7 4 iE! - Ns a raat $ (aks : ‘ gee ne jos . 4 FES Ey: ; & tee 2 ! Ez a his > ate Re eRe = ARLY ENGLISH LITERATURE, INCUNABULA— LIBRARY SETS AND MANUSCRIPTS INCLUDING LITERARY PROPERTY OF THE LATE GOVERNOR OLIVER AMES OF MASSACHUSETTS AND THE LATE JOHN W. STERLING OF NEW YORK CITY : ° i# : t é eet oe £ es | Co BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE. 3 BY ORDER OF EXECUTORS AND OWNERS “ ON TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY _ MARCH I?TH- AND Sha gee 1919 _ UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF > ‘THE ‘AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH — NEW YORK CITY THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY ON PUBLIC EXHIBTIION AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK ENTRANCE, 6 EAST 23rp STREET BEGINNING THURSDAY, MARCH 6ru, 1919 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE TIME OF SALE EARLY ENGLISH LITERATURE, INCUNABULA LIBRARY SETS AND MANUSCRIPTS FROM VARIOUS PRIVATE LIBRARIES AND COLLECTIONS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF EXECUTORS AND OWNERS AS HEREINAFTER DESIGNATED ON TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11TH AND 12TH AT 3:00 IN THE AFTERNOONS AND 8:15 IN THE EVENINGS AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES Ann a <4 e SOW SEAN OAL ¥ NS Reerere SNNAN Sa a. WAX oe ee SET TUNES NA mi UR Se ay VSP x) SR ea SS hcg p ff == VY, | : ae 4 he ' ‘ee ——— SS ; Less ( 4 eS at HE LS Moc “4 XY PMG tf py Peek 3 SE Aap) yf » ae hidddsiee y ake SOCPIMA “f Hl tte Uttiitin ig Wf Tew Ng! PASSION ODER LEYDEN CHRISTI Printed by J. Knoblouch, 1507 Reduced Facsimile of one of the plates [No. 347] : ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF EFARLY ENGLISH LITERATURE, INCUNABULA LIBRARY SETS AND MANUSCRIPTS INCLUDING LITERARY PROPERTY OF THE LATE GOVERNOR OLIVER AMES OF MASSACHUSETTS AND THE LATE JOHN W. STERLING OF NEW YORK CITY TO BE SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE OR RESTRICTION BY ORDER OF EXECUTORS AND OWNERS AS HEREINAFTER DESIGNATED ON TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11TH AND 12th, 1919 AT 3:00 O’CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOONS AND 8:15 IN THE EVENINGS THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANTS, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK CITY PREFATORY NOTE The property brought together from various private collections, and herein catalogued, contains a representative gathering, both in Manuscript and Printed form, of literary productions ranging from the fifteenth century to the present time, including,—ILLUMINATED Manuscripts of the fifteenth and later centuries; Harty EN@uLisu prose and poetry of the time of Milton, Beaumont and Fletcher; Examples of Harty Printing from the presses of Wynkyn de Worde, W. Rastell, Petru Schoiffher and other printers of the fifteenth and early sixteenth century; Rare EKditions of important works on ANcIENT WarrFrARE, by Antoyne Cope, Nicholas Machiavelli, Wilhelm Dilich, and other writers of their time; Early Editions of the Brpin, and Boox or Common Prayer. Fine Seventeenth and Highteenth Century Brnp- INGS, including examples of the work of Mary Collet, Samuel Mearne, and Thouvenin; Works by and relating to SHAKESPEARE, including seven of his “Spurious” Plays; Early issues of English n1GHTEENTH CENTURY NEWSPAP- prs; Arr Booxs of the nineteenth century, illustrative of the works of great artists, museum collections, and important art sales; Books on Costums and Heraupry; Liprary Sets of English and American Authors, some of which are in limited and special editions; First Eprrions of English authors of the nineteenth century; IntustrAtEeD Booxs by George Cruikshank, John Leech, “Phiz,” and other artists of their time; AssocraTion Coptzs, including Charles the Second’s copy of Clifford’s “Humane Reason,” James the First’s copy of Purchas “His Pilgrimage,” Robert Southey’s copy of Boswell’s “Life of Johnson,’ George Cruikshank’s copy of Barker’s “Log Book,” and others; AvutocrapH Manuscrier Poems and Prose by English writers, and an im- portant item by Edgar Allan Poe; Books on Furnirure, Otp GOLD, SILVER, Prwrer, Porrery and PorcELaIn; Items of interest to the collector of Americana, and others. The following are some of the more important items,— Araptan Niguts. The Genuine Villon Society Edition. 12 vols. [No. 57] Bacon (Sir Francis). Angliae Cancekkario Magna (i. e. Novum Organum). First Edition. 1620 [No. 121] Beaumont (Joseph). Psyche. Frrsr Eprrion. 1648 [No. 313] Beaumont and Fletcher. The Wild-Goose Chase. First Eprrron. 1652 [No. 133 | Bzpe (Venerable). History of the Church of England. 1565 [No. 137] Brett Sacra Latina. Printed by Petru Schoiffher. 1462 [ No. 339] BrnpinGs,—by Mary Collet [No. 154]; Samuel Mearne [ No. 156]; Thouvenin No. 156] aa or Common Prayer. First Edition of the Scottish Prayer-Book. 1637- 1636 [No. 632 | fir Boox of Common Prayer. The first American Folio Edition. New York, 1795 [No. 635] Boox of Common Prayer in German. 1704. A copy of unusual interest [No. 634] BosweEtt (James). Life of Johnson. Robert Southey’s Copy. 5 vols. 1831 [No. 708] BoswELu (JoHN). Workes of Armorie. 1597 [No. 435] BrinkLtow (Henry). The complaint of Roderyck Mors. 1545 [No. 178] Burke (John and J. B.). Collected Works on Heraldry. 18 vols. [No. 436] Byron (George Gordon, Lord). English Bards. First Eprrion. Extra-II- lustrated. 1809 [No. 193 | | Catvert (Frederick). Gaudia Poetica. 1770 [No. 197] Canapa and its Provinces. Hdited by Shortt and Doughty. The complete set of 23 vols. [No. 37] Carapoc OF LHancarvAN. The Historie of Cambria. First Eprrion. 1584 [No. 200] | ; CaRLILE (Christopher). A Discourse of Peters Lyfe. 1582 [No. 324] CuEkE (Sir John). The hurt of Sedetion. 1569 [No. 217] CovERDALE (Myles). Boke of ye olde god and the new god. 1534 [No. 260] ane The christen state of matrimony. First Eprrton. 1543 [No. 261 DavEenant (Sir William). Works. Firsr Eprrion. 1673 [No. 280] Diticn (Wilhelm). Ritterspiel. 1601 [No. 49] Doran (John). Collected Writings. First Eprrions. 15 vols. [No. 295] Erasmus. The Praise of Folie. First Epirion. 1549 [No. 369] ee Fisuer (John). ‘Treatyse concernynge the fruytfull sayenges of Davyd. Printed by Wynkyn de Worde, 1529 [ No. 331] aes GrosE (Francis). Antiquities of England and Wales. 15 vols., 1785-1791 [ No. 54] ee Horace. Odes. The celebrated Bibliophile Society Publication. 10 vols. — [No. 152] : : ILLuMINATED Manuscripts from the 15th to the 18th century [Nos. 519 to 529] oy Lacroix (Paul). The English translation of five of his works on Costumes ~ and Manners of the People [ No. 243] Lever (Thomas). A fruitfull Sermon. First Eprrion.. 1550 [No. 504] Lorrain (Claude de). Liber Veritatis. Firsr Eprrion. 1777-1819 INo. 365] Macutavetut (Nicholas). Arte of warre. 1560 [No. 43] toe ge Mitton (John). Paradise Lost. First issue of the famous illustrated Bai- ‘ tion. 1688 [No. 537]; also a copy of the Second Edition. 1674 [No. _ 536] Beran New TrEstaMENT. Printed by Rycharde Jugge, 1553 [No. 144] PatmeEr (Sir Thomas). An Essay on Foreign Travels. First EpIrion.. 1606. Of American interest [No. 16] ‘ : yaa oder es Christi. First Eprrion. Printed by J. Knobloueh! 1507 eee 0. 347 SS vane Pon (Edgar Allan). An Early Manuscript Draft in his handwriting of i “Hans Phaal.” Of unusual interest [ No. 604a] RRs Prayer Boox. A Directory for the Public Worship of God. First Baition beemg of the Puritan Prayer-Book. 1644 [No. 633] a Primer of the Reformed Church of England. First Edition. 1546 [No. 640] PsatTEr. Paris, 1508. The first printed edition of any part of the actual text of the Bible, in French [No. 643] Be Purcuas (Samuel). His Pilgrimage. 1617. James THE First’s Copy [No. 461] Ractnet (A.). Le Costume Historique. Large Papsr. Three copies [ Nos. 240, 241, 645] SacroBpusto (Johannes de). Sphaera mundi (Rare work on Astronomy). 1499 [No. 345] SHAKESPEARE (William). Various works, including seven of the original Quarto Issues of “Spurious” Plays, and Hart’s Book on “The Romance of Yachting” [ Nos. 682 to 698] STAFFORDE (Henry, Lord). The True dyfferes between ye Regall and Kc- clesiasticall Power. First Epirion. 1548 [No. 333] Stoxsrs (Anson P.). Iconography of Manhattan. 2 vols. [No. 38] Swirr (Jonathan). Travels Into Several Remote Nations. 1726-1727 [No. 732 | WoLripcE (John). Vinetum Britannicum, or a Treatise on Cider. First Epirion. 1676 [ No. 350] ORDER OF SALE ’ AFTERNOONS AT 3:00 O’?CLOCK, EVENINGS AT 8:15 FIRST SESSION: TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 11th NUMBERS 1 TO 264, INCLUSIVE SECOND SESSION: TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 11th NUMBERS 265 TO 529, INCLUSIVE THIRD SESSION: WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 12th NUMBERS 530 TO 793, INCLUSIVE FOURTH SESSION: WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 12th NUMBERS 794 TO 1149, INCLUSIVE STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP Literary Property sold by Direction of Trustees Under the Will of the late GOVERNOR OLIVER AMES of Massachusetts is herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—22, 23, 34, 55, 72, 74, 75, 7%, 79, 81, 83, 97, 127, 205, 210, 241, 259, 285, 298, 300, 354, 361, 363, 384, 426, 430, 458, 463, 464, 484, 496, 502, 510, 515, 548, 554, 613, 617, 620, 654, 658, 660, 665, 677, 678, 688, 706, 717, 723, 729, 746, 753, 794, 802, 819, 844, 863, 870, 876, 881, 893, 897, 934, 937, 942, 964, 977, 978, 991, 993, 1015, 1018, 1054, 1086, 1131, 1138, 1139, 1142. : Books from the Library of the late JOHN W. STERLING of New York City, sold by order of the Executors, are herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 24, 27, 28, 30, 31, 36, 37, 38, 41) 50, 540 56.08, 70, 71, 76, 78, 86, 87, 90, 94, 98, 99, 108, 109, 110, 111, 119, 128, 129, 131, 191, 193, 194, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 278, 283, 286, 291, 292, 302, 304, 307, 410, 411, 418, 425, 429, 431, 437, 438, 482, 488, 492, 499, 503, 511, 516, 517, 589, 595, 602, 603, 608, 614, 618, 619, 709, 716, 718, 728, 730, 739, 740, 747, 789, 790, 795, 796, 797, 803, 805, 807, 816, 817, 818, 820, 821, 822, 823, 824, 847, 852, 864, 865, 866, 867, 868, 871, 904, 905, 908, 911, 914, 915, 916, 917, 952, 954, 955, 956, 958, 961, 962, 963, 987, 992, 996, 997, 998, 999, 1000, 1025, 1026, 1028, 1032, 1034, 1036, 1049, 1051, 1053, 1058, 1062, 1065, 1074, 1076, 1080, 1081, 1085, 1087, 1108, 1109, 1111, 1114, 1137, 1138, A portion of the Literary Property 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 135, 150, 152, 175, 176, 181, 183, 18%, 211, 216, 236, 240, 242, 256, 262, 264, 358, 360, 372, 377, 385, 387, 391, 403, 439, 441, 446, 450, 457, 460, 462, 473, 533, 538, 539, 541, 543, 544, 584, 585, 638, 650, 668, 6754, 676, 689, 700, 701, 749, V5Y, 758, 764, 768, 778, 785, 788, 808, 809, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814, 815, 826, 830, 331, 832, 833, 834, 840, 846, 872, 875, 880, 883, 885, 887, 894, 900, 921, 925, 926, 92%, 930, 931, 933, 944, 966, 967, 968, 975, 979, 980, 981, 983, 1001, 1006, 1009, 1019, 1021, 1023, 1037, 1038, 1041, 1042, 1044, 1048,. 1066, 1069, 1070, 1071, 1072, 1073, 1090, 1091, 1097, 1100, 1102, 1104, 1140, 1143, 1149. belonging to a WELL-KNOWN NEW YORK COLLECTOR AND BIBLIOPHILIST, sold by his order, is herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—1, 4, 7, 40, 52, 61, 65, 67, 68, 69, 80, 84, 91, 93, 120, 123, 124, 180, 134, 136, 138, 159, 161, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 215, 218, 224, 225, 228, 230, 231, 232, 248, 249, 250, 252, 253, 254, 255, 266, 140, 141, 142, 145, 155, 156, 15%, 158, 173, 179, 180, 182, 192, 195, 196, 214, 233, 234, 238, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247): 267, 272, 24, 275, 281, 284, 287, 288, 289, 290, 293, 301, 311, 315, 316, 317, 318, 321, 322, 323, 335, 348, 349, 353, 356, 362, 368, 375, 424, 433, 445, 448, 449, 451, 456, 465, 478, 479, 486, 487, 489, 491, 493, 501, 556, 55%, 558, 559, 560, 561, 562, 563, 591, 592, 593, 596, 597, 598, 599, 601, 642, 646, 647, 648, 656, 657, 662, 663, 686, 687, 698, 699, 702, 703, 707, 711, 735, 736, 738, 741, 742, 748, 762, 766, 784, 786, 791, 792, 804, 806, 828, 829, 890, 891, 892, 895, 898, 899, 901, 902, 923, 938, 939, 940, 949, 950, 951, 959, 376, 466, 508, 564, 606, 664, 712, 76%, 835, 906, 965, 378, 46%, 509, 565, 60%, 66%, 715, 770, 836, 90%, 969, 326, 32%, 328, 334, 382, 398, 405, 406, 413, 414, 469, 470, 527, 529, 569, 576 609, 610, 673, 675, 719, 720, 773, V4, 862, 874, 909, 910, 972, 974, ? AY1, 472, 530, 545, BY, 578, 612, 615, 681, 682, 726, 72%, 779, 780, 878, 882, 912, 918, 982, 984, 476, AY, 546, 553, 579, 588, 621, 641, 683, 684, 38, 784, 781, 782, 888, 889, 919, 920, 985, 988, 1005, 1008, 1011, 1012, 1020, 1022, 1060, 1061, 1064, 1068, 1075, 1078, 1099, 1101, 1105, 1112, 1113, 1115, 1129, 1130, 1132, 1136, 1141, 1144, 1029, 1030, 1047, 1079, 1082, 1088, 1118, 1122, 1123, 1145, 1146, 1147, 1052, 1055, 1059, 1092, 1093, 1096, 1124, 1125, 1127, 1148. Books sold by order of DAVID G. GEORGE, Arrorney, are herein cata- logued under items, Numbers,— 5, 21, 53,66, 73,112, 139, 162,172, 174, 184,270, 271, 308, 337, 370, 373, 440, 447, 497, 498, 542, 586, 600, 637, 666, 680, 713, 160, 771, 842, 843, 845, 853, 854, 855, 856, 858, 859, 860, 861, 877, 886, 913, 922, 928, 935, 948, 960, 976, 986, 994, 995, 1003, 1004, 1007, 1016, 1017, eee 050, 1067, 1089, 1094, 1095, 1103, 1107, 1116, 1117, 1119, 1120, 1121, 1126, 1128. The Property of MISS DEBORAH B. MARTIN of Green-Bay, Wisconsin, sold by her order, is herein catalogued under item, Number 604.4. The Property of a NEW YORK GENTLEMAN, sold by order of the owner, is herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—13, 14, 82, 207, 221, 380, 412, 495, 505, 506, 629, 793. Literary Property sold by direction of ASHLEY T. COLE, Arrorney, New York City, acting in behalf of a client, is herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—3, 47, 49, 89, 114, 121, 122, 132, 133, 144, 146, 147, 148, 185, 197, 201, 220, 226, 227, 229, 258, 261, 265, 269, 277, 280, 294, 306, 330, 331, 332, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 350, 351, 352, 357, 364, 369, 374, 407, 409, 435, 442, 444, 454, 455, 474, 490, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 525, 526, 528, 535, 536, 537, 549, 550, 551, 552, 630, 631, 632, 633, 634, 636, 640, 643, 674, 704, 752. Autograph Letters from THE ESTATE OF THE LATE SAMUEL ELLIOTT of New York City, and sold by direction of the United States Trust Co., are herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—153, 204, 669, 744, 748, 787. Books from THE ESTATE OF THE LATE ISAAC D. FLETCHER, of New York City, are herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—838, 839, 841, 850, 851, 929. Literary Property sold by order of GABRIEL I. LEWIS, Arrorney, New York City, is herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—2, 16, 18, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 113, 1387, 154, 178, 200, 212, 213, 217, 235, 260, 273, 299, 309, 310, 312, 318, 314, 319, 320, 324, 329, 333, 336, 338, 386, 399, 400, 401, 419, 427, 434, 453, 459, 461, 485, 504, 514, 583, 605, 671, 708, 755, 776. The property of MISS A. D. HOWELLS of Upper Montclair, N. J., sold by her order, is herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—60, 125, 279, 303, 355, 587, 594, 651, 714, 750, 1002, 1056, 1063, 1084. The Property of MRS. ELLA A. MIDDLETON of New York City, sold by her order, is herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—540, 775. The property of a NEW YORK CITY BOOKSELLER is herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—57, 85, 149, 160, 206, 276, 481, 555, 582, 645. The property of WILLIAM ROBERTS, Esq., of London, England, sold by order of the owner, is herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—115, 116, 117, 118, 428, 690, 691, 692, 693, 694, 695, 696, 697. Literary Property from THE ESTATE OF THE LATE CLARENCE W. SEAMANS, of Brooklyn, N. Y., is herein catalogued under items, Numbers,— 32, 35, 63, 88, 189, 190, 390, 507, 512, 580, 722, 737, 798, 799, 800, 801, 825, 837, 848, 849, 857, 869, 873, 879, 924, 941, 953, 957, 970, 1013, 1014, 103T, 1040, 1057, 1077, 1083, 1098, 1106, 1134, 1135. The Property of a NEW YORK GENTLEMAN, sold by his order, is herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—397, 483. Books consigned by GUY STONESTREET of New York, and sold by his order, are herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—8, 15, 154, 17, 19, 20, 25, 26, 29, 33, 39, 51, 59, 143, 151, 177, 186, 188, 198, 219, 237, 239, 251, 257, 268, 282, 295, 296, 305, 359, 365, 366, 367, 371, 402, 408, 423, 432, 436, 443, 452, 468, 480, 500, 513, 518, 531, 532, 534, 547, 581, 604, 635, 644, 649, 652, 653, 655, 659, 661, 670, 672, 685, 705, 710, 721,°724, 725, 732, 745, 751, 54, 761, 765, 769, 772, 777, 783, 896, 903, 932, 973, 1048, 1045, 1046. fii noe ‘a =e ee pe ee a eS ee a ee dT Sale ol te PS. ed a es a. ans Po. ee 7 i Books from a WELL-KNOWN LIBRARY, and recently removed from a Washington residence, are herein catalogued under items, Numbers,—62, 64, 92, 95, 96, 126, 169, 170, 171, 222, 223, 268, 297, 320, 379, 381, 383, 388, 388A, 389, 3894, 392, 393, 394, 395, 3954, 396, 404, 415, 416, 417, 420, 421, 422, 475, 494, 528, 566, 567, 568, 570, 571, 572, 573, O74, 575, 590, 611, 616, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 639, 679, 731, 756, 199, 763, 7634, 827, 884, 936, 943, 945, 946, 947, 971, 989, 990, 1010, 1033, 1039, 1050, 1110. Conditions of Sale 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale in- juriously. ia a. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale, shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such pur- chaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale, shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon paymeht of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays—between the hours of 9 A. M.and5 P.M. - Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries. or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, how- ever, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. ; 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Asso- ciation will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the cor- rectness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imper- fection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion with- out proper foundation. SPECIAL NOTICE. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders trans- mitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchase so made will be subject to the above Condi- tions of Sale, which cannot in any manner be modified. The Association, however. in the event of making a purchase of a lot consisting of one or more books for a purchaser who has not, through himself or his agent, been present at the exhibition or sale, will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be returned, if the lot in any material manner differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit should be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced copies of the catalogue of any sale, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at a reasonable charge. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE OF LITERARY PROPERTY BY ORDER OF THE VARIOUS OWNERS AND EXECUTORS AS HEREINBEFORE DESIGNATED First Session, Numbers | to 264, inclusive TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH lith, AT 3:00 O’CLOCK 1, [Appison (JOSEPH) AND STEELE (RicHarpD)—Editors.| The Spec- jator. ‘To be Continued Every Day. From Numb. 1 (March 1, 1711) to Numb. 449 (August 5, 1712). Bound in 2 vols. small folio, contemporary calf, rebacked. London: Printed for Sam. Buckley, at the Dolphin in Little Britain, 1711-1712 AN IMPORTANT FILE OF THIS CELEBRATED PERIODICAL AS ORIGINALLY ISSUED. In addition to the papers on Sir Roger de Coverley (by Addison and Steele) the first appearance of Pope’s “The Messiah,” is in No. 388. Pope also contributed to Nos. 404 and 408. 2. ADVICE TO MarrieD Men. The Government of a Wife; or Wholsom and Pleasant Advice for Married men . . . Written in Portuguese by Don Francisco Manuel . . . Translated into English by Capt. John Stevens. 8vo, mottled calf. London: at the Judge’s Head in Fleet-street, 1697 First Epirion of this entertaining volume. The translator was a Spanish scholar and is said to have accompanied James the Second on his Irish campaigns. The volume contains many interesting details regarding manners and customs in Spain, Portugal, Flanders, ete. The author is particularly violent against the colored race. He says,—‘“Little Black and Muilatto Boys, are Devils incarnate, naturally Buffoons, and of a mischievous Wit,” ete. 3. Alsop. Axsopus. Fabellae, graece et latine, cum aliis opusculis. 8vo, contemporary vellum. Basileae: ex officina Frobeniana, 1534 With the exception that a few leaves are slightly stained, a good copy of this rare edition. 4, Alsop. Fabvlae Aesopicae. With numerous cuts. Thick 32mo, con- temporary calf, rebacked. Lugdini, 1571 An uncommon edition, with excellent impressions of the cuts. First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th 5, AInswortH (WILLIAM Harrison). The Lancashire Witches. A Ro- mance of Pendle Forest. Illustrated by John Gilbert. Frrsv Intus- TRATED EDITION, although the third edition of the work. 8yo, origi- nal blue cloth, joints repaired, uncut. London, 1854 6. AINSworTH (WILLIAM Harrison). The Constable of the Tower. Iilus- trations by John Gilbert. First Eprtion, 3 vols. post 8yo, gilt backs and tops. London: Chapman and Hall, 1861 7. AinsworTH (Winttam Harrison). The Writings of Ainsworth. With ulustrations by George Cruikshank, Tony Johannot, H. R. Browne, and others. 16 vols. 8vo, roan backs and cloth. London, 1882, and undated ORIGINAL ISSUE of the Library Kdition, much superior to the later reprints. Comprises,—Tower of London, Windsor Castle, The Star Cham- ber, Old St. Paul’s, The Flitch of Bacon, Rookwood, The Miser’s Daughter, Jack Sheppard, and others. 8. AinswortH (Witt14m Harrison). The Novels of Ainsworth. Tilus- trations by John Franklin, H. K. Browne, George Cruikshank, Tony Johannot, and others. 16 vols. 8vo, half blue calf, gilt backs, marbled edges, contents lettered, bindings slightly rubbed. London: George Routledge and Sons, 1883, ete. and undated Comprises,—Windsor Castle; Old St. Pauls; Auriol; Rookwood ; Star Chamber; Ovingdean Grange; Jack Sheppard; Guy Fawkes; Crichton; Flitch of Bacon; Miser’s Daughter ; Boscobel ; Tower of London; Mervyn Clitheroe; The Spendthrift ; Lancashire Witches. 9. AInswortH (WiLLIAM Harrison). The Works of Ainsworth. With dlustrations by George Cruikshank, H. K. Browne, Sir John Gilbert, and others. 16 vols. 8yo, half blue calf, gilt backs, leather lettered labels, marbled edges. London: Routledge and Sons, undated Comprises,—The Spendthrift ; Mervyn Clitheroe; Rookwood ; Old Saint Paul’s; Windsor Castle; The Star Chamber ; ; Boscobel; Auriol; Ovingdean Grange; Miser’s Daughter ; \ Jack Sheppard; Tower of London; Flitch of Bacon ; ’ Crichton; Guy Fawkes. 10. AinswortH (WiLLIAM Harrison). Historical Romances. With the etchings on Japan paper, and impressions of the historical portraits — on India paper. 20 vols. 8vo, cloth, paper labels, gilt tops, uncut, Philadelphia: Printed only for Subscribers by George Barrie and Son, undated VICTORIAN Epition, limited to 1000 numbered copies. Comprises,— The Manchester Rebels; Talbot Harland ; Cardinal Pole; John Law; The Goldsmith’s Wife ; Crichton; Jack Sheppard; Guy Fawkes; and others. First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th 11. Anison (Sir Arcurpatp). History of Europe. From the Commence- ment of the French Revolution to the Restoration of the Bourbons in MDCCCXV; [and] From the Fall of Napoleon in MDCCCXV to the Accession of Louis Napoleon in MDCCCLII. Both series complete, with Index to each. Together, 23 vols. 8vo, tree calf, polished, gilt backs, leather labels, marbled edges. Edinburgh: Blackwood, 1854-1859 12. AtLIncHAM (Henen). Happy England, as Painted by Helen Alling- ham. With Memoir and Descriptions by Marcus B. Huish. Colored plates. 4to, cloth, uncut. London, 1903 EDITION DE LUXE, limited to 750 copies. Signed by the artist. 13. AmERIcAN History. LHllis (Edward 8.). The People’s Standard His- tory of the United States. Numerous illustrations, the frontispieces in colors. 5 vols. royal 8vo, half leather. New York [1896] 14. AMErRicAN Macazine (Tue) of Useful and Entertaining Knowledge [September 1834 to September 1837]. Hmbellished with numerous wood engravings, views of American cities, buildings, etc. 3 vols. royal 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt edges, few pages slightly foxed. Boston, 1839, 1836, 1837 Complete set, with all Titles and Indexes; the title of volume one bearing date 1859. The six concluding numbers of Vol. 2, March to August, 1836, were edited, anonymously by Nathaniel Hawthorne, who, with his sister, wrote or revised almost the entire contents. 15. AMERICAN STATESMEN. Edited by John T. Morse, Jr. Illustrated with portraits and views, ALL ON INDIA PAPER; rubricated and India paper title-pages, facsimiles, etc. COMPLETE SET OF THE FIRST SERIES. 32 vols. 8vo, three-quarter red levant morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut, contents lettered. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1898-1900 LARGE PAPER. Number 465 of 500 copies printed. Fine set of this noted series of Biographies of American Statesmen; each work by a competent authority. Comprises Biographies of the following statesmen,—— Benjamin Franklin; Samuel Adams; Patrick Henry; George Washington; John Adams; Alexander Hamilton; Gouverneur Morris; John Jay; John Marshall; Thomas Jefferson; James Madison; Albert Gallatin; James Monroe; John Quincy Adams; John Randolph; Andrew Jackson; Martin Van Buren; Henry Clay; Daniel Webster; John C. Calhoun; Thomas H. Benton; Lewis Cass; Abraham Lincoln; William H. Seward: Salmone Chase; Charles Francis Adams; Charles Sumner; Thaddeus Stevens; John Sherman; James G. Blaine; General Index. 15a. AMERICAN STATESMEN. Edited by John T. Morse, Jr. Portraits, views and facsimiles. First Series, 32 vols.; New Series, Vol. 2 and 3. Together, 34 vols. 12mo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co. [1898-1908] Fine library edition. Contains the same biographies as the preceding set, with the addition of “John Sherman” and “James G. Blaine.” First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th 16. bys 18. 19. 20. R1. Americana. [Palmer (Sir Thomas—“the Travailer.”)] An Essay of the Means hovv to make our Trauailes, into forraine Countries, the more profitable and honourable. Printer’s device on title-page. Small 4to, full calf, antique style, gilt edges, By RIvIbRE. A tiny hole in M8 affects a letter or two. At London: Imprinted, by H. L. for Mathew Lownes, 1606 First Eprtion. Collation A to S in fours. Lowndes calls for addi- tional folding leaves, which are not present in the above copy, there being no indication that they should be there. After the author had been on an expedition to Cadiz, he was knighted, and wrote the above volume, in which he discusses the advantages of foreign travel. IT CONTAINS REFERENCES TO AMERICA AND THE WEST IN- DIES, that on page 60 reading,—“. . . let Trauailers consider, whether the people in general be ciuill or barbarous . . . Such are the Grecians, and those of the Iles of Iapan and Chios: as on the contrary side the people of ArricaA, AMERICA, MAGELLANICA, and those of Northeast Hurope and Asia, by nature barbarists . . . Such are at this day the barbarous people of the East and West InpikEs, that worship the vgly shapes . . of the Sunne, Moone, Starres,” ete. AMERICANA. Franklin (Benjamin) imprint. A Collection of the Works of Thomas Chalkley. 2 parts in one vol. thick 12mo, re- bound in sheep, somewhat soiled. Philadelphia: B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1749 Contains autograph signatures of several members of the Watson family, the earliest being John Watson, 1750. AMERICANA. Fowler (John). Journal of a Tour in the State of New York, in the year 1830 . . . return to England by the Western Islands, in consequence of shipwreck in the Robert Fulton, 12mo, half polished calf, gilt, yellow edges. London, 1831 The author’s remarks regarding the city of New York are those of a very intelligent observer. AmerIcANA. Hinman (R. R.). Letters from the English Kings and Queens Charles II, James II, William and Mary, Anne, George II, &c. To the Governors of the Colony of Connecticut, together with the Answers thereto, from 1635 to 1749. 12mo, half morocco, em- blematically gilt back, gilt top. Hartford: John B. Eldredge, 1836 AMERICANA. Franklin (Benjamin). The Ledger of Doctor Benjamin Franklin, Post-Master General, 1776. A Fac-simile of the Original Manuscript now on file in the office of the Auditor of the Treasury for the Post Office Department of the United States. Portratt. Small folio, full blue morocco, inner gilt border, ae on cover, gilt top, uncut. Washington, D . C., 1865 AMERICANA. Bryant (William C., Editor). Picturesque America. With illustrations on steel and wood by eminent American artists. 2 vols. 4to, full morocco, gilt, gilt edges. New York, 1872 Original Issue, with best impressions of the illustrations. Oar ae re ir 22. 23. 24, 20. 26. Ri. 28. First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th AMERICANA. Boston, Past and Present. Being an Outline of the His- tory of the City as exhibited in the Lives of Its Prominent Citizens. Profusely illustrated with full-page engraved portraits. Thick folio, embossed morocco, gilt panelled backs, gilt edges. Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1874 AMERICANA. Winsor (Justin). The Memorial History of Boston, in- cluding Suffolk County, Massachusetts. 1630-1880. Maps, fac- similes, and numerous illustrations. 4 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs and edges. Boston: Ticknor and Company, 1880 Fine, clean copy. Americana. Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Being for the most part Contributions by Union and Confederate Officers. Based upon “The Century War Series.” Edited by Robert Underwood John- son and Clarence C. Buel. Fully illustrated with portraits, maps and views. 4 vols. imperial 8vo, half morocco, one vol. of slightly lighter shading. New York: The Century Co. [1887-1888 | AmeEricANA. Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Being for the most part Contributions by Union and Confederate Officers. Based upon “The Century War Series.” Edited by Robert Underwood Johnson and Clarence C. Buel. Fully illustrated with portraits, maps, views, etc. 4 vols. royal 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt backs and tops. New York: The Century Co. [1887] AMERICANA. Bryce (James). The American Commonwealth. Folding map. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut and partly unopened, contents let- tered. London and New York, 1888 First Epitron. Contains suppressed matter, including chapter on the “Tweed Ring” of New York, which does not appear in later issues of the work. AMERICANA. Lincoln (Abraham). Abraham Lincoln. A History. 10 vols. [Also] Complete Works, comprising his Speeches, Letters, State Papers, and Miscellaneous Writings. 2 vols. Edited by John G. Nicolay and John Hay. Numerous portraits, illustrations and facsimiles. Together, 12 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. New York: The Century Co., 1890-1894 AMERICANA. Lewis and Clark Expedition. Coues (Elliott). His- tory of the Expedition under the Command of Lewis and Clark, to the Sources of the Missouri River, thence across the Rocky Moun- tains and down the Columbia River to the Pacific Ocean, performed during the Years 1804-5-6, by Order of the Government of the United States. Maps and other illustrations. 4 vols. royal 8vo, boards, cloth backs, paper labels, entirely uncut. New York: Francis P. Harper, 1893 LARGE Paper EpItTIon, only 1000 copies printed. First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th 30. ol. 33. 34, . AMERICANA, Wilson (Woodrow). George Washington. Copiously il- lustrated. 12mo, cloth, uncut. New York: Harper & Bros. [1896] With autograph signature of the President,—‘Woodrow Wilson, 24 Oct., 1916.” AMERICANA. Harty Nortuwest. Coues (Elliott). New Light on the Early History of the Greater Northwest. The Manuscript Journals of Alexander Henry and of David Thompson. 1799-1814. Ex- ploration and Adventure among the Indians on the Red, Saskatche- wan, Missouri, and Columbia Rivers. Edited with copious critical commentary by Elliott Coues. Portrait. 3 vols. royal 8yvo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1897 Edition limited to 1100 copies. AMERICANA. Hardenbrook (William Ten Eyck). Financial New York. A History of the Banking and Financial Institutions of the Me- tropolis. Full-page engraved portraits, and smaller portraits and views throughout teat. 4 parts, folio, wrappers, uncut, each part in half vellum portfolio. New York, 1897 EDITION DE Luxe. Number 210 of a limited issue. . AmericaNA. Zeisloft (EH. Idell,—Editor). The New Metropolis. (New York). 1600—Memorable Events of Three Centuries—1900. /JI- lustrated with one thousand engravings. Oblong 4to, half russia, gilt; also, the two separate portfolios, containing 24 reproductions of rare and early views of the city, mainly from famous collections. Together, 3 vols. oblong 4to, half russia, bindings rubbed. New York [1899]. Autograph Memorial Edition de Luxe. Limited issue. AMERICANA. Ford (Worthington C.). George Washington. Portraits on India paper, frontispreces in tints, with the BEXTRA SET OF PLATES. 2 vols. royal 8vo and one vol. 4to. Together, 3 vols. half vellum, uncut, bindings slightly soiled. | New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1900 EDITION DE BIBLIOPHILE. Number V of fifty copies printed. With two EXTRA SETS of the plates, viz., one set on Imperial Japanese paper, in Bistre; the other set on white India mounted on Antique Holland, in blue Camaieu tint. Americana. Bradford (William). History of the Plimoth Plantation containing an Account of the Voyage of the ‘Mayflower. Now reproduced in facsimile from the original manuscript. With an Introduction by John A. Doyle. Lirurrep Eprrion. Folio, cloth, uncut. London, 1906 ; . AMERICANA. Miller (Francis Trevelyan,—Kditor in Chief). The Photo- graphic History of the Civil War. With text by many special au- thorities. With thousands of scenes photographed 1861-1865. 10 vols. royal 8vo, half leather, gilt. New York: Review of Reviews Co., 1911 : First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th 36. AmeRIcANA. Stokes (Anson P.). Memorials of Eminent Yale Men. A Biographical Study of Student Life and University Influences during the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. Colored frontis- piece and portraits on Japan paper. 2 vols. imperial 8vo, boards, vellum backs, leather labels, uncut. New Haven, 1914 Edition limited to 150 copies on English handmade paper, the above copy being No. 18. 37. AmERICANA. Canada and its Providences. A History of the Canadian People and their Institutions. By one hundred Associates. General Editors: Adam Shortt and Arthur G. Doughty. LHztensively illus- trated with photogravure portraits and plates. 23 vols. royal 8vo, buckram, gilt backs, uncut, each volume in its original publisher’s box. Edinburgh: T. and A. Constable, 1914-1917 COMPEETE SET°OF THE EDINBURGH EDITION OF THIS VALUABLE HISTORICAL worK. Only 875 sets printed on All-Rag Watermarked paper, for the Publishers Association of Canada, Limited, Toronto. An extensive history of the country from the earliest days of explora- tion to recent time. 38. AmERICANA. Stokes (I. N. Phelps). The Iconography of Manhattan Island. 1498-1909. Compiled from Original Sources, and illus- trated by photo-intaglio reproductions of important maps, plans, views, and documents in public and private collections. Vols. I and II. 2 vols. 4to, half vellum, uncut, in cloth slip-cases. New York: Robert H. Dodd, 1915-1916 One of the Edition of 360 copies printed on English hand-made paper. “The Iconography of Manhattan Island represents the result of a two- fold purpose: to collect, to condense, and to arrange systematically and in just proportion, within the confines of a single work, the facts and incidents which are of the greatest consequence and interest in the history of New York City, with special reference to its topographical features and to the physical development: of the island; and to illustrate this material by the best reproductions obtainable of important and interesting contemporary maps, plans, views, and documents.’’—author’s preface. This work is to completed in four volumes. The above two (Vols. I and II.) all that have yet been published. These two volumes cover the first period, that is, from the time of the second voyage of Ves- puccius, in 1498, until the report and plan of the Commission of 1807, which sounded the death-knell of the old city. 39. Americana. Franklin (Benjamin). The Life and Works of Dr. Ben- jamin Franklin. Vignette. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt back and top. Bungay: Brightly and Childs, undated RARE ISSUE. 40. AncrENtT ReEticions. Choul (Guillaume du). Discovrs de la Religion des Anciens Romains. Numerous illustrations. Small folio, con- temporary calf, re-backed. a Lyon, 1556 The impressions of the illustrations are very brilliant, and the un- usually large margins would suggest it to be a Large Paper Copy. First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th 41. ANcIENT Scutprures. Montfaucon (Bernard de). Antiquity Ex- plained, and Represented in Sculptures. ‘Translated by David Humphreys. Wath numerous full-page copperplate engravings. WITH THE SUPPLEMENT, which lacks two plates. 7% vols. folio, old panelled calf, neatly rebacked. London: J. Tonson and J. Watts, 1721-1725 42. ANCIENT WARFARE. Cope (Antonye—Translator). The Historie of T'vvo the moste noble Capitaines of the worlde, Anniball and Scipio, of theyr dyuers battailes and victories . . . gathered and translated into Englishe out of Titus Liuius, and other authoures, by Antonye Cope, esquier. Title within an elaborate woodcut border, and with ornate wmitial letters. Small 4to, calf, rebacked, title somewhat defective and mounted. [Colophon] Londini in aedibvs Thomae Bertheleti M.D. XLVIII (1548), engraved title dated, M.D.XLIIII (1544) | Printed throughout in Brack Letter, with the exception of the title- page a good copy. 43. ANCIENT WARFARE. Machiavelli (Nicholas). The Arte of warre, writ- ten first in Italia, by Nicholas Machiauell, and set forthe in Hng- lishe by Peter Whitehorne. With fine impression of the elegant woodcut title-page, containing battle scene, implements of war ete. by R. 8., and with the words “Niclas Inglande,” subsequently omitted, also finely cut initial letters, and quarter-page woodcut of a military nature (men in armor etc.) on fo. CIX. as well as the double-page plate of formations, tournaments, cannon, etc. [At London]: Anno M. D. LX. [1560]; [Also, bound in the same: volume] WHITEHORNE (PETER). Certain waies for the orderyng of Souldiers in battelray, & settyng of battailes after diuers fashions, with their maner of marchyng . . . howe to make Saltpeter, Gun- poulder and diuers sortes of Firewerkes or wilde Fyre, ete. With ele- gant woodcut title, plates of fortifications, etc. [Colophon.] Im- printed at London, By Ihon Kingston: for Nicolas Englande M. D. LXII. [1562.] 2 vols. in one, small 4to, old, probably original — calf, with stamped ornament in centre of each side, portions of an ancient manuscript on vellum as fly-leaves. London, 1560-1562 With the exception of a few worm holes on blank margins of several final leaves, A REMARKABLY FINE COPY OF THE ORIGINAL EDITIONS OF BOTH WORKS. The first named is dedicated “To the moste highe, and excellent Princes Elizabeth . . . Queene of England, Fraunce, and Irelande.” 44. ANCIENT WARFARE. Livelie or Lively (Edvvard—Reader of the holie tongue in Cambridge). A Trve Chronologie of the Times of the Persian Monarchie, and after to the destruction of Ierusalem by the | Romanes. Small 8vo, vellum, old name on two pages. At London, Printed by Felix Kingston, ete. 1597 First EpDIrion. First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th 45. ANCIENT WARFARE. The Historie of Guicciardin: containing the Warres of Italie and other partes, continved for manie yeares vnder sun- drie Kings and Princes, etc. Reduced into English by Geffray Fenton. With elaborate printer’s device on title-page. Thick small folio, old, probably original calf, rebacked. Imprinted at London by Richard Field, 1599 First Epitrion of Fenton’s translation of “Guicciardin’s silver Historie.” A former owner has written at the foot of general contents page “This rare and invaluable edition, contains many passages, which other editions (printed for the express purpose of omitting them) . . . evils of Popery, that all wonder ceases at the efforts made to prevent their appearance.” 46. ANCIENT Warrare. A Brief Inference vpon Gvicciardines Digression, in the fovrth part of the first qvarterne of his Historie: Forbidden the Impression, and effaced out of the ORIGINALL BY THE INQUISI- TION. Printer’s device on title-page. Small folio, unbound. London: Edward Bolvnt, 1613 4%, ANCIENT WARFARE. The Great and Famovs Battel of Lytzen, Fought betweene the renowned King of Sweden, and Walstein; Wherein were left dead vpon the place between 5 and 6000. of the Swedish party, and between 10 and 12000. of the Imperialists, where the King himselfe was vnfortunately slain, who death counterpoyz’d all the other. Pappenheim, Merode, Islonain, and other divers great Com- manders, etc. Small 4to, half brown morocco. Imprinted [at London] 1633 LARGE AND FINE copy of the original edition, printed immediately after the battle. Reprinted in the Harleian Miscellany. 48. ANCIENT WARFARE. Orrery (Roger, Earl of). A Treatise of the Art of War: Dedicated to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty. With full-length portrait of Charles IT. on horseback, by A. de Blois, and other plates. Small folio, original calf, old name on title-page. In the Savoy . . . at the Anchor in the Lower Walk, 1677 First Epitrion. With excellent impression of the portrait of Charles II. The work was “Commended by many expert captains for the best piece extant in English.” 49. ANCIENT WARFARE, PAGEANTS, ETC. Dilich (Wilhelm). Beschreibung und Abriss dere Ritterspiel, so der Furst und Herr, Herr Moritz, Landgraff zu Hessen, auff die Fiirstliche Kindtauffen Frewlein Elisabethen, und dann auch Herrn Moritzen des Andern, Langrafen zu Hessen, am Fiirstlichen Hoff zu Cassel angeerdnet und halten lassen. With numerous fine copperplates of views, festivities, and pageants, mainly with various implements of war, etc. Small folio, old vellum, some pages repaired and spotted. Not returnable. Cassell: Wilhelm Wessel, 1601 AN EXTREMELY RARE WORK, on account of its beautiful copperplates. Contains the relation of a Tournament given in 1596, in honor of Queen Elizabeth of England, on the occasion of the Christening of Princess Elizabeth of Hesse-Cassel. First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th 50. Anetine. Walton (Izaak) and Cotton (Charles). The Complete Ang- ler, or the Contemplative Man’s Recreation. With Original Memoirs and Notes by Sir Harris Nicolas. Engraved portraits, and vignette illustrations. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half green morocco, gilt tops, uncut, a few of the margins slightly soiled. London: William Pickering, 1836 Pickering’s handsomely printed edition, containg the variations of all the first five editions, voluminous notes. This superb book is one of the most notable editions of “The Complete Angler” ever issued. The text is printed by Whittingham, with a large and beautiful type, and is that of the fifth edition, with the variations | of the four previous editions indicated at the foot of each page. The © charming embellishments after Stothard and Inskipp are all beautifully engraved on copper and steel, and are splendid examples of the best English engraving by some of the foremost engravers. ‘Those by Stot- hard consist of the scenic plates and the views of the localities, which were painted on the spot. The fishes were painted from nature by In- skipp, who, to distinguished ability in his profession, unites the pate edge and ardour of a skilful angler. ‘ 51. Anexine. Walton (Izaak) and Cotton (Charles). The Complete Ang- ler, or The Contemplative Man’s Recreation. Edited by John Major. Engraved portraits and plates on INDIA PAPER, and woodcuts throughout text. 8vo, red morocco, gilt, gilt edges, slightly rubbed. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1866 LARGE Paper, edition limited to 100 copies. For this reprint of Major’s 1844 edition, the woodcuts have been re-engraved and are held to be finer than those used in the English edition. The steel engravings are from the original plates. 52. ANTIQUARIAN RepErTorY (THE): a Miscellaneous Assemblage of Auto-- biography, History, Biography, Customs, and Manners. Intended to illustrate and preserve several Valuable Remains of Old Times. Chiefly compiled by, or under the direction of, Francis Grose, Hsq., F.R. & A.S.; Thomas Astley, Esq., F.R. & A.S.; and other eminent antiquaries. New Edition, with a great many valuable additions. Adorned with numerous views, portraits, and monuments, engraved by F. Bartolozz and others. 4 vols. royal 4to, contemporary russia, gilt, joints repaired. London, 1807 LARGE Paper copy of this important work. Volume two contains the colored folding view of the Fire of London, sometimes missing. 53. AnTIQquITIES. Joannis Pierii Valeriani Bellvnensis, Hieroglyphica, etc. With numerous illustrations. Folio, old calf, worn. Lygdvni [Paris], 1502 54, ANTIQUITIES OF ENGLAND. Grose (Francis). The Antiquities of Eng- land and Wales (Scotland and Ireland). New Edition. With nu- merous fine copperplate engravings. 12 vols. [1785]-1791; Mih- tary Antiquities Respecting a History of the British Army. From the Conquest to the Present Time. Copperplate engravings. 2 vols. [Continued First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th [| No. 54—-Continued | 1786; A Treatise on Ancient Armour and Weapons. Illustrated by plates taken from the original armour in the Tower of London. 1786. Together, 15 vols. imperial 8vo and 4to, half russia, a few margins in three or four of the volumes are slightly foxed. London, 1785-1791 Grose held a place in the Heralds’ College, which he resigned in 1763. He was adjutant and pay-master of the Surrey Militia, but de- voted much of his time to travelling, sketching and gathering materials for the above valuable works, which contain matter relative to the feudal castles, druidical antiquities, abbeys, monasteries, domesday book, architecture, schools, churches, monuments, etc. His work on “Armour,” is particularly valuable to collectors of ancient arms and armor, as it contains much information not found elsewhere. 55. ArcHITecTuRE. Richardson (Henry Hobson). Van Rensselaer (Mrs. Schuyler). Henry Hobson Richardson and his works. Portrait, numerous full-page and text illustrations of the architect's designs. Folio, half cloth, gilt top, uncut. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1888 56. ARABIAN Nicuts. The Thousand and One Nights, commonly called, in England, The Arabian Nights’ Entertainments. A New Translation from the Arabic, with copious notes, by Edward W. Lane. New Edition. Edited by Edward S. Poole. Illustrated by many hundred engravings on wood. 3 vols. 8vo, tree calf, polished, gilt backs, leather labels, marbled edges, BY RIVIERE. London: Bickers and Son, 1877 57. Arabian Nicuts. The Book of the Thousand Nights and Qne Night. Now First Completely done into English Prose and Verse, from the Original Arabic, by John Payne. 9 vols.; [Also, by the same trans- lator] Tales from the Arabic of the Breslau and Calcutta (1814-18) Editions. 3 vols. Together, 12 vols. 8vo, vellum, gilt backs and tops, gilt sides, uncut. London, 1882-1884 GENUINE ISSUE OF THE VILLON Society. Limited to 500 copies, printed for the ViLLon Soctety by Private Subscription and for Private Circula- tion only. This set must not be confounded with the later New York reprint of the same. 58. ARABIAN Niguts. Payne (John—Editor). The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night. 9 vols.; Tales from the Arabic. 3 vols.; A Series of Seventy Original Illustrations to the Arabian Nights, painted by Albert Letchford. On Japanese paper, in half leather folder. 12 vols. vellum, uncut, and one portfolio. Together, 13 vols. 8vo. London: Printed for Subscribers only, 1884 Although stated on the title-page of the Arabian Nights as having been printed in London, it is in all probability, the Edition printed in New York. There are no illustrations in “The Book of The Thousand Nights and One Night,” on the title-pages of which it is stated that the plates are by Lalauze. The above set contains additional photo- gravure plates, issued at a later time. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th ARABIAN Nicuts. The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night: now Completely done into English Prose and Verse, from the Origi- nal Arabic, by John Payne. With etchings on India paper, by M. A. Lalauze. 9 vols.; [Atso] Tales from the Arabic of the Breslau and Calcutta (1814-18) Editions of the Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, not occuring in the other printed texts of the work. Now first done into English, by John Payne. 3 vols.; [AnD] Alaeddin and the Enchanted Lamp. Done into English from the recently discovered Arabic text, by John Payne. One vol. To- gether, 13 vols. 8vo, vellum, gilt tops, uncut. London: Printed for Subscribers only, 1884-1889 Edition limited to 500 copies on Holland paper. This is the issue printed for Richard Worthington of New York, so stated to be, on title-page of Vols. 1 and 2 of the “Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night.” ARABIAN Nicuts. The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night. Now First Completely Done into English Prose and Verse, from the Original Arabic, by John Payne. 7 vols. (should be 9, vols. 4 and 9 missing) ; [ Also, by the same translator] Tales from the Arabic of the Breslau and Calcutta (1814-18) Editions of the Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night. 3 vols.; Alaeddin and the En- chanted Lamp; The Persian Letters: With Introduction and Notes, Now Completely Done into English from the Original of Montes- quieu; The Thousand and One Quarters of an Hour (Tartarian Tales). Edited by Leonard C. Smithers. Illustrations and etchings _ on Japanese vellum paper. Together, 13 vols. 8vo, cloth, paper — labels, gilt tops, uncut. London: Printed for Subscribers only, 1901 - * Canoot Eprrion, limited to 500 copies, the above being No. 32. Armour. La Armeria Real ou Collection des Principales Piéces de la Galerie d’Armes Anciennes de Madrid. Texte de Achille Juvinal. With a large number of reproductions of suits of armour, scabbards, shields, swords, etc. 2 vols. folio, half roan and boards, binding somewhat rubbed, and some plates spotted. Paris, circa 1845 AN IMPORTANT AND VERY RARE WORK. Art. Borricetyrt. Cartwright (Julia). The Life and Art of Sandro Botticelli. Numerous illustrations, full-page and in the text. Im- perial 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. New York (Printed in London), 1904 ArT. CHAMPLIN (JoHN DENINSON,—Editor). Cyclopaedia of Painters and Paintings. With more than two thousand illustrations. 4 vols. 8vo, buckram. New York: Scribner’s, 1892 Art. Frerens-GevarErt (M.). Les Primitifs Flamands. Fascicule II and 5,—Hans Memlinc and Roger Van der Weyden ete. Illustrated. Bruxelles, undated; Sammiune Dr. Adolf Hommel, Zurich. Fz- tenswvely illustrated. Koln, 1909, and 2 others. Together, 5 vols. 4to, and 8vo, wrappers. Various places, various dates bo 65. 66. 68. 69. 70. 71. 12. First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th ArT. Hamerton (Puitip Gitpert—Editor). Eighteen Etchings by English, French, and German Artists. With Notes by Philip Gil- bert Hamerton. First Epirron. Small folio, original cloth, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1875 Contains “At Purfleet,’ by Francis Seymour Haden, “A Breton Peasant,” by A. Legros, and others. ArT. HAMERTON (PuHILip GILBERT). Etching and Etchers. Numerous fine reproductions. Turirp Epitrtion. Small folio, half leather and cloth as issued, uncut. London: Macmillan, 1880 . Art. HeEniey (Witt1AmM Ernest). Sir Henry Raeburn. A Selection from his Portraits. With Notes and Introduction by W. E. Henley. With 14 reproductions in photogravure. ie, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Edinburgh, 1890 ArT. IMITATIONS oF OriGiInaL Dusians, by Leonardo da Vinci, con- sisting of various drawings of single figures, heads, composition, horses and other animals, etc. .. . in His Majesty’s Collection. Published by John Chamberlaine, keeper of the King’s drawings and medals. Folio, half morocco, ailt edges, with lock and key, binding furbished. London: W. Bulmer, 1796 [1811] The issue published in 1811, with the original title-page dated, 1796. The impressions are mainly from the original plates, but include a num- ber of the choice original Bartolozzi engravings of 1796. They are in black and white, brown, black, sepia, ete. Art. LawrENCE (RicHarD). Elgin Marbles, from the Parthenon at Athens . . . explanatory and critical remarks on the style, com- position, and peculiar excellence of these transcendent relics of Grecian sculpture. With fifty etchings (in outline). Oblong 4to, half russia, gilt. London, 1818 Art. Lisxe (WinHerm). Outlines of the History of Art. A New Translation from the Seventh German Edition. Edited by Clarence Cook. Fully tllustrated. 2 vols. royal 8vo, dark morocco, gilt edges, inside borders. New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1880 ArT. Martin (Homer). Homer Martin. A Reminiscence. October 28, 1836-February 12, 1897. Portrait and illustrations. Imperial 8vo, boards, vellum back, entirely uncut. New York, 1904 Art. Musée DE PEINTURE ET DE SCULPTURE ou Recueil des Principaux Tableaux, Statues et Bas-Reliefs des Collections Publiques et Par- ticuliéres de ’Europe. Dessiné et gravé par Réveil. Avec des Notices Descriptives, Critiques, et Historiques par Duchesne Ainé. 16 vols. full crimson morocco, gilt backs and edges, inside gilt bor- der. Paris, 1829-1834 CHOICE SET, bound from the original numbers. First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th 3. Art. Musnum or PartntING AND ScuLprurE, or, Collection of the Principal Pictures, Statues and Bas-Reliefs in the Public and Private Galleries of Europe. With Descriptive Critical and Historical Notices by Duchesne, Sr. With a large number of plates in outhne, drawn and etched by Reveil. 