Pa Piet Die Bete RSE BULLION PeomeePebruary 6 Until Time of Sale Weekdays from 9g a.m. to 6 p.m. ~ Sunday neteytay Tie) STD e. Were RIC PED PUBLIC SALE Tuesday and Wednesday Afternoons Bebruary 9 and to at 2:15 O'Clock Exhibition and Sale at the AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE - 56¢h TO 57h STREET New York (ity 1926 No. 266—PracuHsptoom CHRYSANTHEMUM VASE (K’ang-hst) COLLECTION FORMED BY THE LATE B.C. CONVERSE, Esquire APANESE, Chinese and European Carine in ivory and wood « » ialdanmandetcrsians Laience and Hispano-Moresque Plaques » *» Roman and Egyptian Glass, Chinese blue and Wiites single color and decorated Potteries and Porcelains as is ia us eon Sales (onducted By Mr. O. Bernet & Mr. H. H. Parke BoertGAN ART ASSOCIATION «+ INC. MANAGERS The AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATI Designs its Gatalogues and Directs All Details of Illustrat io i ) Or a Text and Typography CONDITIONS OF SALE I. REJECTION OF BIDS: Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. Il. TTHE BUYER: The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. Ill. IDENTIFICATION AND DEPOSIT BY BUYER: The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a card giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. A deposit at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so purchased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. ITV. RISK AFTER PURCHASE: Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter the property is at the purchaser’s risk, and neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss of, or any damage to any article by theft, fire, breakage, however occasioned, or any other cause whatsoever. V. DELIVERY OF PURCHASES: Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. VI. RECEIPTED BILLS: Goods will only be delivered on presentation of a receipted bill. A receipted bill presented by any person will be recog- nized and honored as an order by the buyer, directing the delivery to the bearer of the goods described thereon. If a receipted bill is lost before delivery of the property has been taken, the buyer should immediately notify the Association of such loss. VII. STORAGE IN DEFAULT OF PROMPT PAYMENT AND CALLING FOR GOODS: Articles not paid for in full and not called for by the purchaser or agent by noon of the day following that of the sale may be turned over by the Association to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the pur- chaser, and the cost of such cartage and storage and any other charges will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day following that of the sale, the Association and the auctioneer reserve the right, any other stipulation in these conditions of sale notwith- standing, in respect to any or all lots included in the purchase bill, at its or his option, either to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the buyer and te hold the buyer responsible for any deficiency and all losses and expenses sus- tained in so doing. VIII. SHIPPING: Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a busi- ness in which the Association is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assump- tion of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. IX. GUARANTY: The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genu- ineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing or imperfection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold “as is’ and without recourse. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Association will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judg- ment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. X. RECORDS: ‘The records of the auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. XI. BUYING ON ORDER: Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or tele- phone, if conditions permit, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing condi- tions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded, if the lot differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clear- ness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot num- ber be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one trans- mitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. PRICED CATALOGUES: Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copying the necessary information from the records of the Association. These conditions of sale cannot be altered except by the auctioneer or by an officer of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. OTTO BERNET Manacers HIRAM H. PARKE AUCTIONEERS NAR Te ROGAN I fey 7a | Bits) Pereee NI LED STATES AND STATE TAX Poona NCE AND OTHER PURPOSES SeeiereOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS oA pPRAISALS. The American Art Association, Inc., will furnish appraisements, made by experts under its direct supervision, of art and literary property, jewelry and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for inheritance tax, insurance and other purposes. CATALOGUES. The Association is prepared to supple- ment this appraisal work by making catalogues of private libraries, of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modeled after the fine and intelligently produced Sales catalogues of the Association. Upon request the Association will furnish the names of many Trust and Insurance Companies, Executors, Admin- istrators, Trustees, Attorneys and private individuals for whom the Association has made appraisements which not only have been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Estate Tax Bureau, the State Tax Commission and others in interest. The AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION 7 INC. MADISON AVENUE,» 56rx to 57TH STREET New York (ity id o : 5 Sd Se “1 =) 2h rs > oy 4 : we * ae ea er 4 " ie pe = ies a ne \ ney @ i Ye wa 7 i : ‘oa ” ~ Le ' =~ -_ Vig 7 -* i os - 7 i ee ae a -— S > ie — - 7 = > pes « ea a eo 6 a - @ _ CANPATL OG nf : . oe - a a = 7: : ; ry sy oa co. ie ane : , ae + 7 e Lr. ao wy ae rol es % : FOREWORD HE portion of the art collection formed by the late Mr. E. C. Converse now to be offered at public sale by the American Art Association, Inc., is one of great interest to collectors of Italian and Persian faience, Roman and Egyptian glass, Japanese and European carved ivories and Chinese porcelains and potteries. In the first session are Japanese, Chinese and European carvings in ivory, many of which as to the Oriental pieces bear the signatures of the artists, Kanetashi, Nimin, Senshui, Shunmei, Fusho, Toshitsuki, and others, while a number of the European examples are by the late Professor Kaldenberg and by Professors Lenz and Hartmann of Frankfort. The Italian faience comprises some rare Castel Durante, Diruta, Urbino and Gubbio plaques, and there are two important Hispano- Moresque plates of the fifteenth century. The Rakka, Sultanabad, Rhodian and Rhages potteries with II-XVI century examples are noteworthy. The concluding group in this session is replete with fine specimens of Babylonian, Egyptian, Saracenic, Assyrian, Roman and Greek iridescent glass amphorae, pitchers, miniature urns, perfume sprinklers, alabastrons and the like. The second session is entirely made up of Chinese porcelains and potteries: blue and white bottles, pitongs, rice jars and beakers ; single color coupes, libation cups, imperial censers, gallipots, bowls, sweet- meat jars in sang de bauf, turquoise, clair de lune, rice grain, pearl- gray crackle, and peachbloom (K’ang-hsi Ch’ien-lung period), includ- ing the famous “chrysanthemum” vase from the Chinese Imperial Palace Collection and several specimens from the M. C. D. Borden Collection, American Art Association, 1913. The decorated porcelains and potteries are especially fine, with a comprehensive assortment of examples of the Yuan, Ming, Han, Tang and Sung dynasties. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. * \ \ a ee ea oe fe fee ee 2 ee oe eee (a aew. Pe ee a ee American Arr Association, Inc., MANAGERS SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES THE LATE E. C. CONVERSE COLLECTION Afternoons of Tuesday and Wednesday, February g and 10, 1926 ‘To save time and to prevent mistakes each purchaser will oblige the management by filling in this slip and handing it to the record clerk or sales attendant on making the first purchase. Purchaser’s Name Address in Full. “amount of Deposit a, FIRST SESSION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1926, AT 2:15 P.M. Catalogue IMD eis amet OF Ika OPIN ClUuSsiVve JAPANESE, CHINESE AND EUROPEAN CARVINGS IN IVORY AND WOOD AND CARVED OSTRICH EGGS 1— JAPANESE Ivory CARVING Man carrying a child on his shoulders. Signed by Senshiu. Late nineteenth century. Height, 31%, inches. 2— JAPANESE Ivory CarvIiING Woman with child and basket containing a devil-fish. Signed by Sensu. Late nineteenth century. Height, 3 inches. 3—JAPANESE Ivory CARVING An articulated crab. (Damaged.) Late nineteenth century. 4—JAPANESE Carvep Ivory Carp CasrE Intricate openwork floral design. Signed by Kanetoshi. Late nineteenth century. 5—JapaNnEsE Ivory Carvine A farmer carrying a basket over his shoulder and teasing an insect which has lodged on his left arm. Nineteenth century. Height, 5 inches. 6—Setr oF SEVEN JAPANESE Miniature Masks In ivory. Late nineteenth century. 7—Pair Japanese Ivory Carvines Two richly robed Geisha girls, one holding an umbrella in her uplifted right hand, and the other a fan. Signed by Nimin. Late nineteenth century. Height, 41, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. S—-JAPANESE Ivory CAaArvING Group of three turtles. Late nineteenth century. 9 JAPANESE Ivory CARVING Geisha girl richly robed and dancing, holding an umbrella over her head. Late nineteenth century. Height, 3 inches. 10— JAPANESE Ivory Carvinc Kneeling figure of a street musician. Signed by Kosai. Late nineteenth century. Height, 3 inches. L1— Japanese Carvep Ostricu Eec Peacock with flowers springing from rocky base. The reverse similar. Has silver stand. Late nineteenth century. 