3 9° oe yg et Nh Aas? = or ee Ss Rieter * eae ates es: < 2 = a Pe Ss Snare cts ae eed Se sey re SAS. en Narknsscahn as ase a rn SSR ee Ren hee aes os At & : Aida ‘ au Hf - rmsd, he sees : 7 ee ee Cen 33 Spyder ap rs ay ie 3 - ™“ “ ~ Sere : : eee : = Spee arpa als td ea ete , aie =e. orig ts mre ae = 5 = - — : 2 = Pes aD Sea COL eMS 2 — ere ae sincere FES Umer, Cot Nays, 1-39-09, KNAPP-SHERBURNE SALE. At the first evening’s sale of the pictures forming the Knapp-Sherburne collections at Mendelssohn Hall, Jan. 21, a total of $14,- '125 was obtained for 56 pictures, The paintings sold for 200 and above, with title, artist, buyer’s name, when ob- tainable, and price, were as follows: Ruth, J. J. Heinne; R. E. F Ce ee ee ee rr ea are a DOO The Appian Way, A. Corelli; Geo. H. Buck..., 225 \The Visit, J. A. Goupil; ©. B. Alexander...... 200 Reception of the Squire’s Bride, W. M. Sanford; | CE PNOOE Tc rae cronies Payer 85:0, edhe 6% val khasd, siast ose Raahab cena iS Oard Players, J. A. Grison; G. A. Browder .... 800 At the second evening’s) sale, Jan. 22, a \Schreyer, “The Watering Place,” went to C. E. Snedecor for $8,000 for an out-of- town buyer. Another Schreyer, “Preparing for the Attack,” was sold to Knoedler & 'Co. for $5,100. | The sale realized $40,340, making $54,465 for the two evening’s sales. | “The Last Glance,” by J. G. Vibert, was ‘knocked down to James H. Spencer at | $2,525, and “View in France,” by Ziem, was purchased by Knoedler & Co, for Other sales were: Pe TMMMY, OU Le CoB esate. tra lelayelars aye ola vie oie e/eGN RT ave 0%s0 00.0 0 $200 |The Bridegrocm, J. A. Grison; W. M. Sanford.. 325 {In the Library, J. Aranda; 0. G. Smith...... 325 Head, G. Jacquet, Holland Art Galleries....... 225 | Russian Outposts, W. Kowalski; A. Hisenberg.... 325 | Still Life, Max Schodl; F. F. Sherburne...... 200 | Halt of the Carayan, A. Pasini; L. A. Lanthier. 625 Ther Arrivainnc., Dettic) PP. W: Rouss......0.0.s. 575 Rocks-—Fontainebleau, Corot; F. F. Sherburne.. 750 Your Good Health, Edward Grutzner; Theodore NEWER PORN EET gcoo oa. cia ts 6.6.2 4.61.0 ein sieve ep a0 510 Fisherman’s Wooing, EB. Portielje; C. H. Traeser 280 |Landsecape* and Cattle, C. Troyon; F. F, Sher- eR E SEE ove tole tel tale iaietarsis' clase l6'e.0 Poe Siva oscar are 1,000 | November, J. Francis Murphy; BD. M. McGuire.. 260 |Head of a Boy, Sir Thomas Lawrence; Theo- } OES CUI Pre locs viel seis sie isciv s Sev p ies ee ee 350 | Cottage in Winter, Louis Apol; Samuel Heller.. 200 bharmieNearemicouen, J. ©. Cazin.......i.0cccees 1,175 |Sheep in the Stable, E. Verboeckhoven; BH. M. (OODLE 0S oh ASG SORA eee 650 |Landseape and Figures L’hermitte; Knoedler & Co. 500 {Street in Cairo, Chlebowski; W. M. Sanford.... 200 |Bridge at Verona; F. Thaulow; P. W. Rouss.... 550 |The Laneé—Milton, George Inness; EH. M. McGuire 500 |After the Collision, M. F. H. de Haas; Otto Ere PPMP IN Mn dies icidisiss «ic a0 w(cicseicle sacs se we 275 Landscape and Cows, BE. Van Marcke; J. Epstine 1,250 The Dispute, J. A. Grison; W. M. Sanford...... 1,000 |}Halt of a Caravan, V. Huguet; C. BE. Henry.. 500 The Vacant Chair, T. E. Rosenthal; A. Blsenberg 650 Portrait of Sheridan, Gainsborough; ‘‘Montgomery’’ 350 Spring, W. Bouguereau; Richard BE. Traeser.... 1,375 Sheep in Pasture, Ter Meulen; Knoedler & Co.. 575 ‘In the Apple Orchard, L. Perrault; A. Hisenberg 275 Coast of Cornwall, W. T. Richards; O. Bernet, Lei: Ce Fg ae. 0 sc BBR pb OG eon> DO Clan saoee cents 500 The Prescribed Race, A. Van der Venne; P. H. UR ESTURCILNONIIN CMe tae © cis niaionc/« SitosPetaversole's: ones. 60008 230 In Galifornia, W. lL. Picknell; B. Hison........ 1,575 ‘La Coquette, R. de Madrazo; American Litograph PMD ANRY, ie cioleys itis sree cco os vie Wieieriwins, cleie!sierereieie ® viare 1,000 . : VaSer ni tack ace piste a RS OO ‘Monk Reading, B. Grutzner; A. Wisenberg...... $400 |The Art Lesson, C. Dettt; Geo. H. Buck...... 200 ,Door at the Moorish Palace, A. Pasini; Geo. H. LEUNG) NO Gora ROLES GUE Ge ee i ie 900 | Turkish Rug Merchant, F. A. Bridgman; EH. N. ; DA WEETIGS =. eins Seedietees dee os ove dicen cS eoee - O20 |Market Secene—Constantinople, A. Pasini; Geo, H. ee Kemreaa a mucteletnts ettrteten sg tote ioe he cele che de eG cies . 825 | Caritas, A. Bodenmuller; Geo. H. Buck........ 200 , Last Gi ur Good H rman Landscape and Cattle—T [ BROrDOUENS.: Uae ss8 si 6 6 won eeecoses H. J. He ee . P. Landscape and Cows—Marc The Dispute—Grison; W. M. PCs s Halt of a Caravan—Huguet; C, E. Henry, aw Vacant Chair—Rosenthal; A. His’ see esessrree oa en ere a eeseses Portuntt | ety Buerilan-Galtahorouehs. > Mites te Our) aig bickie a'b a sa nlWaisiore wire tok” the ‘Attack—Sohreyer ey seeene ; A. Hise Pare es t rou ne tee ,, Boing. to ee Prantty, signees) Barents “George A. ioe eta, 8 ee Reet Bineresh, “The Watering Place,” by Schreyer, yas, & work of his best period, and highest price of ie _ Ne EN 220 to C. E. Snedecor. i ee — SS _ SCHREYER BRINGS $8,000. i Be) - 1d, q he, Sold for $5,100, As at the ‘rst evening's sale, in Mendelssohn Hall, of ‘paintings belonging to: ‘the estates of the _ Joseph F. Knapp, o: Schreyer.last.night. brought the highest price. picture was ‘The Watering Place,” and went to. ther ; Paadine by ae Artist joklyn, and Warren Sher- burne, of Lexington, Nhe a painting “py Adolf | late | The C. E. Snedecor for $8,000. Another Schreyer, ‘‘Pre- | paring for the Attack,” was: sold to Knoedler. & Co. for. $5,100. Bie _ The sale was conducted by Bctnas EH. Kirby, and realized $40,340, making 54,408 tor the two evenings’ sales. “The Last Glance,” by J. Ge Vibert, was knocked own to James H. Spencer at $2,525, and “View in rance,”’ by Ziem, was purchased by Knoedler & ~Co. for $2,800. Other noteworthy sales were; Hees Grande, aac Isieacy B. \Sanchez-Perrier; R. C SU simatic aDatD leis shld CRM CROMMRCN oo ace fe wlan Sea eae se $200 - The Bridegroom, J. A. Grison; Wy. M,’ Sanford. ..).. 825 In’ the. Library, J. Aranda; OO Gi Smith. .... | Contemporary THE OLD WELL Ce On the right of the picture stands the oA old farm- house; up the steps leading to the door a woman is carrying a heavy basket, stooping forward to the load. Close under the wall is an old well with a stone curb and lean-to roof, a chain dropping from the clumsy windlass to the depths beneath. A fine cockerel and his wives are busy near by picking at the grain which has been thrown there, and in the distance is the roof of a more modern part of the buildings. Signed at the lower left, Jures Justin. Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Warren SHERBURNE. No. 38 THEODORE GIRARD FRENCH e Contemporary LMber eee: THE DAIRY MAIDS Tue scene shows the cool, inviting entrance to a dairy, with the shutters of a window let down to serve as a counter for the display of the wares, milk cans, cream jars and the like. A young girl, her apron looped up to show a dark skirt be- neath, is pouring milk from a pitcher into a bowl held by a golden-haired companion, while a dog at their feet awaits anx- iously the meal which he knows to be in store for him. Inscribed on back: Le souscrit déclare que le tableau ci-contre est original. Ture. GrrarD. Brvxettes, Juillet 1869. Signed at the lower right, Tu. Gmagp, 1868. Height, 27 inches; width, 21 inches. Owner, Estate of the late WarrEN SHERBURNE. IPA. “. % T/A ot hcetenp No. 39 g STANISLAS CHLEBOWSKI g RUSSIAN “i Contemporary ; THE YOUNG PASHA ‘ ; ) On a divan in the corner of a sunny apartment in a Turkish seraglio lies a beautiful young woman, her dark hair flowing in unrestrained profusion over her long robes of pink and white silk, beneath which one small slippered foot daintily pro- trudes. A negro attendant, followed by two nurses, brings in her little boy, the young pasha, a resplendent figure in a brilliant fez of scarlet, his little tunic and breeches heavily en- crusted with gold embroidery. A dagger is in his sash, and in his hand he carries a naked scimitar, with which he has been dealing destruction to a regiment of toy soldiers standing on the floor. Beyond the little group we have a glimpse of a sunny garden and the windows of the farther wing of the house. Signed at the lower left, Sr, CuteBowsx1, 1879. Height, 28 inches; width, 22 inches. Owner, Estate of the late WarrEN SHERBURNE. a Lk, s 1847—1886 No. 40 WILLIAM HENRY HILLIARD AMERICAN 1836— WOOD INTERIOR pele mee A parx pool in the depths of the forest, over the surface of which skims a small bird. Dense trees grow close around, their branches reflected from the mirror of the waters, while be- tween their topmost twigs a glimpse of blue sky appears, its farther view being blotted out by the surrounding growth. Height, 18 inches; length, 30 inches. Owner, Estate of the late WarrEN SHERBURNE. Bech 4 No. 41 A wicye~ ALFONS BODENMULLER GERMAN CARITAS | GT) MOPAR, A voor woman carrying a baby has come to the door of a rich merchant to beg for alms, and sits exhausted upon the stone steps before the house. The lady of the house, her heart touched with compassion, brings her little daughter to hand the unfortunates a bowl of food. The figures are dressed in the style of the late fifteenth century, the lady in red, with a broad wimple on her head, her daughter in green, with a long trailing skirt. In the background is the market place, with a group of women round the fountain. ¢ A = ‘ i od mee ie Ne I led ike ae Sein aa oD la llores acetate tet ac ells sagen N cn cai ARit ebm ewan oo iets x i heel Signed at the lower left, Atrons BopENMULLER, MUNCHEN, 1879. Height, 2714, inches; width, 20% inches. Estate of the late Joseru F. Knapp. PLFA aer ee Oe eT) ee Oh peice yg ee Ph ey oF " No. 42 WALTER FRANKLIN LANSIL AMERICAN SAenteh 1846— MIDNIGHT ON THE MEUSE A LARGE square-rigged sailing ship lies peacefully at anchor in the midst of a broad expanse of water. A few smaller boats are dotted here and there over the scene, and in the distance the dark outlines of the buildings of a fair-sized town, spark- ling with lights, stretch across the background of the pic- ture. Overhead, the sky is covered with dark rolling cloud, save in the centre, where a break in the mass of vapor shows the depths beyond, whence a flood of moonlight pours upon the surface of the still waters, turning the night into the sem- blance of day. Signed at the lower left, Waurer F. Lansiz, 1893. Height, 22 inches; length, 30 inches. Owner, Estate of the late WarrEN SHERBURNE. yeah § SFE a i Fs te a2 i ny Pra Re) i ape iets | No. 43 ANDREW FISHER BUNNER, N.A. AMERICAN LAT, 1841—1897 vy, he W1gtr- CAMPANILE OF SAN PAOLO, VENICE THE scene shows a little corner in Venice, where a narrow canal, running, as in a chasm, between the walls of great houses so close built that no ray of sunlight can penetrate, joins the broader waters of another canal, spanned on the left by the arch of a bridge. A vendor of vegetables passing in his boat exchanges pleasantries with two girls washing clothes in a narrow doorway. Towering above the crowded houses is the great tower of the church of San Paolo, standing out boldly against a cloudy sky and dwarfing even the tallest of the sur- rounding houses. Signed at the lower left, A. F. BunNeR, VENICE. Height, 32 inches; width, 22 inches. Estate of the late Josern F. Knapp. No. 44 ane: GILBERT STUART nf Bes ‘acco fit 1755—1898_ Ly ,94 : : PORTRAIT ¥ Tue half-length portrait of a man in the prime of life, sit- Ei ting in three-quarter view to the right. He is dressed n a heavy coat of brown cloth, the collar rising high at the back of the neck. His throat is encircled by a stock of white linen, and his dark brown hair, growing low upon his forehead, frames a face full of character and determination. Inscribed on stretcher, Capt. CHARLES SARGENT. a Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. Bi Owner, Estate of the late WarrEN SHERBURNE, An RSX No. 45 ADOLF SCHREYER GERMAN 1828—1899 IMPERIAL CARRIER A sMALL party travelling through the frozen wilds of Russia are overtaken by a sudden snow squall. An old man sits wrapped in heavy garments within a covered sledge drawn by six horses harnessed three abreast, one of each line being ridden by a swarthy Cossack. They are just crossing a bridge over a small rivulet, and some of the horses edge off as though frightened at the prospect. A glimpse is caught of an at- tendant who rides behind the sledge enveloped in the swirling snowflakes. On the right of the road is a mass of rock stand- ing out in dark contrast against the white shroud which covers the landscape. Signed at the lower left, Ap. SCHREYER. Height, 26 inches; width, 34 inches. Estate of the late Joseru F. Knapp. No. 46 WILLIAM LOUIS SONNTAG, N.A. AMERICAN HEART OF THE ALLEGHENIES Hicu on the side of a mountain the spectator stands; to right and left stretches the circle of the hills, ridge succeeding ridge as far as the eye can see. On the nearer hillside the devastat- _ ing tempest, or the ruthless hand of man, has denuded the slope of trees, leaving an ugly bare scar behind, but in the distance the forests grow thicker and hide the sores. Beneath, the fertile valley stretches, dotted with houses, to the limit of vision, the distance veiled in the light mist of twilight. Overhead the sky is a serene blue flecked with light clouds, rose pink in the sunset. Signed at the lower right, W. L. Sonnvaa, 1872. Height, 24 inches; length, 38 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Warren SHERBURNE. PB. 319-r0laeg ti Rep. No. 47 HENRY MOSLER, N.A. AMERICAN 1841— THE WATER CARRIER oD US Oatiinge— A sRicHT-Facep little Italian girl, clad in a blue petticoat and white chemise, over which are a brilliant shawl and green apron, is carrying a large copper jar filled with water, her left arm outstretched to balance its heavy weight. She walks between the white walls of a garden, glaring in the noonday sun, but shaded to some extent by a thickly growing creeper which overhangs the path. Between the walls can be seen the summit of a mountain standing out against the deep blue of an Italian sky. Signed at the lower right, Henry Moster. Height, 36 inches; width, 26 inches. 