% Sie ne Ug Aa PIE BO BEN eds tah Be AE te ps wep atk SALE NUMBER 2144 PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SUNDAY, MARCH SIXTH «= + GOTHIC, RENAISSANCE & EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FURNITURE 7 PAINTINGS, TAPESTRIES, VELVETS _ ARMOUR &? WORKS OF ART A SELECTION FROM THE CONTENTS OF KNEBWORTH HOUSE . SOLD BY ORDER OF THE RIGHT HONOURABLE ‘THE EARL OF LYTTON PAINTINGS? “= /” FROM FORTRESS HOHENWERFEN 12 ys = 793 NEAR SALZBURG, AUSTRIA ae FROM THE COLLECTION OF os ag TO BE SOLD AT UNRESERVED PUBLIC SALE eee SATURDAY AFTERNOON MARCH TWELFTH AT TWO O'CLOCK ee THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipent] 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1927 , -SALE NUMBER 2144° © PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SUNDAY, MARCH SIXTH GOTHIC, RENAISSANCE & EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FURNITURE PAINTINGS, TAPESTRIES, VELVETS ARMOUR & WORKS OF ART A SELECTION FROM THE CONTENTS OF KNEBWORTH HOUSE SOLD BY ORDER OF THE RIGHT HONOURABLE time PEARL OF LYTTON PAINTINGS FROM FORTRESS HOHENWERFEN NEAR SALZBURG, AUSTRIA FROM THE COLLECTION OF -H. I. & R. H. ARCHDUKE EUGEN, F. M TO BE SOLD AT UNRESERVED PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY AFTERNOON MARCH TWELFTH AT TWO O'CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES {MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipent} 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY“NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1927 CONDITIONS OF SALE ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT AS NUMBERED IN THE CATALOGUE. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the decision of the Auctioneer shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased shall be resold immediately. Purchases to be removed at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatever, but the lot or lots will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. All lots will be placed on public exhibition before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. If accounts are not paid and purchases removed within twenty-four hours of the con- clusion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, reserves the right to resell the lot or lots by either private or public sale, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter, together with all expenses incurred. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of this Company to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale, at its own option. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. The Anderson Galleries makes no charge for executing orders for its customers and uses all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. A Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be obtained for One Dollar for each Session of the Sale THE ANDERSON GALLERIES, INC. 489 Park AVENUE AT Firty-NINTH STREET, NEw York TELEPHONE REGENT 0250 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. F. A. CHAPMAN, MR. A. N. BADE AND MR. E. H. L. THOMPSON ORDER OF SALE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH TWELFTH LADY BULWER LYTTON’S COLLECTION OF VICTORIAN ORNAMENTS : emer CERAMICS, BRONZE AND CARVED WOOD ORNAMENTS, ETC. 5- 26 FURNITURE, TAPESTRIES AND OTHER TEXTILES 27- At EUROPEAN AND CHINESE CERAMICS AND GLASS 42- 66 CLOCKS AND MANTEL ORNAMENTS Gre ak FURNITURE AND TABLE ORNAMENTS 72- 95 PAINTINGS 96-113 TAPESTRIES AND OTHER TEXTILES 114-122 LEATHER WAINSCOT 123 _ GOTHIC CARVINGS AND ARMOUR 124-130 FURNITURE AND ORNAMENTS 131-172 CARVED HEROIC STATUE OF SIR WALTER RALEIGH 173 PAINTINGS AND OTHER WORKS OF ART FROM FORTRESS HOHENWERFEN, THE COLLECTION OF H.I.H. ARCHDUKE EUGEN 174-191 PAINTINGS, DRAWINGS AND ENGRAVINGS FROM KNEB- WORTH HOUSE 192-205 CERAMICS AND OTHER OBJECTS 206-215 ra SALE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH TWELFTH, AT TWO O’CLOCK NUMBERS 1-215 LADY BULWER LYTTON’S COLLECTION OF VICTORIAN ORNAMENTS NUMBERS 1-4 FOUR BRONZE AND MARBLE ORNAMENTS (a) Two miniature bronze candlesticks. (b) Two bronze mounted ewers of marble, onyx and malachite. (4) FOUR GLASS AND BRONZE ORNAMENTS (a) Bronze-mounted ruby glass bowl, cover and tray. Under glass dome. (b) Bronze-mounted ruby glass basket. Under glass dome. (c) Model of cathedral of bronze-mounted ruby glass. Under dome. (d) Model of Gothic cathedral with watch. Forming shrine. SIX PIECES OF PORCELAIN 18TH AND EARLY 19TH CENTURY (a) Miniature sugar bow] and cover. (b) Two porcelain hurricane lights of columnar design. (c) Chamberlain Worcester covered dish, gilded on blue ground. (d) Blue and white Jasper Wedgwood saucer. (e) Marcolini porcelain cup and saucer. SIX GLASS AND BRONZE ORNAMENTS (a) Two miniature Worcester porcelain vases. (b) Miniature Bow porcelain teapot, with relief flowers. (c) Sevres porcelain scent case, with four interior flasks. (d) Nailsea glass flask, with gilded tole mounts and Royal crown on stopper. | (e) Jewelled porcelain scent bottle and stopper. In the Oriental taste, on black ground. (6) CERAMICS, BRONZE AND CARVED WOOD ORNAMENTS, ETC. 10 11 12 NUMBERS 5-26 SET OF THREE GROS-BLEU IRONSTONE VASES With gold butterflies. (3) CROWN DERBY PORCELAIN CROCUS DISH AND COVER ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY ~ The rim and cover with real shells ingeniously placed among multi- colored relief flowers. EIGHT WHITE LEEDS PORCELAIN CUSTARD CUPS AND COVERS ) 7 Shaped as pineapples. Two large and six small ones. (16) Height, 314, and 314 inches ENAMELLED SILVER PHEASANT ON STAND THREE BOXES 17TH AND 18TH CENTURIES (a) Black lacquer snuff box with painting of dog on cover. (b) Straw box and cover. (c) Tooled and gilded leather casket with wrought iron mounts. (3) FOUR ORNAMENTS ENGLISH, LATE 18TH AND EARLY 19TH CENTURIES (a) Two iron desk ornaments. Mermaid bodies with upraised arms rising from gilded shells. Height, 714, inches (b) Two glazed terra cotta urns in the Wedgwood taste, shaped as Ktruscan amphore with black meander handles. Height, 1114 inches (4) FOUR CARVED STATUETTES SAVOYARD, 18TH CENTURY Rustic representations of mountain types, in entertaining poses. (4) Height without bases about 11 inches TWO CHELSEA PORCELAIN COVERED TUREENS AND SIX SALTCELLARS With floral decoration; gold enrichment. (8) 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 Lo 20 TWO CHELSEA WHITE PORCELAIN ECUELLES Held by recumbent statuettes. Slight defects. (2) Height, 7 inches; diameter, 12 inches FOUR PIECES OF BOHEMIAN GLASS (a) Two amber-coloured pressed glass tumblers. : (b) Two rose and gold bowls and covers, on crystal glass feet. (4) FOUR BOW PORCELAIN PLATES WITH FLORAL DECORATION ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Two circular, two oblong. (4) THREE BRONZE OBJECTS (a) Florentine, seventeenth century bronze candlestick: Roman soldier holding cornucopia forming candle holder. (b) Equestrian bronze statuette of a Mexican soldier. (c) Early Chinese bell. (3) DERBY BISQUE STATUETTE OF THE IRON DUKE Height, 13 inches TWO DERBY BISQUE BUSTS Young maiden and young man with Bacchic hair embellishments. On wooden stands. (2) MOSAIC PICTURE OF A YOUNG LAD ITALIAN, 18TH CENTURY A gayly coloured and well drawn representation in this difficult medium; on copper plaque. Size, 714 x 614 inches TWO BRASS-MOUNTED STAG HORNS 17TH OR EARLY 18TH CENTURY In fine state of preservation. (2) 5) 21 22 23 24 25 26 TWO CARVED WOOD ORNAMENTS ENGLISH, 17TH CENTURY Lions rampant, with banderoles; gilded and polychromed. (2) Height, 9 inches FOUR HAND FANS a LATE 18TH CENTURY (a) Two ENGRAVED HEPPLEWHITE HAND FANS Printed in colours with formal borders; with representations from Thompson’s ‘Autumn’. Fruitwood handles. Slight damage. (6) Two BANNER SCREEN HAND FANS OF NEEDLEWORK CIRCA 1815 Uncommon examples on a gros point ground of orange-red embroid- ered in wools with rustic figures and flowered bushes. Elaborate turned and gilt pinchbeck handles. (4) TWO TUDOR GOTHIC OAK CONSOLES ENGLISH, 16TH CENTURY (a) With winged seraph holding armorial shield. (b) With ecclesiastical crowns and emblems. (2) SEVEN ALABASTER PROFILE BAS-RELIEFS ITALIAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY (7) SIX PARIS PORCELAIN PLATES With floral groups naturalistically painted; gilt borders. (6) FOUR TWO-HANDLED FRUIT DISHES To harmonize with the preceding. (4) 4 27 28 29 30 ol 32 35 FURNITURE, TAPESTRIES AND OTHER TEXTILES NUMBERS 27-41 ELMWOOD CIRCULAR TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1800 On incurved platform base; baluster stem. Size, 2814 x 1714 inches CURIOUS COPPER COFFER WELSH, 16TH CENTURY Rectangular body with enrichments of flowers stamped out of sheet - copper. The interior with hinged compartment embellished with seventeenth century engravings. Height, 10 inches; width, 19 inches; depth, 13 inches BLACK AND GOLD LACQUER DRESSING MIRROR ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Quaintly formed of three ovals, the centre of the greatest diameter. Striped gilded decoration. Size, 11 x 24 inches BLACK AND GOLD LAC OCCASIONAL TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1815 With decoration of flowers and butterflies in gold and relief. On carved claw-foot tripod baluster centre stem. Octagonal top. Height, 27 inches; size of top, 1414 x 20 inches SWINGING GLASS AND DRESSING STAND OF MAHOGANY ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 Of the Sheraton period. The back with pedimented oval glass in squared spandrels, pivoting on balusters. Cabinet with two drawers and rosetted handles. Height, 26 inches; width, 24 wmches OAK CELLARETTE 17TH CENTURY Elaborately carved with shell and star patterns. The sides with contemporary moulded bronze handles. Fitted interior. A decora- tive chest. Height, 2014 inches; width, 201% inches DRESSING STAND OF CARVED OAK FLEMISH, 17TH CENTURY Uncommon example on moulded base carved with trefoil meanders ; the uprights with boldly festooned and tasselled alto-relievo orna- ments. Mirror frame of