12—JAPANESE Carvep OstricH Ece Embellished with relief carving of dragons and phenix by Jap- anese artist. Has silver openwork stand. Late nineteenth cen- tury. 13—Grovurp or Four JAPANESE Ivory Carvines Goose and goslings. Late nineteenth century. 14—Grovur or THREE Ivory Ficures Japanese wrestlers and umpire. Late nineteenth century. 15—JapaANEsE Carvep Ostricuo Eaa Embellished with plum tree in blossom, chicken and other de- signs. Carved under the direction of -K. Kobayashi, “Joko” of Tokyo. Has silver openwork stand. Late nineteenth century. 16—J APANESE CARVED OstricH Ecce Wistaria and iris with birds in low relief and incised. Teakwood stand. Late nineteenth century. 14 First Session 17— JAPANESE Ivory CARVING Seated figure of a Japanese scholar, who is dozing. Signed by Shunmei. Late nineteenth century. Height, 41%, inches. 18—JAPANESE Ivory CaRrvine A fisherman, holding in his left hand a string of fish and carry- ing over his shoulder a basket. Signed by Fusho. Late nine- teenth century. Height, 5/4 inches. 19—JAPANESE Ivory CARVING Statuette of Japanese youth, “The Studious Faggot Gatherer.” Signed by Shimin. Late nineteenth century. Height, 7 inches. 20—JAPANESE Ivory Carvine A grandfather holding his grandchild. Grapevine and frog in relief. Signed by Hosan. Late nineteenth century. Height, 61% inches. 2?1— JAPANESE Ivory CarvING Statuette of a gardener with a basket of peonies swung over his shoulder. Height, 6 inches. 22— JAPANESE Ivory CARVING Statuette of a fisherman holding in his right hand a crab and carrying on his back a basket. Signed by Riosai. Late nine- teenth century. Height, 6 inches. 23— JAPANESE Ivory CARVING Seated figure of a warrior in full armor and reading from a scroll. Signed by Fusho. Late nineteenth century. Height. 6 inches. 15 Kindly read the Conditions under which. every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 24—JAPANESE Ivory CARVING Jinrikisha with seated lady and man runner (metal wheels). Signed by Shoko. Late nineteenth century. Height, 6 inches. 25—JAPANESE Ivory CARVING Monkeys endeavoring to escape from the toils of an octopus. Signed by Ikkan. Late nineteenth century. Length, 7 inches 26—JAPANESE Ivory CARVING A camel laden with game and bags. Carved by a pupil of Tshi- kawa, who was one of the famous carvers of Japan. Late nine- teenth century. Height, 7 inches. 27—JapPAaANEsE Ivory Carvine Statuette of a flower girl carrying a branch of blossoms in her right hand and on her head a basket filled with various flowers, amidst which is a badger, and at her feet are a rabbit and a cluster of blossoms. Signed by Hideaki. Late nineteenth cen- tury. ; Height, 81% inches. 28—JspranesE Ivory Carvine A Japanese lady richly robed. At her feet, a branch of blossoms in openwork. Signed by Nagakazu. Late nineteenth century. Height, 81% inches. 29—Cuinese Carvep Ivory Tusk Vase Intricately carved design of dragons and cloud forms on a ground of openwork lace pattern. Late nineteenth century. Height, 7 inches. 30—Pair JAPANESE Ivory Carvines Lifelike elephants. Signed by Tomokazu. Late nineteenth cen- tury. Each, length, 81% inches. 16 First Session 31—ImPorRTANT JAPANESE Ivory CARVING Seated figure of a warrior in full armor, and holding in his ex- tended right hand a war fan. Signed by Shinro. Height, 8 inches. 32—SetT or Ivory Cuess Men Chinese workmanship brought to America at the time of Perry’s visit to the East. From the Hegeman-Cropsy Collection. 33—JAPANESE Ivory CaArvING Of intricate workmanship. Representing a tea-house with nu- merous figures, located on a rocky eminence, and showing pine and plum trees in blossom. Signed by Jitauga. Late nineteenth century. Height, 81, inches. 34— JAPANESE Woop CarviING Statuette of a temple guardian. Late nineteenth century. Height, 91% inches. 35—JAPANESE CarvED Ivory STATUETTE Artistically executed figure of the goddess of Mercy standing on a lotus throne. Signed by Mitsu-Yosh1i. Height, 101% inches. 36—Ivory Tusk Vase Elaborately ornamented in relief with gold lacquer, mother-of- pearl and tinted ivory. Mounted on a lacquered base. Height, 13 inches. ELABORATE JAPANESE Ivory CARVING 37 Figure of an archer, holding in his right hand a cormorant. At his feet are a crane and a sheaf of millet. Over his shoulder he carries his bow, and suspended therefrom is a quiver of arrows. Signed by Toshitsuki. Height, 12 inches. Ly, Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 38 JAPANESE Carvep Ostricu Eace Pheasants with background of blooming flowers. On the reverse a quail. Has silver stand. 39—JAPANESE SHORT SworT AND SCABBARD In ivory, embellished with incrusted birds and flowers in mother-of-pearl and tinted Ivory. o 40—JAPANESE Larcr Ivory Parser KnireE Ornamented with female figures and floral sprays in mother-of-pearl on tinted ivory. 41—JapAaNEsE Ivory AmpHora VASE To imitate the Morgan peachbloom vase. Mounted on a tusk pedestal which is elab- orately carved, and with soapstone base and plinth. Signed Kaldenberg (in Jap- anese). Height, 15 inches. (Illustrated) 42—ELABORATE JAPANESE Ivory Carvine Representing a mountain grotto shrine in which is standing a Buddhistic deity and to which are ascending numerous _pil- grims to worship. The base, of carved wood and ivory, represents a mountainous landscape with groves of pine and other trees. ; Height, 21 inches. 43—JAPANESE Carvep Ostricu Eee Chrysanthemum and lotus in low relief. Teak stand. 18 First Session _- sence 44— JAPANESE Group oF Six ELENHANTS Crossing a bridge, carved from a single ivory tusk and of Jap- anese workmanship. On carved wood stand. Signed by Nagao. Nineteenth century. 45—JAPANESE STATUETTE Length, 24 inches. Of carved ivory and wood. A Japanese lady, holding a boy on her back, and in her left hand a large peony. Signed by Shizu- yoshi. 46—JAPANESE Ivory Carvina Figure of an old man sifting maize. Signed by Hozan. Height, 10% inches. (Illustrated) 47—Prrsian Woppen Lape Handle carved in openwork pattern. Height, 5 inches. 48—JAPANESE CARVED Emu Eac Landscape with water view and _ boats. Fujiyama in the distance. On reverse side a stork feeding in a lily pond. Has carved stand. 49—JapANESE Carvep Emu Eoeco Carving of temple gate, with landscape on one side; shrubbery with two. birds feeding on the other side. Has teakwood stand. 50—Larcet Ivory Parer Currer Height, 13 inches. Of Indian workmanship, carved in intricate openwork. 51—Astatic Ivory Carvine Length, 161%, inches. Scabbard for a short sword; relief ornamentation of figures and scrolls. Lo Length, 151/, inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 52—EcyptTian Carvep Ostrico Eac Band of archaic figures and other designs. 53—Eeyptian Carvep Ostricu Ece Band of archaic figures and other designs. 54—Carvep Ivory Group A LION ABOUT TO ATTACK. Executed by the late Professor F. W. Kaldenberg of New York, and classed as one of his best produc- tions. Length, 13 inches. Note: Executed for the late owner and never before publicly exhibited. 55—ImportTant Ivory STATUETTE VENUS DE mILO. A masterly work by the late Professor F. W. Kaldenberg of New York. Height of figure, 19 inches. Height with pedestal, 23 inches. Note: Exhibited at Antwerp and awarded a gold medal. Said to be the largest single block ivory carving known. (Illustrated ) 56—SmaLt Evropran BaAs-RELIEF Head of Moliére, in oval frame. Signed, P. G. 1839. 57—Carvep Ivory SEAL Female bust, mounted in gilt metal. 58—Evropran Ivory Carvine A frightened horse; in miniature. Mounted on a black wood stand. Length, 3 inches. 59—Evurorean Ivory Carvine Henry IV and Gabrielle in costumes of Faust and Marguerite. Carved by Professor Lenz, of Frankfort, Germany. Height, 6% inches. vt Ivory STAT UETTE (By the Late Prof. F. W. Kaldenberg) No. 55—ImportTa Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed mm the forepart of the Catalogue. 60—Inp1an Ivory Group Representing bullocks drawing a wagon in which are seated six men attendants, driver and two ladies. Length, 71/4, inches. 61—Evrorrean Ivory Carvine THE THREE GRACES. Executed by Professor Lenz, and exhibited at the Frankfort Exhibition. Height, 714, inches. 62—Evrorrean Ivory Group Representing a mother cutting bread for her three children. Mounted on a circular pedestal. Height, 714, inches. 63—EvrorEan Ivory CArvING A seated greyhound. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 814, inches. 64—German Ivory Carvine A shepherd robed in a sheep’s skin, entitled mornine. On black wood pedestal. Height, 121% inches. (Companion to the following) 65—GeErRMAN Ivory Carvine A female figure, entitled nicur. On wood pedestal. Height, 121% inches. (Companion to the preceding) 66—Pair or Carvep Ivory CANDLESTICKS Busts of satyr and bacchante on tall pedestals. , Height, 11 inches. From the Peter Marie Collection. 67—Ivory STATUETTE Old German school, 4 VETERAN MOUNTAINEER. Mounted on a black wood pedestal. Height, 12 inches. 68—EvroprEaNn Ivory Carvine Statuette of Cupid; executed by Professor Hartmann. Mounted on Alps-green marble pedestal, with gilt metal ornaments. Height, 91% inches. Exhibited at the Exposition, Paris, 1895. 69—Carvep Ivory Group Of Indian workmanship. Represent- ing an elephant in rich trappings, bearing a howdah in which are seated two personages. Height, 81%, inches; width, 534 inches. 70O—EvrorEeAn Ivory Group WOTAN AND BRUNNHILDE, by Pro- First Session fessor Hartmann. Mounted on a polished ivory circular ped- estal. Y1—Evrorran Ivory Carvine ARIADNE. Feeding a mountain lioness. Hartmann. From the Frankfort Ivory Exhibition. ~ (Illustrated ) “2—CarRvVED Ivory STATUETTE Height, 814 inches. Executed by Professor Height, 12 inches. Old Flemish School Figure of a beggar, mounted on a carved wood base. Height, 18 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. ITALIAN FAIENCE 73—Masouica PLATE Possibly Urbino, 1500. The inner portion is set in and flat, showing an etched design of a seated woman. [Palm trees are in the background and a wall in the near foreground. The outside wide rim shows an etched formal design within circles. Enameled in subdued green and yellow with occasional touches of blue and a suggestion of lavender. The etched outlines are brown. The entire back left unglazed. First Session 44—CastEL Durante Potrrery Disu Decorated with panoplies of trophies. Painted in brilliant yellow, blue and in white reserve. This dish is of the Castel Durante manufacture and is ascribed to the second part of the sixteenth century. Diameter, 934, inches. 