LIBRARY M. Knoedler & Co. 14 East 57th St. New York “" TER i -* fey Ll? Fe THE COALE COLLECTION. re; at AN ASSEMBLACE OF * . fe € rrp ary 5 NO ey! Z2mportant Paintings, BY THE 7 GREAT MODERN MASTERS, FORMED BY SA. Coaiz, Jr, St Louis, -MEISSONIER—TROYON—PASINI—GABRIEL MA .X—JOURDAN— STEINHEIL—CHAPLIN—LEFEBVRE—CONSTANT—SCHENCK ——VIBERT—BERTRAND—CASANOVA—ALFRED STEVENS —ZIEM—J ACQUET—JACQUE—COROT—JULES DUPRE —DIAZ—-KAEMMERER—CLAYs, And more than one hundred others. Py OOM EK HI BITTON AT THE ent Act Gal [lertes, $17 Broadteay, OY DAY AND EVENING. C3 TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION oy Tuesday and eats. March 1st fei : AT THE ———-—-.L) COOPER INSTITUT BY GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO, R, Somepeghs, Auctio Conimencing at 7:45 o'clock, rope. ~f CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dis pute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down twenty-five per cent. on the dollar in part payment, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if re- quired, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk within three days from the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be ab- solutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Vendor, on or before delivery ; in default of which the Auctioneers will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The Sale of-any Painting, Engraving, Print, Furai- _ ture, Works of Art, or any other article, is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description. All articles are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 6. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re- sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale, together with all ‘charges attending the same, This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneers to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if they think fit. GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO,, AUCTIONEERS E. ©. Jenkins’ Print, 20 North William St., New York, ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THE NUMBERS OF THE LOTS IN THE CATALOGUE,’ Achenbach, 0, 5r, Joris, P. 7. Alvarez, L. 62, Amberg, W, 83. Andrews, G. i. 6 Aubert, f. E. 56. Baugniet, C. 30, Bazzani, L. 15. Becker, C. 28, 7. Bellows, A. F. 6, 64. Benliva, J. 31. Berchere, N 47. Rerne-Bellecour, E. 43. Bertrand, J. 37. Beyschlag, R. 85, Bianchi, L, 112. - Os Boucherville, A. de. 77. Bouvier, A. 69. Casado del Alisal, J. 73. Casanova, A. 46, 82. Chaplin, C. 9. Chase, Wm, M: 307. Chevilliard, V. 33. Chlebowski, S. 4x. Cipriani, N. 68. Claris, G. 12. Clays, P. J. 116. Colman, S. rz. Coleman, W. S, 173. Constant, B. 23, rex. Corot, J. B. C. 45, 95. aiwille and Verboeckhoven. 96. Dalbono, L. 75. David, G. 88. Detti, C. 73, De'Cock, C. 62, Diaz, N. 57, 120. Dell ’Aqua, C. 17. De Keyser, N. x11- Dupre, J. 123. Diaque, R. 102. De Neuville, A. M. rs. Fichel, B. B. 70. Hoster, A. 8. -- Ferrari, G. 38. Gros, L. A. 32) 44. Glaize, L. 07. Gossling, Wm, 103. Hamilton, J. 109. Hart, Wm. s. Humbert, F, 42. Indoni, P. 36, 89. acque, C. 80. acquet, J. G. 52. Jourdan, A, 53. Kaemmerer, F. H. 61. ‘Kray,-Wm. es. Knaus, L. 16. Kaulbach, W. von. roz. Kiesel, C. 209, Loyeux, C. 103. Lesrel, A. A. row. Le Comte du Nouy, J. J. A. oz. Leloir, M. 98. Leickert, C. 99. Lelebvre: Jar). S42 Levy, E. 24. Lambinet, E. 20. Micheiti, F, P. 8:. Max, G. 86, 174. ~ Metz, L. de. 1, 2. Mauve, A. 28, Meyer von Bremen. 