FINE FAINTINGS BELONGING TO MR. SAMUEL P. AVERY, OR CONSIGNED TO HIM BY FOREIGN ARTISTS. ALSO THE PRIVATE COLLECTION OF A GENTLEMAN OF NEW YORK, AND VALUABLE CONTRIBUTIONS PROM A COLLECTOR OF BALTIMORE. Now on Free Exhibition, Day and Evening, al the LEAVITT ART GALLERIES 817 BROADWAY, Corner 12th Street. TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION. At CHICKERING HALL, Fifth Ave. and 18th St., Tuesday and Wednesday Ev’ngs, April 9 & 10, By Geo. A. Leavitt & Co. R. SOMERVILLE, Auctioneer. Conditions ot Sale. 1, The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down twenty-five per cent. on the dollar in part payment, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and ro-sold, 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk within three days from the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satis- faction of the Vendors, on or before delivery: in default of which Messrs, Gro, A. Leavirt & Co. will not hold themselves responsible, if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The Sale of any Painting. Engraving, Print, Furniture, Works of Art, or any other article, is not to be set aside on acconnt of any error in the description. All articles are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can. on any account, be removed during the Sale. 6. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited im part payment shall be forfeited: all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by publie or private Sale, without farther notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. together with all charges at tending the same. This Condition is without ‘prejudice to the right of the Auctioneers to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if thev think fit. GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO. —_ t : alin aan INGE TOUR. | ° The MESSRS, LEAVITT request a particular examination ot these paintings. Coming so soon after the excitement created by the Latham collection there is danger that they.may be overlooked by persons who desire only excellent works of art. Without claiming such a money value as existed in the Latham pictures, yet we can contidently state that it is seldom that such an artistic and well chosen number of paintings are offered at auction. They are entirely within the control of Mr. Samuel P. Avery , the well known art dealer of 86 Fifth Avenue, belouging to bim or consigned by artists residing in Europe, and which must be closed out. Also a choice private collection, the property of a New York gentle- man, who intends to remove from the city, and some notable works from a well known collector of Baltimore, making in all 2562 paint- ings by 116 different celebrated artists, of Europe and America. The oceasion is an excellent one to secure fine pictures, which are very happy in variety of