later addition. Height, 23 inches; width, 27 inches; depth, 15 inches D 34 35 36 37 38 39 AQ Al SWINGING GLASS OF THE RESTAURATION PERIOD ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Of finely figured mahogany. The case with shaped columnar balus- ters facing the two drawers. Height, 21 inches; width, 15 inches; depth, 8 inches TWO NEEDLEWORK FOOTSTOOLS OF THE RESTAURATION (BRIGHTON PAVILION) PERIOD ENGLISH, 1820-1825 Box shaped, with carved wood and gilded neo-classic appliques at four corners. Gayly coloured gros point of red and cream acanthus on jade-green ground. (2) Height, 714 inches; size of top, 17 x 1514 wches AMBER VELVET CUSHION TOP MID-17TH CENTURY Oviform, with gold thread arabesques and in centre on black velvet the initials in gold bullion “E. L. B.” (Edward Lytton Bulwer). Size, 25 x 2314 inches TWO PIECES OF CHINESE SILK EMBROIDERY ON ORANGE SATIN CHIEN LUNG Embroidered with detached flower groups of blue, white, rose and green on a rich changeant orange and gold ground. (2) Size, 6 feet 2 inches x 29 inches and 37 inches x 14 inches INDIAN SILK-EMBROIDERED COVER 18TH CENTURY With an all-over pattern of marguerite arabesques of white, golden- yellow and green on a crimson ground. Rope border on two sides. Enlarged with plum-coloured linen. A gift to Lord Lytton while Governor of Bengal. Size, 7 feet 1114 inches x 7 feet T14 inches NEEDLEWORK FIRE SCREEN OF THE RESTAURATION PERIOD ENGLISH, CIRCA 1820 The panel embroidered with softly coloured garden flower groups and arabesques on a cream linen ground. The baroque trestle frame florally carved, enamelled white and gilded. Size, 47 x 2214 inches VERDURE TAPESTRY BORDER AND OTHER FRAGMENTS FLEMISH, LATE 17TH CENTURY Floral pattern of grey camaieu on a blue-green ground. LARGE FRAGMENTARY VERDURE TAPESTRY PANEL FLEMISH, EARLY 17TH CENTURY With a figure of a knight dominating the centre. In Cardinal Wolsey’s room. Size, 86144 x 45 inches 42 43 44 45 46 47 EUROPEAN AND CHINESE CERAMICS AND GLASS NUMBERS 42-66 FOUR WHITE CHELSEA PORCELAIN STATUETTES The Four Seasons, represented by amorini with their emblems. On wooden stands. (4) THREE WHITE CHELSEA PORCELAIN STATUETTES Similar to the preceding, but the statue of Winter is missing. (3) TWO CHELSEA STATUETTES Autumn and Winter. Putto and amorino; with coloured enamels on a white ground. On wooden stands. (2) IMPORTANT SAXE PORCELAIN TUREEN AND COVER MEISSEN, CIRCA 1770 Bulbous body covered with buttercups in relief. The two-handled bowl with pastoral reserves after Boucher. The cover with finely modelled stag in high relief. Bowl damaged; horn of stag missing. Height, 1414 inches; width, 1714 inches THREE DERBY BISQUE STATUETTES (a) Summer. A young maiden carrying grapes. Height, 9 inches (b) Young maiden with book, and young maiden with lace-trimmed frock. (8) TWO IMPORTANT PORTUGUESE MAJOLICA VASES MID-19TH CENTURY With macaws on cherry branches on grained brown bodies, one with bird-crested cover. Imperfect. A gift of Pedro V, King of Portugal, to Edward Lytton Bulwer. 7 48 A9 50 51 D2 CHELSEA WHITE PORCELAIN FOUNTAIN FIGURE Mermaid with dolphin on stand of water flowers, the latter repaired. Height, 35 inches FOUR VIENNA PAINTINGS ON PORCELAIN EARLY 19TH CENTURY Representing the Holy Roman Emperors Rudolph I, Albrecht I, Al- brecht II, Maximilian I. In their own gilded and white baroque frames. (4) Size, 734, x 7 inches COLLECTION OF FIVE DERBY BISQUE FIGURES ON PORCELAIN BASES Some with gilding and names of models. Representing . Daniel O’Connell, Sir Walter Scott, Prince Metternich (defect on name plate), and two of Sir Walter Raleigh. (5) Height, 414, to 5 inches FOUR PIECES OF DRESDEN PORCELAIN (a) Two MEISSEN STATUETTES CIRCA 1780 Youthful pierrot and pierrette in flowered garments, one with open book. Formed inkstand and sandbottle. Rare. (6b) MARCOLINI CUP AND SAUCER Rare example, with rose garlands forming initial ““V”. (4) THREE PORCELAIN OBJECTS (a) WORCESTER PORCELAIN LEAF-SHAPED BOWL PREVIOUS TO 1795 Blue and white, with decors of carnations. Crescent mark. (b) CHELSEA PORCELAIN SAUCER WITH GOLD ANCHOR MARK PREVIOUS TO 1795 Bleu-de-roi ground with reserves of tropical fowl and bird in flowered branch. Diameter, 434, inches (c) MEISSEN PORCELAIN LADLE With bird decors on handle. Rare. (3) oi 5d —=#b4 [53] [54] [53] TWO VIEUX PARIS PORCELAIN CAMPANA URNS FRENCH, CIRCA 1800 Semé with butterflies, with heightenings of gold. Scroll handles. Z Height, 10 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] TWO COVERED URNS OF RARE LOODRECHT HARD PASTE PORCELAIN DUTCH, CIRCA 1784 Handsome white bodies with landscape and figure enrichments; inter- twined serpent handles. One with mounts; the other repaired. Marked “MOL”. (2) Loodrecht situated between Utrecht and Amsterdam became very successful under the direction of the Reverend de Moll. The mark “MOL” (Moll of Loosdrecht). [SEE ILLUSTRATION | a 5D 56 57 59 IMPORTANT SET OF SIXTEEN ROSE POMPADOUR SEVRES PLATES With historical French portraits and floral groups in reserves. Each marked “LE”, with monogram of Louis Philippe. (16) | Diameter, 9 inches TWO ROSE POMPADOUR SEVRES TUREENS AND COVERS To harmonize with the preceding. (4) COLLECTION OF SEVEN MEISSEN PORCELAIN OBJECTS (a) Small saucer with birds in colour on white ground. (b) Two Marcolini bowls, 1780-1790. Bleu-de-roi glaze with floral quatrefoil reserves. Fine quality. Slightly chipped. (c) Meissen bow] with bucolics in India ink on a steel-grey ground. (d) Marcolini bowl with bleu-céleste glaze with floral reserves on trellised border. (e) Two small Meissen plates with Lancret subjects. End of eight- eenth century. Reserves with figures framed by gold and rose-du- barry borders. Diameter, 534, inches (7) TWO WORCESTER PORCELAIN GOBLETS PREVIOUS TO 1795 With wavy bleu-de-roi and gold stripes. One with reserve of emblems (cracked). Fine quality. (2) Height, 1334, inches PAIR OF CHELSEA PORCELAIN GROUPS PREVIOUS TO 1795 Birds with small bocages, on trellised rocaille stands. Brilliant enamels. One with gold anchor mark, the other with imitation of Hochst mark in red. (2) Height, 5 inches 10 [60] 60 TWO SEVRES BOTTLE-SHAPED COVERED VASES OF THE LOUIS XVI PERIOD BY PIERRE LE JEUNE FRENCH, 1788 In gold on bleu-de-roi ground with all-over pattern of rosettes and tree. Superb reserves of floral groups and birds in multi-colored enamels on a white ground. Cylindrical covers. Complete set of marks. (2) Height, 10 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 11 61 62 63 64 66 67 CAMPANA URN OF PARIS PORCELAIN FRENCH, CIRCA 1800 A variation of the Borghese urn with bearded mascarons on incurved body and interlaced serpent handles. The tall plinth with medallions of Napoleon and Josephine and in panels above love birds on urn. In square reserve the inscription ‘“D. M. Antonize Aquile Conjuge’’. Height, 121% inches THREE SMALL CHINESE BOWLS CHIEN LUNG (a) Rouge d’or bowl with dragon decoration; square mark. (b) Rose glaze bowl with circular floral medallions. (c) Shallow bowl, similar to the above in glaze and decors. (3) INK-BLUE MONOCHROME BOWL CHIEN LUNG Moulded body. Rare glaze. IMPORTANT LOT OF SIX PORCELAIN BOWLS AND TRAYS CHIEN LUNG With Chinese figure subjects in brilliant enamels and India ink. (12) Diameter of trays, 6 inches Height of bowls, 214, inches; diameter, 414 imches FOUR ROSE POMPADOUR BORDERED FLORAL SEVRES PLATES LATE 18TH CENTURY One imperfect. (4) TALL WATERFORD CRYSTAL GLASS CYLINDRICAL FLOWER CUP Bronze mounted; the edge diamond-cut with holes for drainage. Height, 17 inches CLOCKS AND MANTEL ORNAMENTS NUMBERS 67-71 BRONZE AND MARBLE MANTEL GARNITURE IN THE LOUIS XVI TASTE For a small chimney-piece. Delightful set of clock and candelabra, all three on rouge antique plinths with handsome Louis XVI mounts. The clock composed of lion passant of bronze supporting on his back a drum-shaped clock case with painted dial surmounted by gracefully compressed marble urn. The candelabra, bronze winged amours on marble orbs, holding floriated two-arm branches of ormolu. (3) Height of clock, 13 inches Height of candelabra, 10 inches 12 \ [63] 68 GEORGIAN BRACKET CLOCK Important example. Arched body with four-sided pinnacle cresting. Mahogany with panels of sycamore and lines of holly. Finely moulded ormolu handles and bronze feet. Height, 20 inches - By Swerrinhouse and Carter, Berkeley Square. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 13 69 70 [69] DIRECTOIRE GILDED BRONZE MANTEL CLOCK FRENCH, CIRCA 1800 Of columnar design. The face screened by ajouré griffons on tasselled fringed console with festoons above. Crested by lady seated in a magnificent bergére with griffon body supports, playing a vielle. Height, 20 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | TWO FINE BRONZE AND ORMOLU CANDLESTICKS OF THE LOUIS XVI PERIOD FRENCH, CIRCA 1790 Urn shaped, with bobéches finely fire-gilt and invertible as covers. The stands ram’s-head tripods with chain festoons. (2) Height, 1014 inches 14 71 [71] IMPORTANT BRACKET CLOCK OF THE REGENCE PERIOD BY LE PREVOST, HAVRE FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Rosewood case of urn shape, with contemporary baroque scroll mounts, urn finial. The face with blue Roman and black Arabic numerals. Wrought iron handles. In running order. The movement and dial signed by the maker. Height, 22 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 15 72 73 74 75 76 FURNITURE AND TABLE ORNAMENTS NUMBERS 72-95 CARVED AND GILDED MIRROR OF THE CHIPPENDALE PERIOD ENGLISH, CIRCA 1755 Characteristic model carved with minute detail. The top moulding with eagle cresting in profile. The moulded frame with rocaille scrolls and rose branches in high relief. Original mirror plate. Height, 30 inches; width, 20 inches TWO GILDED CHINESE CHIPPENDALE BRACKETS ENGLISH, MID-18TH CENTURY Shelves with elaborate rocaille supports on columnar and rusticated baleony of uncommon design. Slight repairs. (2) Height, 15 inches MAHOGANY CORNER WIG AND WASH STAND OF THE “ IIPPENDALE