eriserPregtrenese erieiiaqeae ayers é = wi aes a oun eee 3 A dn Avene a ; 3 Es a h y = aan % ‘ A = oe *% e »® = “ . . - a ; J x : 4 s ; iat ‘ e = - 4 See a to + i eo Se ble eens E eet? i ae eae . a Ai Na Te ee ee 5 ear i Cre pecidalorey o.: mar STEM NOR yh ai naetlm ANCIENT AND MODERN OIL PAINTIN ve ETCHINGS AND ENGRAVINGS AND BOOKS SOLD BY ORDER OF MRS. M. L. GRAY, ADMINISTRATRIX OF F THE ESTATE OF THE LATE Se = HON. THOMAS B. CARROLL 4 Mes . > | OF SARATOGA ees ABSOLUTE AUCTION On Tuespay, _ May 21, AND FOLLOWING DAyYs ~_AT 3 AND : O’CLOCK P.M. “AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH See OW ON FREE EXHIBITION ; THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUvucTIONEER ie ot) gs : he} “TPuHe American Art Association, MANAGERS Re ae NEW YORK ye ‘ ‘i a ee ' 1895 vy rons % ? - . ‘ 4 io Press of J. J Little & Co. Astor Place, New York ea ae now ee a Ris administratrix for ‘un- Nat, GO he aS ee ee OTe Re eine sale, was a es prominent pean in his day ; ‘Siwy in ae intimacy with ex- Cee Sante |. Valdes; _ Tacius Robinson, and Horatio Seymour, with whom he acted in concert. He was Mayor of Troy, N. Y., _ terms; State Printer and State Senator of New York. He was editor and proprietor of several newspapers, including Gash roy Press, Albany Statesman, and Troy Odserver, =s His recreation from labor was in forming an art collec- tion, and for twenty-five years he was ever on the alert to add good specimens by noted painters, from Early Italian art down to the art of Americans, who knew him and re- spected him for his public spirit in the free, unrestrained exhibition to the public of his gatherings, in public build- ings easily accessible in Troy, Albany and Saratoga, where he was most widely known and appreciated. He was indefatigable in his endeavor to verify the authenticity of his works when competent judges passed on them; and the names given to artists in this Catalogue are made from lists and documents left by him, and which he fully believed to be thoroughly reliable. CONDITIONS OF SALE. . The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dis- ue arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot SO in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase- 4 money 7f required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. ' 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk upon the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery ; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The sale of any article ts not to be set astde on account of any error tn the description, or imperfection. All articles are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sola just as they are without recourse. _ 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery ei inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the sale. 6. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within three days from conclusion of sale shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. Tuomas E. Kirsy, . Auctioneer. CATALOGUE. SALE TUESDAY EVENING, MAY arst, BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8 O’CLOCK, AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES. PAINTINGS. (Height given first.) xx When not otherwise noted the Artist is of the American School. W. BLACKMAN, beers. .k5-x 11. CHAPIN, C. H. 2 Adirondack Sunshine. 18 x 14}. BOUTELLE, C. W. 3 On the Bushkill. 24 x 14. LEUTZE. E Meieatameocenery. Dated 1836. 14x 24. FALKNER, J. R. H. A: (British.) 5 Landscape in France. 18 x 24. LO II 12 He 14 15 BLISS. Hudson River. 12 x 14. ~ — ACCARD, EUGENE, (French.) Mother and Child. Dated 1853. | CARACCI, A. | (Italian. ) Hagar and Ishmael. 12 x Io. ; =~ BECKER, ERNEST Coast Scene and Shipping. LOST. MAES, R. Game Fowls.= 5 xiseae KENSETT, J. F. Italian Ruins. 12 x Ig. BEAULIEU. Group of Still Lite aioe SHEPPARD, W. Gloucester Coast. “10 xinme WILLIAMSON, JOHN. Sunset, Yellowstone 14x 10. 16 17 18 Ae) 20 Pa) 22 23 24 25 26 7 TERBURG, G. (Flemish.) Pemeame set la Seryante. “13 x1w, On copper. MILLER, W. Byrne, Playcock, 11 x 8. MAIG, W, F. Hackensack Meadows, Sun-down. 7x 14. KLEINWERTH, C. At the Ford, Horseman and figures. gx It. COUNT, O. CONNOR. Pottery and Fruit. . 124 x of. SNE Dit oe Td. Moonlight. 7x 61. CLUE UN: CoH: Niagara Falls. 14x 24. Catskill Scenery. 14x 24. STOUGHTON, E. W., MRS, Mother Muldoon, of ‘‘Shaughran” Memory. ois 17. COMAN, C. B., MRS. Old Prison, near Nemours, France. 12x 18. Fontainebleau Forest. 12x 14. 2 27 Fishing Boats. 10x 14. HULK-;: (Dutch.) — ae W. D. 28 Landscape Study. 8x 14. A. M. G. 29 Niagara, Under the Falls. 14 x 10. MIGNOT, L. R. 30 Twilicht, Fisherman. 16x 24. ie DESHAYES, CEE ; (French.) 31 Moon, River Scenery. Dated 1875. ks 16. BOLMER, Dz F. 32 Lake George, Sunset. Size WILLIAMSON, JOHN. 33 Tappan Zee, 1875. 12x 20, ae COMAN, C. B., MRS.) 34 Old Oaks. Twilight. a2acmam 35 Water Color. Alpine. 10g ss 7naue migned J.-B, 36 Tinted Drawings—Two Heads. 6x9. Signed M. R., 1823. ee 37 Tinted Drawings—Two Heads. 6x9. Signed M. R,., 1823: +: x ? ; 38 39 40 AI 42 43 44 45 46 S, Tinted Drawings—Two Heads. 6x9. Signed M. R., 1823: ROZIER, D. Landscape. 13 x 224. ABSHOVEN, (Dutch. ) Merry-making. 26% x 103. ALDROVANDINI. (Italian. ) Courtyard. Campanile. 184x 28. VAN HOVE, H. B. (Dutch.) Fish Market. Dated 1848. 1643 x 234. MORAN, EDWARD. English Coast, with Boats. 17x 24. NICUMEGEN, G. V. (Dutch.) Dutch Landscape, with Figures. 20x 29. EE CLERC,: S: (French.) Christ and the Fishermen. 19$x154. WEIR, J. F. Figure, Studio Interior. 21x15. ae i; “ MIGNOT eR) nee “47 “ Memorial.” -Four Subjectsyea ~PAOEINT, &. (Italian.) 48 Saint. 26x 194. ae ANGUS, W. (British.) as 49 Fleeing from Persecution. 14x17%. ies Certificate of the painter on back. BOCACCINI, B. (Italian. ) 50 A VISION: G1O-XeGee. HILLEGAARD, P. V. ie) (Dutch.) : Sa Sa & 51 Coast Scene, with Fioures. 23a HUDSON RIVER SCHOOL. — 52 Cuyahoga Valley. 15 xg HAMMER, J. J: 53 Outdoor Festival. 18 x 24. KENSETT, J. F. i 54 Old Ruins. 144 x 18. DE NOTER, P. F. (Dutch.) 55 Moonlight with Clouds. 12x 20. 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Portrait. TI LAWRENCE, SIR THOMAS. (British. ) I 1 19g X 173%. ROTHERMEL, P. F. Landing of Bianca Capello. Dated 1860. 174 X14. UNKNOWN. Good Samaritan. 144} x 22. BROWN, J. G. Girl with Embroidery. Dated 1870. 10x8. HEYDEN, KARL. (German.) Dutch Farmyard and Windmill. 193 x 22. PETERS, B. (Dutch.) Dutch Vessel in Full Sail: CABEL,°A. V. (Dutch.) Pate Vessels, 15 .x-22. 2X 22, MINDERHOUT, HENDRIKS. (Dutch.) Landscape, with Figures. Galliots. BAS 1. 1; (Dutch.) I4X 174. TAKEO: » DESPORTES; Ayo (Eirenchty a aA - 65 Figure with Game and Dogs. — 131 66 Companion to the Above. 13X15 . VON: SCHENDELS. 0 (Flemish.) : 67 Interior. Candlelight. ~ DONCKER, .P. (Flemish. ) 68 Satyrs and Nymphs. 24x 444. iS caaeal UNKNOWN, : 69 Sea-Coast and Figures. 214 x 37. WAGRUTTER, G) (= (German. ) rm it ay 7o German Interior and Figures. Dated 1870. — 21 x 164. UNKNOWN. 71 Landscape with Figures, 20x 234. MOOR, KAREL DE. (Italian.) 72 Lot and His Daughters. 19x25.- \ SCHOOL OF GUIDO. 73 Head of the Magdalen. 24x 20. JULIAN, L. (French.) 74 Poultry. 10x14. 75 76 fi pe 80 SI 82 83 +3 UNKNOWN. Vestal without Fire. 12x09. FANNING, H. Landscape, after Rousseau. 10x14. CAtCGAIT UL, (French. ) Queen Elizabeth and Mary Stuart. 13 x 16}. UNKNOWN. Oueen Esther in State. 18x15. CROPSEY, J. F. A Pool in the Wood, New Jersey. 15 x Io. MIGNOT, T° R., (RiA. Croton Valley. 11x15. ALE Ait Peetor Ducks, 14 xX 22. DIETRICH, C. W. E, (German.) Dutch Boors, Tasting and Smelling. 34}x 274. MEYER, CONSTANT. General R. Anderson, Fort Sumter. 30x 25. NICHOLSON, GE We? | (British.) 84 Italian Landscape. 22 x 34. — HOREMANS, J. J. (Flemish.) eoisard’ Party, 330045 BROUWER, A. ( Dutch.) 86 Dutch Peasants in a Brawl. 284x 42. ROSSITER, T. P. : | 87 Sunset and Storm, South Beacon, 214x 42. SCARSEEINO;&S: (Italian. ) 88 Christ and St. John (in Munich Gallery). 363 X 49. Copy by Fred. Hoppe, 1863. RICHARDS, W. T. 89 Washington Homestead, Mt. Vernon. Boe 1855. 30x 48. SCHOOL QF RAPHAEL, 90 Old Woman with Purse. 19} x 164. iit KILBOURNE, S. A. 91. Trout. Dated 1872. 134:x 108 - FLEMISH SCHOOL. iat Group. 29 x 334. -QUIDOR, JOHN. Quidor ‘‘ was a pupil of John Wesley Jarvis ; he had painted \ 1 fancy subjects with cleverness. His picture of Rip Van Winkle has merits of no ordinary kind.” He was a friend, com- a se aaa (e@e Ere lliott-and- Colonel “1.73: Dave to Hell ane from Communipaw. ‘© The good Oloffe bestowed ae forces in a squadron of three canoes, and hoisted his flag on board a little round Dutch boat, shaped not unlike a tub, which had formerly been the jolly-boat of the ‘Goede Vrouw.’” The artist portrays the attempted landing at Corlear’s Hook ; the encounter with savages, and the ‘ signal ; Oey gained by the valiant Hendrick Kip, who, “‘ although a . coe half mile distant, seized a musquetoon that lay at hand, and fired it most intrepidly in the face of the blessed sun. But such was the effect of this tremendous fire that the wild men of the wood, 5 i ; "struck with consternation, seized hastily upon their paddles, and shot : be away into one of the deep inlets of the Long Island shore.”— The _ Listory a w York, by Washington Lrving. SALVATOR ROSA. (Italian. ) Ag 96 Palace Courtyard. 29 x 293. ROTHERMEL, P. F. 97 Pen History. 113 x9. _BELLEL, cares apna ne rench.) % te -: 08 | Shadows of a Great Rock. 38x 4 | ELLIOTT, egal 99 Meera of Mrs. Governor era, oa The full- Peek portrait of ex-Goyernor Hunt is in 1 the Govern BS Room of the New York City Hall. Sere ge ete MIREVELDT, M. J. (Flemish.) CA hase Sa wg 100 Charles the Fifth in his Youu 4 eas) a abe ie Nes VAN HERPE. (Pupil of Rubens.) _ (Italian.) \ % ro1 Falling under the Cross,” 1742405 WOTHERSPOON, W. W. 7 dl Sa 102 John Knox's House, Edinburoiiis 20) eee 4% VAN BREADELL, J. P° (Flemish.) - | no ee : see ios Cavaliers = ieee! i ODDIE, W. M. eo: q : ; RS ag 104 Trout Fishing. , . ar. PROFESSOR FOSTER, 4) 0) an (German. ) Se eae 105 still Lite Seats toe: - FAIRMAN, JAS. 106 Autumn in Maine. 14 x 28. : “ 107 108 109 P13 114 17 ALBANO, FRANCESCO. (Italian. ) Pane, S Cupid, Actzon, and 20 x AX, JEURAB, ETIENNE. (French.) La Incendié. 304 x 42. GUERCINO. (Italian.) Hounds. The Noble and the Peasant. 40x 203. INNESS, GEO. Landscape, Cattle and Figures. Copy from Cuyp. TIVOLI, ROSA DA. (Italian. ) eancseape and Cattle. 28 x 38. NICHOLSON, G. W. (British.) Scene in Holland. 18 x 32. DIAZ, N. V. (French.) Forest Interior. 134 x To. BONNINGTON. (British. Venetian Landscape. 6x9. ZAI Os en aes! 4. i ; 3 | 116 Land he Pie as: 02 ee RS ree ye ‘~ (italian) ea 117 Study, Female Head. 25 i ALE WEDNESDAY EVENING, ‘MAY 204, se PROMPTLY AT 8 O'CLOCK. a PAINTINGS. MIGNOT, L. R. ages a be Scenery. Morning. 16} x 21. Lake Scenery. Afternoon. 16 x 22. KOELMAN, W. (German. ) | “Cattle and Figures in Landscape. Dated ee i 1861, 21 5 ley ae eee be, MRS. - 123 5 City of enone in the Distance 32 3-x.20- : BEAULIEU. : 124 Me the Meadow. ix 14. GIFFORD, S. R. q 25 City of Hudson from near Catskill. 84x 14. de ENGLISH SCHOOL. Pree Landscape and Figure. 18 x 26. 127 128 129 Tat [a2 133 134 20 UNKNOWN. Landscape and two Figures. PEALE, REMBRANDT. The Sybil. 224x131: Purchased at the sale of the artist’s effects. OLD DUTCH sAsGHOGE: ‘Landscape. 2124 X19 MANGLARD, ADRIEN. (Italian.) Seaport. = The ae TIVOLI, ROSA DA. (Italian. ) Milking the Goat. 14x18. WILKIE, SIR DAVID, R.A. (British. ) Group from the Village Festival. 10x 12. DOUGHTY, THOS. Lake Scene. ‘Dated 1823. 184 x 27%. DE BEUL, LAURENT. (French.) Cattle Scene 4 22kea PROFESSOR FOSTER, (German. ) Tea Services ia) ote sn Gate 27 x 34. sion. of foreign enemies, but likewise from invasion oe neigh- ) ane pes : te city being thus fortified and eatticoned, i ay in Holy Writ, at the very sound of which the walls of ape _ Jericho fell down.’ ’—Irving’s Knickerbocker. 7 Pete Stuyvesant’s uaurney up the Hudson > _ River. 7 ‘“* Now thus it happened, that bright and early in the morning the good Antony, having washed his burly visage, was leaning over the quarter railing of the galley, contemplating it in the glassy waves below. Just at this moment the sun, breaking in all his splendor from behind one of the high bluffs of the Highlands, did dart one of his most potent beams full upon the refulgent nose of the sounder of brass, the reflection of which shot straightway down, ss he hissing hot, in the water, and killed a mighty sturgeon that was mre sporting beside the vessel.”—//istory of New York, by asninee Rehr + ton Irving, page 1009. POUSSIN, NIC. (1594-1665.) (French.) - 138 Procession of Ceres. 394 x 46. UNKNOWN. 139 Judgment of Solomon. 38 x 46. ee x ‘ oak | ". UNKNOWN. oie Rea “ran The Witchery of Music. : b 4 fi » ITALIAN SCHOOL. 142 Madson: Saviour, and St. . John, : PEALE, REMBRANDT. age. 143 Herodias and Attendants. 38 48h Bed GUERCINO. (Italian.) 144 Flight into Egypt. 454 x 38. SPANISH. SCHOOL. 145 A Philosopher. 45 X 34. ES ee HENRY, E. L. | it te az 146 Country Life. Relics of we Anti-Rent_ fe. oy sey War, New York. 15x24. _ ye ee SALVATOR ROSA. Le gy Na cee (Italian.) : We aa 3 , 147 Italian Ruins, and Figures. 52 x 43. MOOKE, (Geis 148 Catskill Scenery. 8 x 12} UNKNOWN. ne or ne saint in Ecstasy. 41 x 30. LAMBERT, GEORGE. (British. ) Cattle and Trees. 37 x 5th. “CORRADL The Crown of Thorns. 474 x 42k * GRANET, T. M. Bate | (French.) | 154, Interior of Monastery. 53 > 39: ee FOWLER, T. T. | fe 4 ee rer Jackson, ee nt , See ao aoe 25. -— **T_ certify that this portrait is the original picture for which pi General Jackson sat to me while on board the steamer ‘ Vicksburg’ aes: ‘ on his return to Nashville from this city in January, 1840. Bett TRAVE THos. FowLeEr, 49 Camp Street, New Orleans ”’—certifi- aes cate on back of canvas. SE i a oe hi res igo i Adie una je ye teas Becta omen ist 5 ie. : ee eee a fee ne Pia _KUWASSEG, os FILS, oe 5 Say ak ies a ee On the Moselle. oe xk Ws eee MISES. GRISWOLD, ¢ oe 1867 Ts 20 X gis) COMAN, C. B., MRS, 160 Landscape. Cornfield, ete. ad oes | DRINKER, Cue eae 161 Still Life. Dated 1874. 20x 24, es SMITH, THOS, L, | 162 Snow Scene. 6x8, NEHLIG, VICTOR. 163 The Love Letter. 124x944. COMAN, C. B., MRS. 164 Country Road, 12x20. ~< BLAUVELT, C. F. 1605). he Student: ) 12300 NOTERMAN, Z. (Dutch.) 166 The Music Lesson. 13 x 16. ‘SMITH, i ate = é ile onl Winter. . 2 X32. a3 aa _ BRAKENBERG, ee ee Se her eee : (Dutch.) < | Be nt rior, Peasants at Play. 30a°% 30. < VALDEVIE, (Dutch.) ‘Young Girl, baa x 27. oo MUSGROVE, deeb. (British. ) In Sherwood Forest. 226 x 32: ee pops. en) ; (French.) 172 St. Malo, Market Scene. 30x25. ee Me ITALIAN SCHOOL. TEMPESTA, ANTONIO. (Italian. ) “174 ie Parable of the Loaves and Fishes. Saas 30: ee CHAPIN, C. H. 175 Ope in Central Park, 28:x.50; i. ee ae i. AS See a? or eee ate sect La o> Pe ae eter on 1). 