4 NeAnF SALE NUMBER 1984 | PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM THURSDAY, OCTOBER FIFTEENTH PART OF THE NOTED COLLECTION OF RARE AMERICAN ANTIQUES FORMED BY F. W. FUESSENICH TOLL-GATE HILL TAVERN TORRINGTON, CONN. oh. RARE CHILD'S PINE DESK AND WING CHAIR 3 AMERICAN, I8TH CENTURY fe [ NUMBER 229 | | TO BE SOLD BY HIS ORDER FRIDAY & SATURDAY AFTERNOONS . OCTOBER TWENTY-THIRD, TWENTY-FOURTH AT TWO-THIRTY O'CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Present ] 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1925 4 Aa e ‘ are Bye, i meta ae THE BALL ROOM, TOLL’GATE HILL TAVERN TORRINGTON, CONNECTICUT [ MR. FUESSENICH S OLD COLONIAL RESIDENCE | SALE NUMBER 1984 PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM THURSDAY, OCTOBER FIFTEENTH fxn tl OF THE NOTED COLLECTION OF RARE AMERICAN ANTIQUES FORMED BY F.W. FUESSENICH POLEGATE HILL TAVERN TORRINGTON, CONN. INCLUDING IMPORTANT XVIItH & Peay XVilte CENTURY - PIECES eee ICE ~ EXAMPLES .OF © THE SritENDALE, HEPPLEWHITE. & SHERATON PERIODS OF INTEREST TO COLLECTORS TO BE SOLD BY HIS ORDER TO BE SOLD BY HIS ORDER FRIDAY & SATURDAY AFTERNOONS OCTOBER TWENTY-THIRD, TWENTY’FOURTH AT TWO’THIRTY O'CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipenr] 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1925 CONDITIONS OF SALE ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT AS NUMBERED IN THE CATALOGUE. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the decision of the Auctioneer shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased shall be resold immediately. Purchases to be removed at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money — to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatever, but the lot or lots will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. All lots will be placed on public exhibition before the date of sale, for examina- tion by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuine- ness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. If accounts are not paid and purchases removed within twenty-four hours of the conclusion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and The Anderson Gal- leries, Incorporated, reserve the right to resell the lot or lots by either private or public sale, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter, together with all expenses in- curred. ‘This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of this Com- pany to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale, at its own option. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employ- ment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. The Anderson Galleries make no charge for executing orders for their cus- tomers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. A Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be obtained for One Dollar for each Session of the Sale THE ANDERSON GALLERIES, INC. PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK TELEPHONE REGENT 0250 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. F. A. CHAPMAN AND MR. A. N. BADE FOREWORD HE many fine pieces here offered for sale are part only of Mr. Fuessenich’s notable and rare collection of American antiques at Toll-Gate Hill Tavern, his charming old Colonial residence near Tor- rington, Conn. Mr. Fuessenich has collected extensively for a number of years, and his collection of 17th and early 18th century Colonial furniture is one of the finest in the country. The amount of housing room at his dis- posal, however, obliges him to retain only representative pieces of each class and dispose of the remainder by auction. Quite a number of the pieces were secured from noted collections, and several are illustrated and commented upon in reference works, such as Wallace Nutting’s “Furmiture of the Pilgrim Century”. The collection is especially rich in examples of the early Colonial period, and includes among others a very fine walnut scrutoire or desk with turned stretcher base, a moulded panel Connecticut