13, 43, 74, 84. Moreau, A. 67. Meissonier, J. L. E, 3, 124. Murray, E. 94. Cutin, P. ar. Pinchart, E, A. 22. Piloty, C. 10. Palmaroli, V. 35. Preyer, J. W. 76. Peralta, F. 92. Playfair, J. C. 4o. Pasini, A’ 49. Robie, J. 53. Richards, W, T. rzo. Rossi, L. 27, Stevens, A, re2. Sjamaar,. 3. Steinheil, A, C. E. 34. Schenck, A. F, A. 37, 173. Simoni, G. 39. Simonetti, A. 93. Schlessinger, H. 103. Troyon, C. 117. Tait, A. F. 63. Toulmouche, A. 72-3. Van Schendel, P. 65. Verboeckhoven, E. J. r4. Voillemot, A. C, 26, go. Villegas, A. 50. Vibert, J. G. so. Von Schwind, M. L. roo. Wainewright, T. F. 106, Whittridge, W. 10. Ziem, F. x19. . hen “the Auctioneers, yy ae = atl ST. Louis, Feb. 5th, 1881. Messrs. Gro, A. Leavitt & Co., New York. GENTLEMEN :—I have just concluded my arrangements for a protracted trip abroad, and have therefore deter- mined to close out my private collection of paintings by auction in your city, and shall at once proceed to pack and ship the same to your address. My paintings have all been bought within the last few years, and represent the artists at their best. Excepting the direct commissions to the artists, they have all been bought from your most respectable and responsible firms, Messrs. Knoedler & Co., Wm. Schaus, S. P. Avery, and A. Kohn, which, I trust, will prove a valuable and ack ceptable guarantee to your public. 7 Let it be fully and distinctly understood that it is to be a square sale, nothing put in on a limit or reserve, and that there is to be no by-bidding whatever. I have the honor to be, Your obcdient servant, | Ae 3 S. A. COALE, JR. AS frben NOTE In calling public attention to the Coale Collection, we desire to say that it has rarely been our good fortune to offer to connoisseurs a more interesting and beautiful collection of high-class works of art. A collection that embraces two of the great Meissonier’s chef d’euvres, Kaemmerer’s famous triumph of the sa/oz of 1877, “** The Croquet Party”; Vibert’s superb ‘‘ Theological Discus- sion,” of unsurpassed quality; Lefebvre’s ‘‘Sappho,” Max’s ‘‘Christian Martyr,” two fine works by Diaz, and most important works by Corot, Dupré, Aubert, De Neuville, Constant, Schenck, Ziem, Bertrand, Jourdan, Jacquet, Alvarez, Casanova, Achenbach, Pasini, Palmaroli, Fer- rari, Steinheil, Becker, Alfred Stevens’ superb ‘‘In the Garden,” and scores of equally important names and ac- ceptable subjects, we doubt not will favorably commend itself to the public. GEO. A: LEAVIZT Gere, New York, February 21. Catalofsue. ie LANPANT DE MTZ, . ; Paris | Crossing the Bac 4, D 3 fle 2 LANFANT DEMETZ,. . . Paris D Farly Pretty. meee: 3 SJ AMAAR, ; , Brussels ) Inter Ba (- adie toh jal fect. ka: 4 VAN SCHENDEL (Petrus), dec’d., _ Brussels Medals at Paris, 1844, ’47; Brussels, etc. wy) Market Women. 42. 5 | HART (William), N. A. . New York Landscape. Fy ee . 6 BELLOWS (A. F.), N.A,, ; New York The Old Millat Conway. JORIS (Pio), . ) : : ; Rome 20 La Marquise. FOSTER (Birket), . : : London Member of the Society of Painters in Water-colors. On the Thames. yy to. (A Study). 9 CHAPLIN (Charles), : Paris Pupil of Drolling. Medals, 1851, ’52, ‘65. 