1926 Novel2 Ne Ams NEEDLEWORK » TAPESTRIES AND GOTHIC FURNITURE THE COLLECTION FORMED BY H.S. DE SOUHAMI OF PARIS Including Art Property from the Chateau de Courcelles Sarthe + France ws AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION: INC MADISON AVENUE + 56rx TO 577H STREET NEW YORK Pee bape ble Cah Ose bern From Saturday - November 6+ To Time of Sale Weekdays 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 7 Sunday 2 to 5 p.m. Powe rye PUBEIC SATE Friday and Saturday November 12 and 13 Prerituni Cyd te 2:20 p. In. Beeieed ON AND SALE AT THE American Art Galleries Madison Avenue: 56th to 57th Street New York City ¢ segues. COIN DUCTED BY Mr. O. Bernet and Mr. H. H. Parke American Art Association ” Inc MANAGERS SN * Tur CHATEAU DE COURCELLES SARTHE * FRANCE \ ; j \ ) ] Needlework / Uapestries ‘ and Gothic Furniture The Ualuable “Private Collection Formed by the Well Known Art Connoisseur and Lixpert Hl. §. de Souhamti of Parts maces DING SAR T PROPERTY. FROM ‘THE CHATEAU DE COURCELLES OARotr ber i RANCE al fo oF Wal a3 Sue NOE TORK PON RT ASSOCIATION: INC 1926 f | f ES a U | lv Priced (atalogues © Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved — in copying the necessary information from thes records of the Association. ‘a Tie AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION : Inc” Be Designs its Catalogues 7 and Directs ~All Details of Illustration — ‘ . Text and Typography . & S I. Conditions of Sale CE AP,» Rejection oF Brps. Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. tee Buyer. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. . 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(I In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day following that of the sale, the Association and the auctioneer reserve the right, any other stipulation in these conditions of sale notwithstanding, in respect to any or all lots included in the purchase bill, at its or his option, either to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the buyer and to hold the buyer responsible for any deficiency and all losses and expenses sustained in so doing. Suippinc. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, however, 10. Il. afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. Guaranty. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of the sale to point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuine- ness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing or imperfection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold “as is” and without recourse. (_ Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Associa- tion will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. Recorps. The records of the auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall hie. Buyinc on Orper. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or telephone, if con- ditions permit, will be faithfully attended to without charge of commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded, if the lot differs from its catalogue description. L Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clearness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. These conditions of sale cannct be altered except by the auctioneer or by an officer of the -Assoctation OTTO BERNET - HIRAM H. PARKE * Agere. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION - INC Managers ~ baba . ae ga Py é ee wy x Soe — é “ ee » al te 7 a a ‘ j ee J ' \ ® e e e e e e e s e e e e e ° ° e e e e e Heese seo) Sol OIN Friday November 12, 1926 at 2:30 p.m. Catalogue Numbers I to I122B, Inclusive hemieee vl! CENTURY TEXTILES 1. RENAISSANCE GOLD-EMBROIDERED VELVET PANEL XVI Century Red velvet, enriched with scrolled gold leafage. Trimmed with fringe and gold galloon. Height, 13 inches; width, 39 inches 2. RENAISSANCE VELVET PANEL XVI Century Red velvet, trimmed with fringe and gold galloon. Height, 13 inches; width, 56 inches 3. RENAISSANCE GOLD-EMBROIDERED VELVET PANEL XVI Century Red velvet, enriched with scrolled gold leafage. Trimmed with fringe and ~ gold galloon. Height, 19 inches; width, 39 inches 4. Damask CHASUBLE XVIII Century Rose-red damask, woven with florally scrolled rondels. Trimmed with fringe and gold galloon. 5. Damask CHASUBLE XVIII Century Similar to the preceding. 6. Damask CHASUBLE XVIII Century Similar to the preceding. 7, SILK CHASUBLE XVIII Century Woven with floral bouquets on rose-red background. Trimmed with gold galloon. 8. SILK-EMBROIDERED BED COVER XVIII Century Green silk. “Trimmed with fringe. Height, 8 feet 9 inches; width, 6 feet 3 inches 15 \O 10. LT. i223 FRENCH BrocaDE CHASUBLE AVITI Century Ivory satin, made gay with rich and brilliant floral displays woven in rose and olive, mauve and pink, dark olive and bright golden-yellow. ‘Trimmed with golden fringe and galloon. FRENCH BrocaDE CHASUBLE XVIII Century Similar to the preceding. XVIIEPLCENTURY ‘CHINESE? POG an. PorcELAIN Lamp Porcelain of the famulle rose. Mounted as lamp; with shade in rose-red silk. PorcELAIN LAMP Enriched with varied reserved panels of flowers on café-au-lait ground. Mounted as lamp. | Silk shade. XVIII CENTURY .DECORATI VE Pat 12. 14. Te ile ie, 7A. THREE OvERDOORS ; French School, XVIII Century Landscape and figures, painted on canvas. In oblong frames with gilded interior scrollings. Heights, 38, 38 and 43 inches; length of each, 51 inches Two Oi, PaIntTINnGs French School, XVIII Century Vases of varied delicate flowers. In oblong gilded frames. Height, 45 inches; width, 20 inches Ort PaInTING Dutch School, XVIII Century Basket of flowers. Gilded frame. Height, 30.inchaysaua mee recon Oit PAINTING Dutch School, XVIII Century Sculptured vase of varied flowers. Gilded frame. Height, 39 inches; width, 31 inches F LOWERPIECE French School, XVIII Century Sculptured vase with bouquet of flowers, attributed to Monnoyer. In carved and decorated frame. Height, 53 inches; width, 44 inches From the Chateau de Lostanges. [ Zlustrated | Two Orit PAINTINGS Dutch School, XVIII Century Flowers, in ebonized frames. 