| 4923 | Dec.3 | NeAnP SALE NUMBER 1'7'779 | UBLIC. EXHIBITION FROM TUESDAY, NOVEMBER TWENTY’SEVENTH feien. “PROPERTY OF FRED J. PETERS OF FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND EARLY AMERICAN FURNITURE AND CONTEMPORARY EMBELLISHMENTS EIGHTEENTH & EARLY NINETEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH FURNITURE WITH MANY EXAMPLES OF THE SHERATON PERIOD EARLY AMERICAN, BRISTOL & BOHEMIAN GLASS IN MANY COLORS TAPESTRY PANELS TO BE SOLD BY HIS ORDER AT UNRESERVED PUBLIC SALE MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AFTERNOONS DECEMBER THIRD, FOURTH, FIFTH, SIXTH AT TWO-THIRTY O CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipent ] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1923 SALE NUMBER 1779 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM TUESDAY, NOVEMBER TWENTY-SEVENTH mie ePROPERTY OF FRED J. PETERS OF FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND A 45 | KX EARLY AMERICAN FURNITURE AND CONTEMPORARY EMBELLISHMENTS EIGHTEENTH &? EARLY NINETEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH FURNITURE WITH MANY EXAMPLES OF THE SHERATON PERIOD | EARLY AMERICAN, BRISTOL & BOHEMIAN GLASS IN MANY COLORS TAPESTRY PANELS TO BE SOLD BY HIS ORDER AT UNRESERVED PUBLIC SALE MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AFTERNOONS DECEMBER THIRD, FOURTH, FIFTH, SIXTH AT TWO’THIRTY O'CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipent] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK IQ23 CONDITIONS OF SALE All bids to be PER Lot as numbered in the Catalogue. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. Purchases to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty- four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorpo- rated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authen- ticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, wirHouT RECOURSE. Terms Casu. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain un- cleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as The Anderson Galleries, Incor- porated, shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. ‘This condition shall be without prej- udice to the right of The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, to enforce the contract with the buyer, without such resale. Bips. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be respon- sible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET NEW YORK TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. F. A. CHAPMAN AND MR. A. N. BADE ORDER OF SALE MONDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER THIRD A COLLECTION OF SANDWICH GLASS CUP PLATES, EARLY AMERICAN GLASS PAPER WEIGHTS, AND SOME UNUSUAL SPECIMENS OF EARLY AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND BOHE- MIAN GLASS IN COLORS l-— 62 EARLY EXAMPLES OF PEWTER WARE 63— 79 CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH FURNITURE OF THE SHERATON PERIOD 80-139 18TH CENTURY MAHOGANY AND WALNUT FURNITURE, IN- CLUDING RARE SPECIMENS OF THE QUEEN ANNE AND CHIPPENDALE PERIODS 140-158 ENGLISH 17TH AND 18TH CENTURY OAK FURNITURE 159-171 TUESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER FOURTH MANY FINE EXAMPLES OF EARLY GLASS IN COLORS, INCLUD- ING 18TH AND 19TH CENTURY SPECIMENS OF STIEGEL, WISTARBURG, SOUTH JERSEY, BRISTOL, BOHEMIAN AND WATERFORD 172-229 18TH CENTURY PORCELAIN AND POTTERY: LOWESTOFT, WEDGWOOD AND STAFFORDSHIRE 230-254 ENGLISH 17TH AND 18TH CENTURY OAK FURNITURE 255-270 EARLY AMERICAN NEEDLEWORK 271-280 18TH CENTURY CHIPPENDALE FURNITURE AND EMBELLISH- MENTS 281-291 FINE EXAMPLES OF MAHOGANY FURNITURE OF THE 18TH CENTURY SHERATON PERIOD 292-342 WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER FIFTH AMERICANA: NEEDLEWORK—METAI—CHINA 343-394 EARLY AMERICAN FURNITURE OF THE 17TH, 18TH AND 19TH CENTURIES 395-489 THURSDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER SIXTH EARLY AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND BOHEMIAN GLASS 490516 EARLY AMERICAN FURNITURE 517-568 ENGLISH FURNITURE OF THE 18TH CENTURY 569-628 TAPESTRY PANELS 629-636 INTRODUCTION WO years ago I opened my shop in Flushing, Long Island. I have been asked innumerable times why I located in Flushing instead of Manhattan. Apparently the fact had not been taken into considera- tion that Flushing is in as close proximity to Forty-Second Street as are the much more expensive mid-uptown sections. In locating in Flushing the sole purpose I had in mind was to sell a high grade of material without the added high overhead. I have always considered the item of overhead as vital to the antique business as it is to any mercantile enterprise. It is enough to say that many of my patrons have “found” me, and as the word goes round I am sure more will stop in for a pleasant half hour. Because of my inability to resist purchasing beautiful and unusual things, my stock has grown until it is elbowing out at all sides of my two old buildings, which, while they give a charming setting to the antique, have too many halls and stairways to be practical. I have decided that during the Winter months this condition must be rectified by certain alterations and additions, giving me an oppor- tunity in the Spring to “carry on” in a more harmonious manner. I have always carried a large and varied stock, and in order to make the necessary alterations properly, have considered it advisable to sell by Auction, my larger pieces, together with a large assortment of fine old glass for which I am known. Such a sale, being a representative assemblage from my stock, will serve as an advertising medium, placing directly before the buying public the ideals and ideas which I have fostered, and displaying my ’ taste to the Collectors. Frep J. PETERS SALE MONDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER THIRD, FIRST SESSION NUMBERS 1-171 AT 2:30 A COLLECTION OF SANDWICH GLASS CUP PLATES, EARLY AMERICAN GLASS PAPER WEIGHTS, AND SOME UNUSUAL SPECIMENS OF EARLY AMERICAN ENGLISH AND BOHEMIAN GLASS IN COLORS NUMBERS 1-62 1 SANDWICH GLASS CUP PLATE EARLY Kagle—Fort Pitt. Williams, No. 1. 2 SANDWICH GLASS CUP PLATE EARLY Rayed Eagle. (Rim chip) Williams, No. 2. 38 SANDWICH GLASS CUP PLATE ane Scroll bordered Eagle. Williams, No. 4. 4 SANDWICH GLASS CUP PLATE EARLY 1831 Eagle. Williams, No. 6. 5 SANDWICH GLASS CUP PLATE EARLY Bunker Hill. Williams, No. 14. 6 SANDWICH GLASS CUP PLATE EARLY Cadmus. (Rim chips) Williams, No. 16. 7 SANDWICH GLASS CUP PLATE EARLY Cadmus, in blue glass. Willams, No. 16. 8 SANDWICH GLASS CUP PLATE EARLY Cadmus, im light green glass. Williams, No. 16. 9 SANDWICH GLASS CUP PLATE EARLY AMERICAN AMERICAN AMERICAN AMERICAN AMERICAN AMERICAN AMERICAN AMERICAN AMERICAN Pennsylvania Steamboat—Octagonal. Williams, No. 18. Very rare. Companion to Constitution Cup Plate. 1 10 iM 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ig 21 22 SANDWICH GLASS CUP PLATE Benjamin Franklin. Williams, No. 22. SANDWICH GLASS CUP PLATE Benjamin Franklin. Williams, No. 22. SANDWICH GLASS CUP PLATE Henry Clay. Williams, No. 24. SANDWICH GLASS CUP PLATE Henry Clay, in blue glass. Williams, No. 24. SANDWICH GLASS CUP PLATE Henry Clay. Willams, No. 26. SANDWICH GLASS CUP PLATE Fort Meigs. Williams, No. 382. SANDWICH GLASS CUP PLATE Fort Meigs. (Rim chip) Williams, No. 32. SANDWICH GLASS CUP PLATE Log Cabin with Flag. Williams, No. 33. SANDWICH GLASS CUP PLATE Log Cabin with Flag. Williams, No. 38. SANDWICH GLASS CUP PLATE The Lyre. (Chipped) Williams, No. 40. SANDWICH GLASS CUP PLATE Beehive. Williams, No. 38. SANDWICH GLASS CUP PLATE The Unhappy Marriage. Williams, No. 45. SANDWICH GLASS CUP PLATE Four interlaced hearts. Williams, H 3. 2 EARLY EARLY EARLY EARLY EARLY EARLY EARLY EARLY EARLY EARLY EARLY EARLY EARLY AMERICAN AMERICAN AMERICAN AMERICAN AMERICAN AMERICAN AMERICAN AMERICAN AMERICAN AMERICAN AMERICAN AMERICAN AMERICAN 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 THREE SANDWICH GLASS CUP PLATES EARLY AMERICAN Conventional design; two of clear glass and one of opal glass. (3) SIX SANDWICH GLASS CUP PLATES Earty American Design in centre of four oak leaves, and with pearl and scroll border. (6) THREE COLORED SANDWICH GLASS CUP PLATES EARLY AMERICAN Conventional stellated and rayed designs in amber, lavender and rose-colored glass. (8) TWO BLUE STAFFORDSHIRE CUP PLATES The Woodlands near Philadelphia, by Stubbs, Halsey, No. 183; and Quadrupeds. (2) FIVE BLUE STAFFORDSHIRE CUP PLATES Various Views by Enoch Wood and Adams. (5) TWO DECORATED STAFFORDSHIRE CUP PLATES One with blue centre print and bordered with pink lustre; the other octagonal with centre anchor medallion in pink lustre surrounded by raised flower motif. Both rare. (2) LARGE MILLEFIORI GLASS PAPER WEIGHT NEW JERSEY, circa 18385 Ball shape, with flattened base, enclosing group of five blossoms centered with large tear drops. Rare additional “Sprig of Flowers” moulded at top. LARGE MILLEFIORI GLASS PAPER WEIGHT NEW JERSEY, circa 1835 Ball shape, with flattened base, enclosing bouquet of blossoms, centered with large tear drops, on green moss base. LARGE MILLEFIORI GLASS PAPER WEIGHT NEW JERSEY, circa 1835 Ball shape, with flattened base, enclosing bouquet of blossoms centered with large tear drops on green moss base. 3 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 LARGE MILLEFIORI GLASS PAPER WEIGHT NEW JERSEY, circa 1835 Ball shape, with flattened base, enclosing group of five blossoms centered with large tear drops. Rare additional “Sprig of Flowers” in light blue, moulded in at top. LARGE MILLEFIORI GLASS PAPER WEIGHT NEW JERSEY, circa 1835 Tall oval, with flattened base, enclosing four morning glories, centered on large silvered tear drop. Multicolored ground. EXTRA LARGE MILLEFIORI GLASS PAPER WEIGHT NEW JERSEY, circa 1835 Flattened ball shape, with base. Inset of five morning glories in pastel shades. LARGE MILLEFIORI GLASS PAPER WEIGHT NEW JERSEY, circa 1835 Ball shape, with flattened base, enclosing group of five blossoms centered with large tear drops. Rare additional “Sprig of Flowers” in crimson, moulded in at top. LARGE MILLEFIORI GLASS PAPER WEIGHT NEW JERSEY, circa 1835 Ball shape, with flattened base. Bouquet of five blossoms cen- tered with silvered tear drops. ‘Topped with additional clover motif. LARGE MILLEFIORI GLASS PAPER WEIGHT NEW JERSEY, circa 1835 Ball shape, with flattened base, showing part of pontil mark; enclosing five deep blue morning glories in multicolored base. LARGE MILLEFIORI GLASS PAPER WEIGHT NEW JERSEY, circa 1835 Ball shape, with flattened base, enclosing large spiralled blossom in mottled colors on white ground. Large silvered tear drop centre. 39 40 41 43 44, 45 LARGE MILLEFIORI GLASS PAPER WEIGHT NEW JERSEY, circa 1835 Ball shape, with flattened base, enclosing group of five blossoms centered with large tear drops. Rare additional “Sprig of Flowers” in orange, moulded in at top. LARGE MILLEFIORI GLASS PAPER WEIGHT NEW JERSEY, CIRCA 1835 Ball shape, with flattened base, enclosing mosaic pattern ground, enriched with five large silvered tear drops. Pontil mark at base. CANARY-COLORED GLASS BOWL EARLY AMERICAN Deep bowl with facetted panel sides and diamond base. In fine clear green amber colored glass. Diameter, 81/4, inches PAIR OF CANARY-COLORED GLASS COMPOTES EARLY AMERICAN Deep bowl dish with facetted panel sides, and domed standard base. (2) Height, 614 inches TWO PRESSED GLASS LAMPS EARLY SANDWICH The base of pressed glass in octagonal stepped motifs. The top of blown glass in balustered and bulbous shape. Fitted with double whale-oil burners. (2) Height, 9 inches AMETHYST GLASS JEWEL BOX SOUTH JERSEY, EARLY AMERICAN Oblong box with canted corners. Fitted with heavy glass cover of the same contour; in deep amethyst coloring. : Length, 6 inches FOUR LAPIS BLUE GLASS CANDLESTICKS EARLY AMERICAN Dome hexagonal base, with balustered shaft, terminating in facetted hexagonal cusped bobeéche. (4) Height, 914 inches Very rare set, in beautiful condition. [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 6| 5 [ 45 | [ 46 | [ 48 | | 46 | [ 45 | 46 47 48 49 TWO ORCHID-COLORED MANTEL URNS ENGLISH, MID-19TH CENTURY Classic vase shaped; the base with facetted cut to the clear glass ; above, oval medallion of mounted horsemen; the shoulder draped with festooned flower motifs. Domed cover terminating in acorn finial. (2) Height, 12% wches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ABOVE | TWO CUT BRISTOL GLASS DECANTERS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Bulbous body with diamond ringed and draped motifs; fitted with fine cut stellated mushroom stopper. (2) Height, 10 inches TWO DEEP AMBER GLASS MANTEL VASES ENGLISH, MID-19TH CENTURY Thistle-shaped body with cross-quilted cutting; on circular stand- ard base. (2) Height, 814 wches | SEE ILLUSTRATION ABOVE | TWO TALL AMBER AND CRYSTAL DECANTERS BOHEMIAN, MID-19TH CENTURY Straight-sided body, with alternating panels of amber and clear glass, decorated in grape and vine cutting. Elongated ringed neck, fitted with fine large mushroom stopper. (2) Height, 12 mches 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 ELEVEN BRISTOL GLASS BARREL TUMBLERS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Body with facetted base and encircled with plain and fine diamond cut panels. (11) Height, 31% inches TWELVE AMBER RUMMERS BOHEMIAN, MID-I9TH CENTURY Bulbous tulip shape with centre slab facets. Cut to the clear in stag and deer and forest motif. Set on circular heavy base. (12) Height, 6 inches TWO BRISTOL RUBY GLASS COVERED COMPOTES MID-19TH CENTURY (2) Height, 16 inches TWO BRISTOL RUBY GLASS VASES MID-1OTH CENTURY (2) Height, 11 inches TWO WATERFORD CUT GLASS LUSTRES 187TH century Circular bases holding column above which are candleholders, from which drop long blue pendants. (2) Height, 8 inches TWO GLASS PERFUME BOTTLES purcu, 18TH cENTURY Square bottle, terminating in small neck with knob stopper. The front decorated with enamelled portrait in color, and large flower and leaf motif. (2) Height, 814 inches TWO CLARET-COLORED GLASS DECANTERS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Elongated pear shape, fitted with facetted stoppers. Body cut with long facets at shoulder and base. (2) Height, 1314 wches TWO RUBY GLASS DECANTERS Bulbous body. Elongated neck, fitted with tall stopper. Body facetted at base and shoulder to the clear, and encircled with grape and vine motifs. (2) Height, 1114 inches TWO CRYSTAL SALTS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Bonnet-shaped container, with deep ringed design and scalloped rim. Set on diamond-shaped pedestal. (2) Height, 344 inches 59 60 61 63 64 65 FOUR AMBER GLASS FINGER-BOWLS AND TRAYS BOHEMIAN, MID-19TH CENTURY Inverted dome shaped cup, set on deep saucer tray. Both enriched with cutting in grape and vine motif. (4) TWO EMERALD-GREEN GLASS COVERED URNS BOHEMIAN, MID-19TH CENTURY Cup-shaped body with balustered and circular standard base; fitted with domed cover terminating in facetted knobbed handle. Body cut to the clear with stag and deer cutting. (2) Height, 1014 inches TWO PURPLE AND SILHOUETTE GILT MANTEL URNS | 7 EARLY AMERICAN Body cut with long slab panels, and circular standard and facetted base. Dome cover with knob handle. to match. Finely designed in gilt with silhouette pastoral scenes. (2) Height, 914 wmches ROSE GLASS LAMP EARLY AMERICAN Pear-shaped font in fine rose-colored glass, cut to the clear with facets in grape and vine motifs; on turned standard and square base of opaque milk-white glass. Height, 10 inches EARLY EXAMPLES OF PEWTER WARE NUMBERS 63-79 PAIR OF MINIATURE PEWTER FLAGONS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Urn-shaped body and dome base. Fitted with strap handle and hinged cover, with thumb-piece. (2) Height, 5 inches TWO PEWTER LAMPS EARLY AMERICAN Bulbous fonts on circular standard and inverted domed base. One fitted with double camphine burner; the other with double whale-oil burner. (2) Height, 7 inches; and 8 inches MINIATURE PEWTER COVERED TANKARD AND MEASURE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Both fitted with strap handle, and one with cover with thumb- piece. (2) Height, 414 mches; and 234 inches 8 66 67 68 69 70 rat 72 73 COVERED PEWTER TANKARD ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Circular tapering body and strap handle, fitted with hinged shaped cover. Height, 6 inches EARLY AMERICAN PEWTER BETTY LAMP 18TH CENTURY Round centre shaft supporting cup oil font, and below drip pans joined by strap handle, with knob finial. On circular base. Height, 814 inches EARLY PEWTER DEEP PLATE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Deep centre with flare lip. Under body with three London touch marks. Diameter, 124% inches TWO EARLY PEWTER PLATES ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Circular plate with rim. Under body with touch mark of maker. (2) Diameter, 14 inches LARGE ENGLISH PEWTER TRENCHER ENGLISH, 17TH CENTURY Circular with broad flat rim and shallow basin. ‘Touch marks, on under side, of Walter Ricroft, date 1622. Diameter, 2014, inches Rare. EARLY PEWTER URN FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Pear-shaped body, fitted with loop handle and brass spigot. Set on three cabriole legs, terminating in wooden ball feet. Domed cover with knob handle. Height, 14144 mches EARLY PEWTER LAMP AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Tall centre shaft, attached to which is oil font, and terminating in pear-shaped glass oil reservoir. Set on saucer base. Height, 15 inches EARLY PEWTER LAMP AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Tall centre shaft, attached to which is oil font, and terminating in pear-shaped glass oil reservoir. Set on saucer base. Height, 1414 mches 74 79 76 77 718 io 80 81 MINIATURE PEWTER URN FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Pear-shaped body, fitted with loop handle and brass spigot. Set on three cabriole legs, terminating in wooden ball feet. Domed cover with knob handle. Height, 9 inches PEWTER COFFEE POT FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Urn-shaped, with scalloped body, spout, handle and side hinged cover. Fitted with old pearwood loop handle. Height, 10 inches PEWTER COFFEE POT FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Urn-shaped, with scalloped body, spout, handle and side hinged cover. Fitted with pewter loop handle. Height, 9 inches TWO PEWTER PLATES DUTCH, 18TH CENTURY Deep centre with flaring lip. (2) Diameter, 91% imches TWO PEWTER PLATES ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Deep centres with flaring lip. (2) Diameter, 9 inches; and 10 inches EARLY PEWTER INKWELL ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Circular well with four penholds. Base with two English touch marks: Height, 214 iches CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH FURNITURE OF THE SHERATON PERIOD NUMBERS 80-139 SILKWORK PICTURE ENGLAND, circa 1800 Oblong picture representing a shepherd scene. In mahogany frame. Height, 26 inches; width, 35 inches TWO PAINTED TOLE BRACKETS Decorated with a design of Oriental subjects on.a gold ground. (2) 10 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 TWO SHEFFIELD PLATE AND GLASS DECANTERS .,; AND STANDS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Circular stands engraved in a floral design holding old blue Bristol glass decanters fitted with silver mounted corks and silver collars. Height, 15 inches IVORY MODEL OF TURRETED HOUSE ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Height, 13 inches; length, 8 inches TWO FRENCH COLORED PRINTS 18TH CENTURY View of Calais and Fountainebleau. In fine distemper coloring. Framed. (2) | Height, 12 inches; width, 18 inches INLAID MAHOGANY WORK BOX ON STAND ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Evens shape; lift-up top enclosing the box, which is fitted with small compartments; on four tapering, fluted legs connected by cross-stretcher. Height, 29 inches TWO SILKWORK PICTURES, FRAMED ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Depicting the departure from home of 'Tippoo Sahib’s two sons, who were delivered as hostages to Lord Cornwallis during the Mysore War of 1792. (2) Height, 18 inches; length, 16 inches INLAID MAHOGANY THREE-TIER WHATNOT ENGLISH, SHERATON PERIOD On turned legs, column sides supporting three shelves. Height, 38 inches; length, 221% inches TWO OLD ENGLISH COLORED HORSE PRINTS “Horse Dealing,’ Nos. 1 and 2. Aquatints in color; drawings by R. Scanlan, engraved by J. Harris, and published by R. Ackermann, London, 1841. Folios, framed. Fine pair, and excellent impressions. TAPESTRY MUSIC STOOL The seat is upholstered and covered in tapestry worked in a floral design. Height, 18 inches 11 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 INLAID MAHOGANY SEMICIRCULAR CARD TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Semicircular lift up top inlaid with bands of satinwood and nautilus shell; on four square tapered legs. Height, 30 inches; diameter, 36 inches MAHOGANY SHAVING MIRROR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong mirror plate surrounded by a moulded frame and sup- ported by two uprights resting on a base fitted with three drawers. DECORATIVE PANEL OVERMANTEL MIRROR ENGLISH, 1789 Oblong mirror plate surmounted by oil painting of Ships at Sea by Captain Robert Elliott, exhibitor at the Royal Academy, 1784-1789. Height, 45 inches; length, 44 inches LARGE CARVED MAHOGANY STOOL ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY The top, upholstered and covered with verdure tapestry in a leaf design, supported by four cabriole legs very finely carved, with mask heads at the knees, and terminating in ball and claw feet. . Height, 20 inches; length, 41 inches MAHOGANY CORNER WASHSTAND ENGLISH, ABOUT 1800 Triangular shape, with three shelves, the centre fitted with one long drawer. Height, 42 inches MAHOGANY SHAVING MIRROR ENGLISH, SHERATON PERIOD Oblong base, fitted with three drawers, with columns at each end holding mirror. Height, 24 inches INLAID MAHOGANY STANDING BOOK SHELF ENGLISH, ABouT 1800 Shaped sides, holding four graduated shelves and supported by turned tapering legs. Height, 48 inches; length, 28 inches 12 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 PANEL OF NEEDLEWORK IN MAPLEWOOD FRAME ENGLISH, ABouT 1800 Worked in a floral design and surrounded by a moulded maple frame. Height, 29 inches; length, 26 inches CARVED WALNUT TUB CHAIR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY On cabriole legs carved at the knees and terminating in ball and claw feet. The seat, back and arms are upholstered and covered in flowered silk. MAHOGANY HAT STAND ENGLISH, ABouT 1800 Tripod base holding turned column fitted with twelve brass hangers. Height, 67 inches MAHOGANY ARMCHAIR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Rounded back with arched mounting; shaped arms on arm sup- ports ; square legs. Seat upholstered and covered in floral needle- work. MAHOGANY TWO-TIER DUMB WAITER ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Tripod stand supporting turned column on which rests circular top; above is a smaller circular top supported by three turned columns. Height, 37 imches SIX PAINTED SIDE CHAIRS ENGLISH, 19TH CENTURY Shaped backs painted with flowers. Seats in cane. (6) PAINTED MIRROR IN GILT FRAME ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY The mirror plate, surmounted by painting on canvas representing a harbor scene in Brittany, is surrounded by a carved and gilt wood frame. Height, 43 inches; width, 23 inches TWO WATERFORD CUT GLASS CANDLESTICKS 18TH CENTURY Square base with circular column supporting bobéche and candle- holder. (2) Height, 9 inches 13 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 MAHOGANY WORK BOX ON STAND . AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Upper part composed of a box fitted with one large and two small drawers; on stand supported by shaped legs. WALNUT OCCASIONAL TABLE ENGLISH, ABOUT 1810 Circular top, with scalloped edge, on spirally twisted column, supported by three cabriole legs. Height, 28 inches; diameter, 19 inches MAHOGANY OVER-STUFFED WINDOW SEAT ENGLISH, ABOUT 1790 The scroll ends and seat are upholstered and covered in red damask; on four square tapering legs. Height, 18 inches; length, 42 inches CARVED MAHOGANY TILTING TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Circular top with rim carved in acanthus leaf motif. Set on spiral carved centre pedestal, with tripod base of scrolled legs, terminating in pad feet. Height, 29 inches; diameter, 28 inches INLAID MAHOGANY CHEST OF DRAWERS ENGLISH, ABouT 1780 The oblong top is inlaid with narrow bands of satinwood and below are two small and three long drawers, each fitted with the original drop handles. Height, 38 inches; length, 47 inches INLAID MAHOGANY SECRETAIRE BOOKCASE ENGLISH, ABOUT 1790 The upper part is formed as a cabinet enclosed by two glass doors; the lower portion is fitted with pull-out secretaire con- taining small drawers and compartments, below which are three full-length drawers. Original old gilt metal drop handles. Height, 91 inches; length, 37 inches LARGE MAHOGANY TAMBOUR-TOP DESK ENGLISH, ABOUT 1790 The top part is fitted with small drawers and compartments, below which are two large drawers; supported by four square tapering legs. Height, 41 inches; length, 44 inches 14 112 113 114 115 116 pee 118 CARVED MAHOGANY AND NEEDLEWORK ARMCHAIR ENGLISH, ABOUT 1790 The carved back is supported by an interlaced centre splat; scroll shaped arms, on similarly shaped supports; slip seat upholstered and covered in floral needlework; on four square legs. TWO INLAID MAHOGANY KNIFE BOXES ENGLISH, SHERATON PERIOD Slant tops inlaid with bands of light wood. (2) Height, 14 inches; length, 9 inches YEW TREE ARMCHAIR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Tub-shaped back supported by delicately turned spindles; slip seat upholstered and covered in striped material; on fluted taper- ing legs. MAHOGANY WORK TABLE ENGLISH, ABOUT 1810 Lift-up top enclosmg work box; on lyre-shaped supports con- nected by stretcher. Height, 34 inches; length, 19 inches CARVED MAHOGANY DINING TABLE ENGLISH, CHIPPENDALE PERIOD In three sections; semicircular ends, the centre with two drop leaves. Leaf-carved border; on square carved tapering legs. Length, extended, 10 feet; width, 4 feet SIX CARVED SHERATON DINING CHAIRS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Broad top rail with canted corners, with centre carved lattice splat. Broad seat covered in original green horsehair cloth. On turned balustered tapering legs. (6) TWO WORLD GLOBES ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Decorated celestial and terrestrial globe fitted in ormolu adjust- ing mounting, which is set on carved mahogany pedestal and tripod scrolled legs terminating in snake feet. (2) Height, 24 inches 15 119 120 121 122 CARVED INLAID MAHOGANY BOOKCASE DESK SHERATON, ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Domed moulded top with centre section protruding, consisting of two glazed doors in diamond and lozenge shape, enclosing shelved interior. ‘Two side panels of one glazed door each, en- closing shelved interior; the base consisting of deep writing drawer and four long drawers beneath. The ends enclosed by long panelled doors. Fitted with original brass ring handles. Height, 92 inches; width, 53 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | INLAID MAHOGANY CELLARET SHERATON, 18TH CENTURY Moulded inlaid top with circular fan motif. Front shaped door enclosing cabinet interior. Set on straight tapering legs with straight feet. The whole finely inlaid with bandings of satinwood and enriched with brass bail handles. Height, 32 inches; width, 20 inches CARVED MAHOGANY TILTING TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Circular top with rim enriched with carved blossom and leat motif. Set on vase-shaped centre pedestal and tripod scrolled legs, with acanthus leaf carving and claw feet. Height, 27 inches; diameter, 2714 wmches INLAID MAHOGANY CARD TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong folding top with round corners, deep valance, on square tapering legs. Back legs gated. Top with broad banding of crotched mahogany, inlaid with banding of satinwood. Height, 29 inches; width, 36 inches 16 CARVED INLAID MAHOGANY SHERATON BOOKCASE DESK ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY [119] 123 124] [123] 125] CARVED MAHOGANY BAROMETERS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY CARVED MAHOGANY BAROMETER ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Banjo shape, with pediment of swan-neck design and centre urn motif. Fitted with large centre decorated silvered dial, bull’s-eye mirror panel, thermometer and level dial inscribed **Warranted Correct.” Height, 43 imches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 18 124 125 126 127 128 CARVED MAHOGANY BAROMETER ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Banjo shape, with pediment of swan-neck design and centre urn motif. Fitted with large centre decorated silvered dial, bull’s-eye mirror panel, thermometer and level dial inscribed with maker’s name, “John Mave, 1 Beauchamps, Leather Lane, Holborn.” Height, 3814 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 18] CARVED MAHOGANY BAROMETER ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Banjo shape, with pediment of swan neck design, and centre urn motif. Fitted with large centre decorated silvered dial, bull’s-eye mirror panel, thermometer and level dial inscribed with maker’s name, “*A. Benzoni, Brighton. Warranted.” Height, 3814 mches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 18] LADY’S MAHOGANY AND SATINWOOD INLAID WRITING TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong top inlaid with satinwood and kingwood bandings; back has sliding adjustable fireside screen covered in old silk. Frieze with drawer fitted with writing and reading slide, and trimmed with original brass knob handles. On straight tapering legs banded in satinwood inlay. Height, 28 inches; width, 22 inches CARVED MAHOGANY WORK TABLE SHERATON, 18TH CENTURY Oblong top, front containing two drawers, enriched with original glass knob handles. Finely leaf-carved legs joined by undershelf stretcher on brass castored feet. Height, 30 inches; width, 2114 inches CARVED AND GILT WOOD AND PAINTED MIRROR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY The mirror plate is surrounded by gilt frame above which is an eglosimé painting on glass. Height, 42 inches; width, 24 inches iv 129 130 131 133 134 135 IMPORTANT MAHOGANY INLAID CORNER BUFFET ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Triangular moulded top with canted corners, deep frieze con- taining centre drawer, and flanked on one side by two drawers, and on the other by enclosed cabinet. Set on straight tapering legs; finely banded in satinwood, and enriched with ring drop handles. Height, 37 inches; width, 58 inches CARVED MAHOGANY WING ARMCHAIR ENGLISH, circA 1790 On square legs carved in a Gothic manner; the seat, back arms and wings are upholstered and covered in flowered green silk. INLAID MAHOGANY CORNER WASHSTAND ENGLISH, SHERATON PERIOD Triangular top inlaid with satinwood, undershelf fitted with one drawer and two dummy drawers. Height, 42 inches OLD SILK BELL PULL ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Black ground woven in old gold scroll, enriched with blossom motifs in color. Fitted with brass ring handle. MAHOGANY BOOKCASE ENGLISH, CHIPPENDALE PERIOD The upper part, enclosed by two glass doors in the Gothic arch design and headed by a fluted cornice, forms the cabinet, below which is another cupboard containing one long drawer, which has small compartments, and two shelves, and is enclosed by two oval panelled doors. Ai. eight, 90 inches; length, 42 inches TWO CARVED MAHOGANY ARMCHAIRS SHERATON, 18TH CENTURY Oblong reeded back rail with four spindle splats, enriched with disk floral central motifs, and curving arms terminating in disk hands and reeded frontal rails. Deep shaped seat covered with black haircloth. Square tapering reeded legs on spade feet. (2) MAHOGANY FOUR-TIER WHAT-NOT ENGLISH, ABOUT 1790 Four shelves, each supported by turned columns, the lowest shelf fitted with one drawer. Height, 61 inches; length, 17 inches 20 136 137 138 139 DECORATIVE PANEL CARVED GILT OVERMANTEL MIRROR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY The lower part is in the form of three mirror plates and is headed by a painting representing Oriental figures. Height, 56 inches; length, 63 inches CARVED FRETWORK MAHOGANY HANGING BOOKSHELF ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Composed of three graduated shelves supported by fretwork sides. Height, 31 inches; length, 25 inches SATINWOOD MIRROR-BACK STANDING BOOKSHELF ENGLISH, SHERATON PERIOD The lower part is composed of a cupboard enclosed by two panelled doors inlaid with a design of a bowknot; above are three graduated shelves, each with mirror back. Height, 52 inches; length, 27 wches TWO WATERFORD GLASS TWO-LIGHT LUSTRES 18TH CENTURY Circular base holding column which supports two gilt metal branches holding cut glass bobéches and candleholders, from which hang long pink pendants. (2) Height, 1014 inches 18TH CENTURY MAHOGANY AND WALNUT FURNITURE INCLUDING RARE SPECIMENS OF THE QUEEN ANNE 140 141 AND CHIPPENDALE PERIODS NUMBERS 140-158 CARVED MAHOGANY AND NEEDLEWORK SIDE CHAIR ENGLISH, CHIPPENDALE PERIOD Overstuffed seat and back, upholstered and covered in floral needlework. On square legs carved in Gothic designs. TWO CARVED MAHOGANY WALL BRACKETS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Shaped tops; on carved supports. (2) Height, 16 inches 21 143 144 145 TWO CARVED, GILT WOOD AND MAHOGANY BENCHES Crossed legs each headed by carved and gilded mask heads. The seats are upholstered and covered in green striped material. (2) Height, 19 inches; length, 21 inches CARVED MAHOGANY CORNER CHAIR ENGLISH, CHIPPENDALE PERIOD Semicircular back with fretwork splats, on square legs. Slip seat, upholstered and covered in leather. EBONY SILVER-MOUNTED CASKET ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY Lift-up top, the interior of which holds, in the centre, a small mirror plate flanked by oblong silver panels engraved with biblical subjects. Drop front enclosing one large and four small drawers, all mounted with engraved silver plaques. Height, 12 inches; length, 14 inches CARVED WALNUT AND NEEDLEWORK STOOL ENGLISH, QUEEN ANNE PERIOD [146] — 146 TWO IMPORTANT CARVED WALNUT ARMCHAIRS ENGLISH, QUEEN ANNE PERIOD Shaped back with lyre-shaped centre splat beautifully carved with designs of shells and of floral motifs ; scroll shaped arms each terminating in a finely carved eagle head; the aprons are also carved with two eagle heads; supported by cabriole legs carved at the knees and terminating in ball and claw feet; with spandrels carved to simulate eagle heads. Slip seats upholstered and covered in floral leather. (2) [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 22 | 147 [147] IMPORTANT CARVED WALNUT TWO-BACK SETTEE ENGLISH, QUEEN ANNE PERIOD The back is divided into two sections, each with a lyre-shaped centre splat, beautifully carved with designs of shells and floral motifs; scroll shaped arms, each terminating in a finely carved eagle head. Supported by cabriole legs with spandrels carved to simulate eagle heads. Slip seat, upholstered and covered in floral decorated leather. Length, 64 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 23° 148 149 150 151 1538 154 MAHOGANY FRETWORK OCCASIONAL TABLE ENGLISH, CHIPPENDALE PERIOD The square top is surrounded by a fretwork gallery, while the sides are carved and the plain square legs are connected by fretwork stretchers. Height, 24 inches; top, 11 inches square TWO PAINTED WOOD MIRROR-BACK WALL LIGHTS ENGLISH, ADAM PERIOD Oval mirror plates, surrounded by heavily carved frames and holding two branches fitted with glass bobéches and candleholders. (2) CARVED MAHOGANY LANDLORD’S TABLE ENGLISH, CHIPPENDALE PERIOD Circular top, with carved edge, fitted with nine drawers and rest- ing on an octagonal pedestal formed as a cupboard and enclosed by a panelled door. Height, 32 inches; diameter, 41 inches CARVED WALNUT AND NEEDLEWORK STOOL ENGLISH, QUEEN ANNE PERIOD Cabriole legs carved at the knees in a shell design and connected by turned understretchers. Slip seat upholstered and covered in floral gros point. PAINTED THREE-BACK SETTEE ENGLIsH, aDAM PERIOD The back is divided into three sections, each supported by turned , and painted spindles, shaped arms on turned supports; standing on turned tapering legs. Loose cushion seat covered in floral - material. Length, 53 inches WALNUT AND MARQUETERIE CANDLESTAND ENGLISH, QUEEN ANNE PERIOD Circular base supporting carved and turned column which holds circular tray, above which is the candleholder. Height, 44 inches CARVED MAHOGANY CENTRE TABLE ENGLISH, CHIPPENDALE PERIOD Oblong top with carved edge; on cabriole legs carved at the knees ; claw feet. Height, 28 inches; length, 45 inches 24 155 156 157 158 CARVED MAHOGANY POLE SCREEN ENGLISH, CHIPPENDALE PERIOD Carved stand on cabriole legs, holding needlework panel which represents a regal scene. SET OF FOUR CARVED MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIRS ENGLISH, ADAM PERIOD Square backs, the centres of which are trellised and carved with fluted columns at each side; on turned, fluted, tapering legs. The seats are upholstered and covered in floral silk material. INLAID SATINWOOD