ft Executors’ Sale Sharpless Collection Valuable Paintings, etc. BL By Order of HENRY W. SHARPLESS TOWNSEND SHARPLESS and THE FIDELITY TRUST CO. Executors BL M. Thomas & Sons’ Galleries 1519-1521 Chestnut Street Philadelphia Qa Spe LL CE LIBRARY NO. M. KNOEDLER & CO, —630- 556-8 FIFTH AVE. es NEW YORK oy a. yroyya0y QD 'g ty ; LUSNAS LY SUVO FHL;: Catalogue of a VALUABLE COLLECTION PAINTINGS (Collected by the Late CuHas. L. SHARPLESS) and belonging to the Estate of ANNA Ke orlARPLESs,-Deed SOLD BY ORDER OF EXECUTORS Also for other Accounts Furniture Art Objects House Furnishings, etc, To be Sold at M. THOMAS & SONS’ GALLERIES 1519-1521 Chestnut Street livesdaye lone. 3, 1902, and following days ~ Afternoon at 3 o'clock Now on Exhibition SAMS: EELS HARRY BARE Auctioneer Manager Terms and Conditions of Sale All bills payable in CASH before delivery. In case of disputes between bidders the lot in dispute shall immediately be put up again and resold. The sale of any Article will not be set aside on account of any error in the description, or imperfection. All articles are exposed for Public Exhibi- tion one or more days, and are sold just as they are, without recourse. To prevent errors in delivery, goods cannot be removed without presentation of the bill, and nothing will be delivered during the sale. We will not be respensible for goods damaged in delivering. Goods carefully packed and shipped. Ladies and gentlemen unable to attend the sale can have their buying orders executed by us without extra charge. M. THOMAS & SONS Auctioneers CATALOGUE Tuesday Afternoon, June 3, at 3 o’clock CARABAIN, J. Antwerp 1 Street in Ghent MORAN, EDW. (deceased) 2 The “ Wabash” Leaving New York Harbor for the Seat of War REYNA, A. Florence 3 Labbia Palace VON LEEMPUTTEN, C. Brussels 4 Going to Pasture BAHIEN, J. Paris 5 Chickens DUVAL, PAUL Paris Pupil of J. J. Henner 6 Ideal Head KENYON, D. R. (R. A.) London 7 Hunting Dogs JOURDEUIL, ADRIEN Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1885. Medal, Third Class, 1888. Mention Honorable, 1889, Exposition Universelle. Medal, Bronze, 1900, Exposition Universelle. Member of the Society of French Artists. Hors Concours 8 Morning Landscape WITT, J. H. (deceased) N. A. New York 9 Canoeing KAEMMERER, F. H. Paris Born at the Hague, Holland. Pupil of Gerome. Third Class Medal, 1874. Silver Medal, Universal Exhibition, Paris, 1889. Knight of the Legion of Honor, 1889. Silver Medal at the Uni- versal Exhibition, Paris, 1900 10 Flower Girl at the Seashore PREYER, EMILE Dusseldorf Born at Rheydt, 1808. Pupil of the Dusseldorf and Munich Academies. Several of his paintings are in the Berlin National Gallery also at the Leipsic Museum 11 Still Life IRVING, BEAUFAIN J. Born in Charleston, S, C., 1826. Began the study of Art in his Native City. Devoting himself chiefly to portrait painting. Went to Europe in 1851. Settled in Dusseldorf. Studied with Lentz. Afterwards devoting his time to gezré painting 12) The Disputed Trick LOIR, LUIGI Paris Medals: Third Class, 1879. Second Class, 1886. Gold Medal, 1887. Legion of Honor, 1898. Hors Concours WB Jeera “pas uojup Ag (« NAHAVYDOLOHG FOVITIA AH] >, 2 HERRMANN, PROF. HANS Berlin 14 On the Canal FABRES, ANTOINE, Paris Born at Barcelona, Mention Honorable, 1895. Silver Medal, 1900 15 In the Harem DETAILLE, EDOUARD Paris Medals: 1869 and 1870. Second Class, 1872. Chevalier, 1873. Officer, 1881. Medal of Honor, 1888. Grand Prix, 