Mid yh Gly it 4 : _ es i A we ‘ a 2 = jw age f _ = = ; me | oe = af we - 7 ' ‘ 4 ‘ ne eee wn = ale gal ee iF ‘ - r 2 a pe Sie we LOR ic” > pei Ea Sc\0: Se Dues F ' THE ART COLLECTIONS OPC LA LE VISCOUNT LEVERHULME - PORCELAINS TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS AT UNRESERVED PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY AFTERNOON FEBRUARY TWENTIETH AT TWO’THIRTY 1926 M. Knoed! ayer CHEE WO), Warre wc -bl ou 14 East 57th St.) Ckane-Hst, @ifee 1690), Partridge ....... ib 6 fbeseicgs os ante §—Two powder-blue vases ¥(Kane- Hsi, circa 1690), G, R. Gates.,.. 16—Powder-blue vase (Kang-Hai, circa 1690), Isaac VOron «ees Pe-es eee Ji—arzge circular dish in powder-blue (Kang-Hsi, circa 1 Os Frank Partridge wecccvensdeaceecvseesuae 12—Powder-blue yase (Kang-Hai, cires 1690), J FJoseph secccesescacunes 13—Powder-blue bowl and cover (Kang-Hsi, cirea 1690), H, Cou- nihan, agént ..... reaver Pires 14—Powder-blue bowl and cover (Kang-Hsi, Cirea 1690), Mrs. Stephenson Scott .......-- Peeees 15—Powder-blue circular saucer dish (kang-Hsi, Circa 1690), H. H. FRADCOCIE 2 sence Smite es hw eiss eters 8 16—Very fine powder-blue. circular bowl (Kang-Hsi, Circa 1690), J. Bi Gates) pie vk + pisties simieite ene ae 17--Powder-blue saucer dish (Kang- Hsi, Cirea 1690), J, Joseph..... 18—Powder-blue bowl and cover (Kang-Hsi, Circa 1690), Mrs, Carl HolmeS ....cccsssavessuses 19—Powder-blue circular plate (Kang- Hsi, Circa 1690), Carvalho Bros, 20—Powder-blue circular plate (Kang- Hsi, Circa 1690), J. R. Gates... 21—Largé circular dish in powder-blue (Kang-Hsi, circa 1690), W. H, Williams oss ceeccssecserewtcees 22—Pair of powder-blue vases (Kang- Hsi, Circa 1690), Prank Part- THUZO .iccvecccccueeerasesevcsice 23—Powder-blue vase (Kang-Hal, Circa 1690), eae Fr et iang ‘ 24—Powder-blue circular bow s- Hsi, Circa 1690), J. R. Gates... 25—Powder-blue vase (Kang-Hat, Circa 1690), J. R, Gates..ssscg erases 34 Seaperant vase in owder-blue Kang-Hsi, Circa 1690), J. R. : pe ¢ BoA rare ia eden nine 7J—Importan vase in - x (Kane-Fal, Circa 1690), Frank Partridge ....+ss.6. sinen weg a eed 28—Pair of powder-blue vases (kXang- Hsi, circa 1690), H. Counihan, BEEHS eo diesscan's Prat iord 2 kot to 2°—Important vase in powder-blue (Kang-Hsi, Circa 1690), R. M. CHAI seivinin ce ces site cover (Kang Ta SACOUNE 10 vic sv awalew aes aah 38—Powder-blus vase (Kang - Hsi, Circa 1090), W. E. Benjamin... 39—Pair of important famille-verte vasés (Kang-Hsi, Circa 1675), Mis8 H, Counihan, agent........ 40—Pair of famille-verte jars and cov- ers (Kang-Hsi, Circa 1690), Miss H. Counihan, agent. ........0ia8 41—Pair of famille-verte jars and cov- ers (Kang-Hsi, Circa 1675), L. By Flammoned essa vere cee iene eee 42—Important Famille-verte Vase and Cover (Kang-Hsi, circa 1765); Tay BGAVEON 2500 alevals ely a's Woe eater een 43—Important Famille-verte Vase and Cover (Kang-Hsi, cirea 1765); Tae MEAS OW | c'chas suis ele eae gros § hades 44—Important Famille-verte Vase and Cover (Kang-Hsi, circa 1765); eB. Hamnionds's ties aeesises ¢ 45—Important Famille-verte Vase and Gover (Kang-Hsi, circa 1765); eB. EAMONN Aree cone sisere cteees 46—Important Famille-verte Vase and over (Kang-Hsi, circa 1765); 3) Ebi ELSI OY ac: nied oo cade lane ren 47—Superb Vasé in Green, Yellow and Aubergine (Kang-Hsi, circa 48—Vase with Fine Flambe-red Glaze (Kang-Hsi, cirea 1690); Miss H. Qoultday hess asc asic so ties eee oes 49—Bronze Shape Vase with Fine Flambe - ted Glaze (Kang - Hsl, circa, 1670); Emslie Nicholson.. 50—Superb Tripod Incense Burner (Ming, circa 1450); Barnet J. PETAR se alai s trale meee sates ersten ines 5i—Fine Figure of Kwan-yin in Blanc- ; de-Chine (Kang-Hsi, circa 1680); Dr. E. Elliot , (Kang- Hsi, circa 1690); Barnet J. Klar. aa ee : Blue and White ‘Haw- 1orn”?’ Jar (Kang-Hsi, circa 1680)'s "Tk SEABlOwy 4 ose sae 55—Fine Blue and White ‘Haw- thorn” Jar (Kang-Hsi, circa 1680); L. B. Hammond.......... 56—Fine blue and white ‘‘Hawthorn” jar (Kang-Hsi, circa 1680), I. B. Hammond isecscissecsseswade a son | 126—Set of th 1860); BS “Partridge... .wsese on a00. 150—Very fine dessert service in o} 1$1—Very fine desert seryice in | Congligh, cinch 1930), Bd “4 circa 1830), B. J. Ki \O8—Fine Worcest vase (English ~» “ ‘éirea 1830), 4H Murray... 6. ees 100—Pair of* Worcester china wall Rockets (English, circa 1800), P, A, Barker. .....cresceccesess 110—Plate from the farnous Nelson ser vice of Worcester porcelain Bee crete 1798-99), Mrs. BP. B. K. Daingerfield ..i..-.cesvessene 111—Plate from the famous Nelson ~ sevice of Worcester porcelain English 1798-99), Mrs. P. B, Ky oingerfield “oie ysisp ence rek 112—Fine and impottant Chelsea Se 3 ie (English, 1765), B. N, Need- OM Va ues wae eae Aree sa 113—Very fine pair of Chelsea arbor candlesticks (English, © circa | 1750), Phillip. Suval. s,s spawn 114—Very fine pair of Chelsea arbor candelabra (English, circa 1750) ;- BP. Suva iicis esis le nee ao pietero teil 115—Very fine pair of Chelsea arbor ; candelabra (HNnglish, circa 1750), B; No lieedham c.eestes Arrieic 116—Important figure of Jupiter in Chelsea, porcelain (English, circa 1780), Symons, Inc. ... 00... 117—Important figure of_ Juno in Chel- sea_ porcélain (Wnglish, circa Pea SymonBy Ines)... 256. ee es 118—Very fine. Chelsea pofcelain BTOUD (English, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION AT UNRESER VED PUBLESSALE SATURDAY AFTERNOON FEBRUARY TWENTIETH AT TWO-THIRTY CARDS OF ADMISSION TO THE SALE, EACH OF WHICH WILL ADMIT ONE PERSON ONLY, MAY BE OBTAINED UPON WRITTEN APPLICATION WHICH MUST SPECIFY THE DAY OF THE SALE AS THE ADMIS- SIONS ON EACH DAY WILL BE LIMITED TO THE CAPACITY OF THE SALES-ROOM ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM FRIDAY, FEBRUARY TWELFTH Ak oAR TT COLLECTIONS Gl Ear MaSsCOUNT LEVERHULME [PART THREE] PORCELAINS TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS THE RIGHT HONOURABLE WILLIAM HULME, VISCOUNT LEVERHULME HAROLD ROBERT GREENHALGH FRANCIS D'ARCY COOPER JOHN McDOWELL THE ANDERSON GALLERIES MITCHELL KENNERLEY [PRresIpent] 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1926 CONDITIONS OF SALE ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT AS NUMBERED IN THE CATALOGUE. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the decision of the Auctioneer shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased shall be resold immediately. Purchases to be removed at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatever, but the lot or lots will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. All lots will be placed on public exhibition before the date of sale, for examina- tion by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuine- ness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. If accounts are not paid and purchases removed within twenty-four hours of the conclusion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and The Anderson Gal- leries, Incorporated, reserve the right to resell the lot or lots by either private or public sale, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter, together with all expenses in- curred. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of this Com- pany to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale, at its own option. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employ- ment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. The Anderson Galleries make no charge for executing orders for their cus- tomers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. A Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be obtained for Two Dollars THE ANDERSON GALLERIES, INC. 