CABINET ENGLISH, ADAM PERIOD The lower part is formed as a cupboard enclosed by two glass doors with fluted columns at each side; above is a shelf with mirror back and gilt metal rail, supported by fluted columns. Height, 57 inches; length, 32 inches CARVED AND GILT WOOD MIRROR | ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong mirror plate surrounded by gilt frame and surmounted by gilt panel with figures carved in relief. Height, 42 mches; width, 28 inches ENGLISH 17TH AND 18TH CENTURY OAK FURNITURE 159 160 NUMBERS 159-171 OAK GATE-LEG TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oval top, with two leaves; valanced frieze, fitted with one end drawer. On beautifully turned balustered legs, with finely moulded box stretcher near base. Two gated legs, with similarly fine balusters. Height, 29 inches; length, 45 inches SET OF SIX HICKORY WHEEL-BACK WINDSOR CHAIRS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Consisting of five sides and one arm. Looped back with six turned spindles and centre broad splat, carved in wheel motif. Fitted with two back braces. Broad shaped saddle seats; on ‘balustered turned legs with H stretcher. (6) 25 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 SET OF SIX HICKORY WHEEL-BACK WINDSOR CHAIRS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Matching the preceding lot. CHILD’S WHEEL-BACK WINDSOR HIGH CHAIR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Loop back with four turned spindles and centre wheel splat. Fitted with straight turned arms, small saddle seat, balustered turned legs and H stretcher. OAK WELSH DRESSER 17TH CENTURY Shallow back, fitted with moulded cornice and three shelves having original forged iron cup hooks; at foot finely bracketed to top. Front fitted with three moulded drawers in frieze trimmed with original brass bail handles. On bracketed square legs, with original shelf stretcher. Height, 73 inches; width, 56 inches OAK SIDE TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong moulded top with frieze containing long drawer, set on turned legs with box stretcher. Height, 27 inches; width, 3314 inches OAK REFECTORY TABLE ENGLISH, 17TH CENTURY Oblong top set on square and bulbous legs with heavy rail stretcher. Frieze with corner brackets. Height, 31 inches; length, 76 inches CARVED OAK FIRESIDE BENCH — eEncuisu, 18TH cenTURY Oblong moulded top with carved frieze; on balustered turned legs and rail stretcher. Height, 18 inches; length, 351% inches CARVED OAK ARMCHAIR ENGLISH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Oblong panelled back with deeply carved arched panel in ar- chitectural motif, and central blossoming growing plant. Scrolled arms terminating in circular hands. Straight carved legs with deep frieze and stretcher. OAK GATE-LEG TABLE ENGLISH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Oval top with two drop leaves. Supported on spirally twisted end legs having broad stretchered and bracketed cross feet. Wave-motif framed gates for leaves. : Height, 30 inches; width, 34 inches 26 169 170 it SIX HICKORY LADDER-BACK CHAIRS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Open railed back with three horizontal waved lattice splats. Shaped rush seat with balustered legs, terminating in hoof feet. (6) CARVED OAK JARDINIERE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong moulded top with lead inset container. Deep frieze, on turned balustered legs and rail stretcher. Height, 20 inches; length, 18 inches OAK BIBLE BOX ENGLISH, 17TH CENTURY Oblong box; carved front and sides; on turned legs connected by stretchers. Height, 32 inches; length, 31 inches 27 Saun TUESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER FOURTH, AT 2:30 SECOND SESSION NUMBERS 172-342 MANY FINE EXAMPLES OF EARLY GLASS IN COLORS 172 173 174 175 176 INCLUDING 18TH AND 19TH CENTURY SPECIMENS OF STIEGEL, WISTARBURG, SOUTH JERSEY, BRISTOL, BOHEMIAN AND WATERFORD NUMBERS 172-229 LARGE MILLEFIORI GLASS PAPER WEIGHT NEW JERSEY, circa 1835 Ball shape, with flattened base, enclosing large centre flower in bouquet. LARGE MILLEFIORI GLASS PAPER WEIGHT NEW JERSEY, circa 1835 Ball shape, with flattened base, enclosing large centre blossom attached to many colored base by elongated tear drops. LARGE MILLEFIORI GLASS PAPER WEIGHT NEW JERSEY, circa 1835 Ball shape, with flattened base, enclosing large centre blossom set in granulated crystal ground. LARGE MILLEFIORI GLASS PAPER WEIGHT NEW JERSEY, circa 18385 Ball shape, with flattened base, enclosing large centre blossom attached to many colored base by elongated tear drops, with crystal flaked ground. LARGE MILLEFIORI GLASS PAPER WEIGHT NEW JERSEY, circA 1835 Ball shape, with flattened base, enclosing large centre blossom set in many colored base. 29 177 180 181 182 188 184 LARGE MILLEFIORI GLASS PAPER WEIGHT NEW JERSEY, circA 1835 Ball shape, with flattened base, enclosing fountain in snow-flaked modelling, punctuated with large mirrored tear drops. LARGE MILLEFIORI GLASS PAPER WEIGHT NEW JERSEY, circa 1835 Ball shape, with flattened base, enclosing fountain in snow-flaked modelling, punctuated with large mirrored tear drops. LARGE MILLEFIORI GLASS PAPER WEIGHT NEW JERSEY, circA 1835 Ball shape, with flattened base, enclosing a field of crimson mottled blossoms in flossy ground. Under body with cross in colors. LARGE MILLEFIORI GLASS PAPER WEIGHT NEW JERSEY, circa 1835 Ball shape, with flattened base, enclosing a group of milk-white blossoms, with centre mirrored stems and tear drop terminal. LARGE MILLEFIORI GLASS PAPER WEIGHT NEW JERSEY, circa 1835 Ball shape, with flattened base, enclosing a group of many colored blossoms with mirrored tear drop centres. LARGE MILLEFIORI GLASS PAPER WEIGHT NEW JERSEY, circa 1835 Ball shape, with flattened base, enclosing a group of five morning’ glories with mirrored tear drop centres. Above an additional three petalled sprig in colors. LARGE MILLEFIORI GLASS PAPER WEIGHT NEW JERSEY, circa 1835 Dome shape, with flattened base, enclosing a bouquet of flowers, punctuated with large mirrored tear drop centres. Pontil mark at base. MILLEFIORI GLASS PAPER WEIGHT NEW JERSEY, circa 1835 Ball shape, with flattened base, enclosing multicolored ground from which is growing a ribboned blossom. 30 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 RARE GLASS AND METAL PAPER WEIGHT EARLY AMERICAN Representing facetted glass tumbler of water with removable metal spray of flowers. LARGE MILLEFIORI GLASS PAPER WEIGHT NEW JERSEY, circa 18385 Ball shape, with flattened base, enclosing group of five blossoms centered with large tear drops. Rare additional “Sprig of Flowers” in blue, moulded in at top. CURIOUS GLASS PAPER WEIGHT BRISTOL, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Facetted domed top, enclosing a cut paper and colored scene of land fortification and a view looking out to the sea. On opaque glass base. TWO MILLEFIORI GLASS PAPER WEIGHTS NEW JERSEY, circa 1835 Bun shape, enclosing candy swirls and basketted motif. (2) TWO MILLEFIORI GLASS PAPER WEIGHTS NEW JERSEY, circa 1835 Small bun shape, with stellated motifs on basketted ground. (2) MILLEFIORI GLASS PAPER WEIGHT NEW JERSEY, circa 1835 Facetted body, enclosing three dainty blue flowers on mossy ground. MILLEFIORI GLASS PAPER WEIGHT NEW JERSEY, circa 1835 Oval-shaped body, with flattened base, enclosing motif of coral in many colors, on deep sea green ground. MILLEFIORI GLASS PAPER WEIGHT NEW JERSEY, circa 1835 Flat bun shape, enclosing large single cerise flower on multicolored pebbled ground. 31 193 194 195 196 lew 198 £92 RARE GLASS PAPER WEIGHT ENGLIsH, mip-19TH CENTURY Glass ball set on marble base, enclosing Arab and two soldiers in an encounter on rocky cave and beach. The ball is filled with liquid. FOUR MILK-WHITE GLASS CANDLESTICKS SANDWICH, EARLY AMERICAN Fine cream, milk-white opaque glass. Indented columnar shafts with petalled candle sockets. On stepped square base. (4) Height, 9 inches GLASS LUSTRED MANTEL VASE BOHEMIAN, MID-19TH CENTURY Mushroom-shaped bowl with circular standard and base in fine pink opaque glass. Hung with long cut spearpoint crystals. Height, 10 inches RUBY GLASS LUSTRED VASE BOHEMIAN, MID-19TH CENTURY Flaring cup with pointed scalloped rim, on balustered shaft and circular base. Hung with oblong cut crystals. Height, 1014 inches LARGE AMBER GREEN WISTARBURG GLASS CUP AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Circular straight-sided deep cup, with exceptionally large domed pontil base. Fine resonant glass. Height, 9 inches TWELVE AMBER AND CRYSTAL GLASS TUMBLERS BOHEMIAN, MID-19TH CENTURY Straight-sided, cut with alternating panels of amber with grape and vine cutting, and clear glass. (12) Height, 414 inches TWO AMBER GLASS BISCUIT BOXES ENGLISH, MID-19TH CENTURY Barrel-shaped body, facetted and cut to clear glass in looped panel design. Fitted with domed cover, terminating in knob handle. (2) Height, 7 inches 32 200 201 i) S bo 205 FOUR CANARY-COLORED GLASS CANDLESTICKS EARLY AMERICAN Dome-shaped base, with fluted and diamond facetted shaft, ter- minating in cusped bobéche. (4) Height, 814, inches TWO SAPPHIRE-BLUE GLASS MANTEL URNS BOHEMIAN, MID-19TH CENTURY Cup-shaped body, with stag and deer and forest scene encircling same, cut to the clear, on scrolled balustered circular stand of clear glass. Domed facetted top with spike finial. Height, 14 inches TWELVE EMERALD-GREEN TUMBLERS ENGLISH, MID-1OTH CENTURY Barrel-shaped, cut to the clear with palm leaf design. Base cut with facets to the clear. (12) Height, 344 imches EMERALD-GREEN GLASS LUSTRED MANTEL URN BOHEMIAN, MID-19TH CENTURY Deep bowl with scalloped rim, on baluster shaft and dome base. Hung with emerald-green spearpoint pendants. Height, 914 inches TWO WATERFORD CUT GLASS LUSTRES 18TH CENTURY Circular bases holding column above which are candleholders, from which drop long amber pendants. (2) Height, 9 inches SET OF FOUR DEEP AMBER GLASS SALTS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Bonnet cup finely cut in cross diamond graduated motif and scalloped rim. Set on diamond-shaped foot. (4) Height, 314 inches OPAQUE MILK-WHITE GLASS LUSTRE : BOHEMIAN, MID-19TH CENTURY Flaring trumpet-shaped vase with scrolled rim on turned balus- tered base, heightened with gilt. Hung with spearpoimt drop crystals in aquamarine. Height, 10 inches 33 207 RUBY GLASS PUNCH SET 18TH CENTURY 208 209 210 In ruby cut to the clear, consisting of bowl, cover and stand. Height, 14 inches [208] TWO IMPORTANT STIEGEL GLASS VASES AMERICAN, circa 1770 Extraordinarily tall flip glass form, cut with jardiniére and flower motif as a frontal panel. Base with heavy pontil mark. (2) Height, 12 inches Very Rare. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | TWO CRYSTAL GLASS COVERED COMPOTES BRISTOL, 18TH CENTURY Goblet-shaped body, finely cut in cross diamond pattern, facetted standard and square base. ‘Tall dome cover to match, terminating in acorn finial. (2) Height, 121% imches FIVE STIEGEL GLASS TUMBLERS american, circa 1760 Straight-sided cup with flaring lip; base with unusual scalloped design. Cut with basket of flowers on front. Under base with deep pontil mark. (5) Height, 414 inches 34 211 EARLY WISTARBURG GLASS BOWL AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Flaring circular body with deep applied lip. Fine light bluish- green color. The base with a fine large pontil mark. Diameter, 10 inches Very Rare. 211A RARE AMETHYST GLASS BOTTLE STIEGEL, 1763 212 213 214 215 216 Tall tapering body banded with flare at lip. Very fine color. Height, 12 inches AMETHYST GLASS LUSTRED VASE EARLY AMERICAN Goblet bowl with scrolled rim and circular balustered standard and base; heightened with gilding. Hung with spearpoint cut crystals. Height, 914 inches TWO JADE-GREEN GLASS MANTEL URNS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Circular body with triple ringed standard and circular base. Body cut with medallions of huntsmen, deer, and edifice; sur- rounded by leaf and panel motifs. Fitted with domed cover with knob handle to match. (2) Height, 1214 inches ELEVEN ROSE GLASS FINGER-BOWLS EARLY AMERICAN Circular bowl, enriched with grape and vine cutting. (11) TWELVE GREEN AND CRYSTAL GLASS TUMBLERS ENGLISH, MID-1OTH CENTURY Straight-sided, cut with facetted panel base. The body encircled with alternating panels of green and crystal. (12) Height, 4 inches BLUE GLASS LUSTRED VASE EARLY AMERICAN In light opaque blue, decorated with enamelled applied floral and gold design. Deep cup with scalloped rim and balustered shaft, and circular base. Hung with oblong cut pendants and drops. Height, 12% inches 35 217 218 219 bo bo bo iw) bo use ROSE GLASS BOWL AND TRAY BRISTOL, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Flaring circular bowl with deep scrolled lip, cut with ring draped and cross diamond design. Circular scalloped tray to match. Diameter, 9 inches TWELVE DEEP BLUE GLASS TUMBLERS EARLY AMERICAN Straight-sided cup cut with wild rose and leaf motif. (12) Height, 314 inches TWELVE ENGLISH SAPPHIRE-BLUE GOBLETS BRISTOL, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Pear-shaped cup, cut with lily of the valley design. On facetted clear base with octagonal standard. (12) Height, 614 inches BLUE GLASS LUSTRED VASE EARLY AMERICAN Trumpet-shaped bowl with bulbous circular base. Hung with ornamental blue drop crystals. Height, 10 inches PAIR OF AMBER GLASS CREAMERS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Vase shape with broad spout and loop handle, cut with diamond facetted and ring and drape motif. (2) Height, 5 inches GLASS LUSTRE VASE EARLY AMERICAN Opaque glass in coffee color. Deep circular bowl with pointed scalloped rim, circular standard and base. Hung with clear spearpoint crystals. Height, 10 inches PAIR OF AMBER GLASS PERFUME BOTTLES EARLY AMERICAN Tapering bottle with ring neck and acorn stopper. Pressed in all-over square slab design. (2) Height, 614 inches TWO AMBER GLASS VASES EARLY AMERICAN Goblet shape, set on square base, in all-over square disk design. Height, 714 inches 36 225 226 b b No) 231 AMBER GLASS FLOWER BOWL EARLY AMERICAN Deep circular bowl with scrolled rim, set on scrolled domed base. In all-over square disk pattern. Height, 914 inches CRYSTAL LUSTRE VASE BOHEMIAN, MID-19TH CENTURY Opaque apple-green goblet-shaped vase cup with scrolled edge. Circular standard and dome base. Hung with spear crystals and drops. Height, 74% inches OPAQUE MILK-WHITE GLASS VASE BOHEMIAN, MID-19TH CENTURY Flaring cup with scrolled rim and circular balustered shaft and base; heightened with pink and gilt decoration. Hung with facetted drop crystals. Height, 10 inches LIGHT BLUE GLASS LUSTRE VASE EARLY AMERICAN Tulip-shaped bowl with scalloped rim, set on straight circular standard and base. Hung with aquamarine-blue cut crystals. Height, 10 inches TWO RUBY AND AMBER COMPOTES ENGLISH, MID-1OTH CENTURY Straight-sided pinched cup, decorated with bandings of ruby, and with ruby and amber medallions. On facetted standard and cir- cular base. (2) Height, 71% inches 18TH CENTURY PORCELAIN AND POTTERY LOWESTOFT, WEDGWOOD AND STAFFORDSHIRE NUMBERS 230-254 SALT GLAZE TEAPOT ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY The teapot is made in the form of a house, while the spout resem- bles a grotesque sea animal. Height, 6 inches; length, 4 inches SALT GLAZE TEAPOT ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY The teapot is made in the form of a house, while the handle and spout resemble grotesque sea animals. (Cover damaged) Height, 5 inches; length, 314 inches 37 233 234 235 236 237 (238 239 240 LOWESTOFT CROCUS POT CHINESE, 18TH CENTURY Made in the form of a French bureau, decorated with panels of views and raised gilt scrolls. Height, 5 inches; length, 8 inches WEDGWOOD MONUMENT IN MINIATURE ENGLISH, 1STH CENTURY Representing a granite block on a square Wedgwood base. Height, 14 inches SILVER RESIST LUSTRE MUG ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Decorated in a transfer design of flowers. Height, 5 inches; diameter, 5 inches ORIENTAL LOWESTOFT BOWL CHINESE, circa 1790 Decorated with a design of festoons and floral sprays in sepia. Diameter, 10 inches SMALL ORIENTAL LOWESTOFT BOWL CHINESE, circa 1790 Blue border with gilt star decoration, below which are crests and sprays of flowers. Diameter, 9 inches VERY INTERESTING LOWESTOFT PLATE CHINESE, circa 1790 Decorated in the centre with reversible portrait, ‘‘Miss” and “Grandmamma.” Diameter, 914 inches s VERY INTERESTING LOWESTOFT PLATE CHINESE, circa 1790 Decorated in the centre with reversible portrait, “The Rich Widow” and “The Fortune Hunter.” Diameter, 91% inches VERY INTERESTING LOWESTOFT PLATE CHINESE, circA 1790 Decorated in the centre with reversible portrait, “Courtship” and “Matrimony.” Diameter, 91% inches VERY INTERESTING LOWESTOFT PLATE CHINESE, circa 1790 Decorated in the centre with reversible portrait, “Courtship” and “Matrimony.” Diameter, 914 inches 38 24] 242 243 24:4 245 246 24:7 248 VERY INTERESTING LOWESTOFT PLATE CHINESE, cIrcA 1790 Decorated in the centre with reversible portrait, ‘The Fortune Hunter” and “The Rich Widow.” Diameter, 914 inches VERY INTERESTING LOWESTOFT PLATE CHINESE, circa 1790 Decorated in the centre with reversible portrait in sepia. Diameter, 914 inches TWO WEDGWOOD POTPOURRI JARS AND COVERS ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY The jars decorated in designs of flowers; gilt handles; pierced covers. (2) Height, 12 inches SIX PINK LUSTRE CUPS AND SAUCERS STAFFORDSHIRE, 18TH CENTURY Cream ground with dainty garden scenes. Banded and splashed with pink lustre. (6) Very Rare SET. LARGE ORIENTAL LOWESTOFT BOWL CHINESE, circA 1790 Gilt border, below which are crests and floral sprays. Diameter, 14 inches TWO CHINESE LOWESTOFT VASES circa 1790 Decorated with baskets of flowers surrounded by blue borders. (One repaired) (2) Height, 91, inches WHIELDON POTTERY JUG Decorated with a Hunting Scene in white relief on a brown ground. Height, 7 inches TWO LOWESTOFT VASES AND COVERS CHINA, ABOUT 1790 Urn-shaped, decorated with floral sprays in bright colors. Covers decorated in a similar manner, with gilt finials. (2) 39 249 UNUSUAL POTTERY TEA CADDY eEneuisH, 18TH CENTURY In two sections, each decorated with classical figures in blue and white relief on a white ground. Height, 6 inches TWO PORCELAIN CROCUS POTS EneuisH, 18TH CENTURY Decorated with one oblong and two oval panels of flowers. (2) Height, 6 inches; length, 81 inches TWO COPPER LUSTRE PITCHERS = Earty srarrorDsHIRE Fine lustre ground; one decorated in blue leaf and white flower motif; the other enriched with fine flower and leaf design in color. (2) Height, 8 inches; and 7 inches DAVENPORT 'TARPON SET ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Consisting of six flat plates, six deep plates, and one covered serving dish. Scalloped border, with double green line. Stamped under glaze Davenport and anchor. (13) SILVER RESIST LUSTRE TEA SET eEarty sTarrorDsHIRE Consisting of teapot, sucrier, and creamer. Oviform body with spout and strap handle; teapot and sucrier fitted with covers. (3) SIX PINK LUSTRE CUPS AND SAUCERS EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE Conical cup and deep saucer. Banded with broad silver lustre panel, enriched with fruit and leaf motif in color. (6) ENGLISH 17TH AND 18TH CENTURY OAK FURNITURE 255 NUMBERS 255-270 SMALL OAK OCCASIONAL TABLE ENGLISH, LATE 17TH CENTURY Oblong top, below which is one full-length drawer; on turned legs connected by understretchers. Height, 28 inches; length, 26 inches OAK GATE-LEG TABLE ENGLISH, LATE 17TH CENTURY When open, an oval top; on turned legs connected by similar stretchers. Height, 29 inches; length, 46 inches 40 257 258 259 260 261 262 | 263 SMALL OAK BIBLE BOX ENGLISH, 17TH CENTURY Oblong box; carved front and sides; on turned legs connected by stretchers. Height, 29 inches; length, 20 imches TWO CARVED OAK HALL CHAIRS EncuisH, 18TH CENTURY Oval panel back, carved in lozenge motifs, with scroll sides form- ing arm, and arched legs. Deep square seat. (2) OAK CENTRE TABLE ENGLISH, LATE 17TH CENTURY Moulded oblong top; frieze fitted with drawer having original brass drop handles. Supported on finely balustered legs, with box stretcher. Height, 28 inches; length, 32 inches LARGE DOUBLE-GATED OAK TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Moulded oval top with two leaves; fitted with two valanced end drawers. On box-stretchered balustered legs, having two framed gates at each side for leaves. Height, 30 inches; length, 61 inches SIX HICKORY LADDER-BACK CHAIRS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Open back with expanding round supports, incurved top rail and three finely serpentined ladders; rush seat. Supported on well turned legs, having pad and ball toes, turned frontal and spin- dled side and back stretchers. (6) FINELY CARVED BEECHWOOD ARMCHAIR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Carved arched top rail with center medallion enclosing ship in full sail and flanked by scroll surmounted by bowknotted motif. Open back with spool turned spindles and outcurving arms in similar design. ‘Turned baluster legs joined with stretcher. With old needlework squab cushion. FINELY CARVED BEECHWOOD ARMCHAIR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Carved arched top rail with centre medallion enclosing windmill, and flanked by scroll surmounted by bowknotted motif. Open back with spool turned spindles and outcurving arms in similar design. ‘Turned baluster legs joined with stretcher. With old needlework squab cushion. 