sae, Ne MAT Aa ie “INA aS ey WLS hI ee 7 Nar 4 Gye (4 ey ha pi if” \ ee ie AEX. Leb ty % Lee Sik ‘ Ma ae ites NE tea, 1 ASP RL ELS 4 Cs PRN ay aS flat oP TA ty ie \ ia EATS fe 2 Py ey Sor 2 ms 1 i : ” MAW NE Maley Ot yt ; x + aia ie bees Sw Y= < ¥ ae es Sa eS a << i Lay i y be Tat ate AM pes. 3) Ik i + : ‘STREE AatH A E) VENU + H- af ES Fi i aa tod ost i oo | | CATALOGUE OF THE Ba ~ COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS ee FORMED BY | COL. H. O. SEIXAS | OF NEW YORK WHICH INCLUDES REPRESENTATIVE WORKS OF THE BEST EUROPEAN MASTERS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED SALE BY HIS ORDER AT CLARKE’S ART ROOMS 5 W. 44th STREET, ciety Ave.) On Thursday, January 12th, 1911 AT 81S Be Met mnneanenner en On View from Thursday, January 5th. THE SALE CONDUCTED BY MR. AUGUSTUS W. CLARKE CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the painting _ so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold | 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses ~ and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the purchase money if required, in default of which the — painting or paintings so purchased to be immediately a put up again and re-sold. . The paintings to be taken away at the buyer’s ex- _ pense and risk upon the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely — paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the — Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which — the undersigned will not hold himself responsible if © the paintings be lost, damaged or destroyed,, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. : 4. The paintings to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the buyer’s expense and risk, within Two Days from the sale; CLARKE’sS ART Rooms not being responsible for the correct descrip- — tion, genuineness or authenticity of, or any fault or’ defect in any painting, and making no warranty what- ever. 5.To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconven- — ience in settlement of the purchases, no painting can on any account be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be © delivered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article pur- chased thereafter be stolen or misdelivered, or lost, the undersigned is not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be for- feited; all paintings uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without fur- ther notice, and the deficiency, if any, attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. CLARKE’S ART ROOMS are in no way respon- sible for the charges or manner of delivery of goods purchased at their sale. AUGUSTUS W. CLARKE, Auchonees LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED ‘Balay, Ch., 54 Ballavoine, J., 5, 8 Beckwith, C., 56 Bellecour, J. B., 58 Benard, Henri, 13 Beraud, Jean, 17 Berndtson, G., 22 Bouillier, A., 51 Cabie, Louis, 28 Casanova y Estor- ach A... 47 Ceramano, 9 Coomans, Heva, 16 Coomans, Jos., 12 de Cuvillon, Rene, de Elaas, J. Hi L., 40 de Lort, C., 19, 36 de Madrazo, R., 39 de Quiveres, E. Mar- cotte, 59 Desliens, C. M., 6 Diranian, Sarkis, 43 Duverger, F., 21 Edefeldt, A., 26 Bettys li, 3) 57 Feyen, Eugen, 25 Gerard, Firmin, 44 Gues, A., 10 Hagborg, Aug., 32 Harpignies, Henri, 30, 49 Henner, J. J., 31 Jacquet, G., 37 Kauffman, Hugo, 27 Kotschenreiter, C., / 29 Le Quesne, F., 50 Leurs, J., 24 Maignan, Albert, 7 Max, Gabriel, 14 Meissonier, Chas., 42 Meyer, E., 11 Muenier, J. A., 46 Neuhuys, Albert, 55 Patwiarol,.V Toe 2) 20 Pearce, Chas. S., 60 Robert- Fleury, T., 48 Rousseau, Henri E., 36 Sloane, George, 52 Steelink, W., 15 Tirado, Fernando, 18 Lissot, 4. J.;°35 Van Beers, Jan, 4 Verboeckhoven, Eu- gene, 38 Vernier, Emile L., 23 Weisz, Adolphe, 41 Woodwell, Joseph R45 Ziem, Felix, 58 +o ie THE ALEXAND 114-116 PALMAROLI (V.) JZ, © Fantasie Unframed on Panel 17 x 10% In an Old World garden a fair supplicant makes her devotions to Cupid. 24 2 Jd. ¢e | PALMAROLI (V.) - Paris Fantasie Unframed on Panel 17 x 10% A young woman on the landing place of a river is getting ready to step into the boat. She daintily holds her skirt round her for the effort. haere Oe Paris. PR ec a pera ng bah, trees, a. Peanil of. deer are feeding on | the rich foliage. 