tna the Net ane RTE TIENTS TOS Hate Lea ir Saeiner ae how Ot rim En nlm LRM Mere eeaa ete S ee enn ney ee 4 4 x ; LIBRARY M. Knoedler & Co. 14 East 57th St. New York | GOVERNOR MORGAN'S PICTURES. FIRST NIGHT OF THE SALE-—SHVENTY-SEVEN CATALOGUE NUMBERS SELL FOR $28,723. The first half of the collection of paintings, sculp- tures and objects of art belonging to the estate ofthe late ex-Governor Edwin D. Morgan was sold at Chick- ering Hall last evening. The auctioneer was Robert Somerville and there was a goodattendance. Though the bidding was quite brisk, the prices realized were not good on the average, and in some instances they were very low. The seventy-seven catalogue num- bers sold—-which included pictures, chromds, col- ored photographs, bas-reliefs and Chinese and Jap- anese yases—brought $28,723. The highest price of the evening was paid for Bouguereau’s ‘The Young Nurse.” After a spirited competition it fell to Mr. i. A. Lanthier, at $3,375. Alvarez’s «A | Musical Party” brought $3,250.. For Lobrichon’s “Le Bagage de Croquemitaine’ Mr. 8. Loeb gave $2,600. Mr. 8. P, Avery secured Rohie’s ‘Spring- time—Flowers of the Season,’ at $1,925, and Mr, Richard H. Halstead paid $1,700 for Firmin-Girard’s ‘Reverie.” ‘The Bull Fighter's Story” went to Mr. N. J. Pope at $15600. The last picture soldLindenschmidt’s important ‘Luther and the Reformers at Marburg, 1529”— was with difficulty brought np to $660, at which ridiculously low figure it was secured by Mr. D. W. Powers, of Rochester, and will probably find its place in the art gallery in that city which bears his name. Mr. Powers gave ¢620 each for two huge Chinese cloisonne yases of the double gourd shape. A couple of Jap- anese vases of Jacqnered porcelain sold for $100 each. Dieffenbach’s “A Wedding Féte” brought $950. Baueniet’s ‘The Bride’s Toilet” fell to iL. A. hanthier at $850, while Mr. C.. Lambert paid $675 for Verboeckhoven’s “Goats and Sheep.” Bouguereau’s ‘The Happy Wife” cost Mr. 8S. P. Avery $510. Ziem’s ‘Venetian Boats” went to Mr. J. Wadsworth at $575. He paid $500 for Firmin-Girard’s ‘‘Marriage Procession.” For Kaemmerer’s ‘‘Garden of the Tuileries” $350 Was given. Among the other prices were:—M. F. H. de Haas, ‘Moonrise and Sunset on the Coast,” $675, to Mr. T, H., Waggerman; James M. Hart, ‘‘Winter on the Hudson,” $5380, to Mr. George Bliss; Kaulbach, ‘Mutterliebe,” a large cartoon, $4295, to Mr. &. Florencé .7 OO. Pupil of Bartolini. IM. Hohe, pty Professor at Florence. Washington as a Boy. Marble statue, life size, with marble pedestal. Nore.—The marble statues, Nos. 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, are on 37 40 THE E. D. MORGAN COLLECTION. exhibition at the “ Wetropolitan Museum of Art,” in Central Park, Fifth Avenue, opposite 82d Street, where they can be seen at any time. On account of the great trouble in moving, they could not be exhibited in these galleries. They will be sold as at the Metropolitan Museum, and will be delivered fromethere to the purchaser. (They can remain there until May next, if desired.) Photographs of these fine marbles can be seen at the galleries. * Five life-size marble statues belonging to the estate of the Hon. E. D. Morgan have just been placed on exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and will add to the attractiveness of this department, as they have never been exhibited outside of the deceased governor’s mansion. They were all ex- ecuted on orders given by Mr. Morgan during his visit to Europe in 1873 °4. The ‘ Hiawatha,’ by Augustine St. Gaudens, was the first commission the ar- tist received for a statue, and still remains one of his most important and effec- tive works. ‘Rebecca,’ by William Henry Rinehart, of Baltimore, was done in Rome in 1874, where the artist died soon after, aged forty-nine. He is well known by works in the Corcoran Gallery, Washington, the Peabody Institute, Baltimore, and the statue of Chief-Justice Taney at Annapolis ; * Ruth Glean- ing,’ with pedestal sculptured in bas-relief, with scenes from the life of Ruth, and ‘Faust and Margaret,’ are by P. Romanelli, pupil