subject, of convenient sizes, and in perfect or- der. ' All are worthy of attention, while many of them are of grea value. The entire list willbe sold without reservation, and the sale being made under the direction of Mr. Avery, will give confidence to this statement, he having gained a-well deserved reputation for making unreserved auction sales. ¥, On the night of this sale at Chi kering Hall there will be no reserved = seats, thus giving all an equal chance e for good seats, ‘** First come. first served.’’ A List of the Names of 116 Artists who are rep- resented [most worthily] in this collection. The figures refer to the:number of the painting ADAN, 60. AUBERT, 28. Bovauton, 45, 61, 94, AG BAUGNIET, 40, 131. BOULANGER, 112. BELLECOUR, 48. BOLDINI, 120. BOUGUEREAU, 5 BECKER (C.), 25, 144. BONNIFAZI, 4. 6. ) BRAITH, 72. BAKUYSEN, 104. BrRETON (E.), 150. BAKER (G. A.), 93. BENSON, 2. BAZZINI, 29. Brown (G. L.), 59. CASTRES, 145. CLAIRIN, 63. Comtr, 71. CLays, 55. Corot, 116. OHARNAY 19. CuuRCH, 147. CASILEAR, 87. JOUTOURIER, 3, CAMPRIANI, 57. CAFFERTY, 8. CRANOCH, 81. COLEMAN, 14, 95. COLMAN (S.), 22, 85. CHAVET, 119. DESGOFFE, 52, 146. DELORT. 30, 65, 89, 152. Draz, 49, 129. DvupRE, 35. DUVERGER, 43, 117. DEFRAGGER, 34. DENEUVILLE, 97. DURAND, 16. in the catalogue. Dovuenry, 47. DILLENS, 10. DARGELAS, 88. EscosurRa, 128. FRERE (E.), 36, 122, FRERE (THE.), 20. FICHEL, 31. Fyt, 98. FarRJon, 113. GLAIZE, 67. Gros, 50, 149. GIFFORD (8. R.), 66. GUNTHER, 23, 130. GUIGLIELMI, 83. GRAY (H. P.), 95a. GIFFORD (S. R.), 125. Guy (S. J.), 101. HASENCLEVER, 70. HUNTINGTON, 32, 102. HERNANDEZ, 12. HENNESSY, 1], 77. HUuBNER (C.), 127a, HUBNER (E.), 142. HUBBABD, 24. HENRY, 6, 91. Hart (J. M.), 108. JAZET, 14). KENSBETT, 13, 76, 90, 139. KNAUS, 110; 138 LEUTZE, 21. LEMMENS, 92. LOUSTAUNAU, 26, 100. JAMBDIN, 1, 84. MULLER (C. L), 64, 148. MADRAZO, 114. MEISSONIER (C.). 42,107. MEYER, of Bremen, 124, MARTINETTI, 74. MCcENTEE, 18. MERLE, 132. MEYERHEIM, 69.7 MICHEL, 105. MiGNoT, 123. MILLER (C. H.), 5. MAYER (F. B.), 46. MURATON, 62. PALMAROLI, 44. Pascurtl, 115. PLASSAN. 17. ROBINET, 73, 96. REYNOLDS, 80. LOZIER, 111, ROELOEFS, 68. ROBBINS, 136. RUYSDAEL, 7. Rossi, 118. ROOSENBAUM, 79. SCHREYER, 39, 140 STEINHEIL, 37, 99. SALENTIN, 137. SAVINI, 33. SCHEERES, 78. SEIGNAC. 134. STAIGG 82. TOULMOUCHE, 51. TURNER, 15. TEN-KATE, 143. Tait, 108. TFSTAS, 9. Voutz, 41, 126. VAUTIER, 12]. VOLLON, 75. VOLKART, 54. VIBERT, 138a. Viry, 53. WEISZ, 109. WERNER, 38, 103. WHITTREDGE, 58, 106. WEBER ‘(O.), 151. ZUGEL, 27, 135. 33. ZIEM, | UATALOGUI, ——— 8e§ixg—— — =a ~ =. PB (ee T —~ 9 —~ = FIRST EVENINGS SALE The first figure of the measure indicates the height of canvass. \ ( \ I ’ LAMBDIN, (G.C.), N. A. Philadelphia Girl Reading. 9X7 | \ i 2 if BENSON, (E.), N. A. Rome I The Fire-side. y, (2x6 ) \/(OUTOURIER, (P. L.) 