3 Owner, Estate of the late WarrEN SHERBURNE. ¢ ee " we v4 } - oe No. 48 \ “a «3 GEORGES MICHEL Paget : FRENCH Hh, gets 1763—1843 i, LANDSCAPE A sanpy, deep-rutted road cuts its ugly scar across the centre of the picture, winding between the rounded slopes of two slight eminences. To right and left stand a number of fine old oaks, standing out in bold masses against the sky, sentinels against the ages. The dark body of their foliage makes agreeable contrasts with the play of light and shade upon the ground below, while between their trunks and across the sharp-cut shoulders of the hill the eye sees naught but sky and blue vaporous clouds floating in the measureless abyss of space. Height, 20 inches; length, 28 inches. Owner, Estate of the late WarrEN SHERBURNE. No. 49 « AIME PERRET FRENCH 1847— HOUR OF THE ANGELUS Over a rough meadow sloping gently upward to the right, a flock of geese slowly wend their way homeward. The goose girl, in rough homespun cloak, sabots on her feet and her head bound in a kerchief, paces slowly behind, her knitting in her hands, her eyes cast down to mark the busy click of the needles. In the distance, a row of trees borders the horizon, and the mass of a church stands out in the purple haze of twilight. An air of calm broods over the scene, and high over- head the new moon swims in the limpid ether. Signed at the lower right, Aimé PERRET. Height, 29 inches; length, 36 inches. Owner, Estate of the late WarrEN SHERBURNE. $23 7 f J Sx- No. 50 HENRY MOSLER, N.A. AMERICAN Hoon 1841— Lhe ptt ietlig SPRINGTIME In the corner of a meadow, before a background of dark foliage, is a small boy of some eight years of age. The collar of his shirt is open at the neck and he wears no coat. He has set down a pitcher which he has been carrying and is busily decorating his hat with wild flowers which grow round him in luxuriant profusion amid the rich grass of the meadow: pop- pies, dandelions, wild carrot and the like. The sun shines full upon his fair head, and upon the left, a small patch of blue sky can be seen through the branches. Signed at the lower right, HENry Mostrr, Paris, 1878. Height, 361, inches; width, 26 inches. Estate of the late Josern F. Knapp. No. 51 WILLIAM HENRY HILLIARD AMERICAN saating 1836— SADDLEBACK MOUNTAIN Turoveu the centre of the picture runs the placid waters of a fair-sized river, disappearing in the middle distance round the shoulder of a hill. To right and left the ground slopes sharply down to the water’s edge, the hill sides clothed in ver- dant forests, tinged russet and gold with the hues of the first days of autumn. In the distance, the huge bulk of Saddleback Mountain rears its outline against the sky, the grayish blue of its sides marred by the scar of a deep gully which traverses it from top to bottom. The sky is a quiet blue, covered for the most part by fleecy masses of cloud. Signed at the lower right, W. H. Hrxiarp. Height, 24 inches; length, 40 inches. Owner, Estate of the late WarreN SHERBURNE. os i iy i, m) C tia eee AT eee hn Sr ae Ot pale” Sat ey het of CA alae 1 — ber No. 52 A. CORELLI ITALIAN Contemporary THE APPIAN WAY eG J? WA Sae Tue picture shows a gateway in a half-ruined wall against which leans a dusky maiden bearing in her arms a basket of fruit. Round the angle of the wall sweeps a narrow road, the Appian Way, perhaps the most famous highway in the world. Over the wall hang branches of trees with brilliant blossoms, and in the distance a lady with a parasol leans over a low parapet. The scene is brilliantly lit by the rays of the noon- day sun shining from out the deep blue of an Italian sky. Signed at the lower right, A. Coreti1, Roma. Height, 41 inches; width, 28 inches. Estate of the late Josern F. Knapp. No. 53 G. W. WHITAKER AMERICAN ot Contemporary, * FRUIT PIECE | %(,/Mttoch4 “he Ow an oaken table, whose polished surface reflects the gold and crimson of their skins, are heaped a quantity of luscious fruit: peaches, grapes, pears, an orange split into segments, and many others. Behind them the light falls upon the burn- ished sides of a brass water-jar, while the tones of the back- ground, curtains of old gold and dull peacock blue, accentuate the soft bloom upon their tender forms. Signed at the liwer right, G. W. WuitaKer. Height, 39 inches; length, 44 inches. Owner, Estate of the late WarrEN SHERBURNE. oe ee : Lj No. 54 x ees JULES ADOLPHE GOUPIL i FRENCH 1839—1883 THE VISIT Cv. Pesarker A FOOTMAN in powdered wig and knee breeches is just closing the doors of the reception-room as a visitor, leaning on the arm of the lady of the house, approaches to greet the other guests. The costumes are in the style of the end of the Second Empire, when small bonnets, bustles and heavy curls were worn. The visitor is in black velvet, with a fine Cashmere shawl thrown over her shoulders, her hostess being in blue silk, cut low at the neck, and wearing a single rose in her fair hair. The furniture of the room indicates that the owner is a per- son of refinement as well as wealth. Signed at the lower left, Jures Gourit, 1870. Height, 39 inches; length, 511% inches. Owner, Estate of the late WarrEN SHERBURNE. Pr ach fpr RO 1431 MUSA Fs Frgpol No. 55 GIRLANDO CORTAZZO : aA Ay Miah ee ITALIAN | ‘ ide Contemporary RECEPTION OF THE SQUIRE’S BRIDE In the market place of a quaint old town surrounded by fif- teenth-century houses, and overlooked by the grim walls of a large castle, the citizens are presenting an address to their over-lord and his new bride. A notary, in flowing robe and full-bottomed wig, is reading his speech, marking his periods with uplifted hand. Around him stand a brillantly dressed group of gentlemen, while behind them a number of towns- people have broached a cask of wine and uproariously drink to the health of the happy couple. The latter stand beneath an arch of green branches and flowers, the lady in a gown of red silk over a light blue petticoat, the man in a travelling cloak of brown, red waistcoat and top boots. In the back- ground the carriage and postilions wait impatiently for the termination of the ceremony. Signed at the lower left, GirLANDO CortTazzo. Height, 341, inches; width, 57 inches. Estate of the late JosepH F. Knapp. ‘it tee LN hon eR aR lb a de A No. 56 WILLIAM L. PICKNELL, N.A. a AMERICAN ee BAM Mahon P| 1852—1897 e | MAN IN BOAT re ai Over a sea whose glassy surface is undisturbed by the slightest ripple, a man in the costume of a Spanish fisherman is slowly propelling a small boat. He stands upright in the stern, poling the boat. Amidships is a lobster pot, and in the bow a confused mass of nets lying above the useless sail. In the distance is the outline of the shore, dimly seen through the gathering mist of evening. The sky is covered with heavy clouds, which lend their sober gray to the bosom of the smooth waters. Signed at the lower right, Wm. L. PickNELL. Height, 48 inches; width, 55 inches. Owner, Estate of the late WarrEN SHERBURNE. ¢ : i Se eee SECOND AND LAST EVENING’S SALE FRIDAY, JANUARY 22np, 1909 AT MENDELSSOHN HALL (Fortieth Street, east of Broadway) BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.30 o’cLOCK e fi gt ae : bs ie No. 57 JULES WORMS FRENCH 1832— ly 7m Le Vea LADY IN THE GARDEN Wie Moce In the shade of an old-time hedge, close by a massive stone urn, a lady sits alone, reading. She is clad in a flowing gown of pink silk cut low at the neck, drawn back from the knee to disclose the snowy petticoat beneath, and falling in graceful folds to the ground on either side. A large hat shades her face from the rays of the sun, which fall full upon her as she sits, her right hand raised to her chin in pensive fashion. Signed at the lower right, J. Worms. Height, 7 inches; width, 5 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Warren SHERBURNE. Pet/s/ ZI0oF¥ No. 58 a SRK — . a JOHANN WILHELM PREYER Comp ton GERMAN ca 1803—1889 3 ae FRUIT ie Se) Vlg er Uron the corner of a marble table lies a bunch of luscious fruit: a peach split in two and showing the stone, several plums, a bunch of grapes and another peach complete the group, which shows up effectively against a dark background. Signed at the lower right, J. W. Preyer, 1880. Height, 9 inches; width, 12 inches. Estate of the late Joseru F. Kwapp. 