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FEARON, ESQ. oe — Ee sta "TRUSTEE ub BANKRUPTCY Vith s some additions fae other boncenors Mele n ‘riday Afternoon and Evening ; .. 7 7 | ee ge | on M: arch 12th, 1915, at 2:30 and 8:15 o’clock — AT The Anderson Galleries. Metropolitan Art Association Mapison Avenue at Fortietu Street - NEw Yorx GCunditinns of Sale 1. All bids to be per Lot as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. He also re- serves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in de- fault of which the Metropolitan Art Association will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settle- ment of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition in The Anderson Galleries before the date of sale, for examination by intending pur-~ chasers, and the Metropolitan Art Association will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and makes no warranty | whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, without recourse. But upon receiving before the date of sale expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, the Metropolitan Art Association will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in default of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. 7. Terms Cash. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, will be re-sold by either private or public sale at such time as the Metropolitan Art Association shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such re-sale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of the Metropolitan Art Association to enforce the contract with the buyer, without such re-sale. . 8. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. 9. The Metropolitan Art Association will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. Che Anderson Galleries METROPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION, MADISON AVENUE AT ForTIETH STREET TELEPHONE Murray HI tt 7680. New York. Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be secured for $1.00 ORDER OF SALES —_——____. First Srsston—Friday Afternoon, March 12, 1915, at 2.30 o’clock. Art Objects, Textiles, Fixtures and Artistic F urniture. Pobsiear ec hie 1—82. SECOND SEsston—Friday Evening, March 12, 1915, at 8.15 o’clock. Paintings, Water Colors, Prints, Etchings and Art Books. Lots - - - 83—182. _ Covered ae red Walwet: Height, 514 feet. 5. LEATHER DESK BLOTTER _ Of green morocco lined with green moire silk. Made meee by Madam Thaulow, widow of the artist. Unused. A133 JAPANESE POTTERY WALL VASE ES Showing a mouse among the grapes modeled in relief ane and coated with colored glazes. Height, 8 inches. 7. TWO CARVED WALNUT PANELS Carved with scrolls and flowers in relief. Not matched. 8. THREE MORE 10. me ke 12. 13. 14, 15; 16. digs . CHINESE POTTERY WALL VASE The surface modeled in relief and decorated in yellow and blue on a yellow ground. Height, 7 inches. BRONZE WOLF HEAD, BY PROCTOR | Mounted on a green marble base as a paper weight. Height, 414 inches. — JAPANESE POTTERY WALL VASE Fan shaped and decorated with bamboo branches and other foliage painted in blue on a buff ground. Height, 9% inches. — SMALL CHINESE PORCELAIN STAND Decorated with flowers in five colors on a celadon ground, and the underside glazed with turquoise blue. Teakwood stand. ENGLISH SILVER SNUFF BOX, GILT The surface engine turned, with raised borders and thumb grip chased in a rose and leaf design. Hall marked