Se ee eee ee ee ee ee att CL A A 4 LIBRARY NO. , M. Knoedler & Co. i AM 14 East 57th St. New York ACC. Gen. qit/ , & ; : MR. JOHN PONDIR’S Collection of Paintings. ALSO ANOTHER COLL ECTION, SELECT AND CHOICE EXAMPLES BY CELEBRATED ARTISTS. NOW ON EXHIBITION, DAY AND EVENING, AT THE eabitt Rit Galleries, 817 Broadteay, TO BE SOLD By AUCTION ON THE EVENINGS OF Thursday and Friday, April 21st and 22d, ae AT 7:45 O'CLOCK, ACE Ciai be POn It ATT. s R, SOMERVILLE, A uctioneer, GEO. A. LEAVITT & co. THE SALE WILL TAKE PLACE AT ees y é if CLINTON HALL, CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dis pute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down twenty-five per cent. on the dollar in part payment, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if re- quired, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased i to be immediately put up again and re-sold. , 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense , and Risk within three days from the conclusion of the : Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be ab- ; solutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Vendor, on or before delivery ; in default of which 4 the Auctioneers will not hold themselves responsible if the \ Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. ‘ 4. The Sale of any Painting, Engraving, Print, Furni- ‘ ture, Works of Art, or any other article, is not to be set 3 aside on account of any error in the description. All articles are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. s, To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 6. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, ‘ the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re- sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneers to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if they think fit. ; GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO., AUCTIONEERS E. O, Jenkins’ Print, 20 North William St.,“New York, NAMES OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED IN THIS COLLECTION, AND NUMBER OF THE WORK. Angus, W. 10. Lebling, M. Anders, E. 35. Lesrel, A. 30 Aufray, J. 93. Lebel, alee lio: Berndtson, G. 54. Lovatti, M. 102. Bruck-Lajos, L. 36 Mertz, J. C. 88. Bellange, H. 13. Moulinet, E. 95, oe Beranger, E. 123. Meissonier, C. 107, Bosch, E. 114. Moreau, A. 118. Bakkerkorf, 100 a. Mevins, H. 134, Bodenmiiller, A. 11%. Meserigny, F. de. 48. Brispot, H. 120. Muller, - A. 49, Bouguereau, 111. Meyer, L. 51. Boucherville, A. de. 97. Miralles, E. 53. Becker, C. 08. Meyer von, Bremen, 57, 104. Bonheur, R. Michel, E. 64. Chavet, Ve 26. 