25 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. %5—DecoratTED FarEnza DisH A deep dish on foot. Buff and blue fluted ground. In the center a medallion representing a shepherd. Of the Faenza manufac- ture and ascribed to the first part of the sixteenth century. (Damaged. ) Diameter, 111%, inches. (Illustrated ) “6—Dirvuta Masouica EARTHENWARE PLATE The outer portion modeled in relief in a sort of a shield pattern; inside this is a wide band set in—fluted. The center medallion, which is raised, pictures a Madonna and Child, above this a wreath and a fluted border. The enamel colors are of yellow, white, pale green and light blue. The reverse of plate is white. 26 First Session 7(—Ursino Masouica PLatE Decorative plate of Italian majolica made at Urbino. The sub- ject is quite elaborate, representing MOSES RECEIVING THE TAB- LETS OF THE LAW ON MOUNT sINAI. Executed in fine tones of yellow, blue, dark brown and green. Has the arms of a noble family. (Shghtly cracked.) Diameter, 11 inches. From a private collection at Hamburg, 1909. (Illustrated ) 78—DirvtTa Pate About 1550. The raised center portion of the plate shows a coat-of-arms in colored enamels surrounded by a formal leaf pattern in white. The rest of the plate is of cream-white and shows a wide fluted band running to the rim. ow am Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 79—Gusxzio PLATE A very fine lustred dish representing St. Anthony in the desert. St. Anthony is pictured kneeling, looking at the figure of the Saviour, which he is carrying on a cross over his shoulder. ] END OF FIRST SESSION fe 52 SECOND AND LAST SESSION Par AY, FEBRUARY 10, 1926, AT 2:15 P.M. Mapelomtie INUMmbers 131 to 391 inclusive CHINESE BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN 181—-MiniatTure Buur ann Wuitt Borrue Square body with slender neck and spreading lip. Panel decora- tion of four figures. Height, 1%% inches. 182—MiuniaTureE Sort-PpastE BuvuE Ano Waiter BotTrLeE Cylindrical, with short neck. Landscape decoration with figures in two shades of cobalt-blue. Height, 134 inches. 183—Minratrure Sort-PastE Biuz anp Wuite Borrie K’ang-hsi Cylindrical, with short neck and spreading lip. Delicately dec- orated landscape, showing man fishing. Height, 134 inches. 184— Miniature BLuE anp WHITE JAR K’ang-hsi Ovoid form with wide mouth. Decoration a palace garden scene showing children playing games, done in various tones of cobalt- blue. Height, 21%, inches. 185—Sort-pastE Bivue anp WuirE Pirone Yung Chéng Two decorated panels, one a landscape, the other a poem in Chi- nese characters, each surrounded by a fret-work border. A haw- thorn flower border at the base, and at the top a border of fishes and sea plants. Four-character mark. Height, 5% inches. 53 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 186—Buve ann Waite Sevat Borris K’ang-hsi Depresed bulb form, with tall, slender neck. The body and part of the neck covered with a conventional lotus-scroll pattern with tendril diaper. There is a palm-leaf border on the neck above which is a wide band of white, and a thick lattice blue border runs around the lip. Has the six-character mark of Hsuan Te-Ming in blue inside a double ring on the bottom. (Restora- tions on the neck.) Height, 3 inches. (Illustrated) 187—SmatL Buver anp Wuitrr HawtTHorn JAR On a blue background, marked to represent the cracking of ice, are drawn clusters of hawthorn blossoms in white reserve and blue outline. Height, 6 inches. From the Sichel of Paris Collection, New York, 1882 188—TruMmPeEtT-sHAPED BLuE anp Wuitrr BEAKER K’ang-hsi Decorated all over with a vinelike pattern in deep cobalt- blue. Has four-character mark underneath the foot. Height, 5%, inches. 54 Second and Last Session 189—Buve anp Waite Miniatvre Borrie Kang-hsi Wide depressed bulb form, with tall, tubular neck. The body is decorated with a closely worked lotus scroll in cobalt-blue. Has six-character mark of Ming Hsuan Te period. Height, about 8 inches. (Illustrated) 190—BuveE anp WHITE SortT-pasTte VASE K’ang-hsi Amphora-shape. The deep cobalt-blue decoration consists of landscapes and equestrian figures. ‘The glaze is applied over a gray crackle surface. Underneath the foot is a six-character mark of the K’ang-hsi period. (Shghtly chipped on rim of neck.) Height, 614 inches. 191—Pair Smatt Buive anp Waire HawtrHnorn Puartes K’ang-hsi Semi-eggshell porcelain. Decoration of hawthorn blossoms and rockery in deep cobalt-blue under the glaze. Diameter, 6 inches. 192—Buvur anp Waitt Smartu BorrLe Ch'ien-lung Fine quality and graceful form. The white crackle surface is relieved by borders of archaic scrolls and palmettes in the deepest underglaze blue. A formal floral design. Height, 61/, inches. 55 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 193—Buive anp Waite PorcEeLain Jar K’ang-hst Ovoid form. The decoration of boys at play with women (Long Elizas) in attendance. Executed in deep cobalt-blue. Has openwork cover, with agate panel. Height, 81%, inches. 194—Buvur anp Wuire HawtHorn GIncER JAR K’ang-hsi On an even cobalt-blue background, drawn to represent the cracking of ice, are branches and blossoms of the prunus or hawthorn completely covering the piece. Has carved wood open- work cover. Height, 81% inches. 195—-Bivr anp Waite HawtHorn Rice Jar K’ang-hsi Cylindrical, with wide mouth, and pierced holes on shoul- ders for handles. Of dense hard paste and decorated with sprays of hawthorn in white reserve on a deep and brilliant blue ground marked to represent a field of cracking ice in early spring. Wood two-thirds of the piece. Crackled surface. Diameter, 81/, inches; height, 7 inches. 196—Smatu Buve anp Wuite Cius-sHapepD VASE K’ang-hst Fine white porcelain with a deep cobalt-blue landscape subject under the glaze, presenting mountains, a lake with boatmen, and habitations ; the details include pine trees, bamboo and birds. Height, 8 inches. From the Prince Kung Collection. 197—PowDEr-BLUE PEAR-SHAPED VASE Kk’ ang-hsi On the sides are two irregular blue and white reserves, one filled with a characteristic Chinese landscape illustrating a classic love poem; the other flowering plants and a grasshopper. - Height, 91% inches. 198—Sort-pastE BuiuE anp Wuire Vase Ch’ien-lung Ovoid form, with short, tapering neck. Decoration of trees and shrubs growing from a rocky base and a mountain lion, covers two-thirds of the piece. Crackled surface. Height, 11 inches. 56 Second and Last Session 199—QUADRILATERAL BuLuE anp Wuite Porcenain Vase Ch’ien-lung With raised ornaments on corners of body of clear white hard paste and profusely decorated with floral designs in brilliant underglaze blue. Height, 15 inches. 200—BuvE anp Wuirer BEAKER K’ang-hst The decoration consists of lotus flowers and scroll patterns beautifully penciled in underglaze blue of briluant quality. Un- derneath the foot, six-character mark of the Ch’enghua period. Height, 161% inches. From the Sir William Bennett Collection. o7 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 201—Pair Biur anp WuHuiTE VasEs K’ang-hst Tall cylindrical form, with short trumpet-shaped necks, dec- orated in underglaze blue and white with symbolical designs, peonies and leaf scrolls. Height, 17 inches. 202—Pure WuitE Tart Vase Ch’ien-lung Graceful ovoid form, with short neck and rudimentary lion’s-head handles on the shoulder. Semi-eggshell texture, elaborately carved in low relief over the entire surface, showing floral designs sustained by formal borders at the base and neck. Invested with a translucent white glaze of exceeding purity. Height, 131, inches. 203—Buivr ann Waite HawrHorn BEAKER Kang-hsi Of clear white hard paste, decorated with vines and blossoms of the prunus branching up and down in white relief on a ground outlined to resemble the cracking of ice, and reflecting the pel- lucid blue of the sky after rain. Height, 16 inches. 204—Larcre Biur anp WuitTEe CLuB-sHAPED VASE K’ang-hsi On a clear white hard paste and is decorated with an artistically painted mountainous landscape supposed to represent the sacred regions of the garden of the gods executed in brilliant tones of blue. Height, 181, inches. 205—Buivr anp WuitE Borrie-sHarep VASE K’ang-hsi Of graceful shape and finished technique. The body and part of neck covered with a lotus lily pattern conventionally drawn in a deep cobalt-blue. Above this is a narrow formal band, and a circle of palmettes. A wide area is left white and a fretwork band is at the top. A six-character Tsuan To (1426-1435) mark inside a double circle on bottom. Height, 17 inches. 58 Second and Last Session SINGLE-COLOR PORCELAINS 206—SEMI-EGGSHELL WINE Cup Yung Chéng Invested with an orange-yellow glaze. Decoration of five-clawed dragons pursuing the sacred pearl, delicately incised in the paste. Character mark of the period in blue under the glaze. Height, 13/4, inches. 207—WriteEr’s FramBpkt Water RECEPTACLE Ch’ien-lung Globular form, with wide mouth. Invested with a deep ruby-red flambé glaze, flecked with hair lines of bluish tint running from the shoulder. Height, 31, inches. 208—Writer’s WatER CovuPE K’ang-hst Invested with a monochrome glaze of dense olive-black. Carved wood cover with agate tip. Diameter, 31% inches; height, 114 inches. 209—MiniaturE BotTLEe-sHaPep VasE KPang-hst Depressed bulb form, with tall, cylindrical neck, covered with a beautiful camellia-leaf green finely crackled glaze. Height, 234, inches. 