PERIOD ENGLISH, LATE 18TH CENTURY sraceful curved form, the front with shaped underframing connect- ing the outcurved supports. The lower of the two tiers with three drawers; the top with fittings for basin and cups. Height, 42 inches; width, 2414 inches; depth, 17 inches MAHOGANY BEDSIDE TABLE OF THE SHERATON PERIOD ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 An uncommon model, the lower part with sliding front disclosing compartment; the false drawer fronts carefully moulded and with brass rosettes. The upper part with two doors. Pierced gallery top. Height, 30 inches; width, 19 inches; depth, 20 inches MAHOGANY CHEST OF DRAWERS OF THE SHERATON PERIOD ENGLISH, CIRCA 1795 A handsome deep piece of furniture with four drawers carefully moulded and with elaborate gilded rocaille bronze handles and escutcheon plates of later addition. Moulded top. The interior of the top drawer with three compartments and desk slide. Height, 35 inches; width, 39 inches; depth, 23% inches 16 77 CHEST OF DRAWERS OF THE SHERATON PERIOD ENGLISH, EARLY 17TH CENTURY The front with three long and three short cornice drawers; chamferred fluted stiles and bracket supports. The shaped top with triple beads. Uncommon brass handles with oval] escutcheons bearing columnar temples. Height, 38 inches; width, 42 inches; depth, 22 inches [78] 78 MAHOGANY CHIPPENDALE ARMCHAIR ~ ENGLISH, CIRCA 1760 Uncommon model on fluted scrolled cabrioles; scrolled arms. Arched back, seat and pads covered with seventeenth century Flemish tapestry, the back with Terpsichorean figure in verdure, the seat with a Bacchic putto in a fountain bowl emitting water from a horn; upper background of a Gothic church. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 17 719 80 81 [79] [81] [79] ONE OF A PAIR TWO GILDED ADAM ARMCHAIRS ENGLISH, CIRCA 1785 Graceful models. Shaped shield back with flower cresting and rope- carved outer edge. Scrolled arms; serpentine front rails fluted and with centre rosette. Tapered cabrioles with carved cartouche shoulder cresting. Covered in contemporary figured linen of classical pattern. (2) [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] TWO GILDED ADAM ARMCHAIRS ENGLISH, CIRCA 1785 Similar to the preceding. (2) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | PAIR OF SHIELD-BACK GEORGIAN CHAIRS 18TH CENTURY The handsome backs ajouré with scrolled urn composition. Serpen- tine front rail; tapering fluted supports. Covered with eighteenth century red damask. (2) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | , 18 82 83 84 85 86 TWO PAINTED OVAL-BACK GEORGIAN CHAIRS 18TH CENTURY The backs ajouré with vase composed of acanthus and C scrolls. Graceful serpentine front rails with carved dies. Tapering rectangu- lar fluted supports. Painted white enamel and gold. Covered with eighteenth century red damask. (2) TWO PAINTED OVAL-BACK GEORGIAN CHAIRS 18TH CENTURY Similar to the preceding. (2) CARVED CHIPPENDALE MIRROR ENGLISH, CIRCA 1750 Graceful attenuated, elaborate baroque design with C scrolled acanthus cresting carved a@ jour. The moulded sides with fleurette branches extending beyond the outer edge. Painted to simulate walnut. Size, 1714 x 33 inches HEPPLEWHITE BERGERE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 Roundabout chair. Delightful model of light colored mahogany. Gracefully arched back descending on sloping arms to moulded arm- rests and tapering supports. Covered with fleuretted gold brocade. GEORGIAN MAHOGANY POUDREUSE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 An unusually narrow cabinet with hinged cover. The interior with sliding and swinging mirror with perfect mechanism. The exterior with two drawers and one door with delicate mouldings; origina! brass handles. Richly figured wood. Height, 36 inches; width, 15 inches; depth, 21 inches 19 87 [87] WALNUT CHEST OF DRAWERS OF THE RENAISSANCE PERIOD FLORENTINE, EARLY 17TH CENTURY A harmonious simple piece probably made for the English market. Of richly figured wood; the front ingeniously designed to lighten the scale; on a moulded platform base and with three drawers each with ogee moulding and with contemporary ram’s-head ring handles of bronze. Carefully chamferred stiles. The entire body covered with a rare variety of walnut veneer; moulded top. Height, 37 inches; width, 3814 inches; depth, 19 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 20 QUEEN ANNE WALNUT TALLBOY ENGLISH, CIRCA 1710 [88] 88 89 90 QUEEN ANNE WALNUT TALLBOY ENGLISH, CIRCA 1710 In two parts. Genuine example; the upper part a chest of drawers composed of deep cornice drawer, five deep drawers and three shallow drawers; the lower handsomely enriched with one centre and two deep side drawers. Moulded duckfoot cabriole supports (restored). The body of the front is of fruitwood veneered with burl walnut, with bands of stained sycamore. The horizontal stiles and the returns are of rich light grain fruitwood. Height, 65 inches; width, 35 inches; depth, 20 inches — [SEE ILLUSTRATION ON PRECEDING PAGE] QUEEN ANNE WRITING DESK AND CABINET ENGLISH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Of finely figured veneer; in two parts. The lower a desk with a chest of three long and two short drawers and a desk compartment with elaborate interior fittments with marquetry enrichment and a series of small doors and compartments. The exterior is particularly notable for the ingenuity of placing drawers under desk flap, thus saving space usually lost for use. Elaborately gilt contemporary hardware with baroque backplates and finely shell-enriched and moulded handles. The upper part a cabinet with two doors moulded with arch. Height, 7 feet 10 inches; width, 4014 inches; depth, 2214 inches QUEEN ANNE WALNUT CHEST OF DRAWERS ENGLISH, CIRCA 1700 In fme state. The front with four drawers delicately moulded and covered with richly grained figured veneer. Contemporary engraved handles are now replacing the Victorian wooden knobs. Moulded top. Height, 39 inches; width, 38 inches; depth, 201% inches 22 MAGNIFICENT ENGLISH MARQUETRY WRITING DESK OF THE WILLIAM AND MARY PERIOD AND A PAIR OF SPANISH SILVER CANDELABRA OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY [91 AND 92] an 92 DETAIL OF TOP MARQUETRY WRITING DESK OF THE WILLIAM AND MARY PERIOD ENGLISH, CIRCA 1698 An outstanding example of English marquetry. Composed of two sets of pedestals with three drawers each on tapering rectangular supports with bronze shoulder guards. The kneehole gracefully in- curved with one drawer and screening a slightly bombé door. The entire piece covered with Daniel Marot patterns of scorched and tinted marquetry; flower vases, canopied motifs framing the bronze shield-shaped key escutcheon plates and representing winged amours perched on flowered acanthus volutes. The returns with boldly pro- truding panels similarly enriched. The magnificent top represented by one flower urn on console flanked by motifs of a guardsman and an attendant holding cornucopia; on angular brackets with crestings of Roman soldiers, sphinx bodies, and a youthful Centaur blowing a horn to inspire the flight of a butterfly, dancers, etc., in light colored and tinted marquetry on a dark ground. Plain double V stretchers on bronze feet. The workmanship of this cabinet is closely related to the Dysart Cabinet (Macquoid, “Age of Walnut’, page 63). Height, 3114 inches; width, 4614 inches; depth, 27 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ON PRECEDING PAGE AND ABOVE] PAIR OF THREE-ARM SILVER CANDELABRA SPANISH, 17TH CENTURY Exceptional pair. Tubular moulded stems on oblong rounded bases. Repoussé with wreath and floral sprays and bosses; scalloped bobéches. (2) [SEE ILLUSTRATION ON PRECEDING PAGE] 24 CUCLeeananenecgncngcoccnereneconaesnansnegetnaanantannannananantT a LADY’S WALNUT SECRETAIRE ; OF THE QUEEN ANNE PERIOD [95] 93 94 95 TWO DERBYSHIRE SPAR URNS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY On wooden plinths. (2) WILLIAM AND MARY WRITING TABLE ENGLISH, END OF 17TH CENTURY Of walnut and burl walnut. On four corkscrew legs and vase-shaped baluster supports with circular members of a light grained, uncom- mon variety of English walnut. The stretcher of double V shape connected by an oval undertray. The body of richly figured burl “walnut, with one drawer; moulded top veneered with sycamore of leaf pattern figure with interlaced spandrels and fleur-de-lisé rosette in centre. Height, 29 inches; width, 36 inches; depth, 25 inches LADY’S WALNUT SECRETAIRE OF THE QUEEN ANNE PERIOD ENGLISH, 1700-1710 Rare example of small furniture. Covered with handsomely figured burl wood in fine state of preservation. The front with four drawers of various sizes, with simple ring handles. The slant flap with broad bands of straight-grain veneer and herringbone borders, uncovering interior with seven drawers of varying sizes. The top with a pierced gallery of late addition. Height, 3814 inches; width, 24 inches; depth, 18 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ON PRECEDING PAGE] 26 vd heave be bait ¢ ad baw dhe tinue of mart elke the wabatne bev: pareinfild ELIZABETHAN BUST PORTRAIT OF AN ANCESTOR OF THE HOUSE OF LYTTON [96] ¥ = 96 97 PAINTINGS NUMBERS 96-113 ENGLISH SCHOOL 1585 ELIZABETHAN BUST PORTRAIT OF AN ANCESTOR OF THE HOUSE OF LYTTON In black velvet richly studded and with bone buttons, holding white — gloves. Bold lace ruffs. Velvet cap with marquasite nails. To the right, skull with winged hourglass and inscription ‘“Respice Finem”, and to the left armorial bearings and the inscription “‘Anno 1585, Aetatis 31”, and the verses: | The lord that made us knoweth our shape, our mould and faicion just: How wake and fraile our nature is and howe be but dust. And haw the time of mortall mean is like the withring hay: Or like the flower right faire in fild | that fadith full loome away. | In seventeenth century carved; elaborately gilded frame. — On panel. Size, 24 x 19 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ON