whey sees i DES 1925 Nov .12 NeAmG / “ SELECTIONS FROM THE CHARLES F.GUNTHER COLLECTION Sold by order of the CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY Part ONE | FOREIGN PRINTED BOOKS » ORIENTAL |] AND EUROPEAN MANUSCRIPTS, MANY ILLUMINATED + AUTOGRAPHIC ~MANU- | SCRIPT MUSIC BY THE GREAT COM. ||] POSERS + EARLY PRINTED MUSIC + AUTO- GRAPHS OF ROBERT BURNS, POPE AND OTHER BRITISH AND CONTINENTAL WRITERS OF PROMINENCE; ALSO OF FRENCH ROYALTY, Etc. » SHAKESPEARE- ANA, INCLUDING THE SECOND AND yg || FOURTH FOLIOS, FIRST QUARTO OF > o {II “JULIUS CAESAR,” + MILTON'S COPY OF all FRISCHLIN’S “COMOEDIAE” » Etc. MA oF Re To be sold on the afternoon and evening of Thursday, November 12, 1925 Ss ope AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION: Inc. Y)||| MADISON AVENUE 56TH TO 517TH STREET Hi ENTRANCE 30 EAST §'7TH STREET + NEW YORK LF ane) So Se a oo om om on Snes aioe a ee 7 3B— eae ef Poet as R == ee a seca 1S 2S Se 525 SSS Se ee ee ba 7 y wiPlin a ess pal? Tg mo w oni ant 4 tt i a es OS a Se ee Se ae See 3 | ex = OF 3 ’ + | aoe Salma er ee TI Ft ass a ecom aoe am. 3 ZY Seo SSE Tees os = >7 rr Q ga iaeit 4 : | | cor : ee aes + MUSICAL MANUSCRIPT—BEETHOVEN Original Autograph MS. Music. [ No. 311 ] : fi - = ns = eae eee eee oe ee ae e = eee + = Y oO ee j, eae hy papper hemp mn LLB err at arte Bis tes SS = SS SS SS SS SS SS SS WELLERME MELEE SELECTIONS FROM THE CHARLES F. GUNTHER COPTER TION Sold by order of the CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY Part ONE FOREIGN PRINTED BOOKS » ORIENTAL AND EUROPEAN MANUSCRIPTS, MANY ILLUMINATED - AUTOGRAPHIC MANU- SCRIPT MUSIC BY THE GREAT COMPOS- ERS» EARLY PRINTED MUSIC» AUTO- GRAPHS OF ROBERT BURNS, POPE AND OTHER BRITISH AND CONTINENTAL WRITERS OF PROMINENCE; ALSO OF FRENCH ROYALTY, Etc. » SHAKESPEARE- ANA, INCLUDING THE SECOND AND FOURTH FOLIOS, FIRST QUARTO OF “JULIUS CAESAR” » MILTON’S COPY OF FRISCHLIN’S “COMOEDIAE?” + Etc. With Facsimiles and Reproductions AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION : Inc. MADISON AVENUE §6ru TO 57TH STREET * NEW YORK Telephone: PLazA 1270 On Free Public Exhibition— Commencing Saturday, November 7, and Continuing until date of sale, Weekdays from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. and Sunday, November 8, from 2 to 5 p. m. Unrestricted Public Sale— On the afternoon and evening of Thursday, November 12, 1925, at two-thirty and at eight-fifteen Exhibition and Sale at—— THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES, Inc. MADISON AVENUE 56ru TO §'7rx STREET * NEW YORK Telephone: PLazA 1270 : Catalogues on request <> The sales are conducted by Mr. Orrto Bernet Mr. H. H. Parke and Mr. H. E. Russet, Jr. Conditions of Sale 1. Rejection of Bids. Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The Buyer. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Identification and Deposit by Buyer. The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a card giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. A deposit at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. ff the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so purchased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. 4. Risk after Purchase. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss or any damage to any article occasioned by theft, fire, breakage or any other cause. 5. Delivery of Purchases. Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. 6. Receipted Bills. Goods will be delivered only on presentation of a receipted bill. A receipted bill presented by any person will be recognized and honored as an order by the buver, directing the delivery to the bearer of the goods described thereon. If a receipted bill is lost before delivery of the property has been made, the buyer should immediately notify the Association of such loss. 7. Storage in Default of Prompt Payment and Calling for Goods. Articles not paid for in full and not called for by the purchaser or agent by noon of the day following that of the sale may be turned over by the Association to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the purchaser, and the cost of such cartage and storage and any other charges will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day following that of the sale, the Association reserves the right, any other stipulation in these conditions of sale notwithstanding, in respect to any or all of lots so purchased to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the buyer and to hold the buyer responsible for any losses and costs sustained in so doing. 8. Shipping. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers: doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 9. Guaranty. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing or im- perfection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold ‘‘as is’’ and without recourse. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Association will give con- sideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. 10. Records. The records of the auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. 11. Buying on Order. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders trans- mitted to it by mail, telegraph, or telephone will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale, except that, in the event ofa purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from aed date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded if the lot in any manner differs f10m its catalogue’ escription. Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clearness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Associa- tion, a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced Catalogues. Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Associ- ation at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copying the necessary information from the records of the Association. No person other than the auctioneer or an official of the Association is authorized to arrange conditions of sale different in any way from those herein contained. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. DEPARTMENT OF BOOKS AND PRINTS Mr. ArtHur SWANN, Director THE present catalogue consists of Selections from the Collection of Charles F. Gunther, owned by the Chicago Historical Society, comprising the First Part of the FOREIGN PRINTED BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS from that collection, and including rare Oriental MSS. from Cuneiform tablets to modern times, Medieval Illuminated Manuscript Chorales, Graduales, etc.; Early Printing of Music in movable types; Fine MS. Music in the Auto- graphs of the Great Composers; Autograph MSS. and Signed Documents and Letters by Early French Rulers, Lettres Patents by the German Emperors, Spanish Kings, etc., as well as FINE AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, etc. by Robert Burns, Pope, Garrick, and other British writers, John Huss, Martin Luther, Melanchthon and others of prominence in European countries; a splendid group of Shakespeareana; autographed volume from Milton’s library; and many other desirable manuscripts and volumes. Note: A number of the items, notably amongst the Autograph Letters and MSS., have been on exhibition and have gathered a little dust, which may be easily removed, and in nowise damages the manuscripts themselves. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 12, AT 2:30 First SEssion, NuMBERS 1 To 250, INCLUSIVE 1. ALpus Manutius. Aldi Manutii Romani Institutionum Grammaticarum . . . Woodcut printer's device on last leaf. Small 4to, wrappers (worn; stitching broken). Tubingze: Apud Thomam Aushelmum Badensem, 1516 2. ALpuS Press. GELLIUS (AuLUS). Avli Gellii Noctivm Atticarvm Libri Vndeviginti. Italic type. Aldus device on title and verso of last leaf. 12mo, full olive calf, blind stamped, red leather labels, gilt gauffred edges. Venice, 1515 First ALDuS EDITION, SECOND ISSUE, with the word ‘‘duernionem”’ correctly spelled on last page. With bookplate of Comte Joseph de Lagondie. 3. ALMANAC, GERMAN. Neuer und Alter Schreib-Kalender . . . 1646. Mit dem Stand, Lauff, Aspecten der Planeten Sonn und Mondsinsternissen . . von Herman de Werve. Illustrated border on title. Almanac in red and black; interleaved with blank sheets. Small 4to, original brown morocco, elaborately blind tooled, with the German Imperial Arms stamped on covers, and Dedication to ‘‘Freyherrn, Wentzel Reichardten,’’ nine lines with date 1646, lettered in gilt in sunken panel on front cover; remains of ribbon ties (binding wormed). Niirnberg [1646] 4. AMERICAN PASsporRT, 1852. Passport for Robert S. Primrose, M.D. SIGNED IN AUTOGRAPH BY DANIEL WEBSTER. Folio, backed with linen and folded to square I16mo, attached in blank book containing THrrty VIs&s with official seals and autograph signatures of the various Consuls, Secretaries of Legations, etc. of France and Italy, 1852-1853. In original leather pocket-case with owner’s name lettered in gilt on envelope flap. ae note inside of front cover reads,—‘'Captured at Newburn, March 15/1862. a 5. AMSTERDAM. ZAESIEN VON FURSTENAU (FILIPs). Beschreibung der Stadt Amsterdam. Extensively illustrated with engraved title IN COLORS (mended), and numerous full and double-page copperplates. Small 4to, half calf (binding rubbed, slight repairs). Amsterdam, 1664 6. [ANCILLON (CHARLES).] Eunichism Displayed. Describing All the Different Sorts of Eunuchs . . . Occasioned by a Young Lady’s Falling in Love with Nicolini, Who Sung in Opera at the Haymarket, and to whom She Had Liked to have been Married. Written by a Person of Honor. 12mo, full contemporary calf (rebacked). London: E. Curll, 1718 First EDITION. RARE AND CURIOUS EIGHTEENTH CENTURY WORK. i 10. Il. 12. 13: 14. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue AnprEws (L.). A Dictionary of the Hawaiian Language. Honolulu, H. I., 1865; Tuatua Tapu. Te Biblia Tapu Ra. London, 1855; THEOCRITUS. Eidyllia. Greek Text. 1553; BuxTorrius (M. J.). Epitome Grammatice Hebre. London, 1666; HorDEN (J.). The Old Testament in the Cree Language. London, 1878. Together, 5 vols. 8vo and 12mo, old calf, pigskin, and half morocco (rubbed). ARABIC Manuscript. The Gospels. Written 1n Arabic characters on 226 leaves of oriental glazed paper, 6144 by 4% inches (last two leaves loose). Thick 16mo, original limp leather, lined with old cloth over paper leaves from an older manuscript. 1515 RARE. ARABIC Manuscript. Ibn Hesham Elansary. [Work on Grammar.] Manu- script written in Arabic characters in red and black on 50 leaves of ortental glazed paper, 84% by 614 inches. Square 8vo, original envelope binding of paper boards, leather back. (Two leaves mutilated.) Sixteenth Century ARABIC MANUuScRIPT. Prose Manuscript in Arabic. Written in red and black on about 325 leaves of oriental glazed paper, 84% by 61% inches. Red ruled margins, blank spaces left for decoration. Square 8vo, original leather envelope binding, sides and flap covered with floral paper. 1066 A.H. Nicely written volume, in splendid preservation throughout. ARABIC MANUSCRIPT. Traduzione Araba del Penitente Istruito . . . del P. Segneri. Written in Arabic characters in black and red on 113 leaves of oriental glazed paper, 63% by 4 inches. 12mo, original red stamped leather. 3 1762 Nicely written Arabic translation of a Roman Catholic religious work. With date 1762 in Arabic on first page, above which is stencil stamp of the Congregation of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, lettered both in Latin and Arabic. ARABIC Manuscript. Selections from the Koran, with commentaries. Manuscript in Arabic characters written on 220 leaves of oriental glazed paper, 10% by 8 inches. 4to, original morocco, blind tooled in oriental designs. ARABIC Manuscript. A portion of the Koran. Written in a character called Ret han or NASTALIKE 1n black on 173 leaves of paper, 844 by 6% inches. With ornamental headbands on several pages and numerous marginal decora- tions tn gilt and colors. Square 8vo, old leather binding (in poor condition, stitching loose). Interesting manuscript written in a variation of the Arabic character, and com- prising Sura 8, verse 42, to Sura 25, verse 14, of the Koran. ARABIC MANuScRIPT. Korani capita varia. Manuscript written in Arabic, in red and black, on 75 leaves of oriental glazed paper, 44% by 234 inches. Gold- line margins throughout. 32mo, original oriental envelope binding of leather, gilt center ornament and borders on sides. (Binding poor.) Nice little manuscript, in good condition interiorly. 1g, 16. 17. «18, 19. 20. Pi We 22. 23. First Session, Thursday Afternoon, November r2th ARCHITECTURE. FIscHERs (J. B.). Entwurft einer Historischen Architectur. Numerous engraved plates. Oblong atlas folio, calf. (Binding poor, text somewhat water-stained.) Leipzig, 1725 Title in German, Preface, text in German and French. ARCHITECTURE. CASTELL (ROBERT). The Villas of the Ancients Illustrated. Full-page and text copperplate reproductions. Atlas folio, boards, sheep back. London, 1728 ARCHITECTURE. CAMPBELL (CoLIN). Vitruvius Britannicus, or The British Architect, containing the Plans, Elevations, and Sections of the Regular Buildings, both Publick and Private in Great Britain. Extensively illus- trated with 300 full and double-page copperplate engravings. 3 vols. folio, calf (neatly rebacked; name in ink on title). London, 1731 ARCHITECTURE AND ArT. Serie degli uomini i piu illustri nella Pittura, Scultura, et Architettura. 12 vols. in 6. 1769-1775; Supplement. 1776. With numerous full-page engraved portraits. Together, 13 vols. in 7, 4to, cloth, roan backs (bindings worn, one cover loose). Florence, 1769-1776 ARMENIAN MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM. Religious Writings or Prayers. Written in Armenian characters on 227 leaves of vellum, 444 by 3 inches. With decorative initials, headbands and small border designs in red ink. Square 24mo, original leather over boards (binding worn, first and last leaves stained). 3 Possibly written as early as the Thirteenth Century. ARMENIAN MANUSCRIPT SCROLL. Armenian manuscript. Written on a paper roll about 15 feet long by 31% inches wide, folded to square 24mo. Enclosed in a leather pocketcase embroidered on the face, with thong loop and fastener, loops at ends to which is attached a long tape for hanging over the shoulder. ARMENIAN Manuscript. The Gospels. Manuscript written 1n UNCIAL ARMENIAN CHARACTERS on about 235 leaves of glazed paper. With five full- page miniatures PAINTED IN COLORS and numerous marginal decorations in colors in various oriental designs. 4to, contemporary leather over wood, blind stamped in ecclesiastical and other designs (several leaves, some containing miniatures, lacking). Early Armenian manuscript written in Uncial Characters which were later super- seded by the present script. The fly-leaves, of vellum, are apparently taken from an EVEN EARLIER MANUSCRIPT. ARMENIAN MaNuscripT. Armenian manuscript, partly in verse. Written on 89 leaves of heavy oriental glazed paper, 5 by 3% inches, in red and black with penwork ornamental designs in brown ink on many margins. 16mo, original stamped leather over boards (leaves stained, first and last leaves frayed at edges). AUBERT (EDouARD). La Vallée d’Aoste. Extensively illustrated with full-page steel engravings of beautiful Italian landscapes and scenes; also several plates IN COLORS containing examples of heraldry. Royal 4to, full dark gray morocco, monogram ‘‘H. C. B.” surmounted by crown, stamped in gilt in center of covers, gilt edges, By PETIT. (Several margins foxed.) Paris, 1860 Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 24. AUSTIN (ALFRED). Original Autograph Poem,—‘‘A Votce from the West.” 2pp. small 4to. Signed,—‘‘ Alfred Austin.” ; Autograph Specimen Signed,— ‘““A. A.”; Printed Transcript of Poem; Face of Envelope addressed by Austin to Mr. D. P. Lecor; Magazine clipping. Together, 5 pieces. The poem commences:— ‘What is the voice I hear On the wind of the Western Sea? . . ." 25. AzTEC MANUSCRIPT SCROLL ON LEATHER. Ancient Aztec Picture Manuscript. Written on heavy leather, 60 inches long by 5 inches wide. A curious early manuscript written almost entirely in picture signs and symbols. 26. BABYLONIAN CLay TABLETS. Three Babylonian Clay Tablets (one imperfect) covered with cuneiform inscriptions. 2 by 114 by 8% inches; 214 by 14 by 34 inches (with figure of a man at base); and 2 by 2 by I inches (remainder lacking), respectively. Together, 3 pieces. Circa 1500 B. C. 27. BABYLONIAN CLAY TABLETS. Two Babylonian Clay Tablets (one broken across) covered with cuneiform inscriptions. 2144 by 144 by % inches; and 3 by 2 by % inches, respectively. Together, 2 pieces. Circa 1500 to 650 B. C. Accompanying the above are 3 photographs of tablets, (1) circa 2350 B.C., about 614 inches square; (2) 2250 B.C., circular cone head, 614 inches in diameter; (3) circa 600 B.C., hollow clay cylinder, 844 by 5 inches. With translations of the two latter. SIGNED AUTOGRAPH LETTER FROM THE GREAT CHEVALIER BAYARD TO KING LOUIS XII OF FRANCE 28. BAYARD (PIERRE DU TERRAIL, LE CHEVALIER ‘‘sans peur et sans reproche’’). Autograph Letter Signed,—‘‘ Bayard.” 3pp. folio, ‘‘ Vinsense ce xtje jour le May” [1509]. Written in ink on paper, addressed on last page, “Au Roy.” Accompanied by Certified transcript and authentication of the autograph, by A. Teulet, stamped and sworn before a Notary, Paris, 1846; [ALso] Facsimile of another A. L.S. by Bayard, with English translation; [AND] MANUSCRIPT SKETCH OF BAYARD, in the autograph and signed by, ‘‘ Lord W. Lennox,”’ 5 quarto leaves. Together, 5 pieces. Or EXCESSIVE RARITY, GENUINE AUTOGRAPH LETTERS SIGNED BY THE FAMED CHEVALIER BAYARD BEING ALMOST UNKNOWN OUTSIDE OF THE GREAT EUROPEAN NATIONAL LIBRARIES. The Letter is in practically perfect condition, the writing unfaded and quite legible, the paper unbroken aside from the original slits for tying or wrapping, which in nowise affect the letter itself with the exception of marring one letter in one word. [SEE REPRODUCTION] 29. BENGALESE MANUSCRIPT. Supposed to be a Charm. Written in Sanskrit characters on 20 strips of birch bark, 7 by 134 inches. Wrapped in heavy sheepskin with strings attached. 30. BERNERS (DAME JULIANA). A Treatyse of Fysshynge with an Angle. Woodcut frontispiece and text illustrations. Small 8vo, vellum, uncut. London, 1903 Reprint of the first angling work in the English language, printed in 1496. Sir John Hornby’s beautiful edition, printed at the Ashendene Press, Chelsea. With the bookplate of John Gerard Hecksher. first Session, Thursday Afternoon, November 12th 31. BIBLE (ENGLISH) IN SHORTHAND. The Bible (with Metrical Psalms) written in Short-hand by William Addy and engraved by John Sturt. Engraved title-page (portrait lacking). 24mo, full brown pigskin, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1687 RARE. FINE Copy. This copy has the imprint running across the bottom of the two facing pages of the dedication. Dn pp fpinblonr’ gue fi Wig tou buy wu Goke k Suen 5 des ‘ene mals And gtx oul neooiare Mf pofdermpeca dean ee uk dh ffi a A ASIN i ied poli bance poox ef MU Yum HON C fins ue wy [em font if ety Yarn” Hee wot fonnbor dt stilt poy [Ae hw tuft, Bou phere 3 tn sare bo gtd ma Pert tit tl 0 fan lihfor typraz— : «ail Mi BE rowldies Mae pak Uden iv C22 hecafun if nat ick [i Hi fy 2 icant ft Se A Phe nef Yy SA nau IW Mite babe Hip bed pf f, W M4 NWT! +0 77, Fie / [ No. 28 ] 32. BIBLE ENGRAVINGS. Tafferelen der Voornaamste Geschiedenissen van het oude en Nieuwe Testament, en Andere Boeken, bij de Heilige Schrift Gevoegt. With numerous fine full-page engravings, by Hoet, Houbraken, and Picart. 2 vols. folio, contemporary calf. In’s Graavenhaage: P. de Hondt, 1728 ROYAL PAPER Copy. 33. BiBLE History. UssErus (JAcosus). Annales Veteris et Novi Testamenti . . . Editio Nova. Text within ruled borders. Thick large folio, gilt stamped vellum, with ties. Geneva, 1722 Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 34. BrnpinG. Ioh. Bernarti ad P. Stati Papini, Thebaidos & Achilleidos, Scholia: 35: 36. 37: 38. 39. Ad Syluarum libros, Note. 16mo, full red morocco, sides ornately gilt in leaf circlets and grotesques, with the ARMS OF THE CHIGI FAmILy of Italy in center medallion, gilt back, gilt gauffred edges. [Geneva] 1598 DESIRABLE SPECIMEN of Sixteenth Century Italian work, with the Chigi arms— Pope Alexander VII was a member of this illustrious family. Stencil stamp of the Bibliotheca Pagni on title and last leaf. BINDING. Parva Christianae Pietatis Officia per christianissimum Regem Lvdovicvm XIII ordinata. Engraved portrait frontispiece. Thick small folio, contemporary full dark red morocco, sides with elaborate all-over octagonal scroll and dot design, the latter onlaid in blue morocco, the same design repeated on back, gilt edges, By LE GASCON; somewhat rubbed. Paris, 1643 FINE CLEAN Copy. With armorial bookplate of John Towneley. BINDING. Pontificale Romanum Clementis VIII . . . pro faciliori Pontifi- cum usum. Text printed in red and black, in double columns; with music. Engraved title and reproductions in text. Folio, contemporary French morocco binding, elaborately gilt, gilt edges. Paris, 1690 ELABORATE SPECIMEN of contemporary French binding. BINDING. [SAINT-MaARTIN (Louis P. DE).] Des Erreurs et de la Verité, ou Les Hommes rappelles au Principe Vniversel de la Science . . . par un Ph[ilosophe] Inc[onnu]. 8vo, full red levant morocco, elaborate gilt scroll borders on sides, with the coat-of-arms of the ANDRADE FAMILY stamped in gilt in center, gilt back and edges. A Edimbourg, 1775 Beautiful Example of contemporary binding. BINDING. ALMANACH RoyaL. Année M.DCC.LXXXII. Presenté a sa Majesté pour la premiére fois en 1699, par Laurent d’Houry, ayeul de l’Editeur. 8vo, contemporary binding of dark red morocco, sides orna- mented with elaborate gilt scroll border, gilt back and edges. | [Paris, 1782] FINE EXAMPLE of French binding of the period. BINDING, PROBABLY BY RUETTE. Epistolae et Evangelia totius Anni, et Praescripto Missalis Romani . . . Copperplate vignette containing arms of Anne of Austria, the Queen Regent, on title. Engraved vignette at head of dedication. 8vo, full contemporary red morocco, sides and back elaborately gilt in fan designs, small tools within compartments formed by strapwork of black morocco, with gilt foliated outer border on sides, gilt ornamented rims, gilt edges, red silk ribbon ties, probably BY RUETTE, binder to the Royal House at that period. Paris: Cramoisy, 1647 AN EXCEPTIONALLY HANDSOME BINDING, in a style closely following that origi- nated by LeGascon, and without doubt executed by his successor in royal favor, Ruette. 40. BINDING FOR PoPpE INNOCENT XII. TESAURO (EMANUEL). Historia de la Venerabilissima Compagnia de San Paola de Torino. Copperplate engraved frontispiece title. 2 vols. in one, small folio, full contemporary red morocco, sides elaborately gilt in geometrical compartments, with leaf-sprays, ecclesiastical and other devices, arms of PopE INNOCENT XII in the centers, gilt back, gilt edges. Torino, 1657 “ A FINE AND WELL-PRESERVED SPECIMEN OF SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN INDING. 4I. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. First Session, Thursday Afternoon, November 12th BINDING, PROBABLY FOR Louis XIV. Voss (J. G.). De Philosophia et Philosophorum Sectis; [AND] De Logices et Rhetoricae Natura & Con- stitutione. Printer’s device on titles. 2 vols. in one, small 4to, full con- temporary light brown calf, sides and back covered with a semé of fleurs-de- lis in gilt, the words “Tesus Maria” lettered in gilt within a circlet of thorns at center of sides, gilt rims, gilt edges. (Binding slightly skinned.) Hagze-Comitis, 1658 DESIRABLE SPECIMEN OF FRENCH BINDING OF THE PERIOD, executed, without doubt, for a member of the Royal Family, and possibly for the King himself, although the Royal Arms do not appear. The volume is in excellent preservation throughout. Signature, ‘J. Matagrin,’ on first title. BINDING BY MEARNE, IN Mosaic. The Interiour Christian; or the Interiour Conformity: which Christians ought to have with Jesus Christ . Translated out of the 12th Edition in French. Small 8vo, full red morocco, sides with two circular designs, each of eight laurel sprays in gilt branching from a common center with tulips and roses onlaid in black or brown mo- rocco and gilt at the ends of sprays, the same motif repeated in a half section at top and bottom, with side borders of onlaid blossoms and gilt leaves. Back corded but without decorations, gilt edges with traces of a painted design on the fore-edge, BY SAMUEL MEARNE. Antwerp, 1684 FINE SPECIMEN OF A GENUINE MEARNE MosalIc BINDING, with a free use of the tulip tool found on so many of his later bindings. Top margin of title-page torn away, leaves stained. BINDING FOR CHARLES X OF FRANCE. Tableau Général et Alphabétique des Pensions. Royal arms on title. 4to, original full red straight-grain morocco, gilt and blind tooled borders, with the RoyAL ARMS OF FRANCE stamped in gilt in the center of sides, blue silk doublures and fly-leaves, gilt edges. Paris: Imprimerie Royale, 1826 BINDING, FRENCH BROCADED SILK. STEWART (J.). Plocacosmos: or the Whole Art of Hair Dressing. 8vo, bound in French tinted striped silk,’ brocaded in flower and leaf sprays and buds in natural colors and silver tinsel, gilt edges. London, 1782 Nice specimen of embroidered brocade binding. The plates which should accom- pany this work have been extracted. BINDING, FRENCH BROCADED SILK. STEVENS (G. A.). Works, Consisting of His Celebrated Lecture on Heads, and Songs. New and Improved Edition. 24mo, bound in French rose moiré silk, brocaded in floral design in colors, gilt edges. © London, 1823 BINDING, FRENCH BROCADED SILK. [BRADLEY (EDWARD).] Nearer and Dearer. Novelette by Cuthbert Bede. First Epition. J/lustrated. 12mo, bound in French tinted striped silk, brocaded in flower and leaf sprays and buds in natural colors and silver tinsel, gilt edges. London, 1857 BINDING, EMBROIDERED. Geistliche Wasserguelle. Engraved frontispiece and title. 24mo, contemporary green velvet, sides and back almost entirely covered with a heavy embroidery in silver thread giving practically a silver filigree effect, embroidered clasps, silver fasteners, gilt edges. Leipzig, 1649 Fine specimen of German embroidered binding in unusually good condition. This volume was exhibited at the Public Museum at Derby, England. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 48. BINDING, EMBROIDERED. Missale Romano-Seraphicum. Engraved title, 49. 50. 51. 52. 53: 54. a he plates and ornamental initials. Small folio, contemporary Italian binding of red velvet, the sides with a broad border of grapes and grape leaves embroidered in gold thread, in the center of the front cover a representation of the Holy Ghost in gold and silver thread, and in that of the back cover the Sacred Heart, gilt embroidered back, gilt edges; margin of one leaf repaired. Romae, 1792 FINE SPECIMEN of contemporary binding. BINDING, ANATOLIC EMBROIDERY. Ancient Ballads; Selected from Percy’s Collection. Engraved plates. 16mo, bound in fine linen crash embroidered in vari-colored silks in floral designs. From Anatolia in Asia Minor. The embroidery is carried over into doublures on about one-third of the inside of covers, gilt edges. London, 1807 Desirable binding of this beautiful Eastern embroidery. — BINDING, ANATOLIC EMBROIDERY. RETzScH (Moritz). Fancies. A Series of Subjects in Outline, Now First Published from the Original Plates. Six plates designed and etched by Moritz Retzsch. 4to, bound in fine linen crash, obverse cover with elaborate foliated design embroidered in vari-colored silks and gold thread, reverse cover of striped crash with small individual designs embroidered in colored silks. From Anatolia. Gilt edges. London, 1834 First EpITION. This binding is an exceptionally beautiful piece of Anatolic embroidery. BINDING, ANATOLIC EMBROIDERY. ROWLAND (A.). The Human Hair, Popularly and Physiologically Considered. Plates, some tinted. 8vo, bound in fine linen crash embroidered in vari-colored silks in an all-over floral design. From Anatolia, Asia Minor. Gilt edges. London, 1853 A beautiful and unusual binding of striking design, and a fine specimen of Ana- tolic embroidery. BINDING, ANATOLIC EMBROIDERY. ALLIX (J.). Vale. [Vol. I only.] 24mo, bound in fine linen cloth with curious conventionalized floral sprays em- broidered in vari-colored silks on either side, embroidered borders at head and foot. From Anatolia, Asia Minor. Gilt edges. Brussels, 1858 BINDING, BRusA (AsIA MINOR) EMBROIDERY. BYRON (LoRD). The Beauties of Byron, consisting of Selections from his Works. By Alfred Howard, Esq. 16mo, bound in figured cloth with elaborate embroidered floral design in silver thread and colored silks. From Brusa (or Brossa), Asia Minor. Gilt edges. London, no date An unusual binding, specimens of the fine embroidery from this old Turkish town being very rare. BINDING, BULGARIAN EMBROIDERY. LITTLE (THOMAS). Poetical Works. The Eleventh Edition. 16mo, bound in natural color linen crash embroid- ered in silk in various colors in a floral design, gilt edges. London, 1812 Fine specimen of Bulgarian embroidery in splendid preservation. BINDING, BULGARIAN EMBROIDERY. BARKLEY (H. C.). Bulgaria Before the War. 12mo, bound in linen crash elaborately embroidered in vari-colored silks in an all-over floral design. From Bulgaria. Gilt edges. London, 1877 56. 57: 58. 59: First Session, Thursday Afternoon, November 12th BINDING, CRETAN EMBROIDERY. TEMPLEMAN (J.). Alcander and Lavinia, a Metrical Romance [etc.]. Full-page woodcut. 16mo, bound in fine linen cloth embroidered in red and green silk in a large conventionalized floral design with leaf border at fore-edge and down back-bone. From Crete. Gilt edges. London: Whittingham and Rowland, 1810 BINDING, HAND-PAINTED VELLUM. Neues Liibeckisches Gesangbuch. 12mo, contemporary white vellum with hand-painted scenes within tooled and painted frame on sides, painted and tooled floral designs in back panels, large silver clasp with date ‘‘1784”’ engraved on the fastener, gilt gauffred edges. Liibeck, 1790 A handsome and unusual late Eighteenth Century German binding, the clasp evidently preserved from an earlier volume. BINDING, HAND-PAINTED VELVET. LUPIN (FR. V.). Die Garten. Mit einem . Gartenromane und Verzeichnisse der in Illerfeld vorhandenen Pflanzenl Engraved frontispiece inserted. 8vo, full tan velvet, hand-painted in flora, designs in natural colors, with title lettered in by hand on back-bone. green silk doublures, gilt edges. * Miinchen, 1820 BEAUTIFUL SPECIMEN of hand-painting on velvet. BINDING, RUSSIAN JEWELLED. Gospels in Church Slavonic. Printed in Cyrillic characters 1n red and black, each page surrounded by woodcut border, that on title containing miniatures of the Four Evangelists. Folio, contem- porary binding of red velvet over boards, obverse completely covered with silver gilt panel with ornate foliated border in repoussé enclosing 5 oval enameled miniatures, those at the four corners representing the Four Evangelists, each framed by a circlet of rhinestones and a border in re- poussé; the center miniature (which is broken and largely lacking) repre- sents the Christ, and is framed with a circlet of rhinestones from which extend 16 rays of rhinestones alternating with rays of silver; between the miniatures are seraphs’ heads and a representation of the Trinity at the top. Reverse cover with center silver medallion in an ecclesiastical design showing the Cross, skull and crossbones, etc. within a rayed border, and with 4 large corner pieces in silver repoussé; silver gilt clasps, gilt gauffred edges. [Moscow: Press of the Synod, 1841] FINE SPECIMEN OF RUSSIAN ECCLESIASTICAL BINDING AND A HANDSOMELY PRINTED LARGE PAPER ISSUE OF THE GOSPELS. 