cme POSITIVE SAIR ESTATE OF oF Leopald | DECEASED: NON be Very Important Paintings OF? TH Besse DORI SCHOO® Thursday Evening, February oth. Tuos. E. Kirsy & Co. - Auctioneers, LIBRARY il. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK gm “ll j ; \ / y. 2 ¢ & ff Nene / ( = f SoS eU RSIS ie) ind OF VAG Be NE PP Oe A EXCLUSIVELY REPRESENTATIVE EXAMPLES OF THE y se Se Ba +H, cldert Sshosl, BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF BeEOrOlD CONZEN, DECEASED. AND TO BE SOLD AT AUGTION, POSITIVELY WITHOUT RESERVE, By order of Executor, THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 9th, AT 71g O'CLOCK, Al OUR NEW CALLERIES 845 and 847 Broadway, bet. 13th and 14th Sts., WHERE THE PAINTINGS ARE NOW ON FREE EXHIBITION, DAY. AND EVENING. THOS. E. KIRBY & (CO AUCTIONEERS. 1882. CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be im- mediately put up again and re-sold. 2. ‘he purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit or the whole of the Purchase-money @ required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk upon the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase- money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satis- faction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery ; in default of which the undersigned will not hold himself responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The sale of any article is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description. All articles are exposed for Public Ex- hibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be re- moved during the Sale. 6. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. JDEOS Jy IRINRIENY ee {CO Note. THe Paintings described in this Catalogue are exclusively of the Dusseldorf School, and important representative Pictures by the Artists named. The sale is made for the purpose of closing the estate of Mr. Leopold Conzen, deceased, of Dusseldorf, a well-known connoisseur and art dealer. Many of the paintings will be recognized as having been shown at the galleries of Messrs. Goupil and their successors, Messrs. Knoedler & Co., who for the past twenty years haye been the agents for the late owner, ‘This fact should be a sufficient guarantee as to the importance of the Pictures about to be sold. In accordance with the written in- structions of Executors, the sale will be without reserve. Those unable to attend the sale may have orders to purchase attended to by Messrs, Knoedler & Co., or the Auctioneers, Respectfully, PHOS. E. KIRBY & CO, February 3d, 1882. THE FOLLOWING ARTISTS ARE REPRESENTED IN THIS CATALOGUE. Anders, E., 81. Beyschlag, R., 49. Bodenmiiller, A., 61. Bosch, = 21- Boser,, Fs, 33. Camphausen, Prof. W., 54. Dahlen, R., 6. Dmittrieff, Nic. di., 51. Hnoel. |iabs 12-22. Ewers, H., 84, 76. Formstecker, A., 74. Friedrichsen, E.,. 