16 No. 17. FLOWERPIECE homrawleCENTURY FRENCH -FURNITURE 18. Two Louris XII] Watnur SILK ARMCHAIRS French, XVI Century Oblong backs and seats covered in silk. Simply carved and turned walnut frames with fine patina, ornamented with gargoyles and acanthus leaves. 19. Rare Watnut CHOIR STOOL Henry Il Period Semicircular molded wood top, on baluster legs. I7 20. Zhe 22. oes Dye. Dy. 26. oe 28. 29. RarE WaLnut CHoIR STOOL Henry II Period Semicircular molded wood top, on baluster legs. Companion to the preceding. RarE WALNUT CHOIR STOOL Henry II Period Semicircular molded wood top, on baluster legs. Companion to the pre- ceding. Rare Watnut CuHorr STOOL Henry II Period Semicircular molded wood top, on baluster legs. Companion to the pre- ceding. RarE Watnut CHoIR STOOL Henry II Period Semicircular molded wood top, on baluster legs. Companion to the pre- ceding. Damask WaLNurt SOFA Louis XIII Period High back with wings and loose cushion seat. Dark original patina. Covered with modern green damask. Width, 6 feet 6 inches; height, 3 feet 5 inches Carvep Wa.tnut JaBLE ~Henry II Period Oblong top, supported by Henry II columnar legs, having finely molded long H-stretcher. . Damask WaLNUT ARMCHAIR Louis XIII Period Oblong back, bulbous turned arms, supports and legs. Double front rail. Covered with old red damask. Damask WatnutT ARMCHAIR Louis XIII Period Oblong back, bulbous turned arms, supports and legs. Double front rail. Covered with old red damask. LEATHER TRUNK AVIT Century Oblong, in Havana leather. Ornamented with rows of nails, lock-plates and handles in cuivre doré. Width, 40 inches; height, 24 inches NEEDLEWoRK Wa.tnut BENCH Henry II Period Oblong top, on columnar legs and stretcher. Covered with needlework pre- senting flowers on an écru background. Width, 52 inches VELVET WALNUT ARMCHAIR Louis XIII Period Oblong back, bulbous turned arms, supports and legs. Double front rail. Rich original patina. Covered with old golden-yellow velvet. 18 ai. 32. Se 34. oD: 3]: 20% Bos 40. #1. FLEMIsH [TaAPEstRY WatNuT BANQUETTE Lous XIII Pertod Turned walnut legs and stretcher, with fine original patina. Covered with Flemish tapestry presenting flowers on cream background. Henry IIT Wartnur EmpBroipeRy CAQUETEUSE AVI Century High molded oblong back, flat voluted arms on columnar supports, molded seat on baluster legs. Fine original patina. Covered with red velvet and point d@ Hongrie embroidery. FRENCH RENAISSANCE NEEDLEWORK ARMCHAIR AVI Century Oblong back and seat, simply carved and turned frame of the Louis XIII period with fine patina, ornamented with gargoyles and acanthus leaves. Coy- ered with fine needlework displaying varicolored flowers on black background. Two VELveT Wa.Lnur Cuairrs Henry II Period Oblong backs and seats on columnar legs. Covered with old orange velvet. Two VELvET WALNUT CHAIRS Henry II Period Similar to the preceding. Two VetveT Watnur Cuairs Henry II Period Similar to the preceding. DamasK WALNUT ARMCHAIR Louis XIII Period Oblong back and seat, turned arms, supports and legs. Rich original patina. Covered with green damask. Damask WALNUT SOFA Louis XIII Period High back with wings scrolling into arms, and loose cushion seat. Dark patina. Covered with old red damask. DamaskK WALNUT CHAIR Louis XIII Period High serpentined back, legs styled “os de mouton.” Covered with modern green damask. NEEDLEWORK WALNUT STOOL Louis XITI Period Square top, balustered legs and stretcher. Covered with needlework present- ing flowers on black background. Damask WaLnut ARMCHAIR Louis XIII Period Oblong back and seat, turned arms, supports and legs. Rich original patina. Covered with old red damask. oe 42. 434. CarvED WALNUT TABLE Henry II Period Oblong top, supported by Henry II columnar legs, having finely molded oblong H-stretcher sustaining a columned arcade. Width, 47 inches; height, 30 inches [ Illustrated | DamasK WaLNutT ARMCHAIR Louis XIII Period Oblong serpentined back, turned arms, supports and legs. Back and seat cov- ered with modern green damask. NEEDLEWORK SCREEN Louis XIII Period Threefold. Upper part presenting floral panels in needlework and point de chainette. Lower panels covered with old red damask ornamented with coat of arms and nails. Height, 5 fe-i 3 inches FrencH RenarssANCE Tapestry WaLtnut CANAPE XVI Century Oblong back and seat. The back covered with fine Renaissance tapestry presenting figures surrounded by bunches of fruits and flowers in rich reds and blues on écru background. ‘The seat with medallion, vases of flowers and fruits on similar background. The walnut frame with arms and sup- ports handsomely carved, turned legs and stretcher of a later period. Height, 39 inches; length, 49 inches From the collection of Comtesse de Gaillard [ Illustrated | 20 45. No. 44 ‘Two Frencuw RENAISSANCE | AP- ESTRY WaLNuT ARMCHAIRS AVI Century Oblong serpentined back hand- somely carved, turned arms, sup- ports and legs with rich original patina. Covered with Renaissance tapestry of fine texture, woven with rich fohage, grapes, and fruits exe- cuted in magnificent tones. From the collection of Comtesse de Gaillard | One illustrated | 21 Iemma 16 TE: Cae: 4: BE we 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. oe ae 23+ 54: Das Damask WALNUT CHAIR Louis XIII Period High serpentined back, legs styled “os de mouton.” Covered with modern green damask. Two ReEnarssaNcE Tapestry WaLnut CAQUETEUSES XVI Century High molded oblong backs, flat voluted arms on columnar supports, on baluster legs. Covered in fine Renaissance tapestry displaying fruits and flowers. From the Roybet Collection Carved WaLNuUT TABLE Henry II Period Oblong top, on fluted columnar legs with stretcher. Fine original patina. Damask WALNUT CHAIR Louis XIII Period High serpentined back, legs styled “os de mouton.” Covered with modern green damask. Damask WaLNuT ARMCHAIR Louis XIII Period Oblong back and seat, turned arms, supports and legs. Covered with old- red damask. Damask WALNUT ARMCHAIR Louis XIII Period Oblong back and seat, turned arms, supports and legs. Covered with modern green damask. Parr Damask WaLtnutr CHAIRS Louis XIII Period High serpentined backs, finely turned legs and stretchers. Covered with old red damask. NEEDLEWORK CARVED WaLNnut CHAIR Louis XIII Period High, open back on turned legs and stretcher. Seat covered with needle- work presenting birds and tree in petit point surrounded by gros point in rocaille design. NEEDLEWORK WaLNuT BENCH Louis XIII Pertod Oblong back and seat, turned arms, supports and legs. Covered with needle- work presenting flowers on an écru background. Two Watnutr Tapestry ARMCHAIRS Louis XIV Period High oblong backs, simply carved arms and supports. ‘Turned legs and rails. covered with verdure tapestry. 