of the Paris Academy, and his best pictures are to be found in that city. He died in 1746. 154 Falciatore, Philippo Attacked by Highwaymen 155 Petzold, Karl Dresden The Vulture’s Home SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 23 156 Munsch, J. Munich Wedding Procession in Bavarian Tyrol 157 Ostade, Isaac Van (1617-1663) | Dutch School The Hornpipe 158 Somer, Jan Van (1645-1716) Dutch School Portrait of a Royal Princess 159. Bremond, Jean Paris Roman Baths 160* Jordeans, Jacob (4593) Flemish School The Elated Troubadour 161 Minjon, | op a Brussels Street in Ghent 162 Martusteig, F. Weimar Ulrich Von Hutten Seeking Shelter Ulrich Von Hutten, born in Hesse Cassel, in the year 1488, was placed at the age of eleven in the monastery of Fulda, with the intention of his becoming a monk. When fifteen he ran away from the cloister to the University of Erfurt, where he joined the anti-monkish party. He subse- quently became a great scholar and reformer. He died in Switzerland in 1523. No. 162 represents him seeking the refuge provided for him by Zwinglius, in the house of a clergyman named Schuegg, on the Island of Ufuan, in the Lake of Zurich. 163 Merle, Hughes (after) The Mendicant Original adorns the walls of Luxembourg. 164 Unknown Architectural Painting 165 Bacon Selecting the First Cradle 166 Querfurt, Augustus (1696-1761) : Turkish Battle 24 CROCKER ART GALLERY 167 Querfurt, Augustus (1696-1761) German School Train of Merchants Attacked by Highwaymen 168 Unknown Italian School Moses and the Brazen Serpent 169 Ruysdael, Jacob (1636-1681) Dutch School Forest Cabin 170 Robbe Brussels Goats and Sheep Zt; Jacobi: Berlin Reading of the Will 172 Cranach, Lucas (1472-1553) German School Christ Blessing the Children 173. Von Oer, Theobald Dresden Schiller at Loschwitz 174 Carracci, A. Bolognese School Venus and Cupid 175 Naumann, P. Munich The Letter Carrier 176 Ryckaert, David (1615-1677) | Flemish School Beer House Scene This artist was born at Antwerp in 1615, and received his first art instruction from his father, who was considered the ablest landscape painter of his time. Young Ryckaert soon rose to distinction and enjoyed the special favor of Archduke Leopold, who appointed him in 1651 Director of the Academy of Antwerp. He usually painted peasant fes- tivals, musical parties or the interiors of chemists’ labor- atories. David Ryckaert’s pictures are not often met with out of Belgium, where they are to be found in the best collections. He died in 1677. SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 25 177 Roegge, Wilhelm Faust’s Marguerite 178 Adam, Benno (after) Country Quarters 179 Bary, F. Dresden Charles V at Luther’s Grave in the Church at Wittenberg 180 Voltz, Fr. Cattle Piece 181* Hemling, John (1440-1499) Flemish School Triptych Representing in the center the Nativity, and on the side panels the Annunciation and the Circumcision. John Hemling or Hemmelinck was born at Damme, a small town near Bruges, about the year 1440. He is said to have studied under Roger of Bruges, and was one of the best artists of the school of John Van Eyck, the supposed discoverer of oil painting. 182 Unknown Dutch School Landscape 183 Pebbles, Frank M. Portrait of President U. S. Grant 184 Canton, S. Watering Cattle 185 Rembrandt, Van Rhyn (after) Portrait 186 Muller (after) Little Girl Reading 187 Raphael, Sanzio (after) Raphael, by Himself 26 CROCKER’ ART GALLERY 188 Rembrandt, Van Rhyn (after) Portrait 189 Berghem, Nicholas (1624-16883) | Dutch School Cattle Piece 190 Janet, Francois French School High Life in the Sixteenth Century This artist flourished at Paris in 1547. 19] Seydel, Ed. Dresden Mother and Child Portraits Of men identified with the early history of California By S. W. Shaw San Francisco 192 Colonel J. D. Stevenson | 193 Hon. Edward Gilbert > 194 General John A. Sutter 195 Major-General H. W. Halleck 7 - 196 Colonel E. D. Baker 197 Rev. T. Star King 198 Peter Lassen 199 Edmond Randolph 200 = William Gwin 201 General M. J. Vallejo 202 Robert Robinson 203... tok Prlieese 3 *0 /- oko vr 5 Os 3 F FMM ie es fOF Chard SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 204 Hon. Samuel Purdy 205 Captain J. L. Folsom 206 ~—_—Hon. David C. Broderick 207 = Thomas Hill 208 Hon. Romualdo Pacheco 209 Thomas O. Larkin 210 Peter H. Burnett a Colonel Jack Hays Mintatures } _ The following collection of excellent miniatures is well worth close examination: Zig =Marr In a Storm Brae Ott Landscape 214 Schelter, A. Battle Between French Cuirassiers and Chevau-Legers 215 Brauer Church Interior with Tomb 216 Evers Winter Landscape 217 Dorner Deer Park 218 Altman The Peasant’s Home 28 219 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 CROCKER ART GALLERY Kaiser Hinter Lake Wendling, L. The Pet Bird Durk The Guardian Angel Leizen The Tollet Luger Landscape Vermeersch Castile of Nordhausen Folz, Ph. Neapolitan Fisherwoman on the Beach Bayer The Abbot at Study Hess, C. Courtship in the Hay Loft Mende The Siesta Scheutzer Sargens Castle (Grisons, Switzerland) Petzl, Jos. Oriental Guard Gille Women Bathing 232 233 234 235 236 aes 238 a5 240 241 242 243 244 245 SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA Adam, Alb. Horses in Pasture Haushofer Italian Landscape Heine, PF. At the Chamber Window Kaiser Landscape Metzinger View of Kochelsen Dillis, Cun Swiss Landscape Heinefetter Dressing the Wounded Werner Chapel in Switzerland Lebschee, C. Landscape on the Amper Crola Woodland Scene Burkl The Bull Hess, Carl Swiss Dairy Quaglio, Sor. Castle of Hohenschwangau Kattenmoser Mother and Child 29 30 CROCKER ART GALLERY 246 Ejibner Straubing 247 Nachtman Flowers and Fruit 248 Tanck Marine View 249 Burkl Horse Grazing 250 Leizen Faust and Gretchen He loves me! 251 Lotze Cow and Calf 252 Kattennoser Tyrolese Tavern Scene 253 Geist View Near Naples 254 Steingrubel Landscape 255 Volmer Marine 256 Muller, Moritz Munich Courting Candle light effect. 257 Habenschaden Cattle Returning Home 258 Rottmann, Carl Greek Peasant Woman at the Well 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 2/2 SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA Kirchner Church of St. Elizabeth, Near Marburg Schoenfeld Town Hall of Mittelstadt, in Thuringia Dyck Children at Fountain Hess, Carl Tyrolese Mother and Child Klotz, August Mother and Child Lotze Cattle Piece Millner Alpine Landscape Burkl Winter Scene Schnitzler Still Life Stange Landscape Kirner The Young Musician Dillis, Georg Von Landscape and Castle Sagstaedter The First Smoke Mattenheimer Flower Piece 31] 32 2/6 27/7 278 Zhe 280 281 282 283 284 285 CROCKER ART GALLERY Fohr Heidelberg Castle Schilcher, Von Hunting Scene Gille The Evening Prayer Brunner Alpine Scenery, with Swiss Chalet Quaglio, Sun The Tower with Five Corners, in Nuremberg Schoenfeld Tubingen Gate Habenschaden Cattle Bayer, Von Monk Replenishing the Veilleuse Fischbach Lake of Gmund Weller Tyrolese Peasant Woman Heilmar Loisant Valley and Mount Zugspity Ruban The Monk Petzl, Jos. The Reproof 286 287. 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA Leizen Love Dreaming Morgenstern, Chr. View Near Starnberg Zimmermann, Alb. Nymph at the Bath Nellmayr Swiss Landscape Quaglio, Dom. Church Near Wellburg Glink The Guardian Angel Graefle The Sisters Wytenbach One of the Old Masters Warnberger Harlaching Castle Wagenbauer Cattle and Sheep Jodl, F. Reiffenberg Castle Muller, Moritz Tyrolese Inn Scene Heim View of Munich Zimmermann, Cl. St. Cecilia 33 34 CROCKER ART GALLERY 300 Bayer, Von St. Peter’s Cemetery, Near Salzburg 301 Heinlein Landscape, with Lake 302 ~=Fridl Castle of Hohenschwangau 303 Klenze, Von Convent Ruins of Italy 304 Crola Old Albeck Castle 305 Neher Street Scene—lItalian Bagpipers 306 Bach The Diligence 307. Martin Hinter Lake 308 Zech Castle Schwaneck 309 Ott The Lighthouse 310 Wagner and Deines Landscape with Cattle 311 Adam, Heinrich Isarthor 312 Guil Convent Hall, with Monk 313 Zwengauer Evening Landscape 314 SH 318 319 320 321 322 323 joe 325 326 327 SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA Mende The Artist’s Studio Schleich Landscape Glink Magdalene (?) Ezdorff, Chr. Landscape, with Waterfall Kaiser Swiss Scene Melchior, W. The Postilion Marr To Pasture Geist The Dead Pet Kirner Roman Matron with Child Aerttinger Surreptitious Lessons in Courtship Heinzman Hilgartsberg Castle, Switzerland Monten Chevau-Legers Attacking a Battery Quaglio, Sor. Tyrolese Apple Orchard Weller Helping Mother 35 36 CROCKER ART GALLERY 328 Brandes Alpine Landscape 329 Lefeubure The Huzzars 330 Bayer, Von Monk in His Cell 33] Toornvliet, K (1641-1719) Flemish School Trial of Mutius Scaevola 332 Old German School, Fifteenth Century Holy Family 333 Fredrich, A. Ploughing 334 Schultz, C. G. German School Landscape 335 De Heem, David Fruit Piece ‘336 Piombo, Fra Sebastiano Del Venetian School The Infant Bacchus This distinguished artist, born at Venice in 1485, was known by the name of Sebastiano Veneziano, until the Pope bestowing upon him the office of Keeper of his Chancery Seal, made it necessary for him to assume the regilious habit, along with which he adopted the title of Fra Sebastiano del Piombo. He was successively the scholar of Bellini, Geor- gioni and Michel Angelo Buonaroti, and after the death of Raffaelle, he was reputed the most distinguished artist in Rome. He died in 1547. 