chest with one drawer, a rare small gateleg table in oak and applewood, Carver chairs and a group of diverse mushroom and Spanish-foot chairs, rare minia- ture long-case clocks, a very fine child’s pine desk and wing chair, and a group of most interesting early type candlestands. The later periods are well represented by handsome pieces in mahogany and maple. Many of the pieces remain in the condition 1) which they were dis- covered, others were found to require cleaning, and in some cases, re- pairing. In describing the pieces, an endeavor has been made to men- tion any defects or repairs that are not apparent. CHARLES PACKER ORDER OF SALE FRIDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER TWENTY-THIRD A SMALL GROUP OF CHOICE OLD HOOKED RUGS 1— 25 A GROUP OF FINE EARLY AMERICAN FURNITURE CONTAINING VERY INTERESTING AND RARE PIECES 26-161 SATURDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER TWENTY-FOURTH A SMALL GROUP OF CHOICE OLD HOOKED RUGS 162-185 RARE EARLY AMERICAN FURNITURE, INCLUDING IM- PORTANT PIECES OF THE 17TH AND EARLY 18TH CENTURIES AND CHOICE SPECIMENS IN MAHOGANY AND MAPLE OF THE LATER PERIODS 186-317 SALE FRIDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER TWENTY-THIRD, AT 2:30 FIRST SESSION Nnteane 1-1 61 A SMALL GROUP OF CHOICE OLD HOOKED RUGS NUMBERS 1-25 SMALL ANTIQUE HOOKED RUG Roses and leaves in colors on soft brown. (As is) Size, 40 x 23 inches SMALL ANTIQUE HOOKED RUG Bold sprays of roses in rich colors upon a ground of yellow and ~ soft gray, framed by a striped color border outlined in black. Bound. : Size, 38 x 26 inches ANTIQUE HOOKED RUG Five brilliant color quatrefoil and diamond motifs on a striped “mixed gray ground, framed by a serrated border in deep blue, white and gray. Bound. Size, 51 x 25 inches ANTIQUE HOOKED RUG A conventional panel formed by leaves and Pane in amber- brown and bright turquoise. White centre framed in black. ’ Bound. : Size, 53 x 28 inches SMALL HOOKED ANIMAL RUG Sprays of roses each side of a panel containing a reclining spaniel. In brilliant reds, pale green and soft brown. Black _ border. , Size, 40 x 22 inches ANTIQUE HOOKED GEOMETRIC RUG On the all-over check-pattern ground is a large diamond-shaped panel containing a posy of rose blossoms in bright red and pale green; bordered in black. Bound. Size, 538 x 29 inches 1 10 11 12 13 14 ANTIQUE HOOKED RUG A well executed design of branches and serrated leaves forming a panel with pale yellow centre. Pleasing color tones of rose pink, red and yellow. Black outer field. Size, 57 x 32 inches ANTIQUE HOOKED RUG A shaped panel with amber-yellow centre framed by boldly scrolled and serrated leaf forms in soft brown, contains a rose and leaf medallion in brilliant red and turquoise touched with indigo. Black outer field. Size, 60 x 31 inches ANTIQUE HOOKED RUG Oak branches and sprays of laurel in light tones forming a shaped cartouche and strongly contrasting against the dark ground. Size, 52 x 82 inches ANTIQUE HOOKED RUG Shows a conventional panel of scrolls and flower formations in bright colors with grayish centre and black outer field. Bound. Size, 62 x 32 inches ANTIQUE HOOKED RUG On the white ground is a medallion of flowers and leaves in bril- liant colors framed by a flower and leaf border in similar tones. Size, 54 x 81.inches ANTIQUE HOOKED RUG A conventional cartouche in rose, turquoise and soft brown con- tains a spray of rose blossoms with radiating leaves; in the cor- ners are arabesque scroll formations. Black outer field. Bound. Size, 60 x 82 inches ANTIQUE HOOKED RUG Fine strong design, composed of bold serrated scrolls in soft brown flanked by small leaf and scroll motifs in bright colors upon a black background. White centre. Bound. Size, 51 x 82 inches ANTIQUE HOOKED FLORAL RUG | A cartouche formed by arabesque scrolls contains a flower medal- lion in bright red and orange on a ground of pale blue. Black outer field. Bound. Size, 59 x 382 inches A 7 4 ; 4 "i 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ANTIQUE