41 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 CARVED OAK FIRESIDE BENCH eEneuisn, 18TH CENTURY Oblong moulded top with carved frieze; on balustered turned legs and rail stretchers. Height, 18 inches; length, 3514 inches OAK BIBLE BOX ENGLISH, 17TH CENTURY Oblong box; carved front and sides; on turned legs connected by stretchers. Height, 31 inches; length, 26 inches OAK GATE-LEG TABLE ENGLISH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Oval top when extended; on turned legs connected by stretchers. Height, 27 inches; length, 40 inches NINE HICKORY LADDER-BACK CHAIRS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Consisting of one armchair and eight side chairs. Back of arm- chair with six-ribboned lattice; sides with five. Broad shaped rush seats. ‘Turned shaped legs, terminating in hoof feet. Bulb- ous turned frontal stretcher. (9) OAK DRESSER ENGLISH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Upper part composed of three shelves with original iron hooks; the lower part fitted with three drawers; supported by square legs holding lower shelf. Height, 72 inches; length, 55 inches’ CARVED OAK BIBLE BOX ON STAND ENGLISH, 17TH CENTURY Oblong box; lift-up top; carved in the front, supported by turned stand connected by stretchers. Height, 29 inches; length, 28 inches OAK BULBOUS GATE-LEG TABLE ENGLISH, LATE 17TH CENTURY Turned legs connected by stretchers. Height, 27 inches; diameter, 39 inches 42 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 EARLY AMERICAN NEEDLEWORK NUMBERS 271-280 TWO SILK NEEDLEWORK BAGS EARLY AMERICAN One in light watered silk with insets of petit point in color. The other in green silk with embroidered flower and leaf medallion. (2) TWO SILK NEEDLEWORK AND BEADWORK BAGS EARLY AMERICAN One in lavender silk with lower panel worked in colored flower motif in beads. The other on cream ground with fine leaf and grapes in colored beads. (2) NEEDLEWORK AND BEAD SOFA CUSHION EARLY AMERICAN Large blossom motif worked in glass beads, with a background of large foliage worked on cross-stitched black ground. NEEDLEWORK MAT EARLY AMERICAN Centre medallion of humming bird and morning glory, with centre cartouche and border to match. Worked on tan silk ground. Size, 15 inches square NEEDLEWORK CUSHION TOP EARLY AMERICAN Large rose and leaf centre motif, worked on square ground of cream and crimson. Size, 16 inches x 15 inches NEEDLEWORK CUSHION TOP EARLY AMERICAN Circular squab cushion top with classical border, centre medallion and flower motif, worked in browns and tans. Diameter, 1814 inches NEEDLEWORK PANEL EARLY AMERICAN Crimson ground with large centre bouquet of flowers, worked in color. Size, 20 x 21 inches NEEDLEWORK PANEL EARLY AMERICAN Finely worked cross-stitch panel of large flowers and leaves on blue ground, with crimson border. Size, 1514 inches square 43 279 280 281 bo CO i) 283 284 NEEDLEWORK PANEL EARLY AMERICAN Black ground on which are worked various designs in crimson, blue and gold, in geometric motifs. Size, 14 x 15 inches NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER EARLY AMERICAN Cream ground worked in many colored silks. With centre panel of alphabet, verse beneath, and signed. Border in flower and vine design. Height, 16 inches; width, 11 wmches 18TH CENTURY CHIPPENDALE FURNITURE AND EMBELLISHMENTS NUMBERS 281-291 MAHOGANY AND NEEDLEWORK ARMCHAIR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY High back with broad shaped wings. Set on square carved taper- ing legs with fretted corners. Covered in flowered gros point needlework. MAHOGANY AND WALNUT INLAID SLANT-FRONT WRITING DESK ON STAND ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Moulded slant writing-fall, disclosing finely fitted interior, hav- ing many small drawers and valanced compartments. Front fitted with two drawers having original brass bail handles. Moulded stand with triangular legs and open scrolled brackets. Height, 41 inches; width, 3314 inches CARVED MAHOGANY CHIPPENDALE SETTEE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Open carved two-chair back with double arched crown and centre vase and ribboned splat. Scrolled open arms. Cabriole legs with knees enriched with scroll and leaf carving. Seat covered in old silk. Length, 421 inches CARVED MAHOGANY CHIPPENDALE LIBRARY SIDE TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong top with leaf-carved border. Deep valance fitted with two drawers, trimmed with original brass handles. Cabriole legs with carved knee. Height, 29 inches; length, 42 inches 44: 285 286 288 289 290 CARVED MAHOGANY CHIPPENDALE CONSOLE TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong moulded top with rim carved with acanthus leaf and bud motifs. Deep frieze and graceful cabriole legs with carved acan- thus leaf extending from knee. Pad feet enriched with shell design. Height, 32 inches; width, 47 inches LARGE CHINESE PAINTING ON GLASS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Upright rectangular portrait of Chinese Princess, with manu- script in her right hand. Framed. Height, 26 inches; width, 18 inches CHILD’S CARVED MAHOGANY AND NEEDLEWORK CHAIR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Arched open back with turned spindles and curved side arms. Seat covered with needlework. On straight legs with H stretcher. Set on raised mahogany stand. CARVED MAHOGANY CHEST OF DRAWERS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Carved oblong top with rim in acanthus-leaf design. Front fitted with four drawers, enriched with original brass bail handles. Set on shaped bracketed base. Height, 32 inches; width, 32 inches TWO CARVED MAHOGANY CONSOLE TABLES CHIPPENDALE, ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong moulded top with frontal rounded corners. The rim carved with acanthus-leaf pattern. Deep frieze with central classical urn motif and ribbon festoon design over balance of frieze. Set on square tapering legs with bulbous carved feet. (2) Height, 30 inches; width, 46 inches TWO WATERFORD CRYSTAL GLASS APPLIQUES 18TH CENTURY Centre oval cut wall medallion holding centre spearpoint crystal and cup, containing scroll arms which terminate in cusped bo- beche. Top trimmed with acorn finial and domed stellated plate. The base with diamond cut urn-shaped finial. The whole trimmed with crystal lustres and sapphire-blue chain drops. (2) Height, 26 inches 45 291 292 293 294 295 296 TWO WATERFORD CRYSTAL GLASS APPLIQUES 18TH CENTURY Centre oval cut wall medallion holding centre spearpoint crystal and cup, containing scroll arms which terminate in cusped bo- béeche. Top trimmed with acorn finial and domed stellated plate. The base with diamond cut urn-shaped finial. The whole trimmed with crystal lustres and sapphire-blue chain drops. (2) Height, 26 inches Matching the preceding. FINE EXAMPLES OF MAHOGANY FURNITURE OF THE 18TH CENTURY SHERATON PERIOD NUMBERS 292-342 SET OF FOUR FRAMED ENGLISH FISHING PRINTS Titles :—“Digging For Bait,” “Patience in a Punt,” “A Sharp Bite,” “Taking a Fly.” Charming prints in colors. Framed. (4) Height, 12 inches; width, 14 inches TWO PAINTED TOLE BRACKETS Decorated with a design of Oriental subjects on a terra cotta ground. (2) , IVORY AND YELLOW BROCADE COVER LOUIS XIII PERIOD Woven with lacy ivory plaquettes, supporting scrolled bouquets of flowers and pomegranate devices; on rich yellow ground. Trimmed with gold galloon. Size, 71 x 50 inches IVORY MODEL OF A HOUSE ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Height, 7 inches; length, 5 inches TWO 18TH CENTURY COLORED PRINTS View of Amsterdam and Rotterdam. In fine distemper coloring. Framed. (2) Height, 12 inches; width, 18 inches 46 300 301 302 304 TWO ENGLISH COLORED PRINTS 18TH CENTURY View of Constantinople, and view of the Masquerade in Ranelagh Garden. In fine distemper coloring. Framed. (2) Height, 12 inches; width, 17 inches MAHOGANY THREE-TIER DUMBWAITER ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Tripod stand supporting column which holds three graduated circular shelves, two of which drop on each side. Height, 52 inches CARVED GILT WOOD MIRROR ENGLISH, ADAM PERIOD Oblong mirror plate surrounded by gilt frame and surmounted by oval glass panel painted with flowers and encircled by leaf carving. Height, 46 inches; length, 19 inches CARVED MAHOGANY TRAY-TOP TILT TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Circular top with deep scrolled carved rim. Set on fluted and spiral vase pedestal and tripod scrolled legs. Enriched with carving of acanthus-leaf motif, terminating in pad feet with re- verse acanthus-leaf carving. Height, 28 inches; diameter, 33 inches INLAID MAHOGANY MUSIC STOOL Oval top on four shaped legs connected by stretchers. Height, 20 inches MAHOGANY CORNER WASHSTAND ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Composed of three shelves with centre fitted with one drawer. Height, 39 inches MAHOGANY ROLL-TOP DESK ENGLISH, circa 1790 The interior is fitted with small drawers and compartments and is headed by two bookshelves while below are two long drawers; on square legs. Height, 59 inches; length, 39 inches 47 [305] 3805 INLAID MAHOGANY SOFA TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Inlaid oblong top with end drop leaves. Deep frieze with centre drawer, enriched with rosetted knob handle. Gracefully carved end pedestals of turned and fluted urn motif and scrolled legs terminating in brass claw castored feet. Joined by delicately turned rail stretcher. Height, 28 inches; width, open, 69 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 48 306 308 309 310 311 INLAID MAHOGANY SHAVING MIRROR ENGLISH, SHERATON PERIOD Oblong stand fitted with three drawers on which rest two turned columns holding the mirror. Height, 311% inches LADY’S INLAID SATINWOOD WRITING DESK ENGLISH, SHERATON PERIOD In the form of a screen; drop front enclosing leather writing pad and small compartments; on shaped legs. Height, 47 inches; length, 21 inches THREE UNUSUAL METAL AND SILKWORK PICTURES Representing well-known actors in the most famous character of their repertoire. Framed. (3) INLAID MAHOGANY CARD TABLE ENGLISH, 1STH CENTURY Semicircular folding top with frieze of the same contour. On square tapering legs terminating in brass castored feet. Interior covered in green baize. The whole finely inlaid with bandings of satinwood. Height, 30 inches; width, 36 inches CARVED WALNUT WING CHAIR ENGLISH, circa 1790 On cabriole legs carved at the knees and terminating in ball and claw feet. ‘The back, seat, wings and arms are upholstered and covered in flowered silk. INLAID MAHOGANY SHAVING MIRROR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong base fitted with three drawers and holding two uprights which support shield-shaped mirror. Height, 25 inches 49 — Ses ——- a a 812 INLAID SATINWOOD GAME TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong top with rounded corners; centre sliding panel inlaid with kingwood in chessboard and bordered with banding with floral inset corners. Frieze fitted with two drawers, enriched with teak knob handles. Set on vase-shaped end pedestals terminating in double scrolled and square brass castored feet. Height, 29 inches; width, 3314 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 50 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 PAINTED, CARVED AND GILT WOOD MIRROR ENGLISH, ADAM PERIOD Oblong mirror plate surmounted by glass panel painted with classical figures. Height, 57 inches; length, 18 inches MAHOGANY TRIPOD TABLE ENGLISH, circa 1790 Tripod stand supporting square column on which rests the oval silkwork top, worked in a design of butterflies and flowers on a cream-colored ground. Height, 31 inches PAINTED AND CANED LIBRARY STEPS ENGLISH, circa 1790 Composed of two steps on turned legs which are connected by stretchers. An unusual set. TERRESTRIAL AND CELESTIAL GLOBES SHERATON, ENGLISH, 1818 Large decorated swivel globes, with inscribed metal rims, sup- ported on carved and inlaid mahogany stands of three reeded tapering legs, and castored feet. Tripod stretcher and compass centre. (2) Height, 44 inches Peecripel *Carys'. . : Globe . . . exhibiting the tracks . made by Captain Cook in the Northwest Coast of America.” Dated 1816 and 1818. CARVED WALNUT STOOL ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY The seat upholstered and covered with bright colored needlework ; on cabriole legs carved at the knees in a shell design and terminat- ing in ball and claw feet. Hesght, 19 inches; length, 25 inches MAHOGANY HAT STAND ENGLISH, circa 1800 Circular base holding rain pans, with turned column fitted with nine old brass hangers. Height, 80 inches CARVED MAHOGANY PIE-CRUST TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Finely carved tray top, scalloped rim, set on deeply fluted colum- nar pedestal, and tripod legs carved with shield motif at feet and leaf and shield motif at knee. Height, 271% inches; diameter, 2714 inches 51 320 321 322 323 324 326 327 TWO CARVED MAHOGANY ARMCHAIRS SHERATON, 18TH CENTURY Oblong reeded back rail with four spindle splats, enriched with disk floral central motifs, and curving arms, terminating in disk hands and reeded frontal rails. Deep shaped seat covered with black haircloth. Square tapering reeded legs on spade feet. (2) PANEL OF NEEDLEWORK ~— ENGLISH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Representing a Lion in the centre foreground; and to the left are trees and a small lake; the whole surrounded by a floral and leaf border. Height, 35 inches; length, 72 inches CARVED MAHOGANY WING ARMCHAIR ENGLISH, cIRCA 1790 On square legs carved in a leaf design. The seat, back, arms and wings are upholstered and covered in blue silk. MAHOGANY SHAVING MIRROR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong base fitted with three drawers and holding two uprights, supporting mirror. Height, 24 inches MAHOGANY SIDE TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Top, with moulded edge, surrounded by shaped gallery, and fitted with one long and two small drawers with original gilt metal mask-head drop handles; on square tapering legs. Height, 32 inches; length, 36 inches DECORATED PANEL OVERMANTEL MIRROR , ENGLISH, 1'790 Oblong mirror plate surmounted by painting representing Vene- tian Water Scene. Height, 44 inches; length, 24 inches TWO INLAID MAHOGANY KNIFE BOXES ENGLISH, SHERATON PERIOD Slant tops inlaid with nautilus shells in satinwood. (2) Height, 15 inches; length, 9 inches INLAID MAHOGANY OCCASIONAL TABLE ENGLISH, ABOUT 1780 Oblong top inlaid with bands of satinwood; fitted with three drawers; on cabriole legs. Height, 28 inches; length, 32 inches + 2 Or 328 329 330 331 332 333 INLAID MAHOGANY CENTRE TABLE ENGLISH, SHERATON PERIOD Oblong top inlaid with bands of satinwood; fitted with one long drawer ; standing on square tapered legs inlaid in a similar man- ner. Height, 29 inches; length, 32 inches SHERATON MAHOGANY INLAID WORK TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong inlaid hinged top with canted corners, enclosing finely compartmented interior. Deep frieze with similar contour, fitted with slide holding silk work bag. Set on square tapering legs, terminating in brass castored feet. Height, 30 inches; width, 20 inches TWO WATERFORD CUT GLASS THREE-LIGHT CAN- DELABRA ON WEDGWOOD BASES 18TH CENTURY Centre stem holding column which supports two arms fitted with cut glass candleholders, from which hang blue and white drops. (2) Height, 16 inches MAHOGANY FOUR-TIER WHATNOT ENGLISH, ABouT 1800 The lower portion is formed as a chest, containing six drawers, above which are three shelves; supported by turned columns. Height, 82 inches; length, 21 inches INLAID MAHOGANY SECRETAIRE-BOOKCASE ENGLISH, SHERATON PERIOD The upper part is formed as a cabinet fitted with two glass doors ; the lower portion is fitted with pull-out secretaire containing small drawers and compartments, below which are three full- length drawers. Original old gilt metal drop handles. Height, 81 inches; length, 37 inches INLAID MAHOGANY DRESSING TABLE ENGLISH, SHERATON