337 Dolci, Carlo (after) Christ Blessing Bread and Wine SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 37 338* Ponte, Giacomo Da (Bassano) Dance of Cupids Giacomo da Ponte, usually called I] Bassano, was born at Bassano in 1510. He first studied under his father, Francesco, who was the founder of a school bearing his name; later, in Venice, under Bonifagio Veneziani. He is supposed by some to have been a pupil of Titian, but this is doubtful, although at one time he was a close follower of that master’s style. After acquiring considerable celebrity in Venice, his father’s death compelled him to return. 339 Scholtz, Julius German Peasant Wedding 340* Lely, Sir Peter (1617-1680) Portrait of a Lady 341 Eerelman, O. Groningen Moorish Court of the Paris Exhibition in 1867 342* Lely, Sir Peter German School Portrait This eminent portrait painter was born in Westphalia ix 1617. On the death of Van Dyck in 1640, he determined to visit England, where he soon acquired high favor and distinc- tion. Through William, Prince of Orange, he was introduced to the notice of Charles I, whose portrait he painted, as well as those of the Prince and Princess of Orange. Through all the tragical events that followed, Sir Peter Lely remained in England, his fame unimpaired. Cromwell sat to him, and after the Restoration, he had the honor of painting King Charles II, by whom he was knighted. Sir Peter died in 1680 and was buried in Convent Garden, where a monument with his bust, by Gibbon, is erected in his memory. 343 Du Jardin (1635-1678) Dutch School Peasants and Cattle 344 Roos, H. (1631-1685) Dutch School Animals 38 CROCKER ART GALLERY 345 Adam, Benno Munich Horses in Pasture 346 Miel, John | Flemish School Halt Before the Inn This artist was born in 1599 in the vicinity of Antwerp. The scholar and able disciple of Gerald Seghers, he left that master to pursue his studies in Rome at the Academy of Andrea Sacchi. His best performances are his easel pictures, representing fairs, huntings, markets and carnival festivities. He was a favorite of Charles Emanuel, Duke of Savoy, who invited him to the Court of Turin, and conferred upon him the order of the Knighthood of St. Maurice. He died in 1664. 347 Zimmermann, Reinhard Sebastian Munich The Circulating Library 348 Muller, Moritz Munich Italian Wedding Party at Night 349 Mignard, Pierre French School Dido Stabbing Herself Pierre Mignard, born at Troyes in 1610, was a celebrated painter in the Court of Louis XIV. “His portraits are in gen- eral elegant and sweetly colored, particularly his women.” He died at Paris in 1695. 350 Keith, William San Francisco Mount Tamalpais, California 351 Meixner or Mesiener, Ludwig Marine View, Bay of Naples 352 Winterstein, E. Charity 353 Everson, A. The Hague View Taken in Utrecht SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 39 354 Mirevelt, M., Jansen (1568-1641) Dutch School Portrait of Lady of Rank 355* Canaletto, Antonio Venetian School S. Marco Piazza, Venice _ That few cities are better known to the public than the “Queen of the Adriatic,” is principally due to the brush of Canaletto, who has painted numerous scenes on her canals and lagunes. A complete work, consisting of his views in Venice, was published in that city in 1742. Canaletto was born in Venice in 1697 and died in 1768. 1 356 Kels, F. Dusseldorf The Whispered Secret 357. Van Dyck, Sir A. (1599-1641) — Flemish School Nativity 358 Seydel, Ed. Dresden Quieting the Baby 359 Seydel, Ed. Dresden Musicians Seeking Shelter from the Storm 360 Fischer, August Soldier of the Thirty Year’s War 361 Collaert, Adrian Flemish School David Playing the Harp Before Saul This artist, noted especially as an engraver and designer, flourished in Flanders about the middle of the sixteenth century. 362 Vischer, August Harvest Festival and Dance in Bavaria 363 Muhlig, Meno | Dresden ~ Armorer at Work, and a Cavalier Admiring His Daughter 400 CROCKER ART GALLERY —— 364 Landseer (after) The Horse Shoer 365 De Vries, John Renier Dutch School Landscape and Church Ruins Marked 1648. This landscape painter is generally sup- posed to have been a pupil of Jacob Ruysdael, whose style he followed very closely. He flourished in the latter part of the seventeenth century. 366 Miller, Joseph The First Smoke 367 Berghem, Nicholas Dutch School Landscape with Animals Nicholas Klass Berghem, “one of the most original and charming of Dutch landscape painters,” was born at Harlem in 1624, and died in 1683. 368 Lelienberg, C. Dutch School Flemish Vegetable Dealer 369 Murant, Emanuel Dutch School An Old Cabin 370 Boudewyns and Bout Flemish School Small Landscape with Figures 371* Potter, Paul (1625-1654) Dutch School Cattle and Sheep 3720°De Vos Brussels Waiting Patiently 373 Os, Pietro Gerard Van Dutch School ) Cow and Sheep | Born at The Hague in 1776, this artist received his ear- liest instruction from his father, Jan Van Os, a painter of fruit, flowers and marine pieces. Later, he made the works SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 41 of Paul Potter and Karel Dujardin his models, and his pic- tures painted in the style of these masters enrich the choicest collections in Holland. He died at The Hague in 1839. This picture is dated 1820. 374 Neustatter, L. Children Frightened by a Chimney Sweep 375 Hess, Peter Von (after) Peter von Hess was born at Dusseldorf in 1792 of a family of artists. He acquired the soubriquet of the “Horace Vernet of Central Germany,” from his numerous battle pieces, and his name is familiar to all who are acquainted with modern German art. He died at Munich the 4th of April, 1871. Represents a Calabrian brigand ,driven to his last hold among the ruins of an ancient Roman fortress, which he is preparing to defend to the last extremity. 376 Quellinus, Erasmus | Flemish School ~ $t. Antonius Quellinus was born at Antwerp in 1607, and died in 1678. ay / Unknown Russian School Pope of Greek Church 378 Nahl, Chas. C. San Franciser The Patriotic Race Represents an incident of the American Revolution. While both armies were encamped near the Potomoc, the English officers gave a ball to the ladies of the vicinity. In the course of the evening a young American girl happened to overhear a whispered conversation between two officers relat- ing to movements of the army and some important dispatches on the subject, which were to be forwarded that night by special messenger to a commanding officer stationed at some distance. Understanding of what immense advantage the possession of these papers would be to her countrymen, the young girl instantly formed a heroic resolution. Slipping into the kitchen, she managed to divert the attention of the mes- senger while she abstracted the dispatch bag, then hurrying to the stable she mounted the horse, which stood ready 42 CROCKER ART GALLERY saddled for the British soldier, and behold her galloping towards the American encampment. In short time the important theft is discovered and an English officer starts in pursuit of the fugitive. Just at sunrise he overtakes her— another moment and her heroic act had been in vain, but American tents are gleaming in the distance, an American soldier is already by her side. In the ardor of his exciting chase, the Englishman has, unnoticed, passed the lines of the hostile encampment; at the sharp tone of the American soldier, he now wheels about with an angry oath, and, thanks to his brave steed alone, makes good his escape to the British lines. va 379 Nahl, Chas. C. San Francisco The Love Chase It was customary with the Arabs, when a young man wooed the daughter of a Sheik, that the father should give his best horse to the maiden, and another to her suitor. If the girl was favorably disposed toward the intended bride- groom, she would rein in her steed, thus giving him an oppor- tunity of overtaking her; if, on the contrary, she disliked him, she urged her horse to its utmost speed. This picture repre- sents a fair lady, evidently extremely willing to be captured, and giving her lover every possible opportunity of winning the prize. In the background are seated the respective fathers of the young couple, while, according to Arab custom, a camel stands ready to carry home the bride. 