4 LG Legion of Honor, 1865. Officer Legion of Honor, 1877. Hors Concours. The Bath. 10 WHITTREDGE (Worthington), P.N.A., N. Y. if Landscape—E'vening on | Y ‘ the Delaware. Il COLMAN (Samuel), N.A., , New York | 4 a Near Antequera, Spain. I2 Jf CLARIS (Gaston), . Pupil of Meissonier. sj, Lhe Siege of Paris. 13 MEYER von BREMEN (J. G.), ,. Beri Pupil of Sohn. / AGold Medal of Prussia, 1850. Etc., ete. é fp 5 2 ® Ji“ FThe Little Sister. J é I4 VEREORCKHOVEN (Eugene Joseph), Brussels Medals, 1824, “41, *55. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1845. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold of Belgium. p. Chevalier of the Order of Michael of Bavaria. yw Chevalier of the Order of Christ of Portugal. oy Decoration of the Iron Cross. Member of the Royal Academies of Belgium, Antwerp, and St. Petersburg. ‘{) Sheep and Young, , eg ie ae a cit gee 15 BAZZANI (Luige), . : ‘ _ +» Rome fC —_Entranee to a Nobleman’s A v House in Ancient Pom- 9S pei 16 ENAUS (Ludwig), . , F : Berlin Various Medals, etc. (Black and White). Sly The Wood-Chopper. i7 DELL ’AQUA (Cesare), ; Brussels ae Medals, etc. : [2 The Mandolin. a, ae 18 fZAUVE (Anton), .. . : i Paris _ Pupil of F..P, Van Os. Honorable Mention, 1880. “7/7 The Flock. Wa © TQ PILOTY (Carl), : . : Se Munich tefl yous Medals, etc. ,/% Inspiration. if (Drawing in Black and White). 20 LAWBINET (Emile), deceased, ; Paris Pupil of Drolling. Medals, 1843, 53, °57. 4 id fi Legion of Honor, 1867. (9? at: Hors Concours. 0 Born, 1810. Died, 1878, } ) % Landscape—On the Seine. Paris 22 PINCHART (Emile Auguste), Wie ae Paris Pupil of Gerome. \ cae é | ri () eee Chrysalis. yo? 23 CONSTANT (Benjamin), . : whi ase : Pupil of Cabanel. Vv oOen Medals, 1875, ’76, ’78 (E. U.) fhe Legion of Honor, 1878. 4a Hors Concours. She Messalina. ~” LEVY (Emile), ae Paris Prize of Rome, 1854; Medals, 1859, “64, ‘66, 67. Legion of Honor, 1867. First Class Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1878. ¥ The Children’s Festival. Le YN 25 EKRAY (William), . : ‘ Vienna Professor of the Academy at Vienna. ‘ .. The Water Nymph. Wa VOILLEMOT (Andre Charles),. . _—_ Paris Pupil of Drolling. Medal, 1870, Legion of Honor, 1870. Hors Concours. The Pretty Model. 4 | 26 > 27> ROSSI (Louis), . Paris an Une Raw atile. 7 28. BECKER (Carl), .. ; : : Berlin Pupil of the Berlin Academy, Yon Klober, Hess, and Cornelius, Member and Vice-President of the Academy at Be, Member of the Academy at Vienna. Member of the Royal Society of the Fine f Arts of Belgium. i Officer of the Order of Leopold. Medals at Berlin, Vienna, and Munich, etc. Meretian- Lady, XVI. Century. We > Ae i 5 : : , Dusseldorf = Pretty as a-Picture.’ 30 BAUGNIET (Charles), "2 yee Paris Pupil of Florent Williams. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, Isabel the Catholic, Christ of Portugal, and of the Grande of Ernestine OL pase. Medals—Paris, 1863 ; Vienna, 1873. Visit of Condolence. poe | 21 «J 2qmie- BENLIVA(), + ° | Me | In the Bay of Naples. Vj t Lf) LANTZ, Ly V/ 4G ast Ys cee : 32 y GROS (Lucien Alphonse), Paris Pupil of Meissonier. By EAD Medal, 1867, ’76. +i Seigneur Henri 33 CHEVILLIARD (Vincent), ; f Paris / J ¥ Pupil of Tirinella, Picot, and Cabanel. Vi ones, he Pastoral Ride. Pai ot a - 34 Peeters. C.F), . ... | Paris Pupil of Farochon. Honorable Mention, 1879. J C Swiss Guard. A, : Se) PALMAROLI (Vicente),. . : Paris py Medal, Universal Exposition, Pasi-, 1867. # Pompeian Woman Im- AS» % proving her Complex- ion. | JB \) gw 36 INDONI (Philippo), . . ; ; Rome 37 SCHENCK (Auguste Frédéric Albrecht), Paris Pupil of Cogniet. Medal, 1865. Chevalier of the Order of Christ of Portugal, and of Isabel the Catholic. ( Sheep Lost in a Snow= | Storm. 