9176. Contemplation.< 25 2500 a UNKNOWN. > sa | POUSSIN:-G, . = aan : (French.) — "An Aes 178 Landscape. 354 x 45. TINTORETTO, I. = (Italian.) ; os ie 3 179 The Miracle at Cana.) 43 G(s. ALDEGREVER, H. — (German. ) 180 On to the Cross—the Flagellation. 37X45 ae POLEMBERG. | (German. ) 181 Diana and Nymphs. 12x15. UNKNOWN. 182 Psalm 85. 43x61. RUBENS, PETER PAUL. _ (Flemish.) 183 Battle on the Bridge. 25x554. CASS, GEO. N. 184 Dead Game. 24 x 20. ¥ on be Tweed. “tenis et 183 Bis. _ BIRCH, WILLIAM. ON ae ‘MIGNOT, L. R. utch Canal View. 9X i. KENSETT, foe, n the e Catskills 74 X 10. rc: DIETRICH. ae a (Dutch.) ee Saint i in Bee adom. 23X17. Ree 5. - MORLAND, GEORGE. ae 5 4 (British. ) 73 es as; COMAN, Oe Bs. MARS. a 192 td France. 12x18. | ie HENRY, E. L. Seerosz oummer [wilight. 10x 14. Pan ks KABEL, A. VAN DER. a (Dutch.) 194 Marine. 133x214. | son. n River Scene. 10g x 164. ee “Portrait, Barry the Actor. ea yates 28 LEMMENS. (French.) TOs Lntruderse Ui ns KENSETT, J. F. 196 Sunset over the Catskills, - BILLOU, P. (French.) 197 The Lovers. 54x 83. BLAUVELI feu 198 Girl Tending Flowers. Dated 12 XxX TS: COMAN,* C, -B,, MRS: 199 Copy from Rousseau. 35 x 48. POUSSIN, NEG. 200 Procession Cupids. 46 x 68. WOUVERMANS. (Dutch. ) 201 Return of Troops. 43 x 684. UNKNOWN. 202 Lot and his Daughters. 48x 56. RUBENS, PEPER PAG (Flemish. ) 1372, 203 The Last Consolation of Mary Mee 73% 553: ae “conneccio. ; é, / (Italian.) Sea? ts ; eats amily with St. Catharine and St. | he Se eee in Chariot drawn by Cupids. Ee eae O. _ (Italian.) Saint Zoe and | Magdalen, 59x 88. - SOLIMANO, FRAN, ie (Italian.) “Lucrecia, 5094 :x 77. aes Rite ., - ee Lucrecia, wife of Tarquinius Collatinus, was dishonored by _ Sextus, son of Tarquinius Superbus. Having avowed her dis- _ honor in presence of her father, her husband, Junius Brutus, and - some others, she stabbed herself.” Spee VERONESE, PAUL. Be. aeet | . (Italian.) _ 209 ‘Birth of the Saviour. Adoration. 48x 75. Pe ¥ 2s ee Dl aa . | WEST, BENJAMIN P., R.A, es | (British. ) ital a - a fe 2io: Lierodias. 48 x 68. ‘deal eee Re KENSETT, J. F. F 9211 Inthe Catskills. 704 x 504. 30 UNKNOWN. © 212 Diana and her Nymphs. 54x82. ZURBARAN, F. (Italian. ) 213 Saint in Prayers “axe DURER; ALBRECHT. : (German.) 214 The Holy Women and the Dead Christ. 671 x 86. | LE BRUN, C. (French.) 215 The Death of Seneca. 664 x 96. ‘“ The philosopher was ordered by Nero (once his pupil and then his tyrant) to commit suicide on account of alleged complicity in the conspiracy of Piso. He had the veins of his arm opened, but the blood flowing slowly, the veins of his legs were opened.” JORDAENS or LUCCA GIORDANO. 216 Jezebel thrown to the Dogs. 78 x 93. ‘* The infuriated mob throwing their wicked queen over the walls of the city of Jezreel. ‘“ The picture said to have been painted under dictation of Philip Il. of Spain, rating Queen Elizabeth as on par with the most igno- minious queen of Holy Writ.” FAY, R. 217 Flower Groups. 4ccie MOMPER, J. (Dutch.) 218 On the Tiber Bridge. 184 x 244. | : . | | a AD Ea Ae + ms > 7 . 4 ‘ Of ao — , , Leet Fe De ; F w | a P . aft ‘ ‘os ¥ . tata Ns - * a : ; Pe zs ong B0r “MIGNOT, L. R. , ae eee ae ntain Sunset. toh x " HUBBARD, R. W. unset Lake George. 10x 133. fh, jis -BORGOGNONE, A. aes (Italian.) 4 en uae 1 e Dying Martyr. 14$x 114. | | COMAN, C. B., MRS. amg Jn France. IIx ae BP gi: FANNING, W. H. a. 235 In the Tropics—after F. E, Church. 10x 14. CHAMPAGNE, P. DE. i ae ' (French.) | “226 The Vision of St. Veronica with Angels 24.X 195+ WOUVERMAN, P. ~(Dutch.)- Be7ecattie; ~In the Field: 25x 39. 4 } i a » va : ee ie Dy wer py ™ ‘ ‘ay , a " SCHALKEN, Cm “(Dntth ee noley Woman with Candle. oS 24 INDUNO. (Italian. ) 231 In the Cloisters, Moonlight. | UNKNOWN. 232 Rape of the Sabines. 29 45. ITALIAN SCHOOL. 252 Wonder News. 32x 46.° 34 Wedding Festival. 28 x 43. SPANISH SCHOOL. 235 A Rugged Philosopher. jae 36 LONGHI, L. (Italian. ) 236 The Last Rites. 32 x 493. CHIFFLART, (French.). 237. Nature Mort) 26 54256 oA X 24. Boe BILEOU, P, A: (French.) | Mag tabs UY Sam eames ae Dr BUEL. me rench. oe 154 X 20. 144 x 203. - SALE THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 23d, BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8 O’CLOCK. PAINTINGS. SCHOOL, OFT EPIA. 242 /Venus, . 1 Oso BUSH SUN? 244 Bay of Panama. Dated 1873035) 3"eeey WHITTREDGE, T. W. 245 Cappenbergh. Dated 1851. “t7aaiaee HEDA, W. C. (Dutch.) 246: Still Lifes btsae ® ARMFIELD, (British.) 247 Dogs and Rabbit. 18x 24. UNKNOWN. 248 Environs of Haarlem, Hollandira JANSEN. (Dutch. , trait tof Councillor. pHs SPOR. Nas yea: FRANKLIN, YS ees (British. ) Church in Surrey, England. 24 X 38. ah : - UNKNOWN, _ i Head er Old Man, 19x 15. a UNKNOWN. 254. 4 Allegorical Figures. 29 x 36. * ¥ Po VERNE'E JOS. sina Be ys “here (French. ) eas Battle of the Armada, 22X24. ‘ = es 47 SCHOOL OF REMBRANDT, : be 26 Old Head. 324 eos. She * UNKNOWN, (287 Venus, Adonis, and Ciipidy \28.x 30. eri UNKNOWN. 258 Scripture Eeescons. y339e 20: coy 260 201 262 266 267 36 UNKNOWN. Old Ruins, with figures. 26 x 31. HACKERT, J. (Flemish. ) Italian Landscape. 24% x 33. UNKNOWN. Man, with Beard. 254 x 204. UNKNOWN. Portrait, Charles V. 5 36 ssazae. SALVATOR ROSA. (Italian. ) Classical "Raninsi* =e CANALETTI, (Italian.) Carnival at Venice. 21 x 284. PYNACKER. Old Ruins and Figures. 31 x 26%. WOUVERMANS. (Dutch.) Battle Scenes 26. 36233: CANALETTI. (Italian. ) Venice, St. Mark’s, 21 x 29. = : — yunded Saviour ie Holy Women. ss (French. ) fe. 28 x 38. pb eee ‘UNKNOWN. | ve ; "Adoration of the Madonna and Infant (on : a "D, ee copper). 24 X 32. "gs . - SCHOOL oF TITIAN, 272 Venus and Cupid. LO.% 33. ; : . FAIRMAN, JAS. 3 oe. Gieet Scene, Gloucester, Mass. 14 x 28. Ree Peay fs * Le Bee 274 Cupid at aay. 29 X 44. : UNKNOWN, ) o. Study of Heads. 34% X 253. PEALE, REMBRANDT. 276 Cleopatra. 34x 27. From Guido’s original, in Pitti Palace, Florence. 7 279 280 251 Ca2. 283 284 285 278 Landscape. 29x 44. RUYSDAEL. Uaiuer i Pe ee _ (Italian.) Holy Family. i 33 x 274. ay . . SALVATOR ROSA, — (Italian. ) Scene in Italy. gi X 34. ALLSTON, WASHINGTON, Portraits earn oc He . Ms ; var PANINI. - (Italian.) Italian Ruins. 22x 28. UNKNOWN. nd é Judgment of Solomon, 24x29}, SCHOOL OF G. POUSSIN 3) jauaam Travellers in Italy., “20 x 249 5. MARTIN, HOMER. D,, aris Old Farm in Winter. 18x 24. Ay; near ac Beg ne Ne ew - Noon time. Dated 1858. | | “UNKNOWN. | an Achilles. ANE: x54: cee LANCE ULAUS: (Austria. ) : The See Mountains, with eo (oAcc A i PLake, near Botzen, ENS 544 X 734. SCHOOL OF RUBENS. i 289 Rape of the Sabines, Auk: 71. RIBERA. (Spanish. ) ; ORO: Cyclaps hurling ee TRS 77 esSo1 - LEURONSKY. (Italian. ) Oe 291 Peele of Milan pleading with Charles VIII. for peace with her father. 49 x 60. UNKNOWN. oe The Four Ages. 50 x 64. RESANI, A. (Italian.) 293 Hunting Scene. 46% x 67. _ ROSSITER, ae PB rs 205 Jui 60} x 39. ROOS, H. a (Italian.) 296 Shepherd Boy and Shea an 3 UNKNOWN, 297 Visitors to Vulcan’s Forge. VERONESE, PAUL. : : (Italian.) — . ee *298 The Wasiition at the Birth of Jesus. ie 66. MURILLO, 2 Oe (Spanish. ) #4 | Se a a ai 299 Infant Bacchus. 58x46. RUBENS, PETER: PAU&g rena (Flemish. ) AMEN SS AGES aint ate P| 300 Descent from the Cross. 68 x 46. : DALLAMANO, G. (Italian. ) 301 Italian Ruins. 48x 67. RUBENS, SCHOOL OF. 302 Battle of the Bridge. 474x68. VERNET, J. (French. ) 95 Storm, Marine, with Figures. 40} x 53. ITALIAN SCHOOL. a 06 Venus, Diana, and Cupids. 45 x 59. eta? ieee EARLY ITALIAN SCHOOL. o7 Landscape, Fi igures ‘and Ruins. 413 xX 54. AS: ieee BROWN, GEO. L. 308 Bay er Naples. Sunset. Dated 1854. +333 X54. . : “ Painted for C. Addoms, Esq., of New York, who at the time iy, owned the granite building northwest corner of Chambers Street ae and Broadway, an early studio building.” s \ er RN eae POUSSIN, GASPAR. _ (French.) 309 Landscape and Figures. 40x 494. LONGHI, PIETRO. (Italian.) 310 The Monastery Visitation. 38x52 4 Bes ‘ 42 ODDIE, WM. M. 311 ‘Lake in Sullivan, County,” NewYork 36 x 504. VON SCHENDEL? FP. (Flemish. ) 312 Inspiration of the Cross, Dated 1835. | 43 X 34. UNKNOWN. 313 Coronation of the Virgin. 45x37. ROLEEM tiga: (British.) 314 The Angler's Catch... Datedisaaeaors Act. UNKNOWN. 315 Palace Interior, with Figures. 52% x 374. OLD DUTCH SCHOOL. 316 Scene tn the Life of Christ oa5cec.. UNKNOWN. 317 Interior, with Figures. 285x363, UNKNOWN. 318 Herodias. 342 x 282. DE costa. / (German. 3 : nd: Arte 354x Ah wee eee es ee QUIDOR, JOHN. p Van Winkle. 26x 34. . -SCHALKEN, GOTTLIEB. (Ditech, y.< terior, Boy and Bhs 10 x 83. UNKNOWN, a with eee gx 12h. ‘ 3 JARVIS, CHARLES. mt Childhood 21x 164, e ‘UNKNOWN. , 3 3 5 5 Landing of ee 9} x 124. a Bee > LANCRET, : ; (French.) Meeers20) interior. 125 x 16. UNKNOWN. eno” Bear Hunt. '13x 18. 328 329 Soe 3.53 334 44 TEMPESTA, ANT. (Italian. ) Cavaliers. 14x21. TIVOLI, ROSA DA. (Italian. ) View near Tivoli. 13 x 134. UNKNOWN. Rocky Ravine, with Pilgrims. 22 x 26, SULLY, THOMAS. Martin Van Buren. Portrait. 264 x21. OLD DUTCH SCHOOL, Portrait 7 oe INDUNO. (Italian. ) Italian Homestead. 19x 25. KLEINSWORTH. Morning on the Housatonic. 64x 12. BAKER, GEO. A. Male Portrait—after Stuart. 74x 5. BREUGHEL. (Dutch.) Landscape, with Figures. 10x 13. on Coteton, "Sold i “s New York, or = 3 i ase ae, A UNKNOWN. ae 204 x io. UNKNOWN. ye St with Figures. plete eaten | se SUS..GUS. i *. -(French:) “MARATTI, C. (Ltalian.) “Madonna Legenda. 24 X 19. ee fe INGELBACH: I. ice . ae (German. ) 342 Wrecks. eros 2. eats : | With oS most art painted. “a bial = -BONFIELD, V. De V. , & 343 Sava Day off Minot Light.- 14x 24. = as * : Bes UNKNOWN. SS ie 344 Portrait, «29x 24. E UNKNOWN. 275 ePottrait of Artist. 30x 24. | With sketch of child on back of canvas, a Pee Ft oe ms A wiser a 3 ae (Dutch.) — a : 347 The Magdalen, with Book ae : UNKNOWN, ‘< b B46 oe Heads of Angels. SCHOOL OF SALVATOR ROSA. ene 349 Landscape. 20 X25 ae NETSCHER, G. Stee (Dutch.) eer ok 350 Conversation. 183x154. WILSON, JOHN, (British.) 351 The Rescue, 154% 21g. SCHOOL OF TENIERS. 352 The Convivialists. 11$x 144. — ‘ - LE PRINCE. (French.) | ds . 353 Still Life and Figure, > 114 15 aes VAN DER NEER, A. (Flemish. ) 354 Moonlight, Ferry Landing. Sit ~-BSCOSURA, - LEON Y, of ie Copaiish, ic SALVATOR ROSA, — (Italian.) 4 a hen eet a 357, fens POL 7Os3 gh og ay. oI i aie One of the grandest Salvators extant.” ao Erminia, the heroine of ‘ Jerusalem Delivered,’ fell in love with Tancred, and when the Christian army besieged Jerusalem, arrayed herself in Clorinda’s armor to goto him. After certain adventures, she found him wounded, and nursed him tenderly ; but the Rose has not told us what was the ultimate lot of this fair Syrian.” ‘Tasso wrote in 1575 A.D. CANTO. VI. 4 - a” * 4 i, oe a % ¢ > a « . ae 5 ot * oa s aa ' = < ‘ ¥ Ada « 4 a A ; 4 TN. ik Through the brown shade of forests ivied o’er With age, meanwhile Erminia fled ; Her trembling hand the bridle ruled no more, And she appeared betwixt alive and dead. The steed that bore her with instinctive dread - Of danger, at its own will easy through Such winding paths and bosky mazes sped, That it at length quite wrapt her from the view, Baffling the eager hopes of those who would pursue. _ = SS ee 7 + 48 Tite All night she fled ; and all the day succeeding, Still without guidance or reflection plied O’er dale and hill, nought listening to, or heeding, But her own tears, but her own merciful cries, Till now, what time the sun descending dyes The clouds with crimson, leaving earth in shade, Fair Jordan’s lucid current she descries. There first her steed’s bewildered step she stayed ; Her bed the chill green bank, her bower the wild wood made. Yoh Her plaints were silenced by soft music, sent As from a rural pipe—such sounds as cheer The Syrian shepherd in his summer tent— And mingled with pastoral accents rude and clear. She rose, and gently guided by her ear, Came where an old man, on a rising ground In the fresh shade, his white flocks feeding near, Twig baskets wove, and listened to the sound Trilled by three blooming boys, who sat disporting round. ofa I They at the shining of her silver arms Were seized at once with wonder and despair ; But sweet Erminia soothed their vain alarms, Discovering ‘her dove’s eyes and golden hair. ‘* Follow,” she said, ‘‘ dear innocents, the care Of favoring Heaven, your fanciful employ ! For the so formidable arms I bear No cruel warfare bring, nor harsh annoy, To your engaging tasks, to your sweet songs of joy.” . —Tasso’s Jerusalem Delivered. SALE TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 21st, BEGINNING AT 3 O'CLOCK. BOOKS. 401 ADAMS, SAMUEL, Life and Public Services of. Being a narrative of his acts and opinions, and of his agency in producing and forwarding the American Revolution. By William V. Wells. Portraits and fac-similes. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1865. 402 ADDISON, JosEpH. Works. Portrait. 6 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1860. 403 AIKIN, Dr. Works of the British Poets—Jonson to Peete 7 ieel* engravings, - 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1852. 404 ALBERT, PRINCE Consort. The Principal Speeches and Addresses. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, gilt, uncut. London, Murray, 1862. 405 ALBINI, BERNARD. Dissertatio de Arteriis et Venis, etc. Annotationes Academice. Plates. 2 vols. 4to, calf. Leyden, 1736-61. 406 AMERICA ILLUSTRATED. Edited by J. David Williams. Illustrated. Folio, cloth, gilt. Boston, 1883. 407 AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES, Mem- oirs of. Folding plate of Dighton Rock. Vol. IL, parts 1 and 2. 2 vols. 4to, paper, unopened. Boston, Isaiah ‘Thomas, 1793, and Charlestown, 1804. . 408 409 410 4II A412 413 414 415 416 41] 418 50 AMERICAN ELOQUENCE, Speeches and Addresses of the most eminent Orators. 14 steel portraits. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco, New York, 1864. AMERICAN STATE Papers. Documents, Legislative and Executive, of the Congress of the United States. 17 vols. only, folio, half russia. Washing- ton, 1860, etc. ANDERSON, CHRISTOPHER. Annals of the English Bible. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1849. ANDERSON, JAMES. Recreations in Agriculture, Natural History, Arts, etc. Wood-cuts by Bewick. 6 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1799-1802. APPLETON’S AMERICAN CyCLoP#&pDIA. A popular dic- tionary of general knowledge, with index. 16 vols. Royal 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1858-63. ARCHBOLD, JOHN F. Justice of the Peace and Parish Officer. 3 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1840. ARNOLD, MatTTHEW. Last Essays of Church and Religion. 12mo, cloth, uncut, sNews Yor. Lovg: ARNOLD, Dr. THomas. History of Rome. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1375. ARTISTS REPOSITORY AND DRAWING MAGAZINE. Frontispiece and 226 plates beautifully printed in bistre. Name on titles. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco. London. AZPILCUETA MarTIN. Opera. 3 vols. in 2, folio, old stamped calf. Lyons, 1589. BAILLIE, JoANNA. Dramatic and Poetical Works complete, with Life. Portrait and vignette. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1853. weiter PO 51 419 Batzac, H. bE. Les Contes Drolatiques colligez ez Abbayes de Touraine et mis en lumiére pour l’Es- battement des Pantagruelistes. Illustrated with 424 designs by Gustave Doré. Post 8vo, half morocco, gilts) “Paris, n.d. | In the illustrations of this work Gustave Doré first gave evi- dence of the possession of those extraordinary powers which have culminated in the illustrations to the Bible, the Divine Comedy, and Don Quixote. 420 BARLOW, STEPHEN. History of Ireland, from the earliest period to the present time. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1814. 421 “ BARRETT, WALTER.” Old Merchants of New York City. 5 vols. 12mo, cloth, New York, 1885. 422 BARROW, JOHN. Tour round Ireland. Plates Crown 8vo, half calf. London, 1836. 423 Barrow, Joun. ‘Travels in China. Fine portrait and plates in color; some inserted. 4to, boards. London, 1806. [ 424 BARTH, Henry. Travels and Discoveries in North and Central Africa. 1849-55. Several hundred illustrations. 3 vols. only. 8vo, cloth. London, 1557; 425 BARTLETT. Canadian Scenery. 100 highly finished engravings by the best artists, beautiful impressions, with descriptions by N. P. Willis. 2 vols. to, half morocco. London, 1842. 426 BarTLeTT, W. H. Holland and Belgium. Map and 62 finely engraved steel plates. 8vo, half morocco. London. x 427 BARTOLI A SAXOFERRATO. Commentaria. 5 vols. folio, old stamped pig-skin. Lyons, 1544. 52 428 Batty, Caprain, German Scenery, from Drawings made in 1820. 60 superb line engravings, with de- scriptions. Imperial 8vo, boards, uncut, London, rook 429 Batty, Caprain, Scenery of the Rhine, Belgium and Holland. Early impressions of the 62 views, and 60 wood-cut vignettes, with descriptions. Imperial 8vo, half morocco. London, 1826. 430 BayLe. Dictionary, Historical and Critical, with Life by Des Maizeaux. 10 vols. folio, old, calf. London, 1734-41. 431 Bayvty, THomas Haynes. © Weeds of Witchery, Plates. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, Ackermann, 1Og7s 432 BECKET, ANDREW. Dramatic and Prose Miscellanies. Edited by William Beattie, M.D. 2 vols. 8vo, in 1. Half calf. London, 1858. 433 BEECHER, Henry Warp. Sermons in Plymouth Church. First, secend, and fourth series. Por- trait, and interior of church. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1869-71. 434 BELL, JoHN. Observations on Italy. Copper plates. 4to, half morocco, uncut. Edinburgh, 1825. 435 BELoE, W. Sexagenarian; or, the Recollections of a Literary Life. With caustic attacks on many of his contemporaries. 2 vols. 8vo, calf, gilt. Lon- don, 1818. 436 Benton, THomas H. Debates of Congress. 8 vols. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1857. 437 Benton, THomas-H. Debates of Congress. 9 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1857. 438 Benton, THomas H. Debates of Congress. 5 vols. 8vo, sheep. New York, 1857. 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 440 447 448 449 450 451 53 BEATTIE, Dr. WILLIAM. The Waldenses. Portrait and series of finely engraved steel plates. 4to, half morocco, gilt. London, 1838. Bewick. Drawings and Wood-cuts. Notes by F. G. Stephens. 4to,cloth. London, 188r. Thirty-two illustrations from the original wood blocks. BIBLE. ‘ Breeches” edition. 4to, old calf, somewhat mended, and the Psalms imperfect at end. London, 1599. BisLte. Macklin’s beautifully illustrated edition. 3 vols. Royal folio, half morocco, uncut. London, Cadell, 1824. BisLE. With commentary, etc., by Dr. T. J. Hussey. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1844-45. Pieter atin. Small 4to;, calf. - Lacks: title. Lyons, Jacobi Saccon, 1522. BICKNELL, ALEXANDER. Painting Personified. 2 vols. 16mo, half calf. London, 1790. BiEL, G. DE. Lectura super Canone misse. Folio, old pig-skin. Impensis t5 Novembris, 1488. BIGELOW, JOHN. France and Hereditary Monarchy. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1871. BLACKSTONE, SIR WILLIAM. Commentaries on the Laws of England. Portrait. 8 vols. 8vo, half sheep. Interleaved. London, 1809. | BLACKSTONE. Another edition. 4 vols. 8vo, calf. One cover missing. London, 1783. BLOOMFIELD, RoBERT. The Farmer’s Boy. Wood- cuts by Anderson. 16mo, calf, gilt. New York, 1801. BOADEN, JAMES. Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons. Por- traits inserted. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1827. 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 54 BoTTa, CHARLES. American Revolution. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. Cooperstown, 1845. BousquEt.. Explication du Code Civil. 5. vols. 4to, half calf. Bousquet’s name on titles. Avi- gnon, 1804-6. BouUTERWEK. Spanish Literature. Portrait. Post 8vo, half calf. London, 1847. BRITISH CLassics. MHarrison’s edition, containing Johnson’s Rambler, the Adventurer, Guardian, Spectator, Tatler, etc. Plates by Stothard. 8 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1785. BriTisH CoLonies. Their History, Extent, Condi- tion, and Resources. Maps and portraits. 6 vols. Royal 8vo, half calf. London. BRITISH Museum. A Handy-Book of the. By T. Nichols. Frontispiece. 8vo, cloth. London, 1870. Bristot. The City Charters, ics) frontispiece (mounted). Small 4to, half calf. Bristol, 1736. BrouGHaM, Henry, Lorp. England and France under the House of Lancaster. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1861. BROUGHTON, Lorp, Italy in 1816-1854. 2 vols. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1861. Brown, Hon. ALBERT G. Speeches, Messages, and Writings. Portrait. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1859. | 3 Brown, JosiAH. New Abridgement of Cases in Equity. Vol. I. Folio, half calf. London, 1793. Brown, Tom. Letters from the Dead to the Liv- ing. Crown 8vo, calf. London, 1707. Browne, Dr. James P. Phrenology. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1869. 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 3) BrypGes, Sir EGERTON. Res Literariz, Biblio- graphical and Critical. Vol. II. 8vo, half russia. Geneva, 1822. Only 75 copies printed. ‘“Not more than 50 sets can be made complete.” BUCKINGHAM, JAMES S. Canada, etc. Frontispiece. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London. BUCHANAN, RoBeRT. North Coast and Other Poems. Illustrations by the Dalziels. 8vo, morocco gilt, gilt edges. London, 1868. Bupery, bb. M. Live Coals; or, Faces from the Fire. Numerous plates. Folio, cloth, gilt. London, 1867. | ? BuRKE, EDMUND. Works. Portrait. 12 vols. r2mo, cloth. Boston, 1869. Burke. European Settlements in America. Map. 2vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1777. BuRNET, JOHN. Treatise on Painting. The four parts. Numerous plates in color. j4to, half morocco, uncut. London, 1850. BurRN, RICHARD. Justice of the Peace and Parish Officer. 4 vols. 8vo, calf. London. Piero toe Private journal of .-.« .. during his residence of four years in Europe, with Selections from his Correspondence. Edited by Matthew L. Davis. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1856. Bury, Viscount. Exodus of the Western Nations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 186s. Bury. Another copy. 2 vols. 8vo, blue cloth. London, 1865. Byron. Hours of Idleness. Plate. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1820, 56 477 CABINET GALLERY OF PICTURES BY THE FIRST Masters. 73. fine line engravings. 2 vols. Royal 8vo, half morocco. London, 1836, 478 CALDECOTT, THomas. Sale Catalogue of Collection of Early English Literature. Priced in ink. And others. 4 vols. 479 CAMPBELL, JOHN. Political Survey of Britain. 2 vols.’ “4to; calf... London: 1954 | 480 CAMPBELL, Dr. J. Naval History. Maps and frontis-. pieces. 4 vols. 8vo, sheep. London, 1785. 481 CARLYLE,.. Life of, John Sterling, sr 2iiG tee gilt. Boston, 1852. 482 CARRE, G. L. J. Analyse Raisonnée sur le Code de Procédure Civile. '2 vols) 4tO;¢0Gal semenGeas 1811-12. 482a Another copy. Rennes, 1818-19. 483 CATROU AND ROUILLE. Roman History. Translated with notes [by R. Bundy]. Plates. 6 vols. Folio, calf. London, 1728-37. Hooke is said to have compiled his Roman History from the above work. 484 CENTURY MAGAZINE. November, 1887, to October, 1889. 2 vols. Royal 8vo, cloth. 485 CrELsus,- A. -CORNELIUS, “De Viedicinase poner 16mo, calf. Patavii, 1722. 486 CERVANTES. Don Quixote. Translated by Charles Jarvis, with plates engraved by Vander Gucht. 2 vols. 8vo, calf, gilt. London, 1849. 487 CERVANTES. Don Quixote. Illustrated by Gustave Doré. 4to, half morocco, gilt. London, n. d. 488 CHAMBERS’ Cyclopedia of English Literature. Por- trait. 2vols. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1870. 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 493 499 500 yi CHAMISSO, ADELBERT Vv. Peter Schlemihl, Plates by Cruikshank. 12mo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1874. CHESTERTON, GEORGE LavaL. Peace, War, and Ad- venture. Publisher’s presentation stamp on title. .2 vols. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1853. CuiILtp, L. M. Progress of Religious Ideas. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, n. d. CHURTON, ED. Gongora. Portrait. 2 vols. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1862. CHOLMONDELEY, PENNELL H. Modern Practical Angler. Colored plate of flies, and 50 engrav- ings of fish and tackle. Crown 8vo, cloth, un- cut. London, 1870. CLoDE, CHARLES |M. Military and Martial Law. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, Murray, 1872. CocHRANE, A. B. Francis the First in Captivity at Madrid, etc. 2 vols. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1870, COLCHESTER, Lorp. Diary and Correspondence. Edited by his son, Charles Lord Colchester. Por- fiat, 92 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 13861. Vv Cottot, A. G. French and English Dictionary. 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1869. ComsBe, WILLIAM. Doctor Syntax in Search of the Picturesque. 31 colored plates by Rowlandson. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1864. ComINEs, Puitip DE. Memoirs of. 2 vols. Crown 8vo, half morocco. London, 1712. Includes the Secret History of Louis XI. COMPLETE COPYHOLDER. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1735. 58 501 CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE. 20 vols. Calf. And 4 vols. Census. 24 vols. 4to, half calf. Washington, 1857-66. 502 CooK, COLONEL. Observations on Fox-hunting, etc. Plates. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1826. 503 COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE. . America and the Ameri- cans... 2 vols. in x. 8vo; cloth, Uncen eeioncems Colburn, 1836. 504 Coucu, J. Fishes of the British Islands. With 183 colored engravings. 4 vols., imperial 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1868-9. 505 Cours, ELLtiottT. Birds of the Northwest. United States Geological Survey. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Washington, 1874. 506 COVENT GARDEN JOURNAL, Account of the O. P. Riots. Four fine copper-plate views of Covent Garden Theatre. 8vo, half calf. London, 18ro. 507 Crarrs, Rev, W. F. The Coming Manis the Present Child ; or, Childhood. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, gilt. Chicago, 1879. 508 CRAFTSMAN, THE. By Caleb D’Anvers (Nicholas Amherst). Frontispieces. | 14 (vols= =i 2m0 meee London, 1731-37. : Written by Lord Bolingbroke, W. Pulteney, and others, in op- position to Sir Robert Walpole. The most popular political publication of its time; so much so that from 10,000 to 20,000 copies were sold in one day. Am- herst, after twenty years of exertionin the cause of his friends (and they at length came into power), was totally neglected and forgotten. This neglect hastened his dissolution, which took place in 1742. ev 509 CRAIK, GEoRGE L, Pursuit of Knowledge. Portraits. Post 8vo, calf, gilt. London, 1865. 510 511 512 513 514 545 516 St] 518 aod 520 59 CRAVEN DERBY; OR, THE LORDSHIP BY TENURE. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1832-33. CREASY, SIR Epwarp. Rise and Progress of the English Constitution. Crown 8vo, calf, gilt. Lon- don, Bentley, 1867. CRUIKSHANK. Burford Cottage, and its Robin-Red- Breast. With the frontispiece and vignette by George Cruikshank. Crown 8vo, half morocco. London, 1835. | Cruise, WILLIAM. On Fines and Recoveries. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1794. CRUTTWELL, Rev. C. Tours through Great Britain. Maps and 130 copper plates. 6 vols. Crown 8vo, calf. London, 1806. CuLTiIvaTor. 6) vols. Folio, half calf. Albany, 1839-43. Curtis, GEorGE TicKnor. History of the Origin, Formation and Adoption of the Constitution of the United States, with Notices of its Principal Framers. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1854. CurwEN, J. C. Observations on the State of Ire- land. 2vols.in1. 8vo, half calf. London, 1818. CYCLOPADIA OF USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL PLANTS, Numerous finely colored plates. 4to, cloth, gilt. London, n. d. Darr, HS) The Gay Science. 2 ‘vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, Chapman & Hall, 1866. DANIELL. Oriental Scenery and Antiquities. Com- plete with descriptions and 150 engravings of Ar- chitecture, Antiquities, and Landscape Scenery of Hindostan. 3 vols. Folio, half morocco, gilt. London, 1816. 60 DARWIN, Erasmus. Poetical Works. Portrait and plates. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf, antique. London, 1806. Davis, ANDREW JAcKsoNn (Clairvoyant). Principles of Nature. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, ‘roth edition. New York, 1852. Another copy, 11th edition. New York, 1852. Davis, JEFFERSON. Life, by Frank H. Alfriend. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Cincinnati, 13868. Davis, Str JoHn F. China, Illustrated. 2 vols. Crown 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, Murray, 1857. DEAN, Amos. History of Civilization. Portrait. 7 vols. 8vo,cloth. Albany, 1868-69. Dennis. Summer in Andalucia. Frontispieces. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, Bentley, 1839. Dippin, Dr. T. F.. Lent Lecturestpreacheg vias cae Church of St. Mary, Bryanston Square... 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1833. DICKENS, CHARLES. Bleak House. 37 illustrations. 2 vols. r2mo, half calf. Philadelphia. DicTIonaRy of the English and French Languages. By. Prof. Tibbins, 8vo. Half morocco, ~ Paris, 1856. Dircks, Henry. Nature-Study. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1869. DIsRAELI, IsAAc. Amenities of Literature, \Calami- ties and Quarrels of Authors; and Curiosities of Literature. Portrait, etc. 5 vols. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut.* London, 1866-67, _ Dix, JoHN A. Speeches and Addressesuw eran 2vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1864. 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 61 Dopp, Rev. Henry P. The Epigrammatists. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1870. Dopp, W. Beauties of History. Bewick’s cuts. 16mo, half morocco. London, 1800. Dover, Lorp. Life of Frederic the Great. Por- trait. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, Longman, 1O92. Dow, ALEx. History of Hindostan. Translated from the Persian. Portraits and engravings. 3 vols. 4to, calf. London, 1770-72. DRAPER, DR. JoHN W. Human Physiology. 300 wood-cuts. $8vo, half calf. New York, 1856. DRYDEN, JOHN. Original Poems and ‘Translations. 2vols. 16mo, calf. London, 1743 DURNFORD AND East. Reports. 5 vols. Folio, calf. London, 1787-1794. DtrRER, ALBERT. The Little Passion of. Repro- eced) tn) fac-simile.- Edited. by W. C. Prime. Folio, calf gilt, gilt edges. New York, 1868. Preemie, EA: - History of the World. Steel plates. 4 vols. Royal 8vo, half morocco. New Work, n.d. EARLY ENGLISH Poems, Chaucer to Pope. 8vo, morocco gilt, gilt edges. London, 1863. EASTLAKE, SIR CHARLES L. Materials for a History of Oil Painting. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, Longman, 1847. Eastwick. Hindustani Grammar. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1858. EATON, CHARLOTTE. Rome in the Nineteenth Century. 34 steel engravings. 2 vols. Post 8vo, calf, gilt. London, 1852. 547 548 549 5.90 JD 552 Sos 558 62 EDMUNDES, CLEMENT. Observations upon Cesar’s Commentaries. Fine portrait of Ceesar, portrait of Prince Henry on title, and plates. Folio, old calf. London, printed by Roger Daniell. Epwarps, E, (Librarian). Libraries and Founders of Libraries. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1865. Large-paper copy. Evuis, Mrs. Prose Works. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt. New York, 1844. ELLioT, Frances. Old Court Life in France. $8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1873. 7 ELLIOTT, CHARLES W. The Holy Land. Steel en- gravings. 8vo, cloth, gilt, uncut. New York, 1871. ENGLAND, PICTORIAL History or. Several hundred wood-cuts. 4 vols. Royal 8vo, half calf. New York, 1846. ENGLISH BaLLaps, Old. 50 Illustrations by Birket Foster, etc. 8vo, cloth gilt, gilt edges. London. EPIsoDES OF Insect LiFe. By Acheta Domestica (Miss L. M. Bugden). Three series complete. Frontispiece and numerous vignettes. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1851. ERCKMANN-CHATRIAN. Romans WNationaux. II- lustrated. Royal 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1867. EUROPEAN DELINEATOR. 20 Colored plates of cos- tume. 8vo, half calf. Leeds, 1815. Eustace, Rev. J. (C. - Letter “frome 2 anew en, demetz, Judgment and Execution of Louis XVI. Defence of General Moreau. Inz vol. 8vo, half . calf. London, v. d. EVERGREEN OR MONTHLY CHURCH MAGAZINE. Vol. VIII. Steel plates. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1851. 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 63 Famous PARKS AND GARDENS OF THE WoRLD. MII- lustrated. Folio, cloth, gilt. London, 1880. FARRAR, TimoTHy. Manual of the Constitution of the United States. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1867. FATHERS OF THE ENGLISH CHURCH. A _ selection from the writings of the reformers, etc., with memorials of their lives, etc. 8 vols, 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1807-12. FENELON. Adventures of Telemachus. 100 engrav- ings. 8vo, cloth. New York. FERGUSON, RobBeRT. Poetical Works. Portrait and plates. Wood-cuts by Bewick. 2 vols. 16mo. Alnwick. Fre.p, Gerorce. Analogical Philosophy. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1839. FIELDING, Henry. Works. Portrait. 4 vols. 1zmo cloth. New York, 1861. Ficuier, Louis. The Vegetable World. 446 en- gravings. 8vo, calf, gilt. New York, 1867. ? FicuierR, Louis. Mammalia. 267 engravings. 8vo, half calf. New York, 1870. FiscHEL, Dr. Epwarp. ‘The English Constitution. “From the Publishers” on title. 8vo, half calf. London, 1863. FIsHER, GEORGE P, The Reformation. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1873. Fiskr, JOHN. Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy. 2 vols. 1zmo, cloth. Boston, 1875. FITZGERALD, PErRcy. Charles Townshend, Wit and Statesman. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, Bentley, 1866. Fiacio, Intyrico Marruia, Clavis Scripturaes. Folio, calf. Basle, 1580. 573 574 545 576 5381 582 583 584 585 64 FLAMMARION, CAMILLE. The Atmosphere. to chromo-lithographs and 86 wood-cuts. 8vo, cloth, gilt. New York, 1873. FLEETWOOD, Rev. J. Life of Christ, Portrait and plates. Illuminated edition. Royal 8vo, morocco gilt, gilt edges. Glasgow. FORBES, JOHN. Memorandums made in Ireland in 1852. Map and illustrations. Presentation copy. 2 vols. Crown 8vo, half calf. London, 1853. ForrEST, LigEuT.-GENERAL N. B. The Campaigns of. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New Orleans, 1868. FOURIER, CHARLES. The Passions of the Human Soul. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1851. Foxe, JOHN. Bookof Martyrs. Plates. Royal 8vo, half calf. London. FRANCIS, HARRIET E, Across the Meridians. Illus- trated. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1887. FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN. Life of, by himself. Edited by John Bigelow. Portrait. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1875. FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN. Memoirs of, by himself. Edited by W. Duane. | Pottraii zea cue clotn. New York, 1861. FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN. Autobiography. Illustrated. 8vo, half calf. New York, 1856. FREDERICK THE GREAT. Life of. 2 vols. 8vo, calf, gilt. London, 1789. FRERE, J. H. Works, Portrait. 3 vols ramienclocn London, 1874. FREER, MartHaA W. Henry IV. and the League. Portrait. 2 vols. Crown 8vo, half calf. London, Hurst & Blackett, 1860. : ; .. ¢ 50° son 592 593 594 595 596 597 65 5 FREHERI, MARQUARDI. Germanicarum Rerum Scrip- tores, Folio, calf; Frankfort, 1600, FRENCH Home Lire. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1873. Frost, Joun. History of the United States. Inter- leaved, and wood-cuts inserted. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1838. FuseEul, H. Life, and Lectures on Painting. Edited | by J. Knowles. 3 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1831. “* Fuseli’s Lectures have been stamped as the noblest criticism extant on Art.” GALLERY OF Famous PoETs. too steel engravings. Royal 8vo, morocco gilt, gilt edges. Philadelphia, 1860. GALLERY OF PICTURES BY THE First Masters, By Allan Cunningham. 78 steel plates. 2 vols. 4to, cloth. London. GARNETT, Picturesque Tour through the Highlands and Western Isles of Scotland. With 52 aquatint engravings. 2 vols. 4to, russia. London, 1800. GeorGE, H. B. The Oberland and its Glaciers. 28 photo-illustrations. 4to, cloth, gilt. London, 1866. GERMAN THEATRE. ‘Translated by Benjamin Thomp- son. Fine plates. 6 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1801. Large-paper copy. GERSTACKER, FREDERICK. Western Lands and Waters. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, gilt. London, 1864. GILBART, JAMES Wm. Lectures and Essays. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1865. GopkIN, JAMES. Land-War in Ireland. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1870. 598 50° 600 6oI 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 66 Gopwin, W. History of the Commonwealth of Eng- land from its Commencement to the Restoration of Charles II. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1824. GOETHE, Faust, and SCHILLER’s Song of the Bell. Translated by Lord Gower. 8vo, half calf. Lon- don, Murray, 1823. ® ° GoLpsMITH, OLIVER. Works. Portrait. 2 vols. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1854. GOLDSMITH. Vicar of Wakefield: Bewick’s cuts. 16mo, half morocco. Hereford, 1798. GoLpsMITH. History of England. SBewick’s cuts. 16mo, half morocco. London, 1812. Another copy. London, 1821. Goop, Dr. JoHN Mason. Study of Medicine. Inter- leaved throughout. 5 vols. Thick 8vo, calf. Lon- don, 1825. GoopMAN, Penitent Pardoned. Frontispiece. 4to. London, 1689. WrRiGHT. Passions of the Mind. Ato. ‘Londony -163c. GRANTHAM’S' Pamphlets (Baptist Tracts). And three others, 6 vols. $vo and 12mo. Gu won tT: Memoirs of the Life of Count de. Crown 8vo, calf. London, 1714. GRANT. Soldier and Statesman. By Edward How- land. Portrait and illustrations. $8vo, sheep. Hartford, 1868. GREELEY, Horace. American Conflict. Plates. 2 vols. 8vo, sheep. Hartford, 1866. GREEY, Epwarp. The Bear-Worshippers. 180 illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt. Boston, 1884. Another copy. - - yd a i Li 3 ms 67 a Xt 611 GREY, Hon. A. Collection of Debates in the House of Commons, 1667-1694. 10 vols. 8vo, calf. Lon- don, 1869. 5 612 GREY, EARL. Colonial Policy of Lord John Russell's Administration. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lon- don, Bentley, 1853. 613 GrirFiIn, GERALD. Works. Illustrated. 10 vols. 1zmo, half calf. New York, n. d. Comprising : ‘‘ The Collegians,” ‘‘ Card-Drawing,” ‘‘ The Half- - Sir,“ Sail-Dhuv,” ‘The Rivals,” ‘‘ Tracy’s Ambition,” _ Holland-Tide,” ‘‘ Duke of Monmouth,” ‘‘ Tales of a Jury Room,” ‘‘ The Invasion,” ‘‘ The Christian Physiologist,” Poetical Works, and his Life by his Brother. 614 GUERIN, EUGENIE Dr. Journal of. Post 8vo, morocco, gilt edges. London, 1866. 615 GUICCIARDINI, ‘Maxims. 16mo, boards, uncut. Lon- don, 1845. 616 HaKEwiLL, James. A Picturesque Tour of Italy. Fine copper plates. Folio, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, Murray, 1820. 617 HALL, Rev. Ropert. Works. With Memoir by Dr. Gregory. Portrait. 3 vols. 8vo,calf. New York, Kons. 618 HALLAM, Henry. Constitutional History of Eng- land. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1870. 619 Haut, Mr. AnD Mrs.8.C. Ireland, its Scenery, Char- acter, Legends, Tales, etc. With 500 beautiful en- gravings on steel and wood, from drawings by Cres- wick, Harvey, and others. 3 large vols. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. 620 HAMILTON. Lady Hamilton’s Attitudes. A series of 24 large outline plates. Royal 4to, cloth. London, ad. 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 68 Hamitton, Sir Witi1am. Lectures on Metaphysics: and Logic. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1859-60. HARLAND AND WILKINSON. Lancashire Folk-Lore. 8vo, half roxburghe, uncut. London, 1867. Hartwic, G. The Aerial World. Numerous illus- trations. 8vo, cloth, gilt. New York, 1875. Hayvtey. Essay on Old Maids. 3 vols. Post 8vo, calf. London, 1786. HAZARD, SAMUEL, Annals of Pennsylvania, from the Discovery of the Delaware, 1609-1682. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1850. HAZARD, SAMUEL. Cuba with Pen and Pencil. Nu- merous illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt, uncut. Hart- ford, 1871. Heirs, ARTHUR. Friends in Council. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, 186r. Another copy. 2 vols. 12mo. New York, n. d. Hers, ARTHUR. Spanish Conquest in America. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1856. Henry, Hon. Wm. J., and BisHop Harris. Eccle- siastical Law, etc., of the Methodist Episcopal Church. 8vo, cloth. Cincinnati, 1886. Hitt, Rt. Hon. RicHarp. Diplomatic Correspond- ence. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, Murray, 1845. Hive, THe, of Ancient and Modern Literature. Wood- cuts by Bewick. 16mo, half morocco, Newcastle, 1812. Hosuousse, J. C. Last Reign of Napoleon. 2 vols. 8vo, morocco.. London, 1816, ay > f % ¢ 636 637 638 639 645 69 Hospses, THomas. Complete Works, English and Latin, now first collected. Edited by Sir William Molesworth. Portrait and plates. 16 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1839-40. Hopcson, ADAM. Letters from North America. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1824. a Ho.ueeAcH, HENRY. Student in Life and Philosophy. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1865. HOLBEIN AND His Time. By Dr. Alfred Woltmann. 60 illustrations. 8vo, cloth gilt, gilt edges. Lon- don, Bentley, 1872. HOLLAND, GEorGE. Sketch of the Life of the Vet- eran Comedian, Portrait. 250 copies printed. Royal 8vo, cloth. New York, T. H. Morrell, 1871. Home Topics. Practical Papers on. Illustrated. 8vo, eioth,-ailt.- ‘Troy. Hone, WititiAM. Ancient Mysteries Described. Illus- trations. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1823. Hoop, THomas. Works. Portrait. 6 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1860. Hoop, Tuomas. Poems. Illustrated by Gustave Doré. Folio, cloth gilt, gilt edges. London, 1870. Hook, TuHropore. Killing no Murder. KENNEY, Vawes Turh Out! Horn. The Bee-Hive. Dimonp. Youth, Love, and Folly, etc. Bound in r vol. 8vo, half calf. London, 1811, etc. HoucH, Major Wm. British India, 1756-1849. Crown 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1853. Howitt, Mary. History of the United States. Numerous engravings. 2 vols. t12mo, half calf. New York, 1860. : 7O 646 HuGHEs, ARCHBISHOP JOHN. Complete Works. Com- piled by Lawrence Kehoe. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1865. 647 Huco, Hermann, De Militia Equestri Antiqua et Nova ad Regem Philippum IV. Finely engraved frontispiece by Cornelius de Galle, and numerous plates. Folio, old calf. Antwerp, Plantin (Moretus), 1630. | 648 HuisH, RoBERT. On Bees. Frontispiece. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1817. 649 Hunt, CHAaRLEs Haven. Life of Edward Living- ston. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1864. 650 Hunt, LeicuH. Correspondence,” Porta. = 2 vor: Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1862, 651 Hunt, LetcuH. Works. Portrait. 4 vols. 12mo,. cloth. New York, 1861. 652 Hunt, Nicotas. The Hand-Maid to Arithmetick Refined. Engraved title. ._16mo, old calf. Lon- don, 1633. 653 Hunt, T. F. Italian Designs. lates. 4to, half morocco, London, 1827. 654 HUNTING GROUNDS OF THE OLD WorLp, _ Illus- trated. Crown 8vo, cloth, gilt. London, 1871. 655 HusBANDRY IN SCOTLAND. 6 vols. 8vo,calf. Edin- burgh, 1778. 656 INDUsTRY oF ALL Nations, _ Illustrated from ex- amples in the New York Exhibition, 1853-4. 500 illustrations. Folio, morocco, gilt edges. New York, 1854. 657 IREDELL, JAMES. Life and Correspondence of. By. G. J. McRee. Portrait and book-plate. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1857. ne Rie ie Secs 1872. : INGTO] Christmas in England. Ilus- : ashe) vo, , morocco, gilt, gilt edges. New York, eee ee, f a a SALE WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 22D, BEGINNING AT THRE ero BOOKS. 661 IRvING, WASHINGTON. Works. 12 vols. 12mo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1839. 662 Irvinc. Life and Letters, Portrait. 4 vols. 12mo, half calf. New York, 1862. 663 IrRvinc. Life and Voyages of Columbus. 4 vols. 12mo, half morocco. Paris, 1828. 664 JAUFRY THE KNIGHT AND THE FAIR BRUNISSENDE. Engravings. 8vo, cloth, gilt. New York, 1857. 665 JEPHSON AND EL_muHirstT. Our Life in Japan. Illus- trated. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1869. 666 JERROLD, DoucuLas. The Barber’s Chair, and The Hedgehog Letters. Portrait. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1874. 667 JOHNSON, SAMUEL. Lives of the Poets. Portrait. Post 8vo, half calf. London, n. d. 668 Jounson, S. M. Free Government in England and America. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1864. 669 JOHNSON. Political Tracts: The False Alarm, Falk- land’s Islands, The Patriot, and Taxation no Tyranny. 8vo, calf. London, 1776. + al i | 4 ’ ™ 3 ; Chant a 7 Seg 3 “é 670 Jounson, Sir Witiiam. Life and Times of. By fee wm 1. Stone. Portrait.. 2 vols. — 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1865. q * 671 Jones, Sik WiuiiaAmM. Works complete, with Life or by Lord Teignmouth. Portrait and engravings, 13 vols, 8vo, half calf, gilt, London, 1807. 672 Jomini, Baron. Grand Military Operations. Maps | and plans. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, peose 673 Jonson, Ben. Works. With Memoir by William Gifford. Portrait. 8vo, morocco gilt, gilt edges. Boston, 1860. 674 KEARNEY, PuiL. Personal and Military History. By John Watts de Peyster. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1869. 675 KEMBLE, JOHN PHILIP. Memoirs of the Life of, in- cluding a History of the Stage from the Time of Garrick. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. Lon- don, 1823. 676 Kinc, C. W. Antique Gems and Rings. Illustrated by 66 plates, containing representations of several hundred gems, and by numerous wood-cuts in the text. 2 vols. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1872. 677 KITCHIN, JOHN. Jurisdictions. ‘16mo, half calf. Lon- don, 1673. 678 KNiGHT, CuHarurEs. Pictorial Half Hours. Numer- ous illustrations. 4 2. Small gto, half calf. London, n. d. 679 Knox, THomas W. Travels of Marco Polo. _ Illus- trated. 8vo, cloth, gilt. New York, 1885. 680 681 682 688 689 690 post 69 692 14 La FonTAINE Fasies. Illustrated by Gustave Doré. 4to, cloth, gilt. Philadelphia, n. d. LAIRESSE, GERARD DE. The Art of Painting. 70 plates. 2 vols. 4to, calf, gilt. London, 1817. — Lamp, Lapy CAROLINE. Glenarvon. 3 vols. Crown 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1816. LAMB, CHARLES. Works. Portrait. 5 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1861. LARPENT, F, SEymMourR. Private Journal. 2 vols. Crown 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, Bentley, 13853. LA ROCHEJAQUELIN. Memoirs of the Marchioness. Map. 8vo, half calf. Edinburgh, 1817. LAW OF CORPORATIONS, Crown 8vo, half calf. Lon- don, 1702. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Philadelphia, 1796. LAYyARD, A. H. Nineveh and Its Remains. Maps and illustrations. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1849. LE Brun, Mme. Souvenirs of. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1880. Lecky, WiLt1amM E. H. History of European Morals from Augustusto Charlemagne. 2vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1869. LEIGHTON, JoHN F. S. A. The Life of Man Sym- bolised by the Months of the Year in a series of illustrations. 4to, morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. London, Longmans, 1866. LELAND, CHARLESG, Hans Breitmann’s Ballads, 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1870. 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 793 7S Le Mirg, AUBERT. Origine des Chevaliers et Ordres. Militaires. Anvers, 1709. VAN HALEN. Judicium. 1688. MANCINELLI. Versilogus. Cologne, 1537. BERINGER. Discursus. Hanover, 1614. WILLIAM Tonc. Sermon preached: at Salters’ Hall. Lon- don, 1704. SPADEMAN. Sermon preached Novem- ber 14, 1698. Bishop EDWARD FowLer. Sermon preached June 26,1699. In1vol. 16mo, half calf. Lesug,C. R. Autobiographical Recollections, Edited by Tom Taylor. Portrait. 2 vols. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1860. LEssING, GOTTHOLD EPHRAIM. Nathan the Wise. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1860. LEveR, CHarves. Barrington. 25 illustrations by © Phiz.” vo; cloth, uncut: ‘ London, 1872. LEWES, CHARLES LEE. Memoirs, by himself. 4 vols. in 2. 12mo, half morocco. London, 1805. LizsErR Asus. The White Book of the City of Lon- don. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1861. Liepic, Justus. Natural Laws of Husbandry. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1863. LIFE OF JESUS, THE CHRIST. Earlier Scenes. Por- trait. S8vo, cloth. New York, 1872. LINCOLN, ABRAHAM. Life of. By Ward H. Laman. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1872. Lin-Lz. Ti-Ping Tien-Kwoh; the history of the Ti-Ping Revolution, including a narrative of the author’s personal adventures, Illustrations. 2 vols. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1866, LITERARY PROPERTY. Question Concerning. Miller vs. Taylor. Court King’s Bench, April, 1769. 4to, calf. London, 1773. 76 704 LITERATURE, ART AND Sonc. (Moore, Mackenzie, etc.) Illustrated by Maclise. Royal 8vo, cloth. New York. : 705 LiviINGsTONE, Davip, Travels in South Africa. Por-— trait, maps, and illustrations. 8vo, half calf. New York, 1865. 706 LONGFELLOW, HENRY W. Poets and Poetry of Eu- rope. Portrait. 8vo, cloth gilt, gilt edges. Phila- delphia, 1847. 407 LOOKING GLASS FOR THE MIND. Bewick’s cuts. 16mo, half morocco. London, 1817. 708 Lossinc, Benson J. Lives of (350) Celebrated Amer- icans. 100 wood-cut portraits. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Hartford, 1869. ; “og Loros LEAveEs. Original Stories, etc., by Whitelaw Reid, Wilkie Collins, Mark Twain, etc., etc. Illus- trated. Small-4to, cloth, gilt. Boston, 1875. 410 Loupon, J. C. Gardener’s Magazine. Illustrated. g vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1826-33. 711 Lownpes, THomas. Tracts in Prose and Verse. Por- trait. 2 vols. 8vo, morocco, gilt. Dover, 1825. 712 LUTHER, MarTIn. Life of, in 50 pictures. D’Av- BIGNE. History of the Reformation. Portrait and plates. Thick 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia. 713 LYELL, SiR CHARLES. Principles of Geology. Maps and plates. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1860. 714 MacaAutay, Lorp. History of England. Portrait. 5 vols. 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1849. 715 Mackay, CHARLES. The Salamandrine. Illustrations by John Gilbert. Royal 8vo, cloth gilt, gilt edges. London, 1853. 716 MACKINTOSH, SIR JAMES. Life of. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1853. if 721 n29 723 724 727 J At z * : U 4. “a i ; ‘ oe 7 77 Mt a “> X ‘ > Macteop, Norman. Eastward. 70 illustrations from photos. 8vo, cloth, gilt. London, 1866. ) MactiseE, Daniet. Memoir by W. J. O'Driscoll. Portrait. Crown 8vo,cloth. London, Longmans, 187. MACREADY. Reminiscences, etc. 4 portraits. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1875. -Maptson, JAMEs. History of the Life and Times of. By Ww. Ce Rives, Portrait. -3 vols. _ 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1866-68, Maimsourc. History of Arianism. 2 vols. in 1. Small 4to, old calf. London, 1728-29. MALLET DU Pan. Memoirs and Correspondence of. Illustrative of the history of the French Revolution. a2 Vols... SvoO, cloth. London, 1852, Collected and arranged by A. Sayous. MALone, EDMUND. Life of, with Selections from his Manuscript Anecdotes. By Sir George Prior. © Fine portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1860. Marsu, Georce P. Origin and History of the Eng- lish Language. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1863. MarsH, GEORGE P. Lectures on the English Lan- guage. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1860. MARTIAL. Epigrams. Post 8vo, half calf. London, 1860. MARTINEAU, HARRIET, History of England. 4 vols. 16mo, cloth. Philadelphia, n. d. | MAssINGER, Puitip. The Plays of. Post 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1868. MatTHer, Cotron. Magnalia Christi Americana ; or, The Ecclesiastical History of New England, from its First Planting, in the year 1620, unto the year of our Lord, 1698. In seven books, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, title damaged. Hartford, 1855. use 731 732 153 7134 735 736 729 740 741 78 MatTHew, FATHER. A Biography by John F. Maguire. — ae 2 portraits. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, Pe Longmans, 1863. MatuHews, Mrs. Memoirs of Charles Mathews, Comedian, Illustrations. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1839. | MAUNDER, SAMUEL. History of the World. Illus- trated. 2 vols. 8vo, morocco. Baltimore, 1856. Maurice, F.D. Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1872. MAXWELL, W. H. Stories of Waterloo: ‘“ Luck is Everything,” ‘Adventures of Captain Blake,” “Hector O’Halloran.” Frontispiece. 4 vols, 16mo, half roxburghe. London. May, T. E. Constitutional History of England. 2 vols. 1r2mo, cloth. Boston, 1863. McCutitaGu, W. Torrens. Industrial History of Free Nations, 2, vols; in (1s) 7 8vV0,e¢louwanent London, 1846. Merapows, Kenny. Heads of the People. Profusely illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. . London, 1864. MeEpIcINE. New York Journal of. July, 1854, to June, 1860. 12 vols. Half morocco. MEDICO—CHIRURGICAL Review, The British and Foreign. 28 vols. Half calf. New York, 1848-61. MEDITERRANEE. Les Isles et les Bords de la. Numerous steel plates of views. 4to, cloth, gilt. London. MeIBomIus, Henry, JR. Rerum Germanicarum. Fine portrait by Sandrart. 3 vols. in 1. Folio, old pigskin. Helmaestadii, 1688. a 1 rance, foe erleid, and zeal Copper . 8vo, half calf. London, 1824. S SO, “ABBE Pietro, Dramas and other oems of. Translated from the Italian by John Hoole. Fine plates after Stothard. 3 vols. 8vo, ne London, 1800. ‘ T< ; ‘ oF ‘ 3 ae Lng 145 MppLETon, Convers. Miscellaneous Works, 5 vols. 8vo, calf. London, oes 6 Micyer, A. F. History of the French Revolution, 1789-1814. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1826. Mitt, Joun Stusrr. Principles of Political Econ- omy, with some of their applications to Social Philosophy. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth (not uniform). New York, 1864. ! MILLEFLEUR. Miss Milly Millefleur’s Career. In 15 sketches. 4to, cloth. .New York, 1869. Mitter, Hueu. Life and Letters. Portraits. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1871. MILLER, S. F. Bench and Bar of Georgia. Memoirs and Sketches from 1790 to 1857. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1858. Mitior, Appk. Elements of General History. 6 _ vols. in 3. 8vo, calf. Edinburgh, 1823. Mitner, Rev. THomas. Gallery of Nature. Plates and illustrations. Royal 8vo, half calf. London. MILTENBERG. The Man of Nature; or, Nature and Love. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. London, 1799. Mitton, JOHN. Poetical Works. Illustrated. 2 vols. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1861. ioe 756 ew 758 759 760 761 762 763 704 765 80 MopERN CHARACTERS FOR 1778. By “ Shakespeare.” eee 16mo, calf. London, 1778. MopERN ENTRIES. Pleadings in King’s Bench, Com-— mon Pleas, and Exchequer. 3 vols. Folio, calf. London, 1734-37. 3 MONGREDIEN, AuGusTus. Trees and Shrubs for English Plantations. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth, un- cut. London, Murray, 1870. MONTFAUCON, BERNARD DE. L’Antiquité Expliquée et Representée en Figures, Portrait by Audran, and plates. 5 vols. Folio, old calf. Paris, 1722. MonTHLY MAGAZINE AND BRITISH REGISTER. 16 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1796-1803. ; | MontTHLY Review. A Periodical Work and Literary Journal. 144 vols. 8vo. London, 1749. This valuable journal contains a complete political and civil his- tory of the world for nearly a century, and History, Bi- ography, Travels, Folk-lore, Poetry, Fiction, etc., are all treated in a sumptuous manner in the above periodical, Moore. Fables for the Female Sex. Frontispiece. 8vo, tree calf, gilt. London, 1771. Moore, Dr. Joun. Works. With Memoir by R. Anderson. Portrait. 7 vols. 8vo, half calf. Edin- burgh, 1820. Moore, Dr. Joun. View of Society and Manners in Italy. 2 vols. 8vo, morocco, gilt. London, 1881. Book-plates of Lord Farnham. | Moore, PETER. A Voice from London to the Voice from St. Helena. Name on title. $8vo, boards, un- cut. London, 1823. Moore, Tuomas. Poetical Works. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Brooklyn, 1872. -Moorz, Tuomas. Memoirs of Richard Brinsley Sheridan. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1826. . 6 More, Hannauw. Complete Works. Portrait. 2 vols. int, 8vo, half calf. New York, 1843. Morean, Lapy. France in 1829-30. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1831. SBA 769 Mortry, Henry. Journal of a London Playgoer. _ Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1866. 770 Mor.ey, J. Diderot and the Encyclopedists. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1878. Preliminary Youth, Early Writings, The New Philosophy, The Encyclopeedia, Social Life, 1759-1770, The Stage, Rameau’s Nephew, other Dialogues, Romance, Art, St. Petersburgh and The Hague, Helvetius, Holbach’s System of Nature, Raynal’s History of the Indies, Diderot’s Closing Years. 771 Moss, JosEpH Wm. Manual of Classical Biography. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. London, 1825. 772 MunpDy, Captain. Sketches in India. Plates. 2 vols. $8vo, cloth, uncut. London, Murray, 1833. 773 Murpuy, ARTHUR. Works. Illustrated by the in- sertion of portraits and plates. 7 vols. 8vo, calf, gilt. London, 1786. 774 Murray’s Hanp-Booxks. Germany. 2 vols. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1860--63. 775 Murray, Hucuw. Africa from the Earliest Ages. 2 vols. Asia from the Earliest Ages. 3 vols. Together, 5 vols. 8vo, calf, gilt. Edinburgh, 1818-20. Book-plates of William Sidney Gibson. 776 Murray, Hucu. North America, Map. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1829. 777 Napier, Mark. History Rescued in re The Wig- town Martyrs. Frontispiece. 8vo, cloth. Edin- burgh, 1870. 779 780 781 782 783 787 . oe 82 PE Ripe ‘ A ia . Napier, W. F. P. History of the War in the Penin- ne 4 sula. Maps, etc. 4 vols. 8vo, sheep. Philadel- ee phia, 1842. NAPOLEON. Correspondence with his Brother Jo- ‘ seph. Portraits. 