2 57s pms No. 59 qc J “9. SANCHEZ-PERRIER 1) j FRENCH fo —1907 CEL. Veck ZOCCO GRANDE, TANGIERS Tuer scene shows a group of wooden stalls within the court- yard of a large building in Tangiers. The stalls are used for the marketing of vegetables, and a few people pass through pricing the wares, while in the foreground a couple of Moors sit cross-legged on the ground. The building surrounding the market is pierced with arches, which are used as storehouses or stables. Signed at the lower right, E. SancHEz-Perrier, Tancer, 87. Height, 6 inches; width, 10 inches. Estate of the late JoserH F. Knapp. No. 60 EUGENE LE POITTEVIN ; FRENCH Jf 1806—1870 | THE SEASIDE BA EE ge Tue scene shows the beach of a little French watering place, in the era of crinolines and chignons. In the foreground a young woman is washing some clothes in a tub placed on the ground. A young lady wrapped in a bath-robe approaches over the sands and directs her steps towards a row of bath- houses, undergoing as she passes the severe scrutiny of a burly fisherman standing near. In the background a row of gentlemen and ladies sit and stand along the beach by the edge of the sea, which stretches calm and blue to the horizon. Signed at the lower right (monogram), E. L. P. | Height, 10 inches; length, 13 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Warren SHERBURNE. No. 61 JULES ADOLPHE GRISON FRENCH THE BRIDEGROOM A RUDDY-FACED young man, probably a small farmer, is dressing for his wedding. In his flowered waistcoat, silk breeches and stockings and wearing a huge bouquet in his bosom, he stands with a sheepish grin on his face before a mir- ror, while his old mother stands beside him with clasped hands as if overwhelmed with his magnificence. Signed at the lower right, Grison. Height, 91%, inches; width, 7 inches. Estate of the late JoserpH F. Knapp. Contemporary Dy. ps Aangotd s a Pai. ssc No. 62 LEON VICTOR DUPRE pg ome: FRENCH (Or ean pashli taataataKannsnnsiie” 1816—1879 ic LANDSCAPE CNM Madan | Across a narrow river lies a flat meadow in which a number of cows take their ease under the care of a woman in a red cap. Beyond are seen a number of cottages nestling together under the shelter of a clump of tall trees. Upon the right grows an old elm, half bare of leaves, its withered branches standing out gaunt and bare against the sky, which is of a tender blue almost entirely covered with masses of heavy roll- ing cloud. Between the clumps of trees the view extends over a luxuriant country-side to the blue horizon. Signed, Victor Durre, 1867. Height, 11 inches; length, 14 inches. Owner, Estate of the late WarrEN SHERBURNE. No. 63 5 “ J. BEAUFAIN IRVING, N.A. AMERICAN 1826—1877 To Se - CHILDREN ie. if Ow a chair, upholstered in green, sits a tiny child clad in the lightest of attire, her fair head bent in close examination of her great toe, to which something has evidently happened. Beside her, on a low stool, is another child similarly dressed, who is no less interested in the results of the inspection. Signed at the lower right, J. B. Irvine, 65. Height, 12 inches; width, 10 inches. Owner, Estate of the late WarrEN SHERBURNE. Si Nae fg NE SATIN SN SPER JOSE JIMENEZ Y ARANDA SPANISH 1832— IN THE LIBRARY Msi eg SSE LOE Aw elderly man, dressed in long tail coat, flowered waistcoat and knee breeches has plucked a volume from his shelves, and casts a hasty glance over one of its pages, while marking another place with his forefinger. His attitude shows that he is merely looking up some point which has occurred to him while reading the volume which lies open on the table near by. Signed at the lower left, J. Ananpa, Paris. Height, 13 inches; width, 94, inches. Estate of the late Joseru F. Knapp. . No. 65 JEAN GUSTAVE JACQUET FRENCH HEAD Tue head and shoulders of a fair-haired girl. Her dress of green velvet, richly embroidered with flowers, is cut low off her neck, around which is a necklace of pearls, while over her right shoulder is cast a cloak of dark-blue velvet. On her head is set a jaunty little hat of the same material as the cloak, in which is a spray of white osprey feathers. Her face is in three-quarter view to the left, her head leaning saucily to- wards her right shoulder as she looks directly at the spectator. Signed on the left, G. Jacquet. Height, 13 inches; width, 10 inches. Owner, Estate of the late WarrEN SHERBURNE. Cera es JE'n wa'd a tne he Le eh th a pera’ if i AN eee eee Geet Tat al SF te A Ne I A he ad bt ee alee 2, Pah mt Ped dae, = BK? fe ys ued Rerae On rit . Dien 1846— bs . tah hrifotioe rowel, ff YyoSI- osm s- bra. Fret. No. 66 apaemeel ALFRED WIERUSZ VON KOWALSKI RUSSIAN 1849— oe oe énbery RUSSIAN OUTPOSTS A Caucasian chieftain with an attendant sits on his horse upon a rocky ledge guarding a gloomy defile in a fastness of the mountains. He wears a sheepskin cap, long brown cloak and blue trousers. On his right hip he supports a long-bar- relled gun, and across his chest are bandoliers full of car- tridges. Close behind him is one of his men with a drawn sword, and others appear riding up the rocky path in the background. A patch of blue sky shows high up on the left, and a mountain peak tinged blood-red in the direct rays of the sun. Signed at the lower left, Wierusz Kowatsk1. Height, 131 inches; width, 101 inches. Estate of the late JosepH F. Knapp. No. 67 MAX SCHODL AUSTRIAN STILL LIFE Ai 7 Mherberrery On a table heavily inlaid with mother-of-pearl stands a clock mounted in a holder of Chinese workmanship. Beside the clock is a fine porcelain vase elaborately decorated in enamels of various colors, and in front of it is a pair of Japanese fig- ures carved in ivory. The corner of a piece of silk embroid- ered with designs of flowers in divers colors is thrown across the table, and falls in graceful lines in front of it. The paint- ing is delicate, and the values of the various substances are rendered with great precision. Signed at the wpper left, Max Scuonpt, 1888. Height, 14 inches; width, 10 inches. Owner, Estate of the late WarrEN SHERBURNE. Y/t? ei ALBERTO PASINI “Se ITALIAN 19 b 7G » 1826—1899 mR : eh. anther HALT OF THE CARAVAN A cavaucape of Arabian horsemen has drawn up at a small SEF oasis, and dismounting, stand in groups of two and three at their horses’ heads; they stand in line, close to the trees, as if seeking to conceal their presence from an unsuspecting enemy. A small pool of water lies in the foreground, and sparse tufts of vegetation spring from the arid sand, which extends up to the belt of trees. Signed at the lower left, A. Pasin1, 1887. Height, 18 inches; width, 10 inches. Estate of the late JoserH F. Knapp. No. 69 WILLIAM HENRY HILLIARD AMERICAN 1836— ———— PINE FOREST AND POOL ue: CH Ee | A sMALL river widens in the foreground into a fair-sized pool, in which lie half-submerged the rotting trunks of sev- eral fallen pine trees. The forest grows thickly all around, and between the upper branches of the trees is seen the out- lines of a lofty verdure-clad mountain. The sky is a sunny blue, with light hazy