PRECEDING PAGE] ASCRIBED TO FRANCISCO ZURBARAN SPANISH, 1598-1662 PORTRAIT OF ANTONIO DE HERRERA Y TORDESILLAS, THE CARTOGRAPHER (1559-1625) Half length portrait; seated, in black velvet, wearing an elaborate gold chain; fine lace cuffs and collar; his hands are resting on a terrestrial globe, painted in polychromy. In elaborately carved and Gilded frame. Canvas. Size, 86 x 28 inches 28 ALESSANDRO LONGHI VENETIAN, 1733-1813 98 PORTRAIT OF A SAVANT Half length portrait. He is seated at a table with violet-coloured cloth, and wears a softly coloured velvet coat with blue cloak. Con- O temporary leaf-carved frame. Canvas. Size, 3414 x 281% inches ATTRIBUTED TO ALESSANDRO MAGNASCO ITALIAN, 1681-1747 99 LANDSCAPES AND FIGURES Painted in blue monochrome on a cream-colored background. In contemporary moulded baquettes. (2) b O Canvas. Size, 16 x 24 inches GERARD VAN HONTHORST DUTCH, 1590-1656 100 HEAD OF A YOUNG LAD WITH A BROAD SMILE ] Pe , Nearly full face. Painted in forceful chiaroscuro. Handsome eighteenth century gilded frame. Canvas. Size, 18 x 13 inches 29 BY A FOLLOWER OF PANNINI | EARLY 18TH CENTURY 101 ARCHITECTURAL RUINS WITH FIGURES | Interesting composition in sanguine and grey monochrome, with be a “3 {) liant heightenings of garments. ae 2 a Canvas. Size, AAV, pent ivoire “4 BENJAMIN FERRERS ENGLISH, MID-18TH CENTURY 102 PORTRAIT OF THE REVEREND HEIPHSHAM Half length of the young divine in plum-coloured velvet, his pleated white shirt enriched with cuff buttons set with diamonds. He wears a fluffy white perruque framing his youthful countenance. () Inscribed on the back, ‘‘Benj. Ferrers Pinxit 1732 Reverend Heiph- 0 * sham, Aet 19”. A portrait by this master of Bishop Beveridge is at the Bodleian Library, Oxford. In contemporary gesso frame. Canvas. : Size, 30 x 2414 inches WILLIAM DOBSON ENGLISH, 1610-1646 103 PORTRAIT OF YOUNG ALGERNON SIDNEY Bust portrait, turned three-quarter face. Winsome young nobleman with long curling auburn hair, dressed in a yellow leather hat and \ ) , jacket, with white jabot and black ribbon. In an elaborately shaped WW frame with garlands. Canvas. Size, 30 x 25 inches 30 [104] SIR GODFREY KNELLER ENGLISH, 1646-1723 104. PORTRAIT OF JAMES II A 5S r In royal robes of gold with lace ruffs. Long brown curling hair. With his long pale fingers he caresses the head of a dog. Contemporary carved and gilded frame. Canvas. Size, 4914 x 40 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 31 NAO 105 106 107 WILLIAM CLAES HEDA DUTCH, 1594-1668 STILL LIFE | 7 | Most interesting composition of crystal fruit, an open book of music, shelves, etc. painted in monochrome with brilliant heightenings on a dark ground. Elaborate ajouré and gilded frame of later date. On panel. Size, 2414 x 14 inches ASCRIBED TO PHILIPPE DE CHAMPAIGNE FRENCH, 1602-1674 PORTRAIT OF THE ELECTOR PALATINE FREDERICK V Husband of Elizabeth, daughter of James I. A fine likeness recalling the Richelieu portrait. Half length, in gold-embroidered jacket with magnificent lace collar.. In gilded frame with oval spandrel. Canvas. Size, 244% x 20 inches SIR. PETER LELY ENGLISH, 1618-1680 PORTRAIT OF PRINCESS MARY, DAUGHTER OF CHARLES I A handsome sensitive head. Bust portrait; in a scarlet jewelled robe. Enlarged and made into an oval. Painted in 1648 on the occasion of the marriage of Princess Mary to William of Orange. From Tong Castle, Shropshire, residence of the Durant family. Canvas. Size, 24 x 20 inches MICHAEL DAHL SWEDISH-ENGLISH, 1665-1743 BUST PORTRAIT OF LORD MONMOUTH IN BLUE ARMOUR Fiery countenance framed by long curling hair. Slightly facing right. In fine contemporary carved and gilded frame. Canvas. ag Size, 16144 x 13814 inches 32 = 109 ST. MARY MAGDALENE [109] FERNANDO GALLEGOS SPANISH, 1440-1507 Her draped figure with nude shoulders and arms, reclining, with her hands resting on an urn. At the left the uprooted crucifix on the flowered ground. Background of Renaissance buildings and rocky landscape. In the sky to the left, the artist’s signature—the Madonna standing on a crescent, supported by four angels and surrounded by . a halo. This picture is particularly notable for its fine quality of flesh painting. In early seventeenth century Spanish black and gold frame. On panel. Size, 3114 x 48 inches From the Collection of Sir Edmond Temple. Fernando Gallegos, called the Spanish Diirer, was born and died at Salamanca. His most important works are the polyptych in the Cathedral of Zamora; Christ Glorious between church and syna- eogue, in the Kleinberger Collection, and others at Salamanca and at the Prado. He admirably expressed his Spanish soul in the technique of the Flemish and German masters of the day. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 33 Ba Sa ~~ SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. ENGLISH, pate arg ‘ 110 PORTRAIT OF MRS. ROBINSON (“PERDITA”’) Ce An exquisitely finished sketch in oils, showing Mrs. Robinson in pro- file, with powdered hair dressed high, with ringlets falling on her shoulders; wearing a white dress, which opens in a deep V in front, with a narrow black ribbon around her neck. This sketch is evi- Ss om Oe dently a preliminary study for the painting now in the Wallace Col- lection, which was executed in 1784 and shows Mrs. Robinson in the same pose, attired in the same manner. Canvas. Size, 10 x 914 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. ENGLISH, 1727-1788 111 PORTRAIT OF GILBERT WHITE, AUTHOR OF THE “NATURAL HISTORY OF SELBORNE” Bust portrait in a soft green jacket and white stock. On the back, an old inscription: ‘Doctor White, Author of the History of Sel- borne, by Gainsborough.” Canvas. _ Size; 16144 x 13% imehes Gilbert White was born in 1720 at Selborne, in Hampshire. He spent 45 6-0 ; the greater part of his life there and devoted himself to the observa- tion of the natural life around him and to his duties as a clergyman. His “Natural History of Selborne” was published in 1789 and ranks high in the list of English classics, both for its fidelity to scientific truth and for the graceful charm of its author’s style. a4 PORTRAIT OF MRS. ROBINSON (‘‘PERDITA”’’) BY SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. [110] 112 RIVER VIEW WA, ¢ 4let he ee JOSEPH MALLORD WILLIAM TURNER, R.A. ENGLISH, 1775-1851 A river view, with the towers of a church in the central background, behind a row of white, red-roofed houses lining the far bank of the river. On the left, a three-masted vessel flying the tricolour lies at anchor in the river; nearby, a steamboat with steam up and a small boat alongside, both laden with people. In the centre, another group of vessels in mid-stream. In the right background, a bridge with many arches. An animated group appears in the right foreground, on the near bank of the river. The sky to the right is a clear blue, and this colour is repeated in the tricolour and the blouse of a pas- senger on one of the boats at the left. The whole scene is suffused with golden light. | | Canvas. Size, 18 x 26 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] ENGLISH SCHOOL EARLY 17TH CENTURY 118. PORTRAIT OF MARTHA COLLET The wife of Thomas Collet of Highgate and the Middle Temple. Half length of a young woman of twenty-six, not appearing her age, in gold-embroidered garment with rich lace cuffs and collar, with black tulle cap. In the right upper corner the armorial bearings of Collet impaling Sherington. To the left the date 1639 and inscription “ZETATIS SUA 26.” Canvas. Size, 30 x 25 inches 36 CHAT 1 + -"/ 93, RIVER VIEW BY J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. [112] 114 115 116 MEE 118 119 TAPESTRIES AND OTHER TEXTILES ’ NUMBERS 114-122 LARGE CRIMSON BROCATELLE COVER With bold cartouche and floral arabesques in cream, Contemporary crimson and gold fringe on three sides. Size, 6 feet 2 inches x 6 feet 8 inches LARGE COVER OF SILK BROCATELLE : SPANISH, LATE 17TH CENTURY In three lengths; designed with acanthus volutes forming ogees, the scrolls of scarlet on a golden-yellow ground. Worn. Length, 7 yards; width, 201% inches VERDURE TAPESTRY PANEL FLEMISH, 17TH CENTURY Copiously filled with flowers and huge foliations in blue-green, grey and tan; above the head and claws of a lioness. Size, 39 x 26 inches AUVERGNE ENTRE-FENETRE TAPESTRY AFTER HUET FRENCH, 3RD QUARTER OF 18TH CENTURY Graceful narrow panel, the lower part with a youthful shepherd in crimson and blue playing a shepherd’s pipe to the enjoyment of a performing dog. Tall chestnut trees and in the background, a town with medizval fortifications and a stone bridge over a river. Size, 8 feet 4 inches x 2334 inches SMALL VERDURE TAPESTRY PANEL FLEMISH, 17TH CENTURY With round-towered medieval castle in green. Size, 45 x 221% inches ANIMAL AND VERDURE TAPESTRY FLEMISH, EARLY 17TH CENTURY Occupied by dense blue foliation with brilliant white mountains screening medieval houses; the foreground with a dog in heraldic posture. Floriated upper border of green, tan and silver-grey. Size, 8 feet 634, inches x 4 feet 134 inches 38 wn 120 121 122 123 PERSONAGE TAPESTRY FLEMISH, EARLY 17TH CENTURY From a Ulysses series. The centre showing the seated figure of Ulysses holding Penelope on his lap. She is dressed in royal robes. Dark background with archaic verdure and in the upper part, land- scape with river and mountains. Borders on top and bottom, the lower of the millefleurs type of an earlier period. Size, 9 feet 5 inches x 35 inches ABOUT TWENTY-FOUR YARDS OF MAGNIFICENT CRIMSON SILK VELVET GENOESE, 16TH CENTURY With traces of appliqué embroidery. In five lengths. The original hangings of the Great Hall of Knebworth House. Width about 22 inches EMBROIDERED COVER ON ROSE-COLOURED VELVET HISPANO-MORESQUE, 16TH CENTURY Of most beautiful time-worn colour. The composition formed by eight flower vases with deer handles. Continuous border of floriated arabesques among flying birds. The work done in red-gold threads with heightenings of blue, rose and white. Stain. From Lord Lytton’s Library. Size, 6 feet 6 inches x 7 feet 7 inches LEATHER WAINSCOT NUMBER 123 IMPORTED LOT OF ABOUT TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY SQUARE FEET OF TOOLED, GILDED AND PAINTED LEATHER WAINSCOT OF THE QUEEN ANNE PERIOD ENGLISH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Bold leaf pattern, with striped and diapered meanders in the Chinese taste, of black and silver on a gold ground. From the Tower Room at Knebworth House. 