38 « ae te eat CG. i; ; : Rome Chevalier, etc. ae 6 ae. the Wedding . uf ee Presents. 39 SIRIONI (G.), . : : Rome fe eihe Flirt. jo 40 Meee ATR (TC), . ... ~ London (°_ The Swing. \W/. Cs Te CHLEBOWSEI (Stanislas), . .° Paris Pupil of the Academy of Fine Arts of St. Petersburg, ~ and Gerome. of A Bashi-Bazouk. a atl RET ae A2 Paris HUMBERT (ferdinand), Gta Pupil of Picot, Fromentin, and Cabanel. coh Medals, AER, 67, (69, "978, VO —- mi Legion of Honor, 1878. a5 ) Hors Concours. rea cs “MY The Fair Blonde. 43. Paris BERNE-BELLECOUR (Etienne), wn Pupil of Picot and Barrias. * Medals, 1869, *72. ee ‘ Medal, Universal Exposition, Paris, 1878. & “ai Hors Concours. oe ss Wa “On Furlough in thie Fede wT? ¢ des Plantes. 44 GROS (Lucien Alphonse), . . a peas | Pupil of Meissonier. ( : Medals, 1867, ’76. ie Hors Concours. , ] The Cavalier., w@.- 45 g COROT (J. B. C.) deceased, Paris Ze > Pupil of Berten. - Medals, 1838, 48, ’55, 67 (E. U.) Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Universal Exposition, Paris, 1878. 4 it) Born, 1796. Died, 1875. Landscape. SANOVA (Antonio), . es Pupil of Madrazo. 0+” Awaiting an Audience with Fis Eminence. 47 vee BERCHERE (Narcisse), . ; Ee Paris $3 Pupil of Remond. Medals, 1859, 61, 64. Legion of Honor, 187. 5 es Medals (E. U.) 1878. ue A Street in ‘Gara 48 MEYER von BREMEN (J.G.), . Berlin | Pupil of Sohn, — is ey | Gold Medal of Prussia, 1859, ete. ae Jealousy. Sat oe Seer CY ad On Ae v ae ie 1 49 PASINI (Alberto), —. id ae Paris a ty a it"? é Pupil of Ciceri. Medals, 1859, °63, ’64. Legion of Honor, 1868. Chevalier of the Order of St. Maurice and Lazarre. Officer of the Orders of Turkey and Persia. Honorary Professor at the Academies of Parma and Turin. Grand Medal of Honor, Universal Exposition, Paris, 1878. Fair in the Suburbs of Constantinople, VILLEGAS (A), . fe: eg) Ee a” n the Bay of Naples. 2G) Kg ACHENBACH (Oswald), . ; Dusseldorf Professor in the Academy in Dusseldorf. ; . 4) ; Medals in Paris, 1859, ’61, 63. [) a Legion of Honor, 1863. Ischia, near Naples. a £ - “f ioe JACQUET (Jean Gustave), 2 se 4 ‘ 7) Pupil of Bouguereau. Pp Medals, 1868, ’75, 79; Paris Exposition, re : Le mee? Cinderella, | Brussels | Gold Medal, Brussels, 1848; Paris, 1851, 63; Gold Medal, Hague 1861. c\) * “Officer of the Order of Leopold, 1869. Flowers and Fruit. wn Ry ers er ie Oe 54 | LBEFEBViiE (Jules Joseph), . . Paris i? Pupil of Cogniet. YY Prize of Rome, 1861. : r. Medals, 1865, ’68, ’70. Legion of Honor, 1870. Medal, rst Class, Exposition Universal, Paris, 1878. Officer of Legion of Honor, 1878. Hors Concours. . ay ah} MEISSONIER (Jean Louis Ernest), . . Paris i ‘ s Pupil of Cogniet. e Py Medals, 1840, ’41, 43, '48. : atk Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1846. Grand Medal of Honor, Paris Exposition, 1855 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1856. Member