210—WHiTE SoFT-PAsTE COUPE Yung Chéng Delicately modeled and coated with a soft white glaze. Two dragon handles. Height, 2 inches. 211—LxEmon-YELLow Cup Yung Chéng With small base and wide mouth. ‘The exterior covered with a soft and even flowing lemon-yellow glaze. The interior glazed white. Four-character mark of the period within a double square in cobalt-blue. Height, 144 inches. 59 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 212-—PorceLain Box anp Cover Yung Chéng Cylindrical, the decoration consisting of two wide bands of open- work lattice pattern. The entire surface covered with a pistache- green glaze. Height, 23% inches. 213—Miniatvure Botrrre T'ao Kuang Globular body with rather tall neck and slightly spreading lip. Glaze in a deep and brilliant coral-red. Height, 21%, inches. 214—-APPLE-GREEN PorcELAIN BowL Yung Chéng Deep, graceful form invested with a monochrome thin glaze of light apple-green color. Mark of the period beneath the foot. Height, 21, inches. 215—Wrirer’s Water CouPE Yung Chéng Globular. Decoration, a characteristic landscape executed in relief with a glaze of deep cobalt-blue relieved on a plain clair- de-lune glaze. Has four-character mark. Height, 3 inches. 216—WhuiTE Sort-pastE CouPE Yung Chéng Delicately modeled and coated with soft white glaze. Two dragon handles, the heads surmounting the rim and the cleft tails spreading on either side. Height, 2 inches. 217—Smatut Borrie-sHAPED VASE _ Graceful shape. Enameled with a robin’segg-blue glaze. Height, 414 inches. 218—Minitvure Lime-cotorep Vase Ch’ien-lung Bottle form, with short neck and covered with a thick, lime- colored glaze profusely crackled. Height, 3 inches. 219—Writer’s WaTER CouPrE Yung Chéng Globular form, invested with a brilliant glaze of lemon-yellow. Height, 3 inches. 60 Second and Last Session 220—ImprR1aL WINE Cup Yung Chéng Has two handles and mark of the period underneath. Eggshell porcelain, invested with a thin, plain glaze of pale yellow. Has incised band round the body. Six-character mark underneath the foot. Height, 11%, inches. 221—MIntIaTuRE TuRQUOISE-BLUE VASE Square form, with low foot and tall, tubular neck. Carved handles on two sides, covered with lustrous turquoise-blue glaze. Height, 3 inches. 922—Ww1tE PorcELAIN Cup In the shape of a miniature jardiniére with figures of two boys carved in high relief holding on to the rim and peering over the edge. Covered with a thick white glaze. Has a four-character Ming mark underneath the foot in underglaze blue. Height, 234 inches; diameter, 354 inches. 223—PownDER-BLUE SMALL VASE K’ang-hsi Oviform, spreading at neck and base. Of fine hard paste and coated with a powder-blue of fine brilliant quality. Height, 45, inches. 224—TL pation Cup Yung Chéng Ancient inverted helmet-shape, on three spreading feet. On the body a dragon coiled, with small bead and pearl lines above and below. The handle a boldly modeled head. Two short stems with grooved and round knobs rise at an angle from the rim. Coated with a thick glaze of brownish-olive. Height, 41, inches. 225—P3EA-GREEN CABINET VASE Yung Chéng Graceful baluster form. The entire surface covered with a deli- cately shaded pea-green glaze. Height, 6 inches. 226—Smatu YELLOW BotrieE Ch’ien-lung Globular body, with tall cylindrical neck. Enameled with a monochrome glaze of orange-yellow of iridescent quality. Height, 53% inches. 61 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed m the forepart of the Catalogue. 227—PaLE SALMON-COLORED BotTTLE Oviform body, with tall cylindrical neck and flaring lip. Round the body at the base is a raised chrysanthemum border. The lustrous salmon-toned glaze pales to a coral tint and is of the rouge-de-fer variety. Height, 6 inches. 228—-QUADRILATERAL VASE Ch’ten-lung Dense porcelain, with ribbed corners, modeled in relief, coated with a metallic soufflé glaze of fine and even quality. Height, 7 inches. 229—STarcH-BLUE Braker VASE K’ang-hsi With slightly bulging center. Decoration of branches of peonies and lattice pattern carved in the paste and covered with a starch- blue glaze. Leaf mark in blue within two circular lines. Height, 8 inches. 230—Rose-PInk GALLIPOT ) Ch’ien-lung Covered with a delicate rose-pink glaze, over which a lined floral pattern has been drawn in a deeper pink tone. A formal palmette border at the base and a jw’t head border at the neck. Height, 7 inches. 231—-AUBERGINE VASE Ch’ien-lung Pear-shaped, with tall cylindrical neck. Covered with a brilliant aubergine glaze. Finely crackled. Height, 714 inches. 232—SmatL BotrLe-sHAPED VASE Ch’ien-lung Ovoid body, with tall cylindrical neck. The entire surface is coated with a thick and quite minutely crackled myrtle-green glaze. F Height, 55% inches. 233—F Lower VAsE Yung Chéng Globular, with straight neck, invested with a monochromatic thin glaze of pistache-green. Height, 614 inches. 62 Second and Last Session 234—Rose pu Barry Vase Yung Chéng Bottle form with tall, straight neck, covered with a rich rose du Barry glaze. Height, 8 inches. 235—ImprriaL CENSER Yung Cheng Square, with handles and four legs with lion-head bases in the style of an ancient bronze. Decorated with archaic dragons carved in relief. The whole invested with a rich, deep turquoise glaze. Elaborately carved teakwood cover. Height, 71, inches. 236—DercoraTeD PEAR-SHAPED VASE Yung Chéng Ovoidal body with graceful tapering shoulder and neck and fairly wide- spreading lip. Covered with an even pistache-green glaze showing bats in coral-red flying among jo-i head clouds of the same color and outlined with gold. The bottom and inside of the neck glazed a delicate blue. Height, 81%, inches. 237—Wrirter’s Frower VAsE Yung Chéng Globular, with a long neck and spreading lip. Invested with a plain, thin glaze of primrose-green. Delicate lemon-peel texture. Height, 8 .inches. (Illustrated) 63 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered amd sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 238—Mirror Brack Borrie Yung Chéng Bulbous body with tall, straight neck. Clear white hard porce- lain, evenly coated with a perfect mirror-black glaze. Interior glaze a pure white. Height, 8% inches. (Illustrated) 239—WhuiTE PorcELAIN JAR Ch’ten-lung Ovoid form. One side carved in slight relief under the glaze, showing a floral decoration of chrysanthemums; the other side plain, except. for one flying butterfly. Enameled with a brilliant over-glaze. Height, 5% inches. 240—Ovirorm VaAsE With two elephant-head handles. Of dense hard paste and in- vested with a monochrome glaze of mustard-seed yellow applied over a crackled surface. Height, 614 inches. 241—Royat Purpie Vase Ch’ten-lung Graceful pear-shape, with tall tubular neck. Of fine white hard paste and invested with a monochrome glaze of brilliant royal purple. Height, 914 inches. (Illustrated) 242—CorAt-RED VASE Yung Chéng Writer’s table vase for a single blossom. Fine white porcelain invested with a thin glaze of coral-red derived from iron and gold. Height, 8 inches. (Illustrated) 243—BotTTLE-SHAPED VASE Ming Globular body, with tall tubular neck. Of clear white hard paste and coated with a monochrome glaze of opaque starch-blue, under which is a decoration of flowers and cloud forms etched in the paste. Bears a six-character mark of the Ming period. Height, 834, inches. 64 ASVA CGau-IlVUO)—ZFEG “ON ASVA AIdUOAg IVAOY—[FSG ATLLOG MOWLG WOUALN—SESG IG ON ‘ON 8G 65 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 244—MusTarp-vELLow BEAKER VASE Ch’ten-lung Coated on all surfaces, including the interior of the neck and the bottom of the foot, with a very brilliant mustard-yellow glaze with fine fish-roe crackle and revealing a slight metallic lustre. Height, 81% inches. 245—PEaRL-GRAY CRACKLED VASE Ch’ien-lung Bulb form of graceful shape, invested with a clair-de-lune or pearl-gray thick glaze crackled in long, spiral lines. Underneath the foot is a seal mark of the period in blue. Height, 9 inches. 246—Ovirorm VaAsE With two animal-head and ring handles. It is of dense hard paste and invested with a monochrome glaze of blue-green applied over a surface which is crackled throughout. Has openwork teakwood lid, with a green jade ornament. Height, 71/ inches. 247—GuoBsuLaR Bow. T'ao-Kuang Enameled with a brillant red glaze of sang-de-beuf tone. Has carved teakwood cover. Diameter, 8 inches; height, 514 inches. 248—BorrLEe-sHAPED VASE Ch’ten-lung Globular body, with tall tubular neck. Is of dense hard paste and is invested with a monochrome glaze of peachbloom tint of fine quality. Height, 714 inches. 249—Ricr Grain SHALLOW Bow1L Ch’ien-lung Around the bowl is a pattern cut through the body and glazed over, known as rice grain or lace pattern. Decoration is of flowers with radiating petals and arabesque leaves between. ‘The entire inner and outer surfaces are coated with a transparent white glaze of brilliant quality. Under the base, in blue, are the seal characters of Ch’ien-lung. Diameter, 51%, inches. 66 Second and Last Session 250—PrEAR-sHAPED VASE Ch’ien-lung With tall cylindrical neck, invested with a thick glaze of ground tea-leaf color of fine quality. Bears an incised seal mark of the period. Height, 9 inches. 251—TeEn-sipeD Fruir Bow1 Yung Chéng Made for the Imperial Summer Palace and looted from its wreck in 1860. Deep form with flaring straight sides and round foot. The entire surface covered with a plain lavender-blue glaze of great richness, relieved by a bunch of grapes on each panel exe- cuted in deep red and in slight relief. Diameter, 10 inches. 252—GLoBuLaR JAR Yung Cheng Fine Chinese porcelain invested with a rich silvery brown, iron- rust soufflé glaze. Height, 10 inches. 253—CoRAL-RED VASE Club-shape, with cut down neck. Invest with a monochrome glaze of deep coral-red of mottled quality. Has carved teak- wood cap, with jade ornament. Height, 8 inches. 