« * ‘ : ‘ 5 qi } ‘ Sn a ~ 2» emer |» — ne ~ - “ ow — : ee + ‘ re a ee eee ee ee eee Ps © “ « " . 2 . 2 . x = th - his ad - oe “ x . - - a ; » , < ~ “ al . : « - < . % ‘ 5 p , se * - ae ME ‘ ‘ * *“ * - — * o my . ~ : . ” . ” “ " : ~ - a mo . 7 a 7 . 4 : % ‘ “ SALE NUMBER 1483 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM THURSDAY, APRIL FIRST ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Oi. ine VALUABLE PAINTINGS AND TWO IMPORTANT fae POL RIES COLLECTED BY Mee, F. DIF TERICH 963 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK TO BE SOLD BY HIS ORDER THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS, APRIL 8 AND 9 A005 °O.CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Present} PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1920 C.F. DIETERICH 2 RECTOR STREET NEW YORK January 3rd, 1920 Mr. Mitchell Kennerley, Prest., Anderson Galleries, New York City. Dear Sir:s- On account of death in my family, I have decided to give up my town residence, and am sending to your galleries my Collection of Paint-e ings and Tapestries to be sold at auction. I have been buying pictures for nearly forty years and only stopped when every inch of wall space, in the rooms, the halls and stairway in my house 963 Fifth Avenue, was covered. This condition was reached about fifteen years ago, since then, I have not bought a picture. Many of the paintings were bought at well-known public sales in New York, and others at private sales, and many while traveling in Europe. I was guided by a desire to obtain what was beautiful in art and not merely by well known namese These pictures have been my joy and pride while owmed by me, they are sent to you knowing that they will find other owners who will receive as much pleasure from them as I havee I shall miss the paintings, but must decide between storing or selling, as I cannot take them to my country home. Sincerely, CPt q v1 CONDITIONS OF SALE All bids to be PER Lot as numbered in the Catalogue. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. Purchases to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settle- ment of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition in The Anderson Gal- leries before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. But upon receiving before the date of sale expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in default of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. TERMs CaAsH. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of The Anderson Vil Galleries, Incorporated, to enforce the contract with the buyer, without such resale. Bips. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be secured for one dollar for each session of the sale, THE ANDERSON GARG St INCORPORATED PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET NEW YORK TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 CATALOGUES ON BEQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN Vill a oer ener SALE THURSDAY EVENING APRIL EIGHTH. 1920 BEGINNING AT 8:15 O’>CLOCK PeALVAREZ SPANISH SCHOOL 1841—1901 mek FIRST PORTRAIT The artist leans forward, absorbed in catching the expression of his model, a little girl of four or five who is standing on the velvet cushions of the settee trying to look her prettiest. The anxious nurse supports the child with one arm, while the mother fondly watches every stroke of the artist’s pencil. The colorful Directoire costumes / | are painted with nice attention to detail, while the furnishings of the\/ room—the large gilt mirror, the candelabra, the Directoire jar and// the settee—are portrayed with equal care. [/ Canvas. Signed at the right. Height, 17 inches; width, 12 inches. Bought at the Sarah M. Kimball Sale, March 25, 26, 1897. VIVANT BEAUCE FRENCH SCHOOL 19th Century THE STANDARD BEARER With the Austrian standard hung up behind him, an old, red- bearded soldier of the Thirty Years War is seated upon his drum. His head is bent in an attitude of weariness, while both hands rest) / upon his sword. He Watercolor. Signed and dated ’609 at the right. Height, 15 inches; width, 9 inches. ev ol eh RY CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN SCHOOL AUTUMN IN THE BERKSHIRES A landscape with the mellow tints and bright sky of early autumn. Down a pleasant country road a boy is leisurely driving two cows, while in the distance three more are seen grazing. To the right rise majestic oak and maple trees, warm reddish brown and yellow in their coloring, while the more distant trees are veiled in the bluish haze of autumn. : Canvas. Signed at the right. Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches. 1 (/“7/—'l toy Wey \ VVIL (i UA") . wy A lp dq U Zac CARESS EOS GERMAN SCHOOL 19th Century CRADLE SONG A scene of simple family happiness and repose. In the foreground a mother bends over her baby, singing it to sleep. The child lies in a painted wooden cradle, quaintly draped with flowered muslin. In the background to the right sits the father by a large desk, reading the evening paper, while to the left, on a white-covered table, stand a teapot and other signs of an evening meal. Large portfolios of / © drawings lie on the floor at the right by the side of a table with more portfolios. The wide window sill with its flower pots and a canary hanging in a cage above lend a final note of “homeliness’’ to the scene. Canvas. Signed and dated “Miinchen” at the right. Height, 37 inches; width, 63 inches. Pik ROSA BONHEUR ; FRENCH SCHOOL 1822—1899 TWO DEER IN THE FORES( Two fine monarchs of the forest with wide spreading antlers stand ~ in alert attitude in a clearing of the woods. The bare trees with here and there a vestige of autumn foliage rise in slender rows about them. | Canvas. Signed and dated 1882 at the left. Height, 40 inches; width, 20% inches. G. BORTIGNONI MODERN ITALIAN SCHOOL LEASING ADE eee Oa A gentleman in 17th century costume of deep lace collar, red sash and wide top boots is having sport with the parrot on its perch, while Ce one in blue silk, the other in flowered brocade, are merrily ‘1 _ p#inding wool. The 17th century Italian interior with its dark oak ~~furniture and brightly colored rug is painted with great attention to ‘ detail, Panel. Signed at the left. Height, 9/2 inches; width, 12% inches. A. BRENDEL GERMAN SCHOOL Born 1827 HUNTING DOG , In the foreground of a green meadow a fine brown and white ‘pointer stands in an alert attitude, as if scenting the game of which ‘two hunters and another dog in the background are in pursuit. Brendel was especially successful in the painting of animals. His ““Sheepfold at Barbison” hangs in the Luxembourg Museum. Canvas. Signed at the right. Height, 25 inches; width, 33 inches. Purchased from the artist. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | Z [NUMBER SEVEN | be el ee 2 WAN J VX“ Ay BRENDEL GERMAN SCHOOL & AWAITING His TANCE A red fox creeps slyly forth from the brushwood bordering a marshy stream over which birds are flying. Back of him are heavy thickets and trees with low, wide spreading branches forming a dark background. To the left, beyond the stream, a glimpse of brown meadows is visible. A picture to delight any hunter. Canvas. Signed in lower center. He eight, 24% inches; width, 32 inches. Purchased from the artist. JEAN BRUEGHEL FLEMISH SCHOOL 1568—1625 [| Attributed to. ] oP i OBS An interesting presentation of sixteenth centurt life. in front and _ center four canopied shops with many-colored wares, and a tremen- ous number of festive-looking citizens in gay garments moving rgbout, purchasing and observing. At'the lefty the background, is WA 7 placid harbor with ships at anchor. yy Copper. Height, 25 inches; width, 34 inches. or INN Marquise de Salza and Count von Berchtold collections. JEAN BRUEGHEL FLEMISH SCHOOL 1568—1625 | Attributed to. ] [Oca THiS MARKET aPinC le In the center of the picture is an art booth, hung with many paint- ings. At the right side is a silversmith’s