BE GE te ere ey re 4 te : > A ave? © Pe fae Sager en 5 aay 4 ae a ir a W ’ weet 7 6% —Lpl | Seccdhpanateneesioradtch ap-anb-ak-ahiteascchenies tert ee Ae “2 fi co au . ee - ‘y, ay ae i a Z aS 7. oes ange ay ae Aye SB Je Saat’ 93 FY ae eae hs rt Ae Se yer Fo ts 5 Covi : x ey ee d ik Oe St) mer Pe tos 4 ae * SWAN ek a Roa hee s - THE _ DAVENPORT MUNICIPAL ART GALLERY CATALOGUE OF 334 PAINTINGS The Gift of C. A. FICKE 1925 TRUSTEES OF THE DAVENPORT MUNICIPAL ART GALLERY Dr. A. L. Hageboeck J. Clark Hall Mrs. J. W. Watzek Mrs. Harry F. Evans E. P. Adler W. H. Richter Miss Elizabeth D. Putnam Edward Kaufmann Peter N. Jacobsen OFFICERS C. A. Ficke, Honorary President Dr. A. L. Hageboech, President E. P. Adler, Vice-President Miss Elizabeth D. Putnam, Secretary R. J. McKinney, Acting Director ary Us Ven inlan Ate! . Catalee Luce ) Hts %3 PD verte Ay Cure The Davenport Municipal Art Gallery Early in 1925 Davenport accepted a collection of 330 paint- ings which C. A. Ficke offered to the City as a nucleus for a public Art Gallery. The gift was coupled with conditions requiring that the City should establish a public Art Gallery to be called ‘““The Davenport Municipal Art Gallery;”’ that it should provide a suitable building to house the collection, and that it should agree to provide the means for the maintenance of the Gallery. In compliance with these conditions the City secured the enactment of a law by the Iowa Legislature per- mitting Cities operating under special charters to establish and maintain public Art Galleries; it adopted an ordinance establish- ing “The Davenport Municipal Art Gallery’’; it appointed a Board of nine Trustees provided for in the ordinance; it turned over to this Board the Armory building owned by the City, with instructions to remodel it into an Art Gallery; it appro- priated the funds required to meet the cost of such remodeling; and it also provided the means required for the maintenance of the Gallery. Davenport thus, it is believed, became the first City in the United States to establish a Municipal Art Gallery for the free use of the public. The Gallery was opened to the public in October, 1925, CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS In the Davenport Municipal Art Gallery ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED ALBANI (Francesco) (Attributed) 1578-1660 Italian School (Bolognese) 1. Mythological Subject. AMERIGHI (MIcHELANGELO). Called Caravaggio. 1569-1609 Italian School (Neopolitan) 2. Abraham’s Sacrifice. 3. Science. ARTOIS (Jacop Van). 1613-1665 Flemish School 4. Landscape. ARTEAGA (SEBASTIAN DE) Spanish-American School Born in Spain. Died in Mexico. Was active first half of 17th century. 5. The Madonna. 6. Descent From the Cross. The two portraits in lower corner represent the patron and patron: ess who ordered the painting. ARELLANO (JossE) Spanish-American School © 7. Madonna and Child. ALZIBAR (JosEPHAS AB) Spanish-American School 8. St. Stephen. Dated 1751. 9, St. Francis Xavier. Dated 1735. AGUILERA (J) Spanish-American School 10. The Guardian Angel. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Af 18. 19. 20. BARRETT (GrorcGe). 1728-1784 British School Pupil of Benjamin West Landscape. BARENTSEN (Dirk). 1534-1592 Dutch School Landscape. BASSANO (Jacopo DA Ponts). 1510-1592 Italian School (Venetian) The Last Supper. BLAKELOCK (R. A.). Born 1847 American School Landscape. BAZZI (Gian Antonio) (11 Soddoma). 1474-1549 Italian School (Sienese) St. John. BRAMER (LEonarD). 1596-1667 Dutch School Christ Before Pilate. It is undetermined whether this painting is an original by Bramer or a copy by him of Rembrandt’s ‘Christ Before Pilate” in the National Gallery, London. ; BEICH (Franz Joacum). 1663-1748 German School He takes first place among the painters of ideal tendencies. (Kug- ler) He painted in the style of Gaspard Poussin and Salvator Rosa. (Siret) Landscape. BELLANGE (Joserps Louis HierotytTr). 1800-1866 French School Painter of the battles of Napoleon On Russian Snow. The picture spuriously bears the signature of J. L. Gerome. A photograph of this painting submitted to Gerome in 1903, brought a letter from him saying: ‘The picture of which you send me a photograph is not from me. I believe I remember that its author is the painter Bellange.”’ BERCHEM (C.iaAs PrietTerz). 1624-1683 Dutch School He is the most celebrated of the group of painters to which he belongs. (Clement) . The Halt. In the Pasture. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 14 28. 29. 30. BERGEN (DtepricH Van). 1645-1689 Dutch School Landscape With Cattle. BREENBERG (BarTHOLOMAEUS). 1620-1663 Dutch School Landscape. BREYDEL (Kareu). (Called le Chevalier.) 1677-1744 Flemish School Battle Scene. BIERSTADT (AxBertT). 1830-1902 American School Laurelle Falls. Near Columbia River, Oregon BOECKHORST (Jean Van). 1603-1671 Flemish School The Holy Family. BONNINGTON (RicHArD Parkss). 1801-1828 British School Landscape. BOTH (Jan). 1609-1650 JARDIN (KaREL Dv). 1625-1678 Dutch School Landscape With Figures. The landscape is by Both; the figures by Jardin. BONHEUR (Rosa Marte). 1822-1899 French School Study of a Cow. BOURCE (Henpricu Jacos). 1826-1899 Belgian School Interesting News. BOTTICELLI (Sanpro) (School of). 1447-1516 Italian School (Florentine) Madonna and Child and St. John. The painting is an original of the Florentine School of the 15th Century and of a period antedating Raphael. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. BONFIGLI (GuIsEpPer) Italian School Dated 1730. Madonna and Child. The artist on reverse of painting states that the child is the like- ness of Salvator Mellini born 1730. BRUEGHEL (Pieter) (the Elder). 1530-1569 Flemish School The Good Shepherd. BRUEGHEL (Jan) (Velvet Brueghel). 1568-1625 Flemish School Landscape With Holy Family. The figures in Brueghel’s landscapes were often painted by Rubens, Durer and others. Landscape. BUNCE (W.G.). 1840-1916 American School Venetian Sunset. BRUNET HOUARD (Pierre Avuausts). Contemporary French School The King of the Forest. BERGEN (Cart von). Contemporary German School Woman and Child. British School (Eighteenth Century). Artist unknown Marine. BOL (FERDINAND). 1609-1681 Dutch School Pupil! of Rembrandt. Portrait of Woman Dressed as Huntress. CABRERA (MiacuEL). 1695-1768 Spanish-American School He was called the Michael Angelo of Mexico. (Appelton) St. Mathew. Christ at the House of the Pharisee. The Madonna of the Rosary. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. CAGNACCI (Gurpo). 1600-1680 Italian School (Bolognese) Head of Sibyl. CALLOT (Jacques). 1594-1635 French School Landscape With Figures. CANTARINI (Simone) (Il Pesarese). 1612-1648 Italian School (Bolognese) Was pupil of Guido Reni. Head of Evangelist. CAPELLE (JEAN VAN DE). 1624-1679 Dutch School Marine. CARRACCI (ANNIBALE) (School of) Italian School (Bolognese) Sixteenth Century. The Last Supper. The Washin§g of the Feet. CARRACCI (AnnrBate) (Attributed). 1560-1609 Italian Schoo! (Bolognese) Portrait of Duke of Mirandola. CIGNANI (Carto) Italian School (Bolognese) Seventeenth Century copy. The original is in Corsini Gallery in Rome. Maria Adolorato. CRANE (Bruce) American School Born 1857. Autumn Landscape. CREDI (Lorenzo p1) (School of) Italian School (Florentine) Sixteenth Century. Annunciation. COLAERT (J) Dutch School Seventeenth Century. Dated 1663. Portrait of Young Man. COLE (Tuomas). 1801-1848 American School (Hudson River School) Cole and Durand are called the fathers of American Landscape. 54. Landscape. CONSTABLE (Joun). 1776-1837 British School 55. Landscape ‘‘Harvest.’’ CORREGIO. 1494-1534 Italian School Real name Antoine da Corregio Allegri. 56. Madonna and Child. COURBET (Gustave). 1819-1877 French School 57. Marine. CIRCIGNANO (AnTOoINE). 1559-1619 Italian School 58. Madonna and Child. CORTONA (Pietro BERRETINIDA). 1596-1669 Italian School Roman) Painted in Grisaille. 59. Miracle. COURTOIS (Jacques) (I] Borgognone). 1621-1676 French School 60. Battle Picture. 61. Battle Picture. 62. Battle Picture. 63. The Attack. 64. The Return. Real name Jacope Cortese. One of the most celebrated battle painters. (Clement) | CROME (Joun.) 1769-1821 British School 65. Landscape. CHURCH (Freperick FE.) (N. A.). 1826-1900 American School Pupil of Thomas Cole. 66. Landscape. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. DABO (Leon) American School Born 1868. Evening on the Hudson. DAUBIGNY ( FraAncots). 1817-1878 French School Daubigny’s favorite light was that of the cool evening dusk. (Muther) Landscape. DECKER (Cornetis). 