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK TELEPHONE REGENT 0250 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. F. A. CHAPMAN, MR. A. N. BADE AND MR. E. H. L. THOMPSON ORD LEVERHULME’S prestige as a collector is fully maintained by his porcelain. It falls, as do the remainder of his works of art, into quite distinct categories—Chinese, English, and a few Continental pieces. In so much that is fine it is invidious to single out any one item for special notice, but the Chamberlain Worcester Dessert Service, which has on each piece a beautifully painted scene from one of Shakespeare’s plays with the appropriate quotation on the reverse, is not only interesting and extremely beautiful, but unique. The collection of powder-blue china too, is so com- prehensive as almost to defeat its own ends by the number of pieces; each single item is rare. Anyone who has seen Lord Leverhulme’s room at The Hill, furnished with gems of old satinwood, the walls hung with English eighteenth century landscapes, and decorated solely with powder-blue porce- lain, will acknowledge that for pure beauty and decorative effect it would be difficult to surpass. C. WoopWARD FIVE KANG-HSI VASES IN POWDER-BLUE AND FAMILLE-VERTE [NUMBERS 1 AND 2] KANG-HSI SAUCER DISHES IN POWDER-BLUE AND FAMILLE-VERTE [NUMBERS 3-6] SALE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY TWENTIETH, AT 2:30 NUMBERS 1-163 1 PAIR OF POWDER-BLUE VASES KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Pencilled in gold; bulbous bodies, with wide circular flat rims; the rims with three fan-shaped panels, reserved in white, decorated in under-glaze red and gold. (2) Diameter of rim, 41% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 2 THREE POWDER-BLUE VASES KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Pencilled in gold; cylindrical, with narrow shaped necks; with six shaped panels, reserved in white, enamelled in famille-verte with floral sprays. (One repaired) (3) Height, 7 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 3 POWDER-BLUE SAUCER DISH KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 With a centre panel and four medallions, reserved in white, enam- elled in famille-verte with flowers and landscapes. Powder-blue underneath. Mark in under-glaze blue. Diameter, 834, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 4 POWDER-BLUE SAUCER DISH KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Similar to the preceding. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 5 POWDER-BLUE SAUCER DISH KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Similar to the preceding. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 6 POWDER-BLUE SAUCER DISH KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 - With a centre panel and four medallions reserved in white, enamelled in famille-verte with floral sprays; with sprays of flowers in red and green underneath. (Slight crack) Diameter, 834, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 7 POWDER-BLUE VASE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Pencilled in gold; bulbous body and pear-shaped neck; with shaped panels reserved in white, enamelled in famille-verte with floral sprays and birds; finely-chiselled ormolu mounts. (Repaired) Height, 9 inches ———EE 8 9 10 KANG-HSI BOWL AND COVER AND TWO VASES IN POWDER-BLUE AND FAMILLE-VERTE [NUMBERS 8 AND 9] POWDER-BLUE BOWL AND COVER KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Pencilled in gold; with two elephant-head handles and four panels reserved in white, decorated with landscapes in brilliant famille- verte enamel. (2) Diameter, 534, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | TWO POWDER-BLUE VASES KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Pencilled in gold; cylindrical, with narrow, circular, knopped neck; with six shaped panels, reserved in white, enamelled in famille-verte with flowers. Brilliant coloring. (One repaired) (2) Height, 814 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] POWDER-BLUE VASE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Pencilled in gold; triple-gourd shape; with shaped panels, reserved in white, decorated in famille-verte with floral sprays and birds. Mounted in ormolu. (Repaired) Height, 934, inches 2 11 12 LARGE KANG-HSI DISH IN POWDER-BLUE AND FAMILLE-VERTE [NUMBER 11] LARGE CIRCULAR DISH IN POWDER-BLUE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Pencilled in gold; with eight reserved panels on the rim, enamelled in famille-verte with floral sprays and the centre reserved in white with a landscape in famille-verte. Mark in under-glaze blue. (Re- paired) Diameter, 1614 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] POWDER-BLUE VASE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Pencilled in gold; cylindrical, with narrow, circular, knopped neck; with eight shaped panels, reserved in white, enamelled in famille- verte with flowers. Brilliant coloring. Height, 914% inches 3 TWO KANG-HSI BOWLS AND COVERS IN POWDER-BLUE AND FAMILLE-VERTE [NUMBERS 13 AND 14] 18 POWDER-BLUE BOWL AND COVER KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Pencilled in gold; the bowl decorated with two shaped panels reserved in white, enamelled in famille-verte with floral sprays; the cover with a circular shaped panel, enamelled in famille-verte, with a small circular blue finial; two carved handles. (2) Diameter, 6 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 14 POWDER-BLUE BOWL AND COVER KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Pencilled in gold; with two shaped metal handles; decorated with rectangular panels, reserved in white, enamelled in famille-verte with floral sprays, landscapes and birds. Shaped gilt finial. (2) Diameter, 514 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 4 a 15 16 17 TWO KANG-HSI SAUCER DISHES AND A SMALL BOWL IN POWDER-BLUE AND FAMILLE-VERTE [NUMBERS 15-17] POWDER-BLUE CIRCULAR SAUCER DISH KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 With five shaped panels reserved in white, enamelled in famille-verte with a boy holding a branch with flowers, a landscape, flowers, a lion and utensils; the back decorated with floral sprays in red and green; mark in under-glaze blue. (Slight crack) Diameter, 1014 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] VERY FINE POWDER-BLUE CIRCULAR BOWL KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Pencilled in gold; the outside with four shaped panels reserved in white, enamelled in famille-verte with floral sprays and utensils; the inside powder-blue, with a shaped panel enamelled with a basket of flowers. Mark in under-glaze blue. Diameter, 7 ches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] POWDER-BLUE SAUCER DISH KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Pencilled with floral sprays in gold; with five shaped panels, reserved in white, enamelled in flowers and a Ho-ho bird; the back powder- blue; mark in under-glaze blue. Brilliant coloring. (Slight chip in rim) Diameter, 1034, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 5 KANG-HSI BOWL AND COVER AND TWO CIRCULAR PLATES IN POWDER-BLUE AND FAMILLE-VERTE [NUMBERS 18-20] 18 POWDER-BLUE BOWL AND COVER KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 With two elephant-head handles; decorated with four fan-shaped panels, reserved in white, with under-glaze decoration in blue of sprays of flowers; brilliant coloring. (2) Diameter, 6 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 19 POWDER-BLUE CIRCULAR PLATE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Pencilled in gold; the centre with large circular panels, reserved in white, enamelled in famille-verte with flowers, rocks and insects; the rim with four cartouche-shaped panels, similarly decorated; bril- liant coloring. Mark in under-glaze blue. Diameter, 1034, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 20 POWDER-BLUE CIRCULAR PLATE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Similar to the preceding. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 6 21 22 LARGE KANG-HSI DISH IN POWDER-BLUE AND FAMILLE-VERTE [NUMBER 21] LARGE CIRCULAR DISH IN POWDER-BLUE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Pencilled in gold; the centre reserved in white, enamelled in famille- verte with a lion breathing flames and a flying Ho-ho bird; the rim with eight reserved panels decorated with animals and utensils. Bril- liant coloring. Decorated underneath with sprays of flowers in red and green; with under-glaze mark in blue. (Crack in rim) Diameter, 1614 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] PAIR OF POWDER-BLUE VASES KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Pencilled in gold; cylindrical, with narrow, circular, knopped necks; with six shaped panels, reserved in white, enamelled in famille-verte with floral sprays. (One chipped) (2) Height, 6 inches ff 23 24 25 TWO KANG-HSI VASES AND A SMALL BOWL IN POWDER-BLUE AND FA MILLE-VERTE [NUMBERS 23-25] POWDER-BLUE VASE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Triple-gourd shape; decorated with shaped panels, reserved in white, enamelled in famille-verte with utensils, floral sprays and lions, in brilliant colors. (Chip in rim) Height, 914 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION] POWDER-BLUE CIRCULAR BOWL KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 The outside decorated with shaped panels, reserved in white, enamelled in famille-verte with floral sprays and landscapes: the white inside with a circular medallion on the base, decorated in famille-verte, with, round the rim, a band of diaper decoration with reserved cartouches. Mark in under-glaze blue. ( Slight crack) Diameter, 6 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | POWDER-BLUE VASE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Pencilled in gold; pear shape, with slender neck terminating in a bulb; decorated with shaped panels reserved in white, enamelled in famille-verte with floral sprays and utensils ; mounted in ormolu. Height, 10 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 8 26 L IMPORTANT KANG-HSI VASE IN POWDER-BLUE AND FAMILLE-VERTE [NUMBER 26] IMPORTANT VASE IN POWDER-BLUE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Quadrangular, slightly tapering towards the base; with circular shaped neck; decorated with shaped panels, reserved in white, enam- elled in famille-verte with landscapes and floral sprays. (Slight chip) Height, 1834, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 9 27 28 29 [NUMBER 27] IMPORTANT VASE IN POWDER-BLUE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Pear shape; knopped neck, and circular foot; with shaped panels re- served in white, decorated in under-glaze blue with landscapes, floral sprays and utensils. Brilliant color. (Slightly repaired) Height, 181% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] PAIR OF POWDER-BLUE VASES KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Triple-gourd shape; pencilled in gold; with shaped panels, reserved in white, enamelled in famille-verte of brilliant colors with floral sprays and birds. (2) Height, 814 inches IMPORTANT VASE IN POWDER-BLUE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Oviform, with narrow circular neck; with six shaped panels, re- served in white, decorated in under-glaze blue and the rare “‘peach- bloom” glaze, with lions, landscapes, birds, flowers and insects. Very fine. Height, 1814 inches 10 30 31 TWO SUPERB KANG-HSI VASES IN POWDER-BLUE AND FAMILLE-VERTE [NUMBERS 30 AND 31] SUPERB POWDER-BLUE VASE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Club shape: each with two quadrangular panels, reserved in white, outlined in red, enamelled in famille-verte with flowering plants, rocks and insects. Brilliant coloring. Important. Height, 1614 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] SUPERB POWDER-BLUE VASE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Similar to the preceding. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 11 382 TWO POWDER-BLUE VASES KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Pencilled in gold; triple-gourd shape; with shaped panels, reserved in white, enamelled in famille-verte with floral sprays and birds; bril- liant coloring; mounted in ormolu. (One repaired at neck) (2) Height, 10 inches 34 35 [NUMBERS 33-35] POWDER-BLUE SPRINKLER VASE WITH PEACH-BLOOM DECORATION KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Fine coloring, with three shaped panels, reserved in white, outlined in gold, decorated with lions in the rare ‘“peach-bloom” glaze. Im- portant. Height, 7 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] POWDER-BLUE JAR AND COVER KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Cylindrical, with two carved handles; decorated with shaped panels, reserved in white, two with landscapes in under-glaze red, the re- mainder enamelled in famille-verte. (Cover chipped) (2) Diameter, 414 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION] POWDER-BLUE SPRINKLER VASE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Brilliant coloring: the slender neck with slightly outcurving lip. Height, 6 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 12 36 37 38 [NUMBERS 386 AND 37] MAGNIFICENT FAMILLE-NOIRE VASE AND COVER KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1680 Baluster shape; the ground of mirror-black, flecked with ‘‘tongued flames” of deep rose and brilliant green; round the rim and the vase is a band of vertical stripes and, on the shoulder, a iambrequin of rouge-de-fer, outlined in green, decorated with a floral pattern re- served in white and gold. Round the body is a design of four lions, each of a different color, with brocaded balls of wheel pattern, from which proceed loops and long ends of ribbon; on the forehead of each of the lions is the mark “wang”’, signifying king of beasts. (2) Height, 24 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] MAGNIFICENT FAMILLE-NOIRE VASE AND COVER KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1680 Similar to the preceding. (2) [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] POWDER-BLUE VASE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Cylindrical; narrow, knopped neck; with eight shaped panels, re- served in white, enamelled in famille-verte with sprays of flowers. Pencilled in gold. (Neck repaired) Height, 1014 inches 13 39 freee IMPORTANT PAIR OF KANG-HSI VASES IN FAMILLE-VERTE [NUMBER 39] PAIR OF IMPORTANT FAMILLE-VERTE VASES KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1675 Quadrangular, tapering slightly towards the base: two sides dec- orated with “lange lysen” figures in landscapes, and two with floral sprays and birds; the sloping shoulders in stippled green, dotted with colored flowers; the circular, incurved neck in “shagreen” with medallions containing colored flowers, with shaped panels, reserved in white, decorated with floral sprays and insects. Brilliant coloring. (One repaired on neck) (2) Height, 1834, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 14 ae eee ee Ph meee ee PAIR OF KANG-HSI JARS AND COVERS IN FAMILLE-VERTE [NUMBER 40] 40 PAIR OF FAMILLE-VERTE JARS AND COVERS Al KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Oviform; white ground, outlined with under-glaze blue; the body enamelled with ladies and children at play on a garden terrace; the neck with symbols; the domed lid with boys at play in a landscape. (4) Height, 111% inches [ SEE ILLUSTRATION | PAIR OF FAMILLE-VERTE JARS AND COVERS KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1675 Oviform; brilliant green stippled ground, flecked with colored flowers; with shaped panels, reserved in white, enamelled with floral sprays. and insects; the circular domed covers with a scarlet, green and white lambrequin. Brilliant coloring. (One cover repaired) (4) | Height, 614 inches 15 42 43 RAE Tee Scar janes MRE Daun Tae i ees ay Maron oe be as Re Seaiats:3 Na a | 2 TWO IMPORTANT KANG-HSI VASES AND COVERS IN FAMILLE-VERTE [NUMBERS 42 AND 43] IMPORTANT FAMILLE-VERTE VASE AND COVER KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1765 Inverted pear shape; outlined in under-glaze blue; enamelled round the base with a decoration of vertical stripes; the body with a finely executed representation of a dignitary giving audience; the shoulder with a band of stippled green, decorated with flowers and leaves in red, green, aubergine and yellow, with cartouches reserved in white, decorated with symbols; high domed cover, decorated with boys at play in a landscape. (2) Height, 18 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION] IMPORTANT FAMILLE-VERTE VASE AND COVER KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1765 Similar to the preceding. (Cover repaired) (2) [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 16 44 45 46 THREE VERY FINE KANG-HSI VASES AND COVERS IN FAMILLE-VERTE [NUMBERS 44-46 ] IMPORTANT FAMILLE-VERTE VASE AND COVER KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1765 Inverted pear shape; with a triple band of decoration in three colors round the base; the body divided into two