Nae, oi ee Ps) :. x a Py = “A A LIBRARY io. M. Knoedler & Co. 3A 14 East 57th St. eo New York ACC. Nlue ll em CTURES — Palen / : a fire. a Ve Auden at te Chickering Hall ZAMACOIS VEADS “THE LIST Wis Famons “Return tothe Convent” Bonght at $16,000, After an Opening tid of $10,000, Le for Charles Fy Crocker, of | a ae Aa Francisco, ae Alarge audience, with a decided dash of the social about it, assembled in Chickering Hall last night when Auctioneer Somerville sold the eighty-nine pictures collected by the late Robert L. Cutting for the eminently satisfactory total of $111,130. The bidding was in the main spiritied, buta fow works brought curiously low prices. Much amusement was caused by two bidders, who fought long over Dupre’s ' “Pool in the Meadows,”’ which brought $3,826, and Jacque’s ‘Watering Sheep,” for which the final | figure was $4, 225. Mr, Carson secured them both on one of his persistent $25 bids,. which he varied by one or two spurts of a $100, while his opponent al- most invariably raised | i $75: by. bidding to the even hundred, The highest price of the evening, as was but. ‘natural, was brought by Zamacois’ masterpiece, (\“The Return to’ the Convent,” which reached the remarkably good. figure.of $16,000. Mr. ‘Frank W, Savin, of Wail street, started it witha single bid of $10,000, offered for his friend, Mr. 8. A, Kent, the Chicago capitalist. The work was finally, after some five or six bids, secured for Mr. Charies F. Crocker, of San ‘Francisco, by Mr. Eugene Giaeuzer, of Boussod, Valadonu & Co, Van Marcke’s ‘‘Cows in.a Pool’. brought $7,100, the next highe- tfigure; from 8. P. Avery, Jr., wro it. is supposed boughs chiefly. for: Wes, Kimball, of Rochester... Mr. avery also -bought Madrozi’s ‘Coming out. of Church’ at $5,500— aby,no means high figure; Fromentio’s “Water. ing Horses,” at $2,400; Vollon’s “Parrot, Flowers, &o.,” at $1,950; the beatitiful Fortuny water: ‘color, “Arab Beggar and Dogs,”’ at $1,250. Mr. charles Durand-Ruel paid $4,600 tor the remarkably . tine Troyon, ‘Cliffs, Normandy Coast,” which, under the title’ of ‘“Morn- ing in Normandy,” Mr Cutting bought for $1,850, at the. Belmoat sale in this city, on November 12, 1872. While the rise in value of this picture is interesting it 1s also curious, and possi- bly somewhat significant that Bougueresn's Jarge ‘‘Italian Mother and Chiid’" bronght but $3,400. It is stated (to - have bean : A csdaened Ge Hetiny re ( 4 §--Simoni, “arab Sentinel | ba—Boogaard, ‘The Watering frougu® 6—och'nischen, “A Court Beauty” ‘7—Boogaard. "Stable Interior”. -8—Bollangé (CH. +). “The Ferry” E 9—Monchot, Scena in Cairo”. : : 10—Brown (Je Lewis), “The ¥ idett James P. Silo bono, “After Masi” Uharlos R. Wlint .....- “Poultry Yard”... ‘ weet estegee, mbroidery,” - “Kno t& Cosssecse icumed bah ee Reichard & Co... ...ccee spanish Guitarist;” Py nel eE 16—De- “The Bravos” 17—Beéraud, A Boulevard Theatro’ Les 17 a—Unknown, “Landscape and Architeciure”., ° 48—Uhernay, “Feeding Poultry... eee wee teee 19—Leroux (B.), ‘A Breton Methor!.......2sccecnes 50—De Beaumont, “Girl at a Well,” S. Pr. Avery, Jr. 21—Dupray, “Outpost—Winter of see Siege 22—Dubufe (Be). “Uhild er 4 23—Jongkind, * aa paitire 26—Boulard, * nyoes Girt 27—Rico,. French Lands eA) 28.