127. Ney marek, ERS 100: Clays, P. J. 38. Nouy, Le Comte de. 24., Corot, 56. Nehiig, V. 83. Carter, D. M. 85. Nabert, W. 3. Calish, M. 124. Ncter, D. de. 14. Coleman, EF. 133, Notermann, Z. 8, 181. Diaz, N. "5D. Oebmichen, H. 99. j Detti, C. 47. Pinchart, E. 92, 109. Dupray, Hi. eo Portiege, 65. De Penne, O. Plassan, E. 105. De Metz, LL. 20, “59 Preyer, R. 45. Dell’ Aqua, C. 19. Pourbus, F. 132. Delort, C. 112. Richard, A. 77. Escallier, vine a 9, Robbe, F. 128. Ennis, E. W. Rosezewski, 18. Egusquiza, R. "38, 74, Richards, W. T. 27. Engel, J. F. 28. Rossi, L. 29. Ehrentraut, 52. Rico, M. a Epp, R. 91. Rauber, W. Frappa, J. 46. Seignac, Ie, a Fichel, E. 25, 87. Siegert, ee 30, 60. Fauvel, A. 125. Stroebel, 80. Ferry, J. 116. Schlesinger, F, 1, 69, 82. Geertz, F. 4, 5, 72, 73. Schaeffels, 90. Gonzales, 6. San, Martin 108. Guygens, 1380. Savry, H. 67. Gena, 8. 7%. Salmson, H. 71. Geselinkx, 79. Steen, Jan von. 76. Gegerfelt, "W. 94, Stammel, E. 62. Garay, M. de 103. Sonderland, F. H. 59. Hubner, C. 58. Schendel, P. von. 61. Hollender, LG; Spiridon, J. 39. Henry, E. "L. 17 , 185, Schenck, A. 42, Herbsthoffer, 122. Sell, C. 15. Hamme, A. youn. 126. Thoren, Otto de 37. Hone, H. 78. Tous saint, L. 66. Haanen, A. von 2, Tasset, G. 119. Irving, J. B. 104. Toulmouche, A. 119. Jacque, C. 41. Vos, V. de. 75. Kratke, L. 12.! Vaarberg, H. 81, 84. Keyser, E. 44, Vernert, “J. 89. Linning, W. 68. Verboeckhoyen, E. 129. Littschauer, 70. Werner, H. 118. Lejune, E. 63. Wagner, F, 43, Zimerman, E. 106, CATE ALOT oO FIRST EVENING’S SALE. I SCHLESINGER (Felix) . . Munich Spanish. Muleteer. 2 VAN HAANEN (A.).. . Antwerp Marketing. 3 NABERT (W.) . ; : : Dusseldorf Landscape. GEERTZ (F.) : : : : Antwerp In the Tavern. GEERTZ (F.) ‘ ; : : Antwerp Companion to the fore- going. GONZALEZ. Madonna and Child. GESSA (S.) ; : : : : Paris Sill Lite. 8 NOTERMANN (Zacharie) . : 3russels The Empty Jug. ESCALLIER (Mme. Eleonore) . : Paris Flowers. Io ANGUS (W.). : es 4 Brussels Interior. II ENNIS (E. W.) : : : <2 London The Bird’s Nest. 12 KRATCKE (Louis) . . Paris The Chess Pay Tate Elenry LE eye BELLANGE(H) . . . = Patis The Battle of Solferino. DE NOTER (David) . ; : Brussels 7 Flemish Interior. 15 SELL (Christian) 5 Dusseldor¢ Throwing Dice. | 16 id 2 5 HOLLENDER (I.) : ; : Brussels The Pup. | HENRY (L.) Landscape. 18 ROSEZEWSKI (H.D.) . : Paris Objects of Art. 19 DELL ’AQUA (Cesare) . : ; Rome The Promenade. 20 DE METZ (Lanfant) ; ° ; : Paris Attention, Sir, “et, = SEIGNAC (Paul) . : : Ecouen Pussy’s Bee —=—- Fed 22 DE METZ (Lanfant) . : : Paris The Pigeon Carne: af = CO. 2 Zi EGUSQUIZA (R.) . ; ; ? Paris The Album. fe ae VA af ie v Vz YI ty Bit SG r 24 e 5 / f ve 7 LE COMTE DU NOUY (Jules). Paris Medals, 1866, ’69, 72. Legion of Honor, 1876. The Evening Prayer. 8 oe Af, , FICHEL (Eugene) : ‘ : Paris Medals, 1857, ’61, ’69. Legion of Honor, 1870. The Connoisseurs. THE. 26 BRILLOUIN (Georges) . : ; Paris Medal, 1853. 