HOOKED RUG ' On the yellow field are two leaf, flower and scroll motifs in deep colors. Black border. Unusual design. Size, 65 x 34 inches HOOKED ANIMAL RUG On the white field is a gray Persian cat surrounded by three kit- tens in unnatural positions; while flanking these are sprigs of flowers and leaves in brilliant tones. Scalloped border in soft brown. Size, 49 x 83 inches ANTIQUE HOOKED RUG A cartouche of scrolled leaf forms of conventional type in shades of soft pink, turquoise, amber and mulberry-red, outlined in black. Bound. Size, 54 x 29 inches ANTIQUE NEEDLESTITCH RUG Nearly all wool. Sprays of leaves linking scroll motifs in brilliant reds and yellow touched with turquoise upon a dark ground. A striking pattern. Bound. Size, 51 x 26 inches ANTIQUE HOOKED RUG Leaf and flower forms in pastel tints outlined in indigo upon a ground of pale yellow. Border of geometrical check pattern with rosettes at the corners in contrasting colors. Size, 52 x 34 inches ANTIQUE HOOKED RUG Shows large blossoms of archaic form with radiating leaves and stems in mauve, green and indigo upon an*ivory-white field. Mixed gray border. : Size, 54 x 30 inches ANTIQUE HOOKED RUG Nearly all wool. A striking color combination of bright red and yellow. Outlined in black. A cartouche formed by serrated scrolls frames the yellow centre. Bound. Size, 54 x 27 inches ANTIQUE HOOKED RUG The amber-yellow centre is framed by sprays of large leaves and buds in pale green and bright red. Black outer field. Bound. Size, 56 x 82 inches 23 25 ANTIQUE HOOKED ANIMAL RUG Shows a bold reclining lion wearing a puzzled expression, in mul- berry shades against a light green and white background, on which are flower and leaf motifs in rich colors. A smaller lion timidly approaches at the right. oa. eee Size, 63x 33 inches ANTIQUE HOOKED GEOMETRICAL RUG | Pleasing and well executed design, showing rows of scalloped me- dallions intersected by conventional leaf and blossom motifs, in delicate pastel colors outlined in indigo upon a ground of shaded rose. Bound. Size, 6 feet 3 inches x 45 inches LARGE ANTIQUE HOOKED GEOMETRIC RUG All-over so-called tile pattern of stepped small medallions in bril- liant colors. (As is) Size, 8 feet 9 inches x 53 inches A GROUP OF FINE EARLY AMERICAN FURNITURE CONTAINING VERY INTERESTING AND RARE PIECES 26 Pag 28 29 NUMBERS 26-161 PAINTED WINDSOR ARMCHAIR | AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 Seven-spindle conforming square back. Broad panelled seat. Bamboo turned legs. CURLY MAPLE DROP-LEAF TABLE AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Pivoted brackets support the leaves of the top. Stands on tapered square legs. Width, 3 feet EARLY 18TH CENTURY TURNED TRIANGULAR CHAIR Ball and collar turned posts and bracings. Shaped back-rest and original rush seat. CHILD’S SLAT-BACK ARMCHAIR AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY The posts are ring-turned and capped by ball and pineapple- shaped finials. ‘Three arched slats and plain spindles. (Seat re- stored ) Height, 23 inches 30 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 SMALL CHIPPENDALE MIRROR american, 18TH cENTURY Cut scrollwork decorates the frame, which contains a renewed glass. Size, 22 x 12 inches CHERRY CANDLESTAND = american, Late 18TH CENTURY The plain square top is supported by a turned centre shaft with three outcurved tripod legs. Height, 26 inches SHERATON INLAID MAHOGANY PEMBROKE TABLE AMERICAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY The top is clover-leaf shape. Stands on four tapered square legs with inlay of tulipwood. Fitted with drawer. Width, 31 inches INLAID MAHOGANY CELLARET AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 Casket shape, with oval hinged lid. Stands on four fluted and turned legs, and has line inlay of tulipwood. REEDED BANISTER-BACK ARMCHAIR AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Four reeded vertical splats capped by a scroll crest rail. Vase and ring turned posts with high finials. Slghtly scrolled arms