1625-1675 Dutch School Landscape. DIETRICH (Curistian WILHELM Ernst). 1712-1744 German School Family Group. DELEN (Dirk Van). 1635-—- Dutch School Interior. DEMARNE (Jean Louts). 1744-1829 French School Landscape With Cattle. DEJONGHE (J. B.). 1788-1844 Flemish School Landscape. DOMENICHINO (Domenico ZAmpipri). 1581-1642 Italian School (Bolognese) The Cumaean Sibyl. Early copy. The original is in the Capitol museum in Rome. DOUGHERTY (Paut) (N. A.). 1877 American School The Cleft. DOLCI (Carto). 1508-1568 Italian School (Florentine) Poetry. ae This is an early copy of Dolci’s famous painting “Poetry.” The original is in the Uffici Gallery in Florence. its 78. 79; 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. DOMENICHINO (School of) Italian School (Bolognese) Seventeenth Century. - Head of Evangelist. This painting is attirbuted to one of Domenichino’s pupils. DOU (GerRaArRD). 1613-1681 Dutch School Dou was a pupil of Rembrandt. Payment of Tribute. Portrait of an Old Woman. It is undetermined whether this painting is a replica, or an early copy of Dou’s ‘‘ La Divideuse”’ in the Hermitage in St. Petersburg. DROOGSLOOT (JosepH CoRNEILLE). Born 1624 Dutch School Village Fete. DUPONT (GarinssporovuGH). 1767-1797 British School Portrait of Lord Mountstuart. DUPRE (Juues). 1812-1889 French School Dupre was one of the pioneers of the modern French School (Barbizon) of landscape painting. Landscape and Marine. DURAND (AsHER B.). 1796-1886 American School. (Hudson River) Durand and Cole are called the fathers of American Landscape. Landscape. ECHAVE (BatTasar DE). 1580-1660 Spanish-American School Born in Spain and died in Mexico. Echave is considered the most notable of the founders of the art of painting in Mexico. Adoration of the Magi. St. Paul. St. Peter. St. Simon. The Nativity of the Virgin. ECKHOUT (GERBRAND VAN DEN). 1621-1674 Dutch School Of the pupils of Rembrandt, Eckhout was most nearly his Master’s equal. (Clement) The Circumcision. ELSHEIMER (Apam). 1574-1620 German School Both Rubens and Rembrandt profited from him. (Rosenberg) 90. ‘‘Ceres With Metanira.’’ EBERT (Cart). 1826-1885 German School 91. Winter Landscape. EPP (RupoteH). Contemporary German School 92. ‘‘The Interrupted Nap.”’ EVERDINGEN (Aupert VAN). 1621-1675 Dutch School 93. Landscape. FABRITIUS (Kare). 1624-1654 Dutch School Eckhout, Flinck, Boll and Fabritius were the four most illustrious pupils of Rembrandt. 94. Woman at Prayer. FRANCIA (Francesco). 1450-1518 Italian School (Bolognese) 95. Pieta. FRANCK (Jerome). 1540-1610 Flemish School 96. ‘Christ Being Shown to the People.’’ FRANCK (Francois) (The Elder). 1544-1616 Flemish School 97. ‘‘The Feast of Belshazzar.’’ 98. ‘‘Christ Bearing the Cross.’’ 99. ‘Christ Before Pilate.’’ FEUERBACH (AnsEim). 1829-1880 German School Feuerbach was one of Germany’s foremost modern painters. His work resembles that of Ingres. (Muther) 100. Head of Young Man. (Study.) FLINCK (Govarrt). 1615-1660 Dutch School Next to Eckhout he was the pupil most like their great master Rembrandt. (Clement) 101. Shepherdess. 102. Shepherd. 103. ‘‘Christ Being Shown to the People.’’ This is a fragment of a large painting. Another large fragment is in the Hackley Gallery of Fine Arts, in Muskegon, Michigan. FERG (Pau. Francis). 1689-1740 German School 104. Landscape With Obelisk. FRENCH SCHOOL (Nineteenth Century). Artist unknown 105. Landscape. FLORENTINE SCHOOL (15th Century). Artist unknown 106. Ascension. FLORENTINE SCHOOL (16th Century). Artist unknown 107. Marriage of St. Catharine.”’ 108. Pieta. This is attributed to one of Botticelli’s pupils. FLORENTINE SCHOOL (17th Century). Artist unknown 109. Madonna and Infant With St. Catharine and Saints. GEBLER (F.0O.). Born 1838 German School : Pupil of Piloty. 110. Landscape With Cattle. GIOTTO (School of). 1276-1336 Italian School Artist unknown. 111. Portrait of Dante. GIFFORD (Sanrorp R.). 1823-1880 American School 112. Marine. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. GIORDANO (Luca). 1632-1705 Italian School (Neopolitan) Giordano was a pupil of Ribera. His facility of execution was marvelous. (Clement) “Saul Hurling his Javelin at David.’’ “And Saul cast the javelin; for he said I will smite David even to the wall with it. And David avoided out of his presence twice.” I Samuel 18:11. “Samuel Anointing David.’’ “Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him (David) in the midst of his brethren.’ I Samuel 16:13. The Crucifixion. (A study.) Portrait of Young Monk. GOYEN (Jan Van). 1596-1656 Dutch School Landscape. Landscape. GRIFFIER (Jean). 1645-1718 Dutch School Pupil of Wouvermann and Loten. Rhine Landscape. Rhine Landscape. GRIMMER (Jacquzs). 1526-1590 Dutch School Landscape. GIROUX (AnprReE). 1801 French School In the Roman Campagne. GERMAN SCHOOL (16th Century). Artists unknown Adoration of the Magi. Three Messengers Announcing to Abraham That a Son Is To Be Born to Him. This painting came from the Chapel at Taun near Fulda, Germany. The Descent of the Holy Ghost. The Death of the Virgin. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. GUERCINO. 1590-1666 Italian School (Bolognese) His real name was Geo. Francesco Barbieri. Lucretia. The painting represents the wife of L. Tarquinius Collatimes, who, when outraged by Sextus Tarquinius, summoned her hushand and friends and making them take oath to drive out the Tar- quins, plunged a knife into her heart. GUDIN (J. A. T.). 1802-1880 French School Marine. HARRISON (ALEXANDER). 1853 American School Pupil of Gerome. “‘The Fisher Boy.’’ Harrison wrote regarding this painting: ‘‘The ‘Fisher Boy’ was always one of my pets and was painted from the same model kid who posed for my ‘Chateau en Espagna’ now in the Metropolitan Museum of New York.” HARRISON (Birce). Born 1854 American School Winter Landscape. HAZELTINE (W.S.). Contemporary American School The Bay of Naples. HARBURGER (Epmunp). 1846-1906 German School The Savant. HEIL (Danteu Van). 1604-1662 Flemish School A Conflagra tion. HELST (BarTHoLOMEW VAN DER). 1613-1670 Dutch School Portrait of Old Woman. HEUSCH (WILLEM DE). 1638-1712 Dutch School Italian Landscape. HONTHORST (Gerarp). 1592-1662 Dutch School His fondness for painting night scenes earned him the title ‘“Gher- ardo dalle Notti.” Madonna and Infant. HOLBEIN (Hans) (School of) German School 137. Portrait of Henry the Eighth. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144, 145. Sixteenth Century. It has not been determined what artist painted this portrait. It is undetermined whether this portrait was painted by a pupil of Holbein, under his direction in his studio and with his help, or whether, as some believe, it was painted by Guillim Stretes, court painter of Edward the 6th, son and successor to Henry the 8th. Stretes painted so nearly like Hans Holbein that his paintings were frequently mistaken for those of Holbein. The weight of opinion is that it is an original painted from life. HUCHTENBURGH (Jan Van). 1646-1733 Dutch School Battle Scene. HUYSMANS (Jean Baptiste). 1654-1716 Flemish School Landscape. HERERA (Micuet pe). 1771 Spanish-American School Madonna With Angels. HUYSMANS (Corneuis). 1648-1727 Flemish School a otne. HUEBNER (Cari WILHELM). 1814-1879 German School ““TheWidow’s Comfort in Prayer.’’ HOUBRAKEN (Arnotp). 1660-1709 Dutch School Historical Subject. INNESS (Georce). 1825-1894 ' American School “After the Storm.’’ IGLER (Gustav Pror.). Contemporary German School “‘The Music Lesson.’’ IBARRA (Jose). 1760 Spanish-American School 146. ‘‘The Presentation in the Temple.’ : ISABEY (Euvcener Louis GABRIEL). 1804-1886 French School 147. After the Storm. ITALIAN SCHOOL (Umprien) (15th Century). Artist unknown 148. The Death of St. Frances of Rome. ITALIAN SCHOOL (16th Century). Artist unknown 149. ‘‘The Holy Family.’’ ITALIAN SCHOOL (17th Century). Artist unknown 150. Still Life. 151. Still Life. 152. Landscape. 153. Landscape. 154. St. Paul. 155. St. Agnes. 156. St. John. ITALIAN SCHOOL (Venetran) (17th Century) This school of painting is conspicuous for its rich coloring. Artist unknown. 157. Two Venetian Girls With Mask. ITALIAN SCHOOL (Period undetermined). Artist unknown 158. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin. ISLAS (ANDREAS AB). 1773 Spanish-American School 159. The Virgin of Guadalupe. In 1531 an Indian related that the Virgin appeared to him, had filled his blanket with flowers, which she commanded him to take to Zumarraga, first Bishop of Mexico, and direct him to build a church in her honor at Guadalupe. The painting shows the Indian in the act of exhibiting to the Bishop his blanket on which he claimed the Virgin had left her image. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. JARDIN (KareEt pv). 1622-1678 Dutch School “‘The Herd.”’ JONES (H. Botton). Born 1848 American School The coloring in his paintings shows the influence of the French Open Air School. (Isham) Landscape. KEITH (Wm.). 1839-1911 American School Studied under Achenbach and Marr. Painted most of the time in California. Napa Creek. KENSETT (J. F.). 1818-1873 American School Kensett enjoys the fame of being the best master of technique of the group of American painters of his period. (Muther) Landscape. KEYSER (Nicatsgp De). 1813-1887 Flemish School ‘The Numismatics.’’ KOBELL (Jan). 1800-1838 Dutch School Landscape With Cattle. LORRAINE (Cxiauppr). 1600-1682 French School Italian Landscape. LANGE (Junius). 1817-1878 German School In the Highlands. LOPEZ (Cartos CLEMENTE). 1750-1800 Spanish-American School The Martyrdom of St. John of Nepomuck. LANDSEER (Sir Epwin Henry). 1802-1873 British School The Pets. Representing little Lady Rachel Russel with her favorite faun, “Harty.” 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. LAWRENCE (Sir Toomas). 1769-1830 British School Portrait of Lord Seaforth. LOTEN (Jan). Died 1680 Dutch School Loten was a contemporary of Rembrandt and his landscapes were formerly frequently mistaken for those of Rembrandt. Landscape. LUCATELLI (Anprea). Died 1741 Italian School Landscape. Landscape. MANNI (GIANNIcoLA). 1493-1544 Italian School (Umbrian) Manni was a pupil of Perugino. He was influenced by Pin- turichio and Raphael. Madonna and Infant. The frame is an original Tabernacle frame of the 16th Century. MANS (F.) Dutch School Seventeenth Century. Winter Landscape. MARTIN (Jean Baptiste). 1659-1735 French School Martin was a noted battle painter in the reign of Louis the 14th of France. (Siret) . Battle Scene. MAX (Gapriet Von). Born 1840 German School Pupil of Piloty. ' ‘‘Music.”’ MECKEL (A. von). 1856-1893 German School Evening in Egypt. Water! Water! Water! MELDAHL (Tu.). Dated 1855 German School In the Bavarian Highlands. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 188. 189. MICHAU (THrEoBALD). 1676-1769 Flemish School Landscape. MIGNARD (Pierre) (Attributed). 1610-1695 French School A Court Lady. MINOR (RoseErt C.). 1840-1904 American School Landscape. MOLENAER (Niconas). 1649 Dutch School Winter Landscape. MOTA (JosEPpH). Dated 1710 Spanish-American School . Christ Washing The Feet of His Disciples. MORALES (Luis). 1509-1586 Spanish School “Christ Bearing The Cross.’’ Morales was called ‘‘The Divine.” It is the stern solemnity of the Spanish faith, the sorrows of the Christ fainting beneath the burden of the cross, that find their dramatic rendering in this gloomy son of Spain. (MacFall) MORAN (Epwarp). Born 1829-1901 American School Marine. MORAN (Tuomas). 1837 Amer|can School Marine ‘‘Welcomin§g the Return of the Boat.’’ MORANDA (Paoua). 1486-1529 Italian School (Veronese) Madonna and Infant With St. John and St. Joseph. Moranda was a contemporary of Raphael and one of the best painters of Verona before the time of Paul Veronese. (Clement) 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. MORLETE (Ruwutz) Spanish-American School Was active in 1760. St. Anthony of Padua. Coronation of a Martyr. NATTIER (Jean Marc). 1685-1766 French School Portrait of Court Lady. NEER (Aart VAN DER). 1619-1685 Dutch School Moonlight Landscape. Moonlight Landscape. Moonlight Landscape. NEUMANN (Fritz). Contemporary German School The Attack. NETSCHER (CasprEr). 1639-1684 German School Portrait of Court Lady. NEFFS (Pieter) (The Elder). 1570-1639 Flemish School Church Interior. OMMEGANCK (Paut BattTHazar). 1755-1826 Dutch School Landscape With Cattle. Landscape With Cattle. PALMA (Gracomo) (Il Vechio). 1475-1528 Italian School (Venetian) The Holy Family With St. Catharine and Shepherd. The Holy Family and St. Catharine. Dr. Waagen in Vol. 2, page 134, Art Treasures of Great Britain, speaks of this painting, which he saw in the Munro collection in 1835, as being ‘‘a delicate picture in the clear tones peculiar to Palma’s earlier works.’ Crowe and Cavalcaselle, page 485, describe this painting. Madonna and Infant. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. PANTOJA (JUAN DE LA Cruz). 