AG * viet ey oi \ bo rite : { ~ Ms ae Apa yt sag, eh po. - = ®, as ih ae et ce MR SS ig ir Nes Tee GEL Ps the ay oN ae pee han cies ae px No ries sa ae Prien Oe FO om Day en , “ i Cf i rhe Per WANT Ms aed ay 9 gates! | r iM wi ( a) rans -Y > oe J F =f wey. - ai oe ; oe ; y * f id oC a : ey ; beh, >i A AS Seg Ne gine ay \ ¢ Teg mrt i 2 . w rf — ar f NO Whe 8 "Ad ot Py plays ae mu + . ‘ a ae 4 x PNY AR, Tes es f Y »y: teem hapene . ay ns aNd gh hse * es ; § J apa ewe ye Pla Ge 3 ne, Y p e out fate Meo Ginglny aly - By é > ita Md hes. ; rh 3 | is ar #% ¢ Ni ee y- ¥ « » ae hy Kae ‘ le YN ape \¢ a i, ; : wf yy ‘ : f \ Gr ‘ i es yaa F 4 eos i - i Fadi " i ean 5 $ice Said sales io i oe a a LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK ’ » et ee sei bone SUNS Le ee x ee ane ee as MONTICELLI-RICARD, Daniéle d’Arles. BAINIINGS From the Collections of SENATOR PERRET, OF FRANCE, AND BARON DUPONT DE LATUILLERIE By Masters of the French Schools of the XVI., XVII., XVIII. and XIX. Centuries. EXHIBITED FROM THE 12th to the 2Ist of November, 1907, AT THE WALDORF APPARTMENTS W ALDORF-ASTORIA TO BE SOLD AT ABSOLUTE PUBLIC SALE IN THE BANQUET HALL ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, NOV. 22 and 23, 1907 “Nitta aie nye eet/ The Sale will be conducted by JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer. PRINTERS ses ills 63 CLIFF ST. aeian ‘ NEW YORK be ; pt oy ae alan ‘ip eee a - =? i Nie paca 6 ee a 7 Auctioneer, New York. f . , ery a paintings of my uncle, the late Senator Perret; ; ad lastly, from my personal collection of modern = p yy guarantee the origin of these works and their pete authenticity. Yours very truly ‘BARON ‘DUPONT DE LATUILLERIE. : au Consulat Général de France 4 New York pour la légalisation de la signature apposée ct-dessus ag M. le ‘Baron ‘Dupont de Latuillerve. | New York le 6 novembre 1907. ‘Pour le Consul Général L’Eléve Vice-Consul H. LAMOUR. ie iia 5 ¥ ¥ v : i “ a | COROT, C., Sunset. ALLEMAND. XIXe sidcle. Médaillé, Marshes of Dréme. BAIL. Contemporain. Hors Concouts. Weighing Grapes. BARON, C. XIXe siecle. Médaillé. Légion d’honneur, 1859. Hand Washing After the Game of Tennis. BERTHELEMY. Contemporain. Hors Concours, Marine Scene. Morning At Sea. Pome y, L. L, (1761—1845). Eavesdropper. Notre-Dame on a AWinver Morn. x Market Place, Amiens. pecren 5 The Old Street. The Mill. : De es Fishing Boats. aes The Railroad Bridge. 3 Banks of the River Seine. Seashore at Grand-Camp. The Eiffel Tower. Place de la Concorde. Grand-Camp. The Quai Veae: Sunset. Marine Scene. The Quai des Tournelles. Fishing Boats, dull weather. The Saints Péres Bridge. A Coming Storm at Sea. The Harbor. ~ >» Fishing Boats.—A Calm. The Seagulls. First Outing. — s Before Grand-Camp. Market of the Place des Invalides. ae The Boat. | Ne Aquarelle. Aquarelle. Aquarelle. Aquarelle. Aquarelle. ‘aeyOA tend eyL ‘yuey ‘SoDod ( Contemporain, Bed: @honneur. Grand, Prix’de Rome. te. ; ; Membre de (’Institut. A Head of a Young Girl, a study. eet of a Woman, a study. (48031828). Ecole anglaise. Windmills, aquarelle. ae eiri6%. Ecolezfrangaise. Shepherd and Shepherdess, sanguine. Cupids, drawing. Opa Contemporain.'’? Meédaillé. Grazing Cow. Marine Scene. Village Path. Marine Scene. Pastel. Pastel. Contemporain, Prix de Rone Membre de asi it The Artist’s Model, a ser Young Child, drawing. A Woman, drawing. Faun. BREUGHEL, Ie Drdle. ; a ($564—1637) oe Witch At Sabbath. BRETON, Jules. XIXe siecle. Médaille d’honneur. - Officier de fa Légion d’honneur. The Path, charcoal drawing. CARRACHE, A. ({560—1609). Ecole Bolonaise. Christ Laid in the Tomb. Lord et Lady Pec etc. _ The Marvel. rs Gossip. : ae Se The Convalescent. | Woes Distraction. Melody. _—- On the Beach. Tea Time. A Visit. A Parisian Girl. A Courtesy. q ——_ ie GAZIN, J.