oA NO. 326 | 14 Fast 57th St Manin ra 7 New York LIBRARY M. Knoedler & Co. ACC. ZAual) ae TR) 2 os eS LW rot CATALOCUE 322 OF THE PRIVATE, COLLECTION MODERN PAINTINGS BELONGING . TO MR. WALTER BOWNE OF FLUSHING, LONG ISLAND TO BE ABSOLUTELY SOLD BY AUCTION On WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 5TH AT’ THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES No. 6 East 23D STREET, MADISON SQUARE WHERE THE PAINTINGS ARE NOW ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER cO e AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS ogy eat NEW YORK ¥, Q& 1890 | On or SS a CONDITIONS OF SALE: 1. The highest bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be im- mediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money, z/ required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s expense and Risk on the morning following. each session of the Sale, between 9 and 12 o’clock, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery ; in default of which the undersigned will not hold himself responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The sale of any painting is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description. All are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the set- tlement of the purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 6. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, ifhe thinks fit. THOMAS E, KIRBY, AvucTIONEER. INDEX TO ARTISTS REPRESENTED, TOGETHER WITH BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES, LISTS OF HONORS, AND OTHER INFORMATION. BEAUQUESNE (Wirrriw ConsTAnt),....... iicOdoa soe ook aris Born at Rennes. Pupil of Lecompte and Vernet. Medals, 1875, 1880, Legion of Honor, 1878. NOW 437 Ae TZ st Dey ice. ee ee en PACERS BOGERT (Georce H.). No.. 7—The Seine at Iury . Sen ee Page 21 BLACKMAN. (WALTER). 0.0... ss. 0000050 Soevilecsein Sew London Born at Chicago. Pupil of Géréme. No. 17—An American Girl. 0... 60..0 csi sence Page 31 BONHEUR (M4gin Rosa) S059 Peres irestanteie Paris Born at Bordeaux, March 22, 1822. Pupil of her father, Ray- mond Bonheur. Began by copying in the Louvre; afterward made studies and sketches near Paris. Her first two pictures, exhibited at Bordeaux, 1841, attracted much attention, and were followed by others which established her world-wide. fame. During the Franco-Prussian war, her studio and residence were respected by special order of the Crown Prince of Prussia. Since 1849 she has been Director of the Paris Free School of Design for Young Girls, which she founded. Elected member of Antwerp Institute in 1868. Medals, 1845, 1848, 1865, 1867 (Exposition Universelle). Cross of the Legion of Honor, 186s. Cross of the Order of Leopold, 1880. Commander’s Cross of the Royal Order of Isabella the Catholic, 1880. Conceded to be THE BOWNE COLLECTION. the greatest female painter the world has produced. Her cele- brated ‘‘ Horse Fair,” in the Stewart collection, was sold for $53,000, and now hangs in the Metropolitan Museum. No. 27—Jonarch of the Herd...... A peter rete Page 41 BRILLOUIN (Louis GEoRGES),..........06 sraleiviaws siae's ee Paris Born at Saint-Jean-d’Angély. Pupil of Drélling and of Cabat. Medals, 1865, 1869, and 1874. IN OS NL CIN OFS oe oss at ae eb tego le aus Sousa ¢ Page 15 INOS a i BOOKA OV UL act lu bce news ko bance ss 27 CASANOVA-Y-ESTORACH (AnNTONIO)...........005. Paris Born at Tortosa, Spain, August 9, 1847. Pupil of Lorenzale and of Madrazo. No. 32—TZhe Morning Cup........ ae een Page 47 CAZIN (JEAN CHARLES)......... odnccoddc Saielertekwarvnsuiere si ALIS Born at Samer (Pas-de-Calais), France. Pupil of Lecoq de Boisbaudran. Medal, first class, 1880. Legion of Honor, 1882. No. 52—Zhe Hour of Rest and Peace.......... Page 68 COL: (DAVID) 20.88tad.. ata fasstereisnerhns osiets iciaices aie . Antwerp Born at Antwerp, 1822. Pupil of De Keyser and Antwerp Academy. Medal, Vienna Exposition, 1873. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, 1875. INO 3 Ox USI ION a pear oR ea 5 Me NS ake ae oe INDEX AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES. 5 co ROT (JEAN-BAPTISTE-CAMILLE), dec’d. Born in Paris, 1796. Was first instructed by Michallon, after- ward by Victor Bertin, then spent several years in Italy. Medals, Paris, 1838, 1848, 1855, 1867 (Zxposition Universelle). Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer of the same, 1867. Died, 1875. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Art- ists (Exposition Universelle), 1878. 3A Medi @uak MUI a, s dreads stats ee ck Page 17 RO Lhe? Bride so ties hw SA Ge es Pets 33 i 28-7 he PA sie- Fath. cb Pas Pr os 42 OG ST he MOG 10 THOS AU ae ean we Cg ees 69 DAUBIGNY (CHARLES FRANGoIS), dec’d. No Born in Paris, 1817. Pupil of his father and Paul Delaroche, and for three years studied in Italy. Medals, 1848, 1853, 1855, 1857, 1859, 1867. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1859. Officer of the same, 1874. Died, 1878. Diploma to the Mem- ory of Deceased Artists (Exposition Universelle), 1878. .55—ZLhe Time of Apple Blossoms.......... Page 72 DECAMPS (ALEXANDRE GABRIEL), dec’d. No No Born in Paris, 1803. Died, 1860. Pupil of Abel de Pujol, David, and Ingres. Travelled in the East in 1827, after which he devoted himself to painting Oriental subjects. Medals, 1831, 1834. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1839. Officer of the same, 1851. iP Bae DMCA ICH CMLISE ie codons AL oe cept ok Page 37 AB The Lemipests waivaas io. £304 Rea eee ts 60 THE BOWNE COLLECTION. DE NEUVILLE (ALPHONSE Marie), dec’d. Born at Saint Omer, France, 1836. A member of a wealthy family, his parents intended him for an official career, but he was only willing to join the army and entered the school at Lorient. Here his astonishing skill in drawing was remarked. In order to make peace with his family he went to Paris and entered the law school, but he spent more time at the military school and in the Champs-de-Mars, sketching and becoming familiar with all the details of a soldier’s life. He returned home declaring he would be a painter or nothing. His friends endeavored to discourage his determination, and the artists upon whom he called in Paris advised him to go back home. Dela- croix, however, became his friend, and with him De Neuville spent many hours. He studied also with Picot. De Neuville’s first pictures were not particularly remarkable, but the Franco- Prussian war gave him inspiration and subjects almost without limit, and since that time the artist has produced some of the greatest battle-pictures of any time. Medals, Paris, 1859, 1861. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1873. Officer of the same, 1881. Died, 1885, INOMR C7 WAV GHOURL 6. hc eka wien Jon le Page 66 DIAZ DE LA PENA (NarcissE VirGILE), dec’d, Born in Bordeaux, 1809, of parents who had been banished from Spain on account of political troubles. At ten years of age Diaz was left an orphan, and at fifteen he was apprenticed to a maker of porcelain, where his talent first displayed itself. He quar- relled with and left his master, and subsequently spent several years in most bitter poverty. After his ability as a most won- derful colorist had been recognized, Diaz painted and sold many pictures, endeavoring, by the accumulation of a fortune, to avenge the poverty of his youth. He died in 1876. Medals in 1844, 1846, 1848. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, INDEX AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES. vi No. No. No, 1851. Diploma to the memory of Deceased Artists (Zxposition Universelle), 1878. : t1— The Forest Depth. .... ee Shears Sie ener Page 25 Rh PAE LOV ESE LOO sexx rons a ay ee 49 51—Larly Autumn, Forest of Fontainebleau...... 67 DUPRE (Jutzs), dec’d. Born at Nantes, 1812. When a boy he studied design in the porcelain manufactory of his father, but soon turned his attention to. landscape painting, and made his début at the Salon, 1831. Medal, 1833. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1849. Medal (Exposition Universelle), 1867. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870. Died, 1889. AT he WUMCW DOOR is, fact eo tape oie a eo Page 18 20 BA OLGON EVIE ae da ee 34 29 The: Clodded SRY ot i a eee 43 » 5 LAC LUNE PATS. es oh Oe 50 . 37—Banks of the Seine........ ree ore ela 52 FORTUNY-Y-CARBO (Mariano), dec’d. Born at Réus, in Catalonia, 1838. Died in Rome, 1874. Pupil of Palau, of Lorenzalez, and of the Barcelona Academy, where he won the Prix de Rome in 1856. At Rome, which thence- forth became his residence, he studied Raphael and made sketches of Roman life. In 1859 he was sent to Morocco by the Government to paint the incidents of General Prim’s cam- paign. In 1866 he went to Paris, and then to Madrid, where he remained three years studying the works of Velasquez, Ribera, and Goya. His original style, correct drawing, and THE BOWNE COLLECTION, fine color gained for him a great reputation, and the sale of the contents of his studio after his death brought 800,000 francs. No. 24—A Belle of the Campagna.......0...4.. . Page 38 IN a 0 oe tril carey SAI Ge koh ek Hi 48 FRERE (PIERRE Epovarp), dec’d. Born at Paris, 1819. Pupil of Paul Delaroche. Medals at Paris, 1850, 1852, 1855. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1855. — Died, 1886, INO 35 SHa7e G20 SHOPEAUIRE. io vn es als es hs Page 46 HAGBORG (AUGUST)...........0.02ee08- 1 ASH Ra RR roe Paris Born at Gothenburg, Sweden. Pupil of Stockholm Academy, and in Paris of Palmaroli. Medal, 1879. : INO: Sys PAC AL USSEE GOULET ED oss. < oi5 var bee hk sos Page 74 HOBBEMA (MeEynpERT?), dec’d. Born at Koeverden or at Amsterdam, 1638. Died at Amster- dam, 1709. Landscape painter. Educated himself under the influence of Jacob van Ruysdael. Much neglected in his time, and little esteemed, he now takes rank as one of the greatest masters of landscape art. He excels in atmospheric effects, in tone, and in brilliancy of color. No. 59—A Dutch Landscape oo eee sree er eee esters INDEX AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES. 9 JACQUE (CHARLES EMILE). (03. 455s cc sesnie ees 111. -Paris Born at Paris, 1813. Early in life studied with a geographical engraver. Later, spent seven years in the army, and worked two years in England as an engraver on wood. Is famous for his etchings as well as his paintings. Medals, Paris, 1861, 1863, 1864, 1867. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Not4—_ Porte dE BECO 16 win, ca ean Page 28 No. 44—TZhe Two Shepherds. eco ecre srecncese . 59 JOHNSON (DAvip); NUALeiiy ces tescet feccees ao NeW Vor Born in New York, 1827. Elected member of the National Academy, New York, 1862. Medal, Philadelphia, 1876. One of the founders of the Artists’ Fund Society. INO TO == AC TIRIOCTALCOG Dt irtcee oes a eisinlohey nelle ts tees Page 24 KOWALSKI (Von WiErusz ALFRED) Born in Warsaw, Poland. Pupil of Brandt. Medal, 1878, 1883. No, 9—Belated....ccreccceccsevecececccees Page 23 LAMBINET (Em11z), dec’d. Born at Versailles, 1810. Pupil of Drélling. Medals, Paris, 1843, 1853, 1857. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Died, 1878. No. 54—A Wook of the Seine. ....+..0+2220005 Page 71 IO THE BOWNE COLLECTION. MEDARD (Evcinz)......... eer ri oe eee -Paris Born at Paris. Pupil of Cogniet and of Géréme. Medals, 1879, 1886. INOx-42-— ACHAEA Of BOSE oh Boo ha cis bs ook Pace 57 MEISSONIER (JEAN Louis ERNEST)............. 000000 Paris Born at Lyons, 1813. He went to Paris when quite young, and was for a time a pupil of Léon Cogniet. First exhibited at the Salon in 1836. His picture, ‘‘ The Brawl ” (1855), was purchased by Napoleon III. and presented to the late Prince Albert of England. Medals, Paris, 1840, 1841, 1843, 1848. Grand Medal of Honor, 1855 (Zafosition Universelle). One of the eight Grand Medals of Honor (Zxposition Universelle), 1867 ; Grand Medal of Honor (Zxfosition Universelle), 1878. Cheva-~ lier of the Legion of Honor, 1846; Officer of the same, 1856 ; Commander of the same, 1867; Grand Officer of the same, 1878. Member of the Institute of France, 1861. Honorary member of the Royal Academy, London. iN No.-~49—On the Look-Out........... Bee one Page 65 MICHEL (Georges), dec’d. Born, 1763. Died, 1843. No. 12—Harvesters of the Sed...... 0.0 ccc cus Page 26 ING" Ale 7 Leon est Maga tei in 56 ING Onteniente ee oe, fs 75 INDEX AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES. ii MILLET (Jean Francois), dec’d. Born at Greville, France, 1814. Pupil of Langlois at Cher- bourg. The Municipality of Cherbourg gave him a small pen- sion that he might go to study in Paris. Became pupil of Paul Delaroche in 1837, and the friend of Corot, Rousseau, Dupré, and Diaz. Medals, Paris, 1853, 1864, 1867 (Zxposition Univer- selle). Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1868. Died, 1875. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878. No. 48— The Seamstress..... ccc cece Fear ce ee Page 64 MILLET. (PRANGOIS)ivi acs adesngucstecsees vt esher 4s 4 er PANS Son and pupil of his father, Jean Francois Millet, deceased. No. 49.—TZhe Haystack........ se opellts 4s Weyet eco eaere OS PORTEL JES (Gtpann). cio ina ce Antwerp No. 15—TDhe Old Campaigner... ...ceceseeees+Page 29 RICHET (Lfon)......... Dsereisinsieeelcerar tiene setiees cu aris Born at Solesmes. Pupil of Diaz, Lefebvre, and Boulanger. Honorable mention, Salon, Paris, 1885. No. 18— Zhe Border of the Forest......c...0.. Page 32 a ero a nc ee ee eee | 12 THE BOWNE COLLECTION. ROUSSEAU (P. E. THEODORE), dec’d. Born at Paris, 1812. Pupil of Lethiere. Showed himself a naturalist from the first, and for thirteen years was excluded from the Salon by an Academic jury. First exhibited in 1833. Medals, 1834, 1849, 1855. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1852. One of the eight Grand Medals of Honor (Zxfosition Universelle), Paris, 1867. Died, 1867. Diploma to the Mem- ory of Deceased Artists, 1878. IN Oe I ed S Paria chins ee Page 35 INOW 202 TMG L arte SUMSEL , i ina LES ESOS UR EE Cds S1 INGO Ce CRI CLE as a Stns sis se ogee pais ka vince 61 SAW AENIINCA®) eiecststarecterstenatnesharstarei store,