PERIOD Lift-up top; the interior fitted with mirror and numerous large and small compartments; on cabriole legs supporting an under- shelf. Height, 32 inches; length, 37 inches 53 334 335 386 337 338 339 PAINTED OVERMANTEL MIRROR eEncutsu, 18TH CENTURY An oblong gilt frame in the centre of which is a painting repre- senting a harbor scene which is flanked by two mirror plates. The signature on the painting is illegible. Height, 23 inches; length, 51 inches TWO MAHOGANY AND GILT METAL POLE SCREENS ENGLISH, ABOUT 1810 Triangular bases supporting turned column which holds an ob- long panel of floral silk. (2) INLAID MAHOGANY SIDEBOARD ENGLISH, SHERATON PERIOD Shaped top inlaid with bands of satinwood; at each end are cup- boards enclosed by panelled doors; in the centre is one long drawer below which is another deep drawer; original circular brass drop handles. Supported by six square inlaid tapering legs. Height, 37 inches; length, ‘71 inches TWO WATERFORD CUT GLASS LUSTRES 181Tu century Composed of a central stem holding inverted bobéche above which is the candleholder, from which hang long white drop crystals. (2) Height, 1114 inches LARGE CARVED AND GILT DECORATED PANEL OVERMANTEL MIRROR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong mirror plate surmounted by a smaller plate decorated with floral festoons; the frame is decorated with flowers and scrolls. Height, 80 inches; length, 54 inches INLAID MAHOGANY SIDE TABLE ENGLISH, SHERATON PERIOD Oblong top fitted with one large and two small drawers; on four turned spindle legs connected by understretchers. Height, 31 inches; length, 38 inches 54 3840 INLAID MAHOGANY SECRETAIRE-CHEST AND d41 342 BOOKSHELF ENGLISH, circa 1790 Oblong top inlaid with bands of satinwood, below is one large drawer with drop front which is fitted as secretaire with small compartments, and beneath are three full-length drawers. Origi- nal brass drop handles. Height, 64 inches; length, 32 inches TWO INLAID SATINWOOD SEMICIRCULAR CARD TABLES ENGLISH, SHERATON PERIOD Lift-up tops inlaid with leaf design; supported by four square tapering legs inlaid with fleurs-de-lys. (2) Height, 29 inches; diameter, 37 inches CARVED AND GILT WOOD AND PAINTED MIRROR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY The mirror plate is surrounded by a gilt frame above which is an eglosimé painting on glass. Height, 42 inches; width, 24 inches 55 SALE WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER FIFTH, AT 2:30 343 344 345 346 B47 348 349 THIRD SESSION NUMBERS 348-489 AMERICANA NEEDLEWORK — METAL — CHINA NUMBERS 843-394 NEEDLEWORK AND BEADWORK BELL PULL EARLY AMERICAN Long panel worked in opaque glass bead ground, enriched in ivy cross-stitch with vine in many colors. Top brass hanging shield and with brass finial and blue Bristol glass handle. Length, 69 inches THREE SILKWORK PICTURES, FRAMED circa 1800 Worked in designs of bouquets of flowers in many colors on a cream colored ground. Gilt wood frames. (3) Height, 13 wmches; length, 19 inches JAPANNED TRAY EARLY AMERICAN Oval tray with roll-over rim; black ground with gilt design. Length, 28 inches BRASS WARMING PAN EARLY AMERICAN Brass pan with hinged cover etched in sunflower and medallion pattern. Hickory handle. Length, 46 inches PEWTER SILVER-PLATED LAMP EARLY AMERICAN Double camphine burner, fitted with handle and saucer base. Height, 9 inches EARLY BRASS RAILROAD LAMP EARLY AMERICAN Brass perforated top with ring handle; fitted with blue glass globe, covered with wire guard. Height, 15 inches EARLY CHINTZ PANEL Printed in brown in rural landscapes, one panel above the other. Framed. Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches 57 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 EARLY CHINTZ PANEL Printed in brown; hunting scene and rural landscape. Framed. (Mended) Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches TWO TIN CANDLE SCONCES EARLY AMERICAN Circular plate with scrolled rim, equipped with circular tray and candle socket. (2) Diameter, 94/4, inches OLD BRASS DOOR KNOCKER AMERICAN, EARLY 1OTH CENTURY Large strap knocker with scroll and thumb piece at top, and scroll at base. Two shaped circular door plates. Height, 91% inches MASSIVE BRASS DOOR KNOCKER AMERICAN, EARLY 1OTH CENTURY Full-length figure of a bull dog on scroll motif; hinged to leaf- fashioned door plate. Height, 10 inches Finely modelled figure and one of the best examples of this period. OLD BRASS DOOR KNOCKER AMERICAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Double loop strap handle with thumb piece at top and scroll at base. Hinged to circular stellated door plates, and similar plate at base. Height, 9 inches OLD BRASS DOOR KNOCKER AMERICAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Centre vase-shaped door plate with hinged loop knocker. Height, 814 inches OLD BRASS DOOR KNOCKER AMERICAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Vase-shaped shield as door plate with looped hinged knocker. Height, 71% inches ORMOLU DOOR KNOCKER FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Finely fashioned with chiselled floral door plate and looped fes- tooned knocker. Hewht, 714 imches 58 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 OLD BRASS DOOR KNOCKER AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Oval domed plate with hinged oval ring knocker, enriched with shell at foot and base. Height, 71% inches FOUR TIN CANDLE SCONCES AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Oblong tin wall plaque with fan-shaped top; fitted with candle tray and socket. (4) Height, 1114 inches BRASS OUTDOOR HANGING LANTERN Earty american Square straight-sided glazed frame with pressed domed top and ring handle. Fitted with single candle socket. Height, 18 inches; width, 81 inches PAIR OF EARLY AMERICAN BRASS ANDIRONS Balustered and bulbous brass shaft and arched frontal standard, . and wrought-iron return. (2) Height, 23 inches PAIR OF STAFFORDSHIRE LUSTRED DOGS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Seated spaniels facing right and left. Deep cream glaze enriched with splashes of gold and green lustre. (2) Height, 6 inches JAPANNED TRAY EARLY AMERICAN Oval tray with galleried rim and end hand holds. Decorated with stencilled design in gilt and colors, of fruit and leaves. Border of overlapping oak leaves. Length, 22 inches TWO CHINTZ PANELS EARLY AMERICAN Printed in blue on white ground in Chinese characters, depicting an open window, with distant rural landscape; Chinese vases and a floral pattern. (2) Length, 90 inches; width, 23 inches TWO EARLY SILHOUETTES Bust portraits in black on mirrored gilt ground. The first in- scribed “Stephany Deville” and the second “Mathias Sebali.” In old black and gilt frames. (2) Size, 9 inches square TWO BRASS CANDLESTICKS EARLY AMERICAN Domed base with columnar shaft and wide circular bobéche. (Have been buffed) (2) Height, 91% inches 59 367 368 369 370 371 373 374 TWO BRASS CANDLESTICKS EARLY AMERICAN Balustered and turned shaft with domed standard and square base. Fitted with candle pricket. (Have been buffed) (2) Height, 8 inches SIX EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE PLATES BY CLEWS Picturesque views of Hudson River, West Point. Printed in brown. Proof condition. (6) Diameter, 8 inches TWO RARE TIN COACH LANTERNS ; AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Oblong box shape, fitted with hinged glazed door, and the outer side with glazed panel. Domed top. Interior fitted with three candle sockets. (2) Height, 131% inches COPPER WARMING PAN EARLY AMERICAN Circular pan with hinged cover with floral design. Fitted with long hickory handle. Length, 53 inches JAPANNED TRAY EARLY AMERICAN Oblong with rounded corners and raised roll edge, fitted with hand holes. Centre with shell and scroll motif in gilt on black ground. Length, 2244 inches; width, 1614 inches SILVER CUP, BY CHURCHILL EARLY AMERICAN Bulging tapering cup with reeded base. In fine condition. Height, 31 inches NEEDLEWORK AND BEADWORK BELL PULL EARLY AMERICAN Three colors of glass beads worked in lattice motif and punctu- ated with medallions of flowers in varied colored worsteds, worked on tan ground. Fitted with opaque glass handle facetted to the clear. FORGED-IRON ADJUSTABLE CANDLE STAND AMERICAN, LATE 17TH CENTURY Slender square shaft, with oblong looped adjustable holder for two candles. On roughly hewn octagonal oak base. Height, 38 inches 60 375 376 377 FORGED-IRON LAMP EARLY AMERICAN Upright shaft with disk base, supported by scrolled tripod legs. Pear-shaped oil font fitted with hinged cover and attached to shaft with adjustable bracket. Height, 26 inches Very Rane. [376] METAL AND MIRROR REFLECTING SCONCE AMERICAN, LATE 17TH CENTURY Elbow tin arm, terminating in scalloped bobéche and round candle socket. Shaft fitted with mirrored saucer reflector which is ad- justable. Height, 1034 inches See Nutting, page 557. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | RARE FORGED-IRON ADJUSTABLE OIL LAMP AMERICAN, 17TH CENTURY Tall round standard, terminating in ring and vase motif. Cupped and domed base. Boat-shaped oil chamber, with hinged cover and sliding spring back hook adjustable to any height. Total height, 22 inches: 61 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 TWO EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE DOGS | ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Seated spaniels look right and left; with splashes of lustre on cream ground. Fitted on bronze metal lamp stands, with upright arm holding two electric lights and silk shade. (2) Height, 17 inches TWO BATTERSEA ENAMEL CANDLESTICKS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Circular bases holding column which is headed by candleholder with nozzle. The whole decorated with floral sprays. (2) Height, 11 inches GEORGIAN SILVER TEAPOT BY WALTER BRIND 1770 London Hall Mark, maker Walter Brind, 1770. Wooden handle. Gross weight, 14 ownces GEORGIAN SILVER TEAPOT 1814 London Hall Mark, 1814. Weight, 19 ounces PAINTED DECORATED TRAY EARLY AMERICAN Oblong with rounded corners and raised roll edge. Centre with decorations of fountain and flowers and birds of paradise in colors on black ground; gilt decorated rim. Length, 2714 inches; width, 20 inches , SET OF THREE SOFT PASTE LOWESTOFT CROCUS POTS Semicircular shape, decorated with panels representing birds in relief. (3) TWO TURNER JARDINIERES ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oval shape decorated with classic panels in relief. Eagle-head handles. Signed. (2) Height, 9 inches; width, 20 inches TWO STAFFORDSHIRE DOGS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Seated figures, looking right and left, decorated with gilt lustre. (2) Height, 9 inches 386 387 0388 389 390 391 892 DECORATED METAL TRAY ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oval galleried tray fitted with finely fashioned end _ handles. Centre large painted panel with farm scene on blue-green ground. Length, 25 inches DECORATED METAL TRAY ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oval with galleried rim and fitted with end hand holes. Finely painted centre panel of rural landscape. On black ground. Length, 22 inches REVOLUTIONARY POWDER HORN AMERICAN, 1776 Finely engraved horn inscribed: ‘The glorious era of Indepen- dence July ye 4th A. D. 1776. Jared Harrison’s pdr. horn.” Further enriched with a British soldier, guns, swords, fish and American Frigate. Length, 12 inches Very Rare. THREE EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE AMERICAN MARINE PLATES | “American Marine” printed in light green. Centre large ship medallion bordered in rope motif, enclosing several other shipping scenes. Diameter, 74/4, inches SIX EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE AMERICAN MARINE PLATES “American Marine” printed in light green. Centre large medal- lion of ship in full sail; bordered with other American shipping scenes, medallioned with rope motif. Diameter, 101% inches SIX EARLY STAFFORDSHIRE AMERICAN MARINE PLATES “American Marine” printed in light green. Centre broadside view of an American Frigate in full sail; bordered with other American shipping scenes, medallioned with rope motif. (6) Diameter, 91/4, inches TWO STAFFORDSHIRE EARLY AMERICAN MARINE PLATTERS “American Marine” printed in green. Oblong oval platters, with large centre medallion of American ships. Bordered with other American shipping activities, medallioned with rope motifs. (2) 63 393 394 [393] LOWESTOFT TEAPOT ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Straight-sided pot with spout and double entwined strap handles, and cover fitted with berry finial; heightened with gilt festoons and banding, and two medallions, one at either side, of American Spread Eagle in sepia and gilt, with rayed semicircle enclosing 16 stars. Shield with initials “G. F.” Slight crackle at base, which extends through on one side only. Length, 914 inches The monogram ‘“‘G. F.” has been traced as the initials of Ger- trude Frelinghuysen, wife of General Frederick Frelinghuysen of New Jersey, the great Statesman and Soldier Patriot of the Revolutionary period. A rare piece of Lowestoft, and intimately associated with Ameri- can History. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | TWO LEEDS MARINE PLATES ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY One representing a ship at sea in full sail, painted in colors and flying the American Flag. The other, another ship, in sepia, fly- ing the British Flag. (2) Diameter, 10 inches 64 395 396 397 398 399 400 EARLY AMERICAN FURNITURE OF THE 17TH, 18TH AND 19TH CENTURIES NUMBERS 395-489 BEADWORK BELL PULL EARLY AMERICAN Worked in design of black and gold glass beads, with long tassel handle. Length, 65 inches MAPLE AND PINE TAVERN TABLE AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Oblong top on flaring balustered legs, having open box stretchers. Height, 2214, inches; width, 25 inches CARVED AND GILDED WALNUT MIRROR AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Moulded oblong frame, with round indented corners at crown and gilded leaf motif interior; flat scrolled pediment enriched with open gilded shell motif; similarly scrolled apron. Length, 37 inches; width, 16 inches SMALL MAPLEWOOD WORK TABLE AMERICAN, circa 1800 The oblong top is fitted with one long drawer below which is the workbag ; on turned column supported by four ball feet. Height, 26 inches; length, 16 inches CARVED MAPLE HIGHBOY AMERICAN, circa 1700 Rectangular upper portion with beautifully moulded cornice, fitted with five graduated moulded drawers, trimmed with original cartouche and brass bail handles and escutcheons. Lower por- tion with moulded top fitted with long shallow drawer; deep narrow drawer under, having an interesting carved semicircular shell motif at its base, flanked by two similar deep drawers. Val- anced with two finely shaped pendants supported on hipped cabriole legs having pad feet with unusual small stumps under them. Height, 721% inches; width, 3814 inches MAHOGANY STEEPLE CLOCK EARLY AMERICAN Small mahogany mantel clock with tall centre gable with two end steeples. By Brewster & Ingrahams, Bristol, Conn. The original label in clock. Height, 20 inches 401 402 403 404 406 407 MAPLEWOOD WRITING TABLE AMERICAN, circa 1800 The oblong top is fitted with a full-length drawer which contains inkwells and writing slide; supported by turned column standing on four shaped legs. Height, 29 inches; length, 18 inches NEST OF FOUR BIRD’S-EYE MAPLE COFFEE TABLES EARLY AMERICAN Oblong moulded top with double end bamboo legs set on arched bracketed feet, and fitted with stop rails. Height, 29 inches; width, 214% inches TWO MAPLE HANGING BOOKSHELVES AMERICAN, circa 1800 Trellised and columned sides supporting three shelves. (2) Height, 33 inches; length, 25 inches Rare. WALNUT TILT TABLE WITH SPANISH FEET EARLY AMERICAN Circular tilting table with raised outer rim set on vase-shaped pedestal, with tripod legs terminating in Spanish feet. Height, 28 inches; diameter, 34 inches WALNUT GATE-LEG TABLE AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Oval top with two folding leaves, supported on balustered legs having similar stretchers and gated for leaves. , Height, 221% inches; width, 47 inches SIX PAINTED HITCHCOCK CHAIRS EARLY AMERICAN Deep top rail jomed to seat with four shaped spindles. Saddle seat and turned leg with stretchers. Painted in green and height- ened with yellows, and the top rail with medallion of fruit and birds. (6) MAHOGANY MANTEL CLOCK BY TERRY Oblong, with scrolled pediment and open slender columnar sup- ports on valanced bracketed feet. Glazed door having mirror panel. 