and splint seat. HICKORY AND MAPLE BANISTER-BACK CHAIR AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Four grooved banisters to the back. Curved crest rail and turned posts. Rush seat. 4 CHERRY DROP-LEAF TABLE AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Has rectangular drop-leaf top supported on four tapered square legs, two of which are pivoted. Size of top, 45 x 40 inches MAPLE BANISTER-BACK CHAIR AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Four grooved slats at the back. Curved crest rail and turned posts. Rush seat. MAPLE ROUNDABOUT CHAIR AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Shaped roundabout arms, turned posts and spindle bracing. 5 39 40 41 43 44 TWO-TIER TIN CHANDELIER AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY The hub is baluster shape and from it radiate ten scroll branches for candles, in two-tier formation. Very rare. Diameter about 24 inches PINE AND MAPLE SHAPED TEA TABLE AMERICAN, ABOUT 1770 This graceful small table has a shaped top which rests upon a scrolled frame and is supported by slender tapered legs with small pad feet. (A few restorations) Size of top, 3 feet x 2 feet CHILD’S SLAT-BACK HIGH CHAIR NEW ENGLAND, 18TH CENTURY Almost plain posts are slightly raked and capped by ball finials. The arms are turned. Rush seat (restored). Height, 3 feet 6 inches COMB-BACK WINDSOR CHAIR AMERICAN, MID-I8TH CENTURY Nine slender spindles capped by a bow-shaped crest. Graceful turned posts, saddle seat and turned straddle legs. Painted red. Rare. CHERRY BUREAU AMERICAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Rectangular chest of four graduated drawers. Has slightly over- lapping top, moulded base, and short turned legs. Height, 35 inches; width, 37. wmches CHIPPENDALE SMALL MAHOGANY MIRROR AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY The frame is decoratively cut in scrolls and curves and has a carved and gilt eagle at the top. Size, 20 x 11 inches PINE AND MAPLE TAVERN TABLE , AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Has baluster-turned legs braced by plain stretchers. Oval pine top. Width, 30 inches 46 48 49 50 51 MAPLE SLANT-TOP DESK AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY The body contains four graduated long drawers with overlapping fronts. The slant top encloses a centre square drawer flanked by pigeonholes and two shallow drawers. Moulded base with bracket feet. Height, 42 inches; width, 36 inches QUEEN ANNE SMALL MAPLE TEA TABLE AMERICAN, ABout 1730 The oval top, which is original, is pinned to the frame with hand- wrought iron pegs. Stands on tapered legs which are raked in both directions and terminate in small pad feet (one of these is partly restored). Width, 29 inches CHILD’S HICKORY AND MAPLE HIGH CHAIR NEW ENGLAND, EARLY 18TH CENTURY The posts are ring-turned and capped by ball finials. Rush seat. Interesting specimen. TWO-CHAIR SLAT-BACK WAGON SEAT AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY The heavy mushroom-capped posts would indicate an early date, and probably Pennsylvania origin. Has slightly arched three- slat back. Restored splint seat. Width, 3 feet CHIPPENDALE SMALL MAHOGANY MIRROR AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY A pleasing small mirror with reeded and scroll-cut frame. A gilt inner border outlines the glass. . Size, 25 x 15 inches MAHOGANY SEWING TABLE AMERICAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY The rectangular top contains two drawers and is supported by a turned column with four out-scrolled legs. Width, 19 inches SMALL MAPLE TEA TABLE AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY A delightful tea or occasional table standing on ringed and tapered legs ending in button feet. A moulding edges the frame all around. Has the original drawer at one side. Overlapping framed top. Rare. Size of top, 29 x 20 inches 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 CHERRY BUREAU AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Containing four graduated drawers