'v, 1 ‘\ ; A o (Pupil of Pieot.) Medals, 1855-61. Poultry. 6x8 ; 4 BONIFAZZI, (A.) Gurl’s Head. Engraved. II XO { ~ aN Kt ; MILLER, (CHAS. H), N. A. Sunset. f~~ é v ‘ HunRY,(E. 1), N. A. St. John’s Church. fete Paris Rome New York New York NI RUYSDAEL, (SOL.), Haerlem Deceased. Born 1616, Died 1673. Marine. ‘3,41 9 8 CAFFERTY, (J. H.), deceased New York Fruit Piece. 18 xX 26 } ’ 4 / .: . 7 0 TESTAS:(W:) Hague (Pupil of Gerome.) Scene in Egypt. 5. tox 17 fe Sr a iA / ae 10 DILLENS, (ADOLPHE), Deceased Antwerp Medals, 1848,’°54,’55. Chevalter of the Order of Leopold. 1... Mother's Kiss. m= Sr)“ tox % DV Me (| [ J I/IN ae 4, ) Gai : 0 HENNESSY, (W.J.). N,A. London ee (2S °16 A, yw p Bat : 7 : ERNANDEZ, (D.) Rome The Rejected Picture. ) , 15 X 9 ae ; SU os 208 ay lake | 13 KENSETT, (J. F.), N. A., deceased. New York Autumn. finished by Huntington. tek i O \ {> 14 / rt COOL EL WEAN, CS); London Fishing. (water color.) 5 I-2 X 3 I-2 ae ] ff) yoy 5 TURNER, (J. M, W.), R. A. deceased. London Italian Boats. Bought at Bath, England in 1866. gi(k: 6 Zz % ” (Abu 10 Aq DURAND, (A. B,), N. A. New York Landscape and Cattle. IOX 15 ~ i \ “4 Ps ’ { \ f4 | ; /( 17 PLASSAN, (A. E.) Paris Medals 1852,'57, '59. Legion of Flonor 18509. Fruit. | 6x4 I-2 ee) V A l ( | : 18 / MceNTEE, (33: BoA. New York ) Autumn. : IOX 14 ne YY / | / 47 ft) ya in oe, ia / 1 a : fe ‘ CHARNAY, (ARMAND) Paris (Pupil of Pils.) Medal 1876. A Fisher Boy. io x: 6 4 f v ff a / /J/. FRERE, (THE) Paris Pupil of Cogniet, Medals, 1848-’65 Twilight, Egypt. io x <3 Te ae tT (/ h ; I ( 21 LEUTZE, (E.), Deceased. New York Mother and Aunt. 20x16 4 STIAGZAs on Se Ll A } / ev / = | 1 PAP COLMAN, (SAM’L), N A, New York The Palms of Valencia. Iox 18 f y j Juf (WE Fe, 23 GUNTHER, (Prof. Otto.) Weimar ee, ./ f a ce” ] | | 1 Consulting the Cards. GY i a 22°%-16 lO Pd /s pgauBiRD (R. W.),N A, New York Lake Scene. 16 X 30 9 pled cm 25 BECKER, (CARL.) Berlin LLY fe Medal 1861. | A Birthday Boquet. from the Berlin Exhtbzetion, 1877 24 X18 d ; ka f LA " 4 ~ ( ; ; re 4 0 0 26 LOUSTAUNAU. (L.) Paris (Pupil of Gerome and Gisbert) The Last Touch. ap: Ide ( lav 6 f) “ae sh 27 ZUGEL, (H.) Munich The Monarch. ~~ Pax16 wart, ¢ Ts, Z ti, \ 7 i | 28 S/ * AUBERT, (JEAN.) Paris Pupil of Paul Delaroche Prize of Rome, 1844, Medals 1857.’59. 61 Reverie. 17 X13 “ped Reis ~~ VN /N! 209 BAZZANNI, (LUIGI). Rome Pompeian Interior 16X12 30 DELORT, (CHAS. E,) Paris Pupil of Gerome. Medal 1875. } hn» The Gardener's Suprise. 14 X10 j ne he” a | i C 31 FICHEL (EUGENE,) Paris ¢ (Pupil of P. Delaroche. Medals 1857,’61, 69 ; Legion of Honer 1870. A~— ~— The Smoker. Perel 9X7 \ o>) - 32 / HUNTINGTON, (D.), N. A. New York The Grape Gatherer. 