7 Height, 2834, inches; width, 1714 inches Interior has 'Terry’s original trade advertisement pasted at back. 66 408 GILDED UPRIGHT MIRROR EARLY AMERICAN 409 410 Deep ogee moulding with floral scroll cornice, beaded inner mould- ing, and divided into upper and lower panel. Height, 36 inches; width, 18 inches CARVED MAHOGANY DESK COLONIAL STYLE Oblong top fitted with slant writing fall, enclosing compart- mented interior. Front with two short drawers and a lower long drawer. Frieze enriched with shell pediment and set on hipped cabriolets, terminating in claw and ball feet. Height, 40 inches; width, 36 inches [410] EARLY PAINTED PINE MANTEL AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Fluted pilasters joined by broad breast enriched with centre key block. Long shelf shaped with cornice at. pilaster heads. Height, 60 inches; length, 72 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 67 411 412 413 414 415 416 CHERRY PEMBROKE TABLE EARLY AMERICAN Moulded oblong top with two drop leaves. On straight reeded legs, joined with cross stretcher. Height, 27 inches; width, 41 inches IMPORTANT MARINE PAINTING BY WILLIAM POLLARD, 1854 “Ship Houqua, N. B. Palmer, Master, entering Middletown Con- necticut June Ist, 1854.” View of the vessel coming into harbor partly in sail, flying the American Flag and the flag of A. A. Low, the famous New York Shipping Company of that period. Back- ground of cliffs and rolling country. In the foreground can be seen the Master leaving in the small boat. Signed and dated in the lower right hand corner. Framed. Height, 32 inches; width, 46 inches MODEL OF A SHIP EARLY AMERICAN Bark rig, hull in gray and sea-green with black port stripe. Com- pletely rigged and with full deck equipment. On square base. Length, 24 inches GLASS HANGING HALL LAMP EARLY AMERICAN Inverted bell-shaped globe, fitted with latticed brass rng and scrolled rims, holding domed bell-shaped top, and long handle. Fitted with brass terminal and candle holder. CARVED MAHOGANY SHERATON SOFA AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Oblong overstuffed back with scrolled arms, fitted with frontal turned column hands, and set on square spade feet. Covered in floral silk material. Loose seat cushion. Length, 72 inches MAPLE CARD TABLE EARLY AMERICAN Scrolled and serpentine folding top with deep frieze of the same contour set on square tapering legs. Height, 291% inches; diameter, 35 inches 68 417 418 419 420 421 CARVED MAHOGANY SIDEBOARD AMERICAN, circa 1815 The lower portion is formed by one long drawer below which is a cupboard enclosed by two panelled doors; above are two shelves held by scroll shaped supports. Height, 52 inches; length, 37 inches MAHOGANY GATE-LEG DINING TABLE AMERICAN, ABOUT 1790 On four fluted legs connected by stretchers. Height, 28 inches; length, 68 inches MAHOGANY MANTEL CLOCK EARLY AMERICAN Moulded gable top. Hexagonal door enclosing painted dial, be- neath narrow painted panel. Works by Jerome & Company, New Haven. Deep moulded base. Height, 16 inches SIX MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIRS AMERICAN, circa 1800 Square backs with two panelled splats; loose cushion seats; on square tapered legs, connected by understretchers. (6) INLAID MAHOGANY CABINET ON STAND AMERICAN, circa 1790 The upper portion is formed as a cabinet enclosed by two doors, each containing an arch-shaped mirror, while the stand is sup- ported by four square tapering legs. Height, 64 inches; length, 19 inches MAHOGANY TABLE BOOK RACK AMERICAN, circa 1800 Three shelves supported by turned columns and standing on turned tapered legs. Height, 33 inches; length, 26 inches MAHOGANY WORK TABLE AMERICAN, circa 1810 The top is in three sections, the centre of which pulls out and discloses a backgammon board. On lyre shaped supports con- nected by turned stretcher. Height, 30 inches; length, 30 inches GO> 4:24 426 427 428 429 EARLY PAINTED PINE MANTEL “AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Finely reeded pilasters joined by broad breast enriched at centre with reeded key block. Long shelf shaped with cornice at pilaster heads. Height, 55 inches; length, 64 inches INLAID MAHOGANY BREAKFAST TABLE AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Forming two console tables, and having attachments under top forming circular breakfast table. Tops with moulded rims inlaid with ebony banding; frieze similar contour. On slightly tapering square legs. Height, 2814 inches; diameter, 48 mches CARVED MAHOGANY HANGING CUPBOARD WITH BLOCKED DRAWER EARLY AMERICAN Deep moulded domed top with two shaped glazed doors, enclos- ing shelved interior. Lower frieze containing long drawer with two blocked ends. Enriched with brass bail handles. Equipped with ball feet for standing on table. Height, 40 inches; width, 36 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | MAHOGANY CORNER CABINET AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Dentilled moulded cornice; front enclosed with flush panel-door ; broad canted pilasters well fluted; on moulded base. Stand with moulded frieze following contour of top. Supported on five square legs. Height, 68 inches; width, 3314 wmches CARVED AND GILDED MIRROR american, 18TH cENTURY Oblong moulded mirror frame with top decorated panel of spread eagle on tree branch. Draped at base with ribboned and gar- landed motif from centre mask. Height, 62 inches; width, 22 inches CARVED MAHOGANY HIGH-BACK ARMCHAIR AMERICAN, circa 1790 The back with twisted splats and turned, fluted, tapering spin- dles; shaped arms on turned supports; on turned tapering legs. A very unusual chair. eee EARLY AMERICAN CARVED MAHOGANY [ 426 ] HANGING CUPBOARD 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 INLAID MAHOGANY NEEDLEWORK TRAY EARLY AMERICAN Oval galleried tray, fitted with finely fashioned end handles. Centre inlay under glass; oval panel of needlework; worked in scrolled and leaf motif in colored silk on cream ground. Length, 27 wmches MAHOGANY MUSIC STOOL AMERICAN, ABOUT 1810 Circular top covered in needlework and supported by four turned, fluted and tapering legs. MAPLE DUCK-FOOT DROP-LEAF TABLE AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Oblong top with rounded corners, having two drop leaves. Turned legs terminating in flat disk duck feet. Alternating legs gated to hold leaves. Height, 2814 imches; width, 37 mches INLAID MAHOGANY CARD TABLE AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Shaped top inlaid with band of satinwood; on turned legs. Height, 29 inches; width, 42 inches CARVED MAHOGANY MIRROR american, 18TH cENTURY Panel pediment top with urn finial draped with garlands of flowers. Oblong mirror with moulded and beaded frame. Oblong panel base. Height, 42 inches; width, 16 inches MAHOGANY AND NEEDLEWORK MUSIC STOOL ‘ AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 Circular top covered with needlework panel in a floral design; on four square tapered legs. RARE NEW YORK PRINT AMERICAN, 1828 New York from Heights near Brooklyn, by Wiliam G. Wall. Engraved by J. Hill. Colored. Inscribed New York, Bourne Depository of Art, 359 Broadway, 1828. And transferred to G. & O. & H. Carvill, New York. Large folio. Framed. MAHOGANY WORK TABLE AMERICAN, ABouT 1800 Lift-up top enclosing work bag; on four square tapered legs. Height, 29 inches; length, 20 imches (2 438 439 440 441 44:2 443 44:4 TWO EAGLE NEEDLEWORK PICTURES EARLY AMERICAN Large Spread Eagle with shield and American Flags. Worked in many colored silks and gilt threads in stumpwork fashion. Framed. (2) Height, 29 inches; width, 34 inches MAPLE SLANT-FRONT DESK AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Oblong top fitted with slant writing-fall, enclosmg compart- mented interior. Front with four long drawers, enriched with brass bail handles. On bracketed feet. Height, 42 inches; width, 36 inches NEST OF FOUR MAHOGANY COFFEE TABLES EARLY AMERICAN Oblong top with rounded corners on double bamboo turned legs with bracketed scrolled feet. Joined by stop stretcher. Height, 2914 inches; width, 21 inches MAPLE CANDLESTAND AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Square moulded top tray with indented corners; on turned centre baluster and tripod; scrolled legs with snake feet. Height, 2614 inches; width, 1414 inches CARVED GILT WOOD MIRROR american, 18TH CENTURY Oblong mirror plate flanked by fluted columns and headed by small panel of painted glass. Height, 56 inches; width, 29 inches MAHOGANY SECRETARY-BOOKCASE-DESK EARLY AMERICAN Top with shaped crown. Upper portion enclosed with glazed latticed doors and interior fitted with shelves and compartments. Fold-over writing tablet. Lower portion contains three long drawers with knob handles. On turned tapering legs. Height, 70 inches; width, 38 inches INLAID MAHOGANY WORK TABLE EARLY AMERICAN Oblong hinged top with canted corners enclosing compartmented interior. Frieze with drawer set on hexagonal pedestal and tripod scrolled legs. Height, 30 inches, width, 1614 inches 6) 445 CHERRY AND MAPLE CHEST OF DRAWERS EARLY AMERICAN Oblong top with front fitted with four long drawers, trimmed with brass handles; on turned balustered legs. Entirely outlined with bandings of satinwood. Height, 37 inches; width, 42 inches 44:6 447 448 449 [ 446 | EARLY AMERICAN PINE WITHDRAWING TABLE 18TH CENTURY Oblong table panelled with four inlaid panels. Each end con- taining withdrawing slide; deep frieze, set on balustered and square legs and joined by H stretcher. Height, 29 inches; length, extended, 80 inches Very Rare. [ SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 82] “SANDY HOOK” BANDBOX EARLY AMERICAN The design repeated three times. Framed. Height, 11 wches; width, 47 inches DECORATED HITCHCOCK ARMCHAIR Earty american Open back with scroll-over arms; rush seat. Black ground heightened in gilt. SIX CURLY MAPLE CHAIRS EARLY AMERICAN Scrolled heavy top rail, with vase-shaped splat in centre. Saddle seat and outcurving tapering legs. Seats in cane. (6) 74 EARLY AMERICAN CARVED PINE DRESSER | 450 | 450 451 452 453 454 455 CARVED PINE DRESSER = AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Deep oblong moulded crown with disk cut rail; upper portion with two double-panel Gothic doors, enclosing shelved compart- ment, and two smaller hinged doors. Base with table top with knee-hole centre, and recessed cupboard, sides in Gothic panels on bracketed feet. Height, 68 inches; width, 42 inches Very Rare. [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 75 | INLAID MAHOGANY STOOL AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY On shaped legs, inlaid with bands of satinwood connected by turned stretcher; seat upholstered and covered in red striped material. Height, 18 inches; length, 17 inches MAHOGANY SIDE TABLE AMERICAN, circa 1800 Top fitted with one full-length drawer and supported by four square tapering legs. Height, 29 inches; length, 30 inches SHERATON INLAID MIRROR EARLY AMERICAN Deep top panel inlaid with teak and satinwood. Moulded frame and deep inlaid panel at base. Height, 40 inches; width, 14 inches RARE BEECH AND WALNUT HIGHBOY AMERICAN, circa 1730 Deep moulded top rail containing narrow moulding drawer ; below are three long drawers, inlaid in walnut herringbone pattern. The base with wide ogee moulding holding two deep drawers flanking smaller centre drawer inlaid in similar manner. Shaped and cut out apron with acorn drop finials. Finely carved slender cabriole legs with pad feet. Brass bail handles of a later period. Height, 69 inches; width, 39 inches MAPLE BALUSTER CHAIR AMERICAN, LATE 17TH CENTURY High open panelled back with arched moulded pierced scrolled pediment and balustered side supports. Seat covered in crimson rep. On very curiously scrolled legs having fine arch-scrolled stretcher. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 76 [456] [455] 456 CARVED MAPLE HIGH-BACK CHAIR 457 AMERICAN, LATE 17TH CENTURY Open cane panelled arched back with pierced scrolled pediment and open baluster supports. Seat covered in crimson rep. On balustered legs, having frontal stretcher similar to pediment. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | CARVED AND GILDED MIRROR EARLY AMERICAN Upright rectangular mirror, with tabernacle cornice; with deep top frieze fitted with ball drops. Centre with double column motif extending to base. Upper eglosimé panel, depicting land- scape with river and boat. Height, 40 inches; width, 19 inches rh 458 OAK SETTLE AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY 459 460 Back composed of three panels; shaped arms on turned supports ; turned legs connected by stretchers. Length, 55 inches MAHOGANY TIP-TOP TABLE EARLY AMERICAN Tripod stand holding turned and fluted column on which rests the oblong top. In the manner of Duncan Phyfe. Height, 30 inches; length, 25 inches [460] TEN PEARWOOD SIDE CHAIRS AMERICAN, circa 1790 Oval top rail with centre carved splat on shaped seat in cane. Turned tapering legs joined by stretchers. (10) Finely constructed in a delicate manner, with strength equal to that of the far more massive chair of the period. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 78 LADY'S UNIQUE CURLY MAPLE SHERATON BOOKCASE-DESK [462] 461 463 464 465 466 TWO MAHOGANY ARMCHAIRS AMERICAN, ABOUT 1790 Square backs, shaped arms on scroll arm supports supported by turned fluted legs. Seats, backs and arms upholstered and covered in brown velvet. (2) LADY’S CURLY MAPLE SHERATON BOOKCASE-DESK EARLY AMERICAN Moulded corniced pediment with two panelled doors, enclosing shelved interior. The base with slant-front writing-fall, enclosing compartmented interior; one long drawer below. Set on finely reeded and turned tapering legs. Fitted with mahogany knobs. Height, 66 inches; width, 30 inches Most unusual and indeed unique piece of American furniture, no such example of the American Sheraton having appeared before. [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 79] CARVED MAHOGANY CASE CLOCK EARLY AMERICAN Square dial with applied gilt and colored corner medallions. Eglosimé panel with castle and seascape. Broken arch top with urn finial and end pilasters. Oblong footed base. Original label, “Manufactured and sold by Marsh, Gilbert & Co., Farmington Conn.” Height, 51 wmches CARVED MAHOGANY ARMCHAIR AMERICAN, DUNCAN PHYFE STYLE Square back; shaped arms on scroll arm supports; supported by scroll shaped legs. Cane seat and back. INLAID MAHOGANY SIDEBOARD american, asout 1800 Oblong top fitted with three drawers and headed by two shelves, one fitted with three drawers, the other surrounded by gilt metal gallery. On four square tapered legs. Height, 54 inches; length, 47 imches MAHOGANY MANTEL CLOCK BY TERRY Oblong, with scrolled pediment and open slender columnar sup- ports on valanced bracket feet. Glazed door having eglosimé panel with view of country house and landscape. Height, 2814 inches; width, 1634 inches Interior has Terry’s original trade advertisement pasted at back. 80 467 468 469 470 471 473 PAINTED TIP-TOP TABLE COLONIAL, 19TH CENTURY Square top painted with flowers on heavily carved and gilded wood; tripod base. Height, 28 inches; top, 25 inches square MAPLE CENTRE TABLE AMERICAN, 17TH CENTURY Oblong top with finely outset round corners. Interesting valanced frieze. On tapering round legs with unusual feet. Height, 27 inches; width, 35 inches Rare. CARVED MAHOGANY WORK TABLE AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Octagonal hinged top with compartmented interior and green silk work basket under. On pear-shaped balustered support and incurved platform having claw feet. Height, 1914 inches; width, 15 inches WALNUT HANGING CABINET = american, 18TH cENTURY Arched moulded cornice with two glazed enclosing doors and similarly glazed ends. Fitted with long drawer at foot. Height, 36 inches; width, 381% inches MAPLE HIGHBOY AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Oblong top fitted with four various drawers, trimmed with brass handles. Base with valanced and moulded frieze and cabriole legs. Height, 6214 inches; width, 37 inches INLAID SHERATON MAHOGANY SECRETARY- BOOKCASE AMERICAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Upper portion with finely moulded and dentilled cornice enclosed with two lozenge-latticed glazed doors. Interior fitted with three adjustable shelves. Lower portion with banded and reeded top, deep fall-front writing drawer, lined with blue cloth. Supported on quadrants, disclosing interior fitted with drawers and com- partments; trimmed with original ring brass handles. Arranged with two panelled enclosing doors under. On moulded and bracketed legs. Height, 86 inches; width, 36 inches MAHOGANY SIDE TABLE AMERICAN, ABouT 1800 Oblong top fitted with one full-length drawer; on four square tapered legs. Height, 28 inches; length, 30 inches 81 474, SATINWOOD WORK BOX BY DUNCAN PHYFE Oblong hinged top, fitting box of same contour, in satinwood with burled walnut inlay. Height, 44% inches; length, 12 inches This box was secured from the great-granddaughter of William Phyfe. The box was made by Duncan Phyfe and given by him to his eldest son, William A. Phyfe. It was given by him to the wife of his eldest son William Phyfe, and on her death was given to the great-great-granddaughter of Duncan Phyfe. ‘The boxes were originally made for work boxes or writing boxes. ‘The com- panion to this box was presented to the Metropolitan Museum at the time of the Duncan Phyfe exhibition. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | [474] [475] 82 475 CARVED AND INLAID MAHOGANY SERVING TABLE 476 ATT BY DUNCAN PHYFE AMERICAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Moulded top, beautifully shaped at front with arched and round scrollings over offset frontal legs. Frieze, fitted with cock-beaded drawer of the same contour as top. Trimmed with original rosetted brass ring handles. Supported on gracefully turned legs, enriched with delicate reedings at frieze and larger reedings on the legs below. Height, 31 inches; length, 38 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 82] SET OF EIGHT CARVED MAHOGANY DINING CHAIRS AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Consisting of two arms and six sides; reeded broad top rail with three columnar spindles; broad loose saddle seat covered with red silk. On straight tapering legs, and fitted with H stretcher. (8) [477] CARVED MAHOGANY THREE-PART DINING TABLE BY DUNCAN PHYFE Long oblong top with rounded corners. End sections set on centre pedestal with tripod square scrolled fluted legs, terminating in squared castored feet. The centre on pedestal to match, with two fluted legs and with brass castored feet. Height, 29 inches; length, 74 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 83 TWO OF SIX IMPORTANT CARVED CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY CHAIRS 478 4 0 AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY [478] SIX IMPORTANT CARVED CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY CHAIRS AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Open back with cupid bow top rail and very intricately pierced vase splat. On moulded and stretchered square legs. Seats covered in old silk. (6) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | CURLY MAPLE HIGH POST BED EARLY AMERICAN Tall octagon tapering post with scrolled joining headboard and square back and side rails. In excellent condition, having been reconditioned recently by the present owner. Length, 80 inches; width, 54 inches 84 480 481 483 484 485 486 487 WALNUT HIGHBOY EARLY AMERICAN, ciIrRCA 1760 Moulded oblong top, fitted with two small drawers and four below. Set on base with one long drawer and three small below. Hipped cabriole legs terminating in pad feet. Trimmed with original brass handles and escutcheon. Height, 70 inches; width, 38 inches CARVED MAHOGANY WINDOW SEAT EARLY AMERICAN Legs in cross X motif, extending to roll-over arm, joined by turned balustered stretcher ; seats covered in flowered material. MAHOGANY OVERSTUFFED SETTEE AMERICAN, circa 1790 Square overstuffed back with shaped wings; on four square tapering legs. Length, 72 inches INLAID MAHOGANY WORK TABLE EARLY AMERICAN Oblong top with canted corners; frieze fitted with two drawers. Set on straight tapering legs slightly outcurving at base. The whole finely inlaid. Height, 29 inches; width, 214% inches INLAID MAHOGANY SOFA TABLE EARLY AMERICAN Oblong top with two end drop leaves with rounded corners. On straight end pedestals with scrolled legs terminating in brass claw castored feet. Frieze fitted with two drawers. Height, 28 inches; length, 68 inches CARVED MAPLE CHAIR EARLY AMERICAN Fan back with turned top rail and centre carved splat ; balustered legs and stretcher. Cane seat. (Needs repair) CARVED MAHOGANY SOFA AMERICAN SHERATON, 18TH CENTURY Roll-over back rail, with leaf-enriched serpentined moulded arms ; supported on reeded balusters. On reeded balustered legs. Length, 74 inches OVAL MAPLE