alofedejels hike eget te e+ ean rane wi at pote ret oieteiete ho trh ran sha hare sh bo patet siedatrlet teleiviot Pe whens eho t dhe 4 wie haha pei weer Foamte tobe atepe boboind wieeeyo bel dares sabajosepeiebapebhes epribieihiaiere bpieteieiriet Lapetep dbebej eb edhe rer sre pey ere > aseretehejersietapacadel eh ja leseter Srarer Etat ange RET FINS ape) eas eiabeiet pabohet feted ; eberetsr= winged af Oho ahel phen eee ae etn) Bee E® pehobe) ahs sie ft) opryey> pbake re be betel ebay bates \ePhr jbioteleleaye ; Niatete * “ Laheteietos > tas ehaete gee bad pabeiot et dpiebaepotet dant oped: johe ae ee) eiaiefepet desecrated tat takabe et ates: ete « » ct : yee as fepeber baeiet abo) speped? )> ee hah hey bed peer oF dabeperetudepererei> phi eis! par bepe) eis . ate: $3 d ee * fae ak ae : syed aaa joie ved bet titet efet pied Lie} to = Pa , ake fed he de hataie bitte z of otet ; nee os elope ta ief afagobe tape neh shee sd deh ete bebe te te sagasng : josed 2+} a F* = 5s bs ' - Sohee + * eiesist dade et be) ree telapete LiLikch aeene elejepoeel- pore ba pebodas # btehe re tore 4 q pttatits oa aa = se « faasteh oe pakabe =e a $74 ” t — ae hoe = + “+ visi} tt ifs itt ssttth apriciel( st ty + bade payed? riet et vie aakinektl aeaeet tebie pahepedeyet jofeiei rie where iadvinsep plealegase ‘a 4 ah iobeahele}e iw einhes - Spoi ap erator eperal®? reaee ys sidionmced@eele? at is th om aie 4 gataleness re3 ~ ae = pape stejate i whe ict jeieieutitiel ahefe Pei wie ieheiete eae * hat ca pete 433 ie uth i) 7 sree i+ peter oithe $y teh a ad fe ies pet ahereioyedt ib SitaTadeies i 45a btite ¢ le sefe> see ie bel pean: vere) bape edqlet™ peiede bhepes sie orte pier oie raewroe) tah iejene : < “4 + 473: fe} fas sk joist - sth ed apekee eet eet be he bere eee Tih ledepelete 7 atay nee yf hen ee * jeeee Pe 7 “ fe Gi be races th t * eyed oe <* pobepede perder dmpere Pode fits: ' jeieiehe * > aa peyote diereinnetrtsty qt To Ts akthy shohs ae +e} he ee! epee “Shipping”; ‘to | ‘ilo, “The. Little n,-agent, for $300. don. he Ba the Magi”; “The Mars to Pio ge _Harplenies, “Children of Anderson for $275. Poy Al ih Se Pani Red bron for 0 Pion. ‘Marine’; to War- ; 7 oa Scene”; to Louis. i BoC, \ B ‘chogl oh aya aoe: ‘Land- rile . type la Penn. “Re- Borest”; t0 Cc. W. Kraushaar. Emile Jacque, “Sheep Drink- Seaman, agent, for $1,500. ; ‘e, “A Brittany Farm: Isle- Higgs for $1,900. pee irgite jaz de la Pena, ‘The . Seman, agent, for $525, tate: acque, “Feeding Time’; bo for Dias # faz de la Pena, ‘In of ontal nebrea”; to Mr. Sea- $70 | Bran ny, “The Stream dov oe Daub ay, Th for $900. 3; to ot, The Woodland Ree" to Hol- i Galleries for $875. — tee De ide oe hig’ Mr, Bae) . ca a Bay ito Mr, Bernet, | ieee urbet, “Landscape”; to R. c. ‘Vose for | Dupre, “Harvesters” ; to: Cc. B. ‘Stevens ae a Scene in ‘the oO td. “Seene n e Orient’; I ieee Li in ef ie 5 aie a 12) ae ummer”; ; to Mr..B man | | for $1,800. a | Ziem, yavenice’s to W. 0, Wood for we H Or, ay e 9 Reconnoitre”; ‘to i Galawett for $4, | 4 fouguereau, “Innocence” ; to. Jobn te for $1,250.. vy Alvarez, “The Christening”; to H.W. | Goddard for $750 I Keith, candaeh dott to c. Wrightsman | | for $475. 