4 ae Loe VAN BEERS (Jan) London Feeding the Ducks Unframed 91% x 12% "A young woman amsien ereeln feeiane the ducks, which are disporting themselves 4n a walled pond. BALLAVOINE (J.) Paes | 77. SO Calling for the Boat Unframed on Panel 7 x 10% At the edge of a lake with feathery trees. On the bank are two young ladies, one call- ing for a boat which both are waiting for. DESLIENS (C. M.) | Paris The Umbrella Mender Unframed 24 x 20 In the courtyard of a ruined abbey a young girl is mending the Curé’s scarlet umbrella. The Curé is assisting with the work. _ Andromache — ibe Aimee ; cS oem i ment re } Unframed in his chariot is bidding farewell to his BALLAVOINE (J.) Paris Ideal Head 16 xs A young girl with a marvelous cluster of chestnut hair flowing over her shoulders. Ayia ‘na The sheep dog is in the - satisfied in the absence of the shepherd. center on a knoll watching, and evidently eee eS — ty Fert re 7. Fe GUES (A.) Hawking 144% x 8 On Panel ‘A lady in mediaeval costume, A her right hand a hooded hawk, her left holds her riding whip and habit; woodlands in the distance. Vaueuee eG ne ay eee ee | Yep that aioe a feel seen through ee hat onen % discovers in his Empire jardiniere 2 > A ge tribute of beautiful roses. 4O,d0 12 COOMANS (Jos.) Bari ‘Two Children at Work 27% x 21% bi an antique apartment two children, who have just risen, are enjoying them- selves, hammering on.their dolly’s anm. FIZ fe é Aw nf a aia The Washerwoman ee ge ee ae eee The sunlight aay coy = et oe” a 7 EB a pee 5 GQ re) shee o ist) Se S| 09 w Sa oe ry o ro) oe 14 eae MAX (Gabriel) ~ New York At the Spring 27 x 22 A young girl is just putting on ae slip- pers after bathing. A deep red drapery is. thrown over her lap. Gm. dif Water Color Sty AO 17% wight is” + disappearing the Mosier and i ted A/S, 16 COOMANS (Heva) Paris Depart des Colombes 20x30 On a luxurious Grecian terrace, with col- umns, overlooking a small town and the blue sea stretching to the horizon, a mother and her three children are watching with much interest the flight of doves. BERAUD ( ‘Fean)<.. ‘Paris Medals: Paris, Third Class, 1882; Second Class, 1883. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1887. Gold Medal, 1889. E. U. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1894. Hors Concours, Member of the Society of French Artists. The Fencing Girl 14 x 6 a i The pose is graceful and the figure alert, showing the same undoubted skill in hand- ling the foil as the artist does his subject. ie ve . rue : 4 Sets SSS SMe ee Se SS See COP oe J Spe » Se 18 aS 60 TIRADO (Fernando) f I The Resting Place k ) 14x 9 i Careful detail marks this charming panel. | : F H It shows the summer garden of an inn with | ! a young man sitting at a table refreshing himself. \ | Paris if 7 1 of Giese. Ae of Gerome. Medals: Th is Class, 1875; Second Class, 1882. ‘Scene ey V Dice Hi) 18 x 12% n t From the palace steps two fashionable oe scene. All the details are minutely painted. wo 20 PALMAROLI (V.) Paris Une Danseuse 17 x 134% On Panel In the green room of the theatre the premiere is smoking a cigarette. Around ‘her are characteristically spread flowers, armor and mementoes of past triumphs. atc SE an a ee eee See ne ae a ae Spee Be: Paris Loox? PY | On Panel . _ The interior of a typically French bed- room shows a little girl kneeling on a chair dressing her dolly. On the floor is dolly’s crib. A charming example of child life, ee n/s BERNDTSON (G.) OParts Jeune Femme 10 x 8 An interesting example of this artist, very carefully painted on panel. “outskirts” of Venice with a small n the foreground, interesting old in gs to the right and ducal paar in if istance, making a remarkably wel. lanced and satisfying composition. Gy ot eens peek ba y eu i: LEURS (J.) Paris Flock of Sheep Returning to the Fold. | 19 x 29 ices, Raa Sheep in the foreground, with the shep-_ herd watching their return to rest; low-ly- — ing fields to the left, trees and barn on the right. Very broadly but skillfully treated, showing late afternoon. nt ake 25 _FEYEN (Eugene) Pateas, 1866, second Class, 1880. Chev- alier of the Legion of Honor, 1881. Hors BW Coceaurs. Member of the Society of French Artists. Shrimp Gathering U2 x 144 On Panel Two young Normandy fisherwomen are shrimping in shallow water, with the blue summer sea stretching to the horizon. fy 26 NM . NS AR | EDELFELDT (A.) Paris Pupil of Gerome Girl’s Head 1636.43 Strongly and broadly painted portrait of an aristocratic sitter showing much indi- viduality but scarcely any influence of his master, Gerome. 