22 (eerie VPlT-xXVIIT CENTURY FURNITURE 56. DecorarED CarvED Woop Mirror French, Louis XV_ Period In oblong frame painted green, with gilded interior scrollings. “Ihe upper panel painted with pastoral scene on canvas. Height, 90 inches; width, 47 inches From the collection of Comtesse de Gaillard [Illustrated above | 3 57: 58. 29° 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. Ose DeEcorATED CarvED Woop Mirror French, Louis XV Period Similar to the preceding. CARVED AND GILDED Mirror French, Louis XVI Pertod In oblong frame. Height, 67 inches; width, 41 inches SiItK WaLNut ARMCHAIR Louis XIV Period High serpentined back, carved with scrolled leafage and rocaille, open scrolled arms and supports. On cabriole legs and stretcher similarly enriched. Loose cushion seat. Covered with green and yellow silk. WaLnut NEEDLEWORK ARMCHAIR Louis XIV Period High oblong back, open arms and supports, carved with scrolled leafage and rocaille. Cabriole legs similarly adorned. Fine original patina. Covered with needlework presenting pomegranates on an écru background. From the Chateau du Rance Two Watnut VELVET ARMCHAIRS Régence Period Serpentined backs and shaped seats enriched with leafage and shell motives, on cabriole legs similarly adorned. Covered with old yellow velvet. Manocany BoNHEUR DU JOUR French, Louis XVI Period Front fitted with two doors and four drawers. Supported on fluted round legs. White marble top of the period. Signed, AVRIL. Height, 44 inches; length, 35 inches VELVET LAQUE BERGERE Louis XVI Period Simply molded shaped frame, square back, on tapering fluted legs. Loose cushion seat. Covered in green velvet. Two SILK LaquEs ARMCHAIRS Louis XVI Period Square backs and seats on tapering fluted legs. Covered with silk. PoLYCHROMED AND GILDED ConsoLE TABLE Directoire Period Oblong top with carved frieze, supported on two pedestal legs handsomely carved, with square feet. Green marble top of the period. Height, 36 inches; length, 62 inches From the collection of Mounet Sully [ Illustrated | 24 No. 65. PotycHROMED AND GILDED CONSOLE TABLE 66. 67. 68. 70. ibe 13: Gray Laqut NEEDLEWORK STOOL Louis XVI Period Oblong top, on tapering fluted legs. Covered with petit point needlework presenting flowers on cream background. ManHocany COMMODE Louis XVI Period Semicircular shape. Front fitted with three drawers, embellished with ormolu handles, flanked by two enclosing doors. Supported on tapering fluted round legs. White marble top of the period. Height, 34 inches; length, 50 inches Four Watnut VELVET ARMCHAIRS Régence Period Serpentined crowned backs and shaped seats, enriched with shell motives and leafage. On cabriole legs similarly carved. Covered with blue velvet. Signed, CRESSON, one of the leading ébénistes of the period, on lower back rail. From the collection of Comtesse de Gaillard NEEDLEWORK LAQUE ARMCHAIR Louis XVI Period Simply molded shaped frame on tapering fluted legs. Covered with needle- point displaying varicolored flowers on cream background. Two VELveET Mauocany BERGERES Louis XVI Period Simply molded frames on baluster legs. Loose cushion seats, and armpads covered with yellow velvet. Signed, yacos. SMALL MaHoGAny TABLE Louis XVI Period Circular top, fitted with three drawers, supported on balustered legs. White marble top of the period. VELVET WALNUT BERGERE Louis XV_ Period High serpentined molded back, on cabriole legs. Back, loose seat cushion and armpads covered in modern green velvet. From the Chateau de Lostanges [ (llustrated | CARVED AND Gray LaquE TABLE Régence Period Oblong frieze, carved on the four sides, supported on cabriole legs, with volute-scrolled terminals; enriched with scrolled leafage and rocaille motives. Molded marble top. Height, 29 inches; length, 56 inches From the Chateau de Dampierre [ Illustrated | 26 a& Stet aac No. 72. VELVET WaLNnuT BERGERE 74: /7: 19+ 80. Oi 328 Two AusBusson LAQuEs ARMCHAIRS Louis XVI Period Molded oval backs, on tapering fluted legs. Covered with Aubusson tapestr ) pone 8 pestis presenting figures in landscape medallions amid garlands of varicolored flowers on cream background. . LaguE NEEDLEWORK STOOL Louis XVI Period Oblong top, low carved legs. Laqué gray. Covered with needlework pre- senting bouquets of varicolored flowers on cream background. SMALL Manocany ‘TABLE Lows XVI Period Oblong top, finished with pierced ormolu gallery, front fitted with one drawer in mouchette mahogany, supported on round fluted legs. White marble top. Height, 32 inches; width, 19 inches Two VELveT LaquEs ARMCHAIRS Louis XV Period Scroll molded frames, painted green and écru, enriched with floral bouquets, drawers, on incurved legs. Portions of a later period. RosEwoop BoNHEUR DU JOUR Louis XV_ Period Rectangular shape, upper portion enclosed by two doors with mirrors and two drawers. Lower portion with extending top and frieze fitted with two drawers, on incurved legs. Portions of a later period. LACQUER SCREEN Louis XVI Period Oblong panel, presenting Chinese subjects on black background. AUBUSSON ‘[aPEstTRY LAQUE ARMCHAIR Louis XVI Period Molded oval back, on tapering fluted legs. Laqué gray. Covered with Aubusson tapestry presenting floral bouquets and ribbon motives on cream background. Two MarQuETERIE ENCOIGNURES Louis XV Period Semicircular shape. Fitted with two doors in rosewood. Short cabriole