60. BINDING WITH SILVER DECORATIONS. Missale Romanum. Vignette on title, 61. full-page engravings. Small folio, full violet velvet, sides with engraved silver corner-pieces and large center medallion bearing an ecclesiastical insignia, silver clasps with fasteners, gilt edges, silk marginal markers. Matriti, 1799 (1771-1834) At the end of the volume are several additional pamphlets, and leaves of prayers, etc. dated at Matriti, 1771, 1803, and Valentiaz, 1834. This Missal was taken from the Cathedral at Pasig, Philippine Islands, by an American soldier during the Spanish American war. The binding is an unusually desirable specimen of velvet with engraved silver decorations. BINDINGS WITH SILVER DECORATIONS AND CLasps. Christliches Seelen- Schatz. Engraved throughout. With illustrated title and half-titles, vignettes, etc. No place, no date; [ALso] Gesangbuch der Reformirten Gemeinden. Heidelberg, 1806. Together, 2 vols. I2mo. First mentioned in full red morocco with silver filigree clasps and fore-corner pieces. Second in black straight-grain morocco, gilt, with engraved silver clasps, initials, “FE. B. M. L.” and date, ‘ 1829” in gilt on sides, both with gilt edges. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. BINDINGS WITH SILVER DECORATIONS. Himlische Bergstrass. Miinchen [1624]; ARNDTS (JOHANN). Paradeisz Gartlein. Ulm, 1720; Des Heiligen Franciscus Fransels Catholische Gebet . . . Wein [1843]. Engraved plates. Together, 3 vols. 16mo and 24mo, each in contemporary velvet, the first and last mentioned with silver filigree corners and clasps, the second with full border of engraved silver on each side, engraved clasps, all with gilt edges. Nice group of German bindings with silver ornamentation. BINDING, PERSIAN SILVER Case. Silver Repoussé Book Container with hinged back. Square 16mo, obverse cover with center design of a mosque and minarets topped by crescents, within a frame in arabesque design; reverse cover with center ornament of double triangle with leaf designs at points and intersections, narrow border of dotted and corded design with similar leaf ornaments at corners, curved back and edges with arabesques and other designs. Attached to the top and bottom of case on heavy hinges is a cloth strap apparently to be used for hanging the case over the shoulder, and pendant from the fore-edge and attached thereto by rings are two red silk tassels with silver tops. AN UNUSUALLY BEAUTIFUL AND DESIRABLE ORIENTAL CASE IN PRACTICALLY PER- FECT PRESERVATION. BINDING, PERSIAN SILVER Case. Silver Repoussé Book Container with hinged back. 16mo, obverse cover with center design of a mosque and minarets within an arabesque border; reverse cover with interlaced double triangle in center, carved back and edges ornamented with leaf and flower designs, metal loops at ends for strap (strap lacking). BINDING OF TORTOISE SHELL. LAVELLE (J. A. DE). Oraciones y Medita- ciones. Lithographic half-title in CoLors, engraved plates. 24mo, bound in tortoise shell with oval wreath in gold, silver and mother-of-pearl with plain gold medallion in center, on obverse cover; reverse cover and back- bone undecorated; doublures, fly-leaves and hinges of blue moiré silk, cuivre d’or clasps, gilt edges. Enclosed in box case with white silk padded lining. Paris [1880] UNusuAL BINDING OF GENUINE TORTOISE SHELL. BLANCHE, QUEEN. Original Document, signed,—''H. de tournre.” Narrow oblong vellum strip. October 16, 1366. In French. Receipt for monies. INTERESTING FOURTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH DOCUMENT, IN FINE CONDITION. Reads,—‘‘de Je hugues de tourneuvre maistre de la chambre aux demers madame la Royne Blanche confesse anon Rouen au nous et pour madre dame de Guille le barbier viconte de Gisors . . . [a named sum of money] Tesmoing moy Signet mis en ceste cedule le xvje Jour doctobre lan mil trois cens soixante six.” Blanche de Bourbon, queen of Peter the Cruel of Castile died in 1361, but the above may have been a debt paid these several years afterwards by her chamberlain. Boer War. Sheet containing the AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURES of all the Boer Delegates at the Peace Conference, Transvaal, May 1902; with a letter, dated Cape Town, Sept. 3, 1904, certifying to the authenticity of the signa- tures. Together, 2 pieces, small folio, with royal seal stamped on paper. Framed. : Tuis List Is ONE OF Two such lists in existence and was made at the Peace Con- erence. 3 The Signatures (30) include those of,— Pees Chas. Nieuwoudt, W. J. Wrjsels, Geo. A. Brand, J. Haltein, C. C. J. Badenhorst, F. R. Cronje, Louis P. H. Botha, J. J. Koen, A. Rors, J. N. Jacobs, F. J. Rheeder, and others. Each name is followed by the signer’s position and address. First Session, Thursday Afternoon, November rath 68. BOLOGNA, UNIVERSITY OF. ILLUMINATED MANuscrIPTs. Two Doctoral Degrees of the University of Bologna, 1638 and 1687. Written on 8 leaves of vellum, 914 by 6% inches and 6 leaves, 834 by 6% inches, respectively. With coats-of-arms, headings and historiated initial letters illuminated 1N GOLD AND COLors 1m both manuscripts. 2 vols. 8vo, original brown morocco, elaborately gilt, remains of ribbon ties, the first with brass oval case enclos- ing wax seal (broken) of the University attached by cords; [ALso] PADILLA (JosEPH). Infans Adamat Philosophia Silentium. ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT Work ON Locic. Written on 164 leaves of paper, § by 6 inches. With three pages containing miniatures, diagrams, etc. IN COLORS, and illustrated title- page. 8vo, original leather with brass clasps. 1755. Together, 3 volumes. 69. BONAPARTE FaAmiLy. A Collection of 12 Autograph Letters and Letters Signed, by Members of the Bonaparte Family, and several others, as below described. INTERESTING COLLECTION, written in French, comprising,— BONAPARTE (LUCIEN, PRINCE DE CANINO, brother of Napoleon I). L.S., rp. 4to, no place, no date; BONAPARTE (ELISA, sister of Napoleon I). A.L.S., 2pp. 4to, Bains de Pacques, July 30, 1807. Lengthy letter concerning affairs in Poland, with frequent mention of the Emperor’s attitude on the Polish question; BONAPARTE (JEROME, KING OF WESTPHALIA, brother of Napoleon I). A. L. S., rp. 8vo, Florence, January 15, 1843; BONAPARTE (PIERRE N.—nephew of Napoleon I). A. L.S., 2pp. 8vo, Paris, July 9, 1863; A. L. S., 1p. 8vo, London, Sept. 2, 1838. In Italian, to M. Prandi, the Italian exile. With wax seal; BONAPARTE (JOSEPH—oldest brother of Napoleon I). A. L. S.,—‘‘Cte. de Survilliers,’’ 2pp. 4to, Pointe Bueye, July 2, 1824; HORTENSE DE BEAUHARNAIS, mother of Napoleon III. A. L.S., 1p. 12mo, Neuberg, Nov. 1, 1834. Transmitting a letter with mention of his unfortunate family troubles; BONAPARTE (LoulIs, KING of HoLLAND—brother of Napoleon I). A.L.S., 2pp. 4to, Pisa, April 24, 1837. To the Marquise Juliette de Barol; A. L. S., 1p. 4to, Montentin, July 30, 1817; [ALSO] VICTOIRE DE FRANCE—daughter of Louis XV. L.S., Ip. 4to, Oct. 20, 1775. To Cardinal de Bernis, expressing the desire to have his grand-niece as her lady-in-waiting. With wax seal; LEOPOLD II—KING OF BELGIUM. L.S., Ip. 4to, Brussels, Jan. 4, 1877; FERDINAND, DUKE OF ORLEANS—son of Louis Philippe. L.S., in full, Tuileries, Oct. 29, 1840. FINE COLLECTION, 70. BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER. . . . according to the Established Church of England. With Psalter. King James’ Version. London, 1627. Lacks title; THE Lorp’s PRAYER, in above a Hundred Languages. London, 1713. With autograph signature and armorial bookplate of Revd. J. P. Firmin, of Cam- bridge University; DODDRIDGE (P.). The Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul. Boston, 1749; THE PRIMER; or, Office of the B. Virgin Mary. Vignette on title. Dublin, 1767. Together, 4 vols. small folio to 12mo, full morocco and calf, boards with leather back (some margins repaired). 71. BooK OF COMMON PRAYER (THE) and Administration of the Sacraments, according to the Church of England. With the Psalter. Thick 8vo, dark blue straight-grain morocco, gilt borders on sides, gilt back and edges. Cambridge: John Baskerville, 1772 THE BASKERVILLE EDITION. Printed in fine large type. Considered the best edition printed. 72. Booxs Asout Books. A Catalogue of Mediaeval Literature, specially of the Romances of Chivalry and Books relating to Customs, Costumes, Art and Pageantry. Illuminated plates, being facsimiles of choice examples of tllumi- nated mss., unpublished drawings and illustrated books of early date. Royal 8vo, half roan, gilt top (rubbed). London: Bernard Quaritch, 1890 Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 73. Booxs ABouTt Books. Brown (Horatio F.). The Venetian Printing Press. With 22 facsimiles of early printing. 4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1891 LIMITED IssuE. With bookplate of John L. Eldridge. 74. BOURBON (JEAN II, Duc DE). L.S.,—‘‘Jehan.”’ One page 4to, Moulins, April 11, no year. To M. de Combroude, relative to a contingent to be sent to Franche-Comté. Written on water-marked paper, which has been slightly wormed. INTERESTING LETTER, IN GOOD STATE OF PRESERVATION. Jean II, the sixth Duke, born about 1426, was the oldest son of Charles I. He joined the Duke de Bretagne and others in the League against Louis XI. In 1483 he became Constable of France. He died in 1488. 75. BOWYER’S (ROBERT) ILLUSTRATIONS to Hume’s History of England. About 200 fine large engravings, Proors, by Bartolozzt, Fittler, Heath, and others, portraying historical events, from pictures by Stothard, Smirke, Landseer, Westall, and other artists. Thick atlas folio, half leather (binding rubbed, margins of a number of plates foxed). [London, 1793-1806] 76. Boyp (Rev. A. K. H.—‘‘The Country Parson”). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH Manuscript of his Sketch, ‘“‘Concerning Disagreeable People.” Manu- script of about 11,000 words, written in ink on one side of 20 4to sheets. Signed with initials at end. With A. L. S. of the author to Mr. Fields, the publisher, relative to some of his writings, inserted. Bound in 4to volume, half morocco. Fine manuscript by the well-known ‘‘Country Parson,” with pencilled certifica- tion of the autograph, and presentation inscription signed with initials, from J. T. Fields to Mrs. Baker. 77. BUNYAN (JOHN). The Work of Jesus Christ as an Advocate Clearly Explained and Largely Improved for the Benefit of All Believers. . . . Woodcut frontispiece portrait. 12mo, old sheep; worn. London: John Marshall, 1725 RARE ISSUE, with ‘‘Books of this Author’’ on recto of portrait. Last two leaves mutilated. 78. BURMESE MANUSCRIPT. Burmese Golden Book. Pals text lacquered in black on both sides of 12 strips of palm leaves (21 by 334 inches) the leaves lacquered tn red and decorated in gold in elaborate designs between the lines of the text and at the ends. With two holes for cords. Bound between two panels of red lacquered boards ornamented in gold with title lettered on inside of front cover. Similar works in the British Museum are dated anywhere from 580 to 1850 A. D. A note on the wrapper of the manuscript states that this and the three similar ones described below came from the Buddhist Monastery at Mandalay, Burma. 79. BURMESE MANuscRIPT. Burmese Golden Book. Similar to the preceding in lettering and decoration. On 18 leaves, 21 by 334 inches. With one hole for cord. Bound between red lacquered board covers, gold decorated. Religious work on the Ordination of Priests. 80. BURMESE MANUSCRIPT. Burmese Golden Book. Similar to the two preced- ing. On 24 leaves, 214% by 33% inches. With two holes for cords. Bound be- tween red lacquered board covers, gold decorated. 81. 82. 83. 84. First Session, Thursday Afternoon, November r2th BURMESE MANUSCRIPT. Burmese Golden Book. Similar to the three preceding. On 12 leaves, 21 by 334 inches. With two holes for cords. Bound between red lacquered board covers, gold decorated. Accompanying this is a strip of heavy cloth tape about 11 feet long by one inch wide, with various quotations or inscriptions woven in, in red and white. BURMESE MANuscripPT. Buddhist Writings. Written in Pali or Burmese characters on about 275 strips of palm leaf, 21 by 134 inches. With two holes for strings. With inch thick board covers, edges red and gilt. Wrapped in the original striped chintz covers and tied with cords. Exceptionally fine specimen of the Burmese manuscripts. Procured at Bangkok Siam, by the United States consul in 1869 from a Buddhist priest. Letter regarding purchase of same laid in. BuRMESE MANuscripts. Collection of Burmese Manuscripts. Written in Sanskrit (2) characters on about 145 strips of palm leaves, 23% by 20 inches each. Five manuscripts or parts of manuscripts, each with two holes for strings, some with partly gilded edges. Together, 5 pieces. Burns (JEAN—Wife of Robert Burns). Document Signed,—‘' Jean Burns.”’ One page, oblong 8vo, Dumfries, December 16, 1797. The lower portion of a testament, confirming the same, with date, signature of the testator and witnesses,—‘ Will. Hyslop,”’ and ‘Will Thomson.’ Laid down on cardboard together with photographic reproduction of a portrait of Jean Burns and her daughter, and engraved portrait of Robert Burns; [ALso] Burns (GILBERT—Brother of the Poet). Autograph Letter Signed,— “Gilbert Burns.’’ One page, 4to, Morham, Oct. 8, 1801. To Caddel and Davies, Booksellers, London, acknowledging receipt of some books; BuRNS (ROBERT). Facsimile of Burns’ bill, one page, 4to, April 11, 1787, to James Kirkwood, for paper to be used in the second edition of his Poems, note at foot reading,—‘‘J. Kirkwood will settle with Mr Creech for the above, when he gets his three copies of the Poems’; MCKEE (JAMEsS—Bibliographer of Burns). A. L. S., 2pp. 8vo, Kilmarnock, March 6, 1877, saying he is send- ing some splinters from the rush bottom of Burns’ chair which he owned (these splinters are not present, the paper which probably contained them being attached, torn, to sheet above the letter). Together, 4 pieces. INTERESTING AND VALUABLE COLLECTION OF AUTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL RELATING CLOSELY TO THE POET BURNS, AND HIS FAMILY. 85. BuRNS (ROBERT). Autograph Letter, one page, oblong 8vo, no place, no date [about 1789-1791]. Tipped to small folio sheet. Slightly chipped at inner margin. With engraved portrait of Burns laid in. Together, 2 pieces. SPLENDID SPECIMEN OF BURNS’ WRITING. The letter, written while Burns was acting as Exciseman, is in regard to Excise Duties; it reads,— ‘‘General Letter. Sir, The Commisrs having reason to suspect that from the present method of surveying & charging the duties upon printed linens & cottons, the revenue is not properly secured, nor the fair Trade protected, have therefore ordered new copies of instructions to be printed [&] sent you for the government of your Supervisors & Officers which are agreable to the method of survey & mode of charging the duties in England.” With notation in a later hand at head,—‘'Holograph of Burns from Thornhill Letter Book.” Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue UNPUBLISHED BALLAD BY ROBERT BURNS, ENTIRELY AUTOGRAPHIC 86. BuRNS (ROBERT). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT BALLAD, headed,— ‘‘A Ballad.”’ Five stanzas of six lines each, comprising about ONE Hun- DRED AND ForTY-FIVE WorDs IN BurRNS’ AUTOGRAPH. Written in ink on both sides of a folio sheet. Hinged to folder and bound in flexible red morocco, gilt lettered on front cover. A BuRNS ITEM OF THE GREATEST INTEREST, UNPUBLISHED VERSES BY THE GREAT SCOTTISH POET BEING OF RARE OCCURRENCE. Written in a facetious vein and apparently on the spur of the moment, one line being crossed out and rewritten, the Ballad begins (in reduced facsimile) :— ke Ponlla ik a te) (RY whe rat eh om on pa na hing CA thdowt k Anowy Aws i iwart¢! NYA wh pA, , ee edo W, sneak iW a —_—— ih PYNC NA Aponwhch yan | L2 ws vp ‘ BuRNs’ AUTOGRAPH MS. POEMS SELDOM COME UP FOR SALE, AND SUCH A FINE SPECIMEN AS THE PRESENT, WRITTEN IN HIS CHARACTERISTIC BOLD HAND, IS ESPECIALLY DESIRABLE. [SEE REPRODUCTION] 87. Byron (GEORGE GORDON, LorD). Document Signed,—‘ Byron.” One page small 4to; [ALSo] Signatures of Anne Isabella Noel Byron and Ada Byron. Portrait of Byron. Together, 4 pieces. A letter written by John Hobhouse, accompanying the above reads in part: . . I have the pleasure of sending to you Lord Byron's signature in the most au- thentic of old documents and one which is, in itself, somewhat of a curiosity, as it is the very letter of credit with which he provided himself when he and I embarked on our Turkish travels. . . . P.S. The endorsement is in Lord Byron's handwriting.” ee 88. CAMPBELL (ALEXANDER). A Journey from Edinburgh through Parts of North Britain, containing Remarks on Scottish Landscape. With Bio- graphical Sketches. New Edition. Embellished with 44 full-page engravings, from drawings made on the spot. 2 vols. 4to, half calf, rubbed. London, 1811 89. CANADA. The Provincial Statutes of Lower-Canada, Enacted by the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legis- lative Council and Assembly of the said Province. . . . Volume the First. Text in English and French. 315pp. 4to, unbound. Quebec, 1795-[1796] Scarce. Not in Gagnon. Comprises the First to the Fourth Sessions of the First Provincial Parliament of Lower-Canada. go. QI. 92. 93: 94. 95: 96. 97: 98. 99. First Session, Thursday Afternoon, November r2th CAREME (ANTONIN). Le Patissier Pittoresque. 125 line-engraved plates reproducing architectural plans. Paris, 1842; NAPOLEON I. Vie de Napoléon, écrite par lui-meme. Bruxelles, 1818. Name on half-title and title; CoDE NAPOLEON. Paris, 1807. With bookplate of Charles Baron de Selby; Po&sIEs DE SAPHO. Engraved plate. Amsterdam, 1777. Together, 4 vols. 8vo and 18mo, half leather, half morocco, and wrappers, two uncut. CARICATURES. WESTERHOUT (ARNOLD VAN). Racolta de Diverse Carica- ture. . . . II copperplate caricatures designed and engraved by van Wester- hout. Oblong 4to, full Havana brown crushed levant morocco, gilt fillet frame on sides, inner fillet borders, original wrappers bound in, BY KIEFFER. Rome, 1765 Brilliant impressions of these clever caricatures. FINE CONDITION. CARTEROMACO (NiccoLo). Ricciardetto. Engraved portratt, title, vignettes and ornamental initials. Thick 4to, mottled calf, elaborately gilt bordered sides, with center designs, green silk doublures, gilt edges (slightly rubbed, light marginal stains). In Parigi: . . . Francesco Pitteri, 1738 ORIGINAL EDITION. CATHERINE OF BOURBON (Princess of Navarre and Duchess of Bar; sister of Henry IV). Document Signed,—‘“ Catherine.”’ 1p. oblong folio. CaxTON (WILLIAM). The Game of the Chesse. Reproduced in facsimile. With a few Remarks on Caxton’s Typographical Reproductions, by Vincent Figgins. 4to, half leather. London, 1860 CHAFFERS (WILLIAM). Marks and Monograms on European and Oriental Porcelain with Historical Notices. Second Edition, revised and con- siderably augmented. With upwards of 3000 potters’ marks and wllustrations. Thick royal 8vo, decorative cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1886 CHAMBERS (ROBERT). A Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Scotsmen. With numerous splendid and authentic engraved portraits. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt backs. Glasgow and Edinburgh, 1835 CHAPELAIN (JEAN). Autograph Letter Signed,—'‘Chapelain.”” 3pp. 16mo. 1662. Chapelain will be remembered by his epic poem ‘‘La Pucelle’’ which was hailed as a work of genius by contemporaries until its fame wilted under the sarcastic ridicule of Boileau. He was one of a few who organized themselves into a society taking the title of the ‘‘French Academy.”’ CHARLES IV, KING oF FRANCE. Original Document, issued by King Charles IV, Unsigned, Ip. 8vo, Vincennes, March, 1326. On vellum. Outer edge slightly damaged, affecting several words. Patent-letter issued by the King, exempting Jean de Chatillon, from paying tax on his land, ‘‘Cauroy-les Machault,’”’ in Ardennes. CHARLES V, KING OF FRANCE. Original Document, one page narrow 8vo, Chaume les Busancais, Dec. 15, 1345. On vellum. With impress of wax seal. Signed,—‘‘ Par moty le duc Je Ch non’’(?). Interesting document, issued by the Duc de Normandie, later King Charles V, ordering Bernard Fremans, Treasurer, to pay the sum of 50 gold ‘‘écus,”’ to Ernant Bourdeilles de Gannat. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 100. CHARLES VII, KING oF FRANCE. Portion of a Document, one page 8vo, no place, October 1, 1418. On vellum. Letter sent by the Marshals of France, to a treasurer under the orders of Pierre Eypetat, the latter in the service of the Dauphin, later Charles VII. 101. CHARLES VIII. Two Letters Signed,—‘ Charles”: (1) One page folio, on vellum, Plessis-du-Parc, Dec. 26, 1486; (2) One page 4to. Montil-les-Tours, August 6 [1491]. Together, 2 pieces. INTERESTING DocuMENTs, both signed by the King. The first is a document testi- fying to the king’s pleasure and recognition of the services rendered by Charles Dailly, rewardng his faithfulness by a grant of land. The second is addressed to LUDOVIC LE More, Governor of Milan, urging him to facilitate the trip of Mathieu Copula, on his way to King Ferdinand I, in Naples to render him an account of his services. 102. CHARLES IX, KING oF FRANCE. Document Signed,—‘‘ Charles.” One page folio, on vellum, March, 1568. Order for payment of money. Corner of document damaged by fire; CHARLES X. Two Documents, signed,— “Charles Philippe,’ when Comte d’Artois, as Colonel of the National Guards. Each piece one page large 4to, on vellum, within engraved borders, dated respectively, Paris, Dec. 14, 1814, and Oct. 1, 1815. Small breaks in fold of one document. Together, 3 pieces. The first document signed by Charles X has fastened to the same a piece of blue and white ribbon, with a small fleur-de-lis pendant, probably some decoration formerly belonging to or given by Charles X. 103. CHARLES THE BoLp (Duke of Burgundy, father-in-law of Emperor Maxi- milian I). Document Signed,—‘‘ Charles.” One page small folio, July 25, 1472. In Latin. Outer margin of document repaired. RARE AUTOGRAPH. 104. CHARLES D’ORLEANS (COMTE D’ANGOULEME—Father of Louis XII). Docu- ment Signed,—‘‘ Charles.” One page narrow oblong folio, May 21, 1436. To Chancellor Porteau, relative to sending procuration papers to his brother, for the sale of the land “‘Conté du Perigord.”” On vellum. UNUSUALLY DESIRABLE EARLY DOCUMENT WITH FINE SIGNATURE. 105. CHINESE LITHOGRAPHED SCROLL. Chinese Poems, showing various styles of writing. On a scroll 60 feet long by 13 inches wide. TAKEN FROM THE ORIGI- NAL MANUSCRIPT BY A PROCESS SIMILAR TO MODERN LITHOGRAPHY 1n light ochre color ink on a black ground. With illustration 21 feet long in the body of the scroll. Title in black on ochre ground at beginning. Fastened on rose- wood roll. With brocaded silk cover at outer end having title lettered on strip at fore edge. Probably late Ming period, circa 1600-1640 RARE. AN EXCELLENT EXAMPLE OF CHINESE LITHOGRAPHY IN SPLENDID STATE OF PRESERVATION. Accompanying this is a letter to Mr. Gunther in regard to the manuscript, and a free translation of one of the poems. 106. CLAMORGAN (JEAN DE). La Chasse du Loup Necessaire a la Maison Rustique. Numerous large woodcuts in the text; printer’s device on title. 4to, half levant morocco. [Paris and Lyons] Pour Jacque du Puis, 1589 RARE WORK ON THE CHASE, with fine woodcuts of the various means employed in hunting of wolves by use of dogs, stockades, traps, etc. UNUSUALLY FINE, CLEAN Copy. 107. 108. 109. 112. 113. 114. First Session, Thursday Afternoon, November rath CopEx JUSTINIAN. Codicis Iustiniani . . . Libri XII. Notis Illustrati Dionysii Gothofredi. Qvatra Editio. [Vol. II only.] Engraved vignette title, head-pieces and ornamental initials. Folio, stamped pigskin, metal corners on sides, metal clasps. (Name in ink on title.) Lugduni: apud Johannem Vignon, 1607 CopEx JUSTINIAN. Ant. Perezi J. C. Praelectiones in Duodecim Libros Codicis Justiniani Imp. Editio Nova. 2 vols. in one, thick 4to, stamped vellum. Amsteledami: apud Ludovicum et Danielem Elzevirios, 1661 CopEx THEODosIUS. Codicis Theodosiani Lib. XVI. . . . Haec omnia curante lacobo Cviacio. Vignettes and ornamental initials. Folio, full con- temporary red morocco, gilt panel borders on sides, gilt back and edges. (Margin of title repaired.) Lugduni: apud Guliel. Rovillium, 1666 From the Sunderland Library, Blenheim Palace, with bookplate. . COLLIGNY (GASPAR DE—Huguenot leader). Document Signed,—‘‘Colligny.” One page narrow oblong 8vo. [1570.] Portrait. Together, 2 pieces. Colligny was the first victim of the Massacre of St. Bartholomew, 1572. . COLOGNE CATHEDRAL. AVENARIUS’ Historical Pageant at the Celebration of the Completion of the Cathedral, October 16, 1880. A collection of 30 fine lithographic plates, IN CoLors, after original aquarelles, illustrating scenes in the building of the cathedral, from the laying of the cornerstone in 1248, to its completion in 1880. Title-plate and descriptive letter press in German. Atlas folio, plates enclosed in decorative cloth portfolio, with ties; With Volume of Text, in English, explaining the subject matter of the plates. 12mo. Together, 2 vols. atlas folio and 12mo. Hamburg and New York [1880] The Plates all bear the Hamburg imprint, but the volume of Text has that of New York. FINE COLLECTION OF PLATES. COLORED PLATE Book. Vip (E. E.). Picturesque Illustrations of Buenos Ayres and Monte Video. Consisting of Twenty-Four Views: Accompanied with Descriptions of the Scenery, and of the Customs, Manners, &c. of the Inhabitants of Those Cities and their Environs. 24 full-page and large folding aquatint plates, IN COLORS, of views in Buenos Ayres and Montevideo, engraved by Maile and Sutherland, after E. E. Vidal. Royal 4to, full old diamond calf. London: R. Ackermann, 1820 FINE Copy. A splendid work on Spanish America, and the most-sought for and highly prized of all colored plate books on this subject. The views include among others,—Public Butchery; Monte Video, from an anchorage outside the harbour; Buenos Ayres, from the bank between the outer and inner roads; Landing Place; Fort; The Plaza or Great Square; The Market Place; Church of San Domingo and Female Costumes; The Pampas Indians; General View of Buenos Ayres from the Plaza de Toros; Balling Ostriches; and other scenes. COLORED PLATES. CuBA. Album Pintoresco de la Isla de Cuba. 27 COLORED plates, and folding map. Oblong 4to, cloth. (Margins spotted; two signa- tures on title.) Berlin [1861] COOKERY. CARTER (CHARLES). The Complete Practical Cook. 1730; DietrRicH (THERES). Stoch Buch. Manuscript Copy. 1808; Moore (Mrs. ISABELLA). The Useful and Entertaining Family Miscellany. 1764; THE British HousEwireE. Undated; Briccs (RicHarD). The English Art of Cookery. Dublin, 1798; TAYLoR (MARGARET). Mrs. Taylor’s Family Companion. Undated. Plates. Together, 6 vols. 12mo to 4to, cloth and leather, bindings poor. London and Dublin, 1730-1806 115. 116. 117. 118. 19. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue Coptic Manuscript. A Leaf from an Ancient Coptic Manuscript. Written on vellum about 124% by 10 inches. With colored design in geometric pattern at top. (Leaf torn and stained at edges.) Probably Eighth Century or Earlier An exceedingly interesting specimen of the ANCIENT CopTIC MANUSCRIPTS and in unusually good condition for such, the writing being clear and readable for the most part. The leaf is said to have come from Achmin, Egypt, and the card of Moharb Todrous, German Consul at Luxor is laid in, from whom the leaf probably was obtained by Mr. Gunther. Coptic (?) MANUSCRIPT FRAGMENTS ON PApyRI. Two fragments of ancient manuscripts on papyrus, one about 2% inches square, the other about 6 inches high by one inch wide, probably in Coptic. Together, 2 pieces. Very ancient fragments, both probably from a Coptic source. COLORED COSTUME PLATES. AUSTRIA. MOLEVILLE (B. DE). The Costume of the Hereditary States of the House of Austria. With Descriptions and an Introduction. Translated by R. C. Dallas. 50 COLORED engravings. Royal 4to, full green straight-grain morocco, gilt edges. London, 1804 FINE Copy. Among the costumes pictured are those of,—Peasant of Upper Austria; Country- women of Upper Carniola; Tyrolinian Wrestler; Hungarian Peasant; Young Bride of Egra in her wedding clothes; Saxon Ladies of the City of Hermenstadt; Serethian; Peasant of the Lowlands in Moravian Dress; and many other interesting plates. CosTUME PLATES. LOGAN (JAMES). The Clans of the Scottish Highlands . from Original Sketches by R. R. Mclan. Illuminated frontispieces containing armorial insignia and 72 COLORED PORTRAITS OF SCOTTISH CHIEFS. 2 vols. folio, half calf, gilt edges (rubbed; a few pages loose). London: Ackermann and Co., 1845-1847 FIRST EDITION. Published under the patronage of the Highland Society of London, and the most authentic work on the subject issued. Court Memoirs. Comprising:—Court of Louis XIV and of the Regency. Boston, 1899; Courts of Louis XV and XVI. 2 vols. Numerous engravings on Japan paper. Boston, 1899; ASHTON (JOHN). A History of English Lotteries. Extensively illustrated. London, 1893. Together, 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. BISHOP SPRAT’S AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT “‘LIFE OF COWLEY”’ 120. I2I. CowLEy (ABRAHAM). SpRAT (THOMAS). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANU- SCRIPT, of his Life and Notes to the Edition of Cowley’s Works, edited by Sprat in 1669. Written in ink on both sides of 50 leaves (100 pages) small folio, ENTIRELY IN THE BIsHop’s AUTOGRAPH and with his full name and date appearing at the head of the manuscript. Small folio, full tree calf, gilt, BY ZAEHNSDORF. London, 1669 An exceedingly interesting manuscript relating to the poet Cowley. Bishop Sprat was an Oxford man, one of the founders of the Royal Society, and a leader in his day. He composed the inscription for Cowley’s monument. An original manuscript by him must always be counted a rare and desirable possession. CoxE (PETER). The Social Day. A Poem. 32 full-page engravings on India paper. Royal 8vo, full green straight-grain morocco, gilt back and edges. London, 1823 First EDITION. First Session, Thursday Afternoon, November r2th 122. CROMWELL (OLIVER). Harris (WILLIAM). An Historical and Critical Account of the Life of Oliver Cromwell . . . drawn from Original Writers and State Papers. To which is added an Appendix, Now First Published. Jilustrations. Small 8vo, three-quarter brown morocco, gilt back and top, uncut, BY BLACKWELL. London, 1762 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 60 engraved portraits. 123. DODWELL (EpDwarD). Views and Descriptions of Cyclopian, or, Pelasgic Remains, in Greece and Italy. 1317 plates. Atlas folio, half morocco. London, 1834 124. DRAYTON (MICHAEL). Poems. Newly corrected and augmented. Engraved title-page. [Two Coptgs.] Together, 2 vols. 12mo, full calf and half calf (one copy imperfect). London: Printed by Will. Stansby [1630] Probably the Fourth Collected Edition. One copy is imperfect, lacking the poem “‘Idea,’”’ pp. 465-496 inclusive. 