clouds near the horizon, while the depths of the pool reflect the blue of the sky and the darker rs of the surrounding trees. Height, 14 inches; width, 10 inches. Owner, Estate of the late WarrEN SHERBURNE. fo No. 70 \ coe G. H. KOTSCHENREITER GERMAN Contemporary Wee a Wi Migs A THE RETURN FROM MARKET A man clad in a heavy brown ulster stands on the doorstep of a large house. Upon his arm is slung a basket, and a fine duck hangs from his waist. A green bag over his right shoul- der seems to be well filled, probably with more provisions. The ground is covered with snow, and he blows on his numbed fingers in an endeavor to impart to them some degree of warmth. Signed at the lower left, G. KotscHEenReItTErR, 1871. Height, 1714 inches; width, 144% inches. Estate of the late Josern F. Kwapp. eocley Kev Sere - No. 71 | a \ & FERDINAND VICTOR EUGENE DELACROIX J FRENCH ao” 1799—1863 h ew THE ELOPEMENT THE greatest of the Romanticists has conceived a little story which is staged on a narrow footpath, bordered on the one side by a sheer precipice descending to unseen depths, and hemmed in on the other by a lofty wall of rock. A lady mounted upon a great warhorse, her cloak flying to the breeze, rests her hand upon the shoulder of a tall, bearded man in medieval attire, who stands leaning upon a heavy two-handed sword. At his feet is the body of a man, his foe, whom he has struck down in mortal combat, and who raises himself on his hands in a last dying effort. The lady’s look is bent gently upon her protector’s countenance, as he stretches forth his left hand to lead her pawing steed into a place of saftey. Signed at the lower right, Devacrorx. Height, 161, inches; width, 121%, inches. Owner, Estate of the late Warren SHERBURNE. Lepl F( 27/18 ee No. 72 > ‘ CESARE DETTI f Le +r ees ITALIAN oe Sr. (Krewe 1848— THE ARRIVAL In an old courtyard, illumined by the slanting rays of an Italian sun, stands.a gayly dressed group of figures. An old noble of feeble mien leans upon the arm of his daughter, as he advances to greet a young couple who have evidenty just . | dismounted from a horse which stands under an archway | in the background, while between them stands a little boy leaning upon a large greyhound. A flight of steps behind the group leads to a covered gallery running round the court- yard, the parapet of which is adorned with brilliantly painted escutcheons. The figures are dressed in the rich style of the cinquecento, the ladies in flowing robes of silk and satin, and © the gentlemen with fur-trimmed cloaks and trunk hose. Signed at. the lower right, C. Derr, 80. Height, 16% inches; width, 1214 inches. Estate of the late JosepuH F. Knapp. ; » ee ee ee | } hen yv- en Nt ae v SEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT a ? : : FRENCH i @ 1796—1875 fae Re woe” ROCKS—FONT AINEBLEAU an _ A GREAT mass of moss-grown rocks are heaped one on the other in the centre of the picture. From the crannies between them grow ferns, delicate maidenhair, and forest flowers. The trunks of great trees surround them, and their thick foliage forms a screen, shutting off all view of the sky, save a glimpse here and there of grayish blue which filters through the inter- stices of the leaves. Inscribed on back: Etude par Corot, forét de Fontainebleau. Signed at the lower left, Corot. Height, 13 inches; length, 48 inches. Owner, Estate of the late WarrEN SHERBURNE. No. 74 i M. F. H. DE HAAS, N.A. AMERICAN 1832—1895 Wes CPirg ZL ON THE COAST In a choppy sea, several dories have put out from Gs ves- sels and are getting ready to cast their lines. The white sails show up against a sky covered with gray clouds, and in the distance a rocky island thrusts its barren shores above the surface of the water. Signed at the lower right, M. F. H. pe Haas, N.A. Height, 14 inches; width, 201% inches. Estate of the late Josern _F. Knapp. ? foe aAUu*¥™X Not Z ¥ a { Lp. felface JEHAN GEORGES VIBERT rm pete FRENCH ay | ee 1840—1902 THE LAST GLANCE In the corner of a large salon a young cardinal stands before _ a cheval mirror, taking a last approving glance at his figure as he draws on one of his gloves. A fine figure he makes and a striking one, all in scarlet, from his shovel hat to his brilliant umbrella, and he is perfectly conscious of the fact. The apart- ment in which the scene is laid is of great height, with tes- sellated floor and marble walls. A lofty marble column ap-. pears on the right, and a gilt console table laden with valuable porcelain shows behind the mirror. Signed at the lower right, J. G. Vipert. Height, 181% inches; width, 15 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Warren SHERBURNE. i CT oe otf f 2- “LoZo exX “ \ 4 i Ue (Kecla | No. 76 EDUARD GRUTZNER j GERMAN ae 1846— Mas. v “YOUR GOOD HEALTH!” At a table on which are the remains of a scanty meal of turnips and rye bread sits a jolly-looking old priest and a friend, whom his patched clothes and apron indicate to be a workman, probably a cobbler. That the meagreness of their repast does not affect their spirits is shown by their genial smiles as they touch their mugs of beer together, and the cobbler’s hand laid affectionately upon the priest’s shoulder would show that they are more than chance acquaintances. Signed at the lower right, Ev. Grirzner, 88. Height, 16 inches; width, 20 inches. Estate of the late Josepn F. Kwnapp. No. 77 EDWARD PORTIELJE FRENCH mee Lip ttfiite FISHERMAN’S WOOING In a chair by a window through which bright sunlight is streaming, a pretty young girl is seated. Her clothes are of the roughest, a plain blue blouse, open at the neck, and a coarse apron covering her skirt. Close beside her on the win- dow seat is a young fisherman, his arm round the back of her chair, his body leaning forward as they read together a. letter which he holds in his hand, and which appears to afford them some amusement. The interior of the cottage, while plain, is cheerful. The table has not yet been cleared from the last meal, and the young man’s net falls from the settle in a heap upon the floor. Signed at the lower right, Epwarp PortTIELJE. Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches. Owner, Estate of the late WarrEN SHERBURNE. CONSTANT TROYON | FRENCH 4 3 he ee ae V LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE yy wf In the centre of a level sward a white cow stands b wide a companion, which is upon the point of rising from the ground. In the middle distance a peasant woman in a red cap and blue bodice walks slowly towards an old wooden windmill which stands out boldly against the sky, its great gaunt sails tower- ing aloft like the arms of a giant. In the distance on the left are the outlines of buildings and some haystacks, and on the right a man mounted on a white horse rides slowly across the scene, which extends beyond a low hedge till it melts into the blue of the horizon. Overhead the sky is covered by heavy clouds, between which a burst of sunshine darts down and illumines vividly a bright patch of ground in the middle distance. Signed at the lower right, C. Troyon. Height, 141/, inches; length, 20%, inches. Owner, Estate of the late WarrEN SHERBURNE. ee ke dm Ar (eee (i) Gag OO ay Pt te oS h 4 hss one ; ie irae an ar OC yd oo Gait 1s ‘ No. 79 L. VON HAGAN GERMAN 4 | pW 182 . cee THE ARCHIVIST : J) Danger a In an old-time room, whose vaulted ceiling is