| 1923 | Mar SALE NUMBER i718 | | Ne pe UBLIC EXHIBITION FROM WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY TWENTY-EIGHTH ARMS AND ARMOR AN EXCEPTIONAL COLLECTION FORMED IN AUSTRIA AND CONTAINING MANY PIECES ACQUIRED FROM THE COLLECTION OF THE ARCHDUKE CHARLES WITH A SERIES OF FINE HALBERDS FORMERLY IN THE NATIONAL ARMORY IN MUNICH TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS MARCH SIXTH, SEVENTH AT TWO.-THIRTY THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, PRESIDENT] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1923 SALE NUMBER 1718 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY TWENTY-EIGHTH em, , AAA \v i — - ARMS AND ARMOR > AN EXCEPTIONAL COLLECTION FORMED IN AUSTRIA AND CONTAINING MANY PIECES ACQUIRED FROM THE COLLECTION OF THE ARCHDUKE CHARLES WITH A SERIES OF FINE HALBERDS FORMERLY IN THE NATIONAL ARMORY IN MUNICH TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS MARCH SIXTH, SEVENTH AT TWO.-THIRTY Zl THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, PRESIDENT] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STRBET, NEW YORK 1923 CONDITIONS OF SALE 1, All bids to be PER LOT as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash pay- ments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be resold immediately. 4. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition in The Anderson Galleries before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or con- cerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. But upon receiving before the date of sale, expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in default of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. 7. Terms CasH. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as The Anderson Galleries, Incor- porated, shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such re-sale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without preju- dice to the right of The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, to enforce the con- tract with the buyer, without such re-sale. 8. Bips. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. 9. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be respon- sible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. Priced Copy of the Catalogue may be secured for fifty cents for each session of the sale The Anderson Galleries Incorporated PakK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEw YorRK Telephone, Plaza 9356 Catalogues on request. SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN INTRODUCTION HE public exhibition of two important collections of armor, one in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, and the other in the Museum of Art in Cleveland, has greatly stimulated the collecting of armor in the United States. The American mind has always turned to mechanics and what may be called the logic of mechanics. The chief interest in armor is not historic or artistic. Associations and decorations are comparatively irrelevant. The real interest is the sense of logic that has directed the construction of every weapon or piece of armor. Every improvement in pro- tective armor is reflected in a new weapon of attack, and vice versa. To make a cutting or thrusting weapon more effective has often been the result of generations of effort. Defence and defiance have continually struggled for supremacy. Some weapons, of course, may be considered as works of art, the greater number on account of the quality of their decoration, a minority through a strange rhythm that the logie of technique has impressed into them. There is nothing more beautiful than cer- tain detached pieces of armor of the late fifteenth century. The hammered and shaped steel has an abstract and almost virginal purity of line. There is no doubt that the craftsman who wrought with the steel to shape his piece of armor had an instinctive feel- ing of the beauty which he created, although he was not able to shape in words what the subtler mind of the epigones is able to analyze. . The present collection was formed in Austria. It contains a number of specimens acquired from the collection of the Arch- duke Charles of Austria. It has also been enriched by a series of very fine halberds formerly in the National Armory in Munich. The collection has been catalogued by two European experts, Dr. Gross, curator of the collection of armor in the Vienna Museum, and the well-known expert Dr. Rupprecht of the Dorotheum in the same city. The present catalogue is based on their accounts, and the initials (G) and (R) indicate the source of each description. The halberds have been expertised and identified by Dr. Stocklein, of the National Armory in Munich. The catalogue is particularly rich in Venetian and South Ger- man weapons, and weapons of the Balkan countries,—territories that were formerly Austrian or under Austrian influence. R. M. Rrerstanu, Pu.D. ORDER OF SALE TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH SIXTH WEAPONS FROM BORNEO, THE MALAY PENINSULA AND OTHER PACIFIC REGIONS LOCKS FOR FIREARMS POWDERHORNS, ETC. AFRICAN FIREARMS AND PRIMITIVE SHIELDS AND WEAPONS JAPANESE ARMS AND ARMOR INDIAN ARMS AND ARMOR CAUCASIAN, NEAR EASTERN AND OTHER SWORDS AND SABRES EUROPEAN FIREARMS SPANISH AND ITALIAN SWORDS AND DAGGERS CAUCASIAN AND NEAR AND FAR EASTERN FIREARMS GERMAN, FRENCH AND AUSTRIAN SWORDS AND DAGGERS WHEEL-LOCK GUNS EUROPEAN HALBERDS, PIKES, ETC. EUROPEAN HELMETS WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH SEVENTH INDIAN AND INDO-PERSIAN WEAPONS AND ARMOR JAPANESE ARMS AND ARMOR EUROPEAN FIREARMS SPANISH AND ITALIAN SWORDS AND DAGGERS NEAR EASTERN FIREARMS EUROPEAN HELMETS PERSIAN ARMS AND ARMOR HUNTERS’ SWORDS IMPORTANT EUROPEAN HALBERDS BLUNDERBUSSES MARINE GUNS EARLY GERMAN SWORDS WHEEL-LOCK GUNS GERMAN AND OTHER EUROPEAN SWORDS AND DAGGERS NEAR EASTERN SWORDS, DAGGERS AND SABRES 1— 19 20-— 39 40— 48 49-— 68 69— 86 87-124 125-147 148-166 167-180 181-213 214-223 224-226 227-234 235-239 240-282 283-297 298-316 317-352 353-376 377-381 382-402 403-415 416-423 424-434 435-441 442-446 447-454 455-480 481-495 SALE TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH SIXTH, AT ~ 2:30 FIRST SESSION NUMBERS 1-239 WEAPONS FROM BORNEO, THE MALAY PENINSULA AND OTHER PACIFIC REGIONS NUMBERS 1-19 1 SMALL SIAMESE KNIFE f- Curved blade. Hilt and scabbard of carved dark horn. 2 KRIS MALAY, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Flame-shaped watered blade. Wooden handle with charac- teristic carving. 3 NEW BRITAIN WAR CLUB YG With flattened spherical head of hollowed stone. (G) _ 4 NEW BRITAIN WAR CLUB /- With flattened spherical head of hollowed stone. (G) 5 KRIS IN HARDWOOD SCABBARD oe MALAY, 19TH CENTURY — Straight, damascened blade, widening toward the hilt. The earved hardwood hilt with chased white metal mounting. (R) 6 CLUB FROM NEW BRITAIN Jo Large wooden shaft widening towards the upper end in which a is inserted a rough white stone. (G) 7 HEAVY BOLO SWORD SUNDA ISLANDS, 19TH CENTURY sf “ Bent blade for cutting jungle. Wooden hilt with carving of srotesque human head. (R) Yo KRIS WITH STRAIGHT BLADE mMauay, 19TH cENTURY ¥ Hilt and seabbard finial of carved hardwood. Scabbard cov- ered with metal. (R) 10 11 12 13 ed 15 16 HEAVY SWORD SUNDA ISLAND, BORNEO, 19TH CENTURY For cutting jungle. Hoof-shaped hardwood handle dec- orated with floral carving. (R) CURVED SWORD JAVA, 19TH CENTURY The broad curved blade with narrow grooves and inscription of Arabic ciphers and characters. Hardwood hilt, decorated in silver. The wooden scabbard with silver mountings. (R) MALAY SWORD SUMATRA, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Gray horn hilt with double finial. Straight single-edged blade, heavy and broadened at the end. Wooden scabbard with all-over leaf carving. (G) HEAVY BOLO SWORD MALAY ARCHIPELAGO, EARLY 19TH CENTURY The hilt, in the form of a grotesque head, is covered with repoussé sheets of silver. Massive blade, widening near the tip. Wooden scabbard. (R) HEAVY KNIFE FOR CUTTING JUNGLE BORNEO, 19TH CENTURY The blade damascened. The hilt of hardwood decorated with colored rattan and with round finial bearing human hair. (R) LONG KRIS — java, MALAY ARCHIPELAGO, 19TH CENTURY Flame-shaped blade, jagged at the upper edge. Bone hilt, partly wound with heavy cord. (R) KRIS MALAY, 18TH CENTURY Flame-shaped, damascened blade, with widened, jagged top. Hardwood handle, with conventionalized figure. (R) BOLO KNIFE MALAY, 19TH CENTURY Broad blade, tapering at both ends. Hardwood hilt, the end with sharply carved outline. Wooden scabbard, with carved decoration at either end. (R) LONG KRIS MALAY ARCHIPELAGO, 19TH CENTURY _ Flame-shaped blade, with jagged profile below the hilt, which is wound with thongs and has carved wooden finial (dam- aged). (R) 18 20 KRIS MALAY, 19TH CENTURY Flame-shaped, damascened blade. Carved hardwood hilt. Engraved brass scabbard with boldly curved wooden mount- ing at the top. (R) KRIS MALAY, 19TH CENTURY With narrow tapering blade encased in hardwood scabbard. The wooden hilt of very fine carving in the likeness of a god. (R) LOCKS FOR FIREARMS NUMBERS 20-39 | LOT OF SEVEN STIRRUPS, ETC. One an excavation piece, the others of the 17th and 18th centuries. (G) SNAPHAUNCE ABout 1700 Hammer, pan and cover, as well as the springs, engraved. (R) SNAPHAUNCE sPANISH, BEGINNING OF THE 18TH CENTURY With traces of etching and with locksmith’s mark. (R) MATCHLOCK 16TH CENTURY BRASS FITTINGS FOR A RIFLE GERMAN, AUGSBURG, 18TH CENTURY Cast brass well chiselled. Charming hunting scenes. (R) TWO FLINTLOCKS FOR PISTOLS (2) 18TH CENTURY TWO EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FLINTLOCKS (2) WHEEL-LOCK WITH UNCOVERED WHEEL ITALIAN OR SPANISH, END OF THE 16TH CENTURY From a light type of firearm. (R) 7 31 32 34 » | ~35 36 OO 37 WHEEL-LOCK FROM A MUSKET END OF THE 16TH CENTURY (R) WHEEL-LOCK OF A MUSKET MIDDLE OF THE 16TH CENTURY The hammer is of the oldest type. (R) WHEEL-LOCK German, First HALF OF THE 17TH CENTURY The hammer, as well as the spring attachments and the pan and cover, of chiselled steel. (R) WHEEL-LOCK German, SECOND HALF OF THE 16TH CENTURY From a handgun. The cock, spring and catch richly orna- mented with leaf and vine motives. Dated 1574. (R) WHEEL-LOCK serum, seconp HALF OF THE 177TH CENTURY The cock, spring and spring plate, as well as the lock plate, chiselled and engraved with vine and grotesque sea-monster motives. Mark of Christian Lehr in Berlin. (R) WHEEL-LOCK SWIss, ABOUT 1700 Etched with hunting scenes, scrolls and figural motives. The springs decoratively carved. From a hunting weapon. (R) WHEEL-LOCK WITH CONCEALED WHEEL ALPS OR SOUTHERN BAVARIA, 17TH CENTURY The lock plate with engraved hunting scenes and allegorical figures. The cock, hammer and spring in chiselled steel, show decoration of a mermaid, Renaissance busts, ete. From a hunting weapon. (R) MATCHLOCK 16TH-17TH CENTURY LARGE DOUBLE WHEEL-LOCK From a hunting rifle. The engraved decoration of later date. (R) WHEEL-LOCK GERMAN, 16TH-17TH CENTURY The cock, spring, hammer and screw cap in richly wrought and chiselled steel, and with deer ornament. The lock plate with traces of old etching. (R) 8 40 46 9 Fe WHEEL-LOCK FROM A MUSKET GERMAN, BEGINNING OF THE 17TH CENTURY With open wheel. (R) WHEEL-LOCK NUREMBERG, ABOUT 1580 From a large handgun. lLocksmith’s marks and Nuremberg mark. The lock has an unusual catch mechanism. (R) POWDERHORNS, ETC. NUMBERS 40-48 PART OF THE INLAID STOCK OF A LARGE GUN GERMAN, SECOND HALF OF THE 16TH CENTURY With very fine inlay in engraved bone of flower-vine mo- tives. (R) LARGE POWDERHORN Of hardwood with iron mountings. EARLY 17TH CENTURY (Sold as is) (R) POWDER TESTER Mounted on pistol stock and butt. (R) DUTCH, 18TH CENTURY With mark, ‘‘Mastrich’’. ANTLER POWDERHORN With iron mountings. (R) SWISS, EARLY 18TH CENTURY ROUND PEWTER POWDER FLASK BALKANS (?), LATE 18TH CENTURY With engraved decoration and leather straps (only partly original). (R) HARDWOOD POWDER FLASK ALBANIA, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Pointed oval shape with deep grooves. Brass mounting. (R) ENGRAVED BONE POWDERHORN PROBABLY SWISS, 17TH CENTURY One side with representation of mounted hunter and lion. Steel mountings. (R) 47 POWDERHORN OF ENGRAVED ANTLERS GERMAN, 18TH CENTURY Aes One side with fanciful engraved decoration of fish, birds, deer and geometrical motives. Without mounting. (R) _ 48 SMALL WOOD AND LEATHER POWDERHORN ({ ate In the style of German powderhorns of the 17th century Bound in sheet metal. (R) AFRICAN FIREARMS AND PRIMITIVE SHIELDS AND WEAPONS NUMBERS 49-68 49 LONG MATCHLOCK GUN _ NorTH AFRICA, 18TH CENTURY Mountings of barrel in silver and engraved brass. Narrow ee wooden butt. (R) i y 50 LONG GUN NORTH AFRICA, 18TH CENTURY Ke Plain wooden stock and long butt. Plain iron barrel, fastened f to the stock by silver rings. (R) Me 51 SMALL FLINTLOCK RIFLE norrtH arrica, aBouT 1800 Fe F Plain octagonal barrel with brass bands. The butt with bone end piece. (R) 52 AFRICAN SWORD WITH SCABBARD Red leather scabbard. Deeply grooved double-edged blade /- a with etched and silver encrusted Arabie inscription. Hilt bound with red leather thongs. (Sold as is) (G) 538 CURVED DAGGER NorRTHERN AFRICA, EARLY. 