59 GOTHIC CARVINGS AND ARMOUR NUMBERS 124-130 | 124 GOTHIC POLYCHROME AND CARVED WOOD STATUE OF ST. LEOPOLD, DUKE OF AUSTRIA DANUBE SCHOOL, 15TH CENTURY Remarkable full length statue of the youthful duke in medizval blue armour with arabesque enrichments, elaborate gold knee-kops and mantle. In his right hand he holds a model of the monastery of Kloster-Neuberg with intricately carved rose windows. His golden curling hair bears a jewelled crown. Original polychromy; hair and face showing decoration and gilding of later date. Height, 50 inches —————— OO [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 40 [124] 125 [125] IMPORTANT GOTHIC POLYCHROME CARVING TYROLESE, 15TH CENTURY Depicting the Lord carrying the Cross, followed and preceded by soldiers in medieval armour and with Oriental high headgear. Christ is met by the kneeling Magdalene, an appealing youthful image in the costume of a patrician. In the foreground an eques- trian statue. The original polychromy and gilding can be discerned under later pigments. Height, 30 inches; width, 4 feet 6 inches; depth, 14 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 42 THREE CHURCH HELMETS FROM THE ANCIENT CHAPEL AT KNEBWORTH HOUSE ENGLISH, 16TH CENTURY NUMBERS 126-128 Francis Henry Cripps-Day in Sir Guy Laking’s, “A Record of European Armour and Arms’, devotes an important chapter to church armour, which has become exceedingly rare. [126] [127] 126 BRIGHT CHURCH HELMET Combed, with tall spike; visor; bevor with breathing apertures of large, oblong form; rigid colletin with steel rivets. This helmet resembles a late Elizabethan close helmet at Otford, illustrated in Fig. 1660, Vol. V, Laking. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 43 127 BRIGHT CHURCH HELMET 128 129 Without comb; tall spike for crest; visor with occularium; bevor with breathing apertures in rosette form on both sides; deep colletin ornamented with brass rivets. Except for the fact that it has no comb, his helmet resembles a close helmet at Tisbury, illustrated in Fig. 1795, Vol. V, Laking. | [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 43] BLACKENED CHURCH HELMET Bowl of two pieces with comb and short spike. Visor with occu- larium; bevor; mentonniére and colletin. This helmet resembles a close helmet at Ingatestone, illustrated in Fig. 1617, Vol. V, Laking. COMPLETE SUIT OF ITALIAN GILDED ARMOUR FROM THE GRAND STAIRCASE HALL AT KNEBWORTH HOUSE MILANESE, 16TH CENTURY Consisting of closed helmet with visor and bevor, gorget, breast- plate with slight tapul, backplate, solid arm defences, elbow-kops, vambraces, gauntlets, tassets running into knee-kops, and complete jambs and solerets. Elaborately engraved with “Bourbon” ara- besques in the style of the Missaglia school, with vertical stripes of trellis and acanthus, medallions with men in armour, trophies and interlaced meanders, the cuisses with scalloped crimson velvet, and gold-brown trimmings. The style indicates that it was made for an English knight. The helmet was restored at a later date, probably by a church armourer, who might also’be responsible for the gold enrichment. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 44 f } : : ! y [129] STAIRCASE HALL AT KNEBWORTH HOUSE - -MILANESE, 16TH AND 17TH CENTURIES In general character similar. to the preceding. The under side of elbow protected by laminated plates. The entire suit is richly | en- eraved with boldly foliated. acanthus and rosette arabesques, tied eS with ribands. Gold enrichment and restorations of eighteenth cen- tury workmanship. An uncommonly large suit made for a tall and powerful warrior. ee [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 46 [130] 131 132 133 FURNITURE AND ORNAMENTS NUMBERS 131-172 ELIZABETHAN OAK REFECTORY TABLE WITH UNUSUAL DETAIL OF CARVING CIRCA 1600 All in original state with the exception of top, which is of later but not recent addition. Vase-shaped balusters carved with leaf tracery ; the base with archaic guilloche; the dies with uncommon sunburst surrounding Tudor rose. The apron with interlinked fleur-de-lisé running border. One long drawer. Contemporary platform base. Height, 33 inches; width, 5 feet 1 inch; depth, 23% inches OAK HALL BENCH OF THE EARLY JACOBEAN PERIOD ENGLISH, EARLY 17TH CENTURY An important example of the early English Renaissance on two trestles with finely carved leaf tracery. The two arms gracefully S scrolled and placed @ jour. The back of a magnificent twin S scrolled design enriched with acanthus and crested by shell and pierced scroll volutes. Height, 34 inches; width, 67 inches GOTHIC CARVED LINEN-FOLD CUPBOARD FRENCH, LATE L5TH CENTURY An outstanding example of oak in remarkably fine state of preserva- tion. The front with two doors each with six linen-fold panels of the most delicate pattern and workmanship, with slightly buttressed centres and leaf and scroll terminations framed in borders of guilloche traceries. The multiple cornice and the architrave also carved with, running borders. The plinth acting as drawer with its moulding copiously carved. The centre stile with fluted and leaf- carved columns, Bacchic satyr thermz and putti in superimposed compositions, of splendid workmanship and showing strong Italian influence. The buttressed supports faced by lions rampant holding armorial shields. The returns each with six linen-fold panels with fluted stiles and guilloched border. From Cardinal Wolsey’s room at Knebworth House. Height, 6 feet 5 inches; width, 6 feet 214 inches; depth, 311% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 48 [133] 134 135 136 OAK CHEST OF THE AEE Se PERIOD _ ENGLISH, EARLY 17TH CENTURY A ople harmonious piece recalling in its moulding the types found | in New England. The front with three simple and carefully moulded panels. Moulded top. Height, 31 inches; width, 43 imches TWO JACOBEAN WALNUT STOOLS WITH TAPESTRY ENGLISH, MID-17TH CENTURY > Uncommonly sturdy type on columnar and octagonal supports with twin vase baluster stretchers. Covered with contemporary Flemish © verdure tapestry of deep blue-green tonality. (2) | Height, 20 inches; size of top, 13 inches square RENAISSANCE WALNUT TABERNACLE AND CABINET FRENCH, 16TH CENTURY Architecturally conceived in three arched recessed wings, on plinths acting as drawers furnished with handsomely festoon-carved colum- nar supports, and copiously enriched with figure and floral alto relievo carvings. The front with bronze plaque of the Holy Family and St. John. Height, 2514 inches; width, 2614 inches; depth, 17 inches Illustrated in Charles Latham’s “In English Homes’, Vol. II, page 405, in Queen Elizabeth’s Room. 50 [137] 137 SMALL EARLY JACOBEAN OAK TABLE CIRCA 1620 Rare example. With arched aprons on three sides; the front with Tudor rose carved double arch, the vase-shaped baluster supports connected by transversing boldly spiralled stretcher. Moulded top. Height, 21 inches; size of top, 31 x 18 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 51 =, OT 138 INDO-PORTUGUESE CABINET ON STAND WITH MOSAICS OF IVORY 16TH CENTURY In two parts, the lower flanked. by four caryatides carved of iron- wood, the images of long curled. mermaid bodies with leafy aprons and serpent body terminations endowed with pronounced Indian features. The front with deep double drawer and two cornice drawers; the upper part with two double and eight single drawers. The entire body inlaid in all-over patterns of interlaced circles with discs of ivory and studded with nails, elaborate ajouee. handles and — escutcheon plates of gilded bronze. Height, 4614 inches; width, 54 inches; depth, 18 inches © [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 139 JACOBEAN OAK SHIP’S CHEST ENGLISH, 16TH CENTURY Simple body of trestles with primitive moulding. Height, 24 inches; width, 391% inches; depth, 13 inches OF: me @ SP.2P.60 GO * SR. SF St Oh 82 U8 OF MFP OP, «) OES OD a oe OP Hh. OF Hh UP tee Se ee 1 Sets ot Om 28 66 28 98 ot we # . ie / oats 6 2%, — Boek ae #808 Oe OF OF HF RE EY Gy” | HR EE ES OF 08 40 Oe OR OnE” i Quunaoue Se oa shu skab oun ano oud aaadcaoe er wrt sat BME MAAC HE RH BOS O68 HH Um BEY BAH BAM 2 eH MR 08 8h aK he OE OE Ae OF CF CF OD OE Oh 1S sh HRD pa NRE Be 8 ga ++ RERG EF GF Oy OF £4 Ue HO UE 98 ED Pee HOE OF ETE OD Be 9S Fa 28 Pe sas : 48 CR OK BR & betes ee. pags: : ro ' cen ets es PR ee : oe oy Cie a. ee a». 5 * Se Pre cy a ve : a ee? ot be Bee eae eee rer 5 Serr rrr es be bad oe od eh 8h ay, se ahene SR OE AE Xo Ob 68 OE eo: SBSH OSHS AHKEH CH OH BH # PS ROMA RRS OHO Ae ee cr ee ee ye OHO ov HES RES See O He Oo me oO HHH H Gy Lid ad SAME es 99 eh Re ee Thee teked cheese ted ‘ ee ae y Vie ee tw eee Bec et eae pes ad * * ‘oad = we. Rad lee ROBE OF OF BO G2 ED OF Be Beek OF eg eo aR Re Lclisdeed dchcclcccandcaditens —Moccstel sales hemtaaeen eal dgdotohatath dada F dcteittitend chad 3 = we cae 3 Co Terr trie rerio Suenediasatan oo eo en 82 O80 OF 9 FR FO ae eyrererere reer rae y rr 4 40 88 one 4 ee 8D EE OF Be ER SEED OR OF HR ER GH te HF HF OO Hh) EP HR F8 Gd Ke KEE 94 OP DE Oh gy 1G, OH OP OD 86 ED Gh 59 2 CERN PR Fe HR AE OH Oe Oe Me HO ee RR ER oe ce RITE So RH ER GH 6a de 8H HO Be OF Re OR Re HH Oe #0 Pt cSt. 33 ee he wR Ra : eS ee fee ee ee aoe ee i 2% RR Gye PR SE OE SK RE RE CR FE BOER OR HR DRE Gh ER TE” [138] TWO GOTHIC OAK DRESSOIRS FLEMISH, 15TH CENTURY NUMBERS 140-141 Entirely original, with the exception of shelf on platform and the shields with the Lytton arms added by Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton. - 140 141 142 GOTHIC OAK DRESSOIR Pentagonal in form and on a platform with five rosette-carved flam- boyant panels; the stiles flanked by flutings. The cupboard with stiles terminating in scrolled corbels with four vertical and six horizontal carved panels; the lower and horizontal of rose pattern | 2 4 and arched, and the vertical with ogives containing consoles for figures now gone, and others fleur-de-lisé. The centre a door with wrought iron fleur-de-lisé strap hinges finely chased, and gilded (Sa wrought iron lock plate with dragon handle of later addition. | Height, 4 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet 4 inches; depth, 21 inches Illustrated in Charles Latham’s “In English Homes’, Vol. II, page 400, in Ante-Room of the Great Drawing-Room. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] | GOTHIC OAK DRESSOIR Similar to the preceding, but varying in the design of panels, those with fleurs-de-lis replaced by the ogive, and the latter by richly traced flamboyant panels of independent design. TWO MEDIAZVAL CARVED IVORY BUSTS ENGLISH, 15TH CENTURY Part of a scriptural composition and apparently the heads of guards of the Lord; the pointed headdresses, beards and hair with traces of polychromy. Objects of considerable rarity. (2) - Height without pedestals, 3 inches 54 [140] 143 144 RARE BELLARMINE STONEWARE JUG ENGLISH, 1581 Bulbous form of golden-brown glazed earthenware. The front with archiepiscopal armorial bearings in three medallions: and date 1581. The neck with “beard episcopal”. Height, 9 inches The Bellarmine vessels were in general use in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries at public houses and inns; they were named after the celebrated Cardinal Bellarmine, who was derided and caricatured by Protestants for his fanaticism. Chaffers in “Pottery and Porcelain” devotes pages 61 to 66 to these interesting Eliza- bethan ceramics. SPANISH VARGUENO ON POLYCHROME CHEST 16TH CENTURY Exceedingly important object. The lower part of a chest of four drawers with diamonds in three gilded mouldings sectioned by Moresque traceries of India ink on Persian-blue and crimson. Con- temporary gilded knobs, six acorn shaped and two with the shell of St. James of Compostella. The stiles with gilded swastika on white., Two slides with bold shells of St. James in fine gold. Panelled returns. The upper part of walnut with flap with ajouwré appliques on the original crimson silk velvet; four hinged plaques and centre escutcheon with lions of Castile. The hasp with Gothic pinnacles. Beneath, nine Compostella shells in three groups. The interior architecturally conceived to harmonize with chest, with thirteen drawers and two doors, with facades of columnar ivory twist columns, the centres with ivory plaques in mullioned order against a background of blue and red strips; Compostella shell handles. Size of upper part, 25 x 17 x 40 inches Size of lower part, 31 x 15 x 40 winches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 56 — ies St Gg [144] 145 TWO VENETIAN LAMPADAIRES ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY — Four-light baroque carved * wood candelabra on crimson velvet- covered stems and circular bases painted cream and crimson. (2) | Height, 7 feet 5 inches 146 CARVED JACOBEAN OAK COFFER ON STAND Rare for its small proportions and its original base. The front with diamond-shaped lozenge enriched with scroll tracery. ‘Hinged top. Height, 21 inches; width, 18 inches; depth, 12 inches i t 147 ALTO-RELIEVO CARVING OF THE LATE RENAISSANCE ITALIAN, 16TH CENTURY A winged amorino head boldly protruding; the hair and wings richly gilded; to the right festoons. Polychrome ground. Height, 30 inches; width, 22 inches 148. BOXWOOD FIGURE BY KRAKENBERG DUTCH, EARLY 17TH CENTURY Burgher with bucket, in seventeenth century costume. Carved with great skill and realism. Fine brown patina. Height, 1014 inches 58 149 150 151 VERY UNCOMMON TRESTLE BREAKFAST AND WRITING TABLE OF THE SHERATON PERIOD ENGLISH, CIRCA 1795 Of mahogany. In the characteristic form of the sofa table; on fluted outspread trestles with plain upturned underframing. The broad top with fluted edge; the apron with two working and two false drawers. ‘Two rounded drop leaves acting on wrought iron hinges are removable. Rosetted pinchbeck handles (one renewed). Height, 28 inches; width, 47 inches; depth, 40 inches MARQUETRY CHEST OF DRAWERS OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD 3 ITALIAN, 18TH CENTURY Attractively inlaid with Piranesi scrolls with dragon heads, birds perched upon voluted branches-and flower urns with stiff leaf stems; the inlay done in bone etched with India ink and scorched and tinted woods on a figured walnut ground. The front with two long and two short drawers. The top elaborately furnished with a cartouche with children dancing to the music of a youthful faun; the cartouche framed by volutes with crestings of martial putti rising from flowered petals. Height, 35 inches; width, 4414 inches; depth, 21 inches WALNUT AND MARQUETRY CHEST OF DRAWERS OF THE LOUIS QUATORZE PERIOD NORTH ITALIAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Serpentined front with three drawers veneered with a variety of handsomely figured burl plaques; straight-grain borders of tulip- wood and stained sycamore. The returns panelled and the stiles diagonally veneered. Moulded top. Cabriole supports on pied-de- biche terminations. Possibly a piece made in England by an Italian worker. Height, 351% inches; width, 21 inches; depth, 46% inches 59 152 MARQUETRY GUERIDON AND WRITING TABLE BY CHARLES g TOPINO ere we | FRENCH, CIRCA 1775 On slender tapering cabrioles with chamferred shoulders connected by rognon undertray with ajouré bronze gallery. The ovolo body with three drawers, the upper with desk slide covered with jade- green tooled Morocco pad, and compartment with silver-plated fit- ments, the two curved ends with swinging doors uncovering two galleried half-moon shaped trays. The top galleries at two ends with Chinoiserie, a musical pastoral with four musicians, in the ~ centre a harpsichord, and to the right and left trees; this picture laid in scorched and tinted light coloured Island veneers, with ? borders of kingwood and burl walnut divided by laurel garland of . marquetry. The front, back, top and undertray with engaging Chinoiseries and landscapes in reserves with marguerite rosettes of ormolu on rosewood. The stiles with Chinaman playing a serenade before a banner with the emblem of the heart. The dies with handsome fruit-festooned garland. Scroll foot sabots. A remark-— ably fine example. Signed with impressed mark on edge of centre door and on underpart; also with ciseleur’s monogram. Height, 29 inches; width, 2114 inches; depth, 14 inches ~ Charles Topino was a renowned cabinet maker of the Louis XV period. He worked in the Faubourg St. Antoine and was admitted _ to the Corporation as Master Cabinet Maker July 14, 1773. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 60 RE NI Ke) re bmmead 153 MARQUETRY CABINET ON STAND WITH SEVENTEENTH CENTURY PANELS OF THE STUART PERIOD ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY An elaborate cabinet made to preserve an earlier creation of the cabinet maker’s art. The interior of the two doors faced with enchanting mosaic patterns of architectural conceit, columnar por- ticos, arches, and architectural fragments enriched with leaves and upstanding branches growing in the most imaginative manner from stone slabs. The inlays are made of scorched and tinted hollywood on a light coloured ground. The interior cabinet with two centre doors and twenty-four drawers, each faced with copiously mar- quetted panels of macaws and other birds perched upon voluted scrolls with a background of houses, some recalling the familiar silhouette of None-Such Palace. Finely chased and nielloed seven- teenth century strap hinges; elaborate drop handles. The exterior of the cabinet is composed of a stand on four neo-Greek balusters with elaborately chased ormolu capitals and members; platform | base backed by a handsomely carved panel. The upper part with two oval doors with marquetry enrichment of birds on branches of figured burl wood. Geometrical marquetry of light and dark coloured “Island” woods and borders. The cornice with festooned bronze mounts. Height, 5 feet 6 inches; width, 41 inches; depth, 17 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 154. TWO ANTIQUE PENTHELIC MARBLE HEADS WITH EIGHTEENTH CENTURY WHITE MARBLE BUSTS AND PLINTHS (2) | Height, 19 inches 155 TWO SIENNA MARBLE PEDESTALS ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Columnar, with fluted palm leaf capitals and black marble plinths. (2) Height, 4 feet 1034 inches Served at Knebworth House as bases for the preceding. 