-C. Contemporain. Mleédaille de lére classe. Légion d’honneur. Varennes, aquarelle. Sunset. CHAIGNEAU. Contemporain, Hors Concours. The Herd. CHARDIN, Jean-Baptiste. (1699-1779). Ecole frangaise. The Reading Lesson. Young Woman, sanguine. of | (1792—1845). ks Group of Children. o CHARTITER, Contemporain. Hors Concours. Représenté au Musée du Luxembourg. _ Reconnaissance. The Ambush. The Charge, water-color. es Be ape aor pe ae oe nic EN Stee ‘ourreeW “A ‘NIGNOG CHAZERET. Contemporain. Meédaille de lére classe, Snow Scene CHENARD-HUCHE. Contemporain. Mbédaille de lére classe. View of Paris. Marine Scene. The Harbor of Marseilles. COMPTE, Calix. (18131880). Medaillé. Song of the Nightingale. COQUEREL. XIKe sidcle, Médaillé. Carp and Fishpan. — Atlin neat COROT, Jean-Baptiste Camille. — a | (17961875) — Head of a Young Girl. Landscape. . : Sunset. ; Italian Landscape. Cathedral. Church, water-color. Landscape, charcoal drawing. River, charcoal drawing. — Moonlight, charcoal drawing. Stone Bridge, charcoal drawing. Morning, crayon. — Banks of the Tibre, crayon. COURBET, Gustave. (1819—1878.) The Torrent, a study. DAUBIGNY. (1817—1878). Officter de la Légion d’honneur. Medaille d’honneur. Landscape. The Mill. In the Woods. The Great Bailiff, crayon. —Quinquempoix, crayon. Aumale, crayon. DELACROIX, E., The Child With The Dog. rok - si D ‘a BELZM, Serendat, ee | Costemporain. “Hors Concours. a | " Florentine. 4 ne First Cup. Reto 3 i (4852-4860). Meédaillé. Légion d’honneur, $857. ata Arab Holding His Horse. _ Turkish Rider. f ne " DELACROIX, Eugéne. (5799-3863). Membre de [’Institut. Italian Woman. Head of a Young Girl. Lion Head, drawing. Lion Cubs, drawing. Lions, drawing. ___‘ DELAPALME, E. ay Aquarelle. DE LAMBERT, Maurice. — Contemporain. Médaillé. Gloved Lady, pastel. | Nonchalance, drawing. The Letter, drawing. In the Woods, drawing. In a Melancholy Mood, drawing. A Parisian Girl, drawing. Smiling, drawing. DIAZ DE LA PENA, (1808—1876)—Ecole frangaise. Undine. In the Woods, charcoal drawing. DE; MARNE. (1754—1829). Mleédailles de lére classe, 1806 et 1819. Légion d’honneur, 1828. Landscape. DUBOURG, XIXe siecle. Hors Concouts, Feast in the Woods. DOUGHERTY. Artiste Américain. Twilight in November. The Farmhouse. Evening at Camiers. DUPRE, J. XIXe siécle. Médaille d’Or. Légion d’honneur, Landscape, sepia. The Brook, drawing. By the Lake, drawing. ECOLE LOMBARDE. Young Shepherdess. ENGEL, Jose. Contemporain. Mleédaillé. On the River Banks. Drawbridge. Study of a Man. FERRIER, Gabriel. Contemporain. Prix de Rome. Membre de [’Institut. Officier de la Légion d’Honneur. Woman With Red Hair. FLANDRIN, J. Paul. XIXe siecle. Grand Prixiide Rome. The Ravine, crayon. FLEURY-CHENU, XIXe sitcle, Meédaillé, Gamekeeper Asleep. Young Woman Seated Under a Willow. FRERE, XIXe siécle. Médaille d’Or. Officier de la Légion d’Honneur. Aquarelle. GAINSBOROUGH, (1727—1888). Ecole anglaise. Woman’s Head, a study. COROT, J. B. C., Head of a Young Girl. “re GEROME, Grand Pri de Rome. The Viaduct, sepia. The Road, sepia. GARRIDO. XIXe siécle. Medaillé. At the Luxembourg. GUDIN. (1802—13880). Mleédaillé. Large Boat. Marine Scene. ‘ GUIGOU, X(1Xe