= 3 — | NeAnA THE FAMOUS ALVARADO. COLLECTION ECUADOR FINE ARTS DIVISION TOPEKA PUBLIC LIBRARY TOPEKA, KANSAS THE ANDERSON GALLERIES NEW YORK ont ca) 9 ae a ee THE FAMOUS ALVARADO COLLECTION GATHERED DURING MORE THAN THREE CENTURIES BY THE ALVARADO FAMILY, ILLUSTRATING THE ANCIENT ART OF ECUADOR AND CONSIGNED BY SENOR DON JESUS ALVARADO TO BE SOLD ON THE AFTERNOONS OF MARCH 21, 22, 23 ann 24, 1917 AT 2:30 O'CLOCK On Public Exhibition from Wednesday, March 14th THE ANDERSON GALLERIES Mapison AVENUE AT FoRTIETH STREET LF b00- CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. All bids to be per Lor as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judg- ment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which in his- judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be resold immediately. 4. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed. for public exhibition in The Anderson Galleries before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concern- ing any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, wirHouT REcouRsE. But upon receiving be- fore the date of sale, expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in default of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. 7. Terms Casu. Upon failure to comply with the above con- ditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as The Anderson Galleries, Incorpo- rated, shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, to enforce the contract with the buyer, without such re-sale. 8. Brps. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. 9. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be secured for $2.00 The Anderson Galleries INCORPORATED Mapison AVENUE AT FortTieTtTH STREET, NEw York. TELEPHONE, Murray Hi, 7680 SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN. INTRODUCTION This is the catalogue of the famous Alvarado Collection, slowly gathered during more than three centuries, illustrating the ancient art of the natives of Ecuador. It was exhibited at the Panama Exposition, where it aroused great interest and curiosity, and it is the largest and most important collection of the kind ever offered for sale in America. The Collection includes Pottery of the Inca and pre-Inca periods, utensils, ornaments, crucifixes, tabernacles, wrought-iron locks, inlaid coffers, a very remarkable group of sculptures, the beautiful Ming jar in which the first wheat was carried to Ecua- dor, many fine rugs of ancient weaving, and several important historical pieces. About 1533, after Prizarro and his Spanish followers had conquered Peru, a part of his army under Benalcazar sujugated Quito. Pizarro immediately took possession of it and the recent Kingdom of Quito was made a presidency of the Spanish vice- royalty of Peru. Among the Spanish soldiers were five members of the Alvarado family, of whom the most famous was Don Pedro, the ancestor of the Sefior Don Jesis Alvarado, the scholarly antiquary and distinguished citizen of Ecuador, whose collection is now to be sold. From the Sixteenth Century the Alvarados have been a family of collectors. The gathering of this collection began near- ly 400 years ago, when Lorenzo de Aldana, the famous Spanish soldier, gave to Don Pedro his coat of mail (see Number 571). From that time on no opportunity to acquire rare and beautiful objects of Ecuadorian art has been neglected. Nearly a century before the arrival of the Spaniards the Incas subjugated Quito, and the arts of Quito were influenced by the Inca regime. A few examples of this period are exhibited. After the Spanish domination the Indians of Quito con- tinued for many years to make their primitive pottery and im- plements, and many interesting pieces have been excavated by the searching parties that the Alvarado family sent out from time to time during the centuries. One of the most important of the finds was the Idol of the Shirys (see Number 93) which is probably of the Eighth Century. In early times the churches and monasteries (more than fifty in Quito alone) encouraged the production of paintings, sculptures, fine metal work, and rare inlaid furniture; the Mestizos (those of mixed blood) showed great inventive genius, and the native Indians were their rivals in artistic ability. Early in the Nineteenth Century many revolutions broke out. A remind- er of that of 1812 is the small ball padlock used for manacling (see Number 349) which was found under the house in which some revolutionists were captured. On May 22, 1822, Quito threw off the Spanish yoke, and the Mate Cup (see Number 576) which was presented to Simon Bolivar (E] Libertador) at this time is one of the many historic treasures in this collection. After independence was gained the arts of Ecuador dwindled amid the insurrections and dictatorships. The churches and mon- asteries felt the effect of the changes in government; in 1899 they were restrained from collecting their tithes; in 1904 their lands were declared the property of the state, and when the bishops found themselves without sufficient funds to adminster their hospitals and missions and ordered the sale of many of their treasures, the Alvarados came generously to the assistance of the Church and purchased many interesting tabernacles, wrought-iron locks, vestments, and beautiful sculptures, all of which were the work of the artists of other centuries. The Col- lection, therefore, embraces a great variety of rare and valuable objects, covers a wide field, and cannot fail to be of the highest interest to collectors, archeologists, and museums. FRANK H. G. KEEBLE. ORDER OF SALES FIRST SESSION Wednesday Afternoon, March 21, 1917 De eee CESS O26) 6,0 6 6 @ ve © BG 0a Se ere 6a 6 ee ECUADORIAN POTTERY SHOWING INCA INFLUENCE........... INDIAN COSTUMES AND A SHRUNKEN HEAD, MopERN INDIAN FIGURES, AND A LARGE NUMBER OF ITEMS ILLUSTRATING THE WORK OF THE ECUADORIAN INDIAN OF TO-DAY e) 0 + w 5 5 %@ SECOND SESSION Thursday Afternoon, March 22, 1917 VARIOUS OBJECTS (IMCUADORIAN OR FOUND IN ECUADOR).... Meee ION OF SPANISH POOKS . 60808 es a oR ee ce wae PeocAne PANELS AND PMBROIDERIES..< i. 00c00. 06800-00006 Pe eeetTANO FT ATNTED CRUCIFIXES 6355 0020 Cacncaeediwnccean INLAID BOXES, MIRRORS, BRACKETS AND CARVED DPANELS.... THIRD SESSION Friday Afternoon, March 23, 1917 HARLY ECUADORIAN PAINTINGS IN CARVED F'RAMES......... ECUADORIAN INLAID CHESTS, COFFERS, AND DESKS.......... ECUADORIAN WROUGHT IRON LOCKS AND ARMS............. MEME MTIRE A POSED UNS 5 Ar ater aatcse Rea ued wna Whe Boe Cieta Gok ws WR ee iw Se ak PAINTED SCULPTURE 6 8 6 8 ee Fe 6, 6s wT Oe 6 e616 (BEwse) Se 6 © les « « 6 & @ «8 6 0 FOURTH SESSION Saturday Afternoon, March 24, 1917 PACED SCULPTURE (CONTINUED) occ eeth seo eae dion os ce oes HARLY ECUADORIAN PAINTINGS IN CARVED F'RAMES.......... BROCADE VESTMENTS Pree A OAT OF MATE Cnt gata oo Nee Paw ieilay eo ele al © kas ayn e ane eee ATS. WW HEAT JAR. «56500 oo asetadots wou hs lain’ a Gale ce te aleee whee PrerrrorivaARn’s MWATW OURS Coon. ce che eta cae eed SEVENTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH PAINTINGS.............. TipreaNkCtrs, SHRINES, AND OCUSTODIA ]. nyse ote sane os INLAID Boxes, LEATHER TRUNKS, CHAIRS, AND MIRRORS..... and. dl sige Hee oe ed SS ese. eae a Ce eee, @ SCs) ae Ol erence: @ LOTS 1- 62 65- 93 94- 98 99-134 135-150 151-167 168-172 173-199 200-237 238-244 245-305 Ce oO es) (ob) Geo) orn ry H= CO oy Oo (7) to oO 466-53 539-547 DA8-577 “VIRGIN SANTISIMA CON EL NINO” CARVED FIGURE BY AVILA [ NUMBER 510] FIRST SESSION WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 21, 1917 AT 2:30 O°CLOCK Lots 1 to 150 STONE AND COPPER WEAPONS, UTENSILS, JEWELRY, AND POTTERY OF THE INCAS (Armas de Piedra y Cobre, Utensilios, Joyeria y Objetros de Barro de los Incas) This interesting collection of Ecuadorian Indian Pottery, Necklaces, Implements and Head-dresses was not only formed by the Alvarados but in most instances was dug out by their research parties. The Shirys Indian Idol from the Oriente Region was discovered by Sefior Don Jess Alvarado and is con- sidered unique. In cataloguing, care has been taken to give the exact location where and the depth at which the objects were found. 1 to AMULET, PRE-INCA, XVtH CENTURY (Amuleto, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XV.) Curiously carved in bone, head of a man; pinkish red in color. Found in Cajfiar, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 3 metres. Length, 2% inches. SLUNG SHOTS, PRE-INCA, XIVtrH CENTURY (Dos Bolas De Cobre, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Two solid copper balls used in early warfare. Found in Sigsig, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 4 metres. TWO UTENSILS, PRE-INCA, XIVru CENTURY (Dos Utensilos, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) One in silver and one in stone. Found in Cafiar, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 2 metres. 9 THREE PENDANTS, PRE-INCA (Tres Pendientes, Pre-Incaico. ) Composed of polished shells. Found in Cafiar, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 3 metres. SMALL PLATE, PRE-INCA, XVrnH CENTURY (Platito, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XV.) Modelled of light red clay, decorated with bands and vari- ous lines in dark red. Found in Cotocollao, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 3.5 metres. Diameter, 314 inches. TWO POLISHING STONES, PRE-INCA (Dos Herramientas De Piedra, Pre-Incaico.) Reddish stone, used for polishing. A. Found in Cuenca, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 3 metres. B. Found in Inga Pirca, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 3 metres. EARRING, PRE-INCA, XIVru CENTURY (Zarcillo, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Composed of small beads of various colors. Found in Chor- deleg, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 3.25 metres. Length, 4 inches. EARRING, PRE-INCA, XIVtru CENTURY (Zarcillo, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Found in Sigsig, Province of Azuay. Length, 10 inches. EARRING, PRE-INCA, XIVru CENTURY (Zarcillo, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Composed of shell, bone and coral beads. Found in Chor- deleg, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 2.50 metres. Length, 4 inches. 10 10 11 12 13: 14 EARRING, PRE-INCA, XIVrH CENTURY (Zarcillo, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Composed of beads made from Pusulana or Ecuadorian voleanic deposit, curious turquoise stop. Found in Cajfiar, Province of Canar, at the depth of 2.5 metres. Length 27 inches. EARRING, PRE-INCA, XIVtrnH CENTURY (Zarcillo, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Malachite, composed of round beads and a finely worked cartouche drop. Found in Cafiar, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 2 metres. Length 3 inches. EARRING, PRE-INCA, XIVrH CENTURY (Zarcillo, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Composed of wheel-shaped beads in coral and shell with malachite drop. Found in Biblian, Province of Cafiar. Length, 31% inches. STONE HATCHETS, PRE-INCA, XIVru CENTURY (Hachitas De Piedra, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) A. Found in EI] Angel, Province of Carchi, at the depth of 3 metres. Length, 5 inches. B. Found in Tumbaco, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 1 metre. STONE HATCHETS, PRE-INCA, XIVtuH CENTURY (Dos Hachitas De Piedra, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) a: Found in La Magdalena, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 2 metres. Height, 234 inches; width, 3% inches. B. Found in Machachi, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 2.2 metres. Height, 414 inches; width, 2% inches. 11 15 16 17 18 19 STONE HATCHETS, PRE-INCA, XIVrH CENTURY (Hachitas De Piedra, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) A. Found in Cayambe, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 3 metres. Height, 414 inches; width, 3 inches. B- Found in Otavalo, Province of Imbabura, at the depth of 2 metres. Height, 314 inches; width, 27% inches. STONE HATCHETS, PRE-INCA, XVtu CENTURY (Hachitas De Piedra, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XV.) A. Found in El] Angel, Province of Carchi, at the depth of 3.20 metres. Height, 5 inches; width, 234 inches. B. Found in Cuenca, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 3 metres. Height, 454 inches; width, 214 inches. STONE HATCHETS, PRE-INCA, XIVru CENTURY (Hachitas De Piedra, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) A Found in Sigsig, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 2 metres. Height, 314 inches; width, 2 inches. B. Found in Cayambe, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 2.5 metres. Height, 414 inches; width, 3 inches. STONE HATCHETS, PRE-INCA, XVru CENTURY (Hachitas De Piedra, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XV.) a. Found in Cuenca, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 2 metres. Height, 234 inches; width, 2 inches. B. Lower part missing. Found in Machachi, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 2.21 metres. Height, 214 inches; width, 3 inches. STONE HATCHETS, PRE-INCA, XVru CENTURY (Hachitas De Piedra, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XV.) A. Found in Quito, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 2.6 metres. Height, 3% inches; width, 3 inches. Bs. Found in Quito, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 2.6 metres. Height, 31% inches; width, 314 inches. 12 21 22 24 STONE HATCHETS, PRE-INCA, XVrtru CENTURY (Hachitas De Piedra, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XV.) A. Found in Cafiar, Province of Cajiar, at the depth of 1.1 metres. Height, 17 inches; width, 2% inches. B. Found in Cotocollao, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 3.1 metres. Height, 3% inches; width, 334 inches. STONE KNUCKLES, PRE-INCA, XIVruo CENTURY (Rompecabezas De Piedra, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) A. Found in Quito, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 3.5 metres. Diameter, 34 inches. B. Found in Quito, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 3.5 metres. _ Diameter, 4 inches. TEMPERED COPPER HATCHET, PRE-INCA, XIVtu CENTURY (Hachita De Cobre, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Found in Cafiar, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 3 metres. Height, 4 feet; width, 4 inches. TEMPERED COPPER HATCHET, PRE-INCA, XIIItn CENTURY (Hachita De Cobre, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIII.) Found in Azoguez, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 2 metres. Height, 3% inches; width, 3 inches. TEMPERED COPPER HATCHET, PRE-INCA, XIIItx CENTURY (Hachita De Cobre, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIII.) Found in Cuenca, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 3 metres. Height, 314 inches; width, 3% inches. 138 25 26 27 28 29 30 TEMPERED COPPER HATCHET, PRE-INCA, XIIItH CENTURY (Hachita De Cobre, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIII.) Found in Cuenca, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 3.5 metres. Height, 4 inches; width, 5 inches. KNUCKLES IN COPPER, PRE-INCA, XIVtn CEN- TURY (Rompecabezas De Cobre, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Found in Quito, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 3 metres. Diameter, 4 inches. STONE KNUCKLES, PRE-INCA, XIVruo CENTURY (Rompecabezas De Piedra, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Found in Cafiar, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 4 metres. Diameter, 3 inches, EAR DROP, PRE-INCA, XIVrtrH CENTURY (Zarcillo, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Composed of flat wheel-shaped beads with a long oval drop and curiously carved pendant, coral, olivine, and shell. Length, 31% inches. EARRING, PRE-INCA, XIVtuo CENTURY (Zarcillo, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Composed of irregular beads made of bone and shells. Found in Cuenca, Province of Azuay. Length, 41% inches. NECKLACE, PRE-INCA, XIVrno CENTURY (Collar, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Composed of wheel-shaped beads of coral and bone. Found in Chordeleg, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 3.5 metres. Length, 34 inches. 