8s 1923 Nov.14 NeAmG c.2 aplyisy $n amps ty Gate nye ay ver Aig ogh ae pn <4 DR by Peary cipal ag ie? OEP MSY er ety pate ae S52 SO; 4 Pe arene H tain tier Sd ee Bl din gpd ry Wea SAW? ine Org ted wey hapew sexsi rei SU es BAD P ty wag rue beled anny SFT w 2 ae oth aH 9 99 Bt Ee, Dp lye tee uw en J aA Loey Poe eps Te ba a Mie HeNTitta pteW Soot Ih Mt it tants ve ‘Seasun ay, ' ahh wa Haier: i ee g ey ws A eth ts Side ‘< ie is si Sathoieny nese hes rae ect stages ide sangierhe cdf ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW FROM 9 A. M. UNTIL 6 P. M. hier h AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE, 56TH TO 57TH STREET, NEW YORK ENTRANCE 30 EAST 577TH STREET BEGINNING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1923 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DATE OF THE SALE INCLUDING SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2 TO 5 P.M. FOREIGN AND AMERICAN OIL PAINTINGS feet SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE Peers AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ON THE EVENINGS OF WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY NOVEMBER 14 AND 15 BEGINNING AT 8.15 O?CLOCK ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Bei fos si ba lsly FOREIGN AND AMERICAN ie OIL PAINTINGS FORMING THE COLLECTIONS OF Mr. JOHN M. GREENE OF PHILADELPHIA Mr. FRANCIS DRAZ NEW YORK AND THE ESTATE OF THE LATE i Db. MEYER NEW YORK TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE Peete iE RICAN: ART GALLERIES ON THE EVENINGS HEREIN STATED THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY MR. OTTO BERNET AND MR. HIRAM H. PARKE THe AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc., MANAGERS ENTRANCE 30 EAST 57TH STREET NEW YORK 1923 ALL DETAILS OF DESIGNS ITS CATAI TEXT AND TY1 7 CONDITIONS OF SALE I. Rejection of bids: Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. II. The buyer: The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. Ill. Identification and devosit by buyer: The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a eard giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. A deposit at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. f the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so pur- chased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. IV. Risk after purchase: Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter the property is at the purchasers’ risk, and neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss of, or any damage to any article by theft, fire, breakage, however occasioned, or any other cause whatsoever. V. Delivery of purchases: Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. VI. Receipted bills: Goods will only be delivered on presentation of a receipted bill. A receipted bill presented by any person will be recognized and honored as an order by the buyer, directing the delivery to the bearer of the goods described thereon. If a receipted bill is lost before delivery of the property has been taken, the buyer should immediately notify the Association of such loss. If. Storage in default of prompt payment and calling for goods: Articles not paid for in full and not called for by the purchaser or agent by noon of the day following that of the sale may be turned over by the Association to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the purchaser. and the cost of such cartage and storage and any other charges will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day following that of the sale, the Association and the auctioneer reserve the right, any other stipulation in these conditions of sale notwithstanding, in respect to any or all lots included in the purchase bill, at its or his option, either to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the buyer and to hold the buyer responsible for any deficiency and all losses and expenses sustained in so doing. ; VIII. Shipping: Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, however, afford to pur- chasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. ‘ IX. Guaranty: The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness. authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloging or imper- fection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold ‘as is” and without recourse. Bvery lot is on public exhibition one or mcre days prior to its sale, and the Asso- ciation will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. X. Records: The records of the Auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. XI. Buying on order: Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or telephone, if conditions permit, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale. the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded if the lot differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clearness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of arts, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Asso- eae a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. i Priced Catalogues: Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copy- ing the necessary information from the records of the Association. These conditions of sale cannot be altered except by the auctioneer or by an officer of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC., OTTO BERNET, MANAGERS. HIRAM H. PARKE, AUCTIONEERS. INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES AND CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS APPRAISALS AND CATALOGUES. ‘Together with the increase in its exhibition and sales rooms, the American Art Association, Inc., will expand its service of furnishing appraisements, under expert direction, of art and literary property, jewelry and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for in- heritance tax, insurance and other purposes. It is prepared also to supplement. this work by making catalogues of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modelled after the finely and intelligently produced catalogues of the Association’s own Sales. The Association will furnish at request the names of many Trust and Insur- ance Companies, Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Attorneys and private individuals for whom the Association has made appraisements which have not only been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Revenue Department, State Comptroller and others in interest. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. AT ITS AMERICAN ART GALCER. MADISON AVENUE 56TH TO 57TH STREET ENTRANCE, 30 EAST 57TH STREET NEW -YORK Cit FIRST EVENING’S SALE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1923 IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL OF THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8.15 O'CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 1 to 92, inclusive JULIUS ADAM GERMAN: 1852— Fit 1—KITTENS a ; Height, 61% inches; length, 8 mches Ar a doorway in a gray court paved with red tile a black and white kitten, standing, humps its back and curls its tail in challenge to a tiger-striped kitten lying comfortable on a coat hanging over a basket. Signed at the lower right, Jut. Apa, 1888. Purchased from Hermann Schaus. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. i O. a5, GUSTAVE JEAN JACQUET ae 1 bebe: 1846—1909 2—YOUTHFUL HEAD Height, 814 inches; width, 6 inches Tuts is a study of a young girl, the face seen nearly in profile to the left and the eyes turned in the same direction. Her flowing brown hair is bound to her head by a slender ribbon, and a loose white drapery falls over both shoulders. Signed at right, above shoulder, G. JAcQuET. From the Blumenthal Collection, 1906.-# hee: pees: x Lb. 13. emi The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Mryrr. HENRY M. HOYT t Qi 1 Bde rcoprcemcan: CoNTEMPORARY e THE WRITER Height, 14 inches; width, 14 inches Iy a plain room with simple furniture or a corner of a studio a young woman sits with back to the spectator and facing the right, writing at a square table with turned and spreading legs. She wears a white summer waist and dark skirt. Signed at the lower left, Henry M. Hoyt, 1916. From a Salmagundi Club auction. The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Mryrr. CARL KAHLER aud H. Beets Pe 4A-—-VMY LADY'S PLACE : Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches es TS, Upon the marble top of-a carved and gilded dressing table in a boudoir of crimson walls a pet Angora cat is seated, contemplating its image complacently as reflected in the scroll-framed mirror before it. Signed at the lower right, Cart Kau Er. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. p. LJ LOUIS EUGENE LAMBERT Frencu: 1825—1900 5—CATS Height, 1034 imches; length, 1334 imches A serious and sentimental study of two cats with white noses, necks and underbodies, their heads and backs with tiger stripes—one with a suggestion of the Persian breed. Signed at the lower right, L. Euc. Lampert. From the Buchanan Collection, New York, 1912-3 7 - pile. Vis Meyer) The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Meyer. (LL Nee Waivers : 1854 o5y, DAVID WALKLEY 0 2 , AMERICAN: 1849— 6—HUSKING CORN Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches z | . | On an autumn day, with sunlight enough to bring out the soft colors of earth and clouds and form faint shadows on the ground two boys are in a field where the corn is in shock, and they are busily husking and putting the ears into baskets and an ox cart. Signed at the lower right, Davin WALKLEY. From a Salmagundi Club auction. The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Meyer. JOSE FRAPPA 1904 7—THE MONK’S BREAKFAST (Panel) Height, 14 inches; width, 111% inches A sotirary monk in black habit is seated at a small carved table with a variegated coverlet, on which is spread a white serviette with the means of his simple morning meal. Signed at the lower left, Jost Frarpa. From the Emerson McMillin Collection, New York, 113-46 Di 7 4 fd. The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Meyer. H. J. MARLATT TEAS aig? ae ts th. MN: THE SWIMMING HOLE Te 0p Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches Bryonp a verdant foreground, the herbage touched with color, a gray stream, wandering. Beyond the water, woods in autumnal hues, observed vaguely through a haze. Signed at the lower left, H. J. Maruarr, 1914. From a Salmagundi Club auction. The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Mryrr. ALFRED TOWNSEND BRICHER, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1839—1908 AND | ea JAMES SYMINGTON . t: AMERICAN: 1841— 9—GATHERING FLOWERS (Water Color) ay, Aone J : Height, 21 mches; width, 1244 inches Azone the edge of some woodland a serious young lady is passing, stopping to gather wild flowers, as the bunch she holds in her turned-up overskirt tells. Her white bonnet and dress are adorned with pink. Signed at the [ore left, J. SyMincTon anv A. T. BricHeEr, 1875. From the Buchanan Sale, 1912.- 2 ~ ~ ve 4b. Mb, The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Mryrr. S. SIMONI OL ; ( rend NINETEENTH CENTURY 10—CAVALIER AND JESTER. (Water Color) 3 0 Height, 15 inches; length, 201% inches SEATED on an elaborately carved cassone in front of a tapestried wall a jester in red accompanying himself on a lute sings for the entertain- ment of a brilliantly appareled cavalier seated on a chair at his right. Signed at the lower right, S. Stmont, Roma, 1879. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. DAVID J. GUE dak | Ul bepyepyy CoNTEMPORARY 11—MOONLIGHT MARINE 9 ae Height, 12 mches; length, 16 inches | GREEN waters of an almost flat sea come lazily forward, rippling in shallow lines of white along a flat foreground shore. In a heavily clouded sky the full moon breaks through, illumining softly the deserted waters. Signed at the lower right, D. J. Gur. The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Meyer. LEO HERRMANN by al Frencu: 1838—1907 CARDINAL Height, 8%4 inches; width, 6%4 inches Duscenvine the stone steps of a handsome house on the right, a car- dinal turns to look with a complacent smile upon someone who comes from the direction of the spectator. In the background a wooded park. Signed at the lower left, Leo Herrmann. The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Meyer. MARIE ROSA BONHEUR Por. Bai Fyn: 1822—1899 1i8—STUDY OF THE CHAMOIS Height, 8 inches; length, 1314 inches Sranpine on rocks or lying on coarse grass before the edge of a wood half a dozen members of the antelope family, chiefly the young, are carefully studied in sundry attitudes. Signed at the lower left, Rosa Bonnevur. On stretcher, seal of the VentTE Rosa BonHEnR, 1900. The property of Mr. Joun M. GREENE. REINHARD SEBASTIAN ZIMMERMANN ; GeRrMAN: 1815—1893 L ye D date 14+-THE CONSULTATION (Panel) Height, 84% mches; length, 11 mches Ar opposite corners of a small plain wooden table in a plain room with gray walls, the end of a bookcase showing darkly at the left, two men are seated, in animated discussion over some papers under their hand, the discussion earnest but its subject manifestly not without humor. Signed at top, to left of centre, R. 5. ZIMMERMANN. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. HERMANN KAULBACH GreRMAN: 1846—1909 15—INATTENTION flo A 4 RDS ras (Panel) O01 Height, 614 inches; length, 121 5 imches g 4 g Lyrne prone in a strong light on the gray stone flooring of a court a small golden-haired girl in a red checked frock turns her chubby face toward the spectator, as she gazes with interest at a black bunny about which she has thrown her left arm. Her right arm, extended in front of her and supporting her head, lies on the page of a large volume from which her pet has turned her attention. Signed at the upper right, Herm. Kaupacn, 1893. Purchased from Hermann Schaus. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. CAMILLE MAGNUS / v S UC Bus pr: Necermecrn CENTURY | 16—WOOD INTERIOR oO» (Panel) Height, 121% inches; width, 9% inches Inrerior of a wood dense and ancient, with ancient cleared patches thickly carpeted in green, and occasional boulders of brown rock. Lights play engagingly upon the trunk of a sturdy beech standing in the left middleground, and beyond the tree appears the seated figure of a woman. Signed at the lower left. C. Macnus. The property of Mr. Joun M. GREENE. EDUARD GRUTZNER GERMAN: 1846—1898 17—LUNCH TIME ic 7 WILT a (Panel) Height, 914 inches; length, 11% inches ee TureE brown-clad friars sit at a plain carved wood table, about to refresh themselves, and beaming with pleasurable anticipation, one facing the spectator, his fellows facing each other at his either side. Bread and meat and radishes await them and generous flagons are being filled. Signed at the upper right, Ey. GRUTZNER. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. EK. LEMMENS : CoNTEMPORARY 18—POULTRY YARD ~*~ “— (Panel) ) Y By Height, 924 inches; length, 1414 inches Unver a blue sky billowing with gray-white clouds the gable of a gray cottage with brown thatched roof comes to view over the corner of a creamy-gray wall, in the middle distance, with green trees beside the cottage extending to left. Sloping ground before the wall, declining to a foreground pool, is alive with chickens and ducks. Signed at the lower right, HK. LEMMENs. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. 19 — J. FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. AMERICAN: 1853—1921 ULL es 19—AN OLD HOUSE Incl Height, 12 mches; width, 12 inches | Setpom has this artist achieved a finer bit of tonality. It is of a golden gray that reaches even into the sky, which, however, preserves its delicacy of blues and silver, and there is the mystery. The old house is all but lost in the tree masses at the right, but the light on one side emphasizes it sufficiently. The technique is rugged, yet controlled. We are seldom permitted to see a finer bit of masterly handling, and the beauty of the simple scene is not lost or harassed by uncertainties. | Signed at the lower right, J. Francis Murpny, 1913. From the Montross Sale, February 1%, 1919. -4FSf- filo 2 The property of a Lady. 1.8, CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. L AMERICAN: 1848— / | 20—A HOLSTEIN BULL lent ) baliaum Height, 13 inches; length, 20 ihches Stanpine athwart the picture, with head to right and turned slightly forward, a black and white bull appears in sunlight which marks his face with shadows. He stands in the shallows of a reed-bordered pool in a broad stretch of rolling pasture land, before a white and blue sky. Signed at the lower left, CarntETOoN Wicetns. From an Artists’? Fund Exhibition. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. WILLIAM MERRITT CHASE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1849—1916 Vy, } Y Y a 21—STILL||LIFE Brrore a dark neutral background of brownish tones there stands in | i] Height, 14 inches; length, 17 inches a soft light a demijohn, and beside it lie onions with outer coats partly off—a modest canvas of beguiling surfaces. Signed at the lower left, Wm. M. CuHase. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. ERNST ZIMMERMANN GERMAN: 1852—1901 22 AN AGREEABLE UAE LE ES y (Panel) Wury S thuttlhe, VE: ' Height, 16 inches; width, 1414, inches A GENTLEMAN in seventeenth century Dutch une with deep white collar and cuffs is seated facing the left, left elbow hooked over the back of a neighboring chair and in his left hand a slender pipe. Before him, on a table, a carafe of Rhenish wine, and at his right and facing the spectator a smiling young woman in a rose waist and white cap. Signed at the upper left, Exnust ZIMMERMANN. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. ee EDUARD GRUTZNER GERMAN: 1846—1898 23-—THE MONKS REPAST | } []_ VT kon (Panel) _— Oe (ay: 6 VY. Height, 15 inches ; width, 1214, mche. a | In a boarded wine cellar, seated conmortable with his back against ue wall, at a plain table, a monk in brown with a leather apron hooked ~ on his shoulders is beaming good nature and beatitude in his smiling features and partially closed eyes. On the table bread and sausage and a flagon. In his hand an open snuff box. Signed on the table, En. Grirzner, ’84. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. ALBERTO PASINI Tratian: 185618091 ta 24—ARABIAN HUNTERS IN THE a (Panel) | AD Height, 1014, inches; length, 18 inches In the lead men afoot with dogs in leash, followed by groups of horse- men, headed forward and toward the left over a flat land grown with coarse grasses. All the figures in costume of rich color. One of the horsemen has a falcon at his wrist. Signed at the lower right, A. Pasrnt, 1867. The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. JULES WORMS Frencu: 1832—1881 25—HNGAGING THE CAB (Panel) Height, 1614 inches; width, 13 inches ~ WUAL tL STANDING, whip in hand, beside his cab, the horse at the side of a well where he has drawn up, a cochero is in conversation with a young woman, in a street of a small Spanish town, cab and horse, man and girl, all in colorful array. Signed at the lower right, J. Worms. The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Meyer. £0. Se A. L. HERVIER Frencu: 1817—1879 4 | “en 26—FRENCH FARMYARD eee : : ’ Height, 1914 inches; width, 15 inches Rirr and mellow in their time-seasoned coloring are the tall plaster walls of old rookeries of houses on the outskirts of a French town. Gray their tone, sobered with brown, a touch of yellow and faded red in the roofs, which take many lines. Under the shelter of a porch roof a woman is washing clothes in a wall basin at the top of a few stone steps, and in another doorway a child is sitting. Close by in the happy-go-lucky yard chickens are feeding, gathered about a woman who looks idly at them. : Signed at the lower right, Hervier. From the Ichabod Williams Sale, February 3, 1915.-#/4- p 1] ~ The property of a Lady. 4A. houake A. SALINAS Itauian: ConTeMpP ORARY 27—LA RECOLTE Height, 1514 mches; length, 26 inches THE moon is up and the sun is not gone and fog banks gather among the background mountains, at the time of the grape harvest. Into the foreground come half a dozen Italian maidens, bare-headed and in gay dresses, bearing baskets of freshly picked purple and white grapes. Signed at the lower left, A. Sartnas, Roma. The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Meyer. : 1 } ; | ANTON MULLER German: 1853—1897 23—THE OLD CLOCK MENDER ‘p . _ (Panel) MM : atk. : 2® 5 0 EB _—- Height, 1934 inches; width, 1534 inches Sratep before his work-bench in a window alcove, an old clock-tinker, smoking a long-necked pipe, examines through his spectacles the mech- anism of an ancient clock. On the bench are his tools and a couple of bottles. Seated on the floor, his terrier dog regards the examina- tion with deepest interest. Signed at the lower right, Anron Miuuer. From Cottier & Co. Sale, 1909.-#3BZ Ptlo fic. a a The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Mryen. i CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1848— 29 HOLSTEIN BULL Wo lel. Iolloruw / | J / i: Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches Meapow pastures border a blue sea which reaches to a gray horizon and in the middle distance breaks in white lines along the low shore. In the foreground a black and white bull of shaggy coat, entering the picture from the left, pauses with his forefeet in a shallow stream and turns his head to his right with severe and questioning eye upon the spectator. Signed at the lower left, CarntETON Wicerns, N.A. The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Muyer. THEODORE WEBER \L ew he TOL Merton: 1838—1907 30—OFF SHORE: JETEE DE TROUVILLE ne. Height, 12% inches; length, 214% inches Worktne boats under sail, with the colorful canvas used in European waters, are seen both near at hand and far away, off a jetty where a lighthouse stands at the left. Fishermen in small boats are coming shoreward through choppy soft green shallows. Signed at the lower right, Tu. WEBER. The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. 5 FRANKLIN DE HAVEN, N.A. C , C { OM— American: 1856— 31—LANDSCAPE ae Height, 16 inches; length, 20 inches 55. On the right in middle distance the edge of a thick wood, dark against a still light sky, and off the wood’s edge a single detached tree, in the midst of otherwise treeless and rolling fields; above the horizon the daylight white crescent moon. Signed at the lower right, F. Dk Haven. — The property of Mr. Francis Draz. DWIGHT W. TRYON, N.A. Ww oh le sispnicas : 1849— 34—APPLE BLOSSOM TIME Height, 14 inches; length, 2444, inches A ROBIN’s-EGG sky with white clouds is seen across the top of a stone fence which crosses the landscape, interrupted near the centre of the composition by a dilapidated gate, and along the fence toward the right trees rise before the sky, an apple tree near the gate a mass of blossoms. The foreground is shared by the warm brown of turned earth and the fresh green grass of spring. Signed at the lower left, D. W. Tryon, East Cuerster, N. Y. From the Montross Gallery, New York. The property of a Lady. (20 HORATIO WALKER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1858— 33—A SIESTA eererwey, ) fF Ad : Height, 101% inches; length, 18 inches Tue spectator looks in upon the interior of a shelter of the great porkers and on to the exit leading to the farm, where in the distance a building appears. In the straw-strewn and heavily shaded shelter great pigs, surfeited, le snoozing, a white one and two blacks, and a fourth appears standing in the outer sunshine. Signed at the lower left, Horatio Waker, 1884. From the Montross Gallery, New York. The property of a Lady. ALBERT BIERSTADT, N.A. AMERICAN: 1820—1902 / 34—_ LANDSCAPE 2 Rf Height, 11 inches; length, 15 inches é Over a partly wooded bluff which forms the foreground the spectator looks at a placid gray-blue harbor where a few sail move lazily in sum- mer sunshine. In the distance a shore of bare and broken hills, and to. right a fortified island. Signed at the lower left, A. Brersraprt. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. JOHN F. CARLSON, A.N.A AMERICAN: 1857— 35—IN THE WOODS Wiha ke ple a WE, pallicle Pe / A ‘ Height, 1014 inches; length, 1334 inches THE interior of a wood, the trees for the most part rising above the picture top and largely bare of foliage, a few of the leaves of autumn clinging in bunches here and there. Snow on the ground, and sunshine slanting upon the tree trunks. Signed at the lower right, J. F. Carson. The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Mryer. ALFRED PERKINS AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 36—MARINE WA . chia katte ne Height, 17 inches; width, 15 mches Unver a gray sky with light attempting to break through above the deeper leaden strata, a gray sea with only motion enough to send low rollers lazily up a foreground sandy beach, on a point of which sits a | rusty rock. | Signed at the lower right, ALFRED PERKINS. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. S HENRY WARD RANGER, N.A. American: 1858—1916 3 4 ) e Bikey _ 37—FARMHOUSE AND TREES fe eee : (Board) ( , A Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches Srconp growth trees in autumn yellows and browns stand at left and right beyond a stubby clearing bordering a blue pond, and through them in the background appears a plain American farmhouse, white with a brown roof. Signed at the lower left, H. W. Rancer. The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. ALFRED TOWNSEND BRICHER, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1839—1908 38—ON THE COAST Ce peesyaweye, Height, 15 inches; length, 22 inches Arar the sea is deep blue under a summer sky of shower clouds, one of which is precipitating its moisture. In the foreground the water, rolling in from the left, turns to light green and foam as it breaks against a rough and high rocky shore. Signed at the lower right, A. T. BricuEr. The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. JULIAN RIX ' American: 1851—1903 39—HIGH TIDE, COAST OF MAINE | 0. Height, 91 inches; length, 18% inches ( Anove a gray horizon where morning fog 1s still deep over the sea the sun slowly emerging turns the vapor around it to pale gold and rose, and in the path of its light the sea glistens before the eye, just off a low green point of land. In a cove at the left the water is smooth and blue. Signed at the lower right, JULIAN Rix. Purchased from Hermann Schaus. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. PAUL GROLLERON Frencu: 1848—1901 : 40—A SKIRMISH hae | | al (Panel) wile | Height, 1444, inches; width, 101% wmches A croup of four French infantrymen have dashed down a road toward the enemy. One of them, apparently shot dead, plunges down on his head; and a second, holding his hand to his face, staggers backward, about to fall. Signed at the lower right, P. GrotiERon. From the Frederick S. Gibbs Collection, New York, 1904- #207. piso i The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Mryer. lke ey al | EDWARD PORTIELJE Bexicran: 1859— 41—THE PROPOSAL PLO. Oh lth ty 13 0D. Height, 1814 inches; width, 151/, inches Corner of a cottage room with beamed ceiling, gray-plastered wall, straw wainscoting, and straw mats on the tiled floor, and light from a _ small vine-trailed window at left above a high sideboard. Sitting lightly on a table a buxom young woman manifestly pleased with what is said to her by a smiling man who holds her hand. Signed at the lower left, Evwarp Portirise: his seal on back. The property of Mr. J oHN M. GREENE. DON RAIMUNDO DE MADRAZO SpanisH: 1841—1920 4 | ; c | 42 -TETE DE FEMME oe 4 Ay. 7 Beer. | lg - Height, 18°4 imches; width, 14 inches Heap and shoulders of a black-haired Spanish woman, her smoothed and curled locks decked with red and mauve garlands, facing the right, three-quarters front. She is loosely wrapped in a white shawl embroid- ered with flowers. Gray-white background. Signed at the upper left, R. Maprazo. The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. ——————F tr et : EMILIO SANCHEZ-PERRIER SpaANIsH: 1853—1907 43—A QUIET SPOT | ; (Panel) ae e . e ) 0 F Height, 14 inches; width, 101% inches In a cove at the head of a pond or sluggish stream a rowboat is drawn up at a background bank, the grass and shrub grown corner of a wild field, and three small figures have alighted. At right a mass of green and flowery bush grows higher, before a blue sky whose reflections silver the water of the foreground. Signed at the lower right, KE. SAaNcHEZ PERRIER. Purchased from Hermann Schaus. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. JOHN FREDERICK KENSETT, N.A. American: 1818—1872__, / / ie Wave 44—HILELSIDE NEAR NEWPORT, RHODE Ka ISLAND | b p i Height, 13%4 inches; length, 191% inches | Arar at left a glimpse of turquoise-blue sea under a creamy-white sky, | the sea then shut out of view by the rough hillside of the title, bleak yet inviting—a hillside of parched grass and sun-bleached light gray _ rocks, relieved by persistent green bushes, the sky here turquoise-blue. Signed at the lower right, JFK (monogram) 759. The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. FRANK KNOX MORTON REHN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1848—1914 45—MARINE: SUNSET Wr. [pee un | (Panel) b ig : Height, 12 inches; length, 18 inches Tue far-reaching sea is flat and calm, with a few ripples to relieve its ‘smoothness and heighten the sombre iridescence of its reflections of a darkening sunset sky. Toward the right a fleet of fishing schooners, varying lights on their canvas, shimmering shadows before them. Signed at the lower left, F. K. M. Renn. The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. HENRY MOSLER AMERICAN: 1841— 46—PICKING APPLES IB. None sry 2 q nee Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches oO: ih Unver a low-growing apple tree rich in ripe red fruit a young French ~ peasant woman in crimson skirt and brown apron, blue waist and white © headdress, reaches high and is filling her apron with apples. Signed at the lower left, HENry Mosier, Pont Aven, °79. The property of Mr. Joun M. GREENE. ELIZABETH JANE GARDNER AMERICAN: 1837— 47—THE PET BIRD ! 3 Oued Height, 16 inches; width, 13 inches FULL-LENGTH seated figure of a young lady of pleasant features, in house apparel of the mid-nineteenth century, facing the left, three- quarters front. On a table back of her where a bouquet stands she has laid aside her crochet work to feed a pet bird, while her dog looks on. — Signed at the lower right, K. J. Garpner, Paris, 1887 (the second 8 may have been originally a 6). The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. J. L. GEROME, Frencu: 1824—1904 on be = al fel iz 48—A GIRL OF SMYRNA [ Height, 1814, inches; width, 15 inches A Syrian maiden in a striped yellow and green satin dress, bound to her waist by a red woollen sash, leans with clasped hands on a table which is ornamented with a mother-of-pearl inlay. A necklace of dang- ling gold coins is her only ornament. The background is a tone of olive-green. Signed on the table, J. L. GtrROme. From the H. Victor Newcomb Collection, King-Fuller Sale, New York, 1903. #72. $425, 4.0. The property of the Estate of the late’ A. B. Meyer. MK ~ Jo% + lareghth Sarefuck Lo See! S77 «Geo IKK Sold, be Sitle Jtwtornk TZ L979 + Le ee KO. PAUL LOUIS NARCISSE GROLLERON Frencu: 1848—1901 49—_THE SENTINEL yey: (Panel) Height, 1334 inches; width, 1014 imches On a hillside of rocks and grass and reddish herbage, with a few pol- lards and saplings, a few French soldiers are seen idling in the dis- tance and in the foreground a sentinel stands, facing toward the left. Signed at the lower right, P. GroLLEron. The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. CHARLES PAUL GRUPPE AMERICAN: 1860 D 50—GOING TO PASTURE Ph arte | Height, 1414 mches; length, 18 inches In the gray of morning a modest flock of sheep are coming down a gray road bordering green meadows and rough land on the left, and passing on the right a cottage and barnyard and a line of trees. Behind them their shepherd; in the background two haystacks. Signed at the lower left: Cuas. P. Gruppe. From a Salmagundi Club auction. The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Meyer. WILLIAM MERRITT CHASE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1849—1916 C | 51—HEAD OF A YOUNG MAN & Dr Cree 60 ; Height, 20 inches; width, 1614 inches Heap and shoulders portrait of a young man of art student type, with a heavy shock of dark brown hair dressed with careful carelessness of effect and brought low over his forehead. Florid complexion and light blue eyes. To right, three-quarters front. Gray apparel and green- ish cravat. The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. MARIE ROSA BONHEUR Frencu: 1822—1899 | ) 52 THE WHITE HORSE latte “Pree GND Height, 1914 inches; length, 2334 inches In a soft and fading light of a gray day, on green turf before a back- ground of low trees and bush, the standing figure of a white horse with- out bridle or halter is carefully studied, as he faces the left with head» erect. Signed at the lower left: Rosa BonHEUR; on stretcher the seal, VENTE Rosa BonuHeEvr, 1900. The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Mryrr. Pi? 0, / CARL KAHLER f JISTRIAN: 1850— 58—“BUTTERF LIES” WINNER OF THE FUTURITY, AND FOAL, “HIGHFLY ER” Height, 25 inches; width, 20 inches Tue proud mare headed slightly toward the left turns her fine head and stands facing the spectator over the top bar of a rail fence that crosses the picture near the foreground, dividing green pastures. At her side the foal, with body more nearly at a parallel with the fence, turns head as does the mother, each showing the forehead white spot, both with even coats of rich brown. Signed at the lower right, Cart KaHuEr. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. FRANKLIN DE HAVEN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1856— 5. Height, 24 inches; length, 30 inches 54—SEPTEMBER EVENING Arar on the left the rising full moon, brilliant in the still colorful eastern sky, the clouds above it influenced by last rays of the setting sun, whose golden glow from far behind the observer tinges also some middle distance treetops on the right. The trees, some short and bushy, some tall and scraggly, extend in open line across the middle- ground, on the nearer side of a rail fence on whose farther side are rolling pastures. Coming into the foreground a drove of sheep, fol- lowed by their shepherd, appear in a soft light and partial shadow, in a broad and grassy way. Signed at the lower right, F. Dre Haven. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. 0, DAVID JOHNSON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1827—1908 55—AT GHENT, N. ¥. Wr. picoluctO| Height, 16 inches; width, 13 wmches AN intimate bit of domestic scenery, showing a narrow placid stream, with overhanging trees, rude fences, and, beyond, cows drinking in the pool, or feeding in the sunlit meadows. Still farther away are seen wooded hills, and farm buildings among the trees, and a glimpse of sky near the horizon. Signed at the lower right, DJ (monogram), and on the back with full name and the title. From the Theodore G. Weil Collection in the King-Fuller Sale, New York, 1903.~& 469+ JIS: Ve) The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Meyer. . KARL WITKOWSKI AUSTRIAN: 1860—1910 f 56-—-LIGHTING HIS PIPE Q, Height, 191% inches; width, 16 inches Ar the edge of a forest with a screen of brush and saplings forming the background a woodsman has felled a tree on deep green grass. He has paused at the trimming, and, axe beside him, has seated himself on the trunk to light his pipe. Signed at the lower right, W. Wrrxowskxt, ’99. The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Meyer. ANTON MULLER GERMAN: 1853—1897 57—-BACHELOR BREAKFAST (Panel) 570, Height, 20 inches; width, 151% inches Aw elderly man with swarthy features and dark hair, and grayish whiskers looping his shaven chin, has turned from his plain and lonely breakfast of black bread, soup and wine, and while he smokes his long- stemmed pipe feeds a bird whose large cage rests on a neighboring chair. A well-trained pet dog looks hungrily on. The scene a plainly furnished cottage room in a soft light. Signed at the lower left, ANTON MUrier. Purchased from Hermann Schaus. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. JEAN BERNE-BELLECOUR FRENCH: CoNTEMPORARY Lt / 58—A CALL se 4b AAT FY ‘0 Height, 1714 inches; length, 22 inches ( At the entrance gate of the great park of a chateau a mustached man in uniform, sword dangling at his side, stands in front of his proud chestnut horse and although the gate is open he is sounding for the custodian of the lodge. Within the park two ladies strolling turn to see the source of the call. Signed at the lower left, Jean Berne-Betiecour, 1905. The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Mryerr. KARL WITKOWSKI AUSTRIAN: 1860—1910 a 59—BOY HOOD y ‘ i. Niuuweeees: } Se Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches Brrore a gray barn door two boys are standing, portrayed at three- quarters length and facing the spectator, their caps and clothing rough and serviceable and both of them smiling. The younger looks in happy anticipation at a pear his elder is peeling. Signed at the lower left, K. Wirxowsxt. The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Meyer. SCHOOL OF JOHN (OLD) CROME EnNcuisH: eee leprae lee. 60—LANDSCA PE WITH MILL Height, 211% inches; length, 29 inches Iw the right foreground an ancient leaning tree in autumn browns, at the edge of a stream which passes from view in the left foreground. On the water a few ducks, and on its farther low bank a windmill, with a figure standing in the doorway. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. ATTRIBUTED TO PHILIP WOUWERMAN Dutrcu: 1614—1668 61—BEFORE THE INN a ete AA a (Panel) Height, 18 inches; length, 241% mches On the right a tall-roofed inn mellowed in rose-brown tones and before it horsemen in steel corselets and baggy breeches, one about to remount his gray, one of whom a young woman is taking an affectionate fare- well, while a bugler on a bay sounds a call. To left residents of the countryside and forces in tents, in the light of the declining sun, and in the distance a varied landscape. Signed at the lower left, P. W. The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. i © © SCHOOL OF GEORGE MORLAND) EncuisH: 1763—1804 62—PIGS L ee b Ke Height, 16 inches; length, 21 mches Tree black and white pigs, two lying in the straw and one standing, beside their mother, are depicted in a soft light within the partial shelter of an old and open building whose structure appears in dense shadow. At a broad window a figure in a rose blouse, arms folded along the sill, stands looking in on them. Signed at the lower right, G. M. The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. CAMILLE MAGNUS Frencu: NINETEENTH CENTURY 683—LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURE (Panel) abhutde. Height, 1784 inches; width, 1484 inches Tue border of an Old World tract of forest land, the distance low and open and in subdued sunlight, the rough and broken foreground of green and colorful brush in partial and transparent shadow, and a short, stunted tree and a bending birch on the right standing forth before the light gray sky. At left, a peasant woman, walking. Signed at the lower right, CAMILLE Macnus. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. WILLY MARTENS Dutcu: 1856— 64—A PEASANT WOMAN - f bperteme ge “aa (Canvas on panel) Height, 1914 inches; width, 1514 inches Stranvine figure of a peasant woman with tanned and swarthy face and arms, heavy featured, in sombre brown and black and wearing a gray-white cap and sabots. She faces the observer, her head some- what bowed toward her left shoulder, in an earthen path through rough meadow land with short woods in the background. Signed at the lower left, Witty Martens. The property of Mr. Joun M. GREENE. CARL KAHLER Austrian: 1850— ' f 65—ANGORA CAT g G Lp a Height, 24 inches; width, 16 inches On the corner of a cushioned seat with rich rose-brown upholstery, over the back of which fall the folds of a glistening soft gray fabric, a white Angora cat has seated itself, back to the spectator and tail curling down. It turns its head and looks back and upward, over its shoulder. Signed at the lower left, Cant KaHiEr. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. ALEXANDRE GABRIEL DECAMPS Frencu: 1803—1860 66—CHINESE DANCER 0 a : We Bora. ® (On board, set in panel) / ( O, Height, 2114 inches; width, 13 inches FuLt-LenetH figure of a dark-haired sloe-eyed girl standing facing the spectator and leaning on one elbow, hand holding a large peacock- feather fan, her other arm raised above her head. She is appareled in rich colors and much bejeweled. At her hip another figure holding an opium pipe. Conventional woodland background. Signed at the lower right, Decamps. From the Senhor de Mendonca Collection. /9 fb ITE Ps /00 4 : The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. d fhiollonecr pl | a — - oa = ARTHUR PARTON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1842—1914 | _ 67—ON THE FARM f : faa 3 a Height, 18 inches; length, 241/, inches + a Green meadow land threaded by a brooklet where a few ducks are | a _ assembled, and in middle distance gnarled and leaning apple trees _ effulgent with blossoms in the spring sunshine; seen beyond them a corner of a low-built farmhouse with a stumpy red chimney surmount- ___ing its steep gable, and in the background tall green trees. Signed at the lawer right, ARTHUR Parton. The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. HOMER D. MARTIN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1836—1897 68—WOODLAND BROOK BLT BA LA 2 Height, 22 inches; width, ae inches ; Ar right a tree with roots partly exposed, at the edge of a brook | _which comes winding from the background and which at the foot of a tree is “bridged” by boulders which reach from the foreground. Over a pool of the brook above the bridge the tree and its lesser neighbors at the left cast the shadows of a delicate leafy arch, beneath which the eye looks to greenish woodland lights. In the artist’s early manner. ts Signed at the lower right, H. D. Martin. it 3 The property of Mz. Joun M. Greene. WILLIAM MERRITT POST, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1856— 69—AUTUMN LANDSCAPE ) f) Height, 18 inches; length, 2414 inches To left the edge of a young wood, a few tufts of brown leaves alone remaining on its otherwise bare and gray branches, on a point of land around which a blue brook swings into the foreground. At right and in the distance fields green and yellow, and other woods. Signed at the lower left, W. Merrirr Post. The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. CESARE TIRATELLI IraLiAn: CONTEMPORARY 70—STREET SCENE 4. [Wee 150. Height, 30 inches; width, 1614 inches In the foreground the stone pavement of a street, scattered twigs and a cat and an animated group of women appearing there, and in the background the facade of a Venetian building with a wine dispensary, a bazaar and shrine, and citizens along the sidewalk. Signed at the lower left, Trrareni, C., Roma. The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Mryer. EDWARD MORAN, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1 w7) RF fa Ma cot * : are T1_MARINE: THE SEA AT SUNSET : ' Height, 18 inches; length, 28 inches ___ Oup ocean, naught else—not even a sail to distract the eye—heaving __restlessly, tossing bits of white foam above its rich gray-green, and reflecting lights and colors from the white sun sinking within mauve horizon clouds and the clouds turned crimson above it. Signed at the lower right, Eowarp Moran. _ The property of a Lady. WILLIAM LEWIS SONTAG, N.A. AMERICAN: 1822—1900 ie Atay Be, 72—IN THE ALLEGHENY MOUNTAIN | V fi Height, 201 inches; length, 3114 inches : r Unver a blue sky white at the horizon, and filled intermediately with clouds whose baffling low-toned hues include some fiery flashes, the higher and broad surfaces of a landscape of mountain heights range forth before the eye—sandy-gray and golden brown, and showing patches of green grass. A green copse stands at left middle distance, and to right the tree tops of a valley appear before distant summits. Signed at the lower left, W. L. Sonrac, N.A. | The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. a ee oon Height, 251% inches; | 1 34 be Lt [ (0: ARTHUR QUARTLEY, N.A. AMERICAN: tO. dpe 73—_MARINE GREEN-BLUE water with little motion, its surface lightly broken by white ripples, stretches from foreground to distant gray horizon, off a low-lying gray coast a projection of which appears afar on the right. The silver-blue tone which the placid water takes under cloud- influences is enhanced by silver-white reflections of the sails of a schooner and a sloop in the offing, and other sails are darker in the distance. Signed at the lower right, A. QUARTLEY. The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. CHARLES PAUL GRUPPE AMERICAN: 1860— | 74—THE RED BARN 4 Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches Larr autumn in a grazing and logging country. In the foreground a rough yellow-green field wherein cows and chickens are seen, and a pile of logs. Across the middleground the course of a brook marked by leafless gray willows, and beyond this open screen of trees a dilapi- dated red barn. In the distance black wooded hills. Signed at the lower right, Cuas. P. Gruppe. The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. JOHN RAMSEY CONNER AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 75—POTATO GATHERERS 9 Vt tlt dake ‘ ‘9 ; Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches _Uwper a bright blue and gray-white sky a gray-green hillside slopes from a high horizon to an earth-gray foreground field from which _ the potato crop has been brought to the surface. Here two sturdy farmers in blue, rose, white and gray are gathering the tubers. Signed at the lower right, J. R. Conner. The property of Mr. Jon M. Greene. E. IRVING COUSE, N.A. AMERICAN: Mate 76—COMPOSITION ‘i hatin Ley OW ss a Height, 26 inches; length, 3214 inches In a broadly lighted studio a woman painter sits before a canvas on her easel, studying a composition on which she is at work, posed by marionettes on a table at her side. At her shoulder another young woman in a smock looks on with sympathetic interest. Signed at the lower left, E. I. Cousr, Paris, ’89. The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. 3 os CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. AMERICAN: Mn ibeb | "7—_LANDSCAPEH AND CATTLE : Height, 24 mches; length, 31 inches GreEN fields of wild land stretch forth broadly to a far horizon, and on a slight rise at right in middle distance is a thicket of green bush. Coming forward in the foreground in a trodden way are four cows of | various color, one halting to graze as she turns from the path. They are seen in a burst of sunshine, while beyond them the land is in the shadows of the drifting gray clouds of a showery day. Signed at the lower left, CarLeron Wiccrnys. The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Meyer. GEORGE COCHRAN LAMBDIN, N.A. AMERICAN: ma 896 7 j ; 78—THE BUTTERFLY — Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches Ow a flat and sandy foreground beach along blue water, under a hazy summer sky, a golden-haired young woman, nude, seated on a white drapery thrown upon the sands near sparse up-shooting grasses, is contemplating a tiger-striped butterfly that has alighted at her feet. Signed at the lower left, Geo. C. Lampprn, N.A. The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. CESAR PATTEIN FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY 79 THE GOSSIPS Arle eae Vas 85, - Height, 2514 inches; width, 23 inches ‘THREE young peasant women of France have come to a brook which _ wanders through a flourishing meadow. Two with merry laughter are chaffing the third, who very seriously rejects their fun-making, as she sits on the grass, one of her companions standing beside her, the other about to splash her. In the background cottages and poplars and _ distant hills. Signed at the lower right, Cesar Parretn, 1908. The property of Mr. is OHN M. GREENE. FRANK RUSSELL GREEN, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1859— : / — re ae 80—CATTLE AND Price Mr aE AE oo Height, 20 inches; length, 30 inches Near noontide of a hazy day a spotted cow is standing in the fore- ground of a green and brown pasture, beside a gray pool. In the distance others of the herd, near a gabled barn. Neighboring trees begin to show the colors of early autumn. Signed at the lower right, FRANK RussELL GREEN, A.N.A, The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. SC PIERRE MONTEZIN FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY 81—FARM LANDSCAPE AND FLOWERS (Pastel) WA / Height, 251% inches; length, 36 inches In bright sunlight before a brilliant summer sky farm buildings stand out before a green wooded hill on the right, with cattle in the meadows in front of them, and in the foreground a bank of thriving wild flowers in blossom along the edge of a stream. Signed at the lower left, P. Monrézin. The property of Mr. Joun M. GReEEne. NATHANAEL SICHEL German: 1844— 82—ORIENTAL LADY igure S € Height, 251% inches; width, 1934 inches Bust portrait of a dark-haired beauty with brilliant eyes, figure to right, three-quarters front, and face turned somewhat to left as she looks with engaging amiability across her right shoulder. She is in rich apparel of soft green and rose, the colors carried also to her head- dress, and chains of golden disks glisten about her head, shoulders and waist. 1p yh orang ener 4 x — 5 © Signed at the upper right, N. StcHet. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. EDWARD W. REDFIELD AMERICAN: 1868— Wh a 42. B. FE ‘ 50 inches. ss Height, 36 inches; lengt Reacuine straight away before the spectator’s eye a road of a sub- urban town extends to a vague and cold violet distance, in the closing hours of a winter’s day. Midway, a white horse drawing a sleigh in which a lone man sits. Through the bare woods of a hill on the right sunshine slants upon the snow and throws a soft illumination upon a varied line of dwellings along the left. Signed at the lower left, HK. W. Repriexp, 1907. The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. MIHALY MUNKACSY HuncariAn: 1844—1900 $4 THE MUSIC LESSON Keawry . ohiutthia SO Height, 26 inches; length, 35 inches / Iw a conservatory of semi-darkness, rays from an unseen window at the right bring into relief a bunch of palms, reflect a silvery light from a tall Japanese screen, and pass on to illumine mildly at the left a Venus bust standing on an organ draped with a richly colored fabric. Before the screen a young girl is studying her music, an older girl leaning over her shoulder. Signed at the lower left, Munxacsy, M. The property of Mr. Joun M. GREENE. eye JEAN BERAUD - Frencu: 1849— Darel 3 85—UNE BRASSERIE A FEMMES Height, 26 inches; length, 3214 inches Interior of a French café, brown and gray, with its crimson settees. and white-topped tables, and mirrors reflecting its white lights and the hanging outer-coats and hats of leisurely frequenters. Among its — patrons affably enivrés, and maids uniformed in black and white, a variety of types and of ages, and on the tables quelque chose a botre. Signed at the lower left, JEAN BEravn, 1883. Accompanied by a signed card of the artist attesting its exhibition m the year of its date. The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. CARL VON BERGEN | GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY . a 86—FESTAL DAYS (vere = Orecelere iJ Height, 28 inches; length, 3834 inches Own the green of a Bavarian village decked for an occasion of hospi- tality and enjoyment, children are playing in the sunshine at left, a group of smiling young women in gay colors occupies the central fore- ground, its members flirting with a mature cut-up who leans from a house on the right, and in the background more houses nestle among flourishing trees. Back at left are more villagers, about a series of entertainment tents. Signed at the lower right, C. Bercen, MincuHen. The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Meyer. THOMAS COLE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1801—1848 87—THE DREAM OF ARCADIA //'y Tete Fa, ; y 4 oe Height, 2714 mches; length, 3814 inches “A dream, a most delightful dream, of hearts beating healthily upon nature’s breast, was in the poet’s (artist’s) brain.” In a long passage in “Life and Works of Thomas Cole,” Louis L. Noble so speaks of this canvas, quoting a sentence from a letter from Cole to Durand: “I took a trip to Arcadia in a dream.” To right in the distance altitudinous mountain peaks, barren and hazy before a tur- quoise sky, below them green slopes and a Greek temple glowing in sunshine, and a gorge down which a white cataract tumbles. To left in the low foreground, and in the middle distance, pastures and groves and idyllic figures, in sunshine and shadow. The property of Mr. Joun M. GREENE. THOMAS EAKINS, N.A. AMERICAN: 1844—1916 LB SD Height, 3814 inches; length, 451/44’ inches 88—_IDYL: MUSIC On a green and sunny sward beside a curling brook, among trees in the fresh fulness of their June green, three nude figures are seen, one reclining and two standing; two of them playing pipes. From the collection of the late William Merritt Chase, N.4., New York, 1917. 