21 vols. 12mo, newly bound in half green morocco, gilt, gilt tops, in cloth box. London, 1829-1833 FINE set. Contains the volume “Logge del Vaticano” seldom found with the set. 74. Art NapoLeon GaLiery (THE); or, Illustrations of the Life and Times of the Emperor of France. A series of 89 full-page engrav- ings by Réveil, and other eminent artists, from all the most cele- brated pictures, etc. produced in France during the last 40 years. 12mo, three-quarter light blue levant morocco, gilt back, with Napoleonic emblems, gilt edges, BY TOUT. London: Charles Tilt, 1837 75. Arr. Painters anp Parntines. Cyclopedia of Painters and Painting. Edited by John Denison Champlin, Jr., and Charles C. Perkins. Over 2000 illustrations. 4 vols. 4to, vellum, morocco back, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1886-1887 — FINE set. Edition limited to 500 numbered copies. 76. Arr. Parntinc. Handbook of Painting. Based on the Handbook of Kugler. The Italian Schools. Revised by Lady Eastlake. 2 vols.; The German, Flemish, and Dutch Schools. Revised by J. A. Crowe. 2 vols. Illustrations. 'Together, 4 vols. small 8vo, half claret mo- rocco, gilt backs and tops. London: John Murray, 1874 77. Art. Paris Exuiprrion. L’Exposition de Paris (1889). Publiée avec la Collaboration d’Ecrivains Spéciaux. Hatensively illustrated with full-page plates, some colored, and numerous text illustrations, being — reproductions of paintings, engravings, art objects, scenes, scenery, etc. 2 vols. folio, cloth, gilt. Paris, 1889 78. Arr. Parts Santon. L’Exposition des Beaux-Arts. (Salon) 1881; 1882; [With continuation as] Salon de 1883-1888; [and the fur- ther continuation as] Salon of 1889-1908. Hztensively illustrated with full-page and text photogravures by Goupil & Co., several in colors. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, 6 vols. imperial 8vo, half morocco, and 20 vols. imperial 8vo, cloth. Together, 28 vols., all uncut. Paris, 1881-1902 COMPLETE SET, from the Second Year of publication to and including 1908. The volumes for 1881 to 1888, inclusive, are with the French text; those for 1889 to 1908, inclusive, have the English text. ALL ARE LIMITED ISSUES ON HOLLAND PAPER. 79. 80. rele 82. 83. 84. 85, First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th ART. SALON (Paris). Le Salon de 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, and 1905. With thousands of full-page and other illustrations, many on India paper, some in colors. ‘Together, 26 vols. imperial 8vo, three-quarter crim- son levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt edges. Paris, 1880-1905 All French text, excepting vols. for 1889, 1890, and 1891. Art. Passavant (J. D.). Raphael of Urbino and his father Giovanni Santi. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, original cloth, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1872 First Epirion of this authoritative work. The illustrations are in permanent photography. Art. Payne’s Roya, DrespEN GaLLery: Being a Selection of Subjects Engraved after Pictures by the Great Masters. Containing over 130 full-page engraved plates, after works by Corregio, Raphael, Rembrandt, Rubens and others. 2 vols. in one, 4to, full polished mottled calf, gilt panelled back and sides, gilt edges, By Tour. Leipsic, 1840 Art. Pinkincron (Marruew). A General Dictionary of Painters. Memoirs of the Lives and Works of the most eminent Professors of the Art of Painting. Edited by Allan Cunningham. 8vo, tree ealf, gilt, BY RIVIERE. London: Tegg, 1840 ART. SILVESTRE (ARMAND). The Gallery of Contemporary Art. An . Illustrated Review of the recent Art Productions of All Nations. Hdited by J. Hugene Reed. 60 full-page tinted photogravures, and teat allustrations. Folio, three-quarter brown morocco, gilt top, un- cut. ; Philadelphia: Gébbie & Co., 1884 IMPERIAL TINTED EDITION, limited to 500 copies. Plates on India paper. ArT. SmitH (JoHN THomas). Nollekens and his Times: compre- hending a Life of that celebrated Sculptor; and Memoirs of several Contemporary Artists, from the Time of Roubiliac, Hogarth and Reynolds, to that of Fuseli, Flaxman, and Blake. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, original boards, paper labels, uncut. London, 1829 ArT. SOcIETE D’AQUARELLISTES Francais. Ouvrage d’Art. Publié avec le concours artistique de tous les Sociétaires. Texte par les principaux critiques dart. With numerous full-page photogravures and text wlustrations, including the works of Henri Baron, G. Doré, Ernest Duez, Louis Francais, Henri Harpignies, Eugéne Isabey, and others. 2 vols. folio, half morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. Paris, 1883 EDITION DE GRAND Luxg, limited to 110 numbered copies. Plates on India paper. First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th 86. Art. Soorry oF FRENCH AQUARELLISTS. Text by the best French 88. 89. 90. v1. 92. 93. critics. Illustrated with plates in photogravure, printed in tint, and with designs in fac-simile. American Edition. Edited by Edward Strahan. 2 vols. folio, morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. Paris: Goupil & Co., 1883 BIBLIOPHILIST’S Epition. Of this edition, 250 copies, numbered, have been issued, on paper from the Imperial Factories of Japan. . Art. Spooner (8.). A Biographical History of the Fine Arts. Being Memoirs of the Lives and Works of Eminent Painters, Engravers, Sculptors, and Architects. With Supplement. Illustrations of monograms. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs, marbled edges, stamp partly removed from titles. Philadelphia, 1873 Art. THE GALLERY OF MAstrerPiEcEs. A collection of reproductions in _ photo-mezzotint from. the finest works of the most famous painters down to the year 1800. Plates and text loose, but enclosed in wood box. New York: Doubleday, Page and Co., (recent) Reproduced in the finest manner. The collection comprises 49 plates, with descriptive text, including masterpieces by Hoppner, Watteau, Raphael, Van Dyck, Correggio, and others. Portrait of Jan Steen, after himself, is missing. Art. THE SEVEN AGES OF Man, from Shakespeare’s “As You Like It.” With seven full-page engravings, ALL IN THREE STATES,—(1) ordi- nary impression, (2), proof on India paper, (3), proof on China paper, AUTOGRAPHED BY THE ARTIST. 4to, half morocco and cloth, — gilt top, uncut. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1885 EDITION DE LuxE. No. 79 of 250 copies printed. Long out of print — and searce. The volume was illustrated by American artists and en- gravers, including,—F. S. Church, E. Heinemann, Henry Wolf, W. T. Smedley, Walter Shirlaw, Frank French, and others. Art. TucKERMAN (Henry T.). Book of the Artists. American Artist Life. Portrait. Royal 8vo, morocco, gilt, gilt edges. New York, 1867 LARGE PAPER. Art. VASARI (GiorGIO). Opere. With numerous portratts in outline. 6 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt, blind tool, uncut. Firenze, 1822 LARGE PAPER Copy, and, with the exception of some worm holes in the margins of volume two and a few pages lightly spotted, a Goop SET. Art. WHISTLER (JAMES McNett). Catalogue of the Memorial Ex- hibition, held under the Auspices of the International Society of Sculptors, Painters and Engravers. Square 8vo, original wrappers. London, 1905 Art, WHITE (RopEert). Treatise on the knowledge necessary to Ama- teurs in Pictures. Translated from the French of M. F.-X. de Burtin. Illustrations on India paper. 8vo, original boards, cloth back. London, 1845 Includes a chapter on cleaning paintings and the varnishes used. 94, 95. 96. 97. 98. JE 100. 101. First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th Art. WoLTMANN (Dr. ALFRED) AND WOERMANN (Dr. Karu). History of Ancient, Early Christian, and Medieval Painting. Ldited by Sidney Colvin. Profusely illustrated. Royal 8vo, half russia, gilt back and edges. New York, 1880 Art CataLocurs. Catalogue des Objets d’Art et de Haute Curiosité composant la Collection Burgeois Fréres et dont la vente aura lieu a Cologne. Numerous fine reproductions, mainly full-page plates. 2 vols. 4to, wrappers, uncut. Cologne, 1904 Art Catanogurs. Illustrated Catalogue de Luxe of the very valuable Art Property collected by the late Robert Hoe of New York. . Nu- merous full-page and other reproductions. Thick 4to, wrappers, uncut. ~ New York: American Art Association, 1911 Subseriber’s copy. Number 68 of 275 printed. Art CoLLectTion. Catalogue of the Art Collection formed by the late Mrs. Mary J. Morgan. To be sold at auction . . . March 3d, 4th, and 5th at 7.30 o’clock, at Chickering Hall, continuing . . . at the American Art Galleries. Hatensively illustrated. 'Thick royal 4to, vellum wrappers, uncut. Wrapper soiled. New York, 1886 Edition limited to 500 numbered copies. Art-JouRNAL (THE). Vol. 11 to New Series, Vol. 19 [1849-1880]. With Illustrated Catalogue for 1851. Profusely illustrated with full-page engravings and text illustrations. 383 vols. 4to, half mo- rocco, gilt backs and edges, some bindings slightly rubbed. London: G. Virtue, 1849-1880 ORIGINAL ENGLISH ISSUE of each volume, not to be confounded with the American reprint. Art Sate Caratocuz. Catalogue of the A. T. Stewart Collection of Paintings, Sculptures, and ‘other Objects of Art. To be sold... March 23rd to 31st, inclusive, at the American Art Galleries. Hz- tenswely illustrated with full- page plates. Imperial 4to, vellum, gilt back and top, uncut. New York, 1887 Edition Limited to 500 copies, the above being a Subscriber’s Copy, No. 24. Art Sate CaTaLoguE. SECRETAN CoLLEcTION. Catalogue of the Cele- brated Collection of Paintings by Modern and Old Masters, and of Water-Colors and Drawings, formed by Mr. E. Secrétan. Sold . At Charles Sedelmeyer’s Galleries, in Paris, July 1889. Second Edition. Many full-page photogravure reproductions of the origi- nals. 2 vols. in one, folio, morocco, gilt back and edges. Paris, 1889 Art Sate Caratocur. Strewartr Coutiection. Catalogue de Luxe of the Modern Masterpieces gathered by the late Connoisseur William Teestewart .. Disposed at Public Sale, February 3rd and 4th, 1898, at Chickering Hall, and at the American Art Galleries. Por- trait, and full-page photogravure illustrations. 2 vols. folio, wrap- pers, uncut. New York, 1898 SUBSCRIBER’S copy, Number 271. Edition limited to 325 copies. First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th 102. 103. 104. 106. 10%. 108. Art SALE Catatocug, A Descriptive Catalogue of Paintings, Pastels, and Water-Colors, collected by the late Mrs. 8S. D. Warren of Bos- ton. To be Sold at Absolute Public Sale by Order of the Executors. Sale at Mendelssohn Hall . . . January Eighth and Ninth. #zten- sively illustrated. Imperial 8vo, wrappers, entirely uncut. New York, 1903 EDITION DE Luxe, limited to 250 copies, the above being No. 91. ArT SALE Catatocue. Catalogue de Luxe of the Art Treasures col- lected by Thomas E. Waggaman, Washington, D. OC. . . . Sold, January 25th, 1905 . . . at the American Art Galleries. Illustra- tions. 4to, wrappers, uncut. New York, 1905 SUBSCRIBER’S Copy, No. 53, Edition limited to 100 copies, ~ ART SALE CATALOGUE. BisHop CottEction. De Luxe Catalogue of the Art Collection formed by Heber R. Bishop, New York . . . Sold, January 17th, 1906, under the management of the American Art Association. Illustrations. 4to, wrappers, uncut. New York, 1906 SUBSCRIBER'S Copy, No. 38. Edition limited to 125 copies. . ArT SALE CATALOGUE. Scorr CottEction. Illustrated De Luxe Cata- logue of the Old and Modern Masters collected by the late Irving M. Scott, San Francisco. Sold, February 9th, 1906, under the man- agement of the American Art Association. Illustrations. 4to, cloth, uncut. New York, 1906 SUBSCRIBER'S Copy, No. 54. Edition limited to 100 copies. Art SALE Catatocuz. The Palatial Mansion of the late James Henry — Smith, and its exceedingly Rare and Costly Artistic Furnishings and Embellishments. To be sold at Public Sale on the Premises, at the American Art Galleries, and at Mendelssohn Hall, January 18th . 22d. LHetensively illustrated with full-page photogravures. Imperial 8vo, vellum, uncut. New York, 1910 Edition Limited to 275 copies, the above being Subscriber’s Copy, No. 61. Art Sate CaraLocur. YeErKES Cottection. Catalogue de Luxe of — Ancient and Modern Paintings belonging to the Estate of Charles T’. Yerkes . . . Sold . . . at Mendelssohn Hall, New York. . . by the American Art Association. Photogravure plates. Royal 4to, cloth, uncut. ~ » New York, 1910 Special Limited Edition, on Japanese paper, No. 52 of 250 copies printed at the Riverside Press, Cambridge, Mass. ArT Sate Caratocur. Lampert Cottxcrion. LIlustrated Catalogue of the Valuable Paintings and Sculptures by the Old and Modern Masters forming the Famous Catholina Lambert Collection . . Sold, February 21st to 24th, 1916, under the Management of the American Art Association. Illustrations. 4to, wrappers, uncut. | New York, 1916 Subscriber’s Copy, No, 150. Edition limited to 600 copies. First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th 109. Arr Sanus Caranocuszs. Illustrated Catalogue of the Art Collection of Mr. David H. King, Jr. . . . at the American Art Galleries and Mendelssohn Hall, March 31st, 1905; Early English and Barbizon Paintings belonging to William H. Fuller . . . at Chickering Hall, February 25th, 1898; Catalogue of Valuable Paintings collected by the late F. O. Matthiessen, of this City, to be sold . . . at Mendels- sohn Hall, April 1st and 2nd, 1902; Illustrated Catalogue of Old and Modern Paintings by the Great Masters . . . of Mr. John Anderson, Jr. . . . at the Hotel Plaza, April 6th, 1916. Hzten- swely illustrated with full-page plates. Together, 4 vols. 4to to small folio, vellum and wrappers, uncut. New York, 1898-1916 The first three are Limited Editions. 110. Arr Sates Caratoauss. Illustrated Catalogue of Oil and Water Color Paintings . . . of the late James 8. Inglis . . . at the American Art Galleries and at Mendelssohn Hall, March 9th and 10th, 1910; De Luxe Catalogue of Notable Paintings . . . consigned by Mr. T. J. Blakeslee . . . at Mendelssohn Hall, April 9th and 10th, 1908; Illustrated Catalogue of Modern Paintings . . . formed by the late Frederick S. Gibbs . . . at Mendelssohn Hall, February 24th . . . 1904; Catalogue of Modern Paintings and Sculpture collected by the late J. W. Kauffman of St. Louis . . . at Mendels- sohn Hall, February 3rd, 1905. Hatensively illustrated with full- page illustrations. ‘Together, 4 vols. 8vo to small folio, vellum and wrappers, some uncut. New York, 1904-1910 LIMITED EDITIONS, SUBSCRIBERS’ COPIES. 111. Arr Sanes Caranocurs. Catalogue of Paintings and Water Colors, Col- lection of the Holland Art Galleries. 1897; Valuable Paintings, Sculpture, and Grand Clock, selected from the Powers Art Gallery Collection. 1889; Illustrated Catalogue of the Private Collection of Valuable Modern Paintings belonging to Mr. George N. Tyner. 1901; Illustrated Catalogue of Paintings, Pastels and Water Colors collected by the late David C. Lyall. 1903. and others. Sold mostly at the American Art Galleries. Some illustrations. 'To- gether, 44 vols. various sizes, wrappers and cloth. New York, various dates 112. Aston (Joun, Editor). The Voiage and Travayle of Sir John Maundeville, Knight. Royal 8vo, half vellum and boards, uncut. London, 1887 LARGE Paper copy. Number 19 of 100 printed. 113. [Astern (Mary).] An Essay In Defence of the Female Sex. In which are inserted the Characters of a Pedant, a Beau, a Vertuoso, etc. Written by A Lady. With frontispiece, “The Compleat Beau.” 12mo, contemporary English red morocco, gilt, gilt edges, a little worn, old name on title page. London: A Roper, at the Black Boy, 1696 Frest Eprrron, and one of the copies on THICK PAPER. By the author of the famous “Serious Proposal to Ladies” (1694). First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th py ae a ee Sl ca ae te a ce a, 114. [Asrert (Mary).] An Essay In Defence of the Female Sex. In which are inferred the Characters of A Pedant; A Squire; A Beau; A City- Critick, etc. Frontispiece, “The Complete Beau.” Fresv Eprrron, 12mo, original calf, somewhat worn, rebacked. London . . . at the Peacock, in Fleetstreet, 1696 This Essay is said to have been occasioned by the disappointment the authoress experienced in her marriage contract. 115. Assoctation Copy. Blane (Louis). Le Centenaire de Jean-Jacques Rousseau célébré 4 Paris. 12mo, original wrappers. Paris, 1878 AUTOGRAPH PRESENTATION copy from Louis Blanc, with inscription,—“a Mr. Huntington son ami Louis Blanc.” 116. Assocration Copy. Hull (Thomas). Henry the Second; or, the Fall of Rosamond. Engraved title. 8vo, old calf, repaired. London, 1775 PRESENTATION COPY With inscription to Mrs. Wiggin —“A slight Tribute of Gratitude & Friendship to Mrs. Wiggin,—T. H.”; also Prologue in the author’s autograph on fly-leaf, and silhouette ‘portrait pasted on inside of front cover. The beautiful Mrs. Hartley, frequently painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds appeared as “Rosamund” in this play. 117. Association Copy. Veron (Pierre). Le Carnaval du Dictionnaire. With full-page illustrations. 12mo, leather back and boards. Paris, 1874 AUTOGRAPH PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR to the Director of the ‘‘National.” 118. Association Copy. Wells (H. G.). La Machine a explorer le Temps. 12mo, wrappers, uncut, repaired. Paris, undated. Inscribed on fly-leaf—“Lewis Hind with affection from H. G. Wells.” Another name also on this sheet. 119. AupsLEY (GroRGE AsirpowN). The Ornamental Arts of Japan. With 100 full-page plates, MANY OF WHICH ARE BEAUTIFULLY PRINTED IN COLORS, SOME HEIGHTENED WITH GOLD. 2 vols. folio, half red morocco, gilt backs and edges. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1883-1884 A SUMPTUOUS PUBLICATION. BEAUTIFUL copy. Number 176 of an edition of 500 copies printed for American Subscribers. Signed by the author,— “G. A. Audsley.” : The plates include illustrations of drawings, lacquer-work, metal-work, embroidery, textile-fabrics, industrial-work, cloisonné, carvings, heraldic designs, ete. 120. AUSTEN (JANE). The Writings of Jane Austen. Edited by Reginald Brimley Johnson. With illustrations on Japanese vellum paper. 10 vols. 8vo, buckram, gilt, uncut. London, 1892 J. M. Dent’s finely produced edition on LarGE PAPER, number nineteen of 100 copies printed for England. A set of the first issue, with facsimile ex-libris to that effect. Contents,—Emma ; Persuasion; Sense and Sensibility ; Mansfield Park; Northanger Abbey. First Session, T'uesday Afternoon, March 11th 121. Bacon (Sir Francis). Francisci de Verulamio Summi Angliae Can- cellarii Instauratio Magna (i. e. Novum Organum, sive Indicia vera de Interpretatione Naturae.) With engraved title-page of a ship under full sail, between two pillars, by 8. Pass. Folio, old, probably original calf, rebacked with brown morocco, small portion of upper (blank) margin of title-page restored. Londini: Apud Joannem Billium, Anno 1620 First EDITION OF ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT OF Sir FRANCIS BACON’s WORKS. LARGE PAPER copy (measuring 12% x 8% inches), AND OF THE GREATEST RARITY, but few copies known. The engraved title-page is of interest to Bacon-Shakespeare students from the references to the Novum and ships in Love’s Labours Lost, Act V. se. 2. It is divided into two books, and annexed to these the “Parasceve,” which is considered the beginning of the third part of the “Instauratio,” the Natural History proper, and which the author calls “Parasceve ad historiam Naturalem et experimentalem,” together with a “Catalogus historiarum particularium secundem capita.” 122. Bacon (Sir Francis). A Collection of some Principal Rules and Max- imes of the Common Lawes of England, Also, The Use of the Law. Provided for Preservation of Our Persons, Goods, and Good Names. 2 vols. in one, small 4to, half calf. London, 1639-1639 123. Bacon (Sir Francois). Letters of Sr. Francis Bacon. Small 4to, original calf, joints repaired. London, 1702 FIRST COLLECTED EDITION. Collected and edited by R. Stephens. Pre- sentation copy from the editor, with inscription in his hand on title-page. 124. Bacon (Sir Francis). Letters, Speeches, Charges, Advices etc. of Francis Bacon. Now first published by Thomas Birch. 8vo, calf, worn, name on title. London, 1763 Much of the material in the above volume is here first published. 125. Batzac (Honoré dE). The Novels of Balzac. Translated by Clara Bell, Ellen Marriage, James Waring and others. With a Preface by George Saintsbury. Htchings and photogravures on Japanese paper. 35 vols. 8vo, cloth, leather labels, contents lettered on backs, gilt tops, uncut, two labels very slightly damaged. Philadelphia: The Gebbie Publishing Company, 1897-1899 LIBRARY EDITION. Comprises,— Modeste Mignon; The Country Parson; The Thirteen; The Seamy Side of History; A Woman of Thirty; A Prince of Bohemia; Father Goriot; The Celibates; Droll Stories. 2 vols.; The Peasantry; and others. 126. BatzAc (Honoré DE). Une Ténébreuse Affaire. Illustrée et 28 com- positions par Frangots Schommer, gravées au burin et a lV eau-forte par Leon Boisson. 8vo, illustrated wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1909 Number 13 of 75 copies printed throughout on JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER. The plates are in three states, unfinished remarque, finished remarque, and in the text. First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th 127%. BarontaL Harts. Hall (S. C.). The Baronial Halls, and Ancient Pic- turesque Edifices of England. Illustrated with 71 full-page tinted plates, and numerous engravings on wood throughout text, from drawings by J. D. Harding, G. Cattermole, S. Prout, W. Miiller, J. Holland, and other eminent artists; executed in colored lithotints by Day and Son and Hanhart. 2 vols. folio, full green morocco, gilt panelled backs, heavy gilt borders on sides, gilt edges, margins of some of the plates slightly spotted. London: Willis and Sotheran, 1858 LARGE PAPER. 128. BarontaL Harts or Encuanp. The Baronial Halls and Ancient Pic- turesque Edifices of England. From drawings by J. D. Harding, G. Cattermole, S. Prout, W. Miiller, J. Holland, and other Eminent Artists. Many fine full-page plates executed in Color lithotints, and « numerous engravings on wood. The text by 8. C. Hall. 2 vols. folio, half morocco, gilt edges. London: Henry Sotheran & Co., 1881 129. Barritert (W. H.). A Collected Series of Bartlett’s Illustrated Books on Jerusalem, the Nile and Sicily. Hach volume illustrated with steel engravings and maps. Together, 8 vols. royal 8vo, tree calf, gilt backs and edges, leather labels. London: Hall, Virtue & Co. A fine series of these works, uniformly bound. Comprises—— Walks About the City and Environs of Jerusalem [Second Edition] Undated Forty Days in the Desert. Fifth Edition. Undated The Nile Boat. Second Edition, 1850 Gleanings, Pictorial and Antiquarian, of the Overland Route. 1851 Footsteps of Our Lord and his Apostles. Third Edition. 1852 The Pilgrim Fathers. First Epirion. 1853 Pictures from Sicily. New Edition. 1859 Jerusalem Revisited. First Epirion. 1855 130. Bayte (Monsreur).. The Travels and Adventures of James Massey. With frontispiece. 12mo, full mottled calf, gilt, gilt edges, By RIVIERE. London, 1743 Seconp and best edition of this entertaining work, “In which are inserted the Passages omitted in the First Edition.” 131. Beaumont (Ep. pp). L’épée et les Femmes. Full-page illustrations by Meissonier. Imperial 8vo, brown morocco, gilt back and top, un- cut. Paris, 1881 Edition limited to 500 copies. 132. Beaumont (Francis) AND FLETcHER (JoHNn). Comedies and Trag- edies. Written by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher, Gentle- men. Never printed before. And now published by the Authours Originall Copies. Engraved portratt of Fletcher by Marshall. Folio, [Continued First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th [No. 132—Continued | | half calf. Portrait cut into at bottom, name on title, and slight defects in the dedicatory leaves, portion of one leaf missing, stained. Not returnable. London: Printed for Humphrey Robinson, 1647 FIRST COLLECTED EDITION. The portrait is in THE FIRST STATE, the words vates duplea, thus printed, in the second state they are printed Vates Duplex. 133. Beaumont (Francis) AND FLercHer (JoHN). The Wild-Goose Chase. A Comedie. As it hath been Acted with singular Applause at the Black-Friers: Being the Noble, Last, and Onely Remains of those Incomparable Drammatists, Francis Beavmont and John Fletcher, Gent. Retriv’d for the publick delight of all the Ingenious; and private benefit of John Lowin, and Joseph Taylor, Servants to His late Majestie. By a Person of Honour. Folio, newly bound in three quarter dark brown morocco, gilt, gilt top. Very tiny hole, affecting a letter “S’ (lower portion only), on Ci, skilfully filled in. London: Printed for Humphrey Moseley . . . 1652 First ISSUE OF THE First Epition, with signature A(verso) reading, — ‘On Mr. Fletchers excellent Play, The Wiip-Goosr CHASE.” LARGE AND FINE Copy, measuring 12% x 81% inches. Collation A, 2 leaves; a, 2 leaves; B-P, 2 leaves each. “Dedicated by Lowin and Taylor in a bipartite epistle (i) ‘To the Honour’d Few, Lovers of Dramatick Poesie,’ who are addressed as Noble Spirits, and (ii) to the general public, who are designated Generous Soules. The play was published, during the suspension of theatrical performances, for the benefit of the two principal actors at the Blackfriars. This is the play to which there is the following curious reference in the book- seller’s Preface to the folio of 1647: ‘One only Play I must except (for I meane to deale openly); ’tis a Comedy called the Wild-Goose Chase, which hath beene long lost, and I feare irrecoverable; for a Person of Quality borrowed it from the actors many yeares since, and (by the negligence of a servant) it was never return’d.’ This ‘person of quality’ may have been the ‘Person of Honour’. mentioned in the title above given.’ ”*—HvUTH CATALOGUE. [See Reproduction of Title-page |] 134. Beaumont (Francis) AND FretcHer (Jonun). The Dramatick Works of Beaumont and Fletcher; Collated with all the Former Editions, and Corrected, with Notes, critical and explanatory. With por- traits of both authors, and 54 full-page scenes from the plays. 10 vols. 8vo, old tree calf, gilt. London, 1778 FINE ser in a contemporary binding of a good library edition of the writings of these great dramatists. 135. Beaumont (Francis) anp Fretcuer (JoHn). The Works of Beau- mont and Fletcher. The text formed from a new collation of the early editions. With Notes and a Biographical Memoir, by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. Engraved portrait of each author. 11 vols. 8vo, tree calf, polished, gilt backs and edges, contents lettered, By MANSELL. London: Edward Moxon, 1843-1846 The best library edition. fied a lela Wild-Goofe Chafe. A | COMEDIE. As it hath been A&ed with fingular Applaufe at the Black-Friers : Being the Noble, Laft, and Onely Remaines of thofe Incomparable Drammatifts, FRANCIS BEAUMONT, ) -Gat | AND (FOHN FLETCHER, Retriv'd for the publick delight of all the Ingenious ; And private Benefit FOHN LOW IN, oF} And re = to His late josePH TArtor, \MAJESTIE Bya Perfon of Honour. Ite bonis avibus ——__ LONDON, Printed for Humpberey Mofeley, and are to be fold at the Princes Armes in St. Paules Church-yard, 1652. Reduced facsimile of title-page [No. 183] First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th 136. Beckrorp (Wi1Li1am——Author of “Vathek’”’). Recollections of the late William Beckford. 12mo, cloth. [No place] 1893 Written by Charlotte Lansdown, and limited to 160 copies printed for private circulation only. 137. Bepe (THE VENERABLE). The History of the Chvrch of Englande. Compiled by Venerable Bede, Englishman. Translated out of Latin in to English by Thomas Stapleton, Student in Diuinite. Printer’s device on title-page, and royal arms of England, within ornamental borders on verso of title-page. ‘Thick small 4to, old, probably origi- nal calf. Tiny hole affecting a word or two on D2. Imprinted at Antwerp by Iohn Laet at the signe of the Rape, 1565 With the exception of the trifling defect above mentioned, a large and fine copy OF THE First EpDITION oF BEDE’s HISToRY IN ENGLISH. The translator, one of the most learned Roman Catholics of his time, would not acknowledge the spiritual supremacy of Elizabeth, and subsequently joined the newly founded English College in the University of Douzy. 138. BecBie (Haroutp). The Struwwelpeter Alphabet. With numerous 4l- lustrations in color by F. C. Gould. Royal 8vo, boards. London, 1900 The figure on the front cover is the Ex-Kaiser William II; in one hand, holding the German flag; in the other, a stein full of beer. Contains many caricature portraits of other well-known characters. 139. BEHNn (Mrs. ApHra). The Plays, Histories, and Novels of the Ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn, with Life and Memoirs. Portrait. 6 vols. 8vo, half morocco, lettered on backs, gilt tops, uncut, BY MATTHEWS. London: John Pearson, 1871 LARGE PAPER Cory, only a very limited number issued. THE COMPLETE ISSUE of these highly facetious plays. Printed on Whatman paper. 140. Betatum 1N 1822. [Manners (Lady Elizabeth).] A Tour through part of Belgium and the Rhenish Provinces. With 13 full-page illus- trations. 4to, full contemporary calf, gilt. London | Privately printed], 1822 The plates include,—Bonn and Remagen; Godesberg; The Castles of Nassau and Stein; Banks of the Meuse, and others. 141. Bennett (CuHartEes). The Book of Blockheads. With title-page in COLORS, and numerous plates in coors. First Epirion. 8vo, original blue cloth, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1863 142. Bennett (CHartEs). The Sorrowful Ending of Noodledoo, with the Fortunes and Fates of her Neighbours and Friends. With illus- trations IN cotor. First Eprrion. 8vo, original maroon cloth, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1865 OfS. Matheve. Chap.xiife x é > y < NAN N X ND \ NS SSS NS = this. Chet the feruauntes fapde buto bpm: vpit thou ther that we go and wede them outy But he fapde, nay, lek while pe Go about Co wede out the tares, ye plucke bp allo W then the wmbheare by the rootes:let both growe together tpl hars netkcome,and intyme of haruett; Jwypltfape to the repers, gather pe fpaft the tares,zbpnd themin heures tobe brent: but gather the wheate tito mp barne, Another parable he put forty wuto them, fapinge : The Martech kyngdomme of heaucn ts lpbe bnto a grapne of muflard feed, Lob pche aman taketh and folweth tn his feilde, whiche ts the iccft of allicedes. Gut when itis growen, trig the greatett among perbes, and tts a tree,fo that the bpades of theapre cone and buplde tn the bgaunches of it. | Another limilitudefapd he to them, Che kyngedome of ¢ heauenisipke onto leucn whiche awomantakerh and by> — Deth t.wy.peckes of meale,tpllall beleucned, 9arbe, tty. 02 Bll thele thpnges (pake Pelus puto the people by fina tudes, and voithoutlimiitcudes fpase he nothpnge to thei, to fulfpli that which mas fpoken by the Weophet, faying:F bopll openmy muuch in finilitudes, and wpll (peake forthe thpnges whtch haue bea bepte fecrete fromthe begpunpug Valley ofthe nozlde, | C.tlip, Chen THE NEW TESTAMENT—1553 Tindale’s Version of Jugge’s Revision Facsimile of Inverted Woodcut [No. 144] First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th 143. Bentzon (Tu.). Jacqueline. Illustré par Albert Lynch. With many full-page plates on India paper. Royal 4to, full green crushed levant morocco, sides decorated with a geometric panel of inter- laced lines with corner onlays; back panels with onlay and fleur-de- lis decoration in gilt; wide inside border with similar decoration, and doublure of crimson morocco with gilt border, crimson watered silk fly-leaves, gilt top, uncut, BY TROW. Paris: Boussod, Valadon et Cie, 1893 144. Brstz. The newe Testament | of oure Sauiour Jesus Christe. Fayth- fully transla- | ted oute of the Greke. | With the notes and ex- positions of the darke plac- | ces therein. | Matthew xiiif. | Vnio, quem praecepit emi seruator Iesus. | Hic situs est, debet non aliunde peti. | The Pearle which Christ comaunded to be boughte | Ishere to be founde, not elles to be sought. | Title-page in black and red, and with numerous fine wooncuts, and initial letters. Thick small 4to, full citron crushed levant morocco, gilt and blind tooled, gilt edges, BY LLoyD. Several marginal annotations in a contemporary hand. [Colophon.]| Imprinted at London by Rycharde Jugge, dwell- inge at the North dore of Paules, at the signe of the Byble [1553 | The title-page and the two final leaves are in facsimile, with this ex- ception a FINE COPY OF THIS MOST RARE WORK. It is Tindale’s version, Jugge’s revision, and is the second quarto edi- tion of Jugge’s revision, the first having been issued the previous year (1552). The date is not printed in the volume, but it is generally be- lieved to be 1553, the first year of the Almanack. “It is undoubtedly subsequent to August 1552, since the Table at the end allows for only one Communion on Easter Day.” THE PRESENT COPY IS PROBABLY UNIQUE, CONTAINING AS IT DOES A CURI- OUS PRINTER’S BLUNDER AT MATTHEW XI. where the large woodcut repre- senting Christ upbraiding Capernaum, IS INVERTED. A very interesting feature about this edition is, that in one of the woodcuts (that of the parable of the Sower (Ciiii) THE DEVIL IS REPRE- SENTED AS HAVING A WOODEN LEG. The title-page contains a portrait of King Edward VI. [See Reproduction of Woodcut| 145. Bretz. The Bible: translated according to the Ebrew. Wath twtle-pages to both Old and New Testaments within ornamental borders, and the separate title-page to the Concordance. Thick small 4to, original ealf, rebacked. London: Robert Barker, 1611 Perfect copy of the “Breeches” Bible. 146. Brstz. The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New. With separate title-pages to both old and new testaments, and the engraved pages, A2-H(2) of genealogies recorded in the sacred scrip- tures. Small 4to, unbound. London: Printed by Robert Barker, 1634 One of several editions printed by Barker during 1684, all of which are fully described by Darlow and Moule. The above copy lacks a leaf at the end of Psalms, otherwise is apparently perfect. It is, however, sold with all faults. First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th i er ee 147. Brstz. The Third Part of the Bible: (After some division.) Contain- ing Five . . . Books . . . As they are part of the Bible newly translated. 24mo, old red morocco, richly decorated on back and sides, gilt edges. Edinburgh: E. Tyler, 1642 FINE copy. ALL EVER ISSUED. “Editions of this little volume containing Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Hcclesiastes, and Song of Solomon, were published by Barker in 1816,” ete. Darlow and Moule, vol. 1, page 197. 148. BistzE. The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments: Newly Translated out of the Original Tongues: And with the For- mer Translations Diligently Compared and Revised, By his Ma- jesty’s Special Command. 4to, contemporary sheep. London: Printed by Mark Baskett . . . and by the Assigns of Robert Baskett, 1766 Bound in at the end is the separately printed “Index to the Bible, and The Whole Book of Psalms, collected in English Metre, by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others.” London: Printed by Richard Hett, Jun. for the Company of Stationers, 1761. 149. BrpuiograpHy. Privately Printed Catalogue of the Robert Hoe Library. Catalogue of Books by English Authors who lived before the Year 1700, forming part of the library of Robert Hoe. Illustrations. 5 vols. 1903-1905; A Catalogue of Books in English later than 1700. 3 vols. 1909. The last volume printed on Japanese vellum; A Cata- logue of Books printed in Foreign Languages before the Year 1600. ® vols. 1907. Printed on Japanese vellum; Catalogue of Books in Foreign Languages published after the Year 1600. 4 vols. 1909 ; Catalogue of Book of Emblems. 1908; A Catalogue of Manuscripts. 1908. Printed on Japanese vellum. ‘Together, 16 vols. 8vo and 4to, vellum, wrappers, uncut and partly unopened. New York: Privately Printed, 1903-1909 Edition limited to 100 copies. 150. Brptiomania. Tredwell (Daniel M.). A Monograph on Privately Il- lustrated Books, a Plea for Bibliomania. Thick imperial 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt back and top, uncut, BY STIKEMAN. : Flatbush, Long Island, Privately Printed, 1892 LARGE Paper.’ No. 5 of 25 copies printed on Whatman paper. 151. BipuiopHite Socrery. André (Major John). Andrés Journal. An Authentic Record of the Movements and Engagements of the British Army in America, from June, 1777 to November, 1778, as recorded from day to day by Major John André. Edited by Henry Cabot Lodge. Titles engraved by E. D. French, one illuminated in colors, portrait of Major André on Japanese paper, and 44 facsimile repro- ductions of maps and plans drawn by Major André during the American Revolution. 2 vols. royal 8vo, vellum, the André coat-of- arms in gilt on front covers, uncut, enclosed in board slip-cases. Boston, 1903 Edition limited to 467 copies on handmade paper. One of the most valuable of the Society’s publications. : First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th 152. BIBLIOPHILE SociETyY Puptications. Horace. The Odes and Epodes of Horace. Latin text edited by Clement L. Smith. With versions, paraphrases, and explanatory notes, by eminent scholars, statesmen, and poets. Introduction by Archbishop Ireland. 7 vols. in 9 vols.; [Atso] A Thousand Horatian Quotations. With Appreciations (Testimonia) of Horace in Ancient Writers. Selected and Classified by Henry A. Metcalf. One vol. Portraits and plates in two states, one on Japanese paper, and one on plate paper, numerous vignettes, facsimiles of early title pages, etc. Together, 10 vols. square 8vo, half vellum, uncut. Boston, 1901-1904 Edition limited to 467 copies, this being No. 388. 153. BIBLIOPHILE Sociery. Portrait of Abraham Lincoln, half-length, by W. H. W. Bicknell. ON VELLUM. PROOF AUTOGRAPHED BY THE EN- GRAVER, also scratched plate of the same. In board portfolio, as issued. Private plates, issued exclusively to Members of the Biblio- phile Society, Boston. 154. Binning. Collections of some Short Sentences out of the holy Scrip- tures, vpon Diuers Subiects. Manuscript of about one hundred and fifty pages, written throughout in the very neat hand of JoycE CoLLeET, probably of the family of the celebrated Dean of St. Paul’s. Small 8vo, contemporary English brown morocco, sides and back covered with elaborate floral and other ornamentation, with initials in centre of both covers, I. C. (Joyce Collet), gilt edges, ties miss- ing. Manuscript dated, 1635 In 1624 Nicholas Ferrar, who had been closely connected with the Virginia Company, seeing the evidences of the coming struggle between Charles I. and parliament, retired to Little Gidding in Huntingdonshire, with his brother John, his brother-in-law John Collet, and their families and there established the “Arminian Nunnery,” and entertained an in- genious bookbinder who taught the family, females as well as males, the whole art and skill of bookbinding. ‘Mary Collet, a niece of Nicholas Ferrar, was one of those instructed, and was one of the most proficient of these “Nuns oF LITTLE GIDDING,” as specimens from their bindery are now designated, and which are among those highly prized by bibliophiles. In addition to binding in the familiar embroidered manner, she bound volumes “all wrought in gold, in a new and elegant fashion.” We ven- ture the opinion that the above manuscript was written by her sister, and the volume bound By Mary CoLtet. 155. Binpine. La Bible, qvi est Toute la Saincte Escritvre dv Vieil et dv Novveav Testament. With finely engraved title-page, the whole work ruled in red. 2 vols. 12mo, red morocco, elaborately gold tooled sides, and backs, gilt edges, binding somewhat worn Paris, 1652 First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th 156. Binpinc. The Holy Bible; containing the Bookes of the Old and New Testament. Laxtensively illustrated with fine double-page copper- plates, and ruled throughout in red ink. 3 vols. thick large folio, CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH RED MOROCCO, most elaborately tooled on back and sides, with 5 large inlays of green leather and 2 of brown leather on both covers of each volume, gilt edges, joints repaired and somewhat rubbed. Cambridge, 1660 Magnificent specimen of contemporary binding, without question exe- cuted by a master-binder. THE QUALITY OF THE WORKMANSHIP IS SUCH AS TO SUGGEST THAT IT WAS EXECUTED BY SAMUEL MEARNE. 157. Brnpine. Gallesio (Georges). Traité du Citrus. Large folding plate. 8vo, full contemporary brown morocco, elaborately gold and blind tooled, gilt edges, BY THOUVENIN. Paris, 1811 A BEAUTIFUL SPECIMEN of the work of the great French binder, signed on the back. “E. Conyngham, 1825, Given her by Lord Bristol,’ on the half-title. ‘ 158. Brnpixe. Rendiconto delle tornate Dell’Accademia Pontaniana . . . 1858. With illustrations. 8vo, full crimson morocco, richly gilt, the arms of Ferdinand, King of N aples within elaborate borders im- - pressed on both covers, gilt edges. - Napoli, 1858 A very attractive specimen of Italian binding of the period, in excellent — condition. 159. Birps. Jennings (James). Ornithologia, or the Birds: a Poem in Two Parts. With an Introduction to their Natural History. 2 vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt. London, 1829 One volume extended to two, and EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 179 portraits and plates of birds, many of which are in color. 160. BookBinpINGs. One Hundred and Seventy-Six Historie and Artistic Book-Bindings dating from the Fifteenth Century to the Present Time. Pictured by Etchings, Artotypes, and Lithographs after the Originals selected from the Library of Mr. Hoe. Illustrated with 183 full-page plates. 2 vols. 4to, loose leaves, unbound. New York, 1895 ,This edition printed on JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER is limited to 200 copies. 161. Booxpiates. A List of Book-Plates engraved on Copper, by Mr. Edwin: Davis French. Portrait of Mr. French and facsimiles. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Cleveland, Ohio, 1899 Written by Paul Lemperley, with his bookplate in centre of title-page. No. 11 of 120 copies privately printed. Autograph presentation copy from the compiler to the celebrated col- lector of bookplates, Julian Marshall, with inscription. Laid in is the original typewritten letter, signed, from Mr. Lemperley to Mr. Marshall in which he states that “ . . . Money will not buy it.” [The volume above catalogued.] Also laid in is the original prospectus, issued by Mr. Lemperley. First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, Match 11th 162. Bookpiates. Lowell (John, Jr.—Founder of the Lowell Institute, Bos- ton). Armorial, Chippendale, signed, Annin and Smith, also an- other plate of the same, later impression, both with signature of F. G. Lowell, father of John. Allen, 521; Freperic McFaruan, of Pennsylvania. Armorial. Allen, 536; Fras. McoFarnanp. Ar- morial; Str Francis Fust, of Hill Court, Co. of Gloucester. Ja- cobean Armorial, with large shield having 40 quarterings; and 2 copies of the smaller plate. Hamilton, page 48, Warren, page 64. Together, 7 pieces. Interesting collection. The Fust (large) plate is a very celebrated and handsome plate. 163. Booxs Asout Books. Histoire de l’Origine et des Premiers Progres de PImprimerie. With finely engraved frontismece, by J. V. Schley. 4to, original calf. ala Haye, 1740 This important work presents many details regarding the early printers, with bibliographical notes regarding the books printed by them. 164. Books Asout Books. Laire (Francisci Zaver). Specimen Historicum Typographiae Romanae. Vignette on title. 8vo, vellum. Romae, 1778 An important and interesting volume, containing valuable notes, Part two of which is the /ndex Librorum. 165. Booxs Asout Books. Bibhotheca Sussexina. A Descriptive Catalogue accompanied by Historical and Biographical Notices of the Manu- scripts and Printed Books contained in the Library of his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex. By Thomas J. Pettigrew. Portraits and woodcuts. 3 vols. imperial 8vo, half roan and boards, uncut. London, 1827 LARGE PAPER copy. A valuable reference book for the bibliographer, the notes, especially about old Bibles being of great value. 166. Booxs Azout Booxs. Histoire de l’Invention de l’Imprimerie par les monuments. With portraits of Gutenberg, one of which is beauti- fully ILLUMINATED IN GOLD AND coLors, also folding facsimiles of pages printed by him, and other illustrations. Royal 4to, original boards. Paris, 1840 A bibliographical work seldom offered for sale. Presentation copy from the author, with inscription in his autograph on the half-title. 167. Booxs Aznout Booxs. Blades (William). A List of Medals, Jettons, Tokens, &c. in connection with Printers and the Art of Printing. Numerous reproductions on India paper. 12mo, original cloth. London, 1869 The author’s fifth work, of which only 25 were printed, and extremely searce. Presentation copy, with inscription in Blade’s autograph,—‘‘John Stirling Taylor Esq. with the kind regards of The Author. May, 1869.” First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th 168. Books Asour Booxs. Dante. Illustrations and Notes. With illustra- tions, the frontispiece on Japanese vellum paper. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top. Edinburgh: Privately printed, 1890 Written by P. A. Traquair and John S. Black. Contains a short bibliog- raphy of the Divina Commedia, and alphabetical catalogue of authors whom he is known to have used. 169. Booxs Asout Booxs. Pollard (Alfred W.). Early Illustrated Books. A History of the Decoration and Illustration of Books in the 15th and 16th Centuries. Illustrated. 8vo, half parchment and cloth. Books about Books series, Large Paper edition. London, 1893; Hor (Rosgrr). Catalogue of Books of Emblems. 8vo, half parch- ment and boards. New York, Privately printed, 1908. Together, 2 vols. London and New York, 1893-1908 170. Booxs Anout Books. Bierstadt (O. A.). The Library of Robert Hoe. A Contribution to the History of Bibliophilism in America. Wath 110 dlustrations, taken from manuscripts and books in the collec- tion. S8vo, full sage green levant morocco, back and sides with ornate borders etc. in the manner of Derome, doublures with same colored levant, with smaller borders, red watered silk linings, gilt edges, in open faced case, with protecting cover, morocco back, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. New York, 1895 One of 350 copies printed throughout on JAPANESE VELLUM PAPER. A BEAUTIFUL EXAMPLE OF BOOKBINDING. 171. Booxs Anour Books. Bierstadt (O. A.). Another copy of the pre- ceding. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Cover rubbed. New York, 1895 One of 350 copies printed throughout on Japanese vellum paper. Lacks the portrait of Robert Hoe. 172. Books Asout Booxs. Wright (John). Early Prayer Books of America . . Published in the United States, Mexico and Canada. Fac- similes. 8vo, half leather, gilt top. St. Paul: Privately printed, 1896 173. Booxs Anour Booxs. Matthews (Brander). Bookbindings, Old and New. Notes of a Book-lover, with an Account of the Grolier Club, New York. With illustrations. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. London: George Bell, 1896 One of 75 copies printed on Japanese vellum paper, of which this is number 33. 174. Booxs Azsour Booxs. Ford (Paul Leicester). The New England Primer. A History of its Origin and Development. Facsimiles. Square 8vo, half Russia and boards, uncut. New York, 1897 Number 4 of 425 copies printed on American hand-made paper. First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th 175. BorpEN Cortiection. Old and Modern Masters in the Collection of M. C. D. Borden. Catalogued by Wilhelm R. Valentiner and Au- gust F. Jaccaci. With full-page illustrations, some wm colors, re- produced from the original paintings with thew frames. 2 vols. folio, red morocco, fillet backs and sides, gilt tops, uncut, crimson watered silk, doublures and end-papers, in cloth slip-case. New York: Privately Printed, 1911 Only 100 copies printed. 176. BorpEN Cotitection. A Catalogue of the Printed Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters, etc. collected by Matthew C. D. Borden. Frontts- pieces. 2 vols. 4to, half claret levant morocco, gilt backs and edges, in cloth slip-case, BY STIKEMAN. : New York: Privately Printed, 1910 Number 15 of an edition of 50 copies privately printed. 177%. BoranicaAt MAGAZINE, WITH COLORED PLATES. Paxton’s Magazine of Botany, and Register of Flowering Plants. Vols. 1 to 16, inclusive. Illustrated with numerous fine colored plates and text wllustrations. 16 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges. London: Published by W. S. Orr & Co., 1841-1849 Interiorly sound and clean, bindings slightly rubbed; apparently per- fect, though like all magazines, sold not subject to return. 178. [BrinKLow or BrinkeLow (HeEnry).| The complaint of Roderyck Mors | sometime a gray-Fryre | vnto the parlament house of Ing- land hys naturall countrey: For the redresse of certeyn wycked lawes, euell custumes & cruell decrees. A table wherof thou shalt fynde in the next leafe. Quotation from Psalm liiii. Small 8vo, full calf, gilt, gilt edges, BY BEDFORD. Imprynted at Geneue in Sauoye by Myghell boys, circa, 1545 Collation A-H in eights. First EDITION AND EXTREMELY RARE. It is printed throughout in Biack LetrTer, and is one of the earliest works in English on Social Reform. ; The author, a satirist, began life as a Franciscan, or Grey Friar, but left the order, married, and became a citizen and mercer of London. The above work, WIS FIRST, was republished under the editorship of J. Meadows Cowper, in the Early English Text Society. “Tt deals with wrongs done the people by enclosures, with the advance in rents, and with legal oppression; it recommends the confiscation of the property of bishops and deans of chantries and the like, and, after allowing one-tenth to the crown, points out various social objects to which the remainder should be devoted.’-—DicTIONARY OF NATIONAL BrI0G- RAPHY. From the Henry Huth collection, with booklabel. 179. BrownineG (Evizaseru Barrett). A Drama of Exile: and other Poems. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth, slightly worn. New York: Henry G. Langley, 1845 This collected edition, as stated by the authoress in her “Preface to the American Edition,” of 6 pages, and which does not appear else- [Continued First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th [ No. 179—Continued ] where “ . . . precedes the English one by a step,—suspended, however, for a moment, that, by a cordial figure I may kiss the soil of America, and address my thanks to these sons of the soil,” ete. This Preface is dated, London, 1844. Apparently the intention to have the American issue precede the English issue did not materialize as the English actually was issued with the date, 1844. We 180. Brownine (Exizapreru Barrer). Letters of Mrs. Browning addressed to Richard Hengist Horne. With Comments on Contemporaries. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1877 First Epition of the first collected edition of Mrs. Browning’s letters, many of which are here first published. 181. Brownine (ExizanerH Barrerr). Poetical Works. Hngraved portrait. 5 vols. 12mo, tree calf, polished, gilt backs and edges, BY TOUT. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1880 182. BucHanan (Roper). The Fleshly School of Poetry, and other Phe- nomena of the Day. First Eprrion. 12mo, half crimson calf, original wrappers bound in, gilt edges. London, 1872 183. Butwer-Lyrron (Epwarp, Lorp). The Novels of Bulwer Lytton. Portrait. 26 vols. 8vo, half blue calf, polished, gilt backs, leather labels, gilt tops, uncut, contents lettered. London: Routledge and Sons, 1877-1878 I'rnE Liprary Epirion. Printed in clear and readable type. Com- prises,— Alice; The Caxtons, Devereux; Disowned; Ernest Maltravers ; Eugene Aram; Godolphin; Harold; Kenelm Chillingly ; Leila; Last Days of Pompeii; Last of the Barons; Lucretia ; My Novel; Night and Morning; Parisians; Paul Clifford; Pelham Rienzi; Strange Story; What Will He do with it?; Zanoni. Coming Race. A MOST DESIRABLE EDITION. . ’ 184. BuLwEr-Lytron (Epwarp, Lorp). The Novels and Romances of Bul- wer, With illustrations. 40 vols. 12mo, half dark-green morocco, rich gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, backs slightly discolored. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1892-1898 - LrprAkyY Epition. Complete set of the author’s Novels and Romances. Partial Contents,—The Caxtons. 2 vols.; Pelham, 2 vols. ; Disowned, 2 vols.; Paul Clifford, 2 vols.; Night and Morning, 2 vols. ; Kenelm Chillingly, 2 vols.; The Parisians, 2 yvols.; A Strange Story, 2 vols.; Rienzi, 2 vols.; Harold, 2 vols. ; Last of the Barons, 2 vols.; My Novel, 4 vols, ; What will he Do With It? 2 vols.; ete. 185. Bunyan (JoHN). The Pilgrim’s Progress from This World to That which is to Come. Portrait of the author, and cuts. 12mo, half cloth and boards (modern binding), somewhat thumbed. London: Printed by A. W. 1758 The Nine and Twentieth Edition, with additions and new cuts. First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th 186. BurGoYyNE (LIEUTENANT GENERAL JOHN). The Dramatic¢ and Poetical Works of the late Lieut. Gen. J. Burgoyne; to which is prefixed, Memoirs of the Author. Copperplate engravings. First Eprrion. 2 vols. 16mo, calf, cracked at hinges. London, 1808 18%. Burns (Ropert). The Life and Works of Robert Burns. Edited by Robert Chambers. 4 vols. 12mo, green calf, gilt backs, leather labels, marbled edges. Edinburgh, 1851 188. Burrovcus (JoHN). The Writings of John Burroughs. Htched por- trait and frontispreces, vignette etching on general titles, and rubri- cated title-pages. 19 vols. 12mo, blue crushed levant morocco, gilt backs, sides with triple fillet border enclosing a frame-design of fillets, acorns and leaves, doublure of crimson levant morocco with border of blue morocco and gilt fillets, crimson watered-silk end- leaves, gilt tops, uncut, contents lettered. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1895-1916 FINELY BOUND SET OF THE RIVERSIDE EpITION, limited to 1000 sets. The portrait of Burroughs in Vol. I. is autographed by him. Comprises,—Wake-Robin; Winter Sunshine; Birds and Poets; Locust and Wild Huney; Pepacon; Fresh Fields; Signs and Seasons ; Indoor Studies; Riverby; Whitman; The Light of Day; Literary Values; Far and Near; Ways of Nature; Leaf and Tendrill; Time and Change; The Summit of Years; The Breath of Life; Under the Apple Trees. 189. BurroucHs (JoHN) AND oTHERS. MHarriman Alaska Expedition. Alaska-Narrative, Glaciers, Natives, History, Geography, Resources. Numerous illustrations, some IN coLor. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1901 190. Burrovucus (J OHN ). Another copy of the preceding. 2 vols. 191. Burton (JoHn Hitz). The History of Scotland. 