of the Institute of France, 1851. Honorary Member of the Royal Academy, London. ; \ Grand Medal of Honor, Paris Exposition, 1867. . ~ Commander of Legion of Honor, 1867. Cae Medal of Honor, Paris Exposition, 1878. ni On the Balcony. wa. je. ee . q r pel bene: DIAZ (N.), deceased, . fh s Medals, 1844, ’45, “48. Legion of Honor, 1355. | Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Exposi- tion Universal, 1373. gs Th Forest of J JOURDAN (Adolphe), ° 2. .. Sod Medals, 1864, 66, "69. 3 foe sf VG Leda and the Swan. POS 2 Ny g-~ : ay on | soe 59 VIBERT (Jean Georges), . Paris Pupil of Barrias. ~ Medals, 1864, 67, 68. Legion of Honor, 1870. Medal, Universal Exposition, Paris, J Hors Concours. 4 ae PSE! Sy 6 ce (A Theological Discussion.) ee. Exhibited in Paris, 1879. ant 4 9 "oe ALVAREZ (Louis), . Jean Jacques Jousseau, and Mesdames De s Warens and De Wol- mar in the Garden— An episode from Rous- seau’s Confessions. 61 KABMMERER (ESE : : Paris iy py /) ( Pupil of Gérome. DUIY Medal, 1874. The Croquet Party. 0 f Cot) aes (Salon, 1877). 322 5 ie SECOND EVENINGS S SAE DE COCK (Cesar), .. ; ; ; Paris Medals, 1867, 69. Hors Concours. Landscape—Spring. 63 TAIT (CA. FD; NAL & New York 4), Lhe Happy Family. 64 BELLOWS Pry, Non, New York Landscape—English _ Scenery. 65 VAN SCHENDEL (Pierre), deceased, Brussels Medals, 1844, °47. Hors Concours. ae Fo Ghent by Moonlight. ¢ j wt ¢ s ? ; 66 ANDREWS (George H.), EE.GS,, London Member of the Society of Painters in Water-Colors. Off Yarborough. ; | & 67 MOREAU (Adrien), . Vi Pupil of Pils. r#), ' Medals, 1876, "70, f & Hors Concours. Paris “ Comin’ Thro’ the Rye.” 68 CIPRIANI (N), Rome Zi, Cavalier, 31 Century. 69 BOUVIER (Auguste), . 9-5 Member of the Institute of Paintings in Water-Color. LY Pompeian Maiden, \/ 79 FICHEL (Eugene Benjamin), Paris Oe . Pupil of Paul Delaroche. AY: Medals, 1857, 69. f * Rappel de Medaille, 1861. ea Legion of Honor, 1870. als. f Hors Concours. es i [4 -)The New Baby. ye Berlin BECKER (Cal), - + * Pupil of Cornelius, Hess, Von Kléber. Medal, 1861. Vice-President of the Academy at Berlin, above. a7 Dolores. etc., etc. See 72-3 TOULMOUCHE (Auguste), Paris Pupil of Gleyre. y b Pe tae Medals, 1852, 57, “GI. vA mM, v Legion of Honor, 1870. / pee Medal, Universal Exposition, Paris, 1878. ad “2 Q Hors Concours. Buste de Femme—z pes. 74 MEYER von BREMEN (J. G.), . Berlin /0 Pupil of Sohn, i ; ae "Gold Medal of Prussia, 1850. Etc., etc. The Little Brother. “J wa DALEONO (L.), Naples / ° as Going to Mass, 4 7 . “i / avd a SLAA ? i, a Fe ify ge tf PREYER (J.W.), - ee Dusseldorf Various Medals, etc. 0 ae Fruit. a5 (Black and White). 77 BOUCHERVILLE (Adrien de), : Paris Pupil of F. J. Barrias. 5 La Nouvelle Mariee. 7h) aoe 73 DETTI (Cesare), Peer ys 4 eee Rais A if! { | J The Duchess. - 79 CASADO DEL ALISAL (José), . Madrid G / Pupil of F. Madrazo. ,34, “ada—La Favorite. 80 JACQUE (Charles), . : ; : Paris i Medals, 1861, ’63, ’64. Legion of Honor, 1867. Landscape and Sheep. SI WAY fr MICHETTI (F. P.),. 9 eee eee Pupil of M. Morelli, f Olive Gatherers of the Abruzzi. 