62 [153] [156] 156 TWO BRONZE BUSTS OF FRANKLIN AND ROUSSEAU LATE 18TH CENTURY Excellent modelling. Dark brown patina. On Empire wood bases with bronze mounts. (2) Height, 13 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 64 157 158 159 160 161 PAIR OF GILDED BRONZE FOUR-LIGHT CANDELABRA AND FLOWER URNS ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY on pied-de-biche tripods with crestings of Moor-head therme; the bowls of blue Bohemian glass. (2) Height, 12 inches MAHOGANY CARD TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 Gracefully serpentined and arched front on finely fluted triangular supports. Double top of finely figured Spanish mahogany. Height, 2814 inches; width, 3514 inches FOUR SIDE CHAIRS WITH BRONZE INLAY IN THE MANNER OF BOULE ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Square backs with spirally twisted spindles placed a@ jour. Turned underframings in the Jacobean taste. Elaborate brass inlays in Louis Quartorze patterns. Covered with emerald-green silk brocatelle. (4) IMPORTANT LATE GEORGIAN CHINA AND BOOKCASE CABINET ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY The body of rosewood made in two parts. The lower, a pier table with mirror back on four elaborately leaf and Tudor rose carved scrolled supports on carved platform base. The supports carry a vitrine with finely moulded ormolu beads on four glazed sections; the mouldings richly veneered with cross-grain leaves; the apron with ormolu rosettes. The upper part in three sections, each with three shelves; the shelves faced with guilloche beads, divided by ormolu balusters in the Neo-Egyptian taste, enclosed by four glazed doors richly furnished with ormolu beads. The cornice with elaborate pinchbeck mounts. On the top are placed four richly gilded bas- relief plaques representing as the Seasons, statuettes of Ceres, Flora, Bachus, and the bearded figure of Winter standing at a fire altar.. The interior of the cabinet has been lined at a later date with rose- coloured velvet. Height, 6 feet 8 inches; width, 7 feet 6 inches; depth, 1914 inches MAHOGANY JARDINIERE TRESTLE TABLE OF THE SHERATON PERIOD CIRCA 1790 On four slender baluster spindles; shaped undertray with place for vase jardiniére. Rectangular, with engraved bronze mounts. Tin lining. Height, 30 inches; size of top, 17 x 13 wmches 65 ‘Neg ee os. ea [162] 162 PAIR OF POLE SCREENS WITH ELEPHANT SUPPORTS ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY On Orientalizing quadruped scroll bases painted black and gold, with gilded bronze ball feet supporting gilded lions, their bodies pierced with pole rods, the latter supporting quaintly composed octagonal screen panels with still lives of books, rolls and engrav- ings; on a yellow ground. (2) Height, 40 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 66 163 DIRECTOIRE TWIN WRITING DESK ENGLISH, CIRCA 1800 164 165 166 167 168 Of figured mahogany. An object of great originality of design, composed of two ball-front writing desks with cupboards beneath; on claw-foot supports; the cupboards with two sets of double doors and drawers. The fluted stiles with acanthus-carved shoulders. The desk flaps flanked by Doric columns with engraved ormolu mounts. The interiors with five drawers and pigeonholes. White marble top. Contemporary brass handles. Height, 4 feet 11 inches; width, 5 feet 214 inches; depth, 14 inches LYRE-SHAPED LARGE BERGERE OF THE EMPIRE PERIOD ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY The moulded front rail lyre shaped and on sturdy fluted supports. Loose down cushion covered with gold brocade with design com- memorative of Marlborough and his battles. Recalling the American types of Duncan. Phyfe. BEDSIDE TABLE OF MAHOGANY OF THE CHIPPENDALE PERIOD ENGLISH, LATE 18TH CENTURY Uncommon incurved platform underframing. The body with door and drawer; moulded top. Height, 3114 inches; width, 1714 inches; depth, 1614 inches MAHOGANY SHERATON STOOL ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 Covered with contemporary geometrically designed gros point needlework in rose, yellow, black and grey. Height, 1914 inches; width, 181% inches MAHOGANY SWINGING GLASS OF THE HEPPLEWHITE PERIOD ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 Graceful model with shield back holding mirror pivoting on scrolled supports. The gently serpentined case with three drawers inlaid with fine lines of maple wood. Bone handles. Height, 2314 inches; width, 17 inches; depth, 8 inches RED LACQUER CIRCULAR DIRECTOIRE TABLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1800 The top with pictorially enriched leather panel with Chinoiserie in gold and silver. Columnar spirally fluted centre stem; platform base. Size, 2914 x 251% inches 67 169 170 [169] TWO EMBROIDERED HIGH-BACK CHAIRS THE EMBROIDERY ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY Rectangular backs and seats covered with softly coloured silk needle- work of a handsome pattern, composed of bold green branches with huge garden flowers of red and yellow on a golden-yellow linen ground. The frames of later make with bulbous baluster under- framing; gilded orb finials. (2) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | TWO EMBROIDERED HIGH-BACK CHAIRS THE EMBROIDERY ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY Similar to the preceding. (2) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 68 LL 172 DETAIL OF DOORS [171] IMPORTANT OAK CUPBOARD OF THE HIGH RENAISSANCE FLEMISH, 16TH CENTURY The front with two doors, each with musical seraphim in Flemish moulding crested by winged amorini holding tasselled wreaths, and above on other Flemish mouldings as pediments, winged seahorses. Leaf borders. The stiles, three allegorical statuettes carved with unusual imagination of Faith, Hope and Charity, on brackets with lion’s-claw terminations. Ovolo cornice with two drawers with very fine carving of putti hunting, in two spirited compositions, and lion’s-mask dies. The returns panelled and with carved architrave. Original moulded top. The interior refitted with sliding trays. Height, 3 feet 7 inches; width, 5 feet 11 inches; depth, 28 wmches [SEE ILLUSTRATION OF DETAIL] BIBLE BOX OF THE JACOBEAN PERIOD ENGLISH, EARLY 17TH CENTURY Rectangular casket, the front with two archaic birds facing plaque for inscription rising from Tudor rose. Height, 10 inches; width, 251% inches 69 ates 2 Gee Sm Ove ss Seyi, a - a - t a, ee : ‘ CARVED HEROIC STATUE OF — SIR WALTER RALEIGH NUMBER 173 173 HEROIC CARVED WOOD STATUE OF SIR WALTER RALEIGH ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY > Sir Walter is dressed in Elizabethan cuirass with puffed leather breeches, gauffered cuffs and collar; a mantle falls gracefully over his shoulder. In his right hand he holds a two-handed sword. Aa ; particularly handsome figure with fine countenance and slender hands. He wears the insignia of the Garter on a long chain. " i" Rectangular pedestal of later addition with Elizabethan flower-filled — urn in tracery furnishing the front centre panel. From the Staircase Hall at Knebworth House. _ Height of statue, 6 feet 5 inches a Height of pedestal, 38 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 70 2 > ae = > 7 —— = = “— ee | “~ = 7 . 9 = ~ se —=— 2. “Pe 7. ce as - “a A | Et fie —- [173] 174 ey ut Reed) 175 176 PAINTINGS AND OTHER WORKS OF ART FROM FORTRESS HOHENWERFEN THE COLLECTION OF H. L H. ARCHDUKE EUGEN NUMBERS 174-191 GOTHIC CARVED WOOD AND POLYCHROMED STATUE OF ST. GEORGE DANUBE SCHOOL St. George in crimson medizval armour on a white charger. Richly | gilded and polychromed. : From the historic castle of the Teutonic Order at Freudenthal. Height, 37 inches SIMON PETER TITTEMANN GERMAN, 1602-1670 PORTRAIT OF A KNIGHT IN BLUE ARMOUR Half length, the full rounded face framed by curling auburn hair; lace collar and lace cuffs; his loins are draped with a tiger skin. To the left a helmet with scarlet feather cresting. An exceedingly fine portrait of the seventeenth century. Background of blue and of a crimson curtain. Oval. From Fortress Hohenwerfen. Canvas. Size, 3714 x 29 inches Simon Peter Tittemann, called “Schenk”, was born in Bremen in 1602 and died in 1670. He worked in viens and in Prague. SIMON PETER TITTEMANN GERMAN, 1602-1670 PORTRAIT OF THE MASTER OF CEREMONIES OF THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE Full length portrait in black velvet with mantle of gold, wearing lace-trimmed collar and elaborate beribboned shoes. He is holding the jewelled crown on a crimson cushion. Black and gold frame of later addition. From Fortress Hohenwerfen. Canvas. Height, 6 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 7 inches 72 ae [177] HENDRICK KOBELL DUTCH, 1751-1782 177 HARBOUR OF VALETTA WITH SHIPS In the right fore and background warships of the Knights of Malta, one with elaborately enriched bow with representation of the Holy Family and bearing the arms of a Grandmaster. To the left the harbour with tall columnar towers and a background of snow-clad mountains. The foreground with natives and fisher folk. On a bale the monogram “HK’”’. From Fortress Hohenwerfen. Canvas. Height, 3914 inches; length, 7 feet 11 inches Hendrick Kobell was a celebrated Dutch marine painter born at Rotterdam. He spent considerable time in England. [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 73 VOIR 178 179 HENDRICK KOBELL 2 : DUTCH, 1751-1782 NORTHERN HARBOUR WITH SHIPS The left fore and background with men- -of-war fully armed and under sail bearing the pennants of the Maltese Knights, and landing boats filled with mariners. To the right the fortified harbour with two round towers screening a town. On an upturned barrel the monogram “HK’”’. | From Fortress Hohenwerfen. q Canvas. Height, 3914 inches; ei 7 feel u in ches | a SIMON PETER TITTEMANN GERMAN, 1602-1670 PORTRAIT OF COUNT RAIMONDO MONTECUCCOLI Half length portrait of a handsome young soldier in blue and gold armour with high standing curled coiffure in the manner of the time. He wears lace jabot. Oval. Relined in a nineteenth century black moulding. From Fortress Hohenwerfen. Canvas. Size, 3314 x 25 inches SPANISH SCHOOL 17TH CENTURY PORTRAIT OF THE EMPEROR LEOPOLD I Full length, in black and gold royal robes, his delicate long hand resting on the orb placed near the Imperial crown. Signed with monogram “P T”’, From Fortress Hohenwerfen. Canvas. Height, 6 feet 7 inches; width, 3 feet 10 inches 74 OTTO MARCELLIS VAN SCHRIECK DUTCH, 1613-1676 181 STILL LIFE AND AIR CREATURES Two delightful compositions of tall flowered bushes with birds and butterflies perched upon blossoms and flying through the air. On the ground snails, lizards and mushrooms. Painted in a monochrome green key on a scarlet and blue ground with brilliant heightenings of crimson and white. Relined on frames of a later period. aes From Fortress Hohenwerfen. (2) Canvas. Height, 46 inches; width, 17 inches Otto Marcellis van Schrieck acquired considerable celebrity by his excellence in a very singular branch of art. He painted reptiles, insects, and curious plants, which he designed with surprising fidelity, and finished with extraordinary care. He resided some time in Paris, and afterwards visited Florence, where his talents were distinguished by the Grand