8 vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt backs and tops. New York, 1875 192. [Butter (Samvuet).] Hudibras. Written In the Time of the Late Wars. Corrected and Amended, With Several Additions and Anno- tations. With portrait of Butler and numerous full-page plates, one of which is folding. Thick 8vo, original calf, joints weak. London: Printed by J. M. for Geo. Sawbridge, 1709 An uncommon edition. The plates are unsigned and the artist does not appear to be known. They are entirely different from those of English artists of the period, and show decided foreign influence. 193. [Byron (GEorGE Gorpon, Lorp).]. English Bards, and Scotch Review- ers. A Satire. Each leaf inlaid to 4to. Bound in half green mo- TOCCO. London: James Cawthorn [1809] First Epirion. With the watermark “E & P. 1805,” on thick paper, and with the rare half-title. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of a number of engraved portraits, all inlaid to size, with text. Former owner’s name on title-page partly obliterated. First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th 194. Byron (Grorce Gorpon, Lorp). The Works of Lord Byron: compris- ing,—Letters and Journals of Lord Byron, with Notices of His Life, by Thomas Moore. Third Edition. With forty-four engrav- ings, by the Findens. 3 vols. 1833; The Poetical Works of Lord Byron. New Edition. Portrait. 6 vols. 1855-1856; Finden’s Illustrations of the Life and Works of Lord Byron. With Original and Selected Information on the subjects of the Engravings, by W. Brockedon. 3 vols. 1833-1834. Together, 12 vols. 8vo, uni- formly bound in half brown morocco, gilt backs and tops, some leaves uncut. London: John Murray, 1833-1856 195. Carne (T. Hatt). Cobwebs of Criticism. First Epirion. 8vo, origi- nal cloth, uncut. London, 1883 196. Carng (T. Hatt). The Deemster. A Romance. 3 vols. 12mo, original blue cloth, with advertisements. London, 1887 First Epition. Not an ex-library copy, with labels removed, but a copy without library labels, a very unusual feature. Considered by many to be Hall Caine’s masterpiece. ; 197. CatverT (FrEDERICK—sixth Lord Baltimore). Gaudia Poetica, Latina, Anglica, et Gallica, Lingua composita. Ao. 1769. With an ez- tenswe series of beautifully engraved plates. 4to, contemporary crimson morocco, gilt extra, gilt edges, binding somewhat rubbed. Augustae Augsburg, 1770 With the author’s death at Naples, September 14, 1771, the title of “Lord Baltimore” became extinct. In his will he bequeathed the Province OF MARYLAND, to Henry Harford, a child. “In 1769 he printed at Augsburg ten copies of a book entitled Gaudia Poetica Latina, Anglica, et Gallica Lingua composita. It forms a yolume — of 120 pages, BEAUTIFULLY PRINTED, AND RICHLY DECORATED WITH HEAD AND TAIL PIECES. It consists of a Latin poem translated into English and French, with some smaller pieces, and several letters which had passed between him and Linnaeus, to whom he had dedicated the volume. lLin- naeus had been so much flattered by the dedication that he refers to the book in extraordinary terms of eulogy, and designates it as an ‘im- mortal work.’ Baltimore also published Caelestes et Inferi, Venice, 1771, 4to.” 198. CampBripcE Cuassics. With a large number of illustrations, mainly on Japanese vellum paper. ‘Together, 20 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, uncut, paper labels. . Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1905-1906 Complete Set of the Large Paper Edition. Only 600 copies beautifully printed from large type. Generally considered to be the best editions of these classics. CONTENTS : The Iliad of Homer. Translated into Blank Verse, by William Cullen Bryant. 4 vols. The Odyssey of Homer. Translated into Blank Verse, by William Cullen Bryant. 4 vols. The Aeneid of Virgil. Translated in English, by Christopher Pearse Cranch. 2 vols. The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. 6 vols. Faust: A Tragedy. By Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe. Translated by Bayard Taylor. First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th 199. Canova (Antonio). The Works of Canova, in Sculpture and Model- ling. Engraved in outline by Henry Moses. With a Biographical Memoir by Count Cicognara, and Descriptive Notes. Portraits and plates. 4to, cloth, stucco binding, shaken. London: Chatto and Windus, 1876 200. Carapoc oF LHANCARVAN. The historie of Cambria, now called Wales: A part of the most famous Yland of Brytaine, written in the Bryt- ish language aboue two hundreth yeares past: translated into Eng- lish by H. Lhoyd Gentleman: Corrected, augmented, and continued out of Records and best approoued Authors, by David Powel, Doctor in diuinitie, Title printed within a most elaborate woodcut border, numerous portraits of Welsh kings and others, mainly in armor, some with battle axes, also shields (blank) for their coat-of-arms. and ornate initial letters. Small 4to, old, probably original calf, which is somewhat worn. The words “Dauid Powel’ at end of Epistle Dedicatorie, altered to “Dauid Powell,” in a contemporary hand, thought to be that of the editor himself. Old writing on last leaf (verso) which contains the fine printer’s device. Imprinted at London by Rase Newberie and Henrie Denham, 1584 THE RARE ORIGINAL EDITION. Contains the ORIGINAL BLANK, B4, usually missing. The shields are blank, and not crudely filled in or colored. From the library of Sir Henry Mainwaring, with his bookplate. The work possesses a special interest for the American collector, inas- much as it relates to the “most ancient Voyage and Discovery. of the West Indies, performed by Madoc, the sonne of Owen Guined, prince of North Wales, anno 1170.” See Hakluyt, vol. III, p. 1, ete. 201. CarpinaL RicuEiev. A Synopsis, or Contract View, Of the Life of John Armand, Cardinall Richlieu, great Favorite and Minister of State to Lewis the 13th King of France. To bee Engraved on his Tombe. Small 4to, pp. 6, new boards. [London:] Printed in the Yeare, 1643 202. CarLETON (WitiIAm). The Squanders of Castle Squander. Jllustra- tions. First Eprrion. 2 vols. post 8vo, half calf, gilt panelled backs, leather labels. London, 1852 203. Cariyte (THomas). Collected Works of Carlyle. With Index. Por- traits. 34 vols. 8vo, half red calf, polished, gilt backs, marbled edges, contents lettered. London: Chapman and Hall, undated FINE SET, COMPLETE, OF THIS FINE LiprARyY EpDITION. Comprises,— Critical and Miscellaneous Essays; Frederick the Great; French Revolution; Life of Schiller; Life of John Sterling; Oliver Cromwell; Past and Present; Sartor Resartus; and others. 204. CartyLE (THomas). Portion of an autograph letter, signed, three-quar- ter page, with signature. With portrait of Carlyle, both items matted, framed and glazed. | On literary matters, with mention of “Warner.” First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th 205. CATHEDRALS. Wheatley (Richard). Cathedrals and Abbeys in Great 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. Britain and Ireland. Eztensively illustrated with full-page repro- ductions and teat illustrations. Folio, cloth, gilt edges. New York, 1890 CATHEDRALS OF ENGLAND AND WALES. Winkles’s Architectural and Pic- turesque Illustrations of the Cathedral Churches of England and Wales. With Descriptions by Thomas Moule. Illustrated with numerous full-page engravings, from drawings made from sketches taken expressly for this work by Robert Garland. 3 vols. 4to, half crimson morocco, gilt backs and tops, uneut, some of the leaves spotted. London, 1836-1842 LARGE Paper. Plates on India paper. Cazin (Hupert Martin). Cazin, sa Vie et ses Editions. 1876. Larer PAPER COPY; Bibliographie du Petit-format dit Cazin; Manual du Cazinophile. Le Petit-format a figures, Collection Parisienne in -18 (vraie collection de Cazin) 1877-78; Période Initiale du Petit- format, a vignettes et figures Collection Cazin. Par A. Corroenne. 1880; Icono- Mono-Bibliographie des Petits formats in -24 du 18e siécle. n. d. 4 vols. 12mo, half brown levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. ; Paris, v0, Limited editions on Holland and China paner, some copies extra-illus- trated with portraits, titles inlaid to size, ete. CELLINI (BENVENUTO). The Life of Benvenuto Cellini. Written by himself. Edited and translated by John Addington Symonds. With a Biographical Sketch of Cellini by the same hand. Together with an Introduction to the Edition upon Benvenuto Cellini, Artist and Writer, by Royal Cortissoz. With reproductions of forty original portraits and views illustrating the Life. 2 vols. 8vo, brown levant morocco, gilt backs, sides and tops, uncut, BY TROW. $ New York: Brentano’s [1906] Century Dictionary (THE). An Encyclopedic Lexicon of the English Language. Prepared under the Superintendence of William Whit- ney. With the Dictionary of Proper Names, the Atlas, and the two NEW VOLUMES. Maps, and thousands of tect illustrations. Together, 12 vols. 4to, half morocco, marbled edges. FINE set. New York: The Century Co. [1901-1909] CERVANTES (MicursL pg). Adventures of Don Quixote de la Mancha. Translated by Charles Jarvis. With one hundred illustrations by A. B. Houghton, engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. Thick square 8vo, full crimson morocco, ornate sides and back, somewhat in the manner of Roger Payne, dentelle inside borders, gilt edges, BY TOUT. London, 1866 HANDSOME copy of the original issue of this edition. Ex TRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 30 plates, about half of which are in colors from the edition of 1819, by I. H. Clark, the balance from the edition in 2 vols. translated by Charles Jarvis, all by George Cruikshank. First Session, Twesday Afternoon, March 11th 211. CervANTES (MiauEL DE). The History of Don Quixote of la Mancha. Translated from the Spanish, by Motteux. Edited, with Notes and Memoir, by John G. Lockhart. Notice of the Life and Works of Motteux, by Henri Van Laun. With 16 original etchings by R. de Los Rios. 4 vols. small 8vo, bevelled vellum boards, uncut. London: Nimmo and Bain, 1881 212. CHARLES THE SECOND. BroapsipE. Proclamation, printed mainly in Buack LErter, with the Royal Arms of England at top. One page, small folio, enclosed in cloth portfolio. Repaired in the folds. - London: Printed by Edward Husbands, 1660 “Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, Tuesday, May 8, 1660.” On the restoration of Charles Second to. the throne of England. 213. CHARLES THE SECOND’s Copy, witH Monocram. [Clifford (Dr. Mar- tin).] A Treatise of Humane Reason. London, 1675; | Atso] Observations upon a Treatise intituled, Of Humane Reason. Lon- don, 1675. Bound together in one volume, 24mo, CONTEMPORARY CRIMSON mMoROCCO, gold line borders, the crowned monogram of ~ Charles II. within laurel branches in corners of both covers, and in panels on back, spread eagle in centre of each cover, gilt edges, PROBABLY BY SAMUEL MEARNE. London, at the Gun, 1675 and at the Blew-Bell, 1675 In excellent state of preservation. The author was a buffoon about court for some time, and subsequently became master of Charterhouse. 214. CHaruEs V. Historia de la Vida y Hechos del Emperador Carlos V. Max Fortissimo Rey Catholico de Espana y de las Indias, etc. Por Prudencio de Sandovai. 2 vols. thick folio, contemporary Span- ish red morocco, gilt. En Pamplona, 1634 215. CHaucer (Grorrrey). The Canterbury Tales, to which are added an Essay upon his Language. 5 vols. 12mo, full mottled calf, gilt extra. London, 1775-1778 Volume five, which contains the extensive glossary, has been bound to match the preceding four volumes at a somewhat later date. 216, CHAUCER (GEOFFREY). The Poetical Works of Chaucer. Edited by Arthur Gilman. Portrait. 3 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt backs, mar- bled edges. Boston: Houghton, Osgood and Co., 1880 217. CHEKE OR CHEEKE (Sir JoHN). The hurt of Sedition, how grievous it is to a common welth. Set out by Sir Iohn Cheeke Knight, 1549. And now newly pervsed and printed the.14.of December, 1569. Title within a beautiful woodcut border and with the royal arms of England on reverse of title. Small 8vo, full russia, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, BY F. BEDFORD. Imprinted at London by Willyam Seres, wndated, 1569 CoLLATION A-M in fours. The large and fine copy from the Henry Huth library, with bookplate. Printed throughout in BLack LETTER. The author was tutor to Edward VI., Secretary of State, and one of the principal restorers of Greek learning in England. First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th 218. Corina. Nieuhof (Joan). Het Gezantschap der Neérlandtsche Oost Indische Compagnie, aan den Grooten Tartarischen Cham, Den tegenwoordigen Keizer van China, ete. Engraved title-page, folding map, and numerous fine plates (some folding). Small folio, origi- nal calf. Amsterdam, 1670 FINE copy of the original issue of this interesting and important volume. 219. Cicero. Marci Tullii Ciceronis Opera quae Aedita sunt Hactenus Om- nia . . . Folio, undressed calf, broken at hinges, numerous mar- ginal notes in ink. Basileae: Ex Officina Hervagiana, M D XXXIIII (1534) 220. Cicero. Librorum philosophicorum volumen primum, . . . emendatum a Joan. Stvrmio. 8vo, CONTEMPORARY GERMAN BINDING of stamped pigskin, the central panel of the front cover haying a por- trait of Martin Luther, with date, 1570, and that of the back cover a portrait of Melanchthon. Argentorti (Strassburg): Josias Rihelius, 1564 Tall copy of an uncommon edition, the binding in excellent state of preservation. 221. Cuassics FacErius, comprising, The Amours of Chevalier de Faublas. | By John Baptiste Louvet de Couvray. 4 vols.; The Pecorone of Ser Giovanni. Now first translated into English, by W. G. Waters, 3 vols.; The Facetious Nights of Straparola. Now first translated into English, by W. G. Waters. 4 vols. With illustrations in each work, in two states. Together, 11 vols. 8vo, full green leather, gilt, gilt edges. ; London: Privately printed for Members of the Society of Bibliophiles, 1898-1901 : ASTRAL EDITION, limited to 50 sets, of which this is number 12. 222. CLocks. Britton (F. J.). Old English Clocks (the Wetherfield Col- lection). With an Introduction and Notes by F. J. Britton. Fron- tisprece, illustrating two clocks in colors, and a large number of other reproductions. Folio, cloth, gilt top, uneut. London, 1907 Of this important work only 320 copies were printed, of which this is No. 184. | 223. CLOcKS AND WatcHEs. Britton (F. J.). Old Clocks and Watches & Their Makers. With %00 illustrations, mostly from photographs. SEconD Eprrion, much enlarged. S8vo, cloth. London, 1904 With inscription in the autograph of Robert Hoe, on fly-leaf. 224. CoinaGE oF ALL Countries. Martin (Leopold ©.) and Trubner (Charles). The Current Gold and Silver Coins of All Countries, their weight and fineness, and their intrinsic value in English money. ' [Continued [ No. 220. 226. R270. 228. 229. 200, Rol. First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th 224—Continued | With 26 plates, on which are reproduced several hundred specimens in facsimile of the originals, gold as well as silver. Thick 8vo, three quarter crimson levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1863 An important and scarce contribution to numismatic literature. In- cludes the coinage of more than one hundred countries or states. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TyLor). Specimens of the Table Talk. Portrait and wew, both lightly spotted. 2 vols. 12mo, full maroon morocco, gilt edges. London: John Murray, 1835 Presentation copy from H. N. Coleridge, with inscription on title-page of volume one,—“H. N. Coleridge to Edward (C. 1835.” Cororep Piarrs. An Illustrated Record of Important Events in the Annals of Hurope . . . History of those momentous Transactions. Fine plates (some folding) 1n cotor. Folio, half calf and boards, uncut. London, 1816 This copy contains the separate slip “Directions to the Binder of Mr. Bowyer’s Illustrated Record,” at the end, which is generally missing. Cotorep Prates. The Campaign of Waterloo. With colored repre- sentations of Les Quatre Bras, La Belle Alliance etc. Folio, half roan and boards. : London, 1816 CotoreD Puares. Parry (William). The Last Days of Lord Byron. With 3 COLORED PLATES, by Clark after Seymour, and uncolored plate. 8vo, half calf. London, 1825 CotorEeD Puiares. The Beauties of Bloomerism. Edited (with the spe- cial approbation of the board) by Deborah Dreadnought. TIllustrated with 12 brilliantly colored and speaking likenesses of the leading members of the committee, from the designs of W. S. Reed. 8vo, cloth, some pages slightly thumbed, lacks one plate. | London: Ackermann, 1852 CoLtoreD PuaTEes By HeatuH. Irving (Washington). The Beauties of Washington Irving. Illustrated with 6 etchings, by William Heath, - ALL FINELY COLORED BY HAND. 24mo, contemporary calf, gilt and blind tooled. Glasgow, 1830 Interesting copy of an uncommon edition. CoLORED PLATES OF CHINESE ScENERY. Ellis (Henry). Journal of the Proceedings of the late Embassy to China . . . Observations upon the face of the Country, the polity, moral character, and man- ners of the Chinese Nation. With portrait, folding map, and % FINELY COLORED PLATES, some of which display the picturesque costume of the inhabitants. 4to, half calf. London, 1817 First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th 232. CoLorED ViEws or Cuina. Barrow (John). Travels in China, con- taining descriptions, observations . . . from Pekin to Canton. Portrait of Van-ta-gin, and several FINELY COLORED VIEWS, and other plates. 4to, contemporary half russia, name on title-page. | London, 1806 233. CoLorED ViEws or Cutna. Abel (Clarke). Narrative of a Journey in ~ the interior of China, and of a Voyage to and from that Country Lord Amherst’s Embassy to the Court of Pekin. With al- — lustrations of the scenery, botany, etc., some of which are FINELY COLORED. 4to, contemporary russia, gilt, joints repaired. London, 1819 Original Edition. Presentation copy from the author, with “From the Author,” in his autograph. Some of the plates depict the picturesque costumes of the inhabitants. 234. CoLorED Views oF CocHINCHINA. Barrow (John). A Voyage to Co- chinchina, in the years 1792 and 1793 . . . manners, character, and condition of their several inhabitants. With numerous FINELY COL- ORED PLATES, some of which delineate the picturesque costumes of the inhabitants, etc. 4to, contemporary half russia, gilt, name on title-page. a London, 1806 Describes Madeira, Teneriffe, St. Jago, the Brazils, Rio de Janeiro, the . Island of Java, and other places. 235. Cookery Manuscript. Written by several hands, the bulk in a very neat hand resembling script, on about seventy sheets, and bound in vellum. Small 4to. Eighteenth century Includes information for making Almond Butter, “to pott salmon,” “To pickle Pigeons to keep 3 months,” ete. 236. Cooper (JAMES FENIMORE). The Works of Cooper. 26 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt backs, leather labels, marbled edges, contents lettered. New York: Stringer and Townsend, 1860, etc. Reprinted from:+the Original Townsend and Gregory Editions. Not complete, should be 82 vols. 237. Cooper (JAMES FENIMORE). The Cooper Vignettes. Hngraved portrait and 63 full-page plates, from drawings by F. O. C. Darley, InpiA PROOFS BEFORE LETTER. Folio, cloth, gilt, gilt edges, mounts slightly spotted. New York: James G. Gregory, 1862 LARGE Parer. Companion volume to the Townsend Edition of Cooper’s Works. 238. CoRNEILLE (P.). Théatre de P. Corneille, avec des Commentaires, et autres morceaux intéressans. Nouvelle Edition, augmentée. With ' portrait of the author (bust on pedestal), and numerous finely en- graved full-page plates. 10 vols. in 5, 8vo, contemporary mottled calf, gilt, gilt edges. No place | Paris,| 1776 FINE SET, the plates good in impression. First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th 239. CosTELLO (Louisa StuarT). Memoirs of Eminent Englishwomen. Por- ‘traits. 4 vols. 8vo, half claret morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. London: Richard Bentley, 1844 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 90 illustrations. 240. Costumes. Raciner (A.). Le Costume Historique. Types Prin- cipaux du Vétement et de la Parure rapprochés de ceux de l’Intérieur de Habitation dans tous les Temps et chez tous les Peuples, avec de nombreux détails sur le Mobilier, les Armes, les Objets Usuels, les Moyens de T’ransport, etc. Recueil publié sous la direction de M. A. Racinet, avec des Notices Explicatives, une Introduction Générale, des Tables et un Glossaire. Illustrated with nearly 500 full-page plates, representing about 8000 different subjects, a very large proportion of them being BEAUTIFULLY COLORED, MANY HEIGHTENED IN GOLD. One vol. of Index and Notes, and 5 vols. of plates. Together, 6 vols. folio, three-quarter red morocco, gilt backs and tops. Paris: Firmin-Didot et Cie., 1888 CHOICE SET OF THE LARGE Paper copy. An exhaustive cyclopaedia, not only of costumes, but of furniture, jewelry, military and civic life, the interior decoration of dwellings, means of transport, and many other subjects. Arranged historically from the remotest periods to recent times. Although the title of this work calls for 500 plates, there are only 473 separate plates, the printer having in some cases given two numbers to a double-page plate, while in others he has given one number to two plates. THE ABOVE COPY IS PERFECT. 241. Costumes. Racrner (A.). Le Costume Historique. Types Principaux du Vétement et de la Parure rapprochés de ceux de |’Intérieur de Habitation dans tous les Temps et chez tous les Peuples, avec de nombreux détails sur le Mobilier, les Armes, les Objets Usuels, les Moyens de Transport, etc. Recueil publié sous la direction de M. A. Racinet, avec des Notices Explicatives, une Introduction Générale, des Tables et un Glossaire. Illustrated with nearly 500 full-page plates, representing about 8000 different subjects, a very large pro- portion of them being BEAUTIFULLY COLORED, MANY HEIGHTENED IN GOLD. One vol. of Index and Notes, and 5 vols. of plates. Together, 6 vols. folio, half brown morocco, gilt backs and tops, bindings slightly scratched. Paris: Firmin-Didot et Cie., 1888 LARGE PAPER copy. There are only 456 separate plates. (should have 473), the printer in some cases having given two numbers to a double- page plate, while in others he has given one number to two plates. 242. Costumes. Lacroix (Paul). Manners, Customs, and Dress during the Middle Ages, and during the Renaissance Period; The XVIIIth Century, Its Institution, Customs and Costumes. France, 1700- 1789; Military and Religious Life in the Middle Ages, and at the Period of the Renaissance; Science and Literature in the Middle Ages, and at the period of the Renaissance; The Arts in the Middle [Continued First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th INo. 242—-Continued | Ages, and at the Period of the Renaissance. Illustrated with 86 chromolithographs and over 1900 woodengravings. Together, 5 vols. imperial 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. London: Bickers and Son, undated Complete set of the English translations of Lacroix’s celebrated works on Costumes and Art of the Middle Ages. 243. Costume Puates. A Collection of the Dresses of different Nations, Antient and Modern, particularly Old English Dresses, . . . Ac- count of the Authorities . . . Historical Remarks . . . Habits of the principal Characters on the English Stage. With rouR HUNDRED AND EIGHTY plates . . . after the designs of Holbein, Vandyke, Hollar, and others. 4 vols. in 3, 4to, half calf, gilt, joints weak. London: Thomas Jeffreys, 1757-1772 AN IMPORTANT AND RARE WorRK, seldom found complete with all the plates. Many of the figures are portraits of celebrated actresses of the English stage, and others connected with the history of various countries. 244. CostuME Priates. Stone (Mrs.). Chronicles of Fashion, from the time qf Elizabeth to the early part of the Nineteenth Century. Portraits and illustrations. First Epirion. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt,.some pages lightly spotted. London, 1845 245. CostumE PiatrEs IN Cotor. Breton (M.). China: Its Costume, Arts, Manufactures, etc. With Observations Explanatory, Historical and Literary, by M. Breton. With 80 plates in color, delineating the picturesque costumes of the inhabitants of China, both male and female. 4 vols. in 2, 8vo, scored calf, gilt. ) London, 1812 246. CostTUME PLaTEs IN Cotor. Johnston (Robert). Travels through part of the Russian Empire and the Country of Poland; along the southern shores of the Baltic. Illustrated with 2 maps and 19 PLATES IN cotor. 4to, full calf. London, 1815 Original, Edition. The plates illustrate the scenery, some having de- lineations of the picturesque costumes of the inhabitants. Of special. interest at the present time. 247. CostuME PLaTEs IN Cotor. Hills (Robert). Sketches in Flanders and Holland; with some account of a Tour through parts of those Countries, shortly after the Battle of Waterloo. With a series of 36 plates, several of which are FINELY COLORED, displaying the picturesque costumes of the inhabitants, the others views in aquatinto. Royal 4to, original half green morocco, and boards, binding fur- bished. London: J. Haines, 1816 A volume seldom offered for sale, and of special interest at the present time. The plates include: Ghent, several of Waterloo, including the house in which Buonaparte slept in the night before the battle, Rem- brandt’s house at Amsterdam, and others. The plates were aquatinted by D. Havell, J. Hill, and J. C. Stadler. First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th 248. CostuME PuLaTEs IN Cotor. Tully (Richard). Narrative of a Ten Years’ Residence at Tripoli in Africa . . . authentic Memoirs and Anecdotes of the reigning Bashaw. Manners of the Moors, Arabs, and ‘Turks. Wath 8 plates IN coLor, mainly of the picturesque cos- tumes of the inhabitants, also folding map. Ato, old half russia, repaired. London, 1817 An interesting volume of singular interest at the present time. 249. CostUME PLATES IN Cotor. Neale (Adam). ‘Travels through some parts of Germany, Poland, Moldavia, and Turkey. With numerous finely COLORED PLATES, some of which delineate the picturesque cos- tumes of the inhabitants. 4to, half calf, rebacked. London, 1818 A searce volume with all the plates, as above. Of special interest at the present time. 250. CostuME PuLatTEs IN Cotor. The World in Miniature. Illyria and Dal- matia. With numerous plates vn color. 2 vols. in one, 12mo, scored calf, joints weak, and name on title. London, 1821 251. CostumE PiatEs tN Cotor. The World in Miniature. Edited by Fred- eric Shoberl. Hmbellished with several hundred plates, in color, illustrating the costume of both sexes, weapons used in warfare, natural scenery &c. ‘Together, 34 vols. (complete set should be 46 vols.), 16mo, half roan (each country in a different color), gilt tops, uncut. London: R. Ackermann, 1821-1824 Comprises,—Africa. 46 colored engravings and one music sheet. 4 vols. Austria. 32 colored engravings. 2 vols. England, Scotland, and Ireland. 84 colored engravings on 81 plates. 4 vols. Hindoostan. 108 colored engravings. 6 vols. Illyria and Dalmatia. 32 colored engravings. 2 vols. Persia. 30 colored engravings. 3 vols. Russia. 72 colored engravings. 4 vols. South Sea Islands. 26 colored engravings. 2 vols. Tibet, and India beyond the Ganges. 12 colored engravings. Turkey. 73 colored engravings. 6 vols. 252. CosTUME PLATES IN CoLor. Kinsey (W. M.). Portugal Illustrated ; in a Series of Letters. Hmbellished with a map, plates of cows, vignettes, and engravings of the costumes, landscape scenery, etc. Royal 8vo, original half cloth and boards, uncut. London, 1828 FINE copy, containing 32 colored representations of the costumes on 8 plates. — 253. CostuME PLatrEs IN Cotor. Pinkerton (Robert). Russia: or, Miscel- laneous Observations on the past and present State of that Country and its Inhabitants. With 8 full-page plates IN coLoR, depicting the picturesque costumes of the inhabitants. Royal 8vo, original half cloth and boards, uncut. London, 1833 First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th 254. CostuME PuatEs IN Cotors. Aspin (J.). Cosmorama: the Manners, 255 256 257 258 Customs and Costumes of All Nations of the World described. With numerous plates in color. Square 16mo, cloth. London, 1834 Includes references to the inhabitants of North and South America, with illustrations. . CostumME PLATES IN Cotor. Day (C. A.) and Dines (J. B.). Ilus- trations of Mediaeval Costume in England. With illuminated title-page and 19 plates, mainly in gold and colors. Small 4to, original cloth. London, circa 1840 . CostumEs. Puates 1n Conor. Keltie (John S.—Kditor). A History of the Scottish Highlands, Highland Clans, and Highland Regi- ments. Engraved portraits, colored Tartans, and woodcuts in let- terpress. 2 vols. imperial 8vo, half red morocco, gilt backs and tops. Edinburgh, 1875 . Corron (CHariEs). The Poetical Works of Charles Cotton. Third Edition. Copperplate engravings by Van der Gucht. 16mo, old calf, new leather label, binding broken at hinges. London, 1734 | . Councit or Trent. A godly and necessarye admonition of the De- crees and Canons of the CouNsEL oF TRENT, celebrated under Pius the fourth, Byshop of Rome, in the yeares of our Lord M. D. LXIII. Wrytten for those godly disposed persons sakes, whych looke for amendment of Doctrine and Ceremonies to bee made by generall Counsels. Lately translated out of Latine. Small 4to, full dark brown levant morocco, gilt top, OTHER EDGES UNOUT, BY FRANCIS BEDFORD. Imprinted at London by John Day, dwellyng ouer Aldersgate, beneath Saint Martins. The xix of February, 1564 LARGE AND FINE copy, mainly printed in BLack Letter. No author’s name is given, but it is supposed to have been written by Archbishop Parker, or by his appointment. Contains the ORIGINAL BLANK at end of Preface. 259. Court or Cuartes II. Jameson (Mrs.). Memoirs of the Beauties of the Court of Charles the Second, illustrating the Diaries of Pepys, Evelyn, Clarendon, and other Contemporary Writers. Illustrated with numerous full-page engraved portraits after Sir Peter Lely and other eminent painters. Royal 8vo, morocco, gilt, gilt back and edges. London: Henry G. Bohn, 1861 260. CovERDALE (Myies—Translator). Boke of ye olde god and the new god, of the olde faythe and the newe, or ye olde doctryne and the new, or ye orygynal begynnynge of Idolatrye. Small 8vo, full calf, [Continued First Session, Tuesday Afternoon, March 11th [| No. 260—Continued | lacks title-page, (commences with Bi), several leaves mended or slightly defective. Not returnable. Imprynted at London in Fletestrete . . . Johan Byddell, 1534 Printed throughout in Brack LeETTEr. It was translated by Myles Coverdale. Only one perfect copy (that in the British Museum) is known. It was rigidly suppressed. See Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, first edition, page 574. The first copy in any condition to be offered at public sale in America? 261. CoverDALE (My.tEs—Bishop of Exeter). The christen state of matri- mony, moost necessary & profitable for all the, that entend to liue quietly and godly in the Christe state of holy wedlock newly set forth in Englysshe. [Quotation from Hebrews, xiii.] Title within ornamental woodcut border, and with half-page woodcut of the Creation of Eve (brilliant impression), on Cu. Small 8vo, russia, gilt and blind tooled, joints repaired, gilt edges. A few fore edges cut close affecting some margins references, and small hole in Ci, affecting several words. [Colophon.| Imprinted in the house of John Mayler for John Gough. Anno Dui 1543. Com (sic) priuiligio ad impri- memdum (sic) solum per septennium First EpitTion, with the exceptions above noted, a LARGE AND FINE COPY. Collation A-Niv in eights. This, the only edition, containing Bacon’s preface of 15 leaves, is “one of the books prohibited by Proclamation, 21 Henry VIII.” 262. Cowper (WittiamM). The Works of Cowper. His Life and Letters. By William Hayley. Now first collected by the introduction of Cowper’s Private Correspondence. Edited by the Rev. T. S.. Grimshawe. Engraved titles and frontismeces. 8 vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt backs, lacks frontispiece to vol. I. London: Saunders and Otley, 1835 263. CRANE yee) ILLUSTRATIONS TO THE FAERIE QUEENE. Spenser (Edmund). The First (Second, Thirde, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth) Book of the Fairie Queene (Complete). “Edited by Thomas J. Wise, and portrayed in a series of designs by Walter Crane. The allus- trations engraved on wood, the full-page plates with a decorative border. Together, 6 vols. 4to, three-quarter rose levant morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. London: George Allan, 1894-1896 Limitep Eprition. Only 1000 copies printed on hand-made paper, by Charles Whittingham & Co. FINE copy. 264. CroMBIE Portraits. Modern Athenians. A series of Original Portraits of Memorable Citizens of Edinburgh. Drawn and etched by Ben- jamin W. Crombie, Miniature Painter, 1837-1847. Now reprinted from the original plates, with illustrative Notes and Biographical Sketches, by William Scott Douglas. With 48 double-page colored plates, each plate with two figures. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, un- cut. Edinburgh: A. & ©. Black, 1882 Edition limited to 1040 copies. Signed by the publishers. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE OF LITERARY PROPERTY BY ORDER OF THE VARIOUS OWNERS AND EXECUTORS AS HEREINBEFORE DESIGNATED Second Session, Numbers 265 to 529, inclusive TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH llth, AT 8:15 O’CLOCK 265. CRoMWELL (Otiver). A New Magna Charta: Enacted and confirmed By the High and Mighty States, the Remainder of the Lords and Commons, now sitting at Westminster, in Empry PARLIAMENT, ‘ under the Command and Wardship of Sir Thomas Fairfax, Lrrv- TENANT GENERALL CROMWELL, (our Present Soveraigne Lord the King, now residing at his Royall Pallace at White-Hall) and Prince Ireton his Sonne, and the Army under their Command. Contain- ing the many new, large and ample Liberties, Customes and Fran- chises, of late freely granted . . . and all the Freemen, and Free- borne People of the same. Small 4to, pp. 8, new boards. [London:] Printed in the Yeere 1648 A RARE CROMWELLIAN tract, with the original blank at end. 266. “CrowQuiLL” InLtustraTions. The Vauxhall Papers. Edited by Alfred Bunn. Daily Journal (July 19, 1841—August 23, 1841). Illus- trated by Alfred Crowquill (R. H. Forrester). 12mo, half maroon morocco, gilt top, uncut, BY RIVIERE. London, 1841 FINE AND COMPLETE SET of these “Papers,” with all the wrappers. Laid in is play-bill, Royal Gardens, Vauxhall, 26th July (1841) of the performance given in honor of the birthday of H. R. H., the Duchess of Cambridge. This play-bill is printed in red and black, with blue lace borders. 267. CRUIKSHANK (GrorcE). [Barker (M. H.).] The Log Book; or, Nauti- cal Miscellany. With 35 woodcuts, 3 of which are by George Crutk- shank. 8vo, half calf. London: J. & W. Robins [1826] Cohn, No. 51. Douglas, No. 85. THE ARTIST’S OWN copy, with his char- acteristic signature (in pencil),—“‘Geo. Cruikshank,” on inside cover. Second Session, Tuesday Evening, March 11th 268. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). The Novelist’s Library. Edited by Thomas Roscoe. Illustrated with 74 etchings by George Cruikshank. All First Epitions, as follows,— . Vol. I—Smollett (T.). The Expedition of Humphry Clinker. Memoir by Thomas Roscoe. Portrast and 4 plates by Cruikshank. 1831 Vol. II—Smollett (T.). The Adventures of Roderick Random. With 5 plates by Cruikshank. 1831 Vols. I1J—IV—Smollett (T.). The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle. With 8 plates by Cruikshank. 2 vols. 1831 Vols. V--VI-—-Fielding (Henry). The History of Tom Jones. Memoir of the author, by T. Roscoe. Portrait and 8 plates by — Cruikshank. 2 vols. 1831 Vols. VIII—IX—Fielding (H.). The History of Amelia. With 8 plates by Cruikshank. 2 vols. 1832 . Vol. X—Goldsmith and Smollett. The Vicar of Wakefield; The Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves. Portrait of 4 plates by | Cruikshank. 1832 Vols. XI—XII—Sterne (Laurence). The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy. Portrait and 8 plates by Cruikshank. °2 vols. — ; 1832 Vols. XITI—XV:.—Cervantes (Miguel de). The History and Ad- ventures of the Renowned Don Quixote. With 3 portraits and 15 plates by Cruikshank. 3 vols. . 1833 Vols. [XVI-—XVIT]—Le Sage (A. R.). The Adventures of Gil Blas. With 2 portraits and 10 plates by Cruikshank. 2 vols. | 1833 Vols. [XVIITI—XIX]—De Foe (Daniel). The Life and Adven- tures of Robinson Crusoe. Portrait and 16 plates on India paper, not by Cruikshank. 2 vols. 1831 These last two volumes are not illustrated by Cruikshank; but as they form part of the “Library,” they are here included with the get. Together, 19 vols. 12mo, half polished calf, gilt, gilt tops, By ToUT. London, 1831-1833 All the illustrations with exception of the portraits and the plates in _ the last two volumes are etched by George Cruikshank, in all 70 plates, a few of which owing to the softness of paper are slightly foxed. Fielding’s Adventures of Joseph Andrews is missing from above series, and volume X has been bound in 2 volumes. Several margins have received slight damage by a nail. The set is sold not returnable. 269. CRUIKSHANK (GroRGE). Jerrold (Douglas). The Brownrigg Papers. With @ COLOURED ILLUSTRATION by George Cruikshank. First EpitTion. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1860 Unusually clean copy. . 270. eres R72. 273. a74. 275. 276. Second Session, Tuesday Evening, March 11th CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Blewitt (Mrs. Octavian). The Rose and the Lily: how they became the Emblems of England and France. With frontismece by George Cruikshank. First Eprrion. 12mo, half red morocco, gilt back, gilt top, By RooT. London, 1877 The frontispiece is most interesting, as it is the last etching by George Cruikshank, published at the age of eighty-three. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Bunyan (John). The Pilgrim’s Progress. Iilustrated with 25 full-page wood engravings by George Cruikshank. Frrst Epirion with these illustrations. Royal 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1901 Limited and numbered issue. Each autographed by Edwin Truman. “The drawings for the illustrations in this edition of the Pilgrim’s Progress were made by my friend George Cruikshank more than forty years ago, and have been in my possession more than thirty-three years. They are now produced for the first time.’—Epwin TRUMAN. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE AND Ropsert). Poor Richard’s Penny Magazine and Miscellany of Instructions and Amusements. With illustrations by George and Robert Crutkshank, and other artists. Square 12mo, rebound in cloth, new label. London, 1848 Cohn, No. 641. Not in Douglas. Curip AND HymeENn. Jones (Jenkin). Pros and Cons, for Cupid and Hymen . . . the Horrors and Delights of being over Head and Hars in Love. Folding plate (repaired) by Atkinson. 12mo, half calf. London, 1807 Curious. A Modest Defence of Chastity. 8vo, half mottled calf, gilt top. London, 1726 This singular work “ . . . was occasioned by another call’d, A Modest Defence of publick Stews . . . a person, who seems neither to fear God or regard Man.” Curious. The World as it goes: exemplified in the Characters of Na- tions, States, Peers, Gamblers . . . with an Exquisite Group of Ladies highly finished. With highly satirical frontispiece, unsigned. Small 4to, morocco back and boards. London, 1781 Interesting volume, containing selections from unusual poets, from Chaucer and Churchill, with “all the characters applied,’ some of which are of American interest, including Lord North, Edmund Burke, Lord Cornwallis, Henry Laurens, Benedict Arnold, General Burgoyne, and others. ; Dancoine. Vuillier (Gaston). A History of Dancing from the Earliest Ages to Our Own Times. With a Sketch of Dancing in England by Joseph Grego. 23 full-page plates, with an extra set of plates, and 409 illustrations. With vol. of plates. Together, 3 vols. imperial 8vo, boards, cloth backs, gilt tops, uncut. London: William Heinemann, 1898 This edition, printed on Japanese vellum, is limited to 35 copies, the above being No. 24. Includes the set of ExTRA plates, on India paper. Second Session, Tuesday Evening, March 11th ade 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. Danks (JoHN—of Maldon.). A Light to Lilie, being An easie Method for the better teaching and learning of the Grounds of the Latin tongue. 12mo, unbound. London: Printed by Robert Young, 1637; [Atso] THE Book or Common Prayer. 12mo, old calf, broken and stained. London: Printed by Thomas Baskett, 1745. Together, 2 vols. D’ArsBuay (MapAMeE). Diary and Letters of Madame D’Arblay. Edited by her niece. New Edition. Engraved portraits. 7% vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt backs and tops, some leaves uncut. London, 1854 Daupet (ALPHONSE). The Works of Alphonse Daudet. Translated by Henry Frith, Laura Ensor and E. Bartow. Colored frontispeces and illustrations by De Bieler, Myrbach, Rossi and others. To- gether, 10 vols. small 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. London: J. M. Dent and Co., 1896 AUTHORIZED EDITION. Comprises,— Thirty Years of Paris; Artists’ Wives; Tartarin of Tarascon; Tartarin on the Alps; Jack, 2 vols.; Kings in Exile; Sappho; Robert Helmont; Recollections of a Literary Man. DAVENANT (Str Witiiam). The Works of Sr William Davenant Kt. Consisting of Those which were formerly Printed, And Those which he design’d for the Press: Now Published Out of the Authors Originall Copies. With fine impression of the portrait of Davenant by Fatthorne. Thick folio, full old calf, rebacked, two old names on upper margin of title. | London: Printed by T. N. for Henry Herringman, 1673 First Epirion. Of the 16 plays in the volume, 6 are here first printed. [Deroz (DanteL).| The Secrets of the Invisible World Disclos’d: or, An Universal History of Apparitions, Sacred and Profane, Under all Denominations; whether Angelical, Diabolical, or Human-Souls departed. By Andrew Moreton. With full-page plates by Vander Gutch. 8vo, original calf. London, 1729 First Epition. The impressions of the plates are particularly bright. DreLany (Mrs.). The Autobiography and Correspondence of Mary ‘Granville, Mrs. Delany; with interesting Reminiscences of King George the Third and Queen Charlotte. Edited by the Right Hon- ourable Lady Llanover. First and Second Series. 3 vols. in each. — Illustrations. ‘Together, 6 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs and tops, bindings rubbed. London: Bentley, 1861-1862 Dispin (Rev. T. F.). The Library Companion; or, The Young Man’s Guide and the Old Man’s Comfort, in the Choice of a Library. First Eprrion. 8vo, full calf, gilt back, leather label. London, 1824 Second Session, Tuesday Evening, March 11th 284. [Dickens (CHartEs).] The Piccadilly Annual. Illustrated by W. M. Thackeray, Holman Hunt, and others. Royal 8vo, half red calf, original wrappers preserved. London: John Camden Hotten [1870] Contains the original appearance of Dickens’s Hunted Down; also contributions by “Mark Twain,” Bret Harte, and others. 285. DickENS (CHARLES). Works. of Charles Dickens. Illustrated from drawings by F. O. C. Darley and John Gilbert. Together, 43 vols. 12mo, cloth, contents lettered, uncut, few bindings soiled. New York: Sheldon and Co., 1862 HovuseHoLtp Epition. Comprising,—David Copperfield. 4 vols.; Great Expectations. 2 vols.; Pickwick Papers. 4 vols.; Little Dorrit. 4 vols.; Old Curiosity Shop. 3 vols.; Oliver Twist. 2 vols.; Dombey and Son. 4 vols.; Nicholas Nickleby. 4 vols.; Barnaby Rudge. Vols. II and III; Bleak House. 4 vols.; and others. 286. DickENS (CHARLES). The Works of Charles Dickens. Illustrations by George Cruikshank, H. K. Browne, Marcus Stone, and others. 30 vols. small 8vo, half red calf, polished gilt backs and tops, uncut, contents lettered. London: Chapman and Hall, 1873-1876 Comprises,—American Notes; Barnaby Rudge; Bleak House; Child’s History of England ; Christmas Books and Stories ; David Copperfield ; Dombey and Son; Great Expectations ; Little Dorrit; Martin Chuzzlewit ; Edwin Drood ; Nicholas Nickleby; Old Curiosity Shop; Oliver Twist ; Our Mutual Friend; Pickwick Papers; Sketches by Boz; Tale of Two Cities; Uncommercial Traveler. 287. DickENs (CHARLES). Payn (James).. The Youth and Middle Age of Charles Dickens. Royal 8vo, half red calf. Edinburgh 1883 One of 50 copies privately printed. An excerpt from “Chambers’s Journal,’ with the original wrappers preserved. Formerly the copy owned by C. Chambers, with his autograph and annotation on cover. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of portraits of Dickens, taken at various times of his life, the front cover of the first octavo edition of Dickens’ “Sketches by Boz,” London, 1887, and designed by George Cruik- shank, and other material. A very interesting copy. 288. DickENS (CHARLES). Illustrations to Nicholas Nickleby, by Thomas Onwhyn. A series of 32 plates, including portrait-title. 8vo, loose. London, undated Original impressions of this series. Complete set. 289. DICKENSIANA. Characters and Scenes in Oliver Twist; or, the Parish Boy’s Progress. A Drama, in three Acts. LHxpressly adapted to suit the Juvenile Stage. Small 4to, boards. No place or date The text of the play, which is 16mo, inlaid to small 4to, and extra illustrated by the insertion of more than twenty full-page scenes and characters, as well as water-color view of Jacob’s Island, described by Dickens in “Oliver Twist,’ and water-color title-page. A most interesting volume for the collector of Dickens. Second Session, Tuesday Evening, March 11th 290. Dictionary. The New World of English Words: or, a General Diec- tionary: Containing the Interpretations of such hard words as are derived from other languages . . . Terms that relate to. . . Graving, Husbandry, Horsemanship, Hawking, Fishing, ete. Col- lected and published by E. P. (hillips). Frontispiece containing views of Oxford and Cambridge, and portraits of Spenser, Chaucer, and others. First Eprtion, Small folio, half calf, loose, some pages cut close. London . . . at the Sign of the Angel, 1658 291. Dixon (Witt1AmM HepwortH). Her Majesty’s Tower. Portraits. 4 vols. 8vo, light calf, polished, gilt backs and tops, leather labels, uncut, BY RIVIERE. London: Hurst and Blackett, 1870-1871 WXXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of over 100 engraved portraits of the various characters mentioned throughout the work. This edition is revised throughout, and several new passages added. 292. Dixon (Witt1amM HepwortnH). History of Two Queens. I. Catharine of Aragon. II. Anne Bolleyn. First Eprrion. 4 vols. 8vo, half green calf, gilt tops and backs, uncut. London, 1873-1874 293. [Dopstey (Ropert).| The Gconomy of Human Life. With vignettes by Gardiner. 12mo, contemporary full red morocco, gilt edges. London, 1795 FINE COPY, ON LARGE AND THICK PAPER. : 294. DonnE (JoHN—Poet and Divine, Dean of St. Paul’s). The Ancient History Of the Septuagine. VVritten in Greeke, by Aristevs 1900. Yeares since, Of his Voyage to Hierusalem, . . . Concerning the First Translation of the Holy Bible, by the 72. Interpreters. By I. Done. 24mo, old blue wrappers, somewhat stained, and old writing on title. London: Printed by N. Oxes, 1633 First Epirion. Written in ink on the title-page is “A very curious & rare book.” 295. Doran (Dr. JoHn). Writings of Dr. Doran. Mostry First Eprrions. Together, 15 vols. 12mo and 8vo, tree calf, polished, gilt backs and. edges, leather labels, BY CECIL & LARKINS. London: Bentley, 1854-1868 Comprises,—Lives of the Queens of England of the House of Hanover. Portraits. [Vol. I. is First Eprrton.] 2 vols. 1855-1861 History of the Court of Fools. First Eprrion. 1858 Knights and Their Days. First Eprtion. 1856 ; New Pictures and Old Panels. Portrait. First Eprrion. 1859 (Title foxed. ) The Book of the Princes of Wales. Frontispiece. First Bprri0n. 1860 “Their Majesties’ Servants.” Annals of the English Stage. Por- traits. First Epirion. 2 vols. 1864 Saints and Sinners. Furst Epirion. 2 vols. 1868 Habits and Men. Third Edition. 1855 Monarchs Retired from Business. Second Edition. Portraits. 2 vols. 1857 A Lady of the Last Century (Mrs. Elizabeth Montagu). Second Edition. 1873 Table Traits. Second Edition. 1854 Second Session, Tuesday Evening, March 11th 296. Doran (Dr. Joun). Lives of the Queens of England of the House of Hanover. 2 vols. in 3, 8vo, full green levant morocco, gilt backs and sides, gilt tops, inner border of morocco, uncut. Name of “Mary E. Plummer,” in gilt letters on front cover of each volume, beneath which is a coat-of-arms. | London: Richard Bentley, 1871 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 220 plates, some colored, and a few text illustrations, and extended from 2 to 3 volumes by Mary E. Plummer. 297. [Dorart (CLaupE JosErH).] Les Baisers, précédés du Mois de Mai. With frontispiece engraved by Ponce, after Hvsen, a full-page plate by de Longueil, and vignettes and cul-de-lamps by Neé, Ponce, and others after Hisen. 8vo, full dark green morocco, gilt back and sides, arms in centre of each side with motto “Resolute and Firm,” crimson watered silk linings, gilt edges, By R. PETIT. Tiny hole (not affecting text) through outer margin of several pages, Hu with original defect in blank margin and page slightly smaller than balance of book. Not returnable. a la Haye et se trouve 4 Paris, Chez Delalain, 1770 The title is printed in black, the correct pagination occurs in “Poéme du Mois de Mai,’ and it contains the “Imitations de plusieurs poétes latins.” 298. Dort. Bisie. La Sainte Bible, selon La Vulgate. Hatenswely wlus- trated with full-page engravings by Gustave Doré, and each page divided in two columns by designs. 2 vols. thick folio, embossed morocco, gilt, gilt backs and edges, wide inside borders, binding slightly rubbed. Tours: Alfred Mame et Fils, 1866 299. Doveias’ TRANSLATION oF ViroetL. Virgil’s Aeneid, Translated into Scottish Verse, by the Famous Gawin Douglas, Bishop of Dunkeld. A new Edition, wherein The many Errors of the Former are cor- rected, and the Defects supply’d . . . added a Large Glossary, ex- plaining the difficult Words, which may serve for a Dictionary to . the Old Scottish Language, etc. Small folio, old, probably original ? ealf, gilt and blind tooled, margins of a few pages restored. Edinburgh: Printed by Andrew Symson and Robert Freebairn, 1710 . An,important and rare edition of this celebrated translation of Virgil. 300. Drama. The Drama, its History, Literature and Influence on Civili- zation. Alfred Bates, Editor-in-Chief. Illustrated with photo- gravure plates on Japan paper, each volume containing a plate and one of the marginal illustrations COLORED BY HAND. 20 vols. 8vo, blue polished morocco, gilt backs, sides with framework of floral spray, doublures of green polished morocco with fillet borders, gilt tops, water-silk end papers, uncut. London: The Athenian Society, 1903 Evripwes Epition limited to 75 copies, the above being No. 2. Comprises,—Greek, Roman, Oriental, Religious, Italian, 3 Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, British, d Scandinavian, Russian and American Drama. a Second Session, Tuesday Evening, March 11th 301. DrypEn (JoHN). The Poetical Works of John Dryden, Esq. containing original Poems, Tales, and Translations, with Notes by Joseph and John Warton. Portrait. 4 vols. 8vo, ORIGINAL BOARDS, with labels, entirely uncut. . London: Rivington, 1811 Very unusual to find in the above described state. 302. DrypEN (JoHN). The Poetical Works of John Dryden. Portrait. 5 vols. 12mo, boards, half roan, uncut, bindings slightly rubbed. London: William Pickering, 1832-1833 Aldine Edition of the British Poets. 303. Dumas (ALEXANDRE). Celebrated Crimes. Translated by I. G. Burn- ham. Illustrated with full-page photogravures after original draw- ings by De Los Rios, Prodhomme Wagrez, and others. 8 vols. 8yo, cloth, paper labels, gilt tops, uncut. New York: George H. Richmond and Co., 1895 LiprarRy EDITION. 304. Dumas (ALEXANDRE). The Novels of Dumas. Jilustrations. 14 vols. 12mo, half light calf, gilt backs and tops, some leaves uncut. London: Routledge and Sons, wndated Comprises,—Vicomte de Bragelonne; Countess de Charny; The Conspirators; Regent’s Daughter; Forty-Five; } Queen’s Necklace; Three Musketeers; Marguerite de Valois; Twenty Years After; Chicot, the Jester; Count of Monte-Cristo; Taking the Bastile; Memoirs of a Physician. 305. DuntAP Society PuBLIcATIONS: comprising,—Criape (J. B.) and Kdgett (H. F.). Players of the Present. 3 vols: 1899-1901; WEGELIN (Oscar). Early American Plays. 1900; Dany (C. P.). First Theatre in America. 1896; Ropen (R. F.). Later American Plays. 1900; Keesze (W. L.). A Group of Comedians. 1901: Epeerr (E. F.). Edward Loomis Davenport. 1901; Greenwoop (I. J.). The Circus. 1898; Forp (Paul L.). Washington and the Theatre. 1899; Mapes (Victor). Duse and the French. 1898; PEeNcE (J. H.). The Magazine and the Drama. 1896; Taytor ~ (Dovenas). Autobiography of Clara Fisher Maeder.’ 1897; Guap- pine (W. J.). A Group of Theatrical Caricatures. 1897. To- gether, 14 vols. 8vo, vellum wrappers, uncut. New York; The Dunlap Society, various dates All limited issues. 306. Diner (ALBERT). De Symmetria partium in rectis formis humanorum corporum. With numerous anatomical woodcuts. Small folio, vellum. Norinbergae: Hieronymus Formsehneyder impensis viduae Durerianae, 1532-1534 f LARGE AND FINE COPY OF THE First Latin Epirion. Two parts in one. Second Session, Tuesday Evening, March 11th 307. Duruy (Victor). History of Greece, and of the Greek People, from the Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest. With an Introduction by J. P. Mahaffy. 4 vols. in 8. 1890; History of Rome, and of the Roman People, from its Origin to the Invasion of the Barbarians and Fall of the Empire. 8 vols. in 16. 1884. Containing over 5000 engravings, including numerous maps, plans, and colored plates. ‘Together, 24 vols. imperial 8vo, cloth, paper labels, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Estes and Lauriat, 1844-1890 EDITION DE LUxks, printed on linen vellum paper, limited to 1000 num- bered and registered copies, the above set being No. 74. 308. Harty Batiaps. Motherwell (William). Minstrelsy: Ancient and Modern. With an Historical Introduction and Notes. Square 8vo, full calf, gilt, slightly rubbed. Glasgow, 1827 Original Issue of this important collection of early ballads. 