14 31 32 33 34 35 36 NECKLACE, PRE-INCA, XIVru CENTURY (Collar, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Composed of irregular wheel-shaped beads of human bones; two curious tablet pendants. Found in Cafiar, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 3 metres. Length, 101% inches. STONE AXE, PRE-INCA, XIVru CENTURY (Hacha De Piedra, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Remarkably worked and finely polished. Found in Quito, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 5 metres. SILVER SHAWL PIN, PRE-INCA, XIIItH CENTURY (Tupo De Plata, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIII.) Long pin with flat irregular head. Found in Gualaceo, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 2 metres. Length, 534 inches. COPPER SCARF PIN, PRE-INCA, XIV to CENTURY (Tupo De Cobre, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Curiously worked with moulded knob and small pierced flange. Found in Chordeleg, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 1.6 metres. Length, 2 inches. SILVER SHAWL PIN, PRE-INCA, XIVru CENTURY (Tupo De Plata, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Long pin, flat top (imperfect). Found in Chordeleg, Prov- ince of Azuay, at the depth of 4 metres. Length, 4 inches. SILVER SHAWL PIN, PRE-INCA, XIVru CENTURY (Tupo De Plata, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Long pin and remains of a flat head. Found in Gualaceo, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 2 metres. Length, 414 inches. 15 37 38 39 40 4] SHEET OF SILVER, PRE-INCA, XIVru CENTURY (Plancha De Plata, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Showing that even at this date the Indians could beat silver. Found in Cafiar, Province of Cajiar, at the depth of 2 metres. Length, 414 inches; width, 2% inches. LANCE HEAD, TEMPERED COPPER, PRE-INCA, XIlIrH CENTURY (Punta De Lanza De Cobre, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIII.) Round section. Found at Chordeleg, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 3 metres. Length, 6 inches. LANCE, HEAD, TEMPERED COPPER, PRE-INCA, XIVtru CENTURY (Punta De Lanza De Cobre, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Square section (a formidable weapon). Found in Cotoco- lao, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 1.5 metres. Length, 734 inches. SCARF PIN, TEMPERED COPPER, PRE-INCA, XIVtH CENTURY (Tupo De Cobre, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) The finial is a crowned rooster under a pierced flange. Found in Inga Pirca, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 2 metres. Length, 37% inches. EAR DROP, PRE-INCA, XIVrH CENTURY (Zarcillo, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Composed of coral and shell beads. Found in Inga Pirca, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 2.5 metres. Length, 3% inches. 16 42 43 44 45 46 TILE OF CEMENT, PRE-INCA, XIVtuH CENTURY (Plancha De Piedra Artificial, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) These tiles were used to line the burial chamber of a king and were of different sizes. Found in Inga Pirca, Province of Cafar, at the depth of 4.2 metres. Height, 434 inches; width, 4% inches. END OF TRUNCHEON OF COPPER, PRE-INCA, XIVtu CENTURY (Cabo De Baston, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Found in Sigsig, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 2 metres. Length, 234 inches. SCEPTRE OF A RULER OF THE CANARIS INDI- ANS, PRE-INCA, XIIItH CENTURY (Cetro De Una Autoridad, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIII.) Curiously carved in wood of the native palm tree, which is harder than ebony yet very flexible. The finders of this rare object were so anxious to strip it of its gold and em- eralds than they hacked it almost to pieces. Found in Inga Pirca, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 4.25 metres. Length, 23 inches. AMULET, PRE-INCA, XIVtH CENTURY (Amuleto, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Carved stone in the form of an animal’s head. Found in Cafiar, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 2 metres. LARGE COPPER RING AND SPEARHEAD, PRE- INCA, XIVtuH CENTURY (Argolla y Punta De Lanza De Cobre, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Found in Chordeleg, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 4 metres. Diameter, 17 inches. 17 48 49 50 STONE LETTERS, PRE-INCA, XIVrtrH CENTURY (Letras De Piedra, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) These curious devices were used by the early Indians to communicate with one another. A. Found in Cuenca, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 2.5 metres. B. Found in Cafiar, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 5 metres. c. Found in Cafiar, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 3 metres. p- Found in Cafiar, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 3 metres. STONE LETTERS, PRE-INCA, XIVtH CENTURY (Letras De Piedra, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) A. Found at Azogues, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 3 metres. B. Found at Tumbaco, Province of Pichincha, at the depth - of 2 metres. c. Found in Cuenca, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 1.5 metres. p. Found in Cuenca, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 3.2 metres. WHISTLES IN POTTERY, PRE-INCA, XVtu CEN- TURY (Silbatos, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XV.) A. Found in Cuenca, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 3 metres. B- Found in Azogues, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 2.5 metres. 3 SMALL IDOL, PRE-INCA, XIIItrH CENTURY (Idolo, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIII.) Carved in bone in the primitive form of a human figure. Found in Gualaceo, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 3 metres. 18 51 53 54 STONE WHISTLES, PRE-INCA, XIVrH CENTURY (Silbatos De Piedra, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) A. Curiously carved in shape of a bird. Found in Cuenca, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 5 metres. B. Found in Azogues, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 2.5 metres. SIX STONE LETTERS, PRE-INCA, XIVrtru CENTURY Seis Letras De Piedra, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) A. Found in Cuenca, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 3 metres. B. Found in Azogues, Province of Canar, at the depth of 2.5 metres. c. Found in Cafiar, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 3.5 metres. p. Found in Cafiar, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 2.8 metres. gE. Found in Chordeleg, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 2 metres. | Fr. Found in Cafiar, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 3 metres. . TWO STONE PESTALS, PRE-INCA, XVrtru CENTURY (Dos Manos De Mortero De Piedra, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XV.) a. Found in Quito, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 5 metres. B. Bell shape, found in Cuenca, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 1 metre. FRAGMENTS OF A CROWN, PRE-INCA, XIVrH CENTURY (Fragmentos De Corona, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Gold plated on copper. Found in Cafiar, Province of Caifiar, at the depth of 3.5 metres. 19 on Or 56 57 58 TWO COPPER DRILLS, PRE-INCA, XVtu CENTURY (Dos Instrumentos De Cobre, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XV.) Double pointed, tempered copper, used for drilling. Found in Cafiar, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 2.5 metres. Lengths, 414 inches and 434 inches. DRILL HANDLES, PRE-INCA, XVru CENTURY (Herramientas De Hueso, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XV.) Carved in bone with holes on either end for holding drill. A. Found in Cuenca, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 2 metres. B. Found in Sigsig, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 3 metres. Length, 234 inches. TWO DRILL SETS, PRE-INCA, XIVta CENTURY (Dos Herramientas, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) A. Found in Cafiar, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 3 metres. Bs. Found in Cantén Paute, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 3 metres. FOUR RECKONING STONES, PRE-INCA, XIVru CENTURY (Cuatro Fichas, Pre-Inciaco, Siglo XIV.) A. Two dark brown stones used for counting. Found in Sigsig, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 1.8 metres. B. Small brown stone, elliptical, deeply incised, used for counting. Found in Gualaceo, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 2 metres. c. Small oblong stone, with four holes drilled through side. Found in Cuenca, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 4 metres. Length, 1% inches. 20 59 60 61 62 TURQUOISE MATRIX, PRE-INCA (Turquesa, Pre-Incaico.) Large heart-shape, natural shape, used as a pendant. Found in Cafiar, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 3.5 metres. COPPER’ LETTER AND AMULET, PRE-INCA, XIVtu CENTURY (Letra De Cobre y Amuleto, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Found in Azogues, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 2.5 metres. FOSSIL MOLAR, PRE-INCA (Fosil De Molar, Pre-Incaico.) The tooth of an antediluvian monster. Found after a land- slide in E] Angel, Province of Carchi, at the depth of 116 metres. INDIAN SKULL, PRE-INCA (Calavera De Indio, Pre-Incaico. ) Found by Sefior Don David Alvarado, with a number of Indian objects in Cafiar, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 4 metres. TWO HIGH BOWLS, PRE-INCA, XIVrH CENTURY (Dos Ollitas, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) A. Globular, with short out-turned neck, light black bis- cuit. Found in Cayambe, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 3.5 metres. Height, 4 inches. B. Bulbous, with short flaring neck, bottom terminating into four pointed feet. Light red biscuit. Found at El Angel, Province of Carchi, at the depth of 3.2 metres. Height, 3% inches. a 64 65 66 67 STANDING DISH, PRE-INCA, XIVtrH CENTURY (Compotera, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Flaring dish, supported on a high, hollow, flaring foot. Lip chipped. Red biscuit with traces of black. Found in Cayambe, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 2.5 metres. Height, 514 inches. WATER BOTTLE, PRE-INCA, XIVtuH CENTURY (Vasija, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Bottle-shape, with slightly flaring neck, modelled in form of a head; two animal heads on shoulders. Reddish brown biscuit. Found in Sigsig, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 3.6 metres. Height, 71% inches. HIGH JAR AND VESSEL FOR CHICHA, PRE-INCA, XIVtu CENTURY (Olla y Vasija, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) A. Bulbous, slightly flaring lip, brownish red biscuit with traces of black; hard, smooth surface. Found in Ca- yambe, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 2.5 metres. Height, 614 inches. B. The neck and twisted handle are set in an egg-shape bowl. Dark brown biscuit. All over markings, even smooth surface. (Neck imperfect.) Found in Cayam- be, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 3 metres. Length, 7% inches. TWO LOW BOWLS, PRE-INCA, XIVtH CENTURY (Dos Vasos, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Aa. Depressed bowl shape with narrow lip, two knobs on sides, light buff biscuit with black markings. Found in E] Batdn, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 2.1 metres. Height, 41% inches. B. Depressed shape, red brown biscuit, hard smooth sur- face with traces of primitive decoration in black. Found in Azogues, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 2.8 metres. Diameter, 4 inches. bo bo 68 69 ip HEAD OF IDOL, PRE-INCA, XIVrH CENTURY (Vaso Idolo, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Curiously carved head of stone. Found in Cafiar, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 2.8 metres. Height, 2% inches. LOW POT AND TRIPOD BOWL, PRE-INCA, XIVtH CENTURY (Dos Ollas, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) A. Squat shape, with straight collar on front of which is modelled a curious head; shoulders incised with a series of angular lines and dots; light reddish biscuit and traces of black. Found in Province of Pichincha near Quito, at the depth of 2.6 metres. Height, 314 inches. B. Bulbous, short neck supported by three legs. Reddish biscuit. (Lip and legs chipped.) Found in Cayambe, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 2 metres. Height, 4 inches. TWO BOWLS, PRE-INCA, XIVru CENTURY (Dos Ollas, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) A. Globular, with narrow expanding neck, reddish biscuit with irregular black markings. Found in El Angel, Province of Carchi, at the depth of 2.3 metres. ; Height, 4 inches. B. Bulbous shape, with short neck. Light reddish biscuit, smooth even surface. (Lip chipped.) Found in Ca- yambe, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 1.8 metres. Height, 4 inches. TWO BOWLS, PRE-INCA, XIVrtru CENTURY (Dos Platos, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) a. Wide expanding body rising from slightly spreading foot; brownish biscuit with iron rust patina. Found in E] Angel, Province of Carchi, at the depth of 4 metres. Diameter, 7 inches. B. Expanding bowl on short expanding foot; blackish brown biscuit. Found in Cayambe, Province of Pichin- cha, at the depth of 1 metre. Diameter, 61% inches. 23 ~I AS) TWO BOWLS, PRE-INCA, XIVru CENTURY (Dos Platos, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) A. Small expanding bowl of brownish red biscuit with black markings; fine smooth surface. Found in Ca- yambe, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 3 metres. Diameter, 414 inches. ‘ Irregular expanding bowl, dull red biscuit with traces of black decoration. Found in Cotocollao, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 2.5 metres. Diameter, 514 inches. TWO BOWLS, PRE-INCA, XVru CENTURY (Ponchera y Tacita, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) ibe Expanding shape, light reddish biscuit. . Found in Cotocollao, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 4 metres. Diameter, 7 inches. - Semi-spherical shape, of dull red biscuit with irreg- ular black markings. Found in Ibarra, Province of Imbabura, at the depth of 2.6 metres. Diameter, 414 inches. SMALL BOWLS, PRE-INCA, XIVtu CENTURY (Ollitas, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) AY Globular, with rounded base, short flaring neck; reddish brown biscuit, finely pebbled surface. Found in El Angel, Province of Carchi, at the depth of 3.2 metres. Height, 334 inches. | Globular, with short flaring neck, red biscuit. (Neck imperfect.) Found in Cotocollao, Province of Pichin- cha, at the depth of 3 metres. Height, 314 inches. Round under body, sloping shoulder, short expanding neck; black biscuit, finely pebbled surface. (Handles missing and lip chipped.) Found in Guapulo, Prov- ince of Pichincha, at the depth of 3 metres. Height, 334 inches. 24: 75 LOW BOWL AND SMALL VASE, PRE-INCA, XIVruH CENTURY (Platito y Ollita, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) fas Semi-circular, red biscuit. (Repaired.) Found in El Angel, Province of Carchi, at the depth of 3 metres. Height, 414 inches. Bottle-shaped, red biscuit. Found in Cuenca, Prov- ince of Azuay, at the depth of 3.6 metres. Height, 24% inches. 76 TWO BOWLS, PRE-INCA, XIVtH CENTURY (Tacita y Olla, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) A. Bowl shape, expanding from a small foot, sloping shoulder and short neck. Reddish brown biscuit with black markings. (Neck and foot imperfect.) Found in Cayambe, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 4 metres. ' Height, 6 inches. Globular shape, light brown biscuit with slight glaze. Found in Quito, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 2.5 metres. 