Duke; Naples, and Rome, where he passed several years. He painted entirely from nature, to which end he is said to have kept a kind of museum of serpents, vipers, rare insects, and other curiosities. His pictures are found in the choicest collections in Holland. AUSTRIAN SCHOOL END OF 18TH CENTURY 182 PORTRAIT OF FRANCIS II, HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR In a general’s coat of white with crimson breeches and waistcoat; wearing the Orders of the Golden Fleece and St. Stephen. His right ae 7 hand holding a letter, rests on a table on which are placed the Imperial and Royal crowns. In contemporary moulded frame. From Fortress Hohenwerfen. Canvas. Height, 42 inches; width, 31 inches 75 183 184 ~185 \ JUAN BAUTISTA DEL MAZO MARTINEZ SPANISH, CIRCA 1610-1687 PORTRAIT OF MARIE ANNE OF AUSTRIA A variation of the likeness by Velasquez. She is dressed in volum- inous black and white robes and wears a feathered headdress. Dark background with crimson curtain. On the table to the right a lantern clock. | From Fortress Hohenwerfen. Canvas. Height, 6 feet 8 inches; width, 3 feet 10 inches AUSTRIAN SCHOOL THE FUNERAL CORTEGE OF THE EMPEROR RUDOLF II A nineteenth century replica from the sixteenth century original at the Graz armory, invaluable for its armorial and costume interest. Composed of six panels on individual stretchers. From Fortress Hohenwerfen. Canvas. Height, 17 inches; total length, 42 feet 8 inches ANTONIO BALESTRA ITALIAN, 1666-1740 PONTIFICAL COUNCIL IN ST. PETER’S Magnificent architectural decoration, peopled with numerous figures, the cardinals in scarlet robes to the right and left. In the very background the Pontiff. In the foreground Swiss guards in their brightly coloured garb and on the mosaic pavement prelates, digni- taries and soldiers. From Fortress Hohenwerfen. Canvas. Size, 8 feet x 10 feet 76 ANTONIO BALESTRA ITALIAN, 1666-1740 186 THE POPE LEAVING SAN GIOVANNI LATERANO, ROME Important architectural decoration with figures, the Swiss guards restraining the people from approaching the steps of the church. a BE) Exceedingly interesting detail in costume of the nobles in the very foreground. From Fortress Hohenwerfen. Canvas. Size about 8 feet x 10 feet AUSTRIAN SCHOOL LATE 18TH CENTURY 187 PORTRAIT OF FERDINAND GRANDDUKE OF TUSCANY In the white coat of a general, wearing the insignia of the orders L O of the Golden Fleece and St. Stephen. Oval. ) From Fortress Hohenwerfen. , Canvas. Size, 22 x 29 inches AUSTRIAN SCHOOL EARLY 18TH CENTURY 188 PORTRAIT OF FIELD MARSHAL ARCHDUKE FRANZ KARL Three-quarter length portrait in general’s coat of white, wearing pals the insignia of the Golden Fleece and other orders. Fine lace jabot. ShS In his right hand he holds the marshal’s staff. From Fortress Hohenwerfen. Canvas. Size, 36 x 29 inches TT 189 190 191 -left armorial bearings. PAINTED, EMBROIDERED AND JEWELLED TAPESTRY The equestrian portrait of Emperor Matthias, 1557-1619. He is — seated on a charger, dressed in royal robes. His cloak is trimmed — with gold threads and gold rosettes and studded with semi- precious — stones. The trappings are similarly enriched. To the ea and From Fortress Hohenwerfen. —_ Size, 8 feet 7 inches x 6 feet 7 inches. | [SEE ILLUSTRATION | TWO PAINTED TOLE JARDINIERES SWISS, 18TH CENTURY Chinoiseries of most engaging composition. They represent a Swiss peasant woman and a fortune teller with parrot, holding on their , backs fluted flower urns. Handsomely painted and gilded attires or — ee green, crimson and cream. i | | iat a From Fortress Hohenwerfen. (2) Height, 18 and 151% inches — a AUSTRIAN EARLY 18TH CENTURY PICTORIAL CLOCK Oil painting of a cavalry charge in an elaborate gilded and. cared frame with insert of a clock movement in richly chased ormolu rim. From Fortress Hohenwerfen. Size, 16x 23 inches 18 PAINTINGS, DRAWINGS AND ENGRAVINGS FROM KNEBWORTH HOUSE NUMBERS 192-205 | FRENCH CIRCA 1800 192 AN INTERESTING COLLECTION OF EQUESTRIAN PEN PORTRAITS The bodies of the horses and the costumes of the riders elaborately designed in calligraphic scrolls. Two signed by the artist (Vt. Bedos of Nismes). All three in attractive contemporary passe-partouts painted with stripes of India ink and in broad burl elm mouldings. (a) Henry IV. (b) Louis XIV. (c) Napoleon. On paper. (3) bees O-two, 15 x 14 inches; of the third, 138 x 12 inches . ITALIAN CIRCA 1820 193. TWO VIEWS OF NAPLES Delightful compositions in soft tones, each framed in bird’s-eye maple mouldings and gilded baguettes. One depicting Naples from the Posilipo; the other, the Villa Reale. Gouache on paper. (2) Size, 17.x 2514 inches 19 194 196 Oi 198 oe ee. Oe, EARLY ENGRAVINGS PORTRAIT OF FREDERICK HENRY, PRINCE OF ORANGE; THREE ILLUSTRATIONS FROM AN EARLY EDITION OF RABELAIS’ “GARGANTUA AND PANTAGRUEL” The first engraved by Willem Akersloot; the others by Folkema. All framed. (4) DRAMATIC PORTRAITS IN MEZZOTINT David Garrick, engraved by McArdell after Pond; Mr. Beard, en- graved by Faber after Williams; Mr. Quin, engraved by Faber after Hudson. All good impressions. In painted wood frames. (38) ss DRAMATIC PORTRAITS IN MEZZOTINT Mr. Cibber in character, engraved by J. Simon after Grisoni; The Celebrated Comedian John Harper in the Character of Jobson, engraved by Miller after White; Mr. Geminiani, engraved by McArdell after Jenkins. All fair impressions. In painted wood frames. (8) DRAMATIC PORTRAITS IN MEZZOTINT Mr. Woodward in the character of Ye Fine Gentleman, engraved by McArdell after Hayman; Mr. Quin in the character of Sr. John Falstaff; Griffin and Johnson in the Character of Tribulation and Ananias, by and after Peter Van Bleeck. In painted wood frames. (3) AFFECTION Stipple engraving printed in colours by J. Baldry after D. Gardiner. Published 1782, by John Boydell. In painted wood frame. 80 199 200 201 JACOB TOORENVLIED DUTCH, 1641-1719 TWO GENRE PICTURES Each a group of two. One with two youths dressed in white and blue admiring a picture; the other, a venerable father in a blue and white turban instructing his son, dressed in scarlet. Toorenvlied, the first master of Mieris, lived in Venice for a considerable length of time. He is well represented in Vienna and Dresden. Panels. (2) Size, 7 x 514 inches DUTCH SCHOOL EARLY 18TH CENTURY LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES To the left a round-towered castle and a road with hunters on white chargers, and rustics. On the opposite river bank, farms with cattle and horses and blue-green mountains. Very fine contemporary gilded gesso frame of the Queen Anne Period. Canvas. Size, 32 x 61 inches ENGLISH SCHOOL 18TH CENTURY THE ANIMALS’ REVENGE An entertaining landscape with Tudor castles; in the foreground a pack of hounds chasing a slender human figure with deer’s head. To the right, young maiden in a pool. Contemporary carved and gilded frame. Canvas. Size, 3914 x 52 inches 81 a =e \ Be i, on ws : - f ra a “a Ta : =A\ ‘ hi ahs we oa de 7 ATTRIBUTED TO FRIEDRICH “HEINRICH FUGER peerasulestcak: © ) 202 PORTRAIT OF EMPEROR FRANCIS I Half length, in the uniform of a general, in white coat with ‘orders and decorations. Dark background. Elaborate Venetian os and gilded frame. | Canvas. | 3 Size, 10x 7 Vite ee we ‘i SPANISH SCHOOL 17TH CENTURY 203 PROFILE HEAD OF A YOUNG WOMAN In elaborately carved and gilded contemporary frame. a Canvas. : Size, a? x 10 inches ‘ | m BY A SPANISH MASTER 18TH CENTURY 204 PORTRAIT OF CERVANTES, iH : Bust portrait, turned almost full face to the onlooker. Painted in hy brilliant chiaroscuro. An illustration of the account of himself given by Cervantes in his prologue to ‘‘Novelas Exemplares”’. Canvas. Size, 1614S inches SWISS SCHOOL : IN THE STYLE OF THE 15TH CENTURY _ 205 PORTRAIT OF DONORS ae Depicting male and female donors in medizval costumes: ‘with ban- deroles bearing inscriptions. Carved frame. Ray - Canvas. | Size, 24 x 20 inches 82 206 207 208 209 210 alk 212 213 214 CERAMICS AND OTHER OBJECTS NUMBERS 206-215 MARCOLINI PORCELAIN BASKET The interior with love-birds in colours; the exterior with relief flowers. Handle repaired. TWO COLEBROOKDALE PORCELAIN CACHEPOTS EARLY 19TH CENTURY Handsome bulbous gardrooned bodies with floral reserves on a dark brown ground; turquoise-blue ribbon handles. Cracks. (2) Height, 814 inches; diameter, 614 inches DIRECTOIRE DOORSTOP OF ORMOLU FRENCH, CIRCA 1800 Shaped as a lyre on eagle-claw and ball feet, and with antefix crest- ing. On marble slab. Height without marble, 12 inches TWO DERBY BISQUE STATUETTES PREVIOUS TO 1795 Chinoiseries: Mandarin and Noblewoman. One slightly imperfect. (2) Height, 5 inches TWO BISQUE STATUES Sevres bisque statuette of Flora on gilded porcelain base, and Derby bisque seated statue of a Sibyl. (2) Height, 14 and 1314 inches THREE WHITE PORCELAIN ORNAMENTS Bust, mouse and rabbit (the latter repaired). (3) GILDED REED BASKET With floral enrichments of fine workmanship in relief. TORTOISE-SHELL GLAZE CERAMICS ENGLISH, 19TH CENTURY (a) ELEVEN WEDGWOOD PLATES Octagonal, with centres of blue enamel. Diameter, 9 inches (b) Two PORTUGUESE FAIENCE CUSTARD CUPS Height, 4 inches (13) TWO CARVED STATUETTES OF SAINT EVANGELISTS ITALIAN, MID-17TH CENTURY Well executed examples in the manner of Bernini; one on baroque plinth. Imperfect. (2) ~ Height, 9 inches and 11 inches FLINTLOCK BLUNDERBUSS ENGLISH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY With sturdy nielloed barrel; incurved and leaf-carved butt. 83 ‘ This catalogue designed by The Anderson Galleries aay? - Photographs by Peter A. Juley FUE Half-tone plates by Walker Engraving Company | Composition and press-work by — 3 Publishers Printing Company, New York oe #74 md 2s ie BS 7 Mia pur mae at 7 Se ty Stray itn Sh Sarat mS Say ast “hag ay Sy ay ab “ane Sie, eee rei ery % é wi eps roraee wae k 45 : i ‘ vt i q ; : ON By Se WAS! r E are gobi rnin hinge seen ‘ fk : q ; ‘ Res Shaan ty EME anS tal Sy mura ig Ap “as : d el g eae » i PMO ea res aCen iy Wig erin Myce wee WEG eee, nays gee wy Te ee “se DM BS AERA. cc tS ity