65: Goenrtz, ie 4 Gerlach, is,-0. Harrer, H., 70. Hellander, H., 4. Ilemmenve Issa 2s 23% Hiddemann, Prof. F., 35, 36, 48. Flerter,.Csnea7e Hofner, B., 42. Hubner, Prof. C., Hoffmann, O., 85. Jungheim, C., 23, 58. 39- Jordan, Prof. R., 30-38. Kaiser, E., 53. Koekoek, B. C., 4o. Lange, F., 57. Lasch, C., 66. Leisten, F., 14-18, 43-70. Littschauer, R. J., 24. ot Tt 56: Meyer, W., 60. Miicke, C., 46-73. Nordgren, R., I-10. Oehmichen, H., 32, 71-75. Breyer,eP e163) Preyer, J. W., 78. Perbandt, L. von, 68. Remy, Miss M., 15. Risse, R., 7. Diteckerm sere gite. Schnitzberger, I., 17. Seibelsy Cy 16: Dey pelene-naue- Sinkel, H., 62: Sell, C., 27-28, 45-60. Schultz, G., 72-77. Sonderland, F., 64, 80-83. Schweig, C., 8, 86. SELeltty ley OFe Sohn, Prof. C., 55. Scheurenberg, F., 52. Siegert, A., 37. Shade, W. A., I1, 29. 34. Salentin, E., 19-20. Schlessinger, Prof. C., 26. Werner, H., 82. Wilms, I., 5. Wieschebrink, F., 25, 44. Woutermaertens, C., 59. Werner, Schuch, 50. CATALOGUE. NORDGREN (R.). ge aX X) 1 Landscape. 44-9 Y 1rd x 84. HENNER (F.). a6 S97 2 Landscape. 154 x Qs. HENNER (F.). ) (~ x ) 3 Landscape. payee 5 HELLANDER (H.). Vie sa f A) 7 ea LX. Cx 4 The Proposal. ¢ 74 X Qf. WILMS (L.). i 5 | is p24 ae aX X<4) 5 Fruit Piece. rd DAHLEN (Reinert). OAS) 6. Catching Binds,’ 284 x 17. RISSE (Roland). foN = CX (2X) 7 ‘The Bath. 134 XII. SCHWEIG (C.). Cd. (X:) 8 Landscape. 164. x If. 6 GERLACH (G.). an /00\X\ o Christmas-eve. NORDGREN (R.). P€-X(X) 19 Landséape. IO x 13. SHADE (W. A.). GSK 2%) 11 Sleeping Child.’ 12 x-10. v/ d i ENGEL (J. F.). ZEX(X) 12 Expectation. 12 Xk: 10: SEYPEL (C.). fos N pe Dg Q AK\ 2) 13 Student Receiving Remit-Y * tance. 14 x 16. vA VIX (>) 14 The Love Letter. 134 x 18. 2 REMY (Miss Marie). B/S Se ee 15 Still Lifeand Objects of Art. ————— / 4Q x 244. SEIBELS.(C). ae ¢ La x . AUXKK LAK 16 Sheep at Pasture. 174 x 26. SCHNITZBERGER (1.) A~by i> / . ALE 4X) ees BE) 17 A Good Guardian. 264 x 22. LEISTEN (F.). Ay &&) 18 Emperor of Germany. AtMx 124 x 9Q. 8 SALENTIN (E.). ie. Po a yp AG. gO a AOL? 5. Asking the Way. 20 Xx 2S. SALENTIN«CE2): 7 pee. Aad Ae lore | ne: tae: HT DG en 84x IT. BOSCH (E.). Sis Axx 4 7&) oo ME) oF @hrstiias-evc 204 x 17. ENGEL (J. F.). aL { xX t 22 Bacchante. 5 (x 6. JUNGHEIM (Carl). até X’) 23 Alpine Scenery. 204 x 28. 2 9 Lit SCHAUER ({R. |.) (iS ODO Ges 24 Friendly ere 184 x 23. WIESCHEBRINK (F.). ee fover 25 The Two Families. TOVX £2. SCHLESINGER (Prof CG). 