9 x 6 o ; ft b : : ALV. SAVINI. . Rome Pompeian Interior. Sx 6 } , L/ iv , aK (mr | Ch é 23 Va by s 2A \f) oT Al 0 DEFREGGER, (FRANZ) Munich Medal Vienna, 1873. A. Tvyrolese. Girl. TO Re } / 9, ( ( | *J~ - a {] 35 DUPRE, TICLES) Paris Medals 1833, '67. Legon of flonor 1849. Officer of the Legion of Honor 1870 A Sunset on the Coast. f it ee 9 X15 Ur |'3.J ae (/ 30 \ / FRERE, (ED.) Paris (Pupil of Paul Delaroche.) Medals 1851,’52, ie Legion of Honor 1855. In the Studio. e tome om. / ap, 4 nal we ( t vc ) / U 37 STEINHEIL; (A. C. EB.) Paris (Pupil of Meissomier.) The Scribe. i236 i # hae { A5V 11 - WERNER, (A. F.) Berlin Medal 1874. The Seat of War. I5 X18 age ey VW? \ 39 SCHREYER, (ADOLPHE) Paris Medals 1864, '65, 67. Vienna Exposition 1873. poi ~ —_ A Turkish Caravan. , II x16 c A a, ¥ La ~ a At ] (/ / | et Ne Mf AMAL ' 40 ™ | BAUGNIET, (CHARLES) Paris Pupil of Drolling.) Medals 1865, '73. Chevalzer of the Order of Leopold of Belgium of lsabella the Catholic of Christ of Por- tugal, and of the Branche Ernestine de Saxe. Examining the Miniature 16 XII F roar oe on JIL i VOLTZ, (FR) Berlin Medal 1847. Landscape and Cattle From the Berlin Exhibition of 1876. A VIA 10. Pawn {2x 25 A2 MEISSONIER,(CHAS.) Paris (Pupil of his Father.) Medal 1866. The Arbusquter. \ tox ¥2 " } j | ee," ‘ AK | rt 43 DUVERGER, (T. E.) Paris Medals 1861, ’63, 65. The Visit of Charity. 14-2587 | ute 44 PALMAROLI (V.) Paris Medal 1867, Untversal Exhibition. A Spanish Woman. (8X 13 a / Fae U as 45 BOUGHTON, (GEO. H.), N. A. London A Surrey Fastoral: 16 X 24 { 4 f j ( ?? “vl K . Po 6 4 oh RG v iy 46 MAYER, (F. B.) Baltimore Bringing in the Boar’s Head. 19X13 bo, DOUGHTY, (THOS.), Deceased New York — Hudson River View. ———e i$ 233 . 48 BERNE-BELLECOUR, (E.) Paris (Pupil of Picot ) Medals 1869, ’72. The Curate Fishing. 18 X12 (~ f) YG ( fo ( ss Pl BS Stier 49 DIAZ, (NARCISSE.), Deceased Paris Medals 1844, ’'46, '48. Legion of Flonor 1851. The Edge of a Woods. 20X26 oF » | ae | f aa f) T 4 Tore y mG 4 A | 1 /ll ft S | j \¥ /VNV* j NX - 50 GROS (L.A) Paris (Pupil of Meissonier.) Medals 1867, 76. The Stirrup Cup. au x 29 / f 0 1 t [ir 51 TOULMOUCHE, (A.) Paris Medals 1852, 59, '61. Legion of Flonor 1870. Reading and Resting. ( - 16 x 2% A () ) DESGOFFE, (BLAISE.) (Pupil of Flandrin.) Medals 1861, 63. Legion of Honor 78. Objects of Art in the Louvre. (Blue and White Porcelain, Chinese Embroidery, Beureau Louis XVI.) 20°23 '13 Ly AeA ve 0, |b 53 RY, (PAUL) Paris (Pupil of Picot.) [he Falconer. (From the Salon Exhibition of 1877.) 7 Paris YA 0 VII 21X17 eg KR o/ qe IY YYUVy 54 VOLKHART, (MAX.) Dusseldorf The Council of War. ~ p +Y HY lv pik r J he 55 c~ PLAYS, (P. J.) Medal 1867. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Legwon of Flonor 1875. Boats, near Antwerp. 25 X20 Brussels 1 2 ’ f 8 4 56 5 BOUGUEREAU, (WM. ADOLPHE.) Paris (Pupil of Picot.) 9 of the eee VW France, 1876. i. 8 f : (pV V f V/ Ripper ait £7: GY. ' Legion of Honor 1859. The String of Pearls. 25%. 20 ¢ UV ee HA / Uw) CAMPRIANI, (A.) Rome The Road to Naples. 