309. Harty Curist1AN Martyrs. [Mall (Thomas).] A Cloud of Wit- nesses ; or, the Sufferers Mirrour, Made up of the Svvan-Like Songs, and other Choice Passages of several Martyrs and Confessors to the Sixteenth Century, in their Treatises, Speeches, Letters, Prayers, &e. in their Prisons, or Exiles; at the Bar, or Stake, &. Collected out of Eusebius, Fox, Fuller, ete. by I. M. 4 vols. in 1, thick 12mo, full Cambridge calf, gilt, gilt edges. Autograph “John Bourne,” on title-page of first part. London: Printed for Robert Boulter, at the Turks Head, etc. (part 1) 1670, (part 2) 1677, (part 3) 1665 FINE copy of all three parts. Bound in is what is really part four,— “An offer of farther help to suffering saints . . . the people of God may see how to dress themselves for death, or any other suffering to which the Lord shall call.” London: Printed for the Author, 1665. 310. Harty ENeitisH Acts. Anno XXVI. Henrici VIII. Actes made in the session of this present parhament . . . the III. date of Noueber, in the XXVI. yere of the reigne of the most . . . soueraine lorde kynge Henry the VIII. TJvtle within elaborate border, with ornate initial letters. Small folio, unbound. [| At London] Thomas Berthelet [1535] Printed throughout in BLAck LETTER. Several Actes relate to Wales, including ‘‘An acte for punishment of Welshmen attemptyng any assautes vpon the inhabitauntes of Herff. Glouc. and Shropshire.” 311. Earty Enetisn History. Ellis (Henry). Original Letters, illus- trative of English History; including numerous Royal Letters from Autographs in the British Museum, and one or two other collec- tions. Portraits and facsimiles. 7% vols. 12mo, full blue polished calf, gilt, marbled edges. London, 1825 Fine ser. The First and Second Series complete. Second Session, Tuesday Evening, March 11th 312. Earty Eneuisu Law. The Dialogue in English, between a Doctor of Diuinitie, and a Student in the Lawes of England. Newlie cor- rected and Imprinted, with new Additions. Buack LerrEr. Small 8vo, full crimson morocco, gilt edges. Autograph of Joseph Harford on tttle-page. Imprinted at London in Fleetstreete . . . at the Signe of the Hand and Starre by Richard Tottill, 1593 Contains the Table Z1-[Z1V.] (Spp., last blank), usually missing. Many interesting features are set forth, including “If a Priest haue wonne mony by saying Masse, whether he may giue those goods or make a vyvil of them.” 313. Earty Enerisu Lirerature. Beaumont (Joseph). Psyche: or, Loves Mysterie. In XX. Canto’s: Displaying the Intercourse Betwixt Christ and the Soule. Small folio, CONTEMPORARY FULL MOROCCO, gilt panelled sides, unlettered back, with ornaments, gilt edges. London: Printed by John Dawson for George Boddington, 1648 First Epitron. Contains five original blanks at the front, one with several names showing that the volume at one time belonged to the Chandos family. ; Psyche is said to be the longest poem in the English language, and is one of the greatest efforts of English poetry during the era of the Commonwealth. ; 314. Barty Enouisn Lirerarure. Carew (Thomas). Poems, With a Maske. Small 8vo, full calf, red edges, title-page slightly extended on inner margin, and slight repairs affecting a few words. Not returnable. London: Printed for H. M. . . . at the signe of the Bell, 1651 The Third Edition, revised and enlarged. 315. Barty Encuisu Literature. Sidney (Sr. Philip-Knight). The Coun- tess of Pembroke’s Arcadia. The Tenth Edition, With his life and Death; a brief Table of the principal heads, and some other new Additions. With half-length unsigned portrait of Sidney im armor (brilliant impression). Small folio, contemporary calf, rebacked, very slight ink marks on a few back margins, not injuring text. London: Printed by William Du-Gard . . . at the half Moon, 1655 316. Barty Enauisu Lirreraturr. The Sad Shepherd: or, A Tale of Robin Hood, a fragment, written by Ben Jonson. With Continuation, Notes and Appendix (by F. G. Waldron.) 8vo, cloth back and boards. A discovery of Waldron’s, and its first publication. 317. Earty EneiisH Lireraturr. Burnett (George). Specimens of HEng- lish Prose-Writers, from the earliest times to the close of the seven- teenth Century . . . an account of books as well as their authors. 3 vols. 12mo, scored calf, gilt. London, 1807 London, 1783 Second Session, Tuesday Evening, March 11th 318. Harty ENeuisH Literature. Old English Plays; being a Selection from the Early Dramatic Writers. 6 vols. 8vo, old tree calf, gilt; the title of Vol. 6 and leaf of contents missing, supplied in pen and ink facsimile. London: Printed by Whittingham & Rowland, 1814 A selection of the writings of Heywood, Webster, Middleton, Rowley, Dekker, Chapman, and others. 319. Harty ENetisH Lirerature. Davis (William). A Journey [also, a Second Journey] Round the Library of a Bibliomaniac; or Cento of Notes and Reminiscences concerning Rare, Curious, and Valuable Books. 2 vols. in one, 12mo, full calf, gilt. London, 1821-1825 Seldom found with part two, which was published four years after part one. ‘The following work is neither of Satire like Swift’s Gulliver's Travels, not a pure Voyage Imaginaire like that of our Flying Friend, Peter Wilkins.” Contains many valuable details regarding early English and other literature. 820. Harty Eneisu Literature. Collier (J. Payne). A Catalogue, Biblio- | graphical and Critical, of Early English Literature; forming a portion of the Library at Bridgewater House, the property of the Rt. Hon. Lord Francis Egerton. With cuts and facsimile auto- graphs. 4to, half morocco and boards, uncut. Small ink spot on title-page. London, 1837 A valuable contribution to bibliography, containing much information relating to the items described. It was privately printed, and is very seldom offered for sale. A catalogue of the Celebrated Bridgewater collection. 321. Earty EneuisH Literature. Halliwell (J. O.). A Hand-List of the Early English Literature preserved in the Douce Collection in the Bodleian Library. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: For Private Circulation only, 1860 Only 51 copies were printed. 322. Harty Enotisn Lirerature. Corser (Thomas). Collectanea Anglo- Poetica: or, a Biographical and Descriptive Catalogue of a Portion of a Collection of Early English Poetry, with occasional Extracts and Remarks Biographical and Critical. Portrait. 11 vols. square 8vo, original cloth. Manchester, 1860-1863 Invaluable to the collector of early English Literature, containing bibliographical data of the highest importance. 323. Harty Encuisu Lirerature. Taylor (John—The Water Poet). Works of John Taylor. Edited by Charles Hindley. Portratt on title, illustrations and facsimiles of the title-pages of the original editions. Thick royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1872 Thick Paper copy. “Strictly limited to 100 copies.” Second Session, Tuesday Evening, March 11th 324. Earty EnenisH Porrry. [Carlile (Christopher).] A Discourse of Peters Lyfe, Peregrination and Death, Wherein is plainly proued by the order of time and place that Peter was neuer at Rome, etc. Woodcut title in compartments, and woodcut initials. Small 4to, old half calf and boards, light stains and old initials on title-page. At London Imprinted by Roger Ward [Colophon dated, 1582] Written by a divine, member of Clare Hall, Cambridge, of which society he was elected a member. This work was interdicted by public authority, soon after its appearance, consequently copies appear for sale at long intervals only. Pages 105-107 are occupied by ‘A Description of the Pope,” by H. I. IN VERSE, reading in part,— “But this is neither God nor man as he him self doth tell He is a meane betwene them both yet rules both Heauen and hell.” 325. Earty EneuisH Porrry. Certaine Worthye Manvscript Poems of great Antiquitie Reserued long in the Studie of a Northfolke Gentleman, And now first published by J. S. 1. The statly tragedy of Guistard and Sismond. 2. The Northern Mothers Blessing. 3. The way to Thrifte. ; ap Printer’s device on title-page. 16mo, full dark yellow crushed levant, the sides richly tooled, doublures of similar levant, gilt edges, in open faced board case, with protecting cover, leather back, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. Fore edge of title and several other pages “most skillfully supplied. Imprinted at London for R. D. 1597 First Epition. From the library of Robert Hoe, bookplate removed. The copy contains words in Mr. Hoe’s autograph on blank at front. BEAUTIFUL COPY OF THIS RARE VOLUME, which is dedicated “To the worthiest Poet Maister Ed. Spenser.” 326. Harty ENnetisH Porrry. Poems of Henry Howard, Karl of Surrey, Who Flourish’d in the Reign of Henry the Eighth . . . with the Poems of Sir Thomas Wiat, and others his Famous Contemporaries. London, 1717; Also, bound in the same volume, A Brefe Chronycle Concernynge the Examynacyon and Death of the Blessed Martyr of Christ Syr Johan Oldecastell, the Lorde Cobham, Collected togyther by Johan Bale. London, 1739. With curious engraved title-page. 2 vols. in one, 8vo, full calf, red edges. London, 1717-1739 LARGE AND THICK PAPER COPIES OF BOTH VOLUMES, the former a VERY RARE VOLUME. From the Charles Butler collection, with whee: 327. Harty EneiisH Porrry. The Quintessence of English Poetry . . Beautiful Passages on our Plays and Poems; from the celebrated Spencer (Spenser). 3 vols. 12mo, contemporary calf. London, 1740 Edited by Hayward, and presenting selections from Shakespeare, Chap- man, Daniel, Drayton, Herrick, Middleton, Massinger, and others of note. Second Session, Tuesday Evening, March 11 th 328. HARLY ENcuisnH Porrry. [Brydges (Egerton).] Theatrum Poetarum Anglicanorum. Containing the Names and Characters of all the English Poets, from the Reign of Henry III, to the close of the Reign of Elizabeth. 8vo, full calf, slightly worn. Enlarged and best edition. Canterbury, 1800 329. Harty Enetisu Porrry. The Anglo-Saxon Poems of Beowulf, The Travellers Song and the Battle of Finnesburh. Edited by John M. Kemble. 2 vols. 12mo, full terra-cotta morocco, gilt extra, gilt edges. London: William Pickering, 1835 A FINE copy. But one hundred were printed. Now scarce. Contains an exhaustive glossary. 330. Harty EneiisH Printine. [Mirk (John).] The Festyvall or Ser- mons on Sundays and Holidaies taken out of the Golden Legend, with the Quatuor Sermones. Printed in Buack Lertrer, double columns, with several small woodcuts. Small 4to, old vellum. London: Wynkyn de Worde, circa 1508 Commences at bii and ends at m(v). Many leaves frayed and prob- ably some missing. Sold, not returnable. Even portions are EXTREMELY RARE. 331. Harty EnauisH Printine. Fisher (John—Bishop of Rochester). This treatyse concernynge the fruytfull sayenges of Dauyd the kynge and prophete in the seuen penytencyall psalmes. Deuyded in seuen sermons was made and compiled by the ryght reuerent father in god John fyssher doctour in diuinitie and bysshop of Rochester at the exortacyon and sterynge of the moost excellent pryncesse Margarete countesse of Rychemout and Derby, and mother to our souerayne lorde kynge Henry the seuenth. Printed throughout in Buack Lerrsr, the arms of Westminster on title- page, and Wynkyn de Worde’s large device on verso of last leaf. Small 4to, old calf, gilt and blind tooled, small hole in title-page, skilfully repaired, several margins extended or repaired, light stains, and some marginal annotations of an interesting nature in a con- temporary hand, on the whole A GooD COPY WITH AMPLE MARGINS. | Colophon.] Here endeth the exposicyon of the seuen psalmes. Emprynted in Fletestrete at ye synge of the sonne by WYNKYN DE WorDE | somtyme prynter vnto the moost excellent pryncesse my lady the kynges graudame. In the yere of our lorde god. M.CCCCC.xxix. the xiii, day of the moneth of August. [1529] THE FIFTH EDITION. The first, printed by Wynkyn de Worde appeared in 1508, the second. also by the same printer, 1509, the third, printed by Richard Pynson, 1510, the fourth, printed by Wynkyn de Worde, 1525. The arms of Westminster on title-page are of the portcullis supported by a dragon and a greyhound. On Aii is a small woodcut of David and Bathsheba. The author, a learned English prelate, was born in 1459, and became Bishop of Rochester in 1504. When Henry VIII. attempted to procure a divorce from Catherine of Aragon, Fisher sided with the queen, thus incurring the king’s displeasure. He was deprived of his bishopric and thrown into the Tower, afterwards executed on Tower Hill, June, 1535. [See Reproduction of Printer’s leaf. ] > & S BO) (aaa D Simona, Uy Zam ten) KBE RS / igs Cabo F-— \ pa Porrea fe nb app hPvO vunra of JOHN FISHER—BISHOP OF ROCHESTER Sayenges of Dauys the kynge Fifth Edition, Printed by Wynkyn de Worde, 1529 Reduced facsimile of Printer’s leaf at end [No. 331] Second Session, Tuesday Evening, March 11th 332. Harty ENeiisH Printinc. More (Sir Thomas). The Confutacyon of Tyndales answere made by syr Thomas More knyght lorde chaucellour of Englonde. Title within an ornamental border. Small 4to, calf, gilt edges. Not returnable. Prentyd at London By Wyllyam Rastell, 1532 First Epition. Contains the title-page (which is mounted), the pre- face and part 3 (pages 173-326). Bound up with the above is,—‘‘An Apology for Lollard Doctrines, attri- buted to Wicliffe, now first printed from a Ms. with: Introduction and Notes by J. H. Todd,’ London, 1842. 333. Harty ENnciisH Printine. Stafforde (Henry, Lord). The True dyfferes between ye Regall Power and the Ecclesiasticall Power; translated out of Latyn, by Henry Lord Stafforde. Title within a finely engraved woodcut architectural border, surmounted by the royal arms of England. 12mo, full panelled calf, neatly rebacked. A few light stains and trifling wormholes. [Colophon] Imprynted at London in the Flete Stret at ye signe of the Rose Garland, by Wyllyam Coplad (Copland) [1548 | This work is a translation of Fox’s “De Vera Differentia Regis Po- testatis et Ecclesie.” The Dedication to Edward, Duke of Somerset, compares his furtherance of the Reformation to Solomon’s completion of the Temple begun by David. IT IS PRINTED THROUGHOUT IN BLACK LETTER. A FINE COPY OF THE RARE ORIGINAL EDITION, notwithstanding the slight defects mentioned above, and from the celebrated libraries of James Bindley and Mark Masterman Sykes, with bookplate of each, the latter a label of gold. . The Will of Wynkyn de Worde proves him to have been Copland’s typographical instructor. The name of William Copland appears in the Charter of the Stationers’ Company as one of its original members. He continued at the Rose Garland until the year 1553. 334. Earty EnerisH Ruoymes. Ker (John B.). An Essay on the Archae- ology of the Popular Phrases and Nursery Rhymes. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth, with labels, uncut. London, 1837 An important historical work seldom offered for sale. 335. Harty EnerisH Ruymes. The Nursery Rhymes of England, collected principally from Oral Tradition. Edited by James O. Halliwell. Svo, half calf. London: Percy Society, 1842 In all probability the author’s own copy; interleaved, and with a number of manuscript additions and corrections, some of which are with music. A volume of unusual interest. 336. Earty Jest Boox [Miege (Guy).] Delight and Pastime: or, Pleasant Diversion for Both Sexes. Consisting of Good History and Moral- ity, Witty Jests, Smart Repartees . . . free from Obscene and Prophane Expressions, too frequent in other Works of this kind. Small 8vo, full polished calf, gilt edges. London: At the Gold-Ring, in Little-Britain, 1697 First Epition of this entertaining volume, written by a native of Lausanne, a devoted adherent of the House of Hanover. Includes chap- ters on Love and Gallantry, Ladies, Marry’d Men and Women, Lawyers, Cardinals, Popes, ete. Second Session, Tuesday Evening, March 11th 337. Earty Kines or ENGLAND, Franoz, Etc. Portraicts de Tovs les Roys Dangleterre, depuis Brutus, jusques au Roy Iacques premier du nom, a present regnant. With a large number of portraits. Thick folio, full polished calf, gilt extra, in open faced cloth box. No place, circa 1650 Interesting volume, text and illustrations mounted. 338. Earty Manuscript Puay. Marriage Reviv’d; or, the mistris reform’d. MANUSCRIPT on paper, pp. 87, written by an English hand, about the middle or end of the seventeenth century. Small 4to, unbound. A few pages slightly worn. No record can be found of the above play ever having been printed, therefore we assume it to be unpublished. The scene is laid at Oxford. 339. Earty Printep Booxs. Brisiia Sacra Latina, Novum Testamentum. Folio, full stamped pigskin, blind tooled. [ Colophon. | Pns hoc opusculu artificiosa adinventione impri- mendi seu caracterizandi absque calami exaracione in Civi- tate Maguntina sic effigiatu et ad ensebia dei industrie per Johez Fust eine et Petru Schoifther de gernsheym consum-. matu Anno Dni MCCCCLAXAII. (1462) “This Bible, THE FIRST EXTANT WITH THE DATE AND WITH THE NAME OF A PRINTER, has always been regarded as an object of rarity, curiosity, and interest. According to Fabricius, Fust & Schoeffer printed this work at Mentz, and sold the copies at Paris as MSS for 60 crowns; and from the number disposed of they were supposed to have been executed by magic, as the discovery of printing at that time was a secret.”—PrrTTI- GREW’s Bibliotheca Sussexiana, Vol. I, Part II, pp. 294-299. See also Bibliotheca Spenceriana, Vol. i. pp. 11- 18. From the library of George Liver more, Dunn Hill, Cambridge. Number 388 in his sale’s catalogue, sold at Boston, November 20, 1894. CoLLATION. This copy contains only 97 leaves (it should have 239). The last leaf is supplied in exact facsimile, and has suffered from water- stains, some margins are stained, and a few of the painted initials have offset on the opposite pages. The following memorandum, written by Mr. Livermore, appears on a fly-leaf—“‘This copy has been cleaned, the initial letters re-painted, and the volume rebound under the direction of Messrs. Clarke & Bedford, London.” [See Reproduction of Page. ] 340. Earty Printep Booxs. Breuia Sacra Latina. A leaf containing part of the Text of the Second Book of Chronicles. Goraitc Lerrrr, double column, 48 lines to the column, headings, chapter numerals, and initials by hand in vermilion and blue, perfectly sound state, with broad margins. Folio, 1614 x 114% inches. . . In civitate Maguntu per Johanne fust cive. et Petru Schoiffher de Gernsheym . . . 1462] FRAGMENT OF THE First DATED BIBLE FROM THE WorLD’s First PREsS. “Of all known impressions of the Bible,” says Dibdin, “the present is the most celebrated among bibliographers. It is the first edition which bears the name of a printer, and the place and year of its execution .. . The perfection of its workmanship is universally acknowledged.” ADplyanone et nos infipictes mereduli erratrs Fuients ohdernsavoluptanbs varis:ct maliciar india agers : odibiles. odientes mice. Ci aut bemgmetas aumamtas ayparuit faluatonis noftriteine ex operibs ndtiae q feamus nos {ed fedm {na mfcdiam faluos nos feat plauacraregnacoisa renouacdi {pits fancti que efhudit m nos abiide pile- fum xpm faluatozem ntm:ve witifican gra: naiphus beredes fimus {com fpem vite v: terne. fidelis mo eft. Ct oe lysvolo te co: firmare:ut curent bomis operibs pefle g cre- punt ovo. Dec funt bonaavata bomimbs. Snultas aiit queltiots.et- genealogiasa cotentiones.tpugnas legis deuita. Sunt enim mutes a-vane. Derenci lomine p? wnamafedam correptioné wuita:faens qz fubiilis eft qua cufmodi eft: telingint cut fit gprioiudicd odemnams.Cumferoad tv arteman aut thyclicu:feltmaad meve- mire meopohm. ]bi enmm ftann bpemare. Senamlegifperitu et appollo folliate pmit- te:ut mebalillis dehe . Onfcant atie et nris bo- mis operibus preefle advius neceflarios: vt non fint mfructuoh. Salurar te qu me- cum fit omnes. Saluta eos qui nos amat in iide.iDrana de: cum ommby vobis ame. Exphic eplaad thptum. Jnap.argume ir \, epiftolamad pbilemone. ‘ay EMlemomi familiares {ras Faz i cit pro onehmo feruo eius: fi feribens ei ab vrbe roma t& carcere per fupraferiptum o- nem. Exphe argumetum Jnap-epta ad Aulus pbilemonem. vinetus ert ilochu ot thrmothe? Frater: plo: lemom oilecto adi: ronnoftro.ct appie fo- roat carifimesaraypo comilitom noftro ; ct ecclefic quem domo tua eft Diana vobis ct par 1 D¢o patre noftro: et domino heh criito ratias ago &o0 meo femp memonz am an facsiens m ozombs meis audiens cariz tatvm tuam et idem qua bates m ono iu et m omes fanctos:ut comunicacd hdei me cuidcs hat magmoone omis opis bomm hu xpo iOaudiit enim magnum babia v confolaconem im caritate ta:qe vicera fan coxrequeuerut per te Frater. Proprer qd mutta iduciambatens m erifto bela mpe randi tbi qd ad rem painet: gprer caritates magis obfecro ci fis tahs ve paulus fenex nite ait TvmctMibelu xpr:oblecro te p meo filio que gemin in vinculis onefimo qui tb aliquado muntis frt:niie ait amichiants swtilis: queremifitibs. Cu atitillt ut meava: feera fulaape . Que ego voluera meci tunes re:ut pte mich minftraret myimculis cuan gely. Sine ofilio aiit tuo melil voli Face: vtine velut ex necefitate bonis tuts effet. volitaris. fozhtan eniideo difcelhit ad to- ra ate-ve erernuili reaperes:14no vet Puit § p Fuo cariMfimit Fre3:maxie mmicd. Quan tD aure magis tibr:et mcarne ct in Dnos Si ergo babes me foaum: fufape ili fieut me. Sraiit aliqurd noauit tibi aut debee:|oe mii- chi mmputa.Cgo paulus feriph mea manu. Ego reddam:ut no dicambi ga trip frm uu. cli deles, Jea Frater ego te Fruar im Ofro:re- fice vifcera mea m erifto. Confidens trote- dientia tua feriph abs:feens qin et fuperid qd dico Facies. Simula para nei botpic um:nam {pero p o2zatones vias Dotlari me vobis. Salutac te epafras scapnius me? mxpottylu: marcus arftarcbus amas et {ucas aduutozes met. Dratia domiin noftn isclu erifts cum fpiritu veltro amen. Exphet epitolaad philemonem. Jnapit argumentum im epiftolam ad bebreos. f2 primis dicendit eft cur apoftolus paul? im bac epiftola feritendono fuauerit moze futt:ut-vel vocabuliinomime finvel ozdimis vwleriberct digmitate. Dec caufa eltig ad e- osferibens qu ex arcuchone crediderant quah genni apoftolusanon bebreor :fa- ens g coxfupbia3-uamg bumilitate ipe cemoftrans: merit officy fuinoluat aneeker- re. {2am fimili mo do enamiobannes aplus gpter bumnlitates im epla fua nomen fun eaz dem racone non prulit. Lane ergo eplam fertur apoftolus ad Lebreos oferipta lxebra- ica ligua mfiffe:caius fenfia ozdine retinés lucas cuangelifta poft exceffum api pauh greco mone compofint .Exptargumeni. -BIBLIA SACRA LATINA, NOVUM TESTAMENTUM THE FIRST BIBLE EXTANT WITH DATE AND PRINTER’S NAME Johez Fust et Petru Schoiffher, 1462 Reduced facsimile of page [No. 339] Second Session, Tuesday Evening, March 11th 341. Harty PrintEepD Books. Aquino (Thomas de). Quaestiones de malo. Printed in Gothic characters, double columns, 40 lines to the column, 177 unnumbered leaves (354 pages), including the last 3(6) blanks, without signatures or catchwords. Thick small folio, CONTEMPORARY GERMAN BINDING in wooden boards, covered with stamped leather, ORIGINAL CLASPS WITH BOSSES. Raised ornaments on both sides missing. Cologne: Arnold Ther Hoernen, circa 1474 LARGE AND FINE copy of this rare volume, especially desirable in con- temporary binding with original clasps. Hain-Copinger, 1415; Pellediet, 1014; British Museum Catalogue of Incunabula, page 205. 342. Harty Printep Books. Juvenalis et Persius. Satyrae. Roman char- acter, 34 lines to the page, 68 unnumbered leaves (132 pages), with signatures with iitials painted im blue and red by a contemporary hand. Small folio, half vellum and boards. Mediolani: Antonius Zarotus, 1476 With the exception that margins of some leaves are mended and last leaf inlaid, A GooD COPY OF THIS RARE EDITION. Hain, 9683. 343. Harty Printep Booxs. Melber (Johannes). Vocabularius praedi- cantium sive variloquus. Printed in Gothic character, 33 lines to the page, 216 unumbered leaves (432 pages), without signatures or catchwords, the initials painted in red by a contemporary hand. Small 4to, half vellum. The 3 blanks and 2 leaves of text missing, and 8 leaves supplied from another contemporary edition. | Reutlingen: Michael Greuff, circa 1480] Hain, 11028; British Museum Catalogue of Incunabula, page 578. 344, Earty Printep Booxs. Augustinus (8.). La Cita di Dio. Printed in Roman character, 47 lines to the page, 322 unnumbered leaves, with signatures. Small folio, full calf, blind tooled, gilt edges. [ Firenze: Antonio Miscomini, circa 1484] With the exception that a few leaves towards the end are slightly soiled and mended in the margins, A FINE COPY OF THIS RARE VOLUME, measuring 11x 7% inches. Hain, 2071 or 2072; Proctor, 6145. 345. Earty PrintTED Books. Sacrobusto (Johannes de). Sphaera mundi; cum tribus Commentariis Cicchi Esculani, Francisci Capuani et Jacobi Fabri Stapulensis Accedunt: Theoricae novae planetarum cumi expositione Francisci Capuani. Printed in Roman character, 59-60 lines to the page, 150 unnumbered leaves (300 pages), with signatures, woodcut astronomical diagrams and ornamental initial letters. Folio, vellum. ‘ Venetiis: Simon Papiensis dictus Bivilaqua, 23 Oct. 1499 A VERY FINE copy. Hain-Copinger, 14125; Proctor, 5414. This rare Astronomical treatise was written in the thirteenth century by John Holywood, a distinguished English mathematician contemporary with Roger Bacon. It was esteemed as the best work on the subject during three centuries. « Second Session, Tuesday Evening, March 11th 346. Earty Printine. Flores poetarum de virtutibus et vitus libri decem. Printed in Gothic character. Small 8vo, half calf, ight stains, other- Wise A FINE SOUND COPY. Coloniae: Martinus de Werdena, 1505 347. Harty Printinc. Passion oder Leyden Christi auss den vier evange- listen. With 25 FULL-PAGE WOODCUTS, representing scenes from the Infe and Passion of Christ, ENGRAVED BY Ursus Grar. Folio, CONTEMPORARY GERMAN CALF BINDING, panelled sides, with blind- tooled ornaments of foliage scrolls, neatly rebacked at a later date. Strassburg: Johannes Knoblouch, 1507 THE EXTREMELY RARE ORIGINAL EDITION, THE WOODCUTS CAREFULLY COL- ORED BY A CONTEMPORARY HAND. [See Frontispiece for Reproduction of Plate | 348. Earty Romancet. Roberte the Deuyll. A Metrical Romance, from an Ancient Illuminated Manuscript. With illustrations, some of which have been carefully colored by hand. 8vo, half leather, uncut. London, 1798 An uncommon edition, printed from one issued from either the press of Pynson or Wynken de Worde. 349. Earty Sports oF THE EnenisH. Strutt (Joseph). The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England: including the Rural and Do- mestic Recreations, May-Games, Mummeries, Pageants, Proces- sions, and Pompous Spectacles, from the earliest period to the present time. Illustrated with engravings selected from ancient paintings. Royal 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, ght stains, and several margins repaired. London, 1810 Second and best edition of this celebrated work, the illustrations printed in sepia. 350. Earty TREATISE ON CipER AND WINE Makina. [Worlidge (John).| Vinetum Britannicum: or, A Treatise of Cider, And such other Wines and Drinks that are extracted from all manner of Fruits Growing in this Kingdom . . . Method of Propagating all sorts of Vinous Fruit-Trees . . . description of the new-invented Ingenio or Mill For the more expeditious and better making of Cider, etc. With frontispiece, in two compartments. 8vo, original calf. London . . . at the Golden-ball under St. Dunstan’s Church, 1676 First Epirion of the author’s most important work, with the rare leaf of “License by Roger L’Estrange,”’ dated November 23, 1675. Con- tains a catalogue of fruits, and a section “Of the Medicinal Vertuse of Fruits, and Drinks made of them.” 351. Earty Work on ALPHABETS. Tagliente (Giovanantonio). Lo presente libro insegna la vera arte de lo excellente scrivere de diverse varie sorti de litere. With 41 full-page woodcut plates representing the various kinds of alphabets, hand-writing etc. in use in the sixteenth century. Small 4to, old fancy boards. Venetia: Francisco Rampazeto, 1560 This interesting work consists of 54 pages. Several editions were issued prior to 1560. Second Session, Tuesday Evening, March 11th 352. Earty Work on JuaeLine. Hocvs Poevs Ivnior. The Anatomie of Legerdemain. Or, The Arr or IveLine set forth in his proper colours, fully, plainly, and exactly, so that an ignorant person may thereby learn the full perfection of the same, after a little practise. Vnto each Tricke is added the figure, where it is needfull for in- struction. THE SEeconp Epirion, with many additions. With vignette on title-page, frontispiece (brilliant impression), and ii- lustrations. Small 4to, full calf, gilt edges. London: Printed by T. H. for R. M. 1635 FINE AND LARGE COPY OF A SINGULAR AND EXTREMELY RARE WorK. The author is unknown. 353. E@an (Pierce). Sporting Anecdotes, Original and Selected . . . the Turf, at the Table, and in the Diversions of the Field. With frontis- piece in eight scenes, by J. R. Cruikshank. 12mo, rebound in cloth. London, 1820 This, tHe First Eprrron, does not contain the colored plates that the second edition contains. GS Or us . Eaypr anp THE Hoty Lanp. Roberts (Dayid). The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt and Nubia. With Historical Descriptions by George Croly and William Brockedon. Illustrated with portrait, 241 beautiful folio views from drawings made on the spot by David Roberts, and 6 tttle-pages, IN CoLoRS, and 2 maps. Together, 6 vols. elephant folio, full red morocco, elegant gilt tooling, gilt edges. London: F. G@. Moon, 1842-1849 The coLorED copy of this splendid work, with the plates mounted. Portrait of the first volume slightly soiled. . Evior (Gzorce). The Complete Works of George Eliot. Illustrated with numerous full-page photogravures, the frontispieces being on Japan paper. 12 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt backs and sides, gilt tops, uncut. New York: George D. Sproul, 1899 WitLey Eprrion limited to 1000 numbered copies. Comprises,—Adam Bede; Romola; Mill on the Floss ; Felix Holt; Poems and Essays; Middlemarch, 2 vols. ; Life and Letters, 2 vols.; Daniel Deronda, 2 vols.; Silas Marner. 356. ExizaBern’s Court. Caulfield (James). The Court of Queen Eliza- beth: originally written by Sir Robert Naunton, under the title of “Fragmenta Regalia.” With considerable biographical addi- tions, by James Caulfield. With 20 portraits. Royal 8vo, cloth, un- eut. London, 1814 The portraits are all fine impressions on India paper. 357. Emptems. Junius (Hadrianus). Hadriani Ivnii Medici Emblemata, ad D. Arnoldvm Cobelivm. Eivsdem Aenigmatum Libellvs, ad D. Arnoldvm Rosenbergvm. Printed within exquisite engraved bor- ders, with 58 cuts, 16mo, colored boards, paper, writing on title and some pages slightly cut into. Antverpiae, Ex officina Christophori Plantini, M. D. LXV First Epirion. Brunet describes no copy in Latin earlier than 1569. ws Or Or Second Session, Tuesday Evening, March 11th 358. Emerson (RatpH Watpo). The Prose Works of Emerson. 3 vols. 12mo, three-quarter morocco, gilt backs and tops. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1881-1880 359. Emerson (RatpH Watpo). The Complete Works of Emerson [ With Prefatory Note by J. E. Cabot.| Portrait on INDIA PAPER. 12 vols. royal 8vo, three-quarter green polished levant morocco, gilt edges, contents lettered. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1883 LARGE Paper RIveRSIDE Eprtion, limited to 500 numbered copies. Com- prices,— Nature, Addresses, Lectures; Essays. 2 vols.; Representative Men; English Traits; Conduct of Life; Society and Solitude; Letters and Social Aims; Poems; Lectures and Biographical Sketches; Miscellanies ; Natural History of Intellect. 360. EncycLopmprA Brirannica (THE). A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and General Information. EteventH Epition. Tllus- trated with thousands of text illustrations, full-page colored maps, etc. WITH THE INDEX VOLUME. 29 vols. 4to, limp red morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Cambridge, England, and New York, 1910-1911 COMPLETE SET OF THE LATEST EDITION. THE INDIA PAPER ISSUE. 361. EnciuisH Dwetuines. Morris (Rev. F. 0.). A Series of Picturesque Views of Seats of the Noblemen and Gentlemen of Great Britain and Ireland. With Descriptive and Historical Letterpress. Hz- tensively illustrated with full-page colored plates. 6 vols. 4to, three- quarter blue morocco, gilt backs, gilt edges. London: William Mackenzie, undated 362. Enerisn Lake Scenzry. Wilkinson (Joseph). Select Views in Cum- berland, Westmoreland, and Lancashire. A series of forty-eight full-page plates. Folio, half calf. London, 1810 The descriptive letterpress 1s By Wurt~t1AM WorpswortH, and is THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF HIS ACCOUNT OF THE ENGLISH LAKES. Con- tains plates of such famous places as Furness Abbey, Coniston, Rydal (where Wordsworth lived), Derwent Water, Ullswater, Keswick, and others. 363. Enerisu Scenery. Cook (Joel). England, Picturesque and Descrip- tive. A Reminiscence of Foreign Travel. Nearly 500 illustrations. 4to, full polished tree calf, gilt panelled back, gilt edges, binding slightly scratched. Philadelphia: Porter and Coates, 1882 364. Encuisu-Scorrisu History. Two Speeches Spoken at a Common Hall, Octob. 27, 1643. 1. By Sir Henry Vane. 2. By Master Marshall. VVerin is shevved the readinesse of the Scots to assist the Kingdome and Parliament of England to the utmost of their povver. Small Ato, pp. 16, new boards. Edinburgh, Printed by Robert Bryson, Anno Dom. 1645 Second Session, Tuesday Evening, March 11th Y g 365. Enaravines. Lorrain (CLAvupE DE). Liber Veritatis. Or, A Collec- tion of Two Hundred Prints, after the Original Designs of Claude | le Lorrain, in the Collection of his Grace the Duke of Devonshire, executed by Richard Earlom, in the manner and taste of the draw- ings. To which is added A Descriptive Catalogue of each Print, together with the Names of those for whom, and of the Places for which the Original Pictures were first painted. Mezzotint portraits of Claude Lorrain by Josiah Boydell, and of Richard Earlom by T. Lupton. Hach volume contains 100 AQUATINTS AFTER LORRAIN’S PAINTINGS. 3 vols. folio, tree calf, gilt, binding of vol. I. strength- ened, vol. 2 rebacked. London: [ Vols. I and II.] Published by the Proprietor, John Boydell, 1777—[ Vol. III.] Published by Hurst, Robin- son and Co., 1819 ORIGINAL EDITION, WITH ALL THE PLATES. 366. Eneravines. STarrorD GALLERY. Engravings of the Most Noble The Marquis of Stafford’s Collection of Pictures, in London, arranged according to Schools, and in Chronological Order, with Remarks on Each Picture. By William Young Ottley. The Executive Part under the management of Peltro William Tomkins. With nwmer- ous vignette and larger engravings, and outline plates showing plans of the Gallery. 4 vols. royal 4to, russia, gilt, gilt edges, all volumes neatly rebacked. London: Printed by Bensley and Son, 1818 This splendid Gallery is especially rich in masterpieces of the Schools of Switzerland, Flanders, Holland, and Upper and Lower Italy. 367. ENGRAVINGS AFTER PAINTINGS BY THE OLD Masters. Le Pit Pitture Parmensi Indicate Agli Amatori delle Belle Arti... With 59 full-page engravings after paintings by Correggio, Michael Angelo, Jean- Baptiste, and other Masters. Folio, vellum, binding cracked. 7 Parma: dalla Tipografia Bodoniana, 1809 PROOF BEFORE LETTER impression of all the plates. Interiorly a fine copy. ; 368. ENGRAVINGS BY OLD Masters. Huth (Alfred Henry). A Catalogue of the Woodcuts and Engravings in the Huth Library. With numer- ous facsimiles. Royal 8vo, leather back and cloth, gilt top, uncut. London: Printed at the Chiswick Press, 1910 Only 150 eopies were printed, of which 100 were for sale. 369. Erasmus. The Praise of Folie. Moriae Encomivm a booke made in latyne by that great clerke Erasmus Roterodame. Englisshed by Sir Thomas Chaloner knight. Anno. M. D. XLIX. Ttle-page (cut close on three sides) within an elaborate border. Small 4to, full dark brown morocco, elaborately blind tooled, gilt edges. [Colophon.| Imprinted at London in Fletestrete in the House [Continued Second Session, Tuesday Evening, March 11th [ No. 869—Continued | B72. 373. 374, of Thomas Berthelet. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. Anno M. D. LXIX [1549] First Epition. From the library of Frederick Perkins, with book- plate. Writing on title-page: “Elizabeth Countess of Bristol. Her Book, 1735.” Also slight underscoring in ink, and light ink marks on blank portion of colophon. ‘There is an obvious discrepancy between the date on the title-page and that at the end, which seems to be common to all known copies. It is no doubt an accidental transposition of the letters XL in the colophon, the correct date being 1549.”—HuTH CATALOGUE. There are two issues. In one, the letterpress initials beneath the wood- cut border of the title-page are T. B., in the other T. P. (as above). Also the small leaf-ornament beneath the words “The praise of Folie,” hang down and stand up (as above). “Tf one that is sandblynd would take an asse for a moyle, or another praise a rime of Robyn Hode for as excellent a making as Troylus of Chaucer, yet shoulde they not straightwaies be counted madde therfore” (On leaf H. 1). . Essex Houser Press. The Psalter, or, Psalms of David. Printed in black and red, with woodcut initial letters. Small folio, green vel- lum, slightly rubbed. London, 1902 One of 250 copies printed. . EVELYN (JoHN). Sylva, or A Discourse of Forest-Trees, and the Propa- gation of Timber in His Majesties Dominions. Vignettes. Folio, calf, leather label. London, MDCLXX (1670) Second Edition, enlarged and improved, of the first work printed by order of the Royal Society. Farry Taues. La Barbe Bleue et La Belle au Bois Dormant. Deux Contes de Perrault. Illustrated with 41 water-colors by Edouard de Beaumont, reproduced in facsimile and printed in colors by the Editors Boussod Valadon & Cie. Folio, morocco, gilt, highly deco- rated, gilt top, silk doublures, uncut. _ Asnieres, 1887 Farmer (JoHN S.—Editor). Slang and its Analogues, Past and Pres- ent. A Dictionary, Historical and Comparative, of the Heterodox Speech of All Classes of Society for more than Three Hundred Years. With Synonyms in English, French, German, Italian, ete. 7 vols. square 8vo, half leather and boards, slightly rubbed. London: Printed for subscribers only, 1890 Number 42 of 750 copies printed. Autographed by John S. Farmer. Entirely out of print, and scarce. Frrcusson (Rosert—Scottish Poet). Poems. Vignette on title. Edinburgh. Printed by Walter & Thomas Ruddiman, 1773; [ Atso] Poems on various Subjects, by Robert Fergusson. Edinburgh: Printed by Walter and Thomas Ruddiman. 1779. 2 vols. in one, 12mo, full dark green levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, BY RoorT. : | Edinburgh, 1773-1779 First EpITions oF BOTH PARTS. A _ poetical epistle by Rosert Burns was placed on Fergusson’s gravestone. Burns “did not scruple to own his indebtedness to Fergusson.” Second Session, Tuesday Evening, March 11th 375. 376. o77. 378. 379. 381. Frevp (Micuazi). Long Ago [Poems.] Square 12mo, vellum, uncut and unopened. London: George Bell, 1889 First Epition. Number 54 of 100 copies printed. Freytpinc (Henry). Or Sermon made in Poules churche at London in the Shroudes, the seconde daye of Februari by Thomas Leuer. T%tle within an elabor- ate woodcut border, large and smaller imtial letters. 16mo, full crimson morocco, gilt edges, outer margin of title-page restored. [Colophon.] Imprinted at London by Ihon Daie, dwelling ouer Aldersgate [Title dated] Anno M. D & fiftie First EDITION OF THE FIRST PRINTED WORK Of this celebrated divine, and the sermon which led to an invitation to deliver sermons before Edward the Sixth at court on the 16th of the following month (March, 1550). In his sermon preached at a time when the English feared invasion, the author says,—“ . . . It is a wonderous playne worde to saye that Eng- land shall be destroyed: and vpon thys worde ensuing, it shuld be a terrible syghte to hundred thousandes of Scottes, Frenche menne, Papistes and Turkes, entering in on euery syde.” . LireraturE. Baumgartner (Alexander). Die Literaturen Westasiens und der Nillainder. 6 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs, leather labels. Freiburg im Breslau, 1901-1911 . Lirerature oF Att AGEs. Warner (Charles Dudley—Editor) and oth- ers. Library of the World’s Best Literature, Ancient and Modern. Illustrated. 30 vols., royal 8vo, half leather, gilt, gilt tops, some volumes rubbed. New York [1896-1898 ] . LITERATURE OF AMERICA. A Library of American Literature, from the earliest Settlement to the present Time. Compiled and edited by Edmund Clarence Stedman and Ellen M. Hutchinson. Portraits. 11 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1889 . Lopce (EpmMunp). Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain. Engraved from authentic Pictures in the Galleries of the Nobility and the Public Collections of the Country. With Biographical and Historical Memoirs of their Lives and Actions. With the extensive series of fine portraits, ALL BRILLIANT PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER. 12 vols. royal 4to, half green morocco, gilt, gilt edges, bindings fur- bished. London: Harding & Lepard, 1835 . Lonnon CuHaracters; or, Fashions and Customs, of the present Century. By Sir Barnaby Sketchwell, scene and portrait-painter to the Ar- gyle-Rooms, and other places of elegant resort. With illustrations (some portraits). 2 vols. in 1, thick 12mo, half calf, binding poor, name on both title-pages. London, 1809 A most scurrilous publication ; veiled uiMer the thinnest disguise, many of the most prominent characters of the day (both men and women) are portrayed. A copy of the greatest interest, having written in a contem- porary hand, the real names of some of the characters, underneath the names given by the anonymous author. — Z Pon ———_ = Second Session, Tuesday Evening, March 11th 510. LoNGrFELLOW (Hrnry WapswortH). The Poetical Works of Henry | _ Wadsworth Longfellow. 2 vols.; The Complete Prose Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, with his Later Poems. With a Bio- graphical Sketch by Octavius B. Frothingham. Extensively illus- trated. ‘Together, 3 vols. royal 4to, embossed morocco, gilt backs and edges. Boston, 1879-1883 Fine copy of the edition printed at the Riverside Press. 511. Lonerertow (Henry WapDSworTH). Poetical Works. Portraits. 4 vols.; Prose Works. 2 vols. Together, 6 vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt backs. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1881-1882 012. LONGFELLOW (HENRY WapswortH). Poetical Works. Illustrated. 6 vols, imperial 8vo, full limp morocco, bindings somewhat rubbed, gilt edges. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co. [1886] 513. Lowen (JAmMzEs Russert). The Complete Writings of Lowell. Por- trait and many illustrations on India paper, some of the plates in TWO STATES, one set being colored. 16 vols. 8vo, three-quarter green morocco, richly decorated gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, contents lettered. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1904 EDITION DE Luxe, limited to 1000 sets, finely printed throughout, on special water-marked paper. One of the beautiful Riverside Press issues. Comprises,—Fireside Travels; My Study Window; Among My Books; Political Essays; Poems. 5 vols.; Literary and Critical Addresses; Letters. 3 vols.; Latest Literary Essays. 514. LurHer (Martin). A Commentarie of M. Doctor Martin Lyther vpon the Epistle of S. Paule to the Galatians, first collected and gathered word by word out of his preaching, & now out of Latine faithfully translated into English for the vnlearned. Printer’s device on tttle- page. Thick small 4to, half calf, gilt. newly imprinted againe by Thomas Vautroullier dwelling within the Blacke friers by Ludgate, 1588 Printed throughout in Brack Letter, “diligently reuised, [and] cor- rected.” 515. Macautay (THomas Baprneron, Lorp). The History of England. Portrait. 8 vols. in 4, thick 12mo, half green calf, gilt backs, leather labels. New York, 1877 O16, “MacKINT0sH (Str JamEs). The History of England. Engraved title- pages by Finden. 10 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt backs, leather labels. London, 1830-1840 517. O18. 520. 521. d22. Second Session, Tuesday Evening, March 11th Matory (Sir THomas). Le Morte Darthur. The Birth Life and Acts of King Arthur of his Noble Knights of the Round Table Their Marvellous Enquests and Adventures. The Text as Written by Sir Thomas Malory and Imprinted by William Caxton at Westminster the Year MCCCCLXXXYV and now Spelled in Modern Style. With an Introduction by Professor Rhys. Hmbellished with many origi nal designs by Audrey Beardsley. 3 vols. royal 4to, cloth, gilt, un- cut. Edinburgh: Turnbull and Spears, 1893 Only 300 copies printed on Dutch Hand Made paper, this copy being No. 263. [Mantey (Mrs. Mary pp tA Rivrere).| The Adventures of Rivelia; or, the History of the Author of Atalantis, with Secret Memoirs and Characters of several considerable Persons, her Contemporaries. Engraved frontispiece. Frrst Epition. Small 8vo, half morocco, rebound, names of “Thos. Moore” and “Edd. May” written on title- page, in a contemporary hand. London, 1714 . Manuscript. Clemens V. Decretales, cum apparatu Johannis Andreae. MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM, written in gothic characters, red and black, double columns, executed in the North of Italy wm the sec- ond half of the fourteenth century, with some illuminated imtals, slightly rubbed. A fragment of 99 leaves (198 pages), unbound. Margins of some leaves cut away. See. XIV Most of the initials are well executed, the naine and gold bright. Manuscripr. Clement V. Decretales, cum apparatu Johannus Andreae. MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM, written in gothic characters, red and black, double columns, executed in Italy in the second half of the four- teenth century, with some illuminated initials, slightly rubbed. A fragment of 72 leaves (144 pages), unbound. Margins of some leaves cut away, as well as a few small portions of text. See. XIV Manuscript. Aquino (Thomas de). Tractatus de septum Sacramentis Ecclessiae. Accedit; Manipulas Curatorum per Guidonem de Monte Rocherio. MANUSCRIPT ON PAPER, written in Gothic characters, in red and black, double columns, 78 leaves (156 pages), with some in- itual letters in red, with fine ornaments, executed in Germany by a certain brother Johann of Susten iw the year, 1461, AND DATED. Small folio, old boards, which are somewhat worn. ‘Dated, 1461 THE WRITING IS MOST UNUSUAL AND RESEMBLES THE TYPES OF CAXTON. DATED MANUSCRIPTS ARE RARE. Manuscript. Carta Executoria de Hidalguia a Pedimiento del Doctor Andres Camudio de Alfaro de Seville, 1532. SpantsH MANUSCRIPT OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY. Written on 9% leaves (194 pages) [Continued Second Session, Tuesday Evening, March 11th so i lati cacao biel ak ae Rc Fale wali { No. 522—Continued | of vellum, THE FIRST FOUR FINELY IN GOLD AND COLORS, containing PULL-PAGE MINIATURE PAINTINGS of the Virgin and Child, St. Fran- cis of Assist, coat-of-arms and sia full-length portraits, in a genea- logical tree, of persons referred to in the manuscript, also at the end ws an elaborate ROYAL PORTRAIT, uluminated, and marginal paintings of hands directing to important passages, as well as in- itial letters in gold and colors. Small folio, richly bound in full brown morocco, SPANISH STYLE, in the manner of a sixteenth cen- tury volume, the remains of a genuine specimen of this nature havi ng been carefully preserved and forms a doublure of the front cover, crimson silk linings. (yranada, 1532 FINE SPECIMEN OF A SIXTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH MANUSCRIPT. 523. Manuscript. Confirmation by the Emperor Charles V. of the Exectory of the Hidalgo of Don Luis de Xaraba. SpanrsH MANUSORIPT OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY, on 30 leaves (60 pages) of vellum, the first two pages BEAUTIFULLY ILLUMINATED IN GOLD AND COLORS, one having a coat-of-arms and several elaborate designs, the other a charming floral border all round, also sixteen initial letters, ILLUMI- NATED IN GOLD AND coLors. Small folio, full violet morocco, gilt and blind tooled, antique style, By ZAEHNSDORF. Granada, 1542 524. Manuscripr. Carta Executoria de hidalguya in favor of a Member of the noble Spanish family of Carabajal. Manuscrrpr on PAPER of the year 1562, written on 62 leaves. The manuscript commences with a vellum leaf with the quartered arms of the Carabajal famaly PAINTED IN GOLD AND COLORS, at the end is another vellum leaf containing a full-page miniature portrait of the person in whose favor the present privileges were issued. Small folio, contemporary Spanish calf, with blind and gilt ornaments, and silk strings at back. 1562 525. Manuscript. Degree of Doctor granted by the University of Bologna to Giov. Batt. Marietti. Manuscripr on vELLUM of 8 leaves (16 pages), written in fine italics, and executed in the year 1637. With a full-page minature representing John the Baptist and St. Joseph kneeling before the Virgin and Child, and an ornamental heading of flowers and birds, containing the arms of the Marietti, at the be- ginning of the text. Small 4to, contemporary full brown morocco, gilt. 1637 526. Manuscript. Vellum Deed, 9 leaves (18 pages), granting the title of Marquis to Antonio Garcia and his descendants, signed by Charles the Sixth, Emperor of Germany and pretender to the throne of Spain. Vienna, 21 Apr. 1728 The deed is signed by several other personages in addition to Charles aS Second Session, Tuesday Evening, March 11th 527. Manuscripts. An Account of a Rich Illuminated Missal, executed for John Duke of Bedford, Regent of France under Henry VI. And afterwards in the possession of the late Duchess of Portland. Wath 4 full-page facsimiles, in outline. 4to, half roan and boards, gilt top, uncut. London: J. Nichols, 1794 Describing the famous Bedford Missal, one of the glories of fifteenth century illumination. 528. Manuscript. Saint Victor (Beauvelet de). Prieres Manvscrites. 25 illuminated pages BEAUTIFULLY EXECUTED IN GOLD AND COLORS, some with miniatures and all with handsome initial letters, the whole after specimens ranging from the tenth to the fifteenth centuries. Large 4to, brown morocco embossed, gilt edges and two gilt clasps. Seec.,. XIX UNIQUE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT. The manuscript was executed in colors and metals by a modern enthusiast of the art of medieval illumination. Among examples which have been worked into the volume are beautiful copies taken from a fifteenth century Petrarch, tenth and fifteenth cen- tury Bibles, a Psalter of the fifteenth century, a fourteenth century His- tory of the Jews, Hours, Missals, etc., ete. 5284. Manuscripts. Le Boccace de Munich. Etude historique et critique et explication detaille des planches par le Comte Paul Durrieu. Reproduction des 91 miniatures du celebre manuscript de la Biblio- theque Royale de Munich. Folio, sheets, in cloth portfolio, uncut. Munich, 1909 One of 800 copies printed on Holland paper. 529. Manuscripts. Kershaw (S. W.). Art Treasures of the Lambeth Li- brary. A description of the Illuminated Manuscripts, including Notes on the Library. Illustrated. Small 4to, half roan and boards, uncut. London: B. M. Pickering, 1873 An important bibliographical work, including a lengthy account of the famous Psalter of the fourteenth century, the gem of the Lambeth Psalters. a ée. 2 aS SS a. ws =s AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK 7 UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE OF LITERARY PROPERTY BY ORDER OF THE VARIOUS OWNERS AND EXECUTORS AS HEREINBEFORE DESIGNATED Third Session, Numbers 530 to 793, inclusive WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 12th, AT 3:00 O’CLOCK 5380. Martiat. Imitations of some of the Epigrams of Martial. ALL Four PARTS COMPLETE. Bound in one volume, 4to, new boards. London, 1793-1794 VERY RARE WHEN COMPLETE. Special interest attaches to this copy, in that in the hand of a former contemporary owner is written a large number of marginal comments which identify the characters, among which are many of the most prominent of the period. Many of the comments are of a highly personal nature. 531. Marvin (Freperic Rownianp). The Last Words (Real and Tradi- tional) of Distinguished Men and Women. Collected from Various Sources by Frederic Rowland Marvin. 2 vols. 8vo, three-quarter brown morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. LEOK, Need... 1900 EXxtTrA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of over 90 portraits. 532. MAsANIELLO. The History of the Rise and Fall of Masaniello, the Fish- erman of Naples; containing an Exact and Impartial Relation of the Tumults and Popular Insurrections that happened in that King- dom, (in the Year 1647) on Account of the Tax upon Fruits. By F. Midon, Junr. Engraved portrait. 12mo, half morocco, binding rubbed. London, 1747 533. Massincer (Puiuip). The Plays of Massinger. With Notes, Critical and Explanatory, by W. Gifford. Portratt. 4 vols. 8vo, calf, gilt backs. London, 1813 Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th 534. MayHrew (Henry). London Labour and the London Poor: The Con- dition and Earnings of Those That Will Work, Cannot Work, and Will Not Work. Profusely illustrated. 4 vols. cloth. London, undated and 1862 Includes the “Extra” volume,—“‘Those that will not Work.” 535. Minton (JoHN). Joannis Miltoni Angli, Artis Logicae Plenior Insti- tutio, ad Petri Rami Methodum concinnata. With portrait of Mil- ton, by Dolle (cut close on outer margin, and pin-hole in lower por- tion). 12mo0, ORIGINAL CALF, joints repaired, light stamp on title. Londini, Impensis Spencer Hickman, 1672 First Eprrion. It was republished by William Pickering. 536. Mitton (JoHN). Paradise Lost. A Poem in Twelve Books. The Author John Milton. Engraved portrait by Dolle. 8vo, old, prob- ably original calf, gilt, a few leaves slightly soiled. Not returnable. London: Printed by S. Simmons next door to the Golden Lion in Aldersgate-street, 1674. | A copy much above the average, of “The Second Edition. Revised and Augmented by the same Author.”’ 537. Mitton (JoHN). Paradise Lost. The author John Milton. The fourth edition, adorned with sculptures. Folio, full calf, neatly rebacked — in gilt, broad borders of gilt on sides. London, 1688 LarcE Paper copy. This is the first issue of the famous illustrated edition of Milton, published by Tonson in honor of his acquiring the copyright of Paradise Lost. He was excessively proud of his acquisition .and left no means unemployed to commemorate the event. The folio contains a portrait of Milton and 12 full-page plates. Robert White, the best engraver of his time was employed to engrave the por- trait of the poet, which is a noble example of his skill with the burin. The designs for the 12 illustrations were the masterly conceptions of Sir John Baptist Medina, and were engraved on copper by Michael Bur- ghers, in his usual satisfactory manner. It is interesting to note that these first conceptions have been adopted by all subsequent illustrators. To be sure, there may be a slight change here and there, but the underlying idea of Medina has been almost ‘ slavishly followed. Tonson, to further promote the glory of the edition, employed Dryden to write the superb verse, which is placed beneath the portrait,— “Three Poets, in three distant ages born, Greece, Italy and England did adorn. The First in Loftiness of thought surpassed, The Next in Majesty; in both the last. The force of Nature coud no longed goe: To make a third she joined the former tio.” At the end (the proper place), will be found the list of subscribers. This is generally, in error, placed by the binder in the first part of the book. 538. Mitton (Joun). The Poetical Works of Milton. Bdited by Sir Eger- ton Brydges. With imaginative illustrations by J. M. W. Turner.” 