19TH CENTURY Scabbard and handle of hammered metal inlaid with niello y a and red color. (R) 54 CURVED DAGGER ALGIERS, 19TH CENTURY _, . The hilt with silver encrustations and enamelling in red, green i “and blue. The scabbard of wood with wrought sheet of sil- ver on the one side, and wrought brass on the reverse. (R) 10 55 AFRICAN SWORD WITH SCABBARD Grip and scabbard covered with red leather. Iron crossbar. Long, straight blade, grooved and entirely covered with Arabic inscription. (G) SOUTH AMERICAN PALMWOOD BOW With original rattan bowstring. (G) SMALL SHIELD OF HIPPOPOTAMUS HIDE ABYSSINIA, 19TH CENTURY Buckle in the centre; circular ornamentation. (R) BUNCH OF ELEVEN BARBED AND POINTED AR- ROWS (G) (11) SOUTH AMERICAN BOW Of palmwood wound with rattan. (G) HUNTING SPEAR WEST OR CENTRAL AFRICA, 19TH CENTURY TWO JAVELINS WITH SHORT POINTS (2) SICKLE SHAPED SWORD SOUTH-WEST AFRICA, 19TH CENTURY The blade grooved and engraved. Wooden hilt. (R) 17TH CENTURY TWO SOUTHWEST AFRICAN WEAPONS One with primitive engraved decoration, the other with cop- per wire wound hilt. (R) (2) FOUR AFRICAN HUNTING ARROWS With diverse types of points. (R) (4) BLADE OF AN AFRICAN HUNTING SPEAR WEST OR CENTRAL AFRICA, 19TH CENTURY (R) SWORD IN LEATHER SCABBARD SOUTHWEST AFRICA, 19TH CENTURY Shaped horn hilt. Straight blade. (R) 11 fr - & l, Lie 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 , 14 SWORD WITH NATURAL LEATHER SCABBARD AFRICA The long straight blade elaborately decorated with etched and silvered Arabic inscriptions. The hilt and scabbard covered with skin with traces of fur. Cross-shaped brass hilt bow. (G) JAVELIN WEST OR CENTRAL AFRICA, 19TH CENTURY JAPANESE ARMS AND ARMOR NUMBERS 69-86 LOT OF SIX JAPANESE ARROWS (6) ROUND LACQUER SHIELD gapan, narty 19TH CENTURY Decorated with three crests in gold lacquer on black ground. (R) HELMET OR HACHI JAPAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY In black lacquer with laced lacquer neckguard. The front with movable crest of red and gold lacquer. (R) KNIFE IN LACQUER SCABBARD JAPAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Hilt and scabbard imitating the bark of tree with butterfly and insect decoration. (R) PAIR OF CHEEK PIECES FROM HELMET JAPAN, 19TH CENTURY Metal lacquered in plain black on the outside and in gold on the inside. Kiri-no-man crest in chiselled gilt bronze. (R) (2) HELMET JAPAN, 18TH-19TH CENTURY The head covering of heavy ribbed steel; vizor of plain steel. Neckguard of small lacquer bands laced with braid. The vizor with detachable rosette crest; small cross ornaments at the side. (R) 12 75 17 78 LACQUERED FACEGUARD JAPAN, 19TH CENTURY With attached chinguard of lacquer bands and woven braid. (R) BUNCH OF SMALL JAPANESE HUNTING ARROWS Some of them without points. (R) TANTO OR DAGGER IN BLACK LACQUER SCABBARD JAPAN, 19TH CENTURY The hilt covered with sharkskin and wound with braid. The | bronze hilt mountings with dragons on shakudo nanako ground. The menuke with two bronze crests. The sword guard pierced and gilt. The kodzuke, as well as the blade, signed. (R). BUNDLE OF SMALL HUNTING ARROWS JAPAN, 19TH CENTURY With black lacquer shafts and feather ends. Four edged points. (R) QUIVER WITH TEN ARROWS JAPAN, 19TH CENTURY The leather pocket of the quiver with gilt crest. (R) PAIR OF LACQUERED SADDLEBOWS JAPAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY In the centre a Japanese crest. All-over decoration of floral motives in thin silver appliqué on black lacquer. (R) (2) SADDLE JAPAN, 19TH CENTURY Six pieces, in speckled gold and bronze lacquer. The saddle- bows connected by detachable curved crosspieces, are orna- mented on the outside with a dragon and phenix pattern in black lacquer, and the outside of the stirrups is similarly decorated. Signed. (Slight damages in lacquer) (R) COAT OF MAIL AND MAIL HEADGUARD JAPAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY The coat with separate mail-covered gloves. Best quality. (R) 13 83 84 85 86 IT 88 HEAVY MATCHLOCK GUN JAPAN, 19TH CENTURY The barrel with fine engraved and silver-encrusted decoration of pine branches, birds, ete. Near the finder artemisia leaf crest in silver. Plain stock and butt of light wood. (R) — MATCHLOCK GUN JAPAN, 18TH-19TH CENTURY Octagonal barrel of blued steel with beautiful silver and gold encrusted dragon and wave decoration. Long, slender butt. (G) MATCHLOCK GUN JAPAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Barrel with fine gold and silver encrusted decoration of fish, mountains, etc. Tokugawa crest in front of range finder. Dark wooden butt and stock with engraved brass mountings and applied ornaments. (R) MATCHLOCK RIFLE JAPAN, 18TH-19TH CENTURY Octagonal blued-steel barrel with Hutsawa crest of Kinadru and the crest of Kahori, each repeated three times, in silver and gold encrustation. Plain wooden stock and butt. Cover of priming box missing. (G) INDIAN ARMS AND ARMOR NUMBERS 87-124 CURVED DAGGER NEPAL, EAST INDIA Shaped wooden hilt. The heavy blade, widening in the cen- tre, has a short groove below the hilt decorated along the edge with half moons. The plain leather scabbard with compart- ments for two small knives. (G) CURVED DAGGER NEPAL, 19TH CENTURY The leather scabbard decorated with quill embroidery and with small attached scabbard holding two small curved knives in leather sheaths. The large knife with broad curved blade and wooden hilt. (R) TRIDENT-SHAPED SPEAR INDO-PERSIAN, 18TH-19TH CENTURY Silver encrusted decoration of floral motives and demon head. (G) 14 92 vay So 98 a 94 LONG SWORD s1aM, 19TH CENTURY Straight, damascened blade. The hilt covered with elab- orately chased sheet of silver. The carved wooden pommel in the form of a fantastic animal head (slightly damaged). (R) SMALL SHIELD INDIA, 18TH CENTURY Of rhinoceros skin decorated in gold lacquer and with four apphed flower-shaped bronze rosace ornaments. (G) LEATHER SHIELD WITH SILVER ORNAMENTS NORTHERN INDIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY Decorated with bands and panels of pierced and engraved silver. (R) | ARMGUARD INDO-PERSIAN, 17TH CENTURY SWORD INDIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY Broad, straight blade, widening towards the pointed tip. The blade partially set in scalloped steel mounting, and with small decoration in gold. The broad handguard decorated with scalloped brass. Hilt covered in velvet. (R) BATTLE-AXE INDIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY Four-sided point. The blade with silver inlay. (G) SNAPHAUNCE PISTOL INDIA, 18TH CENTURY The round barrel damascened and chased with arabesque mo- tives. The stock covered with snake skin and ending in round wooden butt. Lock inlaid with silver. (Slight de- fects) (R) DAMASCENED BARREL INDIA, 18TH CENTURY With chiselled and silver-encrusted arabesque decoration. (R) INLAID BATTLE-AXE INDIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY Both the wide and the narrow blade with silver-leaf encrus- tations. Four-sided pointed finial. Steel shaft with silver- encrusted bands. (G) GAUNTLET SWORD INDIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY Straight blade, set into shaped armguard of blued steel, with silver-inlaid floral decoration. (G) 15 101 103 104 ELEPHANT GOAD (ANCUS) INDIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY Blade with silver-encrusted floral ornamentation. The end with animal form in gilt bronze. (G) DAGGER WITH SCABBARD INDO-PERSIAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Both sides of the blade covered with etched inscriptions. The handle and scabbard with silver-encrusted floral motives. (R) BATTLE-AXE WITH CRESCENT-SHAPED BLADE INDIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY The blade etched with fine arabesque and animal decoration and with gold and silver encrustations. (G) THREE-PRONGED SPEAR | INDO-PERSIAN, 18TH-19TH CENTURY The field below the prongs with chiselled and partly gilt floral decoration. (G) BATTLE-AXE INDIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY The crescent-shaped blade and tapering spear point decorated with floral tracery. Four-sided, pointed finial. (G) HUNTING SPEAR INDO-PERSIAN, 18TH CENTURY Flame-shaped, tapering blade, etched with decorative inscrip- tions; and with two busts. The wooden shaft in metal cas- ing with inlay of thin silver wire. (R) SABRE (TALWAR) INDIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY The hilt and shaped hilt bow with simple silver-encrusted orna- mentation. The blade partly with saw edge and with large and small grooves. (G) BATTLE-AXE INDIA, SECOND HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY Crescent-shaped blade with double curve, with frieze of sil- ver-leaf encrustations. Steel shaft with bands of similar in- lay. (G) 108 109 ae 114 BATTLE-AXE WITH CRESCENT-SHAPED BLADE INDIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY Blade, shaft and pointed finial with silver-encrusted flower and leaf decoration. (G) SPIKED WAR CLUB, SO CALLED ‘‘MORNING STAR”’ INDIA, SECOND HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY Club with rich silver-encrusted vine decoration. Shaft with small bands of silver decoration. (@G) TWO-PRONGED SPEAR : INDO-PERSIAN, 18TH-19TH CENTURY Prongs richly decorated with Neskhi; writing and arabesque ornamentation, and encrusted with silver. (G) SABRE INDIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY Blade widening towards double-edged tip. Broad groove, etched inscriptions below hilt, which has all-over floral deco- ration. (G) BATTLE-AXE INDIA, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Blade and shaft with silver-encrusted leaf decoration. (G) CURVED DAGGER INDO-PERSIAN, 19TH CENTURY Blade with silver-encrusted arabesque decorations. Iron grip etched with leaf motives. (R) SWORD WITH SAW-EDGED BLADE INDIA, EARLY 19TH CENTURY The iron hilt with floral decoration. (R) FOUR INDIAN JAVELINS One with original shaft. All with four-edged blades. (R) (4) BATTLE-AXE INDIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY The steel shaft with silver encrustation and S-shaped scrolled guard. The blade gently curved and with engraved decora- tion of undulated floral bands and with gold and silver en- crustation. (G) 17 IL 119 120 124 SILVER-ENCRUSTED ELEPHANT GOAD INDIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY The broad blade with double point, elaborately decorated with leaf motives in silver encrustation. The steel shaft ending in a wrought brass elephant head. (G) DOUBLE-PRONGED SPEAR INDO-PERSIAN, 18TH-19TH CENTURY With etched and silver-encrusted decoration of arabesque vines, fish, ete. (G) DOUBLE-PRONGED SPEAR INDO-PERSIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY With etched and silver-encrusted decoration of swimming fish, vines and grotesque head of a jinnee. (G) CURVED SWORD INDIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY The iron hilt with silver-encrusted floral motives. The blade with gilt inscription. (R) FORK-SHAPED SPEAR INDIA, 18TH CENTURY The two flame-shaped blades with gold-encrusted vine decora- tion. The wooden shaft set in deep iron casing with finely chased gilt floral motives. (R) CURVED DAGGER INDO-PERSIAN, 18TH CENTURY With shaped bone hilt. The blade two-edged with central damascened grooving. (R) TWO SHORT DAGGERS siAm OR INDO-CHINA, ABOUT 1800 Chiselled blades with silver inlay. The hilt of well-carved hardwood in elaborately ornamented brass setting. (R) (2) CURVED SWORD INDIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY The blade of yatagan shape, grooved and with silver floral inlay. The steel hilt with silver floral inlay. (G) 18 CAUCASIAN, NEAR EASTERN AND OTHER SWORDS, DAGGERS AND SABRES NUMBERS 125-147 DAGGER PERSIA, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Leather scabbard with mountings in silver, bearing rich floral, animal and bird decoration. Green soft stone hilt with mount- ings of gold-inlaid steel. The deeply grooved blade with a few inlays in gold. (R) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | DAGGER IN SILVER SCABBARD CAUCASUS, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Bone scabbard. The blade finely damascened. The scabbard with conventionalized leaf decoration, and wound with silver wire at the lower end. (Hilt damaged) (R) _ [SEE ILLUSTRATION | SWORD INDIA, 18TH CENTURY In silver-gilt seabbard with rich all-over relief decoration of flower vines. The ovoid hilt and cone-shaped finial similarly decorated. Plain blade. (R) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | HANDJAR TURKISH, DATED 1252 4. H. The scabbard in wood, covered with sheets of silver bearing rich flower-vine decoration. The mountings of both scabbard and hilt in silver with filigree studs and rosace ornaments. The hilt and hilt finial set with coral. The blade of blue steel is decorated with inscriptions and inlaid with silver gilt. Dated 1252 A. H. (R) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | LONG DAGGER WITH SCABBARD RUSSIAN, MADE FOR THE NEAR EAST, SECOND HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY The massive silver scabbard with all-over decoration of knights, hunters and animals among vines and conventional- ized ornament. The top panel of the scabbard with two angels standing on either