-De Penne, ‘Dogs on a seent”.. x9—Corot, ‘The Brook ;” RN, Cargon, *. 30-—stevens (A.), “The Intercepted Letter;” Bous- ~~ god, Valadon & Co spe The Chateau Castellier, “near Char- RN. Carson., the Doel ‘ 35s-Boldini, a ishing—River Seine’. 36—Meissonio The Player?( yticil drawing bre, ing John D, Wing... 38_Willoms, “Gathering Lita s? ii 39—Rico, “The River Seine’ 40—stewart (J). “Marguerite”, hs foarte. Wr. “Children | and Turkeys: iv” oves ine Cage’ Pra chat aia pring Time; Augusta Healy. 44-Carpoutier, * irl'and Lamb’. 45-—Ciaye, “Coast Seene”. 46—Leclaire, ‘Peaches an 47—Madrazo (it.), “Reverie—The lt 500. Ser rome ‘Watering Horses;” S. very, vee 2,400 ‘ Bellecour e Kendezvons;” L, : ; upray. “The eiovivece “The Aieesage” ae 52—Dupré Gules ool in the. Mead C rson i f 54—Moroan, b5+-Herand 56--De Bea ) 57—Roasi, “ihe Ticeaoma, Svory”? 58~ Worms, “Spanish Subject; A9—Achenbach (A.), “"A Trout St atte “Teasing the !’arro 6i— sitio Missa Hou'ses;”’ a—Villenas, 67—Heull tbe hae ea Beit 68—Diaz, tthe Forest of sean lean; | Garson. vcgesesesrevinne 69—Fortuny, Vataion'& C ; 70—Bollangé, “pattie Wi Soiterino® ae 71—-Berne-Bellecour, “Wrench, Angler; 3) Reichard WEST BNO accrue eke oo Sel Manta tes Gade. CTR haan es Tee nt, bi ng “Giotto” rand ‘Canal, Venice;”.: By Le tur: nto. he, G6 Be San: francisco... out of Chu CATALOGUE OF | Moperr OIL VAINTINGS | BELON GING TO THE ESTATE OF | Ropert L.Curtine. | EIGHTY-NINE PAINTINGS BY SIXTY-SIX DIF- FERENT ARTISTS. | | ON FREE EXHIBITION : | FROM MARCH 11th TO MARCH 224, 1892, | AT THE pork AVENUE ART GALLERIES, 366 FIFTH AVENUE, $ Near 34th St., t : i ' AND WILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION, WITHOUT RESERVE, i By order of the Executors, Robert I. Cutting and Walter Cutting, SRR ACSRTLS: | TUESDAY EVENING, MAR. 22, i AT 8 O'CLOCK. ©) ORTGIES & Co., ROBERT SOMERVILL ; Managers. Auctioneer. axa i : Mr. Sam P. AVERY, JR., will assist in the ee Pr e ; of the sale. { SSS ener > 1 FRANK Co. 9 E a a (a) o (¢) (s) | HC CIC I TRE OS COC Or e °o ° is} ° °o Le) HE ROBERT L. CUTTING Collection of Paintings, by noted European artists, has had a well-known and favorable reputation in the art circles of this country and Europe for a period of thirty years or more. Mr. Cutting was an enthusiastic lover and connoisseur of fine pictures; frequently going abroad, he had unusual facilities for making his collection. The most of these works were pro- cured in Europe, often through commission, or by purchase direct from the artists. In this he was most efficiently aided by the advice and good judgment of his friend, Mr.W. H. Stewart, long a resident of Paris, and well known for his aA PT CH SON SIE IAEA Ge SANE SA I ERE PRON ASI EAE LRN EBS FAITE intimate connection with