supported by a stone column, an old man stands poring over a volume of old records, while other musty tomes lie upon the floor or on the = || desk which has been built round the central column. The sun- |i light is grudgingly admitted through an open pane of the | old stained-glass window, giving a glimpse of blue sky out- side. An astrolabe stands upon the floor, and the skeleton of a strange bird can be seen in the darkness of the background. Signed at the lower right, L. Von Haean. Height, 181, inches; width, 231, inches. Estate of the late JosepnH F. Kwnapp. iC No. 80 CG Ny . é Pee J. FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. — AMERICAN Contemporary Es 7 i NOVEMBER Paes Magee _ Water Color Tue view extends over a flat meadow, in which lie a number of recently felled tree trunks, past a small pool near which a man is working. In the distance the ground rises in a low hill, on which grow a few trees. On the left a narrow road leads to a small village, which lies nestling beneath the hill- side. The sky is heavily overcast with a dark bank of clouds, and on the horizon appears a broad patch of blue sky. Signed at the lower left, J. Francis Mourpny. Height, 1414 inches; length, 201, inches. Owner, Estate of the late WarrEN SHERBURNE. * ee WN fy Le t> Wr Bee Sy tad MAS TAY 1 ee a pee i 2 wid No. 81 7 ‘ SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R.A. as ENGLISH q 1769—1830 ; HEAD OF A BOY Tue head and shoulders of a fair-haired English boy of some fourteen summers. His face is turned directly towards the spectator, the body being in profile to the left. He wears a coat of dark brown cloth, with a double row of large metal buttons, and relieved at the neck by a narrow ruff of white lace. His head is bare, his hair growing thickly in natural curls innocent of powder. A pair of large blue eyes look out of a face, the coloring of which is fresh and crisp. The back- ground shows a blue sky partly covered with clouds. a saath. Height, 22 inches; width, 17 inches. § = ¢ 9 (.W Owner, Estate of the late WarrEN SHERBURNE. . 3 Le tm 4 ‘ Po | 5 No. 82 6 WV if LOUIS F. H. APOL FRENCH 1850— fs % See, er é COTTAGE IN WINTER “ Tue time is midwinter, and the ground is covered with a thick blanket of snow. On the right is a semi-ruinous cottage of wood, steep-roofed, with gaping crannies between the tim- bers. A few outhouses and a haystack are near, the snow dripping in long icicles from the eaves. On the left is the long vista of a lonely road running between rows of tall trees, and in the middle distance an old woman in blue skirt and white cap. Signed at the lower left, Louis Avot, 1877. Height, 23 inches; width, 18 inches. Owner, Estate of the late WarnEN SHERBURNE. | v= SO ae > beet eee ?, eel i Pe ie ¢ Co eee 7 eee cn TLE OUD yore Shia he kag gv yebe at One ne) teeny Ne RARE gs AOU ae en A ‘ Ny ' Hertel aa i a he ae ies as, to ee A i i ° No. 83 T. DE CONINCK FRENCH 28— r THE MUSIC LESSON A LITTLE girl, some eight years old, is about to have her first violin lesson, and is holding her hands in the position indi- cated by her teacher, a dark-complexioned maiden some few years older, who stands close behind, her arms encircling the child’s shoulders as she passes her the instrument. Signed at the lower left, T. De Contncx. Height, 25 inches; width, 19 inches. aol No. 84 ; JEAN CHARLES CAZIN » oo Pa a “y " ee FRENCH 1840—1890 “ yh FARM NEAR ECOUEN 0). my KS ews In the foreground of the picture a shallow streamlet has cut its bed deep into the gravelly soil of a meadow, and runs be- tween its steep banks towards a small farm building in the a middle distance. On the left is a thick patch of rushes and undergrowth with a few stunted trees. Beyond, the ground breaks into rolling hills, studded with trees and bushes, afford- ing a pleasantly broken skyline. The scene is bathed in sun- shine from a sky which is partly covered by a soft filmy mass of summer cloud. Signed at the lower left, J. C. Cazin. Height, 19 inches; length, 22 inches. : Owner, Estate of the late WarrEN SHERBURNE. No. 85 va BELGIAN CY 1799—1881 SHEEP IN THE ie aa a li On the straw-covered floor of a stable, strongly illumined by a shaft of sunlight which falls from the upper left, lies a ewe and her new-born lamb. Close beside, rubbing against the heavy beam which supports a swinging manger half-full of hay is another old sheep, and in the straw in front are a couple of plump chickens. The soft woolly texture of the fleece, the feeling of lazy contentment which finds expression in the attitudes of the animals, are rendered with great fidel- ity, and the subtle gradations of light and shade in the in- _ terior of the stable bespeak a master hand. Inscribed on back: Je soussigné déclare que le tableau ci-contre est original. EUGENE VERBOECKHOVEN. BrvuxeEttes, 1875. Signed at the lower right, EuGENE VERBOECKHOVEN F., 1875. Height, 211, inches; width, 18 inches. Owned by Muss ScHOULER. ri 7 ; - r A XN e 3 M , EUGENE JOSEPH VERBOECKHOVEN vd No. 86 ; H. BOLTON JONES, N.A. AMERICAN 1848— Se ae LANDSCAPE Tue picture shows a rough piece of swampy meadow, through which runs a narrow stream. Tangled clumps of undergrowth dot the landscape, changing in the middle distance to trees of larger growth, through the branches of which the buildings of a small village appear. In the distance the swelling mass of a low tree-clad hill affords a pleasing outline against the sky, which is covered with a filmy mass of gray cloud, from > || behind which the sun breaks forth, bathing the scene in a flood - |i of sunlight. Signed at the lower left, H. Botton Jones. Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches. Owner, Estate of the late WarrEN SHERBURNE. 4° Prt, ry Jno. 87 f JULES ADOLPHE GRISON FRENCH ; i Contemporary Sr. Ader fordk Z THE DISPUTE Beneatu the archway of a great gate in Paris, erected, according to an inscription, by Louis XV., a few spectators stand gazing at a quarrel between two women of the lower classes, a quarrel which threatens to speedily result in more than words. The little group of watchers consists of two gentlemen and a lady, who are so interested that they are oblivious of the proximity of a workman, while close behind them a man and girl have paused on their way from market. The figures are dressed in the picturesque style of the late eighteenth century. Signed at the lower right, Grison, 1881. Height, 251, inches; width, 32% inches. Estate of the late JoseruH F, Knapp. = esa No. 94 ADOLPHE MONTICELLI FRENCH 1824—1886 7’ aes WOOD NYMPHS Ache a In a grove of classic form a shallow river meanders among the trees, and on either bank are gathered groups of maidens, some with their bodies half immersed in the limpid waters; others, their bath finished, sit or lie in various attitudes, their clothing cast carelessly about their forms. On the left is an urn of noble proportions, and at the end of a long vista be- tween the trees is a fine fountain. On the right a large build- ing stands out against the ruddy glow of a sky tinged with the rays of a setting sun, while the air above is the glorious blue of late afternoon. : Height, 22 inches; length, 30 inches. Owner, Estate of the late WarrEN SHERBURNE. nglect sie No. 95 VICTOR HUGUET FRENCH 1835—1902 HALT OF A CARAVAN ee igi A LARGE caravan, apparently of itinerant vendors, has chosen their resting place