side of a chalice with the cross and a bird, symbolizing the Holy Ghost, above. Panel on the re- verse in tula work with the initial ‘‘D’’ and the date 1781. The silver hilt with relief decoration. The blade with four deep grooves, all of which are pierced and gilt. (R) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 19 130 131 133 134 135 /o- fo LONG SCIMITAR = sourHERN r1NpIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY The shaft of the hilt covered with red cloth and ending in round, flattened finial with silver inlay of flower vines. The cup-shaped, scalloped guard similarly inlaid with vine mo- tives. The broad, curved, single-edged blade, is held at the top on either side by scalloped mountings, richly inlaid with silver. (G) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | AFRICAN LONG SWORD The long tapering blade, grooved at the top and entirely covered with Neskhi inscriptions. The hilt with steel cross- bar and bound with red leather thongs. (G) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | SABRE RUSSIA, FOR CAUCASUS, 18TH-19TH CENTURY The hilt in the shape of a bird’s head of brass filigree work with bandings of tula. The single-edged, grooved blade bears four times the letters in Russian, ‘‘M 1’’, and the sketchy representation of an animal, representing the Passau wolf mark. (G) DAGGER 17TH-18TH CENTURY Three-sided seabbard of silver with vine ornamentation in niello work. The hilt in silver wire; the tip in silver gilt; the hilt bow deeply curved and with round central ornament set with semi-precious stones. The three-sided blade with grooves and poison channels. (R) CURVED DAGGER CAUCASUS, 19TH CENTURY The shaped handle of chiselled iron, partly encrusted with gold; elaborate decoration of floral motives and Neskhi char- acters. The double-grooved blade decorated below the hilt with fighting animal motives. (R) SCIMITAR ARABIC, 18TH CENTURY Boldly curved, single-edged blade with narrow groove run- ning along the edge and deep grooving at the tip. On the reverse of the blade engraved inscription in Neskhi charac- ters; on the other side half moon, star and other small orna- ments in gold. Bone hilt (damaged). (G) 20 136 ries 138 139 142 3 Ms HANDJAR TURKESTAN (INDIA?), 18TH CENTURY Leather scabbard. Blade in chiselled and engraved brass setting. Wooden grip and saddle-shaped pommel. (R) HANDJAR IN SILVER SCABBARD DALMATIA, 18TH CENTURY The blade with floral decoration and Oriental inscriptions. The scabbard with elaborate Renaissance style decoration of flowers, martial emblems, representations of castles, ships, ete. On the upper part of the scabbard the lion of St. Mark. The hilt and mountings of the blade are of silver with rocaille ornaments. (R) HANDJAR WITH SILVER SCABBARD RUSSIAN, MADE FOR THE CAUCASUS, 18TH-19TH CENTURY Dated 1186 A. H. The scabbard with very fine all-over dec- oration in tula work of semi-conventionalized flowers. Single- edged blade, dated below the hilt. Bone hilt, mounted in silver. (R) CURVED DAGGER (‘‘DIRK’’) WITH SCABBARD AND BELT ARABIC, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Both seabbard and hilt with elaborate all-over decoration in silver filigree. The double-edged, sharply curved blade with large central groove. The belt of woven red and gold braid. (G) SMALL KNIFE WITH SCABBARD BOSNIA, FIRST PART OF THE 19TH CENTURY Small wooden hilt with inlays of coral, bone and white metal. (G) SABRE RUSSIAN, MADE FOR THE CAUCASUS, 19TH CENTURY The hilt and rich scabbard mounting of silver with very fine leaf decoration in tula technique. The gently curved blade double-edged at the tip and with Russian maker’s mark, 1882. (G) SABRE ARABIA, 18TH CENTURY The hilt of white bone; diamond-shaped hilt bow, simply en- erusted with gold. The boldly curved blade with gold-en- crusted inscriptions below the hilt bow. (@G) at 143 144 y 4 + 4 #5 y A ~~ f i f/ | / 146 147 148 149 150 YATAGHAN TURKEY, 18TH CENTURY Scabbard almost covered with mountings of engraved silver. Blade with two grooves and gold-encrusted decoration. Han- dle with rich filigree work and coral studs. SABRE : caucasus, 18TH-19TH CENTURY Single-edged blade with deep groove running along one side, and with etched scroll ornament below the hilt. The ecarry- ing band encrusted with ‘‘tula’’ silver. (G) 5 CHARCOAL FIRE TONGS IN SHEATH BALKANS, EARLY 19TH CENTURY The handle and ring of gilt white metal. (R) TURKISH RED LACQUER BOW Leaf and floral decoration in gilt. (R) DAGGER CAUCASUS, 18TH-19TH CENTURY The tapering blade with deep groove. The shaped hilt and pommel covered in silver with floral ornamentation in tula work. The scabbard banded at top and tip with sheets of silver tula work. (G) EUROPEAN FIREARMS NUMBERS 148-166 ROCKET GUN AUSTRIA, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Plain flintlock. Bronze octagonal and round barrel. Plain wooden stock and butt. (G) PERCUSSION PISTOL GERMAN, 18TH CENTURY 18th century barrel with maker’s mark: Joseph Sehuller, Neustadt. The trigger, which was probably added later, with name of the same maker. Carved stock and butt in brass mounting. (R) PAIR OF FLINTLOCK PISTOLS rrencn, 18TH centTuRY Maker’s mark: ‘‘Pierre Lorand’’, Paris. (R) (2) 22 153 157 POCKET PISTOL EARLY 19TH CENTURY Pereussion. The octagonal barrel dismountable. Carved butt. Maker’s mark. (R) FLINTLOCK PISTOL ITALIAN, SECOND HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY Stock and butt inlaid with white metal. (R) Fluted barrel. Maker’s mark: Horatio Paganella. SMALL CARABINE WITH FLINTLOCK END OF THE 18TH CENTURY Lock signed Balsavini. En- (R) Rifled polished steel barrel. graved mountings. Hinged butt. FLINTLOCK RIFLE AUSTRIAN, DATED 1813. Date on barrel. Lock inscribed ‘‘Imperial manufactory of Turin’’. Plain stock and butt. (R) PAIR OF FLINTLOCK PISTOLS FLEMISH, SECOND HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY The percussion lock of later date. The barrel engraved and inlaid in gold with flower vines. Inscription, ‘‘Joseph La- motte, Liége’’. (R) (2) FLINTLOCK PISTOL GERMAN, FIRST HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY Barrel, mounting of butt, lock and trigger of iron richly chiselled with martial emblems. Lock signed, ‘‘Fatou, Paris. (G) FLINTLOCK PISTOL First HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY The round barrel with finder and the flintlock are decorated with delicate engraving. The wooden stock is simply carved and inlaid with silver wire. The fittings are of brass with chiselled rocaille motives. (G) PAIR OF FLINTLOCK PISTOLS BELGIAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Made by H. Vervier in Liége. Butt with engraved brass appliqués. (R) (2) 23 159 160 161 162 165 FLINTLOCK HUNTING RIFLE GERMAN, FIRST HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY Octagonal barrel signed by Dobringer, in Wels, and dated 1738. Lock signed Ignaz Kracowizer. Stock and butt carved with rocaille ornaments and decorated with brass mountings. (R) RIFLE WITH FLINTLOCK AUSTRIA, SECOND HALF 18TH CENTURY Octagonal barrel of blued steel. FLINTLOCK RIFLE ALBANIA, 18TH CENTURY The barrel partly octagonal, partly round; both barrel and metal-covered stock with engraved decoration. Stock and barrel fastened by engraved brass bands. Slender fish-tail butt partly covered with mother-of-pearl, partly with pierced and engraved brass bands. (G) RIFLE GERMAN (KURLAND), SECOND HALF OF THE 16TH CENTURY Stock and butt with inlaid rosaces and oval medallions of engraved bone. Engraved lock. (Inlay slightly damaged) (R) FLINTLOCK PISTOL FRENCH, ABOUT 1775 Made for Turkey. Barrel and lock richly decorated with deeply cut and gilt martial ornaments. The end of the bar- rel inlaid and engraved with gold. The butt with silver- engraved ornament. Maker’s mark: Louis Lamotte, St. Etienne. Fine specimen. (R) PAIR OF WHEEL-LOCK PISTOLS GERMAN, SECOND HALF OF THE 17TH CENTURY Octagonal barrels. Stock and butt in light brown wood with simple iron fittings. (G) (2) HEAVY PERCUSSION RIFLE GERMAN, DATED 1820 Richly chiselled mountings on stock. Chiselled lock made by Dasch in Graz. (R) 24 166 2/0 167 DUCK HUNTING GUN FRENCH, MIDDLE OF THE 18TH CENTURY Flintlock. Rare model with three revolving cylinders. Finely engraved brass mountings and coat of arms. Barrels deli- cately engraved. (R) SPANISH AND ITALIAN SWORDS AND DAGGERS NUMBERS 167-180 LARGE-SIZED FOLDING KNIFE SPAIN, TOLEDO, SECOND HALF OF THE 19TH CENTURY Elaborate handle of stained bone and brass. (R) OFFICER’S SWORD SPANISH, 18TH-19TH CENTURY Double-edged blade with central groove. Brass hilt. Grip wound with brass wire. (R) SMALL DRESS SWORD ITALIAN, SECOND HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY The knuckle ring, grip and round scalloped guard with sil- ver-encrusted floral decoration. The blade probably of Toledo manufacture. (R) SWORD SPANISH, SECOND HALF OF THE 17TH CENTURY Double-edged blade grooved at the top and with maker’s mark. Double-lobed pierced iron guard and plain knuckle ring. Grip wound with steel wire. (R) SWORD SPANISH, 18TH CENTURY Narrow blade with central groove. Double-lobed iron guard. Small knuckle ring. Wire wrapping of grip missing. (R) CAVALRYMAN’S SWORD (SCHIAVONE) VENETIAN, 16TH CENTURY Broad, double-edged blade with short groove at top. Inlaid mark resembling the Passau wolf. Elaborate basket guard. Wooden hilt, with part of original leather covering. Brass pommel. (R) 25 173 175 si i 176 re leery 178 179 DRESS SWORD GERMAN, END OF 18TH CENTURY With four-sided thrusting blade. Grip wound with silver wire. Pierced steel guard and pommel. Short crossbar. (G) CAVALRYMAN’S SWORD (SCHIAVONE) ITALY, 16TH CENTURY The leather hilt with elaborate basket guard. Brass pommel with rosette decoration. Tapering, single-edged blade with long groove. (G) CAVALRYMAN’S SWORD GERMAN, 17TH CENTURY Two-edged blade with short groove. Double knuckle ring of iron; iron guard and pommel. Bone grip. (R) CAVALRYMAN’S SWORD (SCHIAVONE) VENICE, 16TH-17TH CENTURY Straight blade with short blood channel. Basket guard. The hilt covered with leather. Leather scabbard. (R) LONG DAGGER ITALIAN, END OF THE 16TH CENTURY Double-edged blade, tapering towards the tip, and with severely ornamented central rib. The hilt with a horizontal bar above the blade, ending in open, ringed ornaments. The. middle section of the hilt of chiselled steel, simulating links, and ending in coronet finial, simulating links. (G) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | DRESS SWORD SPANISH OR ITALIAN, ABOUT 1700 The perforated guard with design of flower vines. The blade, of earlier date, with marks of Spanish blademaker. The hilt covered with the original wire. (R) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | HAFTED SWORD SPANISH, TOLEDO, 17TH CENTURY The narrow, double-edged blade with short groove at the - upper end. The hilt covered with thin steel wire, and end- ing in round steel finial. The handguard and crossbar S$ shaped of corded steel. The wide, cup-shaped guard pierced with almond-shaped motives. (G) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 26 [ALi] [sit] Kae Lost] [rer] Le6t] [261] [161] [213] [211] [212] [211] [210] IMPORTANT SET OF FOUR PIECES OF PERSIAN ARMOR [ 402 | Lrer | oe S| [zer | r , ti . i oe . in . ‘ ' \ [rer] Lect | Lacr ] Licr] 180 Mes i CAVALRYMAN’S SWORD (SCHIAVONE) VENETIAN, SECOND HALF OF THE 16TH CENTURY In original leather scabbard with silver mountings. The bars of the openwork guard decorated with vines, garlands and masearons. On the central bar the mark of a silversmith. The tongue of the blade with fluted groovings. (R) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | CAUCASIAN AND NEAR AND FAR EASTERN FIREARMS 18] Decorated with gold-encrusted flower and leaf motives. NUMBERS 181-213 SNAPHAUNCE PISTOL TURKEY, 18TH CENTURY The wooden stock and butt with appliqués of cast silver with relief ornament. (R) OCTAGONAL RIFLE BARREL NEAR EASTERN (?) 