siecle. Medaille. Harbor of Martigues. HAGEMANN. Contemporain. Meédaillé. Street in Cairo. HANOTEAU., XIXe sitcle. Meédaille de lére classe, 1869; Légion d’honneur, 1870. Snow Scene in Nivernais. f HARRISSON, Alexander, Artiste Américain. Officier de la Légion d’Honnear. Moon Bay. Yellow Sea. Twilight. Storm and Surf. HEBERT. Contemporain. Membre de (Institut. Commandeur de fa Légion d’Honneur. Head of a Child, sanguine. ‘odeospue’y ueyeiy “oO ‘g ‘[ ‘LOMOD ig: 5 Ronis Wes HELLEU, Contemporain. Meédaillé. Young Mother, water-color. Head of a Woman, sanguine. Portrait, sanguine. _A Parisienne, sanguine. Reclining Woman, sanguine. HENNER, Jean. Contemporain. Grand Prix de Rome. Nude Woman. INNOCENTI. Ecole Italienne. Lunch in the Woods. Meal Time. ISABEY, Jean-Baptiste. ' ($767—1865). Commandeur de fa Légion d’Honneur. Marine Scene. April Shower. Dawn in Venice. Public Park. - JACQUE, Ch. : XIXe sidcle. | Médaille d’honncu: sae Hen and Chicks. The Farm. The Hay Stack. The Plowman, sketch. Horses, sketch. LAAR, dit BAMBOCHE, ~~ (16001658). Ecole Hollandaise, Pastoral Scene. | 1 LAGRENEE, Louis, (17241816). Ecole francaise. Proserpine Being Carried Off. ‘odeospuey “5 “gq ‘ff ‘LOMOD baat Coe ake aA aah 5 4 ay . 4 , wd . 4 ¥ . - 2 Fa ba id es : 4 % P 4 - a . wred ; os ‘ ; . - ; _- “ ‘ : ' a Ps) : : ’ * : Bi _ a elie fad ‘ - XVIIle sidcle. Ecole francaise. Gardens of Versailles. ~ (38211891. ) Médaille de fére classe 1848 ; Region Whonneur, 1855, Fellah Woman. “ _ LAPITO. y - - ($808—1874).. Médaille de fére classe, 1835. 4 Légion genet 1836. : Corsican Pandacape: a LE BIHAN, A. 4 ie XK siécle. Médaillé. . "7 ) | : DA Tempest in Brittany. ES ae __-_LE GOUT GERARD. Z } Contemporain. {ére Médaille. Hors Concours. : ¥ Market in Brittany. < Fishing Boats, pastel. | Concarneau. 7 ‘LEMAIRE, Madeleine. f | < . Contemporain. Médaitlé. Glycines, water-color. Lilies, water-color. . Red Roses, water-color. f a | Pink Roses, water-color. eR Me eet Variety of Flowers, water-color. Feta Flowers, water-color. _ ak _ LEPICIE. oe (1735-1784). Ecole frangaises Adored Lady. LEPINE. ; Contemporain. Hors Concours, Misty Weather. Landscape. Lakeshore. MATHIS-PICARD, Sunset, water color. pee - Contemporain Hors Concouts. _ Cows, a study. ce ER Hors Cai, "Grafitti Gardens. Reve Youth. — —xIxe siecle. Médaitté, Légion d’Honneur,. Children At Play. i MA THIS-PICARD, Contemporain. Médaillé. Sunset, aquarelle. Sunrise, aquarelle. Landscape, aquarelle. A Gust of Wind, aquarelle. Champigny-sur-Marne, aquarelle. Autumn, aquarelle. MAINCENT. XIXe siécle. Meédaillé. The Tugboat. MEISSONNIER. XIXe siécle. Ecole frangaise. Battlefield, sketch. MICHEL. cee Contemporain. Représenté au Musée du Luxembourg. — | The Oak, charcoal drawing. MIGNARD, Pierre. (1612—1695). Ecole francaise. Bacchante. MILLET, Jean-Francois, So (18141875), Thatched Cottage. The Farm, aquarelle. The Plowman’s House, crayon. ($634—1699). Ecole frangaise. Membre de l’Académie. _ Flowers. eis Dani idle d’Arles. (In collaboration with Ricard.) In the Woods. -MONTLIVAULT. XIXe siecle, Médaillé. Soldiers in Trench in Crimea. MOREAU, A. XIXe siécle. Médaille d’Or. Boar Hunt. PAILLARD. Contemporain. Meédaillé. Saint Tropez, water-color. | The Church, water-color. Boats, pastel. Algerian Market, pastel. At Martigues, pastel. PETITJEAN, Edmond. Contemporain. Hors Concours, MembrevdusJury. Représenté au Musée du Luxembourg. Before Dunkerque. Village of Lorraine. Marine Scene. At Neufchateau (Vosges). PETTTIJEAN, Hippolyte. Contemporain. Médaile d’Or. Undines. PISSARO. Contemporain. Médaillé. Landscape. Aquarelle. c, DB n ° Oo a O 4 = < O Speen RAFFET, XIXe sitcle. Meédaillé, Grenadiers, water-color. Mortally Wounded. REGNAULT, Henri. (1843—1871). Grand Prix de Rome. Poplars. Old Well, crayon. Flute Player, crayon. RENOIR. Contemporain, Hots Concours, Young Girl, pastel. ROCHEGROSSE. Contemporain. Prix d’honneur du Salon. A Street in Algiers. Algerian Girl. ROULLET, Gaston. Contemporain. Hors Gactouee Venice. ROUSSEAU, Théodore. (18121867). Médaille d’honneur. The Farm, drawing in relief. In the Woods, sepia. Landscape, crayon. A Study, crayon. A Study, crayon. A Study, crayon. ROYBET, Ferdinand. Contemporain. Prix d’honneur du Salon. Young Woman, drawing. RUGENDAS. ($666—1742). Ecole Alfemande. Episode of the Siege of Augsburg. Battlefield. ‘mre OL “A ff “LA TTIIN ae er enscrain Hors Concours. oA a Scene. - ? 7“ " SALVATOR ROSA. (1615—1673). Fishermen. _ Solitude. STEEN, (1626—1679). Ecole Allemande. Family Feast. “Contemporain. Hors Concours, Représenté au Musée du Luxembourg. A Tramp, drawing. Bees) Grandfather, drawing. STEVENS, Alfred, : | XIXe sitcle. Médaillé. Marine Scene. Sunshine. — ‘ ore wet Contemporain. Prix d’honneut du Salone TATTEGRIN. | Harbor of Nantes, pastel. | | The Stolen Nets. a The Centenarian. TENIERS, David. (1610—1690). Ecole Flamande. The Cook’s Slumber. TIEPOLO, Giovanni. (1696—1770). Ecole Vénitienne. Moses Rescued From the Bulrushes. Solomon Sacrificing to the Idols. ‘YoInyD eeTIA UL ‘YATIOOA cee a Ge TROUILLEBERT. Contemporain. Hors Concours, Landscape. Morning Scene. VIGNON. Contemporain. Méedaillé. Still Life. VOGLER, P. Contemporain. Autumn. Hay Stacks. After the Harvest. Village Snowed In. Banks of the River Oise. Frost. The Meadow. Thawing. Mowing. Harvesting. The Village Church. Snow Scene. Pastel. Pond by the Village. The Quarry. Autumn Landscape. The Hay Stack. Three Hay Stacks. Misty Weather. YONGKIND. XIXe siécle. Ecole francaise. x Marine Scene. In the Fields. Moonlit Scene, aquarelle. In the Fields, aquarelle. Moonlight, charcoal drawing. ZIEM, Felix. Contemporain. Venice. Rising of the Moon. ZIER. a Contemporain. Hors Concours. Membre dubJury. : ; : Hesitation. The Bathers. The Smile. ZWILLER. a Contemporain. Hors Concours. Membre du Jury. i 4 Alsatian Maid. Reclining Woman. Seated Woman. The Artist Model. SCHOOL OF 1830, Young Girl. ht Se ee cM > Se a eed ees : i a8 TP i m 3 a pee treme | * ~ «. -~ 5 Be Sf / x ys Be & Ses Oey ~ ae” A= a ii ogee q > Si ~ & t ar, i a i =f. 7ae = ee =2 ot 2 ; " “ x rh: = i, — : - * 7 “ a as Sa Sr “ —_ Endl oi Ti al te eT ole Sif ig caite aps ~ 7 : i fe ie « Ge OAH eee Te . Jae i as it a \ Rr: = ‘> = = rf on “ * peta teal” gerndie tate beet ‘ - 4 ‘ r \ ay. J} Swe iets er | ee ar oJ yf d 7 1 on my, : f ad S hin Rt is in Pan = Oe att sh pee ‘a od an bE NS yp he SN y A ve A'S atte Nr keh 43 s { ™~ va 5 at 4 i. 4 ars ii i + Pa *y " . \ x, % +: & 4 5 Dp iz ba? BA } \ Piss Py " i Tey ; a e ‘et as wie . ‘ t - "i W : be os : aS 4 ne, : een Ay Ss AAS Dee a eae a he eae he ne ae % F) ¥ : a 7 a “alin. F ae Sy eS: ote Wed Py 2) Wotan Bi ; a = 5 ea: p a AT ok ee a ie a- aed Paes Se ee ee : Oe ea ¥ a) ki rt. ee GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE an a ats | ee 3 3125 01663 0614 ‘ ca met ay ay oy J ein ra ee ARR RSY 4‘ 2 Peas T Seat “ a 4 5 hela ae 4 be) ‘awit: RMS bey Soa } a ane Nae bP ‘ Sek A: on bbs Ye 2 t A Pec) | ’ Cue heer yet i LC, hs ty 4,