with beaded edges. The skirt is cut in curves running into the bracket feet. Height, 3 feet; width, 3 feet 6 imches QUEEN ANNE MAPLE LOWBOY american, 18TH CENTURY Contains two drawers and has a scroll-cut pine skirt. Stands on Queen Anne pattern cabriole legs. Height, 28 inches; width, 36 inches MAPLE BANISTER-BACK CHAIR AMERICAN, 1700-10 The turned front legs of early type. Four split banisters capped by a shaped crest and shaped finials. ‘Turned spindle bracing. CHILD’S PINE WING CHAIR AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Child’s fireside seat of settle type, with scrolled top, winged sides and cut-out base. Rare. Height, 23 inches MAHOGANY SEWING TABLE WITH LYRE BASE AMERICAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Stands on two lyre-shaped supports with splayed legs termi- nating with brass paw feet. Fitted with two drawers and drop leaves. Width, 19 inches SHERATON MAHOGANY ARMCHAIR | AMERICAN, ABOUT 1800 The open back is pierced and carved in trellis pattern. Voluted arms supported by slender balusters. Upholstered seat and tapered legs. SLAT-BACK BRACED-ARM ROCKER NEW ENGLAND, ABouT 1720 These braced-arm New England chairs are rare and interesting. Has four arched slats, vase and ring turned posts with urn- shaped finials. Original rush seat. 8 » 60: 61 63 64 65 CHIPPENDALE SMALL MAHOGANY MIRROR AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Has scroll-cut and moulded frame and contains original old glass. Size, 25 x 15 inches CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY SMALL MIRROR AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Has partly restored scroll-cut frame. A flat moulding borders the glass. Size, 85 x 18 inches MAHOGANY SPINET ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY The keyboard is of crotched mahogany, panelled with delicate, inlaid feather-pattern borders of tulipwood. Unusually fine brass hinges to the top. Supported by a trestle-pattern frame with plain square legs. At the ends of the keyboard are pull-out candle brackets. (As is) Length, 6 feet PINE HUTCH OR CHAIR TABLE AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY ‘Original in all parts. The two-piece circular top is heavily ‘cleated and fastens to the frame with wood pegs. Forms a box seat when tilted, with shaped supports on chamferred shoes. Diameter of top, 31 inches MAPLE BANISTER-BACK ARMCHAIR AMERICAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Well preserved specimen of this type, with four split banisters capped by shaped crest. Turned posts and tapered arms. Rush seat. HICKORY AND MAPLE BANISTER-BACK ARMCHAIR AMERICAN, ABouT 1730 Back contains five grooved splats between turned posts of vase and ring type and capped by a scrolled crest. Rush seat. o ganar eevee atone 5 CHILD'S OAK AND PINE MAPLE SCREW HIGH CHAIR CANDLESTAND CANDLESTAND [NUMBER 66,] [NUMBER 67] [NuMBER 687] 66 67 68 CHILD’S SPLAY-LEGGED HIGH CHAIR PENNSYLVANIA, 18TH CENTURY The plainness of the posts is relieved by a pair of delightful ring scratched finials. Has widely raked legs, three-slat-back and splint seat. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | OAK AND PINE CANDLESTAND WITH CROSS BASE AMERICAN, ABOouT 1700 The shaft is pegged into the circular top and stands upon a crossed base. Shaft and base are chamferred. Retains the old decoration of blue paint. Height, 26 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | MAPLE SCREW CANDLESTAND AMERICAN, 18TH CENTURY Screw candlestands with tripod bases are the most prized of all types. This specimen has a curly maple revolving tray, adjust- able two-candle arm and three peg legs. Height, 34 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 10 69 70 71 V2 73 74 PAINTED PINE CORNER CUPBOARD AMERICAN, About 1770 Decorated two-part corner cupboard showing Adam influence. Surmounted by a dentilled cornice and framed by a deep mould- ing. ‘The frieze is ornamented by husk festoons and medallions. Upper body contains four scrolled shelves, enclosed by a six- panel door.