77 PITCHER AND COUPE, PRE-INCA, XIIItH CEN- TURY (Jarrita y Ollita, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIII.) A. Curious depressed globular body, with long flaring neck which is modelled with a rudimentary human head, small handle, three pointed feet. Found in Cajfiar, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 2.8 metres. Height, 5 inches. [See Illustration | Pointed base, sloping sides, wide expanding mouth and two small strap handles. Light yellow biscuit. Found with the contents in Cafiar, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 2.5 metres. Height, 344 inches. 25 78 79 80 81 ‘TWO BOWLS, PRE-INCA, XIVtuo CENTURY (Dos Ollas, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) A. Bulbous shape, with short neck, dark brown biscuit. Found at Chaupi Cruz, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 2.5 metres. Height, 41% inches. B. Globular, with short flaring neck, two handles at top, dark brown biscuit, smooth surface. Found in Quito, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 1.5 metres. Height, 4 inches. TWO BOWLS, PRE-INCA, XVtrH CENTURY (Dos Fruteros, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XV.) A. Expanding bowl, spreading foot; dull red_ biscuit. Found in Cayambe, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 2.6 metres. _ Diameter, 7 inches. B. Rudimentary foot, deep yellow biscuit, interior pebble finished and dceorated with red lines, zigzags and ber- ries on blackish ground. (Lip imperfect.) Found in Inga Pirca,. Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 2.8 metres. Diameter, 6% inches. TWO BOWLS, PRE-INCA, XIVtuH CENTURY (Plato y Mulo, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) A. Globular, with short neck, reddish brown biscuit, peb- bled surface. Found at Quito, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 2.5 metres. Diameter, 434 inches. B. Depressed edge, rounding to the foot. Red biscuit, decorated with cream lineal marking and panels. Found at Chordeleg, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 2.6 metres. Diameter, 7% inches. COUPE, PRE-INCA, XIVtuo CENTURY (Copa, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Globular body, with wide, large flaring moulded neck and lip; small expanding foot, roughly moulded handle. Raised ornamentation of oval bosses placed diagonally. Red bis- cuit, pebble finished. Found in Cuenca, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 2.8 metres. Height, 4 inches. 26 82 83 84 PITCHER AND THREE BOWLS, PRE-INCA, XIVru CENTURY (Jarrita y Tres Ollitas, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) A. Roughly modelled, expanding foot, strap handle and shaped spout; light brown biscuit. Found in Cayambe, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 3 metres. Height, 31% inches. B. Bell-shaped, sharply sloping to the foot, narrow and expanding neck, red biscuit. (Handle missing and neck imperfect.) Found at Cayambe, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 3 metres. Height, 31% inches. c. Depressed circular body, slightly flaring short neck, reddish brown biscuit, pebbled surface. (Neck chipped.) Found in El] Quinche, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 2.8 metres. Height, 31% inches. p. Globular, flaring neck and foot, red biscuit. (Large side handle missing.) Found in El Angel, Province of Carchi, at the depth of 3.25 metres. Height, 3% inches. DECORATED BOWL, PRE-INCA, XIIIrH CENTURY (Olla, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIII.) Globular, with large reeded shoulder, short straight mould- ed collar. Brown biscuit with black fire markings. Found at El Angel, Province of Carchi, at the depth of 3 metres. Diameter, 51% inches. TWO BOWLS, PRE-INCA, XIIlItrH CENTURY (Dos Mulos, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIII.) a. Flaring, straightish sides, deep clay-colored biscuit. Found in La Magdalena, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 2.5 metres. Diameter, 814 inches. sp. Flaring body, deep expanding foot, blackish brown bis- cuit. Found in Cayambe, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 3.5 metres. Diameter, 7 inches. 27 85 86 87 88 TWO-HANDLED WATER BOTTLE, PRE-INCA, XVrH CENTURY (Cantaro, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XV.) Oviform, a small raised spike on shoulder, short quick flar- ing lip, two strap handles, decorated in red over a brown biscuit. Found in Chordeleg, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 3.1 metres. Height, 7 inches. WATER BOTTLE, PRE-INCA, XVtru CENTURY (Cantaro, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XV.) Flattened, globular body, with incurving neck, spike on shoulder, pointed base, strap handles (one missing) ; brown biscuit. Found in Machachi, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 5 metres. - _Height, 914 inches. CREMATORY URN, PRE-INCA, XIVruo CENTURY (Vasija Cineraria, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Elliptical body, the short wide expanding neck set out of the center, supported on three feet. (One imperfect.) Found in Cayambe, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 2.5 metres. Length, 9% inches. TWO LARGE BOWLS, PRE-INCA, XVrH CENTURY (Dos Mulos, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XV.) A. Rounded sides curiously brought to four small pointed rests, toothed rim, red biscuit; exterior has been deco- rated with lines, triangles and basket pattern in dark brown. Found in Machachi, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 5 metres. Diameter, 7% inches. B. Globular, with short expanding neck; rich red biscuit, very finely pebbled surface. Found in Cuenca, Proy- ince of Azuay, at the depth of 2.8 metres. Diameter, 71% inches. 28 89 90 91 92 SMALL WATER BOTTLE, PRE-INCA, XVtuH CEN- TURY (Cantarito, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XV.) Squatty bottle shape, with slightly expanding neck (handle missing); brown biscuit, fine smooth surface. Found in Quito, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 3.8 metres. Height, 61% inches. WATER BOTTLE, PRE-INCA, XVtu CENTURY (Cantaro, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XV.) Inverted pear-shape, with short flaring neck; light red bis- cuit, decorated with basket weave pattern. Found in El Angel, Province of Carchi, at the depth of 2 metres. Height, 1114 inches. TWO WHISTLES AND. JAR, PRE-INCA, XIVrtH CENTURY (Dos Silbatos y Ollita, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Of artificial stone. A. In the form of an animal’s head. B. Spherical. c. Club-foot shape. Found in Quito, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 3.5 metres. WATER BOTTLE AND VASE, PRE-INCA, X1VtH CENTURY | (Cantaro y Vaso, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) a. Globular, with pointed base decorated, lined on front. Imperfect. Found in El Quinche, Province of Pichin- cha, at the depth of 4 metres. Height, 8 inches. s. Depressed base, double collared neck, imperfect. Found in Quito, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 3.2 metres. Height, 7% inches. 29 93 94 95 UNIQUE IDOL OF THE SHIRYS INDIANS, PRE- INCA, XIVtu CENTURY (Idolo de Los Indios Shirys, Pre-Incaico, Siglo XIV.) Elongated mushroom form, modelled on the top is rudimen- tary human head. The body is decorated with hieroglyph- ics which have never been deciphered. This idol was sup- posed to be made by the priests or “Cushipatas,’ and was publically worshipped as the God of Procreation. Found in ‘the Oriente Ecuatoriano Regién Amazonas, at the depth of 3 metres. Height, 14 inches. [See Illustration | GOURD-SHAPED BOWL, PERUVIAN INCA, XIVru CENTURY (Vasito y Ollita, Inca Peruano, Siglo XIV.) A. Wide open neck, brown biscuit, with a slip of deep red, pebble polished; traces of scroll decoration in cream color. Found in Chordeleg, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 2 metres. Height, 3 inches. B. Globular, short neck, modelled in the form of a crouch- ing monkey; light brown biscuit, finely pebble polished. (One only of two small handles remaining.) Deco- rated on shoulder with interlacing diamond pattern in red. Found in El Angel, Province of Carchi, at the depth of 2 metres. Height, 314 inches. WATER BOTTLE, PERUVIAN INCA, XVru CEN- TURY (Cantaro, Inca Peruano, Siglo XV.) Bell-shaped body, pointed base, long tapering neck with wide flaring lip and small pierced knobs (for carrying). Two strap handles, grotesque animal head in relief on body. Finely pebbled red biscuit, the front decorated with band holding diamond on deep cream ground outlined with deep crimson. (Neck chipped and one handle missing.) Found in Cotocolao, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 3 metres. Height, 10% inches. 30 [¢6 aaaNON] VONT- Gadd SNVIGNI SAUIHS GHL AO IOGI GNOIND [LL WAGWON | daHHOwLId VONT Hdd [oll saaNON] GONGN TANI VONI GALLLOd VHOIHO ANOIND 96 WATER BOTTLE AND BOWL, PERUVIAN INCA, 97 98 XIVru CENTURY (Vasija y Azafate, Inca Peruano, Siglo XIV.) A. Bell-shaped body with pointed base, two strap handles, long, graceful, trumpet neck with two modelled and pierced discs (for hanging), curious rudimentary ani- mal head in relief on shoulder. Finely potted in a reddish biscuit, decorated on front and neck with three panels of fern design in black. Found in Cuenca, Prov- ince of Azuay, at the depth of 2.5 metres. Height, 54% inches. B. Half circular body on deep flaring foot, light brown bis- cuit. The interior decorated in red and ivory with circles and a seven-pointed star. Found in El Angel, Province of Carchi, at the depth of 3.4 metres. Diameter, 614 inches. TWO SMALL BOWLS, INCA INFLUENCE, XVrH_ CENTURY (Dos Ollitas, Influencia Inca, Siglo XV.) A. Depressed globular shape, light brown biscuit, coated with a red slip pebble polished, slight traces of deco- ration. Found near Cuenca, in Province of Azuay, at the depth of 2.5 metres. Diameter, 414 inches. B. Globular, short expanding neck, small rudimentary handles, grey biscuit, with red slip finely pebbled, slight traces of decoration. Found in Cotocollao, Prov- ince of Pichincha, at the depth of 4 metres. Diameter, 5 inches. LOW VASE, PERUVIAN INCA, XVtH CENTURY (Olla, Inca Peruano, Siglo XV.) Flattened globular, incursive neck slightly expanding at lip. Grey biscuit, painted with rudimentary scrolls and flow- ers, around neck and body, shoulder with lines in dark brown and light red on old ivory ground. Found in Leon, Prov- ince of Leon, at the depth of 2.8 metres. Height, 71% inches. 32 99 MEDAL IN COPPER, INCA, LATE XVIruH CENTURY (Medalla De Cobre, Incaico, Siglo XVI.) Oval, with bust of Pizarro, supposed to have been made by the Incas. Found in Quito, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 3.5 metres. Height, 134 inches. 100 WATER BOTTLE, INCA INFUENCE, XVru CEN- 101 102 103 TURY (Cantarito, Influencia Inca, Siglo XV.) Gourd-shaped, the neck modelled in the form of a crowned human head; grey biscuit with red slip, fine pebble finish. Found in Cuenca, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 2.5 metres. Height, 5 inches. CONCH SHELL, INCA INFLUENCE, XVru CEN- TURY (Caracol, Influencia Inca, Siglo XV.) Finely modelled shell, pierced to hang, light buff biscuit, traces of decoration. Found in Cuenca, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 2 metres. Length, 6 inches. WATER BOTTLE, INCA INFLUENCE, XVru CEN- TURY (Vasija, Influencia Inca, Siglo XV.) In the form of a duck, dark brown biscuit with black markings, fine pebble finish. A tubular spout rising from its back, round hole in its head. Found in Cafiar, Prov- ince of Cafiar, at the depth of 3 metres. WATER BOTTLE, INCA INFLUENCE, XVrtu CEN- TURY (Vasija, Influencia Inca, Siglo XV.) Club-shape, the neck modelled with a human head, red bis- cuit, crude decoration, possibly of a later date. Found in Azogues, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 3 metres. Height, 8 inches. 35 104 106 107 SMALL CUP AND IDOL, INCA INFLUENCE, XVrtTH CENTURY (Copita é Idolo, Influencia Inca, Siglo XV.) A. Egg-shaped with expanding lip, two strap handles, greyish red biscuit. Found in Chordeleg, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 3 metres. Height, 234 inches. sp. A woman’s trunk and arms. (Head missing.) Found in Biblian, Province of Cafar, at the depth of 2.6 metres. Height, 514 inches. HIGH BOWL, INCA INFLUENCE, XVrtuH CENTURY (Olla, Influencia Inca, Siglo XV.) Globular with expanding neck, red biscuit, finely pebbled finish. Found in Quito, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 3.2 metres. Height, 414 inches. BOWL, INCA INFLUENCE, XVru CENTURY Olla, Influencia Inca, Siglo XV.) Depressed globular, short expanding neck, on the sides are four spear-shape projections, red biscuit. Found in Quito, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 2 metres. Diameter, 51% inches. BOWLS, INCA INFLUENCE, XVItn CENTURY (Olla y Ponchera, Influencia Inca, Siglo XVI.) A. Depressed globular, with incurving and flaring neck; a fine piece of potting. Red biscuit. (Lip broken.) Found in La Magdalena, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 2 metres. Diameter, 51% inches. B. Rounded base, with curious moulded shoulder and ex- panding lip. Red biscuit. (Lip chipped.) Found in Cayambe, Province of Pichincha. Diameter, 614 inches. 34 108 109 110 111 TWO SMALL BOWLS, INCA INFLUENCE, XVIru CENTURY (Dos Ollitas, Influencia Inca, Siglo XVI.) A. Body with pointed center, which is enhanced with a large beaded rim; short, quick flaring lip and foot. Red biscuit, pebble polished finish. (Lip imperfect.) Found in El Angel, Province of Carchi, at the depth of 3.5 inches. Diameter, 5 inches. B. Slanting shoulder, slightly expanding neck, grey bis- cuit, black pebble finish. (Rim imperfect.) Found in Ibarra, Province of Imbabura, at the depth of 1.6 metres. Diameter, 314 inches. SMALL BOWL, INCA INFLUENCE, XVtH CEN- TURY (Ollita, Influencia Inca, Siglo XV.) Globular, but pointed in section, slightly flaring short neck, enhanced with two well modelled monkey handles. Red biscuit, decorated in darker red vertical lines. (Lip imperfect.) Found in El Angel, Province of Carchi, at the depth of 3 metres. Diameter, 41% inches. UNIQUE CHICHA BOTTLE, INCA INFLUENCE, XVruH CENTURY (Botella Rara Para Chicha, Influencia Inca, Siglo XV.) Modelled in form of a large-bodied man without legs, holding in his hands a small vessel to drink from; strong stem handle, red biscuit. Found in El Tambo, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 3.2 metres. Height, 7 inches. [See Illustration | WATER BOTTLE, INCA INFLUENCE, XVru CEN- TURY (Vasija, Influencia Inca, Siglo XV.) Club-shaped, the neck modelled with a human head; red biscuit, pebble polished. (Lip imperfect.) | Found in Cuenca, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 2.2 metres. Height, 7% inches. 112 LARGE BOWL, INCA INFLUENCE, XVru CEN- 114 115 TURY (Olla, Influencia Inca, Siglo XV.) Globular, with short flaring neck; on the shoulder is a sleeping human figure modelled in full relief. Grey bis- cuit with light red slip, decorated on shoulder with key panel under figure and continuous basket pattern. (Lip chipped.) Found in Cotocollao, Province of Pinchincha, at the depth of 3.2 metres. Diameter, 7 inches. TWO BOWLS, INCA INFLUENCE, XVtu CENTURY (Mulo y Ollita, Influencia Inca, Siglo XV.) A. Semi-globular, with high expanding foot. Red bis- cuit. (Lip imperfect.) Found in Inga Pirca, Prov- ince of Cafiar, at the depth of 3.2 metres. | Diameter, 5 inches. B. Globular, with wide flaring throat. Light red biscuit, decorated with curious lined triangles in darker red. (Lip imperfect.) Found in Inga Pirca, Province of Cafiar, at the depth of 3.2 metres. Diameter, 414 inches. WATER BOTTLE, INCA INFLUENCE, XIVtu CEN- TURY (Vasija, Influencia Inca, Siglo XIV.) Globular, with flaring neck modelled in shape of a human face, over shoulders two arms are moulded in relief. Red biscuit, pebble polished. (Lip imperfect.) Found in Sigsig, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 3.5 metres. Height, 51% inches. RARE DISH, INCA INFLUENCE (Bandeja Rara, Influencia Inca.) Oblong shape, with rounded corners supported by a cir- cular flaring foot. Red biscuit, pebble polished. Found in El Angel, Province of Carchi, at the depth of 3.6 metres. Length, 51% inches; width, 4% inches. 