125. DUGDALE (SiR WILLIAM). The Antiquities of Warwickshire Illustrated; from Records, Ledger-Books, Manuscripts, Charters, Evidences, Tombes, and Armes. Beautified with maps, prospects and portraitures, including portrait of the author, and plates by W. Hollar, Marshall, Vaughan, and others. Folio, stamped russia (back skilfully repaired; frontispiece cut close, and remounted, marginal repairs.) London: Printed by Thomas Warren, 1656 First EDITION OF DUGDALE’S ‘‘CHEF-D’(EUVRE,”’ with fine impressions of the numerous plates. Contains the earliest representation of the Shakespeare monument at Stratford-on-Avon with the inscription on his tomb, also, the first engraved view of Shakespeare’s bust-portrait, the fourth engraved portrait of him. The plates of the Peto monument and the Fielding and Aston arms, not always found with this work, are here in brilliant impressions on pp. 58 and 59; and on p. 751, will be discovered a reference to the sale of an estate to Laurence Washington, probably one of the progenitors of George Washington. With the armorial bookplate of A. Fenwyke. 126. EARLY PRINTING BY FRANCIS REGNAULT. Compendium textuale compil- lationis decretalium Gregorii noni . . . [Also Decretals of Boniface VIII and Clement V.] Regnault’s device on title and last page of first work, woodcut, repeated, on other two titles. 3 vols. in one, small 8vo, contemporary stamped calf, with Baptism of Christ on obverse and St. George and the Dragon on reverse cover (back cover loose). Paris: Francis Regnault [1519] 127. EARLY PRINTING By Bapius ASCENSIUS. BEROALDI (PHILIP). Orationes [and Other Works]. Printer’s device on title-pages. 3 parts in one volume, small 4to, new boards, cloth back. Paris [1515, 1514, 1513] FINE SPECIMEN OF PRINTING FROM THIS FAMOUS PRESS, AND A RARE ISSUE OF BEROALDI’S WORKS. 128. EARLY PRINTING, GERMAN. Modus Legendi Abbreviaturas in Utroquiure. Tractatus Judiciorum, Tractatus Renutiation . . . [and Other Works]. Woodcuts. Thick 16mo, contemporary stamped morocco, with metal bosses. [Cologne, 1505-1506]; BEROALDI (PHILIP). Opuscula. Small 4to, original oaken boards, stamped leather back, metal clasps; one lacking. [Basel, 1515.] Together, 2 vols. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 129. EARLY RAILROADS. COGHLAN (FRANCIS). The Iron Road Book and Railway 130. 131: 132. 133. 134. 145) Companion from London to Birmingham, Manchester and Liverpool. London [1838]; Boor (HENRY). An Account of the Liverpool and Man- chester Railways. Second Edition. Liverpool, 1831; LONDON and Birming- ham Railway. Plan of the Line and Adjacent Country. Robert Stephenson, Engineer. 1835. Maps, including large folding map, 28 by 50 inches, backed with linen. Together, 3 vols. 12mo, 8vo and royal 8vo, cloth (one cover loose) and wrappers. RARE ITEMS. Ecypt. FRITH (FRANCIS). Egypt and Palestine, Photographed and De- scribed. Extensively illustrated with full-page photographic reproductions. 2 vols. folio, full brown morocco, gilt, gilt edges. London: James S, Virtue, undated EcypT. ENGRAVED VIEWS. Planches du Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte. [No Text.] About 140 engraved plates by Fortier, Pillement, Mal- beste, L. Petit, Baltard, and other artists. Atlas folio, half calf (binding rubbed, a few fox marks on some margins). | [Paris] circa 1805 Interesting collection of engravings showing scenes of Upper and Lower Egypt. EGYPTIAN CHRONICLE. He She It. Egyptian Court Chronicle, B.C. 1302. Illustrated; printed on mottled paper in imitation of ancient papyrus or parchment. Designed by C. M. Seyppel. Royal 8vo, bound in linen crash, fastened to paper wrappers with leather thongs, with seal on front cover, in ancient style. London, recent EcyptT EXPLORATION FunpD. Memoirs of. With Introductory Memoirs by W. M. F. Petrie, Edouard Naville, and others. Extensively tllustrated. Together, 11 vols. royal 4to and folio, boards, cloth backs. London, 1894-1902 Comprising Works on,—Abydos, Royal Tombs, Dendereh, Deshasheh, Ahnas and Paheri, The Temple of Deir el Bahari, and others. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS. A Collection of Four Autograph Albums of the XVIII Century, 2 of them containing ORIGINAL SKETCHES IN WATERCOLORS or tints, some painted on vellum leaves and in- serted. Together, 4 vols. oblong 12mo, original calf and morocco, 3 gilt, all gilt edges. Curious and interesting collection, with quotations and original inscriptions in German, Latin and French. Comprises: Albums of University students, including that of Johann Matthew Burgk of Frankfort-on-Main at Jena, 1732; Erasmus G. Harder of Vienna, 1734, and later volumes. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY GERMAN AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS. Another Collection of Four Albums, similar to the preceding. Together, 4 vols. oblong 12mo, original vellum and calf, gilt edges. Comprises: Album of Zacharia C. Cardilucio, Wittemberg, 1706; Jean Paul de Vockel, 1754 (containing a fine view of Niirmberg, ORIGINAL DRAWING on vellum); Ernest William Gollers, Francie, 1746 (containing a number of curious ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR SKETCHES); and one later volume. 136. ELIZABETH (QUEEN). Document Signed, “ Elizabeth R.”’ 3pp. small folio. Docketed on back: Dec. 5th, 1570. First page soiled. FINE SIGNATURE. First Session, Thursday Afternoon, November 12th 137. ENGLIsH Books and Publications, as below described. Together, 8 vols. 4to, 8vo and 12mo, full and half calf, and unbound. London, various dates SOME RARE. Comprising,—HOOKER (RICHARD). Of the Lawes of Ecclesiastical Politie. The Fifth Booke. pp. [169]—453. Engraved title. 1616; Bray (LT.). A Letter to his Exccellencie Sir Thomas Fairfax. 1647; SEVERALL PROCEEDINGS in Parliament from Sept. 11 to 18, 1651. No. 103; [WILD (RosT.).] Iter Boreale. 1660; MERCURIUS Potiticus. No. 419. June 3 to 10, 1658; THE GAZETTEER. Second Part. 1707; D’ArR- EMSBOURG (CHEVALIER). The Adventurer. Vol. I. 1766. The author's copy, with his autograph signature on title; LAWRENCE (J.). The Clergy-Man’s Recreation. . Gardening. Plate. 1717. 138. ENGLISH CATHEDRALS. Our National Cathedrals . . . with Special Ac- counts of Modern Restorations. Illustrated with fine steel engravings by Winkles, after original drawings by H. K. Browne, Garland, and other artists; and many original wood engravings in the text. 3 vols. 4to, pictorial cloth. London: Ward, Lock, & Co., undated 139. ENGLISH MEDIEVAL MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM. Almanac, in Latin with 140. E Tans marginal notations in English and Latin; with ‘‘Canon magistri Johannis de Linerus. 1340.”’ Written in red and black on 9g leaves of vellum about 834 by 534 inches. 8vo, modern full red morocco, blind tooled. Manuscript interleaved with paper for preservation. 1340 Most DESIRABLE MANUSCRIPT, AS GENUINE ENGLISH MANUSCRIPTS OF THIS CHARACTER AND PERIOD ARE RARELY FOUND Nowapays. Two original vellum fly- leaves (partly torn away) precede the manuscript, on the first of which is written, “Dr. Manlove’s gift to Ralph Thoresby. No. 105. P. 529.” Bound in between the two last leaves of the early manuscript is a second manu- script (written on 8 leaves of paper) entitled: ‘‘An English Tretise of the Disposicion of the seven Planets,’’ by Timothy Manlove, who presented the work to Thoresby, as the above inscription shows. Dr. Manlove died in 1699. The volume as it now stands is described by Thoresby in his History of Leeds, 1715, Pp. 529-30. Formerly in the Samuel W. Pennypacker collection, with postcard regarding the same, addressed to Governor Pennypacker, laid in. NGRAVINGS. A Select Collection of Landscapes from the Best Old Masters. One of each engraved by L. Zentner, after drawings made by him from Original Pictures, to which are added Portraits of the Artists, and Short Biographical Accounts of Each. Oblong folio, blue polished calf, broad gilt borders on sides with monogram ‘‘F. P.”’ in center of covers, gilt edges. London, 1791 Text in English and French. With bookplate of Francis Palmer. NGRAVINGS. A Collection of 36 Views, engraved IN CoLors, being mostly panoramic views of German Cities. With German descriptive letter-press. Oblong folio, limp wrappers. Circa 18th Century Interesting collection, containing views of,—Frankfurt-am-Main, Mainz, Worms, Coblenz, Germersheim, Valencin, Audenarde, Brussels, Bruges, and other places. 142. ENGRAVINGS. A Collection of 74 engraved portraits and scenes, various sizes, mounted on heavy 4to leaves of paper. Bound in 4to volume, half leather, covers loose. Among the PorTRAITS may be mentioned those of, —Gabriel Goodman, by Robt. Grave; Francis Lord Cottington; Mordaunt, Earl of Peterborough, by Benoist; Thomas, Earl Cromwell; Robt. Lowth, Lord Bp. of London; William III; Alex. Noelli; David Garrick, by J. Collyer; Edward VI; John Fairfax; and other noted men; also, several copies of Diirer’s works, without signatures, and other reproductions; including many copperplates, dated 18th century. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. ETHIOPIC MANUSCRIPTS. MANUSCRIPT IN THE AMHARIC DIALECT. Written an red and black with first leaf in red, green, blue and black, in Ethiopic characters on 72 leaves of paper, 634 by 4% inches. With floral headband PAINTED IN CoLors at top of first page. 12mo, original full red morocco over boards, blind tooled; [ALso] Manuscript Liturgy of the Abyssinian church (Incomplete). Written in Ethiopic characters on 48 leaves of vellum, 6 by 534 inches. Stitched. Sixteenth Century. Together, 2 vols. ETHIOPIC MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM. The Homilies and Visions of Saint Aragawi. Manuscript written in Ethiopic characters in red and black, two columns to the page, on 176 leaves of heavy vellum, 13 by 114% tnches. Ato, original Abyssinian binding of stamped russia over boards, doublures of yellow brocaded silk with broad borders of stamped leather. Seventeenth Century EXCEPTIONALLY DESIRABLE MANUSCRIPT, CLEAN AND IN PERFECT PRESERVA- TION. Aragawi was one of the nine great saints of the Abyssinian Church. His life is given in Ludolf’s History of Ethiopia. The manuscript opens and concludes with a prayer for Justus, the scribe. Ethiopic manuscripts are of great rarity. This volume was looted from a ieee during the Abyssinian war. ETHIOPIC MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM. Manuscript written in Ethiopic characters an red and black on 52 leaves of vellum, 34% by 214 inches. 32mo, original polished wood back cover (balance of binding lacking, first leaf stained). ETHIOPIC MANUSCRIPTS ON VELLUM. Portions of two Ethiopic manuscripts. One written on both sides of 30 leaves, 5 by 514 inches, the other, in much larger characters, on 12 leaves, 84% by 734 inches. Together, 2 pieces. Interesting specimens, neatly written and in fair preservation considering their age. ETHIOPIC MANUSCRIPT SCROLL ON LEATHER. Probably a religious work. Written in Ethiopic characters on a strip of cream color leather 72 inches long by 334 inches wide. With three curiously designed pictures included in the manuscript. Rolled. EVELYN (JOHN). Original Autograph Notation. 1673. One page 48mo. Copperplate portrait. Together, 2 pieces. Accompanying the above is a certificate regarding the authenticity of the auto- graph, stating that it came from the collection of the Reverend Cotton of Newgate. The autograph comprises 7 words and a Greek inscription. The portrait is rare. FERDINAND II, EMPEROR OF GERMANY. Document Signed. Letters Patent, signed,—" Ferdinand,” countersigned,—"' P. H. von Strahnenurff.”’ Schloss Eberstorff, September 12th, 1632. Full-page miniature showing portratt of the Emperor on his throne with the Counsellors, and armorial bearings of the Patentee below, PAINTED IN COLORS AND GOLD. Decorative initials and borders in black and gold on first page. Written on 10 leaves of vellum, 124% by 10% inches. Large 4to, original black morocco over oaken boards. Remains of original wax seal attached by gold cord. 150. FERDINAND II AND FERDINAND III, EMPERORS OF GERMANY. Documents Signed. Two Letters Patents: (1) Granted by Ferdinand II. Signed in autograph, also signed by Secretary of State. Vienna, 1621; (2) Granted [Continued [No. I5I. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. First Session, Thursday Afternoon, November 12th 150. FERDINAND II Aanp III—Continued] by Ferdinand III and signed in autograph, also signed by Slavata. Vienna, 1650. Latter with full-page miniature showing coats-of-arms with symbolic figures, etc. painted IN GOLD AND Coors. Both written on vellum, on 7 and 6 leaves respectively, about 12 by 11 inches each. 2 vols. uniformly bound in red velvet, with remains of ribbon ties. FINDEN (W. AND E.). Findens’ Tableaux of National Character, Beauty, and Costume. With Original Tales in Prose and Poetry, written expressly for the work, by the Countess of Blessington, Miss. Mitford, etc. 61 full- page engravings. 2 vols. in one, royal 4to, half leather, gilt back and edges (slightly rubbed). London, 1843 FLORICULTURAL CABINET (THE) and Florist’s Magazine. Conducted by Joseph Harrison. Vols. I to XXIII (vols. V and XIII, missing). From March, 1833, to December, 1855. Numerous COLORED plates. Together, 21 vols. 8vo, half roan (bindings in poor condition). London, 1833-1855 Contains a large number of finely colored plates. FLowERS. Volume containing 50 reproductions of Japanese flowers, exquisitely COLORED BY HAND. With names of flowers printed in Japanese. On one continuous sheet, folded to quarto. 4to, decorative cloth. FORE-EDGE PAINTING. PAROISSIEN COMPLET contenant l’Office des Dimanches et des Fétes. Engraved title with vignette, numerous plates engraved after famous paintings, also facsimiles of ulluminated leaves reproduced IN COLORS. 16mo, contemporary brown velvet with silver filigree corner-pieces and elaborate clasp designs extending over sides, white watered silk linings, gilt gauffred edges with miniatures of saints painted in colors on fore-edge and head and foot, and borders painted in colors. Paris [1884] An unusually handsome volume, the miniatures on the edges being of exceptionally fine workmanship and charmingly and appropriately bordered. The miniatures represent St. Philippe, St. Adelaide, and St. Louis. Accompanying the above is a manuscript Book of Prayers, in French, 66 leaves, 434 by 3 inches, dated Brussels, 1715. In original calf binding. ForreErR (R.). Die Kunst des Zeugdrucks vom Mittelakter bis zur Empirezeit. With &1 tinted plates and 180 text illustrations. 4to, cloth. Strassburg, 1898 Francis I. Document Signed,—‘“ Francoys.’’ One page small folio, Paris, February 28, 151- (balance of date torn away). Copperplate portratt. Together, 2 pieces. DESIRABLE EARLY SIGNATURE. Francis I. Two Documents Signed,—“ Francoys.”” On vellum. Both narrow oblong folio, January 8, 1531 and September 19, 1546, respectively. First creased; blank corner cut away from second. Together, 2 pieces. RARE. The later document has an ESPECIALLY FINE SIGNATURE. Francis II. Document Signed,—‘“ Francoys.” One page oblong folio. Vellum. 1559. This document was written one year after the marriage of Francis II to the beauti- ful Mary, Queen of Scots. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 159. FREEMASONRY. The Constitutions of the Free-Masons . . . For the Use 160. 161. 162. 163. of the Lodges. Engraved frontispiece by Iohn Pine. With music. 4to, full polished calf, gilt fillets on sides, gilt back and edges, BY COLLEY. London, 1723 VERY RARE. Contains the half-title and leaf of advertisement at end. With the autograph signature, on half-title, ‘‘Lieutenant David Thomas Nightin- gale, Royal Navy, 1836." FREEMASONRY. ANDERSON (JAMES). The Constitutions of the Antient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, Carefully Revised, Continued and Enlarged, with many Additions, by John Entick. Small 4to, calf (rubbed). , London, 1756 FREEMASONRY. The Pocket Companion and History of Free-Masons, con- taining their Origin, Progress, and Present State . . . and a Collection of Songs. The Second Edition. Revised, Corrected, and greatly enlarged throughout. Frontispiece engraved by Boitard. 12mo, half dark green levant morocco, gilt top. (Leaves slightly foxed.) London, 1759 FREEMASONRY. CALCOTT (WELLINS). A Candid Disquisition of the Principles and Practices of the most Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons. 8vo, full tree calf, sides with borders in gilt containing emblematic designs, gilt back. London, 1769 FINE EXAMPLE (apart from being slightly rubbed) of a contemporary Masonic ° binding. FREEMASONRY. Clef du Trésor dont la Serrure de Divine Structure ne se Trouve et ne Sonvre Qu’avec Effort. Original Manuscript Ritual and Rules of the French Masons. Written in ink on 424 small folio leaves. Stitched. (Binding lacking; stitching broken.) [Paris, 1802-1803?] A VOLUME OF THE UTMOST INTEREST TO MEMBERS OF THE MASONIC FRATERNITY, written in French, at the beginning of the 19th Century. The Masonic date, 5803, - appears on the half-title, and that of 5802 (‘‘An 11 de la Républic’’), on the title to the portion devoted to the Eastern Star. The manuscript contains full instructions for the admission of candidates to all the grades, beginning with the Apprentices—with the signs, passwords, etc., of the French Masons, also methods of receiving members from the English Order. 164. FRENCH ART. Annales du Musée et de 1|’Ecole Moderne des Beaux-Arts. Recueil de Gravures . . . rédigé par C. P. Landon. J/lustrations. 5 vols. 12mo, half dark red morocco. Paris, 1805-1812 165. FRENCH MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM, ILLUMINATED. Prédictions d’aprés Les Nombres Solaires. French manuscript, Seventeenth Century, written 1n round characters on 24 leaves of vellum, 614 by 434 inches. Title in red; blue and black, capitals and headings in gold, red or blue, coat-of-arms of MICHEL Le TELuier, Chancellor, of France under Louis XIV (to whom the work seems to be dedicated) 1n heraldic colors on one leaf. Square 12mo, modern vellum, gilt fillets, old gilt edges. Seventeenth Century A curious manuscript volume of Prognostications. 166. Fucus (Epuarp). IIlustrierte Sittengeschichte. Miinchen [1912]; KAHN (GUSTAVE). Das Weib in der Karikatur Frankreichs. Stuttgart [1907]. Each volume extensively illustrated, some plates IN CoLors. Together, 2 vols. 4to, decorative cloth. first Session, Thursday Afternoon, November 12th 167. GARDEN MISCELLANY. The Florist, Fruitist, and Garden Miscellany, for 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1859, 1860, and 1861. Each volume extensively illus- trated with COLORED PLATES and engravings in black and white. Together, 7 vols. 8vo, half green polished calf, gilt backs. London, 1854-1861 Assumed and believed to be perfect, but as with all periodicals, sold not returnable. 168. GARRICK (DAvip—English Actor). Autograph Letter Signed,—‘‘ D. Garrick.” One page 8vo, ‘“‘The Globe Tavern, Monday March 1756.”’ To an unnamed person. (Soiled and creased); [ALSo] GARRICK (EvA MarIig£ VIOLETTI— Wife of David Garrick). Autograph Signature,— E: M: Garrick,” written on a 4to sheet which also contains biographical note and certification of authenticity of signature by G. J. Beltz Portcullis,—‘‘ Mrs. Garrick signed the above for Mr. Smith in my presence this 21 August 1821.’’ With engraved portrait of Mrs. Garrick and halftone of Garrick. Together, 4 pieces. AUTOGRAPH LETTERS BY GARRICK ARE VERY SCARCE. The letter reads,— “Dear Sr. Will you kindly inform Mr. Smithers that I will write him when I have some further information and I am very sorry I cannot yet oblige you in the other matter to wh you refer. I am Dr, Sr. Yours sincerely D. Garrick.” THE AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURE OF Mrs. GARRICK, who was a famous danseuse, IS RARE. 169. GERMAN. Collection of Works. Some American printed. Together, 8 vols. narrow 24mo to 8vo, various bindings (worn). SOME RARE. Comprising,—FUNCK (H.). Eine Restitution. . . . Philadelphia, 1763; M. BALEATIN WUDRIANS Seel, Kreusz-Schule . . . Ephrat (Lancaster), 1762; EIN FUNFAMENT und Klare Anweisung . . . Jesu Christi. Pennsylvanien, 1794; GERICHT wegen dieses verfertigten Schul- Catechismi. Title-page missing; SCHABALIE (J. P.). Die Wandlende Seel . . . Germantown, 1794; LUTHER (MAR- TIN). Der kleine Catechismus. Cuts. Berlin, undated; BUxTorFI (J.). Synagoga Judaica . . . Large double-page copper plate. Franckfurt, 1729; A KeEmpis (T.). Vier Uralte Geistreiche Buchlein; Nachfolgung Christi. . . . Frontispieces. Franck- furt am Mayn, 1705. 170. GERMAN RELIGIOUS BOOKS, as below described. Together, 6 vols. very thick 12mo, old calf, leather, wrappers, and brocaded cloth (rubbed). SOME RARE. Comprising,—AUSBUND, das ist: Etliche schéne Christliche Lieder. Germantown, 1767; GESANGBUCH fiir die Evangelischen Kirchen und Schulen. Stuttgart, 1832. Bound in leather, gilt edges, metal clasps; BELLEROPHON; of Lust tot Wysheyt. . . . Curious cuts. t’'Amstelredam, 1657; GESANG-BUCH, Psalmen Davids, mach D. Ambrosii Lobwaffers. . . . Plate. Germantown, 1753; Ein Unparthenisches Gesang-Buch . . . der Menonisten Gemeinen. Lancaster, 1808; NAKATENI (W.). Himmlisch Palm- Gartlein. Plate. Célln am Rhein, 1754. 171. GiBBS (JOHN). A Series of Designs for Gothic Monuments, Churchyard Crosses, Sepulchral Slabs, and Head Crosses. With 9 full-page lithographed plates containing many designs. 4to, cloth. London, 1852 AUTOGRAPHIC MEMO BY THE POET GRAY 172. Gray (THoMAS). ORIGINAL AuToGRaApHIC List of Books accompanied by their dates. One page 16mo. With portrait and clippings. Together, 4 pieces. This autographic list consists of 35 lines, reading in part,—'‘‘Caninii H ellenismus. 1579; Par; Sophocles. A. Steph. 1568; Blaeu’s Atlas. Amst. 16509; Byzant. Historia. 16v. Par. 1648; Chardin. Fr. London. 1686; Geogr. Nubiensis. Par. 1619. 4to; Rela- tionit del Bentiv. 2 v. Liege, 1635; [etc.].”’ Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 173. GREEK MANUSCRIPT, ILLUMINATED. Sermons and Prayers in Greek. Written in Greek script on 262 leaves of glazed paper, § by 6 inches. With 3 full-page miniatures painted in vivid colors and gold on sheets of vellum and laid down on blank pages provided for the same, capitals and ornamental marginal designs in brown. Thick 8vo, old (probably contemporary) stamped calf over boards, with five brass bosses on each cover (marks for clasps, re- backed, corners and edges worn, margins of some leaves worn), ornamental designs in red on edges of leaves. 1493 Beautiful Greek manuscript, exquisitely written and with exceptionally fine minia- tures, being far above the general work of the period in the delineation of the faces and figures, and the colors having an unusual depth and tone. The date ‘‘1493”” appears at the end of the final note. 174. GREEK Manuscripts. Ancient Hymn Book of the Greek Orthodox Church, 175: 176. 177: 178. arranged with Mensical Notes called ‘‘Neuma’”’ after the months of the year. Written in Greek characters in red and black on 220 leaves of glazed paper, 534 by 4 inches. With ornamental initials in red. Thick 16mo, old stamped morocco (rebacked, marks of bosses on fore cover; University of Chicago blind embossed stamp on first leaf). DESIRABLE MANUSCRIPT IN SPLENDID PRESERVATION. Accompanying this volume are two fragments from old Greek manuscripts, one on 6 leaves of paper, 814 by 534 inches, written in gold, red and black with elaborate border decorations including religious figures, birds, flowers, etc., painted in gold and colors; the other on 2 leaves of vellum, 6144 by 4}% inches, written in black with red capitals; [ALso] Manuscript volume of Prayers or other religious writings. Square I2mo, original stamped morocco (fire and damp damaged). GROSE (FRANCIS). The Olio: Being a Collection of Essays, Anecdotes, etc. Second Edition, Corrected and Enlarged. Portrait of the author. 8vo, calf (skilfully rebacked). London, 1796 UNIQUE COPY, WITH Two ORIGINAL PEN-AND-INK SKETCHES, SIGNED, BY THE AUTHOR, CAPT. GROSE. T. Thos. Brown’s Copy, with his autograph signature on title, three lines in his handwriting beneath original sketches. GUNTHERUS. Guntheri Poéte clarissimi, Ligvrinvs sue Opus de Rebus gestis Imp. Caesaris Fridericii. . . .; RIcHARDI Bartholini, Pervsini, Avstriados Lib. XII. Fine engraved frontispiece containing full-length portratts of four Emperors. Folio, boards (back reenforced). M. D. XXXI (1531) . Marginal notes on title dated 1679, 1686; autograph note on inside of cover, “Ex Libris Bibliotheca Faculiatis Juridicae Edinburgi 1703,’ with note beneath, in another writing, signed ‘“‘R. B. O.,"’ stating that this volume is a duplicate from the previously mentioned library, purchased by the writer. Hatt (S. C.). The Old Mansions of England. Embellished with 235 tllustra- tions engraved on wood. 4to, half morocco (binding slightly rubbed). London, 1856 First EDITION. Signature,—‘‘Geo. F. Babb, May 27, 1858," on title. HEBREW Books. BYTHNER (VICTOR). Lingua Eruditorum. Cantabrigiae, 1645. RARE. Not mentioned by Lowndes in his list of Bythner’s works; MunstTER (S.). Kalendariv Hebraicum. Basileae, 1527; PRAYER BOOK. Form of Prayers, for the Day of Atonement, according to the Custom of the Polish Jews. With English Translation. Text in Hebrew and English. New York, undated; and 3 other works in Hebrew. Together, 6 vols. 12mo to 4to, various bindings (worn). First Session, Thursday Afternoon, November r2th 179. HEBREW Manuscripts, ANCIENT. A Collection of 25 pieces of old Hebrew manuscripts purchased from one of the Hebrew Temples in Palestine. All written in Hebrew characters on various sized pieces of vellum. Together, 25 pieces. 180. HEBREW MANUSCRIPT ON PAPER. Hebrew and Persian Dictionary. Written in Hebrew characters on 295 leaves of oriental glazed paper, 84% by 534 inches. 8vo, contemporary stamped leather with looped thong and button fasteners (some leaves at end repaired). Sixteenth Century ' Interesting volume obtained by an American missionary at Hamadan, Persia, about fifty years ago. The colophon states that the manuscript was finished on Friday the sth of the month Adar the first by the hand of Esan in the year 1871 (of the Seleucidae or Macedonian Era, about 1559 of the Christian Era). 181. HEBREW MANUSCRIPT ON PAPER, ILLUMINATED. Hymns, Etc. to be used at the ceremony of Circumcision. Manuscript written in Hebrew characters on 47 leaves of paper, 75% by 53% inches. With FULL-PAGE MINIATURE of the Sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham and another full-page painting of the German Eagle surmounted by ducal crown with a three-branch candelabra on an oval center. Each page surrounded by scroll and floral border painted in COLORS AND GOLD. A number of blank leaves at the end, three of which have the border painted on them. 8vo, full Eighteenth Century red morocco, gilt framework of small floral tools and fleurs-de-lis, with double circles in center, gilt back, gilt edges, silver filigree clasp. Fighteenth Century Nicely written manuscript in a handsome Eighteenth Century binding. 182. HEBREW MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM, ILLUMINATED. Liturgica Hebraica. Manuscript of the Fifteenth Century beautifully written 1n small Hebrew characters on 405 leaves of fine vellum, 61% by 4% inches. First page within frame of blue, green, red and gold, with title lettered in GOLD BETWEEN ORNAMENTAL COLORED BANDS, a coat-of-arms included in the design at the foot. Hundreds of initial words throughout the manuscript lettered in gold within red, blue and green bands and with delicate border decorations of the same colors. Thick 12mo, full Seventeenth Century red morocco with block border on sides framing foliated band and oval corners, with laurel- crowned head within double wreath in center of sides bordered by small oval foliated designs, all in gilt; back in six compartments with laurel- crowned head repeated in each, leaf sprays and other small tools; gilt edges with gauffred borders. Middle Fifteenth Century BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN AND DECORATED VOLUME IN PRACTICALLY PERFECT PRESERVATION. Includes the Rituals of Daily and Sabbath Services, Feasts, etc. The date ‘‘1456,”’ in Arabic numerals, is written in a contemporary hand on a blank page at the end of the volume. The work was probably executed about that period. 183. HEBREW MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM, ILLUMINATED. Liturgica Hebraica. Manuscript of the Fifteenth Century written in Hebrew characters on 372 leaves of fine vellum, 64% by 45% inches. First page with title lettered in gold within decorative frames and border design of GOLD AND CoLors. Hundreds of initial words through the manuscript lettered in gold within decorative bands in colors with border decorations in gold and colors. Thick 12mo, full green velvet, sides with elaborate cornerpieces and center decorations of silver in leaf designs with rampant lion and Hebrew lettering (obliterated) in center of medallion, silver clasps, gilt gauffred edges. Middle Fifteenth Century BEAUTIFUL MANUSCRIPT, similar in style and decoration to the preceding, many of the initial words and decorations being identical. A signature and date, 1599, appear at the end of the volume, no doubt by a later hand. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. IQI. 192. HEBREW MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM, ILLUMINATED. Marriage Certificate. Written in Hebrew characters on large folio sheet. With symbolic pictures at top, floral piece at foot, and double floral border at sides between colored bands. With quotations from The Song of Solomon written in tiny Hebrew char- acters around the sections of the outer border. (Two small tears.) Rome, 1806 HEBREW MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM, ILLUMINATED. Marriage Certificate. Written in Hebrew characters on large folio sheet with elaborate floral border between colored bands and ornament at foot. Rome, 1817 HEBREW MANUSCRIPT SCROLL ON LEATHER. The Book of Esther. Written in clear Hebrew characters on 21 page size sections, on a roll about 95 inches long by 8 inches wide. Attached to wooden roll with carved wooden end pieces (one lacking). Interesting manuscript very carefully and neatly written on brown leather, the first few sections worn, the balance of the manuscript being clean and in excellent preservation. HEBREW MANUSCRIPT SCROLL ON LEATHER. The Book of Ecclesiastes. Written in clear Hebrew characters in 12 page size sections, on a roll about 80 inches long by 144% inches wide. With thong tie attached to end. A curious and interesting specimen of the Hebrew Scroll Manuscript written on unusually heavy brown leather, last part time-stained but otherwise in good condi- tion. HEBREW MANUSCRIPT SCROLL ON LEATHER. Lamentations of Jeremiah. Written in fine Hebrew characters on nine page sections, on a roll of leather, 49 by 1034 inches. With thong strap fastener. HEBREW MANUSCRIPT SCROLL IN MINIATURE, ON VELLUM. The Book of Esther. Written in small Hebrew characters on 47 page sections about 2 by 2\4 inches each on a roll about 106 inches long. On a wooden roll with knob top and handle at lower end. Unusually desirable miniature Hebrew scroll in excellent condition. HEBREW MANUSCRIPT SCROLL ON VELLUM. The Book of Esther. Written in neat Hebrew characters in 12 page size sections, on a roll about 68 inches long by 9% inches wide. Fastened on a wooden roll with handles. Nicely written manuscript and in good preservation. With note laid in, in Mr. Gunther's autograph, stating that the roll was sent him from Egypt. HEBREW MANUSCRIPT SCROLL ON VELLUM, ILLUMINATED. The Book of Esther. Written in Hebrew characters on 20 page size sections, on a roll about 108 inches long and 634 inches wide. With title within illuminated border representing the city of Susa (‘‘Statt Susonn”) PAINTED IN COLORS with foliated scroll outer border also in colors, and with illuminated foliated design surrounding each page section of the manuscript. Attached to wooden roll with handles and with small wooden brace at beginning. DESIRABLE MANUSCRIPT CHARMINGLY ILLUMINATED AND IN GOOD PRESERVATION. HEBREW MANUSCRIPT SCROLL ON VELLUM. The Book of Esther. Written in clear Hebrew characters in 16 page size sections, on a roll about 135 inches long and 17 tnches wide. ; Beautifully written manuscript in perfect condition, without stains or other marks of time. First Session, Thursday Afternoon, November r2th 193. HEBREW MANUSCRIPT SCROLL ON VELLUM. The Book of Esther. Written in large Hebrew characters in 32 page size sections, on a roll about 280 inches long by 13 inches wide. Fastened to a wooden roll with carved handles with the name of the Synagogue lettered on each end. A manuscript similar to the preceding but written in slightly larger characters. In excellent condition. 