82 CASANOVA (Antonio), Paris ; 2. Nt Pupil of Madrazo. aaa con Da Visite: fae: ; : 83 Berlin AMBERG (Wilhelm), — y) Professor and Member of the Academy at Berlin. SLE ios A MEVER von BREMEN (J. G), . Berm Pupil of Sohn. P ' Gold Medal of Prussia, 1850. Member of the Amsterdam Academy. oe a aa at the Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, 1376, é . Leaving Home. | BEYSORLAG (Robert), f J K Medals, Berlin and Munich, | eer | GIO Pride of Motherhood. | RIAX (Gabriel), so) gy nce eee Pupil of Piloty. ee ae tt Medals, 1873 (E. U.), Vienna; 1874, Berlin; 1876, © Munich. Honorary Member R. A., Berlin ; Hono- : tary Member R.A., Vienna: Honorary Member R.A., Amsterdam. Professor, Academy, Munich, : A The Little Martyr. 87 BERTRAND ( James), ) . Pupil of A. Perin, J Medals, 1861, ’69, ’78 (E. U.) Mee Rap. 1863, Dara el Legion of Honor, 1876, ~~ ae Hors Concours. —_ DAVID (Gustave), .. Paris Pupil of Picot. y, $- Drilling the Young Re- cruit. 89 INDONI (Philipo), . : : d Rome 70° In the Park. Va : | gO V OILLEMOT (Andre Charles), Paris Pupil of Drolling. a ¢ Hd Medal, 1870. Z ‘Legion of Honor, 1870, Spring. OI ; LE COMTE DU NOUY (J.J.A), Par j Pupil of Gleyre, Gerome, and Signal. f Medals, 1866, ’69, 72. e Legion of Honor, 1876. te 7 ? Hors Concours. Tastee 0 vA Movs n he PERALTA (F), , oe J YO: saa Se 7» A Womanof the Seraglhio. — ea os 93 SIMONETTI (Attilo), . . eRe aa ED F “F530 a se ts a et ht } Pupil of Fortuny. 1 L'Odali noe? : . 945 Heasine k MURRAY (Elizabeth), . : . ets ee Member of the Institute of Painters ia Water-col ; re eZ / J. A Greek Betrotha A ae re ant 25 COROT (J. B. C.), deceased, } : Paris . Pupil of V. Bertin. PL Medals, 1838, 48, ’ss, ’67 (E. U,) Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. "ea to the memory of deceased artists, Paris Ex- position, 1878, hoe Born, 1796. _ Died, 1875. Landseape. ra 71 96 DAIWILLE and VERBOECKHOVEN, Brussels Medals, etc. A ws Landscape and Sheep. 7 | Landscape by Daiwille, Sheep by Eugene Verboeck- 699 ae 97 GLAIZE (Leon), ‘ ; ire ee ee Fite QO Medals, 1864, “66, ’68. Legion of Honor, 1877. a First Class Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1878. qo Pee Atelier in Ancient Greece. 98 LELOIR (Maurice), . ; ; he / Ie Medal, 1878. poi be Going to the _Market— "he Early Morning. 99 LEICKERT (Charles). y, wee? T_andscape. 100 VON SCHWIND (M. L.), dec’'d., . Dusseldor! Various Medals, etc. * Boy From the War of the Singers. (Black and White). IO! KAULBACH (Wilhelm von), dec’d, . Munich Various Medals and Decorations. F) The Original Drawing for the Portrait of Abbe Liszt. 102 DIAQUE (Ricardo), . : “ : Paris - Pupil of the Academy of Fine Arts, Madrid. i L, Dans la Serre ‘3 fo... _ (Exhibited in the Paris Salon of 1879). Ly / 0 103 LOYEVUZ (Charles), Paris f Pupil of Paul Delaroche. Wi hyd Music hath Charms. A ys AF i TO4 LESREL (A. A.), ; : : Paris Pupil of Gerome. -€@ Soldier, Time of Louis ee KI, pe ae yes file j if. ifn fA 105 é SCHLESSINGER (Henri). ; : Paris Pupil of the Academy of Vienna. Medals, 1840, ’47. oe Legion of Honor, 1866. 4 } O * Hors Concours. 106. WAINEWRIGHT (T.F.), . . London 7 Q 4% Morning on the Coast. 107. CHASE (William M.), Pres. S. A. A.. New York Pupil of Piloty. -f). A Venetian Fish Market. \ 108. GOSLING (William), . : ; London Member of the Society of British Artists. s- Harvest- Time. -A Woman of the Orient. —— , : . oe ee es a 109. HAMILTON (James), P. N. A., deceased. Entrance to a Hatbor—— sé Evening. Dae ase 7 1TO's RICHARDS (W.T.),N.A, . ~~ Philadelphia Landscape—In the Adi- : fis rondacks. Iii. DE KEYSER (Nicaise), , Antwerp President of the Academy, Antwerp. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. a Medal, 1840. Hors Concours. 4 ge The Olden Time. BIANCHI(L.), ” Breton Peasant- Gill a Sig TY ROR ae COLEMAN (W.S), .. > myny _ The Swing, MAX (Gabniel),).90) Siete ees Medals, 1873 (E. U.) Vienna; Herlis 18745 1876, | Honorary Member Royal Academy, Berlin » . Member Royal Acad., Vienna and Ams iv Professor Academ} y, Munich, "(Reduction of the painting j ae : bir’ F Irs DE NEUVILLE (Alphonse Marie), . Paris | tht ‘ ( } Pupil of Picot. * Medals, 1859, 61. OS Legion of Honor, 1873. Tas) Hors Concours, Pd <4 On Guard. fine 116 OL AME GR: J)... ; ; Brussels Medal, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1875. ig it vaticr of the Order of Leopold. _ Medal, Exposition Universal, 1378. J A November Evening on oe 6? the Dutch Coast. pe II? . oie boaeey (Constant) deceased, . Paris % v Pupil of Rivereux. £D° Medals, 1838, ’40, °46, '48, ‘55. Legion of Honor, 1849. Hors Concours. Driving Sheep and Cattle. OS TO ger ee ANY Law SCHENCK (Auguste Frédéric Albrecht), c Pupil of Cogniet. Medal, 186 5 ZIBIVE (Felix), Medals, 1851, ’52, Exposition Uneeust Pate Chevalier of the Légion of Honor, 1857. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. _ 120 DIAZ (Narcisse de la Péna), dee’d, Medals, 1844, ’46, "48. _ Legion of Honor, 1851. Diploma to ‘the memory of deceased artists, U .U Exposition, Paris, 13878, aah Born, 1807. Died, Br T21 CONSTANT (Benjamin), . : : Paris Pye Pupil of Cabanel. |? # Niedals, 1875, ’76,.Paris Exposit-on, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1878. Cyr ow % , / — _ The Sultan’s Favorite. at 4 aie eis Via : es 122 STEVENS (Alfred), . : Paris 4 if eke | * a Fog eas J jf P i) . ree ws e ™ ¥# Gold Medal at Brussels, 1851. Commander of the Order of Leopold. Medals, 1853, ’55 (E. U.); Legion of Honor, 1863 ; | Medal ist class, 1867 (E. U.); Officer Legion of vA Honor, 1867. ~ Hors Concours. s Z- a ae 9,6 io | | See In the Garden. % 123 DUPRE (Jules), . 3 Paris Medals, 1833, Universal Exposition at Paris, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1849. ~ Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870. Hors Concours. egies os SAA : Autumn Morning. 124) > MEISSONIER. (Jean Louis Ernest), Paris gt ii Mani oniet ty eis a Pupil of Cogniet. Medals, 1840, (At, "43,48. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1846. ee , ti REG as {7 po “Grand Medal of Honor, Paris Exposition, 1855 : S, Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1855. g | Member of the Institute of France, 1861. Honorary Member of the Royal Academy, London. ~ Grand Medal:of Honor, Paris Exposition, 1867. Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1867, © Grand Medal of Honor, Paris Exposition, 187% The Musketeer. vi 1 tetas ete ‘a sean che ‘ Fees ai i ’ ¥, ‘ f qn ud » ~~ = = See et Te ———- a ae — tm ht ae al el er iS = —- bi + ae we ‘i ’ his “ > ke “0 ~~ 5 a ne eas re — - a “em oa it Pr e) a ae — -_ ee == Ee ~2 2» a a = t 4 ea i 4 bipieihi ert Nitty: Tare tie elo cit ital tre rb tRt ttt tatela ot hla eke! ys! TWiee le airs t0), Arvatalotel i" Pea hc iy! 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