36 116 117 118 119 BOWL AND WATER BOTTLE, INCA INFLUENCE, XVtH CENTURY (Mulo y Botella, Influencia Inca, Siglo XV.) A. Semi-globular, small flaring foot; brown biscuit, deco- rated with dark red scrolls. (Lip imperfect.) Found in El Angel, Province of Carchi, at the depth of 3.5 metres. Diameter, 5% inches. B. Pointed foot, slightly depressed body with broadening shoulders, narrow moulded straight neck; dark red- dish brown biscuit, pebble polish. Found in Cuenca, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 2 metres. Height. 61% inches. STANDING COUPE, INCA INFLUENCE, XVtH CENTURY (Ponchera, Influencia Inca, Siglo XV.) Wide expanding bowl, spreading foot pierced in three places. Red biscuit, pebble polish, exterior decorated with black triangular figures. (Foot imperfect.) Found in Cuenca, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 3 metres. Height, 514 inches. WATER BOTTLE, INCA INFLUENCE, XVru CEN- AAA 'g (Cantarito, Influencia Inca, Siglo XV.) Globular with flaring neck; red biscuit, pebble polish. Found in Chillogallo, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 3 metres. Height, 514 inches. WATER BOTTLE, INCA INFLUENCE, XVru CEN- TURY (Cantarito, Influencia Inca, Siglo XV.) Globular shape, with short tapering neck; red_ biscuit, upper part of lighter color, pebble polished. Found in El Angel, Province of Carchi, at the depth of 3 metres. Height, 61% inches. 37 121 122 123 TWO SMALL BOWLS, INCA INFLUENCE, XVrtH CENTURY (Dos Ollitas, Influencia Inca, Siglo XV.) A- Globular, short narrow neck, modelled and pierced strap handles (one missing), light red biscuit, pebble polished. Found in El Angel, Province of Carchi, at the depth of 2.6 metres. Diameter, 314 inches. B. Small globular shape, short slightly flaring neck; brown biscuit with black markings, pebble polished. Found in El Angel, Province of Carchi, at the depth of 2.5 metres. Height, 314 inches. TWO BOWLS, INCA INFLUENCE, XVru CENTURY (Dos Vasijas, Influencia Inca, Siglo XV.) A. Half-round body with sloping shoulders, short slightly flaring neck, with two modelled and pierced handles decorated with raised beads. Red biscuit, pebble pol- ished. Found in Cuenca, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 3 metres. Diameter, 51% inches. B. Half-round body, with flat shoulders terminating with a short, quick flaring neck; brownish red biscuit, peb- ble polished. Found in Cuenca, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 2.8 metres. Diameter, 61% inches. BOWL, INCA INFLUENCE, XVru CENTURY (Copa, Influencia Inca, Siglo XV.) Expanding from a small spreading foot, sloping shoulders, faint black decoration on a light red biscuit, pebble polish- ed. Found in El Angel, Province of Carchi, at the depth of 3 metres. Height, 4 inches. BOWL, INCA INFLUENCE, XVItH CENTURY (Olla, Influencia Inca, Siglo XVI.) Finely potted, thin light red biscuit, globular with quick graceful flaring neck. Spotted with what seems to be gold. Found in El Angel, Province of Carchi. Diameter, 5 inches. 38 124 BOWLS, INCA INFLUENCE, XVItrH CENTURY (Vasijas, Influencia Inca, Siglo XVI. A. Globular with flaring neck, light buff biscuit, slight decoration of red vertical lines. Found in E] Angel, Province of Carchi, at the depth of 1.8 metres. Height, 4 inches. Half round body, quick sloping shoulders, short neck, strap handles (one missing). Light buff biscuit, cur- ious line of red markings on shoulder. Found in El] Angel, Province of Carchi, at the depth of 3.2 metres. Diameter, 5 inches. 125 TWO SMALL BOWLS, INCA INFLUENCE, XVru CENTURY (Dos Ollitas, Influencia Inca, Siglo XV.) Ae Squat shape, sloping shoulder with sharp flaring neck ; red biscuit, pebble polish, decorated on bottom with light brown lines. Found in El Angel, Province of Carchi. Diameter, 414 inches. Globular, narrow flat neck, two small pierced handles; red biscuit, pebble polished. (Lip imperfect.) Found | in Cuenca, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 2.8 metres. Diameter, 314 inches. 126 TWO SMALL BOWLS, INCA INFLUENCE, XVtH CENTURY (Dos Ollitas, Influencia Inca, Siglo XV.) A. Globular, flaring neck, red biscuit, pebble polished. Found in Cotocollao, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 3 metres. Diameter, 4 inches. Globular, short quick flaring neck, terminating in four short feet, red biscuit with black markings. Found in El Angel, Province of Carchi, at the depth of 3.2 metres Diameter, 414 inches. 39 129 130 TWO SMALL BOWLS, INCA INFLUENCE, XVrH CENTURY (Jarrita y Mulito, Influencia Inca, Siglo XV.) A. Globular, flaring neck, red biscuit, pebble polished. (Lip imperfect.) Found in Cayambe, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 3 metres. Height, 3% inches. B. Round depressed shape, light brown biscuit, pebble polished. Found at Cotocollao, Province of Pichincha, at the depth of 2.6 metres. Diameter, 414 inches. WHISTLE, INCA INFLUENCE, XVItH CENTURY (Silbato, Influencia, Siglo XVI.) Modelled in light buff colored biscuit in shape of barrel, Found in Bajios, Province of Tungurahua, at the depth of 1.5 metres. Height, 3% inches. WATER BOTTLE, INCA INFLUENCE, XVtu CEN- TURY | (Cantarito, Influencia Inca, Siglo XV.) Bell shape, pointed foot, graceful flaring neck, two small knobs on lip (one missing). Strap handles and curious animal head in full relief on shoulder, buff colored bis- cuit with red markings. Found in Chordeleg, Province of Azuay, at the depth of 3.6 metres. Height, 634 inches. BOWL, INCA INFLUENCE, XVruH CENTURY (Mulo, Influencia Inca, Siglo XV.) Expanding from a small spreading foot, flat lip, finely modelled of reddish brown biscuit. Found in El] Angel, Province of Carchi, at the depth of 2.5 metres. Diameter, 534 inches. 40 131 132 133 BOWL, INCA INFLUENCE, XVrtru CENTURY (Olla, Influencia Inca, Siglo XV.) Expanding short neck, sloping shoulders overhanging a half-round bowl. Light red biscuit decorated with dark red basket weave pattern. Found in El Angel, Province of Carchi, at the depth of 3 metres. Diameter, 61% inches. TWO SMALL BOWLS, INCA INFLUENCE, XVrtTH CENTURY (Copa y Copita, Influencia Inca, Siglo XV.) A. Bulbous shape rising from a slightly spreading foot, flaring neck, light red biscuit decorated with red ver- tical lines. Found in El Angel, Province of Carchi, at the depth of 2.3 metres. Height, 314 inches. B. Semi-circular body, short spreading foot, quick slop- ing shoulders, short flaring neck. Red biscuit, pebble polished. Found in El] Angel, Province of Carchi. Height, 3 inches. LARGE BOWL, INCA INFLUENCE, XVItuH CEN- TURY (Frutero, Influencia Inca, Siglo XV.) Standing on a deep foot, spreading lip. Found in El Angel, Province of Carchi, at the depth of 1.2 metres. Diameter, 71% inches. LOW DISH, INCA INFLUENCE (Casuela, Influencia Inca.) Two strap handles, decorated band. Found in El Angel, - Province of Carchi, at the depth of 1.2 metres. Diameter, 534 inches. 41 INDIAN COSTUMES AND UTENSILS OF THE 135 136 137 LATE XVIIIth AND XIXth CENTURIES MOSTLY FROM THE REGION ORIENTE ECUADOR (Vestuarios y Utileria de los Salvajes, Region Oriente Ecuatoriano, Siglos XVIII. y XIX.) SHRUNKEN HEAD OF AN INDIAN CHIEF ‘(Una Tzantza.) This head of Narigosa, famous warrior of the Huambiza Indians, was captured by the Ayuli Indians, who reduced it to its present size and held it as a great war trophy. The manner in which the reduction was made, retaining the hair and skin intact, has long been a matter of curi- osity and speculation. [See Illustration | GALA UNIFORM OF CHIEF (Llanchama. ) Coat, head dress, and lance of the chief Narigosa, Huam- biza tribe, of the Ecuadorian Oriente. Decorated with feathers of the Guacamayo bird, monkeys’ teeth and beads on a fibre coat. [See Illustration] BREAST PIECE AND HEAD DRESS (Pechera y Corona.) Deer skin ornamented with feathers, beans and shells. Head dress feathers. Zaparos Indians of the Oriente, Ecuador. TUNIC OF INDIAN AND TWO FANS (Tapa Rabo y Dos Abanicos. ) Deer skin ornamented with fruit pits, and shells; the fans are of feathers. Worn by chief’s wife of the Zaparos Indians. Region of the Oriente, Ecuador. 42 SHRUNKEN HEAD OF THE INDIAN CHIEF NARIGOSA [ NUMBER 135] GALA UNIFORM AND SPEAR NARIGOSA [NUMBER 136] 139 140 142 143 FEATHER TUNIC, HEAD DRESS AND THREE IMPLEMENTS OF WAR (Tapa Rabo, Corona y Tres Instrumentos De Guerra.) The costume of a Canelos Indian chief. Region’ of the Oriente, Ecuador. HAMMOCK, SMALL BAG, AND FISHING NET (Hamaca, Mochila y Red De Pescar.) Each made of one continuous piece of twine. By the Canelos Indians of the Regién Oriente of Ecuador. TWO INDIAN NECKLACES (Dos Collares Indios.) . A. Found in the region of the Oriente Ecuador. B. Found in Cafiar, Province of Cafiar. NINE VARIOUS SHAPED GOURDS (Nueve Calabazos Surtidos.) Decorated in various manners. Made by the Canelos and Quito Indians. THREE BASKETS (Tres Canastitas. ) Assorted sizes. Made by the Canelos Indians of the Regién Oriente, Ecuador. SEVEN NECKLACES (Siete Collares. ) Variously decorated with monkey teeth, beads, and pits. Made by the Canelos Indians of the Region Oriente, Ecu- ador. 44 146 147 148 149 150 FIVE COMBS, FLOUR SEIVE. FOUR ARMLETS AND BEAD DECORATION (Cinco Peines, Cedazo Para Harina, Cuatro Brazaletes y Guallca.) Interesting objects. Made by the Canelos Indians of the Region Oriente Ecuador. TWELVE WATER COLORS (Doce Acuarelas.) Illustrating early XIXth Century phases of life of the Indians of Quito. Executed by an Indian of Quito. HUNTING CAPE (Capa Para Cazar.) Curious. decoy worn while hunting; made by the Canelos Indians of the Region Oriente, Ecuador. FOUR GROUPS AND TWENTY-SIX FIGURES (Cuatro Grupos y Veintiseis Figuras.) Illustrating the various phases of the XXth century, life of the Indians of Quito and neighborhood. Executed by an Indian, Rodriquez, specially for Sefior Don Jesits Alvarado. NINETEEN FIGURES (Diez y Nueve Figuras.) Illustrating the various phases of the XXth century life of the Canelos Indians of the Region Oriente, Ecuador. Executed by an Indian, Rodriquez, specially for Sefior Don Jestis Alvarado. SIXTY-TWO VARIOUS OBJECTS (Sesenta y Dos Articulos Surtidos.) Illustrating the manufactures of Ecuadorian Indians from Quito, Cuenca and Ibarra, all of the XXth century. 45 SECOND SESSION THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 22, 1917 AT 2:30 O:CLOCE Lots [51 to 305 PAINTINGS BY XVIIth CENTURY ECUADORIAN ARTISTS, BROCADES AND EMBROIDERIES, CRUCIFIXES, BEAUTIFUL WORK IN CARVED WOOD (Cuadros por Artistas Ecuadorianos: del Siglo XVII., Brocatos y Bordados, Crucifijos, Preciosos Trabajos Tallados en Madera) 151 OLIVE WOOD ROSARY (Rosario De Madera De Olivo.) Cross from Lourdes. Made in Jerusalem; found in Ecua- dor about 1850. 152 COLLECTION OF SILVER AND COPPER COINS (Monetario. ) Sixty-five silver coins, assorted, weighing 8 ounces. Five copper coins, assorted. 153 CURIOUS LEATHER INK STAND (Tintero Raro De Cuero.) Club shaped, made out of solid hide, by an Indian of Quito. Originally owned by the Presidente de la Real Audiencia de Quito (Conde Ruiz de Castilla). XVIIIth century. 46 ..- 154 157 BIRTHDAY FELICITATION (Felicitacion De Onomastico. ) Curiously decorated with a needlepoint on fine paper; a heart with inscription in the center, on the field are curious birds, flowers, animals and human figures, draped border, trimmed with eight green tassels. Early XVIIIth century. The fashionable greeting of its day. Made by a Mestizo of Quito. Framed. Height, 12 inches; width, 1634 inches. TWO ENGLISH DISHES (Dos Fuentes Ingleses.) Early blue and white Staffordshire ware decorated with landscapes. Found in Quito. Lengths, 10%4 inches and 15 inches. TWO ENGLISH PLATES (Dos Platos Ingleses. ) Early blue and white Staffordshire ware “Waverly” and “Ruins of Tintern Abbey.” Found in Quito. Diameter, 10 inches. TWO ENGLISH PITCHERS (Dos Jarritas Inglesas.) Early copper lustre decorated with flowers in high col- ors. Found in Quito. Heights, 4 inches and 3 inches. PAINTED MARBLE PANEL (Cuadro Pintado En Marmol.) Painted by an artist of Quito in the XVIIIth Century. Height, 10% inches; width, 634 inches. —_—— “aif We SEUL ‘ Ny OF ~ FF ; ui bed ART \ fs ee Ky } Ney. ig) THE 159 160 161 162 163 164 THREE FRAMED ENGRAVINGS (Tres Grabados En Marcos.) ‘“Passién de Jests” two) “San Camilo de Lelis Fundador.” Found in Ecuador. PAINTED CONCH SHELL (Caracol, Pintado.) “Nuestra Sefiora del Rosario.” The interior is painted with the Virgin standing and holding the infant Christ in her left hand; in her right hand is a rosary. Quito, | XVITIth Century. Length, 91% inches. TWO PAINTED LEAD PANELS (Dos Alto Relieves De Estafio, Pintados.) “Sabana Santa” y “San Pedro.” These interesting re- ligious tokens were made in Quito in the late XVIIIth Century. Height, 4 inches; width, 234 inches. GLASS CANDLESTICK (Candelero De Vidrio.) An Egyptian figure, seated, the Bobeche formed of crude- ly worked iron. Of milky white glass, late XVIIIth Cen- tury. Found in Quito. Height, 1114 inches. PAINTED MARBLE PANEL (Cuadro Pintado En Marmol.) “San José.” Painted by an artist of Quito in the XVIIIth Century. Height, 1014 inches; width, 8 inches. PAINTED MARBLE PANEL (Cuadro Pintado En Marmol.) “San Antonio de Padua.” Painted by an artist of Quito in the XVIIIth Century. Height, 734 inches; width, 534 inches. 48 105 166 167 168 169 REMARKABLE FILAGREE SILVER CIGAR CASE Cigarrera Singular De Filigrana De Plata.) Enriched with broken oval panel enclosing flowers, birds and curious animals in filagree, flowered ground, oval section, top opens. (Slight defects.) Made in Cuenca in the XVIIIth Century by a Mestizo. Was the property of Marquis de Villa Orellana. Engraved Cuenca, Ecua- dor 1758. . Height, 434 inches. CHINESE PAINTING ON GLASS (Cuadro Chino En Vidrio.) Two figures in Chinese costumes standing before a bal- ustrade. Framed. Height, 101% inches; width, 1334 inches. PAINTED MARBLE PANEL (Cuadro Pintado En Marmol.) “Profeta Malaquias.”’ Painted by a pupil of Samaniego, XVIIIth Century. Fragment. Height, 8 inches; width, 11 inches. COLLECTION OF SPANISH BOOKS (Coleccion de Libros Espanoles) JUZGADOS MILITARES DE ESPANA Y SUS INDIAS. (Larriategui). Vols. 3 and 4. Madrid, 1789; Institutiones Politicas. (Dela Torre). Vols. 1 and 4. Madrid, 1747; Vida de Papa Clemente XIV. (Carac- ciolo). Madrid, 1786, and others (mainly odd). 13 vols., various sizes and bindings. FLORILEGIO MEDICINIAL, (Esteyneffer), Madrid, n. d.; Floresta de Dissertaciones Historico-Medicas (Cer- vi). Valencia, 1743; Curia Hilippica. (Volano). Val- ladolid, 1612 and others. 9 vols. mainly square 8vo, vellum. 49 1 1 1 0 1 2 173 1 4 AUTOS SACRAMENTALES (Calderon). Vols. 3 and 5. Madrid, 1759; Memorias Politicas (Felipe), Vol. 3. Madrid, 1792; Febrero Reformado y Anotado, o Libreria de Escribanos (Gutierrez), 4 odd volumes, and others. 12 vols. Folio and smaller, vellum and calf (some odd and imperfect). BOGOTA IMPRINT. Gramatica y Ortografia de la Lengua Castellana. 12mo, originally limp vellum, with fasteners. Bogota: Imp. de Espinosa, 1826. VERY SCARCE. CARCILASO DE LA VEGA. La Florida del Inca. Fo- lio, limp vellum (damaged, title wanting, last two leaves of Table missing, and a few margins defective, slightly affecting text.) Madrid, 1723. Scarce. This edition is edited by Nicolas Rodriguez Franco. The text of the work, occupying 268pp. is prac- tically perfect, except as above stated, in the six parts as issued. PAINTINGS IN CARVED FRAMES (Cuadros en Marcos Tallados) PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “VIRGEN DEL aMoR.” By an Ecuadorian artist of the XVIIIth Century. Frame by a Mestizo of Quito, carved and inlaid with segments of mirrors. Total height, 1474 inches; width, 10% inches. PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “INFANTE DIOS DE AMoR.” By an Ecuadorian artist of the XVIIIth Century. Frame carved in native wood by a Mestizo of Quito. Total height, 187@ inches; width, 117 inches. 50 176 177 178 179 PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “SAN FRANCISCO DE Asis.” By an Ecuadorian artist of the late XVIIIth Century. Frame carved of native wood by an Ecuadorian. Height, 10 inches; width, 7 inches. PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “VIRGEN DEL RosARIO.” By an Ecuadorian artist, XVIIIth Century. Circular frame carved in native mahogany by an Indian of Cuenca. From Iglesia de Santo Domingo, Quito. Diameter, 12 inches. PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “SAN ANTONIO DE PADUA.” By an Ecuadorian artist of the early XVIIIth Century. Frame carved by a Cuenca In- dian. From Convento de San Francisco, Quito. Total height, 1214 inches; width, 7 inches. PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “VIRGEN DEL CONSUELO.” By an Ecuadorian Indian of Quito. XVIIth Century. Frame carved in native mahog- any by a Cuenca Indian. From Iglesia de San Roque, Cuenca. Total height, 13 inches; width, 11 inches. PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “SAN VICENTE DE PAUL.” By an Ecuadorian of the late XVIIth Century. Frame carved of native mahogany by an Indian of Quito. Total height, 1514 inches; width, 1334 inches. 