TAVERN TABLE AMERICAN, LATE 17TH CENTURY Oval top with oblong frieze fitted with drawer on curiously turned legs, having box stretcher. Height, 27 inches; width, 37 inches 85 488 489 MAHOGANY SIDE TABLE AMERICAN, ABOUT 1790 The top is surrounded by a high mahogany gallery, and is fitted with two drawers. On four square tapered legs connected by undershelf. Height, 39 inches; width, 22 inches YEW TREE CORNER ARMCHAIR = american, circa 1790 Semicircular back on turned supports; wooden seat. The turned legs are connected by stretchers. S6 SALE THURSDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER SIXTH, AT _ 2:30 FOURTH SESSION NUMBERS 490-636 EARLY AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND BOHEMIAN GLASS 490 49] 492 493 494 495 496 497 NUMBERS 490-516 DARK BLUE GLASS JUG EARLY AMERICAN Bulbous body with elongated neck and applied strap handle. Fitted at neck with metal collar and stopper. Height, 10 inches LIGHT BLUE GLASS WATER BOTTLE — Earty american Pear-shaped body with large drip flange at lower collar; flaring neck. Height, 7 inches CANARY-COLORED GLASS SALTS EARLY SANDWICH Six-petalled cup on balustered pedestal and marble base. (2) TWO GLASS FLASKS EARLY AMERICAN One Washington and Jackson; the other cornucopia and horn of plenty. (2) LIGHT BLUE GLASS WATER BOTTLE — Earty american Pear-shaped body with large drip flange at lower collar; flaring neck. Height, 7 inches TWO GLASS LAMPS EARLY AMERICAN One emerald-green, cut to the clear on opaque black glass base; the other clear glass font on opal glass stepped base. (2) Height, 12 inches; and 15 inches EMERALD-GREEN GLASS JUG EARLY AMERICAN Bulbous body with elongated neck and applied strap handle. Fitted with metal collar. _ Height, 7 inches TWO GLASS FLASKS EARLY AMERICAN One in aquamarine, Washington and Taylor; the other, bulbous body in green glass. (2) 498 499 500 501 502 503 —~504 505 506 EMERALD-GREEN GLASS JUG EARLY AMERICAN Bulbous body with elongated neck and applied strap handle. Fitted with metal collar and stopper. Height, 9 inches BLUE GLASS DISH EARLY AMERICAN Oblong shape with canted corners stellated to centre. Length, 81% inches TWO SANDWICH GLASS LAMPS EARLY AMERICAN Fonts in cross square pattern of milk-white glass; on brass base with square marble stand. (2) Height, 121% iches TWO SANDWICH GLASS LAMPS EARLY AMERICAN Milk-white glass ; one with stepped base; the other with hexagonal base. (2) Height, 12 inches; and 10 inches TWO AMBER GLASS JAM POTS BRISTOL, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Pear-shaped dish in cross diamond and square pattern fitted with facetted dome cover, terminating in acorn final. Tray to fit. (2) Height, 6 inches TWO AMBER GLASS COVERED HONEY JARS BOHEMIAN, MID-19TH CENTURY Circular tub shape, fitted with domed cover, terminating in knob handle; etched with gadrooned medallions with hunting scenes. (2) Height, 414 inches TWELVE CRYSTAL SHERRYS ‘ BRISTOL, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Thistle-shaped cup cut in festooned design with facets ; balustered standard and square base. (12) Height, 5 inches TWELVE CRYSTAL CHAMPAGNES ENGLISH, MID-19TH CENTURY Conical-shaped cup cut with lily-of-the-valley and facets; on cir- cular base. (12) Height, 8 inches TWELVE CRYSTAL GLASS TUMBLERS ENGLISH, MID-1OTH CENTURY Straight-sided cup with facetted and panel cutting. (12) Height, 4 inches 88 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 FOUR AMETHYST AND SILVER GLASS CANDLE- STICKS ENGLISH, MID-1O9TH CENTURY Balustered shaft and flaring cup bobéche on wide saucer base. Design in panel in silver of Pan. (4) Height, 8 inches NINE AMBER GLASS WINES ENcLIsH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Thistle-shaped cup on turned baluster and base. Cut with design of thistle and leaf. (9) Height, 414 inches ELEVEN AMBER GLASS LIQUEURS ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Matching the preceding. (11) Height, 11 iches PAIR OF AMBER GLASS COVERED MANTEL URNS BOHEMIAN, MID-19TH CENTURY Stemmed goblet shape, cut to the clear with stag and deer and forest scene. Covered with dome cover, terminating in spike finial. (2) Height, 9 inches TWO SAPPHIRE-BLUE GLASS MANTEL URNS BOHEMIAN, MID-19OTH CENTURY Goblet-shaped cup, cut to the clear with facets and inset panels of amber, the whole heightened with gilt. Fitted with domed cover terminating in spike finial. (2) Height, 10 inches TWO CRYSTAL GLASS TOILET BOTTLES ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Bulbous-shaped bottle finely facetted in all-over design and fitted with large mushroom stopper. (2) Height, 514 inches TWO RUBY GLASS TULIP VASES BOHEMIAN, MID-1OTH CENTURY Circular flaring cup with stag and deer and forest scene, cut to the clear with long facets beneath. Set on circular standard base. (2) Height, 9 inches Fine color and in perfect condition. 89 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 EIGHT HEAVY AMBER GLASS GROG GOBLETS BIRMINGHAM, MID-19TH CENTURY Goblet-shaped cup on turned knob pedestal and circular base. Inset panels of light green with hound and deer cutting. (8) Height, 7 inches TWO TALL EMERALD-GREEN GLASS MANTEL URNS BOHEMIAN, MID-19TH CENTURY Circular flaring cup, stag and deer cutting to the clear. Set on clear glass turned base and circular standard. Fitted with domed cover, terminating in finely cut knob handle. (2) Height, 14 inches FOUR EMERALD-GREEN GLASS CANDLESTICKS ENGLISH, MID-1OTH CENTURY Columnar shaft on square base; trimmed in silver motif of cupid and horn of plenty. (4) Height, 8 inches EARLY AMERICAN FURNITURE NUMBERS 517-568 MAHOGANY AND NEEDLEWORK MUSIC STOOL AMERICAN, circA 1815 Circular seat, upholstered and covered in floral needlework, on octagonal column, supported by four scroll shaped feet. Height, 22 inches CARVED AND GILT MIRROR AMERICAN, circa 1800 Oblong mirror plate, surrounded by gilt frame and surmounted by a painting on glass, representing a view. Height, 20 inches; width, 14 inches CARVED MAHOGANY DAY BED EARLY AMERICAN Scroll shaped back; supported by shaped fluted legs. Slip seat, back, and cushion upholstered and covered in blue silk. Length, 67 inches CARVED OAK ARMCHAIR american, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Back carved in a leaf design; scroll arms on spiral supports; on turned legs connected by carved stretcher. 90 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 MAHOGANY BEDSIDE TABLE EARLY AMERICAN Oblong top, front containing one drawer fitted with original brass drop handles. ‘Turned balustered tapering legs. Height, 27 inches; width, 20 inches GLASS HANGING HALL LAMP EARLY AMERICAN Tulip-shaped glass globe, fitted with brass ring and hanging chain with dome bell top. Base fitted with brass terminal for candle holder. MAPLE CHEST OF DRAWERS i EARLY AMERICAN Deep oblong moulded top, front containing four long drawers, enriched with original brass handles and set on bracketed feet. Height, 34 inches; width, 39 inches CARVED MAHOGANY PEMBROKE TABLE EARLY AMERICAN Oblong top with two shaped drop leaves. Deep frieze containing one end drawer, set on finely reeded tapering legs. Height, 29 inches; length, 44 inches MAHOGANY SLANT-FRONT DESK EARLY AMERICAN Oblong top with front fitted with slant writing-fall, enclosing compartmented interior; beneath, four long drawers. On carved bracketed feet. Trimmed with brasses of later period. Height, 42 inches; width, 36 inches MAHOGANY DROP-LEAF DINING TABLE EARLY AMERICAN Oblong top with two drop leaves. Square tapering legs; alternate legs gated to hold drop leaves. Height, 281% inches; length, 51 inches SET OF SIX CARVED MAHOGANY DINING CHAIRS EARLY AMERICAN Open roll backs with three carved horizontal splats. Deep saddle seat covered in old silk; on outcurving tapering legs. (6) Jal 528 529 530 531 532 533 MAPLE CENTRE TABLE AMERICAN, 17TH CENTURY Finely shaped moulded oblong top, with deeply extending round corners ; bracketed valanced frieze. Supported on tapering round legs, with small vase feet. Height, 2634 inches; length, 35 inches INLAID MAHOGANY PEDESTAL CLOCK EARLY AMERICAN Domed top with scrolled pediment and brass urn finial. Oblong case with inset columnar corners. Painted dial, above which is harvest scene in colors. Long panel case with carved bracketed feet. Set on tall panelled pedestal base. Height, 7 feet Very Rare. Seldom found with original pedestal. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | WALNUT INLAID HIGHBOY AMERICAN, circa 1720 Deep moulded oblong top, fitted with moulding drawer, beneath two small drawers and three long ones. Base with shaped frieze, containing three small drawers. Set on turned baluster legs and bun feet. Joined with shaped scrolled stretcher. Brass bail handles. The whole finely inlaid with panels of crotched walnut. The base has been reconstructed. Height, 70 inches; width, 40 inches CARVED AND GILT MIRROR AMERICAN, circa 1800 Oblong mirror plate surrounded by gilt frame, and surmounted by a painting on glass representing a view. / Height, 25 inches; width, 14 inches CARVED MAHOGANY MANTEL CLOCK Earty american Arched crown with scroll and two end columns, heightened in black and gold. Painted dial in gilt, and floral medallions on lower panel. Original label in clock, “Pratt & Frost, Reading Mass.” Height, 35 wmches CARVED MAHOGANY HIGH CHEST OF DRAWERS EARLY AMERICAN Deep moulded oblong top fitted with six drawers. Trimmed with original brass bail handles and escutcheon, and set on large bun feet. Height, 55 inches; length, 40 inches 92 RARE INLAID MAHOGANY PEDESTAL CLOCK [529] 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 MODEL OF A SHIP EARLY AMERICAN Hull in black with white above. Four masts and bark rig. Com- pletely rigged with full deck equipment. On square stand. Length, 26 inches OVAL CURLY MAPLE TABLE EARLY AMERICAN Oval moulded top with frieze. Turned balustered legs and ball feet, joined by straight rail stretcher. Height, 27 inches; length, 33 inches CARVED AND GILDED UPRIGHT MIRROR EARLY AMERICAN Deep moulded cornice top with double columnar sides. Centre top eglosimé panel of classic Greek motif in blue and gold. Sides with eglosimé panel of white ground with grape and leaf motif in gold. Height, 50 inches; width, 34 inches CARVED MAHOGANY TILT TABLE EARLY AMERICAN Circular top with rim with leaf and scroll carving. Set on vase- shaped spiral centre pedestal with scrolled tripod base. ‘The knee enriched with lattice carving, terminating in pad feet. Height, 28 inches; diameter, 32 inches MAHOGANY AND GILT BANJO CLOCK BY WILLARD Circular painted dial, surmounted by brass urn finial. Expanding case and oblong base, fitted with original eglosimé panel, and side brass brackets. Also panel with original painting of the “Escape of the ‘Constitution.’ ” (Mended) Height, 34 wmches CURLY MAPLE CHEST OF DRAWERS _ Earty american Oblong moulded top; front fitted with four long drawers trimmed with original brasses. Set on bracketed feet. Height, 37 inches; width, 41 inches FOUR MAHOGANY ROLL-BACK SIDE CHAIRS AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Roll back with spiral fluted top rail and shaped carved broad splat in centre. Loose seats covered in old crimson material. On outcurving tapering legs. (4) 94 541 542 543 D44 545 546 MAHOGANY MANTEL CLOCK EARLY AMERICAN Moulded top with oblong upright case and painted and gilded dial. The lower eglosimé panel with landscape and edifice. Has original label of G. W. Bartholomew. Height, 28 wmches PAIR OF INLAID MAHOGANY WORK TABLES EARLY AMERICAN Oblong hinged top with front incurving, enclosing compartmented interior. Set on lyre-shaped pedestal with oval base and four scrolled legs terminating in carved claw feet. The whole inlaid with banding of satinwood. (2) Height, 30 inches; width, 22 inches RARE CHERRYWOOD INLAID MINIATURE GRAND- FATHER’S CLOCK BY EZEKIEL MERRIMAN BRISTOL, CONN., 1790 Arched domed moulded top on long panelled case and base with scrolled arched feet. Front fitted with painted dial and brass works. Altered to eight day movement. Sides fitted with regu- lating hinged door. ‘The whole inlaid with bandings. Height, 30 inches; width, 11 inches MODEL OF A SHIP EARLY AMERICAN Hull painted in crimson and black. Mast and spars and deck fittings in pine. Completely rigged. Set on square base. Length, 29 inches DECORATIVE MARINE PAINTING AMERICAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Harbor scene with “U.S. Revenue Cutter McLane, Josiah Sturgis Lt. Commander” in the foreground and with the pilot leaving. Oil painting. Artist unknown. Framed in old gold frame. Height, 31 inches; width, 35 inches CARVED MAHOGANY DINING TABLE AMERICAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Large oblong top; with two rule jointed leaves. Supported on six gadrooned turned legs, with brass castors. Four-gated for drop leaves. Seats ten. Height, 29 inches; length, 70 inches 95 VERY IMPORTANT EARLY AMERICAN BREAK-FRONT SECRETARY-BOOKCASE O47 [547 | , VERY IMPORTANT BREAK-FRONT SECRETARY BOOKCASE AMERICAN, circa 1790 Divided into three sections, the centre with drop front simulating a roll top, encloses the secretary which is fitted with small drawers and compartments; above this is a cabinet enclosed by two large glass doors and below are two long drawers, while flanking are two cabinets, each with a glass door, and beneath are two drawers and a small cupboard. Height, 86 inches; length, 90 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 96 548 549 552 553 554 SIX INLAID MAHOGANY CHAIRS american, 181TH cENTURY Consisting of five side chairs and one armchair. Square backs with fluted columns holding oblong panel inlaid with band of satinwood; on turned tapering legs. Seats upholstered and covered in black material. (6) CARVED MAHOGANY WORK TABLE EARLY AMERICAN Oblong hinged top with canted corners enclosing compartmented interior. On leaf-carved centre pedestal and four scrolled feet. Height, 291% inches; width, 1914 inches INLAID MAHOGANY SECRETARY-BOOKCASE EARLY AMERICAN Deep moulded cornice top enclosing shelved interior. On base with slant writing fall enclosing compartmented interior. Set on scrolled bracketed legs and front fitted with four long drawers trimmed with brass bail handles and escutcheons. Height, 82 inches; width, 42 inches IMPORTANT CORNER CUPBOARD EARLY AMERICAN Broken arch swan-neck top, terminating in carved rosetted finials. Centre with large shell with leaf design, beneath finely carved panel door enclosing shelved interior. Returns in fluted column set on base with deep valance in finely carved shell and floral medallion, on cabriole legs, terminating in lion-foot design. Height, 84 inches; width, 30 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 98] CARVED MAHOGANY MIRROR EARLY AMERICAN Oblong mirror with Queen Anne canted top corners and inner beading of gilt; scrolled pediment and base with added gilt shell. Length, 36 inches MAHOGANY CANDLE STAND EARLY AMERICAN Oblong top with canted corners set on balustered pedestal ; tripod scrolled base. ‘Terminating in curious knobbed feet. Height, 2614 inches; width, 171% inches SIX DECORATED HITCHCOCK CHAIRS Earty american Shaped top rail with medallioned centre splat and spindles below. Solid seat. Decorated and grained to represent maple. (6) 97 555 556 IMPORTANT CORNER CUPBOARD [551 | HICKORY COMB-BACK ARMCHAIR © EARLY AMERICAN Fan-shaped back with seven spindles; crowned by high comb of three spindles. Scrolled arms and balustered legs; curious rockers. Painted white. IMPORTANT CARVED MAHOGANY HIGHBOY EARLY AMERICAN Deep moulded broken arched bonnet top with centre finial with original gold urn pediment, and two original gilt side urns. Centre with carved short drawer and four long drawers beneath. The corners of inset reeded motif. Base with deep frieze con- taining one long drawer and centre fan-carved drawer flanked by two smaller ones. Set on cabriole legs, terminating in pad feet. Trimmed with original brasses and escutcheons. Height, 88 inches; width, 42 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 98 IMPORTANT CARVED MAHOGANY HIGHBOY [556] 557 558 959 560 ENGLISH NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER BY HANNAH PENN 1757 Worked in many colored silks on cream-colored ground; top with group of winged angels; centre medallion with script, religious verse, and signed Hannah Penn Anno Domino 1757; lower portion with flock of sheep tended by three Quakers; border with floral blossom and geometric gallery. Framed. Height, 21 inches; width, 16 inches Hannah Penn was the oldest daughter of ‘Thomas Penn, second son of William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania. ‘This sampler has been in the Penn family for many generations. ‘The book entitled ‘““The Family of William Penn,” published in 1899 by the late Howard M. Jenkins, a Friend of Philadelphia, will furnish the history of the foregoing. Not only a Rare sampler, but one having undoubted Anglo- American interest. | SEE ILLUSTRATION | CARVED WALNUT TILTING-TOP TABLE AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Circular moulded sunk top, supported on finely turned baluster and tripod scroll legs, terminating in ball and claw feet. MAHOGANY WALL CABINET AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Serpentine scrolled moulded cornice with central ball terminal. Fitted with two glazed enclosing doors, similar ends, and a long lower drawer with brass bail handles. Height, 35 wmches; width, 33 inches MAHOGANY MANTEL CLOCK BY TERRY Oblong, with scrolled pediment and open slender columnar sup- ports on valanced bracket feet. Glazed door having eglosimé panel with view of Mount Vernon. Height, 26 inches; width, 1214 mches Interior has Terry’s original trade advertisement pasted at back. 100 Kise eh oe ¢ Y HANNAH PENN ENGLISH NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER B NNSYLVANIA S FOUNDER OF PE GRANDDAUGHTER OF THE FAMOU [55 561 563 564 565 566 567 568 EARLY PAINTED PINE MANTEL AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Fine reeded pilasters joined by broad breast enriched at centre with reeded block. Long shelf shaped with cornice at pilaster heads. Height, 58 inches; length, 80 inches SIX CARVED MAHOGANY SIDE CHAIRS AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Square-shaped back with fluted columnar sides, and carved and fluted splats; on turned fluted tapering legs. Seats upholstered and covered in red floral damask. NEEDLEWORK AND BEADED BELL PULL EARLY AMERICAN Glass bead geometrical design with centres in needlework, worked on cream ground with scrolled edge; fitted with opaque glass handle. GILT UPRIGHT MIRROR EARLY AMERICAN Tabernacle top trimmed with ball drops and with columnar sides ; upper panel with eglosimé design of basket of fruit. Height, 2714 wmches; width, 15 mches HICKORY LADDER-BACK ARMCHAIR