18TH-19TH CENTURY (R) BARREL OF GUN NEAR EAST, LATE 18TH CENTURY Damascened and partly with silver encrustation. PAIR OF SNAPHAUNCE PISTOLS BALKAN, END OF THE 18TH CENTURY The barrel engraved with floral motives and martial insignia. Initials ‘‘D I’’. The stock with small butt is entirely covered with thin sheets of silver, bearing martial trophies and floral motives. (G) (2) SILVER-ENCRUSTED BARREL tTurkey, 18TH cENTURY Muzzle chased; breech with silver encrustation. (R) FLINTLOCK PISTOL BALKAN, SECOND HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY Barrel and lock with engraved decoration. The butt carved and with inlay of silver wire. Fittings in silver and white metal. (G) 27 187 FLINTLOCK PISTOL BALKAN, SECOND HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY The round barrel engraved near the flintlock with floral mo- tives. The dark wooden stock is decorated with simple carv- ing. The butt with inlay of silver studs and wire and set with a coral. The barrel with finder. (R) 188 FLINTLOCK GUN DALMATIAN, 18TH-19TH CENTURY Smooth octagonal barrel covered with steel wire bears two 4 - undecipherable marks. Flintlock with simple engraving. ‘ Carved butt of dark wood. (G) 189 FLINTLOCK RIFLE GREECE, ABOUT 1815 Butt with rich all-over inlay of mother-of-pearl. Steel stock, chiselled and with mother-of-pearl inlay. (Slight defects) 1909 FLINTLOCK GUN TURKEY, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Octagonal barrel with rich silver encrustations and with six- ; teen perforated brass rings. Wooden stock with bone inlay / “ and fish-tail butt similarly decorated. Lock richly encrusted with silver. (G) 191 FLINTLOCK HAND CANNON JAPAN, 19TH CENTURY The barrel and mountings of the stock richly engraved and | inlaid in silver and gold with naturalistic flower and leaf mo- /, {fe tives. Gold-inlaid inscription at one end of the barrel. The stock of pavlonia wood with fiower-vine motives and the Tokugawa crest in gold lacquer. (R) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 192 IMPORTANT GOLD-INLAID GUN WITH FLINTLOCK NORTHERN INDIA, 18TH CENTURY ,/The lock richly inlaid with gold. The stock covered with snake skin and with mountings of engraved silver. The end of the butt in bone inlaid with silver wire. The entire bar- rel with elaborate inlay of lotus leaves in gilt. (R) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | +) Ky) Ss \ 28 193 194 195 LONG FLINTLOCK GUN NORTH AFRICA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY With hoof-shaped butt and French flintlock signed by Man- ton in Marseilles. The barrel damascened and with bands of gold, and gold-inlaid inscriptions. Gunsmith’s mark. The mountings of both stock and barrel in engraved silver. (R) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | LONG MATCHLOCK RIFLE sinpu, 187TH-19TH cENTURY Wound around the stock the original matchlock lighter. The barrel partly fluted and with gunsmith’s marks; decoration of bands of engraved silver. Mountings in silver. (R) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | FLINTLOCK RIFLE (DZEVERDAR) HERZEGOVINA, EARLY 18TH CENTURY First third of the barrel octagonal, the remainder round, all with fine silver-encrusted vine decoration. The stock cov- ered with engraved iron and fastened to the barrel by six brass rings. Plain, slender butt. (G) FLINTLOCK RIFLE ALBANIA, ABOUT 1800 Octagonal barrel with rich silver encrustation and bound to the stock by rings of engraved white metal. Stock and butt with elaborate engraved decoration and with bone end pieces. (G) LONG FLINTLOCK GUN TURKEY, 18TH CENTURY Stock and butt with elaborate decorations in mother-of-pearl and certosina work. Barrel and stock bound together with chased silver rings. (Inlay slightly damaged) SMALL BLUNDERBUSS BALKAN, 18TH-19TH CENTURY The barrel, which widens towards the muzzle, is inlaid with floral motives in silver. The flintlock with simple engraving. The dark stock with small French butt, carved in imitation of fish scales. Chiselled brass mountings. (G) PAIR OF SNAPHAUNCE PISTOLS BALKAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Barrel with engraved decoration. The stock and pointed butt covered with chiselled and engraved brass and silver studs. (G) (2) 29 200 201 e ed 202 39-7 203 / 7 i 204. 18, Ir 205 206 De FLINTLOCK GUN BALKAN, ABOUT 1800 Barrel partly octagonal, partly round and inscribed near the breech, ‘‘ Lazarino Cominazzo’’, and fastened to wooden stock by six iron rings. Fish-tail butt in wood and iron. (G) SMALL BLUNDERBUSS BALKAN, 18TH CENTURY The barrel richly chased with Renaissance motives. The flintlock and fittings of butt in the same technique with fig- ural motives. The butt inlaid with brass wire and star and erescent motives. (R) PAIR OF FLINTLOCK PISTOLS BALKAN, SECOND HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY Smooth round barrel, the lock and the bore in steel richly chiselled with floral motives. The black shaft with large round ball finial; rich all-over inlay of silver wire and mother- of-pearl. (2) PAIR OF FLINTLOCK PISTOLS BALKAN, END OF THE 18TH CENTURY The round barrel with delicate decoration in gold and silver of flower vines and inscriptions. Undecorated flintlock. The dark wooden shaft is inlaid with rosaces and wavy lines in white metal and silver thread. Brass mountings, engraved with martial trophies. (G) (2) LONG FLINTLOCK GUN Turkey, 18TH-19TH CENTURY Slender butt, chiselled and with round iron rosettes. Euro- pean barrel with engraved silver rings and mark. Turkish inscription near lock. (R) LONG FLINTLOCK RIFLE ALBANIA, ABOUT 1810 Barrel with silver encrustations. Butt richly decorated with mother-of-pearl and white and colored bone. Slightly dam- aged. (R) LONG FLINTLOCK RIFLE TURKEY, END OF THE 18TH CENTURY The octagonal barrel signed by A. Pedrett, and bound to the wooden stock by numerous engraved brass bands. The slender fish-tail butt elaborately decorated with sheets of engraved brass, mother-of-pearl and coral. (R) 30 210 A- 211 FLINTLOCK PISTOL BOSNIA, SECOND HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY Round barrel. The plain flintlock with mark ‘‘Rossi’’. The stock with conical butt, is entirely covered with chiselled sheet silver in relief flower-vine pattern. (G) PAIR OF FLINTLOCK PISTOLS sBauxan, 18TH cENTURY The barrel with chiselled decoration of figures on horseback and standing. The butt with ball finial inlaid with brass studs, silver wire and mother-of-pearl. (G) (2) PAIR OF FLINTLOCK PISTOLS _ satxan, 18TH CENTURY The round barrel and the flintlock richly inlaid in gold and silver with flower and leaf motives. The stock and butt with very elaborate all-over inlay of silver wire in delicate vine pattern. Butt inlaid with mother-of-pearl and red-stained bone. The butt with large ivory ball finial. (G) (2) SNAPHAUNCE PISTOL TURKEY, OR WEST BALKANS, 2ND HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY The stock of richly wrought white metal with plastic silver relief work of floral motives and scrolled vines. (R) [SEE ILLUSTRATION] PAIR OF FLINTLOCK PISTOLS BALKAN, 18TH-19TH CENTURY The stock richly ornamented with silver filigree work in deli- cate patterns, and with studs, niello plaques, and corals. (R) (2) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | SNAPHAUNCE PISTOL PERSIAN BORDER TERRITORY, 18TH CENTURY The entire stock covered with a sheet of silver, richly wrought in floral motives. The lock and barrel of steel with rich gold inlay of floral motives and Neskhi inscriptions. (R) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | SNAPHAUNCE PISTOL CAUCASUS OR TURKESTAN, 18TH CENTURY ~ The stock covered with snake skin and decorated with bands of engraved silver. (R) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 31 GERMAN, FRENCH AND AUSTRIAN SWORDS AND 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 DAGGERS NUMBERS 214-223 RAPIER GERMAN, MIDDLE OF THE 18TH CENTURY Double-edged blade with etched decoration at top and in- scription, ‘‘Gott siehet alles’’—‘‘God sees everything’’. Double-lobed iron guard. Grip wound with steel wire. (R) RAPIER — GERMAN, SECOND HALF OF THE 16TH CENTURY Double-edged blade with gold-encrusted floral decoration be- low the guard. S-shaped guard with pas d’ane. Grip wound with steel wire. Fluted iron pommel. (G) | SWORD GERMAN, 17TH CENTURY The straight double-edged blade engraved below the guard with Renaissance acanthus scrolls, two busts and the inserip- tion ‘‘Soli Deo Gloria’’. Pierced oval guard with ring. Double knuckle rings with connecting strip. Wooden grip. (R) SABRE WITH SCABBARD HUNGARIAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY White bone hilt in Turkish design; the horizontal hilt bow chased with floral motives. Gently curved damascened blade. With maker’s mark, Francesco Landi, Brescia. (G) SWORD GERMAN, MIDDLE OF THE 18TH CENTURY The single-edged blade decorated below the hilt with deer on one side, and Renaissance hunter on the reverse. The copper-gilt hilt with finely wrought acanthus ornamentation ; shell-shaped guard. (G) | | SABRE HUNGARIAN, 17TH CENTURY Gently curved blade, double-edged at tip and with two grooves. Sickle-shaped marks. Leather hilt wound with wire. Iron erossbar. (G) OFFICER’S LONG SWORD AUSTRIA, 18TH CENTURY Double oval hinged guard of plain sheets of brass. Brass knuckle ring and pommel. Hilt wound with brass wire. Single-edged blade. (R). 32 Vie 221 224 ae 225 Yo — & 296 SABRE HUNGARY, FIRST HALF OF THE 19TH CENTURY The grip, in Turkish style, is of yellow horn with brass orna- mentation. The crossbar and the mountings of sheath are in gilt brass, elaborately chiselled in floral patterns. The blade is double-edged at the tip and has a broad groove. It is en- eraved near the hilt with a Hungarian coat of arms and war trophies. (G) FOOT SOLDIER’S SWORD German, 16TH-17TH CENTURY Two-edged blade. Octagonal wooden grip. Perforated double-lobed iron guard. Iron knuckle ring and pommel. (R) PARADE DAGGER GERMAN, MIDDLE OF THE 18TH CENTURY Three-sided tapering blade delicately engraved at the top. Steel grip and knuckle guard. Yellow leather scabbard. (R) WHEEL-LOCK GUNS NUMBERS 224-226 IMPORTANT WHEEL-LOCK RIFLE AUSTRIAN, ABOUT 1800 Octagonal barrel with inscription ‘‘Joseph Simme in Steyr’’, and oval maker’s mark. Range finder. The wheel-lock with concealed wheel richly wrought with baroque ornaments and representations of hunters. Inscription on lock, ‘‘C Zellner, Salzburg’’. Butt carved and with inlaid brass ornaments and initials E P and coronet in silver inlay. (G) WHEEL-LOCK BLUNDERBUSS GERMAN, MIDDLE OF THE 18TH CENTURY The damascened barrel inlaid with two silver bands near the breech. The lock with fine engraved decoration of hunters shooting ducks. The stock and German butt with baroque carving and engraved brass appliqués. (G) WHEEL-LOCK RIFLE SWISS, 18TH CENTURY Plain barrel and stock. Plate of wheel-lock with inscription, ‘‘Georg Reiner’’. Butt with floral carving. (R) 33 228 235 EUROPEAN HALBERDS, PIKES, ETC. NUMBERS 227-234 PIKE 17TH CENTURY Long shaped point. (G) BATTLE-AXE 16TH CENTURY Broad perforated blade mounted on modern wooden staff. Spirally turned point of later date above blade. (@) PARTISAN SAXONY, 18TH CENTURY Pointed blade pierced and scalloped near wooden shaft. (G) HALBERD | GERMAN, 16TH CENTURY Long point with crescent and hook-shaped blade. Fluted wooden shaft. (G) HALBERD ~ GERMAN, SECOND HALF OF THE 16TH CENTURY Long four-edged point with two pierced wings near shaft. (G) STAFF FOR REGIMENTAL COLORS GERMAN, 18TH CENTURY Spear-head finial in gilt bronze, engraved on one side with St. George and the Dragon and on the other with a cross surmounted by ducal coronet. Crest on shaft. (G) 3 LONG DAGGER 17TH CENTURY Carved wooden hilt (tip missing). Three-sided blade. (R) HALBERD | GERMAN, END OF THE 16TH CENTURY Long double-edged point. Double curved blade. Etched floral decoration and partly legible inscription. (G) EUROPEAN HELMETS NUMBERS 235-239 MORION GERMAN, FIRST PART OF THE 17TH CENTURY Polished steel umbril and pear-shaped skull in one piece, with cockspur projection at crown. Movable pierced cheekpieces. Studded, and with roped edges. (G) 34 239 fie CAVALRYMAN’S HELMET GERMAN, 17TH CENTURY White Steel. (G) CAVALRYMAN’S HELMET GERMAN, 17TH CENTURY White steel. Screw of noseguard missing. (G) MORION Polished steel, in style of second half of the 16th century. Skull with roped comb. Attached umbril and neckpiece. Mov- able pierced cheekpieces. Roped edges. Ornamental stud- ding. (G) HELMET OF CUIRASSIER FRANCE, 1850-1870 Hammered brass comb and long horse-hair plume (damaged). (G) 35 SALE WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH SEVENTH, AT 2:30 SECOND SESSION NUMBERS 240-495 INDIAN AND INDO-PERSIAN WEAPONS AND ARMOR 240 f , £ i Cy « 241 242 243 244 NUMBERS 240-282 SMALL BATTLE-AXE INDIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY Small, powerfully curved blade, richly inlaid and engraved with floral ornament. Turned shaft of light brown wood. (G) HINDU KATAR INDIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY Short triangular blade. Double crossbar handle with traces of gilding. Gilt scabbard mountings. (R) GAUNTLET SWORD (PATA) NORTH-WESTERN INDIA, 19TH CENTURY Straight, very flexible blade, set into an armguard in the form of a devil’s mask of brass, polychrome in red and black and decorated with small pendants. Red velvet scabbard. (G) GOLD-ENCRUSTED BATTLE-AXE INDIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY The pointed finial with gilt decoration of tiger attacking bull. The blade with chiselled arabesque decoration and cononee inscription. Sheel shaft. (R) LONG SWORD -INDIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY The shaped iron hilt and down-curved hilt bow with silver- encrusted floral motives. The fine, double-edged blade with gold-encrusted cartouches bearing inscriptions and central channel with gold-leaf ornamentation. (R) 36 249 250 oe — SWORD (KORVI) NEPAL, 19TH CENTURY The blade with elaborate all-over decoration in silver en- erustation of hunters and animals on background of vines. The hilt with silver floral decoration. (G) SABRE WITH SCABBARD INDIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY The gently curved blade is entirely covered on both sides with etched inscriptions. The iron hilt and horizontal hilt bow with silver-encrusted floral decoration. (The scabbard damaged) (G) SMALL ROUND SHIELD INDIA, 18TH CENTURY Made of cowhide, with painted rim and boss in gold, red, ereen and white lacquer. Boss surrounded with four studs of engraved iron. Wrist pillow