51 180 181 182 183 PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “VIRGEN DE LA LECHE.” By an artist of Quito, in the XVIIIth Century. Frame carved in native mahogany by an Ecuadorian Mestizo; Spanish motifs. From Mon- asterio del Carmen Alto, Quito. Total height, 16 inches; width, 14 inches. PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “SAN NICOLAS DE BARY.” By an Ecuadorian artist of the XVITIth Century. Frame of native wood carved by a Cuenca Indian. Total height, 1134 inches; width, 834 inches. PAINTED BANNER (Estandarte Pintado.) “NUESTRA SENORA DE LAS MERCEDES.” Painted on leather by an Indian of Cuenca, XVIIth Century. Total height, 2114 inches; width, 18% inches. PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “SAN IGNACIO.” Painted on glass by an artist of Quito, XVIIth Century. Shaped frame in crimson lacgé. (Glass cracked. ) Total height, 16 inches; width, 10%4 inches. PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “SAN PEDRO ALCANTARA. Painted on glass by an artist of Quito. Frame carved by an Indian of Cuenca, XVIIth Century. Total height, 1334 inches; width, 13 inches. 52 186 187 188 189 190 PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “MARIA Y EL NINO.” Painted by an Ecuadorian artist of the XVIIIth Century. Frame carved by a Mestizo of Quito. Total height, 35’ inches; width, 26% inches. PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “SAN JOSE CON EL NINO.” Painted by an Ecuadorian artist of the XVIIth Century. Frame carved by a Cuenca In- dian of the XVIIIth Century. Total height, 68 inches; width, 34 inches. PAINTING ON LEATHER (Cuadro Pintado En Cuero.) “LA VIRGEN DE LA MERCED.” Painted by a Cuenca Indian in the late XVIIth Century. Height, 13% inches. PAINTING IN GLASS FRAME (Cuadro En Marco De Vidrio.) “LA VIRGEN CON EL NINO.” Oval, on metal, painted by an XVIIIth Century artist of Quito. Segmented, enamelled blue frame. Height, 9 inches. PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “VIRGEN DE LA CHIQUINQUIRA.” By a Cuenca Indian of Ecuador in the XVIIth Century. Frame carved by an Indian. ‘Total height, 2414 inches; width, 1614 inches. PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “san VICENTE.” By an Ecuadorian artist, XVIIIth Cen- tury. Frame carved in native wood by Quito Indian. Total Height, 12% inches; width, 9 inches. 53 191 192 193 194 195 PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “LA SANTISIMA TRINIDAD.” By an Ecuadorian artist of the XVIIIth Century. Frame carved by a Mestizo of Quito. Total height, 1614 inches; width, 12 inches. PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “saN MATEO.” By an Ecuadorian artist of Quito, XVIIIth Century. Frame carved of native mahogany by a Cuenca Indian of the same period. From Iglesia de San Sebas- tian, Quito. Total height, 1414 inches; width, 12 inches. PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “SAN MARTIN.» By an Ecuadorian artist of Quito, XVIIth Century. Frame carved in native wood by an Ecuadorian. Total height, 8 inches; width, 6% inches. PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “LA VIRGEN DEL QUINCHE” (an original native conception). By an Ecuadorian Indian of Quito. Frame carved of native wood by Quito Mestizo. Total height, 10 inches; width, 8% inches. PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “sEsus pIos DE amor.” By an Ecuadorian artist of the XVIIIth Century. Frame carved by a Mestizo of Quito. Total height, 2014 inches; width, 16 inches. 54 196 197 198 199 200 TWO PAINTED AND CARVED PANELS (Dos Cuadros y Marcos Tallados. ) “ANGELES DE LA PASION.” By an Ecuadorian artist of the XVIIth Century in Quito. Frames carved in mahogany by a Mestizo of Quito. Total height, 13 inches; width, 5% inches. PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “VIRGEN DEL ROSARIO.” By an Ecuadorian artist of the XVIIIth Century. Frame carved by a native of Quito. Total height, 22 inches; width, 127% inches. PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “EL CORAZON DE Jesus.” By an Ecuadorian artist of the XVIIIth Century. Frame carved by native of Quito. Total height, 28 inches; width, 17 inches. PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “MATER AMABILIS.” By an Ecuadorian artist of Quito in the early XVIIIth Century. Frame carved by a Cuenca Indian. Total height, 3414 inches; width, 17 inches, BROCADES AND EMBROIDERIES (Brocatos y Bordados) BROCADE MANIPULE AND STOLE, VENETIAN, XVIItrH CENTURY (Manipulo y Estola De Brocato, Venecia, Siglo XVII.) Floral scroll pattern in gilded threads and deep salmon pink. 55 202 203 205 206 TWO BROCADE FRAGMENTS, SPANISH, XVIIItx CENTURY (Dos Retasos De Brocato, Espafiol, Siglo XVIII.) Differing patterns, blue and gold. TWO BROCADE STOLES, SPANISH, XVIItH CEN- TURY (Dos Estolas De Brocato, Espafiol, Siglo XVIII.) Green ground with silver flowers; silver ground with salm- on pink flowers. TWO ORNAMENTS FOR SAINTS DRESS, ECUA- DORIAN, XVIIItrse CENTURY (Singulo Bordado Para Santa, Ecuatoriano, Siglo XVIII.) Two embroidered hearts are held by sprigged silver ground. (Velvet connecting band missing.) Made by a Nun in Monasterio del Carmen Alto, Quito. , BROCADE MANIPULE AND STOLE, VENETIAN, XVIItH CENTURY (Manfpulo y Estola De Brocato, Venecia, Siglo XVII.) Conventionalized flower and scrolls in gold and silver and silk threads on crimson ground, galloon trimmed. TWO: EMBROIDERED VELVET SCAPULAS, ECUA- DORIAN, XVIIIrH CENTURY (Dos Escapularios De Terciopelo Bordados, Ecuatoriano, Siglo XVIII.) Crimson velvet embroidered with silver leaves and span- gles. Made by a Nun in the Monasterio de Santa Clara, Quito. TWO BROCADE STOLES, SPANISH (Dos Estolas De Brocato, Espafiol.) Silver flowers and scrolls on salmon ground; ivory and silver on crimson silk ground. 56 207 210 211 FIVE CURIOUS EMBROIDERED HEARTS, ECUA- DORIAN, XVIIItH CENTURY (Cinco Corazones Raros, Bordados, Ecuatoriano, Siglo XVIIL.) Silver openwork hearts enriched with raised flowers in colored silks. Made by a Nun in the Monasterio de Santa Clara, Quito. DOUBLE SCAPULA EMBROIDERED, ECUADORI- AN, XVIIItrH CENTURY (Un Par De Escapularios Bordados, Ecuatoriano, Siglo XVIII.) Finely embroidered with figures, enriched with small pearls and gold threads. The heads of carved bone. Miniature work by a Nun of the Monasterio de Santa Clara, Quito. THREE EMBROIDERED SCAPULAS, ECUADOR- IAN, XVIIvH CENTURY (Tres Escapularios Bordados, Ecuatoriano, Siglo XVIII.) Similar to the preceding. Made by a Nun in the Monas- terio de Santa Clara, Quito. BROCADE WAFER HOLDER, LOUIS XVI. (Guarda Hostia De Brocato, Luis XVI.) Sprigged pattern on salmon silk, shot with gilt threads; silver galloon trimming, held by elaborate cord hinges. Height, 10 inches; width, 7% inches. THREE MANIPULES, LATE XVIItH CENTURY (Tres Manipulos, Siglo XVII.) Silver and salmon brocade; crimson and ivory velvet; floral on ivory satin ground. . 57 212 213 216 FIVE FRAGMENTS OF BROCADE (Cinco Retasos De Brocato.) Of various designs, shapes and pattern; XVIIIth Century and earlier. From Monasterio del Carmen Alto, Quito. EMBROIDERED MANIPULE, ECUADORIAN, LATE XVIItnH CENTURY (Manfpulo Bordado, Ecuatoriano, Siglo XVII.) Embroidered floriated cross, sprigs and scrolls of flowers in gilded silver and colored silk threads on a silver ground, fringed. Made by a Nun in Monasterio del Carmen Alto, Quito. LACE CUFF, ECUADORIAN, LATE -XVIItnH CEN- TURY (Pufio De Encaje, Ecuatoriano, Siglo XVII.) Dainty scrolls of flowers on square mesh (known as Point de Flandre). Made by a Nun in the Monasterio del Car- men Alto, Quito. Length, 1014 inches; width, 4% inches. TWO RELIQUARIES, ECUADORIAN, XVIIITtH CEN- TURY (Dos Relicarios, Ecuatoriano, Siglo XVIII.) Circular with convex glasses, curious wreaths of miniature flowers with figure of the Virgin in the center. Two glasses broken. Made by a Nun in the Monasterio de Santa Clara, Quito. EMBROIDERED PICTURE, ECUADORIAN, XVIIrx CENTURY (Cuadro Bordado, Ecuatoriano, Siglo XVII.) “SAN VICENTE.” ‘The saint is before the cross and preaches to the multitude. Executed in colored silks, the heads and hands painted. Made by a Nun in the Monasterio de las Catalinas, Quito. Height, 12'4 inches; width, 10 inches. 58 217 218 219 220 221 BROCADE WAFTER HOLDER, LOUIS SEIZE (Guarda Hostia De Brocato.) Flowered pattern on light mulberry ground. Galloon trim- ming, elaborate cord hinges. Height, 8% inches; width, 6 inches. MANIPULE AND STOLE, ECUADORIAN (Manipulo y Estola, Ecuatoriano.) Cloth of silver trimmed with gilded galloon. BROCADE WAFER HOLDER, VENETIAN, XVIIrx CENTURY (Guarda Hostia de Brocato, Venecia, Siglo XVII.) Flowers and scrolls of gilded threads on cloth of silver ground. Trimmed with gilded galloon. Height, 934 inches; width, 7! inches. BROCADE PANEL, LOUIS SEIZE (Retaso Brocato, Luis XVI.) Repeating sinuous scrolls composed of ribbons and sprays of flowers, executed in various stitches of gold thread, touched with blue silk, enclose dainty bouquets of flowers, in pastel colored silks on a cloth of silver ground. Tri- angular. t Height, 27 inches; width, 37 inches. BROCADE COVER, LOUIS QUIZE (Sobremesa De Brocato, Luis XV.) Beautiful interlacing ribbons and scrolls from which spring fine flower sprays worked in a great variety of stitches in silver threads. The dainty damask ground of salmon and ivory silk shows curious pagodas, floral sprays and other objects. Lining (imperfect) striped silk in two tones of brown, on the darker a wonderful lace pattern is woven. Size, 20 inches square. D9 (A9) co cod 225 226 RARE CLOTH OF SILVER AND VELVET COVER, SPANISH, LATE XVIIItrH CENTURY (Sobremesa Rara De Tela De Plata y Terciopelo, Espafiol, Siglo XVIII.) On the silver ground are simple interlacing floral scrolls of cut and uncut velvet, in salmon pink. Trimmed with a fine open work scalloped gilded silver lace. Size, 19 inches x 20 inches. BROCADE WAFER HOLDER, SPANISH, XVIItxH CENTURY (Guarda Hostia De Brocato, Espafiol, Siglo XVII.) Rosette and basket pattern in silver and heliotrope. Sil- ver galloon trimming, elaborate cord hinges and tassels of heliotrope silk. Height, 934 inches; width, 74 inches. BROCADE WAFER HOLDER, LOUIS XVI. (Guarda Hostia De Brocato, Luis XVI.) Bouquets of flowers in natural colors on a pink ground shot with silver, silver galloon trimming. Height, 8% inches; width, 7 inches. EMBROIDERED CHALICE COVER, ECUADORIAN, XVIIItrH CENTURY (Tapa Calix Bordado, Ecuatoriano, Siglo XVIII.) Center an heart enhanced with sprays of flowers, border a sinuous stem of gold from which spring sprays of flowers at intervals, worked solid in brilliant natural colored silks on an ivory satin ground. Trimmed with gilded galloon.. Executed by a Nun of the Monasterio del Carmen, Alto, Quito. Size, 21 inches square. BROCADE COVER, SPANISH, XVIItrH CENTURY (Sobremesa De Brocato, Espajiol, Siglo XVII.) Basket and rosette pattern in heliotrope and ivory shot with silver, trimmed with wide floral patterned silver gal- loon. Size, 1614 inches square. 60 227 228 229 230 231 BROCADE COVER, VENETIAN, XVIItH CENTURY (Sobremesa De Brocato De Venecia, Siglo XVII.) Beautiful bouquet of highly conventionalized flowers, rib- bon and floral scroll surround. Executed in a variety of silver threads on a fine crimson corded silk ground. Size, 18 inches square. BROCADE COVER, VENETIAN, XVIIru CENTURY (Sobremesa De Brocato De Venecia, Siglo XVII.) Intricate pattern of conventionalized flowers, fruit and scrolls in silks, silver and gold on a cloth of silver ground. Trimmed with silver gilt galloon. Size, 18 inches x 20 inches. BROCADE COVER, FLORENTINE, XVIIts CEN- PU IY: (Sobremesa De Brocato De Florencia, Siglo, XVII. From the four corners spring branches of fruit and flowers in brilliant natural colored silks enhanced with gold threads, ground of ivory satin. Size, 17 inches x 18 inches. BROCADE COVER, LOUIS XVI. (Sobremesa De Brocato, Luis XVI.) Dainty floral stripes on silver ground alternating with stripes of pink, shot with silver and with green. Size, 17'4 inches square. EMBROIDERED SHAWL, PHILIPPINO, LATE XVITIrH CENTURY (Pafiolén Bordado, Filipino, Siglo XVIII.) Large bouquets of flowers at two corners and small con- necting border finished on both sides, in a varying tone of rich tobacco color. (Imperfect.) Size, 5 feet square. 61 (aS) ©9 iS 3) 234 236 BROCADE SHAWL, SPANISH, XIXtH CENTURY (Panolon De Brocato, Espajiol, Siglo XIX.) Large bouquets and sinuous garland border, in varying pinks, deep fringe. Size, 5 feet square. BROCADE SHAWL, SPANISH, XIXtH CENTURY (Panolon De Brocato, Espafiol, Siglo XIX.) Bouquets of large flowers and garlands in natural color- ed silks on black damask ground, fringed. (Imperfect.) Size, 5. feet’ x DB feet. tienes EMBROIDERED SHAWL, PHILIPPINO, LATE XVIlItu CENTURY (Paifiol6n Bordado, Filipino, Siglo XVIII.) Sprigs of yellow flowers cover the field, at two corners are flower and bird scrolls, small scroll border. Executed in yellow silk and finished on both sides of the back silk crepe, deep fringe. (Imperfect. ) Size, 4 feet 8 inches square. HORSE HAIR PANEL (Tela De Cerda De Caballo.) Made by the Guango Bolo Indians, in the mountains to the south of Quito. These Indians rarely leave their mountain fastnesses except at night to steal the tails of their neighbors horses. This cloth has been made since the middle of the XVIIIth Century by these Indians. Size, 12 inches x 18 inches. GILDED -CORD AND TASSELS, ECUADORIAN, LATE XVIIIru CENTURY (Cordén De Hilo De Oro, Ecuatoriano, Siglo XVIII.) Interesting wound cord and bullion tassels. Length, 8 feet. 62 237 240 241 TWO WOVEN PANELS (Dos Pedazos De Tela De Algodén.) One has reversed animals set in quaint panel, the other of conventionalized scrolls and flowers in blue and white. Made by the Indians of Cuenca, late XVIIth Century. Height, 17 inches; width, 50 inches. COLLECTION OF CRUCIFIXES (Coleccion de Crucifijos) PAINTED WOOD CRUCIFIX (Cruz De Madera, Pintada.) Curiously decorated with a series of painted oval medal- lions in which are the Holy Spirit, the Dolorosa, the Saviour and St. Joseph and Infant. Executed in Quito, late XVIIth Century. Height, 22 inches. INLAID CRUCIFIX (Cruz Embutida.) “Jesiis en la Cruz y las insignias de la passion.” Straight cross inlaid with tortoise shell and bone on which is en- graved the figure of the Saviour and the symbols of the passion. (Parts of the inlay are missing.) Quito, XVIIth Century. Height, 16 inches. PAINTED WOOD CRUCIFIX (Cruz De Madera, Pintada.) “Jess en la Cruz.” On the straight cross is painted the Saviour. By Guaman. Height, 1334 inches. PAINTED WOOD CRUCIFIX (Cruz De Madera, Pintada.) “Jests en la Cruz y su Santisima Madre.” On the straight cross is painted the Saviour; at the foot of the cross is the Blessed Mother. Painted in Quito, in the XVIIth Century. Height, 15 inches. 65 242 243 244 245 246 PAINTED WOOD CRUCIFIX (Cruz De Madera, Pintada.) “Jesus en la Cruz y su Santisima Madre.’ Painted on the straight cross is the Saviour, at the foot of the cross is the Blessed Mother. Executed in Quito, late XVIIth Cen- tury. From the Convento de San Francisco, Quito. Height, 21 inches. INLAID CRUCIFIX (Cruz Embutida.) Curiously inlaid with raised squares of tortoise shell di- agonally placed, the alternating triangles are of ivory en- graved with flowers. Has been repaired. Quito, XVIIth Century. Height, 17 inches. CRUCIFIX OF ENAMELLED GLASS (Cruz De Vidrio Esmaltado.) Cross with trefoil ends enriched with gilded and enamel green glass. Pedestal of carved and gilded wood in the form of an inverted capital. Made in Cuenca, XVIIIth Century. Height, 29 inches. BEAUTIFUL WORK IN CARVED WOOD (Precioso Trabajos Tallados en Madera) SIX INLAID PANELS. (FRAGRAMENTS) (Seis Fragmentos Embutidos.) Illustrating the inlaid work of Quito in the XVIIIth Century. FOUR INLAID PANELS. (FRAGMENTS) (Cuatro Fragmentos Embutidos.) Illustrating the inlaid work of Quito in the XVIIIth Century. 