4 | Wierusz-Kowalski, ‘The Start of the) | Journey”; to E, Takamine for $900. Blenner, “Contentment”; LEO, George }. | Utassy for. $310. -_ Breton, eee Lookout’; to Mra. M. 58 Dodge for $775 FS Bouguereau, | “La Chanson du ‘Ros- 4 signol’; to J. F. Albee for $2,500. : Marcke, “After the Shower” ; to Holland Galleries for $1,700. Troyon, “The ‘Gamekeeper ~ and His} | Dogs”; to John Levy for $4,100. |, Bouguereau, “L’Aurore’”; ‘to M. Rowijy! for $1,790. F Lawrence, ear ei Master Peters”: to, : : Reader for $1,3 i eeenance “Thomas: "Thornhin, Esquire’; | {to A. J. Kobler for $475 Raeburn, ‘James Have’: to William HH. 1 Phipps for $5,100. ; Reynolds, ‘‘The Duchess of Gloucester”: to Mrs. Eastman for $700. Raeburn, “Mrs. Catheart”; to Mr. Prend- “ergrass. for $2,600 ourbus, the ere “Marchesa de lMontecncolli’- to Mrs. Dodge for $850, . Lawrence, “ ‘Charity’: The Misses New- for $3, nh eae to Miss. Lorenz, agent, or no a Ce . nd aia pia Aap |: i j ee % 7 oe =, hae vs > be ae ‘ on m 7 Ja; 7 on 7 Fait “1 2 rh » «& a ay 5 q aie ae = FRI cE PUBLIC VIEW org gM ART GALLERIES. _ MADISON eke SOUTH, NEW YORK — Q an ONTISUING UNTIL THE DATE OF SALE FROM 9a. m. UNTIL 6 P.M. aa -N OTA BL E PAINTI NGS Ry -RARLY ENGLISH AND BARBIZON MASTERS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE . BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS OF SEVERAL ESTATES AND A NUMBER OF PRIVATE OWNERS Y LE RESON eR PRN — he SP ST Re TE RRA ETRE AE eS = Tn “_— _ ~ « = ’ ‘ . 7 = Pg 1 iS, —_ ‘ 5 < til. & ey - | Os ctl mas % =o 4 e. 1) tee am - Lay irae x Ams tie SG em THE EVENING OF THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3rp, BEGINNING AT 8.15 O’CLOCK aay THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA FIFTH AVENUE, 58TH TO 59TH STREET 4 ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF NOTABLE PAINTINGS BY Met eRhD OF THE BARLY ENGLISH, BARBIZON MODERN FRENCH AND CONTEMPORANEOUS SCHOOLS | fee OI) AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY DIRECTION OF THE EXECUTORS OF SEVERAL ESTATES AND FOR ACCOUNT OF A NUMBER OF PRIVATE OWNERS eet nolAay EVENING, FEBRUARY 3rp, 1921 IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE HOTEL PLAZA THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND. HIS ASSISTANT, MR. OTTO BERNET, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, ManaGers NEW YORK CITY THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the pur- chasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays—between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on pre- senting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of ches pur- chaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is”? and without recourse. pees The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly, and will give consideration to the opinion.of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby wouid become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. 4 i Tai ees 7 EVENING SALE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1921 IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA FirtH Avenue, 58ru to 59TH STREET | BEGINNING AT 8.15 0’CLOCK EDUARDO ZAMACOIS SpanisH: 1842—1871 1—A GENTLEMAN IN WAITING \\ (Panel) \\ | / Cv . Height, 6°4 inches; width, 84g inches es A), Fuui-Lencru figure of a gentleman in Louis XIII costume of brown doublet, gray breeches and red stockings, with red cloak thrown over shoulder and head, as it envelopes the body, by left hand; the right hand, with arm akimbo, on hip and holding gray chapeau with feather ; the head, raised and eyes upward to left, shows a manly, intelligent face. Signed at the lower left, and dated, 1868. Property of the Estate of the late Royau Tarr, Providence, R. J. ANTOINE