EARLY AMERICAN Rack with four ladder splats on finely turned supports, connected with arm rail, with turned balustered legs. Fully stretchered. Splint seat. MAHOGANY TRAY-TOP TABLE EARLY AMERICAN Oblong top with moulded high rim; scrolled and shaped frieze on slender hip cabriole legs; terminating in pad feet. Height, 28 inches; length, 2814 inches HICKORY WINDSOR ARMCHAIR EARLY AMERICAN Loop top with horseshoe arm, saddle seat. On turned legs joined with stretcher. PINE WRITING DESK EARLY AMERICAN Slant hinged top disclosing interior with compartments; on moulded base. Height, 8 inches; width, 25 inches 102 569 570 571 572 573 | 574 575 . ENGLISH FURNITURE OF THE 18TH CENTURY NUMBERS 569-628 TWO STAFFORDSHIRE DOGS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Seated figures, looking right and left, decorated with sepia coloring. (2) Height, 10 inches TWO BLACK LACQUER CHESTNUT URNS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Classic oval urn shaped body, on pedestal and oval base; fitted with dome cover and ring side handles; decorated in gilt and sepia in woodland and rural scene. (2) Height, 131% inches MAHOGANY TWO-TIER WHATNOT ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY The lower part is a cupboard enclosed by tambour door, above which are two shelves, the upper fitted with a drawer the interior of which contains small writing compartments. Height, 46 inches; length, 15 inches WALNUT DRESSING MIRROR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY The lower part is in the form of a miniature bureau fitted with drop drawers and compartments; below is one long deep drawer. Above is an oblong mirror supported by fluted tapering columns. Height, 28 inches; width, 12 inches CARVED GILT WOOD OVERMANTEL MIRROR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY The lower part, divided into three sections, is headed by gilt carving. Height, 23 inches; length, 41 inches TWO MAHOGANY OCCASIONAL TABLES ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Kidney-shaped top surrounded by fretwork gilt metal gallery and covered in original leather; on lyre-shaped supports, connected by understretcher. Height, 27 inches INLAID AND CARVED MAHOGANY TIP TABLE ENGLISH, 1STH CENTURY Oval top inlaid with band of satinwood; on carved tripod stand holding carved column. Height, 26 inches 1038 576 578 579 580 581 582 YEW TREE RUSH-SEATED CORNER CHAIR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Semicircular back with scroll ends; rush seat; on turned legs connected by stretchers. WING ARMCHAIR ENGLISH, ABouT 1800 Lift-up seat enclosing compartment. ‘The seat, back and arms are upholstered and covered in terra cotta colored velvet. SMALL WALNUT OCCASIONAL TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY — Circular top on spirally twisted column standing on a tripod base. Height, 28 inches; diameter, 14 inches LADY’S PAINTED SATINWOOD WRITING DESK ENGLISH, ADAM PERIOD The top, fitted with one drawer and two compartments, enclosed by doors inset with oval panels of silkwork. ‘The lower portion is fitted with one long drawer; supported by four turned tapering legs. Height, 47 wmches; length, 26 inches INLAID SHERATON MAHOGANY MIRROR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Upright mirror with broad panel at top; inlaid with shell motif ; base with deep mahogany panel. , Height, 47 inches; width, 201% inches CARVED MAHOGANY AND NEEDLEWORK STOOL _ ENGLISH, CHIPPENDALE PERIOD The top is upholstered and covered in floral needlework; on cabriole legs carved at the knees in a leaf design. Height, 18 inches; length, 23 inches MAHOGANY THREE-TIER DUMB WAITER ENGLISH, CHIPPENDALE PERIOD Tripod stand holding column which supports three graduated circular shelves. Height, 46 inches 104 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 CARVED WALNUT WING ARMCHAIR ENGLISH, QUEEN ANNE PERIOD Semicircular back and seat upholstered and covered in blue silk. On cabriole legs, carved at the knees and terminating in ball and claw feet. CARVED MAHOGANY CARD TABLE ENGLISH, CHIPPENDALE PERIOD Oblong top with carved edge; fitted with one long drawer; on cabriole legs carved at the knees. Height, 29 inches; length, 26 inches CARVED MAHOGANY POLE SCREEN ENGLISH, CHIPPENDALE PERIOD Carved tripod base supporting fluted column which holds needle- work panel. CARVED MAHOGANY DOUBLE WRITING DESK ENGLISH, CHIPPENDALE PERIOD The top with moulded edge carved in leaf design. Below on each side is a centre drawer, to the right of which are three smaller drawers. On the left are three dummy drawers. Standing on eight legs carved in a Gothic design. Height, 29 inches; length, 90 inches CARVED MAHOGANY MIRROR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong mirror plate surrounded by mahogany frame with fret- work pediment. Height, 29 inches; width, 18 inches CARVED MAHOGANY SIDE TABLE ENGLISH, CHIPPENDALE PERIOD Top with carved moulded edge; on cabriole legs carved at the knees. Height, 28 inches; length, 29 inches FRETWORK MAHOGANY HANGING BOOKSHELF ENGLISH, CHIPPENDALE PERIOD Sides fretted in a Gothic arch design and holding three graduated shelves. Height, 27 inches; length, 32 inches 105 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 CARVED MAHOGANY SECRETARY-BOOKCASE ENGLISH, CHIPPENDALE PERIOD The upper portion, enclosed by two mirror doors and headed by carved pediment, forms a cupboard; below which is the drop front secretary containing small drawers and compartments; beneath are two short and two long drawers; on carved base. Height, 90 inches; length, 38 inches CARVED MAHOGANY AND GILT MIRROR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong moulded frame with gilt inner beading; top panel divisioned enclosing old blue and white wall paper of rural scene; flanked on either side with gilt column and galleried pediment. Panel at base to match top. Height, 63 inches; width, 24 wmches TWO BLACK LACQUER CHESTNUT URNS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Classic oval urn shaped body on pedestal and oval base; fitted with dome cover and ring side handles; decorated in gilt and in color with blossoming tree motif. (2) — Height, 12 inches TWO PAINTED TOLE BRACKETS Decorated with a design of Oriental subjects on a green ground. (2) STEEL DOWER CHEST DUTCH, 17TH CENTURY Height, 12 inches; length, 25 inches MARQUETERIE ARMCHAIR DATED 1627 Square back with oblong panel inlaid with design of birds and flowers and inscribed “I. Becke Garbers—Anno. 1627.” Shaped arms, and standing on square legs connected by stretchers. CARVED GILT WOOD MIRROR ENGLISH, QUEEN ANNE PERIOD The mirror plate is surrounded by frame richly carved in a leaf and flower design and headed by female figurehead. Height, 51 inches; width, 24 mches 106 598 599 600 601 602 CARVED MAHOGANY OVERSTUFFED WING ARMCHAIR ENGLISH, CHIPPENDALE PERIOD The seat, back, arms and wings are upholstered and covered in green silk. On square carved legs connected by stretchers. TWO CARVED MAHOGANY BOOKCASES ENGLISH, CHIPPENDALE PERIOD The upper part is composed of a cabinet enclosed by one large glass door which is divided into nine small panels by leaf-carved mouldings; surmounted by carved and moulded cornice. The lower part formed as a cupboard enclosed by large panelled door. (2) Height, 79 inches; width, 36 inches CARVED MAHOGANY PIE-CRUST TILT TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Circular top with carved scrolled border, set on spiral vase centre pedestal. On tripod scrolled legs, enriched with entwined leaf motif, and terminating in claw feet. Height, 29 inches; diameter, 31 inches MAHOGANY TAMBOUR-TOP DESK ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Tambour top enclosing writing pad with small compartments on either side; below is one small drawer. On four square tapered legs, connected by shaped undershelf. Height, 31 inches; width, 19 inches CARVED GILT WOOD AND PAINTED MIRROR ENGLISH, ADAM PERIOD Oblong mirror plate surmounted by panel with urn and leaf carvings in relief on a gray ground, flanked by carved columns ; the frame is surmounted by a gilt eagle holding ropes of beads which connect with urns at either side. Height, 80 inches; width, 31 inches INLAID MAHOGANY CYLINDER-FRONT SECRETARY ENGLISH, SHERATON PERIOD Cylinder-top desk, the interior of which is fitted with pull-out writing slide, and small drawers and compartments; below are three long drawers. Fitted with original brass knobs and drop handles. Height, 41 inches; width, 46 inches LOT es 6024 603 604 6044 605 606 6064 TWO OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY On square bases and columnar shafts. (2) Height, 614 inches INLAID MAHOGANY AND NEEDLEWORK ARMCHAIR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oval back with centre part composed of interlaced mouldings. Shaped arms on shaped supports. On square fluted legs. Seat upholstered and covered in floral gros point. MAHOGANY SHAVING MIRROR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong base fitted with three drawers, above which are two shaped columns supporting oval mirror. Height, 24 inches; width, 29 inches SET OF FOUR OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY On scalloped bases with embossed decorations. Balustered shaft with chiselled mounts. (4) Height, 10 inches SET OF SIX BLACK LACQUER SIDE CHAIRS ENGLISH, QUEEN ANNE PERIOD High oval backs with centre splat and rails decorated in gilt design of Mandarin subjects on black ground. On cabriole legs ; slip seats upholstered and covered in figured green damask. (6) TWO BLACK LACQUER CHESTNUT URNS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Gadrooned oblong body with leaf-scrolled side handles; on centre pedestal and scalloped base. Heightened in gilt and color, with floral design. Fitted with cover with urn finial. (2) Height, 12 inches TWO OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Plain oval bases, reeded borders. (2) Height, 10 inches 108 6068 607 608 4 > te a OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE FRUIT BASKET ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Scalloped circular form with engraved floral motif. Chased border. Hinged handle. Diameter, 12 inches FRETWORK MAHOGANY HANGING BOOKSHELF ENGLISH, CHIPPENDALE PERIOD Fretwork sides holding three shaped shelves. Height, 32 inches; length, 25 inches TWO STAFFORDSHIRE DOGS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Seated spaniels, looking right and left, decorated with splashes of gilt lustre. (2) Height, 9 inches TWO OF SIX EARLY ENGLISH MAPLE AND HICKORY WINDSOR ARMCHAIRS [610] 109 609 610 611 612 613 614 CARVED MAHOGANY SHERATON WINDOW SEAT ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Finely scrolled arms enriched with scrolled leafage. Seat rail with tableted sprays of laurel leaves, on round tapering legs, having series of leaves at crown. Covered in brown denim. Height, 2814 inches; length, 47 inches SIX MAPLE AND HICKORY WINDSOR ARMCHAIRS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Arched high back with pierced scroll splat and light spindles. Horse-shoe arms with further spindles, splats and balusters. Saddle seat on flaring stretchered turned legs. (6) [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 109 | CARVED MAHOGANY SOFA TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Moulded oblong top with two drop leaves, rounded at corners. On pear-shaped reeded balustered end supports and outcurving fluted legs terminating in brass claw castored feet. Joining central baluster stretcher. Height, 29 inches; width, 50 inches FINELY INLAID WALNUT CABINET ON STAND WILLIAM AND MARY PERIOD Oblong cabinet with two enclosing doors. Numerous interior drawers, finely panelled and inlaid with oyster grain walnut. On stretched bulbous turned legs. , Height, 42 inches; width, 35 inches LADY’S PAINTED WRITING DESK ) ENGLISH, ADAM PERIOD The top is decorated in a design of flowers and is surrounded by a high gallery decorated in a similar manner; below are two drawers; standing on four tapered legs connected by crossed stretchers which support a small shelf in the centre. Height, 41 inches; length, 36 inches TWO LE BLOND PRINTS Colored prints of rural landscape and village street scene. Oval in walnut frames. (2) Length, 10 inches 110 615 616 617 618 619 6194 CARVED AND GILT MIRROR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong beaded and moulded frame with square corner blocks en- riched with medallioned motif. Finely carved scroll pediment in urn and acanthus-leaf design. Height, 3814 inches; width, 19 inches MAHOGANY FOLDING CONSOLE TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong moulded folding top with rounded corners, frieze of same contour containing one drawer. On straight tapering legs. Height, 30 inches; width, 34 inches CARVED MAHOGANY WING ARMCHAIR ENGLISH, CHIPPENDALE PERIOD The seat, back, wings and arms are upholstered and covered in two-tone floral silk. The square carved legs are connected by stretchers. MAHOGANY FOLDING CONSOLE TABLE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong moulded folding top with rounded corners, frieze of same contour containing one drawer. On turned tapering balustered legs. Height, 3014 inches; width, 34 inches LADY’S INLAID MAHOGANY WRITING DESK ENGLISH, circa 1780 Shaped top upon which rest two shelves which terminate at either end in a small drawer, surmounted by a cupboard enclosed by an inlaid door. The lower portion is fitted with one long and two deep drawers. Original circular brass drop handles; on four turned tapering legs. Height, 44 inches; length, 42 inches | TWO OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oval shapes with leaf-engraved borders. Plain balustered shafts. (2) | Height, 8 inches 111 620 621 622 6224 623 624 EIGHT SHERATON ROLL-BACK DINING CHAIRS ENGLISH, LATE 18TH CENTURY Turned reeded top rail with centre carved splat in medallion and leaf motif. Broad shaped seat covered in crimson velvet on out- curving tapering legs. (8) STRAW-WORK PICTURE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Prado, Madrid. View of the buildings and drives; leading to the Bull-ring. Worked in many colored straws in intricate fashion. Records show that this work was done by prisoners. Framed in old Sheraton inlaid frame. Height, 14 inches; width, 171% inches TWO CARVED GILT WOOD MIRRORS ENGLISH, ADAM PERIOD Triangular plate divided into two sections and below on either side are carved gilt wood urns, holding flowers. (2) Height, 38 inches; length, 30 inches OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE MANTEL CLOCK ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY On unusual lyre-shaped support. Square platform base. In running order. Height, 12 inches INLAID MAHOGANY SHERATON WRITING TABLE ~ ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Oblong top fitted at back with compartmented cupboard, con- sisting of centre shell-inlaid doors and flanked by four end drawers. Frieze fitted with three drawers set on tapering legs. The whole finely inlaid and in perfect condition. Height, 42 inches; length, 4314 inches FRUITWOOD LADDER-BACK ARMCHAIR ENGLISH, 1STH CENTURY Back with six ribboned ladder splats and fitted with curiously turned side wings. Scrolled arm joined to heavily balustered legs. Rush seat. 112 625 626 627 628 6284 629 FRUITWOOD LADDER-BACK ROCKER ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Back with six ribboned ladder splats and fitted with curiously turned side wings. Scrolled arms joined to heavily balustered legs. Rush seat. TWO STAFFORDSHIRE DOGS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Seated spaniels, looking to right and left, decorated with splashes of gilt lustre. (2) Height, 9 inches FOUR CARVED MAHOGANY CHAIRS SHERATON, 18TH CENTURY Open carved back with fluted frame and joined by centre splats of disk and leaf motif. Broad seat finished with loose cushion and covered in old haircloth. Seat rail carved with repeated leaf motif ; on turned tapering fluted legs. (4) INLAID SHERATON MAHOGANY MIRROR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Upright mirror with panel at top and base. Inlaid with fan on square stepped motif. Cornice with floral design inlay. Height, 471% inches; width, 2014 inches OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE HOT WATER URN ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Classical vase form, with lion-head handles at sides. On square base, with ball feet. Height, 14 inches TAPESTRY PANELS NUMBERS 629-636 SMALL PANEL OF VERDURE TAPESTRY FLEMISH, 17TH CENTURY A woodland scene with a pheasant, worked in colors to enhance the bright plumage, perched on a rock. Height, 22 inches; width, 29 inches 118 630 SMALL PANEL OF VERDURE TAPESTRY 631 632 633 634 635 FLEMIsSH, 17TH CENTURY The conventional verdure woodland scene enlivened by a brightly colored bird in the foreground. Height, 22 wmches; width, 29 mches PANEL OF VERDURE TAPESTRY FLEMISH, 17TH CENTURY In the centre background is a castle flanked by trees and in the foreground are storks feeding. The panel is surrounded by a border worked in conventionalised design of leaves in bright colors on a black ground. Height, 8 feet; width, 14 feet 4 inches PANEL OF VERDURE TAPESTRY FLEMISH, 17TH CENTURY In the centre a tree in full bloom; on the left is a turreted castle and on the right a small house on the shores of a lake. ‘The panel is completely surrounded by its original border worked in brightly colored flowers on a black ground. Signed, on the left hand bottom corner, M.R. de F.C. Height, 9 feet; width, 5 feet 3 inches PANEL OF VERDURE TAPESTRY Ff iemisy, 17TH centTURY Conventional verdure woodland scene. Completely surrounded by original border, which is very unusual for a panel of this size. Height, 9 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet 11 inches PANEL OF VERDURE TAPESTRY Friemisu, 17TH cENTURY In the centre background a castle surrounded by trees, in the foreground brightly colored flowers. On either side is a broad border of urns and flowers in bright colors, on a black ground. Height, 7 feet 7 inches; width, 8 feet 5 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | PANEL OF VERDURE TAPESTRY Fvremisy, 17TH century Companion to the preceding. Height, 7 feet 7 inches; width, 3 feet 7 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 114 FLEMISH 17TH CENTURY PANELS OF VERDURE TAPESTRY [634] [635] 686 TWO VERY FINE MORTLAKE TAPESTRY APPLIQUE PANELS In the centre is an urn worked in Grecian design and holding a large bouquet of multicolored flowers; above in either corner is a bowknot from which is suspended a floral spray, while at the bottom in either corner is a daffodil plant in bloom. The whole is appliquéd on a rich maroon velvet ground with tasselled border. (2) Height of each, 10 feet; width of each, 6 feet 116