2 vols. 12mo, boards, uncut, New York, 1856. ge NAPOLEON. Cours Politique et Diplomatique ce Par Lewis Goldsmith. 7 vols. 8vo, boards, un- — cut. London, 1810-16. NAPOLEON. History of. By Laurent de L’Ardeche. 520 wood-cut portraits and illustrations. 8vo, mo- rocco. New York, 1864. Napo.teon. Memoirs of. By M. de Bourrienne. Portraits, scenes, and plans. 4 vols. in 2. é&vo, half calf. London, 1836. NapoLeon. Memoirs de la Vie Privée en 1815. Par Fleury de Chaboulon. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. Lon- "don, Murray, 18109. NaTIoNAL GALLERY OF PicTuRES by the Great Masters. Numerous plates, some on India paper. Water stained. 4to, morocco gilt, gilt edge. Lon- don. NATIONAL GALLERY OF PicTuURES. Numerous steel engravings. 2 vols. 4to, cloth. London. NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY OF DISTINGUISHED AMERICANS. 165 fine steel engravings. 3 vols. 4to, half morocco, Philadelphia, 1866. NATIONAL PoRTRAIT GALLERY OF EMINENT AMERI- cans. With biographical and historical narratives. By Evert A. Duyckinck. Steel engravings from the full-length portraits by Alonzo Chappel. 2 vols. 4to, half morocco. New York, n. d. 83 788 Newcate Carenpar. Interesting Memoirs of Noto- _ rious Characters. Title and first few pages injured. Numerous wood-cuts. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. . London, 1824. : - 789 Newman, Joun Henry. Essays, Critical and Histori- ae i cal. 2 vols. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, Meee GK eTIng 1571, 79° New York. Centennial Celebrations of the State of. Portraits of Governor Clinton, Nicholas Her- kimer, General Schuyler, and numerous illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1879. “791 NEw YorRK Reports. Court of Appeals. Sickles. 4 vols. Sheep. Albany, 1875-76. 792 NEw YORK SUPREME CourT Reports. 6 vols. Sheep. Albany, 1874-75. 793 ORCHIDS, THE RoyaL FamiLy OF PLantTs. With illustrations by Harriet Stewart Miner. Folio, cloth gilt, gilt edge. Boston, 1885. 794 ORTON, JAMES. Andes and the Amazon. Map and illustrations. 16mo, half morocco. New York, 1870. 795 OsBORN, Rev. HENRY S. Palestine, Past and Present. Plates. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1850. | 796 OXFORD MaGAZINE, OR UNIVERSAL MusEum. Vol. IV. Numerous plates and curious political carica- tures. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1770. 797 Paine, THOMAS. Common Sense. Addressed to the Inhabitants of America. 8vo, half morocco, name on title. London, 1792. 798 PAINTING ILLUSTRATEDIN THREE DIALOGUES. With the lives of the most eminent painters. 4to, calf. London, 1686. 799 PALESTINE. 25 large photos of scenes in. In half calf, portfolio. 800 Sol 34 Patey, Wm. Works. With Life by Alex. Chalmers. Portrait. 5 vols. 8vo, half morocco. London, 182r. “ParRLEY, PETER.” Universal History. 125 engrav- ings. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1862. Sora PARLIAMENTARY Reports. By Wm. Woodfall. 17 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 S10 SII 812 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1796. Parpog, Miss, Louis XIV. 2 vols. 12mo, half morocco. New York, 1855, Parr, Rev. SAMUEL. Memoirs. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, Colburn, 1828. Parr, Dr. SAMUEL. Complete Works. With memoirs. of his life and writings, and a selection from his. correspondence by Dr. Johnstone. Portraits. 8 vols. 8vo. Damaged. London, 1828, Parton, JAMES. People’s Book of Biography. 12 steel portraits. 8vo, cloth. Hartford, 1869. PEOPLE’S GALLERY OF ENGRAVINGS. Numerous. steel engravings. 3 vols. 4to, half calf. London. — PERRY, SAMPSON. Historical Sketch of the French Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1796. PETRARCH. Sonnets and Poéms~ With eiiesby Campbell. Portrait and plates. Post 8vo, mo- rocco, gilt edges. London, 1859. PipGEON, WILLIAM. ‘Traditions of De-Coo-Dah and Antiquarian Researches. 70 illustrations. $8vo, cloth. New York, 1858. PILKINGTON, Mrs... Historical) Béautiess ane wicn = cuts. 16mo, half morocco. London, 1798. PINKERTON, JOHN. Modern Geography. Numerous. maps. 2 vols. - 4to, calf. Londota ag Pim, JONATHAN. Condition and Prospects of Ire- land. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Dublin, 1848. ha Sad . } . a eee _ $13 PuytTotocist. A popular botanical miscellany. Nu- 85 merous illustrations. 11 vols. 8vo, half calf. Lon- don. 1844-56. 814 PrAuTus. CG#uvres en Latin et en Francois. Plates. 10 vols. 24mo, calf. Amsterdam, 17109. $15 PLato, DiaLocues or. Translated, etc., by B. Jowett. 4 vols. t12mo, cloth. New York, 1871. S16 PLAys. Wives as they were, and others. 8vo. 25 vols. 817 Piays. Midnight Hour, and others. 8vo. 18 vols. 818 PLays. Colman’s Terence, and others. 8vo. 15 vols. $19 Pays. Faithful General (London, 1706), and others. S$vo, 5 vols. 820 Piays. Prologues and Epilogues (4 vols.), and others. Post 8vo. 1I vols. 821 Puays. Bell’s British Theatre. 11 vols. 822 Pays. Whitehead (2 vols.), and others. 8 vols. 6234) LOWDEN, FRANCIS, Historical Letter to Rev. Charles O’Conor. ‘From the Author” on title. 8vo, half calf. Dublin; 1812. 824 Poets. Works of the British Poets—Falconer to Scott. Steel plates. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt, uncut. New York, 1852. 825 PorTS OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. _ Illustrated. 8vo, cloth gilt, gilt edge. New York, 1872. 826 PorTIcAL Works of Cowper, Herbert, Dryden, White, Collins, Warton, Parnell, Greene, Goldsmith, John- son, Southey, Dyer, and Akenside. Portraits. 8 vols. Post 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1854, etc. 827 Poor, JoHN. Phineas Quiddy; or, Sheer Industry. 3 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, Colburn, 1843. ’ 86 828 Pops, A. Works, in Verse and Prose. With Notes by Warburton and Warton ; also illustrations and criti- cal and explanatory Remarks by Johnson, Wake- field; Chalmers, etc., with Letters and Life by Bowles, and a portion of the portraits. 10 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1806. 829 Popr, ALEx. Works. With Commentary and Notes. Plates. g vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1766, 830 PorTRAITS. Jephson (R.). Roman Portraits : a Poem. With historical illustrations, numerous fine medal- lion portraits and engravings by E. Harding, Bar- tolozzi, etc.. 4to, moroceo, gilt edges, "ime copy: London, 1794. 831 Post-Nati. Speech of the Lord Chancellor in the Exchequer touching the. 8vo, calf. London, 1609, 832 PoTTER, Dr. Joun.’ Archzologia Greea. Map. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. Edinburgh, 1824. ; 833 Pouttain. Tableaux du Cabinet de Mr. Poullain. 120 fine plates. Folio, boards, uncut. Paris, 834 PRACTICE AND PLEADINGS. Report of the Commis- sioners. Code of Procedure. 8vo,sheep. Albany, 1849. 835 PRaTT, ANNE. Flowering Plants and Ferns of Great Britain. A series of beautifully colored full-page engravings, in which are comprised figures of 1,458 species, with explanatory text and indices. 4 vols. only. 8vo, cloth. London, 1874. 836 PRESSENSE, E. DE. Jesus Christ ; His Times, Life, and Work. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1872. 837 Price, RicHarD. Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty, ..'. and the Justice =and™ foley of the War with America. 8vo, half morocco. London, 1776. 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 ae 4 RIESTLEY, Dr. Josep. Memoirs. 2 vols. ~8vo, half calf. London, 180s. PRIOR, Sir James. Life of Edward Malone. Fine _ portrait. 8vo, half calf. London, 1860. set PRocTOR, WB. Bench and Bar of New York: Por- trait: of James T. Brady. 8vo, sheep. New York, 1870. . | Pe0cter, RICHARD A. Jight Science for Leisure Hours. Crown vo, cloth, uncut. London, Long- maeneis, 1871. Property Lawver. 9g vols, 8vo, half calf. London, 1826-28. | PUBLIC CHARACTERS. Portraits. 10 vols. 8vo, half calf.. London, F 798-1809. Pyne, |]. B. ‘Lake Scenery of England. 25 colored plates. Folio, cloth gilt, gilt edges. London, 1870. RAFFAELE. Drawings and Studies at Oxford. Plates, etc. 8vo, half calf. London, 1879. RALEIGH, Str W. History of the World. 6 vols. 8vo, half sheep. Edinburgh, 1820. Ramsay, Davin. History of the United States. Por- trait. Atitograph letter inserted. 3 vols. 8vo half morocco. Philadelphia, 1818. ? RAuMER, FREDERICK v. History of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. 2 vols. Crown 8vo, boards, uncut. London, Murray, 1835. RAYMOND, HENRY J., AND THE NEW YORK PRESS. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo, calf. Hartford, 1870. 849@ Another copy. 850 READE, JOHN EpmuND. Catiline; or, the Roman Conspiracy. Drama in 5 acts.. Privately printed. _ Presentation copy to Macaulay. 8vo,calf. London, 1839. a ese he vane ey; Z kat ih ue ’ cate . a OS pA mie ne Se eey: 88 851 READER, THE. A Review of Literature, etc. 6 vols. : . Folio, cloth. January, 1863, to December, refit a London, : | : 2 852 REBELLION. Duyckinck’s History of the War for the Union. Steel engravings by Chappel and Nast. 3 vols, 4to, half morocco, gilt edge. New York. 853 RECLUS, Evisée. The Earth. 254 maps (34 in color). 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York and London, Boys 854 REMARKABLE TRIALS AND NOTORIOUS CHARACTERS, Numerous plates by Phiz. Crown 8vo, cloth, un- cut. * London. 855 Remy aND BRENCHLEY. Journey to Great Salt-Lake City, with a sketch of the History, Religion, and Customs of the Mormons. Portraits. 2vols. Thick _ imperial 8vo, cloth, London, 1861. 856 REPERTORY OF ARTS AND MANUFACTURES. Numer- ous illustrations. 4o vols. £735, half calf. London, 1794-1824. 857 Reports. Harrison’s Digest. 4 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1835-37. 858 RICHARDSON, SAMUEL. Sir Charles Grandison. Plates by Stothard. Fine impressions. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. London, Harrison, n. d.e 859 Ropack, Dr. C. W. Mysteries of Astrology, etc. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1854. 860 RoBerTsON. Letters on South America. g vols. Post 8vo, calf, gilt. London, Murray, 1843. 861 ROBERTSON, WILLIAM. Works. 11 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt. Chiswick, Whittingham, 1824. 862 Ropinson, HENRY CRABBE. Diary, Reminiscences, and Correspondence. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1869. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, Colburn, tion of Occurrences in France, from the death of Henry IV. to 1629, etc. Englished by G. Bridges. fe — 8vo, calf. London, 1660. 865 Rotiin, Cuas. Ancient History of the Egyptians, - | Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Macedonians and Grecians. Portrait and imaps,» 8 vols. Syo, half calf. London, 1817. 866 Roscor, THomas. Wanderings and Excursions in es North and South Wales. Profusely illustrated ; up- _ward of roo fine steel-plate engravings from draw- ings by Cattermole, Cox, and Creswick. Maps, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf, not uniform. New York, vex ee 8607 Roscor, Wm. Lorenzo de’ Medici. Portrait. Post 8vo, calf, gilt. London, 1862. 868 Rowe, NicHotas. Works. Portrait and inserted plates. 2 vols. Post 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1892. 869 RoyAL GALLERY OF PICTURES. 32 fine plates, some in mezzotints from the Queen’s collection at Buck- ingham Palace. Folio, half calf. London, 1840. 870 RUNNINGTON, CHARLES. On Ejectment. 8vo, calf. London, 1820. 871 RussELL, Lord JouN. Memorials and Correspond- ence of Charles James Fox. 4 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1853. myeeieveeb. C€. British Beetles. Colored plate and wood-cuts. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1866. Se A aes © hy Sg Sep eT ee iy, ie by Raat 2 eal } ae he. 873 874. 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 : or bs aT Pee! on F y i Se en 4 O fk” Bae Wie 5 teeth i Se oe SABINE, LORENZO. Biographical Sketches of Loyal— vs ists of the American Revolution, with an historical — i: a essay. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt. Boston, 1864. - St. Joun, Mrs. Horace R. The Court of Anna Carafa. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1872. ST. Foruaix. Memoirs of the Marquis de. 4 vols. 16mo, calf. London, 1770. aa St. PIERRE BERNARDIN. Works and Memoir. Por- trait and frontispieces. 2 vols. Post 8vo, boards,. uncut. London, 1846. ~ ST. VINCENT, EARL, Memoirs. By J. 5. Tucker. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half cali; seie@ndem bent ley, 1844. | SALAD FOR THE SOLITARY AND THE SOCIAL. 52 illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt. New York, 1872. SARRANS, B, Memoirs of Lafayette. Portraits. 2: vols. 8vo, half calf. London, Bentley, 1832. SCHEDEL, H. E. Emancipation of Faith. 2 vols. *8vo, cloth. New York, 1858. SCHLEGEL, FREDERICK v. Works, Post 8vo, half calf. London, 1849. SCHLEIERMACHER. Dialogues of Plato. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1836. SCHLOSSER, F. C. History of the XVIIIth and XIXth Centuries,with particular reference to Mental Cultivation and Progress, ‘Translated by Davison. 8 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1843-45. SCOTLAND. Statistical Account of, from the Ministers. - of the different Parishes. By Sir John Sinclair. 16 vols. 8vo, calf. Edinburgh, 1791-95. Book-plate of John Moore in each volume, > figs tows on steel, with an. of cag 4to, cloth, gilt. Lon- _ Tales be a Grandfather. His- t and, ete. In rvol. Royal 8vo, half calf. , SIR WALTER. The Waverley Novels. Por- and steel and wood engravings. 6 vols. 12mo, alf calf, gilt. New York, 1872. : Scrap Book or 220 ENGRAVINGS. Includes the Gal- % fi lery” of. Modern British Artists. 4to, boards. “eit 39 Scrocss, CHIEF JUSTICE. Courts-Leet and Courts-. Baron. 8vo, calf. London, 1728. ? “Ro Bepewick. ie couas. On Statutory and Constitu-. prea tional Law. 8vo, sheep: New York, 1857. Sor Seironvl J.C. L. S$. Histoire des Républiques Itali- as _ennes du Moyen Age. Plates. 10 vols. 8vo, half === moreces, Paris, 1840. a SHAKESPEARE. Plays and Poems. Edited by Valpy. > bi Portrait, etc. 15 vols. in 8. 12mo, cloth. New ee eons OTK, T3885. — 893 Mee Dramatic Works. Revised by John-. son and Steevens. Stockdale’s edition, finely printed in large type by Bensley, with the series of engrav- ings by Heath, from the designs of Stothard, and a series of plates of the heroines of Shakespeare in- serted. 6 thick vols. Royal 4to, half calf, gilt. 1807. 895 SHAKESPEARE. History of. By S. W. Fullom. 8vo,, cloth, uncut. London, 1864. YW ‘896 897 898 899 goo gol 9°5 906 Sheet | Q2 SHAKESPEARE. Dramatic Works. With ‘Life by — | Thomas Campbell. 8vo, calf, gilt. London, 1838. — SHAKESPEARE. Complete Works. Steel and wood engravings, by Kenny Meadows. 3 vols. Royal 8vo. London. , SHAKESPEARE. A Reprint of the First Folio. meee uncut. London, Booth, 1864. SHAKESPEARE. Complete Works. Edited by G. L. Duyckinck. Steel plates. Royal 8vo, half calf, gilt. Philadelphia, 1869. SHAKESPEARE. Works. 