380 C. P. Huntington. By S. W. Shaw. 381 Nahl, Chas. es San Francisco Sunday Morning in the Mines (1849) This picture is of special interest, as the scenes it repre- sents are all taken from real life in the mining camp, in the California era of ’49. 382 Leland Stanford. By S. W. Shaw. 383 Charles Crocker. By S. W. Shaw. 384 Judge E. B. Crocker. By S. W. Shaw. 385 — S. S. Montague (Chief Engineer)... By S. W. Shaw SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 43 386 Nahl, Chas. C. | San Francisco The Fandango _ This picture illustrates Spanish life in the early days of California. 387 Mark Hopkins. By S. W. Shaw. 388 Domenichino, II. Bolognese School Oriental Lady Domenico Zampieri, called Il Domenichino, was born at Bologna in 1581. He was a fellow student of Guido and Albano in the Academy of the Caracci, where he soon dis- tinguished himself greatly. Together with Albano, he after- wards visited Parma, Modena and Reggio, to study the works of Correggio and Parmegiano; and on their return they both finally settled in Rome. Domenichino’s Communion of St. Jerome, painted for the principal altar of S. Girolamo della Carita, was considered the finest picture at Rome, after the Transfiguration, by Raffaelle. He died in 1641. . 389 Holzer, John German School Vision of St. Augustine John Holzer, a German historical painter, was born in 1708 in the Tyrol. The date of his death is unknown. 390* Van Dyck, Sir A. (1599-1641) Antwerp The Epiphany, or Adoration of the Three Kings The church yearly celebrates this, almost the first event in the human life of the infant Savior. The Magi, or, as tradition has it, the “Three Kings,” having seen His star in the east, have come to worship Him and bring gifts, “gold, frankincense and myrrh.” In the center of the picture, clad in an ermine mantle, his jeweled turban lying at his feet, sits one of the kings, tenderly holding the divine infant, whom he has just received from the arms of the Virgin. Close beside him, to the right, the second king, a Moor, is bending down to present his offering, and behind him appears the figure of the other king. To the left, in scarlet robe and dark drapery, stands the blessed mother, contemplating her son, and quite 44 CROCKER ART GALLERY in the background appears the head of St. Joseph, while some figures—attendants of the Magi—fill up the center of the background. There is infinite grace and simplicity in the expression and attitude of the blessed Virgin, and the head of the king holding the infant is full of wonderful dignity, individuality and veneration. The paintings of Vandyck are very numerous, notwithstanding the shortness of his career. 391°s°Brendet, A) Munich Sheep Stable S22 abuetetenio le Lawyers’ Consultation 393 Dahl, S. Florence ll Pifferaro 394* Wouverman, Philip (41620-1668) Dutch School Departure for Falcon Hunting 395 Hakl, G. Munich The Exhortation 396 Kaulbach, Hermann Munich The First Confession 397 Mali, Christian * Munich Suabian Village After a Rain 398 =Voltz, Ludwig Munich The Faithful Watch 399 Thulden, Theodore Van (1607-1676) Flemish School St. Martin Dividing His Mantle Theodore van Thulden, one of the most distinguished disciples of Rubens, was born at Bois-le-Duc in 1607. He executed several pictures for churches and public buildings at Antwerp, Bruges, Mechlin, and other Flemish cities, some of which have been mistaken for works of that master. The SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 45 Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, which he painted for the Church of the Jesuits at Bruges, is considered his finest work. The time of his death seems to be somewhat uncertain, but it is generally placed about the year 1676. 400* Andrea Del Sarto Florentine School Madonna and Child Andrea Vannuchi, surnamed del Sarto, was born at Flo- rence, in 1488, and died of the plague in 1530. 401 Vandyck, Sir A. Flemish School Portrait Anthony Vandyck, the friend and pupil of Rubens, is justly termed the “Prince of Portrait Painters.” In this department he is allowed to have but one superior—Titian. Vandyck was born at Antwerp in 1599, and died in London in 1641. The portrait before us is evidently that of some scholar and divine of the seventeenth century. 402 Unknown The Vineyard 403 Bager, Johann Daniel Portrait 404* Potter, Paul Dutch School — Landscape with Animals Paul Potter was born at Enckhuysen in 1625. He made such astonishing progress in the study of painting, that he ranked, at the age of fifteen, as a finished artist. “Of the masters who have striven pre-eminently after truth, he is, beyond all question, one of the greatest that ever lived.” He died at Amsterdam in 1654. 405* Hals, Franz (1584-1666) Flemish School The Mandolin Player This celebrated portrait and historical painter was born at Mechlin in 1584, and was a disciple of Karel van Mander. Few painters have equaled Hals in his particular department, 46 CROCKER ART GALILEE and of the numerous artists of his country he has only been surpassed in it by Vandyck. His coloring is chaste, and at the same time vigorous, and his heads are full of life and character. It was the opinion of Vandyck that no artist would have equaled him in his profession if he could have given more tenderness to his coloring. 406 Hubner, Carl Dusseldorf The Village on Fire In this magnificent painting, Hubner has represented in the most vivid colors all the horrors of a conflagration. 407 Unknown For the Poor 408* Potter, Paul (1625-1654) Dutch School Cattle and Sheep 409 Unknown (Signed W.R.) Flemish School Pigeons 410 Unknown Children 411 Hahn, Wilhelm San Francisco Market Scene, Sansome Street, San Francisco 412 Siebold, C. (Date of Birth, 1759) Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria The Empress of Austria, and Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, is painted by Siebold in her maturity, not as she appeared in the flush of youth and beauty before her faithful Hungarians, when, in 1741, she put herself and her infant son Joseph under their protection, and they, animated with the most enthusiastic loyalty, drew their swords, exclaiming: “We will perish for our King, Maria Theresa!” 413 Both, Jan Dutch School Landscape This celebrated artist was born at Utrecht in 1610. “His landscapes exhibit the most scenery, his color is glowing yet SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 47 delicate, and there is a sparkling effect of sunshine in his pictures that has scarcely been equaled. He died in his native place in 1650, at the early age of forty. 414 Libri, Girolamo Da Veronese School Woman with Cherries This artist acquired from his father’s occupation, which was that of an illuminator of books, his surname of da Libri. He was born at Verona in 1474, and died in 1555. His pictures were noted for their fine expression and finished style. His manner resembles that of Bellini. 415 Kolitz, L. Dusseldorf Bird Shooting on the Ramparts of a Rhenish Town 416 Hazer, G. The Cobbler 417 Litschaur, K. J. Armorer and Raven 418* Corre O10 ge Lombardese School foo) ) Venus and Adonis Antonio Allegri, called Correggio, was born at Correggio, a small town in Modena, in 1494. It is ascertained that this great genius and “model of all supernatural grace,’ never visited Rome—never even saw the works of other great masters, except Raphael’s “St. Cecelia,” when it was brought to Bologna. After long gazing upon it with breathless admira- tion, he exclaimed: “Anch io sono pittore!” (I also am a painter!) Correggio’s death occurred in the year 1534, at the early age of forty-one. Like Raphael, he died in the prime of life. 419 Muhlig, Meno Dresden Royal Hunting Feats 420* Cranach, Lucas The Crucifixion 421 * Reni Guido (1575-1642) Bolognese School ) Entombment of Christ 48 CROCKER ART GALLERY 422% Cranach, L. (1472-1553) German School St. Sebastian 423 Hill, ‘Thomas San Francisco Grand Canyon of the Sierras—Yosemite Valley, California Thomas Hill was born in Birmingham, England, in 1829. His family came to America in 1840, and settled at Taunton, Mass. He early showed artistic talent, his first important work being painted in Philadelphia in 1853, at which time he was a member of the old Graphic Club and also of the Academy, studying in the life class, of which Rothermel was president. In 1853 he took his first medal at the Maryland Institute, Baltimore. In 1861, he came to California for the benefit of his health. Opening a studio in San Francisco, he took the first prize of the Art Union for his “Trial Scene in the Merchant of Venice.” He went to Paris in 1866, and studied with Paul Meyerheim, after which he devoted himself almost exclusively to landscape. Taking up his residence in Boston in 1867, he painted several notable pictures, amongst others “The Yosemite Valley” and “White Mountain Notch.” Ill health compelled him to return to California, where he was soon able to resume the successful career began in the Kast. At the Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, 1876, he was awarded the first medal for landscape painting, the subjects being “Donner Lake” and “Yosemite Valley,” which are now in the gallery of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University. An- other of his best works, “The Great Canon of the Sierras,” is in the Crocker Gallery (No. 423). This picture gained the New York Pallette Club medal. In addition to these honors, Mr. Hill has received a number of other medals. 