inside. (R) CURVED SABRE INDIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY The iron hilt curved at the tip and with silver-encrusted floral decoration. The hilt bow curved downwards towards the blade and with scrolled ieaf finials. The boldly curved blade double-edged at the tip and grooved in the centre. Below the hilt, cartouche with gold-encrusted inscriptions. (G) SABRE INDIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY The boldly curved blade with silver encrustations below the hilt. The iron hilt, pommel, knuckleguard and hilt bow with elaborate silver encrustations. Blade with crescent-shaped maker’s mark and obliterated inscription. (R) HINDU KATAR INDIA, 18TH CENTURY Short, tongue-shaped blade with large central groove. The shafts and crossbars of the handle of steel with very fine all-over decoration of flower scrolls in gold encrustation. The mountings of the red velvet scabbard decorated in similar technique. (G) IMPORTANT FIVE-PIECE SET OF BODY ARMOR INDIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Gonewttne of a chain mail jacket, round breast and back pieces linked to shoulder plates to form one garment, a pair of armguards and a helmet with engraved arabesque decora- tion and mail neckguard. Important set. (R) 37 252 253 257 DAGGER INDIA, ABOUT 1800 The narrow, tapering blade with deep central groove, with silver-inlaid vine ornamentation on either side. At the top of the blade, panel with inscription in silver Neskhi charac- ters containing the date. Bone hilt. Black leather scabbard. (G) DAGGER IN SILVER SCABBARD INDIA, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Fine curved blade; bone hilt. Silver-covered scabbard with engraved flower decoration. (R) SMALL SHIELD INDO-PERSIAN, 18TH CENTURY The entire shield with delicate silver-encrusted all-over dec- oration of ogives with small floral motives. The centre with four round appliqués, similarly decorated. (R) CURVED SWORD INDO-PERSIAN, 19TH CENTURY Leather sheath richly mounted in elaborately hammered sil- ver. Massive moulded silver hilt with ornate crossbar con- nected with pommel by double chain. Single-edged blade with inscriptions in gold inlay near hilt. (R) SMALL ROUND SHIELD INDIA, 19TH CENTURY Lacquered in red, black and green with conventionalized leaf motives in circles and semicircles. Centre with four ham- mered brass knobs. (G) STRAIGHT SWORD WITH SCABBARD INDIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY The iron hilt and downward curved crossbar with silver- encrusted floral decoration. Straight, double-edged damas- cened blade with etched decoration below the hilt of inscrip- tions and bust of warrior. (G) SCIMITAR WITH SCABBARD INDO-PERSIAN, 18TH CENTURY The curved hilt and horizontal hilt bow with silver-encrusted floral decoration. Unusual flame-shaped blade with wide cen- tral groove decorated on both sides, below the hilt bow, with etched inscriptions and the bust of a warrior. (G) 38 259 263 Ce 264 HELMET INDO-PERSIAN, 18TH-19TH CENTURY With radiant bands of alternating Neskhi inscription and silver-encrusted vine motives. Border of Talik inscriptions. Mail neckguard and iit finial. (G) SILVER-ENCRUSTED SHIELD INDO-PERSIAN, 18TH-19TH CENTURY The border with decoratively conventionalized Talik char- acters. The centre with radiant arabesque leaves in silver encrustation on background etched with vine and bird mo- tives. Four silver-encrusted bosses. (G) IMPORTANT HELMET WITH NECKPIECE OR CHAIN MAIL , INDIAN OR PERSIAN, 16TH CENTURY Pointed and ornamented with fiutings alternating with plain panels. (R) SHIELD, HELMET AND ARMGUARD INDO-PERSIAN, 18TH-19TH CENTURY All with etched figural and arabesque design in gold-en- crusted medallions. Helmet and shield bordered with con- ventionalized inscriptions. Helmet with mail neckguard and spiked finial. (G) HELMET INDO-PERSIAN, 18TH-19TH CENTURY Fine all-over decoration of hunters in medallions on elab- _ orate arabesque background showing hunters, birds and ani- mals. Neskhi border. Mail neckguard. Spiked finial. (G) SHIELD AND ARMGUARD INDO-PERSIAN, 18TH-19TH CENTURY Fine silver and gold encrusted decorations of flowers, ara- besques and inscription. Shield with four studs. (G) SILVERED AND LACQUERED SHIELD INDIA, 19TH CENTURY Four red-lacquered pierced and engraved medallions with floral decoration on black, green and silver background. (G) 39 266 SCABBARD INDIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY The iron hilt and down-curved hilt bow with silver-encrusted v leaf and bird decoration. The narrow blade double-edged at the tip and decorated along one edge with Arabic inscrip- tions. Wide cartouche with inscriptions below the hilt bow. (G) 267 SABRE WITH SCABBARD INDO-PERSIAN, 18TH-19TH CENTURY Plain blade leather scabbard with two gold-encrusted bands. ie Fine flame-shaped and damascened blade, split in the last aN third into a double point, like the legendary sword, ‘‘Dsul- fekar’’, belonging to Ali, nephew of the prophet. Gold-en- crusted leaf and elephant-head decoration. Horn hilt with gold-encrusted side strips. (G) 268 SCIMITAR INDIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY The curved, single-edged blade widens towards the tip and i has wide groove. Below, the hilt cartouche with decorative / / © inseriptions. The hilt of steel, finely decorated in silver with vine motives. The crossbar with downward curve and scrolled finials. (G) 269 SABRE INDIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY _ Curved and richly chiselled iron grip with down-curved bars. we “ Single-edged blade with wide and narrow groove and silver (ie encrusted inscription near hilt. (G) 270 CURVED SWORD INDIA, 19TH CENTURY “) / With sickle-shaped, boldly curved blade with sketchy decora- tion along one edge. Horn hilt with double pommel. Red leather scabbard. (R) 271 BATTLE-AXE INDIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY c Broad crescent-shaped blade with applied brass figure of } Krishna on etched floral background. Blade mounting with two turret ornaments in iron. Wooden shaft. (@G) 272 SWORD INDIA, ABOUT 1800 Grip of characteristic shape with gold-encrusted floral dec- /2 ~~ orations and short, straight crossbar. Single-edged blade. 40 275 DRESS SWORD INDIAN, 19TH CENTURY Velvet scabbard with repoussé silver mountings. Silver grip partly gilt with rich Renaissance style chasing. Guard and pommel connected by triple chain. Original brocade belt with buckle. (R) CURVED SABRE WITH SCABBARD INDIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY The iron hilt and down-curved hilt bow with silver-encrusted floral decoration. Beautiful blade, decorated below the hilt with floral motives and inscriptions in gold and silver en- erustation. The single-edged blade channelled and grooved. Leather scabbard with two silver-encrusted bands. (G) BATTLE-AXE INDIA, SECOND HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY The blade with silver-encrusted flower and leaf decoration. Long shaft with silver-encrusted bandings. (G) BATTLE-AXE INDIA, SECOND HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY The crescent-shaped blade with silver-encrusted leaf motives. The steel shaft with bands of silver encrustation. (G) CURVED DAGGER INDO-PERSIAN, 18TH-19TH CENTURY The blade with two wide grooves and gold-encrusted rosace ornament below the hilt. Hilt of white bone with side strips and mounting of steel encrusted with gold in floral design. (G) DOUBLE DAGGER WITH SCABBARD : INDIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY Central iron grip and curved blade at each end, all with decoration of flower motives in silver. The scabbard with silver-encrusted iron mountings. (G) DOUBLE-BLADED DAGGER inp, 187TH-19TH CENTURY A wide tapering blade on either end of a short velvet grip. The upper part of each blade with silver-encrusted decora- tion of birds in opposite representation and conventionalized flower. (G) HINDU KATAR The iron grip with two bars. oration of a tiger attacking a cow. MAHRATTA, INDIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY The tapering blade with dec- (G) 41 282 283 285 286 SPEAR WITH LEAF-SHAPED BLADE Wooden shaft partly wound with metal wire. (G) SMALL CURVED DAGGER INDIA, 18TH CENTURY The curved steel hilt with gold-enecrusted floral ornamenta- tion and ending in an open flower finial. The blade taper- ing and grooved; gold-encrusted ornamentation below the hilt. Knuckleguard similarly decorated. (G) JAPANESE ARMS AND ARMOR NUMBERS 283-297 IRON SHIELD JAPAN, 19TH CENTURY With dragon and wave decoration in relief. Inside lacquered red. (R) FACEGUARD OR MEMPO Hinged noseguard and braid and lacquer throatguard. JAPAN, 19TH CENTURY (R) PAIR OF IRON STIRRUPS Japan, EARLY 19TH CENTURY With artemisia leaf and diaper pattern in silver encrusta- tion. (R) (2) DAGGER OR TANTO JAPAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Lacquer scabbard with mother-of-pearl dust. Shark-skin hilt wound with silk braid (damaged). Bronze menuke with gilt ornamentation. Tsuba with insect motives. The blade of the kodzuke signed, the handle copper with shell decoration. (R) PART OF A JAPANESE WAR SCEPTRE Black lacquer shaft supporting flexible wires with seven gilt ball finials. (R) | JAPANESE LACQUERED FACEGUARD With neckguard attached of laced braid and bands of lacquer. (R) CURVED SWORD Turned wooden hilt. blade with protuberance near the tip. CHINESE, 19TH CENTURY The broad, curved and single-edged (R) 42 290 291 292 5 epetiiled 293 {Git 294. he a 295 Le LARGE KEN IN DAMASK-COVERED SCABBARD JAPAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY One side of the blade signed. The scabbard with finely wrought engraved bronze bandings and rings. (Pole miss- ing) (R) SWORD JAPAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Scabbard and hilt with very fine all-over cloisonné decora- tion of floral motives on gold-powdered brown ground. En- graved silver bands and mountings. Fine single-edged blade. The tsuga also in cloisonné. SLEEVELESS BROCADE COAT AND COAT OF MAIL JAPAN, SECOND HALF OF THE 19TH CENTURY Coat of mail with facings of silk and stamped leather and open sleeves laced with silk cords. Sleeveless brocade coat with dragon and wave pattern on blue ground. Leather epaulettes. Salmon-red lining. (R) MATCHLOCK GUN JAPAN, 18TH-19TH CENTURY Octagonal blued barrel with gold-encrusted inscription. Plain dark brown wooden stock and butt. Brass lock and mount- ings. (G) SMALL MATCHLOCK RIFLE JAPAN, 19TH CENTURY Octagonal barrel with delicate silver-encrusted prunus, pine and bird decoration. Plain wooden stock and butt with brass studs. Inscription on barrel near breech. (R) MATCHLOCK RIFLE JAPAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Octagonal barrel with two crests in silver inlay. Plain wooden stock and butt. Matchlock in lacquered brass. (R) MATCHLOCK RIFLE JAPAN, 18TH-19TH CENTURY Octagonal blued barrel with dragon and cloud band decora- tion and silver and gold encrustation. Plain brown wooden butt and stock. Matchlock in brass. (G) MATCHLOCK RIFLE JAPAN, 18TH-19TH CENTURY The octagonal blued steel barrel with dragon decoration in silver. Matchlock and mountings in brass. _ Wooden butt inlaid with silver rosettes. (G) 43 298 299 300 J @ %~ >» 301 304 EUROPEAN FIREARMS NUMBERS 298-316 SNAPHAUNCE PISTOL TURKEY, SECOND HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY The wooden stock with delicate carving and elaborate silver relief decoration. The barrel with maker’s marks. (R) FLINTLOCK DOUBLE-BARRELLED GUN EARLY 19TH CENTURY On barrel and lock are numerous Italian, probably Venetian, arsenal and makers’ marks. Oak stock and butt. (R) PAIR OF SMALL POCKET PISTOLS EARLY 19TH CENTURY Short rifled barrels. Horn handles. (R) (2) POCKET FLINTLOCK PISTOL ENGLISH, ABOUT 1800 With silver-mounted butt. With maker’s mark and initials. Silver wire inlay. (R) FLINTLOCK POCKET PISTOL GERMAN, ABOUT 1820 Double barrel. The two rifled barrels of gilt bronze, super- posed. Wooden butt, with silver wire inlay. (G) DOUBLE-BARRELLED FLINTLOCK PISTOL GERMAN, SECOND HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY The stock and butt with chiselled brass ornaments. The flint- lock elaborately wrought. Barrel with delicate inlay. (R) ARMY GUN WITH BAYONET ABOUT 1810 For use with percussion caps. Stock and butt of plain light wood. (R) DEER HUNTING RIFLE SOUTH GERMAN (PERHAPS AUGSBURG), ABOUT 1730 Flintlock. Stock and butt with rich rocaille carving. Mount- ings of chased brass. Applied brass crest. Signed, ‘‘Franz Garber’’. (R) 44 306 J 60 307 jo - 308 VV 310 312 ve 3 aa FLINTLOCK PISTOL FRENCH, SECOND HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY a _Made for the Near East. The butt entirely covered with sil- ver, with fine repoussé ornamentation, partly gilt. Fine speei- men. (R) FLINTLOCK PISTOL GERMAN, MIDDLE OF THE 18TH CENTURY The barrel octagonal, round at the end. Blackened steel with silver inlay. The lock with fine incised decoration. Stock and butt chiselled and inlaid with silver. White metal mounting. (G) DEER HUNTING RIFLE GERMAN, FIRST HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY Octagonal barrel, fitted with range finder. Dark brown wooden stock and French butt, with white metal inlaid baroque ornaments. (G) FLINTLOCK