8 vols, 16mo, calf. Edin- burgh, 1795. SHAKESPEARE. The Morality of Shakespeare’s Drama. By Mrs, Griffith. Fine portrait. 8vo, calf. Lon- don, 1775. SHAKESPEARE. Works. Edited, with Life, by J. Payne Collier. Portrait. Royal 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1853. } SHAKESPEARE, Works. Fine portrait and _ illustra- tions. 8vo, half calf. London, 1853. SHARP, GRANVILLE. The Law of Retribution ; or, A Serious Warning to Great Britain and her Colonies against Slave-holders, etc. Crown 8vo, half calf. London, 1776. SHEE, MARTIN ARCHER. Rhymes on Art. Portrait. 8vo, half calf. London, 1805. SHEIL, RICHARD Lator. Memoirs. 2 vols. Crown 8vo, half calf. London, Colburn, 1855. SHERIDAN. Memoirs of the Life of. By Thomas Moore. Portraits by Reynolds, and fac-simile. 2 vols, 8vo. London; 1827; the ‘Life. of. a ‘Thomas j Bo half calf. London, _ Life of. By G. P. Fisher. Por- Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1866. JouN. | » *F erns : British and Foreign. Crown loth, uncut. London. | a aS ro SMI" H, ‘PHIL, reikicey of the World. Maps and Ok ~ engravings, 3 vols. 8vo, calf. New York, 1865. i | Surrn, Dr. SouTtHwoop. Philosophy of Health. _ 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1865. \ ie) sh ie ; (giz SMITHERS, Henry. Tour in the Netherlands. Cop- pune hem men plates: vo, hhalf calf, gilt, Brussels. ; ae meee e Rh fe a Ber 913 SMYTH, GEORGE ee Ireland. 3 vols. Cloth, x uncut. London, 1844-49. i br 4 SMYTHE, Hon. Grorce S. Historic Fancies. 8vo, . Cel ha half calf. London, 1844. . % 915 Society or Arts. Journal, November, ’52, to No- ee Sevemoer, 03, 11. vols, vo, cloth... London. 916 SOTHEBY, S. LEIGH. Ramblings in the Elucidation of the Autograph of John Milton. With 2 photo por- traits, 27 plates of autographs, also fac-similes. Im- » -perial gto, half morocco. London, 1861. This is a highly interesting and valuable accession to our knowl- edge of the writings of Milton. The plates are not confined to simple autographs, but comprehend complete sonnets, MS. -poems, full pages of prose writings, signatures of distinguished literary and scientific men, and curious documents. 917 SOUTHEY, Ropert. History of the Peninsular War in Spain and Portugal. 3 vols. 4to, half green mo- rocco. London, 1823-32 94 ave 918 SourHEy, Rosert. Sir Thomas More; or, Prospects of a a Society. Portrait and plates. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf. | London, Murray, 1829. 3 gtg SourHcatr, Henry. Many Thoughts of Many Minds. - A treasury of reference. 8vo, morocco gilt, gilt edges. | London, 1868. | : g20 Sourn Sea Bussies, By the Earl and the Doctor. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, Bentley, 1872. g2t SPECIMENS OF FoREIGN STANDARD LITERATURE. 9 vols. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1838-40. g22 Spooner’s Dictionary. A Biographical History of the Fine Arts ; or, Memoirs of the Lives and Works of eminent Painters, Engravers, Sculptors, and Architects. Alphabetically arranged, and condensed from the best authorities, including the works of Vasari, Lanzi, Kugler, Dr. Waagen, Bryan, Pilkington, Sir Charles Eastlake, and Mrs. Jameson. With chronological tables of artists and their schools, plates of monograms, dictionary of terms, essay on engraving, etc., etc. 2 vols. ' Royal 8vo, boards. New York, 1865. 923 SPOTTISWOODE, ARCHBISHOP JOHN. History ofthe Church of Scotland. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1851. 924 SpraGuE, W. B. Annals of the American Pulpit. Por- traits. 4 vols, 8vo, half calf, antique. New York,1857. 925 Spratt, Caprain. | Travelsin Crete. Colored plates. .2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1865. g26 SrackHouse, Rev. THomas. History of the Bible. Por- trait and numerous steel engravings. Royal 8vo, morocco, gilt. Glasgow, 1853. g27 Stantey, Dean. Lectures on the History of the Jewish Church (2 vols.), and Eastern Church (1 vol.). Maps and plans. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt. New York, LO 7120 i 30 George ‘Closing and cloth, “uncut, _ London, (1859. \ ae GRANVILLE, Intervention and -8v0, half calf, gilt. London, 1866. a : Collection: ‘of State Tracts. Revolu- “ue and William III, 3 vols. Folio, calf. ein portfolio, “EP: ENS, Wee hie ae in Public and Private. By Henry Cleveland. Portrait. 8vo, sheep. Phila- delphia, 1866. oo Laurence. Works, Portrait. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. .New York, 1860. ; 34 - Srewarr, Ducatp. orks of. Edited bv Sir William a ee Hamilton. Portraits. 9 vols. only. 8vo, calf, gilt. = Oe Edinburgh, 1854-58. Z 935 Story, Joseru. Commentaries on the Law of Agency. =) = 80, boards, uncut. London, 1839. 936 Story, JosepH. Commentaries on Equity Jurisprudence. | 2 vols. 8vo, sheep. Boston, 1836. 937 Story, JosepH. Another copy. 2 vols, 8vo, sheep. Boston, 1843. | 938 Srory, JosepH. Commentaries on Equity Pleadings. ; 8vo, sheep. Boston, 1838. 939 Story, JosepH. Another copy. 940 StotHarD, Tuos., R.A. Life of, with personal remi- niscences, by Mrs. Bray. Portrait, andnumerous fine engravings from his works, Small 4to, calf. Lon- don, 1851. O41 STRUTT, JosepH. Sports and Pastimes of the People of England. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lon- don, 1868. 942 Of 944 945 946 947 948 wpe 959 951 heed STUDENT AND INTELLECTUAL OBSERVER OF SCIENCE, Tits ERATURE, AND ArT. Plates in colors and tints,and numerous wood-cuts. 5 vols. 8vo, cloth gilt, gilt edges. London, 1868-71. ea Sur, Euckne. Mysteries of Paris. (The only authorized — translation.) Illustrated edition. Several hundred engravings. 3 vols. Royal 8vo, half calf, gilt. Lon- — don, 1845. . Sutty, Duxre or. Memoirs, including the reign of Henry IV., and the trial of Ravaillac for his murder. Portrait. 5 vols. 8vo, half calf. Edinburgh, 1819. SWEDENBORG, EmaNnuEL. ‘The Christian Religion. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1872. Swirt, Dean, Gulliver's Travels, and Goldsmith’s Works. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, half calf. London. SwirT, JonATHAN. Works. With memoir by Roscoe. Portrait. 6 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1860. TaLe or A Mopern Genius; or, The Miseries of Par- nassus. 3 vols. Crown 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1827. TayLtor, Bayarp. Cyclopzedia of Modern Travel. Por- traits, maps, and engravings. 8vo, morocco. Cincin- nati, 1856. THACKERAYANA, Notes and Anecdotes. Illustrated by hundreds of sketches by Thackeray. Crown 8vo, cloth, gilt. London, 1875. Tuames axd Mepway. Picturesque views of the. 800 engravings from drawings by Tombleson, Small 4to, cloth, gilt edges. London. THEATRICAL Tracts. Theophilus Cibber to Garrick, 1759. Frontispiece. CrpBER’s Lives of Actors and Actresses, 1753. I vol. 8vo, half calf. W, E. Bur- ton’s copy. to Garrick, 7 = n Severa Occasions, by ee i [heaMistakes.. 4. % — 2 og ee ; ‘ t s; % ‘ aes Nrae it! ae We ee 2 ihe - roe : n : NS 4 ~ British Flora ; or, Gener aa a) tish Plants, 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. | ~ Catalogus Bibliothecee Thuanz. Small 8vo, | calf, with crest and monogram I De E. cover se. ‘Paris, 1679. )DOSIUS. AND Constantia, The Correspondence of. ate. - 8v0, calf. | joa taneias 1799. Picxnor, Grorcr. History of Spanish Literature. 3 Bt vols. 8vo, sheep, New York, 1854. 959 960 963 964 965 966 967 ‘SALE THURSDAY AFTERNOON, 4 MAY 23p, BEGINNING AT 3 O'CLOCK. 2 BOOKS. TiLLotson, Joun. Palestine. 350 illustrations. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London. Timss, JoHn. English Eccentrics and Eccentricities. Nu- merous illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1875. TomaHAwk, THE. May, 1867, to December, 1868. Nu- merous political caricatures, etc. 3 vols. 4to, cloth. Presentation copy. London. TomLinE, BisHop Grorce. Christian Theology. 2 vols, Svo, calf. London, 1823. , Tourno, De. Etudes sur Rome. 2 vols, and atlas of plates. 3vols. 8voand royal, half calf. Paris, 1831. Tracy, Witiiam. Hand-book of Law, for Business Men. 8vo, sheep. New York, 1374. TREASURY OF LITERATURE AND ART. Numerous illustra- tions. 8vo, cloth, gilt. Boston, 1872. TRENERY, Gorpon. City of the Crescent. Frontis- piece. 2 vols, in 1, Crown 8vo, half calf. London, 1855. Trinity oF Itaty. (Pius IX., Victor Emmanuel, Ferdi- nand II.) 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1867. Filippo Strozzi. Crown og Sword and Scimeter :. ae Romance Cr ae | ae by Gustave Doré, Cloth dges. New York, 1886. . - Grorce. History of the United States, from r Colonization (O--re4te 14) vols. 8vo; cloth. 71 TucKERMAN, H. T.. eek of the Artists, American Artist ‘Life, comprising Biographical and Critical Sketches of American Artists. Portrait. Royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1870. } 972 Tuxtocu, Joun. Rational Theology and Christian Phi- = hy losophy in England in the Seventeenth Century. 2 ‘aie ons _ vols. 8vo, cloth. ~ London, 1872, | 973 TURNBULL, Davin. Meta: etc. 8vo, half calf. Lon- "don, 1840. 974 Turner, J. M. W. Southern Coast of England, illus- trated with 84 plates by Turner and others. 4to, cloth gilt, gilt edges. London, 1849. | 975 Towte, Grorce M. Henry the Fifth. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1866. 976 Two Centuries oF Sone. Notes by Walter Thornbury. cae Illustrations with colored borders. Small 4to, mo- rocco gilt, gilt edges. New York, 1867. 977 Uttoa, Voyage to South America. Folding plates. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1807. 978 UniversaL SoncstEr. Frontispiece of portraits, and en- graved titles and wood-cuts by Cruikshank. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, n. d. 979 Universat History. Ancient and Modern, from the Earliest Time. Plates. 26 vols. Folio, calf. Lon- don, 1736-65. aa ‘TOO g80 Unitep States MAGAZINE AND DermocraTIC REVIEW. Portraits (some missing). 24 vols. 8vo, sheep. — Washington and New York, 1838-49. af g81 ViarpoTt, Louis. Wonders of European Art. 16 Wood- bury types and wood-cuts, Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. — London, 1871. Sat 982 Vottairr. (CEuvres Complétes. Fine portrait. Very thick 8vo,; calf) -7Paris <1532 700. | 983 VOLTAIRE. Henriade, Charles XII. “2 vols 12mo, half calf. New York, 1859. 984 VoLTarrE. Romans. 2 vols. Annales de Empire. 2 vols. Faceties, 1 vol. 5 vols. 8vo, calf. Paris, 1826-27. 3 g85 VoyacEs AND TRavEts. A new General Collection of, including America. 4 vols, 4to, old calf. London, Astley, 1745. 986 Wacner, Rupotpw. Elements of Physiology. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1844. 987 Wa es, THE Tourist 1n. Numerous views on steel. Royal 8vo, half calf. London, n. d. g88 WaLpeEnsEs. Sketches of the Evangelical Christians of Piedmont. Steel plates. 12mo, morocco gilt, gilt edges. Philadelphia, 1853. g89 WaLker, ALEXANDER. Beauty Illustrated by an Analysis — and Classification of Beauty in Women. With a crit- ical view of the hypothesis of Hume, Hogarth, Burke, Knight, Alison, etc. Illustrated with a fine series of plates from life, by Henry Howard, Royal 8vo, half morocco. London, 1852. ggo0 Watracx. Memorial of James William (Senior). No. 21 of 50 large-paper copies. Folio, half calf, uncut. New York, T. H. Morrell, 1865. ‘ E, Rr hrseactes of Painting % in England. ‘ OS a mianatie of the principal artists. Additions way and Wornum. 80 steel portraits and go uts. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1849. B Horace. Works. Original edition. ‘With : erous fine portraits and plates by Heath, and e 5 vols. Royal 4to, calf, gilt. London, 1798. es RCatodud of Engravers, Castle of Stato, Description of Strawberry Hill, Correspondence, and Miscellanies. 993. Watton, Eryan, Clouds: Their Forms and Combina- - tions. Numerous photo plates. Folio, cloth, gilt. London, Longmans, 1868. 994 Watton ann Corton. The Complete Angler, etc. 60 ? illustrations, after Stothard and Inskipp. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1875. ; 995 Warp, Artemus. The Genial Showman. Colored frontispiece and illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. ee Warton, TuHomas. History of English Poetry. 12mo, — cloth.. New York, 1870. 997 WasHtincTon, Grorcr. Life of. By Washington Irv- ing. Portraits. 5 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1855-64. g98 Wasuincton. Official Letters to the Congress during the War. 2 vols. 12mo, calf. New York, 1796. 999 WaysIDE Flowers anp Ferns. Colored plates from water-color drawings by Sprague. Folio, cloth, gilt. Troy, 1887. 1000 Weser, Cart Maria von. Life of. By Baron M. M. von Weber. ‘Translated by J. P. Simpson. Portrait. 2 vols. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1865. 1001 WuHarTon’s Wits AND Beaux oF Society. Illustrated. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1871. ie ah ns e * 02) | LET sees a eS Rae meta * |. a le ‘i G Z IO02 ee. 4,8 ee 1002 Wueaton, Henry. Digest of Decisions of the Supreme _ Court, 1789-1820. 8vo, half calf, interleaved. New York, 1821. Re eee (a 1co3 Another copy. Sheep. 1004 Warr, Grorce F, Views in the Himalaya Moun- tains, India. Numerous fine steel plates. Folio, © morocco gilt, gilt edges. London, 1838. 3 . “1005 Wuitr, WILLIAM. Emanuel Swedenborg : His “Life and Writings. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. London, 1868. 1006 Wuitty, E. M. Friends of Bohemia, 2 vols. Crown 8vo, cloth. London, 1857. 1007 WiLkEs, JoHN. Correspondence. No portraits. 5 vols. Crown 8vo, calf. London, 1805. ; 1008 Wirkins, Cot. H. Reconnoiterings in Abyssinia. 10 colored views. 8vo, cloth, gilt, uncut. London, 1870. 1009 Wiis, N. P. American Scenery ; or, Land, lake, and river illustrations of transatlantic nature. From draw- ings by W. H. Bartlett. Steel plates. 2 vols. 4to, half roan. London, 1840. 1010 Winwoop, Sir Ratpo. Memorials of. Affairs of State in the Reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James I. 3 vols. Folio, calf (mildewed). London, 1725. ro1r Wisk, Joun R. The New Forest, its History and Scenery. 63 illustrations, 8vo, cloth, gilt, uncut. London, 1867. 1012 Woop, ‘Rev. J. G. Insects at Home. 700 illustra- tions. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. London, Long- mans, 1872. 1013 Wricut, THomas. History of Caricature and Gro- tesque in Literature and Art. With illustrations from various sources, drawn and engraved by F, W. Fair- holt. Small 4to, cloth. London, 1865. : Steel plates. era 8 805, half morocco. london: nad -Ross’s Voyage to Baffin’s Bay. in color, and another. 3 vols, 4to. AMENT, | Edinburgh Review, oes And two nA vols. Royal 8vo. nps’ Lectures on the History of Europe. 4 vols. 4to, of MSS., ‘bound in sheep. And another, 16mo, yr MS. 5 ole: aa ; 1018 Van Eemont’s Travets. 