for the night. A few gaudy rugs have been spread on the ground, and near by lie a number of high-peaked saddles and water jars. A horse bearing a crate of chickens is snuffing disconsolately at the sandy soil, des- titute of every scrap of herbage, while a few goats stand in the foreground, ready to be milked. In the middle distance the crowd is thickest, seemingly congregated round a few men on horseback. The ground stretches in a level amphi- theatre, suddenly rising into flat-topped hills, at the foot of which the white walls of a number of tombs can be seen. The view extends as far as the eye can see under a sky of cloud- less azure, the distant hills glowing purple through the warm radiant atmosphere. Signed at the lower right, V. Huever. ) Height, 26 inches; length, 34 inches. Owned by Miss ScHovuter. SP Mae ORO e Ss ae Se oe Re eX ' ey . No. 96 TOBY EDWARD ROSENT AMERICAN 1848— THE VACANT CHAIR 4 Seatrbery A sap group surrounds the supper table. The father, a bearded workingman in his shirt sleeves, holds on his knee a sleeping infant. He neglects the food before him, while he gazes with mournful countenance upon the empty chair upon which his wife used to sit. His daughter, a fair-haired girl, almost a young woman, regards him with a tearful face, and the third seat at the table is occupied by a curly-headed boy some four years old, who greedily eats his soup, too cons to appreciate the extent of his loss. Signed at the lower right, Tony E. RosentHat, Mtncuen, 1891. Height, 24 inches; width, 34 inches. Estate of the late JoserpH F. Knapp. ij f vd * No. 97 4 nat P THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. ENGLISH 1727—1788 a ATG aa PORTRAIT OF SHERIDAN - Tue half-length portrait of the famous actor. He stands in three-quarter view to the right, his eyes looking slightly downward and past the spectator. He wears a coat and waist- coat of red cloth with silver buttons, the waistcoat unbut- toned to show the snowy lace jabot which depends from his high linen stock. His hair is brushed back from his forehead and is tied in a peruke, but is left unpowdered. He carries his cocked hat under his left arm. Height, 30 inches ; width, 25 inches. Owner, Estate of the late WarrEN SHERBURNE. Se No. 98 re, AE ADOLF SCHREYER 4 9 hy" of ERMAN \ er 1828—1899 "i PREPARING FOR THE ATTACK From the gates of a fortified town, whose domes and towers crown the summit of a gentle eminence, a large band of Moorish horsemen are advancing over a ground which is rocky and uncultivated. In the foreground one of the Moors, a tall, bearded man, whose burnouse of white linen floats back from his throat and discloses a green undergarment, mounted upon a shapely white Arab courser, dashes away at- tended by a subordinate on a black. The leader of the troop restrains their ardor with voice and gesture, as he delivers his last instructions. In the middle distance ride the remainder of the band, a confused mass of horsemen, in the forefront of whom advances the giant standard bearer, sitting proudly erect with the blood-red flag of Islam clasped tightly in his hand. The scene extends over a barren landscape to the hori- zon, clear-cut against the brilliant blue of a cloudless sky. _ Signed at the lower right, Av. ScuREYER. Height, 23 inches; length, 38 inches. Owned by the Estate of Roserr GLENDINNING. : : nes = © x. A es : No. 99 WILLIAM ADOLPHE BOUGUEREAU FRENCH 1825—1905 : - | SPRING (ih art- Liar | A smattu child, blue-eyed and with long, fair hair falling tu- multuously around his shoulders, stands directly facing us. _ His sole garment is a little shirt of white linen, which leaves “bare his neck and arms and legs. Clasped to his breast he bears a huge mass of wild flowers, the plunder of the verdant — fields in the first days of spring. The blue of the child’s eyes and the rosy tint of his lips are repeated in the hue of the cornflowers, bluebells and dog-roses which he bears in his arms. Signed at the lower right, W. BovucuEREau. Height, 35 inches; width, 22 inches. Owner, Estate of the late WarrEN SHERBURNE. SF a Pa a No. 100 ANDREW FISHER BUNNER, N.A. / AMERICAN \J 1841—1897 Jap: Uillizger RHINE BOATS ON THE MAAS Tur picture shows the calm waters of a broad river stretch- ing between well-wooded banks, on which float several large sail-boats. The time is evening, and the distant trees are veiled in the haze of twilight. The dark sails are reflected from the bosom of the still waters, and numerous rowing boats pass hither and thither between the vessels. Signed at the lower right, A. F. Bunner. Height, 24 inches; width, 40 inches. Estate of the late Joseru F. Knapp. H/o 2 @ 00k No. 101 2! i FRANCOIS PIETER TER MEULEN » K i s . DUTCH — : + ; he ne fe ub a bo q a SHEEP IN PASTURE In the mass of coarse, sword-bladed grass which clothes the sand dunes of the northern coast of France a small flock of sheep are busy finding their sustenance. Close behind them, in the lee of a clump of scrubby trees, which show by their growth the direction of the prevailing winds, stands the shepherd, an elderly man in a blue blouse, leaning upon a heavy staff. Beyond, the ground slopes upward, breaking off suddenly at the skyline, as if from thence it dipped sharply to the sea. The sky is a brilliant blue, with a few light clouds floating high in the ether. Signed at the lower left, Ter MrvuLen. Height, 23 inches; length, 37 inches. Owner, Estate of the late WarrEN SHERBURNE. PD i BOR Ni i le a SO dS Shits Sarees Pes PRC "a No. 102 JOHN J. ENNEKING Wel ee AMERICAN 1841— LANDSCAPE—TWILIGHT | : In the right foreground is a small pool to which several cows have come for their evening drink. Behind, the ground rises slightly into rough hillocks, between which winds a small gully. The scene stretches to a low hedge, dominated by trees, which runs across the picture. The sky glows orange and red, the light filmy clouds near the horizon catching the last rays of the sun, which has already dipped below the horizon, and refracting them in all the warmer hues of the spectrum. v a ¥ Signed at the lower right, ENNEKING, 81. Height, 31 inches; length, 40 inche Owner, Estate of the late WarrEN SHERBURNE. ! a proncl # ‘4 wx 193 8 as No. 103 4 ca fet - LEON BAZILLE PERRAULT FRENCH ne Abe senterg IN THE APPLE ORCHARD SeaTED on the top of a stone gate-post is a rosy-cheeked little Italian maiden, holding in her lap some fine apples, the ripest of which she raises to her lips with an expectant smile. She wears a white chemise, over which is a dark skirt of rough material. Her feet are bare, and rest upon the topmost rung of a ladder. The background shows the dark foliage of the orchard. Signed on the gate-post, L. Prrrautt, 79. Height, 41 inches; width, 30 inches. Estate of the late JosepH F. Knapp. FELIX ZIEM FRENCH ! 