GUN FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Damascened steel barrel with rich silver encrustations. Loek similarly decorated. Long butt with mother-of-pearl inlay. (G) FLINTLOCK BLUNDERBUSS | ITALIAN, END OF THE 18TH CENTURY Plain wooden stock and butt. Lock with double eagle( ?) mark. (R) DOUBLE-BARRELLED DUCK HUNTING GUN SPANISH, FIRST HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY The barrel with gold-encrusted decoration, maker’s marks and the signature ‘‘Juan Santos Deus Franciscus’’. The stock and butt carved and with engraved mountings. Lock also with inscription ‘‘Juan Santos’’. (R) GUN WITH PERCUSSION LOCK SPANISH, ABOUT 1740 Barrel partly octagonal, partly round, with silver-encrusted floral ornaments and undecipherable gold-encrusted mark. Lock engraved with martial trophies and with the inscription ‘‘ Josef Canoen, Madrid’’. Grained wooden stock and butt with beautiful inlay of engraved silver flower baskets and other ornaments. (G) 45 313 f 314 316 317 318 319 SMALL CARABINE ITALIAN, ABOUT 1750 The stock and butt carved with rocaille ornaments. Chiselled steel barrel. Hinged butt. Signed by Lazarino Cominazzo. Lock by Juan Carat. (R) WHEEL-LOCK PISTOL SOUTHERN GERMAN, 16TH-17TH CENTURY The octagonal barrel with fine gilt engraving of undulated vines, and with maker’s mark. The lock with similar decora- tion. The stock and butt with inlay of engraved bone. The end of the butt encased in hammered and gilt bronze with well chiselled hunting scenes. Very fine specimen. (R) FLINTLOCK CARABINE GERMAN, ABOUT 1800 Rifled octagonal barrel, with German maker’s mark. The butt with inlay of horn and bone. (G) HEAVY RIFLE GERMAN, END OF THE 18TH CENTURY The butt with fine relief carving of animals and birds. Plain stock. The octagonal barrel signed by Peter Tanta in Gotha. Near the breech oval medallion with bust of officer in 18th century costume. (Lock missing) SPANISH AND ITALIAN SWORDS AND DAGGERS NUMBERS 317-352 STILETTO ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY Brass mountings on the wooden hilt. Three-sided blade, with measuring lines. (R) SHORT ARTILLERY DAGGER 17TH CENTURY Spirally carved hilt, wound with wire and with bone inlays. Three-sided blade with marks for measuring. Metal scab- bard. (R) SHORT DAGGER 17TH CENTURY Hardwood hilt with iron tip and inlays. Three-sided blade with measuring marks. (R) 46 320 DAGGER ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY The tapering blade with marks for measuring. The wooden hilt with iron tip and bow, and partly wound with metal wire. Three-sided blade. (R) DAGGER GERMAN, SECOND HALF OF THE 16TH CENTURY The tapering blade channelled and with perforations, sup- posedly for poison. The hilt wound with metal wire. Curved hilt bow with thumb ring. (G) LARGE FOLDING KNIFE PYRENEES, SECOND HALF OF THE 19TH CENTURY Decorated bone mounting. Wide, etched blade, tapering towards the tip. (R) SMALL STILETTO WITH THREE-EDGED BLADE ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY With turned wooden hilt. (R) 17TH CENTURY (R) STILETTO Iron hilt and hilt bow. Three-sided blade. SMALL STILETTO Tron handle; three-sided blade. ITALIAN, 17TH-18TH CENTURY (R) SMALL STILETTO Spirally carved wooden hilt with iron tip and bow. ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY (R) STILETTO ITALIAN, SECOND HALF OF THE 17TH CENTURY Fluted wooden hilt with iron mountings. Three-sided blade. (R) | SMALL STILETTO ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY Carved wooden hilt with iron mountings. Three-sided blade. Metal scabbard. (R) DAGGER Tron hilt and hilt bow. GERMAN, 17TH CENTURY (R) DAGGER ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY The hilt of wood with iron mountings. Two-edged blade. (R) : 47 331 332 333 4 334 339 336 337 338 STILETTO ITALIAN, EARLY 17TH CENTURY Three-sided blade. The hilt with part of the original wire covering. The cone-shaped finial and the hilt bow with traces of the old engraving. (Point broken) (R) SMALL STILETTO VENETIAN (?), 17TH CENTURY Tron hilt and hilt bow chiselled with acanthus ornamentation. Three-sided blade. (R) TWO SMALL STILETTOS NORTHERN ITALY, 17TH CENTURY Baluster-shaped hilts. The hilt bow of one with traces of old engraving. (R) (2) DAGGER 17TH CENTURY Three-sided blade with deep grooves and perforations. The hilt and crossbar of wrought iron. (R) CAVALIER’S SWORD SPAIN, SECOND HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY Three-edged blade. Oval steel guard with border of cut steel beads. Steel hilt and pommel connected by chain of cut steel beads to crossbar. (@G) TWO SWORD BLADES TOLEDO, 16TH CENTURY One with vine decoration and with ‘‘poison grooves’’. (2) SWORD SPANISH, 18TH CENTURY Three-sided blade engraved with war trophies. Cut steel guard hilt and knuckle ring. (R) RAPIER TOLEDO, 17TH-18TH CENTURY The blade channelled and with so-called poison perforations. Hilt 18th century. Chiselled and perforated guard and en- graved knuckle ring. Steel grip with diamond pattern. (R) RAPIER SPANISH, 17TH CENTURY The long thrusting blade with short groove at the top, and - the inscription ‘‘Johanni’’. Upturned bell-shaped guard. One crossbar missing. Curved knuckle guard. Hilt wound with steel wire. (G) 48 ~The upper part of blade with deep central groove. DRESS SWORD SPANISH, FIRST HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY The upper part of the blade with grooves and so-called poison perforations. Grip wound with steel wire. Perforated pom- mel and guard. Knuckle ring of chiselled iron. (R) RAPIER SPAIN, SECOND HALF OF THE 16TH CENTURY Double-edged blade with groove at the top. Maker’s mark ‘‘B’’ and crown. Ring, knuckle guard and long crossbars. Hilt wound with steel wire; hexagonal steel pommel. (G) CAVALRYMAN’S SWORD venetian, 16TH-17TH CENTURY Iron basket guard and pommel and leather-covered grip. Double-edged grooved blade with maker’s mark. (R) CAVALRYMAN’S SWORD (SCHIAVONE) VENETIAN, SECOND HALF OF THE 16TH CENTURY Wire-wound hilt with large basket guard. Straight, double- edged blade with five short grooves. Leather and reed cov- ered scabbard. Stamped maker’s mark ‘‘A’’. (R) CAVALRYMAN’S SWORD (SCHIAVONE) VENETIAN, 16TH CENTURY Double-edged blade with broad groove and inscription: ‘*Vivat Carolus V Romisch Kayser.’’ Leather-covered hilt with basket guard and brass pommel. (R) CAVALRYMAN’S SWORD spanisH, EARLY 17TH CENTURY Two-edged tapering blade, with Toledo mark below hilt. Wire- wound hilt with fish-tail pommel. Elaborate guard, S-shaped crossbar and pas d’ane of iron. Fine specimen. (GQ) CAVALRYMAN’S SWORD (SCHIAVONE) VENETIAN, 16TH-17TH CENTURY Leather-covered hilt with large steel basket guard and iron pommel, Broad two-edged blade with short central groove. (R) CAVALRYMAN’S SWORD (SCHIAVONE) VENETIAN, 16TH CENTURY Steel basketwork guard. Leather-covered grip and brass pommel. (R) 49 +3 348 349 390 352 393 “yO Ly 304 i | A stare 390 JO V “ /4 Ps CAVALIER’S SWORD SPANISH, SECOND HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY Polished steel guard, knuckle ring and hilt. Illegible Latin inseription on the four-sided blade. (R) OFFICER’S SWORD PROBABLY VENETIAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Slender, double-edged blade with the traces of engraved dec- oration. Round bronze guard and crossbar. Gilt bronze hilt, pommel and knuckle ring. (R) LONG DAGGER ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY With spirally carved hardwood hilt, decorated with bone in- lays, and with hilt bow and tip in iron. Three-sided blade with measuring marks. (R) CAVALRYMAN’S SWORD GERMAN, SECOND HALF OF THE 17TH CENTURY Broad double-edged blade with short groove. Passau wolf and marks. Leather-covered grip. Pierced iron guard with two connected knuckle rings. (G) CAVALRYMAN’S SWORD (SCHIAVONE) ITALY, 16TH-17TH CENTURY Spanish blade (broken). Basket guard. (Pommel restored) (R) NEAR EASTERN FIREARMS NUMBERS 353-376 LONG FLINTLOCK GUN BALKAN, ABOUT 1800 Plain stock and butt. (R) FLINTLOCK PISTOL TURKEY, 19TH CENTURY With fish-tail butt. The entire stock covered with engraved steel. (R) ) FLINTLOCK PISTOL BALKAN, ABOUT 1800 Repoussé decoration of martial emblems and floral motives. 50 357 ra 9 | 4 a 358 359 OM ge: 360 / ao - 361 Yor 362 SVE 363 SMALL FLINTLOCK HANDGUN EUROPEAN TURKEY, 18TH CENTURY With engraved bronze barrel. The stock and butt decorated with silver appliqués in the form of birds, leaves, ete. (R) SMALL BLUNDERBUSS _ BALKAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY The round barrel with decoration of Turkish motives, the flintlock with silver floral inlay. The light brown stock with simple carving. Brass mountings. (G) FLINTLOCK PISTOL BALKAN, 18TH CENTURY The round barrel with rich silver inlay on the lower part. The flintlock chiselled and engraved. The black, curved butt is carved and inlaid with silver wire. The end of butt and other fittings of chiselled brass. (G) FLINTLOCK PISTOL BALKAN, 18TH CENTURY Stock and butt with simple rocaille carving. Barrel damas- cened, engraved and with silver inlay. The flintlock with in- scription, ‘‘Amshel, U. Neigradisea’’. (G) PAIR OF FLINTLOCK PISTOLS BALKAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY The stock and butt cut in iron and with fine gilt and silver inlay of conventionalized flowers and acanthus leaves. The lock engraved. (R) (2) LONG FLINTLOCK RIFLE EUROPEAN TURKEY, ABOUT 1800 Barrel and engraved steel stock held by brass rings. Barrel Italian. Slender engraved butt wiith strips of mother-of- pearl and steel studs. (R) LONG FLINTLOCK GUN _ EUROPEAN TURKEY, ABOUT 1800 Butt with elaborate inlays in white and colored bone and steel wire. Long barrel with engraved silver rings. (R) FLINTLOCK GUN (RAZAK) ALBANIA, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Barrel octagonal and round, with signature of Bartolo Com- minazzi near the breech. Barrel fastened to stock by three engraved brass rings. The butt of engraved steel with in- lays of mother-of-pearl and chased brass bands. Lower part of stock engraved. (G) 51 364 366 369 FLINTLOCK GUN ALBANIA, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Damascened barrel with range finder and silver encrustations. Barrel fastened to engraved iron stock with white metal bands. Butt with all-over inlay of lozenges and mother-of- pearl. (G) FLINTLOCK RIFLE (SISANA) NEAR EAST, 18TH-19TH CENTURY Octagonal barrel with Oriental maker’s marks in gilt. Range finder. Plain sight and hexagonal wooden butt, with simple mountings in white metal. (G) LARGE GUN — BALKAN, ABOUT 1800 Barrel with silver encrustation and maker’s mark. Dark wooden butt, with mother-of-pearl floral inlay. SMALL BLUNDERBUSS BALKAN, 18TH-19TH CENTURY The round barrel and the flintlock with relief ornamenta- tion in silver. The entire, dark brown stock with French butt is carved and partly inlaid with silver wire. (G) SMALL FLINTLOCK BLUNDERBUSS BALKAN, 18TH CENTURY The round tromblon barrel is inlaid with gold and silver. The black stock is inlaid with silver wire. Fittings in brass. (G) LONG FLINTLOCK GUN ALBANIA, 18TH CENTURY Entire butt and stock decorated with mother-of-pearl in- lay. Barrel richly engraved and encrusted with silver and held by four silver rings. (G) LONG FLINTLOCK RIFLE BALKAN, ABOUT 1800 Damascened and silver-encrusted barrel bound to stock by engraved brass bands. Slender carved wooden butt. En- graved flintlock signed A. G. Rossini. (R) PAIR OF FLINTLOCK PISTOLS | BALKAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY ‘ The stock and butt with rich relief floral decoration in gilded white metal. (R) (2) 52 © f° oe LONG FLINTLOCK GUN TuRKEY (ARABIA ?), ABoUT 1800 Round fluted barrel with engraved silver rings. Stock with elaborate iron inlays engraved with floral motives. Narrow butt similarly decorated. (R) LONG FLINTLOCK RIFLE GREECE OR EUROPEAN TURKEY, ABOUT 1800 Butt covered with sheets of engraved silver and richly dec- orated with colored glass. Stoek and barrel held together by numerous silver bands. Lock with maker’s mark. (R) LONG FLINTLOCK GUN TURKEY, ABOUT 1800 Slender engraved iron butt and stock. Barrel with repoussé decorated silver rings. (R) LONG FLINTLOCK LOCK RIFLE _ BALKAN, axsouTt 1800 Stock and butt with elaborate mother-of-pearl inlay in loz- enge pattern. Damascened and silver encrusted barrel. (R) PAIR OF FLINTLOCK PISTOLS PROBABLY FRENCH, MADE FOR THE BALKANS, EARLY 19TH CENTURY The barrel engraved in richly chased white metal fittings. The lock with engraved and gilt decoration. (R) (2) EUROPEAN HELMETS NUMBERS 377-381 SMALL IRON HELMET GERMAN, BEGINNING OF THE 17TH CENTURY Blackened. Combed skull, umbril and neckguard in one piece. Movable pierced cheekpieces. Ornamented with rivets. (G) VISORED HELMET GERMAN, FIRST HALF OF THE 17TH CENTURY Blackened steel. Roped skull and movable umbril with at- tached mask, pierced with horizontal eye-slits and breath- ing holes. Movable, roped gorget ornamented with studs. (G) 53 379 381 382 383 384 385 386 CAVALRYMAN’S HELMET GERMAN, 17TH CENTURY Blackened steel. Semi-globular skull reinforced with six ribs. Attached umbril; movable noseguard ; perforated Chere ec Lobster-tail SNe i (G) CUIRASS FRENCH, 1860-1870 Iron covered with sheets of brass. Breastpiece with eagle crest in