if dy Py i a NEA ae Ae ie ve ate ¥ Hola ann f iy ida ain) fe 33 Pha My ‘ Vio! Witt Rah j ea yes a apa eeyeai th iu pnt aa ears Hah 4M ws A ie vt Lh + 4t PE i ie Bae F i; ; it K tee Yi ila) oie yy ie eek Ha AG Hi i mea He i 03 ayer et i Ait Rieti Perens rover erat fig AN is at i ii ait vs en aM fe i it eect 498 ly sale ¥ i ann itd ied ies et “ Bnity fan thes avi ahe et fe Me sad geen Ca rad nf Prt i} tients MEE renee HCV HT ee § He flys hat j aa it agit bd a) maa ia ie } a ve a at = eet nee =e eres = = Es oe oe i * wor: ebe Vs aicik rps aheuke Pa! he vet # tion ae ¥ ty lias r ee eet a ae i Ren Bey a ge : ‘ Ce ey Ss SE ed hat Ae SPL ak CG AT ieee "A e aes ty Bip ys on pee Lay =< fae eee &.. - = i he f ‘ a to ae Te ie at be ¥ EL a. on a ri . 1 ih f ‘ re Sut) A > de . f were C9 F ¥ “ } iy? e Maes , ; lie aA . ‘ 1 a, ” - a \ j 4 a ’ a # _ 2 , ce wat .s oh ake Yeast 3 a 4 A gi Roenue Gre Fo. fe. if f be 366 Fifth Qoenue, near 348 Street % Crecutors’ Sale BY ORDER OF Urs 5S. 2. Vivian and Ano. |. (hatterson, EXECUTORS OF THE LATE Wiarshaff O. Roberts, | Morern Paintings Qo. 107 SiftB Bouenue, corner 18£8 sitteet, CBickering Hall, StfB Boenue, corner 188 Street, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Zanuary 196. 2068 and 21sF, af 8 o cock, y. m. Mr. S. P. Avery, Jr., will assist in the management of the sale. ROBERT SOMERVILLE 1 897 ORTGIES & CO. AUCTIONEER MANAGERS fie CONDITIONS OF SALE am 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dis- pute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dis- pute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Pur- chase-money 7/ regutred, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. s, The Lots to be paid for and taken away at the Buyer’s risk and expense at the end of the sale, with all faults and errors of description, Messrs. Ortgies & Co. making no warranty whatever. 4. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any ac- count, be removed during the sale. 5. The Auctioneers will not be liable for non-delivery of any article above the amount paid by the purchaser for such article. 6. Upon failure to comply with above conditions, all Lots shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without fur- ther notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re- sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, to- gether with all charges attending the same. This con- dition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the Contract made at this Sale, without such re- sale, if he thinks fit. Seen at nse eee ae Bee TE e 2 * 2 2s ee Serer Sys eae = me Mi — “ ceutinnten satel inet EET at Ca From Benson J. Lessing’s History of the _ City of New York, 1884, FULL picture of the career of Marshall Owen Roberts from the unpromising position of a poor: meagrely educated orphan boy to the position of highest rank as a merchant and good citizen of the metropolis would be instructive, we may only give a brief outline of its principal features. His father, Owen Roberts, was a Welsh physician in the city of New York, where he settled in 1798. He died in 1817, leaving a widow and four boys, of whom Marshall was the youngest; and very little property. Marshall was then less than four years of age, having been born on March 22, 1813, and when he was eight years old his mother also died; at thirteen he apprenticed himself to a saddler, but failing health compelled him to abandon that business, and he obtained a clerkship in a ship-chandlery establishment. There his good conduct won him the esteem of his employer. Prudent and saving, he had earned and kept enough money in 1834 to start a small ship-chandlery store on his own account, at Coenties slip, where by untiring devotion to business and suavity of manners, he attracted the attention and kindly offices of his older neighbors. Early and late he might be found attending to his business. During the shorter days his store would be illuminated with tallow dips before daylight in the morning. Fishermen and seamen who dealt with him called his place ‘‘The Light-house,’’ and its proprietor, “Candle Roberts.’’ By industry, honesty and thrift, Mr. Roberts caused his business to soon expand into large proportions, and he became a rich man in a cot paratively few years. In 1847, he was worth a quarter a million dollars and possessed the power which belon to a citizen who has fairly won the reputation of positi trustworthiness as well as solid riches. By great sagaci - he had made a fortune in the ship-chandlery busine: and he made profitable investments and ventures in oth ~ branches of industry. He owned the Hendrick Huds steamboat on the North River, the first really floati: | palace ever seen, and with the same sagacity he becatr the owner of ocean steamships and secured a very lar income from the business of transportation of passengs and freight between New York City and California aft - it became a possession of the United States in 1848. ] successfully competed with great capitalists, such Howland and Aspinwall and Vanderbilt, in this busine We may not follow him in his successful career as a sh: owner, nor yet as a stockholder and manager of railway in which, in his later years, he was much and profitat interested. When the rebellion broke out in Charlest Harbor, Mr. Roberts offered his steamship, ‘‘Star of t West,’? to the government to carry supplies to t beleaguered