64 247 248 249 250 251 FIVE INLAID PANELS. (FRAGMENTS) (Cinco Fragmentos Embutidos.) Illustrating the inlaid work of Quito in the late XVIIIth Century. TWO MIRRORS IN CARVED WOOD AND GILDED FRAMES (Dos Espejos En Marcos Tallados De Madera, Dorados.) One of the XVIth Century and the other XVIIIth Cen- tury. Made in Quito. Height, 7 inches. TWO CARVED WOOD AND PAINTED PANELS (Dos Altos Relieves Tallados De Madera, Pintados.) “SAN FERNANDO REY DE CASTILLA.” “SAN PEDRO.” Oval, bust length; in gilded scrolled frames. Made in Quito, XVIIth Century. From Convento de San Francisco, Quito. Height, 17 inches. MIRROR IN CARVED WOOD AND PAINTED FRAME , (Espejo En Marco Tallado De Madera, Ddrado.) Three oval openings. Cherubs at side and base, scroll top. XVIIth Century, made in Cuenca. Height, 12%4 inches; width, 10 inches. CARVED WOOD AND PAINTED PANEL (Panel De Madera, Tallado y Pintado.) “SaN FRANCISCO DE asis.”” In high relief; the robed Saint stands on a curious pedestal, in his left hand is a skull, a gilded shell nimbus on his head; framed. Made in Qui- to, late XVIth Century. Found in the Monasterio de la Concepcion. Height, 19% inches. 65 (AS) Or ra) (aS) Or iss) eo Or Sr CARVED WOOD LECTERN (Atril De Madera Tallado.) The book holder is in the form of a shell; scrolled supports on oblong base; gilded. Made in Quito, XVIIIth Cen- tury. Height, 12 inches. TWO CARVED WOOD AND PAINTED BRACKETS (Dos Repisas De Madera, Talladas y Pintadas.) ~ Curious supports of triple beads with mirror panels be- tween. Made by an Indian of Quito, XVIIIth Cen- tury. From Iglesia de Guapulo, Quito. Height, 1014 inches. TWO CARVED WOOD AND PAINTED BRACKETS (Dos Repisas De Madera, Talladas y Pintadas.) ; Similar to preceding, but without mirror panel. From Iglesia de Guapulo, Quito. Height, 10 inches. MIRROR IN CARVED WOOD AND PAINTED FRAME (Espejo En Marco Tallado De Madera, Dorado.) Elaborate design of scrolls and shells. Made by an In- dian of Quito, XVIIIth Century. Height, 24 inches; width, 1614 inches. MIRROR IN CARVED WOOD AND GILDED FRAME (Espejo En Marco Tallado De Madera, Dorado.) Shaped frame of scrolls, flowers and shells. Made by an Indian of Quito, late XVIIth Century. Height, 2414 inches; width, 17% inches. 66 257 258 261 SMALL INLAID CHEST (Gabetita Embutida. ) Composed of two drawers, which with the top are inlaid with ivory, engraved with heads of various caciques. Made in Cuenca, late XVIIth Century. Height, 4 inches; width, 8 inches; depth, 414 inches. SMALL INLAID COFFER (Cofre Pequefio Embutido.) Rounded top, curiously inlaid with boxwood lines in geo- metric and floral patterns on native mahogany. Wrought iron lock, hasp and hinges. Made in Cuenca, late XVIIth Century. No key. Height, 5% inches. Width, 87 inches; depth, 5 inches. SMALL INLAID BOX (Cajita Embutida.) Curiously inlaid and part etched with hot point, deco- rated with quaint animals and geometric pattern. Made at Tulcan, late XVIIIth Century. Height, 4 inches; width, 7 inches; depth, 434 inches. CARVED WOOD AND PAINTED PANEL (Alto Relieve Tallado De Madera, Pintado.) “san JERONIMO.” In high relief; the bearded Saint is nude to the waist; he holds a crucifix in his left hand, at his feet are the devil, a skull and the holy scriptures; curious archaic frame. Made in Cuenca, XVIIth Century. Height, 12 inches. TWO CARVED WOOD AND PAINTED PANELS (Dos Altos Relieves Tallados De Madera, Pintados. ) “51, CORAZON DE JESUS Y MARIA.” In low relief, both are bust length and are in very unusual gilded frames. Made in Quito, late XVIth Century. Height, 15 inches. 67 262 208 264 265 SMALL CARVED BOX (Cajita Tallada.) Curiously cut in native mahogany with rosette pattern. Made in Cuenca, by an Indian of the XVIIIth Century. Height, 31% inches; width, 614 inches; depth, 3% inches. ILLUMINATED ALTAR PIECE (Retablo, Decorado.) The obverse decorated with a vase of flowers standing on a fluted pedestal, from which emerge floral sprays; above is a canopy of scrolls and flowers and two floral panels, all in delicate colors on a silver background. The reverse is divided into three panels, which are occupied by detached castles, chateau, churches, shell scrolls and flower sprays, quaintly executed in the Chinese manner in gold, silver and blues on a brilliant background. Made in Quito, late XVIIIth Century. From Iglesia del Quinche, Quito. In modern frame. Height of panel, 4014 inches; width, 32% inches. LACQUERED BOX (Cajita Rara, Esmaltada.) Curiously lacquered with vase of flowers and scroll on black ground. Wrought iron lock and hinges. No key. Made at Ibarra, late XVIIth Century. Height, 434 inches; width, 1114 inches; depth, 474 inches. TWO CARVED WOOD AND PAINTED PANELS (Dos Altos Relieves Tallados De Madera, Pintados.) “SENOR DE LA CANA Y JESUS NAZARENO. One oval, bust length with hands crossed; the other seated, draped with lion cloth and palm branch in hand and crowned with thorns. Made in Quito, late XVIIth Century. From Convento de San Agustin, Quito. 68 266 267 268 269 270 CARVED WOOD AND PAINTED PANEL (Alto Relieve Tallado De Madera, Pintado.) “JESUS ATADO A LA CoLUMNA.” In high relief; the emac- iated figure stands at the column. Made in Quito, XVIIth Century. Height, 91% inches. SMALL INLAID COFFER (Cofre Pequefio, Embutido. ) Canted top, curiously inlaid with animals, inside of top, a bull fight. Made at Ibarra, XVIIIth Century. Height, 6 inches; width, 1034 inches; depth, 5% inches. SMALL LACQUERED COFFER (Cofre Pequefio, Esmaltado.) Semi-circular on top, decorated with panels of figures, animals and scrolls, and black scrolled borders. Wrought iron lock hasp, and hinges. No key. Made by an Indian of Tulcan, late XVIIth Century. Height, 6% inches. Width, 10 inches; depth, 5% inches. SMALL INLAID COFFER (Cofre Pequefio, Embutido. ) Slightly rounded top, quaintly inlaid in boxwood lines on native mahogany with animals and scrolls. Wrought iron lock and hinges. No key. Made by an Indian of Ibarra, late XVIIth Century. Height, 7% inches. Width, 11 inches; depth, 6 inches. RARE LEATHER JARDINIERE (Florero Raro De Cuero.) Oblong, undressed hide, quaint cut out panels of leather showing animals and scrolls are applied to the four sides. Made by a Cuenca Indian in the early XVIIIth Century. Height, 414 inches; width, 614 inches; length, 414 inches. 69 xs) ~I vo THREE RARE CUT LEATHER PANELS (Tres Paneles Raros De Cuero Calado.) Oblong undressed hide, cut out and showing figures and animals. Used for various decorations. Made by a Cu- enca Indian in the early XVIIIth Century. Height, 614 inches; width, 121% inches. TWO MIRRORS IN CARVED WOOD FRAMES (Dos Espejos En Marcos Tallados De Madera.) Shaped frames of scrolls, shells and flowers. Made by an Indian of Quito, late XVIIth Century. Height, 25 inches; width, 1614 inches. TWO MIRRORS IN CARVED WOOD FRAMES (Dos Espejos En Marcos Tallados.) Similar to the preceding. TWO CARVED WOOD PANELS (Dos Altos Relieves Tallados De Madera, Pintados.) “CORAZON DE JESUS Y INMACULADA.” A. Carved in Capuli wood, bust length, draped, the orb in his left hand, and his right hand held up in exhor- tation. B. Bust length, with hands folded in prayer, painted in naturalistic colors and gilded. Made in Quito, late XVIIth Century. MIRROR IN CARVED WOOD AND GILDED FRAME (Espejo En Marco Tallado De Madera, Dorado.) Conventionalized flowers and bold scrolls in gilding are on a crimson background. Made by a Mestizo of Quito, early XVIIth Century. Height, 201% inches; width, 18% inches. ee {!) 276 278 279 CURIOUS LEATHER COFFER (Cofre Raro De Cuero.) The body is made from hide with the hair still on it, over which are applied interesting panels of sundried leather, cut out with figures and scrolls. Made by an Indian of Cuenca. Height, 11 inches. Width, 17 inches; depth, 11 inches. SMALL CARVED LEATHER DESK (Escritorito De Cuero Cabado.) Slant top, with scalloped valance. Most curiously deco- rated with many figures and carnival scene. Circular pierced wrought iron lock and hasp. No key. Made in Ortavalo, Ibarra, early XVIIIth Century. Height, 8 inches; width, 181% inches; depth, 16% inches. SMALL CARVED LEATHER BOX (Cajita De Cuero Cabado.) Heavy hide, top decorated with double-headed eagle, small- er flanking birds and floral scrolls, entwined rope border. Sides with animals, birds and scrolls; inside lid painted with a landscape. “San Antonio de Padua.” Diamond- shaped pierced wrought iron lock, offset hasp and hinges to match. No key. Made in Ibarra, late XVIIth Cen- tury. From Iglesia de Santo Domingo, Ibarra. Height, 6 inches; width, 16 inches; depth, 1414 inches. SMALL CARVED LEATHER BOX (Cajita De Cuero Cabado.) Heavy hide, top decorated with geometric medallion sur- rounded by animals and flower scroll panels; shaped val- ance, sides with panelled floral scrolls. Circular wrought iron lock and hinges. No key. Made in Ibarra, late XVIIth Century. : Height, 534 inches. Width, 161% inches; depth, 11 inches. 71 280 282 283 SMALL INLAID CHEST (Cajita Embutida.) Composed of one large drawer holding two secret draw- ers, inlaid with many rare woods on native mahogany. Top and sides inlaid with panel of flowers; front with an extensive view of the City of Quito. Made in Quito, early XVIIIth Century. Height, 61% inches. Width, 17 inches; depth, 14 inches. TWO CARVED WOOD AND PAINTED PANELS (Dos Altos Relieves Tallados De Madera Pintados.) “CARAS DE ANGELES.” ‘The winged cherubs’ heads are on a gilded and moulded background. Made in Quito, late XVIIth Century. Part missing. Height, 734 inches. BONE CARVINGS IN A BOTTLE (Piezas De Hueso En Una Botella.) “SIMBOLOS DE LA PASION.” The many symbols of the passion have been skillfully introduced into the narrow necked bottle. Quito, XIXth Century. CARVED WOOD BRACKET (Repisa De Madera Tallada.) Fluted frieze with inverted canopy under, enriched with scrolls and flower in relief. Made in Quito in the late XVIIth Century. From Iglesia de Guapulo, Quito. Height, 12 inches. THREE CARVED WOOD AND PAINTED BRACK- ETS . (Tres Repisas De Madera, Talladas y Pintadas.) Front of three tapering panels enriched with quaint medal- lions of mirror and carved with flower sprays which are gilded; the apron inlaid with mirror. Made by an In- dian of Quito, XVIIIth Century. From Iglesia de Guap- ulo, Quito. Height, 9 inches. 285 286 287 288 289 MIRROR IN CARVED WOOD AND PAINTED FRAME Arched top, with rosette center inlaid with small mirror panels illuminated with flowers. Side and base of rococo scrolls. Made by the Cuenca Indians, XVIIIth Century. Height, 48 inches; width, 3414 inches. SMALL EMBOSSED LEATHER BOX (Cajita De Cuero Repujado. ) Heavy hide, decorated with bands of foliated scrolls. Cir- cular wrought iron lock. Key and hasp missing. Made in Ibarra, late XVIIth Century. Height, 714 inches. Width, 16 inches; depth, 714 inches. SMALL CARVED COFFER (Cofre Pequefio, Tallado.) Slightly curved top, carved with floral scrolls in native mahogany. Circular wrought iron lock, hasp and hinges. Key and part of hasp missing. Made in Quito, late XVIth Century. Height, 8 inches; width, 16 inches; depth, 8 inches. DOUBLE MIRROR IN CARVED WOOD FRAME AND PAINTED PANEL (Espejo Doble En Marco Tallado De Madera, Pintado.) Double arched top, surrounded by shell pattern holding lattices of mirror; frame scrolled and rosetted. Made by the Cuenca Indians, XVIIIth Century. Height, 40 inches; width, 28 inches. TWO MIRRORS IN CARVED AND PAINTED WOOD FRAMES (Dos Espejos En Marcos Tallados De Madera, Pintados.) Oval; shaped scroll tops and aprons in the Venetian man- ner. Made of Copuli wood by a Cuenca Indian, early XVIIIth Century. Height, 39 inches; width, 27% inches. 73 290 291 292 293 MIRROR IN CARVED WOOD AND GILDED FRAME (Espejo En Marco Tallado De Madera, Dorado.) English, XVIIIth Century. The moulded broken cor- ners hold sprays of flowers; frieze with curious leaf sprays and rosettes. Shaped shell and scroll apron. Found in Quito, in the early XI Xth Century. Height, 40 inches; width, 24 inches. INLAID MOTHER-OF-PEARL BOX (Cajita Embutida Con Madreperla.) Entire exterior panelled and inlaid with mother-of-pearl lines and primitive floral motives on rosewood and tortoise shell. Circular wrought iron lock and hasp. No key. Entire interior inlaid with bands of various colored woods. Made in Quito, late XVIIth Century. Used in the “Mon- asterio de Santa Clara,’ for the sacred vessels of the Church. Height, 9 inches. Width, 21 inches; depth, 11% inches. SMALL INLAID CHEST (Gabetita, Embutida.) Hinged fall front; interior has seven drawers inlaid with mytihical animals; fine wrought iron drop handles; ex- terior inlaid with banded panels of boxwood on native ma- hogany. Circular wrought iron lock, hasp and two carry- ing handles. No key. Made at Ibarra, late XVIIth Cen- tury. Height, 11 inches. Width, 17%4 inches; depth, 12 inches. THREE MIRRORS IN CARVED WOOD FRAMES (Tres Espejos En Marcos De Madera Tallada.) Deeply shaped frames, in the rococo manner. Three brackets at top. Part of one top missing. Made by an Indian of Quito, in the XVIIIth Century. Height, 3214 inches; width, 19 inches. 74 294 295 296 297 SMALL CARVED LEATHER BOX (Cajita De Cuero Cabado.) Deep valanced top, central panel of two facing lions, bor- der of flower scrolls interrupted with the sun in two places, sides match. Circular wrought iron lock, offset hasp and hinges to match. No key. Made in Latacunga, XVIIth Century. This box was discovered in 1901, in the Hacien- da Province of Leon, which formerly belonged to the Mar- quis de San Mateo. It then contained the famous jewels of the last Marchioness, who died about 1675. Height, 6 inches; width, 16 inches; depth, 13% inches. MIRROR IN CARVED WOOD FRAME (Espejo En Marco Tallado De Madera.) Shaped frame with rococo shell surround. Made by an Indian of Cuenca, XVIIIth Century. Height, 40 inches; width, 26 inches. CARVED TRUNK (Bail, Tallado.) Boldly carved with repeating foliated pateras, Gothic in feeling; small circular wrought iron lock and hasp. No key. Made by an Indian of Cuenca, late XVIth Century. Height, 104 inches; width, 29 inches; depth, 131% inches. INLAID TRUNK (Bail, Embutido.) Slightly rounded top, entire exterior and inside of top finely inlaid with boxwood lines on native mahogany with panelled floral scroll pattern, the inside of top is further enhanced by a central panel of crowned double eagle flanked by two lions. Chiseled and pierced circular lock, curious offset hasp and hinges to match. No key. Made in Quito, late XVIIth Century, Height, 12% inches. Width, 26% inches; depth, 13 inches. 75 298 299 300 301 MIRROR IN CARVED WOOD FRAME (Espejo En Marco De Madera Tallada.) Irregularly ornamented with scrolls and grapes. Made by an Indian of Cuenca, late XVIIIth Century. Height, 331% inches; width, 23% inches. INLAID TRUNK (Bail, Embulido.) Slightly rounded top, entire exterior and inside of top in- laid with boxwood lines on native mahogany of an ex- tremely interesting panelled pattern of floral scrolls. Pierced wrought iron hinges. No key, lock or hasp. Made in Quito, late XVIIth Century. Height, 13 inches. Width, 25" inches; depth, 12 inches. INLAID BOX (Gabetita Embutida. ) Composed of one large drawer divided into four compart- ments with two secret drawers under. Entire exterior in- laid with fine lines of boxwood on native mahogany with beautiful panelled geometric and floral scroll pattern. Circular chiseled and pierced wrought iron lock with finely pillared hasp terminating with a rosette. Made in Quito, late XVIIth Century. Height, 77% inches. Width, 187% inches; depth, 15% inches. SMALL INLAID DESK (Escritorito Embutido.) Slanting and lifting flap top, one drawer, interior filled with four drawers, curiously inlaid with various colored woods on native mahogany, flap shows “Rescue,’ by a mounted huntsman of another from a panther; inside a bull fight, drawers with flowers and animals. Made in Cuenca, XVIIIth Century. Height, 7 inches. Width, 211% inches; depth, 18% inches. 