the arts, and espe- cially with the famous artists of the Spanish | school. There are many in the collection by } deceased artists whose finest productions have passed into public or private galleries, and are seldom offered for sale. It is not necessary to designate any for especial mention—they will speak for themselves. | The quality and condition of nearly every picture is of the best; the frames are entirely new, or have been put in perfect order. No re- cent additions have been made, and none have been withdrawn, but all are to be sold by order of the Executors, Messrs. Robt. L. Cutting and Walter Cutting. OREN DEAS DAL KSA RRA GED TIT ETE A BNE Conditions of Sale. 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dis- pute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. - 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down acash deposit, or the whole of the Pur- chase-money if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk upon the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before © delivery ; in default of which the undersigned will not hold | themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the i Purchaser. 4. The sale of any Article is not to be set aside on ac- count of any error in the description. All articles are ex- posed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are, without recourse. — 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconven- | ience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased ¢annot be de- livered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article purchased there- after be stolen, misdelivered, or lost, the undersigned are not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. esse 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the | money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all | Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. ROBERT SOMERVILLE, AvucrionzEER, By Ortcies & Co. | INDEX For names and distinctions of the Artists represented in this collection and numbers of the lots ACHENBACH (Andreas) . . Dusseldorf Pupil of Schirmer. Medals, 1839, ’55, ’67. Legion of Honor, 1864. Member of the Antwerp, Amsterdam and Berlin Academies. on Ne) ACHENBACH (Oswald) . | Dusseldorf Pupil of his brother. Medals, 1859, ’61, ’63. Legion of Honor, 1863. 80 ALVAREZ (Linisje... 0. bens Rome ' Pupil of Madrazo. ; Gold Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889. E a BEAUMONT (C. Edward De), dec’d . Paris Pupil of Boisselier. Medals, 1870, ’73. Legion of Honor, 1877. Born, 1821. Died, 1888. (SNARES NCRESINEIYN DE DOMENEOSOER LEIS to O cn i=) BELLANGE(Eugene) . . . . . Paris Pupil of Picot. Honorable Mention. Universal Exhibition, 1889. Ny Ne ee aN a 2) BELLANGE (Hippolyte), dec’d Pupil of Gros. Medals, 1824, ’55. Legion of Honor, 1834. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1861. Born, 1800. Died, 1866. 8, 70 BERAUD (jean). 