1551-1610 Spanish School St. Aloysius Gonzaga. PARTON (ArrTHurR). Born 1842 American School Landscape. PEETERS (BoNnAVENTURE). 1614-1671 Flemish School Marine. PICKNELL (W.L.). 1852-1897 American School Woodland Interior. POTTER (Pau). 1625-1654 Dutch School In the Pasture. PROCACCINI (Gruxtio Cesare). 1548-1618 Italian School Magdalene. POUSSIN (Nicuouas). 1594-1665 French School Landscape. Penitence. This picture is described in Vol. 8, page 74, Smith’s Catalogue Raisonne, printed in London, 1837. PYNACKER (Apam). 1621-1673 Dutch School Landscape. QUAST (PrerRE). 1632 Dutch School Tavern Scene. QOUSAGA (B.S. L.) Spanish-American School Eighteenth Century. St. Pascal Baylon. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. RAVENSTEYN (Jan Van). 1572-1657 Dutch School Portrait of Old Woman. REMBRANDT (Van Ryn). 1606-1669 Dutch School Portrait of a Boy. A Rabbi. The latter probably an 18th Century copy of Rembrandt’s painting » at Chatsworth. RENI (Guo) (School of) Italian School (Bolognese) Seventeenth Century. Artist unknown. St. Sebastian. REYNOLDS (Sir Josuua). 1723-1792 British School Portrait of Dr. John Armstrong. Dr. Armstrong was a poet, essayist and physician and a personal friend of Reynolds. This painting is described (page 191) of Armstrong’s work on Reynolds. RIBERA (JosEeF DE) (School of) Spanish School Seventeenth Century. Bearded Old Man. RICHARDS (Ws. T.). 1833-1905 American School Wood Interior. ROUBAUD (Franz). Contemporary German School Tscherkessian Rider. ROKES (Martens Henprick) (Called Sorgh). 1621-1682 Flemish School Kitchen Interior. Rokes was a pupil of Teniers, the younger. He excelled in paint- ing kitchen interiors. ROMANO (Gru1i0) (Real name Grutto Pippi). 1492-1546 Italian School (Roman) ) Madonna. Romano was a favorite pupil of Raphael. Christ Bearing the Cross. ROOS (Puri) (Called Rosa de Tivoli). 1655-1705 German School 226. Landscape With Goats. 227. Landscape With Goats. ROSA (Anna 1). 1613-1640 Italian School 228. Sleeping Child. ROSA (Satvator). 1615-1673 Italian School (Neopolitan) 229. Landscape. 230. The Attack. 231. After the Battle. ROSS (Danrezt) Nationality of artist unknown. 232. Young Greek Painting Vase. -RUBENS (PETER Paut) (School of) Flemish School Seventeenth Century. 233. Madonna and Infant With Angels and Figures. RAPHAEL (Santr) (School of) Italian School Sixteenth Century. 234. The Holy Family. 235. The Holy Family. Dr. Braune, Director of the Old Pinakothek in Munich, attributes the latter painting to one of Raphael’s pupils. SARTO (ANDREA DEL). 1488-1530 Italian School Sixteenth Century. 236. The Holy Family With Angels. SARTO (AnpDREA DEL) (School of) Italian School Sixteenth Century. 237. The Holy Family. SAFTLEBEN (Herman). 1609-1685 Dutch School 238. The Mouse Tower in the Rhine at Bingen. SAVERY (Rouanp). 1576-1639 Flemish School 239. Orpheus Charming the Beasts. SCHALKEN (GoprrieD). 1643-1706 Dutch School 240. Woman and Youth With Candle. SPAGNA (Grovanni Lo). Died 1529 Italian School (Umbrian) 241. Mary Magdalene. In original Venetian Tabernacle frame of the 16th Century. Lo Spagna was a pupil of Perugino and Pinturicchio. His paint- ings formerly were often mistaken for those of Perugino. Next to Raphael, Lo Spagna was Perugino’s most distinguished pupil. Many paintings, today attributed to Perugino and Raphael, are really the work of Lo Spagna’s hand.” (MacFall) SWANEVELT (Herman Van). 1620-1690 Dutch School 242. Landscape. SERRA (E.). Born 1860 Spanish School 243. Portrait of Young Woman. SCHEDONE (BarToLoMEo). 1580-1615 Italian School (Roman) 244. Flight Into Egypt. SNELLINCK (Jan). 1544-1638 Flemish School 245. Landscape. STEVENS (ALFRED). 1828-1906 Belgian School 246. Marine. SLINGELAND (Prrter Van). 1640-1691 Dutch School 247. Tavern Scene. SMILLIE (Grorce H.). Born 1840 American School 248. A Mountain Ravine in the Catskills. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. nose 256. SOLIMENA (Francesco). 1657-1747 Italian School (Neopolitan) The Circumcision. STORK (Apranam). 1650-1708 Dutch School Harbor Scene. SCHOEVAERDTS (Marutas). Born 1667 Flemish School Landscape. He painted much in the style of Teniers. (Siret) SUSTERMANS (Justus). 