Tuk SPRING (jARDENS SKETCH Book. ele y7 7 (sys). LIST OF MEMBERS, BAKE R, ARTHUR BARNARD, JOHN LANGTON BIGNELL, JOSEPH M. BIGNELL, JABEZ BURLISON, JOHN, BARKER, JAMES W. CLARKE, SOMERS COAD, RICHARD CORRY, J. M EDGAR, ROBERT EDMESTON, JAMES S. HARTSHORNE, ALBERT HUGHES, EDWARD, Aion. Secretary JOLLEY, WILLIAM JONES, FREDERICK E 1867-8. KELLY, JAMES E. KING, CHARDES: R, AAddy 40 Avs ANC SSANYNA PLATE 28 GAND. DES FERBLANTIERS , MAISON PLATE 29 Jowrmat Cathvorat @ Rerth Sramsepr g. Printed ny Maclure, § @ecgeegor Lith" Spring Gardens Sketch Wook Cross Section, a Boy aa Ta = Seoleaf et ee Hace BARN at Pinner MiopLeseN date about 1950. ———— SS ee eye Taken Down Jucy 1867 Bur ENTIRELY oF OAK Upper Stioe PLaTe 3! Wy N WY Via 2%is yas opemny oof 9 >a Ww fH + 27225 NO VLWAS NS Nwad 4° NOILOAS SatvM'N AUIHSHDIGNAa Naas - HOUNHD adoow IONAYDO19 es} LamMpure on the Lar. : r | 1» 4 ojomogon( Y VY Yi ls WL ase ki (eg ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLALALLL LLL LLL Az Lz Lilet Azz ALAA © } 1) ee os, all | Sa = = =a a = Se ie F3 =a eee C Y ; | ee | | fo é Z 3 ae i eee ee ‘ By oo We 1) ON als ‘aZIs WW3uU wNaILYvadS stivigad ‘3]¥25 HINT JNO No!llVA414 ‘37SiIV HLYON *' ONIGVONV T1IVM “WY S@ al tai LW SS) N TOON TT + al NORTH TRANSEPT GRAVILLE N® HAVRE IW CQ MQ A WCW SS Wi sae, ‘ baci SQ qu ES QQ\) ELLE: i SSS) EME SNS ‘ | SS i nN SN gue = RAG sagen S eae aN a INS 2 ze | TSS I] [Ss | l \ - weg buiyo9] voIRSE LLLLL UL LLL de Wt ia cece WLLL hha SK | | | : “hy SX Gis rp qin yess aq 2 389 spun adfug: :qSno10q win gy “qounyy SUPPIY'S + jflill Ulliiiflitddidlls Z tddildld te Le a. Ne : is | ; WY, < =§ SS PLATE 36 “MOGNIM LSva Rvaano Je yoldaini LLL Bl SSAU LAS We Is Hinos fv¥g aNo « Yee KC Qy YY ASS | SE —— WH CW, ” & | | \\ 2 a WG | —_ 4 ae TOUAHD DN I1Ga5 NAC PLATE 37 GEDLING CHURCH. NOTTS DETAILS hy FULL SIZE Uy Yy Uv JAMB anp ARCHMOULD of SIDE WINDOWS oF CHANCE L | FPRIESTS DOORWAY Y G Y ZG Yj JAMB Yn MULLION ann ARCHMOULD Y OF EAST WINDOW I 4 WY. YY Yyyyyywywwyywyy PLATE. 38 S.Mary. ToTNES. DEVON, Roop ScREEN oF STONE. io AS WE ees, 3 5 mess GES : LSS ——— — Ze [> i I 7 SS Ss ILE s ia = Z x eX WZ I.I Vee - SEC SSTSE =EIr its = = i Pe (EK HAEEE Z GF =D z iy Wf Ke : L0<— SN its = KSA 2 io : We= = j A QS eS =. oe eZ — / AGH = p= Gus —_ * | PN oa s ZS AV 7 v NW SON: poX o | wt | ol @s ge Section A PLATE 39 S* Hitpas: ABBEY: WHITBY: N-'LRANSEPT- PLATE 40 ly veal sie Gf Seb Bad ff yp Li J) of Seat Elevations aR } f Seat End ay real sue y W N = : a c es BS é iS) ° S = oy = e bie Si <= os 2 3 = oe g x= ~ Td = ma Sy 5 st « 2 8 -2 & B) s 2 g ey 2 "e 8 3 2 sg