panels by vertical bands outlined in red, enamelled with sprays of convolvulus, each panel decorated with a scene depicting a garden terrace and a lady setting out to pay a visit of ceremony. The flat cover decorated with sym- bols and utensils. (Very fine) (2) Height, 1514 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] IMPORTANT FAMILLE-VERTE VASE AND COVER KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1765 Similar to the preceding. (2) [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] IMPORTANT FAMILLE-VERTE VASE AND COVER KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1765 Similar to the preceding. (2) [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] ake 47 SUPERB VASE IN GREEN, YELLOW AND AUBERGINE 48 49 KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1665 Quadrangular, tapering towards the base, the sides enamelled in clear, soft green, with a design of flowers, emblematic of the four seasons, outlined in soft Indian ink and colored ivory, green, yellow and aubergine; the slightly sloping shoulders enamelled in clear yel- low, with a decoration of leaves and flowers in three colors; the cir- cular, incurved neck with a similar decoration to that on the body. Inscribed on the base. An unusual form of decoration. (Neck repaired) Height, 19 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION] VASE WITH FINE FLAMBE-RED GLAZE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Baluster shape, with crackle surface; the colored glaze starting one- and-a-half inches from the top of the vase and continuing until within one-half inch from the foot, when it terminates in an uneven line, the color changing on one side into clear blue. Height, 1014 inches BRONZE SHAPE VASE WITH FINE FLAMBE-RED GLAZE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1670 Quadrangular, with bulbous body, on oblong foot; with two loop handles on the side; the richly colored glaze entirely covering the body, but thinning, and in some places disappearing, on the neck and handles. Important. Height, 121% inches 18 SUPERB KANG-HSI VASE IN GREEN, YELLOW AND AUBERGINE [NUMBER 47] 50 VERY IMPORTANT MING INCENSE BURNER [NUMBER 50] SUPERB TRIPOD INCENSE BURNER MING, CIRCA 1450 A fine example of three-color glaze on a pottery basis—in blue, yel- low and green; the feet are grotesque masks; round the body are four dragons; on one side of the neck is a shrine with priests and lions, on the other figures of Immortals rising from clouds; the projecting rim, which is outlined with ju-i, is supported by two lions, standing on a grotesque mask on the body. (Slightly defective) Height, 1914 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 20 51 52 53 [NUMBERS 51 AND 52] FINE FIGURE OF KWAN-YIN IN BLANC-DE-CHINE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1680 Represented as standing on flowing water, holding a child. Height, 25 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | FINE FIGURE OF KWAN-YIN IN BLANC-DE-CHINE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1680 Similar to the preceding. (Repaired) [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] LARGE BLUE AND WHITE BOTTLE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Pear shape; the ground dark blue, decorated all over with a design of peonies and foliage, reserved in white, outlined in blue. (Re- paired ) Height, 19 inches 21 54 55 56 THREE VERY FINE BLUE AND WHITE KANG-HSI JARS [NUMBERS 54-56] SUPERB BLUE AND WHITE “HAWTHORN” JAR KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1680 Oviform; “cracked ice” ground in delicately graduated tones of blue; decorated with rising and falling sprays of prunus, reserved in white, outlined in blue. Carved wood cover. Height, 814 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | FINE BLUE AND WHITE “HAWTHORN” JAR KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1680 Oviform; ‘‘cracked ice’? ground in shades of blue, decorated with prunus blossoms, reserved in white, outlined in blue. Black wood cover. Height, 9 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | FINE BLUE AND WHITE “HAWTHORN” JAR KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1680 Almost identical with the preceding. Black wood cover. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 22 57 58 59 60 61 62 CANISTER VASE IN BLUE AND WHITE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1680 Quadrangular; each side decorated with “lang lysen” figures in a garden; the shoulders decorated with floral sprays; the small circu- lar neck with three bands of decoration. The whole decoration in under-glaze blue on white. Mark in under-glaze blue. Height, 12 inches CANISTER VASE IN BLUE AND WHITE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1680 Almost identical with the preceding. BLUE AND WHITE BOTTLE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1700 Bulbous body, with long, slender, knopped neck. The body dec- orated with hunting scenes by the light of the moon, stars and torches; the neck with flowers and foliage. (Neck slightly chipped) Height, 15 inches BLUE AND WHITE BOTTLE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1700 Similar to the preceding; the body decorated with a party of men hunting deer. (Neck repaired) SMALL BLUE AND WHITE SPRINKLER VASE ; KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1700 The body decorated with chrysanthemums and foliage; the long slender neck with water-leaves. On circular foot. All decoration in under-glaze blue on white. Height, 614 inches SMALL BLUE AND WHITE SPRINKLER VASE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1700 Almost identical with the preceding. 23 63 KANG-HSI COVERED JAR IN BLUE AND WHITE [NUMBER 63] VERY FINE BLUE AND WHITE JAR AND COVER KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1680 Cylindrical. The ground of blue “cracked ice” in softly graded tones, with four shaped panels reserved in white and decorated in blue with flowers, symbols and utensils, surrounded by prunus blossoms re- served in white; the flat lid, with plain blue finial, similarly deco- rated. (2) Height, 634, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 24 64 65 66 67 68 69 BLUE AND WHITE CIRCULAR BOWL KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1700 The base surrounded with a moulded design of flower petals, each decorated with a chrysanthemum, above which are panels decorated alternately with boys at play and a lady in a garden; the base of the inside decorated with a circular medallion, containing a seated figure of a lady holding a spray of blossom, the rim with a broad band of diaper design. Inscription on base. The whole decoration in under- glaze blue on white. Diameter, 73/4, inches BLUE AND WHITE CIRCULAR BOWL KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1700 Almost identical with the preceding. FINE BLUE AND WHITE VASE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1700 Pear shape, with long slender neck; the body divided into six panels, each decorated with a design of figures or utensils; the neck with water-leaves; on circular foot. Height, 1014 inches FINE VASE IN BLUE AND WHITE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1680 Pear shape, with long, slender, knopped neck; the ground clear white, beautifully decorated in blue with symbols. (Neck slightly chipped) Height, 12 inches FINE BLUE AND WHITE VASE AND COVER KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1670 Oviform; white ground, the body decorated with a company of mounted warriors, in a landscape, very finely executed, edged with bands of shaded blue, with prunus reserved in white. The flat, original cover decorated with a medallion edged with a lambrequin, enclosing a basket of flowers. (Repaired) (2) Height, 24 inches VERY FINE BLUE AND WHITE BEAKER KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 The body divided into vertical panels by bands of diaper decoration in blue and white; the panels with a white ground, finely painted in blue with flowers and insects; round the rim is a band of “cracked ice” and prunus, from which depends a “brocade” lambrequin in blue and white; a similar decoration round the base. Color, decoration and glaze fine. Height, 19 inches This and the following four numbers form an important garniture. 