22X32 f / WA / A / { (A [' (OU. L/L Uw! 58 WHITTREDGE, (W.,), N. A. New York A Brook in the Woods. 36 x 28° A) p * ey U), (|, 2 Vv Us pail Fe | 59 BROWN, (G. L.) Boston Lake Albano (Evening). ( pr rie ee SOP haere, © ae ( (mm 8 t { Le / < V1 . ss ADAN, (L. EMILE.) Paris (Pupil of Cabanel.) Medal 1875. The Last Day of the Sale. (From Salon Exhibition of 1875, where it re- ceived a medal.) 44 X 30 ' {8 : : f ( 6 I YYW) : - Uf 6 . 61 BOUGHTON, (GEO. H.), N. A. London Norman Fisher Girl. ‘ 58 X 34 4 # ve MY Ly \ \ L 0 a: : AU U 6% 62 MURATON, (A.) Paris Pupil of Drolling. Medal 1868. Monk at Prayer. = 72X15 P t f "ew ; y ae. ollie , 53 CLAIRIN, (J. G.) ‘ Paris Pupil of Picot. eo Opium Smokers. 42 X 39 a Ce f | A! a Ds MULLER, (CHAS. LOUIS.) , : Pupil of Gros Medals, 1838.46. 48.755. Legzon of Fonor. 1849. Officer of the Legzon of Flonor, 1859. Member of the Institue of France A Florentine Lady. Century. 38 X 28 FEU (WA DELORT, (CHAS. E. (Pupil of Gerome ) Medal, 1875. The Arrival of the Cardinal. Paris , 1864 14th Paris # 21 X 39 { 4 /} j /I 66 GIFFORD, (S. R.), N A, New Yerk Riva, Lago de Garda. ) 22 X31 agen ae, aita- {| a 07 | GLA, (PAUL LEON;,) Paris (Pupil of Gerdme ) Medals 1864,’66, '68. Legton of Flonor 1877. The Bird Charmer. Pompeian. 23 X32 et WUT 68 ; »~ROELOFS, (W.) Brussels 52 CU Dutch Scenery. 18 x 28 / { NG v5 } —* MEYERHEIM, (W.) Berlin Wood for Winter. 18 xX 28 4 {Tl A » 4 6 ly ( ( eh U ) ve. 7O HASENCLEVER (F. P.) dec’d. Dusseldorf Time for Closing. A celebrated picture from the old Dusseldorf Gallery, N. Y. 17 X 28 C4K JI a y } mM Lf }» A/V’ COMTE, (P. C.) Paris (Pupil of R. Fleury.) Medats 1852,'53,°55,’57, 67. Legton of Flonor 1857. cu beloee. San (A Letter from ABELARD.) 22 28 #21 2 7 BRAITH, (ANTON.) Munich 4 The Priest. and the Flock. aay i: 20 X 36 , . rv VY \ Aylin ROBINET,(PAUL.) Paris h ( (Pupil of Meissonier.) C) -~— Medal 1869. Trappists Getting Wood. From the Salon Exhibition of 1876. 2C X 3 14 ( 0 Con \ [y MARTINTETTI, ee Rome After Dinner Sports. 21 X 35 VOLLON. (A.) Paris Medals 1865, 68,79. Legion of Honor 1870. Still Life. 32 X44 au," YoU Iu ne ae KENSETT (J. F.), N. A. deceased New York Windsor Castle. 30X42 Second Evening’s Sale. HENNESSY, (W. J.) London Meditation. io x8 é / ‘ 78 SCHEERES, (H.), Deceased. Brussels. (Water Color.) A Blacksmith ; Shop. 7% § ROSEN BAUM,(A.) Brussels \ mae Brother and Sister. 9X7 pes REYNOLDS, (SIRJOSHUA,) R.A. London Ba (Attributed to,) Portrait of Mrs. Billington. II XQ \ Y } | ~X ee x : SI / CRANGH.(C. PN: A. New York Venice. Gi ao Ts : , . { f 4) A. NM . 82 STAIGG, (R. M.), N. A. ; Boston Wild Flowers. ex 3 f 3 . ( “pat 83 GUGLIELMI, (G.) Rome Medal Vzenna 1873. —_ Italian Mendicants. igi re ee a 34 /. LAMBDIN, (GEO. G.), N. A. Springtime. 1§ xX 12 COLMAN, (SAM’L,) N. A. Newport (Study). o.