garrison in Fort Sumter, and she felt t first overt act of war by being fired upon by the Sov Carolina insurgents. All through the contest he was active supporter of the government with his voice, | influence, his hand and his purse, and when. at its clo President Lincoln was assassinated, Mr. Roberts sent the widow of the martyr his check for $70,000. He had been aiding the government from the beg ning of the struggle. He took a special interest in 1 Metropolitan Fair for the benefit of the U. S. Sanite Commission. When the managers found that t premises in 14th Street were too small for their purpo Mr. Roberts, perceiving their dilemma, bought two vac: lots adjoining the armory, for which he paid $100,0: built upon the land a handsome edifice for the © restaurant and turned it over to the lady manag — Mrs. Roberts took charge of the restaurant with a host of lady assistants and turned into the treasury from that department over $17,000. Hundreds of similar stories could be told of his generosity. Before the war, Mr. Roberts was a man of large wealth. He was one of the five who joined Mr, Field in forming the first ocean telegraph company. His personal and business influence was largely felt in the affairs of the city. In early life he took part in politics, and he was a great admirer and friend of Henry Clay; he was one of the leaders of the Whig party in the ‘‘hard cider’? cam- paign, and was a firm supporter of the Republican party _ from the time of its foundation in 1856. He was often solicited to take the nomination for office, but, with the exception of that of Mayor of the City, he declined them all. Mr. Roberts’ residence on Fifth Avenue, at the time of his death, was one of the finest in the city. He possessed a very extensive and valuable fine art gallery for he had been a lover of art from his early youth, and was the patron and friend of many American artists, as his collection well shows. He was three times married. Four children were the fruits of his first marriage, one Ss the second, and one of the third. HE WAS BoRN MARCH 22, 1813. HE DIED SEP’. II, 1880, Que List of Artists REPRESENTED IN THIS COLLECTION. ARMFIELD, G., 307, 326 ANGELINI, C.T., 178 BAKER, C., 216 BAKER, G. A., 123, 334 BAUGINET, C., 3g BECKER, CARL, 169 BENSON, E., 3, 92 BERANGER, A. E., 329 BERGHEM, N., 94 BERGMAN, 224 BERNARD, J., 251 BESAUGES, L., 22 BLAUVELT, C. T., 215 BouGHTON, G. H., 52, 68, 135, 136 Brown, J. G., 8 CAFFERTY, J. H., 218, 317 PADIV A yi3,, 50 td CASILEAR, J. W., Ilo, 259 CHAPMAN, J. G., 314 CHAVET, VICTOR, 42 CHURCH, F. E., 65, 126, 155 CoBBEHTT, E. J., 97 CoLE, THOS., 27, 112 CoRRODI, A., 26, 109 CRANCH, C. P., 5, 252 CRESWICK, T., 134 CRETINO, C., 100 CROPSEY, J. F., 21, 191,249, 263, 315 DEAS, C., 23 DEBocK, F., 274 DEBUEL, L., 202 DEHAAS <7. Hv. adt DEHAAS, M. F. H., 40, 98, 203 DEJONGHE, G., 56 DELECHAUX, 242 DEMONTELANT, J. O., 153 DENOTER, DAVID, 258 DIAZ, NARCISSE VIRGILE, 137 DILLENS, A., 62, 125 DOLPH, J. (E2308: DURAND, A. B., 69, 81, 144 DUTCH SCHOOL, 200, 239, 310 ELyiorr, C. L., 111 FAED, THOS., 132 FIELD, G., 1 FRERE, ED., 46, 118, 325 GARLAND, H., 253 GIFFORD, S. R., 36, 117 GIFFORD, R. SWAIN, 29 GIGNOUX, R., 38, 168 GILBERT, A., 9, 194, 225 GILL, E., 101 GRAY, H. P., 64) 1427 GRISWOLD, C. C., 228 GUE, 321 GurIpo, RENI, after, 309 GUY, S. J. Sipe HAUL, G. H., 213; 265,424 HALLE, S.B., 211 HART, JAS.,M. 50, 83, 146, 170, 308 HART, WM., 214, 286 HASELTINE, W. S., '19, 37; 102,120 Hays, W. J., 199, 248, 266, 285, 318 HEALY, G. P. A., 139 Hicks, T., 91, 198, 260,282, 295, 312, HINCELEY, T. H., 250, 320 Hows, J. A., 90 HUAK, PIERRE, 303 HUBNER, CARL, 82, 142 Le, 282, 306. HUNTINGTON, D., 15, 35, 48, 60, 84, 96, 113, 131, 166, 289 IvEs, C. R. 174, 175 JAMISs, D. F., 32 JENKINS, C. W., 322 JoHuNsSOoN, D., 277, 323 JOHNSON, E., 18, 104, 121, 327 KAUFFMANN, A., 276 KENSETT, J. F., 43, 164,275 KoEK, KOEK, M. A., 34 LAMBDIN, G.C., 222, 283 LANG, LOUIS, 115, 287 LASSALLE, L. §., 229 LAZARUS, J. H., 223 L/ ENFANT DEMETZ, L.,300, 301 LERAY, P., 331 FBUIZE, H., 75, 89, -122, 138, 172 LEYZUE, E., 71 LITSCHAUER, K. J.,332 LOBRICHON, T., 161 Lwcas, A. D., 197, 226 MATHEws, W,, 256 MAYER, C., 16 MERLE, HUGHES, 85, 140 MEYER VON BREMEN, 133 Micnot, Ll. R., 24, 270,311 MILLER, WM., 210 Mount, W. §S., 124 MULLER, CARL, 47 MULLER, C. L., 165 MURKILVACH, MAX, 6 MCENTER, JERVIS, 25 NOEL, JULES, 44 NOTTERMAN, L., 61, 319 OERTEL, J. A., 51 OLD MASTER, 273, 294 OUVRIb, PIERRE JUSTIN, 272 PALMOROLI, L., 130 PALMER, E. D., 176, 177 PARTON, ARTHUR, 53 PATROIS, J., 284 PEALE, REMBRANDT, 221 PECRUS, C., 12, 268 PEELE, J. T., 79 PENNEDICI, A., 73 PERCY, M., 288 PERKINS, G., 195 PHILLIP, JOHN, 88 PICART, L., 267 PINELLI, A. DE, 76 PLASSAN, A. E, 128 POINGDESTRE, C. H., 86, 148, 159 POLLAK, 72 POOLE, P. Fj az1 Poet, kas Tt 107 POWELL, W.H., 196, 231 RAMSEY, M., 280 RANNEY, W., 33, 352, 237, 278 RICHARDS, W. T., 129 ROBBE, LOUIS, 57 ROFFAIEN, F., 45 ROMAKO, A., 10 ROSIER, J., 58 ROSSITER, T. P., 247, 269 ROTHERMEL, P.F., 20, 158 Roux, C., 95 RUIZ, DECACERES, 70 SALENTIN, H., 145 SAMAIN, L., 186 SCHAEFELS, H. F., 87 SCHIFLER, 208 SCHILVER, J. A., 309 SCHUTZ, J. A., 255 SEIGNAC, P., 245, 313 SEINECKER, F., 244 SHAYER, W., 330 Simmons, F., 180 SMITH, J. B., Ai, .93 SMITH, J. D., 17 SMITH, RUSSEL, 2 SOUVEAU, 209 STEBBINS, EMMa, 184 STEFFINS, F., 103 STONE, W. O., 107 Story, W. W., 181 SPRUVT, B., 4 SULLY, T., 28 SUNOL, G., 187 SuUYDAM, J. A., 30 TADOLINI, A. S., 182 TAIT, A. ¥,} 234, 235,262: 293 TALBOT, JESSE, 219, 298 TENIERS, D., 105 TERRY, L., 55, 106 THOM, J. 42.,:233 THOMPSON, JEROME, 217 TILTON, J. R., 49, 77, 99, 149, 157 TROYON. C., 162 UNKNOWN, 189, 192, 204, 193, 205, 206, 220, 227, 232, 236, 238, 243, 257, 261, 264, 279, 290, 296, 299, 302, UNTERBERGER, F. R., 335 VALDA. 