25 70 fat 72 73 74 75 VERY FINE BLUE AND WHITE BEAKER KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Similar to the preceding. This, with the preceding beaker and the three following vases and covers, forms an important garniture. FINE BLUE AND WHITE VASE AND COVER KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Baluster shape; similar decoration to the preceding. (2) This vase, with the two preceding and the two following numbers, forms an important garniture. FINE BLUE AND WHITE VASE AND COVER KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Similar to the preceding. (Repaired) (2) This, with the three preceding numbers and the following, forms an important garniture. FINE BLUE AND WHITE VASE AND COVER KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Similar to the preceding. (Repaired) (2) This vase, with the four preceding numbers, forms an important garniture. BLUE AND WHITE “HAWTHORN” JAR AND COVER KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1700 Inverted pear shape: the ground “cracked ice” in shaded blue, dec- orated with rising and falling sprays of prunus blossoms, reserved in white; original cover. (Cover repaired) (2) From the Collection of the Right Hon. Lord Ribblesdale. Height, 1014 inches BLUE AND WHITE “HAWTHORN” JAR AND COVER KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1700 Almost identical with the preceding. (Cover repaired) (2) From the Collection of the Right Hon. Lord Ribblesdale. 26 76 iyi 78 79 80 81 FINE BLUE AND WHITE GARNITURE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1680 Comprising three vases and covers and two beakers; white ground; decorated with figures in landscapes in blue. (One beaker and three covers repaired) (8) Height of vases, 20 inches: of beakers, 18 inches FINE BLUE AND WHITE GARNITURE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1680 Comprising three jars and covers and two beakers; white ground; the decoration of shaped vertical panels, outlined in blue, enclosing flowering trees and plants; the tops and bases outlined with bands of blue, with peonies and foliage reserve in white. (One cover and one beaker repaired) (8) From the Salting Collection. Height of jars, 121% inches; of beakers, 1034, inches TALL BLUE AND WHITE BEAKER KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1700 The ground blue, decorated with chrysanthemums and foliage re- served in white; with six shaped panels reserved in white, outlined with blue, decorated in blue with floral sprays, birds, symbols and utensils. Height, 2014 inches TALL BLUE AND WHITE BEAKER KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1700 Almost identical with the preceding. (Repaired) LARGE BLUE AND WHITE CIRCULAR DISH KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1700 Wide flat rim with a decoration of chrysanthemums and foliage and peacocks, with four cartouches, reserved in white, enclosing plants. The ground of the centre a fine diaper pattern in blue and white, with eight shaped panels, decorated with floral sprays, radiating from a shaped medallion decorated with a spray of tree peony and lotus. The rim decorated underneath with finely executed symbols. “Fungus” mark. Diameter, 1814 inches LARGE BLUE AND WHITE CIRCULAR DISH KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1700 Similar decoration to the preceding. Diameter, 21 inches 27 82 83 TWO KANG-HSI JARS AND COVERS IN FINE BLUE AND WHITE [NUMBERS 82 AND 83] BLUE AND WHITE JAR AND COVER KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Inverted pear shape; decorated in under-glaze blue on white with a party of equestrian figures in a landscape; the domed covers with boys at play. ‘‘Leaf’? mark on base. (2) Height, 11 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | BLUE AND WHITE JAR AND COVER KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Almost identical with the preceding. (2) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 28 84 BLUE AND WHITE CYLINDRICAL VASE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1680 The base and top decorated with “brocade” vandykes; the body very finely painted with floral sprays. ‘Musical instrument” mark on ‘base, denoting that it was intended for religious worship. (Neck repaired) Height, 12 inches 85 BLUE AND WHITE CYLINDRICAL VASE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1680 Almost identical with the preceding. (Neck very slightly repaired) 86 FINE BLUE AND WHITE JAR AND COVER : KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1680 The ground, in under-glaze blue “cracked ice’ with many gradua- tions of tone, decorated with rising sprays of prunus blossom re- served in white. Cylindrical. (2) Height, 7 inches 87 FINE BLUE AND WHITE GARNITURE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1680 Comprising three covered vases and two beakers; white ground; the decoration a series of moulded, vertical panels, enclosing finely ex- ecuted landscapes in blue. (One vase and one beaker repaired, one beaker chipped) (8) Height of beakers, 1614 inches; of vases, 1914 inches 29 88 89 TWO KANG-HSI VASES IN BLUE AND WHITE [NUMBERS 88 AND 89] BLUE AND WHITE VASE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1700 Pear shape; the body decorated with a design of chrysanthemums and foliage, on the top of which is a brocaded pattern. The slender neck decorated with water-leaves; a narrow band of decoration on the inside of the rim. The entire decoration in under-glaze blue on white. “Fungus” mark. Height, 934, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | BLUE AND WHITE VASE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1700 Almost identical with the preceding. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 30 90 91 91A 92 93 94 BLUE AND WHITE GARNITURE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1700 Three small jars, with slender knopped necks, and two small vases and covers, decorated in under-glaze blue on white with flowers and foliage; with six moulded panels, outlined in blue, decorated with “lange lysen’’ figures and flowering plants. ‘Leaf’ mark. (Three pieces repaired) (7) Height, 7 inches LARGE BLUE AND WHITE FISH BOWL CHIEN-LUNG, CIRCA 1780 Circular; blue waved ground, with flowers and foliage reserved in white. Height, 19 inches; diameter, 26 inches EWER IN CAFE-AU-LAIT AND BLUE AND WHITE KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1700 The bulbous body in café-au-lait moulded in spiral flutes ; the shoulder, slender neck and “lip” in white, with a decoration of blossoms and foliage in blue. (Repaired) Height, 81% inches BLUE AND WHITE FLOWER BOWL KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1690 Rectangular, with moulded sides and shaped edge, decorated in blue on white with landscapes and floral sprays. (Repaired) Size, 914 inches square PAIR OF TEACUPS AND SAUCERS KANG-HSI, CIRCA 1700 The insides decorated with red, blue and green; the outsides with shaped panels and sprays of prunus in green, yellow, white and aubergine in a ground of mirror-black. “Fungus” mark. (4) WINE EWER CHIEN-LUNG, CIRCA 1760 Porcelain, enamelled all over, in the manner of Canton enamel upon copper, with a design of flowers and emblems in various colors upon an opaque pink ground; the spout rising from an elephant’s head; the interior and base turquoise-blue glaze; red seal mark. Height, 734, inches dl 95 96 97 98 99 VERY IMPORTANT EARLY WORCESTER VASE AND COVER ENGLISH, CIRCA 1770 Hexagonal; scale-blue ground, decorated with gold, with shaped panels reserved in white, decorated in the Hizen manner with exotic birds and butterflies; high domed cover, with similar decoration. “Chinese” mark in blue; Dr. Wall period. Finest quality and con- dition. (2) Height, 15 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] IMPORTANT EARLY WORCESTER VASE AND COVER ENGLISH, CIRCA 1770 Hexagonal; scale-blue ground, decorated with gold, with shaped panels, reserved in white, decorated in the Hizen manner in red, blue, green and gold, with exotic flowers and birds. High domed cover, decorated in a similar manner. “Chinese” square mark in blue; Dr. Wall period. Finest quality and condition. (2) Height, 10 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | IMPORTANT EARLY