424 Muhlig, Meno Dresden Return from the Hunt 425* Cranach, Lucas (1472-1553) German School St. Sebastian 426 Achenbach, Andreas Dusseldorf Norwegian Coast by Moonlight Andreas Achenbach was born at Hesse Cassel in 1815. In 1827 he became a pupil of Sehirmer, the professor of land- SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 49 scape at the Dusseldorf Academy, and acquired in a few years a high rank as an architectural landscape painter. “A coasting voyage which he made with his father in 1832 and 1833, by way of Rotterdam, Scheveningen and Amsterdam, to Hamburg, and thence to Riga, opened new fields for the exercise of his pencil in the grand wilderness and magnificent surging of the Northern Sea, his acquaintance with which he two years afterwards matured and extended by an expedition to Denmark, Norway and Sweden.” He subsequently traveled in the Tyrol, and in 1843 went to Italy, where he remained two years. “His pictures are characterized by the charm of never ending variety, grand mountain passes and lovely home idylls, the solitary fiord, forest lands, waterfalls and marine views with shipping, all seem under diverse aspects of sea- son—some by day, others by moonlight. To sum up, the tendency of Achenbach’s genius is realistic in the highest and best sense of the word.” Foremost among his scholars are his brother Oswald and A. Flamm-Andreas. Achenbach obtained the great gold medals of Belgium and Prussia and the small one of France. He is also Knight of the Belgium Order of Leopold, and a member of the academies of Berlin, Amsterdam and Antwerp. Died 1905. 427 Van Der Werf, Peter Dutch School Diana and a Nymph 428 Venius, Otto Dutch School Christ and Martha Otto Venius was born at Leyden in 1556, and spent many years in Italy, where he was the pupil of Zuccaro. On his return, he passed some time in Germany, in the service of the Emperor, and finally established himself in Antwerp, where he became the instructor of Rubens. Venius was appointed principal painter to Archduke Albert, which position he re- tained until his death in 1634. 429* Rubens, Peter Paul (1577-1640) Flemish School ’ Assumption of the Virgin Mary 430 Piloty, Carl Munich The Hurdy-Gurdy Girl Professor Piloty was born in 1826, and was for years 50 CROCKER ART GALLERY Director of the Royal Academy of Munich. He acquired European fame by two great works, which of their kind are unrivaled: The “Death of Wallenstein,” and “Nero Walk- ing Among the Ruins of Rome.” He has numerous followers and imitators, among them Lindenschmidt and Toby Rosen- thal. 431 Wouverman, Philip (1620-1668) Dutch School Smith Shoeing a White Horse Wouverman excelled in portraying horses, and introduced them into most of his pictures. 432° Wer gel, t. Dresden Winter Landscape 433 Neefs, Peter, The Elder = Flemish School Church Interior Painting interiors of Gothic churches was the chosen province of this painter. His style is similar to that of his master, Steenwyck, whom he, however, excels in power and warmth of tone. Neefs was born at Antwerp in 1651, and died in 1670. 434 Dietrich, Franz Dresden Proclamation of Peace After the Thirty Years’ War A composition containing about seventy figures in the foreground and on the sides, besides an immense number more indistinctly seen in the distance. Young and old have come without the town to receive the glad tidings of peace, which are brought by twelve youths, crowned with flowers and clad in flowing garments, who are advancing slowly down the road. One bears a scroll of parchment in his left hand, the others carry olive branches. Some of the people are on their knees, while others stand gazing upwards, in mute gratitude to Heaven. Here and there, those whom the cruel war has made widows and fatherless, indulge in silent grief, unable to participate in the universal joy. To the left appear the steeples and buildings of a town, and from a half-ruined tower flies the white flag of peace. In the distance, to the right, troops are seen returning. A river, the Rhine, probably, winds its serpentine course through the distant landscape, SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 51 dotted along its banks with towns and villages, and castled crags, and over all, in the blue sky, gleams the rainbow of promise. 435* Carracci, Agostino (1558-1601) Bolognese School The Paraletic 436 Maunsch, J. Munich Recruiting Officers and Peasant 437 Mola, Pietro Francisco Roman School Abraham Offering Isaac This artist was born in the vicinity of Como in the year 1609, and died at Rome in 1665. Price says: “There is hardly any painter whose pictures more immediately catch the eye of a connoisseur than those of Mola, or that less attract the notice of a person unused to painting.” 438* Reni, Guido Bolognese School ) Avarice Guido Reni, the greatest of the scholars of the Caracei, was born at Bologna, in 1575. “His earlier pictures display a striving after the grand and terrible, with a powerful effect of light and shadow, similar to that observed in the works of Caravaggio; but his later style, by which he is best known, is remarkable for its sweetness and tenderness. His heads show the influence of a careful study of the antique.” Guido died in 1642. 439* Van Dyck, Sir A. (1599-1641) Flemish School Christ Healing the Blind Mark VIII: 22-25 440 Muhr, Julius Munich Banquet of Queen Joanna Near Naples At a table, covered with a damask cloth, on which are flowers, wines and sweetmeats, ladies and cavaliers are seated in various attitudes, all more or less careless. In the foreground, to the right of the spectator, sits Queen Joanna, a fair woman, of beautiful form and feature.” She 52 CROCKER ART GALLERY is clothed in white satin; some drapery of gold brocade is thrown across her lap, which is full of flowers, and the tip of her dainty attired foot rests on a richly covered stool. Her head is turned towards the gentleman on her left, Prince Louis of Taranto, who, with his right hand on his heart, is evidently making some tender protestation. Behind the chairs of the Queen and her favorite stand two Moorish boys, holding fans of peacock feathers. To the left, a youth and maiden, in the costume of the Italian peasantry, are execut- ing a national dance to the music of bagpipe and flute. In the background attendants are bringing in fruit, and on the extreme right of the picture a musician, seated on a stone fence, and two lazzaroni are eagerly gazing upon the festive scene. Between the vine-wreathed pillars, at the back of the table, we have a view of Vesuvius, and the blue waters of the far-famed Bay of Naples. Queen Joanna reigned from 1343 to 1382. She was a beautiful, but unprincipaled woman, who caused the murder of her first husband in 1345, and was married three times afterwards. She was suffocated by command of her cousin and adopted son, Charles of Durazzo, who was proclaimed King of Naples in 1382. 441* Caracci, Annibale (1560-1609) Bolognese School Madonna and Child 442 Roux, Charles Munich Cattle Piece 443 Berghem, Nicholas (1624-1683) Dutch School Landscape with Cattle 444 Backhuysen, L. Dutch School Shipwreck Ludolph Backhuysen, born at Embden in 1631, commenced his art studies only in his eighteenth year, and devoted him- self with great ardor to marine painting, his representations of the “fearful element” speedily raising his reputation higher than even that of W. Van de Velde. Backhuysen died in Amsterdam in 1709. SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 53 445 Rosa, Salvatore (1615-1673) Neapolitan School The Wild Bull Hunt 446 Genz, W. Berlin Egyptian Harem Taking a Walk 447 Vignali, Jacopo Florentine School Name Unknown Vignali was born at Florence in 1592. Although a disciple of Matteo Rosselli, his style bears more resemblance to that ot Guercino. Among the many scholars who do honor to the teaching of Jacopo Vignali, the name of Carlo Dolce stands pre-eminent. He died in 1664. 