254—CAMELLIA-LEAF-GREEN VASE Ch’ien-lung Tall oviform, with short neck and spreading lip, and invested with a thin monochrome glaze finely crackled. Height, 81/, inches. From the Collection of Prince Kung. 255—CorRAL-RED SWEETMEAT JAR Yung Chéng Globular form; fine white porcelain, invested with a monochrome glaze of coral-red, decorated in penciled gold with peony branches over the glaze. Has carved wood openwork cover. Diameter, 81% inches; height, 8 inches. 256—Taut Cyiinpricat VASE K’ang-hsi With bulging body. It is of white hard paste and coated with an iridescent monochrome glaze of greenish-black. Height, 81% inches. 67 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 257—Writer’s Water RECEPTACLE 7 K’ang-hsi Semi-globular, with small mouth. Similar to peachbloom speci- mens. Dense hard paste, covered with an even and pure white glaze, under which three cloud-form and dragon medallions are carved in slight relief. Under the pure white glaze of the foot is the six-character mark of the reign in blue. Width, 5 inches; height, 31% inches. (Illustrated) 258—Ricre Grain orn Lace Patrern Bown Ch’ien-lung Globular form, incurving a little at the lip. Round the base and slightly in relief is a scrolled jw’i band. Round the lip is a jw’ head-band, also in relief. The entire surface between shows an orange peel texture and a perforated rice grains or lace pattern of small floral medallions and irregular scrolls. This openwork portion is covered both inside and outside by a pure white trans- parent glaze which entirely covers the bowl. Has tall carved teakwood stand. Height, 6%% inches; width, 10 inches. 68 Second and Last Session 259—APPLE-GREEN COUPE Kk’ ang-hsi Semi-globular form, with large mouth; supported by three knob- shaped feet. Covered with a thick apple-green glaze of brilliant quality and showing a network of crackle in pale brown. The interior is covered with a bluish celadon glaze with a crackle of strong brown lines. Diameter, 614, inches; height, 3% inches. (Illustrated) 260—EccsHELL Bown anpd CoveER K’ang-hsi Deep rounded form, with slight bulge near the lip. The cover, molded to conform with the bowl, is of exceptional thinness. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 3°54 inches. Note: Specimens as perfect as the above described are rarely found. 69 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 261—Whriter’s PeEachstoom Water Disu K’ang-hst Of shallow, circular form, the exterior invested with a fine peachbloom glaze exhibiting cloud effects. Underneath the foot the six-character mark of the period is penciled in bril- liant hue. Has teakwood openwork cover with jade top. Diameter, 43/4 inches. (Illustrated) 262—WritEr’s PracHBLoom WatTER RECEPTACLE K’ang-hsi Semi-globular shape, with small mouth. The surface shows three delicately etched medallions of archaic dragon design, and the entire outer surface is invested with a velvety, pinkish glaze (peau de péche) flecked with darker tints resembling the rind of the ripening peach. Underneath the foot is the six-character mark beautifully written under the glaze. Diameter, 5 inches; height, 31% inches. (Illustrated) 263—C.LaIR-DE-LUNE JAR — K’ang-hsi A writer’s water coupe. Rounded ovoidal form, with depressed rim. The exterior and interior coated with a monochrome glaze of clair-de-lune. Under the foot, which is glazed in white, is the six-character mark of the period in brilliant cobalt-blue. Height, 2°4 inches; width, 4 inches. (Illustrated) 264—SANG-DE-B&UF BoTTLE Ch’ten-lung Bulbous body, with tall neck, invested with a thick sang-de-beuf glaze. Height, 5%, inches. (Illustrated) 265—SaANnc-DE-BaUF BowL K’ang-hst Of clear white hard paste, invested with a sang-de-beuf glaze of the clotted blood variety, and the famous Lang Yao quality. The under foot is glazed in the rice color which is characteristic of the finest Lang Yao specimens. Has carved teakwood cover, which is surmounted by an elaborate jade ornament. Height, 5 inches; diameter, 81% inches. 70 263 264 No. 261—Writer’s Pracustoom Water DiIsH No. 262—Weriter’s PracHBpLoom WatTeEeR RECEPTACLE No. 263—C.LAIR-DE-LUNE JAR No. 264—SaAnNG-DE-B@&UF BATTLE Kindly read the Conditions under which every ttem is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 266—PracHsioom “CHRYSANTHEMUM” VASE K’ang-hsi Very graceful bottle-shape, with oviform body and a raised band encircling the foot representing the petals of a chrysanthemum, and tall, slender neck with gracefully spreading mouth, the rim of which is left free of the glaze. The vase is of the purest white hard paste and is invested with a beautiful tone of pink glaze and exhibits varied tints of the famous peachbloom specimens. The inside of the neck at the mouth is glazed to conform with the exterior of the vase, and underneath the foot, which is pure white, are the characteristic six marks of the K’ang-hsi period exquisitely penciled in underglaze blue. Height, 81% inches. The above described specimen is from the Chinese Imperial Palace Col- lection, and was presented by a Chinese dignitary to a former American ambassador, from whose widow Mr. E. C. Converse, the late owner, procured the vase. (Illustrated as frontispiece) 267—TvuRaQvolsE-BLUE BEAKER Ch’ten-lung Fashioned after an ancient bronze. ‘The decoration is of an archaic pattern, sharply modeled with bold palm leaves stretch- ing to the neck and down to the base, interrupted by four vertical ribs. The middle portion shows four medallions—dragons for- mally drawn in key-diaper pattern with fretwork bands above and below. Height, 1034 inches. 268—Lane Yao Bow. K’ang-hst Globular form, cut at mouth and invested with a thick, mono- chrome plain glaze of sang-de-beuf and exhibiting tones of pigeon’s blood and ruby-red. Underneath the foot, invested with a translucent celadon glaze. Has openwork teakwood cover, which is surmounted by a jade ornament. Height, 9 inches. 269—Lane Yao Borrie-sHapep VAsE K’ang-hsi With tall tubular neck. Coated with a crackled monochrome glaze of “ashes of rose” type showing pale grayish celadon cloud- ings at neck and base, also “tear” marks on the body. ‘The glaze is applied over a network of crackle. Height, 14 inches. “3 iw) Second and Last Session “crn Me, Dep Falfas 270—CHERRY-RED GALLIPOT Yung Chéng Dense white porcelain, invested with a brilliant, cherry-red glaze. The foot unglazed. Height, 10 inches. (Illustrated) 271-—MazarinE-BLUE BoTTLE-SHAPED VASE Ch’ten-lung Of clear white porcelain and invested with deep mazarine-blue soufflé glaze of. brilliant quality. Height, 10 inches. 272—LEMON-YELLOW GINGER JAR K’ang-hst Oviform. Of clear white hard paste, invested with a monochrome glaze of lemon-yellow of translucent and iridescent quality. Has carved openwork cover, with jade ornament. Height, 9 inches. 73 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 273—AUBERGINE OviIFORM JAR K’ang-hsi Of dense porcelain and coated with a monochrome glaze of vivid aubergine color of iridescent quality. Six-character mark under- neath the foot in cobalt-blue. Height, 9 inches. 274—DeEnsE PorceLain Bown Yung Chéng Of graceful globular-shape. The outer surface covered with a delicately executed fluted pattern, and coated with a pellucid monochrome glaze of clatr-de-lune, or moonlight-white. Rimmed with metal and surmounted by a carved wood openwork cover, with agate tip. Diameter, 10 inches; height, 7 inches. 275—ORANGE-YELLOW BorrLe VaAsE K’ang-hsi Oviform body, with tall, slender, tubular neck. It is of dense porcelain and is invested with an orange-yellow glaze of brilliant opaque quality which is applied over a surface of pronounced crackle. Height, 12 inches. From the M. C. D. Borden Collection, American Art Association, 1913. 276—Mrrror-spiuack Porrery Vase Rather flattened beaker-shape. Four-lobed body and_ neck. Raised lion-head handles with rings outlined in brown, coated with a monochrome glaze of brownish-black. Height, 12 inches. 277—Tatt Barret-sHaPepD VASE Ch’ten-lung A porcellaneous pottery ware. Covered with a deep, even camel- lia-leaf-green crackled glaze. ; Height, 183 inches. 278—Prart-cray CrackLEep VASE Ch’ien-lung Plain baluster form, medium neck, with slightly flaring lip. In- vested with an even monochrome glaze of pearl-gray finely crackled. Has rudimentary lion’s-head handles on shoulder. Underneath the foot is a seal mark in blue of the period. Height, 13 inches. Second and Last Session 279—Tatut Ovirorm Mrrror-spuack VASE Invested with a mirror-black glaze, over which is a layer of gilding; chrysanthemums and floral scrolls in reserve. A band of band of palmettes encircles the neck. Height, 17 inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every ttem ts offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 280——PowbER-BLUE BEAKER-SHAPED VASE K’ang-hsi Of clear white hard paste and invested with an even, lustrous, powder-blue glaze with decoration penciled in gold consisting of many panels picturing the different daily activities of a Chinese nobleman and his attendants. Height, 18 inches. 76 Second and Last Session 251-——IMPERIAL-YELLOW BorrieE Ch’ten-lung Globular body, with tall cylindrical neck. Semi-eggshell-white porcelain, coated with a brilliant imperial-yellow glaze. Height, 14 inches. 282—Rosz-Pink PEAR-SHAPED VASE Ch’ien-lung Of thin, clear white hard paste, coated with a thick monochrome glaze of rose-pink, which has orange-peel surface. Height, 14 inches. From the M. C. D. Collection, American Art Association, 1913; Catalogue No. 270. 283—F'tamBt Borrie Ch’ien-lung Invested with a crimson and purple splash flambé glaze. Height, 14 inches. DECORATED PORCELAINS 284—MiLLe-FLEuRS Cup Chia Ching The interior glazed white; the exterior, beautifully and densely decorated in brilliant enamels of famille rose. Height, 21%, inches. 285—Panace Bowr Tao Kuang The exterior having a lemon-yellow ground enclosing four circular vignette landscape views of the palace gardens, delicately pen- ciled and colored. On the interior, an eight-pointed star in col- ored enamels. Seal mark of period. Height, 3 inches. 