% i = & Ha Gs K | 86 COUTURE, (THOS,) (Copy after.) _ The Falconer. ae "ie. 15 X 20. ' ee j A” _ { LH f (| A ( ae j ; VA > CASILEAR, (J. W.), N. A. Landscape. Re 8 (| 10x 18 o | Philadelphia New York Paris New York | 88 DARGELAS, en et) Paris . oe Vf) ATX (Pupil of Picot.) ‘A 6 VaVa Medal 1864 The Ambuscade. 13.X 20 ; f) { i \* ) /| . oh yy : / \ \ } } \ 89 DELORT, (CHAS.~.) Paris (Pupil of Gerdme.) Medal 187 5 A Courtier of ae AMTY, Lox 7 A AD i. i ( mee yi, ft . 9O KENSETYT, Ce Payne As Dec’d. New York Twilight. co Le fem, HENRY, (E. L.), N. A. New York Poi Paul’s Church. = 6 a bani - hepato (BE, )s Dee'd. (Pupil of Lassalle.) Ducks. m fi SU Camnn BAKER, (GEO. A.), N. A. The May Queen. 7 xO ee Qi plan. oe. 94 BOUGHTON, (GEO. H.) The Convalescent. SxS a ae COLEMAN, (S.) Taking a Bath. } ( {\~/ | 5 I-2X3 1-2 Paris New York London ; London yer +] { int © 95a p GRAY, (H. P.) N. A. New York Hagar and Ishmael. 8 X 10 ) ; nS PEELORS / Ll VY) [W—_ Us, | 90 ROBINET, (PAUL) Paris (Pupil of Meissonier.) Medal 1869. Spring. (Garden of a Monastery) Fel eB: DVS /M' 97 DE NEUVILLE, (A.) Paris (Pupil of Picot.) Medals 1859, 61. Legton of Honor 1873. A Chasseur. rz.x'S if a pe ( ( #, iA + } ~ Ji j “ A™~ A 98 FYT, (JOHN), Deceased. Antwerp (Attributed to.) Born 1625, Died 1671. - ~SStud y of Peaches. ) ‘> 17% 22 A354 | of /} (Cai X,, ‘ STEINHEIL, (A.C. E.) Paris pp S (Pupil of Meissonier.) Still Life. mam <8 AX f on" f A YS) 200. wh@ ne 100 LOUSTAUNAU, (L.) Paris {(Pupil of Gerome and Vibert.) The Disappointed Tourist. From the Salon Exhibition of 1876. [7X12 [ZO L0g Vs | 101 UW, £6. 2,500%. A, New York The Cottage Window. 20X 16 ry dtaate e, ; ( he if A ) \ , of () A Ie ies | HUNTINGTON, (D.), N. A. New York aR A; Sunset, Lake Champlain. Seer Oy [2 X..22 Pac 30 Py. a \ \) ee | ; /} 4 A we VA 24 103 WERNER, (Ae FF) Berlin a Us Medal 1874. Body Guard of Frederick the Great. 16x II 12 ‘ )/ S As Y ~~ « / 4 ae Lk LS j A Y oN J :-~ 104 BAKHUYZEN, (G. S.) Hague Flowers. 15 X 24 / . Art ( | 105 MICHEL (GEORGE), Deceased. Paris Landscape and Sheep. 17X.24 / / ( : HK iA ¢ Boas 106 WHITTREDGE, (W.), N. A New York \ ‘ ., On the Flames. ict $226 re 2 ( Fe gaa ae in? (Pupi his Father, ) Medal 1866. Paris The Visit. (Time of Durer.) I5 X10 kf / AVEC, AF 108 HART, (JAS. M.), NwA., — " : Ducks by A. F. Tait. 20 X 24 wa a ~ ' WEISZ, .(A°) 109 (Pupil of Jalabert.) Medal 1875. The First Tooth. Salon E-xhrbiteon of 1876. e / 20X 14 S/ 7) (Xt ( KNAUS, (LOUIS.) LEO (Pupil of the Dusseldorf Academy.) Medals 1853, 55, 57) 59 Legion of flonor, 1859. Grand Medal of Honor, Officer of the Legion of Honor, i —~ . 