LOUIS BARYE Keene: 1705s sie —THE BEAR ‘ (Water color) 0 R 0 . Height, 1084 inches; length, 14°74 inches Bueak mountains of jagged surface give a high and broken horizon, the rough slopes gray and brown, with suggestions of a weathered green. In a flattened clearway in the foreground a cinnamon-colored bear is walking slowly toward the left, his face in sharp profile and howing a keen and furtive eye. Signed at the lower left: Barye. Property of the Estate of the late Eywarp WASSERMANN, New York. ANTOINE LOUIS BARYE ie BM Ve Frencu: 1795—1875 ee 3—TIGER AND HIS PREY 23 po : Height, 1514 inches; length, 1814 inches In an after-sunset light and against the background of a dark green wood, which is relieved by tall stalks of reddish flowers at right and left, a huge tiger is lying flat upon the ground, headed to left, devouring a peacock, whose long tail sweeps down the foreground. Signed at the lower right: Barye. Property of the Estate of the late Enwarp WassERMANN, New York. HENRI JOSEPH HARPIGNIES f Frencu: 1819—1916 / 4—LANDSCAPE Byer ) - oe Height, 884 inches; length, 1184 inches 7 - i as CS Batdun wu ScaTTERED trees of light yellowish-green feathery foliage stand in bril- lant sunshine in a middleground field of uneven surface, and two women in the field are looking off toward distant water. In the foreground the land is broken, and higher banks come in from the left. Signed at the lower left: H. Harpicnies, ’87. Property of the Estate of the late Enwarp WaAssERMANN, New York. ve a ib US Prrbe uy ALBERTO PASINI as we Tretia: [e26steog 5—AT THE WATERING TROUGH Height, 834 inches; width, 614 inches Berore a building of Moorish architecture, which forms the back- ground, a man in a dark crimson fez and bright scarlet jacket is water- ing his sorrel-red horse at a stone basin, while other figures are in con~ versation at a booth on the left. Signed at the lower left: A. Pasrnt. Property of a Private Owner. JOHN HENRY TWACHTMAN we AMERICAN: 1853—1902 / 4 | 6—LANDSCAPE MOS od Not oon Ag a, Height, 17 inches; width, 12 inches 4 Unver gray skies whose clouds are gradually lightening, flat meadow lands appear moist after a shower, the grass yellow-green and relieved by brown bushes that skirt a brook which overspreads the foreground. In the distance hazy bluish woods. Signed at the lower left: J. H. TwachtMan. Property of a Private Collector. = ae EUGENE FROMENTIN eek () « Frencu: 1820—1876 15 / *_ENVIRONS OF SIDI-BEL-ABBES "8? )5° (Panel) Height, 814 inches; length, 15°4 inches A Nortn Arrica landscape with a sandy foreground across which four Arabs, two riding donkeys and two on foot, are making their way to a mosque, with white walls and dome, which is seen in the left middle distance. On the right, a grass-covered hillock rises from the sands and beyond are the barren slopes of a hill. Sunlight effect under a sky of blue gray. Signed at the lower right: EK. F., 1876. Property of Fernand Goossens, Professor of Fine Arts, University of Brussels. JEHAN GEORGES VIBERT Frencu: 1840—1902 8—THE FISHERMAN ‘cm ( Panel) Height, 9 inches; length, 12 inches In a sheltered nook amid the fresh greenery of springtime in a wooded park, a rotund cleric in cardinal robes sits comfortably in an armchair, on some broad planking at the side of a stream, dreamily fishing. He has just hooked a fish which bends his rod, and he regards it pleasur- ably, serenely unconscious that he has knocked over his fish-basket and that his good previous catch is slipping back into its element. Signed at the lower right: J. G. Vinerv. Property of Mr. Martin Beck. LOUIS GABRIEL EUGENE ISABEY. 1886 - J 9—MARINEH WITH SHIPPING _ (Panel) ¢ 4. ee qb” Height, 13% inches; width, 95 inches In the waters of a harbor, with a buoy in the left foreground, are three ships, one in the left centre with furled sails and with smoke pouring from its funnel; another, likewise of the steam auxiliary class, is on the right and at left is a broad-beamed vessel with all sails spread. A Pe sea 4 30—THE MILL 9S Height, 2534 mange length, 32 inches Ar left stands a picturesque mill of brick and stone with high sloping roofs. Pigeons are flying abeut the dormer windows and the wheel turns with water splashing into the stream which with its swirling waters fills — the entire foreground. At right, across the stream, is another building and a stone wall confining the waters, and between this and the mill appear, beyond the houses of a village, a strip of green grass and trees. Signed at the lower left: Frirs THavLow. Property of Mrs. Witiiam H. Bureess. pe \ , HENRI JOSEPH HARPIGNIE Frencu: 1819—1916 31—CHILDREN IN THE WOOD \\.~ "| ot Height, 22 inches; width, 1814 inche r) In the grassy foreground, in the shade of great trees whose trunks and green foliaged branches reach up to the top of the picture, is a little party of children returning from school who have stopped to look at a _ birds’ nest full of eggs which a larger boy is showing them, evidently with great pride. Through the tree trunks are seen a field of grain and a stretch of country with distant hills. Signed at the lower left: H. Harvitentes. Property of the Estate of the late Royaut C. Tart, Providence, R. I. CONSTANT TROYON Frencu: 1810—1865 32—4 WHITE AND RED OX . - Nels yoo Height, 1814 inches; length, 2124 inches . A HEAVILY-BUILT white ox, flecked with red, stands looking away from the spectator, its body exposed three-quarters to the front. Its huge frame, rendered with extraordinary naturalness and vigor, is enveloped in a soft bluish-gray shadow, the evening glow meanwhile partially illuminating the neck, shoulder and hip, rimming the legs with light and irradiating the plume of hair at the end of the tail. It stands on a patch of buff-brown earth, beyond which is a stretch of yellow-green grass, bounded by a screen of grayish-green trees. ‘The sky is sprinkled with creamy clouds, floating in an amber atmosphere. In the warm glow of the late afternoon the meadow is lulled to tranquillity, and the shaded bulk of the animal stands out with magnificent assertion. Signed at the lower right: VENTE 'Troyon. Exhibited at the Centennial Exposition of Modern French Art, 1889. Collection of M. Coquelin, Paris. /I43 _-#60 - Joo AR Sxx Purchased from Tedesco Fréres, Paris, 1908. 3 Collection of Dr. Leslie D. Ward, New York, ton. kuz-Siseo, Property of Mr. Martin Beck. q ne id FELIX FRANCOIS ZIEM ih | Frencu: 1821—1911 60 33M ARINE 2 Teeny (Panel) Wot bw d oe ‘ _ Height, 1614 inches; length, 2514 inches BLvueE-GREEN water in light motion furnishes the foreground, and across it a low and heavy craft with leg o’ mutton sails and many figures aboard is moving toward the right, with a square-rigger at anchor and other vessels seen farther on, and far in the distance a low shore line. i Signed at the lower left: Zizm, Property of a Private Owner. en EE EOE EEE EE ————_—_—_—— ee a a