535/70 T Uaclank 3 The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. FREDERICK ARTHUR BRIDGMAN, N.A. 4 AMERICAN: 1847— i/ / ; 89—LE RUISSEAU PENDANT UN TORRENT a g fh. Height, 3714 wmches; length, 551% inches | “THE Brook 1n Fioop” is a blue and purling stream hastening down rocky steps between lush green banks along the edge of park woodland, where shrubs and trees are in brilliant fiower and bathed in sunshine warm. Maidens in diaphanous garments of soft colors are gathered there, decking their hair with flowers in the golden light, one daintily dipping a bare foot in the cool water. Signed at the lower right, F. A. Bripeman, 1898; opus CCCLVII. Signed again on back with the title. The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. }/ 0. J. FRANCIS AUBURTIN FreNcH: CoNTEMPORARY 90—LUMINOUS COAST ducuk ae Height, 3244 mches; 3914 inches From high on the left a rocky coast falls away toward the right, the gray-blue and sandy-red faces of its jutting rocks relieved and en- livened by flourishing masses of rich green and yellow vegetation which spring from every favorable lodgment of soil. Across this high fore- ground the vision ranges to a colorful sea, ne to ra bluffs project- ing in the left middle distance. ; q Signed at the lower left, J. Francis Aunurtry, 1902. From the Salon of 1902. The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. C. ARNOLD SLADE AMERICAN: CoNTEMPORARY pl * me 91—HIS COMRADE’S STORY <) | (Wh Height, 58 inches; width, 45 inches / Sunuicut from a casement window at the left floods a humble cottage room where a young peasant woman in loose white waist and old-rose skirt is seated, facing the spectator, her head thrown back almost in a faint against the breast of a poilu who has entered through a door at the rear, his head bowed over hers with a whispered tale. Her left hand hangs limp over a table, her right on her knee clasps the hand of a small and pensive bare-footed girl who kneels at her feet, solemn and mystified. Signed at the lower right, C. A. StapE (C). Exhibited at the Providence Art Club. The property of Mr. Jonn M. Greene. C. SAGGAGGI ITALIAN: Palas Y Height, 564% inches; length, 127 cl (Main panel: Length, 80 inches; width of wings (each), 231% inches) y 11 ee _Aw allegory in decorative arrangement—the wings presenting, respec- tively, a gold-haired maiden musing over plucked daisies while listening to the pipes of Pan, who is seated in a tree above her head, and an _ aged man carrying poppy seeds accompanied by the white mantled Reaper. In the main panel Love, with a dart, rides a white horse, ___ mockingly, in a romantic landscape, and lovers bill and turtle deves coo, - . ——a composition of seven figures, the most conspicuous a vivid brunette ; in gorgeous costume who holds out a symbolic pomegranate. Uni same teks ‘ 0 |T Anig fen ne Gan ay } Signed at the lower right of one wing, G. Saccacct. _-‘The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Meyer. epi cSacTaenne a a i ee oe - * = * “ g . - Se en a . cae . ai a « nS —_? ‘ 7 “ , Py ma 7 ‘a id : . ‘ = U ® F X ‘ * j B ‘- vs SECOND AND LAST EVENING’S SALE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1923 IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL OF THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8-15 O'CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 93 to 179, inclusive ALBERT J. FRANKE ra i | BELGIAN: CONTEMPORARY Ae eve Ay 4 oheLeg 93—SYMPATHIE DES CONVIVES (Panel) Height, 7 inches; length, 914 inches SEATED in an easy chair a bewigged and ruddy old gentleman in eigh- teenth century costume has one bandaged leg on a footstool. About him four friends, true to the ancient motto that a man with the gout gets no sympathy, smile cynically as one of them taunts him with wine when he is about to take medicine, Signed at the lower left, A. J. Franke. The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Mryrr. 30. -95—IDLENESS 4 ETIENNE PROSPER BERNE-BELLECOUR Frencu: 1838—1910 94—DEAD IN THE SNOW Weyer 2 | { | (Panel) : ; | Height, 5 inches; length, 81/4 inches Saar 4 Snow covers the ground in an open wood, with here and there twigs or — bushes projecting above it, and the bases of trees are seen before a low and darkening horizon. In the foreground a soldier, dead, lies prone on the snow. Signed at the lower right, EK. Berne-BELiecovr. The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Meyer. JAN VAN BEERS BELcIAn: 1852-— (Panel) Height, 1084 inches; width, 814 inches A xapy seated, three-quarters to the right, in a high-backed chair of olive-golden tone, upholstered with silk tapestry. She has removed from her golden-red hair a large olive-green Gainsborough hat, adorned with black ostrich plumes. Signed at the lower left, JAN Van BEERs. From the collection of Mrs. Mary Adelaide Yerkes. /Y/@- Mex Pl lol V/ The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Mrynr. r - JAN VAN BEERS = 1 Betcran: 1852— / 96—A TALE OF LOVE NM le EFS Z SOE eA & Height, 81% inches; width, 814 inches. _ A apy in white evening toilet sits facing the spectator, in an arm- _ chair upholstered with material of Persian design. Her dark eyes are fixed before her and her lips part in a smile of anticipation as she - listens to the appeal of an officer. The latter, wearing his dress uni- form, leans his face toward the lady’s as he holds her left hand and passes his right behind her neck. Signed at the lower left, Jan Van Beers. From the collection of Mrs. Mary Adelaide Yerkes. /9ld PM 4 /bo-+la- A, ee The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Meyer. LEO HERMANN Frencu: 1838—1907 } 97—A CHOICE VINTAGE Height, 94% inches; width, % inches In a cellar which is lighted by a window high in the wall, a black- frocked priest is sampling a bottle of red wine and holds the half empty glass toward the light with an expression of pleasurable an- ticipation. Signed at the left, Leo HERMANN. From the collection of Theodore G. Weil, King-Fuller Sale, 19038-#33- M50 Ab Ig The property of the Estate of the late A. B. MEYER. EMIL CARLSEN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1853— 98—CLOUDS AND A COW: A SKETCH » (Board) Cp x p bo : Height, 7 inches; length, 10 mches | Ow a brilliant summer day white clouds in masses drift high or bank low in a turquoise sky, and before them broad green fields reach to the horizon. The sward is treeless, and in the middleground a black and white cow, grazing, completes a picture in the brilliant sunshine. Signed at the lower left, Emit Carisen, 707. The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Meyer. A. TAMBURINI Irauian: 1843— . if 99—A VISIT TO THE CELLAR — Height, 144% inches; width, 12 inches THREE-QUARTERS length standing figure of a white clad monk, facing - the right, three-quarters front, in a strong light in a dark wine cellar. His seamed and florid face is set with a smile, and he holds in one hand a lantern and carries on his arm a basket of wine. Signed at the upper right, A. TamBurini, FLorEeNcE. The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. SSS 2! eee eee % sac deine — Es a ee ee ee ‘, ae oth wp get ae —_ es fe S = ——— << ALPHONSE DE NEUVILLE Frencu: 1836-1885 100—FRENCH SOLDIER Height, 744 inches; width, $1 inches Carryine musket and sabre and his full pack, a French foot soldier has paused in his tramp and bends over to adjust his gaiter, facing forward and to the left. Back of him green herbage grows at the foot of a garden wall, from which the gray plaster falling reveals its brick structure. Signed at the upper right, A. pe Nevuviuue, 775. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. 0 pel lenren. CHARLES EMILE JACQUE Frencu: 1813—1894 101—SHEEP Ae Se a ¢ Panel) Height, 51% inches; length, 814, inches In a green and sunny field at the edge of a background wood which forms its own shadow three sheep are depicted, one browsing among the field flowers, one recumbent and the third feeding over near the wood. Signed at the lower left, Cu. JacaurE. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. AMERICAN: 1847—1919 102—MOONRISE ee &X. heh ird (Panel) | | 70. Height, 6 inches; length, 8 inches Turoven a sylvan landscape a stream courses, diagonally from the right foreground along a low flat shore, its farther bank rising land both weoded and partly cleared. Trees appear at right and left, there, and near the centre of the composition the full moon is rising, its light coming over a broad hillside to shimmer on the foreground stream. Signed at the lower left, R. A. BuaKEeLocx. From the N. E. Montross Sale, 1919-K 894 PLS MI. polite The property of a Lady. L40. LITER Sere pane mn ROS EUGENE BOUDIN Frencu: 1824—1898 103—ENTREE DU PORT DE TRO be (Panel) ' Height, 11 inches; width, 834 inches In the diffused morning light before a light hazy sky the basin of a small port lies before the eye, the sails and masts of shipping rising high and their shadows wavering on the gently moving water of the foreground. here i" wv) aa eee te Ot ae Ny ps = $ 2 es . catia a _ _ -s iat ian en ee 7 ith is EONS mea ; 2 asia i x ie le JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT Frencu: 1796—1875 . p gia = 106—LANDSCAPE bee : IEA i ali (Panel) ‘ Height, 7 inches; length, 1134 inches Woopep hills in the left middle distance decline to a long transverse valley in the foreground, sombre in the light of a grayish day, and other hills range along the distant horizon, beyond a gray stream upon whose banks the clouds permit somewhat more light to fall. At lower right the stamp and on the back the seal of the VENTE Corot. The property of Mr. Joun M. GREENE. ADOLPHE ALEXANDRE LESREL Frencu: 1830— 107—-THE SMOKER ie au en wena Gi. Height, 1144 inches; width, 9 imches A CAVALIER in rich costume of green, purple and gold, buckskin boots and gray hat, is seated at his ease in a carved chair, holding his wheel- lock in one hand and a tobacco pipe in the other. On the floor stand a flask of rich blue glass and a large goblet partly filled with wine. Signed at the lower right, A. A. Lesret, 1891. From the Murietta Collection, London, 1893. From the Edward M. Knox Collection, New York, 1906. Kou fly SO. L No ull : From the Emerson McMillin Collection, New York, 1913.24 ao: Loh Nteye Py. The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Mryrr. ian Oar NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA Frencu: 1807—1876 : f ; 108—SOUS BOIS eae (Panel) Height, 714 mches; length, 934 inches Wirutn a dense forest with sunshine from low on the left silvering the trunks of trees and illuminating the farther green bank of a middle- ground pool, a girl in white and red is seen seated in the foreground. She faces the pool and the right, with the sunshine bringing out her figure against the shadows on the water. Signed at the lower right, N. Dtaz. Purchased from Hermann Schaus. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. ee sy PRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. ; . AMERICAN: 1853—1921 109—ACROSS THE FIELDS | (Water Color) : Height, 814 inches; length, 12% inches Tuts picture is drawn with the care and precision of all the artist’s work—the earth finely modeled. There is a bit of water, an old fence, with farm buildings against the sky. Weed forms are drawn with care and knowledge, and the handling is clear. It is a record done by a master. Signed at the lower left, J. Francis Murpuy, 83. From the N. E. Montross Collection, 1919- #22 SSE", 4S. Kcaka) ) The property of a Lady. ALBERT PINKHAM RYDER, N.A. AmERIcAN: 1848—1914 110--NIGHTF ALL an {/ “Baa 90 Height, 10 inches; length, 14 inches | 7 Tue sun has sunk far below a hill which declines from high on the right to a valley at left and in the foreground, and the sky shows a dull golden atmospheric glow. Hill and vale are dark, and dark the tops of foreground saplings against the glow. Through the valley runs a stream, crossed in middle distance by a bridge on which appears an equestrian figure. Signed at the lower right, RypER. The property of Mr. Joun M. GREENE. HENRY WARD RANGER, N.A. American: 1858—1916 111—IN HOLLAND (Water Color) ~ | ] () Height, 151% inches; width, 114% inches Ar right in middle distance a gray cottage with brown thatch roof, beyond a dilapidated gray fence and surrounded by brown and gray- green bush; near one corner a single tree of sparse leafage. In the foreground a path along a brooklet; to left lonely fields. Beyond the path two women faggot gatherers. Signed at the lower left, H. W. Ranermr, ’84. The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Meyer. MARIE DIETERLE FRencr: 9k iE ga / ie 112—RUISSEAU DE GRAIMB VILLE | 5 KO Height, 1624, inches; width, 123/, inches CaTTLE are at pasture in the field through which the winding brook runs. A black cow with a white face is seen grazing in the distance, with a red cow standing beside her, near the end of a line of trees that extends from the right foreground, bounding the composition on the right. Two other cows, in the immediate foreground, have the chief attention, a white cow lying down and a red one with a white face standing back of her, both of them keenly regarding the observer. Signed at the lower right, Marie Ditrerve Purchased from Hermann Schaus. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. JEAN BAPTISTE EDOUARD DETAILLE Frencu :-1848—1912 113—ARTIST AND HORSE We WW, ; (Water. Color) OLY ] [Uy Height, 1734. inches; width, 1224 inches : A FULL-LENGTH portrait of the artist Berne-Bellecour, in blue blouse and riding boots, standing facing the left, three-quarters front, holding lightly at his hip the bridle rein of a fine sorrel horse saddled and laden with a military pack. : Signed at the lower right, with inscription: Souvenir du pays du . . . (name undeciphered)—a Ma- dame Berne-Bellecour — témoignage d’amitié; Edouard Detaille, 31, X, 1882. From E. Berne-Bellecour Sale, Hotel Drouot, Paris, 1911. yp Wales ye | The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Mryrr. ROBERT DE CUVILLON Frencu: 1848— — 114—PORTRAIT AUX FLEURS uv My ; es) an (Gouache) ALLEL ‘ 4 Height, 1744 wmches; width, 12 inches _ Porrratr of a blue-eyed young lady with chestnut hair, standing and _ facing the observer, figure slightly to right, at her feet growing flowers and at her breast a bouquet of pink roses held in her left hand. She _ wears a flowery kimono and in her right hand holds a fan. an % eee ’ ‘ ' Signed at the lower left, R. pz Cuvituon, 1890. t aN ahi hatin Purchased from Hermann Schaus. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. | “ a a a a babe WILLEM MARIS 2 : DutcH: 1844—1910 115—COW AT A BROOK (VJ. Ww. Nay ea ae | p-0 ‘ (Water Color) eq : | Height, 18% inches; width, 13 mches From a green field on the left a white and dun-colored cow has come down to the end of a rail fence that stops at a brook into which she is about to step to drink. On the right of the brook is a higher green bank with trees. A hazy sunny day. Signed at the lower left, Wirtem Manis. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. CHARLES DETAILLE FRENCH: Convento: del 116—AU BOIS jell : PERSE) Height, 15 inches; length, 2714 inches In the foreground a broad avenue traverses the picture, with a double line of trees on the farther side along the iron fence that encloses green turf before wooded background in the Bois de Boulogne. Within some jockeys are seen, while the avenue is alive with carriages and eques- trians and an occasional man and woman afoot. Signed at the lower right, Coartes DETAILiE, 1878. The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Meyer. ANGELO ASTI Itauian: 1847—1903 117—BUSTE DE FEMME © ¢¥. Ue { sp Height, 18 inches; width, 1514, inches Bust portrait of a demure young woman with eyes upon the observer, her face framed in her light chestnut hair flowing in masses down her shoulders, her full bust, turned slightly to left, exposed in a bland light as her draperies fall gently away. Signed at the lower right, A. Astt. The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Meyer. ETIENNE PROSPER BERNE-BELLECOUR Frencu: 1838—1910 y , inches 118—CH ASSEUR (Panel) Bey Height, 1534 inches; width, A Frencu soldier in Algeria stands beside a roadside fountain, drink- ing from his water-bottle. He wears a blue and red kepi, a blue hussar jacket, a broad blue sash and red trousers reinforced with leather. In the background, a partly wooded hillside and a group of stolid natives. 2 Signed at the lower left, EK. BERNE-Bretxecour, 1894. From the Theodore G. Weil Collection, in the King-Fuller Sale, New York, 1903.-#53+83/0 446 Ihuger The property of the Estate of the late &. B. Meyer. JOHAN BARTHOLD JONGKIND Dutcu: 1819—1891 . 8a f nches 119—_IN HOLLAND eS Height, 13 inches; length, 17 Moonuicur illumines a port landscape, the full moon appearing above a tuft of dark cloud and reflecting a path of bright light on the water along a right-hand shore. On the shore gabled buildings and a wind- mill and a few trees are brought into view, and on the water working boats that have come to anchor, with busy figures aboard. Signed at the lower right, Joncxinpd, 1888. | Purchased from Hermann Schaus. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. « § oe Pir ‘any 3 i EDWARD PORTIELJE Beieian: 1859— A. WW, fis bth vis 1200—AN INTERESTING LETTER b b, Height, 1814, inches; width, 1514, inches BBL hip. CEASE Iw the sunny corner of a cottage room with windows giving upon a garden two young women are seated at a table, having their chocolate. Sisters, manifestly, in easy house apparel of quiet colors and wearing white caps. One reads aloud a letter and both are smiling. 7 Signed at the lower right, Enwarp PortirLsE; on stretcher his seal. _- The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Meyer. ETIENNE PROSPER BERNE-BELLECOUR Frencu: 1838—1910 | 121_THE FIELD KITCHEN (Panel) Height, 1424 inches; width, 1034 mches Own a plain of reddish earth and green turf, with green bush and yellow haystacks in the background, a private is cooking for his company and an officer who has approached is tasting with judicial scrutiny the results of his work. Signed at the lower right, EK. Brrne-BEetiecour, 1896. The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Mryer. hs. CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY Frencu: 1817—1878 ae 122 LANDSCAPE A y , (Panel) Height, 10 inches; length, 174% inches From the central foreground a country roadway runs straightaway, being lost beyond a slight elevation in the distance. At the left rises a group of trees in full summer foliage. On either side stretch green meadows tufted with shrubbery. 3 Signed at the lower left, Dausteny. On back, the seal, C. D. From Cottier & Co. Sale of 1909.—-#3/- £3701 Vi a/, The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Meyer. H. RONDEL FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY 128—PORTRAIT DE FEMME EF. Rb hee _ Height, 16 inches; width, 1224 inches Bust portrait, to right three-quarters front with face in profile, of a dark-haired young woman of classic beauty observed in a soft light against a dark neutral background. She is of full development and appears in a filmy drapery with a dark emerald mantle falling from her Spe act Signed at the lower right, H. Ronvet. The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Meyer. HENRY WARD RANGER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1858—1916 124 NATURE'S SCREEN At, Ceeeer (Panel) FO) Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches A snort foreground of fresh green grass borders a bit of blue water shimmering under a white sky and observed through a screen of sap- lings clad in the budding foliage of spring. Signed at the lower left, H. W. Rancer. The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. CULLEN YATES, N.A. AMERICAN: 1866— 125—BRARLY AUTUMN i 4: pertou | ee (Panel) | : Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches Inrerior of a wood, the foreground of grass and lichen-grown rocks in transparent shadow from the dense foliage of two great trees which stand a little distant at left; beyond them subdued sunshine in a clearing. Rich greens, with a touch of autumn hues. Signed at the lower right, CuLLEN YATES. _—— | From the Salmagundi Club annual picture sale, January, 1903. In tee Loaing Ve | The property of Mr. Joon M. Greene. ETIENNE PROSPER BERNE-BELLECOUR Frencu: 1838—1910 -126—OFFICER RECONNOITRIN / . (Panel) OK ‘. | / iS OF ‘ Height, 171% inches; width, 13% inches Portrair of a mustached cavalry officer astride his sorrel-chestnut mount, to left, three-quarters front, looking intently ahead of him to scrutinize with unaided eye something which his field glass, just low- ered, has revealed to him. Green and sandy sloping foreground, with a broad and obscure valley in the distance. 2 fRe ep re pen RT pea _ Po - = Signed at the lower right, E. BeErnr-Bretitecour, 1904. The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Meyer. JEAN GEORGES VIBERT Frencu: 1840—1902 127—THE EPICURE ) DW 4 Qe (Panel) f 7 14 0. Height, 16 inches; width, 1134 gate / Tue master of the keys in velvet garments of green and buff and partly enswathed in a great white apron has descended to the ample cellar of a chateau, huge knife in hand, and pauses contemplatively, with antici- patory enjoyment, before selecting the choice morsel for the next repast from a well stocked rack of hanging furred and feathered game. Signed at the lower right, J. G. Vrpert. The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. ae? ALEXANDER H. WYANT, N.A. AMERICAN: 1836—1892 128-WOOD INTERIOR 74 (wretonty et 1946 : Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches Moss-crown boulders and miniature cascades in the foreground appear in a soft light entering the wood through open spaces, against a back- ground of close-grown greenery. In the middleground a few trees standing detached in the open, and at their foot fallen timber lying across the rocks. Signed at the lower left, A. H. Wyant. The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. res D: RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A AmeERicAn: 1847—1919 129—INDIAN ENCAMPMENT . (Panel) IV, KJ, Seat Height, 1344 inches; length, 24 inches CriearED rolling land abounding in low brush, about the edge of a fi re- ground pool, supports at left and right in the middle distance groups of trees, for the most part short, the whole in sunshine, which spots the grass with shadows of some of the trees. “Toward the right are tepees and Indian figures, one figure mounted on a white pony. Signed at the lower right, R. A. BLaKELock. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. cc Nainowetity Be ee GUY C. WIGGINS, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1883— h 130THE CITY IN WINTER 4... CU 3 ron iy Height, 1214, inches; length, 16 inches Looxtnc downtown from above the intersection of Broadway and Columbus avenue, during a snow-storm, with pedestrians and the busy traffic of the roadways alike partly blurred by the falling flakes and ~ alike supplying interesting spots and engaging colors amid the white. To the colors also contribute the varied buildings, one conspicuous one now an extinguished mark of the past. Signed at the lower right, Guy C. Wiccrns. The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Meyer. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. AmeErRIcAn: 1847—1919 131—_THE TEPEE: SUNSET Cle Karls “p (Panel) DA ‘ Height, 1014 ches; length, 144 inches GREEN trees detached and growing in clumps mark the edge of a wood and rise still luminous in free silhouette before a sky of pale sunset tones, while a mellow golden atmospere pervades their interspaces and the cleared wild foreground. Here near the centre of the composition is a tepee with a figure in red beside it, and at a little distance another red figure is observed before the trees. Signed at the lower right, R. A. BLAKELOCK. The property of Mr. Joun M. GREENE. WINSLOW HOMER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1836—1910 Vas 132—ENTRANCE OF CATSKILL CLOVE a “ag ag Height, 11 inches; length, 15%4 inches Tue foreground a narrow green valley, apparently closed in the middle distance at left by the converging inclines at either side, that on the right, which supplies the background, a huge mountain flank well wooded and reaching far above the picture top. On a ledge of the slope and near a stream in the valley cottages and barns, and in the immediate foreground at right some figures strolling. Signed at the lower left, W. H. In pencil on the stretcher: “To Geo, H. Hall, Winslow Homer.” Also: ‘“En- trance of Catskill Clove, by Winslow Homer.” Also: “In the second summer of my red cottage; G. H. H., 1872.” [George Henry Hall, American artist, 1825- 1913. | The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. GEORGE H. McCORD, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1840—1909 : 133—HARBOR SCENE f [Werte | ¢ AB Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches Ar Venice the water is green-blue and in foreground and throughout the greater part of the picture is in transparent cloud-shadow, its lazy ripples reflecting the hues of richly colored sails of various craft. In the background the face of the city is in the golden illumination of sunset. Signed at the lower right, G. H. McCorp, A.N.A. The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. 0, FRANKLIN DE HAVEN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1856— . 134THE STORM K WAAL Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches Fiexips of wild land in the golden browns and lingering rich greens of | autumn, with grass and bush and occasional trees, range far beneath the swirling clouds of an active sky, which cause cloud-shadows to vary the surface lights, and on the curve of a field road near the foreground the ight of the sun falls broadly, through a lessening of the cloud den- sity. In the distance the rains descend. Signed at the lower right, DE Haven. Exhibited at the Annual Oil Exhibition, Salmagundi Club, New York. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. HUGH BOLTON JONES, N.A. AMERICAN: 1848— 135—SPRINGTIME Cel, Height, 1534 inches; length, 2434 inches 9: ) | GrrEN meadows lush and fresh in sunshine after a shower, and along the course of a brook seen near the centre of the landscape taller grasses and thick bushes; beyond these a diagonal line of trees growing more dense as they recede in perspective; distant blue hills. Signed at the lower right, H. Bouton Jones. The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. THOMAS SULLY, N.A. (Honorary) AMERICAN: 1783—1872 Rr } ¢ AM meng 136—-COASTAL SCENE WITH FIGURES Height, 1234 inches; length, 181% inches ss a smooth flat beach which is overhung by rocky banks projecting from the left. Here a young artist is seated with drawing-board on his knee, sketching, a young lady kneeling by his side looking on, both in costumes rich in color and both oblivious to any menace from a black storm over the sea which interests the artist. In the foreground the wreck of a mast, in the background a gabled cottage. Signed at the lower left, TS (monogram). The property of Mr. Joun M. GREENE. BRUCE CRANE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1857— | / | 137-MORNING WITH FROST iJ GA OT eee | 4s Height, 1414, inches; length, 20 inches fey Roveu land with gray-brown and yellowish herbage, a bush and a trée or two and some felled timber, on a cold autumn morning. In the fore- ground a pool brightened by sky reflections, and in the background a wood obscured in a gray haze. Signed at the lower right, Brucet CRANE. The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Meyer. JULIAN RIX ba AMERICAN: 1851—1908 4) We egies. 4 1388—RIVER LANDSCAPE | Height, 24 inches; length, 36 inches : Friar land partly sandy, partly marshy, partly grown over by short sage-green herbage, is irregularly bisected by a meandering stream wandering away from the spectator, its placid surface a silvery mirror of leaden shower-clouds and clouds creamy-white in a summer sky. Through the cloud-openings sunshine casts upon shore and stream the shadows of sturdy pollards and other short and bushy trees. Signed at the lower left, JULIAN Rix. The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. EDWARD GAY, N.A. AMERICAN: 1839— 139—INTO THE NIGHT / G, Wor o= | 3 Cae Height, 24 inches; length, 3614 inches Tue sun has departed, leaving a clouded sky still in a waning splendor, its glow spreading a luminous twilight over broad foreground fields made fertile by a stream. Distant against a low horizon trees large and small rise in silhouette, and amongst them on the right stands a cottage from whose chimney a wisp of smoke issues. Signed at the lower right, Evwarp Gay. The property of Mr. Joun M. GREENE. ALFRED STEVENS Betcian: 1828—1906 | 35 0. 