Go be sold ca? Tuegday Afternoon and Chening tee | (2:30 and 8:15 PB. W.) | May oth, 1913 bp ae ‘fPerrwin Sales Co, ee | 16 Cast 40th Street nc ne ' i Rew Pork : S Ys ee x) = ui ~/ or vw = ; tex . . cu : Z “ i a0 45 ah) x 46 47 48 49 50 o1 D2 D3 o4 D0 56 JAPANESE LACQUER CIRCULAR BOX. 4 JAPANESE LACQUER BOWL. SMALL JAPANESE UMBRELLA. With lid and two interior trays. ie H eight, a JAPANESE LACQUER CIRCULAR BOX. 3 With cover and one interior tray. Sot ae Hane 4 ‘inche 28 Height, 5 inches; diameter, i . C TWO JAPANESE LACQUER TUMBLERS. OY, Heights, 4 ated 5 ine he JAPANESE LACQUER CIRCULAR BOX. a With lid and two interior trays. “es Height, 3% wnche JAPANESE LACQUER BOWL AND CUP. Heights, 3 and 4 inch JAPANESE LACQUER BOX. . Urn shaped. With cover and interior ae ae Height, 4 inches. JAPANESE LACQUER BOXES, BTC. 5 pieces (imperfect). BURMESE IDOL. | Of gilt carved wood. (Slightly tition ) Veet | Height, 9 inches. Taken from a Burmese House of Worship. INDIAN WOVEN BASKET. © 3 ‘With cover and interior tray. (Slightly cut.) oo Height, 4 inches. TWO INDIAN BASKETS. Heights, 4 and 5 inches. Ivory grip. Length, 19 winches. SILVER FILIGREE PAPER KNIFE. Length, 61, inches. 6 69 70 71 72 FOUR SNUFF BOXES. Pes rey se 3 FOUR ANTIQUE INKWELLS. UPS. #H ight, Ae Aue Be ‘ti ato flee shoe. Together 2 pieces. 64 SNUFFBOX, CARD CASE AND OLIVE Woop BOX. 3 pes. 65 BOTTLE SHAPED ORNAMENT. Of Cypress wood from the Holy Land. Height, 20 inches. 66 Gur aa SHAPED MUSIC CABINET. Finely carved, with Cupid and scroll decorations. Shaped onyx top. On 4 shaped legs. SMALL ANTIQUE MIRROR IN GILT FRAME. - ORMOLU CLOCK SET. By Tiffany & Co. Clock with 4 cut-glass pillars. Height, 12 inches. Pair three-light candelabra, with cut glass stems. Height, 11 inches. TERRA-COTTA TEAPOT, POTTER, VASE, ETC. 7 pes. KUTANA VASE. | With cover. | Height, 14 wnches. PLASTER OF PARIS BUST. S. L. Clemens (‘‘Mark Twain’’). Height, 12 inches. LARGE GILT SOFA. Upholstered in figured silk, on shaped legs. 7 % ; h Length, 4 inches. Height, 5 inches. 76 U7 18 19 80 81. 82 83 84 85 86 87 88. 89 90 GILT PIANO BENCH. With’ Seed and Ommolkt ovat; ony to Be On 4 fluted legs. (Onyx Be SS a Upholstered in figured tapestry. WHITE MARBLE PEDESTAL. Re With revolving top. §§ Height, 1 ” CARRARA MARBLE BUST. ; es Of child reading. | Height, 15 in DINING ROOM RUG. Green, blue anaked Feaeeo on dark ground. — Size, 12 feet by 8 feet 3 pir JAPANESE CIRCULAR LACQUERED BOX. _ Of five pieces. Height, 12 nek (One compartment slightly chipped.) \ ANTIQUE PERSIAN WINE PITCHER. — RAKU POTTERY DISH. With cover. About 1780. ANTIQUE CHINESE GREEN-GLAZE BOWL. STONEWARE LOVING CUP. Salt glaze, With 3 handles. OLD CHINESE VASE. CHINESE DOG FOO. | : Keen Lung, 1736. Height, TY inches. PAIR OLD FRENCH PERFUME BOTTLES. CARVED STONE CANDLE STICK. ANTIQUE PERSIAN LUSTRE PLATE. OLD ENGLISH SILVER LUSTRE FRUIT DISH. LEATHER JEWEL CASKET WITH TRAY. STAFFORDSHIRE FIGURE OF NAPOLEON. 8 Ww : a VASE. _ 6 inches. | JAPANESE FLOWER VASE. TY inches. 