> a 1 ‘ ‘ d 4 ate d ‘ o says ; i r “i ‘ nih-\s ” ss i ’ < vA “ Caan ‘ - ad ai a ; bead : b\Wansards ek B ‘ é ‘ % a 5 , tueluan nea eee aA -} Lee § ‘ . * 44 ‘ P ‘ >. . yb tee ” Cathet ca ah LOL AL 07 ‘ Ps + beeline beat 4 7: Pa thr, is ada ae 4 . hog oa ee4ag dete ‘ 1 Sat 3 ‘ u t by x : me ; tushy ‘ j tle +56 ‘ vat ¥ * bah) { hes AF s¥ 1 4 { LG ‘ ae ea betes te vie * . , bociehe st ‘ ¥ x: 4 Mithansies hate SE OH it ; ' Pe dehte 28 \ pa : vey . ty ar ; ia Po etci ‘ ‘ 4 wih Ae Ay , ‘ ‘ re fitg vA a Reekkeg y | « 4 (reyes ASE ; some most clever paint- ‘ing. There is but oné Winslow Homer, @ water color called “Waiting.” It shows | a@ woman sitting out doors and fs painted |with the downright honesty of Homer's |early period. A small composition by Elihu Vedder called the “Mistral” shows two figures of the romantic middle ages, |the ribbens of the woman’s cap blowing |about tn the wind that gives the title to | we the picture. Fine Sunset and Moonlights. The only one present of the trio Inness, | 'Martin and Wyant, who used to shine in} ithe earlier American collections, is Wyant, but his landscape, a “Sunset,” is| So beautiful that it will be sure of wide appreciation. ‘The two Blakelocks both | |are moonlights, though different the one} from the other. A “Head” by George De | | Forest Brush is dated 1885 and shows] the intense finish and esarching char-| — acter study he put into hig work at that | Ki time. The collection has no padding and| bears the tmpress throughout of the] jOwner’s taste. The works hang together | remarkably well, So, in addition to the/ paintings mentioned, the following works | should be noted: “Harmonies,” by FE. H. PRaRReld: “Meadow Mists,” ‘by Elliott _Daingenfield ; c. ‘Minor. \The sale occurs on February 27 In the | | ballroom of the arated: Sosa oe OR A EP gar J, Lownes ea Incoming Wave,” eee heer eee rie ae “Open Sea,’? How- Lorenz... ao Me Seats, ABtHiT Water,” Miss . wines Crane, “fipening Grain” Hy is sag See wee an ree Mt rry Chase, * “Boats” ‘at. Schevenin- syle las Ben,” F. M. Crossman...iv...00: 230. M. Shurtleff, “Pool in. the Wood, ” - ia W. Seaman, agent........5. 180 | Dwight W. Tryon, “An aanioer Day," ” Ralston Galleries. Paha ci a eeake CAG 300 ie a te. Vries eat okt oe oF ASOe |. Po aa Mowbray, “Lai,” ae f Spanier Lita SSR oe GPU SORTS OGG a 49 SA ROSE 156 wis Francis Murphy, “Meadow Streams,’ PP, W. Rouss. Sea e 519 afi F 3h Fe es aD th Dewing, “Young Woman,” sir Seller to Pay (PPR OMLES (We DPD ST ici sg aed aia wales BOD a ey | Arthur B. Davies, ‘The Searcher,’ tale) Laie . Ae 2 age cis hs yaa 150, a abe Dwight W. Tryon, “Apple Blossom * fi2 Dime, Was WD, Breaker icin wigs 430 | J. Francis sega ae “Across” the | j. Fields,” WwW. Breaker. ...i.<.056 535 | Dwight W. Drier. “Village Street,” Thomas W. Dunbar sleiee OU LOE Ue ae 280 | Biliott Daingerfield, “Moon Rising | Over Fog Clouds,” A. W. Bahr.... 100 heal oa Daylon, “Landscape,” ’ Holland Galleries.........2% BE0 ert Pinkham Ryder, “Tandscape, With Old Mill, in Moonlight,”’ G: and. was. ade. ang dean and was made up, = | W. Kraushaar.....c.csccccveeseee 1,626 5 eitety by the impression. | lock, “Mfoonrtse,” ee 4 ers « o 2 $9 3 ae nan in vogue; -hence the ‘waiting. fect Be ‘ee “Call: “of : dpe nit 250 to theirs, elther, aiebeie ‘the resulta o i “of last” night's. auction were considered | 998; Se se pri pontly, ee, ‘upon the whole. | | B.S. Lowes. oe. vv ay New Price Records Made. | | its ‘ew records were established. | J. Francis Mu ae Tryon landscape, “Near the | ‘Ohilde tascam. © ts “ecg «oy aad sold to the Macbeth | | wcester,” dler & Co...° e for $5,100, which is a nev j evel for him. Horatio Walke: lalso got an auction record with his’ lArthur B, Ds “Forest's Fest! { ughing in in Arcadia,” which went to ee A. W. Bahr... . 5 see seeeness ‘oup of Pincarne sold atoemisy well, none reached the price paid for one 3 works in the Reisinger sale. The Wi ‘Dewing “Green and Gold’ sold: ) Rehn aul oe ens Bat ‘gave $ he -Rob- va beer landscape. | At the beginning of the auction Mr. shed announced that the new tax of cent. levied by the Government 7 oes s of art, which went into effect Oe Bes: previous, had caused some un- ertainty as who was to pay the tax, ae buyer or the seller. Under the cir- eee Mr. Montross, he said, had r to assume all ahaa baile for taxes, : ; a thea ‘oles. ‘@ W, Maynard, “an Offering, * PMs vs Lae To se ay EA Eee Cpa aaa aN Re Ea $60 pee deere en ewer toate ars © DOPE, “Breath of erat i tamn’ A. W, Bahr. Aaa a Little Lotterer,” W. i J. race Murphy, “An old House,” ) MIGEIIA TN: BRENT 6 oh 4 a ke alee ey» A 4 D, Breaker.......+-. eeteres 1,100 nt W. Tryon, “In” Picardie,” | “anbert Pinkham Ryder, Dancing | McMillin. Peas wits A 623 | Dryads,”” Knoedler & Co,...... ++. 92 Crane, “Lowland Grasses,” | | Chitde Hassam, “A° 1 News Depot, 5 Tay OLS Sev v es ace oe ies es 800 Gos Cob,” Ww. fi bE Breakers cia vice 7 | ‘ VA MoriteOss~Ptturé Sale /M*V gs - sale in the Plaza Ballroom Thursday ning Feb. 27 last of 71 modern Ameri- pictures owned by Mr. N. E. Montross the Montross Galleries, No. 550 Fifth and the story of which could not be ished in the Arr News of Mar. 1, which tby of the American Art | possessions, did not realize, in all proba- aii. as much as if the canvases, all of superior quality, had come from,a private owner, and yet the sale result, considering this fact, and the added ones that the sale. was held under the shadow of the coming heavy income taxes, that the new tax un-. doubtedly had a disturbing effect on the ence, and that the eight examples of ur B. Davies, whose works are not’ {names and prices follow: familiar in the auction rooms, and the two f Daingerfield, were bought by Mr. . W. Bahr for comparatively low figures, pulled down the total. - _ Some of the pictures, and notably the fine example of Dewing, also not-an auction _ room favorite, and two or three examples of ~D. W. Tryon made auction records, as did the large and striking “Ploughing Arcadia.” _ by Horatio Walker secured by the Hollana Art Galleries and really a Museum piece. titles, size, height first, width next, buyers’ O Artist Buyer ~ The pictures sold with artists’ names, | Title 1. Maynard, G. W., “An Offering,’”’ Panel, Meneame ege hy L, eRichard 24. 60s.+00 06 $60 ey eow, VY. fi., “A> Little. Loiterer,’”’. 15x18, feo Socata, At. es. Fey ARRON te cee «4 60 Parr vone lo We 1 in Picardie;, 16x24, ES Aer, MUTUIT So. c ec wise as ees 625 4. Crane, Bruce, **Lowland Grasses,’ 16x24, s ara IMM DA VIOT .cccs cle ceca ewcee es 300 ‘Periostarop,= VWs l., “Summer Afternoon,” . Pie mig eliie (rallerieS 7.26.5... cee eo 280 6. Whittredge, Worthington, ‘‘Brook in the W oods,’”’ 14x12, Kdgar J. Lownes .... 130 7. Rehn, t’. K. M., “lncoming Wave,” 16x- eat, WV. kd; Wheelock .7.....'. Pi cons 520 8%. Tryon, D. W., “Upen Sea,’’ 11x22, How- PUP GUEY EUINES cu cls oe dy 57s 4 as See ee 175 9; Jones, Holton H., ‘Still Water,” 16x24, JL USES dic aeidleas JE Veg eae oo eee ame 510 10. Crane, Bruce, ‘“‘Ripening Grain,” 16x24, ; EM EOWRES icc ee cece os cet tee eens 480 11. Chase, Harry, ‘Boats at Scheveningen,” HAs dene Mis (CriSSHIAN a. sce we ee oe 230 12. Shurtlett, R. M., “‘Pool in the Woods,” Polak ota. Wa. meainan, Ast... 66.64% 186 13. Tryon, D. W., “An Autumn Day,” 14%- PU aaelcton wGalleriesS 6... 3.4%. oases 300 14, Eaton, Warren, ‘‘Monrise,” 12x18, PNG IMT Psd sles sepia bss s cb cece ges 6 170 15. Dewey, C. Melville, “Morning,” 18x-24, Poeve w PeRCI CIN) sree eer enee eos 430 lou Mowtay, wi. Siddons, ‘‘Lais,”. 914x24, inky (GE ee ee ee ee ee ae 120 17. Vedder, Elihu, ‘‘Le’ Mistral,’ 9x6, W. D. eM EROE ooo so alae) cup swig S Sees 9 150 18. Murphy, J. Francis, ‘““Meadow Streams” | (Watercolor), 6x8, P. W. Rouss...... 510 19. Dewing, T. W., “Young Woman” (Pas- Speter, 1012x7, ©. Wi. Dunbar 25. ...2.5. 325 20. Davies, Arthur B., ‘The Searcher,” 6x12, . PN REIAE (in os cee ey Canes sins On g's = 150 '21. Tryon, D. W., “Apple Blossom Time,” ~— Ose <1 Os oS Braker i... tsceiels os 0 00 420 fe Murphy, J. Francis, ‘“‘Across the Fields” (Watercolor), 8%x12%, W. D. Braker 535 23. Tryon, D. W., “Village Street, 1012x16, T. W. Dunbar ‘ % war tax, and which 14x24, E, J. Lownes vse: semen 36. ‘Hassam, Childe, -“*Pont:. Neuf, ’ Paris,’ ; pt, Oem C lias. shen hate cmpteeh wae a o's 0 37. Walker, Horatio, “Milk Othy