LIBRARY M.KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 Fifth Ave, New York An me ee sna nttanaenasint meaner i . ne tte ON e - arene - ee a . - - eh nr Sn neato atime UN WIRIEIS PW BIL Walls WAY AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK BEGINNING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22np, 1922 (WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY) AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DATE OF SALE FROM 9 a. m. UNTIL 6 P. M. VALUABLE PAINTINGS OF THE AMERICAN AND FOREIGN SCHOOLS TO BE SOUbDOAL UNRESTRICTED Ty UBL Te SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BY ORDER OF EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS ON TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 28TH BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.15 O°’CLOCK a a RR ia Sonsini ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE VALUABLE PAINTINGS OF THE AMERICAN AND FOREIGN SCHOOLS COMPRISING THE COLLECTION OF THE LATE DR-ARTHUR F COLE OF NEW YORK > aa TO WHICH HAS BEEN ADDED THE PROPERTY OF THE ESTATES OF THE LATE EDWARD V. W. ROSSITER ELIZABETH R. SPRAGUE, DR. FRANCIS P. SPRAGUE, ELIZABETH MILBANK ANDERSON AND JOHN MACK WO) 118, SOVULID) AIT WINIRIE SIRs ID) IP IBILIC SvAILIB BY ORDER OF EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS AT THE AMERICAN ART Gai ees ON TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 287TH BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.15 O’CLOCK THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANTS, Mr. Orro BERNET AND Mr. H. H. ParKE, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers NEW YORK CITY tm er ee cn THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY CONDITIONS OF SALE I. Rejection of bids: Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. Il. The buyer: The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises’ between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. III. Identification and part payment by buyer: The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a card giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. Payment at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so purchased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. TV. Risk after purchase: Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer and thereafter neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss or any damage to any article occasioned by theft, fire, breakage or any other cause. V. Delivery of purchases: Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for ail purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made at the place of sale or at the storage warehouse to which purchases may have been removed. Deliveries at the American Art Galleries will be made only between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M. on sules’ days and on other days—except holidays, when no deliveries will be made— between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Deliveries at places of sale other than the American Art Galleries will be made only during the forenoon following the day of sale unless by special notice or arrangement to the contrary. tect eae snsitneentimm sr ao Deliveries at the storage warehouse to which goods may have been sent will be made on any day other than holidays between the hours of 9 and 5. Deliveries of any purchases of small articles likely to be lost or mislaid may be made at the discretion of the auctioneer during the session of the sale at which they were sold. VI. Storage in default of prompt payment and calling for goods: Articles not paid for in full and either not called for by the purchaser or delivered upon his or her order by noon of the day following that of the sale will be turned over by the Associa- tion to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warchouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the purchaser, and the cost of such cartage and storage will be charged against the pur- chaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. NOTE: The Limited space of the Delivery Rooms of the Association makes the above requirements necessary, and it is not alone for the benefit of the Association, but also for that of its patrons, whose goods otherwise would have to be so crowded as to be subject to damage and loss. VII. Shipping: Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers ; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. ; VIII: Guaranty: The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error, defect or imperfec- tion, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing or imper- fection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold “as is” and without recourse, Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Association will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incor- rectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. IX. Buying on order: Buying or bidding by the Associa- tion for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibi- tion or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale and the purchase money will be refunded if the lot in any manner differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such plaimness as to leave no room for misunderstand- ing. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one trans- mitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit should be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced Catalogues: Priced copies of the catalogue or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copying the necessary information from the records of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. CATALOGUE ea a SR ie EVENING SALE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1922 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.15 0’CLOCK Catalogue Numbers | to 97, inclusive RICHARD CREIFELDS AMERICAN: CoNTEMPORARY i—4 HEAD 4 Ve, cl Vits. Y. (Panel) Height, 8 inches; width, 6 inches Heap and shoulders portrait of an aged man, with gray-white hair tousled, full beard and long moustache; head in profile to left, figure three-quarters front. Creamy lace shirt-collar open at the throat, and plum-colored coat edged with soft dark green. Signed at the upper left, R. Crerrerps. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Anruvr P. Coun. ne ec ET rae er S nt WILLIAM MERRIT CHASH, N.A. AmERICAN: 1849—1916 5__SHINNECOCK HILLS : (Panel) DMNA a ae: Height, 64 inches; length, 914 inches GreeEn-cxaD treeless hills form a high and gently rolling horizon, the sky above them white; a sandy-yellow road winds down them to a mauve-gray sandy foreground patched with greenish growths. Signed at the lower right, Wm. M. Cuase. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arruur P. Cont. ALFRED THOMPSON BRICHER, A.N.A. syne AMERICAN: 1839—1908 wb. oe ae oe ae Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches 3—SENTINEL ROCK Ar left a jagged brown rock, standing high above its neighbors, at whose foot low green waves break into white foam; on the blue sea beyond them, distant white sail. Signed at the lower left, A. T. Bricuer. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arvuur P. Cott. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. AMERICAN: 1847—1919 4—LANDSCAPE {0 a oee (Panel) Shia C ue / ein | Height, 7 inches; length, 9 inches Witp lands of the West, with distant trees green, and nearer ones at right and left reddish-brown in their foliage, the lower surface growths between them yellow, and enclosing the suggestion of a narrow bluish stream. The sky a rich golden sunset glow. An inci- dental scarlet-blanketed figure in the middle distance, left. Signed at the lower left, R. A. BuaKEtock. On back, stamp of the Macbeth Gallery. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arruur P. Cott. LOUIS MOELLER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1855— 5—STUDIOUS E 4 1} Oi LE, Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches Porrrarr of a smooth-shaven middle-aged man, with Gladstonian col- lar and black cravat, red coat, figured waistcoat and drab breeches, seated in his library, facing left, three-quarters front. He looks upward in contemplation, pipe in hand; at his elbow, chart and com- pass and a globe. Signed at the lower right, Louis Mortizr, N.A. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arruur P. Cott. ARTHUR QUARTLEY, N.A. AMERICAN: 1839—1886 i (of O+—6_TO WINDWARD a 19 : ee i Ree MA fLacececeg i (Panel) eS) D ' : c ; 3 , i 4 Height, 14 inches; width, 1014, inches | Crovps white and gray, cream and mauve, billow in a blue sky and i hang low and misty over a lively sea. In the background to left the buildings of a considerable seaport. Coming forward on the port tack | a stub-nosed fishing boat of the Netherlands, with creamy-brown and reddish sails, lifting a goodly white spray. Signed at the lower left, ARTHUR QuUARTLEY. | Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Anruur P. Cott. | PAUL DOUGHERTY, N.A. ! AMERICAN: 1877— oat 4) “yy v 7—SUMMER LANDSCAPE cia Wty, LA oe 5 (Academy Board) | ~ we Height, 10 inches; length, 12 inches : Sunny green fields of irregular slope, a brooklet hidden by its low | bordering bushes, and half-revealed in a central ravine a creamy | cottage with brown-thatched roof, overhung by willowy trees. A wandering footpath leads up from the foreground. Signed at the lower right, P. DovucHERTry. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. AnrHur P. Cott. J. FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. AmeERIcaAn: 1853—1921 ; % Woe th YALL, 8—LANDSCAPE j d 1D, (Black and White) : : Ff bP. Height, 141% inches; width, 11 inches A prencit drawing of fine execution, with sure knowledge and rich in constructive expression, picturing trees and boulders on a hillside sloping from the right; occasional upstanding weeds, and suggested clouds. Signed at the lower right, J. Francis Murpuy, ’81. From Charles C. Curran, as executor of the estate of Mrs. E. M. Scott, the painter of flowers, to whom Mr. Murphy presented the drawing in 1881. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arruur P. Cott. WILLIAM HART, N.A. American: 1823 1894 9—BRILLIANT AUTUMN (Panel) Height, 91, inches; length, 1444 inches e wv. s ) fp, Av left in foreground and middle distance thick growths of trees ; show light golden yellows and brilliant red, along with their green, in bright sunshine, at the edge of a winding sylvan and pastoral river. A white cow, far off, has come down to drink, and other cows are dis- cernible beyond her. Signed at the lower left, Wm. Hart, 1875. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arruur P. Cott. ee eens | ! i eS) GEORGE H. SMILLIHB, N.A. American: 1840—1921 10—-NEAR THE BEACH, EAST GLOUCESTER Height, 9 inches; length, 16 inches y) Gf LAA he LC Creamy sand in the foreground, with low beach ‘growths green and russet, purple-brown and red, the dune ending at mounds of gray rock on the right; while in the background at left, cottages stand among upland trees, and a woman leans over a stone fence. Signed at the lower left, Gro. H. Smruuiz. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arruur 12, Citas GEORGE M. BRUESTLE AMERICAN: 1872— 11—AUTUMN esas Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches Freips of more or less wild land of uneven surface, green and brown, support in the middle distance a light screen of slender trees, some leafless, some to which yellow and red leaves still cling, and in the dis- tance a copse and a wood. Signed at the lower left, Gro. M. Brurstux. From the Salmagundi Club auction sale. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arruur P. Cou. ALEXANDER H. WYANT, N.A. AMERICAN: 1836—1892 12—A DIRONDACK HILLSIDE 4 SO Height, 914 inches; length, 14 inches To right in the foreground a gray and brown hillside, with tufts of green and flashes of wildflowers, in a softened light. Above it shrub- bery and trees rising out of the picture. To left a green valley dotted with evergreens and dead trunks, and in the distance a gray moun- tain top under a pale robin’s-egg and white sky. Signed at the lower left, A. H. W. From William Macbeth, who purchased it from J. Hampden Dough- erty, who purchased it at the Wyant Sale, New York, 1894; No. 66. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arruur P. Coun. A GEORGE INNESS, N.A. / | y R American: 1825—1894 oe 13—THE BROOK (ly Nreronr ig (Panel) iii VY: Height, 1014, inches; width, 814 inches Ric and softly glowing in its greens which may be termed golden ] greens, as golden sunlight penetrates and permeates the secluded nook of a woodland interior, all green in its surroundings and its depths, where winds a brook—the water a mirror of the delicate variations of HI | the green, and lightly gilded by the play of the infiltering light. Lean- I ing trees bend over the stream from right and left, a stump accents the foreground, and no sky is visible. Signed at the lower left, G. Ixnuss. Endorsed by Elliott Daingerfield, on a photograph of it: “An wun- doubted Inness, showing his mastery of greens.” Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arruver P. Cott. JAMES D. SMILLIBE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1833—1909 M—LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURE £L.W Divan ‘ cy (Millboard) Al mae) , Height, 11 inches; length, 15 inches Trees at right and left extend their branches in an arch over the centre of the foreground, where a woman in a red jacket sits at the foot of one of the trunks, at right, looking down upon the green sward of a sunny hollow of the middle distance. Beyond, a lake and mountain ranges. Signed at the lower left, J. D. Smiiure. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arruur P. Cott. GUY CARLETON WIGGINS, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1883— 15—_SHIPYARD AT NOANK (Board) dl. a ee Height, 12 wmches; length, 16 inches 12S i L A water edge of the yard comes into view in the foreground, with a workshop at right, where a barge is lying up, undergoing repairs or finishing, a red floating derrick or lighter lying alongside. Out in the harbor, vaguely seen, a sailboat and a steamer. Signed at lower left, Guy C. Wiccins; and again on back, with title. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arruur P. Cott. eta RU Sone min aenen intimin rashes JOHN F. CARLSON, A.N.A. wn ] AmeERIcAN: 1857— | } : 16—WINTER LANDSCAPE ‘ ie = Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches Snow whitens the flat foreground, the white expanse lightly broken by the protrusion of yellow-brown grasses in occasional patches. In a receding transverse line along the middle distance tree groups show their green and brown foliage mistily, in an atmosphere still charged with the feeling of the freshly fallen snow. Signed at the lower left, Jouxn F. Carson. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. ArrHur P. Cont. ROBERT C. MINOR, N.A. AMERICAN: 1840—1904 17—_SUMMER LANDSCAPE A (Panel) ) Lt OF Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches Woops dense in the deep and rich green of their full summer foliage cross the picture, forming middle distance and background before a faintly blue sky filled with soft grayish-white and creamy clouds. Sun- shine softens and enriches the treetops, bringing out the warmer tones which hint the first coming of autumn, deepens the shadows of the lower depths, and glows on the soft greens and yellows of foreground yale and slopes. Signed at the lower right, Minor. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arruur P. Cou. WILLIAM H. HOWE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1846— 18—LANDSCAPE (Panel) Height, 12 inches; length, 16 men ale Rit Caf jaa Frar lands of a salt marsh, green and brown, and threaded by water- courses, occupy foreground and middle distance. Beyond, trees and a church spire rising above them, suggesting a hidden village. Signed at the lower left, Wit11am H. Hower, 1901. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arruur P. Cott. R. M. SHURTLEFYF, N.A. American: 1841—1915 F 5 Orloug lee Gel, 19—HDGE OF THE WOODS ff Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches Trees with silvery trunks and green, yellowish and brown foliage, stand well apart about an opening at a forest’s edge, the growth more dense at either side. A worn way brown and green between them leads down to a pool, an end of which appears in the foreground. Signed at the lower left, R. M. Suurrierr. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Anruvur P. Coun. RICHARD PAULI American: 1855—1892 78 += 200—VILLAGE LANDSCAPE (Panel) Height, 1114 inches; length, 18 inches a6 Calo dif Val Brown roofs of creamy Old World cottages appear in a centr hollow and over the crest of a distant hill; and between some slender trees is seen the gray spire of a church. The surrounding landscape a rolling hillside and a meadow, with a footpath zigzagging up the hill. Signed at the lower right, RicHarD PAconute Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arruur RP. Coun. FRANCIS D. MILLET, N.A. American: 1846—1912 Vo 1-21_ITALIAN HEAD \, (3, Cie ap Height, 1684, inches; width, 14% inches Heap and shoulders portrait of a young Italian girl with a mass of wavy black hair, large eyes, and warm olive complexion, with rosy cheeks. Figure to left, face three-quarters front, with light from above and the right. White waist. Dark neutral background. On back, stamp of the Millet Sale, New York, 1914. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arrmur P. Cort. a — - rete en J. FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. AMERICAN: 1853—1921 2 4 d, J M.D TAL 22—AUTUMN LANDSCAPE ’ Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches Ar left abruptly in the foreground three gray-trunked saplings in a group rise from yellowed herbage, and terminate in a goodly tuft of red foliage extending above the limits of the picture. Shrubbery repeats the red and yellow at the extreme left, and in the distance is a gray barn, while at right are green meadows and brown hills, under a sky in which a little blue remains above the masses of white clouds. Signed at the lower right, J. Francis Murpuy, 1917. Monogram stamp on back. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arvucr P. Cort. Aiuwerntilirts Mlar, brine Af 110 tamer, 191 9 fl a5: J Si0 5 IN 14S (guy Aik A, CAG BASS a GE Ns. Ofirern Bek 19/9, BASKX ~ Std ke lal boll. Lb 1720. PMNSK GEORGE INNESS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1825—1894 23 LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES Height, 15 inches; length, 18 inches Ty the background distant mountains enveloped in a bluish haze, below a sky creamy toward the horizon and a veiled greenish-blue aloft. Before the mountains a brown hill sloping to a broad yellow and green field, with a small pool edged by meadow flowers at a corner of the foreground. Im the field two men in white and red and brown, near two trees which are conspicuous in the middle distance, with other trees standing farther off, and over the ground a diffused mel- low light which reveals but vague shadows. A canvas in all respects typical of the period of its signature. Signed at the lower left, G. Inness, 772. From J. S. MacNerney, of New York and Unionville, Connecticut, whose father purchased the painting about 1880 at New Haven, at the settlement of an estate. From 8S. G. Hooper, of New York, who purchased it from Mr. Mac- Nerney. From William Macbeth, who purchased it from Mr. Hooper, and gave a written guarantee of its genuineness. Further authenticated in a highly laudatory letter by Elliott Dain- gerfield. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Anruvr P. Cott. | 1 | t | | { | 0. ROBERT FREDERICK BLUM, N.A. American: 1857—1908 24—JAPANESE GIRL (Water Color) } y [L. Liach , Height, 1914 inches; width, 1441/4 ‘inches Funi-Lenctu figure of a sturdy young woman who pauses facing the observer as she walks in a broad sandy path winding down a green hillside. Her coppery flesh glows in rosy tones in the bright light, and she is clad in blue and plum-brown—a note of red at her shoulder, back of which is a basket. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arruur P. Cott. EDWARD MORAN, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1829— 25—MARINE Ca. ern (Board) Height, 8°4 mches; length, 21 inches Guts circle in the wake of a single sailboat, which is approaching a sandy foreground shore through shallow green-gray waves, after sunset. At right a sandy bluff and distant wooded headland. Signed at the lower left, Ev. Moran. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arruvur P. Cott. EMIL CARLSEN, N.A. AmeERiIcan: 18538— 2 Y TV/y" 26— STILE TIE: FRUTT Height, 14 inches; length, 18 inches ?, Zs WL f1_ Ox a white plate a rosy-golden pear and a ripe peach, with other pears and peaches, green grapes and purple plums, lying on the same table, and a dark green pottery pitcher standing among them. Neutral reddish-mahogany background. Signed at bottom centre, Emin Carnsen. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Axruvur P. Cort. M. F. H. DE HAAS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1882—1895 27MOONLIGHT MARINE v.0.¥ird Height, 12% inches; length, 19 inches Banxs of gray cloud or dense fog hang low over the sea, a sail or two dimly discernible in the offing; above the gray vapor the full moon appears, and its light gilds some ruffled shallows between two rocks in the foreground. Stamped at lower left: By the hand of M. F. H. pz Haas, N.A.; and on stretcher a certificate by the artist’s administrators. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arruur P. Cou. J. FRANCIS AmeERICAN: 1853 MURPHY, N.A. 1921 23—W ATER AND TREES . { (Water Color) Mule ve Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches A vitLEe which tells the story of the picture, if subject be story, but even in its inclusiveness cannot hint at the charm at once delicate and rich of its colors or the grace of its lines and groupings. A few pol- lards and a clump of saplings on a green knoll, projecting from the right into a placid stream, on a bright but murky day. Signed at the lower right, J. Francis Murpny, ’83. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arruvr P. Cort. =a GUSTAVE ADOLPHE WIEGAND AMERICAN: 1870— 29 LANDSCAPE ce ; ee 3 0 Height, 14 inches; length, 20 inches li A creen field with areas of rich brown as of newly plowed land, seen somewhat mistily at the approach of dusk, before a background of darker green trees under a bluish sky lighted by a creamy cloud. Signed at the lower right, Gusrave Wircanp. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arruur P. Coun. ABBOT H. THAYER, N.A. American: 1849—1921 30—NATURE MORTE yn ) A fj Height, 18 inches; width, 14 inches Turee dead birds hang, one suspended from a foot and the others from the heads, before a neutral brown background, a creamy-brown drapery showing at the right, and overhanging dark green leaves at the left. The birds’ plumage white, gray and brown, russet and crim- son. Signed at the lower right, A. H. Tuayer, with date (1868 or 1888). Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arruur P. Cort. ALEXANDER H. WYANT, N.A. AMERICAN: 1836—1892 “31-IN THE ADIRONDACKS: / df. ti BALDFACE MOUNTAIN Height, 12 inches; length, 2014 inches Distant peaks are snow-capped under a cold sky of fair robin’s-egg blue, im which misty grey-white clouds are dispersing, and in the lower middleground sunshine gilds the rolling surfaces of slopes de- scending toward the foreground valley, which lies in transparent shadow. Here brown herbage mingles with the green grasses, and trees at right and left are brown or bare, with the exception of a single evergreen; and hints of red appear. Along a winding foot- path are passing some hunters with their dogs. Signed at the lower right, A. H. Wyanvr. From Wiliam Macbeth, who purchased it from Miss Alethea Hill Platt, who purchased it in 1906 from Miss Mary Hallock, who purchased it many years earlier direct from the artist. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arvuur P. Coun. ELLIOTT DAINGERFIELD, N.A. AMERICAN: 1859— 32—_MOONLIGHT n Me per Height, 16 inches; length, 21 inches Te full moon, pale gold in its emergence amid rose and creamy vapor a little above the horizon, appears toward the left between trees im a Oo; silhouette on a point of land projecting into a broad river. In shelter of a lower point opposite, a man in a boat, who is also seen in sil- houette, is fishing. Signed at the lower right, Exzsiovy DatNcErriEe vn. “Painted,” Mr. Daingerfield says, “from a study made at my old home im Fayetteville, N. C.” Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arruur P. Cott. WILLIAM H. HOWH, N.A. AMERICAN: 1846— (Board) ‘i Lrrtractys fis Height, 16 inches; length, 20 inches v 33—AFTERGLOW — A LANpscaPE with no habitation in view, the foreground a green oS) field and the middleground a low brownish hill with bushes and low trees green and brown at the approach of twilight. The sky, broadly overhung by soft grayish clouds, a golden glow along the horizon from the blaze of the departed sun. Signed at the lower left, Wiu11am H. Hown, 1901; at lower right inscribed: To my friend Thomson. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. AnrHur P. Cot. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. AmeEnrican: 1847—1919 4, ie Y Y, Tee 37.5: _84—OLD NEW YORK”: NORTHWEST || CORNER SEVENTH AVENUE AND i) FIFTY -FIFTH STREET Height, 1614, inches; length, 2414 inches A vicrorian record of the days all but within a generation when what is now the heart of the metropolis had its various “Shanty- towns,” its “Squatters’ Sovereignties,” full of color both local and natural, On mossy and colorful green, gray and yellow rocks, tinged with iron-rust notes, in an open and rugged field, clapboard cabins | with flat and with gable roofs, patched with tin, stand white, creamy and gray on the ragged eminences, in a soft and mellow light under a veiled green-blue sky. Bushes and buildings of a restricted hus- bandry stand near, extending to the left, and in the middleground colored articles of apparel hang on lines and fences, and in their colors bring to the new city an Old World suggestion. Signed at the lower right, R. A. BuaxEenock. From C. W. Kraushaar, who bought the picture direct from the artist. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arruur P. Cott. THEODORE ROBINSON, S.A.A. AmeErRIcAN: 1854-—1896 35—YELLOW APPLES } Ae, Chau Height, 18 inches; length, 22 inches Tue artist’s title for the picture appears on an early paster on the stretcher. Apple trees turning pink and yellow and red, while retain- ing their green, grow in the mixed wild herbage at the corner of a tall gray farmhouse with a low wing and reddish-brown roofs, the foliage of these and other trees screening the building and partly ob- scuring the figure of a woman outside the wing door. A stray chicken pecks in the verdure, and a mauve light tinges the lilac-gray sky. Signed at the lower right, Tu. Rozrxson, 1892. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arruur P. Cort. J. FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. ; AmERICAN: 1853—1921 36-—ON THE MEADOWS Ww. Wty ¢ Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches Roven and wild meadow lands generally flat, their yellowish and green surfaces broken by fallen logs and gray patches of earth, extend to a low white horizon in a sky all white with massed white clouds. Far at the left are hints of farm buildings, incidental only in the gS, ; desertion and silence of the fall landscape, and at right near the foreground there comes into view the edge of a wooded lot, such 5S t=) leafage as its trees have retained a reddish-brown. Signed at the lower right, J. Francis Murpuy, 1917. Monogram stamp on back. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arruur P. Coun. MSBS' ‘iP bevrgsh- PAX Bee 1qs8— fh AMX [2 (cae op ROBERT W. VAN BOSKERCK, N.A. AmERiIcAN: 1855— 37—LANDSCAPE AND SHEEP Height, 1614, inches; length, 2414 inches Onl QAAF bale. Tree spreading oaks, deep green below, their tops gildéd in sun- shine before a turquoise sky in which rose-orange cloud tufts float: at left a pastoral stream of irregular course, blue between green and brown banks. In a foreground meadow, green in sunshine and shadow, a few sheep grazing. Signed at the lower right, R. W. Vawx Bosxercx. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Anvuur P. Cont. ARTHUR PARTON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1842—1914 38—SPRINGTIME LANDSCAPE Height, 17 inches; length, 25 inches ( Buve the sky with suggestions of pinkish-white clouds, and a hazy blue distance before the low horizon. In the middle distance an an- cient farmhouse nestling among tall trees, and in the meadow fore- ground, through which a brooklet wanders, leaning apple-trees in the full flower of blossom-time. Signed at the lower right, ArrHuR Parron, Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arvuvur P. Cott. WILLIAM LOUIS SONNTAG, N.A. AMERICAN: 1822—1900 ; oe 7 4 S WAU wy a Wl if 7 J ») ; ; | 39—LANDSCAPEH AND FIGURES ee i Lc AL Lariceeg | 33 ; Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches [ GreEEN woods under a sky blue and white and veiled by low-hanging gray shower-clouds or drifting banks of mist, and through the woods and between low clearings the course of a sinuous creek whose placid surface mirrors its surroundings. To right, men and women about to cross in a boat. Signed at the lower left, W. L. Sonnac. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arruur P. Cott. OLIVE PARKER BLACK AMERICAN: 1868— 40—THE WINDING BROOK LAMM, Ar ( \ eff AL— a a Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches Tue stream seen where it makes an angle in its course through green meadows, its surface blue, white and green with reflections of sky and banks. In the environment trees and shrubs green, yellow and brown, blown by a lively breeze, and in the background blue hills. Signed at the lower right, Ot1ve P. Buacx. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arruur P. Cott. eae I Nn i wnt 4 88, ASHER BROWN DURAND, P.N.A. AMERICAN: 1796—1886 41—MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPE Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches P /\ J fo QA,.W. ore ALLY Tart pines at the right, sunshine between gray clouds lighting their tops, their lower bodies shadowed by neighboring trees at left; green vistas vague, between the trees and over brush. In the foreground, gnarled trunks of blasted trees, still clinging fast to gray rocks. Signed at the lower left, A. B. D. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arruur P. Cont. GUY CARLETON WIGGINS, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1883 42—LANDSCAPE Q Aly oF . — Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches Gal. From the central foreground a sandy field road winds to right about a knoll and between it and distant green hillside pastures. On the distant slopes some farmhouses. On the knoll detached trees, whose colors show the turn of autumn, before a summer turquoise sky. Signed at the lower right, Guy C. Wiccrys. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arrnur P. Cott. ys, (+O, J. CRAWFORD THOM AMERICAN: 1835—1898 43—WINTER Height, 18 inches; length, 30 inches /) NY LA pr ACA A C a | Av left in the middle distance a brown mill, its roof and the surround- ing ground snow-covered ; in the background, brown, bare woods. In the foreground, near some pollard willows, a man hauling in ice from the mill pond. Signed at the lower right, J. C. THom. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arruur P. (Comm GEORGE HERBERT McCORD, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1848—1909 44 MOONLIGHT ON THE LAGOON Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches . f 4 ? af. Ware ek AA Venetian sailboats with their colorful sails lie at right in the middle distance, as an evening mist creeps over the green Lagoon. To left and straight ahead the golden full moon is just emerging above the horizon, its light brightening the edges of clouds higher in the sky. Signed at the lower left, G. H. McCorp, A.N.A., 1907. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Anruur P. Coz. . oma - eee ee EDR Or Sona ina henbienenintinnn nt aS DAVID J. GUE AMERICAN: ConrvTEMPORARY 45—M ARINE Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches a | ‘ / i] RAL Pte. Axone the horizon the sky is graying, with fog or the approach of evening, and the broad sea darkens, while aloft white clouds still hight the upper air, and their reflection brightens the white foam of waves breaking on a foreground shore. Signed at the lower left, D. J. Gur. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arruvr P. Cor. GEORGE W. MAYNARD, N.A. AMERICAN: 1843— 46—LURE OF THE SEA ¢ “. \a a] Height, 22 inches; length, 30 inches GREAT waves, listless in the weight and mass of their movement, in gentle airs under a summer sky, roll green and blue and streaked with white, and across them plows a full-rigged ship. In sportive enjoyment of the deep, a half-dozen mermaids are near, one hailing the seamen. Signed at the lower right, Maynarv. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arruvr P. Cort. xUY CARLETON WIGGINS, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1883 47_-W HARE DWELLINGS i é a Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches A sicut of blue water puts in from the right, and its ruffled surface reflects the white and red and green and yellow and the purple-blue of houses and their chimneys and blinds and roofs, which are built upon piling extending out from high water mark on the left shore. It is low tide, and on the colorful strand in the left foreground some boys stand at the water’s edge about a beached dory. Background a high wooded bank. Signed at the lower right, Guy C. Wicerns. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arruver P. Cott. Pe R. M. SHURTLEFF, N.A. AMERICAN: 1841—1915 —s YTINT] 7 ., | 48—AUTUMN 0 wm Ocoee Height, 25 inches; width, 30 inches Tirrovcn the centre of a wooded landscape a brook takes a winding course, the tall trees at either hand and the herbage of the banks rich in the smooth tones of autumn, and lightened by golden notes. Through the foliage, glimpses of a fair, vaporous sky. Signed at the lower left, R. M. Suvrrierr; signed again with title, on back. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. AnrnHur 12; (Cyonnave ERNEST LAWSON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1873— 49—MOONLIGHT SYMPHONY (Board) CA 4 ck Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches Ss Aw architectural mass as of some great monastery which had grown with the ages crosses the picture, the varied walls forming an angle about a court where stands a single tree. Overhead a starry sky, and the whole flooded with moonlight, whose mystic beams turn the ven- erable polyform and polychromatic walls into a symphony of soft colors, low in key. Signed at the lower left, E. Lawson. From the Estate Sale of B. R. Redman, 1914.-#48- ‘ve ie eae Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arruur P. Cott. JOSEPH H. BOSTON, A.N.A. AMERICAN: CoNTEMPORARY 50—THE BERKSHIRE HILLS ie Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches 4) = Mr. €.@.4 a A HILLSIDE pasture, its surface rolling, lies green and yellow in the sunshine under a blue sky in which white billows mass. On the slope, cattle, and on a foot knoll a figure. At left, thick trees and a house. Signed at the lower right, Josepu H. Bosron. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Arruvur P. Cort. JULES ADOLPHE GRISON Frencu: 1845— 51—APRES DEJEUNER (Panel) ; Seer: AA_#-C_, ! Height, 494 inches; width, 31 inches le o, A Gray and partly bald cleric in black faces the spectator across the solitary lunch table, as he leans back, replete, and dozes comfortably in his high-backed green-upholstered armchair. Signed at the lower right, Grison. Property of the Estate of Evwarp VY. W. Rosstrer. VLR AK K oO, eb. JULES ADOLPHE GRISON Frencu: 1845— 52—LA DIGESTION (Panel) 2 Height, 514 inches; length, 5°84, inches Rudut a qi In a capacious cellar with wine butts and barrels and bottles im evi- dence, a butler seated on a tub helps himself to a glass of wine for his stomach’s sake, while a mature maid with a smirk looks on, both dressed in bright colors. Signed at the wpper right, Grison. Property of the Estate of Enwarp V. W. Rossiter. VV ake A SA ITALIAN MOSAIC 583—_SCENE AT AN INN Height, 634 inches; length, 9/4, inches \., Cort lf Men in seventeenth century costumes of various soft and rich colors are seated about a table at which their potations have been plentiful, in a room with carved mantel and vaulted ceiling. One objects to a smiling serving-maid removing a wine bottle, and a matron at left observes the threatening antics of a dog and a monkey which an itin- erant musician has brought in. Sold by order of Messrs. Wixruror & Stimson, Attorneys. ‘ Ss \ } eo F% . * c JULES WORMS Frencu: 1832—1881 54_SPANISH GIRL Pp Oa ges (Panel) Val ph fp. R429 Height, 81% inches; width, 61/4 mches U Fuui-tenctn portrait of a handsome, black-haired young Spanish woman, standing facing the observer, in front of a rude booth from which a workingman is emerging. She wears a blue skirt embroidered in white, black waist trimmed with red, and a mantilla of pale old-rose. Signed at lower left, J. Worms. Property of an Estate. VINCENT JEAN BAPTISTE CHEVILLIARD / Frencu: 1841—1904 55—AN IDLE MOMENT Wt eCo, (Panel) Height, 834 inches; width, 7 inches : 7A. Aw aged priest of aimiable bent is seated beside a table in the corner of a room whose open window looks out upon a rose garden. He toys with a kitten which he holds tenderly in his arms, and grins with geniality. Signed at the lower left, V. CHEVILLIARD. Property of the Estate of Kywarp V. W. RossirEr. \y Bi ohte } (4 : MA Ke mee eae Veltri. a eR ADOLPHE ALEXANDRE LESREL Frencu: 1830—(?) 56—SOLDIER OF LOUIS XIII 4) (_ Oey | Height, 10 inches; width, 7°4, inches Fuit-tencru figure of a lean, rugged and florid man with gray chin beard, standing before a carved and paneled wall, left hand at hip and right gripping his longsword, whose point he rests on the floor. He is in buff, crimson and blue, and wears cuirass and helmet. Signed at the lower right, A. Lesren, 1873. Property of the Estate of Exwarp V. W. Rossrrer. \ 0. M § V \o ; F. DEL CAMPO Iranian: ConrTEMPORARY 57—_RIO MARIN, VENICE (Panel) Height, 11 inches; width, 7 inches W.0.dird Tue canal flows through the centre of the picture between palaces and garden walls, and reflects the green trees and blue sky, and the rose and cream and gray of the buildings. A gondola is coming for- ward, and near it are boys in a sandola. Signed at the lower left, FE. peu Campo. Property of the Estate of Enwarpv V. W. Rosstrer. Joa JEHAN GEORGES VIBERT Frencu: 1840—1902 58—SHATED CAVALIER (Water Color) e A Mea : A: AL sie Height, 111% inches; width, 8°4 inches XO, FvuLi-Lenctru portrait of a swarthy man with black hair and mous- tache, and broad black hat, seated with figure toward left and face to the front. He is in gray with drooping white ruff, orange sash and crimson-faced mantle, and wears brown boots. Signed back of chair, J. G. Vinerv. Property of an Estate. CHARLES EMILE VACHER DE TOURNEMINE Frencu: 1814—1873 59—_LANDSCAPE AND FIGURES (Panel) Height, 7 inches; length, 121, inches d / Friar meadows at either side of a brook which bisects the picture; to right in the middle distance a group of bushy trees, and afar on the left a village. In the foreground two girls seated on the grass, watch- ing cows at the brook. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Francis P. Spracve, Boston, Mass. ee ee oi Ht . THEODORE CHARLES FRERE Frencu: 1815—1888 60—SCENE IN UPPER EGYPT (Water Color) yy f (v vise Height, 13°4 inches; width, 934. inches To right gray and sandy ramparts and massive buildings, a pine towering in the sunshine before a_ blue sky, figures resting in the shade, and moving in the foreground other figures, with camels and a laden ass. At left the placid river. Signed at lower right, Tu. Frere. Mrxien, Havre Eeyrre. Sold by order of Mrssrs. Wixruror & Srruson, Attorneys. E. TROUILLEBERT Frencu: ConreMPorary 61—LA LOIRE A BEAULIEU ( Panel) Height, 101% inches; width, 8Y% inches GAL THe Gal ‘ A paintinc Corotesque in subject and manner, treatnfent and ¢dm- position, presenting at the left the edge of a wood, with a figure in the clearing before it, near the edge of a stream, where a punt lies. fo} 9 fo) The stream, at right, a soft gray under a sky whose blue is almost ’ So 2 5 . . wholly obscured. Signed at the lower left, TrovittEBERtT. On back, the seal of the Exposition Trouillebert, Galerie des Artistes Modernes, 1901. Property of the Estate of Enwarp V. W. Rosstrer. JULES ADOLPHE GRISON Frencu: 1845 62—FLY IN THE COFFEE Height, 1034 inches; width, 1034 inches be, Lerpue Receh SEVERAL persons are at refreshment at an outdoor café, where flowers bloom. At centre a gay middle-aged beau with sandy Dundrearys, a high white hat and buff trousers has summoned the waiter with the implication that the serving-man is responsible for the presence of an insect in his coffee cup. ° Signed at the lower left, Grison. Property of the Estate of Eowarp V. W. Rossiter. \ AS M & X ¥ 4 WILLIAM TROST RICHARDS American: 1833—1905 683—MARINE (Panel) Height, 18 inches; width, 9 inches We. Aheufpese. A Epeine into the left foreground a single gray rock, with surf break- ‘ing against it, and to right and in the distance the open sea, green and blue and alight with white-caps, and shimmering in sunshine filtering through clouds. Signed at the lower left, Wa. T. Ricuarps, *95. Property of the Estate of Exwarp V. W. Rosstrer. ‘ A Sy Se WILLIAM TROST RICHARDS AmeERiIcAN: 1833—1905 * 64—OFF NEWPORT (Panel) Height, 1014, inches; length, 1214 inches , Wm. Unaod A MARINE with the distant sea blue under banks of blue-gray clouds, which are illumined by a burst of golden light from the sinking sun behind them, the water lightening to green and to white foam in the foreground, as the surf rolls along a sandy shore. Signed at the lower left, W. T. Ricuarps, ’04. Property of the Estate of Enywarp V. W. Rossrrer. \ JULES JACQUES VEYRASSAT Frencu: 1823—1893 65—THH NOONDAY MEAL (Panel) Height, 1014 inches; length, 1334 inches Pp e “ e \ OD ( f I, | ee , HALL A ELK Mippay in agricultural France, at harvest time. / Broad level Jacres, here and there green, are spotted with occasional trees. To left in the middle distance two conical haystacks stand near together, and in . foo) the foreground on the right golden sheaves are banked high, and two white horses are standing there, hitched in tandem to a two- wheeled cart. Nearby, under a tree, four peasants, men and women, are resting after the noonday meal. Signed at the lower right, J. Veyvrassar. \ Property of the Estate of Epwarp V. W. Rossrrer. \ ¢ = RUBENS SANTORO Iranian: 1843— 66—VENETIAN GONDOLIER (Panel) Height, 1034 inches; length, 14 inches j no a Ves LTA / AL U. VA, (L. i VerLep turquoise sky and hazy water of the Laguna, in the distance boats with brilliant sails; and swinging along the foreground a gondola with a green bloused gondolier, and a lady passenger in white holding a red fan. Signed at the lower right, Rusens SANTORO. Property of the Estate of Evwarp V. W. Rossrrer. VA hb MX CHARLES F. E. DESHAYES Frencu: 1831—(?) 67—LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE (Panel) Height, 81% inches; length, 16 inches ae. Y. yl. A wire cow is lying down and a spotted cow grazes/beside her, in wild land with numerous trees, on the border of a French river. In the upland a thatched hut under a fruit tree, and over distant hills a white and blue sky. Signed at the lower left, Cu. Desuayres, 1869. Ax % Property of the Estate of Epwarp V. W. RossiTEr. a a CESARE DETTI | Iranian: 1847—1915 68—PAGE AND DOG 1 (Cardboard: a sketch) Height, 18 inches; width, 824. inche LRU Sere | ye A cirusu figure in youth’s clothes, with plump pink chééks, and golden-blond hair falling to the shoulders, stands facing the spec- tator, right hand at the collar of a large and alert brown dog. Buff waist with robin’s-egg collar, golden-brown belt and black Breeties Signed at lower left, C. Derrt. Property of an Estate. i Sah, | | M. F. H. DE HAAS, N.A. ill AMERICAN: 1832—1895 iI 69—MARINE Height, 84% inches; length, 21 inches , * \\ fa | Ceo, kes. Ar left a green-gray sea, seemingly in but slight motion and obscure | in fog, but by reason of force and volume swirling and tossing up | : ; iit foam at the right, about purple-brown rocks at the edge of a bleak yellow-brown shore. —_— ‘hi | a5 ‘ At lower right the artist’s name, and on stretcher certifi- cate of the administrators of his estate saying that the picture is his work but left unsigned owing to his sudden death. 2 so : Property of the Estate of Epwarp V. W. Rossirer. WA FERDINAND WAGNER German: 1819—1881 70—DOZING 2.Mm. ees (Panel) 3 ‘| ees Height, 15/4, inches; width, 101% inches Fuut-Lenern figure of a buxom young lady in gray and purple and wearing a white lace mop cap, seated before a cabinet of rich dark malachite-green, and dozing in full daylight. Across her lap a white mat on which she has been at work. Signed at the lower left, Fervix. Wacner, ’81. Property of the Estate of the late Exizaneru R. Spracve, Boston, Mass. GIUSEPPI SIGNORINI Irarmn: 1857— (7 a PL A Ly ih D) is; rel a YY { 7I—THE CARDINAL'S VISTI g. /. Nee © (Water Color) Height, 1484 inches; length, 181% inches A carpInau in his splendor, seated and with ready snuff-box, faces two young ladies in brilliant attire seated at the opposite end of a refresh- ment table, all three cheery and smiling, and one of the ladies strum- ming a lute. Signed at the lower right, Gruser. SicNortn1, Paris, 1896. Sold by order of Messrs. Winturor & Stimson, Attorneys. —— rea i ee ni JEAN MARTIAL FREDOU Frencu: 1711—1795 | 72—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG MAN eS is ch (ray Height, 151% inches; width, 11% inches PYS, Heap and shoulders portrait of an affable youth with lightly powdered hair, in a blue Court coat edged with gold and silver embroidery, and wearing stock and jabot of white lace. Figure to right and face turned almost full to the front. Signed at lower right, Frepov, 1755. On back, in French: “J. M. Fredou, painter to the king, pupil of Por- &> t tail, resident at the Palace of Versailles.” Property of an Estate. E. JACQUE Frencu: ConrEMPORARY 73—THE END OF THE DAY Height, 111% inches; length, 1544, inches V0. Homewarp bound at sunset after the labors of the day, a farmer mounted on a white horse has ridden it into a stream to drink, its bay mate accompanying and standing beside it. The rider turns and peers into woodland at the left. Signed at the lower right, EK. Jacque. Property of the Estate of Eywarp V. W. Rossiter. \ Ck. ¥ § ; GIUSEPPI SIGNORINI Irarian: 185'7— 74—_H APPY IN SONG (Water Color) q. is Ful peel | > 0. Height, 1714 inches; width, 1114 inches Brave gallants in gorgeous costumes of green and rose and wearing white ruffs are observed before a crimson curtain decorated with an enormous escutcheon. One seated is singing to a mandolin accom- paniment, directing his song smilingly to his equally happy comrade. Signed at the lower right, Grusep. Stcnortni, Paris, rr. 74. Sold by order of Messrs. Wintrrrop & Stimson, Attorneys. JOSEPH FOXCROFT COLE, S.A.A. AmeErIcAN: 1837—1892 75—LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE a ra) Height, 12 inches; length, 18 inches Potnarp trees, two at left and three on a mound toward the right, stand out against a showery sky, in the yellow-green grass of the rolling foreground three cows are lying down and one is standing. Signed at the lower left, J. Foxcrorr Corx. Property of the Estate of the late Enizanetu R. Spracusr, Boston, Mass. ee ee 5 0. LUCIUS ROSSI Traian: ConreEMPORARY 76-—LA TOILETTE Sots Yh J (Water Color) Height, 13 inches; length, 1714 inches In a brilliant room two ladies in emerald and gold and mauve-blue are attiring another young lady in white and rose, and a young man in blue with white waistcoat and stockings is about to enter the room. Signed at lower right, Lucius Rosst. Sold by order of Mussrs. WinrHror & Srimson, Attorneys. PROSPER MARILHAT Frencu: 1811—1847 77_SHIPS OF THE DESERT AND THE SEA (Panel) Height, 12% inches; length, 18 inches LU. MW. ( ee Moorep in the foreground at the left, a pinnace in which turbaned men and one wearing a red fez are in conversation. On a low point to right a camel lying down, and two men beside it, and in the blue water beyond, the hazy outlines of sailing ships. Signed at the lower right, P. Marmxar. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Francis P. Spracur, Boston. Mass. WILLY MARTENS Dutcu: 1856— 78—_GARDEN IN HOLLAND, WITH FIGURES (Water Color) Q. Q LUrittCtrg 10, Height, 184% inches; width, 16 inches b) A “WILD GARDEN,” with white and yellow flowers of the field growing in the green grass of a slope between a gray cottage and a field of golden grain. In the deep grass are seated three golden-haired Dutch children, amusing themselves, and hens are in the offing. Signed at the lower right, Witty Martens. Property of the Estate of Enwarp V. W. Rossrrer. \ (! M Ca W. B. BAIRD ConTEMPORARY 79IN THE LANE ativan by. | 4 Height, 1814 inches; width, 1514, inches Cows, red and white and black and white, and a calf, are coming slowly toward the spectator, in a grassy and sunny way between low green slopes supporting graceful trees. In the middle distance a milk- maid is closing a gate behind them. Signed at the lower left, W. Bairp, Panis. } \ Property of the Estate of Epwarp V. W. Rossirer. ¥W™ dD VOA ARS Sen a en silicon V. LAGYE Betcian: ConrEMPORARY 80—DECORATING A VASE (Panel) Wo scone aus a ae U Height, 20% inches; width, 181% inches Funi-Lencrs figure of a young girl, with white cap and volumi- nous blue working blouse, standing beside a sculptor’s studio pedestal on which is a vase. She is portrayed in the act of decorating the piece of pottery with an ancient pattern. Signed at the lower right, V. Lacyn, ANTWERPEN. Property of the Estate of ExwzanerH Mrirpanxk ANDERSON. THEODORE WEBER Frencu: 1838—1907 81—d DOUV RES, ANGLETERRE (Dover) Height, 1314, inches; length, 22 inches, f eerz0v From the right, jetties with signal masts project into a pal green and white-capped sea. People are observed on them, and a small boat , tossing alongside, while in the offing are numerous sailing craft of the fishing fleet, and far at left the cross-channel packet is approaching. Signed at lower left, Tu. WEBER; and again on stretcher, with title. Property of an Estate. ADOLPHE CHARLES MARAIS Frencye: 1850— s2—THE WHITE COW CW. Bescon Height, 17 inches; length, 211% inches (0. In a green meadow showing a few trees, and bordered in the back- ground by a wooded hill, a creamy coated white cow stands in sunshine in the foreground, facing left, beside a rill bordered by reeds. Signed at the lower left, Av. Marais. Property of the Estate of Enwarp VY. W. Rossrrer. \ Va NV ay JULES JACQUES VEYRASSAT Frencu: 1828—1893 LA FIN DE LA JOURNEE Height, 17 inches; length, 2284 inches y 10, Wm. F. es as | Tue sun, not in the picture, is sinking at the left, and in the length- ening shadow of a high coniform haystack a peasant, weary of his long day’s labor, leans heavily upon his hayfork, in a broad field edged In a field road in the foreground a younger 83 with small fruit trees. man is unloading a two-wheeled cart drawn by three horses tandem. Signed at lower right, J. Veyrassar. ‘ Property of the Estate of Enwarp V. W. Rosstrer. V Ge PO atte he eRe GIUSEPPI SIGNORINI ~ Iranian: 1857— 84_ENTERTAINING THE CARDINAL (Water Color) YY, D prea the Height, 1814, inches; length, 2316 inches | 62, 240 A carpinan and a smiling young lady in an ornate gown are having a cheering cup at a table laden with fruit, in a palace room with marble floor and tapestried walls. They look toward a gallant youth in crimson who is singing for them. Signed at the lower right, Grusnr. Sicnorint, Parts, 1897. Sold by order of Messrs. Wrxrnror & Stimson, Attorneys. JOHN GEORGE BROWN, N.A. American: 1831—1913 ey [a aaa ( Ee | LA, Gat. Height, 24 inches; width, 17 inches 85—A BOOTBLACK A wuirrLE lad with a red scarf knotted at his neck is seated on his blacking box and holding up a brush in his left hand. Signed at the lower left, CopyricHtTep 1905 J. G. Brown, N.A. Property of the Estate of the late Joun Macx. HENRI LEROLLE Frencu: 1851— 86—_STUDY IN MONOTONE Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches bo. Ue Ga Ate Turee-quarters length seated figure of a(étudious lady, facing the left and reading a book. Gown grayish, and gray scarf enveloping her head, and a gray-black short cape about her shoulders. Signed at lower right, H. Leroi. Property of an Estate. ANTOINE CHINTREUIL (Pupil of Corot) Frencu: 1816—1873 87—_LANDSCAPE AT SUNSET Height, 151% inches; length; 2334, inches - y y ) / OS; A. Ktek«z ‘Ad, On the right a steep and wooded bank on which a building with a gray tower appears, the bank skirting a green vale through which runs a brook. In the sky at the horizon an after-sunset golden glow, and in the foreground a deer running toward the shadows of trees at the left. Signed at the lower left, CHINTREUIL. Property of the late Dr. Francis P. Spracus, Boston, Mass. eee cS Ro 4 O. JOHN FREDERICK ENGEL GerMAN: ConTEMPORARY . nth. OX. SChUNKKL AS 88—_MORGENSTILLE (Morning Calm) Height, 2314 inches; width, 17% inches In the grass beside a stone landing in the foreground a tall and round faced young woman stands facing the observer as she rests against a paling on which fish nets are drying. She is in gray and brown and white and blue, with a light canary kerchief at her throat. In the background a morning haze over a broad expanse of water. Signed at lower left, Joun Frep. EnceEn, Mincuen, with the title. Property of the Estate of the late Exazaneru R. Spracur, Boston, Mass. CAMILLE MAGNUS Frencu: Contemporary 89—GATHERING FAGOTS Height, 20 inches: length, 2334 inches _ Loattir tour Ar the edge of a forest a road leads out to open country of the distance, and ancient beeches show silvery patches on their trunks, while the foliage of their interlacing branches forms a perforate arch before a blue and gray-white sky.. In the road two peasant women meet, one heavily laden with fagots. Signed at the lower right, Camir1n Macnus. Property of the Estate of the late Dr. Francis P. Spracur, Boston, Mass. HENRY PEMBER SMITH AMERICAN: 1854—1907 90—MORNING NEAR FLANDERS Height, 2014 inches; length, 281/, aaa 3 ( 24 0. Clark ho (rsh se GREEN meadows in the foreground are dense with lush bush and flower growths about a pool that connects with a sluggish stream in the middle distance, and trees are massed at the left and a single one stands at the right. In the distance marshes and low hills appear in a summer haze. A landscape characteristic of the eastern central section of Long Island. Signed at the lower left, Henry P. Suirn. ho ‘ 3 Va , M xX x @ Sire vs Property of the Estate of KEpwarp V. W. Rossrrer. JOHN GEORGE BROWN, N.A. American: 1831—1913 91—THE SONGSTRESS Height, 30 inches; width, 20 mches 3 Cato Art Ga lla, rg Turee-quarter length of a young maiden wearing a low-cut gray dress, standing before a screen, her music score held downward to the ground. Signed at the lower