it.) MINE s 845 Broadway, aes { Beemer ae sks Nate 2 ae : ee ‘ £ ? ; Kho ®t fea 1D. MENER, - Auctioneer, Late Henry H. Leeds & Miner. Established 1847. mae tTALOGUE OF A VERY FINE AND IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF ORIGINAL Modern Oil Paintings, COMPRISING THE GALLERY OF MR. JAMES T. SANFORD, Together with that of a well-known Art Collector of this City, pe eON EXHIBITION FREE, DAY AND EVENING, At the Art Gallery, No. 845 B’way, Poet SOLD) AT AUCTION, By HENRY D. MINER, Auctioneer, LATE HENRY H. LEEDS & MINER, On Tuesday, February 29th, 1876 Ales 0 GLOCK APs M: TERMS OF SALE—CASH. A deposit required from all purchasers, at the option of the Auctioneer. Purchases to be paid for and removed within 24 hours or deposits forfeited, or said purchases to be resold for account of purchaser, at Auctioneer’s option. ARTISTS REPRESEN TH FOREIGN. Achenbach, A. Hamon, J. L. Rhomberg, > Achenbach, O. Hiddemann, E., Rumpf, P. Akkersdyke. Herzog, H. -. Reinherg, C. Baumgartner, P. Hulk, A. Richet, L. Bertrand, J. Flerring se)... te Rechel, O. Bombled, C. Hunt, W. Stevens, A. Beyschlag, R. Hassell. Saunier, N. Burgers, H. J. Indoni, F. Seignac, P. Boddington, H. J. Kruseman, A. Salentin, H, Caroselli, C. Lambinet, E. ' Serrure, A. Castan, E. Leyendecker, P. Sprinck, J. Cerier, T. Lassalle, Shayer, H. & C. De‘ Heuvel io. La Rochenoire. Troyon, C. Daubigny, K. Langerock. Toeschi, A. De Garay, M. Le Favre. Vernon, P. De Gergerfelt, W. Merle, H. Verboeckhoven, E. De Keyser, N. Maris, W. Van Schendel, 'P: De Loutherbourg, P. J. Metzelaas, C. Van Grootvelt, T. H. Escosura, L. Meyerheim, H. Wappers, Baron G. Epps, R. Pietrasanta, A. Walker, J. A. Frere, E. Pascuti, A. Winterhalter, F. X. - Gerard, T. Preyer, a. Wi Zamacois, E. Gilbert, J. Raupp, C. AMERICAN. Baker, G. W. Doughty, T. Murray, E. Cole hos. Dana; W.. P. W. Oddie, W. M. Casilear, I. W. Mount, W. S. . \ Shattuck Ae De Trumbull, J. Catalogue. eee VR L, Paris. tthe Challenge. Pee PAVE, Paris. 2 The Sentinel Companion. \ / ODDIE (Watter M.), New York. (eceamed | . 3 Landscape Scene on the Connecticut. 2 re) EU Kay A ee Amsterdam. 4 Marine—A Stiff Breeze. e HASSEL, London. serearethe SPRINCK (J.),. | SER Biers aia 6 interior ms an eae s Studio—“""Adnitas tion.” KRUSEMAN {A.), Amsterdam. 7 Winter in Holland. SEIGNAC (P)), Bordeaux. 8 Interior—The Morning Toilet. MEYERHEIM (Hy eae 9g Dock Scene at Antwerp. VANSCHENDET Brussels. (Deceased.) Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, and numerous Medals. 10 Night Market at Amsterdam—Candle Light Effect. SPE BERT (J.), : London. 11 English Landscape and Figures— Evening. Reo lbAR (J. W.), N.A,, NvY. 12 View of Lake George. HERRING (J. F.), Sen’, ee London. (Deceased.) 13 Barnyard—Sow and Pigs. FRERE (Epouarp), Paris. Medals 1851, 52,55. Legion of Honor 1855. 