shop, the shop of a lithog- rapher, and of a basket maker; to the left an auctioneer; in the | background a busy port with sailing vessels. A bustling scene with innumerable figures in gay costumes. : Copper. Height, 25 inches; width, 35 inches. Marquise de Salza and Count von Berchtold collections. E. SHERWOOD CALVERT MODERN ENGLISH SCHOOL AFTERGLOW ON THE MEADOWLANDS A peasant girl is standing among her sheep as dusk is descending over the meadow lands. To the right a still pool is already reflecting _ the evening shadows. In the middle ground dark trees are effectively ‘ massed against the sky, heightening the delicate blue and saffron tones which still linger among the fast graying clouds. In the fore- ground the dark meadow lands and the low bushes are already fading into the indistinctness of twilight. The artist shows a fine feeling ~ for the pathos and quiet beauty which are eternal in English land- scape. 7 Canvas. Signed to the left. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 4 Sa ee | [NUMBER ELEVEN | De f 12. 3, De BUGGLASrisisl MODERN ITALIAN SCHOOL ETE SEIN EE A girl in picturesque Italian peasant costume of blue apron, large white apron and red bodice stands in the gray stone doorway of an old cottage spinning with the distatf. To her right rise high stone steps leading to a rustic balcony. Water color. Signed at the right. Height, 20 inches; width, 14 inches. ANTONIO CANALE (GANALE Iie VENETIAN, SCHOOL 1712—1792 THE GRAND CANAL AND PIAZZA DI SAN MARCO High prowed gondolas and other craft manned by sturdy boatmen gy busily up and down the Grand Canal before the stately facades bs pe 14. Pee of the Piazza di San Marco, the Palace of the Doges and other stately buildings reminiscent of Venice’s glorious past. An interest- ing picture. Canvas. Height, 15 inches; width, 20% inches. Marquise de Salza and Count von Berchtold collections. ANTONIO CANALE® (CANA VENETIAN SCHOOL 1712—1792 | Attributed to. | SHEN PATLACE OF Vii DO Gin _ Te the right stands the palace of the doges with carved arches and tico ; to the left the slender column of the Campanile is outlined yy feast ‘the sky. In the middle ground stand more inconspicuous palaces and public buildings with a flight of wide steps leading down from them to the Grand Canal. In the foreground many small figures are visible. Canvas. Height, 11 inches; width, 8% inches. Marquise de Salza and Count von Berchtold collections. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | ANTONIO CANALE (CANALET TG) VENETIAN SCHOOL 1712—1792 [ Attributed to. | LEALTAIN-CANDSCAPE | in group of low buildings with a square turret rising up from their (rhidst stand on the bank of a narrow stream where a sailing vessel and two high prowed boats are at rest. On the bank and in the boats the figures of peasants may be seen. A landscape in rich, warm tones. Canvas. Height, 10% inches; width, 7% inches. Marquise de Salza and Count von Berchtold collections. 6 I. 74 0 | [NUMBER FOURTEEN | 7 ANTONIO CANALE (CANA VENETIAN SCHOOL 1712—1792 [ Attributed to. | 16. GRAND CANALSANDRIAET®© This typically Venetian scene shows the old palaces along the Grand Canal and numerous gondolas gliding in all directions. A busy tune of day, under a bright Italian sun, with blue sky above and ue“water (albeit somewhat shaded by buildings) peacefully flowing 4%on below. The activity of the figures in the gondolas is especially Ant, interesting against the old and stately buildings. oF | Canvas. Height, 15% inches; width, 20 inches. } Xe Marquise de Salza and Count von Berchtold collections \ 4 7 ' 8 we Pree CUARLET BELGIAN SCHOOL 19th Century 17) SELIM, THE STREET SINGER yl In the center of a semi-circle of musicians and spectators stands Selim, the street singer, entertaining the throng. He-carries a large Moorish bagpipe with which he accompanies his singing. To the right are white-domed Algerian dwellings standing out against the blue sky and low green hills. The spectators, some in flowing white robes, others in vivid Oriental colors, form a picturesque group. Note the effective use of touches of brilliant red and blue in thd costume of the central figure. Canvas. Signed to the right center. Height, 39 inches; width, 4 feet . 