286—IMPERIAL SOFT-PASTE VASE Yung Chéng Beautiful baluster form. The decoration, on a soft-paste creamy- white background, consists of two rouge-de-fer dragons amid clouds. The latter in underglaze cobalt-blue and overglaze gray- blue. Imperial Yung Chéng seal mark in blue. Height, 3%, inches. 1 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 287—PartacEe Bow. Tao Kuang The exterior decorated in brilliant enamels, with floral design on an etched ground of rose enamel enclosing panels with designs of fruit and flower branches brilliantly colored. On interior, floral designs in blue. Seal mark of the period. Height, 3 inches. 288—RosE-Bpack Cup AND SAUCER Yung Chéng Eggshell porcelain. The interior decorated with roses and butter- flies; the outer surface covered with a plain rose-color, stippled to give a lemon-peel texture. 289—Dercorated PLATE K’ang-hsi With decoration of diaper pattern in brilliant green and black enamel. Seal mark. Diameter, 6 inches. 290—Parr Curs AND SAUCERS Ch’ren-lung The outer surface of the cups and inner surface of the saucers decorated in black and green floral scroll design. Under surface of saucers left white, with flying bats in rowge-de-fer, emblematic of longevity. Diameter, cup, 25% inches; saucers, 434 inches. 291—GuosuLar Jar witH WivE MoutH K’ang-hsi Invested with a pellucid lemon-yellow glaze and decorated with floral scrolls in brilliant underglaze blue. Height, 5 inches. 292—CyLINDRICAL JAR K’ang-hsi Of the soft-paste type. Decorations of magnolias, branches of peonies and rock forms, which are carved in the paste in low relief and enameled in blue, copper-red and celadon on a white ground. Six-character mark of period in blue on bottom in indented circle. Diameter, 714, inches; height, 6 inches. 78 Second and Last Session 293—BorrLe-sHAPED VASE K’ang-hsi Oviform, with slender neck and bulbous mouth. On the body three vignettes of utensils of the literati, flanked with vertical ribs carved in the paste. On the neck a dragon in blue, flecked with peachbloom color. A Ming six-character mark underneath the foot. Height, 81/7, inches. 294—ImprRiaL Bowt anp Cover Yung Chéng Both pieces decorated with dragons rising from the sea in pursuit of the mystic fire ball, in brilliant enamel colors on a pure white background. Imperial six character mark. Height, 51%, inches. 295—RoseE-pack EccesHELL PLATE Yung Chéng Fine white porcelain painted in soft enamel colors of famille rose with gilding and rouge-de-fer. In the center, a panel of quail and chrysanthemum. Three borders, the middle one interrupted with three panels of roses, all in brilliant enamels. Diameter, 8 inches. 296—WritEr’s FLowrer VaAsE Yung Chéng Baluster form with tall slender neck. On the central area, branches bearing peaches executed in peachbloom, delicately clouded, the base and shoulder having palmette borders in blue under the glaze. Height, 8 inches. 297—EccsHert Manparin VASE Ch’ien-lung Tapering ovoidal, with high shoulder sloping to a short, straight neck. Elaborate decorations of a Chinese landscape scene show- ing two summer pagodas built on the water’s edge with figures in repose on the porches, in the windows and walking under the trees. Height, 10 inches. 298—GLOBULAR-SHAPED VASE Ch’ien-lung With broad, recurved neck. The elaborate decoration consists of a floral design sustained by formal borders from which palmettes arise on base and neck. Executed in the most brilliant enamels relieved on a ground of delicate pink which is elaborately etched. Has a six-character mark of the period underneath the foot. 79 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 299—Poure WuitTr Botrite VAsE Ch’ien-lung Of finished. technique. Rounded body on flat bottom, with tall tubular neck. Encircling the body is a wide etched floral band. Round the neck carved in high relief is a dragon; the body glazed a speckled rose du Barry, the back of the head a pea-green. Height, 734 inches. 80 Second and Last Session 3800—DeEcorATED JAR Ch’ten-lung Ovoid form. The body is covered with a floral design in camellia- leaf-green, relieved by a ground of dense greenish-black with borders. The foot underneath is glazed in pistache-green and bears a seal mark in red of the period. Capped with carved teakwood cover. Height, 91% inches. 81 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sola. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 301—FaMILLE-VERTE JAR K’ang-hsi Elaborately decorated in brilliant enamels. Ovoid baluster form, with spreading base, the neck cut and mounted in silver. ‘The decoration consists of two large reserve panels, one filled with red hawthorn, the other with lotus sprays in blossom. Various small reserve panels have precious symbol and floral designs sus- tained by various borders showing a ground of coral-red on which rose peonies are drawn with strong effect. Height, 101% inches. 302—F'LowER VaAsE Yung Chéng Bulbous, with broad body and long neck spreading at the lip. Fine porcelain invested with a glaze of deep tortoise-shell. Height, 10 inches. 303—Decoratep Borris Yung Chéng The bulbous body, except where decorated, covered with a pearly gray glaze of fish-roe crackle. The decoration executed in delicate famille rose enamel colors, consisting of five-clawed dragons dis- porting amid clouds in pursuit of the mystic fire ball. Bands en- circling the base and lip. Height, 12 inches. 304—DercoraTeD CLuB-sHAPED VASE Yung Chéng The body modeled in high relief with the eight precious symbols and eight articles of household adornment in famille rose enamel colors. Interspersed on the white glazed background, numerous flying butterflies. A colored band of blossoming chrysanthemums encircling the shoulder. Height, 171% inches. 305—SEATED FicurE oF A Lo-HAN K’ang-hsi A Lo-han with bald head glazed white; a peach in one hand and one leg crossed. Clothed in long, loosely flowing robe, a checkered effect in black, purple, aubergine, yellow, green and white enamels. Wears a knee boot on crossed leg in iron-rust glaze, one foot covered with a green-glazed shoe. Seated on a porcelain pedestal. Height, 91% inches. 82 Second and Last Session 306—ImperiaL SwEETMEAT Jar Chia Ching Ovoid form, with short unglazed neck. On an iron-red coral ground is a decoration of imperial five-clawed dragons flying amidst jw’? head clouds between a formal floral border round the shoulder and a jw’i head band. Underneath the foot is the six- character mark of the period, penciled in cobalt-blue. Has openwork teakwood cap, with inserted white jade panel. Height, 8% inches. (Illustrated) 307—SEATED Ficure K’ang-hsi A Lo-han holding a kylin, enameled a brilliant green. His hair, in shell-shaped curls, is a purplish hue; eyebrows and whiskers a jet black, modeled the same as the hair. The face is glazed pure white, while the robe, tightly clasped about the neck and falling over the shoulders to the feet, is glazed a brilliant lght aubergine with black lines. The long, loose tunic, in delicate celadon, is drawn in at the waist with a long black cord. Height, 91%, inches. 83 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 308—ImpeEriaL VASE Ch’ten-lung Ovoid body, with tall, incurved neck and two juw’i-shaped loop handles. On the body, sustained by formal floral canopy borders, is a field of rich flowers in blossom, roses, lilies and chrysanthe- mums, which spring from a rockery with quail disporting. On the neck are formal designs with sacred bats and precious sym- bols relieved on a greenish enamel ground. All executed in brilliant enamel colors. Has seal mark of Ch’ien-lung. Height, 13 inches. 309—DeEcorATED JAR K’ang-hsi Ovoid form, with short neck and wide mouth. ‘The decoration consists of a contending tiger and dragon posed in a bold land- scape and cloud flecks carved in the paste and deeply colored in blue, peachbloom and celadon. Underneath the foot a leaf mark in blue. Height, 13 inches. 310—Tautit Ovorp VAsE Kang-hst Decorated with subject in slight relief and engraved details. On either side are monster dragons rising from the blue agitated waters of the great sea in pursuit of the precious pearl. The dragons are penciled in peachbloom shades. ‘Two rocks in pale celadon at the base. A silver rim encircles the neck. Six-charac- ter mark underneath the foot. Has carved teakwood cover, with jade ornament. Height, 14%, inches. 311—Mine Group A Buddhistic lion with young, seated on a pedestal stand. ‘The lion elaborately modeled with hair in shape of shell curls and glazed in deep apple-green, yellow and aubergine. One side of the stand is white, with four precious emblems in color; oppo- side side, a formal floral lattice-work design. The end sides decorated with lotus flowers growing in water glazed deep green with aubergine center on an apple-green background. Height, 14 inches. 312—DercoratTEeD VAsE wiITH CovER Tao Kuang Tall oviform. Decorated with an elaborate floral design in the enamel colors of the famille-rose on a yellow background. Height, 18 inches. 84 Second and Last Session 3138—Taxti Ovirorm VaAsE Ch’ten-lung Of graceful shape, coated with a café-au-lait glaze, underneath which is a network of crackle. The decoration, which is carved in relief in the paste, consists of prunus tree in blossom, peonies, birds and rock forms, all of which are enameled in cobalt-blue and ivory-white. Height, 1714, inches. 314—Larcr Botrite Vase Yung Chéng Globular. The decoration consists of a central zone of floral design surrounding four vignettes. At the base, a wave design in green and rocks in blue. Seal mark. Height, 1914 inches. DECORATED POTTERIES AND PORCELAINS OF THE YUAN AND MING DYNASTIES (1280-1643 A.D.) 315—CuInEsE PitLow Ting Type In form of a cat. Porcellaneous stoneware. Covered with a thick glaze of old-ivory with bold round discs penciled in black. Height, 51, inches; length, 9 inches. 316—Buanc-pE-CHinE CovurE Resembling a priest’s alms-bowl. Vitreous white porcelain, with incised inscription on outer surface. Fuchien ware, seventeenth century. (Damaged.) Height, 31%, inches. 