194. HEBREW MANUSCRIPTS ON VELLUM. Two manuscript scrolls of portions of the Book of Esther. One, 6 sections on a roll 28 by 6 inches, the other, 6 sections on a roll 1934 by 4 inches; [Aso] One leaf 11 by 81% inches (dam- aged). Together, 3 pieces. 195. HEBREW MANuscriIPT TEFILLIN. Three Hebrew Tefillins or Phylacteries, two in 1% inch square boxes, the other in one inch square box. Sealed and with straps attached. Together, 3 pieces. 195A. HEBREW MANUSCRIPT TEFILLIN, MINIATURE. Consisting of two rolls of vellum in a case 14 by 38 by 4 inches; [Atso] A slightly larger manuscript roll, apparently from a Tefillin, 44 inch wide. Together, 2 pieces. 196. HENRY II, KING oF FRANCE. 1518-1559. Document Signed,—‘“ Henrt.’’ One page folio, Paris, Feb. 17 (?). 1553. On vellum. Portion of blank margin cut away. 197. Henry III, KinG oF FRANCE. Document Signed,—‘“ Vostre bon amij, Henry,’ One page 4to, Paris, April 9, 1568; Document Signed, one page folio. [Paris] January 3, 1589. (Tear in crease, and slightly stained); Document Signed, one page folio, March, 1579. On vellum. Relative to some property and the Marquis de la Roche de Conatramonal. Together, 3, pieces. 198. HERALDRY. SEGOING (C.). Armorial Universel. J/lustrated with about 200 engraved plates, many containing numerous examples. Small folio, calf (rubbed). Paris, 1654 198A. HERALDRY. DALLAWAY (JAMES). Inquiries into the Origin and Progress of the Science of Heraldry in England, with Explanatory Observations. Extensively illustrated with COLORED and uncolored engraved plates. 4to, full polished calf, gilt borders. (Cover loose, margins slightly foxed.) Gloucester, 1793 199. Hor-unD Staats HANDBUCH fur das Konigreich Hannover, 1847. 12mo, full crimson morocco, elaborately gilt, crown stamped in gilt in center of sides, with monogram, broad inside gilt edges, silver doublures and end-leaves (soiled), gilt edges. Hanover, 1847. From the Collection of Ernest, King of Hanover; [ALso] DrEI NEUE Curieuse Tractatgen. . . . Cafe, The, und Chocolat. Curtous plates. . . . 1696; EXPERIMENTA von XX Pestilens. E . Cuts. Franckfurdt am Mayn [1546]; VERE (K.). Der Compass der Weisen. Jlustrations. Berlin, 1789; CALENDAR. Der Durchlauchtigen Welt und Wappen-Kalendar, 1754. Numerous colored engraved plates. Nurnberg, 1754; Exzors (A. F.). Denkmahl der Freundschaft. Auto- graph Album, written in German script, and containing § plates, colored by hand. 1809. Together, 6 vols. 12mo, oblong 12mo, and 8vo, morocco, calf and half calf, boards (some rubbed and worn). Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 200. Hinpu MANUSCRIPT IN THE TELUGU LANGUAGE. Manuscript written mainly with a drypoint on 71 strips of palm leaves 141% inches long by 144 inches wide. Bound between board strips with two holes through the boards and leaves for tying. The Telugu language in which the above manuscript is written is used in the Madras and Nizams dominions by over twenty million people. ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY WILLIAM HOGARTH 201. HoGartH (WILLIAM). COMPLETE MANuscRIPT (with both the Prose and Verse 202. 203. 204. 205. accounts) of ‘‘An Account of What Seem’d most Remarkable in the Five Days perigrination of the Five following persons Viz: Messieurs Tothall, Scott, Hogarth, Thornhill & Forrest. Begun on Saturday May the 27th 1732 and Finish’d On the 31st of the same Month.” WITH 10 ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR AND WasH DRAWINGS INCLUDING ONE Map, By WILLIAM HOGARTH AND SAMUEL Scott. Manuscript, with prose and verse on fac- ing pages, covers about 25 oblong folio pages. Bound with the sketches in an oblong folio volume, original calf. ONE OF THE Most REMARKABLE HOGARTH ITEMS WHICH HAS BEEN OFFERED IN MANY YEARS. The intimate association of the manuscript, together with the ORIGINAL DRAWINGS EXECUTED, MAINLY BY HOGARTH himself, as no doubt Mr. Scott’s assistance was slight, make the volume of the highest interest. Laid in is an excerpt from The Table-Book, giving an account of the expedition and a printed version of the above manuscript, headed by a woodcut reproduction of a portion of the first sketch. The prose account by Mr. Forrest, together with etchings of the sketches, was printed by Livesay in 1782. The versification by Mr. Gostling was printed by Mr. Nichols in separate form, 20 copies only, and reprinted by him in his Biographical Anecdotes of Hogarth, 1781. The sketches include six incidental to the trip—landscape views, copies of effigies, and the map of the tour, which was executed by Mr. Tothall. The interior scenes and the first and last sketches in caricature are undoubtedly Hogarth’s own work, as also possibly the views—and are FINE SPECIMENS OF THE WORK OF THIS GREAT- EST CARICATURIST OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Hotiar (W.) ENGRAVINGS. Portraits (10) of. Celebrated Courtezans. En- graved by Hollar, from the original copperplates. 8vo, cloth, roan back. ~ No place, no date (reprint) Homer. Homeri quae Exstant Omnia Ilias, Odyssea, Batrachomyomachia, Hymni, Poématia aliquot. . . . Editio vltima superiore limatior. En- graved title. Text in Greek and Latin. Thick folio, vellum. Basileae, per Sebastianvm Henricpetri [1606: Humorous. Kladderadatsch. Nos. 1-34 inclusive, May 1 to December 31, 1848. With humorous illustrations. Bound in one vol. 4to, half roan. Berlin, 1848 Huss (JouN—Bohemian Reformer, founder of the “‘ Hussites’’). AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURE,—‘‘ Husz,”” written on the margin of a fragment of a vellum leaf from an early manuscript Breviary. Tipped to folio sheet containing an account of the same, in German, and stating that the signature had been compared with that preserved in the Library at Prague; [ALso] Facsimile of a MSS. by Huss and copy of some verses on the Great Pre- Reformation Leader. Three early portraits of Huss laid in. Together, 6 pieces. OF THE UTMOST RARITY. AUTOGRAPHS OF THE PRECURSOR OF LUTHER, CALVIN AND THE LATER REFORMATION LIGHTS, ARE SELDOM OFFERED FOR SALE. THE PRESENT Is A SPLENDID SPECIMEN AND HAs BEEN CAREFULLY PRESERVED. First Session, Thursday Afternoon, November 12th 206. Hosio (STANISLAO). Confessio Catholice Fidei Christiana. Viennz, 1660; PICHLER (ViTO). Theologica Polemica. Antwerpiz, 1746; OLEASTRO (H. AB). Commentaria in Pentatevchvm Mosi. . . . Lvgdvni, 1686. Ex- purgated by the Inquisition twice, with marginal notes and signatures of the Inquisitors. Engravings. Together, 3 vols. folio, calf and russia, metal clasps on first books. (Some leaves stained.) 207. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM. Chorale. Manuscript in Latin, written in round letter or modified gothic in red and black with musical anno- tation in black on red lines, on 239 leaves of vellum, 16 by 12 inches. Numerous ornamental initial letters in red and blue with scroll-work filling and many with border designs, other capitals in red and blue. Folio, old calf over heavy oaken boards (most of the leather torn away, remains of clasps, two leaves lacking at beginning). Circa Fourteenth Century . UNUSUALLY FINE MANUSCRIPT CHORALE, practically the entire manuscript hav- ing musical setting, with only brief rubrics at intervals. 208. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM. Graduale. Manuscript, probably of German workmanship, of the Fourteenth or Fifteenth Century. Written in gothic characters with musical notation in black on 76 leaves of vellum, 64% by 434 inches. Rubricated, capitals in red or black and red,Jsome red underlinings. Small 8vo, new blue morocco, gilt (lower portion of several leaves cut away). Fourteenth-Fifteenth Century Desirable early manuscript Graduale apparently for the use of Paderborn, West- phalia, as the name of St. Liborius occurs in the Prayers. 209. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM. Antiphonal [or Book of Prayers with Music]. Latin manuscript written in gothic characters in red and black on 111 leaves of vellum, 77% by 6 inches. Capitals alternately 1n red and blue, musical notation in black on black lines. Small 4to, old mottled calf, gilt back. Early Fifteenth Century With inscription ‘‘Bibliotheca Sancti Michaelis, Anverpia anno 1612," on last leaf, and signature, ‘William Bury, St. John’s Coll. Cambridge,’’ on fly-leaf. 210. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM. Breviary. Manuscript, probably of the Fifteenth Century. Written in small gothic characters in black on 108 leaves of vellum, 644 by 4% inches. With two initial letters in red and blue with scroll work border; several other initials 1n red and blue. 12mo, full white vellum, tooled in gothic reredos design on sides, with date ‘1593”’ in gilt in centers, foliated borders. Circa 1400-1450 Unusually desirable manuscript, neatly written and in excellent preservation. The date 1593 which occurs on the binding is also written at the head of the first page, but the MS. is obviously of a much earlier writing. 211. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM. Missal. Written tn gothic characters in red and black on 211 leaves of vellum (one blank), 133% by 10 tnches. Musical notation in black on red lines, several large initial letters with marginal decorations and pen-work filling in red, blue and purple, other capitals in red or blue, many with scroll-work in margins. Folio, full modern morocco, blind stamped, gilt edges. First half of Fifteenth Century BEAUTIFULLY EXECUTED MANUSCRIPT AND IN SPLENDID PRESERVATION. Proba- bly of German origin as among the Saints in the Calendar we find the names of Gothard, Gengulf, Willibrod, and others of local German interest. An old manuscript note on fly-leaf contains the date 1445 and the name ‘‘ Henri de Mulra (?) on Hille.” From the Blenheim Palace collection. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 212. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM. Breviary, cum Calendario. Manu- script of the latter part-of the Fifteenth Century. Written in gothic characters in red and black with musical notation in black on red lines, on 161 leaves of vellum, 744 by 5 inches. Initial letters in red and blue with colored penwork scroll borders, other capitals throughout alternately in red and blue. 8vo, contemporary brown morocco, gilt frame and center panel in Lyonnese style, marks for clasps. Circa 1475 Beautifully written manuscript in excellent condition throughout. First leaf of text cut away. 213. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM. Breviary, cum Calendario. Prob- ably of German workmanship, written in gothic characters in red and black on 232 leaves of vellum, 64% by 434 inches. With a number of initial letters illuminated in BURNISHED GOLD AND Co tors, foliate border decorations, other large capitals in black and red, smaller capitals alternately in red and blue. Thick 16mo, original stamped calf with brass clasps, red edges (bind- ing damaged by fire). 1499 Nicely written manuscript in excellent condition interiorly. With colophon at end reading, ‘‘ Finitu p do. jo. f'ect’ Anno 1499.” 214. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM. Psalterium. Manuscript, probably Spanish, written in large round letters, in black, on 86 leaves of vellum, 35 by 2514 inches, with a few leaves containing musical notation. With a large initial letter, about 9 inches square, handsomely decorated with the pen in elaborate scroll and floral design, 30 other large initial letters decorated in colors with pen, and hundreds of smaller capitals in blue with delicate tracertes, mainly in black and red. Rubricated, red ruled margins and under lines throughout. Elephant folio, original leather over inch thick oaken boards, with 5 large ornamental bosses on each side, corner pieces (two lacking) and rim protectors. Rims protected with nailed metal bands. (Hinges lacking, folios 23 and 24 cut away.) Circa Fifteenth Century A MAGNIFICENT PIECE OF WORK AND IN EXCELLENT PRESERVATION FOR A MAN- USCRIPT OF THIS STYLE. 215. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM. Antiphonale [containing the Re- sponses, etc. from December to August inclusive excepting the Lenten season]. Manuscript, probably Spanish, writien in round letters in red and black on 178 leaves of vellum, 23 by 16 inches. With 8 large initial letters ILLUMINATED IN CoLors in foliated designs, about 15 other large tmitial letters in colored inks in decorative designs and dozens of smaller initials similarly ornamented. Red double ruled margins and underlines throughout. Thick folio, original leather over boards (mildewed and in poor condition; several leaves torn, mainly in margins, some leaves discolored and with other time-stains). Circa Fifteenth Century DESIRABLE MANUSCRIPT with some interesting features in the make-up, having 8 leaves of additional Responses, etc., inserted between December and January, and with 26 leaves of special hymns added at the end of the manuscript. 216. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM. Breviary [containing Matins and Lauds only]. Manuscript, probably Spanish, written in round letters in red and black on 112 leaves of vellum, 244% by 16 inches. With 7 large initial letters in colored inks with pen-work filling extending into the borders in delicate leaf tracery designs, and numerous smaller initial letters in colors with decora- tive fillings. Red double rule margins and underlines throughout. Folio, original calf over heavy oaken boards, metal corners (one lacking), rims reinforced, portion of one clasp. (First two leaves lacking, margins of several leaves repaired or reinforced.) Circa Fifteenth Century First Session, Thursday Afternoon, November 12th 217. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM. Chorale. Manuscript, probably Spanish, written in gothic characters, with musical notation, in red and black, on 216 leaves of vellum, 2014 by 13 inches. With large initial letter, 8 by 6 inches, and about 32 other large initial letters all illuminated in Vivip CoLors; and a number of smaller initials in colored pen-work, and other capitals in red and blue. Folio, original leather over oaken boards with large orna- mental metal centerpieces on sides. (Back worn and repaired, two leaf margins cut away, another leaf torn across, last leaves stained, some worm- holes.) Circa Fifteenth Century DESIRABLE MANUSCRIPT, nicely written and with unusually small musical nota- tion, running 9 lines to the page. 218. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM. Graduale. Written in large gothic letters, with musical notation, in red and black, on 158 leaves of vellum, 21% by 15 tnches. With HAND-PAINTED FRONTISPIECE 1n floral design within frame border, 7 large initial letters each about 6 inches square, illuminated in floral designs IN COLORS, 3 being histortated, each with floral border in colors, 26 other large initial letters with floral marginal designs. Folio, original scored russia over heavy oaken boards with large metal bosses on sides and corners and at intervals around rims and back joints, two oak bands on obverse cover, one leather thong fastener intact. (Lower portion of index on last leaf cut away.) 1716 Nicely decorated manuscript, containing Responses, etc., for the various feast days aside from Sundays. Colophon reads:—‘‘ Libruz hunc maximé elaboratuz, tussu A. R. P. Francisci & s. seuerino Proccurat: Gtis, scripsit atq; confecit P. Bernardinus & Burgo s. Laurentij Reformate Prouincie Thuscie. Anno Dni 1716.” 219. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM. Graduale. Written in large gothic letters, with musical notation, in red and black, on 113 leaves of vellum, 2014 by 141% inches. With 6 large historiated initial letters, each about 6 inches square with floral borders, all ILLUMINATED IN COLORS AND GOLD; also about 45 other large initial letters with floral marginal designs. Folio, original scored russia over heavy oaken boards, identical in design and decoration with the preceding, but with both fasteners intact. 1717 Companion volume to the above, containing the Responses for the Sundays throughout the year. Colophon reads:—‘‘ Libruz huc maximé elaboratu iussu A. R. P. Francisct & s. seuerino Procuratoris Gtis, scripsit atq: cofecit P. Joan Petrus é Radico- foro Reformate Prouincie Thuscie. Anno Dit. 1717. 220. ILLUMINATED INITIALS, MANUSCRIPT LEAVES ON VELLUM, ETc. Fifteen initial letters z/luminated in BURNISHED GOLD AND COLORS, averaging about 2 by 3 inches each, cut from early manuscript Chorales, and inlaid between folio cardboard mat as one piece; Eight leaves of vellum, various sizes, from early illuminated manuscripts, ranging from a 4-page excerpt of Thirteenth Century work to about Fifteenth Century leaves of manuscript Chorales; [ALso] Three specimens of early printing, including a 4-page excerpt from a Missale printed by Erhard Ratdolt probably in Venice about 1480; and others. Together, I1 pieces. 221. ILLUMINATED LEAVES ON VELLUM. Vellum leaves from Latin manuscript Chorale books, etc., comprising: Two leaves, about 194% by 131% inches each, with 7 initial letters IN COLORS AND BURNISHED GOLD, and full foliated borders surrounding each page, including miniatures, religious symbols and armorial bearings; One leaf, 244% by 17 inches, with large initial letter 4144 inches high, illuminated in colors and gold, and 3 smaller initials in red and [Continued Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue [No. 221. ILLUMINATED LEAVES ON VELLUM—Continued] blue; [ALSO] 32 other similar leaves and parts of leaves. Large folio to 4to. Together, 35 pieces. Thirteenth to Sixteenth Century The two leaves first mentioned are of unusual beauty, the borders including minia- tures of a knight in full armor, heads of a nun and monk, the Virgin, St. Joseph, etc., also coat-of-arms. 222, ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS ON VELLUM. Spanish Patent of Nobility. On 14 leaves of vellum, 13 by 834 inches. With large initial letter containing coat-of- arms and full floral border all ILLUMINATED IN GOLD AND COLORS on first page, and 12 initial letters in gold and red or blue. Signed and endorsed by various officials, and dated at Valladolid, April 20, 1549. Small folio, flexible vellum covers, part of silk ties remaining. WiTH LEAD IMPRESSION OF THE GREAT SEAL OF THE EMPEROR CHARLES V, 3% inches in diameter, attached by silken cords; [Aso] Doctoral Degree of the University of Catania. Written on 4 leaves of vellum, 9 by 6% inches. With two full-page miniatures of heraldic and religious subjects, wlluminated in COLORS AND Gop and with floral borders similarly tlluminated surrounding each page. Catane, October 13, 1677. 8vo, silk over paper wrappers (worn). Together, 2 pieces. WITH EXCEPTIONALLY FINE HANDPAINTED MINIATURE PORTRAIT 223. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM. Spanish Patent of Nobility. Written on 30 leaves of vellum, 13 by 8 to 81% inches. With THREE FULL-PAGE MrniaTurREs at end, of Christ, the Virgin, and a portrait presumably of the noble Senor de Vezino and his lady. Large initial letter enclosing coat-of-arms at beginning of text, broad borders in floral and other designs painted in colors, mostly on gold ground, surrounding each page. Folio, original red velvet, with coat-of-arms embroidered in heraldic colors on covers, silk edge (mostly worn away), tied with original vari-colored silk cord. Vallodolid, 1552 AN UNUSUALLY ELABORATE MANUSCRIPT, THE PORTRAIT BEING APPARENTLY EXECUTED BY ONE OF THE GREAT ARTISTS OF THE Day, POSSIBLY THE WORK OF ANTONIO Moro, or copied from a portrait by him. 224. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM. Spanish Patent of Nobility. Written on 74 leaves of vellum, 1134 by 8 inches. With THREE FULL-PAGE MINIATURES comprising: picture of the Annunciation, armorial bearings, and an elaborate genealogical tree (double page); also smaller miniatures, one including portratt apparently of King Charles II of Spain, the other the Spanish arms, all PAINTED IN COLORS AND GOLD, also 29 elaborate initial letters with chapter headings in CoLors, GOLD AND SILVER, and numerous other decorate headings. Each page surrounded by double rule border enclosing arabesques in red, royal stamp stenciled on each leaf, red silk guards to miniatures and initials. Folio, original red velvet with silver clasps, remains of silk ties. With the Royat SEAL oF KinG Cuar_es II 1n Leap, 334 inches in diam- eter, attached by colored cords. Granada, 1693 225. ILLUMINATED MaNuscRIPT ON VELLUM. Will of Daniel Paul Hopffer. Regensburg, 1684. German Manuscript written on 8 leaves of vellum, 124% by 71% inches. With elaborate pen-work initial letter and decoration on first page, and coat-of-arms painted IN CoLors in the manuscript, and an engraved copperplate inserted. Signed in Autograph by the Testator, Witnesses and Notary, and with Notarial Seal. Small folio, original silk over paper boards, tied with silk cord in Imperial colors. First Session, Thursday Afternoon, November r2th 226. INDIANS OF SOUTH AMERICA. ARAWAKAN TRIBE. ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT entitled, ‘‘Aruwakkisches Gesang Buch der Indianer Gemeine zu Hoop a/d Corentyn 1805.’ Written in the Arawakan Language, with German titles to the Hymns, on about 280 pages, with title as above. 8vo, figured colored paper boards. Dutch Guiana, 1805 MANUSCRIPT OF THE GREATEST IMPORTANCE. IN A SOUTH AMERICAN INDIAN LANGUAGE—PERHAPS THE ONLY INSTANCE OF A CHURCH HYMNAL IN THIS LAN- GUAGE. It was used in services at Hoop, on the Corentyn River, Dutch Guiana, by the Moravian Missionaries to the Indians of that region. There is an Index in German at the beginning of the manuscript, and an alphabeti- cal Index in Arawakan at the end. 227. INNOCENT VI, PoPE. ORIGINAL PAPAL BULL, issued by order of Innocent VI, one-page folio, Avignon, January 16, 1362. On vellum. Small hole in center. With original lead seal, bearing the pope’s seal and name, attached by the original cords to the document. IMPORTANT HISTORICAL DOCUMENT AND FAMOUS LETTER OF EXCOMMUNICATION, against the noted brigand, Arnauld de Cervole. This bull is addressed to the leaders of the Albigenses, urging them to deal most severely with this outlaw, since papal threats and excommunications have proved unavailing in stopping the pillaging done by de Cervole and his bands. Arnauld de Cervole, was a famous French warrior, born in Perigors; he became a chief of brigands, and sometimes fought on the side of the Dauphin. He died in 1366. 228. IRELAND (SAMUEL). Picturesque Views on the River Wye. 1797. Presenta- tion copy, inscribed,—" From the author’; SUTHERLAND (Capt.). A Tour up the Straits from Gibraltar to Constantinople. 1790; WESTMINSTER ABBEY. The Antiquities of St. Peter’s. 2 vols. 1722; [ALSo] FORSTER (H. R.). The Stowe Catalogue. Priced and Annotated. 1848. Plates. Together, 5 vols. 8vo and 4to, boards, cloth, and crimson morocco. London, 1722-1848 With bookplates of Sir Hector Munro, and Daniel Cresswell. 229. IRELAND. CARR (JOHN). The Stranger in Ireland . . . in 1805. Plates. 4to, half calf (loose in covers). London, 1806 First EDITION. With armorial bookplate of Thomas Sotheby. 230. IRELAND. TEMPLE (SIR JOHN). The Irish Rebellion . . . 1641. FIRsT EDITION. 4to, sheep (rubbed). London, 1646 231. IRELAND. The Reports of the Committees of Secrecy, of Both Houses of the Irish Parliament upon the Rebellion which broke out in Ireland the 23rd day of May, 1798. Appendix. Folio, half calf. [Dublin, 1798] With the armorial bookplates of Edward Hailstone and William H. Bradish. 232. Ir1sH BaLLaps. A Collection of 265 Original Ballad Sheets, containing celebrated Ballads, with woodcut on each piece. Printed mostly in Dublin. Mounted (two on a sheet) on large leaves of heavy brown paper. Bound in royal 4to volume, boards (cover broken). This is one of the copies of the Celebrated Collection of Irish Ballads made by Kelly, of Grafton Street, Dublin, and sold at his death at which time this set was acquired by the present owner. FINE COLLECTION, among which may be mentioned the following Ballads,— Just before the Battle, Mother; Burke’s Farewell; Champagne Charlie; On the most awful Murder of the Revd. Father Hanratty; Ben Bolt; The Repenting Sinner; The Fenians’ Welcome to Ireland; Lovely Bans of Boyne; Pope Pius the Ninth and Victor Emmanuel; Six Jolly Miners; The Velocipede; The Hollywood Tragedy; The Irish- man’s Home; and numerous others similar. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 223) 234. 245. 236. o37. 238. 239. 240. 241. Ir1IsH MANUSCRIPT ON PAPER. Manuscript in prose and verse. Written in Gaelic on 36 leaves of paper (some mutilated), 734 by 514 inches. 8vo, stitched in old leather ‘‘boot-leg’’ binding. 1610 IRIsH MANUSCRIPT ON PAPER. A volume containing poems and prose. Written in old Irish or Gaelic characters on about 155 leaves of paper 734 by 61% inches. Small 4to, contemporary paneled calf (binding worn). Circa 1700-1735 Probably copied from old manuscripts, with some additional notes or articles in later hands that on the final page being dated 1805. IR1IsH MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM. Manuscript in prose and verse. Written in Gaelic on 48 leaves of vellum, 12 by 814 inches. Small folio, original » leather over boards, with four metal corners and center pieces with bosses on each side, metal clasps (fasteners lacking) rebacked with old leather. Circa 1688 Curious and interesting old Irish manuscript, many of the articles or entries dated through various months of the year 1688. IsABELLA II, QUEEN OF SPAIN. Two Documents, Signed with her Sign Manual: (1) Patent of Nobility, SIGNED Twice, with fine paper seal over wax, and woodcut of the Royal Arms. 1839; (2) Commission as Officer in the Military Order of Montesa. Woodcut of Royal Arms at head of document, blind embossed stamps. 2 pieces, folio, folded to oblong 4to and bound together in full red roan, gilt, title lettered on front cover. JeEwisH History. GOEREE (WILLEM D.). Mosaize Historie der Hebreeuwsch Kerke . . . With full- and double-page copperplate engravings, and re- productions in text. 4 vols. thick folio, vellum, stamped. Amsterdam, 1700 An exhaustive history. JONES (OWEN). The Grammar of Ornament. Jilustrated with 112 COLORED and tinted plates, containing numerous examples from various styles of ornament. Small folio, cloth, gilt. London, circa 1865 JosEPH IJ, EmpERoR oF Austria. Document Signed. Patent of Nobility for Philipp Paul Niclas Pirchinger. SIGNED IN AUTOGRAPH BY THE EmM- PEROR, AND COUNTERSIGNED BY COLLOREDO. Vienna, 1766. Written on 9 leaves of vellum, 134% by 10 inches. With full-page armorial bearings painted in heraldic colors upon a landscape ground bordered with gold. Folio, original rose color velvet with silk ties (two lacking) and with the GREAT SEAL OF AUSTRIA IN RED Wax, 514 inches in diameter, enclosed within a GILDED CASE having the Imperial Arms engraved on the upper cover and attached to the volume by heavy gold cords. JosEpHuS. Flavii Josephi des Hochberiihmten Judischen Geschichtschreibers Historien und Biicher. Elaborately engraved title and many text illustrations. Thick folio, pigskin over boards (rubbed, light stains, lower margin of title cut away). . 1574 KEOGH (JOHN). Zoologia Medicinalis Hibernica: or, A Treatise of Birds, Beasts, etc. 12mo, half leather. Dublin, 1739 The First Irish Natural History. Arranged alphabetically throughout in English. The Irish names are extremely curious and the medical uses of the birds and insects very extraordinary. First Session, Thursday Afternoon, November 12th 242. KOREAN MANuscripT NOTE, being the first communication from the Koreans received by the United States Naval Expedition in 1871 under the com- mand of Captain (later Admiral) Edward T. Nichols. With A. N. S. by Admiral Nichols and his autograph translation of the manuscript. To- gether, 2 pieces. An important document in the naval history of the United States and our commer- cial relations with the Far East. Admiral Nichols’ translation of the document reads:—‘* Man of what country are you? For what business? On what moon and day did you leave your honorable country and come hither? Have all their Excellencies been well? How many of your honorable vessels have come forth from home, hither?"’ 243. KuFIC MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM. Leaf from the Koran. Written in Kufic characters in black with the diacritical marks in red dots, on a leaf of vellum 814 inches wide by 5% inches high. Laid down on a cardboard (tear across manuscript sheet neatly repaired). Probably Seventh to Ninth Century OF THE GREATEST RARITY. EXCEPTIONALLY FINE SPECIMEN. Kufic is specifically the character which was used in the time of Mohammed and in which the Koran was originally written. It was gradually replaced by the Arabic, and by the Thirteenth Century had practically fallen into disuse. The present manu- script is a splendid specimen, and probably belonged to one of the very early tran- scripts of the Koran. 244. Kuric MANUSCRIPT, ILLUMINATED. A Sura or Chapter from the Koran. Written in Kufic characters in black, pointed in red and green, on 35 leaves of glazed paper, 734 by 61% inches. Decorative gilt headband with title lettered in Arabic at beginning, gilt and colored circular ornaments on several margins. Square 8vo, contemporary lacquered leather, sides covered with elaborate floral designs. Circa Thirteenth Century A RARE EXAMPLE OF THE OLD KUFIC WRITING, in exceptionally good preservation. although several leaves are apparently lacking towards the end of the volume, Persian note regarding the volume on inside of back cover. 245. Kuric Manuscript. The Koran. Written in Kufic characters on 151 leaves of paper, 6 by 4 tnches. Original lacquered leather binding with floral decoration on sides, red doublures (binding loose and broken at back, some leaves lacking). Circa Fifteenth Century 246. LamMENNAIS (H. F. R., Abbé). Manuscript translation in German, of Abbé de Lamennais’ famous work, ‘‘ Paroles d’un Croyant.’’ Translated and written in the AUTOGRAPH OF LupWIG BorNE, the celebrated Critic and Journalist. Manuscript of about 10,000 words, written in ink on both sides of 15 folio leaves. With Autograph Letter Signed by Borne, Paris, 1835, regarding Lamennais. Together, 2 pieces. Intensely interesting manuscript of this work by Abbé Lamennais, which created a furore at the time of its initial writing, in 1833. 