5201 ) VAN HAMMEH, A., 54, 114 VAN LEMPUTTEN, E., 297 VAN OERP, BARON T., 147 VAN SCHENDEL, P., 66 VAN SEVERDONCE, F., 271 VAN WART, A., 188 VAUTIER, BENJAMIN, 156 VERBOECKHOVEN, E., I5I, 240 VERLAT, C., 67, 160 Voss, C., 179, 183 VON SEBEN, H., 7 WEBER, OTTO, 74 WEIR, R. W., 80 WEISZ, A., 163 WEISCH, F.C., 116 WHITE, H., 207 WHITTREDGE, W., 262, 291 WILLIAMS, A. W., II, 254 WILLEMS, F.,59, 78,143,154 WILSON, R., 108 WIMMER, G, 241 © WOODVILLE, R. C., 150 Wust, A., 63 YEWELL, G. H., 32 Me a ae - Qe Catalogue TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY IQTH, 1897, AT EIGHT O'CLOCK. I / 4f- 4b FIELD (G.) f Cherries 7X5% 2 a ws oo SMITH (Russel) WLanoscape SAve oe 9 3} J 0 O BENSON (E.) : : , Roane Che helping hand 8x18 4 SPRUYT (E.) Winter in holland 24 X17 eo 000 : CRAN CE (CP a : Cambridge Venice Born, 1813. Died, 1892. 19 X 13 6. MURKILVACH (Max) ‘ Munich. ] Cp a ed Game of Cards 27° 2°30 Savana ane ; VON SEBEN (H.) : . Brussels In the harvest ficld 30% X 23 Io CLM ul Oo 8 BROWN (J. G.), N. A. New York Che first Cigar I0o% xX 14 J ee 9 GILBERT (A.) : London. Lake Scene, Twilight 18x 10% IO prea ROMAKA (A.) Venice I9% xX 26 Pastel ¢ Il WILLIAMS (A. W.) On the Mawddach, Worth Wales 234% X 15% a OY Tete I2 Bees (Oj kr LS Paris Ube Painter of Flowers 4% x6 Il 13 CALIYA (D.) tntertor yii2 ? 7 CALIYA (D.) dntertor Water Color +5 HUNTINGTON (D.), N. A. New York Pupil of Professor Morse and Inman The Gondola y 19% x8 “aren 6 eae 8 AME, 16 MAYER (C.) : : : New York Pupil L’ Kcole des Beaux Arts and Coignet Legion of Honor, 1869, The Friends 16 x 19 17 SMITH (J. D.) Landscape 29 X 21 I2 Sse dim ERR EER 18 ee SON (H.), N. A. . . New York Medals, Paris (E. U.) 1889 The Wood Cutter 16 x 20 19 staples HASELTINE Wo.) No A. &. Rome | apt. Etna 42 X 25 ) foto 20 ROTHERMEL (P. F.) : Philadelphia Che Beggar Girl 23% x 28 y O is LPI NG aI CROPSEY (J. F.), N. A. ; New York Corfe Castle, Treland 72x 46 22 ‘BESAUGES (L.) . ; ; Paris Forest of Fontainbicau 50 x 40 Artist was awarded a silver medal for this picture 13 too 9 / 23 DEAS (C) ong Fake 24 X 29 24 MIGNOT (L. R.),.N. A. ; New Yc Born, 1831. Died, 1870 TheiTropics 24X14% Sues rata ey 25 McENTEE (Jervis), N. A. New Yc Born, 1828. Died, 1891 Medals, Paris, 1889 Hutumn Eg: X23 Bole ree by 3 : CORRODE? (Ay 2. , . “ae fitalfan Peasants 194% X15% 14 Zit 0 27 Seer ios NAL. wee New York Born. 1801. Died, 1848 Landscape 17% X12% gee CLS eae | | 28 SULLY (T.) , ; : Philadelphia Born, 1783. Died, 1872 Lt the Spring IOxX 14% on SF AAG 29 GIFFORD (R. Swain), N. A. New York Quebec 35% X 21% 30 SUYDAM (J. A.), N. A. : New York Born, 1817. Died, 1865 On the Beach 29 X17 5, ve ce 31 GUY (S. J.), N. A. - New. York Field Daisy 16 X 20 15 6 0, 0 v 32 YEWELL (G. H.), N. A. . New York Pupil of Couture. Anterior of St. Mark’s 39 X 50 ee ae ee 33 RANNEY (Wm.), A. N. A. New York Died, 1857 The Pioneer 24 X 29% N 9 cao RORY eNO: 34 KOEK-KOEK (M. H.) : The Hague Landscape 24X17% i 2 7 ee / 35 HUNTINGTON (D.), N. A. New York Pupil of Professor Morse and Inman The Old Lawyer 6x8 16 YU ob ex 36 GIFFORD (S. R.), N. A. é New York Born, 1823. Died, 1880 The Wooded Lane g X I2 3 Faz HASELTINE (W.S.), N. A. : Rome Pines of Ostia 50 X 25 38 OUG eee GIGNOUX (R.), N. A. ; New York Born, 1816. Died, 1882 Pupil of Delaroche WMiagara 70 x 46 39 : BAUGNIET (Charles), dec’d New York Born at Brussels, 1814 Pupil of Drolling Medals, 1865, Vienna, 1873 Chevalier of the Order of Leopold of Belgium, of Isabel and of the Catholic,of Christ of Portugal,and of the Branche Ernestine de Saxe Died, 1886 Dressing for the Ball 21X17 17 shy Dd cen tet Ke) Dre HAAS (M. F. HL), N. A. New York Born, 1832. Died, 1895 Off the Coast of France 59 X 36 ees Chu AI SMITH (J. B.) Upper Fall, Hberfeldy 19% x 26% 42 CHAVET (Victor) ; : Paris Pupil of Revoil aud Roqueplan Medals—Paris, 1858, 1855, 1857 Legion of Honor, 1859 The Promenade 5x8 a CRS aes / 43 : KENSE PT Cy. Bo) 2 ie ae . New York Born, 1818. Died, 1873 fhoon by the Seashore 17% x Io 18 44 NOEL (Jules) Pupil of Charioux Medal, 1853 Old French Town 18 xX 24% 45 ROFFAIEN (F.) Paris Sa. Btrek Brussels Lake of Brienz Une 0’ 3seltwald 58 X 29 46 FRERE (Ed.), dec’d Pupil of Delaroche Medals, 1850-52-55 Legion of Honor, 1855 Born, 1819. Died, 1886 Mother and Child 12 x 16 47 MULLER (Carl) Pnpil of his father and Prof. Sohn. Maternity 36 X 49 19 vA ai EI Paris Pera Dusseldorf es, ao t oo ae oS # re 48 HUNTINGTON (D.), N. A. . New York Pupil of Prof. Morse and Inman Lady Jane Gray in the Cower 39 X 50 Kisy BOS a 3 49 TILTON (J. R.) ‘ A : Rome Landscape in Eoyppt 29 X17 y Okemos Se 56 HART (James M.), N. A. : New York Pupil of Schirmer The Orchard Pasture 39 X 25 Tes Ge any) Ae 51 OERTEL (i. Aah or, ; . New York yatber Time and this Family 67 x 48 20 52 BOUGHTON (G. H.), N. A. Member of the Royal Academy, London Che Gipsy Io xX 14 i 53 PARTON (Arthur), N. A. Sunimer EHiternoon 1634 X 23 54 VAN HAMME (A.) Market Scene 20 X 25 | 55 TERRY (L.) Meas, The Hrtist’s Dream 35 X 44 56 Dre JONGHE (G.) Pupil