legs. Enriched with ormolu handles and feet. Molded marble top. Signed, DEMOULIN. From the collection of Baronne de Sommevert CaRVED WALNUT CANAPE Louis XV Period Large walnut sofa of fine shape, styled “corbeille.”” Molded aiched back, cabriole legs. Back, loose seat cushion and arms upholstered with yellow velvet. Signed, E. MENANT. Width, 78 inches; height, 36 inches From the collection of Baronne de Sommevert [ Illustrated | 28 No. 82. CARVED WALNUT CANAPE alee 86. No. 86 VELVET WALNUT STOOL Louis XV Period Oblong molded top, on cabriole legs. Enriched with floral bouquets. Cov- ered with red velvet. Two NEEDLEwoRK WaLNnuT ARMCHAIRS Régence Period Scroll-molded shaped frames enriched with floral bouquets, on cabriole legs. Seats and backs covered in needlework, presenting groups of figures and birds in petit point on sapphire-blue grounds, seats with fantastic floral gros point on black ground. ManHocGaAany BERGERE Directoire Period Curved back styled “gondole,” handsomely carved with eagle heads. Col- umnar supports, round fluted legs. Loose seat cushion and back covered invsitke Two VELVET WaLNUT ARMCHAIRS Louis XV Period Scroll-molded frames, enriched with floral bouquets. On cabriole legs simi- larly adorned. Backs and loose cushion seats covered with old yellow velvet. From the collection of Baronne de Sommevert [ One illustrated | 30 87. 88. 90. gl. 92. Os QO3A. MaHocGany GUERIDON Louis XVI Period Circular molded top, ornamented with pierced ormolu gallery, central shelf stretcher and scrolled tripod legs. Height, 29 inches; diameter, 31 inches LACQUER SCREEN POIIAG! Century Sixfold; presenting flowers, vases and Chinese landscapes on black back- ground. Height, 29 inches; width of each fold, 7% inches Two NeEepLeEworK Laquts ARMCHAIRS Lous XVI Period Molded oval backs, ornamented with floral bouquets, on tapering fluted legs. Finished ivory. Covered with needlepoint displaying bouquets of varicolored flowers on cream background. VELVET WaLNutT ARMCHAIR Louis XIII Period High back, on cabriole legs with stretcher. Covered with old red velvet. VERDURE TapEstRY WaLNUT SCREEN XVIT Century Threefold. “The central fold covered with verdure tapestry; the frame modern. inomste 1) Acurs “CHAUFFEUSE’ OR Low.Cuarrs Lows XV Period Unusually shaped frames, or Low Chairs, on cabriole legs. Finished gray. Covered with silk. ManHocGany BouILLOTTE TABLE Louis XVI Period Circular top, frieze with two small drawers and two small writing slides. Ornamented with pierced ormolu gallery. Fluted tapering legs. White marble top. Height, 29 inches; diameter, 28 inches MARQUETERIE COMMODE Louis XVI Period Oblong shape. Front fitted with three drawers. Marble top of the period. 41 94. 95: No. 94 VELVET WALNUT BERGERE Louis XV Period Plain molded frame, styled “gowdole,” on cabriole legs. Loose seat cushion, covered with modern blue velvet. From the Chateau de Lostanges [ Illustrated | VELVET LAaguk BANQUETTE Louis XVI Period Oblong top, on tapering fluted legs. Loose seat cushion. Laqué gray. Cov- ered with red velvet. Width, 37 inches; height, 16 inches 32 96. 9/- wee nee fae a eee es ~ % ae i: No. 97 WaLnut NEEDLEWORK ARMCHAIR Louis XIV Period High back, open arms and legs, styled “fos de mouton.” Covered with gros point needlework presenting peonies, surrounded by ornaments on cream back- ground. Two AuBsusson Tapestry LAguEs ARMCHAIRS Directoire Period Square backs and seats, open arms, tapering fluted legs, daintily carved, finished gray. Covered with royal Aubusson tapestry presenting in the backs Les Enfants Jardiniers; in the seats, Les Fables de La Fontaine, surrounded by garlands of flowers and ribbon motives. Companion to the following. From the collection of Baronne de Sommevert [ Illustrated | 33, PRR SS OSEAN a cee REC ¢ No. 98 98. Two Aususson Tapestry Laqguts ARMCHAIRS Directoire Period Square backs and seats, open arms, tapering fluted legs, daintily carved, laqués gray. Covered with royal Aubusson tapestry presenting in the backs Les Enfants Jardiniers and Les Fables de La Fontaine in the seats. Surrounded by garlands of flowers and ribbon motives. Companion to the preceding. From the collection of Baronne de Sommevert [ [2lustrated | 99. Manocany DEsk English, XVIII Century Rectancular shape, in two portions. Upper portion enclosed by two trellised g pe, p pper p y cuivre doré sides, lower portion with extending top and frieze fitted with drawers. Mounted in cuivre doré. 34 TOO. ‘Two Watnut NEEDLEWORK ARMCHAIRS Louis XIV Period High scrolled backs, daintily carved with shell motives and leafage; open arms, supports, cabriole legs and stretchers similarly carved. Covered with needlework presenting bouquets of flowers on yellow background. From the collection of the Comte de Beaumont [Illustrated above | 35 XV-XVIII CENTURY NEEDLEWORK AND TAPESTRY PANELS LOds TO2. Rewer 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. Two Damask CURTAINS Louis XIV Century In red damask, trimmed with corresponding galloon. Height, 7 feet 7 inches; length, 3 feet 3 inches Pretir Point BorDER Henry II Period Presenting flowers, fruits, cupidons and animals. Width, 4 feet 6 inches; height, 9 inches Petit Pornr PANEL AVI Century Presenting on écru background ““The Angels and the Paschal Lamb.” ‘The expressions of the features and the coloring are most skilfully handled. Height, 24 inches; length, 30 inches RNaIssaNCE Tapestry BorDER Flemish, XVI Century Presenting flying birds. Woven in mellow greens, blues and reds on écru background. Length, 7 feet 2 inches; height, 9 inches Gros Point “TABLE COVER Louis XIV Period Displaying fantastic floral arabesques and rosaces executed in mellow red, blue and yellow. Length, 60 inches; width, 54 inches. Petir Point PANEL AVIT Century Presenting in a garden a saintly figure seated under a fig-tree. Finely executed. Height, 6 feet 2 inches; width, 6 feet [ Illustrated | NEEDLEPOINT PANEL AVIT Century Presenting the “Nativity,” finely executed in petit point surrounded by flowers in gros point. , Height, 27 inches; length, 