5) A Child's Head. ” ape 10 I-2 X 8 I-2 New York [Landscape and Ducks. Paris Berlin 1867, 1867. ji / a 4 AG) | VA /} ee Fa r »-ROZIER, (JULES.) Paris (Pupil of Paul Delaroche.) Landscape. F222 fy | vy i \ ‘¥2 BOULANGER, (GUSTAVE.) Paris (Pupil of Paul Delaroche.) Prize of Rome, 1849. Medals, 1857, ’59, 63. Legion of Honor, 1865. Moorish Women at the Tomb of the Sid Abdel Hassan at Algiers. (5 X01 f LAM a | ie 113 FARJON, (J. F.) Paris (Pupil of Troyon.) A Sunset, (Fontainbleau. ) From Salon Exhibition, 1877. 12 X 16 i if P 114 MADRAZO, (R.) Paris Dignity and Impudence. 20 X- IO ie , §,--? | i SOO, PASCUTTL (4) Paris (Pupil of the Academy of Venice.) Mischief. Q 1-2 X I2 I-2 116 COROT, (J. B. C.) dec’d. Paris (Pupil of Bertin.) Medals 1833,’48,’55, ’67. Legion of fonor 1846. Officer of the Legion of Honor 1867. Landscape. > he aes / 1r7 ‘DUVERGER Ol 2a Paris Medals 1861, '63, 65. | News from the Army. 15 X 12 x or | 118 ROSS, (13 Rome } The Companions. II x9 ¢/+7 be wae. TI9Q GHAVET, (J. VICTOR.) Paris (Pupil of Roqueplan. ) Medals 1853, °55, 57. Legion of Honor 1859. Sewing Talk. : 9X7 y ¢ / | - ae * BOLDIN: (G;) Paris The Avenue -of :-Vases. Ver- sailles. OA 7 tt VAUTIER, (B.) Dusseldorf (Pupil of Jordan.) Medals 186s, °66, 67. Caught in the Act. 8 X 10. FRERE, (ED) Paris (Pupil of Paul Delaroche.) Medals 1851, ‘52, i Legion of onffor 1855. Testing the Broth. ro. BS { /i 123 /{f{ MIGNOT, (L. R,), N. A. dec’d. New York Lf nag ee | [ropical Sunset. 16 X 24. d Vy oo fi af ‘ ee : re het tae e MEYER VON BREMEN, (J. G) Berlin ‘ (Pupil of Schon.) Gold Medal of Prussia, 1850. The Brook. ¥ 17 M14: ot YL//e yvi Oe Joi vy sf | ce j e¢ 125 i ~ GIFFORD(R.SWAYNE), N.A. New York Fishing Boats ---- Lagoon at Venice. 14 X24 f - a . 126 i VOLTS CPR.) Berlin Medal of 1857, Girl with Sheep and Cattle. 22x 18 é * ' 127 BOUGHTON (G0. Bi.) London Cold Without. 16x14 SI 127a -HUBNER, (CARL) Duseldorf (Pupil of Schon) Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Professor in Dusseldorf Academy, The End of Litigation, 414 X 16 Me 128 ESCOSURA, (LEON ¥.;) Paris (Pupil of Gerdme.) Commander of the Order of Isabel the Catholic Chevalter of the Order of Cha's IIT. of Spain, and Chevalier of the Order of Christ of Portugal. Making Free. 16X22 fi 4 ( 129 DIAZ, (N.). deceased Paris Medals 1844, 46, 48. Legion of Honor, 1851. The Woods of Fontainbleau. 21X27 130 GUNTHER (Prof. OTTO.) Weimar Suspicious Characters. 26 X 20 131 BAUGNIET (CHA’S.) Paris (Pupil of Drolling( Medals 1865. 73. Chevalter of the Order of Leopold of Belginm of Isabel the Catholic, of Christ of Portu- gal, and of the Branche Ernes- stine de Saxe. The Toilet. ; By 2-4 7 : ,, fl . poe ATA ; , i Yt 132 MERLE, (HUGHES,) | Paris (Pupil of Cogniet.) Medals 1861, 63. | Legion of Flonor, 1866. Marguerite. 22°% 17 4 4 ) yf 38 , dco / fl ‘ IS ZIEM, (FELIX.) Paris Medals 1851, 52,55. Legion of Flonor, 1857, 1858. Venice. 19 X 25 / ” A | ( U 134 SEIGNAC, (PAUL.) Paris (Pupil of Picot. ) Playing Housekeeping. From Salon E-xhtbetion of 1877. on x 31 | 135 ZUGEL LCE) Munich One Eye Open. L2 x 2a 1.36 ROBBINS, (H. W.),.N. A. New York The Old Mill. 18 X 30 39 OY 437 SALENTIN,(H.) Dusseldort The Pretty Devotee. 