of Navez Medal, Amsterdam, 1862. Paris, 1865 Che Toilet 18 x 23 2i Po tO i ao’ London ie Va New York SS ae Brussels 7 OU New Rome 9 (oe Brussels a peo sae OS, / i ROBBE (Louis) . . Brussels Medals, Brussels, 1859, '42 Paris, 1844, ‘55 Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, 1843 Offieer, 1863; Spanish Order of Charles III., 1844 Member of the Amsterdam Academy Mndoors 23 x 16 ) 58 ROSIER (J.) : : Paris Good Wight Ca ae ie t/a 00 s WILLEMS (F.) ‘ A 4 Paris Pupil of the Mechlin Academy Medals, 1844, 746, ’55, ’67 Medal at Brussels, 1843 Chevalier of the Order of Leopold Legion of Honor, 1853 Officer of the Order of Leopold, 1855 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 13864 First-class Medal, Universal Exhibition 1878 Che Fair Musician 6%x9 22 Ne ah ge 60 HUNTINGTON (D.), N. A. . New York Pupil of Prof. Morse and Inman M@Mercy’s Dream 65 x 83 61 Jy: Se NOTTERMAN (1...) : Gaud Pupil of Vander Haerd Che Disputed Breakfast 15% X13 a see ee 62 7 DILLENS (A.) p : Brussels Born 1821. Died 1877 Pupil of his brother, Hendrik Dillens Medals, Brussels, 1848, 1850, 1854 Paris, 1855 Order of Leopold, 1862 Member of Amsterdam Academy, 1866 Che Pawnbroker $3°X 16 LU CES 63 2 Chi SOE Wy Ust (A.), A. N. A. New York Born - Died, 1876 Coast Scene 59 X 33 23 f } fy rk ee ea | GRAVS(H. Pj; NOAl Rae . New York Born, 1819. Died, 1877 Pupil of Huntington Sweet Sirteen 21 x 26 “e EAU OSE: 65 CHURCH «(iy Ec).ont eae New York Pupil of Thos. Cole Medal, Paris, 1867 Sunset on hataboin 54 X 35 Samira eo. 0 a, 66 VAN SCHENDEL (P.), dec’d Brussels Pupil ofjiAntwerp Academy Medals in Antwerp and Brussels Paris, 1844-47 Born, 1806. Died, 1879 Candle Light Ig X 24 24 Sega 1) 67 VERLAT (C.) : Antwerp Pupil of De Keyser and Antwerp Academy Director of Weimar Art School and Professor of Antwerp Academy Medals, 1853, ’55, ’61, 78 Legion of Honor, 1868 Order of Leopold, 1855 Officer, 1866 Dog Begging t3,% 34 68 BOUGHTON (G. H.),N. A. . ~~ London Member of the Royal Academy, Loudon The Bouquet 17% x11¥% agg eae VS Ou eee 69 DURAND (A. B.), N. A. ; New York Born, 1796. Died, 1886 In the Catskills 4I X 29 a RS oo 70 RUIZ pE CACERES : Rome The Song 8 x 10 25 ox LEYQUE (E.) ; d Paris Wedding Gifts 44 X57 Oecas vo * POLLAK. : ; : . Rome The Three Princesses From Washington Irving’s ‘‘ Alhambra.”’ 116 X 94 73 PENNEDICI (A.) The Coming Eclipse 44 X 23 es Ol ee 74 WEBER (Otto) Rome Pupil of Steffeck and Couture Medals, 1864, ’69 Born——. Died, 1870 Barred Out 33 x 18 26 ye Oe ea yg 75 REUIZE (.), N.-A. New York . Pupil of Lessing Born 1816. Died, 1868 Fobn nor and Queen Mary 48 x 64 76 PINELLI (A de.) Queen Elizabeth and the Earl of Leicester, 54 X 39 | 77 GOs ae TILTON (J. R.) ; Rome Ruins of the Temple of Romombo, Egypt 48 x 30 27 t a g g S 78 WILLEMS (F.) Paris Pupil of the Mechlin Academy Medals, 1844, °46, °55, 67 Medal at Brussels, 1843 Chevalier of the Order of Leopold Legion of Honor, 18538 Officer of the Order of Leopold, 1855 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1864 First-class Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1878 Che Guitar Player 18% x 23 Pes OU 79 PEELE (J. T.) , London $abes in the Woods 43% X 32 ee. fb 9 80 WEIR (R. W.), N. A. : New York Pupil of Jarvis and Benvenuti Professor of Drawing at West Point Academy Born, 1808. Died, 1889 embarkation of the Pilgrims ; 72X47 28 ee Ase 81 | DURAND (A.B), N. A. . New York Born, 1796, Died, 1886 Indian Rescue 35 X 44 5 HUBNER (Carl), dec’d : Dusseldorf Pupil of Sohn Honorary Member of Amsterdam and Philadelphia Academies Born, 1814. Died, 1879 The Surprise 4I X 33 gety Oe Te 83 HART (JAMES M.), : New York Pupil of Schirmer The Old Homestead 67x 41% (ay Ga Oe 84 oh HUNTINGTON (D.),N. A. . New York Pupil of Prof. Morse and Inman The Good Samaritan 77 X 102 29 PRR Sl oe 85 . MERLE (Hugues), dec’'d Paris Born, 1823. Died, 1851 Pupil of Coignet Medals, Paris, 1861, 63 (Rappel) Legion of Honor, 1866 js ye Se Madonna 20% X 25 86 POINGDESTRE (C. H.) : . Rome Marble Quarries, Carrara 87 Xx 52 87 SCHAEFELS (Hendrick F.) Marie oe Medici Visiting the Studio of Rubens 62 X 41 30 reer On eae 88 PHIPDIP (john) R-A° . = 7 1ondon Born, 1817. Died, 1867 The Fortune Teller 53 X 34 89 0. 0 ee LEUTZE (E.), N. A. New York Born, 1816. Died, 1868 Pupil of Lessing Triumph of the Cross 107 x 7I 31 WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 20TH, 1897, AT EIGHT O’CLOCK. SSeS Ae 90 HOWS3(J.A:), Ay Nia New York Born, 1832. Died, 1874 : tnterior 16 x 18 ee me HICKS (T.), NA ; . New York Born, 1823. Died, 1890 Che White Ox 23% X 20 Bao 92 BENSON (B.). 0 .. Che Detter Bh ae ee 32 ee ) 93 SMITH (J. B.) Wiaterfall, Wale of Meath, South Wales 19% x 26% Ae nro Wt ce. 94 BERGHEM (N.) ; : Amsterdam Born, 1620. Died, 1683 Landscape and Cattle 14% X17 95 j Ue 1 he ey oe ROUX (C.) On the Way iHome 34. X17 shi Sor ee le 96 HUNTINGTON (D.), N. A. . New York Pupil of Prof. Morse and Inman. Che Trout Brook 19% x8 fF) sed ROR ES: / 97 COBBETT (E. J.) : ; - London Consulting the Cards 244% X 39% S08 eae des / 98 DE HAAS (M. F. H.), N. A.) NGweoee Born, 1882. Died, 1895 Tbe Coast of France 23°x 265 Lf of sere @ 99 Bia PON (SR wee ; : Rome Sunset on the Wile 200m a0y ty Ceres 100 CRETINO(C.) —. : Rome Roman Beggars 42X52 34 IOI GILL (E.) . : : : London Landscape, Wales 49 X 36 ae Yi eee 102 HASELTINE (W. S.), N. A. Rome Capri 18 X 23% 103 uy, sina STEFFENS F. Consolation 42 X 39 LE. On 104 JOHNSON (BE), N. A. . - New York Medal Paris (KE. U.) 1889. Devotion 16 x 20 35 / {) . 