25 inches ‘Two GOoLD-EMBROIDERED VELVET BANNERS XVI Century Red velvet, enriched with scrolled gold leafage, stars, ciborium, etc. Trimmed with fringe and gold galloon. Height, 42 inches; width, 31 inches 36 Petir Potnt PANEL May O04 No 109. Important Perir Pornrt PANEL ~ XVI Century Presenting in a central medallion two children holding a scutcheon, amid trees, flowers and animals. Surrounded by a very curious variety of animals jn petit point amid gros point floral design. Woven with rich green on maroon background. Height, 6 feet; length, 9 feet 10 inches From the collection of Comtesse de Rohan [ Illustrated | VERDURE TAPESTRY Flemish, XVII Century Richly wooded landscape. Border of conventional pattern simulating a frame. Height, 9 feet 4 inches; length, 5 feet VERDURE ‘[APESTRY . Flemish, XVII Century Wooded landscape. Border of fruits and flowers. Woven in mellow greens, blues, browns and yellows. Companion to the following. Height, 9 feet 3 inches; width, 6 feet 6 inches TANVQ LNIOG LILAg LNVLYOdW] ‘601 “ON 112. VERDURE [APESTRY | Flemish, XVII Century Wooded landscape. Border of fruits and flowers. Woven in mellow greens, blues, browns and yellows. Companion to the preceding. Height, 9 feet 3 inches; length, 5 feet 6 inches 113. AuBuUssON TAPESTRY French, XVII Century Verdure tapestry, after a cartoon by Oudry. Wooded landscape, animated by flowers, birds, etc. Border on two sides of conventional pattern simulat- ing a frame. Height, 7 feet 7 inches; length, 7 feet 4 inches 1 14. VERDURE TAPESTRY Flemish, XVII Century Wooded landscape faintly seen, animated by flowers and birds. “Toward the horizon is a village with bridge and mountains. Rich border of fruits and flowers. Height, 9 feet 2 inches; length, 8 feet 8 inches [ Zllustrated | 40 No. 114. VERDURE [’APESTRY 115. Pitiey: VT, 118, VERDURE [TAPESTRY Flemish, XVII Century Wooded landscape, animated by dog, birds and flowers. In the horizon, a village with tower and mountains. A border of festooned flowers surrounds the subject. Height, 7 feet; width, 12 feet [ Illustrated | Two NEEDLEWORK HANGINGS AVIT Century In gros point, presenting floral scrollings executed in rich harmonious tones of green, red, blue and ivory on dark blue background, Height, 8 feet 3 inches; width, 2 feet 9 inches VERDURE TAPESTRY Flemish, XVII Century Foliage surrounded by a border of festooned flowers. Executed in mellow tones of green, blue and yellow. Width, 55 inches; height, 39 inches VERDURE TAPESTRY Flemish, XVII Century Similar to the preceding. Width, 52 inches; height, 46 inches 42 No. 115. VERDURE TAPESTRY 119. NEEDLEWORK BorRDER Louis XIV Period With medallions and rosaces presenting fruits and flowers on blue and brown background, interwoven with silver threads. Length, 9 feet 120. NEEDLEWoRK TABLE CovER Louis XIV Period Presenting tulips and carnations in rondels, on écru ground. Background of black and green, finished with old silk fringe in red and yellow. Length, 3 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet § inches 121. AuBusson ‘TAPESTRY - XVIII Century Presenting “Le Char de Cérés.” In the foreground the goddess Cérés is car- ried off in a chariot drawn by two lions. Richly robed, she holds in her right hand a pruning knife, and a sheaf of wheat in the left. “Three handmaidens are standing at her side. Border executed in the same tones of red, blue and orange as the field. Height, 7 feet; width, 12 feet § inches From the collection of Comte de Gasquet James [ Illustrated | 44 AULSAdV JT, NOSSAGNY “ITI ‘ON & f 5 3 | No. 122. AUBUSSON I APESTRY Pre I22A. 122 Bs AuBUSSON TAPESTRY AVITI Century Presenting “Le Moulin de Charenton,” after cartoon by Lancret. In a wooded landscape a mill is seen at the left. Millers and fishermen are busy at their respective avocations. Fine border of varicolored flowers. Height, 8 feet 6 inches; width, 11 feet 9 inches From the De Lavigne Collection | [2lustrated | Parr _ MarsiteE CoLumns Louis XVI Period Round columns in Languedoc red marble, surmounted by green marble vases. Square bases in green marble. Height, 43 inches; width, 14 inches MarsBL—E MANTELPIECE Régence Period Oblong molded lintel, ornamented with rocaille motives; supporting columns in gray marble. Width, 4 feet 9 inches; height, 3 feet [END OF FIRST SESSION] 47 Pant feevae Fa. eo ; ' ow ¢ ‘ = tne ae NN +h 6 \ v se.' ¥ > ~ ae a 5 - ae * == ae t t : 7 ’ > ts . - ’ ' ‘ . . { . ‘ i] e , ¢ . int SECOND. AND LAST SESSION Saturday November 13, 1926 at 2:30 p.m. Catalogue Numbers 123 to 231 Inclusive pdx VITT CENTURY TAPESTRY FURNITURE 123. AuBusson Tapestry GILDED STOOL Régence Period Square top, covered with fine Aubusson tapestry, displaying roses and peonies on blue background. Scroll-molded shaped frame, on cabriole legs of a later period. 124. NEEDLEWORK GILDED STOOL Louis XV Period Molded oval top, on low cabriole legs. Covered with fine gros point, showing peonies on cream background. 125. Two NEEDLEWworRK LagugEs ARMCHAIRS Louis XVI Period Molded frames, laqués gray on low legs. Covered with needlework pre- senting pomegranates on cream background. 126. Aususson Tapestry WaLnut ARMCHAIR Louis XIV Period High oblong back, simply carved arms and supports, turned legs and rails. Covered with Aubusson tapestry showing vases of peonies and varied flowers on yellow background. 127. AuBusson ‘T’apEstRY WaLNutT ARMCHAIR Lows XVI Period High serpentine back, open arms. Supported on cabriole legs handsomely carved with scrolled leafage and rocaille. Covered with fine Aubusson tapestry presenting in the back vases of flowers, roses and peonies on cream background and floral bouquets in the seat on same background. 128. AuBUssOoN ]APEsTRY WALNUT ARMCHAIR Louis XIV Pertod High oblong back, scroll-molded arms, on cabriole legs. Richly carved with shell motives and foliage. Fine original patina. Covered with fine Aubusson tapestry presenting vase and basket of flowers on cream background. 