1597-1681 Flemish School Portrait of a Spanish Lady. At a sale at Christies in London, June 14, 1852, this painting was catalogued (No. 76) and was sold as a “ Head of a Spanish Princess”’ by Velasquez. SHURTLEFF (R.M.). 1838-1915 American School Wood Interior. SEIDEL (Auvcust). 1820-1904 German School Landscape and Approaching Storm. SNYDERS (Frans). 1579-1657 Flemish School Still Life. SALCEDO (SrEsBastTIANn) . Spanish-American School Dated 1783. Our Lady of Cortego. SPANISH AMERICAN SCHOOL (17th Century). Artists unknown 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. St. Jerome. Christ Taken Captive in the Garden of Gethsemane. The Immaculate Conception. The Madonna of the Scapular. The Madonna and Infant. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. Regina Coell. Tobias and the Arch Angel St. Raphael. The Guardian Anégel. Cardinal St. Charles Borromeo. The Madonna. Mater Dolorosa. Adoration of the Shepherds. Mary, the Refuge of Sinners. Santa Rosa di Lima. Religious Subject. SPANISH AMERICAN SCHOOL (18th Century). Artist unknown 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279, 280. 281. 282. St. Anthony of Padua and Christ-Child. SPANISH AMERICAN SCHOOL. Artists and period unknown St. Barbara. The Madonna and Infant. The Crowning of the Virgin. Mater Dolorosa. St. Joseph With Infant Savior. The Madonna of the Rosary. THAULOW (Fritz). Contemporary Norwegian School (Pastel) River Scene. TENIERS (Davin) (The Younger). 1610-1690 Flemish School Allegory. ““The Hermit.’’ ‘“‘The Sorceress in Hades.’’ TINTORETTO (Real name Jacopo Rogustt) (Attributed). 1512-1594 283. Italian School (Venetian) St. Peter. Tintoretto’s motto was: “The coloring of Titian, the drawing of Michael Angelo.”’ (Clement) sit nee TINTORETTO (School of) Italian School (Venetian) Sixteenth Century. 284. St. Catharine. TITIAN (Real name Tiz1aNo VECELLIO). 1477-1576 Italian School (Venetian) 285. The Martyrdom of St. Peter. The original by Titian, was destroyed in a fire in Venice in 1867. This is a 16th Century copy. TITIAN (School of). 1477-1576 Artist unknown 286. Holy Family. TORTIE (Dom). 1830-1880 Italian School 287. Madonna and Infant. TROYON (Constant). 1810-1865 French School 288. Landscape. TORRES (ANTONIO DE) Spanish-American School Dated 1723. 289. Christ and the Petitioning Mother. UNKNOWN SCHOOL, PERIOD AND ARTIST 290. Lucretia. 291. Madonna and Infant. 292. Mater Dolorosa. 293. Christ on the Cross. 294. St. Agnes. VALLEJO (Franciscus ANTONIUS). 1778 Spanish-American School 295. Madonna. 296. One of the Seven Stations. 297. Mater Dolorosa. VALENTIN (Morse Le). 1591-1634 French School 298. Portrait of a Man Smoking. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. VASARI (Groreto) (Attributed). 1512-1574 Italian School (Florentine) Music. VAN DYCK (AntuHony). 1599-1641 Flemish School St. Martin Dividing his Cloak With a Beggar. VENNE (ApriIAN VAN DER). 1589-1662 Dutch School Proverb. VERBOECKHOVEN (EuGENE JosepH). 1798-1881 Dutch School Sheep in Stable. VEEN (Orro van) (Called Otto Venius). 1558-1629 Flemish School Van Veen was the teacher of Rubens. The Adulteress. VERNET (Cuaupe JosepH) (Attributed). 1714-1789 French School Marine. Marine. VERONESE (Patt) (Real name Paola Caliari). 1528-1588 Italian School Adoration of the Magi. This is either a replica or an early 17th Century copy of Verenese’s painting in the Hermitage at St. Petersburg. VERONESE (Pauvt) (School of) Italian School Dated 1748. Signature illegible. Magdalene. VLIEGER (Simon De). 1602-1670 Dutch School Marine. VELDE (ApriAn VAN DE). 1639-1672 Dutch School Landscape. “ VERESTSCHAGIN (Vassity V.). 1842-1904 Russian School 310. Portrait. VENETIAN SCHOOL (16th Century). Artist unknown 311. The Entombment. VANDERLYN (RuporiIGco) Dutch School Dated 1700. 312. Madonna and Infant. VILLALPANDO (C.) Spanish-American School 313. The Presentation of the Virgin. Dated 1690. 314. Adoration of the Shepherds. Dated 1767. WAGNER (Lupwic CuristTIAn). 1799-1839 German School 315. The Odenforest. WEENIX (Jan Baptist). 1621-1660 Dutch School 316. Still Life. WERFF (ApriAn VAN Deir). 1659-1722 Dutch School 317. Flight Into Egypt. This is a copy by Van Der Werff of Corregio’s painting in the Museo Nationale at Naples. WILLIAMS (F. Batiarp). Contemporary American School 318. Diana and Minerva. WITHOOS (Maruatas). 1627-1703 Dutch School 319. Fishing Docks. WYANT (A. H.) 1836-1892 American School 320. Landscape. 