a SS 2 i & oa = 3° iS P 19 S » | = SS SS S = q | Q comer wenn = ine » pLaTE 41 TMM Me Saants Church. , Vortea fice. Spring Gurdene Sketch Wook {fOrinked hy Baclure 8 pirate 4,2 LANERCOST PRIORY CHURCH. el {TANI | WA WAN || | Wil | Ha HLL a | il | matty yy smth wee! Serle aaa Pee ures ee ey YY ae 6 9 ee LZ, Outside FI PLATE 43 \pa umes UA | . Wen of Se | Saas \ ANN NS Ne tle ¢ < as oN SS | a were : Ss i : Jy ) fPriated by Maclune, Bacto fh ' A isi Ree net he \v 3 Dey ie = Wey iP y / ' | ‘ Ihe iy ie ue ji p\ : ) We \/ : Yh, \ i ‘ / Wt fe ie He = e jl Nv } ill, aN \ ; ‘ fir \\ | iN Naa — PLATE Lib DOORWAY FROM CHANCEL INTO SouTH CHAPEL = ee ees = = 2 . DEVON. SS Wilkonpnt= PARCLOSE SCREENS OF STONE. S. Mary DOORWAY. WEST SCREEN OF NORTH CHAPEL < Lat PLATE LD Vee sont SPGLI ON ER oi PART OF EASBY ABBEY . YORKSHIRE ? Wes = wiles YORKSHIRE PART OF REFECTORY RIEVAULX ABBEY Spring Gardens Sketch Bork PLATEL6 ROCHESTER CATHEDRAL. Ear LY FITTINGS. scAce jin: TO A FOOT. DETAIL FVLL SIZE. SSE | \\ BAST SIDE SS \ XX{C (4 \C \ < | \ < \\S b Mnourn q | bigs gaoumed dime - ROOD SCREEN: probally the cantiost wmacring in England S | M is sill in poston. feud bs sie: Riclolen ea \ 5 = | nga. galony — G the doorwuar on Nhe mnie fhe mothers dency — \ iB | THERES _— A eran | —~ SS aS eee fia SECTION ELEVATION TOWARDS STALLS. EHOUR DESKS. of Vhs same clate cathe fren \\ \ > ey [ \ HAL ee ee ee ee \ ee uae os te frenod.— No emeds rwmain ft i taal ELEVATION. SECTION \ OF DESK . DETAIL OF LARGE PILLARS. DETAILOF SMALL PILLARS. QU XX) Printed by Maslure, Pacdonato, § aogreger Lith: teThe Queen Tiendon PLATE 47 ®. sPanted by aclure 9 Sheteh Wook Spring Garden PLATE 48 S. MARYS CHURCH, HADDENHAM BUCKS NAVE SEATS Ir" SCALE DETAILS HALF REAL SIZE oa A SEATEND ae = MODERN LL — L = Ze CE Ud dddddddddd UM id YUL ei Viti WY Yee. VME) YYW, VMI SEAT END iN FRONT OF BOOKBOARD LN Oe3) . (ya) ( Yy V A AK en ian Mh) = | | 7) \ = yj Wy) Y -AOMOMWY = } YZ 7 5; ‘ 7 44 f/ VN / I Y Wal | YA | \ | \ Nah] TTT Wy, IN| 1 OLIN Lig | LmApis) w\r\.- j f st N MOULDING ON SEAT ENDS } / Angi eNTy TAN | B90) BdaRD 4 | I /iy Mi oy f ea 7 hi NG N (4 7 oan 7. UUM UL UMM TUT: SECTION THRO’ SEAT AND BOOKBOARD A PLAN OF ) 2 = Hee irae H Ss PE ee Feet Scale of Luito = —— = <= a: rape ee a Print L i‘ NSE Spring Gardens Shetch Wook TRIFoRIUM §.TRANSEPT Soissons Printed by Maclure, acdonal PLATE 50 aus Away Yaiwad stiviada yous a2 itn oy NOLES SanVWN aHIHSHDIE NSC HOUND NIMYIG LAOS Cooly WINK MAD fETe? HT +2280 pun yecyaerry 47 LYyarisn puny Seng Ma zip ram yg eesessocl Liu 2404 2) BOS Bygy say omy 7, nelle) PLATE 