129. GopeEtins Tapestry WaLnur Fire SCREEN Régence Period Oblong panel, presenting a painter in a medallion surrounded by garlands of flowers and ornaments after Bérain. Carved frame, scrolled with leafage and shell motives. 49 130. AuBusson Tapestry WaLNuT ARMCHAIR Régence Period High serpentine back, carved with floral bouquets, open scrolled arms and sup- ports. On cabriole legs similarly enriched. Covered with Aubusson tapes- try showing varicolored peonies on écru background, From the collection of Comte de Bourbon Busset [Illustrated above | 50 Tals Te Nonre2 AUBUSSON TAPESTRY WALNUT FIRE SCREEN Louis XV Period Scroll-molded frame, with floral bouquets on curved legs. Oblong Aubusson panel showing animals in a landscape, surrounded by garlands of flowers and ornaments on red background. Two GriotrE Marsie VasEs MounrTED IN ORMOLU Louis XVI Period Urn-shaped; mounted in ormolu with garlands of flowers; on square base. Height, 20 inches From the famous Bardac Collection [Illustrated] Ce ee. ee ee ee es SMa CAR We A ee a ee ie Pe, BR: She I. hy Me i De Se te, Het. 133. Parr Royat AuBusson Tapestry WaLNuT ARMCHAIRS Louis XIV Period High oblong backs, scroll-molded arms, on cabriole legs; richly carved with shell motives and foliage. Fine original patina. Covered with Aubusson tapestry presenting vases of fruits and varied flowers on écru background. From the collection of Comtesse de Rohan [Illustrated above | 52 ea XV-XVI CENTURY FRENCH FURNITURE No. 134 ( ) Carvep WaLnuT TaBLe French, Renaissance Period Rectangular top, with molded frieze. On fluted columnar legs. Fine original patina. Length, 4 feet 1 inch; height, 2 feet 6 inches [ Illustrated | CarvED WaLNuUT CREDENCE French, XV Century Rectangular shape, in two portions. Upper portion with four-linenfolds paneled back and. molded cornice. Lower portion fitted with two paneled doors similarly adorned. Total height, § feet 3 inches CarveD WaLnut Court CUPBOARD French, XV Century Rectangular shape, with molded top. Front enclosed by two paneled doors; each door composed of one arched and one rectangular linenfold panel. Ends similarly adorned. Height, 4 feet 4 inches; width, 3 feet Bie, 1373 CarvED WaLNutT EXTENSION TABLE French, Henry II Period Molded oblong top, with side extension leaves. Supported by Henry If columnar legs with box stretcher. Height, 30 inches; width, 43 inches; length (open), 6 feet 10 inches. From the Mounet Sully Collection CarveD WaLnut MarriaGE CHEST French, XVI Century Molded oblong top. Front panel enriched with central mascaron and elabo- rate scrollings; mascarons in relief appliqués at the angles. Handles in forged iron. Length, 5 feet 6 inches; height, 2% inches From the Chateau de Courcelles [ Illustrated | 54 ISHH.) AOVIVAVPY LANIVAA AAAUVD “StI ‘ON 139. GorHic CarvED Oak CUPBOARD French, XV Century Rectangular shape, in two portions. Upper portion with molded cornice and central carved door flanked by linenfold panels. Lower portion fitted with two doors; each door composed of four linenfold panels. Ends similarly pan- eled. Enriched with forged iron lock plates and hinges. Height, 5 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 9 inches From the Chateau de Courcelles [Illustrated above | 56 140. RoyaL GorHic Oak STALL French, XV Century High back, composed of two Roman arched panels magnificently carved with Gothic tracery. Molded curved arms and turned supports. Seat of massive oak; on straight legs. Height, 4 feet 3 inches; width, 34 inches From the collection of Comtesse de Rohan [ Illustrated above | ay! I4I. GotHic Oak Courr CUPBOARD French, XV Century Rectangular shape, upper portion fitted with four-linenfold paneled back, surmounted by a molded cornice with reticulated Gothic tracery and central and cover pendants. Lower portion fitted with two paneled doors and end panels enriched with arched tracery, trimmed with finely wrought iron hinges and lock-plates. Below, with two traceried drawers and central pen- dant; straight upright linenfold paneled back. Height, 8 feet 9 inches; width, 5 feet 5 inches From the Chateau de Courcelles [ Illustrated | 58 No. 141. Gornic Oak Court CUPBOARD 142. Goruic CarveD Oak CHOIR STALL © French, XV Century Composed of four shaped seats with columnar arms. Miserere seats on five bracket supports. Height, 3 feet 3 inches; length, 8 feet 6 inches From the Chateau de Courcelles | [llustrated | 143. Four Watnut NEEDLEWORK STOOLS Louis XIII Period Walnut frames, styled “os de mouton.” Covered with needlework tapestry of the period. 60 TIVLG YLOH,) AVG GaAUVT) OIH.LOL) Ne eenacoee see. 144. 145. 146. 14g 147A. FRENCH REwnarissANCE Tapestry WaLNnut CANAPE AVI Century Oblong back and seat, covered with Renaissance tapestry of the finest texture and coloring. “The back presenting allegorical subject flanked by vases of flowers. “The seat presenting trellis and flowers on écru background. Wal- nut turned frame of a later period. Height, 39 inches; length, 49 inches From the Chateau de Cencevieéres (Lot) [ [Zlustrated | Two FrENcH RENAISSANCE Tapestry WALNUT ARMCHAIRS AVI Century Oblong backs, turned arms, supports and legs with rich patina. Covered with Renaissance tapestry with figures, flowers and fruits of fine col- oring on écru background. From the Chateau de Cenceviéres (Lot) | [/lustrated | FRENCH RENAISSANCE Tapestry WaLNUT CANAPE AVI Century High oblong back and seat, turned arm supports and legs. Back and seat covered with Renaissance tapestry presenting landscape medallions surrounded by flowers. Two FrencH RENAISSANCE JapestRY WaLNUT ARMCHAIRS AVI Century High oblong backs, turned arms, supports and legs. Covered with Renais- sance tapestry presenting landscape medallions surrounded by flowers and ornaments. Henry II Tapestry Watnut BENCH AVI Century Oblong top, on columnar legs with stretcher. Covered with Flemish tapestry presenting flowers on maroon background. 