0 OU a 105 TENIERS (D) Born, 1610, Died, 1690; pupil of his father and was largely influenced by Rubens and Brouwer tn the Tavern bi oe ae ve v oon gets & 106 TERRY (L) : Rome Revelation of St. Fobn 53 * 75 Lp eee? a @) | 107 STONE (W. O.), N. A. ; New York Born, 1830. Died, 1845. Child Reading 24 X 29 / RIOR ty 108 WILSON (R.) R.: A. - + London Born, 1718. Died, 1782. Landscape NB. aes 87 36 a earns Tie 109 ON a Bt the Window 12% x15% Rome Lf nes I1O CASILEAR (J. W.),,A. A... New York Born, 1811. Died, 1893. Dake George 17% x 10 at OPE Crs 111 ELLIOTT (C. L.), N. A. New York Born, 1812. Died, 1868 . Portrait of Himself gx 10% OR ie 112 COLE (Thos.), N. A. . New York Born, 1801. Died, 1848. The Old Mill, Sunset 34 X 25 AN c) ieee o, om HUNTINGTON (D.), N. A. New York Pupil of Prof. Morse and Inman. The Ferry Boat 2334 X13 Peach sends t IIA VAN HAMME (A.) ; ; Brussels The Fond Mother 43 26 Pract =) oe LANG (Louis), N. A. . .New York Born, 1814. Died, 1893. Beatrice Cenci’s Last Sleep 60 x 43 ON st 116 WELSCH (F. C.) Rome Dake Scenery Az 227 38 a Ga Y is 117 GIFFORD (S. R.), dec’d, N. A. New York | Born, Died, 1880 The Beach 29% X13 118 FRERE (Ed.), dec’d : j : Paris Pupil of Delaroche Medals, 1850, °52, ’55 Legion of Honor, 1855 Born, 1819. Died, 1886 Sharing Wiith a friend 7X9 es OPO ORG 11g GUY (S. J.), N. A: ; New York Early Lessons 54 x6 MO 120 ‘ HASELTINE (W. S.), N. A. Rome Warragansett Coast 35 X 23% a T2i JOHNSON (E.), N. A. New York Medal, Paris (E. U.), 1889 hard Cider 6 S32 Reheat 122 LEUTZE (#.), N. A. New York Born, 1816. Died. 1868 Pupil of Lessing Ht Mountain Pass 36 x 28 LY s rors T22 BAKER (G. A.), N..A. New York Born, 1821. Died, 1880 Tdeal thead 16°x 20 ve ‘a mo LenB 124 MOUNT (W. S.), N. A. New York Born, 1806. Died, 1868. Che tattle, 22% x 16% 40 4S #o. be 125 DIPLENS (A) « . ; Brussels Born, 182]. Died, 1877 Pupil of his brother, Hendrik Dillens Medals, Brussels, 1848, 1850, 1854 Paris, 1855 Order of Leopold, 1862 Member of Amsterdam Academy, 1866 Che Betrothal 4I X 50 126 CHURCH (F. E.), N. A. New York Pupil of Thomas Cole Medal, Paris, 1867 Coast of Maine 58 x 36 J jenna 16) ‘is ak ( GRAY (H. P.), N. A : New York Born, 1819. Died, 1877 Pupil of Huntington Che Rose of Fiesolt 26 X 32 AI v4 i? beak U ) 128 PLASSAN (A. E.) : : ; Paris Medals, 1852, °57, ’59 Legion of Honor, 1859 Medal, Philadelphia, 1876 D’arrivee de Vamant 4X5% ooo oe o 129 RICHARDS (W. T.), N..A. . Philadelphia October 23% x 28 va ye gt G | 130 PALMAROLI (L,,) ..3 4) 3.) Pupil of San Fernando Academy Medal, Paris, 1867 ; Madrid, 1871 Legion of Honor, 1881 Member of San Fernando Academy Director of the Spanish Academy, Rome On the Pier 20 X 26 42 oy en 131 HUNTINGTON (D.), N. A. . New York Pupil of Prof. Morse and Inman Chocorua Peak 20x 7% Beif UM thee 132 PAED (Thos.), R. A. : London Che Rustic Toilet F7 x 24 ee eh Sins Cee MEYER VON BREMEN (J. G.), dec’d Germany Pupil of Sohn Member of the Amsterdam Academy Gold Medal of Prussia, 1850 ' Medals in Berlin and Philadelphia Born, 1813. Died, 1886 Che First Desson. ES RES oy AM EI 134 / Per owiCkK (1.), R.A. , London Born, 1811. Died, 1869 Isle of Wight 45 X 29 43 ee at eo 135 BOUGHTON {G: H.), Nog London Member of the Royal Academy, London Summer 19% X 29% ie et 136 BOUGHTON (G. H.) N. A. é London Member of the Royal Academy, London Winter 19% xX 29% 34 Be 3 Sate 0 () 137 DIAZ (Narcisse Virgile), dec’d Paris Born in Bordeaux, 1807. Died, 1876. Mcdals, 1844, ’46, °48 Legion of Honor, 1851 Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Universal Exhibition 1878. Za Gorge aur loups, Forest oe Fontainbleu, 18 x 22 44 LAT Se 138 LEUTZE (E.),N.A. . . New York Boru, 1816. Died, 1868. Pupil of Lessing Che Rose of the Albambra 64 x 48 From Washington Irving’s ‘‘Tales of the Alhambra” 139 OIE Sa Pty GG. P. A.), decd . Paris Medals, Paris, 1840, 55 Che #rcb of Titus 48 X 73 : “Longfellow and his daughter are passing under it, while Church is seated sketching with Healy and McEntee looking over his shoulder,” 140 MERLE (Hughes), dec'd Paris Born, 1825. Died, 1881 Pupil of Coignet Medals, Paris, 1861, ,43 (Rappel) Legion of Honor, 1866 is (at oe Che Springtime of Life 12 & 6 45 a bey eee ar d I4i DE. HAAS), Hick, ; : Brussels Born in Belgium, 1832 Pupil of Van Oos Gold Medal, Munich, 1869 Chevalier of the Order of Leopold Midday Rest 42 x 26 / 142 HUBNER (Carl) dec’d Dusseldorf Pupil of Sohn Honorary member of Amsterdam and Philadelphia Academies Born, 1814. Died, 1878 The Rendezvous 39 X 3! 143 WILLEMS (F.) . . 4%) ae Pupil of the Mechlin Academy Medals, 1844, °46, °55, °57 Medal at Brussels, 1848 Chevalier of the Order of Leopold Legion of Honor, 1853 Officer of the Order of Leopold, 1855, Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1864 First-class Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1878. The Hrtist tA x 17 46 oS ae he i YS 144 DURAND (A. B.), N. A. ; New York Born, 1796. Died, 1886 Schroon Dake 53 * 35 eee ae 145 SALENTIN (H.) Dusseldorf Pupil of Dusseldorf Academy, Schadow, Sohn and Tidemand Medals at Vienna and Besancon The Woung Recruits 36 x 30 ; Le BS a 146 HART (James M.), N. A. ‘ New York Pupil of Schirmer Returning from Pasture 33 X 19 vA net tf. (Oe 147 VAN OERP (Baron Theobald) Dresden Michael Zngelo and Victoria Colonna 45 x 61 148 POINGDESTRE (C. H.) Marble Quarries, Carrara 83 X 49 47 0 0 ras Pe Gg Moar J / QO 0 0 149 TILTON TR) : Rome Denice 60 X 37 mans ie 0) 150 WOODVILLE (R. C.) oo eral ana a Ce Born, . Died, 1855. ~ Wews from Mexico 24 x 26% By ead I51I VERBOECKHOVEN (E.), dec’d . Brussels Medals, 1824, °41, ’55 Legion of Honor, 1845 Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, St. Michael of Bavaria, and Christ of Portugai Decorated with the Iron Cross Member of the Royal Academies of Belgium, Antwerp and St. Petersburg Born, 1799. Died, 1881 The Coming Storm 14 X 16 43 FF MP 152 RANNEY (Wm.),A.N. A. . New York Born, . Died 1857 Hunting Wild Horses p44? 