e nant ere: Sago AEDES aeaee egwye saver ert pete terete nearer fH sesesess sa * wearer rrr i, magerausrererti ert sits # ¢ peepee tests tae sje 4 aa hd apt aotett aie aiviele ah eh Ht ne ries tet i oe ; his trtgtetitaty pert ttt faints + wy it righ oy eiaie}es > haa tis i ori apaasi ® >! went hs * wen are I oft oad = ite G titan ist o> a be i te vy >! bathe abet ; erat} rages apne aed rites pee ve a ahe meg ttiereseitehe eis ettpattt etnias : ae tit +t eae ® a5 <5 - = = 7} — aeah3 > — + M. lag | ee “Bniranee to the Palace,” Pasini: igh i POE AMO TON ce cs ziv dnt aidan dation x's GALEN ek os 810 25 Footpath Across the Pasture,” Wyant; bi : Pe OMPIUSCH Meni dix 5 h3% RR Ue aes 126 “Normandy Coast,” Martin; C. A. Schicren 280 127 “Landscape,” Blakelock; E E. C. Anderson.... 130 Hop “The Bugler,” Perboyre; Felix Fulk........ 130 29 “Sportsman's Rest,” Col; FP. i ‘180° “ “Teal Head” Acti: W. x Bis | ee oe eo “\, eee ee: en ees Sr ee oe Te ash pei = —_ aw - Raa Be TER + _ ae By, ae “¢ i é Sai N 4 ars pe OF THE SALE OF a4 LAE q SENATOR'S PAINTINGS. A Blakelock, “The Pipe Dance,” Goes for $3,100, the Top Figure of the Collee- tlon—An Inness Brings $%2,550— Ziem’s “Grand Canal’ Goes for $3,000 Nearly all of the most interesting paintings _ |in the late Senator F. S. Gibbs’s collection _| had been put in the lot to be sdld on the | third and last evening of the auction, and | | they brought the receipts of last evening’s | sale at Mendelssohn Hall up above the | | $50,000 mark, | When Mr. Kirby’s gavel fell on the sale | of the last picture of the 283 in the cata- | logue, the grand total of proceeds for the | | three evenings was $91,140, to which is to | be added several hundred dollars receipts | from the sale of Mr. Gibbs’s collection of | | art books and of catalogues of other col- | | lections, which were disposed of in. the | American art galleries on Thursday after- | noon. e figures for ‘a: collection not re- | Lec Gabis or any particularly disting canvases, and replete wit mediocrity, | rather go to show that the common fear tt would be an inauspicious season | for the dis of pictures was a ground- | less one after all. Blakelock’s, “The Pipe Dance,” bre | the highest Price of of the night, '$s, 100. it | } was bou ny by ABMS ther Jearn. The | coouad was the klyn Institute. | ne a good competition for | Martin’ s “On the Seine,” which jomber | $2,200. Murphy’s, “ Afternoon in§ pter | which cost Gibbs $1,550 a coupl years ago at “the Sullivan 0 went inte 250, but this slight falling off ia nota | noticeable characteristic of the iner’s “Evening,” went at $ fee t’s small canvas, 7)4x12 ee ib ra eS authorship nness’s as the bidding tor this painting started | at $1,000 and was keen up to $2,550, at. tures | ice it sold. A pc abs emanat ae Hons Trices Following are ae. Se sald, 9 ai | names of artists and } 189 “The Youn Mother, ” Callle: H. F. Mura. f ” 0 190 later Village,” Blakelock; ‘a. OV. New- % 191 “S panish Nadal Player, * Zamacols; ‘Mrs. eg 192 “AC Cavalier and Ladies of the Court, *isabeyi | rs. J. Schmidt. ; Chee oe. ae 193 “Girt with Fan,” Blakelock | 194 “Near Tamworth,” Johnson berg. | 195 “Distant Encampment,” Biaikelock; We H. Bourgoyne..... eee } 196 “Landscape,” Thom; ‘Sinsheimer URS Aa colby 80 { 197 “Wash. Day. at othe “Monastery,” Vibert: e any anges ie . RES | ing | Storm” were clearly without J‘ yoleaa effect, | 198 ee the Harbor’ ‘Mouth, oon Blakelock: F. A. olhorst 199 “Landscape, Murphy; J. F. Gilroy 200 * hd Lone Wigwam,” Blakelock; YSplepal- ” Murphy; E. i the Arrow,” Biakelock: J. Rob- a inson (agent) | 206 “The Smoker,” Schreiber; W. B. Strang.. 207 “A Skirmish,” Grolleron; A. D. Meyer 208 Beach is the Woods,” Corot; H. Tribe,” eiapclogee aoe Robinson a it sia Werder alone alent 500 211 “Absorbed,” Moeller; np J. Harmon | 212 “A Song ot Circassia,” Mowbray; O. Passo- ee Figg Rd ia Gye Glo bis eify igietd lao ce MOTUS SIRE Leas 630 Ee este Departure, % Grison: ADE | en apes ofa a Te np en nr penn -_ . —— Dt ee hi 4 a Yi (ee a! re A, Mee * iF vy By 4 7 ra a ie hal Ants ttl UN, at . iy Pi LA xl Aah Fe iN ’ WER MOAR NS ae i i N\ es roe, AN A {/ : Mi Va a (bet : 7 bate wy avs can Ot 9, (OH ie Bid), ‘% i id f } i AFM ry A “ ‘a! F AY F y, i mn ' Pee hy: : TNT Ai fe fd a) Jans aa ts ah fe 7 S a i se (i) ‘ A ¢ yy Ee fF a i en e ae Ifa r rey p cA t 4 : as} * A ‘ t= ¥ fs Ne § f a t i f Ping} . p PERING. BRING $15,215. ds of the Late Owner Among Purchasers—Top Price Was $680, Homer Martin’s ‘“‘Golden Sands.’’ of the paintings in the collection ate Frederick S. Gibbs, which Mr. executors have ordered to be dis- J at auction, were sold by Thomas E. of the American Art Association in endelssohn Hall last evening for $15,215. It as the first sale of the winter of sufficient portance to take place in Mendelssohn all, which has taken the place of old tickering Hall as the theatre for the pub-| : sale of important art collections, New| ork having no Governmental auction om like the Hétel Drouot, and no rooms | ‘actly duplicating those of Messrs. Christie, anson & Woods. Mendelssohn Hall was | ‘owded with buyers, bidders and other | >rsons. interested in the Gibbs pictures, | ome of whom, who were not buyers last rening, will figure among the purchasers -night or to-morrow night, when the bet-| x offerings will come under Mr. Kirby’s | nall i ivory hammer. A considerable percentage of last even-| ig’s attendance—some professionals, some | mateurs and some merely interested yymen—had apparently come to look ver the ground as revealed by the first) ight’s auction, to learn something of tho, idications of what prices were to rule in| vis sale, which is in some respects the | ‘ost interesting from the standpoint of. merican art that has taken place since, 16 Thomas B. Clarke sale in 1898. Mr. | ibbs had acquired the usual potful of) ariegated canvasses entitled to no serious, onsideration which the uninitiated col-| ietor is bound to accumulate, and many '| these were disposed of last evening, ith a small number of representative aintings, forerunners of the best offerings | E to-night and to-morrow night. The | discriminate tots brought the average ' the evening down, but the prices of a. ‘w of the American paintings indicated, ie interest which some of the better ex-| amples are to bring out in the succeeding | venings of the sale. . | Some of the political friends of Senator ibbs Were among the attendants at the ile, John F. Carroll, W. M. K. Olcott, punty Clerk Hamilton and Hugh J. Grant guring in the list of purchasers. The- snator’s brother, Dr. J. Wilson Gibbs, ° Jught a number of the pictures, The | urchaser of the Innesses was supposed | » have screened himself behind a pseu-| bnym, because his name had not hereto- re figured in the seasonal liste of picture ayers. Macbeth, the dealer, bought the cquisite Homer Martin “Golden Sands” m $680, top price of the night. The pictures sold, with the names of the | winters and the buyers and the prices, | | 1 low; “Bvening,” Creifelds; G. A. Almslee......... 30 | (andseape,’ ’ Blakelock: H. R. Wilson... nat “Guitar layer,” Caille; John F. Carroll. 65 Meetin’s Out, 3 Henry; W. B. Strong....... ’ 100 “Morning,’ Blakelock; New York Coopera- Me PIDORGEY clone eck oe eo aye Ey 175 | The Oldest Inhabitant,” Moeller; C. LL. | Gre MUA e cee abe diac Oaks COMES crud diye Lioe 3 “« ken, ke gh 2 4 > eee ~ SG eee seme ee eee - See eet cece fe ee 4 sor 4 aw LS seehcheh ei es: ii is “The Promenade,” see sii oe Meier a Carroll, Hugh J. Grant ‘and Other Pee ou ae Bi In ne Westibute,” Seiilii: pr. “16 PReciaening from the 1 Hengy: D. Hu- ; rr ee ‘7 “sheep. ”» Tom: W.B. ‘Sirane. 1S “Reverie,” Escosura: John F. Carroll........ i 20 “Marguerite,” Bertzik; Mrs. Selgrist......... 70 21 “Late November,” Wyant; John F. Carroll... 280 (22 Gee of ee Reflection,” Portielje; John Ff. a Ph partie ead * Wiles; William, ‘Halpin.....2. 95 24 “Sunset Gleam,” Murphy; T. E. H. Curtis..... 400 25 “Waterfall in the Catenills, i Blakelock; W.B : a Ci aes eh gaa SR SCR be PMR IUCS ue Sowennons Naan ry are Ae ve 5 oe ilcete. Neuville; Dr. J. WwW. Gibbs ie esa 55 rt “English Cottage Garden,” Fletcher: AL oH. a ‘Falk 28 “Happy Fancles,” Loop; H. R. Wilson........ 210 29 “Autumn Sunset,’ ars ate G. G. Benjamin. ..200 At CRE nan. «oni NRE StS DPC “e 100" 48 “Gamesters’ Quarrel,’ ’Portielje; D. Huher Jr. 209 | Hall, 80 “A Head,” Henner; F. W. Hunter............ 280 | a “Derplexity, "Stefert; Ry: H. Paley ee 55 32 “The New Book,” Polen TON Worta a: 2s: . 95 ee “Still Life,” Ream; WB Stran ie ak sa ce ee 85 34 “Débutante,” Blenner; W...B- Strange oo. i * 85 a “Woodland Farm,” Koekkoek: W. i Strang 85 36 “Pond in the Pasture,” Howland; - Hoch- UPTMRELTEL or O55 Oe oe kka ua eb he Se POUT al oe age ea 105 a “Bon Voyage, 2 PiInchany As Ms hale. cue, 55 73 “Coming to Port, » McCord; Willlam A. CE 5 a e Fe ee Bo ye oe Te, 38 “Sunset,” Murphy; New York Cooperaltve _ Society pi cdyr Rye ewe SL SR ce SRL Candee Ma atte a NAT 89 “Frosty Morning,” Grolleron; William se. PORE se Ae AV ee were oni a wink oie Be nteey 165 40 “Say When,” ‘Tamburini; A. O. pike . 310 41 “Spanish Peasants,” Amorés; A. G. Lack- ae oi Fal wridialaldipia:ielete wielb.b 8's’ aiplgie a teieiisia slg elbleiate «© 6léle dle & o 42 aA rernoy Heifer, “Warts Js BS Ward. 22 45° 43 bahia aoe of Artillery,” Perboyre; A. G. Lack- 140 44 “Tn the Woods,” Inness: R. L. Rave Ser ets acts 45 “Peaceful Company, ” Bchtler; A: O. Deshong 185 46 “Cavalier,” Schreiber; H. R. Ww Teo sae iy a “Hunters,” Inness; R. L. Sut hie Stu en ae SHEA 300 48 “Colonial Days,” Harris; eet OTG essere 105 os “In the Orchard,” Mosler; W 5. Bytes EASA 160 50 “Oxen in Stable, ’» Bonheur; . Kelley.... 650 51 “On the Bronx,” S. R. Gitanae Be achechiia 110 52 “June Flowers,” Robie; Mrs. R M. Haan.... 360 63 “Poling Up Stream,” Craig; A. H. Falk......, 55 64 “Playmates,” Guillemin; W. M. K. Olcott... 65 55 “Stone Bridge,” Van Elten; Dr. J. W. Gibbs. 65 56 “Smugglers’ Cave, Jones’s Wood,” Wyant; : Mrs. Segrist WicN Sd ararapial eee sara rea ere uote eG . 105 57 “Morning,” Richet; A. H. Lehmaier........ 210 58 “jam a Confessional,” Irving; G. G. Ben- Pt ay ree ee A Se Re eee Cao 59 As Mei Naar from Market,” Brown: J. R. ILETTISS OY Soies sic se ses aise EO Re Ee Rate 125 60 “Pet Bird, ti Chase; wi Re Hs FLamMUNton 25 4 < 85 61 “Expectation,” Ryder; H BG Wack is Dba 60 eur re aE a . 65 62 “Flirtation,” Pinchart; T. L. Hamilton.. 85 63 “Sunset Gleam, ” De Haven: G. M. Walker. . 105 64 “Pleasant Pasture,” Marais’ W. Sittenham.. 480 65 “Near Laaren, Holland,” Ranger; J. TT. KRerrisS@y ) Auk ose ik ssi a ate cee aed Seca eos 150 66 “Brittany "Landscape, "Young; A. F. Bremer. yt 67 “Gleaner,” Le Poittevin; Searl ne id Be hs Ree 68 “Charcoal Burners,” ered asa . T. Kerrissey. 3 69 “October,” Ochtman; John F. Carroll sea e gy Sg 70 “In the Garden,” Carpentier; H. Hinds: ... fos 71 “The Foot Bridge,” Delobbe; W. B. Strang.. 140 72 “An Italian Maiden,” Epp; hsteay We Lanthier.. 110 SIOGUMIN Ay Mostacuis Rah ae pra le aot ARCH e bee ors 225 74 “Golden Sands,” Martin; William Macbeth.. 686 7 “Arabian Horsemen at Chelif,” Washington: W..B. Strang.. eSNG SUR eR aie) erates Pie 6.0) 76 “The Nest,” Wood: We Bo Strang.) vegies ren: 130 77 “On the ‘Sawmill River,” Cropsey; Ww. B. Stra ee Bos hahaa cla eure, s Sat Hae Ere oe 30 78 “Ten Pound Island,” De Haas; C. W. Ogden... 85 719 “Waiting,” Guy; H. ‘D.Rohtts” cuits eens, 50 80 “Long. Pond, Berkshire,” Bristol; John F. Carros seks png SO aR Seba ee De Oe een 160 81 “Still Life,” Chase; John F. Carroll..... Py ean 90 8&2 " Brunette,“ Piot; John F. Carroll... ... Sadie ges 510 83 “October Morning, ” Post; New York teste aperativepoclety.. cA ea ee ee 4 “Return from Pasture,” Cortez: S.S. Laird.. S “Near Overschie, Holland,” Bogert; T. E. i. Cab bx ri hs yey MCDM ot 9 RE am QO Pe MARE oI te 255 86 “Old relat (CA a Latta Hughes, TAREN GE scien 460. 87 “poutier and Flume,” Blakelock; Hugh J Cee: voy cient Shr Atera nantes Mik fier canvill oh aise ote Mae 55 88 “porest of Fontainebleau,” Magnus; E. J. g 5475) 0 oN ae aa Mle OAL MERE ASD Gre Spee DS VIN oro MOLSEERL (Qt ae 260 89 “Helping Grandpa,” Mosler; W. B. Strang.... 530 90 “New: York from the Long Island Shore,” Miller; L. G. Bloo mingdale. ........00....0... 210 Total, $15,215. 2 wk SY according to. report, the wh investment, brought ‘the highest price . las Hudson” ‘went at $900, and aie “sg " artists’ 4na buyers’ names and ‘pric ‘105 Mee or the Wall,” Grolléron’ 6. B: phre 137 «on 138 “Companions,” Himthes: H.W: sagan ae 189 “Goss sip oc 140 “Oxtordshires on the, Reece" ane pee generous Gibbs’s choice of pictures at session of the auction last the ninety-seven pictures sold paid, which with the $15,2 Wednesday evening’s sale ma to date $40,495, or considerably cost Mr. Gibbs, thereby onc monstrating the value of pain even in @ very. collection. The concluding. Ss Gibbs auction comes this -e the best and most interesting a of his paintings are to be offere Wyant’s “Keene Valley, New going to T. R. Ball for $1 525, an dealers took W: ant’s “Golden $1,000. George’ Inness’s “Kvenin down” at $600. Following are the pictures | sold $1 “Military Road to Tiflis,” Verestcha D. -Estabroolk st: ese ee aes 92 a Lonely Lake,” Biakelock; W. ate Eo ae ee oe oe 93 “Innocence,” Siefert: C. E. Fuabraores) 94 “Not. Such a Fool as: He Looks,” ‘Dolph: Vo NeEeWeOnib.Uh cs on ee ee ee ~ 95 “Sunset on abe saa Biakelock: Fas. > AUBDACHEL Soni yeas peers | cea ee ne “At the Well,” Henry: ‘HE. v. Newcomb... “Sunset at Sea,” Blakelock; (ORR S Sone “Indian’ Burial Place,” Blakelock:. “Landscape,” Murphy; John “By Carr “Objects of Art, Louvre,” Desgoffe; Avil Tieinshelmer 4% las oc vs eae woes 102. “The Best of Friends,” Ronner: C. L. Grege 108 “Forest Glade,” Blakelock; New, York operative Society... 104 “in the Catskills,” Blakelock; New ‘York operative Societ tyra ed tee BES ee ee er ee ee ee ee ee 106 “Path 7 Through the Woods.” Wyant: chiéren ae 107 “Waytarers, 2 Blakelock: a Humpin 108 “Indian Hunter, a Blakelock; A. o 109 “Stump Speaker,” Moeller; 5 mit 110 “A Beau,’ "Herrmann; Scott & Fowles.. 111 “Coquette,” Masura; J. Kary soe 112 “Moonlight,” Pic cpsiasees NeW ee tive Séciety. Sadie Manat Pane q 113 “Vénice,” ork A. 116 “High Bhiffs,” Bicone 6° 117 “Evening Glow, ” Blakelock; 118 “Female Head,” Henner; 119 “Bay of Naples,” Alvarez; / Nes: 120 “The Last, Chance,” Creifelds;. . Stra. 121 “October Day,” Murphy; 'B. Strang. 122 “Twilight;” Blakelock; N. ¥. Coopera: 123 Exepen Meadows,” Van Mere f BINS. yeh ea pean eee By Balh 124 “mntrance to the Palace, * Carrelh ss. 01. Gee eee eee 125 ' ea Across the Pastiire,” ig _M. ‘J. Hirsch ee ee ee re er eee i. Se Ben mee eerie ea ee ae tees age 133 nicadtng hl Rabelais, Hg Vibert; a ah 134 “After a “Summer ‘Shower, a Biakelock N x; Cooperative SOOLETVe a faa, she Getetad |e 135 “Sunrise,” Martin; W. B. Strang. wbid ah oie re 136 “Early Autumn,” Murphy; A. C phe fcketie Berne Beliecour; ige ; Derwer 24 AOE ee ee pee ORES. on the Highway,” 5 Thom, hschild . ; ggins; J. E. Ward. 0 he Fe tee ee eee Boe tite ee ok 810 Dupre epiines e . iS on; Ww. ‘'B. Beane +390 | ; Woes S. Chait. 290 ‘New York Coop- vate ee s Sa Bl eiqie i eam oyeth eins-'— F Pas slene ede re ete. d's ee ee ed . irs ee See ees ea rice wees : Betie ecour; on Sy EB a alienate ey »y pee eo: ea tqptsicg bc 4 _—_——— ‘s) Pree: -.. $25,280 ee then edieg Ba “B28 OR a PICTURES. ? THE. "SALE OF fee LATE ane cele PAINTINGS. » Pipe ous Goes for p Aggies of the Collec- ness Brings $2,550— oe Goes for $3,000 n: es Ss. Gibbs’ ’s collection in the lot to be sold on the last. ibe ted of the auction, and eceipts of last evening’s ane np above the spehere ie a Mr. Kirby's Se ai fell on the sale Mast picture. of the 283 in the cata- the grand total of proceeds for the — svenings was $91,140, to which is to several hundred dollars receipts > sale of Mr. Gibbs’s collection of ra of « talogues of other col- which were disposed of in the 4 1 art galleries on Thursday after- gures for 2 gollection not A any particular istinguis. 8, and replete wit. th mediocrity, 0 to show that the common fear would be an inauspicious season | Wer ay of pictures was a ground- pene an “The Pip anos” brought ne Goer gE Het he | We y rge earn e | ES was — a good iad the Brooklyn Institute. competition for ‘ ee $1 eae ae iis nis small canvas, seasons ago at a public sale for $450, pgp fi as af ae a sera tel an iG); * u Ge $1,150. These last Hes. OMe Sat for Henry Ward Beecher. the Builivan sale, went for ing off was notic anlo pparactanistio of the sale. jal, 5 BBlat nek x nches e un Bath,” which Mr. Gibbs bought a few at at at ictures were painted rious underground Tumors that had been set. going, expressin doubts of the authorship of Inness’s “The Approaching Storm” as the were clearly without adverse effect, bidding for this painting started at $1,000 and was keen up to $2,550, at which price it.sold. A glance at the list of pictures sold will reveal that the paintings which gave Mr. Gibb’s collection its chief claim Homer, Inness, and so on, did |to attention, those by the Americans, Wyant, Murphy, Minor, : not go begging, although the sale was without sensational prices. Following are the names of artists and buyers and prices: 189 “The Young Mother,” Caille: H. F, Murray.. 190 Peavey hele ay Blakelock; H. V. New- OOM eas Ha 8 4 eat ie ce Cb sepa bis eae oe seweede & Oe hie 4 tig Wie eae ee ee ee ec omele reeset ees Steet eee e er ee ee ee arte nner ege bat as Sprueder- 195 “Distant Bisiine ” sigieslbek: WwW. H. Bourgoyn 196 “Landscape,” PO ee wr ee ee Meee ew weber ses eee HH: 198 “At the Harbor Mouth: ” Blakelock; F. A. aintings sold, with 80 . 270 70 160 Tolhorst... we vlns o Upwblapenbninsuretas yale ode deh's 40 199 “Landscape,” Murphy: J. F. Gilroy... ..... 185 200 “The rope Wigwam,” Blakelock; Spiegel- 245 “Rainy Day, * Miller; W. B. Strang... 2.2... 246 “A Prize Bull,” Thayer; G. G. Benjamin , TIEN E oliad wistarnctin isn» PO eae ees eee 100 2k Chak hie Coast of. Galitd mata: * Blakeocks 25 PALME Mets: acc Oe ee ak Nee Bey oo ee Ok 45 202 “Head of a Lady,” Brush; M, J. Stack...... 175 | 203 “Spanish Lady with Fan, ” Fortuny; H. V. ENG RUDOLIAD. pic oitae See os De Nya ca pip Mea ar 400 | 204 “Landscape,” Murphy; E.. Heller.......... 200 205 “Shooting the A ” Blakelock; J. Rob- inson (agent) $ AS, pac ie 510 206 “The Smoker,” Sc ber; . Strang.... 100 207 “A Skirmish,” Grolleron; A. D. Meyer Spey 350 208 ney, of the Woods,” Corot; H.: V. New- = - Pe POLE tired iets Dy oma 6 eA At Biss 200 “Nightfall on the World,” Minor; Blank.... 170 210 “Indian Girl—Ujntah b akelock:; J, Robinson (agent) . & 4% We, RA, «25... 500 211 “Absorbed,” Moeller; J. J.-H@fmon........ 90 212 “A none of Circassia,” Mowbray; 0. Passo- 213 “A eiendustine Departure,” Grison; A. E. ATV ESCO oa sista d Chase ees AG abi Slglew Bien eat 200 214 “On the Upper Thames,” Minor; C, A. | SCHISLEti ess ole oes te acy awh Coro Melte Caw eet t- 245 “Evening,” Biakelock; Pecki. eX. 239 216 “Summer—Sunshine i Shadow.” Inness; Scottie Fowler 416s Oe as yas eek 1,075 217 “Peaceful Afternoon,’ * Wiggins: Blank ies 130 , 218 “Roadside near Honfleur, * Martin; G. G. BBV AG Ta The sects tae eeee yoaia aid Sew ele does is 2 219 “Springtime, Fontainebleau,” Gouble; E. GEA CLADE UDI Satis asccibea reais Alpe seek Ia what ners Sylva op! atari a 220 “September Evening,” Minor; L. Bam- PUBL OL octal Spetasah kalo ee Uise oie gta che tegen 560 221 “At the Pier,’ * Haquette; R.E. Dearburg.. 140 222 “The Sun Bath,” John S. Sargent; Mrs. 5 ; Bee TTTIA sig fis a ce gf a ees Siete aint ote 575 223 “Portrait of a Lady,” Knaus; C. E. Cash. . 180 224 “Waiting for the Bey,’ *Simoni: A. Lewisohn. 200 225 “Coast Bushes,” Martin; SEATICSH Le Hoe ees BE 226 “Light Triumphant,” ‘Inness: Scott and SAA MSA heey wide ei ae ae AAO Es Mies aes eae 8 ,150 227 “First Touch of Autumn,” Murphy; J. W. HATE eta esa ea aoa ba ea ea Sabie ateiaret si 825 228 ee ROeCED? and Cattle,” De Haas; R. H. We 229 “ihe ‘Coast of France,” Martin; T. E. H. CHATTAR oro ECA he RENCE care oe sie waSielers 875 230 “Early Spring,” Baker; J. Manning....,.... 410 231 “Edge of the Woods,’ ’ Parton: Blank........ 150 232 “Just by Chance,” Goubie: Pabouris.. ccs. 620 933 “View in County Kerry,” Wyant: W. B. SHMAN BY 6 dled a bed kore page tens ran ces tenes 475 934 “Winter Moonlight,” McEntee; W. 5S. SPIED CEOs aor shed ala ere eek ie g's Ae /y ee niga ae 235 “A Barnyard Corner.” Baker; J. Reinboth OM PAIY aceon se oe es ae pita tte tes 236 “An Opening in “the Forest,” Shurtleff; ET OTHE MILO Tac in ace eee rae myatie Miagery > 237 “For His Country,” Berne-Bellecour; H. R. NV ALSO Ain uhh attiae 5 «his Nighingecs shee nineties sass 410 238 “The Lesson,” Selgnac; W. W. Fuller....... 120 239. “The Letter,” Blenner; a ‘Greene....... ys 240 240 “Speak, Sir,” Brown; L. L. Feruski........, 420 241 “Overlooking. the Sea,” Wiggins: R. L. VWERIESTIONT Geist cui b Pe aig yi tenia Kiaegt dine age pina Be 180 242 “Close of Day,” Wyant; Sa, TEVONG. kos see 610 248 “Figure of a Boy.” Rubens; J.J. Harmon... 100 244 “Approaching Storm.” Inness; Scott & POC LOS AT Wee tie we ie aes etre ek Geir ate a lesu hy 2: 90 So eee 2 Bp = 248 “Event Fr A Ya Som srative O04 6 e.g 0 © Se cig. S148 2 Be cle + 6's ole we 6S a 5 Phew arise tw ew te eee e rina « BAe) 0010 44 = vin A. 9 vy wo 8 S's bie 516 We cue Swe glove wl ee Dogs,” » OC. Evans. ...., me «Wet Day in Ootaver.” Eaton; Lt L. Fer- | e Pipe Dance tee 4 258 ligne # chess ig Garay Hearns, : | 954 “On the Hill,” Wigeins; A . W. Thayer... 35 “Phe Wounded Stag,” Blakelock: i G. Bloomingdale oo eV bless droop hye ee el en 5, | 256 “Landscay a Wyant; = A. Healyv icc .c. 3} 257 “Cloudy ’ Weir; B dati yo Lee ee See > 258 ne foal Bool,” Sanchez-Perrler: W. B. 259 wthe “Old ‘Farm, “Dupré; Robinson (agent). 0 260 “Girl in Blue,” Henner; C. BE. Cash. a), 5.: epee dt 261 “Pastureland, Kaaterskill, ” Wyanty, JG Evans’ et eigen cobs fe ri 4( 262 “Gray Day,” Murphy; J. R. Andrews...... 4 263 “Evening Calm on the Scheldt,” Clays; Knoedler & Cos ios i 4 ae. oe eee 65 264 Para: Me the Sound,” Minor; Robinson ON) silica 2 ee dee 2 ent eee 6( 265 “Autumn Ev ening,” Murphy; TT. Ee Hs Curse chasis aeale 6 ba 2 piled ee ae aa ‘hi 266 “Qray Morning,” Wyant; Scott f Fowles... :73 267 “Pool in the Meadow,” Wyant: J. F. Carroll. 7i 268 “Cloudy Afternoon,” Murphy; C. H. De Silwere. fi 0 ¥ oo RO ee ee 6; 269 “Autumn Evening,” Wyant; T. E. Curtis. .1,0: 270 “Finishing Touches,” Worms; C. E. Cash..... 5° 271 een Pept ada to My Old Farm, ¥ Murphy: umphreys oth Gn sien ER ye TS 9 272 “Landscape, Ranger; B. Mansfield........ 4¢ 273 “Selling the White Slave,” Decamps; Fishel, Adler &*Schnwartg :27.522 te an ee ee 274 “Sage’s Ravine, Martin; J. .C. Evans. 3.3 6 275 “The New Suit of Clothes,” Grison; M. Tan- NEMO AU oii eos Cea es eee te crete 4¢ 276 role Interlor—Keene Valley,” Inness: Fy Carroll e046 oe ee be ee 5s 277 “tale Nemi, Italy,” Inness; Knoedler & Co. 8 278 “Near the Sea,” Martin; W. Clausen........ 1,0€ 279 “Sheep Pasture,” Victor Dupré; S, L. Schoonmaker: iiiigc) 342 nn eee 6E 280 “After the Harvest, ‘ Cox; T. E.’H. Curtis... 32 281 “On the Seine,” Martin: Scott & Fowles... 2,20 282 “Afternoon in September,” Murphy; T. ts Hamiten |i. 2. 1 wenseecine an. ac ae ae eee 1,28 283 “The Gleaners,” Innes: A. D. Meyer.. 72 99 “Indian Burial Place,” Blakelock ( assed on Thursday evening); . Benjamin. 6 Total . sis bk a alone eletintees $50.64 Previous. total . + 1ti'e St, slel iat 4a oo Ie eee Grand? total 93.00 ya e Shee eas ae $91,14 “wie rae ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF MODERN PAINTINGS THE PRIVATE COLLECTION FORMED BY THE LATE FREDERICK S. GIBBS NEW YORK TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF MRS. DAISY MEADE GIBBS AND THE MORTON TRUST COMPANY, EXECUTORS AT MENDELSSOHN HALL FORTIETH STREET, EAST OF BROADWAY ON THE EVENINGS HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY THOMAS EK. KIRBY OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK: 1904 at EDITED BY THOMAS E. x , a . . ~ ON FREE VIEW AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK FROM FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19th, UNTIL THE DATE OF SALE, INCLUSIVE PRIVATE COLLECTION OF THE LATE FREDERICK 8S. GIBBS EXECUTORS’ UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT MENDELSSOHN HALL ON THE EVENINGS OF WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY FEBRUARY 24th, 25th AND 26th, 1904 BEGINNING EACH EVENING PROMPTLY AT HALF PAST EIGHT O’CLOCK * v i ‘ 1 he t ) ‘ Ay but i g ' 4 ai * . ei i, \ t Subscriber’ s ) Copy No. ya EDITION LIMITED TO TWO HUNDRED AND Fi s ¢ P 7 ‘ - + $ Py * a - 3 , ‘ } . ‘ . 2 “e 4 ’ at Take , ot Ma) ni bp FIRST NIGHT’S SALE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24rn, 1904 AT MENDELSSOHN HALL BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.30 o’ctocK ay lad RICHARD CREIFELDS 1—EVENING In the foreground is part of an inlet with a sloop and a Tow - boat moored to the rough bank, and beyond is a farming country with scattered trees and, on the right, the spire of a village church with the crescent of the new moon in the evening sky above. Signed at the right, R. Creirerps. Height, 2% inches; length, 6 inches. 73 *” RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK 2—LANDSCAPE On both sides of the picture great masses of foliage are in silhouette against a quiet evening sky, and in the middle dis- tance is a sunlit hillside. A pool which echoes the color of the clouds reaches from the right two-thirds across the foreground. Signed at the left, R. A. BLAKELOocK. Height, 4 inches; length, 7 inches. 57S. LEON CAILLE \ J. F ae 38—GUITAR PLAYER U Wo Se nie A young woman in white chemise, red bodice and black petticoat is seated at a table, holding a guitar across her lap. On the table is a piece of blue drapery with a white vase of flowers. Over the back of the chair, relieved against a wardrobe, is a red kerchief. Signed at the left, Léon Catuxe. Height, 6 inches; width, 4 inches. FE. L. HENRY, N.A. j—MEETIN’S OUT n- be oo / O07 In the broad village street in front of the enclosure around a large church with a lofty spire rising high against a summer sky, the country people are gathered for a few moments’ gos- sip before returning to their homes. In the foreground is an old-fashioned chaise, drawn by a white horse, in which a farmer sits with his wife and child and a dog, and, leaning forward, ex- changes gossip with a quaintly dressed villager, who, accom- panied by his wife and two children, stands on the little green. Signed at the right, E. L. Henry. Height, 8% inches; width, 64% inches. Sa SS Se a aT ener Sea # * ae Pid * ee * “ RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK + 5—MORNING UNG) A DF Le VYatretu A long row of trecs which are varied in shape and of different heights extends across the middle distance in strong contrast against a blue sky partly covered by drifting white clouds and a line of far-away hills. In the foreground is the bend of a river with a boat moored to the bank. Signed at the right, R. A. BiaKe ocx. Height, 54 inches; length, 9 inches. LOUIS MOELLER, N.A. ae > Reena eS — sa : ——— 2 va) fae 4 /, ‘ Mie ye 6—THE OLDEST INHABITANT SS ad oe % Seat tos z An old man sits facing the spectator, busy whittling a / stick. He is dressed in a gray shirt, black waistcoat and brown trousers and the figure is seen to the knees only. In the back- ground is a barrel, a coat and hat hung against the wall and part of a window. Signed at the right, Lovis Mortter, N.A. Height, 7 inches; width, 5 inches. ye J. Se aa THOM . 7—CHILDREN AT PLAY fo 6 Unelrer~ Two gnarled and broken tree trunks have fallen on the grass near a country road, and two little boys and a girl are playing horse with them. A toddling child is standing in the grass behind and the group is in full sunlight against a low growth of small trees and bushes, over which, on the left, dominates a great spreading apple tree. Signed at the right, J. C. ‘THom, 792. Height, 7% inches; length, 11% inches. F. VAN SEVERDONCK oe CP ba S5—SHEEP AND FOWL Two sheep and a pair of lambs are grouped in a grassy bit of pasture near a pool. One of the ewes stands alertly watching over her young. A drake is just about to swim across the pool and a cock and hen feed in the near foreground. The horizon is low and a great rounded cloud half covers the sky. Signed at the left, F. Van SEvERDONCK. Height, 7 inches; length, 91% inches. J. FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. e SI a a Ee. 4 j I—THE PASTURE POND In the foreground a fair-sized pool or pond reflects the clouds and the deep tones of a clump of trees which grows near © by and, mostly in shadow, is in strong contrast against a sunlit slope and the sky. On the left in the extreme distance, beyond a few isolated trees, is a wood. Near the zenith is a strip of blue, broken by a small white cloud. Signed at the left, J. F. Murrny. Height, 5 inches, length, 7 inches. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK ra i : /) EJs L 7 f ‘ & 5 Uo- Y OPE one Sy trr-tu ; d / ; 10—SUMMER IN THE CATSKILLS 'd Stately trees on the left extend out of the picture at the top. On the right the irregular line of a rocky hillside is in contrast against a simple sky which has a few strong accents near the horizon. A rivulet tumbles over the rocks in the foreground. Signed at the right, R. A. Biaxketock. Height, 7 inches; width, 4% inches. : FELIX SCHLESINGER Fa ead | Fibre Toabek l1—THE BUTTERMILK GIRL - 7 A little girl dressed in white short-sleeved chemise, purple - bodice, blue petticoat and faded green apron is seated, holding in her left hand a brown glazed jug and in her right a large spoon. Signed at the upper left, F. Scu esincEr. Height, 9% inches; width, 7% inches. a JOSEF EMANUEL WEISER oe ee ar: 5 / E fe at | 12—IN A CARDINAL’S LIBRARY (Aa Oe ae / A cardinal in full robes is seated ina richly upholstered easy chair before a table on which is a pile of old books together with a pewter jug, a globe, an inkstand and a few papers. He is absorbed in reading one of the volumes and does not observe that a smiling serving maid is handing him a letter. Signed at the left, & Weiser, ’87. Height, 9% inches; width, 6Y inches. — os ees RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK V4 # e : y 183—A MOUNTAIN TORRENT 8 i a / 2/, ee re Dashing between great rocks is a are foaming water- course across which a log has fallen. From the rocks on the left rise great dead tree trunks with stumpy branches. In the misty distance are dimly seen the forms of great wooded hills. Signed at the left, R. A. BuaKetocx. Height, 7 inches; width, 44% inches. ADOLPHE SCHILL eo 7m 1,—-IN THE VESTIBULE rs. CA Y si ‘g Judging from a hat, a scarf and an umbrellé which are deposited on a hat rack, the owner of these articles, an old priest, has just returned from a walk. He stands near the door with an ample red handkerchief in his right hand. A hanging clock on the wall marks the approach of the dinner hour. Signed at the right, A. ScHiLt. Height, 7% inches; width, 5 inches. ee See ~~ — Pare VICTOR mae 15—THE PROMENADE oe a. A lady in a Watteau dress of pink silk ie satin petticoat stands in path in the chateau garden holding in front of her a bunch of flowers and a folded parasol. A little King Charles spaniel gambols in front of her. In the background is a mass of tall trees in full foliage with the blue sky showing through here and there. Signed at the bottom, V. CHAVET. Height, 8 inches; width, 5 inches. pays EK. L. HENRY, N.A. 16—RETURNING FROM THE WALK a Through a gateway, where the rank j ivy has Bilas covered one stone post and spanned the opening with an arch of green leaves, is seen in full sunlight the figure of a young lady dressed in white with a red shawl over her arms, and accompanied by two pet dogs. In the shadow of the ivy-covered wall on the right is a garden seat with a parasol, a book and a shawl. Signed at the left, KE. L. Henry, Warwick, 776. Height, 8 inches; width, 5¥ inches. Pat wad JAN BEDYS TOM Zi ges ae a 17—SHEEP IPS ree ie A flock of sheep, some of them newly sheared, and a brown goat are trotting along a grass path under the low branches of a forest, headed by a capering lamb. Signed at the right, J. B. Tom. Height, 7 inches; length, 9 inches. o GERARD PORTIELJE ead | 1) ioe 18—THE GAMESTERS’ QUARREL NSS / a eS Oe. A A crowd of men have been playing some simple game of chance at a large table in a cabaret and a dispute has arisen. An excited workman has overturned his chair and is about to attack his opponent, but is restrained by a little girl who clings to him in fright. In the background is a quaint wooden stair- case and balcony, on the right a doorway and on the left a fireplace. Signed at the right, GERARD PoRTIELJE. TTeight, 7 inches; length, 9¥% inches. IGNACIO DE LEON Y ESCOSURA o Pree oy jin 7: bare A young lady in Elizabethan~costume, wearing a red bodice trimmed with rich lace, and a pale green petticoat, is seated at a table, leaning her head on her right hand and thoughtfully con- templating an open letter. There is a Delft vase full of flowers and a casket on the table, and in the background a Dutch mirror hangs on a wall of Spanish leather. Signed at the left, Lron y Escosura. Height, 11 inches; width, 8 inches. A. BERTZIK Toe ey 20-—MARGUERITE Wari Z- a The maiden dressed in a rich velvet gown with feathers in her hair is standing in a pathway which winds under the willows through a glade in a great park. She plucks the leaves from a flower as if repeating, “‘ He loves me, loves me not.” On the left under great oaks is a vista to a distant gentle slope with a mass of trees beyond. Signed at the upper left, /Brrrzix. Height, 9% inches; width, 6% inches. ALEXANDER H. WYANT, N.A. Og a ay y, 21—LATE NOVEMBER | B Jhon a toarrrtl by A muddy road or broad path leads from the foreground across a rough meadow and disappears in the middle distance among clumps of bare bushes and dead weeds and grass. There it are a few farmhouses and a wood in the extreme distance and the sky is almost entirely covered by confused cloud forms. Signed at the left, A. H. Wyant. Height, 7% inches; length, 10 inches. EDWARD PORTIELJE ‘ hire. at Lf ‘928A PLEASING REFLECTION (hon J barr. Y In a sumptuous interior crowded with richly upholstered furniture a young lady in a pale blue jacket and ample white satin petticoat is seated near a table on which stands a copper vase full of flowers, holding in her left hand a small ornamental mirror in which she is studying her own reflection. Her left hand holds a bunch of flowers in her lap. Signed at the left, PortTtE Je. Height, 8% inches; width, 7 inches. a IRVING R. WILES, N.A. 23-—THOUGHTFUL FF sare This is the head and bust of a young girl seated half back to the spectator with her head slightly turned over her right shoulder. She has auburn hair and wears a dress of soft gray material trimmed with mauve. Signed at the right, Irvine R. Wites. Height, 9 inches; width, 7 inches. J. FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. 2,—A SUNSET GLEAM re & a 2 i Meg : In a flat marshy country a clump of trees, some in autumn foliage and others bare of leaves, shelter a simple cottage and form with it a mass of rich color against a golden sunset. A broad gleam of amber light breaks from the low clouds and flashes across the sky, imparting a rich glow to the desolate waste of pasture and reflecting in a sedgy pool in the foreground. Signed at the left, J. Francis Murpny, 1901. Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches. rs RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK 2 25—WATERFALL IN THE CATSKILLS Se A stream flowing through a well-wooded region tumbles over a ledge of rock in the foreground, winding round under an irregular clump of lofty trees on the left which dominate in mass the rest of the landscape. Rosy clouds are scattered over the sky and the sun is just sinking behind a low, distant hill. Signed at the right, R. A. BuiaKeEtock. Height, 8% inches; width, 8% inches. BRUNEL NEUVILLE /) 26—KITTENS a A Ad ie Ce ae pat sh TO . . \ U9: "" Three small, spotted kittens are sitting around a plate full of food on a rough tiled floor, and a third is climbing out of a box filled with straw, near which, in the background, is a birch broom leaning against the wall. Signed at the right, Brunen NEvvILLE. Height, 8% inches; length, 10% inches. . BLANDFORD FLETCHER S, : 27—ENGLISH COTTAGE GA VY SF nt RDEN ) fo, 1 In the foreground a gardener is hoeing over one of the small patches into which the cultivated ground is divided, and beyond the garden a row of thatched outhouses and a large two-storied cottage, also thatched, extend across the horizon and with a few trees make an irregular sky-line. Signed at the right, BLANDFoRD FLETCHER. Height, 8 inches; length, 12 inches. HENRY A. LOOP, N.A. 28—HAPPY FANCIES a betel oC Jy ai A 9 fg ea ; A mother in simple robe of thin white material lies on her back on the grass in a pleasant forest glade. One arm is thrown over her head and the other is stretched out toward a rock on the edge of a pool in the immediate foreground. Sitting beside the mother and resting against her knees is the nude figure of a small child who holds a clover leaf to the chin of the smiling woman. Signed at the right, H. A. Loop, 791. Height, 10 inches; length, 16 inches. J. FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. cea 7 Q9—AN AUTUMN SUNSET << -& lee In the left of the foreground is a small pool shinimering in the evening light, and from the right a rough level meadow, broken here and there by rocks and tufts of dry herbage, sweeps away around the corner of a wood to the distance where the ground rises to a range of low wooded hills. The light of the sky is focussed near the horizon in the middle of the picture and the warm glow from the setting sun further enriches the autumn tints on the trees and grass. Signed at the right, J. Francis Murrny, 1901. Height, 8 inches; length, 10 inches. JEAN JACQUES HENNER i 30—A HEAD f° PRA LL aye “7 This is the profile of a young girl lighted from above, the head slightly lowered and the eyes cast down. There is a mass of brown hair framing her face and falling over the shoulders, and the strong light on her chest brings into strong relief the red velvet of her bodice. Signed at the left, J. J. HENNER. Height, 9 inches; width, 7 inches. ALFRED SIEFERT er is ax ae Che i F plh 31—PERPLEXITY This is the head and shoulders of a fair haired young lady, seen just above the waist. The head is lowered and turned to the right, the eyes looking straight out of the picture. A thin gauze fichu is thrown about her neck and where it meets at her bosom she has pinned a red and a salmon pink rose. The back- ground is a simple tone of gray. Signed at the right, A. Srererr. Height, 13% inches; width, 10% inches. J. H. DOLPH pa 32-—THE NEW BOOK ley 7 eo tg / A magazine has been left lying open on a table and a half- grown kitten has chosen it as a resting place. Near by is a square glass inkstand with the cover raised. | Signed at the left, -Dotru. Height, 10 inches; length, 12 inches. . C. P. REAM 3 oe Af —, By 33—STILL LIFE ee ot A glass of white wine, a large peach and a ia oe grapes are grouped together on a black marbled slab. In the - glass is reflected the window of the room in which the picture was painted. Signed at the right, C. P. Ream. Height, 9% inches; length, 11% inches. - CARLE J. BLENNER aed 34—A DEBUTANTE pf WI. ST Arg p= This is a head in profile and the shoulders of a young lady in a pink low-necked dress, holding a bunch of roses to her bosom. The background is a simple tone of gray. Signed at the upper right, Carte J. BLENNER. Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches. BAREND CORNELIS KOEKKOEK IS ee WOODLAND FARM > Si A Flemish peasant woman, accompanied by her dog, "A along a muddy road which winds to the right foreground between a rude shelter and a thatched hovel. A flock of sheep, driven by a man in a red cloak, follows her. In the middle distance, in a passage of strong sunlight, a large farmhouse, with its roof partly tiled and partly thatched, stands on a grassy knoll under high trees. Signed at the right, B. C. KorKKoex, 1856. Height, 13% inches; width, 12 inches. vee ALFRED C. HOWLAND, N.A. 36—THE POND IN THE ogee J The foreground is occupied by a quiet sheet of water, broken by weeds and grass, and beyond is a hillside with a few rounded trees on the left and on the right a view along a distant valley. Two cows stand in the pond and others come there to drink. The light of the sky is concentrated near the horizon and touches ~ here and there the edges of the rolling clouds above. Signed at the right, A. C. Howranp. Height, 12 inches; width, 9 inches. i. y ) r ae eae: iin, 7 ; ; i i eT a tek ee Ae i re : 7, . i a ee [2 ig 7 i \ ‘ } “ “9 lar ao ° et Sl ae . 7 ' | ‘ ' ; ee hw) “Pig Sens ie! rth . : hs ; sapetti i i e x ; ae , : Bal Tie “Wh lia dip = ‘ > ; at } ‘“ 4 R} 5 _ 5 : E ay} 53 at . yw : Vy ff ‘ ree i ae 1 id A . a ‘ : i , ‘ * * i a ’ s + . ‘ 7 “ ’ x ~ 4 h v | . ’ . ‘ . - ‘ . - EMILE AUGUSTE PINCHART soe Ve. / 37—BON VOYAGE © eee eg Pe A young woman is sitting in the bow of a boat, which occupies the whole foreground, and, holding an opera glass in her lap, clasps with her right hand the waist of a little girl who is lean- ing over her knee. Both are gazing at some distant vessel which is bearing away a relative or a friend. Signed at the bottom, Pincwart. Height, 10% inches; width, 8% inches. J. FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. 7 By v4) J ve) eae ? sl Pei UO y) . tee save 7 : - ae | ~ 88—SUNSET 71 MY. Nor ee rt Oa lg ( ( On the left is a clump of trees in autumnal foliage, one of which, with a slender, crooked trunk, rises high above the others and is in strong relief against the golden light from the sun, which has just set behind the low hills in the distance. A slug- gish stream flowing at the foot of the clump broadens out to cover half the foreground and is luminous with sky reflection. Signed at the right, J. Francis Murpny, 1900. Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches. ol PAUL GROLLERON f | 39—A FROSTY MORNING )-_ Othe A French cavalryman in a gray overcoat covering a blue and red uniform, and a brass helmet with horsehair plume, is stand- ing in a path, lighting his pipe. In the distance behind him, half hidden by the inequalities of the ground, three comrades are gathered around a camp fire. Signed at the right, P. Grotirron. ITeight, 14 inches; width, 10 inches. f ANTONIO TAMBURINI ht OOS eh Pane 40—‘ SAY WHEN” O VY 1, In the wine cellar of a monastery two monks are engaged in the pleasant occupation of tasting the new vintage. One of them pours the rich fluid from a flask into a wineglass held by his companion, who leans on a large red umbrella. On the left is a great wicker-covered demijohn, rather the worse for wear, a flask, and an earthen pan under the tap of a huge wine cask. On the right, in the background, is a doorway with a small grated window above it. Signed at the right, A. Tampurinti, 1887, FLorENCE. Height, 13 inches; width, 10 inches. a \ : apni, a A. A. AMOROS 41—SPANISH PEASANTS Ce fe AN CfO11t In a rough interior a Spanish youth is seated, playing a guitar, and behind him is a smiling girl in a brilliant red bodice, holding her hands to her head. An elderly peasant in embroid- ered jacket, short white breeches, gaiters and sandals, with a bright orange kerchief wound about his head, is dancing with both arms raised, holding in the right hand a glass half full of wine. . : Signed at the left, A. Amords, Roma. Height, 11 inches; width, 8 inches. Be WILLIAM HART, N.A. a | 42—AN ALDERNEY HEIFER iets Fare(_ This is a study of a red and white heifer standing face to the spectator, in full suniight. The head is slightly lowered. The background is sunlit grass and a mass of foliage beyond. Signed at the lefi, Wm. Hart. = Height, 10 inches; length, 12 inches. P. E. L. PERBOY RE 43—AN OFFICER OF ARTILLERY: ¥. An officer is seated on a large, dark bay horse near a line of posts on a great open field. On his head is a brass helmet with a high crest with a red pompon and a trailing plume of horsehair. His dark blue coat, saddle cloth, holster and roll are trimmed with red and he wears tight buckskin breeches and tall boots. In the distance, under the trees, is a multitude of spectators ap- parently watching a military mancuvre. Signed at the right, P. E. L. Perpoyre. | ‘Height, 11 inches; width, 8% inches. oe GEORGE INNESS, N.A. Pol “Eon LL—IN THE WOODS ~~" A sombre forest is lighted by a flash of sunlight which touches here and there a rough tree trunk, a branch or the carpet of rich grass, and in the foreground brings into prominence the seated figure of a woman in a straw hat, a blue blouse and a white petticoat. Signed at the right, G. INNEss, 1866. Height, 12 inches; width, 9 inches. ADOLF ECHTLER / ey Oe P, ee ae ey i f) ri ; L) 45—A PEACEFUL COMPANY piri ee? Ves Lee eS A young mother, holding her infant in her arms, stands in f- a cottage doorway in which the lower half of the door is shut. Two flaxen-haired children look over the closed part of the door, watching a little girl who sits on the doorstep with a scattered mass of flowers near by and a black cat eating from a plate. Signed at the right, A. Height, 11% inches; width, 7 inches. CHARLES B. SCHREIBER ee, we eae 46—A CAVALIER } Sarr With his left hand resting on his hip and his right on the hilt of a sword with the point on the ground, a seventeenth century cavalier stands with head erect and feet wide apart. He wears a gray hat, a buckskin coat, a red-sleeved jacket, green breeches, a blue sash, and riding boots with spurs. Signed at the upper left, Cu. Scurerer, 1894. Height, 12 inches; width, 7 inches. GEORGE INNESS, Nieaa 47—THE HUNTERS (n. ot pee A path runs down to the foreground between steep banks covered with bushes and trees. Sunlight flecks the tree trunks and foliage and brings into strong relief the figure of a hunter in red shirt and straw hat, who, with a companion crouching be- _hind him, watches the actions of his dog pointing game in front. Signed at the left, G. Inness. Height, 12 inches; length, 10 inches. CHARLES X. HARRIS «48 COLONIAL DAYS Wha en Two gentlemen in the costume of the early part of the nine- teenth century are seated in front of a colonial fireplace and in front of them a soldier, in a dark blue uniform, leans across a table towards his auditors as he relates to them his experiences in war. Behind the table a footman is drawing the cork from a bottle. On the mantel is a clock and two vases of flowers stand- ing in front of a large mirror and on the wall to the right is the portrait of a lady in a gold frame. Signed at the right, C. X. Harris. Height, 15 inches; length, 21 inches. From tHe Tuomas B. CLiarKe CoLiectrion. Pa HENRY MOSLER, A.N.A. oe? © ga W/. = : 4I—IN THE ORCHARD od i oe. Ze ee t-, A little barefooted girl, with her apron full of fruit, 7 apple to her mouth as she leans against the trunk of an apple tree in a sunlit orchard, where tall lilies and other flowers grow in rank profusion, and the ground is covered with grass and fallen fruit. Signed at the right, Henry Moster. Height, 12 inches; width, 9 inches. MLLE. ROSA BONHEULR 50—OXEN IN STABLE : 7 Two sturdy brown oxen, sparingly spotted with white, are quietly feeding in their stall, back to the spectator. The light comes from the right and throws a deep shadow upon the second animal, whose fore quarters are hidden behind the huge bulk of his mate. Signed at the left, Rosa BonHEvR. Height, 12% inches; length, 17 inches. _, SANDFORD R. GIFFORD, N.A. Ve f 2 : I ig OE Nee ON ae ae Hritachaee It is mid-afternoon in early winter when the sun is veiled by a chill mist. The bare branches of the dense woods on either side of a broad, gently flowing stream show a softened contour against the gray sky. On a leaf-strewn point on the right a figure stands near the water’s edge. Signed on the back, S. R. Girrorp, December, 1861. Height, 12 inches; widih, 10 inches. JEAN BAPTISTE ROBIE ( 0}: io pon) ) ben Son Ct SA ee 52—JUNE FLOWERS A bunch of large roses and various other flowers which glo- rify the garden in June have been thrown carelessly on the ground near a shallow pool on which floats a fallen rose leaf, and here and there on the blossoms and leaves are glistening drops of water. Signed at the right, J. Rosie. Height, 14 inches; length, 18 inches. - WILLIAM CRAIG ad 4 58—POLING UP STREAM CLI Fin 7 es (Water Color) A man is poling a red skiff up a shallow but broad stream which flows between rocky banks in a broken country where scattered trees grow on the bluffs and there are few signs of cul- tivation. There are patches of sunlight here and there on the rocks and trees, and scattered cumulus clouds partly cover the sky. Signed at the right, Wm. Crate. Height, 10 inches; length, 14% inches. - ALEXANDER M. GUILLEMIN g 4.408 ; iia ee ee, a : §4—PLAYMATES ee ET ac I ee, Me (crt? A peasant woman with a red shaw! over her head, and wear- ing a red jacket with green sleeves, and a dull purple petticoat, sits on a bench, and against her knees leans a small girl dressed in blue and white who holds a head of ripe wheat to a bird perching on a basket high up in the corner. Signed at the left, A. GuILLEMIN. Height, 13% inches; width, 10 inches. | |, | KRUSEMAN VAN ELTEN, N.A. : Ge ye )- itt 55—THE STONE BRIDGE A shallow, meandering stream which runs down to the left foreground is crossed in the middle distance by a stone bridge with a single arch, over which a fisherman is walking with his dog. On the left is a clump of wind-tossed trees and on the right are low bushes overhanging the water. The sky is full of wind clouds, piling up and threatening a storm. Signed at the right, KrusremMAN Van ELTEN. Height, 10 inches; length, 154 inches. ALEXANDER H. WYANT, N.A. fd eee | 56—THE SMUGGLERS’ CAVE—JONES’S WOOD Built against the side of a sandy hillock is/the stone facade of a rude shelter which in earlier times was possibly the cellar of a brick structure above. On the left small workshops and other buildings show that the city is advancing in this direction and will shortly sweep away this relic which for many years was known to the frequenters of Jones’s Wood as the Smugglers’ Cave. 7 Signed at the right, A. H. Wyant, Jury 3, 1869. Height, 9 inches; length, 16 inches. - LEON RICHET 3 5?—MORNING | le. 1. a seca An irregular pond, which reflects the gray light of the morn- ing sky, breaks into a brown meadow where a solitary tree stands on a low point near the water. Behind this sentinel is a large rounded mass of trees and in the distance other scattered clumps and a line of wooded hills. The sunlight flashes on the meadow in the middle distance, where a figure of a peasant woman stands near the water’s edge. Signed at the left, Lion Ricuet. Height, 1014 inches; length, 16 inches. J. BEAUFAIN IRVING {fj /) ae: | Us we Ko © a) eS cata aha Pi 58—AT THE CONFESSIONAL Standing near a mahogany confessional, with her clenched “ right hand resting on the base of a column, is a lady in a black dress with a brilliant red shawl over her left arm and a blue knitted scarf around her head and neck. The face of a priest is dimly seen through a small latticed opening in the side of the confessional. High up on the gray wall behind the figure is a gas jet with a glass globe. Signed at the right, J. B. Irvine, 1866. Height, 16% inches; width, 12 inches. J. G. BROWN, N.A. (O58 hy 59—RETURNING FROM MARKE Ul. a A little girl in pink calico dress, white apron and a sunbonnet tied around her neck is walking along a path across the fields, carrying in her left hand a tin pail and in her right hand a paper parcel, holding at the same time a full basket on her arm. Be- hind her is suggested a farming country with cultivated fields, coppices, a few houses and a church. Signed at the left, J. G. Brown, N.A. Height, 22 inches; width, 15 inches. la WILLIAM M. CHASE, N.A. Pm A ag 60—THE PET BIRD (/. y~ Jans bien A little girl in a pink and white striped dress and black stockings is standing in front of an open window which is draped with lace curtains, holding in her hands a cage with a canary bird. Through the window opening is seen a bit of garden with a sunlit path and a slender iron paling. CA 3 Signed at the left, Case. Height, 19 inches; width, 12 inches. , #£§YLATT P. RYDER, N.A. | ‘ Ratt 61—EXPECTATION ft. oe | eer The housekeeper has fed the cat and her two kittens on the hearth of an old-fashioned fireplace, and, going out, has left the green painted door beside the fireplace slightly ajar. The kittens play about, but the cat watches the crack of the door with at- tention. On the right is a kitchen chair painted dull red and in it a workbag. Signed at the left, P. P. Ryper, 792. Height, 14 inches; length, 20 inches. EMILE AUGUSTE PINCHART re Cased oie 2 ee 62—FLIRTATION Pepe pee Lr ae On a rustic roadside bench a country maiden, with her market basket on her knee, sits chatting with a young gentleman who, from his attitude, seems eager to improve his opportunity for love-making. They are dressed in late eighteenth century cos- tume. Behind the figures, a narrow path across a grass-covered hillside leads to a house among the trees. Signed at the left, Pincwart. Height, 14 inches; width, 10% inches. FRANK DE HAVEN, A.N.A. = 0 ies oO 693—A SUNSET GLEAM _~ Vim Ye VAY The sun is setting on the left ve a thick orchard, throw- ing the foreground into deep shadow. A broad gleam of warin light touches the rounded mass of the fruit trees, the thin foliage - on two tall trees on the right and softens the distance beyond. A band of clouds stretches across the upper part of the sky, showing a simple passage of blue below. Signed at the left, F. De Haven. Height, 12 inches; length, 14 inches. ADOLPHE CHARLES MARAIS Le ie eee : 64—A PLEASANT ENTE, A td SPAN - ee A red-spotted cow and a white companion stand in full sunlight facing the spectator. Beyond on the left a third animal is lying down, ruminating. The background is a mass of trees in full summer leaf, mostly birches, and a small bit of blue sky shows at the top of the picture among the leaves. Signed at the left, Av. Marais. Height, 17 inches; length, 21% inches. VSO. HENRY W. RANGER, A.N.A. 65—NEAR LAAREN, HOLLAND WA Y oF ae i From the left foreground a waterway runs through the flat meadows and cultivated fields, past clumps of low trees until lost in the middle distance. On the left a shattered canal boat lies half sunken at the bank and on the right is the corner of a garden. A few small clouds drift across the sky. Signed at the right, H. W. Rancer. Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches. HARVEY YOUNG wee : 66—A BRITTANY LANDSCAPE ge oe ig Seer ae A small pond lies at the foot of a slope and on one side a row of poplars raise their slender shapes against the cloudy sky while on the other a path winds around a projecting point of high ground toward two houses which stand among the trees in the distance. A peasant woman sits on the edge of the pond looking into the water. In the foreground is a grass-grown field broken by rocks and low bushes. Signed at the right, Py 76. Height, 15 inches; length, 19 inches. LOUIS LE POITLTEVIN Jf Si pf. 67—THE GLEANER es ey. In the foreground a peasant woman with a rude rake and carrying a heavy sheaf of wheat is walking along a grassy path’ through a broad piece of waste ground on the banks of the Seine where wild flowers and weeds grow in great pro- fusion. On the right the river, reflecting the mauve light from the evening sky, sweeps around under high hills at the foot of which houses nestle among the trees. On the left the ruddy disk of the harvest moon hangs low in the sky with a cloud bar across her face and above it is a long, narrow cloud in the simple sky. Signed at the right, Louis LE Porrrrvin. Height, 16 inches; length, 25 inches. J. FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. By ue ti 68—THE CHARCOAL BURNERS hee Te : Under an irregular cluster of trees, part with green and part with autumn-tinted foliage, stands a wooden building painted dull red and near it a stack of fuel half hidden by under- growth. A broad meadow cut by the narrow line of a streamlet gently slopes upward on the right, and on a low hillside at the horizon is a farm-house near a large wood. The light of the sky, which is covered by dense white cloud forms, is concentrated behind the tree tops on the left. Signed at the right, J. Francis Murpny, ’98. Height, 16 inches; length, 22 inches. 2 ia ae LEONARD OCHTMAN, A.N.A. a 69—OCTOBER y jEae oA é. arr. It is a pleasant farming country with comfortable farm- houses scattered over a low hillside among the trees where the autumn sun strikes warmly. In the foreground, which is in shadow, is a sloping field with tall dry grass and weeds and here and there a bit of gray rock showing. + oa ead - i ; : aa 1a, ant ge ra i ' A es * "y i af Z a £ Y ¥ ‘ j ha 2 ‘ am - ] meh), > 4 27's 7m * Fs . ee : GEORGE H. McCORD, A.N.A. poe 2 as VA | 73—COMING TO PORT 1 ¢ OW Art. A brig running under full sail, deeply laden, is wallowing through the rough water at the entrance to a harbor showing both port and starboard lights. A spar buoy on the right shows that the tide runs strong against the wind. In the distance on the left is a light-house and behind the brig a schooner, close hauled, sails across the broad path of the light from the full moon which shimmers on the waves. Signed at the left, G. H. McCorp, A.N.A. Height, 14 inches; length, 20 inches. / ve HOMER D. MARTIN, N.A. 0 ae £ ey 74—GOLDEN SANDS vA, Se pr are eee oe On a broad waste of sand, left bare by the receding tide, the figure of a woman with a heavy basket on her shoulders is seen struggling along toward the high, wooded shore in the distance. From the sky, which is thinly veiled by cirrus clouds, a broad flood of light falls upon the sand and the distant hill- side and shimmers in the horizon on the left where there is a suggestion of a narrow line of the sea. Signed at the right, H). Martin. Height, 15 inches; length, 24 inches. GEORGES WASHINGTON ee Oo 75—ARABIAN HORSEMEN AT ae : Oe On a rough plain covered with tufts of coarse grass there is a large assemblage of Arab horsemen who are holding some sort of a fantasia. One of the horsemen in the group on the right holds a green and gold banner, and here and there in the crowd pistols are fired into the air and horses are urged to prance and gallop. Against a soft blue sky in the background rises a jagged range of rocky peaks with verdure-clad foot hills. Signed at the left, G. Wasuincron. Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches. fe THOMAS W. WOOD, N.A. oe CO %6—THE NEST TP. iS A little curly-haired girl has been shown by a colored/farm- hand a hen’s nest in the hay and, raising herself by the boards which keep the hay in place, she looks at the eggs with intense interest. The farmer leans with his right hand on a pitchfork and with his left he points to the nest. There is a pile of pump- kins and squashes behind him and beyond is the rude structure of the cow stable. Signed at the right, T. W. Woon, 1881. Height, 22 inches; width, 17 inches. Cadi Ur ¢ LE. peat Ties Weel, WMA 7 eee Gee JASPER F. CROPSEY, N.A. 77—ON THE SAWMILL RIVER Va ; US co | eo, i Be Lae A | 78—TEN POUND ISLAND ee JP g VA, The broad, placid river winds through the middle distance between flat meadows where trees grow luxuriantly and is lost at the foot of high hills far beyond. Feathery elms and maples in brilliant autumn dress are scattered over the field at the left where a herd of cows are feeding, some of them near a narrow tributary of the larger stream, which flows around a point on the right which is crowned with a clump of splendid trees. Signed at the left, J. F. Cropsry, 1891. H eight, 12 inches; length, 20 inches. Steere tk, DE HAAS, N.A. a7, It is a gray day on the coast and low clouds are drifting sea- ward from the land, sweeping over the low summits of the hills on the shore and threatening a soft rain. A small rocky island is the focus of the composition and two schooners are anchored in the smooth water not far away, the more distant one with her mainsail set. Other smaller craft are seen in the distance. Signed at the right, M. F. H. ve Haas, N.A. Height, 12 inches; length, 23 inches. SEYMOUR J. GUY, N.A. ¥9—WAITING te ce KY (Crkdfe fe = 4 This is the life-size head and shoulders of a girl leaning on her folded arms with her head turned to the left. She wears a wide-brimmed straw hat, a white chemise and a lavender shawl and holds in her left hand a bunch of flowers, conspicuous among them two yellow lilies. Behind her head are the extended branches of a great tree, below which there is a glimpse of a distant landscape. Signed at the left, $. Guy, 1882. Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches. J. B. BRISTOL, N.A. oe 7. L, 2 80—LONG POND, BERKSHIRE b A pleasantly wooded slope on the right sweeps down to the shore of a great pond which is bordered by a range of rugged hills in the distance. Scattered trees grow on the flanks of the hills and great ledges of rock crop out here and there. The sky, in which small masses of light clouds are drifting, is cov- ered with a warm haze. A single sailboat floats on the water on the left. Signed at the righi, J. B. Brisrot. Height, 18 inches; length, 30 inches. 6a 2 WILLIAM M. CHASE, N.A. Ve . ) dee Sf STILE LIFE a oa 9anrttl. | / / 7 Grouped together on a table are a large copper kettle, tinned on the inside, a polished tin stew pan with short handle, two Spanish onions, a small squash and two large red peppers. The background is a simple deep tone and the light falls from the left. Signed at the right, W. M. Cuase. Height, 21 inches; length, 29 inches. Fe ADOLPHE PIOT O ff © ge 82—A BRUNETTE J ¥- arrrth A young girl with mischievous dark eyes and a profusion of curly brown hair leans forward with her head thrown back and clasping to her bosom with her bare arms and hands a few roses. Around her shoulders is a diaphanous scarf, and behind her head, which is life size and in three-quarters view, is a blue plush curtain. Signed at the right, A. Prior. Height, 25% inches; width, 20 inches. pee W. MERRITT POST 83—AN OCTOBER Co nba a A narrow stream flows a stone-arched bridge in the middle distance and tumbles over a rocky bed to the foreground. On the right of this are several trees, some of them in full autumn foliage, others already bare of leaves, and behind them is a green field with a wood beyond. On the left the view extends across pastures to a line of forest against the sky, at the horizon, where the brilliant light of the rising sun strongly accents drifting clouds. Signed at the left, W. Merritr Post. Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches, A. CORTEZ i nt 8)—THE RETURN FROM met ie pa A donkey, two cows and a flock of sheep have been halted on a grassy plot near a river by a sturdy sheep dog who stands in front on guard. Behind the group stands a peasant woman with a bundle on her shoulder. A mass of tall trees in early autumn foliage contrasts against the hazy sky on the right, and on the left two cows are wandering along the river bank. Signed at the right, A. Cortez. Height, 25% inches; width, 21% inches. ., - GEORGE H. BOGERT, A.N.A. aa 85—NEAR. OVERSCHIE, HOLLANDS £2 Dae ey From the foreground on the left a narrow canal, bordered on one side by houses and on the other by a grassy bank and tow path, leads to the distance where the great form of a wind- mill rises high above the neighboring buildings. A peasant in a blue blouse rides a horse along the path and on the right is a group of red-tiled houses. Great rolling clouds, threatening showers, hang in the sky, showing here and there patches of blue. Signed at the right, Gro. H. Bocerrt. Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches. ‘; AUGUST HAGBORG Akbar? ) / 4 oe, re Fe 86—THE OLD STORY JP SF (Yq ligt A young fisherman, who has been mending his net, il on the sand just above the beach and entertains with vivacious conversation a maiden who sits in front of him, her hands clasped around her knees and her head turned toward the youth, in whose tale she is unaffectedly interested. In the middle distance the curved line of beach is broken by several fishing boats which have been left stranded by the falling tide, and the sky is covered by confused forms of clouds with the light concentrated behind a low bluff at the right. Signed at the right, Hacnore. Height, 26 inches; length, 32 inches. Pact iad RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK 87—THE BOULDER AND THE ru An. ee Two high perpendicular gnhe crowned with trees stand close together, forming a narrow gorge through which dashes a moun- tain torrent, and along this stream a path has been built of plank to enable the visitor to walk through the gorge and under a boul- der which in falling from the heights above has been caught in the narrow jaws of the chasm half way up the cliff. A tiny bit of sky shows at the top above the trees and the light strikes crisply on the foreground, intensifying the depth of the shadow in the flume. Signed at the left, BLAKELOCK. Height, 54 inches; width, 28 inches. CAMILLE ee 88—THE FOREST OF a A small pool nestles at the foot of great he trees which, with twisted branches, rise high in the forest, almost covering the sky with their dense foliage. A well-worn path leads from this pool over a slight rise, and beyond, a figure of a woman who is walking away, carrying a heavy burden in either hand, disappears among the trees. Great boulders are scattered here and there in the rank grass and undergrowth, and a passage of sunlight in the middle distance strongly accents the oxsee the rocks, the tree trunks and the foliage. Signed at the left, CamittE Macnvs. Height, 53 inches; width, 38 inches. <->, + HENRY MOSLER, ae aa 89—* HELPING GRANDPA” JP. Us. sg In the shadow of an apple tree in a _ large sunlit orchard two flaxen-haired little girls, the smaller one in a spotted blue calico dress and the other in a brown dress with a blue pinafore, are struggling to turn the handle of a large grindstone upon which an old man in his shirt sleeves is holding a scythe. Be- hind the farmer, on the grass, are his coat and hat and the handle of the scythe; and in the background, beyond a large open space of sunlit grass, is a mass of foliage hiding the sky, and under the trees are glimpses of farm buildings and fences. Signed at the left, Henry Moster, 1895. Height, 41 inches; length, 52 inches. CHARLES H. MILLER, ee oe sane ae oe, “4 Oberg he he £ 90—NEW YORK FROM THE LONG ISLAND oe " From the right of the foreground roughly constructed land- ing places with confused groups of piles run away to the dis- tance where many ships are moored to the shore. On the broad river in the immediate foreground a boat with two men is towing a raft of wreckage; and beyond, a prominent object in the com- position, a white ferryboat bearing the name “ Queens ” has just started to cross. Beyond the ferryboat is seen the point of Blackwell’s Island with several rocks showing above the water, and a long row of buildings, with here and there a spire or a tower, forms the sky line at the horizon. Great masses of clouds fill the sky, showing near the zenith patches of blue beyond. Signed at the right, Cuas. H. Mirren, N. Y. Height, 32 inches; length, 65 inches. — SECOND NIGHT'S SALE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25rn, 1904 AT MENDELSSOHN HALL BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.30 o’cLOCK VASILI VERESTCHAGIN 91—MILITARY ROAD TO TIFLIS Aa, ea er ad, TO AW / / ear A characteristic bit of scenery in the Caucasus where a broad shallow river winds around between serrated peaks, their flanks softened by vegetation and their rocky summits cutting sharply against a clear sky. Following the windings of the stream is the narrow ribbon of the military road built by the Russians for strategic reasons, marked in the distance by little clouds of dust raised by passing vehicles. Signed at the right with Russian initial. Height, 84 inches; width, 6% inches. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK 92—A LONELY LAKE V/s ee eae ee TA A rocky point with large rounded masses of trees projects into the quict lake on the right, and across the water the long slope of a mountain flank rises against the evening sky. Above it a flock of wild ducks flies in single file toward their refuge for the night. Signed at the right, R. A. Biaxrtocx. Height, 3 inches; length, 644 inches. OOO a OS al int ae a “he cea, TRUS ee ee ee ALFRED SIEFERT 983—INNOCENCE UA a (e../ 5 ad . iS & This is the head of a young girl with a wreath of pansies in her hair and a bunch of the same flowers in her bosom. The head is inclined to the right and the eyes look geist out of the picture. Signed at the right, A. Srererr. Height, 4% inches; width, 3 inches. J. H. DOLPH, N.A. bee SUCH A FOOL AS ze jogs ae a ote A small frog has found his way upon a stone-flagged path where flower-pots stand in the bordering grass, and here he is met by a crouching cat who stretches out her neck and gazes fixedly at the intruder. Signed at the right, J. H. Dotrn, 73. Height, 9 inches; length, 12 inches. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK 2 i 95—SUNSET ON THE PLAINS YH Ga Poy 4, Framed by a great mass of trees on either side is a wide extent of wooded plain with a simple, luminous sunset sky above. On the left an Indian in a red blanket sits under a tree and watches the sunset. rae Signed at the right, R. A. Brake rock. Height, 44% inches; length, 7 inches. DAVID JOHNSON, N.A. 96—ECHO LAKE, FRANCONIA, N. H. fo PA vias Seal sat Beyond the smooth waters of the lake, which stretches across the foreground, from a wooded hill on the right rise three lofty mountain tops, the nearest ones partly wooded and the dis- tant peak bare of vegetation. A boat with two people crosses the lake, leaving a sparkling wake. Signed at the right, WD. Height, 44% inches; length, 7 inches. BE: LL. HENNEY, N-A- 97—AT THE WELL a g Va en Erve ee A well, protected by ared painted curb and roof, stands near a white house, part of which is seen in full sunlight against a blue sky. A servant girl is drawing up the bucket by means of a rope over an iron wheel. On the left is a slender tree extending out of the picture at the top, and in the sunlit path below is a cockerel followed by two hens. Signed at the right, E. L. Henry. Height, 8 inches; width, 5% inches. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK 98S—SUNSET AT SEA ne: O of Li ae Ps ae) hae : of ey Lazily drifting on a gently rippling expanse of water is a sloop with sails spread. The vessel is all aglow with a ruddy light which comes from the sun setting on the right, behind the spectator. Near the horizon is a bank of luminous low clouds. Signed at the left, R. A. BiaKetock. Height, 5 inches; length, 8 inches. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK 99—INDIAN BURIAL PLACE, COLORADO () vs b, ee Pog: 7? | In the foreground is a rude platform of poles’ raised a few feet above the ground and near by are two Indians. In the middle distance is a large group of redmen. The broad plain extends unbroken to the distance, where a great range of moun- tains rises against the sky. Signed at the left, R. A. Braxetock. Height, 4% inches; length, 7 inches. J. FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. 100—LANDSCAPE | C ee | es Y Art h ns} ieee ol wees On the right is a low hillock jutting into a broad marshy meadow; and from this elevation, which is covered with autumn- tinted bushes, rises a clump of slender trees with frost-turned foliage. In the foreground is a pool of water reflecting the white clouds of the sky and on the left in the distance is an irregular rank of forest trees. Signed at the left, J. F. Murrny. Height, 5 inches; length, 7 inches. BLAISE ALEXANDRE DESGOFFE 101--OBJECTS OF ART, BD oe MC. Le a | es 3 : . Several rare specimens of glassware with a gold-mounted H | chalice are grouped on a piece of rich red velvet around an 3 elaborately worked and superbly mounted beaker of cut ruby glass. Signed at the upper right, Buaise Descorre, 1896. Height, 9% inches; widih, 6% inches. HENRIETTE RONNER 102—THE BEST OF FRIENDS oo Ly | cone 4. A white spitz dog is seated on a red cushion in an -chair, with ears erect, and a gray cat is affectionately rubbing against him. In the background are a curtain and a green porcelain vase. Signed at the left, HENRmETTE RonNER. Height, 9 inches; width, 7 inches. wh . ui - a -. a s.4 —, a: ae - a * ‘ RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK 103—A FOREST GLADE oF 2 ine AS a Laces 4 kag - atizt Dy In an open wood interior, wher¢ the sunlight flecks the rich vegetation and foliage, two Indians are seen under the trees, one standing with a bow in his hand and the other sitting on the grass. Signed at the right, R. A. BuaKetock. Height, 6% inches; width, 5% inches. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK 5 ed | os 2 / a i 104—IN THE CATSKILLS | a 3 Ge fitene a ee / A waterfall tumbles down into the foreground among rocks Aa and rankly growing bushes, and against the sky in the upper part of the composition are seen a few scattered trees in full foliage, touched here and there by the frost. Signed at the right, R. A. Biaxerocx. Height, 64% inches; length, 742 inches. PAUL GROLLERON 105—DEFENDING THE WALL | oe oe tt va gee ar The fight is raging around a country residence, and behind | a low plastered wall which has been partly overthrown a line of French infantrymen have established themselves and are doing effective work. In the foreground an officer with his left arm in a sling leans on the wall, holding his sword in his hand. On the right is a peaceful landscape and beyond the cloud of battle smoke is a simple sky with clouds near the horizon. aR Signed at the left, P. GRroLiERon. Height, 9% inches; width, 7 inches. ALEXANDER H. WYANT, N.A. 106—PATH THROUGH THE Wer aes. eo we peels Pea ec see | of - On the shore of a lake, across which is dimly seen the forms of high hills, is a tangled wood through which has been cut a narrow path obstructed here and there by fallen trees. Part way up the path is the figure of a sportsman with his gun. Signed at the left, A. H. Wyant. Height, 8 inches; width, 6 inches. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK 107—THE WAYFARERS be wi mao. 7? 7 6 Nasa, Gt The light of the setting sun, glowing in the distance b¢hind 7 a high hill, throws the foreground into deep shadow and the luminous sky contrasts strongly against tall trees on either side. A woman in a red shawl and a boy carrying a bundle are walking in the shadow toward the spectator. Signed at the right, R. A. BuaKetock. Height, 8 inches; width, 6 inches. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK 108—AN INDIAN HUNTER oe, b — / ee ia oy ee | Standing on the banks of a brook which flows from under large forest trees is an Indian with bent bow about to shoot at a running deer. There is a warm light in the small area of sky which is seen between the trees, and the whole landscape is in the glow of late sunset. Signed at the right, R. A. Biake ocx. Height, 8 inches; width, 6 inches. ps ae rs LOUIS MOELLER, N.A. 109—THE STUMP SPEAKER Sf Le An old man with gray beard is standing behind a table, resting on his left hand while he holds his right to his ear. From the humorous expression of his face it may be imagined he has just uttered a campaign joke. The background is a wainscoted wall showing a corner of a covered cabinet and part of an oval framed picture. Signed at the right, Louis Moretier, N.A. Height, 7 inches; width, 5 inches. LEO HERRMANN 110—A BEAU Se rte Fe A smiling young beau of the time of the Directory is stand- ing on a broad gravel path in a well-kept park, his left leg extended and his hands holding his stick clasped behind his back. He wears a chapeau, a bright red coat, white waistcoat, buff breeches and white stockings. Signed at the left, Leo Herrmann. Height, 10 inches; widih, 6 inches. -E. MASURA 111—THE COQUETTE () ee Se es kd., ~~ vo ae Wi, ba Bi This is the full length Cae a young lady in ydlidr Ne satin dress and with a large bunch of feathers and flowers in her hair. Coquettishly holding her fan to her face and rais- ing her skirt with her left hand she walks across the room. Signed at the left, E. Masura. Height, 7% inches; width, 5 inches. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK a ) Sy, 112—MOONLIGHT ere aay a age ee 7 easy eg) ao Plot Forty oe ra O- On the right is a rocky iléide with masses of densely grow- Ys ing trees against a simple sky. ‘The full moon is rising above a slope in the distance on the left, and its strong light flickers on the surface of a river which winds through the forest. Signed at the right, R. A. BraKetock. Height, 6 inches; length, 8 inches. MARTIN RICO oe O ne - oa S ras Z This is a view of one of the interesting water fronts of Venice where the small canals are spanned by slender arched bridges; fishing boats with gay sails and other craft are moored to the quays, and sandalos and gondolas float on the rippling water. From the clustering house tops the dome of a church rises on the left and a tall tower soars high on the right. Signed at the left, Rico. Height, 64 inches; length, 11% inches. J. FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. 114—LANDSCAPE ats Cs Onn Ee fais fen : On the left a large tree half covers the sky with its dense foliage, and on the right a red-roofed building catches the sun- light on its whitewashed gable. In the distance under a soft sky are other farm-houses and trees. Signed at the left, J. Francis Murpuy, ’90. LEON VICTOR DUPRE 115—LANDSCAPE Ba Sead A clump of trees on the left is touched by the sunlight, which strongly accents the slender trunk of a tall tree. On the right and in the middle distance is a pond in which two cows are drinking. Across the pond is a bit of sunlit meadow with two sturdy oak trees, and behind them is a spot of concentrated rosy light in a cloudy gray sky. Signed at the left, Vicror Dupré. Height, 7 inches; length, 10% inches. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK 116—HIGH BLUFFS, CALIFORNIA 7 / La MO A? Licre. Le. AGL, Si) ae r In the foreground a great jagged, rocky cliff rises high to the left, and below and beyond are a tumbling sea, a projecting point of rock and a sunset ih Sea gulls swoop along the face of the bluff. Signed at the left, R. A. BuaKEtock. Height, 7 inches; width, 442 inches. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK 117—EVENING GLOW oe ve Le aoe ae It is the moment before the sun touches the horizon, and the full glowing disk sends a flood of warm light over the whole landscape, gilding the bushes and trees and flashing on a broken mass of clouds which floats high in the heavens. In the right foreground are two tall trees and on the nae is a pool with rocky banks covered with wild growth. | Signed at the right, R. A. BLaKeEtock. Height, 5% inches; length, 9¥% inches. JEAN JACQUES HENNER ie Ee: HEAD > a Ur. Sige! a Lf. This is the head of a girl, facing the spectator, strongly lighted from above, with a profusion of brown hair falling over her shoulders. She wears a dull red dress of soft material. Signed at the upper right, J. J. HENNER. | Height, uu inches; width, 8% inches. LUIS ALVAREZ 119—-THE BAY OF NAPLES. : of ae oS ag b i Al ae This is a view of the water front of the city of Naples _ from the bay, and it extends in perspective along Santa Lucia to the Castel d’Ovo in the distance. A gayly painted row-boat with three ladies floats on the quiet water in the foreground and a little farther away are moored three similar craft, brightly decorated. ‘The smooth surface of the bay reflects the bright facades of the houses and the soft tones of the hazy sky. Signed at the left, L. Atvarez, Napoui, 779. Height, 7 inches; length, 11 inches. RICHARD CREIFELDS 120—THE LAST CHANCE Le S Lic. ae a a7. “™ Three workmen are seated at a table in a cabaret shaking dice apparently to decide who shall pay for the refreshments. The man on the right wears a red shirt and his mate opposite is distinguished by a red handkerchief around his neck and a pair of much-soiled overalls. Hanging against the rough plaster wall in the background, which is otherwise broken by a doorway on the right, are two engravings. | Signed at the right, R. Crerreps. Height, 8% inches; length, 11% inches. J. FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. 1@1—A4N OCTOBER DAY yy’ 7p oS? S/O an open country ab the eicech arora i ean pen country at the edge of a wood which occupies the left hand half of the picture stretches away to a low horizon beyond a clump of low trees in the right middle distance. Great masses of rolling clouds, strongly lighted, fill the lower part of the sky. The glory of autumn is seen in the flashes of brilliant color in the foliage and in the variety of tones in the verdure of the pasture. Signed at the left, J. Francis Murpury, 796. Height, 8 inches; length, 12 inches. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK 122—TWILIGHT Ps a South / ae i oe The sun has set and the’ last ruddy glow still lingers at the horizon and the warm light flecks the edges of scattered clouds against which the dark masses of two clumps of trees on the left come out in strong contrast. In the foreground a rivulet sparingly reflects the evening light. Signed at the right, R. A. BiaxKetock. Height, 7% inches; length, 10% inches. —S ‘23 123—IN TREPORT MEADOWS Fr ee EMILE VAN MARCKE era. * ‘eileen bred 3 A red cow, spotted with white, is lying down in the immediate 124—ENTRANCE TO THE PALACE » SO ae “dO foreground, quietly chewing the cud, and many others are rest- ing on the grass in the pasture behind. On the left in the horizon is a village church with houses clustered near and on the right are other buildings farther away. The sky shows spots of soft blue through thin clouds. Signed at the right, Ewite Van Marcxe. Height, 9 inches; length, 12% inches. ALBERTO PASINI The facade of a sumptuous palace, hes th arched doorway surmounted by a double window, decorated with rich tiles, oc- cupies the left of the composition and a wall extends to the right, showing sky and trees above. Two men with long guns have dismounted from their horses at the palace door and are there talking with an aged inmate. Leaning against the wall at the left of the doorway is a Nubian beggar resting his hands on a long staff. Signed at the left, A. Pasint. Height, 10% inches; length, 14 inches, ALEXANDER H. WYANT, N.A. 125—FOOTPATH ACROSS 1 ies eae Ve Daye vo ted A pasture covered with coarse grass with h nd there an outcropping rock gently slopes from the foreground up to the middle distance, where a few trees in summer foliage stand on the crest of the low elevation and contrast in silhouette against a simple gray sky. There is a rift of strong light near the horizon and below it is a wide distance suggesting a bare rolling country. Signed at the right, A. H. Wyant, 777. Height, 9 inches; length, 14 inches. HOMER D. MARTIN, N.A. 126—THE NORMANDY COAS fa gel ‘) ( : 3 Bote geet Ct Arr A waste of sand with scattered rocks and seaweed fills the foreground, and on the left beyond a clump of bushes is seen a low bluff which projects half way across the composition. To the right of this extends the narrow line of sea meeting the horizon. Long bands of clouds stretch across the sky. Signed at the right, Homer Martin, 1884. Height, 7% inches; length, 13 inches. i =A ee es | a | ” e RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK OC nrdlecen A cloudy sky, flecked by the light from a focus at the ho- rizon, occupies two-thirds of the picture and in the foreground a small sheet of water lies shimmering between sloping banks. In the middle distance are several isolated trees and the ground is broken by spots of shadow on the sunlit grass. Signed at the right, R. A. BLaKEtocx. 127—LANDSCAPE oa aad Height, 8 inches; length, 9 inches. Pp. EL L. PERBOYRE 128—THE BUGLER ae yes — Lae vce tial Mounted on a sturdy dark bay horse, the bugler of a light battery is sounding a call. In the background on the right are a mounted officer and a few men, and on the left is a gun with its limber apparently moving in obedience to the signal. Signed at the left, P. E. L. Prergoyre. Height, 8% inches; length, 10% inches. DAVID COL 129—THE SPORTSMAN’S oo) 4 / Z TS ere ae Ade / After a successful turn with his dog and gun, a sportsman : enters a cottage and, with his well-filled game bag by his side, sits & cheval on a chair while a serving maid in a white cap and kerchief, a blue bodice, lavender apron, red skirt and gray petticoat pours wine from an earthen jar into a glass held by the visitor. The gun leans against the wall near by and the dog sits beside his master. Behind the maid is a well-smoked fireplace and on the wall is a hanging cupboard surrounded by various articles of daily use in a kitchen. Signed at the right, Davm Cot, 1873. Height, 12 inches; width, 10 inches. ANGELO ASTI 130—IDEAL HEAD Pk le A7 2 sy xO a. This is the profile of a maiden with a mass of Auburn hair, her robe of red silk carelessly open at the bosom, her head slightly inclined downwards and her eyes raised. The head is lighted from above and the background is a broken tone of brown. Signed at the right, A. Astt. Height, 13% inches; width, 12% inches. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK 131—ACROSS THE SKY THE SHADES OF NIGHT ) Pe et ws C4. Lo Se, of, 5; A sky with great broad masses of clouds/with a ruddy glow- fe ing line at the horizon occupies three-quarters of the composi- tion. A scattered line of trees is in silhouette against the dis- tant hills and the sunset sky, and great ledges of rock in the foreground glisten with the reflected light from the clouds. Two figures walk along a path on the left. Signed at the right, R. A. BuaKetocx. Height, 7 inches; length, 11 inches. LOUIS PAUL DESSAR, A.N.A. 132 SHEEP RETURNING AT EVENING —— ie, 2 y ee Gi is tee a. te A shepherd in a long blue smock is leading his flock of sheep along a road in the foreground past a group of haystacks. Be- hind the stacks and also in contrast against the early evening sky is a line of great trees in full foliage. The evening star twinkles in the heavens on the left of the tree-tops. Signed at the right, Lovis Pavut Dessar. Height, 10 inches; length, 13 inches. JEHAN GEORGES VIBERT 133—READING RABELAIS per woe), Ln A cardinal in full robes and beretta is seated in a tapestry- covered arm-chair with a purple velvet cushion at his back, hold- ing a paper-cover copy of Rabelais in both hands. He is ap- parently enjoying the humor of the tale. The background is a rich green brocade curtain, hanging in heavy folds. Signed at the left, J. G. Viperr. Height, 14 inches; width, 10% inches. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK 134—AFTER A SUMMER _SHOWER ) Die | The central feature in the nieve s a slender tree with dripping foliage glistening in the sun, in contrast against a deep- toned sky, where a rainbow is fast vanishing from sight. On the left a mass of rock is touched by the sunlight, and behind it a rounded tree throws a deep shadow on the ground. Signed at the right, R. A. BiaKetock. Height, 8 inches; length, 12 inches. HOMER D. MARTIN, N.A. SS Bee ee Js oD fl €S- Aon, ot a A narrow valley bounded on the right by high von il broadens in the foreground into a level meadow coveréd with rough grass. On the left is a low hillside with clumps of trees. The rising sun touches the shoulders of the hills and strongly lights a mass of cumulus clouds near the horizon. 135—SUNRISE Signed at the left, H. D. M. Height, 7 inches; length, 12 inches, >< 7J- FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. ae (oes The rough p: tne hi eeu the foreground is broken by a narrow pool which extends from the left nearly to a clump of trees growing above a fence on the right. On the left are farm buildings in the shelter of large trees and the sky is cov- ered with broken cloud forms showing here and there a spot of blue. The foliage and grass have been touched by the first frosts of autumn. Signed at the left, J. Francis Murpny, ’95. Height, 11 inches; length, 14 inches. E. P. BERNE-BELLECOUR 137—ON PICKET oe Oo. Soe : A dismounted cavalryman in his gray overcoat, carrying a carbine and a sabre, is standing on a little hillock of bare ground trying to hold his rifle and to keep his hands warm at the same time. The distant rolling landscape is partly covered with snow, and against a simple winter sky rises, in the extreme distance, a line of hills. Signed at the right, EK. Berne-Beriecovur, 1896. Height, 14 inches; width, 10 inches. LUIS JIMINEZ 138—COMPANIONS Bris ¢ tee ee lr ae ee ane | A barefooted girl, wearing a bright red kerchief around her shoulders and holding with both hands a bunch of branches and flowers in her raised skirt, walks along a narrow path in the grass, accompanied by a white goat who nibbles at the flowers. Behind the girl is a screen of dense foliage, through which is seen only a few spots of light in the sky. Signed at the left, Luis Jimtnez, Parts, 1890. Height, 13 inches; width, 8 inches, cit, ees ee ne A. WORDSWORTH THOMPSON, N.A. 139—GOSSIP ON THE HIGHWAY Za. [SS lp as ‘adie A corporal of cavalry, mounted on a brown horse, stops on a rough country highway to talk with an old colored woman who is evidently showing him the road. SI 7? Near a group of tall ing is a collection of haystacks and straggling, half broken fences. A few fowl feed near by, and on the left beyond the grassy field which is bordered by a broad fence is a row of slender trees. A few delicate clouds float in the clear sky. Signed at the right, B. Baxer. Height, 14 inches; length, 20 inches. ROSWELL M. SHURTLEFF, N.A. 2936—AN OPENING IN ee Wea ; V- pI la of bo This is a glade in a great wood where the large trees are scattered in open order over a level tract and here and there masses of undergrowth grow in rank abundance. In the fore- ground is a pool with a weed-grown outlet and beyond it in the middle distance is a sunlit opening with a vista between the trees beyond to a low, distant horizon. Between the tree tops the sky is visible, partly covered by rosy clouds. Signed at the left, R. M. Suurtierr, N.A. Height, 16 inches; length, 20 inches. WA Bor LaF up Z tog uproanpey : ee wy Gurneda “YH i fae 5 7-1 1 KYD | EK. P. BERNE-BELLECOUR 237—FOR HIS COUNTRY Be Ie 077 Cad Pe aes /p Ase oe The storm of battle has swept over a pleasant stretch of farming country and in its trail has left behind a wounded in- fantryman who, holding his right hand to the chest, raises him- self on his left arm and looks eagerly in the direction in which his comrades have disappeared. His kepi and knapsack lie on the grass near by. In the distance is a line of gently rolling hills and part of a wood all under an autumn sky. Signed at the left, E. Berne-Berrecour, 1896. Height, 10 inches; length, 14% inches. PAUL SEIGNAC ‘ om é pe . Wi x ree 238—THE LESSON We A Sy A ta yeas a It is a simple cottage interior lighted by a window on the left. On the wall are hung various kitchen utensils. Seated in a straight backed chair is a woman dressed in a red jacket and striped green and black petticoat, holding a book in her lap. Beside her stands a little girl in a blue dress evidently saying her lesson to her mother. Signed at the left, Se1ianac. Height, 14% inches; width, 10% inches. CARLE J. BLENNER 239—THE LETTER ay, 7 rae BOE S/o 6 This is the life-sized head and bust of a young girl in three- quarters view, the head turned to the right and the wide open eyes looking out of the picture. She holds a letter in her left hand and with her right hand, which screens the flame of a candle, she is apparently melting wax to seal the epistle. The face is lighted partly by the candle and partly by daylight. Her wavy auburn hair is held in place by a narrow mauve ribbon. _ Signed at the upper right, Carte J. BLENNER. Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches. J. G. BROWN, N.A. 240—‘ SPEAK, SIR” SZ we / Go LL AL ou A bootblack seated on his box, with a pet terrier beside him, is teaching the dog to bark at command. He has his left arm around the neck of the dog and holds his right hand up with a playful gesture of encouragement. The background is the dull green wall of a room with a painted sign a portion of which shows above the little group. Signed at the left, J. G. Brown, N.A. Height, 24 inches; width, 16 inches. pe ee Se i on ‘i ( MNOGe 2¥ CARLETON WIGGINS, A.N.A. 241—OVERLOOKING THE SEA, ST. WES (“7 7 SGC." Ct. as In a wide pleasant pasture, broken here and there by walls and hedges, are three cows, two of them lying down and both looking toward the distant sea which meets the horizon on the right, and the third standing up looking inland. A soft blue sky with thin clouds suggests the height of the summer season. Far away on the quiet water shine the sails of passing vessels. Signed at the left, CarteToN WicGIns. Height, 10 inches; length, 14 inches. ALEXANDER H. WYANT, N.A. hie. 242—THE CLOSE OF DAY oS fo a MACE . a me From the right foreground a rough path leads directly back and disappears behind an orchard near a small farm-house. Be- hind the house on the left is a wild pasture with scattered trees and near the foreground is a small pool echoing a strong accent of light from the sky. Against the sunset in the remote distance is a range of flat-topped hills. Signed at the left, A. H. Wyanvt. Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches. PETER PAUL RUBENS 2)3—FIGURE OF A BOY Rane ae fe This is the full length‘figure of a small boy wearing only a scant shirt which he holds up at the back with one hand and at the front with the other, standing much in the same attitude as the famous statuette in Brussels. In the background is a glimpse of a large, well-wooded park. Signed at the left, Pe. Pa. Rusens, 1631. Height, 13 inches; width, 9 inches. GEORGE INNESS, N.A. 244—THE APPROACHING Se y ee is | There are unmistakable signs in the sky of a tempest which is about to burst on the iand, and against the lowering clouds the trees in their summer foliage, lighted by a strong flood of sunlight, come out in vivid contrast. In the sunlit middle dis- tance three cows stand in the rank grass and a transparent shadow is cast across the foreground, showing among the grass a patch of bare earth. Signed at the left, G. INNEss. j Height, 24 inches; length, 36 inches. i CHARLES H. MILLER, N.A. 245—A RAINY DAY Pp Le. OS eg fall From the foreground where a flock of white ducks are gathered on the edge of a pool, and a woman holding an um- brella and leading a small child is standing in hesitation at the watery obstacle in their way, a muddy road leads up a small hill bordered on either side by straggling trees. In the distance against the gray sky is a cart on the crest of the elevation. Signed at the left, C. H. Mruuer. Height, 15 inches; width, 12 inches. ABBOTT H. THAYER, N.A. Qi6—A PRIZE BULL LZ / : : ai L a IO This is a study of a dark brown and white spotted bull stand- ing in his stall, halter on head and ring in nose. The light from an opening in the wall behind strikes sharply along the back of the bull, and a secondary light, presumably from an open door behind, further accents the vigorous anatomy of the animal. Signed at the right, A. H. THayer. Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches. 247—THE GRA SFIAO FELIX ZIEM The dominating mass of the Ducal Palace above which rises the Campanile, and the line of adjoining houses on the Riva, with the quay in front, occupies the right of the foreground. ‘The water is high and the bow of a gondola rests on the flagging of the quay and a group of people in medieval costume stands near by. On the left, beyond an area of shimmering water, is the entrance to the grand canal, with the church of the Salute. The sky is simple with a mass of soft sunlit clouds near the horizon. Signed at the right, Zien. Height, 29 inches; length, 39 inches. ROBERT C. MINOR, N.A. LPR 248—EVENING PD) / _. Geewy i oe cae ALY, ‘ Cr A, | 1 The tower of f andl sing from the red tiled roof of a building surrounded by trees on the shore of a small lake or a broad river and in strong contrast against an evening sky full of flashing clouds is the focus of the composition. At the horizon, between the mill and a large mass of trees on the right, is the red disk of the sun just disappearing below the horizon. In the foreground the quiet water reflects the deep tones of the trees and the buildings and the warm hues of the sky, and on the left the gloom of twilight is stealing over the trees on the shore and the clouds above. Signed at the right, Mrnor. Height, 26 inches; length, 36 inches. ND CANAL, (ENCE a Z ac Za if L, 3,28 Je ae Se “ft. | me RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK x ees FISHERMAN (o~ Ss B/ | Se re In a narrow stream which curves around a wooded point an Indian is paddling a canoe, standing up in the bow and gazing into the water apparently in search of the wary fish. In the distance on the right is a range of hills reflected in the water and, high up in the sky, patches of blue show between cloud forms. ‘The warm diffused light of midsummer is over the whole landscape. Signed at the right, R. A. BuaKeELock. Height, 10 inches; length, 17 inches. N. V. DIAZ DE LA PENA 250-—MOORISH CHILDREN a ve Z Je ae essay a lea : Ges : . A group of five little Moorish girls are quietly playing to- gether, three of them seated on the ground and two standing; and one of the latter holds a small green and red parrot. On either side of the group are trees with scant foliage and across a lake in the middle distance is a low tract of country with moun- tain peaks on the horizon. Signed at the left, N. D1az. Height, 11 inches; length, 17 inches, _ — tS Ree eee ek Sake Lf 7oF £000 — | fle. - ik 7 ~ ; ie mes 1 OC: hb - (FB SUE 007. 20,17 Jager HENRY Rk. TLE A.N.A. 251—SPORTING DOGS 4 be This is a double portrait of two favorite dogs, one of them in profile, the other with head raised and considerably fore- shortened. Behind them is a stretch of sunlit pasture, with here and there a rock cropping out among the dry grass, and above is a sky full of rolling clouds. Signed at the right, H. R. Poorer. Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches. CHARLES HARRY Se A.N.A. pe ts Ni 252—A WET DAY IN OCTOBER Bie Oe me. From the middle of the foreground a broad, muddy road with glistening water in the ruts and in shallow pools leads \ straight back in perspective to the middle distance where is seen a man driving a horse and cart. On cither side beyond the waste ground of the roadside are enclosed pastures. A grove of tall trees forms a broken sky line against the gray sky where drifting clouds still threaten rain. Signed at the left, C. Harry Eaton. Height, 30 inches; length, 52 inches. fl RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK 2583—THE PIPE DANCE ie Ki wag In the foreground two canoes are drawn up on the beach at the left and beyond them three squaws are seated on the bank. Near by an Indian with a drum in his left hand is dancing in unison with a score or more natives who are forming a ring on the sand in front. On the right of this ring of dancers another In- dian beats the drum with upraised hand. Behind the dancers there are hillocks on either side of a dip or narrow valley which leads the eye to a wide plain in the distance and on these elevations great sturdy trees with dark foliage stand in solemn dignity. The sun is below the horizon and the warm glow which extends all over the cloud-covered sky floods the foreground and here and there accents a tree-trunk or a projecting rock. Signed at the right, RatpH ALBERT BLAKELOCK. Height, 48 inches; length, 72 inches. CARLETON WIGGINS, A.N.A. = E HILL ee a 254—ON THE H oe al id ee ah: SF On the slope of a hillside covered with patches o yough grass, a flock of sheep feeds under the charge of a shepherd with his dog. Against a mass of rolling clouds in the summer sky rises a great oak tree and, beyond, a few rounded trees stand in a strip of sunlit grass which marks the summit of the elevation. Signed at the left, Carterton Wiccrns. Height, 15% inches; width, 10% inches. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK 255—THE WOUNDED STAG Nara CAD / oc a Out of the gloom of a primeval forest where an Indian hunter has been concealed, a stag with an arrow in his side bounds swiftly across the foreground with head thrown up in agony. In front of the deer a rivulet spreads out over a shallow, rocky bed and across it on the left is a tangled wood, in the shelter of © which the wounded animal hopes for refuge. A small area of sky is seen in the left beyond the flank of a high mountain, and from this comes an embracing flood of warm evening light. Signed at the right, RatpH ALBert BLAKELOCK. Height, 21 inches; length, 39 inches. $040: £6. Bloomingdale sale, AAA, MiKC., Nov, 22, ifa&, t 67; REE pa. 54 42,600 to A. ijcales egeul. A. H. WY ANE Ne 256—LANDSCAPE Ag oe: . Hea Ce oF wi Fi: On the left, rising high against a turbulent s mass of a ledge of rock crowned by a few conifers. A rough path winds through the rich turf at the foot of the cliff and a great clump of trees, mostly in shadow, stands opposite the rocky eminence across the narrow passage of level ground. , is the great Signed at the right, A. H. Wyant. Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches. _ Et ie gant ta eee JULIAN ALDEN WEIR, N.A. 257—A CLOUDY DAY fe: Q o. a atl The rounded contour of a grass- Fe hillside cuts the sky at the left, and on the right meets the dark mass of an irregular growth of trees. The slope is broken here and there by a bit of rock or a bunch of dried grass; and the sky, which occupies nearly two-thirds of the composition, is covered with broad gray clouds in simple masses with a point of light above the trees on the right. Signed at the left, J. AtpEN Wem. Height, 12% inches; length, 16 inches. EMILIO SANCHEZ-PERRIER _ 858—A QUIET POOL 9 Le wad BCE bia / A narrow, placid stream which curves around under a b fringed with densely growing willows broadens out in be ground into a wide pool. A large boat with a single occupant floats on the right near the overhanging foliage of the bank, and on the left glistening sand spits rise a few inches above the surface of the water. A rank of rounded trees shows in the middle distance against a simple sky with mauve-tinted drifting clouds. Signed at the left, E. Sancnez-Perrier. Height, 12 inches; length, 18 inches. JULES DUPRE 259—THE OLD FARM yy (Pp LZ G? fee) me a Seo Bias A rambling farm-house, rudely thatched and with roughly plastered walls, occupies a large part of the composition. ‘There is a patch of strong sunlight on the wall around the door and on the roof and wall of the low gable on the left. The sun- shine also touches the figure of a peasant woman about to enter the house, and the foreground, which is covered with scattered patches of grass. The sky is full of lowering clouds showing one or two strong accents of light and a spot of blue. Signed at the left, Jures Durrt. Height, 15 inches; length, 18 inches. JEAN JACQUES HENNER 260—GIRL IN BLU ‘be son we IEAd A young girl with auburn hair sits facing the spectator, with a blue wrapper thrown about her. Her eyes are slightly turned to the right. The light from above strongly illuminates the head and chest and the figure is cut off just below the level of the shoulders. ‘The background is a warm tone of brown. Signed at the upper left, J. J. HENNER. Freight, 18 inches; width, 13 inches. oe ALEXANDER H. WYANT, N.A. 261 a KAATERSKILL oe 6 Oapmttee A 0 The sky is covered with luminous clouds, and the light is con- centrated near the zenith. ‘The broad flood of light is diffused over the landscape, uniting in a simple mass of color the great area of pasture land which stretches away to the distance where a coppice and a gently sloping hillside form the horizon, broken on the right by a rugged tree, bare of foliage. ‘Two cows are feeding in the pasture, and near the foreground there is a marshy spot with small pools of water reflecting the sky. Signed at the left, A. H. Wyant. Height, 14 inches; length, 19% inches. J. FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. 262—A GRAY DAY eae : ~ Y Wit. ee Li ad Phere: ‘i on koi ae ere is a marshy spot in the broad pasture and near it, in | the foreground on the left, grows a clump of willows and other trees touched with the breath of an early frost. In the middle distance in a broad passage of modified sunlight are a haystack and a farm building near a clump of trees. The lower part of the sky is covered with masses of clouds which are thinner near the zenith, and the blue of the heavens breaks through the veil of vapor. Signed at the right, J. Francis Murpnuy, 1901. Height, 14 inches; length, 19% inches. PAUL JEAN CLAYS 2683—EVENING CALM PY ODD ELDT' oe ee ae 7 ee Grouped around a great bluff-bowed brig which, with slack sails, forms the chief feature of the composition, are various motley craft common to the waters of the north of Europe. A Flemish fishing-boat with lee-boards and tanned sails has drifted against the bow of the brig, and a row-boat with three men floats near by. On the right are two strange-looking sailing-vessels, and beyond in the far distance are the hazy forms of the towers and spires of the city of Antwerp. The blue sky is half veiled by fleecy clouds. 3 Signed at the right, P. J. Crays. Height, 22 inches; width, 16% inches, ROBERT C. MINOR, N.A. 264—NIGHT ON THE SOUND oS OP ( e. Zo. / od ; b IO. The full moon is struggling through a mass of clouds, and its broad light is half veiled by thin masses of vapor which drift across the sky not far above the water, where the moonlight glistens in a broad path of luminous ripples. Lights twinkle in the gloom along the horizon, and a large steamer dimly shows in the distance on the left. In the immediate foreground is a rocky point beyond a bit of sandy beach. Signed at the right, Minor. Height, 16 inches; length, 22 inches, % J. FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. 265—AN AUTUMN EVENING oe F, L. ae ca ary OAL se - A narrow strip of rough pasture land, rich with the warm colors of autumn, is bordered on the right by a wood where the foliage is splashed with red, and on the left by a few slender trees rising out of a mass of undergrowth. Beyond the crest of the gently sloping pasture in the middle distance is seen a distant wooded hillside, and the sky is brilliant with the glow of early sunset. Signed at the left, J. Francis Murpnuy, ’99. Height, 14 inches; length, 19% inches, ALEXANDER H. WYANT, N.A. ie ewe / f 266—A GRAY MORNING wa cots REED ieee — od oe wa 2s A broad muddy road leads directly from the foreground to the middle distance where it turns to the left and disappears around an open clump of trees. On the right is an orchard and in the far distance is a low range of hills. The vaporous clouds which cover the sky are softened by a diffused light, and here and there are spots of blue showing between the clouds. Signed at the right, A. H. Wyant. Height, 16 inches; length, 20 inches. ALEXANDER H. WYANT, N.A. 267—A POOL IN THE MEAD ig Aang PG is ea A 268—A CLOUDY Rae ge) ag fs Pal: le A broad shadow extefds across the horizon and the water in a narrow pool glistens among the grass. Beyond the shadow an isolated tree in full summer foliage stands in a sunlit field where, in the distance, two cows are feeding. ‘The horizon is broken by a row of tall trees and large ledge of rock covered by grass and bushes. A broad mass of lofty clouds fills the lower part of the sky and, above, the blue breaks through and is partly hidden by a mass of light drifting vapor. Signed at the right, A. H. Wyant. Height, 16% inches; length, 22% inches. (See Frontispiece) J. FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. yp 4 RG VEL On the right of the forearinng is a pond on the edge of which at the foot of a gentle slope of pasture is a bunch of dead weeds and shrubs. Beyond an irregular clump of trees partly bare of leaves is a farm-house in a sunlit hollow with trees in autumn foliage above and behind it, and, on the right, in a cloud shadow, is the projecting point of a scattered wood. The light in the sky is concentrated on the cumulus clouds in the middle of the composition. Signed at the left, J. Francis Murpny, 91. Height, 16 inches; length, 22 inches. es = i ee eee Ay. ee ae ee oe, ne 2 ALEXANDER H. WYANT, N.A. 269—AN eee EVENING Ce EM wg oy: sas AT & a2 ihe sun has just gone down behind a range of hills in the horizon, and flashes of warm light accent the cloud-covered sky. The foreground is a rough pasture partly covered with trees sloping toward a small lake in the middle distance, where a glim- mer of light from the sky makes a bright spot in the early twi- . light gloom which settles down over the landscape. Signed at the left, A. H. Wyanv. Height, 16 inches; length, 22 inches. JULES WORMS 270—FINISHING TOUCHES ge oe ~ he ee a the patio of a Spanish house a young gallant stands with a small mirror in his hand putting the last touches to his elab- orate toilette. On a chair near by are his cloak and guitar. A servant girl brushes his embroidered jacket and, lounging on the back of a chair near by, a young woman in blue and black- checquered costume with a brilliant red embroidered shawl over her arm watches the toilette operations with languid interest. Behind her a staircase leads to an upper story, various objects hang on the wall at the back, and there are several pieces of fur- niture standing near a doorway on the left. Signed at the right, J. Worms. Height, 17% inches; length, 21% inches. J. FRANCIS MURPHY, NX 271—_THE APPROACH ae LD~FARM | ee FP 50 ee From the left foreground a well-trodden path leads ia a : grassy field toward a small barn which stands beyond an open row of slender leafless trees in the middle distance. Near the barn are two straw stacks, and behind it are a broad slope and a great wooded hill against the sky beyond. The landscape is flooded by a diffused hight from the sky, which is covered with broad, luminous clouds. Signed at the left, J. Francis Murpny, 1902. Height, 22 inches; width, 16 inches. HENRY W. RANGER, A.N.A. 279-LANDSCAPE Cn tee _ Taney Lele (/ OG ee The sky, which occupies three-quarters of the composition, . is covered by broken cloud forms with here and there a dark mass among the flickering spots of sunset light. A sheet of water full of reflections from sky and land extends across the foreground, and beyond it is a flat meadow with a haystack on the left and on the right a red-roofed cottage half hidden by trees. A flat-bottomed boat with a small sail and with a single occupant lies at the bank near the cottage. Signed at the left, H. W. Ranecer. Height, 17 inches; length, 25 inches. Ce en ee Perec, om rat iat Th Coed aa the Bei Se ey = ALEXANDRE GABRIEL DECAMPS - 273—SELLING THE WHITE SLAVE Pes ay ‘ VA . ; f 0/4 — Supported by a crouching negress, a young girl with bare arms and shoulders reclines on the ground and behind her is the merchant, who has just removed the veil from her face to dis- play her beauty to a possible purchaser, who stands near with a companion. The gold embroidery on the rich Oriental cos- tumes of the two men engaged in the transaction glitters in the sunlight, and the white burnous of the third relieves the heads of all three against its strong light and luminous shadow. In the background against a high wall on the right is seen a veiled female and there are other figures in the background on the left. Signed at the left, Decamps. Height, 23 inches; width, 16 inches. HOMER D. MARTIN, N.A. 274—SAGE’*S RAVINE, CONNECTICUT Q 4 ae ia edd 2 Through a mass of jagged boulders a small stream forces | its way and tumbles down into a basin in the foreground. Scrub trees and rough undergrowth cover the ledges, and in the dis- tance is the dominating mass of a high rocky eminence with lower hills in perspective beyond, relieved against a mass of cumulus clouds which covers the lower part of the sky. Signed at the left, Homer Martin. Height, 24 inches; length, 20 inches. JULES ADOLPHE GRISON REED RY. SHI 0) Beli o Ya em FO The parents of a small boy have brought him to a tailor’s shop to be fitted with a new suit. The scene is laid in the time of the Directory, and the parents, the tailor and his wife and the small boy are dressed in the interesting costumes of the period. The brown and gray garments of the boy are placed on a chair and he stands near, awkwardly conscious, in a short green silk coat, a figured waistcoat and dove-colored breeches. The old tailor is laying down the law about the fit, his wife behind the counter holds the cat and wears a sympathetic smile, and the parents look on with absorbed interest. A bird cage and a brass lamp hang from the ceiling beams and in the background are shelves of goods and many bits of bric-a-brac. Signed at the right, Grison. Height, 18 inches; length, 214% inches. GEORGE INNESS, N.A. om vo gs * RAAgle af o J In the middle of a dense forest where great trees grow out of a carpet of rich moss, woodmen are at work felling super- fluous trees and stacking the branches. A diffused light pene- trates the sombre depth of the wood and all around a dense screen of foliage hides the sky. On the left, among the undergrowth, are seen the roof and smoke of a camp. 276—-WOOD INTERIOR—KEENE Signed at the right, G. INNEss. Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches. ; ee as ee 5 : 3 , on “ of - a »s ‘ ay ve } i m cc 4 y “ a . « =~“ a. » ! . 4 4 ¥ e t i, GEORGE INNESS, N.A. oo? 3 V4 277-LAKE NEMI, ITALY ws, } Li - V eS. 7 CO Lying deep among high enclosing hills is the placid sheet of water reflecting the deep blue of the zenith, and beyond the lake a great plateau, where a small town stands overlooking the water, extends far into the distance where the horizon is lost in the summer haze. In the foreground a steep, rough hillside crowned with the high walls of some old chateau garden and flooded with sunlight contrasts against the distant landscape. In the sky a stratum of cirrus floats high above the earth, in- dicating a balmy air and a season of perfect weather. Signed at the left, G. INNEss. Height, 18 inches; length, 26 inches. HOMER D. MARTIN, N.A. ye ae fi 278—NEAR THE SEA A, ee Yh Oo mer a ue 7-2 TV An immense boulder or ledge of rock fringed with trees and bushes is the chief feature of the composition. It stands beyond a marshy spot where a small pond reflects the trees which grow at its base. On the right is a smaller ledge, and in the distance, across an inlet which gleams in the light, is a line of sand dunes with the sea horizon in the far distance. The sky is covered with vaporous clouds illumined by diffused light from the sun high in the heavens. Signed at the left, H. D. Martin. Height, 15 inches; length, 24 inches. Sak a Ke? 9—A SHEEP PASTU LEON VICTOR DUPRE It is a wide view over a flat grazing country, with scattered trees here and there, and on the left an open clump of sturdy oaks which, lighted by the afternoon sun, throws a long shadow across the plain. + sphiceete ataeee apedot piatepel phe habe geeort >} gatyore gery ’ yepretereirinicey. aE esate Tid + + a —e fait he -_~ ss 4 o2 + —4 Terres <4 v4 323 < ays 7 . H ses res s+ Fotis - re ae e t25. tay 2 7” 3 + 3 os aa% Hi fe net 44 4 sop at eer edetepeeet * SSF SeSt- 7 ay + _ abe TEtSt .eh. ; m4 oe be Sa ae i ~~ : ot if & b= 5-65) ba} ree 4 abeeeat th . 4 at Re pe (Pee jeted joinh® sabe eed t s. ey € Oe tee doe sore ze Tete Sites tesae chiseateyte ts ee ea ee * ea ae res = —s a bags es yaar rr? Petit ayeyet ek e 3 ts ne tow te - “es. pd EiTsiy ES Se ses4 o— Sow wEStesee! bea Lip — . eesti ¢ ras ee3 $33 >> be eel ek ee oy 4 Be ee gm Pe $e Got b> ee ish 3 + ¥ + aeyet + riazt » apg step et Pet 7 ow Ao by Soak: _ yipisestres =3-* se : ey be es i} fe part oF ait od oe ee fae a. ey ate ef atae: 2 : BETESSES =e + SSeS Sisee =F 1 ee; =? ry - hondkacaaete : res + . nie i Hitt fae — vids oni a al He re eee Gre ee * $33 a a ve: >re A pepe i ay + sat> ai $44 fj cagergnd 02% e re 2 eer hs a3 2 “EX iy Sd gre 34 He aie: o ee :- etre ee ee re: es = is +i vt ot ‘ihe, 2 ey! eae * Heer ths bob ¢ anges ’ oe : ceeeeeere ee t 4 pebteche thatthe sone are eee sree ee rey basevaseenee bee raeebe teat pear eeee eer + 6a oF agus ee