2vols. Harris’s Works. 4 vols, And 4 others.: 10 vols. 8vo, calf. ie 1019 Vanrry Farr, David Copperfield, Romola, Wandering bt Jew. And 6 ES to vols. 8vo. Ne Preceptor. 2 vols. Bowdler. 2 vols, And 6 others. te tO. VOIS,, Svo. 1021 American STATE Papers. 14 vols. 8vo, calf. 1022 FRancis’s DEmMosTHENES. Hopeson’s Juvenal. And 2 ; Otners. .s:vols.-: 4to. | 1023 MosHerm’s Eccresiasticat History. Sophocles, etc. 5 Pn onvOlse Eto.’ 1024 ERSKINE. Liberty of the Press. 2 vols. Second Exo- dus. 3 vols. And 4 others. g vols. 8vo. 1025 DuBos on Portry. 3 vols. And 2 others. 5 vols. 8vo and 12mo. . 1026 Harper’s Macazine. 1850-52, etc. 7 vols. 8vo, half calf, 1027 Ecrectic Macazing. Plates. 5 vols. 8vo, half mo- | rocco. New York, 1859-60. 1028 Hirty’s Manuar. And others. 15 vols. 1029 Patent Orrice Reports. 14 vols., cloth. Washing- ton, 1848-61, 1030 ADIRONDACK SuRVEYS, etc. 8vo, cloth. 7 vols. a ae DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Reports. Plates. 8vo, cloth. Washington, 1862-64. me dee Prior’s Lire or Martone. 2 others. 8vo, cloth. 3 vols, | MackINTosH, Sir James. Life. 2 vols. And 11 odd — vols. | eee ae ; Kirk, J. F.. Charles the ‘Bold. 2 vols. 8yo, cloth)” And 6 odd volumes, 8 vols. Meee Burroy’s Cyctopepia or Wir anp Humor. Vol. I. Plates. And 4 odd vols. 5 vols. Wivxinson. Ancient Egyptians. Mapprn’s United Irishmen, etc. 10 vols. 8vo. Soft Martineau, Miss. Society in America, Wordsworth’s Poems, etc. 10 vols, 8vo. NeaLeE, W, Jounson. Flying Dutchman, etc. 10 vols. 8vo. Exiana. Chadwick’s Manual, etc. 10 vols. 8vo. WatpoLe’s AnEcboTEs. De Tocqueville, etc. 10 vols. 12mo. Coppetr’s Annual Register. . NecKER on Finance. And others. Io vols. CaTHoLic Wortp. 3 vols. And others. 7 vols. GituigEs’s History. Nosve’s History. Tour in Suidam. 10 vols. 8vo. BietFitp. Erudition. Viryras Dictionary. And others. 8 vols. 8vo. Heropotus. Giuuies’s Aristotle. Popr’s Iliad. . 5 vols. 4.1760. 11 Syols over Brown’s Philosophy. Rerp’s Works, etc. 10 vols. Bracpon’s Geography. 5 vols., etc. 10 vols. Warsurton’s Canada, etc. 10 vols. Lams’s Choice Works, etc. 10 vols. GoeTHE’s Letters. DanTE, etc. 10 vols, | Gosse, The Micro- ‘ TTON’s King Arthar, GiGn TOVOlS, Owen. Poems, etc. 10 vols. e's Goldsmith. DeQuincey’s Works, etc... 10 vols. Knickerbocker, etc. . 10 vols. £745, etc. - 10 vols. fern aes or New York, etc. 10 vols. _Hoop’s Poems. Napoleonic Ideas, etc. 10 vols. PaRKER, THEODORE. Speeches, etc. 10 vols. “Woop, Wm. B. Recollections of the Stage, etc. 10 vols. CopBeTTt. Howto get on. ° Jerusalem delivered, etc. 10 vols, “TENNYSON, Queen Mary. Jekyll and Hyde, etc. Foros. RicuTer. Levana. Familiar Quotations, etc. 10 vols. REPRESENTATIVE ACTORS. Helps, Cortez, etc. 10 vols. Emerson’s Essays, GoLpsMITH’s Works, etc. 10 vols, Saint Beuve’s Memoirs, etc. 10 vols. Tatrourp’s VacaTION RaMBLES, etc. 10 vols. | Ort Recions oF PENNSYLVANIA, etc. 10 vols. Hotranp, J. G. Kathrina, etc. | 10 vols. EncuisH MEN or LETTERS, etc. 10 vols. ~Turee CEnTurIES OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, etc. 13 vols. CEuvrEs DE SANT. PIERRE, etc. 25 vols. _GEssNER’s Works, etc. 25 vols. SOUTHERN AGRICULTURIST, etc. 25 vols. Wuo Wrote Erxon BasILikE, etc. 25 vols. 1077 TALFOURD’S CRITICAL AND MiscELLANEOUS Wor vols, aes oad “gels I 078 TRouBLES oF A Goop Huszanp, ete, 25 vols. : 1079 Canapa MEDICAL JOURNAL, etc. 25 vols. 9 1080 RusH On THE Minp, etc. 25 vols, | a fie Soe 1081 HeEIpEGGER, ENCHIRIDION Brsticum, etc. 1925 vols, ge i 1082 RicHts or ENGLISHMEN, etc. 25 vols. a, 1083 Dramatic CENsor, etc. 25 vols. 1084 Watkins. Characteristic Anecdotes, etc. 25 vols, 1085 Lire or Wasuineton, by Ramsay, etc. 25 vols. 1086 M&Lances DE LITTERATEUR, etc. 26 vols, ENGRAVINGS. ALLONGE, ANCELOT, BASAN, BORTOLOZZI, BYRNE. 1087 Landscape, Figures, Interiors. 7 pieces, BROWNE, JOHN. 1719-1801. 1088 Baptism of the Eunuch, after Both. Fine proof on India paper, before letters. 1089 Africa, after Paul Brill. 2 pieces, Fine impression, CHAPMAN, CRAIG, AND ODES: 1090 Figure Subjects. 5 pieces. DOO, GEORGE T. 1800-1892. 1091 Christ appearing to Peter, after Annabale Caracci. 1092 The Combat, Mercy interceding for the Vanquished. ity The painting is owned by the Royal Scottish Academy. ‘‘ Each and all his works are individual, of great beauty and merit.” FLETCHER, JACOB FREY. . 1093 Venice, Sacred History. 6 pieces. SLTINE, 1 EEC A eee Be ees after rey ea sepa er ee 6 pieces. ae States. in 1808. “Resided in New Vork in Prince Street. Engraved bank notes. Applied to rain a pupil. His terms were one thousand dollars enses of ee maintenance is be bere i the Bike Vide**> Life LOWRY, WILSON. 1762-1824. Inventor of the mechanical ruling machine. ~ + 1096 The Musical Shepherdess, after Claude Loteatne. e Proof before letters on India paper. Bi . POST AN SONNENLEITER. hiss 1097 Ideal Landscape, et Carl Marco. India proof. Reus POMAREDE, JOHN PYE. | Bee 1008 Fame Triumphus, after Titian. The Annunciation, - a after Claude. at REYNOLDS, SIR JOSHUA, P.R.A. 1099 Seven Virtues: Faith, Hope, Charity, Justice, Forti- tude, Prudence, Temperance. 7 pieces. From paintings for the window of New College, Oxford, en- _ graved in stipple by G. S. & J. G. Facius. The paintings offered by Sir Joshua during his life for £300 were sold after his death for £12,000 sterling. , Bern VIONE TTI Li, SCREVEN, FE. 1100 The Cartoon of Pisa (very rare), after Michael Angelo. The Incredulity of St. Thomas, after Vander Werff. India paper. 2 pieces. SIMON, SHENTON, SCHUTZ, STEWART, Etc. 1101 Figures, after Landseer, Rubens, Wheatley, etc. 8 pieces. TROTTER, VASCELLINI, VIVARES. 1102 The Storm, Cosimo I., Coalbrook Dale. _ é ; as TURNER, J. M. W.,. R.A. 1775-1851, 1103 His Portrait, and other subjects from his works eminent engravers. res ‘Pe pieoese WILKIE, SIR DAVID, R.A. 1785-1841. ‘ 1104 Subjects of his earliest and latest times, by eminent line engravers. AN Bae BRITISH PAINTERS. 1105 Subjects by Masters of the Modern School, as Ansdeil, Faed, Frith, Maclise, Webster, etc., by foremost en-— gravers, as Bourne, Cousens, Greatbalch, Heath, etc. | 38 pieces, WOODMAN, R. Born, London, 1784; died, 1859. 1106 The Judgment of Paris, after Rubens. ‘Considered his best work.”—Ledgrave. WOOLETT, WILLIAM. 1735-1785. 1107 The Battle of La Hogue, after Benjamin West, P. R. Ne The British attacked the French near La Hogue, and gained a splendid victory, May Ig, 1692, Preveniay a descent upon England. ‘‘One of this painter’s finest works.” —Redgrave. ‘‘ The liquid flowing line, exemplified in the water,” etc.—/ohz Burnet, A fine, clear impression of a very celebrated print, now very SCaYrce, VARIOUS. 1108 Studies after Raphael. Trial proof of Lady Macbeth. Scene at Dort. 5 pieces. 1109 Views—Chalon Fontenay, etc., by A. B. Flamen, II pieces. 1110 Views, Etruscan—Aquatint in sepia, by Buonajulli. II pieces. “ I e Bartlett, etc. bun aenpieces. 36 pieces. ' 12 O“DIECES, dern » English after Carew, F oley, etc. "Sige ed ieee 14 pieces. | eae etc. 18 pieces. PORTRAITS. 116 Celebrities of Europe, by various engravers. 21 pieces. . ee ® : we 17 RE lebiities . ‘ English, French, and German. 35 pieces. rh 1118 Painters of the Dutch School, the noted early men, by & ane J. Houbraken. « | 41 pieces. . ay _ Very choice impressions. f ; ¥ 1119 Artists, Authors, Architects. 7 pieces, a aN ‘Samuel Johnson, LL.D., after the painting by Rey- : eres nolds ; in line by Thomas Cook. | Willey Reveley, after S. Woodforde, A. ; in mezzo- {| tint by John Gisborne. | 2 pieces. ( Sir Thomas Lawrence, P. R. A. After himself, | | mezzotint. By John Sartain. Very fine im- . pression. Thar 4 Rev. Robert Newton, Wesleyan Missionary. After portrait by H. Calvert in mezzotint. By T. O. { Barlow. Fine impression. Two pieces, 1122 Scrap Book. Contains 334 engravings, figures, views, natural history, etc. Large folio, half bound. "LITHOGRAPHS. 1123 Trees, Mountains, Streams, etc. Taran ey Pe Nine pieces. ay ea 1124 Figures, Ornaments, etc. Jullien, etc. Seven 1125 Figures and Irish Portraits. Nine pieces. 1126 Figures, Marines, etc. Various, Fourteen pieces. 1127 Flowers, Landscape, etc. Various. Fourteen pieces. — e DRAWINGS. Figure, ‘Chalk. ‘Signed: ‘My Pauueeane Lo Mills on Wissahickon, Pencil. D. Ae King. | Sea Coast, Boat and Figures. Indian ink, 3 re in sepia. Study from nude, in sanguine. | | Sketch in pencil by D. R. ike Figures in chalk by PeCannt, Sketch. Diana. In pencil, by W. E. Cresson, Phila- delphia. Five pieces, — : 1129 Sketches from Life. In pencil.” “SW @Gokemn born 1811. 7 Etching from his Drawing. Four pieces. ‘Drawing Book of Landscape Scenery, from nature. Engraved by John Hill, 1821. Born in England. He was father of John W. Hill, A. N, A., grand- 1131 father of John Henry Hill, painter and etcher, now living at South Nyack, N. Y. View near Fayetteville, N, C,, and Baltimore, Md. | Colored. : “2 pieces: Lo) LIE, , CAPTAIN WILLIAM. 1723-1810, Three. Di lator, after Rembrandt. The Vrouw, after G. Dou nd Col. ‘William Kellett, his fellow-officer. ciganee te BAR ER, THOMAS, Berth 1760-1827. mart 34 oy 0 Radic Figures. me. BOL, HANS. 1504-1593. 1134 5496 Three Landscapes. BOTH, JAN. 1610-1650. 1m 135 Two Landscapes. -BONNEVOYE, iz BOURDON, SEBASTIEN. 1616-1671. 135% One Landscape. Two religious subjects. 3 pieces. BURNET, JOHN, F.R‘S. 1784-1868. it 36 One. Christ’s Charge to Peter, after Raphael. From the Cartoon at Hampton Court. A combination of etching and machine ruling, finished with roulettes. ae PCARACCIOANNIBALE. CALLOT, J. 1137 Three Landscapes. One Army Reconnoitre, 4 pieces. ca xe ¢ f CIPRIANI, J. B., R.A. 1752-1785. 1138 One. O Fair Britannia, Hail! ‘ CLAUDE LORRAINE. 1600-1682. ; One. Europa, L’Enlévement d’. Blanc, 22. mee | One., Le Berger et La Bergése. Blanc, 21. COOPER, ABM., RiA. 1787-1868. 1140 One Donkey with Figures. Very rare. COCHIN, C. N. 1715-1788. 1141 Two Figure Subjects. CUYP, ALBERT, 1142 a wo Donkeys. DE LAER, PETER. DE LA MOTTE, wu Dutch Horses and Men, Horse Play, : DY CE W Mi RAS ‘DU CASSE, | 1144 Sbattish Figures. A 16th Century Vasen : DE BYE, MARK, DE HAGADOON, BTC. aie hes 1145 Landscapes, Cattle, Figures and Head Ss pieces. ECHARD, L. GATTI. GUILARD. ee ae. 1146 Baggage Wagon. Peacock. Le Tambour. 3 pieces. cee. GOUPY, JOS. 1729-1763. 1147 Subjects of Celebrated Paintings by Salvator Rosa. | 7 pieces. HOOGHE, R. DE, HONDIUS,; HS FORR Bo.) | 1148 Landscapes with Figures. 3 pieces. LAIRESSE, Gi LE CLAIRE MARAT TING 1149 Allegorical. Landscape. Salutations. ed pieces, PICART. PINGA. PLACE, PROU. AG 1150 Figures. Crows. Landscape after Bourdon. 4 pieces, POTTER, PAUL, 1625-1654, 1151 Cow and Three Sheep. POWELL, J... -'789=55820) 1152 Landscape. After F. Mola. RAVENNA, MARCO DA. Born 40? r1537 Lhe Ferry: RENI, GUIDO. (1575-1642). 1154 Classic Landscape. Christ in the Wilderness, 2 pieces. ROE, R. 1155 The Schoolmaster. After Gerard Douw. ELER., SALVATOR ROSA. } 4 pieces, DT. SMITH, J. T. F. E. ve St. D. ré, , Landscape. ag 4 pieces. STOOP, DIRK. SWIDDE, TRIMOLET, rae Followers. Landscape. Portrait ae 4 pieces, Po ee VAN BEMMELL, P. V. 1689-1723. or “1159 Landscapes. 3 pieces. ee VAN BLOEMEF, J. F. VAN HUYSUM, tHe Exper. — nae pees with figures, 2 pieces. aoe VANDERGUCHT, G. ‘1161 Ten Guinea Lottery Ticket No. 49, for painting of Venus and Cupid. Painted by Jacopo da Puntoreno from the design of Michael Angelo. London, 29th March, 1735. Pia ag eH. | VAN EVERINGDEN, A, 1621-1675. | 1162 Animals and Landscapes. B27 tra pieces: ; VAN KESSEL, THEO. — 1654. 1163 Animals. 6 pieces, FS ON Oe te, Oleg RE Oe, Be eee ea ~ ‘4 t 2 . a : Wr, ore : be ¥ ‘ ¢ i ; he ae be Bee ny VAN DE VELDF, A. anv E. 1597-1648. 1164 Ea ectpe and Figures. Schausen. 2 pieces. VERNET, FOS. FRANCTS:DE NEVE. 1165 Sea Coast and Figures, Venus and Cupid. 2 pieces. WHITE, W. JOHNSON. WISE, W. WORLIDGE ZEEMAN. 1166 Figures, after Mantequa. Female head. Marine. 5 pieces. VARIOUS. 1167 Figure in dry point. Holy Family. Landscapes, etc. = Fy 6 pieces. 8 “ PORTEOLIOS am 1168 Two single.” et es - : Ber. Be mt 1169 One with flaps and one with double pockets, SCRAP BOOKS, "=m ; ree ¢ 1170 One 14 by 1o inches, 347 pages, gray paper, half bo ind. + E val 1171 One 14 by 11 inches, 356 pages, gray paper, half bound. q 1172 One 20 by 16 inches, 125 pages, gray paper, half bound. ENGRAVINGS. 1173 Shakespere Gallery. Boydell’s. 1790. By British painters and engravers of the period. I5 pieces. 1174 Another lot. ) 15 pieces. These impressions are on old paper, printed from the ‘* coppers” when in their “ first state.” ; | LITHOGRAPHS. 1175 Figures after Rubens, Van Dyck, Titian. By Mayr, Piloty, Selb, etc. 6 pieces. On India paper. i 1176 Portrait. Charles Sumner. August 19, 1871. Boston. 1177 Portraits after Van Dyck, Diirer, Mieris, Velasquez, etc. By Flachener, Quaglia, etc. 6 pieces. | On India paper. 1178 Figures after Wilkie, Nash, Muller. | 2 Dieeegs Various engravers. : ‘uropean Celebrities. | oes 7 pieces, eS |” Dorothea ina Born 1683.: From. by Rosina‘ Mathieu. Epeiicd by Gerieske. tish scenery. Shes | 26 pieces. Sacred History. 57 pieces. New York. 1867. Published by R. Lexow. ation of Independence. Engraved by D. Kim- : -berley. MOAT > 2 pieces. a, Old Master Subjects by various engravers. 8 pieces. ri ee 185 Old Master pepiects from New Testament. By various ie | engravers. Srpleces: re 1186 Old Master Subjects from the Bible. By various , engravers. | 5 pieces. 1187 Various Old Master Subjects from the Bible. By various engravers... 6 pieces. 4 1188 Various Old Master Subjects, Ideal, Genre, History, etc. Pees oy various engravers. 6 pieces. : ‘ 1189 Creuse Brulée, after de Troy. Dawkins and Wood, ~~ —CS after Hamilton. Literary party at Reynolds. Gen- By: eral Marion and British officer. 4 pieces, ys. 1190 Preaching of St. John, after paintings by Gauli, ee eee Maratti, Mola. ; 1191 Christ at the Tomb, and The Transfiguration. Raphael. 5 pieces. | ; ETCHINGS. 1192 Faust, after Leibertz. By Steich. 4 pieces. From Nature. By Koldet, 3 pieces, 1197 Macklin’s Bible, 1790. Illustrations from. By P. Loutherburg, R.A. Engraved by Brormley, Fittler, Hall, and others. ‘ae 71 pieces, Fine impressions, mounted. PHOTOGRAPHS. 1198 Shakespearean, From designs by Bunbury. 5 pieces, * i195 ( Athens. Views after Bonfils. II pieces. t Egypt. Views after Bonfils. 3 31 pieces, sis Palestine and Jerusalem, Bonfils. 26 pieces. Syria. Bonfils. 30 pieces. ENGRAVINGS. DURAND, Ax BSE Nae 1201 Ariadne, after Vanderlyer. The masterpiece of American line engraving. A fine impression. Framed. 1202 In the Stable. Cattle. Framed. _ BOUILEONEP) 1780- 1831. 1203 Twelve Statues designed and engraved in line. 12 pieces. Each in a separate frame. to aye ein ON oe f ASSOCIATIO N, Manager. pA.) y Ary ns Hi. , att : | en es tie sr cna | ila Anata R SEARCH INST ‘Till | LIL | | ll 3125 01662 703 eet pereieere Sos