448 Von Oer, Theobald F. Dresden Maria Theresa at Her Husband’s Tomb 449 Potter, Paul (1625-1654) Dutch School Cattle Piece 450 Wolf, F. The Love Letter 451 Hiddemann, F. Munich Return Home from America 452* Zurbaran, Francisco Spanish School Job Comforted by His Wife Francisco Zurbaran, the son of a husbandman, was born at Fuente de Cantos, near Seville, in 1596. As he early evinced much taste and skill in painting, he was released from the plow and placed under the tuition of Juan de Roelas, where he soon acquired a considerable reputation. In 1650, he was sent for by King Philip to paint the Labors of Hercules, in the palace of Buenretiro. During the progress of the work, he was often visited by his royal patron, who on one occasion was pleased to express his admiration by laying his hand upon the artist’s shoulder, and calling him “painter of the king, and king of painters.” Zurbaran was of the naturalist school in light and shade and color, and is called the Spanish 54 CROCKER ART GALLERY Caravaggio; he made a special study of draperies, which are invariably well managed in his pictures. He died at Madrid in 1662. 453 Van Der Werf, Peter Dutch School Medor and Angelica. (From Ariosto’s “Orlando Furioso”’) Peter Van der Werf was born in the vicinity of Rotterdam in 1665. A pupil of his elder brother, Adrian, he copied the latter’s works in the same tone of coloring and delicate manner of penciling. In painting from his own designs he imitated his brother so closely that his pictures have some- times passed for Adrian’s works, although they are inferior to them. He died in 1718. 454 Rubens, Peter Paul (after) The Garland of Fruit 455 Carracci, Annibale Bolognese Baptism of Christ Born at Bologna, in 1560, Annibale was the most distin- guished of the brothers Carracci. His principal works at Rome are the “Farnese Gallery,” and the “Miracle of Cana,” in the chapel of the palace. At Bologna, the “Annunciation,” in the Church of the Madonna di Galliera; and the Dresden Gallery contains his admirable picture of “St. Roch Distribut- ing His Wealth to the Poor.” Annibale Carracci died at Rome, in 1609. 456* Murillo, Bartholome Esteban Spanish School A Gypsy In this picture the connoisseur recognizes at a glance the master hand of Murillo. The squalid attire and surroundings of the weird, witch-like creature, the attendant ape, fit com- panion for a being who appears scarcely human in her re- pulsive hideousness, are portrayed with wonderful art and expression, and reveal the touch of him, in whom “all the glories of Spanish art were united, as it were, into one focus.” Murillo, like Rubens, the only master of his age that can be compared with him in talent, “possessed an almost incredible SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 55 fertility, a widely extended reputation, and most amiable qualities.” Bartholome Esteban Murillo was born in the little town of Pilas, near Seville, in 1618, and died in 1685. 457* Vinci, Leonardo Da Florentine School Ecce Homo This illustrious artist was born in the Val de’Arno in 1452, and evinced even in childhood a decided taste for the fine arts. Placed by his father under the guidance of Andrea Verrochio, he soon eclipsed that master, and his talents rapidly attracted the attention of the Florentine public. Leonardo’s studies had not been confined to painting; he was an able sculptor and architect and an accomplished poet and musician. Joined to such vigor of intellect, was an elegance of feature and grace of manner which made him beloved by all and soon spread his fame through Italy. His famous work is his “Last Supper,” painted for the refectory of the Dom- inican Convent of S. Maria delle Grazie at Milan,” a perform- ance which history ranks amongst the most admirable produc- tions of the art.” Leonardo da Vinci expired at Fountainbleau on the 2nd day of May, 1519. Aged 67 years. 458 Brandel, Peter German School Christ in Gethsemane Peter Brandel, born at Prague in 1660, possessed great readiness of invention, and painted many excellent pictures, especially for churches in Prague and Breslau. He died at Kuttenberg in 1739. 459 Withdrawn from collection. 631 Denny, G. 1k San Francisco Towing the Old “Veteran” Into San Francisco Harbor 460 Unknown The Declaration 461 Unknown The Examination 462 Denny, G. J. San Francisco Golden Gate 56 CROCKER ART GALLERY 463 Wyck, Thomas (1616-1688) Dutch School ; The Return from Market 464 Rubens, Peter Paul Flemish School Portrait Peter Paul Rubens, the illustrous head of the Flemish School, the “consummate painter, enlightened scholar, skill- ful diplomatist and accomplished man of the world,” was born at Cologne in 1577, on the Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul, from which circumstance he received his name. On reaching his twenty-third year, he went by advice of his friend and master, Otto Venius, to Italy, where he spent eight years. On his return he established himself at Antwerp, from where he went at different times to the Courts of France and Spain. Among his numerous magnificent paintings, the one by which he is most extensively known is probably his fa- mous “Descent from the Cross,’ which presents the highest excellence attained by the master in ecclesiastical art. Ru- bens died at Antwerp May, 1640. 465 Withdrawn from collection. 494 Brunner, Hans Munich Hunting Scene 466 Le Sue Jacob Wrestling with the Angel 467 Douw, Gerhard (after) The Schoolmaster Candle and lamplight effect. 468 Metzu, Gabriel (after) The Game Dealer 469 Bergen The Flageolet Player 470 Keith, W. (Signed and dated 1879) San Francisco, Cal. Landscape William Keith was born in Scotland in 1839. He studied under Achenbach and Carl Marr, and spent some time at SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 5T work in Paris. He came to California in 1859, where, with the exception of occasional visits to Europe, he has since resided. Probably he is the best known for his landscapes, which have achieved for him a reputation throughout the United States, while at the same time his work in the field of portraiture is almost equally important. 471 472 473 474, 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 Rubens (School of) Allegory Bendemann Still Life Unknown Flemish School The Happy Family Zimmermann, R. S. (after) The Rebuff Rubens, Peter Paul (after) Descent from the Cross é Schuz, F. Dresden Candidates for Confirmation Going to Church Risse, R. Sleeping Beauty Drooch Sloot, J. C. Dutch School Holland Harvest Feast Seydel, Ed. Dresden Saxon Tavern Dekeyser, Theodore (after) Vandyck Bidding Adieu to Rubens mrever,.-. Dusseldorf The Interrupted Promenade 58 CROCKER ART GALLERY 482 Pondel, F. Drunken Boor 483 Graf, Anthony Swiss Portrait of Joseph Boruslawsky Anthony Graf, an eminent Swiss portrait painter, was born at Winterthur in 1736. In 1766 he was appointed painter to the Court of Saxony, and settled in Dresden, where he died in 1813. 484 Pondel, F. Old Woman Counting Money 485 Achenbach, C. Festival and Fireworks by Moonlight at Resina, Italy 486 Muhlig, Meno Dresden The Cobbler Trumpeting 487 Glieman, A. Dresden Girl and Pet Dog 488 Van Aelst, Wilhelm Dutch School Roses and Butterfly 489 Aerttinger Invasion of Persia by the Russians Under Prince Pascovitch in 1829 49() Unknown English School Boy and Falcon 491 Muller, Moritz Munich Tyrolean Country House 492 Kockert, J. Munich St. John’s Eve 493 Jacobs (after) Roman Matron 495 496 497 498 501 502 503 504 505 506 SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 59 Siebold, C. (after) Portrait of an Old Man Nahl, Chas..C. San Francisco Evening on the Sacramento River Venus, Albert Dresden Landscape, the Campagna Near Rome Siebold, C. (after) Portrait of an Old Woman Munsch, J. Munich Soldier and Peasant Boy Bretschneider, Edward Altenburg Cordelia and King Lear in Prison Van Der Venne, A. Munich The Gypsy Halt Veronese, Paolo (after) Abduction of Europa Poussin, Gasper Dughet (School of) Landscape Netscher, Gaspar German School (Name Unknown) Carter (after) Foxes Burde, F. Berlin Preaching in the Woods 60 CROCKER ART GALLERY 507 Murillo, Bartolome Esteben (after) Boys Eating Grapes and Watermelons 508 Nieulant, Adrian Van Flemish School Orpheus Before Pluto This artist, a native of Antwerp, flourished in the latter part of the sixteenth century. He painted principally land- scapes, into which he introduced small figures with con- siderable skill. He died probably about 1601. 