76 302 303 304 305 TWO-FOLD INLAID SCREEN (Biombo Embutido De Dos Puertas.) Arched top, occupied by a many pointed star on which are gazing two diminutive human beings. Under are two panels of large bouquets of flowers, numerous animals and human figures. Inlaid with many colored woods on na- tive mahogany. Made by a Mestizo of Quito, in the XVITIth Century. Height, each panel, 52 inches; width, 13 inches. MIRROR IN CARVED WOOD FRAME (Espejo En Marco De Madera Tallada.) Arched top, with rococo scrolls and rosette center. Made by a Cuenca Indian, XVIIIth Century. Height, 50 inches; width, 24 inches. SMALL INLAID TRUNK (Batl Pequefio Embutido.) Slightly rounded top; entire exterior and inside of top inlaid with boxwood lines on native mahogany of an ex- tremely interesting panelled pattern of geometric floral scrolls. Pierced wrought iron lock and hinges. No key or hasp. Made in Quito, late XVIIth Century. Height, 12 inches; width, 25 inches; depth, 12 inches. SMALL INLAID CHEST (Gabetita Embutida. ) Composed of one large drawer, which is fitted with four compartments and two secret drawers; entire exterior in- laid with fine lines of boxwood on native mahogany with beautiful panelled geometric and fforal scroll pattern. Circular chiseled and pierced wrought iron lock with finely pillared hasp terminating with a rosette. No key. Made in Quito, late XVIIth Century. Height, 8 inches. Width, 17 inches; depth, 15 inches. 17 7 THIRD SESSION FRIDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 23, 1917 AT 2:30 O°CLOCK Lots 306 to 465 PAINTINGS BY ECUADORIAN ARTISTS, PAINTED SCULPTURE, BEAUTIFUL WORK IN WOOD AND IRON, ANCIENT WEAPONS, ANCIENT HAND-WOVEN RUGS (Cuadros por Artistas Ecuatorianos, Esculturas Pintadas, Preciosos Trabajos en Madera y Hierro, Alfombras Antiquas Tejidasa Mano) 306 PAINTING IN CARVED INDIAN FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “SAN ANTONIO DE PADUA.” By an Ecuadorian artist of Quito, XVIIIth Century. Frame curiously carved in na- tive wood by an Indian of Quito; Louis XV. motives. Enameled and touched with crimson. From Iglesia de la Merced, Quito. Total height, 32 inches; width, 18% inches. 307 PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “SAN JOSE Y NINO.” By an Ecuadorian artist of Quito. Late XVIIth Century. Frame carved in native mahogany by a Mestizo of Quito. Total height, 1414 inches; width, 12 inches. 78 308 309 310 311 312 PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “MARIA MAGDALENA.” Painted on glass by an Ecuadorian artist of the XVIIth Century at Quito. Frame carved by a Mestizo of Quito. Total height, 11 inches; width, 94 inches. PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “SAN PABLO PRIMER ERMITANO.” By an Ecuadorian artist of the XVIIIth Century. Carved frame of native wood. Spanish motif, early XVIIIth Century: Total height, 2734 inches; width, 23 inches. PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “ESPOSA DE UN CASIQUE.” Painted by a Cuenca Indian; the frame also carved by an Indian; XVIIIth Century. Total height, 3414 inches; width, 17 inches. PAINTING IN FRAME (Cuadro y Marco.) “LA HUIDA A EGIPToO.” By an Ecuadorian artist of the XVIIth Century. Tortoise shell frame, inlaid with en- graved ivory. Total height, 914 inches; width, 8 inches. PAINTING IN FRAME (Cuadro y Marco.) “SAN FRANCISCO DE Asis.” Painted on glass by an Ecua- ‘dorian artist of Quito, in the XVIIth Century. Venetian mirror glass frame, early XVIIIth Century. From Con- vento de San Francisco, Quito. Total height, 4276 inches; width, 22 inches. 79 314 316 317 PAINTING IN CARVED: FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “‘ADORACION DE Los REYES.” By an Ecuadorian artist of Quito, XVIIIth Century. Inscription on back of copper panel. Frame carved by a Mestizo. From Iglesia de la Merced, Quito. Total height, 21 inches; width, 18% inches. PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “NINO DE LA ESPINA.” By an Ecuadorian artist of the XVIIIth Century. Frame carved by a Mestizo in style of Louis XV. Total height, 2414 inches; width, 11% inches. PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “san TADEO.” By an Ecuadorian artist of the XVIIIth Century. Frame carved in native mahogany by an Indian of Quito, motifs of Louis XV. From Convento de San Francisco, Quito. : Total height, 2814 inches; width, 13 inches. PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “SAN ANTONIO DE PabuUA.” XVIIth Century. By an Ecuadorian artist from Quito. Frame carved of native mahogany. From Convento de San Francisco, Quito. Total height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches. PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “VIRGEN DEL ESPERITU SANTO.” By an Ecuadorian Mestizo of the XVIIIth Century. The frame of native mahogany, carved by a Cuenca Indian. From Monasterio de la Con- cepcion, Quito. Total height, 46 inches; width, 23 inches. 80 318 319 320 321 322 PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “PADRE CELESTIAL.” By an Ecuadorian artist of the XVIIIth Century. (School of Samaniego.) Frame carved of native wood by a Mestizo. Total height, 1544 inches; width, 13% inches. PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “ASUNCION DE LA VIRGEN-” Painted by an Ecuadorian Indian of the early XVIIIth Century. Frame curiously carved, gilded and colored; made by an Indian of Cu- enca. From Monasterio del Carmen Alto, Quito. Total height, 50'4 inches; width, 31% inches. PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “SAN ANTONIO DE PADUA.” Painted by an Ecuadorian art- ist of Quito; early XVIIIth Century. The frame quaint- ly carved in native wood; of an earlier period and made in Quito. From the oldest church in Quito, Iglesia del Belén. Total height, 26 inches; width, 19 inches. PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “niNos sANTOS MARTIRES.” By an Ecuadorian artist of the XVIIIth Century. The frame carved in native wood; of the same period and made in Quito. From Monasterio de las Catalinas, Quito. Total height, 22 inches; width, 21% inches. PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “ncce Homo.” Painted by an Ecuadorian artist of Quito, late XVIIth Century. Frame curiously carved in Spanish manner by a Mestizo of Quito. From Iglesia del Belen. Total height, 2814 inches; width, 23 inches. 81 323 324 325 826 PAINTING IN CARVED INDIAN FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “BUEN pasToR.” Painted by an Ecuadorian artist of Quito, late XVIIth Century. Frame curiously carved in native wood by an Indian of Quito; Louis XV. motive. Enameled and touched with crimson. From Iglesia de la Merced, Quito. Total height, 32 inches; width, 1814 inches. PAINTING IN CARVED INDIAN FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “SAN CAYETANO.” Painted by an Ecuadorian artist of Quito, of the XVIIth Century. Frame of native wood by a Cuenca Indian; curious mirror enrichments, XVIIIth Century; top added. From Iglesia de la Merced, Quito. Total height, 32 inches; width, 1714 inches. PAINTING IN CARVED FRAME (Cuadro y Marco Tallado.) “potorosa.” Painted by an Ecuadorian artist of Quito, late XVIIth Century. Frame curiously carved in native mahogany by a Cuenca Indian in the XVIIIth Century. From Convento de San Francisco, Quito. Total height, 3714 inches; width, 19% inches. BEAUTIFUL WORK IN WOOD (Preciosos Trabajos en Madera) SMALL INLAID CHEST (Gabetita Embutida.) Fall front; interior fitted with four drawers; exterior in- laid on native mahogany with panelled lines; interior of fall with vases of flowers, drawers with geometric figures, which are adorned by beautiful wrought iron open pendant handles. Made in Cuenca, XVIIIth Century. Height, 8 inches; width, 18 inches; depth, 12 inches. 82 327 328 329 RARE CARVED AND GILT COFFER (Cofre Raro, Tallado y Dorado.) Flat curved top; exterior carved in low relief in native mahogany with fruit and flower scrolls and birds, gilded, background of Venetian red; back painted with flowers, chiseled and pierced circular, wrought iron lock, many pil- lared hasp and shell terminal hinges. Small parts of lock, hasp and key missing. Made in Quito, XVIIth Century. Used in Monasterio del Carmen Alto, for the vessels of the holy communion. Height, 12 inches. Width, 23% inches; depth, 11% inches. INLAID TORTOISE SHELL CHEST (Gabeta Embutida Con Carey.) Hinged top, front composed of four small drawers, square central drawer and compartment on top. Front of draw- ers inlaid in tortoise shell and ivory with reversed animals and scrolls with crown between. The central drawer en- graved with “San Antonio de Padua.” Wrought iron hinges. Made in Quito, early XVIIIth Century. Height, 101% inches; width, 171% inches. Depth, 12% inches. RARE INLAID CHEST (Gabeta Rara Embutida.) Fall front and hinged top; interior fitted with six draw- ers curiously carved with animals in low relief and col- ored. Mahogany skilfully inlaid. The exterior with primitive floral panels in colored woods, borders and in- terior of foliated scrolls in boxwood. Fine pierced and chiseled wrought iron circular lock, rare double pillared hasp and shell terminal hinges. No key. Made in Quito, late XVIth Century. Height, 131% inches. Width, 17 inches; depth, 13 inches. 83 330 331 332 333 SMALL PAINTED DESK (Escritorito Pintado.) Shaped front, slanting and lifting top and one drawer; in- terior fitted with five drawers. Flap painted with alle- gorical hunting scene, interior with oval panel of “San Nicolas,” flanked with bride and groom. Made in Quito, late XVIIIth Century. Height, 104 inches. Width, 15 inches; depth, 15 inches. SMALL INLAID DESK (Escritorito Embutido. ) Lifting and slanting top; interior fitted with four drawers; exterior and interior enhanced with floral and fruit scrolls, butterflies and masks in various colored woods on native mahogany. Made in Cuenca, XVIIIth Century. Height, 7 inches; width, 2314 inches; depth, 1834 inches. INLAID CHEST (Gabeta Embutida.) Fall front; interior fitted with eleven varied moulded draw- ers and one square central drawer pillared and arched. Finely inlaid with boxwood and rosewood on native ma- hogany in geometric and floral scrolls. Circular wrought iron lock and rosetted hasp. No key. Made in Cuenca, late XVIth Century. Height, 141% inches. Width, 20 inches; depth, 13 inches. ILLUMINATED LECTERN (Atril Esmaltado.) Folding of native mahogany; arched base, decorated with panels of birds and fruit, and flower scrolls in crimson, green and blue, gilded scroll borders. Center panel has double-headed eagle marked with the Bishop’s initials, M.A.R. Made in Cuenca by a Mestizo in the late XVIIth Century. Presented to the Bishop of Cuenca. Height, 11 inches; length, 10 inches. 84 334 335 336 337 INLAID CHEST (Gabeta Embutida.) Fall front and hinged top; has three drawers and one compartment. Inlaid inside and out with panelled geo- metric scrolls and boxwood lines and other woods on na- tive mahogany. Wrought iron circular lock, hasp and shell terminal hinges. No key. Made in Cuenca, late XVIth Century. Height, 9% inches. Width, 15 inches; depth, 12 inches. INLAID COFFER (Cofre Embutido. ) Canted top, inlaid with boxwood lines on native mahogany with panels and borders of geometric and floral patterns on the top, sides and front. Fine wrought iron circuler pierced lock, rare pillared hasp and shell terminal hinges. No key. Made in Cuenca, XVIIth Century. Height, 16 inches; width, 25 inches; depth, 12 inches. INLAID TORTOISE SHELL CHEST (Gabeta Embutida Con Carey.) Composed of ten drawers of various sizes, nine are pan- elled with engraved bone in which animals and landscapes appear. ‘The center canopied and similar, with figure of “Virgen de la Rosario.” All drawers are bordered with tortoise shell and moulded rosewood. From Monasterio de las Catalinas, Quito. Height, 1314 inches. Width, 28'% inches; depth, 11 inches. SMALL INLAID TRUNK (Baul Pequefio Embutido. ) Slightly rounded top, enhanced on the four sides and in- terior of top with boxwood on native mahogany. The top, sides and interior of quaint honseysuckle pattern, which is repeated in the borders, the front of foliated scroll and conventionalized animals. Circular wrought iron lock, hasp and hinges of the period. No key. Made in Cuenca, XVIIth Century. Height, 12% inches. Width, 26% inches; depth, 12 inches. 85 3388 INLAID AND PAINTED DOOR PANEL ‘ (Panel Embutido y Pintado.) Architectural in form, with tympanum, columns and ped- estals. The tympanum is of ivory, engraved “Padre Ce- lestial,” frieze of engraved floral scrolls. The background and columns are of tortoise shell. Center panel painted. “San Francisco.” Part of moulding missing. Made in Quito in the late XVIIth Century. From Monasterio de las Catalinas, Quito. Height, 20 inches; width, 15 inches. OBJECTS IN WROUGHT IRON (Cerrajeria) It was natural in the early days of the conquest of South America for the Spaniard to turn his hand to working in iron, in order to supply himself with the means of defense and con- quest, as described in Prescott’s “Conquest of Peru.”’ When more settled conditions came, and arms were not wanted in the same degree, the metal worker turned his hand to works of a more peaceful character, producing some unrivalled specimens at the forge. The Mestizo was skillful and practically monopo- lized the working of iron. Many of these locks adorned the treasure chests of various churches, which were left to decay after their contents had been looted or dispersed, at the time of the revolution in Ecuador. 339 WROUGHT IRON LOCK AND HASP (Chapa y Aldaba De Hierro, Caladas.) Pierced circular lock, with border of shells and scrolls; center of two facing lions. The hinged hasp with twisted pillared canopy, finished at the lower terminal with a raised rosette, the other end, the upper, is pierced with two birds. Both are interestingly chiseled. Made in Quito, early XVIIth Century. Diameter, 51% inches; hasp, length, 11% inches. 86 340 341 342 343 WROUGHT IRON LOCK (Chapa De Hierro, Calada.) Circular, with scalloped edge enclosing a border of pierced foliated scrolls; interestingly chiseled. Made in Cuenca, late XVIth Century. Diameter, 6% inches. WROUGHT IRON LOCK AND HASP (Chapa y Aldaba De Hierro, Caladas.) Circular pierced lock, with bold scroll and shell border, plain center. The hinged hasp has a finely moulded shaft terminating in open scrolls and a knob rosette, at the top tapering strap and shell, curiously chiseled. Made in Cuenca, late XVIth Century. Diameter, 514 inches; hasp, length, 12% inches. WROUGHT IRON LOCK AND HASP (Chapa y Aldaba De Hierro, Caladas.) Circular pierced lock, with scalloped edge, zigzag rim, center plain. Hinged hasp with moulded triangular pillar terminating in a knob rosette, upper part scrolled on the edges, the strap finished with a fine shell orna- ment. Made in Cuenca, early XVIIth Century. Diameter, 534 inches; hasp, length, 14% inches. WROUGHT IRON LOCK AND HASP (Chapa y Aldaba De Hierro, Caladas.) Lock in the form of an escutecheon, with the plain center shield bordered with bold foliated scrolls. Pillared off- set hasp, terminating in a shell, a lifting knob at lower end. Made in Cuenca, XVIIth Century. Lock, height, 8 inches; width, 6% inches. Hasp, length, 14% inches. 87 344 345 346 347 348 WROUGHT IRON LOCK AND HASP (Chapa y Aldaba De Hierro, Caladas.) Circular pierced lock, face slightly curved, scallop and shell border. Curious hinged strap hasp, terminating at the top with trefoil ornament, below a moulded and scrolled shaft. Made in Cuenca, XVIIIth Century. Diameter, 43 inches; hasp, length, 9% inches. WROUGHT IRON LOCK (Chapa De Hierro, Calada.) In the form of an escutcheon, center shield plain with pierced border of bold foliated scrolls and two reversed dolphins on the top. Made in Cuenca, XVIIth Century. Height, 8% inches; width, 6 inches. WROUGHT IRON LOCK AND SEVEN ANGLE BANDS : (Chapa y Siete Esquinas De Hierro, Caladas.) Lock in the form of an escutcheon, plain center bordered by quaint open work scrolls and strap work. Corner miss- ing. The angle:bands terminate at both ends with pointed open scrolls. Made in Cuenca, late XVIth Century Lock, height, 614 inches; bands, length, 6 inches. WROUGHT IRON LOCK (Chapa De Hierro, Calada.) Circular, with plain center and pierced scroll border. Side missing. Made in Cuenca, early XVIIth Century. Diameter, 634 inches. WROUGHT IRON LOCK (Chapa De Hierro, Calada.) Circular, with pierced foliated scroll center, border of strap work, shells and foliated scrolls. Made in Quito, late XVIIth Century. Diameter, 7 inches. 