00 FRENCH PORCELAIN TOILET SET. Pair candle-sticks, 2 powder jars, pin tray and box with cover. 101 OLD CREAM AND SUGAR SET. 2 pes. 402 ANTIQUE WATER PITCHER. _ arches: ANTIQUE PLATE. s ‘‘Trenton Falls.’’ Diameter, 8 inches. 4 ANTIQUE DECORATED PLATE. 10 by 14 inches. TWO ANTIQUE PLATES. (One slightly chipped.) BONE DOMINO SET. In carved bone case (imperfect). SIX BRASS CURTAIN HOLDERS. OLD IRON KNOCKER. ANTIQUE WOODEN PESTLE AND MORTAR. TWO SNUFFERS AND TRAYS. BRASS MORTAR pe WOOD MORTAR. re 5 ite fe os ; | . oe ee ae iy, eT Wm “Sassen WS BB. : 4 ee ae s ‘a et 4 a L ee aa. Sitar MAHOGANY WRITIN : Saas 114 ELECTRIC REFLECTOR. ee With movable pillar. 115 DRAWING ROOM SETTEE. ce Stained and finely carved frame. Hair stuff figured silk. . aes 116 BRONZE AND MARBLE CLOCK SET. Clock surmounted by bronze group, pair side 0: ments in shape of vases. peck 3S Desene 117 FRENCH ONYX MANTLE CLOCK. Ormolu ma: Scroll supports and claw feet. Height, 9 ae 118 BUTLER’S ARM CHAIR. " a In finely carved oak frame. Hair stuffed in leather. a 119 WALNUT STAINED WRITING DESK. Bios With folding lid. Elaborately carved, with shaped legs. 120 LARGE POLAR BEAR RUG. 121 BROWN BEAR SKIN RUG. 122 BROWN BEAR SKIN RUG. (Spring specimen. ) =, ee 123 MAHOGANY ROCKING CHAIR. | * | With rush seat. Pee 124 ROCKING ARM CHAIR. With cane seat and spar back. 125 CANE-SEAT OCCASIONAL CHAIR. With spar back. 126 SEXAGONAL OCCASIONAL TABLE. nN With stretchers and spiral supports, on 6 brass feet. = 127 FINELY HAND-CARVED ARM CHAIR. | With cane seat and double-cane circle back. On fluted legs. 10 or , teh claw and ball: feet, (The . pa tops re-glued, and one foot is repaired, ae “otherwise in ‘excellent and original condition.) rie ANTIQUE JACOBIAN CHAIR. ee With carved spars and stretchers. (This chair was Be brought. from England over 200 years ago. Its date : rae =-is, protehly about 1600. Fine condition. ) 3 414, inches. BGYPTIAN LIMESTONE IDOL. LAVA ORNAMENT, 2 Th form of fish. Length, 3 inches. 32 USHEBTE FIGURE. _ ; on ot In form of mummy. Height, 6 inches. ogee — 133 — ane same. Another. Height, 4% inches. - fe Hate The same. Another. . Height, 4% inches. 135 —— The same. Another. Height, 4% inches. 136 —— The same. Another. Height, 4 inches. 137 —— The same. Another. Height, 3% inches. 138 ed re aaine Another. Height, 21% inches. 139 —— The same. Another. Height, 2V% inches. ‘ 140-—— The same. Another. Height, 2 inches ‘ 141 —— The same. Another. Height, 21% inches. 142 EGYPTIAN BEAD WORK NET. Taken from head of a mummy. _—s«'43:«CLARGE LIMESTONE SEAL. Kh 7 With inscription. | ——s«144 EGYPTIAN BLUE GLAZED FIGURE. Rh eee *‘One of the Guardians of the Dead.’’ hon Height, 2% inches. _———s«45,s« LARGE SCARAB SEAL, i i With finely cut inscription. y 1 leglied ANCIENT SEAL. LARGE STONE SCARAB, — The same. Another. “With Cartouche of Rameses ‘ in thy t “Period, B. C. 2500, LARGE SCARAB. “+ Cartouche of Thgtimeas III See end ver slightly =i chipped). DARK GREEN