247. Latin Works. A Collection of Writings, as below described. Together, 8 vols. very thick 4to to 24mo, calf, stamped pigskin, embossed morocco, vellum, and half calf. SOME RARE; comprising,—PUFENDORF (SAMUEL). De Jure Naturae et Gentium [et] Eris Scandica. 2 vols. in one. Engraved portrait and title. Francofurti, 1706. With bookplate of J. Young Scammon; AuciaTi (A.). De Verborvm Significatione. Lvgdvni, 1572; C1cERO. De Philosophica. 2 vols. Venetii, 1552. Title repaired, *“*Ad usum F. dominici de Naxo, written on each title’; CASAUBON (ISAAC). De Saty- rica Graecorum Poesi. Parisiis, 1605. Writing in ink on title; CICERO. Orationum. [Vol. III, only.] Lugduni, 1560; PRUDENTIUS (AURELIUS). Opera. Engraved title. Amstelodami, 1631; Tvrcici Imperit Statv. Accedit de Regn. Algeriano atque Tunetano. Engraved title. Lvgdvni, 1639. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 248. LaTIN Works, on various subjects, as below described. Engraved titles, portraits and plates. Together, 8 vols. 4to to 12mo, half calf, old morocco, vellum, and boards (some rubbed). Comprises:—MaINLius (M.). Astronomicon Iosepho Scaligero. . . . Argen- torati, 1655; SPIZELIO (THEO.). Templum Honoris Reseratum. . . . Prostat, 1673. With stenciled stamp on title, ‘‘Seminar Bibliothek,’ and armorial bookplate of Sir John Caldwell; DEMPSTER (THOMAS). Antiqvitatvm Romanorvm. Geneve, 1558. Piece out of title; BIBLIANDRI (THEODOR). De Ratione communi omnium lin- guarum et literaru commentarius. Tigvri, 1548; STEPHANUS (HENRICUS). Calli- machi Cyrenei Hymni et Epigrammata. [Tubinge] 1577. Name in ink on title; AGRIPPA (H. C.). Opera. Lugduni, undated [1510]; ALDUS PREss. Rhetoricorvm ad C. Herennivm Libri IIII Incerto Auctore. Venetiis, 1554; Emmi (U.). Vetus Grecia Illustrata. Lvgdvni, . . . Abrahami Elzevir, 1626. 249. Latin WorkKS, mostly of a Religious Nature, as below described. Together, 10 vols. 24mo to 8vo, old calf, pigskin, morocco, gilt, and wrappers. SoME RARE; comprising,—CHAMBERLAYN (J.—Editor). Oratio Dominica. Am- steledami, 1715. With armorial bookplate of Revd. T. P. White; EusEBIus (J.). Dissertationes Epistolicae. Antverpie: Plantiniana, 1655. Writing on title; POPE PauLus III. Bulla Sacra CEcvmenici et Generalis Concilii. [1544]; MuISSALE ROMANVM. Venetiis, 1576. Title-page remounted. From the library of M. Gregoire, Bishop of Blois, with an autograph note on reverse of title, certifying to the ownership. On fly-leaf, is a six-line autograph note in French, presenting this book to Bishop Gregoire, signed,—'‘Dr. M. Fournier-Penay'"’; MELANCHTHON (P.). Quaestiones Lucae Lossii. Vitebergae, 1564. With notes in German script and Latin, on reverse of cover; MISSAL. SERVICE Book. Breuiariu secudu viuz gallicanu . . . 16th century. Wormed; A Kenpis (T.). De Imitatione Christi. . . . Lugduni, 1647. From the library of Bethany College, Adelaide, South Australia; [ALSo] MissaL. Paroissien Romain. Paris, 1851; NOTIzIARIo della Real Casa. Napoli [1817]. Bound in crimson morocco, elaborately gilt sides, with royal coat-of-arms stamped in center. 250. LAWRENCE (JOHN). The Clergy-man’s Recreation . . . Gardening. Lon- don, 1717; GREENHILL (THOMAS). The Art of Embalming. London: Printed for the Author [1705]; [ALso] [DULAURE (J. A.).] Des Divinites Generatrices. Paris, 1805. First EpiTion. Paris, 1805. Together, 3 vols. 4to and 8vo, half and full calf, three-quarter morocco, gilt edges. Pere thowAy eEVENING, NOVEMBER 12, AT 8:15 SECOND SESSION, NUMBERS 251 To 498, INCLUSIVE 251. Lipsius (Justus). Poliorceticon sive de Machinis Tormentis, Telis. NMumer- ous curious engravings. Antverpiw, 1625. RARE; PAutus (S.). Commenta- rius de abusu Tabaci Americanorum Veteri. Plates. Argentorati, 1581. Book-label of Stephen J. W. Tabor, with his autograph signature; HERTODT (J. F.). Crocologia sue Curiosa Croci Regis Vegetabilium. Plates. Jenz, 1671. Several autograph signatures; MEDIOLANENSIS Fori Diarivm 1644 et 1645. Mediolani, 1644; SANTONE (E. V.). Procli Sphera. Turnoni, 1592. po 5 vols. 4to, 8vo, and 12mo, old calf, vellum, and parchment worn). 252. LITHOGRAPHY. SENEFELDER (ALOIS). Vollstandiges Lehrbuch der Stein- druckeren enthaltend eine richtige und deutliche Unwiesung . . . With 18 lithographed plates, including portraits. Munich, 1818; A Complete Course of Lithography: Containing Clear and Explicit Instructions in all the Different Branches and manners of the Art . . . With a Preface by Frederick von Schlichtegroll. Translated from the original German. Portratt of the author and a number of full-page lithographs. London, 1819. Together, 2 vols. 4to, full contemporary calf and half roan. Munich and London, 1819 FirsT WoRK ON LITHOGRAPHY BY ITS INVENTOR, COMPRISING THE ORIGINAL GERMAN EDITION, AND THE FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH. Title-page of the first men- tioned is torn. 253. LIVERPOOL. HERDMAN (WILLIAM G.). Pictorial Relics of Ancient Liverpool. Extensively illustrated with lithograph plates, some containing a number of examples. Folio, green calf, gilt back and edges (rubbed). London, 1843 ORIGINAL EDITION. 254. Lonpon. Londina Illustrata. Graphic and Historic Memorials of Monasteries, Churches, Chapels, Schools . . . and Modern and Present Theatres of the Cities and Suburbs of London and Westminster. Wuzth 206 full-page engraved reproductions. 2 vols. royal 4to, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. London: Robt. Wilkinson, 1819-1825 ORIGINAL EDITION of this celebrated work. The plates are engraved by W. Hollar, J. Stow, S. Rawle, Wise, Dale and other artists, illustrating scenes in English life from the 17th to the 19th centuries. 7 255. Louis XI, King of France. Document Signed,—‘‘ Louts.’”’ One page narrow oblong small folio. On vellum. Dated, ‘“‘Janvier . . . 1480.” Louis XI, King of France, was born in 1423 and died in 1480. Amongst the multi- tude of important events effected during his reign, was the establishment of post offices in France. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 256. Louis XII, King of France. Document Signed,—‘ Louis.” One page narrow oblong small folio. On vellum. Dated, ‘‘ Lyon, 31 mat 1503.” Louis XII, King of France, was born in 1462 and died 1515. Because of his reduc- tion of taxes and promotion of justice, he received the surname, from his affectionate subjects, of ‘‘Father of the People.”’ 257. Louis XIII, King of France. Letter Signed,—‘‘ Louzs.’’ One page small folio, “Parts, 9 mars 1635.’ To the Duke of Chaulnes. 258. Louis XIII. Document Signed,—“ Louts.” One page folio, “12 Avril, 1643.” This document was signed one month before the death of the king. 259. Louis XIV. [Latuy (T. P.).] Memoirs of the Court of Louis XIV, com- prising Biography and Anecdotes. With engraved portraits of the most celebrated characters of the period. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1819 260. Louis XV, King of France. Three Documents Signed,—“ Louis.” (1) One page small 4to, Versailles, Sept. 5, 1729. Wax seal intact on verso; (2) One page oblong folio. On parchment. Versailles, Oct. 1, 1741; (3) One page royal 4to. On parchment. Versailles, April 4, 1760. Together, 3 pieces. 261. Louis XVI, King of France. Three Documents Signed,—‘ Louis.” (1) One page small folio, Versailles, Sept. 30, 1773; (2) One page oblong folio. On vellum. Paris, December 16, 1789; (3) One page small folio, Paris, March 9, 1792. Accompanied by engraved portrait. Together, 4 pieces. 262. Louis XVIII, King of France. Document Signed,—‘‘ Louis.” One page folio, March 24, 1818; Document Signed,—‘ Louts.’’ One page oblong folio. On vellum. ‘‘ Chateau des Tuileries,” Feb. 28, 1818. Also signed by Marshal MacDonald. With seal. Together, 2 pieces. 263. Louis-PHILIPPE, King of France. Document Signed,—“ Louis Philippe.” One page folio. Paris, Oct. 22, 1833. With seal; MARIE AMELIE DE Bour- BON. Two Autograph Letters Signed: ‘‘ Marie Amélie.” 2pp. 12mo and small 4to. (1) Twickenham, June 14, 1876; (2) Claremont, April 2, 1848; [Atso] An Autograph Note by Marie Amélie. [On back of another letter.] One page small 4to. Portrait. Together, 5 pieces. 264. Louis PHILIPPE. MarceEL (J. J.). Les Voeux de la France, pour l’Heureux Anniversaire du IX Aofit, exprimes en 80 Idiémes et Caractéres Différens. Engraved portrait of Louis Philippe. 8vo, blue brocaded velvet, doublures and end-leaves of pink moire silk, original wrappers bound in with the stamp of the ‘Bibliotheque du Roi, Palais Royal.” Paris, 1831 265. LUTHER (MarTIN). Ad Librum Eximii Magistri Nostri Magistrii Ambrosii Catharini Defensoris Silvestri Prieratis Acerrimi Responsio Martini Lutheri.. Title within woodcut border. Small 4to, new white vellum boards. Wittembergae [1521] Some leaves slightly foxed; otherwise nice copy. Huth copy, with book-label. Second Session, Thursday Evening, November 12th 266. LUTHER (MarTIN). Disputatio D. Ioannis et P. Martini Luther in Studio Lipsensi Futura. Title within woodcut border, dated 1519. Small 4to, new white vellum paper. No place, 1519 Huth copy, with book-label. 267. LUTHER (MARTIN). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT PRAYER upon Psalm 118, signed,—‘' Mart: Luther D. 1542.’ One page 8vo. In German; PAGE OF AUTOGRAPH MEMORANDA in Latin, 4to, n.d., with certification of authenticity by Falkenstein, Librarian of Royal Library of Saxony, Dresden, 1841; AUTOGRAPH SIGNATURE,—" Martinus Lutherus,”’ cut from document and tipped to another sheet; LUTHER (PAUL—Son of Martin). Autograph Note Signed,—‘ Paulus Lutherts Doctor,” One page 16mo, April 22, [15]95 in Latin and Greek. Tipped to cardboard; LUTHER (Jo- HANNES—Grandson of Martin). Autograph Note Signed,—‘‘ Johannis Lutherus.”” One page 16mo, August 15, 1627. Quotations from various authors and the Bible, in Greek, Latin and Hebrew. With 2 engraved por- traits of Martin Luther. Together, 7 pieces. 268. LUTHER (MARTIN). Ein Wellische Liigenschrifft, von Doctoris Martini Luther Todt, Zii Rom ausgangen. Small 4to, new white vellum boards. No place, 1545 Collector’s stenciled stamp, with date, 1846, on title. Huth copy, with book-label. 269. LUTHER (MarTIN). Collection of Nine Pamphlets by or relating to Martin Luther and the Reformation. Several titles with woodcut borders. Together, 9 pamphlets in 6, small 4to, new wrappers. Lipsie [etc.] 1513-1534 INTERESTING COLLECTION OF REFORMATION TRACTS, COMPRISING :— [PLATINA (B.).] Concordata Principum Nationis Fermanic Cum Argu- mentis siue Summariis iam additis . . . [Strassbourg] 1513. RHADINI (T.). . . . Oratio Elegantissima . . . [Colonie, 1520]; [AND] . Oratio. [Lipsiae, 1520]. Second Edition. Together, 2 tracts in one volume. Contemporary manuscript notes on many margins. ADRIAN VI, PoPE. Breve Quoddam Papae Adriani Sexti Adversus Lutherum. No place [1522]. LUTHER (MARTIN). Sermo de Virtute Excomunicationis. . . . No place [1518]; Same. Another printing of the same tract. Woodcut title. [Lipsiae, 1519]; Same. A third printing of the same tract. Woodcut vignette on title. [Lipsiae, 1521]. Together, 3 tracts in one volume. Hess (S.). Argumentum Libelli. Simon Hessus Luthero Osten dit causas, quare Lutherana opuscula a Coloniesibus & Louanien sibus sint combusta : . [Basilae, 1521]. COcHLEUs (J.). Confutatio Abreviata. . . . Adversus Didymum Fauentinu Philippi Melanchthonis. . . . Lipsiae, 1534. 270. MAGASIN PITTORESQUE (LE). Redige, depuis sa Fondation, sous la Direction a7. de Edouard Charton. [Depuis la Dix-Septiéme jusqu’éa la Quarantiéme Année.] Vols. for 1849 to 1872, inclusive. Each one extensively illustrated. Together, 24 vols. imperial 8vo, half roan (rubbed). Paris, 1849-1872 Maps, CoLoreb. [PTOLEMy. Geographia. Maps ONLY.] 45 single and double- page maps, COLORED BY HAnp. Folio, stamped vellum over oaken boards. (Front half of each cover lacking.) [Argentoratum (Strassbourg) 1513] EARLY AND RARE ISSUE, WITH THE MAPS BRILLIANTLY COLORED. The first part of the volume containing the text and the beginning of the Index, up to leaf L-ii have been extracted, and maps Nos. 8 and 20 are lacking, but otherwise the map section, including the Supplement, is COMPLETE AND IN EXCELLENT PRESERVATION. The Locorum, 15 leaves and a blank at the end, is also intact, Tuts Is ONE OF THE FINEST AND MosT IMPORTANT EDITIONS OF PTOLEMY, AND THE Maps IN THIS Copy ARE EXCEPTIONALLY BRILLIANT AND HIGHLY COLORED SPECIMENS. THE EARLY AMERICAN Maps ARE ALWAYS OF GREAT INTEREST. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 272. Maps, CotoreD. [BRAUN (GEORGE).] Civitates Orbis Terrarum. Engraved title-page COLORED By HAND, and 57 (should be 59) double-page engraved plans and views of cities, ALL BRILLIANTLY COLORED By Hanp. Descriptive text on the backs of views. Folio, original stamped calf. (Binding worn.) (Colonie, 1572 or Antwerp, 1622(?)] SPLENDID Copy, WITH THE EXCEEDINGLY RARE FIRST AND Last MAps oF LON- DON, AND OF Cuzco AND Mexico, BoTH oF WHICH ARE USUALLY LACKING; ALSO THE VIEW OF SEVILLE, SHOWING THE HOUSE OF COLUMBUS; AND THE RARE PLAN OF JERUSALEM. Volume I of Braun’s famous atlas of the cities of the world, first published at Cologne in 1572. The imprint has been removed from the title-page, but it is prob- ably the Antwerp issue of 1622. The plates were executed by George Hoefnagel and other engravers of the late 16th Century, and consist of plans of the various cities, and birds-eye views. The figures, depicted in their native costumes, add interest to the plates. Most DESIRABLE COPY WITH CONTEMPORARY COLORING, AND IN EXCELLENT ConpITION. Plates 41 and 45 are lacking, but otherwise it is a complete copy of Vol. I of this famous work, which complements Ortelius’ Theatrum Orbis Terrarum. With bookplate of Jacob Leroux. 273. Maps, Cotorep. [BRAUN (GEORGE). Civitates Orbis Terrarum.] Ezghty- five double-page engraved plans and views, COLORED BY HAND. 3 vols. folio, old calf, gilt, with symbolic vignette in gilt in center of sides. (Bindings poor.) [Coloniae, 1572, 1575, and 1581] Imperfect set, lacking title-pages and some introductory matter and a number of maps. Different issue from the preceding, the plans, etc., in Vol. I differing in some instances from those with the same titles in the volume described above, and with a different setting of the descriptive text. ’ The COLORING IN THIS SET Is CONTEMPORARY, and all of the plates are in excellent condition, free from spots, with wide unstained margins. AN EXCEPTIONALLY DESIRABLE COLLECTION OF THESE FINE MApPs. 274. Maps, CoLoreD. [BRAUN (GEORGE). Civitates Orbis Terrarum.] One hundred and forty-two double-page engraved plans and views of cities, ALL BRILLIANTLY COLORED By Hanb. Folio, contemporary mottled calf, red edges. (Binding poor.) [Coloniae(?) 1572-1617] EXCEPTIONALLY DESIRABLE COLLECTION OF THESE FAMOUS PLANS, EXECUTED By GEORGE HOEFNAGEL, HENRICUS RANZOVIUS, AND OTHER FAMOUS ENGRAVERS OF THE PERIOD, AND WITH CONTEMPORARY COLORING OF UNUSUAL VIVIDNESS. The volume consists of plates drawn from the various volumes of the complete issue, none of the different series being complete. The plates are free from stains, . with wide, clean margins, and there are practically no breaks in folds or margins. The plan of Seville differs entirely from that in the copy listed above (No. 272), but it also shows the house of Columbus, though in different form. 275. Maps. Lorticuius (J. P.). Rerum Germanicorum sub Fernandis II & III . . . [Vol. II only]. Engraved frontispiece tile, fine copperplate views by Matthew Merian, portraits, PLANS AND Maps, mostly folding. Thick folio, contemporary white vellum, with coat-of-arms and initials “RS. F.F. V. T.” stamped in gilt on sides. Francofurti ad Moenum: M. Meriani, 1650 The maps and plans in this volume are in fine condition, and are brilliant impres- sions. Both these and the views, etc., are splendid specimens of Merian’s work. 276. Mars. GuaALpo (GALEAzzO, CONTE). Il Teatro del Belgio. Engraved vig- nette on title by T. Sadler, engraved frontisprece title, II engraved portratts, and 120 folding copperplate maps. Folio, original vellum, uncut. Francofort, 1683 AN EXCEPTIONALLY DESIRABLE VOLUME OF THESE FINE MAPS AND PORTRAITS. It Is VERY UNUSUAL TO FIND IT IN THE ORIGINAL BINDING, UNCUT. . Duplicate from the Biblioteca Vittoria Emanuele in Rome, with stamps on titles and backs of maps and plates. Tie 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. Second Session, Thursday Evening, November r2th Maps. Wir (FREDERICK DE). Atlas Maior. Engraved allegorical title-page IN COLors (trimmed to plate line and mounted). Leaf of index and 146 (should be 152) double-page maps IN CoLors. Large folio, original calf (binding poor). 3 Amsterdam, circa 1695 Or AMERICAN INTEREST, Maps Nos. 1, 122 to 126, 147 and 151, relating to America. DESIRABLE VOLUME OF THESE FINE Maps By DE WIT, a few leaves repaired or reinforced in folds or margins, but for the most part in excellent condition. BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS, clean and free from stains. Maps, COLORED. JEFFERYS (THomas). [A Description of the Maritime Parts of France. (Maps ONLy; no text).] 84 full-page maps, plans, and one view (folding), and 2 plates showing sectional details of fortifications, ALL COLORED By HAnpb. Oblong folio, original mottled calf (binding poor). [London, 1761?] Unusually desirable copy of this collection of maps, in good condition aside from a few waterstained leaves, and probably the ORIGINAL ISSUE, which appeared in 1761. Maps, CoLorep. A Collection of 127 18th Century Engraved Maps, measur- ing about 14 by 18 inches, mostly in CoLors, many by Chr. Weigel. A number of maps torn, but not damaging same. FINE SERIES, MOSTLY EUROPEAN Maps, all but a few engraved and colored, among which may be mentioned,—Ravenspurg; Anglia Cambdeni; Franconia; Gallia Vetus; Gallia Belgica; Silesiae Ducatus; Novissimus Totius Europae; Orbis Terra- rum; Italia; Germania; and other countries of Europe. Included in the above are three SHIP PLATES, ALL IN CoLors. These need repairs. [MARANA (JOHN PAuL).] Letters Writ by a Turkish Spy who liv’d Five and forty years undiscover’d at Paris. . . . Written Originally in Arabick, Translated into English. Copperplate frontispiece by Bastre. 8 vols. 12mo, boards, sheep backs (rubbed; names on titles). London, 1734 MARGUERITE DE VALOIS, QUEEN OF FRANCE. Autograph Letter Signed,— “‘ Marguerite.” 1p. 4to, no place or date. To M. de Lansac. Some small holes in letter. RarReE. Personal letter commencing [translation]:—‘' Monsieur de Lansac, you have pleased me by sending me news of their Majesties. . . .” MARIE DE CLEVES, DUCHESSE D’ORLEANS. Document Signed,—‘ Marie.” On vellum. Ip. narrow oblong folio. 1472. Mother of Louis XII of France. MARIE JOSEPHINE LOUISE DE SAVOIE (Wife of Louis XVIII). Autograph Letter Signed, “‘ Marie Josephine Loutse.”” 2pp. 4to, August 29, 1804. To her cousin, the Duc de Polignac. Seal (broken). Interesting letter in which she speaks of the condemnation of the Polignac broth- ers, implicated in the Georges Cadoudal trial. MariE Louise (Empress of the French). Two Documents Signed,—“ Marte Loutise.”” (1) One page oblong imperial 8vo, Tuileries, December 15, 1811; (2) One page oblong folio, St. Cloud, August 14, 1813. Together, 2 pieces, both on vellum. Marie Louise (Empress of the French). Document Signed,—“ Marte Louise.” One page folio, St. Cloud, August 16, 1816; MARIE JOSEPHINE LoulsE (Sister-in-law of Louis XVI). Document with Signed Autograph Note by,—‘‘ Marie Josephine Louise.’’ One page oblong folio, Versailles, December, 30, 1782. Together, 2 pieces, both on vellum. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 286. MARIA THERESE (Wife of Louis XIV of France). Document Signed,— 287: 288. 289. 290. 201. 292. 293. ‘“‘ Marie Terese.’ One page small folio, November 6th, 1669; LOUISE pD’ORLEANS—wife of Leopold, King of Belgium. Autograph Letter Signed, —‘‘Louise.” 2pp. 4to, n. p., n.d. Two portraits of the latter. Together, 4 pieces. Mary QUEEN OF Scots. Notes on the Authentic Portraits of Mary Queen of Scots, based on the researches of Sir George Scharf, rewritten in the light of New Information by Lionel Cust. Numerous portratts. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt, gilt top, uncut. London, 1903 MAZARIN (CARDINAL). Letter Signed,—‘‘ Le Card. Mazarin.” Ip. 4to. Fine wax seal. RARE AUTOGRAPH. Mepicl, Cosimo III pz, GRAND-DUKE oF TuscAaNy. Two Documents Signed, each 1 p. 4to:—(1) Florence, July 3, 1684. Wzth wax seal wmpressed over paper; (2) Florence, Dec. 31, 1700. Both in Italian. With portrait en- graved in colors. Together, 3 pieces. Cosimo III, de Medici, a son of Ferdinand II, was born in 1642, and became Grand Duke in 1670. He married Marguerite d’Orleans, a daughter of Gaston de France, who regarded Cosimo III with great dislike and caused him much trouble. He died in 1723. MEDICINE. Wovts (J. J.). Gazophilacium Medico-Physicum, Oder Schatz- Kammer Medicinisch- und Naturlicher Dinge. . . . Engraved frontispiece in nine compartments. Small 4to, contemporary morocco. Leipsig, 1716 Rare German medical work, giving the Latin medical terms with the German equivalents and definitions. Some leaves stained and torn. MELANCHTHON (PHILIP). Autograph Letter in Latin, Signed,—‘ Philippus Melanthon.” One page, no place, ‘‘ Calends May,” no year. With a 9-line address on reverse, in the same autograph, the last line written in Greek. Piece cut out of margin, not affecting the letter. Light struck. RARE AND SPLENDID SPECIMEN OF A MELANCHTHON AUTOGRAPH, written entirely in Latin, containing mention of Erasmus, with a line in Greek. LETTERS BY ME- LANCHTHON, SUCH AS THE ABOVE, ARE SELDOM OFFERED AT PUBLIC SALE. MELANCHTHON (PHILIP). Omnivm Opervm Verendi Viri Philippi Melan- thonis. Title-pages with large vignette containing portrait. 4 vols. thick folio, stamped pig-skin, two vols. with metal clasps (some leaves water-stained). Wittebergae: Johannes Crato, 1562 From the “Bibliotheque Spizelianae;’’ and with bookplate of Rev. Franciscus Praepositus Cann, and book-label of Friedrich Bellermann, each of these appearing in two of the volumes. MELANCHTHON (PHILIP). Loci Praecipvi Theologici. Woodcut portrait on title. Thick small 8vo, full contemporary vellum, blind stamped, with por- trait of Luther on obverse, and Melanchthon on reverse cover, with quota- tions below; portraits signed, ‘H.C.’ Wittebergae, 1595 RARE. With a number of contemporary manuscript notes on margins and fly- leaves. The binding on this volume is in the same style as the preceding, but un- gilded, and the portraits are identical in design but are left uncolored. 294. 295. 296. 297. Ooo. 298. 299. 300. Second Session, Thursday Evening, November rath MELANCHTHON (PHILIP). Corpus Doctrinii Christianii . . . Vignette por- trait on title. 8vo, full contemporary vellum, sides with elaborate gilt stamped framework enclosing center panel with portraits in embossed leather, COLORED BY HAND, of Luther on the obverse, and Melanchthon on reverse, cover, with appropriate quotations lettered below, and symbolic ornament in gilt above; the letters ‘“‘S. A. S. A.” and date ‘‘1580,”’ in gilt on front cover; brass clasps (fasteners lacking), red edges, gauffred in gilt in winged cherub-heads and stars. Argentorati, 1580 UNUSUALLY ELABORATE STAMPED BINDING, THE EMBOSSED, HANDPAINTED PorR- TRAITS BEING RARELY FOUND ON EARLY BINDINGS. In excellent preservation. Contemporary manuscript notes on title, fly-leaves, and some margins. MEMLING (JEAN). Chasse de Sainte Ursule. Numerous full-page lithographs, including ornamental title-page and portrait. Atlas folio, cloth (shaken). Bruxelles, undated MERIAN (MATTHEW). ZEILLER (MARTIN). Chronicon Parvum Suevie, oder Kleines Schwabisches Zeitbuch. . . . aus Felice Fabri, Vadiano, Bruschio, etc. Engraved title containing marginal scenes and portraits, and two very large folding plates, by Matthew Merian. Small 4to, vellum, metal clasps; slight repairs. Ulm, 1653 With autograph signature of ‘‘Rodolf Jenner 1720” in ink on title, and stenciled stamp. Miuitary Costumes. British Military Costume. A sertes of 7 plates FINELY COLORED. 1824; Foreign Military Costume. A series of 7 plates FINELY COLORED. 1824. Both bound in one vol. oblong folio, with title clipped from original front covers bound in. London: Published by Thomas M’Lean, 1824 FINE COPIES OF THESE WORKS. MILTON’s (JOHN) Copy. See No. 301 (on next page). Missa. Canon Missae et Praefationes aliaq. in eius celebratione rite agenda. . Elaborately engraved title-page, borders, vignettes, letters. Folio, red velvet, gauffred edges. (Some leaves stained.) Romae, 1658 MissaL. Missale Ordinis Fratrvm B. Mariae Virginis de Monte Carmelo; . . Adiunctis omnibus Missis Sanctorum . . . Alexandri VII. En- graved title, full-page and text engravings; with music. Folio, contemporary full red morocco, elaborately gilt, gilt edges. (Back needs repairs, small wormholes on sides, some margins soiled.) Antwerpiae, ex Officina Plantiniana B. Moreti, 1665 MissaL. Missale Romanum, ex decreto Sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini Restitutum S. PII V. . . . Engraved title, plates, and ornamental initials in text. Folio, leather, corners of each side covered with brass, brass clasps. Ex Ducali Campidonensi Typographeo, Anno Domini, 1799 Bound in at the end, are 20 leaves, inlaid to size, with title-page reading, ‘‘ Missae Propriae Sanctorum Civitatis et Diocesis Osnabrvgensis. . . .’’ Coloniae Agrip- pinae apud Cornelivm ab Egmondt MDC LIII. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue MILTON’S COPY, WITH HIS AUTOGRAPH INITIALS ON TITLE-PAGE— IN BOX-CASE MADE FROM WOOD TAKEN FROM HIS HOUSE 301. MiLton’s (JOHN) Copy. FRISCHLIN (NICODEMUS). Operum Poeticorum Comoediae Septem: . . . Tragoediae Dvae. Woodcut portrait of the author. 16mo, contemporary stamped calf. In hinged box-case of OAKEN BoarDS MADE FROM SOME OF THE TIMBER TAKEN FROM MILTON’s HousE IN BARBICAN, when the house was taken down in 1865. Argentorati, 1595 OPERVM POETICORVM NICODEMI FRISCHLINI, POETAE, ORATOR1S, ET PHILOSOPHI, pars {cenica:in quafunt COMOEDIAE SEPTEM; -REBECCA, SVSANN Ay HILDEGARDIS; Tvrivs REDIVIVYS | PRISCTANVS VAPVLANS, HELVETIOGERWAN i: PHASMA. | TRAGOEDIAE DVAE: _ VENVS, DID 0. Exrecentifima ac omninm poftrema ipfius Aultovis ementationerelita, Cry =~ are Bigs 3 ante q By” Sie Ro ey oA 5 % SAPIENTIA SNVISNOD wxcudebantHaredesBernhardilobini ss 9. MiLTon’s Copy, WitTH His AUTOGRAPH INITIALS, ‘J. M.,'’ IN INK ON TITLE, AND NUMEROUS UNDERSCORINGS IN THE TEXT BY HIM. THE AUTOGRAPH OF MILTON Is OF THE HIGHEST DEGREE OF Rarity. The volume and autograph are in perfect preservation. This volume was sold at Sotheby’s some years back, and that catalogue descrip- tion is pasted in. These dramas by Frischlin were no doubt used by Milton as source-books in the writing of his ‘‘ Paradise Lost.”’ The CAsE in which this book is enclosed is made of wood from Milton’s house, as above described, with certification of the same by John Wallen, bookseller, 58 Fleet Street, which is pasted inside the case. Milton’s house in Barbican was taken down to make way for the extension of the Metropolitan Railway from the Victoria Street Station to Finsbury Circus. The schoolroom and study were paneled with oak, and the wood of this case was probably made from a portion of these panels. A VOLUME WITH THE ASSOCIATION INTEREST OF THE PRESENT, ENCLOSED IN A CASE OF SIMILAR CLOSE ASSOCIATION WITH THE GREAT POET, IS OF THE UTMOST VALUE TO THE COLLECTOR OF MILTON. [SEE REPRODUCTION] Second Session, Thursday Evening, November r2th 303. MONTFAUCON (BERN. DE). Antiquity Explained and Represented in Sculp- tures, by the learned Father Montfaucon. Translated into English by David Humphreys. Vols. I, III, and Supplement, Vol. I. 3 vols. 1721-1725; [Aso] The Same, in French. L’Antiquité Expliquée. . . . Seconde Edition. Vols. I to V, inclusive. 5 vols. 1721-1722. With hundreds of plates containing thousands of figures, bas-reliefs, ancient monuments, etc. Together, 8 vols. folio, old calf (several covers loose, bindings rubbed). London: J. Tonson and Watts; and Paris, 1721-1725 The French copy is the Second and Corrected Edition of this valuable delineation of monuments of antiquity. ‘tae armorial bookplate of Sir John Chapman, Baronet, in the three English volumes. 304. Moore (THomas). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH Manuscript of,—‘‘A Summer’s Féte.”” Manuscript of about Six THousAND, FIVE HUNDRED Worps, written in ink on 25 4to pages and one folio page; [ALSo] Corrected Proof Sheets of the same. Bound into a 4to volume, full red morocco, gilt edges. A most desirable poetical autograph item of this famous Irish poet. There are a great number of corrections, etc., in the proof sheets, in the autograph of the author. 305. Mus&e Secret. Herculanum et Pompéi. Recueil Général . . . accom- pagné d’un texte explicatif par M. L. Barré. [Vol. VIII, only.] Numerous line-engraved plates. Royal 8vo, boards (piece broken off back). Paris, 1862 The rarest volume of the series. 306. Music. [PALENCIA (J. DE).] Liber. In quo habentur illa quae in hebdomada Sancta solenniter cantanda . . . Woodcut on title, ornamental woodcut initial letters. Printed in square notes in black on red lines. 4to, original limp vellum. Salmantice, Mathias Gastius, 1570 A VERY EARLY PRINTED MusICcCAL Work, in good condition, except that title- page and first few leaves are torn and repaired at inner margin, cutting into the words in a few places. With the stencil stamp of the Biblioteca Nacional de Guatemala on second leaf and MS. inscription on title. 307. Music. Fror1ino (GAspaAro). La Nobilta’ di Roma. Versi in Lode di Cento Gentildonne Romane, et le Vilanelle a tre voci. With musical annotation printed in part 1n diamond-shaped notes and in part in numbers and circles. Small 4to, old boards. Venice, 1571 EXCEEDINGLY EARLY PRINTING OF Music IN MOVABLE TYPES. The printing is done in separate sections, each note with the accompanying five lines being a dis- tinct piece of type, with an interval of five lines without note as spacing between each note. Where figures are used in place of notes the typesetting has been of the same character and apparently each set of lines and the note or number upon it were of a single cast. RARE SPECIMEN OF EARLY MuSIC TYPOGRAPHY. 308. Music. Apollo’s Feast or the Harmony of the Opera Stage, being a well- chosen Collection of the Favourite & most Celebrated Songs out of the latest Operas compos’d by Bononcini, Attillio and other Authors. Book the Second; [ALso] The Same. Composed by Mr. Handel. Vol. IV. Each with engraved frontispiece by Berchet. Engraved music, with words. To- gether, 2 vols. small folio, half calf (worn). London: Printed for I. Walsh, circa 1770 Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 309. Music. [RAVENSCROFT (THOMAS). Pammelia. Mvsickes Miscellanie: or Mixed Varietie of pleasant Rovndelayes, and delightful Catches, of 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Parts in one.] First Epition. [London, 1609]; [ALso] The Same. SECOND EpITION. London, 1618. 