53 X 35 754 co v.04 DE MONTELANT JJ. O.), : Rome Rome 58 X 39 re Anode SPN ig WILLEMS (F.), , Paris Pupil of the Mechlin Acadeniy Medals, 1844, ’46, °55, 67 Medal at Brussels, 1843 Chevalier of the Order of Leopold Legion of Honor, 1853 Officer Of tl the Order of Leopold, 1855 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1864 First-class Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1878 Dove and Fidelity pb de See CME epee 1 155 re RCH UF) 1.) NA. New York Pupil of Thos. Cole Medal, Paris, 1867 Rainy Season in the Tropics 83 X55 49 ai A tue U 156 VAUTIER (Benjamin) . Dusseldorf Pupil of Jordan Member of the Berlin, Vienna, Munich, Antwerp, Amsterdam Academies Medal, Berlin, 1864, Paris, 1865, '66,} °67, °78 Chevalier of the Order of Francis Joseph, 1868, Order of the Red Eagle, Order of St. Michael, Legion of Honor, 1878 Che Letter 20) See rT ai or 0 157 TILTON (J. R.) : Rome Plain of Thebes 67 X 27% 158 ROTHERMEL (P. a Philadelphia Cromwell at the Church of St. Wary Ossorp 51% X Al vw riick sO $9 POINGDESTRE (C. H.) Che Unfortunate Recognition 45 X 29 50 i Gin on ed) 160 Vere tC). . : Autwerp Pupil of de Keyser and Antwerp Aeademy Director of Weimar Art School and Professor of Antwerp Academy Medals, 1853, °55, ’61, “78 Legion of Honor, 1868 Order of Leopold, 1855 Sbeep in Pasture G7'= 38 He seca | 161 MeeerON (tT). . Paris Pupil of Picot Medals, 1868, '82 Legion of Honor, 1883 Hunting the Ring 23°s) '\22 bed BiG os oxg TROYON (CG), decd . . . France Pupil of Rivereux Medals, 1888, ’40, 46, '55 Legion of Honor, 1848 Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Universal Exhibition, 1878 Born, 1810. Died, 1865 The Return from the hunt 44 X 33 SI AML werd oe ee 163 WHRISZ (A) ios: chra ee Paris Pupil of Jolabert Medals, 1875, 85 Fwaiting an Hudience | Room of Francis I., Palace of Fontainbleau 46 & 24 PK og 164 KENSETT (J.F),N. A... New Vork Born, 18i8. Died, 1873 Franconia Wotch 59 X 39 Pee. eee) 165 MULLER (C. L.). 4 Pupil of Coginet medals, 1838, 46, 48, °59 Legion of Honor, 1849 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1859 Member of the Institute of France, 1864 Born, 1817. Died, 1890 ihappy Parents 38 x 49 ¥ 0. 0 0 166 . HUNTINGTON (D.), N. A. . New York Pupil of Prof. Morse and Inman Reminiscence of ttalp 55 X44 32 fof Ome 167 PO Gy. Js) 3 d ~ London Downfall of Cardinal Wolsey 60 x 28 168 oy 2 Oe ee GIGNOUX (R.), N. A. New York Born, 1815. Died, 1882 Pupil of Delaroche Flawk’s West, West Virginia 95 x 68 a 169 Se ME CH ee BECKER (Carl, Prof.), Berlin Vice-President of the Royal Academy, Berlin Member of the Academy of Vienna, and of the Royal Society of Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium Officer of the Order of Leopold Medals, Berlin, Vienna, Munich and Paris Che Cavalier 36 x 48 Oia One 170 y HART (James M.), N. A. New York Pupil of Schirmer Morning in the Hotrondacks 67 X 39% 53 ere sactes nn wae 171 POOLE (P. F.), R. A. ; : London Born, 1810. Died, 1879 Che Pension Hoent . 44 X 29 Sb. Pe UG 172 LEUTZE (E.) N. A. i New York Born, 1816. Died 1868 Pupil of Lessing Washington Crossing thesDelaware 21 feet x 12 feet 3 inches This painting is to be removed from its position in the gallery by the purchaser at his risk and expense. Sculptures In CARRARA MARBLE. The sculptures marked with a star will be sold de- liverable to the purchaser in their present position in the Roberts mansion and from which it fs to be re- moved by the purchaser. De ee 173 dibe Bather Height 45 inches / Head of Girl Medallion bas relief, by C. B. Ives With black walnut frame and pedestal 54 175 Seu ad: Mead of Child Medallion bas relief by C. B. Ives With black wainut frame and pedestal 176. Morning i Medallion bas relief, by E.D. Palmer With black walnut frame and pedestal 177 Wight i ae Medallion bas relief, by E.D. Palmer With black frame and pedcstal 178 SMe 3 2 Wl Primo Peccato Figure, by C. T. Angelini, Rome With marble pedestal Height, 40 inches £79 * Galatea / So dae Figure, by C. Voss, Rome : With marble pedestal Height, 76 inches a5 ree PTS Ge NS 180 *The Promised Lano Figure by F. Simmons, Rome With marble pedestal Height, 96 inches Rehr some th “ys ISI * Salome Figure, by W. W. Story, Rome With marble pedestal Height, 80 inches Bey? \ ‘ . ay 182 *Tuptd and Psyche Group, by A. S. Tadolini, Rome Pupil of Canova Professor of the Academy of Bologna With marble pedestal Height, 90 inches ed A Sieg 0 183 *Sappbo Figure, by C. Voso, Rome With marble pedestal Height, 76 inches 56 184 f v CF) CES *Treaty of Hendrick Hudson with the Wndians For the purchase of Manhattan Island, A.D., 1610 STEBBENS (Emma) Marble panel in alto relief 54 X 42 Rome 185 | ‘ By Wnnocence Fite ae Reclining figure of Sleeping