SCARAB. Set in silver ring. FOUR ARMULET SCARABS. SMALL EGYPTIAN OBLONG SEAL. GREEN SCARAB. Of Thothmes III (modern reglaze). TWO AMULET SCARABS. FOUR SCARABS (modern reglaze). FOUR SCARABS (slightly chipped). THREE AMULET SCARABS (slightly chipped). THREE AMULET SCARABS. TWO SMALL STONE SCARABS. (No inscription. ) EGYPTIAN OBLONG SEAL. ‘With Cartouche of Thothmes III. SMALL COPPER SCARAB (rare). SCARAB OF DEEP RED STONE. SCARAB. With Cartouche of Thothmes III. 12 176 Ett 178 ise 180 eee 181: "aad bie oe zy ey an imitation.) 6 Z SMALL GREEN SCARAB, 175 RAB, be With Cartouche of Thothmes TIL. - LARGE QUARTZ SCARAB. _ (Modern eee ) BLACK SCARAB. © Cartouche of Thothmes ITI. / SMALL CARNELIAN SCARAB. re SMALL GREEN SCARAB. (Modern reglaze. ) DARK GREEN SCARAB. Cartouche of Thothmes ITI EGYPTIAN OVAL SEAL. Finely cut. ‘FINE AMULET SCARAB. SMALL SCARAB. Cartouche of Rameses III. TWO SMALL GREEN SCARABS. SMALL MOTTLED SCARAB. (Fine. ) SMALL JADE SCARAB. TWO AMULET SCARABS. GOLD CHAIN BRACELET. : ; Set with seven colored searabs. (5 having inscrip- tionss) 3.08 13 a eed iy ae 0 De aed 183 184 185 186. 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 : GRNTDINEAN'S SOC nD: SEVEN SILVER ANTIQUE TEA SPOONS. - Set with large green, scarab. ee GENTLEMAN ’S GOLD RING. - Set with large green scarab. LADIES’ GOLD RING. Set with large green scarab. COINS. : First bronze of Hadrian, Emperor of Rome. “And . a smaller Greek copper. 2 pieces. ae UNITED STATES POSTAGE STAMPS, oR Three cents, with head of Waiineeee green and red; 3c. blue, with Locomotive; 2¢., with head af J ackson. All cancelled. 120 pieces. a COINS. Trade dollar of 1876, uncirculated. COINS. Washington Liberty and Security Medal, Massachu- setts and Connecticut cents, Virginia half-penny, Franklin cent. Half cents of 1805, 1809, 1829 and 1853, and other tokens. Poor condition. 24 pieces. COINS. : United States cents. 1793 to 1854. Not consecu- tive. Many duplicates. Poor condition. 68 pieces. ANTIQUE SILVER SUGAR SPOON AND BUTTER KNIFE. 2 pes. ANTIQUE SILVER SPOONS. Mustard and salt. 2 pes. SIX ANTIQUE SILVER PUDDING AND SOUP SPOONS. THREE ANTIQUE SILVER SOUP SPOONS. (Various. ) FOUR ANTIQUE SILVER TEA SPOONS. FIVE ANTIQUE SILVER TEA SPOONS. 14 Ye. We hea vise ae t a ee SS ae io wif oe wy oy? Ge | f og . (214 | TWO SOLID SILVER FRUIT KNIVES. sae) a “TWO AMETHYST SCARF. PINS. Gold. 5 CHAIN SLIDE. 14k. gold, enamel, and pearl. -GOLD-FILLED WALTHAM WATCH. GOLD-FILLED WATCH. : | ; 3 B. W. Raymond movement. . 4 | he a MISCELLANEOUS LOT STONES. | Je Turquoise, carnelian, ete. 20 pes. . i 18 CAMEOS. AMETHYSTS AND TOPAZ. 25 pes. MOSAICS AND PORCELAIN PAINTINGS. 9 pes. INTAGLIOS AND CAMEOS. 24 pes. OPALS. Miscellaneous. 79 pes. ANTIQUE JEWELRY. Whitby jet necklace, brooch, pencil, nut fob, tortoise shell brooch. 55 pes. (3 gold-mounted). 