53 | | LU GCG GG GGG QAI QKMMAAAAG.G. KC Wo UMMM SOUTH ELEVATION ; Sal a CHANCEL o PATRIXBOURNE. CHURCH . KENT PLAN $ ScALE. Hh ti Ht i f a I a | =i ial y) ) — — oh 7 Y MV’ MEET VV MMM Y VVVVVVV—/J VV/V-VJ-VJCJJJU/!4 SECTION CHANCEL ARCH pitare ofp oon Pht de iB sPrinkes hy Gjaclure, Macdonald, § Dargergor, Lith: te Ue Queen, Tendon PLATE 5h eS Uy OIMALXA GNZ 1Sva Ldldlldlld MMMM wos 47/1 | LNA» HOYNHD SNYNOUXId Lyd TSONVHOD dilly ~ OMA LNT ans iswa SS ae = BSB: yy = YY Yj jet Va tt PLATE. 55 SWIS HONE MOCNIM 1SVS OWA LXE, any HOIMALNI eae i = SS t —— — aaa ~~ 7 “AIVOS HONI 1 \ MOGNIM SWIADYID ANA * HOXMNHD ANUNOEXN Ld PLATE 56 ae le Yonne. PLATE. 57 Madfuabel Stele f Yrarhet Has? Mopflcr, anch “CAMBRIDGE MERRY HINTON C CL 4 i + | = P SS. Zi > SS SS Zs Ze . d \ hs Sd Z > YL ; ~ 2 wX\ < ~ \Y he > \ y + a \> 2 f fi ~ SEN Ky é ~ inh \ GS if Ht i \ > = 4 He —— = = vay f if / Ves J ¥ Hf | iy : . 4 \ i | { | ) \ \\\ 8 Re | | '| Bd h ill_& ie enn! eo, | = i = = 4 1 T = = | == b — | t Tr and PISCLNA In Chancel. Oy = . ra atl SS aS i 60 RISA Es HRT if MME A ee TN Se i) Ys yur ~ Kinch riy. Moth CHICHESTER: CATHEDRAL- see PLATE 28 VOL! 1 Stalls wp the Digritarise. TL ae ye Grocned yee Jy fait soe finial tothe Dears Stall oi BZ MM | 2777 ( w )} \ ees Jitajl Standing who L the Corme of the tacking bo carry te groin rks pee cups | itll CHICHESTER: CAT'EDRAL balls of fle Dtonibarces see PLATE 28 VOL:[ i hey 7, it Tht moulding x fegged an a fou T Joteces Base of pianacies mnthe stolid. Cablels, Crockeés, and Finals di cack side, pegged on ik One Farece MOOK \\ This moulding Tans clown ca the (la0r wilkeuk any siohping -Ttacery on the we ond of the Shall carried by Shafts AH \ y Va Yi); AIRS VN AK CWS2Y SS : N Mhafes Carrying SS Qracery a7 Fhe S Siole of ble tin il PLATE 63 CHICHESTER: CATHEDRAL+ see PLATE 28 VOL: J Ordinary Staris Ue Cornice | Brattrshing 5 ye is bd ery of- Cfarnés @ ylang & connect b verzeral Cengths [ Ttertie and lenan avout z Cabeiutr ta thafir Carnyeng Fracarcecd . \ ofA pe ) 22415 ae ee >) = WUE USS SS) == oa } Xe an gee eal iN Be, if == V 8 if eS a \ Zi Jf | Sh EeSe_A Se | ee SEG Gen er Le / eg rnd als S ( CZ2-— a a y) \ S SS \ YS Sey Ny i ny S / IM | a 13% Gnt.— Gell Tisane on % Varpile Grau d — Scuthe Hinoineglin Prusseur } We, = aE Ls iS ——— Ld, = ©) ——— es | - 2 a S = = Z aff ae | ff ae 4 ry = pe Bie oS Lae “lay a Matai | 4) “i TENS SEO ete (OMS op Se Le } Je ISS, Ie Ce es ( a IS j 3 pee ) ™. a : fe ale WZV | in DFA A Wey 1 Nee Ni eS | . = a NS | J x | ; ee ; \ a\§ 3 ie, & (a Sa: 3 “Naty ie = ee , Un. I eee TTY. iii hi | | ! 3 Nii I | 4 345