1821— bf VIEW IN VENICE Tur blue waters of a wide lagoon lie clear and still beneath _a sky of resplendent azure. In the foreground a large felucca _ with high prow and stern and lofty arched deck comes slowly to anchor, her sail, striped blue and white, still drawing. Gondolas dart hither and thither, and sails of all colors dot the scene. In the middle distance the domes and towers of a large church stand out in the crystal clearness of the air, the walls appearing to spring from the depths of the water, which gives again the shimmering reflection of their noble propor- tions and glorious color. Signed at the lower left, Zim. Height, 27 inches; length, 45 inches. Owner, Estate of the late WarrEN SHERBURNE. of No. 105 WILLIAM TROST RICHARDS, N.A. ow 1833—1905 IE: ae COAST OF CORNWALL a Om On the left of the picture the rugged cliffs of the Cornish coast rise perpendicularly from the water’s edge, one mass of rock, detached from the mainland, rearing its craggy outline needle-like against the sky. On the right the sea breaks gently in small wavelets on a tiny beach in the foreground, and beyond swirls around the foot of the precipice in smooth, treacherous eddies. The white sail of a boat appears in the middle distance close under the brow of the cliffs. The sky is overcast with heavy wet-looking clouds, which veil the outlines of the more distant shore in a blanket of mist. AMERICAN Signed at the lower left, W. T. Ricuarps, 1883. Height, 28 inches; length, 45 inches. Owner, Estate of the late Warren SHERBURNE. ; No. 106 GEORGES HAQUETTE FRENCH 1854—1906 RETURNING TO PORT VA Over a smooth sea a small French herring-boat with a single lug sail is sailing towards home. In the stern sits a grizzled old fisherman steering, and amidships a young woman, in a coarse blue dress and linen cap, stands taking the catch out of the nets, which are thrown in a wet heap in the bottom of the boat. The sun is sinking, a lurid ball, behind the bank of cloud which fringes the horizon, and the sky overhead is still and calm. Signed at the lower left, G. Haquertre. Height, 471/, inches; width, 32 inches. Owner, Estate of the late WarrEN SHERBURNE. pehs/ed pie (° ‘ Sk “ 4. pout soit No. 107 : | at ADOLF SCHREYER GERMAN 1828—1899 | THE WATERING PLACE on Ene rlees In a nook of the hillside, shaded by the branches of scrubby — trees which o’ertop a crumbling wall, is an old stone drinking» fountain. Over the broken ground, innocent of a beaten track, approach an Arab sheik and his attendant. The sheik is a = |i commanding figure, his snowy burnouse cast back and reveal- . | ing the blue tunic beneath, girt by a broad red sash which bristles with an armory of pistols and daggers, while in his right hand he grasps a long-barrelled gun. He sits erect in his high-peaked saddle, as if cast in one piece with his horse, a snowy Arab, with small head, slender fetlocks and dark, in- telligent eye, of the type Schreyer loved to depict. His com- — panion is less richly dressed, and is mounted on a black, only less beautiful than that of his chieftain. In the background a third figure is riding fast towards them over the rough, stony ground. Overhead, the deep blue of an African. pe is partially overcast by heavy white clouds. Signed at the lower right, Av. ScHREYER. Height, 40 inches; length, 44 inches. we Owner, Estate of the late WarrEN SHERBURNE. No. 108 ADRIAAN VAN DER VENNE DUTCH 1589—1662 THE PROSCRIBED RACE A Prussian policeman has brought a family of wandering gypsies before the Burgomaster of a small town to answer to some charge of petty theft. A gypsy woman nursing a baby, together with an elderly man, sit in a cart laden with house- hold effects and drawn by two wretched horses, while a sec- _ ond man stands in a respectful attitude behind the policeman, and a half-naked child sprawls on the ground at his feet. Close by are the bodies of a duck and a rooster, about which the complaint is evidently bemg made. The Burgomaster stands in a narrow doorway, and with a pompous air reads over the papers in the case, and two German maidens look on the little group with a scared expression. Signed at the lower right, A. Van DER VENNE. Height, 52 inches; width, 621% inches. Estate of the late JoserpuH F. Knapp. FAM MMA» No. 109 ALFONS BODENMULLER GERMAN 1847—1886 2 : a ee teprafphe ae || THE TRAVELLING MERCHANT . |i A PEDLAR is spreading his wares in the living-room of a peasant’s cottage. Around the table are grouped several chil- dren, one of whom plays with a jumping jack, and a young girl feels the texture of a piece of cloth, while she turns to speak to a young man who is admiring a watch chain which he holds in his hands. The mother and father sit near, gazmg on the scene. The furniture of the room is poor and comfort- less, and in one corner the end of a fagot protrudes from an old-fashioned stove. Signed at the lower left, A. BopENMULLER, MUNCHEN, 1878 (1877) ? Height, 5014 inches; width, 40 inches. Estate of the late Joserpu F. Knapp. P earg Pi F %, F oy F ‘ee Y ¥ 7 y Pi S ‘ 4 Sw Bs te ut? ad p Pat No. 110 WILLIAM L. PICKNELL, N.A. AMERICAN IN CALIFORNIA pide KEG Claeys A wiDE sandy road stretches, straight as an arrow, through the centre of the picture, bordered on either side by verdant meadows and separated from them by a rail fence. A ram- shackle carrier’s cart drawn by four horses drives directly away from the spectator, towards a range of lofty hills which dominates the landscape, their craggy sides glowing purple through the heat haze. The sky overhead is an intense blue, dotted with tiny cloudlets; the sun is some way from the meridian and casts long shadows athwart the scene, while from a one-storied cottage in the middle distance a light wisp of smoke ascends directly into the still air, in which not the slightest zephyr is astir. Signed at the lower left, Wm. L. PicKNeELL. Height, 50 inches; length, 67 inches. Owner, Estate of the late WarrEN SHERBURNE. No. 111 RAIMUNDO DE MADRAZO SPANISH Lire-sizz, full-length portrait of a young woman in a loose white morning dress, with blue jacket and white cap, with — bows of salmon-colored ribbon disposed about her costume and salmon-colored slippers. She kneels in a large high- backed arm-chair upholstered in blue. Her clasped hands rest on one arm of the chair, over which a dark blue wrap has been thrown. Height, 74 inches; width, 404% inches. — Owner, Mr. G. H. Bucx. ; STATUARY No. 112 Apo | FF 240% A SAUCY BOY 7 A sTaTuE sculptured in Carrara marble by Butti of Milan. It is a figure of a little boy in a large straw hat, wearing a scarf round his waist and admiring himself in a hand mirror which he holds in his hand. At his feet is a toy carriage in which is a doll. Has green marble pedestal, with revolving top. Height of statue, 3 feet 7 inches. Height of pedestal, 2 feet 10 inches. No. 113 VANITY 2 A sTaTvuE sculptured in een: by F. Barzachi, Mi- lan. It represents a young girl “ dressed up ” in her mother’s décolleté gown, which is much too large for her, strutting proudly and glancing back admiringly at her long train. Has green marble pedestal, with revolving top. Height of statue, 4 feet. Height of pedestal, 3 feet. No. 114 Gey Ltda ode ‘ illan DAUGHTER OF PHARAOH Heap and shoulders of a young girl of Oriental aspect, wearing a scarf on her head, earrings and necklace. Sculptured in Carrara marble by F. Barzachi. Has a quadrangular ped- estal of green marble, with revolving top. Height of bust, 22 inches. Height .of pedestal, 4 feet. Estate of the late JoserH F. Knapp. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, ManacGeErs. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. & _f . Jenwden— Apope Figt atti Sains 3 3125 01662 9129 OMI l GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE ww NINERS SR i tiy ake Be i gy oer Rpg e ket SAN, 4 aS 2 be ES TaI Th Pe Ae AE Rar REDE : Se at Re 3. 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