88 349 350 352 WROUGHT IRON BALL PADLOCK (Candado De Hierro.) Curious ball padlock; originally used by the Spaniards to secure the handcuffs and anklets of the Revolutionary prisoners taken in the unsuccessful rising in Quito. This padlock was dug up under the rooms of the house in which these patriots were trapped. WROUGHT IRON LOCK AND HASP (Chapa y Aldaba De Hierro, Caladas.) Circular, pierced back, scalloped edge, border and center of foliated scrolls and strap work. Hinged strap hasp terminating in shell, has moulded shaft with rosette knob. Has traces of gilding. Made in Quito, XVIIth Century. Diameter, 7% inches; hasp, length, 1214 inches. WROUGHT IRON LOCK AND HASP (Chapa y Aldaba De Hierro, Caladas.) Pierced lock in the shape of an escutcheon, plain center shield with border of bold foliated scrolls and shells. Sim- ple hinged strap terminating in a raised leaf lifting piece. Height, 8 inches; width, 634 inches. Length 8 inches. WROUGHT IRON LOCK AND HASP (Chapa y Aldaba De Hierro, Caladas.) Circular, pierced lock; center enhanced with two mythical animals and scrolls under which are remains of a thin plate of gold, the elaborate border is a series of facing monkeys between foliated scrolls, all delicately chiseled. Remark- able hasp with double canopy and lantern, double pierced back, terminating in a pineapple knob. (One pendant missing.) Traces of gilding are visible. Made at the apogee of the forge in Quito, middle of the XVIIth Cen- tury. From Iglesia de la Merced, Quito. Diameter; 734 inches; hasp, length, 8 inches. 8) 354 356 357 WROUGHT IRON KEY AND TWO HANDLES -(Llave y Dos Tiraderas De Hierro Caladas.) Key with open shell bow. Handles oval drops with rosette backs. Made in Quito, XVIIth Century. WROUGHT IRON LOCK AND HASP (Chapa y Aldaba De Hierro, Caladas.) Circular, pierced lock; center of two facing scrolled grif- fins; intricate interlacing border of foliated scrolls, all beautifully chiseled. Hinged strap hasp of open scrolls terminating in a lobe at the top, finished at the base with a turned over leaf. Made in Quito, late XVIth Century. From Iglesia de la Merced, Quito. Diameter, 734 inches; hasp, length, 1434 inches. THREE WROUGHT IRON LOCKS (Tres Chapas De Hierro, Caladas.) In the form of escutcheons with open work borders. Made in Cuenca, XVIIth Century. Heights, 7 inches, 41% inches and 4 inches. THREE WROUGHT IRON SPURS AND STIRRUP (Tres Espuelas y Estribo De Hierro.) Made in Quito, XVIIIth Century. WROUGHT IRON LOCK AND HASP (Chapa y Aldaba De Hierro, Caladas.) Circular, pierced lock, center of foliated scrolls, behind which is a thin plate of gold; crown rim and fleur de lys border finished with beaded rim. Elaborate hinged strap hasp with shell terminal, lower part a double canopy pen- dented, holding a rosetted eagle in full relief. (One pendant missing.) All rarely chiseled. Made in Quito, late XVIth Century. Diameter, 8 inches; hasp, length, 14 inches. [See Illustration | 90 * 2 4 SR eae cee i : oF sess aay ; DP a Ky & >. ae nee, o Ae Sag igs hs WROUGHT IRON LOCKS AND HASPS | NUMBER 363] 358 359 360 361 WROUGHT IRON LOCK AND HASP (Chapa y Aldaba De Hierro, Caladas.) Circular, pierced lock; plain center, with interesting crown rim, border of foliated floral scrolls. Remarkable hinged hasp, triple canopy, first holding rosetted scroll, second an arched gallery, third with twisted columns and pend- ants; under is a supporting leaf occupied by a rosette and bird in full relief. Made in Quito, early XVIIth Cen- tury. WROUGHT IRON LOCK AND HASP (Chapa y Aldaba De Hierro, Caladas.) Circular, pierced lock; center plain, curious crown rim, deep border of facing birds in foliated scrolled arbors. Hinged hasp of shell and two pendented canopies and twisted shaft terminating in a shield and pineapple knob; all finely chiseled. Made in Quito, late XVIth Century. From Iglesia de Santo Domingo. (Two pendants miss- ing.) Diameter, 8 inches; hasp, length, 1114 inches. WROUGHT IRON LOCK AND HASP (Chapa y Aldaba De Hierro, Caladas.) Circular, pierced lock; center plain, with double border of scroll and shell motives. Hinged hasp with two raised rosettes and open scroll terminal. Made in Quito, XVIIth Century. From Monasterio de Santa Clara, Quito. Diameter, 734 inches; hasp, length, 13% inches. WROUGHT IRON LOCK AND HASP (Chapa y Aldaba De Hierro, Caladas.) Circular, pierced lock; with boldly scrolled border. Hinged hasp, with shell and zigzag pattern, shell terminal and rosetted lifting knob. Made in Quito, early XVIIIth Century. From Monasterio de Santa Clara. Diameter, 5% inches; hasp, length, 9% inches. 92 362 363 364 365 WROUGHT IRON LOCK AND HASP (Chapa y Aldaba De Hierro, Caladas.) Circular, pierced lock; heart and scroll border. Hinged hasp, moulded and foliated shaft with rudimentary bird lifting piece, strap and shell terminal. Made in Quito, XVIIth Century. Diameter, 6 inches; hasp, length, 15 inches. WROUGHT IRON LOCK AND HASP (Chapa y Aldaba De Hierro, Caladas.) Lock in the shape of the church’s coat-of-arms; center plain, moulded rim, charming border of beautiful open foliated scrolls and shells. Hinged hasp, with twisted strap and scrolled shell terminal; below a rosette, mould- ed and twisted shaft, under which is a spread eagle in full relief. (Part of rim missing.) Made at the apogee of the forge in Quito, in the middle of the XVIIth Cen- tury. From Iglesia de Merced, Quito. Height, 8% inches. Width, 6 inches; hasp, length, 1814 inches. [See Illustration | WROUGHT IRON HASP (Aldaba De Hierro, Calada.) Beautiful triple pendented canopy; the first has scrolled sides and holds a pineapple; the second a pierced gallery; the third flaring columns with caps and moulded bases; under are two raised rosettes. Above is a strap terminat- ing in a shell. Remarkably fine work of the middle of the XVIIth Century, Quito . Length, 1114 inches. WROUGHT IRON LOCK AND HASP (Chapa y Aldaba De Hierro, Caladas.) Circular, pierced lock; center with facing winged griffins and scrolls; deep border of intricate floral scrolls; finely chiseled. Hinged pillar hasp boldly moulded, pineapple lifting knob. Made in Quito, late XVIth Century. From the Convento de San Diego, Quito. Diameter, 72 inches; hasp, length, 9 inches. 93 366 367 368 369 370 WROUGHT IRON LOCK AND HASP (Chapa y Aldaba De Hierro, Caladas.) Lock in the form of an escutcheon; plain center, deep open border of foliated scrolls. Hinged strap hasp with lifting curled piece, open shell and scroll terminal. Made in Cu- enca, early XVIIIth Century. From Monasterio de la Concepcion. Height, 7 inches; hasp, length, 14 inches. TWO WROUGHT IRON HASPS AND TWO HINGES — (Dos Aladabas y Dos Visagras De Hierro, Caladas.) Two hinges with open lobed terminals; strap hinged hasp matching hinges. Hinged hasp with twisted strap and shell terminal and foliated and moulded shaft. Made in Quito, XVIIth Century. Ue WROUGHT IRON LOCK AND HASP (Chapa y Aldaba De Hierro, Caladas.) Circular, pierced lock; plain center, deep border of repeat- ing palmette motives. Hinged hasp with moulded shaft. Made in Quito, XVIIth Century. | Diameter, 614 inches; hasp, length, 1414 inches. ANCIENT WEAPONS (Armas Antiguas) FLINT LOCK GUN (Fusil De Chispa.) Spanish, XVIIth Century. Found in Quito. Length, 3434 inches. FLINT LOCK GUN (Fusil De Chispa.) Spanish, late XVIIth Century. Found in Quito. Length, 42 inches. 94 372 373 EARLY FRENCH RIFLE (Escopeta Francesa.) Made in Rouen by Buhot, XVIIIth Century. Originally belonged to Mariano Alvarado, and bears his initials. Length, 40 inches. SHORT CARBINE (Carabina Pequeifia.) Spanish, reconstructed in Quito; used by the revolution- ary army in Ecuador. Length, 21 inches. TWO REVOLVERS AND TWO PISTOLS (Dos Revolveres y Dos Pistolas.) Used by the revolutionary army in Ecuador. LANCE HEAD (Lanza.) The head of the shaft is a griffin’s head, with small ruby eyes. The finely etched blade holds among floral decora- tion a coat-of-arms and the following inscriptions: “Dedi- cado al exmo Capitan General de Ejercito Sor Don Ig- nascio de Venitemilla.” A notable consul of the early revolutionary period. Made in Otavalo, Ecuador. Length, 18 inches. COLLECTION OF RARE ECUADORIAN HAND WOVEN RUGS (Coleccion de Tapiceria Nacional) These rugs were rightly esteemed precious, and commanded high prices on account of their remarkable wearing quality, their high, soft, lustrous pile, and the wonderful retention of their colors. They were chiefly woven in the neighborhoods of Quito, Ibarra, and Latacunga by the Indians of these districts (a few, perhaps, by Mestizos). The wonderful native wool of the llama, in combination with the use of their vegetable dyes, was responsible for these fine productions. Even Europe had nothing at that day more luxurious or more elaborate. The earliest were made in the latter end of the XVIIth Century, and their weaving was continued until about eighty years ago, when cheap and showy European rugs sealed their doom. Many a grand dame or her maid in the early days of Quito went to mass carrying a rodapie or prayer rug to soften the cold stone steps of the altar. The examples shown in this collection are probably the only remaining pieces to be had, as these rugs have become extremely scarce. 875 ECUADORIAN RUG (Alfombra Nacional.) Late XVIIIth Century. The center a running hound in a field. Interesting scroll and floral border, in which ap- pear at the base the head and body of two dogs; above in the center is a shell and a field of green. Executed in bril- liant natural colors on a light tan ground. Size, 3632 inches x 351% inches. 876 ECUADORIAN RUG (Alfombra Nacional.) Late XVIIIth Century. Border formed of large leaves, connected by a small spray. Executed in pale lavender, tan and ivory on a lustrous black ground. Size, 27 inches x 23 inches. 96 377 379 380 381 ECUADORIAN RUG (Alfombra Nacional.) Late XVIIIth Century. Wreath of large hibiscus flow- ers. Executed in pinks, green and yellows on a blue black ground. Size, 26 inches square. ECUADORIAN RUG (Alfombra Nacional.) Late XVIIIth Century. Large flower border in blues, lavender, yellow, rose, black and green on a ground of rich dark blue. Size, 29 inches x 31 inches. ECUADORIAN RUG (Alfombra Nacional.) Late XVIIIth Century. Large hibiscus flowers form the center and border. Executed in rose, lavender, ivory and pale greens on a lustrous black ground. Size, 31 inches square. ECUADORIAN RUG (Alfombra Nacional.) Late XVIIIth Century. Center a diamond medallion from which emanate quaint flowers surrounded by pointed green leaves, border holds dotted scallops. Executed in crim- son and green on a deep ivory ground. Size, 38 inches x 41 inches. ECUADORIAN PRAYER RUG (Rodapie Nacional.) Late XVIIIth Century. Center an elongated bouquet of flowers, two smaller at either end, narrow guilloche bor- der. Executed in rose, crimson, pale lavender, greens and ivory on a light tan ground. Size, 63 inches x 32 inches. 97 382 383 384 386 ECUADORIAN RUG (Alfombra Nacional.) XVIIth Century. Curious repeating pattern of interlacing flower sprays, leaf border. Executed in pinks, ivory, yel- low and pale greens on a brown black ground. Size, 39 inches x 35 inches. ECUADORIAN RUG (Alfombra Nacional.) Early XVIIIth Century. Four lobed center medallion occupied by a large bouquet of flowers; at the corners are foliated scrolls. Executed in a dull coloring of rose, tan, green, brown and ivory ground of immediate center outside border is black. Size, 36 inches x 35 inches. ECUADORIAN RUG (Alfombra Nacional.) Late XVIIIth Century. Oval medallion formed of alter- nating flowers and diapered panels from which spring sprays of flowers; the center a rosette and garlands. Executed in various shades of rose, deep brown, lavender and green on a tan ground. Size, 38 inches x 32% inches. ECUADORIAN RUG (Alfombra Nacional.) Early XVIIIth Century. A large flower wreath executed in rich blues, pale peach and ivory on a brown black ground. Size, 36 inches x 35 inches. ECUADORIAN RUG (Alfombra Nacional.) Early XVIIIth Century. A medallion formed of shell- shaped scrolls, flowers and leaves is occupied by a bou- quet of large flowers. Executed in green, black, pink and ivory on a rich rose ground. Size, 35 inches square. 98 387 388 389 390 391 ECUADORIAN RUG (Alfombra Nacional.) Early XVIIIth Century. Lozenge-shape laurel wreath with the initials of the owner, M. C., occupying the center. Executed in very pale lavender on a black ground. Size, 32 inches x 30 inches. ECUADORIAN RUG (Alfombra Nacional.) Late XVIIth Century. Border of angular floral and leaf motives in pale lavender and ivory on a lustrous black ground. Size, 35 inches x 34 inches. ECUADORIAN PRAYER RUG (Rodapie Nacional.) XIXth Century. A pointer at the edge of a pool in which is a duck. Vases of flowers at either end in natural colors on brown black ground. Size, 6014 inches x 19 inches. ECUADORIAN RUG (Alfombra Nacional.) The center is occupied by a cat, under are the initials M. C. D. B.; banded border of S scrolls. Executed in orange on a rich crimson ground. Size, 28 inches x 26 inches. ECUADORIAN RUG (Alfombra Nacional.) Early XIXth Century. Four lobed floral medallion cen- ter; in rose, lavender and green on an ivory ground. Quaint floral spray border on a green ground. Size, 34 inches x 30 inches. 99 392 393 394 395 396 ECUADORIAN RUG (Alfombra Nacional.) Rare; XVIIth Century. The center is occupied by a run- ning hound, foliage at the four corners; a narrow band border. Executed in pale grey, yellow and brown on a lustrous black ground. Size, 34 inches x 31 inches. ECUADORIAN RUG (Alfombra Nacional.) XVIIth Century. An irregular wreath holding pomegran- ate motives and flowers with sprays of smaller flowers growing to the center, forming a square-shaped wreath in which are the initials of the late owner, A. C. Executed in an ivory tan on rich, lustrous black ground. (Needs slight repairs.) Size, 41 inches x 39 inches. ECUADORIAN RUG (Alfombra Nacional.) XVIIth Century. The center is occupied by four large floral sprays springing from the corners. Lavender, pink and ivory on a rich dark brown ground. Border of rich ivory with brown dots in the form of scallops. Size, 3344 inches x 35% inches. ECUADORIAN RUG (Alfombra Nacional.) Late XVIIth Century. An irregular spray of large flow- ers occupies the center, the corners hold conventional floral sprays. Executed in lavender, pink, ivory and black on a rich yellow ground. Size, 32 inches x 30) inches. ECUADORIAN RUG (Alfombra Nacional.) Late XVIIth Century. Diamond floral medallion in cen- ter, surrounded by the name of the owner. Intricate floral border, from which spring to the center four floral sprays. Executed in pale lavender, ivory and dull yellow on a black ground. Size, 35 inches x 33% inches. 100 397 398 399 4.00 401 ECUADORIAN RUG (Alfombra Nacional.) Late XVIIth Century. Enhanced with a wreath of large flowers ; in the center a rosette; executed in lavenders, soft yellows, ivory and black on a soft dull spring green ground. Size, 351% inches x 33% inches. ECUADORIAN RUG (Alfombra Nacional.) XVIIth Century. Center a four-lobed floral pattern, in which appear Inca motives; narrow floral border. Dark rich coloring of crimson, blue, black and yellow on a deep tobacco colored background. Size, 31 inches square. ECUADORIAN RUG (Alfombra Nacional.) XVITIth Century. Placed at each corner pointing to the center are sprays of pink flowers on a background of rich brown. The border is of curious scallops in coloring to match center. | Size, 39% inches x 39 inches. ECUADORIAN RUG (Alfombra Nacional.) Late XVIIth Century. An all over repeating pattern of geometric floral medallions alternating with primitive leaf motives. Executed in blues, crimsons, lavenders, yellows and ivories on a background of soft olive green. Size, 52 inches x 40 inches. ECUADORIAN RUG (Alfombra Nacional.) Late XVIIth Century. Irregular octagonal floral medal- lion center; border curious floral sprays. Executed in lavender, rose, dull yellow, green, black and ivory on a dull brownish olive ground. Size, 40 inches x 34 inches. 101 402 403 404 406 ECUADORIAN RUG (Alfombra Nacional.) Late XVIIth Century. — — ~ 7 ¢ - ~ . fe H ey f j o ) ij y / ; v7, 4 ; a ma