WORCESTER VASE AND COVER ENGLISH, CIRCA 1770 Similar to the preceding. (Hair-crack in base) (2) [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] TEAPOT AND COVER OF EARLY WORCESTER PORCELAIN ENGLISH, CIRCA 1770 Seale-blue ground, with panels reserved in white, outlined with gold scrolls, decorated in the Hizen manner with exotic birds and insects in colors. “Chinese” square mark in blue; Dr. Wall period. (Re- paired) (2) Height, 514 inches SUGAR BOWL AND COVER OF EARLY WORCESTER PORCE- LAIN ENGLISH, CIRCA 1770 Circular; scale-blue ground; panels reserved in white, outlined in gold scrolls, decorated in the Hizen manner with flowers. Crescent mark in blue; Dr. Wall period. (Finial repaired) (2) Height, 414 inches D2 itt al, Soe THREE VERY IMPORTANT EARLY WORCESTER COVERED VASES Tel [NUMBERS 95- PART OF AN EARLY WORCESTER DESSERT SERVICE DECORATED WITH SCENES FROM SHAKESPEARE [NUMBER 100] 100 VERY IMPORTANT CHAMBERLAIN WORCESTER DESSERT SERVICE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 White, lavishly decorated with very fine quality gold; each piece decorated with a beautifully painted scene from one of Shakespeare’s plays, identified on the reverse, the appropriate quotation being added. Inscribed in addition: “Chamberlains Worcester, Manu- facturers to their Royal Highnesses, The Prince of Wales and Duke of Cumberland.” Comprising: Pair of wine coolers, liners and covers. (One handle chipped); Oblong fruit compotier on foot; Pair of circular preserve dishes, ladles, covers and stands; Two oval dishes; Two kidney dishes; Four shell dishes; Four square dishes; Twenty-three plates (two repaired). Decoration and condition of the highest quality. Probably unique. (50) [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 34 101 102 103 104 VERY FINE EARLY WORCESTER DESSERT SERVICE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 White ground; decorations of arabesques in gilt; each piece with the coat-of-arms or crest of the Prendergast family. Comprising: Oval fruit dish with coat-of-arms in centre, on sep- arate oval plinth, supported by gryphon and fluted pillars; Pair of oval fruit dishes, smaller (one repaired) ; Two tall preserve dishes, covers and stands, painted with shellfish, flowers and sporting sub- jects (one base cracked); Pair of shell-shaped fruit dishes; Six plates, painted with portraits of Indian princes, named on reverse; Six plates painted with landscapes, some identified on reverse; Five plates painted with flowers, birds, shell-fish and a tiger (one cracked). Inscribed on back: “Barr, Flight and Barr, Royal Por- celain Works, Worcester. London House, Flight and Barr, Coventry Street. Established 1751. Manufacturers to Their Majesties, Prince of Wales and Royal Family.” A Crown and “B. F. B.” engraved in the paste. Finest quality and condition. (28) VERY FINE WORCESTER RUBY VASE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1830 Campana shape; the ground ruby color, decorated in white and gold; on each side a panel, framed in gilt, beautifully painted with a bouquet of flowers in natural colors. Gilt handles terminating in leaves and berries in relief. Inscribed on base: “Flight, Barr and Barr, Royal Porcelain Works, Worcester. London. . . Coventry Street.” Finest quality. Height, 16 inches FINE WORCESTER RUBY VASE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1830 Oviform; the ground ruby, with white and gold decoration; on each side a panel, beautifully painted with flowers; gold “pearled” handles from the shoulder to the rim; circular foot on square base. Finest quality and condition. Inscribed on base: “Flight, Barr and Barr, Royal Porcelain Works, Worcester. London House, 1, Coventry Street.” Height, 16 inches FINE WORCESTER RUBY VASE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1830 Similar to the preceding. 30 FINE WORCESTER VASE IN BLUE AND GOLD [NUMBER 105] 105 FINE WORCESTER VASE IN BLUE AND GOLD ENGLISH, CIRCA 1800 With two gilt scroll handles; on square base; the body decorated with exotic birds and flowers in the Hizen manner. Height, 20 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 36 106 FINE WORCESTER VASE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1830 Campana shape; white ground, richly decorated with gold; two gilt handles terminating in leaves and berries; on square bases; painted with English landscapes, identified on the base. Inscribed on base: “Flight, Barr and Barr, Royal Porcelain Works, Worcester. Lon- don House, 1, Coventry Street.” Height, 1314 inches 107 FINE PAIR OF WORCESTER VASES ENGLISH, CIRCA 1830 En suite with the preceding. (One repaired) (2) Height, 19 inches 108 FINE WORCESTER VASE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1830 109 Flattened campana shape; two handles terminating in berries in relief; on square base; deep blue ground, with decoration in white and gold; shaped panels reserved in white, outlined in gilt scrolls, decorated with flowers, birds and insects. Mark on base, engraved Crown and “F.B.B.” (Slight crack) Height, 16 inches PAIR OF WORCESTER CHINA WALL POCKETS ENGLISH, CIRCA 1800 Gros-bleu ground, with decoration of white and gold; with panels reserved in white, painted with flowers and birds. (One slightly re- paired) (2) Height, 714 inches o7 110 111 TWO PLATES FROM THE FAMOUS NELSON SERVICE OF WORCESTER PORCELAIN [NUMBERS 110 AND 111] PLATE FROM THE FAMOUS NELSON SERVICE OF WORCES- TER PORCELAIN ENGLISH, 1798-99 From the celebrated dinner service of old Worcester porcelain, pre- sented by the British Nation to Lord Nelson, “The Hero of the Nile”, by whom it was bequeathed to King William IV, who presented it to Lord Frederick FitzClarence, from whom it was acquired by the Earl of Erroll, who subsequently sold it at Christie’s, when these plates were acquired. Each piece in the service was painted with a portrait of Lady Hamilton as “Hope” in varied attitudes on the seashore, a ship in the distance; the border gros-bleu and gold. The mark, a Crown, “Flight” and a crescent in blue. Diameter, 934, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | PLATE FROM THE FAMOUS NELSON SERVICE OF WORCES- TER PORCELAIN ENGLISH, 1798-99 Similar to the preceding. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 38 RARE AND IMPORTANT CHELSEA FIGURE [NUMBER 112] 112 FINE AND IMPORTANT CHELSEA FIGURE ENGLISH, 1765 A finely modelled figure of a youth, wearing knee-breeches, a bro- caded coat with a cloak and a hat with plumes, holding in his right hand a posy, standing against a tree trunk with flowers in relief; on a scrolled plinth, decorated with blue and gold. Inscribed on the base: ‘George Holmes did this figer 1765”. (Very slightly defective) Height, 1034, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 39 113 114 VERY FINE PAIR OF CHELSEA ARBOR CANDLESTICKS ENGLISH, CIRCA 1750 Designed as figures of a youth and a maiden, each holding a bird, in Watteau costume of rich coloring, standing against a background of flowers and foliage in high relief; on scrolled plinths, decorated in green and gold; the shaped nozzles in white, blue and gold. Red anchor mark. (2) Height, 13 inches VERY FINE PAIR OF CHELSEA ARBOR CANDELABRA ENGLISH, CIRCA 1750 A maiden, in low bodice, and rose-colored skirt hooped up over a brocaded petticoat, reclining on a balcony, holding in her left hand a bird-cage, in her right hand, a posy of flowers; a lamb by her side. A youth, in rose-colored breeches, a flowered waistcoat and a hat with plumes, leaning on a balcony, holding a dove on his knee, with a dog seated at his feet. Both figures against a background of flowers and foliage in relief; on scrolled plinths in white and gold; with two candle nozzles on each. (Slightly defective) (2) Height, 111% inches 40 ee eee ee ee So eee ee tee! Se 2 ee eee VERY FINE PAIR OF EARLY CHELSEA ARBOR CANDELABRA [NUMBER 115] 115 VERY FINE PAIR OF CHELSEA ARBOR CANDELABRA ENGLISH, CIRCA 1750 Similar in design to the preceding, but with the coloring different. (Slightly defective) (2) Height, 111% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 41 116 UB iff IMPORTANT EARLY CHELSEA FIGURES OF JUPITER 4 D JUNO [NUMBERS 116 AND 117] IMPORTANT FIGURE OF JUPITER IN CHELSEA PORCELAIN ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 