1889. Member of the Institute, 1892. Commander Legion of Honor, 1897. Hors Concours, 1900 16 The Manceuvres DETTI, CESARE Paris Born at Spoleto, Italy. Medals Bronze, 1889. Silver Medal, 1889. Hors Concours 17 Departure of the Bride and Bridegroom DIAZ, N. (deceased) Born, 1807. Died, 1876. Medals: 1844, 1846, 1848. Legion of Honor, 1851. Diploma to Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878 18 Landscape and Figures CLAYS, PAUL JEAN Paris Born at Bruges. Medals, Second Class, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1875. Second Class, 1878. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1881. Hors Concours 19 On the Scheldt OL bff 702 10 KEOKKOEK, BERNARD CORNELIUS (deceased) Born at Middleburg, Zeeland, October 11, 1803. Died at Cleeves, April 5, 1862. Pupil of his father, Johannes Hermanns Koekkoek: pupil of Schelfhout and Van Oos and Amsterdam Acad- emy. Traveled in Belgium, the Ardennes, on the Rhine, Moselle, and visited Paris. Settled in Beck, in Gelderland. In 1841 founded an Academy at Cleves. Chevalier of the Order of the Lion of the Netherlands, 1839. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold of Bel- gium, 1842. Gold Medal at Amsterdam, 1840. Gold. Medal at the Hague, 1843. Medals at Paris, 1840 and 1843. Cross of the Legion of Honor. Member of the Academy of Rotterdam, 1850. Member of the Academy of St. Petersburg, 1840. Member of the Society of Arts in London firee 20 The Oaks at Sunset BOUTIBONNE, C. Paris p fd Born at Buda Pesth, of French parents. Pupil of Winter- holker. Medal: Paris, 1847 91 The Skaters — WAUGH, S. B. (deceased) ZL FE 22 Thorwaldsen pf = MORAN, THOMAS New York 23 Autumn on the Conewaugh Z Je PALLIERE; J. B: Paris 24 The Confessional 25 The Portrait Painter 7 Sot SEITZ, ANTON Munich ‘* SUNSHINE” by J. B. Irving beg teee SEITZ, ANTON Munich p/P “‘ Agreeable to promise, we issue with our current number a picture serving as an illustration to our articles on artistic photo- graphy, and which, we believe, will be received with great interest and unusual pleasure by our readers. It is called Zhe Village Pho- tographer, and was copied from an oil painting by Mr. Anton Seitz, of Munich, who is called the “ Messonier of Germany.” Mr. Seitz chose this subject, and painted it for the Paris Exhibition of 1868, where it was exhibited, and caused the artist to be awarded a medal for its excellence. It was then photographed, and a print sent to Charles L. Sharpless, Esq., one of the best known merchants of Philadelphia, who at once purchased the picture, and very kindly loaned it to us to make the negatives used by us for our present illustration.— From The Philadelphia Photographer, October, 1879 27 ‘The Village Photographer A LID — a 26 Leafy June : ao Se e, TERN Ve Rome 27a A Happy Family DYCKMANN, R. Paris 27B Listening to the Song of the Bird VAN MARCKE, EMILE Paris Born at Sevres (Scene-et-Oise). Pupil and son in-law of Troyon. Medals: 1867, 1869 and 1870. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1872. Medals of the First Class, 1878. Exposition Univer- selle. Hors Concours 28 Cattle and Landscape ZIEM, FELIX Paris This artist is celebrated for his gorgeous representations of Venice. Studied at Paris. Born at Beaume (Cote GuOnelige2: Medal, 1851. First Class, 1852. Exposition Universelle, 1855. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1857. Officer of the Legion of 1878. Hors Concours 4 30 Venice MUNKACSY, MITIALY pu Paris Born at Munkacs, Hungary. Early in life he was apprenticed toajoiner. He first manifested a talent for art by painting on the wooden chests he made; afterwards became a pupil of the Dussel- dorf Academy. Medals: Paris, 1870, 1874. Medal of Honor, Exposition Universelle, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1897. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Created an Austrian Baron. Com- mander Legion of Honor, 1890. Hors Concours 31 A Combat VAYSON, P. Vaucleuese Born at Gordes (Vaucleuese). Medals, Third Class, 1875. Medals, Second Class, 1879. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1886. Gold Medal, 1889. Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours. Societaire 314 Woman with Goats HARRISON, A. New York 32 Big Cloud RICO, MARTIN Venice Born in Madrid, Spain. Third Class Medal, 1870, at Universal Exposition, Paris. Knight of the Legion of Honor, 1878. Silver Medal at the Paris Universal Exhibition, 1889 38 Santa Maria, Della Salute a1qnoy *y tg «, SNINQ] @HL NI HONOD Na KAEMMERER, F. H. Paris Pupil of Gerome. Medal, Universelle Exhibition, 1899. Legion of Honor, 1889 34 Pluvoise BERNE-BELLECOUR, I. Paris Born at Boulogne-a-Mer, France. Pupil of Picot and Felix Barrias. Third Medal, 1869. Second Class Medal, 1872. ‘Third Class at Universal Exhibition, Paris, 1878. Silver Medal at Uni- versal Exhibition, Paris, 1889 35 En Vedette IRVING, J. BAUFAIN Born at Charlestown, S. C., 1826. Began the study of Art va Z C4 in his native city, devoting himself chiefly to portrait painting. Went to Europe in 1851; settled in Dusseldorf; studied with Leutz, afterwards devoting his time to Gemré Painting 36 Sunshine woe a Z SLTE MORAN, EDW. (A. N. A.) (deceased) 5 aa oe f 37 The Sea f, l beh Ute bartcd Anim LerfysO KOEKKOEK, B.C. (deceased) Born at Middlebourg, Zeeland, October 11, 1803. Died at Cleves, April 5, 1892. Pupil of his father, Johannes Hermanns Koekkoek ; pupil of Schelfhout and Van Oos and Amsterdam Academy, ‘Traveled in Belgium, the Ardennes, on the Rhine. Moselle, and visited Paris. Settled in Beck in Gelderland. In 1841, founded an Academy at Cleves. Chevalier of the Order of the Lion of the Netherlands, 1839. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold of Belgium, 1842. Gold Medal at Amsterdam, 1840. Gold Medalat the Hague, 1843. Medals at Paris, 1840 and 1843. Cross of the Legion of Honor. Member of the Academy of Rotterdam, 1840. Member of the Academy of St. Petersburg, 1840. Member of the Society of Arts in London 388 A Coming Storm wie = LYNCH, ALBERT 39 Dreaming LESUR, VICTOR HENRI Paris Medals: Paris, 1887; Bourse de Voyage, 1887; Bronze, 1889. Exposition Universelle. Hors Concours 40 In the Champs Elysees ROBIE, JEAN Brussels Medals: Paris, 1851, 1863, 1889. Hors Concours. Gold Medal, Brussels, 1848; The Hague, 1861. Officer of the Order of Leopold, 1869 41 Roses SMITH, HENRY P. New York 42 A Lowery Day—The Old Homestead FABRES, ANTOINE Paris Mention Honorable, Paris, 1895. Silver Medal, 1900. Expo- sition Universelle i 43 Resting MAGNUS, CAMILLE (deceased) Paris 44 Evening Landscape SCHENCK, AUGUSTE FREDERICK ALBERT (deceased) Paris Medals: Paris Salon, 1865. Legion of Honor, 1888. Cavalier of the Order of Christ of Portugal. Cavalier of the Order of Isabella la Catolica. Medal, Centennial Exhibition, 1876 45 Sheep in a Snow Storm alqnoy “Y tq «Slivg ‘00Z FHL 21 MORAN, THOMAS (N. A.) New York 46 Venice (From near the Public Gardens) GOUBIE, JEAN RICHARD Born at Paris. Pupil of Gerome. Medals, Ne Exhi itor at Paris Salon, 1878. Paris Exposition, 1878 47 The Lunch in the Menard ae GOUBIE, JEAN RICHARD oni FE VES Born at Paris. Pupil of Gerome. Medal, 1874. Exhibitor at Paris Salon, 1878. Paris Exposition, 1878, etc. 48 In the “ Zoo,” Paris AaLAadyov (Salon Painting) Anretitthom frfi; t/ ID VON BREMEN, MEYER uct f 2STe Jean Georges Meyer (Called Meyer Von Bremen.) Born a’ Bremen, October 28, 1813. Member of the Amsterdam Academy. foRee Medal at Berlin and Philadelphia. Gold Meda], Prussia, 1850, Pupil of Dusseldorf School FY aoa 3 49 The Little Brother Jisav KOEKKOEK, BERNARD CORNELIUS (deceased) Born at Middlebourg, Zeeland, October 11, 1803. Died at Cleves, April 5, 1862. Pupil of his father, Johannes Hermanns Koekkoek. Pupil of Schelfhout and Van Oos and Amsterdam Academy. ‘Traveled in Belgium, The Ardennes on the Ds Moselle, and visited Paris. Settled in Beck, in Gelderland. In ype LE AIP, 1841 founded an Academy at Cleves. Chevalier of the Order o oO the Lion of the Netherlands, 1839. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold of Belgium, 1842. Gold Medal at Amsterdam, 1840. Gold Medal at the Hague, 18483. Medals at Paris, 1840 and e 1843. Cross of the Legion of Honor. Member of the Aeatemy Fag bx of Rotterdam, 1840. Member of the Academy of St. Petersburg, PIP? 1840. Member of the Society of Arts in London 50 Summer Evening Aeret0.idh Are frr- A, GS! BAKHUYZEN (deceased) ae 51 Roses GOUBIE, JEAN RICHARD Paris Born at Paris. Pupil of Gerome. Medals: 1874; Exhibi- 7p Ax tion Paris Salon, 1878; Paris Exhibition, 1878 52 In the Harvest Field (Water Color) ies WEBER, PAUL Darmstadt 538 An Unexpected Shower "A 7s? § BAKHUYZEN, MISS E. 54 loses va Gh. sr SHALDERS, E. Arkeckelf. Mi London 55 In North Wales CLAYS, PAUL JEAN (deceased) Brussels Medals: Paris, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1875. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1881. Medal, Brussels, 1851. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium 56 Holland Boats on the Maas, Dordrecht DUPRE, JULIEN Paris Medals: Paris 1880 and 188i. Silver Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1892. Hors Con- cours. Member of the Society of French Artists 57 Changing Pasture MORAN, EDW. (deceased) 58 Fishing Boats Going Out to a Signal of Distress ‘THE LITTLE BROTHER ”’ by Meyer Von Bremen BRUNIN, LEON 59 The Goldsmith CHAVLIER, E. 60 The Sheepfold SOLON, I. Caen 61 Cupid’s Bath pov 62 Cupid’s Flight pane (Porcelains) BRONZE GROUP 63 The Stag at Bay CARRARA MARBLE GROUP 64 Brotherly Love CARRARA MARBLE FIGURE 65 The Sunflower CARRARA MARBLE BUST 66 Alsatian Girl CARRARA MARBLE BUST 67 Cesar Augustus CASTELLINA MARBLE GROUP 674 The Mirror Paris Brussels LI? oe Ps dle a gf Peruguin] fan Bronze Bust Sevres Revolving Vase; with finely painted panels, ormolu mountings Sevres Revolving Vase; with finely painted panels, ormolu mountings Two Sevres Revolving Vases; with finely painted panels, ormolu mountings Two Sevres Revolving Vases; with finely painted panels, ormolu mountings Handsomely Decorated Royal Vienna Vase Decorated Sevres Vase Two Finely Decorated Tall Royal Bonn Vases Twenty-five English Water Color Paintings ; repre- senting English Coaching Scenes, ete., by ie Rosenbaum, Paris & Made by George Hh Buchanan and Company at the Sign of the vp Leaf in Sansom Street Pbiladelpbia