14 A Frosty Morning. BEA UCK (A.D): N.Y. 15 Landscape and Cattle—View in the Connecticut Valley. : Pee epOrRCKHOVEN (E.), Brussels. Medals of 1824, 1841 and 1845. Commander of the Order of Leopold, 1872, and Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. 16 Interior of Stable---Sheep and Chickens. 5 ™ a, = > ‘ ee ae a ewe ty a ee E Pore t . a ths ees -- bal athe, |. ESCOS URAL, ORS ee Pupil of M. Lazerges and Messonter. 17. Interior and Figures—The Toast. (Deceased.) MOUNT (W.S.),N. AL New 18 Interior and Figures—* Dance of the Haymakers.” » Painted for the Art Union of this City ; has been engraved, and is considered one of his best productions. TROYON (Constant), Paris. (Deceased.) Born at Sevres 1810 ; Medals, 1837, 1840, 1846, 1848 and 1855 ; Cross, Legion of Honor, 1849 ; died tn 1865. 19 Landscape and River View, with Cattle, in Holland. Canvas 60 inches wide, 40 inches high. CERT Re (ae Paris. 20 Interior and Figures—* After the Mas- querade.” | HI DDEMANN (ES, Dusseldorf. 21 Exterior—* The Rival Lahalandeame 6 BODDINGTON (H. J.), London. 22 English Landscape—Figures, Sheep, &c. Winks RHOMBERG (H.), ~ Munich. (Deceased.) 23 Interior and Figures—‘ Commencing early.” DE LOUTHERBOURG (P. J.), | fee, Londott, (Deceased.) ~ Born at Strasbourg 1740 ; elected Member French Academy 1767 ; alsv, Member of Academy at Marseilles ; made member of Royal Academy of London 1781 ; died 1812. 24 Welsh Water Mill, with Figures by GEORGE MOorRLAND. j ACHENBACH (Anpreas), Dusseldorf. Medals, 1839, 1845, 1848, 1855 , Cross, Legion of Honor, 1864 ; Medal, 1867 ; Grand Gold Medals, Prussia and Belgium ; Chevalier Legion of Honor andOrder of Leopold ; Member Royal:-Academies Berlin, Am- sterdam and Antwerp. 25 Wreck on the Coast of Sicily—Storm Clearing Off. VAN GROOTVELT (T. H), Brussels. 26 Interior and Figures—‘ The Thunder Storm, BARON WAPPERS (Gustave), Antwerp and Paris. (Deceased.) President Academy of Antwerp. 27) The: Confidant “There’s nothing half so sweet in life as love’s young dream.” —Moore. DB) Keb YS bet Ta Antwerp. President of Academy of Antwerp immediately following Baron G, Wappers. | 28 “The Love Test”—Itahan Gleaners: “ He loves me! He loves me not.” \ DE HEUVEE (LT. Hit iiaieeere 29 Grandma's Birthday. HERRING (J. F.), Sen’, R. A., London. (Deceased.) 30 “ Pharaoh’s Horses.” 8 BAUMGARTNER (Peter), | Munich. 31 Interior of an Artist’s Studio, numerous figures—‘ The Auction Sale.” Bade (Ruporue), Munich, 32 Interior and Figures—‘* Be Quiet, Carl ; Youll Wake the Baby.” TRUMBULL (J.) 33 Miniature of General Washington. ‘Enclosed in gold locket ; formerly in the possession of the late Gov. Barbour, of Virginia. eevee CS’ (E.). Ratic: (Deceased.) Medals 1867, 1868 and 1870. 34 Interior, with 13 Figures—* The Stroll- ing Players.” AKKERSDYKE (J.), Rotterdam. 35 Interior and Figures—The Boon Com- panions, +4 SHAY ER HSdaC'), London 36 The Roadside Inn, S FLA WEARS (CH: SG London. 37. Companion. RATT? Ce Munich. 