4 ioe , , ‘AUF 3 MAN “(Hlugo) | rt ihe sare Bt) oe guitar entertaining ‘two ee a eae 28 CABIE (Louis Alexander) Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1894. Third Class Medal, 1899. Second Class, 1902. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1908. Member of the Society of French Artists. Hors Concours. The Big Tree 40 x 32 A monster tree of great age with wide spreading branches in the near foreground, with fields and low hills stretching to the horizon, on which the hot sun is glistening at almost noon. Shows very clever hand- ling of a difficult subject. Exhibited at Paris Salon, 1906. Oo BWk] ~ Bn eeeeeeeeeeeeeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeE—— Munich | fi ] | | i —— = gee umorously expressed in every detail of ne ss ee a rere Bie ne eo oe ~ = Wb: JO 30 HARPIGNIES (Henri) Paris 3 Medals: Paris, 1866, 1868, 1869. Chey — alier of the Legion of Honor, 1875. Oficer “a of the Legion of Honor, 1883. ‘Hors Con- cours, 1889. Medal of Honor, 1897. Grand Prix, 1900. E. U. Commander of Legion of Honor, 1901. Member of the Societ, °/ French Artists. | | \ Landscape > O's aS Water Color On the right is a canal with cottage sud lock, in the center is a stone bridge «v: dently crossing a brook; low-lying hills ©» the left. A characteristic and ace sketch: of northern French country. 31 | HENNER (Jean Jacques) Paris Prix de Rome, 1858. Medals: 1863, 1865, 1866. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1873. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Medal, First Class, 1878. EK. U. Member of the Institute of France, 1889. Hors Concours, 1898. E. U. Medal of Honor, 1898. Commander, 1898. Grand Prix, 1900. Bc U. Hors Concours. Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1893. Hon- orary Member of the Society of French Artists. Girl’s Head 17 x 14 Deep in meditation and reflecting on some serious elevating idea, showing the artist in one of his best moods. Concours, 188 Legion of ries; in the distance the to the horizon. ; Baris, Third Class, 1879. HK wns = Diet fe hy #H oo pro } © Pe Oval Water Color P. in 3 ; > 34 RENE (de Cuvillon) Paris Lady in Oriental Costume _ | Oval Water Color a i te i, Full-length figure in transparent drap-— eries, evidently in a character from an op- [ era. Skillfully handled. aN mae {TISSOT (J. J) » London Coin du Louvre 58 x 41 Very characteristic of what may be seen. any student day at the Louvre Museum. One the left is a student carefully copying from the antique; on the window bench in the center, half-hidden behind a large Ro- Mati urn, is a weet studious and earnest: couple resting. firt- ——__—_—_———— La \Peche Wrens | 34 x 25 yo i } charming young woman in pees ee ‘costume fishing; near her is her swain ‘ dering sweet music on the flageolet. “g Mera - ee 7 ‘Ideal Head JIAO, 38 VERBOECKHOVEN (Eugene) Brussels. Member of Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent and . Amsterdam Academies. Legion of Honor. Commander of Orders of Leopold and Francis Joseph. Sheep 14 x 19 At a small pool sheep are drinking and resting, a few fowl in the foreground; be- yond is a picket fence and a few trees; a lake stretches itself to the horizon and a luminous sky overtops this peaceful rural scene. Every detail is exquisitely painted. Sh her a a ey or a ee Do areee Le ese Sp Soe mt ag oa = i ape 39 | de MADRAZO (R.) Paris - Medals: 1878, 1879. Legion of Honor, 1878. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1889. ‘Meditation 28 x 16 The full-length figure of a young lady is reclining on an upholstered settee meditat- ing on a letter which she still holds in her hand. The coloring is beautifully fresh and the handling elegant. ie ‘Charles III. of Spain, and of the Order of — “Merit of St. Michael, Bavaria. Officer of Y jo\~ 40 DE HAAS (I. H. L.) i h ~ eek ved th ies ty Commander of the Order of Isabella the 1 Catholic of Spain and of the Order of Leopold. Officer of the Order of the Cou. ronne de Chenne, Holland. Officer of ae a the Couronne d'Italia. Chevalier of Fran-_ cis Joseph of Austria. Chevalier of the . Couronne de Prusse. Member of the Acad- emy of St. Ferdinand of Spain, Amsterdam, } : Antwerp and Rotterdam. Cattle 33 x 41 | : In the foreground a meadow with two_ magnificent shorthorn cows; beyond, ~ stretching far to the horizon, is the flat country of Holland, with a windmill and | scrub in the distance. 