6 vols. 12mo, half vellum, gilt backs. London: John Macrone, 1835 ra 539. 540. O41. 542. 543. 044, 545. 046. Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th Mitton (JoHN). The Works of John Milton, in Verse and Prose. Printed from the Original Editions, with a Life of the Author, by the Rev. John Mitford. Portrait and rubricated title-pages. 8 vols. 8vo, calf, gilt backs and edges, leather lettered labels, By BED- FORD. London: William Pickering, 1851 PICKERING’S FINE LARGE TYPE EDITION, printed by Charles Whittingham, at the Chiswick Press. Each volume with bookplate of William Buttler Duncan. MouieRE (JEAN-BAPTistE PoquEniIn). (Céuvres de Moliére, avec des Remarques Grammaticales; des Avertissemens et des Observations sur chaque Piéce, par M. Bret. Portrait of Moliére after Mignard by Cathelin, 6 fleurons on titles, by and after Moreau, woodcut head and tail pieces after Papillon, etc., and 33 plates after Moreau by Baquoy, de Launay, Duclos, de Ghendt, Helman, Lebas, Legrand, Leveau, Moreau, Masquelier, Née, and Simonet. 6 vols. 8vo, ORIGI- NAL CALF, gilt backs, leather labels, worn at hinges. A Paris: Par la Compagnie des Libraires Associés, 1773 An edition remarkable alike for the type and for the beauty of the illustrations. . The impressions of the illustrations ARE EXCELLENT. This copy IS THE FIRST ISSUE, containing the duplicate pagination of pages 66-7 and 80-81 in volume one, designated by stars. Mo.uiere (JEAN-BAptTistTE PoquELin). The Dramatic Works of Moliére. Rendered into English by Henri Van Laun. New Edition Revised. With 19 engravings on steel. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. “New York: Worthington, 1880 Monarcuies. Rawlinson (George). Ancient Monarchies. Illustrated. % vols. 12mo, cloth. New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., wndated MonstrELEr (ENGUERRAND DE). The Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet. Translated by Thomas Johnes. 2 vols. 1863; FRotis- sant (Sir JoHn). Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining Countries. Translated by Thomas Johnes. 2 vols. 1862. Numerous illustrations. Together, 4 vols. square 8vo, full calf, leather labels, marbled edges. London, 1862-1863 Mors (Hannan). The Works of Hannah More. With Memoir and Notes. Portrait and engraved title-pages. 11 vols. 16mo, half blue calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. Slight stain on margin of some of the plates. London, 1853 Morris (Witiiam). Signs of Change. Seven Lectures. First Ep1- TION. 8vo, cloth, paper label, uncut. London, 1888 Large Paper copy. Morris (Witt1am). News from Nowhere; or, An Epech of Rest. First Epition. 8vo, original boards, paper label, uncut. London, 1891 Large Paper copy, one of 250 printed. Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th 547. 048. 549. 550. 551. 552. 553. Moror Car. Hooper (W. Eden). The Motor Car in the First Decade of the Twentieth Century. A souvenir and a historical survey of Mechanical Road Locomotion in England from early times to the present day. Portrait and numerous illustrations, many of which are wm colors, from rare old prints, ete. 2 vols. 4to, full maroon crushed levant morocco, gilt backs, sides with fillet border enclosing a framework of fillets with corner ornaments, doublure of green levant morocco with framework border of gilt fillets and floral deco- ration, watered-silk end-papers, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1908 Mtuppacu (Lovutsa). Miihlbach’s Works. Translated from the Ger- man by Adelaide De V. Chaudron. Illustrations. 18 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. London and New York: Chesterfield Society, 1893 EpITION DE Luxs, limited to 1000 numbered sets, printed for subseribers only. Comprises,— Joseph the Second and His Court; Goethe and Schiller; Napoleon and Bliicher; Louisa of Prussia; Queen Hortense; The Empress Josephine; and others. Mvtuiner (JoHn). A Testimony against Perriwige and Perriwig-Mak- ing, and Playing on Instruments of Musick among Christians, or any other in the days of the Gospel. Small 4to, half leather, somewhat soiled. Reprinted in Obedience to the Lord, by Rivhard Bury, 1708 MusaE (ANTONIUS). Quod nemini mors placeat. Small 8vo, conTEM- PORARY VENETIAN BINDING of black morocco, blind tooled orna- mental borders and centre pieces, back slightly worn. Lugduni: 8. Gryphius, 1543 Music. Baryphonus (Henricus Grobstim). Pleiades Musicae. Small 8vo, vellum. Halberstad: J. A. Cotenius, 1615 First Eprrion of this rare and interesting volume on the theory of music. There are numerous annotations in a contemporary hand. Music. Turner (William). Sound Anatomiz’d in a Philosophical Es- say on Musick. Wherein is explained The Nature of Sound . . . Discourse, concerning the Abuse of Musick. With numerous exam- - ples wn the text, and the folding plate at end. Small 4to, original calf, rebacked. | London: Printed . . . for the Author . . . at the Post-House . and no where else in England, 1724 First Eprrion. The work “ . . . is singularly antiquated in several respects even arguing against key-signatures as unnecessary.” Music. The Songs of the Beggar’s Opera, adapted to the Harpsichord, . Violin, or German Flute. Hngraved throughout on copper plates. 8vo, rebound in cloth, uncut. London: R. Tonson, circa 1799 Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th 554. Music or THE MopERN Worup (‘T'HE). Illustrated in the Lives and 556 557 558 Works of the Greatest Modern Musicians and in Reproductions of Famous Paintings, &. Edited by Anton Seidl, Editor-in-Chief, assisted by Fanny Morris Smith, and others. Hztensively illustrated with full-page portraits, many in colors, and numerous illustrations throughout the text. 10 vols. large folio; also, The Volume of Music, to accompany the above, with numerous illustrations. Royal 8vo. Together, 11 vols. large folio and royal 8vo, cloth. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1895 EDITION DE LUXE, limited to 500 numbered sets. With 10 colored photo- gravures. >. Musica InstrumMENts. Hipkins (A. J.). Musical Instruments, His- toric, Rare and Unique. The Selection, Introduction, and Descrip- tive Notes by A. J. Hipkins. Illustrated by a serves of 50 plates an colours, drawn by William Gibb. Folio, half crimson morocco, gilt back, gilt edges. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1888 Edition limited to 1040 copies. “Tt is claimed for this book, intended to illustrate rare historical and beautiful Musical Instruments, that it is unique.”—PREFACE. . New Soutu Watzs. Barrington (George). The History of New South Wales, including Botany Bay, Port Jackson, Parramatta, Sydney, and all its dependancies, etc. Enriched with beautiful COLORED PLATES (including views of Sydney, illustrations of the flora, nat- ural history etc. of the places). 8vo, old half calf, and boards. London, 1802 . Newspaper. The Original; A weekly Miscellany of Humour, Litera- ture, and the Fine Arts. With cuts. From No. 1 (March 3, 1832) to No. 22 (July 28, 1832). Small 4to, rebound in cloth, some pages thumbed. London, 1832 Bound in at the end are numbers 1-3 of “New Life in London, and Bon Ton Gazette,’ with cuts by Robert Cruikshank. Thought to be all pub- lished of both of the above, and believed perfect, but as with all peri- odicals, sold not returnable. . Newspaper. The Fly. With which is incorporated The Wonder & Nov- elty. From volume 1 (1837) to volume 4 (1841). With numerous full-page lithographic plates, including several portraits,—Macready, Tyrone Power, Dowton, Sir Walter Scott, Byron, and others, also view of Napoleon’s funeral carriage, etc. Bound in 38 vols., Ato, cloth. London (1837-1841) Contains contributions by some of the prominent authors and au- thoresses of the day, including Leigh Hunt, Miss Mitford, Mrs. Hemans, and others. Believed to be perfect, and to be all that were issued, but as with all periodicals, sold not returnable. Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th 559. Newspaper. Cleave’s London Satirist, and Gazette of Variety; also the continuation of Cleave’s Penny Gazette of Variety, late the Lon- don Satirist, from Vol. 1, No. 1 (October 14, 1837) to Vol. 6, No. 29 (April 29, 1843) ; also, bound in the same vols., The Penny Satirist, a cheap substitute for a weekly newspaper, from Vol. 1, No. 1 (April 22, 1837) to Vol. 2, No. 104 (April 13, 1839) ; also, bound in the same vols., The Odd Fellow, from Vol. 1, No. 27 (July 6, 1839) to No. 199 (October 29, 1842) ; also, bound in the same vols. single issues of, The Comic News (May 1, 1847) ; Bell’s Live Gal- lery of Comicalities (no date); and several contemporary Political Broadsides. With hundreds of illustrations, including a series of characters from the writings of Charles Dickens, mainly from “Pick- wick Papers’ and “Nicholas Nickleby,” etc. 2 vols. folio, half leather and boards, bindings somewhat worn. London, 1837-1847 Not the least interesting of the many illustrations in the above yolumes is that of The Aerial Steam Carriage, which appears in the issue of Cleave’s Penny Gazette, April 8, 1848 . . . “an object which has been long and often desired, but which has bitherto baffled the skill of man.” The woodcut is of two aeroplanes, both in the air, accompanied by a column description relating thereto. fia: The above files of the various papers are thought to be all that were ever issued. They are, however, as with all periodicals, sold not return- able. 560. Newspaper. Joe Miller, the Younger. New Series. Volume 1, aLL IssuED. London, 1845, also the continuation “Mephystopheles,” the pagination continued from the preceding periodical. With numerous tllustrations, of a political and humorous character. 4to, rebound in cloth. London, 1845 Believed to be all issued of both papers, a scarce issue of a periodical in the manner of “Punch.” In addition to the numbers as above de- scribed, there is bound in: “Joe Miller the Younger’s Almanac, for 1845-6.” : Assumed to be perfect, but as with all periodicals, sold not returnable. 561. Newspapers. The Town. From number 1, June 3, 1837 to number 52, May, 26, 1838. With wlustrations. Bound in one yolume, small folio, rebound in cloth. London, 1837-1838 Edited by the notorious Baron Nicholson, and a publication of an extraordinary character, giving details regarding men and women that could be found nowhere else, save in a publication of this nature. It is probable that no more than the above numbers were published. Assumed to be perfect, but as with all periodicals, sold not returnable. 562. NicHo~son (Wii~t1Am). Characters of Romance. A series of 16 plates (17 subjects) in various colors. Large folio, full morocco. London, 1900 First Epition. Dedicated to William Ernest Henley. The characters include Mr. Weller, Sophia Western, Mr. Jorrocks, Don Quixote, John Silver, fn others. It is considered to be the most important of Nichol-— sons Works. 563. 064. 566. 567. 068. 569. Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th NicHoison Innustrations. Henley (W. E.). London Types. Qua- torzains by W. E. Henley. Illustrations in color by W. Nicholson. First Epirion. Royal 4to, parchment, uncut. London, 1898 One of the special edition, printed throughout on Japanese vellum paper. NicHon~son Inuusrrations. Kipling (Rudyard). An Almanac of twelve Sports. Words by Rudyard Kipling. Illustrated by W. Nicholson. First Epirion. 4to, cloth. London, 1898 . Op Dictionary. Minsheu (John). A Guide into the Tongue. With their Agreement and Consent one with another, as also their Ety- mologies, that is, the Reasons and Deriuations of all or the most ‘ part of wordes, in these eleuen Languages, viz.—English, British or Welsh, Low Dutch, High Dutch, French, Italian, Spanish, Portu- guez, Latine, Greeke, Hebrew, &c. Thick folio, calf joints repaired. London, 1617 ORIGINAL ISSUE of this famous old dictionary, containing the very scarce list of subscribers’ names which is generally missing. Oxip Eneuanp: Her Story Mirrored in her Scenes. By W. Shaw Sparrow. Numerous illustrations, some in color, by James Orrock. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt, gilt top, uncut. London, 1908 PRESENTATION copy to Robert Hoe, with the signature of both author and illustrator. Laid in is a 2-page autograph letter of the author to Robert Hoe on literary matters. O~p EncuisH PLATEWwaRE. Cripps (Wilfred J.). Old English Plate. Ecclesiastical, Decorative, and Domestic: its Makers~and Marks. With 131 illustrations, and upwards of 2,600 facsimiles of plate marks. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1906 Otp Encuisu Puareware. Jones (HE. Alfred). The Old Royal Plate in the Tower of London, including the Old Silver Communion Ves- sels of the Chapel of St. Peter ad Vincula within the Tower. With 22 full-page photogravures on Japanese vellum paper, and tllus- trations in the text. 4to, half red calf, slightly rubbed. Oxford, 1908 A very important contribution to the literature on “old-plate,” and one seldom offered for sale at auction. Otp Gotp anp Sitver Puate. Morgan (Octavius). On the Assay Marks of Gold and Silver Plate [excerpt from the “Archaeological Journal” also, other excerpts and pamphlets on the same subject by the same writer. With marks. 8vo, cloth. London, 1853, etc. Laid in are five lengthy and important autograph letters from the author—the contents of which mainly relate to marks—written to “My dear Way.” Also, laid in are several original: drawings, and pages of alphabets and marks, all of which pertain to the subject. A very unusual and interesting collection. Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th 570. d71. O72. 576. B77. 078. OLp Pewrer. Massé (H. J. L. J.). Pewter Plate. A Historical & Descriptive Handbook. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, un- cut. London, 1904 Otp Pewrrer. Markham (C. A.). Pewter Marks and Old Pewter Ware, Domestic and Ecclesiastical. With about 100 illustrations, and 200 facsimile marks. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt. London, 1909 OLp PEwrTer Puatr. Bell (Malcolm). Old Pewter. Numerous illus- tratvons. London, recent; WYLLIE (Bertie). Sheffield Plate. Nu- merous tllustrations. London, recent. Together, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt. London, recent . OLD SHEFFIELD PLaTEWaRrE. Veitch (Henry N.). Sheffield Plate; its History, Manufacture and Art . . . Note on foreign Sheffield plate. With makers’ names and marks. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1908 - Ord Piate. Veitch (Henry N.). Another copy of the preceding. . OLD Sitver Piate. Howard (Montague). Old London Silver, its His- tory, its Makers and its Marks. With over 200 illustrations and over 4000 facsimiles of makers’ marks and hall-marks. Royal 8yo, full green leather, somewhat rubbed. New York, 1903 Otp Sones. The Musical Miscellany; Being a Collection of Choice Songs, Set to the Violin and Flute, By the most Eminent Masters. With frontispreces after Vanderbank, by Van der Gucht, and the music to the songs. 6 vols. 12mo, contemporary calf, 2 labels missing. London: John Watts, 1729-1731 Seldom found in complete set as the foregoing. Many of the songs are of a character that would not be included in present day collections. Of Shakespearian interest. Oxtp Sones. The Vocal Miscellany. A Collection of above Four Hun- dred Celebrated Songs; many of which were Never before Printed, with the Names of the Tunes prefixed to each Song. With frontis- pieces by Parr. 2 vols. 12mo, contemporary calf, rubbed. London, 1734 Second Edition, with additions. The songs are mainly of a character that would not be published for general circulation in the twentieth century. Op Sones. Prest (T.—Editor). The Singers Penny Magazine, and Reciter’s Album; A Superior Collection of all the most New and Popular Songs, Duets, Glees, Trios, Catches, and Recitations— Comic, Sentimental, Bacchanalian, Sporting, Amatory, English, Irish, and Scotch. LHmbellished with numerous woodcuts. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf. London: G. Drake, 1835 Several specimen wrappers are loosely laid in, also several broadside songs, clippings, etc. An autograph letter, written by “G. M.” is also laid in. It is in refer- ence to these volumes, the writer says: “ . . . For years I tried to obtain a set of these Magazines and these are the only ones I ever came across. Four numbers are missing,” ete. Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th 579. OMAR KuayyAm. The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayy4m, the Astronomer- Poet of Persia. Rendered into English Verse by Edward Fitzgerald. With an accompaniment of drawings by Elihu Vedder. 4to, original cloth, gilt extra, gilt top, uncut. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1884 ORIGINAL ISSUE of this celebrated edition. 580. OrreNTAL Rucs. Mumford (John Kimberly). Oriental Rugs. With ulustrations, the frontispiece in colors. First Eprrton. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut, title on back faded. New York: Scribner’s, 1900 581. Ovip. Ovidius Exulans: or Ovid Travestie. A Mock-Poem, On Five Hpistles of Ovid. By “Naso Scarronnomimus.” Second Edition. 16mo, old sheep. London, 1676 582. Ovip. Banier (Abbé). Les Métamorphoses d’Ovide, en latin, traduites en frangois, avec des Remarques, et des Explications Historiques. Ezxtenswely rllustrated with full-page copper-plates and engravings throughout the text, engraved by P. Picart and others. 2 vols. folio, sheep, leather labels, binding scratched, and cracked at hinges. A Amsterdam: chez R. & J. Wetstein & G. Smith, MD CC XXXII (1782) FINE copy, especially desired because of its plates. Contains the three plates, issued separately, and generally missing, at p.264. In Vol. II the pagination 264 to 270 is wanting, though the text reads correctly. The three full-page plates supply the missing pagination. 583. Paumistry. Barptolomaei Coclitis Bononiensis. [ Physiognomiae Com- pendivm and Chyromantiae Compendivm:| 2 parts in one. With a large number of fine plates, more than one hundred and fifty being half-page plates illustrating the lines of the hand, the balance of phystognomy. Small 8vo, old boards, ink spots on title-page. Argentorati Strassburg, 1533 Undoubtedly a very rare and EARLY Work on both subjects. The plates are finely executed. 584. PANTHEON. Bell’s New Pantheon; or, Historical Dictionary of the Gods, Demi-Gods, Heroes, and Fabulous Personages of Antiquity; also, of the Images and Idols Adored in the Pagan World. Stipple- plate engravings. 2 vols. 4to, russia, edges of bindings rubbed. . London, 1790 585. ParporE (Junta). The Court and Reign of Francis the First, King of France. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs and tops. London: Richard Bentley, 1849 First Epition. Engraved portraits, including one of Diana de Poictiers (with pencilled note). Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th cone: 586. or ioe) ~z 588. 591. 592. 593. Parts, and Its Environs. A series of 200 views, by A. Pugin and C. Heath, ALL PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER. 2 vols. folio, full morocco rubbed, some pages loose. Not returnable. London, 1831 LarGE Paper copy, with proofs before inscriptions of the illustrations. A very attractive series for Extra-Illustration. . Parkman (Francis). The Works of Francis Parkman. Jull-page illustrations. 16 vols. 8vo, cloth, paper labels, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1899 FRONTENAC Eprtion. Comprises,— Pioneers of France in the New World. 2 vols.; The Jesuits in North America. 2 vols.; La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West; Old Régime in Canada. 2 vols.; Oregon Trail; Montcalm and Wolfe. 3 vols.; and others. Paropres. Hamilton (Walter). Parodies of the Works of English. and American Authors. Collected and annotated by Walter Ham- ilton. 6 vols. in 3, 4to, half red morocco, gilt, initials of former owner on backs of each volume. London, 1884-1889 The most important collection of Parodies published covering a wide field. The early volumes are scarce, having been published at different times. ae . PaTEeR (WALTER H.). Studies in the History of the Renaissance. First Epition. Small 8vo, cloth. London, 1873 . Pearts. Kunz (George F.) and Stevenson (C. H.). The Book of the Pearl. The History, Art, Science, and Industry of the Queen of Gems. LHatensively illustrated. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1908 [Prcee (SamMuEL).] Anonymiana; or, Ten Centuries of Observations on various Authors and Subjects. Compiled by a late very Learned and Reverend Divine. 8vo, full calf, gilt, By FRANCOIS BEDFORD. London, 1809 An interesting and valuable work. PENMANSHIP. The Young Clerks Assistant; or, Penmanship made easy . a compleat Pocket-Copy-Book. With a large number of finely engraved pages, tllustrating alphabets, maxims, quotations, etc. exe- cuted in different styles. 8vo, full calf. London, 1723 Curious and rare. Bound in at the end is: “A New Drawing Book of Modes, by Mons. B. Picart,’”? with engraved title-page and 13 plates. Pepys (SAMUEL). The Samuel Pepys Memorial, erected in the Church at St. Olave’s, Hart Street. View of the tablet containing portrait. Small 4to, boards. London: Privately printed for subscribers, 1885 Only a few copies were printed. a tn oon ow eS i tag a q a | 4 “4 a . ; 594 or Co Or 596 597, 598. 599. 600. 601. 602. Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th . Pepys (SaMvuEL). Diary and Correspondence of Samuel Pepys. The Diary deciphered by the Rev. J. Smith from the Original Shorthand MS. Life and Notes by Richard, Lord Braybrooke. With 4 por- traits on steel. 4 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, gilt backs and tops, uncut. Philadelphia: David Mackay, 1889 . PERKINS (CHARLES C.). Tuscan Sculptors: Their Lives, Works, and Times. 2 vols. 1864; Italian Sculptors: being a History of Sculp- ture in Northern, Southern, and Eastern Italy. 1868. tchings by the author, and engravings on wood from original drawings and photographs. Together, 3 vols. imperial 8vo, half leather, gilt backs and tops, uncut. London, 1864-1868 Puitiires (Mrs. Trresta Constantia). An Apology for the Conduct of Mrs. T. C. Phillips, more particularly that which relates to Her Marriage with an Eminent Dutch Merchant. 3 vols. 8vo, full calf, gilt. London, 1748-1749 At the foot of the title-page is the following: “N. B.—Such extraor- dinary care has been taken to intimidate the booksellers in order to stifle this work that Mrs. Phillips is obliged to publish it herself, and only at her house in Craig’s Court, Charing Cross; and to prevent im- position, EACH BOOK WILL BE SIGNED WITH HER OWN HAND.” Special in- terest attaches to this copy in that Volume One is signed by Mrs. Phillips no less than five times; Volume Two, once; and Volume Three, four times. “Puiz” IntustRaTions. [CaswaLi (Epwarp).| Sketches of Young Ladies. By “Quiz.” With 6 illustrations by “Phiz.” First Epi- TION. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1837 “Puiz” IntusTrRATIONS. Whitefeather (Captain Barabbas). The Hand- book of Swindling. Edited by John Jackdaw. With illustrations by “Phiz.’ First Eprtion. 12mo, original limp cloth, gilt edges. London, 1839 A volume illustrated by “Phiz’ seldom offered for sale. “Putz” InLustRATIONS. Aunt Effie’s Rhymes for Little Children. With 24 illustrations by H. K. Browne. First Eprrion. 8vo, original cloth, gilt edges. London, circa 1856 “Piz” InuustraTions. Ainsworth (William Harrison). Ovingdean Grange. A Tale of the South Downs. Illustrated by Hablot K. Browne. Frrsrt Epirion. 8vo, original blue cloth, uncut. London, 1860 “Pyiz” InLustRATIONS. Meadows (Lindon). Dame Perkins and her Gray Mare. With illustrations by “Phiz.” First Eprtion. Square 8vo, original cloth. London, 1866 Prurarcu. Langhorne (John) and (William). Plutarch’s Lives, translated from the original Greek; with Notes Critical and His- torical and a Life of Plutarch. With Corrections and Additions by the Rev. Francis Wrangham. Portrait. 6 vols. diamond calf, leather labels, bindings rubbed and worn. London, 1809 Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th 603. PurutarcH. Plutarch’s Morals. Corrected and revised by William W. Goodwin, with an Introduction by Ralph Waldo Emerson. 5 vols.; Plutarch’s Lives. The translation called Dryden’s. By A. H. Clough. 5 vols. Together, 10 vols. 8vo, maroon and green cloth. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1871-1872 604. Pork (Epaar AtLan). The Works of Poe. Newly collected and edited, with a Memoir, Critical Introductions and Notes, by Edmund Clar- ence Stedman and George E. Woodberry. Portraits and tllustra- tions, ALL IN TWO STATES, one set on Japanese paper. 10 vols. 8vo, three-quarter brown crushed levant morocco, gilt backs and tops, leather labels, uncut. New York and Pittsburg: The Colonial Company, 1903 AUTOGRAPH EpiTIon, limited to 150 numbered and registered sets, each set signed by the Editors and Publishers. This is No. 13. Firng set. Comprises,—Tales. 5 vols.; Literary Criticism. 3 vols. ; Eureka, ete. One vol.; Poems. One vol. 6044. Por (Epaar ALLAN). ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT OF HIS STORY “HANS PHAALL.” 20 Paces. Square 8vo. Each page preserved between transparent gauze, the whole bound in full volume, square 8yo, one blue levant morocco, lettered on hack and side, gilt top. ~ [1834-1835 ] AN IMPORTANT MANUSCRIPT BY THE AUTHOR OF “THE RAVEN,” MOST BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN IN HIS EARLY ScRIPT. It is complete to the end of page 16, ending with “the citizens of Rotterdam in spite of’ and commences again “Far away to the Northward I perceived a thin, white and exceedingly brilliant line or streak,’”’ with about three quarters of the balance of the story, with the ending “Your Hxcellencies very humble servant, Hans Phaall.” P The title is written in the middle of the page in large and bold letters, with a verse beneath, which has been crossed out with extraordinary care. A strong glass however reveals the following,— “With a heart of furious fancies Whereof I am commander, With a burning spear and a horse of air, To the wilderness I wander.” This manuscript was found among the papers of Rear Admiral Melancton Smith, uncle of the present owner, Miss Deborah B. Martin, on his death in 1893, and has since that date been in the possession of the present owner. Admiral Smith’s aunt, Mrs. Mary Jones Osborne of New York, was an intimate friend of Mrs. Clemm and knew Poe well. It is the opinion of the owner that her uncle obtained the manuscript direct from either Mrs. Jones or Poe himself. The words “A Tale by Edgar A. Poe,” seem to have been written in by him at a somewhat later time than the title of the story, possibly when the author presented the manuscript to his friend. The above is an early, if not the first draft of the version which appeared in the Southern Literary Messenger, 1835, for July 20, 1835. Poe, in writing to the editor of the Southern Literary Messenger said, “Look over ‘Hans Phaall,’—in No. 10, and see if you have not miscalcu- [Continued EDGAR ALLAN POE Early Draft of His Manuscript “Hans Phaall” [No. 604A | Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th [No. 604s—Continued | lated some due me. There are 34 columns in all. ‘Hans Phaall’ cost me nearly a fortnight’s hard labor and was especially written [rewritten] for Messenger.” -As is well known Poe was obsessed on revisions of his own works, and a little later wrote of this work—‘First part faulty—I have often thought of remodeling it entirely.” The Manuscript is the Property of Miss Deborah B. Martin of Green Bay, Wisconsin, where Rear Admiral Melancton Smith lived, after he retired from the service. [See Reduced Facsimile of First Page.] 605. Ponrt or Poyner (lonn—Bishop of Winchester). An Apologie Fvlly Avnsvveringe by Scriptures and aunceant Doctors a blasphemose Book gathered by D. Steph. Gardiner of the late Lord Chaucelar D. Smyth of Oxford Pighius and other Papists as by ther books appeareth and of late set furth vnder the name of Thomas Martin Doctor of the Ciuile lawes (as of himself he saieth) against the godly mariadge of priests. By Iohn Ponet Doctor of diuinite and Bisshop of Winchester. Newly corrected and amendid. Small 8vo, half russia and boards, joints weak. [No place or printer’s name. Printed abroad. Dated on last leaf, 1556] With the exception of a few (blank) corners that need restoration, A LARGE AND FINE COPY OF THIS RARE VOLUME. A manuscript note written on the fly-leaf reads,—‘“Probably printed in Zurich by Christopher Froschover (1521-64). Printer of Coverdale’s Bible” (the first edition of the Bible in the English language). There are also copious annotations on the margins in a contemporary hand. Collation A-M8 in eights. On Aij (verso) occurs,—“The booke to the papists,” and “The books frind to the booke,” six lines each, IN VERSE. . Contains in addition to the above, THE ORIGINAL BLANK following M3. On M3 is printed,—“From the Tyrannie of the bushop of Rome and all his detestable enormities | from all false doctrine and Heresie | from hardnes of hart and contempt of thy word and commandimet: good lord deliuer vs | Amen.” 606. PopE (ALEXANDER). Mr. Pope’s Literary Correspondence For Thirty Years; from 1704 to 1734 . . . A Collection of Letters, Which passed between him and Several Eminent Persons. Portraits of Pope, Addison, and Swift. 2 vols. in 1, thick 12mo, calf. London: Printed for E. Curll (vol. 1), 1735 and undated An uncommon edition, probably pirated, as most of the works published by Curll were. 607. PopE (ALEXANDER). The Works of Pope. With Notes and Illustrations by Joseph Warton and others. Portratt. 9 vols. 8vo, tree calf, gilt. London, 179% Fine set of a well printed Library Edition. Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th 608. 609. 610. 611. 612. 613. Porrrarrs. Lodge (Edmund). Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain. Engraved from Authentic Pictures in the Galleries of the Nobility and the Public Collections of the Country. With Biographical and Historical Memoirs of their Lives and Actions. 12 vols. London: Harding, Mavor and Lepard, 1823-1834; [With the Companion Publication of] The Gallery of Portraits, with Me- moirs [Published] Under the Superintendence of the Society for the Difusion of Useful Knowledge. 7% vols. London: Charles Knight, 1833-1837. With about 400 engraved portraits. Together, 19 vols. royal 8yvo, half green morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. London, 1823-1837 Fine uniformly bound set. Portraits of CELEBRATED CHaracTEers. Kay (John). A Series of Original Portraits and Caricature Etchings. With Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes. With over 500 fine portraits. 2 vols. thick royal 8vo, half calf. Edinburgh, 1842 Among the numerous portraits of the more famous characters that appear in this collection are those of Thos. Jefferson, Thomas Paine, Mrs. Siddons, Wm. Pitt, Voltaire, Lunardi, Wesley, ete. PortTrAIts OF REMARKABLE CHaractErs. The Eccentric Magazine; or, Lives and Portraits of Remarkable Persons. With 68 portraits. 2 vols. in one, 4to, half roan, gilt. London, 1814 Probably a large paper copy of this singular work. Among the char- acters portrayed, with portraits, are—Robert Powell, the fire-eater; Bamfylde Moore Carew, king of the beggars; Thomas Paine, whose biog- raphy commences,—“This extraordinary and restless man;” James Ait- kin, alias Jack the Painter; Benjamin Franklin, “this celebrated Amer- ican philosopher,” ete. Porrery AND PorceLArIn. Marryat (Joseph). Collections towards a History of Pottery and Porcelain . . . a List of Monograms. I/lus- trations, some in color. 8vo, original cloth, somewhat worn, and spotted in places. London, 1850 Porrery AND PorceLain. Binns (R. W.). A Century of Potting in the City of Worcester, being the History of the Royal Porcelain Works, from 1751 to 1851. Illustrated. First Eprrion. 8vo, original cloth. London, 1865 Porrery AND PorcELAIN. Meteyard (Eliza). The Life of Josiah Wedgwood, from his Private Correspondence and Family Papers . . . with an Introductory Sketch of the Art of Pottery in England. With numerous illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, full polished yellow calf, gilt ornaments on sides, full gilt backs, gilt edges, By ToUT. London, 1865 ' AN EXCEEDINGLY HANDSOME COPY OF THE ORIGINAL EDITION. ee ree sp oe ee 614. 615. 616. 617. 618. 619. 620. 621. — 622. Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th POTTERY AND PorcELAIN. Marryat (Joseph). A History of Pottery and Porcelain, Medieval and Modern. Third Edition, Revised and Augmented. With COLORED PLATES and numerous woodcuts. 8vo, morocco, gilt back, sides and edges. London: John Murray, 1868 PoTrTERY AND PoRCELAIN. Graesse (J. G. T.). Guide de amateur de Porcelaines et de Poteries. With several hundred marks. Dresde, 1868, also bound in same volume, by the same author, Guide de Vamateur . . . principaux sculpteurs en pierre, métal et bois, des _ivoiriers, etc. With almost 400 marks. Dresde, 1871. 8vo, morocco back and cloth. Dresde, 1868-1871 PoTTERY AND PorceLAIN. Chaffers (William). The Keramic Gallery, with historical Notices and Descriptions. Containing several hun- dred illustrations of rare, curious, and choice examples of pottery and porcelain, from the earliest tumes to the beginning of the pres- ent century. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt, gilt tops, lightly spotted in places. London, 1872 ORIGINAL EDITION Of this important work. PotTERY AND PorcELAIN. Chaffers (William). The Keramic Gallery. With Historical Notices and Descriptions. Containing about 450 full-page illustrations of rare, curtous and chowe examples of pot- tery and porcelain, from the earliest tumes to the beginning of the present century. 2 vols. thick 8vo, embossed calf, gilt backs and sides, gilt edges, inside borders, leather labels. London: Chapman and Hall, 1872 PoTreRY AND PoRCELAIN. Birch (Samuel). History of Ancient Pot- tery, Egyptian, Assyrian, Greek, Etruscan, and Roman. New and Revised Edition. With colored plates and woodcuts. 8vo, blue morocco, gilt back, sides and edges, BY ZAEHNSDORF. London: John Murray, 1873 Potrery AND PorcELAIn. Audsley (George) and Bowes (James L.). Keramic Art of Japan. Full-page illustrations, mainly IN COLORS, SOME HEIGHTENED IN GOLD; also illustrations of Marks and Mono- grams. Imperial 8vo, red cloth. London: Sotheran & Co., 1881 PorrERY AND PorcELAIN. The Soft Porcelain of Sévres. With an His- torical Introduction by Edouard Garnier. Illustrated with 50 full- page plates representing 250 water-color subjects after the origznals. Folio, flowered cloth, gilt back and edges, binding somewhat soiled. London: John C. Nimmo, 1892 Porrery AND PorcEeLaIn. Gulland (W. G.). Chinese Porcelain. Wath 485 illustrations. 8vo, cloth, slightly soiled. London, 1899 Porrery AND Porcenrain. Downman (E. A.). English Pottery and Porcelain: being a concise Account of the Development of the Pot- ter’s Art in England. Profusely illustrated. New and greatly en- larged edition. 12mo, cloth and boards. London, 1899 Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th 623. 624. 625. 626. 627. 628. 629. 630. PorreRyY AND Porcenatn. Auscher (E. S.). A History and Descrip- tion of French Porcelain. Translated and edited by William Burton. With 24 plates in color, together with reproductions of marks and numerous illustrations. 8vo, full crimson morocco, gilt, gilt edges, BY LARKINS. Binding very slightly rubbed. London [1905] Limited issue. Porrery AND PorcenLAIN. Moore (N. Hudson). The Collector’s Man- ual. With 336 engravings. Royal 8vo, cloth. New York [1906] Pottery, Porcelain, Glassware, Lustre, Pewter, ete. PorrERY AND PorcELAIN. Chaffers (William). Marks and Monograms on European and Oriental Pottery and Porcelain, with Historical Notices of each Manufactory. Revised and edited by Frederick Litchfield. With over 3500 potters’ marks and illustrations, Thick royal 8vo, cloth, gilt, gilt top, uncut. London, 1906 — Pleventh edition, with an increased number of marks and additional ‘ information. PorrEeRY AND PorcELAIN. Rhead (G. W.) and Rhead (F. A.). Staf- fordshire Pots and Potters. With 4 colored plates, 116 wzlustrations ‘ in half tone, and 90 drawings in pen line by the authors. Thick 8vo, cloth. New York, 1907 Porrery AND PorceLAIN. Chaffers (William). The Keramic Gallery. With Historical Notices and Descriptions. Hatenswely illustrated. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut.. London, 1907 Revised and edited by H. M. Cundall. PorrERY AND PorcELAIN. Frantz (Henri). French Pottery and Por- celain. Illustrated. London; KNowxzs (W. P.). Dutch Pottery and Porcelain. Illustrated. London. Together, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, recent ‘PoTTERY, FURNITURE, SCULPTURE, etc. Masterpieces of Industrial Art & Sculpture at the International Exhibition, 1862. Selected and described by J. B. Waring. With a large number of excellent re- productions, MANY OF WHICH ARE IN GOLD AND COLORS. 3 vols. thick folio, full dark brown morocco, richly gilt, gilt edges, very slightly rubbed. London, 1863 From the famous William Horatio Crawford collection, with bookplate. Prayer Boox. Ordinatio Ecclesiae seu Ministerii Ecclesiastici, in Florentissimo Reguo Angliae, conscripta sermone Patria, et in Latinam Linguam bona fide conversa et ad consolatio Ecclesiarum Christi, ubicumque locorum ac gentium, his tristissimis temporibus, edita ab Alexandro Alesio Scoto Casrae Theologiae Doctore. Small 4to, half morocco. Some small wormholes and first eight leaves in perfect facsimile. Lipsie: W. Gunterus, 1551 THE EXTREMELY RARE First LaTIN EDITION OF THE PRAYER BooK OF Kine Epwarp THE SIXTH. Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th 631. Prayer-Boox. A Booke of Christian Prayers, collected out of the an- cient writers; and best learned in our time, worthy to be read with an earnest mind of all Christians, in these dangerous and troubl- seome daies, that God for Christes sake will yet still be merciful vnto vs. Title printed within woodcut borders of scriptural subjects (the Stem of Jesse), with the Dance of Death, etc. after Diirer and Hol- bein, portrait of Queen Elizabeth at prayer on reverse of title, etc. Small 4to, CONTEMPORARY CALF, with brass bosses (one missing, also brass clasps missing). At London: Printed by Richard Yardley, and Peter Shott, for the assignes of Richard Day, 1590 FINE AND LARGE COPY OF THE THIRD EDITION OF THIS CELEBRATED PRIVATE PRAYER BOOK OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. SPECIALLY DESIRABLE IN CONTEMPORARY BINDING WITH BRASS BOSSES. 632. Prayer-Boox. The Booke of Common Prayer, And Administration Of ; the Sacraments And other parts of divine Service for the use of the Church of Scotland. Title printed within ornamental borders, i black and red, and with numerous ornate initial letters. Edin- burgh, Printed by Robert Young, Printer to the Kings most Ex- cellent Majestie, M.DC.XXXVII. (1637); [Auso] The Psalter, or Psalms of David: After the Translation set forth by authority in King James his time of blessed memory. As it shall be sung or said throughout all the Churches of Scotland. Title printed within ornamental borders, and with numerous ornate initial letters. Wdin- burgh, Printed by Robert Young . . . Anno M.DC.XXXVI (1636). 2 vols. in one, small folio, full dark red morocco, gilt, gilt edges, BY HENDERSON AND BISSET. — Edinburgh, 1637-1636 First EpIrioN or THE ScottisH Prayer-Book, commonly known as Laud’s Book, and the one which Charles I. inadvisedly attempted to force upon the Scottish people in 1637, a proceeding which led to the well-known Jenny Geddes incident in St. Giles’ Church, and ultimately to the signing of the Covenant. It was withdrawn from circulation. Hb3 ends correctly with the word “Diwit’? (the second issue), but there is bound in at the end AN ADDITIONAL LEAF from a copy of the first issue where the whole of the 31st and part of the 30th verses are missing, and where the catchword ends “Yea.” 633. Prayer-Boox. A Directory For the Publique VVorship of God, Throughout the Three Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ite- land. Together with an Ordinance of Parliament for the taking : away of the Book of Common-Prayer: and For establishing and ob- serving of this present Directory throughout the Kingdom of Eng- land, and Dominion of Wales. Small 4to, old half calf. London: Printed for Evan Tyler . . . at the Sign of the Bible in Cornhill, 1644 First Eprtion or THE Puritan *PrRAYER Book. The “Ordinance of Parliament for the taking away of the Book of Common-Prayer, and for the establishing and putting in execution of the Directory for the publique Worship of God,” is printed in Brack LETTER. The above copy contains the rare leaf of authorization to print, pre- ceding title-page. Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th 634, PrayEr-Boox. Book or ComMon PRAYER IN GERMAN. Die englische Liturgie, oder das allegemeine Gebeth-Buch, wie auch die Handlung der heil. Sacramenten und anderer Kirchen-Ceremonien, sambt denen xxxix. Glaubens-Articuln der englischen Kirechen. Wobey auch die Psalmen Davids. Square 8vo, or small 4to. Printed on THICK or DUTCH PAPER, with a wide outer margin, giving space for remarks. In the original purple or dark red cover, gilt leaves. Franckfurt an der Oder, 1704: This translation into German of the Book of Common Prayer was made under the following circumstances, as detailed at large in the Life of Archbishop Sharp of York, 1825. Vol. 1, pp.403-449. The Psalter and other Scriptural portions are in Luther’s version. “Frederick, K. of Prussia, had found it necessary, for the greater solemnity of his coronation in 1700, to give the title of bishops to two of the chief of his clergy, the one a Lutheran, the other a Reformed. The former died soon after; whereupon the other, viz. Dr. Ursinus, con- tinued without a colleague, and with the title of bishop. Since that time the King conceived the design of wniting the tivo different communions in his Kingdom, the Lutheran and the Reformed, in one public form of worship. And, as he had a great respect for the English nation and Church, and held a good opinion of the Liturgy of the Church of Eng- land, he thought that might be the most proper medium wherein both parties might meet.” 'The persons who were most instrumental in this design were Dr. D. E. Jablonski, the Court chaplain, and Bishop Ursinus. By their advice the King ordered the English Liturgy to be translated, and, this done, he commanded his bishop, Dr. Ursinus, to write a letter in his name to the Archbishop of Canterbury to acquaint him with what had been done, and what was intended, and to ask his Grace’s advice about it. And two copies of the Liturgy were sent, one for her Majesty the Queen, and the other for his Grace. Her Majesty, on receipt of her copy, ordered Lord Raby, her Minister at the court of Prussia, to return her thanks to the King and to the Bishop; but the other copy, and the letter designed for the Archbishop of Canterbury, were not delivered to him, and the more unfortunately as they were assured at Berlin to the contrary. And as, therefore, no answer was received from the Arch- bishop, the King, after frequent inquiries, considered it as a matter of neglect and abandoned his purpose, and thus fell to the ground what might have proved a barrier to the influx of Neologian error, as well as an increase of the influence of the Church of England. Is THs THE MISSING COPY? - 635. PrayEr-Boox. The Book of Common Prayer, And Administration of the Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, according to the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America; together with the Psalter, or Psalms of David. Small folio, contemporary blue straight-grained morocco, gilt, AMERICAN BINDING, some margins stained and corner of six leaves repaired, two leaves lack a few letters on lower lines, back strengthened. New York: By Direction of the General Convention, Printed by Hugh Gaine, at the Bible, Hanover-Square, 1795 First American .Edition of the Book of Common Prayer in folio for the reading-desk. Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th 636. PRESBYTERIANISM [CaLpER (RosBErt ?).| The Scotch Presbyterian Eloquence; or, The Foolishness of their Teaching Discovered from their Books, Sermons, and Prayers; And some Remarks on Mr. Rule’s late Vindication of the Kirk. Small 4to, contemporary Eng- lish (or Scottish) red morocco, richly gilt tooled sides and back, gilt edges. ‘ London: Printed for Randal Taylor near Stationers-Hall, 1692 THE ORIGINAL EDITION IN A FINE CONTEMPORARY BINDING Of a work of which Robert Calder, clergyman of the Scottish Episcopalian church, is “ . . . reputed author.” It is “a collection of citations intended to expose the irreverent liberties indulged in by the presbyterians in their prayers and sermons,” and the FIRST WORK BY THIS AUTHOR. 637. Prescotr (WittiAmM HicktineG). Historical Works of Prescott. Por- traits and plates. 17 vols. 8vo, three-quarter olive-green morocco, gilt backs and tops (some backs slightly faded), some edges uncut, others scraped, contents lettered. Boston, New York and London, 1840-1864 FINE AND COMPLETE SET of the author’s Historical Works. Comprises,—History of Ferdinand and Isabella. 3 vols. 1840; Conquest of Mexico. First Epirtion. 3 vols. 1848; Life in Mexico. By Madame C(alderon) de la B(arca). Preface by Prescott. London, 1843; Biographical and Critical Miscellanies. First Epirion. 1845; Conquest of Peru. First Eprrion. 2 vols. 1847; Philip the Second. First Epirtion. 3 vols. 1855-1858; Charles the Fifth. First Epition. 3 vols. 1857; Life of Prescott. By George Ticknor. First Epirion. 1864. ’ 638. Prescorr (Witt1am Hicxiine). Historical Works of Prescott. En- graved portraits and rubricated titles. 13 vols. 8vo, tree calf, pol- ished, gilt backs and tops, leather lettered labels, some leaves uncut, BY TOUT. London: Bentley, 1846-1859 Fine library set. Comprises,— History of the Conquest of Mexico. 3 vols.; Charles the Fifth. 2 vols.; Ferdinand and Isabella. 3 vols. ; Philip the Second. 3 vols.; Conquest of Peru. 2 vols. 639. Prévost D’Exitus (A. F.). Histoire de Manon Lescaut et du Chevalier des Grieux. Précédés d’une Etude par Arséne Houssaye. Six eaua- fortes par Hédouin. 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, richly gilt back, arms “Resolute and Firm,” as motto on sides, gilt edges, BY sMEERS. Binding very slightly rubbed. Paris, 1874 Of this fine edition but 170 examples on Holland paper were printed, ‘each numbered. 640. Priwer or THE RerormMED CuurcH oF Eneuanp. The Primer | set Fyrth | By the kinges maiestie & his | Clergie, to be taught lerued, and | red: & none other to be vsed | thorowout all his | Dominions. | Imprinted at London within | the precinct of the late dissolued [Continued Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th [| No. 640—Continued | house of the | graye Friers by Richard Grafton Printer | to the Princes grace, the xvii. | day of August, the yeare of | our Lorde M.D.XLVI. | . . . Reprinted without any Alteration. | Title within an ornamental border, with ornate imtial letters, and full- pege representation of the Prince of Wales’ feathers and EP. 8vo, new full dark brown morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Old name on margin of title and very light stains on a few margins. London: Richard Grafton, 1546 THE First Epirion of Henry VIII. Primer. The first authorized primer of the Reformed Church of England, was printed by the same printer as the above, Richard Grafton, the previous year, 1545 in quarto. It was reprinted by Grafton several times during that year, also by Whytchurch and Berthelet. The present edition (one of three printed by Grafton in 1546—4to, .8vo, and 16mo), is printed in black and red, the Bnglish in Brack LETTER, the Latin in Roman Letter. Prrrect, LARGE AND FINE COPY. The Litany leaves out all Saints’ names, and includes,—“From all sedi- tion and priuy conspiracy, from the tyranny of the Bishop of Rome, and all his abominable enormities, from all false doctrine and heresy, from al hardnesse of hart and contempt of thy word & commaunde- ment: . Good lord delyuer vs.” [See Reproduction of Title-Page] 641. Prinrer’s Piz. A Festival Souvenir of the Printers’ Pension, Alms- house and Orphan Asylum Corporation. With numerous full-page colored and other reproductions, after F. C. Gould, Phil May, F. D. Millet, W. Dendy Sadler, Dudley Hardy, L. Raven Hill, and others. 5 vols. 4to, rebound in cloth. London, 1903-1907 . The issues for 1903-1904-1905-1906-1907. Contains contributions by many of the most prominent authors, including,—Marie Corelli, Hall Caine, W. Pett Ridge, Israel Zangwill, Max Pemberton, Austin Dobson, Sarah Grand, J. K. Jerome, Andrew Lang, and others. Many of these contributions are original. 642. Prints [Maberly (William).] The Print Collector. An Introduction to the knowledge necessary for forming a Collection of Ancient Prints. First Eprrton. Square 8vo, cloth. London, 1844 Contains 3 pages of collectors’ marks, on which are a large number. 643. PsatrEr. (Title, printed in red:) Icy cémence le Pfaul | tier de Dauid contenat | cent et cinquante pfeaul | mes auecq leurs titres le | allement tranflate de la | tin en franchois. | (Fol. 2a:) BEnoit eft lhome q na point | . . . (Colophon, on fol. 100b:) Impreffum Par- rhijs (sic) Anno dni Millefimo | quingetefimo decimotertio mefis Tulij die pe | nultima. Per Thomam Kees wefalienfem et | mora trahente poft Carmelitas i domo rubea. | Et venudatur in ciuitate [Continued Pe lies GES — : ‘THE PRIMER Se T FY RTH pi? oe: wy the hinges mnaictie F his Cirrgte, ta be taught lerued, and ted: E hone other tobe bled thorotmout all pis DOaininions. Bt SG SEM: Hs 2 Mi “1g IMPRINTED AT LONDON within 1” the precing of the late diffolued houfe of the i graye Friers by Richard Grafton Printer aK to the Princes grace, the xvii. | day of Auguft, the yeare of mk our lorde M,D.XLVI. ile Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum folum. ; "Fe ¥ 1 \" | SOR SO ONG OR GAME OR Ke GRR GF ‘lt his . hs Reprinted without any Alteration { 5 wd ¥ £ « ot? a aene-4 +4 wg 6 cs SEAS OF EO LS OO Se HG PRIMER OF THE REFORMED CHURCH OF ENGLAND The First Edition of Henry the Highth’s Primer. 1546 Facsimile of title-page [No. 640] Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th | No. 6483—Continued | - Tornacen. | Printed in Gothic letter, in black and red. Small 8yo, old calf, gilt, a few leaves at beginning and end somewhat stained. : Paris, 1508 Purchased many years ago from- Bernard Quaritch, the following description taken from his catalogue,— “FXXCESSIVELY RARE. First printed edition of any part of the actual text of the Bible in French. (It is not necessary to make an excep- tion of the Penitential Psalms alone, which had recently appeared.) Neither Brunet nor Panzer ever saw a copy, but they both give the title to which Brunet adds the following remark—‘Panzer a rapporté, d’aprés Gesner, le titre de ce livre rare que nous n’ayons jamais yu.’ To this significant statement I may subjoin another, that I have had only one copy besides this one in my possession (in 1884), and that there was none exhibited at the Caxton show of Bibles in 1877. With regard to the text, there is nothing to indicate who was the translator. All the biblical books which had been printed in French before this one were only paraphrases or abridgments from the Bible History of Peter Comestor.” The orthography is sometimes curious, as for example yawes for eaua, lowes for lowez.” CoLLaTion : A—N4 in eights. From the library of C. van Baviere, Facult. Juris Acad. Bruxell, with bookplate. [See Reproduction. ] 644. Pyte (Howarp). The Story of King Arthur and His Knights. Nu- merous ulustrations by Howard Pyle. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1903 645. Ractner (A.). Le Costume Historique. Types Principaux du Véte- ment et de Parure rapprochés de ceux de l’Intérieur de l’Habitation dans tous les Temps et chez tous les Peuples, avec de nombreux détails sur le Mobilier, les Armes, les Objets Usuels, les Moyens de Transport, etc. Recueil publié sous la direction de M. A. Racinet, avec des Notices Explicatives, une Introduction Générale, des Tables et un Glossaire. Illustrated with nearly 500 full-page plates, rep- resenting about 8000 different subjects, a very large proportion of them being BEAUTIFULLY COLORED, MANY HEIGHTENED IN GOLD AND SILVER. One vol. of Index and Glossary, wrappers (cover torn), and 20 parts in cloth portfolios. Together, 21 vols. folio, uncut. Paris: Firmin-Didot et Cie., 1888 LARGE Paper copy. An exhaustive cyclopedia, and one of the best works on the subjects treated, namely, Costumes, Furniture, Jewelry, Interior Decoration of Dwellings, Means of Transport, Military and Civic Life, and many other subjects. Arranged historically from the remotest periods to recent times. : Although the title-page calls for 500 plates, there are only 472, the printer having in some cases given two numbers to a double-page plate, while in others, he has given one number to two plates. + Dy ait hie ee a ‘Oteu man8e a fa Gertu/diew cdferme ce que €u as Befoignie en nous. 50 e tory temple ery Hrerufatery fee voie fe off tt tont prefens. RK edargue fee Beftes fauuaiges du tofiau / fa codvetation dec tortauy eft es VachKes dee pert pies affiry que foient aparens ceufp qut font Serre fe ery Fargent. iffipe Feo gene qui Beufent uerees fes mef faigicrs Benvont degipte etfiopie preucra fee majns a dieu. B opatmes de ferve chantes a dieu / pfeaumia es au feigneur. CL Gantes pfeaufnes a diew qui monte fur fe clef du cief enuers orient. Gecp quif donra a fa Soin Goi de Bertus Ddonnes gfoire a dieu. Ba magnificece eft fur ifract/ et fa Pertu ee ‘Oieu eft meruiffeuy ey fesfainefe (muces diett difeacf donta Gertu et force a for peuple dieu et fott Benit. La.fo Dil. EL Dout Ca fir pout ceufp qui feront cdmuce a 2 ag . REE Oy slenatrs rt , J AEN pawes font entrecetufque a yimon ame. my Hl re fuie encroffe au iol fot« fi he a poit d¢ fubfi c nuaups [6 PSALTER PRINTED IN GOTHIC TYPE First Printed Edition in French of any part of the Bible. 1508 [No. 645] Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th 646. Rackuam ILLustrations. The Land of Enchantment. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham. First Epition. 4to, original cloth. London, 1907 Fine clean copy. Contains “The Maker of Ghosts and the Maker of Shadows,” by A. E. Bonser, and 4 other stories, all illustrated by Rack- ham. 647. RackHamM InLusTrations. Carroll (Lewis). Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Tilustrated by Arthur Rackham. 8vo, original cloth. London, recent First Epition with these charming illustrations. Contains the first appearance of a Proem by Austin Dobson. 648. RarBurn Portrait. The Life of James Watt, with selections from his correspondence. By James P. Muirhead. Portrait and woodcuts. First Epirion. 8vo, original cloth. London: Murray, 1858 Only edition giving’ an account of the portrait of Watt by Sir Henry Raeburn, unknown to all writers on that artist’s work. 649. RanpotpH (THomas). Poems. The 4th Edition, much Enlarged. With both the engraved and printed titles, the engraved title with portrait. 18mo, calf, rebound, engraved title inlaid. Oxford: Printed for Francis Bowman, 1652: The blank leaf at front contains a five-stanza (each of six lines), in an Early English handwriting, “By a M odern,” the first verse of which commences,— “Young Damon owned the happiest Swain The Pride & Glory of the Plain.” 650. Rawirnson (GEorGE). History of Herodotus. Maps and illustrations. 4 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs and tops. % London: John Murray, 1862 651. ReapE (CHARLES). The Works of Charles Reade. Photogravures. 13 vols. 8vo, cloth, paper labels, gilt tops. New York: Metropolitan Publishing Company, 1895 Liprary Epirion, limited to 1000 numbered sets, the above being No. 7. Comprises,—A Terrible Temptation ; Griffith Gaunt; A Woman-Hater; Put Yourself in his Place. 2 vols.; It Is Never Too Late To Mend. 2 vols.; The Cloister and the Hearth. 2 vols.; Hard Cash. 2 vols.; Foul Play; Love Me Little, Love Me Long. 652. RicHarpson (SamMuEL). The Novels of Samuel Richardson. Complete ‘and Unabridged. With Introductions by William Lyon Phelps. Portraits and ilustrations, ALL IN TWO STATES, one set on Japanese paper. 20 vols. 8vo, green morocco, gilt backs, sides and tops, un- cut, contents lettered. New York. Printed from type for subscribers only, by Cros- . cup & Sterling [1901] THE Sarispury Court Eprrion. Number 2 of 260 copies printed on Holland hand-made paper. Comprises,— ; ; Sir Charles Grandison. 7 vols.; Clarissa Harlowe. 8 vols. ; Pamela. 5 vols. eo yee ee = ee es ee ee ay ee ee ee ee ; Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th 653. RicHARDSON (SAMUEL). The Novels of Samuel Richardson. Complete and Unabridged. With Introductions by William Lyon Phelps. Portraits and other illustrations, some on Japanese paper, some in colors. 20 vols. 8vo, half green polished morocco, gilt backs and tops. uncut, contents lettered. New York: Printed from type for subscribers only, by Croscup & Sterling [1901] FINE SET OF THE SALISBURY CourRT Epition. Number 31 of 300 copies printed. Comprises,—Pamela. 5 vols.; Clarissa Harlowe. 8 vols.; Sir Charles Grandison. 7 vols. @ 654. RippatH (JoHN Cuark). Ridpath’s History of the World. From Re- cent and Authentic Sources. Profusely illustrated with maps, charts, sketches, portraits and diagrams. 8 vols. imperial 8vo, half crim- son morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. New York: Philips and Hunt [1885] EDITION DE Luxk, limited to 1000 copies. Signed by the author. 655. Roprnson (HEnry Craps). Diary, Reminiscences, and Correspondence of Henry Crabb Robinson. Selected and Edited by Thomas Sad- ler. Illustrations. 3 vols. in 6. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut, writing on title-page of one vol. partly obliterated. London, 1869 ExTrRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of over 400 portraits and views, also an interesting four-page A.L.S. of Robinson, to John Kenyon. 656. Rogers (SamMuEL). The Pleasures of Memory, with other Poems. New edition. With engravings on wood by I. Clennell, from drawings by T. Stothard. 8vo, full crimson morocco, gilt edges. London, 1810 Large Paper copy, printed throughout on India paper, only a few issued. 65%. Rogers (SaMvuEL). Italy, a Poem, also, Poems. With numerous ex- quisite vignettes, after Turner, Stothard, and others, ALL PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER, also tatl-pieces. 2 vols. 4to, full green morocco, gilt, gilt edges, BY HAYDAY. London: Edward Moxon, 1838 LARGE Paper copies of these fine volumes. Several of the plates are very lightly spotted. 658. Rogers (Samvue.). Poems. 1854; Italy. 1859. Portraits engraved by Finden, and numerous engravings by Goodall, Le Keuz, Walls, Allen, and other artists. Together, 2 vols. 8vo, full morocco, gilt sides and backs, gilt edges, BY HAYDAY. London: E. Moxon, 1854-1859 FINE COPIES. Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th 659. Roman Missav. Pontificale Romanum, Clementis VIII. Pont. Max. 660. 661. 662. 663. 664. Iussu Restitutum atque Editum. Lngraved title-page, and mi- merous pantings in illustrations colored by hand in various colors and partly in gold. Printed in red and black. Folio, morocco, gilt, coat-of-arms (Henry III?) on front cover, gilt edges, leather label, enclosed in cloth portfolio, title-page and several leaves Cages but repaired, two leaves badly stained and torn. 2 Romae, M D XCV (1595) On the edges, under the gold, is painted a floral design, with head of the Christ. Said to be from the library of Henry III of France. Rome. Charpentier (Henri—KEditor). Rome dans sa Grandeur, Vues, Monuments Anciens et Modernes, Description, Histoire, Institu- tions. ‘Texte par MM. Franz de Champagny, Hugéne de la Gour- nerie, Edmond Lafond, etc. Illustrated with 100 full-page tinted plates, from drawings from Nature by Philippe and Félix Benoist, lithographs and vignettes by the best French artists. 3 vols. folio, cloth, morocco backs, gilt backs and tops, gilt floral border and Papal coat-of-arms on front covers, uncut. Paris, 1870 Fine copy, with the plates on India paper. . RoosEvELT (THEODORE). The Winning of the West. Portraits and illus- trations, from rare prints and other sources. 4 vols, royal 8vo, green levant morocco, gilt floral spray on back and at corners, inside bor- der of same morocco, with chamois doublures and end-papers,. gilt tops, uncut. New York and London: @. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1900 DantEL Boone Epition. Number 55 of 200 copies printed. Inserted in the first volume is a sheet of the author’s Original mei FINE COPY. RossETtT1 (CHRIsTINA). Goblin Market, and other Poems. With 2 de- signs by D. G. Rossetti. First Epition. 12mo, original cloth, un- cut, very slightly worn. Cane 1862 Rossert1 (DANTE GABRIEL). Ballads and Sonnets. First Eprrion. 12mo, original cloth, gilt, uncut. London, 1881 Fine clean copy. Rowe (NicHotas—Translator). Callipaedia. A Poem. In Four Books. With some other Pieces. Written in Latin by Claudius Quillet, Made English by N. Rowe. With frontispiece by Van der Gucht. 8vo, original calf. Name on title-page. London: E. Sanger at the Postini, 1712 First Epition of this curious poem in English, the original French edition (1656) of which was suppressed, owing to the nature of its con- tents, by order of Louis XIV. Contains the 2 pages of advertisements. Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th 665. RowLanpson (THomAs). Grego (Joseph). Rowlandson the Caricatur- ist. A Selection from his Works, with Anecdotal Descriptions of his famous Caricatures, and a Sketch of his Life, Times, and Con- temporaries. With about 400 illustrations. 2 vols. 4to, full pol- ished calf, gilt panelled backs, leather labels, gilt edges, bindings eracked. New York, 1880 The most extensive work in Rowlandson’s Caricatures yet published. 666. RowLaNpson Puates. Thirteen (fourteen) etchings illustrative of striking passages in ‘Tom Jones and Joseph Andrews; also specimen of a New Edition of Smollett’s Works. Oblong 8vo, ORIGINAL PRINTED WRAPPERS, entirely uncut. Enclosed in cloth case, with ties. Edinburgh: John Orphoot, 1808 VERY RARE IN THIS STATE. This is the first appearance of the plates in this style. 667. RowLANDSON PLATES IN Cotor. Journal of Sentimental Travels in the Southern Provinces of France, shortly before the Revolution. Wath 18 COLORED AQUATINT plates by T’. Rowlandson. 8vo, contemporary half red morocco, gilt, and boards, marbled edges. A few pages very lightly thumbed. London: R. Ackermann, 1821 First EpirioN IN BooKForM. The title calls for 17 plates, but the list of plates cites 18, all of which this copy contains. The work first appeared as a serial in Ackermann’s Repository of Arts, 1817-1820. It is an imitation of Sterne’s Sentimental Journey. 668. Ruskin (JoHN). The Works of Ruskin, as follows,—The Seven Lamps . of Architecture. Firsr Epirion. With illustrations-drawn and 3 etched by the author. 1849; The Stones of Venice. Volume the First. The Foundations. Volume the Second. The Sea-Stories. Volume the Third. The Fall. New Edition. With illustrations drawn by the author. 3 vols. 1873-1874; Modern Painters. Wath many beautiful steel plates and woodcuts from drawings by the author. New Edition. 5 vols. 1873. Together, 9 vols. royal 8vo, ' tree calf, polished, gilt backs and tops, leather labels, edges of all but the first volume are uncut, BY GRIEVE. London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1849-1874 669. Ruskin (Jon). Autograph Letter, Signed, 1 page, 12mo, Oxford, December 9, 1874. With portrait, proof on India paper. Both items matted, and in dark frame, glazed. On literary matters, written to a Mr. Blackburn, probably Henry Black- burn, traveller and author of “Breton Folk,” and other works. 670. Rymer (Tuomas). The Tragedies of The Last Age, Consider’d and Examin’d By the Practice of the Ancients, and By the Common sense of all Ages. In a Letter to Fleetwood Shepheard. Part. I. Second Edition. Small 8vo, old calf, leather label, slightly cracked at hinges, new end-papers. London, 1692 Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th 671. Sanpys (GEorGE—Translator of Ovid’s Metamorphoses, and treasurer of the Bermudas Company). A Paraphrase vpon the Psalmes of David And Vpon the Hymnes Dispersed throughout the Old and New Tes- taments. Small 8vo, full calf, red edges, old name on title. London: At the Bell, 1636 First Epirion. 672. SANSKRIT Manuscript. Bhaguat Geeta. Sri B’hagareadgité. An Epi- sode from the Seventh Book of the Maha-B’harata, in Sanskrit. Transcribed in Samoat, 185%. 4to, boards, calf back, cracked at hinges. 1800 673. Scarron (Pav). Les Giuvres de Monsieur Scarron. Reveués, cor- rigées & augmentées de nouveau. 2 vols. 12mo, contemporary calf. Paris, 1709 _ 674. SCHILLER (FRIEDRICH von). Geschichte von Wurttemberg bis zum Jahr 1740. Woodcut portrait. First Eprr1on. 12mo, contempo- rary boards. Stuttgart, 1859 675. Scorr (Sir Water). The Border Antiquities of England and Scot- land; comprising Specimens of Architecture and Sculpture, and other vestiges of former ages, accompanied by descriptions . . . remarkable Incidents in Border History and Tradition, and Original Poetry. With numerous full-page plates, BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS. 2 vols. royal 4to, original boards, red roan backs, ENTIRELY UNCUT, name on one title-page. London, 1814 6754. Scorr (Str Watrer). The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott. E#n- graved frontispieces. 7% vols. 18mo, half blue calf, gilt backs, mar- bled edges. Philadelphia: R. W. Pomeroy, 1824 676. Scorr (Sir Water). The Writings of Scott in Prose and Verse. Eatenswely illustrated on steel and wood, by and after the most eminent artists and engravers. 1% vols. royal 8vo, tree calf, richly gilt backs, gilt tops, BY MANSELL. Edinburgh: Robert Cadell, 1842-1847 BEAUTIFUL SET OF THE ABBOTSFORD Epition. Comprises,—Waverley Novels, 12 vols.; Biographical Memoirs, Essays and Letters, one vol.; Life of Napoleon, one vol.; Tales of a Grandfather, one vol.; Poems, one vol.; Life of Scott, by Lockhart. 677. Scorr (Str WALTER). Waverley Novels. Illustrations. 25 vols. 12mo, half red morocco, gilt backs, contents lettered, marbled edges. | Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1871 Comprises,—Rob Roy; The Talisman; The Monastery ; Surgeon’s Daughter; The Maid of Perth; The Betrothed; Count Robert of Paris; Peveril of the Peak; and others. ee er eee ee ee Pe ee ES FL ie nites wr ee Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th 678. ScottisH Portraits. With an Historical and Critical Introduction and Notes by James L. Caw. A series of 120 portraits after paintings by Gainsborough, Geddes, Hogarth, Lawrence, Raeburn, Reynolds, and numerous others. Small folio, sheets, uncut and unopened, in 5 board portfolios. London and Boston: J. B. Millet Company, undated Edition limited to 100 copies. 679. SECUNDUS (JOANNES). Kisses: being a Poetical Translation of the Basia of Joannes Secundus Nicolaius. With the original Latin text. To which is prefixed an Essay on his Life and Writings. Stipple por- traat by Mackenzie. 12mo, full dark green crushed levant morocco, both sides inlaid to an exquisite and intricate floral design with red, citron and green levants, in the manner of a masterpiece by Samuel Mearne, binder to Charles IInd. doublures of similar levant, with delicate borders of gold, green silk linings, gilt over rough edges. In open faced board case, with protecting cover, leather back, BY THE CLUB BINDERY. London, 1803 SUPERB EXAMPLE OF MODERN BOOKBINDING. From the library of Robert Hoe, bookplate removed. Annotation in Mr. Hoe’s autograph appears on one of the blanks. 680. SEcunpDUS (JoANNES). The Basia, or Kisses. 8vo, full morocco, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1804 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of about 30 plates, some of which are from Highteenth Century sources, some inlaid. 681. SEPULCHRAL History or Great Britain. Douglas (James). Nenia Britannica: or, a Sepulchral History of Great Britain; from the Earliest Period to its General Conversion to Christianity. With 36 plates, numerous specimens on most of the plates, also head and tatl-meces. Folio, contemporary russia, joints weak. London, 1793 ORIGINAL ISSUE of this highly important work. 682. SHAKESPEARE (Witt1am). The Works of Shakespeare. Collated and Collected by the former editions, by Mr. Pope. Portrait and nu- merous fine engravings, after Du Guermer. 10 vols. 12mo, con- temporary calf, somewhat rubbed. London: J. Tonson, 1728 Each volume contains the fine armourial book-plate of Richard Hoare. 683. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Works of Shakespeare. Collated with the oldest copies, and corrected, with Notes, by Mr. Theobald. With fine copper plates after Gravelot, by Van der Gucht. 8 vols. 12mo, original calf, bindings somewhat rubbed. London: Printed for H. Linton, 1740 Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th 684. 686, 688. 689. SHAKESPEARE (WiLLIAM). King Lear, a Tragedy. Collated with the Old and Modern Editions. With frontismece, from Act III. scene VII., engraved by Ravenet after Hayman. 8vo, original half calf and boards. London: W. and J. Richardson, 1770 UNCOMMON EDITION, edited by Charles Jennens, described by Dr. John- son as “a vain fool, crazed by his wealth, who, were he in heaven, would criticize the Lord Almighty . . . and like Wolsey, with a scented sponge ‘neath his nose, lest ‘the breath of the vulgar herd should contaminate his sacred person.” Jennens edited five of Shakespeare’s plays. . SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). [Chambers (George).| An Apology for the Believers in the Shakespeare-Papers, which were exhibited in Nor- folk-Street (with Supplement and Appendix). 3 vols. 8vo, half red morocco, bindings rubbed. London, 1797, 1799, 1800 Complete set of the First Eprrron. SHAKESPEARE. [Elwin (Hastings—of Thorpe, Norfolk, England).]| Shakespeare Restored. 4to, half morocco. | Norwich, England, circa 1840 | A volume of Shakespearana seldom offered for sale. It was privately printed, an issue of 100 copies only. 7, SHAKESPEARE (W1~t1am). The Works of William Shakespeare. The text revised by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. Portrait. 6 vols. 8yo, tree calf, gilt, marbled edges, BY RIVIERE. London: Edward Moxon, 1857 EXCEEDINGLY FINE SET of the original edition of the famous Dyce Shakespeare. SHAKESPEARE (WittiAmM). The Pictorial Edition of the Works of Shakspere. Edited by Charles Knight. Illustrations. 8 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs, marbled edges. CLEAN SET. New York: George Routledge and Sons, wndated Comprises,—Tragedies. 2 vols.; Comedies. 2 yols.; Histories. 2 vols.; Biography; Doubtful Plays, etc. SHAKESPEARE. (Wi1LL1AM). The Pictorial Edition of the Works of Shakspere. Hdited by Charles Knight: comprising,—Comedies. 2 vols.; Histories. 2 vols. Tragedies. 2 vols.; Doubtful Plays. One vol.; Biography. One vol. Hatensively illustrated with woodcuts throughout teat; a few INDIA PROOF portraits and plates inserted. Together, 8 vols. imperial 8vo, tree calf, polished, richly tooled gilt backs, leather labels, gilt tops, fillet borders on sides, uncut. London: Virtue & Co., wndated An unusually tall and fine copy of this edition. i ~ ae ae Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th _ 690—SHAKESPEARANA. Pericles, Prince of Tyre. By Mr. William Shake- 691. 692. 693. 694. 695. speare. Printers device on title. 12mo, new boards, old writing on verso of last leaf (blank portion). London: Printed for J. Tonson, 1734 The above and the six following “spurious” plays were the first pub- lished in the Turrp FoLio edition of Shakespeare, 1664, but not in the earlier issue of that folio, with the date 1663. They were also included in the FOURTH FOLIO issued in 1685. With the exception of ‘Pericles,” modern authorities are almost unanimous in agreeing that Shakespeare had little or nothing to do with the composition of these plays, which, nevertheless constitute a very interesting feature of Shakespearana and are essential to all collections of that designation. Of “Pericles,” Shakespeare, as Sir Sidney Lee tells us, contributed Acts III. and V., and parts of Act IV., “which together form a self con- tained whole, and do not combine satisfactorily with the remaining scenes.” Many good critics have claimed “The Yorkshire Tragedy” as one in which Shakespeare had a hand. It was first printed in 1608, during his lifetime and with his name on the title-page as the author. “Sir John Oldcastle’ was issued in 1600, also with the name of Shake- speare on the title-page; whilst “Thomas Lord Cromwell,” and “The Puritan,” appeared respectively in 1602 and 1607 as by “W. 8S.” Ail the original quarto issues are excessively rare, very few copies having survived. The “Spurious” plays were edited and annotated in the Supplement (vol. 11) to Johnson and Steevens’s edition of Shake- speare’s Plays, 1780. SHAKESPEARANA. The Life and Death of Thomas, Lord Cromwell. By Mr. William Shakespeare. Printer’s device on title. 12mo, new boards, old writing on verso of last leaf (blank portion). London: Printed for J. Tonson, 1734 SHAKESPEARANA. The History of Sir John Oldcastle, the good Lord Cobham. By Mr. William Shakespeare. Printer’s device on title. 12mo, new boards, old writing on last leaf (blank portion). London: Printed for J. Tonson, 1734 SHAKESPEARANA. The Puritan: or the Widow of Watling-Street. By Mr. William Shakespeare. Printer’s device on title. 12mo, new boards. London: Printed for J. Tonson, 1734 SHAKESPEARANA. The London Prodigal. A Comedy. By Mr. William Shakespeare. Printer’s device on title. 12mo, new boards, with the separate leaf of “Advertisement,” reverse blank, on which is. old writing. London: Printed for J. Tonson, 1734 SHAKESPEARANA. The Tragedy of Locrine, the Eldest Son of King Brutus. By Mr. William Shakespeare. Printer’s device on title. 12mo, new boards, old writing on several margins. London: Printed for J. Tonson, 1734 696. SHAKESPEARANA. A Yorkshire Tragedy. By Mr. William Shake- speare. Printer’s device on title. 12mo, new boards, old writing on verso of last leaf, which is blank. | | ( London: Printed for J. Tonson, 1735 Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th 697. 698. 699. 700. 701. 702. 703. SHAKESPEARANA. Kemble (John Philip). Macbeth, and King Richard the Third: An Essay. First Epirion. 8vo, old half binding, which is repaired. London, 1817 This interesting copy belonged to Edward Mangin (1772-1852), Pre- bendary of Killaloe and a well-known litterateur. It contains his book- plate and autograph and a note of eight lines in his autograph, in which he describes Kemble’s Essay as a “mere puff to attract public attention to those parts of Shakespeare’s plays in which he was supposed to shine!” SHAKESPEARANA. BAcCON-SHAKESPEARE Controversy. Hart (Joseph C.). The Romance of Yachting: Voyage the First. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1848 First Epition of “The first known publication questioning the right of Shakespeare to the authorship of the Shakespearian dramas . . . The au- thor contrasts Shakespeare with the other Elizabethan writers, . . . Col. Hart was a lawyer’. . . residing in, and well-known in New York the friend and associate of Willis, Poe,’ etec-—WyMan. Bibliography of. the Bacon-Shakespeare Controversy. No. 1. SHELLEY (Percy ByssHE). Queen Mab. First PusiisHep Epirion. 8vo, rebound in half cloth and boards, uncut. London: W. Clark, 1821 Contains the leaf of Advertisement at the end, but does not contain the leaf “To Harriet.” a“ SHELLEY (Prrcy Byssuz). The Works of Shelley, in Verse and Prose. Now first brought together, with many pieces not before published. Edited with Prefaces, Notes and Appendices, by Harry Buxton Forman. Portraits, etchings and table. 8 vols. 8vo, tree calf, pol- ished, gilt backs and edges, leather labels, By Tour. London: Reeves and Turner, 1880 Fine library edition. SHERIDAN (RicHArD BrinstEy). The Works of Richard Brinsley Sheri- dan. With a Memoir, by James P. Browne, containing Extracts from the Life, by Thomas Moore. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, tree calf, polished, gilt ‘backs, marbled edges, leather labels, By RIVIERE, London, 1873 Sisson Inuustrrations. Linton (W. J.). Bob-Thin; or, The Poor- house Fugitive. Illustrated by T. Stbson, W. B. Scott, H. Duncan, and W. J. Linton. Royal 8vo, original boards, gilt edges, back re- paired. No place [London?] 1845 First and probably only, edition of this entertaining book. The initial letters (of which there are many), are mainly extraordinary con- ceptions. Srrines (Les), ou Discours sur leur Forme et Figure. Hngravings. Square 8vo, original calf, leather label. A Paris: Chez Jean Aniss on, M DC XCI (1691) Po pee ae SE ets G7 ey a a ee eS ne SPE i Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th 704. Suaryer (Wint1am). ‘The History of Great Britanie from the first peopling of this Island to this present Raigne . . . K. James. Title within an elaborate border in compartments, containing por- traits of the various kings. Small folio, full calf, gilt, joints weak and several pages remargined. London: W. Stansby [1621] First Eprrion. An extra portrait of King James is inserted. At page 289 is a reference to Macbeth. 705. Smoztterr (Tosias). The Works of Tobias Smollett, with Memoirs of his Life; to which is prefixed a View of the Commencement and Progress of Romance, by John Moore. New Edition, Edited by James P. Browne. Portrait. 8 vols. 8vo, three-quarter green levant morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. London: Bickers and Son, 1872 Fine library edition, printed by Head, Hole and Co., London. "06. Socrery oF FrENcH AQUARELLISTS. Text by the French Critics. ‘Amer- ican Edition. Edited by Edward Strahan. Photogravure plates printed in tint and with designs in facsimile. 2 vols. folio, half green morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. Paris: Goupil & Co., 1883 Printed on paper fabricated especially for this edition. Full-page plates on India paper. 707. Sona or Sotomon (Tue). With 12 full-page plates and various other decorations by H. Granville Fell, all of which are beautefully col- ored. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1897 Printed on Japanese vellum paper. Number 72 of 100 copies. 708. Sourney’s Copy, with BooxriatTe. Boswell (James). The Life of Samuel Johnson, including A Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides. New Edition, with*numerous Additions and Notes, by John Wilson Croker. Portraits of Johnson, Boswell, and Mrs. Piozz. 5 vols. 8vo, boards, entirely covered with red and blue chintz by Southey’s daughter, after the usual manner of books in her father’s library, uncut. ' London: John Murray, 1831 From THE LIBRARY OF Rosert SouTHEY, with bookplate engraved by Thomas Bewick. Later in the Auechinlock library, with bookplate. A singularly attractive copy in a home-made binding which was humorously known as “Cottonian,” being obviously made from frag- ments of Mrs. Southey’s dress. 709. Spenser (Epmunp). The Works of Spenser. Edited by J. Payne Collier. Portrait and rubricated title-pages. 5 vols. 8vo, light calf, gilt backs, leather labels, marbled edges. London: Bickers and Son, 1873 Fine library edition. Elegantly printed in LARGE TYPE. With notes at foot of pages. Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th 710. Sportine. The Sportsman’s Dictionary ; or, The Gentleman’s Companion 713. 714, 715. 716. (abre 718. for Town and Country. Collected from the Best Authors. Jllus- trated with copper-plates, representing all the different kinds of nets, snares, and traps, that are now made use of in fowling; and the implements for angling. 4to, calf, cracked at hinges. London, 1792 . Sportine. Symonds (Rev. B.). The Suffolk Sportsman, shewing the nature of the various kinds of dogs in use for the Gun and Net. With frontispiece, proof on India paper. 12mo, full blue calf, gilt and blind tooled. London: Thomas Gosden, 1825 Large copy, in a binding probably by Gosden, the details entirely in his manner. . SporTinG. Radcliffe (F. P. Delmé). The Noble Science: A few general Ideas of Fox-Hunting. With numerous illustrations. Large 8vo, newly bound in three-quarter crimson crushed levant morocco, sport- ing tooling on back, gilt top, edges scraped. London, 1839 — A FINE COPY OF THE First EpITION OF THIS CELEBRATED BOOK. STEDMAN (EpmuND CLARENCE,—KHditor). A Victorian Anthology. 1837-1895. Portraits and engraved titles on Japanese vellum paper. ® vols. 8vo, cloth, paper labels (which are slightly rubbed), uncut. Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1895 Larce Paper. Number 145 of 250 copies printed. StERNE (Laurence). The Works of Laurence Sterne. With a Life of the Author, written by Himself. Portrait and illustrations. 10 vols. 12mo, half sheep, leather labels. London, 1788 STERNE (LavurENcE). The Works of Sterne . . . With a Life of the Author, Portrait of the author and charming illustrations after Thurston, and others. 4 vols. 16mo, contemporary tree calf, gilt. London, 1815 Pages 241-242 are covered with marbled paper, as usual. STERNE (LAURENCE). The Works of Sterne. With a Life of the Au- thor. New Edition. Edited by James P. Browne. Portrait. 4 vols. 8vo, half roan, gilt tops. London: Bickers and Son, 1873 STERNE (LAvuRENCE). A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy. With 12 full-page illustrations in photogravure, by the Goupil process, and numerous sketches throughout the tect, from designs by Maurice Leloir. Imperial 8vo, half morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. : New York, 1884 STERNE (LAURENCE). Voyage Sentimental en France et en Italie. Tra- duction nouvelle et Notice de M. Emile Blémont. Tilustrations by Maurice Leloir. 200 designs in teat and 12 full-page plates. Folio, half green morocco, gilt back and top, uncut, original illustrated vellum wrappers bound in. Paris: Libraire Artistique, 1884 EDITION DE GRAND Luxe. Only 100 copies printed on Whatman paper. With Two SETS OF THE PLATES, AND AN ORIGINAL WATERCOLOR BY LELOT, signed in his autograph. PaaS Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th 719. Srevenson (Rozerr Louis). Familiar Studies of Men and Books. First Eprrion. Small 4to, cloth, uncut, binding somewhat soiled. London, 1888 Large Paper copy, one of 100 printed. 720. SrEvENsoN (Ropert Louis). Ballads. First Eprrion. 12mo, original buckram, gilt top, uncut. London, 1890 ¥21. Strr~tInc-MaxweEtu (Sir Wittram). The Works of Stirling-Maxwell, Baronet. Portraits, full-page and text illustrations, and colored general title-pages by Alonso Cano. 6 vols. in 12, 4to, full crimson crushed levant morocco, paneled gilt backs with floral design, sides with an elaborate border of fillets, dots and floral wreath, doub- lures of gobelin-blue levant with border of crimson levant with gilt decoration, watered-silk end paper, gilt tops, uncut. London: John C. Nimmo, 1891 Lares Parer. Number 181 of an edition of 265 copies, with the plates in TWO STATES, one Set on India paper, the other in sepia; initial letters and ruled borders in red. Comprises,—ANNALS OF THE ARTISTS oF Spain. New Edition, incor- porating the author’s own Notes, Additions and Emendations. With portrait and twenty-four steel and mezzotint engravings, also numerous engravings on wood. 4 vols. in 8. THe CLOISTER Lire OF THE EMPEROR CHARLES V. New Hdition in- corporating the author’s latest’ Notes, Additions and Emenda- tions. With eight mezzotint engravings and five illustrations in colour, engraved from original water-colour sketches, also numerous wood engravings. One vol. in 2. MiscELLANEOUS Essays and Addresses; also Biographical Note and Bibliography. Jllustrated with six engravings. One vol. in *2, 722. Sropparp (Joun L.). Lectures. Illustrated and embellished with views of the world’s famous places and people. 10 vols. royal 8vo, half red morocco, gilt, gilt tops. Boston, 1898 Limited and numbered issue. Comprises,—Norway, Switzerland, Con- stantinople, Japan, China, India, Paris, Spain, ete. 723. Story or THE Nations (THE). Plans, maps, and numerous dlustra- tions. Together, 11 vols. 12mo, pictorial cloth. New York and London, 1886-1887 Comprises,—_The Saracens, by Gilman; Norway, by Boyesen ; The Normans, by Jewett; Carthage, by Church; The Jews, by Hosmer; Hungary, by Vambéry; Ancient Egypt, by Rawlinson, and others. 724. Srowr (Harrier Bercuer). The Writings of Harriet Beecher Stowe. Portraits and illustrations. 16 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, leather labels, uncut, contents lettered. | Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1896 Larce Parer Epition. WITH THE AUTHOR’S AUTOGRAPH on fly-leaf of the first volume, written specially for this edition a few months before — her death. Comprises,—Uncle Tom’s Cabin. 2 vols.; Minister’s Wooing ; Dred, Anti-Slavery Tales. 2 vols.; Pearl of Orr’s Island ; Agnes of Sorrento ; Household Papers and Stories; My Wife and I; We and Our Neighbors; and others. T2205 ~? raw) ~> 729. Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th STRAPAROLA AND Masuccio. The Nights of Straparola. 2 vols.; The Novellino of Masuccio. 2 vols. (Both works) Now first translated into English by G. W. Waters. Illustrated by BE. R. Hughes. To- gether, 4 vols. imperial 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut, edges of bindings rubbed. London: Lawrence and Bullen, 1894-1895 Each work limited to 1000 copies. . STRAWBERRY-HILL Press. Spence (Mr.). A Parallel; In the Manner of Plutarch: Between a most celebrated man of Florence; and one, scarce ever heard of, in England. Medallion portrait on title-page. 12mo, half green morocco, gilt top. Printed at Strawberry-Hill, 1758 © . StrRaAwBERRY Hitt Press. The Mistakes; or, The Happy Resentment. A Comedy. By the late Lord . . . [Cornby.] 8vo, three-quarter - green levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, BY MORRELL. | London: Printed by S. Richardson, in the Year, 1758 Number 6 on Lowndes’ list of the publications of the Strawberry Hill Press (volume 11, p.237). An interesting note regarding the volume is there given. “ .. . The Author of this Piece was . . . Lord Cornbury (Cornby), but it was never acted . . . Prefixel to it is a Preface by Mr. Horace Walpole, at whose Press at Strawberry Hill it was printed,” ete. . STRICKLAND (AGNES). Lives of the Queens of England, from the Nor- man Conquest. Now first published from Official Records and other Authentic Documents, Private as well as Public. New Edition, Revised and Greatly Augmented. Embellished with engraved por- trait of every Queen. 8 vols. 8yo, tree calf, polished, gilt backs and edges, leather labels, By rour. | London: Colburn & Co., 1851-1853 Fine library edition. STRICKLAND (AGNES). Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman Conquest. Compiled from Official Records and other Authentic Documents, Private as well as Public. Preceded by a Biographical Introduction by John Foster Kirk. Hztensively illustrated, the plates in three printings, one on Japanese vellum; one on India paper; and one on paprer de Chine, mounted upon Holland hand- made paper. 16 vols. 8yo, full green levant morocco, lettering in gilt on backs, doublures of panelled levant in maroon, grey, and white moroccos; with inlaid armorial crests of various designs; grey water-silk end papers, gilt edges; each volume enclosed in a cloth slip-case. Philadelphia: Printed only for Subscribers by George Barrie and Son [1902-1903] ? Roya Epirion, limited to 39 copies identified by the numerals I to XXXIX, the above copy being No. II. This edition printed on Japanese paper throughout. ; = Ce i ee ee ee ee ee ee eee ee ee a Sa ee ee ee Se ee ee ge ee ee a Pee Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th 730. Suz (Euckne). The Mysteries of Paris. Numerous illustrations. 3 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs. London: Chapman and Hall, 1845-1846 FIRST AUTHORIZED ENGLISH EDITION. 731. Sun-Diats. Gatty (Mrs. Alfred). The Book of Sun-Dials. Originally compiled by the late Mrs. A. Gatty, now enlarged and re-edited by H. K. F. Eden and Eleanor Lloyd. Numerous illustrations, both full-page and in the teat. Royal 8vo, cloth. Presentation copy “From the Publisher,’ with embossed stamp on half-title. London, 1900 From the collection of Joseph Knight, with his bookplate. 732. [Swrrr (JonaTHan).] Travels Into Several Remote Nations of the World. In Four Parts: Portrait of “Gulliver,” by Sturt and Shep- pard, and 6 engraved maps. 4 parts in 2 vols. London: Printed for Benj. Motte, 1726; [Atso, by an Anonymous author, a com- panion volume to the above] Travels Into Several Remote Nations of the World. By Capt. Lemuel Gulliver. Vol. III. Hngraved frontispiece by R. Cooper, after J. Van der Gucht. London, 1727. Together, 3 vols. contemporary uniform vellum bindings, the blank leaves at end of the two volumes of Swift having contemporary writing. London, 1726-1727 The two volumes by Swift are presumably the fourth edition; their pagination is according to that given in the privately printed Hoe cata- logue, Vol. 3, page 126. Each volume has the pagination continuous. The third volume was not written by Swift. 733. [Swirrr (JoNaTHAN).] ‘Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. By Lemuel Gulliver. Portrait by Sturt & Sheppard, with Inscription around the oval and maps. Four parts, in 2 vols. 8vo, original unlettered calf. London: Printed for Benj. Motte, 1726 First Eprrron of both volumes, with the separate pagination in each part, the five title-pages, and fine impression of the portrait and maps. 234. Swirt (JonatHan). The Writings of Jonathan Swift, with some Ac- count of the Author’s Life, and Comments Historical and Ex- planatory, by John Hawkesworth. Fine plates. 25 vols. 8vo, con- temporary tree calf, richly gilt, yellow edges. London, 1768-1779 Fine set. Contains the Supplement of Swift’s Writings seldom found with the work. ¥35. Symonps (Joun Appineton). Sketches in Italy and Greece. London, 1874; Italian Byways. London, 1883; New and Old: a Volume of Verse. London, 1880. Ati First Eprrions. Together, 3 vols. 12mo, original cloth, slightly worn. London, 1874-1883 736. Symonps (Joun Appincron). Many Moods: a Volume of Verse. Lon- don, 1878; Animi Figura. London, 1882. Botu First Epirions. Together, 2 vols. 12mo and 16mo, original cloth, uncut. FINE COPIES. London, 1878-1882 Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th 737. SymMonps (JoHN AppinaTon). The Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti. With portrait and fifty reproductions of the works of the master. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. New York (printed in London), 1893 738. SyMonps (JoHN AppineTon). A Problem in Greek Ethics. 8vo, green 739. 740. 742. 743. silk, gilt top. London: Privately printed, 1908 GENUINE First Epirion, of which only a few copies were printed. Tange (Hippotyte ApotpHe). The Works of Taine. Translated by John Durand, W. F. Rae, and others. 12 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1875-1879 Uniform Library Edition. Comprises,— Lectures on Art. 2 vols.; Notes on England. Portrait; Italy, Rome and Naples; Italy, Florence and Venice; Notes on Paris; On Intelligence. 2 vols.; English Literature. 3 vols.; French Revolution. Vol. I. Taytor (Bayarp). Works of Bayard Taylor. Illustrations. 16 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1879-188 Comprises,—Beauty and the Beast; Joseph and his Friend ; ; Eldorado; The Story of Kennett; Northern Travel; Travels in Greece and Russia; By-Ways of Burope; Hannah Thurston; Views A-Foot; and others. . Taytor (Joun,-—Chevalier). Verses on Various Occasions. With half- length portrait of the author. 8vo, contemporary calf, rubbed. ’ London, 1795 Autograph presentation copy from the author to the beautiful Mary Robinson, “‘Perdita,” with inscription on title-page (which has been cut into) “To Mrs. Robinson—From her sincere friend—J. Taylor.” The volume is dedicated to Mrs. Robinson, and laid in is a fine un- spotted example of the half-length portrait of Mrs. Robinson engraved by R. Stanier, January 1, 1788. The volume, which was privately printed, comes from the library of T. Park, with his autograph. [TeNNysoN (ALFRED, Lorp).| [“The Lotus Eater.” Translated into Greek, by Lord Lyttleton.] 12mo, original cloth. Cambridge (England), 1860 The Poem by Tennyson, the first appearance of which was in the Poems of 1833, reprinted with the English on the left-hand page, and the Greek translation on the opposite page. Privately printed in a small ‘issue, the above copy is A PRESENTATION copy, with “From the Author,” (Lord Lyttleton) in his autograph on the fly-leaf. Tennyson (AuFrep, Lorp). In Memoriam. Portrait of the author. 12mo, parchment, uncut. London, 1880 Lady Martin’s (Helen Faucit) copy, with autograph and manuscript annotations. An interesting copy. agi ae Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th 244, Tennyson (Aurrep, Lorp). AuToGRAPH VERSE from “Enoch Arden,” signed. With portrait, proof on thin China paper, proof before : all letters. The two items matted, framed and glazed. FINE sPpecIMEN. The following entirely in his autograph,— “He woke, he rose, he spread his arms abroad Crying with a loud voice “A Sail, a sail,” Iam saved & so fell back & spoke no more, So past the strong heroic soul away. A. Tennyson Novr.—82”’ From “Enoch Arden.” 745. Turackeray (Wittiam Maxepreace). Thackeray’s Works. Numerous illustrations by the author and others. 22 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt panelled backs, leather labels, contents lettered. London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 1869 Comprises,—Paris Sketch Book; Denis Duval; Burlesques ; Adventures. of Philip. 2 vols.; Ballads and Tales; Roundabout Papers; Henry Esmond; Pendennis. 2 vols. ; Vanity Fair. 2 vols.; Virginians. 2 vols.; and others. This set does not contain the two volumes published in 1886. All the volumes are dated, 1869. 746. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MaxKEpEAcE). The Works of Thackeray. Nu- merous illustrations. 25 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt backs, leather labels. London and Philadelphia, 1869-1873 Comprises,—The Four Georges; Henry Esmond ; Barry Lyndon; Pendennis. 2 vols.; Burlesques Roundabout Papers; Ballads and Tales; Denis Duval; and others. 247. Tuackeray (Wittram Maxsrrace). The Works of Thackeray. Illus- | trations by the author. 24 vols. 8vo, tree calf, polished, gilt backs and edges, contents lettered. | . London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1874-1876 Complete set of this issue. In 1886 two additional volumes were pub- lished, which are not included in this set. Comprises,—Vanity Fair ; Pendennis; The Newcomes; Henry Esmond ; The Virginians; Adventures of Philip; Paris Sketch-Book ; Barry Lyndon; Irish Sketch-Book ; Book of Snobs; Burlesques ; Christmas Books; Ballads and Tales; Four Georges; Roundabout Papers; Denis Duval; Catherine, etc. "48. TurackERAY’s Lonpon. In Thackeray’s London. A series of 20 large plates, by F. Hopkinson Smith. Plates matted, and enclosed in portfolio, boards, cloth back, with ties. Garden City, recent De Luxe Edition. No text, plates not signed by the artist. 749. Turers (Lovis ADOLPHE). The History of the French Revolution. 41 illustrations on steel, engraved by Greatbach. 5 vols. 1881; History of the Consulate and the Empire of France under Napoleon. Por- trast. 20 vols. in 13 vols. 1845-1862. Together, 18 vols. 8vo. half morocco, gilt backs and tops. London, 1845-1881 Fine library set. Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th 700. Turers (Louris ApotpHe). History of the Consulate and the Empire of France under Napoleon. Translated by D. Forbes Campbell and H. W. Herbert. With Notes and Additions. Illustrations. 5-vols. royal 8vo, cloth, gilt lettering on backs. Philadelphia: John Highlands, 1893 751. THorEAu (Henry Davin). The Writings of Henry David Thoreau. Portraits and illustrations on Japanese paper. 20 vols. 8yo, full blue levant morocco, richly tooled gilt backs; sides with double-line fillet border and elaborately decorated corners in dots and floral sprays; doublures of crimson levant with blue levant border, the whole decorated with gilt dots, rosettes and lacework; crimson watered-silk end-papers, gilt tops, uncut. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1896 Manuscript Epition, so called for the reason that the first volume has an inserted or1GINAL MANUSCRIPT BY THOREAU, being a one-page 4to © specimen of a portion of his writings. Fine ser. Number 239 of 600 copies printed. Signed by the publishers. < Comprises,—A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers ; Walden; The Maine Woods; Cape Cod and Miscellanies ; Excursions and Poems; Familiar Letters; Journal. 14 vols. - 752. ‘Topacco. Neander (Johannes). Tabacologia: hoc est Tabaci, seu Nico- tianae descriptio medico-cheirurgico-pharmaceutica. With 9 copper- plates, including those of Indian pipes. Small 4to, vellum, several margins worn, lacks portrait and engraved title. Lugduni Batavorum: Isaac Elzevir, 1622 First Epition. This curious book is one of the most complete of the early works on tobacco, and describes the various species of this plant, its culture, etc., with references to Hariot, Acosta, Peter Martyr and other early travelers. 753. TowEr or Lonpon. Dixon (William Hepworth). Her Majesty’s Tower. With numerous portraits and views. 6 vols. thick royal 8yo, full crimson morocco, symbolically tooled sides and backs, dentelle inside borders, gilt tops, uncut, BY 8. KAUFMANN. London, 1865 AN EXCEEDINGLY HANDSOME SET OF THE SEVENTH AND REST EDITION OF THIS FASCINATING WORK ON THE TOWER OF LONDON, THAT “ . . . MASS OF RAMPARTS, WALLS, AND GATES, THE MOST ANCIENT AND MOST POETIC PILE IN EUROPE.” EXxTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of about four hundred and eighty portraits and views, in copper, steel, line, etc., some of which are inlaid. A selection of the portraits includes,—Stephen, Henry the Sixth, William, Henry III., Richard II., and other early kings of England; also, John Fisher, John Wickliff, Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, Shake- speare, Elizabeth, Queen of Edward IV., Sir Thomas More, Sir Philip Sidney, Sir Francis Vere, Robert Southwell, Spenser, Shakespeare, by Marshall (later impression on India paper), Hugh Latimer, Sir Thomas Wyatt, Edward Clinton, John Knox, Sir Charles Lucas, George Can- ning, Anne, Duchess of Monmouth, Admiral Von Tromp, and others of interest and importance. es ae Peuiel akin lc coaal Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th 754. Turcinierr (IvAn). The Novels and Stories of Ivan Turgénieff. Translated from the Russian, by Isabel F. Hapgood. With an In- troduction by Henry James. Portrait, illustrations, and title-pages on Japanese paper. 16 vols. 8vo, half orange levant morocco, pan- elled gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, contents lettered. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1903-1904 Number 126 of an edition of 204 copies printed on Ruisdael hand- made paper. FINE set. Now OUT OF PRINT AND SCARCE. Comprises,— Memoirs of a Sportsman; Rudin; A King Lear of the Steppes; A Nobleman’s Nest; On the Eve; Fathers and Children; Smoke; Virgin Soil; The Jew, etc.; Diary of a Superfluous Man, ete. ; First Love, etc.; Phantoms, etc.; A Reckless Character, ete. ; Spring Freshets, ete.; The Brigadier, etc. 3 Or Ot . TURKEY IN THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY. The Nauigations, peregrinations and voyages, made into Turkie by Nicholas Nicholay Daulphinois, Lord of Arseuile . . . With divers faire and memorable histories, happened in our time. With threescore figures, naturally set forth as well of men as women. . . their apparrell, religion and manner of liwing, aswel in time of warre as peace. Translated out of the French by T. Washington, the younger. Small 4to, calf, joints weak, title mounted and with small hole affecting portion of a word, several margins restored. Not returnable. Imprinted at London by Thomas Dawson, 1585 First Epirion In Pnerisu of this important work. The plates are all full-length figures, and present an unusual array of the dress of the inhabitants, both male and female. 756. UzanNE (Octave). L’Eventail. Illustrations de Paul Avril. Royal 8vo, full red morocco, gilt, gilt top. Paris, 1882; [Atso] L’Om- brelle. Illustrations de Paul Avril. Royal 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1883. Together, 2 vols. as described. Paris, 1882-1883 757. Uzanne (Octave). La Frangaise du Siécle. Modes-Mceurs-Usages. With full-page plates and vignettes, ALL IN cotors. Royal 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Paris: A. Quantin, 1886 Number 25 of an edition of 100 copies on JAPANESE PAPER. 758. Uzanne (Ocrave). Le Miroir du Monde, Notes et Sensations de la Vie Pittoresque. 1888. Limited Edition on Holland paper; L’Om- brelle. 1883. Illustrations by Paul Avril. Together, 2 vols. royal 8vo, brown morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. Paris, 1888-1883 759. UzANNE (Octave). Contes pour les Bibliophiles. Nombreuses wWlustra- tions dans le texte et hors texte (some of which are in colors). Im- perial 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1895 Limited issue. AUTOGRAPH PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR to Joseph Knight, with interesting inscription. Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th 760. VaLE Press. Symonds (John Addington). Life of Benvenuto Cellini. 2 vols. small folio, boards, uncut. ' London, 1900 761. VanprucH (Sir Jonn). Plays. Portrait engraved by J. Miller. 2 vols. : 12mo, calf, gilt backs, leather labels, bindings rubbed. London, 1776 762. ViERGE InLustrations. Pablo de Segovia, the Spanish Sharper. Trans- lated from the original of Francisco de Quevedo-Villegas. With 110 dlustrations by Daniel Vierge. Small folio, vellum (which is somewhat warped). : London, 1892 ORIGINAL ISSUE. Long out of print and scarce. Contains,—Comments on the Illustrations, by Joseph Pennell; and, an Essay on the Life of Quevedo, by Henry E. Watts. 763. Vitton Sociery. Tales from the Arabie of the Breslau and Calcutta’ (1814-18) Editions of the Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night not occuring in the other printed texts, now first done into English by John Payne.. 3 vols. 8vo, vellum, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. London: Printed for the Villon Society, 1884 Limited and numbered issue. ; 7634. VoLTarrRE (F. M. Arover pg). La Pucelle d’Orleans. Frontispiece and 21 pretty head vignettes after Duplessi-Bertauz, unsigned, the frontispiece in proof state. 2 vols. in 1, 32mo, full dark blue levant morocco fleur-de-lys on sides and back, gilt edges. Frne copy. ; A Londres (Paris, Cazin), 1780 764. WALKER (ALEXANDER). Beauty Illustrated by an Analysis and Classi- fication of Beauty in Woman. TIlustrated by drawings from life, by Henry Howard, drawn on stone by M. Gauci and R. J. Lane. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Frye copy. London, 1852 765. WALLER (EpMuND). Poems, &c. Written upon several Occasions, And to several Persons. Sixth Edition, with several Additions, Never before Printed. Engraved portrait by J. Vandrebain, after Str Peter Lely. Small 8vo, old calf, rebacked. London: H. Herringman, 1693 The Marshall C. Lefferts copy. With autograph signature,—“A Black- vall, 1696,” and contemporary inscription—*Mellitissimus Poeta donum dulrissimi Amiti Dri. Ellis Farneworth.” 766. WaLLErR (EpMuND). Poems, &e. Written upon several Occasions, And to several Persons. The Eighth Edition, with Additions. To which is Prefix’d The Author’s Life. Portrait of the author. 8vo, full crimson straight-grained morocco, gilt edges. London: Jacob Tonson, 1711 Large Paper copy, in a contemporary binding. HVE 768. 769. 770. w1, Wie Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th Water (Epmunp). The Works of Edmund Waller Esq. In Verse and Prose. Published by Mr. Fenton. With portrait by G. Vertue, after G. Kneller, view of the tomb of Waller, and quarter-page vign- ettes, some with portraits, including one of Cromwell. 4to, contem- porary English crimson morocco, elaborately tooled sides and back, gilt edges. London: Tonson, 1729 BEAUTIFUL SPECIMEN OF ENGLISH BINDING, With 3 bookplates on inside aed a of Thomas Wright, whose name is stamped on the bottom of e back. WaLpoLte (Horace, Eart or Orrorp). Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford, to Sir Horace Mann. Second Edition. 7 vols. 1833-1844; Correspondence of Horace Walpole with George Mon- tagu. New Edition, with Illustrative Notes, now first added. 3 vols. 1837; The Correspondence of Horace Walpole, and Rev. William Mason. 2 vols. 1851. Portraits. Together, 12 vols. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt backs and edges. London: Bentley, 1833-1851 Wapote (Horacz, Eart or Orrorp). The Letters of Horace Wal- pole, including Numerous Letters now First Published from the Original Manuscripts. New Edition. Hngraved portraits. 6 vols. 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt backs and tops. London: Bentley, 1846 This Correspondence is the most interesting that its author ever penned, and is strikingly illustrative of the society and manners of the age during which they were written. Wapote (Horace, Eart or Orrorp). The Correspondence of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford, and the Rev. William Mason. Now first published from the original Mss. Edited, with Notes, by Rev. J. Mitford. OricinaL Eprrion. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: Bentley, 1851 Watton (Izaak). The Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton and others. Illustrations on INDIA PAPER. 8vo, cloth and boards, paper label, uncut. London: John Major, 1825 Larce Paper copy, the only one containing the illustrations on India Paper. Warner (Cuartes Duprey). The Complete Writings of Charles Dudley Warner [Edited by Thomas R. Lounsbury]. With India Proof portraits of the author, one with his autograph signature, and photo- gravure plates on India paper, including several Signed Artist's Proofs, rubricated and India Proof title-pages. 15 vols. 8vo, three- quarter maroon levant morocco, paneled gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, contents lettered. Hartford: American Publishing Co., 1904 AvrocrapH Eprrion. Number 67 of an edition of 612 copies. Signed by the Editor, and printed on special handmade water-marked paper. With an ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT (one-page portion only) by the author. Fine ser. A Companion to “Mark Twains” Autograph Edition. Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th 773. V7. 776. fede 778. 079. 780. 781. Warts (Isaac). The Psalms of David imitated in the Language of the New Testament, And Apply’d to the Christian State and Worship. First Epition. 12mo, original calf, somewhat thumbed and old writing on end-papers, small hole in inner margin of title. London, 1719 First Epirion of this celebrated work. . Warts (Isaac). Reliqvie Juveniles: Miscellaneous Thoughts in Prose and Verse, on Natural, Moral and Divine Subjects; written chiefly in younger Years. First Eprtion. 12mo, original calf. London, 1734 [WuistteR (JAMES McNertu).] The Gentle Art of Making Enemies. Edited by Sheridan Ford. 12mo, original blue-gray wrappers, un- cut, AND MAINLY UNOPENED. Enclosed in slip case, green morocco back and cloth, with protecting cloth cover. New York: Frederick Stokes & Brother, 1890 UNUSUALLY FINE copy. But few copies were circulated, the bulk of the edition being destroyed by fire at the printer’s establishment. [WuirE (GiLBERT).] The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne, in the County of Southampton. With folding frontispiece, “North Hast view of Selborne, from the Short Lythe,’ (repaired in upper right hand), engraved title-page containing view, and other plates. 4to, contemporary tree calf, joints weak, red leather label. London, 1789 First Eprrion, Contains the leaf of “Errata” at end, sometimes missing. } WuitmMan (Watt). November Boughs. First Epirron. 8vo, cloth, gilt back and top, uncut. Philadelphia, 1888 On title-page is the following autograph inscription,—“a jirst Edition, Thomas Hamed Literary Executor of Walt Whitman.” WHITTIER (JOHN GREENLEAF). Poetical Works. Portrait. 3 vols.; Prose Works. 2 vols. Together, 5 vols. 12mo, three-quarter calf, gilt backs. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1880 WHITTIER (JOHN GREENLEAF). At Sundown. First Eprrron. 12mo. original cloth, gilt top, uncut. Cambridge: Privately Printed, 1890 Presentation inscription from Frank Garrison, with inscription in his autograph. Witpe (Oscar). Intentions: The Decay of Lying; Pen, Pencil, and Poison; The Critic as Artist; The Truth of Masks. Firsr Epr- TION. 12mo, original green cloth, uncut. London, 1891 WitpEe (Oscar). Poems: Together with his Lecture on the English Renaissance. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Paris, 1903 Now first published. Hdition limited to 250 copies, of which this is number 37. 2 Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th 782. Wi~pE (Oscar). De Profundis. First Eprrion. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London [1905] 783. WircHoraFrr. Calef (Robert) and Mather (Cotton). Salem Witch- eraft: comprising More Wonders of the Invisible World, and Won- ders of the Invisible World. Together with Notes and Explanations by Samuel P. Fowler. Vignette. Small 4to, cloth, uncut, binding worn. Boston: William Veazie, 1865 Edition limited to 250 copies. 784. [Wotre (GENERAL—The Hero of Quebec).] Reeves (Eliza). Poems on Various Subjects. Dedicated (by permission) to his grace, the Duke of Manchester. 4to, half russia, joints repaired. London: Printed for the Author, 1780 Contains original Poem,—‘On the Death of General Wolfe,” and “Lines wrote at the request of a Friend of Gen. Wolfe,” also, original Poem,— “On the Death of David Garrick, Esq.” "85. WoopENGRAVING. Jackson (John). A Treatise on Wood Engraving, His- torical and Practical. The Historical Portion by W. A. Chatto. Second Edition, with a New Chapter on the Artists of the Present Day, by Henry G. Bohn, and 145 additional wood engravings. Over 400 illustrations. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1861 786. Woopwarp InnustTRatTions. Woodward (George Murgatroyd.) Elements of Bacchus; or, Toasts and Sentiments, given by distinguished Characters. Illustrated with 40 portraits in aqua tinta, of the most celebrated bon vivants in Great Britain. 4to, contemporary calf, back repaired. London, 1792 First Epirron of this rare and singular work. All the characters por- trayed are portraits of men and women of the period, some of which have been named by a former owner, in pencil on the margins. These include, Edmund Burke; Duke of Queensbury ; Mrs. Wolstonecroft ; Charles James Fox; William Pitt; Tom Paine, and others. A few of the pages are somewhat thumbed. Sold not returnable. 787. WorpswortH (WitL1am—illustrious English Poet). ORIGINAL MANU- SCRIPT, one page, with portrait. Both items matted and in gilt frame and glazed. AN IMPORTANT EXAMPLE OF WORDSWORTH’S AUTOGRAPHS. This sentiment written when Wordsworth was EIGHTY YEARS OF AGE AND VERY SHORTLY BEFORE HIS DEATH (he died April 23, 1850, at the place where the manu- script was written), reads,— “Ror me the humblest flower that blooms can give Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears. William Wordsworth Rydat Mount 2nd Febry 1850 —Written for his dear Friend Hannah Cookson.” Third Session, Wednesday Afternoon, March 12th 788. Wortp’s Famous Orations (THE). William Jennings Bryan, Hditor- in-Chief. Francis W. Halsey, Associate Editor. 10 vols. 16mo, cloth, half morocco, gilt backs and tops, contents lettered. New York and London, 1906 Comprises,—Greece; Rome; Great Britain. 3 vols.; Ireland; Continental Europe; America. 3 vols. 789. Worup’s Great Cuassics. Edited by Timothy Dwight, R. H. Stoddard, Paul Van Dyke, Clarence Cook, and others. Numerous portratts and illustrations on Japan paper, some colored. ‘Together, 60 vols. large 8vo, half leather, gilt backs and tops, uncut. New York: Colonial Press, 1900 CLEAN SET. Comprises,— British Orations. 2 vols.; American Orations. 2 vols. ; Hallam’s Middle Ages and Mitchell’s Modern History. 3 vols.; Green’s Short History of England. 3 vols.; Plato-Aristotle ; Taine’s English Literature. 3 vols.; Classic Drama. 2 vols.; Oriental Literature. 4 vols.; Mill’s Political Economy. 2 vols.; Froissart’s Chronicles. 2 vols.; Classic Memoirs. 3 vols.; Ranke’s History of the Popes. 3 vols.; and others. 790. WRAXALL (Sir N. Witi1am). Historical Memoirs of My Own Time. 2 vols. 1815; Memoirs of the Courts of Berlin, Dresden, Warsaw and Vienna. 2 vols. 1800; Posthumous Memoirs of His Own Time. 3 vols. 1836. Portraits. Together, 7 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt backs. London, 1800-1836 791. Yuatrs (W. B.). Beltaine. The Organ of the Irish Literary Theatre. Number one, May, 1899. ALL EVER IssuED. Edited by W. B. Yeats. Square 8vo, original boards, uncut. London, 1899 Contains the original appearance of “The Heather Field,” by George Moore, and “The Theatre,’ by W. B. Yeats. 792. Yeats (W. B.). The Wind Among the Reeds. First Eprrion. 12mo, original cloth, uncut, binding “slightly discolored. London: Elkin Mathews. 1899 793. Zoua (Emit). Writings of Zola. 10 vols. 12mo, boards, uncut. New York: The Warren Press, 1911 Comprises,—Buried Alive; For a Night of Love; Married for Money; The Embezzler; The Flood ; The Unexpected ; Death: Shell-Fish ; A Tragic Love; Love’s Chase. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE OF LITERARY PROPERTY BY ORDER OF THE VARIOUS OWNERS AND EXECUTORS AS HEREINBEFORE DESIGNATED Fourth Session, Numbers 794 to 1149, inclusive WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 12th, AT 8:15 O’CLOCK 794, Apams (CHaruus Francis). Richard Henry Dana. A Biography. Por- traits. 2 vols. Boston, 1891; Dumas (ALEXANDRE). Ange Pitou. Plates. 2 vols. Boston, 1890; Lopez (Henry Casor). Alexander Hamilton. Boston, 1887; Van Dyxz (Joun C.). How To J udge of a Picture. New York, 1889. Together, 6 vols. 12mo, cloth and half morocco. Boston and New York, 1887-1891 795. AtnsworTH (Witt1AM H.). Crichton. Illustrations by H. K. Browne. London, undated; Cocxron (HENry). Sylvester Sound, the Som- nambulist. Illustrations by Onwhyn. London, undated; Swirr (JONATHAN). Gulliver’s Travels. Numerous engravings. London, undated. Together, 3 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, undated 796. AutIBoNE (S. Austin). A Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1871; Lirrte (CHartes H.). Historical Lights. New York, 1886; THomas (J.). Universal Pronouncing Dictionary of Biography and Mythology. Philadelphia, 1880; Haypn’s Dictionary of Dates. By Benjamin Vincent. New York, wndated. Together, 6 vols. royal and imperial 8vo, various bindings. Philadelphia and New York, 1871-1886 797. AMERICAN BiocrapHy. Field (H. M.). The Life of David Dudley Field. New York, 1898; Wuirz (ANDREW Dickson). Autobiog- raphy. 2 vols. New York, 1905; BescHer (W. C.) ann ScoviLLE (Rey. 8.). A Biography of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher Stowe. New York, 1888; Lewis (A. H.). Richard Croker. New York, 1901; Merriam (G. 8.). Noah Porter, A Memorial by Friends. New York, 1893; Hopprn (J. M.). Memoir of Henry Armitt Brown. Philadelphia, 1880; Brapy (James B.). Beacon Search-Lights on Pioneers and Millionaires. Boston, 1905; Kmnnepy (E. R.). John B. Woodward. New York, 1897. Illustrations. Together, 9 vols. 8vo, cloth and half leather, some uncut. New York and Boston, 1893-1905 Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th 798. 804. 805. AMERICAN BiograpuHy, ete. Hoar (George F.). Autobiography of Sey- enty Years. Portraits. 2 vols. New York, 1903; Otiver (F. 8.). Alexander Hamilton. Frontispiece and map. New York, 1907; Grant (U. S.). Personal Memoirs. Illustrated. 2 vols. New York, 1885; Lincotn (ApraHam). Works, comprising Speeches, Letters, etc. Edited by John G. Nicolay and John Hay. Portrait and facsimile. 2 vols. sheep. New York: The Century Co., 1894; Ris (Jacop A.). Theodore Roosevelt, the Citizen. Illustrated. New York, 1904, and others. Together, 13 vols. 8vo, cloth, half morocco and sheep. Various places, various dates A very attractive collection. . AMERICAN CommeERCcE. Depew (Chauncey M.). One Hundred Years of American Commerce. Illustrated. .Thick 4to, full morocco, some- what rubbed. New York, 1895 One of 100 copies, each numbered. . AMERICAN Famity History. Hamm (Margherita A.). Famous Fam- ilies of New York. Historical and Biographical Sketches of Families . identified with the development of the Nation. Illustrated. 2 vols. royal 8vo, full green morocco, gilt. New York [1902] . AmerrcoAN History. Lossing (Benson J.). Harper’s Popular Cyclo- pedia of United States History from the Aboriginal Period. Wath over 1000 engravings. 2 vols. New York, 1893; Van PET (DanrEL). Leslie’s History of Greater New York. IJilustrated. 3. vols. New York [1898]. Together, 5 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt. New York, 1893-1898 . AMERICAN REvo.tutTion. Lossing (Benson J.). The Pictoriat Field-Book of the Revolution. Illustrated with 1100 engravings on wood, by Lossing and Barritt, chiefly from original sketches by the author. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs, marbled edges. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1860 . AMERICAN ReEvotution. Johnston (Henry Phelps). Nathan Hale, 1776. Biography and Memorials. Illustrations and facsimiles of autographs. 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York: Privately Printed, 1901 Edition limited to 400 copies. AMERICAN SCENERY. The Home Book of the Picturesque: or, Amer- | ican Scenery, Art, and Literature. With 13 steel engravings. Im- perial 8vo, cloth, gilt edges. New York, 1852 AMERICANA. Dunlap (Wiliam). History of the Rise and Progress of the Arts of Design in the United States. First Eprrion. 2 vols. 8vo, half blue morocco, yilt backs and tops, uncut. Nev York, 1834 806. 807. 808. 809. 810. 811. 812. 813. 814. Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th . Americana. Newport, Rhode Island. The City and Scenery of New- port. A series of 14 tinted lithographs, including State House, Old Stone Tower, The Glen, Ocean House, Spouting Rock, and others. Oblong, 4to, original cloth. Burlington, N. J., 1857 AMERICANA. CONFEDERATE. Chaudron’s Spelling Book, carefully pre- pared for Family and School Use. By A. De V. Chaudron. Wood- cuts. 12mo, original wrappers. Mobile: 8S. H. Goetzel, 1865 AmertcaNa. Maximilian I.—Emperor of Mexico. Memoirs of My Life. 3 vols. small 8vo, half red morocco, gilt backs, marbled edges. | London: Bentley, 1868 AMERICANA. BEECHER TriAL. Tilton vs Beecher. Theodore Tilton vs. Henry Ward Beecher, Action for Crim. Con. tried in the City Court of Brooklyn, Chief Justice Joseph Neilson, Presiding. Ver- batim Report by the Official Stenographer. Portraits. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt backs, leather labels. New York, 1875 Americana. Paris (Comte De). History of the Civil War in America. Translated by Louis F. Tasistro. Edited by Henry Coppée. Maps and portrait. 4 vols. 8vo (2 half morocco, 2 in cloth). Philadelphia, 1875-[1888 ] Americana. Bryant (William Cullen) and Gay (Sydney Howard). A Popular History of the United States. Fully wlustrated with full- page plates and text illustrations. 4 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs. New York, 1876-1881 AMERICANA. Blaine (James G.). Twenty Years of Congress. 2 vols. Norwich, Conn., 1884; Jameson (J. F.). Dictionary of United States History. 1492-1898. Boston, 1897; Von Houst (H.). The Constitutional and Political History of the United States. Chicago, 1876; Brarnerp (C. ann E. W.). The New England Society Orations. 2 vols. New York, 1901; Dana (C. A.). Recollections of the Civil War. New York, 1899, and one other. Some illustrated. Together, 8 vols. 8vo, cloth and wrappers (I), some uncut. Various places, 1876-1917 Americana. Bancroft (George). History of the United States of Amer- ica, from the Discovery of the Continent. 6 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt backs, leather labels, marbled edges. Boston, 1879 CENTENARY EDITION. Americana. Bellows (Henry W.). Historical Sketch of the Union League Club of New York. New York, 1879; Kerroor (J. B.). Broadway. Boston, 1911; Brooxs (J. W.). History of the Court of Common Pleas of the City and County of New York. New [Continued Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th [ No. 314 Gentian York, 1896. Hdition limited to 300 comes; Domerr (H. W.). A History of the Bank of New York. 1784-1884. New York, 1884; Hupert (P. G.). The Merchants’ National Bank of the City of New York. New York, 1903; Crews (Henry). Twenty-Hight Years in Wall Street. New York, 1887. Mostly illustrated. To- gether, 7 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. 815. AMERICANA. Howard (R. H.) and Crocker (Henry E.)—Kditors. A History of New England. Iilustrated with steel and woodengrav- ings. 2 vols. 4to, cloth. Boston, 1880 816. AMERICANA. CONFEDERATE GOVERNMENT. Davis (Jefferson). The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government. Engraved portraits and views. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, marbled edges. New York, 1881 817. AMERICANA. CONNECTICUT. Orcutt (Samuel). A History of the Old Town of Stratford and the City of Bridgeport, Connecticut | With Genealogical Records of Families.]| Portraits and illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco. [New Haven: :] Fairfield Historical Society, 1886 818. AmEericaNnA. The Trow City Directory Co.’s Metropolitan Directory of Selected Names . . . 1887. New York, 1886; Socrat Evin (THR). A Report prepared under the Direction of the Fifteen. New York, 1902; Report of the Board of General Managers of the Exhibit of the State of New York at the World’s Columbian Exposition. Illustrated. Albany, 1894; FourrH Annual Report of the Com- New York and Boston, 1879-1912 missioners of Fisheries, Game and Forests of the State of New — . York. Illustrations, some colored. New York, 1899; The Same. Fifth Annual Report. Illustrations, some colored. New York, 1900; Morr (Epwarp H.). Between the Ocean and the Lakes. The Story of Erie. Illustrations. New York, 1900: Together, 6 vols. cloth, 12mo to imperial 8vo. New York, 1886-1902 — 819. Americana. Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Edited by Robert U. Johnson and Clarence Clough Buel. Profusely illustrated with portraits, maps and views. 4 vols. royal 8vo, half calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. New York: Century Company [1887-1888] Contains contributions by Union and Confederate officers. 820. AMERICANA. Harrison (Mitchell C.). New York State’s Prominent and Progressive Men: an Encyclopedia of Contemporaneous Biography. Numerous portraits. 3 vols. imperial 8vo, half leather, gilt tops, uncut. New York Tribune, 1900. 3 821. AmeErIcANA. Ridpath (John Clark). History of the United States. Portraits, illustrations, and maps. 4 vols. in 2, 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York [1901] Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th 822. Americana. Nash (W.). Two Years in Oregon. Plate. New York, 1882; Srreerer (JoHN W.). The Fat of the Land. New York, 1904; James (Henry). The American. Boston, 1877; RoBINson (H. Perry). The Twentieth Century American. Map. New York, 1908; Warts (W. C.). Chronicles of a Kentucky Settlement. New York, 1897. Together, 5 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York and London, 1882-1908 823. AMERICANA. Wilson (Rufus R.). New York: Old and New. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1902; Van Antwerp (W. C.). The Stock Exchange from Within. Garden City, 1913; Van RensseLarr (Mrs. JoHN K.). The Goede Vrouw of Mana-Ha-Ta. New York, 1898; UL- MANN (A.). A Landmark History of New York. New York, 1901; TowNsEND (Joun D.). New York in Bondage. New York, 1901; Barrerr (W.) anp Barrow (E.). In Old New York. Boston, 1900. Mostly illustrated. Together, 7 vols. 12mo, cloth, some uncut. Various places, 1898-1913 824. Americana. Bridge (James H.). The Inside History of the Carnegie Steel Company. New York, 1903; Dennis (F. S.). The Norfolk Village Green. [Norfolk, Ct.] 1917; Gannerr (Henry). The Origin of Certain Place Names. Washington, 1902; Sprmp (JNo. G.). A Fall River Incident. New York, 1895; Rurrner (W. H.). A Report on Washington Territory. New York, 1889, and others. Mostly illustrated. Together, 10 vols. cloth and wrappers, 16mo to 8vo. Various places, various dates 825. AmERICANA. Forbes (Edwin). An Artist’s Story of the Great War. Illustrated. 4 vols. small folio, cloth. New York [1890]; Remrne- ton (Frepertc). Crooked Trails. Illustrated. New York, 1898; Exper (Pavn). California the Beautiful. Illustrated. San Fran- — cisco [1911]; Merxer (Ezra). Pioneer Reminiscences of Puget Sound. Illustrated. Seattle, 1905; Witson (Rurus R.). New York: Old and New. Illustrated. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1903; Irvine (WasHincton). The Sketch Book and.History of New York. Both extensively illustrated. The Van Tassel and Van Twiller Editions. New York, 1894-1895, and others. Together, 2” vols. small folio, 8vo, and 12mo, all but two original cloth. Various places, various dates A very attractive collection. 826. AmmRIcANA. Mrmortats. Kennedy (HE. R.). John B. Woodward, a Biographical Memoir. Portrait. New York, 1897; McKrnuzy (W.). The National McKinley Birthplace Memorial Association. Portradt. Cleveland, undated; HatcH (Watrer T.). In Memoriam. 1818- 1896. Portrait. Brooklyn, 1896; and others. Together, 12 vols. various sizes, various bindings. Various places, various dates Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th 827. 828. 829. 830. 831. 832. 833. 834. ANCIENT Farrus. Inman (Thomas). Ancient Pagan and Modern Christian Symbolism Exposed and Explained. Numerous illustra- tions. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. 8yo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1874 ANcIENT FarrHs. Wake (C. Staniland). Serpent-Worship, and other — Essays, with a Chapter on Totemism. First Eprrron. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1888 ANGELO (Henry, celebrated Fencing Master, friend of Sheridan and Fox). Reminiscences of Henry Angelo, with Memoirs of his late father and friends. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, original half cloth and boards, former owner’s name on title-pages. London: Henry Colburn and R. Bentley, 1830 Best Library Edition of these entertaining memoirs. Anatine. Aflalo (F. G.—Editor). A Book of Fishing Stories. With Contributions by Lieut.-Col. P. R. Bairnsfather, Rt. Hon. Sydney G. Buxton, and others. Illustrated with full-page plates, 4 in colors, and photogravures. Small folio, cloth, gilt, gilt top, uncut. London and New York, 1913 Ancuine. [Blakey (Robert).] Hints on Angling, with suggestions for Angling Excursions in France and Belgium. To which are appended some brief notices of the English, Scottish, and Irish Waters. By “Palmer Hackle, Esq.” 8vo, green levant morocco, gilt, with em- blematic tooling, gilt top. London: W. W. Robinson, 1846 ANGLING. Malloch (P. D.). Life-History and Habits of the Salmon, Sea-Trout, Trout, and other Freshwater Fish. London, 1910; SAGE (DEAN) AND orHERS. Salmon and Trout. New York, Et emo Van Dyxe (Henry). Little Rivers. New York, 1899. JIllustra- tions. ‘Together, 3 vols. 16mo to royal 8vo, cloth, some uncut. New York and London, 1899-1913 ANGLING. Walton (Izaak) and Cotton (Charles). The Complete Angler, or the Contemplative Man’s Recreation. With Original Memoirs and Notes by Sir Harris Nicolas. Second Edition. Portraits and illustrations, ALL ON INDIA PAPER. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half green morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. London: Nattali and Bond, 1860 A reprint of Pickering’s edition. Arctic ExpLorations. Greely (Adolphus W.). Three Years of Arctic Service. An Account of the Lady Franklin Bay Expedition of 1881-84 and the Attainment of the Farthest North, Illustrated with nearly 100 illustrations made from photographs taken by the party, and with the official charts and maps. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs, gilt edges. New York, 1886 va. 835. 836. 837. 838. 839. 840. 841. 842. 843. 844. 845. 846. Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th Arctic Travet. Osborn (Capt. Sherard). The Discovery of the North- West Passage. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1857 Laid in is a one-page autograph letter of Captain Osborn, dated Febry. 24, 1857. ARNOLD (EpwiINn). Poems: Narrative and Lyrical. First Eprrion. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Oxford, 1853 Art. A collection of line engravings (7) after Raphael, including Apollo, Saturno, and others. In limp board wrappers. Reproductions. Art. A collection of more than one hundred photographs, mainly be- tween 9 or 10 inches long, of the paintings, sculpture and other works of art in the galleries in Rome. Hach photograph laid down on board, the whole bound in an oblong 4to, album, white cloth, richly gilt, with protecting cloth cover. Arr. American Art in Europe. A Monthly Periodical. One issue only. Folio, wrappers, enclosed in cloth portfolio. Paris, 1889 Contains full-page reproductions by Charles Sprague Pearce, Daniel Ridgway Knight, Paul W. Bartlett, and 2 others, each autographed by the artists. Art. Blane (Charles). Art in Ornament and Dress. Illustrations. Lon- don, 1877; Bacon (Henry). Parisian Art and Artists. Jllustra- tions. Boston, 1883. Together, 2 vols. 8vo and 4to, cloth. London and Boston, 1877-1883 Art. Female Characters of Goethe, from the original drawings of Wil- liam Kaulbach. Explanatory text by G. H. Lewis. Folio, cloth, gilt. New York [1867 | Art. Heath’s Portfolio of Engravings, after the First British Masters. Numerous reproductions on steel. Folio, cloth, light stains. London, no date Art. Liibke (Wilhelm). Outlines of the History of Art. Edited by Clarence Cook. Fully illustrated. 2 vols. thick 8vo, cloth. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1879 Arr. Salon (Paris). Le Salon de 1901. Full-page and other allustra- tions. Imperial 8vo, three-quarter crimson morocco, gilt back, gilt edges. Paris, 1901 Art. Velazquez. [Text in German.] Hztensively illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Stuttgart, 1908 Art. Lanzi (Luigi). The History of Painting in Italy. 3 vols. Lon- don, 1847; Van Dyxs (J. C.). Art for Art’s Sake. New York, 1895; How to Judge of a Picture. New York, 1889; Hamrrron (P. J.). The Intellectual Life. Boston, 1870. Mostly wlustrated. Together, 6 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth and half calf. Various places, 1847-1895 Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th 847. 848. 849. 850. 851. 852. 853. 854. 855. Art. Strahan (Edward). The Chefs-d’Ciuvre d’Art of the Interna- tional Exhibition, 1878. Profusely illustrated with full-page plates. Philadelphia, undated; Woutrr (ALBERT). Figaro-Salon. 1888. 5 parts. Paris, 1888; A series of 9 full-page photogravures of in- tertors, signed in pencil ‘Francesca Bostwick.’ Together, 7% vols. folio, leather, and wrappers. Philadelphia and Paris, undated, 1888 Art. Hamerton (Philip Gilbert). Etching and Etchers. Illustrated. Boston, 1892; StranaHan (C. H.). A History of French Painting from its earliest to its latest practice. Illustrated. New York, 1895; ApELINE’s Art Dictionary. Illustrated. New York, 1891; ALLEN (GRANT). Paris and Venice. Illustrated. 4 vols. Boston [1902-1907]; Dayor (ArmanpD). Beautiful Women in Art. I[I- lustrated. 2 vols. Boston, 1902, and others. ‘Together, 11 vols. 8vo, and 12mo, original cloth. Various places, various dates Art. Grimm (Herman). The Life of Raphael. Boston [1888]; CLemenT (C. E.). Angels in Art. Jilustrated. Boston, 1898; LAFENESTRE (G.). The Louvre. Illustrated. Paris, undated; SHELLEY (Henry C.). The Art of the Wallace Collection. IJllus- trated. Boston, 1893; Orro (ALEXANDER F.) Mythological Japan. With illustrations. Philadelphia [1902]; and others. ‘Together, 12 vols. royal 8vo, 8vo, and 12mo, all but one (which is padded silk, Japanese style), original cloth. Various places, various dates Art CaTaLocuE. Catalogue des Tableau . . . Charles Jacque. Full- page reproductions. Folio, wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1894 A partial list of prices is laid in. It is on a separate sheet. Arr Caratocun. Collection H. V. Catalogue de Tableaux Modernes. Full-page reproductions after Corot, Diaz, Monet and other masters. Folio, wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1897 AsHLEY (GEORGE A.). The Art of Chromolithography. Popularly Ex- plained and tdlustrated by 44 plates, mostly in colors. Small folio, cloth, gilt, leaves loose. New York, 1883 AstroLocy. Roback (C. W.). The Mysteries of Astrology, and the Wonders of Magic. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1854 AvuTocraPHS. GzrorGE IV. Portrait in colors; Brookr (Sir JouHn). Receipt signed by John Brooke. November ?, 1634. Together, 2 pieces. AvutograpHs. Smith (Charles J.). Historical and Literary Curiosi- ties. Numerous full-page and smaller facsimiles of autographs of eminent literary characters. Thick 4to, half morocco, gilt top. London, 1852 856. 857. 858. 859. 860. 861. Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th AvrograrH. Zola (Emile—French writer). L. S., lp. 8vo, Medan, Nov. 15, 98. To his [publisher], relative to the publication of one of his works. Avutograpus. An Album, oblong 8vo, full leather, containing about 55 signatures, including H. W. Longfellow; U. S. Grant; William Cul- len Bryant; Horace Greely; John G. Whittier; Phil H. Sheridan; R. E. Lee; G. T. Beauregard; Andrew Johnson; Jefferson Davis; “Mark Twain,”’; Grover Cleveland; Rutherford B. Hayes, and others. AutTocraPHs. Marie Amélie de Bourbon. A. L. S., Ip. 4to, Palais Royal, Dec. 30, 1823. To Mr. Barriere, acknowledging receipt of his book and thanking him for the same. With portrait; Maria LovuisE THERESA (Wife of Charles V, King of Spain). A.L.S., lp. 4to, Arunsais, April 18, 1802. To her niece. Together, 3 pieces. AvurograpHs. Thiers (Adolph—French Historian). A. L. S., Ip. 16mo, March 26, 1861. To ‘Mon cher Danzab.’ With portrait and envelope; L. S. 2pp. 8vo, Paris, March 25, 1833. To ‘Monsieur le Préfet du Nord, a Lille.’ Relative to a Director for the Theatre of Lille. Portrait. Together, 5 pieces. AvutocraPpus. Frenou Kines. Louis XIV. L. S., 1p. folio, Versailles, March 20, 1713. To the royal treasurer, authorizing the payment of a sum of money; Louris XV. N.S8., lp. 8vo, Versailles, Febru- ary 8, 1743. Order for a payment of money. Portrait; Louis XVI. N. S., 1p. royal 8vo, Versailles, January 26, 1777. To the royal treasurer authorizing the payment of a sum of money; Louis Puitiere as the Duc de la Chartre. A. L., 2pp. 8vo, July 1. Third Person. To M. le Chevalier d’Escrivieu, referring him to the Duc @harré for a settlement; Louris XVIII. L.8., 1p. folio, Versailles, November 380, 1776. To the treasurer authorizing him to pay S. Bozel a sum of money. With portrait and view. Together, 8 pieces. AurocraPHs. Mazzini (G.). A. L. S. lp. 24mo, ‘10-61.’ Refusing a request for Garibaldi’s letter. With portrait; Garrpatpi (G.). L. S. lp. 8vo, Rome, Feb. 4, 187[9]. To M. Letizia Protazzi. Note of thanks. With portrait, and newspaper clippings, together with a facsimile of a note, pasted on 2 leaves; ScoumMAN [ RopERT—Ger- man musician]. A. L. §., 1p. 12mo, Mai, 3%. In German. With portrait; Grivy (Jutes—President of France). A. L. S., Ip. 12mo, Versailles, April 29. Asking the recipient to call. In French. With portrait. Together, 9 pieces. 862. Bacon (Francis). Fischer (Kuno). Francis Bacon of Verulam, Realistic Philosophy and its Age. First English Edition. 12mo, cloth. London, 1857 Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th 863. BALzac (Honortt DE). Cousin Bette. Boston, 1890; Pére Goriot. Boston, 1889; Minton (JoHN) AND Marvett (ANDREW). Poetical Works. Portraits. 4 vols. in 2, 1879-1881; Jamus (Henry JR.). Daisy Miller and an International Episode. Colored plate and il- lustrations from drawings by H. W. McVickar. New York, 1892; Guitp (CurTIs). Britons and Muscovites. Boston, 1888; THom- Son (JAMES). The Seasons. Illustrations by Schmolze. Phila- delphia, 1864; Garrerr (Epmunp H.—Editor). Victorian Songs. Illustrations by the author. Boston, 1895; Hewrrr (LLEWELLYN). Haddon Hall. Numerous ilustrations. London, undated; Corz- RIDGE (SAMUEL). The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Illustrations by Doré and others. Boston, 1884; ScuituEr’s Song of the Bell. Illustrations. Boston, 1883. Together, 11 vols. various bindings. 8vo and 4to. Various places, various dates 864. BAKER (James). Turkey.. New York, 1879; McCoan (J. C.). Egypt As It Is. New York, 1877; Tarne (H. A.). A Tour through the Pyrenees. New York, 1875; Scu~remann (H.). Mycenae. New — York, 1878; Moorr (Freprertck). The Balkan Trail. New York, 1906; Frrzparrick (J. P.). The Transvaal from Within. New York, 1900; SHormaxer (M. M.). Quaint Corners of Ancient Empires. New York, 1899; and others. Mostly illustrated. 'To- gether, 11 vols. 12mo to royal 8vo, cloth, some uncut. Various places, various dates 865. Baxer (Str Samus W.). Ismailia. 2 vols. London, 1874; STanLEy (Henry M.). Through the Dark Continent. 2 vols. London, 1878; Dossins (FRANK S8.). False Gods. Profusely illustrated with por- traits, maps and other wlustrations. Philadelphia, wndated;: Inexis (Henry D.). The Tyrol. 2 vols. London, 1833. Together, 7 vols. 8vo, half calf and leather. London and Philadelphia, 1833-1878 866. BarTLeETT (JoHN). Familiar Quotations. Boston, 1883; Dr VERE (M. ScuutE). Studies in English. New York, 1871; Macssra (Joun W. V.). The Might and Mirth of Literature. New York, 1875; BompauanH (C. C.). Gleanings from the Harvest-Fields of Literature. Baltimore, 1870; Mackay (CHArtEs). The Lost Beauties of the English Language. New York, 1874; and others. Together, 13 vols. 12mo, cloth. Various places, various dates 867%. Brstn. Holy Bible conteyning the Old Testament, and the New. Small 4to, diamond calf, not original, binding worn, title to Old Testament missing. [Imprint on title to New Testament] London: Robert Barker, 1633 868. 869. 870. 871. 872. 873. 874. Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th Bistze. The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments, ac- cording to the Authorised Version. Illustrations by Gustave Dore. 2 vols. folio, embossed leather, gilt edges, gilt inner border. London and New York: Cassell, Petter and Galpin, undated Brinton (S. A.). Photogravure copy of a picture of flowers and birds, the original of which was executed by Dr. Binion, familiar figure in Greenwich Village for many years. Autograph presentation copy, with inscription by Dr. Binion. Framed between 2 sheets of glass, with stand. BioGRAPHICAL SketcHeEs. One Of a Thousand. A Series of Biographi- cal Sketches of One Thousand Representative Men resident in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Compiled under the Editorial Supervision of John C. Rand. 1890; The National Cyclopedia of American Biography. Vols. I and II. 1892. Numerous portraits. Together, 3 vols. imperial 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs. Boston and New York, 1890-1892 BrocrapHy. Morley (John). The Life of Richard Cobden. Boston, 1881; Wittson (Brecxuzes). Lord Strathcona. London, 1902; Ensmig (G. R.). Field-Marshal Sir Donald Stewart. London, 1903; Havuirary (Arnotp). A Selection from Goldwin Smith’s Correspondence. London, undated. Jllustrations. Together, 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, some uncut. London, 1881-1903 BiograpHy. Gleig (G. R.). The Life of Arthur Duke of Wellington. London, 1865; Grimm (H.). The Life and Times of Goethe. Boston, 1880; Burner (CHARLES). Reminiscences. London, 1822; Gisnon (Epwarp). The Autobiography and Correspondence of Edward Gibbon. London, 1869; Sanson (Henry). Memoirs of the Sansons. 2 vols. London, 1876; and others. Some illus- trations. Together, 11 vols. 8vo and 12mo, various bindings. Various places, various dates Birps, Butrerruirs, Ero. Herrick (F. H.). The Home Life of Wild Birds. New York, 1902; BLuaNncHAN (NeEttTsE). Birds that Hunt and are Hunted. New York, 1902; Hotzuanp (W. J.). The But- terfly Book. New York, 1901; Cuarman (F. M.). Bird-Life. New York, 1902; Botton (S. K.). Our Devoted Friend the Dog. Boston, 1902, and others including works by F. 8. Mathews, R. B. Howe, E. Seton-Thompson. All illustrated, some with colored plates. Together, 9 vols. royal 8vo, and smaller, all original cloth. Various places, various dates BLAKE IntustraTions. Hayley (Wiliam). The Life, and Posthumous Writings of William. With 2 portraits of Cowper, and view of his tomb, engraved By Witttam BuaKe. 3 vols. 4to, old half calf, joints broken. Chichester, 1803 ‘ et a >t Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th 875. Boccaccio (G.). The Decameron. Portrait after Raffaele and 10 de- signs by Stothard. London, undated; The Same. Portrait and 10 illustrations drawn and engraved by Flameng. Philadelphia, wn- dated; (2 copies). Together, 3 vols. 12mo, and post 8vo, various bindings. London and Philadelphia, undated 876. Book or Gems (THE). The Poets and Artists of Great Britain. Edited by 8S. C. Hall. Vignettes. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs and edges, cover of Vol. I. loose and some text of same water- stained. London: Saunders and Otley, 1836-1846 877. Booxs Asour Booxs. Catalogue . . . of the Works of John Dryden (1631-1700). Portrait; Also, Catalogue . . . selected Works of Poets Laureate of England. Portrait of Ben Jonson by S. Arlent Edwards. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. Limited editions. New York: Grolier Club, 1900-1901 878. Books Asour Booxs. Memoir of William Oldys . . . an Account of ~~ the London Libraries. 12mo, leather back, gilt top. London, 1862 879. Books anD THEIR AutHors. The Bookman Booklets,—Charles Dickens, Robert Louis Stevenson, Robert Burns, Thomas Carlyle, W. M. Thackeray. Each by an authority. Illustrated. London, 1904 ete.; _ Pucu (Epwin). ‘The Charles Dickens Originals. Tilustrated. New York, 1912, and others. Together, 11 vols. 8vo, and 12mo, original cloth. Various places, various dates 880. BranTOME (SEIGNEUR DE). Famous Women. 8vo, full polished red calf, gilt back and sides, gilt edges. : London: Arthur L. Humphreys, 1908 881. Bryant (Witt1Am CuLLEN). The Family Library of Poetry and Song. Illustrations and fac-similes. New York, 1880; EnenisH Banwaps. Profusely tllustrated. No place, no date (title-page lacking) ; MicHELET (JuLES). The Bird. With 210 illustrations by Giaco- mellr. London, 1869; GoLpsmitH (OLIvER). The Vicar of Wake- field and Other Books. Illustrations. London, undated. Together, 4 vols. royal 8vo and 8vo, various bindings. New York and London, undated, 1869-1880 882. BuccaNEERS. Thornbury (George W.). The Monarchs of the Main; 5 or, Adventures of the Buccaneers. 3 vols. London, 1855; The — Buccaneers; or, the Monarchs of the Main. With illustrations by : “Phiz.” London, 1858. Boru Firsr Epirions. Together, 4 vols. 12mo; the first mentioned in original cloth, uncut, library labels on sides ; the second, rebound in cloth. London, 1855-1858 The Aa named relates to Pierre le Grand; Lolonnois the Cruel; Alex- ander Bras de Fer; Sir Henry Morgan; Conquest of Panama; the Cruises of Sawkins and Sharpe ; Dampier’s Voyages; ete. 883. 884. 885. 886. 887. 888. 889. 890. 891. Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th Bugett (Aveustus C.). Paul Jones, Founder of the American Navy. 2 vols. New York, 1900; Fuanpers (Henry). The Lives and Times of the Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. 2 vols. New York, 1875; SHetton (D.). Reunion of the Descendants of Daniel Shelton, at Birmingham, Conn., 1877. New- burgh, 1877; Sxerouxs of Men of Progress. By James Parton, Bayard Taylor, and others. New York, 1870. Illustrations and portraits. ‘Together, 6 vols. 12mo to royal 4to, various bindings. Various places, various dates Buuien (A. H.—Editor). Musa Proterva: Love-Poems of the Restora- tion. Square 8vo, calf back and cloth, gilt top, uncut, slightly rubbed. London: Privately printed, 1889 ‘Number 335 of 780 copies printed. Burke (Epmunp). The Works of Edmund Burke, with a Memoir. Portrait. 3 vols. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt backs. New York, 1860 Burns (Ropert). Reid (J. B.). A Complete Word and Phrase Con- cordance to the Poems and Songs of Robert Burns. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Glasgow, 1889 [Burton (Ropert).]| The Anatomy of Melancholy. 3 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt backs, leather labels, marbled edges. ; Boston: William Veazie, 1859 Byron (GrorcE Gorpon, Lorp). The Complete Works of Lord Byron. With Biographical and Critical Notes by J. W. Lake. Portrast. % vols. 8vo, original half cloth and boards, paper labels (one slightly imperfect), uncut. Paris, 1825 Printed at the press of Jules Didot, senior, on good paper, and a de- sirable and scarce Library Edition of Byron. Byron (GEORGE GORDON, Lord). Moore (Thomas). Prose and Verse. With Suppressed Passages from the Memoirs of Lord Byron. With Notes by R. H. Shepherd. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth. London, 1878 CaLpEcoTT (RanpotPH). A Collection of Picture Books, comprising,— Sing a Song for Six Pence, The Three Jovial Huntsmen, The Queen of Hearts, The Mad Dog, The Farmer’s Boy, John Gilpin, The Babes in the Wood, The House that Jack Built. All with colored and plain illustrations by R. Caldecott. Aut Frrst Epirions. Bound in one vol., full roan, binding worn and some pages thumbed. Not returnable. London, no date CatpEcoTr (RANDOLPH). Picture Book; containing,—John Gilpin, The House that Jack Built, The Babes in the Wood, and, Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog. With colored and other illustrations by R. Caldecott. First Cotiectep Epition. Square 8vo, cloth. London, no date Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th 892. CaLtpEcoTT (Ranpo~pH). The Sketch Book. With colored and other ulustrations by R. Caldecott. First Eprrion. Oblong 8vo, half cloth and boards. London, no date 893, CANADIAN SCENERY. Picturesque Canada: The Country as It Was and Is. Edited by George Munro Grant. Illustrated with over 500 engravings on wood. 2 vols. royal 4to, half morocco, gilt backs and tops. Toronto: Belden Bros. [1882] 894, CAROLINE Marinpa. Life and Times of her Majesty Caroline Matilda, Queen of Denmark and Norway, and Sister of George III. of England. By Sir C: F. Lascelles Wraxall. 3 vols. 8vo, half mo- rocco. London, 1864 — 895. “Carrott (Lovuis).” Phantasmagoria, and other Poems. 12mo, origi- nal blue cloth, gilt edges, name on half-title. London, 1869 896. CATHERINE II. The Life of Catharine IJ, Empress of Russia. Large folding map, and seven engraved portraits. 3 vols. 8vo, half sheep, binding worn. | London, 1798 =* 897. CHamMBERS’s ENcycLopmp1A. Illustrated with colored maps and numer- ous wood engravings. 10 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs. London, 1874 898. CHINESE PorTry. Thoms (Peter Perring). Chinese Courtship. In — Verse. ‘T’o which is added an Appendix, treating of the Revenue of China. Royal 8vo, boards. ¢ London, 1824 The original characters, with English translation. 899. Cremens (8S. L.). The Jumping Frog. 12mo, original wrappers. Lon-— don: Ward, Lock & Tyler, no date; Ruacn (A. B.). A Story with a Vengeance. Illustrated by John Leech. First Eprrion. 12mo, original wrappers. London, no date. Together, 2 vols. London, no date 900. CremENs (S. L.). A Tramp Abroad. Hartford, 1880; The Innocents Abroad. Hartford, 1869. Illustrations; A Tramp Abroad. 2 vols. London, 1880. Together, 4 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth and half calf. Hartford and London, 1869-1880 901. CoterIpcr (Hartiny). Hssays and Marginalia. Portrait (lightly spotted). 2% vols. 12mo, full green morocco, gilt edges. London: Edward Moxon, 1851 902. CotorED PiatEs. Jones (Jenkin). Pros and Cons, for Cupid and Hymen. Folding plate, by J. A. Atkinson, IN cotors. 12mo, half calf, piece cut from margin of title and plate repaired. London, 1807 903. Crane ItLustrations. Crane (Walter). The Baby’s Opera. A Book of Old Rhymes with New Dresses. The Music by the Earliest Masters. Numerous colored illustrations. 4to, original pictorial — me boards. | New York: McLoughlin Bros., undated : 904. 907. 908. 909. 910. oid. 912. 913. Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th CravEN Dery; or, The Lordship by Tenure, includes the Ladye of the Rose. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt backs, leather labels. London: Merric Smith, 1832-3 Ascribed to Henry Luttrell. . Crowe (Eyre Evans). The History of France. 5 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs and tops. London, 1858-1868 . CRUIKSHANK (GkEoRGE). An oblong, 4to vol., half morocco back and cloth sides, containing 36 plates, being the set, all “Illustrations of Time,’ London, May 1, 1827; and other Cruikshank plates includ- ing many of his most characteristic productions. London, 1827, etc. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Bruce (Carlton). Mirth and Morality: A Collection of Original Tales. Tllustrated by George Cruikshank. 12mo, half calf. London, 1835 CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Cruikshank At Home: A New Family Album of Endless Entertainment. First and Third Series. 1845. 2 vols.; Peter Schlemihl. From the German of A. Von Chamisso. 1861. Numerous ilustrations by George Cruikshank. Together, 3 vols. 12mo, cloth. London, 1845-1861 CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). Our Own Times. With 4 etchings, numerous glyphographs and woodcuts by George Cruikshank. First Eprrion. 8vo, rebound in cloth. London, 1846 Cohn, No. 186; Douglas, No. 235. CRUIKSHANK AND Lerou. The Oyster; Where, How and When to Find, Breed, Cook and Hat It. Illustrated by George Cruikshank. First Epition. 12mo, original boards, back worn. London, 1861; O’Hara (Kane). Tom Thumb; a Burletta. With designs by George Cruikshank. 12mo, boards. London, 1830; Smiru (AL- BERT). Comic Tales. Illustrated by Leech (lacks frontispiece). 12mo, half calf. London, no date. Together, 3 vols. London, 1830-1861 CupwortH (RatpH). The True Intellectual System of the Universe. To which are added, The Notes and Dissertations of Dr. J. L. Mosheim, translated by John Harrison. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. London, 1845 Curious. A Learned Dissertation on Dumpling; its Dignity, Antiquity and Excellence, with a Word upon Pudding . . . to which is added Namby Pamby; a Panegyric. 8vo, half roan and boards. London, 1726 Curious. Memoirs and Gallantries of a Prince of the Blood of Abo. London, undated; and another work. ‘Together, 2 vols. in one, 12mo, old calf, rebacked. London, 1793, etc. Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th 914. Curtis (GrorcE T.). Life of James Buchanan. Portratt. 2 vols. 1883; Daspnery (R. L.). Life and Campaign of Lieut-Gen. Thomas J. Jackson. Portrait and diagrams. 1866; McCLELLAN (GEORGE B.). McClellan’s Own Story. The War for the Union. Portrait. 1887; Stites (Roperr). Four Years under Marse Robert. Plate: - 1903; FostEr (Linuian). Andrew Johnson, President of the United States. Portrait. 1866. Together, 6 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth. New York, 1866-1903 915. Cyctopepia (THE) of Practical Quotations. By J. K. Hoyt. New York, 1896; Bern (ALExaNnpDER G.). Lectures upon the Mechan- ism of Speech. New York, 1906; Appison (JosEPH). Hssays. Edited by John R. Green. Portrait. London, undated. Eprrion DE Luxe limited to 1000 copies; Dotpy (THomas). The Shakes- pearian Dictionary. Portrait. London, 1832; and others. To- gether, 6 vols. 12mo to royal 8vo, various bindings. Various places, various dates 916. CrcLtopmp1A oF Wit anp Humor (THE). Edited by William HE. Burton. Illustrations. New York, 1870; Cyctoparpra (The) of Practical Quotations, English and Latin. J. K. Hoyt and Anna L. Ward. New York, 1884; CuarKke (Mrs. C.). .The Complete Con- cordance to Shakspere. Boston, undated; WHATELY (R.). Bacon’s Essays. Boston, 1861; Jerrrey (Francis). Contributions to the Edinburgh Review. New York, 1866; Dana (C. A.). The House- hold Book of Poetry. Illustrations. New York, 1880. Together, 6 vols. royal 8vo, leather and half morocco. Various places, 1861-1884 91%. Dante. The Vision; or Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise. Translated by the Rev. Henry F. Cary. Second Edition Corrected. With the Life of Dante, Additional Notes, and an Index. 3 vols. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. London, 1819 918. Davipson (JoHNnN). A Random Itinerary; Ballads and Songs. BotH First Eprrions. Together, 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uneut. London, 1894 Of the former, only 600 copies were printed. 919. Davinson (JoHN). Plays by John Davidson; being: an Unhistorical Pastoral: a Romantic Farce: Bruce a Chronicle Play: Smith a Tragic Farce: and Scaramouch in Maxos a Pantomime. Frontispiece (in the manner of Aubrey Beardsley). First Eprtion. 8vo, origi- nal cloth, uncut. London, 1894 One of 500 copies printed. 920. Davipson (Joun). A Full and True Account of the Wonderful Mis- sion of Karl Lavender. With frontispiece by Aubrey Beardsley. First Epirion. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1895 921 922. 923. 924. 925. 926. 927. 928. Fourth Session, Wednesday Hvening, March 12th . De Amicis (E.). Spain. New York, 1881; Holland and its People. New York, 1881; Horner (S.) anp (J.). Walks in Florence. 2 vols. London, 1873; WHympsr (E.). The Ascent of the Matter- horn. London, 1880; Larovcnue (JoHn). Travels in Portugal. Numerous illustrations. London, undated; Metex-Hanum. Three Years in a Harem. London, 1872. Together, 7 vols. 8vo, half calf and half morocco. New York and London, 1872-1881 Derroz (Daniet). Robinson Crusoe. Illustrated by Grandville. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1853 DIcKENSINA. Scenes from the Life of Nickleby Married, containing certain remarkable passages, strange adventures . . . that befell . the Nickleby Family . . . a sequel to the “Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby,” as edited by “Boz.” With illustrations by “Quiz.” 2 vols. 8vo, half bound, soiled, not returnable. London, 1840 .The author is unknown. Dictionary. A Standard Dictionary of the English Language. rz- tenswely illustrated. 2 vols. royal 4to, full morocco, with thumb index, binding very slightly rubbed. New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1895 Dictionary. Spier’s and Surenne’s French and English Pronouncing Dictionary. New York, 1880; Apter (G. J.). A Dictionary of the German and English Languages. New York, 1881; Neuman AND Barerti. A Pronouncing Dictionary of the Spanish and Eng- lish Languages. New York, 1853. Together, 3 vols. imperial 8vo, half morocco. : New York, 1853-1881 Dictionary. Webster (Noah). A Dictionary of the English Language. With Supplement. Springfield, Mass., 1882; WorcrEsTER (JOSEPH E.). A Dictionary of the English Language. With Supplement. Philadelphia, 1881; Sranparp Dictionary of the English Language. Illustrations. New York, 1897. Together, 3 vols. small folio, leather and morocco, one binding broken. Various places, 1881-1897 DisraEvi (Isaac). Curiosities of Literature. With a View of the Life and Writings of the Author, by his Son. Portrait. 4 vols.; Ameni- ties of Literature. 2 vols. Together, 6 vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt backs. New York and Boston, 1863-1864 DisraAztI (Isaac). An Introduction to the Literary History of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries. First Eprrion. 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1798; DuncomBge (JoHN). The Works of the Emperor Julian. 8vo, half calf. London, 1798; and another. To- gether, 3 vols. Various places, various dates 929. 930. 931. 933. 934. 936. 937. 5. Eprrs (Gzorc). Writings. 14 vols. 16mo, cloth, gilt. Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th Dor& Intustrations. The Holy Bible. With tlustrations by Gustave Doré. 2 vols. thick folio, full embossed morocco, gilt edges, binding very slightly rubbed. London: Cassell, Petter and Galpin, undated Original English Edition, with the finest impression of the famous illustrations. Doré Intustrations. Dante (A.). Vision of Hell. London, 1866; TENNYSON (ALFRED Lorn). Vivien. New York, 1868; Elaine. New York, 1867; Idylls of the King. London, 1868; Bratz. The Holy Bible. 2 vols. London and New York, undated. All pro- fusely illustrated with full-page engravings by Gustave Doré. To- gether, 6 vols. folio, leather and cloth. ° New York and London, 1866-1868 Du Bors (Hznri PinE). Four Private Libraries of New York. Preface by Octave Uzanne. Colored frontispiece and full-page illustrations. 8vo, silk cloth, uncut. New York, 1892 Edition limited to 1000 numbered copies. Narratives of the Most Remarkable Personal Encounters. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs cracked at hinges. London: Bentley, 1841 Dumas (ALEXANDRE). The Count of Monte-Cristo. With 20 illus- trations drawn on wood, by M. Valentin. 2 vols. 1846; Frrz- GERALD (Prercy). Life and Adventures of Alexander Dumas. 2 vols. 1873. Together, 4 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt backs, leather labels. London, 1846-1873 . Dugtiinc. Millingen (J. G.). The History of Duelling: Including, - Du Maurier (GzorcE). English Society at Home. From the Col- lection of “Mr. Punch.” 63 illustrations on India paper, folio, cloth, gilt, gilt edges, some leaves loose. London, 1880_ New York, 1887 Comprises,—The Bride of the Nile; A Question; The Sisters; The Emperor; ete. Eppy (Mary Baker G.). Science and Health, with the Key to the Scriptures. Portrait. 16mo, limp morocco, gilt edges. Boston. 1909; another edition. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1907; No and Yes. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1909. Together, 3 vols. Boston, various dates EGAN (Pierce). The Finish to the Adventures of Tom, Jerry, and Logic, in their Pursuits through Life In and Out of London. TI- lustrated by 36 COLORED PLATES, by Robert Cruikshank, 8vo, cloth, roan back, gilt back and top, uncut. London, 1887 938. 939. 940. 941. 942. 943. 944, 945. 946. Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th Eeypt. Sharpe (Samuel, and others). Hgypt, Nubia and Ethiopia. Illustrated with 100 stereoscopic photographs. With Inscriptions and Notes. Thick square 8vo, cloth, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1862 Autograph presentation copy from Owen Jones, with his autograph on fly-leaf. Exiot (GrEorGE). Silas Marner: the Weaver of Raveloe. First Eprrion. 8vo, original cloth, uncut, with advertisements. Edinburgh, 1861 Evuzevir Press. Ovidius. Opera. Hngraved title. 12mo, contempo- rary red morocco, gilt edges, name on title. Lvgd: Batavorvm, 1629 ENCYCLOPAEDIA Britannica. NintuH Epition. Illustrated. 29 vols. 4to, half morocco, two shades, some volumes very slightly rubbed. New York (printed in Edinburgh) and Philadelphia, 1878- 1889 Includes the Supplement, 4 vols. EncycLop#p1a Britannica. Ninth Edition. With Index. 25 vols. [Atso| Supplement, Vols. 1, 2 and 4. Together, 28 vols. 4to, half morocco, gilt backs, marbled edges. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1875-1889 ENCYCLOPAEDIA BriraANNica. LHleventh Edition. Vol. 29 (only), In- DEX. 4to, cloth. Cambridge, 1911 ENGLAND. Farr (E.). The Collegiate, School, and Family History of England. Hartford, 1849; Franois (C. DE tA RocHe). London, Historic and Social. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1902; LizcHTENSTEIN (Princess Marie). Holland House. 2 wgols. London, 1874; Jewitt (L.) anp Hatt (8S. C.). The Stately Homes of England. Profusely illustrated with full-page plates and text engravings. Lon- don, wndated; Cotuinr (Prick). England and the English from an American Point of View. New York, 1909. ‘Together, 7 vols. 8vo and 4to, various bindings. Various places, 1849-1909 Encuisu AutHors. Rossetti (Dante G.). Poems. Sixth Edition. Lon- don, 1872; Arnotp (MarrHew). New Poems. First EDITION. London, 1867; BrowniNnG (ExizapetH B.). Earlier Poems. First collected edition. London, 1878. Together, 3 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1867-1878 The last named case comes from the library of Joseph Knight, and contains his autograph. Eneuisu AutHors. Swinburne (A. C.). Love’s Cross-Currents. First Epition. Original buckram. London, 1905; BucHAaNAN (ROBERT). The Fleshly School of Poetry. First Eprrion. Original wrappers, back slightly worn. London, 1872; Pater (WALTER). The Renais- sance. Frontispiece. Cloth. London, 1904. Together, 3 vols. London, various dates Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th 947. 948, 949, 950. 951. 952. 953. 954, EnetisH AutuHors. Blake (William). Songs of Innocence and Ex- perience. Cloth. London, 1866; ArtInecHam (WrLLtAM). Flower Pieces and other Poems. With 2 designs by Dante G. Rossetti. First Eprtion. Half vellum and boards. Presentation copy, with “From the author,” in his autograph, on fly-leaf. London, 1888; SUCKLING (Str JoHN). Plays, Poems and other Remains. Por- trait. 2 vols., cloth. London, 1892. Together, 4 vols. 12mo. London, 1866-1892 EnewisH Battaps. A Book of Old English Love Songs; A Book of Old English Ballads. Illustrated; Old English Songs. With il- lustrations by Hugh Thomson. First edition with these illustrations. London, 1894; and another. Together, 4 vols. cloth. . Various places, various dates EnetisH Fairs. Morley (Henry). Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair. With facsimile drawings, engraved on wood, by the Brothers Dalziel. First Eprrion. 8vo, original cloth. London, 1859 EneuisH Inns. Rendle (William). The Inns of Old Southwark and their Association. Illustrated. 8vo, half leather and cloth, uncut. London, 1888 EneuisH Rivers. Shrine (Henry). A General. Account of all the Rivers of Note in Great Britain . . . minute description of the ~ Thames. With double-page aquatint frontispiece, and outline maps. 8vo, full calf. London, 1801 EuropEAN Scenery. Picturesque Europe: a Delineation by Pen and Pencil. Edited by Bayard Taylor. Illustrated on steel and wood by European°and American Artists. 3 vols. 4to, embossed turkey morocco, gilt edges. New York: Appleton and Co. 1875] Famous Homes. Mills (W. Jay). Historic Houses of New Jersey. Philadelphia, 1902; Maran (A. H.—KEditor). Other Famous Homes of Great Britain and their Stories. New York, 1902; Dzs- MOND (H. W.) AND Croty (Hurpertr). Stately Homes in America. New York, 1903; Wuarton (EprtH). Italian Villas and their Gardens. New York, 1904; Grenn (THomas AttEN). Some Colonial Mansions and those who lived in them. Philadelphia, 1899. All ulustrated, some extensively so. Together, 5 vols. royal 8vo, — and 8vo, original cloth. Various places, various dates Famous Women. Genlis (Countess de). Memoirs of the Countess de Genlis. Written by Herself. 8 vols. in 4. London, 1825; Matn- TENON (MADAME DE). The Secret Correspondence of Madame de Maintenon with the Princess des Ursins. Portrait. 3 vols. London, 1827; Start (MapAME DE). Memoirs of Madame de Staal de Launay. ‘Translated by Selina Bathurst. London, 187%. To- gether, 8 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1825-1877 Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th 955. Famous Women. Le Brun (Madame Vigée). Souvenirs. New York, 1880 (2 copies); Montnoy (F.). The Queen’s Comrade. The Life and Times of Sarah Duchess of Marlborough. 2 vols. London, 1901; Bencer (Miss). Memoirs of the Life of Anne Boleyn. 2 vols. London, 1821; CarnHerine II. The Life of Catherine II. Empress of Russia. 3 vols. London, 1799. Mostly illustrated. Together, 9 vols. 8vo, various bindings, some uncut. London and New York, 1799-1901 956. FenELON (FRANcoIs DE). Adventures of Telemachus. New York, wn- dated; Tyuer (J. EnpeLL). Henry of Monmouth. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1838; Grorer III. George the Third, his Court, and Family. 