317—Pi-rone, or Brush Houper Cylindrical, on tall tripod. Of dense porcelain and invested with an unctuous glaze of café-au-lait color applied over a giant crackle surface. Height, 4 inches. 318—Smatut Mine StTaTuEttre A laughing boy holding an outspread roll of music. Robed in a loosely flowing garment from neck to foot. Glazed in deep purple and turquoise. Head and neck unglazed. Height, 5 inches. 85 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 319—Fucuien Lization Cup Ming Made of purest Fuchien porcelain. Oval tapering form, lip slightly flaring, supported at base by three short feet. Character mark and maker’s signature incised on the outer surface. Height, 3%, inches. 320—DecoraTED JAR Ming Globular form, with openwork teakwood cap. Has three-color decoration of a bold floral design executed in blue (under the glaze), yellow and red enamel of very rich color. Underneath the foot is a six-character mark within a double circle, of Wan-li. Height, 4 inches. 3821—Yune Lo Miniature Bow. The sides are decorated under the pure white glaze with a deli- cately etched leafy scroll pattern more noticeable when held to the light. Under the foot is the four-character archaic type sig- nature of the famous Yung Lo period (1403-1424). Diameter, 334 inches. From the Charles A. Dana Collection. 322—Pair INcENSE BuRNERS Ming Made in form of smali fantastic lions on upright stands used in private shrines of worship. The lion symbolizes the mind as protector of the faith. The joss stick is placed in a tube at the back. 'Three-colors, apple-green, yellow and aubergine. The usual brocaded ball is missing on one. Height, 584 inches. ~ 323—SWEETMEAT JAR Ovoid form. Porcellaneous stoneware of the Yuan or very early Ming Dynasty. The central zone is decorated with three archaic lily forms in clair-de-lune and turquoise glazes crackled. A bor- der on the shoulder. All outlined in relief on a plain aubergine ground. Band of turquoise glaze encircling the foot. Cover has a jade knob. Height, 6 inches. 86 Second and Last Session 324—FucuHien Porcexain Ficure Ming Seated figure of the god Dai-Mu, finely modeled and coated with a thick, even cream-white glaze. This figure of the Buddhist apostle has legs crossed under flowing robes, which conceal the hands and expose only one thumb and part of the breast. The head is that of a scholar or priest in deep meditation. Height, 61%, inches. 325—Potrrery BotriEe Broad, ovoid body and small, short neck. Coated with an aven- turine-brown glaze, with the exception of one streak where the glaze, running very thick, is burned a clear, lustrous brown. The lower part of the bottle paneled in five sections, each section hav- ing a cut-in design, a warrior, a bird among shrubbery and other floral plants. Above this, a paneled band of similar character figures. There are three circular bands on the shoulder, a Greek fret design, a formal scroll-leaf pattern and a triangle design. (Neck restored. ) Height, 8 inches. 326—FUCHIEN STATUETTE Ming Kuan-yin, goddess of Mercy, with attributes of bird, vase, book and censer. The figure, robed and crowned, is seated in a rock- ery boldly sculptured and glazed in brilliant colors of green and yellow. The flesh of ivory-white. Height, 9 inches. 327—AUBERGINE VASE Yuan Spherical body, with short neck. wide mouth and slightly ex- panding base. Hard porcellaneous ware. Exterior is covered with a rich purple aubergine glaze of remarkable fine tone. In- terior has coating with dull glaze of turquoise-blue. A thin wash of aubergine over the base. Height, 61%, inches; width, 6% inches. A. W. Bahr Collection, American Art Association, 1916; Cata- logue No. 460. 328—Mine Ricr Jar Wan-li Ovoid form, with broad mouth, pierced on shoulder for metal handles. The decoration consists of a conventional floral design in deep blue with flecks of green relieved on a ground of delicately penciled fish-roe design in coral-red. Carved wood cover, green jade knob. Height, 7 inches. 87 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 329—Mine CrackLED VASE Ovoid form, with narrow-rimmed mouth. Covered with a boldly crackled glaze and decorated with a scroll floral design in green and dull brownish-red between a wide floral fretwork band on the shoulder and a narrower scroll band near the foot. Height, 91% inches. 330—DeEcoraTED VASE Graceful gourd-shape. The decoration, on a brilliant apple- green background, consists of floral scroll medallions in iron-red. Underneath the foot is the six-character mark of Chia Ching (1522-1566). (Damaged.) Height, 73, inches. 331—FucHIEN STATUETTE The one-thousand-armed Kuan-yin, seated on a. lotus-flower throne. ‘The goddess has nine pairs of arms, twelve of the hands holding symbols, and the others in significant attitudes. The goddess wears a crown and jeweled head-dress, and a necklace of beads is seen on her breast. The whole piece is exquisitely modeled and covered with a pure white translucent glaze. (Dam- aged.) Height, 91% inches. 332—Temmoxku VasE Dense porcellaneous stone ware. Covered with a running glaze of hare fur texture, in shadings of brown and _ bluish-green, thickening at the base. Brilliant over-glaze. Wide ovoid body, with slightly spreading base and tapering neck with wide spread lip. (Neck repaired.) Ascribed to late Sung or early Ming. * Height, 91, inches. 333—RicE JAR Of the Wan-li period (1600 A.D.) Ovoid form, with wide mouth pierced for handles. The decoration, of early famille verte style, consists of archaic rocks, clouds and precious emblems on a ground of green whorls executed in brilliant enamels over the glaze. Has stand and elaborate carved cover with red agate tip. Height, 614 inches. 88 Second and Last Session 334—Porrery INcENsE BuRNER Ming Rounded body, with slightly smaller straight short neck and protruding lip. Decoration of three archaic lily forms in white and aubergine, with spreading leaves in turquoise-blue, all with edges raised on a background of deep green. Supported by three dragon feet glazed with deep orange, turquoise and auber- gine. Has teakwood cover. Height, 81%, inches. 335—Mine Porrery Sreatrep Ficure THE GOD OF WAR. ‘The face and hands dull gilt. The headdress and garments glazed in yellow, turquoise and aubergine. Height, 9 inches. 3386—GLAzED Porrery Ficure Ming A seated figure of the cop oF THE NoRTH, a zodiacal character presiding over war. Finely modeled and glazed in aubergine, green and yellow. Height, 10 inches. 337—Potrery Ky1in Ming Roof tile modeled in form of the fabulous animal kylin, symbol of autumn or of nature’s activities. The figure represented de- scending from the clouds like the fabled Mercury of the Greeks. Glazed in green. Height, 10% inches; length, 14 inches. 338—Biscuir Ficure KUAN-TI, GOD OF WAR, on a heavy pedestal seat with high three-ply back. Covered, with exception of the head, shoulders, hands and feet, which are unglazed, with a brilliant turquoise glaze. (Repaired.) Height, 14 inches. 339—Sranpine Potrery Figure : Ming Roof tile modeled in form of a phenix conventionally treated in a standing position. The figure is brilliantly glazed in green, brown and yellow. Height, 14% inches. 340—Patr Potrery 'TILEs Ming From a temple. Two warriors of high military rank, seated in military dress, glazed in yellow and green. Height, 16 inches. 89 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item 1s offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 341—FucHIEN Group Kuan-yin and attendants. Dense porcelain, with exceptionally brilliant and even glaze of cream or ivory white. The goddess is seated cross-legged on a rocky mountain eminence, with one hand folded over an upraised knee, and the other resting palm upward and holding a small pearl of existence. A necklace of beads, carved in relief, is seen just below the neck. The entire body draped in a loosely flowing garment, reaching nearly to the base and caught in at the waist. On one side of the seat on a cylinder-hke rocky pedestal a bird is perched. At the sides, below her feet, are two small figures representing her followers: Lung Nu (the dragon maid holding a pearl), and the devoted comrade of her earthly adventures, Chen Tsai, with hands in the attitude of prayer. Height, 10 inches, 90 Second and Last Session 342—BuivE anp WuitTE GALLIPoT Ming Of dense hard paste. The decoration represents one of the eight immortals, ‘‘Lan Tsae-ho,” with an attendant in charge of his basket and hoe, journeying to the sacred temple in cloud- land. This design, in archaic style, occupies the central zone, sustained by two boldiy executed borders on base and shoulder representing crests of waves in which sea horses are disporting; all in the deepest cobalt-blue. Height, 13 inches. 343—Mine GaLiipotr JAR Tall oviform, with decoration executed in raised outline, relieved on a ground of deep clouded aubergine. The decoration consists of the mythical Queen Siwangmoo descending from the clouds to a group of court officers in the imperial gardens. It is sustained by strong borders of formal style at base and shoulder with cloud forms. Height, 12 inches. 344—PoTTrERY VASE Ting ware type. Cylindrical, with short neck and slightly flar- ing lip. Covered with a mottled cream and pinkish glaze resem- bling granite. Potter’s mark underneath. Height, 141/, inches. 345—Larcrt Fish Bown Globular ; with mouth having silver rim. Decoration of conven- tional lotus flowers in characteristic pale blue under the glaze, relieved on a ground of coral-red which covers the entire surface. Fine carved stand and cover with a carved tip of ancient tomb jade. Diameter, 91/, inches; height, 8 inches. 91 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 346—TaxtyL Five-cotor Braxer Vase The decoration consists of a floral band with palmettes depend- ing on a diaper ground of coral-red lines. Above this is a bold rockery in deepest cobalt-blue from which spring bamboo and prunus tree in blossom with a flight of birds disporting. Exe- cuted in brilliant five-color enamels. Wan-li period. Height, 18 inches. 