2 os. 5. Cork oe ~ CE EUAN BEV EST SER OEE AZ CSO AT PSP ETB TAI EN PETIA ELE LOL IESE LETEEOD EL IO SL AON GE TSE NLSEN TE ONE A 3 SENN 28. Ys ON 29 COROT (J. B. C.) The Brook. 1534 x 1214 Pr / Os i as \ pa be Nat @we 1. eve ™ 30 STEVENS (A.) The Inftercepted Letter. 12 x 13 } Preset LA g {. ve ? 31 CHARNAY, (A.) The Chateau Gastellier, near Charlieu. 211g x 121¢ Dated 1874. Paris Salon, 1874. On canvas. 32 TISSOT (Jas.) At Bougival. 2074 X 1514 On canyas. 23 Dated 1857. On panel. Ae fi g 2 OE BAIA PEEL LADEN URN RELAIS OIE ETSI ILENE STE SILL ASV 33 po por ey DIAZ (Narcisse) | a a Clouds and Sunshine. 1336 x 8% On panel. 34 SORBI (R.) The Rendezvous for the Duel. 1234°x 9l¢ Dated 1871. On panel 35 BOLDINI (Q.) ee i py ! Fishing, River Seine. ein: yy 514 x94 4 On panelg aie ® aes 36 O. Ase MEISSONIER (J. L. E.) % iy \ eX V The Card Player. 346 X5%8 Pencil drawing. scree AURORE DAN ATU EET AAS UREN VET SS RULE AE BLP SETS ERED HSE PLE RRL ATE PTE EAE EM ESE EEN EE I Y GOUBIE (J. R.) Meeting in a Wood. 1444 x 1644 Dated 1872. On canyas. 3° ‘ : wt ee i. = 38 & WILLEMS (F.) rathering Lilacs. 1244 x 1744 FRE VAR RE PERSE SEN RIEU TESS SOAR ETE NRT CHEERS ES Dated 1858. On canvas. 39 RICO (Martin) The River Seine. 21% xi4te - , fons = 4 On canvas. 40 STEWART (Jules) “ Marguerite.” 1546 x 27'6 Dated 1880. On canvas. Slearceneancysen ene sues aso se coe LENE URES RRR PE MANDEL URE I OT ft n _ 25 ACHIALIVA (L.) \ AYO: Children and Turkey } a \s kK 18 x 111g tet « aa, On canyas. Uy Ci Md 4 ¢ id 42 Lo ROUSSEAU (Ph.) , | Doves in a Cage. Zee 25 iM Dated 1870. On canvas. Se ae le 1p] - ” DAUBIGNY (Cc. F.) a) Saba 4 Spring wiltic, 36 x 25 From Daubigny’s sale. On canyas. a 2 44 Sa ‘CARPENTIER (E.) . f~, MOR AREAS RES SC WIELAND AS GONE MLSE ADS HT MN IT AER RTS ACN SUAVE SENAY ST APO STO CBE b et Sh _4Girl and Lamb. 1734 x 21 i Dated 1880. Paris Salon, 1881. On panel. 45 CLAYS (P. J.) Coast Scene. 28 x 19 On panel, 46 LECLAIRE (V.) Peaches and Grapes. 32 X 24 Dated 1872. Paris Salon, 1874. On canvas. 47 MADRAZO (R.) Reverie—The Letter. 1794 X 2534 i y On panel } / 4 “eile Pig 8° } Al, ios Vd if 9 obey f Li! U VT rts Afi 48 FROMENTIN (E.) Watering Horses. 1134 x 1514 V Dated 1872. On panel. , / \ . A } 27 re a Za 49 BERNE-BELLECOUR (E.) mst Opi ~ ew f The Rendezvous. & _ : 171g x 1354 ly ye i Dated 1869. ‘On panél., F N t 3 i i | 5° A DUPRAY (H- L.) The Sortie. 1434 x 18 On canvas. 51 ?,. IN, VIBERT.(J.G.) ‘ | The Message. = _-“~ 1634 x 1354 Gp Dated 1869: On panel. Ww } —n, 52 DURPRE (Jules) Pool in the Meadow. ke Saag 179% | On canvas. or NF NTE RAEI PSOE LEI EEL OE BPO LMI A AT BD SRE SSDI FL ELIT OL EE 53 DETAILLE (E.) Incroyables. 736 x 93% Dated 1869. On panel. 54 MOREAU (Ad.) The Grain Field. 8x 10lg Se eee eee On canvas. 55 BERAUD (Jean) Boulevard des Italiens. 9x6 aes On panel. o 50 BEAUMONT (E. de) The Tired Servant. 734 x 1014 On canyas. 29 POP NSERIIE AR REERNE ISM BE warn N a, b bb fe g te sf ey X 4 BESTA SPER SCTAR TSA ACES ETNIES 57 ROSSI (L.) The Tiresome Story. 1344 x 1034 Dated 1868, On pasfel. i j f a f “h fs je Ae PNAS 58 WORMS (Jules) Spanish Subject. 