A finely modelled figure, wearing a crown and a brocaded robe; holding in his right hand the thunderbolt; the eagle by his side. On a scrolled plinth, decorated with green and gold. (Repaired) [SEE ILLUSTRATION] Height, 17 inches IMPORTANT FIGURE OF JUNO IN CHELSEA PORCELAIN ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 A finely modelled figure, in richly brocaded crimson robe, with a flowing blue cloak and a crown from which depends a veil; holding in her left hand a scroll, caressing with her right the neck of a peacock at her side; on a scrolled plinth, decorated in green and gold. (Slightly repaired) _ Height, 18 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 42 Se —— eS +. ee eee a eS ee 118 119 120 VERY FINE CHELSEA PORCELAIN GROUP ENGLISH, CIRCA 1760 Europa and the Bull; Europa represented in a classical gown, seated on the bull, which is wreathed in garlands of flowers. On a scrolled white and gold plinth. Height, 121% inches CHELSEA VASE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 Oviform, with shaped neck, circular foot and two scroll handles; the ground a deep rose color, decorated lavishly with gold; the body finely painted with a scene representing “The Judgment of Solomon”’. (Repaired) From the Rohson Collection, 1923. Height, 7 inches FEMALE BUST IN CHELSEA PORCELAIN ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 Finely modelled head and shoulders, with rose-colored drapery caught over one shoulder by a blue ribbon; on a shaped plinth; red anchor mark. (Repaired at back) Height, 434, inches 43 121 122 FINE PAIR OF VASES IN EARLY CROWN DERBY PORCELAIN [NUMBER 121] FINE PAIR OF CROWN DERBY VASES ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 Campana shape; dark blue ground, with white and gold decoration; each vase having on one side a beautifully painted English land- Scape, identified on the base, and, on the reverse, a bouquet of flowers in their natural colors. Mark on base, Crown and “Derby” in red. (2) Height, 13 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] PAIR OF CROWN DERBY VASES ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 Oviform; white ground, decorated in gold; with swan handles in white and gold; the bodies painted on one side with Chinese figures; on the other with bunches of flowers. Mark on base, Crown and “D” in red. (Slightly chipped) (2) From the Robson Collection, 1923. Height, 10 inches 44 123 124 PAIR OF EARLY CROWN DERBY VASES [NUMBER 123] PAIR OF CROWN DERBY VASES ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 Oviform, with handles formed of cupids riding upon dolphins; salmon-pink ground, decorated with white and gold; round the bodies a band, finely gilt, painted with flowers. Fine quality and condition. (2) From the Robson Collection, 1923. Height, 10 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | FINE CROWN DERBY VASE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 Campana shape; white ground, with decoration of arabesques in gilt; two shaped acanthus handles; the body finely painted with flowers; mark on base, Crown and “D” in red. (Base chipped) From the Robson Collection, 19238. Height, 13 inches 45 125 126 127 SET OF THREE EARLY CROWN DERBY VASES [NUMBER 125] SET OF THREE CROWN DERBY VASES ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 Campana shape, one larger than the other two; cherry-colored ground, richly gilt, with snake handles; each painted with a land- scape panel and a bird, which is identified on the base. Crown and “TD” in red on base. (Two chipped on base) (3) From the Robson Collection, 1923. Height, 714 and 614 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] VERY FINE GROUP IN DERBY BISCUIT PORCELAIN ENGLISH, CIRCA 1770 A tree with foliage in high relief, round the base of which are three cupids, one with a musical instrument, one with a dove, and a dog by his side, the third with a basket of flowers. Exquisite work- manship. Inscribed on base, “No. 252”. Height, 11 inches FINE FIGURE OF BOY IN DERBY BISCUIT PORCELAIN ENGLISH, CIRCA 1770 To represent “Summer”; a smiling boy, holding a bunch of flowers to his face. Inscribed on base, ‘No. 123”. Mark, Crown and “D” engraved in paste. Height, 11 inches 46 128 129 130 131 FINE FIGURE OF BOY IN DERBY BISCUIT PORCELAIN ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 To represent Winter; a smiling boy, resting one knee on a tree trunk, carrying a bundle of faggots. Inscribed on base, “No. 123. First size’. Mark, Crown and “D” engraved in paste. Height, 10 inches FINELY MODELLED FIGURE OF WILLIAM PITT IN DERBY BISCUIT PORCELAIN ENGLISH, CIRCA 1785 William Pitt, 1759-1806, the famous English statesman, was Chan- cellor of the Exchequer in 1782 and Prime Minister, at the age of twenty-four, in 1783. He is represented as seated in an armchair, one knee crossed over the other, the hands outstretched as if in argument. Height, 714 inches FINELY MODELLED FIGURE OF WILLIAM WILBERFORCE IN DERBY BISCUIT PORCELAIN ENGLISH, CIRCA 1785 William Wilberforce, 1759-1833, the great philanthropist and parli- amentary leader for the cause of the abolition of slavery. He is represented seated in an armchair, the left hand resting on a book, the right hand holding a spyglass; under the chair is a pile of books and a scroll inscribed “‘Abolition Slave Bill’. Height, 7 inches FINELY MODELLED FIGURE OF MRS. MACAULAY IN DERBY BISCUIT PORCELAIN ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 Mrs. Catherine Macaulay, 1731-1791, was a famous historian and controversialist; she visited North America in 1784, and stayed ten days with Washington in 1785. She is represented as seated in an armchair, one foot on a footstool; her left hand resting on the arm of the chair, her right hand holding a vinaigrette; dressed in a high- waisted gown, with a shawl draped round her shoulders and a high- crowned bonnet, tied under her chin. Height, 7 inches 47 132 133 134 135 FINELY MODELLED FIGURE OF CHARLES JAMES FOX IN DERBY BISCUIT PORCELAIN ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 Charles James Fox, 1749-1806, the famous English statesman and orator; he opposed North’s American policy in 1774 and supported the repeal of the tea duty. Represented as seated in an armchair, holding a scroll in his left hand. (Base cracked) Height, 8 inches FIGURE OF A LADY IN DERBY BISCUIT PORCELAIN ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 A lady, in a dress with panniers and a lace-edged apron, seated on a chair, playing with a dog, which she holds on her knee. (Repaired at neck) Height, 534, inches PAIR OF SEATED FIGURES IN BISCUIT PORCELAIN ENGLISH, CIRCA 1770 A lady in a dress richly trimmed with lace, feeding a cat seated on her knee; a gentleman, in knee breeches, tail coat and a three- cornered hat, with a dog dressed up in a coat and hat. Mark, a triangle enclosing crossed swords, engraved on the base. (One figure slightly repaired) (2) Height, 5 wmches SMALL VASE IN DERBY BISCUIT PORCELAIN ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 In the shape of a classic urn, with two loop handles; wreathed with garlands of flowers in high relief. Inscribed on base, “No. 116”. Mark, Crown and “D” engraved in the paste. (One handle slightly repaired) Height, 7 inches 48 136 137 138 139 FINE EARLY WEDGWOOD PLAQUE [NUMBER 136] FINE WEDGWOOD PLAQUE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 Blue jasper; decorated in cameo in very high relief with a satyr and two nymphs placing a thermal statue of a satyr on a square base. Height, 81% inches; width, 121% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] WEDGWOOD PORTRAIT MEDALLION ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 Bust portrait of a man in wig and coat with ruffles in white-cameo on blue jasper. Stamped “Wedgwood” on reverse. — (Slight crack) Height, 544 inches; width, 41% inches FINE VASE IN BLUE AND WHITE WEDGWOOD CHINA ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 Urn shape; with two loop handles; decorated in the classical manner with white on blue jasper; the body beautifully decorated in white cameo with scenes depicting the childhood of Bacchus. (Repaired) Height, 181% inches FINE PEDESTAL IN BLUE AND WHITE WEDGWOOD CHINA ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 