London, 1822. BRONZE RABBIT, BY BARYE Original proof, signed. A rare cabinet piece. | Height, 2 inches. BRONZE DISCUS THROWER After the antique, by Del Nero. Height, 1474 inches. Teakwood stand. SMALL ANTIQUE CHINESE BUDDHA OF CARVED STONE | The figure of Buddha is seen seated on a throne with high back, carved and finished in color. Height, 14 inches. Top of the throne has disappeared. FIFTY-SEVEN AND A HALF YARDS OF TERRA COTTA BROCATELLE (New) One piece containing 5314 yards and 3 smaller pieces containing 414 yards. 6 caine eee stripes of terra cotta and white. In 3 _ pieces, one having 49 yards, and two smaller pieces con- 4 4 taining | 6 72 a. IXTY-FOUR, AND ‘A HALF YARDS OF RED MO- arte FIGURED PLUSH (New) In several BHEEES one Bae con- Pen. decorated with mask tops. | Height, 31 inches. RK TABLE “2 Top, 41 x 27 inches. 5 : i. EBONY EXHIBITION EASEL 8. ANOTHER ee 24. “TELEPHONE TABLE eam ee Of consol design, having one drawer. i oe ae ‘Height, 33 inches; top length, 291% inches; width, 17 inches. Made by Cottier & Co. 25. LIBRARY ARM CHAIR Covered with brown morocco finished with brass-headed | nails and having loose seat cushion. 26. EBONY ARM CHAIR The solid side supports carved and resting on carved paw feet, the circular back veneered with rosewood. Made by Cottier & Co. a s a7. ANOTHER TO MATCH 28. BRASS ELECTRIC WALL BRACKET With silk shade. 29. a0. eh he 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Hho 38. 39. Shaped as a cupid. LIBRARY TABLE | ; Of ya Sudan Measbae ante two fluted « xe) ‘ings and aa drawers, the an of ae gra sian walnut. Made by Cottier ‘& Com ‘fi desta Lap: 5 feet 8 inches long; 3 feet SMALL SOFA _ The walnut frame carved, resting on six having a curved back it the seat and — stered in olive silk plush. Made by Cottier & | Length, 6 feet SMALL ROLL TOP DESK Of oak in antique finish, having four ade drawers, one long drawer. 28 ee hae ahs 42 SINGLE LIGHT FIXTURES FOR PICTURES — Seay Age With brass shell reflectors. | es AS TWO ELECTRIC FANS SIX ELECTRIC FIXTURES For cases, having reflectors with gilt finish. a a lea 36 inches. | ee Re e FOUR ELECTRIC FIXTURES te For cases, having reflectors with black finish. Length, 4914 ae THREE ELECTRIC FIXTURES WITH REFLECTORS aor Each having five lights. Length 61 14 inches. ELECTRIC FIXTURE WITH COPPER REFLECTOR Having 10 lights. Length, 10 feet. ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER WITH ATTACH- MENTS Having continuous Current Motor. General Electric Co., maker. : LTE ee FILE BOXES AND TWO WASTE _ BASKETS — Be ie eee 2 act. A. 4 4A. TEN E EM é% ys . Vat Ald a if =e DALMATIC OF THE EARLY SEVEN- ae CENTURY f viol t satin, embroidered in gold in a Renaissance | eo! - ee PCaTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN MIRROR _ The frame of Italian walnut, finely carved and gilded _ and fitted with the original glass. An unusually fine oe: th gia _ SOFA. PILLOW COVERED WITH SPANISH CRIM- ae SON EMBROIDERY OF THE SEVENTEENTH ta teeiee free ENG URY —_—— | | 48. ANOTHER, SIMILAR F a 49. TWO WHITE METAL SILVER PLATED CANDLE- netep STICKS OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Height, 22 inches. 50. LOUIS XVI ARM CHAIR . The frame carved and gilded, the back and seat cov- ered with fine antique tapestry. ; 51. SCREEN The frame carved and gilded and fitted with a panel of fine antique tapestry with a design after Boucher. D 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. O17 CARVED ALABASTER BOWL FOR HANGING OR TABLE LAMP Cone shaped. Diameter, 12 inches. ANOTHER SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH ARM CHAIR Original frame, covered with exceptionally fine petit point tapestry with medallion panel. ANOTHER, COMPANION TO THE FOREGOING © These chairs are exceptional examples. TWO ITALIAN PLATED CANDLESTICKS OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Height, 17 inches. ITALIAN ALTAR FRONTAL OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY Of crimson satin, richly embroidered with gold in a Renaissance design. Length, 7 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 3 inches. An extraordinary piece, worthy a place in a museum. This, together with the three altar robes following, make a complete and wonderful suite of altar vest- ments; they were acquired from the treasury of a convent near Florence. ITALIAN DALMATIC OF THE SIXTEENTH CEN- TURY | Of crimson satin, richly embroidered with gold in a Renaissance design. A companion piece to the Altar Frontal. ITALIAN DALMATIC OF THE SIXTEENTH CEN- TURY Of crimson satin, richly embroidered in gold in a Renaissance design. ANOTHER, SIMILAR EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FLEMISH FERN STAND 10 62. 63. 64. 66. 66. 67. 68. 69. fas ¢ 81. (ex 78. WALNUT ARM CHAIR Copy of a famous model in Hampton Court with cov- ering of seventeenth century Flemish tapestry. ENGLISH SEVENTEENTH CENTURY COPPER JARDINIERE . Oval in form, the sides repousse, resting on four feet. ANOTHER, SMALLER (One handle broken). EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN SIDE TABLE The frame carved and painted green and touched with gold, the top painted to imitate marble. Length, 54 inches; width, 27 inches. ANOTHER TO MATCH LOUIS XVI ARM CHAIR The frame carved and gilded, covered with fine an- tique tapestry of a floral design. ANTIQUE MAHOGANY CABINET OF LOUIS XVI DESIGN Decorated with Sevres porcelain plaques having bronze mountings, finished in ormolu. SOFA PILLOW, COVERED WITH FINE ANTIQUE ITALIAN EMBROIDERY . CARVED ALABASTER BOWL FOR HANGING LAMP Diameter, 16 inches. ANOTHER TO MATCH ANTIQUE ITALIAN WINDOW SEAT Carved with cupid and coat-of-arms and gilded. EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN ARM CHAIR The frame carved and gilded and covered with an- tique petit point tapestry of the period. 11 74. 75. 10% 19. 80. 81. 82. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN MIRROR The frame of carved wood, decorated in polychrome, — shows cupids upholding a canopy. This is an unusual model and worthy a pie in a mu- | seum. CARVED ALABASTER BOWL FOR HANGING LAMP — Diameter, 19 inches. SOFA PILLOW, COVERED WITH ANTIQUE ITAL- IAN EMBROIDERY ON CRIMSON VELVET Trimmed with gilt fringe. . PAIR OF PERSIAN SILVERED COPPER CANDLE- STICKS OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY Having four branches. Height, 13 inches. . LARGE LOUIS XV MARQUISE Finely carved and covered with antique brocade of the period. ITALLIAN OVERMANTEL MIRROR In three panels, the frame finely carved and gilded. ANTIQUE MAHOGANY TABLE OF LOUIS XVI DESIGN Decorated with Sevres painted plaques Hating bronze mountings, finished in ormolu. SIXTEENTH CENTURY ITALIAN CASSONE An original work of the period with finely carved panels. ANTIQUE ITALIAN WALNUT TABLE OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY Having three drawers with the original bronze knobs. A genuine example of the period. Length, 7 feet; width, 3 feet. 12 u —- i - * a A SF eS ete ae ee _ - — oe SECOND SESSION Friday Evening, March 12th, 1915, at 8:15 o'clock | ._ PAINTINGS, WATER COLORS, PRINTS, ETCHINGS AND ART BOOKS H Numbers from 83 to 160 inclusive, are the property of Cottier & Co., the remaining numbers are consignments from other sources . GREENSHIELDS (E. B.). Landscape Painting and _ Modern Dutch Artists. Illustrated, 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. — New York, n. d. . WALTER GREAVES (Pupil of Whistler). By Christian Brinton, N. Y., 1912; Josef Israels an Address (Gun- saulus), Chicago, n. d.; A Reply to an Attack made by one of Whistler's Biographers on a Pupil of Whistler, Mr. Walter Greaves and His Works (Mar- chant), London, n. d.; and another. Together 4 vols., 8vo and 12mo, cloth and paper. . CATALOGUES. Catalogue des Tableaux Anciens. Col- lection de Marzell De Nemes. Partly priced in ink. Paris, 1913; Collection Cottier Catalogue, Paris, 1892; Collection de S. A. I. Madame la Princesse Mathilde, Paris, 1910; and _ others. Profusely illustrated. Together 7 vols., 4to, wrappers. . MILLET. Jean-Francois Millet: Peasant and Painter. Translated by Helena de Key from the French of Alfred Sensier. Illustrated. 4to, cloth (loose in cov- ers). London, 1881. . CATALOGUES des Objects D’Art, Collections de Mme. C. Lelong, 3 vols., Paris, 1903; Catalogue “des Tab- leaux Anciens, composant la Galerie Crespi de Milan, Paris, 1914; Catalogue des Tableaux Anciens, com- posant la Collection de M. Marczell de Nemes, Paris, 1913. Profusely illustrated. Together 5 vols., 4to, wrappers. 136 UZ eat 88. 90. G1. 93. 94. GROLIER CLUB. Early American Book-Plates (Allen), New York, 1894; Exhibition of First and other edi- tions of the Works of John Dryden, New York, 1900; Catalogue of an Exhibition illustrative of a Centenary of Artistic Lithography, 1796-1896, New York, 1896; and others. Together 9 vols., 12mo, boards and | wrappers. : , 3 . SPITZER CILLECTION. Two folio portfolios of plates ~ (not complete). 2 vols., half cloth portfolios. NOP. CATALOGUES. Catalogue des Tableaux de Maitres Anciens et Modernes de feu M. Edmund Huybrechts, Paris, 1902; Tableaux Modernes de feu M. J. R: P. C. H. De Kuyper, Amsterdam, 1911; Catalogue des Des- sins Aquarelles, Gouaches composant la Collection de M. A. Beaudeley, Paris, 1905; and others. Profusely illustrated. Togethey hy vols., folio and 4to, cloth and paper. MODERN ARTISTS. Pictures by Sir Henry Raeburn, London, 1911; The Brothers Maris (James—Matthew —William), London, 1907; Pictures by Josef Israels, London, 1912; and others. Profusely illustrated. Together ny Ab 4to, wrappers. : NATIONAL GALLERY (The) of British Art (The Tate Gallery). With an Introduction by Sir Charles Holroyd. Illustrated mith 24 Rembrandt photograv- ures, etc. Large 4to, cloth. London, n. d. CATALOGUE RAISONNE (The) of the Works of the most Eminent Dutch Painters of the Seventeenth Cen- tury. Based on the Work of John Smith. By C. H. De Groot. Volume I, large 8vo, cloth. London, 1907. GAVET (EMILE). Cent Photographies, tirees de la Collection Emile Gavet, composee d’Objets d’art et de curiosites de XV et XVI Siecles. Square folio, half morocco. [Paris] 1894, 14 95. THOMSON (DAVID CROAL). The Barbizon School of Painters: Corot, Rousseau, Diaz, Millet, Daubigny, ‘i etc. 130 illustrations. Large 4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1890. Large Paper, limited to 280 copies. . ANOTHER COPY IN THE SAME BINDING. One of 200 copies for America. New York, 1890. 97. CATALOGUES. Collection Hayashi, Objects D’Art, Paris, 1902 \ Art Objects of the Charles Mannhein ; 4 we : Collection, Paris, 1910; Collection van Branteghem, ‘2 Bruxelles, n. d.; and others. Profusely «ilustrated. Together 10 vols., folio and 4to, wrappers. GAINSBOROUGH by Mortimer Menpes. Text by James : Coe Ff. 98. | if Te _ Greig, R. B. A. Reproductions in colors. Folio, a7 ee - cloth, gilt-top. London, 1909. 99. WOLFF (ALBERT). Cent Chefs-d’Oeuvres. The | choice of the French private galleries. Etchings. Large 4to, half leather (rubbed). New York, n. d. One of 100 copies on Japan paper, with the etchings before letters. 100. HAVARD (HENRY). L’Oeuvre de P.-V. Galland, La —* _ Peinture Decorative au XIX Siecle. Profusely ilus- ¥; trated. Large 4to, wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1895. 101. CYCLOPEDIA of Painters and Paintings. Edited by John Denison Champlin, Jr., and C. C. Perkins. 2,000 illustrations. 4 vols., royal 8vo, buckram. New York, 1892. 102. CATALOGUES. Catalogue des Tableaux Pastels, Des- sins, Aquarelles, Collection Roger Marx, Paris, 1914; Catalogue de la Collection de Jhr. Alfred Boreel, Porcelaines, etc., Amsterdam, 1908; Catalogue des Tableaux Modernes et Aquarelles composant la Col- lection de M. Ch. de Beriot, Paris, 1901; and others. Profusely illustrated. Together 12 vols., 4to, wrap- pers. 15 as er JY i 8 f } 104. b.7 ¢ 105 107 a 108 109. . CATALOGUES. . YERKES (CHARLES T.). . ARMSTRONG (SIR WALTER). Turner. [A Life of | J. M. W. Turner]. Profusely illustrated with repro- ductions. Large 4to, cloth, uncut. London, 1902. One of a limited number on special paper. CATALOGUES. Catalogues des Tableaux Modernes composant la Collection M. Louis Baudouin, Paris, — 1913; Catalogue des Tableaux Modernes et Aqua- relles composant la Collection de M. Jules Strauss, — Paris, 1902; Catalogue des Objects D’Art composant la Collection de M. Hochon, Paris, 1903; and others. — Profusely illustrated. Together 17 vols., 4to, paper. . DOBSON (AUSTIN). William Hogarth. With an In- troduction by Sir Walter Armstrong. Plates in pho- togravure and fac-simile. Large 4to, cloth, uncut. | London, 1902. Collection Maurice Kann, Catalogue des Objects D’Art, Paris, 1910; Collection Mniszech, Collection de Tableaux Anciens Portraits, Paris; Col- — lection de M. Emile Gavet, Objects D’Art, Paris, — 1897; and others. Profusely illustrated. - Together 13 vols., folio and 4to, wrappers. Catalogue de Luxe of An- cient and Modern Paintings belonging to the Estate of the late Charles T. Yerkes. Numerous reproduc- tions. Large 4to, cloth, uncut. New York, 1910. One of 250 copies printed on Japan paper. for sub- scribers. . MAGAZINES OF ART. The Craftsman, 12 numbers, New York, 1903-11; The Studio, 39 numbers, New York, 1886-90; Lotus Magazine, 3 numbers, New York, 1913; and others. Together 85 pieces, various sizes, paper. GRAVES (ALGERNON). The Royal Academy of Arts. A Complete Dictionary of Contributors and their Work from 1769 to 1904. Frontispieces. 17 vols., royal 8vo, half leather (rubbed). A very valuable work. London, 1905-06. 16 lery, 11 vols., Paris, n. d.; Tableaux D’Art et D’Ameu- blement, Paris, 1904; and others. Together about 80 pieces, paper. 1 110. CATALOGUES. Catalogues from the Sedelmeyer Gal- A 111. EDINBURGH INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, are 1886. Memorial Catalogue of the French and Dutch Loan Collection. Etchings and other illustrations, in- cluding an = es by Blommers. Large 4to, buck- ram, uncut. - - Edinburgh, 1888. ae Onc of 100° copies on Large Paper, with the etchings es on Japan paper. . Kae GRAVES (ALGERNON). A Century of Loan Exhibi- J Nee tions, 1813-1912. 3 vols., 4to, half green morocco, gilt tops, uncut. . London, 1913-14. _ Limited to 250 copies. Scarce. Laid in is a note by the author. ; oi MONTICELLI (ADOLPHE). Vingt Planches d’apres bi Yds — les Tableaux Originaux de Monticelli, et deux Por- } sale traits de |’Artiste; lithographs par A. M. Lauzet, etc. ¥ Elephant folio, loose in portfolio. Paris, 1890. ~Limited to 100 copies. 114. CATALOGUES. Catalogue de Tableaux Aquarelles and 7 Dessins composant la Collection de M. Barbedienne, SY Paris, 1892; Catalogue des Objects D’Art composant “A la Collection De Feu M. H. H. A. Josse, Paris, 1894; Catalogue de Tableaux Modernes, Aquarelles, Pastels et Dessins, Collection de Henri Garnier, Paris, 1884; and others. Profusely illustrated. Together 17 vols., various sizes, cloth and paper. x 115. AMERICAN ART ANNUAL. 2 vols., New York, 1898- 1906; Salon de 1888-1909, 2 vols., Paris, 1888-1909; and others. Together about 100 pieces, various sizes, paper. XQ 17 118 119. 120. 121. ETCHINGS, CARBON PRINTS AND PHOTOGRAVURES AFTER PAINTINGS BY Rembrandt, Corot, Millet, Diaz and Hoppner Etchings by M. Maris and W. Strang NARCISSE VIRGILIO DIAZ. . WOMAN WITH GRAPES; WOMAN WITH FLOW- . ERS; GIRL WITH DOG Fine carbon prints after paintings. Large folio. (3). — . WOMAN WITH GRAPES (5); WOMAN WITH FLOWERS (5); GIRL WITH DOG (2) Duplicates of the preceding. (12). JOHN HOPPNER. . MISS POLLOCK WITH ANOTHER PORTRAIT OF A EADY Fine Carbon prints; together with Orchardson’s “Too Good to be True,’ and Courbet’s Death of the Fox. Duplicates of the first two. (7). A. LANCON. PEN AND INK DRAWING Lion and His Prey. Signed. 6x934 inches. Framed. MATTHYS MARIS, Dutch painter. Executed but few etchings. THE SOWER. After Millet. Etching. SigNep proor. No. 16. ANOTHER COPY. S1igNED PRooF. No. 38. 18 > 197. 128; 129. 130. MSl. 132. MATTHYS MARIS—Continued. VE — 122. ANOTHER COPY SigNEp PRooF. No. 46. - ANOTHER COPY ‘S1@nep prRoor. No. 62. . ANOTHER COPY SigNep PRooF. No. 93. . ANOTHER COPY SigNep proor. No. 52. Mounted for framing. 6. UNSIGNED PROOFS Nine copies. (9). LANDSCAPE WITH GOAT Proof of a painter etching, seven copies; with an etch- ing of a woman seated, unfinished proof. (8). ON THE STEPS OF THE ALTAR Carbon print after a drawing by Maris. (8 dupli- cates). JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET. THE THUNDERSTORM; From a drawing. Peasants finding shelter under a tree. 4to, framed. CARBON PRINTS OF DRAWINGS BY MILLET Calling the Herd; The Thunderstorm; Washing Day; Goatherd and Flock; Le Pot-au-feu; Loading; Alms- giving; Stubble Burning; The Churner. (9). DUPLICATES OF THE ABOVE Fifty pieces. (50). THE GARDENER; The New Born Calf; Showing the Way; The Potato Harvest; The Diggers; Pasturing the Cow; The Potato Gatherer; The Angelus. Car- bon prints from drawings. (8). 19 133. JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET—Continued. DUPLICATES OF THE ABOVE Fifty pieces. (50). A 134, THE ANGELUS 3 ‘ Carbon print from the drawing. Folio and quarto : sizes. (52). y f@. 185. UNMOUNTED DUPLICATES tg Including most of the preceding lots. (19). JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT. ret. 136. ORPHEUS; DANTE AND VIRGIL; LANDSCAPE 2 as Fine carbon prints. Large folio. (3). ne Gh 137. ORPHEUS (4); DANTE AND VIRGIL 1, aera Duplicates of the above. (5). 138. DIANA / Ry oer Three carbon prints. (3). ai s 4 z A. BRUNET DEBAINES. | 189. VENICE ‘ Signed proof etching. 4to, framed. JOSEPH. Ba PRATE Contemporary Mezzotint Engraver. A » re 140. MISS POLLOCK; Signed India proof after Hoppner. «Jf Uw Nearly three-quarter length, seated with a book in a landscape. Folio, handsomely framed in hard wood. REMBRANDT VAN RIJN; 1606-1669. 141. UNGER (W.). Rembrandt in hat and feather leaning on a stone sill. Etching, signed remarque proof. Folio, framed. A. superb impression and a favorite and very beauti- ful portrait. 20 eee ee Se SO Om ee Ny 5 RI EMBRANDT V VAN RIJN—Continued, N IN A BLACK CAP WITH A BLACK GOWN. Bode 537, Vol. 7. bon print in brown. Folio, framed. | oa ” Bode 84, Vol. 2. snown as the pores of Dr. Tulp. Oval, small 0: Si Pe eiienanvr IN A FUR CAP AND CLOAK . Carbon print from the painting. 147. “THE SAME. Five copies. (5). {— 148. YOUNG WOMAN IN A BLACK CAP pee _ Carbon print from the painting. _ 149. THE SAME. Three copies. (3). ~ WILLIAM STRANG. . re 150. HEAD OF A PEASANT Bey d Mezzotint, signed Brae 4to, framed. Only 60 were printed. i | a OIL AND WATER COLOR PAINTINGS 151 | WILLIAM F. VALLANCE, Modern Scottish Painter. COAST SCENE Water Color, signed and dated 1876. Height, 334 inches; width, 67 inches. 152 H. STACQUET, Modern Dutch Painter. r | Qites RIVERMOUTH i). — {/ , Water Color, signed. Height, 614 inches; width, 11 inches. 153 F. VINCENT HART, English Painter, Pupil of Albert Moore. FEMALE FIGURE PLAYING A MANDOLIN Panel, signed and dated 1908. Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches. 154 ¢ LOUIS W. VAN ous Contemporary Dutch Painter. Water Color, signed. Height, 25 inches; width, 19% inches. Ls 155 ee ALBERT P. RYDER, A PASTORAL FANCY _ Canvas on panel. Height, 27 inches; width, 19 inches. L 156 wv / F. VINCENT HART, if: Lge € Modern English Painter. FEMALE FIGURE PLAYING A LUTE Panel, signed and dated 1908. Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches. « wae ay VE" EMILE VAN MARCKE, a x French Painter, 1827-1890. | CALVES IN PASTURE Panel, signed. Height, 10 inches; width, 13 inches. 158 om 4, 61 : EDWARD J. STEICHEN 4 Petteher Contemporary American Painter. WHITE PHLOX IN MY GARDEN AT VOULANGIS, FRANCE Canvas, signed and dated 1908. Height, 24 inches; width, 25 inches. Shown at the Worcester Art Museum. 23 159 ny fu. ALBERT P. RYDER, | ee | | if OP eile Contemporary American Painter. A PASTORAL FANCY Canvas on panel Height, 27 inches; width 19 inches. 160 menuneor, ( hd ? gis UNKNOWN PAINTER, a : ne French School of the XVIII Century. STUDY OF STILL LIFE Canvas. Height, 37 inches; width, 33 inches. 161 | FREDERIC HENRI KAEMMERER ¥ - Dutch Painter, 1839-1892 THE MILLINER’S APPRENTICE On Paper, signed with initials. : Height, 1714 inches; width, 10}2 inches. 162 W. B. LEENDERS, ln Ge Contemporary Dutch Painter. 2 DUTCH LANDSCAPE TOWARD EVENING Water Color, signed. Height, 11 inches; width, 17 inches. 24 163 pe Bt GEORGE C. GROLL, e Contemporary American Painter. AUTUMN LANDSCAPE Water Color, signed and dated ’96. Height, 10 inches; width, 12%4 inches. 164 Go G. VIZZOTTO, | ge Contemporary Italian Painter. WENETIAN FISHER BOY Water Color, signed and dated ’89. Height, 61% inches; width, 3 inches. 165 fe WILLIAM HAMILTON GIBSON, € American Illustrator and Painter, Deceased. LANDSCAPE IN NEW ENGLAND Water Color, signed and dated ’90. Height, 10 inches; width, 17 inches. | 7? 166 | 4 * ea FREDERIC HENRI KAEMMERER, ah « Modern Dutch Painter, 1839-1892. : LA BLANCHISEUSE On paper, signed with initials. Height, 19 inches; width, 111% inches. 25 167 PT W. B. LEENDERS, l/ oe Contemporary Dutch Painter. fat OP aw HOLLAND RIVER LANDSCAPE Canvas, signed. Height, 14 inches; width, 20 inches. 168 C. E. SWAN, _ OU 4 jot Contemporary English Painter. \ at LION AND LIONESS ON WATCH Academy board, signed. Height, 7 inches; width, 9 inches. : 169 OY Ain C= F. HOPKINSON SMITH, LU Contemporary American Painter. A VENETIAN CANAL Water Color, signed. Height, 14 inches; width, 24 inches. 170 , GEORGE INNESS (Attributed) 4 Pe at American Painter, 1825-1894. > LANDSCAPE ‘Academy board, signed. Height, 7 inches; width, 10 inches. 26 CARLETON WIGGINS s SORE PEARY American Painter. CATTLE AT PASTURE Pers (172 Height, 20 inches; width, 15 inches. 178 ANTONIO CASANOVA Y ESTORACH = THE SUITOR > - ~ Canvas, signed and dated 1878. i h, ¢ a . EG? Height, 17 inches; width, 20 inches. 174 2 F. JACQUE, Modern French Painter. THE WOOD GATHERER “a i ‘ ia Canvas, signed. Height, 18 inches; width, 21 inches. a4 175 fl ue Cr JAGRIPS: z » Modern German Painter THE YOUNG HOUSEKEEPER Panel, signed and dated 1863. 3 Height, 1714 inches; width, 14 inches. 176 42 | WILLIAM RITSCHEL, 9 Modern German Painter VIEW OF DORDRECHT | 7 Water Color, signed. Height, 21 inches; width, 29 inches. | 177 JOHN SINGLETON COPLEY, tt sf) 4 4 b ) f pe ' Early American Painter, 1737 Pi815. PORTRAIT OF PHILIP FRENEAU ) oh aah ten ,, The subject was born at New York in 1752 of French parentage ~~ and during the Revolution wrote many popular satirical poems against the Tories. He was attached to Thomas Jefferson when that statesman was Secretary of State and became Editor of the National Gazette, published at Philadelphia. He died at Freehold N. J. in 1832. : Canvas. Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. ' 178 / ey, SAMUEL COLMAN, , or. f ee American Painter, 1832- tt "] ah <) : i 4 J TOWBOATS IN THE HIGHLANDS OF : | ed THE HUDSON | Canvas, signed and dated ’66. Height, 32 inches; width, 60 inches. 28 oe ae a eri 179 , DOMENICO FETI (Attributed), a oe Italian Painter, 1589-1624. DAVID WITH THE HEAD OF GOLIATH Canvas. Height, 39 inches; width, 28 inches. In an antique Italian carved wood frame. 180 jb o ' PETER PAUL RUBENS, Flemish, 1577-1640. CHILDREN AT PLAY Canvas. — if Height, 371% inches ; width, 50% inches. : 181 i, ; or ; ASHER B. DURAND, American Painter, 1796-1886. LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE Canvas, signed and dated 1848. | Height, 38 inches; width, 54 inches. 182 GS LELIO ORSI (Called Lelio da Novellara), iy a € Italian Painter, 1511-1587. JUDITH Orsi was painter, designer and architect, excelling in all three, and friend and disciple of Correggio whom he resembles in his art. Canvas. Height, 68 inches; width, 52 inches. 29 ares Fn ee a a el es a % ; : a ine . i. ii nc ~ pes he Tne SS Stee a eke Re SE A SR EE TR A = ern Se haat, Sn Re ETE ATA SG ee The Te aes Oy Ss ee S Seeengty rene eats tt te Peet panes = = cS etre x ISS eee mene ca eette et as ESE an eis eStr nes pasting nar abil = Nahe ae oe ria Bre os ots sso a att es an Et os Bet fra