62 » RB cl be Me x No. 145 No. 144. FRENCH Renaissance Tapestry WALNUT CANAPE No. 145. Two Frencu RenatssaNcE TAPESTRY WaLNuT ARMCHAIRS 148. CaRvED AND PoLyCcHROMED EaGLE LECTERN French, XV Century Revolving book-rest, in the shape of an eagle with open wings. Supported on an octagonal pedestal having linenfold panels. Height, 5 feet 7 inches From the Pasteur Goulden Collection [Illustrated above | 04 149. Two Henry II WaLnur CaQuETEusEs XVI Century Unique low shaped frames. High oblong open backs, richly carved with leaf- scrolled arabesques and having central turned supports. Flat molded voluted arms and turned supports. Molded wood seats on columnar legs. Height, 39 inches From the collection of Bacri Fréres [Illustrated above | 65 150. Wises RoyaL Goruic Oak STALL é French, XV Century Rare stall, called “chéiére.” High back, magnificently carved with vitruvian scrolls. Molded cornice, surmounted by two medallions enclosing portraits of a patrician and his wife. Seat and arms of massive oak, having Jinen- fold paneled apron and sides in chest form. Height, 6 feet 3 inches From the Chateau de Courcelles [ [llustrated | Two FRENCH RENAISSANCE [TAPESTRY WaLNutT ARMCHAIRS XVI Century Oblong backs, turned arms, supports and legs with rich patina. Covered with Renaissance tapestry presenting figures, flowers and fruits on yellow back- ground. 66 No. 150. Roya GotHic Oak STALL Ti5o- CarvED WaLNnuT CourT CUPBOARD French, XV Century Rectangular shape, deeply molded top. Front enclosed by two large doors; each door composed of four carved panels. Ends similarly paneled. Height, 4 feet 9 inches; width, 5 feet From the Chateau de Ceurcelles [Illustrated above | 68 £5 %. RENAISSANCE TAPESTRY WALNUT STATE CHAIR XVI Century Oblong back, with volute-scrolled arms. Scrolled legs and balustered stretcher. Rich original patina. Covered with exceedingly fine Renaissance tapestry ; back presenting an allegorical figure surrounded by scrollings of fruits on cream background. Seat presenting flowers and fruits on same background, leaf and rosette border. Executed in rich harmonious colors. [Illustrated above | 69 154. CarvED Oak Court CUPBOARD 7 French, XV Century Toe Oblong molded cornice, fitted with two paneled doors and end panels; carved with characteristic Gothic motives. Trimmed with finely wrought iron hinges and lock plates. Below, with two traceried drawers and centre pendant. Supported on straight legs, resting on molded shelf base. Height, 47 inches; width, 37 iaches From the Chateau de Courcelles [ Illustrated | RENAISSANCE TAPESTRY WaLNuUT CAQUETEUSE AVI Century High back, flat incurved arms, turned double frontal stretcher and legs. Cov- ered with fine Renaissance tapestry showing figures in landscape, amorini, fruits and flowers. From the collection of Pasteur Goulden 7O No. 154. CARVED Qax Court CUPBOARD 1554. GOTHIC Carvep Watnot obnrt: Cuenones: Oblong molded cornice; fitted with two paneled doors a riched with carved tracery, trimmed with finely wrought ir and lock plates. Below, with two traceried drawers and cé i on straight upright legs with shelf stretcher at tl > . Height, 4 feet II ‘ne From We Chateau D Cc EATS | 7 [! / lstrated] ¢f 72 No. 1554. Goruic Carvep Watnut Court CUPBOARD ows . a ~~ 155B. GOTHIC Watnur ae “HRONE State ig High back, decorated with carved panel presenting Jesus the three Marys. Molded cornice, volute-scrolled arms on three ports. The : seat hinged, sD nis a chest, having two fronta Height, 6 Sas 2 inches; From the Chiteau de 4 ourcelles [l Instrated) 74 No. 1558. GorHic WaLtnut THRONE STALL 155c. Gornic WALNUT ‘THRone STALL High back, with melded cornice magnificently | flowers, fruits, etc. Carved arms and supports, The me a chest having cartouche carved frontal panel. Height, 7 feet; wi From the Chateau de C ourcelles u Mustrated) ae nS No. 155c. Gorntc WaLNuT THRONE STALL 155D. GorHic WrouGHt Iron CANDELABRUM French, XV Century Standard adorned with three superposed tiers of bobéches and five long pointed prickets. On arched tripod legs. — Heighi, 6 feet 3 inches From the Chateau de Courcelles [ Zllustrated above | 155E. Gornic WroucHt [Ron CANDELABRUM French, XV Century Balustered standard, enriched with acanthus leaves. Circular holder at top for bobéches. On arched tripod legs. Height, 5 feet 3 inches From the Chateau de Courcelles [ Illustrated above | ig 155F. GorHic WrouGut Iron CHANDELIER French, XV Century Hexagonal; with geometric tracery @ jour. Diameter, 18 inches From the Chateau de Courcelles [ Illustrated above | So LO, Two Renaissance Tapestry WaLNur ARMCHAIRS XVI Century High backs, open voluted arms carved with scrolled leafage, turned legs and stretchers. Covered with fine Renaissance tapestry presenting in the backs figures surrounded by flowers. Seats with flowers and fruits on écru back- ground. Executed in rich harmonious colors. From the Chateau de Courcelles [Illustrated above | SI fie . -* CARVED Watnur Suelo, ie : . sf e and iSaee fost baa Geet wt arene ae Be: Tr Trimmed with four ¢ sothic rose motives and hinges, 6. in ke Pee ene oY eee . a eS aaa eae Aes Height, 4 feet From the Chateau de Courcelles. 5 BAN aa [Ulustrated| No. 157. CarvED WALNUT CUPBOARD 158. FRENCH RENAIssANCE CARVED WALNUT CABINET AVI Century Rectangular, in two portions. Upper portion with broken arched cornice; carved sides. Front enclosed with two carved doors presenting two of the “Four Seasons” by Jean Goujon, and two pilasters; underneath are two drawers. Lower portion fitted with two doors similarly carved to those of upper portion. Molded base with ball feet. Height, 5 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet 2 inches From the Chateau de Cenceviéres (Lot) [ [lustrated | 84 No. 158. FRENCH RENAISSANCE CARVED WaLnut CaBINET 159. Laquét HarpsiICHORD French, Louis XV Period On six cabriole legs; ornamented on interior of the cover with a painting presenting in the foreground of a landscape a group of youthful figures playing musical instruments. Signed and dated: “M. Celant Pinxit 1778.” Length, 7 feet 10 inches From the Chateau de Dampierre, Vicomte de Beuret Collection [Illustrated above | 86 160. THREE SETS OF DECORATIVE PAINTINGS Set oF THREE DecorativE Room PAneELs Dutch, XVIII Century (a) Near the door of a small house, a man is seated smoking