Child 186 e * {Italian Boy ww 6 0. gem Figure, by L. Samain, Rome With marble pedestal Height, 87 inches 187 poe MeNie ) * Dante Co Figure, by G. Sunol, Rome With marble pedestal Height, 7oinches 188 } Wndian Wase Ae i By AMES Van WARTt. Indians hunting buffalo in bas relief on body of vase. Heads of buffalo for handles and surmounted by figures of Indians on rim of vase. Height, 44 inches 57 Verne tt fir f oa Na Cutty, We J Se BOS | cd foe THURSDAY EVENING, JAN, 21st, 1897. AT 8 O'CLOCK. tain ge nt, 189 UNKNOWN Landscape coum Tila: © Bien 2 Igo WILLEMS (after) Girl Writing [meee ‘eee Say @ 19I CROPSEY (J. F.), N. A. ; New York Glen Mane 17 x 11% ( 4 Sa es 1g2 UNKNOWN Candle Light “etfect 8% x 6% 58 - ee, 193 Sie UNKNOWN hawking Party 12x 14% 194 Fo Gea GILBERT (A.) : Landscape 13% x 8% 195 PERKINS(G.) ais New York Off Baracoa, Cuba 7x1 196 POWELL (W. H.), A. N. A. New York Born, 1828. Died, 1879 Landing of the Pilgrims 12X14 Fi De ne 197 LUCAS (A. D.) : , . New York Flowers 8 x 10 og epi o tient 198 HICKS (T.), N. A., ‘ : New York Born, 1820. Died, 1890 Pupil of Couture AH Roman Boy x 6! UN ihe teens eae 199 HAYS (W. J.), A. N. A. : New York Born, 1830. Died, 1875 Dog's Head 11% X13 200 DUTCH SCHOOL Sattle Piece IO X7 201 VALDA (H.) facing the Enemy uf te 16% X 21 202 DE BUEL L.), ‘ Brussels Cow Feeding 8x9 60 203 Le cee ee | DE HAAS (M. F. H.), N. A. . New York Born, 1832. Died, 1895 On the Beach 17 X9 204 RS ne UNKNOWN female Figure Oval panel 7X9 ae 205 UNKNOWN Dandscape—Clonop Day : 6x8 — 206 , Ur gh ae UNKNOWN The Harvest ficld SE 2s 61 207 WHITE (E.),N.A. . . New Vork Born, 1817. Died, 1877 Che Hrtist 10% x13 208 SCHIFLER Roman Willa t4°K 22 209 SOUVEAU Fruit 19 x 16 CCAIR 6 210 MULLER (Wm.) New York Old Church, Sleepy bollow 15 x I! C5 Use 211 HALLE (S. B.) Girl at Prayer 27 X 35 62 Le 0 212 HULK (A.) : The Hague Marine 9% X7 ne Mee Se 213 HALL (G. H.),N.A. : New York Merry Wives of Windsor 74%xX9%¢ foe Mia fi. 214 HART (Wm.), N. A..dec’d . New York Landscape 21% x8 Soe es 215 BLRAUVELT (C.F), N. A... Annapolis Che Old Toper 9% x 11% 63 i akan a 216 BAKER (C.) MParine 5x6 f ie es: Va 217 THOMPSON (Jerome), A. N. A. Born, 1817. Died, 1886 Wading 2344 x 16% nA ao vO 218 CAFFERTY (J. Je Bg iat | Born, 1819. Died, 1869 Portrait 34%X5 219 TALBOT (Jesse), A. N. A Born, - Died, 1879 Landscape 39 X 27 inna New York New York New York New York 220 Pi ee UNKNOWN Landscape 9x 6% 221 PEALE (Rembrandt) Philadelphia After Sir Joshua Reynolds Portrait 19 X 23 222 LAMBDIN (G.C,),N. A. . Philadelphia Born, 1830. Died, 1898 Picking Cherries 94% X13 tie fee cid 223 ft DAZARUS].H),NOA > *%. New Vork Born, . Died, 1891 Mndian Princess gx 12 65 224 BERGMAN The Love Letter 7x8 pee ou 225 GILBERT (A.) London Greenwich jHospital 21 X14 wh ee # U f 226 LUCAS (A.D)... 40> 2) Gene Flowers 8 x 10 ys CTOe Aer 227 UNKNOWN Madonna and Child 9% X 12 On copper 66 Chess CE 228 Orie) (OC). oo, ; Rome Italian Landscape 29% X20 LS Oe 229 LASSALLE (L. S$.) . -#Paris Pupil of C. D. Muller the fish Woman 8 x 10% 2.30 UNKNOWN Landscape 144 X9 ce pe" Bigs: 231 POWELL (W. H.), A. N. A. New York Born, 1824. Died, 1879 Gen. Winfield Scott I2xX 14 67 232 UNKNOWN Fruit and Flowers 43 X 29 4 joing 9 Baader ood | 233 THOM (J. C.) , New York Pupil of Ed. Frere The Children’s Supper I2x9 TEES EDs O / 234 TAIT (A. F.), N. A! : : New York Dead Game 11% x16 iL eee 2 235 AIT (A. Fi), Novak - New York Dead Game 11% x 16 68 236 /0. UNKNOWN Moonlight 64X5% Les. 237 0. Tee RANNEY (W.), A. N. A. - New York Born, 3". Died, 1857 Che Sportsman’s ibalt at the Well 23% x 19 238 UNKNOWN Fudith with head of tholofernes 19% x 23% (x 639 DUTCH SCHOOL tnterior 74X7 69 yi Y, vi oc Cho ts geen 2 by i yg 240 VERBOECKHOVEN (L.), . Brussels Stream in the Woods 48 X 30 ee a ele Oe | 241 WIMMER (G.) Bird's West 16x11% 242 DELECHAUX f : Paris The First Pipe 729 “4 } / Ma 243 UNKNOWN Boy's bead IoxX 12% 7° | ee or vU 244 SEINECKER (F.) HSbadyp Spot 22x 16% 245 SEIGNAC (P.) : ; Paris Pupil of Picot Che Good ibousewife 8x 10¥% LS Oe 246 UNKNOWN Virgin and Child 25 X 30 See 247 ROSSITER (T. P.), N. A. New York Died, 1871. Female thead 7%x9 71 vy O08 248 HAYS (W. J.) Born, 1830. Died, 1875 Cows 17 = 43 oe late CS 249 CROPSEY (J. F.), N. A. ; New York Mediterranean Coast Scene 174% XII a er wee 250 HINCKLEY (T. H.) ; ; London Landscape and Deer 28% x 21% | SAPS, 251 BERNARD (L,) Diana 19 X 33 72 252 Creer (C.-P.) N. A. Cambridge Born, 1813. Died, 1892 tn Berkshire 12% x19 . is oe of 6. 0-0 253 GARLAND (H.) Fisleep 19% X 23% — a6 So pens! 254 WILLIAMS (A. W.) Dake Luzerne 154% X9% 255 SCHUTZ (J. A.) Hl fresh Breese 40 X 27 73 2 56 MATHEWS (W.) Peaches 10 X 7 257 UNKNOWN Steamer, Obio 4I X 29 258 DE NOTER (David) Medals at Brussels, 1845, ’54 The thousewife II X14 peg CU 259 CASILEAR (J. W.), N. A. Born, 1811. Died, 1895 Genesee Meadows 18 x IO 74 New York Brussels New York Fi BOW ae 260 Hee oes ad HICKS (T.), N. A. d : New York Born, 1823. Died, 1890 Pupil of Couture The Ruined Tower 12% x 16% 261 UNKNOWN Fishing Village 74%9% wy NS ee 262 WHITTREDGE (W.), N. A. . New York Pupil of Andreas Achenbach Landscape IoX 5 Cee 263 CROPSEY (J. T.), N. A. New York View from Staten Island 134%xX9 75 yo? 264 UNKNOWN Flower Piece 10% K 12 CON Erie? 265 HALE (G. Hj), NA New York frederick the Great 17 x 20 Tae 266 HAYS (W. J.), N. A. . New York Born, 1880. Died, 1875 The Olive Branch 2A