of Bartolini, done at Florence in 1874, where he is a professor. His other noted works are ‘ The Genius of Italy,’ ‘The Nymph of the Arno,’ and ‘The Rose of Sharon,’ which was exposed at the Paris exhibition of 1878. ‘ Musidora’ is by the late Marshall Wood, of London ; the work was modeled in 1870. Mr. Wood first became famous by his ‘Song of the Shirt;’ other productions were eaihe Siren,’ ‘ Hebe,’ ‘ Nymph at the Bath,’ and a statue of Queen Victoria for the city of Montreal.” —Home Fournad. , 126 RINEHART (W. H.), deceased...... Baltimore A Born at Frederick, Md. | Akt Ane_- At an early age was apprenticed to a stone-cutter. At same time studying in the night schools of the Maryland, Institute. Born 1825. Died 1875. Rebecca. Marble statue, with pedestal of brown veined marble. Extreme height, including pedestal, g5 inches. Diameter of pedestal, 25 inches. Executed to order, 1874. SECOND NIGHLIS -SALE, Al 137° ROMANELL1 (2). peta wae Florence OLDS | Pupil of Bartolini. A fo. oe eZ Oe Ce 7 Welk. Professor at Florence. Faust and Marguerite. Marble group, with green marble pedestal. Extreme height, includ- ing pedestal, 84 inches. Diameter of pedestal, 26 inches. Executed to order, 1874. ; 128: WOOD (Marshall) ;deceasedf1-7 7s «. ..: London OSU. « Musidora.” pa Lr €— Marble statue, with Rosso antique marble pedestal. Extreme height including pedestal, 92 inches. Diameter of pedestal, 32 inches. Wes 129 ROMANE VT (Rs) ce sore eens Florence Goa Pupil of Bartolini. 7 VA Professor at Florence. ~“ is AAC be IF LV dE Ruth. Marble statue. White marble Pedestal with bas-relief scenes in life of Ruth. Ex- treme height, including pedestal, 83 inches. Diameter of pedestal, 28 inches. Executed to order, 1874. Z A2 LHE ED, MORGAN COLLECTION. [70s 420°ST.GAUDENS (A)i) een) New York WA JYf- NAUll[Bn Pupil of M. Jouffroy. : Born in New York. Member of the Society of American Artists. Sculptor of the bronze statue of Farragut in Madison Square. Hiawatha “ Pondering, musing in the forest, On the welfare of his people, * * * * * * * * * On the smooth bark of a birch tree, Painted manly shapes and figures.”’—Long fellow. Marble statue with granite pedestal. Extreme height, including ped- estal, 93 inches. Diameter of pedestal, 26 x 34. Executed to order. | Go. Ta TILTON ke eae Born at Loudon, N. H., 1833. Wa dA blantbrney, Ruins—Evening. eo / Yinpat Painted to order. 36 X 22 76, TO27 PEA Werder ge eos ..... Brussels a oS oo PP tet in Belgium. | 42 X 24—Dated 1868 SECOND NIGHT’ S SALE. 43 = GF 1323: BOUGUEREAU WV AA 20 Patis /LO0O0. Pupil of Picot. Born at La Rochelle, 1825. ? fo a | , Prize of Rome, 1850. Medals, 1855 (E. U.), 757, ’67, (E. U). Legion of Honor, 1859. Member of the Institute of France, 1876. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1876. Medal of Honor, Exposition Universelle, 1878. Knight of the Order of Leopold, 1881. Grand Medal of Honor, 1885. Medal of Honor, Antwerp, 1885. Far from Home. From the Robert Hoe Collection. 25 X 39—WDated 1874 134, ACHE NBAGH (Andreas) geste Diisseldorf /L.I0. an 4 a a we Born at Hesse-Cassel, 1815. Mb Nr tla, Pupil of Schirmer. Medals, 1839, ’55, ’67. Legion of Honor, 1864. Knight of the Order of Leopold. Member of the Berlin, Antwerp, and Amsterdam Academies. Medal of Honor, Antwerp, 1885. A Torrent After a Storm. 39 x 28—Dated 1867 44 THESE. DP. MORGAN (COMLE CLLON: O OO. 135 GIFFORD (6. B.), deceased 4s. 22555) New York ae | ce. Dy Lp te Bas Pupil of Jno. R. Smith. ‘ . Born at Hudson, N. Y. 7 by ST é “ Member of the National Academy of Design, 1854. Born 1822. Died 1880. A Sunset by the Sea. From the Robert Hoe Collection, 42 X 23—Dated 1867 3b 00, 136 MUNKACSY (Mihaly) , a) x f# Pupil of Diisseldorf Academy. LZ. W. Lawes A— Born at Munkacs, Hungary. Medals, 1870, ’74. Legion of Honor, 1877. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Grand Medal of Honor, Exposition Universelle, 1878. Created an Austrian Baron, 1882. : Feeding the Favorite. Interior of Artist’s Salon. Purchased from the Artist for Mr. Morgan. 4 X 31 pov), 137 ANUTELLI (Gtipione)......,.0......., Rome ) Born at Rome. : Be 5 La Ut, Medals, 1864, °67. | /} ; | VA Venetian Masquerade. 