24xX 18 135 KNAUS, (LOUIS), Prof. Berlin (Pupil of the Dusseldorf Academy) Medals 1853,’55,'57- Legton of Honor, 1859, one of the etght Grand Medals of Honor given at the Universal Exht- bttzon of Parts, 1867. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Head of an Italian Boy. 19 x 15 (This Picture was presented by the Artist last summer, to the Crown Princess of Prussia, for a fair in aid of the Russian wounded in the recent war with Turkey. , f a { 4 ; 135a VIBERT;(J.1G.) Paris (Pupil of Barrias.) Medals 1864, ’67’ ’68. Legion of Honor, 1870. The Story of the Bull Fight. 22x 25 h) Cp a A ; » +7594 gg I 39 VKENSETT, (J. F.), N. A, Dec'd. New York Lake George, Autumn. 22X34 07 140 ; SCHREYER (ADOLPHE.) Paris Medals 1864..’65, '67. Vienna Exposition, 1873. A Wallachian Team Crossing a ford. ; 20X42 b/ [, [41 FACET, (Fi) Paris (Pupil of Barrias.) The Bivouac. from the Salon Exhtbiton, 1876. 24 X 30 2m { o,f / / AG 142 HUBNER, (ED.) Berlin A Girl of Capri. 30X 24 HUL a alaare es /Y APEN-KATE (HERMAN). Hague (Pupil of Kruseman.) Gold Medal at Rome 1857. The Story of the Battle. Ww A 24 X 35 . LT [WAY Na {BECKER (CARL). Berlin Medal 1861. A Venetian Lady. From the Berlin Exhibition, 1876. 42 X 30 / f 1 - vk 145 GASTRES, (EE) Paris (Pupil of Zamacois.) Medals 1872, '74. The Dentist. (A Swiss Mon- astery. ) From the Salon Exhibition of 1876. 27 X 39 fF / j : . , y : / fe ae / # 146 lof DESGOFFE, (BLAISE). Paris (Pupil of Flandrin.) Medals 1861,’°63.' Legzon of Honor ’78. Objects of Art from the Lou- vre and Hotel Cluny. 39 X31 p2 ? f ee Gobelin Tapestry, draped Venetian cioth, figured in gold thread. Crystal jug, silver gilt mounting. Rouen fayence, soup tureen. Enamelled candle stick. Turkish belt, metal mounted, stones inlaid Cup jasper, enamel mounted. Large Limoges enamel platter. Venus of Milo, gilt Steel tinder box and chain. Lute. | | a : . 147 GHURCH, (F. E.), N.;A. . New York Twilight in New England. 30 X 47 Ae tt Lf A“ 148 ‘ MUBLER, (CHAS. LOUIS.) Paris (Pupil of Gros.) Medals 1838, 46, 48, '55. Legton of Flonor 1849.° Member of the [nstetute of France 1864. Officer of the Legion of Honor 1859 . Mother's Care. \ 42 X 32 7 : tf j V\_ 149 "GRGM (JA) (Pupil of Meissonier.) Medals 1867, 76. An Episode of War. From Salon Exhibition of 1872. 36 x 48 150 BRETON, (EMILE.) Courriéres Medals 1866, ’67, 68. Moonlight in Normandy. 34 X52 . £4 151 WEBER, (OTTO.) Berlin (Pupil of Couture.) Fete in Brittany. 48 X 72 ; } /.) OV Ny WVU pf DELORT, (CHAS. E.) (Pupil of Gérdme.) Medal 1875. Carnival at Antwerp. (Winter in the Midale Ages.) 30 X58 THE GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 1878 Apr.9 NeLeA c.1 George A./Fine paintings. te a ee 94-P1143 AP TDS WAI NIA 3 3125 01184 3726