ae 17 Pet ow 267 PICART (L.) : pg of The OD Chateau 30 X 19 76 268 PECRUS (C.) : A : : Paris Che Pet Bird 6x8 Of fie 269 Moet teh (1. P.), Ne As. New York Born, 1818. Died, 1871 Encient Christians o7 x 19 pu. ve 270 MIGNOT (L. R.), N. A. ; New York, Born, 1831. Died, 1870 In the Woods IQ X 29 <0 ee 271 VANSEVERDONCK (L,) Brussels Landscape and Sheep 40 X 24 77 eve 6 U 272 OUVRIE (Pierre Justin) ; Paris Born, 1806. Died, 1879 Pupil of Pujol and Charleton Medsls, 1831, 18438, 1855 Legion of Honor, 1854, Emsterdam rh ie 4 473 OLD MASTER female thead 13X17 op ae vv } f 27 4 DE BOCK '(F.) >. : Dusseldorf The Peddler 40% X 34% Oey eG 275 KENSETT (J. T-), N. A. . New York Born, 1818. Died, 1873 [Pool in the Woods 74%X%9% 78 ee ae IO ae ae | iu 1} = 276 b Ove U KAUFFMANN (A.) after Vestal Virgin 27 x 36 277 JOHNSON (David) N. A. . New York Landscape 12x 18% ind ee 278 RANNEY (W. M.), A. N. A,, New York Born, . Died, 1857 The Tory Escort 16% X 13% Fy eae 279 , UNKNOWN head of Girl IIy xX Illy 79 if a) tee! Meee Cae 280 RAMSEY (M.) Paris Fruit 28 x 23 Pes we 281 UNKNOWN The Vow 6% x8 Yo 282 HICKS (T.), N. A. Born, 1828. Died, 1890 Pupil of Couture Pandscape New York 1329 ae 283 LAMBDIN (G.C),N. A. - Philadelphia Born, 1830. Died, 1896 fn the Library 10 Xx 13 80 284 Lo. ies PATRONS (J.) ; Paris Legion of Honor Russian Children 10% X13 yee 285 HAYS (W. J.), A. N, A. New York Born, 1830. Died, 1875 Flowers 8 x IO ce ee 286 ‘ HART (Wm.), N. A.,dec’d . New York Landscape €: af Upiae 287 ees LANG (Louis),N.A. . . £New York Born, 1814. Died, 1893 Solo with Hccompaniment 19 x 16 81 ey Gee 288 PEROGV CM), o75 London The Conway, orth Wales 17% x 10 % 289 RRC Uo HUNTINGTON (D.), N. A. New York Pupil of Prof. Morse and Inman The Fair Sketcher 6x8 290 UNKNOWN Coast Scene 20X 14% Paes ow 291 WHITTREDGE (W.), N. A. New York Pupil of Andreas Achenbach Landscape 10 x 6 82 292 RATT (A. F.) Ni A: Dead Game 11% x16 293 TAIT (A. FN. A, Dead Game 11% x 16 294 OLD MASTER knitting 8% x10 295 HICKS (T.), N. A. Born, 1823. Died 1890 Pupil of Couture Trenton falls 39 X 49 83 De arn New York PF vy Ooor New York LoS ia New York a) (9 re faa 296 UNKNOWN Game Piece s ane G0 297 VAN LEMPUTTEN (E.) Chickens 11% x9% f é O20 298 TALBOT (Jesse), A. N. A. Born ——. Died, 1879 Landscape 39 X 27 299 UNKNOWN head of Girl 8% x 10% 84 Brussels New York vo, O8 300 _ VENFANT vr METZ (L.) Children with Parrot 6x8 301 Callohe Sa ore LVENFANT pE METZ (L) Children with Chickens 6x8 302 / Si UNKNOWN Steamer Georgia 48 x 31 [ ) 503 Pe ane A aio iE: HAAS (PIERRE) The Doung Hrtist . 26% 39 85 Ds no 304 DOLPH (J. H.), A. N. A. ; New York kittens 8% x6 IG Chala Cig SCHLIVER (J. A.) Munich The Willage Inn 50 X 38 ae FOR Boe 0, 306 HULK (A.) : The Hague Marine 9%X7, cy LORE Oe, 307 ARMFIELD (G.) : London The iRat Trap II x 9% 86 oo St a ie a Niamey J S Seee 308 ~~ HART (James M.), N. A. New York Pupil of Schirmer Landscape Il%x15% 309 GUIDO Reni (after) Cleopatra sale ke ae 9] 310 DUTCH SCHOOL Game of Cards he a ait MIGNOT (L,. R.), N, A. New York Born, 1831. Died, 1870 Tropical Landscape 18x9% 87 PKS CLO 312 HICKS (7), Ne A. New York Born, 1823. Died, 1890 Pupil of Couture Road Scene 19 X 13% 050 313 SEIGNAC (P.) : : Paris Pupil of Picot Lady with Rose 8% XII Lp pasar : 314 CHAPMAN (J.G.),N. A. New York Born, 1808. Died, 1889 ‘Rachel 33 X 41 88 vf ai ie 0 315 CROPSEY (J. F.), N. A. New York Return from ibawking 14x8¥% 316 Se UNKNOWN The Launch tS x11 S flaca 317 CAFFERTY (J. H.) N. A. News York Born, 1819, Died, 1869. The Flower Girl 74%4%9% Lb cs Ga 318 HAYS (W. J.), A. N. A. New York Born 1830, died 1895. Setter and Woodcock 17% X 21 89 f 319 NOTTERMAN (Z.) Pupil of Vander Haerd. The Monkey 5x6 oa 320 HINCKLEY (T. H.) Cattle 29% X 21% APG. Cad 321 GUE Dutch Town 28 x 20 ie O 0 322, JENKINS (C. W.) Peaches 190 xX 7 go Gaud London New York 323 JOHNSON (D.), N. A. ; New York Medai, Philadelphia, 1876. : Landscape 8% by 6 So See 324 Be (Gs, BNA Ls. New York EHipril Showers 16 xX 23% LOR ee 325 PRERE (d.), dec’d ~ Paris Pupil of Delaroche Medals, 1850, °52, °55 Legion of Honor Born, 1819. Died, 1886 The Little Housekeeper GrariT gS, HO 326 ARMFIELD (G.), : London Dogs 14 X10 gl 327 JOHNSON (E.), N. A. New York The Funtor Partner 12) S055 : yaa ee tas a 328 JAMIN, (D. F.) Girl with Gold Fish 14% X 19 20S vv 329 BERANGER (A. E.) ; Paris Pupil of Delaroche Medals, 1846, °48 Born, 1814. Died, 1882 The Pew Monthly 9% x12 33° SHAYER (W.) : London Coast Scene 23 x 19 g2 Ree © Baye cag ot ae eee b 0b 331 LERAY (P.) : ; Paris Tide and Seek 15 xX 12 He UL eee 334 LITSCHAUER (K. J.) Dusseldorf , Born, 1880. Died, 1871. Pupil of Vienna and Dusseldorf Academies and Wiedenmuller and Tideman. Great Gold Medal, Amsterdam, 1864. The Gold Cup 32% 25% 333 DE HAAS (J. H. L.) ‘ Brussels Born in Belgium, 1832. Pupil of Van Oos. Gold Medal, Munich, 1869. Chevalier of the;Order of Leopold. Cattle Reposing aT xia 93 ef e 334 BAKER (G. A.), N. A... New Vork Born, 1621. Died 1880 The Garland 35 x 28 J o} Phe ces / 335 | UNTERBERGER (F. R.), .. Brussels Pupil of Munich Acadeniy, Albert Zimmermann and Andreas Achenbach. Order of Francis Joseph. Waples 48 x 33 NG “6 oy ANS R. SOMERVILLE ORTGIES & CO AUCTIONEER MANAGERS 94 Je BEITLER & CO, ‘ oF rae ae ¥ ; Y HG < : x “tne he ie er ' MAT eee ra : + Men ee epee Fi : ; ce xe ; =| F 4 da | | om e . 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