15 y 217 | 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 EL SP “AND WATCH KEY. DRAWIN G ROOM RUG. | a s Blue and yellow design on crimson. ental Be ve Size, 12 lec by 9 fee PERSIAN HALL RUG. Size, 4 feet 9 by Ey FERAGHAN HALL RUG. Size, 5 foot 6 by 3 fe HEARTH RUG. Fie ba ‘SPECKLED BROOK TROUT. / — Canvas. Se Height, 10 n.; 5 wit A ARTIST UNKNOWN ee 305 PORTRAIT. . ao Sedwig Maria Frey Fraulein Von cae ne ren 17 Augusti, 1671. Painted 1740. Canvas. Height, 34 in.; width, ae ee ALBERT CUYP inerioneany Dutch, 1606-1683 306 TWO YOUNG TRAVELLERS RESTING. | : Unframed canvas. Height, 46 in.; width, 324 v a oe, ny ARTIST UNKNOWN | 307 PORTRAIT. ce Thomas Macdonough, American Naval Ofiter= in the War of 1812. Panel, : Height, 24 in.; width, 19 in. LOUIS RHEAD Contemporary English Artist 308 SETTER AND PARTRIDGE. 9 Panel. Signed. Height, 14 in.; width, 10 in. FRANCIS MILES Contemporary English Artist 309 THE GARDENER’S DAUGHTER. | | Oval Water-color. Signed. CC ee Height, 11% wm.; width, 8% m ANTOINE WATTEAU (Attributed) French.. 1684-1721 310 THE ARCHERY CONTEST. In the fore-ground stand the two contestants; be- hind them is a group of sportive shepherds and shepherdesses. Beyond stretches a wooded land- scape. Canvas. Height, 39 in.; width, 31 in. ARTIST UNKNOWN 7 Colonial Period 311 PORTRAIT. ; Mrs. Backus. Famous American. Canvas. | Height, 28 in.; width, 23 i. 24 ; re Ja ane 2 Washington, Guat aes 4 Si tad Height, 24 in.; width, 19 in. LOUIS RHEAD Contemporary English Artist LEAPING SALMON. — ss HYACINTHE RIGAND (Attributed) aif Bhs 3 . French. 1659-1743 ey 314 ‘PORTRAIT OF A FRENCH COURTIER. | Canvas. Height, 40 in.; width, 31 in. J.-S. VAN HERDEGAN ‘on 315 PORTRAIT. | i ee Lady 1 in blue bodice and red mantle. Canvas. le Height, 32 in.; width, 26 in. SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK (Attributed) oy _ 1598-1644 316° “NASSAU PRINCE. 7 | | With Crest. Height, 33 in.; width, 27 in. ARTIST UNKNOWN Spanish School 317 THE FRIAR. ii A een HOGARTH (Formerly Attributed) ae ‘English. 1697-1764 3818 LORD CHATHAM. ARTIST UNKNOWN Dutch School. Early 17th Century 319 PORTRAIT. Mother of Peter Stuyvesant. Canvas. ARTIST UNKNOWN Colonial Period 320 PORTRAIT. Mrs. Peter Stuyvesant. Canvas. J ~ Bireh-bark. Signed. Height, 24 in.; width, 19 in. aie Copper. A Height, 516 in.; width 4 in. Canvas. Unfinished. Height, 24 in.; width, 17 an. Height, 24 in.; width, 19 in. Height, 38 in.; width 31 in. Canvas. Signed, 1908, #H ea 18 im. ; wid ARTIST UNKNOWN English School 329 PORTRAIT OF GENTLEMAN, Unidenpned: ) Canvas. Height, 36 in. 3 width, 28 J. S. VAN HERDEGAN a 323 PORTRAIT. fa Madame Z. Van Korbiz. This niches was ie 5 from Fraunces’ Tavern, New York, where Wash- ington delivered his farewell address to his Generals. | Canvas. Height, 33 in.; width, 28 in, ARTIST UNKNOWN aac - Colonial Period 324 PORTRAIT. Mother of Samuel Frauncis. Canvas Height, 30 n.; width, 24 in. LOUIS RHEAD Contemporary English Artist 325 BULL MOOSE AND FAMILY, IN A SNOW- STORM. Water-color. Signed. H eight, 194%. width, as mM. S. L. Parsons & Co., Inc., Printers, 45 Rose St., New York. a es tore ee —