140—PORTRAIT DE JEUNE FEMME Height, 19 inches; width, 15°4 wmches Busr portrait of a brown-haired and affable young woman, to left, three-quarters front, her face observed a little more than in profile and the light falling on her from the right and back of her. She wears a dainty, flowery green bonnet, its broad ribbons loosely knotted at her throat, and a mauve waist lightly décolleté. Signed at the upper left, A. STEVENS. The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. CHARLES LANDELLE Frencu: 1821—1908 | | fi olf 141—GREEK GIRL: THEBES ™M “B. oo 4 Oo. Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches Heap and shoulders of a dark-complexioned girl of Oriental aspect. She wears a loose jacket of purple velvet trimmed with gold, and open _down the front to disclose a many-buttoned garment of white linen beneath. Upon her head a round velvet cap. Her eyes concealed by their heavy lids. Signed at the left, above shoulder, Cu. LANDELLE. From the John Taylor Johnston Crizotion: New York, 1876. be p70 From the John T. Martin Collection, New York, 1909. _¥Zo Bijo +d hi Jlega The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Meyer. ANTOINE VOLLON Frencu: 1833—1900 142—STILL LIFE 0.4 bar- (Saea_ | | if ‘Bk Height, 2834 inches; width, 231% inches Acarnst a sheer earthen bank rising from a flat green field a large and heavy Old World scythe is leaning. A horn lies at its foot. Before the huge steel blade stands an ovoid vase of soft coloring, holding a large bouquet of many and varied flowers, their colors ranging from the rich crimson of poppies to the golden-yellow and white of daisies. Signed at the lower right, Ant. VoLLon. The property of Mr. Joun M. GREENE. EMILE VAN MARCKE FRENCH: 1821 i } 143—CATTLE IN THE FIELDS °" Height, 1614 inches; length, 2214 inches A Broad pasture of coarse and flourishing grass fills foreground and middle distance, bounded in a more or less semi-circular line by low dark green woods, over the tops of which at the distant left rises a range of treeless hills.. In front of the woods, both at left and right, farm houses are seen, under a blue sky with grayish clouds. Out in the pasture are three cows,—a black one with a white face standing in partial shadow at the left in middle distance, a red cow lying down in sunshine with back to the spectator on the right, and in brilliant sunshine in the foreground a red and white cow coming slowly forward and most painstakingly sudied, her shadow marking the grass beside her. Signed at the lower right, EM. vaN Marcke. The property of a Private Collector. 7092 + ttrephk Malls »-doad Karen) See! b9g 4 SEK SM. Of ote ia Lyon PMoAu- ‘, SP es F a. a a A “BRUCE CRANE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1857— wolel Gel. 144—AUTUMN: NEW ENGLAND oe H eight, 14 inches; length, 20 inches GotpEN fields of wild herbage, a pasture of waning green, a brown- gray field where the plow has been at work—all in rolling lands all but treeless, the fields in part demarcated by stone fences; in the fore- ground stray logs near a bit of a poo]. Indenting the land from the horizon on the left a blue arm of the sea. In the foreground on the right trees and bushes golden as the fields. | Signed at the lower left, BRucE Crane. The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Meyer. WILLIAM MERRITT CHASE, N.A. — AMERICAN: 1849—1916 145—ON THE SOUND fy. p. ee G 0 / } Height, 17 inches; length, 284% inches Hazzx almost of the consistency of a light fog overhangs a harbor and the far-reaching Sound, meeting with soft grayish clouds. naturally formed and wavering line on the right of a little-used road leading away from the spectator and marking a yellow-sandy course through the verdure. Signed at the lower left, Bruck Crane, N. Y. The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. JEAN BERAUD Frencu: 1849-— 157_ALONG THE QUAI VF Height, 18% inches; length, 21°24 inches A proap quat glistens white in a sun-shower and extends far before the observer, with a distant bend toward the left. Pedestrians with um- brellas, careless owvriers, horse cabs, spot its course with black and color. To right in the foreground a Government building, and beyond it a long line of apartments and shops. On the left, beyond a wharf, square-riggers docked alongside each other with prows to the quai, their tall masts and orderly yards in a visual entanglement before the vaporous sky. Signed at the lower left, JEAN Beravp. The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. 158—TH E BRIDGE a re. | eee ee Hera 6 indlien eae An old tone bridge of a single broad arch Uns a river of zigzag bends, which quits the picture i: right poreeniaad forms tt of low amd surfaces a brilliant Sronaue play fascinating itself is unusual. The property of Mr. Joun M. GREENE. © | (I llustrated ): JEAN CHARLES CAZIN Frencu: 1841—1901 ‘ 159—FIELDS IN MOONLIGHT WI, W. Height, 18 inches; length, 22 inches I] On the left a plowed field, with a roller in the foreground, next it a3 long patch of turf with a few short trees at its centre, and to okt . other fields supporting various green growths, all leading to a vague — distance where at left a light is seen amongst a group of buildings. “* From a misty sky a full moon shines brightly over all. a Signed at the lower right, J. C. Cazin. 7 Purchased from Hermann Schaus. 7 The property of Mr. Francis Draz. ADOLPHE SCHREYER | German: 1828—1899 53 160—BULGARIAN MAIL STATION LUN ary) [YU s?- Height, 124% inches; length, 202 inches o Four saddle horses, two white, one black and one sorrel, two of them af well packed, are standing in sunshine in a rough green field of the __ foreground, outside a rude walled-in hut standing out in middle dis- tance at the right. In the background other fields rise gently toa low crest below a blue sky laden with white and grayish clouds. A ‘dark skinned rider stands over the nearer white horse. : Signed at the lower right, Ap ScHREYER. | 4 Purchased from Hermann Schaus. : + : yer Es . The property of Mr. Francis Draz. . 478: FELIX ZIEM Frencu: 1821—1911 161—RIVER LANDSCAPE WW WJ, SCAU a. (Panel) Height, 13 inches; length, 2024 imches Aw early and serious work of Ziem, before he took up the glow of Constantinople and Venice. on the right to golden tones and dapples with gold the changing herb- age of the clearing. Signed at the lower right, Dr Haven. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. ) 60. ADOLPHE MONTICELLI Frencu: 1824—1886 © 1683—AUTUMN IN FRANCE 4 a (Panel) . Height, 2414, inches; width, 1814, inches One To0Ks down an informal and winding open way through a wood of tall and slender trees, the nearest ones on the left reaching above the picture limits, the tops of those on the right standing motionless before a cloudy-blue sky; alow, the leafage is dense. Sunshine from the left and distance penetrates freely among the trees, reflecting lights of golden-brown in great richness of quality from the foliage. Near the foreground the bent figure of a woman in a red blouse. — . Signed at the lower left, Monticettt. The property of Mr. Joun M. GREENE. EMIL CARLSEN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1853— 164—LANDSCAPE 4 Ds | Height, 30 inches; width, 25 imches Wuire cloud billows bank high in a rich turquoise sky and their misty vapor below reaches to the horizon, which at left is marked by the level crest of a low hill, whose broad and gently inclining foreground flank is largely open field of greenish-yellow and brownish notes. In middle distance and on the right, in hollows to which the land falls away, the landscape is one of dense woods, the trees green and touched with autumn tints, and the whole observed in the sunshine of a soft summer haze. Signed at the lower left, Emit Carusen, 707. The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Meyer. (Illustrated) Sey tea “hy sil GEORGE H. BOGERT, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1864— 2 cy 165—NEAR FONTAINEBLEAU ¢ Height, 29 inches; length, 36% ich aS0 . ergh onches; lengih 2 wmches In forest outskirts toward the end of .an autumn day two figures wear- ing white caps and colorful apparel appear at right, at the edge of a foreground pond which is surrounded by brown grasses and grayish lichen-covered boulders. More boulders, brush and some trees mark higher land on the right, that circles about a middle-distance golden- brown plain, beyond which trees in autumn foliage stand out before a distant and obscure range of hills. Midway at left, beyond the sombre foreground, are thick trees, back of which horizontal rays of the declining sun strike across the brown plain. Signed at the lower left, Gro. H. BocErrt. From the P. H. McMahon Collection in Combination Sale, New York, 1916.-#/7)- PXE0- Mt Ih. Setnerer Loh, The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Meyer, GIOVANNI BOLDINI ITatian: 1844— 166—-LA TOILETTE E : 7. athe sO f Height, 341% inches; width, 241 inches TureeE-quarters length ideal figure of a young woman un peu gai whose white chemisette falls away from her creamy shoulders, her arms crossed before her breast, in one hand a mirror, and wearing rings and a bracelet. She faces the observer, with figure slightly to right and head poised over her right shoulder, lips parted and eyes smiling, and brown hair showing golden-chestnut lights before a bleu-de-ciel background. Signed at the lower right, Boup1n1. & My The property of Mr. Joun M. GREENE. ww NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA F : 1807—1876 Ror Way (167—FONTAINEBLEAU LANDSCAPE: Mee: 3 | THE MILL A 25s, | Height, 32 inches; length, 351), inches — , Tue eye looks into the grateful and transparent summer shadows of a forest, open in the foreground, whence a winding road leads toward the distance. At a little distance on the left the road passes cottages, whose tiled roofs are a soft rose hue in sunshine which «penetrates to’ them from a blue and white sky and dapples the white trunks of near-by ~=4 beeches. In the sombre foreground, to left, a peasant figure appears, all but lost within the shadows and the dense greenery, ~ ce es 7 Signed at the lower left, N. Draz, 1863. From Cottier & Company. ; The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. EG ATR Ek ) a. — ore y ‘ * v 7 ROBERT CRANNELL LBENO NA . American: 1840—1904 | 168—_LANDSCAPE f RBS 50 : Height, 30 inches; width, 2134 inches Ar right a tall tree growing at the edge of a flag-bordered and sluggish stream, and sending its green foliage above the picture limits; ascend- ing its trunk a vine which contributes spots of red; the whole, with the flags and grasses of the foreground, in soft transparent shadow. _ In the middle distance at either side of the stream trees that have _ turned a luminous autumn-yellow, and lush and velvety herbage, all in sunshine and enriching the water surface with their chromatic reflec- : tions. At left a girl walking. a | f Signed at the lower left, Mtnor. The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene, ETIENNE PROSPER BERNE- BELLECOUR © Frencu: 1838—1910 . 169—ON THE MARCH oe y 7 Height, 21 inches; length, 2942 inches . i! An officer in light blue tunic and red breeches, a dispatch bag Serer: at his side, stands pipe in hand in the foreground as he talks to an officer — mounted on a chestnut charger, the latter officer in uniform of the Garde Republicaine, his troop riding away slowly at the right. The & cavalrymen are in a sandy road that in the middle distance swings left- _ ward, with higher and partly wooded land on its right.” To left of the . " road, a green field, with a few trees standing in the distance, near an I entrance to a walled park. See a Signed at the lower right, E: Bexwe-BexancovT, 1908: on back, the Le SBR 2 From the Peter A. Schemm Collection, 1911. $279 - Siete C0. b.4 ip The property of a Private Collector. a FRANZ VON LENBAC German: 1836—1904 170M ARION i ) b Ww ‘ Height, B21 inches ; wen 29 THREE-QUARTERS length seated figure of an in t Dees and a fee eyes of deep ue brilliant lieved by glimpses of blue. She is in white with a sash and wears a broadly ga straw hat. with Hands 1 in lap. 3 ae Signed near her right shoulder, Purchased from Hermann Schaus. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. RUDOLPH DIRKS German: 1877— _ 171—MARINE | ek 4 OL j 2 A ) im ae Atlee: “31; inches; dengue 38714. inches A CHOPPY sea gray and brilliantly colorful under a ti of gray elouds _ opening to blue vistas aloft and touching the water with a line of white at the horizon. fn the foreground to right sloop-rigged fishing boats at anchor with ‘ ‘pumpkin-seed” dinghys astern and on one of the larger craft two figures. At left in middle distance the wharves avd waterfront buildings of a port, with a tangle of masts of docked ships, and offshore sailing craft in motion. Mis 3 Signed at the lower right, Dirks. The property of Mr. Francis Draz. \ es 7 toes bide hab a 4 | . Dd EMIL CARLSEN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1853— 172—_MARINE (Panel) 4 imches 4 O Height, 25 inches; length, 541 A COASTAL scene whose entire being is an expression of power, power of movement and volume in the mighty sea, of majestic immobility in the massive mounds of a sheer and broken coast. At left the coast, high, gray, iron-red, mistily green; to right the slow tremendous sea, gray, white, greenish, dull blue; over all the gray vapor of a lead-hued sky. Gulls and a distant sail. Signed at the lower left, Emiu Cartsen, 1882. The property of Mr. Joun M. GREENE. ETIENNE PROSPER BERNE-BELLECOUR 1838—1910 173—_THE PRISONER | Tey dbo: Height, 391% inches; width, 2616 inches To a French villa converted temporarily to army use, three soldiers __ have brought a German despatch bearer taken within their lines. The — officers are summoned and stand on the entrance porch. The sentinel : on the farther steps forgets his duties in listening to the story. At the — back of the lawn appear stacked arms, and through the windows of a ruined wall the shrubbery and trees of a park are seen. Signed at the lower right, E. Berne-Betiecour, 1882. From the E. Berne-Bellecour Sale, Hotel Drouot, Paris, 1911. hwo The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Mryer. | ——S= = = Sr SS ea t EUGENE LOUIS GABRIEL ISABEY FRENCH: 1804—1886 174M ARINE AND FIGURES: THE WRECK | bo , | Height, 231% inches; length, 32 inches Ar left, huge, mountainous rocks, gray and sandy-brown, their tops sunlit, projecting into a dark blue sea in which an outstanding sentinel © “a rock rises, separated somewhat from the foot of the promontory, before 2 a low-lying thunder-cloud in a sky which is light aloft. In the shadow of the rock-mass the great hulks of two dismasted ships, beached, bi, q whose cargoes are being brought overboard and appropriated by a motley company of picturesque characters who have assembled afoot a and with horses at the shoreline. On the foremost of them in the left — foreground the sun shines, illumining their colorful Oriental Syl: and swarthy features, with dramatic effect. Signed at the lower left, EK. Isanry. | The property of Mr. Joun M. Greene. Cad aon SS. es Pa gl * PAUL JEAN CLAYS | Bercian: 1819—1900 175—COAST OF ZEELAND | Ce a AY ly A. Height, 2934 inches; length, 531% mches 1a Art left a spit of land, with a sailboat hauled out high on the bank and a fishermen’s cottages near it, other craft with sails up off the point, and ec) in the foreground in front of it two figures in a large rowboat. Beyond __ the point the bay recedes to a distant shore, which swings forward again and reveals more coastal buildings at the extreme right, in middle distance. Well in the foreground and largely obscuring this shore lie in a bunch heavy Flemish fishing and cargo vessels and smallboats, alive __ with busy figures. Colorful sails, square and fore-and-after, rise high _ a, in a listless air and with the richly weathered hulls contribute a soft chromatic medley to the bluish and WS sky reflections on the idly restless water. Signed at the lower right, P. J. Crave, 1S 4 Illustrated in the catalogue of the Clays Sale, Paris, 1900/0 bo MX XX “Fu Purchased from M. Knoedler & Co., New York, 1904. From the Felix Isman Collection, American Art Galleries, New York, 1911. ¥K+B/Joo _, The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Mryer. Cy ods Chel fag Mov ig ert. dA - ble Semard Mee 1970 ~ BAXKK ee y _ a P -, . , _) a on ae) pe eb : = , © % on Gb CHARLES JOSHUA CHAPLIN Frencu: 1825—1891 Pe 176—GIRL READING) ie ES 3 ol eae _ Height, 49 inches; width, 37 inches e THRee- “RURET ERS length seated a of a fair and rosy yo volume which rests upon her lap an apainet a broum Hone her. She faces the right, her face observed in profile, and b i and figure in a strong but bland and diffused el She wears a 1 mob cap bound with a blue ribbon. Saas ~S Signed at ip ie right, Cr, ( ee ee er The property of Mr. Joun M. GREENE. | ) site 4 ee a RE eee es (079, ANGELO ASTI ITALIAN: 1847—19038 . 177—SLUMBER WS. d Height, 381% inches; length, 681% inches — hits -LENGTH figure of a young woman, nude, reclining on eaelioneds draperies of soft olive notes before a neutral brownish background, the warm flesh tones appearing in a bland light with incidental trans- — 4 parent shadows effected by the flexed right knee. Head at left with | 7 drowsy eyes closed and face observed profil perdu against her left arm which is bent back of the head; right arm extended at. her side, and) rich chestnut hair flowing loosely back of her right shoulder. Signed at the lower right, A. ASTI. Purchased direct from the artist. From the Felix Isman,Collection, American Art Galleries, New ars W911. KS -< C5070 The property of the Estate of the late A. B. Mrvenr. BENJAMIN WEST, P.R.A. American: 1738—1820 ie ; 173-THE HOLY SPIRIT DESCENDING —t|_— ? UPON CHRIST AFTER HIS ae 3 BAPTISM IN THE RIVER JORDAN @ ¢ oe Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches ig Tue tall figure of the Christ is observed in walking attitude and with == bowed head as He steps, facing the right, from the river, the Baptist = and the numerous other figures of devout men and women witnesses of — i the scene looking up at Him with awe, from the river and from its banks. Above, within a halo, the Holy Spirit in form of a dove de- scending upon His head. In the distance, on a far bank of the river, nude figures of joyous bathers hastening to the stream. From R. C. & N. M. Vose, Boston, and from London. Mentioned in Galt’s “Life and Works of West,” p. 219. : The property of Mr. Joun M. GREENE. Ld oes, sae WILLIAM ADOLPHE BOUGUEREAU | FRENCH: 1825—1905 179—RETURN FROM THE HARVEST Vee P a Height, 9414 inches; width, 66 inches astride a black ass, a dark-haired woung woman clad in brilliant ee seated sidewise on the beast, behind the infant and supporting him. One 7 the right another dark-haired and bare-footed beauty, accompanying i on foot, holds a rein of the ass and turns smilingly toward the proud in- fant, while on the left a gay maid and a youth dance in celebration, — i. to the tune of a tamburine. ‘The whole before a woodland presse * of deep dark green. a 4 Signed at the lower left, W. HOuct aaa 1878e sae ee ES ee a A ee a ee ae 3 ~ saeattntins sae Se = - OG Ee NR a tet Mia Sa ae SoMa RRL ae ————— eS a ee neers ——_—_—— —_—— From the A. sf Stewart Collection, New York, 1887- $43 "ius tl “The commission for the above picture was placed with M. Bouguereau by the es is late Mr. A. T. Stewart in 1874, with the understanding that the painting was to be ~ the artist’s greatest work, and not a nude subject; the picture was not finished until after the death of Mr. Stewart. When finished, in 1878, M. Bouguereau stated that he considered the work his masterpiece.”"—From the A. T. Stewart catalogue. The property of a Private Collector. nS LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS ADAMS, Junius Kittens 1 ASTI, ANGELO Buste de Femme 117 Slumber 177. AUBURTIN, J. Francis Luminous Coast 90 BEERS, Jan Van Idleness . 95 A Tale of Love 96 BERAUD, Jzan Une Brasserie a Femmes 85 Along the Quai 157 BERGEN, CARL VON Festal Days 86 BERNE-BELLECOUR, Evtenne Prosper Dead in the Snow 94. Chasseur 118 The Field Kitchen 12d Officer Reconnoitring 126 On the March 169 The Prisoner 173 BERN E-BELLECOUR, JEAN A Call 58 CATALOGUE } “NUMBER BIERSTADT, Axsert, N.A. a Landscape | | Ba BLAKELOCK, Ratru Apert, N.A. Moonrise , 102 The Canoe: Late Afternoon . “1055eam Indian Encampment a 129 The Tepee: Sunset > 131 BOGERT, Grorce H., A.N.A. | s Near Fontainebleau 165 = 4 BOLDINI, Giovann1 a La Toilette ae 1665 9 BONHEUR, Marie Rosa | Study of the Chamois | 18 The White Horse 3 52 : BOUDIN, EuGENE 7 | a Entrée du Port de Trouville ie 103 a BOUGUEREAU, Wuiiam AnoLPHE a Return from the Harvest 1793 BRICHER; Atrrep TownsEnp, A.N.A. Gathering Flowers 2a oe On the Coast | 38 | BRIDGMAN, FREDERICK ARTHUR, N.A. Le Ruisseau pendant un Torrent | 89 CARLSEN, Emit, N.A. Clouds and a Cow: A Sketch 98 Landscape 164 Marine \ Le CARLSON, Joun F., A.N.A. In the Woods CAZIN, JEAN CHARLES Fields in Moonlight CHAPLIN, Cuartes JosHua Girl Reading CHASE, Witi1aMm Mernirt, N.A. Still Life Head of a Young Man On the Sound CLAYS, Pau. JEAN Coast of Zeeland COLE, Tuomas, N.A. The Dream of Arcadia CONNER, Joun RAMSEY Potato Gatherers COROT, JEAN Baptiste CAMILLE Landscape COUSEH, E. Irvine, N.A. Composition CRANE, Bruce, N.A. Morning with Frost Autumn: New England Autumn Landscape A By-road, Easthampton, Long Island CATALOGUE NUMBER 35 159 176 21 51 145 175 87 75 106 76 137 144 154 156 ~CROME (OLD), Joun (School of) Landscape with Mill CUVILLON, Rosertr DE Portrait aux Fleurs DAUBIGNY, CuHarzes FRANCOIS Landscape DAVIS, Cuartes Haron, N.A. Frosty Morning in Normandy DECAMPS, ALEXANDRE GABRIEL Chinese Dancer DE HAVEN, Franky, N.A. Landscape September Evening The Storm Golden October ~DELPY, Htirrotyte CAamMILurt Twilight DETAILLE, Cuartzs Au Bois DETAILLE, Jean Barrisre Enovarp Artist and Horse DIAZ DE LA PENA, NarcissE VIRGILE Sous Bois Fontainebleau Landscape: The Mull DIETERLE, Marr Ruisseau de Graimbouville CATALOGUE : a NUMBER DIRKS, Ruvo.rxH Marine 171 EAKINS, THomas, N.A. Idyl: Music 88 FRANKE, Axsert J. Sympathie des Convives 93 FRAPPA, Jost The Monk’s Breakfast 7 GARDNER, Euizaspetru JANE The Pet Bird AT GAY, Epwarp, N.A. Into the Night 139 GEROME, J. L. A Girl of Smyrna 48 GIFFORD, Rosert Swain, N.A. Near Purgatory, Newport 151 GREEN, Frank Russewu, 4A.N.A. Cattle and Landscape 80 GROLLERON, Paut Lovis NarcissE The Sentinel A9 GROLLERON, Paur A. Skirmish 40 GRUPPE, Cuaries PAvuL Going to Pasture 50 | The Red Barn 74 Re ee reso - - - GRUTZNER, Epvaxp Lunch Time The Monk’s Repast GUE, Davi J. Moonlight Marine HERMANN, Leo A Cardinal A Choice Vintage HERVIER, A. L. French Farmyard HOMER, Winstow, N.A. Entrance of Catskill Clove HOYT, Henry M. The Writer ISABEY, Evuc&ne Louis GABRIEL Marine and Figures: The Wreck JACQUE, Cuartes Emig Sheep JACQUET, Gustave JEAN Youthful Head JOHNSON, Davn, N.A. At Ghent, N. Y. JONES, Hueu Bourton, N.A. Springtime 185° a iain ~ a a a ee Sr a ae pee ee eh, qtr ape Geen CATALOGUE NUMBER JONGKIND, Jouan Barryuoip In Holland 119 KAHLER, Caru My Lady’s Place 4 “Butterflies,” Winner of the Futurity, and Foal, “Highflyer” 53 Angora Cat 65 The Rivals | 150 KAULBACH, HERMANN Inattention 15 KENSETT, JOHN FRrReEpeErickK, N.A. Hillside near Newport, Rhode Island 44 LAMBERT, Lovis EucrEne Cats 5 LAMBDIN, GEORGE CocHRAN, N.A. The Butterfly 78 LANDELLE, CuHartes Greek Girl: Thebes 141 LAWSON, Ernest, N.A. The Bridge 158 LEMMENS, E. Poultry Yard 18 LESREL, ApoLPpHE ALEXANDRE The Smoker 107 McCORD, Gerorct H., A.N.A. Harbor Scene 133 _ a ry ae Se) See MADRAZO, Don Rarwunpo dE Téte de Femme MAGNUS, CAMILLE Wood Interior Landscape with Figure MARLATT, H. J. Hazy Autumn: The Swimming Hole MARIS, Witt—EM Cow at a Brook MARTENS, WitLy A Peasant Woman MARTIN, Homer D., N.A. Woodland Brook MINOR, Rosert CRANNELL, N.A. Landscape MONTEZIN, Pierre Farm Landscape and Flowers MONTICELLI, AnoipHe Autumn in France MORAN, Epwarp, A.N.A. Marine: The Sea at Sunset MORLAND, Gerorcet (School of) Pigs MOSLER, Henry Picking Apples 71 62 46 MULLER, Anton © The Old Clock Mender Bachelor Breakfast MUNKACSY, Mruary The Music Lesson MURPHY, J. Francis, N.A. An Old House Across the Fields NEUVILLE, ALrHonseE DE French Soldier PARTON, Arruvr, N.A. On the Farm PASINI, ALBErro Arabian Hunters in the Desert PATTEIN, Crsar The Gossips PERKINS, ALrrep Marine PORTIELJE, Epwarp The Proposal An Interesting Letter POST, Wiu11amM Merritt, A.N.A. Autumn Landscape QUARTLEY, Arruovr, N.A. Marine CATALOGUE NUMBER 28 57 84 19 109 100 67 24 79 36 A] 120 69 73 RANGER, Henry Warp, N.A. Farmhouse and Trees In Holland Nature’s Screen Woodland Scene REDFIELD, Epwarp W. Winter Landscape REHN, Franx Knox Morton, N.A. Marine: Sunset RIX, JULIAN High Tide, Coast of Maine River Landscape California Landscape RONDEL, H. Portrait de Femme RYDER, Apert Pinxuam, N.A. Nightfall SAGGAGGI, C. Procession of Love—A Triptych SALINAS, A. La Récolte SAN CHEZ-PERRIER, Eminio A Quiet Spot SCHREY ER, Ano.trpHE Bulgarian Mail Station SICHEL, NAatrHanaEen Oriental Lady CATALOGUE | NUMBER 37 A 124 147 83 AS 123 110 160 82 SIMONI, S. Cavalier and Jester SLADE, C. Arnoip His Comrade’s Story SONTAG, Wiu1am Lewis, N.A. In the Allegheny Mountains STEVENS, Axrrep Portrait de Jeune Femme SULLY, Tuomas, N.A. (Honorary) Coastal Scene with Figures SYMINGTON, James Gathering Flowers TAMBURINI, A. A Visit to the Cellar TIRATELLI, Crsarr Street Scene TROY ON, Constant Oxen in Stable TRYON, Dwicut W., N.A. Apple Blossom ‘Time VAN BOSKERCK, Roserr Warp, N.A. Where the Lilies Grow VAN MARCKE, Emir Cattle in the Fields Landscape and Cattle CATALOGUE NUMBER 10 91 72 140 136 sng, 70 32 149 143 146 =o CATALOGUE NUMBER VIBERT, Jean GEORGES The Epicure | eT VOLLON, ANTOINE | Still Life 142 VON LENBACH, Franz Marion 170 VON MAX, GasrieL CoRNELIUS | ; Head of a Young Girl 104 WALKER, Horatio, N.A. A Siesta . WALKLEY, Davin sy | : IIusking Corn | 6.72 WEBER, THEODORE | Off Shore: Jetée de Trouville 30 = WEST, Bensamiy, P.R.A. The Holy Spirit Descending upon Christ After His Baptism in the River Jordan 178 WIGGINS, Carterton, N.A. A Holstein Bull 20 Holstein Bull ? : 3 29 Landscape and Cattle 77 WIGGINS, Guy C., A.N.A. | The City in Winter : 130 WITKOWSKI, Kart Lighting His Pipe 56 Boyhood 59 CATALOGUE NUMBER WORMS, JuLzs Engaging the Cab 25 WOUWERMAN, Pure (Attributed to) Before the Inn 61 WYANT, Atexanver H., N.A. Wood Interior 128 YATES, Cutten, N.A. Early Autumn 125 ZIEM, Feirx River Landscape 161 | ZIMMERMANN, Ernst | An Agreeable Moment 22 | ZIMMERMANN, REINHARD SEBASTIAN i The Consultation 14 Se eT TION, PRESSWORK "AND BINDING BY ee eee Lee ™ tie inal vv += Mle f + ASO EEN NERA MEI TT TNT RINE TE IIS A ARC GORI ~ ae a air > es ; ‘ od ial ‘ "ee z ks } | not tal Pe as ; filers ah —s ei, % | ee : — x / 0 y { ° R TONY 3125 01694 1 | ii fs ‘ 5 ‘ : ic. « : . ‘ . ‘ . vi Pops os ‘ ; ayn Wee ‘ i anit Rey ee REM ab het 4 y ‘ . Doh Cray . ‘ ‘ + ‘ ‘ BATRA Ret ye ee y ;