left, J. G. Brown, N.A. Copyricur. Property of the Estate of the late Joun Macx. aa a ee dS. H. PUSHMAN ConTEMPOR ARY 92—AN ORIENTAL PAGE Mar. Pek. Height, 801% inches; width, 23 inches Har-renern, life-size picture of a boy of African race standing in full face, turban on head and holding with his right hand a metal jar. Signed at the lower left, Pusuman. Property of the Estate of the late Exazanneru Mitpanx ANDERSON. UNKNOWN MAGDALEN eee eee y Height, 30% inches; width, 2514 inches 93 Hatr-tenern portrait of a handsome, pensive young woman, with golden-chestnut hair falling in ringlets about her shoulders, facing the right, three-quarters front, and looking imploringly upward. Hands crossed before her breast, she holds in one a vase. She is gowned in orange, deep rose and blue, with a white edging at her breast. Property of the Estate of the late Exizaneru R. Spracur, Boston, Mass. HERMANN BAISCH German: 1846— 94-THE PASSING HERD 4, Ge QR ub vig Height, 26 inches; length, 43 inches B10. Ow a broad road bordering a river which is seen at left a herd of cattle is advancing, on a rainy day. In the foreground, walking away from the observer, is a woman under a dripping white umbrella and accompanied by her black dog. Level plains, a town and a windmill in the distance as well as the treatment of the gray sky indicate that the scene is laid in the Netherlands. Signed at the lower right, Hermann Batscu, Mtncuen. Property of the Estate of the late KiazanernH Mitpank ANDERSON. CHARLES BRUN Frencu: 1840—1909 95—A STREET SINGER Height, 4634, inches; width, 35 imches - In a narrow street in a city of the East high white walls and shady archways form the setting for some twenty figures including a young chieftain in white, women and children. The central position of the composition is held by a negro musician, wearing a multicolored cloak and playing a tune on a fiddle of Oriental construction. He is looking upward to the right where behind the railmg of a balcony a young woman is seen who is about to drop a coin in appreciative re- muneration for the music. Signed at the lower left, C. Broun, and dated 1881. Property of the Estate of the late Krzanetu Mirzank ANDERSON. ae LS CARL JUNGHEIM German: 1830—1886 96—IN THE MOUNTAINS Height, 371% inches; length, 50 inches SCA. LLL Mounrarys, brown and gray in sunshine and shadow, rise on the right and left of the middle distance, the tops of those at left screened by clouds, while in the central distance higher peaks tower, snow- capped, in sunshine. Below, in a valley, are grass and green trees, and near the foreground a blue-green stream crosses, and birds are seen on its bank. Signed at the lower right, Cart JUNGHEIM. Property of the Estate of the late Exazaneru R. Spracur, Boston, Mass. CHEVALIER FALARDEAU Frencu: NINETEENTH CENTURY 97—HOLY FAMILY: pa thh PV AFTER ANDREA DEL SARTO / Np: Height, 54 inches; width, 4014 inches A copy of a painting in the Pitti palace, with the Child and the infant John in the nude, the sweet-faced young’ Mother in crimson and light rose, pale golden-yellow and light and deep blue, and Joseph overlooking the group, clad in dark colors, with white at the throat and a mantle of faint mauve. On back: Le Chevalier Falardeau, d’aprés Andrea del Sarto, 4 la galerie Pitti; copié, Florence, 1856. Property of the Estate of the late Exizannrn R. Spracur, Boston, Mass. ) y fi ] LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS eta I er senitiaiccnbisialnaaleomenn asi LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS CATALOGUE ; NUMBER BAIRD, W. B. In the Lane 79 BAISCH, Hermann The Passing Herd 94 BLACK, Onive Parker The Winding Brook 40 BLAKELOCK, Ratru Apert, N.A. Landscape 4 “Old New York”: Northwest Corner Seventh Avenue and Fifty-fifth Street 34 BLUM, Rosert Freprerick, N.dA. Japanese Girl 24 BOSTON, Josreru H., A.N.A. The Berkshire Hills 50 BRICHER, Aurrep THomrson, A.N.A. Sentinel Rock g BROWN, Joun GeorceE, N.A. A. Bootblack 85 The Songstress 91 ene eC Sa BRUESTLE, Grorcr M. Autumn BRUN, CuHartes A Street Singer CAMPO, F. pr Rio Marin, Venice CARLSEN, Emm, N.A. Still Life: Fruit CARLSON, Joun F., A.N.A Winter Landscape CHASE, Wu1am Merrit, N.A. Shinnecock Hills CHEVILLIARD, Vincent Jean Baptiste An Idle Moment CHINTREUIL, Antoine Landscape at Sunset COLE, Joseru Foxcrort, §.4.A. Landscape and Cattle CREIFELDS, Ricwarp A Head DAINGERFIELD, Extiort, N.A. Moonlight CATALOGUE NUMBER 11 16 ~ or CATALOGUE NUMBER DESHAYES, Cuartss F. E. Landscape and Cattle 67 DETTI, Cesare Page and Dog 68 DOUGHERTY, Paut, N.A. Summer Landscape 7 DURAND, Asuer Brown, P.N.A. Mountain Landscape 41 ENGEL, Joun FREDERICK Morgenstille (Morning Calm) 88 FALARDEAU, Cuevarizr Holy Family: After Andrea del Sarto 97 FREDOU, Jean Marrtan Portrait of a Young Man 72 FRERE, Tufopore CHarcers Scene in Upper Egypt 60 GRISON, Jutes ADOLPHE Apres Déjeuner il! La Digestion 52 Fly in the Coffee 62 GUE, Davin J. Marine 45 alae i ie nnn naan re FAAS, MF. Hop, NAG Moonlight Marine Marine HART, Wituram, N.A. Brilliant Autumn HOWE, Wittiam H., N.A. Landscape Afterglow INNESS, Georcez, N.A. The Brook Landscape with Figures ITALIAN MOSAIC Seene at an Inn JACQUE, E. The End of the Day JUNGHEIM, Carn In the Mountains LAGYE, V. Decorating a Vase LAWSON, Ernest, N.A. Moonlight Symphony LEROLLE, Henri Study in Monotone CATALOGUE NUMBER 27 69 96 80 49 CATALOGUE ; NUMBER LESREL, Apotpur ALEXANDRE Soldier of Louis XIII 56 MAGNUS, CamiILLEe Gathering Fagots 89 MARAIS, ApnotpHre CHARLES The White Cow 82 MARILHAT, Prosper Ships of the Desert and the Sea 77 MARTENS, Witty Garden in Holland, with Figures 78 MAYNARD, Grorcrt W., N.A. Lure of the Sea 46 McCORD, Grorcr Herpert, A.N.A. Moonlight on the Lagoon 44. MILLET, Francis D., N.A. Italian Head 2 ill MINOR, Roperr C., N.A. Summer Landscape ay MOELLER, Louts, N.A. Studious 5 MORAN, Enpwarp, 4A.N.A. Marine 25 Se te EO MURPHY, J. Francis, N.A. Landscape Autumn Landscape Waiter and Trees On the Meadows PARTON, Arruur, N.A. Springtime Landscape PAULI, Ricuarp Village Landscape PUSHMAN, H. An Oriental Page QUARTLEY, Artruur, N.A. To Windward RICHARDS, Winuiam Trosr Marine Off Newport ROBINSON, ‘THEODORE Yellow Apples ROSSI, Luctrus La Toilette SANTORO, Rusens Venetian Gondolier CATALOGUE NUMBER 38 63 64 CATALOGUE NUMBER SHURTLEFH, R. M., N.A. Edge of the Woods 19 Autumn 48 SIGNORINI, Grusrprr The Cardinal’s Visit a Happy in Song 74 Entertaining the Cardinal 84 SMILLIE, Grorcrt H., N.A. Near the Beach, East Gloucester 10 SMILLIKE, James D., N.A. Landscape with Figure 14 SMITH, Hunry PEMBER Morning near Flanders 90 SONNTAG, Wititam Louis, N.A. Landscape and Figures 39 THAYER, Aszsor H., N.A. Nature morte 30 THOM, J. Crawrorp Winter 43 TROUILLEBERT, E. La Loire 4 Beaulieu 61 TOURNEMINE, CuHartes Eaite VACHER DE Landscape and Figures 59 CATALOGUE NUMBER UNKNOWN Magdalen 93 VAN BOSKERCK, Rosertr W., N.A. Landscape and Sheep 37 VEYRASSAT, JuLes Jacquszs The Noonday Meal 65 La Fin de la Journée 83 VIBERT, JrnHan GrorGES Seated Cavalier 58 WAGNER, Frrprnanp Dozing 70 WEBER, TuHrtoporEe A Douvres, Angleterre (Dover) 81 WIEGAND, Gustave ADOLPHE Landscape 29 WIGGINS, Guy Carteton, 4.N.A. Shipyard at Noank 15 Landscape Wharf Dwellings AT WORMS, JULES Spanish Girl 54 WYANT, Atexanper H., N.A. Adirondack Hillside 1D) In the Adirondacks: Baldface Mountain INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS) EXCEPIIONALIEN| VWAbE EP OULP PED TO FURNISH APPRAISEMENTS AND INVENTORIES OF ART PROPERTY, BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, JEWELS AND PERSONAL ERE EC is/Oe EVERY DESCRIPTION AT CHARGES COMMENSURATE WITH THE DUTIES INVOLVED THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY names ee ee COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY ee | | | ee ee ee a Se cn Ln ae FRPP ESL Dt YELLED INIA EIT SALE) SVT ED OSL ESL EERLOM SB BANE WMA NINH WRN z - t a § % : . b 7 * te i ¥ Bs Bs } a ie L 2. be 4 $ ae ¢ $ % © ‘ Ps 4. é 3 PADS ELOY TS ELSES Im a Ae aes $oeo Eve sity: