Pe eer ee act 8 ently eee POLE PPL ie! “tate EW SP I Sete aietebrtasenet Toten, ees eae * S33 Sb) ae tie sts tet peri ste m= Ses ts wee ryan ss Putt te iis ae ey oars — spi ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES FROM MONDAY, MARCH 22nn, UNTIL THE DAY OF SALE FROM 9 A.M. UNTIL 6 P.M. AN IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF FOREIGN AND AMERICAN OIL PAINTINGS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE FOR ACCOUNT OF SEVERAL ESTATES AND FOR PRIVATE OWNERS AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK ON THE EVENINGS OF WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY MARCH 24TH, 25TH AND 26TH, 1915 BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.15 O CLOCK Ono : 4. New hantler - epgee Ta he. F 4 Wh pepe Wit. Karbhede. Ts. 6. Mrmhe, if 4. Swddl, ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF NEARLY THREE HUNDRED MODERN PAINTINGS BY FOREIGN AND AMERICAN ARTISTS TO BE DISPOSED OF AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE FOR ACCOUNT OF SEVERAL ESTATES AND A NUMBER OF PRIVATE OWNERS AS SPECIFICALLY INDICATED IN THIS CATALOGUE ON THE EVENINGS HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY ASSISTED BY MR. OTTO BERNET, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK 1915 : THE AMERICAN ART ASSOC CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the pur- chasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. , 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays—between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P.M. | Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on pre- senting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the pur- chaser. ‘Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. /Y. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “‘as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible . for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. SPECIAL NOTICE. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone, will be faith- fully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchase so — made will be subject to the above Conditions of Sale, which cannot in any manner be modified. The Association, however, in the event of making a purchase of a lot consisting of one or more books for a pur- chaser who has not, through himself or his agent, been present at the exhibition or sale, will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be returned, if the lot in any material manner differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit should be sent or reference sub- mitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced copies of the catalogue of any sale, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at a reasonable charge. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. FIRST NIGHT'S SALE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1915 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8.15 O CLOCK No. 1 VASILI VERESTCHAGIN Russian: 1842—1904 MOUNT TABOR a, VY of Zee ai é / 0 7 Height, 21% inches; length, 54% inches “OF very regular form, rising to the height of 2,362 feet above sea level. . . . Indeed it is only from the time of Jerome, or the fourth century, that Tabor is accepted as the place of the miracle (the transfiguration).” ‘The mount is blue, seen across a green field or plateau, against a rose-gray sky. From the Verestchagin sale at the American Art Galleries, New York, 1891. Owner, E. WEINHANDLER, Esa. No. 2 A.J. VAN WYNGUERDT DutcH ON THE BANKS OF THE SCHELDT . (Panel) Height, 71% inches; length, 138% inches THE river here is narrow and runs through a sylvan and pas- toral landscape, its surface a mirror of the bordering trees and of a light sky with a few strata of clouds. Signed at the lower right, A. J. V. Wyncuerpt To be sold to close an Estate. No. 3 GEORGE A. TRAVER AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY LANDSCAPE (Panel) jit Se Height, 5 inches; length, inches Y tae A HILLSIDE slopes from the right to a/bit of water, and on its green slope and on the low bank at the left are groups of birches. At the horizon is a faint tinge of yellow in the sky. Signed at the lower left, V. StrepEvicH, VENETIA. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Russet. No. 4 V. G. STIEPEVICH AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY THE IMPORTUNATE VISITOR ( Panel) Ja ie In a luxurious salon a young gallant gatbed in’ white satin, standing and in the attitude of a formal bow, is presenting a rose to a handsome young matron who is seated on a sofa, © her apparel a brilliant yellow adorned in pink, blue and white. An elderly bewigged man sitting beside her leans back and raises glasses to his eyes in haughty resentment. Height, 7 inches; length, 9 in Signed at the lower left, V. SrrepEvicu, VENETIA. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Russet. No. 5 EUGENE FICHEL FRENCH: 1826—1895 END OF THE MEAL (Panel) 2 sv Height, 8 inches; width, 6 CD (a TAL. MAN in red, with white stockings and gray Wigs seated at a table in his room, at which a buxom maid hay served his meal. She is about to take away the dishes and he is feeling for his purse. Both the maid’s garb and the furnishings of the room are in soft colors. Signed at the lower left, EK. Ficuer, 1862. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Russet. No. 6 A. GUES FRENCH STANDARD BEARER (Panel) Height, 8 wnches; width, 6 inches Cure) OES ae git, 9 9 a we i A. MIDDLE-AGED man with a full reddish beard is sitting on a stool before a carved door with long strap hinges. He leans forward with right elbow resting on knee and in his left hand holds the folds and staff of a white and blue standard. He is dressed in gray and orange with bright yellow stockings. Signed at the lower left, A. Gus&s. Owner, Estate of the late Stmron J. Drake, Esa. Noe 7 WILLIAM BRADFORD, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1830—1892 LAND OF THE MIDNIGHT SUN ieee Height, 9 inches; length, 14\% In the center of the composition in th¢ distance a snow-white mountain with bluish shadows throws light reflections forward upon the waters of a harbor, where various sailing ships are seen, some with colored canvas. The horizon is banked with clouds of billowing form, and the whole scene is in a soft glow as of sunset. Signed at the lower right, Wm. Braprorp. From the Albert Steiner collection, Brooklyn, 1898. Owner, Estate of F. L. Maruews. No. 8 As Hor, Ee tAs PERUGIA (Pencil Drawing) eG Qe Height, 10 inches; length, 14 Nes Uh WA yes A PENCIL drawing of handsome architectural features of the Italian city, delicately effected and with great care, with a sky background filled in in water color. Signed at the lower left, A H (in monogram), Prervueta, Oct. 19, °02. T'o be sold to close an Estate. No. 9 C. VOLKMANN GERMAN CHILDHOOD (Panel) 37 BO Height, 114% inches; width, 844 inches Heap and shoulders of a pleasant-faced little girl in a white mob cap, her red waist and white undergarments falling away from the small sloping shoulders. She has chestnut hair and blue eyes and is turned toward the right, with the left side of her face in transparent shadow. Signed at the lower right, VoLKMANN. Owner, Mrs. a H.-RussEtu. No. 10 ARY SCHEFFER GERMAN: 1795—1858 HEAD OF DUTCH GIRL ( Panel) sheen ale Height, 11 inches; width, 9 inches A BRIGHT-EYED little Dutch girl is depicted head and shoulders, figure to the right, but face turned full upon the spectator, her head coyly leaning upon her right shoulder. She has fair hair and rosy cheeks and is smiling, and her brown cap is tied with a narrow blue ribbon. Signed at the lower: left, Ary SCHEFFER. To be sold to close an Estate. No. 11 WILLIAM MORRIS HUNT American: 1824—1879 MOONLIGHT HF a Height, 1114 inches; width, 7% imthes TurovuGH a dark, leafy arch in a woodland a bit of light sky is glimpsed high up, and white moonlight polishes a small pool and casts the shadows of slender tree trunks on the brown earth. Marked on back of canvas: Satm W. M. Hunt. Property of a Private Collector. INOS S12 LEON CAILLE Frencu: 18836—1907 A MOTHER (Panel) ont Ps eee Height, 12 inches; width, 94 int A. MOTHER of buxom habit is seated by the side of a great fire- place, suckling a sturdy infant. She is seen in profile to the left, clad in white and brown, with the infant sitting on a flan- nel blanket on her knee. ‘The fireplace is gray, against a brown wall, and a kettle hangs over the embers. Signed at the lower left, Lton CaiLue. Owner, Estate of the late Simon J. Drake, Esa. No. 18 J. B. BRISTOL, N.A. eS ae AMERICAN: 1826—1909 LAKE CHAMPLAIN & =e Wee 7 Height, 10 inches; length, 15 inches Tue lake is a silvery gray mottled with reflections and shore- line shadows. ‘Two sailboats are far out, toward a hilly and wooded shore, and mountains are dim in the background. On a green point in the right foreground is a cottage, and a man is walking toward it from a rowboat. Signed at the lower right, J. B. Brisrov. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Russet. No. 14 THEODORE WORES AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY | A JAPANESE GIRL : (Panel) v / 2 ao Height, 1614 inches; width, 10) Lbncnnenrah Facine the left, three-quarters front, a young as apanese girl is observed at three-quarter length, standing, with an open para- 6. sol resting over her shoulder. Her coat is a Whistlerian gray, decorated in black with bamboo leaves, and her obi is crimson. me Property of a Private Collector. No. 15 A. F. WERNER GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY INTERIOR WITH FIGURES—THE WAR STORY Height, 151% inches; length; 19 eee Hoe THREE men whose discretion is less evident than their enjoy- ment are observed about a carved table in a tile-floored’ room with gray walls trimmed with green. One is a soldier, with stein in hand, in brilliant uniform. A huge tankard on the table stands near an older man in gray wig, who seems to have been familiar with it, who displays a map triumphantly before the third man, who has apparently been questioning A some tale of the enthusiastic officer, and has referred to books a in justification of his opinion. ; e Signed at the wall at the right, A. F. Werner, 1871. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Russet. No. 16 H. D. KRUSEMAN VAN ELTEN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1829—1904 AT NAPANOCK BL, ieee Height, 13 inches; length, te tle g . AL PLACID stream in the foreground, crossing the picture, is bor- dered on its farther side by gray and brown stones scattered along the edge of its low grassy bank, which supports a screen of trees against which some dead limbs are piled. In the back- ground are wooded hills. Signed at the lower left, K. van ELTen. Owner, W. C. Bartriett, Esa. No. 17 UNKNOWN LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE ( Panel) oe aga Height, 13 inches; length, } inches BETWEEN a hill in the background an the left middle distance a small blue brook comes intd view, winding forward through a grassy valley and vanishing in rapids at the left. The valley is in sunshine and trees abound on the hills. Coming forward in a path from a cottage are brown, black and white cows, driven by a farmer in a blue coat. No. 18 UNKNOWN LANDSCAPE qe avait D497 a fo ache: 2 Height, 12144 inches; length, 16 ye hes ee, A ROAD entering the picture in the foregr Gund makes as ee bend to the right in the middle distance, where on its farther side a gray and brown cottage stands, with smoke issuing from its chimney. At the side of the road a man and woman are standing, talking. ‘I'rees are at both sides of the road and the country around is wooded. Owner, Estate of F. L. Maruews, Esa.’ No. 19 G. TODD SISTERS ( Panel) = Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches eta : ; (Sree. A YouNG girl in a lilac-hued dress, edged with whi at the low neck, is sitting in the tall grass at the border of a wood, with wild flowers blooming about her, knitting. She is hatless and her blond hair is bound in blue. A younger girl in red and white has thrown herself on the ground beside her, resting her head in the elder’s lap. Signed at the lower right, G. Topp, 777. ~ Owner, Mrs. J. H. Russet. No. 20 JAMES G. TYLER American: 1855— DASHING SPRAY 224 Height, 12 inches; length, 1734 ae ( , A. BOLD reef or an outlying corner of a rocky coast comes into view in the right foreground, the rocks a blackish-purple, gray and rusty red. They project well above the sea, which fills the rest of the picture under a grayish-blue sky. A fresh gale is blowing, and the great waves, blue in the distance, break in masses of white spray which leaps high above the rocks, and run in green surges about their bases. Signed at the lower left, James G. Tyter, 1901. To be sold to close an Estate. No. 21 F.C. MARTIN AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY LEISURE MOMENTS (Panel) / d SS Height, 15 inches; width, 111-inches A AAKA__ AN old sailor or fisherman is depicted ‘at half-length facing left, three-quarters front. He is well wrapped in a dark coat or sweater with collar turned up, and wears a sou’wester. Being temporarily off duty, he is lighting a pipe, with con- siderable satisfaction. Signed at the lower left, F. C. Martin, ’98. Owner, Mrs. E,; ArnstTeEtn. INO. 22 BRUCE CRANE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1857— SUNSET Height, 11 inches; length, 14 mch A QUuIzET country road, grass-bordered, turns to the left beyond a steep-roofed house, and at the right of the bend is edged by woods. ‘The spectator looks toward the western sky, whose clouds reflect bright yellow lights. Signed at the lower right, Bruck Crane. T'o be sold to close an Estate. No. 23 MARIE JOSEPH IWILL Frencu: 1850— ITALIAN LANDSCAPE Height, 121% inches; length, (7s A LITTLE-TRAVELED road making its apearance fn the fore- ground presently drops out of sight over the cyest of a low hill straight ahead in the middle distance. Beyond are seen the tops of the green trees of a forest or park which curves around to the right in the background. To right of the road is a gateway, and just within it is a group of three tall Italian cypress trees; sunshine coming from the left glints on their | edges and touches the crest of the roadway in front of them. Signed at the lower left, Iwitxi; and at the lower right ts inscribed EN Irate, 1898. T'o be sold to close an Estate. No. 24 GAYLORD SANGSTON TRUESDELL AMERICAN: 1850—1899 THE GARDEN Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inc hes ) IN a newly planted vegetable garden brig ae plants are already coming up above the fresh brown earth. Alongside it runs a wandering grass-bordered road; at the farther end trees are in blossom, and in the distance blue hills outline them- selves against a sky filled with light gray-white clouds. Signed at the lower left, G. S. TruEspE.t. Owner, Estate of G. A. TrurspELy. No. 25 UNKNOWN THE EDGK OF THE WOODS jp Sa Height, 16 inches; length, 27 i Vr, THE woods, a deep, rich green, extend across i eo under a sky filled with white-bordered gray clouds. In front of them is a foreground of herbage of lush growth and a lighter green. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Russet. No. 26 WILLIAM LOUIS SONNTAG, N.A. | AmERICAN: 1822—1900 FISHERMEN 3 cae Height, 16 inches; eee, by pa CQ ' A coLp gray and sluggish stream crosses the picture, between a muddy foreground patched with green and a wooded bank where the foliage is thinning and touched with red. Near an old punt on the flat shore are two men, equipped for fishing. Signed at the lower right, W. L. Sonnrtae, 776. Owner, Mrs. J. H. RussEwu. No. 27 GEORGES SAUVAGE FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY TURKISH LADY RECLINING ewe Height, 12 inches; length, 16 wch a if SHE is young and content with life, and reclines ede on a well-cushioned divan, her shoulders against the wall, facing the left, three-quarters front. She wears a loose white waist and green jacket, dark-red sash and gray-blue trousers and is barefooted. She is engaged with the narghileh. The couch covering and the walls of the room are elaborately decorated. Signed at the lower right, Grorces Sauvace, 1873. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Russet. No. 28 F. K. M. REHN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1848—1914 THE SURGING SEA (Panel) ~ oD, 6 ee Height, 16 inches; length, 24 oe ZA. CONSIDERABLE expanse of the sea is seen, with surf breaking in the foreground and rolling masses of white froth up a flat, sandy beach. ‘The sun has gone behind a bank of dense clouds at the horizon and sends just a streak of light across the darken- ing waters, whereon is a single ship. Signed at the lower left, ¥. K. M. Renn. To be sold to close an Estate. No. 29 ERNEST PARTON AMERICAN: 1845— SPRINGTIME ON THE THAMES, ENGLAND og k BROADLY-SLOPING green hills thickly woo forn/ the back- ground, sweeping in a broad curve from léft to the right and forward. At their foot runs the river, here a narrow stream not so very far from its headwaters. Smoke issues from the chimney of the only cottage in view, and in a field in the fore- ground two girls are picking buttercups and daisies. Height, 16 inches; length, 22%. 1 ches Signed at the lower right, Ernest Parton. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Russet. No. 30 HENRI MAES BELGIAN: CONTEMPORARY MARINE Height, 14 inches; length, 25 inches bt em mouth of a river at a busy Dutch or Belgian port is lined on the left with sailing craft and steamers along a mass of the town buildings. A sloop careens in the foreground, in the dis- tance a square-rigger is at anchor, and people in bright cos- tumes are on the quays at either side. Signed at the lower right, H. Mass. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Russert. No. 81 KLORKINSKI CONVENT COURTYARD (Panel) poe eke Height, 14 inches; lengtl inches y Watts of an ecclesiastical edifice fill the picture, with a small corner of a courtyard in the foreground. The building, with an arched and cloistered passageway on the right, meets a transverse section crossing the background, which is pierced by an archway. A nun is coming forward under the arch, and two others are seen at one side, their shadows cast on the wall. Signed at the lower right, Kiorx1nskt. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Russet. No. 32 LOUIS JAPY Frencu: 1850— AT THE DRINKING PLACE Coad, Gets 2 Height, 18 inches; length, 24\inches Comine toward the spectator in the fgreground a flock of sheep driven by their old shepherd in blue are’making their way into a shallow pond or stream, the foremost ones already drinking. ‘The land is uneven, with much brown in the herb- age, and on the left trees growing in groups are turning yel- low. Beyond a valley is a city on a hill, and far off are high mountains. | Signed at the lower right, Javy. Owner, Lovis A. Bippue, Esa. No. 38 DANIEL HUNTINGTON, N.A. AmERICAN: 1816—1906 MY PLEASURE GROUND SEOy b7 Height, 18 inches; width, Tue artist’s pleasure ground as presénted heye is a woodlan¢ retreat, its silence emphasized by theswishing, liquid music of a waterfall. Leaning birches that have cleft huge rocks project a leafy arch over the gorge, down which a mountain brook tum- bles in an irregular course over the shelves, and spreads in white ripples over a pool in the foreground. Signed at the lower left, D. H. The property of a Private Collector. No. 34 LEON HERBO BELGIAN: CONTEMPORARY PORTRAIT HEAD (Panel) u y $Y Height, 14 inches; eG. inches A YOUNG woman whose features suggest the Spanish or Italia type, with black hair garlanded with white roses and small pi flowers, is portrayed head and shoulders, her back three-quar- ters to the observer and face seen in profile to the left. A décol- leté gown of white gauze and a gray material, sleeveless, is adorned at the shoulder with yellow-white and pink roses, and a green leaf or two, and she holds before her a fan. Signed at the lower left, Leon HeErso. On the back is a paster written by the artist, saying: “The under- signed declares that this picture has been painted by himself to the order of a Charles Rode in New York.” Owner, F. E. Cuurcn, Esa. No. 85 WILLIAM JACOB HAYS, A.N.A. AmeErican: 1830—1875 RABBITS (Panel) uk a Height, 12 inches; length, 18/inch THREE brown bunnies are looking at the spectator, from the depths of tall grass and bush slips, amongst which wild flowers blossom. One is on his haunches at the right, with ears erect; the others squat in front of him, ears wabbling toward repose. Owner, Estate of the late Stmron J. Drake, Esa. No. 36 CHARLES X. HARRIS AMERICAN: 1856— FLIRTATION (Panel) Haas Ce Height, 14 inches; width, 11 inche A youne man with long reddish locks, clad in light buff, with a bright scarlet coat, is holding the skein for a young woman in flowery garb who is winding her ball of white yarn, the atten- tion of neither being very definitely concentrated on the work in hand. a Owner, Mrs. J. H. Russet. te oy No. 37 EUGENIO CICERI ITALIAN: CONTEMPORARY WASH DAY (Panel) hg ura ye Height, 1214 wches; Sane inches d, amfhas| On the left the crowded buildings of a Kuropeanjown extend along the bank of a river, dominated by a church with tall slen- der spire. On the right is a low green point supporting a line of pollarded trees, near which some boats are hauled up to the shore. On both sides of the river people are washing clothes, and some are seen hanging up to dry. Signed at the lower right, Eve. Cicert. Owner, Mrs. J. H. RussEewu. No. 38 | J. B. BRISTOL, N.A. . 4 PAurmnicane (19826-1900 | LANDSCAPE | Height, 13 inches; length, 23 inches es re Wiztp fields, farm lands and woods diversify a valley lying flat between ranges of round topped hills, and more hills cross the background. Here and there are farm buildings, and hay- stacks. The woods are in the brown and yellow of autumn. Signed at the lower left, J. B. Brisrou. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Russeuu. No. 39 fee OLPH, A.N:A. AMERICAN: 1835—1903 HAVING A GOOD TIME E raed Height, 14 inches; length, Peers | TuREE of the famous Dolph kittens are at play in bright sun- hight in a room where they have a corner to themselves. One black and white one is lying on its back on a roughly folded blanket, its feet up ready for play or defence. While a striped kitten on the floor beside it and a gray and white one on a closed workbasket at hand strike playfully at it. Near by is a blue and white jar holding a plant. | Signed at the lower left, J. H. Doutru. Purchased from the J. H. Dolph Collection, New York, 1904. To be sold to close an Estate. No. 40 JASPER F. CROPSEY, N.A. AMERICAN: 1823—1900 ON THE HOUSATONIC ee Height, 14 inches; length 25 inches \ Ocala . THE river valley is a blaze of gorgeous au sambe Entire trees are a brilliant mass of red, others are light and dark yel- low, and grassy meadows glow in golden sunshine. The wind- ing stream is silvery, and filled with colorful reflections; a man sits on the end of his boat on the bank at the left, and at the right four cows have sauntered into the water. Signed at the lower right, J. F. Cropsry, 1875. Owner, Estate of the late Sturon J. Draxs, Esa. No. 41 W. H. EICKELBERG Dutcu: ConTEMPORARY FISHING BOATS § i Height, 17 inches; length, 27 C7. ng Y, (TAARO Heavy single-masted Dutch sailing boats of the fishing fleet are lined up on the sands at low tide, headed out, a dozen or more of them. Many of the crews are aboard, and numerous other people of the fisherfolk are about the beach, where are baskets filled with fish. Signed at the lower left, W. H. E1cke.sere. Owner, Estate of the late Witi1am C. Oastuer, Esa. No. 42 JOSEPH VAN SEVENDONCK FLemisH: ConTEMPORARY BATTLE SCENE ) i) - Height, 141% inches; length, ee iy (3 CavaLry are charging furiously, across low open county, te 7 forces coming up from the left and racing down toward the dis- tance which is under clouds of smoke. In the foreground a rider and horse have been killed. | Signed at the lower right, JoserpH VAN SEVENDONCK, and his endorsement is on the back, declaring that the canvas was painted to order. Owner, Estate of the late Wivu1am C. OastTuEr, Esa. No. 43 ADOLE HUMBORG GERMAN: 1847— AN HY HE FOR COLOR mcs: Y Height, 18 inches; length, ae ,, Pp Broruer CELLARreR, stout, florid and happy, stands in a gray wine vault, hand on hip, holding in the other hand a glass of ruby wine up to the light, and eyeing it with joy. ‘The cask has just been opened, and another good brother, likewise in brown habit with blue apron, is sampling the liquid before fill- ing some bottles. gh7 ok Signed at the lower left, A. Humsore. Owner, Estate of the late Wit11am C. Oastier, Ese. oer ee ee No. 44 THOMAS B. CRAIG, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1849— COWS IN PASTURE Dig Height, 18 inches; length, 28 inches F'IvE cows variously mottled are in rather a hard-scrabble pas- ture, thick with green and brown weeds, and studded with gray boulders, on a sunny summer day. The field is fenced with stone, and a grove of graceful trees furnishes the background. Signed at the lower right, Tuos. B. Crate. T'o be sold by order of an Attorney. 4 No. 45 JOSE CASADO DEL ALISAL SpanisH: 1832-—1886 LA TOILETTE DE VODALISQUE Biome: Height, 19 inches; gees Nae In an Oriental room with rugs on the floor and wall aA woman nude to the waist, with blue and white draperies over her limbs, is seated among other rich draperies, toying with a gir- dle, and a pearl rope necklace or girdle lies in front of her. She wears a light headdress. Signed at the lower left, Casapo. Owner, Mrs. J. H. RussEwu. No. 46 RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. AmeERICAN: 1847— ~ ON THE PLAINS ; Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches oS Me v ao 0 , Dhrennr Broan plains of the West, green, yellow and brown, with the autumn tones predominating, extend across the picture before a distant background of white-capped mountains whose vague sides are a sandy brown. Scattered over the plains are great herds of the American bison, in his days of possession. Signed at the lower right, R. A. BuaKEtock. Owner, Mrs. R. NeEwsrovucu. No. 47 L. BLUME SIEBERT GERMAN THE CIRCUS IN TOWN (Panel) y, ” ge Height, 14 inches; length, 2Q7inches One of the small circuses or side shows A Cech a bree through the country has set up its roped ring in an open space of a German village or town. The lady tightrope walker is doing her perilous work while the clown diverts attention, and old and young crowd around the ring. Signed at the lower left, L. Buume Seiperr. Owner, Mrs. E. ArnstTEIn. No. 48 JACQUES WAGREZ FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY TANNHAUSER AU VPENUSBERG y / 0° Height, 22 inches; width, g enches (2 TTANNHAUSER in chain and plate armor, over which is a tur quoise-blue cloak embroidered in gold, edged with fur an lined in a soft olive, is making to leave the voluptuous charmer of the mountains, who is nude save for a diaphanous drapery of pale gold, spangled with blue and white flower patterns and girdled with jewels. In her rich and abundant golden-yellow hair, which streams down her back, is a warm pink rose. She is seated among purple cushions, and has half risen to lay de- taining arms on the young man, who looks at her as he points away. She is seen in profile, looking seductively up at him, and in rich draperies above her head the swan is approachng Leda. Signed at the lower left, Jacaues Waerez, 1903. To be sold to close an Estate. No. 49 B. ZICKENDRAHT GERMAN: Coermiror iy “THOUGHTS” a’) Height, 26 inches; width, 20 ee A YOUNG woman, déshabille, is portrayed at half-length, figure turned toward the right and face full to the front. Her large dark eyes look straight at the observer, meditatively. Leaning forward on her left elbow she is languidly fixing her plentiful light chestnut hair, using both hands, over her left shoulder, and the glow of a fire light plays upon arms and face from that side while the opposite side is in daylight. Signed at the-lower right, E. ZickENDRAHT, 1898. Owner, Mrs. E. ARNnsTEIN. No. 50 FLORENT WILLEMS Bextoran: 1825—1905 THE PORTRAIT ) (Panel) que Lee Height, 26 inches; width, 181%, inches Gehhreg A TALL young lady in a soft gray satth Sown, décolleté, v flowing skirt, a cape of the same material embroidered in black, and a hat to match, is standing facing the left and examining a small portrait which she has taken from its frame on a table. The table has a white lace coverlet and the furnishings of the room show red and green. Signed at the lower left, FE. WiLieMs. Owner, Mrs. J. H. RussEwu. No. 51 FERDINAND WAGNER GERMAN PORTRAIT OF A LADY eho: sv Height, 26 inches; width, 18 ine LuxvuRIousLy appareled in a rich gown of green, trimmed with brown velvet, with broad white neckyoke and red under- skirt, and wearing a large feather-trimmed hat, a tall young matron is portrayed at full length against a background of slender trees. She extends a hand toward a bush to pick a wild rose. Signed at the lower left, Frrp. Wacner, Mincuen. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Russet. No. 52 C. POWELL AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY HEAD OF A MOOR beard, facing the right and seen littlé more than in profile, his eyes directed toward the front. He is in ermine, with a red cowl over his head, and wears a large golden chain from which a medallion depends. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Russet. No. 58 AIME PERRET Frencu: 1847— A PEASANT GIRL OF CHAILLY eg On the left in the middle distance a group of haystacks are see on the flat fields of the Barbizon plain, and opposite the flock of sheep with their shepherd, near a building. Coming down a field path in the foreground is a tall woman of the peas- antry, in cloak and cap and carrying a basket. Height, 24 inches; width, 20 ian Signed at the lower left, Aimé PERRET. To be sold to close an Estate. No. 54 JOSEPH JEFFERSON AMERICAN: 1829—1905 IN THE ROCKIES 3 on o Height, 20 inches; C6 1D gat Oe Dac : 7 ft A SECLUDED farm is presented to view, a retreat in a green wil- derness. In the background of woods is a lone brown farm- house with steep sloping roof, in front of it a rail fence, and the green foreground is a clearing with mounds of grass at mnejert. Signed at the lower left, J. JEFrERson, 1903. Owner, Tuomas JEFFERSON, Ese. No. 55 JUST L’HERNAULT q FreNcH: CONTEMPORARY THE FORTUNE TELLER Lh i SUMS Height, 2114 inches; length, 28/inches Aw old woman in brown coat, yellow skirt, white stockings and blue cap, with a sheep skin thrown over her shoulders, is lay- ing out the cards and telling a fortune for a young woman in = white, red and blue who has stopped at her cottage on the way + from market. Signed at the lower right, Just L’Hrrnavtr. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Russet. No. 56 J. P. HASENCLEVER ; Greman: 810-1858 Be | “TIME FOR CLOSING” 3 2 Height, 20 inches; length, 28 My 7 EAE, ay. Four old cronies are seated about a round table at an innj with two bottles to the credit of each. Three of the men are sing- ing, while the fourth is not under the table but asleep with head bowed upon it. The landlord points impatiently to the clock, and two officers appear at the door. (gp hs i Signed at the lower right, J. P. Hasenciever, 1845. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Russet. INOS t57: GEORGE H. BOGERT, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1864— AUTUMN SUNSET 3 ve Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches (3 ) Ss Ord lt A. LANDSCAPE in autumn colors, brown, red and green, with a pool in the foreground and higher land and trees at either side, is seen in the glow of sunset, under a brilliant sky. Signed at the lower left, Gtorce H. Bocerr. To be sold to close an Estate. W. VELTEN GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY THE FARMYARD 0 ao Height, 281% inches; length, 30 ae BersipE the barn stand a brown and white Bone horse, yoked together for field labor, while the farmer pauses to talk with his little girl. An older girl is seen through an archway, seated at the door of the adjoining white cottage. Signed at the lower right, W. VELTEN, MUNHCEN. Owner, Estate of the late WiituiamM C. Oastuier, Esa. Sine te wee. eo eee oa, ee ——— Pas No. 59 R. M. CHEVALIER FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY A STREET IN CAIRO le 7 jt Height, 25 inches; width, 18 me fas - Tue spectator looks straight up a broad and busy street which contains also many idlers, the building walls on the left dark in shadow relieved by green blinds, while on the opposite side the characteristic architecture and coloring may be seen in a light softened by a scaffolding that bridges the thoroughfare overhead. 'Turbaned men, some barefoot, in costumes of vari- ous color are all about, one carrying a nude child astride his shoulder. In the distance where the screen of scaffolding ceases white buildings stand out under a robin’s-egg sky. Signed at the lower left, R. M. Curvaier. T'o be sold to close an Estate. No. 60 PETER BAUMGARTNER GERMAN: 1834— | HUNTER REFRESHING a ; Height, 234% inches; width, eY eee SEATED at the base of a stone column at the border of b lowlands crossed by winding footpaths, a stout and florid Ger- man who is out hunting is enjoying his luncheon. Eggs and bread, a bird and a bottle, explain his happy smile, and his dog looks up expectantly. Signed at the lower left, P. BaumMGarTNER. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Russet. No. 61 JOSEF CHELMONSKI PoutsH: 1850— RUSSIAN SCENE gies Height, 24 inches; length, 36 ipyches A HEAvy farm wagon drawn by four horses abreast,An which the driver and another burly peasant are seated straw, is passing along the partially dry bed of a stream, and the horses are about to plunge down a rocky bank to the lower bed of the stream where there is still some water moving. On both sides are houses and more peasants. Signed at the lower right, Jose‘ CuetmMonski, Paris, 1887. Owner, Mrs. JeEnntiE G. BUCKLEY. No. 62 JOHN CALIFANO AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY TWO FRIENDS +7 poe Height, 241% inches; width, ete pee A LONG-HAIRED calf with grayish-white and taf~yny coat pro- jects its head into view from the left, over a mess of gre¢én cab- bage leaves. On the right a white hen has come up close to peck , at the leaves. } ag Signed at the lower right, J. CALIFANO. a Owner, Mrs. E. ARnstTEIN. No. 68 UNKNOWN Ee en ee, eee MEADOWS IN AUTUMN on, one | LEME 24 inches; length, (40 /3nch#s yy yy ry A. BROAD reach of meadow land, some of it rough, is pictured in autumn under a sky completely filled with soft gray and whitish clouds. Direct sunlight is shut off, and the reflection of a white cloud billow brightens a corner of a large pond or stream in the foreground. ‘The low lands are green patched with brown, and near the pond is a clump of trees, mainly slen- der, their foliage turning brown and yellow with notes of red. Owner, Mrs. J. H. RussEeuu. No. 64 UNKNOWN THE DEER HUNTERS Height, 26 inches; length, 85 i | : 27 u ie Indian in red shirt and blue breeches and a European in / gray and brown are deer hunting and have brought down one doe. ‘They are seated under a huge tree on the bank of a ravine in a wooded country, and the red man is pointing toward the distance. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Russet. No. 65 EMILE AUGUSTE PINCHART FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY AT THE FOUNTAIN Height, 29 inches; width, 214% inches [te Yr Farr and tall, with yellow hair bound in blue, a young woman in negligée attire of light colors is seen in profile bending over a fountain, one arm and shoulder exposed. Signed at the lower left, EK. Pincuarr. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Russe. No. 66 W. H. MACHEN AMERICAN: 1876— STILL LIFE—DUCKS 3 Caen Height, 2934 inches; width, 2434 4 s | In a niche or false fireplace, plastered in gray over red brick, three wild ducks that have fallen to a hunter hang suspended by the feet from a hook. On the green heads, brown necks and soft gray bodies a slant of light falls, relieving the birds against the brown shadows of the background. Signed at bottom, left center, MacHeEn. Owner, Mrs. J. D. Berry. No. 67 Ca EAGLE ON A CLIFF (RTSIS Height, 30 inches; width, 19 ee AL LARGE brown eagle is perched upon a green peak in the 1m- mediate foreground, back to the spectator but with head turned to the left. The depths beneath are a misty gray, as below the clouds, and in the distance rises a white mountain top. Signed below the eagle, C. W. T'o be sold to close an Estate. No. 68 JOSEPH JEFFERSON AmeERICAN: 1829—1905 LANDSCAPE 4 jf go Height, 30 inches; width, et A a ith TA. trees shelter a gray farmhouse with brown roof and dor- mer windows, and thick bushes cluster close about its lower walls. Bits of color appear in the foliage, chickens are peck- ing in the grass, and in the foreground a by-road leads to a blue pool. Signed at the lower left: To JEFFERSON CLUB, FROM J. JEFFERSON. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Russet. No. 69 LE SENECHAL-MORS OLD WOMAN SPINNING 8 4 ~~ Height, 311% inches; width, oe Ge al ek tlie SHE has taken her wheel out into the yard, and is seen in profile to the left, seated at work at it. Around her are chickens, and a cat eating. The yard is a sort of combination cottage and stable yard, of brown earth and green grass, and at either side are gray and yellow buildings with thatched roofs, connected by a roof of red tile over a closed gateway. The sky is blue, with light clouds, and sunshine illumines the yard but the spin- ner is seated in the shade. Signed at the lower left, Lz StntecHau-Mors, 1898. On the back the official stamp of the Salon of 1898. Owner, Mrs. E. ArnstTern. No. 70 EDOUARD RICHTER FreNcH: CONTEMPORARY THE MOORISH DANCER —ob Height, 387 mches; width inches / 20 PartLy nude and in gauzy garments a voluptuotis beauty is dancing, in the shaded portico of a palace giving/upon bright blue water, for the delectation of two bearded men in turbans, one of whom is smoking, the other applauding. Other charmers — furnish music, and one reclines against the men’s knees. Signed at the lower right, E. Ricurer. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Russet. No. 71 LOUIS KRATKE Frencu: 1848— SOUVENIR OF FATHER COROT Height, 86 inches; width, 29 VN Se0 Coror is depicted at his easel, working out ee at Ville d’A- vray. He sits on his camp stool under the shelter of a tree, at work on the landscape and smoking a pipe, and he has turned toward the spectator so that his face is observed three-quarters full, crowned by the heavy shock of gray hair almost white. Signed at the lower right, Lovuts KRratKe. T'o be sold to close an Estate. IN ae C. HETZ GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY CHILDREN PLAYING SCHOOL ) Height, 36 inches; length, 46 inghes v¢ ao. lad. Lp hhireg, TEN little Teutons in varicolored clothing, boys and girls, some of them barefoot, are having a fine time in a gray and brown interior, playing at singing school. An older boy with spec- tacles, mounted on a box, is representing the leader. Signed at the lower right, C. Herz, Mtncuen, 1875. Owner, Mrs. J. H. RussEuwu. No. 73 C. DE HAGEMANN GERMAN MOORISH MARKET ve Height, 34 inches; width, 25 inghes Creamy gray and brown buildings, touched with pink, with corbel windows, and in the distance a dome and tower, form the architectural setting for a market held in a small court or square where numbers of turbaned men and veiled women are seen, in variegated apparel. On the ground are watermelons and other commodities. Signed at the lower right, C. De Hacemann. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Russet. No. 74 CARLO FAGNANI ITALIAN THE LOST DAUPHIN (Oval) oes = Height, 30 inches; wiflth,)24 inches Heap and shoulders portrait of a middle-aged man with high, broad brow and bushy gray hair or wig, dressed in black with a choker collar and white stock. He faces the right, three-quar- ters front, his face in a strong but mellow light. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Russe. No. 75 JOSEPH JEFFERSON AMERICAN: 1829—1905 OLD MILL IN THE WOODS 3 Gee Height, 25 inches; length, or Y | Y rie AN old gray mill on the right is almost bu in the thick green trees of a wooded hillside beside a stream. Its weathered wheel is set in heavy beams, and near it in the rippling water some ducks are swimming. Coming out of woods at the left the stream turns forward with a slight fall, the spill tumbling white over rocks. Signed at the lower right, J. Jerrerson, 799. Owner, THomMAS JEFFERSON, Esa. No. 76 THOMAS DOUGHTY AmERIcCAN: 1798—1856 MOUNT KEARSARGE, NEW HAMPSHIRE Height, 29 inches; length, 45 Dae. Ce ae fo oe THE huge round topped mountain looms on the left, in par- tial shadow, and the eye roams over watered valleys thickly wooded on the right to distant lower mountains and hills, seen against a sky tinged with pink. Near a blasted tree at the foot of the mountain, in the foreground, are some deer. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Russert. No. 77 PAUL DELAMAIN CoNTEMPORARY THE PRISONER ale. Height, 30 inches; length, 42% inches Two Arabs mounted on brown horses have captured a coe ee who rides between them on a white horse, and they are dash- ing across the desert, one of them turning to fire on the caravan which is in turmoil behind them. — Signed at the lower right, Pauyt DeEvamaiy. Owner, Estate of the late Wiuis1am C. Oastrirr, Esa. No. 78 ERNEST PARTON AmERIcAN: 1845— THE POOL ie de bah es Height, 46 inches; width, Busues and short slender trees of thi all but close in a water-lily pond in a green landscape, the le age just touched with yellow. A young woman carrying a basket and followed by her dog walks in a path ong an open part of the bank. Signed at the lower right, ERNEst Pa 1878. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Russet. No. 79 HANS MAKART Austrian: 1840—1884 THE PRINCESS ( Panel ) yy &: @ ve = Height, 444 inches; width, 30% ey y. 4 EMERGING from an arcade of a great Mie princess in Ho a robes of buff brocade is about to descend carpeted stone steps to a garden of flowers and evergreens. She gives passing atten- tion to a young man in crimson who approaches from the right. Signed at the lower left, Hans Maxarr. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Russexu. No. 80 J. C. MORRIS ENGLISH CATTLE Height, 30 inches; length, 45. prehes i Cr ee / LONG-HORNED cows to the number of five, red, black, brown, dun and white, accompanied by a red and white calf, have com down to a stream to drink. ‘The country behind them is one of high hills bounding a meadow. : Signed at the lower left, J. C. Morris. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Russet. No. 81 A. T. BRICHER, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1839—1908 CASTLE ROCK, MARBLEHEAD Vi I-7 GAS Height, 26 inches; length, 50 inches & cliff with rusty- at loraeg Hien, steep and jagged, a red-brown rocky green herbage on part of its top extends from the left into the bay, with outlying rocks pointing to a lighthouse in the dis- tance, near which a schooner is under slow way. Lazy waves lap a foreground shore where a woman sands near some rowboats. Signed at the lower left, A. T. Bricurr, 1877. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Russet. No. 82 C. M. WEBB _ ConTEMPORARY THE UNWELCOME LETTER 3 7 $O_ Height, 3414 inches; length, inch AN aged clerical student is seated at his library desk in a cor- : ner of a plainly furnished room, with large and small volumes on shelves and piled on chairs, and scattered on the wooden floor. He has been inditing in a large parchment tome, and turns at the interruption of a serving man in red and brown with white stockings, who hands him a letter which he seems loath indeed to take. Signed at the lower right, C. M. Wess, 1872. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Russe. No. 83 J. ROLLIN TILTON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1833— TEMPLE OF KOM OMBE, UPPER EGY PT.— SPRING a y 6 Height, 301% inches; length 49 inches THE picture comprehends a vast ex untry, with dis- tant mountains crossing the backgréund, light under a pale greenish-blue sky filled with clouds tinted a bright yellow, and a middleground of green valleys in partial shadow. In the fore- ground are the magnificent red-brown ruins of a carved stone temple, on a bluff above the dark green Nile where some fe- luccas are under sail. Exhibited at the Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, 1876. From the Marshall O. Roberts Collection, New York. To be sold by order of an Attorney. No. 84 LADISLAUS BAKALOWICZ DutcH: CONTEMPORARY ARCHERY PRACTICE ( Panel ) jp so Height, 33 inches; length, inche Vy In a palace hall carpeted in red, with tbh poh portraits, coats of arms and suits of armor decorating it, a num- ber of ladies and gentlemen are gathered, clad in rich costumes, taking turns with the cross-bow at a target set up in the park to which a broad door opens. Signed at the lower left, BAKALowicz, Paris. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Russe. No. 85 H. GRITTEN CoNTEMPORARY CHURCH INTERIOR if 4 Ln the shade of its bordering trees the quiet street of an Amer- a ican village extends straight away before the spectator, its q roadbed gray earth patched with brown, with grass at the edges. On the left are green lawns, the sunshine reaching the grass near the farther end of the street, where red and gray, green-shuttered houses come partly into view below the thick foliage of their surrounding trees. On the right hand side of the street a young woman and her little girl, both in white, are a coming slowly along the narrow sidewalk. _ Signed at the lower left, L. M. Wizes. On the back the artist also has placed the title of the canvas and his signature, and the date, 1897. Owner, Mrs. E. ArnstTEIn. a No. 182 H. D. KRUSEMAN VAN ELTEN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1829—1904 IDLEWILD BROOK, TARRYTOWN é JO cr Height, 16 inches; length, 23 inches, TueE background of green wildwood, blocking out the sky/ex- cept for a bit at the upper right hand corner, reveals a li clearing near the middle distance, against which, on the left, a group of dark brown trunks stand up in shadow, their leafage a thin screen or veil shutting out the clearing hight. Near them, emerging into view from between green banks, the brook comes from the right and turns forward, rustling in feathery white over scraggly stones, or in smoother places reflecting the green of grass and bushes, mingled with tones of brown. _ Signed at the lower left, Krus—EMAN van ELTEN. Owner, W. C. Barruert, Esa. No. 133 RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. AMERICAN: 184'7— ON THE SHORES OF THE LAKE TU a. Height, 16 inches; width, 24 incl AANA A. LAKE in the mountains is a greenish-blue, with brown mot- tlings of the shore-line shadows. Birds are flying low over it. On the right a rocky point projects, supporting a few trees. Signed at bottom, left of center, R. A. Buaxexock. Owner, ‘Mrs. R. Newsrovueu. No. 184 EMIL RAU GERMAN: 1858— SCHOOL GIRL i A ie Height, 17 oe ee 2. Ace A LITTLE German maiden with brown hair done in a “pigtail” is sitting on a low bench or step below a window embrasure, doing sums on her slate. Her hat is on the floor and a small doll leans against the wall beside her. The child wears a blue waist over a short-sleeved white underwaist, grayish-green skirt and red stockings, and faces three-quarters to the front. Above her head a glimpse of a hillside is obtained through a bit of the window. Signed at the upper right, E. Rav, Mincuen, 791. Owner, Mrs. E. Arnstein No. 185 CHARLES H. WOODBURY AMERICAN: 1864— HEADLANDS AND SEA VIEW — / oo Height, 17 inches; length, 2Q34 inches ~ A. BLUE sea extending to the horizon on the left washes a bluff shore in the distance on the right, with two headlands promi- nent. In the foreground the waters heave and backwash in white foam. Signed at the lower right, Woopznury. The property of a Private Collector. No. 136 GEORGE MORLAND Enewisu: 1763—1804 FAMILY AT REST ( Panel ) / 7 ) ee, Height, 17% mcehes; length, 21, im _Unper a wide-spreading oak of gnarléd limbs, growing on a bank at the edge of a green field, a faiwily who have been pic- nicing are taking a rest. “WHERE WAVES AND MOONLIGHT MEET’ ae 0 ye eight, S inches; length, 40 ie Ser , ve SurRF is breaking along a sandy shore and sending lines of froth (/ up the beach. The blue water beyond is streaked with the ight from a moon obscured by yellowish clouds, and other patches of vapor are tinged a faint pink. Signed at the lower left, F. K. M. Rerun. From the William T. Evans sale, New York, 1900. Owner, F. E. Cuurcn, Ese. No. 266 FRANK D. MILLET, N.A. AMERICAN: 1846—1912 THE GRANDDAUGHTER SI 6 d ee Height, 31 inches; length, 48 a Ny 5 ¢ F > Tus painting, which has sometimes been called ““Che Convales- cent,” depicts a pink cheeked young woman with reddish-blond hair, reclining on a high-backed, wing-armed sofa upholstered in a flower and leaf pattern in quiet tones of gray, brown, yel- low and dark blue. She is propped up on white pillows, and wears a gray dress figured with flowers in pink and green, with a light shoulder scarf crossed over the waist. A dark shawl is thrown over her limbs, and she holds a small open book in one hand and a rose in the other. ‘The walls of the paneled room are gray and a soft light falls full upon her face. She has paused in reading to look up at an aged man carrying a small basket who enters through a latch door. The picture is a painting of the home of the granddaughter of Josiah Wedg- wood, in England. Signed at the lower left, ¥. D. Mitte, 1885. Property of a Private Collector. No. 267 THOMAS MORAN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1837— THE FEUDAL TOWER aS E oe Height, 30 inches; length, 45 inches Coa 5G 02.U; In a romantic landscape of rugged naturalfeatures, and under strangely impressive conditions of weathet and light, a cav- alier in red and buff riding a white horse is making his way through a rough path in a mountain valley. High before him, beyond a watercourse, the towers of a feudal castle rise toward a sky of ominous clouds, ranging from gray to cimmerian blackness with lurid flashes, the weird effect emphasized by a slant of sunshine striking the hill before the castle. Signed at the lower left, T. Moran, 1905. Property of a Prwate Collector. a No. 268 WILLIAM MERRITT CHASE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1849— WHEATFIELD Height, 32 inches; lengt, 48 inches Apa J/ 9 ' 4 WAM) thu A BROAD Cea Acid? in the golden yellow of harvest time ex- tends across the picture, on the gentle slope be a rolling hill- : side, with a bit of green touched with the red notes of poppies a seen in the immediate foreground. In the middle distance a load of fresh hay and some laborers afoot are crossing the field in a road through the grain, which is so tall it hides the men walking almost to their shoulders. Beyond the field a cot- tage comes into view, just below the crest of the hill, which is topped by thick green woods. Signed at the lower right, Wm. M. Cuase. Property of a Private Collector. No. 269 L. CHIRICO A HAPPY OCCASION Height, 38 inches; width, 24Y/) inches ] {Qs CAVE ESCENDING some steps alongside the steep wall of an ancient ecclesiastical ruin, a happy and brilliantly dressed Italian fam- ily and friends are coming forward, apparently from a church seen in the distance where an infant held in the bright young mother’s arms has been christened. An aged priest accom- panies them, bare-footed urchins greet them, and on the stairs above them humble people of the town come and go. Signed at the lower right, L. Cutrico. Owner, Estate of the late Wiiiiam C. OastiErR, Esa. No: 270 : PROF. CARL LUDWIG BECKER GERMAN: 1820—1900 THE RENDEZV OUS Le () ae Height, 39 inches; widthe31 inche ie TO v A. BLONDE young woman in a blue ty@m gown protusely em- broidered with flowers is seen turned three-quarters from the spectator, about passing into another room. With skirt lightly raised in formal fashion she is making a curtsey on the thresh- old to a caller not seen by the observer, while a serving man in dark blue and buff-brown holds aside a red portiere. Signed at the lower left, C. Becker. From the A. T. Stewart Collection, New York, 1887. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Russert. No. 271 CHARLES THEODORE FRERE Frencu: 1815—1888 CAMELS vé oy ¢4- Height, 40 inches; width, 8 inches A uigHt fawn-colored camel which has/ been clippe down, across the picture, its neck stretched out an on the ground. Behind it five of the tall and haughty beasts stand, back to the spectator, a dark, reddish-brown against a yellowish sunset sky, while dimly defined beyond them a whole caravan host of camels may be seen, on the outskirts of a city. Signed at the lower left, Tu. Frere. Owner, Estate of the late Witiiam C. Oastier, Esa. No. 272 L. SCHMUTZLER GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY THE LOVERS A Ee os Height, 421% inches; width, 338°Qinches. Wp A. TALL man in buff breeches, a brown coa with Aa stripes, brightly colored waistcoat with flaring revers, and a volumi- nous stock and jabot, faces the spectator, supporting his love on his left arm. Hat and gloves in hand he looks down upon her, smiling. She, also smiling even more happily, nestles her head against his shoulder and glances at the spectator. She has jet black hair bound in ribbons of yellow, green and brown, and wears a sleeveless gown light and brilliant in hue, with low corsage, carrying on her arm a brilliant yellow and red shawl. Signed at the upper left, L. ScHMUTZLER. Owner, Mrs. E. ArnstTern. No. 273 GAYLORD SANGSTON TRUESDELL. AmERICAN: 1850—1899 THE SHEPHERDS LUNCH 3 3 6 ge Height, 72 inches; length, 9 us Z An old shepherd in a visor cap afid a coat of white fleece is kneeling on the ground amongst his large flock, cutting a loaf of bread, and his dog waits eagerly for his share of the lunch. Most of the sheep are feeding but in the foreground near the shepherd three are lying down, one of them a black sheep. The pasturage is a range of broad, rolling dunes, beside the blue sea. Signed Gt the lower left, TrurspELL, 1892. Owner, Estate of G. A. TRUESDELL, Esq. = AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. > THOS. E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. REPRESENTED —_— RKS. R WO =s LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS CATALOGUE NUMBER ACHENBACH, Oswatp Wellhorn, Rosenlanig-, Gletscher- und Wetterhorn 172 Peri OR 1. A.) Perugia 8 AHL, Henry Hammonp The Evening Hour 101 ANASTASI, Aveusrus Paut Caries i Holland 88 BAKALOWICZ, Lapistaus Archery Practice 84 BAUMGARTNER, PETER Hunter Refreshing | 60 BEARD, Wituiam H., N.A. Bridge in Venice pie) wi BECKER, Pror. Cart Lupwic The Rendezvous 270) BECKWITH, J. Carrory, N.A. The Japanese Lantern At the Opera BERAUD, Jean Condolences BERNE-BELLECOUR, Errenne Prosper On Guard BIERSTADT, Arszert, N.A.> Swift-flowing River Sunset in the Mountains BLAKELOCK, Ratpyu ALsert, N.A. On the Plains Rocky Mountains On the Shores of the Lake Golden Sunset Misty Morning BOGERT, Gerorce H., A.N.A. Autumn Sunset A. Glorious Sunset BOSSCHAERT, Tuomas WILLEBORTS Infant Bacchus and Cupids BRADFORD, Wuui1aM, 4.N.A. Land of the Midnight Sun CATALOGUE. NUMBER 164 253 260 212 177 BRASCASSAT, J. R. A Percheron at His Meal BRELING, H. In the Studio BRICHER, A. T., A.N.A. Castle Rock, Marblehead BRISTOL, J. B., N.A. Lake Champlain Landscape Near Boston Corners, Dutchess County Eventide CAILLE, Lton A Mother CALAME, ALEXANDER Swiss Landscape CALIFANO, JoHn Two Friends CASADO DEL ALISAL, Jost La Toilette de ’Odalisque CATTERMOLE, RicHaArp Having a Game CATALOGUE NUMBER 98 81 99 94 CHAMPNEY, J. Wetts Portrait of Laurent Cars Portrait of Marie Leczinska CHASE, WitutiaMm Merritt, N.A. Wheatfield CHAVET, V. Interior with Figures CHELMONSKI, Josrer Russian Scene CHEVALIER, R. M. A. Street in Cairo CHIRICO, L. A Happy Occasion CHURCH, F:.S., N.A. My Model CICERI, EvuceEnio Wash Day CIPRIANI, N. In Ltaly CLAUDE, Eveine For the Larder CATALOGUE NUMBER 160 168 268 139. 61 59 269 207 37 — 1438 90 CATALOGUE NUMBER CLAYS, Pau. JEAN Harbor Scene 201A COL, Davin Landscape and Cattle (In collaboration with Henry Savry) 153 At the Well (In collaboration with E.R. Mars) 176 COLMAN, SamueEt, N.A. Sails Among the Mountains 241 COROT, Jean Baptiste CAMILLE Paysan Italien 102 The Hay Cart 238 CORRAVINI, C. The New Baby 159 CRAIG, Tuomas B., A.N.A. Cows in Pasture AA CRANE, Bruct, N.A. Sunset 22 The Golden Sky 112 Sunset—-A Vibrating Sky 239 Edge of the Woods 240 Hay Meadows 257 <“ CATALOGUE NUMBER CROME, Joun (OLD CROME) Old Bathing House, St. Martin’s at Oak Norwich | , 217 ~CROPSEY, Jasper F., N.A. On the Housatonic — : 4.0 Sunset on the Hudson | on 126 C. W. Eagle on a Cliff 67 DAMOYE, P. E. In the Pasture 114 Marsh Lands O37 DE HAVEN, Frank, 4.N.A. Sheepfold 208 In the Woods 251 DELAMAIN, Paut The Prisoner 3 77 DELPY, H. C. Mouth of the River Kure, Springtime _ 140 Landscape 236 Sunset on the River 249 DIAZ DE LA PENA, Narcisse Vircite Landscape ese | DIDIER-POUGET, W. Karly Morning DOLPH, J. H., A.N.A. Having a Good Time DOUGHTY, THomas Mount Kearsarge, New Hampshire DUPRE, Jutzs The Cottage EATON, C. Harry Twilight EICKELBERG, W. H. Fishing Boats EISMAN-SEMENOVSKY Ideal Head ENGLISH, F. F. “Tally-ho!” FAGNANI, Carto The Lost Dauphin FICHEL, EucGrEnNrt End of the Meal CATALOGUE NUMBER \ 15: b 39 76 Ay 110 74 FRERE, Cuaries THtopore Moorish Scene © ~ Camels GERARD, THtovore | The Dancing Lesson GIFFORD, Sanrorp R., N.A. Lake Scene in the Mountains Mountains and Plain GRISON, JuLres ADOLPHE Over the Chocolate GRITTEN, H. Church Interior GROLLERON, P. Skirmishers GROOTVELT, Jan HeENprIK vAN The Soldier’s Return The Game Seller GROS, L. A. The Stirrup Cup GUES, A. Standard Bearer CATALOGUE NUMBER 115 271 169 106 209 197 85 150 CATALOGUE NUMBER HAGEMANN, C. pdE Moorish Market 73 HARRIS, CuHarues X. Fhlrtation 36 HART, Wiitan, N21. Head of Young Bull 105 Cows Drinking 235 HASENCLEVER, J. P. “Time for Closing” 56 HAYS, Wiui1am Jacos, A.N.A. Rabbits 35 BMENKRY, HE. L., N.A. Watering Place 203 HERBO, Lron Portrait Head 34 HETZ, C. Children Playing School 72 HOFNER, J. B. Barnyard Scene 176A . i : a f ( i % CATALOGUE ‘ NUMBER HOWLAND, A. C., N.A. =e Southampton by the Sea S23 ; HUMBORG, Avo.r | An Kye for Color — ' ed HUNT, Wuiuu1am Morris Moonlight hit Haying 121 Evening Glow 193 Trees 196 HUNTINGTON, Dantet, P.N.A. My Pleasure Ground 33, Reminiscences of Italy 178 ISRAELS, Joser | At the Window . 252 IWILL, Marie Josery Italian Landscape : | 23 JACQUET, GusTAVE “A Parisian Beauty” 199 TARY aout At the Drinking Place 32 JEFFERSON, Joseryu In the Rockies Landscape Old Mull in the Woods The Duck Pond JIMINEZ Y ARANDA, José Don Quixote and Sancho Panza JOHNSON, Davin, N.A. Chocorua Mountain Edge of a Hayfield Rosendale, New York wens Botton, N.A. The Marshes JONGKIND, J. B. Moonlight in Holland KLORKINSKI Convent Courtyard KOCH, Eisa Her Pets KOST, Frepericx W., N.A. The Stone Bridge CATALOGUE NUMBER 244 fae je 5 toew we) Gy Go Ov te 137 31 89 246 CATALOGUE NUMBER ~KRATKE, Lovuts Souvenir of Father Corot , | a KRUSEMAN VAN ELTEN, H. D., N.A. At Napanock 16, At the River, Eltenville, N. Y. , 120 Autumn 123 In the Shepang Valley 129 Idlewild Brook, ‘Tarrytown 132 In the Woods at Napanock 170 Late Afternoon at Napanock _ _ 223 LAMBINET, Emutz | On the Seine ; 281 LE SENECHAL-MORS | Old Woman Spinning 69 LHERNAULT, Just : The Fortune Teller 55 LOBRICHON, TrvoLrton A Letter to Papa 151 LONGPRE, Paut pr Still Life—F lowers 107 Fruit 158 ‘ Still Life—F lowers 194 : MACHEN, W. H. Still Laife—Ducks MAES, E. R. At the Well (In collaboration with Davin Cou) MAES, Henri Marine MAKART, Hans The Princess MARTIN, F. C. Leisure Moments MARTIN, Homer D., N.A. Autumn in the Mountains McCORD, Gerorce H., A.N.A. Sunset over the Water McILHENNY, C. MorcGan Cows in Pasture MEISSONIER, Jean Louis Ernest Study of a Cuirassier MEIXNER, Lupwic Moonlight Marine CATALOGUE NUMBER 66 176 30 fh) 206 168 186A MEYERHEIM, Ep. Frans The Doctor’s Visit MILLET. Pranc Don 4 The Granddaughter © MODERN GERMAN SCHOOL Scene from the Thirty Years’ War MOELLER, Lovis, N.A. After the Ball Repulsed MORAN, Envwarp Cliffs in a Storm MORAN, Tuomas, N.A. A Summer Idyl The Feudal ‘Tower MORLAND, GerorGE Family at Rest MORRIS, J. C. Cattle NATTIER, Jean Marc Marie Anne Darras, Femme de Jean Francois Despréaux CATALOGUE NUMBER 170A 266 156 195 205 180. 136 80 256 NICOLL, J. C., NYA. Mt. Desert OSTADE, AprIAAN VAN Dutch Interior PARTON, Arruvur, N.A. Early Spring Willows in the Sawmill Valley Eventide PARTON, ERnNEstT Springtime on the Thames, England The Pool Fishing PERRET, Aimer A Peasant Girl of Chailly Interior PINCHART, Emite Avcuste At the Fountain PIOT, ETIENNE ADOLPHE Child’s Prayer PONDEL, F. Enjoying Her Cup CATALOGUE NUMBER 119 213 175 230 255 - POWELL, C. Head of a Moor RAFFAELLL J. F. Along the River RANGER, Henry W., N.4. Rocky Ground RAU, Emin School Girl REBN, F. K. M., N.A. The Surging Sea “Where Waves and Moonlight Meet” RICHARDS, Wuttiam T. Sunny Meadows After the Storm RICHET, Lton The Mill Solitude RICHTER, Epovarp The Moorish Dancer RIENHART, W. H. Autumn on Lake Champlain 265 127 147 — 215 248 70 100 CATALOGUE NUMBER ROSSI, L. Taking it Easy 103 ROUSSEAU, THropore Landscape 225 SAUVAGE, Gerorcrs Turkish Lady Reclining 27 SAVRY, Henry Landscape and Cattle (In collaboration with Davin Cou) | | 1538 SCHEFFER, Ary Head of Dutch Girl 10 SCHENDEL, P. van Moonrise 143 SCHLESSINGER, F. | Overcome 188 SCHMUTZLER, L. Solo L The Lovers 2 SEIFERT, ALrrep The Rose 130 The Pet Bird ) 218 SEVENDONCK, JoserpH van Battle Scene SEWELL, Amanpsa BREWSTER Decorative Figure © SHEPPARD, Warren The Lagoon, Venice SIEBERT, L. BuumeE The Cireus in Town SIMONETTI, Errore The Lovers’ Retreat SMILLIE, Grorcet H., N.A. Summer Morning on Long Island SMITH, Henry PEMBER Connecticut Valley Landscape SMITH, Tuomas L. Christmastide in the Olden Time SONNTAG, WitiiAmM Louts, N.A. Fishermen CATALOGUE “NUMBER 42 211 118 AT 149 254 see 219 144 26 STANFIELD, W. C. Off the Jetties STARK, JAMES Road by the Brook STETZNER, Pror. H. The Collector STIEPEVICH, V. G. The Importunate Visitor SULLY, ‘THOMAS Portrait of a Man TAIT, Artuur F., N.A. Chicks TENIERS, Benoor OF Village Festival THOM, J. CrawFrorp The Deer Hunt THORNE, WILLIAM Portrait of a Lady TILTON, J. Roti, N.A. Temple of Kom Ombe, Upper Egypt,—Spring CATALOGUE NUMBER 93 104 91 85 hae Bier eb. Beda, a Aer Sete. a eee i , Li by, ee FT tole ho Ce eames ee ened Po ee sR i } if pee a he, Ar j watts ig Re ae Dek Py ‘y , i ; Wak Shs bal We TODDAG See ye Sisters TOULMOUCHE, A. The Smile TRAVER, Georce A. Landscape Sunset TROY, Jaan EF. pre Portrait of a Man TROYON, Constant (Attributed) _ Study of a Cow Grazing Landscape TRUESDELL, GayLorp SANnGsTon The Garden After the Rain Cattle In the Sea Breeze Moonlight at the Sheepfold The Path Through the Gorse Changing Pastures The Wayside Shrine The Shepherd’s Lunch TYLER, James G. Dashing Spray CATALOGUE = NUMBER 19 185 261 190 204 24 86 117 154 155 179 182 263 273 20 CATALOGUE NUMBER UNKNOWN Landscape and Cattle in Landscape 18 The Edge of the Woods 25 Meadows in Autumn 63 The Deer Hunters 64 Dressing Her Hair 138 VELTEN, W. | The Farmyard 58 VERESTCHAGIN, Vasir1 Mount ‘Tabor 1 The Spring of Elisha 96 The Tomb of Joseph O77 A Corner of the Kremlin in Winter 116 Bethel 184 The Cupola of the Holy Sepulchre in Jeru- salem 186 A Russian Hermit’s Lodging 189 A Russian Coppersmith 201 A Russian Blacksmith 220 The Russian Blacksmith’s Wife 221 RoahyY, PavuL The Lute Player 171 VOIGT, A. Sheep 166 VOLKMANN, C. Childhood 9 CATALOGUE NUMBER WAGNER, FERDINAND Portrait of a Lady 51 WAGREZ, JacQuEs Tannhauser au Veénusberg 48 WARDLE, ArtHurR Startled | D5 WEBB, C. M. ~The Unwelcome Letter 82 WEBER, HeEtnricyu The Poultry Dealer 109 WEDDELL, L. The Laguna, Venice 92 WEEKS, Enwin Lorp Princesse de Bagdad—Love-making at Oodey- pore 167 An Inner Court 227, Great Mosque at Lahore, India 24:7 Persian Caravan 264 WERNER, A. F. Interior with Figures—The War Story 15 WIGGINS, Carteton, N.A. Evening on the Moors 218 WILES, Lemuer M. Lowery Day A Village Street WILLEMS, FLorent The Portrait WILLIS, M. Seoteh Cattle WOODBURY, Cuaries H. Headlands and Sea View WORES, THEODORE A Japanese Girl Japanese Woman and Horse Junks. WYNGUERDT, A. J. van On the Banks of the Scheldt ZICKENDRAHT, B. “Thoughts” ZIEM, FErvirx Grand Canal, Venice CATALOGUE NUMBER 128 131 173 122 bo —d ee FOR INHERITANCE TAX AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH INTELLIGENT APPRAISEMENTS OF ART AND LITERARY PROPERTY fey Poe NID PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN CASES WHERE PUBLIC SALES ARE EFFECTED PeewOMINAL CHARGE ONLY WILL BE MADE THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY Te nes a RESEARCH INSTITUTE ey WU oe. nr van Hehe bg a ies v wales Meatitraststntee neat SRR eect a : ¥ Seivietenneaty ‘ialeuerhannty tis ES Har aa P UI aD ee ri aan Papeemen aerate eaken hetenes a secant ene a Sousum smarter RaAioas iy i + wirtgts as eat eager ete Hse +3 saith a rs arises < es stale st, wi é be! aE atT ue ara Series 23 $33 Ret ie Stet gihy alate rs His * ribet ite if 3 Be a tserts 3 ets siete Eh ote Peer tea titi r ia