brass surrounded by steel rays. (G) MORION In style of the 16th century. Combed skull in two pieces. Hinged cheekpieces. Attached neckguard. (G) PERSIAN ARMS AND ARMOR NUMBERS 382-402 CURVED DAGGER PERSIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY The shaped hilt and the scabbard in plain brass casing. Double-edged blade, grooved in the centre. (G) SHIELD AND ARMGUARD PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY With very finely chiselled floral and arabesque decoration in gold and silver encrustation. Border with figural and bird medallions alternating with Neskhi ecartouches. HELMET PERSIA, MIDDLE OF THE 18TH CENTURY With medallions of hunters and half medallions of animals framed by gold encrustations. Neskhi and floral border and mail neckguard. HELMET AND ARMGUARD PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY The helmet of polished steel with gold encrustations in the “inverted lily’’ pattern and an engraved Neskhi border, has a movable noseguard with etched figural decorations and a four-sided spear-head finial. Neckguard of chain mail, with pattern of brass links. Armguard similarly decorated with chain mail guantlet. SILVER-ENCRUSTED ARMGUARD PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY With sunburst motive on floral background. (G) 54 388 392 Zovdl 393 7 - 394 Chiselled brass blade with figural decorations. SNAPHAUNCE PISTOL PERSIAN, 18TH CENTURY The round barrel engraved and with inlay in gold and sil- ver of flower and flower-vine motives; short finder. The lock with rich gold ornamentation. The butt with round ivory finial. The barrel fastened to the dark wooden stock with three perforated white metal rings. (G) FLINTLOCK PISTOL PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY The barrel covered with silver and delicate arabesque inlay. The lock steel with rich gold inlay. The curved butt with ivory ball finial. THREE DECORATED SWORD BLADES PERSIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY Two small blades with panels of gold-encrusted inscription ; both dated 1298 A. H. One broad blade with etched in- scription. (G) (8) DAGGER PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Simple round hilt of ivory. Fine pointed damascened blade chased with floral arabesque decoration, on the flat edge and below the hilt. Fine quality. (G) DAGGER PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Wooden hilt with pommel and guard in silver tula work. Straight, tapering, double-edged blade with deep central groove. (G) BATTLE-AXE PERSIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY Shaft wound with fine brass wire. (G) WHISTLING MACE PERSIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY End of club in the form of horned animal’s head. Shaft en- graved. (G) FOUR-PIECE ARMOR SET PERSIA, 17TH CENTURY Consisting of chain mail jacket and breeches, with diaper pat- _ tern produced by gilt links, chain mail head and neck guard, and helmet with cartouches containing Neskhi inscriptions and bands of floral decoration in fine gold encrustation. Hel- met with mail neckguard. 55 395 DAGGER PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY The tapering blade finely grooved and decorated below the hilt with conventionalized ornament. Bone handle, the sil- ver side strips set with a row of coral. (G) 396 FLINTLOCK GUN PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY Round barrel with gold-encrusted decoration near breech and ‘ at tip. Dark wooden stock and butt, the latter with crescent, i star and leaf decoration in silver inlay and with horn end. Lock with gold-encrusted decoration. (G) 397 FLINTLOCK RIFLE PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY The octagonal barrel with a few silver-encrusted ornaments. / {The dark brown wooden stock fastened to barrel by engraved ee brass rings. Narrow round butt with bone tip. (G) 398 FLINTLOCK PISTOL PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY _ Barrel and lock with typical gold and silver inlay. The 2» ~ butt with ball finial, covered with white metal. (G). 399 CURVED DAGGER PERSIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY The tapering, double-edged damascened blade with deep grooves and decorated below the hilt with bird medallions. Iron hilt with silver encrustations of flower vines. (G) 400 WHISTLING MACE eae PERSIA, SECOND HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY ~ Silver-encrusted horned animal-head finial. (G) 401 CURVED DAGGER PERSIA, 18TH-19TH CENTURY , . .» The hilt and upper part of the blade with silver encrusta- hod tions of floral motives. (G) 402 IMPORTANT SET OF FOUR PIECES OF ARMOR PERSIA, 18TH CENTURY fi Consisting of coat of mail, mail helmet, helmet encrusted re f o “with gold, and gold-encrusted shield. The shield with ani- At mal and figural medallions and border with oval Neskhi in- scriptions, the helmet with mail neckguard and similar dec- oration. The coat of mail and mail neckguard formed of alternating steel and odes links, producing diaper pat- tern. (R) [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 56 403 405 407 /o ia HUNTERS’ SWORDS NUMBERS 403-415 HUNTER’S KNIFE SWISS, SECOND HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY The curved, single-edged blade with amusing engraving of running animals, flying birds, etc. Wooden hilt. Handguard and ring of chased brass with rocaille motives. Leather scab- bard with mountings in chased brass. (G) SMALL HUNTING SWORD FRENCH, SECOND HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY The blade etched with hunting motives. Horn handle in gilt mounting wrought with rocaille motives. (R) HUNTING SWORD GERMAN, 19TH CENTURY The broad blade double-edged at the tip. The upper portion of the blade of blued steel with fine decoration of Turkish warrior, sun, hunting trophies, etc., and with the inscription ‘*de la manufacture de la marque au raisin fait 4 Schlingen’’, and the initials ‘‘G C’’. Horn hilt with steel guard and mountings. (G) DEER HUNTER’S SWORD WITH SCABBARD GERMAN, 18TH CENTURY Antler grip surmounted by boar’s head in gilt brass and bear- ing gilt brass medallion with hunting horn. Brass crossbar and guard. Straight blade with broad groove double-edged at point. (G) HUNTING SWORD GERMAN, ABOUT 1800 The broad, single-edged sword with all-over decoration in silver encrustation of half moons, stars, flower scrolls, fig- ures, etc. The bone handle swells slightly in the centre and is decorated with inlaid silver stripes and rosaces. The hilt bow covered with thin sheets of wrought silver. (Slightly damaged) (G) (From the collection of the Archduke Charles of Austria) 57 408 409 a\% 410 411 412 Me ~ | ar CUTLASS GERMAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY The broad blade single-edged and with wide groove; amus- ing engraved decoration below the hilt of dog chasing a rab- bit, on the reverse the inscription: ‘‘Der Jager hat allezeit Verlangen mit wenig Muh viel zu fangen’’—‘‘The hunter always desires to bag a lot of game with little effort’’. The hilt of deer horn with guard and other mountings in brass, with laurel decoration. (G) SMALL HUNTING SWORD VIENNA, 19TH CENTURY The single-edged, grooved blade finely engraved with Renais- Sance acanthus motives, hunting trophies, and with inscrip- tions ‘‘I H Haufsmann’’ and on reverse, ‘‘K K Hof, Schwertfeger in Wien’’. Fluted horn grip with carved wooden wolf’s-head finial. Elaborately wrought bronze guard in Renaissance style with hunter and game. (R) HUNTING SWORD — souTH GERMAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Broad single-edged blade with engraved decoration of hunt- ing dogs pursuing game. Stag horn hilt. Steel and silver guard and mountings. Leather scabbard. (G) HUNTING SWORD SOUTH GERMAN, ABOUT 1750 Single-edged blade with traces of engraved ornamentation and inscription. Rocaille guard with deer decoration. Hilt in wood with chased mounting of hunters in brass. Cross- bar damaged. (G) SMALL HUNTING SWORD SWISS, SECOND HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY Narrow, slightly curved blade, double-edged at the tip. En- graved on both sides with moon, sun and stars. The flat edge of blade with the inscription: ‘‘Joh Beck Schwert- feger in Presburg’’. The wooden hilt with brass studs and mounting. Short hilt bow with rococo ornament and rab- bit. (G) (From the collection of the Archduke Charles of Austria) : HUNTING SWORD GERMAN, MIDDLE OF THE 18TH CENTURY Double-edged blade with the inscription ‘‘Inti Domini’’ and the Passau wolf. The hilt, shell-shaped guard and knuckle ring, all of richly chiselled gilt bronze with rocaille motives, and pommel in shape of wolf’s head. (G) 58 a. ee er ee, ae a = 5 a ee ee eee 414 415 HUNTING SWORD WITH SCABBARD AUSTRIA, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Double-edged, tapering blade, with wide central groove on both sides. Shaped ebony hilt; metal hilt bow with horse on one side, eagle on the other. Leather scabbard. (G) HUNTING SWORD EARLY 19TH CENTURY Leather scabbard with chased silver mountings. Fluted horn hilt, the guard with upward and downward turned dog- head finials. On one side of guard medallion with initial aan? (R) IMPORTANT EUROPEAN HALBERDS NUMBERS 416-423 HALBERD GERMAN, END OF THE 16TH CENTURY Long four-sided point with pierced wings. (G) AXE 16TH CENTURY Small blade with convex edge on long neck. Modern wooden shaft. (@) HALBERD GERMAN, SECOND HALF OF THE 16TH CENTURY Long four-edged point with two pierced wings near shaft. (G) HALBERD GERMAN, EARLY 17TH CENTURY _ Made for the Archbishop Marcus Sitticus of Hohenems (1612- 420 Be - 1619). Decorated with his crest and rich acanthus pattern. Part of shaft with chased metal mountings. With number 47. Acquired from the National Armory in Munich. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | PARTISAN WITH ETCHED DECORATION GERMAN, FIRST HALF OF THE 17TH CENTURY Made for the Archbishop Guidonald Graf Thun (1616-1654). The central part of the blade with his coat of arms, the wings with conventionalized vine decoration. Acquired from the National Armory in Munich. [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 59 421 422 423 425 HALBERD GERMAN, LATE 16TH CENTURY Made for the Cardinal Archbishop Dieterich von Reitenau (1589-1611). The broad blade with his crest. Wings and pointed shaft with etched vine and figural decoration. Dated 1589. Acquired from the National Armory in Munich. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | PARTISAN GERMAN, EARLY 17TH CENTURY Once the property of the Archbishop Paris Graf Lodron (1620-1653). Wings with his crest, conventionalized vine decoration and date 1620. Deeply grooved blade. Acquired from the National Armory in Munich. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | PARTISAN GERMAN, EARLY 17TH CENTURY Made for the Archbishop Paris Graf Lodron (1620-1653). The long blade deeply grooved, the wings with the Arch- bishop’s crest, finely etched vine decoration and the date 1620. Acquired from the National Armory in Munich. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] BLUNDERBUSSES NUMBERS 424-434 BLUNDERBUSS The stock end of the 18th century, barrel about 1700; both Spanish. Barrel with gold encrustations and inscription, ‘‘Don Francesco Espos y-Mina es Mi dueno’’, and engraved inseription ‘‘Lodi, March 22, 1848’’. (R) BLUNDERBUSS WITH FLINTLOCK ITALIAN, 18TH CENTURY Barrel of chiselled iron with silver encrustations. Stock carved with flower and leaf motives. Butt with two large carved rosace ornaments. (R) BLUNDERBUSS ITALIAN, END OF THE 18TH CENTURY Flintlock with Venetian arsenal mark. Plain stock and butt. (R) 60 433 SMALL BLUNDERBUSS ITALIAN, 18TH CENTURY With flintlock. The stock and butt with carving of rocaille motives. Barrel, mounting of butt, and ornaments of the stock with silver inlays. (@G) SMALL BLUNDERBUSS BALKAN, 18TH-19TH CENTURY The round barrel with elaborate decoration in silver. The dark brown stock and French butt carved in rocaille motives and with inlays of silver wire. The flintlock simply engraved. (G) BLUNDERBUSS aBouTt 1800 With flintlock. Made for marine use. (R) LARGE BLUNDERBUSS ABOUT 1800 LARGE BLUNDERBUSS 18TH CENTURY SMALL BLUNDERBUSS BALKAN, BEGINNING OF THE 19TH CENTURY Short damascened steel barrel; plain spring lock. Brown wooden stock with small butt, inlaid with bone in geometrical patterns and with small brass studs. Slight defect. (G) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | SILVER INLAID BLUNDERBUSS SOUTHERN SPAIN, 18TH CENTURY The stock of dark wood, richly carved with rocaille motives and inlaid with spiral vines and other motives in thin silver wire. The barrel of blue steel with silver inlay of geometrical motives. Flintlock elaborately engraved. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | t SMALL BLUNDERBUSS SOUTHERN ITALY OR SPAIN, 18TH CENTURY With carabine bow and flintlock. The barrel partly of inlaid steel. The butt carved and with inlay of silver wire. Lock engraved. (R) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 61 435 436 A487 wd 438 442 MARINE GUNS NUMBERS 435-44] LARGE WALL GUN GERMAN, EARLY 16TH CENTURY With matchlock and old stock. Upon the barrel the crest of the Elector of Saxony surrounded by leaf decoration. From the arsenal at Dresden. (R) SMALL SHIP’S CANNON DUTCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY On one end of the barrel the inscription: ‘‘Cyprianus gran - . . Jansz Amstelodami anno 1749 me fecit’’, Barrel sur- mounted with pair of winged figures and decorated with chiselled crest. (R) SMALL BRONZE CANNON JAVA (?), 18TH CENTURY Richly chiselled barrel bound by bamboo withes to wooden mountings. Pivot. (R) SMALL MARINE GUN END OF THE 18TH CENTURY Rebuilt from earlier model. Pistol grip and percussion lock. (R) MODEL OF MUZZLE-LOADING CANNON ON CAR- RIAGE » EARLY 19TH CENTURY MARINE GUN FIRST HALF OF THE 19TH CENTURY Flintlock and large bronze barrel. Plain wooden stock and butt. (R) SHIP’S CANNON VENETIAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Pereussion lock. Heavy bronze barrel with ‘*pistol grip’’. (R) EARLY GERMAN SWORDS NUMBERS 442-446 EXECUTIONER’S SWORD GERMAN, 16TH CENTURY Broad blade with squared end with wide groove at top, bear- ing inscription: ‘‘Paullus Paullus, Willems Willems, Mefecit Soligen.’’ Three stamped maker’s marks. Plain short cross- bars. Grip wound with tape and fluted pommel, . 62 443 Vidas 445 447 L¢ ~ DOUBLE-HANDED SWORD GERMAN, SECOND HALF OF 16TH CENTURY Double-edged blade with short central groove bearing inscrip- tion, ‘‘Schwan de la Gardo de Francia’”’ on both sides. Lower part of blade with fine floral etching on both edges. Top of blade chased and with double-pointed bar. Long, cloth-cov- ered grip with scrolled and openwork double guard and scrolled and downward bent crossbars. Round pommel. Im- portant specimen. DOUBLE-HANDED SWORD GERMAN, SECOND HALF OF THE 16TH CENTURY Double-edged blade, the upper part covered in leather and with two downward curved spikes. Long leather-covered grip with iron pommel. Double ring-shaped guard with fleur-de- lys and downward scrolled crossbars. Important specimen. SWORD GERMAN, DATED 1492 Broad blade with inscription, ‘“Moguntia A. D. 1492”, and with Passau wolf mark. Plain straight iron crossbar. Wooden grip partly covered with cloth. Fluted pommel, LONG SWORD GERMAN, 17TH CENTURY Leather scabbard and grip. Pommel, guard and S-shaped crossbar of steel, with traces of etched pattern. Guard finely perforated. Blade with central groove and the marks M O repeated. WHEEL-LOCK GUNS NUMBERS 447-454 WHEEL-LOCK HUNTING GUN 16TH CENTURY Lock Italian, probably from a Brescian armorer. Remainder of gun probably Swiss or South Bavarian. End of butt with fine engraved bone inlay showing hunting scene. Both stock and butt with rich carving of scrollwork and animals. Loek with maker’s mark. Plain octagonal barrel. (R) 63 448 449 450 451 [PO HEAVY WHEEL-LOCK RIFLE GERMAN, ABouT 1730 Chiselled steel barrel signed by Johann Friederich Limmer in Bamberg. Butt finely carved, inlaid with ivory and mother- of-pearl and with chiselled brass and plate. Lock elaborately engraved with hunting scene and grotesque animals and bearing signature. (R) SMALL WHEEL-LOCK GUN SOUTHERN GERMAN, OR PERHAPS SWISS, 17TH CENTURY Butt with floral carving and inlays of engraved bone. Lock beautifully etched with unicorn and fioral motives. Octag- onal barrel. (R) WHEEL-LOCK RIFLE SOUTH GERMAN, FIRST HALF OF THE 17TH CENTURY With matchlock of later date. Stock with inlaid engraved bone ornaments is partly restored. On butt, oval medallion with name of owner, ‘‘Georg Seng, 1625’’. The other me- dallions with hunters, game, etc. Barrel by Gabriel Dorn. (R) WHEEL-LOCK MUSKET SOUTHERN GERMANY, PERHAPS AUGSBURG, 17TH CENTURY The stock with inlays of engraved bone. The wheel-lock partly in engraved gilt bronze. The octagonal barrel with maker’s marks. On the butt, in a bone medallion, the initials ‘“‘C Z’’. The end of the butt with long bone panel cover- ing powder box, engraved with fruit and with representation of a bear. (R) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | WHEEL-LOCK RIFLE VIENNA, ABOUT 1870 The smooth round barrel is of richly chiselled steel. The wheel-lock with covered wheel beneath a brass plate, is elab- orately engraved. The entire stock and German butt dec- oratively carved and inlaid with small plaques of engraved bone. Wooden ramrod and a chiselled steel wheel-lock. (G) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 64 453 . 454 RIFLE FOR DUCK HUNTING SALZBURG OR BAVARIA, ABOUT 1770 Flintlock with single octagonal barrel. The butt richly carved with hunting scenes and with emblems pertaining to the hunt, and inlaid with silver wire. The stock similarly decorated. The brass lock plate engraved with hunting scenes. The bar- rel with the gunsmith’s mark of Michael Pichler. (R) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | LARGE WHEEL-LOCK MUSKET german, asout 1600 On the stock inlays of engraved bone, with representations of the four parts of the world, among them America, also grotesque ornaments and figural motives. On the octagonal barrel gunsmith’s mark. On hammer and wheel decorative engraving. (R) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | GERMAN AND OTHER EUROPEAN SWORDS AND DAGGERS NUMBERS 455-480 SWORD SECOND HALF OF THE 16TH CENTURY Excavation piece. Basket-shaped guard. Long quillons. Heavy pommel. (R) 14TH CENTURY Narrow blade, slightly curved. (G)- BATTLE-AXE Excavation piece. | 14TH CENTURY The erossbar bent forward. Knuckle- (G) SHORT SWORD Excavation piece. guard and oval pommel. 137TH-14TH CENTURY (G) SMALL BATTLE-AXE Excavation piece. Modern wooden shaft. 14TH CENTURY (G) DAGGER Excavation piece. One crossbar bent forward. STRAIGHT SWORD 14TH CENTURY Excavation piece. Broad blade pointed with short blood channel. Straight crossbar and pommel in the shape of a double truncated cone. (G) 65 461 / 2 462 463 4yO “if 464 : fF ie. 465 } 6 466 A v yor. wast /* 467 / 468 469 a, Tor SABRE FRENCH OR SOUTH GERMAN, ABOUT 1770 Seabbard mountings and hilt of silver chased with elaborate rocaille motives. Single-edged blade with central grove and scalloped markings along blunt edge. (R) DRESS SWORD GERMAN, ABOUT 1770 Double-edged tapering blade, with narrow grooves in the cen- tre. The hilt, knuckle ring and guard of gilt bronze finely chiselled with rocaille motives. (R) SWORD WITH HANDGUARD 17TH-18TH CENTURY The blade single-edged. Large curved handguard. Leather- covered hilt. Probably a combination of different parts, as in the case of marine swords. (R) SWORD Four-sided blade. and pommel. Grip wound with brass wire. SECOND HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY Round brass guard, brass knuckle ring (R) SWORD GERMAN, SECOND HALF OF THE 17TH CENTURY Double-edged blade. Scalloped, pierced guard. Slender knuckle ring. Hilt wound with steel wire. (R) SWORD GERMAN, SECOND HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY Slender blade with engraved decoration at the top. Double lobed guard with silver-encrusted figural and floral decora- tion. Cut steel grip and knuckle ring. (R) SABRE BLADE SOLINGEN, ABOUT 1800 Upper part of blade with blued steel with gold encrustations of trophies, crescent, sun, ete. Long double groove. (G) SMALL DRESS SWORD FRENCH, SECOND HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY The narrow blade etched with vine decoration, and with in- scription, ‘‘Recte faciendo neminem timeas’’—‘‘Do right and fear nobody.’’? The double-lobed guard pierced in floral pat- tern. Slender knuckle ring. Wooden grip ending in iron pommel. (R) FOOT SOLDIER’S SWORD GERMAN, 17TH CENTURY Double-edged blade with Solingen mark. Pierced guard and double knuckle rings. Wooden grip. (R) 66 470 477 "a MAGNATE’S SWORD HUNGARY, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Gilt bronze hilt and secabbard mountings elaborately chiselled with sunburst, floral motives, crest, ete., and with details in enamelling. Plain curved blade, double-edged at tip. Leather ease. (G) | CAVALIER’S SWORD SPANISH, 18TH CENTURY Fluted steel grip and pommel. Plain knuckle ring and leaf- shaped silver guard. Grooved blade with maker’s mark. (R) DAGGER SPANISH, FIRST HALF OF THE 16TH CENTURY The hilt covered with leather and with iron pommel. Sharply curved iron hilt bow. The blade with deep groovings and perforations, supposedly for poison. (R) PARADE SWORD SPANISH, 18TH CENTURY _Double-edged blade, with inscription ‘‘En Toleto’’? and maker’s mark. Guard of facetted and pierced steel. Steel knuckle ring with beaded decoration. Steel hilt with ro- Settes. (G) DRESS SWORD ITALIAN, SECOND HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY Narrow, three-edged, tapering blade. Wooden hilt with round iron pommel. The hand and knuckle guards with silver- encrusted floral design and with traces of gilding. (R) CAVALRYMAN’S SWORD - spanisu, 16TH-17TH CENTURY Guard of twisted and ring-shaped iron bars. Wooden hilt with part of original wire wrapping. Double-edged blade with mark of Toledo swordsmith. (R) CAVALRYMAN’S SWORD (SCHIAVONE) VENETIAN, 16TH CENTURY Leather-covered hilt with large iron basket guard. Double- edged blade with central groove. Original leather scabbard. (R) CAVALRYMAN’S SWORD (SCHIAVONE) ITALIAN, ABOUT 1600 Double-edged blade with punched star marks. Leather-cov- ered grip with large steel basket hilt. (G) 67 4 478 / y be 479 fe ee 480 CAVALRYMAN’S SWORD (SCHIAVONE) VENETIAN, 16TH CENTURY Leather-covered hilt with large steel basket guard. Brass pommel. Double-edged blade with maker’s mark. Leather- covered scabbard with steel mountings. (R) CAVALRYMAN’S SWORD (SCHIAVONE) VENETIAN, 16TH CENTURY Leather-covered hilt with steel basket guard. Double-edged blade with groove at top. (R) CAVALRYMAN’S SWORD (SCHIAVONE) VENETIAN, 16TH CENTURY Leather-covered grip with large steel basket guard. Single- edged blade with long groove. Brass pommel. (R) NEAR EASTERN SWORDS, DAGGERS AND SABRES 484 NUMBERS 481-495 SMALL HANDJAR WITH WHITE METAL SCABBARD BOSNIA, SECOND HALF OF THE 18TH CENTURY The white metal scabbard and hilt both richly decorated with chiselled floral rococo motives. The gently curved, single- edged blade damascened and with inscriptions and other dec- oration in gold and silver. Blade of very fine quality. (G@) ORNAMENTAL DAGGER Very fine grooved and perforated Spanish 16th century blade. “_ The scabbard silver with wrought decoration, dated 1767. Elaborate gilt hilt bow. Dalmatian. (R) HANDJAR BOSNIA, EARLY 18TH CENTURY - The damascened blade decorated with inlaid silver inscrip- tions. Leather scabbard with deep silver casing at the tip, ending in grotesque head. Mounting of gilt and blade of richly wrought copper gilt. Dated 1707. Bone hilt. (G) DAGGER TURKEY, EARLY 19TH CENTURY The hilt double-eared and with tula silver mountings. The scabbard white metal with all-over tula arabesque decoration and ormolu fittings. Straight, silver-inlaid blade. (R) 68 DAGGER TURKESTAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Straight damascened blade with double groove. Ivory hilt. (R) SHORT SWORD WITH SCABBARD CAUCASUS, 18TH CENTURY The flat, double-edged blade is ungrooved and is decorated at the tip and below the hilt with rich silver inlay. The steel hilt similarly inlaid with silver. Velvet scabbard, with mountings at either end of silver-inlaid steel. (G) SMALL HANDJAR BOSNIA, 18TH CENTURY The blade dated 1222 A. H. The hilt and blade mounting of chased silver. The blade elaborately decorated with silver ornaments and inscriptions. Wooden scabbard with mount- ings in silver, with scrolled relief decoration. (G) POINTED STRAIGHT SWORD CAUCASUS, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Straight, two-edged blade, with two flame-shaped central grooves, and gold-encrusted date. The horn hilt decorated with two pierced metal rosettes. Black leather scabbard with leather belt and decoration of leather thongs. (@G) HANDJAR BOSNIA, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Fine single-edged blade of blued steel, with silver-encrusted decoration and the date 1221 A. H. Bone handle with mount- ings in silver filigree. The blade mounted in similar strips of silver filigree. (G) DAGGER CAUCASUS, EARLY 19TH CENTURY The black horn hilt decorated with two silver rosaces. Straight, double-edged blade with two central damascened grooves on either side; gold-encrusted inscription on one side. Leather covered scabbard with deep pierced iron mounting at the tip. (G) YATAGHAN TURKEY, LATE 18TH CENTURY Single-edged blade with fine gold-encrusted arabesque decora- tion. Black wooden grip. Leather scabbard with wrought mountings. 69 495 WAR HAMMER DALMATIA (?), 17TH CENTURY With long, tapering point with coronet-shaped finial. (R) SHORT SWORD CAUCASUS, ABOUT 1800 Black horn grip with two gold-encrusted rosaces. Blade with gold arabesque decoration on each side of the deep groove. HANDJAR IN LEATHER SCABBARD TURKEY, 18TH CENTURY The hilt and mountings of the blade of silver with vine orna- mentation in tula work. Blade one-edged, and tapering towards the tip. Tooled leather scabbard. (R) DAGGER WITH SCABBARD rouerxss, 18TH CENTURY Broad, straight double-edged blade with short double groov- ing in the centre and gold inlay and inscriptions below the hilt. The wooden hilt mounted at either end in silver with tula work decoration. Velvet and leather scabbard with deep mounting of silver-inlaid steel at the tip. (G) < ‘J \ ¥ i. > t ’ ‘ - t * i rq a t , Pr /