9 inches. 9 pl Bi [GBA Cie es |e BELGIAN SCHOOL 7 19th Century TS: THE PARROT Gra iiik Three emerald green parrots perch upon the bare neck and arms of a Spanish girl with curling black hair. She is seated upon a Moorish taboret, with her head turned to one side, looking at the two parrots upon her left shoulder. Her low pink waist half. falls from one well ounded shoulder, while a skirt of cream colored lace accentuates + te lines of her full figure. This picture received gold medals at the. Paris Exhibition of 1885 and at the Ghent Exhibition of 1883. In spirit and conception this picture bears a strange resemblance to the famous painting of Regnault in the Metropolitan Museum. a Canvas. Signed at the left. Height, 4 feet 9 inches; width, 3 rea [SEE ILLUSTRATION | FRANCO! Beer Oa FRENCH SCHOOL 1516—1572 [ Attributed to. | 19° “PORTRAIT: OF MARY Seis \ | fh | fp Arte) / Three-quarter length bust portrait, with the body and head turned shghtly to the left. The lady represented is of fair complexion, with ‘light hair, blue eyes and slightly irregular features. She wears a AS h century costume of tight fitting “black satin jacket with wide &leeves puffed at the top. . The jacket opens in front to reveal a light Be hn vest trimmed with gold braid and with strings of pearls looped across. A very high lace ruff encircles her neck, while a jewelled cap partially covers her light hair. A portrait of fine decorative value. Panel. Height, 13% inches; width, 10% inches. Marquise de Salza and Count von Berchtold collections. Fk, COMPTE GAbLix FRENCH SCHOOL 1813—1880 20. THE: TRIAL OF MARIE CANT OUNT: [oie The young and beautiful queen stands fearlessly before her tribunal, with guards in the tri-color uniform on either side and in front of her. The galleries above are filled with a large and curious throng. Especially skilful is the impressionistic treatment of the throng of spectators and the delicate color rhythm of dull blue and /red. Other paintings by this distinguished French artist have been ‘exhibited in many Salons. Gouache. Signed at the right. Heiaht, 8% inches; width, ro inches. ’ Bought at the Sarah M. Kimlall Sale, March 25-26, 1897. 10 ks \ ha | ai | v I GHTEEN | 5) az WO —Q = = Fe Bet 11 } '] fj Xf we j Af pi MAM y av { a2 RE TB CAME COROT FRENCH SCHOOL 1796—1875 [| Attributed to. ] PAS TH ORAT Between the twining arched branches of two great old trees can be i seen 2 Hive group of peasants’ huts outlined sharply against blue dis In the foreground a peasant woman drives two cows n ihe eee path. Canvas. Height, 18 inches; width, 24 inches, T, B, CAMILER Gor FRENCH SCHOOL 1796—1875 ELA AGE eCELUR Grr By a sandy yellow road, on a rise of ground, stands a long, low, sloping-roofed church, with a couple of half-grown trees that hardly shade it. A group of peasants are gathering outside the door, gossip- ing before the call to service. inches. ught at the Daniel W. Powers Sale, January 20, 1899. THOMAS COUIURE FRENCH SCHOOL 1816—1879 THE TEMPTATION OF MAGDALEN Repentant of her sins, Magdalen kneels on a rock before a rustic cross with a Bible in her hands. At the moment of contrition two amorini come to tempt her. One holds up a lustrous string of pearls, while the other tries to attract her attention by gently lifting the strands of her hair and the corner of her robe. Steadfastly she gazes downward, fearful lest she might yield. Other paintings by this famous French artist are in the Luxembourg and many other museums. Canvas. Signed and dated 1852 to the right. Height, 6 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 10% inches. Bought from the late Colonel Henry Thomas Chapman. 12 Canvas. Signed at the lower right. Height, 13% inches; width, 18 1S in a 24. 25. 