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SI ule ate eR SE A oR Kaede ie CRAM yey Didis yhoait ofa last Ca eAN aA ak! of) BAAS Dias UR SIEAY «Bat eee athe i He athots Se Hrdh ano eeet aot Ss saimind wih he way © hE Gs oatee cabiate % Seen re ee ears EAT aha RO SR a to eae hudietee WeteN ANNE Hn Catia leet alee Viak atic “a het & Leh bie NEI ini RA HT HOEY pak a ha RA ace ae yer bet Noha He Sates ites 2 Ne a“ ~ CATALOGUE ’ . " +f ‘ ‘ iv + a 7 ¢ s > nt i, 4 es ‘ 4 \ ) 7 — oe t . ° ~~) * ~ We ie ‘ - 4 FIRST EVENING’S SALE THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1916 IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA FIFTH AVENUE, 58rx to 59run STREET BEGINNING AT 8.15 0 CLOCK Douglas Volk, N.A. ga AMERICAN: 1856— . I—_MARINE (Panel) Height, 4 inches; length, 6 inches Gray water, lightly rippled, and spears of green grasses com- ing up through it. In the distance green hills and mountains, under a sky of gray clouds and golden lights. A view from a studio window at Lovel, Maine. Signed at the lower right, Doucias VoLk, °08. ; Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREWS. Henri Harpignies Frencu: 1819— 2 THE RAPIDS (Water Color) A Height, 452 inches; width, 634 inches THROUGH a green-walled ravine a rapid angry river flows toward the spectator, breaking over black rocks seen here and there above the surface. ‘The woodland banks, which form the background, are in deep shadow and no sky is visible. Signed at the lower left, H. Harpicnies. From the Estate of James S. Inglis Collection, 1910. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREWS. « 7 ae ) ie as , aia :', ae 1 oe we. + 7 i Sta * , ba us - x \ i ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Noh h OF “VALUABLE PAINTINGS BY ARTISTS OF DISTINCTION % Se a ee, +. j et oe ae a _— Die \ Po a eee © yao mers, oe di a oe Coe 4 y ves F es, - oI) oii 5% 5 ry 2 r ie ie. aa’ 1 Sa eb cL » TEN ae = : ; > ae : * ate BELONGING TO SHE ESTATES OF THE LATE MR. J. R. ANDREWS (FOR MANY YEARS PRESIDENT OF THE HYDE WINDLASS COMPANY, BATH, MAINE) GENERAL BRAYTON IVES, eeyeuimaeal A. CANFIELD AND OTHERS AND TO MR. P. H. MCMAHON AND OTHER PRIVATE OWNERS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA ON THE EVENINGS HEREIN STATED | AZ3a2 Tam. 24-28 cs. totes THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY oe MR. THOMAS E KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANT, MR, OTTO BERNET, oF . AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS 6 EAST 23rp STREET, MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK e ‘ © THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIAT! DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRE ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY ‘ : i : & a ur ‘= * i * Z ‘a r way = ; ® t . $ «2 x bya aa agi le * i ” ona , : i a v4 a oa, a ina . ‘= * * Fed ’ te is ’ sa * " . 4 ’ 4 ‘ » a 2 p * ' a? bg » a 1 4 ld ” wi re ts , Se a4 “ i * es nr 2 & v0 ig * i x - * ; ¥ s bh x «= . y ’ vi, ¥ = ‘ ; * U \ “hy j < ons CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2, The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the pur- chasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. ; 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays—between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P.M. . Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on pre- senting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and saneiaaal of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the pur- chaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. | Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. ”, Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association — of the correctness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, crror of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. SPECIAL NOTICE. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone, will be faith- fully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchase so made will be subject to the above Conditions of Sale, which cannot in any manner be modified. The Association, however, in the event of making a purchase of a lot consisting of one or more books for a pur- chaser who has not, through himself or his agent, been present at the exhibition or sale, will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be returned, if the lot in any material manner differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volwme or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit should be sent or reference sub- mitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced copies of the catalogue of any sale, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at a reasonable charge. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, ~ Madison Square South, New York City. Ralph Albert Blakelock, N.A. AMERICAN: 1847— 3—MARINE Height, 7 inches; width, 4% wmches ' J pw In the middle distance a rocky promontory comes into the pic- ture on the right, with a deep projection seaward which is pierced by a high archway, the work of the waves. The sea is gray-green and beating against the rocks, and rolling up to a bit of lower shore which makes the foreground. Signed at the lower right, R. A. BLAKE Lock. Purchased of Mr. Edward G. Getz, New York, 1909. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREWS. D. A.C. Artz Dutcu: 1837—1890 4—LE PRINTEMPS (Panel) Height, 81% inches; width, 61% inches A sMALL and sturdy daughter of the peasantry, of Teutonic features, is seated on the ground in a field of light green grass on the slope of a hill, plucking daisies, which abound all about her. She is in a dark dress with white underwaist and gray apron, and over her brown hair is a little white cap of the form called Dutch. She is turned to the left, three-quarters front, her face in profile. The sunshine is bright and the bit of sky seen over the hill’s slope is a light gray. Signed at the lower left, Arvz. Purchased from Messrs. R. C. and N. M. Vose, Boston, 1908. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANpREws. — AMERICAN: 1840—1904 5—NHAR NIANTIC ON THE SOUND (Panel) Height, 6 inches; length, 714 inches VELVETY grass, a warm yellowish green in the sunlight and cool and dark in the tree shadows, coats a high bluff overlooking the green-blue waters of Long Island Sound. At the crest of the bluff two figures are indicated, looking out over the water. A ravine leads down to the shore, between feathery trees, and in the offing appears the white sail of a yacht. Signed at the lower right, Minor. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. AnpRrews. Ralph Albert Blakelock, N.A. AmeERIcCAN: 1847— 6—INDIAN ENCAMPMENT AT TWILIGHT Height, 6 inches; length, 8 inches By the side of a river that runs on the left of the picture, and in which a single canoe is seen drawn up at the edge, several Indian tepees have been set up in a green field and in the shelter of a group of trees. Near them are figures of squaws in blue and red. The trees are turning to autumn browns and the sky is aglow with golden light at the sunset hour. Signed at the lower left, R. A. BLAKELOCK. Purchased from Messrs. R. C. and N. M. Vose, Boston, 1907. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREWS.: William F. Vallance y / fase Thee 7—ROCKS | (Water Color) (/ J k Height, 64 inches; width, 10% inches THROUGH a narrow rift between dark hills flows a light, shallow stream, breaking into foam and eddies over the numerous rocks which strew its path and line the shore. Signed at the lower left, W. F. VALLANCE. From the Estate of James S. Inglis Collection, 1910. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREws. A. Pecquereau FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY 8s—LANDSCAPE (Water Color) Height, 7 inches; width, 10 inches A RIVER spreads out in the foreground. Beyond rises a hill- side shore, with trees and houses. At the left is a clump of trees, and a man fishing. The sky is filled with clouds. Signed at the lower left, A. PECQUEREAU. From the Estate of James &. Inglis Collection, 1910. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREws. James A. MeNeill Whistler AMERICAN: 1854—1903 9 SUNRISE IN A MIST (Water Color) b py Height, 61% imches; length, 10 inches SHapowy trees among which the forms of conifers distinguish themselves are seen dimly, in and through a grayish mist which is sometimes bluish, sometimes greenish, and again purple-lilac, in subtle tones, against an equally indeterminate and vaporous sky, with the sun struggling aloft to penetrate the veil. Siened at the lower right, W. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. Lad! | William Gedney Bunee, N.A. AMERICAN: 1840— 10—A GROUP OF BOATS, VENICE (Panel) Height, 81% inches; length, 13 inches 3 None of the Venice buildings appears in this picture, which takes in only the broad waters of the Lagoon, and a bit of land on the left in the middle distance. Just off shore a number of sailboats are seen more or less in a line extending toward the distance, their yellow and red sails coloring the water with myriad reflections. In the distance are many more boats, mainly spots against a colorful sky. Signed at the lower right, W. G. B., VENEzIA, 82. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREWS. Ralph Albert Blakelock, N.A. y AMERICAN: 1847— 11—NOOK IN THE ADIRONDACKS (Panel) Height, 11 inches; width, 9 inches Nook is the word, a recess in greenery. All about is the thick green foliage of a forest, opened here to the sunlight for a brief space. The whole might be termed a study in greens, for they are everywhere, and almost they only, relieved by touches of soft browns. Signed at the lower right, R. A. BLAKELock. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREWS. James Holland, S.B.A. Eneuisu : 1800—1870 12-VENETIAN DAYS Diameter, 114% wmches On the right the corner of a yellowed palace is seen, with a lady in red emerging from a doorway where an attendant waits, and a gondola is drawing up; in front appears another boat, with a seated figure. The water of the canal is a deep, variously mottled green, and on the farther side, toward the left, in front of white palaces, are larger boats of commerce, with sails up or slackened to dry, and in the shadow of the yellow palace a line of light masts recedes toward the distance. In the farther distance a pink campanile and a large white dome lift them- selves above red and brown tiled roofs, toward a sky shot with white light just above them, while higher up it is a darkening ereenish-blue. Purchased from Hollander & Cremetti, London, 1874. By order of an Executor. Eugene Isabey are Frencu: 1804—1886 =o, 13—THE FRENCH COAST [W(. # (Panel) ad Height, 101% inches; width, 84 inches Hex chalk cliffs, with sheer fronts on the left, border a green sea breaking in a low white surf at their feet, in the middle distance. The land slopes forward, yellow and green, from the cliff tops, to a green, brown and purplish tidal shore in the foreground, cut by a white rushing inlet. Here a heavy black- hulled fishing boat, with dark red stern and yellow-white and red-brown sails, partly furled, is tied up. Signed at the lower right, E. Isanry, 60. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. Lan William Gedney Bunce, N.A. AmeERIcAN: 1840— 14—AT VENICE (Panel) Height, 13 inches; width, 834, inches A GOLDEN sky shot with red and mauve lends its colors to the slowly moving waters of the Lagoon, the smooth liquid surface almost blending into the ethereal vapors. On the left in the distance huge domes come out of the misty atmosphere, over brownish buildings, and nearer by on the right are some sail- boats. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREWS. Henry Muhrman AmeERiIcan: 1854— , fe 15—_SOUTH COVE, NEW JERSEY (Water Color) Height, 9 inches; width, 131 inches THE scene shows a port for the repairing of the smaller water craft. Various boats are drawn up, some with masts and rig- ging, awaiting their turn on the blocks. In the foreground two figures are seen gathering chips. Signed at the lower right, H. Munrman, New York, °79. From the Estate of James S. Inglis Collection, 1910. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREWS. Narcisse Virgile Diaz de la Pena Frencu: 1809—1860 16—SKETCH FOR A LARGE COMPOSITION Height, 1324 wmches; width, 9 mches Tus figure of a woman standing before an altar, attended by winged figures floating in space, though but a sketch, 1s inter- esting as the first draught for a great religious picture which must have filled the mind of the brilliant Franco-Spanish painter. It is easy to see it would have been an original and striking work, had it been carried out. Signed at the lower right, N. D1az. From the Estate of James S. Inglis Collection, 1910. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREWS. “f Thomas Moran, N.A. f AMERICAN: 1837— 17—VENICE | (Water Color) Height, 131% inches; width, 91% inches Buus sky massed over with white, fleecy cloud; blue and green water equally covered with the white vaporous reflections. In the distance and middle distance tall groups of buildings, separated by a canal, in delicate color, and on the water numer- ous boats with brilliantly colored sails. Signed at the lower right, T. Moran, 1897. ¥ 2 Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. Etienne Prosper Berne-Bellecour FrencuH: 1838—1910 18—CH ASSEUR-A-PIED (Panel) Height, 14 inches; width, 10 inches A Frencu soldier in infantry uniform and with gun suspended over his shoulder, stands examining a Prussian helmet left on the battlefield. Beyond stretches a landscape of fertile fields. Signed. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. Jean Jacques Henner Frencu: 1829—1905 19—HEAD OF A GIRL Height, 13 inches; width, 914 inches ONE of the artist’s ideal heads of young women, the young woman here shown appearing in head and bust, figure three- quarters front and face in profile to the left. She has rich red hair which falls down her back and is drawn about her right shoulder, and leaning her head forward she rests her chin upon her right hand. Her gown is green and décolleté. Signed at the upper right, J. J. HENNER. From the George I. Seney Collection, New York, 1885. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREws. | William Sartain, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 18435— 20—MEDITATION Height, 14 inches; width, 101% mches THREE-QUARTER length figure of a peasant woman, no longer young nor yet old, seated and turned to the right, her face seen a little more than in profile. She wears a crimson skirt, and green-blue overskirt or apron, a waist with white flowing upper sleeves and purple-brown lower sleeves, and a pink scarf about her neck. A white headdress partly covers her dark hair and she wears a pearl necklace of several strands. She sits with left knee raised, leaning forward with chin resting on her left hand, which is supported on the knee, and she looks vacantly into space. Signed at the left, W. SARTAIN. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREWS. ets. es | ook Richard Parkes Bonington nic we Enceuisu: 1801—1828 21—_STREET SCENE Height, 134% inches; width, 101% inches THE spectator looks down a narrow street which presently opens to a broad transverse street giving upon a park, in which sundry low buildings are overtopped in the distance by a high dome. On the left, a high reddish-gray building throws its shadow upon the narrow street. Outside a gate in the garden wall an aged and bent woman seated in a chair holds a child on her lap. The property of a Private Collector. Charles Caryll Coleman American: 1840— 22 IN CLASSIC LANDS (Panel) Height, 1634 inches; width, 1014 inches Over the bed of a green hill sloping to the right, the eye travels to a fair blue sky, and, as the decline progresses, to a brilliant turquoise sea, flooded with sunshine which, striking in from the right, illuminates the figures of two brown-habited monks con- versing in a zigzag pathway on the hillside, and throwing their shadows upon the turf. One is tonsured; an elder and bearded man talking earnestly with him has his cowl up. In the fore- ground, sturdy and twisted trees are in shadow, and a tonsured brother in brown passing between them in the angular path is walking toward the sunlight. Signed in monogram at the lower right,-C CC, Rome, 1867. By order of Executors. Henry W. Ranger, N.A. AMERICAN: 1858— 23—LANDSCAPE AND COTTAGE Height, 12 mches; length, 14 inches : A LANDSCAPE, with tall, slender trees of sinuous trunks and feathery foliage, standing in a group, but separated one from another on the left, and closely bunched on the right, about a pond which occupies the foreground. Back of the pond, and partly hidden by the denser tree group, is a white cottage with a red-brown roof. ‘The green leafage is touched with yellow and brown color. | Signed at the lower left, H. W. Rancer. Purchased from Arthur Tooth & Sons. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREws. Robert Layton Newman American: 1827—1912 24 THE LETTER - Height, 14 inches; width, 12 inches A younc woman with a mass of light brown. hair with reddish tinges, done in large loose knots or puffs at the back of her head, is shown at half-length, seated easily and facing the right. She wears a blue waist with a low, rounded neck-opening. ‘The light falls from the left full upon her shoulder, neck and cheek, leaving her features in partial shadow, and illumining the let- ter which she is reading. From the William T. Evans Collection, New York, 1913. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREWS. midi. Anton Mauve pet DutcH: 1838—1888 25—INTERIOR OF A BARN hore Height, 13 inches; length, 161 inches A BARN, with open door through which a glimpse of landscape is seen. From this opening the light shines upon a figure of a peasant, with pitchfork, stirring up the bedding in the cattle tie-up. There is a big round tub of water in the foreground and a well-filled hayloft overhead. Signed at the lower right, A. M. From the late Joseph Jefferson Collection, New York, 1906. | * Property of the Estaie of the late J. R. ANDREws. Anton Mauve LW Dutrcu: 1838—1888 26—STUDY OF AN OLD MILL Height, 11 inches; length, 17 inches A note from nature of a moss-covered mill, with water-chute — and wheel. The ground slopes down from the level of the pond above. Behind the pond is a background of green trees against a gray sky. Shadows from hidden trees play over the grassy surface of the ground. Signed at the lower right, A. Mauve. From the late Joseph Jefferson Collection, New York, 1906. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREws. Ta o” 27—_LANDSCAPE IN SPRING ala Marie Joseph Iwill pl Frencnu: 1850— Height, 121% inches; length, 184% mches FLAT meadows, a fresh green in springtime, stretch away to the right of a narrow stream, interrupted only by occasional patches of brown weed or a gray-white stone. On the left of the cool gray water, which is dotted with the stray petals of spring blossoms, a man and a small girl in a pink frock are strolling along a broad brown path, which on its farther side is bordered with green trees—including a pollard—and blos- soming bushes. In the distance beyond the meadows on the right are suggestions of the buildings of a city. Signed at the lower right, Iwirx, ’96; and at the lower left the artist has penciled “Avriu.” Purchased from C. W. Kraushaar, New York, 1908. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREWS. George H. Boughton, N.A., R.A. AMERICAN: 1834—1905 23—HESTER PRYNNE: “THE SCARLET LETTER” (Panel) Height, 171% inches; width, 111% inches AT a heavy wooden cabin door, close in the foreground on the right, the immortal victim of New England rigor stands knock- ing. She is tall and slender, and solemn, with dark, understand- ing eyes, and she wears a reddish-brown dress with the letter of her sacrifice on her breast. Signed at the lower right, on the doorstep, G. H. Boucuton. Purchased from Scott & Fowles Co., New York, 1910. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. AnpReEws. > are a 5 a ‘ (| i! Fu od a Frederic Remington, A.N.A. 1g AMERICAN: 1861—1909 l 299—_STALKING GOATS ON THE BALD PEAKS Height, 17 inches; width, 1514 mches AN illustration in black and white, with the stamp of the Art Department of The Century on the back. The scene is high in the mountains, with distant peaks snow-capped. On a rugged slope in the foreground two hunters are seen, a bearted man in an outing shirt with trousers tucked in his boots, and a clean- shaven man in a fringed leather costume, the former keenly peering for his quarry and the latter clinging for the moment to the precipitous wall on which he has a precarious footing. Signed at the lower left, REMINGTON. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREWS. \\ Q/ Johannes Hendrik Weissenbruch DutcH: 1824—1903 30—ON THE BEACH AT KATWYK (Panel) Height, 12 inches; length, 17 inches ON the right a white church rises above the green of a dune shore, ana beyond it are seen buildings of the small town. Along the gray beach are figures and a cart, and single-masted sail boats are seen at the water’s edge, where the surf line shines white. Signed at the lower right, J. H. WEISSENBRUCH. Purchased from Messrs. R. C. and N. M. Vose, Boston. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREws. _ I) a iL 7! a Anton Mauve i Durcu: 1838—1888 31—_LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE (Water Color) Height, 11 inches; length, 1714 winches THREE calves, grouped together for company. They have chosen a spot near a log fence on the left, beyond which a wood rises thick, but its shade does not reach them. One, a black and white one, stands partly in the shade of the fence, headed toward the spectator, but turning to look behind him. A white calf and a red and white one lie curled up in the sun on a bright green grassy slope. Signed at the lower left, A. MAUVE. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. Eugene Fichel Frencu: 1826— 382—ITALIAN STREET SCENE (Panel) Height, 16 inches; width, 124% mches ON a broad stone pavement in front of a yellowed marble palace, and other lesser buildings whose receding roof lines open an aerial vista to a bright blue sky with white clouds, there appear a goodly company of men and women in costumes of varied, subdued, but rich color. A jester in red is mocking a preoccupied youth, to the amusement of the assembly, which includes a good-humored monk in white habit and a number of women. The principal character, victim of the jester’s atten- tions, is in a rich red-brown, with slashed sleeves showing white, and a blue shoulder mantle. _ Signed at the lower left, KE. Ficurer, 1869. * Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. Jan Monchablon hi Frencu: 1855—1903 33—BUISSONS FLEURIS, PRES CHATILLON, VOSGES | Height, 12144 mches; length, 1734 inches ¢ In the brilliant atmosphere of an early summer day, under a bright blue sky with cream-yellow, white, mauve and violet- gray clouds, a farmer with a scythe and a young woman with a basket are in conversation in a meadow plot enclosed within lines and banks of flowering bushes—white, pink, yellow, brown and lilac-hued. At the center is a pool where yellow flowers grow, and near by two cows are grazing. Around are culti- vated fields, on a round hill on the right is a cottage with smoke issuing from its chimney, and in the distance more green hills form an almost level skyline. Signed at the lower right, Jax Moncuaston. On the back it is signed again, with the title of the canvas, and its number (by the artist), 253. * Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. Charles Harold Davis, N.A. AMERICAN: 1858— 34— AUTUMN LANDSCAPE Height, 13 inches; length, 16 inches Tu sky is massed with clouds and swiftly changing its aspect on a breezy day, white cloud banks overrolling gray ones and a light blue sky showing here and there amongst them. The earth below is bright with autumn color, in the foliage of thick _ clumps of tall trees in the middle distance and on the right, and in the tangled and beaten down grasses and herbage of the ground, brown, yellow and vivid red mingling with the green. A cloud shadow models an irregular outline along the fore- cround, in the middle distance a blue stream crosses the land- scape, and across the background .extends a broad, slowly rising ridge of even top, its incline varied in surface and color. Signed at the lower left, C. H. Davis. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREWS. G. Innocenti ITALIAN: CONTEMPORARY ee 35_THE MUSICIAN /\ /R : (Panel) \ Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches SHE is young and fair, the musician, and clad in a page’s cos- tume of pink brocade. She stands in easy attitude, facing the spectator, and playing a lute, on which her mobile fingers rest gracefully, while she reads her notes from a tall music stand on the left and in the face of a strong light. She appears on a sort of balcony, with a green damask curtain behind her toward the left, and on the right a garden or park landscape. Her fluffy blond hair stands out at either side of her fair face, under a bowl-shape skull eap. Signed at the lower right, INNOCENTI. From the Howard Gould Collection. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. AnpRrews. Leon Richet FRENCH: 1847—1907 36—_THE EDGE OF THE RIVER Height, 13 inches; length, 18 inches Gray clouds which have covered the heavens are parting high up over the center of the picture, revealing yellowish-white ones and shy glimpses of blue beyond them. Through the widening rifts the sunlight descends, gilding a treetop and in front of it the edge of a low grass bank of the middle distance, on the edge of a shallow river which bends from the right into the foreground, which it occupies completely. On the left of the river thick trees cast shadows, and the trunks of others are reflected on the silvery surface. At the bend in the river a figure in white and red is seen in a rowboat, and the right, beyond, is given up to high green fields. 3 Signed at the lower left, L&on RicHer. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. Theophile de Bock i ere) Dutcu: 1850—1904 37—A LIGHT BREEZE AT BERKEN / Height, 14 inches; length, 19 inches ON the right a green bank broken by yellow and white chalk or sand rises against a gray sky in which appear large batches of white clouds and here and there glimpses of deep blue. Beyond the bluff the pinkish square tower of a village church is seen, topped by a gray, pointed steeple, and on the nearer side are | the red roofs of gray cottages which stand closely grouped in the grassy, irregular foreground. Here two figures are indi- cated, toward the right, and a haystack stands near the center of the building group. 'To the left a gray sea breaks in white foam on a low shore and reaches to the horizon, a few sail being noted in the distance. Signed at the lower right, Tu. pr Bocx. Purchased from Arthur Tooth & Sons, 1906. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANpREws. fh Johannes Hendrik Weissenbruch Durcu: 1824—1903 38—_IN HOLLAND (Water Color) Height, 121% inches; length, 21 inches A NARROW gray canal enters the picture in the left foreground, passing from sight in the middle distance in the midst of green fields. A boatman is at work on his boat and another boat lies up at the bank. In the distance are cattle grazing, and beyond them several windmills stand against the sky. Signed at the lower right, J. H. WEIssENBRUCH. Purchased from Arthur Tooth & Sons, 1906. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREws. Winslow Homer, N.A. f a AMERICAN: 1836—1910 39—HUDSON RIVER IN THE ADIRONDACKS: , | A GOOD SHOT hyn - OAT ne oe Ake (Water Color) Ae Height, 14 inches ; length, 21 inches AGAINST a background, dark but full of color, dimly suggestive of mountains and trees, and a middle distance of strong blues and greens and still other colors, spotted with white, a wounded stag is seen in a strong light in the foreground, struggling to get over a boulder. He is a light tan in hue and facing the spectator. Signed at the lower left, Homer, Oct. 12, 1892. Purchased from M. Knoedler & Co., New York, 1908. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREws. —_— | Jean Gustave Jacquet Frencu: 1846—1909 40—JHUNE DAME Height, 1814 inches; width, 154% mches Heap and bust portrait of a handsome young woman with lightly dressed, fluffy and waving chestnut-brown hair, observed against a neutral background of grayish tone, darken- ing on the right. She faces almost directly to the front, with head poised lightly toward her right shoulder, and she looks quietly and frankly directly at the spectator, with large blue eyes. Her gown is a soft gray-green, the waist décolleté and sustained by shoulder straps of delicate plum color, tied with orange-brown bows. Signed at the left, near the shoulder, G. Jacquet. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. Jean Henry Jurres / Dutcu: CONTEMPORARY 41—_THE PRODIGAL SON (Panel) f ‘ j yo! t 64 Height, 1834 inches; width, 1614 inches THE Prodigal is on his knees, half nude, his blue-green robe dropping from his body as he is drawn up from the ground by the tall patriarchal figure welcoming him home. The latter, with bare limbs, is cloaked in scarlet, and back of the group, on the right, a woman’s figure in dark apparel is observed in the shadows. Signed at the lower left, J. H. JurRes. Purchased from C. W. Kraushaar, 1906. ° Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREws. Marie Francois Firmin-Girard Frencu: 1838— 42-M ARK ETING Height, 2134 inches; width, 15 mches THrouGH a thick woodland background of gorgeous autumn color a leaf-strewn path from a green open field leads forward to a narrow wooden foot-bridge across a brook, the bridge ceasing too soon and being supplemented by broad-backed stones across the foreground shallows. Crossing the stones a maid approaches, in white cap and dark apron and a flowered shoulder scarf, carrying a basket and a red umbrella, and a pair of chickens head downward. In the stream behind her ducks are swimming. Signed at the lower right, Firmin-Grirarp, 1881. Property of the Estate of the late Brayton Ives. A. D. Montemezzo y ITALIAN: CONTEMPORARY 43—THE LITTLE GOOSEHERDS eg Height, 131 inches; length, 26 inches Art the foot of a low-branching, aged tree, of large and heavily seamed trunk, standing at the left, two little girls of Teutonic type are seated on the grass, weaving garlands while they watch a large number of geese. The geese, white and gray, are in and about the edge of a pond and among the reeds, and several of them crane their necks at the outstretched hand of one of the children. The girls are in red and yellow, brown, pink and gray, and are barefoot and hatless, with their hair in “pigtail” braids. Signed at the lower left, A. D. Monremnzzo, Mtncuen, “76. Purchased from the late C. F. Haseltine, Philadelphia. By order of an Executor. Sir Martin Shee, P.R.A. Ewncoutsyu: 1764—1850 44—PORTRAIT OF JOHN PHILIP KEMBLE Height, 2014 imches; width, 151% inches Heap and shoulders portrait of the great actor, turned very slightly toward the left, with face almost full to the front and hazel eyes looking directly at the observer. He wears a black coat with rolling collar, and white stock and jabot. His hair or wig is gray and loosely brushed or matted, his eyebrows are dark and heavy, and his complexion is a fresh pink. The neutral background is in dark mahogany tone. Exhibited at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and at the Inaugural Exhibition, Syracuse, New York. The property of a Private Collector. John Bunyan Bristol, N.A. , AMERICAN: 1826—1909 / ay 45—-LANDSCAPE ae Height, 15 inches; length, 2334, inches / THE rounding slope of a hill in the left middle distance is crowned by a line of short, thick green trees, which stand out against a sky filled with gray and white clouds, and down the hill to the foreground leads a wandering path through deep green grass. To right of it a woman in red is lying in the grass, and another in white and gray is standing near, look- ing out across a gray, winding river. Signed at the lower left, J. B. Bristot. The property of the Estate of the late Brayton Ives. I. Spiridon ITALIAN: CONTEMPORARY 46—THE MEETING Height, 23 inches; width, 1514 mches On a broad stone pavement grayish-brown in tone, in front of a marble palace and its adjoining park, a courtly gentleman greets a coquettish lady in blue silk and a hat with enormous plumes and streamers. She rests a hand in his and bends for- ward, holding her voluminous skirt in a bunch before her and revealing snow-white petticoats and a tapering ankle. In the other hand she holds a bouquet and the tether of a small curly dog. Her gallant admirer addresses her, his chapeau removed, exposing his carefully dressed white wig. In the gray wall behind them is the tablet, “Villa Medici.” Signed at the upper right, I. Sprripon. Property of the Estate of the late Brayton Ives. Richard Wilson Eneusx: 1713—1782 Lon 47—_LANDSCAPE Height, 171% inches; length, 211 inches THROUGH a pastoral landscape a blue river winds, or a wan- dering lake extends its divers arms, the smooth blue surface silvered with the reflections from white clouds, or mirroring groups of shore trees. Its valley is green and rolling, with a hill at the left and far hills in the background, and a cottage appears in the middle distance. At the foot of a curling tree in the foreground lies a man in blue, in shadow, and a young lady in green, red and white, stands near him in the sun- light. Purchased from Thomas Agnew & Sons, London. The property of a Private Collector. 7 “Alexander H. Wyant, N.A. AMERICAN: 1836—1892 48—Ad MOUNTAIN BROOK Height, 15 inches; length, 25 inches Hicu in the background the broad top of a red-brown, bare mountain, rises against a pale turquoise sky in which gray and white clouds float; at either side the mountains, branching out, spread forward, and, with the green trees of their flanks and at their foot in the foreground, blot out the sky, as they rise out of the picture and leave a central valley in front between them. Through the gap, and coming around a point in the middle dis- tance on the left, a blue mountain stream rushes, soon tumbling in white rapids about gray rocks, and turning to warm red- dish-brown as it descends to the foreground shadows. A char- acteristic bit of Adirondack scenery. « Signed at the lower left, A. H. Wyant. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. Homer D. Martin, N.A. AMERICAN: 1836—1897 oe 49—WOOD INTERIOR Height, 15 inches; length, 25 inches / In the mellow, semi-mysterious light permeating the atmos- phere rather than illuminating it in the interior of a wood, the spectator looks straight ahead and all around to a resilient wall of green—interlacing and commingling foliage whose mass seems dense and soft as woodland moss, its green color as deep, and patches varying to the yellow-golden hue sometimes reflected from the surface of moss. Slender gray trunks are perceived on the right, and heavier brown ones on the left, and through the center of the composition runs the partially dry and rocky bed of a brook, whose reduced stream hugs the shadows of the left hand bank. Signed at the lower right, H. D. Martin. By order of Executors. Frederick Ballard Williams, N.A. AMERICAN: 1871— 50-—-DIANA AND MINERVA Height, 1514 inches; length, 231 inches THe two figures are seen in large proportions against a back- ground of deep blue sea and lighter blue sky, the sky dotted with yellowish-white clouds. Diana, active, young, plump and alert, with golden hair bound in a white chaplet and floating free at her back, is at the left, figure to the right three-quarters front, and face turned to look back over her right shoulder. A white filmy blouse falls away and reveals her fair shoulders, a blue mantle swings out behind her, and she wears an olive skirt. In one hand she holds an arrow and rests the other on her companion’s lap. Her wise sister, in larger mold, is in deep golden yellow and green, and has reddish-blond hair, and she looks down at her companion. Signed at the lower right, FrRep’k BALLARD WILLIAMS, ’04. Purchased direct from the artist. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREws, Willem Claasz Heda Dutcu: 1594—1678 hee ae 5I—_STILL LIFE: FRUIT CAKE (Panel) M4, A Height, 17 inches; length, 24 inches IN a soft, yellow-green light of warm tone, reflected from an olive wall and seeming to have come through similarly toned glass, a group of objects of the refreshment hour are observed on a green-covered table over which a white serviette has been spread at one end. Here a fruit cake or pudding in a brass or pewter dish is lying, with a cutting from it on a smaller dish of similar metal beside it, and a round-bowled spoon is near. A tumbler with some liquid in it stands back of the plate, and a tall wine-glass still holding some of its red con- tents beside it, with a large gold cup surmounted by a statuette between them. Lying on its side in front of the gold cup Is a nautilus cup brilliantly mounted, and brown nuts and _ their shells are to be found at either hand. By order of an Executor. George H. Boughton, N.A., R.A. AMERICAN: 1834—1905 52—LAKE WINDERMERE Height, 18 inches; length, 26 inches THE placid lake, a soft and silvery green, occupies most of the foreground, coming in from the left and extending back in the middle distance about a point jutting out from the right, and under a high hill on the left, which is part of a range of hills that occupies the distance. The last rays of the setting sun, which tinge the horizon clouds a soft red, and softer, ineffable, rose-violet-gray, bathe the high hill in a delicate sunset glow. The sky higher up is a delicate greenish-blue with yellowish cast, and is mirrored in the foreground water, about the wreck of a weather-beaten sailboat now mastless. On the point on the right a gray boulder and small trees with autumn colormg stand out against the sky. The painting is one of the firstfruits of the artist’s tour of the Lake Country, after his first return to England in 1853, as the dated signature shows. Signed at the lower right, G. H. Bouecutron, 1855. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. Jan Miense Molenaer (?) Dutcu: 1610—1668°? f 53—A CUP OF WINE wae Height, 19 inches; length, 25 inches a. 7 ‘a cf THREE young Dutch women are seated about a table, a pudgy child pulling at the skirts of one on the left, who smiles some- what vacantly toward the spectator as she holds out a tall wine cup which a boy is filling from a brown stone jug. A younger girl next her watches the pouring, non-committal, and the third girl, older, with her head thrown back over her chair, on the right, is laughing heartily in enjoyment of the antics of a pet dog, which, standing on her lap, tickles her chin with its tongue. Signed on the barrel with the monogram. By order of an Executor. Georges Michel Frencu: 1763—1843 54—THE SQUALL Height, 1914 inches; length, 261 inches Tue sky is filled with wind-driven gray and white clouds, nearly all the light having gone out of it, and from the right comes an angry black thunder squall, already beating hard upon the land. In front of it, in the foreground, a field bluff is alight with a final slant of sunshine, then the storm pours down on a lower field toward the left, where in the middle distance is a thick grove with buildings, already under the rainfall. | Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. Franz de Beul BELGIAN: CONTEMPORARY / 55—_-WITH THE FLOCK Height, 194 inches; length, 24 inches | C/A a 4, ~~ Mists of the morning are dissolving over green and brown fields of a low, flat land. Wild field flowers grow amongst the grass of the foreground, and green bushes and low trees spot the landscape, a clump of bushes at the left, a mass of bush and tree foliage on the right, against which is observed the fig- ure of a shepherdess in the midst of her flock of fat, brownish- gray sheep, her black dog walking at her side. She wears a brown cape and white cap, and knits as she goes. At the front of the flock is a lamb. Signed at the lower left, FRANz DE BEUL. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. Edouard de Beaumont Frencu: 1821—1888 56—THE EDUCATION OF A PRINCE Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches : A YOUNG prince with curly hair, dressed in black with a sword at his belt, and holding his helmet with a peacock feather in it before his chest, is being pushed gently up a marble stair by a courtier in a crimson cloak, the bashful boy gazing wide- eyed over his helmet at the young lady presented for his critica] judgment, her charms revealed. She is one of a group of six, and is supported by one of them, also négligée, standing at her elbow, while another affects to toy with the strings of a lute and a fourth takes the opportunity to watch her rather than stare at the caller. A mandolin lies on the marble on which they are sitting, where are also playing-cards and fruit. Signed at the lower left, Ev. Beaumont. Purchased from the late C. F. Haseltine, Philadelphia. By order of an Executor. Jean Henry Jurres DutcH: CONTEMPORARY 57—-LES DEUX MULETS (Panel) A Height, 201% inches; length, 251 inches ON the back of the panel the title is written, with the explana- tion: “Sur le mulet du fise une troupe se jette’—La Fon- taine. In the foreground in the shadows of a forest’s edge a company of raggedly clad armed men, some of them with bare limbs, with red, yellow, blue and green cloaks thrown over their white tunics, are lying in wait for the treasury agent, who is seen approaching on his mule, a horseman beside him, in the open beyond the wood. The horseman is in a red cloak, his mount is white. The men within the wood are in various attitudes, some crouching, others on their feet. Through the opening in the trees there is a glimpse of a blue sky with swirling clouds. Signed at the lower right, J. H. Jurres. Signed also on the back, mm connection with the title and the quotation. Purchased from C. W. Kraushaar, New York, 1906. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. AnpRews. | John Bunyan Bristol, N.A. AMERICAN: 1826—1909 58—A LONG THE RIVER Height, 18 inches; length, 27 inches A sMootH, pastoral river entering the picture in the left fore- ground passes from view under a bridge on the right, and on the foreground bank a man in brown is seated looking over the water. Across the stream numerous cows are seen in a green pasture in which stand several tall, handsome trees. In the distance are houses and mountains. Signed at the lower right, Brisrou. The property of the Estate of the late Brayton Ives. Henry Pember Smith AMERICAN: 1854—1907 the 59—_LANDSCAPE | Height, 1734 inches; length, 28 inches is 4% ‘a BorDERED on the left by a rude stone fence, a brown road through green fields in the foreground turns in the middle distance and is lost in the undulations of the land farther on, where the earth is brown under cultivation. The fence and most of the foreground are in shadow, sunshine from the left lighting the trees at the bend of the road and the landscape of the distance. Signed at the lower right, Hewry P. Suirn. The property of the Estate of the late Brayron Ives. SL neers f ees ££ : we A as at af Ee. 4)4 GA [A io py | | } ; : | Lee V ; yv\ f Jean Baptiste Greuze Frencu: 1725—1805 \ 60—GIRL WITH PIGEON i, Height, 25 inches; width, 21 imches SEATED in a carved gilt, blue upholstered chair, a plump young girl with large, wide eyes, brown and bright, leans over a carved table with a white pet pigeon folded in her arms. She appears to rest her head on the downy feathers of the pet, whose wings are spread though it is captive, and whose delicate claws grip its mistress’s soft arm without injury. The girl wears a négligé garment of bluish gray-white, with short sleeves, which exposes - her shoulders and back and her plump limbs, as she sits curled over the table-top, leaning toward the left, with her face turned toward the right, and looking straight into the spectator’s eyes. a) vs \¥ (f. e a ‘ou J "5 . 6 Z ee, _ Yon a ee tae LF | Z, a? i a) ca | = wm OH ss ; ‘ tees 3 4 | - = RB i = | | | : Winslow Homer, N.A. UP American: 1836—1910 109—EAGLES’ NEST (Water Color) Height, 21 inches; width, 13 inches Two men in the foreground are just hauling a birch bark canoe out of a mountain stream, and looking up as they do so at a nest perched at the very top of a blasted tree which stands not far from them. Their approach has brought back the two bird owners, who are circling in the air about the nest. One of the men is in brown, and one in green and gray, a brown earth bank throws its shadow upon the stream, and purplish rocks edge it, while on the bank a small bunch of deep green shrub- bery makes its appearance among the rocks. The sky back- ground is alight with white and gray clouds. Signed at the lower right, Homer, 02. Purchased from Messrs. Knoedler & Co., New York, 1907. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREWS. Pret se =a BR Kp BE mh tik ee Pengeors gm gti “ Dwight W. Tryon, N.A. a AMERICAN: 1849— ies ener: 110—MOONLIGHT . (Panel) Height, 111% inches; length, 2214 inches RovucH meadows threaded by wandering streams extend across a broad space bounded in the distance by a bay. Their colors are green and gray and yellowish-brown, more or less mingled and indeterminate, and rising high at intervals are fat hay- stacks with center-poles projecting above them. Far at the left is a lone house, and the landscape is illumined by the bril- liant light of a full moon, rising amongst misty clouds over the far away water, toward a green-blue sky. Signed at the lower right, D. W. Tryon. Property of the Estate of the late Brayron Ives. Albert P. Ryder, N.A. AMERICAN: 1847— 11I— PEGASUS * Height, 12 inches; width, 11% mcehes Ln the immediate foreground on either side of the composition are draped seated female figures, and on the left is a standing female with thin drapery, who turns her head and extends her left arm towards a winged horse with a rider, which is swoop- ing out of the sky towards the foreground group. Inscribed on the back in pencil: Pecasus, By ALBERT P. RYDER. From the late Stanford White Collection, 1907. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREws. VILLE D’AVRAY: A STUDY FROM NATURE BY J. B. C. COROT G) Jean Baptiste Camille Corot Frencu: 1796—1875 112—VILLE D’AVRAY: A STUDY FROM NATURE Height, 91% inches; length, 12%4 inches GREEN trees of light foliage, but dense in the mass, rise in the left middleground, the leafage forming a bank or clump from the ground to the picture top, in a fair green country sloping toward the right. On the grass in front of the trees a peasant woman stands, in dull blue, and white, with the Corot touch of red, beside a winding grayish-yellow road, on the farther side of which is a cluster of saplings with feathery, yellowish- green foliage. The road wanders on up the hill, toward some white cottages with gray roofs. The light is diffused, under a white sky. Signed at the lower right, Coror. Purchased from the late Samuel P. Avery. Exhibited as a loan at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. The property of a Private Collector. # INGralitss THE SHEEPFOLD BY JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET Jean Francois Millet Frencuy: 1814—1875 113—THE SHEEPFOLD (Panel) Height, 91/4, inches; length, 1234 ches AN effect in golden-brown and gray, with rich interior depths and a mellow, softened glow before them, the whole picturing the sheep quarters in a French stable open to the friendly chickens and just now attended by a shepherdess, her arms filled with golden sheaves. The heavy inner beams of a slant- ing roof are dark brown, resting upon a gray plastered wall touched with a yellowed light on the right, and back m the shadows a glint of light reveals a hay-mow on the left. Half a dozen sheep are seen, one lying down, one eating or drinking from a bucket embedded in the loose straw covering the floor or ground—a brown hen pecking in an overturned pail nearby. A ewe is suckling a lamb, and another sheep reaches up toward the arm-burden of the shepherdess at the feed rack. She is in a loose white waist, an old-rose cap and a skirt in a darker tone of the same hue, and is seen standing beyond the sheep, looking toward the right, with her face turned forward and partly in shadow. . Signed at the lower left, J. F. Mivier, 1853. Purchase from Georges Petit, Paris. By order of an Executor. ay ae he 8 an. ' ° * a , - o. 114 N SUNSET BY CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY > « | Charles Francois Daubigny Frencu: 1817—1878 114—SUNSET (Panel) Height, 91 inches; length, 17 mches Ir is the hour when parting day seems to linger momentarily, leaving reluctantly the quietude and peace descending upon a varied pastoral and sylvan landscape. The sun, orange-yellow and white, is seen in partial disc over a far and low horizon hill or sinking among darkened cloud-banks, and the sky above and all about is a variable, grayish-white vaporous mass, tinged with the sunset-yellow, and niggardly revealing in a corner a hint of the turquoise-blue beyond. Across the middle distance brown-green trees, one at left center with conspicuously dark limbs, project from either side at the edges of bordering wood- land, halting near the center at the banks of a stream which in the fore-middleground expands in a silvery pool, and loses itself in darkening distant mazes. Near the trees two red- brown cows stand partly within the encroaching shadows, and the foreground reveals a strip of low, rich green meadow at the water’s edge. Signed at the lower left, Dausicny. On the back is the . red oval seal, C. D. Purchased from Georges Petit, Paris. By order of an Executor. Theodore Rousseau Frencu: 1812—1867 ons fain 115—AUTUMN EVENING IN SOLOGNE: DOGS AND HARE Height, 1114 inches; length, 1834, inches THE western sky is covered with a blaze of glory as the sun dips his last edge below the horizon, his rays piercing the dark masses of vapor, and transforming them at a touch into the semblance of molten metal. Beyond the cloud-forms is the still blue of the sky, affording a pleasant foil to the vivid contrasts of light and shade in the cloud itself. Through the semi- obscurity the glint of water on the right betrays the presence of a small river, running between shallow banks, and fringed with trees, which add the shade of their branches to the gather- ing gloom. In the foreground is a group of dogs, the biggest of which holds a hare in his mouth, and proposes to defend it against all comers, although a fox-terrier with bristly back and quivering tail is apparently anxious to argue the point. Signed at the lower left, TH. Rousseau. Exhibition of “One Hundred Masterpieces, Barye Monument William Gedney Bunee, N.A. 1840— 123 VENETIAN FISHING BOATS (Panel) Height, 1114 inches; width, 25 inches A croup of fishing boats, with orange and red sails glowing under the evening sun, are reflected on the shimmering surface of the placid Venetian lagoon. At the left the dome and campanile of San Giorgio appear like a mirage on the horizon. The sky, flecked with drifting clouds, is filled with golden light, and a small market boat moored to a group of black piles furnishes the note of dark color needed to complete the red and gold harmony. From the Cottier & Co. Collection, New York, 1909. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREWS. F a3 : i ' . ed ~~ = . 7 ~. 2 ¥ P : J y - sd ' | . x . ’ - 7 = ’ b ‘ \ = Ralph Albert Blakelock, N.A. AMERICAN: 184'7— 124—PORTRAIT OF MRS. BLAKELOCK Height, 191% inches; width, 1514 inches A THREE-QUARTER length figure, seated on a green and brown bank at the foot of a tree in a wood. The surroundings are in the artist’s characteristically mellow color, the soft greens of the woods merged in pervasive golden browns, and even the sky sharing in the softened, radiant tones. Signed at the lower left, R. A. BuaKetock. Purchased from Messrs. R. C. and N. M. Vose, Boston, 1912. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANvrews. Winslow Homer, N.A. GA j= AmeERICAN: 1836—1910 125—MACKEREL FISHING (Crayon—Black and White) P we: Height, 14 inches; length, 23 inches Tossine easily on a slow swell, a large fishing schooner is lying to, head to the right and stem not in the picture, with two dories trailing under her stern. Three men are aboard the schooner, in the stern, looking out, and one seems to be hauling a fish aboard, caught on a hand line. Signed at the lower right, Homer, 1884. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. i Hendrik Willem Mesdag / Duroc: 2184 1—= 126—INCOMING TIDE | fff (Water Color) Height, 17 inches; length, 2114 inches ON the left of the center a fishing boat, with her tawny sails half lowered and two figures seated in her stern, drags at her two cables. The body of water is olive and buff-drab, with small white rollers following one another in quick succession. In the offing at the right appears a sailboat in movement. Signed at the lower right, H. W. Mespac. From the Peter Schemm sale, New York, 1911. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. eC , Adolphe Monticelli 7 Frencu: 1824—1886 127—LANDSCAPE: AUTUMN (Panel) Height, 15% mches; width, 231% wmches A BRoaD country roadway stretches through the center of the picture, filling the foreground and closed in the distance by masses of trees and shrubs clothed with their autumn dress of brilliant gold. Far down the road, which 1s seamed with deep ruts and strewn with fallen leaves, a market cart is dimly seen approaching. Signed. From the collection of Daniel Cottier, Esq., who purchased it from the artist. From the Estate of James S. Inglis Collection, New York, 1910. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREWS. Théeophile de Bock } a3 ee cen, DutrcH: 1850—1904 / s 128—SUNNY DAY IN THE FIELDS Height, 14144 inches; length, 23 inches A LEVEL garden in a low, flat country is shown in the fore- ground, patched with green, yellow, orange and brown, and streaked with sunshine slanting in from the right through an open screen of birch and other trees extending from the right foreground back and toward the left. Within the close two peasant women in red and blue are seen seated on the ground, busy at something, and farther away is a man in blue. Signed at the lower left, Tu. pe Bock. Purchased from Arthur Tooth & Sons, 1905. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREWs. Charles Harold Davis, N.A. AmERIcAN: 1858— 129—ROAD TO THE VILLAGE Height, 201% inches; width, 161% inches A gray road leading from the foreground is bordered at the left by a light wood whose trees overhang the way, and about which it turns to the left in the middle distance. On the right the bordering bank is high and green, and the sunlight falls upon the end of a white cottage situated among thick trees. Signed at the lower left, C. H. Davis. Purchased from William Macbeth, New York, 4910... Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDAs: sneeei S\ Frederick Ballard Williams, N.A. (° \,° AmERIcAN: 1871— 130—GRAY DAY, ORR’S ISLAND Keo Height, 17 inches; length, 24 inches Own the left a round lighthouse crowns a white, green-clad bluff, which rises against a leaden-gray sky. At the foot of the bluff and nearer at hand is a cottage group, gray, with gray and red roofs, which, like the bluff, shuts out the view of the sea, while on the right the way leads across green wild land from the foreground to a gray-green sea breaking gently in a white line along the low shore. Signed at the lower right, F. Bartarp WituraMs, ’02. Purchased direct from the artist, 1907. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREws. ‘_ | William L. Lathrop, N.A. J AMERICAN: 1859— 131—_OLD FARM, PRIMROSE VALLEY Height, 1814 ches; length, 241, inches GRAY-GREEN and brown trees, short and feathery, are clustered at either side of a yellowish-brown and green field in which tall wild plants raise occasional stalks, and between the tree groups the vista opens to level fields at the farther side of which stand an old farmhouse and barns, white, yellow, gray and brown. Signed at the lower right, W. LaTHRop. Purchased from William Macbeth, New York, 1907. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREws. Charles Harold Davis, N.A. AMERICAN: 1858— v4 1382—A WINDY DAY, OCTOBER Height, 1714 inches; length, 21 inches 4. country bleak but for its luxuriant color, is portrayed under a fair blue sky through which white cloud patches are swiftly driven, and on the right are coming clouds of violet- gray. The country is one of broad-topped, rolling hills, slop- ing toward the foreground and marked by shallow, irregular vales. Neither habitation nor figure is to be seen, only short and slender trees, wild shrubbery and grasses, the whole in vivid, warm yellows and cool greens and browns, and violet shadows. Signed at the lower left, C. H. Davis. Purchased from Messrs. R. C. and N. M. Vose, Boston, 1908. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREWs. —j-—— foe Ralph Albert Blakelock, N.A. AMERICAN: 1847— 133—GYPSY ENCAMPMENT Height, 1414 inches; length, 25 inches In the foreground, seated near a fire which she is attending, crouches a young girl, and on the right two companions en- gaged in earnest conversation are seated on a grassy bank under a clump of moderate-sized trees. The foreground 1S glowing with warm, modified sunlight, which mystifies the dis- tance and extends over the mass of clouds which covers the sky. Signed at the lower right, R. A. BLAKELOCK. From the A. A. Healy Collection, New York, 1907. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREWS. Charles Melville Dewey AMERICAN: 1849— atten : 134— LANDSCAPE Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches THE sun has gone below the horizon, which is a long line of red glare, and the sky above is aglow in pale gold. In the darken- ing landscape a pool in the foreground catches reflections of the lights, and on the left a number of trees stand out against the sky. On the right two farmhouses come out of the gloom, one of them with a red window light and white smoke issuing from its chimney. Signed at the lower right, CHARLES MELVILLE DEWEY. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREws. Ernest Lawson, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1873— f 135—_-REGATTA DAY Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches Crossinc the line of vision is a broad stream, light green in tone on a bright summer day in which the atmosphere is a bit hazy, broadening in the foreground until only a short patch of shore is to be seen. Here a ramp-pier runs out into the river from a green boathouse or club house whose end comes into view, and a launch and several persons are seen at the pier end. The stream is full of sailboats dimly seen, some with canvas up and some with yellow sticks unadorned, and across the water the background is a high hillside shore, light green and gray and dotted with houses, under a gray sky streaked with white clouds. Signed at the lower left, EK. Lawson. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. ~» Irving R. Wiles, N.A. AMERICAN: 1861— / 136—_SAND DUNES Height, 191% inches; length, 25 inches Lie THE dunes shut out the sea. The spectator looks over their rolling tops to a sky that is clear blue aloft, and lower down veiled in a soft gray faintly tinged with tones of violet. Against this vast and softened distance is seen a broad, uneven expanse of grayish-yellow sand and mounds of yellow-green grass mingled with clumps of brown bush, yellow and orange-red blossom notes, and occasional shrubbery that rises a very little above the skyline. ‘Toward the left are two yellow mounds of meadow hay. Signed at the lower right, Invinc R. Writes. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. Anprews. Old Dutch School (In the manner of JAN STEEN) 137—_THE CAROUSAL Height, 2434 inches; width, 19%4 inches AN inn yard is the scene of assembly of a various company of loutish sort, imbibing, smoking, attempting maudlin song and conversing with great wisdom. An uncovered kettle lies in the foreground and a dog barks at some one unseen. The inn rises dark on the right and in the background, with a porch on which are various figures, and a high wall with an arched gateway iS on the left. ‘The bibulous company are for the most part in dark colors, an exception being a young man in a soft-toned, weathered green. The property of a Private Collector. y, ss Augustin Theodule Ribot Frencu: 1823—1891 1388—_MANDOLIN PLAYER Os 5 bff ey FA & SY A teste. : Height, 21 inches; width, 171% inches A MAN of muscular frame, though round-shouldered, is por- trayed nearly at full length, facing the right, three-quarters front, his face seen in profile. He plays the mandolin and is singing. His breeches are buckled at his knee and his dark cloak is thrown back from his right shoulder, leaving his swarthy breast nude. A touch of full red color heightens his cheek. Olive background. Signed at the lower right, Risor. Purchased from the Cottier Galleries, New York, 1910. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREws. Johann Simon Hendrik Kever ne DutcH: 1854— 139—_THE MID-DAY MEAL Height, 191% inches; length, 25 imches WITHIN a gray and brown interior, humble, warm and cosy, a peasant woman past her youth and seamed by work holds on her lap a child who is eating. More food is to be seen on a wooden table near a corner of which the pair are seated. ‘The woman has light hair, and wears a white cap, brown jacket and dark green skirt. The rosy-faced child, with yellow-tow hair tousled, is in a rose-red gown and leans against the mother’s chest. On the yellow-red tiled floor a cat is lapping its mid-day meal from a yellow dish. The light enters by a window at the left, through which the green leafage of a garden or orchard is seen. Signed at lower right, KEVER. Purchased from Arthur Tooth & Sons, 1906. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREWS. "i No. 140 AN OLD CHURCH AT KATWYK BY BERNARDUS JOHANNES BLOMMERS , - a - . . - “ ¥ ar — - > a 1 Pi - ‘ 7 , . ‘ * iy . f af { _ a ‘ Bernardus Johannes Blommers Dutcu: 1845—1914 140—AN OLD CHURCH AT KATWYK Height, 191% inches; length, 27 inches THE square tower of the old church, with its belfry, rises nearly to the top of the picture on the right, above a broadly sloping brown roof sheltering a pinkish-gray cottage in front of which a peasant woman is spreading linen to bleach, near a low red- roofed lean-to. Near a fence in the middle distance three chil- dren are quietly amusing themselves, two of the infants seated on the grass, while beyond them an uneven shore descends to distant, hazy water. The soft gray clouds with which the sky is overcast are tinged with warm color. Signed at the lower right, BLOMMERs. Purchased from Jules Oehme, Wee York, 1906. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREWS. m A ma 4 ¥ : ." a c a4 “9 > ” o PZ = avast teer Ais, Oe eo ee ee 8” ay SO Ea we at t 2 J Ce »¥ ed i? ARS i hile | ’ + 4 - d > - No. 141. | DAY DREAMS BING ADOLPHE MONTICELLI 4 | ; ae ay ind “a : 7 oa | : ‘ 3 ae it ano : ) 7 e * ice : a ie. ; - ; ~ ar e 7 fs 7 “ s rat FY M es Ae , 4 5 ah ; p ie Ps i h “ Oes . Adolphe Monticelli Frencu: 1824—1886 141—DAY DREAMS Height, 201 inches; length, 25 inches SrvEN women in sumptuous gowns or a négligé which leaves them partly nude, are found at sportive or languorous ease in a sylvan retreat, under a mellow light. To right and left the woods encroach, while in the distance is glimpsed a low stretch of blue sky, topped by a rose-edged gray cloud. On a bed of deep grass that slopes toward the foreground, the women are reclining in various attitudes, all but one of them facing the observer. Their robes are of rose and green, and golden browns, and blue, and one of the group holds captive to a string a flying dove; and all are vaguely dreaming. Signed at the lower left, MoNnTICELLI. Purchased from William Macbeth, New York, 1907. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREWS. oa er John Constable, R.A. f Eweutso: 1776—1837 \ 142—LANDSCAPE AND STORM Height, 20 inches; length, 28 inches Hien on the right is the rounded top of a hill whose broad flank falls away leftward and forward, all a green, grassy slope, here and there marked by bushes or short and bush-like trees. At its foot a ravine winds semi-circularly about it, from the cen- tral foreground to middle distance, where a windmill is located, the ravine filled with trees whose green foliage has turned a reddish-brown, and to left, beyond the ravine, a cottage nestles among more trees on a plateau, behind it rising a white cathedral] spire. The blue of the sky is all but obscured by the gray and black clouds of a rushing storm, and a herdsman is driving some cows down the broad hill toward the foreground, where a horseman has just reached a bar gate. Signed at the lower right, J. ConsraBie. Purchased from Eugene Fischoff, Paris. By order of an Eaecutor. Félix Ziem Frencu: 1821—1911 143THE BOSPORUS Height, 21 inches; length, 311% mches RUNNING across the picture in the middle distance is a water- way of deepest blue, and beyond it are glimpses of a great city. On its nearer side a line or grove of short, thick trees, forms a background of green and reddish-brown for a low white build- ing of Turkish architecture, extensively decorated, at either side of which is a group of people squatting on the ground— one group on a large rug—clad in robes of brilliant color—red, blue, yellow and variants. The scene is flooded with sunshine, the sky is an intense blue, and beyond the grove a tall white spire towers aloft to a gilded finial. Signed at the lower right, Zrem. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. a Leon Richet Frencu: 1847—1907 144—LANDSCAPE: THE GRAY BRIDGE é H eight, 2415 inches; length, 29 inches Mountains dimly outline thew lies afar off under a gray sky which aloft is filled with active clouds, and rolling lands before them appear in the mists of a showery day. In the middle distance a gray masonry bridge of round arches, well buttressed, erosses the picture from right to left, and under it a blue and silvery stream makes a turn to the foreground. At either side the banks slope easily to the water, their tops tree-crowned, and in the stream a solitary fisher lets his line dip lazily. Signed at the lower right, Lion Ricuer. Purchased from Williams & Everett, Boston, 1902. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANprews. Sty go Frederick Ballard Williams, N.A. AmERIcAn: 1871— 145—A DAY IN JUNE Height, 24 inches; length, 281 mches ‘Two youthful female figures, with a third in the distance, in a sylvan country with broad open spaces, fresh and green on a bland sunny day. Close in the foreground one of the young women kneels to pluck a wildflower. She is seen in profile to the right, barefoot, and in a white tunic shot with grayish- blue, which, dropped from the near shoulder, passes under her arm, while a light breeze causes a tan scarf to blow out at her back. A green ribbon is about her neck and she has a mass of blond hair, which is done up. Immediately back of her her companion, walking, has come to a pause, and looks down at the growing flowers, both hands raised to the wealth of tresses which she has let float back of her shoulders. She is turned to the right, three-quarters front, and her face, full to the front, is in transparent shadow. Her gauzy garment is a rosy pink. In the backgound, close to the figures, is a group of three trees of which only the trunks come within the picture, while beyond them a mass of foliage crowns a broad mound. Signed at the lower right, Frep’k Bariarp Wiis, 706. 9g 9g Purchased direct from the artist, 1907. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREWS. SY : : = af Charles Harold Davis, N.A. AMERICAN: 1858— 146—MELTING CLOUDS Height, 2914 mches; width, 24 inches THE atmosphere is humid and the herbage of wild fields lush, on a showery day of summer with the sun dispelling the vapors of the air. The fields, low and broken, are covered with dark green grass with yellowish patches, and interrupted by abrupt banks of brown earth, while here and there are clumps of thick shrubbery and at the left appears the corner of a taller green bank. Signed at the lower left, C. H. Davis. Purchased from William Macbeth, New York, 1908. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREWS. Bruce Crane, N.A. AMERICAN: 1857— 147—A WINTER AFTERNOON Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches Wrunter, silent, solemn, but far from gloom, winter in the dig- nity of its white mantle, on which the sun, unseen, slants the shadows of pine trunks growing on a slowly-sloping hillside. The hill slopes toward the right and over the higher part on the left a cool gray-blue sky with a patch of cloud touched with color is visible. Below, on the right, are the brown depths of a thick wood, in the background, while in front, in the middle distance, the trees are scattered, all rising out of the picture, but not before the pines have shown their green branches. A yel- low bush stands before the thicker part of the wood, and in the foreground at the foot of the slope a bit of the brown earth and brush shows near a pool or stream covered with green ice. Signed at the lower left, Bruce Crane, N.A., 1907. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. ‘ | No. 148 | | ANTIBES: MORNING BY | CLAUDE MONET Claude Monet Frencu: 1840— 148—ANTIBES: MORNING Height, 251 inches; length, 32 inches On the right in the foreground a graceful tree of slender and irregularly bent branches, and delicate foliage, stands on a low point of uneven land at the edge of the broad green and blue Mediterranean harbor, which curves around from the back- ground and passes out of the picture toward the left. The foliage of the tree and that of similar neighbors back of it shim- mers, a light pinkish yellow and curious blue, in the light of early morning, which, coming from behind the trees, throws into an auroral glow of purple-rose and gold the ensemble of Antibes on the farther shore. The blue sky is suffused with cloud vapor, as the mists of the morning are being dispelled. Signed at the lower right, CLaupE Monet, ’88. Purchased from Boussard, Valadon & Co., Paris. Property of a Lady. NA GIVERNAY— No. 149 HAYSTACKS BY CLAUDE MONET LANDSCAPE 2% Claude Monet Frencu: 1840— , | | 149—-LANDSCAPE: GIVERNAY—HAYSTACKS Height, 251% inches; length, 32 inches Tuer tall mounds of warm yellowish-brown hay or grain, with tinges of green cropping out from the shadows, are erected in a bright green field whose verdant hue is patched and dotted with yellow, gray and mauve. The field and the atmosphere are bright, though with no direct sunshine, the light being dif- fused and the sun obscured. The sky, light gray, is dappled a with violet, blue and yellow-white. Across the back of the field runs a line of slender trees of lightly moving green foliage, and beyond them toward the right is a reaped field whose surface is a harvest yellow, while further away still the background is a mass of blue-green woods. Signed at the lower left, CLaupE Monet, °84. Property of a Lady. d A No. 150 VIEUX BASSIN, DUNKERQUE BY EUGENE LOUIS BOUDIN * ~—— —€ / y 1 4 - 3 « i 4 ; .< . he. ~w es Eugene Louis Boudin Frencu: 1824—1898 150—VIEUX BASSIN, DUNKERQUE Height, 20 inches; length, 2914 inches Tue upper end of a smooth harbor, at low tide, cuts into the land from the right, a bit of low, grayish-yellow tidal strand appearing in the left foreground, and beyond it lie several long, black, shallow barges, with figures seen at work upon them. Around the curve of the shore are red-roofed buildings, warehouses and dwellings, in the distance a church steeple is distinguished among them, and at the shore line numerous ves- sels, among them some tall-masted square-riggers, add their majestic touches to the nautical scene. The water is gray, in sympathy with the sky, in which gray-white cloud patches roll, and to which from the chimneys of the port gray and black smoke columns ascend. Signed at the lower left, EK. Bouviy, *69. om & Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel. Property of the Estate of the late RicHarp CANFIELD. rane No. 151 BAIE DE FOURMIER ; B ae i] EUGENE LOUIS BOUDIN ) Eugeéne Louis Boudin FrencH: 1824—1898 A51—BAIE DE FOURMIER Height, 22 inches; length, 351 mches Deep blue water, lightly stirring, and tinged with gray-white reflections of clouds and with greenish tones from vegetation of semi-tropical luxuriance on shore, comes in from the right and the far distance to a crescent cove in a shore which begins in the left foreground and curves around to a point projecting from the left in the middle distance. In the foreground the shore is low and gray, with confused and blending touches of soft color, and presently gives way to a garden of rich green leading to a cluster of gray houses with brilliant red roofs, occupying the point. Back of the garden and houses, the upland shore is mountainous and bare, bleak, but full of deli- cate colors in neutral tones, in a clear atmosphere under an azure sky veiled in fleecy white. Off shore are seen a few boats. Signed at the lower left, BeEautiev, Mars; E. Bounpin, 792. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel. Property of the Estate of the late Ricuarp A. CANFIELD. Jean Henry Jurres DutcH: CONTEMPORARY 152-THE ATTACK Height, 27% inches; length, 35 inches ON a precipitous mountain road which appears to range along the edge of the sea, horsemen are engaged in a spirited combat. In the road in the foreground, in front of the wood and in a strong light, a highway attack has been made, and six men and their horses are in a tangle of combat. One man lies wounded on the ground, and another is all but unhorsed by a brigand } with whom he yet is stiffly fighting. aes ee Signed at the lower left, J. H. Jurres, 07; signed also on the back, in like manner. Purchased from C. W. Kraushaar, New York, 1908. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANpREws. Emile Van Marcke Frencu: 1827—1910 1583—_CATTLE Height, 321% inches; width, 25 imches WIrHIN the cool shades of a wood with marshy borders, and along its edge where the sunlight plays, several cows are ob- served, one or two back in the leafy depths, along a fence or bridge, a tawny boss in the middle distance partly submerged in the reeds, and two carefully studied critters in the fore- ground. One, black with a white face, on the left, is headed forward and looking intently at the spectator. Ahead of her in the center of the view is a fine white animal, ankle-deep in the stream, standing somewhat athwart the vision with head raised in inquisitive look, the sunlight reflected softly from her lightly mottled coat. Signed at the lower left, Em. VAN MaARrcke. Purchased from M. Knoedler & Co., New York. Property of the Estate of the late Brayron Ives. No. 154 LOOKING TOWARD NOANK FROM MASON’S ISLAND BY HENRY W. RANGER, N.A.. . Henry W. Ranger, N.A. AMERICAN: 1858— 154—LOOKING TOWARD NOANK FROM MASONS ISLAND Height, 28 inches; length, 36 inches Ir is the beginning of autumn, and across the foreground a light screen of trees whose slender trunks take interesting curves and angles in their independent progress aloft—and athwart the scene—are showing warm yellows and reds, and brighter yellows, relieved against their dark trunks. Sunlight spots their brighter colors, and glints from bright leaves scat- tered on the ground, where a green-gray rock crops out. Just beyond this colorful foreground a stream cuts in from the broader harbor—which lies misty-gray on the right—and on its farther bank a boat and two figures are perceived at the edge of a gray-green wood. Signed at the lower left, H. W. Rancer, 1905. Purchased from Arthur Tooth & Sons, 1906. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREws. yay Sale AO TG en ae oe ¢ - “* cA - ' . * rd 7 f ~ Ps \ @ a ’ William L. Picknell, N.A. AMERICAN: 1852—1897 155—-GRAY DAY Height, 27% inches; length, 35 inches : WILD, more or less marshy land, with green, yellow and brown vegetation in a careless tangle of nature, and evidences of human attention and possible utilization in places, fills a broad foreground and middleground, on either side of a pray pond in the immediate foreground and a stream leading back from it. In the background is a purple-brown city on a hill, obscured by a mist, under a gray sky. Signed at the lower right, Wm. L. PickKNELL. Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. Robert A. Eichelberger, S.A.A. AMERICAN: —1890 156—FOG AND SURF Height, 80 inches; length, 42% inches Green waves breaking in white foam roll forward all the way across the picture, and the foreground is a great gray-green and white swirl of their tumultuous wash. A little way out the sea mingles with the gray mists of a hazy evening, the vapors of an incoming sea fog, through which higher up is seen the red- dish and yellow golden orb of the full moon within a halo. The last and most important work painted by the artist, and left unsigned. It was exhibited, the year of his death, at the twelfth annual exhibition of the Society of American Artists, where the late General Ives purchased it. The New York Tribune, speaking of that exhibi- tion, April 26, 1890, said of this painting: ‘The Society’s exhibition is dominated, in one sense, by Mr. Sargent’s ‘Carmencita,’ but many visitors will linger over the beautiful marine which reveals a little known aspect of Mr. Eichelberger’s art. The picture was left unsigned, but the artist could have added little to his rendering of white surf, yeasty swirling water, and the tender gray tones of the ocean fog.” Exhibited at the Paris Exposition of 1900 wnder the title “The Wave.” Illustrated in the catalogue of that exhibition, No. 22. Property of the Estate of the late Brayton Ives. < 7 Z, a) uw) ; id Ses ae = = la : < Qa Yen) = - | Se ees 5 ; } ca pe pe & a4 a S a = Z | | : Z = : RQ 4 D 7, | eae ” > John Constable, R.A. EneusH: 1776—1837 158_SALISBURY CATHEDRAL Height, 301% inches; length, 38 inches In this picture the cathedral is viewed nestling within the embrace of many trees, their voluminous green foliage com- pletely hiding its main body, leaving exposed only the upper portion of one face, with the roof and graceful spire. Rising out of the mass of green, the mellow creamy-gray pile stands out against a dark gray cloud in a tumultuous sky of dark clouds and light ones, which reflecting or interfering with the sun’s light bathe the landscape in a soft glow or darken it with shadow. On the right in the distance are green fields, cattle and a farmer, and in a stream in the foreground are two men in a boat and two cows. . For a number of years loaned to and exhibited at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. fe: The property of a Private Collector. 7 v.’) on No. 159 = A BRITTANY VILLAGE BY HENRI HARPIGNIES . ‘ + > ’ d 4 \ ‘ ~ EM \ . — ‘ — : ‘ at ~ fy - \ ’ * . ’ i é ‘ ‘ 1, . “ ve 4 . ‘ ae . ' F Be ” a, « a ! ‘ i) J . ai, e An ‘ a, 4 ' an ves tras a i T “ Henri Harpignies Frencu: 1819— “1594 BRITTANY VILLAGE Height, 26 inches; length, 40 imches SrEEP roofs of red tile and gray make picturesque lines above the gray and cream walls of a cluster of houses in the back- ground of the center of the composition. To right and left of the village houses, in the middleground, are various slender trees and thick bushes, and on a sloping bank at the left a circle of children and their elders are seated on the sward in the sunshine—one woman in blue, white and orange, stand- ing—and two more small children are running toward them from a large gray circular well curb. Pollarded trees are on the bank at the left, the ground below the circled group is broken, and in the foreground is a pond whose gray waters are near the shore thickened with green scum. Signed at the lower left, H. Harpientes. Property of the Estate of the late Ricnarp A, CANFIELD. a s a Pee a ? ba cos ee ated “ a ae Patrick Nasmyth Encuisu: 1787—1831 160—THE LINKS OF FORTH Height, 28 inches; length, 40 inches In a broken, irregular country, thatched cottages are seen, scat- tered at right, left and center of the composition, with out- buildings, horses, carts and haystacks, broad fields and numer- ous trees. The landscape is full of warm color, rich brown amongst the greens of foliage and herbage, and the cottages present a light gray note. In various spots people_are seen, and in a pond in the central foreground ducks are swimming. Signed at center of the bottom, Par’k Nasmytu, 1830. From the Perkins Collection, London. Purchased from Messrs. Wallis & Sons, London. By order of an Executor. Henri Harpignies Frencu: 1819— 161—LANDSCAPE: ST, ALLIER Height, 29 inches; length, 46 inches. Bryonp a low and narrow foreground of deep green grass, in- terrupted by earthy patches of gray and reddish brown, a nar- row stream traverses the canvas, its farther bank slightly higher and supporting a grove of thick trees of light and dark green foliage. These rise high against a pale blue sky which is sifted over with fleecy white cloud, and their branches and leafage bend in a breeze from the left. Near the stream, on the fore- ground shore, are seen a pair of red-wattled black turkeys. Signed at the lower right, H. Harpicnres; and inscribed at the lower left, Mars, St. ALtieR, 