2d Class, 1855. Universal Exposition, 1857. Legion of Honor, 1859. he Smoker. — Pas 7 1 pol U “ d/ 27 td RICHARDS (WwW. T.) : ; Philadelphia Coast View. Ne ES “Sass: ee, eee pe, ENGEL (J. F.) ; ; Munich Taking a oa oe, 29 Xx ROSSI (Luis) . : Rome Feeding necks v7 Xx [I C, 3 SIEGERT (A.) . : : j Dusseldorf Tending Flowers. 0 X ay a 0. 31 LEBLING (Max) . ; ; : Munich Intrusion. LESREL ae ee oe The Benote. Se ann Ce oN me fd Je DUPRAY (H.) . Medals, 1872, ’74. Legion of Honor, 1878. The Review. > if a We / vd a 34 ? DE PENNE (Olivie) =. «Paris Medal, 1875. Hunting Dogs. ted ‘ie a ANDERS (E.) . ; Dusseldorf : The First-Born. ve 0, 36 BRUCK-LAJOS (Louis) . : Paris Pupil of Munkaczy. Honorable mention, 1879. The Little Strangers. Ree LLL P&S DETHOREN (Otto). . . . Paris Medal, 1865. Wallachian Pack-Train. pce Bs CLAYS (P. J.) : ; ; 3 Brussels Second Class Medal, 1867, Universal Exposition. Legion of Honor, 1875. §. Second Class Medal, 1878, Universal Exposition. &. Marine View. eee a Che ee SPIRIDON (I)... “TE Paris Lady and Pet Dog. CTY ee RICO (M.) . es re ee Paris River Views. Piso JACQUE (Charles) Medals, 1861, 63, ’64. Legion of Honor, 1867. Shepherdess and Flock of Sheep. Zoe A2 x SOHENCK (Auguste) . : ; Ecouen Medal, 1865. Sheep in a Snow-storm. TON x Ze] CA 43 WAGINER (Ferdinand)... =. ©) Munich Pupil of Piloty. The Mirror. PZ VA Cs 44 x KEVSER(E). . . - = Munich Spring-time. ee ety ae LIOR PREYER (Paul) : ; : Dusseldorf Pupil of his father. A Letter from the Absent. CC. A6 FRAPPA (Jose) . : : 3 : Paris Winter Diversions in a Convent. G ; Vig, 47, DETTI (C.) : ‘ : : Paris Welcoming the Visitors. a ESGRIGNY (F. de) ; 5 : Paris On the River Seine. See, 49 MULLER (Auguste) : : Munich Courtship. OH) F SOULS SGE, so OX RAUBER (W.) : : é ; Munich The Guide — Time of Wallenstein. SOC. ee! MEYER (S.)_. : ‘ Berlin Lady with Caer oo tt soy EHRENTRAUT (I.) . : : Berlin The Young Recrutt. 2 o/ cZ 53 X IMIRALLES (E.) ‘ sae ae Paris Attention, Sir. JHC. x BERNDTSON(G.) . ‘ ae Paris The Game of Cie of YO. 55 DIAZ (N.), deceased . : : : Paris Medals, 1844, ’46. Legion of Honor, 1851. Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Universal Exposition, 1878, Forest of Fontainebleau. f ie D> 36 oe COROT (J. B. C.), deceased : : Paris Medals, 1838, 748, 55, ’67. Legion of Honor, 1846, Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Diplomato the memory of deceased artists, Universal Exposition, 1878. Souvenir of Italy. GS 7A MEYER von BREMEN (Prof. J.G.) Berlin Various Medals and Decorations. The Little Helpmates. 58 HUBNER (Prof. Carl), deceased . Dusseldorf The First Quarrel. ne ees rom the Dusseldorf Gallery). ‘Cl I 29 SONDERLAND (F. H.) . : Dusseldorf . (9 _Rhenish Ferry. (From the Dusseldorf Gallery). 60 SIEGERT(A.) . ; ‘ . Dusseldorf The Savant and his Little Daughter. 61 VAN SCHENDEL (Pierre), deceased . Brussels Saturday Night in Am- sterdam. 62 STAMMEL(E.) . . . Dusseldorf A Trick of the Trade. 