394) 322. 323. 324. 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. XUAREZ (Josrern) (or Juarez). 1642-1698 Spanish-American School Adoration of the Magi. St. Theresa—Called Theresa of Jesus. XUAREZ (Nicuouas Ropericuenz). 1690-1722 Spanish-American School Madonna and Angels. XUAREZ (Juan Ropericuez) (or Juarez). 1676-1728 Spanish-American School He was called the Murillo of Mexico. The Annunciation. The Arch Angel St. Raphael. St. Anthony of Padua With the Infant Savior. St. Nympha. UNCLASSIFIED Saints Justa and Rufina. Patron Saints of Seville. The Holy Family. Painted in Monochrome. Prudentia. A Russian Ikon. Sixteenth Century. With 32 miniatures of Biblical subjects. St. Peter. St. Bartholomew. Portrait. Names of the Artists Represented Alphabetically Arranged under Schools CATALOGUE NUMBER AMERICAN SCHOOL TE dita it Seo once eae Raa ena 4 Ser SO oaks aceon eee | edduesondinancce chp metnedivendeveymnteonous 24 Ie ose ce vw senna vieemnepstndite nan nema cnaremancene aw 35 Sn cing chee wah a semerdpannensineerrosroe eset ecnamesceence 66 EN eo co Cig ess dep da andes ee genase 54 uals SRS lee RES ee ea eee 51 ah pan er saeindenew ented tp edeatore enn igigeoeneees 67 I os cope nce nc ocd etc natn pgp rusegsnornintnnrtareeesewentounee 83 NR Or a a a cn sn cee ecndenegudchnmnnyeernpnsbigs ausat-r 75 CEL UT ROS id | ae oth | ES sie as Nal Ae oak aes PO RUS RRP UM a Ae Lj? RN aoc ons nensh pepe nde nd cinegueansemmentvanstevisenstoorvansoss 131 a DEAS (eT aS el a a 129 EES ga a, a ae a ee OP ENE EN 130 Ia an ia sc eeeg cents ctetpede ces igntgndecaacvensens 144 RS SA cob ver cee eto cu Semawovsngcnaseitonnatarcucdopicaoce 161 I cre airoe ec secenere wierd donb one naonp-meqenesedicipiucaaentnsns 163 I ORS snc cechyctbnncepanedenbennivnnulantecotentane 162 TS OES 01 Ra TI a aE Sates oe 187 TEL ES, 00 aN RU 5 all See eG a Daan earns an chase 188 fe SETS 5 2 et et ee ee ee Cet io E 183 I a ea eahau cd ose dendeity saa cenanca aneandup ete eeteeaes 205 (Ss he 1 eal SS ae a Eo rane Dae EE cere CAO 207 I AT ne cn decode enspnaniass Sememiwlsiniona mncoovseees 221 US SE oD LL se, kia Se ee a DS REL 248 os ha, LET OST 25 50 SUS le a aC ap aU ROI Carat a Dene Eg 253 EE econ oot SS an fo en PCE RISE tee OED 320 ean ININ LATA eC et ee 318 BRITISH SCHOOL eT LEO OGG CEE 17, a eT te EERE Una wt SRN nee ok 26 ls Nn 2 ee See el ct ee a RE Seam Lone 11 yey ae re Sy cal se eee ean oe 55 Ly a MECC ae ogee oC ee ee SERN Nee cet 65 ELT Cd Ce ae ee a EI ENS een ree ih eek Owe ae 81 UPPER IN TRDU CISC SIT) IY a tec gage eee ah en oe eee eee ada 169 DIRE RAM OURS Ce) ns, epee a ek NGS es ea ke ee ame 170 pr tree eC YS ae a) ea chug atte: eee eee Oe 219 Ho DST Ti eg Fo ge ee a La a Cl ROR IRE RE Onc tet GG do AN CATALOGUE NUMBER DUTCH SCHOOL Bergen, Diedrich Vein... nannies cen taper 21 Both, Jan and Jardin Karel duis... 27 Bol, Wreveirnsn docs senna cece ner ne 39 Bramer, Leomard. oo n.c---p-aeh eta eee ae Rare 16 Barentsen, Dire. onan ccc cae ee aes eee eerste ee ee ee 12 Berchem,: Claas’ Pin... .-.:-csenens ne nde ratec ccna ont enatre ch 19-20 Breenberg, Barth. .-.-p-nccecceesteccnctee teneneathncnaenn enter tote eo 22 Corkaerti, Usa ciiscoc nce enine cette Se pea teeie enna 53 Capelle, Jean Vande..2 2000. ae -osbansensest in esc eanioae tee manana 46 Deeker, Cormelis. ooo ociccicecoceecescocc ene en see eer eterna er ep 69 Droogsloot, Joseph Corneille <2. oto x ececes ener oe 80 Deten, Ditck: VanaW...22. 2. snd tera ineneh wehaeivelcc se eeueceieseab AS eee tet ee 71 Dour, Gerard. occa acing co seen eens ec mc erected ene oe a 78-79 Biverdingen, Albert Vani. i-th eece eat ope 93 Eckhout, Gerbrand Van demsncci.ccs ci --oecs oe iene eee 84 Flinck, Govern ccc. nso tn ences ep 101-102-103 Falbritius, Kare) 2 -oc..-.0c.-2o- cence tee cges epee haere ore 94 Grimmer, JACQUes.........02ce-c2--ceceer-ecenbeneweny conn ytonn nme nese anette ee 122 Guriffiler,, JO re. .oc.ceciccaieecsactnmee cece ngct cee neo cane resent ee 119-120 Goyen, Jean Var... nonsense geen cee p rete 117-118 Helst, Bartholomew Vander... 2 -22.--:-2)/-- . tpt pe oe eA Pe fe ' ibe A as Pid 4 ph 4 sel ¥ * > .! . 3 % * wre ve At ie ASE ts | inset j ST ies oe tye = % 1 eke ath De Spd peenaty, si ke Foy ; J oh % Re, bake ‘oa tag ye / cat iD 2 a