a long pipe, another is standing, in the act of drinking. “Two little boys are playing with a hoop. In the background, a ploughman before a village. Height, 6 feet; width, 6 feet 6 inches [Illustrated above | [ Continued | 87 160. No. 160B Concluded (B) On the left, before a small house, a group of five peasants and three little boys are playing bowls. On the right, in a meadow, several peasants are walking and chatting. Height, 6 feet 3 inches; width, 5 feet 6 inches [ Illustrated | (c) Dutch peasants amusing themselves before a farmhouse. After a car- toon by Teniers. Near the door of a farmhouse, four peasants are seated round a large table reading and drinking. At the door of the house, a man, with a glass in one hand, is gesticulating at a couple of dancers. Another group of peasants is at right. A village with mill is seen in the background. Height, 6 feet 3 inches; width, 10 feet 4 inches From the Chateau de Maurecourt (Oise) [ [llustrated | 88 No. 160c. DEcoRATIVE Room PANEL TO ¥ * b Ser oF Two DercoratTivE Room PANELS French, XVIII Century (a) In the foreground a group of pretty young girls are busy at the. toilet Sirs of the goddess Venus. On the left, Adonis, seated, holding: a quiver, is waiting; in the distance, several barks are floating. At right, ruins and temple, animated with numerous personages. Large trees at left complete this charming scene. Height, 5 feet 6 inches; length, 7 feet 2 inches [ Illustrated | (B) Ina similar foreground, Venus admires Adonis sleeping. Four female attendants are standing beside her. Ruins, bridge, dogs and trees complete the scene. Height, 5 feet’ 6 inches; length, 7 feet 2 inches | [llustrated | From the Chateau Neuf sur Loire go No. 161A No. 161B 162: No. 162B SET OF THREE DecorativE Room PANE Ls French, XVIII Century (a) On a rocky foreground, four men are putting a bark in the water. On the opposite shore is a fortified town, with towers and drawbridge. Fishing craft and fishermen complete the scene. Height, 5 feet 9 inches; width, 7 feet 2 inches | Illustrated | (B) Under a large tree, bordering the water, a fisherman is addressing a woman holding a basket. Near them are two other personages carrying heavy baskets. Several vessels animate the blue water. In the background, a town with mountains. Height, 5 feet 9 inches; width, 7 feet 2 inches [ Illustrated | (c) On a rock, bordering the water, a woman is seated, playing with a dog. Near her are two women and a boy. Fishing boats and trees complete the scene. Height, 5 feet 9 inches; width, 6 feet [ [lustrated | No. 162C 164. 166. 168. 169. WO: XVI-XVIII CENTURY NEEDLEWORK FURNITURE Two NEEDLEWoRK WALNUT ARMCHAIRS Louis XV Period Scroll-molded frames, enriched with floral bouquets, on cabriole legs. Backs and seats covered with needlepoint displaying bouquets of flowers on orange and blue background. Original patina. Signed, POIRIER. NEEDLEWORK WALNUT FIRE SCREEN Louis XV Period Scroll-molded frame, curved legs. Panel in petit point presenting floral bou- quet surrounded by ribbons and garland of flowers. Two NEEDLEWORK LAQuEs ARMCHAIRS Louis XV Period Daintily shaped frames, laqués gray, carved with floral bouquets, on cabriole legs. Covered with fine petit point presenting marine scenes on cream back- ground, surrounded by garlands of flowers and ornaments. Signed, GOURDIN. Two Watnut NEEDLEWORK ARMCHAIRS Louis XV Period Broad, shaped walnut frames; enriched with floral bouquets, on cabriole legs. Covered with petit and gros point, one back presenting an allegorical scene, another a scene after Teniers, with cupids and flowers in petit point sur- rounded by gros-point. The seats with birds and flowers similarly enclosed. Two Watnut NEEDLEWORK ARMCHAIRS Louis XV Period Walnut frames, similar to the preceding. Covered with petit and gros point, the backs presenting young men and ladies richly costumed in petit point, surrounded by gros point. The seats, flowers and animals similarly enclosed. SUPERB NEEDLEWORK WALNUT FIRE SCREEN . Louis XV Period High, shaped molded frame, enriched with shell motives, floral bouquets, scrolls and leafage. In walnut; fine patina. Oblong needlework panel presenting a scene with numerous subjects, landscapes and animals in petit point, surrounded by trees in gros point. Height, 47 inches From the Chateau de Wideville NEEDLEWORK WaLNUT ARMCHAIR Louis XV Period High oblong back, open arms, supported on cabriole legs. Richly carved with scrolled leafage and rocaille. Fine original patina. Covered with needlework presenting peonies on yellow background, Louis XVI NEEDLEWoRK LaQquE STOOL French, XVIII Century Simply carved frame, laqué gray; oblong top supported on tapering fluted legs. Covered in needlework presenting floral bouquet in petit point, sur- rounded by gros point border on écru background. 94 Se epee rx eee d ine . 1O is XV Per Lou ALNUT FAUTEUILS Two NEEDLEWORK W lg is , on cabriole legs. F ies of fine color tS Ing ith floral bouque carved w frames, Covered w Daintily molded iu ehe4 peon Q int present ith needlepo | patina. on cream background origina XVIII Century 171A. NEEDLEWORK SCREEN ie background, . - ae int d’Hon yellow po golden ing flowers on bbons. present Fourfold, i ithear ornamented w WS ° co So Saige Ss 3 y So elec) os Ye o See SS aa) ew tes A a co eames Se ~ 9 Ne ae From the collect No: 173 172. NEEDLEWORK WALNUT ARMCHAIR Louis XIV Period Lae High oblong back, turned arms, cabriole legs and stretcher. Covered in gros point presenting big peonies on black background. NEEDLEWORK WALNUT BERGERE Régence Period High serpentine back, closed arms and loose cushion. Short cabriole legs. Back, arms and loose cushion covered with petit and gros point. “The back and seat presenting fantastic birds and chimerae in petit point surrounded by gros point ornaments on yellow background. Frame of a later period. From the collection of Comtesse de Gaillard [ Illustrated | 96 ms eae Ce’ ae, ~ . Z we W Ga Ps = a . aa > ¥ 18) ao et 7 mel Sa ae ; el a his Do nd ) me —-s rote S >) ead "al re re TLLARHF-IWEH06 7 f S