2 vols. London, 1824; Froupr (James A.). Caesar. New York, undated ; CHRONICLES of the White Rose of York. London, 1845. Illustrations; D’Hrzecqurs (Frettx, Count pve F.). Recollections of a Page at the Court of Louis XVI. London, 1873. Together, 8 vols. 8vo, various bindings. New York and London, 1824-1873 957. Frorion. A collection of Fiction, including works by Gilbert Parker ; Thomas Nelson Page; George W. Curtis; Anna Fuller; Gertrude Atherton; Winston Churchill; Zane Grey; W. B. Maxwell; 8. Weir Mitchell; Frances Hodgson Burnett; S. L. Clemens; Ellen Glas- gow; Paul Lester Ford; May Sinclair; Mrs. Humphrey Ward; Flora Annie Steel; Mary Johnston; Alice C. Hegan; Edith Wharton; Amy Brooks; Frank R. Stockton; John Fox, Jr.; F. Marion Craw- ford; Samuel Hopkins Adams, and others. Together, 86 vols. all but one (which is in half morocco) original cloth. Various places, various dates Mainly in excellent condition. 958. Fiorion. A Collection of Fiction including Writings by Edwin Cas- koden, Gilbert Parker, Frank R. Stockton, Harold Frederic, Char- lotte Bronté, John Fox Jr., Mary E. Wilkins, Henry Kingsley, “Ouida,” A. Conan Doyle, F. Marion Crawford, Owen Wister, and others. Together, 69 vols. 8vo, cloth; [Also] A Collection of Fic- tion, French and English, in wrappers, 20 vols. various sizes. To- gether, 89 vols. Various places, various dates 959. Freup (EucEenr). Songs and other Verse. New York, 1886; A Little Book of Western Verse. New York, 1890; Love-Songs of Child- hood. New York, 1895. Anu First Epirions. Together, 3 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. New York, 1886-1895 960. Frexpinc (Henry). Complete Works. Illustrated by George Crutk- | shank. Thick 8vo, full calf, gilt. | London: Bell & Daldy, undated 961. 962. 963. 964. 965. 966. 967. Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th First Epitions or American AutuHors. Gill (W. F.—Editor). Lotos Leaves. New York, 1879; Carneron (W.). Farm Legends. 1876; Farm Festivals. New York, 1881; Cornwauu (S. J.). Roses and Myrtles. New York, 1881; Wriu1s (N. P.). The Legendary. Bos- ton, 1828; Smirn (F. H.). Gondola Days. Boston, 1897; Caleb West. Boston, 1898; Hotmes (Oxtver W.). Astraea. Boston, 1850 ; Soundings from the Atlantic. Boston, 1864; Mitumr (J.). Songs of Italy. Boston, 1878; Sanrus (F. S.). Honey and Gall. Philadelphia, 1873. Together, 11 vols. 12mo and 8vo, various bindings. Various places, various dates FitzGERALD (PErcy). The Life of David Garrick. Portraits. 2 vyols.; The Romance of the English Stage. 2 vols. 1874; A New His- tory of the English Stage, from the Restoration to the Liberty of the Theatres. 2 vols. 1882; The Lives of the Sheridans. Hn- graved portraits. 2 vols. 1886; The Kembles, and Account of the Kemble Family, including the Lives of Mrs. Siddons and her Brother John Philip Kemble. Portraits. 2 vols. Together, 10 vols. 8vo, uniformly bound in three-quarter green levant morocco, gilt backs and tops, BY WORSFOLD. London, 1874-1886 FitzHerBert (Mrs.). Langdale (Charles). Memoirs of Mrs. Fitz- herbert; with an Account of her Marriage with H. R. H. the Prince of Wales, afterwards King George the Fourth. Portrait. 8vo, half morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. London: Bentley, 1856 Fuorence. Yriarte (Charles). Florence. Its History. The Medici— The Humanists—Letters—Arts. Translated by OC. B. Pitman. JI- lustrated with 500 engravings. Folio, red roan, gilt, gilt edges, binding slightly rubbed. New York, 1882 FRANCE IN 1815. Letters from France: Written by a Modern Tourist in that Country; and descriptive of some of the most amusing Man- ners and Customs of the French. With characterictic illustrations (10), by M. S. 8vo, half morocco. London: Printed for the Author, 1815 A work seldom seen, the plates charming in execution. FrepericK II. Kington (T. L.). History of Frederick the Second. 2 vols. half calf, gilt backs, leather labels, marbled edges. London, 1862 Frencu Court. Memoirs of Louis the Highteenth. Written by Him- self. 2 vols. 1832; Patrick (WattER Firz). The Great Condé and the Period of the Fronde. 2 vols. 1878. Together, 4 vols. small 8vo, half green morocco, gilt backs. London, 1832-1873 =. 968. 969. 970. yak 972. 973. 974. 975. 976. Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th Frencu Nove.ists. D’Armaillé (Madame la Ctesse). Marie Thérése et Marie-Antoinette. 1870; Batzac (H. de). L’Enfant Maudit. 1873; Petites Miséres de la Vie Conjugale. 1875; La Femme de Trente Ans. 2 vols. 1876. Original wrappers bound in; Dumas ALEXANDRE). Le Chevalier de Maison-Rouge. 2 vols. 1877; Dumas (A.—Fils). La Dame aux Camélias. 1878; CHATEAU- BRIAND (F. R. Vicomte de). Atala, René, et le Dernier des Aben- cerages. Portrait. Undated. Together, 9 vols. 12mo and 16mo, uniformly bound in half calf, gilt backs, leather labels. Paris, 1870-1878 FreNcH Portry. La Misére des Garcons Boulangers de la Ville et Fauxbourgs de Paris. pp.8. 12mo, limp leather. a Troyes [1715] An uncommon and interesting brochure in verse, which is not men. tioned in Brunet. The “Permission,” dated 29 Septembre, 1715, is signed “Passart.” GarpENS. Ferree (Barr). American Estates and Gardens. Hatensively illustrated with half-tone plates. Small folio, cloth, gilt. New York, 1904 GARRARD GENEALOGY. Cognets (Anna R. des). Governor Garrard, of Kentucky, his Descendants and Relatives. Portraits. 8vo, leather, gilt edges. Lexington, Kentucky, 1898 GarRRIcK CiuB. Barham (Rev. R. H.). The Garrick Club. Notices of One Hundred and Thirty-Five of its former Members. With fac- simile of the original Ms. 8vo, cloth, uncut, somewhat soiled. [London] Privately printed, 1896 Only 240 copies were printed. GrorcE II. or ENGLAND. Hervey (John, Lord). Memoirs of the Reign of George the Second, from his Accession to the Death of Queen Caroline. Edited from the Original Manuscript at Ickworth, by the Right Hon. John Wilson Croker. Plates. 2 vols. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt backs and tops. London: John Murray, 1848 Giants. Wood (Edward J.). Giants and Dwarfs. First EpIrion. 8vo, cloth, unctt. London, 1868 A history of the extremes in human stature traced from the earliest records to modern times, with sketches of the lives of some celebrated characters. Gispon (Epwarp). The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 7 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. London, 1853-1855 GorTHE (JoHANN W. von). Faust: A Tragedy. Translated by Bayard Taylor. First Epition. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, binding worn. Boston, 1871 Le es 978. 979. 980. 981. 982. 983. 984, 985. 986. Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th Grant (U.S.). Young (John Russell). Around the World with Gen- eral Grant . . . 1877, 1878, 1879. Engraved portrait and 800 1l- lustrations. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. New York [1879] Hattvy (Lupovic). The Abbé Constantin. Illustrated with many full-page photogravures by Madame Madeleine Lemaire. Royal 4to, vellum wrappers, uncut, enclosed in cloth portfolio. New: York, 1888 Hatitam (Henry). Introduction to the Literature of Europe in the Fifteenth, Sixteenth, and Seventeenth Centuries. 2 vols. New York, 1859; Duntop (JoHn). The History of Fiction. London, 1845; Tyter (Moses C.). A History of American Literature. 1607-1675. 2 vols. New York, 1880; Apams (W. D.). Diction- ary of English Literature. London, undated. Together, 6 vols. 8vo and 4to, various bindings. New York and London, 1845-1880 Hamitton (AnrHony). Memoirs of Count Grammont. Edited, with — Notes, by Sir Walter Scott. New Edition. With 64 portraits en- — graved by Edward Scriven. 8vo, half morocco, gilt back and top. ; London, 1876 Haminton (AntHONY). Fairy Tales and Romances. Undated; Gram- mont (Count). Memoirs of the Court of Charles the Second. 1864; MarGarret or Navarre. The Heptameron; 1864; Boccaccio — (G.). The Decameron. 1861; Rapetats (F.). Works. 2 vols. 1863; Cervantes (M. pr). The Exemplary Novels. Undated. Illustrations. Together, 7 vols. post 8vo, half calf, gilt backs, leather labels. London: Henry G. Bohn, 1861-1864 Harpy (Tuomas). Tess of the D’Urbervilles, a Pure Woman. First Epir1ion. 3 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut, library labels on sides. ; London (1892) Harte (Bret). Tales of the Argonauts. 1875; Echoes of the Foot- Hills. 1875 (2 copies) ; Mrs. Skagg’s Husbands and other Sketches. 1873. Ati Frrst Eprrions; The Luck of Roaring Camp. 1875 (2 copies); Condensed Novels. Illustrations. 1875 (2 copies) ; Poetical Works. Illustrations. 1872. Together, 9 vols. 12mo, cloth and half calf. Boston: James R. Osgood and Co., 1872-1875 Henuey (W. E.). The Song of the Sword and other Verses. First EpiIt1on. 12mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1892 Heniey (W. E.). A London Garland, selected from Five Centuries of English Verse. With pictures by members of the Socrety of Illus- trators. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt, gilt top. London, 1895 History. Larned (J. N.). History for Ready Reference, from the best Historians, Biographers and Specialists. Colored maps. 5 vols. royal 8vo, buckram, paper labels, owner’s stamp on titles. Springfield, 1894 Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th 987." Homer. The Odyssey of Homer. ‘Translated into English Blank 988. 989. 990. Beal, 992. 993. Verse by William Cullen Bryant. First Eprrion. 2 vols. square 8vo, cloth, gilt tops. Boston, 1871 Humpureyvs’ Reprints. Rossetti (Dante G.). Poems. London, 1812; MAETERLINCK (Maurice). The Treasure of the Humble. London, 1905. Together, 2 vols. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut. | London, 1812-1905 Humpnreys’ Roya, Lisrary. A collection of the series, comprising Gabrielle d’Estrées, Cleopatra, Grammont, Jesse’s Charles the Sec- ond, Ninon de Lenclos, Walpole’s Letters to Lady Ossory. ‘Together, 8 vols. 8vo, 5 in boards, 3 in wrappers, uncut. London: Arthur L. Humphreys, 1903 ete. A beautifully printed series of famous books. Humpnreys’ Royat Lisrary. A collection of the series, comprising Nero, 4 Kempis, Bacon’s Essays, Love in the Highteenth Century, Marcus Aurelius, Arnold’s Essays, Emerson’s Essays, and others. Together, 12 vols. square 12mo, original wrappers, several somewhat - soiled, others as new. London: Arthur L. Humphreys, 1906 ete. A beautifully printed series of famous books. Intustratep Booxs. Irving (Washington). Old Christmas. Illustra- ‘tions by R. Caldecott. 1892; Bracebridge Hall. Illustrations by R. Caldecott. 1892;-Rip Van Winkle and the Legend of Sleepy Hollow. With 53 illustrations by G. H. Boughton. 1893; Mirrorp (Mary Russet). Our Village. With 100 illustrations by Hugh Thomson. 1893; Hoop (Tuomas). Humorous Poems. With 130 illustrations by Charles H. Brock. 1893 (2 copies). Together, 6 vols. 12mo, cloth, gilt, gilt edges. London and New York, 1892-1893 ImprrtaAL Dictionary (Tue) of the English Language. By John Ogilvie. New Edition, carefully revised and greatly augmented. Edited by Charles Annandale. Illustrated by above three thousand engravings printed in the text. 4 vols. imperial 8vo, half calf. London and New York, 1883 Irvine (WasHineton). Knickerbocker’s New York. Vignette. New York, 1865; Tales of a Traveller. Vignette. New York, 1866; Comps (Witi1am). Doctor Syntax’s Three Tours. 80 full-page illustrations drawn and coloured after the originals by Rowland- son. London, undated; GotpsmirH (OLIvER). Poetical Works. Illustrations. London, undated; St. Pizrre (J. H. BERNARDIN pE). Paul and Virginia. Illustrations by Hoppin. New York, 1867; Hatipurton (Tuomas C.). The Clockmaker. Illustrations by F. O. C. Darley. New York, 1872; Fouqué (FRiepRricH, Baron petA Morte). Undine and Other Tales. Illustrations. New York, 1871. Together, 7 vols. 12mo, calf, morocco and half morocco, gilt backs. New York and London, 1865-1872 Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th 994. Iratian Scenery. Brockedon (William). Italy; Classical, Historical and Picturesque. Numerous fine steel plates, some spotted. Thick folio, half morocco, slightly rubbed. Not returnable. London, undated 995. Iraty: Classical, Historical and Picturesque. Illustrated in a series of steel views. Small folio, half russia, broken. Not returnable. Glasgow, 1866 996. JAcKSON (CATHERINE CHartorTE, Lapny). Old Paris; Its Court and Literary Salons. Portraits. 2 vols. small 8vo, half calf, gilt backs and tops, leather labels. London: Richard Bentley and Son, 1878 First Ep1tion. 997. James (G. P. R.). A Book of the Passions. Illustrated with 16 full- page engravings, by the most eminent artists, under the superin- tendence of Charles Heath. 8vo, half morocco, gilt back. London, 1839. 998. Joan or Arc. Memoirs of Jeanne d’Arc, surnamed La Pucelle d’Or- léans; with the History of her Times. Plates. 2 vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt backs and tops. London: Printed for Robert Triphook, 1824 999. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). Boswell (James). The Life of Samuel Johnson. Portrat. 4 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. Philadelphia, 1878 © 1000. JoHNnson’s New Universal Cyclopedia. Numerous teat illustrations | and colored maps. 8 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco, marbled edges. New York [1874] 1001. JosepHus (Fiavius). The Works of Josephus. Edited by William Whiston. Illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt backs. | London: Chatto and Windus, undated 1002. Koox (Pau pr). The Works of Paul de Kock. With a General In- troduction by Jules Claretie. Translated into English by Edith — Mary Norris. Illustrated with full-page etchings and photogravures from original drawings by John Sloan, William Glackens and others. Together, 15 vols. 8vo, cloth, contents lettered on backs, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: The Frederick J. Quinby Company, 1902-1904 UNIVERSAL Eprtion limited to 1000 numbered copies. Comprises,—Madame Pantalon; Stories of Parisian Life; The Gogo Family. 2 vois.; The Damsel of the Three Skirts; Edmond and His Cousin; Jean. 2 vols.; Frére Jacques. Vol. I; Monsieur Dupont. Vol. I; My Neighbor Raymond. Vol. I; The Barber of Paris. Vol. II; Sister Anne. Vol. II; Gustave. Vol. II; The Memoirs of Charles de Kock. Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th 1003. Lamp (CHartes). Life of Charles Lamb. By E. V. Lucas. With 50 7 illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1905 1004. Lancranr (Ropotro). Wanderings in the Roman Campagna. 1909; Ancient Rome, 1898; New Tales of Old Rome, 1901. All profusely wlustrated. Together, 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1898-1909 1005. Lane (AnpREW). Oxford: Brief, Historical and Descriptive Notes. With etchings and vignettes by A. Brunet-Debaines, A. Toussaint, and R. Kent Thomas. Small folio, cloth, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1882 1006. Laneuacr. Anthon (Charles). A Classical Dictionary. New York, 1844; Anprews (EH. A.). A Copious and Critical Latin-English Lexicon. New York, 1859; Drister (H.). A Greek-English Lexi- con. New York, 1858; ArnswortH’s Latin Dictionary. London, 1878; Hamitton (H.) et Lecros (E.). Dictionnaire International Frangais-Anglais. Paris, 1876; Smiru (L.). and Hamiuton (H.). The International English and French Dictionary. Paris, 1875; Larousse (P.). Dictionnaire Complet Illustré. Jllustrations. Paris, 1891; Neuman anp Barettr. A Pocket Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages. Philadelphia, undated. -To- gether, 8 vols. 16mo to royal 8vo, various bindings. Various places, 1844-1891 1007. LarNnep (J. N.). Seventeen Centuries of the Life of Mankind. Numer- ous illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Springfield, 1905 1008. Lavarer (JoHN Caspar). Essays on Physiognomy. Illustrated by 418 engravings. 4 vols. thick 8vo, contemporary tree calf, gilt. , London: C. Whittingham, 1804 1009. Lzoxy (Wit11Am E. H.). The History of European Morals. 2 vols. New York, 1908; Smites (S.). Character. New York, 1876; Ayres (A.). The Essentials of Elocution. Plate. New York, 1897; Warp (Mrs. H. 0.). Sensible Etiquette of the Best Society. Philadelphia, 1878; Green (W. C.). A Dictionary of Etiquette. New York, 1904; Suupparp (N.). Before an Audience. New York, 1886; Banas (W. M.). The Art of Giving. Illustrations. New York, 1902; and others. Together, 16 vols. 12mo, cloth, some uncut. Various places, various dates 1010. Lez (Sipney). Life of William Shakespeare. London, 1899; PHILLIPs (StmpHen). Poems. London, 1898; Rosserrr (W. M.). Swin- burne’s Poems and Ballads. First Epirtion. London, 1866; Junius (H.). De Emblemata. One of 100 copies on Van Gelder paper. Antwerp, 1902, and others. Together, 15 vols. 12mo and 16mo, various bindings, mainly cloth. Various places and dates Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th 1011. 1012. 1013. 1014. 1015. 1016. 1017. 1018. 1019, 1020. Lreecu InLustrations. Rambaud (Yveling). Little Walks in Lon- don. Drawings by John Leech. First Epition. Square 8vo, cloth back and boards. London, 1875 A Leech item seldom seen. Leecu Intusrrations. A’Beckett (Gilbert A.). A Comic History of Rome. With full-page plates in color and other illustrations, by — John Leech. 8vo, green cloth, gilt, some pages thumbed. London, undated Early edition, with good impressions of the illustrations. . Limp LeatHer Epirions. The Best of the World’s Classics. 10 vols. New York, [1909]; The Works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson. 13 vols. Philadelphia, [1901]; Currry (J. R.) and other Authors. Things seen in China, Egypt, Japan, Russia, and other places. New York, 1911, and others. Some illustrated. Together, 34 vols. 16mo, limp leather of varying colors, gilt backs. Mainly in ex- cellent condition. Various places, various dates LITERATURE OF ALL AGEs. Coppée (Henry,—Editor). The Classic and the Beautiful from the Literature of Three Thousand Years. Illustrated. 6 vols. royal 8vo, half leather. Philadelphia, 1898 Lonpon. Old and New London. A Narrative of Its History, Its Peo- ple, and Its Places. Illustrated with numerous engravings. 6 vols. royal 8vo, half calf, gilt backs. London: Cassell, Petter, Galpin and Co., undated LonerELLOW (Henry W.). Poetical and Prose Works. Illustrated. 3 vols. 4to, cloth, slightly rubbed. | Boston: The Riverside Press, 1879-1880 LoncFELLow (Henry W.). Life. With Extracts from his Journals and Correspondence. Edited by Samuel Longfellow. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Boston, 1886 Lossine (BEnson J.). Mount Vernon and Its Associations. JIllustra- tions. New York, 1859; Austin (Gzorcz Lowzti). The History of Massachusetts. Illustrations. Boston, 1884; THayeR (WILLIAM M.). Marvels of the New West. Illustrated with over 355 engrav- ings and maps. Norwich, Conn., 1887 (binding broken) ; BuarnE (James G.). Political Discussions, Legislative, Diplomatic, and — Popular. 1856-1886. Portrait. Norwich, Conn., 188%. Together, 4 vols. large 8vo and 8vo, various bindings, one torn. Various places, 1859-1887 Lovis XIVtTH or France. James (G. P. R.). The Life and Times of — Louis the Fourteenth. Hngraved portraits. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf, marbled edges, backs slightly faded. London: Bentley, 1839 Lourprs. Lassurre (Henrt). Notre Dame de Lourdes. Fach page printed within wlustrated border, all different, also with several — full-page plates in colors. Royal 8vo, half roan. Paris, 1877 | “ol 1021. 1022. 1023. 1024. 1025. 1026. 1027. 1028. 1029. 1080. 1031. Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th Liske (W1LHELM). History of Sculpture. Translated by F. E. Bun- nett. Profusely illustrated. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, some leaves uncut. London, 1878 Lucas (EH. V.). A Group of Londoners. 8vo, boards, uncut. Minneapolis: Privately printed for E. D. Brooks, 1913 Macavunay (Tuomas B.). History of England. Portrait. 8 vols. 12mo, half light calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. New York: Hurd and Houghton, 1866 Maran (A. H.,—Editor). More and other Famous Homes of Great Britain. Extensively illustrated. 2 vols. imperial 8vo, cloth, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1902 Manzoni (AtEssanpro). The Betrothed Lovers: A Milanese Story of the Seventeenth Century. 3 vols. small 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs and tops. London, 1845 Marzsor (Baron pe). The Memoirs of Baron de Marbot, late Lieu- tenant-General in the French Army. Translated from the French by Arthur John Butler. Portrait and maps. 2 vols. 8vo, half mo- rocco, gilt backs and tops, some leaves uncut. London, 1892 MarGueErIte, QUEEN or Navarre. The Heptameron. With etchings. Svyo, boards, uncut, somewhat worn. No place: Privately printed, 1886 Mary Sruarr. Buckingham (L. Stanhope F.). Memoirs of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs and tops. London: Richard Bentley, 1844 MaseErietp (Joun). A Book of Discoveries. Illustrated by Gordon Browne. First Epirion. 8vo, cloth, writing on end-papers. London [1910] Merimiz (Prosper). Carmen. Illustrated. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1887 First English Edition. Number 59 of 500 copies printed. MiscetLaANgous Booxs. Cram’s Modern Atlas of the World. With numerous maps in color. Folio, half morocco. New York, 1908; RicHarpson (J. D.). Messages and Papers of the Presidents. 9 vols. (should be 10). Cloth. Washington, 1896; CagtyLe (THomas). The French Revolution. 3 vols. Philadelphia, undated; DantE’s Paradise and Purgatory. Illustrated by Gustave Doré. 2 vols. New York, undated; Van Dyxe (Henry). The First Christmas Tree. Illustrated. New York, 1897; BaznpEKzEr’s Guides to Great Britain, London, Northern Germany, Paris. 1894, 1913, etc., and others. Together, 105 vols. Various sizes and bindings. ay | Various places, various dates Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th 1082. 1033. 1034. 1035. 1036. 1037. 1038. 1039. 1040. 1041. MiscELLANEOUS Booxs. A Collection of Miscellaneous Books. ‘To- gether, 380 vols. various sizes, various bindings. Mouuoy (FirzcEraLp). The Russian Court in the Eighteenth Century. Illustrated. 2 vols. New York, 1905; Nrerzscus (F.). The Case of Wagner, etc. Translated. London, 1899, and others. Together, 7 vols. royal 8vo, and smaller, 6 cloth, in wrappers. _ Various places and dates MontaiGcne (M. pE). The Essays of Michael de Montaigne. Portrait. 3 vols. London, 1811; Bartzy (S. W.). Nahbion. Cambridge, 1874; CoNYBEARE (W. J.) AND Howson (J. 8.). The Life and Epistles of St. Paul. Maps. 2 vols. New York, 1864; Sane (G.). The Koran. Illustrations. Philadelphia, 1870; Wrturams (T. C.). The Aineid of Virgil. Boston, 1908; Virraru. Works. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1740; Karmn’s Elements of Criticism. 2 vols. London, 1805; VoLTaIrRE (M. bE). Candid. London, 1814. Together, 13 vols. 8vo and royal 8vo, various bindings. Various places, various dates Montez (Lota). Anecdotes of Love. New York [1858]; Hzywoop (JoHN). Proverbs. London. 1906; Brerck (Amsrosge). In the Midst of Life. New York, 1898; and others. Together, 9 vols. — 12mo and smaller, various bindings. Various places, various dates New York, 1867-1868 Morean (Lapy). Lady Morgan’s Memoirs: Autobiography, Diaries and Correspondence. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. London, 1863 Motitry (JoHNn LotHrop). The Rise of the Dutch Republic. Por- trait. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf, leather labels. Motiry (JoHN Loturor). History of the United Netherlands. First Epition. Portraits. 4 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. — New York, 1868 Murpuy (H. C.). Henry Hudson in Holland. An Inquiry into the Origin and Objects which lead to the Discovery of the Hudson River. With Bibliographical Notes. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. The Hague, 1909 Music. Singleton (Esther). A Guide to the Opera. New York, 1900; Upton (G. P.). The Standard Operas. Chicago, 1893, and other works on Music by H. A. Guerber, H. 0. Lahee, Albert Lavignac, and others. Together, 7 vols. 12mo, cloth. Various places, various dates NaproLeon. Hazlitt (William). The Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. 4 vols. 8vo, half morocco, marbled edges. London, 1830 1042. 1043. 1044, 1045. 1046. 1047. 1048. 1049. 1050. Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th Napotzon. Mitchell (Lieutenant-Colonel J.). The Fall of Napoleon: an Historical Memoir. First Eprrion. 3 vols. small 8vo, half red morocco, gilt backs, marbled edges. London, 1845 NationaL Museum or Napwes. Collection of the Most Remarkable Monuments of the National Museum. Published by Raphaél Gar- clulo, Controller of the National Museum. First Eprrion now PUBLISHED. With 240 outline plates. 4 vols. in one, 4to, full vellum, marbled edges. | Naples, 1873 Natura, History. Wood (Rev. J. G.). The Illustrated Natural His- tory. Birds:—Mammals. Reptiles, Fishes, Molluscs, &. New designs by Wolf, Zwecker, Weir, Coleman, and others, engraved by the Brothers Dalziel. 3 vols. royal 8vo, three-quarter blue mo- rocco, gilt backs and tops. London, 1875-1876 New Testament. Testamenti Novi. Editio Vvlgata. Cum Ioannis Benedicti in singula capita summariis. Thick 12mo, vellum. [Dilinge: Sebaldus Mayer] 1565 Otp EnetisH Novet. The Temple Beau; or The Town Coquets. A Novel. 16mo, boards, calf back, cracked at hinges. London, 1754 OLD Lonpon. Harrison (Wilmot). Memorable London Houses. A Handy Guide. With 100 original illustrations from drawings, made expressly for this work, by G. N. Martin. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1889 LARGE Paper. One of 250 copies printed. Autographed by the author. OxrorD, Enetanp. Headlam (Cecil). Oxford and its Story. With 24 lithographs and other ilustrations by Herbert Railton. 4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut. London: Dent & Co., 1904 PaDDIANA; or, Scraps and Sketches of Irish Life, Present and Past. By the Author of “A Hot Water Cure.” Frontispieces. 2 vols. small 8vo, half calf, gilt backs, leather labels, binding slightly rubbed. London: Richard Bentley, 1848 PARCHMENT Liprary. A collection, comprising in part,—English Sacred Lyrics, Goldsmith’s The Vicar of Wakefield, with preface by Austin Dobson, Sir Joshua Reynolds’s Discourses, edited by Ed- mund Gosse, Shakespeare’s Works, 11 vols. (should be 18), and others, several odd. Together 27 vols. 16mo, parchment, some soiled and warped. Not returnable. London, 1881, ete. Some of the volumes bear the signature of Joseph Knight, the eminent collector of books. Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th 1051. 1052. 1053. 1054. 1055. 1056. 1057. 1058. Paris. Sala (George A.). Paris Herself Again in 1878-9. 2 vols. London, 1880; Morrow (W. C.). Bohemian Paris of To-Day. Philadelphia, 1900. Numerous illustrations. Together, 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London and Philadelphia, 1880-1900 Paris IN THE Harty XIXruH Century. Journal of a Party of Pleasure to Paris, in the Month of August, 1802. With 13 views from nature, illustrative of French scenery, Aquatinted by J. Hall, from drawings by the author. 8vo, contemporary tree calf, name of former owner on first page of Preface. London, 1802 Of this interesting volume, only one hundred copies were printed. It is now very rare. The “Errata” slip, generally missing, is pasted on the reverse of the title. PHoTogRAPHS. Hotel, 53 Rue Ampére, Paris. 30 photographic views (each 814 by 1014 inches), showing exterior of buildings, interior — decorations, etc. Photographed by L. Mercier, Paris. Hach plate — mounted. Bound in one vol. 4to, half morocco. Paris, undated PicturEsQguUE Worip (THE) or Scenes in Many Lands. LEdited by Leo de Colange. With 1000 illustrations on wood and steel. 2 vols. royal 4to, half morocco, gilt backs and sides, gilt edges. Boston, 1879 PLANTIN Press. Concordiae Belgicae Panegyricus Parcassicus, a Iodoco de VVeerdt. Vignette on title-page. Small 4to, full calf. Antverpiae, 1609 Por (Epgar ALLAN). The Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Illustrated with 20 full-page plates (should be 25), from designs by F. C. Til- ney and other artists. 8 vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut, bindings rubbed. : New York: Croscup and Company, 1896 ILLUSTRATED CABINET Epitton, limited to 1000 sets. Comprises,—Tales. 4 vols.; Poems; Essays; Criticisms. 2 vols. Porrry. Victorian Songs. With Introduction by Edmund Gosse. Illustrated. Boston, 1895; Dunpar (Pau, Laurence). Poems of Cabin and Field, When Malindy Sings, Li? Gal, and others by the same author; Lonerettow (H. W.). Evangeline. Jllustra- tions in color. Boston, 189%, and other Poetry. Together, 16 vols. 8vo, and smaller. All original cloth. | Various places, various dates Porrry. Saunders (F.). Evenings with the Sacred Poets. New York, 1899; Poetical Works. Boston, 1880; Cotzrtpen (S. T.). Poetical Works. London, undated; Wurttier (JouHn G.). Complete Poeti- cal Works. Boston, 1883; Bryant (WiuttAm C.). Poetical Works. New York, 1878; The Complete Works of Oliver Goldsmith. Lon- [Continued - Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th [No. 1058—Continued | don, undated; Burns (R.). Complete Works. Edinburgh, un- dated; Cuaucrer (G.) AND CraBpE (G.) Poetical Works. New York, undated; Rogers (SAMUEL). Poetical Works. New York, 1879; WorpswortH (W.). Complete Poetical Works. Philadel- phia, 1851; and others. Numerous illustrations. Together, 46 vols. various sizes, various bindings. Various places, various dates 1059. Popz (ALEXANDER). The Dunciad. Vignette of the owl and ass on title. 12mo, calf, worn. London, 1729 1060. [Porm (ALEXANDER).| The Dunciad, variorvm. With the Prolego- mena of Scriblerus. Large vignette of the ass and owl on ttle- page. 4to, original calf, rebacked, and lacks Addenda, one leaf. London: Printed for A. Dod. 1729 First “avowed” edition. “KF” on Thoms’s list. 1061. Porm (AtExANpDER). The Dunciad. With Notes Variorum, and the Prolegomens of Scriblerus. With frontispieces to both parts, the Ass on the first, the Owl on the second. 8vo, original calf. Lacks half-title and the “errata.” London: Lawton Gilliver, 1729 “H” on Thoms’s list. 1062. Pops (ALEXANDER). The Complete Poetical Works. New York, 1848; Byron (Lorp). The Works of Lord Byron in Verse and Prose. New York, 1864; Hermans (Feticia). Poetical Works. Boston, 1864; Moorrt (THomas). Poetical Works. As corrected by Himself in 1843. New York, 1851; Bares (CHARLOTTE F.). The Cambridge Book of Poetry and Song. New York, 1882; Scorr (WALTER). Poetical Works. Boston, 1854. Profusely 1l- lustrated with full-page plates. Together, 6 vols. royal 8vo, em- bossed leather, mostly gilt edges. New York and Boston, 1848-1882 1063. Prescorr (Witi1AmM H.). History of the Conquest of Peru. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1892; History of the Conquest of Mexico. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1893; Ferdinand and Isabella. Vol. II only. Phila- delphia, 1893; Grpnon (Epwarp). The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 4 vols. London, 1890; [Scorr (Str WALTER). ] The Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1827; Doré (G.) AND JERROLD (BLANCHARD). London. A Pilgrimage. New York, 1890. Numerous portraits and illustrations. ‘Together, 14 vols. 12mo to royal 4to, half sheep and cloth, some bindings cracked and broken. New York, Philadelphia and London, 1827-1893 1064. Procter (ApeLarpp ANNE). Legends and Lyrics. With an Intro- duction by Charles Dickens. Illustrated by Samuel Palmer, J. Tenniel, Charles Keene, and others. Square 8vo, original cloth, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1866 Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th ¢ 1065. Procror (Ricuarp A.). Myths and Marvels of Astronomy. New York, 1880; Harte (Auice M.). Stage-Coach and Tavern-Days. New York, 1901; AsnHton (J.). Chap-Books of the Highteenth Century. London, 1882; CoopEr (Witt1AM M.). A History of the Rod. London, 187%. Numerous wlustrations; Suane DIcTIONARY (THE). London, 1874. Together, 5 vols. 8vo, cloth. — New York and London, 1874-1901 1066. QurEN Caroxine. The Trial at Large of her Majesty Caroline Amelia Elizabeth, Queen of Great Britain; in the House of Lords. Por- trait. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, marbled edges, owner’s name ob- literated from titles. London, 1821 1067. QuEEN Vicror1ta. Maxwell (Sir Herbert). Sixty Years a Queen. Portrait in colors, and numerous illustrations. 4to, full morocco, gilt edges. London, wndated 1068. Rapetats Cius. Recreations of the Rabelais Club. 1885-1888. Small 4to, cloth. [London] For private circulation only, 1888 All original contributions, including one by W. EH. Henley. 1069. Racine (JEAN). (uvres de Jean Racine. Précédées par une Notice sur sa Vie et ses Ouvrages, par L. 8S. Auger. Portrait and illustra- tions. 1875; Moire (JEAN-BapTistE PoQuELIN). Ciuvres Complétes de Moliére. 10 colored portraits, drawn by Geffroy and H. Allouard. 2 vols. 1878. Together, 3 vols. 8vo and 12mo, leather and half morocco, gilt backs. Paris, 1875-1878 1070. RanHorer (CuartEs). The Epicurean. A Complete Treatise of Ana- lytical and Practical Studies on the Culinary Art. 800 tJlustrations. New York, 1894; Brizuat-Savarin (JEAN A.). A Handbook of Gastronomy. Plate. Boston, 1915. Hdition lamited to 375 num- bered copies; Partoa (Marta). Miss Parloa’s Kitchen Companion. Illustrations. Boston, 1887; Fiuipprnt (A.). The Table. Por- trait. New York, 1889. Together, 4 vols. 8vo and royal 8vo, cloth and half leather. New York and Boston, 1887-1915 1071. Rartroap Reports of Canadian Pacific, Erie, and other Railroads; Also, Arguments, Trials, etc. Together, 70 pamphlets. 1072. Rarzroaps. . Hupson (Jams F.). The Railways and the Republic. New York, 1887; Davis (JoHn P.). The Union Pacific Railway. Chicago, 1894; Eaton (J. 8.). Railroad Operations. New York, 1900; Munpy (F. W.). The Earning Power of Railroads. New York, 1906; Parnz (CuHartes). The Elements of Railroading. New York, 1885. Together, 5 vols. 12mo and 8vo, cloth. New York, Chicago, 1894-1917 1073. RepEespaALE (Lorp). Memories. 2 photogravure plates and 16 other illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo half morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. — New York: E. P. Dutton and Company, undated Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th 1074. Rémusat (MapaME DE). Memoirs of Madame de Rémusat. 1802- | 1808. With a Preface and Notes by her Grandson, Paul de Ré- musat. Translated from the French by Mrs. Cashel Hoey and John Lillie. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt backs, leather labels, marbled edges. | New York, 1880 1075. Reynoups (G. M. W.) Pickwick Abroad. Illustrated. 12mo, original cloth. London, 1857 1076. Ricuarp III. Halsted (Caroline A.). Richard III. as Duke of Glou- | cester and King of England. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. London, undated 107”. Ripparn (JoHNn Ciark). Great Races of Mankind. Extenswely 1l- lustrated. 1 vols. (only, should be 8, lacks volume 1). royal 8vo, cloth, paper labels, gilt tops, uncut. Edition de Luxe. ms ; Cincinnati [1893] 1078. Ritey (James Wuitcoms). Armazindy. Frontispiece. First Ept- TION. 12mo, original cloth. Indianapolis, 1894; Sint (EpwaRpD R.). Poems. First Eprrron. 12mo, original wrappers. Boston, 1888. Together, 2 vols. Boston and Indianapolis, 1888-1894 1079. Rrverstpe Press. A Consolatorie Letter or Discourse, sent by Plu- ~ tarch of Chaeronea unto his owne wife as touching the death of her and his daughter. 8vo, cloth back and boards, uncut. Boston, 1905 One of 375 copies printed at the Riverside Press, each numbered. 1080. [Ropinson (Janz).] Whitefriars; or, The Days of Charles the Sec- ond. An Historical Romance. 3 vols. post 8vo, cloth, vellum backs, leather labels, gilt tops. London: Henry Colburn, 1844 Ascribed also to Joseph Robinson. 1081. Rovussrau (JEAN Jacques). The Confessions of Jean Jacques Rous- seau. Illustrations. London, 1877; Rapetais (F.). The Works of Rabelais. Illustrations by G. Doré. London, undated ; Boccaccto (G.). The Decameron. Portratt and illustrations. London, un- dated; Barrett (W.—Clerk). Vigor. New York, 1864; CERvAN- TES-SAAVEDRA (M. DE). The Wanderings of Persiles and Sigis- munda. London, 1854. Together, 5 vols. 12mo, half calf and cloth. London and New York, 1854-1877 1082. Rovay FemaLe Magazine (THE); or the Ladies General Repository, by Charles Honeycombe. Volume I. With portraits, including two of David Garrick and one of General Wolfe, and other illustrations. 8vo, old half sheep and boards, name on title. London, 1760 Assumed to be perfect but. as with all periodicals, sold not returnable. Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th 1083. 1084. 1085. 1086. 1087. 1088. 1089. 1090. 1091 Roycrort Press. Hubbard (Elbert). Time and Chance, 2 vols.; Little Journeys to the Homes of Eminent Artists. Vol. XI. and 4 other volumes of “Little Journeys” by Hubbard published be- fore the Roycroft Press was started; Morris (W1~LIAM). A Dream of John Ball; Rusxrn (JoHn). Sesame and Lilies. Hand il- lumined, and another. ‘Together, 10 vols. 8vo, and 12mo, cloth and half ooze leather. East Aurora and New York, 1897 ete. Ruskin (JoHN). The Works of John Ruskin. Illustrations. 13 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt backs and tops, leather labels, contents let- tered. New York: International Company, undated Comprises,—Proserpina; The Two Paths; Deucalion; Hortus Inclusus; Wild Olive; Seven Lamps; Fors Clavigera. 4 vols. in 2; Modern Painters. 5 vols. in 3; Stones of Venice. 3 vols. in 2. Russia. Wallace (D. M.). Russia. Folding map. 2 vols. London, 1877; RampBaup (ALFRED). The History of Russia. Illustrations. 2 vols. London, 1879; ScHrerBRAND (WoLF von). Russia, her Strength and her Weakness. New York, 1904; Apporr (Joun S. C.). The History of the Empire of Russia. Plate. Boston, 1872. Together, 6 vols. 8vo, half leather and morocco, cloth. Various places, 1872-1904. Saton Intustré. 1892. Par Armand Dayot. Paris [1892] ; Famous — Parks and Gardens of the World (the). Described and Tllus- trated. London, 1880; Etpripee (B. P.) ann Warts (WrLIAM B.). Our Rival the Rascal. Boston, 1897; Knigur (CHaruzs). Half Hours with the Best Authors. 2 vols. London, 1865. Fz- tensively tlustrated with portraits and illustrations. Together, 5 vols. 4to and 8vo, cloth and morocco, some uncut. . Various places, 1865-1897 SCHILLER (FREDERICK). The Works of Schiller. Portrait. 4 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt backs, leather labels. London, 1873 [SrwEeLt (GeEorcE).| Tragedy of Sir Walter Raleigh. As it is acted at the Theatre in Lincolns-Inn-Fields. First Eprrion. 8vo, half red calf. London, 1719 SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Writings. Illustrated. 3 vols. royal 8yo, full calf, gilt, bindings rubbed. London, 1862 SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Works of Shakespeare. Edited by Howard Staunton. Illustrations by John Gilbert, engraved by the Brothers Dalzel. 3 vols. royal 8vo, tree calf, polished, gilt backs and edges, leather labels, BY HAYDAY. ago London: Routledge & Sons, 1866 SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Handy-Volume Shakespeare. 13 vols. 24mo, limp morocco, gilt backs, gilt edges, contents lettered. London: Bradbury, Agnew, & Co., undated 1092 1093. 1094. 1095. 1096. 1097. OS. 1099. 1100. 1101. 1102. 1103. Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th SHAKESPEAREANA (WitLi1aAmM). Clarke (Charles C.). Shakespeare- - Characters; chiefly those Subordinate. Portrait. First Eprrion. 8vo, cloth, uncut, writing on half title. London, 1863 SHAKESPEAREANA (Witi1am). Vaughan (Henry H.). New Readings and New Renderings of Shakespeare’s Tragedies. 2 vols. 8vo, orig!- nal cloth, uncut. London, 1878 An important work, necessary for the student of Shakespeare. Sournzy (Roserr). Oliver Newman. First Epirton. London, 1845; Suenuey (P. B.). Essays and Letters. London, 1887; Srevenson (R. L.). Kidnapped. First American Edition. New York, 1886; Dickens (CHARLES). Speeches. First Collected Kdi- tion. London, no date. Together, 4 vols. 12mo, cloth, wrappers and half morocco. Various places, various dates Spantsu Batiaps. Lockhart (J. G.). Ancient Spanish Ballads, His- torical and Romantic. The borders and ornamental vignettes by Owen Jones. Ato, cloth, uncut. London, 1856 Spantsn Proverss. Collins (John). A Dictionary of Spanish Proverbs. 12mo, half cloth and boards, uncut. London, 1823 Spectator (THe). With a Historical and Biographical Preface, by A. Chalmers. Engraved portrait of Addison. 8 vols. 12mo, bevelled vellum boards, gilt tops. New York, 1881 Sporrorp (A. R.—Editor). The Library of Historic Characters and Famous Events. Illustrated with one hundred photogravures. 10 vols. royal 8vo, half red leather, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Philadelphia, 1894 Connoisseur’s Edition. Limited and numbered. Sportine. Hieover (Harry). Stable Talk and Table Talk, or, Spec- tacles for Young Sportsmen. First Eprrion. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1845 Sportinc. Smedley (Frank E.). Harry Coverdale’s Courtship, and All that Came of It. Illustrations by “Phiz.” 8vo, half morocco, gilt back, marbled edges. | London: Virtue Brothers & Co., undated Sportinc Noven. Hyde Masten; or, a Sportsman’s Life. By Craven. First Eprrion. 3 vols. 12mo, half roan. London, 1844 Sr. Atpans (DucuEss oF—Miss Mellon). Memoirs of Harriot, Duchess of St. Albans. By Mrs. Cornwell Baron-Wilson. Portrait. 2 vols. small 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt backs and tops. | London, 1839 SrePHEN (JAmus). Lectures on the History of France. 2 vols. calf. London, 1852; ANonymous. The Natural History of Quadrupeds. Plates in color. 2 vols. half calf. Bungay, 1811; and 2 others. To- gether, '6' vols. 8vo, etc. —' Various places, various dates Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th 1104. 1105 1106 1107. 1108. 1109. 1110. 1111. tiie, 1113. STERLING (JOHN). Poems. 1839. PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AU- THOR with inscription,—‘G. W. Dasent, from the author 1839”; Strafford. 1843. Together, 2 vols. 12mo, boards, covers broken at hinges. London: Edward Moxon, 1839-1843 [StEvENson (JOHN Hatu).] Crazy Tales. Third Edition. 12mo, original calf. London, 1779 An early and desirable edition of this celebrated and curious book. STEVENSON (Rosert Louris). The Letters of Stevenson to his Family and Friends. Selected and edited, with Notes and Introduction, by Sidney Colvin. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Scribner’s, 1899 STEVENSON (Rosert Louis). Life of Stevenson, by Graham Balfour. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. New York: Scribner’s, 1901 STRAPAROLA (GIovANNI F.). The Facetious Nights of Straparola. 4 vols.; GlovaANNI (SER). The Pecarone of Ser Giovanni. 3 vols. Now First Translated into English by W. G. Waters. Colored plates, tllustrations by Jules Garnier, and E. R. Hughes. Together, 7 vols. 8vo, three-quarter crimson morocco, gilt backs, gilt edges. London: Privately Printed for Members of the Society of : Bibliophiles, MDCCCXCVIII (1898) AQUARELLE Epition, limited to 100 copies. Swirt (JoNATHAN). The Works of the Reverend Dr. J. Swift. Por- traits and illustrations. 20 vols. Dublin, 1763-1771; Rovusszav (J. J.). Eloisa. Illustrations. 4 vols. London, 1769. Together, 24 vols. 12mo, calf, gilt backs, bindings somewhat rubbed. Dublin and London, 1763-1771 SWINBURNE (ALGERNON CHARLES). Poems. Portrait. 5 vols. (should be 6, lacks volume 2). 12mo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. ~ London, 1905 SWITZERLAND. Raden (Woldemar). Switzerland, Its Mountains and Valleys. With 418 illustrations by Bauernfeind, Braith, and others, engraved by A. Closs. Small folio, half morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, slightly scratched. London, 1878 Tasso (Torquato). Jerusalem Delivered; An Heroic Poem. ‘Trans- lated by John Hoole. With portrait of Tasso, and full-page plates (some lightly spotted), after Shelley. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half vel- lum and boards, entirely uncut. London: T. Bensley, 180 One of the copies on large and thick paper. TAYEOR (Henry). Autobiography. Portrait: 2 vols. 8vo, original cloth. London, 1885 Original and best edition. The author was a personal friend of many of the most prominent characters of the Nineteenth Century. 1114 1115 1116 1g 1118. ihe BE 1120. es 1122. Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th Tennyson (ALFRED Lorp). Poetical Works. Complete Edition. New York, 1885; Poetical Works. Illustrated Edition. New York, un- dated; Frrups (J. T.) anp Wuiprte (E. P.). The Family Library of British Poetry. Boston, 1878; LonerEttow (Henry W.). Poems. Boston,-1880. Numerous illustrations. Together, 4 vols. small 4to and royal 8vo, full tree calf, gilt backs, gilt edges. New York and Boston, 1878-1885 THackEeRAy (W. M.). Marvy (L.). The Landscape Painters of Eng- land. Numerous steel engravings (some of which are spotted). Small folio, cloth, gilt. London: Richard Griffin, no date The text is by Thackeray. The original issue was published by David Bogue, 1850. THEATRICAL. Boaden (James). Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons. Portrait. First Epirion. 2 vols. 8vo, original boards, backs missing, name on titles. London, 1827 THEATRICAL. Boaden (James). Memoirs of the Life of John Philip Kemble. Including, A History of the Stage. Portrait (slightly spotted). First Eprrion. 2 vols. 8vo, original boards, uncut, slightly worn. London, 1828 THEATRICAL. Brereton (Austin). Henry Irving. A Biographical Sketch. Illustrated with seventeen full-page portraits, from draw- ings by Edwin Long, J. A. McNzrti Wuistier, Mrs. Allingham, and others. Small folio, parchment, gilt top, uncut, cover somewhat soiled. London, 1884 Larce Paper copy, the illustrations on India paper. THEATRICAL. Foote (Samuel). Dramatic Works . . . Life of the Author. 2 vols. 8vo, tree calf, gilt. London, undated THEATRICAL. Holeroft (Thomas). The Theatrical Recorder. 2 vols. 8vo, full and half calf. London, 1805-1806 Dramatic Anecdotes, Biography, Plays, etc. The colored plates issued with the work are missing. ; THEATRICAL. Hunt. Dramatic Essays; Hazuirr (WinLiam). Dra- matic Essays; Forstsr (J.). Dramatic Essays. Portraits. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth. London, 1894-1896 TrearricaL. Les Beautés de l’Opéra ou chefs-d’oeuvre Lyriques. Avec un texte explicatif rédigé par Theophile Gautier, Jules J anin et Philarete Chasles. Printed within different colored borders, with numerous woodcuts and steel portraits of celebrities. Royal 8vo, original cloth, some pages spotted. Paris, 1845 Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th 1123. 1124. 1125. 1127. 1128. 1129. 1130. 1131. THEATRICAL. Lytton (Sir Edward Bulwer). No so Bad as We Seem; a Comedy in Five Acts. Frrsr Epirion. 8vyo, half calf. , London, 1851 - The copy contains a separately printed leaf relating to the length of the play, dated, May 16th (1851). : ; The Dramatis PrersonaE included Charles Dickens, Wilkie Collins, Douglas Jerrold and others. THEATRICAL. Martin (Theodore). Essays on the Drama. Both Series. 2 vols. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Printed for private circulation, 1874-1889 From the collection of Lady Charlotte Schreiber, with book-plate in both volumes. Laid in is a two-page signed autograph letter of the author, dated, 20th July, 1891, relating to the books. — Includes articles on David Garrick, Shakespeare or Bacon? The Eng- lish Stage, ete. THEATRICAL, Memoirs of George Anne Bellamy, including all her In- trigues; with genuine Anecdotes of all her Public and Private Con- nections. By A Gentleman of Covent-Garden Theatre. 12mo, origi- nal boards, uncut, new back. London, 1785 Rare original edition. The author is unknown. . THEATRICAL, Murphy (Arthur). Life of David Garrick. Portrait. First Eprrion. 2 vols. 8vo, original boards, uncut, slightly worn. London, 1801 THEATRICAL. Planché (J. R.). Recollections and Reflections: a Pro- fessional Autobiography. Illustrated. First Eprrion. 2 vols. 8vo, original cloth, small ink stains on a few front margins. London, 1872 TuHeEatricaL. The British Theatre. With numerous portraits of emt- nent actors and actresses in character, also, engraved titles, with scenes from the plays. 37 vols. 16mo, old calf, some labels missing, and one volume not quite uniform. Not returnable. London, 1793, ete. THEATRICAL, Victor (Benjamin). Original Letters, Dramatic Pieces and Poems. First collected edition. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt, London, 1776 Dedicated to David Garrick. ? THEATRICAL. Ward (A. W.). A History of English Dramatic Lit- erature to the Death of Queen Anne. Best Edition. 2 yols. 8vo, original cloth. London, 1875 An important and necessary work for the student of the early English Stage. THomas (ANNIE). Walter Goring. 1866; Played Out. 1867; Called - to Account. 1867; Only Herself. 1870; A Narrow Escape. 1875. — 10 vols. in 5. 12mo, marbled boards, leather backs. Leipzig: Tauchnitz, 1866-1875 1132 1133 1134. 1135. 1136. 1137. 1138. 1139. Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th Tuomson (James). The City of Dreadful Night, and other Poems. London, 1880; Also, Satires and Profanities. London, 1884. BotH First Eprrions. Together, 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth, the first named uncut. London, 1880-1884 . Totstoi (Count Litton). War and Peace. 4 vols. New York, 1886 (2 leaves water-stained); BynNer (Epwin L.). Zachary Phips. Boston, 1892; Doyne (A. Conan). The White Company. Illus- trations. New York, 1891. Together, 6 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York and Boston, 1886-1892 Travet. Home (Gordon). Along the Rivieras of France and Italy. London, 1908; Coox (Jor). England, Picturesque and Descrip- tive. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1900; JouHnson (C.). Highways and Byways of the South. New York, 1904; Lucas (E. V.). A Wan- derer in Paris and Holland. New York, 1909, and others similar. Mainly illustrated. Together, 12 vols. one quarto, half morocco, the balance 8vo, or 12mo, original cloth. Various places, various dates Travet. Lees (Frederic). A Summer in Touraine. Chicago, 1909; Roosrvett (THEODORE). The Wilderness Hunter. New York, 1909; Cook (Joni). England, Picturesque and Descriptive. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1900; Crawrorp (F. M.). Salve-Venetia. 2 vols. New York, 1905, and others similar. Mainly illustrated. Together, 12 vols. 8vo, and 12mo, original cloth. Various places, various dates Tryon (THomas—Late of London, Merchant). Some Memoirs of the Life of. Written by himself. Together with some Rules and Orders. 16mo, original calf. London, 1705 Van Laun (Henry). The History of French Literature. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. New York, 1878 Watrorp (Epwarp). Tales of Our Great Families. 2 vols.; Pleasant Days on Pleasant Places; Londoniana. 2 vols. Together, 5 vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt backs, marbled edges. London, 1877-1879 Warner (Cuartes Duptey). In the Levant. Photogravures. 2 vols. Boston, 1893; Lyrron (Epwarp Bunwer). The Last Days of Pompeii. Illustrations. 2 vols. Boston, 1891; WARE (WILLIAM). Zenobia. Illustrations. Boston, undated; JOHNSON (VIRGINIA W.). The Lily of the Arno. I llustrations. Boston, 1891; Genoa, the Superb. Illustrations. Boston, 1892; CLEMENT (Ciara H.). The Queen of the Adriatic. Illustrations. Boston, 1893; J AMESON (Mrs.). Legends of the Monastic Orders. Numerous illustrations. London, 1852. Together, 9 vols. 8vo, mainly cloth, some uncut. Boston and London, 1852-1893 Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th 1140. Wars. Reich (Emil). Germany’s Swelled Head. London, 1914; CramB (J. A.). Germany and England. New York, 1914; Brir- TAIN (Harry E.). To Verdun from the Somme. Plate. London, 1917; GERARD (James W.). My Four Years in Germany. J1lus- trateons. New York, 1917; Hisrortcat Narrative of the Turko- Russian War. Serbian and Montenegrin Campaigns of 1876. Map and illustrations. London, undated. Together, 5 vols. 12mo to imperial 8vo, cloth. London and New York, 1914-1917 1141. Watson (Witt1am). Epigrams of Art, Life and Nature. 16mo, original cloth, paper label, gilt top, uncut. Liverpool, 1884 First Eprrion of the author’s first book. 1142. WHARTON (Grace AND Puiip). The Wits and Beaux of Society. Illustrations. 2 vols.; The Queens of Society. 2 vols. Illustra- tions. Together, 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt backs and tops. Philadelphia: Porter and Coates, undated 1143. WHARTON (GRACE) AND (Puitip). The Queens of Society. Illustra- : tions. London, undated; Wits and Beaux of Society. J llustrations. London, undated; StrpHEen (L.). Hours in.a Library. 2 vols. London, 1874; Cartyte (T.). Sartor Resartus. New York, 1890; Life of Friedrich Schiller. New York, 1890; On Heroes, Hero- Worship and the Heroic in History. New York, 1890; Houmers (O.). Poetical Works. Portrait. 2 vols. Boston, 1888; The Au- tocrat of the Breakfast-Table. Boston, 1888; Sournzy (Ropzrr). Joan of Arc. Illustrations. London, 186%; and others. Together, 19 vols. 16mo to 8vo, various bindings. Various places, Various dates 1144, Wincox (ELLA WHEELER). Poems of Pleasure. With colored frontis- prece, illuminated title, and with each page within illuminated or colored borders, Square 12mo, cloth. London, recent The above is reproduced from a manuscript, inscribed and illuminated by F. Sangorski and G. Sutcliffe. 1145. [Witson (JoHn).] The Recreations of Christopher North. Fist EpItT1on. 3 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1842 Seldom found in the original cloth, uncut. 1146. Winzs. L’Art de Faire le Vin. Par M. le comte Chaptal. With double-page plate. 8vo, full mottled calf, gilt, gilt edges. Presents many valuable details regarding the distillation of wine, culture of the fruit, ete. Paris, 1819 Fourth Session, Wednesday Evening, March 12th 1147. Winter (Wittiam). Old Shrines and Ivy. New York, 1892; Gray Days and Gold. New York, 1892. Together, 2 vols. square 12mo, boards, uncut. New York, 1892 Large Paper copies, only 250 of each printed. 1148. WoopsBerry (GEorGcE Epwarp). The Kingdom of All-Souls. 8vo, cloth back and boards. Boston, 1912 One of 300 copies printed for the Woodberry Society. 1149. WorLD’s Great Crassics (THE). Edited by Justin McCarthy, Rich- ard H. Stoddard, Arthur R. Marsh, Paul Van Dyke, and others. Full-page illustrations on Japan paper. Together, 10 vols. half- leather, gilt backs and tops, uncut. New York: Colonial Press [1901] Comprises,—Babylonian and Assyrian Literature; Moorish Literature; Hebrew Literature; Egyptian Literature; Turkish Literature; Froissart’s Chronicles. 2 vols.; Classic Memoirs. 3 vols. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED ‘TO FURNISH APPRAISEMENTS AND INVENTORIES OF ART PROPERTY, BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT CHARGES COMMENSURATE WITH THE DUTIES INVOLVED THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK ' TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY Nee os bn ‘TF. « ae Ti ‘ef _ SEN a 4g we) ‘ ; r m bad - ‘ > >. ~ Less ae 1 ae oe a)