7 Painted to order. 52 X 31—Dated 1875 SECOND NIGHT'S SALE. 45 3 — , y= ro - DEP REGGER “(Eos a eee eae Munich 7 / C0@. | Pupil of Piloty. i Keene Ml Born at Stronach, 1835. ; A Medals at Munich, Berlin, etc ( ly Ws7 i Medal, Exposition Universelle, 1878. Gold Medal, Vienna, 1882. The Prize Horse. (Purchased from the artist by Mr. Morgan—one of his noted works. ) 50 x 39—Dated 1873 Lf | 199 ROBIB (peril eae eee! Brusséls / J 00. | Born at Brussels, 1821. ; A fl. fverd Uv Medals, 1851-63. Gold Medal, Brussels, 1848. Honorable Mention, Exposition Universelle, 1855. Gold Medal, Hague, 1861. Officer of the Order of Leopold, 1869. Autumn, fruit of the Season. From Paris Exposition Universelle, 1867. 30 X 52 40. GHEQUIERGAg oe eee Florence /OO. | Deer, Pheasants, etc. SY Kd ie. | ete 17 0-3 fue. | 141 UNKNOWN. Bi a | Holy Family. 7 SSF se, | /) . hy Va | Cc fter Raphael. Y ; C75 opy after Rap eG i S- ; Z ‘5 43 X 54 | Fe I ra, 46 THE E. D. MORGAN COLLECTION. Lap | eC. .. 732 CORRODI (G.).. cae. Bie ieee Rome - “& an Mn An Italian Lake op ee ie / O00. 143 KENSE T 4.482, deceased... ss New York ly 4 30rn at Cheshire, Conn. V. beh bes he National Academy of Design, 1849. fp Born 1818. Died 1873. 1% eel 2 ek eminiscence, j “N From the Robert Hoe Collection. 60 X 40 1/50, %44 DAVID (Jacques Louis), deceased....... cou as ra sh Pupil of Vien. Born at Paris. OR. As*a € member of the Convention of 1793, which approved of Ab-the €@ademnation of Louis XVI., he was exiled in 1815, and died at Brussels. Born 1748. Died 1825. Lp Mars and Venus. / 75 X 56 a 00, meePALIIBeiA Munich Hungarian Shepherd and Sheep. A, Vy, Merkerg. 71 x 36—Dated 1873. S04 road ll? SECOND NTG HTS SALE 7, 47 r6-1 EU ZE-(E.) deceased “tae chan New York 7.30. Pupil of Diisseldorf Academy. W. UL “a Born at Wurtemberg, Bavaria, L 2 Member of the National Academy of Design, 1860. a TF Born, 1816. Died, 1865. }- Lice, Fruit and Game. Painted to order. 44 x 76—Dated 1865 ie 147 DOLPH (sii) eee ee New York” /70. Pupil of Van Kuyck. Born at Fort Ann, N. Y., 1835. Y. A, aM ip- _ Associate of the National Academy of Design, 1877. CO Member of the Society of American Artists, 1878. Fruit. Painted to order. 44 x 76—Dated 1865 Si 148 SCHRE VER (AGseere = ee Paris AGO0 i Born at Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1828, ty, Medals, 1864, 65 (E. U.), ’67. ee Vienna Exposition, 1873. v Medal, Brussels, 1863. Cross of Order of Leopold, 1864. Member of the Academies of Antwerp and Rotterdam. Honorary Member of the Deutsches Hochstift. Painter to the Court of the Grand Duke of Mecklenbourg-Schwerin. A Wallachian Teamster Entangled in the Marshes of the Danube. From the John Wolfe Collection. 76 X 46 48 THE.E. D. MORGAN COLLECTION. ee 2 02 iyo) VOL TZ: (Pract. caraissac deste Berlin LL LZ, hth’ Pupil of the Munich Academy. Born at Nérdlingen, 1817. Royal Bavarian Professor. Medal at Berlin. Great Wiirtemburg Art Medal. Member of the Academies of Berlin and Munich. Cattle in a Field. Wi 82 x 52-—Dated 1866 ALO OO. MG Or bt ee eA Cpew one a hoc sone ae ee New York | 4 Vii U. Lia? Born at Kilmarnock, Scotland, 1828. Associate of the National Academy of Design, 1857. Member of es ie & s "y; same, 1859. A Summer Memory of Berkshire. From the Paris Exposition Universelle of 1867, and Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition of 1876. 89 X 49 / 000. I51 BRETON GiMlesleroe ni naeete as. atte tes Paris f Pupil of Devigne and Drolling. / Born at Courriéres, 1827. Medals, 1855, ’57, 59, "OI. Medals, London, Vienna, and Brussels Legion of Honor, 1861. SECOND NIGHT’S SALE. Medal of the First Class and Officer Legion of Honor at the Exposi- tion Universelle, 1867. Medal of Honor, Salon, 1872. Knight of the Order of Leopold, 1881. Ribbon of St. Stanislas of Russia. Corresponding Member of the Academies of Vienna, Stockholm, and Madrid. Brittany Washer-women. From the Paris Salon of 1870. (One of his most important works.) 78 x 52—Dated 1870 Press of J. J. Little & Co., Astor Place, N. Y. ' . Keene es eS ET ke ORT gy ee aes,