2 vols. in one, 4to, boards, calf back, BY LEWIS. London [1609]-1618 Canons inthe vnifon., 3.Voe, Rounds or Catches of three VOYCES. Oy eerste ees ess Ey- hoe, to-the greene wood naw let 0s:go6, Sing Saas Hedine'and: | Hider. “And theréthalPwte'finde both Backs F=9 Se sh ao fa ne cm Sa eae Sor oe oe Sher sine tim cee tee stiesel = er ate O'gr— \seatentaherhe aoehadend sa hd on le bi alerts - and Doe,Sing heaue and:. hee: THe Hart the Hinde,and fhe little pretic Roe, Sing: =o q4=2 ff 8-2 Las 29893 7 ot rl ine cfg Mace enw aE or heaue and hoe, Hey hoe, vt (apra.. Reseti= Sy ot ee Ben ete oe Boe SeeaEnet : Me thought! heard a maiden childe condemn’d to dye, whofe name was. A=. poet ep fqieiet= piace aeo cere. meres EEL berate prea sepegaprsmmmany meen Iefuswholeij. Omy ear he 3 EXCESSIVELY RARE. The first COLLECTION OF CATCHES, CANONS AND ROUNDS TO BE PRINTED IN ENGLAND and THE First Copy WHICH HAs APPEARED IN PUBLIC SALE IN MANY YEARS. The only sale recorded was at Sotheby’s in 1825, quoted by both Lowndes and Brunet. The present volume contains the First and Second Edition. The First Edition lacks title, dedication and leaf B2, the Second Edition has leaf D2 supplied in manuscript, a note stating that this leaf is in the autograph of Thomas Barrow, one of the Gen- tlemen and Copyist to the Kings Chapel. Some leaves repaired in corners, title to second edition backed, interleaved throughout. A manuscript note on fly-leaf records the purchase of the two volumes and the mending and binding by Lewis, and other manuscript notes presumably in the auto- graph of William Dyce. ‘To those who collect books for reading and reference tt is a prize to obtain a volume like this in any way.’ From William Dyce’s note on fly-leaf. [SEE REPRODUCTION] Second Session, Thursday Evening, November 12th 310. MusicaAL MANuscripTs. BALFE (MICHAEL WILLIAM). ORIGINAL AUTO- GRAPH Musica Manuscript of,—‘“‘ Maid of Artots.’’ One page small 4to. Signed, —‘‘ M. W. Balfe.”” London, Nov. 7, 1867; [ALso] Three Bars of Music (Manuscript), London, July 21, 1863. With a photograph, and engraved portrait. Together, 4 pieces. Accompanying the above are several newspaper clippings regarding this famous composer. The MS. contains a number of words in the autograph of Mr. Balfe. 311. MusicAL MANUSCRIPT. BEETHOVEN (LUDWIG VON). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH Manuscript Music. 1797. Unsigned. 6pp. folio, in ink. Containing variations of a composition for the piano, similar to Beethoven’s Bagatellen. Unbound. FINE MANUSCRIPT COMPOSED BY THIS CELEBRATED MusICcIAN. According to Nottebohm, this work was composed in 1797. It was published in the Supplement to the Complete Edition of Beethoven’s Works, with the exception of the part of the composition appearing on pp. 5 and part of p. 6, which remains unpublished. [SEE FRONTISPIECE FOR REPRODUCTION] 312. MusicaAL MANuScRIPT. CHOPIN (F.). Autograph Note Signed,—‘“‘ Chopin,” One page 12mo, dated,—‘‘ Dimanche matin.” With Stx MusicaL MEas- URES, on two lines, pasted above letter; [ALso] Title-page cover for ‘3 Valses, pour le piano, composées par F. Chopin, . . .”’ in Chopin’s auto- graph. Together, 3 pieces. Unbound. INTERESTING NOTE, in which Chopin refers to a forthcoming rehearsal, promising to call for the recipient at the appointed time. Francois F. Chopin, the distinguished Polish pianist and composer, was born near Warsaw, in 1809. He became a resident of Paris about 1832. Died in 1849. 313. MusicAL MANuscRIPT. CONTI (FRANCESCO). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MusicaL Manuscript,—''Hymnus ad festum annuntiationis Maree, ‘Nuni dimittis servum’ a 5 voct con violint e basso con organo.” 32pp. oblong 4to. From the celebrated collection of Aloys Fiichs. Numerous explanatory musical notations in the composer’s autograph appear in the music. 314. MusicaL Manuscripts. DONIZETTI (GAETANO). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH Manuscript Music, SIGNED on title-page,—‘'‘G. Donzzettt.”’ 63pp. oblong folio. With a title-page cover in the autograph of the composer, also explanatory annotations giving the name of the instrument, for part designated, and the degree of expression desired by the author. Unbound. SPLENDID MANUSCRIPT, composed in 1821, containing, as the title indicates, ‘6 Notturni."’ Donizetti is well-known as the composer of the ever-popular operas, “Lucia di Lammermoor,” and ‘‘Lucrezia Borgia.”’ 315. MusicaL MANuscripTs. DONIZETTI (GAETANO). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MusicaL MANUSCRIPTS, viz.,—(1) ‘Il Pegno Canzonetta,’ with music and words, in Italian, for three stanzas. One page small folio; (2) ‘‘ Air de Don Sébastien,” with music, and words beneath, in French. One page folio. In the upper margin, is written in French the following [translation]: ‘Rough draught in Donizetti’s autograph sent to G. Duprez by the Maestro.” Both pieces unsigned. Unbound. SPLENDID MANUSCRIPTS. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 316. MusicAL MANUSCRIPT. FLoTOW (FRIEDRICH, FREIHERR VON). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MusicAL MANUSCRIPT. 39pp. 4to and Iopp. 8vo. This is an important manuscript being a part of the musical score of the opera “La Veuve Grapin,’’ which was published in 1859. Numerous words appear in the author’s autograph, written in French. ‘La Veuve Grapin" was one of the very successful operas written by this famous German composer. Tress If—i 4 ——— - ae 2 ae 7 mot tts j Lo ea ME 2 Ao. CPS [7 Oe rer. A EE SS = SS P<: aad DT SD fei SAE —— Se Mise 1 Se ese AR A ah _ Sy Se ay ae 317. MusicaL Manuscript. GouNnop (CHARLES F.). ORIGINAL MusicaL MANU- scrIPT, Unsigned. 4pp. oblong folio. With words and music, portion of a Requiem service. Half a page is cancelled, and above same are two lines, written in pencil by the composer, with instructions concerning the cor- rection to be made. Upper margins of leaves slightly stained. INTERESTING MANUSCRIPT by this noted French composer; the above manu- script, written for five part singing, is worded as follows,—*‘Dona requiem semputer- nam, requiem sempiternam. Dona eis requiem, Pie Jesu, Jesu Domine.” 318. MusicaL Manuscript. HANDEL (GEORGE F.), ORIGINAL MUSICAL MANU- SCRIPT of an “Aria,” for Basso (solo), Violins, Viola and Organ. 21pp. folio. Music AND Worps ENTIRELY IN THE AUTOGRAPH OF THE COMPOSER; with two engraved portraits of Handel, one of which is very rare, having been engraved for the Universal Magazine, 1760. SPLENDID MANUSCRIPT, composed about 1737. Handel is regarded by some critics as the greatest composer that ever lived. [SEE REPRODUCTION] Second Session, Thursday Evening, November 12th 319. MusicaL MANuscripT. HAypDN (JOSEPH). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MUSICAL MANUSCRIPT. 2pp. oblong imperial 8vo. Portrait. Together, 2 pieces. Several words appear in the handwriting of this famous Austrian composer. Haydn was born in 1732 and died in 1814. 320. Musical ManuscrieT. HAypN (JOSEPH). ORIGINAL MusicAL MANUSCRIPT, SIGNED,—‘‘di G. Mich. Haydn, 7 Marti 1791; composition entitled,— ““ Menuetti a piu Stromenti.” i2pp. folio. Stenciled monogram “S. N.” on first leaf. Menuettr & pine Stromonti- yy) Stick A , > g , ° Y SSS 7 ones Se Ea ams RAE ES ET TT a Dt ateEERREEEnEEREEEEinEEEEEEEeene ESLER STEP ESE EE EGE ERLE PPO ROOD ALDI Charny 2 SS A A So So a —— - Sy ~= aT a Ser ee aE SE ee —a a ae oe Ww CA LCG Te a Ne AS PSNR Ta ~ ‘oar RS AT BR SS CE A a a oY eS we Se A ET i ini ED ED ay Te ee ee ; T ¢ \ ps ° \ eddsole ¢ Tt arwal an EE SS TET BE k————— a — = —_ Een ren ae Gore AT CS CY RET TS Nee SESS CS OT ———— ae a ee ato rH og 1 rg piapad amaesemmeabinstipaican mat 1 . A, 1 } L L z + f Q Ate j y wa = (6, to ESSERE OF OF ES I ae ~ pe SEER OB CRETE SS 2 RED. RR ON SE EE ee EDA ET P< a ae Le ‘Sais ancl oa Cael A RETA A BP Se. SS oe VCs VK A Q é Fake vy: 9 Btls ‘ nie « ry +, ie Ge a: SE F eo, PEGs Rei rere — ‘ eo ee ee ES eee (2 ar Soa ee ee oS J. yy P 4 2 2 ae WY) $2 SL) STE : ; (5 Se Se it es ao a es See Se ee Se eee ean: ee —— ney come cr SS - Stas eae rae fore oning owen aac asrameceaes * S, ‘ \ op ° y L & j . = (eke SS RNA ER A EE A en Se es Se eS La eo | A ae es Ot RT HON HN LS SE PIT OER 6 Re, “RD ETT ET SE EST VETO ES BAM ME MO a EE SY a TE E27 jE DSSS Seles eae a aetna aan Tastee Ea See ae REE (Sa ae ean Oates ea LD Cea eS a — ca mmagnense' eS (DEES P . a) et Sh ST NNER OR i SS SPLENDID MANUSCRIPT, IN FINE CONDITION, of this celebrated composer. Written for orchestra, instructions for the time of the music, and the parts intended for the various instruments, being noted in the composer’s autograph. [SEE REPRODUCTION] 321. MusicaL Manuscript. LEcCOcQ (ALEXANDER CHARLES). ORIGINAL MUSICAL Manuscrirt of,—‘‘ Les Jumeaux de Bergame.” 106 small folio pages. Lecocq was born in Paris, in 1832 and will be remembered by his ‘‘ Fleur de Thé,”’ “L'Amour et son Carquois,”’ etc. The above was produced in 1875. There are numer- ous musical terms and words in the composer’s autograph. 322. MusicaL Manuscript. Liszt (FRANZ). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MUSICAL MANUSCRIPT. 10 royal 4to pages. SUPERB SPECIMEN. There are numerous words explanatory of the execution of the music, in the autograph of this famous Hungarian pianist and composer. 323. MusicaL Manuscript. Liszt (FRANZ). OriGINAL AuTOGRAPH MusICcAL MANUSCRIPT. 4pp. 4to. 1830. The composer’s signature and several words appear on the MS. in his autograph Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 324. MusicaL Manuscript. Liszt (FRANZ). Printed Musical Composition of,— “Was ist des Deutscher Vaterland.’’ 2pp. small folio, signed in upper corner in pencil,—‘‘Zzszt,’’ and containing numerous ORIGINAL AUTO- GRAPH CORRECTIONS with various word changes by Liszt. Two pages of ‘‘Was ist des Deutscher Vaterland,’’ used by this famous Hungarian pianist and composer in conducting a musical festival. 325. MusicaL Manuscript. MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY (FELIX). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MUSICAL MANUSCRIPT. 2pp. small folio. With numerous musical notations in the autograph of the famous German com- poser. 326. MusicaL MANuscriIPT. Mozart (WOLFGANG AMADEUS). ORIGINAL AUTO- GRAPH MusicaL Manuscript,—‘'Trio, for the Pranoforte, Clarinet and Flute; or Violin and Tenor.’’ 15pp. oblong 4to. A VERY RARE MEMENTO of this Austrian master, in a fine state of preservation. From the collection of W. Ayrton. 327. MusICAL MANUSCRIPT. OFFENBACH (JACQUES). ORIGINAL MusicaAL MANUu- scRIPT,—‘‘ La Chatte Blanche.”’ 13pp. oblong 4to. Signed at the beginning and dated,—" Parts, 2 fevrier,’75. Jacques Offenbach.” EXCEEDINGLY FINE AND Most DESIRABLE MANUSCRIPT, with numerous correc- tions and cancellations. Besides musical notations there are many words in French set to the music, all in the autograph of the popular German composer. 328. MusicaAL MANUSCRIPT. PAGANINI (NICOLO).- ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MUSICAL Manuscriept,—'‘ Tema Nepolitan.”” One page 4to. Signed,—‘' Nicolo Paganini;”’ [Atso] Autograph Letter Signed,—‘‘ NV. Paganini.” One page 4to, I1. 9, 1824. Together, 2 pieces. The music is dated 1829, written at Monaco. 329. MusicAL MANusCRIPT. Rossini (GIOACCHINO). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MusicaL MANUSCRIPT SIGNED,—“ Gioacchino Rossini.” One page oblong 8vo, Paris, Feb. 15, 1856. Written in 34 time, consisting of 10 bars of music. 330. MusicAL MANUSCRIPT. ROUSSEAU (JEAN-JACQUES). AUTOGRAPH MUSICAL MANUSCRIPT,—" Recueil d’Artettes avec accompagnement de Guitarre.” Signed,—" J. J. R.’’ 23pp. oblong 4to. ONE OF THE FINEST SPECIMENS KNOWN OF COPIES OF Music BY ROUSSEAU. The abbreviation ‘‘cop.’’ appears after his initials at the end. 331. MusicaAL MANUSCRIPT. RUBINSTEIN (ANTON G.). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MusicaL MANUSCRIPT SIGNED,—" Ant. Rubinstein.” “Prag. 4 November, 1867.”" One page 8vo. The musical term ‘“‘ Allegretto’’ appears in the musician’s hand at commencement of the piece, which consists of 8 bars of music. 332. MusicaL MANuscrIPT. SARRI (DOMINICO). ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT, Must- CAL SCORE AND LIBRETTO, of his Opera,—‘' Le Gare Generose tra Pompeo, e Cesare.’’ Written in ink on 364 oblong 4to pages, with Manuscript Index, one leaf, at end. Oblong 4to, full undressed calf, lettered leather labels on back. DESIRABLE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT. The opera was presented and the work printed in 1706, according to Fétis’ Biographie des Musiciens. With bookplate of Robert Smith. 333: 334- 335: 336. 337: 338. 339: 340. 341. Second Session, Thursday Evening, November r2th MusicAL MANUSCRIPT. SCHUBERT (FRANZ). ORIGINAL MusicaL MANvu- SCRIPT SIGNED,—‘‘ Franz Schubert.” 2pp. 4to.; [ALso] Another fragment consisting of 5 bars ee and dated ‘‘ Dresden 11 Junt, 1841." Together, 2 pieces. Two important and interesting fragments. The first has many words in German, set to the music. It is a fragment of the first draft of ‘‘ Doppelchor,”’ battle song. MusicaL MANuSCRIPT. SCHUMANN (ROBERT). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MusicaL Manuscript of,—‘“ Volksliedchen von Riickert.”” Signed twice,— “Robert Schumann.” 2pp. 4to. FINE SPECIMEN, with several words also in Schumann’s autograph, written in German. MusicaL MANUSCRIPT. ScuDO (PIETRO). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MUSICAL MANUSCRIPT SIGNED,—“ Signor Scudo.”’ topp. oblong 4to. Apparently an accompaniment to a song. There are several words written in the autograph of the composer explaining the execution of the music. MusicaL MANuscripts. THOMAS (AMBROISE). THREE ORIGINAL AUTO- GRAPH MusIcAL MANUSCRIPTS, two of which are signed,—‘‘ Ambroise Thomas.” Together, 3 pieces, 6pp. (4pp. in small folio, 2 in oblong 8vo). Dated 1859, 1891 and the last undated. DESIRABLE EXAMPLES. Several corrections appear in the folio sheets. Words in French, in the autograph of the composer, appear on one of the pieces. MusicaL MANUSCRIPTS. VERDI (GIUSEPPE). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MUSICAL MANUSCRIPT SIGNED,—'‘G. Verdi, Roma, 5 Novr. 1844.’ ipp. 4to, Worps (in Italian) AND Music ENTIRELY IN VERDI'S AUTOGRAPH. Un- bound. SPLENDID MANUSCRIPT BY THIS WoRLD-FAMED COMPOSER. Verdi was born in the Duchy of Parma in 1814. Among his works, which enjoy very great popularity, may be mentioned, ‘Il Trovatore,’”’ ‘‘La Traviata,’’ and ‘‘Un Ballo in Maschera.”’ MusicaL Manuscripts. A Collection of Musical Manuscripts. Together, 5 pieces. 2Ipp. 4to and small folio. The music is the work of:—A. Haupt; Carl Reinecke; Vincent Novello (a compo- sition by Dr. Boyce, transcribed by Novello); Louis Gottschalk; and Auber. MusicaL Manuscripts. A Collection of Original Autograph Musical Manu- scripts representing 9 composers. 87pp. various sizes. Represents the work of: M. Sembrich-Hengel; W. C. Peters; F. Lachner; F. Hervé; A. Guilmant; H. W. Ernst; C. Zelter; S. Webbe; L. Spohr. Accompanying the above is a volume containing 54pp. of manuscript music which is unidentified, also another piece of music of 7 pages, also unidentified. MusicaL Manuscripts. A Collection of Original Autograph Musical Manu- scripts representing II composers. 60pp. various sizes. Represents the work of: Wm. Horsley; Joseph Ascher; Charles Wesley; A. Tambu- rini; Wilhelm Speyer; Antonio Salieri; W. Lewes; F. H. Himmel; Ole Bull; John Blow; and 23 pages of music without composer’s name. Musicat Manuscrirts. A Collection of Original Autograph Musical Manu- scripts, representing II composers. 86pp. various sizes. Represents the work of: Dr. Boyce; N.-A. Zingarelli; S. Thalberg; Strakosch; A. Salieri; O. Nicolai; A. F. Marmontel; J. N. Hummel; N.-E. Habeneck; M. Cooke; H. R. Bishop. The first mentioned is a copy of the original. Accompanying the above is a concert ticket signed by the celebrated conductor, Monsieur Jullien; also a portrait of Mr. Hummel. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 342. Musica Manuscripts. A Collection of Original Autograph Musical Manu- 343: 344. 345. 346. 347: 348. scripts representing 19 composers. 46pp. various sizes; A Poem consisting of 5 stanzas, 4 lines each, with 6 additional lines, by Herman Neubert. Together, 20 pieces. Represents the work of: T. Déhler; M. Hauptmann; Hernstein; Moschelles; C.F. Richter; J. Rietz; Schneider; H. von Senger; C. F. Becker; H. Vieuxtemps; Spontini; Scarlatti; F. Ricci; H. Marschner; C. de Kontsky; J. F. Halevey; F. David; A. Botta; and one unidentified. NAPOLEON I. Document Signed,—‘“‘ Bonaparte,”’ as First Consul, 1p. folio, Paris, December 13, 1800. Countersigned by the Secretary of State,— “Hugues B. Maret,’ and the Secretary of War,—‘ Berthier.”” On vellum. With engraved vignette, and official seal. Slightly soiled. An award of a Gun, as a national recognition of the brave services rendered by Sergeant Perdu on the occasion of the Battle of Marengo. NAPOLEON I. Document Signed,—‘‘ Bonaparie,”’ as First Consul, 1p. folio, Paris, January 23, 1803. Countersigned as the preceding. On vellum. With engraved vignette, and official stamp. Edges slightly frayed. A Recognition of the bravery of Sergeant Jean Martin, at Biberack, awarding him a Sword of Honor. NAPOLEON I. WIRTTEMBERG (Louris, Duc DE). Instructions Relative to the Service of Hussars in Warfare. Manuscript written on 121 numbered pages of paper, 834 by 714 inches. With two original folded MANUSCRIPT PLANS IN CoLors. Dedication to the Emperor (of Austria?) SIGNED IN AUTOGRAPH BY Louis DE WIRTTEMBERG, Peterhoff, August 1, 1805. 4to, original red straight-grain morocco, gilt, gilt edges. An interesting manuscript of great NAPOLEONIC INTEREST, as the maneuvers therein described were to be used against the French army. NAPOLEON I. Corrected Proof Sheets of the ‘‘Recapitulation of the Objects of Science and Art collected by the order of Napoleon in 1796 and 1797, and transported [from Italy] to Paris.” Drawn up by Comte Turpin de Crissé. 1859. 16pp; Facsimiles of Napoleon’s Various Signatures; Two facsimiles. Together, 4 pieces, 4to, royal 8vo and oblong 8vo. NAPOLEON IT (DUKE oF REICHSTADT, KING OF ROME—only son of Napoleon I). OriGinaL AuTOGRAPH MANuscrIPT, Unsigned, 2pp. 4to. Written in ink, on both sides of a 4to leaf, torn from a note-book, containing about 250 words, in French, with numerous corrections, The manuscript is an exercise in French style, written when he was about 16 years old (1827), in which he mentions that he is sending an Italian translation which he has just made. A copy of the Italian exercise accompanies the French exercise. Together, 2 pieces. NAPOLEON III. Document on vellum, Signed,—‘ Napoleon.” Tuileries, December 21, 1865; Autograph Letter Signed,—‘‘ Napoleon Louis B.” Ip. I2mo, with envelope; NAPOLEON (EUGENE-Louis—son of Napoleon III), Photograph taken at the age of 12 years, signed,—‘‘ Louis Napoleon.” Small Cabinet Size, accompanied by letter and envelope from General Frossard; BONAPARTE (PRINCESS ZENAIDE)—wife of Charles Lucien Bonaparte). Autograph Note Signed; and others. Together, 11 pieces, various sizes and dates. Second Session, Thursday Evening, November r2th 349. NAVAL VOCABULARY. LESCALLIER (M.). Vocabulaire des Termes de Marine, Anglois et Frangois. Nouvelle Edition. With many engraved folding plates, containing examples tllustrating naval terms. 8vo, old calf (rubbed). Londres, 1783 350. NEw TESTAMENT IN GERMAN. Das Newe Testament. D. Mart. Luther. Woodcut border on title, and numerous woodcuts in the text, including portrait of Luther. Thick 16mo, contemporary stamped calf, with portrait of Luther on obverse and of Melanchthon on reverse cover. (Clasps lacking.) [Erfurdt: Melchior Sachs, 1588] 351. NEWSPAPERS. THE OxFORD GAZETTE. Nos. I to 870. From Nov. 7, 1665, to March 23, 1673. 2 vols. small folio, paneled calf, gilt coat-of-arms stamped in center of front covers, with monogram ‘‘G. R.,” covers loose. Oxon: Re-printed, London: Tho. Newcomb, 1655-1673 On Nov. 7, 1665, the first Gazette in England was published at Oxford; on the removal of the court to London, the name was changed to London Gazette. Assumed to be perfect, but, as with all periodicals, sold not returnable. With armorial bookplate of eee Harrison. 352. NEWSPAPERS. THE LONDON GAZETTE. Nos. 326 to 1289, inclusive. From December 28, 1668, to March 28, 1678. 2 vols. small folio, calf (rubbed). London: Tho. Newcomb, 1668-1678 Assumed to be perfect, but, as with all periodicals, sold not returnable. . ee arirens. THE DoMESTICK INTELLIGENCE. Nos. 1 to 114. From July 9, gre vie VV ist x vy 0 1679, to April 15, 1681; THE LoyaL Protestant, and the Domestick In- telligence. Nos. 1 to 247. From March 9, 1680 to March 20, 1682. Bound in one volume, folio, calf. London, 1679-1682 Assumed to be perfect, but, as with all periodicals, sold not returnable. i‘ 354. NEWSPAPERS. THE TRUE PROTESTANT MERCURY. Nos. I to 188. From December 28, 1680 to October 25, 1682; THE DoMEsTICK INTELLIGENCE. Nos. I to 155. From May 13, 1681 to April 6, 1682; THE LONDON MER: ~cury....Nos. I to 56. From April 6, to October 17, 1682; THE CONVENTICLE- Courant. Nos. 1 to 24. From August (2), to December 27, 1682; THE Ake LoyaL LonpDON MERCURY. Nos. 1 to 46. From June 14, to N ovember 17) “oy “1682; MeErcurius Crvicts. Nos. 1 to 14...From March22, to May 6, aor, 1680; also, Various Numbers of The Loyal Intelligence, Poot Robins Intelli- gence Reviewed, The Weekly~Discoverer,, The Haerlem“Courant, The Impartial Londo’ Antelligence, and Smith’s-Protestant Intelligence. To- gether, several hundred numbers, bound in one volume, folio, calf. (Bind- ing poor, name on title.) London, 1680-1682 Assumed to be perfect, but, as with all periodicals, sold not returnable. With bookplate of Wm. Henver of Clapham. 355. NEWSPAPERS. THE PRESENT STATE OF EurROPE, or the Historical and Political Monthly Mercury. With Political Reflexions upon every State. Vol. V. From January to December, 1694, inclusive. Small 4to, calf (rubbed). Continued Monthly from the Original published at the Hague. 356. NEWSPAPERS. THE LONDON CHRONICLE, for the Year 1758. From January I to June 30. Volume III. Small folio, boards, uncut (worn). London, 1758 Assumed to be perfect, but, as with all periodicals, sold not returnable. $ 2 ba ep, IAFL. arele, 9 I yr / London, 1694 Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 357. NEWSPAPERS. THE NorTH BRITON. [Issued every Saturday.] Nos. 47 to 217. From May 10, 1768, to May 4, 1771, inclusive. Bound in 3 vols. small folio, board sides, calf backs, uncut. {London: Printed for W. Bingley, 1768-1771] Assumed to be perfect, but, as with all periodicals, sold not returnable. 358. NEWSPAPERS. THE LONDON PACKET, or, New Lloyd’s Evening Post. Nos. 966 to 1123 inclusive, December 29, 1775 to December 30, 1776 (157 numbers). Bound in one volume folio, half calf (worn). London, 1775-1776 Or AMERICAN REVOLUTION INTEREST, containing as it does extracts of letters received from British Loyalists in America, reports from British Commanders on the campaigns, etc. Believed and assumed to be perfect, but, as with all periodicals, sold not subject to return. 359. NEWSPAPERS. LE JOURNAL DE L’EMPIRE. [Published Daily.] From January 1 to December 31, 1812; [and] From January 1 to March 31, 1814. 3 vols. small folio, boards and wrappers, uncut (the former rubbed). Paris, 1812-1814 Assumed to be perfect, but, as with all periodicals, sold not returnable. With the official stamp on each sheet. 360. Newspapers. A collection of about 67 Irish Newspapers, printed in Dublin, 1825-1864. ; UNusuaL COLLECTION; comprising various numbers of,—The Antidote, The Citi- zen, The Dublin People, The Federalist, The Flag of Ireland, The Ghost of Watty Cox, The Irish Guardian, The Irish National Garb, The Irish People, The Irish Volunteer, The Irish Volunteer Journal, Old Ireland, New Ireland, The People of Ireland, The United Irishman, and The Irish Felon. 361. NICHOLSON (WILLIAM). The History of the Wars Occasioned by the French Revolution. . . . Frontispiece and 21 plates, equestrian portraits of cele- brated French Generals, and others, ALL IN CoLors. Folio, contemporary tree calf. (Cover loose, light stains.) London, 1816 The plates include,—Napoleon, Duke of Wellington, King of Prussia, Emperor Alexander, Duke of York, Gen. Hill, Gen. Abercrombie, and others. 362. NupE IN Art (THE). A Collection of Reproductions in Photogravure of Celebrated Paintings by the World’s Greatest Masters. With Biographical, Critical, and Descriptive Text by Clarence Lansing. Numerous plates, all tinted, some on rice paper. 5 vols. large folio, cloth. Boston [1893] Printed for Subscribers Only. 363. NuREMBURG. Agend-Biichlein fiir die Pfarzherren auff dem Land. Woodcut vignette coat-of-arms on title. Small 4to, original stamped vellum over oaken beards, with arms of the Biblioteca Norimbergensts in gilt in center of front cover, with title lettered in gilt above, and decorative ornament in back panel, vellum and brass clasps, gilt edges. Nuremberg, 1601; [Aso] NEWE ZEYTTUNGEN, von dem 5. tag Augusti disz 1566 Jars, ausz Wien Was sich vor der Destung Statt vnnd Schloss Jula . . . Woodcut vignette on title. Small 4to, new cloth. Nuremberg, n. d. Together, 2 vols. The first mentioned is of interest as having been bound for the famous library in Nuremberg, and is in exceptionally good preservation. The second is a RARE CONTEMPORARY TRACT ON TURKISH ATROCITIES of the period. Second Session, Thursday Evening, November 12th 364. OFrFicIA HEBDOMADAE S. et Missae Perannum, ad usum Clericorum Parochiae Carnidensis. Title, Index and Musical Score and words beneath done in pen-and-ink by unknown hand, on heavy white paper. Folio, old calf. (Binding damaged and text somewhat water-stained.) No place, 1786 365. ORIENTAL MANuscripts. Miscellaneous Collection including Autograph Letters and Documents Signed and other manuscript material in Arabic, Turkish, Persian, Hindu, Chinese, and other Oriental languages. Together, about 45 pieces. This collection includes several interesting documents amongst which are: MAN- DATE, IN TURKISH, from the Supreme Vezir recommending the friendly reception and provisioning of the English fleet under Lord Nelson, and the refusal of admittance to ports of any French vessels. This document was written July 29, 1798, just THREE Days BEFORE THE BATTLE OF THE NILE; L. S., in Arabic, from the Emir Abd-el-Ka- der to Napoleon III dated 1269 A. H. (1852 A. D.); Persian Autograph Signature procured by a German autograph collector in 1601, with his dated note regarding same in German; A. L.S., in English, from the Rajah Vegeanagur, 1873. With elaborate colored head-piece on letter; Letter, possibly autographic, of the Nabob of the Carnatick to King George III, 1790. With contemporary English translation; Visiting Card of Li Hung Chang, written in black on red paper; and several Chinese tonnage dues certificates, one dated 1878; A. L. S., in English, by the King of Siam. Bangkok, 1851. A quaintly worded epistle; and other manuscripts; [ALSo] Facsimile of an ancient papyrus. 366. ORLEANS (PHILIPPE, Duc D’—Regent of France, son of Philippe d’Orleans). Document Signed,—“ Philippedorleans.”’ One page folio, Versailles, April 22, 1723. On parchment. With a portion of original wax seal attached. “Lettres Patents sur foy et hommages’’; RENE D’ANJOU (KING OF NAPLES, SICILY, etc.). Document Signed. With coat-of-arms and the king’s name at head of the document and a large coat-of-arms at the foot, ALL ILLUMINATED IN COLORS AND GOLD. With fine impression of King René’s RoyaL SEAL (cracked. and some repairs but mainly intact) attached by the original cords; LORRAINE (ANTOINE Duc DE). Document Signed,—‘‘ Axtotine.” One page large folio, October 12, 1519. With large wax seal (broken) attached by vellum bands. Together, 3 pieces. 367. PapUA (UNIVERSITY OF). Patent as Doctore Juris, from the University of Padua, 1625; [ANp] Another, 1661. Each signed by the Chancellor of the University, and others. Each manuscript written on 6 leaves of vellum, 9 by 614, with coat-of-arms within elaborate floral borders on first page, broad floral borders with miniature at head on second page, and full floral border sur- rounding each of the other pages, all PAINTED IN COLORS AND GOLD. To- gether, 2 vols. 4to, original morocco, elaborately gilt, and full velvet, with remains of ribbon ties. 368. PALEOGRAPHY. WILLIAMS (HENRY SMITH). The History of the Art of Writ- ing. With more than 200 facsimile reproductions in tone and colors from the important languages of every age. 4 vols. folio, original parts, wrappers, enclosed in cloth portfolios with ties. London, recent Comprises manuscripts, inscriptions and muniments of oriental, classical, medi- eval and modern times. 369. PALEOGRAPHY. WILLIAMS (HENRY SMITH). The History of the Art of Writ- ing. Vols. II-IV. With facsimile reproductions in tone and colors from the important languages of every age. 3 vols. folio, original parts, wrappers, enclosed in cloth portfolios with ties. London, recent Comprises the Classical, Medieval and Modern Series, the first volume containing the Oriental Series is lacking in this set. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 370. PALGRAVE (FRANCIS TURNER—English Author). Manuscript Copy, written by one of his children for the use of the printer, of his three papers on “‘ The Song Books of the Elizabethan Age.”’ Written in ink on 48 sheets, on one side only, containing about 7500 words; ALso, an Autograph Letter Signed ,— “F. T. Palgrave.” 4pp. 8vo, London, Nov. 30, 1888. To J. E. Bowen, 251 Broadway, New York, U.S. A. pertaining to the manuscript; accompanied by the addressed envelope. A Very INTERESTING AND LENGTHY MANUSCRIPT. The copy was written out for Palgrave, by one of his children, in order that the printer would have no difficulty. The letter reads in part,—‘' Herewith I send my three papers on Elizabethan Song- Books. . . . The ‘copy’ has been so clearly written out by one of my children that I hope it will give no difficulty. . . .”’ 371. PALMYRENE MANUSCRIPT FRAGMENTS, ON CLoTH. Ten fragments of Pal- myrene manuscripts. Written in ancient Aramaic characters on cloth, the fragments ranging in size from about 16 by 54 inches down to 3 by 1% wnches; several with pictures apparently of the gods and similar figures. Backed and mounted down on bristol board. Very interesting manuscripts written in Aramaic characters before the Greek and Syrian influence had become dominant in the region. 372. PERSIAN Manuscript. Written in small Persian characters on 202 leaves of oriental glazed paper, 6% by 334 inches. With head-pieces and borders on first two facing pages in red and black, red and black ruled margins. 1127 A.H. (circa 1720 A.D.) 373. PERSIAN MANUSCRIPT ON Parer. Astronomical and Astrological Manu- script, with tables and charts. Written in Persian characters in black and red on 22 leaves of oriental glazed paper, 174 by 124% inches. With ulum- inated floral head-pieces IN COLORS AND GOLD, 64% inches high, on the first two facing pages, and numerous diagrams worked out on gold ground, gold band margins surrounding each page. Folio, old paper wrappers (loose, back strengthened with new silk, some leaves torn). Circa 1820-1830(?) Astronomical and Astrological tables prepared for Fath’Ali Shah by the Monagim Bashee or Astronomer Royal of Persia. Purchased at Teheran. 374. PERSIAN Manuscript. Chronological Chart of Persian Dynasties, Closing with the Reign of Fath’ Ali Shah. Manuscript written in black and red on 43 leaves of paper, 13 by 8 inches. With illuminated circular decoration IN GoLp AND Cotors on last page, and with circular designs on the charts portrayed in various COLORS, some with GOLD ornamentation. Small folio, old boards. (First and last leaves backed; some margins repaired.) 375. PersIAN Manuscript. Anwar Soheili (Fables of Bidpai). Manuscript written in Persian characters on 147 leaves of oriental glazed paper, 11 by 634 inches. Imperial 8vo, original lacquered leather with elaborate floral de- signs on covers, doublures lacquered and ornamented in similar designs. Desirable manuscript copy of this famous work, in the original Persian. 