509 Hondekoeter, Melchoir (1636-1695) Dutch School Still Life 510 Quaglio, L. Wedding Festival in Bavaria 511 Brakeleer, Adrien The Village Armorer 512 Titian, Vecelli (after) Bacchante 513 Zimmermann, R. S. (after) The News Readers 514 Helst, B. Van Der (after) (1613-1670) Awarding Archery Prizes 515 ‘Thompson, H. London One of the First Smokers 516 ‘Titian, Vecelli (after) (1477-1576) Spring 517 Seydel, Ed. Dresden The Soldier’s Return 518 Van Oer, Theobald Dresden Display of the Madonna De San Sisto at the Saxon Court SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 61 519 Brandner, P. Dresden Zwinglius Visiting Ulrich Von Hutten 520 Muller, M. Munich | The Green Tree Scene at the “Green Tree,” a noted beer house in Munich. 521 Rosa, Salvatore (after) Marine View, Harbor and Shipyard 522 Strong, E. Sacred Deer 523* Crayer, Gasper De Flemish School The Nativity Gaspar de Crayer was born at Antwerp in 1582. “The biographers of the Flemish painters have not hesitated to place this estimable artist on a level with Rubens and Van- dyck. Although this high compliment may be rather strained, he is undoubtedly entitled to the next rank after them, among the ablest artists of that school.” 524 Nahl, Chas. C. San Francisco The Indian Camp 525 Schalcken, G. Dutch School Scholar by Lamplight 526 Murillo (manner of) Spanish School Madonna and Child 527 Le Sueur, Eustache French School Christ at the Temple with the Doctors Eustache Le Sueur, the son of an obscure sculptor, was born at Paris in 1617. “His style exhibits little of the char- acter of his country, and the simplicity of his compositions and the poetry of his design procured him the honorable title of the French Raffaelle. * * * His compositions are noble and elevated, and there is a naivete in the air of his heads, 62 CROCKER ART GALLERY and in his attitudes, which is extremely interesting; his draperies are simply and grandly cast, and though his coloring is without vigor or force, it is tender and delicate, and well adapted to the particular character of his works.” This dis- tinguished painter died in 1655. 528 Gille, Robert Portrait 529 Hill, Thomas San Francisco Sugar Loaf Peak, El Dorado County, California $30 Van Der Does, J. Dutch School Sheep and Goats Jacob Van der Does, born at Amsterdam in 1623, was for some time a scholar of Nicholas Moyaert. On proceeding to Italy, he was, however, strongly influenced by the pictures of Peter van Laer (called Bamboccio), and attaching himself to the style of that master, he painted similar subjects with great success. He executed landscapes, chiefly of Italian character, enlivened with sheep and goats, “which are touched with a precision and beauty of pencil that has hardly seemed surpassed.” Van der Does is said to have been of a gloomy, morose and fretful temperament, and his works seem to par- take of the gloominess of his character. He died at The Hague in 1673. 531 Passagure Beer House Scene 532 ‘Teniers, David, The Younger (1610-1694) Flemish School The News Readers 533 Van Der Does, J. Dutch School Sheep and Goats 534 Groot, if De Brussels Interior of a Belgian Cottage 535 Rembrandt, Van Rhyn (after) Expulsion of Hagar SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 63 536 Unknown Italian School David Playing the Harp Before Saul 537 Bienaime, J. Paris The Dangerous Neighbor 538 Unknown The Sportsman’s Return 539 Primaticcio, Francesco Bolognese School Perseus and Andromeda Francesco Primaticcio, the scion of a noble house, was born at Bologna in 1490. He was successively the scholar of Innocenzo da Imola, Il Bagnacavallo, and of Guido Romano; with the latter he spent six years. He passed much of his time in France, where he was a great favorite with Francis I. On the death of that monarch, he continued in the service of his successors, Henry II and Charles IX. Primaticcio died at Paris in 1570. 540 Holbein, Hans German School Dido Stabbing Herself This distinguished painter, engraver and designer, is gen- erally said to have been born at Basle in 1498, although according to others, he is a native of Augsburg. However this may be, young Holbein passed his youth in the former place. In 1526 he visited England, where he was received with the greatest kindness by Sir Thomas More, through whose influence he was introduced to the notice of King Henry VIII, who took him into great favor, and appointed him painter to the Court, with apartments in the palace and a liberal salary. His works are very numerous; the greatest and best are in England, where he executed them. He died of the plague in London in 1554. 541 F. Willems Music Lesson 542 FE. H. Blashfield Music 64 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 550% 551 552 553 554 CROCKER ART GALLERY Junker, W. Dresden Portrait—Fraulein Ulrich Of the King’s Opera House in Dresden Lachenwitz, F. 8S. Dresden Wolves Attacking Wild Horses Unknown The Fisherman’s Farewell Unknown Peasants Admiring a Fountain Von Gebhardt, E. Dusseldorf Lazarus and the Rich Man Unknown Grace Before Meat Muhlig, Meno Feeding Chickens Lassig Landscape Near Salzburg Keath, Wm. Mount Baker, Oregon Bega, Cornelius (1620-1664) Dutch School The Doctor Unknown Hessian Country Blacksmith Shop Siebold, C. Portrait De Bruyn, Theodore French School Landscape with Cattle Theodore de Bruyn, a native of France or Switzerland, flourished in the middle of the eighteenth century. He is noted as a painter of landscape and cattle, and also imitated SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 65 bas reliefs very successfully. An example of his skill in the latter department may be seen in the chapel of Greenwich Hospital. 555 Diethe, A. Roman Girl 556 Col, David (after) Testing the Wine 556144 Brookhart The Favorite of the Harem 557 Muller, Jos. (1871) Sketching Grandpa 558 Muller School Examination 55814 Brookhart La Pleasure Quest 559 Batoni, Pompeo Girolamo (after) Magdalene The famous picture in the Dresden Gallery, of which this is a copy, is conceded by all to be Batoni’s masterpiece. ~ Batoni was born at Lucca, Italy, in 1708, and died in 1781. 560 Bramer, Leonard Dutch School Crowning of Christ “And they stripped Him, and put on Him a scarlet robe. And when they had plaited a crown of thorns they put it upon His head, and they bowed the knee before Him and mocked Him, saying: ‘Hail, King of the Jews!’’—Matthew XXVII, 28, 29. Bramer’s style resembles that of Rembrandt. He was born at Delft in 1596; the year of his death is un- known. So Eberle, A. Munich Pillaging Soldiers 562 Canaletto (after) View in Venice 563 Murillo, Bartholome Esteban (1618-1685 Spanish School Mendicants Throwing Dice 66 CROCKER ART GALLERY 564 Sjamaar, P. G. Supper Time 565 Damschroder, S. J. M. The Village Oracle 566 Vershur, W. Halt Before the Inn 567 Sandrart, John Jacob Von German School The Nativity This artist was born at Ratisbon in 1655. He studied under his father and great-uncle, both of whom were painters of some note, and acquired considerable distinction in his day in Germany, both as an historical and portrait painter. He died at Nuremberg in 1698. 568 Hasenclever, John Peter (after) Matrimonial Scene 569 Weber, Antoine Paris The Response 570 Amerighi, Michel Angelo (after) The False Players Michel Angelo Amerighi, surnamed Caravaggio, was born at Milan in 1569, and died in 1609. He has made himself famous for the impressive truth of his productions, and his pictures may, to a certain extent, be regarded as typical of his life, portraying, as they do, more especially the passionate and gloomy emotions of the human heart. 571 Teix Dresden Mary, Queen of Scots and Her Husband, with Rizzio On the evening of the 9th of March, 1566, Lord Darnley, Ruthven, and others, entered the Queen’s apartments, Holy- rood Palace, and carried out their fiendish plot of assassinat- ing her confidential secretary and favorite, David Rizzio, before the eyes of his royal mistress. In the center of the picture, Mary is seated in an attitude of alarm, her right hand SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 67 extended towards Rizzio, as if to protect him. The latter, to the left, surprise and terror depicted on his countenance, leans back, gazing as if fascinated, upon Darnley, who, with outstretched arm, denounces him to the executioner. In the background, to the right, the Countess of Argyle stands near the door, a terror-stricken spectator of the scene. 572 Liotard (after) The Chocolate Girl The original picture, in the Dresden Gallery, was painted by a Swiss artist, Jean Etienne Liotard, sometimes called “The Turk.” He was born at Geneva in 1702. 573 Vernet, Claude Joseph French School Cain and Abel Moonlight view. Dated 1750. Claude Joseph Vernet was born at Avignon, in 1714 and died in 1789. 574 Zimmermann, Reinhard Sebastian Munich The Fisherman’s Return 575 Lindenschmidt, Wilhelm Munich Andrea Proles Teaching Young Luther 576 Schmidt, Gustave Horses in a Snow Storm 577 Guiseppe, Casciaro Was born at Ortella in the province of Lecca in 1862 and his early studies were made under the famous painter of animals, Palazzi, and under Dominic Morelli in Academy of Naples. His pastels have been exhibited in the principal cities of Europe and are to be found in many of the important museums of the continent. 