63 LEJEUNE (Eugene) . ‘ ° Paris The Fable of ae Blue- bird. SEE Ee ae Ree SN SE as ees SO CR at in AO i OM NAD re LY 64 MICHEL (E.) . : ‘ Paris Italian tlatic: oo Child. 65 PORTIELJE (I.). ; ; ; Antwerp A ffection. IAS 66 TOUSSAINT (L.) . : : Dusseldorf The Village School. (From the Dusseldorf Gallery). 67 SAVRY (H.). : ; - ; Brussels Cattle in Pasture. | OUD 68 LINNIG (W.) . ‘ : Brussels The eae Shon 69 SCHLESINGER (Felix) : ; Munich The First Price. 70 LITTSCHAUER (R. T.) . ; Dusseldorf The Antiquarian. 71 SALMSON (Hugo) .. ; : Paris Woman and Child of - Darlekarlia, Norway. 72 ‘GEERTGZ (F.) = ; : Antwerp In the Tavern. 73 GEERTZ (F.) ; : : ; Antwerp Companion to above. SECOND EVENING’S SALE. 74 EGUSQUIZA (R.) Pupil of Madrazo. Reverie. 75 DE VOS(V,) . The Pets. 76 JAN VAN STEEN. The Shrine. 77 RICHARD (A.) Tired Out. Paris Antwerp 78 HONE (H.) .. gS Brussels The Flowers. i 79 | | GESELINEKX ‘ ; : - Brussels | The Chicken Coop. | 80 | STROEBEL (J. C.) \ 81 | WAARBERG (i) =. Ss Brussels Too Hot. $2 SCHLESINGER (Felix) . . Munich Unwelcome Visitors. 83 NEHLIG (Victor) New York Interior. 84 VAARBERG (H.) Feeding the Bird. Brussels 85 CARTER (D. M.) ‘ . New York The Return of the Prodi- gal Son. 86 BONHEUR (Rosa) . . . ‘ Paris Medals, 1845, ’48. First Class Medal, Universal Exposition, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1855. Second Class Medal, Universal Exposition, 1867. A. Drawing. 87 FICHEL (Eugene) . os ans Medals, 1857, 61, ’69. Legion of Honor, 1870. Playing Chess. 88 MERTZ (J. C.) Interior. 89 VERNERT (Jos)j}. . . + + ~~ Paris. Ice-bound. go SCAEFFELS (L.)) . . : Antwerp Still Life. OI EPP (R.)’. : ‘ : - Munich Little Boy. soa 92. OA PINCHART (E.) Pupil of Kaemmerer. Charity. ce 93° AUFRAY (Jean) . Caught. yf es f GEGERFELT (W. de) Winter Landscape. ee fre 95 t MOULINET (E.) Making Faces. Eee 96 MOULINET (E.) After School. ee POF I eer Paris Ecouen Paris Paris Paris Shade POUR 97 BOUCHERVILLE (A. de) ere Paris Taming the Lion. SHO 93 xX BECKER (Prof. Carl) ‘ ; Berlin Head of a [ay ESC, 9 X OEHMICHEN (Hugo) . : Dusseldorf The Kindergarten. 7, I00 x NEYMARK (H.) . : : Paris On the River- see ? f Y A IOI J BAKKERKORFF (A. C.) . . Brussels Ironing. pe / ©: SLE 102 X LOVATTI (M.) E ‘ : : Rome A Rainy Day. 7 oO a 103 X DE GARAY (M.) i 5 ‘ Paris Pupil of Escosura. The Introduction. 104 MEYER von BREMEN (Prof, J.G.) Berlin Various Medals and Decorations. Industry. 105 Pp IRVING (J. Beaufain), deceased . New York The Wine Tasters. LL /¢, SG. SIV ee REAGSAN == 2° pare Medals, 1852, ’57, °59. Legion of Honor, 1859. After Breakfast. 107 ZIMMERMANN (Ernest) . : Munich The Jolly Trooper. Y C0 : 108 x IMEISSONIER (Charles) . eos Paris Taking Leave. ao Sis, 109 SAN MARTIN (C.) ; : ; Rome The Marriage Proposal. oe 110 X PINCHART (E.) The First Step. Paris COC, a ‘TOULMOUCHE (Aug.) . ; ; Paris Medals, 1852, ’59, 61. Legion of Honor, 1878. Medal, Universal Exposition, 1878, The Love-token. FLCC, tee x BOUGUEREAU (W.) . . . Paris Prize of Rome, 1850. Second Class Medal, Universal Exposition, 1855. First Class Medal, 1857. Legion of Honor, 1859. Third Class Medal, Universal Exposition, 1867. Member of the French Institute, 1876. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1876. Medal of Honor at the Universal Exposition, 1878, The Frugal Breakfast. DELORT (Charles). : : : Paris Medal, 1875. TheAcorn and the Pump- kin. ee oe I SGC, ) MOREAU (Adrien) . : ‘ ; Paris Medal, 1876, Going to Church. ae 114 BOSCH (E.) : : : : Dusseldorf The Tinker. LO 115 X LEBEL (E.) : : : Paris The Sasa Bay. ae SF C 116 x FERRY (Jules) - : : ; Paris The Pao ee 17 AN BODENMULLER (Alphonse) . Munich “ Standing with reluctant feet, Where the brook and river meet.” ; ite 118 X WERNER (H.) : : : Dusseldorf Harvesters Noon-time. Vs yf 119 , TASSET (G.) . ; ; Paris The Church eat olf f O- 120 x BRISPOT (Henri) . ; : : Paris Domine, Salvam fac Rem- publicam. 7) 121 FYE, HUBNER (Prof. Carl) : : Dusseldorf Trying to make it Up. 122 HERBSTHOFFER, deceased, ; Vienna Trying the Sword. are 123 -BERANGER (Emile) : 5 Paris After the Bath. 124 ‘CALISCH (Moritz) : 2 : Brussels Punch and Judy. 125 FAUVEL (Aug.) : : : Paris The Organ Grinder. 126 -HHAAIMIME (A. von) . : Z : Brussels Marketing. 127 ‘CHAVET (Victor) ; : : Paris Medals, 1853, ’55, ’57. Legion of Honor, 1850. The Novel. 128 ROBBE (F.) . : ; Brussels The Frightened Bull. 129 VERBOECKHOVEN (Eugene), dec’d¥Brussels. Medals, 1824, ’41, *55. Legion of Honor, 1845. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, of St. Michael of Bavaria, and Christ of Portugal. Decoration of the Iron Cross. Member of the Royal Academies of Antwerp and St. Petersburgh. Landscape with Sheep. GUYGENS. Sul Li. 131 NOTERMANN (Zacharie) . . Brussels. Parrot and Dog. POURBUS (Francois). The Smoker. oe, 133 X GERARD (Theodore) * 5 : Brussels The First Walk. 134 WEVINS (H.) . : : : Dusseldorf Marine. 135 HENRY (L.)_. : : : Dusseldorf Landscape. 136 PALMAROLI (Vincente) ; ; Paris Second Class Medal, Universal Exposition, 1867. Various Decorations. Summer Pastimes. > en eA ee TOTTI, oh cD I TAR Nt iS Nn 5 Ob tad 137 BOKER (C.) . 5 : Dusseldorf The Feedpen 138 BOKER (C.) : : : Dusseldorf Reverie. eel GP 139 L’HERNAULT (Just.) . : ; Paris The Bachelor. af 140 VOI LEMOT (Charles) . : ; Paris : Medal, 1870. Legion of Honor, 1870. The Tambourine Girl. ie. as BOUTIBONNE (E) = Gass Medal, 1847. In the Opera Box. Ror 2G 6 / aS 142 BAKALOWICZ (Ladislas) ; : Paris. ‘The Parrot. 143 COLEMAN (Thomas). ‘The Gleaner. 144 LEDIAN (Ph.) Wild Boars. T45 MOREMANS (GH) . . . Paris Interior. 146 MOREMANS (G.H.) . : Paris Interior. 147 BALLOU (B.) = The Promenade. 4+ : Fo Ps ee si Spe rip ey coe TAD oe, Seas Se ene ee ee A f t ; " Seine ek Sao aoe BE Sauily, ‘