38 “ Mother’s Joy and Mother's Sorrow.” HAMON (J. L.), Paris. (Deceased.) 39 ©6©Etruscan Vase Merchant. WINTERHALTERA SS Paris: (Deceased.) Grand Officer of the Legion of LHonor. 40° Interior and Figures—RHistorical. COLE (Tuomas), N. A., New York. : (Deceased.) 41 Storm in the Catskills—from Cooper’s “Prairie, IO DOUGHTY (Tuomas), N. A., New York. (Deceased.) 42 Landscape and River Scene—Moon- light foe NT. CW.), London. 43 Fruit—Water Color. MURRAY (Evizapetu), N. A., New York. 44 Meditation—Water Color. DWAUBIGNY (K.), Paris. 45 On the Seine. fees OLR. (.1.), Paris. 46 Atthe Mill. LASSALLE (L.), Paris. 47 The Reprimand. , ROCHENOTRE: Rare 48 Landscape and Sheep—* Return from Pasture.’ MERLE (Hucues), Paris. 49 ‘Spanish Lady. PAS@UW TE TT cAg: Paris. 50 Interior—*‘ The Duet.” RICHET (Leon), Paris. Pupil of N, Diaz. 51 Landscape. STEVENS (ALEeeme Paris. Medals 1853, 1855 , Legion of Honor 1863, ist Class Medal at the Universal Exposition of 1867 ; Officer of the Legion of Flonor 1867. 52.“ The ‘Reverie DE GARAY (M.) Paris. 53°) Lhe Dejennes ed ACHENBACH (Oswatp), ©. Dusseldorf. Medals 1859, 1861, 1865 ; Legion of Honor 1865, 54 Italian Landscape. Pa Oor 1 LI. (C.), Rome. 55 “Caught Napping.” Meee RG A) N.A., New York. coe, oummer. PREYER (J. W.), — Dusseldorf. Gye eer th feetiwe SANTA (A.), Rome. 58 La Marquise. HERZOG (H.), Dusseldorf. 59 Dutch Fishing Boats on the Coast. BERTRAND (Jas.), Panis Medals 1861, 1863 and 1869. fos) phelia” _PY3 LAMBINET (Ents), Paris. Medals 1843, 1853, 1857 , Legion of Honor 1867. 61 Harvest Time. BEYSCHLAG (Rosert), Munich. O22 ihe Surprige. DANA (W. P. W.), New gee \ 63 Fisherman, Coast of Normandy. SALEN TUN Gia: Dusseldorf. 64 lhe Promenade. BURGE RSH i jaa Paris. 65 A Quiet Tete-a-Tete. TORSGH gx ee ~ Rome. 66 The New Bracelet. REINBERG (C)), Munich. 67 Landscape and Sheep—* The Coming Storm.” 14 GERARD (TuEo.), Brussels 68 Rustic Happiness. VERNON (P.), “Paris: Pupil of N. Diaz. 69 Woodlands SAUNIER (Nort), Paris. 70 A Summer Day in the Woods. ‘See POON] (F.), Rome. ime ie. Vicasant Story. LAMBINET (Emu), Paris. Medals of 1843, 1853, 1857 ; Legion of Honor 1867. — 72 On the Seine. RUMPE (P.), Munich. Pupil of Ad. Schreyer. fae ausy and Contented, BLOMBLED (Cus.), Paris. 74 Bedouins on the Desert. Meee EC K PR (Bo), Paris, 70 lhe :D wins; 15 DE GEYERFELT (Wigs 76 Coast of Brittany—* A Cloudy Day.” Rebs Ee (Qe Dusseldorf. a7 «(Grandmothers olane WALKER (4) Paris. oo! The idettes SiR RARE CAS Brussels. 79. 1n the Garden MEQUZE LASS 30s Paris. 80 View in Holland. CAN a ee Paris. Sry Expectauon. MARIS (W.), : Paris 82 Butterflies. LANGEROCK, Paris. 83 , Landscape. HENRY-D. MINER, AucrionErr, Late Stenry H. Leeds & Miner. ESTABLISHED 1847. 16 . vi) . eSuL ge: 1 ae A Sentara va a oe * ta 7 ote y ’ a t ~ : x John Polhemus, — 102 Nassau Street, co 5 & od ‘ % t ey re + am : oe ; i 7 ant * gee : ; pe "s nS | *, - Oe hae Co Nee >