376. PERSIAN Manuscript. Probably a history of one of the Mogul Emperors. Written in Persian characters on about 350 leaves of oriental glazed paper, 1134 by 7 inches. With illuminated head-piece at top of first page n Bur- NISHED GOLD AND Coors and ruled margins throughout. Small folio, original rose color undressed calf (in poor condition, last leaves mouse- eaten in margins). Second Session, Thursday Evening, November 12th 377. PERSIAN MANUSCRIPT, ILLUMINATED. NIGARISTAN (Collection of prose and verse). Written in Persian characters in red and black on 339 leaves of oriental glazed paper, 914 by 6 inches. Head-piece ILLUMINATED IN GOLD, BLUE AND GREEN at beginning of text, first two facing pages with lines blocked out in gold and with center illuminated decorations, each page within gold ruled margins. Royal 8vo, full contemporary leather with inlaid center and corner pieces of white vellum decorated in gold and colors. 979 A.H. (circa 1575 A.D.) The author was probably the Mufti Chamsaddin Ahmed ben Soleyman, who died in 1534. 378. PERSIAN MANUSCRIPT, ILLUMINATED. Gulchen-é raz (Secret Garden of Roses) by Mahmoud Chebistery. Written in Persian characters, in two columns, on 46 leaves of oriental glazed paper, 534 by 314 inches. Each leaf skilfully inlaid in large sheet, 1044 by 61% inches, of blue paper sprinkled with gold. With elaborate head-piece illuminated in colors and gold at top of first page, each page bordered with gold foliated or geometrical design on brown band, columns divided by ivy leaf band in gold. Imperial 8vo, original lacquered floral binding, with doublures. (Some leaves stained, several inlays partly loosened.) 1580 This poem has been published, with translations, at Pesth, 1838, and London, 1880. 379. PERSIAN MANUSCRIPT, ILLUMINATED. Persian Work by Pundit Zanardhan. Written in Persian characters in black and red on 120 leaves of oriental glazed paper, 814 by 434 inches. With beautifully illuminated head-piece in ortental design in gold, blue and rose at head of first page, and with floral border surrounding first two facing pages, ruled margins throughout. 8vo, original binding of bronzed leather, with center ornaments and elaborate borders on sides, painted in various colors and gold. Sixteenth Century Fine and well-preserved manuscript in a handsome native Persian binding. In- serted at the end of the volume is a later manuscript of 15 leaves. Accompanying the above is another Persian manuscript, written on 36 leaves of heavy glazed paper, 10 by 64% inches, gilt ruled margins. Original wrappers, front cover lacking, first leaf damaged. A letter in Persian, which may refer to the manu- script, is laid in, in which appears the date 931 (about 1540 A. D.). 380. PERSIAN MANUSCRIPT, ILLUMINATED. Book of Poems. Beautifully written in Persian characters on 182 leaves of fine oriental glazed paper. Decorative head-piece in BURNISHED GOLD AND BLUE at top of first page. Every page with band through center, small side ornaments and some headbands in pink and blue floral designs on gold ground. Each page with gold band and colored ink margins, floral tatl-piece at end. 12mo, original leather. A charming Persian book of verse with stencil stamp on first fly-leaf bearing date 1829 (?). 381.° PERSIAN MANUSCRIPT SCROLL ON VELLUM. Calendar or Almanac. Beauti- fully written in Persian characters and minute numerals in red and black on 12 sections ruled in green. On a roll 38 inches long by 34% inches wide. Fastened to wooden roll and with leather protecting cover at outer end. The date ‘‘1216”’ (A.H.) appears on the manuscript. 382. PuHiLie V, KING oF SPAIN’s Copy. Tacitus. Nouvelle Traduction de Deux Ouvrages de Corneille Tacite. Maps and vignettes. 8vo, full contemporary calf, with the Royal Arms on covers, in gilt; red edges. Lyons, 1706 PHILIP V OF SPAIN’s Copy, with his Arms in gilt. The binding of this volume is of great interest as it recalls the war of the Spanish Succession. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue Puities (AMBROSE—English Author 1670-1749). AUTHOR'S AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT entitled “Of the Order of the Elephant in Denmark.” In the upper right hand corner is the following memorandum in his autograph “This account is taken out of the Breviarium Equestre.” 9gpp. folio. PuLoTHEus. Philothei Symbola Christiana quibus Idea Hominis Christiani Exprimitur. Frontispiece, engraved title, and 100 copperplate reproductions. 4to, boards, calf back, rubbed. Francofurti: apud J. P. Zubrod, 1677 Fly-leaf covered with notes written in German script. Picart (BERNARD). The Ceremonies and Religious Customs of the Various Nations of the Known World; together with Historical Annotations. Written originally in French. With 223 copperplate engravings by Bernard Picart and other celebrated masters, depicting views, costumes, manners and religious ceremonies, etc., of all the world. 7 vols. in 6, folio, full old calf, gilt, rebacked (worn). London, 1733 Volume 3 relates almost entirely to the Natives of America, and contains many interesting illustrations of the Indians. Volume 6 contains rare illustrations of the Flagellants, the Quakers, The Adamites, the Convulsionists and other mystical sects. Sold not subject to return. . Piays, Etc. A Collection of works comprising Plays, Poems and Prose, as below described. Together, 7 vols. 4to and small 4to, calf and russia (bindings broken), and unbound. London, etc., 1651-1787 Comprising, DRYDEN (JOHN). The Spanish Fryar. 1690; Cleomenes, the Spar- tan Heroe. 1692; Moore (THOMAS). Mangora. 1718; L’ESTRANGE (R.). Pastor Fido. 1689; [BURBERY (J.—Translator).] La Stratonica. Written in Italian by Luke Assarino. 1651; [ALSO] PopE (A.). Essai sur l’'Homme . . . en Prose par M. de Silhouette. Text in French and English. Portrait, vignettes and plates engraved by Will, Gallimard, Soubeyran, and other artists. Lausanne, 1762; BURNS (ROBERT). Poems chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. Edinburgh, 1787. FIRST EDINBURGH EpI- TION. Lacks portrait and leaf, but contains rare half-title. PoLyBE. Histoire de Polybe, nouvellement traduite du Grec par Dom Vincent Thuillier, enrichi de Notes par M. de Folard. Nouvelle édition revue, corrigée et augmentée d’un Supplement. Extensively illustrated with full and double-page copperplates. 7 vols. 4to, calf, rubbed. Amsterdam, 1753 PoMET (PIERRE). Histoire Générale des Drogues. Engraved portrait and numerous illustrations. Folio, calf (rubbed). Paris, 1694 389. PoRTER (JANE—English Novelist). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT of the Introduction to her work “Hungarian Brother.” 8pp. 4to, October, 1831; Autograph Letter Signed, 2pp. 4to, July 21, no year. To Major Doyle; Autograph Verse, 5 lines written on an oblong 12mo sheet, Dec. 1832. Signed; PooLe (JouN—English Dramatist and Author). Two A. L. S. (1) One-page, 12mo, no place or date; (2) 2pp. 4to, Sept. 5, no year. To “Mr. Cribb, Tavistock Street, Covent Garden;” PATMORE (C.—Poet). Autograph Letter Signed, one-page I2mo, Hastings, Feb. 7, 1878; PARDOE (JuttA—English Authoress). Original Autograph Manuscript of her poem “The Wreath.” 16 verses of four lines each. Written on 4pp. 12mo; and others. Together, 18 pieces. Second Session, Thursday Evening, November r2th a et EEE POPE’S AUTOGRAPH INSCRIPTION FOR SWIFT’S GRANDFATHER’S TOMB WITH AUTOGRAPH NOTES ADDED BY DEAN SWIFT 390. PopE (ALEXANDER) AND SwiFT (JONATHAN). ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT IN 391. PopE’s AuTOGRAPH of his Inscription for Swift’s grandfather’s tomb, with additional NorEs 1n Swirt’s AUTOGRAPH. 2pp. 4to, no place or date. Addressed (in another hand),—‘‘To the Honorable Mrs Howard at her lodgings in St James’s haye.”” Wax seal, broken. A Most INTERESTING AND VALUABLE RELIC OF THESE Two GREAT ENGLISHMEN, and sent to their great friend and patron,’Mrs. Howard, later Countess of Suffolk Mistress to George II. Dean Swift has written,—‘‘ Dr Swift's Model of a small monument which he intended for his Grandfather; in wch Mr Pope wrote ye following Lines.” ‘‘ Model for my grand- father’s tomb,” ‘‘ Model of a monument for my grandfather, with Mr Pope’s Roguing,”’ *“* Model for grandfather's mon't.”’ ; The model (for a tablet) is drawn in pencil, possibly by Swift, and within the frame Pope wrote the inscription, facsimile of which is here given,— {OMATHAY Swit Pah pee. : K. i } To hut-no Ah) an Inet. oe Wh ac! 0 Ral wr fi : Tah ur Jo Iatloa> choage thy Pre, fn ropeck lo hy Groniire 5 dh, 9 Sarae ! Raye ne a ae Fer Kath 6G tit Rar Se ace had he alan England Piya oor se ee Below this is a note reading,—‘‘ The above wrote by Mr Pope with a Pencil, and traced over with a Pen by Dr Lyons.”’ The last three lines were not traced and have been copied in ink at the side of the sheet, reading,— “So Ireland change thy Tone, And cry, O Hone, O Hone, For England hath its own.” [SEE REPRODUCTION] PoRTRAITS. TITON DU TILLET (EvRARD). Le Parnasse Francais. Elaborate frontispiece, numerous full-page fine engraved portraits of French rulers, noted poets and musicians, and vignettes. Folio, mottled calf (slightly rubbed, light marginal stains). Paris, 1732 LARGE PAPER Copy. RARE. FINE AND CLEAN THROUGHOUT. UNIQUE PRESENTATION COPY, WITH 12 LINES IN THE AUTHOR’S AUTOGRAPH, SIGNED, reading in part [translation], ‘‘ Presented by the author to Monseigneur le Maré- chal Comte de Saxe . . . Titon du Tillet.’’ After the death of the Comte de Saxe, the book was obtained by the Academie Royale d’Histoire de Lisbonne. 392. PoRTRAITS. LODGE (EDMUND). Portraits and Memoirs of the Most Illus- trious Personages of British History. Fourth Edition, with an Entirely New Set of Plates and Sixty Additional Subjects. [Published Monthly.] With several hundred very fine engraved portraits. 40 original parts, royal 8vo, original printed wrappers, leather backs, uncut. London: Shakspeare Press, 1829-1835 RARE in original parts, as above. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 393. Portraits. Scottish Portraits. Edited by James L. Caw. Beautifully illus- trated with finely engraved portraits of noted Scots. 5 vols. unbound, royal 4to, enclosed in 5 portfolios, board, cloth backs, with ties. London: J. B. Millet, undated Edition limited to 1000 copies, of which this is, No. 29, Signed by the Publishers. 394. PSALTER. Psalterium Romanum Juxta Breviarium. [Vol. I only.] Engraved 395: 396 397: 308. frontispiece title. Text in red and black with ro leaves of manuscript hymns at end, 241% by 18 inches. Large folio, contemporary scored russia with brass fan-shape corners and oval centerpiece fastened with studded brass nails, leather strap fasteners similarly studded (fastenings lacking), double metal braces extending under center of leaves at foot. Carcassonae, 1686 Interesting volume in a FINE SPECIMEN OF ECCLESIASTIC BINDING of the period. Lower margins of leaves have been restored in many cases, in some instances cutting into one or more lines of text which are supplied in facsimile, but otherwise in good condition; and with the vari-colored silk markers attached to the margins and a unique index of the same with samples of the markers pasted on inside of back cover. With bookplate of Dr. Edward Heneschel, New York. Pucin (M.) AND Heath (C.). Paris and its Environs, displayed in a Series of Picturesque Views. 204 views engraved by Heath after Pugin; BEATTIE (WiLL1AM—Editor). The Danube. Its Scenery, History and Topography. Numerous illustrations by Abresch, drawn by Bartlett; ALLoM (THOMAS). Constantinople and the Scenery of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor. First and Second Series. Plates. 2 vols. Bookplate of William B. Martin. Together, 4 vols. 4to, half calf, cloth, and: half roan. London, undated . QUARLES (FRANCIS—English Poet). Portion of an AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT, comprising 17 lines (about 250 words) written in a very small hand, with Autograph Signature (cut from another sheet) pasted on the sheet. One page, oblong 12mo. Laid down on folio sheet. _ VERY RARE AUTOGRAPH of this famous writer of Emblematic Verses. RAINSFORD (Marcus). An Historical Account of the Black Empire of Hayti. Folding plate, facsimiles, and numerous plates. 4to, calf, coat-of-arms on sides (skilfully rebacked). London, 1805 First EpiTIon. With book-label of Lewis R. Ashhurst. RENEE DE FRANCE (DUCHESS OF FERRARA—daughter of Louis XII). Letter Signed,—‘‘ Vre bonne seur & cousine Renee de France,” ip. 4to, no place, no date. Friendly letter to her cousin, Madame la Duchesse de Milan; with wax seal on reverse. With engraved portrait of Renée de France. Together, 2 pieces. FINE SPECIMEN OF A RARE SIGNATURE. Renée de France, was eminent for talents and learning, and was a liberal patron of literary men. She was converted to Pro- testantism by Calvin. After the death of her husband (1559), she resided in France, where she displayed firmness and courage in protecting the persecuted Huguenots. 399. RHINE (THE). Its Scenery and its Monuments drawn from Nature by Eminent Artists. Numerous full-page colored lithotints in imitation of the originals. Folio, half morocco, gilt edges (rubbed). London, 1862 400. RIANCEY (HENRI DE). La Vie des Saints. Edition Abregee. With numerous COLORED AND ILLUMINATED Plates from original mss. by Kellerhoven. Thick square 12mo, full mottled calf, gilt borders on sides, gilt back and edges, original wrappers bound in. Paris [1873] 40l. 402. Second Session, Thursday Evening, November 12th RIveRA (MANUEL). Historia Antigua y Moderna de Jalapa y de las Revolu- ciones del Estado de Vera Cruz. Jilustrations. 5 vols. 8vo, marbled boards, leather backs (rubbed). Mexico, 1869-1871 ROGERS (SAMUEL). Autograph Letter Signed, one-page 12mo, no date. To Sir Robert Inglis; Autograph Letter Signed, one-page 4to, Sept. 26, 1840. To Lord Lonsdale. On another page of the sheet is an Epistle SIGNED BY Lorp LONSDALE and 15 others; RELPH (JosIAH—English Poet). Auto- graph Letter Signed, 2pp. 4to, Sebergham, June 20, 1740. To Thomas Routh; with a verse of poetry in the letter; PALGRAVE (SIR FRANCIS). Quarto sheet containing Autograph Notes. 2pp.; RUSSELL (Sir W. H.). Autograph Letter Signed, one-page 12mo, January 14, 1858; and others. Together, 20 pieces. MANUSCRIPT, ORIGINALLY THE PROPERTY OF THE ABBE ROLICHON, IMMORTALIZED BY HUGO IN HIS NOVEL, ‘‘THE QUEEN’S NECKLACE.”’ 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. ROLICHON (ANTOINE—ABBE). Manuscript Copy, possibly in the Abbé’s Autograph, of ‘‘Prophetes de Michel Nostradamus.”’ Complete Manuscript -Copy, with the Original Prefaces, etc., written in ink on 242pp. 4to, original sheep. Binding poor. The original owner, and possibly the writer, of this manuscript, the Abbé Antoine Rolichon of Lyons, is said to be the MAN WHO STOLE THE QUEEN’S NECKLACE, im- mortalized in Hugo’s novel of that name. His autograph presentation inscription,— “‘Rolichon a mon neveu,"” is written on the inside front cover, which also bears his bookplate. There are also several notes regarding Abbé Rolichon, written by his nephew, to whom the volume was presented, and bearing his signature, ‘‘ Mr. Fontaine de Bonnerive."’ Later signature of ‘‘James Burns, M. D."’ written across the bookplate and on first page of preface and of text. The manuscript itself is apparently an 18th Century copy of Nostradamus’ famous work. The prophecies regarding the late World War were freely quoted during the war. ROMAN AND ETRUSCAN ART. BARTOLI (PIETRO St.). Gli Antichi Sepolcri ovvero Mausolei Romani ed Etruschi trovati in Roma. Extensively tllus- trated with 110 full-page copperplates designed and engraved by Bartolt. Folio, full calf (cover loose). Roma, 1768 RoMANO (GIUSEPPE B.). II! Meo Patacca. . . . Poema Giocoso nel Lin- guaggio Romanesco. Edizione Seconda. With many full-page etchings by B. P. Romano. Oblong folio, boards, leather back, rubbed. Roma, 1823 Ross (Tuomas). The Second Punick War between Hannibal, and the Romanes: The whole Seventeen Books Englished from the Latine of Silius Italicus: With a Continuation from the Triumph of Scipio to the Death of Hannibal. Engraved frontispiece, and other full-page engravings. Folio, full old calf (worn). London, 1672 First EDITION. Rossetti (CuristiIna G.—English Poetess). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANU - SCRIPT of her poems,—‘‘ Daybreak.” Comprising 3 verses of eight lines each. One-page 4to; ‘‘Easter Even.’’ Comprising 10 verses of four lines each. 2pp. 4to; Autograph Letter Signed, one-page 12mo, December 3, no year. Together, 3 pieces. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 408. ROUSSEAU (JEAN-JACQUES). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT, entitled,— “Ode VII. Le devoir et le sort des Grands Hommes.” Written in ink, on eight 4to pages, comprising 146 lines. Unsigned. Inserted is an engraved portrait of Rousseau, by Schmidt, and a two-page biographical sketch. Bound in one volume, 4to, half crimson levant morocco. From the library of Marquise de Queux de St. Hilaire, with her armorial bookplate. 409. Roy (Witt1am). The Military Antiquities of the Romans in Britain. 51 full-page and double-page engravings, and frontispiece. Atlas folio, half morocco. London, 1793 410. RoyAL FAMILY OF FRANCE. Collection of 10 Autograph Letters Signed and Letters Signed, each one page. 1628-1882. INTERESTING COLLECTION, comprising,— ANNE OF AUSTRIA, wife of Louis XIII of France. D.S., on vellum, May 20, 1628; BouRBON (CHARLES DE, Comte de Charlais). L.S., Paris, May 14, 1753. To the Duc de Fleury; CHARLES X, KING OF FRANCE. Two D. S., each containing three lines in the king’s autograph. Undated; Louise T. M. DE BourBoN, Mother of King Louis Philippe. A. L. S., Paris, Sept. 6, 1779. To Mr. Ducoudray; EUGENIE, EmM- PRESS, Wife of Napoleon III. A. L.S., Jan. 2, 1882. Note of thanks; Duc p’Avu- MALE, Son of King Louis Philippe. Two A. N. S., 1862; HENRI, DUC DE BORDEAUX. One line, Signed, dated, Holyrood House, July 4, 1831; [AND] BACCIOCCHI, ELISA, sister of Napoleon I, wife of the Prince of Piombino. A. N. S., Paris, 1869. A411. SALA (GEORGE A.—English Author). Autograph Letter Signed, one-page 16mo, London, March 1, 1865. To A. Vogav, Esqr. Mentions having been in America in 1864; SEWARD (ANNA—English Writer). Autograph Letter Signed, 2pp. 16mo, no place or date. To Miss Simpson, thanking her for a present; Scott (JoHN—English Poet). Autograph Letter Signed, 3pp. 4to, London, October 29 [1830]. To Joseph Cockfield; WALPOLE (ROBERT). Autograph Letter Signed, 3pp. folio. Dec. 30, 1805. To Dr. Clark, Jesus College, Cambridge; and others. Together, 10 pieces. 412. SAMARITAN MANUSCRIPT ON PAPER. Manuscript written in Aramaic char- acters with some headings and notes in Arabic, on 151 leaves of oriental glazed paper, 8 by 54% inches. 8vo, original red leather envelope binding, blind tooled. FINE MANUSCRIPT. RARE. 413. SANDFORD (FRANCIS). A Genealogical History of the Kings and Queens of England and Monarchs of Great Britain, 1066-1707. . . . First Publish’d to the Beginning of King Charles, and continued to this Time by Samuel Stebbing. Illustrated with copperplates of portraits, effigies, tombs, crests, etc. Thick folio, cloth, calf back. London, 1707 First EDITION, with the Additional Chapters b Stebbing. A very useful work compiled by the direction and encouragement of King Charles, who honored it with his patronage. The author was assisted in his labors by Gregory King. 414. SANSKRIT Manuscript. “Wholla modyam Astronomy.’’ Written in Sanskrit or Pali on 23 strips of palm leaf, 121% inches long by 1¥% inches wide. Outer palm leaf covers with title as above. One hole for fastening, with original cord and shell button attached. 415. SANSKRIT Manuscript. Hindu or Burmese manuscript. Written in Sanskrit characters on 59 strips of palm leaves, 2 by 1542 inches each. With two holes for strings. Wooden covers painted in arabesque design in black and white with colored edges. 416. Second Session, Thursday Evening, November r2th SANSKRIT MANuscripT. Nyaya Sutra (?). Manuscript written in Sanskrit characters on both sides of about too palm leaves 14 inches long by 2 inches high. Fastened by one cord through center, with heavy outside cover. An old Sanskrit manuscript beautifully written and in excellent preservation con- sidering its age and the fragile character of the leaves upon which it is written. Some of the leaves at the beginning are lacking or partially so, and the edges of the others are frayed or wormed, but the text is practically untouched in the major portion of the manuscript. 417. Savoy (DUKE oF). Theatre des Etats,de Son Altesse Royale, le Duc de 418. 419. 420. 421 Savoye, Prince de Piemont, Roy de Cypre. Contenant,—Vol, I, le Pié- mont; Vol. II, la Savoye. With full and double-page engravings by noted artists showing reproductions of famous buildings, castles, churches, and other monuments. 2 vols. atlas folio, full crimson morocco, gilt, gilt edges (bindings somewhat rubbed). A la Haye: chez Adrian Moetjens, 1700 A very elaborate work. SCHILLER (FRIEDRICH). Works. Edited by J. G. Fischer with Biographical Introduction by Hjalmar H. Boyesen. Extensively illustrated by the greatest German artists. 4 vols. thick 4to, cloth, morocco back, gilt (rubbed). Philadelphia: George Barrie [1883] [SCHNEIDER (FRIDK.—Translator). Instructions for [Danish] Privateers. 4to, limp leather. Copenhagen, March 28th, 1810 A printed note on reverse of title reads,—‘‘ That the following is a true and literal translation of the Danish Original laid before me, witness my hand and seal of office. Copenh. Apr. 6th, 1810. Fridk. Schneider.”’ ScHUMANN (G.). Genealogisches Hand-Buch. Leipzig, 1758; RECHTs- GELEERDE (Dr. V. H.). Engelands Staats veranderingen . . . Jacobus den II. Plate. Haarlem, [1690;] KLEINE Wurttembergische Chronica. Engraved title. Stuttgart, 1660; ZEITUNG, neue auss Callipoli innder Turckey gelegen Venediggeschriben. [1543]; NEUE ZEITUNG aus der Turckey . Berlin, 1579; ZEYTUNG, newe, von Constantinopoli . . . 1542. Together, 6 vols. I2mo and small 8vo, (the first vol.) full tree calf, broad gilt borders on sides, coat-of-arms surmounted with crown stamped in center of front cover, gauffred edges; vellum, and wrappers. . SCHWENCKFELD (Kaspar). Collection of Tracts by Schwenckfeld. 55 pages of the Printed Works which are lacking are SUPPLIED IN CONTEMPORARY MANUSCRIPT. 5 tracts in one volume, 4to, full contemporary sheep. No place, 1553-1592 RARE TRACTs by this famous founder of the well known religious sect, whose fol- lowers settled in Pennsylvania in 1733. The Schwenckfelders, as they are called, have many beliefs in common with the Quakers—and they still hold to their religious customs. The volume comprises the following tracts: Rethenschafft von Caspar Schwenckfeld Vocation beriiff Lauff vnd Lere. 1562. I3pp. Yor underschaide des worts Gottes vnd der Heyligen Schrifft. 15 leaves, 11 being in manuscript. Der Antwortung fiir Herrn Caspar Schwenckfeld . . . [by] Alexander Berner. 38 leaves; title supplied in manuscript. [1552]. Von der Speise des ewigen Lebens. 20 leaves; first 16, including title, in manu- script. 1592. Juditium eines Predigers inn der Schlesien: Ober Mathie Flacii Illyrici biichlin, so er wider Chaspar Schwenckfelden im Truck hat lassen auszgehen. 20 leaves. 1553. These Schwenckfeld tracts are very rare, and are of GREAT INTEREST TO THE COLLECTOR OF GERMAN-AMERICAN MATERIAL. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 422. SCOTTISH Portraits. Edited by James L. Caw. Extensively illustrated with 423. 424. 425. 426 full-page engraved portraits of noted Scots. 5 vols. royal 4to, unbound, enclosed in 5 portfolios, boards, cloth backs, with ties. London: J. B. Millet, undated Edition limited to 1000 copies, of which this is, No. 47, Signed by the Publishers. SELLON (Epwarp). Annotations on the Sacred Writings of the Hindus. [With Supplementary Notes.] Bound in at the end are Zz ORIGINAL WATERCOLORS, mounted, illustrative of Hindu worship. 4to, half leather. London, 1865 SENUSI MANUSCRIPT. The Koran (or a portion of the same). Written in Senusi characters in black on 161 loose leaves of paper, 9 by 7 inches and 834 by 63% inches. Laid into the original leather envelope covering with string ties. , A manuscript of exceptional interest, the characters in which it is written being seldom met with in this country. SHELLEY (Mary WOLLSTONECRAFT). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT of,— Euphrania. A Tale of Greece.” Manuscript of about Stix THOUSAND Worps, written in ink on one side of 30 4to pages. Bound into a 4to volume of full red leather. A Most DESIRABLE SPECIMEN from the pen of Shelley’s second wife. EXTRACT FROM THE FIRST FOLIO— ROMEO AND JULIET . SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Tragedie of Romeo and Ivliet. COMPLETE. Being pages 81-116 inclusive, extracted from the First Foto. Folio, stitched. [London, 1623] DESIRABLE FRAGMENT FROM SHAKESPEARE’S FIRST FOLIO, being the entire text of Romeo and Juliet as printed therein, and in EXCELLENT STATE OF PRESERVATION. Leaves measure 123% by 836 inches. AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY TO PROCURE A SPECIMEN FROM THIS FAMOUS VOLUME OR TO COMPLETE AN IMPERFECT COPY. 427. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Tragedy of King Richard HII. . . Woodcut 428 ornament on title. Small 4to, full dark green levant morocco, gilt. London: Printed by John Norton, and are to be sold by Mathew Law . . . 1629 Seventh Edition. Imperfect copy, lacking signature ‘‘c’’ (4 leaves) and all after i-4. RARE IN Any CONDITION, AS ONLY 14 PERFECT COPIES ARE KNOWN. H. C. Bartlett’s ‘‘Mr. William Shakespeare,’ No. 44. . SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). A Wittie and Pleasant Comedie Called the Taming of the Shrew. As it was Acted by his Maiesties Seruants at the Blacke Friers and the Globe. Written by Will. Shakespeare. Woodcut device on title. Small 4to, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt fillet framework on sides, gilt back, inside fillet borders, gilt top, BY PRATT. London: Printed by W. S. for John Smithwick . . . 1631 First 4T0 EpITION. VERY RARE. In unusually good condition for such a scarce volume. Only 23 copies recorded by Miss Bartlett. The title is lacking and supplied in facsimile, and there are marginal repairs and restorations on the first few leaves and the last leaf; these leaves also soiled and washed. Signature mark and catch- words cropped on one leaf—otherwise with good margins and with the unusual fea- ture of having a number of leaves ENTIRELY UNCUT at the fore-edge, and, aside from the soiled leaves mentioned above, an UNUSUALLY CLEAN, Goop Copy. H. C. Bartlett’s ‘‘Mr. William Shakespeare,’’ No. 110. Second Session, Thursday Evening, November 12th 429. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. Published according to the true Originall Copies. The second Jmpression. Portrait, engraved by Droeshout, on title. Folio, full light calf, gilt fillets, sprinkled edges. London, Printed by Tho. Cotes, for Robert Allot, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Blacke Beare in Pauls Churchyard. 1632 SPLENDID COPY OF THE SECOND FOLIO IN CLEAN CONDITION AND UNUSUALLY TALL, measuring 1334 by 811/s% inches. The first two leaves (the verse and title) have been washed. Signature of ‘‘Hen: Fenn”’ on title and leaf 5. Pages 213 to 216 of the first pagination, and 53 to 56 of the third pagination lacking, pages 211 and 212 and 217 and 218 are repeated in place of the first mentioned. Leaves F2 and F5 transposed in binding, also H3 and H4. This copy agrees with Mr. Pollard’s Copy A, as to title except that ‘“blacke”’ in the imprint is spelled with a capital. The collation of text agrees with that given by Mr. Pollard with the usual misnumbering of pages, etc., except that page 261 of the first pagination is misprinted 262, page 88 of the repeated numbering in the second part is here correctly numbered, and there are several misprints in headings not mentioned by Mr. Pollard. The word ‘‘ Actors”’ on the verso of leaf 72 which is some- times misprinted ‘‘Actosr”’ is here correctly printed. 430. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). [Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories and Tragedies . . . Second Impression.] Folio, full old calf (rebacked). [London, 1632] SECOND FoLio. LARGE Copy, measuring 1338 by 91/1 inches, but lacking Ben Jonson’s verse ‘‘To the Reader,”’ title-page and final leaf with colophon. A fine engraved reproduction of the Droeshout portrait is inserted between leaves 5 and 6. The variations in pagination, etc., agree with Pollard except that page 88 is cor- rectly numbered. * 431. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Mr. William Shakespear’s Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. Published according to the true Original Copies. Unto which is added, Seven Plays, Never before Printed in Folio . . . The Fourth Edition. Engraved frontispiece portrait by Droeshout with Ben Jonson’s verse below. Folio, old calf, recornered and rebacked and with sides covered over with paper. London, Printed for H. Herringman, E. Brewster, and R. Bentley, at the Anchor in the New Exchange, the Crane in St. Pauls Church-Yard, and in Russel-Street Covent-Garden. 1685 FourTH FoLio. EXCEPTIONALLY TALL Copy, SOME LEAVES BEING UNCUT AT Foot, measuring 149/15 by 9!/15 inches. Portrait leaf torn on edges and backed, a few tears in margins extending into the text in one or two cases. Autograph signa- tures of, ‘‘T. Bernard. 1750”’ and ‘‘Geo.: Onslow 1765” at head of title, and manu- script notes regarding characters, etc., on a number of blank margins. ~ With book-label of the Clandon Library. 432. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Sauny the Scot, or the Taming of the Shrew. A Comedy. As It Is Now Acted at the Theatre Royal. Written by J. Lacey, Servant to His Majesty, and Never Before Printed. 4to, three-quarter morocco, gilt edges, BY KAUFMANN. London: E. Whitlock, 1698 First EpITION. ONE OF THE RAREST OF ALL THE SHAKESPEAREAN ALTERA- TIONS OF THE LATER SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. Much of the original text is retained, but the Introduction is omitted, some characters are changed, and new incidents added. Title torn and repaired, mostly in inner margin. H. C. Bartlett’s ‘‘Mr. William Shakespeare,’ No. 180. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 433. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Works. Revis’d and Corrected, with an Account of the Life and Writings of the Author, by N. Rowe. With 2 portraits of Shakespeare and numerous plates. 6 vols. 8vo, paneled calf, skilfully re- backed, gilt. London: Jacob Tonson, 1709 First ILLUSTRATED AND First OctTAvo EDITION, and further containing THE pe) LIFE OF THE POET ever issued. LARGE THICK PAPER Copy, OF THE GREATEST ARITY. 434. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Works of Shakespeare. Collated and Cor- rected by the former Editions, by Mr. Pope [with ‘‘Some Account of the Life of Mr. Wm. Shakespeare . . . Written by Mr. Rowe’’]. Portraits by Vertue. 6 vols. 4to, full calf, neatly rebacked. London, 1723-1725 THE First EDITION IN QUARTO, AND THE EARLIEST EDITED BY ALEXANDER POPE. Volume I is dated 1725, the others, 1723. With the armorial bookplates, in each volume, of “‘Ellis,’’ and Sir Thomas Gage, with the latter’s autograph signature on titles of two volumes. 435. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). [Twenty of the plays of Shakespeare. Being the whole number printed in quarto during his life-time, or before the restora- tion; collated where there were different copies, and published from the originals, by George Steevens.] Vol. 4 only (should be 4 vols.), 8vo, full old calf. Lacks title. [London: Printed for J. and R. Tonson . . . 1766] Vol. 4 of the first edition edited by George Steevens of the first set of reprints of the early quartos. This volume contains the following plays,—The Most excellent Tragedie of Romeo and Juliet. 1597; The most lamentable Tragedie of Romeo and Juliet. 1609; The Tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark. 1611; The Tragedy of Othello, the Moore of Venice. 1622; Shakespeares Sonnets and Louers Complaint. 1609; The History of King Leir and his three Daughters. 1605. 436. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Supplement to the Edition of Shakspeare’s Plays published in 1778 by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens . . . Con- taining additional observations by several of the former Commentators: to which are subjoined the Genuine Poems of the same author, and seven plays that have been ascribed to him; with Notes by the Editor [Edmund Malone] and others. Portrait of the Earl of Southampton. 2 vols. 8vo, full contemporary calf, rebacked. _ London, 1780 The First Edited by Malone. 437. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies. Published according to the True Originall Copies. Engraved portrait by Droeshout. Folio, russia, gilt and stamped borders on sides, covers loose. London: Isaac laggard, and Ed. Blount, 1623 [London: Reprinted by E. and J. Wright, 1807] Edited by Francis Douce. This, the first reprint of the first edition in its original form, was executed by J. Wright, St. John’s Square. The paper used was specially made, and bears the watermark of ‘“‘Shakespeare 1806.” With armorial bookplate of William Gordon Esqr. of Fyvie. 438. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Shakspere’s Werke. Herausgeben und Erklart von Dr. Nicolaus Delius. Erster Band. 8vo, half roan. Elberfeld, 1859 Vol. 1 only (should be 7 vols.). English text, with notes and introductions in German. Each play has a separate title-page. This volume contains,—Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, Timon of Athens, Titus Andronicus. 439. 440. 44t. 442. 443. 444. 445. 446. Second Session, Thursday Evening, November 12th SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Plays of William Shakespeare. Vols. 2 to 9. 8 vols. 32mo, full green morocco, gilt, gilt edges, BY DAVID. London, 1825 Pickering’s Miniature Edition. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Works. With Introductions, . . . by Shakes- peare Scholars, Issued under the Superintendence of Dr. F. J. Furnivall. Quarto Facsimiles. Together, 42 vols. 8vo, red cloth, leather backs, gilt. London: Griggs [and] Praetorius, 1880-1891 Fine copies reproduced in facsimile of the rare originals. Complete set of the above is in 44 volumes. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Plays of Mr. William Shakespeare, as rewritten or rearranged by his successors of the Restoration Period. Being the text of these so-restored Plays with the First Folio Shakespeare text with Critical Introductions. Edited by Appleton Morgan. 6 vols. square 8vo, boards, cloth backs, uncut. New York: The Shakespeare Society of New York, 1908 THE BANKSIDE-RESTORATION SHAKESPEARE. ONLY 250 SETS MADE. Comprises,— Tempest; Timon of Athens, Measure for Measure; Anthony and Cleopatra; Hamlet. 2 vols. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Old-Spelling Shakespeare: Being the Works of Shakespeare in the Spelling of the best Quarto and Folio Texts. Edited by F. J. Furnivall and the late W. G. Boswell-Stone. General Editor Professor I. Gollancz. 13 vols. small 4to, grey cloth, parchment backs, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1909 “Of this Special Edition of the Old-Spelling Shakespeare, 1000 copies only have been printed for sale, of which 500 are reserved for America.’’ The above is one of the 500 copies printed for America, with the New York imprint on title-page. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). A Piece of a Mulberry Tree planted by Shakes- peare. Diameter, 51% inches; height, 2 inches. Attached to the above is a card reading,—‘“‘A piece of the Mulberry tree planted by Shakspeare. From J. Marshal at Stratford.” SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). A piece of the Shakespeare Crab Tree. Diameter, 21% inches; height, 8 inches. With card attached reading,—“A piece of the Shakspeare Crab Tree.” SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). A series of 20 engravings illustrative of scenes in Shakespeare’s Plays. Painied by H. Bunbury, and engraved on steel by Chapman, Vanden Bergh, Gardiner, Tomkins, and others. “‘London . . . published by Thos. Macklin, Poets Gallery, Fleet Street.” Each plate skilfully inlaid to size. London, 1792 A VERY FINE SERIES OF ENGRAVINGS, with inscription in lower margin of each plate, and on some plates there is to be found a quotation from Shakespeare. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). A collection of about 50 engravings and litho- graphs, being portraits of Shakespeare, Scenes from Shakespeare’s plays, Shakespeare’s house, etc.; also a collection of Newspaper Excerpts (about 100 pieces) pertaining to Shakespeare. Three of the plates are framed. Among others may be mentioned, a series of 15 steel engravings depicting scenes from Plays; a series of 15 engravings by W. Sharpe, Stowe, Fittler and others, pub- lished 1794 by Mr. Woodmason, London; Specimens of Shakespeare’s autograph (in frame); Photograph of Shakespeare’s Birthplace; and others. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 447. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). View of Shakespeare’s Tomb. Etching. Folio, framed; The Church of the Holy Trinity, Stratford-upon-Avon. View surrounded with miniature scenes from Shakespeare’s plays. Royal 4to size, framed; Snuff Box, with portrait of Shakespeare painted on cover. Metal box, cover loose; Facsimile of an Indenture signed by Shakespeare; Three photographic reproductions of inscriptions on Shakespeare’s tomb. Together, 9 pieces. 448. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Early Deeds of Shakespearean Interest:—(1) Indenture between William Caldwell of Lapworth, County of Warwick, and Anne, his Wife, Thomas Hall, and Faire, his Wife, of the one Part, and Thomas Shakespeare of Lapworth, County of Warwick, of the other Part. November 25, 1664. Deed for Land called ‘‘Smith’s Fields.” En- dorsed on back, possibly in Thomas Shakespeare’s autograph,— Tho Shakspeare. His Deed from William Caldwell and Vho Hall;’’ (2) Indenture between Thomas Shakespeare of Lapworth, in the County of Warwick and Christian Davey, Thomas Brownley, Thomas Whadrorke, and Henry Davey. January 20, 1674. Signed in Autograph by the four Parties of the Second Part; (3) Indenture, June 13, 1687—not of Shakespearean interest. Together, 3 pieces, folio, all written on parchment. The Thomas Shakespeare of the first two Deeds above was probably of the same family as William Shakespeare, as a Thomas Shakespeare who is believed to have been a brother of the poet’s father, John Shakespeare, was a considerable land-owner in Warwickshire in the latter part of the previous century. ORIGINAL IRELAND FORGERY OF SHAKESPEARE’S SIGNATURE 449. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Hooper (JoHN). A Funeral Oration made the xiiil.day of January . . . 1549. 16mo, old blue paper wrappers. London, Thomas Purfote, 1549 WITH THE ORIGINAL INSCRIPTION IN INK ON TITLE-PAGE PURPORTING TO BE IN SHAKESPEARE’S AUTOGRAPH, WRITTEN BY WILLIAM HENRY IRELAND,—‘‘ Wm. Shakspeare thys lyttelle Sermone I ha reade ande doe fynde itte ryghte profytable and goode forre treue Chrystyannss."’ Laid in is a facsimile of Shakespeare’s authentic signature. : This is an item of the HIGHEST INTEREST to the Shakespearian scholar or collector, and of the rarest occurrence, probably very few ORIGINAL IRELAND AUTOGRAPHIC FORGERIES being procurable. Formerly in the possession of the Rev. J. Fuller Russell and shown by him ina Shakespeare Exhibition. 450. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). INGLEBy (C. M.). Shakespeare’s Centurie of Prayse; being Materials for a History of Opinion on Shakespeare and his Works, A. D. 1591-1693. Second Edition, Revised, with many additions, by Lucy Toulmin Smith. 2 vols. square 8vo, cloth, gilt top. London: New Shakspere Society [1879] 451. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). HALLIWELL (J. O.). The Life of William Shakes- peare. London, 1848; BraDLEy (A. G.). The Avon and Shakespeare’s Country. Illustrations In Cotor. New York, 1910; Furness (H. H.— Editor). A New Variorum Edition of Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet. Philadelphia, 1874; FURNIVALL (F. J.). Some 300 Fresh Allusions to Shakspere from 1504 to 1694. London, 1886. Together, 4 vols. royal 8vo and 8vo, cloth. Second Session, Thursday Evening, November rath 452. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare. Accurately printed from the text of the corrected copy left by the late George Steevens. JJlustrated. 2 vols. Hartford, 1835; The Plays of William Shakespeare. [Vol. 1 only, should be 21.] London, 1803; INGLEBY (C. M.). Shakespeare’s Centurie of Prayse. Second Edition. London [1874]; IRELAND (W. H.). The Confessions of William H. Ireland containing the particulars of his fabrication of the Shakspeare Manuscripts. London, 1805. wed 5 vols. cloth, full calf (one vol. without covers, one with covers oose). ’ 453. SHAKESPEARE (W.). The Spirit of the Plays of Shakspeare, exhibited in a Series of Outline Plates Illustrative of each Play. Drawn and engraved by F, Howard. With Quotations and Descriptions. 4 vols. London, 1833; INGERSOLL (R. G.). Shakespeare. A Lecture. New York, 1898; LEE (S.). Life of William Shakespeare. New York, 1899; SHAKESPEARE LIBRARY AND MUSEUM IN HENLEY STREET. Catalogue. London, 1868; Dr. REEs’s New CycLopaeEpia. Vol. XXXIII, Part II. First American Edition. Philadelphia [1816]. Contains an interesting article on Shakespeare; SHAKES- PEARE. Works. [Vol. 1 only.] Berwick, 1800. Together, 9 vols. 4to, 8vo and 12mo, cloth, boards and wrappers. 454. SIAMESE MANuScRIPTS. Two Siamese Manuscripts. Written on both sides of 34 strips of palm leaf, 211% to 23% inches long by 2 inches wide. With rudely drawn pictures at the ends of several leaves of one manuscript. Each manu- script is placed between blank cover strips, the longer one having gilt edges. Together, 2 pieces. 455. SIAMESE MANUSCRIPTS. Four Siamese Manuscripts, two of them being Ordinances of the Siamese Court, tied and sealed, and one of the others being a Book of Laws on Marriage. Written in WHITE ON BLACK paper, approximately 250 inches long by about 13 inches wide collectively, the Book of Laws on Marriage written on both sides, three of the manuscripts folded to 4% by 12 inches, the fourth enclosed in a package 2 by 5 inches. Together, 4 pieces. Probably Nineteenth Century Desirable group of genuine Siamese manuscripts in fine preservation. The fact that two of them have the cords and seals unbroken is an interesting feature and makes them more than usually valuable. 456. SINGHALESE MANuScRIPT ON PALM LEAVES. Book of Buddha’s Teaching. Written in Singhalese characters WITH A DRYPOINT on both sides of 21 palm leaves 12 inches long by 2 inches high. Two oval spaces and holes left for strings. Probably Sixteenth Century Curious manuscript beautifully written and in splendid state of preservation, though apparently incomplete. This manuscript was sent to Mr. Gunther direct from Ceylon in 1893 as evidenced by the letter which accompanies it. 457. SLAVONIC MANUSCRIPT, ILLUMINATED. Service Book or Book of Prayers of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Written in CHURCH SLAVONIC 1m red and black on 188 leaves of paper, 81% by 634 inches. With 4 full-page miniatures, numerous other smaller miniatures, head- and tail-pieces, some almost full-page, and border decorations, including many angelic figures, ALL PAINTED IN CoLors. 4to, full crimson levant morocco, Jansenist, inner gilt dentelle border, gilt edges, partly on the rough, BY BELZ-NIEDREE. Sixteenth Century BEAUTIFUL SPECIMEN OF THE RUSSIAN ART OF THE PERIOD. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 458. 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. 464. SOMERVILLE (WILLIAM). Original Autograph Manuscript Poem,—‘ The Edinburgh Garland.” 3pp. small folio, 68 lines. With portrait. Together, 2 pieces. RARE AUTOGRAPH. Some cancellations and corrections appear in this manuscript. Somerville, the late 17th and early 18th century English poet will best be remem- bered by his poem in blank verse, entitled ‘‘The Chase.’’ SonGs. A Select Collection of Original Scottish Airs for the Voice, with Introductory and Concluding Symphonies . . . by Pleyel, Kozeluch, and Haydn. With Select and Characteristic Verses . . . by Burns. Engraved frontispieces and vignette titles. 4 vols. in two, folio, leather (broken, poor condition). London and Edinburgh [1803] GENUINE ISSUE, bearing the autograph signature of,—‘‘G. Thomson,’’ the Pub- lisher, on each title-page. SOUTHERNE (THOMAS). Order for payment of dividend of South Sea Stock, signed,—" Tho. Southerne.”” One page narrow 16mo. N. p., Aug. 14, 1713. Portrait. Together, 2 pieces. Irish dramatist and author of ‘‘Fatal Marriage.’’ RARE AUTOGRAPH. SOUTHEY (ROBERT). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT, portion of Southey’s “Doctor.” Manuscript of about Two THousaAND WorDs written in ink on 20 square I2mo pages; Another small Autograph Specimen, signed,—‘‘ Rob- ert Southey.’ Keswick, March 28, 1837; Portrait; SouTHEY (CAROLINE). Autograph Letter Signed,—‘‘Caroline Southey.” 3pp. 12mo, 1842; Auto- graph Poem by Mrs. Southey, titled, ‘‘ Mortality.” About 150 lines on 9 small 4to pages. Together, 5 pieces. SOTHEBY (WILLIAM). Autograph Poem Signed,—“W. S.”; Scott (E.). Autograph Letter Signed,—‘ £. Scott’; WARREN (S.). Autograph Letter Signed,—" Samuel Warren”; VALLANCEY (C.). Document Signed, “‘ Chas. Vallancey,”’ announcing election of C. F. Greville to the Dublin Society; and others; and an envelope, document, and portrait of Charlotte Smith. Together, 15 pieces, comprising 25pp. various places, dates and sizes. SOWER IMPRINT. BROMLEY (THOMAS). The Way to the Sabbath of Rest, or The Soul’s Progress in the Work of the New Birth. With Two Discourses of the Author, Never Before Printed, viz: Journeys of the Children of Israel . and A Treatise of Extraordinary Divine Dispensations . . . One vol. in 2, 8vo, full light calf, gilt, gilt edges, By MATTHEWS. London Printed. Germantown Reprinted and Sold by Christopher Sower. Also Sold by Solomon Fussell and Jonathan Zane in Philadelphia, 1759 RARE. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. The Discourses, which are bound separately, have only half-titles, and are paged continuously with the first part. STANISLAUS, KING OF POLAND, Father-in-Law of King Louis XV of France. S., one page 4to, Versailles, May 17, 1732. Signed,—‘‘ Stanislas Rey.” FINE Wax SEAL. Small hole in margin; D.S., one page folio, Lunéville, March 28, 1757; [ALso] STANISLAUS AuGusTUS, last King of Poland. L. S., one page 4to, Warsaw, May 25, 1791. Note of thanks to Mr. Joel Barlow, for a copy of his poem ‘‘ Vision of Columbus.”’ Written in English, signed,— “Stanislaus Augustus King.” Together, 3 pieces. Second Session, Thursday Evening, November 12th 465. STACKE (L.). Deutsche Geschichte. With numerous full-page illuminated and lithographed plates, and 294 woodcuts in text. 2 vols. thick square 8vo, half calf, gilt backs (bindings rubbed). Bielefeld und Leipzig, 1894 466. STENOGRAPHY. A Collection of Books on Short-Hand. JTilustrations. To- gether, 11 vols. 12mo to 4to, various bindings, some poor. Various places, various dates INTERESTING COLLECTION, INCLUDING SOME RARE ITEMS; comprising,—JONES (J.). Practical Phonography. London [1701]; Byrom (JOHN). The Universal Eng- lish Short-Hand. Manchester, 1767; PALMER (J.). A New Scheme of Short-Hand. London, 1774; TAYLOR (SAm.). An Universal System of Stenography. London, 1807; MacauLay (AULAY). Polygraphy . . . fitted to all Languages. 2 copies. London, 1747; PITMAN (B.). The Phonographic Reader. Cincinnati, O., undated; WILLIAM- SON (W.). Stenography. London, 1775; GouLtp (M. T. C.). The Analytic Guide. Albany, 1823; Levy (M.). The History of Short-Hand Writing. London, 1862. RIcH (JEREMIAH). Maximum in Minimo. London [1659.] The first book printed in Eng- land on short-hand; ApDy (WILLIAM). The Bible (with the Metrical Psalms) written in shorthand by William Addy, and engraved by John Sturt. Engraved portrait. Each page within red ruled line border. London, 1687. Lacks title. 467. STRICKLAND (AGNES—English Authoress). ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANU- SCRIPT of,—‘‘ The Royal Captives, or, Hide & Seek in a Palace (Charles I and his Children).’’ With numerous corrections by the authoress. 23pp. 4to. 468. STuART (SiR JoHN—General, served under Cornwallis in the Revolution). Autograph Letter Signed, 4pp. folio, Lipa, January 5, 1806. To ‘Lt. Col, [Sir Hudson] Lowe.’’ Fine military letter, as to removing sick, the baggage, escorts, etc.; MuRRAY (JAMES—Brig. Genl. in French and Indian War). Autograph Document Signed, one-page oblong 12mo, Quebec, 1765; Murray (Str GEORGE—General and Statesman). Autograph Letter Signed, one-page I2mo, August 6, 1825; STANHOPE (JAMES—British Gen- eral and Statesman). Autograph Letter Signed, one-page 4to, Pirmont, August 6, 1716. To Sir John Norris; and others. Together, 10 pieces. 469. SWEDENBORG (EMANUEL). Two Documents Signed: (1) ‘‘ Eman. Swedenborg. Ip. small 4to. Amsterdam, 1768; (2) ‘Em. Swedenborg.”’ 2pp. small folio. Portrait. Together, 3 pieces. The second document, besides being signed by the founder of the Swedenborgians also bears the signature of his brother-in-law,—‘‘ L. Benzelstiersa,’’ and others. 000. SwiFT (JONATHAN). Autograph of. See Pope (Alexander) and Swift (Jona- than). 470. SWITZERLAND. [ZURLAUBEN (B.F.A.).] Tableaux Topographiques, Pit- toresques, Physiques, Historiques, Politiques, Litteraires de la Suisse. [Publie par J. B. de La Borde.] Illustrated with over 275 full-page engravings by Masquelier, Auvray, Née, Donis, and others, after noted artists. 4 vols. thick large folio, half leather, uncut (slightly rubbed). Paris, 1780-1788 A comprehensive illustrated work on Switzerland, with FINE IMPRESSIONS OF THE PLATES, clean throughout, with but few foxmarks. Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 471. 472. 473. 474. 475. 476. SyRIAC MANUSCRIPTS ON PAPER. Nestorian religious work. Written in Syriac characters in red and black on 44 leaves of paper, 4% by 334 inches. With 14 full-page and 6 smaller illustrations or diagrams in colored inks, also deco- rative border on last page. Square 24mo, original leather with symbolic de- signs stamped on sides; [Also] Another similar work. 73 leaves, 534 by 4 inches. 12mo, original leather. (Some leaves lacking, others loose.) To- gether, 2 vols. Rare and curious manuscripts of the Nestorian Heresy, the first mentioned in ex- cellent condition considering its age. The second is in Astrangelo script. SYRIAC MANUSCRIPT SCROLL ON PAPER. Nestoriant religious work. In Syriac characters in red and black on a scroll 52 inches long by 344 inches wide. With 5 pictures representing the Virgin Mary, Christ, and other religious persons or subjects, from 31% to 9 inches long by 214% inches high, in colors. (First few leaves of manuscript torn and stained.) An early Nestorian work. Manuscripts of this style are rarely met with. Tasso (Torguato—lItalian Poet, author of Gerusalemme liberata). Auto- graph Letter Signed, ‘‘Torg. Tasso.”” One page, 4to. Double sheet, with autograph address on last page, to ‘‘ Signore e padron mio Colendessmo. Urbino.” Paper seal impressed over wax, intact. RARE IN FULL AUTOGRAPH, and especially in such excellent preservation. TELEGRAPHIC CODE Book. SMITH (FRANCIS O. J.). The Secret Corresponding Vocabulary: adapted for use to Morse’s Electro-Magnetic Telegraph; and also in conducting Written correspondence. Small 4to, half roan. Portland, Maine, 1845 VERY SCARCE. THORVALDSENS Arbeider og Livsforhold. Tidsrummer 1828-1844 ved J. M. Thiele. One vol. of Text, and 2 vols. of Plates. Together, 3 vols. 4to and royal 4to, half leather. Kidbenhavn, 1848 The two volumes of plates are Vols. III and IV of the work, containing plates, numbered 1 to 205. There is no Vol. II in the set. TIBETAN Manuscript. A portion of the Kandjur (Tibetan Buddhist Scrip- tures). Manuscript written in the Tibetan language and characters in white on a painted black ground, on both sides of 222 leaves of heavy oriental paper, 6 inches wide by 22 inches long. AN EXCEPTIONALLY VALUABLE AND RARE MANUSCRIPT, as these manuscript copies of the Kandjur are not permitted to be sold or taken out of Tibet, and there are only two or three complete sets of the work in Europe. The Kandjur or Holy Scripture of the Lamas of Tibet consists of 100 volumes, containing 689 works, and was first compiled and written in the latter half of the VIII century from Buddhist originals in India at that time. A detailed analysis of this Scripture has been pub- lished by Csoma de Ké6rés, Hungarian scholar, and republished with notes, etc. in French by Léon Feer. The great bulk of the collection consists of Mahayana books, and as the Sanskrit originals of many of these are now lost, the Tibetan translations are of great value to scholars. An opportunity such as the present to procure a por- tion of the GENUINE TIBETAN WRITING of the same is of the rarest occurrence. This manuscript was procured from the priestess of a Tibetan monastery by Americans spending the summer in Sung-pan in the northwest part of the province of Sze-chuan, West China, in 1898. A typed account of the purchase of the manu- script with translations of the first few pages is laid in. 477: 478. 479. 480. 481. 482. 483. 484. Second Session, Thursday Evening, November 12th Tissot (J. JAMES). The Life of Our Saviour Jesus Christ. With Notes Trans- lated by Mrs. Arthur Bell. Extensively illustrated with 365 compositions, FINELY COLORED, from the Four Gospels. 4 vols. 4to, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. | New York, 1899 TownLEy MSS. Mrracte Pray. Transcript of the Miracle Play of Tran- substantiation. Manuscript of 38 small folio pages. Stitched; A. L.S. of John Bruce, Chelsea, 1837, laid in. Curious WorK, copied without alteration or revision from the original early MSS. Colophon states the play was ‘‘ don in the forest of Aragon In the famous Cite of Araclea the yere of our lord God, MCCCC Ixj to whom be honour Amen.” TUBINGEN. EISENBACH (H. F.). Beschreibung und Geschichte der Stadt und Universitet Tiibingen. Folding map, and frontispiece and title engraved In CoLors. Thick 12mo, calf, gilt edges, rubbed. Tiibingen, 1822 TurkisH Manuscrirt. Book of Verses in Turkish. Written in red and black in two columns on 240 leaves of glazed paper, 101% by 7 inches. Royal 8vo, original Oriental binding of full red morocco blind stamped, with onlaid center medallion blind tooled in Oriental designs, with envelope flap also blind tooled. Probably Seventeenth Century FINE MANUSCRIPT IN A HANDSOME ORIENTAL BINDING, both binding and manu- script in splendid preservation. TURKISH PRINTING. Volume printed in various Arabic and Turkish Types. With woodcut floral decorations and borders, illuminated head-piece IN GOLD AND Coors on the first page of text. 4to, half leather, floral board sides, 1273 A. H. (1856-7) TYNDALL (JOHN). Original Autograph MSS. of, ‘List of the principal Memoirs published by John Tyndall.” 5pp. 4to.; Timps (JoHN). Autograph Letter Signed, one page 8vo, London, Nov. 2, 1850; TALFOURD (SIR THOMAS Noon). Autograph Letter Signed, one page, 8vo, March 18, 1845; TUPPER (MarTIN F.). Original Autograph Manuscript of ‘‘Charles Gordon.” 2pp. 4to, 1884; Original Autograph Manuscript of his poem ‘‘Freedom.”’ 2pp. 8vo; Two A.L.S. (1) One page, Forest Hill, S. E. Dec. 26, 1872; (2) 4pp. March 8, no year; and others. Together, 15 pieces. TYPOGRAPHY. BLADES (W.). The Biography and Typography of William Caxton. New York, 1882; GRESWELL (W. P.). Annals of Parisian Typog- raphy. London, 1818; FARBE (E.). Epreuves de Caractéres. Paris, 1842; JOHNSON (J.). Typographia. 2 vols. London, 1824; [ALso] Thirty-Eight Ancient Scripture Prints from Original Blocks, brought from Nuremberg, supposed to be the work of Diirer or some of his early disciples. Woodcuts. Circa, 1800. Together, 6 vols. 12mo to 4to, boards and cloth, bindings poor. VERSAILLES. GAVARD (CHARLES). Galeries Historiques de Versailles. Ex- tensively illustrated with full-page engravings after noted artists showing exterior and interior views, plans, and decorations of the apartments of the royal residences. Folio, leather, gilt edges, binding rubbed. Paris, 1838 Kindly read Conditions of Sale in forepart of Catalogue 485. 486. 487. 488. 489. 490. 491. 492. 493. VICTORIA (QUEEN). The Book of the Coronation of Our Liege Lady Victoria. Colored frontispiece and folding plate, backed with linen, with the order of the ‘ceremonies. 18mo; [With] Tableau of the Procession, a folding plate, 8 by 240 inches, IN COLORS, showing details of the royal procession at the Queen's Coronation. Bound in oblong 8vo volume, cloth. London, 1838 VIEWS IN THE Himatayas. A collection of 15 full-page plates lithographed by T. Picken tllustrating scenes in the Himalayas. Atlas folio, cloth, leather back (loose in. binding). [London] Day & Son Lithrs. to the Queen, undated VIZETELLY (HENRY). A History of Champagne with Notes of the other sparkling Wines of France. 350 engravings. London, 1882; SCHUBERT (G. H. v.). Naturgeschichte des Pflanzenreiches in Bildern. 52 COLORED plates. Esslingen, undated. Together, 2 vols. 4to and imperial 8vo, cloth, gilt, and decorative boards (bindings poor). WarRFARE. Busca (GABRIELLO). Della Espvgnatione, et difesa delle Fortezze. Arms of the Duke of Savoy on title, numerous double-page woodcut plates of fortifications and methods of defense. 4to, new half morocco. Turin, 1585 RARE VOLUME ON MEDIEVAL WARFARE, WITH FINE PLATES. WarFarE. Du CuHout (GUILLAUME). Discovrs sur la Castramétation et Discipline Militaire des Romains. Engraved frontispiece, title and illus- trations. Small 4to, half calf. Wesel, 1672 WARFARE. BINGHAM (JOHN). The Art of Embattailing an Army. London, 1692. Title-page to first part is lacking; WILLIAMS (EDwaRD). The Theory and Practice of Gunnery. London, 1765; VALLANCEY (CHARLES). The Field Engineer. Translated from the French of de Clairac. Dublin, 1758. Name on title; [ALSo] Manuscript Signal Book, Royal Navy. 28pp. written in ink, with drawings of flags IN CoLoRS. Together, 4 vols. I2mo to small folio, full and half calf, and morocco (bindings rubbed). WARS OF THE RoMANS. ST. SIMON (LE Marquis DE—Editor). Histoire de la Guerre des Bataves et des Romains d’apres César, Corneille Tacité, etc. Extensively tlustrated with maps, plans, large vignettes and plates engraved by A. Tempesta, after Otto Venius. Large folio, unbound, uncut. Paris, 1770 WaTERLOO. ‘Les Etrangers 4 Waterloo et La Belle Alliance, 1833-35.” Manuscript Register of Visitors to the Field of the Battle of Waterloo, many of the signatures having Autograph Notations added. 4to, original half vellum, with ties, label with title as above on front cover. VALUABLE SOUVENIR OF WATERLOO, containing signatures and notes by English, French, Germans, Russians, Americans, etc. Watts (IsAAc—English Writer and Divine). Autograph Letter, written in Shorthand. One-page 4to, Novr. 4, 1737. To ‘ The Baron of Oxte,” replying to his letter; OxIE (BARON DE). Autograph Letter Signed. 4pp. 4to. London, November 1737. To Isaac Watts. Together, 2 pieces. 494. 495. 496. 497. 498. Second Session, Thursday Evening, November 12th WESLEY (JOHN). Autograph Letter Signed, ‘J. Wesley.’ One page 12mo. Kingswood, August 3, 1771. Engraving of death bed of Wesley. Together, 2 pieces. Worn in the folds. FINE SPECIMEN of the writing of this famous English religious reformer. WESTMINSTER. SMITH (JOHN T.). Antiquities of Westminster; the Old Palace; St. Stephen’s Chapel, &c. Containing 246 engravings of topographi- cal objects. 4to, diamond calf (slightly rubbed). London, June 9, 1807 This work contains, at p. 48, THE ORIGINAL STONE PLATE, THE FIRST ENGLISH LITHOGRAPH. FINE IMPRESSIONS OF ALL THE PLATES. With bookplate of Hopwell Hall. Wo tcot (JoHn, M.D.—‘‘Peter Pindar’). AuToGraPH MANUSCRIPT SONG, comprising 44 lines, written on 5pp. oblong 8vo; Autograph Letter Signed, 2pp. 8vo, no place, or date. Accompanied by an engraved portrait. To- gether, 3 pieces. [WoLLAsTON (WILLIAM).] The Religion of Nature Delineated. Small 8vo, calf (rubbed, name on title crossed out, in ink). Glasgow, 1746 With the autograph signature of,—‘‘ Lawr, Lewis,’’ (nephew of George Washing- ton), in ink on title. WoopcuTs, GERMAN. Romischer Historien Bekurtzung . . . Woodcut portrait of Charles V, COLORED BY HAND, on title. Strassburg, 1536; Zwey Schéne Auch lustige Historien und Geschicht Biicher der Rhémer Krieg wider die Carthaginenser . . . Numerous woodcuts of battles, seafights, etc., 2 with monogram of HANS SCHAEUFLEIN. [Augspurg] 1540; GROSIUS (PauLus). Chronica unnd bescreybung . . . Colmar, 1539. 3 vols. in one, small folio, contemporary stamped vellum over oaken boards, with date, 1595, stamped in front cover; clasps lacking. Desirable for its FINE EARLY WoopcutTs, the portrait of the Emperor being un- usually clean and clearcut. In a handsome stamped vellum binding of the period. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INnc., MANAGERS DEPARTMENT OF BOOKS AND PRINTS Mr. ARTHUR SWANN, DIRECTOR APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS MA oie eA ppRAISALS. The American Art Association, Inc., will furnish appraisements, made by experts under its direct supervision, of art and literary property, jewelry and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for inheritance tax, insurance and other pur- poses. CATALOGUES. The Association is prepared to sup- plement this appraisal work by making catalogues of private libraries, of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modeled after the fine and intelligently produced Sales catalogues of the Association. Upon request the Association will furnish the names of many Trust and Insurance Companies, Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Attorneys and private indi- viduals for whom the Association has made appraise- ments which not only have been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Estate Tax Bureau, the State Tax Commission and others in interest. The AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. MADISON AVENUE 56TH TO 57TH STREET NEW YORK CITY Telephone: Piaza 1270 The AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATIONS TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY DOUGLAS C. MCMURTRIE + NEW YORK 1925 Nov.12 NeAmG c.1 American /Selections from the Cha 94-P92 - 3125 01186 2965 — ’ be { : 7" a° 5 " Be ot Ww, Be ie ee rh ee | wee! |: me i ay ede 5 wee pan : ay P ieka 7 Lvs i oP ard vs y Ps : as Pane ras —tt 2 ¢ tek Yet A : , pera ed yr i =! _ i P| Le