Circular; in blue jasper, decorated in the classical manner with white cameo; the body decorated with two scenes depicting the birth of Achilles. Height, 10 inches 49 140 141 142 TWO FINE EARLY WEDGWOOD PLAQUES IN GREEN AND WHITE JASPER [NUMBERS 140 AND 141] FINE WEDGWOOD PLAQUE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 Green jasper; with a decoration in white cameo of Apollo and the Nine Muses. Height, 514 inches; width, 171% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] FINE WEDGWOOD PLAQUE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 Pale green jasper; with a beautiful decoration in white cameo of nymphs and cherubs making a sacrifice to Flora. Height, 614 inches; width, 19 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] FINE WEDGWOOD PLAQUE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 Black basalt; with a decoration in white cameo of four groups of cherubs representing the Arts and Sciences. Height, 534, inches; width, 1714 inches PEDESTAL IN BLUE AND WHITE WEDGWOOD CHINA ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 Square, with moulded top and base; decoration in the classical man- ner in white on blue jasper; a panel on each side decorated with a cupid in white cameo. Height, 8 inches 50 144 145 146 147 148 149 PEDESTAL IN BLUE AND WHITE WEDGWOOD CHINA ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 Similar to the preceding. (Base slightly chipped) PEDESTAL IN BLUE AND WHITE WEDGWOOD CHINA ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 Similar to the preceding. (Slight crack) FINE EARLY WEDGWOOD PLAQUE [NUMBER 146] FINE WEDGWOOD PLAQUE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 Blue jasper; decorated in white cameo in very high relief with “A Marine Triumph”. Marked “Wedgwood” on reverse. Height, 8 inches; width, 1314 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] FINE WEDGWOOD PLAQUE IN BLACK BASALT ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 Decorated with figures in high relief in a bacchanalian procession, led by a cherub on a goat. Height, 8 inches; width, 1914 inches WEDGWOOD OVAL PLAQUE IN GREEN JASPER ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 Decorated in white cameo, in high relief, with a figure of a Roman orator. Height, 1014 inches; width, 8 inches BLUE AND WHITE OVAL MEDALLION BY TURNER ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 Made by Turner at the Shelton factory in the manner of Wedgwood; blue jasper ground, with a decoration in white cameo depicting Venus and two amorini at an altar; in gilt metal frame; stamped “Turner” on the reverse. Height, 5 inches; width, 7 inches 51 150 151 152 SPECIMENS FROM THREE DESSERT SERVICES IN VERY FINE OLD SEVRES PORCELAIN [NUMBERS 150-152] VERY FINE DESSERT SERVICE IN OLD SEVRES PORCELAIN OF THE FIRST ROYAL EPOCH FRENCH, CIRCA 1770 In turquoise-blue and gold, with panels reserved in white, painted with amorini and sprays of flowers. Comprising four shaped square dishes, an oval dish, and twelve plates, all with date marks and marks of painters. (One plate chipped) (17) [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] VERY FINE DESSERT SERVICE IN OLD SEVRES PORCELAIN OF THE FIRST ROYAL EPOCH FRENCH, CIRCA 1770 With similar decoration to the preceding. Comprising two sucriers and covers, two shaped dishes and twelve plates, all with date marks and marks of painters. (18) [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] VERY FINE DESSERT SERVICE IN OLD SEVRES PORCELAIN OF THE FIRST ROYAL EPOCH FRENCH, 1770 With similar decoration to the preceding. Comprising four circular, shaped dishes (one repaired), a shaped oval dish, and twelve plates; all with date marks and the marks of painters. (17) [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 52 -_ eS ae i hs a eames 153 154 155 156 157 PAIR OF OLD SEVRES SUCRIERS AND COVERS FRENCH, 1778 Boat shape, with stands and covers; turquoise-blue ground with decoration in gold; with shaped medallions reserved in white, finely painted with figures in Watteau costume, by Thevenet, Senior. Mark in blue of 1778. (One stand repaired) (6) Height, 414 inches; width, 9 inches FINE EWER AND BOWL IN OLD SEVRES PORCELAIN FRENCH, 1770 Turquoise-blue ground, with decoration in rich gold; on the outside of the bowl three shaped panels reserved im white, painted with amorini; on the inside a deep rim of turquoise-blue with three white panels painted with birds and flowers; the base white, painted with a landscape with exotic birds. The ewer with two interlaced handles of white and gold; in the front a shaped medallion painted with amorini. Date mark of 1770. Painted by Tandart. (Bowl cracked) (2) Height of ewer, 91% inches; diameter of bowl, 13 inches PAIR OF FINE SEVRES VASES MOUNTED IN ORMOLU FRENCH, CIRCA 1780 In turquoise-blue and gold; with shaped panels reserved in white, painted with figures in Watteau costume, flowers and birds; circular porcelain covers, with ormolu finials. Beautifully chiselled mounts. (2) Height, 10 inches PAIR OF FINE VASES AND COVERS IN SEVRES PORCELAIN OF THE FIRST ROYAL EPOCH FRENCH, 1753 Of slender urn shape, in turquoise-blue, gilt and “jewelled”; the base of the body and the circular foot moulded; on each side a shaped panel outlined in gold, finely painted by Genest with a pair of figures in Watteau costume, playing with a monkey, on one side, and on the other a bouquet of flowers. Mounted in ormolu of very fine quality. Date mark of 1753 and initials of painter in gold. (One finial re- paired) (4) Height, 15 inches TEACUP IN OLD SEVRES PORCELAIN FRENCH, 1770 The body white, finely painted with sprays of flowers; with a deep turquoise-blue rim, edged with gold. Mark of 1770; painted by Tandart. Height, 21% inches 53 AN OLD SEVRES CABARET IN GROS-BLEU [NUMBER 158] 158 OLD SEVRES CABARET IN GROS-BLEU FRENCH, CIRCA 1780 Comprising teapot and cover, sugar bowl and cover, cream jug and two cups and saucers; decorated with gold and ‘“‘jewelled” and finely painted with medallions enclosing landscapes and figures in “Wat- teau”’ costume. Mark of interlaced “Ls”. (9) [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 54 [NUMBERS 159 AND 160] 159 SEVRES GROUP OF DANCING FIGURES IN BISCUIT POR- 160 161 CELAIN FRENCH, CIRCA 1780 In the centre an altar, decorated with rams’ heads and garlands of flowers, round which are dancing two nude female figures; on scrolled plinths. Interlaced “Ls” engraved on base. (Slightly de- fecti : ‘iene ective) [SEE ILLUSTRATION] Height, 1714 inches SEVRES GROUP OF DANCING FIGURES IN BISCUIT POR- CELAIN FRENCH, CIRCA 1780 Similar to the preceding. (Slightly defective) [SEE ILLUSTRATION] FINE PAIR OF VASES IN CHANTILLY PORCELAIN FRENCH, CIRCA 1805 Urn shape; white porcelain, decorated with gold; the neck and foot dark green, with a trellis pattern in gold; the bodies beautifully painted with garden scenes and flowers; acanthus scroll handles on which are seated infant satyrs in biscuit, springing from dolphin heads on the shoulders. Inscribed on the base in gold, “Manufacture de Porcelaine de Pigory a Chantilly”. (Handle slightly damaged) (2) Height, 181% inches 55 162 SMALL PLAQUE IN EARLY CAPO DI MONTE PORCELAIN [NUMBER 162] FINE CAPO DI MONTE PLAQUE ITALIAN, CIRCA 1760 Finely decorated in colored relief with a landscape in which are nymphs bathing and Jupiter and Juno, mounted on eagles. Height, 414 inches; width, 51% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 56 CABARET IN VERY FINE OLD VIENNA PORCELAIN [NUMBER 163] 163 CABARET IN OLD VIENNA PORCELAIN — AUSTRIAN, CIRCA 1750 Comprising oval plateau, chocolate pot and cover, milk jug and cover, sugar bowl on stand, two cups and saucers; painted with classical figures and arabesques on pale green and pink panels; richly gilt; in original leather case. Finest quality and condition. (11) Exhibited at Leeds, 1868. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 57 ar Conpounee and preaworke a Publishers Printing ome New ¥ om , oa, Ve > 4 7 y > ' ' rout orl 7 Wa, he {, rea — 7) an _ Pa - y - “aa 7 - “2 a @4 ~ a ve y - } fi _ hy A q e . ‘ — —_— Pet 4, : i : > en, oe oir. Fhe, : : ar iba 7 , Pre + ns eeu e i ; LO P | | i OA fie reg VAULTS Taste tee CBO Ok Pi aed kot i Ka | Ce vie SUN