1859. . Property of the Estate of the late Ricuarp A. CANFIELD. : Ss t | ae neal se “= a - Py s = + »> Pa i" = i i i ct i i ‘ ‘ ‘ / No. 162 SHELLFISHING BY EVERT PIETERS f ‘ J ? ‘ ' % ’ . * > mm . . * eA ' > me : ¢ + , ff es z e ect ‘ I s 4 Evert Pieters Dutcu: 1856— f a 0° 162—SHELLFISHING Height, 381 inches; length, 464% inches From a strip of gray, clayey sand in the foreground, a brown and reddish shore of the Low Countries stretches back along the left, with here and there a suggestion of green, to a semi- defined village dominated by a tall white church and a huge windmill. Sweeping off to far reaches to right and in the dis- tance, a light gray sea in slow motion is whitened by rays of brilliant sunshine bursting from behind gray cloud-masses. ‘The atmosphere is moist, vaporous, and the refracted light adds other colors to the waves and touches horizon cloud masses with a delicate pink. In the offing are several sail, and along the strand and in the shallows are fishermen digging with rakes, near their horses attached to two-wheeled carts. Signed at the lower left, KE. Pinrers. Purchased from R. C. and N. M. Vose, Boston, 1907. Property of the Estate of the late J. R. ANDREWS. , Cig . testi Se a. | ge aa a Ale: i Ps Ea & George H. Bogert, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1864— 168—SUNRISEHE AT VENICE Height, 36 mches; length, 56 inches ih y oy Bricut golden within an orange corona, the “greater light” has risen in a dazzling radiance whose flaring streamers reach the zenith and blaze a gilded pathway across the waters of the Lagoon, faintly rippling under a morning haze. In the fore- ground an early market boat, green, with mast unstepped and red sail or coverlet trailing over its side, 1s burnished by the golden rays, and other boats with colorful canvas, their huge lateen sails raised, are seen at either side and in the distance. To right in the distance the facade of the Ducal Palace is effulgent in the brilliant light, the Campanile towering beyond it, while to left the group of the Salute is silhouetted in a denser gray mist. Signed at the lower left, Gkorce H. Bocerr, Property of Mr. P. H. McManon. ~iny 4 —~§ William Merrit Chase, N.A. : AMERICAN: 1849— 164—STILL LIFE: THE YIELD OF THE WATERS Height, 48 inches; length, 65 inches Hucr brown baskets that the European fishermen use stand high in the background against dark green and yellowish-brown walls. A fold of a net still containing some small fish, red and white, hangs over one of the baskets, and at one side 1s a copper jar with green exterior, with chains and hook attached to it. In front, the slippery brown floor is loaded with fish and shellfish, both on the floor and in small baskets, large fish and small, light ones and dark ones, a lobster, an eel—and more. Signed at the upper left, Wu. M. CHASE. By order of an Executor. cei No. 165 PORTRAIT OF A MAN BY: HEINRICH GOLTZIUS ———— oo om Heinrich Goltzius Dutrcu: 1558—1617 “ 165—PORTRAIT OF A MAN (Panel) Height, 26 inches; width, 21 inches In black garments, with an elaborately fluted lace collar, and outer black robe trimmed with light yellowish-gray and black- spotted fur, a lean-faced man is portrayed in an evenly diffused light against an olive green background. He is standing, back of a green-topped table or balustrade, and is seen half-length, with his lace-cuffed right hand resting on the table, holding an oval medallion ornamented with a full-length standing female figure clothed in red. He has black, short hair, and a light brown mustache and closely trimmed beard. His complexion is somewhat pale and his eyes are light, and he faces front, turned slightly to his right. Purchased from Eugene Fischoff, Paris, 1896. By order of an Executor. ‘yb cf 7s ae No. 166 THE OLD MILL BY JACOB VAN RUYSDAEL AND CORNELIS DECKER sa Jacob van Ruysdael Durcu: 1628( ?)—1682 Cornelis Decker Jy (?) 1678 166—THE OLD MILL Height, 22 inches; length, 25 inches C1osx in the foreground on the left the mill stands, an ancient structure from which the outside plaster has for the most part come off, leaving its gray bricks exposed. The miller, in a red — cap, is looking out of his doorway, and the water wheel is turn- ing, partly sheltered under an arbor. Trees and bushes stand close about the mill, except at the front, which is bathed in mellow sunshine. In the background are flourishing fields, partly in sunshine and partly under cloud-shadows. Signed by Decker, at thé left, on the mill. By order of an Executor. v No. 167 PORTRAIT OF A MAN BY FERDINAND BOL ’ % = ' — —* ‘ y ' q a " ’ mms ¢ ' - w iN y oe i 1 . é , « : s x a ss pe oA 4 j a ° PI * . s f “> Ye | . i , i. eee © st) ‘ * Ferdinand Bol DutrcHu: 1611—1680 167—PORTRAIT OF A MAN (Panel) Height, 28 inches; width, 2134 inches Ha¥-LENGTH portrait of a large man, standing, turned toward the right, three-quarters front, and observed against a neutral backgound dark in tone except about the head. He has long, curling, red-brown locks, and a very slight “Cupid’s-bow” light-brown mustache, following the lines of his lips, with a slight chin-growth of similar coloring. His face, of rosy color, is turned well toward the observer, and his eyes are directed across his right shoulder. He is garbed in deep, dark blue, with a white soft collar, and his dignified mien and attitude are emphasized by the graceful folds of judicial or scholastic black robes. With right arm bent and wrist only visible, at the hip, he holds in his left hand a baton or ferrule against his chest, his face and this hand supplying the high lights m the dark and richly toned picture. By order of an Ea«ecutor. > James Stark EncuisuH: 1794—1859 C Ss P Y 168—AN ENGLISH HOMESTEAD (Panel) Height, 214, inches; length, 3144 inches ENcLOsED within a rude but stout fence and surrounded by trees and tall bushes, a gray, brown-roofed house of many gables stands in the middleground near the center of the pic- ture, with the tower of a church or mansion visible over the tops of the trees beyond. A peasant woman stands in a gateway facing the observer, and an old man is walking away in the distance. Chickens are pecking in the lane he is following, which in the foreground opens to a pond where a young lady seated on the ground is watching a boy fishing. A high bank on the right, topped by some pollards, is in shadow, while the sun breaks through between the trees beyond it and lightens the house, and on the left some cows are seen in green rolling fields. Purchased from Messrs. Wallis & Sons, London, 1893. By order of an Executor. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Enousu: 1728—1792 169—PORTRAIT OF NELLY O'BRIEN Height, 8014 inches; ie 25 wches Tue light-hearted beauty to whom in one of his pocketbook entries Reynolds referred with kindly humor as “My Lady O’Brien,” looks directly, thoughtfully, at the spectator—some- what more pensively than in the famous portrait of her with the hat on, in the Wallace Collection. As in that one, she is seated and appears almost at full length, against a conven- tional foliage background. The background is in dark brown, yellow and green tones, with a glimpse of green-blue sky over one corner. In this one of the many portraits Sir Joshua painted of her, Mistress Nelly is in a white décolleté gown, loosely worn, with flowing sleeves and a narrow orange belt. A brownish-gray robe is thrown over her lap and over a balus- trade at her side. She wears a pearl necklace and pearl ear- rings, and pearls adorn her puffed red-brown hair. Purchased by the owner from Mr. Norman Forbes-Robertson, an amateur of London and brother of Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson. The property of a Private Collector. Fig , | ; No. 170 | THE NATIVITY BY JACOPO DA PONTE Jacopo da Ponte (“Il Bassano’) Traian: 1510—1592 170-THE NATIVITY Height, 211% inches; length, 29 mches On the left a thatched roof out of repair projects over impos- ing gray stone ruins, on the steps of which the Virgin in purple- pink, dark green and pale gray-blue is seated with the Child on her knee, Joseph looking over her shoulder, and an ass poking his head out at one side. To the group have come the three kings with their gifts, one, in rich green robe, kneeling, his crown laid aside on the ground, the others in green, yellow and purple-pink back of him, with attendants, a large white horse and a camel. + dy The property of a Private Collector. No. 171 LANDSCAPE WITH RIVER BY a) = S oo O = pm] 2 = = S 2 S 7, se S = — John Crome (Old Crome) EneusH: 1759—1821 1WVI—LANDSCAPE WITH RIVER Height, 24 inches; length, 36 inches Ly mellow tones of rich brown, dark orange-yellow and dimin- ishing green, appear tall trees thickly clustered, on the left, sheltering a group of buildings including a windmill, on the border of a tidal river. The river, occupying all the rest of the foreground, extends back through the center of the landscape and vanishes in the distance, under a white-blazing sun, while the heavens aloft are black with dense and driving storm clouds. A heavy-hulled sailboat with two men observed on the stern is drawn up beyond the windmill, and other sails and masts are seen down the river. On the right in the distance are cathedral spires, beyond a point jutting out in the middle distance, and near the right foreground are short trees and some small boats. Purchased from Eugene Fischoff, Paris. By order of an Executor. sii 2 SR ae Cea tueh ohne ve SANE MERE ena ee ee a No. 172. by ot ‘ PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN BY JAN VERSPRONCK Jan Verspronck DutcH: 1597—1662 172—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Height, 321% inches; width, 27 inches Har-LeNcTH figure of a stout man in middle life, standing and turned to the right, with face almost fully to the front. He is dressed in black, with a broad white collar, and wears long, bushy black hair and a light brown upturned mustache and lip tuft. His right arm is lightly akimbo, with hand at hip. Neutral background of olive-brown. Signed at the lower right, J. VERSPRONCK. From the Sedelmeyer Gallery, Paris. w By order of an Executor. a d 4 School of Van Dyck (SEVENTEENTH CENTURY) 173—PORTRAIT OF A MAN TA [spoke & Height, 34 inches; width, 27 inches HALr-LENGTH figure of a man of middle age, with sandy-brown hair, dark eyebrows, and scrawny gray mustache and chin beard. With figure to the right, his face is turned toward the left, and is seen three-quarters front, while his light eyes look keenly in the direction of the left, and he has generally an expression of asperity. He wears a dark brown cloak of many folds, and a broad and drooping, fluted white collar or ruff. His left hand protrudes from the folds of his cloak, before his chest. Dark, neutral background. Purchased from Miiller & Co., Amsterdam, 1894. By order of an Executor. Richard Wilson EneusH: 1713—1782 174-TEMPLE OF VENUS AT BAIA Height, 26 inches; length, 37 mches Masestic ruins, with tall round arches, the broken walls crowned by flourishing green vegetation, stand on the right, above a pastoral river which winds through a green valley between rounded hills. Behind the ruins on the right are thick woods, and opposite, across the stream, a towered building is well enshrined in lesser trees of thick foliage. On the edge of a green bank in the foreground, over-the water, a young woman and a child are seated on the ground, and another woman ap- proaches them walking. Mounting greenish-gray clouds, sil- ver-edged, pile high above the horizon, shutting out the setting sun, and over the whole scene is a mellowed golden light. Purchased from Sedelmeyer, Paris. By order of an Executor. No. 175 PORTRAIT OF A NOBLEMAN