26. ‘ites TGA VID at FRENCH SCHOOL 1748—1825 [ Attributed to. ] EEVIZIA BUONAPARTE The comely lady sits in a gilded chair, drawing about her a red scarf and holding a finger between the leaves of a closed book. In her demeanor is a certain calm consciousness of empire, nor has she at all the air of a pushing parvenue. Her handsome neck and arms are displayed to the best advantage in a black velvet Empire gown. An % interesting portrait study. ; Canvas.. Height, 18Y% inches; width, 14% inches. We, A kif Bought at the Sara M. Kimball Sale, March 25-26, ioe d PewkENT DE BEUL BELGIAN SCHOOL ‘ 19th Century SHEPHERD AND FLOCK ON A WINTRY DAY A shepherd in a blue coat and red muffler is driving his flock along a snow covered road. The white fields stretch off into the distance with the outlines of a town upon the horizon at the right. The dark lowering sky predicts more wintry weather. A shepherd dog runs by the side of the flock. The pervading atmosphere is one of intense and biting cold. : Panel. Signed and dated 1869 at the right. Height, 17 inches; CS width, 24 inches. 21g A Ti Wy, LN UE KAM roe ESCACEROS MODERN SPANISH SCHOOL THE MANDOLIN PLAYER A courtly gentleman in the velvet jacket, short slashed trouser and silk tights of the period, is playing the mandolin to two ladies. One of them, in crimson overdress and high ruff, is seated in a high- backed chair, while her companion, who wears a-black and white ) / gown in the same style, stands behind her friend in smiling pas tion of the music. Canvas. Signed and dated “Roma, 1872" at the right. Height, Ir inches; width, 8 inches. im CeO OG BELGIAN SCHOOL 19th Century 2/7. A’ FORESTS EAE We 4 ight From a curtain of slender tree trunks a narrow path emerges as if bei hidden and mysterious depths of the forest. De Cock shows a étic feeling for the obscured light of woodland depths and the infinite gradations of coloring cased by the infiltration of light through ‘dense foliage. Other landscapes by this artist won medals in Paris in 1867 and 1869. Panel. Signed at the right. Height, 9 inches; Pe 514 ches ROGELTO. DE EHGUsOm 7s MODERN SPANISH SGHOOL 28,° > PEN Sib ENA is A senorita, looking down from her window, gives coquettish en- couragement to the serenade of her lover, a torero in gala dress, who stands in the courtyard below. A second torero, evident!y uninter- ested or discouraged, sits nonchalantly leaning against the wall and smoking a cigarette while his friend plays. Canvas. Signed at the left. Height, 14 inches; width, 9 1mches. Ke DETPRIVEE MODERN BELGIAN SCHOOL 29 eit 1 tO ik Sie 30. f 4 4 ip A man is leading two farm horses, heavy animals, built for hard t; see 1s brown, the ue wine) The a reveals his thor- treatment o the Bee tik ity of the heavy “flanks aa the bony rigidity of the legs. A fine example. Panel. Signed at the left. Height, 8 inches; wndth, ro inches. PS DE VER Ds DUTCH SCHOOL Born about 1800 A PLEASANT WASH DAY The interior of a well-to-do Dutch cottage. A maid in a blue apron and red bodice washes a tub of clothes, while a little boy seated on - the floor close to the tub 1s blowing bubbles from some of the glisten- ing suds, while his neglected drum lies by his side on the floor. By fie window sits a middle- aged Dutch gentleman of prosperous ap- pearance reading a book and “smoking his morning pipe. The raftered room has a chest standing by the w rnin and a picture and several pieces of porcelain standing against the wall. In the open doorway, revealing a glimpse of the next room, stands a small dog. Note the fine mellow color tones. Canvas. Signed and dated 1836 at the right. Height, 19 inches; width, r6% inches. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 14 [NUMBER THIRTY. | ir, NARGISSE, V LRGICE DiEAZ FRENCH SCHOOL 1807—1876 [ Attributed to. ] 31. IN THE FORES or SRONTALNE Dir / One of those idyllic retreats in the forest of Fontainebleu which at os Vy/ have offered French artists such vital inspiration. Here we have an nO NAN! opening in the forest where the arching trees part to reveal a still vu “q pool with a lightly wooded clearing beyond canopied by blue sky. Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 36 inches. / Bought at the Sarah M. Kimball Sale, March 25-26, 1897. NARCISSE VIRGIEE, Dix FRENCH SCHOOL 1807—1876 [Attributed to. ] 3Z.. IN THE DEPTHS OF THE BORG: Intertwining boughs almost shut out the sunlight save in a small } central clearing where the figure of a peasant woman is indistinctly A f | seen against the lighter background of foliage. In the foreground / Ve i NY majestic tree trunks and broad branches form a curtain of dark - yf green shading into black. : Panel. Height, 9% inches; width, 13 mches. NARCISSE VIRGILE Dir FRENCH SCHOOL 1807—1876 [ Attributed to. ] OO; PEA PeBULE Or POSTERS Holding a hat filled with bright flowers, a young girl in a simple we white dress sits with her knees crossed and her bare feet peeping Ae lh on forth from under her skirt upon a mossy bank in the woods. By her hi o\, me 4 side is aco oe nd ee Height, 10% inches; width, 8 imches. V. BLOGs MODERN BELGIAN SCHOOL | 34. PIGEONS A 7) group of pigeons are picking up kernels of grain while another : . fwxth puffed out breast is strutting about the yard. The soft grays 4 7 _,/and whites of the body feathers and the iridescent coloring of the /“*“ breast and neck are subtly rendered by the artist. Panel. Signed at the right and on the back. Height, 9 inches; width, 13 inches. vA, 16 ANTOINE WATTEAU FRENCH SCHOOL 1684—1721 [| Attributed to. ] Poop LY AT-~PLAY Under a group of handsome old trees in the foreground, lords and ladies play at the pastoral life. A lady reclines on the grass, holding a basket of fruit; two others are interested in a palm-reading by a young noble; another young gentleman peers out between the branches, himself unseen by the group he is watching. In the middle ground are two peasants, and in the background a castle in the ape f of the period. alt L- Canvas. Height, 40 inches; width, 52 inches. iy, We” Bought from the late Colonel Henry Thomas Chapman. pe Pee eoer ir NHAUS GERMAN SCHOOL 19th Century pets ON THE ICE A brilliant sun hangs low in the west and sends a warm glow of orange over the dark ice. To the right dim figures are seen walking over the ice, while to the left, over snowy fields, rise the spires of _, the town. The dark sky is suffused with a dull orange glow. eA wy) the effective use of a single dominating note of color. A | OL a | Canvas. Signed and dated “Diisseldorf at the right. Height, 7— Oy : inches; width, 12% inches. Hf | MH, FLQCKENHAUS MODERN GERMAN SCHOOL TWILIGHT AFTER THE RAIN STORM The somber country still seems oppressed by the storm. ‘To the left stretch meadows with distant houses and trees blending with the J ) dark, forbidding sky. To the right are tall birches and a barn set_y back from the main road which gleams with golden green pools of 4 light after the rain. An excellent study. Canvas. Signed and Re December 1882 at the left. Height, 6% inches; width, 11% inches. By PRANCKEN FLEMISH SCHOOL 1581—1642 meter neoeNTATION IN THE TEMPLE The high priest is holding the infant Jesus while Mary kneels in prayer. Joseph and Saint Anne are nearby, while a temple attendant watches reverently in the background. The charm and simplicity of medizval religious pictures are well exemplified, and the coloring, while softened by time, is still fresh and warm. With the delightful naiveté of the middle ages, the Holy Family and the pues are depicted in sixteenth century costume. | 4 Copper. Height, 11% inches; width, 7% inches. | ny hy UNA [ SEE ILLUSTRATION] \~% 17 =) ~ ia = is = ne as tH = <0) & eG ea £Q pe s: zi eet PO PRANCKEN FLEMISH SCHOOL 1581—1642 WEDDING OF JOSEPH AND MARIA Under an elaborate canopy stand the bridal pair and the High Priest. The wedding guests crowd about, and overhead are floating two angels with a harp and a lute. Through the arches of the temple is seen a sunny sky. The