10% x 13% On panel. 59 ACHENBACH (A.) A Trout Stream. 1514 x 1816 Dated 1865. On panel. af te y 60 BOLDINI (J.) ‘Teasing the Parrot. 1234 x 1734 On canvas. PISO ITSO OAE SPEER ETA YESS EE MNO ET 8 SENDA LRN RRO Ox RICO (Martin) Spanish Houses. 2914 x 1614 (0 “Ae On canyas. 62 VOLLON (A.) nie ef ed etc. “ 54 x 2214 ay AN Y ox \ A” (M ' Dated 1871. On canvas. v 63 GAUDEFROY (A.) Bien Gardée. 23 x 2814 | Dated 1879. Paris Salon, 1880, On canvas. 64 DUPRAY (H. L.) Gernian Prisoners. 25X15 Dated 1873. On canvas. Qo Trees re mT IOMEUT OND Go SW cot 65 BERAUD (Jean) Paris, Winter. 14 x 17% Dated 1879. On canvas. VILLEGAS (J.) Arab Bazaar. 10 x 134 = Dated 1871. On panel’ {rus z Vi ee a . — q ¥ i : ‘ | 66 | 67 HEULLANT (A.) The Confidants. 74, X 1494 On panel. he EE YALA ET TEAS OLDS 68 DIAZ (Narcisse) Forest of Fontainebleau. 19/6 X 14 _ Dated 1871. Oncanvas. Se ars PR. | i" 32 SND EBLE LAVOE FS TST EEN EOE SEAGER TE SE rn ae 69 FORTUNY (M.) Interior, with Figures. 134g x Io me, { Dated 1871. On panel. enicatity f ae 70 BELLANGE (H.) Battle of Solferino. 8 x6 Dated 1856. On panel. rh! BERNE-BELLECOUR (E.) French Bugler. — 8 x 416 Bie Meal Dated 1877. On panel. ayy” a2 ~ . FORTUNY (M) We' Arab Beggar a Dogs. Ig x 1516 Dated 1869. Water-color drawing. CARROL COROT (J. B.C.) River Scene. 2234 x 1616 as On canvas. ; a 4 - 744 we ah “TROYON (C.) ” Wot Normandy Coast. / f 2734 x 1914 CAAA Dated 1857. From the Belmont Collection, 1872. On panel. wee ae eo wh gheenfeennennannenvencnamncnt <. t f 75 HEULLANT (A.) Young Giotto. SALES SIE ST TEA SIT OTE RII ESE AS EAE CTT REESE RUE RES PEEL RIN OIA STN NA Snare onc 2074 X 3576 Paris Salon, 1873, On canvas. Aj’ Grand Canal, Venice. 30% x 2016 On canyas. i eer 76 “8 ZYEM (Felix) ps Ra ESE REET SOS MANTA CURE eae TD 77 MESGRINY (F. de) Washing on the Seine. % wat ee 0A a On canvas. ‘ i | CRN SRA IOS Ah ey es vhs) yr” .VODLON (As Parrot, Flowers, etc. eeepememmnnnss 2517 x 36 On canvas. 79 te RICO (Martin) “JU Sa 18 x 27 On canvas. L f ¢ Fie | die. AAI» Vv | \ 8o ACHENBACH (0O.) The Bay of Naples. 38 x 27 On canvas. @ = $x JACQUE (Charles) Watering Sheep. 31% X 2574 On canyas. q b Anas CLAYS (P. J.) ia Dutch Fishing Boats. 43 x 2834 : : On canyas. : : = * 83 ; ual SORBI (R.) : rT The Bracelet. H i 3074 X 44 t H 4 4 Dated 1872. _On canvas. k : 5 7 g i & ZAMACOIS (E,) ! : v} J Al. i Return to the Conveng§. f t~ 3834 x 2014 DR, ; Dated 1868. Paris Salon, 1869. ‘On canvas. : L SSL LI RAE ESET BE OI ETERS EIS ESE LET DE SAR ECG IEE ET EGE TE LESTE ET 36 LES EET DELLE TST LT ERLE TIER 85 MADRAZO (R,) | Coming out of Church. 3854 x 2414 » On' canvas. 86 MAX (Gabriel) Saint Cecelia. 39 x 56 On canvas. 87 BONHEUR (Aug.) Sheep Pasture, Sea-side. 62 x 39 Paris Salon, 1868. On canvas. 88 BOUGUEREAU (W.) Italian Mother and Child. 44 x 56 Dated 1868. On canvas. 37 a N TEs L # “ i ‘e d+ w/a 9a a = H i } ee i i i | yt 89 - VAN MARCKE (E.) Cows ina Pool. oy Re 50237% \w Paris Salon, 1868. On canvas. edad anatase senna (PRs 38 Nd a