578 Van Oer, Theobald Dresden St. Luke Painting the Madonna 68 CROCKER ART GALLERY 579 Biechling, C. Old Fort in Winter 580 Kronberger, C. Munich Old Soldier with Show 581 Rugendas, C. P. | German School Cavalry Fight 582 Bakofky Moscow Vanity 583 Unknown Women Bathing 584 Dekeyser (after) Raphael Painting the Duchess Joanna of Arragon 585 Reni, Guido (after) Lucretia 586 Schonberr, C. | Dresden Lazarus and the Rich Man 587 Beschey, B. Flemish School Girls Picking Flowers Frightened by a Snake Balthasar Beschey was born at Antwerp in 1708, and was the pupil of a comparatively unknown artist named Peter Strick. In 1755 he became one of the six directors of the Academy of his native city. He died in 1776. 588 Poussin, Gaspar Dughet Roman School Landscape Gaspar Dughet was born at Rome in 1618. On his sister’s marriage with Nicolo Poussin, Gaspar acquired the patronymic of his brother-in-law, ‘under whose tuition he became an eminent and almost unsurpassed landscape painter. His _pic- tures principally represent the most enchanting views in the SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 69 vicinity of Rome, Tivoli and Frascati, but he has also com- posed many ideal landscapes. He died at Rome in 1675. 589 590 St 592 593 594 Pesne, Antoine (after) Girl with Pigeons Unknown The Milkmaid Schalken, Godfrey (after) Dutch Girl with Light Unknown German School, 17th Century Roses and Forget-Me-Nots Rembrandt, Van Rhyn (after) Portrait Bary, E. presden Moses Protecting the Daughters of Jethro Exodus 11, 16 and 17 595 596 =) 4é 598 599 Hook, J. C. First Lesson in Navigation Vandyck, Sir A. (after) Madonna and Child Ke reel, Ly Dresden Winter Landscape Unknown Cavalry Fight Van Oer, Theobald Dresden Mining Allegory ‘70 CROCKER ART GALLERY 600 Adam, Benno (after) Town Quarters The original of this picture is in the Royal Bavarian col- lection at Schleissheim. 601 Buonarotti, Michel Angelo (after) Battle Between Jupiter and the Giants 602* G. P. Panini (1655-1708) Venetian Ruins 603 Cogswell, Wm. Portrait of President U. S. Grant 604 Landseer (after) Pride and Humility 605 ‘Teniers, David, The Younger Flemish School Gallery of Paintings David Teniers, born at Antwerp in 1610, received his first instruction in painting from his father, the elder Teniers; he afterwards studied under Adrian Brouwer, and is said to have been for some time the pupil of Rubens. The works of Teniers, although exceedingly numerous, are held in the highest estimation, and in subjects relating to common life, he is the greatest of Flemish painters. He died at Brusse!s in the year 1694, at the advanced age of eighty-four. 606 Raphael, Sanzio (after) La Perle Philip IV of Spain, who had purchased the picture from the Gallery of Charles I, is said to have exclaimed, on seeing it: “This is my Pearl!” Hence its name. 607 Rembrandt, Van Rhyn (after) Old Woman Weighing Coin 608 Ingemney, L. M. Wandering Mechanic Making His Toilet Before Entering the Village 4 SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA val 609 Cogswell, Wm. Portrait of Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase 610 Kerkhove, Van Der Flemish School Artist’s Surprise Party Joseph Van der Kerkhove, born at Bruges, in 1669, studied at Antwerp under Erasmus Quellinus, the younger. On leav- ing that master’s studio, he set out for Italy; but on his way through France, he met with so much encouragement in Paris, that, abandoning his original project, he decided to remain in the latter city. After several years’ residence there, he returned to Bruges, where he received more com- missions than he could execute. His principal work is a series of fifteen pictures of the Life of Our Savior, painted for the Church of the Dominicans at Bruges. He died in his native city in 1714. The picture before us was painted during the artist’s residence in Paris. 611 Vollmar Munich Paying His Addresses 612 Muhlig, Meno ; Dresden Caught in the Act! 613 Ritschel, Wm. Monterey Coast 614 Correggio, Antonio Da (after) The Doctor 615 Salvator, Rosa (after) Portrait Comescmitz, F. C. English Hunting Scene 617 Rubens, Peter Paul (after) Abduction of Europa 618 Veronese, Paolo (1532-1583) (after) Venetian School Christ Bearing the Cross The original painting is in the Dresden Gallery. 72 CROCKER ART GALLERY 619 Muller, Moritz Munich Market Scene by Lanterns and Moonlight 620 Borgognissanti, Luigi Pisani Rome St. Dorothea 621. Heine Fs Shepherd with Sheep 622 Behringer, L. Artillery Review of Bavarian Troops 623 Wynants, John Dutch School Attacked on the Highway A landscape, through which winds a river, its left bank quite thickly wooded. Two horsemen riding along the op- posite shore have been surprised by a party of highwaymen, and some heavy firing is going on. John Wynants, born at Harlem in 1600, is esteemed one of the most distinguished landscape painters of his time, and the academy which he established has produced many of the ablest artists of the Dutch School. Little is known of his life, “his works, like those of Philip Wouverman, must form his history.” His pictures, which are very valuable and of which he painted a large number, are to be found among all the best collections. He died in 1670. 624 Van Dyck, Sir A. (after) Danae 625 Keith, William San Francisco Mount Hood, Oregon 626 Bush, N. San Francisco Scene in Nicaragua 627 Rubens, Peter Paul (after) The Garden of Love 628 Keith, William San Francisco Mount Shasta, California 629 630 SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA %3 Beerestraten, J. Van Dutch School Skating Scene in Holland Sylvestre, L. French School Portrait of Frederic the Great Half length portrait of Frederic II of Prussia, surnamed the Great, painted by Louis Sylvestre, a distinguished French artist, born at Paris in 1675 and died in 1760. 632 633 634 635 636 Caracci (School of) Venus and Cupid Dahl, S. The Victim > Reni, Guido (after) Cleopatra Seydel, Ed. For the Poor Stockhammer Joash Stoning Zacharias (II Chronicles, Chap. XXIV, v. 20, 21.) 637 638 Unknown | Portrait—A Lady with Powdered Hair Stockhammer Hezekiah Exhibiting His Treasures (II Kings, Chap. XX, v. 13.) 639 Veronese, Paolo (after) The Marriage in Cana Florence Dresden ' The original of this painting is in the Dresden Gallery. 74 CROCKER ART GALLERY 640 Titian, Vecelli (after) Lavinia, Titian’s Daughter 641 Mieris, Francis, The Elder Dutch School Tavern Scene This artist, the son of a goldsmith, was born at Leyden in 1635. Ambitious of imitating the style of Gerard Douw, he entered his studio, and soon became not only the ablest of his disciples, but is even considered by many the superior of that master. His works are exceedingly rare. He died in 1681. 642 Metzu, Gabriel (after) The Game Dealer 643 Muhlig, Meno | Dresden The Hunter’s Return 644 Unknown Italian School, 16th Century The Masquerade 645 Meissner, Ernst Dresder Returning from Work 646 Marc, W. Munich Equality of Rank 647 Unknown Dutch School Head 648 Rubens (School of) Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife 649 Muttenthaler, A. Munich Unknown 650 Crocker, Miss Katie | Sacramento Magdalena (copy) SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 75 651 Preyer, John William (after) A Munich Luncheon 652 Breughel, John Flemish School Landscape In the foreground, horses, sheep and cattle, and several figures of men and boys. To the right, a farm house, shaded by trees, passing in front of which is a woman, carrying a load on her head, and holding a child by the hand. In the ‘middle distance, two horsemen; to the left, a horseman and a pedestrian, side by side. Mountain scenery in the distance. John Breughel was born at Brussels, in 1589, and died at Antwerp, in 1642. There were four painters of this name living about the same time. John Breughel was distinguished as the “Velvet Breughel,’ because he was generally dressed in velvet, an eypensive habit, and one unusual for painters in those days. 653 Rembrandt, Van Rhyn em The Astrologer 654 Reyntjens, H. E. Paris A Jolly Party 655 Brooks, S. M. San Francisco Still Life 656 Rubens, Peter Paul (after) Orpheus Before Pluto 657 Unknown The First Drink of Beer 658 Mertz Antwerp Condoling with the Widow 659 Ostade, Isaac Van Dutch School Women Fighting 76 660 661 662 663 CROCKER ART GALLERY Hadner, George Von Market Scene by Lanterns and Moonlight Unknown Royal Pleasure Party Unknown Head Seydel, Ed. Spinning Wheel and Sewing Machine Dresden SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 77 HISTORY OF THE GALLERY City of Sacramento, California, the E. B. Crocker Art Gallery 1870-1873 to gratify their tastes. They gathered most of the Art Collection during their travels in Europe. The large collection of studies, drawings, etc., kept in port- folios and lockers, were secured from studios and collectors in Europe during the Franco-Prussian War. Jew E. B. and Mrs. Margaret E. Crocker erected in the In 1884 the California Museum Association was formed to gather a museum of art, natural history, etc., and to study matters related to the development of the resources of Cal- ifornia. To aid in securing a hall for its purposes, it gave an Art Loan Exhibition in the Art Gallery by the kindness of Mrs. Margaret E. Crocker, widow of Judge E. B. Crocker. It was so successful that in its midst Mrs. Crocker donated to the Association the building, and all its contents. By the request of the Association Mrs. Crocker changed the gift so that it could be received by the City of Sacramento, with the Cali- fornia Museum Association as a co-tenant and administrator. The city accepted the trust and the two bodies have ever since controlled the property jointly. In honor of the donor of the Gallery the people, shortly after the making of the deed, gave her a reception in the great Agricultural Pavilion, which for floral beauty, unan- imity of participation and splendor of ceremony, has never been surpassed in the State. People and societies from all over the State participated and contributed to the features of the floral festival. An account of all this with paintings by California artists was bound in a unique volume of gold and Sutter Fort Oak, and, with another volume bound in silver and oak, containing newspaper comments on the gift and festival, was presented to Mrs. Crocker. The original gift included 160 feet on O Street, by 160 on Second Street. A few years later and shortly prior to her death, Mrs. Crocker gave an additional strip on the east marked by the west line of the residence property next to the Gallery. or Pyr- Se SO ape » *dITVO ‘vl OLNSAWVuovWS OLNIAUWVYOVWS SO ALIO OL SAYVG S NI NYUNL3Y = ye ¥ : cones | as en yeah ep INS ACP 2 — _ e : r) ar : = s - ry 7 i . hd c ta = + ~ re “ = we : & 19 ARE, Ge | : Munich. THE EXHORTATION. 5 This composition contains sixteen figures, of which each one is a study. To the left, before a table covered with a red cloth, on which lies an open Bible, stands the pastor, his hands clasped in earnest exhortation, while enthusiasm and devotion are expressed in his countenance... The woinan in the foreground, whose face appears in profile, is listening with rapt attention, The other faces are equally expressive, LD VANDYCK, SIR A. (after) ~ eS: MADONNA AND CHILD. The Virgin 4 ears i sentihe ee puree regal character as the Queen of Heaven, with mm € sceptre. he infant Savior st s | petagins ¢ é stands upon her knee, leanines against his mother, and supported by her right hand. 7 28. WERONESE, PAOLO (after) 1532-1583. | Venetian School. CHRIST BEARING THE CROSS. “Dragged forward by a brutal crucifix, fainting under the weight of the cross, the Redeemer tottered feebly towards the Gate of Judgment, while the sainted Veronica, heedless of the rudeness of the soldiers, pressed forward to wipe from the countenance of the sufferer with her handkerchief the blood that trickled from his thorn-pressed brows (which handkerchief, according to the legend, ever afterwards retained the impression of the divine features); while behind, Mary, supported by the Apostle John, stretched her arms in speechless agony towards her beloved son.” The original painting is in the Dresden Gallery, a? de dees AWITIVO Ly ¥3yO0H9 “9 ‘4ITVD ‘vl OLNSWVHOVS OLNSWVHOVWS AO ALIO OL SAVG S NI NUNLay a, or ee i ¥ St “ PLUDDEMANN. (after) MEIXNER or MEISENER, LUDWIG. . MARINE VIEw. DE KEYSER. (after ) RAPHAEL PAINTING THE DUCHESS JOANNA OF ARRAGON. Joanna, daughter of Ferdinand of A rragon, and wife of Ascanio Colonna, ‘Prince of Tagliacozzo, was, from her beauty, surnamed The Divine. There are several paintings of her by Raphael. De Keyser represents her seated on a raised dais, under a canopy; she is clad in green velvet, and appears in profile. Raphael stands near the centre of. the picture, palette in hand, to the side of the easel,-on which his canvas rests. Ladies are grouped in various attitudes in the apartment. | 48. VAN DER WERFF, ADRIAN. (after) MAGDALENE. The small painting in the Royal Pinakothek in Munich, of which this is a copy, is considered the best work of the master. Adrian Van der Werff was born near Rotterdam in 1659, and died in 1722. His works are exceedingly rare, and commund a high price. Twenty-four of his principal pictures hang in the Dusseldorf Gallery. : Munich. ST. JOHN’S EVE. A group of peasants in different attitudes, celebrating St. John’s Eve. The reflection of the fire upon the faces and figures to the left, is: very effective. A young girl to the right of the group, stands half inthe fire-light, half in shadow, waving her hat as an answering greeting to some one not seen onthe picture. St. John’s fires are gleaming on all the distant moun- tain crests. 380. - DE VOS. PERFORMING DOGS OF BRUSSELS. 831. HEALY. (after) PORTRAIT OF ANDREW JACKSON. 165. CIGNANI. (after) VICTORY OVER SENSUALITY. ies scene from the life of Joseph, which is here represented, is too well nown td all readers of the Scriptures, to need either comment or explana- tion. The original picture, by the master h i | and of Carlo Cignani (1 adorns the walls of the Dresden Gallery. cuenta 166. BERGHEM, NICHOLAS. Dutch School. LANDSCAPE WITH ANIMALS. 40 CATALOGUE 163. UNKNOWN. GARABALDI.ON CAPRERA ISLAND. . 139. RAPHAEL, SANZIO. (after) LA PERLE. 5 Family, known by the name of “The Pearl,” is in the The infant Christ sits on the Madonna’s knee, resting one foot onacradle. In the foreground, John brings fruits in his panther’s skin. Mary’s left arm is round St. Elizabeth, who seems to participate in the mother’s joy; and in the background, St. Joseph is seen, busy at his trade. Philip IV. of Spain, who had purchased the picture from the Gallery of “This is my Pearl!” Charles I., is said to have exclaimed, on seeing it: hence its name. The original Holy Gallery at Madrid. 148. UNKNOWN. THE MILKMAID. 119. KERGEL, L. Dresden. _ WINTER SCENE ON THE ALSTEN NEAR HAMBURG. A bright, wintry landscape. A group of peasants, a man drawing a load on a sledge, a woman and a boy skating by hisside. Tothe left we see some towers and a windmill. 108. POTTER, PAUL. Dutch School. LANDSCAPE WITH ANIMALS. The cattle are reposing in the quiet landscape, and the milkmaid leaning : against the trunk of an old gnarled tree, has set down her pails to enjoy a conversation with her lover. Paul Potter was born at Enckhuysen in 1625. He made such astonishing progress in the study of painting, that he ranked, at the age of fifteen, as a finished artist. ‘Of the masters who have striven pre-eminently after truth, he is beyond all question, one of the greatest that ever lived.” He died at Amsterdam in 1654. s bt & S. CROCKER CO, INC., SACRAMENTO s . —— gs Ae Ee Be. Ss . ep) Wet we Oe 2 : eg re a SAG ALY NY 28 CATALOGUE 105. UNKNOWN. CHILDREN, Two little curly heads. One, a merry, while that of the little brunette, whose r mate’s neck, appears in profile. dimpled blonde, shows her full face, ight arm is thrown round her play- | _ Russian School, POPE OF GREEK CHURCH. ot VERONESE, PAOLO. (after ) x THE MARRIAGE IN CANA. - a: moment chosen by the artist, is that in which the « east is addressing the remonstrance to the bridegroom: a ee doth set forth g00d wine, and When men h en that which ig worse; but thou Rei : hast kept the good w S0overnor of the “Every man at ave well drunk, ine until now,” The original of this painting is in the Dresden Gallery. CROCKER ART GALLERY. . 3 Bo 67. UNKNOWN. . ; THE DECLARATION. | a iden are 1 withi j f the sea, a man and ma blue sky, and within view o ; ne ee ae proud, and as he speaks she listens, with aS wares a : the old, old story. eae ® oe 66. BATONI, POMPEO GIROLAMO. (after) | : | MAGDALENE. The famous picture in the Dresden Gallery, of which this Is a copy, is conceded by all to be Batoni’s masterpiece. The fair penitent is oe “ . = a ‘ e i in a roc beneath the shade of an olive tree, engag recling ina rocky valley, POOL le Nant i Seri : The interest which their study 3 reading the Holy Scriptures. ee i i i j features, while the skull, ind isadmirably depicted in her me while ae ee rests, indicates that the sinner whom Christ pardoned, ep ha she had loved much, ‘‘has cast behind her the pomps and vanities of this evil world.’’ Batoni was born at. Lucca, Italy, in 1708, and died in 1781, - t ¥ ti a : % ; ; . f 2 Nae al S. CROCKER co. INC., > oe tl | — << . C5 ae [2s << a=: : Lad =< ra) S oe (> | on ta! WONT