4 920 eS le Slbe. <2 “p —{ Oxi KN 2 : WOM 2) 26 The Morning Ride. 47 X 314. oe LL (Christian). oe Si oN CL -) 27 ie Approaching Enemy. rod x 8. se = a / 3 a VIALK 4 rN x Es (= x ) 28 Attack of fica 16% x IId. Io SHADE ae A). | as =/ 290 Contemplation. ™ w) ESEx 200: JORDAN (Prof. R.). aAtt1d ef. Y N . a pom “)30 Reflection. LA] 1 XAO: ST KECKERAGs), (Tim, 3 f co 4 y A Good Brothers? Yo" 174 X 22, ae (Hugo). ¢ SSF Bien er Po ate Sait ius 174 x 23h BOSER (F). Att NOAA), An Interesting Book. 22 x 274. II SHADE (W. A. | .) j p | tf ee | OXX WX) 3.4 “ Love Me, Love Me Not. | mIDDE MANN (Prof. F:). | he ain : | Ge. eee “) 25 Attention | — | 134 x 8. | | | HIDDEMANN (Prot F.), f Z SPR) 36 In the Pan SIEGERT (A.). oe ~~ ger MWAKXG AX) 37 At the Window. , wil 15 x 20, amon (Prof. Rudolph). J3™™ X-o-o3 After a Good Lecture. 2 On. is 12 HUBNER (Prof. . Carl), deceased. gee: JO Zs Wo ge) Tif, 7 x & C <“ 39 Courtship Interrupted. 22% x 284. KOEKOEK (B. C.), deceased. P 8 re z vy, ce \7 40 Landscape on the Rhine. tod x 8. GEEREZ (fules): ey 4! Catching Flies. TOM L3 i. f } iA, 7) HOFNER (B.). j g . “MANY 42 A Difficult Passage. hyp 3% AUtE LEISTEN (F.), 57 Oe \ oh 43 A Difficult Passage. (oje KO 13 WIESCHEBRINK (F,). aN Ve é rN Bee) 2a The Step Meiers 314 x 26. SELL (Christian), €<-() 45 Onthe Watch’ ¢ 53 X 34. MUCKE (Carl). ; € oN ~~ 46 Mother and Child. 24 X 31. HERTER (Carl). s aa | 47 The Evil Conscience. 1i4-x 13h. ee kk). Bees JVAd x 4 ¥48 The Good N urse. exe oe 14 BEYSCHLAG (Robert). CLK -| f 49 Surprise. DNT DIWKED O: WERNER-SCHUCH: ) Oar ~ Ce : 4} 50 ‘Pine Attacks \/ 29% X 49. DMETRIEPP (Nievdi: ) 51 Bird Catching My 4 ¢ i 174 X 25. SCHEURENBERGAE.): Cunt | x) 5 2 Ottilie. Q x 12. KAISER) Px x. foo <) 53 Springtime. ; 29% x 40. hee ie ac A/ « Bem «x J = j lf . a fi; G/ y f } hace WE y ‘ Ltt F AIS 4 S if \ \ 54 Puritan and Cavalier. 36 x 26 SOHN oS Carl). Z JP ce LAX - o, 304 x 204. BODENMULLER (Alphonse). Qee7<6_ On the Bridge. ¥ J 1g¢ X 304. SINKEL (H.). @X~ XX 62 Mater Dolorosa} 22 x 38. EYER (Paul). f ce PR R (Paul) /6 q Veo /63 A ‘Letter from the Ab- sent. 31 x 25. 3 17 SONDERLAND (Fritz), Ne, ee Bx, Watching to Cae. 174 x_264. pene EN (Missi hye 53m Aya, GG ee Nes Gs The Eepelare Ring. 323.x 38. LASCH (C.). ALA (xx 66 The Good Nurse. 264 x 28. STREITT (F)). ee laxx) 67 The Faithful Gieiee 214 x 26. PERBANDT (L. Von, Miss), Hex ~\Xy 69 Landscape. MG) SAF 18 Cw {4 : - 4{AXY 69 Reconnoitering. 4% x 6}. HARRER (H.). ae. (IX: 70 Bay of Naples. 304 x 204. OEHMICHEN (H,), gEette.. tes . e i, Congratulation. 164 x 24. SCHULTZ (G.). 12) 3 TS MUCKE (C.). _d-(“ fhe euc{*X) 79 Burial in the Mountains. Orel. SONDERLAND (Fritz). 7 rs F £2'X/ 80 Interesting News. T2 x 154. ANDERS (Ernst). : A ae fy fee ac. ee/ 81 Reflection. *% WIJ IO X 12. WERNER (H.). Were +(X*) 30 Birthday. “ /J 13 x 16. SONDERLAND (Fritz). Spe ae eee » /X) 83 Amusing News. , TOR 13: Pa EWERS (Heinrich). / (ff A SIA VV 2 1 1 ene f K 84 Spinning. T6q X 21. HOFFMANN (O.). AS 85 The Peddler. 64 x 8. SEHWEIG-(C.). . Ww {PF P74 —€ < 86 Landscape. 164 x II. THOS. KIRBY -& CO: AUCTIONEERS,