92 Second and Last Session 347—Larcrt AUBERGINE VASE Double gourd-shape vase, of dense white porcelain, covered with a brilliant and lustrous aubergine glaze flowing quite evenly from the lip over the base. The bottom is left unglazed and the lip at the top is circled by a bronze band. Height, 20 inches. 348—Larce Pottery Kym Ming From the dismantled temple of the ancestors of Quan Li. Mod- eled with great elaboration and glazed in brilliant green and yellow enamels. The trappings on the back reach to the base and support a lotus, on top of which is a large basin in shape of a wide open lotus leaf. Height, 321, inches; length, 23 inches. 349—Larce PorcEeLLANous Porrery GARDEN SEAT Perforated drum-shape, coated and decorated in turquoise-blue, yellow and gray enamel colors. Height, 21 inches. 350—CoarsE STONEWARE STATUETTE A general of the army, seated, clad in armor, with tall helmet. Enamel glaze in green and yellow. From dismantled temple. Height, 16 inches. DECORATED POTTERIES AND PORCELAINS OF THE HAN, TANG AND SUNG DYNASTIES 351—MiniaTurE Porrery Cup T'ang Very thinly modeled and covered with an apple-green glaze. Height, 1 inch. 352—SorFrT-PasTE Box Sung Crackled porcellanous ware. Cream color glaze slightly clouded. Cover etched under the glaze with a flower pattern. Ting ware. Height, 1% inches. 93 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 353—Ivory-wHITE DrcoraTEep Cup Sung Ting ware. Conical, covered with creamy-white glaze, minutely crackled. Decorated with formal sprays in yellow and green over-glaze, the stems red. Height, 134 inches. 354—TuRQUOISE-BLUE COUPE Sung Porcellanous Chun ware with purple spots. Height, 11% inches. 355—MIniaTuRE Porrery CourE T'ang With incurving lip. Mottled flowing glaze of brown and green over cream color. Height, 1% inches. 356—PotTTEery CouPE T'ang The irregular pattern in different tones of brown is in the pottery itself and goes through. The glaze is nearly colorless. Diameter, 23% inches. 357—Min1aTurRE Pottery PIrcHER T'ang The creamy-white glaze, mottled in blue, yellow and green, shows iridescence. Height, 21% inches. 358—SMALL PotrrEery CouPE Tang With original flat cover. Characteristic mottled glaze of orange and green over cream color. Height, 3 inches. 359—SmMALL Harp Porrery VAsE Tang Temmoku ware. Bulbous, with short neck and spreading lip. Covered with a dark brown glaze running short of the base. Height, 314 inches. 360—Porrrery PircHER wiTH Spout T'ang Globular, with short straight neck and four loop handles. Cov- ered with a rare dense blue glaze. ( Chipped.) Height, 3 inches. 94 Second and Last Session 861—PotTERY ELerHant INcENSE BuRNER Sung T’u Ting ware, covered with a creamy-white glaze finely crackled. The cover with a formal etched design. Height, 3% inches. 362—MiniaTurEeE Potrery House Han Oblong, with heavily ribbed overhanging roof. Rich green glaze covered with a dull silvery iridescence. A doorway cut on one side. It was the custom of the period to bury such pieces with the dead. In this instance the piece representing in miniature form a dwelling for the repose of the departed spirit. Height, 414 inches. 363—Unewiazep Potrtrrery Doc Han Archaic modeling. Excavated from a tomb. Height, 544 inches. 364—Vasr oF Burr STONEWARE Sung Tz’u Chou ware. Ovoid with short neck and slightly flaring lip. Covered with a cream crackle glaze over which is a fretwork pattern enclosing panels of flowers in deep brownish-black. Height, 51, inches. 365 IncensE Burner oN THREE FEET T'ang Bowl-shaped. Hard buff paste covered with a thick and unevenly flowing grass green glaze. On one side a floral decoration etched in relief and covered with a mixed glaze of cream color and laven- der-blue. A Greek fret border surrounds the shoulder. Height, 6 inches. 366—SwWEETMEAT JAR Sung Ovoid with wide mouth. Grayish-white porcellanous ware coy- ered with a thick glaze of mulberry color and partially coated underneath, showing spur marks. Height, 6% inches, 367 Unewazep Potrrery BurraLo T'ang Strongly modeled. With trappings over the head and body, in low relief. Original red markings still noticeable. Excavated from a tomb. Height, 61% inches. Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 368—TurauolsE-BLUE BoTTLE Sung Tz’u Chou ware. Bulbous body with tall tapering neck and slightly flaring lip in scroll design in black over a blue glaze. Height, 614 inches. 369—Pair PotrtrEery Fow ts T'ang A chicken cock and hen, modeled on soft clay, pedestal bases. The folded wings, tails and necks modeled in relief and covered with a pale yellow glaze which runs half way down the bases. Heights, 54% and 6 inches, 370—Cuun Ware Bown Sung Very hard porcellanous ware, burnt brown at the foot. Conical with small foot and slightly contracted mouth. Clair-de-lune glaze slightly crackled, flowing nearly to the foot in an uneven line. ‘Two splashes of amethystine-purple. . Diameter, 7 inches. 371—PorcreLain Bow T'ang Six-lobed edge. Covered with a light celadon crackled glaze. The interior with faintly incised design. Diameter, 7 inches. 372—Pottrery VASE Han Globular, with tapering neck and heavy rim. Light greenish glaze covered with a rather brilliant silvery iridescence. (Im- perfect. ) Height, 6% inches. ~ 373—SMALL Cray Ficure T'ang A man in armor. Headdress falling low over the shoulders and knee length tunic drawn in at the waist. Light straw color glaze. Slight iridescence. Height, 734 inches. 374—PorTrrEery JAR Tang Ovoid, with short contracting neck and curved lip. Mottled glaze of orange and green running a cream color glaze. Height, 8% inches. 96 Second and Last Session 375—Savucer Disy Sung Pai Ting (White Ting) ware made at Ting-chau. Porcelain with etched floral design in low relief and fret design near the rim. Covered with an ivory-white glaze. A bronze band en- circles the rim. Diameter, 8 inches. 376—PotrtTEery FLOWER-PoT Sung Tall rectangular form with straight sides tapering toward the base. Supported by four small cloud scroll feet. Narrow flat flange at the mouth. Gray porcellanous ware covered both in- side and out with a thick lustrous clatr-de-lune glaze, the interior showing so-called earthworm markings. On the bottom is the incised numeral Erh- (two). Chun ware. (Imperfect.) Height, 9 inches. 377—SortT-PastE BotrLE VASE Sung Creamy white porcellanous ware. Bulbous with tapering neck and onion-shaped mouth. Under the glaze a flying dragon sur- rounded by flower pattern and joey heads. Finely crackled. Probably Fen Ting ware. Height, 9 inches. 378—PorcELLANOuS FLower VASE Sung Pear-shaped body. Creamy-white glaze with ornamentation in black. Tz’u Chou ware. Height, 10 inches. 379—-KuAN-YIN AND CHILD Sung Lung-ch’uan celadon ware. Seated on a rockery with one foot raised and hand resting upon it, the child below. Made of gray white porcellanous ware reddened in the firing and covered with exception of the face, neck, hands and feet with a thick blue celadon-green glaze. ‘The goddess clothed in loosely flowing robes and wearing a high headdress. (Has restorations. ) Height, 101%, inches. 380-——PotrEery Doc Han Covered with a pale iridescent green glaze, modeled in the charac- teristic primitive style of the period, and with what is most un- usual in such pieces, paws. Height, 101% inches. 97 Kindly read the Conditions under which every item is offered and sold. They are printed in the forepart of the Catalogue. 381—LarcEe JARDINIERE Sung Deep bowl with slightly curved sides spreading to the top. Tz’ Chou ware. Porcellanous paste, thick texture covered with a thin ivory glaze. On the lip, a band of floral design and on the central zone, branches and blossoms partially incised and penciled in brown. Height, 14 inches. 382—T ati Fiower VaAsE Sung Ting ware. Ovoid form with spreading lip. Porcellanous stone- ware invested with a monochromatic glaze of yellowish tint finely crackled. Height, 161%, inches. 383—BEAKER-SHAPED VASE Sung Ovoid body and trumpet-shaped neck. Heavy porcellanous ware burnt rusty brown at the raw edge of the base and covered with a thick gray-green celadon glaze, crackled. Etched in the paste is a bold floral pattern between ring borders. A wide band at the base of horizontal ines. Lung-ch’uan ware. Height, 18 inches. 384—Larce F'Lower VASE Sung Kuang Ting ware. Ovoid dense heavy porcellanous paste, cov- ered with a plain thick glaze of old-ivory color, crackled, and over which !s a thin veiling of apple-green, slightly opalescent. Height, 21% inches. SHOW CASES 385—Maunocany SHow CasE On feet. With metal frame, glass shelves. Height, 70 inches; length, 48 inches; width, 19 inches. 386—Two Manocany SHow CAsEs With sliding glass doors, glass ends and mirror backs. ‘Two glass shelves each. Height, 70 inches; length, 5114 inches; depth, 19 inches. 98 Second and Last Session 387—Two Manocany SHow Cases Similar to the preceding, with three shelves. Height, 70 inches; length, 511% inches; depth, 19 inches. 388—Two Manocany SHow CasEs Similar to the preceding. With three shelves each. Height, 70 inches; length, 511% inches; depth, 19 inches. 389—THrREE Manocany Suow Cases Similar to the preceding. With three shelves each. Height, 70 inches; length, 5114 inches; depth, 19 inches. 390—Two Manocany SHow Cases Similar to the preceding. With four shelves each. Height, 70 inches; length, 5114, inches; depth, 19 inches. 391—Two Mauocany SHow CaskEs Similar to the preceding. With three shelves each. Height, 621% inches; length, 48 inches; depth, 19 inches. ~%4 END OF SECOND AND LAST SESSION fe¥- 99 COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY ~ >. =f = q ie i . ~ : —_ "2s Veer, ty i 7 . = ; @ te 4/2 6 5, 0 1 ieee iy Pie ti i “ a i ‘ a) r ten ' ; \ i 1 t ) | \ AiR Foe F 1,4 i yet : j » f Fee . i, é ¢ , Dee by Tet % \ " « ‘ ‘ bak - Zl LIBRARY GETTY CENTER Fa : oh ~ 1926 Feb. 9 NeAmC c.1 American /Collection formed by th ANIM 3 3125 01161 6171 Bue Cr ASN