4 t ve chat a f , Parts bee: re royal hed wit seems pert yi 42 MEISSONIER (Chas.) —~Paris_ Medal, Paris, 1866. Gold Medal, 1889. E. U. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, _ 1889. Hors Concours. ale ht Mutual Friends 22-315 This distinguished son of an overshadow- ing father lacks none of the wonderful de- tail of expression, as is amply shown in the figures in this delightful scene. it A ae ¢) 2 >| (Sarkis) re A. study in expression. BSeo (GERARD (Firming) : - Medals: Third Class, 1863: , Sexo 1874. Legion of Honor, 1898, Medal, 1902. Exposition Univenette ber of the Society of French Artists. . Concours. The Garden | Hedge ae 10 x 6% On Panel yee her pink costume makes a gay # scene against the green foliage. , \ «sige rn ot A\e : 45 WOODWELL (Joseph R.) ee Havana Harbor 201%4 x 25 ey cre the bectling cliffs and fortifications, to the left the blue tropical sea stretches itself to the horizon. 46 MUENIB§ Paris On the bank of a wé reclining a young woman,%n a white dress, revelling in the beauties off nature spread before her. Pupil at Barce- wc Clandio: Lorenzali and Madrazo. y _ Between Two Fires 6 's21 pie . the cloisters are seen Las the open - door, two monks, both evidently much en- a Ki amoured with a young lady, who is sitting i between them, much to her embarrass- ment. The remains of a jolly repast are still on the table in front of them. 48 RQBERT FLEURY (Tony) _ Paris. _ Medal, First Class, 1878. E, U. Officer f the Legion of Honor, 1884. 89. E. U. Member of the Jury, Hors Condpurs, 1900. E. U. Mem- _ Not French Artists. os Seated on an old-fashio young woman in a white @ress who has just received a letter over which she is: cogitating. 49 HARPIGNIES (Henri) Paris Medals: Paris, 1866, 1868, 1869. Chev- alier of the Legion of Honor, 1875. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1883. Hors Con- cours, 1889. Medal of Honor, 1897. Grand Prix, 1900. E. U. Commander of the Le- gion of Honor, 1901. Member of the Soci- ety of French Artists. Landscape ! 1814 x 13 A typical northern French landscape; un- dulating fields, with trees in the foreground. A strong sun throws many deep shadows. be pHO,v? Le QUESNE (F.) Paris of the Third Class, 1893; Second Class, 5S GREED OLLI Re i sR Fe ee ae aT haere = es ‘ 50 ese ees ‘Mention Honorable, Paris, 1889. Medal 1894.' Silver Medal, 1900. E. U. Hors Concours. Member of the Society of French Artists. s ee ee a = ~ Ideal Head Se ain 29 x 23% A young lady clasping in her anmms a few SFr EDN ile ae S flowers; in the background is a lake sur- Wear rounded by trees. All breathes the joy of 7 ete iF ae 5 ee oO) spring. ae, n : . ’ Paris ‘SLOANE (George) The Good Story 18 x 14 “ tated with care for every dena sit. at a ea: be ‘ Lea Aaah writing table two exquisites, evidently re- counting an interesting episode of the past. gb Qe Paris, 1851, 1852, 1855. Legion ae | Officer of the Legion, = ae Pea re ye ee ey ee ee = EI ee fe rench Gardens of Venice mk BALAY (Ch.) eae The Good Hostess i x 21% Before the front of a country inn two soldiers are being regaled by the innkeep- er’s daughter. Clever detail marks this in- teresting episode. 55 NEUHUYS (Albert), Le Hague Member of Antwerp Academy. Studied under Craeyvanger, Utrecht. Represented in many museums. The Family 13 x 16 Water Color A Dutch peasant interior with a young woman in Old World costume knitting; at her knee is a child playing. Seated oppo- site is another child holding: her mother’s wool. A chanming low-toned typicai epi- sode. A. New York CARROLL (Bebkwith) ot aisle Ais ae iF Fal) is surveying ee sarrounding the execution. . Boulogne — x Unframed 19% x 25% ~ ae f z = : tet es ghee i ‘ rigs” Par orning view that is to be 8 Ss 60 , PEARCE (Chas. S.) Paysanne Unframed 834 x 64 French peasant woman returning from work in the fields. Ce AUGUSTUS W. CLARKE, ; Auctioneer. | = cal / & a b > : an ey ere IG Ge aL cy olen ee rls pater y ee © nw meets LE a Bd gly —_ , wmagedlc; gre. et ait ww és = ange! et : 7 La et seg! mer ae, te ote ade ee Aten ome ae pretsicedenigh ets diaateeape ck 3 DEIR lh capt, . PY ORM se 2 rage, ue a i innate