rich, warm colors are especially notable. and the composition, while quiet, is moving. Ye ae Panel. Height, 25 inches; widih, 31 inches. (" Ce pyr ; so ie 2 Be Marquise de Salsa and Count von Berchtold collections. ae 7a ie cro RINT // ITALIAN SCHOOL 19th Century Pieri DAY OF NAPLES A gay, colorful scene of Italian peasant life. Two sturdy young men are rowing the boat.in a negligent, easy manner. A young man | and woman in the stern are engaged in a lively flirtation, while a i | . dark-eyed beauty in the bow is calling with her hand curved about her mouth to some unseen person. The sea is bright blue and calm, \ St fy ee and the slightly smoking Vesuvius in the background which seems to 7” wala disturb no one makes a vivid contrast to the airy good humor of the ; scene. Canvas. Signed at the right. Height, 20% inches; width, 50 inches. a4 Re GERARD BELGIAN SCHOOL 19th Century OUTWARD BOUND With one hand upraised to shield her eyes and the other in that of her small son, a Flemish fisherwoman stands by the sea wall watch- ing her husband’s boat being carried out to sea. The clinging de- pendence of the child and the anxious steadfastness of the woman are revealed in the postures of their bodies which are seen from the rear with the heads turned slightly in profile. A story portrayed //( l de directly and without sentimentality. ; Canvas. Signed to the right. Height, 22 inches; width, 16 inches. THEODORE GERARD BELGIAN SCHOOL 19th Century PeemounDY DAY IN THE LOW.COUNTRIES Bead Beneath a cloudy sky the marshy fields of the Low Country jut in slender peninsulas into the water. In the foreground a small sail boat has caught the breeze. while to the left a row boat remains close to the shore, where a windmill and thatched cottages are out- lined against the sky. Canvas. Signed and dated 1860 at the right. Height, 23 inches; width, 38 inches. ; 19 Meee Qhdd a if f \ f y | / ; in ff 43° THE SCAR EE MUSICIANS ~ -mysic lies upon a foot stool nearby. A tapestry in tones of blue | in y//green and an old chest, half open, form an effective background. es \ / inches; width, 13 inches. C MAY R GRAY MUNICH SCHOOL 19th Century A charming re-creation of an eighteenth century scene. Two violin- ists and a flutist in the brocaded ‘silk coats and knee breeches of the period are seated with their music about a table. Other scattered ; ( anel. Signed and dated “Munich,” 1890 at the left. Height, ro FRANS HALS DUTCH SCHOOL 1617—1669 [ Attributed to. ] 44 “PORTRAIT-“OF A DRINKING ar /) gS y/ ; f) AY 45. |, ~ particular success in his animal pictures, one of which is to be seen One of those jovial studies in the tradition of Hals, imbued with the true Rabelaisian spirit. The man represented is shown at half length, the body turned slightly to the right, the head a trifle on one side with te mouth in the broad smile of unrestrained conviviality. One hand ) holds up an open drinking mug. A brown cap partly covers the red rown hair, while a rather unkempt brown beard emphasizes the loose lines of the mouth and chin. He wears a brown jacket with a small turned over collar, while a heavy gold chain and pendant attest to some degree of affluence. Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 26% inches. Marquise de Salza and Count von Berchtold collections. ee Ne JAMES Mie AMERICAN SCHOOL 1828—1901 THEOORCHAK DP Amd ha: In the foreground two cows and a flock of sheep are grazing by the side of a small pond. To their right are low branched apple trees, Io while in the background stand a few farm buildings. Hart achieved ~ at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Canvas. Signed to the right center. Height, 27 inches; width, 40% inches. W. Re HARASS ae AMERICAN SCHOOL 1823—1894 46. COWS WATERING ~ A stream winding among meadow lands with two cows standing i . > knee deep in the water. On the left bank of the stream a tree in ( ;@ f filliant autumn foliage contrasts vividly with smaller trees close by, JO; still in summer green.